M S. C. Library . «. ^ Unsin«. Mich. • ^ =i; Michigan Stale News KA.>T I..ASSIM, Mil lllt.A.V fT. > W (M Tom.l: I•«: i !=^=f No. II Green dtSF jroup MILITARY DEPT Mysteries Sea I. on OFFER SPECIAL Freshmen Cast Small of O Holds First Meeting MAKESANNUAL SYRACUSE TRIP Uncovered Vote in Eliminations by Professor InUnion Wednesday APPOINTMENTS"- TO STATE FANS For Officers of 1938 M.kr, Arr.nifn.fnl for Stalin, Student. in Cb.erin, t.dfl Colonfl. Lifrtfn.rl Colo- mil II1MI Micb„.r Gntrel R R Q..n!,« Tj„ |(| , nmp(,„||(m ,or Prr,(d„rv Wl|| P(lt, Tbree on Fin.l Sfftian: N.» Pl.r Dev,,ed (»r P,p Nleeltn,,. Stadium n'1'ni Wl" b' > F.lrfmfly low R,.e lor Firkft for Ih.. Olf.cf; (onlf.l for Stunt, and Methods of Publiciiin, Work ( Announced Later , , j. Round Trip f l.„ Secretary i. Cloae .... I., 51 RECEIVE NEW RANKS SHAW APPROVES Pl.AN mi:iI wet ling: inih«* I nmn l"i'lty Wt'fliif-i'io <\«nmv.* .. * ■. i t.. .i .1 »*.»«; a , .,1, , 1 -..n w 11 li F.ach Man Recommended bv Of Etrvrifot II 0«tfr«wtll ni m il. who hit \ «f • >ini 'ivm.ni. m , i- *'rpr ,n (barge of Unit , \ RiiirifF~~Spartan ^ j,..',V|.!. t.I !'i' • i1... 1 ..I Vi!. I( . 1, ' n.' v' " a-r--up. to Colonel. ' ' |t Enthusiasm ! h t.»t n 1 ii. ' m«.n Ir.-m » . l it I.I mini \ 1 • y v illi the prrnii» hoard. Hpeneer outlined Hi. new plan ttutaat* In the cheer-* •• Appoint men! fn mtlitarv foi enlot ' 7*1 Mi. hignn State ft mi ball fun* »»f the three highest imminer in tht ran for pri ItH-my. In 1. .1 - training uhnic . ■ T' . ii , .it. m .1 the opnortunitx • • ' •' "" fmnal vnl»» will MERMAIDS SET GLOBE ACTORS rn'" i.liilW and DATE OF DANCE TOCOMEHERE i stunts, 11«« t*•: | period, w u Ii 1v' v '4jul" " ^ 1 . . t. ,| 1 .■ 11.I \n . \. Ilanid . .. I 1. . •• .1 ln^fli man Annual Date Night" of Green , ! t ■. ; . . v., .. , Seven Art* Club to Pretent Splash Planned for .'t 'I-a/i!1 Vh•*u! M - A N Shakespearian Plavers and November 7 Other Atli.lt ALUMNI OFFICE PANICOS BAND GIVES SERVICE TO PLAY FRIDAY K: ■ Receive Man. Requ.it. fo« Famous Radio Hand Will Make Ticket. and Information First Appearance Hrrr for Homecomin, Week Fr i RICHARDS RETURNS PRESS CLUB TO FROM NEW YORK REUGIOUS GROUPS MANY STUDENTS IWiisir Head Speaks ;»t Belgium TO HAVE RETREAT ATTEND RIFLES MEET TUESDAY Cauacii Vkrdult i Confrrrncr Laryr Attendance al Meetin, All Students Interested in Jour Y W C A ( ab.n Promilfl Surrrnf ul nalism Are Invited Yf.r to Attend INCREASE SHOWN Appoint Education Head S. W. L. APPOINTS IN FORESTRY DEPT To National Committee PARTY CHAIRMEN it> Pi-op5c < Enrollmfnt Fifurt for La.t Yf.r f/ the R. a'., r: the stu.l.nU that tfu> Vandeiibeik and < 'oprUnd. . bv jrij-rjg 1 and tl: f atate forestr . Committee from -r fjrganiWlt,on they «.ught Mirhigan and N« * V w * . espec' seist-f cami>s ha.e vndenrd both to K(.t f,.f and work hard »vely An apropriatiori the interest and the Knowledge of A,f made by Congretut and funds from #hall u ,» 'the people in the practice of f t- A, 4 enrf of meeting 64 the National Council on tduration . estry Thefuv activities have ru»t g,gri,fted their ac- will !*• uaed to carry on ihi# »ork -no < only furnished healthy strength- irfftMncr of the organiaation 21 Or Austin says 'The giving work to hundreds of thou- FRESHMEN—NOTICE wnd* of listie*s unemployed ^ upperc|#gwnf.ri kn(i ,h<- re#1 originated with crime preventiori mmr,ug 4 s-.«» WILL SPEAK AT RACINE „ acre, „ l^ed ■ •"et irned. The Wolvennr ol care and management, so lor- ^ ,, Indlua ,o VonsSrrcd V K Gardner R V. Marshall, , . . « have pictures developed Mtry can he truly an conduct the insullation ceremon- the rship of ihc older group J Neilson and Mr Rick* of the neU mounted for the en- expanding profeMion Idered to he limited Horticultural Department are without a larger per- ig the projects the club r» sthcduled to vpeuk m r^rthanthu Will as many prof George D Strayer of Col¬ umbia university advocates the ioring i* the High School of the Wisconsin State Hortictil-1 While there he visited the 4-H s Service which sends news of tural .Society, which is to be held ranger stations and acted as a creation of a federal department of education with a subsidy of 1500.- through- in Racine, Wisconsin, on November judge for forestry exhibits at sev- MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday* Octolier 20, )p . I change his roune molt appropriate wtlh the day and dn\ing conditions ami on this trip. My understands*;,. « ..I | »ii l»1 it* opinion, w ill be well worth having Tickets tin. far! tin- fu<-iiitm* ■ ii the faculty Puli- will ""'Id on the football at the the railroad will •» !till* |from the rnnipu* uuol It npponed for rate f 10 cents e.ich Thf Stubs by students, nth. I 1 • jtun Iiu girls in charge of Spartan Oracle chap»-- a • It is understood that tin:. Marl, fillrav R» IIM Oi l I.I.O tin- hull at 1111 K.nni' on foi Alumni of that city, w ith .»J: Ksriilli Knthiisi.isth At Kline's ... X*soriut Formals . i* . • lire. Offer Best t«iulpmenl take ready In wake a into .1 marble mm liin« brim: H\'.' sp\\|..|.. | \ picture of 1 r: — Wants to Get Home you hot a Good Meal . . $/*95 P„r v ■•tm Art, for »orl Hrt rinh punslrrss Mai \ lliltler Iimiii u |„ ,• -, . hoijh 6 Thr,. . ,, hr„n,l MTU gallery of iti\hums lhal ate 77//'. tashton .-lie State College Book Store from. Theresa thrill M. S. C. FELT and LEATHER Luninj* Sandals Style PILLOWS o V Hats ('Hi I'illiiw. I Manners villi Michigan s I rating students hi-,| hi* \iMilhei i Ii.h i Seal or Monogram I unit Wiishinclun s11,ii r ol llie lull IMIW In-liur ll STUDENT PULSE -'I LOUIE PANICO AM) Ills Oltt IIKSTKA LANSING ARMORY Mote Opinion » urroal- I haaksiiivinK FRIDAY, NOV., •7 2 Limited Amount ofTickets on Sale this \ S ill.llile Ml Week Only for $l.tw per eoliplc. MARY STEWARTS M Y\ mo is. "III. H ■ U.«.h»n: i.-n \x AFTER THE DOG SHOW i>»t»r is x i j Marv Stewart's! I.V SWISS Milk I'ANAMA - « >. Your "Dog* .i Ke>t A man who has bu n Make Those smoking Granger for a 8 O'clock Classes long time said this: ...#«## "A package of Granger gives fuuluifiv—Iiu me and in} old pipe about y hours ..• >.i Ki.rht oj enjoyment. "Al l pipe e a'tout average size, Special Blue Plate Luncheon and to smoking // leisure!\ as I like do, a pipelo.u f of Gran^t r lasts me about 2S /, inntes. and that nuans i/kiI I gt t about 21 good pips loads from t very package. < \KI > and COOKIES "H us tbax 0 rr so musb CLASSIFIED enjoy- LOSTT-Tstr pt rimlcf..' / lent for so una I a cost? " the pipe lobaeco that's MILl) CtU AUca Ccdiu.!. 1-T»0. Re¬ ward. v- the pipe tobacco that's COOL Clu- Panu Jnirti '•-Turn book*. Hlatory of American Hbtorv by Hictott in !'■" Then enme the bu.y see,m'' !'■» •< I'" '• 'I " I >*i. \. • .1 t.—.<• those wcalh- Men Invited; Chi 0'» and Kappa'r , I- .men. W.U, huh, nit r getting the boats ready for ac- ''1S- ;l«'iT 27 years, we •'•"<1 heads State Theater—Todav wete cum- uncovered, their hair Will Entertain Saturday. ion. Boat-stecrem (log ship li- polled to lnuy him .< sin e p(,>. .iming in the wind, standing ^ cense probab.vl) running with lip. . "he n • 1 .■ • . • i ,.i rid their departed shipmate ibout t\ night is (icimtanto night for freshman girls living tenng | | .. j'' , . '' i|V' " , '' " "n< "lates --eeing^ that all thi' railed these that were i\i l| eii' ii :lt rnteed an affei ting scene." . t ,H»p and Fast Mayo. The following night. t\v > snrori v . planning fall term parties. f|?eir coming-out halls these freshman m-e<|.« will made in v. v.- • fjuns inntl way bv U of the dormitories »• ni- .ne upper brothers girl Knda> Debutante new bails t.. iiu f..t . . f. i i- .• DRESSES is hoatesMM. The men w« , , $3.95 . . introduced from girl ,h,s year coming > c k - that they can meet AST K \ST •hey want to. - foi a ii'mtr-tl nine East M»r> Oim-h llnusr Ma»n $6.95 I'iiials for the Theater - Sunday ami \< . UN. I IK \!>S I \ 11. I Coats ! Suits $915 $2315 . I ... Millinery Department . j Smart New Wool SrarL and Hat Sets ' $£.00 "> .$£.!)."> Newest Creations : in t'ns*aek Hats j S|.2r. .» sj.tc, The Style Shop's : Beverly Dress Shop ! Paris Cable of Fashion Hints Also Kappa Kappa t.aiiiiui FOR (Hunt Ml SIC I .Xl.l. Heard over WJIM every . Fhurs., Kri. at • v p.•- <»t iia> tim< WALLY BENNETT Kappa Mpha Iheta AND HIS ORCHESTRA PHONE 2-4570 or 2-0861 It s high time w.o went high hat M-, t hi ,eu . n^Mii k. tryolean. Phone 2 1 MM tlpha OniiiTiiii I We S^.°p Good Taste / REX CAMERA SHOP I.': 1. tirand Hiver East Lansinu/Mu h. K'idak Kinishini; Picture Kraniinu fireetinif Canb School Supplies • Stationery i si. \iTt: rnnir panti ///s OV/.J ClllfIL t/Unll 0KCHI-.STHA\ WITH MARIE I AI.I.AHAN \M> riM II IK RIM Ml Al>y yvt y. IN l-KII l > Complaints. . . We are trying our best to see see that every subscriber gets his paper. If you don't get yours, call 21141, State News, or 21615 and ask for Euckies arc round, Luckics arc L. Jameson firm, Luckies arc fully packed with only the clean center leaves MICHIGAN STATE NEWS —these are the mildest leaves— they cost more—they taste better. Michigan state news Fl-iilav. (Vt.ili.-i 2C,. Detroit Frosh Win HERMANS BEAT SPARTAN POOL NATIONAL HARRIERS MEET Close Battle From HESPIES21T00 ONE OF PUREST SPORT SUMMARY IRISH AT SOUTH Bv JACK WARNER State Yearlings 7-6 Hmklr Stars for Hrrmians in Dr Claims Nata- Clranrst BENDSATURD'Y Passing and Long ine End Runs Cross Country Mrn Will Srrk Missed Plarr-kick Costs Spartan Firstvrar Mrn Tin With I), of I). MIMMl tsntvit: Simnd Victory of Tram: Sarkas Stars for Visitors and Srorrs Srason All Points for His Tram. SEND SIX RUNNERS Tram Will be Samr as Tbal Whirb Drfralrd Bullrr Last Week I . It Haiti ..' T. SPARTAN FENCERS « 1.x h ir: Sm.,11, BEGIN FALL WORK ' . foarh Bauer Has Eight Wen to Build lip Year s Team I his. I «.111*1111: MS loliw \MI > \!t K It \ \ M \ N II \ T T A N si mi: I. i<; m ts louib In make ttsw -THE CATSPAW SMOKE SHOP >1 Mitt tMi MOMitt * It ill All //. SHI \KI « dodge* nn.i.i \Ri»s .. snook Fit \k( H I MM K FT MIIJ.IAKDS jH I ()\ 1L BARRETTSV UillTIPOli STREET iino on (ho \«w|\ I.<|IIt|»|M- SATURDAY and SUNDAY. OCT. 27-28 Student* JOr With Student Coupon llonk 9 P. M. (l b. t.)— ron itiit vttoiwk