Friday Sunny . . . Man's inhumanity MICHIGAN ... to man makes countless UNIVERSITY STATE TATE NEWS East Lasting, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 123 It's official! Hannah appointed to AID post From our wire services ing that Hannah was one of our most "going to taKe over challenging assign¬ ucator will have to resgn from rights post to become director of the his civil aid in Hannah headed a for Nixon a and report recommending task force on foreign on Jan. 17 turned that foreign President Nixon announced Thursday aid be divorced from American pol¬ ments." Agency for International Development the long-rumored selction of John A. (AID) itical or military goals. He said aid Hannah to direct the foreign aiid pro¬ has been president of often were merely Hannah. In the foreign aid post Hannah will programs too gram. MSU and. at the same time, has been succeed William S. Gaud. a " hasty response to cold war com¬ Nixon passed this word to a small serving as chairman of the Civil Rights He told newsmen at the White House petition for the host country's favors.' group of reporters in his office, say¬ Commission. Nixon noted that the ed- Thursday that he hoped to stay on until As president of MSU, Hannah has had June as president of MSU "in name experience with foreign aid. The Uni¬ only."' carrying out ceremonial functions. versity has programs in operations in Nixon's He has been president of the Big Ten Nigeria. Thailand. Vietnam. India and school since 1941. Pakistan President Nixon announced Thursday the selection of President of Nixon said Hannah was "superbly qual¬ director of the Agency for International Development Garsk he would resign his But Hannah said Hannah as suppor University must approve post if the Senate, which his nomination, did not ified" for the AID post, which he called "one ments" of the most challenging assign¬ in the Nixon administration. (AID). Nixon said the post is "one of our most challenging assign¬ ments." State News photo by Mike Marhanka apporve of his holding both the AID and MSU posts simultaneously. He said he at Psych Dept meeting About 15 students concerned about the gal action. b»t that it was imperative that would assume the federal assignment as soon as he is confirmed. Tuesday night, the MSU Board of WHEN HANNAH RETIRES he go through the legal channels. Trustees granted Hannah's request to case of Bertram E. Garskof addressed discuss the federal post with the Nixon The charge was then made that the with- Procedures not formed Wednesday's meeting of the Dept. of Psy¬ administration. The decision to split drawl of the department's offer to grant chology demanding that Garskof be re¬ his time between the government and Garskof a new non-tenured appointment hired immediately without penalty and the University was postponed until the was unfair, to which O'Kelly replied by with tenure, and that the University board meets Feb. 21. freely admit all black and third-world saying that *as last communication with Splitting his time would allow Hannah Garskof had been in November, when he students. finish his 28th year as MSU's pres¬ for choosing president to stated that fe would not accept any offer ident. A portion of the minutes of the meet¬ until after Mav Since no negotiations were going *on. O'Kelly said, nothing un¬ Hannah has accepted federal assign¬ ing, released by Lawrence O'Kelly. chairman of the Dept. of Psychology, re¬ fair was done. ments before and has received leaves vealed that the students had complained The meeting then turned to a discussion of absence from the University. His provide such assistance and consulta¬ membership on the Civil Rights Com¬ The Academic Council will not be able not retire for at least two more years and k that not all facts in the case of Garskof, of more general issues, such as whether tion at the appropriate times These pro¬ Garskof hac been fired for political rea¬ mission is a part-time responsibility. to act at its Tuesday meeting on recom¬ possibly not until he was 70. He is 66 now. cedures shall be submitted to the Aca¬ asst. professor of psychology, had been mendations to the board of trustees con¬ Taylor said that the Academic Council made public. O'Kelley said that the Lans¬ sons. and what the procedure for grant¬ For a time during the Eisenhower demic Senate for approval. On approval administration. Hannah was assist, sec¬ cerning procedures for choosing a new may be called into special session later ing chapter of the American Civil Liber¬ ing tenure should be. this month to consider his committee's by the Senate, they shall be transmitted Donald L* Grummon. professor of psy¬ retary of Defense for Manpower and University president. ties Union, which is representing Gar¬ recommendations through the President to the Board for Personnel. Under President Truman, John F. A. Taylor, chairman of the ad skof in another dispute with the Univer¬ chology. noted that making tenure decis¬ The selection of a new president will approval. ions was net easy and that the tenured he helped formulate policies for the hoc committee on procedures for choos¬ sity, had informed him that confidential involve both faculty and administration Point Four'' foreign aid program to ing a new president, said Thursday that " material could not be made public with¬ faculty did }*>t believe they make decis¬ underdeveloped countries. the committee would not be ready to re- according to the revised Faculty Bylaws out Garskof's consent. ions without error. He added that stu- of 1968. dents were Consulted about the decisions. port to the Academic Council by President Hannah's decision to weekar nextseek The bylaws, section 4.IS. cover the The students then declared department had twice considered Gar¬ skof for tenure, but had backed down un¬ that the but that it .was impossible for them to control the whole process. The department is currently circula¬ Sp< early retirement has created a need for the committee's recommendations. selection of the University's president. The section states: "Joint effort of a most critical kind Berkeley hit ting and considering various motions Taylor's committee, which was formed der pressure from the dean of the Col¬ by violence; Dr. Benjamin Spock will speak at last term as a subcommittee of the Aca¬ must be taken when an institution chooses lege of Social Science, Clarence L. Win¬ by faculty members, some of which re¬ today in the Auditorium in 4:13 p.m. demic Council's steering committee, pre- a new president The selection of a chi^f der. O'Kelly stated that the original de¬ portedly d^al with the relationship be¬ the Great Issues Lecture series. administrative officer should follow upon cisions were made conditional to Gar- tween the department and the dean and viousftr thought it would have at least two Tickets are 75 cents and will be avail¬ cooperative search by the governing board years to work out procedures. police enter skof's continuing his work while abiding with tl ;• r:iing of Garskof. which will be able at the door. In the past Hannah has said he would and the faculty, taking into consideration by departmental regulations. According eonsideied at the next departmental the opinions of others who are appropri¬ to the departmental Undergraduate In¬ meeting on '"eb. 12. ately interested. The president should be struction Committee, Garskof s use of Gov Ronald Reagan di < iared an unpre¬ equally qualified to serve both as the ex¬ Psych. 490 violates the intent of the ecutive officer of the governing board and cedented " state of extreme emergency" Nixon sets European trip, course. as the chief academic officer of the insti¬ on the Berkeley campus of the University According to the minutes of the meet¬ tution and the faculty. His dual role re¬ of California < I'-C1 Wednesday. ing, the tenured faculty considered Gar¬ quires that he be able to interpret to The declaration followed violent skof's actions detrimental to the depart¬ board and faculty the educational views clashes between students and police Tues¬ ment as a whole. and concepts of institutional government day during which 20 demonstrators were visits 5 nations this month of the other. He should have the confi¬ jailed and several injured. The students then charged that Dean dence of the board and the faculty. Winder violated the prerogative of the About 40 policemen are on campus .Section 4.1.4 further clarifies the fac¬ department by firing Garskof, at which and around 500 are standing-by off cam¬ ulty's place in the choice of a new presi¬ point O'Kelly indicated that Winder had The week-long trip will begin Feb. pus." Jim Vargas, asst. managing editor the power under current university regu¬ WASHINGTON - President House, the President and his quest¬ dent. It states: of the Berkeley student newspaper. The 23. the Faculty recog¬ lations to fire Garskof, that the depart¬ Nixon said Thursday he will visit five ioners bore down heavily on foreign In view of 4.1.3. Nixon emphasized it will be a work¬ that one of its most important Daily Californian. said Thursday ment and the dean have made the decis¬ Western F uropean nations this month affaris. nizes accepted a suggestion that he ing trip rather than a protocol one duties is to offer, at the appropriate The number of demonstrators varies ions together and that it was unfair to sin¬ in hopes 'strengthening and revital¬ But he He is not even taking his wife along. is distrusted bv some American blacks times, its assistance and consultation to from approximately 200 on the picket gle out this one decision. izing the American-European commun¬ "As far as the agenda is concerned ity" and said T can only say that, by my the Board of Trustees in the matter of lines to 1.500 on the marches through cam¬ He also noted that Garskof had recourse for these meetings, it is wide open, Nixon S3 id also he will begin calling actions as President. I hope to rectify the Board's election of a president. There¬ pus." he said to channels in the University, and in le¬ he said, describing the mission as "only American *Voops home when he is satis¬ that." fore. in order that the Faculty may be a tirst step in achieving a purpose that The strike was called bv students of the fied South Vietnamese forces can take Nixon's first foreign mission as able to discharge this duty in the most I have long felt is vital to the future of Third World Liberation Front Jan. 22 to on a greater share of their own nation s President will take him to heads of responsible manner, the Academic Coun¬ defense government in Brussels. London. Bonn. peace for the United States and for the cil shall formulate procedures which support demands, including the establish- world. That is the strengthening and I please turn to page 151 And he >aid the United States will now Rome, and Paris. He will go also shall make it possible for the Faculty to revitalization of the American-European take ther initiative in trying to defuse to West Berlin and will visit Pope Paul the Middletfast crisis. VI at the Vatican, and Ambassador community." Nixon said he has no plans to confer Presiding over his second news con¬ Henry Cabot Lodge, head of the U.S. in Paris with North Vietnamese or ference. in the East Room of the White delegation to the Paris peace talks. National Liberation tatives to the peace conference. Front And while he said he believes a meet¬ represen¬ Third peace ing with Soviet leaders "should take Graffiti By GEORGE BULLARD ern graffiti has literary quality. "We* really don't know what place at a future time." he feels the groundwork for such talks should be laid carefully, in part by such visits to allies as he is about to begin The President said he hopes as a omid PARIS < AP> Hopes fo forward invective said: The conference has not made State News Staff Writer creatures who write graffiti are result of the visit " this great alliance, novement the Vietn pea talks one step forward." This was echoed Chastity is its own punishment. like." ie said We can only guess became buried under by a North Vietnamese spokesman. which was brought together by a common William .1 Jot den. the 1' S front Easy credit cripples. from tJ«eir messages " fear 20 years ago. will be held to¬ itht'v and invective Thursday in the Rembrandt traces. third meeting ot the four delegations. repeated a formula for settlement based Reisner said that much modern gether now and strengthened by com¬ on their four-point and five-point pro¬ Such graffiti reflects the trends graffit. obviously was not written mon sense of purpose " The United States. North Vietnam. and reactions of a society. Robert asked about a statement by South Vietnam and the National Liber¬ grams*. and added: This is a prescrip¬ by n\prons Many graffiti writ¬ Nixon was tion for surrender and abandonment, Reisner. author of Great Wall ers. h«f said, are altruists who just South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van ation Front ot the Viet Cong agreed and on this basis no progress could be Writing" and 'Graffiti", said last want & share a message with hu¬ Thieu that Saigon's army is capable of there was no progress at all after six made or has been made. week in a State News interview. manity. relieving a sizable number of U.S. hours and 20 minutes o( debate The Graffiti is a barometer of chan¬ four will meet again next Thursday. " Graffiti has existed throughout fighting men, On the Hanoi NLF demand for estab¬ ges in a society," Reisner contin¬ history/ Reisner said that in the (Please turn to page 15) It was a long day. said U S Am¬ lishment of a new "peace" government ued. "It's worthwhile besides be¬ ruins )f Pompei. a girl's name bassador Henry Cabot Lodge, and in Saigon. Jorden commented. It is a ing humorous." Reisner recently completed and a-Hlress was found scrawled SN, Wolverine although we do our very best to achieve quick progress, the going is hard.There¬ pretty extreme position to maintain that on a Wjall The message under the Petitioning is now open lor the the government your are dealing with teaching a 15-week seminar on name indicated that "a very for there must be false optimism." must be overthrown before there can positions of State News editor-in-chief. graffiti at Manhattan's New swinging chick lived there." he While Lodge also added that he would be any agreement, and it is not a part¬ School for Social Research. Stu¬ said. State News advertising manager and not be discouraged and that the I nited Wolverine editor for 1969-70. icularly helpful approach dents in the seminar spent most It'« a pity that we don t have States would persevere, the outlook for Students interested in applying tor any the time being, at least, .appeared .bleak of their time circulating through more graffiti from history, he The NLF s Kime sprinkled his ad¬ of these positions should prepare a bar and restaurant rest rooms col¬ said "Graffiti reveals the lives the snags looked mpre formidable than dress liberally with epithets character¬ resume giving personal and academic lecting wit from the walls. of the Common man.'' information including, major, grade point izing the Saigon government as ex-' Reisner began researching graf¬ Mucfi lr >tory is ajbout the lives The Viet Cong's NLF contended blunt tremely warlike brutal tyrannical . average, journalism courses taken and fiti because, as a humorist, he of nobles written by historians sup¬ Iv that the talks can make no progress Fascist, reprepresenting nothing but sla- an\ experiences on newspapers. A state¬ found it a "fount of humor." He ported b> nobles, he added unless South Vietnam s government is ment as to why the petitioner believes he then discovered deeper signifi¬ Reisner found that common ousted and the Americans deal directly The American spokesman found the should be appointed to any of the three cance in the scrawlings. men i-i history had "gripes a lot with the Iront. Alter the session Tran language ""rough" he contended it was Reisner found that much mud- positions should be included and views than last week s tplease turn to page 15) Bun Kiem. chief of the NLF delegation no more so on the positions should be listed. Friday, February 7, 1969 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan BSA sponsors Blacks, white singers, lectore by By SUE BROWN racism ties," she said. the town for ten months. and The Earl dean of Oakland Community Nelson Reginald Wilson, associate College. Orchard Ridge Cam¬ pus. will be the first guests Singers teaching in black Wilson's Bulletin an introductory course history. writings have a ppeared in the Negro History ("An Objective Racism in Vietnam State News Staff Writer Miss Snook said that only of the Black Students' Alliance Evaluation of Negro Leader¬ Miss Snook said that Ameri¬ "Society perpetuates a rac¬ a few directly benefit econom¬ during Black History Week, ship"). Challenge magazine, can racism extends to Viet¬ ism that is detrimental not ically from racism beginning Sunday. the Liberator, and the Michi¬ nam. She said the war was only to blacks but to whites,'' "Somebodv up there s pro- . .. . . ... The Nelson singers, a local gan Psychological Assoc. a representative of Detroit's filing, 6 and somebodv Halfway - ust an0 her ,nf "ce of w,hlt<* trying to control a colored group, will present a concert Bulletin. at 4:30 p.m. .Sunday in Erick- People Against Racism said down is doing the dirty work. son Kiva. They began in 1963 Wednesday night. she said. She said there was hope for with the purpose of present¬ Valerie Snook said that so- Mis Snook said that some ciety dictates to people how whites profit psychologically eral 1 Hersey who said that if ing Negro folk music in an they should act. She said that if whites "manage to escape from racism. She said ^ may provide poor whites "^th a there had been this much dis¬ sent when the Indians were authentic Nelson, conductor said. fashion." Earl Wayne from the chains of society" sense of identity, Nelson explained that his they are oppressed. "If you break through and White caste system "The South hasn't made even being oppressed still be Indians. there would Against group presents black music in the way that it was originally hosts te "Those whites who benefit Miss Valerie Snook, speaking on "People Against Racism* xplains that racisrr intended to be presented rather challenge the traditional roles, the minimal changs the North only negatively are going to harms both whites and blacks. Racism helps few people < inomlcally, but it is than in .the commercial style you're going to find yourself has," she said. They repressed. Not as quick as ated a white caste system that stop accepting control. They perpetuated by society, she said, State News photo by David Korte of some current musicians. on Arab colored races but the same wields the power Th^ poor are our pe Their program historical and cultural back¬ will include repression." she said. white man will go with his Young Socialist Alliance and Miss Spock example Snook cited Dr. Ben¬ boss because his tity is the only one he has white iden¬ 'DISCRIMINATORY' RATES ground such as. information for songs 'I've been Buked. the Organization of Arab Stu¬ She said Wilmington. and Go Down Moses. dents are sponsoring a teach- jamin Spock's conviction as an Del . National Guard "troops The group is comprised of in on the Arab revolution and example of this repression. where Middle East crisis at Wayne ban youth fares "I can't understand how he were stationed for §everal 28 people who live and work can go to jail without any dis¬ sent in the academic communi- months, scared was into the case of doing what they thought the white Establishment wanted. a town CAB may in the on Lansing area. Reginald Wilson will speak "Miscegenation and Racism in American History", at 4:15 State University. It will take place 10:30 p.m. Saturday in the Room of MacKenzie Hall. from 12.30- Mart Maximum fine "The Wilmington New* Jour¬ By BARB PARNESS are In in fact discriminatory filing their q^e board itself can act charges within 30 days and either pass, standby and young adult fare. p.m. Monday in Fairchild The "Perspectives teach*iA is the entitled Arab nal told the people tha there State News Staff Writer Representatives of Ameri¬ Auditorium. nor a black league that Spring vacationers with . against the 24 airlines offer- overrule, or decide to re¬ can and Trans World Airlines Wilson, who received his Revolution: the Arab Liberation was panted TO CUTD larceny to destroy the town line youth fare cards may ing youth fare, the bus com- view the decision. at Detroit's Metropolitan Air¬ master's degree in Clinical Struggle and Its Relationship Zionist Israel." Current in¬ said themselves paying full pany called for hearings into Switkay said that on Jan. port were not even awar? of Psychology from W ne State to Any person convicted of petty "DuPont owns the Warning- fares if a recent decision of the matter by CAB. 27 the board decided to exer- the Jan. 21 ruling. University, is now a candidate cidents in the Arab-Israeli larceny may now anticipate ton News* Journal. Ir^ fact, the Civil Aeronautics Board The board refused to open cise this right ot "discretion- United Airlines' spokesmen for his doctorate in educational crisis will be discussed by (C AB) is not reversed. hearings, maintaining in Detroit said that they were psychology, also from WSU. scholars from all over the paying the maximum fine of $100 they own Wilmington and the any ry review." plus $10 costs, with a possible On Jan. 21, CAB issued that the bus company's grounds CAB will receive not aware of the action being His professional experience United States, along with the state of Delaware. People except¬ four days in the County jail, thought that DuPont wanted decision which called youth were not " valid." Henry ions" from interested parties taken by their company in re- includes work as psychologist historical background of the according to a statement re- them to bring in the National fares and young adult fares Switkay of the CAB general defending their positions until sponse to the CAB ruling. and associate director of conflict. leased from the East Lansing Guard." "discriminatory" but not counsel's office said. peb g These "exceptions" An American Airlines rep- Project Upward Bound at Oak- Panel discussions on im¬ Municipal Court recently. Fear of DuPont "unjust or unreasonable." Switkay said that following are explanations by the parties resentative at O'Hare Airport land University. He is now the perialism. Zionism, the char¬ Judge William K. Harmon is Miss Snook said that ac- The decision called for the the board s refusal to discuss 0f ^eir objections to the de- in Chicago discredited a rumor director of Research and Ed- acter of Israel and the Arab J; r—«■ implementing the new policy in tually DuPont was neutral on discontinuation of youth fares, youth fares, the bus company cision. that in the immediate future ucational Services Institute, world, and perspectives for an effort to curb a Under youth fare, individ- took the issue to court, youth fare cards would not be and t-time faculty member the Arab revolution will be rapid in- the National Guard issae, but By Feb. 26, these parties a pa! crease in petty larcenies from that people were afraid not to uals between the ages of 12 Court of Appeals judgment re- must file briefs of their cases valid for flights out of O'Hare. Wayne State University. held. residence halls and East Lan- do what they thought DuPont and 22 can fly for half the quired hearings which CAB. At this time a date sing stores. wanted. normal fare when seats lead to the Jan. 21 decision. will be set for oral arguments OCC seeking volunteers . "I will henceforth assess That was the most up- available. The young adult When decisions of this type before the boanj The date. the maximum fine set by law tight town I'd ever seen. They fare allows the reservation are handed down. CAB allots Switkay said, will probably not in such cases." Harmon said. were afraid of me. a white of seats at two-thirds of the 25 days for the filing of pe be until late spring. The statement expresses the the girl, standing on a comer at regular ticket price. The major questions to be desire that the new. tougher policy will deter potential vio¬ lators so that the stiff penal¬ noon handing out leaflets ; Miss Snook said that because of this fear they were unble led The to CAB the hearings which January hearing were prompted by the alle- parties parties include airlines, bus systems, travel agents and These considered in the hearings in- voiVe whether or not a reason- abie relationship exists between for local food price study ties will not need to be assessed to see an alternative to the gation by the Trailwavs Bus even the economic board of the price charged by the air- Volunteers are needed to East Lansing area food stores. Brenner, president of OCC. National Guard which occupied Co. last year that youth fares CAB. jjnes an(j tbe Cost of the work on the food price sur¬ "Results from this survey to the airlines. Switkay vey being conducted by Off- The study was begun fall Clip Out and Save will help the students living said. Campus Council (OCC) this off campus to find the least term by OCC and will continue Switkay added that until the through this term Brenner expensive foods and may Stay on the Begch-- Not 3 miles from it decision is reviewed and a The purpose of the price stimulate competition among said some trends have started final verdict reached, the air¬ study is to find out the differ¬ the food stores. Leon to develop, but that results lines will continue to use youth ence of price among the 14 are inconclusive at this time. Student participation in the sur'vey entails taking a brand- names form to the store anjd recording the differences in STUDY IN prices. The study is divided into CUERNAVACA two and parts-national less expensive. brands local «M.»* Learn to brands providing infor¬ speak SPANISH - ONLY taught by experienced Mexic< mation quality portant for or those who price is more im¬ think Forms may be picked up *25.00 DEPOSIT • $135 per month. today in 316 Student Services Study in the INSTITUTE FOR Bldg The survey should be made Saturday afternoon and forms returned by Monday. Freakout No. 2 MC-5 • $30 per credit. "Guerilla Rock" * ROUND TRIP JET lansing to freeport grand bahama island via jet pow ered electra with first class meais and beverages each Live in CUERNAVACA • Near Mexico City, at 4,500 fee Sat. Feb. 8 Union Ballroom way * SEVEN NIGHTS . AT THE BEAUTIFUL NEW HOLIDAY INN (4 PER ROOM THE OCEAN - LOCATED IN a MAGNIFICENT TROPICAL setting RIGHT ON 956 T rowbridge Rd. WITH ITS OWN HALF MILE WHrTE SAND BEACH AND a GIGAN Request catalog from TIC SWIMMING POOL - THIS HOLIDAY INN IS a LOVELY. 604 Registrar — Cidoc W. ROOM DELUXE RESORT HOTEL WITH a CONTINENTAL ATMOS¬ Godot, Apdo. 479, PHERE UNIQUELY ITS OWN Cuernavaca, Mexico GROUND TRANSPORTATION. • airport to hotel and back to airport -)(- FREE "SWIZZLE PARTY" . rum sw17zie and his royal cats party - on the terrace with 'prince charlie and a umbo contest FREE FACILITIES beach lounges and equipment shuffleboard miniature golf, tennis etc. ACTION? three live music and action spots and four restaurants in your hotel and many others a few steps away -)(- ALSO AVAILABLE . . . sailing. deep sea fishing. scuba diving. water skiing, golf. skeet. honda rentals. etc CASINOS - INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR - DUTY FREE SHOPS DEPART - SATURDAY MARCH 15 J RETURN - SATURDAY MARCH 22 STAY IN THE CENTER OF THINGS ON f REEPORTS NEW MIRACLE MILE BEACH Offer expires SIGN UP EARLX^- "SPACE LIMITED" Friday, Feb. 28th. sponsored and escorted by UNIVERSITY SERVICES ASSOCIATION INC. a not for p« *fit corporation ... on your next "CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES' Print and Deliver to Our Campus Representative Bucket or Barrel or Mail to Group Travel Associates, Inc. 53 W. CHERYL CRANE of Kentucky Fried Diag. 74 sq. in. picture Jackson, Chicago, Illinois 60604 The BERKELEY Z1305 109 Gilchrist Hall Chicken. • Compact molded multi-color cabinet sculptured Michigan State University in crisp, clean rectangular lines. East Lansing, Michigan 48823 Female Single Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. Monopole Antenna. Choice of exciting colors. Phone (517) 355-0375 _Male Married And, it's handcrafted. K«ntM£kvFriedl?ki£keK 1 TOUR ARRANGED BY GROUP TRAVEL ASSOCIATES INC, 53 W. JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO, ILL. PH 922-3030 AN IATA AND ATC APPROVED & BONDED AGENCY HOURS: 3140 S. Logan 393-2200 372-3300 Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Enclosed is my check for $ (Deposit $25.00 minimum 3200 N. East St iStt or Date full payment of deposit balance will be due before March 1 Signature 4238 W. Saginaw *1620 E. Michigan • 372-4450 484-7759 '5411 So. Cedar, Laming, Mich. Sat. 9-6 Sun. 2-6 Clip Out and Save 1040 E. Grand River, E.Lansing 351-5550 Friday, February 7, 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JFK MURDER NEWS summary Garrison links trial A capsule summary of the rire services. day's events frorr to Warren Report "II e will offer evident 11 '' - a prove NEW courtroom ORLEANS. La Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison told Thursday he would that President John F 9 -^j| turret! in \ew I)ist. Orleans." illy. Jim (,tirriso Over jections. repeated defense Garrison-interrupted ob¬ of his March 1967 apartment Ferrie died in soon after .. leaking in midspeech-won the right to. in effect, put the Warren Com¬ Garrison's coroner hemorrhage probe began: the ruled death by brain but Garrison mission report on trial along¬ BARBARA. Calif. Internotionol News SANTA 'AP>-Wind. rain and high side the 55-vear-old Shaw, said it was suicide prominent retired New Orleans waves delayed Thursday an all- businessman. Communist China demanded Friday that out try to plug a leaking under¬ The commission, headed by Washington return a Red Chinese diplomat sea well, as new oil from a vast Chief Justice Earl Warren, con¬ U' ag se ocean slick washed up on beach¬ cluded that Kennedy's lone as¬ who defected in the Netherlands and has es already blackened sassin was Lee Harvey Oswald. sought asylum in the United States. The firm that was drilling the the The commission said it found request Peking's official New China News Agency well offshore when it sprang no credible evidence of a con- 21.000-gallons-a-day leak 10 said the demand was made in a statement days ago planned to pump 10.000 Garrison told the 12 jurors from Sena issued by the Chinese Foreign Ministry that barrels-about 500.000 gallons- that the prosecution would prove warned that the United States and the Neth¬ of a gooey mineral mud pre¬ Hearings before the Senate Shaw conspired with Oswald paration into the hole Appropriations Committee con¬ erlands "must be held responsible for all the and David W Ferrie. a former tinued Thursday with the MSI' Three thousand barrels airline pilot, to assassinate grave consequences." pumped in a few days ago Kennedy. Agricultural Experiment Sta¬ • • • tion and the Cooperative Ex¬ did not do the job. Garrison said new witnesses tension Service testifying. Thick oil that fouled this sce¬ Allied governments see President Nixon's will link Shaw. Oswald and Fer¬ The MSI* Agricultural Ex¬ nic community's small boat hai- rie trio in a black Cadillac coming swing through West Europe as a as a Oor and 12 miles of beaches in a small Louisiana town about periment Station requested $5.8 symbol of his resolve to revive the North At¬ Wednesday thinned a big Thurs¬ two months before the assassi¬ million for the fiscal year 1969- 70 Gov. Milliken recommended lantic Treaty Organization and reaffirm the day and the heaviest concentra- nation. Shaw has denied knowing Jions were around the drilling that the experiment station re¬ defend Europe, the As¬ Ferrie Oswald. ' U.S. commitment to or ceive $5 0 million. platform six miles at sea. sociated Press stated Thursday. Oil had soaked half an inch Officials from the experi¬ It is the position of the State station outlined before the It was also taken as a token of Nixon's wish ment into sandy beaches. A cleanup of Louisiana that, regardless of committee the proposed con¬ continued on beaches and in the to correct the imbalance brought about by the the power which might bring tinuation of programs which in¬ harbor. Vietnam War. which since 1965 has seemed to Robert F. Dill, chairman of about the execution of a presi¬ clude research dealing with dent of the t'nited States- shift the focus of American interest from Eu¬ the State Advisory Board for cherry harvesting and research Underwater Parks and Reser¬ whether it be initiated by a small about vegetable harvesting and rope to Asia. voirs. said of the toll of wild¬ group or the highest possible the development of new vege¬ • • • force-neither the planning of table varieties life: I think people tend to his murder nor any part of it The specter of a bread famine loomed over minimize the damage these oil George Mclntvre. director of Ireland Thursday as strikebound housewives disasters can cause to marine will be regarded in Louisiana the MSI Agricuitural Extension life We have a real as being above the law. Service told the committee a- cleaned out bakeries throughout the Emerald . . And so. with David Ferrie bout the needs of the extension Killer on our hands. Isle and police were called out in a number of service for the next fiscal year. Irish cities to restrain women mobbing the They requested $4.3 million and bakery shops. Industrial paralysis spread Two men await trial Gov. that Milliken recommended they receive $4.0 million. across the land in a strike of maintainence Mclntyre told the committee craftsmen who keep the wheels of industry and commerce turning. on Panther slayings about the extension service's activities in the area of toui- sjsort fishing and theii ditional fu which in National News ? elude progra t better liv i the Jam slayings of Black the mg Panther official; week and indicated He said. there isn't any hat warrants will be issued Five drug firms accused of harvesting huge Huggins and Alprentice Ga ipon completion of the inves- type of program which will have Larry Steiner and hi> profits by rigging the price of a wonder drug ther. (ieorge Steiner. s a lasting effect such as ours." offered Th r sday to pay $120 million to set¬ Matlock said that none of Final action on appropriation dered to police three bills for education is not ex¬ four men are connected tle almost loo civil law suits. The offer, if after Huggins and Carter he pected until June vith the Black Panther Party fatally shot at a ( nivers accepted by the claimants, most of them California classroom in slates and local governments, would be one of the largest in antitrust history. At their The State News, the student n.wspap.i at Michigan State University, is • • • arraignment, both men refused to make a state¬ published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and Orientation issues in June and September Subscription rates are $14 The Nixon Administration has ordered a par¬ ment and a plea of not guilty per year tial freeze in major work on the 5.5-billion was entered for them. No trial date has been set. Lt Robert Member Associated Press, t'nited Press International. Inland Daily Press ► U S defense against nuclear missiles. The Association. Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Press Association. Mich¬ C Matlock, commander of United States Student Press Association Pentagon said Thursday that Secretary of De¬ the detective bureau of the igan Collegiate Press Association. fense Melvin R. Laird last week directed the West Los Angeles Area Police Second class postage paid at East Lansing Michigan Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigan army to postpone any new work on the anti- Dept. said. Matlock said that State University. East Lansing. Michigan Larry ballistic missile system pending a high level Steiner refused to have a bui- Phones review. let wound treated when found Editorial 355-8252 • • • in his right shoulder at the Classified Advertising 355-8255 ender Display Advertising 353-6400 Business-Circulation 355-3447 Thirteen-vear-old Robert Curtis was found make Photographic 355-8311 innocent of murder Thursdav in the rifle kill¬ ing of a plavmate. The bov testified that he had neither ar¬ gued with nor threatened James Thompson. 15. the victim. Michigan News Gov. William G. Milliken Thursday urged swift legislative passage of bills implement¬ ing Michigan's S285 million water pollution control bond program. In his first message to the lawmakers, he said the legislation now before the House, would permit Michigan to get S3 million in Federal matching funds immediately. KJ can't wait for spring to wear Campus News Arthur DuPre, who gave most pupils A's, is apparently flunking out of of his math Aiieen's new cotton knit coordinates! Ohio's Wright State University. The 31-year- Shot with color and big on shape. What a way to make way old asst. professor told his students they all for the sun! Aileen fashioned these new cotton knits for fab¬ had "earned their A s by my standards and ulous wearing, so watch out world! criteria I had never been so impressed ... Wide-striped long sleeve turtleneck top in navy with red or in my life." Bar-B-Q Ribs and Chicken navy with yellow. S, M, L. 7.98. Straight leg pull-on slacks Other faculty members were less impres¬ s just plain tired of in navy, red, yellow or white. Sizes 8 to 16. 7.98. Sleeve¬ sed. They called DuPre to a hearing on his Jchon has just opened his new Rib Shop in Lansing t ) help those wh< actions. DuPre called their hearing "a vitu¬ just plain hamburgers, and just plain pizza. less shell with back zip in navy or red. 5.98. Shortie dirndl Jchon has the hottest ribs in town (he has mild ones too if you prefer), and the price Is skirt with elasticized waist in navy with red or navy with perative attack" and said he quit. They were reasonable. You can get a full slab (enough to feed three) for just >3.60. greatly upset when they heard I had described Jchon delivers on the weekends. Delivery is free on orders over $6.00 and just 25 has been for a strike The issue isn't right. it becomes necessary socio-e c o nomic background. that many of them are dis¬ fied by the couple who got caught up by it . Though this does not mean criminatory, destructive to dy¬ deeply concerned with this is¬ all and started doing the boogaloo." If race per se. it translates into sue since its founding last this was the pervading attitude, the hun¬ namic education, and unjusti¬ dreds of students engaged in the discus¬ institutional racism. There is fied. year. In fact, it is a major sion groups didn't notice it. In fact, the no doubt, even with the strides part of its raison d'etre. students were so absorbed that they later this University has made with¬ Along with the re-evaluation In the dialogue which is moved to Holmes Hall, not to do the of admissions criteria, must growing, neither Lee nor BSA boogaloo. but to thoroughly discuss the is¬ in the last few years, that it sues in a meaningful and intelligent man- remains still a closed institu¬ be coupled the depth of imag¬ can be forgotten or co-opted. tion. ination to formulate new cri¬ They must form a major part The result was the formation of a cam- The demand for open admis¬ teria. more based on of the discussion and continue pus-wide drive to inform all the students equal op¬ of what it's all about. Each residence their vital efforts. sions policy, then, is fully portunity. on justice for all hall has been made a forum for discus¬ In addition, some faculty, sion of ideas behind the demands. This justified. The only question to people, than the outmoded re¬ be answered, is how the policy lics of the ivory tower. The some administrators and process will continue until every student on this campus is at least familiar with would be carried out. social sciences and modern some students are involved. the demands-the final decision for each But some is not enough. Only Obviously, "open" cannot philosophy have provided us student rests within his own conscience. be equated with "unlimited." with a wealth of evidence both a large majority will suffice. THIS MOVEMENT IS BY NO MEANS The determined effort which HOPELESS. BUT ITS SUCCESS DE The University could not hand¬ condemning the old and sug¬ PENDS ON STUDENTS OVERCOMING le the crush which would re¬ gesting the new. It is far past can result in sincere discussion THEIR OWN PROPENSITY TOWARDS sult from unlimited admis¬ time that those and finally concerted action APATHY suggestions will make the University a We're not the ones to print the gospel and tell you that you should think. But better place to learn and so¬ we urge you to go out and learn how to POINT OF VIEW ciety a better place to live-to think. Using labels, such as "hippie" live not just and "radical." is only a convenient me¬ life, but to live thod of glossing over what's really hap the idea of full life. pening When people start using labels, Is it all a swindle? -The Editors the labels become the issues-the is- EDITOR'S NOTE: The following the administraiire dean, and contra¬ Caught in the obsolescence trap " Point of vi.'w" was written by An¬ dicted the department's earlier policy. dy Pyle, East Lansing junior and mem¬ It seems pretty clear that some out¬ ber of the Temporary Organizing Com¬ force have been side must acting on mittee. the administration in order for it to fire him. (It must be pointed out that EDITOR'S NOTE: The structor and the students. It has great Science and Personality Science. Yet. the There is a widely held view, pre¬ it was not until later, and under under¬ following styles. they demonstrate their protest standable. but not condonable "point of view" was written by Chris¬ against the obsolescence of the institu¬ difficulty in making use of what is com¬ basic discipline and management disci¬ sented most recently in a letter by pressure topher Sower, professor of sociology. tional heritage which my generation has ing to be called Organic Learning or pline sub-units of Organization Science Dr Appel of ATL. that the kind of from personal loyalties, that the ad¬ The Garskof case provides further failed in our long efforts to update. But Involvement Learning. It leads to a ques¬ now are spread through at least 47 statements made by the ministrative coup was legitimized by People for tion in the Garskof case. Which is a different department level.units of Michi¬ Garskof -that positions are non- the faculty. > The administration even evidence that there is a very deep ill¬ being a conservative. I prefer orderly acted in such haste that it ignored its ness in the teaching system of a large change rather than to take the Apres greater violation of the competency norms gan State University, located in 14 dif¬ negotiable and that channels will not of university: one which cannot be cor¬ Moi. La Deluge" position of Louis XV. a university: for departments to force ferent college level major administra¬ be used is a mindless, totalitarian regular procedure to fire Bert. this kind of education upon assistant Further, this view of the University rected by more faculty committee meet¬ So where do we go from here9 tive units. There is no research and de¬ demand However, this is not the case: that presupposes that channels and com¬ ings. professors' papers, or student professors and students, or for one velopment or coordination program to position reflects a very clear and strikes. Also, the radicals now have The Garskof young faculty member to give blanket bring any kind of systematic integration democratically oriented view of the mittees. negotiations and investigation, case certainly is re¬ A grades in order somehow to unfreeze between these units Also, there are at nature of the University. are designed to bring problems to fair another case of evidence that they are a lated to the identity problem of the the stultified and non-productive human least 10 teaching departments which have To feel that people should negotiate and speedy conclusions. In fact, their distinct minority, and that they have not social sciences. This is going to have and allow committee real purpose is just the opposite: yet gained the professional competence to be brought out from under the rug. relationships which the system forces faculty with their Ph.D. degrees in soc¬ investigations between the instructor and the students? around Garskof s rehiring necessitates channels are set up at this University to conduct the kind of revolutionary My whole professional career has been iology As university departments are Graskof has met the degree and pub¬ dukedom organizations, often run by ma¬ a definite picture of how the Univer¬ to give the appearance of change while movement to "blow the damn university involved with observing the power strug¬ denying its content, to delay and stop sky high. Also, the fact that revolu¬ gles between two extreme factions of lication requirements for the tenure nipulation for small advantages, the sity operates That view makes the track appointment; only action on just demands, to obfuscate tions are not successful until individual the social scientists. On the one hand are he appears too change and updating process cannot be assumption that the University is a and camouflage the real workings of members of the police and army shift what can be called the navelists. who intelligent and independent to tolerate the either captured or contained by these his- community of Reasonable. capital-R obsolete teaching system in silence and Reasonable men. whose interests are in the system. to the cause of the revolters indicates look at their navels and make grandiose how far the radicals are from bringing obedience. abstract ideals such as truth." Consider a few examples: speculations about real life society. On In the women's hours controversy- the old institutions down bv either force the other are the trivialists. who in¬ The change and updating process will fairness. and justice It further Now to some suggestions for a solu¬ not be an easy or always peaceful task. in the final analysis the fate of the pro¬ or a cohesive social movement. sist that all of the social sciences must assumes that the material interests of tion. A 20-year experimental research Therefore, we have some time yet be reduced to the rigor of what can be Yet. by approaching the design and test- ^ these men will be ignored in their posal rested on Milton B Dickerson. program in the Department of Sociology before Bastille Day to attempt to design ing of one task at a time, a continuing decision-making, and that there are no and his word was enough to make use¬ computerized and made statistical-that on how to update organizations now is less the views of the student body, of and test some programs to see if it is is. the trivial. While both of these internally sponsored research and develop¬ conflicts in these material interests. ready to present its findings in publi¬ student government, and of the faculty possible to bring some updating to the approaches are important to any disci- ment program can produce some work¬ This is demonstrably not the case. cations. This has designed the Normative able innovations even in these large The men who fired Garskof and the Any compromise depended on him also. basically obsolete university and other piine. it is becoming increasingly ap¬ Sponsorship Theory Of Updating Organi¬ university systems. Our test experi¬ who The Academic Freedom Report- institutions of modern societies. It just parent that the social sciences and their zations. The principles have been given men supported that firing were ence shows that competently done student inextricably bound up in a whole web many amendments have been proposed, happens that the universities are caught teaching programs'are going to have to experimental tests in various organiza¬ studies of university units can become an of material interests which approved by student government, and in the same obsolescence trap as are become something more than either of tions ranging from the inner city ol totally important part of such an updating pro¬ sent on up the channels. Not one has all of education, welfare, religion, mental them if they are to develop and if they Detroit to agricultural organizations, uni negated any possibility of such things gram. gone into effect-thev have been held health, and the other traditional insti¬ are going to continue to justify their as " justice, etc. versity extension, and teaching the In¬ up by someone else. Yet student govern¬ tutions. To illustrate this further,. there inputs of public funds. Neither approach If either faculty or students are in¬ In the first place. Garskof has troductory Sociology course In the latter ment is told that there are channels for is an apparently increasing number of makes much contribution to the use¬ test case, the MSU Educational Develop¬ terested in discussing this kind of po¬ political views which are directly opp¬ osed to those of his assasins. He is a change, and advised to use up its energy faculty and students at MSU that are of fulness of knowledge. Also, the society ment Fund made a grant of funds last tential. the people who have developed radical in following them, rather than building the opinion that something is not quite about which the students are concerned aid tested the knowledge are willing to whose views, if propagated, year to demonstrate the Organization would undermine the social order of a popular movement. right about the behavior of the Ad¬ has become so complex that many social Laboratory teaching method idea that meet and discuss a possible program. The Garskof case-Dean Winder has ministration and the tenure factulv of scientists remain within the ivory tower, Let's also invite people from adminis¬ wealth, prestige, and privelege on junior and senior majors can be used the Department of Psychology they with an occasional foray out into reality and members of the Board of which academic departments. the suggested that interested people should as effectively in technical assistance roles tration. administrators. and their masters pursue channels. When asked, he states arrived at the Garskof decision-that to get a questionnaire completed to help introductory students to conduct Trustees. The faculty is too isolated the that the channels begin and depend on some basic university norms have been from the needs of modern society to do ruling elite of this country, de¬ systematic studies of organizations. . his office. When asked further to make violated. Another social science dilemma is il¬ this updating job by itself. pend He only propagated his views, From this he acted to carry some of them out the channels work, he says he isn't Let me be honest with myself in this lustrated by the Garskof case. The tenure experience, we can say with considerable confidence that we In the meantime, it is quite urgent to This was a threat to the material interested case. My conservative middle age men¬ faculty has become so engulfed with Could it be that all channels at this tality is grated even by the appearance such heavy research and graduate teach¬ know how to help an organization like a our dignity and integrity that Bert Garskof interests of powerful people, and. big university to take itself through a remain on the faculty. We need his new University lead to an administrator who of Garskof and the other self-labeled ing loads that they have almost com¬ 'quite logically, they are acting to five or ten year research and develop¬ model as a monkey on our backs to has vested interests in the status ipio! radicals. Yet, I must agree with the radi¬ pletely ignored the problems of com¬ stop him (And the Garskof case is Could it be that the entire elaborate cals that the old bleating campus liber¬ petency and incentive to learn in the ment program in order to update its give our Model T teaching system the not an isolated incident, things like teaching and other programs. Usually, kind of competition which produces a this are happening all over the country. > system is a swindle set up to fool stu¬ als as well as the welfare state are undergraduate teaching programs of our the institution which has developed a new- favorable learning environment and res¬ dents (and faculty into thinking that intelluctually bankrupt. They give ad¬ departments. In this area, the senior Secondly, it is well known that there wiil vice to everybody else, but turn out to faculty, which does not teach these large idea is not the one which be the ponse from the undergraduate students. is a State Senate investigating committee things operate in their interests? first to give it an experimental test, but I think that we can improve upon his If it is. then it is obviously a correct be arch conservatives when university undergraduate courses, continues to as¬ on "campus disorders.' It is reason¬ maybe Michigan State University can be innovations. But any institution which able to assume that his is one mani¬ decision to reject phony forms and use updating requires some alteration in sume the rght to make the tenure their highly privileged positions and be- and other staff decisions. A non-tenured an exception. drives out its radical innovators is ap¬ festation of a general repression of our energy on building a people's move¬ radicals the ment outside the rotten system. That is assistant professor is expected to go proaching an advanced state of decline. across country Shortly One other dilemma of the social sci¬ Such a condition is especially intoler¬ why channels, committees, negotiations, But. as I attended the meeting of the through the experience of teaching large following the establishment of this ences illustrates the able for a university and its ability to committee. Garskof received his letter and deals were and will be rejected. They protesters in the Union, stood as an classes without protest "--that is. un¬ complexity of up¬ observer in the cold to listen to til he shift the burden to still dating the teaching programs of large attract and hold personnel of the highest of termination, in spite of the fact that are illrgitimate-they serve the rulers, the can a universities. The best social science the¬ calibre. We do not want a national pub¬ he had been offered a contract by the not tha people And they must be smashed rally speeches, and then walked back newer assistant professor." orists like Talcott Parsons and John lic image of being the kind of institu¬ in order* to build a University which does and forth through the Administration department, and had. just the Friday McKinney tion which cannot tolerate updating kinds before, hashed his serve tfre people. building during the sit down. I observed Yet, much of this large-classes in are saying that all of the out problems'' to structional system is an intellectually present social sciences can be reduced of change, even those which at first the satisfaction of the department The END THE BOSSES RULE " deep sincerity and concern among these to the two main fields of Organization glance look radical. letter firing him <■ 1111c dirt-fly from ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE''' protesters. Through dress and hair insulting experience for both the in¬ Friday, February 7, 1969 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OUR READERS' MIND for silent majority' VIEW Focal point Psych boycott To the Editor: To the students of M'SU: Everyone has heard of the opinion that we fell the Admin¬ istration will respect and re¬ act to. Influence is powerful Investigate cops silent majority, yet few attempts only inasmuch as it brings have been made to form an or¬ change. Radicalism creates To the Editor: a typical big city's cop de¬ can do the job ganization which would serve as overpowering opposition. Lib¬ a focal point for this opinion. eralism rooted in reality brings in the real and significant change. the Your editorial on M.F.'s has missed the disarming partment Discovering dike and Chicago's). what psychoses are prevalent describing This has become evident point entirely. The police on Ronald I. Cohen (and, probably, in among our police would be a controversy with Dr. Bertram campuses Garskof. presently facing our David B. Smith the cities) are not armed be¬ good way to cut down on vio¬ Two reasons have prompted THE PLAN academic community. As a re¬ MultiUniversity Student Con¬ cause they need the protect¬ lence this group is often this Ipffpr thp firct Monday at the rally, I be¬ cern for Liberal Education associated with. If the in¬ me to write sult of this, a number of stu¬ ion of guns. (Compare the is that since the rally for Gar- lieved we needed to petition stu¬ dents have formed a group to (MUSCLE) percentages of death by vestigation were able to dis¬ dents, stand on cold corners, cover similarities among good skof which took place in the Ad¬ fill this vacuum. Our purpose is violence for the "Bobbies" of ministration building Monday a and sit in buildings in order to "cops" of cops and also similarities number of students have stopped me and praised my idea of boy¬ let the structure know how we feel. Surprise! They already to speak for this majority. We believe that the conscien¬ tious student at MSU is deeply SDS distorts the issue that firing and MSU s involve¬ England America). armed and because the These men they are «««/ among bad ones, something might possible be done to cotting the Psychology Depart¬ know how we feel-and they do concerned with the excellence To the Editor: intemperate demands in their ment in the suppression of Third to carry instruments of des¬ weed out the beasts before ment in order to rehire Gar- not care. Now I realize that if of his education. His mind is truction. The psychological they are hired. SDS. at MSU. is an abysmal unsigned green paper." Al¬ World revolutions, the impri¬ skof: the second reason is that we act as a student body it is reinforcement police gain from I would also suggest that open to the diversity of opinions failure and a pretty effective though we largely agree with the sonment of the black man in the The State News actually gave my far simpler than that-we can and he is willing to try to take their uniforms and their " big the logical university chosen road-block to meaningful change goals of SDS. we condemn their ghetto, and its relationship to idea two paragraphs in Mon¬ wield power in this place (lim¬ unrealistic and alien¬ sticks is clearly demon¬ for this nationally important part in new educational exper¬ It is a sign of intelligence to tactics as the military-industrial complex ited. of course) democratically strated by the resignation of task should be one other than day's editorial in which they iences. ating to the large body of stu¬ recognize one's environment might be real-but in the exis¬ school with "uniformed" called it notable" and ' cred¬ and privately by voting at pre- We do not believe, however, and develop means to effectively dents at MSU. tential now-fact of student mo¬ Oakland University's head cop a ible.'' therefore encouraging me registration. If no-one pre-reg- that radicalism is to be equated SDS's revolutionary jargon and two of his unarmed, un- interests (like MSU's Pig Cen¬ deal with that environment. tivation 'or lack of iti that to believe that they might print isters for psychology courses with creative scholarship. For sounds great in the Union's uniformed subordinates. The ter'. This letter is prompted by bite is just too big. this follow-up strategy which I it will mean opinion is strong idea of disarming the police example, in reaction to Gar¬ our disgust at the actions of smoke-filled rooms, but is To catapult even a small per¬ unfortunately was unable to for Garskof's rehiring. If you skof's dismissal we feel that the somewhat out of context at MSU. is excellent-it should be want him to be rehired, don't SDS in regard to the Garskof centage of students into that elaborate at the rally. demonstrations thus far have The questions that directly a- good for student-police re¬ controversy. This controversv kind of revolutionary concern pre-register for psychology proven fruitless and maybe will is a valid one which SDS is ef¬ rise from the firing of asst. serves only to becloud the pri¬ lations and for student morale THF PHILOSOPHY courses. lead to disruption and disorder in (Disarming the "Department fectively killing by linking it in¬ professor Garskof form the is¬ mary issue of university hiring Let begin by explaining Suppose you are waivering. our academic community. of Public Safety" is like Wlp me sue here. The parallels between extricably with unrealistic and and firing policies. A movement l the philosphv behind this stra¬ Don't pre-register for Psy¬ In reference to Dr. Garskof, announcing that, indeed, the grows only gradually if its en¬ tegy We students at MSU lack chology courses. Wait till full- we do not object, in fact we en¬ students are not a gaggle of VOU WOULDN'T BE SO vironment is not ripe for its unity as a student body because registration. Give your fellow- dorse. Garskof's attitudes to¬ uncivilized barbarians.) we don't realize our potential influence on the structure. The students who want him back a chance to convince you. wait, watch the structure begin As you ward organic teaching. Con¬ cerning his conduct of Psych. HAPPY IF YOU KNEU) WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ! growth and this, we suppose, is what will be driven home bru¬ tally to SDS concerning this is¬ Unfortunately the mentality is such that Oakland's police .two become Garskof issue provides a good 490. it is necessary to condemn eminently sane experiment is sue. the seed of a legitimate chance to illustrate our apathy to squeal, watch the faculty his destruction of the inter¬ most probably doomed, for the 1&- movement is here with this is¬ i at he same time correct squeal to O'Kellv and O'Kelly personal relationship between sue. but the seed is in grave staff at that school has already it. . By virtue of the fact that at squeal to Winder and on. .Who ever invented pre-registration professor and student, in which the Psych. 490 course was ori¬ danger of being killed by an ex¬ plosion of ideology. received the resignations of a total of three of its members. one... least 1.000 students feel Gar¬ anyway? Did you ever pay for ginally based. As a leader in Rick Finger This leads me to the thought skof is a good teacher and value his instruction. I believe, that we the student body, should anything before you saw it? The same applies here. By this time the university power-structure will know stu¬ educational methods. Garskof should have been quick to recog¬ nize the impersonality he was allowing into his class. The 490 MAVBE IT'S ALREACV HAPPENED! Saginaw jun^r Kim Smucker a East Lansing sophomore that maybe what is needed is very thorough, intensive psychological investigation of (Ivanti. support their grievance and dent opinion because they will course pertains to special prob¬ help get the man rehired. Sup¬ know how many pre-registered pose you disagree with me. for Psychology in relation to how lems in psychology, but it seems SPECIAL "One-thousand isn't enough." that Dr. Garskof was conform¬ Friday and Saturday night many they expect to sign up ing with present reality in the you say7 Or. you don't approve of 'organic- learnings-it sounds They will not publish the re¬ multiuniversitv. Lojvenbrau Import sults but you will know student absurd O K you disagree. . The disruption of the educa¬ Draught $395 opinion by that time anyway be¬ tional process, as evident at From the beautiful new My point is. let us support cause you and your friends, by San Francisco State College, By the Pitcher Avanti Collection: warm him. or not support him. but in your actions will determine it. serves no other purpose than to 14 karat gold laced with the meantime let us realize that as MSU students we do have a measure of power to decide But don't stop now. Suppose that by now you have decided defi¬ nitely that you want Garskof re¬ solidify the otherwise indif¬ ferent opposition, and eventually 3rauer's: 1861 diamonds. Convenient Terms bring the downfall of your cause. • his future and our own As a hired but the university hasn't FREAKOUT No. 2 matter of fact, we can vote on it. We hope that disruption does not • a candlelight THE STRUCTURE rehired him yet. Don't sign up for Psychology at registration occur on this campus. Radicalism we feel will never • featuring • Ait world atmosphere Souse Zat.ks German and American Cuisine JEWELERS time. Wait till after the first The structure of this univer¬ bring excellence to education 207 S. Washington week of classes is over. Ad¬ sity demands that each depart¬ but bring disorder and turmoil 213 South Grand,(next ro new parking ramp) ment justify its existence to the just your schedule around it. to campus life. A well organ¬ Visit your classes but keep the deans, administration, trustees ized. liberal-minded, student etc.. by virtue of the number of boycott alive by not registering organization can exert real po¬ < Incidentally, this is students that sign up for its courses Th > department is for them good procedure anyway-suppose wer and reflect meaningful VALENTINE you really don't like the classi. given operating expenses ac¬ You can register the second cording to the number of stu¬ dents it can rally and the depart¬ week but by that time your pres¬ Barnyard manure ment expands (or noti ac¬ sure will have been felt and the cording to that number. By cal¬ structure will respond accord¬ TL KA r* i he iviL-d r and I ALS0: Psychedelic Light show ® t To the Editor: ling a strike for the whole uni¬ ingly. If it doesn't, don't regis¬ Regarding your editorial in versity. a small group tries to enforce its will on the majority ter for Psychology at all. Remember, you are voting- as today's News, has it ever oc¬ The Maxx Messiah Deisticlights0 curred to you that 'the cows MSU student and you are * an who do not want to strike. But. by boycotting the one depart¬ representing student opinion by your vote. You have a right to who make up a large part of our campus" are getting awful Saturday February 8 ment which is at fault, we can 8"12 Midnight withhold your money from the tired of all the barnyard ma¬ $2.00 Adm threaten to place professors in nure that you spread about empty classrooms-they will Psychology department if you every day? Union Ballroom consequently squeal toO'Kellv disapprove of their activities. There are a lot of us who Use your power wisely, but for who will squeal to Winder who are about ready to kick the lan¬ Sponsored By the MSU Fund God's sake, use it! will squeal to god knows whom Jacob J. Cline tern in your little red barn. For Disadvantaged Children and up and up until we have im¬ Stan Griff is, Kathleen. Fla.. 100% HUMAN HAIR mobilized the entire apparatus, University Hts.. Ohio graduate student graduate student which is. in fact, the structure. Not only can we threaten to do it. but if opinion is strong enough we can do it easily. WIGLETS Tiie sparkling S«J80 Only spring This is not an imitation oi nthetR* fiber—it is all 100% human hair. They ma> !»*■ >et, t ombed, brushed and even rinsed—Fun to p»a\ with and a pleasure to own. issue of • All 100°o human hair Over 30 colors to choose from MODEM • • No extra charge for light or frosted colors BRIDE pick a field of daisies to match (SALE ENDS FEB. 14) is at your your spring mood white daisies blooming newsstand now! on Echo's square and oblong silk twill scarves SHOWROOM OPEN: Mon. & FH. Till 9 MODERN -.ya ' assorted solid and combination backgrounds BRII>E in colors that count for spring A 45x15' oblong 5.00 3. The 24" square. 4.00 C The 31 square. 7.00 PH. 372-2332 j 1820 E. MICHIGAN JaoobSonS Friday, February 7, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan J WIC asks Operation Outra for uniform money By KAREN BRIER ship the food to Biafra. for A letter writing campaign be¬ front starving of Biafran children. pictures of starving dorm dues dence A motion halls' for Wednesday night at the Women's uniform resi¬ dues was made Slate News Staff Writer Despite these problems. Da¬ ginning Feb. 16. is planned for Inter-residence Council meet- East Lansing in which letters Davis said the lifeline will The children of Biafra are vis is optimistic about the suc- g will be sent to President Nix¬ be successful if the candles cess of Operation Outrage. Under the motion for uni¬ starving, and to a few MSU stu¬ on urging him to end the war are donated and the partici¬ dents, this is outrageous. form dues, residents of women's in Biafra because of the dif¬ pants purchase them for the As a result. ' Operation Out¬ residence halls would pay an parade with their donations. rage." an apolitical organiza¬ Short-term ficulty which food-carrying planes have entering the coun¬ A booth has been set up in equal amount, regardless of tion of the North American the Union providing pamphlets hall. . I Coalition for Biafran Relief, try. Under the present policy. J' has been organized on campus. The main idea of Operation jobs prov Recently, two planes X-ray machines and carrying needed to educate the Americans on the Biafran situation. East Lansing High School is each residence hall sets its; own dues requirement, and uses( Short-term jobs have become equipment did fly successfully this money to sponsor their Outrage is to raise money to also participating in the aid to the speciality of Rent-A-Stu- into Biafra at night, feed the Biafran children. Marshall Davis. Southfield sophomore and asst. chairman dent, a fast-developing business We are also urging people that started at the end of fall to write letters to their con- Biafran children. They will have a five day fast which they will give up their Vt individual programs. Members of WIC setting a uniform amount discussed' from' term as an idea of service gressmen to pass a bill which of Operation Outrage, said that S. Dorian Blair. Australian will send immediate U.S. aid forty cents a day for lunch to Funds for $6.50 to $10 per resident but arrived at no definite amount. although the organization has help feed the Biafran children. only been on campus one week, special student, wanted to put to Biafra." Davis said, lunteers Union booth to collect funds. In the booth, the East Lansing employer in Some merchants, including Davis said that 8.000 Biafran "Operation Outrage" vc man a The motion will now be re¬ they have already encountered people are dying per day. and it from left, are volunteer ; Art Weiss, Southfield junior, and Mickey Davis, Detroit hall touch with the potential stu- Greens and Once Upon A Time, ferred to the residence problems in raising money Pam Armstrong and Melva Bradshaw, East Lansing "People would rather not give dent employe. in East Lansing have agreed to only takes 50 cents per day sophomore. Watching a •e councils for further considera¬ He started Rent-A-Student place contribution jars in their feed a Biafran child high school students. State News photo by Mike Marhanka tion. Presidents will report anything than give what they the results of their council and is now placing about 50 stores for Biafra. think is not enough." Davis said. students per \ eek in jobs. Operation Outrage is seeking meetings at the next WIC meet¬ Davis also said that people do not understand that many the permission of the residence VIETNAM PROBLEM ing Wednesday he has jobs avail- halls for solicitation purposes Operation Outrage is completely Sue Landers, president of able tor any student who is wil- in hope that residence hall WIC. explained the rationale apolitical. Viruses ambush veterans ling to work councils will pass a resolution We have no political ties, behind the motion All types of jobs are listed on behalf of the hall to make a nor do we desire any. Davis said. "Our purpose is comp¬ with pay for men averaging two donation, and that the Greek "A system of uniform dues dollars per hour and women, living units will do the same, would be more fair to women letely humanitarian-to feed the children in Biafra. " hour Jobs are of The group is also planning can survive U.S. climates and moving from one residence ihoft duration, usuall Lifeline for Biafra." a week- An increasing number of vet- dosis. which has returning servicemen. At least hall to another. Often a woman All money raised on campus like tubercluosis. case of plague has dovel- can spread to other people by is sent to Washington where the lours and are mainly Ea: February where people erans are returning from Yiet- are not com¬ one way of animal reservoirs is required to pay more dues will rrv candles in a silent nam with diseases they have monly recognized. when she changes halls. Miss World Council of Churches or Lansing Occasionally campus contacted while in the service Most doctors have trouble "Less well-known diseases One popularly known Reser¬ Landers said. the International Red Cross will jot)S are llsted parade on campus ending in voir is the rat. which is a car- In a meeting conducted recognizing diseases that are may be missed if doctors are Women diseases the r for the plagu< transferring halls Thursday by MSU and E.W. not normally found in the Uni¬ not aware of what TONIGHT Sparrow Hospital, the problem ted States. veterans are bringing back." The chances of an epidemic receive no rebate on dues al- of early recognition of these In one case, a veteran home warned Dr. Norman McCul- or plague starting from one of ready paid for the year, ex- SB unfamiliar Viet¬ these diseases is extremely cept if they are moving to ALL COLOR relatively from Vietnam was stricken lough of MSU s College of Hu namese diseases was discuss- with a severe attack of mal¬ man Medicine. remote." McCullough said Van Hoosen or Owen Hall. ed. aria. his warning symptoms Many diseases can unknow¬ IN CAR HEATERS Some of the diseases that men not recognized He died before ingly be carried by the Vietnam |2 Miles Southwest of Lansing on M-78 returning with are com¬ proper treatment could be given. veteran to the United States. students are monly known, like malaria, while others such as melioi¬ Other diseases have brought into the country by the been ism Many of these disease organ¬ from Vietnam swamps Texas FRI. SAT. SUN. Dial-on-Announcement! NORTHSIDE DRIVE-IN THEATRE ^^4*1 J fl 3 TOP Color Hits Bring Everyone By BARBARA PARNESS State News Staff Writer Dial-an-Announcement call the system's office any can time 2 Miles North on US-27.. 482-74094 Elec. Heaters Texas A and M University's between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and answer to the State News' It's dictate the news information. What's Happening' In the early days following thn THEY'RE ALLRIDING-0N ONE BIG JUMP. is called "" Dial-an- Announcement system's initiation announce¬ Daughter's dream... Dad's job . and a blue ribbon for the Students at the university in ments of events would often be heard following their occurrence. College Station. Tex . need only dial seven numerals to find out At that time the office for Dial- the latest information about a an-Announcement' did not stay variety of subjects concerning open during the evening. wait the university community The communications sys¬ Recently a change was made Disney new tem at the university is part of in the recording schedule to al¬ the campus Centrex system, low all recording to be done be¬ PRODUCTIONS similar to the telephone system tween 8 and 8:30 in the evening. in operation at MSU. Anyone calling with an announce Dial-an-Announcement was ment prior to this time can get initiated the school during the information recorded for the "'HOISSi™ at the early part of fall term next day Each day major areas of in¬ Announcements for Saturday terest including the University CRAYFIflNNELSUIT and Sunday must be recorded on Calendar. Athletic Dept.. and / tab §rwj / mm kariua student program's office are Friday However, another an¬ ">. ; Directed by ' checked for items of interest. nouncement replaces the old one on Sunda\ evening to allow Godord, Goud* Aytont-Laro, Students and department per¬ for new announcements on Mon¬ sonnel who have some informa¬ Phtiipp# Broca, Moure Mtdtcrai Pffoghor 0EAN JONES tion they wish to be aired over day B0CHNER CLARK AMSTERDAM RUSSELL JAN0V LOUIS PELLETIER rSZZZZ.'SZ* SPARTANTWINTHEATRE "THE DEVIL'S BRIGADE" pr, > WINSTON HIBLER . TECHNICOLOR NORMAN TOKAR Matinees Daily at ■ Reserved Seats at Box-Office or By Mailfc SHOWN TWICE AT 7:23 and 11:30 1:30-3-5-7-9:30 P.M. .DAVID NIVEN, Also * Disney's "The Shaggy Dog" at 9:4o I winnerBest Picture of the Year^gr ! NOW! "MORE DEAD THAN ALIVE'' . ■ NOMINATED FOR 7 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS BEST ACTRESS BEST ACTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS [IBSTHEY'RE ALL RIDING-ON ONE BIG JUMP...^ Daughter's dream... Dad's job... and a blue ribbon for the boss! ALL COLOR FAMILY SHOW! — Starring Clint Walker Vincent Price — BEST SCREENPLAY BEST MUSICAL SCORE ^ Performing Arts Company ■ - BEST DIRECTOR BEST PICTURE Department of Theatre jwait Disney Michigan State University presents JEAN GENET'S The Balcony PeTeRO'TOOLe KATHARIN6 H6PBURN ALL PERFORMANCES TH€ LION IN W1NT6R "" g! ARENA THEATRE - AUDITORIUM DEAN JONES DIANE BAKER Feb. 10-15 B0CHNER CLARK AMSTERDAM RUSSELL JAN0V, raris-? • curtain time -- 8:00 p.m. sc..inpu,t.» LOUIS PELLETIER producedb, WINSTON HIBLER »,ER.C hatch NORMAN TOKAR iVinrt FOR TICKETS: STARTS TUESDAY - FEB. Nth - 8:30 p.m. TECHNICOLOR SHOWN TWICE 7:30 & LATE : thepOOW Wilson Hall Concourse Feb. 6-7 5:00-7:00 p.m. s... ciNtRM andthe 'SPARTAN TWIN WES!' technicolor Brody Arena Feb. 10-11 5:00-7:00 p.m. ALL SEATS RESERVED For Special Group Rates ALSO Conrad Hall or Theatre Parties, Mon. Thru Sat. at 8:30 p.m $2.50 Feb. 12-13 5:00-7:00 p.m. Wed. & Sat. Matinees at 2:30 Sunday at 2:30 & 7:30 $2.00 $..50 CALL 351-0031 Mr. Matthews or "THE SHAGGY DOG" and I hour before curtain at arena TICKETS ON SALE NOW FROM 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Sorensen SHOWN ONCE ONLY AT 9:40 Friday, February 7, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Shows, While there is nothing to get excited about this weekend, harrowing experience w h i ch play simply and. we are told, accur- of-the-absurd r-excellent starring the Alan Bates as Steven Scheuer it: end has written of "Excellent. A cardinal is imprisoned and relentlessly Palmer cress File." spy series, began with the stunning "Ip- which Starring Michael students should have little, ately depicts what would happen a drop out soldier. Directed questioned by the police of Caine as Palmer, these films trouble finding something suit¬ in an English community under by Philippe de Broca ( "That a communist state. An actor's have all the excitement and able for breaking up the mid¬ nuclear attack. With its expert Man From Rio"), this anti- show; Guiness and Jack Hawk¬ none of the nonsense of the establishment farce has won best James Bond films. At 7 make-up jobs and careful imi¬ ins display superb perfor¬ term monotony. itself a cult of followers, as tation of television news-photo¬ this gripping top¬ and 9 tonight in Wilson. Satur¬ Live, the Performing Arts The War well as a collection of detract- mances in Co. will be going through hell graphy techniques ~ ical drama." Mr. Scheuer. 1 day in Conrad. Game" is a kick the intell- ors. so at least it should leave Off campus. "The Com¬ in Jean Genet's searing fantasy- might add. is usually quite drama. "The Balcony.-' and ectual gut that will not be no one uncommitted. At 8:00 accurate. Please check "It's mittee" is a canned version of exhausting work somewhere be¬ forgotten At 7 and 9 tonight tonight and Saturday in 109 What's Happening' for time a hilarious West-Coast review; and Saturday, in 108 Wells Hall. Anthony Hall Romeo and Juliet" is really tween Beckett and brothel. please note time change >. and place. The MSU Film Society once as brilliant, beautiful and Also live, the Joint will offer The Beal Film Group brings For light. action-packed blues and folk music in a cof¬ again gets the Marlon Brando entertainment. don't miss thrilling as the advertisements Award for weird film selection. us an Alec Guinness film. "The claim: and everything else is feehouse atmosphere, tonight "Funeral In Berlin. the and Saturday after 8:00. in the This time it's for "King of Prisoner." The only thing I second in Len Deigton's Harry striclty for banality addicts. Student Services Bldg. base¬ Hearts." a black little comedy- know about this one is that ment. And super-live, the MC-5 will present in the Union "Guerrilla Rock" Ballroom on Sat¬ I*AC MIRRORS LIFE Balcony' urday night. The psychedelics will raise funds for charity, so you can blow your mind for a good cause. This brings us to MSU's Finesse ••All word's tumbles not communicated. over Genet ex¬ burn (Bishop). The three absurb surroundings and stan- entertainment basic, the mo¬ Shakespeare presses the contact dominate jxpressed an understanding of dards. ofHowever, these the presenta- arrangements vies. The Cinema Guild offer¬ heir roles in relation to the What a dream! ing. David Watins' The War Having entered via back submission struggle of the human psyche-again. this was playwright's and director's in¬ was very weak. not for the faint- stage and crossing the stage While the show lacks the Diana Rigg, former lady "Avenger, not developed by the company. tent. The false roots of their et one wishes that itself for seats. Tuesday's finesse of Genet's aim, Lan¬ in the CBS television special, " hearted. Rising above the mediocrity beings were shapely realized Night's Dream," which will be telev American could be forced opening night audience viewed and honestly delivered. dry does present an exciting the Performing Art Co.'s iPACi of the company were five stand¬ adventure in contemporary outs who performed beauti¬ Technically, director Landry production of Jean Genets succeeded with an original ar¬ drama. The Balcony. " fully. Most impressive was The entrance set the frame¬ Jill S. Goldwasser as Irma. rangement of sound, light and madame of the brothel of il¬ film in his portrayal of our work for the evening's offer¬ lusions. Miss Goldwasser car¬ 'Mrs. Peel' slips naturally ing. "The Balcony. which ried the weak supporting per¬ attacks the illusory basis of formers with the cold passion our society, is an extremely of a winter wind. difficult play demanding the Also of equally special note Shakespearean role delicate combination of ad¬ -esponse was into vanced acting and technical not a acting fully positive one. The company consisted of is Harold Rick chief of police. as intense Hite as the Hite displaved fanatisicm matched The plot revolves on a world some 20 persons, and. with I'm in love with two women. only by his inner fears. centered in a brothel, with its the exception of five, they of¬ One of them however, is not visitors the symbols of our fered few convincing moments. Completing the performing an immediate attachment: more PANORAMA- For Sunday's performance Genet puts much emphasis on five-some were Louis Bauer false civilization. of what they used to call the the RSC will perform free PAC director Peter Lan¬ the impotence of man in pre- (Envoy i. Richard Alan Col- "inaccessible passion" in from the usual convention and dry s primary intent was to sent society-that impotency was opv Rogen and Neal Col- TV knightly days. I've met her limitations of the stage. This extend a stimulus to thought only once, yet seen her doz- newest and possibly most ex¬ and emotion, action and re¬ • ens of times: I have a "case" citing venture yet in bringing for this lady, just as I suppose, action In this he succeeds. Shakespeare to the screen was my dad used to dig Betty Grable filmed entirely with hand-held The show swayed between mom¬ ents of high tension to pits of during some long ago war. cameras on location on a 17th- Her name is Diana Rigg. centurv estate in "Shakespeare emptiness, causing the direc- WITH SPECIAL GUEST STARS she's English, and will be countrv" tor's desired response. YOUNG-HOLT performing in the Royal Shakes¬ UNLIMITED peare Co.'s T.Y special. Mid¬ Free, Fast Delivery summer .Nights Dream to be Accompanying Miss Rigg in RHETTA HUGHES broadcast from 9-11:15 p.m. this, one of William Shake¬ and Sunday speare's most lyrical, vet es¬ If the name seems to es¬ sentially earthy plays, is a Every Night is Student Night FRIDAY, FEB. 7 AT g:30 P.M. cape you. perhaps the above very gifted cast AT THE GABLES COBO ARENA David Warner, whom you may Tickets $5.75, $4.75, $3.75, $2.75 picture.; or the other better to all Wilson Hall orders known name. "Mrs. Emma recall t Peel" will strike a familiar better on 2/7/69 with this coupon note. Yes. this is the former lead of CALL 351-7100 leather-clad batted all forms of evil oarviiMa'B Ian Richardson debonair John Steed for ina.n , _ ,. u . years on Br.tisn and recently, and Judi Dench playing tania are two other notied Royal American television. Togeth¬ Shakespearean Co. members er as "The Avengers. th's who will also be seen couple far preceded Batman and Robin as a "dynamic du' The Royal Co. itself, lo- Alter four years as the cated at Stratford-on-Avon and type-cast, pant-suited judo e: London theatre locations, has pert. Mrs. Peel", i.e. Miss long earned a reputation tor Rigg has chosen to return to her first love: classical theatre She had been a member at Stratford-on-Avon in 1959. While there, one of her great¬ est triumphs was in the role of Helena, from the Mid¬ summer Night's Dream, which she played in 1962 Come Sun¬ day night, we will witness her return appearance to the role, one which will demonstrate a- nother. perhaps unknown per¬ sonality profile of a very tal- ; ented actress. For we have seen < the modern, provocative, lively Most F < and. in mod British. "very ' good" side of Diana Rigg Yet with the Shakespearean role before her. the classical back¬ grounding in drama will be re- vealed. MIXER The Misery Loves Company 8:30 - 12:00 50< East Wilson Cafeteria Have A Bowling Party To Raise Funds The Easy Way Let us help you make some money for your fraternity, sorority, dorm, or social group. For information call Rich Maury Utitidau JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR PH. 487- 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 7, 1969 New lows to equal to the proposed Uniform bene for passage Heart I'AGA grants by the Michigan Le¬ By MARTY CLAUS transplants authority to any commission felt that this sub¬ Act would require that the Mich¬ gislature. State News Staff Writer person of legal age and sound ject was better left with the mind to donate all or part of his scientists to determine." Wil¬ igan act be extensively amended "On the basis of the data de¬ Michigan legislators went to liam Pierce, chairman of the and added to." Bishop said. rived from the public hearing the work early last year to clear body to medical science. Legal National Commission on Uni¬ Dr. Jerry Rosenberg, assoc¬ committee has decided to use the legal cobwebs and make way age is set at 18 years. The act recognizes donations form State Laws. said. iate professor of surgery at the the Uniform Anatomical Gift for wider-ranging organ trans¬ "Such determination must be Wayne State University School Act as it was written by the Com¬ plant programs. by will, by witnessed written of Medicine, said at the missioners on Uniform State A concurrent resolution creat¬ statements and by a card car¬ made in the context of the de¬ hearing ried the donor's mands of society, recognizing that the Transplantation Com¬ Laws with minor changes." ing an interim committee to on person. Most restrictive that the determination of death mittee at Wayne "has spent a Sen. Lorraine Beebe (R-Dear- study the medical, moral and le¬ requirements gal aspects of transplants and pertaining to wills are elimin¬ and the method used therefore, considerable amount of time in borni. chairman of the com¬ mittee. said Friday. iuonS to report its recommendations ated. making the gift effective affects the usability of the or¬ reviewing the Uniform Anatom¬ One of these coeds will reign as queen over ical Gift Act and feels that it The committee s recommen¬ to the 1969 Michigan Legislature immediately upon death. gan which is to be transplanted. " Winter weekend. Left to right they are < If donee is named, if The UAGA does recognize that takes care of a number of the dations are being drafted and was introduced to the Senate in no or Flynn, Delta Delta Delta; Sandra Raines, January 1968. the designated donee is not only the doner's treating phy¬ problems involved. " should be presented to the leg¬ islature as a bill to be consid¬ Kappa Gamma; Bunny McBride, Kappa Alpha Theta; "In the United States there readily available, the attending sician should determine the time Denise ered in this session. Mrs. Bee- LaViella, Delta Gamma; Sharon Turni sr, Chi are neither federal nor state physician has the right to uti¬ of death and that this physician lize the gift as the agent of the should not be a participant in the be said. Omega. State News photo by Michae laws that deal adequately with the various legal issues involv¬ ers on Uniform State Laws, a transplant procedure. — — ing the use of tissues of deceas¬ Doctors and others acting in national organization made up ed persons." medical experts asserted at a workshop spon¬ of from three each lawyers or judges state whose func¬ good faith and in accordance with the terms of the UAGA School is now considering the COMMUNITY ECONOMICS sored by the National Research tion is to aid in making state are specifically protected from problem of determination of Council in 1966 laws up-to-date and uniform liability. death. JMC tests applied study Members of the Michigan study throughout the nation. The pro¬ Since there are no laws in In order to gather more in¬ committee were charged with posed legislation has been en¬ the United States that attempt formation on the subject of revising the law to create a dorsed by a committee of the to define death, the commis¬ transplants, the Michigan study more helpful tool in the life- American Medical Assn. sioners concluded that an at¬ committee conducted a public saving process As part of the Its purpose is to settle the tempt at legislating a definition hearing in October to which By JEANNE SADDLER Civil Disorders is one exam¬ their own ideas. This was done cific. real-life situation is dif¬ study, the committee has been questions of who shall be a do¬ of death would be unwise. representatives from the fields State News Staff Writer ple of JMC's unconventional to leave the student in a neu¬ ficult." he said. engaged in a comprehensive nor. time of death, selection The traditional criteria for of medicine, law. communica¬ Residential curriculum. The class, which tral college courses position between the city "Black Power. by Stokelv evaluation of the Uniform Ana¬ of recipients and liability of death, namely the inability to tions. education and members often leave instructors freer is taught by Harry McKinney. and the area residents. Carmichael and Charles V. tomical Gift Act UAGA 1 maintain cardiac and respira¬ of the clergy contributed. i the medical team involved in to experiment with new ideas professor in JMC. spent the Video types and materials Hamilton. Where Do We Go The UAGA is a document of tory function, were viewed as Dave Bishop, a member of the in higher education, but the tra¬ first three weeks of this term transplantation. The act ;is in¬ for visual aids were available From Here. by Dr Martin suggested legislation for the tended to apply to current trans¬ "largely inadequate in light of transplant legislation commit¬ ditional procedures of using involved with the Model Cities to the student to prepare their Luther King, and the "Report states which authorizes the gift the widespread availability of tee which drew up the UAGA for plant problems and also to fore¬ papers, tests and lectures is Program. own presentation. After mak¬ of the National Advisory Com¬ of all or part of a human body seeable developments in medi¬ methods to support both sys¬ the National Commission on Uni¬ The students charged usually followed, according to were ing preliminary presentations mission on Civil Disorders" after death for specified pur¬ tems artificially. form State Laws, pointed out Lee Upcraft. asst. dean of Jus¬ with presenting the parts of the of the report to a few mem¬ poses. ae vera^key provisions of the The modern developments at the hearing that there is a tin Morrill College < JMC i. Lansing Model Cities Appli¬ bers of the community and are the required texts for the course plus supplemental read¬ The act written by a sub- act facilitate donations and elar- in science are going to make Michigan Anatomical Gift Act was "The residential aspect is cation. which was to be sent discovering new problems, the ings in economics assigned by 1 of the Commission- ify existing uncertainties. The this difficult to define and the passed in 1958 which covers the main feature of our col¬ to Washington. D.C.. to the committees prepared their fi¬ the professor. some of the same points as the nal programs. lege. but several of the pro¬ citizens of the area The stu¬ I feel that we can learn NOW EVERYONE'S EYES ARE UAGA fessors involved in dents were divided into four are ex¬ McKinney felt that this ex¬ about community action for "An attempt to change the periments." Upcraft said. committees, education, em¬ perience would help the stu¬ our own future communities present Michigan act to make it "The Economic Elements of ployment. housing and social dents understand the real na¬ by meeting and listening to services. ture and causes of some of the citizen study groups." Suzy fl Ml Til F HA I Truman Capote's chronicle of a crime, the TONIGHT AND TOMORROW The class was told to out¬ the problems that they would Sori. Benton Harbor sopho¬ Ull IIICIVIi most discussed best-seller of the decade! 108 Wells Hall 7 and 9 line only the problem analy¬ sis and proposals of the ap¬ confront in the "Trying to course. teach a course more said. The with the Model Cities program involvement 75C in economics bv way plication. without presenting of a spe- has made me feel that my stud¬ "It may ies are related to the commun¬ be the most important film ever made" Kenneth Tynan, London Observer CELLULOID RESENTS ity rather than just an demic exercise." Karen aca¬ Oas. Detroit freshman, said De Broca's Crowning Touch! Fri & Sat. y^RAMS PCTIR WATKJNi ■ A BRITISH MOAOCAITINQ COftPOftATION PRODUCTION PLANETARIUM WKTIOW WITH TNI MtTHH HIM tmnrun ■ A PATH! CONTIMEQWAWV FILMM MLIAM Now Presents: Hubbard The Year of the Hall Planets Mixer Preview of many of the interesting events involv¬ ing the planets this year. Program Schedule Fridays -- 8:00 p. m. Saturdays—2:30, 8:00 p.m. Sundays--2:30 & 4:00 p.m. ^ !\ 1 as MATT H AM3/ 3 MILE5 EASTOFMS.U. • PHONE EDZ-I042' „ V,•' This Information 355*4672 THE SILENCERS At 9:50 Silencers •Abrams Planetarium, Sci¬ ence Rd. and Shaw Lane, MSU, East Lansing. Ye CldeJUttce- TODAY . . . Feature at & SPECIAL MESSAGE 1:00-3:10-5:15-7:20-9:25 AN UNFORGETTABLE WILDLIFE ADVENTURE TONIGHT.. "DAZZLING! Once you picture FROM SHAKEY'S see it, you'll never ajiain . from 7:00 P.M. IN THE MOST BEAUTI¬ FUL SCENERY EVER SECOND 'Romeo&.Juliet'quite the way you did before!" -life FILMED! WEEK! SHAKEY'S-OFFERS KMSnTMG. Franco Zephrelli SW-SPUTTIHG SATIRE "?effirelli ITS PATRON 8: best director" "^College Times Romeo * Nat, Board of Review of u» PROMPT SERVICE (^juliet Motion Pictures H'"''iSfiLrt": ... NO MATTER. HOW TAKES 'L Politics? Huoh pilot* defy inn death to rotor nhiKit wild game' C'mon out! SEE liriiif( Hunting and fishing amidst mos magnificent *renery ever filmed You'll love every . SEE h*hing you dream about ant, high adventure nevef before phnto= \oordinary low niory.... graphed' Trophy hunt for Moose, Dahl Kelraapd Prior to Nov, 1st—Not Classified Sheep. Gri^/ly hear and a 1400 pound Brown hear, IMIW1 MMIIW Hiram MUM m Fellow the Sikimo aeross the lOHMtlW Mwvwno MNMI mm MM desolate iee paek in seareh HMMlimiMMO'tin MIHMloailWrtlMMM View stenes of the [laid bagle »«] raw FRANCO Will """""*,,2£" and other Northern Birdi«= •JP1S1*WJRLCR^YE PUBLIC HOUSE* Wateh a Female 6ri/4ytea§h CAIMPui fwliyiipiMnMUVf Released prw la Nov, l=nat daiMfied fssAnidei' 4SHOWS DAILY he^eufe^^isMg^almen, euins agHieur aaD-saa: lommg Attraction. Cemlna ftTTrQ6Tiom "Y0U ARB WHAT Y0lJ SAT" wj{hTmyTim Ne*t Am "The Night ffeto 2|t)(Mi30=ri0£M||Q They Raided Mmeky's" 'ri§e§ for this Attraction ABULT§==ALL TIMES 12,00 iCHJL0R|NH>Mnder^i^ Friday, February 7. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Group tests I Iraqi govt. watc new-style many jailed classrooms BAGHDAD. Iraq ~ bet was taught. No Jewish reli¬ gious instruction was given in Frank School a chilling insight independently got By DENISE FORTNER Iraq's Jewish colony has been Cohen, who speaks little Eng¬ Picture a classroom with¬ the school. kept under close watch since The school of 550 pupils. 90 lish. received them politely but out the bleak atmosphere of nine Jews were hanged as a woman teacher explained no hard desk-chairs, blackboards per cent of them Jewish, re¬ spies. At least 120 Jews were re¬ ceives no government support questions could be answered and the monotonous drone of a ported in jail as the government A security official attempted without government authority. widens its espionage probe. If you want to help us. drink to interrupt when Cohen said The classroom is a com¬ Increasing friction between that since the Arab-Israeli war a coffee and go pleaded Coh- fortable environment of light¬ Israel and Iraq as a result of of 1967 no Jewish student had weight desk-chairs, carousel the executions has made life Please ." said the woman been admitted to a university. slider oj e c t o r s. audio-tape more difficult than ever for the teacher. She hid her eyes in her desks, movie projectors and You told me to give the nation's 3.000 Jews. handkerchief television screens. facts." said Cohen in Arabic Jews appear afraid to speak For the benefit of visiting ices. Wishful 17 thinking0 Perhaps. But the MSI' Learning Serv¬ Morrill Hall, is de¬ Monetary check at you. These moral contradictory signs exemplify the prob- freely with visitors, and it is forbidden for them to give news That is what I am doing. Asked whether Jews were al¬ lowed to leave Iraq to study, the newsmen. Ministry Iraq's ordered Information 93-year-old The hardest thing next to cashing i an interviews without government Grand Rabbi Sasoon Khidhouri veloping new instructional tech¬ East Lansing bank is finding a te principal said. T cannot answer permission. that." from his sick bed to endorse a niques which will help this Iraqi sources said Jews face testimonial to the regime's lib- Two newsmen who visited the fantasy become reality. arrest on the flimsiest pretexts PROFANITY STUDY The Learning Service has es¬ and have no resource to law in I am old and sick and have tablished an experimental class¬ facility which is avail¬ civil suits with other Iraqis. SN correction seen many changes brought room Most Jews are convinced that Dr. Benjamin Spoek's speech about by revolutionary govern¬ able for use by any MSI" fac¬ they are under constant surveil- ments. declared the gray- College talk burns ulty member to test new in¬ at the Lansing YWCA auditor¬ bearded rabbi. ears structional ideas. The Learning Isaac Moshe Cohen, principal ium at 7 tonight will not be free We have been dealt with in a Service is also available for of the tiny Frank Jewish School as previously reported The assistance in projects using speech is open to the public, good manner by all the govern¬ told a news conference called by ments of Iraq but especially bv the facility. but a $2 charge will be collec¬ Ever flunk a test and say. They are rather holy areas, tually have their aura of daring ■ more of , the government that of Jewish ted at the door. this revolutionary regime. System Training Program • A vital to almost every human." stripped from them sexual object. culture only the Hebrew alpha¬ for Graduate Teaching Assis¬ Oh. grass'"' Can you picture he said. Apparently it is only By taking words that denoted The study raises the question tants . a project presently yourself shouting. rats and the subject being discussed. of the need for censorship when the most important aspects of utilizing the facility, is spon¬ mice, after receiving your i-A life than can be profaned. " Cameron was able to make gues¬ profanity is so common. Cam¬ sored by the Esso Foundation. draft notice through the mail',' Cameron said that words serve ses about the subject matter of eron said that when educated peo¬ The foundation is a non-profit Probably not Students may know more colorful words to to separate children from ad¬ student conversations. ple disregard tradition in lang¬ organization which provides The topics were, in order, sex. uage usage it is time to eliminate grants for educational research describe daily anxieties, and ults. profanity being considered a mark of age. drinking, school, eating and the traditions ano laws forbiding The facility consists of three when they slip and fall on the How many adults would fre¬ smoking. such language. Farm Lane bridge, may re¬ parts: The first, a small class¬ "Sex and booze account for a room. has lightweight desk- sort to profanity, noi profundity quent bars if some five-year to express their plight old could legally saunter up to good 25 per cent of the conver¬ chairs that can be moved into sation." he said, "both of which In fact, a study by Paul Cam¬ the bar and order a Bloody a variety of configurations- are undoubtedly interesting, but for lectures, for round-table eron. asst. professor of psy¬ Mary between puffs on his sto¬ hardly intellectual. discussions or for small group chology at Wayne State Uni¬ gie." he said Cameron said that words de¬ Since the impact of some pro¬ versity. shows that one out of fanity has been lost through noting the male gender were The second part of the fa¬ every 14 words spoken by a overuse-such as the word more frequently used than fe¬ cility. an individual learning college student is profane. male gender words, except in The study was made a; Stout damn'—Cameron said he ex¬ room." is equipped with a slide words referring to sex-organs. State University in Menomonie. pects that other frequently- projector, audio-tape, movie used profane words ■•will even¬ He said this suggests that wo- projector and television screen Wise . by monitoring the con¬ Between the classroom and versations of students in dorms, the individual learning room" student unions, bars and even is a control-observation room restrooms. with one-way vision windows on Cameron and 47 student in¬ two ot its four sides Irom terviewers candidly recorded which observers may watch just under 50.000 words Needless to say we kept proceedings in the experimental classroom mum about what we were doing The experimental facilitv lias until we finished." he said, its own television system, Video To get words from the be¬ tapes made n. the facility ginning. middle and end of sen- mav be played back immediate fences, the observers recorded 1,» in the classroom or in the the first three words of a eon- !' individual learning i«#>m l^ersation at 15-second inter¬ tin1 be¬ vals. "The profane words fell into ing lessors utilized in by the iJept, munication to record classroom several (>n>- ot Com¬ three categories: sexual, sac¬ red and excretory. Cameron Why Rent... when you can own this fine 8-plece living communication' situations on said About eight percent of all words recorded were pro¬ room suit# for as little as 10% down and vide% tape The video tapes fane." S10.87 p#r 24 months, tax Included! are played back while the stu¬ dents and th"ii instructors He said the three categories analyze the coni v inication pro- were an explanation of them Sofa, 2 end tables, s23692 how would you like to coffee table 2 lamps, 2 chairs, Students sou fill ASMSU break into banking? uation. elections and others The initiation and continua¬ Interested students can con tion of programs this term in tact Peck from 3-5 p.m Mor ASMSU has resulted in vacan¬ CEDARLA>: .fNG. MICHIGAN cies in student government day through Friday in 32 II SO Student Services Bldg or b; according to Jeff Peck. ASMSl 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 2-6 He said that through place¬ phoning 353-8857. m: ment on various committees, TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION students can become acquainted with and involved in student government with most quali¬ fied persons receiving place¬ ment vacancies in the There are departments of travel, tree uni <-•, JSSi versity. Spartacuss. consumer relations. tutori;;g. course eval¬ SAVE ON * r MAHARISHI TYPEWRITERS MAHESH YOGI transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous technique which allows each individual to expand his conscious mind and improve all aspects of life CORONET uit 12" Electric The Students' International Meditation Society Typewriter S129" introductory lecture m/r^orr HAN K • 5-year Guarantee By JERRY JARVIS • Free Carrying Case r, 'I'm J.1 ;■r • Full 80-Charaeter NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF SIMS Office Keyboard Friday Fab. 7 7 & 8:30 p.m. mm* Mil 80 CEBAH LANIING, MICH 10AN at tht ERICKSON KIVA HOURS-- Students' International Meditation Soelety-MSU Cheek Into a career opportunity at Detroit Bank ft Trust. Men, thru Fri. 9-9 Our will be on eampm for Interviews on Fphmnn P.O. Box 229 0kemoe 46664 Bat, fl-6 Sun, 2-6 Friday, February 7, 19 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS- REMATCH SATURDAY By MIKE MANLEY Cagers and taking keep the opposition from those easy close-in once tans. shoot since dropping the Spar¬ picked up 29 points along the losing to Loyola of Chi¬ way to up his season average will be limiting Sullivan and guard Dan Fife. They burned at State News Sports Writer After the Wolverines' first shots. In the first contest be¬ cago. 112-100 in overtime in to 25.6. Bob Sullivan hit his the Spartans in the first game 14 foes averaged better than tween the two teams the Spar¬ Chicago. Tomjanovich. who was season high of 31 points by picking up the slack when tans were forced to take the blanketed by Lafayette and could against Loyola. raising his Tomjanovich was unable to 90 points per game. Michigan Coach John Orr decided two long, low percentage shots time manage only 7 points here, set point production to 11.6. shake off Lafayette s tough de- after time. a Chicago Stadium record by MSU Coach John Benington weeks ago to scrap his porous .viichigan carries a 9-7 over¬ man-to-man defense in favor Michigan has only played grabbing 30 rebounds. He also said the Spartan's main problem all mark into the contest and of something a little more stand 3-3 in the Big Ten race. secure. As a gamble. Orr sprung a hustling zone on MSU at Jenison Fieldhouse and 2 assistants it payed off in a 75-70 win for the Wolverines. The new-look Fencers travel defense kept Lee Lafayette wrapped up all afternoon with grid staff most of his 14 points coming on hard fought baskets under the offensive boards. The MSU football staff for the approaching season was completed Thursday when former Spartan lineman Joe to Wisconsin Orr will most likely stick Carruthers and George Paterno were named assistant By DENNIS COGSWELL i-2 in the event. with his zone defense against State News Sports Writer MSI "s opponents today are the Spartans this Saturday in The addition of Paterno and Carruthers plus the recent In search of the winning track, Wisconsin. Iowa, and Indiana Ann Arbor. Game time is 2 p.m. appointment of Sherman Lewis brought the staff back the MSU fencers travel to Mad-" Tech. The meet should prove lit the new U-M Events Bid to nine. Three Spartans assistants of last year. Don Cole¬ ison today still smarting from to be much easier than last week We plan no changes against man. Yince Carillot. and Cal Stoll. had left since the three defeats in their last four when the Spartans ran into Air MSf and just hope we can do end of the season to take positions elsewhere matches Force and Illinois. as good a job on them as we Paterno comes to MSI after four years as head coach The latest defeat came Wed¬ I haven't heard to much a *11 did in East Lansing.'' Orr said. the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Paterno is the nesday night at the hands of bout Iowa or Indiana Tech." Chorus I-M s zone is especially brother of Penn State Coach Joe Paterno GEORGE PATERNO Wayne State. The 17-10 score Schmitter said, but I do know tough because of their two deep Paterno was a star fullback on the 1949 Brown team however, was not truly indica¬ that Wisconsin does not have as Spartan forward Jim Gibbons makes the effort t men. 6-8 Rudy Tomjanovich and that featured brother Joe at quarterback and helped lead tive of how close the match good a team as it usually does Michigan's D?nnis Stewart gets the bal1 during t H-ti Dennis Stewart. Both men the team to its best record in the last 23 years. 8-1. was. Coach Charles Schmitter The Badgers only common Spartans' recent 75-70 loss. have superior jumping ability After graduation he coached at Brooklyn Prep and said, adding he felt the Spar¬ opponent with MSU this season State News photo by Bob Ivi Clarke High School. Westbury. N Y before moving on tans could have won has been Wayne State Wiscon¬ to the Merchant Marine Academy I substituted for Glenn Wil¬ sin badlv beaten in that Golden Gloves was In four years his teams posted a combined 18-15-2 liams in his last match, and he match The Badgers have also mark. His 1968 squad won eight of nine games and finish¬ probably would have won it. lost to the Universitv of Detr¬ crown captured ed second in balloting for the Lambert Bowl, given to the Schmitter said Don Satchel also oit. a team MSI must face in top small college team in the East had an off night and lost all two weeks. by MSU student and Carruthers played on lettered as a tackle at the 1956 Rose Bowl team. MSU in 1955. 57. three of his matches." The Spartans continued to do Schmitter couragement found some in MSU s loss to en¬ Carruthers played three seasons with the Hamilton the foil vith Wayne State The Tartars had Howard Fenske. an MSI' stu¬ dent and member of the campus Tiger Cats of the Canadian Football League before enter Norcutt winning three and Wil¬ already beaten powerful teams ing a career in high school coaching. liams two In the epee. Bobby from Ohio State and the Air boxing club. Wednesday night Williams went 2-1 and Dana Day decisioned Dick Padgett in the He became head coach at Detroit St Ambrose High Force, but the Spartans came School in 1965 and the following year was named Michi¬ 1-2 close to pulling off an upset. finals of the Lansing Golden Gloves middleweight open div- gan High School Coach of the Year. MSU took a 7-2 beating in the This year Carruthers was coach at the brand new Grosse the Pointe North High School. Frosh skaters Both appointments are retroactive to January 15 JOE CARRUTHERS semi-finals last year, travel: Saturday to Grand Rapids t< top Badgers 5-3 t-ompete in the state finals The MSI freshman hockey team downed the Wisconsin freshman ~>-A here Thursday C3 SCOTT night. WHY DON'T YOU HOUSE Scoring goals for the Spar¬ tans Herb were Don Thompson Price. Bill Fifield > 2 >. and STOP IN AND Dennis Hogan. The win was the second in MUSIC SYSTEM SEE US SOMETIME? of as many outings for the MSU frosh. The Spartans meet the Badgers again at 3::M) p.m. to- lay in the MSU Ice Arena INDIA ( AM;- / F M / STEREO ONLY $199.95 BELLS, BANGLES, 101 E. GRAND RIVER The AND SO FORTH DOWNSTAIRS BETWEEN KESEL'S AND CUNNINGHAM'S 245 ANN ST., E. L. MARSHALL MUSIC 402 S. Washington, Lansing 332-8403 Look THE MINI COMPUTER Renault 69 STATISTICS • Rated Tops By Road-Test Analysis of Variance Magazine $325 ;l. diamonds Chi Square Distribution • Rated Tops By Commuters t gold corn- Correlation Analysis & Travelers Sampling Means & Differences Moving Averages • Rated Tops For Winter Driv¬ Convenient Terms Trend Analysis ing & Comfort Sampling Distribution • 35 To 40 M^G Central Tendencies Measures of Dispersion • cruise 70-80 MPH Zales JEWELERS 207 S. Washington ENGINEERING Differentia! Equations Numerical Integration Bessel Functions Kinematics Still Only STEREO SOUND Circuit Design Stress Analysis BY SONY Hydrodynamics Process Control Estimating MATHEMATICS 1,775 P.O.E. Elementary Functions Vectors, Determinants and Matrices Solutions of Equations Analytic Geometry Calculations in Number Theory 12 MONTH FULL WARRANTY UNLIMITED MILEAGE 1 external storage 'LIVE A LITTLE" GO-RENAULT!! SONY of programs and '-'"/A th<; :.o//er and flexibility of full- 560 Auto-Reverse Stereo / *' as an adding machine. Programs, Compact Tape System impute many formulas and sequences Sports Car Center 4ll SO CEDAR LANSING MICHIGAN Arranged business 1601 E. Grand River, Lansing HOURS-- Mon„ thru Fri. 9-9 Phone (517) 485-1733 Open Monday & Thursday Evenings til 9 m«»rMr»«800, Sat. 9-6 Sun. 2-6 Friday, February 7, 1969 11 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS 4 Olympians Records expected to fall Indiana By JOHN VIGES State News Sports Writer is having a great year. senior from Arizona ta The has qual¬ Saturday in MSU Relays By DON KOPRIVA track coach in 1957 and has seen • We should do well in both the 1000 with his chief compe¬ the 600 and the 1000 and if things tition likely coming from Kan¬ Defeating a defending Big 10 ified for the NCAA in the 200 State News Sports Writer the meet grow from its original butterfly ahd sas' Thorn Bigley. and NCAA champion is not an breaststroke. 200 Spartan trackmen are expec¬ 10 schools to the present 27 go our way we can be right there in the mile and two mile." Ditt¬ MSU will enter Pat Wilson in the 400 medley relay. Hickcox ted to furnish a number of schools and 600 entries. easy job but that is what the also has the nation's best time rich said. the 440. Rich Paull and Marion MSU swimmers will attempt to crowd-pleasing and possible re¬ Both MSU asst. coaches. Jim in the 1.000 freestyle and 200 Sims in the 220s and Dean Rosen¬ cord-breaking performances in Gibbard and Jim Bibbs, ran at tonight when Indiana invades Spartan junior Bill Wehrwein berg on the anchor 880 in the the I.M. pool at 7:30 p.m butterfly. His time in the butter¬ Saturday's MSU Relays at Jen- the meet in their college days. is entered in the 600 with the sprint medley relay. The seemingly invincible fly is only .8 better than MSU's ison Fieldhouse. Gibbard ran the quarter and fieldhouse and varsity meet, The Spartans' top hurdler. Van Rockfeller "As far looking at the over¬ half on relays from MSU in the Hoosiers will bring two Olym¬ as records of 1:09.9 at stake. Also Hartwick. will run against Kan¬ all picture goes. I think some last 1940 s while Bibbs held the pic gold medal winning swim¬ Don McKenzie. gold medal on the iine is the American in¬ sas ace George Bvers. EMU's world record in the 60 for Eas¬ and two bronze medal people will be surprised at some door mark of 1:09.2 Bill Tipton and Michigan's Larry mers winner in the 100 breaststroke of the times," MSU Track Coach tern Michigan and competed at divers to East Lansing. 11' will and 400 medley relay has qual¬ and Meet Director Fran Dittrich MSU. Roger Merchant will switch to Midlam. also bring a string of 31 con¬ ified for two NCAA events. He said. secutive dual wins to the meet with the Spartans joins Hickcox on the 400 med- " There is such great depth, Ipv relav and " also one of Indiana has qualified 10 men such talent in just about every four of the Hoosier s qualified gold mine foes, for the NCAA championship this Hoosier field, that records could go in year ners Hickcox including gold Don medal win¬ McKenzie and Charlie in the 200 breaststroke. Olvmpic divers Win Young and Jim Henry will present Not all of Charlie Hickcox's Hoosier swimmer won gold is inhis teeth. The three gold medals in the 1968 quite a few events.'' the mentor noted. Dittrich has been MSU associated Grapplers meet Relays since his days Northern Hickcox. Olympic champion Olympics and heads up the defending NCAA champion with the in the 200 and 400 meter individ¬ ual medlevs and a member of the 400 meter medley team. a stiff challenge to the Spartan diving crew of Jim Henderson. Tom Cramer and Duane Green Indiana swimmers 7:30 tonight. who invade the Spartan pool at here 1930 s. as a competitor in the He has served as meet director since he became head Iowa, e ve ever had." Iowa Coach Bentz (8-11 at 123. Don By GARY WALKOWICZ Yahn <6-3» at 145 and Steve State News Sports Writer avid McCuskey said. The Hawkeves. who dropped DeDries (7-4» at 167. The MSU wrestling team Northern Iowa. a 21-6 MSI 15-12. in a dual meet faces the top contender for its STRAIGHT FOR 'S' FOE is has silv dis¬ loser to MSU a year ago. 7 Big Ten title and a small col¬ lege power in two this weekend posed of five Big Ten foes led by heavyweight Kemp Osboe Osboe is defending NCAA meets in the IM Arena. this year, including a 22-8 perennially tough Small College heavyweight Badger trouncing of icers At 3:30 p.m. today the Spar¬ champion and has a 10-0 mark MSU Ice Arena tonight when Christmas vacation, losing to a 6-6-2 record against WCHA scormg w'th 40 points on 19 r tans meet comes a Northern Iowa, in with a 9-1-1 top-flight heavyweight. Iowa is MSl 's opponent at which mark and Michigan. Co-captains Rich Mihal ahd oe Carstensen head the Iowa i neu p Mihal. wrestling this season. This season Osboe pins among his 10 victories has five while By PAM BOYCE they confront the Spartans for the Spartans.3-2. in Wisconsin teams and are 16-7-2 overall. 8oa's and 21 assists, while soph- 3.30'p.m. Saturday. The Hawk- t 160 has a 9-0 mark, and has beaten Iowa's Stearns State News Sports Write a pair of games Friday and Sat- and defeating MSI' in Detroit. They have a split with Mich- omoie wing Murray Heatlev also eyes had won 11 straight dual ( nis 11-0 at 137 ither Hawkeves have three consecutive times in non- dual meet matches Badgers bring urday night at 8 p m 6-4 The Badgers, who are not igan and are 1-1-1 against Mich- from Wisconsin split with MSU over members of the WCHA. have igan Tech. and Minnesota. Thev Sophomore Calgary, has Jim 39 poiBovd center17 ass,sts ms. meets this Thursday night year going into a match against u r the s MSU can expert other tough i streak to the dropped two to Colorado College has 34 points, and l' Joalswhile defenseman Oklahoma. i Briggs Wells 11301 11521 is is 3-0. 3-0. battles Guyer from < 160-pounder Jim 9-0-2 >. MO-pounder while handing North Dakota, Iowa returns with the entire .1 John Jagger has 28 points on n Strellner < 177 •. is Marv Reiland <7-1-1 >. 145 currently WCHA leader, two team which tied for second be- \ Powerful Iowa gymnasts 19 assists. nine goals and defeats this season. The Spar¬ and Dale Stearns pounder Brad Stolz 6-1 >. The Badgers will use goalies hind MSU in the Big Ten Champ- 8 tans have defewed and tied Min¬ i is 7-0-1 and 167-pounder Skip Bellock Bob Vroman and Wavne Tho¬ ionships last season. nesota. split with Colorado Col¬ This could be the best team rest of lineup lists Tom (8-1-1» mas. Vroman has 3 shutouts lege. and lost two to North Dak- this season with a 3.1 goals- host upset-minded Spartans The Spartan gymnasts have Dickson was runner-up be- ^ „ ... The senior Badgers' leading scorer is fa«s Spartan Dennis Smith on Ber, DeHa,e who has center and co-captain ^ against average, while Thomas has one shutout and an ident¬ ical 3.1 average. The Spartans enter the two- their work cut out for them hind MSI s Dave Thor last ade horse. Smith placed second inl0 lhe „atlonal scorjng ,eader. game series with a 5-6-1 record Saturday when they meet the year in the Big Ten. and Scorza »<*md McCanless two years ago s|)|p wi(h 2(. gQa|s amj assjsts« ^ ^bone ,n his ,loote lor 45^points He led the nation in the WCHA and an overall Hawkeves in Iowa City. placed second at the Midwest to a ' broken ln Qn „ record of 8-10-1. MSU is in fifth recor( formidable Chicago this the WCHA. behind Iowa is the most team Spartans have faced Open this They threaten Spartan Mickey Smith could not compete last goalsa„d30assists.P Junior center Bob Poffenroth place North Dakota < 10-2 >. Denver Hawkeye' undefeated record in Coach Szypula said that Haw record includes over all-around this season, keye strength gives the Spar from Calgary. Alberta, is sec- (11-5). Michigan Tech. '7-3-1 > ictor Another MSU undefeated margin for error. ond in both team and national and Michigan (7-5). Southern Illinois, a victor tans no over MSI' earlier this season record could be toppled by the Both MSU and Iowa are 2-0 ir Hawkeye high bar man. Bob Dickson gives Spartan Norm SMALL'S the Big Ten race. Last year Iowa took thiid ir Havnie his brgggst-;test of the the iugh specialists to back them MSU Toby Towson also has two eleven s. Washington they are again ranked his toughest floor exercise ong the best i; the country challenge to date in Hawkeye lansing, michigan IS! Coach George Szypula Barry Slotten. Slotten is backed I that !<>a co-captains Bob by Dickson and Scorza. ksori ami ::i.h Scor/o. all- An old rivalry will be re- und men have few. if any. newed when Iowa's national champion. Keith McCanless Dobbs Hats — Bostonian Shoes Hathaway — Gant — Manhattan Shirts GUEST ROOMS — A Complete Selection of Sportswear Company Coming? HART SCHAFFNER Visit our Racquet Club Shop Ice-cold Coca-Cola makes any campus "get-together" a party. Coca-Cola has the Business Associates Due? for your clothing needs taste you never get tired of . . . always refreshing. That's why things go better & MARX CLOTHES with Coke . . . after Coke . . after Coke. . • 202 Deluxe Rooms Bottled unde- the authority of the Coca»Cola Company by: • Sensible Rates Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Michigan Your Headquarters for Complete Selection of College Apparel IF YOU HAVE ^IRSvn. "A BETTER IDEA, INN | 0 PHILCO-FORD T Phone 351-5500 for Reservations rowbridge Road, Off 127 at T rowbridge Exit IS THE PLACE At the Campus, Michigan State University TO HAVE IT GUEST ROOMS You are going to be responsible for tomorrow's world, why shouldn't you contribute to it today? Philco-Ford is WINTER IS HERE ! people oriented room to roam . . . . we to discover will give you yourself and to take a personal part in the YOUR CAR NEEDS HELP NOW . vital decisions that can change the state-of-the-art and the state of civilization. Come and talk to us about your future .or write to College " Relations, Philco-Ford Corporation. C & Tioga Streets, Philadelphia. Pa 19134. PHILCO-FORD WILL BE HERE ON Windshield Wiper Tuesday, Feb. 11 * Starters * DIVISIONS: Aeronutronic • Appliance Generators • Communications & Electronics • I * Heater Needs Consumer Electronics • Education and Technical Services • International • * Windshield Lansdale • Microelectronics • De leer Sales & Distribution • Space & « Dry Gas « Thermostats Re-entry • Western * Anti-Freeze Development Laboratories All Vour Winter Batteries Needs MORRIS AUTO PARTS IV 4-5441 Frandor Shopping Downtown Philco-Ford Center 203 S. Washington 9!4F Kc'amazoo 8-5:30 Mon.-Sat. Friday, February 7, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Religion, science By DELORES MAJOR State News Religion Editor chemistry and math are the study of god and so is the Caviness said it is important to an individual's mental health has He a said gap every human hard outer shell being that closing "This human radar is pacity to tune in different peo¬ a ca¬ it." the psychologist said. Caviness stressed the im¬ "sense of must be penetrated before a- ple; children have a great deal portance of listening as a The Director of the State human mind. God expects us to have a belonging of it, but lose it by the time nother person can understand form of therapy for mental Sanitorium in Battle Creek, to study them both." to something great, no matter health. Caviness said that the sci¬ how small he is. " his necessities. t*h'ey become adults and we said Thursday that he saw must redevelop this. " Christians have a In order to be able to tune the conflict betwden Christian¬ ences and the word of God big edge "Unless others in this sense of into these necessities a per¬ "This is something that we you listen actively ity and mental health coming should almost always agree. over with heart and head, son has to have "human ra¬ must teach: life moves too no heal¬ to an end. "If they don't," the psychia¬ belonging because of their fast for us to wait to acquire dar " ing takes place. " Dr. Harold L. Caviness told trist said, "perhaps we should beliefs, the doctor said. the Spartan Christian Fellow¬ restudy science or restudy re¬ ship Faculty Club "Physics, ligion, or both. " Caviness told the club that Religious group clergy and doctors are work¬ ing for the same troubled peo¬ ple, that they both have to understand the needs and con¬ flicts in individuals. Strong religious He urged cooperation between sponsors on true the two professions. "There is so much we can gain bv a cross fertilization of ideas," he said. interfaith By DELORES MAJOR marriage "Jesus Christ was the great State News Religion Editor tian life." going its first experiences with Edward C. Williams. Indian- physician, he spoke the lan¬ The Rev. David Vorhees of Different views interreligious wedding cere¬ aplois. (Ind.) member of the Although the Lutheran Church monies. guage of the people and es¬ the Martin Luther Chapel has He advised couples contem¬ Christian Science Board of Lec¬ places no restriction in inter¬ Although the Lutheran Church tablished contact," the doctor said that interfaith marriages plating an interfith marriage tureship, will speak on "Free¬ said. "He first developed re¬ faith marriages, Vorhees said talk does not encourage such mix¬ dom and True Identity" at 7 lationships with the people and develop greater problems when that to "being of the same faith fering faiths. to pastors of the dif¬ ed religious ceremonies. Vor¬ r. Caviness the marriage partners are is the best p.m.Thrusday in the Union Par¬ way to live a Chris- hees said that the Lutheran Dr. Harold Caviness (right) predicts a close in the lor. through religion crossed over strong in their religious beliefs. "As the couples talk to these Chruch has participated in cere¬ Williams has been working as the healing touch." Conflicts that arise, he said, pastors, at least perhaps they'll gap between the sciences and Christianity, which Caviness said that Christians monies with the Catholic Church a Christian Science lecturer for "will depend on what religion begin to have an understanding both deal with helping man. have a special invest¬ and other religious organiza¬ 27 years and served as a Chris¬ should means to them. of their fiance's religious back¬ State News photo by Joe Tyner ment in mental health, because tions. tian Science chaplain during "It's a difficult thing for two East Germans ground," he said. as Christians they should be "Many other problems be¬ World War 11. people to do everything together concerned about mankind. Humor inherent in come evident when children His speech is sponsored MSU Christian Science ization. by the Organ¬ It is important to the in¬ dividual to know his own as¬ sets and liabilities and to during the week and then go threaten counter their separate ways on Sunday." he said. Vorhees said that asking a if Berlin election come and the parents have dif¬ ferent concepts of the meaning of baptism," Vorhees said. religion to Christian virtue keep this knowledge in bal¬ finance to change his religion is He explained that some faiths Central Methodist Across From the Capitol ance. the doctor said a serious step that is often not realized soon enough. BERLIN (APi - thought of baptism as a special Communist blessing, while other faiths saw as way EAST LANSING Change difficult East Germany warned West it as the way to salvation. WORSHIP SERVICES ' "In the emotion and in the Germany Thursday that it would life and his institutions, includ¬ He •ited 9:45 and 11:15 Disagreement over the merits By CAROLCORRIERE FRIENDS MEETING State News Staff Writer shown his scar." light of romatic love. this take countermeasures if the of this and other sacraments ing religion." "Can Antiques Be New?" doesn't seem like a serious West Germans go ahead with can be the starting As such, humor can serve Premier and Mrs. Ky in their pose problems for a mixed mar¬ Humor meeting for worship 3 p.m. bond "Capt. and Mrs Midnight" decision," the Lutheran min¬ plans to elect their new federal riage. point of a more profound rel¬ not only as a common All Saints Parish ister said, "But one cannot president in West Berlin on Altohugh the Lutheran faith igious experience. Al Laguire. within a church but also as a flight suits and the Ecumenical make such a change lightly if March 5. lubricant for interdenomination¬ Council debating whether or not 800 Abbott Road encourages church weddings, senior producer-director ot The the Jews killed Christ as ex¬ Church School 9:45 to 11:45 Upper level, corner room he is well trained in his faith." warning coincided with they do not consider it a re¬ broadcasting on leave from al friction. Vorhees said that often pro¬ President Nixon's statement in quirement for a valid marriage. WKAR. told Unitarians earlier it is a pleasurable way of amples of this absurdity. Crib Nursery Child care provided "Satire as a form of humor blems develop after one mar¬ Washington that he planned to this week. facing human foibles and fol¬ So Bring the Baby IV 5-94-77 Legal ceremony Laguire. who was chosen is not heard much anymore." All are welcome riage partner converts to his visit West Berlin on Feb. 27 by lies." Laguire said spouse's faith because it is a which date the long-festering 1968 Humorist of the Year by Humor can be a method of Laguire said, because the "There is no doctrine set satir tself St. Johns decision made out of romatic dispute regarding Berlin might the Humor Society of America, developing some of the basic vorld on this question." Vorhees said, love. be coming to a head again. said that humor is an inher¬ Christian virtues, he said. The Comedians have been becom¬ Student Parish "for we consider marriage a "Your spouse will convert The East German message ent part of "humaness." best remedy for vanity is laugh ing increasingly depressed, he to your religion out of love mentioned no specific coun¬ legal ceremony: being married "Sense of humor is one of ter and nothing is so open to said, and their humor shows it 327 M.A.C. Phone ED 7-9778 in a church admits that God for you. because he wants you termeasures. But West Berlin, the things that distinguishes man jest as vanity. They have become too wrapped Sunday Masses— so much he is willing to make ringed by Communist territory, has a vital part in this cer¬ from lower animals." he said. •The humorist." Laguire up in their own problems. University Lutheran 7:00-8:15-9:45-11:15 the change." Vorhees said. is especially vulnerable to ob¬ emony." "It pervades man's secular said. is a fellow who under¬ "They have been spending stacles to land The Lutheran Church is under¬ stands that he s no better than too much time analyzing them¬ 12:30-4:45-6:00 p.m. Church "The problems develop when he access. Masses Mon. - Fri. anyone else, and that nobody selves instead of society." La¬ SBC alc lca LUTHERAN University 3i0 Kimberly Downs else is. This is genuine hum¬ guire said. "Humorists should 8:00-12:30-4:30-9:00 p.m. Church of Christ ility." be the mockingbirds, not the Masses each class day WORSHIP Christian North 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing First Baptist Church Laguire also spoke on current vultu Alumni Chapel Martin Luther Chapel ^, , Hagadorn Church School Church see sign at 2729 E. Grand trends in American humor and of East Lansing 4:15 p.m. 9:15 & 10:30 a.m. River IV 9-7130 the role of the humorist in soc¬ Saturday masses Services SUNDAY SERVICES 940 S. Harrison Rd. iety. 1:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.-ll:45 a.m. 8:15, 9:15. 10:30 St 11:30 a.m Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. He said that although the SN correction Sunday Worship Services Bible Study 10:00 a.m. range of topics open to hum¬ Morning Service 11:00 a.m. EDGEWOOD UNITED CHURCH 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. orists has never been broader, Training Union 6:00 p.m. A recent story on Charles Nursery Wednesday evening Bible the range of styles being used 469 North Hagadorn Road Rev. David A. Kruse Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Hanlev. asst. dean of The Col Study 7:30 p.m. has narrowed significantly in Sunday Services and Church School Missouri Synod KAIL RUFFNER, Minister Wednesday Evening lege of Social Science, stated 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Free Bus Service and 332-5193 332-3035 "We are forced to choose be¬ the wrong qualifications for a Sermon by Dr. Truman A. Morrison Nursery Both Services tween the banalities of the TV doctoral degree in The College Singles Group, 35 yrs. & under of Social Science. universitV SEVENTH-DAY screen and. the absurdity of the 12:30 p.m. Luncheon & Discussion black humorists." he said. The program now allows a University Group—6 p.m. baptist Wardcliff ADVENTIST concentration of studies in a Laguire deplored the recent * Services Saturday school outside oi the Social Edgewood Church Bus route, Conrad, Holmes and Hubbard, CASTfllinSTCR PRCSBYTCRian ChURCh church sch001 trend to black and sick humor beginning at 10:40 a.m. 7315 Abb©tt Rd. corner of Ann & Division and attributed it to the ridic¬ Science Dept. for one of the re¬ cost tansinG. cmcmcan (American Baptist) ulousness of the world quired department concentra¬ Call 332-8693 or 332-0606 for information Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. These studies do not Ministers: Truman A. Morrison, Paige Birdwell Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor Audiences today, he said, are tions. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Morning Worship 11 a.m, have to pertain to the original Worship 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. increasingly shock proof be¬ cause there is so much absur¬ three areas within the depart- Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a Worship Services— 9:00 and 11:00 a Church School 11:10 a.m. Minister L. G. Foil Assembly for children through third grade 9:00 a dity in world even's "No Other Plea" Wednesday prayer Hear the "Voice of Pro¬ Church School for children, youth, and adults 10:00 a hour 0:45 p.m. phecy" on radio. See EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES Free Bus Service and Nursery 332-1888 "Faith for Television. Today" on Elegante Wiggery 120 Spartan Avenue Interdenominational Rev. Robert David Leas 337-0183 Valentine Specials: E. Eugene Williams—PASTORS — Terry A. Smith University Class 9:45 a.m. First Church of FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Peoples Church "Consciousness of Mission" 7:00 P.M. Christ Scientist FOREST VIEW SCHOOL New Domed Long Fall East Lansing 709 E. Grand River 3119 Stoneleigh, Lansing Is"-S c/. Keg. $79.95 Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 8:c)U Interdenominational East Lansing EVENING SERVICE $69.95 U1 Colors Wednesday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m 7:00 P.M. Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm. thru Feb. 14 Sunday Service 11 a.m. REV. BRINK, SERMON preaching Giv<. your - ay Ovation Toiletries 1/2 Off SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m "SPIRIT" CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue Alvin Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 St., Apt. 3 Suite 20s 507 East Grand River Ph. 332-3341 1518 S. Washington Lansing FREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on ABOVE NEW CAMPUS BOOKSTORE SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. "The Anatomy of Leadership" Residence Hall Bulletin Board. "God Give Us Power!" 11:00 a.m. - regular Dr. Howard Sugden 9:30-11:00 a.m. - college class Sunday, Feb. 9, 1969 by Dr. Wallace Robertson WEDNESDAY Is Race Relations Sunday. Special Guest, Bruce Look, 6:00 p.m. - Evening Meeting Where have you planned to worship? Catcher of Minnesota Twins If you are undecided at this point, why CHURCH SCHOOL Free Public Reading Room COLLEGIAN 134 West Grand River not worship at 9:45 A.M. 9:30 a.m.-ll:00 a.m. FELLOWSHIP OPEN College Bible Class TRINITY A.M E CHURCH in the fireside room 8:30 p.m. Crib Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. through Adults 3500 W. Holmes Rd. Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Evenings 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Rev. Archibald Mosley is speaking on 11:00 A.M. "The Genius Of God" Refreshment period in Social All are welcome to attend the subject, "THE BLACK MAN'S Hall following worship serv¬ Church Services and visit and ACHIEVEMENTS IN RELIGION" FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening ices. use the reading room. at 10:45 A.M. Call 482-0754 for information. UNIVERSITY UNITED EPISCOPAL SERVICES METHODIST CHURCH Alumni Chapel 1120 South Harrison Phone: 351-7030 (Auditorium Drive) "What's Wrong With JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED 9:00 A.M. and 5:15 P.M. Our Rights?" Smart textured gold tone box carries all your medications beautifully. Holy Communion & Sermon Top is engraved, "The Pill" $5.75. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 800 Abbott Rd. Morning Worship 8:30, Church School 9:30 (for all 11:00 thru grade six 9:30, 11:00 Nursery under supervision of a ages) JEWELERS Q/ffoMwnZ 0 SINCE 1876 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion registered nurse. Free bus transportation 15 to 121 S. Washington-Lansing, Michigan 9:30 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11:15 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon 30 minutes before each service. Friday, February 7, 1969 13 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan it's what's U.S. military c S. Viets jBHQflHL as SAIGON (APt--South expanding army ready to accept more of the re¬ Viet- sponsibility and to alleviate the burden for U.S. troops," Presi¬ "is getting new U.S. equipment South Vietnamese and U.S. military commanders and study¬ ing plans for a withdrawal of a sizable number of American And to namese expa help give South Viet¬ divisions the firepower they must now get from Ameri¬ can will forces, the United States give Saigon 300 modern hel¬ combat units in 1969. icopters and 60 A37 twin-jet dent Nguyen Van Thieu de¬ ' at 8 tonight at 1118 S Harrison Road fighter-bombers designed for clared Thursday. In Washington. President Nix¬ close troop support. gathering boycott Ballard MSI Fund for Disadvantaged Thieu gave no indication of on also gave no timetable of a Thieu also said he would like 3 m when a cutback in U.S. forces withdrawal but he told a news to meet with Nixon this year featuring can begin, but his aides said conference he does not want and will visit South Korea and it probably would be a matter American soldiers in the battle¬ Thailand, the two allies -with No one was injured when a Lansing bus forced a car driven by Kenneth Davenport, of months. South Vietnam's field ' one day longer than nec- the largest forces in Vietnam East Lansing graduate student, onto the curb at Grand River Avenue. The bus military forces have increased next to the 537.000 U.S. serv¬ driver failed to see the approaching car, as he pulled oot from a bus stop. about 93.000 to 1.003.000 in the Thieu also made his remarks icemen. South Korea, has 48.000 State News photo by David Korte past six months. The armv is at a news conference. He said and Thailand's 7.500 soon will he could not be more specific be increased o 12.000. about a time for a U.S. cutback Thieu also proposed a summit because he had not received a and are open to the public Israel are invited to attend. 'DARK SHADOW' report namese from and the South Viet¬ American com meeting of the allies fighting the talks de- based distrust grooving from 8-12 tonight mands. ment Spiced tea free Beal Film Group presents Racism in time will learn that this on total freedom of thought nam Actually, a small start has been made in a turnover The U.S. Navy has given South Viet¬ 60 of the swift, well- By JANE TOPPS portraved in It is likely that you armed river boats that raid New MC paper State News Staff Writer so good either, he said. as stUpid. dir supersitutious and have prejudicial feelings.' Viet Cong sanctuaries in the The distrust, fear and pre¬ Limits to how dirty ,if WePall Mekong Delta. published by trio judice of white racism gener¬ are forced on us by the like to think in coi repts which I S. Green Berets have turn¬ ally stem from three psycho¬ iety and anger ed seven of about 60 of The Snork? listed in a Cop machines over logical roots, according to black their camps scattered over recent article as a newspaper All Negroes look a Bertram P. Karon, professor with dirt, while we retain our Vietnam to elite South \ iet- of James Madison College < JMC > and Dick Jennings of psychology. only met one." is realiv a newspaper published suppressed interest in being namese special forces units and demonstrated Karon spoke on The Psy¬ dirty, and our defense against b\ \IC students chological Causes of White it. Karon added. Racism" at a meeting Wednes¬ Instructional and education; He went on to discuss the machines used by police depar day of Students for White Com¬ "dark shadow" lurkiilg in the ments were demonstrated Thur munity Action. Karon began his lecture by- dreams of the Swiss patients HOBIES day to a Police Administratic of Karl Jung The shadows pointing out that the words 499 class The machines ranged froi stranger'' and enemy" are were interpreted to be the hid¬ We Deliver. often the same word in prim¬ den dark self each person was simple manually operated m, " The chines to highly sophisticate itive tribal languages. Even trying to flee from. civilized man is an aggressive dark, dirty, hidden evil of our Fast. sight and sound systems. Polic conceptualized self-image is creature, and "strange" may departments utilize these in, i of hostile black." Karon said chines to obtain up-to-dat pro- ' him. Karo l said. He equated fessional law enforcement Karon charged that environ¬ this to the anxiety in a young mental attitudes play a large ing and subject mastery child who is unable to discern short period of time. role in the formation of rar the face of his mother in a ism. especially in whites whose group of strangers. The machines build knowledge of Negroes has been real food. a com¬ mon background of knowledge ,ng a [_ group We tend to distrust which is not our own.We any transmitted to them chiefly by And only in all fields ranging from basic dents in surrounding people build relationships with those arithmetic to courtroom pro- ca|1355" most familiar to us. And most Nobody ever writes a de¬ cedure. Victor Strecher. pro- tective story about a harm¬ A whites have not met many Ne- fessor of police administration, selling i less snake, although the poi¬ gores." Karon said. stated that these machines have Feb is sonous snake is the rare snake The color black has many shown themselves to be more ,rom 9 In the rerent past. Negroes were ready-made associations which efficient then classroom ing and that they are more po- train- Thursda: stud disturb the average white per¬ son. Karon said. february 14th pular with police officers. meet ai In our mind, anything dark, Most of the machines ar'1 pot - table, allowing training for of- are^mu day s g dirty and black is evil. Mommy and Daddv get anxious and an- grv over junior's natural in- "When you think of Cards" 351-3800 assignments pre- players CARD SHOP CARRY OUT • FAST FREE DELIVERY ticers whose He will vent classroom attendance For then become interested in mud. sons, many of the > and aids a t the Acoss from Home Ec. Bldg. 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY on the A Complete Solid State Grad aid offered Stereo The School for Advanced WMSN Michigan State Network Graduate Studies has imple¬ Stu. Services mented a program of financial aid for disadvantaged gradu¬ FRIDAY 7:55 p.m. ate students. WBR5 WISCONSIN Brody Any student who holds a bachelors degree or will re¬ WMCD SATURDAY 7:55 p.m. ceive a bachelors degree in the near future and considers McDowel WISCONSIN himself, disadvantaged by cul¬ tural. racial or social fac¬ WKME GET ALL THE tors is urged to apply Shaw PLAY BY PLAY ACTION A* WEAK ON YOUR MSN Wonders RADIO STATION BRINGS A HINT from Cupid VALENTINES DAY For FOLKS WITH REALLY BIO »■» Hit Feb, 14th M0UTH-WATERIN6 VITTIES /. AT MUSIC COME BY This Fall Stereo System BOXES SOME FOR 'ith Hummel Figures Is Complete . . Featuring: KENWOOD KS-33 GET RID OF THE HONGMES All In One . . . Amplifier and Receiver WITH A BONANZA LUNCH McDONALD CHANGER bsr 5ooa/m44-7 GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN ... 2 KENWOOD SPEAKERS BONANZA BURGER 8£° CHUCK-FUL-O-BEEF SANDWICH 99 ; SHURE CARTRIDGE *269 Look At These Tunes . . . • LARAS Theme from Dr. Zhivago Take lunch at the BASE & DUST COVER 1 EDELWEISS Suggested System Retail Price S290.50 SPECIAL BOMZA* Chlm Chim Cheree SIRLOIN PIT #205 600 North Homer COME AS YOU ARE • OPEN II A.M. TO 9 P.M. THE DISC SHOP Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Frida/--9 c 3?3 East Grand River Ave., E a«r.t I • Friday, February 7, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan State News State News Classified It's easy to place a Want Ad. By phone.. . 355-8255 - In person Classified 355-8255 355-8255 .. 346 Student Services - Or by mail See Coupon For Rent For Rent For Rent Employment TWO GIRL apartment Close One rVM&d* The State News does not EYDEAL VILLA Apartments. Two BRAND NEW deluxe colonial apart¬ NEED PART-TIME jobs during the bedroom apartments for $240 month. ments. Corner of Burcham and girl or two to sublet spring term POT permit racial or religious term" Call RENT-A-STUDENT at 351-6788. 3-2/11 Swimming pool GE appliances, Alton Available for business, pro¬ discrimination In its ad¬ 351-5130 between 9-5 p.m c garbage disposals furnished for fessional, college personnel or grad¬ TO WORK FORYOU vertising columns. The four-man or five-man. Call 351- uate students Furnished or unfurn¬ State News will not accept GLAMOUR. MONEY, and excitement 4275. After 5 p.m. C ished 332-3135 20-2 28 advertising which discrim¬ can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD- • AUTOMOTIVE inates against religion, ARD COSMETICS. Free make-up ONE GIRL i NEWLY MARRIED? I NEEDED: TWO girls for spring term New Cedar Village-$55 per • EMPLOYMENT IV 5-8351 C • FOR RENT race, color or national or- NURSES, RN. LPN. full or part- inon 9.9 : TANGLEWOOD j month 351-3097 3-2 11 • FOR SALE feir. time. All shifts. New modern Rose- AFARTMENTS TWO GIRLS, three girl apartment • LOST & FOUND lawn Manor Nursing Home Call Near Pool. Spring term Mrs. Jolly. Director of Nursing campus I 1 Bdrm.® unfur., from $124.50 • PERSONAL 351-3581. 3-2/7 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 393-5680. 5-2 10 TWO-MAN Spring term. Longer if I 351-7880 | GIRL NEEDED for 3 Spring term $43 month Close to girl apartment • REAL ESTATE BUS BOY wanted to wash dishes desired Furnished 1 block from FURNISHED AND unfurnished Close campus 351-7233 3-2/10 lunch and dinner at fraternity Ex¬ • SERVICE cellent meals plus pay. Call Don campus. 351-3773 . 3-2/7 t0 2080 MSU oFNTED,0ne SatuKC-'-:. Sunday 4-6. 337" • TRANSPORTATION 351-7146. 5-2 12 WANTED-GIRL to share furnished Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday 6 30 • WANTED -9 p.m. PORTER-BEI.I apartment. Capitol Villa. $75 month 5-2/10 i cnpm 10 11 Call 351-3298 after 4 \ 3-2/7 DEADLINE p\L.Lt'-,-IDAY INN, TWO MEN for 3 man apartment WANTED dent to FEMALE graduate stu¬ share apartment $72 50 WEST GENESEE LANSING 5 room. 4 blocks from campus. Spring term 2 bedroom, furnished apartment. 337-7002. 2-3/7 Call. 351-9188 5-2 13 1 P.M. one class day be¬ MERCEDES BENZ 1968 . 220 auto¬ BABYSITTER NEEDED immediately Will lease short term to 3 or 4 matic Power brakes AM/FM Tinted near MSU. Own child welcome. fore publication. responsible girls. $170 includes all CAMPUS HILL: Only 1 apartment windows Call 351-6650, after 6 p.m Pleasant working conditions. 484- Cancellations - 12 noon one utilities. 489-1276. 5-2 7 available. 2 bedroom luxury at its 4082 2-2 7 GIRLS CLOSE finest. 4 man $61.25 Phone 351- class day before publica- ONE GIRL for 8862 J R. CULVER COMPANY WAITRESSES WANTED to work at C2/14 the City Club of Lansing located 351-8624 5-2 7 in the Jack Tar Hotel Work hours LCC AND downtown: 3 girls needed NEW ONE bedroom apartment Com¬ PHONE about 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Also for 5-girl house Newly furnished, MUSTANG 1965 2-door hardtop. V-8, pletely furnished Hotpoint applian¬ kitchen panelled and carpeted l'- some nights available. Free meals, ces, disposal, carpeting etc Mar¬ 355-8255 automatic, power steering Excel¬ uniforms Starting hourly pay $2 00 ried couple only. $155 month 351- - tilities paid $60 per girl plus lent condition Take over payments deposit and 6 months lease 372- to $2 25. Personal interviews from northwind 8415 evenings X3-2 10 of $43 80 Phone Credit Manager 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For appoint¬ 6188 RATES IV9-2379. 7-2 14 ment call 372-4673 10-2 19 FARMS DOWNSTAIRS APARTMENT Five ONE BEDROOM house Carpeted, 1 day $1.50 Faculty Apartments rooms, fully carpeted Regrigera- and refrigerator MUSTANG 1966-V-8. BABYSITTER-IN my home. 1 child stove Furnished electric stove and drapes in¬ 15< per word per day sole shift. 27.000 actual miles. 3 months. Full time. Own trans¬ 351-7880 tor 411 East Hodge 393-1846 5-2 13 3 days cluded Heat and light furnished. $4.00 $1,250. 619 Brookland Boulevard. portation 351-6070 332-0721. after 5099 WARDCLIFF Furnished 4- Private car port"$125. No child¬ EAST LANSING Duplex Marble 13 l/2< per word per day Lansing 2-2/7 bedrooms. 3 full baths Family ren or pets Call OX4-0242 X3-2 7 School area 3 bedrooms, carpeted 5 days $6.50 room. Built-in kitchen. Immediate Available March 1 $185 per month 13£ per word per day LEGAL SECRETARY-RECEPTION¬ occupancy until June 15. GOVAN COUPLE One-bedroom, furnished. IST wanted Excellence in typing MANAGEMENT. 351-7910: after 5 Utilities included $125-$135 Phone (based on 10 words per ad)" spelling and grammar. Shorthand p.m 332-5860 . 0-2 13 332-2803 3-2/10 FURNISHED FOR four girls In OLDSMOBILE VISTACRUISER 1964 preferred. Call 332-8444. 5-2 10 eludes utilities, washer, dryer 332- There will be a 50tf service len. Off Fully equipped Excellent condi¬ 3979. after 5 p.m. 2-2 10 and bookkeeping charge if HOUSEKEEPER-LIVE in or out tion." $895 Phone 655-3205. 1-2 7 this ad is not paid within temporarily 1 child. Modern home ONE GIRL, Convalescing mother Call 882- own room Immediately one week. OLDSMOBILE 1962. 88 convertible. TWO APARTMENTS available Cam¬ $50 includes utilities Beal Street Fair condition, good transportation $350 IV5-1868 5-2 13 Employment pus Hill 351-3520 Male Female Sublease 3-2 7 351 5620 5-2 10 The State News will be now responsible only for the OLDSMOBILE 1968 Cutlass Supreme RENT A $9 00 per TV from month a TV Company- Call 337-1300. EAST LANSING: Girl wanted for 3- | The A unique Experience! I first day's incorrect inser- Take over payments. $67 50 month¬ NEJAC TV RENTALS C girl apartment $65 month 351- Interpersonal Dating ly 355-6865 " 5-2/7 FEMALE COLLEGE GIRLS inexperienced, part 6240. 5-2 11 Service PONTIAC 1964 Catalina convertible. SUMMER POSITIONS AVAILABLE time and week-ends SHAWS RES¬ TV RENTALS-students only Low [For information,send a postcard Power steering, power brakes. Take Restaurant work in Mackinaw City. TAURANT. M-78. East Lansing monthly and term rates. Call 484- LUXURY APARTMENT for two or with your name and address I Northern Michigan s favorite vaca¬ 332-0547 3-2 6 2600 to reserve vours. UNIVERSITY highest offer. 351-7523 3-2 10 tion Need three experienced TV RENTALS C 3-2 7 three. Unfurnished $145. Call 351- | n c P.O. Box 2137 area 9188. 5-2 13 ! * * * Ann Arbor, Mich. short-order cooks at $2.75 per PART-TIME experienced :r at experienced clerk DOWNTOWN LANSING: One bedroom PONTIAC 1963 Grand Prix Auto- hour including bonus and nine wait¬ '5- ii others Apartments resses at $1.50 per hour, includ¬ ^\V- V urand River. and two bedroom apartments. Also ing bonus plus tips Dorm space 10 room house. Furnished or un¬ 1665 HASLETT ROAD 2-bedroom available at $6.00 per week. Mini¬ furnished Available immediately. miles. duplex Unfurnished Stove and re¬ Call Lee Thornburg IV7-0046 or RENAULT 10 1967 . 26.000 mum of 42 hours per week Send LOOKING FOR Some extra money $1100. frigerator provided Completely car¬ 484-5315 5-2 10 Radio. Excellent condition. complete resume to: and short hours0 We have 11 a m Call ED7-7000 after 5 p.m. peted Immediate occupancy GOVAN 3-2 7 SINBAD'S RESTAURANT -2 p.m. positions open for neat, CADILLAC 1959, 2-door hardtop MANAGEMENT. 351-7910: after 5 611 South Huron dependable applicants who enjoy LUXURY half block Full power, radio, snow tires, good running condition 669-2501 3-2 7 TEMPEST 1965 convertible V-8. auto¬ Mackinaw City. Michigan working with people. 489-1196 after p.m.. 332-5860 0-2 13 .rented matic. power Excellent condition. 10:30 a.m. for appointment. JIM'S CADILLAC 1954 Excellent running Take over payments of $48.71. Phone RESTAURANT and TIFFANY teach in ghana or nigeria? Credit Manager IV9-2379 C -2 14 STUDENT 18-25 Part-til LOUNGE downtown Lansing 10-2 7 Yes: — If you condition. Continental kit Best of¬ full fer 485-1160 :'-2 7 1. Have a Bachelor's Degree; preferably a Masters Degree, 1430,1-5p.n AUTO PARTS 2. Have at least 30 semester hours credit in'one of the fol¬ Attention Juniors and Seniors lowing: a.physics,b.chemistry,c. biology, d. mathema¬ VOLKSWAGEN tics, e. industrial arts.f. French, g, geography, h. home for part time evening work. good condition. economics OR i. business education. CHEYELLE SUPER Sport, 1968. : 699-2586 350. 4-speed. positraction. f $350.00 per. mo. 3. Desire to teach at the secondary school levels FM radio Call Tom stereo VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Sedan sunroof If you meet our requirements 4. Are in good health; single, or married without children. Larry. 489-5416 5- Bumper guards. AM-FM radio. TV RENTALS GE 19' portable $8 50 (Both spouses must teach). 15.000 miles. 669-9394 10-2 10 CHEVELLE MAI.IBU 1964 com 484-4475 per month including stand. Call J R WRITE: TEACHERS FOR WEST AFRICA PROGRAM ible Vinyl top 283 V-8 autoi CULVER COMPANY, 351-8862 . 220 ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE ic Good condition. $750. Call < Albert Street East Lansing. C ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 17022 VOLKSWAGEN. 1966 Sunroof. AM- COLORED TV RENTAL $8 per week. $22.50 day Contact Superin- FM radio. 43,000 miles $1075 per tendant's office. Byron Area Schools, $24 per month. Call J.R. CULVER Is Your Car Ready John. 482-9471. 353-0692 1-2 7 COMPANY 351-8862 C Byron. 266-4629 Michigan Telephone 313- 5-2 13 For Spring Break? VOLVO P1800 AM/FM TV Rentals CHEVROLET IMPALA 1966 Sports Heater High sport coupe performance erfgine Complete coupe Factory air, automatic, pow¬ Red. Red interior. 6 tires. Must by the month *Electrical * Machine Shop er steering and brakes, radio, white- sacrifice. $1350 351-5924 1-2 7 * walls. 327 $1395 337-7445 2-2 7 Auto Glass * Air Conditioning NURSING PERSONNEL: Livingston versity TV Rentals * New & Rebuilt Starters * Scooters & Cycles Manor, a new extended care fa¬ * 484-2600 * B & W * New & Rebuilt Starters, located in a pleasant small - cility town environment of Howell, Michi¬ BSA 441 Victor 1967 $595 Also Generators, Fuel Pumps 90cc Honda $195 Botn excellent gan. has recently opened This ex¬ NEW GE portables and stands rent¬ 485-7972. X3-2 11 pansion has developed several full ed ONLY to MSU students and fac¬ "Largest discounts in town" and part-time nursing opportuni¬ ulty. $8.84 month i includes tax) ties for RN's and LPN s and ex¬ STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA¬ perienced aides Contact Mr DC. TION 444 Michigan Avenue 332- Fletcher at 517-546-1410 for ad¬ ditional information MCPHERSON COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER indian food I Other Food From M( t Foreign intries-including U.S. HERDSMAN ( EXPERIENCED i on SHAHEEN S FAMILY ? & Pa large dairy farm. Prefer married FOOD FAIR man House furnished 16 miles 1 W Saginaw 485-4089 ACCIDENT PROBLEM- Call KALA¬ from campus 655-1801 2-2 10 Michigan Bankard Welcome d00 E. KALAMAZOO MAZOO STRBET BODY SHOP, Small STUDENT WIFE to do telephone dents to large wrecks American work in our office Six hours a DODGE 1964 Excellent i and foreign cars Guaranteed work day Good pay for right girl Call MMf uTn dition Snow tires & 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C THE ALLEGRO DELUXE PKG. (Kjj jSj cS P 372-9560 for appointment. 5-2 13 TL'2-3555. after 5:30pm Alb RiE MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kala¬ lnei!i R I1 tjrtu |N DIE DODGE DART--1962. $370 353-8179 mazoo plete street auto painting Since 1940 and Com¬ coijisi.n Michigan by TELEFUNKEN 1 fioM M hki>j ±M *m■ DIE Bankard Accepted fjy FALCON cylinder, ti'on $295 STATIONWAGON 1964 automatic 655-3205 Good com 1-2 MALES-DELIVERY Employment^ work Some in S, h tfr- 8 0 Id eie 1i. EE 1gift LjE stock work Part time M< fnings la O l; r ns FORD CUSTOM White with red 1966 500 6 vinyl deluxe trin stid perferred ERS. INC , Apply in person, B IOTH 2326 South Cedar itreet Imported gllli D er tan d!e oat New tires $795 337-1843 2-2 Lansing. Michigan 3-2/7 Valentines itid UIZJ e|n 13. Gompsr pi THE VILL 15. Through 21 Curve VW guaranteed used cars. SHOPPE 23. 27. Remainder Bite 1. fast plane 2. Kubbertree 5 Kind of ha.vk 6 On behalf of 7. God of love 28. fioli club No bugs. 30. faro pa.te 3. Wit S. Apple drink 9.' Manipulate 10. Mr Chaney I The one fh 11. Busy insect VW guaran'ee Fords, Dodges and It says: should any¬ SEVEN COMPLETE—Tuner Amp, Turntable Changer with Dust Cover 17 Directi nal sign Ponfiacs don't have is thing go wrong, we bugs. Even our Bugs 2RB70 Speakers 19. Maximum guarantee to replace or repair all major me¬ THIRTY $289^ 20. Work for 22. Bevy We make they don't by putting sure chanical working parrs* for 30 days or 1000 ONE P 24. Widespread I disease 25. them through the VW 16-point iles. Whichever comes first. 4 wavebands: FM, MW, LW, SW. 20 transistors, 14 diodes, 2 rectifiers. Fly high inspection. You see, we figure 26. Diminutive Here are some of <>ur Automatic frequency control on FM (AFC). 7 AM circuits, II FM cir¬ 29. Cloudy that any cars tough enough to uaranteed used cars. cuits. Built'in FM stereo decorder, FM stereo indicator. 2 loudspeakers 35. Blouse pass our tests deserve our Buq-less, of course 5 1/8" x 7 1/8 " (13 x 18 cm) (one of which In separate cabinet). Ferrite 39. Finish line rod for MW and LW, dipole antenna for FM and SW. Sockets for pick¬ 41. Moiten rock 42. Seagull up/tape recorder, 2 loudspeaker units (matching impedance 4 Ohms), 43. The Great FM antenna, AM antenna, ground connection. Mains voltage: 110, 127, Emancipator" 220, 240V, 50 c/s. Speaker frequency response 30-20,000 cycles /sec. 44. Rom. highway 45. Mythical lance Phi (fricCtoit i 47. Peer Gynt's 1- ft.Gulue/i G». mother VOLKSWAGEN, INC. • Phone: 484-1341 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 220 Albert 351-8862 NeJac's 543 E. Grand River 48. Suiveyor's instrument Friday, February 7, 1969 15 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan for Rent ASMSU revision slated ■ LARGE HOUSE. Need 3 men Sin- \ gte bedroom $60-double $55. 424 upcoming referendum LOST: FARMHOUSE fraternity pin North I ONE OR Hagadom 351-5285, 5-7 p.m. two for 4-man, newly re- 5-2/11 FIVE Like PIECE Slingerland new. 355-1651. drum set. After 5 p.m. 3-2/10 engraved R. Milligan between Gil¬ christ ing. and Home Economics Build¬ Reward. 332-8635 or 355- in n modeled farmhouse. 80 acres $56.25 SIGNATURE PORTABLE washer and An all-University referendum spread around.-' Ellsworth said. vote from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs- 825-3238, evenings. 3-2/7 Apartment size. Bought will be held Thursday to act day at Berkey Hall. Bessev Hall. Inlernationa|,Center « . . wringer. All full-time undergraduates or tjie Un. new, used 6 months. Wash 10 dia¬ on two proposed changes in the I EAST LANSING: 3-bedroom duplex 484-6377 3-2/10 with student identification can . pers. structure of the ASMSU Board. completely carpeted. IVi baths. Call Mrs. Isham, 351-9586 or 332-6595 The proposals before the stu¬ 5-2/12 FOUND. SMALL dog-brownish tan, black face. Red collar 353-7382 dents concern the elimination 2-2/10 I 3 MAN FURNISHED Hagadorn and M-78. Available March 15th. Spring, summer or fall. Call duplex near 2-2/7 of the female member-at-large position on the board with the substitution of a general at- Berkeley af^er 6 p.m 351-3432. 5-2/12 large position and the creation ADMIRAL 10" TV, $25; Royal type¬ of an additional member-at- (continued from page one) with strikers marching through | WANTED IMMEDIATELY: Two girls writer, $30; Volkswagen deluxe roof Personal of their own college on police lines shouting. "On for large duplex. Near campus rack, $15; Wollensak T-1500 re¬ large seat. Both positions would ment 351-7381 3-2/7 be open to all classes and sexes. campus. strike, we'll be back. " corder-accessories, $100; Volks¬ trailer hitch, $8. 882-6729 ATTENTION YOUNG MEN between According to the present con- Vargas said that strikers de¬ wagen years-9 months Strikers have sporadically | EAST LANSING: 3 bedroom duplex. Anytime. 3-2/10 the ages of 20 situation. the popularly elected mand a "college of ethnic stu¬ 1V4 baths, carpeted living room and 24. Interested in lower auto disrupted classes, Patrick Craw¬ with fireplace. Dining room, snack insurance rates? Contact a Delta undergraduates on the board are dies'' separate from other de¬ ley. reporter for the Daily Cali- kitchen. Panelled recreation DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and en¬ 1-2/7 bar, Gamma, 332-0851 comprised of two seniors, two partments. fornian. said. room. Available now. 351-5614. 5-2/11 gagement ring sets. Save 50 per cent or more. Large selection of juniors, one sophomore and one Local police forces had a RENT A TV from a TV Company- female student. "mutual aid program'' estab¬ "Armed with clubs and pool I ONE GIRL needed Private room. plain and fancy diamonds. $25-$150 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, $9.00 per month. Call 337-1300. If passed, the proposed am¬ lished for keeping order, but cues they break from picket $65 Furnished. 332-5320, after Michigan. 485-4391. C NEJAC TV RENTALS. C 6o.m 5-2/11 509 East endments. which would result many more police were needed. lines, disrupt classes and in seven popularly elected posi¬ threaten the beat the hell out AUDIO COMPONENT SERVICE, Am- Peanuts Personal tions. will go into effect for the "Gov. Reagan declared the of students if they catch them minutes "n C pex, Sony, Scott, Fisher and many other select brands at MAIN ELEC¬ upcoming campaign and next state of emergency in order to in class the following day." $140 inclu Minimum years lease 332-0509 3-2/7 TRONICS, 5558 South Pennsylvania, session of ASMSU. keep state police on campus. Crawley said. "But no actual Lansing. C Pete Ellsworth. ASMSU Board Vargas said. beatings have occurred. ONE BEDRnn" '_n carpeted, CHESHIRE CAT lost. If found please chairman, explained that the Roger Heyns. U-C chancellor, stove ar RE NT tU Furnished BICYCLE SALES and service Also return to Cheshire Kitten. Promise said Reagan's action came at 411 East Hodge. 393-1846. 3-2/7 used. EAST LANSING CYCLE, 1215 referendum is a by-product of good home, love forever. 1-2/7 East Grand River. Call 332-8303 C a study conducted last year by a the request of U-C President FURNISHED HOUSE for men. Recreation room cation. $60 each per month, plus 6 girls or Good lo¬ board composed of past student government officers. Charles Hitch, and Frank Mad- igan. sheriff of Alameda Coun¬ Nixon utilities. 351-0795, after 5 p.m "The board advised an in¬ ty crease in the number of mem- "Our experience confirms ly overhauled. C>~-»Tiith Coro bers-at-large." Ellsworth that we are most successful in (continued from page one! Electric, on* cQV-V-andard, c maintaining a peaceful, order¬ L.C Smith S.!?.iaard. Customer i I do not want an He stated that because of the ly campus when we have ade¬ | WANTED: ROOM private home or American boy to be in apartment weekdays for young com¬ ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking by possibilities of other organiza¬ quate manpower available in Vietnam for one day longer tions receiving a voting status, advance." Heyns said. muting attorney working on Ph.D. BRING YOUR prescription to-OP- experienced seamstress Reason¬ than is necessary for our Reply Box B-2. State News 4-2/7 able charge. 355-5855 1-2/7 the board recommended the ad¬ Reagan has also proposed national interest. the Presi¬ TICAL DISCOUNT. 416 Tussing Build¬ dition of only one seat, to avoid legislation to keep students and ROOM FOR single men Furnished, For Rent ing. Phone IV2-4667 C-2/7 CHILD AND infant care; full, part what he termed an "unwieldy faculty convicted of campus dent said. "As our commanders carpeted $12 a week 332-8810. TANK VACUUM cleaner with all at¬ time. Spartan Village, 355-2865 disorders from returning to their in the field determine that the after 7 p.m. 5-2'12 SPARTAN HALL-leasing for sf lne 3-2/11 South Vietnamese are able to term Men and women 372 031 tachments. One year old. Excellent "We don't want to resemble schools. MEN: SINGLE, close, quiet, pri¬ la 2 1? condition. Still has one year guar¬ a student senate or congress I just feel we have come assume a greater portion Call after 3 p.m. antee left. $20. Phone 393-5072 Typing Service vate entrance PRIVATE ROOM block from Union. where the group becomes too to the end of the road in depend¬ of the responsibility for 332-0939 0-2 12 Kitchen, parking 351-5731 or 351- the defense of their own WILL TYPE, correct minor gram¬ large to function as it should. ing on local law enforcement. 5683 3-2/10 AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 16th~with 1968 ZIG ZAG sewing machine with matical errors. Free delivery. Rea¬ Ellsworth said. Reagan said. "It isn't good territory, troops will come 24 cams. Makes button holes. Does sonable. 351-5536. 2-2/7 ROOM FOR rent 605 SOUTH Hay- or without cooking. Furnished, park¬ everything. Cost $259 new-sell for He stated that the idea of two enough anymore to wait until ford. Kitchen and bath Private-en¬ ing Utilities included 332-3979 $99 Has lifetime guarantee Phone full time members-at-large rocks are flying and beatings Call IBM SELECTRIC Dissertations, thes¬ - But he said he has no trance $15 weekly. 487-0753. after 5 p.m. 2-2/10 393-5072. C es. term papers. Experienced. Call with no class restrictions could start and then come in and re¬ announcement at present SHARON VLIET. 484-4218 0-3/7 be valuable because there are store order.'" about the return of troops For Sale often many qualified persons The campus was quite Wed¬ ASMSU Great Issues TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts, from one class campaigning for nesday and Thursday following Nixon said as a result ot general typing. IBM selectric. JAN¬ ET 337-2603 20-2/10 a position. Reagan's action. A march Wed¬ a review of U.S. policy to¬ Presents nesday ended in a heavy rain ward the Middle East. What "Now qualified people can be TYPING TERM papers and theses we see now is a new policy FOUR-BAND transistor radio. New ENGLISH COCKER puppies 8 weeks. Electric typewriter Fast service. on the part of the United DR. SPOCK $25 30X telescope and tripod $20 AKC registered, shots Call 669- Call 332-4597 O States in assuming the in¬ Call evenings, 355-8061 3-2/7 3-2/10 5185. ANN BROWN: Typist and multilith, offset printing Dissertations, theses, Who's itiative. to stand We are back and not going rather GERMAN SHEPHERDS-1 male and manuscripts general typing IBM wait for something to happen. " 1 female Black and silver. 8 weeks 19 years experience. 332-8384 C ENGAGEMENTS 3-2/11 PINNINGS Friday, Feb. 7 4:15 p.m, old. TU2-3789. Karen Goodrich. Grand Ledge He said the United States Lynne Osborn. Clearwater. would APRICOT MINIATURE poodles AKC Fla. junior to John Geweke. senior to Jeffrey Routson. Lan¬ engage in bilateral MSU Auditorium 75C registered. Reasonably priced. Phone talks at the United Nations Arlington. Va.. junior. Farm- sing senior 332-0771 3-2/11 A unique before COMPLETELY OVERHAULED: 1 Roy¬ PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: four-power talks be¬ Advance Ticket' Sales At Campbell's, Marshall Music al portable safari, 3 Smith Corona quality thesis service. IBM typ¬ House. well as talks in the Marilyn Taylor. Pittsburgh. gin. as and Union Ticket Office electric. 1 portable 2 Remington ing. multilith printing and hard Middle East with Israel and Caren Borso. Milan Pa. senior to Jerry Lawson. Electrics. Call AMERICAN BUSI¬ binding. 337-1527 C sophomore NESS MACHINES 339-2654 2-2/10 Lima. O. senior. Ohio State. her Arab neighbors. to Denny Baginski. Warren sen¬ BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing Phi Mu Alpha. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies ior. Delta Upsilon. You may think our Ads AKC. 1 male, 2 females 485-6107 Phone 3-2/7 No job too large or Block of campus 332-3255 too small C Penelope Dillon. Colwood jun¬ Karyll Shaw. Bloomfield Hills, every We are possible going to pursue avenue to STEREO: FISHER KX-90, Garrard Professional junior to James E. Hurst. Jr.. peace in the Middle East SAINT BERNARD male. 6 months DONNA BOHANNON. ior. Central Michigan Universi¬ are Corny... Lab 80 speakers. 353-8305. Mkll, Like Wharfdale W30-D new! Best Offer 3-2/11 old. Championship markings pedigree. Show Paid $300 Best offer typist Term papers, Selectric. 353-7922 thesis. IBM C ty to Pete Randolph. Midland junior. Delta Sigma Pi. Placentia. Calif.. junior Helen Francis Duke. Brohman that we Nixon can. said Nixot. said. his forthcom¬ 485-1160 3-2/7 Transportation to Duane H. Cruzan. White Cloud ing European journey should Barbara Blair, junior. Alpha not be interpreted as a les¬ Phi. Indiana University of Pa. sophomore. Theta Epsilon Tri¬ sening of l.S. interest in to William Taylor. Grand Rap¬ angle. CHARLAMOR 1961 10' X 50' 2-bed- Asia or other parts of the TRAILER 1968 12X60 active mobile room furnished. Near MSU. Ex¬ ids junior. Delta Sigma Pi. world. home. Two bedrooms, front kitchen. cellent condition. Phone 655-3441 NEED RIDE to Columbus. Ohio or Carol' Jeanne Anderson. Bir¬ 5-2/10 Mediterranean decorum Located in vicinity week end of 14th Febru¬ mingham to Sanford Fenster. For I think you could des¬ Terry Sullivan. Jackson. Miss, Holt 694-0577 5-2/13 ary Call Valerie 332-0851. S-2/13 Lauderdale. Fla. senior. Tau cribe best as not being RENT OR buy a new 2-bedroom sophomore to Doug Laycock. me CRESTWOOD ASTRO IV bass gui¬ Mobile Home from STONEGATE Wood River, 111. junior. Delta Phi a "half-worider. he said, MOBILE HOMES 2700 Eaton Rap¬ GET HIGH' Fly Acapulco! Mexico tar-used twice. Goya fuzz box "with my eyes looking only treble. Booster. 337-0751 3-2/7 ids Road (Logan Street), 1/4 City! 10 days spring break 353- Cheri Kreamer. Minneapolis. 2448 9-2 14 Fannie Lett. Detroit junior to Europe or only to Asia, mile south of 1-96 882-7840. 5-2/10 . to Ken Fife. Detroit MSU grad¬ Minn.. University of Minnesota but one who sees the whole CONCORD 1967 Mobile Home. French to Alan Nakisher. St Louis. world. We live in one world uate, Alpha Phi Alpha. . . .But SHUCKS, we Provincial plus skirting Must sacri¬ Miss, junior. and we must e<» forward to¬ fice. 393-5623 1-2/7 do have the best Summer in Europe Beth Goodman. Davidson sen¬ gether in this whole world. WHERE THE GIRLS ARE! They're Wanted ior. Alpha Omicron Pi to Philip Joanne Gilbert. Dorr senior On domestic issues. \i >n apartments in town Detroit to London reading the "Personal'' column in Lugger. Ind. senior. G.M.I.. to Michael Henry. Hamburg N Y. said there must be "a mas today's Classified Ads Try it now! BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7.50 for June 10-Aug. 10 Lambda Chi Alpha. MSU graduate. Phi Gamma Del¬ all positive, A negative, B negative ta. sive infusion' of federal $209.00 East Lansing Management Call: Cheryl Crane 1965 BELMONT built-in pletely stereo carpeted. Beautiful bar with Furnished Hurry, we Com¬ are and AB negative. $10.00 O negative- $12.00. MICHIGAN BLOOD CENTER, 507^ E Grand COMMUNITY Sally Barton Hemenway. West Grove. Pa. sophomore to James Leigh Ann Simpson. St. Clair assistance special to emphasis education, on with kinder¬ 317 M.A.C. 351-7880 355-0375 moving, must sell. ED7-7570. 3-2/7 River, East Lansing Above the new Shores junior to Thomas W. garten through high school. Graham Jones. Redford junior. Campus Book Store. Hours: 9am - Schwark. Richmond senior. Del¬ 1967 RITZ-CRAFT Excellent con¬ 3:30pm. Monday, Tuesday and Fri¬ Delta Sigma Phi. Asked about his image ta Sigma Pi. dition. Must sell 487-3956 after day; Wednesday and Thursday, 12- among blacks, the President NOTICE TO MARRIED STUDENTS 5 p.m. _ 10-2/13 6:30pm 337-7183. C Jane Watts. Coloma senior. acknowledged that My task Alpha Chi Omega to Brian Sal- Barbara Ellen Matthews. force on education pointed up 1969 LIBERTY 12X65'' 3-bedro Ledge senior to Brian Lynn Join your friends at Creek Farm Townehouses . . . rapidly becoming the 3 months old. On lot, skirted, us. Downers Grove. 111. sen¬ Beagle. Grand Ledge senior. Del¬ that I was not considered... most popular married students' community |n the Lansing area. At Creek tras. Available spring term I ior, Sigma Chi. ta Sigma Pi. as a friend by many of our your money buys more living per dollar than anywhere else in black citizens in America. Farm, town . . . and you'll find many other student families with the same in¬ Place Your Charlene Duch. Swartz Creek terests that you have. Come and see the beautiful ly-furnished models today. graduate student. Alpha Chi Ome YOU'LL GET THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD ga to David MSU graduate. Allen. Southfield * Individual 1 & 2 story Townehouses Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. Gloria Mavotte, Jackson jun¬ ior to Craig R. Carpenter. East (continued from page ont) STATE NEWS will bill you later. * Loads of closet space like ours. " * Lansing senior. Large living room "Throughout history men * Separate formal dining area Cathy M Wilson. St. Clair have used graffiti ' knock po¬ * 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms Shores senior to R. Darryl Ma- litical leaders and uare sexaa * 1 or 1 1/2 baths zur. Troy junior. Sigma Chi secrets." he said. Graffiti in * Modern kitchen with deluxe oven and range, two door refrigerator- dicatp° !hat certain huma freezer, custom cabinets Flora Ohrenstein, Southfield einot .s have remained the * Full private basement freshman. Wayne State Univer¬ same through history ." Future archeologists will find * Private front and rear entrances Consecutive Dates to Run . sity to Barry Zack, Southfield in modern graffiti insights into * Private backyard sophomore. * Heading every human pursuit. Only $345 moves you in * Sue Elder. Greenville sen¬ Religion: King Kong died for Income tax deductions Print Ad Here: our sins. Tarzan and Jane are ior. Alpha Omicron Pi to Eric . * No personal mortgage liability Roach, Muskegon. living in sin. A dirty mind is * Choice of colonial or ranch-type homes a perpetual solace. Landscaping and maintenance included * Donna Van Til. Holland grad¬ Philosophy: Lawrence Welk Plumbing and appliances replaced or repaired at no additional cost * tells it as it is. Life is a here¬ uate. Alpha Omicron Pi house¬ As low as $102 per month including heat and all utilities except electric * ditary disease. Where there a Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. mother to John Menzies. Paw Paw senior. pill there's a way. Sex: Dirty old men need love CREEK FARM TOWNEHOUSES 10 Words or Less: 1 day - $1.50 3 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 too. Hugh Hefner is virgi: 15* per word 40* per word Patricia Ann Schnable. Lan¬ Go 1/2 Mile South of Jolly flfbad on Logan Over 10 Words Add: 15* per word 40* per word 65* per word sing to Joseph J. Owens. Lan¬ Huntley hands under the table. and Brinklev ho! Turn left on Haag Road and Fo low Model Signs a □ sing senior. Delta Sigma Pi. Politics: Happiness is Mail to: Michigan State News warm Muskie. Lowe: the . Model townehouses open da'ly and Sunday—Noon to 8 p.m. 346 Student Services Bldg. Grand Ledge senior to Brian of puberty. Nasser drinks Saturday, Noon to 5 p.m. Closed Thursday. Phone: 882-1725 MSU East Lansing, Mich. Lynn Beagle. Grand Ledge sen¬ gen David. ior. Delta Sigma Pi. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing* Michigan Meditation club Nurse shortage offers yoga class state; field lacks A critical shortage of 5,000 are available for ly plan- and have families they are gen¬ By DAVID GLADFELTER Results from tapping these ned building. erally more stable than women, reservoirs can be expected registered nurses exists in The number of students who who in and out of nursing, "almost immediately," Moore Michigan. are The publicized technique of Unless the shortage is alle¬ drop nursing as a major and she said. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, said. Relaxation is the first at¬ or Transcendal Meditation, is be¬ tainment. All three reservoirs viated, Michigan will need 7,000 those who add loss in the Three are reached by most within the more registered nurses and said that many women reluctant to use birth con- tives should be secondary to sex education and to developing a greater happiness and fulfill- than that of the Church. >1 methods not because of rel¬ wholesome attitude toward sex. An exhibit of giv- Burns said that the Methodist igion. but because of the painting, sculp¬ ture and prints by eight Mich¬ in overview of the church does not speak for the a"nd superstitions associated M.S.U. Moore said that ' meditation rt being produced the people but to them about birth ith the use of birth control. igan artists will be at the simply brings you into closer Kresge Art Center beginning Paul Love, gallery di- control. Points adopted c Mrs. Dunn also said that if Jazz Ensemble harmony with nature itself. We Sunday. ing birth control: some parents find that their all have three basic, potential 1. To urge the people church is not compatible with Sitting in reservoirs of the mind: energy, "There will be eight Both the gallery cept and honor their God-given of life, they choose intelligence, and happiness. " and the north gallery Kres- sexuality and to use their another church that's compat¬ Sunday ge will be used that several culinitv and feminity so that ible. works by each List may be it contributes to fulfillment and Foglio added that people Ko-Ko-Bar Hillel Foundation to the good of society. 2. To use family planning med¬ choose their barbers, their doc¬ E. Kalamazoo at Clippert tor, even a favorite bank tell¬ 319 Hiiicrest at W. Grand River The exhibit wi ically and aesthetically as best er. so why not choose a spir¬ through Sunday, March 2. and suited to the couple's needs. itual advisor suited to that per- Come Dig the Big Band Sound is open to the public without 3. That children are a trust SABBATH SERVICES charge. from God and should be nurt¬ FRIDAY 7:30 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m ured to adulthood. Foglio said the rationale be¬ hind the Catholic Church's SUNDAY February 9, 6 p.m. To assist unwed parents to stand is that anything interfer¬ tion Committee who visited consider their responsibility ing with the natural marriage SUPPER - FORUM - SOCIAL several artists' studios last each other and t0 the child and condemned. The intro- > provide care and homes for duetion of the birth control pill Sander M. Levin Michigan Senate Democratic Minority Leader. Recently Democratic State Chairman Among those selected Richard Kline, ; a MSU degree holder. r tFH:Se_ ^dr5" Sh0uld the par" presented the a new problem, and Pope chose to take the con- Get Keyed Topic: "THE FUTURE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY" Open to all. Meat dinner will be served. For rides call 332-1916. Paraphernalia Slip and offers Into fantasy, into the world of Allc delight to the change your looking gla! . . . FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST * FAST ♦ FAST ♦ ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ^^tudent ^Joek^J 421 at Grand River tore