Wednesday Windy. Gaze not. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . too deeply into the abys< STATE ... lest the abyss gaze into you. -Nietzsch UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2,1969 Vol. 61 Number 149 'U' FUNCTIONS NORMALLY Laird ch defense Adams digests' first day of $1.1 with no surprise events By GEORGE BULLARD WASHINGTON ■ale SOUND SO ARE WE! ^\rt Curved Yes, ArtCarved artisans are very particular people. They insist on the same $ 1 75 '1^ MB careful attention to detail, To the girl who knows what she superior workmanship and wants but not where to find it "Irigid inspection for each and Match your style with our every ArtCarved ring. many distinctive designs And They've been doing it since ask us about our famous The TROUBADOR • Z590 1850, and they're very proud Orange Blossom guarantee to make them "like they featuring FM/AM/Stereo FM Radio 541 EAST GRAND RIVERH RIVERl used to." ■ ■ ■ 100 Watts of Peak Music Power Micro-Touch11 2G Tone Arm Tape Input/Output and (next to paraphernalia) Stereo Headphone Jacks MONrFRI.10-9, SAT 10-6 Jewelry and (r HOURS-- *,REFRESHMENTS ARE BEING SERVED TODAY Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 319 E. Grand River Ave. East Sat. 9-6 Sun. 2-i Lansing, Mich. Wednesday, April 2, 1969 3 wm NEWS Nixon, Ky discuss n A capsule su mmary summary of the day's events from progress' at Paris our wire servf< WASHINGTON President Nixon ( AP) - reviewed de¬ velopments in South Vietnam funeral of former DwightD. Eisenhower. President While he met with such lead¬ the Shah of Iran, West trance at the an flag '' secutive h >nor the south portico of mansion, where guard formed. The f each country was flown Campus and "the progress of the Paris ers as besid ! that of the United States. talks" during the past month German Chancellor Georg Kie- Nixon escorted each, foreign "/ Tuesday with South Vietnam's singer. Prime Minister John never want to ignore vice president and chief Paris G. Gorton of Austrailia, the .leader down the stone path from what the lords his (val office to their cars. of the press negotiator, Nguyen Cao Ky. presidents of' Tunisia and the To most of them he pointed have to say." Ky was one of a dozen for¬ Philipines and several prime out the putting green, installed — Walter Adams, eign leaders who came to the ministers, Eisenhower's body enroute by train to Ab¬ on ths White House lawn near White House in a parade of was acting president limousines to confer with Nixon ilene, Kan. the president's office for Eisen- howe throughout the day on world There, President and Mrs. . problems ranging from the Vietnam war to youth demon¬ Nixon and their daughters will attend burial services Wednes¬ Australian Prime Gort< n, who was Scheduled to Minister underscoring have been here this week on strators. day. The Nixon family plans to fly from Kansas to spend the an official visit, got perhaps talks International News was The substance not of the disclosed by White remainder of the week apd Eas¬ the ongest session with the the looks of ter Sunday in Key Biscayne. Fla President-some 50 minutes. House spokesmen. The Chinese Communist party opened its Press Secretary Ronald L. The U.S. ambassador to South long-delayed ninth party congress Tuesday in Ziegler said Ky and Nixon in their half-hour meeting re¬ Vietnam, Ellsworth joined Nixon in talks with Bunker, Ky, Spring. . . taps Peking. It is expected to be a so-called victory viewed the situation since they South Vietnam's ambassador, ft party for Chairman Mao Tse-tung after nearly last talked in Paris March 2 Bui Diem, and Nixon's special three years of a power struggle to regain con¬ during Nixon's European visit. But he would not say what pro¬ assistant for national security affairs, Henry A. Kissinger, sat by Capezio trol of China. in on the session. gress, if any, they talked about. Peking radio said Mao and his heir apparent, The foreign dignitaries came Each of the President's 12 A. Dolly Strap, a little old- Defense Minister Lin Piao, stood on the plat¬ to Washington to attend the visitors made a red-carpet en¬ fashioned buttoned down on form to thunderous shouts of "Long live Chair¬ man Mao," and "Long live the Chinese Commu¬ a blocky heel. Black patent, nist Party." Rescue teams navy, brown or black kid. • • • $19 The Big Four powers split Tuesday in a Mid¬ dle East debate in the Security Council of the for Mexican B. Sarabande, cut-away and BARROTERAN, Mexico (AP) trapped 145 to 168 Mexican United Nations in advance of their secret -Search teams hacked with miners. ankle - strapped shoe on The explosion came at 5:45 talks on how to achieve a durable Arab-Is¬ hand tools Tuesday into the de¬ bris clogging entrances to a p.m., shortly after a change shapely heel. Black patent, raeli peace. coal mine where a searing of shifts late Monday after- yellow, pink or light blue The Soviet Union threw its support behind methane gas explosion has kid. $20 an Asian-African resolution to condemn Is¬ Eight bodies have been re¬ covered, including one of a rael for an air attack on Jordan last week. Court endorses rescue worker who was over¬ The United States and Britain called the come by gas after the blast. resolution one-sided and abstained. France is unions in fining Digging into the rubble is being continued with hand tools thought by some observers not to oppose the anti-Israeli resolution. pieceworkers because the shafts are too small for heavy-duty equip¬ • • • WASHINGTON (AP) -- The ment. Supreme Court Tuesday en¬ Federal troops and policemen The Nigerian army drove on the rebel Bia- dorsed the power of labor un¬ from surrounding cities ar¬ fran capital of Umuahia Tuesday and claimed ions to ease "competive rived to help with crowd con¬ to have captured two towns 16 miles north of pressure'' among • pieceworkers trol and possible rescue op¬ the city. by fining them for going over erations. production quotas. Barroteran is a mining town At the same time Biafran leaders chastised The 7-1 decision dismissed of 8,000 persons about 75 British Prime Minister Harold Wilson for try¬ the argument that the discip¬ miles southwest of Eagle Pass. ing to "lure" secessionist leader Lt. Col. C. line system in a Milwaukee Tex. motors plant is illegal coer¬ Ignacio Villasenor, chief en¬ Odumegwu Ojukwu from Biafra as a part of cion and recognized, instead, gineer for the mine, owned by the intensified actions. that unions have "legitimate Altos Hornos de Mexico, said • • • interest'' in trying to hold down a secondary explosion came About 5,000 U.S. air cavalrymen swept production. shortly after the first If they did not do so, Justice He added that detection de¬ shorten it. Try a tan- through jungles northwest of Saigon on the Byron R. White said for the vices in the mine showed no gy pizza or one of our ground and by helicopter Tuesday in search court, the competitive pressure evidence of dangerous gas col¬ great sandwiches. All generated by an unlimited pay lections minutes before the of two enemy divisions believed to have pulled back toward Cambodia. system could endanger work¬ explosion. ers' health, foment jealousies The offices of Altos Hornos delivered instantly at no extra cost. Garden No major contacts have yet been reported and reduce the work force said families of each dead in the new operation called Montana Scout. However, the court cautioned worker would receive an in- the fines must be reasonable demity of 37,000 pesos, National News and not the "mere fiat" of a $2,960 plus burial expenses. or ALSO! turn on the jets. . . the patent union leader and membership in the union must be voluntary. The Navy, which has started to convert its Hamburgers Polaris submarines with multiwarhead Pose- The piecework rate, said Cheeseburgers just in from Life Stride I RUSH II White, is established in collec¬ dion missiles, told Congress Tuesday of plans tive bargaining, is geared to the Submarines to develop a new multi-billion dollar, longer average competent worker and is designed to assure adequate «tn French Fries range submarine missile system in the late rest periods. A. Matinee, faille-bowed pump on the new-new 12/8 1970 s. heel. Black patent, navy or bone kid. 15.98. • • • Judge Preston W. Battle's personal files are recision I mports PIZZA B. Bambi, strappy sling on 10/8 heel in black patent; being studied in an effort to uncover any facts that could lead to a new trial for James Earl "specializing in finer sports cars" CALL 332-6517 and navy, bone, yellow or pink kid. 15.98. Ray, accused slayer of Dr. Martin Luther Announce the opening of more Parisienne.T-strapped sling on 12/8 heel, rounded King, Jr. Judge Battle died Monday of a heart attack complete servicing of your sports car. VARSITY C. toe. Black patent, navy or bone kid. 17.98. and Tennessee law provides a 30-day period of grace for a petition for a new trial. If the Reasonable Rates judge dies before the period expires, the new Ample Parts Supply trial is automatically granted. • • • Austin Jaguar Sirhan Bishera Sirhan leaped to his feet in a table-pounding rage Tuesday after a state Bruce witness suggested he faked amnesia to mask 1915 E. Michigan premeditation in the assassination of Sen. Formerly Stratton Sports Center Robert F. Kennedy. Michigan News A proposal for a new department of state Dash government to deal exclusively with the prob¬ dial | lems of Michigan's cities has gained support in the legislature and may get Gov. Milliken's nod. dial Under the proposed plan, the new depart¬ ARMOUR-DIAL,INC. ment would coordinate state and federal pro¬ Armour-Dial, Inc. will be interviewing applicants for grams in such urban fields as housing, mass transportation, outdoor recreation, and water Sales-Marketing positions leading to Management opportunities. We will be on your campus 4-9-69 . resources. Magic (luffori Armour-Dial, Inc. is a recently formed company com- Campus News Spray Siting bining Armour Grocery Products Company and An estimated 800 students Armour Pharmaceutical Company. Exceptional growth occupied Western in the Branded Consumer Products Division creates Michigan University's (WMU) administration building for 10 minutes Tuesday. TREET APP1AN WAY many opportunities for qualified applicants in Sales PIZZA and Marketing. Your advancement with Armour-Dial,. The take-over was a result of a rally held Canned Meats Inc. will be dependent upen how well you demon¬ in the student union where five student speak¬ strate your capabilities and potential in your starting ers voiced complaints of lack of student rights, assignment in our field Sale ; organization. largely on non-academic matters. Contact the Placement Offi :e to make your appoint¬ One of the speakers suggested the 10-minute ment with Armour-Dial. Inc. An Equal Opportunity take-over, and most of the participants walked Employer. across the street and occupied the building. There were no reported incidents. Trinka ( line, executive editor James S. Cranelli, managing editor MICHIGAN Patricia 4 nstett, campus editor Carol Budrovc, Jerry Pankhurtt, editorial editor Tom Brown, sports editor STATE NEWS advertising manager The State New* is Deborah Fitch, associate a free and campus editor editorially independent student UNIVERSITY newspaper. Editorials express the unanimous opinion of the editorial board of the State News unless otherwise indicated Under the provisions of section 1.1 of the "Report on Aca¬ demic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University " final responsibility for all news and Six-lime recipient of the Pacemaker award for editorial content rests outstanding journalism. with the editor-in-chief. EDITORIAL We have talkedj we have promised We - the University - have He served as education direc¬ in Sociology," "Imperatives for American Education Research talked. We have promised. tor of the Southern Christian Change" (Yeshiva University), Assn. Soon we will have before us Leadership Conference in At¬ "Southern Education Report," We feel Robert L. Green the framework and time sched¬ lanta, Ga., for a year, structur¬ "Teachers College Record," would be an outstanding choice ule for implementing functions ing educational programs for "Phi Delta Kappan," "Har¬ for head of the Center for Ur¬ southern urban and rural delegated to the Center for Ur¬ vard Educational Review," and ban Affairs and assistant pro¬ ban Affairs and assistant pro¬ blacks and dealt with problems "American Journal of Ortho¬ vost for Equal Opportunities. vost for Equal Opportunities- of illiteracy, communication, psychiatry." It would be nothing short of curriculum consumer education and com¬ Green has had several papers development, re¬ unbelievable if the University search, on and off-campus ac¬ munity organization. read before groups including were to bypass his talents. tion He directed a research grant the American programs, experimental Psychological -The Editors for SCLC, 1965-66, on adult edu¬ "That was the $50 billion ABM system-- programs, minority group re¬ Assn.; U.S. Office of Economic cruitment and formulation and cation and job placement in Now let's Opportunity; Desegregation In¬ see what you'll get for $10 billion!' enforcement of regulations Chicago and one on the educa¬ stitute Evaluation Conference, against tional status of school-deprived Howard University; Education discriminatory prac¬ tices at MSU. black children in Virginia, fi¬ sub-committee of the U.S. Sen¬ nanced INER But Ronald Lee is leaving us. by the U.S. Office of ate Committee on Labor and leaving us with guidelines Education, 1963-65. Public Welfare; and the Flori¬ formed by the hand of a pro¬ da Classroom Teachers Assn. fessional. guidelines awaiting And he has written chapters in action. His successor? We have at least three college texts. Green is currently serving as Vietnam: once upon a time. promised action. We need an consultant to the Basic Re¬ action man. search Branch of the U.S. Of¬ The Black Students' Alliance fice of Education, SCLC, Title has suggested Robert L. IV Equal Educational Oppor¬ 'A Possible Letter to the American capitalistic economy like yours cannot system is the best and should be forced Government: work here unless one is willing to ac¬ Green for the soon-to-be-vacat- tunity Program for the U.S. Of¬ Yesterday, my family was killed by a cept the corruption and oppression that 1 didn't live through World War II. ed post. fice of Education, Project retreating regiment of Viet Cong. They goes along with it. But I have read very much about it. Most of us know at least Green Read consultant to San Fran¬ were in the street on the way to the I was educated in a Saigon college, Nazi Germany was powerful. Hitler felt market. have read very much and so I know something of Green's out-spok¬ cisco Unified School District They were not the only ones his Germans were the "master race.'" killed. Some Americans killed what your CIA has done. You. who had The Nazis began to conquer innocent en dedication to racial and PS. some equality, Green has also served as 144 Ocean Hill- other villagers I knew very well. They, your own American Revolution, should be countries and exterminate people because human rights. He is highly fami Brownsville, N.Y., and Feder¬ ashamed of yourself. part-time psychologist with the about 25, were in a suspected Viet You had pride they felt they were right. Your country liar with MSU's own initial ef¬ al City College, Wash., D.C. Cong hideout. After the grenades were when you fought the British, but yet you and other allies in self-defense retaliated Lansing Child Guidance Clinic; thrown through the window, the Ameri¬ deny it to us. Let the soldiers in South to save your own way forts and promises to move on regarding development of its of life. group counselor with the San cans realized their mistake. Vietnam who want to fight the Viet With your victory, you believed fascism the question of America's press¬ Francisco Juvenile Court; and teacher education program. I remember the first time I saw the Cong fight. But let them do it them¬ was defeated. Fascism was not defeated. ing problem. research assistant, Langley In 1966 he was appointed to Viet Cong seven years ago. They came selves. It wasn't because you began to think I know my family hated the American We know he is not the kind of Porter Research Institute, Uni¬ the steering committee of the into our village. Some were from North that whatever you did was right and Vietnam; others were from neighboring government. They did not hate the Ameri¬ just. You complained about the Soviet man who would let MSU slip versity of California Hospital, Society for the Study of Psy¬ villages. They said that Ho Chi Minh can soldiers. They are people, too Union, but your CIA followed the same away from the challenge so¬ San Francisco. chological Issues, Div. of the was our real leader and that the govern¬ Like us. Some of them (Jon t want to kind of policies that the Soviet govern¬ kill the Viet Cong: some ol them don't ciety presents to our doorstep, In August, Green's book "Ra¬ American Psychological Assn. ment in Saigon was only an agent of the ment did. American government. believe what the American government not the kind to settle for They told us to Why do we small nation^ always have empty cial Crisis in American Educa¬ Since words and January 1968 he has join them and liberate South Vietnam says. to suffer because of what you think is appeasement, not tion"' will be published. been a member of the Presi¬ from the corrupt, capitalistic. U.S. con¬ I have talked to American soldiers right? Can't you put yourself in our the kind to back away from an He has also written 20 of a trolled Saigon government. They have told me that each week position for once? You can't because you dent's Youth Opportunity Com¬ Some men in the village bitterly com¬ your televisions report the "exact number^ would be dead if you did-physically and unpopular stand he feels is just series of 60 elementary school mission, Task Force on Higher of casualties on all'sides l^mbers-don'r" and necessary. plained. They were executed. Some spiritually. books on black Americans, Education. joined the Viet Cong and the rest re¬ matter. They never did. These are We only ask you to give us back our Most of us may not be so "Famous Negro American Ser¬ mained in the village when the Viet people. No, I am wrong. Animals souls. You have taken away much aware of his academic achieve¬ He is on the Social Studies have died. Plants, insects, mountains more, but only this do we ask. ies." Cong and their new members left for If we other and rice fields. Trees, the air. voices can be proud in ments. Textbook Advisory Committee. areas. thinking for ourselves, You-the American government, sol¬ They are all dead or silent. then we will again be men. Now we are Green, He has published two mono¬ Michigan State Dept. of Edu¬ currently associate diers, sophisticated war machines-are Never again will my country be the only statistics, figments of your imagina¬ professor of educational psy¬ graphs from the study of cation; urban education advi¬ not wanted in this country. You have same. Your bombs have not just scarred tion, objects to be toyed with. the North, but the South, the East, the chology and associate director school-deprived black chil¬ ser to the Committee on Eco¬ brought greater death and havoc to our West of this land has been countryside than the Viet Cong ever disfigured. I say that you are the Nazi Germany of the Center for Urban Affairs, dren in Virginia and numerous nomic Development; co-chair- could. It is true that the Viet Cong Will you try to rebuild our country of today. You are the master of our received his bachelors and mas¬ articles in journals including man of the Assn. of Black Psy¬ have killed my family, friends and fellow with money after the war is over? How- race. You stand for the hypocrisy that can you rebuild the lives you took, the ters degrees in general and "Personnel and Guidance Jour¬ chologists; and chairman of South Vietnamese, but they are a part you say you detest. of my people. They trees you cut down with your bombs, One final thought. school psychology from San nal,'' "Journal of Negro Educa¬ the Civil Rights Committee of look like me, speak You condemned the same language I the countryside you have raped0 those German officers who followed Hit¬ do and want North Francisco State College and his tion," "Journal of Educational the Society for the Psychologi¬ and South Vietnam united. You can't tell me you are fighting ler's orders at the Nuremburg trials. Ph. D. in 1963 from MSU in edu¬ Psychology," "Journal of Inte¬ cal Study of Social Issues You are involving yourself in a civil communism in the name of democracy. What happens to the American officers if war. We not an industrial Democracy or communism can only exist you lose the war? Think about cational psychology. grated Education," "Readings (APA); and member of the are country in peoples' minds. that. like you. We are poor people and a There won't be any Really think about it. t people left after this war. We are all doomed because you think you know what A South Vietnamese. North Vietnamese MAX LERNFR is best for us. You think that you are and Viet Cong who is somewhere in so powerful and so righteous that your Vietnam OUR READERS' MIND Nixon's Houdinilike box Educational barriers To the Eitor: Now that we have heard Secretaries part of a generation whose concern %ith and effective secret talks at Paris. One cretary Rogers at the Senate hearings result of Gen. Walton's death in a jeep In reference to Lee Harrison's criti¬ the present human situation is so ques¬ William Rogers and Melvin Laird do goes back to the classic "Fight, Fight,, cism of University College courses I was a sign of the pressures building accident. Gen. Matthew Ridgway suc¬ tioning and forceful. Yet in this same their testimony stint for the Senate Talk, Talk'' statements of both Chinese would like to make few comments of up not only for troop withdrawal but also ceeded to the command and turned the a sense I am ashamed of those who are committees, the question of whether and Vietnamese Communist leaders dur¬ for "De-Americanizing the war.'' war around. my own which should be of interest to too ready to condemn and destroy and so President Nixon can unbox himself Houdi¬ ing the past decade to understand that 4-There are experts who say that your readers. nilike from his tight Vietnam box. and 5-Turning to Paris, Ambassador Ells¬ reluctant to act in any constructive man¬ Ho Chi Minh may be willing to fight fortunes of war can still be improved worth Bunker Certainly Lee's criticism of the Uni¬ achieved some sort of ner. Our present system need not be how he plans to perform the miracle, for another five years while bargaining by greater military competence in its triumph when he got President Thieu to versity College requirements are valid. destroyed before any great improvements is as unanswered as ever. Since the for peace. conduct. Herman Kahn and Max Sin¬ say he is willing to meet Hanoi and the Certainly his examples of ignorance, can be made Concerned individuals, material is unruly, I want to set down The Americans cannot afford either ger, both of the Hudson Institute, are slanted views, and uninspired teaching Viet Cong in secret talks. like Despite Lee can move to remove the my impressions of what the nation faces- long fighting or long peacemaking or among them. A year ago the insti¬ Hanoi's seeming rejection, the chances occur too frequently. Granted, new barriers blocking the path to true educa¬ doubtless too abruptly-in a series of tute published a book -"Can We Win alternatives should be offered to aspir¬ are strong that the talks will be held tional and intellectual freedom. It is my six propositions. 3-President Nixon will have to start In Vietnam?" (Praeger)-which got ing MSU students, but Lee's claims to 1--The time question is a tough one. the withdrawal of American troops very less attention than it deserved because 6-The home front in America will hope they will do so. superior education at Clio High School] Glen Garner How much time does the President have soon, in some real or symbolic form. the climate was wrong for it. offer President Nixon increasing diffi¬ absurd. Three are Better faculty, facilities,- Henry Kissinger has written that he pre¬ Clio sophomore before people start calling it 'Nixon s of the five contributing authors, led by culties. Former Defense Secretary and curriculum at Clio must be some war'' and get fers the method of mutual phased with¬ Clark Clifford has been speaking out ready to push him out of Kahn, thought a victory was still pos¬ kind of myth. Lee and I attended the drawal by Hanoi and Washington, which is another term, as they pushed L.B..J.9 I should say not beyond the summer of today the preferred position of the Ad¬ sible. Two of them-William Pfaff and Edmund Stillman-were certain it was against apparent American tactics. Aver- rell Harriman has blasted the Ameri¬ same wonderland of education and at Letter policy present there is not a doctor capable 1970 at the latest, otherwise Republi¬ ministration. But Hanoi is very un¬ not. can escalation of the war as interfer¬ of first aid employed there (the bio¬ likely to agree to this. It means, I Kahn's crucial argument, which he is The State News welcomes all letters. can candidates will take a shellacking ing with the Paris talks. Sen. George logy instructor has a masters.) and Nixon's second two years will prob¬ suspect, that Washington will have to now pursuing in his inimitable informal McGovern has opened a new antiwar of¬ If indeed Lee. They should be typed and signed with the . "already learned ev¬ home town, student, faculty or staff stand¬ start withdrawals unilaterally, say at the briefings in Washington, is that a change fensive. Sen. J.W. Fulbright's commit¬ ably be his last. erything so far in University College rate of 50,000 men a year. in fighting tactics and spirit can be tee is on the antiwar warpath again. ing, and local phone number included. No course in similar classes in high school," 2-How well they use that time de¬ Sen. Clifford Case's earnest, if un¬ achieved in Vietnam much as it unsigned letter will be accepted for publi¬ was The question is: What counts most in why didn't he waive the requirements pends on effective fighting in Vietnam ending, speech delivered to and at Se- achieved in the Korean war when as cation, and no letter will be printed with¬ a deciding whether the American people in the method provided by the Uni¬ out a signature except in extreme circum¬ will continue to tolerate the war? Is it versity? A simple task for one so well tfU KNEW tUCYUJAS GOING TO BECAUSE YOU'RE 50 VULNERABLE stances. All letters must be less than 300 the size of the casualty lists or the educated. I am also sorry Lee couldn't FOOL WV, AMP VET WL£T HER THAT'S U)HYl I'M YOUR FRlENC? ANP words long for publication without P0 IT, AMP YOU KNOW OJHV ? YOU MAI(E ME MAP ijJHEN YOU LET failure to cut down ort American troop find suitable physical science materials editing. .. YOURSELF BE FOOLEP LIKE "THAT! commitment or the lack of any real in Brody, but I am sure materials equal¬ kinds of progress in the war-fighting ing Clio's fine equipment could be made and the peace talks? I suspect it is available to a truly interested student all three, and I am sure that Nixon of research. and his new men in Washington will I empathize with Lee's dissent, but have to produce results on all three 1 also contend he neither looked very or be sent packing in 1972. far nor very hard for solutions to his Copyright 1969, Los Angeles Times problem. I take great pride in being a Michigan State News, Ea^t Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, 1969 5 Campaign hectic as elections near By SHARON TEMPLETON State News Staff Writer MSU Bookstore Announces.- Sixteen thousand ballots are ready and waiting. Posters are beginning to appear, slogans are being recited and campaign leaflets are changing hands. Campaigning for the ASMSU spring elections requires hours of work for the 12 members-at-large candidates. Elections will be held April 9 for the seven members-at- large positions on the ASMSU board, the senior class president and vice (OCC). president and 11 members of the Off-Campus Council KM All full-time undergraduate students carrying 10 credits or more are eligible to vote for the members-at-large candidates. m Two senior members-at-large, two junior members-at- large, one sophomore member-at-large and two general members- at-large will be elected April 9. Petitions first Candidates actually began their campaigning long before MSU students heard their names. Before the circulation of any pe¬ titions, each candidate was required to register himself with the elections commissioner, Sandy Fenster. and fill out a general information form. Petitioning for members-at-large positions opened Feb. 24 Each candidate was required to submit a petition with a minimum of 300 signatures of qualified voting students to the elections commissioner by March 7 The names of qualified candidates (according to corres¬ ponding credits earned and the position for which they were petitioning) were then placed on the ballot. ASMSU elections regulations restrict the number of candidates Freshmen, for each position to four. A primary election would have been held had there been an excess of candidates. t After petitioning, the candidate's work is just beginning. Promotional campaigns, complete with posters, leaflets, slogans, signs and campaign managers, began Monday and will continue until the polls close 15 minutes after the closing of evening meal lines Sophomores, Do's and Don'ts Several restrictions are placed on the campaigns of board candidates, such as $200 per candidate. campaign expenditures cannot exceed Also an itemized list of the use of Juniors and campaign funds must be filed with the elections commissioner before the campaigning begins. All campaign handouts have to be approved by the elections commisioner and a signed copy filed with him prior to distri¬ bution. 11 Candidates may use telephone solicitation from 8 a.m. to p.m. and permitted to send through the campus mail personally addressed campaign literature. SENIORS.. . Last-minute campaigners are restricted from loitering linger¬ ing or campaigning of any type within 50 feet of a polling place. This is Ring! Numerous Polls All election campaigning leads to the big moment-election day, when conscientious students will vote for their representa¬ tives in student government. Places of voting are the Union, the International Center, Berkey and Bessey Halls, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. and residence halls and organized off-campus living units during meal hours. Fenster stressed that students who live in residence halls, sorority and fraternity houses and cooperative living units may vote only in their respective living units Only off-campus students may vote at the polls in campus Yes Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors '72. With each class ring you buy we will buildings. Students interested in working at the on-campus polls from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for $1.50 per hour should inquire at 310 this is your ring too! You don't have to give you a free miniature class ring charm Student Services this week from 3-5 p.m. V&es will be tabulated under the supervision of the elections wait until your senior year to buy your to decorate your favorite girl's wrist. Or¬ commissioner and the results will be available by 11 p.m. election day. OFFICIAL MSU CLASS RING. Stop in der your class ring now for speedy spring at MSU Bookstore and order your official term delivery. New ASMSU ballots class ring--for any class--'69, '70,'71or to curb bogus votes By ROSANNE BAIME To cast a vote by the new State News Staff Writer method the voter only has to A new type of ballot will punch out pre-perforated slot be used for the ASMSU gen¬ eral elections April 9. The ballot will be punch- corresponding to his choice for each category. In previous elec¬ tions voters had to blacken in Styles for Men out IBM cards similar to those corresponding spaces on stand¬ used in the Choice '68 voting ard computerized scoring held last year. forms which then had to be run The new ballots were chosen through a computer, typed out because they are easier for vot¬ and then tabulated ers, and they will considerably By using the cards Fenster reduce the possibility of cheat¬ hopes to reduce the counting ing, Sandy Fenster, ASMSU el¬ time considerably. ections commissioner, said. "We're trying to get access "The ballots will be consec¬ to a sorter in Okemos," he utively numbered with a cer¬ said Friday. "It can sort 1.00C tain series assigned to each cards per minute, and, if we polling area,'' he said. can get it, we hope to have "By looking at which ballot all election results finished b> numbers are returned from 11 p.m. election night.'' which locations, we'll know if Computers available on cam any ballots are bogus and will pus have a capacity of 100 cards BOOKSTORE HOURS be able to void them.' per minute. The extra precautions being Voting will be held April S taken for this year's election in Berkey Hall, Bessey Hall, MONDAY -- FRIDAY reflects ASMSU reaction to the the Union and the International "bogus ballot" scandal of the Center from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., 1968 election of this year's and in fraternities, sororities members-at-large. and residence halls during lunch 8:30 to 5:30 Last year, an unidentified and dinner. student received information on All undergraduates are eli¬ security arrangements from gible to vote. Those in living election commission members units where voting is being held and successfully cast 100 bogus are required to vote in their ballots in the election living unit. According to the student, The only exception to this these ballots were not included rule is voting for Senior Class SOOR STORE In the tally Council officers. Ballots for A subsequent investigation this election will be available called by Peter Ellsworth, new¬ only at the four official polling ly - elected ASMSU Student locations. Board chairman, revealed that Fenster announced that eight the votes had been included in people are needed to man the the count but did not affect polling booths April 9 from election results. 8 a.m. 5 p.m Salary for At that time Ellsworth prom¬ the workers will be $1.50 per ised that his administration would "take whatever action Sign-up for those interested In the Center for Interna possible to prevent this kind of in working will be held through inside hoax from occurring Friday from 3 r» p.m in again 310 Student Serviees Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, 1969 SPORTS g Cagers RACINE, Wis. (UPI) -- Ask MSU Basketball Coach John Benington if he has ever heard of Racine, Wis. coaches. would and area code memorized matter for more than 65 college own right. like higher had his teammates not been scoring threats in their But the clincher is his mobility. Chones, on occasion, can change his mind. to schools--MSU, Marquette and Wisconsin-but of course, tr Five years ago, he might have said they make car polish For openers, Jim Chones is a St. Catherine High School Chones impresses reporters as mature for his age, and senior who happens to be 6-11 and probably still growing. even brings the ball against a press. :$ and farm equipment there. He might have added it is an at- during the long months of the hard sell has received in¬ He led the basketball team to an unbeaten season, the Wis¬ "What can't he d< coach, John McGuire, says. :$ tractive little city of 90,000 or so located between Chicago valuable guidance from McGuire, a veteran coach who has and Milwaukee--if he had ever heard of Racine. No one ev- consin independent school's championship and a No. 1 "AJjoveall he mtirr, orients. He makes 'em shoot had widely-coveted players before. S er compared it to the playgrounds of New York as a breed- ranking in the state UPI poll. the ball five above h.Hifad One was 6-9 Tom Schilke,. who led St. Catherine to a cou¬ He averaged 23 points per game, tied the independent 'All I can sj> about Chones is that some lucky college :j: ing ground for cage talent. ple of championships in the early 1960s. McGuire is asked school tournament record for scoring and broke the record coach is going to have him around for four years." :j:- Not until recently, that is. at least once a day to compare Schilke with Chones, and Jim Chones' name is not included in Racine Chamber of for rebounding. He can shoot from outside as well as inside, Sometime this spring, Chones will identify that coach. He he has a stock and diplomatic answer. Commerce literature, but he hasm ide the city's zip code and most observers agree his average would have been said awhile back he had narrowed his choices to three >:• Chones is quicker and probably can do more things, he says, and Schilke may have been a little better shooter. Beyond that, no comment. Other coaches-the college variety-say Chones is the Batsmen iook strong best big man prospect in the country. The Lew Alcindor era is over, and college basketball may never have another like it. But" remember the name- Jim Chones. Benington memorized it long ago. again despite losses Tiger Righthander Zana Easton, signed a contract with the 1 By GARY WALKOWICZ Executive Sports Editor Despite losing its entire in¬ 6-2 has with had a 1.60 arm ERA in problems this spring and is still considered 1968, The likeliest Spartan outfield would consist of Rich Jordan, error gives field. an AH America third Cards 4-3 victory a question mark. Gary Boyce and Rich Miller. baseftian and its %o.! pitcher. The Spartans are strongest Jordan, a bench-rider last MSU seems read> ,t;> make the year, came into his own on in catching department another run at the Big Ten the where All-Big Ten choice Harry spring tour, hitting .326 baseball crown this season Kendrick and last season's back¬ and making several outstanding LAKELAND. Fla (UPI)- Price had tied the game in The 1968 Spartan team set up man Bill Linne both return. fielding plays. A dropped fly ball in right- the eighth with a home run an MSU record with 32 vic¬ Kendrick had five home runs, field set up the winning run off second St. Louis pitcher tories, while finishing second 28 RBI's and a .392 batting Boyce. a place-kicker for for St. Louis Tuesday as the in the the Spartan football team, had Gary Waslewski. Don Wert Big Ten with a 13-4 average while going to the Cardinals knocked off Detroit mark. 16 hits and 11 RBI's while bat¬ slugged an earlier Tiger hom¬ plate 143 times, more than 5-4, in 10 innings. er off starter Steve Carlton. Only double losses to Michi¬ any other Spartan. ting .291 in Miami. Boyce The Cards took an early 3-1 gan in the first week of the is also a possibility for the Rightfielder Ron Woods booted Linne, who hit .392 in spot lead against Pat Dobson in the conference season and to Minne¬ third base job. the fly by Dave Ricketts. who service and as a pinch hitter, fourth. A walk and singles sota in the final league double- went to second on the error. and sophomore Phil Rashead, header kept the Spartans from Miller bothered Steve Huntz then lined two- by Phil Gagliano and Huntz who hit well on the spring was by a leg a grabbing their second Big Ten trip, will be Kendrick's back¬ injury and sat out much of the Pauncho of out single to right off Roy filled out. the bases with none championship. latter part of the spring trip Face. Although Wood's throw up men. One run scored on Vada The strength of the 1968 Sophomore Tim Bograkos. who after accumulating four home Tiger pitchers Mickey Lollch (left) and Denny McLaln work off some of that good to the plate had Ricketts' beat, Pinson's forceout and Lou Brock club was its pitching staff started for the MSU basket¬ rungs. 10 /RBI's and a .333 winter living on the squash court at Detroit's Lakeland Fla., training camp. catcher Jim Price stood by drove in two more with a and, despite the loss of left- average in the first games. AP Wirephoto without making the tag. ball team this winter, seems handed ace Mel Behney to the bouncing double inside the first ticketed for the first base job. base line. professional ranks, the Spar¬ Bograkos batted .342 on the Detroit tied it up in the fifth tan hurlers should be strong spring tour. on a two-base throwing error -again. Knicks put it line tonight Sophomore Larry Rettenmund by Jim Hicks on Mickey Stan¬ Behney was the only loss from and junior Mike Olson are vy¬ ley's pop fly single to cen¬ on a staff that threw nine shutouts ing for the second base job ter. and recorded a 178 earned with Rettenmund seemingly on The Cards went ahead a- run average the inside track at the moment gain on a walk and Joe Hague's Letterwii Dan Bielski, after hitting .289 this spring. iong double to right center off Mickey Ku ht and Phil Ful¬ NEW YORK (UPI)--The night. A victory by New York di ficit in the final quarter. Barnett 118.7 s comprise the have effectively shut off the George Petroff sewed up the Fred Lasher. ton, who had a combined 17-3 New York Knickerbockers re¬ would give the Knicks a four- Every starter has played rest of the knicks' starting Bullets' fast break which Un¬ shortstop position after a brief, The victory gave St. Louis mark last year, were all im¬ turn home game sweep of the Eastern ati important part in the Knicks' unit. seld starts so well. but stellar performance in the tonight with a a 13-8 spring record while pressive on the Spartans' spring chance to pull off something Division champions and move three straight victories. All DeBusschere, perhaps the final spring games. the Tigers now are 8-15. trip. no one deemed possible when them into the Eastern finals. five have averaged better than greatest acquisition the Knick¬ The job of trying to replace The Knicks' defense has (Mintage) the National Basketball Assoc. Going basically with just 18 points per game in the erbockers ever made, has 1968 All-America third base¬ been especially good in cut¬ St. Loali NO IM IN 1-5 I I man Steve Garvey goes to Joe playoffs began last Thursday five men, the Knicks whipped series with Walt Frazier topped both teams in re¬ Detroit ll« IN 111 M I t Baltimore 113-101 in the ser¬ leading the with 25 point bounding with 55 in the three ting down the Bullets' shoot¬ Gavel, a converted outfielder. night. way a Carlton, Waslewaki (4) Hoeraer (I) The high-flying Knicks can ies opener, took the second games.. Reed has jcaBtorejfr 43. ing percentage The Bullets, and ^kparywv Rictyttt* (5); Dobeoa, T?dv#l battW .271 last seasob average. - * • 107-91 last Saturday Willis Reed (23.3), Dave Wes Unseld of Baltimore, normally one of the better Laiher (I). Radati (I) Face (II) aid was tfre -SpBrtant's- .get ,ovsr their first obstacle game 3~«r*he- leaguer *K LP- en route to the NBA cham¬ and won again Sunday 119-116 DeBusschere (22.3) Bill the NBA's mdst valuaW play¬ Face. HRS--Wert, Price. big gun at the plate last year this season, has with nine home runs and 38 pionship if they can whip the after rallying from a 10 - point Bradley (19.3) and Dick er grabbed Baltimore Bullets again to¬ 54 rebounds but the Knicks RBI s. After the season he PROTECT rd's . . . Fron pair >0UR EYES harmful sunrays with a of sunglasses with plain MSU STUDY IN Give lour prest ription ground lenses. We also or CUERNAVACA KARATE CLUB carrj a wide selection of frames and C ta make repairs on your dam¬ Learn to speak SPANISH • Intensive courses, with drftis, aged Sunglasses while you wait. supervised labs, and theory A T Bator Meeting Taught by experienced Mexican teachers. (Next door to State Op Thursday--7:00 p.m. «(l£5 per month. Study In tte INSTITUTE FOR 303 Abbott Rd. Theatre) CONTEMPORARY LATIN ED 2-5j22 Men's I.M. Arena AMERICAN STUdlES, • Examine themes such as "Protest All Interested People. and its Creative Expression in Latin America" and "The Role Should Attend of Education in Social Chang#" in lOto^O tfach see the new new courses • Access td excellent library. •$30 par credit. Gypsy look/ Live 1ft CUERNAVACA • Near'Mexico City, at 4,500 feet elevation, with Mexican famlllec or in dorms or bungalows. •Approx. $80 per month. with Roquoit catalog from Registrar - Cidoc W. Godot, Apdo. 479, Roy ale Parchment Cuornavaca, Mexico Sort of brownish, Spiro's Sermon sort of yellowish — on the Mount If you're on the MARRY-GO-HOUND, Cabaret Theater meant to go with BRIDES SHOWCASE is your place-- A because we have EVERYTHING for the Happening today9s more BRIDE but the GROOM. exciting clothes. All you other girls-- Show off your tan JOIN OUR "PROM"-ENADE! with Wencnbei; The fashions newest are and loveliest at BRIDES spring SHOWCASE. prom What speaks romance and excitement (23.00 better than a spill of chiffon and lace to waxed floors. Drop by BRIDES SHOWCASE while selection is com¬ plete. ARENA-69 HIT SATIRICAL REVUE » :n both stores Ask u about FREE PARKING. — "BRISK, BITING ..." DETROIT NEWS "POLITICS and FUN" DOWNTOWN DETROIT FREE PRESS EAST LANSING 317 East Grand River a. - \Keparci m cp it. 326 South Washington Ave. Paraphernalia Mon.-Sat.: 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. IN THE RATHSKELLER Mon„ Wed, eves until 9:00 p.m. SUN. - WED. 8 p.m. 541 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE STUDENTS - $1.50 Eo*r Lorislfiu Sfor« 1047 E. Grand GENERAL Hogrs: Mon.-Fn,10-9; Sat.,10-& River, East Lansing 332-5081 2.50 Fo^FleiervatloM^Ph^STj^^^l Wednesday, April 2, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan sports ABA tries North Carolina; 'S' trackmen prepare Maravich rumored coach for outdoor season would have a "North Carolina RALEIGH, N.C. (UPI)- without being assured of get¬ The Houston franchise of the ting the son. background.'' If such a deal were in the This touched off quick spec¬ By DON KOPRIVA as Big Ten, Roger Merchant, third in the American Basketball Assoc. making, the other ABA clubs ulation that Gardner has stolen State News Sports Writer USTFF and NCAA champion league 880 last season, will will move to North Carolina a million dollar march on the in the IM yard ran inside try to improve his all-time next season as the "Carolina might waive draft rights to While Jenison Fieldhouse is older National Basketball and was ranked first in the best of 1:51, while senior Pat "Pistol Pete" in order to Cougars,'' millionaire Jim Assn. by signing Maravich as readied for the sixth annual couatry by Track and Field Wilson will likely run the 660, Gardner announced Tuesday. get him in the league. coach. Maravich was a winner Spartan high school relays News, the "bible" of the sport. doubling with mile relay Overshadowing the impact at Clemson and then at North this Friday and Saturday, Coach Maravich was on a duty. of the state's first pro¬ MSU's trackmen moved out With Charlie Pollard still rcruiting trip to Indiana and Carolina State in Raleigh be¬ Dittrich expects distance fessional sports team, how¬ not available for comment. fore going to LSU. Son Pete into the great outdoors in pre¬ men Km Leoaowicz and Kim injured, Wayne Hartwick will ever, was speculation that the Gardner said the Cougar coach, broke all available records paration for their spring open¬ Hartmaa, both placers in the have to continue filling Couglars would bring LSU whose name would be dis¬ as a prep player at Raleigh's er April 12. Big Ten, to be standouts out¬ Pollard's big shoes as he did Coach Press Maravich back to The bad weather has ham¬ closed at a new conference Broughton High, and then side in any event from the one- inside, placing fouith in both North Carolina. And if Press pered the squad's efforts, but in Greensboro, N.C., April 9, followed his dad to LSU. mile to the rix-inile. conference hurdle races. came, the speculation ran, Track Coach Fran Dittrich could Pete be far behind? has had his charges running "Pistol Pete" Mar¬ every day, hoping to get the Relays this weekend Pete is Spartans ready for always- avich, Press' All-America son and two-time national scoring champion. Pete has a year's Ruggers enco tough Wisconsin and improv¬ ing Illinois. eligibility left at could not sign a professional LSU and by winter's progress in MSU finished fourth indoors the Big Ten as Wisconsin romped to its third straight feature top prep stars contract, but few believed the Jenison FieMhouse will be a busy place Friday and Satur¬ title. Illinois fell short of Cougars' would sign the father ByPAM BOYCE day as the state's high school trackmen participate in the pre-meet expectations, how¬ animal Spartan Relays. State News Sports Writer ever, and finished fifth. The MSU rugby team faces a tough schedule this year, Billed as the largest high school indoor meet in the world, Dittrich figures Wisconsin the two day carnival attracts the top high school track talent beginning Saturday afternoon against a seasoned Michigan squad. and Indiana-the indoor run¬ in the state from all classes. The team resumed practice Friday afternoon after drill¬ Mhin man ner-up-to battle for the title The meet has drawn top performers in the past, and this ing winter term, and Mike Auer, team captain and coach Michigan should be secure in year sfcoald be no exception. is optimistic about its outlook. Spartan track star Bil Wehr-vein bends the tape In third, Dittrich adds. "Our winter drill seemed to pay off because things are Detroit Redford Union's John Morrison is already being an outdoor meet last spring. The NCAA 600-yard But the MSU coach realizes going better than we expected," Auer said. compared to past prep hurdles kings such as Rex Cawley, champion is the varsity's top performer as the that his Spartans will find Hayes Jones and Bill Tipton. "We are still at a disadvantage because the other schools have been practicing for a much longer time than we have,' Spartans head info the outdoor season. it hard to withstand the Illini The senior boasts a : 13.7 high hurdle time outside- State News photo by Charles Hughes rush outside. Illinois has two he said. "Michigan has already played their first game." not far off the : 13.5 national high school record set by Tipton Auer said that although Big Ten champs and a runner- in 1M7 while a Pontiac Central senior. practices have been success¬ up returning from last year's Afternoon sessions in Class B on Friday and Class A on ful, the team lacks condition¬ Baseball briefs field events. Saturday will begin at noon, while finals each night will ing. With the hardest comp¬ Roseville junior Bill Wehr- startatl:»p.m. etition facing the team during at sarasota, fla AT CLEARWATER, FLA. AT FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA wein is epxected to be the Spar- Tickets are priced at $1 for students and *2 for the gen 100 300 100- 5 13 0 020 °°° the first three weeks, Auer Atlanta 010 001 10*- 7 11 o 1308 bi8 gun outside, possibly said this could hinder them a»c*«0,Aj J?",/".k101" *13 J Philadelphia 006 001 13x-ll 12 0 Hall, Perranoski (4), Crider (5) Zepp ™ Gibson; Burbach, running the 220 and 440 yard eraljMMg Niekro, Raymond (7) Neibauer (9) and .. Attention Art Students TK- -t;ii The team IS Still welcoming Horten, Osinski (7) Locker (9) (7) Miller <8> and Mitterwald. Tischin McDaniel (8) and Gibbs. WP-Culp LP- dashes along with the 440 new recruits and Auer said ski (7); Jackson, Lersch (6) and Ryan. Burbach and mile relays. and Josephaon WP-Raymond LP-Lock- who shows up for Compton (7). WP-Jackson LP-Hall everyone er HRS-Ryan, Money. Joseph Clearance Sale On practice will get a chance to ATTA^ ooi ooo-5 8 o AT MIAMI play. The squad presently has two sides and Auer said if Cincinnati Grant, Sembera ooo ooo ooo-o '•} and 8 Bateman 2 Kansas City Baltimore 020 000 001- 3 000 000 000- 0 8 0 4 1 Elegante Wiggery Llcfultex And New Masters Acrvli& the club can get a third side, Fisher (6) and Bench WP-Grant, has burst it's seams. 25% OFF they will field it as well. LP_0^T Petersburg, fla Every school in the Big Ten puuburgh 100 ooo aoo- 3 8 4 presently has at least one side. New York (N) uo 110 oox- 7 7 o Come in and see Pick Up Limited Amount O* Michigan can field three. Dttowiton (7) and Sanfuillen; our New Studio. Auer Auer said saw he ne hones to nopes to have nave Gentry, Jackson (8) and Grote. WP— New Discount Curds q^_ lp,^, hrs-ak*. Swoboda. his team travel to Western * Michigan University this sea¬ son to try and develop a side Same personalized Service Lowe Brothers Paint at that school. Carol Peterson & Jenifer Corsaut 329 S. Washington "It would be to our advantage 541 E. Grand River Next to Paraphernalia to get some of the closer Lansing MONDAY'S RESULTS Michigan colleges to develop 332-3341 Open Wed. till 9t00 p.m. Las Anfeket 115, San Francisco M rugby into their program," (Sale Good Thru Thursday, April 3, 1969) College Discounts to MSU Students (only pune scheduled) he said. discount records 225 ann st. inc. the only complete record store in lansing or east lansing ALL CAPITOL AND ANGEL records ON SALE SERFS SRC GALVESTON MARY HOPKIN FISCHER-DIESKAU-SZELL CHOOSE FROM SUCH CAPITOL CHOOSE FROM SUCH ANGEL LIST PRICE ARTISTS AS: RECORDS AS: 4.98 -- ON SALE FOR ONLY 3.19 5.98 - ON SALE FOR ONLY 3.99 Ythudl Menuhln The Beatles Nancy Wilson 6.98 -- ON SALE FOR ONLY 4.99 Ravi Shankar The Beach Boys Stone Poneys REMEMBER This includes our ENTIRE STOCK of SRC Carmlna Burana - Quicksilver Messenger Service Capitol, Angel, and Apple Records -- All factory fresh and guaranteed. Bob Seger Modern Jazz Quartet Melodlya/Angel Series Glen Campbell Hedge & Donna Angel's Great Recordings Sale Steve Miller Band Lou Raw Is & Many of the Century Series good through Saturday, April 5, 1969. More Hours: 9:30 - 8:30 9:30-6:00 SATURDAY 12:00 - 5:00 SUNDAY DAILY discount records 225 ann st. inc. Ph. 351-8460 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, 1969 ALL EBERHARD STORES CLOSED EASTER Sunday April 6 LARGE EGGS EBERHARQ'S BULK PACK VANILLA 39 CI OPEN WEEKDAYS 5* 8 A.M. - 10 A.M. 10 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS - T P.M. ICE CREAM COUNTRY FRESH COUNTRY FRESH CT, 6^ HALF WHIPPING CftEAM FRENCH VANILLA ICE CREAM FAL. 12 OZ. 8 QZ, WT. CTN, M AMERICAN SLICEDCHEESE WT. PKG. COUNTRY FRESH 3301 EAST MICHIGAN AVE. 15487 NORTHEAST ST. - 921 W. HOLMES RD. CREAM CHEESE WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS - PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., APRIL 5 16 FL. OZ. NO - RETURN BOTTLES 25' THE FINEST QUALITY MEATS FARMER PEET'S SMOKED HAMS Wi SEMI-6 ONELESSJUM whole OR m AM FARME FARMER PEET'S BONELESS BONANZA HAMS Seoul pack 51$ VP r PIECES O EBERHARD's 09 fauutq FARMER PEET's SMOKED HAM portion lb. 59' A- POTATO CHIPS s 39c SWIFT's PREMIUM eberhard's & 8 lb. can $6.4? 5 lb. can $4.49 WHOLE SMOKED HAMS lb. 59c fine quality FARMER PEET's 3 lb. $3.09 SALAD can SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED PICNICS lb. 39c 3 lb. $119 morrell whole or CANNED PICNICS „ can LE-Z-C1T HAMS half ,. 77' DRESSING SWIFT'S PREMIUM PROTEN HOT CROSS BONS £ 55' STANDING W ROAST SWIFT'S PROTEN TENDER lb FRESH FROZEN OCE 89° flM POLLYANNA - 16 LIGHT RYE BREAD oz. POLLY AN MA EASTER wt. 29* RIB STEAKS ... 991 PERCH FILLETS ETS ... 29' X iX GLORY CAKE 7 INCH SIZE 99c WW- kellogg's crispy 3 DIAMONDS EBERHARD'S FINEST QUALITY CORNFLAKES s I MANDARIN FRUIT ORANGES IGES C0(OCKTAIL 4 ffopillsbury c white, yellow, d. dutch, d. food, ch 5 ;§■ 95 16 OZ, CAKE MIXES 18 oz. WT. WT PKG. CAN 10 x, light or dark brom hu TAYLOR SWEET AUNT JANE's SWEET 22 Qz II POTATOES 170Z. WT. 77c SAND. PICKLES i- 39c DOMINO SUGAR CAN SUGARY SAM WELCHADE 32 oz, CUT YAMS 17 OZ. WT. 77c GRAPE DRINK wt. can CAN BAKER'S ANGEL FLAKE SPARTAN HEAVY DUTY jumbo roll CAMPBELL'S 10° FT. „ BLUE LABEL 46 oz. COCONUT 7°<0WT 29c ALUM. FOIL 39c SARAN WRAP roll 59c KARO SYRUP ,6b°tzl'WT' 33c TOMATO JUICE wt. can GREEN GIANT LINDSAY JUMBO V' LE SEUR PEAS ,6c°AZNwt- 29c OLIVES 7 ,/2la°rz 2 49' Jr MR I Mil 49 rnus tafHE 1 ( am xur EASTER UUES TULIPS tit 1 4 BLOOM AND UP tit* FOIL WRAPPED $188 HYACINTHS 4BL00M FOIL WRAPPED *|°f Fresh Yams 13' §9' • H FOIL WRAPPE Easter Lily Buds Wednesday, April 2, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'Adopted' parents picnic jj„ sue BROWN The Lansing Council on Mrs. Ronald 0 Neill, one of 'Many of the parents here has children as possible.'' on tried to "place as many said. a love "These children deserve good home, too." Adoptable Children (COAC) the COAC chaimen, said that have adopted so-called hard- " What more could one ask for That's what the manual Some of the parents who had than a Dicnic and maybe, just sponsored an indoor picnic Sat- the group had sponsored formal to-place children," Mrs. says," she said. adopted a racially mixed child maybe someone to love' urday at the United Methodist meetings, but they wanted to let O'Neill said. "Children who are Miss Weinbrauck was rec¬ already had families of their Nothing could be better for Church for parents who have parents of adopted children and racially-mixed, older, or have a ently moved to a different job. own. those persons who want a child adopted children or who are prospective parents meet on an medical problem often are diffi¬ "because she placed children "We could have more child¬ informal, social level of their own. planning adoptions. cult to find homes for." from all over the state and not ren but there are children in One man who had adopted a just Ingham County," one man the world who need a home, said. "Each county wants their Polynesian boy said that state and we felt we could help a laws often prohibit children children placed first." little," one woman said. from being placed. He said that he is now work¬ "To get a child you must be ing with a group that plans to One prospective father said show the state legislature the that he and his wife wanted a the religion the child was born, the same race, guarantee him difference between "stated pol¬ bigger family, but that they his own bedroom, and have icy and actual policy." .had decided to adopt part of Interracial homes their family. enough life insurance," he said. Obstacles of laws The parents who had adopted To alleviate misery "We wanted a Polynesian racrally mixed children said child, but we couldn't get him thai they thought these children "The world is crowded and through the state. I believe many needed a home which they might too many people are mis¬ children miss having good not receive otherwise because erable," he said. homes because of these laws." they aren't "white, blond, and The parents said they had no Joan Winbrauck, a social blue-eyed." problems other than the "nor¬ worker for the Ingham County "There are always homes for mal ones of all children." adoption agency, said that she white children," one woman Many parents believed that problems might arise in the future but they could handle them Hungryhearts when they came. Parents of adopted children and couples desiring Free U' offers "Whatever the problems to the child it won't be as bad as not to of adopt a child gathered Saturday for an afternoon fun, good cooking and conversation. State News photo by Jerry McAllister having a home," railroad one pros¬ on pective mother said. We at Professional LUTHERAN A group discussion on "The Railroads: Where Do They Go Resume Service WORSHIP From Here" is being offered this term by the Free Univer¬ like to extend our con¬ Martin Luther Chapel sity at 7:30 p.m. Mondays 304 Bessey Hall. gratulations to the Lutheran Student Center Eugene L. Huddlson. asst. professor of American Thought class of "69" and of- 444 Abbott Road Lovin sp and Language, will lead the group discussion on such topics as conglomerate control vs. public interest, merger fever, Maundy Thursday safety. helping you secure the April 3 A lovin* spoonful of gooey pie makes for a happy tot as this little lady enjoyed and the effects of deferred maintenance on Persons interested should read Peter Lyon's job that you want. Communion Service 7:30 p.m. herself at the indoor picnic for adoptable children at the Wesley Foundation Contemporary Liturgy in Day Coach" and bring the April issue 0 State News photo by Jerry McAllister a Saturday. to class. Good F riday For further information on classes call 353-6779. Noon-day Good Friday Observance 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. 9 MVS Specifically for the university students and faculty and the East Lansing business community. Easter Sunday MANUFACTURER Services 9:30 & 11:00 a.n Communion at both services WIG SALE SALE Starts Thursday A.M. ALL SALES FINAL 1 100% Human Hair • limited color spectrum • 1000 pieces now on display 100% Human European quality hair (made De Paris POST ■ nHF\ isFrance). UU IIUIILU the fjnest Best seller on market. 3 oz. This wiglet Sg98 money CQn buy 100% human hair Europea CASCADES in beauty for Grecian curls MB" MINI FALLS Just arrived!European afford. 100% Finest youquality buy-At prices you < can hurr $2498 New dome long falls; 100% human hair. Europea FALLS quality l8"-20" 6 oz. Truly finest hair piece o $3998 100% human h , European quality finest grade WIGS of hair on th« you can afford. rtarket, superb quality at prices M998 Mach. made, it stretches, 100% human hair wig WIGS s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s fectly precurled. to custom fit your head Per¬ $24w Hand made 100% human hair European quality fin¬ Choice of solids, checks, — 2 or 3 button WIGS est money can knotted, ventilated buy 12-14" long. Precurled, double 53998 modeH . Great buy! 65% Polyester- shirts and slacks. 35% Rayon blend. Co-ordinate with our dress Sizes: 36 to 46 regular thrifty acres Hand made stretch, 100% human hair wig^ s-t-r- and 38 to 44 long. THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO WIGS e-t-c-h-e-s to custom fit your head. Perfectly precurled. 54998 10 P.M. DAILY,EXCEPT SUNDAY,FOR YOUR " SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. SUNDAY HOURS dept. 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. FRANDOR BEAUTY SALON 416 A. Lower Concourse Mon. Thurs., Fri 9-5 5125 West Saginaw & 6200 South Pennsylvania Tues. Wed.., Sat. FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Why Pay, M*o re ! W /i y Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay M c 10 Wednesday, April 2, 1969 Michigan State News, Ea^t Lansing, Michigan Hitchcock, Now that the film boom has struck MSU, the various cam¬ pus film groups have grown (who also wrote "Wait Until Dark") from director Alfred Hitchcock Nevertheless, from the one can long overhead shots and the amazing scene where see Bible Mis< Kelly reaches out toward tlr? camera to grab the scissors th^t "Dial M for Murder" might have been the only 3-D film to have^ used the process for gen- uine artistic effect. ffwfgjff fill mo to the point that they can dis¬ This one is no "Psycho The Dept of Linguistics and the Dept of Oriental and African Languages will tract cinemaphiles on class There is little violence and no sponsor a lecture by James D McCawley, professor at the University of Chicago at days as well as weekends. horror as such. Instead, the 2 today in 607A Wells Hall develops from strong Registrar alters processes The current batch of mid¬ suspense week movies includes a Bib¬ characterizations and an equally lical blockbuster, "The Great¬ strong plot device: Ray Milland est Story Ever Told" at 7:30 hires a killer to bump off his The Greek Week Executive Board will hold a meeting at 8 30 tonight in 33 Union wife (Grace Kelly) and, when to speed registration flow tonight and Thursday, in the Auditorium. and a vintage the plot fails, tries to frame Hitchock, "Dial M for Mur¬ her with murder. der" (at 7 and 9 tonight onlv. As always in Hitchock, the t at 7 30 tonight at the Green- 106 Wells). terror emerges an a sunlit en¬ Registration adopted a new efficiency last One college adviser from each college was The only way I can be kind brilliantly in his films under vironment (in this case, a week with the reduction of requirefj steps for present in the incomplete class schedule arena to The Greatest Story Ever Ingmar Bergman, but who fashionable London flat) which students during ttie registration process. to answer students' questions Questions which Told" is to say very little. largely gets trapped into epics seems anything but threaten¬ previously required students to visit their As those who saw "Shane" on on this side of the Atlantic ing. The most mundane items- "Basically, wlat we did was reduce required academic advisers could be telephoned by television last Sunday will know, (see "Hawaii"). If you are a key, a telephone, a pair of space and set up and cut the time for students," the college adviser and settled in the arena. The MSU Rugby Chib will meet at 4 today behind Jenison Fieldhouse George Stevens is one of the religious enough to see the ump¬ scissors-become instrumental Horace C. King, -egistrar, said. The Cycling Club will hold a meeting at 7 30 tonight in 208 Men's I.M. finest directors in the classic teenth retelling of the Greatest to the plot. King said that the shortened registration was 3-D The class carc arena was compacted and re¬ Hollywood tradition. Since Story, but not too religious to be filming used experimentally for early registration There will be a meeting of Scabbard and Blade at 7:30 tonight in the Sun Porch, Aside from the fact that Grace duced to several smaller areas. Rather than Shane, " however, Mr. offended by Hollywood's inane and functioned well. However, registration last Stevens' pictures have gotten distortions and glamorizations, Kelly made her film debut in departmental representatives present to dis¬ week had to admit an extra volume of students tribute class cards, the registration office Scope will meet at the center at 3:30 today bigger and badder, so it fig¬ this one is for you. this picture, the most interest¬ in a shorter time clerical staff was primarily employed. ures that he would eventually Dial for suspense ing aspect of "Dial M for Mur¬ The Fish and Wildlife Chib will hold a meeting at 7:30 tonight in 183 Natural Re- take a crack at the Bible. Of far broader appeal is der" is that it was made in "Use of the registration staff relieved the King said that the system would be appraised This time around, Christ is "Dial M for Murder," a rather 3-D. The vogue passed so quick¬ this week and further faculty of additional clerical work antf also investigation of this type portrayed by Max von Sydow, straightforward adaptation of ly, however, that it was re¬ of staffing and processing would continue. the tall, lean Swede who acts a stage play by Frederick Knott leased only in the flat version. required less space, " King said. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! ore! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay M o j KED HAMS ib 43< mm "A" URGE EGGS Dozen 47< 48-OZ. WT. SS» SHORTENING (3-lb.) CAN 49* A Must For Easter Dinner Salads... IB I8< large PASCAL ClILERy stalk PtPSIC 67< Food Club BUTTE* 16-oz. Grade AA SOLD PACK wt. ICE CREAM Many Flavors '/2-gal. ctn. Top Frost ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■nranmumuunnranMmHi R7 SAVE 18c toward the r..jMN — upon purchase of \18« *■■ J ■ Af 7 SAVE T with this 7c coupon toward the purchase of iV7<\ !1" ii1110'/ I ■ -» V,m&+ Jj SAVE .... » 10c toward th. purchase of V® ) 5 5 ~ 39°— | I Salad DRESSING"; 34° Hoffman House 1000 Island | or Royal Hawaiian | SUGAR Any or all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase c ' lore S I i ■ DRESSINGS Any o> all coupons ^39c ^ Ii redeemable with $5 00 purchase 01 mora ■ excluding beer, win*, cigarette items or coupon itemi | | excluding b«tr, win*, cigarette items or coi Limit on* per customer. Expires Sat., April 5, lWf. | excluding beer, wine, cigarette items or coupon items | | ... limit one per customer. Expires Sot., April Aprj| 5 1W? g /Dept J ImSNIMeijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon 91Jept & Thrifty Acres IB Coupon ini Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon 5125 W. Saginaw & 6200 S. Pennsylvania thrifty acres THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVE N IE NCE . SUND AY HOURS 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. P ay M o r e! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Wednesday, April 2, 1969 ]] Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SclIssiNfied 355-8255 SPRING FORECAST: Want Ads will continue to deliver results! 'clIssS355-8255 Automotive Employment Employment For Rent JANITOR PART-time Monday, Wed¬ TV RENTALS GE 19 portable $8 50 The State News does no? MERCEDES 190 SL Roadster 1957. GLAMOUR, MONEY and excitement nesday, Friday, 8-12 p.m Call man¬ per month including stand Call J R Runs but work needed Must sell to¬ can be yours with VIVIANE WOOD permit racial or religious WARD COSMETICS Free make-up ager, 332-2563 2-4 3 CULVER COMPANY. 351-8862 220 discrimination in its ad¬ day. Sacrifice. $150. 337-0312. 1-4/2 Albert Street, East Lansing C instructions IV5-8351 C PART TIME-Delivery work. Morn¬ : for you vertising columns. The MGB-GT 1967 Fine condition Low ings or afternoons Must be 18. RENT A TV from a TV Company-- State News will not accept mileage. New Michelins, wires, AM/ EXPERIENCED BARTENDERS, re¬ TU 2-0209 3-4 4 hotel Mackinaw Island, June $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 advertising which discrim - FM shortwave Must sell. $2200 or sort NEJAC TV RENTALS • AUTOMOTIVE 14th through September 7th Also c tnates against religion, best offer. Call 351-8824 3-4/4 RN's: 11 p.m.-7 a.m. shift week¬ • EMPLOYMENT night clerk, accounting background ends Starting salary commensurate TV RENTALS race, color or national or- helpful Call 332-6839 from 8 to • FOR RENT MGB 1967-convertible, racing green, with experience Well lighted park 11a.m. 4-4 4 • FOR SALE with many extras. Excellent condi¬ tion 646-3231 5-4/3 ing area close to hospital MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL Call 677 University • LOST & FOUND A COUPLE or man for maintenance. 9621 10-4 9 TV Rentals • PERSONAL MUSTANG 1967 3-speed, 6-cylinder Also a general cook and/or baker • PEANUTS PERSONAL Good condition. Phone 337-9026 June 14th through September 7th BEAUTY OPERATOR Wanted 484-2600 Call 332-6839 from 8-11 a m 4-4/4 after 6D.m. 3-4/3 Guarantee $50 a week Call and ask Special Term Rates • REAL ESTATE Automotive for Mary Casey, TU 2-8618 1-4/2 • SERVICE WANTED: MALE or female to work MUSTANG-1965 2 plus 2 fastback • TRANSPORTATION V-8 automatic Excellent condi¬ 10-6 p.m Working in customer BABYSITTER Summer months. service, food preparation, and some Lake of the Hills, Haslett tion. 351-8095 X 5-4/4 Own car • WANTED clerical work Great for Spartan Vil¬ necessary. 2 children 339-2127 1-4 2 OLDSMOBILE 1968, Cutlass. 4-door lage wife Apply at HOBIES, Spartan Shopping Center, 930 Trowbridge DEADLINE town sedan Excellent condition. Full - Road 2-4/2 SEPTEMBER POSITIONS Public power Whitewalls, radio $2150 private schools CLINE TEACHERS 482-2357, after 6 p.m. 5-4/8 AGENCY. 129 East Grand River 3-4 4 1 P.M. one class day be¬ Like to work in a brand TV' RENTALS -- students only Low fore publication. OLDSMOBILE 1966 Delta 88. Maroon new Company Operated Serv¬ MEMORIAL DAY through Labor Day Cancellations - 12noopone 4-door hardtop. Automatic Power ice Station? Country Club in Saugatuck needs class day before publica¬ brakes and steerine AM/FM radio. Starting pay $ 1.92 guaran¬ experienced waitresses, cook, 3- tion. Air-conditioned 351-5374. Eve- teed plus bonus & other Com¬ piece combo (vocalist optional 1. Send details, experience to CLEAR- pany benefits. Afternoon and BROOK COUNTRY CLUB. Sauga PHONE OLDSMOBILE F85 Cutlass convert¬ night shift pay higher. tuck, Michigan and we'll contact ible 1963 V-8, radio, power steer¬ Experience preferred but for personal interview 3-4 2 ing. Runs well. Call 355-8119 before will train. Flexible hours, 355-8255 NEEDED IMM^- close to campus. n:LY to babysit RATES Call 2 smallp\\ V-t* y L3"0 Apart CHARGER, 1968-RT. silver Mr. Cook ment 9" * T0 hours weekday eve¬ DODGE OLDSMOBILE 1964-2-door hardtop gray, black vinyl top. 4-speed, Power steering, brakes. Mechanical¬ 337-7723 nings 355-8101 1 day $1.50 $2,700. 372-7536, af¬ after SUMMER TERM: Large luxury 4- 15* per word per day stereo tape ter 3:30 p.m. 3-4/2 ly sound $675 351-0981 "Hi, I'm trying to study over here between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. SECRETARY FOR International En¬ man apartment Furnished Close for interview to Reduced 3 days $4.00 so could you shut your blinds . . gineering firm South Lansing loca¬ 3545 campus. rent 351- tion. Easily accessible, free park 3-4/3 13 l/2f per word per day FALCON 1968. O standard 6 Excellent mileage ing Shorthand, typing and filing 5 days $6.50 skills required Modern office, ideal EAST LANSING Close to campus. $1500 355-2903 M'4 5092. 3-4/3 13* per word per day ONE WOMAN S COUGAR, 1967 V-8 working conditions Salary open 2 rooms and bath Furnished. Male '{based on 10 words per ad) FIREBIRD 1968 350 V-8 automatic 35,000 easy miles. What's you're Automotive Scooters & Cycles DRAFTSMEN TO fill immediate full- Phone 393-2150 extension 30 4-4 4 graduate student $75 per Phone ED 2-5988 after 6 p.m month. Red with black 8,000 offer'' Must sell immediately 339 2-4/2 convertible time vacancies Starting salary $499 There' will be a 50* service miles Must sell. 372-7791 3-4 4 TRIUMPH TR4A, IRS, 1 year old or $590 monthly depending on exper BUI-TACO - EL Montadero 360cc. NURSES RN. LPN ROSELAWN MAN EAST LANSING Close-in. base¬ and bookkeeping charge if Radio, console, 15,000 miles! Ex onl'< 251 pounds Available now at ience. Must have at least 1 year OR NURSING HOME Full or ment condiUon. $2,050. Private. apartment Unfurnished, 3 this ad is not paid ^ithin 3-4/4 cellent HONDA OF HASLETT 339-2039 10-4 16 drafting experience, or completion part time, all shifts. 707 Armstrong rooms and bath. Married couple 485-4866 after 6 D.m. 3-4/2 of the sophomore year in a college one week. Road Call Mrs Jolly. Director or single woman only. No students. of engineering or architecture All PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1967 Real scoo-gr^i Q' mil( of Nursing. 393-5680 6-4 2 $120 per month Phone ED 2-5968 conditbvJVrJr Helrr Michigan Civil Service benefits, in¬ after 6 p.m. 2-4/2 The State News will be sharp car with black vinyl top De¬ cluding an outstanding State Con¬ luxe interior, bucket seats 3-speed tributory Insurance Program, ex¬ responsible only for the transmission, power steering, V-8, cellent retirement plan, longevity first day's incorrect inser- and wide oval Ures. Call 351- VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK 1968 bonus, unlimited opportunities for 5302, after 5 p.m. 4-4/4 good condition Must sell. Take over personal advancement, and liberal CEDAR vacation and sick leave allowance payments. 351-9504 3-4 4 VILLAGE FORD FAIRLANE 1962 Looks good RENAULT 1962 46,000 miles. Ex¬ TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLE White plus social security. For further in¬ cellent body, engine $300 Rick, Fiberglass saddlebags, never used formation contact Mrs. Fern Ple- inside and i_. Automotive Economical 332-1437 3-4/3 First $25 332-8932 3-4/4 nar. Michigan Department of State 2 Bdrm. for $295 Call 3 Highways, 1st floor. Highway Build¬ BARRACUDA PLYMOUTH 1965 STUDEBAKER LARK 1963. good ing, Lansing. Phone 373 15k For r^.t» I ciology Depart V-8. Deluxe, formula S model Air- condiUon Owner drafted Must sell other job opportunity informaUon. t.T \y* »2 50 hour Call 353- Summer Only conditioned New Ures, radio, heat Best offer 353-6931 * 5-4/4 call 373-3051, day or night An Equal er, 4-speed floor shift Sporty ap Auto Service & Parts Opportunity Employer 3-4/3 $160/mo. pearance 337-9430 6-4 8 SUNBEAM ALPINE 1960 Best offer HONDA 305 Scramblers 1967 and or trade for Volkswagen, motor¬ CAR WASH: 25 cents Wash, wax 1968 Suzuki 1967 250 X6 Scram¬ EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COM¬ RATHER FISH NOW THAN SKI'' BMW 1966- 1800 Sports Excep¬ FIAT FASTtfcfK 850. cycle, or anything. 351-7622 . 3-4/4 vacuum. U-DO-IT, 430 South Clip- bler Private 485-7972 5-4 '* PANY Experienced secretaries, Sell sporting goods to cash buyers 332-5051 tional condition. Must sell Asking pert. back of KO-KO BAR C-4 '3 typists to work on temporary as¬ with a Classified Ad Dial 355-8255 about $1500. 489-2379 or 351- CHECK WITH us before you buy signments Never a fee Phone 487 0995 Ask for Bill. c ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA HONDA OF HASLETT: Honda bikes, 6071 C-4/3 MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small parts and riding accessories. Only minutes from East Lansing. 1605 WANTED-HONDA dents to large wrecks. American TRIUMPH TR-4i ia6\ IT'S TIME TO THINK 'rvxi cor Haslett Road Phone 339-2039. O 1SOVP332-59 and foreign cars. Guaranteed work 482-1286 East Kalamazoo. C CHEVROLET 1965 Impala SS, 2- door hardtop, 396 engine: power TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1965. Summer s LOWEST MAJOR brand prices in steering, brakes Call 355-0939 be¬ town. Harold's SPARTAN SUNOCO, ATTENTION tween 5-7:30 p.m. 3-4 '4 coming, Tom 353-9196 get your % Spitfire early 3-4/2 corner Michigan-Harrison 3-4/2 Employment ABOUT SUMMER AT MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kala Due to expansion, a 200-year- mazoo Street Since 1940. Com old concern needs hard work¬ ALL YOU WANT IN plete service auto painUng IV5-0256 and collision C PHYSICAL EDUCATION Majors ing people with management potential; for a personal and 711 EAST needed to conduct program at Holy confidential interview, call 3URCHAM DRIVE Cross School. Contact Mr Fas- Mr. Washington 484-4476. AN APARTMENT . . . FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn set 489-6501 3-4/2 in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Special *Two aii—conditioners $5 offer 484-1324. C per apartment *Three-man units *Completely carpeted *Ample parking *Completely furnished *Laundry facilities To lease for summer or fall phone Mrs. |n- ghram, 489-9651 ' All apartments furnished with GENERAL ELECTRIC stoves, refrigerators, and air-condi¬ tioners. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 25. Eleven 635 Abbott Rd. Coming Soon sign-up for I. 4. Dastard Lantern 26 Since 27. Taunt 8. Bleak 28 Costa fall term leases. II. Sacred musical 29 Namesake composition 31 Oceans 13. Gr. letter 3? Man's name IS AT 14. Table linen 8:30 a.m. 15. 17. Luncheon dish Pertinent 34 Donkey 35. Printer s 18. Guide mistakes ^University Terrace *Delta Arms 19. Press 38 Eskimo *Cedarbrook Arms *Haslett Arms 21. Brave 39. Became ^..:er UNIVERSITY 23. Mark aimed at. 41.Conf<\ii *Lowebrook Arms *Everqr« Free Coffee and Donut 24. Theatrical 43. Youth 8 9 10 | All apartments are a 5 minute walk to campus 3 % 1 - 1 Completely furnished ' : 1 9 and 12 m~nth leases available .5 * Fall leasing .4 % VILLA begins Wednesday April 2—from $55/rr State ■ 444 Michigan Ave. Management^ 332-8687_ %19 % % 21 18 2Z 2i ife d 24 d %28 25 - 1967 *furnished and completely % *opened winter te d m 31 *four blocks frorr carpeted 29 *9 or 12 month le *laundry facilities *aii—conditioning *24 hour maintenance ser % 32 % 33 %% * *Halstead offices on prerr 38 39 % % U2 Halstead Management—351-7910 * Y/> Wednesday, April 2, 1969 "12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Rent For Sale For Sale SEWING MACHINE clearance sale GARAGE SALE 1890 Ridgewood FOR RENT in Mason: 3 room, mod¬ FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished Brand new portables-$49.50 $500 Drive, East Lansing Saturday, ern, furnished apartment with pri¬ With swimming pool. Heat paid. GRADUATE MEN: Close to campus. per month Large selection of April 5th. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Dressers, vate bath and entrance. Call 694- $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ recon¬ Kitchen privileges. Parking. 351- ditioned used machines Singers. beds, piano, end tables, miscella¬ 1M1. AGEMENT, 351-7880 C NEAR CAPITOL. Large 4-bedroom 5481, evenings or weekends 5-4/4 Whites, Necchis, New Home and neous. 3-4/4 Completely furnished and garage "many others.'' $19.95 to $39.96 SUBLEASE TWO man luxury apart¬ For spring and summer terms EAST LANSINO ment term Close cam¬ oi—por girl Kit¬ Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 23" HI-FI TV. Motorola console. summer Ideal for 4 to 5 students 484-1938 chen privO£H I t-Ujik to cam COMPANY. 1115 North Washington Very good condition Must sell. pus. 351-3212. 2-4/2 pus. Phone joi-7782. 5-4/3 489-6448 C-4/3 Only $50. Call 355-0847 3-4/4 GIRL NEWLY MARRIED? T0,3pN-rED>wn 166.67 moiR tjjl. Iviaiww room 5-4/4 KITCHEN,TABLE and chairs. Orange stuffed chair. 9' x 12' wool rug. TANGLEWOOD NEEDED ONE man for luxury apart¬ 351-8865. 1-4/2 ment Close to campus Call 351- MARRIED STUDENTS and/or facul¬ APARTMENTS 0686 3-4/2 ty. "randor New 3-bedroom duplex. Carpeted, draped, many extras. 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 484-6871 3-4/3 DOWNTOWN LANSING: 3 bedroom, 10 MEN: CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park¬ STEREO TAPE recorder, Panasonic. I iiry apart- room house Furnished. Fireplace, ing, supervised. Close to campus PROCESSING REGULAR or Super 8 Excellent condition. Eico Cortina ItfvePJ \ rates. 351-3447 No de 2-4/2 L-shaped immediately. living room Available Call Lee Thorn, 484- 487-5753 or 485-8836 O Kodak color movie film or Koda chrome 135-20 with this ad, $1.29. amplifier, soeakers Will corder separately. 353-7717 sell re¬ 3-4/4 3-4/2 5315 or IV 7-0046 5-4/3 ROOM: FOR Gentleman over Revco MAREK REXALL DRUGS PRE¬ store. See doorman, Campus Thea¬ SCRIPTION CENTER at Frandor SUMMER: ACROSS from campus. Two ter. after 5:30 p.m 10-4/11 New Lower Everyday Discount bathrooms, bedrooms, Air-condi¬ C-4/3 tioning. 351-3576 3-4/2 WANTED: ONE man to sublease for MUST SELL—2 ONE PAIR of Kneissl White Star-W, new Sansui receiv¬ summer Capitol Villa. Own bed¬ URGENT: NEED 1 man Apartment ers. 100 watts--$225. 130 watts- with marker bindings. New. Regular room $55.351-7026. 3-4/3 just off $300 Two $240, now $145. Call Bill 351-9013. 5725. 3-4/2 3-way speakers~$300 EAST LANSING - Large, modern new, now $175. Call Gary, 351- PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South off sleeping room with private bath Michigan Avenue Efficiency. Men ONE GIRL for 2-girl Stoddard apart for girl. Close transportation. 351- MCDONALD 500A Turntable Pick¬ only. Share bath. Utilities paid. $60 RENT--NO lease 4 man, 2 story ering V15-AC-3 cartridge base and a month plus deposit Phone 627- dust cover $65. 351-8554 3-4/4 duplex Beautifully furnished Gar¬ age $60 man. 1 mile from MSU EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- ONE GIRL needed spring and sum¬ Ranger mini-8. $59.95 and up, mer, 2-girl apartment, Capitol Vil¬ Lear Jet~$69.95 and up. "MAW GIRLS: BERKEY near 3 bedroom, la, pool, air-conditioned. Call 351- furnished house Leasing now for ELECTRONICS, 5558 South Penn¬ BIRTHDAY CAKES-7' $3 64: 8"- TWO-MAN furnished apartment avail¬ ' aer or next year Stop in at sylvania, Lansing. C $418; 9"—$5.20. Delivered. KWAST able spring term: Very large No ) ailey, or call 489-4363 3-4/4 APARTMENTS: 4 room, furnished BAKERIES, 484-1317 C-4/3 deposit. 351-8108 3-4/3 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and en¬ Okemos area $150 per month. 485- gagement ring sets. Save 50 per MEN: OWN bedroom Summer. Stu¬ 6581: ED 2-8531 7-4/4 LARGE SELECTION OF frames, cent or more. Large selection of dent preferred Cleaned. Nicely glasses for everyone OPTICAL DIS¬ furnished. 337-1480 5-4/4 plain and fancy diamonds. $25-150. FOR LEASE, Colonial Apartments FURNISHED FOUR-Bedroom faculty COUNT, 416 Tussing Building Phone WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. northwind Corner of Burcham and Alton. Brand house September-June. Families IV 2-4667 C-4/4 509 East Michigan. 485-4391 C FARMS new. deluxe 1-bedroom Furnished For Sale only $225. 337-1597 evenings 16-4/17 or unfurnished. For graduate stu¬ Faculty Apartments dents, college faculty or personnel, TWO-BEDROOM furnished house, VOX ESSEX bass amplifier with 351-7880 or professionals Call 332-3133 or 882-6549 Select clientele 21-4/30 15 minutes from campus May cover and stand $200. Excellent through early August 355-2182. condition. Call 372-7350 3-4/2 393-5245 5-4/8 AKAI M-8 stereo tape recorder with ONE-TWO girls needed immediate¬ speakers, mike, tapes 351-9554. ly. Newly decorated house, 2 3-4/2 NEEDED: ONE girl. Immediate oc¬ blocks from campus $40 per cupancy. Haslett apartments Call month. 337-0915. 5-4/8 KENMORE DELUXE washer $125. 351-0879 4-4/4 Hamilton gas dryer. Best offer. EAST LANSING-Wardcliff, 3-bed¬ 332-0067 2-4/2 room duplex, carpeting, electric HOSMER STREET, 315-Lower 2- range, $190 month. Call 351-8548 bedroom, stove and refrigerator furnished Utilities paid, $135 LIVE BETTER OFF- month, deposit required Phone CAMPUS THIS SUMMER 484-4761 5-4/3 ONE GIRL needed. Furnished, clean, FOR LESS walking distance $55 332-5320. Houses after 6 p.m. 6-4/4 E. L. MANAGEMENT 2 bed- 4Vi MILES from EAST LANSING Stude; r2£efVor v 351-7880 31 7 M.A.C. flocks from each iclin C t- W, applianc "RENTED'0 ♦iTS"- 3 month es sane T>.£ruure Parking Call ONE room, BLOCK from Berkey, 2-bed- living room with fireplace NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, 1 man to share 2 man. 2 bedroom flawless lease. 351-5285 after 4:30 p.m. 10-4/8 every day SATURDAY Utilities paid 2 men. $16 each apartment Only $70 per month weekly. 351-9504 3-4/4 Call Bill 351-0975 5-4/8 527 NORTH furnished, Magnolia, 2-bedroom fenced yard, garage, lMCLUDtNG ONE OR 2 men needed for 4-man summer term only. $140 month Cedar brook Arms apartment 489-1551. 3-4/2 THE BEST Across from campus $54/month 5 pit TWO FOUR-MAN apartments Walk 351-5425 3-4/4 to campus. Summer term. Utilities paid. 1020 Short Street 351-4134, ONE MAN for spring/summer terms If you are 18 or older PROFESSIONAL after 6 p.m. 3-4/4 Riverside East Apartments $65 a you qualify for a "In¬ month. 351-4317 2-4/3 OKEMOS: 3 bedroom, carpeted ranch. DRY CLEANERS AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North . 2 car garage. Unfurnished Call 487- terpersonal Happening" Furnished 1-bedroom Ground floor ROOMMATE NEEDED Luxury apart¬ 5838 after 5 p.m. 3-4/4 Interpersonal Dating SHIRT LAUNDERERS also coin operated Private entrance Utilities paid ment Immediate occupancy Dis¬ Service Parking $125 a month plus deposit IAND0R SHOPPING CENTER and 2801 W. SAGINAW Phone 627-5454 3-4/4 count Call 351-9516 5-4/9 NEED A CAR? P.O.BOX 2137,Ann Arbor,Mich TWO-BEDROOM, refrigerator, stove SUBLET LUXURY 2 man apartment No ifSmonN-, children, quiet $90 372-1586. Summer term only Double air, top 332-4653 5-4/9 floor. Across from campus. 351- -4 TWO ($671 GIRLS for Beechwood ($55) 12 month June 355-2113,355-0454 4-girl apartment- or Cedar Village lease starting 3-4/4 Special mr-a-cMJjS? Rates for MSU Students DON'T SIGN THAT LEASE FOR FALL TERM UNLESS YOU HAVE ONE GIRL needed for spring term at 711 East Apartments, Burcham WEEKEND YES NO Drive Phone after 4 p.m., 351- Noon Frl. - Noon Mon. □ □ complete soundproofing—between rooms and PLUS GAS apartments s35 NO MILEAGE CHARGE ample parking--Cedar Village has parking for over 500 cars -- 3 story parking ramp Reasonable rent 585-6329. after 9 p.m weekdays or Barb R . □ choice of 9 or 12 month leases 300 East Nine Mile. Ferndale 5-4/2 DAILY □ convenient location--we adjoin the campus WE'LL PAY you $100 to sublease beautiful top floor Chalet Apart¬ ment overlooking river 351-3210. M3 PerDay MILEAGE Q a full-time maintenance staff on 24 hour call CHARGE 3-4/2 □ air conditioning MALE GRADUATE BAY COLONY APARTMENTS 1 or dergraduate ** V—ury apart ment 351-6954 All Cars New □ private study desk for each student 2 bedrooms Furnished and unfurn¬ ished Call Jack Bartlett. manager 337-0511 Corner of Haslett and Fully-Equipped 1969s □ dishwashers and large refrigerator-freezers Hagadorn Roads O □ built-in bookshelves You must be 21 and TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 have valid MSU LQ card. Burcham, $125 to $135 124 Cedar a □ Hoover vacuum cleaners for every 2 apart¬ Street, $150 to $160 135 Kedzie ments Drive, $170 to $180 All utili¬ electricity ties Call furnished except days, 487-3216; evenings 2316, until 10 p.m. 882 O 372-8660 □ large walk-in storage closet □ incinerator chute on every floor □ large laundry rooms with washers and dryers □ hi-powered T.V. antenna reception □ interior decorated apartments with wall-to-wall carpeting including the bath vanity snack bar with stools electronic intercom— safety lock system natural brick decorator wall in living room All these features are included at Mar 2 Bedroom Village Apartments MODEL APARTMENT OPEN DAILY the diversification of our business provides you with one-stop service to satisfy your living requirements. If you are investigating apartment living, MODEL OPEN a visit to our office definitely can eliminate the "leg work" of apartment- Mon.-Fri. — 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. hunting. PHONE 332-5051 6:30-9:00 Sat. & Sun. — 1:03 p.m.-5:00 p.m. East Lansing Management Co. THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRIVATELY- OWNED STUDENT APARTMENT COMPLEX Contact: NORTHWIND MANAGEMENT, 2771 Northwind Drive, East Lansing, Mich. 317 MAC 351-7880 Phone: 337-0636 Wednesday, April 2, 1969 13 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MHA election RENT A TV from a TV $9 00 per NEJAC TV RENTALS month Call Company 337-1300. C - (continued from page one) port the election of Loerke to do or specific acts." refrain from doing any Library futurama. . . FREE A Thrilling hour of beau¬ (continued from page one) But to compete with the top One thing is certain. Without ifications for the presidency Freedom Report, injunctive ty. For appointment, call 484-4519. group, MSU must first make up a substantial increase in the MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STU¬ of MHA," Hawkins said, "but power has been given exclus- Chapin said that although he the almost 13 million volume gap Library's resources by 1974 stu- DIO, 1600 East Michigan C-4/3 1.Ve,7 . to .. Student-Faculty cannot know what the top 10 uni- between its collection and that dents and faculty in that year TOM S BARBER SHOP, 3007 Vine versities will spend in the next o{ the average university in the will not be greeted by the "Art. has stated that Vine and Homer across from Fran- five years, an estimate of the Top 10. "superior library" prbphe- Tuesday-Saturday IV 4- the Student-Faculty Judiciary dor 8-5:30 average amount can be made sized by the Sullivan Report 8844 0-4/3 Women's Inter-residence shall have the discretionary based on the increase in funds In actuality, Chapin said he Council (WIC) issued a authority to request the in- spent by the Top 10 between does not know how much the statement March 26 question- dividual or group responsible 1966-67 and 1967-68. Library will receive in the next Peanuts Personel ing the legality of the AUSJ's injuctive power involving the for enforcing the challenged regulation or administrative If the Top 10 libraries continue five years because University, and ultimately Library, appro¬ Fraternity Rush elections. decision to postpone action to increase their expenditures on priations depend on so many April 7-9 libraries by the 8.9 per cent that unpredictable state finance mat¬ they spent last year, they will be ters. that Art. IV, Part I, Sec. 9. spending an average of $8,771,000 Part A of the ASMSU constitu¬ in 1974. Art exhibition tion has stated, "The AUSJ shall have the power to issue injunctions whereby the en¬ joined party is required to postponed MSU would have to be spend¬ ing only a little less just to be included in the group. 1eaTnim#Group**" Alfred Hitchock CONGRATULATIONS TO the great¬ The opening date of the Fa¬ Dial M for Murder est bunch of A.G.R. Shinypins ever U' Biafran group culty Exhibition in Kresge Art faring Ray Milland and Grace Kelly Ruthanne 1-4/2 Center has been changed from and Sunday to Saturday from 8 p.m. "I picked a lemon in the garden to meet, plan fast to 10 p.m. W.C. Fields in The Dentist Wednesday 7 & 9 p.m. Plans for life-line for Biaf- Visitors can view recent works of love!" Real Estate a of 106 Wells Hall 50c ra and a campus-wide fast faculty and staff members in the entrance and North Gal¬ no I.D. required will be discussed at a meet¬ THREE-BEDROOM home, block from leries of ing sponsored by the Biafran Kresge. Paintings, campus, near Red Cedar School. Ample living room, dining room, Student Assn. at 8 tonight in drawings, sculpture, prints, For Sale ceramics, photographs, and con¬ fireplace, full basement Large 33 Union. yard, garage. Available August. Phone All students interested may structions will be on exhibit. Re¬ CHAMPION-1967 For sale or rent Full air-conditioning, carpeting, skirting, on King Arthur's lot Swim¬ owner after 4 p.m., 332-0512 TRADE OR SELL Lake Michigan re¬ 5-4/4 attend the meeting. freshments will be served. WATCH ming facilities. Phone 351-5651 or sort community residential-commer¬ cial income property for East Lan¬ for the LABRADOR AKC. 332-0564 3 RETRIEVERS males left Black Asking $55 3-4 4 Lost & Found sing 5543 area property. Phone 351- S Placement DALMATION PUPPIES Black, LOST: seen FEMALE cat, tiger 3/17 in vicinity of Grove Last THANKFUL? A Card of Thanks' in the Peanuts Personal column is TV following employers will be inter viewiag April 8, 1MI. Refer to Place- flOMEWOOD - FLOSSMOOR SCHOOL: Art, history, journalism, Eng- HIGH Fashion Tabloid white. AKC registered, excellent and Linden Reward. 332-8081 an easy way to express your grat¬ meat Bareau Balletia for additional de- lish. French, Spanish, physical educa- blood 332-3943 lines. Wormed and shots. 5-4 8 itude. Come in today to place your Peanuts Personal be placed in person and pre-paid. They must tails. Toetday, April 8, IKS: ALBION PUBLIC SCHOOLS Early tiwi, biology, home economics, mathe- rrVUics. social science, economics, men- ta-ly handicapped, driver education, coming soon in ZERO IN on the ten and later elementary education and Type business education and industrial arts Advertise rentals fied Ad. Dial 355-8255 m v LOST: STONE, white star saphire Service Junior High School: General e and social science majors (B.M) 'E,M) Location: Flossmoor, 111. HOWARD JOHNSON CO General the April 17 issue Junior and Senior High School: Physical business administration and Hotel, Res¬ DALMATIONS-AKC 12 weeks. Qual¬ from engagement ring Lost at East education (B.Mi Senior High School: taurant and Institutional Management ity plus temperament. Phone COACH- Lansing shopping area, or Union History, English, home economics, majors (B). Location: Midwest ACRES, 339-M30 5-4/4 mathematics and business education ma¬ . METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE TODAY LADIES DAY jors (B.M). Location: Albion 00 Accounting and financial adminis¬ FREE PUPPY: Home desperately needed for adorable male puppy Has shots. 351-0181. 3-4/4 SER: ALTSCHULER. MELVOIN ANDGLAS- Accounting majors 1 B.M) Loca¬ tration. business law and office admin- istration, economics, management and 75f 1:00 to 6:00 Feature at 1:00 - p.m. 3:05 - MICHIGAN tion: Chicago. 111. marketing majors (B> Location: vari- 5:15 - 7:25 - 9:35 p.m. CYCLES SELL IN SPRING' Ad¬ AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS: m vertise motorcycles and bikes with a All Majors, All Colleges (B). Location: ^IO AU SABLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: ANDY'S AN Classified Ad Dial 355-8255 later elementary edu Military installations in the United States Early EX-MARINE SUMMER ried couple RENTAL Behind Prefer Gables mar $120 PAINTING AT Low winter prices and overseas. ARTHUR YOUNG AND CO. Account¬ majors MUSKEGON 1) Location: Mio. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: ZORBA TURNED Utilities. 351-0655. 1-4 2 Call BOB MAY Early and later elementary education, PREACHER IN [ Free estimates majors (B,M,D). Location Detroit: GREEK * feHnoeh^Pockeb ing THE WACKIEST 393-4173 10-4/9 Chicago, 111. art, counselor, music, physical educa¬ ENTERTAINMENT n RENT FURNISHED Near campus ASHLAND CITY SCHOOLS Early tion. acoustically, mentally and physi¬ \EVER! On bus line. Utilities extra Se OVERLAND EXPEDITION INDIA BABYSITTING IN my Spartan Village later elementary education, art, ci cally handicapped, maladjusted and NIGHT > [—|Cr A UNIVERSAL PICTURE "TECHNICOLOR- curity deposit $100 a month and Leaves London June 24 $485 De¬ il education schoo' social worker majors (B.M) Jun- home. Days, nights, weekends. 1626 2756 East Grand River, East tails: D Aarons-23 Manor House ior Migh School: French, general sci¬ coming Saturday Junior and Senior High up Lansing 3-4/4 Drive, London NW6. 5-4 2 I Call 355-9910 5-4/2 School: Art and industrial arts majors ence, home economics, counselor and is DRESSMAKING, GOWNS, and alter (B.M) Senior High School: English. business education majors (B.M). Jun¬ ations Experienced. charge. Call 355-1040 Reasonable 5-4/8 Spanish, music, chemistry, government, counselor and business education ma¬ ior and Senior High School: History, Eng¬ lish, physical education, social science, April 19th ion ►485-6485 TODAY from 1:00 P.M. BICYCLE mentally handicapped and industrial make your reservations .. . jors (B.M) Location: Ashland, Ohio. PLASTERING ^Patching, - REPAIR accoustical. Free cracks esti¬ CAMP OAKLAND INC FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED . SUMMER CAMP CHIL¬ arts majors (B.M). Senior High School Art, speech and geography majors (B.M) At 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:30 QLAPMER mate Ray Brooks. 337-2730 1-4/2 DREN SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Ele- Location: Muskegon mentary education, social work, psy¬ PINCONNING AREA SCHOOLS LADIES' DAY . . . 75 Junior and Senior High Mathematics (B.M). Location Pincon- THE FASTEST School: Speech correction majors (B, ning PAULA ANN HAUGHEY: A unique Mi Senior High School Diagnostician PRICE WATERHOUSE AND CO.: SUPPORT INTH JIM'S quality thesis service. IBM typing, and visiting teacher majors (B.M) Lo- Accounting and financial administra- multilith printing and hard binding 337-1527 C cation: Gladstone E I DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND tion (B.M) Location, various SCHLUMBERGER WELL SERVICES YOUR * TYPING IN home insurance companies Experienced with and others CO . CONSTRUCTION DIV gmeering majors Bi Location Eastern, Southeastern or Southwestern Civil En- United SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Electrical engineering Location: various SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRA- LOCAL* RESTAURANT 484-2612. 5-4/4 States GRAND BLANC BOARD OF EDU- TION: All majors, all colleges (B.M). Arrangements can be made at the inter- TIFFANY LOUNGE SHERIFF ANN BROWN Typist and multilith CATION Early and later elementary view to take the Federal Service En- 116 E. Michigan Ave COLOR by DeLuxe E": offset printing Dissertations, theses education. art. counselor, music, phys- trance Examination on campus on April manuscripts general typing IBM ical education, mentally handicapped. 9 Location: Chicago, 111., Michigan, Ohio Ph. IV 9-1196 Free Evening Parkins JAMES GARNER ~ JOAN HACKETT tionally disturbed and school nurse ma- ST\NDARD OIL CO DIV. OF AMER- , BARBI MEL: jors (B.M) Junior High School Music, ICAll OIL CO : General business admin- ^TvDine. multilithine language arts, general marketing, political Block off campus. 332-3255 C language arts social science majors (B. e and all majors of the Colleges Mi Junior and Senior High School: Art. s and Letters. Business. Communi- mathematics, business education and in¬ Arts and Social Science (B.M) Lo- Wanted dustrial arts majors (B.M) Senior High Michigan. Ohio, Indiana and Ken- School: Journalism. English. French, tuck/. BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7 50 for Sfanish. speech and physical science ma¬ UNIVAC DATA PROCESSING DIV all positive A negative. B negative jors (B.M i Location: Grand Blanc Electrical engineering (B.M.D) Com¬ and AB negative $10.00 O negative- HIGHLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Early puter science (B.M.D) Mathematics (Bi $1200 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY and later elementary education, art, mu¬ Location: St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. BLOOD CENTER. 507' 2 E Granc sic, physical education, mentally handi¬ USV PHARMACEUTICAL: All majors, River. East Lansing. Above the new capped and speech correction majors all colleges (B). Location: Michigan Bicycle Sale: Thursday, April 3, 1969, 1:30 Campus Book Store. Hours: 9 a m i B.M i Junior High School History. VILLA PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 3:30 pm Monday. Tuesday and Fri German, physical education, home eco¬ 45 Early and later elementary educa¬ P.M., at Salvage Yard, Farm Lane, Michigan dav; Wednesday and Thursday. 12 nomics and industrial arts majors , 1MI: Reasonable Contact Carol Helfrock ERNST AND ERNST Accounting (B, 332-4516 3-4 4 Mi Location: various. LYBRAND, ROSS BROS AND MONT LET SOMETHING GOOD HAPPEN' GOMERY Accounting, financial admin¬ Get extra cash for don t needs with istration and management (B.M.D). Loca- a Classified Ad. Dial 355-8255. Consecutive Dates to Ru ASMSU GREAT ISSUES Print Ad Here: . PRESENTS 400 pulsating pounds will be ... - , All our girl customers will be picking up their CLARK KERR at 9:30 tonite. "Granny Glasses" all evening long. At only 75c admission for guys, 25<: for girls, there's a lot of excitement at . . . Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. resident of U of C at Berkei t" on demonstrators. 10 Words or Less: Thursday, April 3 Over 10 Words Add- □ MSU Auditorium TOMORROW NITE: PARAPHERNALIA FASHION SHOW Mail to: Michigan State News 35c SLOPPY JOE'S, ALL YOU CAN EAT- 346 Student Services MSU East Loosing, Mich. Bldg. 3 p.m. 50$ Wednesday, April 2, 1969 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MSU Cinema Guild presents Go Flicks Calif, trials embody spirit of revolt The servicemen were in the at hard labor, the April 4 and 5 "DARLING" 100 Vet CI ini< 7&9 p.m. By JERRY PANKHURST for many black activists in outcry Editorial Editor. the Bay area. and its in¬ Reflections of San Francisco stockade infractions for of various small arose, and has not stopped SAN FRANCISCO- A blue- fluence is becoming stronger Army discip¬ line, but found the living Erlich felt that the "spirit" sky, watermelon and nudity over the nation through its conditions there deplorable. of the Presidio case and his "be-in" in Golden Gate Park multi - faceted organization¬ porters of the Seven were article in the April issue of marked the first Sunday of al efforts. listening to the "revolutionary Ramparts, Erlich and another They claim harassment from own was the same-all a part spring and the end of "The Inside the attractive brick rock" of a group under the of the seven explained that guards, unsanitary facilities, of the revolutionary movement. insufficient food, and various Winter of Discontent." in the and chalet - front national sunny skies. the leaders did not specific¬ Several of the sentences other indignities, of San Francisco Bay area Panther headquarters in Oak¬ The arrest of the seven re¬ ally plan any violence at the some of the "mutineers" have now Now! thru Sat. 4 BIG Days sulted from the activities of demonstrations at the Oakland which have been admitted by On that Sunday, March 23. land one member was asked been shortened. the Army. there was a respite from the about the student strike in the Stop the Draft Week in the Induction Center, but that they When one servicemen in the The working classes, min¬ 2 All time Greats together violence at San Francisco area. They immediately noted fall of 1967. They were simply held that if needed, a orities, students and State stockade was killed in an even a College (SFSC) and the ' sellout-' of the Ameri¬ charged with "conspiring to person should protect himself. few of the more enlightened the turmoil at Berkeley. can Federation of Teachers commit two misdemeanors" There was alleged escape attempt, the no conspiracy, Free Electric Car Heaters and assaulting 27 sat down in the yard of politicians will soon be guid¬ During the week before, the (AFT) at San Francisco an officer, with the seven claim, and they have student and instructor strikers the stockade in protest. When ing the nation to a more hum¬ State and referred the report¬ a possible total of 61 years been apparently vindicated in at SFSC had ended their or¬ er to the strong attack on the in state prison facing them. ordered to break up and read ane future, according to San ganized activities, at least AFT by Nathan Hare in the . Finding the judge "a tortured that the jury acquitted them last week. the mutiny act, the men con¬ Francisco activists. tinued sitting They're young. love for a while, as did those at latest issue of "The Black liberal", Erlich stated The Oakland Seven had re¬ and singing. In the meantime they con¬ Berkeley. For Berkeley, it Panther." that they had tried "every ceived activist support, as They were soon hustled to tend, a more "reactiogary" was final examination week; On the other side of Oak¬ maneuver in the book" and that well as some from "liberals, greater security and charged movement will grow, but in with mutiny. When the first the end, the "revolution" will for SFSC. it was a time of land. beside Merritt Lake and the biggest legal precedent "but of seemingly greater ap¬ of them was given 16 years triumph. reflection and settlement. surrounding parks, sets the Al¬ the trial was setting was the peal in the new activism Minority students at San ameda County Courthouse length of the deliberation. was the courts martial of 27 Francisco State had been on where the trial of the "Oak¬ One main question of the servicement for TONIGHT FROM 7:00 PJvl. "mutiny" at strike since Nov. 6 demand¬ land Seven'' was progressing. trial is the applicability of the stockade of the Presidio "THE TOMCAT" ing a school of ethnic studies In the park, about 100 sup- the conspiracy charge. In an Army Base. 7:00 AND 9:55 with a department of black AND studies, as well as increased First Showing enrollment of dents and other demands. The minority stu¬ Now Playing! STARTS "TRIUMPH OVER VIOLENCE" college had been placed in a 2 Color Hits ONCE ONLY AT 8:35 "state of emergency," with FRIDAY! • and they kill people• all demonstrations prohibited and police guarding the main • 3 MILES EOT PHONE EP2. IQ42.' Exclusive Elec. Heaters "AN IMPERTINENT, DELICIOUS LITTLE SATIRE. There is an enormous amount of raw vitality. buildings. Wonderful performances by a cast of fresh and SHOWN TWiCE On the doors of buildings inventive young actors. Few big budget 7:37 and Late were posted both warnings movies contain as much wit and purpose! against illegal rallies and re¬ I VERY MUCH ADMIRED 'GREETINGS'!" minders that a rally was plan¬ ned for Friday led by white students supporting the min¬ "AN OVERGROUND SEX-PROTEST FILM!" IVAKEEN ority demands. But at the EEATTV urging of the Black Students Their bag- Union the demonstr¬ FAl® ation On never materialized. Friday. President S. I supplying- Hayakawa went before televis¬ ion cameras, radio micro¬ phones and scribbling report¬ the ECNNIE#6Id1?D£ ers to announce that he would recommend that the ethnic- ffl®. studies school and the black MICHAEL J. POLLARO GENE HACKMAN ESTELLE PARSONS studies department be . . ... TKWdl HuwttCMHwami PnHiiMdtr«>Wt>»EWTY-l>ncM>r«W»WI -Hf established and that the SFSC TECHNICOLOR*FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS W administrators would press for a change in the law 2nd Exclusive Color Hit so that SFSC could enroll more minority students, many Paul Newman of whom wouid not meet the academic standards of the IN college. The strike was ended, but such for the demands as demonstrators amnesty < al¬ "Cool Hand Loke" though some were given lesser penalties) and the rehiring of certain faculty who part¬ icipated in the winter's ac¬ tivities were not as yet met JEREMY SLATE; STEVE ALAIMO• johndavis chandler • wide pasirano• William grefe SPARTAN TWIN EAST Hayakawa has promised to FRANDORSHOPP1N^CENTH^3M^MS^AjMNWJ^P^n^^^^©30 consider the mitigation of pen¬ alties given to protesters on April 11. Also Van Heflin in The Man Outside AG^IPUjS Ladies SHOWN DAILY AT One of the professors fired recently, believes that he will soon of be given back the job chairman of the black In Technicolor AT 2:30 AND 8:30 P.M. at 9:30 HELD OVER! Hlfweek .Feature 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 Day 75C 1:00 These Nazis - 3:50 - 6:45 and 9:30 p.m. studies department. Because of support from the black community, Nathan Hare ex¬ "TH€ LION IN WINT6R" aren't for real! pects his job returned A love story One student from the School of Social Welfare at Berkeley Nominated for that begins with Cliff They are Allied agents Robertson explained that he had just who must win returned from the minority an incredible WINNER 7 Academy areas of San Francisco where ACADEMY World War II he was •"organizing. experiment! AWARD this weekend The job is to convince the NOMINATION faculty that the only way they A less than ordinal*)' man can continue field work in is turned into a "Best ...or die Awards the neighborhoods without per¬ Actor" sonal threat is for them to genius. He awakens support the demands of dem onstrators. such increased to an exquisite as love experience, but enrollment of minority stu¬ Including: dents. he said was Unknown tween the to Third many the mutual aid pact be¬ World people Lib¬ BEST PICTURE eration Front (TWLFi at both Berkeley and SFSC and BEST ACTRESS .BEST ACTOR.BEST DIRECTOR . the strikers at Chevron and BEST SCREEN PLAY . BEST ORIGINAL MUSICAL Standard Oil facilities at Richmond. Calif Picket SCORE . BEST COSTUME DESIGN lines at both the plants and the schools were reportedly integrated at times with stu¬ dents and labor strikers. The Black Panther Party has become 'the rallying point TONIGHT! all color! "THE DEVIL'S 8" also "THE MONSTER OF LONDON CITY" ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS SA53T rllM ^ collaboration with ROBERTSON ASSOCIATES presents F6T6ROTOOL6 KATHARIN6 H6PBURN SELMUR PICTURES in TH6 LION IN WINT6R CLIFF ROBERTSON X^Ly CLAIRE BLOOM TONIGHT! ALL COLO^I LILIA SKALA LEON JANNEY RUTH WHITE .RALPH NELSON FILM MARTIN POLL ANTHONY HARVEY RAVI SHANKAR SSSiSELIG J. SELIGMAN STIRLING SILLIPHANT 'CANDY' FROM THE NOVEL FLOWERS FOR n*TniT*7r7onikl ^"NICOLOR ALGERNON By DANIEL KEVES RALPH NELSON techniscope Patrick Wymark • Michael Hordern FOR SPECIAL story and screenplay by directed by produced by BOX OFFICE $2.50 HigS Co . •The . GROUP RATES Alistair MacLean Brian G. Hutton • Elliott Kastner OPEN DAILY Wed. and Sat. at 2:30 P.M. ....... $2.00 Next! Marlon Brando •F"OMcohpohatkw • CALL 351-0031 HPana vision" and Metrocolor ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS FROM 1 - 9 P.M. Sunday at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. ..... $2.50 "THE NIGHT OF THE FOLLOWING DAY"