Tuesday Cloudy. . When written. . . MICHIGAN ...and occasional rain by late TATE NEWS ... in Chinese, the word "cri¬ afternoon. High of 38. sis" is composed of two charac¬ STATE ters-one represents danger and one represents opportunity. -President John F. Kennedy UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 1, 1969 Vol. 61 Number 148 Hannah: a quiet wave End of an era good-bye as 27-year career By EDWARD A BRILL Editor-in-Chief It sounded somehow all too remote, as if he was talking about some one else, a distant friend, perhaps. He would say it on the phone or dic¬ tate it to his secretary, and it was just so matter-of-fact you would think he was talking about going out to lunch instead of leaving the University he has headed now for 27 years and 10 months. "This is my last day in the office here Tomorrow I shall take on a new assignment in Washington as head of AID Now it is 3:30 p.m. and he is dictat¬ ing a letter to a friend in Liberia. There's some business to settle with University attorney Leland Carr Jr., and a meet¬ ing with Provost Howard Neville in an hour Then some "loose ends to but¬ ton i?p" and it's all over. Hands a Tventy-seven years, ten months, and few loose ends. Then for the last time, and down the elevator out the door Transfer of During his last day as head of MSU, President Hannah gave the The last diplomas to be personally signed by outgoing President John A. Hannah will be awarded and over to Cowles House for a private at Spring Commencement. Hannah, who has signed every diploma granted during his 27-year admin¬ dinner. acting president, Walter Adams, a personal tour of the executive No trumpets, no offices. The experienced hand points the way toward a new re¬ istration, will be m:ssed by the thousands of students, faculty and staff members on the MSU campus. bands. No uniformed State News photo by Mike Sirna varsity club members to form a cheer¬ sponsibility for Adams. State News photo by Mike Beasley ing path of exit. Just quiet, and a quiet good-bve. By this time tomorrow John Hannah SILENT SALUTE will no longer be president of Michigan State University, and no matter how hard you try to picture this, the thought sim¬ ply rolls around in your head. It is BSA endorses Thousands file past bier indigestible, unimaginable. Surely cigar- chomping Walter Adams is not really going to move in here tomorrow moLnjjog at 8:08 as acting-President. Surely he as Urban Af won't have the audacity to sit in that In response to the anticipated resigna¬ Commenting on his "interest and. dedica¬ in tribute to Eisenhower chair behind that desk. tion of Ronald B. Lee. head of the Center tion to this University." the statement con¬ Earlier. It is 9:15 a.m. and Hannah tor Urban Affairs, the Black Students' Alli¬ tinues. ~Dr Green has on several occa¬ BSA has issued statement sup¬ sions taken an outspoken stand for equal is talking to a Taiwanese student who ance i > a came in to say good-bye. He is the porting Robert L. Green as his successor educational opportunity and equitable At the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Green, associate treatment of all people in the University WASHINGTON (AP > - Americans to have come to the Capital where first of many visitors this last day. professor of education, Eisenhower's body lay in state. Earl Warren-named to his position For an hour already Hannah has bten is currently v\orking as an associate direc¬ when such a stand was far from popular." filed in simple, silent, yet eloquent BSA urged that the University "immedi¬ tribute Monday past the flag-draped In the dark hours before dawn the by Eisenhower - eulogized the former signing diplomas-talking all the while tor of the center steel coffin of Dwight D Eisenhower line of mourners dwindled, and there president as a man who "espoused the and scarcely seeming to pay attention ately" take the required steps for appoint¬ See related story on page 10 ment of Green to the positions of director The salute of the ordinary citizen- was time to pause at the velvet-roped simple virtues of American life. he to the way he shapes the letters. Per¬ in spirit and action and of the Center for Urban Affairs and assist¬ the tourist, the veteran of Eisenhower's enclosure around the bier. was generous haps he doesn't really need to pay at¬ • armies, the women who knelt in prayer But with daylight, the crowds grew, endowed with a cheerful and understand tention. you think. The statement notes Green's active parti¬ ant provost for Equal Opportunities Pro- on the stone floor of the Capital Rotun¬ stretching down the broad white steps ing nature that endeared without regard We've signed over 120,000 degrees cipation "in the struggle of black Ameri¬ to politics divisive issues. Warren cans for human rights'' and his academic Most of Lee s efforts since his appoint¬ da - was counterpoint to the solemn and across the Capitol Plaza beyond. or over the years. Sometimes it gets to Then the pace inside the Rotuna quick¬ said. where you can't even spell your own achievements, including numerous re¬ ment in September 1968 have aimed at splendor of the state funeral. Leaders and representatives of nations ened. Many of them were children. Schools last name. In the middle of the last search activities and publications which forming guidelines and a time schedule for across the world assembled for that rite There were tourists, busloads of them, were closed; so were government offices. name, those two n's, you get three have brought him wide recognition as an implementing recommendations and pro¬ At the White House. President Nixon some with gaudy, incongruous badges, Some were Negroes. But most were humps or five instead of four. authority on problems of urban and educa¬ grams to facilitate a great thrust toward the white, middle-class Americans who For the past few hours tionally disadvantaged children and the racial and urban relevancy " talked for nearlv an hour with President many with cameras. It was a national maintenance . formed the bulwark of Eisenhower's men have been in and out. carting out racial crisis existing in American educa- Stating that there is absolutely no time Charles de Gaulle of France. Belguim s day of mourning, and most of the Capitol's political strength during two campaigns to be lost in doing those things that have King Baudouir. called on the President, springtime tourist attaractions were (Please turn to page two) for the White House. been talked about for so long," BSA re¬ too. closed. But for 20 hours, through a cold night, At intervals, the long line was halted quested that funding of the Center be im¬ mediate. citing $1 million as a minimum a sunny but chill morning, and into the while foreign representatives were es¬ DeGaulle adequate amount. afternoon, the ritual of to the 34th belonged Some national farewell president of the United States to the everyday American. 50.000 of them were estimated corted ister to mourning wreaths John the casket, some carrying Among them: Baudouin. Prime Min¬ Gorton of Australia. Vice Nix on, Green's book Racial Crisis in American Education" will be published in August. Besides numerous articles in professional President Nguyen Cao Ky of South journals. Green has written 20 volumes of a 60-book series. "Famous Negro Ameri¬ beyond 'soke of courtesies' Vietnam. President Zalman Shazar of Israel Canadian Prime Minister Pierre can Series." Elliott Trudeau. U. Thant of Burma, King service secretary-general of the United Nations. Prime Minister Marcello Caetno of Black Students' Alliance announced WASHINGTON (AP) President Nixon th5 balcony added to the White House De Gaulle, who flew to Washington to plans for an all-University service in Portugal and French President Charles de Gaulle when Harry S Truman was president attend funeral services for his World War memory of the late Dr. Martin Luther The inside wreaths the were enclosure left but briefly where an honor spent nearly an hour Monday in private The two leaders were alone save for their interpreters. Press secretary Ronald II comrad-in-arms at first was not Dwight D. Eisenhower, expected to attend a Mon¬ Academic Council King, Jr. at 115 p.m Friday in the MSU conversations that the White House said Auditorium. quard of servicemen stood vigil. Then may have ranged "beyond courtesies L Ziegler said he wouldn't characterize day evening reception being given by Final BSA confirms plans will be released as soon as a telephone hookup from the they were taken to corridors outside the Rotunda. The aging but erect French Leader ar¬ the meeting "necessarily as working ses¬ sions.'" but added that it was quite possible the eign Nixons for governments representatives of for¬ here for the Eisen¬ to pick 5 members Mrs. Eisenhower spent the hours hower tuneral. Southern Christian Leadership Confer¬ rived at the White House a few minutes they "discussed matters ranging beyond funeral in the seclusion ence's services in Atlanta. Plans for University-wide teach-in before of the her hotel suite, receiving messages ahead of schedule and. after posing briet- courtesies." In announcing Sunday that De Gaulle Ziegler said, however, that De Gaulle's schedule would permit attendance at the for selection board a of condolence from around the world. ly for photographers, accompanied Nixon following the memorial are also being to the yellow oval room in the presidential would call on Nixon, the White House had reception He said the French leader Elected faculty members of the Aca- Former President and Mrs. Lyndon B. described it courtesy visit. would go directly from that event to the emic Council will choose faculty and mapped. living quarters-a sunny room adjoining as a Johnson called on her there. airport for the return flight to Paris. administrative members to the presidential De Gaulle was Nixon's host in Paris search^nd selection committee in a closed just a month ago. meeting this afternoon. ^ The press secretary said the French From slates of candidates they received Limited funds chief's quick trip to Washington had not last week, the elected faculty will select altered De Gaulle's plan, announced aft¬ four faculty and one administrator to The Library receives "very little" p er his Paris meetings with Nixon, to make a year formal visit to the United States next King Baudouin of Belgium, who also serve mittee. on ( the 12-man. aill-University Candidates for the faculty positions Arthur Adams, chairman of the com¬ alumni money, he said. The plight of the ultv. saw Nixon during the President's Euro¬ are Russian and East European Program and "Outside funds have saved us." Chap-, It doesn't make much difference pean trip was another White House visi- director of the Humanities Research Ed Major demands shorter lines at said. "For the past two years the MSU Library in if you have a good Library or a bad Center:- John E Cantlon. professor of the required reading desk while a prof¬ Library has received more than $100,000 Library if you can't acquire and keep Other leaders who flew to Washington botany and plant pathology; Robert L. essor. Philo I) Scholar, wants a rare a year from federal sources for books. faculty members." Neville said. "After from all parts of the world for the Eisen¬ Ebel. professor of counseling; James"D. book on medieval beekeeping So far this fiscal year, federal funds this priority, a multiplicity of problems hower funeral were invited to a White Edwards, professor and chairman of ac¬ The University Librai > has the prob¬ •in ihe government total roughly remain. House reception in the evening lem of trying to satisfy both the stu¬ >i-V t*K) Most of the funds were for counting and financial administration; We are never really able to take Among them were West Germany's Thomas A Greer, professor of humani¬ dent and the faculty member It is books but some were for the work study of the first care priority. We haven't Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger. the ties; Elinar Hardin, professor and as¬ plagued, however, by a limited amount program been able to take care of this problem Shah of Iran. Constantine of Greece. sociate director of labor and industrial of funds to spread over Library expen¬ Provost Howard R Neville allocates in the last five years Really there South Vietnam's Vice President Nguyen relations: Donald J. Montgomery, pro¬ diture needs of volume acquisition and the Library's yearly budget from the isn't any more money after this, and Cao Ky. Prime Minister Gorton of Aus¬ fessor of metallurgy and physics, and binding, staff salaries and additional academic area budget which he receives there is the problem." tralia. Britain's Lord Mountbatten and W Donald Weston, asst. professor of space from the legislature. Neville said he must look at all of But it is no secret that the people- Defense Minister Denis Healey. Prime Funds for colleges and departmemts. the University's psychiatry. Although most of the Library's funds problems and need- who allocate resources have put the Minister Mariano Rumor of Italy and Nominees from the administration are which include money for faculty sal¬ and places where resources could be come from state appropriations, in rec priority of the Library high, he said. many others. The Soviet Union was rep¬ William H. Kniselv. director of the In¬ aries. are included in the academic- put into use and then he must try to The University puts more money into ent years the Library has received more resented by Marshal Vasilv Ivanovich stitute of Biology and Medicine, and Paul area budget. make some judgment. the Library for staff and books when¬ and more money from federal sources, Chykov and Vasilv V Kuznetsov. first dep¬ A. Varg. dean of the College of Arts In deciding how much of the aca¬ The first Richard E. Chapin. director of Univer University priority is ac¬ ever it can." uty minister of toieign affairs. and Letters demic budget the Library receives. sity Libraries, said. quiring and keeping faculty. Neville said (Please turn to the back page) Flurry of reflection marks 'We've signed over 120,000 Sometimes it gets so tha your own State News photos (continued from page one! tions that have poured in from all over the first visitor in the afternoon is leftover. a All the oldsters of my age books and boxes and other private things the world on his new appointment. athletic director Biggie Munn. who stays are dead now. " by Bob Ivins he has sorted out over the weekend The Hannah is musing out loud over the for about 45 minutes Hannah comes in to greet him. Wood¬ nimes of those who wrote him when Ruth things are sent over to Cowles house, The afternoon is slow and cock gets up with a smile. "Young man, Jjmeson, his secretary for all of those quiet. You and where Mrs. Hannah will remain for at can feel is I was going to say to him. least another week. 2/ years comes in with a huge bowl of slipping away -down the cor¬ The family will ridor comes the muffled yet Three turns into four and then five. persistent occupy the house on periodic weekends sound of electric typewriters There is no turning back, there is no Michael Sirna for several more months. They are from Dean Ivey and the Col¬ The phone rings It is Sen. Jacob holding on Time, like the pounding of It is now approaching 10:00 a.m.. the lege of Education Staff. Hannah's reac¬ Javits to discuss those typewriters, is relentless. time for which some sort of reception tion was predictable. legislation involved with A I D. That phrase again. Hannah pauses now from his letter has been "There's been a great improvement Today planned by Hannah's secre¬ is my last day. " signing. He walks over to the window in roses, you know.'' he says. "Both tary. All she would tell him is that to gaze out on this vast place. It is several of his friends would be if* keeping quality and in odor.'' over. In A little later it is E.F. Woodcock, not At 10 a.m. the people start filing a particularly pretty scene, but actuality every department -- academic retired professor of botany, who first certainly impressive The Red Cedar, and non-academic - in the University through. A handshake and a few words came to the University in 1914. Wood¬ the stadium. Wells Hall. In \Vith most. Something special for others. the dis¬ was invited to send representatives. cock has served under seven University tance some steam rises from the Elton Hill, who first came to the Uni¬ Packag¬ Hannah finishes the last stack of di¬ presidents, though he couldn't remember ing Buildjng. Or is it Engineering. plomas and turns to signing the huge versity in 1920, gets a hearty greeting. them all at the time. He once had Mrs. "Here comes one of the neophytes." "My last official act?" he muses in pile of letters that fill this desk. They Hannah in a class. answer to a question. "I'll wave my are responses to the letters of says Hannah. "The first fellow I en¬ Woodcock laughs when he says "I'm congratula¬ hand and say goodbye." countered when I came here as trans¬ fer student was you'. You told me that I had to take this and waive that, if I was going to get my degree in one year." "He couldn't have done it if he hadn't b^en a good student," says Hill as¬ suredly. A secretary from the building comes over and laughing checks the water in a potted plant near his desk. "My first introduction to Hannah." she explains, "was when he walked into my office and without saying anything went right over and checked the plant to see if it was watered." Then Walter Adams, alone, and seem¬ ingly just the slightest bit in awe of this whole scene. "Tomorrow you're going to sit right there," Hannah reminds him needlessly. "You know what Mr. Truman said. The buck stops here.' " Adams looks around and passes his judgement: "One radical change I'll make." he says in that patented Brooklyn-Ivy League twang, "I'll add to the number of ash trays." Replies Hannah, "Get rid of that damn cigar." The most familiar phrase of the morn¬ ing is "Good luck," and the response "Thank you I'll need it, I really will." Lunch is alone at Cowles House, and «/ Kudrou. M I C H I G AN erasing manager STATE NEWS inelli, managing ediloi UNIVERSITY Jerry I'ankhursi, editor Tom Hriiu n, sports edit Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Deborah hitch, associat Tuesday, April 1, 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS Factions diverse at By JERRY PANKURST sometimes jeopardized, other ignations have gone down from Berkeley Heyns belives that "The univ ersity must be as autonomous quickly collect around a com n observers have claimed that the 32 to 20 in 1967-68. with only At schools with high academic summary Editorial Editor University of Berkeley students found them¬ California, demonstrations consequences on had serious academic life 14 tenured thus far this aca- demic year (April 30 is the as possible and "While there is an interest sensitivity to the needs of standards large and metropolitan especially in areas. at Berkeley. resignation deadline at Berk- selves more pressed by final The New York Times recent- Before FSM, resig¬ society and the attitudes of the Heyns believes that the social- eley. A capsule summary of the day's events from examinations and spring break nations from 1958- legislature in a very fundamen- political interest of students is ly ran a front page story de¬ ran wire services. last week than by the strike to 16 in 1963-6 with a tal way, it is essential that the higher, the environment is less «ur which had crippled the campus claring that the student protests structured, and there is more since Jan. 22. were causing a great loss to commensurate increase in total university mum amount of maintain the maxi permissiveness which makes Eastern schools of prominent tenured faculty autonomy Led by the Third World the institution at the same time Liberation Front (TWLF), faculty at Berkeley. Heyns and Bouwsma both vulnerable to being dis- He would like to see a "part more Heyns, however, agreed with they were demanding a Third his vice chancellor, William agree that some very valuable nershm' between government rupted World college and the hiring of Bouwsma, that much of such . P™fessors ^ve b«~n lost in and universities, bufit must be Since unwritten rules are minority faculty and staff. likely to govern behavior "My last official act? Vll more But TWLF decided on a "cool- adverse publicity was rooted ["ecent ye**s' but th®y 11381611 within bounds He disagrees more in such institutions, someone more in Eastern jealousy than ®„ been gained by the university. with any state or federal P°> icave my hand and say ting off" period to access acc¬ in fact. icy which makes certain pen- not knowing the rules or unwill- omplishments and problem "The state of California has alties mandatory for any kind ing to follow them can more goodby." areas remaining - as well as "There is incredulity in the They view a lack of money easily disrupt without John A. Hannah gotten uptight about Berkeley." East that there could be a from the state as a greater of disruption, to study for exams. threat to the Berkeley faculty "Legislators, governors and quasi-legal consequences the he explained. Some politicians major cultural institution on Thus Sather Gate and based their than student unrest. boards of trustees are beginn- Heyns said. have even cam¬ the West Coast-or that one steps of Sproul Hall were sun¬ "We could use a little more ing more and more to try to Undoubtedly Chancellor paigns on opposition to the op¬ could exist in a stable kind of ny and serene acros§ the bay Heyns is proud of his univer¬ the hillside from San Fran¬ eration of the university. way," Bouwsma said. understanding and support from restrict the freedom of decis- sity, one of the most presti¬ on "In terms of the actual im- A substantial faculty "exo¬ Sacramento and from the peo- i°n on the Pa,~t campus auth- cisco with only a few students gious in the nation, and he would gathered here and there di story does it become clear black city councilman on the eve of Tuesday's election for that what is usuj 'ly at issue is mat¬ mayor of that city. 7:00 p.m. Ford Motor Co. Maverick wagen. car took the wraps off its new Monday and set forth to do battle with subcompact long the king of imports. John Naughton, Ford vice president and general manager, commented, "We are going Volks¬ I1 61 Greek 1| ing to talk about 'hunger' than about m* . 1^° ""-jNAnONAl 319 E. Grand River Ave. Posters Prints F raming Coral Gables Rathskeller to keep the price tag under $2,000 .by building a basic car with a few options We'aimed at the conscious car-buyer East Lansing, Mich. ALL VETERANS who wants low initial cost and economy of operation." Maver¬ ASMSU GREAT ISSUES ick will be built in only one body style, a two-door four pas¬ senger auto that Ford said would give 22.6 miles per gallon. PRESENTS Michigan News CLARK KERR A new department of state government to deal exclusively with the problem's of Michigan's cities was proposed in the Former President of U of C at Berkeley accused of legislature Monday by Senate Minority Leader Emil Lockwood. being "soft" on demonstrators. R-St. Louis, and Rep J. Robert Traxler. D-Bay City. The agen¬ cy would be the 20th and last department allowed under the Thursday, April 3 constitution. MSU Auditorium 3 p.m. 50< THE STATE NEWS YAT WAH The State News, the vspaper at Michigan State University, is day throughout the year with special Welcome Week in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 R estaurant ; 136 W. Grand River East Lansing Member Associated Press, United Press International. Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ LUNCH WITH US igan Collegiate Press Association. United States Student Press Association. We have added several new Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan. items to our luncheon menu to Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigan serve you better. State University, East Lansing. Michigan. Luncheon Hours: Tues. - Sat. 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Phones: Editorial 355-8252 |^JTa^o^TrdersJ^rese^ations^351-5712^J Classified Advertising Display Advertising Business-Circulation 355-8225 353-4400 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 Spiro's Sermon on the Mount Cabaret Theater A Happening Hobie's Being with each other, doing things together . .. know¬ ing that your affection is growing into precious and ^ Cos Bngeles is the CARRY OUT DELIVERY enduring love. Happil,, all these cherished moments will be forever symbolized by your diamond engagement ring. If the name, Keepsake, is in the ring and on the tag, only place to teach. you are assured of fine quality and lasting satisfaction. The engagement diamond is flawless, of superb color, and precise modern cut. You. Keepsake Jeweler will assist you in making your selection ... He's in the yellow if you want to accept the challenges in a city of „ • 40 communities...each with its distinct identity. pages under "Jewelers." Rings from $100 to $10,000. • if your inner commitment is to inspire, improve Illustrations enlarged to show detail.®Trade-mark reg. and impart. A. H. Pond Co., Inc., Est. 1892. • if you v/ant to teach where the climate does not interfere with outdoor activities. __ REGISTERED _ • • if you aspire to professional advancement. if you wish to silpplement your own academic life. Keepsake' DIAMOND RINGS • if you value an environment of progress and experimentation. ARENA69 HIT SATIRICAL REVUE • if you are dedicated to developing the thinking "BRISK, BITING ..." [~HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING"1 process as well as the curriculum. DETROIT NEWS I Please send new 20-page booklet, "How To Plan Your Engage- "POLITICS and FUN" J ment and Wedding" and new 12-page full color folder, both for Make an appointment with the placement office. DETROIT FREE PRESS j only 25c. Also, send special offer of beautiful 44-page Bride's Book. Our representative will be on campus *v 351-3800 , | I Name Address— Monday, April 7, 1969 I City_ IN THE RATHSKELLER SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER SUN. - WED. 8 p.m. TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON STUDENTS - $1.50 Cos fln$eles (ity Schools GENERAL 2.50 For Reservations Ph. 337-1311 I KEEPSAKE DIAMOf ' RINGS, BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N. Y. 13201 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 1, 1969 Blacks must Bond: carve out their pression will be more bearable. lent Coordinating Committee. blacks conscience of have not exhibited a people who the summer of 1972 to begin control mu of black communities. Bond declined to predict what own place in the American so¬ In his address Bond struck The non-violence of Dr. Mar- one, he ex- to change, ciety, separate but a part of out at President Nixon "who tin Luther King Jr. can be an plained. Bond agreed with one ques- kind of a clash this would be. the whole, Julian Bond said at effective tactic in the future, In response to one question- tioner that a clash is sure to Blacks must organize to con¬ was not only not the choice Western Michigan University but maybe not for a whole er, Bond said the 1972 Demo- in the next four years trol the institutions they should of our people, but not the choice come Saturday night. of other colored people." group of people, Bond said. It cratic convention will have the between Nixon's poverty policy be controlling in their own Speaking to more than 2,500 is difficult to appeal to the same results if we wait until and the black policy of local communities, he said. Fifteen years after the deseg¬ people in the University Audi¬ regation decision of the Supreme torium, the Georgia legisla¬ Court, the Nixon Administra¬ tor said, "Black power, politi¬ cal and economic, must become tion is still allowing a "grace DAVIS SPEAKS more than rhetoric." period" for segregated schools before cutting off federal funds. In their struggle, blacks must Bond said. form "shifting alliances" with other groups in society, such as labor or the suburbanites, he said. This would not mean they would be allies forever, Bond criticized Nixon failing to unveil his program for ending the Vietnam War. which Nixon talked about dur¬ for Civil rights laws flounder By JUNE SCHOLZ diginity can be conferred been long oppressed by in¬ full potential in the last five he added. ing the fall campaign. State News Staff Writer through handouts and the stitutional processes. years. Bond called for a political Bond concluded his 30-minute Civil rights legislation popular conception that cen¬ Davis Davis pointed out that there suggested that the movement which "would draw address saying. "We need a since 1961 has promised turies of oppression can be funds used to suppress civil are three federal agencies heavily on the young, like those world where young black vis¬ much, but often failed to ended without civil disorder, disorders be transferred to bruised of ion can be realized." deliver, relations he said. empowered to grant funds to veterans Chicago." a race local agencies for ghetto work. local intergroup relations Machinery must be built to specialist told the Human agencies - the Equal agencies. "We have promised the During a question and answer Relations Conference here These £ake power peacefully as those period following his address. black poor that patience would Employment Opportunity Com¬ "Radical change is urgent now in power did, he said. Bond said he used to believe Saturday. bring justice, and the affluent and necessary." Davis said. mission, Dept. of Housing and Bond said that Lloyd Davis, president whites that justice would bring "We must look for new prospects for strongly in non-violence but of the National Urban Development, and the pro¬ Assn. Inter- a violent revolution are not "now I'm uncertain in my own order, but we have achieved grams which give the .same group Relations Officials and Community Relations Service realistic because the govern¬ mind." Bond was a founder neither," Davis said. -have either limited funds options to the poor that af¬ a Civil rights adviser to pres¬ ment will continue to allow and former communications di¬ have not chosen to make fluent citizens have so long Going. Davs said that efforts to or idents Kennedy. Johnson and minimum reforms so that op¬ rector of the Student Non-Vio¬ large contributions to local enjoyed." . . . .gone Nixon said that such mea¬ improve the environment of Davis listed such agencies. I options The Salvage yard offered sures as the civil rights acts ghetto dwellers and bring are physical and students the chance to social mob¬ Hawaii and open housing legislation equality to black citizens have He cited black power sep¬ ility, real housing choices, and buy unclaimed bicycles during the annual auction. The bicycles are collected been hampered by too much summer have really meant little to aratism, the decline in the a voice in the administration by the University for concentration of funds and being unauthorized or illegally parked. blacks, Puerto Ricans, and fervor of the civil rights of improvement programs by other planning at the federal level. State News ghetto poor. movement in recent years and the minority poor themselves. photo by Jerry M.-.AIIister Efforts to improve the lot There are no cross-burners reactionary congressional re¬ of "the minority poor have or black radicals in federal sponse to civil disorders as been offices, the local civil the DIAMOND HEAD hamstrung by govern¬ major reasons for the SUMMER NSTITUTE ment funds, bureaucracy, inadequate agencies must face the idea that human hateful people who fearful. have failure of intergroup relations programs to live up to their Nigeria continues b A co educational summer program designed for the involved individual. dial Dash of 8LAGOS. Nigeria (AP» iafra - Minister Harold Wilson ol after Ethiopia, that the Biafrans Sailing, Scuba Diving, Surfing, Beach Parties, and Outer Island Safaris. Nigeria's military chie: Britain, a supplier of this stage-managed civilian cas¬ Interested? Fill in the blanks below and mail to — of state said Monday his aii nation's military aid. ualties in raids by federal rus Diamond Head Summer Institute force will continue bombing Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon planes. dial BRUCE P.O. Box 9492 Biafra even though the wisdorr A major objective in Wil¬ Honolulu, Hawaii 96820 ARMOUR-DIAL,INC. of air attacks on civilian areas charged at a news conference held after Wilson concluded a son's mission to Nigeria was has been questioned by Prime four-day visit and flew to reducing civilian bomb casual¬ sorite Armour-Dial. Inc. will be ties in Biafra. the former interviewing applicants for Eastern Region or Nigeria Sales-Marketing positions leading to Management now headed by Lt. Col. C. HILLEL FOUNDATION 332-1916 Magic ctiilton opportunities. We will be on your campus 4-9-69 Armour-Dial. Inc. is a recently formed company com¬ Pon-Hel spring Odumegwu Ojukwu. "You know, a lot of Ojukwu's ADVANCE RESERVATIONS Spray Siting "" soldiers are fighting without bining Armour Grocery Products Company and MAY STILL BE MADE FOR A ED. APRIL 2 PASSOVER Armour Pharmaceutical Company. Exceptional growth in the Branded Consumer Products Division creates set for U' uniforms." is quite easy Gowon to remove said. "It the weapons and if you take a TREET APPIAN WAY many opportunities for qualified applicants in Sales Formal rush for spring to the house and meeting the picture, it looks like civilians." SEDER Canned Meats PIZZA and Marketing. Your advancement wi^-h Armour-Dial.. t^rm will begin tonight for all sororities people there," she said Miss Konde said that He added that so long as there is aSnilitary advantage. the Inc. will be dependent jppn -•how well you-'demon¬ Ann Konde. president of 400-plus sign up indicates that Nigeria's air force will con¬ strate your capabilities and potential in your starting this spring's rush should CLASSES AND SEMINARS Pan-Hellenic Council. said be tinue bombing military targets assignment in our field Sales organization that the rush will begin with a successful. and disrupting air traffic into JEWISH BELIEFS "Walk She added that it is still Biafra's Uli-Ihiala & PRACTICES others" Contact the Placement Office to make your appoint Through'" at each of airstrip. the houses. possible for women to sign He contended that the air at¬ CONTEMPORARY ment with Armour-Dial. Inc. An Equal Opportunity up for rush in 101 Student tacks disorganized ground JEWISH PROBLEMS "The girls will have a Employer ^ Serivces Bldg. or in the Pan- troops and destroyed a num¬ 3 HEBREW GROUPS chance to visit each of the Hel office. ber of aircraft. FOR DETAILS CALL HILLEL, houses for a period of about 20 minutes each.'' Miss Kinde ► 332-6944 said. "This will run Tuesday 'AMPUS NOW! Feature (§ SPARTAN SHOWN DAILY through Wednesday nights." Paris troupe to stage Antigone at 1:00 - 3:45 ^ UitdUl 11:10 ^ * 3:15 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 TWIN EAST _ 6:45 and 9:30 p.m. Then follows an unstruc¬ Winner Academy Award Nomination for "Best Actor1 tured period from April 7--11 in original, modern dress where the rushees may turn in bids to the houses of their In an unusual Lecture-Con¬ Richard Burton Clint Eastwood Mary Ure program will afford a major choice and set up further meet¬ cert Series special, Le Tre- theatrical event for interested ings. teau de Paris will present Jean members of the MSU community cw Anouilh's "Antigone" at 8:15 "Most of this consists of This "Antigone" is a modern dinner tonight in Fairchild Theater. at the house, coke The production will be in the adaptation of Sophocles' tra¬ dates, and just being invited gedy. Performed in modern original French. Performed by a widely ac¬ dress, the story recounts the events in the life of a girl claimed French company, this TECHNICOLOR TECHNISCOPE who dares defy authority to OM RELEASING CORPO-AT Nominated tor •••••••••• honor her dead brother. Her conviction that she is the only M Suggested for Mature • Next I Marlon Brando'Rita Moveno-Rlchard Boone- Audlen^g 7 Academy Awards ENDS TUESDAY-ALL COLORI OPENING true judge of her own actions Day" BEST PICTURE "VALLEY OF THE £ APRIL 1 brings about her condemnation and death. DOLLS" • The Tickets for the production. ENDS TONIGHT 7:20 only NORTHSIDE PRIVE-IN THEATRE TWO BIG HITS P6T6ROTOOL6 KATHAR1N6 H6PBURN "PLANET OF THE • UPPER ROOM • el ry $2 for students and $3 for the general now at public, the Union are available ticket Of¬ ELEC. APES" Shown at ^ " Posters £ fice or at the door. 9:30 p.m. only gjliles Worth on US-27.. 432-7409 HEATERS TH6 LION IN W1NT6R MWIsr ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS shorten it. Try 0 124 1/2 E. GRAND RIVER • a tan- BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS ^'Above Gibson's Bookstore'® gy pizza or one of our Fraternity Rush great sandwiches. All delivered no instantly at extra cost. ami bfLMJUL^ULd ENDS TONIGHT 2 BIG HITS •••••••#•• April 7-9 MH3/3MILES EAST0FMS.UJ C| __ uc (j^LADMER STARTS WED.* EXCLUSIVE •PHONE EP.2-1042.♦} ELEC- HEATERS I2-8B14- TODAY I UUM T At 1:15-3i20- 5:25-7:30-9:35 ALSO! HftUREEN EI&OTT1? Valley 20TH CENTURY-FOX presents TONIGHT from 7:00 p.m. .... 2 Features .... WED. LADIES DAY tlieof . . . PLanet JOSEPH BRENNER Hamburgers BC«1PJE> 75^—1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Cheeseburgers Dolls ENDS TUESDAY- ALL COLORI Submarines ApES JAMES GARNER "THE NIGHT THEY French Fries Twice at 7:22-11:50 SUPPORT YOUR RAIDED MINSKY'S" Shown only at 9:10 STARTS WEDNESDAY• EXCLUSIVE introducing ARTHUR TRENT LOCAL SHERIFF once ALSO Veronica Lang.Anna Palk | © COLOR by Deluxe United Artists I 'INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU' PIZZA They're Their bag- ALSO- NEXT . . . "THEY CAME Shown once at 7:20 MIKHAIL ROMM'S TO ROB LAS VEGAS" ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS young... supplying "TRIUMPH TOMORROW LADIES DAY Wl^,w" ► 482-3905 CALL 332-6517 they're OVER VIOLENCE'3 in love SHOWN ONCE AT 8:35 75^ LOO to 6:00 P.M. |M |CHIGAIJ ***** VARSITY STARTS FRIDAY! I ENJOYED GREETINGS'! feature at 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:35 A.M. A.NDYGHIFFITH-he's an ex-marine turned preacher " ... in a wacky and wonderful entertainment for the whole family! Fresh humor. Funny * and good-natured Ir A whole gallery of n CO-STARRING ..9v^ichael j^pollard^ne hackman estelle parsons TlCHNICOLOW'PROM WARNBR BROS.-aiu/BN ARTS SHOWN TWICE at 7;37 and Late Greetings (xgvxD® Next: Terence iL PICTURE Young's "MAYERLING" • TECHNICOLOR" Whatever turns you on .. Windy... . . . rash of tornadoes over Kansas. MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STALE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 1, 1969 H FIVE-MINUTE DEBATE Senate approves plans for anti-ballistic missile WASHINGTON -- The Senate today ap¬ ifiable in that U.S. domestic problems hearty approval at this great victory proved the establishment of a "thin- are "so minimal" that defense spending for the "American line" Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Way of Life," can easily be built up. but expressed his concern that the noise Sentinel system after a five-minute de¬ ABM was not without its critics. Sen. of departing missiles might sour the bate milk of his dairy cows. .Paul Peaceatanyprice, D-N.Y., said it The controversial defense system, "just isn't the proper thing to do- Now that the Senate has confirmed which has been endorsed by the speaking as a liberal-and I am a ABM, plans for its implementation Daughters of the American Revolution, liberal." are under way. President Nixon, who Jo tn Birch Society, Wallace tor Presi¬ But. he added, "We the people of the earlier promised that there would de it Committee and Lockheed industries, be no plans for a $40 billion "hard¬ United States must support our President pa ised by a wide margin. line" system, is asking for major now that the decision has been made. cutbacks in education, welfare and ur¬ ■)ne of the more vocal Senate sup- After all. he is the only President ban housing. po.^ters of the measure. Sen. Beauregard we've got." Rocknroll, D-Ala.. called the passage "It won't hurt to have a few billion President Nixon himself was ecstatic. "a victory for all that is good, pure and in reserve just in case the Soviet Union Students beautiful in these United States." Sitting at his polished mahogany desk this morning while munching on a piece or Red China builds up its defense '''he Sentinel System will cost an es¬ of apple pie and fondling a picture of system in reaction to ABM-they're Students at the University of _hour clash outside the Bldg. . timated $7 billion. President Nixon main- his mother. Nixon said. "This is a likely to, you know," he said. Monday. Students last week presented three demands to the University Administratio ta ned that the expenditure was just- great victory for a poor working boy UPI Telephoto who had to peck potatoes in a little country store for seven years." While Nixon was ecstatic, others were SDS stor erratic. Joan Baez. pacifist folk singer, headquarters has chained miniature bombs intended for Vietnam around her ankles and is 'U' Prime-Time slowly strumming her way around the tops White House in protest against the ABM confirmation. Mixed reaction was expressed in the of ASMSU J city of Detroit where one of the de¬ The early morning hours were shat¬ The actual Manhattan and Vodka Collins, accord¬ ployment stations for ABM will be loc¬ tered today when an intense mortar election of the new MSL' a The election procedure will be actually f'd of selective counter-protesting sub¬ ated. Concerned citizens feared that one president will be shown via closed cir¬ ing to one member. barrage pounded MSU's Student Services quite simple, Stevens said. versive militants. Stevens continued. little mistake would set the city back cuit television located at Spartan Stadium, Walter Adams, acting president of Bldg.. marking the fourth time in as The candidate will then be asked to to the days of Father Marquette. Candidates will be asked to remain for many weeks that Communist forces have it was announced early this morning. the University md more important the one one hour behind closed doors in a room tarry a glass of water from one end of The decision to broadcast the elec¬ who orders the drinks, wanted to make Commented one Detroit housewife. attempted a coup d' etat over the pres¬ 10x15 with 35 hippies, 76 yippies, 12 the room to the other. The one with ent regime. tion came as a result of a lengthy it emphatic that he did not want the It's OK if these missiles get to Russia members from SDS, the latest copy of the most water left in the glass will be As the 15-minute attack lifted, ele¬ closed-door board of trustees meeting, position. and China- I never did like Com- the Paper and a special cheering section the next president of MSU. ments of SDS's 17th Division which was held Monday night at Grand¬ He then went on to say that his favor¬ munists-but I'd hate to see one land poured out complete with protesters, demonstrators, Dickerson was quick to announce: of the Horticulture Gardens and stormed mothers. ite color was light green and mahogany on Woodward Avenue " counter-demonstrators, counter-protes¬ "In case of a tie. duplicate prizes the half-demolished Don Stevens, chairman of the board of desks make the office look bigger. A farmer in rural Bancroft, a scarce building. Beleaguered ters, demonstrating protesters and a hand- will be awarded." trustees, was hoping that the meeting "The filing cabinets should be moved 80 miles from Detroit, expressed his government troops of ASMSU rallied could have taken down the hall for maximum efficiency," around their third-floor headquarters in place tonight when the Adams said efforts to squelch the enemy's offensive. hot dogs are "all you can eat for a quar¬ ter." Stevens then nominated Percy Flaken- Joined there by units from MHA, Var¬ The suggestion to televise the selection of the new president was agreed upon bush. teacher his favorite elementary school AND YET, LOOK AT THE RECORDS sity Club and Mortar Board, the allies quickly set up a perimeter and met the somewhere between a Southern Comfort Flakenbush. as Stevens said, has no real onslaught with automatic weapons fire and hand grenades. experience with college students, but has On hand, In a banzai-type frenzy, the guerrillas talked to an actual hippie once. University students Milton B Dickerson. vice president for student affairs, was qui$c to laugh, one threw themselves on the barbed wire fortifications as government troops fired on them from above. and then nominated himself. Air support was radioed for and ar occupy Bldg. Then everyone was quick to laugh. strictly speaking rived in a matter of minutes. A squad¬ Tickets for the telecast of the election will go on sale April 14 at the Union ron of MSU Soaring Club Piper Cubs Approximately students at the made several runs over the torrists Ticket Office, residence halls, class¬ University of occupied the as green, blue and orange flames from rooms and the more than 2.000 local Bldg. at p.m. today and the Sears and Roebuck stores. napalm streaked skywards. held it for hours until University There has been considerable contro¬ rather simple. However, appearances to oppose the tax. certainly many win*1 As the Reds broke through the outer Students who have an activities book President promised to meet versy recently, despite the apparent can be deceiving, and we must admit also find it beneficial. defenses, the allies engaged the enemy with student leaders at p.m. Thurs¬ may now trade in Coupon G for either the possibility that it is basically a Nevertheless. it is lack of public concern, over a pro¬ impossible to in hand-to-hand combat. It appeared the Koslosskoff Ballet, the Stravavanska day. posal by Rep. Richard Allen complex issue with simple overtones, stress too firmly the indubitable nec¬ for a while that the Communists would Monday. demonstrators were Piano Recital or the Making of an MSU for a tax on college degrees. On the or perhaps it is basically both simple essity of either considering the issue President. overwhelm the government troops, but in arrested for . Law enforcement one hand, proponents of the measure and complex and at the same time or of ignoring it altogether, especially a last-ditch effort Major Har Vds Odin, officials blocked off the area and "As always, students will sit in sec¬ neither. under the present circumstances. argue that it would be beneficial; on commander of the expeditionary forces, used and to dispel the tions W. X. Y and Z. under the stands, The latter view seems more reason¬ , the other hand, some say that it would Yet. it would be foolish to take a led a gallant counter-attack and success¬ demonstrators after arrests were made near the concession stands or out by the not. able under the circumstances. Certain¬ hard line, position on the matter, as parking lot. Adams said. fully drove back the rebels. Demonstrations began last week when Seemingly this is a very complex ly such a move by the legislature would, some have done, although it is true As quick as it began, the battle ended the University refused to renew the con¬ Tickets to the public will be $12.50, issue, although in many respects it is perhaps, have far-reaching consequen¬ that others have not. In any case, it and the guerrillas faded into the jungle tract of , professor of $10.50 and $7.50. ces, even though at the moment many is a very complex issue. -The Editors foliage, dragging their tails behind them. Protestors presented demands to -elieve that it can only be fruitless, the Administration, including eemingly. Without a doubt, many would 1. Reinstatement of Professor ie affected-perhaps even students- but 2. Admittance of all students. BROWN-NOSERS it the present time we can only spec¬ 3. Establishment of a center. ulate. A rally will take place Thursday at However, all things considered, we Bldg. at p m.. student flocks must take position of firm opposition Faculty ■ a leader said today to Allen's proposal. Seemingly he has University President has called not thought about the possible draw¬ in more state troopers to protect Univer¬ backs. Certainly there must be some sity buildings and employes. drawbacks to the proposal, otherwise Gassified Adamesque East Lansing haberdashers are ex¬ Stocks are so low, reported one store why would we speak out against it"7 On important the other issue, hand, it must otherwise why would we devote so much space to news stories be an periencing a run on bow ties since the owner, that Hollywood property depart¬ about it? And certainly if it merits so Automotive selection of Walter Adams as acting ments are being combed for Clara- inuch attention in our news columns. SALE: president of MSU. belle the Clown's collection of bow ties. FOR one large green-and-white Perhaps we should also comment on it public transportation vehicle, capacity '19 hal(li"»r< 11* tk«tonl25. Philadelphia lift i only game* scheduled i NO FOOLING Hockey 7Ae m&U i final i EAST Montreal Boston W L T PTS 46 19 11 103 42 IB 16 100 GF 271 303 C.A 202 221 &l &oAte/i New York 41 26 9 91 231 1% Toronto DETROIT Chicago 35 26 15 33 31 12 34 33 9 77 85 78 234 239 280 217 221 246 OPENING Qijftb. .jfMM ■ WEST APRIL 1 Oakland W L T PTS 37 25 14 88 29 36 GF GA 11 69 219 251 204 157 The BARNES FLORAL Philadelphia 20 35 21 61 172 223 UPPER ROOM Lot Angeles Pittsburgh 24 20 42 10 58 185 260 45 U 51 187 250 of E. Lansing Minnesota 18 43 15 51 189 270 Posters * Jewelry indoy Kt'sults Incense * Etc Come in and see our BuHti.K « Montreal i New York 4 Toronto 0 lovely selection of Pittsburgh 2. Philadelphia ! # 12-) 1/2 E. GRAND RIVER# Chicago 9, Detroit * O'Above Gibson's Bookstore'# corsages and flowers. Lot Anu«lr> 3, Minnt«m>u 3 i only garni* «rh«luli •••••••••• We telegraph flowers worldwide Attention Art Students i St. Phone: 332-0871 Clearance Sale On Llquitex And New Masters Acrylic 25°; OFF Pick Up Limited Amount Of New Discount Cards Lowe Brothers Paint 329 5. Washington T&° cc< cycle* (Sale Good Thru Thursday, Lansing April 3, 1969) fiRSt pompon et n&wetfj. YOU CAN HAVE: 1 pr. s/deks dry-c/edned See Here Charlie " <$,2 sweaters dry-c New Peanuts* Music WhiCH WiZENARULER bee . . . hear . . . Charlie Brown ana hi? lovable pals DISCOVERED THE CONTINENT o> 1 Sk \rt dry-c/edned from Charles bchulz's- famous Peanuts, revolving gaily BEYOND NORMAL COMPREHENSION atop handcarved and handpainted S\siss music boxes DURING THE CYCLICAL NATURE * DROP-OFF . . . new from Anri's skilled craftsmen. They're all DRY-CLEANING ONLY here. Snoopy, Schrotder and, The Red Baron OF MAN'S ENVIRONMENT ? " 40* POUND PER CALL DOMINO'S We love active people . . active people love us! n pizza ,'i Creal Locations For Your Convenience 1-213 Ann Street 2 - Corner* of Harrltan & Wilson Road 3 - NorthwiDr. Facing Yankee Stadium Plaza 351-8870 oi 351-7100 EAT A DOMINO'S PIZZA WHILE YOU'RE THINKING: Selection of o»h Imported V,t- 3 •April Fool:; Day to Alii $8 -o $50 r insing, Mich. g Michigan Stat'. News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 1, 1969 / / r pwisttotve, Shop the STATE NEWS OF/SAKGAWS / / / Classified Ads u now Scooters & Cycles Employment Employment The State News docs not IMPAIR 1966 GLAMOUR. MONEY and excitement fS. Two per day. permit racial or religious be yours with VIVIANE WOOD lL\-tUMrs Jones HSmmRYDU can discrimination in its ad- W ARD COSMETICS Free make-up IV5-8351. C TO vertisln;: columns. The PHYSICAL EDUCATION Majors State Ne .vs will not accept needed to conduct program at Holy NEEDED IMMEDIATELY to babysit advertis.nj whichdiscrim 2 small children Cherry Lane Apart Cross School Contact Mr. Fas- • automotive CHECK WITH us before you buv inates against religion, ment 9 to 15 hours weekday eve¬ *>1,489-6501 3-4/2 • employment HONDA OF HASLETT: Honda bikes, • fok rent race, igii. color or national or- parts minutes and riding accessories Only from East Lansing nings 355-8101 2-4 2 ■ ■ WANT x TO earn J1000 plus * thiA 1605 • for sale Ha-lctt Road Phone 339-2039 O SECRETARY FOR International En¬ term'' Salesman wanted No ex* MGB 1967--F«lan Kxceptional night clerk, accounting background and part-time Apply to Personnel CLERICAL-HELP needed for tem¬ condilion A«kru *1500 *89-2379 MUSTANG-1966 2 plus 2 fastback helpful Call 332-6T* * Office. STARR COMMONWEALTH • wanted ..r .151 m < V'k I"'I Hill r V-8 porary positions Sociology Depart automatic Excellent condi¬ 11a 4-4/4 FOR BOYS. Albion. Michigan 49224 tion 351 0095 X5 4 4 ment Pay $2 50 hour Call 353- 5-41 7964 between 9 30 a m-noon, 1:00 DEADLINE CORV'ETTI-; IW7 Hurpjtriy convert A COUPLE or man for maintenance MUSTANG 1967- Per fee Also u general cook and or baker 1 P.M. one class day be¬ :») 2137 hp 4l'7 hmrn Po itracn.m ^372 June 14th through Call 332-6639 from 8-11 September 7th. a 4-4/4 WANTED SECRETARY for I F C For Rent fore publication. 3-4 1 Prefer girl on work-study Call TV' RENTALS (iE 19 portable *8 50 Cancellations - 12noonone 365-8250 between 3-5 p. m 2-4/1 CORTINA (iT iHWi like new 11250 OLDSMOBIIJS 1964 2-door hardtop WANTED MALE or female to work per month including stand. Call J R class day before publica- 489-0347 :i 4 3 Power steering. brakes Mechanical 10-6 pm Working in customer BABYSITTER TUESDAY. Wednes¬ CULVER COMPANY. 351-8862 . 220 ly sound 1675 351-0981 after day. Thursday afternoons Pinecrest Albert Street East Lansing C CXJRVETTP: '9W fii we r c lerical work Great for Spartan Vil¬ area Own transportation 332- PHONE brakes 6b3H Excellent cunditt-m 31- MLE lithium,.,. lage wife Apply at HOBIES. Spartan Shopping Center 930 Trowbridge RENT A TV from a TV Company- $9 00 month Call 337-1300 4 4 4 ?ei cftVOllon wapon ibUVJrr 1225 484 Road 2-4'2 per NEJAC TV RENTALS BABY SITTER-Children. ages 12, C CORVKTTE 355-8255 ciibn 1 DM)-cor vertihle C..ruv 283 MONEY SHORT hours, inter* 10, 8. 7. 5 Day shift, live-in incn ,.p|,* r»-d 372 preferably 125 a week 882- tv rentals 4090 3-4 ONE WOMAN'S COUGAR. 1967 ' pleasant working condition; RATES 365-8215 or 351-5130. 0679 , 4020 Lowcroft. Robert A. 35.easy offei Must miles sell What immediately s ym Schmidt 3-4 1 University 1 day 15< per word per day $1.50 572 l j'! rsot-O.;5",/','; MEMORIAL DAY through Labor Day TV Rentals - m ;»:> 54 1 Country Club in Saugatuck needs 3 days $4.00 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 5092 3-43 experienced waitresses cook. 3- 494-2600 13 Cl'TLASS «*:. ..i thi. 5 1/2 fkn •-p< 71)0. i72-7S3« cellent retirement plan, longevity ates with experienced Well lighted f The State Nev,s t- bonus unlimited opportunities for parking area close to hospital CEDAR personal advancement, and liberal Call MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL | responsible only fc r t' STUDEBAKER LARK 1963 Automotive Auto Service & Parts vacation and sick leave allowance 6^7-9521 VILLAGE 10-4 8 condition Owner drafts! Mum plus social securitv For further in- .V.WIN BODY SHOP 812 East Kala Best offer 353-69'U formatmn contact Mrs. Fern Ple¬ na r Michigan Department of State NURSES RN. LPN ROSELAWN MAN¬ 2 Bdrm. for i.t-- OR NURSING HOME Full or TR-3 ROADSTER pairttint! .n.l coIIimoh Highways 1st floor. Highway Build- 1963 Hdt i'n Un.ung Phone 373-1534. For part time, all shifts. 707 Armstrong Summer Only Road Call Mrs Jolly. Director Automotive other job opportunity information, or Nursing 393-5680 6-4 2 Avaition (all 373 3M51. day or night An Equal $160/mo. AUTHENTIC ARMY Jeep \m . TM( VPH TP-4 I (ipp'irtumty Employer 3-4 3 snow blade A ball hitch, alun. - WANTED EXPERIENCED breakfast tab and ii< <1 WIATION Soeasv to learn caok. June 10th through Labor Day. $800. carpeting One Real sacrifice half down E. Lin ■.* PIPER i'HERoKEE. Special EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COM¬ Write giving qualifications. Box 181, 332-5051 PANY Experienced secretaries, 12863 Sandhill Drive. DeWitt Ph Mackinaw City. Michigan 49701. rHU MPH TH4A !H: typists to work on temporary as¬ 669-5093 signments Never a fee Phone 487- Scooters & Cycles H071 C-4'3 BARRACUDA-PLYMOITH 1965 Deluxe, formula S model SI PERHAWK Plus IT'S TIME TO THINK !!•*> 2 helmets conditioned New tires radio he TH.l vlPil SPITFIRE l er. 4-speed floor shift Sporty Auto Service & Parts ATTENTION pearanee 337-9430 6- Due to expansion, a 200-year- ABOUT SUMMER AT ALL YOU WANT IN .1 H'SOWP'H'^, sir, old concern needs ing people with management potential; for a personal and hard work¬ confide itial interview, Washington 484-4476. call 711 EAST AN APARTMENT... burcham drive -conditioners per apartment *Thr nits *Completely carpeted *Ample parking *Complete'y furnished *L aundry foe: I 'ties To lease for summer or fall phone Mrs. |n- gh ram 489-9651 All apartments furnished with GENERAL ELECTRIC stoves, refrigerators, and air-condi¬ tioners. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS V :, Kli' 635 Abbott Rd. Coming Soon sign-up for qhpj fall term leases. 533(33 gpsaasa m alga IS AT insiga aabej . . . Apdi 8th ■ 8:30 a.m. sloths 40. River island 41, insults □aasg a Hiaaa ssaa ''Dc-lta Arm 16. Orfe *Cedarorook »' rrrs *Hcslett Ar Compound UNIVERSITY 4. Formerly 48. Nurse sfiark DOWN *Lov-ebrook A rr s "Evergreen 49. Born 5. Knight 1. Preceded 6. Rubber tree 50. Cover 2. Kimono sa? - ree Coffee and Donuts 1. Straight¬ 51. Crest 3. Cow genus forward I All apartment are a 5 minute walk to campu ' 8. Conquered Malaria * I Complete!> fi-rr^hed i ' 9%nd 12rr .'th leases uvcMable 0. Equal VILLA '5 Grampus State Management begins Wednesday 9 Butter tree ?0. Bravo April 2—from $55/ ' 444 Michigan Ave. 332-868T vm 2.0 2| 31 21 2.2 Objective Rejoinder I .'4. ?6. Established Basketball team ^opened winter >erm 19 ^furnished and completely 28 Bib. character *four blocks from cami carpeted 29 Swab *9 or 12 month leases *!aundry facilities IP 31 Withdraw *air-conditionirg *24 hour maintenance servi % i 34 Title *patio *Halstead offices on premi: Pli 36 37. Conceited M.litary •.< Legendary tale Halstead Management—351-7910 I ■'-2. Swiss canton 43. Chasm 44. Fr. season 45 Slater's tool Tuesday, April 1, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i For Sale For Sale SEWING MACHINE clearance sale. THREE-BEDROOM home, block from f Mobile Homes LUXURY TWO-bedroom apartment, Brand new portables-$49.50 $5.00 campus, near Red Cedar School' ► furnished Near Logan Center 393- per month. Large selection of recon¬ CHAMPION-1967 For sale or rent. Ample living room, dining room J* 5216or694-0277 (evenings). ditioned used machines. Singers, fireplace, full basement. Large Full air-conditioning, carpeting, Ty RENTALS -- students only. Low Whites, Necchis, New Home and skirting, on King Arthur's lot Swim¬ yard, garage Available August Phone £ monthly and term rates Call 484 "many others." $19.95 to $39.95. ming facilities Phone 351-5651 or owner after 4 p.m .332-0512. M/4 | 2000 to HELP' GIRL wanted immediately Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING reserve yours. UNIVERSITY 353-3936 * 4-4/4 TV RENTALS River's Edge apartment. Reduced TWO-BKDROOM furnished house COMPANY. 1115 North Washington TRADE OR SELL Lake Michigai C rent. 337-2740 3-4/3 15 minutes from campus May 489-6448 C-4/3 sort community residential-com through early August. 355-2182. Lost & Found cial income property for East Lan Apartments BIRTHDAY CAKES~7"-$3.64; 8"- sing area property. Phone 351 $4.18; 9"--$5.20. Delivered. KWAST LOST: FEMALE cat, tiger Last APARTMENT FOR rent Grove NEAR> APITOL Large 4-bedroom BAKERIES, 484-1317 C-4/3 seen 3/17 in vicinity of Grove Street. Male. 3 blocks from Union Comf*'*ly furnished and garage and Linden Reward 332-8081 351-6636 4-4/4 LARGE SELECTION OF frames, Service NEEDED: ONE girl Immediate oc For spring and summer terms. cupancv Haslett apartments Call Ideal > 4 to 5 students. 484-1938 glasses for everyone. OPTICAL DIS¬ SUMMER TERM: Large luxury 4 351-0879 4-4 4 COUNT, 416 Tussing Building Phone man apartment. Furnished Close IV 2-4667 C-4/4 to campus Reduced rent 351- FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished SPEAKER CABINETS-Custom built. With swimming pool Heat paid Magnavox stereo. $235 Excellent Personal $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ EAST LANSING Close to campus MARFT '.D STUDENTS and/or facul¬ condition. 484-1591 3-4/2 AGEMENT. 351-7880 C RENT A TV from a TV Company- 2 rooms and bath. Furnished Male ty binder New 3-bedroom duplex $9 00 month Call 337-1300 graduate student $75 per month per BABYSITTING IN my Spartan Village Cari*i"d draped, many extras EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- NEJ AC TV RENTALS C Phone ED 2-5968 after 6 p.m. 2-4/2 URGENT: NEED 1 home. Days, nights, weekends. 1626 Ranger mini-8. $59.95 and up, I. Call 355-9910 5-4/2 just off ciopMftUl 351 Lear Jet-$69.95 and up MAIN —T HTTRTE RPE RSON AL~| . EAST LANSING Close-in. base 5725 3-4/2 DOWf I 3WN LANSING: 3 bedroom, 10 ELECTRONICS, 5558 South Penn¬ DATING SERVICE PAINTING AT Low wi ment apartment Unfurnished. 3 room house Furnished Fireplace, sylvania. Lansing. C rooms and bath Married couple ONE GIRL for 2-girl Stoddard apart- meet someone you're Free estimates. Call Lshifd living room. Available compatible with| 393-4173 or single woman only. No students imm*llately Call Lee Thorn, 484- STEREO-COMPONENT system less For information send a postcard $120 per month Phone ED 2-5968 5315'' IV 7-0046 5-4/3 than 1 year old. Dual, Dyna, after 6 p.m. 2-4/2 or 332-2920 3-4/2 KLH. Excellent condition. $400 with your name and address I LET SOMETHING GOOD HAPPEN! Get extra cash for don't needs with NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. 1 man to ONE GIRL needed spring and sum¬ 351-8371 3-4/1 f i.U.o. rj C P.O. Box 2137 a Classified Ad. Dial 35^-8255 Ann Arbor( Mich. share 2 man, 2 bedroom flawless mer. 2-girl apartment. Capitol Vil¬ KNAPP SHOES-Easter Sale Aero- apartment Only $70 per month la. pool, air-conditioned Call 351- FREE A Thrilling hour of beau¬ tred cushioned inner sole. Com¬ Call Bill 351-0975 5-4/7 fort, style, quality at reasonable ty. For appointment, call 484-4519 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STU¬ DONNA BOHANNON. Professiona prices WARREN EVANS, 351- FOR RENT in Mason 3 room, mod¬ GIRL FOR q p Wj T C" Qpartment DIO, 1600 East Michigan C-4/3 typist Term papers, thesis IBM em. furnished apartment with pri¬ Sonne ReK tlN_l_C.l^an after Selectric. 353-7922 C vate bath and entrance Call 694- TOM S BARBER SHOP. 3007 Vine. PORTABLE ZENITH stereo Has "Don't worry, senators! We'll get as never been used. Black and wal¬ Vine and Homer across from Fran- dor 8-5 30 Tuesday-Saturday IV 4- PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: A unique nut. $100. Call 351-0602 3-4 1 quality thesis service. IBM typing of them as they do us!" . SUBLEASE TWO man luxury apart ment summer term Close cam¬ many Ley * rented".Stop; tor next year 8844 0-4/3 multilith printing and hard binding 337-1527 C OPEN TUESDAY. April 1st, THE pus. 351-3212 2-4 2 1! 489-4363. 3-4/1 - UPPER ROOM, a new store at BARBI MEL: Tvoine. multilithine. 124'* West Grand River 2-4/1 CHALET: 1 or 2 men for 3 man For Rent For Rent CON&IETELY FURNISHED and fire- No job too large Block off campus 332-3255. or too small plac for 4 to 5 single persons C furnished. air-conditioned apart¬ Ne»: Capitol 484-1938 5-4/1 ment. Close to campus 351-8869 SPECIAL! 731 Apartments 1 man NEED MEN spring or summer, Apart- ANN BROWN: Typist and multilith DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and en¬ spring term $60 Call 351-9474 ment 303 Call Nat, 332-8488 offset printing. Dissertations, theses 5-4/4 5-4/3 527 DRTH Magnolia. 2-bedroom gagement ring sets. Save 50 per OVERLAND EXPEDITION INDIA cent or more Large selection of manuscripts general typing IBM furgsiied, fenced yard, garage, Leaves London June 24 $485 De¬ 19 yea rs experience. 332-8384 C COUPLE ONLY, South Okemos area SUMMER SUBLET: 2 girls, $48 50. surfer term only $140 month plain and fancy diamonds. $25-150 tails D. Aarons-23 Manor House ONE GIRL for 3-girl luxury apart WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. ment 2 weeks free rent. No de Furnished, utilities paid $90 351 air-conditioned. Loweb rook e Apart- Drive. London NW6. 5-4 2 5-4/4 351-7042 3-4/1 009 East Michigan 485-4391 C posit Reduced rates 351-3447 2-4 2 0426. ments ^ WE LL PAY $100 to sublease RIVERSIDE EAST Apartments 1310 Animal s you Peanuts Personel beautiful top floor Chalet Apart¬ East Grand River Now leasing ment overlooking river 351-3210 for summer-fall, June to June CYCLES SELL LN SPRING! Ad ; RACHMANINOFF'S 86th Birthday NEED ONE man for 3-man Close leases Available, 1 apartment spring TH/ IKFUL? A "Card of Thanks vertise motorcycles and bikes with a • WANTED: ONE man to sublease for to campus $70 month 351-0338. term Friendly atmosphere, near in le Peanuts Personal column is Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255. DALMATIAN PUPPIES-Black. < summer Capitol Villa Own bed after 5 pm. 3-4/1 MALE GRADUATE or advanced un¬ campus 332-8292 3-4/1 an asy way to express your grat- GIANT TURKEY David Hair will room . $55. 351-7026 3-4 3 dergraduate to share luxury apart itui i. Come in today to place ment, 351-6954 3-4/2 HOSMER STREET. 315-Lower 2- be much better in New York than yoi Peanuts Personal They must in Mount Pleasant Love, Stevie. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South off bedroom. stove and refrigerator 1-4 1 be I aced in person and pre-paid I Fraternity Rush I Michigan Avenue Efficiency Men furnished Utilities paid. $135 ZERO IN on the tenants want. only. Share bath. Utilities paid $60 month, deposit required Phone FUF JISHED FOUR-Bedroom faculty you Advertise rentals with Classi¬ a month plus deposit. Phone 627- 484-4761 5-4/3 a hou ;. September-June Families fied Ad. Dial 355-8255 now onl; $225 337-1597 evenings WANTED: GRADUATING senior to DALMATIONS--AKC 12 weeks Qual¬ NEW PI Kappa Phi Actives gratulations on your initiation. Love. Con¬ April 7-9 [ share apartment North Detroit ity plus temperament Phone COACH- area. Reasonable rent. 585-6329, Little Sisters. " 1-4/1 ACRES. 339-8930 5-4 4 after 9 p.m weekdays or Barb R . TWO-MAN furnished apartment avail¬ 300 East Nine Mile. Ferndale 5-4 2 able spring term Very large No Why Should A College Graduate Become A Police Officer? deposit 351-8108 3-4 3 SUMMER ACROSS from campus. Two It's hard work-you have to accept a lot of abuse-verbal and physical-you work in all bathrooms. bedrooms. Air-condi¬ kinds of weather-probably assigned to duty during weekends and holidays and you tioning 351-3576. 3-4 2 SUMMER TERM: Furnisl certainly see the worSt side of life. Golfers Attention ment, swimming pool, ONE MAN for luxury apartment ' tioned. 351-3797 WO J AN STUDENTS: Large home But ... . Shag Balls with pool. Close campus $50 month. No lease Call 351-3715 5-4 1 E* llent location. Kitchen, park¬ how many other occupations are involved in indepth aid and assistance to the public? Sl.OOdoz. ONE GIRL needed immediately 4- ing aundrv 332-1918 5-4 4 W Plastic Practice girl apartment Dishwasher, air- In how many other occupations does the work change continually? In how many other Balls 6 for S1.00 BAY COLONY APARTMENTS 1 conditioning, garbage disposal Close ON'fc JIRL needed. Furnished, clean, occupations do you find the stimulus, excitement and challenge as in professional 2 bedrooms. Furnished and unfi tocampus $60 351-3276. 4-4/1 war jng distance $55 332-5320. Law Enforcement? Shuttle Cocks ished. Call Jack Bartlett. nager Own bedroom and Ha aft^ 6p m 6-4'4 - Tennis Rackets 337-0511 Hagadorn Roads Corner of YOUNG FEMALE faculty member near campus. 351-4276. Call after 5 p.m. 3-4 1 The Oaklarld, California Police Department ivfcv- *" Tennis Balls desires roommate beginning June -a"*- —.For 4, $40 FREE: 1969 Golf 15 2-bedroom, 2-bath deluxe fur Pays its beginning Police Officers over $10,000 a year to start. Why? Because nished apartment Close to M.S.U we want the best men available for service to our community. Of course they must Rule Book with Graduate or voung faculty member meet strict mental, physical and moral requirements, such as; 351-3426 4-4 1 Purchase of S1.00 or more. APARTMENTS 1. Be a United States Citizen, age 21 through 32 inclusive, or 35 with 2 years' college Larry Cushion 3-4 2 ONE GIRL wanted to share Cedar $150 per month 485 or 2 years' police experience. Greens Apartment immediately 351- 2. Be at least 5'8", but not more than 6'7" tall without shoes; weigh at least 150 lbs.' Sporting Goods TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 r<075after4 p.m. 3-4/1 GR£ il'ATE MEN: Close to campus and have weight in proportion to height as determined by the examining physician. 3020 Vine IV 5-7465 nen privileges Parking 351- Burcham. $125 to $135 124 Cedar 54( evenings or weekends 5-4/4 3. Have uncorrected vision of at least 20/70 each eye, correctable to 20/20 one eye, RIVERSIDE EAST-4-man apart Open Fri. 'til 8; Daily 'til 6 Street. $150 to $160 135 Kedzie ment for spring and summer terms EAST LANSING: Students - 2 bed- 20/30 other eye; and normal color vision. One block north of Mich. Drive $170 to $180 All utili¬ 355-5657 5-4/1 4. Possess a valid driver's or chauffeur's license. Ave. one-half block west ties furnished Call days. 487-3216: except electricity evenings 882 1136 FRYE Two bedroom furn¬ r^TRE^D'™ lease 351-5285 after 4:30 p.m 5. Pass a comprehensive medical and psychiatric evaluation by physicians designated 2316, until 10 p.m O ished, six blocks to Campus, $180. 10-4 8 by the Civil Service Board. No Waivers are granted. A character investigation will Call Bud Nilson 351-9340 or 351- MI I: OWN bedroom Summer Stu- also be conducted. de I preferred. Cleaned. Nicely A recruiting team from Oakland will be on campus Monday and Tuesday, April 7 and 8. STUDENT SPECIAL ONE GIRL needed for spring term fu ushed 337-1480 5-4 4 If you are interested in entering Placement Bureau, 355-9513, into the examination process, contact immediately: at 711 East Apartments. Burcham M> CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park- Adjusting - Cleaning - Overhauling Drive Phone after 4 p.m., 351- if , supervised Close to campus for further details. Incidentally, many Oakland Officers have completed their college 4t -5753 or 485-8836 O education while on the department. If you have a year or two to go, why not look into 25% off opportunity and prepare for the future? NEED ONE man, new large home. this MS- our regular prices during 4 bedrooms, 2695 term arranged. 393- 3-4 3 RENTEQ!h60 3-41 CITY OF OAKLAND PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT the month of April. ROOM 100, CITY H11 Telephone 415-273-3311 RO FOR Gentleman over Revco FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY See doorman. Campus Thea- Oakland, California AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES •«^a(ter 5 30 p.m. 10-4 10 H-O-W T-0 TEDIt'r 1477 Hoslett Rd., Haslett 339-2654 W-R-l-T-E p' Phone JO1-7782 Largest Supply in East Lansing and MEN: want Unde to wW-A-N-T A-D-S by Ima WantAd LI ING ROOM furniture. Danish MONARCH NOTES ZT H ave a clear idea of who will read your ad. n "dern Davenport and matching campus sprin Organiie your telling points. Weigh each point for strength. Stress important cf tirs, lamps, end tables. 351- ^6 after 5 p.m. 1-4/1 KENMORE DELUXE washer $125 Hamilton gas dryer Best offer Tell all essential facts. 332^)067 2-4/2 Omit repetitions and useless words. M ST SELL-2 new Sansui receiv- Read your ad out loud. Doas it sound right? e 1 100 watts--|225. 130 watts- Include price If possible. Yo u'll get mora ra¬ $ >0 Two 3-way speakers--$300 suits. a fc. now $175. Call Garv. 351- tal to your Try to make a personal app. 4-4'4 readar'l security, comfo,■t, family, ate. Ai'&O SET F 2.8 clearly^and inlferestingly. 35mm camera, Express faefs (, Ipled meter, rangefinder. new Wr!»e in everyday language, . It's easier to understand. Ask for action. Include phone > number or address. Never exaggerate. P«ople >von't believe you. Test for accuracy. Make siire your grammar rrect. Accentuate positive points. Avoid the P DCESSING REGULAR or Super 8 negative if possible. f "Sdak color movie film or Koda- These apartments are the finest in men's superivsed Don't abbreviate, if possible. People may not f -ome 135-20 with this ad. $1 29 understand your meaning. f VREK REXALL DRUGS PRE- housing. They allow you luxurious apartment living ( RIPTION CENTER at Frandor even if you are under 21. Schedule your ads for low-cost 3- and 5-day ... t w Lower Everyday Discount rates. ^Readers will see your id. You can t ices C-4/3 Call now for more information especially when they're well written! V W ESSEX bass amplifier with « ver and stand $200 Excellent Adition 34/2 Campus View Apts. Call 372-7350 WANT ADS WORK WONDERS 4&1 M-8 stereo tape recorder with I *akers. mike, tapes 351-9554 STATE NEWS 3-4/2 324 East Michigan 355.8255 Across From Berkey Hall Classified Across From The Unic Free Parking At Store Side City Parking At Rear 332-6246 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 1, 1969 ifR^ Judiciary proposals Mis deemed academic' Frederic Storaska will speak on "Prevention of Assaults on By MARILYN PATTERSON tent with the Academic Freedom judiciary to be inconsistent Women" at 3:30 p.m. in the Union Ba Iroom, 7 p.m. in Conrad Aud¬ State News Staff Writer Report and the vice president with the freedom report is im¬ itorium and 9:30 p.m. in Wilson At litorium the lectures, spon¬ ASMSU s proposed changes for student affairs has yet to mediately null and void and sored by the Women's Inter-reside! ce Council, are open to the in the campus judiciary sys¬ reverse any of our decisions, that the vice president for stu¬ public free of charge. tem are only academic. Sue so at this' point the changes dent affairs may ask the jud¬ Schurman, chairman of the Stu¬ don't really affect us," she said. iciary to review a decision but l 7-9 tonight in Parlors dent - Faculty Judiciary, said The ASMSU proposals, for¬ he may not overrule the jud- Sunday. mulated fall term, are that ' The judiciary has yet to de¬ any regulation or administrat¬ The proposals have been app¬ clare any regulation inconsis¬ ive decision declared by the roved by the Faculty Committ¬ ee on Student Affairs. If app¬ roved by the Academic Council The Romance Language Dept A > inounces the production of and the board of trustees, they Funds plague Library will become amendments to the Academic Freedom Report, Ar- "Antigone" (in French i at 8:15 tonif it in Fairchild Theatre. Tick¬ ets. on sale at the Union Ticket oi ice. are $2 for students and $3 for the public. (continued from page one) million dollars annually. Neville said that although the "Libraries are one of the Currentlv. the vice president The Journalism Student Advisory Committee will meet at 8 to¬ Library is better than it was most rapidly growing expendi¬ of student affairs may affirm, night in the Journalism Bldg reading room. 10 or 15 years ago, "it is not tures of a University." Chapin reverse or ask the judiciary to as good as it ought to be." said. "The cost of Libraries review a decision, and the only The MSU Outing Club will meet at 7 tonight at 116 Natural Sci¬ He added that it was not be¬ is going up faster than the cost action taken «n a judiciary de¬ ence Bldg. A slide program will be presented depicting past and cause the faculty or Library of salaries. The University has cision that deregulation or ad¬ future club activities. administrators were not con¬ cerned with the quality of the to face up to this or it have a good Library and won't good ministrative decision sistent with the freedom report is incon¬ The Chess Club will meet at 7:30 to light in 304 Bessey Hall. ZEEUNDER USOA GRADEA Library that the Library still librarians." is to inform the agency which is not up to the quality it should be. Richard E. Sullivan, professor and chairman of the History issued the regulation or decis- Do you have 3 to 5 hours a week you.could donate to help a for¬ HEN TURKEYS e-ioib. ave^e ib. 39c " eign student learn conversational Etiglish? If you do. please call "It's that we just don't hav5 Dept. and chairman of President Actually these proposals the English Language Center at 353-0802. the resources." "Just because he explained. has the re¬ Hannah's Ad Hoc Committee the on haven't changed Miss Schurman said. anything." GRAND PRIZE BEEF BONELESS one Library, said that in his sources, one doesn't necessar¬ ily have a great university or opinion a general consensus that the Library is important The freedom report, she said, operates on a "good faith" CHUCK ROAST *. W library, but you can not have a does not exist among MSU stu¬ philosophy It is assumed that hfmical Society-Student Affiliate Chapter will great university of Library without great resources." President John A. Hannah was dents and faculty. " will The money for the Library come when this consensus the judiciary acts in good faith and should any decision be ques¬ tionable. the vice president still * ht in 136 Chemistry Bldg. John Bernhardt will presenting a scientific paper. SPARTAN SLICED BACON M" queried as to where the Lib¬ is can ask us to review a decis¬ prevalent." Sullivan said rary stands as far as appro¬ He added that in his judg¬ ion." she said. " This is all he priations go. ment the University community would ever have done to begin Does the University want has come a long way toward with. The basic philosophy of Buy 8-pack 16 02. MSU Rodeo Club will meet at 9 tonight in 131 Anthony Hall more money for the Library? forming that consensus in the 15 the report has not been Sign up for first workout, and dues rrtust be paid. "If we get what the gover¬ nor asked the legislature for. years he has been here changed." Miss Schurman said it would The Greater Lansing Community Organization Task Force Pepsi-Cola then there will be funds to do be " unnecessary" to increase at what the Library wants." Han¬ Workers needed the number of student members Against White Racism will meet at 8 p.m. tonight at the Edge- wood Church in East Lansing regular price nah said. on the judiciary to equal the Get 26 "We will be able to get books for ASMSU polling faculty members (WITH THIS COUPON) | 02. Bottle and services needed, but not Eight workers are needed to "There has never been and everything Chapin wants." And Richard E. Chapin. dir¬ man the polling booths during we can't conceive of there be¬ Meef ASMSU THIS OFFER GOOD THRU Apr. 15 . Free the April 9 ASMSU general elec¬ ing a direct split between the Tuesdav- 7:00 p | good only *r Spartan Shop Rite ector of University Libraries, tions. Sandy Fenster. ASMSU students and the faculty jud¬ m.-HOLDEN G-8 9 00 Plus Deposit p.m.-SHAW LOWER LOUNGE said that the Library's basic Elections Chairman, announced iciary members." she said "In view 'of the way the com¬ Wednesdav- 7 :00 p.m -FEE HALL 137 O-caa m-o need is probably for another this week 9 00 p.m -McDONEL KIVA Anyone interested in the job munity views the situation." Thursdav- 7:00 p.m -HOLMES HALL 105-106 must be willing to work from 8 she said, "'it might be better a.m.-5 p.m. election day. Pay will be $1.50 per hour to increase ship just so student it wouldn't like the faculty controls the member¬ look Sundav- Monday- 9:00 p.m -WONDERS KIVA 7 00 p.m.-30's ROOM OF MAYO HALL 7:00 p.m.-BRODY AUDITORIUM Campbell's Tomato Soup 10c Sign-up for the jobs will be con¬ 9:00 p.m.-SNYDER CAFETERIA ducted this week. 3-5 p.m.. in 310 judiciary. However, an in¬ Student Services Bldg Sign-up closes Friday crease wouldn't do in student us any membership good." Tuesday- 7:00 p.m -AKERS HALL-137 3-Diamond Mandarin Oranges 5/5)00 The presentation mil be made at yankee 5tacxum, anp wu will rlpe Green for Urban Affairs director onto The Fielp in a huge Yellow EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a need for immediate and forceful action in called the Center for Urban Affairs and PRODUCE convertible with that pretty little statement the presence. of a well-staffed, adequately- by the Black Students' Alliance the areas that have been outlined is all too KEP-HAlREP GIRL AT University community of its SPARTAN STRAWBERRY HALVES "extraordinary efforts able insights into the nam: of the racial intention to undertake sincere and should be a 00 3/$1 made to effect fundamental problems facing America changes of attitude and behavior of white As an associate professor ot enduring effort to make MSU a truly inte¬ scling. grated and*ocially Americans toward the Negro in American responsive institution personnel services and educai il p;. rning." society." as stated by the Com- chology. his professional quaiiti(-at:>>i ittee of Si? teen The recommendations made by the com¬ mittee toward this end were, in part, a re¬ and research interests and public have brought him wide recognition as ar. W" uii-t I niversitv to immediately ■DAIRY- statement of demands presented to the Uni¬ aughoritv on the problems of the educa¬ h i icq'ate funds available to im- Sg . versity by the Black Students' Alliance aft¬ er the assassination of the Rev. Martin tion of urban and educationally vantaged children, and the racial crisis "disad¬ pi .unit th< programs it so highly en- upporting these positions, we SPARTAN assistant provost for Equal Opportunity Dr. Green thus brings to the position a suggest the immediate hiring of the staff BABYSITTER WANTED in my home Programs and director of the Center for long standing interest in the problems of necessary ti implement the other func¬ Reasonable Contact Carol Helfrock Urban Affairs is an important develop¬ race and urban affairs, a tions that hive been delegated to the cen¬ 332-4516 3-4 2 thorough back¬ ment in MSU's attempt to make itself more ground in the area, and a familiarity with ter and to liqual Opportunity Programs- relevant to the entire society. Mr. Lee. MSU's expressed intentions and initial curriculum • development, research, on- RATHER FISH NOW THAN SKP since assuming the post in September 1968. efforts towards solving society's most campus and off-campus action programs, Sell sporting goods to cash buyers has been primarily responsible for the de¬ with a Classified Ad Dial 355-8255 pressing problems. Perhaps most im¬ experimental programs, minority recruit¬ velopment of a working framework for the portant. he brings sincere dedication to the ment. enforcing regulations against dis¬ "We Give Gold Bond various recommendations and demands task of making this University accept the Stamps" criminations. and the like. ONE GIRL for 9 month lease, begin that have been presented to the Univer¬ challenge presented to it by these prob¬ The Alliance suggests that the University IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER ning September Universitv Ter race 351-7189 5-4/7 sity lems and respond in ways designed to aid take the necessary steps in implementing Through a series of seminars with rep¬ in their alleviation. these recommendations at the earliest mo¬ Harrison at T rowbridge WANTED TO buy used portables resentatives of all segments of the Uni¬ Between Nothing more could be asked. MSU ment. There has been too much said and Spartan Village and Call 339-2654 AMERICAN BUSI versity, a detailed compilation of " the should immediately take such steps as much too little done already. If MSU is as Cherry Lane Apartments NESS MACHINES 1477 Haslett breadth and depth of university activities are required to piace the name of Dr committed fo becoming a truly responsive Road. Haslett 2-4/2 in equal opportunity programs and the Green before the required committees and relevan. institution as it professes to WANT TO lease 3-bedroom home for Center for Urban Affairs" has been gath¬ and the MSU Board of Trustees for ap¬ be. then th-^se recommendations merely 1 year East Lansing or vicinity ered. This undertaking has done much to Furnished or unfurnished Available pointment to the position of assistant pro¬ reflect a sjiur to movement along the chart the path for future efforts in these vost for Equal Opportunity Programs and course that it has charted. If not, then for occupancy July 1st Call Gene Duckworth. Michigan Education director for the Center for Urban Affairs. the time is now for us all to reassess the Association Phone 332-6551. exten¬ Mr. Lee's imminent departure from the There is vast difference in having on situation and act accordingly. sion 228 3-4/2 MSU campus occurs at a time when the the campus of MSU a mere structure March 27.1968The Black Students' Alliance