N. S. C. Library . iMt ^Lanalrm, Mich. Michigan State News KAST I.ANSINC, Ml( HHiAN. TUKsHAV. < M TtlllK'1: •: n;i &] in SPHINX GETS MORTAR BOARD CHAPTER Administrative Body FROSH SELECT Outlines I'lans SPARTANS RIDEBlue Honorary Key Society Considers-Students' 31 CANDIDATES ForNewCheeringSection JASPERS will Wilt Be Hp Installs. Installed Request For Vacation IN NOMINATIONS Spirit; 2SU Srati on lor 4S Yard l.mr Will hr Rr.rryr.l First Yfli Mrn 39-0. SATURDAY Here in November I'nalinw EHnrf, to Wr „f >„ in „( hrm",ry Reynolds. MfCrnry. Ziipi and riHay. Novcmhrr 311, Pr.itioni Am (itrulalini Wiomaa Get Ore FafF; -rior Women's Group Accepted Unanimously Accord- I °°m rlB'* ,ra' Srbo Srorri Two. to 11 ley rani Action Culminates Years ot Petition¬ ing hv Leading Senior Women ELIMINATIONS THIIRSD Y WARMBEIN INJURED . rtlllp in III. I'll - III Km Id Will hr Rrdurrd in Ral Rrsprvrx Punh Over Three In-Ill mi Iiili.rninl ili I In without ifi\ definite il«'t i* i«>ii luting From 5 to 7 in Scores A^artist Battered Ja? per Kir ven. n order I hat tin in the chemistry lecture room with tin II pare tenlay afternoon, l»roii|rlit ' rumpus, asking tin" the largest turnout in mint Ken at a merlin*' Mo TAU BETAS WILL compete for the four office* MEETATSTATE of their class, the largea! ever to attend Michigan State. HOME EC. CLUB Klimination* for the poai- DAUBERTSEES ENGLISH DEPT Lorol Cliaplir Will hr Hutls In ta.ru w ill I..- ti. I.I in the Union ENTERTAINS 150 6!i Rrprrirnlal.vri ol ACETANKTEAM HAS INCREASE Hororarv Group is Host to Association Many Vrlrrani Bark Among Now Trarhrr » Addrd In Staff Meeting Here Last Swimmm, Along With for Kngluh Week end Froih Start. HIM STATE BAND IS PANICO TO PLAY HIGHLY PRAISED IN LANSING SOON Noli J Maestro to Appear at Mm Barbara Slonr u Named OLLEGE ALUMNI Honorary Band Armory Friday Before MEET IN GOTHAM 1 Uorff Holy I MirtiOf Plata far (irada i Fraternity Bowling Tourney FROSH POTS AGAIN Goes Into Third Week's Play SELLING AT WELLS rill I>rll4 Theta Key Raplrnnht > Supply of Required Green f.r Nr\A V..ik <>f the Headdrtitet meet in I game In the second event the After .. week of indoor rehears- If. Kappa Phi * dropped one to iils. the band again took to the I the Sigma Alpha Epk.lon pin fh.il held last evening to prepare f.'UNrt'ioiiN for the Homecoming , !08 : 1*26 In the final game of v-.n-.' *ith Marquette on Novem- the evening the Phylean* defeat- UW*' us* hotel A nade | -d the Theta Kappa No a 2075 to spell out of greeting to the ; j 711 or the alumni during U.k inning rA nrw Hlun.fi. as the home «•< supply arrived today and w.li go j This Thursday six more learns 'square off The Aetheofi* will K Jcnni. on safe,.immediatel> at curding to Vpperelassmen of the band Dove lieiand *••• >n .-lwr*r nominated candidates for the hon¬ J meet I meet the A G R's. the Eclectics S Carp the Trimoiras and the Phi Stn0u. and Hagc-n guaran¬ Hewitt. Lansing president. Ruth Ride over I time the scheme met with any! tees that there ill be no .shoulder - Densrnore, Alma, treasurer: and vales. it was j to-shoulder mob as was present Ha/el Roach, Grand Rapids, coun- Hut Kent A Bike. ! at the Jan Gather party last year Wales. Vago Two MU'HltiAN SfATK NKWS Tuemlny, October L'a, self in the public rye—the tea- Michigan State Newt danrcr doesn't even set started. or Thanksgiving and the excerpt dents Th« The He happen to know most of the STUDENT rVLSt from the Grand Rapids Herald ' As was only en ynungxter* this year and they a member "f the teaching staff a eignret Spartan ; seem know pretty competent. 'em. too. In* cood enough If you who follows f«>otha!i games t-ec srhix.I athh Spoofer | ball Faculty Failed flash. Tonv ■' rd c\iTpt (he slueciiiK didn't ret anv i lb. i r I.... Hell, fight \ It ct I I redd > I It.-I. Mliiiai .... J A I! !! liWKfAi \lph.i \i 11. 1 I LOUIE PANICO \ M > Ills OKtlllSTItA L i LAXSING ARMORY I I i ^ I ! |' * FRIDAY, NOV., I,united Amount nlTicketsunSale this s \..nhi.i. • I J Week thil> I'nr Sl.tt.) per couple. MARY STKWAKTS 'HOYS—That Store's $>ot Class! h i fvli.it the fellows sa> abtiiii our ^"4 - » al.'i sjcd ami modcim/i tl ■stoic Let '« Hare Sckool an I III VKK UKiHT - - itS the most at- Tkmhi/uiMg ReaJei 1 .utivc store «ilh the most attractive < s at most attractive prices . . . DeMolav Halloween Party Hal iVnm.iii »nd III* Orchewlrif r Robert Surrey Tickets M..YO I nd. tl« toiler Ma-ontc I iII Temple — «i tu I « IKJ S( II 1 hi SI K \ M I/»' \ s/s/.s/ SKETCH CIA R I I III SMl/ FRIARS I hi Cant r v v , Inrtun ,utl with pi*.tied \*M I t!»n I.mu»d IrowH'rs: .tnd ,t wrap ■ "h m» st\ .!■ t, ittitfN, Both pre great Ma!: >r\ I .lack Hat* forget that there ever wan a holi¬ 'V ih, c.tmtfi-s inti popul.ti with the day The prof* would N alkmec !' who prefer cloth** with the rolfegrc Oxford Shirts the ple.miit»H granted to » « un¬ lets thev stuff then dinner* dowr I H< i. 1 ! nd«»r trie*. ( tmcord >".INl .iir during the tegular hour, and S2.U0 keeping .themselves awake with s pip for the rest of the afternoon t urduro.v t oat- liotony W .M.I Tics 80 it-1 s have schcs . r Thanks¬ ttay* $30 giving r. c m . jg si.on FmmhyMfmb* Pea Jackets SMALL'S v. ool Mufflers Ye Editor and Read* s Are not two tttues being con¬ II v \in*king>oM \ti-. Strand Arcade $6.00 — . fused in the State News column* of last week" Just what tS the I VtohfT £<■ !*«» MICHIGAN KI'A'IK NEWS Cage 3 Bright Lights of Manhattan Will I^a.l Hand STATE GARDENS State Theatre Dancing Sorority The follim-ln* freshmen, uhn Yowsnh! and how. Rent Attract Football Team and \rmory Nov. 2 have been parading about the Concludes Night campus minus the rustomarv Limit Social Calendar Here SEEN BY 40,000 Practice Meets frosli headdress, lite green put. are to report al the meeting of the student council at (CIGARETTES, CANDIES j 7:30 to¬ tlyha V fcha Fli■«! Initatlitim is Biy Evrnl of Wrtk-End Real Betanieal Garden I Orchesii Planning Tri-Weehly night Al Theiler. Hesperian. ! MAGAZINES j j Teddy's Retreatj %S Till I 4KTH TMNN «„orlT-(a*rrs: Sort* Parties Are Held bt Alpha Gamma Man* Visiters in C eerie Slate Theater—Today only Afternoon Rehearsals for I.oren Hecor. Sigma Nu. Phil Italveat Deka. Sanaa Kappa, aid Delta Sipma Phi. of Year. St irring—ean Mulr and Hon.ild Installation. William Vivian. Cclectic. Wood*. Robert Iturhans. "Till: FOUNTAIN" tt.,. fnothallteam enjovinp ttv «hi«. litrhl- «;..iham .... Manhattan inrhxtraipa ! ■ t«. i.,; *r. it\ on »h<- Fn,Iv I lhnu«and Hntanieal pmplc vulted x,.,tt. Theater aariirn this Tbiir.da, UMtt'ul" anil Brief Cases '.o . ,ry.»m* week-end waiting rather pushed int.. the hackgrotiH'i. for the victor; u f• >tJ»all team t< "i v tt orlaln.ili d in IBT4 by I."'-*' and was imn arrr Slarrlna—Jean MM* and Unpaid fli hi. Brian Aherne. lean Hera CLASSIFIED xlent Now the K.irdol hall PV >al nmhlnrht. « i t '»r*t'. wa- the formal t Kr>- Alphiar. into Alpha X Delta, which inch won spa- I'll..'.- Vortnin - ,-r. I rial ins id plant life l»:t Kit, at-iinn rrr* ptedffiiiff. a bwujuet, a semi-formal dame. am oundnrics. During the take ; ni .... - l lasting throng! Saturday ami Sim.la. . *»>kl m the Wisteria r»*>m ■ f Hotel «>1.1- wjtii mu rv Scruby'* orchestra* interesting sights mny Virginia M.- r Pie.* an V- K — — — *; OOLUKK ■ ; BULLETIN spet ies which are hie for decorative pur- M.idc oi cowhide leather, (anod locks ami straps. Well made handle furnish Alpha Chi Omega r greenhouses (lives Bnnijiiet On "hursdfty. Octnh. : ('•pttriniof - hwtlnpvv Anniversary Day 49th Rirthdai Celebrated at The I.rather floods Store Day Enter¬ i Soutli Washington Avenue tainment l'»«t Map* Ma\.« New Hal Deiiman to Play For DeMolay Dance Low Rate .ON It enough f i. utt* Co-cd (lice Cluh CLASSIFIED ADS. Now Rehearsing For Year's Work 1 cent per word Wins Pearl Will Conduct Group I ..die* Night During I linesv of Mm kackley Rhv X irkorntaff All ads. MUST HE PREPAID. Leave copy at ANIi Ills tjMflllMKA pen House Parties a Special!b Union desk or State News office fc*»pj Alylii Thru Good Taste/ STUDENT COUNCIL it i i\\ ut i'>m k The Style Shop's far in (aMr at Fashion Hints fo ■g-'rmn * * *** * * with your **trarting An# . mar. ween, day. »r. v v, Studen?. utaliot: o1 Pi *Je*.lurn* *»•>> .'.n f'erie-atif.r. wi n iUUXuk. i .n« Odoher 22. elimination? Ti.u; -o*v I) UrfM - f.>r j#n thi r.'-\' V. :i jtjey la The world's finest tobaccos are used in f -uekies !.A. t tiug Th . Ki. H • •. - Adjournment —the "Cream of the , 'It's tousled' Crop"—only the clean cen¬ Nightly | The Rockefeller Foundation pcentiy gx&rted McOill Ufuvrrs- Dsteafl i gift at'$1IM 899 na* Vr. ter leaves—for the clean center leaves are the" the foundation of a depact- mildest leaves—they cost more—they taste better* II MICHIGAN STATK NEW* Tiu-MIUV. Oi'tOIHT 2.1. 19:'. i FROSH GRIDDERS Ottey Defeats Sears 9%* | hoys reserves NATIONAL MEET TITANS WED As Spartan Harriers 00PIm£ SPORT SUMMARY lis .1 \('K \\ ARNKR Many Freshmen to See Action i Win Season's Opener fflEIWRi!»«. V Game With Detroit Team. Sfaf*\£larc* Five Men in First Six Positions; Nelson Gardner, rv toximv \\ %K\t.it Berhfold, Hammer, and Drnni* Finish in Order Behind headers. COACH COLLINS' HOPES GET LIFT All But One of Last Year s Veterans Report for folk*. if Wrestling. WRESTLERS ATTENTION m XII \4rsit* wrestler* and IlillK *er I ii.l. h I ollilis sllll .If III III I III* I'ol 1*111 * Barratt's Shoe Repairing III I It -\N > I HI «Hl 101 la*l (.rand Korr Mil I I Xltll* RAINBOW RECREATION RELIC TO I CwKll smoke a THREE MORE LOSE IN TOUCH LEAGUE great manv CChesterfields., Kappa I aus. Sigma*. and Phv morning, noon and night they a/r a/trays the same Irans Beat Rivals .. liUniiim mir A|«in«l three full Irani* l'he pUirn rani re The Chesterfields tou're the ba.ll when inside nig Oi Rum Reynold*, an smoking now arc just like tinbeati i • to 0 Hi ...uter as the great Frank they were last year or any Itame hit aroied but in on ?! Aialrrs to Te«» a . ' pass from t i..-i- f. i i Manhattan >*<* Reynolds m uf.ner-baek of punts in years That biu k Sieboll i »p'' I should enthuse the best ihe time when and place, please and >Sel)ii slam men like Kd- and pound &1&OU.- other year—because we al¬ ways buy the right tobaccos —uniformly ripe and mild. the Delphi. i an air light down the .field for 5t> or 60 yard* nondct niiimi uu ntt rate All-American. defensive fame ...• i stepped it* kitida dangerous to rob them any M* congratulati ■«i*« NINO *I*U urn' SIKIK . other scoring The Sigma thruvt m well-drilled X.. of the right to try scoring ro.XSlLtl MXITIM KCITIM tCUOl ITItlUOU »TI Nu* puked j breath¬ that's what halfbacks are for er for their opener and w. > r»s:ly «uc1 i are players fo p>V Reynolds once scored on a lateral kCWTTUMTf MCIIISTU on ii>»m AMP am CHOtl cnoot« 9 ' -• ! ball annah With a 20 to 0 count Kappa Phi* the Pi Very aincerely. . prise but .that play was a legitimate sur¬ ** l\ M.' E. *. T. ) -1 oi t Msu ncmouk CbmkefieUt an milder. . tbq taste better CHARLES VANCOTT. Rent Editor, Format^taga/me Whatever i