O/in to is receive currently operating with nine doctors despite an enrollment Also because of the staff shortage, the doctors have to work increase S&laried positions in University communities offer advan¬ increase of more than 5,000. than 40 hours per week. Feurig said the Olin physicians more tages of Regular hours, freedom from operating a private of¬ Even with the staff shortage. Dr. James Feurig, director of work 72 hours per week and are on night and week end call. fice, prestige factors and cultural events. But the pay is the Health Center, said. Olin has not encountered a crisis sit¬ He said MSU has among the largest facilities of any univer¬ decidedly lower. After a year of an unusual number of turnovers in its staff. uation yet where a doctor would not be available to treat an sity in the nation in patient care, but is far from the largest Olin Memorial Health Center's budget will be •'substantially emergency patient. Though he said he does not expect such a in staff size or physical plants. A private physician can begin at $30,000 per year and easily increased" next year in an attempt to retain its present stall crisis, he has had to place the physicians on expanded work The recent addition to Olin created offices for the doctors, receive more than $50,000 in five or six years. Andrew Hunt and fill its six vacancies schedules. dean of the College of Human Medicine, said. enlarged the laboratory, the out-patient clinic area and the The staff depletion has resulted in overworking Olin physi The nine physicians have to serve an average of 400 student emergency receiving area But for size of facilities, Olin does Once established, he may see up to 70 patients a day, al¬ cians to a point where service, according to many of the stu- out-patients and 30 employe out-patients per day plus 65-75 not even approximate what is available at universities with a though that is really more than he can do good medicine dents who have waited for hours in long lines, has been af in-patients. Feurig said. full medical school. for. Hunt said. Previously many believed a doctor could not Administration and Health Center officials say 15 doctors adequately take care of more than 20 patients a day. he said, Salaried doctors in industry and government receive $20,000 are needed to adequately serve MSU's more than 40,000 stu¬ Officials see the coming MSU medical school as a solution but if he is active, he has to see more. to $30,000 vearlv and up to $40,000 in hospitals Milton Dic ker- dents but has never had more than 13. to many of the problems currently facing the Universitv health The private physician must also use at least 30 son. vice president for student affairs, said the present scale As a result, some non-emergency patients may have to wait service. of his gross income to run his office. per cent at MSU is well below those figures hours before seeing a doctor. The medical facility will attract doctors to the community Doctors who work at the lower "salaried" Olin has lost three doctors to other work areas and another We are appealing to the student for urgency in some who wish to study or do research and will also make available positions usu has retired since July. Its remaining staff is working under a areas." Feurig said. X-ravs and general physical examinations those doctors who will be on the teaching staff. Dickerson said ally do so because he, probably for health reasons, cannot He also said the school would make be on call all the time or cannot stand the pace Or heavy work load trying to meet the daily needs of the students are such things that he said a student should arrange to have expert consultants avail¬ he perhaps In 1965. MSU had 12 doctors to serve its 35.000 students, but done on days that are not so crowded. able to the community. just enjoys it more, Dickerson said. Tuesday Learning. MICHIGAN Cooler. STATE NEWS . . . without thinking is la¬ . and partly cloudy. Highs bor lost, thinking without learn¬ STATE ing is perilous. -Confucius UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. April 22,1969 ■ Vol. 61 Number 162 Nixon outlines tax revisions, asks total exemption for poor WASHINGTON (AP)-President Nixon dividuals and corporations next Jan. 1 to for Congress but it is understood to in¬ taxing of the poor all at once asked a five per cent rate. It is now 10 Congress Monday to eliminate income per volve a change in the minimum standard To some observers, the decision to seek a taxes for two million low-income fam¬ cent. deduction lowering of the surcharge represents a ilies. to have the surtax, to repeal the -Enactment of a low-income allowance While it had been reported the admin¬ major gamble in which the administra business investment tax credit and to in¬ designed to assure at or below the poverty istration would try to do something for tion is betting the next eight months sure that most affluent Americans pay at line will have to pay no income tax. will bring a substantial cooling off of the poor, there was no advance indication least so- taxes. the economy. that Nixon would attempt to eliminate ' We shall never make taxation popu¬ According to current lar." the President said, "but we can estimates. 2.2 mil¬ make taxation fair." lion families below Navy armada With cuts and increases the line pay taxes. tending to bal¬ ance out. Nixon estimated his over-all program would have small net effect on For statistical federal income. purposes, an urban ofin Japan Initial reaction in Congress indicated it planes family of four with is likely to go along with most of his proposals although strong opposition may develop to dropping the seven per cent income under $3,300 annually is listed impoverished. as WASHINGTON the Westerp Pacific Friday after scheduled By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS third Ivy Rican and white pupils from the four tion of all families below the docking at Long Beach. Calif She re¬ a poverty three cruisers and 16 destroyers, some of A second student sit-in. in as many t Students for high schools, whose parents earn less cently ended her first tour of duty off League member, the disside line at about 700 million annually. which are already in the Sea of Japan than $8,000 a year, automatically should be | weeks, began Monday at Harvard's I 'm . Den a tic So< ' SDS i invited pupils Details of the plan were being saved The rest are headed there. Vietnam versitv Hall while the president of Cornell. from four high schools admitted to Columbia. The task force, commanded by Rear I another Ivy League school, declared a sit rally demanding open admissions for pu¬ Adm Malcolm W. Cagle. of Grand Jun | uation of emergency stemming from Sun- pils from those schools tion. Colo., is composed of the carriers s armed takeover of the student un- At Harvard, about 150 students marched Engerprise. Ticor.deroga. Ranger and Hoi without opposition int<> the hall, the school's main administration building, carrying out an SDS vole Sund;i\ night to stay there until 5 p.m.. the closing hour An esti¬ Astronaut brings spider,' net: the cruisers Chicago. Oklahoma City and St. Paul, and 16 destroyers. The Enterprise. Ticonderoga ger are and Ran attack carriers. The Hornet is lordan River mated 1.0(H) voung people milled about out¬ designed for an antisubmarine role gumdrop' U' address side in the Harvard Yard. var Each of the carriers is combat-exper At its meeting, the SDS said it would not accept anything less than full expulsion of to ienced. having served tours ot duty off Vietnam as part of the American bombing [unrest mounts Reserve Officers Training pus Corps on cam¬ By DENISE FORTNER ware item for a lunar landing and is de¬ moon's surface. During this future plan¬ campaign Deployment of such a large portion ot the Navy's 7th Fleet will cut into Viet¬ Iwith air attack Earlier, school officials accepted a fac¬ State News Staff Writer signed as a sort of lunar ferry. ned flight, the astronauts will explore ulty recommendation that ROTC be made In it, two astronauts will separate from the lunar surface, re-enter the spider and nam operations somewhat. Pentagon an extracurricular activity, and promised ten days that thrilled the the Command and Service Module (nick¬ sources acknowledged return to the mother ship. CSM world The United States has maintained to provide alternate housing for residents named "Gumdrop by the astronauts* By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of Cambridge and Boston displaced by One of the men that made those three aircraft carriers off Vietnam for the and descend to a gentle landing on the (please turn to page 9) Arab and Israeli artillery thundered Harvard students 10 days thrilling was Col. James Mc- bombing campaign but. at least for the I along a 20-mile front south of the Sea of The SDS is demanding full expulsion ot Divitt. who will speak at 3:30 today in present, apparently this will be cut to two-- I Galilee Monday while jets of Israel s air ROTC from the campus, while black stu¬ the Auditorium. the Kitty Hawk and the Bon Homme I force went into action across the Jordan dents also were calling for an active voice McDivitt. commander of the recent Richard 1 River cease-fire line It was the sharpest in forming a black studies department. Apollo 9 flight, will speak as a part of I fighting in that sector this year and Jor The sit-in followed three the ASMSU Great Issues Series new a days I dan officially informed the Big Four pow After a narrated color film on "The mass rally at Harvard S'adium at which ] ers of it. At the time. 4.000 students voted to end a week-old class bovcott Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop." McDivitt will be introduced by Acting Voting irregu same Egypt sent more I commando units across the Suez Canal At Ithaca. NY Cornell's President President Walter Adams. He will speak 1 into Israeli-held territory in the Sinai James A. Perkins pledged a series of mea briefly on the peaceful contributions of to be investig I Desert, but the Israelis said this second sures aimed at bringing back "law and or¬ the nation's space effort, which will be I commando incident since der and st; bilitv in the wake of a 36- lollowed by a question answer period. The ASMSU election review board held Saturday had The space venture included several its final session Monday to decide on | little effect hour occupation ol the student union build¬ An Israeli spokesman said in Tel Aviv ing by gun-carrying !■ i< k space firsts: charges of election irregularities filed by I No more guns would b" allowed on -First transfer by U S astronauts from Mike Hudson, sophomore member-at-large the jet fighter-bombers went after gun po- the I sitions of the Jordanian and Iraqi armies one spacecraft to another while in or¬ candidate in the April 9 student board elec¬ Ivy League c ampus. Perkins said, adding. The business >1 bit. tions. Jordanian spokesman claimed, how occupying buildings I ever, the jets attacked a cluster of vil as a way ot doing business must cease. " Hudson filed a formal complaint with 1 the review board asking for new elections lages with rockets and naplam bombs Any organization promoting occupa¬ The Israeli army said two soldiers were tion of buildings will be disbanded, any -First because of ballot box stuffing and addi¬ spacecraft flown that could not I killed and three wounded in fighting which student found carrying a gun will be sus reenter the Earth's tional charges including early closing of atmosphere without some residence hall polling places, irre¬ ■ engulfed the entire Beisan Valley from pended and nonstudents will be arrested. burning up - the Lunar Module < LM > I the shores of Galilee to Tirat Zvi. 20 Perkins said -First time three men were exposed gular procedures in the Brody complex and lack of voting information from the | miles south • iid the; to space hazards at the same time. Four Arab Andrei election committees to the electorate guerrillas were killed on the giving A< tii": I I west bank of the Jordan River dier week I -First U.S. astronaut to walk in space Pete Ellsworth, past ASMSU chairman by an Is- one I raeli army patrol west of Urn Sidra near the admission with life SUP1 »rt equipment completely and a member of the review board, said eluding abolitio'i I the Dead Sea. an army spokesman said of more blacks /ersitv and a self-contained that repercussions from the charges could I Four studies One he main objectives for the bring about a re-vote of the elections. infiltrators died farther north Sun in black flight to checkout the Lunar Module Review board findings will be I day. programs an¬ (please turn to page 9i The si>ok«-sm. ill black. Puerto anc* ' vstems. The LM is a key hard- James M nounced today. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 22, 1969 By RICH BERNARD crimes increasing at U' those of the same period a Sgt. Richard J. Murray of campus police emphasize^ State News Staff Writer year earlier. In the case of the East Lansing Police noted that the occurrences of sej sex - motivated assaults, crimes do not "indicate tha] The discovery Wednesday that, due to the number of of the body of the fifth girl reported incidents were up sorority houses built there, it is unsafe to be outside* to be slain in the Ann Arbor 10, tripling the previous per¬ "a good 80 per cent of the as long as a few elementarj iod's five. area in the last two years sex crimes occur along MAC preventive steps are takei* has refocused attention on Eight rapes or attempted The most dangerous acf coed safety for the third time rapes were reported to the "Many such crimes, espec¬ ivity, the one in whicl East Lansing Police in cal¬ the most incidences of sej this term. ially like indecent exposure, The latest of five killings, endar year 1968. Sex offenses, crimes are reported, are simply never even re¬ three of which " involved sexual such as indecent exposure, hitchhiking." Stormer said ported to us." Murray said. numbered 40; obscene tel¬ He said that the high popu assaults, followed on the heels He said that he knew of of the rape of a ephone calls, 30. lation density on campus help Northwestern instances in which incidences of to minimize the consequence coed hitchhiking to Capital Warm weather seems to in¬ indecent exposure occurred of sex crimes. City Airport from East Lans¬ crease the incident of sex a number of times before they ing. crimes. An examination of were finally reported. "The number of people ii Man and These headline-making sex the May 1968 figures may ported incidents of indecent Murray estimated that for such a relatively small are; make it pretty hard for anj crimes are only - tenth of give some indication of what exposure in May 1968. In ad¬ 'every incident reported. A pair of MSU students sit along the bank of the Red Cedar River d :cussing a visible part of an iceberg could be expected during, the dition, five reports of obscene there are four five that thing to happen out of es( those things MSU students discuss while sitting along the banks of the Red Cedar. of sex - related crimes rang¬ rest of spring term. telephone calls and two of go unreported shot of somebody else," to State News photo by Bob Ivins ing from obscene telephone East Lansing had nine re¬ prowling were made. Lt. David E. Stormer of the explained. calls and indecent exposures to actual assaults. In the nine-month period ASSAULT STRATEGY Business conferenc starting July 1. 1968 and end¬ ing March 31, 1969. 15 sex- motivated assaults were re¬ civil ghts action pro ported to the ice. two This rapes does University Pol¬ that On-campus reports of in¬ not took include place. Screams sored can decent Coeds should use a "scream, by the Dept. of Public yourself is that you must fight as - Look before you get in you exposures numbered Safety in the Alumnae Chapel hard as you can Two conferences dealing sonnel Management Service 30 in this same period. Forty- fight and run" defense routine May 28 at Kellogg Center, ^ "threatened^witTatlack' social room, focused "If you're going to of the School of Labor and on preven¬ do it. do it - Lock all windows and door with the objectives and im- These conterences on tree ins ances o o scene tive action as well Industrial Relations at MSU campUS p0ijce officer told Spar- as actual right." Skinner cautioned after getting in." plementation of federal and Developing Affirm itivo Ac telephone calls were reported ^limHnapThlir<:f1flv Prevention action is the pre¬ At each conference Chester tan alumnae tan Thursday nioht night. physical defense for women. Advice for a woman walkinj state civil rights legislation tion Programs to comply with to the University Police, as Skiller cited examples of fe¬ J. C.rav. director of the Mid¬ "We can't put too much em¬ paration and precautionary meas¬ included informing people of he will be held for Michigan civil rights legislation have were 39 incidents of prowl¬ male assault victims who would ures a woman must take to avoid businessmen on Tuesday and been arranged by the For- west Region of the Equal Op¬ ing, of which window-peeping phasis on this point: scream, whereabouts, walking in lightei scream, scream," Officer Skin¬ not have suffered injury if they the slimmest chance of assault portunity Employment Com¬ constitutes a sizable percent- areas and planning a route tha ner said. "Try to attract some¬ had made an effort to cry for in public. Skinner said. mission. will discuss federal stays on busy streets. one's attention. This is the help. He presented these guidelines ATTENTION CAR OWNERS! one legi latinn. while Walter R. With the exception of prowl . .. , . Skinner demonstrated that fin Skinner added. "The most im¬ for a woman traveling Greene, deputy director of ing. each of these figures »,h'n«'heat^er doHe^ 'wanl portant thing about defending -"Go in twos ." . arms and colorful karate are nc * the Michigan Civil Rights Com¬ represent an increase over skinner s talk and him, spon- --"Leave word with the fam¬ necessarily needed for feminin Complete front end repair and mission. will discuss state defense All that is needed i legislation. ily or a neighbor of your where¬ alignment abouts and when they can expect an honest exhibit of natural fe * Brakes * Suspension Affirmative grams mented action developed and imple¬ by two Michigan firms pro¬ U' job interviews increase your return.'' male aggressiveness, he said. will be described. Frank despite shift toward military Local judge * Wheel balancing * Steering Gavan. Manpower Planning supervisor at Fori Motor Co.. LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center will report the Ford program: 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Fred of Mosdale. Detro'. will senior president oi the National Bank discuss vice the Increasing numbers of job recruiters are turning away !rom strife-torn college cam¬ the targets D. Placement of recruiters. John Shingleton. director of the Bureau, said I this Shingleton cited some ad¬ vantages which corporations found officers. in recruiting military shoplifting By RON ROBERTS cases a week." bank's program. puses and looking to the mili¬ trend has not decreased the In recent weeks. Harmon h tary for new company execut¬ number of job placement inter¬ "Corporations have had good views at MSU. success with the more mature William K Harmon, re¬ given out minimum four-d. ives. "Job interviews at MSU individual out of the military elected East Lansing municipal jail sentences plus $100 fin Despite this national trend are Public Service Announcement to all offenders. Harmon sa * which has made junior up this year." Shingleton said. service," he said. judge, recently said students do military he could give up to 90 da officers with college "More corporations than last One obvious advantage is that not stop to consider the grave in jail if he felt the situati year have come here to inter¬ these men do not have to worry consequences of stealing a 10 view and about getting drafted. cent pen recruit students for •••••••••• Several Harmon explained that l. con¬ East Lansing merchants ha' WHERE IN EAST jobs." personnel agencies rrfade an all-out effort i • ASMSU POP • "Although business might have been set up across the viction of shoplifting is con¬ ing the shoplifting probler 0 Entertainment 9 like to fill a majority of its country to help with job place¬ sidered a misdeameanor and is Harmon said. They have tak« ment of former military offi¬ part of a citizen's permanent • AND • jobs with former military offi¬ cers. They include the Gilbert record. It is not erased every the stand, we will proseeu cers, they can't" he said "Re¬ • GREEK WEEK • cruitment of military personnel Lane Personnel Agency in New- two years like driving tickets. all offenders caught.' One Ea LANSING CAN 0 presents 9 York and Lendman Associates Many students do not realize Lansing book store has hirt only offers business another a full-time store detective that a shoplifting conviction • THE _• alternative in job recruitment." in Norfolk, Va. These could prevent one from being a watch for shoplifters. "The main disadvantage to personnel agencies One student this job recruitment route is offer "career weekends" for lawyer, holding public office or caught last wed the limited supply of officers officers interested in pmploy- could be a grave detriment to a shoplifting was averaging a $1 a week in stealing books tro 0 ment and corporations looking job promotion. Harmon said. YOU HAVE: a available." Shingleton said. one store and then selling the: for executives. Harmon has instituted a get • the • Large corporations such as back to another as used books. Chase Manhattan Bank. Xerox, MSU also has a program tough'' policy to help stress this «class ics iv# Mobil Oil, Du Pont, Johnson & which provides job placement point. One East Lansing mercha said shoplifting is getting ^ JENISON FIELD HOUSE % Johnson and International Bus¬ for alumni. "Several years ago "By handing out more severe a Friday May 2 8:00 p.m. £ MSU recognized the need for job penalties. I am trying to help costly for his firm and figun iness Machines compete for the 1 J Tickets $2 and $3 •MARSHALL MUSIC UNION* J nearly 8.000 officers being placement of its alumni." students realize the severe con¬ now they must deduct fr< and-a half per cent their gro: mustered out of the armed Shingleton said. sequences there are in shop¬ # CAMPBELL'S & VAN'S £ "The Alumni Placement Ser¬ lifting.'' annual sales for pilferage. 0> 2 forces each month, a recent Items shoplifted on ; •#•••••••• survey indicated. vice provides the facilities and Shoplifting in East Lansing erage have very little connections between alumni and has had a very sizable increase 98 cents or less, or a book vali 0> 1 businesses," the director said. in the past year. Haromon said, with "an average of $10 or less. Harmon said. "Last year, 1,153 MSU alumni of five to eight were placed in jobs." FOR ONLY Search for Mr. MSU narrows to 5 finalists The search for Mr. MSU will take a step closer to comple¬ tion today as the judges narrow the field of contestants to five finalists. Going Home for the Weekend? Originally nearly 25 students Their number was cut were competing for the title. to 10 last week. The final decision of who will be Mr. MSU will take place Wednesday. Go via Mnrsm imsj^ "Financing Available" 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 The Mr MSU Contest has sponsored by Associated Women Students (AWSi. been held for 31 years and is Candidates in the contest must be sponsored by a living unit, such as a Phone 482-0673 for schedules and rates. Tormerly Stratton Sports Center fraternity, sorority, or dormitory. Mr. MSU acts as the official host for the University and as Miss MSl' s escort during his term of office. His position is basically the same as that of Miss MSU Mr. MSU is chosen by judges on the basis of general appear¬ ance. poise, personality, activities and grade point average. ASMSU GREAT Carol A. Larson. Blooinfield Hills junior and general chairman of the Mr. MSU Contest said "We are looking for a guy who's done the most for the Uni¬ versity and his living unit, she said. PRESENTS Drop off Cleaning only 40* per pound Student judges were chosen from petitions selected from stu¬ dents in dormitories, apartments and Greek living units. All five members of the present court will serve as judges, as will several faculty members and Ray Leffer. proprietor of the Customs Shop. JAMES McDIVITT The reigning Mr. MSU is Peter D Ravnor. Davison junior. U.S. Astronaut THE STATE NEWS TW The State Sens, the lewspaper at Michigan State University, is We love active people. . . active peooio iove us! -hout the vear with special Welcome Week published every class d and Orientation issues and September. Subscription rates are $14 3 (*reat Local ions For Your Convenience Tuesday 3:30 pm 1 - 213 Ann Street Member Associated Press, United Press International. Inland Daily Press Association. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ 2 - Corner of Harrison & Wilson Road igan Collegiate Press Association. United nt Press Association. 3 - Northwind Dr. Facina Yankee Stadiu Main Auditorium Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Mic State University, East Lansing. Michigan. Free Admission Editorial 355-8«52 Classified Advertising 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-84U0 Business-Circulation 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 22, 1969 3 NEWS Sirhan's lawyers summary to 'answer mother's prayers' A capsule summary of the day's events frorr LOS ANGELES The seven men and five "An issue that should be the defendant's 56-year-old ur wire services. Sirhan Bishara Sirhan's lawy¬ women got the penalty phase God's alone." defense at¬ mother, sitting in a second ers made a last intense plea row spectator's seat. of the case at 11:50 a.m. torney Grant B. Cooper told for his life Monday, asking Now. at last, the issue was the jury. "Should Sirhan spend Superior Court Judge Her¬ that his mother's prayers be a simple and solemn one— the rest of his life in prison bert V. Walker then delivered answered, as the fate of the whether the 25-year-old slay¬ or should his life be ended his instructions to the jurors, young Arab assassin of Sen. and gave the case back to er gets life imprisonment or by inhaling the deadly fumes Robert F Kennedy was placed death in the California gas of cyanide gas?" the men and women who last "II e shall never ma fie taxa¬ in a jury's hands. chamber. But Deputy Dist. Atty. John Thursday adjudged Sirhan tion popular, but ice can Howard declared: "This guilty of first-degree murder. defendant will regard permis¬ Lifers are eligible for make taxation fair." sion to live as an additional President Hit hard M. \ixon Welfare ruling lifts triumph. obliged boast You will to hear this defendant that he committed the not be parole in California in seven years, although normally they serve longer. Walker told the jury: "The crime of the century. Others matter of parole is not to be moving restriction will." that Cooper. Sirhan 66. again argued considered by you in deter¬ mining the penalty for this offense." He did which was mentally im¬ International News WASHINGTON - programs. not specify paired when he shot Kennedy Sirhan chewed gum, a.slight The Supreme Court gave poor June 5. 1968, as the 42-year- 5 foot-4 figure in blue open- Chief Justice Earl Warren Viet Cong mortarmen and sappers raided a people the right Monday to collar shirt and dark trous¬ and Justices Hugo L. Black old New York senator camp- receive welfare help as soon Vietnamese military training center jammed with 11,000 persons before dawn Monday kill¬ as they move into a state. and John Marshall Harlan dis¬ sented from the decision, say¬ ainged for the Democratic presidential nomination. ers. His even tinier mother wept. The jurors were atten¬ Sketchy day Laws and regulations requir¬ ing Congress had authorized tive as all the drama of the Artists appear when the sun is near. This coed is in ing 46 men and wounding 137 before the ing them to wait a year are residence rules at least partly "Mary Sirhan. may your 15-week trial was capsuled an interior design course which held class outdoors stunned instructors and recruits realized what unconstitutional. the court to encourage the states to prayers be answered." Coop¬ in the brief final arguments to draw trees in the Botanical Gardens behind the held 6 to 3. because they had happened. The attackers got away, leav¬ er concluded, turning toward of both sides. MSU Library. State News photo by Hal Caswell restrict the right of all citiz¬ adopt liberal programs. ing behind only two Viet Cong dead in the as¬ ens "to travel throughout the The decisions dominated a sault. length and breadth of our land." busy day in which to court The decision assures the also: • • • British troops moved in to protect key instal¬ poor across the chance state lines without to move fear black -Upset the conviction of a veteran who burned an BUSINESS VS. HOMES lations in Northern Ireland Monday amid a of losing welfare assistance. American flag on a Brooklyn In fact. Justice William J street corner after hearing growing wave of sabotage and subversion. Group fights Brennan Jr. said in the civil rights leader James Mer¬ British authorities said their aim is to avert r edith had been shot in Miss¬ majority opinion, poor people civil war. In Londonderry, long the focal have a right to move into a issippi. But the court side¬ state precisely because higher stepped the main issue, point of the province's religious feuding, po¬ whether Americans who burn A plan proposed by East and land assessments that would allow stores, restaurants and Also affected by the com¬ welfare payments are avail¬ lice clashed with demonstrators for the third able flag as a symbol of political Lansing's Planning Dept- result in higher rents. offices that "would bring noise, mission's plan would be two that threatens to resi¬ The 10-block slated traffic and ugly signs that would sororities and individuals in stragith day. "We do not perceive why protest may be jailed. rezone a area • • • a mother who is seeking to -Upheld the federal law dential area into a central bus¬ for rezoning is bounded by ruin' the residential character unorganized student living." he that makes it a crime iness district has been challen¬ Grand River Avenue on the of the neighborhood make a new life for herself to The Soviet Union sent its largest class fight¬ and he children should be threaten the life of a pres¬ ged by residents in he area. south. Linden Street on the Charles said that the com¬ mittee has strapped a petit¬ Charles added that the Plan¬ ing ship, an 18.000-ton. missile-armed heli¬ regarded as less deserving ident or vice president. Mark Charles, chairman of north, and Evergreen Street on because she considers, among -Agreed to rule next term the Committee To Preserve A the west. The eastern boundary ion that he hopes "the resi¬ ning Board's decision might not copter carrier, into the Mediterranean Mon¬ Residential Neighborhood and Charles Street from dents of the area will support be known for several weeks. other factors, the level of a on claims that a confession runs on day as ships and planes of the North At¬ state's public assistance." he given by a suspect seized by resident of Howland House, a Linden to Ann Streets and on lantic alliance staged maneuvers south of- said. police without probable cause men's cooperative, has organ¬ Division Street from Ann Street for be used ized publie complete. $050 ( uide to work, study and killed two women and critically injured and "We are also in touch ' The purpose of inhibiting mi¬ i nd travel abroad two others. with the Budget Bureau t( gration by needy persons into ' he Student Traveler Abroad modify substantially several the state is constitutionally r repared by the United States National Student Association programs we have over there." impermissible. Across From The Union Across From Berkey Hal I National News 1 ells you how to get there, I'ow you can do it for less what to do. how much it will cost, and City Parking at Rear Free Parking at Storeside . . it's the official source book for over Qne million students in more than 300 colleges and universities. Sec. of State William P. Rogers said Mon¬ before iore comprehensi er . . . completely day the obvious way to get the peace nego¬ tiations in Paris moving "is to start a with¬ Kennedy supporters p-to-date iore detailed informati< completely new sectio Australia and Japan drawal of North Vietnamese and American forces simultaneously. "The United States presently assumes the Paris peace talks can launch organization Plans to form an organization not been decided. It may be¬ succeed." Rogers said in a speech to the to support Sen. Edward Kennedy. come the MSU chapter of Lead¬ annual Associated Press luncheon, but is D-Mass.. will be launched in ership 1972. or it may have a . copy(ies) of THE STUDENT TRAVELER | preparing for the "unwelcome contingency'' the Gold Room of the Union at name of its own . ABROAD at $? 50 p 9 tonight There would be two three that North Vietnam is not ready yet to ne¬ or Proposed by Harvey Dzodin. meetings this year in addition gotiate seriously. invents Oak Park senior, the group will to the organizational meeting • • • begin supporting Kennedy by tonight. Dzodin said. The Nixon Administration wants Army Gen. gathering collective interest on campus. Earle G. Wheeler to remain on for the sixth straight year as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon disclosed Monday. "The purpose of the organiza¬ tion." Dzodin said, "is to unite student interest in backing Sen. 24 FREE DINNERS Kennedy for the Presidency in on a "Get Acquainted Offer" at . Congress has been sent a proposed joint re¬ 1972 and to discuss issues oc¬ solution which would allow Wheller to con¬ curring between now and the • Canterbury Inn (We call them 'Fluffy-Full') tinue in the post until July 1970. Wheeler campaign." Dzodin said the major issues • Home Dairy (New Restaurant) got an extended appointment of one year of discussion will be Anti Bal¬ They're t h e lushest, plushest eyelashes around. last July after having served the usual pair listic Missile to outpick one n nother. Before the I us a few steps down the road, 1 borne in Fairfield. Alabama, start of the contest, the high official! Commenting on the support wuz a picked me out (more and likely cause of I but it will take a much larger small cotton town just outside of the of $1.5 million to expand and my good attitude and said steal Metropolis Birmingham. Alabama i a Nauthern! commitment to complete develop the Center for Urban I and my mother Iwilla (full name. College was trying to increase it's en-| the trip. rollment and he said. this! Affairs. Acting President I Will Arise to See Jesus) lived in a contest, he'd help me rite there. If I beat Adams noted, "this is not only You can't eradicate poverty small woodhouse just in back of the Well.ft I can tell. I beat that contest. I big House, where my mother was head- al-l a commitment of money, but an by talking about it, nor can an cook. Most of the land area of town most didn't though. Lard forgive me. il articulation of priorities and urban center be effective if was taken up in cottin fields and most had to steal a bale from somebody limited funds couldn't count his'n. of-L values you want to implement." only enable the of the jobs for boys consisted of cottin- ficial wasn t gonna You see the At least we hope so. center to talk and not to act. It picking. I guess I right for but one of| always wuz a bright boy. I The $1.5 million commitment now looks as if action can be¬ could read, right and add. bettern any of After receiving mv admission papers! should, as Adams said, "reflect gin. but the "articulation of us. I had taught myself reading from from this here college. I begun to preparel our own Negrow Classics like Uncle Tom's a value system you want to priorities ' Adams talked about myself for this new life and all that! Cabinet. Up From Slavery, and of course, Nauthern treatment, translate into monetary terms." could be an articulation of up to the Holy Bible. And I learned my vir¬ everybody's told mtl We have our fears and reserv¬ $10 million to achieve the ends tues from watching my elders: honesty, so much about. One of the first did was work on ir.y things ll Anglish. Evervbodvi ations. however. The money was for which the center was estab¬ happiness, humbleness, humbleness, hum always said I had good Anglish. but I| bleness .1 not "appropriated." since the lished. wuz also the best cottin knew it needed a little provement. But I picker in the feeld. where I learned to by the time I enrolled. I had almost no! We cannot, however, ignore University cannot appropriate add. trying to keep track of all them Southern accent and could spel and right! the possibility that this initial bales of cotton. I had even been picked well. money it has not vet received $1.5 million might not be a by everybody as most likely to make from the state legislature. If 'Good Luck! In good, cause I had a way with people, looking back over my college days! the foreseeable shortage of change in attitude, a step in a new direction. We have watched and pretty teeth And although I didn't I guess my biggest social problem thanking, that I wouldn't fit in. waif funds occurs, the money to the I quickly learned that the Narthernenl develop the center will be University's black token were some of the most excepting peoft programs for too long to ignore expropriated from other uni¬ the possibility that this could be OUR READERS' MIND pie in the world, much more so that theft Southerners. versity departments and pro¬ another sell-off, another ad¬ grams. Trustee Don Stevens It wasn't easy, my 14 vears here, stated this could trigger a bit¬ ministration conscience-reliev¬ Biafran fast allowance adequate used to have to study all day and mosl ter reaction from whoever gets er. all of the night But using that old col The proposal was introduced lege formula S equals AD2. Succesl shortchanged. is equal to Ability times Determinatiol But it must be realized that and discussed Friday in grand¬ To the Editor: the Urban Center is a program stand fashion. One might inter¬ I would like to clarify my remarks, bv the University to build ies. etc.' The remaining the dormitor¬ a credit of 90 cents in the is provided for a meal squared. I kept determined to finish with [ 10 per cent grill This 90 cents is the retail degree so I could help others to be lik| of top priority, and the $1.5 mil¬ pret it as only superficial gener¬ about the May 7 Fast for Starving Ni¬ pays for laundry, electricity, machinery cost which also has to cover overheads. me. that upstanding Whiten boy. A osity for the entertainment of gerian Biafran children, which were re¬ Approximately 50 per cent of this amount must say I am most greatful to thl lion commitment is a vote of depreciation, and so on. ported in the State News Friday. Thus 80-85 cents is spent each day on a actually pays for iood. and again many who helped me to try to overcom| confidence that must be up¬ the 75 black students to behold On a University-wide basis each dormi¬ we ar¬ student's food by Food Services. Food rive at about 50 cents my insufficiencies. held. and marvel. We hope not. tory student pays $2.50 per day for food In closing I must thank all who Services have agreed to give 50 cents Recently the University of Michigan helpel services. Approximately 30 per cent of broadeft But that commitment is not Perhaps the spectacle was un¬ this money pays for the food put on the for Nigerian Biafran relief for every and Oakland University held similar me to add to. and widen, and fasts, avoidable in light of the cir¬ student who fasts during supper on May and in both cases 50 cents was my ideals and views, particularly on thl enough. It is a beginning, the student's plate. 30 per cent pays for the 7. Operation Outrage considers this to be given for each student who fasted. Nauthern life. And. Lard be willing, cumstances, and perhaps it was labor to prepare that food, and approxi¬ "seed" that could turn the cen¬ a very fair proportion of the daily food This is the first time that such a fast shal forever stand as a witness to thos| ter into innocent, but in mulling over mately 30 per cent goes to finance the has been held on this campus. Please good intentions. an action-oriented road the trustee's action cannot University debt (the money borrowed Several concerned students have participate so that the children of Ni¬ we phoned the trustees have now publicly geria Biafra may live a little longer- affirmed that the University help noting the sweet-sour taste perhaps until their parents realize what will travel. $1.5 million will get of both hope and apprehension. they are doing and end this futile war. Letter policy --The Editors It is estimated that 40 per cent of the children between two and five years in The State News welcomes all letters! Credit for ROTC the war zone have already died It the last succeeds it could again in the future, and others less for¬ happen They should be typed and signed with thl home town, student, faculty or staff standf ing. and local phone number included Nl unsigned letter will be accepted for pubiil Presidential classes we chose and receive credit for them, and if credit is removed from these tunate than ourselves may benefit. United Graham B. Kerr Kingdom graduate student cation, and no 'etter will be printed withft ■>ut a signature except in extreme ciroumft I classes, we losethis right. stances. All letters must be less than wr am extremely disturbed by the ac¬ Co-chairman. Operation Outrage Richard G. Young without editing conscience tion taken wo~ds long for publication by the ASMSU Board in rela¬ MSU chapter vs tion to the academic status of the ROTC Montrose freshman program on this campus. It seems to me that this action is in direct viola¬ We appreciate Trustee War¬ University officers. Well, tion of the rights of the students in the ren Huff's. D Plymouth. resol¬ maybe the individuals have ROTC program. Many of us in the pro¬ DAVE SHORT ution reassuring the public and gram are planning a career in our coun¬ partisan consciences and con try's military service, and. like fhe press mo$t that, in spite of ap¬ victions. Or maybe Huff's re other students, would like credit for the. pearances. the MSU Board of Trustees is approaching the sel¬ solution meant that the Trus tees would turn over a new courses in our chosen career. would someone who was eer in veterinary medicine, for Where planning a car¬ A modern decline and fall ection of a new University pres¬ leaf and start handling the pro example, be left if suddenly all academic redit ident in a non-partisan spirit. blem in a non-partisan manner was removed from all veterinary medi¬ cine classes? The position would be the In any case, we extend our same as that of a man Maybe former American ambassador Phelps was condolences to Huff, since the planning a career According to the resolution, in the Army or Air Force who suddenly right when he said, "IJ the author of 'The Decline and trustees did not vote approval found out that the 25 or more credits trustees "will act on the basis hall of the Roman of his statement of that he had taken or would have to take Empire" was alive today, he'd be of their individual conscience good in¬ Jan 23, 1968-North Korean patrol boats seized the tentions. to receive his commission had sudden¬ U.S. Navy's intelligence ship. Pueblo.' without re¬ taking notes like crazy. and conviction" in selecting ly become invalid. For a junior or sen¬ sistance. and took the vessel and its 83 crewmen into ior. it could mean at least one addition¬ custody March 14, 1968--American casualties in the Vietnam al term for him to are engrossed in tremendous economical.1 acquire the neces¬ Acumen since 1961 totaled 139.801 to surpass those of the Ko¬ Dec 2--San Francisco State war College, closed a month sary 180 credits for graduation. Also, for rean War earlier by faculty and student strikes, was reopened bv political, and racial problems. Its poor! a senior it would mean at least one sum¬ March 17--Seven persons were killed near Ironwood. an acting Dec president amid violence people are tired of poverty, discrimina-f Mich., in apparently motiveless shooting spree by a 6-More than half of New York Citv's mer wasted. an parking tion. and squalor. America's black pop-| meter collectors were arrested in the theft of about commitment I do not understand why everyone is 56-year-old woodsman April 4-The Rev Martin Luther King, Jr was assas¬ sinated in Memphis. Tenn . $5 million in the past four years. There are those who feel that America ulation is tired of being kept down and out.F Its middle and upper class people are sick! of high taxes, riots, student unrest, and! so violently opposed to the present ROTC Friday's trustee's meeting entire struggle shown a great May 3-Three white policemen and a black guard were is doomed. Some say that this country will lawlessness. program. Since fall term of 1965 the indicted by a federal grand jury in Detroit on a charge was marked by a large aud¬ deal of political acumen and ROTC program at MSU has been volun¬ of conspiring to violate the civil rights of 10 persons be destroyed through military actions. Oth¬ Yet no leader or leaders seem able to| ers contend that it will end in holocaust pull it all out for America The men ience of MSU black students academic commitment. tary. so no one's rights are being in¬ during rioting in the summer of 1967 fringed upon by the ROTC being on this May 17-Nine persons were arrested in Baltimore aft And some offer no means, but still, a final might have stood the best chance to do it! repeating requests made over In the continuing quest for er a Selective Service office was raided and draft data end. were assassinated in Dallas. Memphis, andl campus, unless the radical students feel a year ago to the University. equal opportunity at MSU, we that the presence of a well-organized stu¬ America is sick and it may very well be Los Angeles. Black students at MSU--un- dent unit is a threat to their dying. But if America does die. I think that Lyndon Johnson tried, but he failed.I hope their considered efforts right to June 5--Sen Robert F Kennedy was fatally wounded by an assassin as was his brother John in 1963 moments Laurence Gould, president emeritus of Richard Nixon doesn't appear to.be faring! take over the University. In fact, since like those at some other insti¬ are met with nt least equal we cadets pay the same fees as anyone after a speech celebrating his victory in the California Carleton College comes closest to fore¬ any better. And the likes of Mayors John! tutions and unlike some white action. presidential primary else carrying the same number of credits. July 23-A gun battle between police and snipers in casting its manner of death Lindsay. Sam Yortv. and Jerry Cavanaughl students-have --The Editors I feel I do not believe the greatest threat to are in deep trouble in their cities. through the we have the right to carry the Cleveland's East Side black neighborhood killed 10 future is from bombs and missiles. I It remains to be seen as to whether or! persons, including three policemen, and wounded 15 our don't think our civilization will die that not America can overcome its problems.I M IC H I Ci A N way. I think it will die when we no longer Maybe former American Ambassador® Aug 26--Serious crimes, both violent and nonviolent, increased 16 per cent in 1967. according to the FBI's care. Phelps was right when he said. "If theft Uniform Crime Report "Arnold Toynbee has pointed out that author of The Decline and Fall of theft TATE NEWS Aug 28-Chicago police and National Guardsmen us ing clubs, rifle butts, tear gas and chemical Mace, bat tie anti war demonstrators attempting to march on the Democratic convention hall. 100 were reported injured, 19 of 21 civilizations have died from with¬ in and not by conquest from without. There were no bands playing and flags Roman Empire' was alive in the U.S. to-f dav. he'd be taking notes like crazv. " Maybe. INIVKRSITY nearly 200 were arrested • waving when these civilizations decayed. There are people in America who want| Nov 5-George Wallace picked up more than 9 million It happened slowly, in the quiet and the to try to overcome its internal problems. votes (13 per centi in the 1968 presidential election Nov 27-The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a 6 dark when no one was aware." Gould said But, it all boils down to how many peo-l per cent increase in the cost of living in October, the in a recent speech. pie want to try' and to how successful they! biggest monthly jump in six years This country is in trouble. Its cities will be .. . The State News is a free and editorially independent student newspaper. Editorials express the unanimous opinion of the editorial board of the State News unless otherwise MY TEAM CAN'T PLAY YOUR TEAM ALLRI6HT,1tAM...I DONt indicated T0PAY.. 10E HAVE TOO MANV GUYS WANT ANV LETDOWN NOW.. Under the provisions of section 6.1 of the U)H0 AREN'T FEELING U)ELL„U)6'RE "Report on Aca¬ demic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University," 60INS TO HAVE TO FORFEIT THE GAME UJE\E 60T A STREAK GOING! final responsibility for all news and editorial content rests with the editor-in-chief. Ih bnruh Ulrh, us* t of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Tuesday, April 22, 1969 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Computer aim-.match Early summer to ease student top By ELIZABETH MALONE mathematician Wang recommended the com¬ If scientists paid more at¬ of The By MICHAEL CODY frustration and anxiety summer been eliminated dents this year. registration for most stu¬ has be entering MSU for the first time summer term." "In other terms of the year better from planning has resulted early enrollment sys¬ quest form will tration. form by reserve selections through May their 1. This course early regis¬ Early registration will be held June 3. 4 and 5 in the tention to philosophy. Wang Stale News Staff Writer bining of two different tem," King said. Men's I.M. Build. said, their work would be Students currently enrolled at The object of researchers approaches. simulation and The registrar said that under "much less MSU and planning to continue in artificial intelligence is to artificial intelligence. In simu¬ a nightmare." Students who do not partici¬ through summer term can par¬ the "old" summer term regis¬ get into the computer what lation. the computer dupli¬ tration procedure, students re¬ pate in early enrollment and is in the head of a good math¬ cates the thought processes ticipate in early enrollment and registration will have to regis¬ ematician. Hao fessor of philosophy and mathe¬ Wang. pro¬ of the mind. Artificial intel¬ ligence is directed toward dup¬ Lamda C registration for the first time. This change from past sum¬ ceived academic advice, rolled and registered in en¬ two ter June 16 or 17. At this time students must obtain class mer terms resulted from a days. matics at Rockefeller Univer¬ licating the results of thought "With early enrollment and cards for each of the courses sity, said in the second of this without necessarily duplicat¬ present recommendation made to the registrar by the Assistant registration." King said, "we they plan to take. term's Isenberg Memorial ing the exact processes a hum¬ Deans' Group. can accurately determine the Lectures. mind uses to achieve the Wang named three ap¬ an same result. 'Junior 5 The group suggested that amount and make of classrooms needed arrangements for in¬ Free shots given Without discounting the early enrollment and registrat¬ proaches to solving this pro¬ Living unit members are over¬ ion be used to provide an accur¬ structors before the summer blem^ in his Friday speech. study of human "Mathematics by Mind and hints which thought can give to the arti¬ hauling their pushcarts in anti¬ Delayed invitation ate indication of the number of term begins. at Health Clinic ficial intelligence researcher. cipation of Lambda Chi Alpha's students planning to attend sum¬ "This will help to reduce by Machines. ' Junior 500 Milton B. Dickerson, vice president for student mer term. the first week of The Ingham Co. Health Dept. He discarded the "brain Wang cited several problems disruption of simulation which would make Scheduled for May 17. the race affairs, received his long-awaited initiation into "In the past few years the term." the registrar will hold an immunization clinic model" approach because the is one of the world's largest fra¬ summer brain itself is so complicated, that approach unfruitful. ternity sponsored events. Nearly Alpha Gamma Rho Saturday. Fraternity presi¬ number of students attending said. It will also enable us to from 1-3 p.m. Wednesday at but he cited some progress "The main trouble with sim¬ dent, Richard Olson, Chassell sophomore, makes summer term has steadily adjust to accommodate student the Lansing Fire Station on the 10.000 spectators turned out for the field with respect to ulation is that we do not know the presentation. grown." Horace C. King, regis¬ enrollment before the start of- corner of Michigan Avenue and the running last year. trar. said. "In the past two simpler systems like the vis¬ what it is that we are attempt¬ Donald Elliot. Saginaw Junior State News photo by David Harrison summer term." Havford Street. years 70 per cent of the stu¬ ual system of the octopus. ing to simulate."' Wang said. registrar called the in¬ "We do not know how our and general chairman of the dents attending MSU summer The Free injections will be given event, said that he has high term had been enrolled here troduction of early enrollment for diphtheria, whooping cough, Fraternity to women's chapter open thought processes work " In reply to a question from the audience. Wang said he hopes for even greater partici¬ pation among the living units this year. Nearly 100 took part Motorcyclist spring term." "This indicated to the Assis¬ tant Deans' Group and to us and registration another way to serve students as individuals and not just numbers. tetnus. polio, small pox and measles. Free tests will be available. tuberculosis did not believe that simulat¬ in the 1968 race. Students planning to attend damage an in¬ that we should prepare for both Delta Phi ternational Epsilon. affairs-oriented a ing the thought processes of child wold be any easier, The noon festivities will with a begin at parade which begins minor the 70 per cent already here and the 30 per cent who would summer term- should have filled out a registration section re¬ professional fraternity. is and he felt that Marvin on MAC Ave. and proceeds onto "Failure to exercise due care Perreault taken to starting a women's chapter at Minsky. the Lecture Series' was Spar¬ MSI". first speaker who had recom¬ campus around West Circle and caution" in the operation of row Hospital where he was Drive to the starting line in his motorcycle cost Jan H. Per- treated and released. The fraternity will be inter¬ mended this approach, would DID TAXES TAKE A front of the Union. reault. Lansing senior, abras¬ viewing interested persons find the problems of child Wednesday For further information, call psychology far too difficult to lead to any progress. men Traditionally, each group of emered selects a queen to ions and lacerations to his right knee, minor damage to his cycle JET TO EUROPE Mike Lopez. 353-2785. or John represent its respective organi¬ and a court summons. This Summer Wang feared that divorcing Cowan. 482-2531. simulation from artificial in¬ zation. These young ladies Round Trip Detroit-London occupy postions in the rear of the telligence research would re¬ official pace car during the MSU hotel prof duce it were interest in the field If believed that human course pro idintz of the race, ideally some inspiration for Perreault was West Circle Drive late speeding on Saturday $204 processes. especially psy¬ afternoon when he struck the (Limited number of takes HRIM post chological processes, were not th' runners trailing behind right rear fender of a car opera¬ seats available) A-l entries should be made Robert L. Blomstrom. profes¬ fitted for computer research. before April 25 by contacting ted by Edward N Roberts, June 24- sor of hotel management, has Wang said, the result would be of Flint, who was turning into been named director of MSU's a feeling that "what we can Bill Allen, entries chairman. the drive of the Music Practice September 16 Profits derived from the Hotel. Restaurant and Institu¬ do is not interesting, and what Bldg Sign up Union Board 355-3355 race will be donated to charity. tional Management < HRIM > ef¬ is interesting we cannot do " fective Sept. 1. Wang said this problem Dr. Blomstrom will finish his could be alleviated if an ob¬ two year appointment as chief- jective of-party for the MSU-AID proj¬ in computer science could be ect in Turkey on June 30. worked out. standard of progress Ask die man Iffe WHAT'S . who never stops BIG BITE? Mi going to school If the taxes are all paid and there's not enough left, don't fret. "Instant is waiting at your credit union. Cash" on the unpaid balance. That's a true annual interest rate of just 12%. Credit life and disability insurance is included An organizational meeting for those interested in promoting the candidacy of Seh. Ten Kennedy for President in 1972 will be held at 9 tonight in the Gold —about ^Etna. Borrow up to nature $5,000 on your sig¬ and arrange a repayment sched¬ ule to fit your budget. Use convenient at no additional cost. And the interest you pay is subject to a refund at the end of the year. Last year's interest refund rate was 15%. Room of the t'nion Winthrop Rowe. the Petitioning for the ch Student Academic Ci payroll deduction for painless repay¬ Instructor in business and office adminis¬ through Friday Petitions ment. To get back in the black fast, phone tration. will speak on the ABM and Harv for "Instant Cash" today. Dzodin former vice chairman of ASMSl' outside 307 Student Service: Bldg Cost? Just one percent per month will discuss the organization s goals. Tickets are available for the PAC production of "Marat Sade" from 12 30 -5 p.m. weekdays at the Fairchild box office The production will run through The International Club will sponsor a panel discussion at 7 30 tonight in the Sunday and tickets are $2 MSU EMPLO James Madison College Library in South Block and Bridle Clut will n it 7 30 Case Hall The topic will be Western } Anthony Hall Formal ini¬ Neocolonialism in Underdeveloped Ar- tiation will take place 1019 Trowbr idge Rd. • Open 9:30 5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353 2280 The I'nion Board will hold Begin its for Effective Education will 7 Bridge Lessons from 7-9 tonight in t tonight in 208 Olds Hall. lor A of the Union Barclay, asst professor of psy- Petitions for the Consumer Rela Human Sexual Behavi Bureau committees may be pickei outside 307 Student Services Bldg Beta sciences Beta Beta honorary, national biological will meet at 7 30 The Muslim Student Assn. is sponsor "What did you say ing a seminar featuring Galal Keshk your name was?" tonight in Parlor B of the Union. Lau¬ speaking on the "Role of Religion in rence Krupka. associate professor of nat^ ^7aV£aelT C< We teach school. M^alUy"'L^rvon^s mvned t0mght 1068 Wells Ever?< Seven thousand people each year attend our schools. The (hiting Club will sponsor a slide program by Donald volunteer on the Gray. ex-Peace Corps geography and peo¬ That' thi^ o. • larger student body than 90^5 of the colleges in :.itry But our We want every training doesn't stop there. JEtna employee to reach his full f\ ple of Malawi. Africa at 7 tonight in potential, use all his capabilities, and be the most knowl¬ 116 Natural Science Bdlg Sign-up for cycling and skin diving on the weekend edgeable in the business. So special programs, advanced will Lake place study and refresher courses go on all the time. After all, it's the caliber of our people that made The MSL Pre Law Club will meet at iCtna one of the leading companies in the world handling 7 30 tonight in 118 Eppley Center Maj John Brown director of Michigan State all kinds of insurance. They taught us a lot too. Police, will discuss Law Enforcement and Recent Supreme Court Decisions The American Baptist Student Founda¬ tion will meet at 7 15 tonight ibus OUR CONCERN IS PEOPLE provided^ at Everett High School ■ service 3900 Stablen St Evangelist Mel Dibble of Crusade of the Americas, will speak on Christ. The Only Hope Dr Davis of the London School of Economics will speak on "Changing Lon¬ don" at 7 30 tonight in 409 Natural Science Bldg . The Chess Club will meet at 7 30 tonight in 304 Bessey Hall All inter¬ ested persons are invited Petitioning for charter membership in Delphi, senior women's honorary, is open to all junior women through Thursday Blow Yourself There must be a safer way to meet To Up POSTER SIZE 2 ft. x 3 ft. girls. Luckily for you, we put instruc¬ tions on self-defense in every package of Hai Karate® After Shave and Cologne. But even so, please be a little careful how you use it. A good social JSL *3.50 life is fine, but the way you're going 3 4 Ft. Bio-lip $7.50 make great subs at Hobie's x you'll be too battered to enjoy it. * Mia. EACH. Nfc C O D. we AU SOc lor POT*. A«U»IS*btT.. Send Orck or Moacy '°*™PBea oy sometimes a critic's first duty „ isn is hardly the heart of this destroy its many shocks and rp„, Jacqueline Sassard is simply to clear up the mis¬ fi m. which dips deeper into the surprises. conceptions that can envelope a li )ido than any of its so-called Let's just state that it be¬ THE NEW SCHOOL COLLE6E fine little chiller Biches." like "Les p edecessors and does so with- o«.» TODAY At 1:15"3:2°- IMF. HUMANITIES: The viMon°of thei'r ^u'tors. Th^pos^bnltTe^ foMn- dividual Study are initiated bv the student GLENN FORD ^ Thejncmdible Ajoumy himself and limited only bv his imagination philosophy.' 'yc*/ a [most colleges.' a* udent who a wishes to study these creations at an advanced level must limit himself f TECHNICOLOR ^ <5^® , technicolor : , JAMES GARNER i tfeJk NEXT! i. Y "THE BIG BOUNCE" -\ '■ <^is; v.,- - <»• «-t ; SUPPORT YOUR * LOCAL™ with the problems men confront when they trv to know and act. We conceive these in- — " PUS "——;■ * tUaiu. N0W! Feature 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 SHERIFF to "liberate" men from old ways of seeing [C] COLOR by Deluxe United Artists CLIFF ROBERTSON., THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS a novel by Barth, and a movie by Godard in PIZZA SPECIAL! TECHNICOLOR TECHNISC0PE r»Z-t8<4 TONIGHT FROM 7.: 15 PJvi. MAKES THERESE AND ISABEL order to 0M^E LOOK TAME!" dea| fully with the problem under in- Ham & Mushrooms (or Onions] EtiASIHC COHPORATIO M Suggested for Mature Audiences~] c— Reg. Price -- $2.30 Next! Hayley Mills in "TWISTED NERVE" Tonite $< Tuition TndCfee°s are of its graduates have Most'of the'stu¬ Only WINNER 3. dents live in sophic, political and historical. Myrdal is an economist, but The American Nepm draws on private quarters near the School On-Campus Deliveries Only. ACADEMY! many fields. Arendt is a philosopher, but To¬ talitarianism is historical, sociological and psy- DOMINO'S AWARDS "Best Actress Katharine Hepb The emphasis is on formulating new prob- f sssr PIZZA SHOWN AT 7:30 AND 9:30 RSlcffiSEJi,SS.'- ™""1 Call: P6T6ROTOOL6 KATHARIN6 H6PBURN da|h5rc"flyCiThg proMems 351-8870 or 351-7100 .MAJtTINPOlL-*,* TH€ LION IN WINT6R SPARTAN TWIN WEST which the student can build his Indiv " " fad 4— WtST'lf's*/. 1:30 Tuesday, April 22, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS GAVEL SIDELINED FOR 'S' S'golfers top field at Badger Irish batsmen By CHAS FLOWERS tourney By GARY WALKOWICZ Executive Sports Editor shapes up as a battle of right¬ handers. MSU, now 14-5 on the sea¬ son with eight straight wins, Litwhiler indicated that omore Kirk Maas may soph¬ also see more mound duty for the Spar¬ MSU leftfielder Joe Gavel Notre Dame will use Nick nailed Notre Dame in a pair Stale News Sports Writer will ride the bench today when of single games last year, 15-2 tans in the nine-inning affair. Furlong or Ron Schmitz against MADISON, Wis.--The Spartan golf team picked up their first the Spartan baseball team takes the Spartans, while MSU Coach and :6-2. MSU stands 50-49 In the hitting department, team championship Monday as they swept the first three places on Notre Dame today at Kobs Danny Litwhiler will counter with Notre Dame in the all- Rick Miller has forged into the season lead in four MSU cate¬ of a quadrangular tournament. Field, but the move is only a with Phil Fulton. time series between the two Rick Woulfe took home his first individual medalist honors of temporary one. In compiling a 4-5 record teams. gories. the season, shooting 67-71 for a 36-hole total of 138. Lynn Janson Gavel was shaken up Satur¬ this season, the Irish have Fulton was the winning The Spartan centerfielder and Graham Cooke tied for second with identical rounds of 72-73 day in the second game of the shown a credible pitching staff pitcher in relief in MSU's 5-4 leads MSU in home runs with for 145. U-M doubleheader when he ran have been without any hitting win over Michigan in Saturday's four, in total bases with 32, in Janson's high finish capped a five-day trip which saw him win into the left field fence while punch (the team batting aver¬ "irst game to record to a team- runs batted in with 21 and in the Illinois Invitational Saturday. For Cooke, who made the trin chasing a long fly ball. batting average with .347. as sixth man, his performance age is .181). leading^ The senior from Nanty Glo, 1 was easily his season's best. Pa., hit the handle of the gate 'S' ruggers Captain Larry Murphy, Lee Restrung MSU tennis team of left field fence. It was first Edmundson and Denny Vass feared he had broken a rib but all scored 76180 for 156. X-rays proved negative. lose to MSU had rounds of 3621378 Hawkish situation Gary Boyce will replace Wayne State today for 740 as high winds at the Ma¬ ple Bluff Country Club forced Boston baseball fans Monday protest the trade Gavel in left field today, Gavel is expected back in the but visits in slugfe pie Bluff Country Club forced afternoon scroes up. Northern Illinois finished sec¬ sending 1968 American League batting champion Ken Harrelson to the Cleveland Indians. The hawk- nosed, beatle-mopped Red Sox star has said he lineup against Eastern Michi¬ gan Saturday. team Coach Stan Drobac's new alignment will be tested The Spartans, 3-8 for the year, are 2-2 in the Big Ten On Saturday they beat a Wis¬ consin team which boasted Can¬ MSU's rugby club dropped a ond with 771. Northwestern was "Joe never stops hustling," after beating Northwestern and adian Davis Cupper Chris Burr. 14-3 decision to a rough Notre would retire rather than report to Cleveland as again today when the Spartan third with 789 with host Wiscon¬ Spartan Asst. Coach Frank tennis team takes on Wayne losing to Wisconsin last (week¬ The following day they up¬ Dame squad in a game marred sin back at 808 part of a trade which includes Boston's Dick Ells¬ Pellerin said. "We were ahead State in Detroit. end. MSU dropped Wayne State, set Don Lutz and John Brennan by numerous fights and unsports¬ worth and Juan Pirarro and Cleveland's Joe Azcue, 12-1 at the time, but he was of Northwestern. Lutz is the The Spartans will play Purdue The shift which sent Rick 7-0, in their last meeting. manlike conduct. Saturday at Lafayette. Ind. Sonny Siebert and Vicente Romo. AP Wlrephoto chasing the ball like it was a Raines to No. 4 singles and John Good and Tom Gray defending Big Ten No. 1 sin¬ The Spartan squad never could tie game. " second doubles and John Bufe proved that they will be among gles champ and brother of Stan put their attack together through Gavel has been the ideal lead- to No. 5 singles and third doub¬ the top contenders for the Big Lutz, one of America's top they threatened several times. off for the Ten No. 1 doubles title. amateurs. John Harvey continued his scor¬ man Spartans this les worked well against North¬ ing streak as he tallied the Spar¬ tan's only try. Harvey has now scored in four consecutive games since MSU's opening loss to Drake relays familiar season. "He's a good hitter (.298); his 5-10 size earns him a lot of base on balls (21 walks in western. and Bufe won his singles doubles matches while Raines won in singles. The Tartars are 4-2 this THE INTERNATIONAL CLUB presents 69 at bats) and he's a fine year. Their latest win was a Michigan 14-0. for S' track mentor Western Neo colonialism baserunner (15 stolen bases)," 6-3 decision over Central Coach Mike Auer called the match one of the dirtiest rugby Pellerin said. Michigan Saturday games he has ever seen. Near the end of the game the referee By DON KOPRIVA 1967. when Gene Washington, chamion. against a Kansas Gavel has scored 20 runs season to rank as the team this John Benington in Underdeveloped Areas threatened to call the match Steele, Charie Pollard leader in that department. State News Sports Writer Bob squad, anchored by Jim Rvun. A PANEL DISCUSSION ON WESTERN off it one more fight developed Despite the fights and rough play DES MOINES. Iowa - For and Steve Derby teamed up for a 57.3 clocking, a Drake which last world Saturday broke its standard with a His replacement today. still improving INFLUENCE IN LATIN AMERICA, ASIA, Fran Dittrich. a visit to Drake own Boyce, hit well on the Spartan's Basketball coach John Ben¬ the Spartans escaped with no and collegiate record. 9:33.1 clocking at the Kansas AFRICA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST. serious injuries. is like seeing an old friend spring trip but couldn't dis¬ ington was moved Monday from ALL INTERESTED STUDENTS AND The Spartan track coach, Relays. lodge any of the Spartan out¬ the cardiac care unit of Spar¬ The Spartan club is home The Spartans did not win FACULTY INVITED. competitor at the famed Dittrich has been Spartan fielders or third baseman Phil a last year at Drake, placing row Hospital and is now in a Saturday with a match against coach since 1959. In that Kent State beginning at 2 p.m. relays as an MSC undergrad second in two relays, the Rashead to earn a starting private room. JAMES MADISON COLLEGE LIBRARY in the 1930s, has been here time his athletes have won berth. He is reported to be "do¬ SOUTH CASE HALL sprint medley and the shuttle 42 Big Ten individual and re¬ rather regularly since then, hurdles. ing fairly well" and resting all lay titles and four NCAA Boyce is hitting 271 with one EVENING) TUESDAY, APRIL 22 7:30 Irish snub and each year he has watched runners go faster and ath¬ But Dittrich expects the championships. His team have home runar.dll RBI's Today's battle with the Irish, the time. Benington is not al¬ lowed to have visitors, except p.n letes jump higher and farther. Spartans to continue improv¬ twice won Big Ten outdoor his immediate family. which begins at 3.30 p.m.. by Spartan "The competition is about 300 per cent better lhan when ing and will send his distance medley team, the Ohio Relays titles. The welcome the Notre I was here." Dittrich recalled, Dame Lacrosse Club received "and of course, the times have at MSU Saturday is bound improved greatly too." Transistors: to go down in Irish history. "This year the facilities After traveling from South are the best ever, with Bend this weekend to meet Drake's new all - weather the Spartans in what is us¬ track, the head Spartan added. ually one of the hardest fought Dittrich noted, though, that games played in the Midwest, the number of schools in the the Irish found out MSU had meet has not changed much no game scheduled with them from his days in 1936. when a wizard An agreement made between he placed third in the triple the two teams' coaches was jump, then hop-step-jump, and settled prior to the Midwest fourth in the long jump. Lacrosse Assn. meeting when His performances then qual¬ the schedules are confirmed. ified him for the Olympic When the Notre Dame coach trials. failed to attend the MIA meet¬ Ditrrich. third in terms of invention by ing. the game was scratched Big Ten track service behind from the Spartan books. Iowa's Francis Cretzmever and Purdue's Dave Rankin, Greedy Spartans was chosen by the games com¬ mitted as university division MSU athletic teams have won referee in 1967. 30 Big Ten championships and "We used to go to the Penn shared in four others in 19 Relays some years instead of seasons of competition in the aBcU Drake." Dittrich said, "but conference. there's so many schools and high schools at Philadelphia that I've decided that we should IM News go only to Drake. The comp¬ Deadline for entering the I M. individ¬ etition is just as good or bet¬ ual track meet and the I M weight ter " lifting tourney is noon Friday The Spartans have produced All weightfifting entrants must have at least five practice sessions recorded many winners at Drake, per¬ with the supervisor of the I M weight haps the most notable being lifting room the shuutle hurdle relay win in YOUR mWAR $ *4 Restaurant 136 W. Grand River East Lansing HUNGRY? LUNCH WITH US shorten It. T ry a tan- We have added several new items to our luncheon menu to gy pizza or one of our serve you better. great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at Luncheon Hours: Tues. - Sat. 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.r no extra cost. I Take out orders & reservations 351-5712 I ALSO! Hamburgers DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE Cheeseburgers Submarines STATE OF MICHIGAN French Fries ik§ST & WILLIAM G. MILIIKEN, Governor PIZZA The State of Michigan Department CALL 332-6517 of Civil Service will interview Prospective College Graduates for Career Positions with the State of VARSITY Michigan on April 24, 1969 Interested In All Majors Contact The Placement Office To Sign Up For An Interview - An Equal Opportunity Employer ® Michigan Bt l Part of the Nationwide Bell System Tuesday, April 22, 1969 g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Whether you're buying or selling . . . Want Ads will do the job for you. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Automotive For Rent For Rent For Rent 3-MAN summer it* State News does not VOLKSWAGEN iW. >*•»« i _ reduced URGE FOUR-Man to aublet Re EAST SIDE 218 South Jonei 1 and religious SOL.D.Its $65 month p CNTt'- >ffer 351- duced Minimal damage deposit /WEA^ permit racial or dition. Radio 8714 3-4/22 2 bedroom apartments Available In discrimination in Its ad¬ ("hone K24W1 361-3645. W/22 June $130 and $160, respectively vertising columns. The State News will not accept VOLKSWAGEN 1968 sunroof. 19.000 1 EAST SIDE possibilities Apartments Furnished 2-bedroom partly Twyckingham — that's Minimum 9 month* lease required in September $100 deposit required «iicci or to hold 351-4530 miles 11200 Phone 393 5416 1 4 22 furnished $125 and $150 a month where it's at I Why live in KM/24 AUTOMOTIVf advertising which disc rim • Renting now, summer or fall. 351- last year's apartments? TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 tastes against religion VOLKSWAGEN-liCOLD0 • IMPLOYMINT Call 355-7774. 5323 10-5/1 Twyckingham in now under Burcham, 1125 to 1135. 124 Cedar raoe, color or national or 4-4 23 • FOK HINT construction at 4260 S. Haga- Street. 1150 to 1180 135 Kedzie dorn Road, so that cheery Drive, 1170 to 1180 All utili¬ • FPU SAUK ties furnished except electricity. • LOST & FOUND apartments will be ready fall Call days, 487-3216, evenings 882- term. • PERSONAL VOU'O 122-S 1965 Excellent condi- SUMMER SUBLET: 2 girls needed 2316, until 10 p.m. O • PEANUTS PERSONAL "o" Well maintained Call 351- for 4 girl apartment Reduced rates. You will most likely pay 351-3366 4-4/25 for the best—Why not get it. FOR LEASE. Colonial Apartments • REAL ESTATE • SERVICE Automotive «« SUMMER SUBLET, reduced rates, All apartments Include indi¬ Corner of Burcham and Alton. Brand VOLVO 1961 black new. deluxe 1-bedroom Furnished :>44. Transports vidual central air-condition¬ • TRANSPORTATION FORD KMRLANE automatic 1%7 fion S150or best offer 3510238 luxury 2-man Call 332-8567 or unfurnished For graduate stu¬ New tires. Vinyl 351 5-4 28 ing (not a through the wall dents, college faculty or personnel, • WANTED top $1495 5.4 23 0789 3-4 23 unit in one room), work-sav¬ or professionals Select clientele FOURTH MAN needed now 4 for Call 332-3135 882-6549 21-4/30 ing dishwasher, soft kitchen or '' " ' In * WHITE FOUR Door 1962 Pontiac Close Cheap 351-3736 DEADLINE FORD 1938 2-door sedan Excellent KOod mechanical condition 4 new summer 5-4/28 carpeting, parking galore, gi¬ condition Heater Hydraulic brakt-s THREE TO 5 students, furnished, tire? ('lean inside Body little ant heated swimming pool, in¬ Phone 332-3972 .1.4 22 large upstairs, utilities included. 1 P.M. one class day be¬ it.u»ih 484-1768 5-4 25 SUMMER SUBLET Enormous, 4-man, fore publication. dividual gas heat paid for by 1150. Now. summer, fall 351-4530 FORD CONVERTIBLE 1965 Excel T~Y Z ". ~ 7~ near campus Reduced rates. 351- owners, and furnishings you 10-5/2 Cancellations - 12 noon one lent condition 11.050 Call Jim AUtO SerVICe & POrtS 8310 1-4/22 will be proud to have in any class day before publica¬ 485-3770.351-710# 5 4 22 CEDARBROOK ARMS. 3-man apart¬ NORBER MANOR 5821 Richwood home. tion. ACCIDENT PROBLEM ' Call KALA ment. Ideal location. $170 Call 351- FIREBIRD 1968 3Sti V-8 automatic MAZHO STREET BODY SHOP Small New 2-bedroom units for up to 4 For further information call 5163 4-4/24 Convertible. Red with black top. dents to large wricks American persons. Air-conditioned, swimming 372-6200, ext. SO, 9-5 Mon- pool Furniture rental also avail¬ PHONE 8,000 miles. Must sell 372-7791 and foreign cars. Guaranteed work able Special rates for summer day-Frlday. 3 4 24 482 :2H6 East Kalamazoo C 393-4276 0-4 24 CAMPUS HILL. One 2-b«droom lux¬ 355-8255 JAGUAR 1964 XKE coupe ury apartment Available spring NEAR CAMPUS: 1 man needed for HRG AUTOMATIC CAR wash only 50 CAPITOL VILLA 1 and 2-bedrooms Abarth. Cinturatos Diehard 28.nilo > mm- Air-conditioned, swimming p°o'. 8862 J R CULVER COMPANY C 6306 5-4'22 lurmahed and unfurnished Special 1 tion Growing family force* stile utc|> while vour cur is washed 0-4 24 day $1.50 12,500. 3S7 2054 after 5 p.m 3 4 24 and waxed. Also cleans underneath summer rates 332-5330 LIVE CHEAP--"but well " Large 1 15< per word per dey bedroom furnished apartments Suit¬ ur An almost perfect job 430 "I see Adams is still trying to ONE GIRL, mature graduate student able for 2, 3. or 4 occupants Sum¬ 3 days JAGUAR 1964 XK»: roadster Ex- Sriuth Chppert. back of KoKO BaR $4.00 or employed, for 2-man apartment northwind 13 1/2? per word per day oallent condition Take over pav c 4 24 gain student support!" tune-September Phone 332-69i3. mer and fall openings Call 351- 5 days ...... $6.50 ments of 182 40 per month Phone •'•'ter 5pm 4-4 25 3177 or 337-0146 5-4 25 FARMS Credit Manager IV 9 2379 r MASON BODY SHOP 8;? East Kjla- Faculty Apartments 13? per word per day • ma,'oo Street Since 1940 Com- SI MMER SUBLEASE 1 girl for 3- (based on 10 words per ad) MERCEDES BENZ 190SL I9bt> Black plele ;.ut<» painting ,.nd collision Employment girl luxury apartment Reduced rent 351-7880 with removable vinyl hardtop Mint service IV5-0256 C Employment 351-3787 3-4 23 There will be a service condition 5 new radial plv tires AM SUMMER THREE man apartment FM. arid new dm* tra.r Call ,.« er AVOitiOn — RK "FT (Ofl.l. < ocki.nl waitress-' M)NEY RENT A ST1 DENT 355 «UMMKH SUBIET 1 girl, 3-gi'l, TWO MAN air-conditioned Summer River House Balcony, air-condition¬ and bookkeeping charge if ni»i s-t.»|> wa«e Personal inter- 052. 35V2082 '51 *:r.5 :ir,.V82l or-con-i,toned $4H 50 351-7W.' 5p m 351-8742 i 4 23 like 5-4 22 Hagadorn and Grand River 351-3505 ing and parking 353-1427 5-4 25 this Ad is not paid within . . . vl«» re'iuin*! Phone East Tawas. quick" < 5-4 25 one week. ^ MERCURY IJ- AKN TO skvdive with MSU Sport 36. 451. Mr* Anderson 17-4 30 ONE-TWO 1961 Mechanically ex »White Club Hob Olson. :i55- VANTBID MEDICAL ({iris share luxurious technologist LIVE BETTER OFF- EAST LANSING Furnished studio oellent. very good body, rcbult 4.4 25 iSCP registered For clinical lab- apartment After 5 30 Judy 627- The State News will be engine 1300 353-4472. after 7 pm KMI'i OYERS OVERLOAD COM¬ 'ratory of MSU Veterinary Clinic CAMPUS THIS SUMMER apartment for one In small quiet 8862 5-4 22 3-4 24 PANY Experienced secretaries, alary FOR LESS building Ideal for staff, teachers, responsible only for the competitive Verv limited secretaries, and advanced degree first day's incorrect inser¬ typista to work on temporary as- veekend duty 355-6450. Ext 323 5-4 24 If you are 18 or older sig ments. Never a fee Phone 487- candidates 1 year lease required tion. 8071 C-4 24 E. L. MANAGEMENT Phone 332-1901 5-4 25 you qualify for a "In¬ For Rent 351-78S0 317 M.A.C. terpersonal Happening" Scooters & Cycles DO YOU r (tra $50 a week'' If have ir. call 351-7319 n RENTALS GE 19 SUBLEASE Interpersonal Dating portable $8 50 CEDAR Greens 2-man for ir O month Service Automotive MUSTANG 1965 Good <-ondin« wr including stand Call J R X'LVER COMPANY, 351 8862 220 summer Pool 351 6804, after 5 pm 5-4 25 P.Q.BOX 2137,Ann Arbor,Mich BAUYSITTKR WANTED Spartan Vil- new tre with chrome ma* Albert Street. East I-insing C lai- 7 30 .. in to 1 p.m. 5 days $15 "SOLD? 8558. 5-8 p m 35. M931 3-4 22 fENT A TV from a TV Companv- BARRACUDA Power 1968 340S. 4-speed steering Gold fastback 30.000 miles 4E 70 Polyglass 6.000 miles MUSTANG 196611050 353-2140 MOTOR SCOOTER Model 125 Um- bretta Excellent rendition 850 miles S3*' 626 68!>r> 5-4 2.5 FF.M \LE er 3 pm . PART-TIME Musi hiive car to 5pm 482-9175. 10 light am deliv¬ to 12 3-4 23 *.00 per month SEJAC TV RENTALS i*EW GE portables and stands rent Call 337-1300 C SUMMER SUBLEASE: 4 man apart¬ ment. One block from campus. Quiet This Look Familiar? ONLY to MSU students and fac- Air-conditioned. Call 351-3271. 3-4 23 CS00 355-0228 days 351-8126 THI PARA MOUNTS nee>l two horns BI ITACO EL Matador 360cc only jItv $R.84 month (includes tax> after 6pm 4-4 25 OLDSMOBILE 1H65 4-doo. dyn.imc 247 jwunds Available now at HONDA VTATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA Oh HASI.ETT. 339-2039 5 4 23 or saxes Prerequisite funk We TON BU1CK Power steering and brakes Hvdio 444 Michigan Avenue 332 SPECIAL convertible 1964 ma tic Clean, are an equ.il opportunity ernplover no ruy $895 Navy blue with white top $700 Give us a call ya all 355-6358. 5-4 25 Call 353-6400 before 5 p m. 19K7 BSa 441 4,200 miles Excellent Ask for TV RENTALS students VACANCIES, M\LE: John 5-4 22 condition $800 Price includes a Bell RFsoRT HOTEL Hostess: Dining -- only. Low- Neat, clean, OLDSMOBILE 442 IM8 Bucket sejts Magnum helmet, bike cover, extra monthly and term rates Call 484 near campus Summer rates Fall. Hurst 4-speed with big engine Gieen room, nights only Top wage Per¬ 2600 to 351-8164 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE 1981 rum x<>at front fender and cables Also sonal interview required Phone East reserve yours UNIVERSITY 6-4 28 with black vinvl top Mag wheels and j >hop manual and special tools TV RENTALS C good Low mileage Asking 1300 Tawas 362 3451 Mrs Anderson wide oval tires 353-6845 M B Cal> aft*.- 6 pm Tuesdav only 484- X17-S 1 Also 1954 GMC pickup 31.000 ac¬ tual miles-one owner Asking »275 ApartmenM University Villa OLDSMOBILE F 85 Cutlass convert CAMPUS TEXACO Michigan and ibie--19M Standard i MKI'K WITH us before vou btiv RhSORT HOTEL, cocktail waitress-- Princeton Arms Beal 337-9132 3.4 23 transmit-* on nights -top wage Personal Inter¬ tflAY COLONY APARTMENTS 1 or m»ND\ OF HASLETT Honda bikes Excellent Evenings 355-5839 4 4 25 istrts and view required Phone East Tawas. 2 bedrooms Furnished and unfurn¬ Beechwood riding .icressories Only 382-3451 Mrs Anderson *17-5 1 ished Call Jack Bartlett. manager OPEL KADETT Sutlonwagon 196;. mmutes from East lainsing Irt05 2-3-4 Man Units 337-0511 Corner of Haslett and with («ood condition llosleti Road Phone 3:19-2039 O accessories FOREMAN FOR landscaping crew No Hagadorn Roads O S50 per man -- 4 man 1600 or hest offer Cull Ml 5'rfW experience neressar Will train Must be de|*ndable Work In North¬ NEWLY MARRIED? $67.50 p#r man-- 3 man CAM ARO-1968 automatic 8-cylin- der excellent condition west Detroit > 113 -835 I860 5 4 25 Rental office 635 Abbott 485 7193 extension 59. before 5 p. m 3 4 22 lYUES SELL IN SPRING' Ad- TANGLEWOOD BEAUTICIAN EXPERIENCED opera¬ H al stead 9330 4 2!i v»rti»e motorcycle* and bikes with a tors needed Both locations MAR¬ APARTMENTS CHEVELLE HflW rvr hardtop Classified Ad Dial 353 8255 5$ TINS HAIR KASHIONS Call lor ap¬ 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124,50 Managem«nt Co. Standard shift 339-2804. PONTIAC CATALINA convert .M- lib* HSA 250c. 1 90tj miles. Call pointment vJJ-4522 5-4 22 after tip m 5-4 £ 1964 Meticulous rare b> 1 owner, 351-7910 351-7860 lady educator New tires T

ood second car ly lowered W00. See at SI A HI AN SUNOCO, corner Harrison and Cast Employment PART-TIME Career stales opportunities for Immediate spacesthan Best offer over »350 185-8249 1-4 22 Michigan < 4 24 and fall term openings Salary 332 complex. NOW MALE OR female Part-time now, 5025 5-4 23 PONTIAC TEMPEST 1D65 4 door low full time summer Well paid job >n Reserve your fall term apartment now mileage 389- V-8 \utornatic trans GRADUATING SENIOR WOMEN' mission P'»wer > eerin^ y.\2 WANT IN WITH A GOING CONCERN'' Only S60.00 if yoa like (>eop!e. like to travel, New CHEVROLET II 19G° Excellent. tires, brakes $300 Roger. 332- IF YOI better PROMISED YOURSELF apartment check the rentals a and have a knowledge of a foreign language, consider becoming a ste¬ Leasing For Fall Term wardess with PAN AMERICAN in today s Classified Ads' WORIJJ terviews AIRWAYS Stewardess in¬ will be held on campus on Burcham Woods Apartments LANDSC APE LABORERS Full time 5'> April 23, 1969 For information and day week Pay time and "* Start immediately fail 484 5421 after 1 appointments, please contact the i'lacement Bureau. PAN AM IS AN Model open 1 to 4 p.m. CHEVROLET 1964 Bitcayne Excellent pm. Monday Iridav Equal Oppor Model Apartment Open Daily 9-5: Weekends By Appointment condition V-8 automatic Call Ron. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY •unity Employer 3 4 24 Contact: Northwind Management, 2771 Northwind Drive EH 7-4/22 351-3797 54 24 BABYSITTING In my licensed Fast Tues. & Thurs. Phone: 337-0636 CHEVROLET--1962 Malibu 2-door NFED MONEYS? hardtop with white vinyl top. power area, by experienced mother 351- Why Not Sell Great steering bucket seats air-condition ing. radio Call 646-3943 5-4 25 *17! 3 4 24 Bocks of the Western World E. L. Management CROSSWORD PUZZLE assaa OHaaaa SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS wanted to qualified Must hav. a minimum of 60 semes- prospects? siasSSnsigi ana TRIUMPH 'jT-6 Dark roval blue ter or <« term hours Pay $22 50 351-7880 ACROSS 27. Health resort na dsas aaas1 C.300 13 000 miles Phone 351 67% pet day Contact Superintendent. Call 484-4475 :'8. Compete CORVAIR MCcQ\ D Dark blue 5-4.23 BY RON AREA SCHOOLS. Bvron. .. Hairdresser .'9. Thus flE 3flaHB 4-speed. bucke wa-5515 10-4 28 Michigan. «313 -26M629 2 4 .'3 .11 Starry TRIUMPH Metallic blue 1966 Spitfire ro.dster 30.000 miles Best R\s 31. Wood sorrel § aaaa offer over $750 2343 Hulett Road. ends 11 Starting salary shift tr) Bluf jacket Sanaa □a HUB CUTLASS CONVERTIBLE 1965 Ex¬ Okemos 332 1017 5 4 23 rate wi'h experience Well lighted ^6. Poisonous tree assii a nas ua Cedar Village cellent condition bucket seats Ra¬ Pb.king area close to hospital Oil MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 677- ' Siouan 37.1 was z\u aaaaaa 39. Butler dio Full power New 'ires. 355 5984 10-4 23 i Offspring aaaaa 3-4 22 11 Fme silk net I Sl'ppe'v aiayaaa CUTLASS S- 1968 Automatic, pow¬ }■'. Vapor er steering power brakes radio, V Fugitive 15 Pastry cook many extras Low mileage Excel¬ lent 355-5806. after J p.m. 2-4 22 ATTENTION I Syllable of hfs'titation DOWN ? tloqm nt 5. Our uncle i Tomahawk 6. Sodium, in 1. Long, hooded 3. Princioal CUTLASS 1967. red 2-door Hard top chemistry i Accomplished cioak AM FM radio 11.700 332 5205 after 5 p.m 2-4 22 VW OWN 4 T~ r- 4 1 3 7. Khan % "X 8. Of different STUDENT APARTMENTS 2 9 volkswagen Golfers Attention " *3 9 White Shag Galls inspections and Tune Ups 2 BEDROOM * % it vestment 10. Peeress 12. Cup; Fr. $1.00 do/.. $10.50 Including Free Lub. & Oil 17 '8 >9 20 P .astic Practice Complete Muffler installation $ % \v 15. Old Eng. jurisdiction Balls 6 for $1.00 SI uttle Cocks Under $30 NOW LEASING FOR FALl 21 7f X 2t> 19. lowest point 27. Ennoble Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls Large Stock of Parts at % 26 23. Pastry 25. Emulate FREE: 1969 Golf Prices You Can't Afford to Miss. MODEL OPEN 41 % 32 27.lFirm 28. Seaweed Rule Book with Purchase nf $1.00 or more. Mon-Fri 12:00-4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to sV 35 % 29. 30. Posture Bivalve Larry Cushion Open Weekdays Till 7:00 p.m. Sat & Sun 1:00-5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 37 %38 & w HO 31. Reconnoiter Sporting Goods 3020 Vine IV 5-7465 And All Day Saturday •M % f-3 32. Vegas 33. Flash 34. leftovers Open Fri. 'til 8: Daily 'til 6 One block north of Mich. LANSING FOREI PHONE 332-5051 <♦4 % 36.^3^ of the eye 38. Bombast Ave. one-half block west 40. Pilfer 2720 E. KALAMAZOO 485-75 42. Type square of Sears. Tuesday, April 22, 1969 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sale For Sale For Rent For Rent MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 811 Man VACANCY IN my home for an am¬ bulatory elderly lady Private room EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- Ranger mini-8. $59.95 and DIAMOND BARGAIN: gager^ tit cent o ring more. Wedding and en¬ sets. Save 50 per Large selection of RENT A TV from a TV $900 per NEJAC TV RENTALS month. Call Company- 337-1300 C McDivitt gold Avenue. New deluxe 1-bedroom 1-4/22 Jet-$69.95 and up MAIN furnished 2-man apartments, avail¬ with television and phone Every¬ Lear plain \ nd fancy diamonds. $25-150 thing included for $8 50 a day 393- ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Penn¬ W1LCC t SECONDHAND STORE (continued from page able now for summer and fall leas one) million miles, the Apollo splash¬ ing Phone IV 9-9651 or 332-2335 0 NEAR FRANDOR 2-bedroom furn¬ 1956 M/a sylvania, Lansing. C 509 Eas I Michigan 485-4391 C PHILADELPHIA ed down in the Atlantic Ocean, ished ground floor Swimming pool On the Apollo 9 flight, the spi¬ and garage Newly decorated $185 ROOM FOR gentleman over Revco BIRTHI AY CAKES - 7" - $3 64, LIFE der convincingly demonstrated 180 miles East of the Bahamas. POUR-MAN apartment, furnished monthly including utilities Adults With swimming pool Heat paid store See doorman. Campus Thea¬ PIANO SALF 8" - $4.18; 9" $5 20 De¬ its ability to execute its mission. McDivitt has amassed numer¬ 372-4629 3-4/24 tre after 5 30 p.m. 10-4'25 livered KWAST BAKERIES, 484 STUDENT INSURANCE PLAN 962.50 each EAST LANSING MAN With the initial orbit achieved, ous awards for his accomplish¬ AGEMENT, 351-7880 C 1317 C-4/24 provides $10,000 life insur¬ ments in the space field, includ¬ CAPITOL NEAR: Pleasant studio SPARTAN HALL Women and men. Mason-Hamlin Specials, 5*4" the Apollo 9 crew- Spacecraft Kitchen privileges Single girl Near ance at $40 a year. Students ing the Arnold Air Society John leasing summer, fall. Reasonable Baby Grand walnut finish. Save SEWINi i MACHINE clearance sale Commander McDivitt, Com¬ bus lines 372-4583 5-4 28 372-1031 10-4/28 Brand lew portables - $49.50 $5 00 age 6-24 are eligible. Call F. Kennedy Trophy, the NASA $1,000. 5*11" Grand—wal¬ 351-0625. First 5 to call get mand Module Pilot David R. finish. Save $1,000. Scon- per m'hth. Large selection of recon- Exceptional Service Medal, the SUMMER SUBLET 4-man luxury Cha nut Scott and Lunar Module Pilot MEN: CLEAN, quiet, cooking, park¬ ditione used machines Singers. 1st year at $30. Air Force Astronaut Wings and let apartment Verv reduced rate soles. Contemporary, mod¬ Whites Necchis. New Home and Russell L. Schweikart-lived a ing, supervised. Close to campus. 351-9144 5-4 28 traditional, and French others." $19.95 to $39 95 four distinguished Flying Crosses 487-5753 or 485-8836 O ern, "man' TOM S BARBER SHOP, 3007 Vine tight schedule. The crowded Provincial. Save $600 on style Term? EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING He was command pilot for Gem ONE MONTHS free rent' 4-man GRADUATE WOMEN Spaces avail¬ SUMMER TERM Room and board. COMI ANY, 1115 North Washington Vine and Homer across from Fran- schedule was calculated to ini 4, a 66-orbit. 4-day mission apartment. Summer. Across from - able starting summer 4-girl a- $225 Phi Mu Sorority, 301 Charles of your choice. 489-6441. C-4/24 dor 8-5:30 Tuesday-Saturday IV insure that major mission objec¬ campus 351-3105 3-4/22 partments Haslett Albert $55 per Street Ed 2-8835 3-4 24 4 8844 0-4/24 tives would be accomplished that began on June 3.1965. month. Utilities included Completely McDivitt will command the MARIGOLD APARTMENTS: Summer FREE A Thrilling hour of beau¬ even if it were necessary to furnished 337-2336 5-4 28 ROOM, BOARD. Fellowship - $190 Lunar Module in which Ameri¬ sublet 2-man luxury Two air- HUNTINGTON ty. For appointment, call 484-4519 bring the Apollo down early. term. ELSWORTH CO-OP, 332- astronauts are scheduled to conditioners. Reduced. 351-7452 . 3-4/22 SUMMER: TWO-Man apartment MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STU¬ can 3574 Apply now for fall residence cessed $2 00 with this ad MAREK The fourth day of the flight. land the mood in the Sleeps 4. Balcony Half-block from MUSIC REXA.L DRUG CENTER at Fran DIO, 1800 East Michigan C-4/24 on sum¬ SUMMER ONE/two men Luxury Schweickart took a 'walk in of 1969. campus 351-8456 3-4 24 dor T ew Lower Everyday Discount mer apartment overlooking beautiful lake, 2016 East Michigan Prices C-4/24 PROGRAMMER with 3,000 hours of space" for 38 m-nutes. He took pool. Boating, fishing, swimming in¬ paid experience on CDC at MSU cluded Close campus *53 . 339- (at Fairview) Knows FORTRAN, COBOL Needs photographs, retreived some 2344 5-4/22 thermal samples from the ex¬ For Sale 489-1939 THRE ORIGINAL equipment tires job 351-6056 Peanuts Personel 10-4/30 terior of the spiders and experi¬ mented with the handrails. Jordan River (continued from page one) - BRAZILIAN RECORDINGS: Imported 775X1!. Good to excellent condi¬ REALISTIC STEREO tape deck Heath direct from Brazil Huge selection Schweickart's venture was the On the Suez Canal. 300 miles BLOCK FROM Berkey lease June- tion. 3i3-6877. 1-4/22 Send self-addressed, long stamped SANDY-COUNT TO twenty-four for kit 30 watt amplifier with enclosed first time in two years a U.S. west. Israeli troops skirmished June. to 4-6 men. about $360 month, Cowboy (or was it Farmer! Pete speakers $200 Call 355-2548 1-4/22 envelope to P.O Box 5525, Wash BIG SAVINGS JIM'S TROPICAL astronaut has spacewalked. less in summer Furnished, utili¬ ington. D C. 20016 for list. 1-4/22 Thanks The Kid Sister 1-4/22 with an Egyptian force which ties paid 351-8971 3-4 24 New Aquarium - 10 gallon, $6 50 After 10 days and almost four crossed to the Sinai. The Israeli SIMMONS HIDE-A-Bed 332-3046 2-4 23 up -126 Coulson Court. 393-1699 COMPONENT STEREO. Kenwood re¬ Week lays 4.30 - 9 p.m weekends army said three soldiers were SUBURBAN PLUSH country house ROBERTS STEREO recorder Pana¬ ceiver AM-FM 40 watt. Garrard 1-9 p.n. 4-4/25 wounded while the Arab unit es¬ fireplaces. 4 bedrooms 2 baths SUMMER SUBLEASE 1 girl for 4 3 Completely furnished 5 acres Beau sonic AM-FM with sell 355-0629 speakers Must 5-4 25 SL 75. Mark 4 speakers. Koss head phones 1/3 off. 2 months old 353- PEPE-LOVE my r Stapleton named caped apparently unscathed tiful landscaping $300 per month 7426. 5-4/24 The Sinai Commando Organi¬ girl. University Terrace Apartment PAIR AR-3 speakers. Oiled walnut Viquita Prefer family ED 7-7151. 10-5 5 351-6867 3-414 THREE BEDROOM house for rent ROBOT STAR II—4 lens outfit, dou- cabin >ts. $450 5-vear guarantee Sell for $335: Koss Pro-600-A Cost department head zation announced in Cairo that the Egyptian commandos at¬ NEW CEDAR Village Summer sub stere> phones List $55 Sell for $35 James H Stapleton. acting tacked ar. Israeli camp at the 1513 Prospect Married couple let 1 or 2 men needed Reduced $140 month Call IV 9-0239 3-4 24 Both items 10 months old. 353- chairman of the Dept. of Sta¬ western entrance of Metla Pass. rates Extras 351-3462 5-4 28 7616 3-4/24 LEICA IIIG, absolutely mint condi tistics and Probability, has been The announcement said the FOUR-BEDROOM furnished Sum¬ tion. A best offer deal for the Leica named permanent chairman by MILFORD STREET 126: Two blocks WESflNGHOUSE ROOM air-condi- raid took place early Monday mer. Option for fall. Close. Cheap buff 351-7131 4-4 22 from campus. Deluxe, air-condi¬ 351-3138 4-4 25 . tion^s (2) Used approximately the MSU Board of Trustees, eff¬ morning with commandos using tioned. furnished 2 and 3 man 2 nths. $125. each, both for $225 HAPPINESS IS being Sisters of the ective ROBOT ROYAL 36-F2 Sonnar. rapid, m Yellow Rose Thanks AKPsi. Your April 1. rockets. Fires were seen raging Summer and fall leasing $170 372-7 «3. 1-4/22 Phone 489-1656 or 372-5767 0 sell for $35 Ph 13-5072 sequence, camera Sell or trade Little Sisters. 1-4/22 Stapleton has served as act¬ inside the camp and in ammuni¬ Call 351-7131 4-4/22 ing chairman since Sept. 1. tion dumps, the announcement 100 USED vacuum cleaners-Tanks, TO THE men of Pi Kappa Phi SCOTT STEREOS 1967. said. cannisters. and uprights. All in VACUUM CLEANERS (used. Kir Thanks to you our world is rosy He is Your Little Sister Ac¬ currently visiting coll¬ All the commandos returned 332-0429,332-0562 4-4 25 good condition $7 88 and up Guar- bvs. Hoovers. Rainbow Rex-aires. Coi" Soles in contemporary, Love. new GIRL WANTED to share luxury, ranteod DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Electrolux $7 88 and up (Guaran¬ tives 1-4/22 eges and universities throughout safely to their base, it added. mot ern or traditional styles. the nation as a guest furnished. East Lansing apartment AVAILABLE NOW until fall term COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, op¬ teed. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING. 316 lecturer in An Egyptian military spokes¬ Sav up to $300 on the model Private room, fireplace 332-0662 Furnished for 6 students $12 week posite City Market C-4 24 N Cedar Opposite City Market C KAN(Di'S HEART trouble is per statistics. man said a special commando 5-4 28 of y >ur choice. manently cured by MAD. Vive la He joined ly each 9 blocks to campus 332- HEATHK1T TRANSISTORIZED ster creche 1-4/22 the MSU faculty in group crossed the canal Sunday 3979after3pm 2-4 22 ZENITH STEREO console AM-FM Lear-Jet auto tape players. 1958. SUMMER SUBLEASE 1 block from eo amplifier and tuner FM con¬ radio. Walnut cabinet. Factory new- Cor iplete display of 8-track night on a reconnaissance mis¬ Berkev 4-man. Air-conditioned 351- verter for car 351-0495 4-4 '25 CONGRATULATIONS TO our new lit sion. penetrating deep inside Is¬ LOVELY FURNISHED 1. 2. 3 bed¬ perfect condition Call 372-1599 3-4/22 3791 " 5-4 28 pla; ers for car and home tie Sisters of the Rose actives. raeli-held areas of the Sinai. SUMMER SUBLEASE Two girls, lux¬ room houses Available June Spe¬ cial summer rates 351-56% 3-4 22 SCHWINN RACER. New condition Wit! 8 months o!J. OUR LOW overhead saves you money- From your Thanks for the great Pi Kappa T.G. brothers 1-4/22 Example given "On returning they engaged ury apartment Close to campus Dave. 353-2072 Optical Discount. 416 Tussing Build¬ HUNTINGTON an enemy patrol and destroyed 351-0909 3-4 23 ing Phone IV 2-4667 C-4/25 Real Estate to explain new one of their tanks, he stated. GOLF CLUBS Wilson 3 woods, full MUSIC FOR GRADUATE income tax plan women FOUR-ROOM small apartment 2- TRADE OR SELL Lake Michigan re¬ The bedroom $40 month Older pus Single or double set irons Bag Hardly used Best 2016 East Michigan artillery clash along the per offer over $160 351 -3626 ' sort community residential-commer¬ student 484-7194 Lansing 3-4 24 large, quiet ED 2-1746. 3-4/23 cial income property for East Lan¬ Jordan River began after Arab (at Fairview) WASHINGTON Junior and Sen¬ cri ice at $2,000 489-3865 5-4/24 10-4/29 C consultant, business education (B.M> ior High School Art. history. English, mu¬ Location: Lincoln sic. physical education, biology, mathe¬ PM 1968 2-bedroom on lot. take SECRETARIAL BOOKKEEPING BIRCH RUN AREA SCHOOLS Early matics. physical science social science, ov< r payments 485-7193, exten- SERVICE: Typing and mimeograph¬ and later elementary education iB.M) industrial arts iB.Mi Senior High sic i 59 before 5 p.m. Can be seen School: Business education iB.M' Loca¬ ing Phone 694-9753 5-4 25 Senior High School Art. English, busi¬ Lo-18, 4600 Briton Road, Perry 3-4 22 tion: St. Clair Shores ness education iB.Mr Location Birch Run RC -LAHOME 8 x 48, 2 bedroom Typing S«rvic« CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE IN¬ LINDEN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: W isher and dryer One year old Early and later elementary education SURANCE: All majors, all colleges fu nace On lot in Holt 10 minutes TYPING AND dictaphone transcrip¬ iB.M'. Junior High School Physical ed¬ e^oressway driving to campus. Draft¬ tion My home Pick-up and deliv¬ ucation. home economics iB.Mi Junior CORUNNA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Early ee'-must sell Call 694-0762 3-4 23 ery 393-3663 20-5 2 and Senior High School. English speech, and later elementary education, men¬ physical education, mentally handicapped Campus Hill is designed SK ifLINE-1965 10 x 55' 2 bedroom, tally handicapped, remedial reading Location at !er 4 p.m. JANET, 337-2603 20-5 5 capped. remedial reading, business edu¬ 5-4/25 Lirfden cation iB.M> Location Vernon SAGINAW VALLEY COLLEGE Busi¬ AT DERSON-35 x 8' One bedroom ANN BROWN: Typist and multilith EAST DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ness administration, accounting, market¬ (j i lot in East Lansing. Lot rental offset printing Dissertations, theses Early and later elementary education, ing. mathematics RITZCRAFT Ranger 12x60 est prices available COPYGRAPH All secondary and special education Junior and Senior High scription. unique School English, music, industrial arts May 1 and 2,1M>: quality thesis service IBM typing, Lost & Found multilith printing and hard binding i B.M > Senior High School French, WALGREEN CO. Accounting, man¬ speech (B.Mi Location Howell agement. economics. HRIM. B> Loca- LOST: Thursday Tan London CAMPUS HILL 4wpus \tu mi. Fog raincoat with prescription sun- BARBI MEL May 2, Friday: Tvping. multilithing GROSSE ILK TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS: g asses in pocket Outside 117 Ep- No job too large or too smalt" Later elementary education, art. music, piey Found: Tan Glen Eagles rain¬ Block off campus 332-3255 TUTOR WANTED for English 404 C coat Same area 351-7909 3-4/24 physical education iB.M) Junior High (phonetic transcription) 351-0607. School: speech correction tB.M) Senior after 5 p.m. 3-4/23 •apartments* High School Industrial arts science )B. Mi. Supplementary assignments Year¬ Wanted MSU EDUCATION graduate wishes book. asst football, driver education. Lo¬ secretarial work for summer months U ST-PRESCRIPTION sunglasses cation Grosse lie BLOOD DONERS NEEDED $7 50 for 372-0849 3-4 22 ii brown case, reward Call 351- E F MACDONALD TRAVEL CO.: 8 "53. 3-4/24 all positive. A negative. B negative Go 8/10 of a mile past Coral Gables on E. Grand River — just over the viaduct. HRIM, all majors of the college of busi¬ and AB negative $10.00 O negative- ness, and all majors, all colleges iB> Lo¬ $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY cation: Detroit LOST: COKE racks for delivery BLOOD CENTER. 507^ E Granc ssrvice Contact DOMINO'S PIZZA. NORTHVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Sys¬ River. East Lansing Above the new WANTED: ONE-Bedroom furnished fit C&uAe