Wednesday Mild MICHIGAN ... censorship. Stomp. out thinking -CPS (USSPA . . . . . support bulletin) UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS February 19,1969 per . . . today and Thursday with little temperature change. Ten cent chance of rain today. East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 131 Ambushers attack El Al jet/ Swiss arrest The assault Arab suspects posed the possibility of a new tack "demonstrated the murderous But he said. "There is no doubt that ZURICH, Switzerland iAP) -- Ambush¬ characteristics" of the Arab guerrilla these acts of assault, and those in charge Israeli retaliation in a style similar to that ers firing from behind a runway snow¬ of them, drew encouragement from the which followed the attack on an El Al organizations. bank riddled an Israeli El Al jetliner as Eban did not name any one of at least atmosphere of compassion demonstrated it was taxiing for a take off Tuesday night plane at Athens in December. Israel said these organizations after the six Arab sabotage organizations. Nor did toward then that the guerrillas responsible came and wounded five of its occupants. he say where Israel suspected they came Athens attack. One of the raiders was shot dead and from Lebanon, and sent commandos three, including a woman, were arrested against the Beirut airport, destroying 13 in a swift counterattack. planes. Police ordered an alert for the entire Official sources said all seemed to be Arabs, as was the case in two spectacular blows at El Al operations last year. In New York. U.N Secretary-General U Thant condemned the Arab attack area of the Kloten Airport, nine miles east of Zurich. The target was a Boeing 707 that the line reported was lightly laden with 17 pas¬ air¬ Trustees ear pla selec president sengers and 10 crew members bound for Wisconsin and expressed hope that no Israeli retai.a tion would follow. In Jerusalem. Israeli Foreign Minister Tel Aviv. from Gunshots of automatic weapons spewed wall of snow near the airport fence for Abba Eban blamed Arab guerrilla organi¬ a By RON INGRAM Hathaway elaborated on the "interest¬ as the $6-million plane rolled toward the This demonstrator was arrested Monday at the Univer sity of Wis- zations and noted that President Gamal State News Staff Writer ed parties." He referred to a memo to the main runway. They tore up the fuselage consin as police and National Guardsmen joined foi Abdel Nasser ol Egypt .ad receily An "informal presentation" on proce¬ Academic Council concerning the special and cracked windows on the fjight deck. the campus disturbance. U praised them. The plane halted after the opening dures for choosing a new president for meeting. The memo said in part: MSU will be made Friday morning to "You will note that the document to be bursts. discussed includes provisions for the incor¬ the MSU Board of Trustees. Dale Hatha¬ The attackers threw hand grenades URGE U-W TALKS too. but these apparently failed to explode. Police said they also tossed out a bomb way. tee chairman of the steering commit¬ of the Academic Council, said Tues¬ poration of representatives from ASMSU. Council of Graduate Students (COGS). Oakland University and the Alumni Assn. day. parcel, but this also was a dud. Hathaway said that the ad hoc com¬ into the proposed committee. Since they Three other bomb parcels were found Protesters alter tactics are suggested as parties to the action, the on the captives. A search of their car, mittee on procedures, set up last term, will make the presentation to the board Steering Committee has invited their re¬ produced a book titled "The Arabs in Is¬ and take part in an informal discussion spective executive committees to attend rael." the Council on this preliminary report meeting as guests of the Airport security guards led the counter¬ Don Stevens, board chairman, said Steering Committee. In order to have the force attack. from to Monday that the discussion would take I please turn to page 11> Reports differed as, to who killed the one attacker, who dropped with a bullet in place at a breakfast meeting before the board's regular monthly meeting at 10 the head attended a rally Monday night Even fewer A;sconsin National Guard to the cam¬ Airport sources said he was felled by ByGEORGE Bl LLARD State News Staff Writer pus Wednesday. were present at a similar rally Tuesday a Swiss security official. Police reported There has been some confusion in re¬ Pro-enrollment morning cent days over what type of discussion Demonstration leaders at the Univer¬ The leaflet asks that students return to an Israeli passenger gunned him down. the committee would hold with the board Students whose last names begin with class, discuss black demands with instruc¬ Paul Soglin. a militant student and Madi¬ The passengers had tumbled from the sity of Wisconsin (U-Wi changed tactics alderman, asked students to stay with Hathaway stressed that the commit¬ K through O may pre-enroll today in the plane through the emergency chute. All son tors and attend a faculty meeting today to Tuesday in their protest for increased tee would not be submitting a list of pos¬ dirt arena of the Men's I.M. Bldg. the movement. the injured were hospitalized, with one re¬ black voice in U-W administration. argue for an autonomous Black Studies sible successors to President Hannah Permits for repeating University Col¬ Dept.. a demand that prompted the protest. "If people keep dropping out." he said, port in a serious condition. Black students distributed leaflets Tues¬ "maybe the Havakawas will take over. " Gideon Rafael, director general of the The committee's preliminary report lege final examinations must be ob¬ The number of demonstrators has pro¬ day afternoon which called for abandoning He referred to students wearing arm¬ has been distributed to the Academic tained at 170 Bessey Hall, S-33 Wonders gressively dwindled from the high of 3,000 Israel Foreign Office, was among pas¬ the student boycott and the continued dis¬ bands with the letter "H" on them, sym¬ Council and other interested parties for Hall, 109 Brody, or G-36 Hubbard Hall Thursday Approximately 200 protesters sengers reported to have emerged un¬ ruption of classes which initially brought bolizing S. I. Hayakawa. acting presi¬ their consideration before a special coun¬ before Feb. 21. scathed. dent of San Francisco State College, who Rafael reported by telephone to Eban. cil meeting which has been called for is a hardliner on student disturbances. next Tuesday at 3 p.m.. Hathaway said. who told newsmen in Jerusalem the at¬ National Guard troops remain in U-W BSA asks black tribute buildings in groups of 5 to 10. Many more troops are stationed off campus, an ob¬ to ideals of Malcolm X server grown said Tuesday. The observer said that dissension within the ranks of the protesters. "Blacks over are blaming whites for taking the movement and ruining it." he has American dream' devoid for indiIVIiduals and regular activi i this Fri said. The Black By JEANNE E. SADDLER State News Staff Writer Students' Alliance announc¬ ed today that black students, faculty, ad¬ bute to Malcolm X. Malcolm X was in New York City According to a statement released by Feb. 21. 1965 Demonstrations during the week have included a burning of the U-W "racist administration" in effigy and a torchlit march to the Wisconsin Capitol. of concern By MARTY CLAUS viewed by middle-class America." Lee ficient time for an individual to prove ministrators and residents of the Lansing the Alliance, the fourth anniversary of U-W Chancellor Edwin Young said that State News Staff Writer said. "In their quest Americans tend to himself. community are asked to forego classes the death of this black leader will be set "understood the impatience of black Failure to recognize the importance of "Certainly not everybody should have he ignore people. " aside as a day of thoughtful re-dedica¬ people. people has created an American dream The result in the University commun¬ a college degree. Lee said Bht we must take into account the feelings of the tion in honor of El-Hajj Malik El-Sha- "What I cannot understand." he added, philosophy void of concern for the indi¬ ity is that the middle-class American ex¬ bazz. the name Malcolm took after his "is the position of those who seek to ex¬ vidual. Ronald B. Lee. asst. provost and pects the ghetto resident to seek the same people who think they should have one." trip to Mecca ploit these feelings and to minimize or director of the Center for Urban Affairs, status symbols that indicate success for On this day. black people will fore¬ House s go their daily routines for the purpose of deny what is already being done.'' Besides a Black Studies Dept.. black said Tuesday. Lee spoke to members of the Faculty him. Lee said. The yardstick for college admission, engaging in an intensive dialogue of the ideas so eloquently expressed by Malik. "' demands include more black counselors and the power of black students to hire Club on "The Need for New Approaches to Equal Opportunity at MSU like does not the American dream philosophy, include a personal concern. Lee Lottery may on educati The Alliance has scheduled several ac¬ tivities. most of which will be restricted and fire all administrators involved in any¬ thing concerned with black students. The quest for money and power is the articulation of the American dream as said "The whole of society is going to de¬ to blacks, to replace regular classes dur¬ mand some kind of change in the way we treat each other." Lee said. "Blacks erase inequity established ing the day The members of the Alliance believe are no longer going to stand for token By ED HUTCHISON State News Staff Writer that a special day is needed because "the nature of this University and the frame¬ crumbs from the table of middle-class America. of draft laws work in which it operates does not per¬ The House Committee on Colleges and "Unless universities and society in gen¬ mit black people to fully assess the im¬ eral demonstrate a sincere commitment WASHINGTON and concerning military matters, • • • im¬ ion of racism and poverty This the Murninghan and city treasurer with 3.282 votes. ietnamese is not since in the past the Hanoi portant than people on welfare. new orientation must say that Valerie Schulte, 22, the girl who reportedly Gerald \V Graves survived the ?d out. although and National Liberation Front This orientation must not this land grant university shouted. 'We shot him. We killed primary voting, and will face Area voting was light with new s said it might had laid so much stress on Kennedy," 16 000 votes cast out of 55.000 say 100 Black students, but (initially established for the difficulties each other in the mavorai elect- with political matters, which they following the assassination of the New York 10.000 Black graduates. Not people* which has historically insist must have priority ion April 7. registered Lansing voters. senator, testified she had never seen Sirhan Bishara Sirhan before the shooting. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More1 Why Pay More! Why Pay Moi Miss Schulte testified she was at the Ambas¬ sador Hotel because she was manager of a THIS WEEK ONLY! SAVE $1.00 Kennedv campaign headquarters near Santa Ba: V.jra. Calif. A PAIR ON MEN'S NO-IRON • • • T»ie House, by a vote of 305 to 79, Tuesday PERMANENT PRESS changed the name of the House Committee on 1 n-A n Activities to the Committee on Internet. •■tv. CASUAL It also aligned the committee to work in the fields of "Communist and other subver¬ sive activities affecting the internal security of the United States." The committee's field under the old name was "un-American activi¬ SLACKS ties.*' Campus News The University of Michigan student rent strike against Ann Arbor landlords entered its fourth day today. NOW A spokesman for the students' union said . LOW Tuesday that over $20,000 in rent has-been withheld from apartment managers. The PRICE $4.97 union is collecting rents and placing the mon¬ ey in a Canadian bank until its demands are Value priced at our everyday low regular price— met. now at greater savings this week only# Neat com¬ fort fit because these are deluxe tailored with dress Demands include official recognition of the slack maker detailing. Cut from famous Galley and Lords famous Durango fabric, a fine oxford weave union by management and acknowledgement which doubles for leisure or dress up looks. of its right to collectively bargain on all hous¬ ing issues. * 65% Dacron polyester - 35% cotton * Machine wash n* dry Free, Fast Delivery * Waist sizes 29 to 42 * and Assorted pre-cuffed lengths 300 OFF * Bronze, Blue, Grey, or Olive to all Case Hall orders on 2 :9 69 with this coupon CALL 351-7100 WASH CLOTHS norviirvja's PIZZA The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is ^ For SjOO published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and OrientaUon issues in June and September Subscription rates are $14 Member Associated Press, United i ress International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ igan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan. Dundee better quality Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building Mk ugan cotton terry wash cloths. Mill LINEN thrifty acres assortment of jacquard, clipped terry, plain and DEPT. State University, East Lansing. Michigan. Phones Editorial Classified AdverUsing Display A i.^rtising 5125 West Business-Circulation Saginaw & 6200 South Pennsylvania Photographic - Why Pay More! Why yhWyMore'. aP Why Pay Wednesday, February 19, 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Author By DELORES MAJOR State News Staff Writer or actual sexual the doctor said. wrongdoings," act or state of having done wrong or committed an offense,' citesoften than not, paralyzing, it is severely depressing, and dis¬ tend to Ellis said. be a evils damned bore." He scorned the objections sex, other, better particularly with e ich before marriage, h^ve- sex lives after majng Dr Albert Ellis, psycho¬ "The feeling of guilt, then, is Ellis said, conducive of defensive offered by some that premari¬ and are less prone to corrosjve logist, and author, said Tues¬ not simply, as the dictionary "It is an intense state of honesty and continuing irres¬ tal sex leads to anxiety, guilt, disillusionment than those v ho day that guilt feelings over sex¬ often wrongly defines it, 'the self-denigration; and more ponsibility." feelings of hurt and sorrowing enter the marital state in com¬ "In the realm of sex, perhaps ual acts are usually irrational about loss of reputation. plete sexual ignorance," Ellis more so than any other con¬ and self-defeating. He further said that he did temporary mode of living, it Rogers queried "Guilt, when accurately de¬ not believe that premarital In answer to the claim Jiat is dubious that most so-called sex without love or outside ot fined. is virtually always irr¬ sex sabotages the general state errors, wrongs, or sins are ational, self-defeating and of marriage. marriage is debasing and truly mistakes,'' Ellis said. animal-like. Ellis said, "Mari evil," Ellis said in the sex¬ "In fact, as premarital sex on missile talks Ellis admitted that pre¬ whether we like it or not, an uality colloquy speech. "In marital sex contained a cer¬ has increased in the United relation to sex behavior, it is animal; and he'd damned well tain amount of risk and danger States, the proportion of indi¬ viduals who marry has also in¬ better make the most of his particularly idiotic." WASHINGTON (AP) Mak¬ But he suggested that "it might such as pregnancy, venereal The psychologist said that -- creased; and there seems to be animalistic sensations if he is be six months or less"-depend- disease and loss of sleep, but guilt often takes two forms; ing his first public congression¬ still growing trend in this to have a ball and is to epjoy al appearance as Secretary of ing of course on the Soviet atti¬ added that these same dangers a the so-called "higher things'" in the first, the person abhors tude as well. exist in marriage. direction." the psychologist State. William P. Rogers ran in the course of the one jrela the act he had committed, in The question of whether to go "Life without dangers might said. the second, the person abhors into heavy pressure in the Sen¬ tively brief life span he'll jnost ahead with deploying the pro¬ be very sweet, but it would also "Modern couples who try himself. ate Foreign Relations Commit¬ probably ever live." tee Tuesday to start missile posed missile defense system is "It is too bad that he does a hot issue on Capitol Hill and Sex authority but he is not bad and curb talks with the Soviets. Dr. Albert Ellis, a noted marriage counselor, told them; condemnable as a person for "Why is the United States re¬ luctant to begin these conversa¬ Rogers' general approach was "the sooner the better" on any Guitars Guitar Amps a recent meeting of the sex colloquy that premarital doing them," he said. tions?" asked Sen. Albert Gore. deal'with Russia to dampen the FROM ^wJT19'5 'El "There is no point in the FROM sex only resulted in two possible problems—lack of D-Tenn. costly arms spiral, even though individual's blaming or defam¬ he was not announcing any¬ sleep and a "cold in the nose." "We're not reluctant." the 55- State News photo by Mike Beasley ing himself about his potential thing specific. year-old secretary of state re- The official topic before the senators was President Nixon's s3995 When do you think they can " Reds angry at defection; call fpr U.S. ratification of the begin, before or after we deploy the (ABM> anti-ballistic mis¬ treaty to bar the spread of nu¬ clear weapons, the nonprolifera- sile?" Gore persisted. I don't want to make any tion pace already signed by 87 Kiddies U.S.-China talks dropped nations and ratified by nine. commitments for the adminis¬ tration on ABM's."' Rogers WARSAW i AP1 - Angered pressed his disappointment and Chinese diplomat Liao Ho-shu to betray his fatherland said. "The matter is under re¬ view now." CANADIAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE Phono's by the defection of one of its "Can you give us any esti¬ Chen Tung, charge d'affaires Rogers denied that the United Youth in Politics diplomats to the United States. mate of the timing''" Gore at* Red China s Embassy in States had anything to do with Red China Tuesday called off a resumption of U.S.-Chinese Warsaw, told U.S. Ambassador the defefection Jan. 24 of Liao. asked. "I'd rather not." Rogers said. SPEAKERS: $17« 1 T.V. • 1 Walter Stoessel. Jr. by a hand- John Turner - Att. General ambassadorial talks scheduled ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Of Canada carried note of Peking's decis¬ in Warsaw Thursday. ion. The U.S. Embassy would ■ FREAKOUT No. 4 J McDonel Hall presents: Heath MacQuarrie, M.P. The United States had looked The Woolies forward to a new start on the talks, broken off by Red China say only that the Chinese in¬ formed it of the cancellation ■ ■ & a ■ FRANCIS X AND THE BUSHMEN Lome Nystrom, M.P. Frank J. Kelly-Att. General Marshall Music Co. 13 months ago. since Peking Tuesday morning. ® The 2nd Coming J of Michigan had suggested they be resumed A Chinese Embassy spokes¬ " Fri. Feb. 21 B ^FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1969^ Dale Warner-State Rep. 245 Ann man said: "The U.S. govern¬ ■ UNION PARLORS ■ * 9 p.m. - 12 50if Admission , CALL 355-2350 In Washington. Secretary of State William P. Rogers ex¬ ment. inspired the former Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay PI MEIJER LEANER SWWDIMO RIB ItMSTS STRAWBERRIES. 4* Yummy, Luscious Fresh Strained euy F Vege¬ tables 5* WIDE, MEDIUM or BROAD $DIES 4$t Top Frost Frozen Shoestring Potatoes THIN TRIES 22* Dolly T9IIET TISSUE Madison ■■■■■' ' SAVE 12c 12'S iV SAVE 11c 11 ■ 112'/ I 5125 W. Saginaw I Favorite breakfa, -H toward the purchase of ANY SIZE PIECE OF FOOD CLUB 5 CHEERIOS 15* I I SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE with ouPon I & with $5.00 rette purchase oi mors items ei coupon rpires Sat., items Feb. 22, 1969. i! ot all coupons redeem excluding boor wins Limit on* por custoir cigarette items oi coupon r. items Expires Sat., Feb. 22, 1969. | | 6200 S. Pennsylvania HfDeptl Meijer |VJ & Thrifty Acres i© Coupon \mm Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY,EXCEPT SUNDAY,FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY HOURS thrifty acres WHY PAY MORE 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. W h.y Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay M ore! Why Trinka (.line, executive editor J time* S. Cranelli, managing editor Patricia Anstett, campus editor MICHIGAN Jerry Hankhurst, editorial editor Carol Budrotv, Tom Brown, sport* editor advertising manager STATE NEWS Deborah Fitch, associate campus editoi The State News is a free and editorially independent student newspaper. Editorials express the unanimous opinion of the UNIVERSITY editorial board of the State News unless otherwise indicated. Under the provisions of section 6.1 of the "Report on Aca¬ demic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University," final responsibility for all news and editorial content rests with the editor-in-chief. Six-lime recipient of the Pacemaker award |or outstanding journalism. EDITORIAL ABM and costs. . There is a strong movement the opinions of those people in $6 billion. Then, it might be prove the welfare system and underway in Congress to block the big cities. wise to elaborate on the "thin provide increased and better the deployment of the Sentinel Obviously, there are many in system" and provide a "thick? education for the poor and dis¬ system. At this early date there Congress who are still for ABM system" to defend Americans advantaged. seem to be two possible reasons and will stick to their convic¬ The second argument against against mighty missiles ap¬ for congressional action. tions regardless of mass public proaching us from Soviet Rus¬ the ABM borders clearly on First. Congressmen are elect¬ opinion contrary to what they sia. This transition would only the ridiculous. This is the non¬ ed by the people. Many thou¬ believe. But the point is that mean a mere $50-100 billion sensical belief, surprisingly sands of people are writing their the public is finally uniting be¬ more from American taxpay¬ held by many, that an acciden¬ congressmen urging them, in hind an issue and getting re¬ ers' pockets. tal nuclear explosion might oc¬ the strongest terms, to block sults-results which may mean These advantages need only cur in a big city killing millions the proposed Sentinel, or anti- the saving of billions of dollars a few other facts to back up of people. However, since the ballistic missile (ABM) system. and the planet earth at the same their practicalities. nuclear age was ushered in Congressmen feel like these time. The back in 1945. there has never spiral in the nuclear arms people and are now taking ac¬ We, in our ignorance, how¬ race will be of little concern to been an accidental explosion. tion. ever, must not brush over the the peoples of the world. Once Indeed, our beloved America Second. Congressmen are obvious blessings of the pro¬ the Communist Chinese and the will be an impregnable fortress elected by the people. Many posed Sentinel. As originally de¬ Soviets perfect more sophisti¬ with the advent of Sentinel and thousands of people are writing vised. Sentinel will save mil¬ cated destructive missiles that its their congressmen urging them, lions of Americans from ICBMs subsequent additions. No mis¬ siles could come into harm us: could pierce our defensive in the strongest terms, to block that rain down upon us from no widsom could shield, we need only improve go out in oui defense. the proposed Sentinel, or ABM Communist China in the 1970's. on our own system. The addi¬ --The Editors system. Congressmen have to The cost for such a 'thin sys¬ tional cost would be of such face reelection and are heeding tem" would be a paltry sum: small proportion compared to the funds already spent that OUR READERS' MIND Cards and few would increased complain due to the security the better system would provide. Persons with opinions to of¬ Epplev Center, phone 355-0272. Furthermore, should not Attacks fall in three categories we fer ~t'or or against State News Howard L. Millei. coopera¬ forget the progress that could editorial policies, especially tive extension services. 10 Ag be made in the whole field de¬ concerning the current contro¬ Hall, phone 355-0258. voted to "preventing" nuclear To the Editor: read in the State News. But such mat¬ The quotation last Wednesday may or versy and the Advisory Board Buford Stefflre. professoi of war. The billions of dollars The recent attacks on the State News ters are inevitably subjective, and could may not have been offensive 11 did not censure resolution, should con¬ counseling personnel sei vice fall into three categories: have been better resolved by cooperative find the phraseology offensive, but I was going into this field would pro¬ 1 • Bias in news coverage. I am discussion than by formal vote of censure offended by the intolerance tact the State News Advisory and educational psychology. vide thousands of jobs not to in displayed on sympathy with the Advisory Board on 2> Inaccurate facts Here the Advisory both sides i. but it did convey* meaning. Board and or the State News 451 Erickson Hall, phone 353- mention the reservoirs of this one. What I have observed of the re¬ Board is absolutely correct. There is no ex¬ It is particularly ironic for legislators office. The Advisory Board has 8749. cent campus conflicts has not always giv¬ cuse for reporting false information. 'Jour¬ who constantly complain about being knowledge gained by scien¬ the impression as what I have not solicited student and fac¬ William WTallner. entomol- en same nalism 201 students receive automatic misquoted to complain about someone tists. technicians and engineers zeros for stories with factual error: an else being quoted with complete accur- ulty reactions, but several in¬ ogv extension specialist. 133 op the biding of future wea¬ award winning newspaper should do as terested persons the State News whom to ad¬ have asked Nat. Sci. Bldg 353-3890. . pons including an orbital space SN propaganda well. 3> Obscenitv This charge is ill-founded Marcia Dav. 344 Campbell platform that could house nu¬ To the Editor: dress with theii comments. Hall. 355-0071. clear warheads. While you're demanding editorial free¬ The State News Advisory Kyle Kerbawv. 1312 H Uni¬ Yes. these advantages stag¬ doms. why don't you also demand the Board, recently fully constitu¬ versity Village. 355-6179. freedom to operate the State News as a ger the mind. But there are a ted. has four faculty and four student members: Tony Rosenthal. 343 Albert St.. E. Lansing. 351-0104. few trivial disadvantages. The first one is the same old argu¬ completely self-supporting publication, allowing those who wish to pay for it to do so° Perhaps then you will discover No more sacred cows? Anne Can ison. associate Elaine Siegel. 402 Linden ment that all these billions why • real' editors are publishing news¬ To the Editor: professoi of Business law and St.. E. Lansing. 351-0186. of dollars are being drained papers instead of propaganda sheets such seeing them in the daily newspaper'.' Would the State News has become. Coming from conservative rural Michi¬ the article have been readable without office administration and Ad- from programs to eradicate pov¬ as as J L Gill gan as I do. I guess that fact alone limits them'1 Does the editor see any possible re¬ visorv Board chairman. 210 The Editors the tolerance I have for the ways of a Big erty. rebuild the ghettos, im¬ - Associate professor. Dept of Dairy percussions from this article as far as the Ten university. But I am not protesting State Senate s investigating committee on nor demonstrating nor throwing stones, campus disorders is concerned'.' Will this FRED SHERWOOD and. contrary to certain elements on this add fuel to the fire"1 How does the reading campus. I admit publicly that I am willing public feel about this article, in view of the to be enlightened. fact that this is the second time this aca¬ By what line of reasoning does the editor demic year, that I recall, that the obscenity of the State News justify the appearance issue has been brought into the limelight'.' on the front page of Wednesday's edition Is this the editor of saying, there lj| Little girl, don't fish s way the article by two staff writers in which ob¬ are no more sacred cows'.' vas once a small village on the gist on a ever say grant from the National Insti¬ outside agitator" had been shouting ob¬ scenities in the scenities. which people recognize as ob¬ scenities. were printed0 Were there other remarks which shouted at the demonstration packed less shock value, but were How was it decided, if I may be sumptuous to ask. to transcend the bounds so pre¬ of journalistic propriety so that an apparent tute of Language and Nomenclature village square. more printable, that could have been used few might have their heyday at the accu¬ outskii 1 of the civilized world Situated strolled into town. The anthropologist was mulated expense of the many'.' Would it as well as the ones so carefully chosen for at the junction of the clear-flowing and to do a case study on the effect of en¬ be proper at this time. I wonder, to cancel The men promptly left their ham¬ public consumption"1 Was there bias on the rippling Finagle River and the glassy- vironment and culture on the local idiom part of the staff writers, or were these my "subscription" to the State News and smooth and beautifuL Lake Factor, the burgering. in spite of the loss of the next of the Finagle-Factor residents days food that would result, and held published remarks typical of those at the respectuflly request a refund"' Will the citizens of the pleasant burg relied on a Spotting a little girl chewing some¬ a meeting to decide what to do with the demonstration*? Why was it necessary that editor answer"' Or have I attacked one of harvest reaped from the waters for their thing in the center of the village square they appear in the article"1 What purpose his sacred cows'1 anthropologist, who in the interim had meat and called their town Finagle-Fac- the anthropologist decided that was as been thrust first into the blockhouse in a do they serve, other than to shock those of Douglas K. Parrisl^ good a spot as any to begin his inquu- most inauspicious and .undignified fash- us who are not generally accustomed to Wayland graduate student The Finagle-Factorians led a pleasing and harmonious life. Children skipped "What is that you are eating'" he Some leading Finagle-Factorians de¬ merrily to school down tree-lined streets. Oldsters leaned across fences on warm $ asked the girl "Hamburger, she replied, looking up manded buried alive that or the unfortunate fellow be beheaded with a dull egg Editorial drivel must go! mornings to exchange greetings and the from her handy repast. beater as was the common practice in latest gossip with their neighbors. The Hamburger my Irish eve!" exclaim¬ punishing attackers of public morality." lake and rivet provided an abundance of ed the anthropologist who happened to To the Editor: ed don t make many headlines, nor any- More reasoned voices prevailed, however, trout and bass and salmon, and every be named Shannon Although he was For two and one-half years now I've impossible. unrealistic demands which and the anthropologist's sentence was table was overflowing, every round Fin- Since saying fish ' was thus forbid¬ guilty of some ethnocentricism. he did been reading the tripe-filled editorials unfortunately succeed, mainly, in turning mitigated to being "scourged thrice and agle-Factorian tummy happily filled den. certain youths used the word fre¬ recognize the odor of smoked haddock written by the State News Editors. After the white middle class against, not only thirty times around the square The an¬ There was. however, one eccentricity quently amongst themselves to prove when he smelled it. "That's fish." Friday's "Impossible. Dreams and Prac¬ the Negro but the whole University com¬ thropologist was not allowed to speak on common to all the people of this village. their strength and manliness. Others At the pronouncement of the forbidden his own behalf, of course, lest he in¬ ticality" drivel I've decided to switch to munity Perhaps the State News could This was a great embarrassment and painted the word on outbuilding walls or word the entire village square, which advertently utter another obscenity and reading logarithm tables as they aren't see that letting unqualified, underpriv¬ feigned disgust when the word fish ' scrawled it on the sidewalks as a lark, happened to be quite crowded due to a so frustrating and should prove more inter¬ ileged people into the University wouldn't thus make things even harder for him¬ was pronounced in public As much as inventing such slanders as "Freddy is a half-price clearance sale at Finny Bav- self. esting. work if they would hire some illiterates the scaly denizen of the deep was re¬ fish.' or "Myron eats Fish." or • Gone arski's Hamburger and Seaweed Marina, I refer, specifically, to the part of the to write their paper. Or do illiterates pres¬ sponsible for the welfare and happiness of fishin." was clutched bv the throes of frenzied While the good Finagle-Factorians article where the nobel. righteous, editors ently compose the editorials'1 Finagle-Factor. it was forbidden to speak Since the Finagle-Factorians needed activity were arguing over who would have the say. "students who lose study-time, who A word to our fine group of protesters:' his name in public or in the presence of something to refer to their staple diet, Several elderly Finagle-Factor matrons honor of brandishing the whips, the an¬ risk jail or injury by forcibly confronting if you decide to take over a building,do us women or children. they decided to call it "hamburger." Mac fainted dead away on the spot and a few thropologist was able to escape from »re unpleasant aspects of our so- all a favor and make it the Student Ser¬ Most men said fish in their private of Donald, an enterprising Scotsman who young boys were sent after salts and cold the blockhouse with the unwitting aid of dese vices. specifically the State News section. conversations, and many women even sold hot sandwiches to merchants and packs in hopes of reviving them. Young¬ the village idiot and beat a hasty re¬ than a brush-off from President Hannah. John Scott said fish, often with a slight redden¬ other travelers on the road to Finagle- er women picked up their children and treat out of town and out of the coun¬ I wish you'd put this stuff in the Want Ads Churchville. N Y . junior ing of the cheek and briefly downcast Factor. capitalized on this nomenclature ran for the protection of their homes try without so much as a backward as the cartoons there could use some im¬ eve. but suffering no other noticeable by putting fried horse gristle in his pro¬ where they could wash their ears and try glance. He went on to give up the social provement. maladies To say fish" in full know¬ duct and telling unsuspecting natives it to forget what they had heard A special sciences and make a fortune in the oys¬ I hate to expose you to a bit of realism ledge of a formal audience, however, was was actually lake trout. courier took word to the men of the vil¬ ter cracker business. but the great majority of these protesters Thank you, BSA sure to bring speedy public reprobation Then one day a wandering anthropolo¬ lage out in hamburgering smacks that an don't give a damn about stud\ time, the The townspeople were at first dis¬ mayed that their quarry had escaped, martyrdom of being taken to jail at a To the Editor: Bzran> ILUOhoer,f \ I DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD BE but they soon returned to their hamburg¬ demonstration, or the brutal wounds com¬ monly inflicted by a shove from a cop. I would like to thank the Black Stu¬ missothmarwill\ INHALING ALL THAT CHALK ering and gossiping across fences for they dents' Alliance of MSlT for making it ask sou to pound let alone racism. DUST, CHARLIE BROLUM.. had plenty to gossip about for quite a possible for hundreds of Lansing area erasers a6ain / The students who do care are. as Han- school children to visit during Black His¬ while. As for the little girl Shannon had todav... y nah said, members of the Student Volun¬ talked to-she grew up to be a charm¬ tory Week the very fine exhibit on Afro- teer Programs. Go to the next protest American Culture by George Norman. ' ing. healthy young ladv. married the rally and see how many recruits you get Activities such as this should not go un¬ mayor's son and raised a happy fam¬ for the Students Volunteer Programs or a noticed ily. never for a moment feeling the worse by the general public similar type organization. John Chance for once being told her hamburger was The people who help the underprivileg¬ West Jr. really fish. High School. Lansing Wednesday, February 19, 1969 5 M higan Michigan State News, East MSU Volunteer Bureau TWi weekly cotamn ii ■ Joist effort of the State Newt ud the Office of Votaoteer Redeemer Lutheran Church needs one or two volunteer* one afternoon from ♦- 5:30 p.m. to acquaint elementary stu¬ work after 5 p m with maladjutted of 12-17. Volunteer* would work boy* between the age* Chamber of Commerce, in with the East Lansing City appointed a the conjunction Council, ha* joint committee to effect redevelopment of the downtown bu*i- ^ one day East Lansing only! Program*. Stadent*. facvlty aad (Uff can dent* with contemporary music. Volun¬ KUST COLLEGE SUMMER PROGRAM: district. The Chamber of Commerce Join In tfce MSU Votaateer Action effort teers would be expected to have a basic Ten itudents are needed to assist the ness wMch inciade* those opportunities lifted Rust College Summer Educational De¬ has requested student volunteer* to work below and other* by contacting the MSU background in music theory, choir and velopment Institute (formerly the STEP as staff assistants to the joint committee. BARGAIN DAY Bareaa. 21 Student Service* Duties will involve research-staff-admin¬ Votaateer fpARROW HOSPITAL, DEPT. OF SO¬ project i The institute runs five weeks BMg.,3»-44«2 in the summer The volunteers from istrative functions commensurate with OPPORTUNITIES CIAL SERVICES: The Department of the abilities of the volunteer. NEW MSU would serve as tutors-counselor; Social Services of Sparrow Hospital is TUTORS NEEDED: Tutors needed for EMERGENCY DAY-CARE CORPS: Two interested in a volunteer with a back¬ to incoming Rust College freshmen MSU minority group freshmen. All tutor¬ young ladies have volunteered to coordi¬ ground in data processing The depart¬ Training and- other activities will be nate an "emergency day-care corps " gin soon Apply now ing will be done on campus at times con¬ ment is interested in a volunteer who venient to the tutor and tutoree. There is There has recently been a large number CAMPUS COMMUNITY COMMISSION: could teach them the basics of data proc¬ particular need for students with ability Wednesday of requests for volunteers on an emer¬ The Campus Community Commission if a essing and also explain methods of col¬ gency basis to assist invalids and to take care of children for parents who are un¬ dergoing emergency medical care or consultation All volunteers for these po¬ lecting material function OPERATION This is a program pertinent to their SHOPPING BASKET: conducted at the North job a student volunteer program primarily with elementary the Lansing area gram consists of (1 that works children ir The elementary pro >a recreation prograrr in natural science and basic freshman MICHIGAN TRAINING teer UNITY: Volun opportunities are available at the shop sitions will have their names placed on five days a week, during the noon houi Michigan Training Unity (MTU) in Ionia. Volunteer drivers are early bird door busters Side Action Center The MTU is a boy's training prison where an "on-call" list. When an emergency- needed two hours a month The volun¬ designed to keep the children off the arises. the coordinators will canvass the streets: <2> an afternoon program fivt inmates, ranging from 16-21 years old, teer would pick up a lady from the North complete their high school subjects volunteers on the list to determine who days a week. 3:00-5:00 p.m any afternoor may Side Community and take her to pick up is available for the emergency situation. This is an extremely important volun¬ teer opportunity and it allows the volun¬ her food stamps The volunteer would then take her shopping and offer hints on food marketing habits This opportu¬ incorporating recreation and a variet> of clubs aimed at helping the childrer with their studies; <3> a Saturday pro SCOPE: Greeks needed to ning a community center run and assist in man¬ by students people from the community. A varie¬ 24-Fieldcrest bedspreads teer to contribute in a minimal time com- including recreation, arts anc ty of programs are held at the center and wool with nity offers rewarding experience for a gram crafts from 1:30-5:00 p.m. (4> and fielc all talents are needed Students with ideas All split V.F.W. HOME. EATON minimal commitment This is a particu¬ for programming are especially welcome. Glen plaid. Machine BK1 SISTER - good opportunity for wives of trips and parties which the children at shoulder styling, slash $3.99 larly RAPIDS: Because of the great success MSU faculty and staff tend periodically. LANSING BIG BROTHERS: Faculty, wash, no iron, Twin size of the MSU coeds currently serving as SPARROW HOSPITAL DEPT. OF SO staff, and graduate students are needed pockets. GREATER EAST LANSING CHAMBER Big Sisters at the V'FW Home, the pro¬ OF COMMERCE: The Joint committee CIAL SERVICES: The department anti as Big Brothers for fatherless boys in only. gram director at the home has requested of the Chamber of Commerce and the cipates the possibility of using MSU stu Lansing Big Brother work seeks to help that the number of MSU volunteers be dent volunteers as Big Brothers and Big fatherless boys live in a socially accept¬ East Lansing City Council is in the need doubled The MSU students are bussed to the V'FW Home on Wednesday or Time commit- Sisters as the need arises should apply now to have their namt Students able manner The boys may have social, emotional, or delinquency problems. 50 winter men's knit Thursday evenings All interested ladies placed on a waiting list. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT: (Monday. should apply earlv NORTH SIDE COMMUNITY ACTION BOY S CLUB OF LANSING: Volunteers Tuesday. Thursday 7-9 p.m.) Business FAMILY HELPERS: Four MSU Volun¬ from all areas are needed at the Boy's majors and other students are needed to Cotton and acrylic knit needed to supervise pre-school CENTER: The Action Center is inter¬ Wool, cotton cordu¬ teers are youngsters while their mothers are at¬ ested in cooperating with Club of Lansing Any individual inter with boys from 6-18 serve as company advisers and resource in the Lansing Junior Achieve¬ Turtlenecks. White, QQ look $10 ested in working Two volunteers are student, faculty member or combined persons Program Experience in the areas roy and leather tending classes needed on Monday mornings from 9:15- group of both to conduct a senior citi¬ years old will the club would be welcome Boys from particularly like to have ment of finance, marketing, management vinyls. Misses, juniors. some colors. * zens research study 11:15 am. and two volunteers are need¬ someone conduct a tumbling club would be helpful Time commitment is CAMP HIGHFIELDS. ONONDAGA: ed Monday afternoons from 1 15-3:15 pm GREATER EAST LANSING CHAMBER three hours per week (one night Mon- CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES Camp Highfields. an area youth home, OF COMMERCE: The East Lansing day through Thur«day>. REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH: has requested six volunteer* for evening Garden special SrouP better sport tricot bra sli 2.99 3.99 4.99 Perma-press and wash-and-wear Dacron® polyester-cottons and other Nylon tricot 2-in-l with lace trim, blends. Regular and button-down fiberfill contoured lace cups. In collars. Choose from solids and white only. Sizes 34-36A, 32-36B and C. Very specially priced. patterns. DURING EAST LANSING BARGAIN DAYS women's nylon great buys All nylon tricot briefs and bikinis and winter in solids and fashion prints. Fully cut for comfortable, non-binding U fit. Sizes 4-7. 1.99 to 2.49. Outstanding assortment, outstanding reductions.Skimmers, A-line, belt¬ ed and 2-pc. styles in assorted Better make wools, acrylics and acetate knits. Champion Quilted Reversible Bright and basic colors, patterns. 3.99 to Ski Parkas I Sweatshirts & Warm brushed nels. nylon or cotton flan¬ Assorted styles and colors. Misses', juniors' and half sizes. 100/0 nylon with hide-a-way hood 1 Jackets Dainty trims. Sizes P-S-M-L. Second 17.95 Reg. $17.95 Assorted leather hairgoods. Bows, sale up to hair bands, kerchiefs. 390 ea. Ml" Find savings galore for Jumbo dress bags. Full length zip¬ children of all ages, per, 2-hook frame. Plastic. 590. infants to twixteens, Cordless scissors with sewing tray. MSU lewelry Teddy Bears on the Garden Level Lightweight. Battery run. 1.99. Charms, necklaces, pin & guards, pins, bracelets, rings, lockets, lavaliers, $5.00 value Earring holders. Boutique style, money clips Street holds pierced earrings. 590 ea. 33< sale price SjOO Flower night light. Dainty light en¬ special group closed in wreath of flowers. 1.99. 2 and 3-button Travel case in zodiac design, to A rites thinnest line of any marker carry hose, hankies. 990. Dri Mark Orange Nitees Water Color $37 Plastic phone Fits cover phone base and in gay colors. receiver. 590. "600 " Markers Paint Sets Choose from regular and lightweight Reg. 39£ each For Fun & Games wools and fine blends. 2 and 3-but¬ 25--Fieldcrest Pow Flower towels. ton models with center or side vents. Cotton. Bath towel, 1.99; hand towel, sale price 2/39' sale price $|00 Outstanding buys. Broken er suits, $47 and $57. sizes.Oth¬ 990; washcloth, 490. Selected - Wide Selection men's better Campus Choose from our grab table Boxed Selected ; Stationery Novelty Wall 5.99 special group & Notes Items Special group. All wools and fine assorted skirts Paperbacks Posters blends in solids and patterns. Pop¬ ular turtleneck and crew neck styles. UP TO 510% 0FF 50% 0FF Not all sizes, just 197. 5.99 5/M" Men's shoes. Dress and loafer sty¬ A-line and slim skirts in solids, les. Leather uppers. Black, brown. plaids and novelties. Some propor¬ tioned basics. Wools and fine blends. Wide, tapered or straight leg pants 50-Fashion handbags. Casual and in wools, blends. Misses and junior dressy styles. Leathers, vinyls. 1.99 sizes. -3.99. Sweaters. Crew necks and turtles 60-Fashion hoods. Warming favo¬ in blends and Orion? Basic colors. rites in Orion®acrylic pile. Black, 4.99. white. 2.99. Costume jewelry. Tailored style Scramble table. Skimmers, bermu- das, jackets. Misses, junior sizes. pins, earrings, bracelets, ropes. 1.99. 290. Across From The Union Across From Berkey Hall Free Parking At Storeside City Parking At Rear Open Tonight Till 9 P.M. Open Tonight Till 5:30 P.M. Sorry no phone or mail order Wednesday, February 19, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ASMSU confers with Members of ASMSU went tc pete Ellsworth, board chair- the meeting were general cam- legislators insight into what the students ASMSU representatives the State Capitol Tuesday in an Harv Dzodin. vice-chair- also pus disorder and unrest, is man, pus disorder. Students for a feel about the various Univer- effort to provide a better under- paid an informal visit to Sen still in the initial state and has man, Tom Samet. junior mem- Democratic Society, and the sitv problems and situations. Robert Huber. R-Trov. They standing between the state ber-at-large and Bill Rustem. We wanted to provide yet to begin any committee legislators and the University reported that Huber's commit- secretary, met with adminis- better understanding between teg hich is investigating cam¬ hearings student body. trative assistants of Gov. Milli- ASMSU went to the Capitol group and their group, ken in informal session. in order to give the an Michigan Dzodin said Among the issues discussed in legislators and officials some With much friction be¬ IS CELEBRATING so tween the legislature and the students lately, there hasn't Faculty may EAST LANSING Grost, 15, named been any real between the two. "Both sides communication have been to negotiate Wed. Feb. 19th BARGAIN DAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Wilson designate speaking more from judice than from knowledge lately." Dzodin added pre¬ An organizational meeting'for forming a faculty group to negotiate contracts with the Administration will be held at pol East Lansing The ASMSU members were Michael Grost, 15-y« 8 p.m. Thursday in 34 Union A Votta. Detroit. Since MSU graduate student, w optimistic about the success The purpose of the meeting is to develop interest in a faculty we are comparatively new in business in Eo st Lansing we do not ng honorable mention 0f ^e meeting and of future have to much "OLD" merchandise to of 12 MSU students nan' group which would negotiate economic aspects and fringe dispose of . meetings between the two However, to show our appreciation to our friends and customers, designates by the Adams. benefits of contracts with the administration, and would pos¬ < Wilson National Fellowshu Lansing; groups. are joining this one day sales event with these r Barker, Bridge- sibly handle grievance procedures. At the present time, how¬ outstanding Values... Over 1,100 designates "The meeting may have ever. no main goals gave been set up. Mary H. Clark. been a very productive sess¬ the United States and C Louis Albert A. Blum, professor of social science, who will chair A. Colombo, ion: they listened to our sug- are named from 11.000 app. the first meeting to which all faculty members are invited, ghland Heights. Ohio: Allan 15% OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK cants. The Wilson Foundation is " trying to identify prospec¬ S Falk. chard T Sioux City, Iowa: Ri¬ Kouzes, Fairfax. Va.. gestions and what say."' Samet said. we had to believes that an organization is necessary to deal with the board of trustees and Administration on matters affecting tive college teachers. William Michael ASMSU plans to continue the faculty. Lopez, New Haven Jewelry - Art Supplies - Prints - Framing W. Kelly. Honors College direc- ^onn James Metz. East meeting with legislators and Blum said that many colleges have formed such faculty Plus These Additional Savings tor, said. Lansing: Signe R. Nelson, state officials in the future. groups and that most university systems are moving toward It also tnis. He likened the group to the National Education Assoc Grost. the youngest candi- Dansville: Paul A. Orlov. Sko- plans to send a few date selected by the Foun- members to meet with Gov. or the American Federation of Teacher^ but said that the ENTIRE STOCK ever kie. 111.: Lynn M. Penchalk. A GROUP OF SHE FFIELD AND dation. said he was surprised to Milliken. goals the group would strive for would be those the faculty Canal Fulton. Ohio: and Penny Orange Blossom receive the honor. While at the legislature, the OLD ENGLAND L. Stanley. Sebastopol. Cal. DIAMONDS FAMOUS BRAND Other MSU students named PENDANT & ART-CARVED as Woodrow Wilson designates WATCHES "MOD" WATCHES are: Wedding Rings Averill. Plainville. Jacobson's Bruce A. VALUES Conn.: Ronald W Bailey. Clax 15% off 50% off 10" TO $22.50 ton. Ga : Larry K. Benninger Orchard Lake Robert J. Brown . ing. Grand Rapids. Charles P ENTIRE STOCK Collins. Evanston. Ill : Carol S BARGAIN DAY SALES A Selection Furchner. Los Alamos. N.M PRINTS AND ENTIRE STOCK David L. Johnson. East Lan- of FRAMED PRINTS sine: Adam D. McCoy. Las CHESS SETS Vegas. Nev.: Donald W MUSIC BOXES Toledo. Ohio. Theda R MEN'S STORE son. 300 to choose from 20% discount on LINGERIE 25% off 25% off 25% off falls in stock ART STUDENTS! BRAS $2 PERMANENT PRESS GABARBINE Hair pieces styled quickly ART BRUSHES Orig $6 HYPLAR ACRYLICS SPEEDBALL Buy Now Or Layaway with the new Capilustro curling iron from Belgium TRDBSERS BLOCK PRINTING INK And Save! .Jewelry . Pewter Barbara Box Wig and Hair PETTI-PANTS $3 All h off 25% off .Gifts .Silver . Rings 319 E. Grand River Ave. Stylists Orlg $9 East Lansing, Mich. 224 Abbott Ph: 332 -4080 WODL SWEATERS SHOP DURING FABULOUS FAMOUS NAME LINGERIE $9 to $14 1/3 to 1/2 off LANSING BARGAIN Orig va'ue to $25 SHIRTS ASSORTED ROBES Broken Sizes $6 and $8 $3.50 SPORTSWEAR Take the BETTER LOUNGE WEAR BLAZER JACKET $14 and $18 navy, white, camel or grey Medicine $11.00 Orig $21 Chest MISS J WBBL SNIRTS Test WOOL SHIRTS AND All ffo\ Check the items in your cabinet and the price SWEATERS LEATNER SNIRTS. IUMPERS & you paid for each. If you didn't purchase them at Revco you owe it to yourself and your budget to compare them with Revco's Everyday Discount $3 & up LEATNER TRIMMED SWEATER Prices. Item for item, price for price Revco wins—everytime. JACKETS DRESSES All ffoh Synthetics & wanted fabrics in Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets 200 s after five wear SWEATERS & CO-ORDINATED □ Excedrin Tablets j ~ Gelusil Tablets . 100 100 s s $4 to $12 SKIRTS □ J&J Red Cross Adhesive Tape . □ Ban Roll-On Deodorant.1.5 oz. ,V2X10' Further Reductions □ Dry Ban Anti-Perspirant 4 oz. □ Mennen Speed Stick 2.85 oz. CDATS Mentholatum Deep Heating Rub l'/i oz. Solids, muted plaids & checks EVENING PANT SUITS □ Pond's Cold Cream Large Greatly Reduced . ' Pond's Dry Skin Cream Large $14 & up SUEBE COATS JEWELRY Some with zip out Ifnlngs All beads & Medallions $54.00 211 E. GRAND RIVER STORM COATS NO Prescription Dept. Open Dally 9 to 6; Wed. 9 to 9, Closed Sundays & Holidays '/2 off (For Prescriptions Shop Our Lansing Store: 540 S. C«dar St.) Farther Reductions Wednesday, February 19, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1.25 1.00 Knee Hi & Thi Hi Men's Orion Cigarettes Film projects By ROSANNE BAIME State News Staff Writer white films included esis One" vary in length from in "Gen¬ student work It will be in 158 sources Natural Re- Bldg. this Friday and will be two showings each night, at 7 and 9:30p.m. door for all performances. The Special Projects division Tickets will be $1.50 for stu- of the ASMSU Cabinet is spon- HIT Limit 1 Expires after 2-22-69 Texture Stockings 39< Limit 6 Expires after 2-22-69 Crew Socks 69c Limit 3 Expires after 2-22-69 dents, available now in the Un- soring the showings in con- The overpowering sensuality three to 15 minutes. Some are Saturday Feb. 28, and Mar. 1. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ion Ticket Office and at the juction with Genesis Ltd. of peeling an orange. documentaries, some are satires, 2 and 3 and in Conrad Audit- This unusual subject, captured while others are just impress¬ orium Feb. 24.26 and 27. There 3.00 3.00 by a student filmmaker with ionistic combinations of forms, 75* Men's professional power, is one of 15 colors and light. Shee«'Glitter & Lacy Legs, Floral, films making up "Genesis One." Many are amateur film- Sweat-Shirts or a two-hour experimental movie award winners. Pastel Fashion Point D Spirit FINAL CLEARANCE Turtlenecks Panty Hose * appearing on campus during the Since its creation this fall Shades Nylons next two weeks. "Genesis One" has been shown A recent Hollywood screening on many college campuses. Stu¬ of "Genesis" included many es¬ dent tablished filmmakers. Among response has been over¬ BARGAIN BONANZAS 29c 1.69 Limit 1 1.69 Limit 3 whelmingly favorable, its creat¬ those invited was Mike Nichols, ors said. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Limit 6 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 producer-director of "TheGrad East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only It compiled by Genesis Store Only Gals was East Lansing uate." Nichols entered skeptical: he Films Ltd.. Filmwavs. a Inc.. subsidiary of designed to Guys 1.00 1.05 2.50 left impressed. take amateur and student films Men's Suits Coats + Jackets Orion Bootie Crest Toothpaste The 15 color and black-and- off the living room wall Opaque Now 29.99-39.99-49.99 to 79.99j Now 9.99-15.99-29.99 Socks Family Size Dresses Panty Hose Sport Coats 1.69 59° 69c OFF Now 9.99-15.99-19.99 1/2 Now 15.99-19.99 to 49.99 Slightly Imperfect Sta-Press Siax Now 5.99-2/10.00 ; Suits Now 19.99-24.99-39.99 Skirts Limit 3 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only Limit 3 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires after East Lansing 2-22-69 Store Only $12.95 on: earrings Assorted Masking Tape Sunlamp Bostonian Shoes Now 4.99-0.99-9.99 Lipsticks large roll with stand pins Now 20% to 50% off Slax & Knickers Now 1.99-3.99-9.99 9C 39c 8.95 peanuts jewelry Sport Shirts Limit 1 Limit 1 Long & Short Sleeve Sweaters Limit 6 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Now 2/5.00 Now 5.99 East Lansing Store Only & And Many Other Bargains And Many Other Bargains 1.00 1.89 All Girls' Orion Perfect Fit Westclox rings SAVE UP TO 50% AND MORE Alarm Clocks Knee Socks Panty Hose "W'-ien you think of Cards" Canterbury #tfnp 69< 1.29 Limit 3 25% off Limit 1 " Limit 1 CARD SHOP Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Michigan Bankard East Lansing Store Only Across from Home Ec. Bldg. 99* 6.95 1.49 SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SSS SAVE SS$ SAVE $$$ Stereo 8 Track Miss Breck Panty Hose Hair Spray 2 petrels . . . Cartridge Tapes 99< 59< 4.88 Limit 6 * Limit 1 Limit 3 East Lam Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1.89 1.75 2.25 BARGAIN , Breck Breck fKaurirrfl Breck Creme Rinse Shampoo Basic DAYS #nitrh Timuip 99C Limit 1 Pint 99C Limit 1 1.59 Limit 1 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only 313 E. Grand River, East Lansing East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only MEN'S Kodak Color Film 2.25 Values to $16.00 Tampax 126 127 620 Flash Cubes Limited Sizes 10's 119 19£ 87c s4.97 DAY Limit 1 Limit 1 Expires after 2-22-69 Limit 1 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Excellent selections of our WOMEN'S famous name spo 'tswear reduced 10% o'f on 1.59 Contac 98* Dress and Sport for qu'ck clearance NoOoz All Film Over 500 Pairs Cold Capsules 36* s Values to $20.00 Developing 88c 59< l/3-l/2ofti eer. No Limit Limit 1 Limit 1 s4.97 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only 1.19 49«* 1.75 SPECIAL BARGAIN GROUP SIOCKS group Includes: plaids, novelties and some basics. English Leather Rapid Shave PaperMate Values to $17.00 Coots and Suits Our famous name coats and suits All Purpose Lotion Regular Lime Menthol Flairs OVER 200 PAIRS OF SPORT SHOES specially priced for this sale. 1.19 69< 29' Wools, ^2.97 Dresses and Shifts Selection Pastels and Solids. In Includes Tweeds, Plaids, Prints Limit 1 Expires after 2-22-69 Limit 1 Expires after 2-22-69 Limit 3 Expires after 2-22-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 79* Skirts permanent famous name skirts . . . MEN'S and WOMEN'S All Now 1/2 of their original price. 19* 39* Personna Stainless SNOW BOOTS Bic Pens Hi Liters Steel Blades Sweaters . Group of heather pastels . . . Novelty Dressmaker and Clastic Styles, In Limited Patterns Sizes 36 to 40. Now 1/2 of their ori¬ 11' 23< 39c ginal price. UP TO 30% OFF Limit 6 Limit 3 Limit 1 Car Coats Our entire stock Including Bench- Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 Expires after 2-22-69 warmers . . . Corduroys, Meltons, East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Tweeds, Plaids, some Suedes . . . Sizes 6 to 18. Blouses & Shirts Qup pamoug Name will roll collar. Includes Prints STATE Vhepard < 1 SPECIAL GROUP nq> e s Shoes 50% off DISCOUNT Including Gloves, Fur hats, Headbands 307 East Grand River l.D. Required ' Miscellaneous Items and t0Xi 1/3 to 1/2 off. We Cash MSU Payroll Checks Ea»t Lansing Store open 'til 9 p.m. tonight $$$ SAVE $5$ SAVE $S$ SAVE SSS SAVE $$$ SAVE Wednesday, February 19, 1969 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Police quonsets undergo changes By LARRY LEE State News Staff Writer Workmen are putting finishing touches on the second nhase of a remodeling program at University police headquarters in Quonset 104 and police are expected to be able to move in by Friday night. The MSU physical plant said that carpenters should be about 98 per cent done by tonight and painters should finish Friday. The phone installation will begin Thursday. In the current construction, three offices for investigative personnel will be built in what formerly was the police brief¬ ing room in the part of the building connecting Quonsets 103 and 104 The briefing room will be moved to Quonset 101 in what is now a training room. The completion date for the remodel¬ ing had originally been set for Jan. 20. was moved back to Feb. 17 and now Friday has been set as the date when the offices are expected to be ready- Increased office space The new offices, to be built at a cost of approximately $2,000. are designed for more efficient and convenient oper¬ ation. At the present time, three offices are in multiple use by several policemen. "When the remodeling is completed, only one office will be used by more than one officer." Sgt. Paul Gilligan said. 'And they will probably be used an average of 14-16 hours a day." Although the remodeling will increase efficiency, the quon¬ sets were not built for use bv an atrenrv surh as thp Dent of Public Safety. Books WW II surplus Originally brought to MSU after World War II as Army surplus, the quonsets were used to house the great influx of students attracted under the G I Bill and later were used by the School of Police Administration. One of the problems the Dept. of Public Safety has exper¬ ienced in occupying the 10 quonset buildings is a lack of centralization of services $5.00 But even so. Richard O Bernitt. director of the Dept of Public Safety, said MSU's facilities are better than those on most other campuses Moved in 1950 The University police first moved into the quonsets late in 1950. abandoning its two-room headquarters in the now- demolished power plant that used to sit on what is now the northeast corner of the new Administration Bldg. plaza The Dept. of Public Safety's use of the quonsets has been Stationery the result of a gradual amalgamation and centralization ot various campus agencies: RED HOT VALUES RAINCOATS $15.00 Value tcto $32.50 TOP COATS $25-$35 TENNIS SHOES $5 WOMEN'S LOAFERS $7.65 Weejun, Sebago FISHERMAN KNIT SWEATERS $12 Redwoods Ross rX v 205 East Grand River Avenue C^CLa GLOW OF THE GOLDEN WEST- New Transparent Makeup That Seems As Natural As Your Own Skin. Estee Lauder pioneers with a new series of see-through makeup to give you a beautifully radiant, rosy-tawny glow. In Transparent Color Sticks — a new kind of stick makeup in sun or blush shades, to apply over bare skin or foundation. In Go-Blush — a transparent gel rouge for blushing-up. In See-Through Lipstick for sheer licks of earth-rich color. AGIFT pFOR YOU To help you discover an exciting new world of beauty, the lovely Fragrance HIghIights- con¬ taining Youth-Dew E au de Parfum Spray and Youth-Dew Body Satinee - Is your gift with any Estee Lauder pur¬ chase of 5.00 or more made ugh Saturday February 22nd. Wednesday, February 19, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS FOUR IN ROW RAM BOYCE Who shot t Cagers stop Iowa, By MIKE MANLEY tensively and defensively. Laf¬ 78-60 harass a Hawkeye offense -a pucJester's State News Sports Writer MSU worked its defensive ayette had another outstanding game, scoring 22 points and which had been averaging close to 90 points a game before to¬ The win was the fourth in a playing excellent defensive, night. magic to perfection against MSU held a 35-27 lead at the EDITOR'S NOTE: Pam (Boom Boom) Boyce is the only female Iowa here Tuesday night and row for the Spartans and runs half, holding Iowa to eight writer curently covering a Western Collegiate Hockey Assn. smothered the Hawkeyes with their season mark to 10-8. Stepter added 13 points for the team. The flair she has for the game is amply demonstrated be¬ a late second half surge to earn Lee Lafayette and Harrison Spartans and teamed with his field goals in the half while low. a 78-60 victory and move in¬ Stepter paced the Spartans of- running mate Tim forcing 11 turnovers. "Hockey is as simple a game as there is." Iowa made a comeback in After coaching for 18 years at MSU, one may expect Amo Bes- the second half to cut the Spar¬ sone to make that statement about his favorite sport. tan lead to 39-35 and stayed him. Many fans, however, still believe hockey is a brutal, game that sees how hard you can hit an opponent without Not that this is entirely a wrong impression ... sadistic killing Tracksters meet IU, within nine points until the 16 minute mark when MSU out- scored them, 20-8. Hustling de¬ fense by Stepter led the spurt. In preparation for the upcoming Minnesota series this weekend close meet expected and as a public service. I d like to acquaint the many would-be In that drive, with the Spar¬ hockey fans to what may be considered the confusing rules sur¬ tans leading. 62-58. Stepter rounding one of the world's fast¬ stole a pass and hit Lafayette est sports. This is done in hopes for a layup. Stepter then scor¬ that the budding enthusiasts can ed himself to push MSU's lead optimistic about the Hoosiers. figure out what's going on this By DON State News KOPRIVA Sports Writer Dittrich his squad's was chances. Junior Bill Wehrwein once to a safe 66-58 with 1:44 left. Spartan hustle weekend at MSU's palatial Ice Bob Gale, playing his best bodies mark the path of the elusive ball that MSU's track team, undaunted "I think the meet could go again is expected to be MSU's Fallen Arena while they dodge flying game of the year for the Spar¬ after Saturday's loss to power¬ right down to the mile relay big gun. running the-300 and 440 finally ends up in the hands of Spartan Lee Lafay¬ pucks and cringe as one player tans, hit 12 points. Bernie Cope- after another gets crunched into ful Wisconsin, will try again this as the deciding factor." Dit¬ yard dashes while anchoring land also had 12 and Tim Bog- ette. Aggressive play like this helped MSU drop the the rapidly-improving Spartan the boards. afternoon in Bloomington trich said. rakos added 11 to lead the bal¬ Hawkeyes 78-60 here Tuesday night. The trackmen will be helped, mile relay quartet. State News Photo by Jim Mead The rink-Divided into three against Indiana. 440), Pat anced MSU attack. the head coach added, by the Jim Bastain zones by two blue lines, the Though the Spartans fell to (600) and John Mock Big Ten title favorite Wiscon¬ Spartans who took thirds and (880) will team up with Weh¬ Wilson rink is composed of a defen¬ fourths against the Badgers but sin by an 86-63 margin and sive zone, a neutral zone and could move up in some events rwein on the relay which saw Indiana appears to be on an an offensive or attacking zone. MSU produce a 3:16.2 time, to seconds and thirds against One team's defensive zone is upswing. MSU Coach Fran one of the league's best. obviously (?> the opposition's offensive zone. Ken Leonowicz. who lowered his two-mile best to 9:04.8, Lenten The team-Sometimes consid¬ California foes with a determined win over ered the most important part of the game, the team is composed Badger have his Branch Brady, could hands full if Hoosier SPECIAL of six players-left wing, right Santa Clara repl •distance aces Mark Gibbens wing and center (defensive unit (forward line), right defense and left defense or blueline NEW YORK (UPI)-Mighty and Bob Legge both run the 16-lap race. Tangy, tasty FISH SANDWICH UCLA is still the unchallenged corps) and goalie (target). king of the hill in college bas¬ hot, crispy FRENCH FRIES TEAMS The Face-off-The referee be¬ UCLA (35) (194) JET TO EUROPE ketball but the brash Broncos gins game by dropping the puck of Santa Clara University are Santa Clara (21-0) This Summer Detroit-London between the two centermen at North Carolina (19-21 8 Weeks...$233 making it known that they too Davidson (20-2) circle. The centers flail at the puck with their sticks CoRG the center ice 12 Weeks...$204 plav a prettv good brand of LaSalle (20-1) ■ until something happens. Offsides-The puck must always cross the opposing team's blue ball. Kentucky (17-3) St. John's (NY) (18-3) Sign up Union Board Office Phone : 355-3355 and a large The Broncos, moving toward line ahead of every member of attacking team. The puck can be an almost certain NCAA tour¬ Purdue (14-4) Villanova (17-4) either shot in or stick-handled in, but the attacking player may not shoot or carry it from defensive or neutral zone to attacking ney showdown with the wizards Duquesne (16-2) ROSES ROSES pass, zone when a teammate is already in attacking zone. Got that? Icing-Player shoots puck from his own defensive zone through of West wood, improved their status Tuesday by moving into South Carolina (17-3) Tulsa (18-4) New Mexico State (21-2) ROSES ALL FOR JUST 55c the No. 2 position in the 11th Anth Louisville (16-3) the neutral zone beyond the opponents' goal line. Play is stopped, puck is returned to defensive zone and face-off occurs. Icing is al¬ weekly United Press Inter¬ Ohio State (14-4) Illinois (14-4) Jon A 630 value national major college ratings. lowed. however, if a team is playing one-man short, if a player in¬ (Tie) New Mexico (15-7) tercepts the puck before it crosses goal line or if the puck touches Santa Clara, boasting a 21- Wyoming (15-6) Good February 19 thru 28 only 0 record and one of two major (Tie) Columbia (17-3) a defensive player before reaching goal line. Line changing-Due to the rugged, hard-hitting, back-breaking schools unbeaten this sea- Kansas (18-4) FREAKOUT No. 4 nature of hockey, one forward line is usually on the ice no long¬ er than two minutes at a time. The Woolies & The 2nd Corping barm Fri. Feb. 21 v» C5 1010 East Grand River — Just Off the Campus The lines are continuously changed, and the defensive units UNION PARLORS are also alternated. The goalie is the only member unfortunate to have to stick through the en¬ Have your day tire game. £>cde in the Power play-Applied when a team has the advantage of an Fall and Winter Dresses \/2 Off butcher's market. extra man due to penalty im¬ Wednesday Feb. 19 only posed on the other club and usu¬ Then check with the man from LTV Aerospace. ally consists of four forwards Winter Coa's and Suede Jackets and one defenseman. 1/2 off Hat trick-Three or more goals Wednesday Feb. 19 only scored by one player in one game Group of Dresses Illegal body check-When of¬ Values to $40.00 fensive team body checks in their own offensive zone. Body- $7 $9 $11 $13 checking is allowed only in neu¬ tral and defensive zones. Pastel Co-Ordinates 1/2 off The five basic penalties- (1) MINOR: hooking, tripping, boarding, spearing, slashing, Sweaters, Skirts, Slacks roughing, holding, high stick¬ ing. charging, elbowing, delay 1/2 off of game and other assorted forms of minor mayhem. Team Leather Co-ordinates plays shorthanded for two min¬ utes. (2> MAJOR: fighting or 1/2 off deliberate intent to injure. Team plays minus the transgres¬ Group of Blouses $2 sor for five minutes. (3) MIS¬ Values to $7 CONDUCT: use of abusive lan¬ guage to official or other un¬ sportsmanlike conduct. Team Group Panty Hose and does NOT play short-handed Over-The-Knee Hose $1 but the offending player leaves Values to $4 the game for anywhere from 10 minutes to the end of game. (4) MATCH: deliberate injury Group of Over the Knee Hose i to total work force is exceptionally to opponent. Team plays short- 500 As a man, you've got ideas and ambitions handed for either five or ten and values that won't show up on anybody's high. Which adds up to a pretty good minutes. (5) PENALTY SHOT: spot for you to be in — as an engineer, awarded to player who is pulled Blouses- version of the butcher's chart. You know it and as a man. down from behind on a clear and know it. Prints, Stripes, Checks we So, after you've been weighed and breakaway and when no oppo¬ As an engineer, you want something nent is between him and goal ex¬ 1/3 to 1/2 off measured, inspected and all but dis¬ more than your daily bread. And we know cept goalie. Values to $8 sected try to stay in one piece won't W" — that, too. Goalie-Normally blamed foi At LTV Aerospace Corporation, we you? We'd like to talk to the whole man. everything if team loses. It Headwear 1/2 off have something pretty special to offer team wins, however, praise Fur Hats 1/3 off CAMPUS INTERVIEWS you — as a man, as an engineer. goes to player scoring most We've got scope. Engineering scope TUESDAY Sleepwear, Robes & Gowns that can take you from the bottom of FEBRUARY 25 Officials-Although he starts 1/2 off the ocean to the outer reaches of the game, calls most penalties and makes decisions on disput¬ space. Opportunity scope that extends Lingerie 1/2 off Schedule an interview with our representa ed goals, his main job is to get to the top levels of management. in the players' way and aggra¬ tive or write: College Relations Office Figure it out. LTV Aerospace is one vate coaches. LTV Aerospace Corporation, P.O of the fastest growing companies in ttianfa Box 5907, Dallas, Texas 75222 Coach-A rare breed of man America, and what we grow on is engi¬ who goes the time. unappreciated most of Characterized at MSU w neering strength. Our ratio of engineers An equal opportunity employer by a short, pixie-ish man whose Open Wednesday 9:30 to 9 voice can be heard above the crowd's roar, officials' whistles 203 E. Grand River LTV AEROSPACE C and the loudspeaker. Normally j-1/ought, tnc A quality company of L - ( found with a smile after his team wins. Otherwise avoided. Happy puck-ducking! Wednesday, February 19, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Coeds rehearse By MARK MCPHERSON Dave Hines. special events At rehearsals there is still of a legion of left-footers, State News Staff Writer director for the Union Board. i tendency for nervousness, and trying to patch up a cracked • We're And have trying to raise the that's hard to beat when you're you ever The other night fe . which has sponsored this event image of Miss MSU." Hines told v< like Charlie practiced smiling before9 Try for three years, filled me in like looking for a beauty and said, "but we are not really not to worry how sometime: get a coathanger on Miss MSU's "function" in Chaplin. talent contest to review. Tele¬ sure of what that is just yet. until you can grin with grace. bony you'll seem in that bath vision gets dull, and Popular She'll be more than. say. Home- But they're troopers all. ing suit. Entertainment these days is coming Queen. She will repre- oh yeah guys, there'll be these ladies. Come Saturday. ,hard put to be either popular Evening College sent the campus, not just a bathing suit and evening gown when they're backed by a six- or entertaining. Well, as ex¬ sporting event. She'll have to competitions, if the latter really Piece sta8e ensemble, well- become known. After all. how traordinary fate would have it. 'Racism' talk airs matters. The pageant is roughly versed 'n their songs and steps, I wound up in the Union Ball¬ many people can tell you who in the form of that Bert Parks mothers, grannies and aunts room. current site of the "Miss this year's Homecoming Queen s m i 1 e-a-thon. the Miss wil1 have a right to shed those MSU" pageant testing grounds. current programs America finals, complete with tears. Somebody s "little girl Inside, seated around a spot¬ sundry acts, red carpet, and w'" suddenly disappear, and The her place, presto, will be Miss purpose, as the floodlighted runway. lighted ngntea stage, were n 11 love- A panel discussion on me a the 10- to- • ■ , . - „f, watching a twelfth pen- pic. Ve Current Programs for »^1^""^,'Tick is to make Miss MSU act- from singers to piano players, .Tickets for the pageant are form before them. It was all Improvement Having Positive $2.00 and are on sale in the ive representative for the dramatic readings to magici- a capella now: no band, no Impact9'" will be held from school. She will serve a ill be featured. However. Union Ticket Office and Camp- scenery, no dewy-eyed mamas. 7-9 tonight in Erickson Kiva. not even one ogling male. symbol, a "diplomat"' ii it won't be a simple matter of bell s Suburban Shop, (Well, maybe one. > The discussion is part of the sense, and will profit pulling a rabbit out of a hat to Saturday. 8 p.m.. several ways. select a winner Ballroom. then it wi This was a rehearsal for the Evening College course. Ra- It's like creating order from rea' But st'N- ah those re- "reely big night" this Satur- c'sm an(1 the Black-White First of all. this year's page¬ chaos.makingachoruslineo^ For then one of these Community." ant offers scholarship awards girls will be crowned, will of of $500. $250. and $125 to the course cry. and go on to. uh Tonight's speakers will be Er¬ Shocking' MC5 winner, first and second run¬ well, what will she go on nie Boone. Michigan Welfare . . . ners up. respectively. Miss to9 League: Forrest Walker. Ur¬ MSU will also be given a 6- ► 482-30O5 ban League; Robert Reutschler. n week modeling course from Community Services Council: the Joan Jewett School, which MICHIGAN Terry Johnson and Lordell Tay¬ lor. NAACP Youth Group. might make the road easier to rock local club for her when she automatic¬ NOW: 1:0°-3:°5-5:l0- ally enters the Miss Michigan WED..XADIES DAY 75f to 6:00 p.m. contest in Muskegon this June. The of the MC revolutionary rock sounds (Motor City) 5 will 1S a combination of noise with songs of protest aimed at get- Delightful be presented at 8 tonight at the ting attention. Judges will have the difficult taks of choosing Miss MSU from these 12 deserving Kab-a-ra Klub 1000 W Jollv There is no a8e limit for to- candidates: Laurel White, Carol Lockwood, Walleen Arndt, Barbara Stuhler Rvad and Logan Street night'ss dance concert. Admi§- Syliva Kirkton, Cyndy Dysarz, Sandy Underberg, Sandra Gillespie, Patricia Finn The Detroit $2.00. quintet, man¬ Pam Follen, Margaret Vibbert, and Diane W11 lets. aged by John Sinclair, has been termed "musical guerrillas" by Time Magazine The MC5 are a free, high- AUTHOR'S CRITIQUE energy source that will drive us wild into the streets of Amer¬ ica. yelling and screaming and Wild I"buD ro'«N Burlesque Comedy 1 tearing down everything that would keep people slaves." Sin¬ clair said in describing the group The group thrives on shock¬ Vultu res prey on culture ing the public and are members By V ALERIE RESTIVO tural produce, but it bogs dowi signed to clarify the author's Critic's magic of the White Panther Party, a State News Reviewer in the mire of the authoi theme and emphasize his hum s pe Levy is justly concerned left-wing organization aimed at THE CULTURE VULTURES. peeves. The allegory is about critics or The Em¬ power over OR WHATEVER BECAME OF " total assault on the culture by Humor emphasized American tastes. He cites peror's New Clothes." The book a man any means necessary including THE EMPEROR'S NEW The book is intended to b( who ends with an epilogue, in case saw a play, formed an NEXT "RACHEL, RACHEL" and "The Heart Is Lonely Hunter" rock n roll. dope, and obscen¬ CLOTHES0 by Alan Levy. G.P. humorous with three basic rate the reader still needs opinion, then said he was a Levy's ity in the streets." as a recent Putnam's Sons. 1968 $6.95. gones of vultures: the Tiec counseling to understand it all.' "wrong" after reading the Time magazine article'stated "The Culture Vultures" is Pipers, the "Careerists ant entitled The Establishment's critic's views They turned a tropica] jungle into an island paradise!; The group has recently come a potentially valid study of the "The Dilettanti The birds art New Home. In the same breath. Levy out with their first album. "The vultures who peddle often- further subdivided into 10 type; Cultural indictment proceeds to capsulize his views MC5. Kick out the Jams " It shabby American mass cul- of culture-monger, ranging fron on art. on many prominent and Levy is a journalist, not a WALT DISNEY "A GREAT MOVIE!... BURSTS WITH THE book-club aficionados to to critics Cooks-tour agents and theii sociologist, and this limits*the depth of his social criticism. not-so-prominent i n d i viduals and on several novels, plays, willing victims He simplistically writes for the films and recordings. After JOY OF BEING YOUNG AND ALIVE AND Preceding each chapter is a broad public which his book so reaping Levy on Taubman. Levy brief allegorical segment, de carefully disdains He is writ¬ on Kauffman. Chapman, et al IN LOVE!" -Susan Stark, Free Prew I found myself automatically re¬ PHOCWAM INFORMATION ing mass prose for the mass ^ 485-6485 PARAMO! M H BEST DIRECTOR BEST PICTURE THE DEM GUYS 0 AN EVOLUTION IN FILM! e Happy Hours Wed 8-10:30 ASMSU PRESENTS JOStPHt ItVINt AN AVCCtWRASSY FILM —. ^ STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL v PeTeRO*TOOL€ KATHAMNe H6PBURN TH€ LION IN W1NT6R Feb. 2, 3, 21, 22 and 28. Mar. I, Auditorium Feb. at Natural Resources 24, 26, and 27 at Conrad ; L Thurs 8 to TODAY AT 2:30 & 8:30 ALL SEATS RESERVED SPARTAN TWIN WEST TOMORROW AT 8:30 For Special Group Rates Auditorium 7:00 and p.m.-2 shows each night $1.50 General Admission 9:30 S Midnight or Theatre Parties, Advance tickets at the Un Mon. Thru Sat. at 8:30 $2.50 Ticket Office. Wed. & Sat. Matinees at 2:30 $2.00 CALL 351-0031 Sunday at 2:30 & 7:30 $2.50 Mr. Matthews or TICKETS ON SALE NOW FROM 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Sorensen Wednesday, February 19, 1969 ]] Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Advisory Board, editors to confer [Courtship autonomy the (continued from page one) Tuesday that Brill has meeting were refused to print more space than appropriate The advisory board stressed during the informal meeting that it has only advisory pow¬ ed Saturday, dealt with a "de¬ plorable lack of editorial judg¬ ment in the biased reporting of a series of news events at a furthers promiscuity letters disagreeing with his time of great tension on cam¬ er, that it can censure, sus¬ views, that reporting is in¬ pus. and the inaccuracy of the pend and counsel, but has no attribution of inflammatory creasingly slanted, that he has been "unable to set up an or¬ authority to dismiss the edi¬ remarks to a student when the away popular beliefs'' such as tors or implement action remarks were actually those of marital Sex Codes: The Old and ganization to cover campus ByG. J. WOJCHIHOSKY the ideal pictures of the Puri¬ against Berman. outsider." The autonomy of the court¬ the New." said that premarital news adequately," and that an tan and Victorian eras. he violated his promise to the The censure motion, pass¬ sex and sexual permissive¬ ship and dating system pro¬ Sex is "not new to this gen¬ motes a high acceptance of pre¬ ness are not on the increase as advisory board at the time of Now eration. Even open sex is not his selection by disregarding marital intercourse, a socio¬ popular beliefs would have it. MAC'S "When it comes to sex, we new," he added. the "pleas of a majority of At logist from the University of "It ought to be apparent," think we've got all the answers his editorial board" by order¬ 203 No. Iowa said Monday in the Audi¬ ' apparent answers to so called Reiss emphasized, "that never ing the printer to publish the torium. has there been a society where Wash. obvious things." he said. "obscene" words (Feb. 12 is¬ Ira L. Reiss. member on the the majority of members were board of the Sex Information "The popular belief, for sue). instance, is that the divorce virgins when they married. The five editors, who receiv-' Open every night till II O'clock and Education Council of the The first decade of the 20th United States, said that the rate is on the increase, when ed copies of Berman's letter Closed Sundays & Holidays in fact there has been no change century brought changes to Monday afternoon, responded whole system is set up to pro¬ in 30 years. The popular courtship patterns, he said. with statistics of letters to the CIGARS mote sexual permissiveness. There is no real difference in "Parents provide the money for dates, the car for trans¬ belief is that the marriage is on the decrease. That hasn't rate values then and now. "There is no generation gap editors printed and those re¬ ceived but not used and fig¬ ures taken from staff lists in¬ TOBACCO Smokers' Articles PIPES portation and go to great changed in the past 20 years, it comes to sex," he when dicating the number of new lengths to allow the couple to Reiss said. The popular belief is that said, "only the role position is reporters. LIQUOR BEER • WINES " be alone." Reiss said to the audience attending the 13th svphillis is on the rampage, the difference. " Anne Garrison, chairman of • while in fact it has gone down He explained that the values the advisory board, said that lecture in the series of the in the past few years." of a single 20-year-old adult the issue of slanted news cov¬ sexuality colloquy. We can teach you to read He said that we must "push that as a Reiss, in his lecture on pre¬ and middle-aged same person family man are Individuality ers more than the recent Gar- skof issue. Citing the exten¬ faster - (3-4-5 Times Faster) not different, only the respon¬ Mrs. Callahan, lecturer for the Sexuality Colloquy, sive coverage of Black His¬ with better comprehension Trustees hear process sibility of his position changes his overt opinion. said that women must develop their Individuality if they wish to gain sexual equality. Mrs. Callahan, tory Week given by the State News, she said this dealt with EVELYN WOOD READING "The single most important I continued from page one) mother of six, spoke in the Auditorium Monday only a small portion of the DYNAMICS FOR choice is whether not to was given Council fully informed prior to its official action on the docu¬ have or night. State News photo by Mike Marhanka University and IMPROVED ment the Steering Committee plans to request a suspension premarital intercourse." the sociologist said. "Parents GRADES of the rules to allow spokesmen of these invited groups to • pre¬ sent the views of their organization, if any. upon the proposal. deny the legitimacy of this • CONCENTRATION choice that is the basic differ¬ "The Steering Committee believes that a full discussion • COMPREHENSION by all of the interested parties is very important at this time ence between generations." SEXUAL ROLES • STUDY SKILLS and upon this issue. • RECALL SKILLS Hathaway said that a complete dialogue on the issue is very RESEARCH SKILLS Increased individuality • "relevant and important. The ad hoc committee on procedures was set up in November MRS. EVELYN WOOD For Class Schedule committee. Such a committee was first ap¬ by the steering proved bv the Academic Council on Oct. 8. 1968. House study Call 337-1222 or Mail Coupon IT'SWHflTS (continued from page one) "We feel." Petitpren said, can emancipate women Evelyn Wood □ that we are taking a positive HAPPENING By TOM HAMP flatness of society is a result dignity, she said. approach in this study, rath¬ Pleasure is learned, socially of the 19th century ideals, the er than a negative one.' "We hope to review all fac¬ Initiative, aggression, per¬ missiveness and a sharp com¬ double standard and hypocrisy. and biologically, and integrated Reading Dynamics Permissiveness and into the person. Women have tors in their proper prospec¬ mittment to professional indi¬ econo¬ mic and social independence been the objects of mens' plea¬ Southfield, Mich. 48075 tive. We owe it to the parents viduality is needed to emanci¬ 17320 W. 8 Mile Rd. for should be more con¬ sure. she said. and to the students who are pate women from their tradit¬ women "The demands of men on ional sexual roles. Mrs. Sidney centrated in order to develop □ Please send descriptive brochure trying to do a good job. " their future wives is damag¬ CorneliaCallahan. a New York different sexual roles for wo¬ A UCM Experimental Encounter Group "Higher education is too vi¬ men and men. and to give wo¬ ing to the marriage," she will meet at 7:30 tonight at The Center. tal to our society to be mis¬ author said in a Sexuality Collo¬ equality with men. she said. said. Sexual morality and pre¬ Name . . . 1118 S. Harrison Road For information used. neglected or ignored." quy lecture Monday night. men and rides, call Dana Cline at 355-2589 UCM Experimental "l": Towards a More permissiveness is Mrs. Callahan said there can¬ marital morality are human Petitpren said. but people Address jntemporary Unperstanding of the The House committee, work¬ needed for women to emanci¬ not be a relationship between ideas, she said, . East Asian Studies Club and the China Humnan" will meet at 9 tonight at The ^Vn- want to learn to be married themselves from the the sexes without first recog- Committee of the Asian Studies Center 1118 S Harrison Road This, week's ing on basically the same prob¬ pate well. will present a lecture by Professor is is the changing structure o< the lems as the Senate commit¬ traditional sexual roles of 7. ing Rhoades Murphey. University of Michi¬ tee. will not have subpoena mother and provider for men. dividual persons. Women should Total permisAveness. as gan Dept of Geography and Center for on or a ride caUSue Russelm. 355-7311 the hippies have tried in their Chinese Studies, at 8 tonight in Parlor powers. Women should become more be granted the freedom to MSU Pageant an "We don't to force any¬ professional to prepare for choose their lover, she said. communal living has failed C of the Union. His topic will be The Tickets for the Miss care Economic Legacy of the Treaty Ports sale this week for $2 at the Union Tick later life when children have Common, humanity ought to because of human failures, she n body before the committee." [ Office and Campbell s Suburban Shop. Petitpren said. left their parents, she said be stressed. The male should Jet To Europe Mrs. Callahan, the mother become more sensitive and MSU Pro fill hold an open Free University classes meeting of six and author of three intuitive as women have been dance from 7-8:15 tonight in 34 Women's tonight are: Hypnosis for Study and Re¬ this summer she said. The l.M. Lessons will be offered All inter¬ ested persons are invited laxation in 107 South Kedzie Hall, and Self-Improvement and Modeling Class in 216 Berkey Hall Malcom X books, pation spoke on the "Emanci¬ of Sexual Revolution. " Women and the stereotyped, polarity of the sexes should be broken detroit-london MSU Sailing Club will meet at 7 30 (continued from page one) Women should have a com¬ "Women have been subject¬ tonight in 209 Men's I M Class for be¬ MSU Management Club will hold its scribe to any tenets of racism. and forced into ginning sailors will take place with a second organizational meeting from 4-5 mittment to the community to ed to men a sailboat in the l.M. pool for practice today in 117 Epplev Center. All declared In all honesty and sincerity, it relationship. They 8 weeks. . . .$233 give them some individuality meaningful in rigging management majors are cordially invited can be stated that I wish noth¬ have become the provider for and to break from the stereo¬ ing but freedom, justice, and typed roles of the past The men." she said. 12 weeks. .$204 Anyone wishing to work in the Grape . . boycott booth in either the Union or the Seger. Hartford Theological Foun- equality for all people. My first "sexual revolution" should "There must be respect for International Center may volunteer by dation and member of the excavating concern is with the group of peo¬ the other person before there be called the -"sexual ren¬ calling Tom Kay at 482-1387 team at Gezer. will speak at a meeting ple to which I belong, the Afro- aissance." she said can be a meaningful relation¬ of the Central Michigan Society of the Americans. In my recent trav¬ SIGN UP UNION BOARD OFFICE Professor Chin Wu Kim of the Univer- Archeological Institute of America at 8 The flatness of society puts ship. an alien dignity must be els into African countries and sity of Illinois will speak at a meeting of tonight in the gallery of Kresge Art Cen- emphasis on sex. because sex present." the Dept. of Linguistics and Oriental and ter His topic is The Archeological His- others, it was impressed upon Freedom .>f choice, absence African Languages at 7 :30 tonight in C103 gives pleasure, sex is the tory of Biblical Gezer. me the importance of having drama of life and a way to of necessity and equal re¬ a working unity among all peo- nlps hlark as wpll as whifp communicate, she said. The spect are needed for womens' Paraphernalia black ones be in unity first." All Walks Of A Suit .... Not this year! Not just good little spring suits, but coat and trouser suits, tunics and pants. Move any way you want and look any way you'd like. / X Paraphernalia Newly Remodeled 541 E. Grand River - East Lansing Hours:Mon-FrI 10-9, Saturday 10-6 ASU FREAKOUT STUDENT UNION PARLOUS com:ng fri. feb 28 • •12,- 'IT.'io lover with FRI Jim Schwall FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ FAST ♦ ♦ FAST ♦ FAST FEB 21 Mtssioh Deisfie Lights Wednesday, February 19, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan State News State News Classified Use want ads. . . They are great Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Employment For Rent For Rent c DRAUGHTSMEN (MALE or fe¬ The State News does not Ccl\ male) Immediate vacancies eit¬ TV RENTALS GE 19" portable $8 50 i n^*cnar permit racial or religious her full-time or part-time Must per CULVER month including stand Call J R. COMPANY, 351-8862 220 Spring arn^^^«» *"\,ji-391i discrimination in its ad¬ . work at least 20 hours per week VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Sunroof, gas Albert Street East Lansing C during regular office hours Start vertising columns. The heater, 25,000 miles Must sell ing salary $499 or $590 monthly de¬ TV RENTALS-students only Call after 5p m 489-5504 5-2/25 Low State News will not accept pending on experience for full time monthly and term rates Call 484 • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Sunroof, red, positions Two positions require 1 2600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY NEWLY MARRIED? • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, with AM-FM stereo radio, white- year draughting experience OR com¬ TV RENTALS C • FOR RENT race, color or national or- wall tires plus two studded snow pletion of the sophomore year in a college of engineering or architec¬ DISHWASHER RENTAL Portable fANCLEWOOD tires on rims. $1,650 or best of¬ igir. • FOR SALE fer Call 372-1955, after 6 p.m 3-2/21 ture. 4 positions require 2 years GE, $8 00 free delivery and service AFARTMENTS draughting experience OR comple- per month Phone 351-8862 • LOST & FOUND VOLVO PV544 1960 J R. CULVER COMPANY C-2 19 1 Bdrm.# unfur., from $124.50 • PERSONAL 4-speed From West Coast. Showroom condition in¬ respectively, in an engineering col¬ • PEANUTS PERSONAL COLOR TV RENTAL 15 portable- 351-7880 side and out. Phone 485-3888 2-2/20 lege, may be substituted year for year, for experience All Michigan free delivery and service-only $19 00 • REAL ESTATE Civil Service benefits, including an a month Phone 351-8862 J R CUL¬ • SERVICE FORD MODEL A 1929 Tudor fte. built engine Needs paint and inter¬ Scooters & Cycles outstanding State Contributory In- VER COMPANY C-2 19 • TRANSPORTATION ior work $350 627-7589 program. excellent retire¬ 3-2 20 RENT A TV from a TV Company- REDUCED RATES Quiet Girl. • WANTED ment plan, )ngevi $9 00 Spring Cedar Village ted per month Call 337-1300 351-5686 FORD FALr--. n 6 cylinder opportuni NEJAC TV RENTALS after 5:30 p.m and liberal \ C 5-2/25 DEADLINE Radio. heatO^JV- condition Con¬ HONDA 50 allow: tact 351-5238 4-2 19 1965 Excellent condi¬ e NEW GE portables and stands rent¬ tion. $140 or best offer 355-7962 urity For ed ONLY to MSU students and fac¬ 1 P.M. one class day be¬ after 6 p.m. 3-2/21 tact Personnel Office. MICHIGAN GALAX1E 1962 Comfortable, depend¬ ulty. $8 84 month (includes taxi DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE¬ STATE fore publication. able New tires $300 or best offer MANAGEMENT CORPORA¬ ONE GIRL needed Evergreen A: HONDA 1965 CB-160 Solid, reliable SOURCES. Steven T Mason Build¬ TION 444 Cancellations - 12 noon one 355-2013 3-2/21 Michigan Avenue 332- Perfect location Immediate o 7,600 miles $270 Phone 355-3238 ing. Lansing. 373-1208 For other 8687. pancy. 351-3566 3 class day before publica¬ 3-2/21 job opportunity information, call tion. 373-3051. day or night An Equal GIRL NEEDED March 1st or irr PEUGEOT 1968-Less than 100 miles Opportunity Employer 3-2 20 diate occupancy Never been licensed or titled. 49cc piock from < pus Utilities paid Roberta PHONE engine 372-6672 $150. 3-2/21 GLAMOUR. MONEY and excitement JAGUAR can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD 1959, 3.4 litre 355-8255 spares Service manual WARD COSMETICS Free make up EAST LANSING: Apartments: Girls ONE GIRL spring term 3490 $850 or best offer instructions IV 5-8351. C utilities included Own needed Near campus Cooking priv FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn RATES in the ileges 332-0143 3-2 21 to campus Afternoons a PIPER CHEROKEE. Special 351-3338 1 day $5off»r 484-1324 $1.50 c GIRL STUDENT preferred for 3- 15tf per word per day 3 days MGB 1968, green. Like i "What cto-it m.3? Just because you man apartment $48 34 Call 351- $4.00 Auto Service & Parts week off 351-4625 half of 9188 ' 5-2 LARGE 2 bedroom lower 25. 13 J/2i per word per day miles All the extras. Don't stud/ for mid-termr,, do you Utilities included Phone 482-6110. after 5 house Partially days $6.50 ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA¬ furnished. 325 N. Pennsylvania. Lan¬ 13/ per word per day MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small expect me to come up with the answers?' sing $150 per month Phone 351- CEDAR MUSTANG 1966 converti dents to large wrecks. American 4530 5-2 25 (based on 10 words per ad) and foreign cars Guaranteed work VILLAGE 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C There will be a 50/ service Employment APTS, and bookkeeping charge if Employment STUDENT WIFE to do telephone work this ad is not paid within 8312 AUTOMATIC It's CAR only own. 50 You WEEKEND TV clerk - 9:30-6. Satur¬ in our office pay Six hours a day for right girl. Good Call 372-9560 for SEVEN SUMMER- week. for 2^ min¬ one day and Sunday. To ^^nd do pa¬ LEASE ONLY OLDSMOBILE. 1965, Dynamic 88 con¬ utes while your car is washed and Also cleans underneath car. per work. > \V»^" sets and STUDENT 18-25 Part THIRTY The State News will be vertible. 32.000 miles, burgundy- waxed patient s rooT ' rtpplv Personnel Of¬ EVERYONE KNOWS AND 2-bedroom $160/mo. perfect job. "430 South responsible only for the mist white brakes, radio, top, power hydromatic, steering, verv An almost Clippert. back of KO-KO BAR fice. East SPARROW HOSPITAL Michigan. Lansing 1215 3-2/19 LOVES ONE 1 -bedroijm $120-130/mo. first day's incorrect inser- C-2 20 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA Signing Leases Feb. 17 clean, real good tires 489-0050 NEED SHARP GIRL with good figure WHY NOT SELL IT. 3-2 1 HONESTY - SERVICE are alive and $200 damage deposit for display work at Lansing Home well at HAROLDS SPARTAN SUN¬ FROM LEADS ONLY. required on signing Builders Exposition February 26 OLDSMOBILE 1966 F 85 Standard OCO. corner Michigan-Harrison March 2 Call Ron Adamson or 484-4475 leases 2-door Automotive 6945 Low mileage $950 627- 3-2 21 5-2 20 Frank Huisgen. ROSE HILL REALTY someone with good practical experi¬ ence Appl> JOHN BEAN DIVISION. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST The Best AUSTIN HEALEY 3000. 1962-good MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala- 393-1220 5-2/21 to w 1305 South Cedar. Lansing. Equal 332-5051 on night shift. 11 30 p.m. to 7 30 a Needn't Cost condition 351 6262. after 5p m in a general hospital Excellent Opportunity Employer 4-2 19 3-2 20 The Most ary and benefits Opportunity to TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Apartments Available tend University under tuition re CAMARO -1968 .Asking $2,000 but bursement program For Spring & Summer Call 372-3610 best offer takes it 353-2140 Employment Guaranteed hourly salary • 3-2 21 extension 256 or write Pathologi OPEL 1968 SAINT LAWRENCE HOSPITAL. 1210 Rallye Cadett All CHEVY 11 1967 2-door Radio, heat- tions of on warranty it 14.000 Excellent miles, inside op¬ balance and WAITRESSES WANTED to work at the City Club of Lansing located 5pm - 9pm evenings Phone Mr West Saginaw. Lansing 48914 5-2/21 NiMWAPL: /. R. Gulue/i, Go-. 14.500 miles Excellent out. Call 669-9214. after 6 p.m in the Jack Tar Hotel. Work hours Kay Contact: 220 Albert 351-8862 Call after 4 4-2 21 i p.m. 355- about 10:30 3:30 2870 a.m. to p.m. Also Telephone 882-5794 FREE NORTHWIND MANAGEMENT 5-2 21 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1967 Beau some uniforms nights available. Free meals, Starting hourly pay $2 00 Liquid Lens 2771 Northwind Drive, Naa... tiful burgundy, black vinyl top CHEVROLET V-8. Powerglide. IMPALA 1965 2-door. brakes, steering, EXTRAS 482 3393 after 6p m 3-2 21 to 6 $2 25 p.m Personal interviews from to 8 p.m. For appoint¬ Cleaner EAST LANSING Fred and Ethel LEBANESE BREAD Phone: 337-0636 BULLETINS. .POSTERS air 28.000 conditioning, actual miles radio, heater $1,150. 882 THUNDERBIRD 1964 2-door hard ment call 372-4673. |0-2 19 FLIERS . .STATIONERY wouldn't sue us Turquoise, no rust Really good 1537 4-2 21 top shape $990 Phone 663-8809 APPLICATIONS TAKEN for part BAKLAWA DOUGH Good Selection of NEED A CAR? NEWSLETTERS. .C \RD5 over a loose step! 3-2/19 time work Call 351-5130 between ENVELOPES .THESIS CHEVROLET 1961 good transporta¬ 6p.m.-9p.m. C Spectacle Frames ANNOUNCEMENTS . . tion. V-8 automatic, runs good, needs some body work Call 337-0547 MECHANIC WANTED: Full or part- Optical Repairs time All shop equipment furnished SHAHEEN'S Call John's General Repair 627 FAMILY FOOD PRINTING is CHEAP! CORV'AIR MONZA. 1963 Radio. 5 6257 5-2/25 Artmar Opticians nearlv-new tires $385 485-2929 jTRY . . . 2-2 19 205 Ann St. 332-5520 CORVETTE ble 2 tops offer 351-8932 1966 or 427 17.000 3514469 Red miles converti¬ Best 5-2 19 THE INTERPERSONAL~I DATING SERVICE meet someone you're GO BAHAMAS only 1 89.00 Special Rates for MSU Students WEEKEND L £3 compatible withl 8 days - 7 nights at the new Noon Fri. - Noon Mon. DODGE 1962 For information send a postcard! for.° Trailer $275 351-3483 with your name and address r n 1Ann Arbor, C P.O. Box 2137 Mich. Holiday Inn Cheryl Crane on March 15-22 the ocean 355-0375 Apartment PLUS GAS NO MILEAGE CHARGE JIM RYAN GEO. TOBIN Bargains RYAN & TOBIN INSURANCE 339 MORGAN LANE FRANDOR 351-0050 31 Marie mo ACROSS 33 Near 34 Fasry'ikr MERCEDES - BENZ : R'-wbcat 36. Ctmnine Company Official Place Your • V,jle swan 38. Be 1 One addressed 39 1968 280 S 2 Indigo Equipment Includes PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD 3. Topnotcher air conditioning Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. and full power. STATE NEWS will bill you later. 7. Swiss abstract" "Ptul tfancCcm Inc. painter 8. Cataria 2924 E. Grand River 9 Wood sorrel 10. Bengal quince Lansing 484-2551 15 Giacefu! tree 16. Assent 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 I2 ' STUDENT EMPLOYMENT : Consecutive Dates i 12 I 13 19. Dossier 20 Favorite % to Run " . 21. Chignon Part-time positions for stu¬ 15 16 22. Notwith- dents; various marketing op¬ Heading __ portunities with full-line mer¬ chant wholesaler; Automobile required. 10 to 15 hours per week. Excellent income and Print Ad Here: . THE HOLD LINE! b20 17 V/, Y\ % 18 23 y4 24 % 25 24. 25 27. '28. Medicine bottle Poker stake Clangoi Two year-old 26 27 28 29 sheep meaningful experience. Sum¬ mer opportunities available. Pay your classified bills Jo % 31 32 3i 31. Operatic heroine Peanuts Personals must be placed in per 32. Dandy 34 35 36 37 by Friday FEB 21st. ALL 39' % 41 35. Illustrious 37. Jots THE 10 Words or Less: 40 SOCIETY Over 10 Words Add: 1 day-$1.50 is* per word «X per word % 7A 3® % f w % 47 39. Claret 40. Unburden CORPORATION □ □ classified bills must be 42 43 45 so 42. Weep 43. Bombyx 46 P.O. Box 2051 Mail to: Michigan State News paid in advance. 51 i 52 1 63 44. Peck 45. Disfigure Lansing, Michigan 48911 346 Student Services Bldg. MSU East Lansing, Mich. % % 46. King of Midian 47. Knock Wednesday, February 19, 1969 13 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For 3ale For Sale Real Estate .. Placement science and maladjusted (B,M> Art, ELCONA 1965 10' X 50' 1 P 8 ' WasWcS 3-2/20 BETTIE BRICKNER. ED7-9476. Midwest AT low winter prices Free :all Bob May. 393-4173. °CheapXall Pam8351-3010 3-28 5-2/21 s of business (B.Mi. J NORTHWIND 325 Call and Thon^ J^Lipton, Inc.: All majors of FARMS Man pleads guilty RENT A TV from a TV Company- BOAT. MOTOR month. Call 337-1300. —'•& $9 00 NEJACTVR per to assault, battery RLS for hous< TWO GIRLS needed to sublease spring — «- fnd^table^Tamps^rni^ellaneous0^^'^! -------- - - ------ - - - DONNA BOHANNON Professional The Ceco Corp.: Civil and mechanical ^ Olin Mtathieson Chemical Corp.: CTiem- charge. f"P "n'V 4,7 3 niPht rent for THE LIGHT only $17 a night. EYE SEE EYE SHOW COMPANY, 372- SEE typist T Selectric. P ** Location: various.31 admimStrat'0n All majors of the college TRW Inc. Equipment Group: Mechan one he had a gun. 'cal engineering and accounting! B.M >. SgelpHLr °n4£ of business (B.M>. Location: Detroit, For sale 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 19, 1969 Swift's Premium Pro Ten, 4-5-6 Rib WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS! STANDING RIB ROASTS Shop all T TENDER RIB STEAKS 3301 E.MICHIGAN AVE. ZST' DELMONICO STEAKS 15487 NORTH EAST ST . HIGHWAY 27 AT BOICHOT RD. SLICED BEEF LIVER ST 921 W. HOLMES RD. CORNER OF SOUTH LOGAN Sandwich special Falarski Tasty RING BOLOGNA Delicious Plump Tender Double-Breasted or h. 49 c ! 4-UMBRnlSi RIBS ATTACHED TURKEY BREASTS DELICIOUS STUFFED ROASTING lb. 68' CENTER CUT STUFFED PORK CHOPS BOSTON BUTT STYLE LB. 59' 39 Tender Quartered CHICKENS 49c 49' OCOMA PLUMP TENDER _ . LB. pork ROASTS FRESH PICNIC STYLE PORK LOINS sliced into DELICIOUS BREADED 9- 1 1 chops 59 DELICIOUS BREADED OCEAN PERCH lb. 59' PORK CUTLETS DELICIOUS OSCAR MAYER lb. BREADED HADDOCK LINK SAUSAGE "WKJ IJMIHi ,!H— Swift's Premium SLICED BACON Delicious Frozen Fillet of OCEAN PERCH Delicious Shoulder Portion REG. SI.89 VALUE KEEBLER SALE! SPONGE MOP LAMB ROASTS DUST BROOM OR Delicious Shoulder Portion GRAHAM CRACKERS CINNAMON CRISP TOUCH BROOM UMB CHOPS OATMEAL GRAHAMS REG. 39tf GOLD SHIELD Whole or loin Half MOUTHWASH f8A8!fN 27 REG. 86<£ ANTI-PERSPIRANT LEG OF LAMB SECRET SPRAY 69' Farmer Peet's Repeeter REG. SI.33 ANTI-PERSPIRANT SECRET SPRAY 50IAr 99' SLICED BACON Farmer Peet's twin-pack sliced Keebler penquins, Fudge Stripes REG. AND GREASELESS COOKIE SALE 2 1 BEN GAY 1 69' LUNCH MEATS OUR FINEST QUALITY EBERHARD'S MARGARINE QTRS. SAVE 16C on 4 northern white or colors JUMBO TOWELS 180 - CT. 1-PLY, II" X 9 1/4" SHEETS SPARTAN BRAN°_ Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Mix for «■ FOUUEfs Elbo thin Spagh< SOFT MARGARINE SPAGHETTI & MEAT or HIIfj&tv Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Mix for ELBO 41 CDAPIirTTI and Mushrooms Of Aunt III 1 lb. 1 3/4 oz. PKG. 49' Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Ravioli Pizzagetti OR BEEF-0-SETII MACARONI . MMH CALIFORNIA JUICY, SUNKIST 72-SIZE ^40^ NAVEL ORANGES FLORIDA, SWEET JUICY FLORIDA, INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT 69 GRAPEFRUIT Michigan U.S. No. 1 C.A DELICIOUS APPLES 55' SMOTHER YOUR STEAKS WITH FRESH MUSHROOMS