Monday The will . . . MICHIGAN Fair . . . STATE NEWS and cool with frost ... of the people is the only likely tonight. High in the fifties. legitimate foundation of any government and to protect its STATE upper free expression should be our first object. UNIVERSITY -Thomas Jefferson East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12,1969 Vol. fil Number 176 IMPEACHMENT WARNING Mitchell, House member NEW YORK urge (AP) -The White House Fortas resignation The magazine said that after a brief the party leaders not to be hasty in ac¬ discussion of possible impeachment, the tion. He also said the leadership should was reported Sunday to be applying pres¬ leaders asked Mitchell if there were more not sure to get Supreme Court Justice Abe give any "encouragement . . or Fortas to resign, while a House member developments. "Yes," said Mitchell, ac¬ any aid and corr.fort to anyone doing ?~id he has prepared articles of impeach- cording to Newsweek. something rash." At the meeting, Newsweek said. Sen¬ tent which he will submit unless the jur¬ Saying that partisanship should not be ate Republican leader Everett Dirksen of involved, the President reportedly said, ist resigns. Illinois said, "He (Fortas) can't resign at according to Newsweek, "Of course, you Newsweek magazine said Attorney Gen¬ this time. It would be an admission that can't refuse to comment on the case eral John Mitchell, acting on President he's done something wrong. Confession when asked, but it would be too bad for Nixon's orders, met with Chief Justice is suicide and suicide is confession. " the comments to come from just one Earl Warren last week in an effort to get Newsweek said Nixon again cautioned party. Fortas' resignation. And, at the same time. Rep. H.R. Gross. R-Iowa, said he had prepared impeach¬ ment articles and would wait a "reason¬ able time" for Fortas to act before pre¬ senting them. Fortas has been under attack for cepting and later returning a reported fee ac¬ Guardsmen of $20,000 paid to him by a charitable Feasting in foundation established by the family of Louis Wolfson. a financier now serving a jail sentence for violation of federal securities law. of studen t be A little rain may have dampened the ground but not the spirits of MSU's Greeks at the annual Greek ZAP, N.D. (AP) - Beer can rings as far away as Florida and Toronto Fortas has given no indication that he In the frosty early-morning prairie air Feast held Saturday afternoon In the East Lansing City Park. The event is the culminating festivity and bits of shattered glass littered Zap's is considering resigning. of Saturday, the beered-up youngsters of Greek Week. State News photo by Don Gerstner unpaved main street Sunday. Newsweek said that in addition to the After a fast cleanup by ?. volunteer started a fire on the main street with Mitchell-Warren meeting, there was dis¬ crew of 50-including some North Dakota timber from the foundations of an aban¬ cussion on Fortas at the regular White college students-the rings ^nd glass re¬ doned building and began breaking win¬ House strategy session last week. During Zap's two bars and its one cafe professional mained the chief visible evidence of a dows in 'U' that meeting, Newsweek said, Nixon urged party leaders "not to involve this mat¬ ter no in one partisanship" and said he hoped would rush in with an impeach¬ weekend invayon by more than 2,000 young reveler^, many of students. "Most of them were good them college kids," sighed Then the guardsmen, on handy alert nearby, moved in the sealed off the town. The bulk of dispersed youngsters camped Saturday night at a park in the capital ment move. Zap Mayor Nprman Fuchs. What had city of Bismarck, some 80 miles to the form employe The magazine said Mitchell was in¬ structed to tell Warren the Justice Dept had "far more serious"' information than had been revealed so far and that "the started as a light-hearted lark that turned into a destructive spree that was halted Saturday by 500 armed National Guards- southeast. During the night Bismarck police rested an minor offenses. estimated 60 of them But on by Sunday morning ar¬ various By SHARON TEMPLETON William D. Kennev. asst. director of the cent of the 214 staff members present facts were bound to come out eventually." "You couldn't really tell who started it the bulk of them were on their way home. State News Staff Writers voted for independent MSU Employes provost's office, said. an Newsweek said Mitchell hoped Warren or what started it," said the mayor Mayor Fuchs, surveying his student- MSU administrative-professional per¬ "We feel it is legitimate for profess¬ woutd go to Fortas with these facts and The invasion of this northwestern North dubbed "Fort Lauderdale of the North." sonnel voted late Thursday night to form ional people to want a voice in the gov¬ "An independent association is the suggest he resign. Dakota community of 300 was touched estimated damage at $10,000. chiefly to the an independent MSU Employes Assn. ernment where we are working.'' Kennev greatest strength we can have." Paul A Justice Dept. spokesman had no off by a tongue-in-cheek suggestion in two bars and the cafe. He added the to represent them in University govern- V. Rumpsa, comptroller of the University fig¬ comment on the article. the North Dakota State University stu¬ Business Office, said. ure might be misleading. "The places Four choices of organization were Mitchell also told party leaders at the dent newspaper at Fargo. were kind of run down anyway," he smiled The administrative-professional staff available to the "We have more flexibility with an White House meeting that there were un- employes: The idea caught on, and the merry¬ at MSU includes management and super¬ Retired miner John Bitterman. 74, who -The Michigan State Employes Assn. independent association." he added, "and revealed facts, Newsweek said. makers included college youngsters from visory personnel such as residence hall (MSEA). a statewide organization of can later decide to affiliate with another joined the cleanup crew, grinned and and food managers, radio and television Michigan employes; union if it becomes necessary."' said. "Our town was a little too small. production managers and employes in the --A standing committee appointed by Rumpsa said he had consulted with It sure was some crowd." administration and provost's office. the administration; Jack Breslin. secretary of the trustee s One girl leaving the Zap-in Saturday The organization was formed to meet -An international labor union; or office, about the apparent lack of con¬ sobbed to a highway patrolman. "All the individual and collective needs of administrative-professional --A MSU Employes Assn. cern over they had to do was have a good time, administrative-professional personnel. After a lengthy debate, over 90 per personnel at MSU but they started breaking everything." "Mr. Breslin said he would support an independent association 'all the way' and will provide secretarial and legal 23-NATION MISSION assistance to the association." Rumpsa Selection forums said. Kennev added that he felt Breslin was Rockefeller embarks asking the administrative-professional ASMSU's Presidential Selection Board personnel to give him the opportunity to (PSB) will sponsor its second set of for¬ help. ums this week to determine what type "The MSU Employes Assn. will work of president students want. for grievance procedure, better repre¬ Besides discussing issues considered on Latin America tour sentation of employes in salaries and benefits and recognition as a separate at residence members will hall forums two weeks ago, of PSB's Steering Committee group in the government of the Univer¬ give background of some of the lesser- Rockefeller described his task as an sity,'' Kenney said. known nominations made by students. MEXICO CITY (AP > - Gov. Nelson Officers elected at the meeting were Locations for tonight's forums are: A. Rockefeller initiated his 23 nation fact¬ attempt to find out "how we can better William Kenney. president; Paul Rumpsa. 7 p.m. Yakeley-Gilchrist (west lounge of assist in the achievements of our com¬ finding tour of Latin America Sunday mon goals.'" in conjunction with the La¬ vice-president, Doris McNitt. secretary; Yakeley) flying to Mexico City after talks with and Jack Ostrander. treasurer 9 p.m. Armstrong-Butterfield (Arm¬ President Nixon. tin American neighbors. He said he did not view the fact¬ Kenney said the organization will work strong lounge). Rockefeller, almost two hours late after to reflect the interests of administrative- finding series of trips as signaling the a stopover in Key Biscayne. Fla.. for scrapping of the Alliance for Porgress professional personnel in important consultations with the President, was set up in the John F. issues of MSU government Kennedy Ad¬ greeted by Mexico City's Mayor Alf°nso ministration. Corona del Rosal and a Mexican mariachi 2 employes No one from the State Department is band going along on the trip, although embas¬ sies and State Department people na¬ Siebert Lecture School girls swarmed around the governor turally helped set up some of the ar¬ Sylvan Meyer, recently appointed editor and his wife. Happy, and some pressured flowers into their hands before the cou¬ rangements Asked if therje was a pur¬ poseful exclusion of the departmental of the Miami News, will give the second annual Siebert Lecture today in 104 B Wells John Picking Bitterman, 74, picks up empty beer cans along the streets accept offer ple left for a meeting with Mexican officials. Rockefeller replied that Nixon Hall. President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz at the of Zap, N.D. Sunday after a Friday night crowd of more than is anxious to get a fresh point of view Meyer will speak on "The Newspaper presidential residence. 2,000 college-age persons went on a spree wrecking buildings "I answers, bring no new programs, no simple no easy slogans.'" Rockefeller that would not point of view from the be connected with any past on any par¬ In An Age of Protest." Admission is free to the speech and open to the general pub- lie. and littering the streets. The town of 300 was ^aY' cleaned up by Sun- for rehearing ticular issue. AP Wirephoto said. "New U.S. policies may grow out The two Wilson Hall supervisors who of this mission but they do not arrive transferred were following a hearing with it in the Wilson cafeteria in which they were Let us speak frankly Let us speak ROTC charged with racial discrimination have to stress the bad with the good Let us have the accepted an offer for a new hearing. hard realities, not only the pleasant gen¬ The original hearing of Elaine Mishler eralities.'" he said. and Joseph Trantham has been criticized Earlier, at Key Biscayne. Nixon said, on several points for its procedural im¬ "I consider this to be one of the most "If the faculty takes advantage of this Piatt outlined a philosophy of the Army Platt emphasized that the instructors perfections. vitally important, one of the most unique opportunity and finds acceptable ways to Mjhich included the points that the army in the program are all persons who have The offer of the new hearing was made missions ever undertaken by an inde¬ provide for an increased academic orien¬ is flexible and can and must change with received degrees from colleges and uni¬ by Acting President Walter Adams through The ROTC program at MSU will un¬ pendent group on behalf of the govern¬ tation in subjects there will be no valid the' times, that the Army feels academic versities. the MSU attorney, Leland W. Carr. after ment of the United States. dergo changes which will eliminate drill, criticism of ROTC on the grounds that it changes are in order in the ROTC pro¬ "Our instructors have degrees and much the Academic Council passed a resolution Rockefeller, assorted aides and a team parades and uniforms for freshmen, de- is academically incompatible," Piatt that no one curriculum is acceptable more experience in their field than many gram. recommending such a move Wednesday. of 23 experts in many fields stopped in emphasize the leadership laboratories and said. on all university campuses and that aca¬ instructors in other areas do," he said. The supervisors accepted the offer Florida where the governor spent an hour place more emphasis on the academic Piatt said that these changes have demic changes will be developed with Piatt said that the field day scheduled through Lansing attorney. Duane M. Hil- with Nixon. nature of the program. Col. Robert G. been Considered by the Dept. of the Army for next weekend is still somewhat un¬ the University faculty. debrandt, who said the two would accept The first leg of the expedition was to Piatt, professor and chairman of the Dept. since 1965 and that the .changes were not Piatt said that no real consideration certain. the hearing if it is to be conducted accord¬ take the Rockefeller party on the Guate¬ of Military Science said Friday a direct result of the anti-ROTC demon¬ was given to the possibility of moving "The planning of this event is complete¬ ing to procedures laid down in the Aca¬ mala. El Salvador. Honduras, Nicaragua. Proposals have been presented to both strations. off campus. demic Freedom Report. the Educational Policies Committee and "Criticism of ROTC is not a new ly up to the ROTC students," he said. Costa Rica and Panama over an eight- "We feel that the University is the Among other procedural specifications the Curriculum Committee concerning "Certainly we will avoid any action which day span. thing. A few years ago the compulsory ftlace for the ROTC program and that would cast an unfavorable light on our the report requires 72 hours advance noti¬ Nixon called the Rockefeller assign¬ ways to stress the academic subjects in program came under attack and was by moving it off campus we would de¬ fication of the time and place of the hear¬ the program. Piatt said program ment a prelude to developing new rela¬ changed," Piatt said. "The Dept. of the prive the army of its best source of "Many of the objections to and de¬ ing and of the charges which the defend¬ tionships and "new policy directions in "This is an opportunity for the faculty Army has been working on changing the broadly educated people," Piatt said. ant is accused. to exercise control over ROTC by sug¬ monstrations against ROTC are politi¬ this very critical area of the world." He ROTC program for several years. We are "If we did not have the ROTC program Trantham will be represented in the case gesting modifications in present courses in the process of change and are not cally oriented. said he expects Rockefeller to bring back oi^r only source of officers would be mili¬ and steps that can be taken to introduce "We want to avoid the political con¬ by Hildebrandt. Miss Mishler will be rep¬ fresh recommendations and approaches changing because it is being forced on us tary academies and OCS which would resented by another Lansing attorney. siderations and confrontations and con¬ because the governor has an open mind interdepartmental courses into the pro¬ but because we feel that change will be eliminate the concept of a citizen ar- Donald G. Fox centrate on the academic issues. " and no preconceived ideas. gram," he said. good for the program." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 Huber By WHIT SIBLEY 2 million Michigan citizens, or zation involved in this study shall outlines tion. there is a limitation to already," Huber said, "includ¬ tives, that power would not have State News Staff Writer 25 per cent of the total state be zealously guarded." Huber the numbers of people that can ing members of the Students for to be exercised. Sen. Robert J. Huber. R- population. said. participate, but that additional a Democratic Society . "It is clear that the people Trov. defined the goals of his College problems Three goals student of this state are representation will be representatives of student gov¬ asking ques¬ "Secondly, the focus of the Huber said that the committee Special Senate Committee to worked into the program along ernments. graduate students and tions and demanding answers," Investigate Colleges and Uni¬ problem is on the colleges and hoped to accomplish three major with views by concerned citi¬ even dormitory representatives." he continued, and it is clear versities in an interim com¬ universities." Huber said. goals. zens on a voluntars basis. that something must be done, mittee report at a press con¬ Huber introduced Tom Em- "First, we hope to crystalize Huber said that the commit¬ can be done and will be done." a new ference Friday. ment. president of the Higher concept of higher educa¬ Campus volunteers tee had been granted subpoena "The committee's concern is The committee, formed Education Executive Associates tion." Huber said. "We have had as a voluntary rep¬ powers, but that due to the great that such action be constructive result of Michigan State of Detroit He said that it is essential resentatives from the campuses Sen¬ number of voluntary representa¬ action." he concluded. ate Resolution 8. will conduct Huber said that Emmet has that a workable definition of been active both in the academic the role of higher education be an in-depth study of campus un¬ rest. community, notably with the established because the citizen¬ primarily .aimed at dis¬ covering the causes of and pos¬ University of Detroit, and as an ry of Michigan has expressed Coalition calls SDS sible alternatives to campus officer of many national higher concern about the question of disturbances. educational associations what a college or university is. "The committee will conduct The third view is from a legal or should be. its study from a three-dimen¬ standpoint, specifically in pro¬ "Secondly, it is essential that sional view." Huber said tecting the Constitutional and the committee develop and com¬ First pilation of the laws now gov¬ totalitarian chapter' we see the committee in the legal rights of the individuals role of representing the people of and groups, and the colleges and erning the operation of colleges Chairman defines aims the state " universities affected by ttie in¬ and universities as public trusts, Sen. Robert J. Huber, R-Troy, charted the Each of the eight senators on vestigations. he said. and ot state laws that can assist goals of the special Senate :ommittee the committee is responsible to "It is the determination of the institutions in this res¬ probing campus BARB PARNESS SDS for seven years uses this unrest at a recent press his constituancy which. Huber the committee that the rights pect. Huber said. from all over the State News Writer spectitum said, collectively represents over of every individual and Finally Huber said that that as her " political name" and could work together. SN Photo by Joe Tyner organi- A coalition group the committee would have to charging refuses to give her real name She said that the " total Act¬ the MSU chapter of Students strive to obtain the facts rela¬ for fear of sabotage attempts. ions of SDS have alienated for a Democratic mpnv tive to the situation of unrest Society She said that she is a Univer¬ as (SDS) with "totalitarianism" people on campus as well} As CONDEMN ACTION AT WILSON it now exists on the campuses. Aim at dialogue failed to get a constitution sity of Michigan graduate who is presently working in the people who are in SDS but not in their passed by SDS at its 'Thurs¬ chapter Miss Kovalik Our principal method of op¬ Lansing area to earn money to claims that SDS is day night chapter meeting. guilty of eration will be through informa¬ begin graduate study next fall U' numerous cases of personnel The Libertarian-Anarchist- at MSU. physical har¬ petitions tion sharing and acting as a cat¬ assment of people who Hobbit Lovers and Neo-Ameri "We tried disagree alyst to bring together the mem¬ to bring together with its ideology. cans Coalition composed of bers of the academic commun¬ a coalition." Miss Kovalik members of a number of cam¬ ity. mass media, legislative ag¬ said, "which would change the By SHARON TEMPLETON take-over April 28 by the Black encies. pus groups claimed that the consititution so that radicals Jack Sattel. East Lansing "We, the undersigned, con¬ sent police and security agen¬ State News Staff Writer Students Alliance < BSA >. Friday to the MSI Board cies. and the general public in¬ present SDS chapter is so .total¬ graduate student, and Sarah demn the action of BSA in the. of Trustees and to Acting Presi¬ itarian in politics that it does Parker. Fair Haven. N.J MSU administrative - pro- The first petition, signed by take-over of Wilson Hall and to specific dialogue centered on . jun¬ fessional personnel signed two petitions Thursday night criti- % staff members, denounces the behavior of several MSU believe that Acting President Walter Adams. Trustee Chair¬ dent Adams William I). Kenney. newly the problems of campus unrest." Huber said. not allow radicals from sides of the political spectrum all Organization ior. spokesmen for the two major caucuses of SDS. denied to work in a group. Miss Kovalik's charges. cizing the University's handling of the Wilson Hall cafeteria administrators sible " as irrespon- The petition states: man Blanche Don Stevens. Martin. Trustee Dr. Robert elected president of the MSU Employes Assn said the petit¬ . Huber said that Milton B Dickerson. vice president for "This chapter here has tight¬ ened into two narrow -little to hold This chapter has always ions were drafted to present the been open." Sattel said Green and Mr. Don E. Cole¬ student affairs, and Don Adams, Marxist factions who totally- The MSU Business "Fyr Women's the past year there have been man acted irresponsibly in con¬ opinion of the administrative- director of residence hall pro¬ refuse to accept any other view¬ Club will hold their publishes guide the OCC doning this violation of MSI' Ordinance 16.01." professional personnel at MSU. "The petitions were signed grams. had been contacted to as¬ sist the committee but had not points or admit any member who disagrees with them." Pat Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Tues¬ day in the Big Ten Room at Bosses caucus Youth Student-Worker and Movement the Alliance Revolutionary The ordinance refers to the confirmed their support caucus plus on an individual, Kovalik. organizer of the coalit¬ Kellogg Center. for at least a year there has prohibition of any assemblage voluntary The committee feels that it basis. he said. "reflecting ion which has members from Club members are been an Anarchists Study Group outlining tenant rights anywhere on campus "for the is imperative that all facets urged to re¬ each employe's personal com Young Americans for Freedom, mind their bosses not to caucus." of the educational over¬ purpose of creating any noise mitment community the J.R.R. Tolkien Society and look this occasion. Tables will disturbance. • riot. be represented." Huber said. be or pantv the Ayn Rand Society among The chapter doesn t have Huber said that within the assigned according to reserva¬ Off-campus students with landlord problems or hoping to find raid' or other improper diver¬ Referring to the petition con¬ others, said. tions and entertainment will be any policy ot harassment . bargain rent agreements may find some consolation in the sion which obstructs the free demning the action of BSA framework of any such opera¬ Miss Parker added. She denied Miss Kovalik. a member of provided. new Guide toOtf-Campus Living." movement of persons about the Kenney said there should be no Miss Kovalik's charge that SDS The guide, published by the Off-Campus Council iOCC> con¬ campus or the free and normal exceptions made to University was responsible for sabotaging tains advice for house-hunting and leasing A detailed outline use of University buildings and regulations her car a few months ago. of housing regulations and tenant rights are also included facilities, or prevents ob¬ Socialists or "In signing the petitions attack he The constitution that The guide is available in the OCC office in 316 Student structs the normal operations said, "we are expressing the Services Bldg of the University posed by the coalit opinion that every regulation The second petition, signed should be enforced equally " pudiated the totalitari MSU by 145 workers, calls for a . chapter of SDS and called fc PROTECT re-establishment of the due process procedure for the Wil¬ son Hall employes who were In the second petition. said he hoped that the former Wilson Hall employes will re-, Kenney against revaluation the election of officers Thin day night. the five officers It also stateit the wo the YOUR EYES .. . recently suspended from their jobs It states: ceive full protection of their civil rights and the due process BONN. Germany (APt - Chancellor Kurt had good reasons Inflationary developments power to appoint ( all national SDS tunc From harmful sunrays with a new of law that Georg Kiesinger was warned by his Socialist abroad endanger the stability of our d-mark " 'We. the undersigned, sub¬ they deserve. coalition partners Sunday that Friday's de¬ At present SIK pair of sunglasses with plain or scribe to the principles of Blasting at Christian Democrat Finance lot ha' due cision against upward revaluation of the deut- Minister Franz Josef Strauss, a prescription ground lenses. We.also Adams authorized the Univer¬ leading op¬ ny constitution but .-.p.- process and protection of the chemurk could lead to carry a wide selection of frames a new economic crisis ponent ot revaluation: he declared: "Strauss n what Miss Kovalik t civil rights of all people. We sity attorney Thursday to offer and can make repairs on your dam¬ in West Germany. was first to custom and usage. believe these basic rights were a new hearing to the two em¬ speak of revaluation, and then he Del. aged sunglasses while you wait. Hans-Juergen Wischnewski. general secre¬ blocked it." i) national functions hav violated in the Wilson Hall case ployes demoted as a result of tary of Foreign Minister Willy Brandt's Social .ays been elected by the the Wilson Hall cafeteria take¬ < involving Miss Elaine Mishler Democratic party, defended Friday's demand Wischnewski said German industry would r body at large. Bator Op The pair have accepted and over. Joseph Trantham. We ask ^v Economics Minister Karl Schiller, a Social¬ concentrate more on export as a result of the that the offer through their attor- Acting President Walter ist, tor a 6.5 per cent upward shift in the Adams and the Board of Trust Friday decision, tending to import inflation mark's parity. 303 Abbott Rd. (Next door to State Theatre) ees act to re-establish these Firmly rejecting rumors that Schiller was Launching the Socialist attack on Kiesing- E D 2-5222 principles at MSU er's majority Christian Democrats. Wischnew¬ considering resigning, he added: Professor Copies of the petitions ski said on radio: "For the experts it was Schiller will not permit this. The economic a dubious decision which will confront us with many difficulties. The economics minister of Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 3 NEWS WASHINGTON Finch: fund cuts injure students fare Secretary Robrt H. Finch. (AP^ Wel- are here the want an education. They division* ones who suffer when of opinion. There is no on campus unrest, dent Nixon, spelled out his posi- said the ^.year-old former __ summary A capsule summary of the day's events from denying he is at odds with other top administration says cutting off federal fund to officials. you take this meat-ax approach Finch s comments, at a news royal spect tattle going on with re- fto hard or soft lines." Agnew told a news conference Declaring-the time has come for an end to patience." Mitch-^ ell called on university officials tion in letters to the presidents of all the nation s colleges and universities He called for en- commissioner "of education in New York state. "The soul- searching in universities is a conference following the swear- our wire services. in Lexington. Ky.. last week and police to start arresting and lorcement of the law while mak- schools caught up in campus ing of Dr. James Allen as as- that Congress had very healthy thing " disorders is "meat-ax approach a right to cut prosecuting the professional ing sure "the right of legitimate sistant secretary for education, off funds to schools and students that penalizes innocent students, appeared to conflict th state- when the actions of any of them militants" he said were behind and responsible dissent is fullv denied that he disagreed Campus eruptions are a "phe- ments last week bv Vice Presi ~ ***""" campus disorders. protected." * ™th Mitchell the administration, or any°ne else in "went beyond the limits of per- This pronouncement and the saying the fc "It feel that the I nicer- nomenon and not a conspiracy." dent Spiro T Agnew and Attv. After the missibilitv " others were widely interpreted letters were re- Justice Departments has a role j*J Finch said Thursday To cut Gen. John N. Mitchell, both of leased Finch was widely depict- w sity is the place for the HO 1 ( A da^ later Mitchell and two as a turnabout from the official that must be taken into account, off funds just hurts a great whom called for tough ction ed as the victor in a hard-line ■ (Hitgram ami that by moling top aides used the forums of administration position set down , It . is not an either-or situa¬ many, and 99 per cent of the against student violence Law Day appearances to take m it off cam/his u~e won hi tie- students by Finch in March, tion. There must be a balanced we are talking about But. said Finch. There is no what seemed to be a hard line Finch, a confidant of Presi¬ W ■, i 1trit e the irmy of its best approach." Allen said But reports circulating Thurs¬ of hroaiHy eilucateil source SEMINAR SPEAKER day had it that Finch was not riatt consulted before the Agnew onslaught and strongly Mitchell- Open hearing set Lee cites college failures, ( hair man oj the lh/,1. implied that he was displeased. on due process of Military Science. \/M You might say Finch the first round and Mitchell won won the second, except Finch wasn't in trial of Klinsky student organizations' role even in the ring the second time," one official said International News The Student-Faculty Judi¬ ciary will hold an open hearing at 8 tonight concerning due South Vietnamese troops and police bat¬ things The university is like dance floor, and be completely to put out a blaze. Lee said clear from his statements Thurs process in the All-University tled Viet By JEANNE SADDLER Cong raiders in the heart of Saigon State News Staff Writer big brick wall that is resistant removed by the spell of an The participating student day that Allen and Finch were Student Judiciary (AUSJ> trial to external change. The exer- alto S0X." early Monday, killing one of the enemy and 'Our universities today groups were. ASMSl'. Students on the same wave length of ASMSl' general member-at- cise of change on campus is for White Comnriunity Action like prisons Instead of a Interpretive role large Gary Klinskv for viola- capturing five as the capital came under the determined by knowing at what Lee Said that the interpretive (SWCAi. The Black Students .... W hat, we .. ... really alter ureis „on of e|eet|on proc.edures Th(, son suit, you get a cap year's heaviest wave of terror attacks. gown, and instead of $20. point and time pressure should role of the university is one of Alliance, and Students for a htm to improve the quality ol ^ is in ,5, stude[U ^ The attacks which began last Wednesday be applied." Lee said Democratic Society. programs tor young people. ices get a sheepskin But you are monitoring the pulse of society, BIdg Lee named the five roles of and the instructional role reached a pitch of fury over the weekend still unprepared for facing s the iversity in which student imparting objective information. etv." with more than a half dozen bomb and gre¬ organizations find themselves: Objective learning recogniz¬ South Honald Le appointed nade raids in the past 36 hours, one of them investigativ es that there were civilizations aimed at the commander of U.S. naval forces in Vietnam. asst. postmaster general, pre¬ sented this analogy to represent¬ atives of various student groups pre spi rational. istructional. and in before the Greeks and Romans' he saill. envoy ren at Erickson Kiva Friday. The Colleges failed He said Humanities courses coalition • • • The staggering costs of nuclear weapons seiminar. Groups on The Role of Student Campus and in He said that the colleges have "failed miserably" in their investigative role. Chiding re¬ ignore the fact that when Europe was jn the dark ages, were "leveloped societies in mid- there opposition to may force the United States and the Soviet Society" was sponsored by the ASMSl" searchers for not breaking the Attic; ind that the first in- Union into meaningful disarmament talks. vice-president for Black ped Saigon for rejecting the coal- Affairs. Stan McClinton. issues into solvable goals, and stitut? of higher learning in to the iton proposal It suggested that Ric hard M Helms, the CIA director, has sug¬ Lee suggested several guide¬ for setting their own issues, the N< s not Harvard. Lee noted that universities but in peace talks said Sunday "We do to discuss the 10-point plan rejection was an attempt by gested to American business leaders. lines for student organizations Thieu. Vice President Nguy¬ give Distinguished Faculty not reject straight off any pro- if the other side agreed to talk • • • who desire relevant change in en Cao Ky and Premier Tran the i sities Awards for irrelevant books Seek Cultural Posa' ol other side or anv ahout President Nguyen Van Van Huong to hold onto their Central bank chiefs trying to bring order "Students iti ist be on irrelevant topics He also Ori he inspirational level suggestion, but he stressed Thieu s 6-point plan for na- said that much of the research id that the universities Sa»g°n's opposition to the Viet tional reconciliation he replied: jobs. out of the world's monetary chaos sought ways the principles on which the Nhan Dan noted that the plan done on relevant issues is *hou|d reach beyond the mun- Cong proposal for a coalition. Whynot°" Sunday of getting billions of dollars in " hot university was founded, its pol¬ Representative Pham Dang Lam renewed Thieu s offer to prompted the United States to itical organization, and its ad¬ done with biased tests and stand- lane^nd seek the cultural. Lam told reporters on his enter into private talks with the undertake a careful study. But. money" out of West Germany, back to the ministrative and psychological ards Students should leave a cam¬ it said, the frenzied reaction" "No segment of has return from Saigon that he had Viet Cong's National Liberation " United States and other countries. Estimates pus jeady to create and " entat he said of the South Vietnamese govern¬ say as much as $5 billion was hurriedly trans¬ Loyal opposition more appropriate way ment in rejecting the proposals to dev •lop innova themselves." he said The role ol student organ¬ ferred from other countries to West Germany etv. welfare, police administr¬ In specific points of the Viet Cong s to explore some of the points was aimed at '"prolonging indefi¬ izations is to be the loyal op¬ the'subsequent discussions in the two weeks since President Charles de ation and other areas." accord¬ with students. Lee called acting 10-point plan, including with- which were not clear nitely the occupation of South position to the administration. drawal of outside troops He said private talks would Vietnam by I S expeditionary ing to Lee. But he called the President Adams "an admin¬ . Gaulle of France resigned. You have a duty to challenge re a backing for • • • them if you can show that you universities and the ills of society. " extension of istrator with good instincts who Lam. repeated, however, his ' out I'll' what it could not say pre¬ trpS t0 have a better alternative." Stu¬ can think government's strong opposition The blood of St. Januarius cisely in the semi-public meet¬ liquified Sunday, dent organizations are the "Psychologists armed with Adams i inherits to the proposal for a provisional ings now taking plan to the great joy of .Neapolitans who had been single best catalyst for change " all the theories of Freud. Ad lot oi situations that he did not coalition regime in South Viet- create He could have done and for another coalition North Vietnam's Communist much as a mole Lee continued amson. and Krutchfield still nam embittered bv a Vatican ruling Friday putting party newspaper .Nhan Dan rap- light." said Nhan Dai Whenever an individual be¬ can't explain the psychic phen¬ better if he had come in from after a general election. Januarius on its list for optional veneration the omenon of black people who the nd not as a fireman The position of the other comes organization, then the Observers of the phenomenon. Roman Catho¬ organization loses power ." he can get their raps down on a side has not changed, he said. lics and non-Catholics, have testified in the said Although students should be //'""V* )"jc'I'i past that some unexplainable cause makes interested in the long-range the blood actually turn to liquid. growth and improvement ot the do your • • • Gustav Husak, the tough new Communist party leader, hits curbed Czechoslovak's inde pendent-minded politicians and journalists In reality, the role of stu dent organizations to make but potential trouble is brewing in his native contact lenses lead the administration does OK. I GET sure Slovakia among housewives outraged about food shortages The Presidium of the Slovak Union of Worn en. after a special meeting last week, issued ALL I CAN d tion statement in criticizing "the unbearable situa¬ supplies and demanding that the gov¬ ernment end shortages, especially- of basic foods Algier case held today acleanlife? EAT AT National News SVEDEN HOUSE. Striking black hospital workers in Charles¬ in Mason ton. S C . drew shoe-leather support Sunday because Lensine is an MASON. Mich IPI> Once from top labor leaders, political figures and civil rights groups as the 1969 Poor Peoples again could hearings begin today that "isotonic"' solution, which means that it But is it any good? heavily weigh on the out¬ blends with the natural campaign shifted to the heavily policed sea¬ come of what promises to be fluids of the eye one of the most controversial port. More than 5.000 were expected for the civil Cleaning your contacts Don't think that because we give you all you rights trials of the decade march led by the Rev Ralph David Aber At 10 A.M.. in the stately, pol with Lensine retards the can eat at Sveden House for >i.59 the quality buildup of foreign de¬ of food is poor. We cut no corners—we buy nathv. president of the Southern Christian ished oak courtroom ot the In¬ gham County Circuit Court in posits on the lenses. And only the best quality meats and vegetables Leadership Conference and successor to the this south central Michigan town, soaking your contacts in available. The meal you eat at Sveden House slain Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Lensine between wear¬ will have home^cooked flavor every time. lawyers are to begin arguing • • • ing periods assures you And you just can't beat the price—even if you whether the alleged confession of a former Detroit policeman of proper lens hygiene. cook at home. Stop out tonight and see if you The space agency has made a strong move to should be admitted You get a free soaking don't agree—you can't beat Sveden House for in evidence develop a large U.S. space station by naming against him when the trial pro¬ Contact lenses Can be case on the bottom of variety and quality. And remember, if you go two task groups headed by three key offi¬ per begins heaven or hell They every bottle of Lensine. home hungry, it's your own faultl cials and astronaut Frank Borman The former patrolman, slen¬ may he a wnnH^r of It has hepn Hpmnnstrated der dark-haired Ronald .1 Au¬ modern science but just that improper storage be - NASA's aim is to orbit a 12-man station by gust. 29. is charged with the the slightest bit of dirt tween wearings may Luncheons (1 1 a.m.-2 the mid-1970 s first-degree murder of Auburev under the lens can make result in the growth of p.m.) • • • Pollard. 19. of three black bacteria on the lenses one them unbearable. In Residents of three states began repair and youths whose bodies in the were Algiers Motel in Detroit s found order to keep yyur con tact lenses as comforta¬ This is a sure cause of eye irritation and in some Dinners (4:30 p.m.-8 p.m.) 5^59 recuperation Sunday from tornadoes and high inner city at the height of the ble and convenient as cases can endanger your winds Saturday that damaged hundreds of 1967 riot. they were designed to be, vision. Bacteria cannot in Lensine which is Sunday (11a. i.m.) $1" homes, killed one and injured scores of oth¬ August, two other former De¬ you have to take care of grow Dessert and troit Police officers and a black them. sterile, self-sanitizing, Beverage Extra ers. private guard are wrapped in a and antiseptic. Until now you needed The twisters spun off a spring storm that tangle of charges, appeals and two or more separate Let your contacts be the IT'S EASY TO GET TO SVEDEN HOUSE I rolled through nine states and raked commu¬ counterappeals that it could solutions to properly pre¬ convenience they were Take Grand River west to Oakland, Continue west o take federal and Michigan meant to be. Get some nities in Indiana. Ohio and Kentucky. pare and maintain your Oakland to Waverly. Left on Waverly 2 blocks- courts years to unravel. Lensine, from the Murine the left. contacts. You would on Essentially, the charges grew think that caring for Company, Inc. Campus News out of investigations of reports tacts should be as con¬ con¬ 321 S. Waverly Rd. circulating in the black commu¬ venient as wearing them. nity that Detroit and State Po¬ It can be with Lensine. Police fired tear gas Thursday night at stu¬ lice and National Guardsmen A Lensine is the one lens dents who burned a firetruck at the Howard had arrived at the motel on July 26. 1967. to solution for complete University campus in Washington. D.C.. where investigate a sniper contact lens care. Just a report and found 10 black males protesters held six buildings and two white prostitutes in the drop or two, before you • • • insert your lens,coats and manor annex of the motel The lubricates it allowing the At Indiana University, black students locked rumors said all the motel's in¬ lens to float more freely habitants had been beaten, the Your house of hospitality from coast to coast. room where administrators and students in the eye's fluids. That's a two girls partially undressed oe were negotiating and refused to open it until and the three youths finally the school's trustees arrived. "executed " EDITORIALS EDWi Holding the medical fort Anyone who has sat among The chicken soup statement the coughing, gerrfi-spewing multitudes in Olin Health Cen¬ * Monday: They laughed at George Wal¬ upward in the thinning ranks of the cen-* tral administration, and a little feeling and misunderstanding is caused jby lace but he knew precisely what he was publicity ter's waiting the sensationalism and distortion of tlat room 'for three slaying when he went around the country won't hurt..Due process, ctrtainly. But hours to see newspaper. If I wAe to choose one tartet a doctor has had shouting "law and order" last November can legal mumbo-jumbo havfe any mean- Now many of those .who squirmed at *his ing to students", who know the same words . for a campaign of students it would be Jhe ample time to wonder whether State Journal. Never will good relations instant solution to the problems of our were rfever invoked to protect, them? he shouldn't go home and wait' be established with the Lansing commu¬ cities cfnd suburbs have taken up the cry Where was the until he can come in the back PA1 Schiff needed Academic^ouncil when nity or the legislature so long as the State when "it comes to our college campuses help? Or when Fogar- Journal can get away with its ty, Groat* and Lawless unceremoniously patently bi- ^oor on a stretcher as an emer¬ Frofessors have become some of the most vbcal defenders of order for order's sake departed9 .What did professor Killings- gotedreporting of campus events. gency case. worth have to say about the lack of "due •Thufsdhy: An uneventful day here. Ove$ Somewhere they seem to have forgotten the wires comes the Students have always had a that notion of process" for the employes in the Wilson . story of City College justice which everyone was ' of New YorV literally in flanges due to ra¬ complaint or two aboat Olin.. quick to remind Mr. WaHace et. al. is cafeteria, or for the.students in this Uni-^ cial strife. An ex-GI member of BSA is in but this year a whole herd of the necessary byproduct o'f law. Every versity. white and black, who come 014 on the office being interviewed and he can demonstrator becomes a threat'to the or-, troubles has plagued the . the short end of the stick Respite, or per¬ Be overheard - "Why don't you say that flerly functioning of the University; dis¬ haps. because^of * those precious rules you're lucky you'ye got a nice bunch of health clinic with* the unex¬ sent is OK. but not dissent that is backed fhere is a -certain hollow ring to ttvat call niggers at this University." Sarcastic, but pected reduction of the physi¬ up with the threat of accomplishing any¬ "due process. Perhaps it is slated to be- . there is a logical truth to what he says. cian staff to half the needed ploye's term of service ad¬ thing. Perhaps it's understandable. In the come our next euphemism for "Keep them How can you train men for violence, de¬ or ing Michigan's growing need for minds of a great many individuals on this niggers down. sensitize them to napalm and bullets, size. Work loads .for the re¬ vance , notice #before quitting physicians and medical facil¬ campus there was a gun lurking behind Wednesday: Killingsworth withdraws and then expect them jo shed all this and maining seven doctors haVe the center.* *01in is' vulnerable ities, we hope that the full med¬ every cafeteria tray in Wilson last week his resolution but gets his publicity -any¬ hop into the mumbo-jumbo line'when they become to sudden staff shortages, as Tuesday: That august body, the Academ¬ way: The State Jonrnal trumpets his reso¬ completely ridiculous ical program for this Univer¬ ic Council, sets aside its regular* agenda come back home and into our universities. clinic staff take, off for other lution right under the banner story about Is this -up to 72 hours a week. Clinic scary? Maybe it's because the Viet¬ sity will be approyed shortly to debate the Wilson events (Were they some legislator who wants to withhold all namese don't count as human positions with better and beings, their outpatients pile up in the wait¬ pay and get rolling as soon as pos¬ or weren't they going to detoftate the cans funds from the University pending some¬ due processes" aren't as due as ours, and ing room exchanging diseases decent hours.. sible. Until that time, MSU of chicken rice soup171 One of the disad¬ thing or another. Actually." he wants his so they can be eliminated. Violence on vantages to opening meetings of the coun¬ name in the hometown papers so the vot¬ for hours until their turn One. of the highest priority must see to it that Olin Health cil to reporters it has been argued is the campus is nothing new. Only now when we ers can identify his pcettv face witlf "keep* * sfiout "Kill. Bubba, Kill" on Saturday aft¬ comes to see a doctor. Some needs this university has is the Center gets the funds, it needs tendency of some to play for the pubiit them niggers and students d.own" and he'll ernoons. we have to be certain that every¬ students, lacking the time * to allocatioft oj enough money to to keepf a full staff and *holtf Charles Killingsworth is not hesitant to- win the'next election. Sometimes to be able to r to miss classes because of seri¬ grams. is also being The events w*hich occurred, in Wilson witnesses and to present his own wit¬ cjjoss-examine versity should have thes£ same Yights.. ted to the accused. It appears from the press accounts that There are established ous illness With a full staff of considered which would re- Hall this past week have impelled nje to nesses. The managerial staff of tlte Uni- procedures which , the first and third rights were not permit- could have assured justice to write this letter. 1 have been -nuch dis¬ those who 14 physicians. Olin Health Cen¬ plaee Olin as the. student turbed by the violation o' brought the charges of Racism without do- health clink*. The q civil rights ter would, according to adiriin- new hospital, of the accused persons. • ing injustice ty those accused The union Their professional istration estimates, just fill the ' which woujd also be a valuable reputations have been, at the very least, Legislative lack of confidence which represents them has its griev¬ ance procedures. Why did those making needs of MSI' at its present community and state resource, seriously clouded without their having the trie accusation fail to make use of size would be staffed by "faculty opportunity to defend themselves. The To the Editors: confidence in students them0 Further, there has been generally, and no indica¬ principle has been Established for fac- MSU, that*ljotbed of racial strife, civil University administrators specifically. A of the tion in the press that the Black • Olin has lost personnel and and 'students medical * Students' ulty and students that when subjected to turmoil," and political threat by the legislature to punish 45.000 anarchy has Alliance conferred with Acting President had trouble recruiting replace¬ •school. ' • serious chirges the .accused shall have again come under the attack of the con¬ students and faculty for an act commit¬ Adams or requested an investigation by In the the following rights: (1) to receive a writ¬ ments largely because of* its interests .of insuring ten copy of the charges long enough in ad¬ servative Michigan Legislature. And What ted by several hundred may indeed*£>rove hirrf'before resorting to the occupation action drew this fire? A minor distur¬ to be low pay scale. With no con¬ adequate health cai»e for MSU vance of proceedings to tljp spark to ignite the common* of the Wilson cafetesia. The use of duress prepare a de¬ bance (compart urtinvoh'cd students to greater unity and tract svstem to insure an em- in the future, as wall as meet¬ fense; (2) to be represented by legal toother universities' to force the University into an is intol¬ in which there Was nonviolence. no blood"' -rffiQ Wiy* erable. and Simply .be- especially .when this;involvep shed, and a cbnscietrfKJus attempt at setr. S0hiei copserva-tives.' \vho do not u*n 03use injustice ^ POINT OF VIEW tiihg the differences peaceably. I am derstand the'situations 6n campus or ap¬ Most of the controversial cases which referring of course, to the resolution cir¬ preciate the efforts being made* in be¬ have involved the University in recent culated "in the House of Representatives half of peaceful settlements, decide to years have stemmed from either lack of by State Rep. Joseph R Swallow. R- punish a Whole institution I sincerely proper procedures or the failure to follow For a voluntary, rion-credit ROTC. Alpena. The resolution threatens to cut off appropriations to MSU tor the 1969-70*tis- hope the applanations are not cut. and that these legisiators realize the revolting them. We do have them are now. and it they not followed in all cases they are of cal,year. unless certain demands are met; comedy of their action. There, one com¬ no use. The failure to follow them loads including the knowledge of 'the full ex¬ placent student has shaken some of the to" procedures which have all the aspects tent of the agreement" made by the ad "dust"' off. of a drum-head court mar'.ial EDITOR'S NOTE: The following "point Another reason for changing ROTC's sta¬ ministration, a complete explanation of i e enquiry without which the Jack Ford • Robert S. Quiniby of view" was written tus is that, as ROTC*defender William the process of the hearing, and a demand by Allan Oaten. Mel¬ "i t hi. "»s. \t present this is . Lansing sophomore Professjr of Humanities bourne. Australia, graduate student. Clack pointed out <4/18/69military sci¬ ; ia conditional on oaths q£ the student body to express its feel¬ ence and strategy have as much place in • rituals and various exercises in ings "through student government or a the University as packaging, marketing, : .I in discourage any dis- general poll) about " its position relevant It good to see the ROT.C issue dis , is '.•>' 'uithout this students synchronized swimming and the like to violent and unlawful activities which russed now. while reasonably intelligent In .fact more: for it is now widely believed debate is still possible, rather than later, i !••; t.iced with an instructor disrupt the orderly process of the uni tht military strategy is a very complex it li«• i- mentally and spiritually vtfrsity." n an atmosphere of crisis If such an at difficult business, far beybnd the powers Such demands. I feel, are a demonstra¬ '•renin.' the combined effects of mosphere occurs it will be as much the of any mere civilian. This belief, analogous * tion fault of those too lazy to discuss the-issue v. ( .!. . !* future plans and ideo- by the legislature of its lack of (as Shatt noted> to a belief that beii^g run and press for changes thev'think desirable ckjjruiind. must still be aware in ' < -ih t>e transferred to less over by a bus makes one an expert on pub¬ as of those who lose patiejice and decide lic transport, has survived the public ca- be no excuse for a repeat of the disgrace '! " • > nv> military fairs complete- ROTC all along 'he students can n.ever be destrgy this belief it seems desirable that on "Greek Week and hypocrisy "• As the My impression is. though, that the de¬ •executive director of the Boys Club of bate so lar has been misdirected, i i- 'ill keep their ideas ac- large numbers of confii/ned civilians* perhaps • should-know something of military strate-. Lansing. I feel that what was said about because of the commendable obsession ,>rii 1' iice IMs true that » use their power to force gv ROTC is'unsuitable for this, because the community service of the Greeks is if with U.S. foreign policv afflicting both then at of, the defects noted aboVe and because gross misrepresentation'of fact. It seems NUCandSDS. • confirmed civilians are unlikely to take The objection to ROTC is not that I S I. ,>i .in tlx- >;i!; ,i . .ire found all over the as though you, along with the general I it The existence* of ROTC. however, public, deal in casting all of these stu- foreign policy is oppressive, paranoid mversit' lj>:t outside ROTC this is due to th'- (><•> -mi ..In makes the development of University-run (Wnts with a few who do nothing. Like the genocidal and fundamentally Wrong For i.-tect- of poor instructors, uIr.-r.M< :nsidt K< iT< it courses in military science much "less public who say all college students who one thing, this seems likely to be a minor is i necessary and likely. ^ire pn campus are involved in demonstra¬ ity view, and as such it is a pooi basis fur , in.Ajt.iL- rcsiii' .it ROTt' s structure, a I .1. ■ im\»* lnt.'PH ' I think. suggest, then, that ROTC be stripped tions. you class all Greeks with those who. deciding the future of ROTC More im of academic'standing..but be permitted to like their counterpart of older folk."would < M coin on,, -indent* will not be portant. even if this were a majority or a af-. continue on a voluntary non-credit basis, rather give money than to get their hands t. Ttrd ti\ In unanimous view, it is still a poor basis - 4-i!u it ion but I suspect many . like any other extra-curricular activity; because it either assumes that U S tor a,!! !>< intlm ii< . 'i by the apparently unani- dirty • . and that courses be developed in military During the past few days.'l have seen eign policy will always be evil oH a see for views they will science which will be open to «verVone - many students'in all shapes and siies point more religious .than .political' fti probably"have been hearing since child¬ hood. and will become, at the best, relue- ROTC members. SDS members.'patriots come into the Boys' Club and that implies that ROTC should be invited back on campus when the policy changes--eg. it. tant to question their favorable assump¬ subversives, foreigners and girls ajjke.' the average person would say they -would tions about the role of rhe military in not do These students have (jelped the the United States changes sides in Viet¬ md image of students on the campus. Many nam. is noi international only bad tor the students, who may affairs. This Letter "p people, from the Lansing community, have Nor can ROTC be defended as a produc¬ changed their minds about students be¬ teave the I er of liberal' officers (LeMay was a ROTC nivcrsity# a % they entered it. Tne State News welcomes all letters cause of the effort of these Greeks their cozy middle class attitudes intact; graduate, partly because ias NUC points ,! . u ■ i. They should be typed and signed with the* JNot only have these young men and ' the University to out' this is not necessarily a good thing and home town, student*, fatuity or staff stand¬ women helped during this week but also have ithm >mmunity. a block-the ing. and local phone number included No partly because there are other ways of do ROT( Hi "lh< nfluenced' stu- the week before and many are coming ing this which do not have the defects of * mal loyalties arc*not unsigned letter will be accepted for publi¬ back after the project is over. These are the ROTC program cation, and no letter will be printed with^ •the things that are not told but are dcyie I may. at-times. be , out a signature except in extreme circum The main objection to ROTC is.that it ersity's best'inter- t>ut of the idea of doing something for the stances. All letters mu§t be less than 300 must inhibit and distort the spirit of ciiti youth of Lansifig. * words long for publication without editing. I woyld like to thank the Greeks through , your paper for the work they have done and are doing to help the people in Lansing 2nd particularly the Bovs' Club . JohnW. MacKenzie Carol A. Budrow mi 11ic;A c N advertising manager STATE Trinka Cllne, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Buliard, campus editor l NIVKKSITY Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial director Jeff E lliott, sports editor Six-time recipient of tfce Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 5 JMC graduates 115 in 4-year "I think JMC's small classes in the classroom. And this academic closeness News Background sis." Upcraft said Several success seniors said they Corps or Vista or will become teachers." he said. storyproviding an opportunity critical thinking, such as that for are a big improvement over JMC has not of the senior seminar, earlier the of the classroom breeds a social favored the course and felt changed large lectures we are faced in the student's education." Justin with every day in the Univer¬ closeness that forms the' heart that a similar course should basically since after the first Morrill College The thrust be required earlier in the JMC year. Upcraft said, but three now is toward (JMC), MSU's first attempt sity.'' one student commented. of the .college's academic com¬ them on student government Graduating seniors -are curi ideas are currently under con¬ oral exams and to do committees," Milton Powell ently enrolled in their final program. away at a residential college, will "I feel freer to voice my munity. with Aside from classrooms, stu¬ Although JMC has no immedi¬ sideration. grades." Upcraft said. graduate 115 students this year views as well as challenge the JMC asst. professor of history. JMC course-a senior seminar We With tour of in its first, full graduating class ideas of my professors." he dents and professors often eat said. on The Rights of Man ate plans for a graduate school. are reviewing the lan¬ years success¬ ful experimentation passed. lunch together, one JMC pro¬ Several committees, The purpose of this seminar Upcraft said over 80 per «<>nt guage requirements and are since the college opened in 1965. said. com- JMC seniors ot this year's graduating class thinking of reducing the num¬ can look forward JMC, a small, liberal arts Class discussions allow pro¬ fessor said. posed of both students and fac- is to provide the occasion and to many more years to in¬ will study for a higher degreP ber of JMC required courses, college within the multiversity, fessors to become acquainted "I have become more ulty. have been organized to motivation to JMC students, be- he said. The creased personal and intellect¬ is an effort to meet the needs with their students on a first- acquainted with my students study course planning and resi- tore graduation, to bring their "Of the remaining 20 per emphasis in cent, many will join the Pence learning should be placed on ual development. of the student as an individual name basis and reduce tensions through working together with dential college activities. fcur-year experience to synthe¬ and to integrate the academic and social lives of students, faculty members and adminis¬ trators. Has it worked'' Yes. and very well, several graduating sen¬ In this age of planned obsolescence, iors and JMC faculty members agree Students complain about the faults of multiversity educat¬ ion-impersonality. lack of in¬ tellectual cohesion and in¬ is there a place for a car so unconventional tegration. lack of contact with professors. JMC was formed to correct, or at least ease, these faults " The college believes that the opportunity for choice is education. and that self- reliance grows best when stu¬ dents participate in the struction of their grams." Lee Upcraft. JMC dir¬ own con¬ pro¬ that it may well last for decades? ector of student relations, said. Approximately half of the stu¬ dent's curriculum consists of courses in the JMC program and is spread out over the en¬ tire four years, heavier in the Mercedes-Benz thinks freshman year and lighter in the senior year JMC also realizes the im¬ portance of the influence of so. the faculty, both as scholars and humans, on the students. Each professor is free to choose his topics and method of teaching for his classes. Classes are small, generally no more than 30 students each, and are designed, seminar-like, for discussion. Like every Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz lavishes such * the Diesel bristles with sophisticated, attention on engineering that some people say Mercedes-Ben* motor cars ultra-performance features that are are too sophisticated. simply unavailable on domestic se¬ dans. All-independent suspension. And, by conventional stan¬ Taut, recirculating-ball type steering dards, they are. that gives you the "feel" of the road. But Mercedes-Benz engineers Massive, racing-type disc brakes on all step to the music of a different drum¬ four wheels. mer. They insist on Building margins of performance and safety into their It steers, maneuvers and stops machines to meet the unexpected, as as if your life depended on it This is one reason why Car and well as the expected. And they stub-* our bornly refuse to design anything just Driver, with a world of cars to choi ;c from, concludes that the current Mer¬ good enough to "get by" for a time— ' cedes-Benz line "represents the pre - hot dogs and no better. That, in essence, is what distin¬ cnt pinnacle in safe car engineering." guishes a Mercedes-Benz, what sets it >des- admiration for their owners. - k from the crowd of conventional are apart cars, bred of conventional standards. adir.ii J tion from their owners. Quite a distinction. this long. An amazing maverick The automobile at right is a 24-page brochure shining example. Mercedes-Benz sells t 15 remarkable gasoline-powered mod¬ If you'd like more facts on the How long els in the U.S.—plus this one, perhaps the most remarkable of all. $4,692* Diesel—plus details of six other 196q Mercedes -Ben/ gasoline- It is the legendary Dieiel powered motor cars—mail the coupon for full-color brochure. is a This maverick is sodefiantfy un¬ Even better, drop by the show¬ conventional that it can probably cut room today and arrange to test drive a your fuel bills in half, eliminate many At $4,692*, the 220.Diesel may be the world' Mercedes-Benz. See for yourself what of your usual repair bills—and Is likely defiantly unconventional car feels YOUR a to be serving you faithfully when most like out on the road. of today's sleek new dreamboats have Other models to mull over: been chopped up for scrap. 250 Sedan—an unflappable HUNGRY? Not for everyone • Third, though the Diesel sounds miles to the gallon — and on trips, ing that valves wore unevenly, de¬ signed them to rotate slightly with each road car, with superb handling and braking as standard equipment, exactly like an ordinary car when WTten you get ful benefit of diesel To appreciate the Diesel, you stroke, vastly prolonging their life. $5,208*. It's moving, you'll detect a vestigial fuel's price advantage over gasoline, shorten it. Try a tan- first have to understand the idea be¬ Mercedes-Benz does not war¬ 280 SE Sedan—the most road- "pocketa" at idle—a slightly bizarre y$u can average 30, 40, even 50 miles gy pizza or one of our hind it—and be able to adjust to its rant the Diesel to last for 10 or 20 worthy car you can buy in the luxury great sandwiches. All note in a car otherwise so grand. fi>r the cost of a gallon of regular! three foibles. It is not for every man. ' years. Any car's life depends on how class, fuel-injection engine, $6,461*. delivered instantly at If you can learn to shrug off an The Diesel is built for people hard it is driven and how carefully it 2S0SL Roadster—a sports car no extra cost. occasional jest about one of these ec¬ Many repair costs vanish who want an economy car, but who centricities, you'll have the last laugh is maintained. But a lifetime measured for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring More good news. The diesel decline to venture onto the highways on everybody at the end of each month in decades is no pipe dream, either. performance with comfort, $6,802*. engine is such a gern of simplicity that 300SEL—an understated lim¬ in a featherweight, cramped machine. —year after year. it merely dispenses with many parts Of the 700,000 Diesels it has ousine, $9,759*. If you are willing to-pay for the safety t^at normally end up costing you built since 1936, Mercedes-Benz esti¬ 600 Grand Mercedes—the ul¬ and comfort of a big, 3,000-pound mates that fully 80 percent are still Cuts fuel bills in half money. It has no spark plugs. No sedan, the Diesel will reward ytou with humming along! timate motor car, $23,580*. The Diesel works its incredible points. No condensers. Not even a car¬ fuel costs that match the flimsiest little buretor to repair or replace. half-pint on the road. fuel economy in two ways. First, a Mercedes-Benz The three Diesel foibles: To begin with, of course, it uses It goes and goes and goes edes-Benz of North First, you cannot hop into this lowly diesel fuel. (In a pinch, it will The engine makes this Mer¬ ftu. Inc. run on soya-bean oil.) The price of Best of all, this 4-cylinder cedes-Benz an economy car. But the car and roar off in a cloud of dust.-Thc real value of the Diesel lies not I Phil Gordon's Inc. Diesel starts like any other car when diesel fuel varies from state to state. diesel injection engine is designed to so • 2924 E. Grand River A its motor is warm. But, in the morning, In almost all states, it is lower than jyve you uncommonly reliable service much in the things that make it differ¬ ! Lansing, Mich. 48912 -*-for years. ent from every other Mercedes-Benz you must be patient for aboirt 30 sec¬ regular gasoline. In some states it costs • Please send me a 24-page, full-color as in the things that make it the same. onds while the mo.tor preheats for fly¬ only half as much. Not only are there relatively . brochure on the new generation of Like every Mercedes-Benz, the • motor from Mercedes-Benz. parts to go amiss, but the parts cars The Diesel also sips its fuel at a few ing. (A minor nuisance which turns to that are present have been engineered Diesel is welded into being, not bolted. advantage in*winter, enabling you to miserly rate. In fact, the engine burns to have characteristic Mercedes-Benz After 50,000 miles or so, you may be¬ get underway while others may still be every drop so efficiently that exhaust is virtually smoke-free. A surprise to sjamina. There's z rugged overhead gin to wonder if it will ever rattle. cursing and shivering.) camshaft and a fi:>L'-bearing crank¬ The body is dunked in primer, Second, you must abandon any many. shaft. Twelve of the 16 piston rings are baked, spray-painted, hand-sanded, thought of fireball acceleration. The Now—if you've been resigned Diesel will cruise indefinitely at any to getting 12,15,18 miles a gallon from coated with expensive molybdenum sprayed again, then hand-sprayed. Even the insides of the hubcaps are posted speed limit in America. (Once, .. standard sedans, brace yourself. •-^-an exotic "sp<^re age" metal that The Mercedes-Benz 220 won't melt below 4.712 degrees. coated. Total paint and primer rust it even won the 8,728-mile African new Diesel easily delivers twenty-five The ingenious engineers, See¬ protection: 44 pounds. Rally!) But, as a dragster, it's a bust. over * East and Gulf Coast ports of entry, exclusive of transportation, options, state and local t, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 Jewish singer International vocalizes , on message of love, God presents fe A Hassidic happening, occurr¬ rich and melodious. H?s guitar An arts and handicrafts exhibition and an 11-aet stage show ed Thursday evening in McDonel is disappointingly weak and his accented the 25th annual International Festival Saturday. IJiva.i Shlomo Carlebach, would Western-style pick - strumming Sponsored by the International Club with the cooperation detracts from his singing of independent nationality clubs, the festival's theme. Peace Ije philosophy, organizer of San The guitar was badly out of Through World Understanding," expressed "the highest hopes Francisco's House of Love and tune until someone tuned it for in this time of disturbing tension, in the form of a challenge Prayer, sang, spoke, listened. him during intermission. Carle- and a demand.'' Homer D. Higbee. guest speaker and assist¬ The program consisted prim¬ bach's voice is seldom out of ant dean of international programs, said arily of Hassidic Jewish songs, tune, always clear and appeal¬ Twelve individual countries were represented in the exhibits most of them composed by Carlebach. sung in Hebrew and ing. The International Club, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides and in English translation. He gathered the audience at the Romance Language Dept. were also represented in the his feet, shook ' hands more exhibition. Before Shlomo Carlebach like a politician than an evange¬ In the two-hour entertainment program, the Indian Club sang he walked through the aud¬ list. and sang presented a dance entitled Spring Splendor.' depicting the ience. shaking hands and kissing The opening was lovely he defeat of evil by good 'mostly attractive young The Russian Chorus followed with a performance of three whistled then sang, drawing an orthodox Jew. touched many, the audience closer around him selections. It was a change from the last both physically and spiritually, Simple teaching The Sampaqiuta. a dance relating the legend of the time I saw and heard him in during his concert in the Kiva. Philippine Then he began to "teach - national flower, was presented by the Philippine Club few ago Carlebach has recorded for little stories, humorous, ser¬ The Clan MacRae Scottish Bag Pipers, a band composed of At that time he stopped groups Columbia and Vanguard as well of teenagers who had spontane¬ as other labels. His voice is ious. vaguely Talmudic. over¬ China dolls families from the Lansing area, preceeded a Korean demon¬ whelmingly simplistic. stration of the self-defensive art of Tea Kwon-Do. ously formed a circle and were The 25th annual International Festival, this year entitled "Peace through Undei— It was a nice message of love The universal struggle between new and old generations was dancing a spirited hora to his and return to God There standing," presented stage shows and exhibits representing 85 countries. The recounted through a skit given by the Arab students music. He into a separated the dancers circle of men and one Great Is no depth Carlebach has added was China entry won first place in the stage contest and Iran placed first in the ex¬ Japan was represented by a song relating a story of con¬ delicate strands of love-beads hibits. State News photo by Jerry McAllister flict between two brothers of women, explaining the Has¬ sidic injunction that men and slates M to his garb and thev mav bring women should not touch in public Touches many pl^n,S; SCREEN DEBUT OF LAS VEGAS Shlomo Carlebach. though for Friday has God. done man. any thinking and sell was about prob 1 symbols ot >>en. Edmund Muskie. D- ablv stimulated to think further. Banality bombs Where It's At' Maine and vice presidential With his music. Carlebach candidate in the 1968. will speak rises above himself The elo¬ at 3 p.m. Friday in the ASMSC quence of song transcends the Great Issues Lecture series petty pedantry of uttered Weather permitting. Muskie cliches. Las Vegas symbolizes so style was Late American Rich." will speak at the field across His originality is that Kanin day The film eould use a lot interpretation of Tin on many of the things which pass And when the film concentrates of her. from Bessev Hall develops an interesting but here more My Way to Canaan Land was as American values and tastes on Vegas, it creates a visual tofore ignored angle-that the Robert Drivas Advance sales of general ad¬ rich and vibrant, punctuated that it is rather surprising that equivalent lor Wolfe's words. father suspects the whole youth in "The Illustrated Man. mission tickets is now being with too-long spoken bits intend- no one has made.a movie about But it also has a plot, and culture syndrome of being homo- off held in the I'nion Ticket Office. ed to clarify the song's extrem- comes quite well So well, it ias opposed to in it' be there the trouble begins Garson fact, Marshall Music. Campbells sexually-oriented. in that his method-acting ely clear message. fore. Kanin's script starts out as Kanin brand of quirks and mannerisms Suburban Shop and the <'amp- soon abandons this Aims at a following Where It's At" does a mag an honest and slick study ol bell's truck outside Bessev angle, however, for a study of makes David Janssen s simpli¬ Shlomo Carlebach worked nificent job of conveying the the generation gap tnot that Hall role adoptation . which were replaced by someone who following rather than an audi- ately neglects far too many The Subject Was Roses ' said not shared Drivas methodisms -as other things. only destroys any universal¬ Intensive T-Groups ence it all i. in which the operator ity the film might have dis¬ Rod Steiger did the film might Summer There's value in the message. Tom Wolfe once wrote a fant ot a Vegas casino David Sensitivity Training i played. but makes a much less be more unified and believable. whether or not the singer's astic essay on Vegas, usirii: a ml Pa lac June 8-13, near Ann Arb r interesting story to boot And The direction is much more July 25 Aug 2, near Cadillac integrity stands Those who impressionistic images of th> his colleg surefooted. Although Kanin has finally, he throws even that away sang, whose eyes glistened, who people who inhabit this city son ' Robert Driva L earn and live with highly with a surprise ending that is continuously supplied movie laughed and wept and danced vvithout-clocks and pointing out less credible than it is experienced University - with Shlomo Carlebach trans even scripts, he has not directed almost admiringly thai it i^ tly notable point THE ACCLAIMED MOTION PICTURE surprising a fi'lm in 20 years Therefore. faculty staff (ended anything he himself John Cassavetes A few nice things do happen FACES E xplore your communication could do or be. that Whei along the downward path to At LI1 police acl SHOA.\ \T /: 15 AND 9:40 hang-ups The melodies of Carlebach's banality, though. utilizes the new" cii ■ma kint¬ .leased prior to Nov. 1 A cquire new interpersonal own songs were nursery-rhvme Most classified importantly. "Where uage ijump-cuts et al with - not skills simple. The lyrics were any It's At" contains the such flair that it screen i hard ti Discover thing but brilliant "Lord make national NEXT your hidden growth debut of Miss Brenda Vaccaro. believe that Kanin peacetim me hi^hei higher high ATTRACTION potentials a stage actress who may be the man. His wife is Ruth Gor¬ WRITE-SOON screens happiest discovery in don. it that's any clue BeUe dc Jour MTL, 301 University Drive E. Lansing, Michigan 48623 You could not admire the But the real star ol the film CATHERINE DENEUVE Playing Janssen s sad. wise¬ s If the plot weren't guitar. The magnetism was in highest peacetime the combination and in Shlomo cracking secretary, she is start drab. would love to rec¬ Carlebach himself ingly reminiscent of Barbara ommend 'Vhere It's At" or Harris in Mi spoof A Thousand Clowns basis PAC to stage of Kanin's unbiased It may not matter if the man speaking lines that might have look at a city which serves as is sincere this is difficult to been written for Billie Dawn, its own best criticisi" lr, tact determine. What matters ulti indstatter embarked on 1 the not-so-dumb blonde of Kan¬ against my better ju'i.-mont. I'll Mary Sunshine mately as McLuhan would in's masterpiece on Ironi MSI and ROTC Born Yester¬ do exactly that NEW SEATING Pop series Association' Although Popular Entertain¬ ment for this school year ended with the Classics IV- First Edition concert May :i. the ASMSl' Pop Entertainment Com¬ mittee is busy making plans for next year's concerts up on the west wall, allowing Of three proposed concerts seating to be expanded the full length of the fieldhouse for fall term, plans for two have already been finalized. Steve Seating capacity of Jenison Plicta. Pop Entertainment chair¬ Fieldhouse is increased from man said 7 (MK) to 9.0(H). Plicta said "The Association" has been This comes in the form of addit¬ ional 1.2(H) main floor, reserv¬ signed for Saturday. Oct 18. and Dionne Warwick is slated ed seats and a great number of to perform Saturday. Nov 15 general admission seats, now A third concert is still in in two price ranges the negotiating stages. Plicta Plicta hopes to have a survey said It wold be during Home¬ for performer popularity en¬ THt TWO PART PRODUCTION OF coming weekend. Oct. .10-Nov. 1. closed in the registration pac¬ and would be an easy listening LEO TOLSTOY S concert to complement the hard ket this summer His plans for next tall include exploring the rock sound of the "Three Dog WAR, Night" signed for the homecom possibility of packet ticket sales, sales by mail and living unit block seating. Bimbos Piz/a and Selling block seats to living 4 89-2431 units would be difficult, consid¬ Wilson Hall ering the nature of our tickets. Residents Only Plicta said However, we think londay,. May 12 -Only it would be very popular with SEE 12" Pepperoni $1.50 PEACE the students and we're looking FREE DELIVERY for a way to make it feasible." PARTI NATASHA AND ANDREI- THE BATTLE Of AUSTWIITC" THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION OF WILL BE SHOWN IN TWO PARTS STARTS MAY 14 WAR AND PEACE' EACH PART WILL MARBLE CUKE BE SHOWN FOR ONE WEEK! TRADEMARK 2 P.M. Matinees Wed. & Sat. & Sun. at Part I Wed., May 14 Thru Tues., May 20 MONDAY NIGHTS Part II Wed., May 21 Thru Tues., May 27 Eveningi at 8 P.M Tuesday; Hot Dog Nite 25C IN THE SHOW BAR TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY FOR EACH PART all you can eat FROM 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. STARTS MAY 21 PART H NATASHA AND PlCRRC • NO RESERVED SEATS. Thursday: Sloppy Joe Nite; 35C I Reserved Performance Only all you can eat THE PIZZA FEAST 3100 E. Wed. & Sat. Matinees-$2.00 I 351 00301 -Evenings & Sun. -$2.50 L—/ '(Students 50£ Discount)— 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 state news . . state news classified We re telling it like it is . . . Want Ads will work fast for you! classified 355-8255 355-8255 Employment For Rent The State News does not VOLKSWAGEN 1961 convertible Re¬ IMMEDIATE OPENING CEDARBROOK ARMS Need 1 TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 permit racial or religious built engine, good running condition Full or part man time employment Transmitter engi for 3-man apartment for June, July. Burcham. $125 to $135 124 Cedar discrimination in its ad¬ $300 353-7533 3-5 13 neer FCC First Class license re¬ August or September $50 per month Street. $150 to $160 135 Kedzie vertising columns. The VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER quired A good place to study Call » 351-6858 5-5 14 Drive. $170 to $180 All utili¬ 1967. low State News will not accept 482-1334 15-5 21 ties furnished except electricity. mileage, fullv equipped $21.50 332- • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ 2414 410 Park Lane 6-5 16 EAST SIDE Apartments 2 bedroom Call davs. 487-3216; evenings 882- COUNSELORS-EXCELLENT MAINE 2316. until 10 p m O • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, possibilities Furnished or partly VOLKSWAGEN 1968 radio, GIRLS CAMP OPENINGS Swim furnished. $125 and $150 a month FOR RENT race, color or national or¬ green, • igin Ziebart rust proofing Excellent ming 1WSI1. water skiing, canoe Renting now Summer or fall 351 Marigold Apartments • FOR SALE condition 337-9218 3-5 13 ing. sailing, tennis, archery, golf, 5323 10-515 911 Marigold Avenue team sports, arts and crafts, song • LOST & FOUND New deluxe 1 bedroom fur¬ VOLKSWAGEN 1%7 Guaranteed ex leader Write Director. Box 553. BASEMENT APARTMENT for nished 2 man apts. Across • PERSONAL cellent condition. Radio. Extras Call Great Neck. New York. 11022 Tel mer Close. $100 per month sum¬ 332- street from campus. Leas¬ • PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-9474 3-5 14 <516i 482-4323 1-5 12 2414 410 Park Lane 6-5 16 • REAL ESTATE ing summer/fall . . . now VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE 1968. WAITRESS. EXPERIENCE preferred IV 9-9651 • SERVICE UNIVERSITY TERRACE 4-man - 332-2335 9.600 miles. Radio Excellent con¬ Must be 21 Call IV 9-6614. TOWN- Summer lease, free months rent • TRANSPORTATION dition 351-9109 5-5 16 PUMP COCKTAIL LOUNGE 3-5 15 $55 351-3104 3-5 13 • WANTED VOLKSWAGEN 1966 fastback Ex HOUSEKEEPER-COOK: Doctor s fam¬ cellent condition Best offer 351 - ily desires mature, responsible worn FALCON 1963 V-8 automatic Ra SUMMER SUBLET, deadline din $400 or best offer Brent 355 8932 or 351-4469 5-5 10 an to live in or out New luxury home, luxury apartment private room. TV Nursemaid all near campus. Reduced rent. Call 8089 after 5 p.rn 5-5 16 351 3678 5-5 16 1 P.M. one class ready employed References re¬ day be¬ EAST LANSING 2-bedroom fur fore publication. FAIRLANE quired 351-0393 5-5 16 nished 4-man 332-1617. after 5 1964 No rust, good tires Excellent condition $395 p.m. 6-5 16 Cancellations - 12 noon one 482 8882 3 5 12 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn WSI -EXPERIENCED To plan class day befoi-e publica- in the PIPER CHEROKEE. Special and direct waterfront activity. Full COLLEGE ROAD Duplex Available FORD FAIRLANE V-8. 260 engine. $5 offer 484 1324 <- tune during summer Call or write now Year lease or longer. Carpet¬ Personnel Office. STARR COMMON¬ ed. remodeled $135 utilities paid ?\haust system 484-9321 any time WEALTH FOR BOYS. Albion. Mich PHONE Auto Service & Parts igan 49224. 15171 629-3988 5-5 12 Couple onlv Deposit No pets 676- 5983. 676-4141 3-5 14 355-8255 ACCIDENT PROBLEM0 Call KALA BOUNCER-FLOORMAN 1 good-sized 711 EAST APTS. MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small 4 mam nights per week Room and 711 Burcham Drive mer Hagadorn and Grand River. 351- dents to large board $2 25 per hour Resort Hotel RATE'S and foreign < 3505 5-5 16 MERCEDES BENZ. New Gei East Tawas, Michigan. Phone Mrs Summer Rates 220 Anderson for interview 362-3451 1 gas. AM FM. automatic. 9.000 day $1.50 $50 3-man , per man on FOUR.MAN apartment, furnished. miles $4 100 351-6650 after 6 p m 15£ per word per day SPRING $60 per man on 2-man With swimming pool Heat paid. 3-5 13 is tune-up time I $62 50 each 3 days EAST LANSING MAN¬ $4.00 IV 9-9651 or 351-3525 13 1/2u ontest-The in our Sun 'tier 1 time. Some experience Alpha - Richard's ande Beechwood 1. CHEVROLET Impala 4-door 711 !968 Also new leathers Phone Olivet. hardtop V-8 automatic, power Numeric. Call Mrs. Kathryn ' EAST IANSINO PUBLK LIBRARY 2-3-4 Man Units good family car Take over pa\ Phoenix, THE SERVICE BUR¬ of $69 14 I'hone < redit Man EAU CORP.. $50 ment< I AT AI.I.N A 1963-2-door Employment Subsidiary of I Typing" required t all Mr> Albright per man -- 4 ma IBM. 2201 E. Grand River $67.50 per man— West St Joseph. Apart | 3 ma LIVE IN housekeeper for man with 4 children keeping 489 6680 Cooking, light house¬ 5-5 13 Avenue, Lansing, Mich. 48912 An Equal Tel: (517) 485-5495 Opportunity Employ- j I Rental office 635 Abbott Hal stead EAST in tion d analysis sales, techniques, etc with office distin- PONTIAC ( ATALINA internationally known ti 1963 Depend Burcham Drive AAA-l Dun & Bradstreet able, good looking transportation Management Co.. ' $550 ' all 332-0157 DENTAL ASSISTANT for orthodontic Richard's Company Inc 10-5 12 office. Must have dental experience 351-7910 *Two air-conditioners BARTENDER and be able to type Call 482 9695 of time for sports, parties. $110. 5 nights ; week room and board REFERENCES per days: 484-0702. evenings 4-5 12 per apartment REQUIRED Resort hotel East Ta *Balconies was. Michigan Phone Mrs Ander *Three-man units $575 rORVEITE 191 son for interview. 362-3451 17-5 22 *Comp!ete!y carpeted onth salaries to those accepted tree three day indoctrination *Parking ig period Limited to *Completely furnished Ct'TLASS SUPREME 1967 convert Children For *Laundry facilities FEMALE STUDENT seeks r Are you fed up with companies offering impressive titles ible. red. black top summer and interior or write to the Montcalm Are, power brakes and steering plus employment Experienced waitress mediate School District. P < to: deceptive, door-to-cioor, high-pressure sales jobs? To lease for summer Some typing Child care House many more option* 485 4840 3-5 13 367. Stanton. Spitfire 1969 No mile work Patricia 353 3086 3 5 12 Michigan 48888 or fall phone Mrs. |n- Would you be interested in weil-payingand meaningfulpart- avments Phone Pompeii. 18 c ■ older titfie or full-time summ.r positions with the midwest's ghram, 489-9651 or SOLVE MONEY PROBLEMS' Sell largest full—line merchant wholesaler? 351-3525. household you qualify for a "In¬ Requirements: goods you don't need automobile and midwestt-rn summer residence. For com¬ DODGE POLARA with Classified Ads Dial 3K5-8255 terpersonal Happening" plete information and personal interview, phone: 383 4-barre! Power steering, brakes Interpersonal Dating AiLT^h]ELPHS!I i Automatic Extras $900 or rea THE SOCIETY CORPORATION CROSSWORD PUZZLE L EjoBAiM l ABOjRE sonable offer IV 5 9288 New car delivered x3-i> 13 P.O.BOX 2137,Ann Arbor,Mich 337-1349 I ANlTUNN.EL.El B R EWSjBlA R.EtN / i 'N'R:E1DIEM'£R,I " I AiA C E A M TMPjU R S EJL__ C'O'RSA'eaBEAN PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD A[R'l 'eIlBPPQGiM i Cedar Village 7 oday Just c a NiTj 1 ic i_ eBr|o r . . . clip, complete, mail. L:FKN iOjolN| STATt M US will bill you later. 's'sJeI: STUDENT APARTMENTS 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 .0 Consecutive Dates to Run . 2 BEDROOM % i " ,z Heading ib %16 Print Ad Here: V/, ie 17 •9 NOW LEASING FOR FALL 20 21 1 22 i% Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. MODEL OPEN d 27 %26 23 29 24 % 25 VA 1 Mon-Fri 12:00-4:30 p.m. 3. 32 33 3* 10 Words or Less: Over !0 Words Add; Sat & Sun 1:00-5:00 p.m. 36 140 37 i 30 %42 39 3-t. Sea duck PHONE 332-5051 V3 i 4-5 35. Room .Mail to: Michigan State News 346 Student Services Bldg. V/, *7 i 38. Radio-guided MSU East Lansing, Mich. % % 41 Girl's name Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 9 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale Real Estate AVAILABLE JUNE. 2-man deluxe OKEMOS: FURNISHED APARTMENTS for 3 and ONE bedroom furnished, furnished Ideal location Very quiet RENT A HAPPENING Singles avail¬ THREE BEDROOM Colonial, single rooms. Girls only. 21 or over. luxury Reduced rent 351-8854 able on Beal Street for summer family For summer and fall terms. 5 blocks No undergraduates 337-0852. after 5-5/14 room, fireplace Near schools, shop term Male and female Cheap and from campus. ping, MSU Assume 6 per cent fi Sufficient parking. 694- close Phone 332-0318, after 5 p.m. SPEAKER ALTEC-Heathkit Ideal 8266 BAY COLONY APARTMENTS 1 and nancing $32,500 Call owner 351 10-5/12 3-5/12 for fraternity Heathkit amplifier "2 bedrooms. Furnished and unfur¬ Voltage stabilizer 332-6250. eve- TWO nished Summer leases available. ROOMS & bath, unfurnished, FOURTH GIRL needed for Delta Also 6. 9, and 12 month leases Call For Sale except range and refrigerator Across from campus Reasonable Phone ED Jack Bartlett. manager. 337-0511 GIRLS NEEDED for house until Sep¬ Corner of Haslett and tember 1st. Prefer EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- 2-0792 or 351-5385 10-5 '20 Hagadorn Roads sublease Call Ranger mini-8 $59.96 and ud sified Ad Dial 355-8255 332;3010 5.5/15 Lear Jet--$69 95 and up MAIN TAPE RECORDER—4-track, stereo Near campus. 332- EAST LANSING: Furnished houses ELECTRONICS, 5558 South Penn¬ GRAND LEDGE area. 5-room house sylvania, Lansing C Sony-3 weeks new Must sacrifice and bath, with basement, EVERGREEN ARMS in duplexes for 2, 3, 4 and 6 Sum¬ garage on Offers 355-4309 3.5/14 mer or fall. CLAUCHERTY REALTY 3/4 acre 288 road frontage Available WANTED 3 guys for house for sum¬ ONE GIRL for 4 361 5300 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and en now $6500 cash $7500 girl apartment mer term. 1 block from South Com¬ Evenings ED 2-5900 3-5/13 or terms gagement ring sets Save 50 per ELECTROLUX TANK vacuum cleaner 641 4106. Reduced Colonial House 351-0589 2-5 12 3-5/12 plex on Harrison. Inquire at 351-6807 cent or more Large selection of Late model Excellent condition Has BLOCK FROM Berkey. furnished, all attachments Cost $140 new, sell 3-5/12 parking. 4-6 men June-June 351 plain and fancy diamonds $25-150 FOUR BEDROOM house near Bur MARRIED COUPLE 3 rooms, in¬ TWO MAN Summer reduced Furn¬ WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE for $35 393-5072 C-5/16 8071 3-5/13 cham and Hagadorn Big lawn with cluding large recreation room with SUMMER HOUSING $225--room 50? East Michigan 485-4391 C ished, air-conditioned Corner Har barbeque 351-8342. after 6p m 5-5 12 fireplace Partially furnished Pri¬ rison Shaw Lane 351-3655 5-5/14 board 528 MAC Avenue 332-5659 SEWING MACHINE 1968 Deluxe zig¬ vate home, private entrv THREE BEDROOM house. Furnished Parking 337-1327 3.5/12 SCUBA EQUIPMENT Entire out zag Darns, mends, sews on buttons, 332-3980 3-5/14 for 6 students. Lansing's East side makes buttonholes, has 24 cams for TRADE OR SELL Lake NEXT TO campus Lovely, furnished fitting, top quality $200 or best of¬ Michigan re LOVE IS OII332-8925 after 6 p. m 3-5/12 fer. Contact designs. Used only 3 months IMMEDIATE SUBLEASE 1 bedroom 2 bedroom apartment an everyday sport in this Tim Cain at 332 Cost SUMMER SUBLET: For 2 to 4 Large 4-man unfurnished. Luxury. Married, grad¬ students 121 Beal Street. 3 month large, lovely furnished home. Room $259 new, sell for . $99 393-5072 Across from campus Air conditioned for 6 Block from campus. Summer C-5/16 uate students $120 351-8416 x5-5 13 summer lease $140 Phone 351- Very reasonable 351-3378. 3-5/14 6009 after term $240 Phone 332-0318 after 5:30pm 10-5/21 CAMPUS HILL 5Pm 3-5/12 Service ..'..rfnted c FOR LEASE $300 a month Room for parking at rear 372-7409 time. 5-5/12 5-5 12 4 to 6 men Large yard Outside I'KKSSM \K1\(, (iOWNS and altera cooker Garage Close to VACUUM CLEANERS 'used* Kir- SUMMER TWO-Bedroom apartment, campus tions Experienced Reasonable SUMMER SUBLET $150 South Penn 332-0939 10-5/13 bys, Hoovers, Rainbow Rex-aires, furnished >2 or 3 people Air-con¬ 487-5753 or 485-8836 Electrolux $7 88 and up charge Call 355-1040 20-5 29 sylvania Married couple Avail¬ (Guaran¬ ditioned. swimming pool On lake, 5-5 12 HASLETT-5925 teed) DENNIS DISTRIBUTING. 316 2746. able June 9 Call 882-2386 after Potter 3-bedroom very quiet. $175 339-2866 3-5/14 2 baths $150 monti. MALE SUPERVISED housing for fall BOAT 14' LaCross, N Cedar Opposite City Market C Looking for more than just a job" 6pm 3-5 12 a plus utilities Double. 4 man Close Cooking 332- 35 Check the GRADUATE WOMEN Spaces avail Phone FE 9-8164 2-5 13 Employment column SEVERAL FURNISHED Couples in today's Classified Ads' able starting summer 4-girl apart GENESEE STREET 1 bedroom, air 241^ 410 Park Lane 6-5/16 ment Best offer 398-3520 Year lease June occupancy $50 ments Haslett Albert $55 per deposit 663-8418 3-5 14 conditioned, fully furnished Utilities SINGLES-MEN: Now. summer, and ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking by- month. Utilities included Complete¬ paid except electricity 484-3729 fall Walking distance MSU. No utili¬ experienced seamstress Reason ly furnished 337-2336 5-5 12 3-5 12 ties. 351-8223 3-5/13 able charge Call 355-5855 3-5 13 CAMPUS HILL One 2-bedroom lux ATTRACTIVE. LARGE, quiet Near MOBILE HOME FOR SALE" Get ury apartment Available spring fast results with low term campus For graduate woman 332- a cost Clas¬ or spring summer $180 351 1'46 5-5/12 sified Ad Dial 355-8255 8862 J R CULVER COMPANY C FALL WOMEN Large today' ill 332- 5-5 16 Typewriter (Electrics) IS SUMMER SUB-LEASING A Repair Foreign & Domestic ___ ^ MALE STUDENT Attractive single Block Louis E. May,Sr. ED 2-0877 union Parking 314 Ever¬ green 332-3839 3-5/14 Challenger Bo- Campus Book Store- $150 Call Tom _Across from Un 3-5/13 DRUMS VIBES, marimba, etc in¬ FOR SALE: 1963 10 X55 New Moon HEADACHE? and. or fall 332-8483 FLOWER yellow GIRL Worn on < 2-bedroom furnished 627-5428 or 627-2869 On lot Call 3-5 12 struments 332-6223 Experienced instruction 0-5 12 $30. 337-0294 MAN'S SINGLE. Close Fall Seri¬ NEED A JOB DONE? People who d< ous student. 655-3088 332-8498 them advertise in the Classifie( NEW 15 pound electric refrigera¬ after 3pm 1-5/12 Ads Check now NEW COUNTRY home, furnished tor. Guaranteed 3 years $65 355- 10 miles east «35 3-5/12 Family or men stu¬ MEN SINGLE ro Close to cam- 1962 NEW MOON 10 x 50. Excep¬ .Typing Service TAKE . dents. $225. Utilities 351-4530 tional condition Furnished. pUs. Furnished. monthly 332- Utility 10-5 23 1-5/12 shed. Available June. 641-6895 5-5 16 BARBI MEL Typing, mult.l.thing .No job too large or too small Block COMFORTABLE LIVING 8' x 50 2- off campus 332-3255 THE CURE. CALL bedrqoms. nings. 351-7167 verv clean. $2,000 Eve¬ 3-5/14 ( THREE-BEDROOM home for rent 1224 OR North Grand River, Lansing MOVING SALE: Maple end tables 1966 MARLETTE 12x60' $175 rug, rocker, clothes. 355-8144 after Air-con¬ per month. Call 882-0185 STOP 15-5 14 7P m 3-5 U ditioned. 8 x32' dog pen included if desired Campus Phone 353-7987 OFFSET PRINTING d theses AT 6-5 16 State Management Corporation will aid you in leasing and sub-leasing apartments for the STATE mm Lost & Found original est prices or multilith available masti COP^ summer in: SERVICES. 487-5906 MANAGEMENT •Haslett Arms •Lowebrooke Arms TYPING ACCURATE and 332-8687 •Delta Arms "Evergreen Arms 444 Michigan Ave. TERM PAPERS thesis, ma •Cedarbrooke Arms RENT A TV from TV Accurate, reasonable Call ""University Terrace a Company - 1028. Smith-Corona 400 electr $9.00 per month. Call 337-1300 NEJAC TV RENTALS C PAULA ANN HAl'GHEY Peanuts Personal Lease Now For Summer & Fall WANTED, mo girls Haslett. Lake Apartments Summer, fall, beauti SEVEN-THIRTY-ONE JILL AND Sue No K.D has ever had one little Sister as nice as you. much ful 627-6862 3-5 13 less two' Love in AOT. Claire 1-5 12 TWO GIRLS for apartment in Mini Sure, you can pay more for an apartment, but you just can't get mer Rivers Edge Close An . KATHY HAPPY 21sC From Halos more than the extras you'll find at Seven-Thirty-One . . . from $69* ditioned 351 4821 to swings great times are always had per month per person. AMoonwatcher 1-5 12 BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 SO foi Seven-Thirty-One puts such features as a swimming pool; party all positive A negative. B negalivt lounge with Free TG's, billiard table, and color TV; air condition¬ and AB negative $10 00 O negative ing; deluxe appliances, including dishwashers; and imaginative decor Mod«;l apartment open $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY and furnishings, all within easy reach of your budget. Monday-Friday BLOOD CENTER. r>07'_. E (iran. 1 to 4 p.m. NEEDED- ONE Phi Mu See Seven-Thirty-One today! River. East Lansing Above the Models open daily at 731 Burcham nev Drive. See our resident manager in apartment 206A or 106C or call Campus Book Store Hours 9 a 111 E.L. Management Co. 351-:7l For Summer Subleasing call off Campus YOU RE UP FRONT 1 J.R. Culver Company. ' Fnc Wedne Thur •Based on 3-person occupancy. Model Phone 332-371 \ Housing 355-8303 1 find in the Classified NORTH POINTE Here's a first in the East Lansing area ... a 9-month lease for the same price you'll pay for a 12-month! Only at North Pointe can you lease for 9 months without paying an extra charge. At North Pointe, you pay as little as $230 per month for a 9-month lease. You can keep cool in North Pointe's swimming pool and com¬ fortable air-conditioned apartments this summer for only $45 per moMth per person.* Call the J. R. Culver Company and ask about North Pointe. We'll be happy to show you the apartments where you pay no more for a 9-month lease: North Pointe (Formerly called Eydeal Villa.) 1240 Haslett Rd., near the corner of Hagadorn and M-78. Compare Our •Based on 4-person occupancy. CAMPUS HILL Available for fall leasing • LEASE Don't sign a lease until you've seen the greatest apart¬ • APARTMENTS Tw/cktngham Apartments a^e now leasing student units for the fall ment buy in the area . . . Campus Hill. of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted • RENT Campus Hill offers you luxury living in new central air and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each • SFRVICES conditioned apartments featuring custom appliances, deluxe unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central furnishings, 5 big walk-in closets, and plenty of parking: air conditioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit • FACILITIES 4 parking places for each apartment. All of these advantages and a 5 minute drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time can be yours from $58.75 per month per person. has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, Before you decide, we want And if this sounds great, wait till you see our new build¬ recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the ing! It'll have a party lounge, more room in each apartment, first residents of Twyckingham call today. There are 92 units available you to compare Northwind and double vanities almost like with any other student — having two bath¬ at $280/ month and up. rooms! We'll be happy to show you Campus Hill today. See our apartment. tEtopciungfjam resident managers in apartments 103A or 101E or call J. R. Culver Co. Reserve your fall term apartment now Only $57.50 OUR OFFICES OF EN 9-9, MON.-FRI. TILL JUNE 15 4620 S. Hagadorn Jrk - . *■> FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES CALL OR STOP IN AT: Jf'. •//. c{ju/wr STATE MANAGEMENT Model Apartment Open Daily 9-5; Weekends By Appointment 220 Albert Contact: Northwind Management, 2771 Northwind Drive - Above Knapp's Campus Center 351-8862 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 Phone: 337-0636 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, May 12, 1969 $1.00 $1.75 Water Carnival distributes Trylon Shampoo Regular or Tampax 40's Egg AAc 51» SCWOO baubles, beads' Tube "W Limit 1 Limit 1 Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only By ROSANNE BAIME the mystery man by yelling for children under 12 years. term. It will be a regular foot¬ State News Staff Writer "SCWOO'' will receive a free In addition to the show, the ball game between teams made $1.00 $1.00 SCWOO central, the mobile ticket to Water Carnival. audience will be able to watch up of varsity players, played home parked in front of the Spring Carnival Weekend is tapping for Blue Key, Men's in Spartan Stadium. Admissior Auditorium, will serve as the this weekend, with Water Carn¬ honorary society between the by I D Westmore Eye Double Blush command post for Dubious Dis¬ ival running Friday Saturday. first and second halves of the 8 p.m. Saturday-The seconc Brush-On tinctions: Water Carnival 1969 The schedule of events for the show Water Carnival show. Prices Shadow Quartet Make-Up From it Water Carnival ex¬ for Saturday's show are the weekend is: ecutive board members will be 3 Friday - Kick-off 9:30 a.m. Saturday Shaw Hall Canoe Race, in the - The same as for Friday. Saturday 59{ 59c distributing SCWOO materials, p.m. night, after the first half, next Limit 1 Red Cedar River. No admission Limit 1 giving out information on the speech by Sen. Edmund Muskie, year's members of Excalibur. time and D-Maine, in cooperation with charge. senior men's Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-09 weekend's events, honorary, will East Lansing Store Only ASMSU Great Issues. Weather East Lansing Store costs and selling tickets to 1 p.m. Saturday - The Lam¬ be tapped. Only Water Carnival. permitting, Muskie will speak bda Chi Alpha Junior 500, begin¬ Sunday - the Union Board SCWOO. the weekend's offic¬ at the Water Carnival site, ning i>n West Circle Drive near Thieves' Market. MSU students 754 ial word, was created by Bob just outside the Auditorium. the Union. No admission charge and artists from the surround¬ Safeguard Bicek. Spring Carnival Weekend General admission 50 cents. tickets are 2 p.m. Saturday - the Greer ing area will have the opportun¬ ity to exhibit and sell their Styrofoam publicity director. Its meaning0 Spring Carnival 8 p.m. Friday - The first and White scrimmage. This is the last scrimmage held by the arts and crafts. The Thieves' Soap Ice Bucket Weekend. OOooooh. . . Water Carnival show. Tickets Market will be set up in the will De $3 for adults and $1.50 varsity football team spring Complexion 1 Among the SCWOO items being handed out are SCWOO Auditorium. Size 1J 36c lapel pins, SCWOO bumper Greeks stickers. SCWOO pencils and Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 SCWOO balloons. The first ship¬ ment of pins has already been to entertain East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only distributed, and the first batch $3.98 of balloons were all taken in one afternoon. Also part of the SCWOO cam¬ with dinners, 6" Make Up Mirror Alarm Clock paign is the SCWOO Mystery Man. Hal Evans, Water Carni¬ Dinners, baseball games and will provide entertainment A banquet in honor of the par¬ with Stand Take it val general chairman, said Wed¬ skits highlight what is in Greek living units going on through song. ents will be held at Delta Tau The old railroad bridge behind the new Adminis¬ tration Bldg. gets eaten away by the teeth of a giant nesday that someone would be of Parent's Weekend. in honor Alpha Tau Omega fraternity will hold a smorgasboard din¬ Delta fraternity Saturday. A rush film will be shown to the 87< wla 5249 going around campus this week, On Saturday, Alpha Delta Pi ner and party for their parents Limit 1 Limit 1 parents and a barbeque dinner crane. The bridge, no longer useful, had become smiling and waving at students. sorority will hold their annual will be held the Saturday night. in evening. Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 an eyesore. State News photo by Tom Leone Any students who answers Mother's Day. Plans for the day include A Softball game between the Lambda Chi Alpha will hoFd East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only * a luncheon at the house fathers and members of Delta a dinner for their parents and a performance of "Brig- Chi fraternity will be held Sat¬ Saturday night after the Junior 89* $1.75 STARTED IN '20S adoon, " which they sang at Greek urday afternoon. During the 500. which they sponsor. sing. afternoon, Delta Chi's house¬ Tau Delta Phi Bold English Leather Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority father will show the mothers fraternity will Med technology results Laundry Detergent will hold a brunch Saturday around campus. Saturday even¬ hold their annual Anniversary A11-Purpose morning for their parents. Ball Saturday night to which the Lotion ing a dinner will be held for Plans for the weekend at Al¬ the parents, and the brothers parents are invited. They will pha Xi Delta sorority call for who participated in Greek sing also hold a dinner for their ^nt 69£ $129 from lack of vet students a dinner for their parents at will perform. parents on Sunday. Limit 1 Limit 1 Fred Eyer's Restaurant Satur¬ Delta Sigma Phi fraternity A show and a buffet dinner day night. The group is also is planning a dinner for their will be held by Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 Theta Chi frater¬ East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only getting a block of seats for parents Sunday. nity on Sunday for their parents. If Dean Giltner did not need cal biology was introduced to interns for a year in a American Water Carnival and will attend veterinary students in the late train technicians for hospital Medical Assn. approved hospi¬ with their parents. '20's. a medical technology cur¬ and public health laboratories. tal. He is then eligible for cer¬ WOMEN'S 10% OFF riculum at MSU might have The program is now called tification by the Registry of Med¬ Delta Zeta sorority is plan¬ ARMY Kodak Film existed, said Esther Smith, ning an open house Saturday THE DISCOUNT never medical technology. ical Technologists of the Ameri¬ afternoon in honor of Parent's director of the School of Medi¬ Society of Clinical Patholo¬ Weekend CORPS PRICE ON ALL 126-127-620 Today MSU has one of the can Send cal Technology me more information largest enrollments in medical gists. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority FILM on executive opportunities Threat of extinction of the technology in the country with Besides a general education, is planning a bseball game draft horse discouraged students 250 undergraduate students. A medical technology students re¬ against their fathers on Satur¬ as a WAC officer Woman's Army Corps DEVELOPING 87c from enrolling in veterinary four-year program leads to a B.S. ceive background in chemistry, day afternoon. At night they will Counselor Limit 1 Limit 1 medicine Since the veterinary degree. biochemistry. microbiology, have a dinner for their parents. Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 division needed students, medi¬ UjS. Army Main Station Upon graduation, the student anatomy, physiology and pathol¬ Phi Mu sorority will hold East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 16820 James Couzens ogy. They take the same basic their annual Mother's Day on courses as majors in these fields. Sunday. They will have dinner Highway and the' girls will show a film Detriot, Mich. 48235 $2.25 $1.75 it's what's Only two courses, both one on Phi Mu to their Mothers. credit seminars, are offered in Zeta Tau Alpha sorority will Flash Cubes Virginia Maid HE medical technology. A series of also be holding their Mother's courses other in pathology are the only courses offered especially Day this weekend. They willl Panty Hose hold a luncheon at the Eagle for students in this program. Restaurant and Lounge which S-J19 M» will feature a speaker. Limit 1 "Medical technology is an al¬ Limit 3 The men of Alpha Gamma lied medical health profes¬ Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-09 Rho fraternity have a Sunday sion." Mrs. Smith said, "one ot East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only dinner planned for their par¬ the primary purposes is to edu¬ The University of MAN The MSU Folklore Society will ents. After dinner the brothers cate people to work in hospi¬ hold a general meet at 7:30 52.00 meeting at 8:30 tonight in the base- tal laboratories, although many $1.00 tonight in the Spartan Room of ment of Student Services I go into research. There is much mobility in locating a job. Your Host From Coast To Coast Opaque Knee-Hi Panty Hose At MSU medical technology The Nation's Innkeeper majors are dually enrolled in ouai nig v-/" the College of Veterinary Medi¬ 69c Pastel OQc r* ;jn OTMni- ' Two Locations In Lansing Area Colors 07 ■etmg ana nH I election ott meet 3t 7:30 tonight * cine and the College of Human Men s I.M. Limit 3 Limit 3 Medicine. 3121 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ' Ph. 489-2481 I I niversity L'om- 6051 S. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. neet at 8 tonight Academic Apparel Ph. 393-1650 $1.99 98* Evervone is in- for spring term graduation, Balet by Tanfastic SPECIAL Burlington Sunday, June 8, 1969, SPECIAL The Economics Dept. will pre- can be picked up at SUNDAY MONDAY Panty Hose Tanning Butter ent Jack Kain of Harvard Uni- ersitv at 3 p.m. todav in 117 $150 S-|49 69c lerkev Hall. The Effects He will speak on of Residential Seg- the UNION BUILDING CHICKEN DINNER . $2^5 SPAGHETTI DINNER . . . . X . Limit 3 Expires After 5-17-69 Lin. t 1 Expires After 5-17-69 rhan Spatial Struc- starting June 2, 1969. East Lansing Store Only All you con eat East Lansing Store Only tun $1.75 30% OFF Coppertone THE REGULAR BRAND NEW Suntan Lotion or Oil PRICE ON ALL POLAROID $J17 4 0Z. SUNGLASSES thcUixL OFFICE TYPEWRITER Smith-Corona Secretarial Model 250 Limit 1 Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Regularly *250®° 79 i $1.69 SAVE $60s# 1 & 1 Arrid Extra Baby Oil 4 oz. Dry Deodorant 59' 9 oz.$1t9 Limit 1 Limit 1 Expires After 5-17-69 Expires After 5-17-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only SPSSSS£H 'Hours: 8 Sat., 9 to 1 Store to 5:30, STATE D ISC0UNT PAGE OFFICE MACHINES "We Cash MSU FPayroll 307 E. Grand River Checks" •1. D. Required 942 East Gd. River Corner of Pennsylvania 487-5486