aspi r ati o ns. Membershipuniinqourue oppor has provided us wit# many c h a p ¬ ¬ though, cannot stop at the door of educat i o n. and our tunities for broadening our house. Rather, one's education should ters thrive and prosper among one's brothers Education, chapter time out from this week of fun the about the problems that are facing us grow, sisters. t h i s or take l e ader s on Let us and we m"u^t prepare ourselves for lead¬ think We are t h e the larger society, v^+«'de of Michigan ^4 in today's society. campus ership in fire up and support all the activities Week but let's not stop there. Let's go University. " * . of State of So, on let's Greek and leadership prove that we deserExecutive that we now occupy. The v e t h Pan e posi t i Counci Hellenic o n landof Interfraternity Council Friday, May 2, 1969 3 Greeks set 'happening time' By BARBARA HARNESS More than 25 years after the Greek Week will include Greek TG at the Gables. an all- Stu¬ Greek Week '69" was chosen as segments of the University, not Stale News Stall Writer creation of this event, Greeks the theme "primarily because only Greeks. The end of World War II at MSU still celebrate the feast dents will also be seeing the it rhymed." Kathv MacDon- "This year." Stellingworth brought the men back to campus alone with a variety of other annual torch run. the Sammy ald. Lansing junior and co-chair- said. "Greek Week has changed. and marked the creation of a activities. "It's a Happening tricycle race. Greek Sing, the man of Greek Week, said. We're trying to put Greek Week traditional MSU event-Greek Time-Greek Week '69," as the AEPhi art show and the "Ug¬ into the University. We're theme of the week suggests. liest Greek" contest. Miss MacDonald added, how¬ trying to make it apply more Feast, a forerunner of today's This vear for the first time. "It's a Happening Time- ever, that this theme is per- to the whole campus and not Greek Week. tinient to 1969. just to the Greek system." "It's not only a happening With the Greek system being Light-foots prepare time' for Greeks but also for attacked on many campuses as non-Greeks," Miss MacDonald "obsolete and outdated," this said. theme expresses the 'counter- mood' of MSU's sorority and Greek Week has become more fraternity members. For these involved with the whole Uni¬ to relay in torch run Greeks, the system is "what's versity through joint ventures happening." of the Greek units with ASMSU Pop Entertainment and Great Bob Stellingworth, Grand Rap¬ Issues and the MSU Volunteer ids senior, the male co-chairman "This year our goal is to in¬ Bureau. For the first time Greek By ROSA MORALES kick-off for Greek Week. Miss of Greek Week, also believes State News Staff Writer Roach said. tegrate with the different Greek Sing has been opened to all stu¬ the theme is particularly ap¬ The Greeks have a word for units and get to know them while dents free of charge. The frisbee working together on the torch plicable to Greek Week this contest will once again be open the 1969 torch run-originality- Since Kiddie Day is going run." Miss Roach said. year. to non-Greeks. for the method of passing the on simultaneously with the torch torch. The starting point for the torch run. the torch will pass to the run will be at the Delta "Traditionally Greeks have Although Greek Week is pri¬ The Greek units taking part Up- been units where the sororities and silon fraternity house and finish thought of in a conserva¬ marily a "publicity stunt" to in the torch run Saturday are re¬ tive light," he said. "Now we fraternities are entertaining the quired to have an original cos¬ at the Phi Delta Theta fra¬ promote the Greek system at children. are as much in the pulse of tume and method of passing ternity house. MSU, its other aim is to pro¬ Edwin Reuling, things, as far as change is con¬ vide an opportunity for Greeks the torch. Points will be given vice presi¬ cerned. as anyone else. It's a to get together and work as dent of student affairs and In- to the participants on the basis The representatives trom happening time-it's a time of each sorority and fraternity will ter-Fraternitv Council adviser, Greeks in one unit. Miss Mac¬ :)f original costume and unique will be among the judges for the change." Donald said. method of passing the torch. have to work together to de¬ Greek Week is aimed at all torch run. A trophy will be awarded to the velop an original way of pass¬ Greek unit with the most cumu¬ ing the torch to the next house." Miss Roach said. lative points earned during Greek Week activities. TopsKttis Marti Roach. Dearborn jun¬ Last year the torch run went to each Greek unit and there ior and special events co-chair¬ man. said that traditionally the was no coed involvement in torch run has been the kick-off passing the torch. Miss Roach said. Each house concentrated activity for Greek Week. Popular Entertainment to¬ just on its own part of the run night, with both the Classics IV and the First Edition, is the and did not get to mix with the other Greek units. "old colony" $J0° Cotton Knit ■om ■■ «/ v S TOPS long sleeved stripes or solid colors OPENrWed. & Frl. 'til 9 P.M. Other Nights 'til 5-3 MARION'S APPAREL 351-7224 1331 E. Grand River "Brookfield Plaza" — E ast Lansing— in the East Lansing State Bank Building IS A PLACE Refreshment anyone? Game goes better refreshed. Coca-Cola! With its lively lift, big bold taste, CALLED never too sweet... refreshes best. things PO better,! .-with •Still.PUBLIC EtlSET Coke SS27S.Cedar SD3-S2S0 iijiexaiun Bottled under the authority of the Coca-Cola Co. by: Coca-Coli Bottling Company of Michigan 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan PLASTIC UFO CONTEST Wham-O's barrage By ROSA MORALES No, it's a frisbee. This cir¬ men's I.M. field from noon to 2 p.m. fraternities the players must frisbee with one hand and the throw the The only points made are those made on errors, such as a bad State News Staff Writer cular plastic wonder of sports, The official tournament fris- other team's players catch it throw or a missed catch. What is round, spins in the 10 inches in diameter, will be bees are the black and white, with one hand before it hits The five players rotate to air and attacks men** the flying object at the 1969 108 gram Wham-o models sup¬ the ground. serve the frisbee, but each man Is it a bird, is it a plane? frisbee contest Sunday at the plied by the Phi Delta Theta has a special position, such as 'Throwing hard and fast, a catcher, in the defense, Cook fraternity. about two or three feet off the Dave Cook, Arlington said. The goal is 21 points in ground, is about the best way Heights, 111., sophomore and each session. Greeks to serve game chairman, said that the to score a point,'' Cook said. "Such throws are hard to catch. it's a hard game to play contest will be a single elimin¬ The catch must be made before perfectly and the sessions don't last very long,'' Cook said convert brewery ation contest between five-men teams made up of the men from ground." on and off campus living units. frisbee bounces off the the No entry fee is required and final tournament between the With the Greeks' well-known paint both the inside and out¬ If it is thrown high the wind side of the building, replace The frisbee playing field is carries the frisbee out of bounds last two teams will be played love for alcoholic beverages, 75 yards wide with no length on the field, A public address some may find it surprising ceilings, tear down old walls which means a point for the that the Greek community is and erect new ones and block boundaries. Two restraining other team, he said. system will be used for a play- up broken windows. lines on the ground, 36 yards by-play account. tearing down a brewery this All plays will be officiated by The clean-up operation will apart, separate the two teams. Also if a frisbee comes in year as the Greek Week com¬ take place between 9:30 and The object of the game is to at more than 45 degrees to the two judges located on opposite munity project sides of the field. The brewery, located on Cen¬ 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 and 4:30 throw the frisbee hard and fast, ground, it is declared a • bom¬ with hand, into the other ber'' and the throw will be dis¬ The frisbee contest is spon ter Street in Lansing, is being p.m. from May 5 through 9 one The MSU Volunteer Service team's territory in such a way counted. When a throw is made sored by the Phi Delta Theta converted into the home of the Lansing Boys' Club is supplying five buses to trans¬ that they won't catch it, Cook successfully and caught by the fraternity in conjunction with said. other team, no point is made. Greek Week An estimated 2,000 fraternity port Greeks to and from the project. The only restriction is that men and sorority women will OPEN HOUSES ARE AN Jam' packed week INVASION OF YOUR grooves with concert The schedule for Greek Week munity Project, Center Street ASMSU Great RIGHT TO PRIVACY 7:30 p.m. 1969 is as follows: -- Issues - Greek Week featur¬ Friday, May 2 ing Ralph Nader, Auditorium BY EAST LANSING MANAGEMENT CO. guests. Muscled managers are 8 p.m. -- ASMSU Pop Enter¬ Voting for Ugliest Greek tainment-Greek Week featur¬ starts today and extends through employed to keep the neigh¬ ing The Classics IV and The Residents of dormitories, fra¬ May 9, Union concourse. bors from getting out-of-hand. First Edition, Jenison Field Tuesday, May 6 ternities, sororities, etc. are House Apartment doors have locks- 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. -- Com¬ flocking to apartments this Saturday, May 3 munity Project, Center Street to keep out visitors during 10 a.m.-noon Kiddie Day 7 p.m. IFC sponsored year to avoid what will ' - « private times when residents parties Track Meet, preliminaries. approach insanity. Eager to be want to be alone. 10:30 a.m.-11:30 -- Torch MSU track ahle tojtake a shower in private n Run, starting at the Delta Up- Wednesday, May 7 located suon Abuse. mZ ■ Pa., sophomore, and Dale Nye, Alpha Gamma Rho, St. Joseph A X A Spooky'Classics' sophomore, are looking forward to awarding the trophies to the winning groups in their "Sounds of Color" program. Chuck Brooks. Beta Theta Pi. Jr. 500 Birmingham junior, and Mary Leu JuJmbiec. Arlington Heights. Ill Delta Ganawa, senior, First Edition' in conc May 17 . The Classics IV and the First appeared frequently on the of Greek Week and the ASMSU arc in rharge Judges for the Greek track meet will consist of the members of the MSU track team and the officials of the University's I.M. program HAS SOMETHING FOR Medals will be awarded to the individual winners and runners- EVERYONE! up in each event. The fraternity that receives the largest number of total points will be presented with the track championship *We handle all Greek Material (It's trophy. all Greek to Us). Annually sponsored by the I.M. office of the University, the track meet is the only sports event scheduled during the hectic *We have the nicest Personnel (on Greek Week activities their day off) *We have the lowest consistent rec¬ ord prices (Really?) From left-handed guitar picks to portable TV C*.ma MARSHALL IS WHERE IT'S AT!! (Where Is that?) MARSHALL MUSIC CO. 245 ANN ST. E. LANSING A Special Friend coming up for Term Party? Memories are made of you, with a crown of romantic long curls, like a goddess from Olympus. Grecian curls in 100% Wiglets from $7.00 human hair. Selected to Cascades $12.95 match your hair exactly, Falls from $25.95 fitted and styled to look naturally beautiful. #Wrr INN Mi£2%a>t&e4 HAIR FASHIONS Phone 351-5500 for Reservations Open Every Evening 1 100 T rowbridge Road, 952 Trowbridge 914 Southland St. Off 127 at Trowbridge Exit IN Spartan Shopping Center In Southland Commerce Center At the Campus, Michigan State University East Lansing 332-4522 Lansing 882-2700 Friday, May 2, 1969 7 Art show yields outlet for creative individuals By BARBARA PARNESS three top placing pieces in each State News Staff Writer of the four categories. The sisters of AEPhi are AE<$ Kresge Art Center will have looking forward to a very suc¬ competition Wednesday when cessful art show this year. We Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority spon¬ hope to receive many contribu¬ GEEEKVEEK' sors its third annual Greek Week tions from all the Greek units," art show. Nancy Morrison, East Lansing The exhibit, to be held on junior and chairman of the show, ART Grand River Avenue between said. Charles and Division streets Miss Morrison noted that the from 2-5 p.m . will offer the previous two art exhibits were EXHIBIT art work of fraternity and sor¬ so successful that they have ority members. come to be considered an inte¬ The entries will be grouped gral part of the Greek Week fes¬ and judged in four categories: tivities oil. water color, pen-and-ink and The idea for an art show was miscellaneous including sculp¬ originally conceived by AEPhi s tures and photographs. Elaine Rvan Passman, who has since been graduated from Judging by three members of the Art Dept. will take place MSU. She served as chairman of the show for the first two Tuesday night at the AEPhi Greek culture - house. 402 Linden St. A trophy years. will be awarded teethe Greek The art show is intended to The third annual Alpha Epsilan Phi sorority art show will offer Greeks the unti contributing thrgrand prize- give creative and artistic in¬ chance to display their art work Wednesday on Grand River Ave. winning piece of art work. Rib¬ dividuals the chance to display State News photo by Michael Marhanka bons will be awarded to the their works publicly. Fraternity men vie for 'most mon By BECKY NIETERT State News Staff Writer Monsters will plague the campus this week. The monsters, actually fraternity men in costume, are partici¬ pating in this year's Ugliest Greek Contest, sponsored by Delta Upsilon fraternitv. The contest is an annual event for Greek Week. Each Greek unit has a chance to recfuit a candidate for the contest. Ea»h candidate drv«ses up in tfce ugliest spon¬ soring house, can think up and is photographed in all his "beau¬ ty His picture is then placed on a box which will be displayed in tne rnion concourse. All students can help determine the winner of this coveted awarded by voting in the Union during the week of May 5. Voting is done by placing a penny, or any number of pennies, in the box of one's favorite ugliest of the uglies. The winner w be whoever collects the most money in his box during the week. All the money collected will go to the Campus Community Com¬ mission. which is part of the MSU Volunteer Bureau and deals with recreation, said Peter Chatfield. Battle Creek sophomore and chairman of the Ugliest Greek Contest. Approximately 15 candidates are participating in this year's con¬ test The winner will be announced May 10 at the Greek Feast. The house that sponsors the ugliest Greek will receive a trophy recision Imports '"Specializing in fltSfeV sport cars" Now offering quality ser¬ vice at reasonable rates by factory trained mechanics. We have a-riple parts to aid you in faster service and fin¬ ancing available at request. Lansing's sole distributor of Pirelli. Bruce Jim "electrical work a specialty" 1915 E. Michigan f IRELLI IV 4-441 1 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Outstanding seniors to receive awards By DONNA WILBl'RN Judy Moore. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, was State News Staff Writer the secretary of Pan-hel Council as well as Even among mortal Greeks. Zeuses and general co-chairman of this organization's Heras reign. leadership conference. Each year the Outstanding Greek awards She served as chairman of the Greek Talent are presented to seniors who have made excep¬ Show and was rush chairman of her house. tional contributions to their fraternal organiza¬ Miss Moore is doing student teaching this, tions as well as to the University. term. In previous years, two prospective graduates Judy Campbell. Kappa Kappa Gamma Soror¬ were recipients of this recognition -one repre¬ ity. has served as both the second vice presi¬ senting the sororities, the other the fraterni dent and president of Pan-hel Council. In addi¬ ties However, this year yielded an over-abun¬ tion. she was on the 1967 Homecoming Court dance of deserving senior applicants, and thus and the 1968 Theta Chi Dream Girl Court. four students were chosen. Miss Campbell was rush chairman for her Outstanding Greek plaques, to be presented sorority and was selected the Outstanding during the Greek Feast festivities May 10. will Chapter Member of the province for 1969. The be awarded to seniors Judy Campbell. Scotts- province includes the states of Michigan and dale. Ariz.: Scott Cristman. Ilion. NY. .Judy Indiana. Oh those Greeks! Moore. Kalamazoo; and J. Pierce Myers. •Looking back, the Greek system is a vital Moline. 111. Although Scott Cristman, Judy Campbell and J. part of the University for those who like to be¬ Scott Cristman. Farm House fraternity, is Pierce Myers are three of this year's four out¬ long to a smaller, stabilizing group on such a both the.past president and treasurer of his standing Greeks, they took time off from their many large campus." Miss Campbell said fraternity He was also vice-president in Inter- James Pierce Myers. Delta Tau Delta, was activities to frolic on a slide. The fourth winner, Judy fraternity Council and a member of the senior president of his fraternity as well as Interfra- Moore, is away student teaching this term. class council. Cristman is associated with Blue ternity Council. He was affiliated with Blue Key. State News photo by Mike Beasley Key. scholastic honorary, and is on the Under¬ Excalibre and Omicron Delta Kappa, organiza¬ graduate Advisory Committee in the College of tions for scholastic and leadership achieve¬ Agriculture and Natural Resources. In 1967 he founded the Independent Purchas¬ ments. and he also served on the National Ad¬ visory Board for Delta Tau Delta. University dons ers Assn. This is a non-profit food buying or¬ He too found rewards in Greek life. ganization which helps co-op houses and fra¬ ternities to procure food at reduced rates " Greeks play a beneficial role on campus, to build human and I hope they continue to exist. Fraternity Greek life has been a rewarding experience. living has been worthwhile for me." Myers The men of MSU will be build¬ The Pyramid Building Con¬ Christman said "Being a Greek has helped me said. ing pyramids in a contest spon¬ test is open to fraternities, men's personally and has given me an opportunity Both Miss Campbell and Myers participated sored by Alpha Delta Pi. residence halls to become involved. or any group of in Spartan Round Table this year. This is an or¬ The men. all participating in "1 feel that the Greek system has a future thref or more men who would ganization which brings together executives of Greek Week's newest event, like to participate. in this* University which has not vet been fully dormitories and campus groups with adminis¬ will be showing off their build¬ developed for no burden is heavier than trators to discuss current campus problems. It is ing skill by piling on top of hoped that the Pyramid a great potential." each other Saturday from 3 to Building Contest will become •i, u hi NHjj itrouri part cf-Ccr^k Two awards will be given to Week and that it "will help to th«„' .particjipants. One award will show that Greeks have fun in go to the*group tnat nas cue larg¬ ct/getiitrr , satuf' est number of men in their pyr¬ A. Frederick. Brooklyn junior, amid. The other award will go and Carol A. Larson. Bloomfieid to the most difficult pyramid. Hills junior, who are in charge of the contest. Judges for the event will in¬ clude Miss MSU, the newly The idea of the pyramid con¬ elected Mr. MSU and members test sprang from a similar con¬ of the administration. Trophies test sponsored every year by the will be awarded to the two Alpha Delta Pi chapter at Ari¬ winning groups. zona State Universitv. If You're Looking For Something To Do - Special Weekend Rate for MSU students and faculty only NO MILEAGE CHARGE $3500Noon Friday-Noon Monday plus gas Bring The Gang To The Gables! Your Place For Your Fun 1969 Pontiacs, Fully Equipped You must be 21 and have a valid MSU I.D. 214 So. Capitol 372-8660 Friday, May 2, 1969 Greeks re buiid In the living By CYNTHIA NEAL spring of 1966 the old Stale News Staff Writer Sigma Alpha Mu house on Grand River Avenue across Imagine a young man going from Bookfield Plaza was de¬ to pick up his blind date who. he has been told, is stroyed by fire. Between that a sorority girl. spring and fall of 1968, the men lived in apartments Imagine his state of shock and residence halls. when opens the front door In and finds only men in the September the men of 'sorority'' house. Sigma Alpha Mu made their temporary home at 334 Ever¬ Imagine what is going green Ave. through his mind as he races home, swearing that lie will Bids have been submitted never again take a blind date to their advisers and archi¬ Impossible'' Not really if his tects for a new house to be blind date was a Chi Omega. constructed on the property The women of Chi Omega where the original house stood. moved at the the beginning of winter term into their new¬ Completion is tentatively schduled for winter term, 1970. ly constructed house at 229 Burcham Drive. The vacancy This new living unit will ac¬ commodate over 30 men. new A face i which they left at 239 Oakhiil Ave. was filled immediately A new wing is being added Looking down on MAC Ava. with Its many sorority housas is tha naw Chi Omaga by the men of Phi Gamma to the Kappa Delta sorority sorority housa that sits on top of a tunnal leading to H»a raar parking lot. Stato Naws photo by Bill Portaous Delta, who moved from 334 house Construction started Michigan Ave. at the end of February and Phi Kappa Theta fraternity should be completed by next colonized at MSU during fall fall. term, 1967 For the first year iat this, fraternity was on campus, it did not have a house. However, at the beginning fall term, 1968. the men Phi Kappa Theta moved into a house at 215 Evergreen Ave. 507 E. GRAND UVE* ACROSS FROM BE*KEY HALL lS151StSTST51STSl 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan CONSUMER ION! Nader By BARBARA PARNESS State News Staff Writer man who inence came to national prom in 1966 as the leading pus to auto industry, will be on cam- Monday at 7:30 p.m. in speak Nader, who received bachelor's degree in govern¬ his At Nader's Any Speed" 1965 book. Unsafe brought results ment and economics in 1955 on the federal level when for¬ crusader for increased auto the Auditorium Crusader Rabbit has a new mer President .Johnson called safety. The topic of the Nader speech. from Princeton University, be¬ friend — and his name isn't for auto safety legislation in Nader. 35. the author of the co-sponsored by ASMSU Great came an activist during his Rags the Tiger his 1966 "State of the Union best selling book "Unsafe at Issues and Greek Week, will college years. He participated Our cartoon character's new address. That year, Nader in protests against universitv pal is named Ralph Nader, the Any Speed", which attacked the be "Consumer Protection." testified several times before decisions and tried to arouse students to take advantage of congressional sub-committees their legal rights in the face investigating this legislation. During the course of these BOWLING of "arbitrary university pow¬ er." investigations by Congress, Nader charged that he was be¬ Immediately following his graduation from Harvard Law ing harrassed by a detective School, Nader worked success¬ allegedly hired by General Mot¬ ors. The detective has since ively as a research assistant submitted a statement admitting Sport of the Greeks at Harvard and in private prac¬ that his instructions were, "get tice in Connecticut. something, somewhere on this His interest in auto safety guy. . . shut him up " Great For A Date dates back to his days at Har¬ News of this harrassment of vard when he wrote an article Nader helped the progress of IT'S TWICE THE FUN for the Harvard Law Review the legislation which was even¬ WHEN THERE'S MORE THAN ONE. criticizing American autos. tually passed in August. 1966 Between 1959 and 1964. he Since the passage of the legis¬ campaigned on the state and lation Nader has acted as local levels for effective legis¬ "over-seer"' of the National Billiards-Refreshments lation on auto safetv standards. Traffic Safety Agency. Good Food Coeds+enthusiam+mini-bikes Hotidau careen in Sammy By DONNA WILBI RN Trike Race State News Staff Writer JtOMS Take one group of energetic women, add an adequate number of super-stock tricycles, stir in large amounts of reverberating enthusiasm, sprinkle with laughter and you have the ingredients for the 1969 Sammy Tricycle Race. *' 40 Brunswick Lanes This annual contest, sponsored by Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, is slated for 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Parking Lot P (across from For Your Bowling Pleasure Anthony Hall i. The race will be organized in relay fashion, with four coeds '£■ Nort* Of Fron-lo, A87-373 I 3'TFOfitv Winnina.*oiw will hp eligible to compete in the final elimination to determine a grand champion. A list of rules was compiled to give equal opportunity to all par¬ ticipants. The front wheel rim of the tricycle cannot exceed 14" in diameter and the distance from the neck of the handlebars to the base cannot be greater than 10" These precautions insure that sororities do not construct "high- pertormance"tricycles-but instead keep to the standard model. Winning power must come from the individual, not the machine Some rules have also been established for the drivers. Partici¬ pants must get off and on between designated areas during changes in the relay teams. In addition, the driver must be seated when crossing the finish line or she will be disqualified. . Amy Granat. Glencoe. 111., junior will act as master of cere¬ We re inclined to monies. A band is scheduled to entertain between races. think that the subtle approach to Jf// a fashionable weekend is the most to deal with your dashing way For Greek Week admirers . . . to real focus attention woman in on you. the And IIlave An so, we present suits and ^ costumes . . . Handbags and hosiery and all manners of the soft feminine look . Italian Pizza f you'll want to own, to wear ... Happy Greek Week From to enjoy. ,v a# DOMINO'S ID M 11 PIZZA Call: hourst mon., in frandor thurs., fri. 9:30 shopping center - 9:00 p.m. EB| Pizza 351-8870 or 351-7100 tues., wed., sat., 9:30 - 5:30 p.m. Perfection , i<\y , vitay t,, 1305 || TRADITIONAL FEAST Chicken, Headquarters for: * Orange Blossom form Gree See Us Diamond Rings Art Carved Wedding By BECKY NIETERT State News Staff Writer The W.JIM Mobile Sound Stud¬ io will also be at the feast to w Your Frate Ring Sets Chicken and coke will be play records during the band's .