llaral will IrrtniT Michigan State News wr \rmn r„,«t Thurv- tail iiinieht anil We , l 1ft Fro.ll eler- (Inx Slightly w.n Wednesday .ANSIXII. Ml( nil.AN, WILLIAM HARD Journalist W ill INGHAMKENNEL Final Enrollment Figure FROSH TO NAME T",,,a R","b"e"" Club Elects TRIMMINGS TO Speak Thursday Officers TO LECTURE ON CLDBD0GSH0W Sets New Record of 3,321 CLASSLEADERS BE JUDGED BY la- NEWEST DEAL* Freshmen Show Greatest CLOSES SUNDAY crease ; Liberal Arts Continues THIS THURSDAY FACULTY GROUP to Lead Divisions. Journalist to Spuk in F.rylish Sellrr Cains Governor's v-f Ra(|,0 Vivian, White, and IVIcKihbin Dean F.mmons, Dean Conrad, Pf«ple» Church at Cup as Prire (or Best Will Contest Presidency and J. A. Person Will Grant 7 30 Thursday Dog in Show. of Freshmen. Homecoming Prizes. 4 WORLD TRAVELER LARGE CROWD ATTENDS WILL VOTE FROM 5 TO 7 PAN HELL TO GIVE CUP I II Comment on Rrcrrl Poli Demonstration Hall Houses One Flections Will he Held in Union #1 Inspection to he Made in After¬ lical llfsolopment in the of Most Successful Exhibits Piuildinq Under Student noon and F.vening to Get F.f- I'nitfd States. K.ver Held in Laming fect in Roth Day and Night. ulents will have 'I'll-' 1 hunipinn Kiijrli-h -,'1- I«•»". "liilri.i", t'liief Topic," • nn,.I I,-. Mi- Prim ilia St. yy llli.im II ,r,I i„ Oiyc ..I I ns. .1,1 Park. N > . w.i iinlpcil i,> I,,, the licsf nf GR0UPT0H0LD ' la' i!> sr ili.ps Ml Ilia tilth annual -Iniw nf (lit- Ingham' VARSITY ALUMS 1 ■■•it, Ki niicl 1I11I. «ha h N', went Deal. MODELLEAGUE «.i li.-lil 111 |li'mi>ii Michigan State college Maruin Crwin. tica»- entrance requirement. w. that they il at • a m Spartaa Stocks** Ttrt I i!'ua Drake gatekeeper » edu A representative of the Michigan GmZ RacwS * Awriui ' Johnson; Ceres, Rose cational theories Central railroad will be at the ^ • «na Rose York. Flora. Work along these lines has been Union desk fiom Wednesday' layal Mad Reynolds. pianist Mary Bai- October 31 until Wrdneada.N position pidginti * •' going on for some months here Ar,-. r, and in other institution* with the *> Piv* riMit rtrresled in joining the Until recently, it wait rustomai cd by Prof of making the re¬ George A hi . .1. hand his name to any primary aim . **•«' tor adventurous vouthi of the Animal H t tndt v r • mentioned There quirements mure flex-hi* >n urd#*r . . -« - Avalanche thif • i-i! charge "• that a reduction in definite tub* front of the big city another meeting within ject matter specification may be ogle the the trip Don Bruce. Parr L-i- secretary: Huth Martin. ? 1 r-a#ui"> 1 | ' »< be announced upon cble length, then sign up to see the Monte. Ken Andei •• •• Wat'.' program Dean Elisabeth Conrad has t x- »rn ol the The committee will make a thor¬ world through a porthole Within Hertiii i Roland Ka i n Russell. pre.sMe*e gatherings suitable basis -a mi few Id constitute satisfactory method of get- class Hereford herd - ire. wherever pa it-turn- financed by th« Member* of the organisation ready for the catalog which is pub¬ Federal Emergency Relief Ad- voted to assist Sphinx with it* Approximately lished early in tl Laaving here Monday. October ministration -a .i help lOG.OOf "unimage .*alc. November 17 Plan* sons are attending school in the The personnel 14. in two cars, the team made needy young men and women to •re ab«» being considered for a United States at the present time. then motored on thi: year finance their higher edu- oarty which would be given A.ithory Maria Djr*. (Continued on page 2J cation. Thank (.giving Day for the girl*; ly. ft C Hurt«i»ndH B Dirts TWIT III I I '% | who will remain on the campus MICHIGAN STATIC NEWS Taewlay. Ortnlk- 30. i;i;{ size dowiYTo the good Dobcn-,. Michigan State Newt r The "j JUDGING TEAM THE SEAT OF LEARNING GOLF TOURNEY STVDERT PULSE Pinscher owned by M. V. Royn-.i, which took the trophy in it . (Continued from page l) h | Spartan j PLACES EIGHTH ROBERT FARROW WONBYTAYLOR tided Tuesday by Panhellcr Council, The trophy i* to be • i Spoofer ; i Attends . AmericanKoyal Live Ed Riordan ii Runner-up ia . art.- smal silver one which the winnu sorority will be able to keep. Pa, '"* /, hellcnie hopes to make this an a: The Stock Show in K,rsas Final Matel. Nayad .. M.ddy The minute you open the door ^ Cily. Stewart's you know she will be Groeibeck Coarse. Michigan SI N-v. • Also at the Tuesday meeting And think: Oh, piy is chosen to rccor GIFTS ! if you >d. I hope she's not here; oh. [ Dear Editoi Hy shooting sub-par golf on the j This present squabble regarding ■use. don't let her be here. But >t nine, Neal Taylor, a uity rushing Th«- sopho-; Thanksgiving vaeation appeals ti will be there, .yes, she will be arc from Louisville. Kentucky. I ,no toexhibition of stub- be an Ml It All (HtANlOW managed to nose out Ed Riordan i borncs< and selfishness on the pan In the booth next the door ahe and Carl Nosal in the all-college of both partie rone rncd -i • I 'il I" and .1- tin- door shuts be— -n!f tournment which was held at« the . faculty and the student body The meet was staged! be more'in the right il tm n towaid ;.ow with th"ii Saturday ^Xsoccin'.d (fcllcpiitf 3?rcss INGHAM KKNNH SHOW iby-staio and h« :• little, round ,n a steady, cold rain and this was The student hod- .-em iof..r- outh will \plit suddenly into a . 1.,. main reason whv there wasn't' KNIIS HKKKJi! M»A\ ~ (j , t ^ , ' ( » *utiot urger turnout Of the thirty- ' , . ,n . , 1,..,.. «ht ,'armth. And Paylor and Riordan. playing to- j A Complete Price Kungr her. staged a duel from start j finish. Riordan was much I /■III From 5(k to $25 That Football Schedule- On the tentl booth you t IV|,„ ^,,1 t■ 1 h< I eather f i»M»d* stor 7 Smith Washington \i Neat Michigan n \l)\ AM I! SALE FOR -I'Sv':: LOUIE PANICO \ \II I'ls III III » I It Friday, November 2 -< \i cdni'-u i > \ COLLEGE $2.20 BULLETIN Kroiih fmuiMll . TYPE IT ON A rmul lecture ..>1 sn, 1.. ROYAL WORIjrs FINEST PORT MILE $ I.uthrrn Student rluh 29 50 !:'" 1 r 'LYrin- laiu Sl.tMt iVr IN wk • a- as Doesnt Wan/ to Hun fru/flv Off KEBl II.T ST.WIIAKI) AM) PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS All MAKES SOLD-RENTKD-RKPAIREB FRANKLIN I)L KLEINE CO. CLASSIFIED roi i"»in s Barratt's Shoe Repairing MIOI S OVU) \«N \ ( Ul.UR Wedne.Nda.x n.gt/ 1 t'KOSlf Wll.l. K.|.K( I :'3U HITIl'tiKS THI KM) AY For Campus Wear or Dates "s (Continued from page I > * A CXt,*t«ei X t, ha,ride or.. - * • u. u I'inah for freak nun 1 Th»u »«t<\ Noverobv Jf $7.50 Ilia a was afternoons. the 1,'nnm Morula ball . 4 t>» aod \ Tfuisd*?' n , :-«k Admittance in J. j 1 ngiwun. 1,1 i < t • all off campus approved hor.ee ? WALKOVER v • Kiu>«- r.'.c: . i,..u thv I w. Mt\ • for ec girls will meet in the home; budding. tuum 1. November 1.1 9 . 9 | C... Hi ... ,!.• ;> f.dl, where he will at 5 p m A W S. rules and ■;v-,«•! 1 : Hamilton. California ttOfUiationii will be discussed BURTON'S WALK-OVER SHOP . coach He will nerve without pay - ■ he^ «w> preserve Patronise Michigan State News I —/\ TufVlay. Oetober 30,193-1 MICHIGAN STATIC NEWS Pace 3 parties By Woman's Building State Theatre A. A. W.tnArfrf U. COOP STARTS ON Musical Society H»»«. Mother, t» Military Honorary and Mary Mayo are Features Two New Group* of Week-end Social Activities For Coming Year YEAR'S ACTIVITIES R"jds Receptmn at Shaw s Friday ""wSS'Sta. To Induct Fifteen Scabbard and Blade Will laiti- u . Virginia Lyon is Named Presi ate November Zl. Plan. Made by Organ...!... .1 Dormitory Partieo Prow Popular; Kippa Kappa IKIKKfIS Ol >l»t KWKKMIV." ^ (#f ^ Tfrm Kappa Delta, and Chi Omegas Entertain an Stale First Meeting on ary, Felet Faculty and Tneater—Today only. Scabbard and Alpha Gamma Rbo Has Radio Party. Starring—Charlie KiirrIpv Ann I for November " -- weive to fifteen Charlie Rugflet aaaumea ttM Tut- new study groups marked i, :m the number of men who rami bark !<• tin • •■•n!- ,, i. ,, Who funetior , >• the opening of the fall program • night for more, i* v • i'.. seeni *!«.«' tin- •*••• m debt. 1 ... 1m , .. .» • t»f A A V \V The art club und tio'n is always «, parties last Friday night mad* at. impression on the , . n.mt . >f»..w in- r«-.ii bunk club we'll- added to the drama ne in the spring. t,-rr.itv men of the campus. his senhary Miss ik.> .,k club, international relations club, i • tlies usually coeds did moat of the entertaining t hi-p.a '.week-end ■ ' • . • \ and neophitr group The neophite •H'*meeorning t«» the fraternities Besidt - tin I...-' ' » ••••»«— ...a I'll I he Mhvo and Women's building dan..-. •'• « wir- th peoolt if.-rntl\ graduated from Kuppu ttammn iinu* Ruggles iimi'pa Tall term partii-f. .< v Mil i In- Kappa Delta raili" i' M. ng started. Kvery Tuesday evc- t• ni, i.tit• ..I tbf study groups meets •piu liammn Kb" »»> th. t• iT.-tnit\ t<. entertiiii sicm'1 K A lis had a rail:- «'• f Saturday niiriii. 1)1 s||{ AHI.I Utr The.it Thurwd.t. LIBRARY ADDS BOOKS Constitution Draw; Fast Marv Maya Lutheran Meet* Officers s,l"'*n" •\ ELECTION OF OFFICERS 111,.i \i. ' : .. II. HELD AT 4-H MEETING Anna Mat Child* Chu.cn Prrai" dent of Girls Dnrmitort p.» \l|ihA Thrta 11 li. aiii:iti:s. t a\oiks \.ph.< Th.'.. A J« an Vi r ! m ag a/inks i Teddy's Retreat a.ii e\ri;»t iiitd- i j 1 ft* 11 lit it in M I ( \H0S THE IETCMINGS 1 -A INK POT I A I.I.IKS MH,KS COPPEU PLATES \N lit! II I Initio ( tsmillK lliild ltdnt(Url which atPMOOllCt VOUMCOPV fAltHEUlLV / Felt Seals. i nj- .siiiurtiav's (.ante (anipus Barber & I'eiinanF . Beaut > Shop < -rnrr \Mw.i and l.rdiid Hon Good Taste / Mallow ten I hum Wedne-cl.t\ Nile MIDI! I O.NTI AMI lll> l»KIIIM1tt\ wllh Alum 4 dll.ihdii and Iin- Harris We're Keudv to Set I he Fa. Ju.sl a> Slatt I- Leading Try Our Quality Baked Goods Last Banning's must modern retail Iwker \ CLARK'S PASTRY SHOP 203 East Grand Km r free Delivery hirticf I'hunc . 2M1 mamasBRSSSPSSSfi ATTEND THE Union Dance With RED DRENNAN The world's finest tobaccos arc used and His Orchestra Luckiet~the "Cream of the Crop"— only the clean center leaves—for the Friday Nov. 2 - 35c clean center leaves are the mildest leaves "It's toasted" —they coat more —they taste better. V Foar tkrwt freimlun- against irrtMlaoo- MICHIGAN STATE XFWr ruosflay. October MO. 10* j RULES OF FALL FROSH GRIDDERS TO MEET WESTERN TRACK EVENTS Last Homr Cam* to ba Playad at ARE ANNOUNCED Pallmyill Fifld on Thursday Annual Handicap Track and II I'lMlM H MINI I: Field MfM Will b. Run Oft This Waal. ENTRIFS ARF UNITED Four Medals Will be Given to First Four Places in Fach Event • \ : ItOM/l Tlir AOVI'N 11•» CHARLES RtiCCLE? ANN DVORAK Aetheons Show Surprising Amount f RIKNO.s II MI; SWLKNEY Of Power in Second Round Games Till i: \\ Pill Dells and 1ns Also Victor* ARE MEN TIRED in This Week * Slate Of MODERN GIRLS? ot Inurnev huIrs i'M Mjii IIiimIiiu JEAN MlilR • GEO BRENT VERREE TEASDALE Ml l\«. mi 11 wtiis I RAINBOW RECREATION It-m hrtr II..,,,. «| *» SI IIf I \t I » > - Illlll l sNniiKl i; 11 *■ i V.I I s ? w • ' <1 —ami I hi' boys smobril I firm —anil llir fiirls rnlii'il in llir nirbrls ami tlir ilinirs —anil tlii'Y smi" "11 hot linn in llir obi hum" FIRST DOWNS WIN FOR LAMBDA CHIS Many Injuries as Teams Battle to Scoreless Tie SWIMMERS Ul whric youll find Dahl- next Thursday. November I, at moslof which were knocked down ^ ^ nearly always with 5 p. m. at which time team The result of the Hermlan-Ee- one or two ot the ball carrier's ItCtk game will decide the team to legs anchored firmly to one spot practice will be organised and mast the winner of the Lambda The referee* say it's easy to lockers and towel tickets will Chi JMn* for the Inter-fraternity *jm»i the farthest advance of the championship trophy * hall when Dahlgren tackle* 'em J