U s. C. Library § Michigan State News i- \sr i \\si\«. mii nit; an. F»;* Id tonight. and warmer Fairly Sal- A.W S. Outlines New ERO ALPHIAN TO Student Government'. Severn I dit > s have pnssoii sh ARRANGE FOR Spartans to Invade Orientation Project BE INDUCTED BY to hold elnvses on the I'ridav i< •Vlthoituh the students offered i GREEN CIRCLE Manhattan in First lonirer at Christmas time, if the ForFreshnianCo-eds ALPHA XI DELTA November 'H». th» I'oruMv. wit hi reasons, left the calendar It. tlx ORGANIZATION Of Season's Jaunts Pinal Installation To Take Place w Student Activity Student government is atipfto»cH i- ! •' Filucrtion Irrturr SrcfiotH Will UrHrrro ("nirplrtf Fotrigu Ic ion (iets Rousing Send-Off Thursday A* Thrv it Chaplri Hoi:«r Sitarihv iunn State. The students linked to h.ix. .»n. ( ommittrr are Advancing t (hangr I'ndft Prrjfrl Reorgmirrd Amn-rmrnt Atlrrnnon !(. 'he term in place of the Frld i* . lasses Ih Raoidh Savs Spenret Depart toi Broadway. Bachmau lakes thirty One week. Two students attended the fa.nil n»» Sponsor,.) h> Woman's ('.roup Stalwarts to Match Thick Met ban s Brawn Monctuv and presented th«ir «i-<- I«» In • M TO GIVE COFFEE SUNDAY croup, siihniitted \fter beinu overruled, srxer.il '«»:«r to the News slatinc the studenv - BLUE KEY TO HELP I- . . Formal Banquet and Ball Will man> of them in a ver> hitter and vtroiii .. Barking of Fvrrv (ampus Or Be Hi Id at Hotel OMs of these »s minted in today's Issue The follow iou excerpt trom the t.rand I* n»>. sanitation Sought lot Nr\* • nhx .. . Tomorrow Evening printed a short lime after th. Mi.hiv o Pen Cu i lr some idea of how other people tec I .»>»♦■ •' 'I and its school spirit. I expected It would take about hah (»<« <" ' ut Michigan Htate xxuiilil i»r ant celehratm there To mx «iirt*ri«e he old Hf'tet n • ut hi Kro \ ph Author Will Siv.-.k No there'll l». no . . IrhrutioA ... I'am 1 ii'. l.ansni.ir Tuesilnv tmila.x '.,.1. n. v i. ... ..Hi.. that *ort of thing lias been atwluhril I'.. have no «oeh thing «x ■ ollegr »p*Mt at Stair before long xxe'll liaxe no rnthu»ia'on lor ati'th>n.. hook* hnt the*'II all he wearing tin. k len%.«l ■ • m. pit (in - of Alpha \ rxpr. llni to'see them |*ot the ktl»o-»h on and then toe college will start do*< nhil! rapid1 %s | look at it such an atttlnde on the pan • la. ult* about Ihe most short sighted I'm. i.AMI IS RRtlAIKASI GIVE PLANS FOR i- UNION BOARD TO ii even lhong.it it developed that a hill holtd.i * •* the mil* tiling a ho* is going to .ollrge lot t- (.• - k.i PERSHING CLUB ** ojyt na*e an* love or lo«att> for his aim • n- ••• SPONSOR MIXER valuable in after life conies Iron* the things . n. > .. M Companv at Michigan Slate Col¬ i> f U From Snronfiet. and Dorms lege Will be Part of First Will Art a. v.,l. u Regiment I o morrow Ii id a«4ttsh sense of his r«»|HM»aihtl(l * to ins settled down to his hooks Alt hr did was stud. Mr . fine student tin* Moreover we all t.ked hin. bur «• - Y. W. APPOINTS our Jtiiilor * eat that we I.nail* pr< < ailed »i|»- MANY RESPOND mis around in college affairs antl engage »• . . JUNIOR CABINET ered %l the end of thai 1 prell* his junior ton nratl* waaled m* - of first 1 ixx. x. • *s» «r».x d. TOS.W.L.CALL 1 fell 1 owed it to in* mother to dr*«n .i •• Over One Hundred < o-rd* Re Cards Are Now Heme Mailed1 •Indies lit jiisl distoxrrrd how muni thn. .. t.. in Annual Member port for First ship Drive Meeting Michigan !*lalc had < I. on I Ilr part ul lie • lass game than slate NV hile this clipping xvrillen bv I r.mk sp applv directI* In the situation rea inloi vacation. it does hare sinii hear in. • •( \f contents in favor of *h* dismissim FROSHPLANTO I rtdav have already iwen presented t«» f h. CHARITY DRIVE will not «»f the student go into that. Wr hod>. for tha» change .md an merelx l ELECT LEADERS have the da> off. we would lik. to know xx h SEARING FINISH Nominations lor Class ol Will h- Hrld Nrt) jS ■t' ' impai|it Hrtdrd hv 2H5 Students to He Given Monday Niph* IW Difki. Pronouncrrt Sikc.ii Unlimited Cuts This hall Honor Roll Lrss Than Lot Term. Liberal Arts Division FORESTERS STUDY A"-u- STUDENTS LEAVE MICHIGAN TREES ON LONG AG TRIP Quintet Travels to Federal Nnrs- >.v Seniors Will Participate in enes at Fait Tawas. b.'', F-.abody Judging Contest The ■d With na The other divuuon.x ■ ere ;..x follows agriculture 41, ngineenng 4.i. applied science 38 dine ecomanics 33 .and veterinary planting tourM icdicinc 10. Tiax'Hmg t>> auto ?/>♦• quinte The name* of students receiving xunt f.i xt to th«- federal tree nui-> .TV at Ea*t Taws* From then hie privilege are as follov espettr.a- depart no.-.' Vr*4 proceeded to the Huron Na- u*\*\ "t*. *• r. foreign >«x tw.ro . and t -'vtrod more contribution* tu*nai forest tf- *ei- the tree plan'- •<■ *' Wrmii H... (ante plmin for the formation ^ ^ ,'-7;. If . **weived tha year than last. syrian children of I.arising, add •.M* t*.n* dor, by tnr Cl ( . ,mp. ( T >. ( in lc committee for * •*'' Comrounitv Welfan- !t.«i am Th. .. .pr-t:1 "W ack pine for the pwrpraw- of the whu ii is an and at i 'tsentatives in each de- nuted for it* ei -od program* and ijt uient.s made and voted upon at the ***■• +»rt ((ynjxtruction of fire l»nd«. and for w h,ct> tfie Michigan State team and i.ext meeting Lewis William Speakei ^j>eakAr> Nest Sunday. Octotxi r.h Mrrl I RbdwUHw.. publicity Hun. reported K„tS F .. * L B. Sholl. veterinary 21 Mrs Shartle is U» speak on the puipwood Another day w as spent u.* uai i> places high. However, 'hut notices would be sent to all kirie wr a the Higgiru Lake vt«t# forestry as. auw»1 the stod'-nU expect to visit various let i's Jean Van Brockitn. .<»« i. iu•< winch did not have their Davenport buiid- "Purpose of LiMRg." IsVrtMirJ " .. •it. U; P|«I r and the Roscommon forest fire ex- ofhe; m.!;ooJ* whtre they will ob- (Hints in the hands of the col¬ "J ground*, Grant Smith. - Mor«U V - M»:rSrr«« J- *« rj. tirnilar t-. that carried m u _ *irrra>' English division tions were provided at camp 6*5. r:',f*7. w'iiT^r . rvLX, is. **>" A'.' agricultural breeding stations and tion department, left Sunday to under the i T» «— Marsh, military divi- Silver Creek, through the courtesy araw* , at other points where they may handle advance publicity for he ment. and the officers of those a v Grant, home econorr- work relating to their interests quest of officials in New York. , Wilkins immediately. J'lU'r I An MK lllliAN STATK NKWS Friday, October lt», m | , Michigan State News !— NOTED AUTHOR STUDENT PULSE »' HERE TUESDAY Fred Hrnitrrior Fnrliih lnhnritr, C( Specials Each Day HKNKItOFS 5c ( I TS OF CAKK FOR to Faming. TH AT 1 O'CLOCK SN ACK Cookies, Tarts, Etc Maked Fresh Kach Day . TUA Fill: NOON M'NCIIFS lb. ft ml I ret if \ II- Qtialitt ^Cljr Hunt j^Ijnp Here it is MONDAY... ^ - ...and I still J got a , /V ^ DOLLAR I Dancing Nightly -ma. x.^amssm* SERVING IHt NATION TOR 95 YEARS Drink HOT Chocalate COl l> I VIM\(.S RAILWAY EXPRESS Mary Stewart's i AGENCY, Inc. NATION WIDE SERVICE Rough Gut /m g/d(J / lift' /n a country il licit• a Jimc is money -and where I can gel good pipe tobacco THE tobacco which wc believe is best suited for pipes is used in making in a Dark Hats .. . Granger Rough Cut. rum man -iH'Hte It is made by the Wcllman /mrkngr —10c Process, and we believe that OA's in M.itk mix (t»\ fti > ». ?; »wn mix. i lu> it will compare favorably with higher priced tobaccos. $.l9o We wish, in mm uwy. we touldget every matt wboimtkn a pipe to Just try Grouper. MAY KUOS. the The Mat Moie ■ ! Uic rg»n* pipe tobacco that\ MILD . ■ • Ua*hiimiim An the pipe tobacco that* COOL —JMs sfrm. h tiir it Kt„|j,v I Holier 10. I0.M Installation of Ero Alphian in [ PARTIES LISTED Staff Theatre You'll Look Alpha XI Delta to He Feature of i diii i p ti v Stunning in Week End Social Entertainment I FORFALLTERM VELVET for EVENING ivr«hi.„: itiHr. Fmtrrnitiri and SnrariHat S*t ti.-rr, !,, rnHerfmn f rqUlUtg Induction Actrotiet Include Pledging, lanqvet anti Dance; Two Many Dalri for Rut For Fretting, Sunday Sight and Radio Parlies Will be Held Tonight and Three Open Format Function* of Yoar. Hovses Saturday \n i nsta) 1 nt ion I >n 11 si t the Hotel Olds, a <..n>rn, tall .... ,, w ferni party.-two open houses ami two pledge radio parfir* , • • iraiiin th'> week-em!?' social entertainment as the f«*d I lads fling off to Brooklyn to put a blight on Saturday \li»ha Kpailnn Mu (l I. Orating. And the party list releasee) by Derm Conrad ....lit-ates that there's plenty to follow, in the wa\ of Spar ° ' 11 ' 9 I' .rmal installation of thr I\n> Alphian-. local ,« . Alpha \i Delta, national society, will till Sntun urd.iv with formal pledg ,i baiKptet, a scrni formal Thet.i Nil Pledge Mil I IM KV Ml P\RTMI N l , and an afternoon enf Mold Pan* "r . At the ball, to I.. held p •" K Sniiirflv Slvled llals • !,, Wisteria room at the ""' J''1 ,o.l Olds. Bronson So ruby's Th.-strn will play Bros and "m<| Ml ,11V ( ,-M m y . VELVET or FELT i>■. K S. Shaw and Mr ami S1.2S M Wilkin- > t" ri Kappa Phi Molds i .el Mrs W W ' i• • K.idio Purl* Beverly Dress Shop H * Wolverine . . . Style Shop's The Paris ('able . . Photographs make ever; ei o df - a I »l loint m#.f 11 com** IM. In Fashion Hints I lYrsonall} • Everyone is guaranteed a "Lifelike" photograph for Wolverine- l\\lra Photograph- If Dr-ored ;.i Low Prices lH'Mf I M. PlloTtH.lt \PMFIt VERSLLJIS STUDIO lilt\N< II <-l4-l>t)> — Ith fl.OOK I HON III IK.. Ray \ irkrr.Mtaff wit IMS OKI HI Si lt \ Open Mouse I'.trllr* .« NpacUl nftnTf UUII I HplauV "r'l> Wolverine staff lake advantage Vvldjf. 0f printing and engra\ing discounls lie ^tyle j1 Teddy's M IZINKs Ketreal Good Taste/ * Young Men! Meet The A New Marathon Felt ' •' •' po*'next Friday evening • • «*'•♦ -«•'*<> making plans for the.; traditional ftoilowe'en party. D-i.id Reit and L v Anderson A."| .. Beta. held »n the barter ml- "<> lecture room Us' evening. .... sr.mp. pit « Schneider. |.M-*idont of the (led Miss Luckics are round, Luckies are The SAB* are planning their radio program to be given over the college radio station in the near \ firm, Luckies are fully packed future. The program, of 15 min¬ ute* duration, if concerned with with only the clean center leaves —these are thft of Dactrriologs. The group a Lao planning a social pai • "ft*# loaded' ty to be held during the fail term., mildest leaves—they cost more —they taste better. MICHIGAN ST ATI" N'l'W- CROSS-COUNTRY RESERVES DOWN now statk stoitkii NET TOURNEY IS | national < ARNKWK LAST WKKK MEN WILL OPEN FROSH GRIDMEN WON BY COTTON SPORT SUMMARY Ih I \U% \\ \K\I:K WITH BUTLER U. IN CLOSE GAME Detroit Freshman Defeats Stonebreaker in Veteran Tram Will Fare Indiana Yearling* Hold Varsity Reserves Finals. IllMMY MMIMI in Check Until I.ate Aggregation Here Tomorrow in (iame AGETT SCORES POINTS SEARS MEETS OTTEY Var«itv Winn Several Scoring Hammer, Rechtold. ami Uardner Will Complete Mirhipan Opportunities Hot Win. 7 II State I in**•tip .isl I3QDI .iiislut I'hoiir '» !!«•• 11111x • ralirr I H J MM WEST Ji ROGER PR YOR 4 J O h r M « k Bio»r MONK\\ l»M > A Touch¬ down! r?ii= L'i-3 •Hone il llus |*«ititl of Will xMRpiwr Michigan gel* il V ' : he l.itvi I Imb, b 5 4 mic Marquette. .iii il iSnlsingt r * account" - Sained** iind »rp«»ri r -••ft - 1 ig b-niliali games. He knou • fame In North**extern 20-1? I>m office the firwt 11:i j• - -K'u>x\> toot!*}*, ( ah spot tale? and North** extent followed tim «rrh • - b* taking a whrllaiking from ■ 1'!* .( •«-* iiT . 'kT. j)rev A pt ion I iui« • cholog} o( the iport li • ■ ■ ; field CURT ROGKR.S IN CHICAGO and ! panto for • m i?! intimate contact with the be* out that lb. turner*.* while John Pingel k**l > ear I Woe* ant hod* think : :i ;»!i hrnins of the past quarter-centui director the yearlings »n food Detroit i* > :'iin . Minnesota. ^relieved bv mam ' fit- *t«yli is punis getting irman* Ju»l m aii h \ott and h- I ulf ibu.s distance Jack Veccerrelle. • • coming winner «»f the Confereno I uU looka like anolh " .** pound fullKw'k ftv»p* New er of the outstanding hark* in Pittsburgh iiead SaUinger's York showed himself as a coming the mid* eat at prevent and ■ i i i this game. back field star with his powerhouse link l.ula i* a "monr* plater the mi No less than 26 frosh saw action game the belter litis in the struggle and a hard tackling lot they proved to be Eighteen Going Hunting? HINTING IJCKNSKS M AS N»R RENT In *tnp him Yes. the team is on n long trip stalwarts went in for the varsity SUNDAY IN . they aren't playing »*n their Freshman (> o o MTER-X and 1'KTERS 1114.11 VEUKITY KHEI.L8 home grounds they're playing Varsity Reserves 0 0 0 7—7 a team which will lie gunning for Officials Referee. Ralph C. them as a last hope and they're Huston < Parson*> Umpire. SHer- Y0UN6 BROS. HARDWARE EAST l ANHNf. playing an apparently powerful man Hicks (Central StateV Lines* offensive team pick em to win -r-^ and bring but we still man. Jake Speelman * Missouri v The Detroit News Till HOMK MftfAFU home the ha yon . . without "wen- Patronize Michigan State News