Thursday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS Thursday, February 27,1969 East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 137 Academic Council approves, but amends selection report the committee shall choose its own chair¬ By MARILYN PATTERSON officers of the University. The commit¬ -Three separate amendments estab¬ State News Staff Writer tee is chaired by John F A. Taylor, pro¬ lishing alternates to the undergraduate, man. The Taylor report called for the The Academic Council moved quickly fessor of philosophy. graduate and alumni representatives on chairman of the Steering Committee to Wednesday to give final approval to the The report, which calls for establish¬ the committee. The feeling of the coun¬ appoint the chairman of the search and ment of an all-University committee for cil was that students having an obliga¬ selection committee. Taylor Report on procedures for selecting search and selection of the President, tion to their studies and alumni hav¬ As outlined by the Taylor report, the a president to succeed John A. Hannah. search and selection committee is to con¬ The council adopted several amend¬ awaits approval by the Academic Sen¬ ing full-time job obligations may not ments to the report. ate before it can be implemented. The Senate meets March 10. be tee's able to meetings. attend all of the commit¬ Thus, an alternate re¬ sist of four faculty representatives, one undergraduate, one graduate student, one Ad hoc di The Taylor report lists the recommenda¬ black student, one black faculty member, tions of the ad hoc committee on pro¬ Amendments to the report approved presentative would ensure that the stu¬ Tom Sa-rift, ASM3U junior member-at-large, watches Frank dent and alumni voices would always be one administrator at or above the level cedures for selecting the chief academic by the council include: Pinner, chairman of the AAUP ad hoc committee, as they dis¬ heard. of dean, one member of the Oakland U- cussed procedures for the selection of a new University presi¬ niversity faculty, one alumnus, and the -The entire dent. Sta^e Ne/vs photo by Ha' Caswell faculty, rather than just the (please turn to page 111 elected faculty council, shall be invited to Death of prime suggest nominees for faculty represent¬ atives mittee: on the search and selection com¬ AAUP DEBATE throws Israel in turmoil -Deletion of Criteria the Committee on Committees should use in nominat¬ JERUSALEM iAPi - The death of ing faculty members to the search and se¬ lection committee. Such council decided, was under the auspices of the Committee on Committees to de¬ criteria, the Pinner urges Prime Minister Levi Eshkol has thrown termine. select chairman . Israel into an internal power struggle at one of the most critical times in the 20-year history of the state. Some fear the passing of Eshkol will turn loose Arabs -A statement that the search and lection committee "be commendations from Oakland University responsive' to re¬ se¬ to own on its concept of its future needs. This Tom Samet. ASMSU junior member- the secretaries of the Universil the hawks By STEVE WATERBURY As border incidents have recently esca¬ amendment pertains to a section of the at-large. concurred with Pinner on this causes them to believe they are soi State News Staff Writer lated to alarming proportions. Eshkol's Taylor report which calls for the search The debate over selection of a new point stating. "The chairman of the steer¬ violating a trust If they allow a ; and selection committee to analyze the ing committee has been given more power in. Samet said. death from a heart attack Wednesday MSU president continued today at a lunch¬ requirements of the next president's role. than is appropriate." Samet maintained that it the new was expected to open the flood-gates to eon sponsored by the American Assn. of dent of the University made his -The elected faculty council shall ap¬ Assessing the role he hopes the new a tide of political infighting Eshkol University Professors i AAUP >. point faculty representatives to fill any president will play. Samet stated. He more accessible to students, it coult was 73. .Frank Pinner, chairman of the AAUP vacancies which may occur among the should be the implementer and defender as a beneficial model for other ac For the time being-until the official ad-hoc committee that is asking for wider faculty positions on the committee. The of policies formulated by the students and trators. period of mourning ends after at least faculty participation in the choice of the seven days-Deupty Prime Minister Yigal Taylor report had given this responsibility presidential selection committee than pro¬ faculty of the University to the Steering Committee of the Facul¬ Allon. an Oxford-educated former major vided by the Taylor committee report, ty "We need a man who is going to suc¬ The University cannot be run like a cor¬ general, is in charge. urged that the entire selection committee -Deletion of a section requiring the be given the right to select its chair¬ cessfully articulate us to the outside, rather poration and still serve the needs of the But the Knesset. Israel's parliament, Committee on Committees to meet with than the outside to us." Samet said students." must elect a new government to run the man. Samet urged "a fundamental change in He also said We netI'd whose LE VI ESHKOL the Steering Committee before it pub¬ Provisions by the ad hoc faculty pro¬ a t'ia.. country until the national elections in lishes its nominations for faculty repre¬ the closed door attitude of this Univer¬ first and foremost corn er n is the education November Obviously, whoever holds cedure committee chaired by John F A. bassador to f liter' S'at^s Yitihak sentatives to the committee. sity" and stressed the role the new presi¬ of the undergraduates the premiership over these months will Rabin, is probably an outsider, believed Taylor, professor of philosophy, give the 'be heavily favored to stay in power for a - Naming the chairman of the steer¬ chairman of the steering committee the dent could play in altering this situa¬ Samet indicated- that ,\ ISU is one of the to be unpopular with the high command. ing committee to serve as chairman pro right to choose the chairman of the presi¬ tion. still focuses full term of four years Allon. 50. and Dayan. 53. were com¬ few large universities t hat tem of the committee until such time as dential search. "There is a protectionist attitude among There are three main candidates: rades in arms during Israel's war of in¬ primarily on the educati on of 'he under Allon. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan dependence. For some months now they graduates and urged th; it it cnhtirtie to and former Foreign Minister Golda Meir. place primary emphasis on becoming a once a Milwaukee teacher Israel's am- opage lli "trail-blazer" in undergra duate educi-:' ion. ASMSU refutes proposal Pete Ellsworth. ASMS! board chair¬ man. favorably compan:hI the proposed presidential selection pr ocedui <• n\ MSU with that recently used ; it the University of Michigan, where sepairate alumni, fac¬ presidential selection ulty and student committe es were formed. on Ellsworth praised the concern of the Taylor report with evah Kiting the needs of the University before selecting a new , TV ^ By DAVE SHORT State News Staff Writer i new Univer- selection committee to have very many plans, did not want members involved in the selection process- for sake of organization president. and We should where evaluate Want w here we are now be five and we to 10 ASMSU voiced its disapproval Tuesday ASMSU. at its weekly meeting mandated and secrecy. He said that the committee years from now." Ellswor said th its representative on the Academic Coun¬ night over several of the recent propos¬ would probably be against adding any ad¬ als forwarded to the Academic Council cil to work for several changes in the In the discussion that ft ^id not otter what NSA wanted better able to extend its pro- in the way ot social regulations and costs. Powell said that he hoped that gram services under the new Powell was also optimistic petitioning for the Southern California still By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS upermarket in Lynn was were reported missing and 20 service programs. ASMSU would not withdraw frorr about plans to decentralize NSA sophomore member-at-large po¬ sition must have earned less California's ravaging rains rain: Mass.. gave way Tuesday night cleaning up from heavy rains - were injured, Powell said that NSA had the NSA organizatir the It's hard to serve the various jt crip Parts of the roofs of a ware last January and earlier this More than 60 persons had tak- future. but that he did not know than 50 credits at the end of this abated Wednesday, but eri| reasons for not coming schools out of one national cen¬ house at Attleboro. Mass.. and month when it was hit by a term. The two at-large positions pling snow continued for tht a en refuge in the fire station through" for ASMSU for sure whether it would or ter: decentralization is the dir¬ third day in New England. high school at Foxboro. Mass. three-day deluge that emptied from their canvon homes when handling of past not. He felt that NSA had much ection in which NSA should are open to any full-time stu¬ another 16 inches the the wall of the mountain crash¬ now dents. The death toll resulting from collapsed Tuesday. The roof of a on area, grams such as the Compedium to offer to ASMSU and the stu- storms on opposite sides of the store in a Dedham. Mass . shop- Skies cleared Wednesday ed down upon it. booklet, an NSA-ASMSU student Students wanting to be can continent stood at 37. Twenty- ping center also collapsed More than 400 others were handbook, in the scheduling of didates for the deaths Most of the storm-related Five of the people killed in evacuated Biafran student speakers and U police solve member-at-large seven seve were attributed to by helicopter from ■ positions must register with the the iv storm and 10 persons deaths in the East were blamed California were buried alive canyon homes Wednesday. in the mix-up over ASMSU s died floods and mudslides in on overexertion. Tuesday when a wall ot mud Elsewhere, cloudy skies and bid to be the site of the next soggy Southern California. Traffic continued to nove and debris smashed into a fire relatively mild late winter tern- NSA national congress. / although plows have station in Silverado Canyon in • I RENTED IT Most of New England got 12 slowly, peratures prevailed for the most NSA didn't come through on I THROUGH THE WANT ADS inches of new snow Wednesday, but many areas reported two feet or more. Snow was expect¬ been Monday. out Power and since clearing roads since telephone outages Orange County Eight others part. time with the Compedium book- bathing cap riddle \C ed to continue through the night The big hazard in New Eng¬ land was collapsing roofs, but A bit of snow extended down to New York. There were flur¬ GOP chairman By LARRY LEE State News Staff Writer University police have cul¬ for shoplifting. obs( the cave-ins caused no injuries ries for a radius of 50 to 100 CALL - 355-8255 Roofs of a department store miles of the city. Morton to ass minated a six-month gation with six other police agencies with the arrest of a investi in Michi first be LlFBERMANN'S- 41-year old man who admitted This word came from the ad¬ The affable, Washington - Presi¬ physically tow¬ making obscene references to the ampus last Augusi We Invite you to atte dent Nixon picked Rep. Rogers C.B Morton of Maryland Wed¬ ministration's director. Herbert communications Klein, who ering. 54-year-old Morton had demanded Chotiner's elimin¬ rubber bathing caps, gloves and orking with the Fast Lan- other rubber articles in numer¬ Lansing and State polic nesday. to be the new Repub¬ bviously had been in touch with ation as potential executive vice letters and ixon in Europe. ous telephone calls agencies in A n Arb«»i lican national chairman. chairman of the committee be¬ to females The departure from the com- fore he would accept the chair- Police also said he was res Morton. who will become the mittee scene of Chotiner. Los ponsible for writi npt GOP administration's chief Angeles attorney and bng time •Chotiner. who managed Nix¬ bathing cap parties and other partisan spokesman, received Nixon political associate, will ROSENTHAL White Murray House Chotiner assurance will that not give choosing Morton a free hand his own assistants in on s House. Senate presidential campaigns, figured and vice Tibscehe on references to rubber walls and sidewalks in the MSU-East Lansing area. in a 1956 Senate investigation serve at the national commit- when he takes over the com- of influence peddling. The man was arrested 'thurs mittee post in mid - April STUDIO tee. " day. Feb. 20 in the Union Bldg while he was telephoning a coed who had been set up as a trap Police said legal proc We are proud to announce the opening of our Rosenthal Studio of superlative china, crystal, flatware and art pieces. This collection is an expression of the outstanding artists and designers of our time, including Bjorn Winblad, of Denmark; Tapio Wirkkala, of Finland; Emilio Pucci, of Italy; Raymond Lowey, of the United States; Theo Baumann, of Germany, and others. Come to our special opening Friday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Have coffee on our balcony and see the imagin¬ ative table settings of Rosenthal tableware and accessories. Come again often to see the continuing expressions of the unique Rosenthal design concept. Thursday, February 27, 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ei NEWS Colds make Apollo delay likely IB CAPE KENNEDY, (AP) - The National Aeronautics and NASA said Dr. Charles historic Apollo 8 around the allow astronauts to blast off if day liftoff. The astronauts were summary Sore throats a'nd stuffed noses Space Administration (NASA) plagued all three Apollo 9 astro- said a decision on delay will be Berry, chief astronaut physic- jan ancj ^is medical team "will flight. Air Force Col. Frank Borman suffered an up- they were known from colds. to be suffering All other elements of the to orbit the earth 10 days to check out the lunar module. LEM. the ungainly looking vehi- nauts Wednesday, threatening a made by Thursday morning, observe the crews' condition set stomach and nausea which delay of Friday's planned Sources said a day or two delay throughout the day before mak- officials later said could have countdown proceeded smoothly cle designed to land two men on 1 A capsule summary of the day's events from launching into earth orbit. was almost certain. ing any recommendation wheth- been a reaction to sleeping pills toward the planned 11a I «ur wire services. er the launch should be delayed.'' taken during the flight. Stuffy noses frequently lead to seeks There was no immediate ex- planation whether a virus or bacteria caused the colds which clogged ear passages. This is of some concern in space. While Group " I s ue e r iv hat I have Governors bothered the three pilots-Air the miseries of a cold are only a described a period oj Force Cols. James A. McDivitt nuisance in the orbi'al phases of on 18-year negotiations have been oar th tliitse opponents, we iv ho campus dist and David R. Scott and civilian Russell L. Schweickart. The trio immediately began flight, the rapid air pressure changes of ascent and descent can cause severe ear pain and The Independent Majority will hold a meeting tonight to gather faculty St Clair, and citizens." Chuck spokesman for the recognize that for these ne¬ Washington (AP)--The ex- Hesburgh said that students taking decongestants, antihista- push infective material into the group said. "We are not dis¬ ecutive committee of the Nat- disrupting classes would be giv- mines and vitamin C tablets to sinuses. support for the recent proposal gotiations to succeed it is es¬ to lower the voting age to 18. criminating against the non- ional Governors Conference en 15 minutes for meditation curb effects of the illness. They Cold symptoms are further ivv league look, but onlv the sential that ue maintain the gave support Wednesday to a and would be expelled if they advised to rest and complicated space by breath- Zolton Ferency and other pol- clean-cut will further strength that made negotia¬ • get tough" policy to end dis- continued disruptive action. a,so lots ofadv,sed t0 rest and drink were water. ^ompncatea ing the pure oxygen atmosphere itical figures will discuss both cause " our tions possible." ruptions on the nation's univ- He said non-students would It was the third time in as of the space cabin which tends sides of the voting age question The meeting to be held from j ersity campuses. be arrested and prosecuted. Rockefeller many manned Apollo missions to further irritate the nasal at the meeting which is open 7-9 p.m in 30 Union is not I'resident Hit hard \l. \ixon The committee issued a Gov. Nelson that illness was a factor. membranes. to all citizens concerned with a rally to generate appeal and statement after extended dis- of New York. , one of the gov- All three Apollo 7 pilots suf- The colds on Apollo 7 caused the issue. aversion, but merely a show cussion of the effect of campus ernors here, said the Hes- fered stuffy noses and head some of the irritability in the of support by concerned cit¬ turmoil. Several governors said burgh statement "struck a during their 11-day mis- crew during that flight. Berry- responsive chord vvith the colds last izenry. St. Clair said. the current university atmos- October. And on the said at that time he would not International News phere is making it extremely Americ difficult to persuade the gen¬ eral public of the need for more The enemy's new offensive pushed almost to funds for higher education. the gates of the big U.S. air base at Bien Hoa The governors' statement Wednesday and heavy fighting broke out there The executive committee of only 15 miles north of Saigon. the National Governors Confer¬ SETTHE ence extends its full support to the President of the United States relative to the preser¬ More than 4,000 youths from the student- vation and advancement of high¬ occupied University of Rome took to the er education which is being streets on the eve of President Nixon's ar¬ jeopardized on many of the nat¬ ion's campuses. rival in Rome Wednesday in a left-wing show Lawless acts by small " a of protest against both Nixon and the Italian segment of the student popu¬ FINALS government. lation must not be allowed to interfere with the vast number of students who are seeking National News to exercise their educational opportunities. It might cost an additional $7 billion a year We join with others who to attract enough men for a volunteer army, share a responsible role in but it would be better than either the present pledging actions which will en¬ sure the continuation of these draft system or a draft lottery. Sen. Robert opportunities." Packwood. R-Ore.. said Wednesday. Tuesday President Nixon is¬ sued a statement endorsing the Michigan News policies of the Rev Theodore M. Hesburgh. president of Notre Study Guides Term Paper Cover Dame University. Some Michigan legislators have indicated 130 each plans to sponsor legislation which would call for the dismissal of students and faculty in¬ Muslims to begin 2/250 volved in campus demonstrations. But Gov. • Cliff Notes each Milliken has said he would not ask for such journey to Mecca legislation because "school administrators are for holy ceremony adequately handling the situation." Muslims all the world Monarch Notes 1 Buck Each Typing Paper 790 over Campus News will be celebrating their holi¬ Eaton Corrasable Tablet day. El-adhe. today. Harold Sponberg, President of Eastern Mich¬ igan University, issued a statement saying of During this week, thousands Muslims from many parts • Hi-Liters 39C and 49C Erase Clean 590 black students have agreed to end their boy¬ of the world make their pil¬ cott of classes and demonstrations. He said grimage to the Holy City of representatives of the administration and the These people come to visit students probably would meet Thursday to discuss the 11 demands of the students-in¬ Mohammad's tomb and conduct the sacrifice of camels and • Bluebooks 5C Each 6/25C Carbon Paper 150-500 cluding one that asked the university to drop Each Muslim is required to charges against 14 students arrested during make this pilgrimage once in his lifetime if he is financially an abortive attempt to seize the administra¬ and physically capable tion building last week. -XEROX Those Notes you didn't quite catch. Vduurd I. Brill MICHIGAN Carol Budrou Jerry Hankhurst, editorial edi Tom Brown, sports editor STATE NEWS advertising managei Deborah hitch, a, campus editoi The State News is a free and editorially independent student UNIVERSITY newspaper. Editorials express the unanimous opinion of the editorial board of the State News unless otherwise indicated. Under the provisions of section 6.1 of the "Report on Aca¬ demic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University," final responsibility for all news and editorial content rests Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. with the editor-in-chief. EDITORIALS Black represen One of the contentions of the the regular faculty representa¬ Taylor report is that a new presi¬ tives be a black? dent must be chosen in light of The reality, however, is that the major problems this insti¬ blacks not are represented tution will face in the next ten through the regular channels, years of its history. nor will they be until such a Perhaps the most important time as black enrollment e- problem a new president will quals the percentage of blacks face will be giving the black in the outside community. community its proper role in the community its proper role in Ideally, blacks would be a Nixon9s tour the University. This means in¬ creasing black enrollment from large enough group on campus so they would be represented the present level of less than through regular channels, but the When President regalia Kennedy vis¬ its replacement, a amid France-dom¬ three per cent to a more repre¬ sentative number and upping the number of black faculty reality of the situation de¬ mands that temporary special provisions be enacted so the ited Europe, a few months be¬ inated Europe, the next. members. At present black University can carry through fore his death in 1963. the crowds It seems that so far Presi¬ its commitment to the black 'Sure I think the lottery is better faculty members total only greeting him were immense. dent Nixon has about 20. community and society in gen¬ than the draft, but they're gonna stayed away By the hundreds of thousands. from eral. have a lot of trouble selling tickets!' getting involved in the Since this momentous Europeans mobbed plazas, conflict between Britain and prob¬ -The Editors lem will face the new presi¬ boulevards and airports to get France. The regalia flowed dent. it is appropriate that a look at the youthful Presi¬ freely in Brussels as President black representation be "a part dent. But now. with President Nixon met with King Baudou- Nixon touring Western Europe, in. laid a wreath at the tomb of the search and selection OUR READERS'MIND the committee. hoopla is gone. The crowds of a Belgian unknown soldier, The Taylor report had ori¬ are sparse, the fervor at a low and shook hands with some of ebb. The "low-key tone" set the folk. In Britain ginally provided that the chair¬ students? common by President Nixon has re¬ placed the "Ich bin ein Berlin¬ there was more of the same- meeting Prime Minister Wil¬ man be a of the board of trustees member of the Search Com¬ State News serving er" i'renzy-produring oratory of mittee. but at the request of son. visiting the Royal Fam¬ the trustees, their seat was the Kennedy visit. ily. and becoming the first U.S. tramural activities. To the Editor forced to buy the State News whether However, it is important to President to visit the House of' replaced at Tuesday's Aca¬ . In the past we have reluctantly ac¬ he wants it or not. For years the State News has not demic Council meeting by a cepted the argument that advertising, It does remember that the crisis of to¬ Commons. served the' students in providing cov¬ seem ironic that the cham black student representative national and professional sports and day are just as critical, if not But. in the final few days of and erage and information concerning stu¬ pion9" of student rights gives the stu a black faculty member. dent opportunities in recreation and in- varsity sports were so great that no space dents no choice in this decision. more so. as those in the early his tour, all may not be as was available for either men's or wo¬ Every year I am tempted to inquire HOs The survival of NATO Some objections to the pro¬ men's intramural activities. We have from the organization that issues the pleasant. no conflict with and the vision were raised, however. varsity sport coverage- yearly awards to the State News to at¬ European Economic Anti-Nixon demonstrations by that is obviously a student activity also. tempt to determine upon what criteria Community have been Common Market bandied about, in left-wing students are sure to It has been pointed out that this could provide a bad prece¬ Keep stinging! To attempt to fill the void perpet¬ uated by the News and to serve student the awards are made Coverage of stu I materialize in West Berlin, dent sport activities cannot be one of dent for other minority groups interests in this phase of University recent days, by Britain and though a ban has been placed life, have who may suddenly decide they To the Editor: we developed weekly bulletins Perhaps the State News writers are France. on them, causing embarrass¬ and other devices to get the informa¬ While listening to the 'State News correct. Perhaps it is not important Unfortunately, this confusion ment to the Nixon also deserve a representative. tion to the students Other alternatives to this vital il think entourage. Controversy"' discussion Thursday even¬ that have been tried include weekly sal¬ cover phase ot on NATO and the Common Mai And as President Nixon arrives After all. what if twenty Qua¬ ing on WKAR-FM I was reminded that student life Perhaps there are othei aries to writers to cover events, typed ket undermines the purpose ot to meet Chancellor Kiesinger. kers from Isle Royal decide as a result of my carrying less than 7 phases of student life not covered by credits I have been enjoying your excel¬ and mimeographed schedules, stories the State News. What do you think" the Nixon visit President Nix discussions on the "new" Ber¬ their best interests are not be¬ and features sent lent. stimulating, thought-provoking, in¬ over weekly-even the Frank Beemai on has emphasized, before and lin crisis and Soviet influence ing protected'.' Then an Isle suggestion that we buy advertising space Director. Intramurals formative publication free of charge. was considered. duiing his trip, the need for co in Western Europe will take top Royal Quaker would have to be Please accept the enclosed dollar as my In the belated subscription remittance for the Monday. Jan. 13. and Friday. operation and understanding a- instated the committee. priority. on current term. I believe that the amount Jan 17 issues, are beautiful examples Force Owen action mong the nations of Western President Nixon's smiling The point has also been made and kinds of reactions that your fine pa¬ of how valuable space is used for the amusement of one or two of the State Europe. His words will have face and warm words of sincer- that blacks can be represent¬ per elicits from its readers are in a very ^.'ews writers rather than to cover items real sense a tribute to its relevancy, To the Editor: no effect if secret negotiations ity are fine for good will, but ed through the normal proce¬ of interest for the students I would I am most pleased to the Owe' virility and guts. Yet. I suppose that see go on between Britain and in svmbolic realitv " something dures. The regular student re¬ the noble gad-fly must run the risk of like to weigh student interest in Mike Hall food situation get campus-wide France while President de Manlevs exposition on the fact that is rotten in the state of Den- presentative could as well be being slapped by the horses tail. Keep coverage. his fitness is not adequate to participate In the middle of last Gaulle continues to advocate mark." stinging1 term my food black or green or orange or enjovably in an intramural basketball costs reached the point George G. Giddings where I a had an end to NATO one day with -The Editors white. And couldn't one of game, and his last discussion of a De¬ to stop eating, or b get a contract. Lansing graduate student troit comic strip against coverage of the Investigation of the matter led me to a some 330 basketball. 115 bowling teams, food contract at Shaw Hall, a nice place not to mention the other 22 men's and FRED SHERWOOD women's to eat. but a long way from Owen sports this term or the ap¬ I had been denied permission to eat at proximately 2.000 students involved in McDonel. only 100 feet from my room. the 21 sports clubs. For the remainder of the term. I did If you rely on the State News for in¬ what I could to publicize this to mem¬ formation concerning student activities, bers of the administration of academe Finally, at ^g,j|Nuts in the you would never know that approximate¬ the beginning of this term. I was granted grove that the Swiss steak be given a proper ly 5.000 men and women participate ev¬ ery week in scheduled activities of their choosing If the purpose of the State News is to serve the student, perhaps a permission to take a contract at Mc¬ Donel. well, and It so is open to those who may has far worked as out I know, very, this very option want it. Cost The prospect of tel chisels that take their toll in a News-run survey of student interests-of is $206.50. all you can eat. pro¬ tracted frontal lobotomv over four years What is needed, is escape. Small what the student would like to see If cov¬ more people would applv for Mc¬ the cloudy future Thurber elev- How many students, for instance, have frustrations and hostilities should be ered-would be appropriate. More Donel. this might force some action on than dragged themselves out of bed and vented on a small scale to prevent appropriate, it would seem obligatory the Owen cafeteria. slipped from crawled across campus for their only their growing into large, unnamable. that the editors and writers serve the Ken Parent trdered and dis itict. into the morning class, only to find when thev inner monsters. You kick student interest since the student is can your Wheaton. 111., graduate student arrive that the class has been called rommmate or destroy some of his fav¬ off Or how many have gone without orite empty wine bottles, when the sleep for an entire weekend to do a world seems to be a little too much to stultifying humdru term paper, only to discover everyone else is handing theirs in late and the If your roommate is large or quick¬ ADS purpose not grasped prof doesn't really care'.' tempered. however, his reaction may To the Editor: ha vi The list goes on and on: Being turned also prove a little too much to bear likely they would have gone to so much > find its down for a date because the girl says Last week I attended the ADS compe¬ trouble for us: there are easier ways of In this case you might do better to walk tition. That first afternoon we were considerably i nisshapen for wn around she is going to the Harvard-Vale foot¬ down the hall until you find someone influencing thought than by giving 10 my ankles the next morning or in sev¬ ball game - who is not greeted at the Auditorium by several stu¬ scholarships worth $8600 apiece and giv¬ in April. Buving $50 large and has no large friends eral small pieces scattered about the enough stumble dents passing out literature. The piece worth of books at the MSI" bookstore, l to through mid- and kick him. ing a fancy banquet And of course. Dr These can be picked up and. if and finals, that most impressed me was the letter Sabine oniv allowed Dr room dropping them into the Red Cedar and is only to endure the Another great escape is to cut a few- Augenstein to( nurtured carefully with cokes and as¬ natic ordeal of from a fellow ADS student: It was the watching them being eaten bv ducks registration and classes and spend the time wearing speak to us because he knew we would with financially weaker, limp, arm- most emotional, least logical writing be impressed with his humanity and pirin. will be ready to Junction again on a literary appetite. Getting a blind ge your sun glasses or looking out the soaked and about to start the whole I have ever read from a student of this Mondav morning date who has the mind of Goldie Hahn window or trip out on Lavoris. Run into then equate him with MSU forever and Minds are not usually lost in one fell and the looks of Howard Gabe. Taking a calibre The girl who wrote it did not ever in our poor, childish minds. Hardly. nagai your English class wearing boots and a swoop, however. Being a complex and wrong turn at Frandor on the wav to a Eventually some of the stays begin I Macintosh, scream "Fire.'' and chop up grasp the purpose of her visit to MSU. or i The writer must have found some¬ manv-faceted thing the human mind term party at the Jack Tar Hotel and give Things get too unbear all the desks Put on warpaint and recognize the designs of those people who the books invited her there, of those students thing good-she's going to MSU in the usually runs into the woods only after a waking up - Sunday morning in a load and walls close in. Some shoot flaming arrows into Bessev Hall or fall i. one student she chose to support I not argu¬ gradual chipping-away process over an ex¬ lugger behind the Boom Boom Room. sees a strolling naked down from a rented canoe. Wrap your gar¬ am I also wonder why the SDS kids tried This is only scratching the surface. Grand River. Literary minded ducks bage in a copy of the National Re¬ ing whether or not she had the "right" tended period of time Anyone who sut¬ to gain our interest and sympathy in lers to endure the task of gaining a high¬ Students wander through a maze of disappear in the night. A man in view. Feign insanity on Mondays and to make such an announcement, or to the first place. black We have no prior in¬ er education knows onlv too well the lit buildings, classrooms and bureaucrat- appears at Case Hall and warns Wednesdays. attend such a meeting. <1 personally formation (or precious little* about their I would take none of this advice, feel that anv who were interested would cause celebre. and are probablv very of course, because I need no such friv¬ have heard without her aid of the meet¬ susceptible to a little bit of persuasive, olous and absurd means to vent my ing. and that if'the students wished to emotional intellectualisms or some flat¬ frustrations. I make that announcement they should employ what I think is a tering generalities. Are they (just may¬ more mature and sophisticated means have asked permission themselves ahead be i trying to get us emotionally involved of mediating repressed drives by roll¬ of time.' I am simply questioning her in their affairs0 Could they be hoping ing three ball bearings in my hand as ability to judge people She claimed- for the support of these soon-to-be fresh¬ I walk to classes. I find this works on the basis of om- incident-that nil of men? I don't know. But I do doubt quite well, and the ball bearings come the people responsible for ADS were a lack of mendacity. in handy for crashing inter-fraternitv completely insincere and only interested marble shootings or dropping on roaches in brainwashing us as to the glories of in the johns of Berkev Hall. MSU If they were that bad it is not Thursday, February 27, l^b9 Michigan State News, East Lam .ng, Michigan CHILDREN OBSERVANT New observa Sex ideals begin at home contracted U' It is through watching the Contracts were awarded Fri¬ ing a 24-inch aperture reflect¬ A family therapist said Tues¬ ways to relate to a child." Miss ren. day at a Sexuality Colloquy Satir said, " is through your parents work out their differ¬ day for the immediate con¬ ing telescope in a rotating dome, lecture that children are like entness that the children learn struction of a new $660,000 will allow researches to direct own modeling as well as com¬ a sponge in the sense that munication with one another." sexual notions as interpreted observatory at MSI'. photography of star clusters and they have no preconceived idea She said that what many fam¬ by the two sexes, she said. The idea for the facility dates planetary nebulae and measure Sexual delineation starts star brightness. of what it is to be a male or ilies desperately need to be¬ back to July 1966 when the female. come aware of is male and fe¬ right at birth. she said. Dept. of Astronomy was es¬ Albert P. Linnell. professor "Discussing "The Family as male differences. There should really not be any tablished It has been in the and chairman of the Dept of the Teacher of Sex. Virginia Miss Satir said that parents babies, but rather girls and intensive planning stage for one Astronomy, said that in the Satir said that every culture should be open with their child¬ year and will be located at the future the observatory will also has an image of how sexes are intersection of Forest and Col¬ house a small computer to different. lege Roads, one mile south of automatically control the tele¬ She explained that the de¬ scope and help analyze data. velopment of the family always starts at never any out of context point in time, one is really able to start out because Kelley re New observatory The provide search and new observatory graduate student training and will will re¬ be the for Other future accurate equipment for observatory includes a laser measurement of the distanc of satellites and voting with a fresh conception of sex¬ Contracts have been verified and accepted for used by faculty members in uality. Miss Satir said that because re the new struction MoU observatory immediately. which will undergo con¬ It will be built nea- Di¬ researching theoretical stages studies now in other spa . objects and a spec¬ trograph for studying stars for color and color changes. of the nature of children at He said that Michigan's elect¬ The two-story building, hous¬ Atty Gen. Frank J. Kelley vision and Forest streets. birth they take in everything, called upon the legislature this ion law provides for students sometimes learning from par¬ week to change the voting re¬ to vote in the university com¬ ents concepts they never in¬ sexuality: quirements for college stu¬ munity only if they can prove tended to relay a search tor perspective dents residency. A lot of what comes into the NYU philosophy professor " In a letter to State Sen. The student must prove that notion of sexual hang-ups has on what it feels like to be i 1 Anthony Stamm. R-Kalamazoo. he is no longer a resident in to do with how adults who more the presence of a male Kelley said that college students his home town by showing his directed us got together on all What is maleness and fe¬ have a legal right to vote where age. lack of parental support, they believe about maleness and femaleness. than on genital con¬ stitution." Miss Satir said. Sex. sexuality, maleness. fe¬ maleness and who authoritatively about it is a.i important question." Miss Satir said. can tal.< they live, but that because of a family location, employment in quirk in the election laws, they the community and property mav ible. find registration imposs¬ ownership. Kelley said the present law to speak on human rights From Hegel to Marx. John Sidney Hook, a philosophy age of social and scientific maleness.- differentness. same¬ She stated that almost without In my opinion the election discriminates against college Dewev: An Intellectual Por¬ and communication . professor from New York I'n¬ trait. and The Hero in His¬ ness are exception, when one parent is law should be changed to per¬ students who "are in the pro¬ Hook received the master's iversity. will discuss The the important aspects of sex. not present in the family, child¬ mit college students to vote cess of preparing for a car¬ Justification of Human Rights and doctoral degrees in phil¬ tory: A Study in Limitation Miss Satir said ren who grow up in this at¬ at the place where they habit¬ eer. rather than practicing at 8 p.m. Friday in Conrad osophy from Columbia I'niver¬ and Possibility, which won him Miss Satir explained that the Nicholas Murray Butler Sil¬ mosphere have trouble with ually sleep, keep their personal Auditorium. sity. He joined the New York mothers can only give their their self and their mate. effects and have their place of "This kind of discrimination ver Medal for distinction in the sex University faculty in 1927 He male children their own views One of the most important lodging. Kelley said feeds their discontent and adds Firmly opposed to all var¬ has also taught at Harvard, the field of philosophy and educat¬ to their list of grievances." ieties of totalitarianism. Hook University of California, and the ions talk will clo: ■ the < he said. has said in his many writings New School for Social Research. Cartoonists ref Kelley's opinion was an an¬ swer to questions asked by Stamm. resulting from student that democracy can become a living faith for America in this His publications include The Metaphysics . of Pragmatism. Memorial Lectures which have examined the Human Philosophy of Rights " Sponsored by complaints of voter discrim¬ breaks MSU's philosophy department, in caricatures ination in Ann nrbor. Students there said that their Mayor the lecture is open to the pub lie without charge SIDNEY HOOK right, to vote was denied them began to sing about for parki B\ SI E REBECK stable. superstitious, happy-go- Americans in the presidential election State News Staff Writer lucky. and generally lazy Rosie O'Grady and the Irish Kelley said that Michigan law new St. Patrick's and boisterous sweethearts. Day came on states that a student's legal Feb 25 at James Madison Col¬ Drawing resources from Appel has started a similar Ground broken Tues¬ The State News, the student neuspapci at Michigan State University, is residence is not usually the was Puck magazine which was be¬ published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week lege this year study of the American black, university community where he day morning for the first of and Orientation issues in June and September SubscripUon rates are $14 John Appel. professor of ATL. started in 1876 by Joseph Kep- fore March 1. picturing the black man's self lives, but the community he five proposed parking ramps 19p. Patriarche spoke on the history of the Irish pler. and Judge magazine start¬ impression and the white man's came from prior to becoming a in East Lansing. Gordon L. said It will have four complete cari'cature and on Racial Ster¬ ed by Republicans in opposition Sambo.' levels and part of a fifth. The Member Associated Press, United Press International Inland Daily Press student. Thomas, mayor of East Lans¬ to Puck. Appel depicts the pol¬ third and fourth levels wiir Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association. Mich¬ eotypes in the Graphic arts." ing. John M Patriarche. city- itical role of the Irish The early black man was pic¬ He said standards for de¬ igan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association For two Appel has Jacobsen's years tured in caricatures as the manager. and members of the connect to pro¬ been interested in the graphic immigrant. termining residency in a town¬ Second class postage paid at Exist Lansing. Michigan Chicken thief." or the city council were present at posed store on the corner of "St. Patrick's Day in New port¬ ship. city or village were vague. Division and East Grand River Editorial and business offices at 34' Student Services Building. Michigan image of minority groups, be¬ the groundbreaking er." and. he was always b^ing State University. East Lansing. Michigan ginning with the image of. t^e,, Vjork.'.was pictured by Th The ramp located at corner Avenue immigrant and expanding his Xasf as a rtxudy political dem plagued by his association' Phones Aith v as the source of the student's study to include all ethic groups. onstration of Irish strength A Break in Fashion Editorial 355-8252 \ppel spoke on the Irish im¬ In one cartoon. Americans income, how much money is $25.00 REWARD! FEB. 27 7:30 Classified Advertising 355-K55 were building a wall to keep In later magazines, the black derived from each source, and Display Advertising 353-6400 age i became the bartender for I TO THE PERSONS Business-Circulation 355-3447 the Chinese out of the country where the student spends his UNION BALLROOM Appel depicts the image of Photographic 355-8311 the Irishman as it changed from and the Irish laborer was lead¬ whites' Old Gold" social events. advertisment pic¬ One vacation an time, individuals in determining residency J RESPONSIBLE FOR Door Prizes No Admission a poor countrv bumpkin to a ing the. construction. I THE INCIDENT Between 1885 and 1905. the tures an old black showing Male & Female Fashions city laborer ■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■a I AT THE CAMPUS Paddv and Bridget the Irish became citified Clothing Marilyn Miller how to dance, ■ FREAKOUT No. 5 ■ and many times cartoons ex¬ I THEATRE LAST typical Irish man and wife improved, the Irish women be¬ pressed the black man's own ■ FRIEND & LOVER® have been depicted as violent, came less crude, less emphasis ■ J J THURSDAY NIGHT Record entertainment, the Cake Walk. Thursdayi was placed on violence, and With Jim Schwall irresponsible, emotionallv un¬ ■ Fri Feb. 28 ■ | NO QUESTIONS ASKED Appel pointed that modern I CONTACT MR. ROSENFELD ! UNION BALL ROOM ! U' tuition committee caricatures have physical features and the only lost distinct | CAMPUS THEATRE visual cue to tell that a car¬ toon character is a black is ]•••••• urges fee modification the use of color. Perhaps, he said, this innovation stems from !••••••< • \ The committee formed by rationale was that since stu President Hannah to study the dents are required to take these the racial controversy in the modern world Appel concluded that Carry Out LOOK AT THESE PRICES Our Reg. Record Thurs. W* • • car¬ Mfg. List • present, I'niversity tuition plan courses, fees for lockers and recommended Tuesday that towels should not be charged, toons reflect history as the For Lunch Prices Low Prices PRICES • MSI" has fee hut be included in course fees $1.98 $1.89 $1,69 • • Rustem said that the comm _ _ BEGINS AT 2.50 2.19 1.99 • I ndet this system all stu¬ itee hoped to eliminate "ex¬ 2.98 2 59 2.39 11a.m. dents would pav a set amount traneous fees in the different for tuition and pav an addit¬ programs offered ." High 3.98 2.99 2.79 • ional amount for each cred¬ • 3.99 3.79 it 'lour i Bill egistered Rustem. Frankenmuth Sorority toy drive Style 4.98 4.89 4.69 • 5.98 sophomore, a member of the 4.99 • committee, tuition svstem called the present outmoded and to cheer children by Call Ahead, Your order w;ll be read/ 6.98 5.99 old Mr. John Carver Rustem said the committee Manicuring your own finger¬ » Special orders for carry out. also agreed that* improvement ot speech clinic nails? Keep doors and windows » Six-inch (half-size) sandwiches available for carry out. fees should'be eliminated Delta Zeta sorority is spon¬ closed to prevent drafts. . , breezes make tiny bubbles. Record-of-the-week The soring a toy drive for the new When putting on liquid make¬ improvement course MSF Speech and Audiology Clin¬ up base, use (Surprisel) down Newest Release fees are unnecessary and dis¬ ic to be opened in March. ward strokes .... .it prevent criminatory against the stu¬ Creedence Clearwater* The new clinic will need fluffing up the almost invis¬ dents who have to pay for them Rustem said toys for the children that will ible downy hairs and your skin Revival * be treated there Since the will look smoother. Rustem said that the fees In Paris it's usual for "Bayou Country" Lansing area people don't have for repeated courses no longer to go to the same beauty salons to pay much tor the service, Ham & Salami • Turkey • Roast Beef fulfill their purpose. He said $009 3 extra monev or tovs are needed that originally these course fees ing her hair done often finds for the children. Pam Miller. were instituted to discourage Grand herself sitting beside All sandwiches contain Rapids sophomore, said. students from repeating cour¬ having a shave,haircut o EACH ses However, having to pay ad¬ The present speech and aud¬ provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes iology clinic is located in the and ditional fees to repeat cour¬ basement of the Auditorium. Frown-removing trick: place special seasonings. ses has actually had little effect two fingers firmly between eye¬ Speech pathology majors work brows and try to frown. This on students. with Lansing area children for Rustem added that the com¬ strengthens the muscles . . . three terms in the clinic in less than 30 seconds. Delivery ^ mittee recommended a possible Today and every entire L.P. record stock is reduced Anyone wishing to contribute Same principle as isometric elimination of health, physical to the drive should bring the to special low |ov> stock arrives weekly in our discount body exercises. education and recreation course fees toys to the Delta Zeta soror¬ ity house. 110 Oakhill Ave Going dancing? Wear less perfume than usual . . . . Begins at record department. He said that the committee s Physical activity makes fra¬ grance stronger because of body HE' Jet To Europe heat. Better to overwhelm your partner with charm. (pa ^ook^ Our salon specializes in SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER THIS SUMMFR JORes knowing what makes a woman Harrison & Trowbridge Roads turn men's heads! DETROIT-LONDON MR. JOHN'S 8 weeks. 12 weeks. . . . . .$233 .$204 501 HAIR FASHIONS 1/2 E. Grand River Across From Berkey Hall 351-3800 SIGN UP UNION BOARD OFFICE OPEN WEEKDAYS TILL 2A.M. Across From The Union Across From Free Berkey Hall Parking at Store Side City Parking At Rear Door Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 27, 1969 SPORTS Stepter's defenp/ay TOM BROWN Beer drin earns Benington's praise By MIKE MANLEY "Stepter did a fabulous job plays better than anyone I've "But he's come back and rank on State News Sports Writer on Mount," Benington said. "It seen," Benington said. "Step¬ played some great ball games. It is a safe et that a major¬ was the best job on him man- ter has quick hands and can It takes a lot to do that, es¬ As "I'm on the Road Again" thumped out of the juke box ity of the .411 fans that to-man that I have ever seen. play extremely tight defense." pecially for a senior. He's got It has not been easy for the for the 97th time Tuesday night, the word passed around jammed Jen son Fieldhouse Only four of his baskets were pride in himself," he said. 6-3 senior from St. Louis. When "Most guys would have given Paul Revere s circular bar. Tuesday night were lured by Stepter's fault.'' the golden right arm of Pur¬ Before the Purdue game. he came here he was not a good up when they found themselves "John Benington is a jerk," someone growled. defensive player but by working on the second team with sopho¬ "Yeah, he took out Rudy Benjamin when he had a hot due's Rick Mount. Stepter came into Benington's But every office and said that he wanted last summer he learned how to mores." hand." another seconded. tirm- they glanced at Mount during the game they to play Mount one on one. He play a man without the ball— "He could be our leader now "Benington knows defense, alright," a third remarked, his major problem. Benington if he had another year." "but what does he know about offense?" also saw MSU's Harrison Step- had confidence that he could Ben¬ said. "That's just it," the first fellow said. "Benington wouldn't ter. Slepter followed Mount step stay with him Benington said ington said. know what to do with a good offensive player if he had one." for step, move for move. The that one of the reasons Step¬ Stepter was benched several The MSU basketball team had just lost by two points to end result was that Mount, who ter came to MSU two years weeks ago after some sub-par performances and this seemed Volleyball the No. 7 team in the nation and the draft drinkers at the was averaging ovt 32 points ago from Moberly Junior Coll¬ to bring him to life. The undefeated MSU volley¬ circular bar had their bowels in an uproar. a game and well o t 50 per¬ ege was he wanted to play "The day after ball team will meet Michigan "Some coach," one bellyached, "he blows a 13 point cent from the floor, managed against Mount. He wanted to he was only 10 of 24 from the floor play agains' the best. benched he was out in prac¬ in Ann Arbor at 7:30 tonight. tice and working harder than Transportation will be pro¬ Spartan rebound MSU center Lee Lafayette soars high over Pur¬ lead. We could have beat Purdue bad. " Beers in hand, interrupted only by the straining "Hey and 31 hare-earned points. 'Stepter plays a dribbler well and anyone on the court," Bening¬ vided for all interested per¬ Jude and an occasional turn on the pool table, the bar- That's about all any team can man-to-man he forced due's George Faerber for a rebound in Tuesday's Mount to take bad shots. He ton said "He did this knowing sons who are asked to meet stool coaches enumerated Benington's miscues. hope for against the Purdue 74-42 loss to the Boilermakers while Bernie Cope- star. Coacli John Benington does the same thing against that he would be on the bench at the Men's I.M. Bldg. at 1-A technical call on Benington set up a Purdue five- land (35) and Tim Bograkos (12) wa'ch. next game. 6 p.m. point play. own Ralph Simpson. r Stafe News photo by Jim Richardson 2-Benington removed Benjamin when he was scoring well. Try this Special Offer 3-With possession of the ball and five seconds remain¬ Weekend appearances last ing. Benington threw away a chance to tie the game with an incredibly dumb play". FREE, FAST DEUVERY Although John Benington wasn't on hand to defend him¬ self Tuesday night, he discussed all three situations Wed and for skaters' leading scorer nesday morning. Who's to blame for the five-point play? Benington ex¬ plained he was upset by an official's decision which gave By PAM BOYCE goals and 18 assists, the senior of player coach would like a the ball to Purdue after the Boilermakers' Rick Mount I DOMINO'S COUPON , State News Sports Writer This weekend series facing center was responsible for two goals and three assists in the to have The a 5-10, dozen more of. 175-pound center knocked it out of bounds. | DOMINO'S COUPON | the MSU hockey team marks series the Spartans swept from hails from Sudbury. Ontario, In the official's manner attention of all coaches. to the Benington called the errant miscall. When the ball went out I the last home appearance for Michigan last month in Ann • senior co-captain Ken Anstey. Arbor. He also scored an un¬ along with fellow co-captain Bob DeMarco and his two soph¬ of bounds a second time, the official then made the same 50* Good on Any call. Benington said. { Worth | the Spartan's leading scorer assisted goal in the 2-1 vic¬ omore cousins. Mike and Gerry "It seems if you call their attention to something you On-Camus Order for two consecutive years. tory over defending national DeMarco. | Voted the team's outstanding champs Denver two weeks ago. don't like." Benington said, "they'll come right back with the same call. It's an emotional game." Coach • player last year as a junior. Amo Bessone calls With Mount moving into the key for a jumper, an officia1 Anstey has lettered on the MSU Anstey one of the best fore- called a foul on the Spartans. » varsity for three years, accum¬ checkers in the WCHA. "Bv this time you're really worked up." Benington said "Kenny has been outstanding i ulating numerous honors in that for his three years on our team, and then this official who can't even see the play-he was span of time. Limit — one coupon per pizza i and he's been a good steady looking through the players-sends Mount to the line for Named the Outstanding Soph¬ a foul shot." Expires—February 28, 1969 omore in the WCHA in 1966. player and an excellent play- i Anstey was the fifth-leading maker." the coach said. And what caused the technical? | DOMINO'S COUPON DOMINO'S COUPON I scorer with 19 points on nine He's well - respected "It was the right call." Benington said. "I threw a towe on the floor. I didn't say anything but throwing the towe I— goals and ten assists behind throughout the league and has been a fine captain for our was a demonstration." such Spartan standouts as Sandy I suggested he bring his famous yoyo out of hiding. McAndrew. Tom Mikkola and team," he said. "He really DOMINO'S Benington shrugged. Doug Volmar. proved what he was worth last "For all the official knew, I could have been throwing During his junior year Anstey year when he was voted the the towel at a cockroach--he doesn't know Jenison like was named to the All-Big Ten most valuable player " . "J' *: do." he said. tournament team, leading the Bessone said he feels Anstev is one of the better playmakers Benington added the officials got testy when the MSI PIZZA ichiga) team that year in scoring with bench called their attention to a ball point pen on the in the league, almost to the 11 goals and 19 assists for playipg floor. 30 points. He has the chance point of sacrificing his own Someone could have been hurt1;" Beningtop said "Robb.s^, to pass that mark this year scoring chances to set someone 1 MSU Trainer Gavle Robinson 1 was waving a towel in with a minimum of three games else up. this one guy's face: he could have given us another techni¬ 351-8870 or 351-7100 remaining to be played. Leading the Spartan scorers this year with 29 points on 11 "Kennv practice Bessone as works said. "He's as he does in a hard game," the in type ■qtatf KEN ANSTEY cal. I "Either the official is to blame for the five-point play or am." Benington said. "And since the official is never wrong, then I suppose I'm to blame for it." Moving on. he said the Spartans could have used Ben¬ Sale jamin's scoring ability. "We needed him out there for his scoring but our guards have special defensive responsibilities." Benington explained. and a man that scores four but gives up six-not that Rudy Pastel Co-ord did—isn't going to help us." As for the last play. Benington said the Spartans didn't V2 OF have one. (please turn to page 7) Sweaters, Ski A Break in Fashion JET TO EUROPE V2 OF This Summer Detroit-London 8 Weeks $233 Feb. 27 UNION BALLROOM 7:30 Leather Co-o Sign 12 Weeks up Union Board Office $204 Door Prizes No Admission Phone: 355-3355 Male & Female Fashions */2 OF ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Blouses prints, stripes, checks G. I. Civilian Anti-War Alliance 1/3 to 1/ Organization meeting } Guest Speaker-Nellie Bell * Help Plan April 5 Anti-War March * * Manila, 203 E. Grand River weed Thursday - Feb. 27- 8:00 p.m. Room all are invited 31, Unio * * Open Wednesdays 9:30 to 9 For Information 353-7537 * SALE FREAKOUT No. 5 7 featuring great f 1. lighted dial 2. repeat alarm: 4 extra ten-minute naps 3. loud buzzer 4. sweep second hand 5. tap-top control bar 6. walnut finish hardwood 7. guaranteed* for 1 year. •ELECTRIC ALARM GUARANTEE—Movements are guaranteed for one year from date of sale against faulty materials or workmanship of parts, or return clock for free replacement. Spring accents pierced and clip earrings Friend & Lover (singing Reach Out of the Darkness) Including Jim Schwall (formerly of Seigel-Schwall) Also: The Maxx and a giant psychedelic Light Show 14K gold post or wires on all pierced earrings Sears drops has and a gay, hoops youthful collection of buttons, in enamels, filigrees, antiques, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 ^sS0m„'$2.oo MSU STUDENT UNION BALLROOM classic and stone sets . . . some the real thing. Designed with the Sponsored by the M.S.U. Fund For Disadvantaged Children accent on youth. Come see# Thursday, February 27, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS |Big 10 track field Spartan gymnast Haynie favors Wisconsin By DON KOPRIVA stands out under pressure Not many athletes can excel According to Haynie. the State News Sports Writer know what it takes to get it." Haynie managed a fourth with Wehrwein, Wisconsin and under pressure, but Spartan Haynie said. 8.5. A score of 8.625 put him greatest thing gymnastics com¬ | Winzinreid will work wonders. Mark Winzinrie has establish¬ gymnast Norm Haynie has stood Leveling his sights at a win in fourth place in vaulting com¬ petition has given him is self- That's the guiding slogan at ed himself this year as the most out for MSU when the going in the NCAA finals. Haynie has petition at Iowa earlier this respect. And according to Szy¬ I this weekend's 59th Big Ten potent Big Ten performer along is toughest. a polished routine which could season. pula. Haynie has given the team indoor track championships at with Wehrwein. Against Illinois and Minn¬ accomplish his goal Haynie feels that drive of fel¬ a dedicated gymnast they can esota this season, a | Illinois as the Spartan ace. The Monroe. Wis.. soph¬ strong per¬ After adding to his basic low team members has gelled count on. powerful Wisconsin squad. omore already traveled 1.000 formance by Haynie in the high high school program. Haynie's into a strong team effort. I and the league's brightest new yards in 2:07.8. a would-be bar. the final event of has nastics meet, has a gym¬ routine now has seven "C The team more team Yoz signs poet, I star figure to dominate. American and collegiate mark brought MSU moves of the highest difficulty spirit than they've had in four- Bill Wehrwein. MSU junior rendered unacceptable for the a victory. out of eleven possible tricks. years." Haynie said. "The rea¬ I who has smothered the world. same reason as Wehrwein's Haynie has learned to cope with pressure in his gymnastics There are only two or three men in the country using Czech son izes is that each individual real¬ his is putting biggest in A.L. American and collegiate re¬ 600 clocking the Badgers' dirt teammate cords at 600 yards with a 1:08.6 career he has been up giants and Haynie is one of out his most. Whatever come WINTER HAVEN. Fla . a win over Bob Dickson of Iowa, in the country." MSU Coach fluenced Haynie to come to MS i I per lap track in the Astrodome, hs gue batting champion in 1968 at and Mark Gibbens of Indiana or major competition for the George Szypula said. Haynie is a civil engineering .301. undoubtedly will receive could drop below 1:08 on the Ken Howse of Illinois (two league high bar title. Haynie Haynie's contribution to the major on a four year gym¬ inexesss of $1000.000 ini's T?rtan track if the Rose- place fourth in Big Ten high team is felt in other events nastics scholarship His ac¬ The contract was for one year I ville speedster gets the record- Top choices are also Mike bar competition last year as well. ademic determination matches but also will cover the 1970 sea¬ | breaking way. Wisconsin, winner of the last Butler of Wisconsin < high and low hurdles i. Ira Russell of Flying High Averaging 9.25 in the high bar. Haynie has suffered suffered and Last week against Ohio Stale Wisconsin. Haynie won sec¬ his he's gymnastics achievement, for high in the honor roll, too son as well, unless renegotia¬ ted I two indoor championships and Watched closely by Olympian and former Spart' only one loss this season-to ond in floor exercise with 8.8 I try to be as good a gym¬ Michigan ilong jumpi. Jeff the Only other Sox player working champ .in 1965 when it was last Michigan (long jumpi. War¬ Dave Thor, MSU's Norm Haynie perfoi Michigan's Mike Sasich. and he augmented Spartan depth nast as I can be with the com¬ under a multiple-year agreement held in Champaign, is a heavy ren Bechard of U-M and Mike horizontal bar during MSU's gymnastic meet v< Haynie attributes his success in vault and parallel bars promise of having to achieve is Ken Harrelson. now on the favorite again to annex the Bond of Wisconsin (triple Michigan earlier this season. to a lot of work and sweat. Filling in on parallel bars for academic success as well.' final year of a two-vear contract. I know what I want, and I the first time this Haynie said. jump'. Jeff McLellan of State News photo by Joe Ty season. Keyed mainly by a strong Illinois (shot put1. Gary I corps of middle distance men. Haupert of Indiana (high jump' grabs I the Badgers have mauled all and Ed Halik of Illinois . . .TOM BROWN Mat crown gro u while Bissell's other loss was contested in the meet with four 177- Another three-way bat¬ By GARY WALKOWICZ (continued from page 6) I Executive Sports Editor to Cech top wrestlers entered. Joe tle is on tap here. Verlyn Strell- Ellis of Wells (5-0i of Iowa. Chuck (6-0-1) of Iowa. Tom "We didn't have any time-outs remaining--!! we had called The competition for the in¬ 130- Mike (5-0' ner one. it would have .meant a technical.'' he said. dividual crowns in this week¬ MSU will likely be seeded No Marshall (6-1 > of Illinois. Kruse (8-1) of Ohio State 1. but Iowa's Joe Carstensen Otto Zeman (7-0-1 of North¬ and Pete Cornell (7-1-1) of The Spartans took the ball in play across the court from end's Big Ten wrestling cham¬ the MSU bench with Benington yelling at his guards to get (6-21 will be tough after be¬ western. and John Abajace Michigan are the top choices pionships should be just as in¬ the ball in to Lee Lafayette. Purdue was waiting back under tense as the battle for the team ing moved down from 137. Lou (5-0) of MSU Marshall's with MSU's Jack Zindel (3- their basket. Benington thought that under the circumstances Hudson (8-11 of Michigan loss was to Wells, while Ze¬ 2)rated a darkhouse. Harrison Stepter might have penetrated the Boilermaker The fight in each event should lost to Ellis by one point this man was tied by Marshall. HEAVYWEIGHT MSU's Jeff zone on his own shape up as follows (Big Ten year. Jack Dunn (8-3' of 160- Defending champ Rick Smith (5-0). last year's champ, in the Mihal (9-01 of Iowa is the is big favorite in this event. But Step doesn't do well against a zone. Benington said. dual meet marks in parenthe- Northwestern is also a heavy favorite here. Seth Nor¬ Russ Hellickson (8-0-1' of "He played a lot of playground ball where its two-on-two and running. he sent it into the corner. 1 don't know 123- A 137- MSU's Keith Lowrance ton (9-1-1' of Northwestern Wisconsin. Dan Kraft (7-2- three-on-three so three-way battle what he was thinking looms in this event between 15-01 is the definite favorite and MSU's Tom Muir (4- 2' of Northwestern and Iowa's 1 rate second choices. Dale Stearns (6-1-1) will Would Benington take another like Tuesday s game with Frank Nichols <5-5> of Min¬ with Steve Buttrey (7-0-21 as the Boilermakers. nesota. Tim Cech <9-1 of of Northwestern and Wiscon¬ Muir's and Norton's only Big likelv fight it out for second Ten losses were to Mihal. The conference titlist will be "It was a good game. Benington said. I'd like to play Michigan and MSU's Gary Bis- sin's Ray Knutilla '10-6'. one like it every day sell (3-2'. Nichols beat each who was fourth last year, given 167- This is probably the decided on a complicated, And vou can bet. circular bar. that he'll win a few of them of the other two last weekend. outside chances meet's most wide open event. three-phase scoring system. 145- Ron Ouellet (5-0 > Michigan's Jesse Rawls (6- The first through fourth fin¬ 0-11 may be a slight favor¬ ishers in each weight class will of MSU looks like the No. 1 ite. but Bruce Kirkpatrick <6- receive 10. 7. 4 and 2 points, Indiana tankers favored as seed, while Iowa's John Irvine (6-1-11 and Indiana's Jim 21 of Illinois. Minnesota's Mike respectively. In addition, a Lentz (8-2-1'. who has won Maas (4-3-1). Iowa's Steve for each pin or forfeit and one his last 10 matches, are strong DeVries (8-2 > and MSU's point for each advance in the JOE CARSTENSEN contenders. Pat Karslake (1-2-2). are elimination tourney, excluding Big 10 swim tourney opens Michigan is out to end in the breaststroke and individ- as 152- This event shapes up one of the most closely all in the running. Indiana will be a heavy favor¬ , Indiana's reign and they rest most of their hopes for this on Juan Bello and Gary Kinkead. ual medley and Van Rockefeller in the butterfly. Other top swimmers in the ■ FREAKOUT 8 FRIFND& No.5 LOVER * J Study in ite to .. their ninth straight Bello has the nation's best time meet are Purdues Dan Milne, * with Jim Schwall g Big 10 imming championship in both the 200 freestyle and defending champion in the 50 ■ when the tournament opens to¬ individual medley while Kin- and 100 freestyle: Doug Mc- Fri Feb 28 ■ day in Madisnn. Wis. Michigan kead owns the best time in the Owen. Wisconsin s top sprinter, ! UNION BALLROOM ■ is the most likely candidate for 200 backstroke and the third and Jack Hulme. Ohio State s second place but they may ex- best time in the individual med- backstroker. pect a challenge from MSU ley. The Wolves also expect The Hoosiers. defending points from their relay teams. NCAA champions, will bring the medley relay which is first six Olympic swimmers to the in the nation and the freestyle meet Charlie Hickcox. a triple relay which is second, gold medalist in the 1968 Olym- ics. is the conference defending MSI would like to take second champion in the 100 and 200 P'ace from U-M but they need backstroke and the 200 individ¬ a great effort from evevone ual medley He has the second on the team The Spartans will best time in the nation this rely heavily on their divers. the 1.000 freestvle and' the Paced bV Jim Henderson and third best in the 200 butterflv Duane Green- Bruce Richards On sale at your local record shop ATTENTION CAR OWNERS • Steppen Wolf "At your birthday party" 7 WEEK FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAMS * Three Dog Night Complete front end repair and • Russ Gibbs presents alignment Grande Ballroom * Brakes * Suspension Steppen Wolf - February 28 - March 1 * Three Dog Night - February 28-March 1, ' • FRENCH-University of Nanterre-Paris Wheel balancing * Steering You Can • GERMAN-University of Vienna-Austria LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center On Us... To 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Your • SPANISH-University of Barcelona-Spain Money SAN JUAN At East Lansing STATE BANK • GEOGRAPHY-Hague, Netherlands Puerto Rico You'll $ave with • POLITICAL SCIENCE-London & THE HAGUE, Netherlands ThriftiChecks $229°° Low-cost student checking accounts. Theoni'y • Humanities-London GRADUATE tDUCATION-London charge is 10c per check; no other printing 8 Days 7 nights - or service charges. Students are also encouraged to open saving • FOUR DAY CLASS WEEK-TRAVEL ON WEEKENDS Includes: Round Trip Jet - Transfers and Tips accounts at the bank that saves you money. INDEPENDENT TRAVEL TIME ALOTTED before departure Night Club Party - Sightseeing Tour Legal Age 18 - Four Per Room Two Convenient Locations Reserve your place with us today for study abroad. You'll Find ThriftiChecks Only At Faculty and Students Welcome Please Call MIKE IRVINE £ast c/lansino $?ATE BANK Contact AMLEC 353-8921 351-6707 GRAND RIVtK AT ABBOTT EAST LANSING MICHIGA American Language and Educational Center Branches In Okemos, Haslett, & Brookfleld Pla/a Room 107 Center for International Programs Skokle Vacations, International; Chicago, III Merrber Federal Deposit Insurance Corr. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Torch' flares in light satire ted a PAC production as he does The second act included a in Torchbearers.' With the in¬ cameo spot for Pete Landry sight of a Clive Barnes. Raph¬ which, in Ed Wvnn deliberate- >rder of appearanc The plav successfully reached PAC ldrector Marian Duck- PANORAMA: ael's timing and stage bearing overshadowed the cast in his re¬ ness. nearly stole the act. As has occurred in most PAC Jav E Raphae wall's intent of broad comedy peatedly direct manner. offerings, the fine headliners Jennv Susan K Egger The play was further advan¬ equally balanced by a wrn were not While playwright George Kel¬ Mrs Ritter Mrs ly's plot is rather simple, it is taged by three fine actresses: strong supporting company. The Pampinelli Mr Pindler Karen Moorehead. Juliana Boe- supporters are of the Braunsch- very funny Mrs Fell hnlein. and Roberta Dahlberg. weiger class-mixed ham lacking aimed at the Little Theatre Mr Hossefrosse PAC newcomer Miss Moore¬ a definite flare. The company Mr Spearing Movement " of the 1920 s in which head was particularly strong in failed to express characters with Miss McCrickett Judith Herrbach the bearers of the thespian Villiam B the first and third acts when op¬ clear histories and emotional Mr Twiller Shipley torch" participated in absurd¬ Mr. Stage Manaf Pete Landry ly amateur events in their cru¬ posite Raphael, possessing the control. This caused perform¬ Mrs Sheppard v false conceit of stardom and ances which were too hammv. sade for dramatic arts. The PAC. wifely detachment. Miss Boehn- vague and or trite. having seen that the thea¬ lein proved herself well worth On Donald Treat's superb sets, trical torch sometimes flickers, Technically, the show was a Having viewed Lovely War her Creative Arts the Performing Arts Co. i PAC proves they are boldly able to and The Knack' earlier this sea¬ Scholarship gem. Dr. Treat's realistic set¬ with her convincing Nelly Fell tings are the best in recent PAC presented The Torchbearers' laugh heartily at themselves. son. it is no surprise that Jay portrayal. Her second act back¬ history. He provided a complete E Raphael once again domina- stage coachings were sharp and atmosphere suited to director well timed-very funny. Duckwell's needs. Also, costum- Jazz band performs Student held Roberta Dahlberg matched her serious Royal Gambit- perform¬ er William Bruch's New York im¬ ports were excellent. Torchbearers ance with a fine display of com¬ "The Torchbearers'' is a very These lively ladit tempting a modern-day man they trot frorr for theft as original compositions edienne poise. Making her char¬ funny play, a different element Union to Beajmo r to publicize the upcom!n< acter suitably serious, she was to the dramatic PAC season. It orchbearers," a Bruce' Sizer. Harbert fresh¬ thoroughly believable. is certainly well worth viewing. ws photo by Bob I man. is currently serving a The 20-piece MSI Jazz En¬ Appearing with the band \ 30-day jail sentence after plead¬ semble. under the direction of be Andy Goodrich, alto George A. West, will present a concert at 8:15 tonight in the and Mark Gridley. flute ; ing guilty Wednesday to shop¬ lifting from the MSU Book¬ FORGOTTEN FAILURE baritone sax. award-winn store. Kellogg Center auditorium. soloists at last year's No East Lansing Municipal Court Perm's Mickey The concert will feature se¬ Dame Collegiate .jazz Festi\ Judge William K. Harmon fined lections the group will perform Vocalist. Roger Carr. an a Sizer §110 plus four days in on its spring ition to this year's band. \ compositions jail or 30 days in jail after also be featured admitted ihe Ensemble. he taking a shirt This is where the MSU Film The Every year around Oscar style is Kafkaesque and brutal, to ireful m; mm-! that valued at $1.69 from the store. time, a critic looks back over Soceity comes in Drive-In 482-7409 fraternitv houses >oper- j icHIGAN TECHNICOLOR' A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 4 SHOWS DAILY Lecture on prose 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 '"OG»«M iNro.M.TPON * 332-6944 by psychologist COLUMBIA PICTURES I Research psychologist Erne A DiNO DE LAjRE|JTI!S PRODUCTS nest Z Rothkopf will spe, on "Learning from Pro ROBERT MI7GHUM Materials: Research on Mat 1 PANAVISI0N? emagenic Activities ai 10 i "'THE KILLING OF SISTER GEORGE' TECHNICOLOR"' C SOON: SUBJECT WAS ROSES' uav m the Con-Con the Intei national Cent ! Room IS THE MOST EXPLICIT AND SENSA¬ TIONAL OF A FLOCK OF FILMS ON r-ms-i FRIDAY and SATURDAY RIVE"! LESBIANISM." AM 3/ 3 MILE5 EASTOFMS.U MetroGoldwynMayer presents PHONE EOZ-IOAZ' Peter Glenville's Production starring Tomorrow "A FILM THAT SHOULD BE SEEN! )iQJ3V O - I H VS Richard Burton 3 Color Hit One of the frankest and genuinely Elizabeth Taylor Elec. Heaters erotic scenes to have come to film. TONIGHT- - 73 ll Grafted Summer rentals start at $53 per person per month. Reserve your place Wire Wheel Covers Guaranteed Brake Reline from $18.95 * * heraldry % '* Helmets Save $6 to $20 in the sun today at Seven-Thirty One! 4 & 8-Track Tape Decks Heavy Duty Shocks $14:88 per Pair V 'f 10 2!. Branch Free Installation y//, % % ??. Spawn of fish 100's of Stereo Tapes " u 24. Teacher Tune-Ups 6 cyl. $6.95, 8 cyl. $8.95 % %% 26. Summer Gauges and Tachs PLUS BRAND NAME PARTS 27 18 11 3° % " pastime y.y/. 'ffuAe*(fam/iany " * % ii * 28.Learned 29. Hindrance 30. Compass point 200 Albert Above Knapp's Campus Center - 351-8862 Lifetime Mufflers % y//< 33. Poke 35. Burdened %% *> >7 ye 3? No Labor Charge % % vf 37. Floating lily Free Installation % J fo 38. Ipecac source crafted 39. Approach i MS 44 Curved letter ^"^APPLIANCES From $795 % 46. Mountain pass ++otpjolriir 49. Suffice Thursday, February 27, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sole CAPITOL. girls. Kitchen NEAR - Studio On college bus line Single LUXURY APARTMENTS: ed for Singles need¬ spring term. June and Sept¬ 1213 bedroom FERNDALE: duplex. Unfurnished Carpeted Stove 3 AUDIO COMPONENT SERVICE, Am- pex, Sony, Scott, Fisher and many Student 372-4583 5-3/5 ember leases available on 2 and 4 furnished. Full other select brands at MAIN ELEC¬ basement. Nice TRONICS, 5558 South Pennsylvania, DIRECTORY man apartments. 225 Division Street, yard. $175 per month plus utili¬ SPEND SPRING term and on, in 1 block from Berkey 351-5119 after ties. GOVAN MANAGEMENT Lansing. C 351- 2-girl Cedar Village apartment 4 p.m. 3-2/28 7910; after 5 p.m. 332-5860 . 0-3/5 Call collect, (3131-833-0484, af¬ ter 10:30 p.m 7-3/7 FOURTH girl NORTH WASHINGTON area 1 NEEDED: (spring, - - WOMEN STUDENTS: Large h summer) $50 Furnished Call bedroom apartment. $110 a month Excellent location. Parking, Phone 489-2329 1-2/26 evenings, .1-313-789-3789. 313-234- chen, laundry 332-1918 1 ONE PAIR Kneissel White Star skis, E LDA- DIANE COMPLETE CAMPUS 8592,313-234-0017 5-3/5 $72. 1 pair Henke buckle boots. FAMILY HOME 4-bedroom 183 $25. 1 pair Scott poles. $10. Whole BEAUTY SALON SEWING CENTER GAS N 'WASH Milford. Spring and summer terms. outfit-$H». Call 351-4250, after Complete Hair Care Yarn & Fabric Center Tues. andThurs. Evening 332-0067 2-2/28 6 p.m. 3-2/28 210 1/2 Abbott Rd. 116 E. Ash EXTERIOR WASH- 9y Village. 3105 VV Saginaw, features a 12" mutt that is as as 353-1288 2-2 27 Free estimates. Call TOB may! Informed political sources said be selected by the bodies govern¬ Kathie Hewett as Sophie Raus- voting equipment and facilities authentic-looking as they come. It sells for $5.98. complete ing that particular interest — j 393-4173 5-3 3 in determining its representative. only four persons-Eshkol. Mrs. Personal with rubber "thirst-aid"keg that sqeeks when squeezed. chmeyer. The play is being Mier. Allon. Labor party leader group. The board mandated Zeig to produced and directed by Ves Pinhas Sapir and Information The search and selection com¬ I RENT A TV from a TV Company-- TyP,n9 Service * * * Spindler. who was at the helm push for a procedure by which the selection committee could Minister Yisrael Gallili-knew' mittee will present to the board \F°!AfTv rfTtms CaH 337"13^, typing TERM papersFast and service theses Can you settle an argument for me? A recent article con- of the production of "The Fan- choose its own chairman, and the true state of Eshkol's health of trustees a list of nominees typewriter cerning the new 747 jet left my roommate with the impres- tasticks" last winter term: his during his last weeks. In that for the presidency. It will then to push for proposal bv | COME ON in. the Leathers fine 332 4597 O sion that tires Qn a p|ane |anding at such high speed need associate director is Sharon which the a board of trustees period he had one heart attack screen these nominees and pre¬ DOHN*" bohannon Profess,.«,! servicing after every landing. I disagree bui don't know exactly Ehlinger Tickets will go on sale in would accept or reject the presi¬ and suffered from pneumonia. sent list of not less than three Tteat™ X32M lyplst Teml ^J^rs thesis 1BMC Selectric. 353-7922 how often they are changed. Who s right? Tom sophomore. Kundinger. Holly the. Union Lobby through Friday, dential candidate one at a time, Israel's foreign policies ai.d recommended candidates for the instead of choosing its relations with the Arabs were position. and will also be sold at the door one person | DRUMMER LOOKING for group " BR0WN Typist and multilith Your triend is not According to Metropolitan Airport s main- half hour before curtain. from a group of submitted unlikely to undergo any trauma¬ It is the intent of the coun¬ tenance crew, tires on commercial airline jets are serviced every one 10 years.experience Any type music offset prjntjng dissertations, theses! tic change whoever takes pow- cil and the board of trustees Doug355-9098 43 3 manuscripts general typing IBM loo hours, regardless ot the number of landings. Tires*on big- Admission is $1.00 per person names. that the board will appoint a I free a Thrilling hour of 19 years experience 332-8384 C ger faster jets such as the 747 model, undergo more extensive person from this recommended '«e"SS' cSsme? W abuse and are inspected alter every flight list. Placement Bureau « ICS STI Dto I isM.chigaa a.Fm 4 2 enoticed that everything v owned 'by I MSI a -chairs, desks, etc.-- has a number on it. Who is responsible for the listing of these NAT SCI swers 191 192 Questions and an- Available Paramount News. a^Tdel.Ceryk'487 3-2 28 ilems and how many items are gomery. Holt, senior. there on the list? Dave Mont- The following employers will be in¬ Mechanical Handling Systems Div . Junior High Schools: French. Spanish SOS member (continued from page one All c ......... The Inventory Dept. keeps a listing of approximately 250.000- terviewing from March 3 through March American Chain and Cable Inc.: ma¬ social science geography, emotionally 7. 1969. Refer to Placement Bureau Bul¬ jors of the college of engineering 1B.M1. disturbed, and media specialist 1B.M1 Clark Akatiff. asst professor 300.000 such items. letin for additional details. Summer Employment: For Sophomores Junior and Senior High School: Art. Eng¬ of geography, said that the New- Peanuts Personal in the fields listed. Location: If you are interested in an organiza¬ ana above lish. biology, mathematics, and speech Universities Conference is set¬ T ransportation tion, please report to the Placement correction hearing 1B.M1 Senior High Wanted Bureau AT LEAST TWO SCHOOLS DAYS Riegel Paper Corp : All majors of the School: Mathematics, physics ehemis ting up a bail-fund program and BLOOD DONERS NEEDED. $7 50 for in advance to sign up for an interview college of business 1 B.M 1 Chemical en¬ try. social studies humanities, and busi¬ will meet today in 106 B Wells and to obtain additional information. gineering 1 B.M 1. Location: various. ness education (B.M> Psychological ex Hall to discuss the arrests A all positive. A negative. B negative San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard. CONGRATULATIONS TO my Phi Mu and AB negative $10.00 O negative¬ Military Obligation: Students should aminier. psychologist, and social worker time for the meeting has not yet Little Sis and Bill: 1 told you so MEL: Typing, multilithing interview with employers even though Design: Civil engineering (B.Mi Me¬ B.M' Location: Greenwich. Conn BARBI s'00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY chanical engineering, electrical engin¬ 1 Love, your Alpha Chi big sis. .they have not completed their military Hunt-Wesson Foods: All majors of the No job-^oo large or too small. BLOOD CENTER. 507'2 E Grand service. Most employers will be inter¬ eering 1 B.M' Location: Vallejo or San Akatiff called Price s arrest a Block of campus 332-3255 C River. East Lansing. Above the new- colleges of business, arts and letters. ested in the student before and after his Francisco. Calif. and education «B Campus Book Store. Hours: 9am - San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard. > punitive arrest and an attempt at PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique 3.30pm Monday. Tuesday and Fri¬ duty with the Armed Forces. TROPHIES & PLAQUES March 3. Monday : Nuclear Power: Chemical, mechanical, Kern Joint Junior College District iBa- quality thesis service IBM typ¬ day; Wednesday and Thursday. 12- and electrical He said that the rest could Adrian Public Schools: Early and lat- engineering (B.Mi Loca¬ College and Porterville Col¬ . OVER 1000 TROPHIES ON DISPLAY ing. multilith printing and hard NILES RIDER wanted 6:30pm 337-7183." C kersfield Accompany tion: Vallejo. Calif of a developing pattern" . lege ' Art. business education. English be part NO WAITING - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY binding. 337-1527 C staff member this weekend Call BABYSITTER-East side 3 hours Joseph E Seagram And Sons. Inc.: Journalism. Foreign language, health and ja .a, 1 c-pc<:ol Prices for 353-2288 2-2 27 Chemical, mechanical, and electrical of political arrests where 'lie - after * school Over 16. 484-9250 physical education, home economics, life JA* ^ -2u°nt,;< Purchases IBM SELECTRIC es. Dissertations, thes¬ term papers Experienced. Call 3-2 28 Adrian. Mich engineering 1B1 Accounting 1 B1 Loca¬ science, mathematics, nursing education, legal authorities can slap on a SHARON VLIET. 484-4218 0-3 7 Bassett Unified School District Early tion: Lawrenceburg. Ind physical science, social science, speech, conspiracy indictment" ftor a DRIVERS 21 Riders any age Around and later elementary education and men¬ Starr Commonwealth For Boys: Later OUR SPECIALTY counseling, child development, political March 15th - round * trip anywhere tally handicapped iB.Mi. Junior High elementary education iB.M) Junior and science and speech 1M >. Location Bakers- The LEBANESE BREAD charges stem from J'i in¬ Florida ALSO car leaving for Cal¬ School: Music Senior High jors. all colleges meet someone you're ter 6pm 3-3 3 tion. . English music (B.M> Senior High damaged 3020 VINE ST. compatible with] School German, biology Loca¬ School: Coaching, B.M> Location Lake 485-0645 SHAHEEN'S For information send a postcard HELP DEPENDABLE babysitter tion: La Puen. Calif. Yickers Div. Sperry Rand Corp.: Me¬ Odessa. Mich. An assistant in the pr.osecu- Bastian-Blessing Co All majors chanical and electrical engineering 1B. ter's office said that the accused jCarry Cuslion Sporty QooM FAMILY FOOD with your name and address I needed Work Northwest a nights. No The college of business 1B >. Location: Mi Agricultural engineering 1B1 Ac¬ Lompic Unified School District Early e and later elementary education, acous¬ swung "clubs'" described as two ion. 485-8543, after Eastern United States counting 1B1 Location: Troy. Mich tically. mentally, and pHysifeUy handi¬ Buchanan Public Schools No 61: Ear¬ Villican-Leman and Associates. Inc : by lours at and dam¬ capped B.M' Junior High SHioOf (Ten ly and later elementary education 1B. Urban planning 1B.M1. Landscape arch¬ 1 B.M 1 aged it. Mi Junior High School: English, math¬ itecture .B.M' Location: South- Tom Greene. WJBK new- com¬ jnior High School: Phvs ematics. social science (B.Mi Senior field. Mich. ical education, mathematics, and indus¬ mentator. said that the expen¬ High School: French 1B.M1. Location: Wayne Community School District: trial arts (B.M 1 Senior High School sive lens'' and "sensitive motor" Buchanan. Mich. Early and later elementary education, art. English. German. French. Spanish, biol¬ • Camp Mikquano Summer employ- counselor. Spanish. German. French, mus¬ of the camera had been damaged ogy. and coaching (B.Mi Location Lom- t Location: Nelsonville. Wis ic. physical education, acoustically han¬ poc. Calif to an amount that could < xceed Claranceville Public Schools: All el¬ dicapped. mentally handicapped, remed¬ Meijer. Inc. Thrifty Acres: General $1,000. ementary. secondary.. and special edu¬ ial reading, and speech correction majors business administration. ■ B1 Manage¬ Greene v.udthat Price and Av¬ cation 1B.M1 Location: Farmington. (B.M 1 Juniors and senior high school: ment. marketing, transportation adminis¬ ers didn't want any pictuies ta art. history. English. French. German. tration. advertising, personnel adminis Dearborn Public Schools: Later ele¬ Spanish, music, physical education, gen- tration. HRIM. (B> Location Grand ken and not only swung the mentary education, art. music, acousti¬ Rapids and southwestern Michigan cally. mentally, and physically handi¬ mathematics. physical science, physics, Milwaukee Public Schools Early and Crss but threatened the light capped. maladjusted, remedial reading, social science, geography, political sci¬ later elementary education, special edu¬ man as well speech correction (B.M 1. Junior and sen¬ ence. acoustically handicapped, remedial cation (B.M 1 Junior High School: Gen¬ ior High School: art. English remedial reading, speech correction, business ed¬ eral science ' B.M 1 Junior and Senior there taking pictui es. as they had reading, music, mathematics 1 B.M > ucation. home economics, and industrial High School Home economics, mathe¬ to sit in the middle ot the street/ Senior High School: English Humani arts (B.M 1. Location: Wayne. Mich. matics. physical science, mentally han¬ Greene said. ties, mathematics, physics, acoustically, City National Bank of Detroit: Ac¬ dicapped. speech correction 1B.M1 Sen¬ mentallv. physically, and visually handi¬ counting 1B1 General business adminis¬ ior High School: Physical, biology 'B capped. maladjusted, remedial reading, tration. economics and financial adminis¬ Mi Location Milwaukee. Wis speech correction, industrial arts < B.M • tration (B.M). Location: Detroit. Mich. Mount Morris Consolidated Schools: Location: Dearborn. Mich Dept Rehabilitation: of Education Div. of Vocational services and educational Counseling, personnel psychology, March 3 and 4.1969: Packaging Corp of America: Market ing. Management, and all majors, all Early and later elementary education, art. music, Mi Junior and mentallv High School handicapped 'B. Physical educa 'subphgI elementary and special education, an¬ colleges Bi Accounting and fi¬ op education. (B.M' Junior and Senior The MSI Pre-Law Club will hold a thropology. labor and industrial rela¬ nancial administration personnel ad- High school: English drama, and music tions, psychology, social work, sociol¬ meeting at 7 3d tonight in 116 Epplev 1 B.M 1 Senior High School: Speech Eng¬ Center. Roland F Rhead. president of ogy. and vocational education 1B. relations 1 B.M 1. Transportation lish. biologv (B.M 1 Location Mt Mor¬ Mi Location: Michigan. the Ingham County Bar Assn.. will speak administration 1 B.M Location: Mid¬ ris. Mich on the myriad facets of the law Disneyland: Summer Employment west and various. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co All HRIM. Location: Anaheim. Calif March 3,4, and 5, 1969: majors, all colleges >Bi Location Lan¬ An organizational meeting of the GI- Harris. Kerr. Foster and Co : Account¬ U.S. Army Officer Candidate School: sing. Mich Civilian Anti-War Alliance will be held ing 1 B.M' HRIM 1 B.M 1 Location: Chi- National Center For Health Statistics All majors, all colleges 1 B.M ■ at 8 tonight in 31 Union The speaker Statistics, mathematics, economics, so¬ will be Mrs Nettie Bell mother of one U.S. Marine Corps Officer Selection Havward Unified School District: Ear- Office: All majors, all colleges (B> Lo¬ ciology. psychology >B.M' Location of the Ft. Hood 43 cation: Quantico. Va Washington. D C selor, music, maladjusted, remedial read¬ Parke. Davis and Co : Biology < B • U.S. Navy Recruiting Station All ma¬ The Independent Majority will hold a ing. speech correction, acoustically and Chemistry 1B.M.D1 Chemical engineer¬ jors. all colleges 1B.M.D1 Location: var- show of support for the 18-year old vote mentally handicapped. 1B.M1 Junior and ing and mechanical engineering, mar. Senior High School: Spanish, physical from 7 to 9 tonight in 30 Union keting (B.Mi Financial administration, industrial administration Bi Bio-statis¬ ics. physical science, mentally handi¬ tics 1M.D1 Accounting, computer sci¬ 1%"9"' Refer to Placement Bureau Bulle¬ capped. remedial reading, and counse¬ ence 1B1 Location: Detroit. Holland, and tin for additional details lor 1 B.M 1 Junior High School Speech March 4. Tuesday: The MSU Film Correction 1B.M1. Senior High School: Allstate Insurance Co All majors, all J C Penney Co.. Inc All majors, all Business education, industrial arts (B. colleges 1 Bi Location: Michigan and var- colleges 1 B.M 1 Location: Northeastern Mi. Location: Havward, Calif United States Hercules Inc imicals Corp : Chemistry Rochester City School District Early engineer- engineering 1B.M.D1 Lo- There will be a meet employment for counselor. French Spanish, music. ' Chemical Society Chicagoand Naperville. 111. can 'orp Engineering physical education, acoustically handi¬ Chapter at 7:30 tonight Dept : Civil, chemical, electrical, and capped. emotionally disturbed, mentally Willis A Wood. MSU chairman oi Internal Revenue Service Detroit Dis¬ mechanical engineering Loca¬ handicapped, physically handicapped, chemistry, is speaking on "Wh; trict Office: Accounting . Finan¬ remedial reading, speech correction, cial administration BMi Economics. tion: Chicago. Ill Biochemistry''" Everyone is invited school social worker, and neurologically Camp Easton For Boys: Summer Em¬ English, history, political sceince < B1. imparled (B.Mi All secondary, special meeting of the tree Uni- Location: Michigan ployment: Archery, riflery. scuba diving, education (B.M< Location: Rochester. sailing, crafts, waterskiing. swimming, ca¬ iing Model Cities Seminar Jewel Companies. Inc Jewel Food noe tripping, athletics, and nature. Loca¬ NY at 4 today in 120 Physics- Stores: Economics, management, mar Southgate Community Schools All ele¬ tion: Ely. Minn There will be a report on keting, mathematics, personnel and all mentary. secondary, special education the social dynamics of the model cities Camp Oakland Inc Summer Camp majors of the colleges of arts and let (B.M i Location Southgate. Mich For Underprivileged Children Summer neighborhood and graduate students in Union Carbide Corp Materials Sys¬ urban planning speaking Employment: Elementary education, so¬ cial work, psychology, special education, tems Div Mechanical and chemical en¬ and social science Location Oxford. gineering. metallurgy, mechanics, ma¬ The Dept. of Romance Languages is Jewel Companies Inc Jewel Home terials science iB.M> Location: Indiana¬ holding a lecture at 7:30 tonight in the Shopping Service: Agricultural econom Chevron Chemical Co Ortho Div All polis and Kokomo Gold Room on the Union The speaker ics. Journalism (B' Location: Chicago, Utica Community Schools: Early and majors of the colleges of agriculture, na¬ will be Don Angel de Lera. best selling 111 and various. later elementary education, visiting teach¬ tural resources, and business 1B.M1 Lo¬ novelist in Spain, and the lecture. "La Jewel Companies Inc. Osco Drug Inc er i B.M i Junior High School art. gen¬ Marketing, general business administra cation: Northeastern United States novel espanola de la posguerra will eral science (B.Mi Junior and Senior be tion (Bi. Location: various. Chicago Payment Center Social Security given i n Spanish. Administration All majors, all colleges High School Business education (B.Mi Jewel Companies Inc.. Turn-Style Fam¬ Location: Utica. Mich 1 B.M 1 Location: Chicago. Ill ily Centers Marketing, accounting, eco¬ Warren Woods Public Schools Early- nomics. financial administration, and Chicago Title and Trust Co : Financial Location: Chicago. all majors of the colleges of business. handicapped. speech correction (B.Mi McDonel Hall will hold a coffee house Colgate-Palmolive Co Marketing, All secondary and special education from 8:30 - 11:30 tonight in the West and social science 1B» Location: Mid (B.M i. Location Warren. Mich transportation administration, and man¬ cafeteria Coke and coffee will be served March 4 and 5, 1969: Lake Shore Public Schools Early and agement (Mi. Location New York City. General Motors Corp Summer Employ¬ Homecoming '69 is holding petition¬ later elementary education, art. music, ment: Mechanical, electrical, chemical, ing for chairmanships. Petitions are avail¬ physical education, mentally handicap¬ and metallurgical engineering, mathema able at dorm reception desks and ASMSU ped. physically handicapped, speech cor tics Juniors and above for product en¬ offices, third floor Student Services, and rection. and visiting teacher (B.Mi Jun¬ industrial arts iB.Mi Location: Palow gineering Location Indiana and Michi- must be submitted to 313 Student Services ior High School French. Spanish, general science (B.Mi Junior and senior high Hills. Ill by Friday Eaton Rapids Public Schools: Elemen¬ Laventhol. Krekstein. Horwath and Hor- school: Art. history. English, music, phys¬ wath: HRIM (B.Mi Location: various tary. secondary, and special education. The Union Board fashion show, A Break ical education, biology, mathematics, United Air Lines All majors Loca- 1 B.M i Location: Eaton Rapids. Mich in Fashion.'' is at 7:30 tonight in the Un¬ physical science, social science, indus¬ Greenwich Public Schools: Early and ion Ballroom The fashions are for men trial arts, graphics. 1B.M1 Senior high later elementary education, music, phys¬ Doorprizes will be given school: Business education (B.Mi Loca¬ ical education, remedial reading, 1B.M1 tion: St. Clair Shores. Mich 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 27, 1969 Volunteer Action VOLUNTEER ACTION This weekly col¬ food stamps. The volunteer s of (li , progrc n five CIAL SERVICES: The department utoree There seeks SCOPE: Greeks needed t( umn is a joint effort of the State News and then take her shopping and offer hints ^ GREATER EAST LANSING CHAMBER u the Office of Volunteer Programs. Stu¬ on food marketing habits This ia par¬ iPates the possibility of using MSU stu- OF COMMERCE: The Ea'st Lan" ing Cham students with ning a community center keep the children off the dent volunteers as Big Brothers and Big of Commerce, in conjunction with the d basic fresh- and dents, faculty and staff can join in the ticularly good opportunity for wives of an afternoon program five Sisters as the need arises. Students shoi lld people from the comm MSU faculty-staff. East Lansing City Counci MSU Volunteer Action effort which in¬ GREATER EAST LANSING CHAMBER days a week. 3:00-5:00 p.m any after¬ apply now to have their name placed oi 1 a a joint committee to effect the redei all talents are needed Students w cludes those opportunities listed below noon incorporating recreation and a var¬ 'P MICHIGAN TRAINLNG UNIT: Volunteer ment of the downtown business dis for and others by contacting the MSU Volun- OF COMMERCE: The joint committee of iety of clubs aimed at helping the child¬ BOY'S8CLUB OF LANSING: Voluntet rs The Ch; ■ opportunities are available at the Michi¬ programming are especially w LANSING BIG BROTHERS teer Bureau. 26 Student Services Bldg., the Chamber of Commerce and the East ren with their studies: <3) a Saturday from all areas are needed at the Bo; Chambe^crf Comme gan Training Unit (MTUi in Ionia The staff, and graduate students arc 353-4402. Lansing City Council is in the need of program including recreation, arts and Club of MIU is a boy's training prison where in¬ Lansing. Any individual intere as Big Brothers for fatherless boy in the NEW OPPORTUNITIES: NORTH SIDE one or two secretaries Time commitment crafts from 1:30-5:00 p.m. (41 and field ed in working with boys from 6-18 ye* mates. ranging from 16-21 years old. may Lansiyg Junior Achie ACTION CENTER: Four Big Brothers are would be tw» to three hours P** week sing. Big Brother work seeks gram Experience in the area trips and parties which the children at¬ old will be welcome Boys from the cl complete their high school subjects and fatherless boys live in a sociall> marketing, management woi needed at the North Side Action Center. NORTH SIDE COMMUNITY ACTION tend periodically Other programs would particularly like as counselors for group counseling ses¬ Preference will be given to applicants CENTER: The Action Center is interest- elude adult educ Tuesday and conduct a tumbling club. Almost a sions. This is an excellent opportunity 'one night Monday through who are from the Lansing area or who will ed in cooperating with a graduate student, Thursday evenings. i teenage pr for graduate students in corrections, psv- MSU student be enrolled for summer term in order that faculty member or a combined group of help will en- gram in which local teens participate in a close-contact with the little brother both t0 conduct a senior citizens research ner-city schools all programming as Junior Staff. mav be maintained vear round. study. This would be an excellent oppor- SPARROW HOSPITAL, DEPT. OF SO- MSU Volunteer Transportation J EMERGENCY SERVICE CORPS: Two tunity for a graduate student or faculty young ladies have volunteered to coor- member interested in research. A re- dinate an "emergency service corps " search methods course might look into WIN UP TO $100000 There has recently been a large number this as a class project of requests for volunteers on an emer CAMP HIGHFIELDS, ONONDAGA: gency basis to assist invalids and to take C£>mP Highfields. an area youth home, care of children for parents who are un- has requested six volunteers for even- dergoing emergency medical care for con- ln6 work after 5 Pm Volunteers would sulfation All volunteers for these posi- work w'th maladjusted boys between the tions will have their names placed on an on-call" list. When an emergency arises, the coordinators will canvass the volun- a8es of 12-17. The camp has requested volunteers w h a background in arts, automotive mechanics and radio elec PLAY KROGER'S EXCITING "EASY STREET" GAME teers on the list to determine who is avail- tronics. Volunteers for these positions able for the emergency situation BIG SISTER-V.F.W. HOME, EATON RA- would be expected to serve for the dur- ation of the academic year ; H 1 PIDS: Because of the great success of RUST COLLEGE SUMMER PROGRAM: the MSU coeds currently serving as Big Ten students are needed to assist the Sisters at the VFW Home, the program Rust College Summer Educational De- director at the home has requested that velopment Institute i formerly the STEP the number of MSI' volunteers be doub- Pr°ject) The institute runs five weeks in led The MSI" students are bussed to the the summer The volunteers from MSU VFW Home on Wednesday and Thursday would serve as tutors-counselors to in- evenings All interested ladies should ap- coming Rust College freshman. Training ply earlv and other activities will begin soon. Apply FAMILY HELPERS: Four MSU Volun- now » preschool CAMPUS COMMUNITY COMMISSION: volunteers are need- student volunteer program that works pri- ngs from 9:15-11:1 needed Mon- Lansing a CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES Oh look, George, they're giving us trading stamps xi Id be expected ti ST. IGXACE Mich. < lTPI id guit; Fare collector Bucky Mc Phee SPARROW HOSPITAL, DEPT OF SO¬ CIAL SERVICES: The Dept of Social awaited with some appren- Services of Sparrow Hospital is interest¬ ehnsion Tuesdav the return of a ed in a volunteer with a background in data couple who thought he gave processing The depar them could I trading stamps for cross¬ ing th Mackinac Bridge. Mc Phee said the driver of the gave him $2 for the $1.50 OPERATION SHOPPING BASKET: This fare, and he found the trad¬ is a program conducted at the .North Side Action Center Volunteer drivers are need¬ ing stamps stuck to one of ed two hours a month The volunteer the dollar bills He returned the stamps with the 50 cents PETER'S CHUNK BRAUNSCHWEIGER OR Liver Sausage lb49{ TENDER SLICED Beef Liver LB 59( USDA CHOICE TENDERAY T-Bone Steak $1.09 ME & Thru Sat., Mar. 1, 1969 lb in Lansing DEM GUYS FAMILY SCOTT (650 1-PLY SHEET ROLL) KROGER WIDE OR MEDIUM GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE Bathroom Tissue 33( Noodles Corn 4 -<&s $1 Happy Hours 725 EXTRA TOP COUNTRY CLUB THURS. VALUE STAMPS ICE WITH ITEMS BELOW CREAMWITH COUPON 8:00 to #30 □ 50 11:00 #31 CD 50 i . k #32 O 50 PESCHKE LUNCH MEATS SLTCED t#33 CD 50 ASSORTED FLAVORS | tENTEN FAVORITE S#34 CZ3100 STARKIST Summer happens GELATINS I TUNA at Southampton! What a way to learn! Located in one of the country's best-known summer fun areas, Southampton College is surrounded by magnificent beaches, yachting and sail- #36 CD 50 Accredited undergraduate courses in Humanities, Sci¬ CCr?TAG ence, Social Science, Business Administration, Marine Science, and Education, plus limited graduate offerings, during two 5-week sessions: June 23-July 25; July 28- August 29. Courses are open to visiting students who are in good standing at their own college. #37 CD 50 H()MESTYLE DONUTS J Three, four and five-week workshops in sculpture, music, painting, drama and films. Concerts and lectures will be given by resident musicians and visiting experts. Dormitory accommodations are available for students in >#3«0 50 :T-lb 9.6^-'o1"pk'g KROGER DRY MILK V LOADED WITH JUICE TEXAS «8 SIZE academic courses and workshops. or .of the Summer Program, '#39 O 25 a V-l'b conCHAsV* SANBORN COFFEE f RUBY RED SOUTHAMPTON j GRAPEFRUIT COLLEGE 25 LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY )#40 CD A $R9\ L0mLLBR E A D Southampton, N Y. 11968 • (516) AT 3-4000 j Please send me Summer Program bulletin. I am interested in □ 1st session □ 2nd session 1 ■ #41 CD 50 bVnque tVinne RS^| I attend_ Major #42 CD 25 PACOUINs'Oeom o'r ITot.on Name 6 poc'k ^UNDaV CU PS, Address_ l#44 ^3 SO City