Monday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan February 3,1969 Vol. 1 Number 119 Hannah backs Psych Dept.; group plans rally for Garskof "The University alone must take the de¬ cision as to when the ongoing work of the the to plaza of the new Administration protest the Garskof dismissal. Bldg He said the committee's pose was primary pur¬ to show students that a core of The group has vowed to take action faculty members, "an even division of University is being interfered with,'' Han¬ radicals and non-radicals," is concerned nah's statement said. against the University if Garskof is not In an open letter to the University Com¬ reinstated with full privileges by the Col¬ about the Garskof case "If that decision is ever made, the Uni¬ munity Sunday. President Hannah affirm¬ lege of Social Science at this time. ed that proper procedures lowed in the dismissal of have been fol¬ Bertram Gar¬ versity will call upon the civil authorities, local and state, to take whatever action is John J. Masterson, associate professor of Victor or See text of Hannah's letter, page 2 mathematics and a member of the execu¬ skof and that the University will call upon required to permit the University to func¬ tive council of the American Assn. of Univer Sen. Huber appears calm amid the many questions andhecklings the civil authorities if protest action threat¬ tion in an orderly fashion." Hannah noted that the resolution on dis¬ he received during his speech on the Senate committee's investi¬ The Student Sieering Committee to De¬ cal" faculty member who will join today's ens the orderly functioning of the Uni¬ ruption of University activities prohibits rallyers. gation of campus unrest at Wilson Auditorium last Thursday. fend Garskof will rally at 2 p.m. today on "any effort to impede the holding of clas¬ State News photo by Joe Tyner versity (please turn to page 9) ses, the carrying forward of University business, the arrangements for properly organized and scheduled events on the INVESTIGATION Amendments approved campus or the discharge of his responsibil¬ ity by any University officer or employe." Section 16.00 of the University Ordinances specifically forbids unauthorized assem¬ SENATE on open houses, amendments to the policy will be handled blies "for the purpose of creating any noise or disturbance, riot, raid or other improper diversion Hannah explained that the tenure rules Huber doubts authority By MARILYN PATTERSON adopted by the Academic Senate regarding according current procedures for studen to probe State News Staff Writer faculty reappointment had been properly Freshman women will be relieved of restricted hours and individual halls will legislate their own open houses this week policy change and that MHA, WIC and the Residence Hall Program Office (RHPOi will submit to Dickerson reports evaluat¬ followed by the Dept. of Psychology when it decided to grant Garskof a probationary contract of two years off the tenure track to as implementation of the no hours and ing the progress of the new policies by Because Garskof had not officially re¬ June 1. determining university policies and pro¬ dent records is being researched now but I the open house proposals go into effect. sponded to the two-year offer and from By WES THORP These items are "not necessary."' A. cedures. Huber said that the general pub¬ think it will be found that we don't have the The Faculty Committee on Student Af¬ information provided to Lawrence O'Kelly. State News Staff Writer L. Thurman, chairman of the faculty chairman of the Dept. of Psychology, Social The chairman of the State Senate com¬ lic is as qualified as the students, faculty, authority to subpoena those records fairs passed the amended versions of He also said. I doubt that we'll ever is: committee, said, as they are assumed in Science Dean Clarence L. Winder decided mittee to investigate campus unrest said or the administrators in determining how a both proposals Friday with small changes sue a subpoena to a single student in the Men's Halls Assn. i MHA > policy. any measure that passes through the to withdraw the offer of Nov. 25. thursday. amid a barrage of student heck¬ university should be run Huber. in a series of evasive answers to Both proposals must now be formally policy-making channels of the Academic The only method to deal with the Gar¬ lers. that he doubted his committee had "Why not-after all. they are paying the Freedom Report. the authority to subpoena student records. tab.' student questions, appeared before the stu¬ approved by Milton B. Dickerson. vice skof situation, Hannah said, is through State Sen. Robert Huber. R-Troy. spoke When told that the Academic Freedom dents to explain the purpose of the com¬ president for student affairs "proper procedures, a great deal of dis¬ mittee to study campus unrest and to hear The Women's Inter-residence Council Thus, in amended, approved and final cussion and the weighing of opinions." at Wilson Hall to an audience of hostile stu¬ Report doesn't permit student records to be examined by anybody except with the the opinions of the students about campus iWICi no hours policy, which lifts form, the new rules for open houses read: He said the Academic Freedom Report dents. who continually fired round after unrest. hours for all but fall term first term 1. Procedures and policies for open provides all such procedures. round after round of verbal assaults permission of the student. Huber. who claimed he had never even read the report, I think that it is kind of interesting freshman women, will go into effect Tues¬ houses shall be agreed upon by the gov¬ which ranged from "down with the ruling Clark Akatiff, asst. professor of geo¬ that we've been condemned when we hav¬ erning council,manager and head adviser. class' to the continual chant of "answer said "the legal question of examining stu- day. Dickerson said The open house pol¬ graphy and head of the Faculty-Staff Com¬ en't even started our investigation vet." Conditions for cancellation shall be sim¬ the question. " icy will be implemented Thursday after mittee in Defense of Garskof, said his Huber pointed out ASMSU student board submits its approval ilarly agreed upon. These procedures group hopes to have a broad base of Huber said that the investigation com¬ "We're witchhunters already: but. I don't of the changes in that policy shall be ?et and on file in the office of faculty support at today's rally. mittee was formed largely because of the think so The faculty committee eliminated from Residence Hall Programs Resident Hall The faculty group's purpose is to lead amount of concern shown by people across He said the committee's job will be to the open house policy items stating that Management, MHA. and WIC before the faculty protest only. Akatiff said, and it the state in regards to what has been hap¬ find out why there is campus unrest and violations of the policy will be handled first open house is held for each resi- is "not an attempt to graft our higher pening on Michigan campuses lately. what can be done to resolv^ it (Please turn to the back page) according to judicial procedures, that status into their (the student's) move¬ As for the role that the public plays in Huber predicted that Students for a Dem¬ ment/" ocratic Society would be one of the pri¬ mary targets of the committee. NEWSI The number of people who have volun¬ teered to testify before the committee is so large according to Huber that the com¬ mittee will be busy for the next couple of Iraqi Jews' treatment months He said that ASMSU Chairman Pete Ellsworth volunteered to testify be¬ fore the committee I want to assure you that the commit¬ spurs By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Israeli warning man that Moscow wants "only peace tee with is nOt be done." he said. coming into the investigation preconceived ideas about what should Huber said the committee will hire a Israel has warned Iraq that if any more and stability in the Middle East constitutional lawyer and a sociologist who Iraqi Jews are harmed, the Baghdad The paper did not identify the Russian, is familiar with student problems tit keep regime will suffer reprisals, the usually but said he asked for the meeting and the committee on the right track. Hon that we fMve well-informed Maariv said qualified source and represent¬ He was questioned about whether the How many resident alien servicemen are there? How many newspaper was " a tne pLwe ve- are now serving or have served in Vietnam? Name withheld. Sunday. ative of the Soviet Union committee was constitutional Huber an¬ -FftosreB, YMAT Israel's foreign ministry denied know¬ swered that the constitutionality of the ' Spartacuss was referred to the Justice Dept.. to the De¬ DO we DO WITH fense Dept.. the Dept. of the Army, and finally to the Office ledge of any such^ warning. But anger Davar said the Soviet spokesman pro¬ committee was checked and approved by rH-e PILOT7 of Public Information, where we were told that 4.800 aliens has swept Israel since the execution Jan posed "negotiations between Israel and the State Attorney General are now serving in the U.S. Armv. Figures for Vietnam were 27 of 14 Iraqis, including nine Jews, on the Arabs on the basis of equality, and The legislature has the authority to in¬ not available. spy charges. not in a situation where Israel has the vestigate the use of the funds appropriat¬ I d like to know how much money is collected by the vehicle See realted story, page 111 upper hand through conquest." ed for the university. Huber said, and also Israeli anger increased when Iraq an¬ This was interpreted as meaning Israel the authority to investigate the ever-in¬ office for parking violations in one year. What is done with the money? Cameron Phillips. East Lansing junior nounced Friday that it would place 13 should give up Arab land won in the June creasing breaches of peace on the cam¬ The University Vehicle Office reports that from July '67 more Jews on trial soon. 1967 war before negotiations could begin. pus to July 68 their receipts for violations totaled $44,452 of which Maariv. which gave no source, said Is¬ Huber told the students that he has been raeli officials had gotten across a warn¬ A recent Soviet government proposal for accused of being part of the establish¬ $2,939 was refunded. This money goes into a short-term loan a Middle East settlement, along the lines I don t go along with the estab¬ fund administered by the Division of Financial Aids. ing to Iraq that they would not tolerate of the Security Council resolution call¬ ment Does Spartacuss have any idea where I could have a sail¬ any more such acts against Jews. "Official parties have, in an unofficial ing for Israel to pull back form con¬ Questioner lishment has been The Republican establishment trying to knock me off for years." plane thawed out for free0 The thing has a forty foot wing- quered soil and Arab recognition of Is¬ he said. span. John Cone, Las Cruces, New Mexico senior. way," said the paper, "informed Iraq rael's right to exist as a state, was re- Student demands answers from Sen When asked about his philosophy of edu¬ Spartacuss agrees with you that with wings loaded down that Israel will not stand for the hang¬ jeced by Israel. It disapproved because Hube r. cation Huber told the students, you under several inches of ice. a sailplane does not tend to fly- ing of Jews in market places and any- the plan did not call for direct Israeli- very well So we obtained permission from Amos Fox for ycu further harm to the remainder of the State News photo by Jim Tyne (please turn to page 9) Arab talks nor a signed peace trealv. to use the judging pavilion and. at 2 a m Sunday morning, Iraqi Jewish community will in the end complete with police escort, your forty-foot monster was bring damage to the Baghdad regime- moved down Farm Lane for its winter respite. Good flying. damage for which Israel will be respon¬ John' sible in one way or another Maariv added, without giving details, Wilson is sponsoring too much luck, to find son a Sla e ' Trade and we're trying, without helium gas for balloons to really that capitals Israel the Jewish has taken steps to rescue colony in Iraq and had won promises of aid from a number of Western In Beirut, diplomatic sources expressed A/ISU, workers pull plug put us in a festive way. < an you help us out? Janet Bobit, Midland freshman. say Try Jackson Welding Supply of Lansing at 699-2536. They they'll deliver the gas in a 240 cubic inch tank which is enough to fill six to eight, hundred 12 inch ballons. If you hope that Iraqi authorities will soon re¬ lease Paul Bail. American oil enginner held in Baghdad. Iraqi information Min¬ ister Abdullah Samarrai said Bail had on threatened American Federation of State. County been arrested "for actions related to By RON INGRAM Detroit office of the union, said the empty the tank it will cost you $36 Otherwise, there's a and Municipal Employes i AFSCME) >" spying " but that the government "would State News Staff Writer Supreme Court will hear the appeal minimum $10 charge in addition to however much you do use The AFSCME represents the majority be tolerant toward him " An agreement Thursday afternoon be¬ the first part of February Ross felt We need to rent a barn for the Holmes Hall term party, the court's decision would not be of MSU s employes It has been oppos¬ Violence flared Sunday in the Gaza Strip, tween MSU and the union representing that either through the University, or from someplace close to where Israeli troops grappled with thou¬ the power plant workers averted the needed since the parties are no longer ing the entry of the IUOE into the Univ¬ this area. Bonnie McFarland, St. Clair Shores sophomore. sands of stone-throwing Arab schoolgirls strike threatened for midnight Thurs¬ fighting." ersity. Spartacuss has learned that most owners refuse to rent The rioters were protesting the sentencing day. Ross said that he also has received real barns because of the fire hazard However, a hot-line bv an Israeli military court of three Gaza Local 547 of the International Union Ross and his assistant. Joseph Jordon. a letter from AFSCME. The letter call to White Birch Riding Stables will get you a recreation accused of spying and aiding of met with Jack Breslin. University- women Operating Engineers (IUOEi agreed stated. "AFSCME does not question the room built like a barn. Cost for groups runs $40 on weekdays secretary. and Leonard Glander. direct¬ guerrillas. One was sentenced to three to take no strike action until the Michigan jurisdiction of Local 547 of the IUOE. to as high as $100. depending on the size of the group and how or of personnel. Thursday. years in jail and the others to two years. Supreme Court rules on an application "With these two letters intent is long you want it. White Birch is located at 1935 S Meridian submitted by the University there." Ross said. "Feelings are that in Mason: phone 677-3007 In Amman, a Jordan army spokesman The application asks the court to re¬ At this meeting Ross received a letter the supreme court will refuse to hear I'm not a student, but I wonder if you could help me out any¬ from Breslin which said in part that charged that two Israeli jet fighters vio¬ view the decision of the Court of Appeals the University's application. The parties way. My son is going to Vietnam soon and I would like to find lated Jordanian air space but were chased which said that the State Labor Media¬ MSU would recognize the IUOE as are no longer in conflict." .1 good map so that I'll know where he is. Mrs. C. Bemrose, away by Arab groundfire. tion Board was within its jurisdiction collective bargaining agent for those "We at the union office feel that the Mason. In Tel Aviv, the semiofficial newspaper when it allowed the IUOE to organize the employes who want it to so act (along Mr. Howick at the MSU Bookstore tells us he'll be happy with those others who are agreed upon memberships' best interests are now Davar said its London correspondent re¬ power plant workers. being served." Ross said. to give you a map free. This is a 58 by 42 inch colored map of ceived assurances from a Soviet spokes¬ Robert Ross, business manager for the by Council 7 and Local 1585 of the Southeast Asia and runs$l regularly [CH1GAN DAVE SHORT STATE NEWS I'NIVRRSITY Cops in a city of politics their reports of police-black community incidents. Most police that I talked to felt that From the time of the 1967 riots and the the people who scream brutality are the infamous Algiers Motel killings until the ones who don't ever come to see if there recent incidents involving alleged police is any. These people, according to the th'biiriih Huh. mMHialr cimpus brutality toward blacks, police-community relations in the city of Detroit have been police, use cries against police brutal¬ far from harmonious, especially within the ity as a means for getting back at the cops lix-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. or for gaining influence. black community. In the controversy, city officials and That's not saying that there is no such members of the black community have ar¬ thing as police brutality, though. As one EDITORIAL gued heatedly and publicly over who is thirteen year veteran officer said. "It would be foolish to say that there isn't in the wrong. or hasn't been any police brutality to But. the Detroit police's side of the Disarming a police uniform and not carry story has not most cases. situation as a been told or analyzed, in In an attempt cop'' sees it. to see the I traveled some degree. That would be like saying that there are no bad cops. Racism is a loosely defined term that An experiment is under way to Detroit recently. is hard to apply to police actions. a gun. Whereas many argue that cops pick on at Oakland University which With the help of a Michigan Supreme Since armed blakcs and harrass them, it must be re¬ may open the way for better robbery and Court justice and Detroit's prosecuting and the lewd gestures, as occupational in progress or have a complaint filed membered that most of the blacks en¬ assassination are still compar¬ attorney, a friend and I were granted hazards. before they can act. student-police relations there rare permission to ride separately in on- Crime in the First Precinct and in the As for the number of people who are countered by police, such as in the First atively rare on college camp¬ Precinct, are the criminal elements of and eventually at schools duty police cruisers in the city's first pre whole city of Detroit varies in its degrees willing to file a complaint against a sus¬ their race. There are good blacks just uses and the ordinary campus cinct during the night shift. and in its frequency. Killings, robberies, pected criminal, there are few We al¬ throughout the country. The Detroit's First Precinct, which extends ways think of all the crimes that haven't as there are good whites, however policeman has no reason to beatings. $3.50 petty thefts. knivings. It would be Oakland campus police are westward from the Detroit River and breaking and entering - a little bit of every¬ been reported instead of those that are." folly to try to determine fear for his life in perform¬ across the downtown section (including officer told whether or not the Detroit police force gunless and without tear gas thing happens in the way of crime there. one me is an ideal law enforcement agency, at ing his job. the policeman's Woodward Avenue i. lies in the eastern As for the frequency of crimes, there is The police department in Detroit is during daylight hours in recogn¬ side of the city. exact time scale. The police are con¬ caught in the midst of a vicious circle. this time. There are good cops and there ition of the fact that weapons gun serves no useful purpose Once the home of Detroit's most thriv¬ no Life in Detroit is a game of politics. City are bad cops in Detroit: and it is impossi¬ which can counterbalance the stantly besieged by little crimes but there ble to determine how many are which are seldom, if ever, needed on ing ghetto and crime area, the First Pre¬ is no pattern on the big crimes or the "good officials, black community leaders, and intimidation and the tensions cinct has been replaced jv the Tenth runs' the police call them. A cruiser those people who want to become city of¬ type, out of over 4500 city policemen. an unarmed campus where the as But the cops that I met and inter¬ its visible presence causes be¬ Precinct. 12th Street, as the city's tough¬ can go days without having to make a ficials. are all involved in an eternal strug¬ . main police problems are over¬ est section. But. the First Precinct is gle for And the police department viewed during two consecutive weekends tween the officer and those he good run and then have two or three in power in Detroit good cops. And there had parking, petty theft and were time no "lily field one day. has become a major center of political deals with. The city's new skid row area is found arguments and criticisms in that struggle. to be more where they came from. lost visitors. Combatting crime in the First Preciftct If the Oakland experiment there along with the last housing remnants and in Detroit basically involves "control The courts have inadvertently had an Being a cop is not what could be called In a big city or anywhere succeeds in showing that cam¬ of the old ghetto. Approximately 45.000 and deter tactics. Although there is al¬ effect on the police too. Although thev do being in the most glorious profession, es¬ else that police have to con¬ people, many of whom commute to the pre¬ most no way to prohibit killings, police not think that the courts have 'hand- pecially in Detroit Law enforcement is a pus police can remove their cinct in seai eh of crime from other parts cuffed" their actions, many cops feel that thankless profession, generally. tend with more serious pro¬ th- itti. i weapons and remain effective, oi the city, are located in the area the courts have hurt their effectiveness There are many people in Detroit who blems as a matter of routine As one of the officers that I rode with we may hope to see the day You can't stop crimes but you can con¬ by "going easy" on police arrests. feel that the city is about ready to "burn" and have a definite problem put it. "every type of pervert that ever trol them." an eight year veteran of the By lessening original arrest charges or again, as it did in 1967 Many of these when student respect for the with self defense, disarmament lived can be found here, along with every Detroit police force forwarded. letting an arrested person go. the courts people feel that if the city burns, it will campus police officer can be type of crime that has ever been commit¬ By controlling crime, the police try to have* "sold out to crime in the eyes of do so as a result of a police-community would not be terribly useful. based more on the job he does ted ". keep it in one area and keep it low there. the average cop. Under some circumstances a Probably the first thing that you notice In addition, they try to deter crime by con¬ II you ever want to write a good story, the than on the gun he carries. But. prediction concerning the po¬ man would be foolish to wear --The Editors when you ride in a police cruiser is the stantly questioning and checking on sus¬ just go down to court someday and watch lice-community incident is over-simplified. look of outright hatred on the faces of all the politicking and manipulating that picious looking-or-acting people in hopes Detroit is a city torn by racial, econom¬ people as you pass them. Even people in of scaring or detaining them from criminal goes on in the trial of someone that's been arrested." one officer advised me. ical and governmental problems. The city- mid-laughter abruptly cut it off and re¬ OUR READERS' MIND place it with a cold stare when a cop acts. Crime in Detroit involves a game of After seeing what the courts do. it some¬ is "sick" and heading towards serious trouble. appears "catch me Although the police know times makes you wonder whether or not The police know that thev aren't liked the pimps. Murphy men. homosexuals, it is worth it ail to be a cop. ' another added. True, a police incident may be the even¬ Reinstate Garskof! "Most people here, they hate your ass. one officer frankly reflected about the situation But they learn to accept the and the prostitutes and know the where¬ abouts of the "blind pigs", the whore¬ Racism and police brutality are touchy subjects to police, especially in Detroit. Police feel that the newspapers in De¬ tual spark for a ture. And citv-wide "fire" in the fu¬ But. the woods are already burning of time and effort to making them work houses and the other places of habitual they've been burning for a lone To the Editor: "hate looks."' the obscenities, the cat-calls. troit have perverted and sensationalized in his classes. iAs a point of clarification: crime, they generally have to catch a crime To Dean Winder and Chairman O'Kelly the "organic learning experiment" has As Psychology 151 graduate teaching as¬ been only partially introduced into Psych. sistants for Bertram Garskof. we would 151.i Whether you like or reject this me¬ like to issue the following statement of Open letter to University community thod of learning, it must, if academic support for him: freedom is to have any meaning, be tried We feel that there are two major is¬ on this campus sues at stake. First: should Garskof be As for the second issue, we believe stu¬ allowed to conduct his Psych. 490 and 151 dents should have a significant voice in classes as an organic learning experience, choosing their teachers. It is evident the from students, recent graduates, ac¬ ers the primary responsibility for build¬ whatever action is required to permit rather than in the conventional classroom EDITOR S NOTE: Following is "An students want Garskof. manner'.' Second: who should make, or Open Letter to the University Com¬ crediting agencies, or other faculty, but ing departments of quality, strength, the University to function in an order¬ We feel the whole affair has been mis and integrity. Such departments best participate in making, the decisions on munity" written by President Hannah ultimately the members of the depart¬ ly fashion. handled. Siudent opinion and freedom to serve the students and society. hiring and firing of teachers'.' ment must make the initial recom¬ It seems to be appropriate for me to experiment with concerning the current dispute over The concept of organic learning has a new learning method the non-renewal of the contract of mendations to the officers of the Un¬ In my judgment the Psychology De¬ ask the State News to print in full the that Bertram Garskof be rein¬ been explained by Garskof in the Jan. 31 Bertram Garskof, asst. professor. Dept. iversity on matters regarding person¬ partment has accepted this responsi¬ Resolution on Disruption of University stated. issue of the State News. Bert is sincer¬ of Psychology. nel. difficult as some of these decis¬ bility. The officers of the University Activities as approved by our Board ions might be. are satisfied that the faculty had good of Trustees on June 14, 1968, and also ely committed to these ideas: and. we and sufficient reasons to take the act¬ can personally testify, gives a great deal In recent days, the University com¬ to print in full the University Ordin¬ According to the Tenure Rules adopt ions they have. munity has been made aware by the ed by the Academic Senate of Mich¬ ance covering disorderly assemblages State News and campus rumors that or conduct as amended by our Board some dissatisfaction exists concern¬ igan State Univeristy, a decision to It is understandable that some would on the same date. Students and faculty Too bad, little children ing the decision to withdraw an offer earlier to Assistant Professor reappoint or not to reappoint a faculty member whose appointment is expir¬ disagree with the decision and others with the ways in which decisions are already have in their hands the made Academic Freedom Report which with Bertram Garskof for a new two ing must be made by December 15. made. It is inevitable that on a cam¬ To the Editor: true charity, gave each of his - year The initial three-year probationary ap¬ should be the first point of reference Once very little children a 6 Hour A. How appointment to begin in the fall of pus this size that there is the problem for those interested in further discuss¬ upon a time, not so long ago. pointment of Dr. Garskof comes to an three hundred very little children en¬ fine, how utterly, indubitably fine. 1969 of disparate values. Only by proper pro¬ end in August. 1969. The need to reach cedures. a great deal of discussion, ing the issue at hand rolled in Psych 490 But then one day, when all seemed As a result of the confusion which a decision concerning his future in the and the weighing of opinions can dif¬ What fun! What fun!-' they cried rosey and blue skyed and just a little exists about this decision, I should like to set the record straight, first department led the chairman of the ferences by resolved. Solutions to any with glee. And happy they were for organic, an Evil Winder slithered upon Psychology Department to appoint a complex problems are brought about Groovy Bert was their leader. Verily, the scene. by reviewing briefly the procedures ad¬ three-man committee to review Dr. he did please them, telling it always "Groovy Bert", he sneered ugily, opted by all major universities upon by reason, commitment, a great deal Garskof's qualifications and perfor¬ of effort, and large measure of faith like they thought it was or is or should "you can't just give away 6 Hour recommendation of the American and to make recommendations mance that those who serve the students and have been or whatever. And. believe A s to very little children. Honor points Association of University Professors to the faculty The committee, made the public have their best interests in you me. that was not all. He also. must be earned. " Quick as a flash, GB. as the very little children were wont to call him, for appointment of faculty, second by reviewing some of the facts in this case, and last by reminding the uni¬ up of two senior faculty members ap¬ pointed by the chairman and one H V chosen by Dr. Garskof himself, gave Friday morning's State News carried Witch hunt tactics twirled his magnificent stache at the versity community that the best in¬ copy of a letter addressed to Dean '? careful attention to the matter and pre¬ a Evil Winder and went happily on his terests of all are served when the avail¬ sented its findings to the entire ten¬ Winder and signed by an Ad Hoc Com¬ ' ^ To the Editor: way. throwing great gobs of truth and able channels are used for expressing mittee to Defend Bertram Garskof. ured faculty, who. in the light of the I have been instructed to forward 6 Hour A's to all who cared to catch any objections they might have to the This letter Concludes with the State¬ facts, voted not to offer Dr. Garskof them. procedures and principles of operation ment that "Dr. Garskof must be not¬ to the State News a copy of a resolu¬ a new three-year appointment under The Evil Winder, uncharitable to a of the University. ified of his reinstatement by 2 p.m. tion passed by the Ingham County Demo¬ the tenure system, but instead a two- cratic Executive Committee at its Jan. fault, fumed and grew most assuredly On of the greatest strengths of higher Monday, Feb. 3, 1969, at which time year appointment outside the tenure angry. education in this country is the recogn¬ 29 meeting. The resolution was pre¬ system. This was to gi\e him addition¬ the group will reassemble and make sented by Mr Gerrit DeYoung. "Groovy Bert", said the Evil Wind¬ ition by the public and by the univer¬ al time to qualify for the privileges appropiate response." The Ingham County Democratic Par¬ er. for ^e was not wont to call him sity communities that academic free¬ inherent in the tenure system. This GB. "you" have twirled your last mag¬ dom is absolutely essential if univer¬ I think it important to point out that Michigan State University stands for free¬ ty Executive Committee goes on record recommendation was reviewed by the nificent 'stache and thrown your last sities are to carry out their function in the Academic Freedom Report pro¬ as opposing the proposed investigation Dean, the Provost, and the President, dom of speech, freedom of inquiry, free¬ of recent events on Michigan campuses 6 Hour A. In a word. Groovy Bert, society. Academic freedom implies and reported to the Board of Trustees vides procedures for this committee and dom of dissent, and freedom to demon¬ you are through! " both rights and responsibilities, and to all others to have their points of view strate in a peaceful manner. This is its by a committee of the State Senate at the November meeting. considered appropriately Ultimatums All the very little children were protect the integrity of the university, The assignment of the investigation and threats are not part of that pro¬ traditional position, and is hereby reaf¬ the conservative Senate Committee on saddened, shocked, and, it must be certain principles and procedures have The department chairman subsequent¬ firmed by the Board of Trustees. told, fearful of the cold turkey which been laid down to insure that neither cedure. State Affairs and the intemperate re¬ ly offered Dr Garskof such an appoint¬ marks os some Senators involved sug¬ must surely follow the cutting off of the rights nor the responsibilities of ment on Nov. 25. Last week Dr. Gar¬ I am proud that Michigan State Un¬ The University holds that freedom re¬ their free ration of truth and 6 Hour academic freeldom are violated. They skof had not officially responded. Be¬ gest that the investigation will involve iversity has developed procedures that quires order and discipline, and to pro¬ A's. provide, among other things, guide¬ cause of this and because of the re¬ tect the one it must maintain the others. witch hunting and publicity-seeking tech- permit open and orderly discussions on "GB is bejng shafted'" They bawled. lines tor appointing faculty, for period¬ cent information collected from a vari- all subjects that are not in violation The right to this freedom and the respon¬ . niques. "GB is being persecuted!" They ically reviewing their performance, and Furthermore, the Ingham County iety of sources, and information pro¬ of law, and that there are orderly pro¬ sibility of the Trustees and Officers to main¬ Democratic Party Executive Committee screamed. ."We will lie down on the for granting tenure at that point in vided to the Dean by the Department cedures and channels that permit all tain this order and discipline are shared will strongly support efforts of members dirty floor and kick our very little the career of a faculty member when Chairman. Dean Winder on Jan 23 members of the community to pre¬ by faculty, students, and the members of feet in the air if you don't give us he demonstrates unmistakable scholar¬ decided to withdraw the offer of Nov. the general public who come to this cam- of the academic community to defend sent their views and have them heard. back our GB. our truth, and our 6 ship, teaching skill, and responsibility 25 and to consider other candidates their activities from outside inter¬ I think it is important that the Ad put They are all entitled to pursue their Hour A's. for fulfilling with integrity the lor next year's staff. The Psychology ference. purposes Hoc committee use these channels legitimate goals without interference. This But, and this certainly should not of education in our society. department which met following the and furthermore that it understand that is the traditional position of the Univer¬ Since a higher proportion of legis¬ lators than students has been arrested come as any surprise to you, the Evil The Dean's decision voted overwhelming- the important work of the University sity. and^has been most recently reaffirmed Winder just would not listen and the procedures for the appointment lv to support his action. for unsavory incidents, such as soli¬ and retention of faculty members can must proceed while these channels are in the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees and beloved Groovy Bert was canned citing for immoral purposes, by the be read in their entirety in the hand¬ being used. This means that those the Report on Academic Freedom for Stu¬ Now, today, the very little child¬ The decisions regarding Dr. Garskof legislators own reasoning any com¬ book of any reputable university in who dissent or disagree must do so dents. adopted by the Trustees. have not been made hastily. The dis¬ mittee established should perhaps be a ren are sad. oh so sad. Groovy Bert the country, including ours, but in es¬ in such a way as not to interfere with cussions in the department com¬ The Trustees reaffirm the long-time un¬ committee of students and faculty to is gone and with him have gone truth sence they provide that the recom¬ the work of the University or with mittees. by the tenured faculty of the investigate morality in the legislature. and 6 Hour A's. We must report, mendations to appoint faculty memb¬ the rights of others derstanding that any effort to impede the Further, we deplore the action of with deep sadness and sorrow, that and to grant holding of classes, the carrying forward of ers tenure rest first with I he I certain Democratic Senators in voting the very little children have now to the members of the diversity alone must make the University business, the arrangements for department, whose been lengthy and the considerations decision as to when the ongoing work to establish this witch hunt and we find their own truth by themselves experience, competence, and access properly organized and scheduled events far reaching. The tenure system which of the University is being interfered on the campus, or the discharge of his re- call upon all Democratic Senators to and, if they can, earn their own 6 to firsthand information best Hour A's. qualify requires tenured facult\ members to with If that decision is ever made, refuse to serve on such a committee. them to make such recommendations the Mary E. Devine TOUGH CRAP The department can, and in most cas¬ make periodic decisions regarding per¬ University will call upon the civil sonnel places squarely mi their should¬ authorities, local and state, to take (please turn to page 9> Secretary. Ingham County Democratic Dugald McMillan es does, seek information and advice Executive Committee East Lansing graduate student Monday, February 3 , 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1.69 MSU SI Cigarettes Tampax 40's NEWS 3/77c summary 4 arrested on drug counts MSU student. Jay W Hil- Limit 1 1.19 Limit 1 Expires 2-8-69 By LARRY LEE Cohen and Levitt were taken an order of $10,000 worth of to an Expires 2-8-69 lis. Mt. Pleasant junior, plead East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only State News Staff Writer before a U.S. Commissioner at LSD. An MSU student, charged Nov. a federal court in Grand Rapids, The LSD order was to be guilty Friday in the Ingham A capsule summary of the day's events frorr 1 with running the largest LSD while Burke and Barns were filled Thursday after Cohen had County Circuit Court to a charge 39 wire services. of possession of narcotics. Judge ur operation in Michigan, was one taken before a similar official flown to Buffalo Jan. 26 to close of four university students in in Rochester. the deal. Giovina said. Marvin J. Salmon continued bond Cheer Laundry Zest Soap two states arrested Thursday by Cohen was accused of being for sentencing The investigation and arrests Hillis was one of 13 persons, Bath Size federal and state police. co-ordinated by the Buf¬ one of the major suppliers of "The general public is i >• Gary S. Cohen. Oak Park were falo. N Y. office of the Federal LSD in suburban Detroit and five of them MSU students and Detergent four former students, arrested freshman, free on a $10,000 Bureau of Narcotics, in co¬ Michigan colleges and a spokes¬ (nullified as the students, J'at\ nlly, or the administrators hi bond, in connection with the Nov¬ operation with officials of the man said a large quantity of last that spring in a drug crackdown prompted three days of 29c 18c ember arrest, and Kenneth W. Michigan and New York State the drug was found in his Oke¬ determining how a university demonstrations, ending in the Limit 1 Levitt, 22 an Eastern Michigan Police, narcotic investigators mos apartment. Limit 1 II lis notY I/"— from the Rochester city police In other drug action relating arrest of 25 persons. Expires 2-8-09 should he ran. University student from Oak Expires 2-8-69 East Lansing Store Only Park, were arrested at Campus and Monroe County (N.Y.) East Lansing Store Only let all, they are paying the View Apartments in Okemos sheriff's office and federal drug tab." State Sen. Robert 1111 Iter, culminating an investigation be¬ agents from Buffalo and Detroit. 2.25 R-'Tro v gun last fall of interstate drug Salvatore J. Giovina. special Kodak traffic. Arrested in Rochester. N Y. agent in charge of the Federal Narcotics Bureau in Buffalo, |'7pV. i Flash were Dennis A. Burke. 18, a said agents in Buffalo negotiated Color Film Cubes International News student at the Rochester Insti¬ a purchase of 500 LSD tablets 126 127 620 tute of Technology from Oak Dec. 7 and 500 more Dec. 18 U.S. B52 bombers took over from ground Park, and his roommate. Wayne R. Barnes, also 18. of Tenafly. N.J. All four were charged with from Cohen. Investigators said their case was "cracked"' when the youth, apparently believing Monday Is 87c Limit 1 1.19 Limit 1 engineers Sunday the demolition of a four¬ square-mile North Vietnamese base uncov¬ ered last week 53 miles northwest of Saigon. violation of the federal narcot¬ ics and dangerous drug law. the agents to be part of a major underword gang, agreed to fill College Expires 2-8-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires 2-8-69 East Lansing Store Only The enemy had vacated the area. Night! 2.50 79* At the same time, North Vietnam's broad¬ French slate referendum on Ambush cast uenial of reports it had modified its stand Westport in the Paris peace talks lent support Sunday Senate reform, regional vote Liquid Mascara Dusting Powder to a view among some Americans in Paris that Hanoi is prepared for a long deadlock. QUIMPER, France President Charles de Gaulle an¬ t fantasy, presented as ranks Uth in totaL en¬ However, I did not fire up at idly. They did only a couple of from the Performing Arts' company's productio dramatist Antonin Artaud. Genet Genets dream ol the essential vue. sponsored by "Mickey" MSlT his extended monologues on¬ numbers and split. Perhaps to associated with the Dadaists and nature ot power and sex "The Balcony" beginning Tuesday in the Aren of uncertain Hideaway fame, rollment and 12th in full-time en¬ began 45 minutes late. There rollment among the nation's stage; I leave those to Lou start sweeping up the Civic Cen¬ Theater. Surrealists, sharing their loath- Genet, a ten-time loser in the was talk of tardy arrivals and colleges and universities, Rawls. ter at exactly 11:30. State News photo by Wayne Mun ing of traditional art. of modern French criminal courts, con- eludes that the sadistic drive no rehearsals, factors which, MSU s rankings were disclos- for domination by the establish¬ Even his return appearance in neither case should have ed in a survey of enrollments-< after the Contours had per¬ ment (police, church, etc. i. is caused the audience to wait. The show was to feature a 1.145 U.S. colleges and univer¬ sities conducted by Garland G. formed, when Mickey came out and began introducing his friends FACULTY RECITAL symbolized by the dominant sub¬ missive nature of sex. The nature | Parker. University of C of the power of the state and the host of "all-stars" in the Mo- . ■ in the audience, I expected the mi T a - u nati. for the educational jour sexual experience are basically- superb rapport town vein; * The Intruders head- J proverbial sheperd's crook to lined, along with the "Con- 'on ►485-6485 ranks 16th with compared to MSU s 38^021 students appear from off-stage and pull him off Instfad- the oncoming 49.515 stu- group ushered him away, Duo attains one. Therefore, sexual display is vital to the proper Also of expression of import to the play- QLAGUWER dents U-M ranks 17th in full-time Following the Contours, who tried to heat up a luke-warm Murray served as principal into the instrument's lower The recital concluded with a wriglPls his concern of the im- TODAY -7:30-59?40°^" enrollment with 29.780 students compared with MSl' s 37.858 audience, we watched "The Spin- ners" do their thing. I had seen „ . . .. f . A combination of impeccable , , flutist of the London Svmphonv f ,2 years be(ore join| the range. Sonata 1792. by Beethoven, written in an early period of his potency of the individual against the nebulous they bats the fixed norms Genet com¬ in an effort j The Bach - Partita" in C mi¬ PITY POOR full-time students. them when they appeared at the Auditorium with the Su- musicianship and technique, plus a single-minded rapport were MSU facultv in 1966. He exhib- ited a pleasant, if not entirely- nor was a real delight, primar¬ career when he began his - stud¬ ies'" with Haydn. to new support the individual with his order, based on the revers¬ the key features of a flute- ily because Murray took cog¬ PAXTON QUIGLEY "DAZZLING" -LIFE premes. Then I was impressed; piano duo recital presented by pellucid. tone in the opening •1930 Sonata'' by Walter Piston nizance of the fact that a Part¬ Despite its construction and four-movement the inclusion ion of the established order, find- jng ^is heroic identitv through MSU music faculty members ita is a set of dances. Thus, he ...he had too much "A GRE AT MOVIE "!... Alexander Murray and David However, he worked smoothly offered us Bach with a glimmer of a relatively novel "Polon- immorality, vice, exile, and to- | Bursts with the joy of ? with Renner. in capturing the aise." it is a composition clear- tal opposition to whatever exists, Renner Friday evening in amiable neo-classic fiber of the of the courtly Sarabande. a of a good being Young and alive and ly reflecting the classical trad- Images displayed the Music Auditorium. sharply accented Fuga. a light in love! -Free Press piece, setting the convolutions ition of Mozart. This impotency is observed but unhurried Gigue (Jig' and of the first and last movement thing! • F reakout No. 2 • "allegros'" before us in cool, noble Preludio. This was playing that takes ac¬ Murray and Renner gave it a deeply considered by the author as demonstrated by reading, and the perpetual masquerade man- ! MC-5 : cleanly etched lines. Murrav's tone turned to a beau- k'nd plays To Genet, man is Kran< <» J "Guerilla Rock" ! The sombre Adagio ' was count of the music's rhythmic accentuations without impeding tiful liquid silver merely an image displayed, and | broadly placed and expressively By virtue of the exquisite man- a nation, being composed ot men. • Sat. Feb. 8 Zkkiihki.i.i • Union Ballroom J • phrased, and Murray effectively- its flow. Only in the Sarabande ner' in which Renner unfolded >s in fact merely a larger imaj could one have wished for a equalized the firm consistency the musical secrets of idioms perpetuated over cent jries. of his tone as the writing dipped slightly more sustained approach. Genet would change this ir Romeo. so diverse as Piston and early Beethoven, it is no wonder he is potency by changing man via e sought after by nearly every posing his images to the sho< jl lift facultv instrumentalist who pre- sents a recital . exposure of standards baset' < the e(lui,V ot beauty with evil >VETTE|V1iMIEUX SioPHE£ JoNES 56 tion. Rogers said, because un- exam 0f the merit system and you before you finished. I don't HOBIE'S antly Puerto Rican and black want you saying I'm exerting work. Their expectj- : *m der the New \ork City system. then fiunk because of your ac- area of New York City. And us. my masculinity. No. not really principals like Ralph Rogers, whose school was promised the It works." he added scores have risen Rfes Mavbe.rn |i g s teachers must be brought up cenj i hate to say its organized and proven guilty on 13 charges. against blacks but There weren't 13 charges: they . that I am." At least don't tell them 351-3800 CARRY OUT FAST FREE DELIVERY antennae and maybe the TV's, just because of increased in Were all the cries of anti. • were just incompetent, no two continue to challenge tradition put." he noted % semitism reallv true9 Structure and routyve v words about it.' he said. "NOT SINCE WATERLOO | Turkey Salami & Ham • Roast Beef Do the students net(? i lore During the months of battle. ,\s he calmlv placed his own have Swedes/ Soiled them¬ Speaking before a small group Thursday afternoon and later to or less structure"' , eight Ocean Hill-Brownsville yamaka on the table before selves with martial deeds./ No I Robert Green's graduate course "Every child need$ J inn principals were transfered to him. Rogers said. "I can honest- one seemed to suffer pains/ [ in education. Rogers said com¬ and structure" Rog .s -.aid the Board of Education. Rogers \y say j m n0{ aware of anti- Watching Bismark rape the I said they stayed with their Jewish feeling coming from the Danes./ Similarly, Sweden I munity control is not necessarily But we want to let th.;n Jake the only wav-it just takes a part in making it lWr> "iere plush" jobs only half a day. black community." The principals returned to flexible and responsive system as a resource person rI,e: the and people who "understand and children build their o^n hing the community only to find Rog Rogers charged that most of something O- and see a need for structure* ers and two others again trans the anti-Semitism literature was fered out. this time under passed out not bv Ocean Hill- cean Hill-Brownsville did not al¬ Ocean Hill-Brownsville'.-- big blow-up came over who. can charges of illegitimacy. Rhody Brownsville residents, but bv ways find in the "system." Roger's visit was jointly spon¬ hire and fire teachers RtSjers sored by the College of Educa¬ said the massive New \ orlf.City tion and the Center for I'rban school system > JMM) «^,\-vols Affairs. needs decentralized i j»opic One in 1,000 Enter College under formal consider,.%» vince Traditionally. Rogers said, mid 1967 when Ford Fc^nttition only one in 1.000 students from offered money for the area enter college and only tion project possibly usiJig C^ean one in 1.500 finish. "What kind Hill-Brownsville 1 of input were they putting in to This could mean a crural get that kind of product0" board would control budg^ and Now Spanish is taught as a local boards would handle tir¬ second language, one school is ing matters and whatever, else even set up on a billingual sys¬ the central board delegated to tem. there are new arrangement for remedial help, the SG i spec¬ Community control, oi the ial guidance for bad boys other hand, involves, t local category has been abolishdd board doing the hirin; fting. since Rogers and others feel budgeting and currict r"" de- the students are labeled upon Monday, February 3, 1J 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan War, countries, lesser morality not groups . individuals . pose .also, wars or normally socially justified. " The question of morality "The United States felt The intentional innocent very is, strong killing of the in his opinion, a argument for suasive justification for war war. "War takes place between use a variety of violence not with regard to nuclear con- no particular necessity to be assessing a war as immoral, even though killing is an evil bound by the conventions of However, in the vein of true to avoid, a UCLA professor war in World War II," arbitration, he added that "The said at the Isenberg Memorial Wasserstrom said. protection of life and limb is Lecture Friday night Richard Wasserstrom, pro¬ ASMSU Cabinet creates He quoted former President nevertheless a persuasive fessor of philosophy at UCLA and part-time attorney for the use it...we have used it to limit Winding up the 75 minute Black Panthers of Los Angeles, spoke on "Morality and War." Vietnam, however, was not in¬ public relationsdepartment the deaths of American soldiers in a conflict where the^opposit- ion has shown no international law. " recognition of address attended by more than 100 people, he admonished: "I quite purposely end my remarks inconclusively on the morality corporated into the evening's which the committee hopes to ceived in the past, have included lecture. "I do not see fit to By MARYANNE GEORGr During the following quest- of war...this subject requires State News Staff Writer solve. "Most students are un- some information about ASMSU. delve into the current Vietnam ion and answer period Wasser- humility, not confidence.' conflict due to the matter of The image-builders have ar- aware of the workings of AS- Under the new committee strom showed a welcome off- Speaking with Wasserstrom MSU and do not know what ser- these letters will be sent more time it would take to manifest rived in the ASMSU Cabinet. the-cuff air not readily afterwards, he expressed his proof of In an attempt to improve vices it offers to students, such frequently and explain ASMSU in apparent in his prepared text. personal views on the Vietnam Wasserstrom said public relations ASMSU has as the legal aid and tutoring greater detail. Commenting Truman's conflict. created a new vice pr£sideVv programs." While most of the committee quote, he said: in a preface to his lecture. in charge of public relations. The image which the student , . . . r.„ ... . ., ¥ ... . Wasserstrom would be the main theme explained what Paul J. Graf. Muskegoq junior. body presents to the general cha,rmanshlPs are f,lled- there viability in the viewpoint of amused smile. "I think its feel so much has been factually has been named to the post public will be another area of is stiU. a need fforta ™™ber of some who feel punishment was wrong, very wrong. " attitude characteristic said on the morality and Termed "a think tar*. ' the concentration. "The public tends executive assistants and 1, com- justly due But to Japa never could he see of nations to enter a war with morality of this conflict that vice presidency is organ «ed ied to abstract a single incident, mun,cations research director the use Butof never"indiscriminate the willingness to discard any our it might, be more beneficial according «vvv.-...5 to the executive «tm- c »m- such as the demonstrations dur- Journalism, advertising and 'ne use ot our 11 . to view the general character- mittee concept. It is a £rou > of - ing finals week of last spring - - - - communications majors are es- - - - Punishmentbombs of atom justified byHiroshima on restraint the use all of seemed individuals aggression upon to bother Isenberg Lecture istics of war and viewpoints people who will develop and re- term, and condemn the whole pecially urged to appiy. and Nagasaki." him most. Dr. Richard Wasserstrom assures his audience of others concerning such con¬ fine a large number of idea to student body because of the ac- "It seems to me there will "It's this kind of vicious at Conrad Hall last Friday night that there will be effected at minimum cost, tioAs of a few, " Graf said. approach by countries that leads flict." be some people who would meet always be immoral acts in a "moral" war. Graf cited the problem of The committee hopes to As a foundation for the lec¬ rnmmnnipatinnc hotwoon tension 6 or stoP by 309 Student the test of innocence." Wasser- me to say: Let's never fight a State News photo by Jim Richardson communications between ture. Wasserstrom laid down communication with stents c D, the campus and the community siron so that the public will have a _. __ ___ _ greater understanding of pre- jjy|£ SEMIINAR Basic Outlines cisely what is happening on campus and what segments of the student body are involved. ATI. NIT. SGI. SOC. HUM.: The freshman orientation will also be expanded and improved. Spartan Newsletters, which incoming freshman have re- Citizen action participation problems of .key to mode! city urban renewal programs and the and funds." COURSE OUTLINES zen By MARTY LOWY "Model Cities recognizes the urban programs, made his re- Economic Opportunity Office Hudsifk also discussed the right of people to participate in DOZEN ROSES Citizen participation the marks Thursday at a meeting of programs The which began in 1964 accomplishment of these processes that affect them, and problem of time. The six-year the Justin Morrill College Model Model Cities Program starts Model Cities Program should be HIST: 121,122, STAT: 121, s3« Cash & Carry "a means to an end. a structure Cities seminar. Discussing the various factors programs was to give everybody some confidence in citizen part¬ that the best intentions of bureau- ?rats can be wrong, he said. with a full year of planning, he said, arid even after that, not Jon Anthony of power." Cliff Hudsick. Brook¬ which have to be considered in icipation. but they failed with that the best inter.tior everything can be done at once. PSYCH: 151 CHIM: 130,141 809 E. Michigan lyn. N.Y.. graduate student said. Hudsick. who is studying citi planning a program of citizen participation. Hudsick traced the respect to results. " he said. The difference in the Model bureaucrats can be wrong, said he Communication can also be a Hudsick listed several prob- problem, he said. development of the idea of neigh- Cities Program. Hudsick said, MATH: 108,109,111,112,113 ASMSU Great Issues borhood participation from early is that it "calls for participation zen olved in setting up lem: participation programs. In¬ citi¬ You have to allow for eom- ation all the way down. In cluded were the identification of Presents addition to making decisions, leadership, the EC0N: 200,201, GE0G. 204 neighborhood lack of channels between the citizen board members will have back to the neighborhoods and the local neighborhoods, he said. PHYSICS: 207. 200,289 governments and fear on the part DR. SP0CK , of residents of allying themselves Finally, a choice must be made NOTES FOR: "Citizen Tom Paine" with existing power structures. whether to emphasize the means The aim of the Model Cities or the ends of citizen participa- "The Devil in Massachusetts" "Uncle Tom's Cabin" & "Poor White" Program is to set up a definite working relationship between It might be more important, neighborhoods, bureaucrats and in his opinion, that citizens de¬ Friday, Feb. 7 city governments. velop the means ol making decis¬ The program doesn't go un¬ ions than that their programs be less it has a pure partnership. an immediate success A good cry cleanses the soul After all is shed and done, your sou! may be saved but your contacts need help They need Len- sme Lensme is the one con¬ ,es can endanger tact lens solution for com your vision. Bacteria can¬ plele contact care . prepari not grow in Lensine be¬ nsmg. and soaking cause it's sterile, self-samtiz- There is a compatible, "isotonic" Solu¬ ing. and antiseptic. needed two or more different lens tion, very Tnuch like yourey*'. nat¬ Lensine the sou/ution for properly prepare and . . . solutions to ural fluids ■£ complete contact lens care. Made maintain your contacts. No more Cleaning your conjap^ witt Lensine from The Murine Com¬ by the Murine Company. Inc. Lensine retards the builj^-p :>f pany. makes caring for contact foreign deposits on the U*' ■ lenses as convenient as wearing And soaking your contact^ i Len them sine between wearing per-c's as¬ Just a drop or two of Lensme sures you of proper len* ftyjiene coats and lubricates your lens You get a free soakmg-j orage This allows the lens to float more assigned tc case with individual lens'co-^part- freely in the eye. reducing tearful ^ and will be .in | irritation Why? Because Lensine you will put lo direct ti Playtex invents the first-day tampon tie of Lensine in school. Length ot It has been demon-, impioper storage betwe OCT Salary comparable to salaries paid by (We took the inside out programs. Round-trip travel expenses paid to show you how different it is.) not your Outside: it's softer and silky (not cardboardy). Inside: it's so extra absorbent.. .it even protects on your first day. Your worst day! Mehoopany, Pennv MATRIX um old cardboardy kind... contacts In every lab test against the the Playtex tampon was always more absorbent. Actually 45% more absorbent on the average than the leading regular tampon. iiss and cvalua Because it's different. Actually adjusts to you. ms and the fin It flowers out. Fluffs out. Designed to protect every plant will earl simulate the t*xplored in n ung them. Efforts ari Plant Manager i liulation to real piarii inside inch of you. So the chance of a mishap is almost zero! __ r.MWl ~. will make decisions affecting chemical pro¬ program gives you an excellent capsule pre¬ Why Uvebi the past? ^ plfjCX tampons cesses, products, quality, scheduling, cost control and industrial relations The results view of the extent and variety ol challenges faced by a Charmin Plant Manager. An Equal Oppoi HWMHi W*/;: , Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Two star for Cagers fall to IU, 79-76 at WMU By DON KOPRIVA relays Other runners were Wilson, Mar¬ as slow start hurts again State News Sports Writer ion Sims, and Rich Paull. KALAMAZOO-The track in Wayne Hartwick took fourth in By MIKE MANLEY more comfortable 76-70 with free throws to put the game out turned in another stellar defen- the high hurdles and third in the State News Sports Writer 2:42 to play. But the Spartans of reach. sive performance by holding Read Fieldhouse is still smoul¬ dering after red-hot perform¬ lows and anchored the second BLOOMINGTON, Ind. caught fire again, rallying for It was a case of too much Joe the Hoosiers two big centers, ances by two Spartans here Sat- place Spartan hurdle relay y Cliff, Ontario, senior, started more, injured his ankle in n..i..»h Duluth Saturday, c. ~r.— ,l-_ 6-1, after ^ie scored „,j from an assist by co- captain Ken Anstey Friday night's game and was The Nation's Innkeeper Spartans defeated the Bulldfgs Duluth put its fourth in the the Spartans off Friday with a forced to leave Saturday's game « Fridav Friday, 6-3 6-3. 8oal at 2:03 of the first period, when he reinjured it. Bob De- Two Locations In Lansing Area •j Nelson DeBenedet was the Spartan net at 12:35 and followed that up by scoring two more assisted by Pat Russo. Marco suffered a leg injury in only Spartan to penetrate the the final period, de¬ 3121 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. Bill Watt scored at 6:57 of Bulldog net Saturday, wlfle irUTftA Bill Watt led the skaters Fri¬ day by scoring three goals £est able swimmer for Michigan. He State News Sports Writer goal on an assist by Anstey. 200 time in the nation this vea<'. showed great versatility by win- Any notion that college swim¬ It was Watt's second hattrick ming is dull was quickly dis¬ Mike Kalmbach was a dorble ning the 1.000 freestyle, the 200 £the"season winner for the Spartans in the individual medley and the 200 pelled here Saturday when MSU ^ , and Michigan went down the tw° freestyle sprints. His wo backstroke. Duluth scored at 16:12 of the final period, making the score drain of the I M. pool in search wins were a total of. seconds, but they earned the ^par- Michigan's other winners were 6-3. of a meet winner Bello in the 200 freestyle. Mike Both teams held the lead at tans 10 Points H's victory Allen in the 500 freestyle and different times during the match 1°° was over Olympic swim- IF YOU LIKE Bill Mahoney. winner of the 200 and U-M did not clinch the meet mer ^uan Bello. until the next to the last race The divers finally put it breaststroke. The Wolves also RECORDS to win. 66-57 Only in the a11 together Saturday 'to give won the 400 medley relay and 1.000 and 500 yd. freestyle races Spartans a one-two finish theMichigan 400 freestyle relay. held the lead for the first six races, but MSU took it away when the divers won backstroke were the first meter events Jim Henderson the three meter event. The Spar¬ two placers more than a second finished first in both events. tans built a six point lead be- • fore the Wolverines won the fi¬ nal three races to clinch their victorv. was pleased with his team's performance fort.' men. It was a real fine team ef¬ he said All of our top including our divers, did a Gymnasts edge Mm good job: McCaffree said he was es¬ as Towson wins again A subsidiary of Procter & Gamble pecially pleased with the per¬ CHAMPAIGN. 111. -- "Unfor¬ lini here this weekend. 179.975 - formance of sophomore Van tunately close'" was Illini Coach 179.75 to give the Spartans a 3-1 Rockefeller. Rockefeller's time Charles Pond's comment after mark this season. in the 200 butterflv. 1:55.94. MSU gymnasts edged out t le II- Engineers . . . would you rather start your career in MSU got a head start with instead of starting in engineering and working up to Toby Towson winning floor exercise with 9.45 while We will interview at the Student Placement Office Fencers drop two, Dennis Smith came on strong in sidehorse. winning the event Monday, February 10 with 9.1. win one in Chicago. out The Spartan ring the Illini with team beat Pete Sorg BS and MS degrees with BS in any in ChE, CE, IE, EE, ME, Pulp and Paper technical discipline. For Opportunities in Technology, and MBA's • 8.651 capturing second posi- 2-7. and the sabre. 3-6. • MANUFACTURING PLANT MANAGEMENT MSU got off to a quick.start "Sorg went into the meet • PLANT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT against Illinois, winning th<- foil. with a sprained shoulder, but • PROJECT ENGINEERING Experience is what the MSU 7-2. but fell down in the epee did real well," MSU Coach fencing team needs most this • PLANT INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING with a 2-7 mark and the sabre George Szypula said. "He season, and a lack of it showed with a 1-8 record saved us on rings." • PLANT CHEMICAL ENGINEERING this weekend, as they dropped According to an Illini tramp- two out of three matches in We just ran into much tough¬ man, the Illinois team had Already 10th largest industry in the U. S.. pape'rmaking is exploding with new growth Chicago. er opposition than last week." expected a one point lead in And Charmin. as a producer of personal paper products only, is a pace-setter in the seg¬ On Friday, the Spartans lost Schmitter commented "For our this event, but the Spartans ment that is growing 3 times faster than the total industr\! to Air Force. 18-9. and then turned the tables. sophomores, it was only their took it on the chin from de¬ second time out in varsity com¬ "A pleasant surprise of the Charmin's entire operations are alive with new methods, new ideas, new processes, new fending Big Ten Champion Il¬ petition. Most of the men we meet was that our tramp team product concepts — and Charmin engineers arc in the forefront of these developments. linois. 17-10. on Saturday MSU Now. as our marketing area expands beyond 45Vr of the U. S. population, we need more faced had fenced for at;least beat Illinois." Coach Szypula bounced back to edge the Uni¬ a year. In the foil where we said. Norm Jolin took second engineers capable of bold new thinking. versity of Chicago. 15-12. in in that event with an 8.8. the final match. were experienced w£ did very well " "We ran into reality,'' Coach Although Towson (9.0) took At Charmin you can expect (I) Substantial responsibility within a short time after you In the Chicago m£ich. MSU Charles Schmitter said. Our was 7-2 in the foil, and 4-5 second in vault and Mickey join us (2) Outstanding advancement opportunities, with promotion only from within, opponents just had too much in the sabre and epee Bob Uram (8.85) tied for first YOU CAN'T AFFORD based on merit. Your progress will he closely followed, since our technically trained for us in the sabre and epee Kreitsch continued to look strong, on parallel bars, MSU lost TO MISS THE management group is less than 500. Our lack of experience in these these events to the Illini who going 2-1 against Chicago and Wisconsin: Cheboygan. Michigan: Mehoopany. two weapons showed through " 5-4 for the weekend. pulled out in front of the Spar¬ LOW, LOW Choice of four locations: Green Bay. However, the Spartans con¬ tan score on the next to the PRICES AT , . . Pennsylvania (near Scranton) or our nev* Cape Ciirarde.ui. Missouri plant scheduled for tinued to look strong in the Other Spartans who won mat¬ last event production in the fall of I9f>9, You'll be located in the hcVi of some of the greatest hunting, ches were: Bobby Tyler. 4-5: foil, where returning lettermen Don Satchel and Glenn Williams Harry Mammassian. 2-4: Dana It was up to the Spartan high bar men to win the meet MARSHALL fishing and skiing country in the world. Sign up at the Placement Office now. and find out more about a future with us. We're interested in talking uith you even if you have graduate Day. 1-6, and Dane Sorensen, r were 6-0 and 7-2 respectively, while Larry Norcutt was 5-4. 1-7. MSU. now 4-2 on the season, and this they did by a nose. This is the second week in a MUSIC school plans or a military obligation. J 3£il Against Air Force, the Spar¬ row that Haynie has won the tans failed to win an event, has its next match Wednesday 245 ANN meet for the Spartans. losing the foil, 4-5, the epee, against Wayne State in Detroit Monday, February 3, 1969 8 Michigan State Newscast Lansing, Michigan State News State Newt Classified State News Want Ads are quick and efficient - Try one today - 355-8255 Classified 355-8255 355-8255 For Rent Automotive Thf State News 4^1 not EYDEAL VILLA Apartments Two WIG. CHAMPAGNE platinum, new PONTIAC 1967 Firebird. Two door bedroom apartments for $240 month Bendix gas dryer $10 Must pick permit racial or religious coupe Power steering and brakes Swimming pool GE appliances, up Phone 882-6281 3-2 3 dtflrrimlnatlon in Ice ad¬ Vinyl top 351-4605 after 6 p.m garbage disposals, furnished for FOR YOU vertising c o 1 u m ni. The four-man or five-man. Call 351- ARGUS F 1.7 SLR plus WA and State News will not accept PONTIAC 1964 Catalina converti¬ 4275. After 5 p.m. C telephoto lenses, tripod, etc Very good condition Portable Cassette • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ ble Power steering, power brakes GIRL FOR three girl apartment 351-7523. Attractive. Close tape recorder-new Ansco range-. inates against religion, 3-2/5 campus $62 50 finder Portable radio 351- • EMPLOYMENT 351-5188 3-2 3 camera race, color or national or¬ 7596 5-2 6 • FOR RENT RENAULT 1963-Rebuilt engine, good igin. TWO APARTMENTS One unfurn¬ • FOR SALE body, needs new clutch. Best of¬ ONE GIRL needed to sublet spring ished 2 bedrooms, includes stove BEAUTIFUL BLUE suede coat Hard¬ fer 393-5203 1-2/3 term New Cedar Village at re¬ • LOST & FOUND duced rates 351-3020 3-2/3 and refrigerator. Tenant all utili¬ ly worn Size 12 Best offer Call $100 month One furnished 332-0564 3-2 4 • PERSONAL TRIUMPH 1967 GT-6 Many extras ties. • PEANUTS PERSONAL including over-drive British rac¬ I NEWLY MARRIED? I $125 month 351-5323 O ing Call 337-9434 after • • REAL ESTATE SERVICE Automotive green I TANGLEWOOD • TRANSPORTATION AFARTMENTS ' DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and en¬ • WANTED 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 gagement ring sets Save 50 per cent or more Large selection of 351-7880 plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 DEADLINE CORTINA GT-1967 4-speed Pirel¬ ONE GIRL needed immediately to WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. li tires, disc brakes Excellent WEST GENESEE LANSING: 5 room. 509 East Michigan. 485-4391 C 2 live in furnished home. $60 plus condition 353-4127 5-2 5 bedroom, furnished apartment 1 P.M. one class day be¬ utilities 351-0795 3-2 4 Will lease short term to 3 or 4 fore publication. CORVETTE 1966. red convertible VOLKSWAGEN 1955-Engine | responsible girls. $170 includes all Cancellations 12 noon one Two tops Mint condition. 17,000 WEST OF Waverly- Duplex. 2 bed¬ - Perfect dune buggy Body utilities. 489-1276 5-2 7 actual miles 351-8932 or 351- rooms. unfurnished, modern, large class day before publica¬ FARFISA COMBO, compact organ repairs 339-2013. yard One child welcome No pets ONE GIRL for 4-girl luxury apart¬ Used one year Excellent condi¬ tion. $120 a month plus utilities. 489 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Sedan lunroof. ment New Cedar Village Spring, tion. Bill. 337-7086 5-2. 4 convertib;e. white radio. summer. Barbara. 351-8600 5-2 7 CORVETTE. 1968 Bumper guards. AM-FM PHONE with black top. 427 cubic* 4-speed. 15.000 miles 669-9394 10-2 10 BICYCLE SALES and service Also power brakes, power steering, trans- used EAST LANSING CYCLE, 215 ister ingition. AM-FM radio, wide East Grand River Call 332-8303 355-8255 MUST SELL 1968 green Plymouth C oval tires 11.000 miles, never Fury 111 2-door hardtop 318 cubic raced Will sacrifice for $4,000 inch Vinyl roof and inter¬ RATES Evenings, < 313 > 971-0179 2-2 4 engine ior Power steering 12.500 actual 3-2 5 I day $1.50 miles. Call 489-9568 3-2 5 ENGLISH COCKER puppies AKC DODGE CONVERTIBLE 1962 1964 LCC AND downtown 3 girls needed 15tf per word per day registered One male, two females 3 days $4.00 motor 489-4390 383 Nice condition $375 3-2 4 Scooters & Cycles for kitchen 5-girl house. Newly furnished panelled and carpeted U- 626-6713 1-2 3 13 l/2< per word per day tilities paid $60 per girl plus POODLES AKC 6 weeks $50 White 5 days $6.50 DODGE 1964 Excellent running con¬ deposit and 6 months leas and apricot Call 625-4993. after' BRAND NEW deluxe colonial apart dition Snow tires $300 Call 5-2 7 4. 651-5865 3-2 5 13£ per word per day ments Corner of Burcham and or TL'2-3555, after 5 30 pm i(based on 10 words per ad) 5-2 7 Sorry, but I have to use you Alton Available for business, pro¬ 5099 WARDCLIFF Furnished 4 bed GERMAN SHEPHERDS. fessional, college personnel or grad- as an example. rooms 3 full baths Family room There will be a 50tf service MUSTANG 1967 maroon white in Built-in kitchen Immediate occupan¬ terior 289 automatic transmis¬ FRANCIS AVIATION So easv to learn and bookkeeping charge if in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Special cy until June 15 GOV AN MANAGE¬ sion. 17.000 miles $1850 332- this ad is not paid within $5 offer. 484-1324 C MENT 351-7910. after 5 p rr 5860 0-2 3 one week. MUSTANG 1968 Automatic, Auto Service & Parts Employment Employment ONE GIRL one t RICHARDSON 1967 12' X 50. ex¬ GIRL NEEDED beginning spring cellent condition, two bedrooms. The State News will be steering. $1,795 Call 332-41] SALESMAN full time or part time. Lovely luxury apartment Close sonable. attractn fore 5pm NEED PART-TIME jobs during the Spring term occupancy $4,200 responsible only for the ACCIDENT PROBLEM" Call KALA¬ term" Call RENT-A-STUDENT at $1000 plus a term No experience campus 351-4294 3-2 5 332-8903 after 6 prr first day's incorrectinser- MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small necessarv. Phone Mr Tavlor 372- dents to laTge wrecks. American 351-5130 between 9-5 p m c 5234 C CHARLMOOR 1961 10X50 Two bed¬ and foreign cars Guaranteed work BABYSITTER. MATURE, my home. rooms. furnished Near MSU Ex¬ MUSTANG 1967 Per 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C cellent condition 3 children. 4 p.m to 3 a m Will EVERYONE KNOWS AND MEN. SUPERVISED. Sinele $1: 351-4729 or 655- 289. steering. 3441 4-1 31 power Expert Tune-up provide transportation Salary open LOVES ing. parking. 327 Hillcres ONE GIRL needed immediately Automotive 351-8624 372-7764. 3-2 5 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A Three blocks from Union Call 6118: 337-9612 . Brake and 1967 RITZ-CRAFT Excellent con¬ OLDSMOBILE 1968 Cutlass Supreme FEMALE WHY NOT SELL IT 351-3814 3-2 3 after ALPHA ROMEO sedan-delivere Take over payments $67 50 month¬ Exhaust j SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE dition. Must sell 487-3956 in Italy September 1967 30 (X FROM LEADS ONLY. 5 p.m 10-2 13 ly 355-6865 5-2 7 8:00 - 5:30 M=n-Frl Restaurant work in Mackinaw City. SINGLE GIRL to share Student Very- niles $2,000 1-616-749-9175 3-2 REEDS GARAGE Northern Michigan's favorite vaca¬ 484-4475 deluxe Townhouse $62 50. Phone OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1968 4- tion area. Need three experienced 489-5922 or 351-6796. 5-2 3 2707 E. Kalamazoo 489-1626 | LOOKING FOR Some extra money short-order conks at $2.75 per and short hours' We have 11 a.m. hour including bonus and nine wait¬ ONE MAN needed for MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ -2 at $150 per hour, includ¬ p.m. posotions open for neat, apartment 4 blocks fi mazoo street Since 1940 Com¬ resses THIS AD is worth $100 on purchase ing bonus plus tips. Dorm space dependable applicants who enjov 351-6636 BUICK 1965 Skvlark GS plete auto painting and collision working with people 489-1196 after price of our new Mobile Homes ble Radio, bucket seats. OLDSMOBILE Cl'TLASS 1 service IV 5-0256 C available at $6 00 per week Mini¬ STONEGATE 882-7840 5-2 3 10:30 am for appointment JIM'S SINGLE MAN m erv deluxe New rear window, shocks j top Power steering, br, mum of 42 hours per week Send _ SINGLE. PRIVATE bath, entrance RESTAURANT and ler 482-9685 after 5 p.m. offer 882-7301 Employment complete resume to LOUNGE downtown Lansing 10-1 2- TIFFANY 2 bedroo c RENTEDFrumshed East Lai'~„ aiea Parking Clean Reasonable 237 1960 MOBILE Manor 10X50 Good SINBADS RESTAURANT S84 485-1 Kedzie 351-9584 5-2 5 351-6796 5-2 3 611 South Huron NURSING PERSONNEL: ONE OR tw Livingstone CHEVROLET ?W2-Impa la "pp. ' live-in. in Mackinaw Citv. Michigan Lost & Found V-8r> power _ brak exchani FILLED .JUsehold du¬ 5-2 7 Manor, a new extended care facili¬ BAY COLONY APARTMENTS One MEN: CLEAN quwt. cooking; park- ■ ties. Vvithin walking distance to ty. located in thp pleasant small two' bedrooms. Furnished and ing. supervised Close to campus pendable motor $250 town environment of Howell Michi¬ or LOST THURSDAY Man s watch with campus. 337-9318 3-2 3 unfurnished Call Jack Bartlett. 487-5753 or 485-8836 O . INCOME TAX Must have had a gan. has recently opened 1his ex¬ Manager. 337-0511. corner of Has- black strap Between Anthony and course in some kind of tax ac¬ Fee 353-1850 Reward 3-2 5 pansion has developed several full counting Training session will be and part-time nursing opportuni¬ lett and Hagadom Road 4-1 31 For Sale given 8 hours each day February ties for RN's and LPN's and ex 8 and 9 Applv at H and R BLOCK. HANDCRAFTED BEDROOM suit* 2014 East Michigan Avenue. Lan¬ perienced aides Contact Mr DC White and gold. Fletcher at 517-546-1410 for ad¬ French Provir sing. Mondav through Wednesday cial $175 337-2549. after 6 p rr 3-2 5 ditional information McPHERSON NORTHWINl) 3-2 5 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER FARMS 2-2 3 TYPIST CLERK 04 To fill im¬ Faculty Apartments AUDIO COMPONENT SERVICE. Am- mediate temporary day or night DELIVERY BOYS make $2-$3 an 351-7880 pex. Sony. Scott. Fisher and many vacancies to last until April 30. hour Also phone girls and in- other select brands at MAIN ELEC Personal 1969 $2 40 hourly Should be able ONE BEDROOM side help Apply v ARSITY 3-2 3 TRONICS. 5558 South Pennsylvania to type 50 wpm and have gradu¬ Drive the exciting new ated ditional from high school. For information, contact The GLAMOUR. MONEY, and can be yours e with VIVIANE WOOD- range and campus , 0792 : 351-5385 RENTED: • ED? Lansing MIRANDA AUTOMEX camera C and 1-2 3 ARD COSMETICS Free make-up 135 telephoto lens and other equip¬ Personnel Office. MICHIGAN DE¬ ment Best offer 358-2748 instructions IV 5-8351 5-2 5 PARTMENT OF STATE, first floor SEMINAR TOUR BMW WORLD Sight¬ Treasury Building. Lansing. Phone LINE UP your winter termi job now 373-2554 For other job opportuni¬ GE 24 TV console AM-FM ster¬ seeing. conferences with educa- Car necessary Call 351-7319 for ties. call 373-3051 day or night eo receiver stereo phonograph .0 WANTED YOUNG married couple for 15 countries July departure Six An Equal Opportunity Employer contemporary walnut styling 484 3-2 5 two bedroom apartment Utilities weeks 355-6120 5-2 4 For Rent furnished. Available February 15 IV2-4472 Call " after FENDER BASSMAN. Gibson Bass RENT A TV from a TV Companv- TV RENTALS GE 19 portable $8 50 $9 00 month Call 337-1300 BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS EV-664 microphone, extras Irri per per month including stand Call J R sis table buy! Les 351-9792 3-2 3 NEJAC TV RENTALS C CULVER COMPANY. 351-8862. 220 Car and Driver calls this newest BMW "the most Germany's famed Bavarian Motor Works, where 920 NORTH Pennsylvania One bed¬ Albert Street East Lansing C room. Stove, refrigerator, disposal, .Off Campus Housing spectacular bargain in the entire spectrum of racing victories are a 50-year tradition. Recent GL'ITAR AMPLIFIER Sound 2 12 . . carpeting Utilities paid $110 per BMW triumphs include winning the last three speakers Reverb tremelo. 105 watts imported cars!" Road and Track calls it one of COLORED TV RENTAL $8 per week. month. Phone 1-625-7177 for ap¬ after the seven best-made cars in the world. You'll races in a row at Spa Francorchamps in Belgium. $24 per month Call J R CULVER Clean, reasonable 651-6096 This annual 24-hours race is the world's most COMPANY 351-8862 C pointment 10-2 6 call it unbelievable. A cruising speed of 100 OFF CAMPUS COUNCIL mph. Up to 30 miles to a gallon of gas. Fantastic important event for touring cars. For the driv¬ ONE OR two men needed now for RENT A TV from a TV Company 316 SS 1-5 M-F ing thrill of your life, drive this new BMW today! - four furnished man apartment $50 roadholding. And more. That's the latest from STUDENT 18-25 Part-time now $9.00 per month. Call 337-1300 a man Call 332-6824. 3-2 4 355-8300 full time in summer Call 393- NEJAC TV RENTALS C 1430.1-5 p.m o CAMPUS NEAR: Furnished 2 man. TV RENTALS-students only Low MEDICAL TECHNOLOG 1ST-ASCP- Living room, bedroom and kitchen, monthly and term rates. Call 484- bath. $100, ED2-5374 10-2 13 Local hospital Excellent salary 2600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY and benefits. Day shift. No night TV RENTALS C call. Contact Director of Labora¬ tories, St. Lawrence Hospital, 1210 West Saginaw Street, Lansing, Mich¬ igan 48914 5.24 ultv $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA GREEK FOOD FEMALE HELP Part-time days TION. 444 Michigan Avenue 332- And Other Food From Most Foreign or nights Excellent pay and work 8687 C Countries-including U.S. ing conditions Apply in person SHAHEEN S FAMILY TEAK WOOD LOUNGE 3600 S Lo¬ FOOD FAIR gan mornings, and ask for George WHERE THE GIRLS ARE' They're 1001 W Saginaw 485-4089 5-2 5 reading the "Personal" column in Michigan Bankard Welcome today's Classified Ads Try it now! HOUSEWIVES - STUDENTS PARTTIME APARTMENTS FOR PUPILS, 3-5 HRS. PER DAY Quick as a w!nk. DAYTIME ONLY 484-4475 SEVEN Advantageous European delivery for tourists. THIRTY ONE Phil Gordon9 ?7 Narcotic 28. Fleet 30 Hitter vetch 32 Worm 3J 3,ook of maps 2924 E. GRAND RIVER 3b. Heckle 36. Command EAST LANSING MANAGEMENT 38. Ginger cooky 40. Children's LANSING 484-2552 /■ /?• CulueGo.. game 41 Yellow buclo 220 Albert 351-8862 351-7880 317 M.A.C. Monday, February 3, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Bureau By RICH BERNARD ness-industry-government (tech- aids g0jng on to graduate school searching tor the right job." students a two-day vocational informa- cruiting period held each fall State News Staff Writer nical or non-technical), educa- or having employment through "Smart students spend a good tion program, allow compan- which is directed toward doc¬ A glance at almost any bul- tion or minority group place- family interests get some job deal of time m career plan- ies and schools an opportunity toral candidates. This program letin board on campus will re- ment. contacts through the Placement ning and start using the bur- to send representatives to MSU allows employers to send repre¬ The Underground Theatre will meet at 8:30 tonight in 34 real a multi-paged yellow pub- John D. Shingleton, director Bureau," Shingleton said. "Some eau and other facilities long to discuss their organizations sentatives especially qualified Union. All interested persons are invited to attend. lication. of the Placement Bureau, de- students may interview with as before graduation," he ex- and answer student questions. to speak to these advanced stu- Closer inspection will identi- fined the bureau's objectives many as 15 employers while plained. "Such students recog- Another such program is Doc- A mass rally for Bertram Garskof will be held at 2 p.m. iy the publication as one of the as two-fold, "to assist gradu- nize the importance of a car- toral Days, a concentrated re- today on the steps of the new Administration Bldg |3500 Placement Bulletins dis- ating students in getting worth- pinrpmerit BlireaUeer objectives in meeting their for and providing lifetime their tributed around campus each while and fulfilling jobs «'Rd to 1 nhi^ti,„.conHnmmHinofnptho.r self-fulfillment and economic ■week by MSU's Placement Bur- help students find part-time and needs." summer employment." ,au The weekly bulletin, which I announces interviewing opportun- Develops contacts "Our job involves dev^lop- The first placement opera¬ tion in this country was set up Hannah statement Hary Dzodin, ASMSU vice chairman, dents of Shaw Hall at 5:15 p.m. will meet with resi¬ today in the East Shaw at Yale in 1919 to help World lities with employers ranging ing contacts with prospective War I veterans find employment. (continued from page two) riate buildings or areas for Lounge. I from United Airlines to the U.S. employers in many areas of Placement service at that time dramatic or musical presen¬ I Marine Corps, is only one of a sponsibility by any University business and industry, govern- often demanded that college officer or employee constitutes tations, lectures, athletic I multiplicity of employment-re- ment and education, Shingleton events, military exercises, Block and Bridle will be taking entries for the Block and placement personnel go out to an invasion of the rights of the Show beginning at 8 p.m. today and running I lated services offered by the said. the employers. faculty, students, and the gen¬ orientation meetings, regis¬ Bridle Horse 1 placement Bureau. All serv- "This includes advising these "Centralized placement system eral public, is contrary to the in- tration, commencement cer¬ through Feb. 22 in Anthony Hall. | ices are free of charge. employers on the type of grad¬ emonies, and placement ac¬ uates and the kind of curricu¬ The years following World War terests of the University, and These services include car- will not be tolerated. tivities. Interested students may apply to fill two remaining open lum coming out of MSU." the II saw the beginning of employ¬ I eer counseling for both stu- bureau's director continued. ers visiting campuses as the In any such attempt to inter¬ No person positions for the Guatemalan Project in 324 Erickson. The Idents and alumni, sponsoring \ or persons demand for new talent brought fere with the University activity, project will take place spring term. I annual Careers Day and explain about keener competition for the leaders and participants are shall disrupt the normal ac¬ is that emerges from MSU and tivity or molest the proper¬ I Doctorial Days and arranging graduates. By 1955, 12 years held responsible and are subject interviews between students and then set up a system wherein ty of any person, firm or after the bureau s beginning to appropriate legal and disci¬ agency while that person, prospective employers. the employer and the student in Morrill Hall, 550 employ¬ plinary action, including suspen¬ firm or agency is carrying Job card file can 8et together to theif mu- ers were visiting the campus sion and expulsion from the Uni¬ out the provisions of a con¬ The bureau, which is located tual advantage annually; over 2500 visited MSU versity, under established proce¬ tract or agreement with the Gamma Theta Upsilon, geography honorary, will meet at . on the first floor of the Stu- The Placement Bureai also in 1967. dures. 7 tonight in 406 Natural Science Bldg. New members to be University. dent Services Bldg.. maintains operates an alumni placement "President Hannah showed inititated should bring one dollar local dues and two dollars a job card file which lists hund- system designed to help MSU great deal of wisdom is set¬ 5 No unauthorized person initiation dues. reds of job opportunities of- alumni in establishing contacts ting up a centralized place¬ or persons shall enter upon fered by employers who re- tor making job changes. In 1967. ment system for graduates," the playing area of any ath¬ The Council of Graudate Students will meet at 7:30 tonight cruit on campus "and those who almost tered. 3.000 alumni were regis- Shingleton said. "Today, MSU's No persons or persons letic contest or exhibition in 33 Union to discuss constitution ratification procedures do not vist MSU. shall, without authorization, while said contest or exhi¬ Placement Bureau is recognized A vocational library located In its services to graduating as one of the most efficient assemble together anywhere bition is in progress. 1 the bureau contains descrip- MSU students, the bureau as- and effective employment oper¬ on the campus for the pur- ( j No person or persons Petitioning is open until Feb. 17 for various positions on ve literature of over 2000 or- sisted 5850 graduates in 1967, ations in the United States, hand¬ pose of creating any noise shall project or drop any the ASMSU course evaluations committee. Petitions are avail- I ganizations. or approximately 70 per cent ling more employers each year or disturbance, riot, raid or object which could cause bl< in 307 Student Services Bldg Students desiring vocational of those graduating. As many than any other single placement other improper diversion, or injury, damage or interfer¬ . information or assistance may as 35 companies may be hold- service." assemble in a manner which in the spectator or play¬ 7:15 tonight in the Garskof ence confer with one of the bureau s ing interviews at the bureau in Career-related events obstructs the free movement Off-Campus Council (OCC) will meet at ing area where any athletic OCC office. Two OCC positions are still open. six assistant directors who spec- one day. In addition to its interview¬ of persons about the campus contest or exhibition is con¬ ialize in the areas of part-time Planning takes time ing services, the bureau spon- or the free and normal use ducted. and summer employment, busi- Practically all students not (continued from page one) other career-related of University buildings and He said he is particularly in- sors facilities, or prevents or ob¬ 7 No person shall enter or Repairs on all makes of terested in trends and not just events. The annual Career Davs. structs the normal opera¬ attempt to enter into any the Garskof case itself. dance or social, athletic, TYPEWRITERS I tions of the University. Placement The following employers will viewing from Feb 3-7, 1969. be inter- colleges (B). Location: Michigan and var- Refer to ious. "The University seems to let go, through one form or anoth¬ er, some ot the most vocal, crea¬ tive members of the faculty," WIC, MHA ! No person or persons shall disrupt the normal op¬ eration of any properly auth¬ theatrical admission or to other event witnout a ticket of public such event when such tickets are re¬ • ADDING MACHINES • CALCULATORS orized class, laboratory, sem¬ For Sale or Rent Placement Bureau Bulletin for addition- American Can Company: Chemical and Masterson said. quired, or enter or attempt Mechanical Engineering, Packaging Tech- (Continued from page one) inar, examination, field trip al details. February 7, Friday: oology. Accounting, Marketing, Industrial There is a trend to remove or other educational activ¬ to enter contrary to any es¬ Full Line of Remington Office Machines dence hall. tablished rules or qualifica¬ Allstate Insurance Co.: All majors, all Administration, Gneeral Gusiness Admin- faculty members by "quasi-le¬ ity of the University. i and Computer Science majors 2. Open houses from Sunday tions for eligibility for at¬ gal" methods who violate ac¬ Peanuts Personal (B.M) Location: Midwest The Babcock and Wilcox Co.. Chem¬ cepted traditions in teaching, through Thursday shall not last i No person or persons shall disrupt the normal use tendance at such events as OFFICE ical, Civil, Electrical, Mechahic.ti and he said. longer than 1 a.m. nor begin provided by the sponsors. No ALICE s RESTAURANT and tain Dew sure spice up a Moun¬ hooten- Metallurgical Engineering, Applied Mech¬ anics. MathemaUcs. and Accounting ma¬ "We seem to be losing that before 8 a.m. of any campus building or area which has been assign¬ person ineligible to attend such events shall loiter MACHINES element of the faculty that has 3. a proposed open house shall ed scheduled through ap¬ any Thanks Phi Psi s and Kappa jors (B,M>. Location: Ohio, Pern sylvania, or about the 1-2/3 touched that portion of the stu- be initiated and planned by the premises where 942 E. Grand River Corner of Pennsylv Sig's. The DZ s Virginia and Georgia propriate channels for edu¬ such event is - dents who are most seriously in- governing council of an individual an being held. cational or extracurricular Carson Pirie Scott and Co.: Retailing terested in attempting to solve residence hall consistent with This amendment of Sec¬ activities. Included within, .1 } and all majors of the College of Busi¬ some of the problems that are the established procedures, but not limited to the fore¬ tion 16.00 shall be effective ness, Accounting, Hotel, Restaurant and the most critical," he said. *4. An individual house within going, is the use of approp- at 12.01 a.m., June 15,1968. Institutional Management majors (B > Lo¬ He said the action taken by a residence hall cannot have an cation: Chicago. Ill The Coca-Cola Co.: Marketing. Winder was "highly irregular" open house, nor can an individ- ing and all majors, of the College of En" and part of an "almost subcon- ual house not participate in an 'n 1 gineering (B.M). Location: scious" trend in American uni- open house. Real Estate , Elmer son Elecrric Co Electrical and remove faculty 5. The governing council shall Mechanical Engineering. Accounting and versities to members who do not fit in the be responsible for complying Do You Like A Place SCOTSDALE SUBDIVISION - South¬ Mathematics majors (B.M). Location. St. west area 3220 Rice Court. New Louis, Mo normal way. with all social regulations of the 5-bedroom Carpeted throughout The Goodyear Tire and Rubner Co "The AAUP sends represen- major governing groups, With Atmosphere? 3 baths Phone builder. Fred Cross. Marketing, Transportation Admi jstration tatives to department heads. IV7-0558 3-2/3 Mathematics.* Statistics. Psychology. The amended no hours pro- Advertising and Communication*Arts ma deans and eventually the pro- posal, approved without further • Soft lights •Good Music Service jors (M). Location: Akron, Ohio. vost," he said, "and in almost revision, reads: Februry 7, Friday: every case, nothing is accom- 1 Second and third term fresh- • Low Prices* Good Food The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co WIGS AND HAIRPIECES cleaned plished." man coeds be given selective Chemistry, Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and styled to your preference Ex¬ hours. TOWN PUMP is waiting for you!!! and Mechanical Engineering, Accounting, perienced. licensed cosmetologist 2. First term freshman coeds 5-2'6 and Industrial Administration majors Affairs. CRUSADER offset printing DisserUUons, theses, general typing IBM School Early and Later F.lein«su ucation. Music 'Vocal' Physical Educa Kd Albert Rabin, professor of fr°™ "?e s "de,nt® Pomt. They SUBMARINE manuscripts 19 years experience 332-8384 C tion and. Visiting Teacher majors B M psvchologv and president of make alot of students happy Location: Roseville Msr s ,vv 1' ,-hapter. said."This But " lhe * HAM SANDWICH SHIRLEY SWICK - Professional Rutten, Welling and Co Accounting IS the IIIV puhhr- discussion of darr»ag«ng to future changes. I thesis typing IBM Executive type majors (B.M 1 Location Clevi Port Huron and Detroit land. Ohio the role that MSU will play in personally don't support them, (WINE BAKED) writer Experienced 351-4049 5-2/4 helping soive the critical prob- ^ut I m happy that the students Union Camp Corp All majors have gotten what they wanted. TYPING TERM papers and tbe»es of the Colleges of Arts and Letters. Com lems caused by unequal oppor¬ "It's unfortunate that the stu¬ Electric typewriter Fast service municaUon Arts, Social Science and Nat tunity. Management, Mar dents couldn't gain all that we t Call 332-4597 O ural Science, keting and Industrial Administration ma¬ "It should be of major inter¬ wanted," Harv Dzodin, ASMSU est to all faculty members," PROFESSIONAL TYPING Fast, ef jors and Packaging Technology majors OPEN— ficient and delivery service 351-0763 Electric Pick-up 1-2/3 (B) Location: various United States Steel Corp-American he said. The chapter will hold a reg- Board "However, vice-chairman, the said. compromises The incomparable Bridge Division: Civil Eng leering ma jors (B.M 1 Location Chicago, 111 and ular Lgc's business presentation meeting before worked out are a tremendous drive forward for R4SLJ students. Wollensak 6300 T ransportation Pitsburgh, Penna ■ Compression-loaded speakers ■ FM multiplex ready. _ ^ United States Steel Corp.: Production ■ Automatic reel locks* Lay-in threading RIDERS BREAK-Cheap round trip Management Program Chemical, Civil, 132 N. HARRISON Huber investigation en 1 i-t- 351-7363 « Sanitary Electrical and Mechanical En¬ Complete with two dynamic microphones, gineering, Metallurgy. Mechanics. Mater ials Science. Chemistry and Physics ma¬ on speaker cables, 7" reel of tape AT MICHIGAN RIDE NEEDED February 6th to Met¬ jors (B). Location: Midwest and various $209.95 ropolitan Airport Desperate Call United States Steel Corp.- R*w Materi (continued from page one) After Huber s speech one stu- 355-3631 5-2 6 als: Civil, Elecu-ical and Mechanical En- gineering , Metallurgy, Mechanics and shouldn t be educated to be auto- matons. You should be able to dent commented that Huber evaded every question he was OPEN: 487-3733 2417 E. KALAMAZOO Materials Science majors (B). Location decide what type of education asked. "Either he intentionally & Mon. 9 a.m. 9 , 1/ ..._ . - p.m. yy anted Minnesota, Michigan and various 1101 W. WILLOW you want to have didn't answer the questions or Tues.-Frl. 9-5:30 p.n BLOOD DONERS NEEDED *7 50 all positive, A negative. B negative for February 7, Friday: United Sutes Steei Corp . Financial Management Program All majors of the was Followinu hi-, ti speech Huber barrage of he didn't understand them." the student commented, 11 Sat. 9 a.m.-noon 484-4406 AT L03AN and AB negative $10 00 O negative-- Colleges of Business. Arts and Letters, - SOUTH- students from the audience such Another student said that Hu- $12.00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY Communication Arts, and Social Science J TRONIC S OO TAKE OUT ONLY BLOOD CENTER, 507W E. Grand River, East Lansing Above the new ." in the Garskof controversy" in that the council's motion, which happened between the time of saying that all the topics of What the big a motion passed Thursday and Hudson called anti-Garskof. the contract offer and the study decided upon by his class Peterson said. 'Let's letter of termination took were relevant to psychology declared its "opposition to the was an attempt to censure and do some RECALLS IRAQ VISIT use of student funds to defend Garskof bv legal or other act- Garskof rather than ASMSU. The motion reflected the council's concepts of Garskof. coed The action by the council was his ideas and association with (J' o prompted by ASMSU s support of "legitimate, non-violent' efforts of University students Students Society < SDS for a Democratic i. Hudson said. "The council wanted to deny in their attempts to get Garskof legal counsel that they would for reinstated and would allow the demand if in the sit¬ parent's same allocation of ASMSU funds for uation." Hudson said. these efforts. Eric Peterson. South Case ASMSU stepped in too fast president, also felt that ASMSU without .realizing what is going had rushed into the controversy By DIANE PETRYK they were hanging!" Miss Bail State News Staff Writer Then a wflble lo! said, but she added. "I don t on. ' Thomas L Bowers. South without having the facts. Bail make judgements. I Case cultural committee chair¬ In Baghdad they're called raq. Miss want to realized when Israel bombed the man. said. Bowers said he was worry beads and Katherine plained that she belonged to ASMSU has gone ahead too Bail brought them home for a swim club and iter family- Beirut airport there would be not in favor of student funds a quickly."' Peterson said. May- socialized with other employ¬ repercussions." Mill Bail. MSU sophomore, ees of the oil company. Throughout the crisis Miss received word that her parents Miss Bail also enjoyed Bail said she had mixed feel¬ were arrested in Iraq on pos¬ several side trips of sight¬ ings about the inaction of the sible charges of espionage seeing to places like the American government. She said SEWED nearly a month ago. Since then ruins of Babylon which she she knew the I'nited States has the beads she purchased while found to be kind of amazing had no formal diplomatic re¬ MONDAYS, on vacation there last year have and huge.'' lations with Iraq since the 1967 proved useful. Remembering h?r arrival Arab-Israeli war At the same TUESDAY With tension lessened by an in Iraq as hilarious . Miss time I wanted them to do some¬ Iraqi government statement of Bail told of hov; she had thing! " she said. intended leniency in the Bails' arrived before her letter tel¬ Concerning the Middle-East case. Miss Bail is now optim¬ ling her parents what flight conflict. Miss Bail insists that istic that her mother and she would be on. io one was it is only possible to get the father will be released un¬ there to meet htr and she Israeli viewpoint in the United harmed and will be back in the didn't know a word of-Arabic States. United States soon Use of worry beads I've seen both sides, having Reflecting on the incident, Miss Bail explained that been in Iraq."' she said, i the 20-year-old coed intends the worry beads are used a feel the Arabs do have their to bear no grudges against the lot in the Middle-East People point, although I'm not really "Little Joe Special" Iraqi people Her feeling of use them to have something in pro-Arab. I guess it's just a warmth toward the Iraqis was their hands while they're think¬ case of two countries who The Ribeye Steak formed during a three month ing. somewhat like a cigarette won't give in to each other " stay in Baghdad visiting her is used in this country.' Miss Bail said she is cer¬ Salad, Baked Potato, parents last summer The worry beads are strung tain that her parents will not Texas Toast 990 Her father. Paul Bail, had in a circle with a tossle on one stay in Iraq any longer than been working as a petroleum end forming a tear ^Jrop shape they are forced to. and she is engineer on loan from the They're always made in multi¬ anxiously awaiting their return. Humble Oil Co. of Houston. And, if the kids dress up in COWBOY COSTUME, ples of 33 beads," Miss Bail Tex to the Iraqi Petroleum aid. but I doi kno' ivhv their steak dinners cost only 69C. . JET TO LONDON Co. She indicated she would like'to Recalls visit put them away for awhile. THIS SUMMER I probably never h Reaction to arrest In further discussing her 8 weeks $233 Iiss ecalled Bail remarked, pleasant rr feelings ents concerning her arrest. Miss ;sible i Bail par¬ could for the 12 weeks S204 BONANZA* RENT YOUR OWN f the countrv. give i My lother and I ;ed Iraqi government's actions. Sign up In Union Board Offices SIRLOIN PIT #205 She found the charges that her shop in a covered bazaar called a Souk . The Souk would be lather was workiig for the Union Board Flights fillled with people and goods. Central Intelligence Agency Information: 355-3355 You could find just about any¬ thing where you to wanted if look for you it. knew Miss 355-3354 "FUN AT HOME" Bail said, emphasizing the STEAM BATH largeness of the market place "When I heard t!£it Iraq You could get lost there very- hunged 14 people a-*spies I Paraphernalia Vita Master Portable Home Steam Bath First month's rental rate will be applied to the purchase price if you decide to buy United Rent All offers a complete line of rental service. Party Goods, Exercise Equipment, Mechanic's tools, and many other items to meet your needs. Girl Talk is happy talk when her Pearle Optical glasses come in for honorable mention. Pearle Optical frames are designed for good looks (and second looks) and the fun is in the wearing. For, fashion is a full-time thing with us, and Style makes the scene, spiritedly, in our outstanding selection. Come in. Let us show you how we bring Flair, Comfort and Quality to a fitting conclusion. Then, talk about us. We love it. THOROUGH EYE EXAMINATIONS • FIRST-QUALITY GLASSES • CONTACT LENSES Everything great is in Paraphernal id«s new breath-taking boutique where AmericaS bast young fashion designers are trendsettin-§ the ir hearts out. Open Daily, incl. All Day Saturday Pearle formerly CAPITAL OPTICAL STUDIOS 2790 .E. Grand River Ave. Exercise Optica/ Dr. M. G. STOAKES • East Lansing, Mich. Registered Optometrist 541 E. Grand River East Lansing Hours : 10-9 Mon.-Fri., 10-6 Saturday 311 S. Washington, across from Knapp's • 482-7434 Phone 351-5652