Thursday Warmer . . . The Republicans . . MICHIGAN and windy today with a STATE NEWS . . . . . . have their splits right high in the mid 70s. Increasing cloudiness with after election and Democrats STATE chance of rain. a 20 per cent have theirs just before an elec¬ tion. --Will Rogers UNIVERSITY Thursday, May 15,1969 East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 179 Nixon asks 1-year troop WASHINGTON rkei s march through the desert to Calexico. 16-vear-old students who di^ the study and education of stu¬ self Our interest is in gather¬ Chamberlain, but work is not it to stop grape growers from importing bright sunny day. This student takes in c dents and the administrative obey the law are treated as events in the State News amid the quiet be< ing the country in support of being done under the name of ids of Me: n workers as strike breakers in California's adult criminals, while those who the Horticulture Gardens. policy at MSU the issues. Rowe said EMK. since Kennedy has not obey the law are not treated a* State News spoken out on the controversy The march, which In aturd; ded with Internatioal adult citizens. photo by Bol Workers from EMK are being Grape Boycott Day and will ( tinue until the marchers reach Former dean Cowden sworn in loaned to the Chamberlain the border Sunday They wil . of farm worker union members ileep'along the way in homes group. Rose said. as asst. secretary ofagriculture The popular ABM issue is al¬ so touching the core of the EMK Thomas ordinator Kay. of the Lansing resident and Central Michigan eo grape boycott, said the Mexico march is GENE, CLINT AND BUBBA group, with petitions being cir- important locally because it "emphasizes the boycott by The former dean of the Col- Farmer Cooperative Service, expla; ling what it's all about " lege of Agriculture. Thomas K. Cowden. was sworn in Tuesday as asst. secretary of agriculture Farmers Home Administration. Forest Service. Rural Electri- fication Administration. Rural Robin Hood joins Californ former union organizer .who .has spent time in orking with strikes against non-union grape growers. The California march is directly related to the boycott Former U' football stars Community Development Ser¬ up with Phi Delts here in Lansing." Kay explained, "in that they are trying to in his new post. Cowden will vice and Soil Conservation Ser- stop workers from coming across-the border to break the coming to Water Carny A faulty hip has swayed a direct the activities of the vice. strike of their brothers." highly paid advertising model out of t hi- limelight and into the Since the grape boycott began in the Lansing area. Meijers. A&P and Beemans. representing 10 supermarkets, have quiet joys of Greek life at MSI The model, a 150-pound St. ceased selling California grapes. Half time at Friday night's Water Carnival for the Martin Luther King Jr Spartan Aide fund Admission to the scrimmate will be $2 Subsist. The theme of the pilgrimage i international solidarity show will look more like tht last 30 seconds Bernard named Robin Hood was and the interdependeney ot the farm v of an all-star football game for adults and $1 for students and children. initiated into Phi Gamma Delta ~ Locally, the task of organizing grape boycott goes on. Former MSU football stars ends. A fraternity officer. Rick S Avenue. mage on Saturday Tapping for Blue Key. men's honorary, will One of the Appearing Friday will be former MSU stars also be held during intermission Gilman. Birmingham junior, topics that- ma\ come under consideration is Hobie's PHONE 351-3800 whether the committee should press Lansing Mayor Gerald Gene Washington. Clinton Bubba Smith Tapping for Excalibur. senior men's honorary, said that the dog was donated CARRYOUT&DELIVERY Graves for open support of the grape boycott. and George Webster, along with 10 players will be held Saturday. Lambda Chi Alpha will by Sherwood Kennels, a re Kay said he had been in contact with Graves earlier this from the AFL and NFL. present its awards to winners of the afternoon TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON • SUBMARINES • nowned breeder, after a conge¬ They will be presented to promote Satur¬ Junior 500 race The Junior 500 Crescent Court nital hip defect ended Robin's year when Graves had given his unofficial support, but the committee has not pursued it further day's scrimmage, being held to raise funds will also be presented showdog career. ITS HERE-SPRING CARNIVAL WEEKEND • 5CW00"' SUNt^Y TH6UNWKARP THIEY£S' MARKET achi&noM sAte of ARTS MP OZAn'AUWDRUM Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 3 NEWS ABM victim of propagandists WASHINGTON Two of conferences by the two. The - news Congressional Record. has also "arranged television swers" program for Sen. potent propaganda machines Klein's office also has sent out which *or weeks has been filled Henry On the program, Jackson said summary are working to influence public opinion and swing the congres¬ •background mailings to edi- torial writers" and has supplied with le gthy articles inserted by ABM <>ponents, is now receiv- interviews for key officials. We've even tried to do it on a bi-partisan basis." M Jackson. D-Wash.. a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee who sup¬ senior he had talked to Nixon and could report the administration A capsule summary of the day's events from sional verdict on authorizing the material to senators and House ing of erings from its propo- had no intention of compromis wire services. Safeguard antiballistic missile members preparing speeches on ports ABM. and Dr. John Fos¬ ing the issue. our nents. ter. the Pentagon's research di¬ system < ABM) the ABM Kleir said in an interview he Klein s office has also set up On rector. one side, communications speaki^c dates around the coun coordinator Herbert Klein is di¬ try foi administration officials, recting the Nixon Administra¬ including a 10-day swing by "I hope we will never tion's efforts to sell Safeguard LUNAR BRIEFING Vice President Spiro T Agnew. to Congress and the nation. Klein made sure that the vice again hair silting in this In opposition, a collection of president plugged the issue at gallt'iy a group of people to Apollo 70 to case' politicai. religious, scientific stops from Lexington. Ky.. to attempt to intimidate the Sen¬ and peace groups-many of them Honolulu ate with clenched fists.' Sen. liohert I In her. H-I roy active in earlier campaigns against nuclear lesting and the Vietnam war-have banded to¬ CAPE KENNEDY. Fla (APi Col. Stafford and Navy Cmdr. Moltke in the Sea of Tran¬ moon the The communications himself has been making pro- ABM speeches, including one chief Apollo 11 touchdown. Staf¬ gether to fight the ABM. -One of America's scientist- Cernan plan to twice sweep quility. ford said. If there are any recently to the Detroit conven¬ Pro-ABM forces base their down lunar module LEM- "We'll tion of Sigma Delta Chi. astronauts Wednesday showed rn a probably be able to boulder fields around, we can profes¬ campaign on the contention the three Apollo 10 astronauts landiitt' craft to within 50.000 see craters 30 feet in diameter- see that-.'' Two Apollo 11 pi sional journalism society And that, in matters of national se¬ what lunar features feet O' Apollo It's intended things that could give lots plan to set foot on the he has spoken to groups of GOP International News they would a lunar curity. Nixon knows best search for when they fly around landin, site near the crater module a hard time" during moon's surface July 20. senators and their aides. Opponents attack the Safe¬ the moon next week. guard as unworkable and a Dr. Harrison H. •Jack'' threat to arms control talks. Schmitt. expert in astro- Malaysia an Furious fighting persisted Wednesday and by unofficial count in Saigon the enemy is They liken it to other technologi¬ cal flops such as with the bump¬ er stickers that read "ABM is geology who is expected to be one nauts of the first scientist-astro¬ assigned to land the JUNIORS losing five dead for every allied soldier killed an Edsel." on moon, met with Thomas P. Staf¬ in three days of savage battle. Within days of Nixon's public- ford and John W. Young to dis¬ acts to LAST CHANCE Allied sources estimated more than 2.000 espousal of the Safeguard ABM cuss lunar landmarks and topo¬ North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers have plan. Washington newsmen re¬ graphy. He then briefed Eugene been killed since Sunday. U.S. battle deaths ceived from Klein a packet containing Nixon's statement A. Cernan about photographic targets. racial were put at more than 100 and South Viet¬ an outline of the proposal by During the eight-day Apollo 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia namese dead were about 300. U.S. officials Deputy Secretary of Defense flight, scheduled to begin APi David Packard and transcripts i /The government assumed said Sunday at 12:49 p.m.. Air Force one enemy objective in the upsurge of powers bordering on martial law Wednesday in a move to curb fighting is to put pressure on Washington to between Chinese STUDENT TEACHING give way at the Paris peace talks. • • • Fee Hall might offer an&* claim ilTn mobs that estimated 100 lives. has FALL TERM? The head of a clan in the Scottish high¬ Prime Minister Tunku Abudl lands a sounded a protest Wednesday against plan to hunt down the Loch Ness monster apartments on 1st floor Rahman said the powers enti¬ tle Malaysia's King Ismail Nasi- rudilin Come in TODAY or TOMORROW For to suspend all laws and in a yellow submarine and pluck out a piece Apartment life might soon become a reality on campus Foe Hall is hoping to implement a plan to change the first floor prescribe the death penalty for of its hide. I'm all for living areas on both the men's and women's sides into' apart- crim^. The prime minister said the n ove was necessary to Senior Pictures observing the monster, but I'm help restp.e order. against molesting it." said Lord Lovat. a Occupancv will be for one to four persons He spoke as police reported While the ideas are still in the planning stage. Donald Schmidt, famed commando leader in World War ' II FREE! new/f ghting between Malay and manager of Fee Hall, will be meeting witft the architect today to ChirVHse youths at the govern¬ 'I think its just damnable to bully the crea¬ see if the plan is feasible ture.'" If the plan seems feasible after being checked by Norman Pot¬ ment-sponsored Malay College on fae outskirts of Kuala Lum¬ • • • ter. head of the Residence Hall Program, work will begin this pur. summer Schmidt said th;it he hopes to have the apartments One hundred and twenty-five Vietnamese It was not known just what ready for fall occupancy. starlci the orphans are the recipients of nearly two tons Scmidt said that he is presently thinking in terms of a kitch¬ flareup of rioting Tuesc iy but the violence ap- 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. of toys, food and toiletries as a result of a enette with living and sleeping areas, if it is possible to remodel the existing facilities paren lv stemmed from refu¬ Room 43 Union letter an Army private wrote to his parents sal c the Malaysian Chinese Students are quite enthusiastic about the idea, for many be¬ last October. Pfc. Michael Burke. 20. is home Assn. (MCAi to take part in a come tired of dormitory life after several years, yet are unable If you want your now. And the last of the goods that Burke's to move off campus due to the age limitations, hd said. new. government because of the picture in the 1970 setbacks it suffered in parlia¬ Occupancy would be on a first-come, first-serve basis with stu¬ Wolverine, you must have it taken NOW! parents collected were loaded Wednesday on dents presently on campus having first choice. mentary elections Saturdav. a ship for Vietnam. And there probably will Many of the policies are still in the early planning stages and be more going in the future. will be formed after consultation with some of the major student "We couldn't stop now.'" said Burke's governing groups on campus. The program will be on an experimental basis its first year, father, a New York City accountant. "I'd HELP STOP and if successful, will be continued. Remodeling may be done on feel sort of guilty if I quit knowing the needs.'' other floors if students still remain enthusiastic about the pro¬ • • • gram. Schmidt said. West Germany has recalled its ambassador to Cambodia over that countries diplomatic recognition of East Germany, it was an THE STATE NEWS nounced Wednesday. Recall of an ambassa¬ dor usually is only a step short of a full diplo¬ matic break. ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILESIABMI National News Associated Press. I nited Press International. Inland Associated Collegiate Press. Daily Pre IN 1968 THE U.S. GOV'T SPENT: Michigan Press Association Mic ite Press Association. I nited States Student Press Association Lt. Col. William A. Anders, one of the three astronauts who circled the moon last De¬ $106 BILLION for WEAPONS of DESTRUCTION cember. has been named executive secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Ad¬ Classified $23 BILLION for HEALTH, EDUCATION, & WELFARE ministration. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Advertising 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 announced Wednesday. Business-Circulation 355-3447 Photographic REVERSE PRIORITIES NOW! • • • 355-83!! Former Vice President Hubert Humphrey LET'S was accepted Wednesday for membership in the American Assn. of University Professors. • • • vf*"' Presents The House Judiciary Committee was asked GOLD FASHION ORIGINALS SEN. ROBERT GRIFFIN IS STILL PUBLICLY formally Wednesday to take a first step to- ■ ward possible impeachment action against New... from Gold Fashion Originals... Justice Abe Fortas. Fortas maintained his romantic bridal sets with the cherished UNCOMMITTED ON ABM. HIS VOTE COULD silence in the face of a demand from Rep. antique look for the frankly sentimental. Clark MacGregor. R-Minn.. that the com¬ mittee launch an investigation beginning Like love ... never out of style. DECIDE WHICH DIRECTION THIS COUNTRY GOES. Tuesday, but there was an announcement from the Supreme Court that his mail is IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO WRITE, PLEASE running about 4 to 1 in his favor. Michigan News engagement solitaire SIGN AND SEND THE LETTER BELOW. fitted in center of The Corvair automobile, defended and wide textured damned over its brief life of ten years, went wedding band MSU Stop ABM Committee quitelv into oblivion Wednesday. The last model of the little compact car with the only rear engine built in America rolled off the only assembly line in Detroit. • • • Senator Robert P. Griffin 353 Senate Office Building Detroit Police Commissioner Johannes Washington, D.C. 20515 Spreen said Wednesday he may quit if the Gold Fashion designs Common Council insists on cutting the Dear Senator Griffin: handsome contemporary mayor's proposed budget for his department. I urge you to vote aga'nst deployment of the proposed antiballistic m'ssile system • • • bands with the hand-carved becaose It will put enormous amounts of money into a highly questionable and pro¬ vocative addition to our nuciear arsenal. A major step toward decentralization of We should instead support the nuclear disarmament conferences and put our efforts, Michigan's large, urban-area public school imagination, and money into much needed programs of human development. systems was taken by the State Board of Yours sincerely, Education Wednesday. Adopted on a unani¬ vote resolution Jewelry and mous was a directing the Art Center Michigan Education Dept. to draft •mean¬ 319 E. Grand River Ave. ingful'' legislation to provide for ' maximum East Lansing local citizen involvement in education." EDITORIAL POINT OF VIEW Equitable syst New employe policy EDITOR'S NOTE: The following "point chairmen to enforce even a modicum of Nixon of view" decorum indicates that in the future they in was written by Bob Repas, profes¬ draft sor of labor and industrial relations. There personnel can be policies no question but that the of this University should be restricted to chairing nothing more important than a cub scout meting. Today, only a university would have the The long-awaited revision in ity Council and the director ol need re-examination at all levels. This arrogance to conduct a hearing to deter¬ Selective Service System fact has been clearly indicated by the mine the employment status of its em¬ our the Selective Service would bungling of the Carskof and Hildebrand ployes which did not provide for cross- got a firm boost Tuesday when make a study of this whole area cases at the faculty level as well as the examination The Student-Faculty Judi¬ President Nixon outlined his and then report back to the Wilson Hall ma'ter. It is also evident that ciary procedures utilized in Wilson Hall in some cases only a demonstration can get are the very same plan for a more equitable ar¬ President. procedures over which 4 action out of a university. However, be¬ the ACLU went to court the second time rangement in selecting Ameri¬ cause one approves of the right and need in regard to Paul Schiff. At that time the cans for the draft. Nixon's package to Congress, to demonstrate does not automatically University beat a graceful retreat and re¬ in its entirity. is a well-devel¬ mean that one must also approve of the admitted Schiff the day before the court Nixon's message to Congress oped. clear, welcome proposal. University's role in the Wilson Hall af- was scheduled to rule on the due process proposed a draft lottery with With all the vehement bickering issue. The Student-Faculty Judiciary pro¬ Despite the efforts of Professor Lar- cedures were lousy in 1966 and they haven't an assortment of important in the Congress and the nation rowe and others to create the impression improved any with age. If the University side-features aimed primarily on the ABM and the Vietnam that the Wilson Hall hearing was the model is going to hold hearings the least it can do at eliminating uncertainty and war. this is. above all. an issue of due process, the facts prove otherwise. is to establish a form of due process and confusion in the minds of young Sirhan Sirhan who placed a pistol against get competent personnel to conduct them. which eradicates much discri¬ the head of Bobby Kennedy and pulled the Furthermore, there is some reason to be¬ men. The President's proposal, mination and could provide a trigger in full view of many witnesses and lieve that the University may be guilty of if passed by Congress, would go obviously committed a crime got more due an unfair labor practice under the Michi¬ way-station on the road to fu¬ far in that direction. ture bi-partisan cooperation. process than did the two supervisors in Wil¬ gan Public Employment Law as a result son Hall. The supervisors were given only of negotiating conditions of employment^ seven hours to prepare a defense against with organization other than the exclu¬ Although President Nixon It is still true that local an eventually hopes we can estab¬ lish an a 11-volunteer armed boards would probably retain Coming to the S charges that they-ilid not receive until the time of the hearing: their attorney had no sive bargaining representative of the ployes which is Local 1585. AFSCME. em¬ certain privileges even if the right to cross-examine: the hearing itself Contract negotiations are now in process force, his present interim pro¬ proposal was adopted. But. The Conrad was conducted in a Roman holiday atmos¬ between Local 1585 and the University. phere with repeated interruptions both by A number of the long term problems raised posal is a necessity if we ever hopefully the review of guide¬ ( Don */ «■ y. riul h ank Jans, yor n ill Jiad his Je the prosecution and the audience. The in¬ by BSA in regard to University personnel hope to arrive at a stage with lines on Selective Service will reunlarh i tin- classi f ied atli t'i listag ftapes.) competency or inavailabilitv of the co- practices should be handled here. Some of no draft at all. the issues that require study are the follow¬ prove to eliminate as much lo¬ cal ing: li shortening the excessively long The elaborate plan suggested board discrimination as probationary period of six months to 30 or the following changes: 1 A possible. OUR READERS' W IND 60 days: 2' clarification of layoff policies so that all parties understand that Univer¬ youngest first order of draft The lottery type system in¬ sity-wide seniority applies: 3i clarification call would replace the oldest- Give support to Ad ams of promotion policies so that all parties un¬ sures an equal risk for those first one now in use. This would in the draft derstand that if jobs are not filled within* pool for one year the department, employes can bid on the allow vulnerability to the draft and accordingly following this basis of University-wide seniority: 4' cov¬ to decrease is the individual year, a young man can be rea¬ cess. at least a violent outbreak was erage of all University employes by unem¬ gets older. < 2 The seven-year H far less explosive situations on this ployment insurance »Shortening the proba sonably assured that the draft To the Editor: cjrnpus. police have been called in. averted-errors which may have been tionary period as well as providing unem¬ "prime draft vulnerability" will not disturb his future Unfortunately, it is son hr-tds have been bashed and students committed can be corrected in a calmer sarv to perform illegal a ployment insurance would enable blacks would be reduced to one year atmosphere. plans. Continuing the under¬ tention to injustice The s .hi; .e been jailed. It took tremendous It is easy tap bo holy and a purist who are employed primarily in the Dormi¬ which would normally occur ci jrage not to meet force with force. tory and Food Services Dept. to build up graduate deferment and the ex¬ in the automobile plants aKj create a battleground on the cam¬ when you don t have to make the de¬ when a young man was between tension to ing the '30s were illegal: cisions yourself seniority and thus bid on other jobs. >: 51 one full year of in¬ pus It was a sign of strength and it is easy to destruc¬ the ages of 19 and 20 Parks' act of defiance who con- tively criticize after an event Walter provide for at least two more chief ste¬ 3' A vulnerability for graduate stu¬ ti ionce. not weakness and insecurity, to wards in the grievance procedure so that the front seat of a bi Adams has random ■ lottery system would dents. on i#x)gnize the symbolic meaning of the aete examination of the racial compo¬ equitable for those who cannot light. a •tl to accept the committee's recom- tive outbursts during the one month he sition of the University work force to do risk of draft call by using a attend institutions of higher has been president of this University. n^dations. For this. President Adams Let termine in which departments minority scrambling of us give hiy credit and support in birthdays and learning, are requirements if s ould be praised, not condemned, by his his very difficult task of keeping the groups are not presently employed : 7 the the alphabet in order to select "ong-time friends " establishment of a joint University labor- candidates more equitably. we are to have a ed group of people helping to widely educat¬ Zap-in apology If the proceedings were not all that University functioning. Harold Hart management recruitment committee which should seek to fill future job openings with could be desired in the ; '4 Th< deferment for the way of due pro¬ Professor of chemistrv lead our country in the future. To the Editor: blacks until black employment at the Uni undergraduate student would It turns my stomach to sec college versity equals the per cent of black popula¬ continue until such time that he While a Nixon-appointed com¬ students act like adolescent brats. :is tion in the community. } left college and didn't attend a graduate school with the year mission looks into an all-volun¬ teer military and a review of they did It is after in Zap. .YD. last weekend. incidents like this that I can understand why adults tend to view Make ROTC academic Some of the above proposals are partially embodied in tht University's agreement with BSA In most cases they will probably following his the Selective Service is con¬ not be implemented unless incorporated departure, the suspiciously any student-led movement. I tool every level-headed To the Editor: partment would nave a voice but no veto within the collective maximum tinued. this lottery type draft college stu¬ bargaining agreement vulnerability year. dent in this country should write a lot- ^I believe that ROTC. by its nature, power in the s$eetion The University It should be emph - zed that all of thes<' 5 Graduate students would be should be implemented as it i? non-academic: and I believe that would, however, extract from ROTC the tor of apology to the citv of Zap for positive steps can bo taken without deny 11 lowed to finish not only one is the most equitable system the senseless destruction dealt by those students who wish to take ROTC should agreement that po cadet would be com¬ ing two supervisors duo process. not be penalized by loss of credit I missioned until line had passed this course. term, but their first full ica that could be established at the students. Perhaps there is still hope that thi-nk the solution lies in bringing ROTC ROTC. having 12 terms to indoctrinate demic year during which they present moment. we can persuade them that not all stu¬ closer to the academic community, and its students, could not reasonably com¬ Letter policy dents are asinine fools are first ordered for induc¬ Tom Lamas a)ong this lint" I make the following pro- plain about arty counter-indoctrination The State News welon: i'l lotiors. 'gf)sal. that might occur jn one term. tion " iti The National Secur¬ -The Editors PLast Lansing senior They should bo typed and signed with the It appears to me that the anti-academ- This proposal blight itself not be feas¬ home town, student, faculty or statt stand¬ ii nature of ROTC is mainly attribut- ible. but I feel tfjat the problem of ROTC ing. and local phono number included No ;^)!o to the fact that it is taught by should be solved by moving in this di¬ unsigned letter will bo accepted for ptibli- Military officers, who. due to their rection. and not be divorcing ROTC JERRY PANKHURST position, are unable to discuss the kinds from the Univers-j v and r a signature except egf basic questions that the academic >• Howard Brody nces. All letters m community ought to raise Therefore. Mcllenry. 111., junior rds long for publicat £ suggest that the University establish thre •redit the The gusty political winds H'lationship of the military to the whole society. In this course such topics might discussed as: military means as com- POINT OF VIEW : [}ired to other means of forwarding na¬ tional policy; the arms race as a detri¬ ment to international cooperation: mili¬ to Should speak.and Should we wo s decreasing adequacy of our national and state park and recreation systems have come crushing into our consciousness. of again. "America" came Sure, since the war we have had crushing in once some tary spending and the national econ- -'v Attempts would be made to present Insights from India Id Today's biggest problem is undoubt¬ ambitious conservationists and some viewpoints which differ from those put EDITOR'S NOTE: The following mutual consideration, an order.that t on "point of view'- was written by Warren create confidence in minorities and edly the one we have dubbed The important programs, but not enough was firth by the military establishment, so en¬ done to that a meaningful dialogue might re- J. Day, international minister. United courage them to participate freely and Problem of Our Cities." We usually in¬ keep up with our nation's great clude under that rubric the racial strife, rate of waste and spoilage. ; jilt Ministries in Higher Education at MSU. boldly in building up the life of the -The faculty for this course would be a whole people Reflecting upon labor "they air pollution, the over-crowding, the subur¬ And Mr. Case and other CCC alumni One week ago the president of the unrest, student agitations, communal ban sprawl and the ghetto squalor of are angry. They know that a consistent professor, or hopefully a team of profes¬ world's largest»democracy died from a and linguistic conflicts, he observed: CC our urban areas. effort could have been made following sors from various departments, chosen by We Alumni are those people who We usually do not in¬ heart attack.The event was all but ig¬ think of all the things that have not 1933 and 1942 worked lor the clude the problems of rural land spoil¬ the CCC. but the nation s energies are faculty committee. The ROTC de- nored by the American press. been done for us by others, of all the Conservation too erratic for such common sense. Corps, an anti- age and lack of adequate recreational Americans have been great admirers facilities in the country. The CCC-ers have the same type of things done badly by others, or not as program begun by Franklin of outstanding Indian leaders in the re¬ well as they should have been. Gand- elt After the CCC These, however, are part and parcel dissatisfaction as today's youth. Mr. Case Garskof tenured? cent past Mohandas Gandhi, father of the hiji's principle and practice was to fight 1942. most of thei of The Problem of Our Cities. The contends. There should be some way cause of "The Problem"' is neglect. to coordinate the two dissatisfactions to Indian nation a^id rightly known as the all forms of social evil but he knew that To the Editor: Mahatma igreai spirit' is remembered even success would be of no value un¬ Simon and Garfunkel have expressed initiate the type of change which would J&SU WE LOVE THY CHANNELS worldwide during this 100th .anniversary less in fighting against evil, he puri¬ it well- " Counting the cars on insure that another great effort would not ' . . . Several weeks at an NUC meet¬ of his birth, iawaharlal Nehru, the New Jersey Turnpike be too soon forgotten ago prime fied and disciplined himself They've all ing it was announced that the Faculty minister and wprld statesman, received In The political winds of the United States pausing to show respect for this Cas gone to look for America."' And we're Tenure Committee had met and de¬ acclaim for hi.* dynamic neutralist role. all distinguished educator, wo might recall We bui beli • the CCC. he having a hard time finding it. are gusty, pushing one thing under one And. Dr S. administration and another under cided that Dr. Garskof should be granted R^dhakrishnan pursued the Zakir Husain s words at theJLS67 Univer¬ said, but they wen In the year of Our Lord. 1969. we have the another year here at MSU but the final quest for eterna truth both as outstanding sity of Michigan commencement. "We and the bill before the Michigan Legislature next, allowing past successful programs fully clean up the i parks a decision would rest with the provost. If philosophy and president of India are certainly individuals, to implement a $100 million bond is¬ to fall bv the wayside to appease the but in a deep of the nation Afte In such a succession, the two-vear sue to clean up our new. more novel pressures t| is is in fact true, how come it was and poignant sense we are also mem¬ vation programs begun by the CCC were waterways and parks -never announced whether this recom¬ presidential teriii of Zakir Husain might bers of one another in innumerable bonds.* largely forgotten and to establish more park and re¬ Maybe with the help of the Clarence Until recently, that is. when the fetid creation areas. Yet in 1933. the CCC Cases we can make the change mendation was acted on° easily be overlooked especially by tangible and otherwise And. we might The Americans embroiled in controversy I do hope Mr Neville does decide over reflect upon the challenge to America, condition of our lakes and rivers and began the same task and did it well generation gap may exist, but that doesn't Vietnam, the before he leaves MSU for his new post pities, turmoil on cam¬ represented by the fact that predominant¬ streams, the littered and despoiled wastes for nine years. preclude a meeting of the minds where pus. ABM. etc;' But. natural Then it was two of them "fit " a"$ president somewhere else. It also this follower of ly Hindu India, only 20 years after be¬ of our areas, and the ever- forgotten until the lack sterns really strange to me that every¬ the Gandhian tradition had much to of¬ coming an independent secular democracy, one (ASMSU and the State News as fer such a world." chose a Muslim, a minority person, as \fell as SDS and other groups' has lost In observance, of India's Republic Day president, a man who champioi a*l interest in this issue last January. F esident Husain recalled in diversity, Howard Green that Gandhiji 'Dreamed ol a social and I wonder if we are open to Detroit junior political order inspired by sympathy and sights from another culture'" MICHIGAN Carol A. Budrow advertising manager I REMEMBER THOSE SUMMER ACTUALLY, THAT'S NOT TRUE... NO STATE NEWS Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor EVENINGS -YEARS A60 AT THE DAISV HILL PUPfV FARM...U)* USED TO SlT AROUND AND SIN5 ic'HILE ONE KNEU) HOU) To PLY*" THE BANJO, AND uOE WON'T EXACTLY SING... INIVKRSITY George K. Bullard, eampus editor SOMEONE STRUMMED A 0ANJ11 Si&ti Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial direetor Jeff Elliott, sports editor Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Ma lb It's what they call a tradition; the floats, the Red Cedar, the Carnival song . . . It's the manifestation of Springtime at MSU . . . Will it die at age 47? If you pass away, Water Carnival, some people gonna miss you when you're gone. High Carnival seating By PAUL HANSON News Assistant While Caplan's efforts will not rival the Schubert theaters. served committee to just set design The is responsible for ers increased housing the lights, public address system and the script a ival executive board has manned "Duck Patrol" with the aim AMr. John Carver Style by of keeping people away from Rouge is in. Wear it where they do suit the $24,000 pro- providing assistance to the chief readers rise 25 feet from. the Were building a the floats your natural color would be. theater duction of Water Carnival component of Water Carnival, river bank. Caplan's biggest worry is How to find out? Take a walk with a 6.500 - seat capacity the 22 floats. Last year there on the Red Cedar for Water The only problem is that all Water Carnival's record with drawing a large crowd. Cap¬ on a windy day, look in the were complaints that the floats the weather man has been good; acity attendance for both nights mirror then diagram the Carnival." the facilities are temporary were often poorly built. To ... and must be assembled in the Never in the past 46 productions is 13.000 Although Water Car¬ pattern I prevent that from happening And that just about sums field next to the Auditorium has the program been rained nival has only been in the red this year. Caplan has set up up what Rick Caplin. produc- a. float out. Caplan said. one year, there is always the Slimming exercise for up¬ advisory board to help threat of deficit which arms: put fingertips on tir>n and design chairman for a has per advise the living units on spec¬ He claims the temperature to be met right shoulder . . . describe Water Carnival, has done for ial problems. by the general fund the 47th float flotilla on the will be 72 degrees evenings of ASMSU. Profits from the circles in air with elbow ten Caplan's committee has plan Red Cedar. ned everything from pay tele , Caplan and his committee of the show with clear skies, Carnival will go back to ASMSU times. Then the other shoul¬ phones for the audience to a supervise the construction of a supporting his claims by say¬ to underwrite a future deficit. der. Daily. Caplan views the two hour nightly Duck Patrol' to keep neverside catwalk behind Shaw ing "I've consulted a few mys¬ Caplan views Water Carnival Water Carnival show as a blend tics. half a dozen Indian witch ot a broadwav musical and the nocturnarsightseers from, Hall for the final steps of float doctors, and my corns, and they as more than a money-raising For smooth fingernails that won't split, file like a mani¬ the floats assembly All of the catwalk project. He sees a broader Ziegfield Foliies. With this in construction and wiring is done all point to clear weather." purpose behind the activity. curist, toward the center in mind he has to provide everv ... c ... . by employes of the MSU phy¬ "There is reason to have one direction (back-and-forth While the weather cannot be feature necessary for the pro- th.A".0' ""s Pla"n,"« ln sical plant planned on. the committee has Water Carnival that is more "ruffles" the nail). duction of a show combining fal when Caplan took a view important than amusing few- "Dubious Distinctions the efforts of nearly 700 H people K of las,„ saw what s he wanted to do this a"d The physical plant crew also taken action to prevent another last minute complication, either alumni and students in the aud¬ a Trick to maintain a hair- sets up the bleachers, fences ience." he said. "It is the en¬ set: use thin, pinched-togeth- year. Chief on his list of changes accidential or intentional de¬ off the entire area of the river er hairpins to hold pincurls JUNIOR 500 was dropping the price of tic¬ used for the Carnival, installs struction of the floats by night¬ joyment of the people who partic¬ overnight . . . weaving the kets from $3.50 to $3.00 by time visitors. The Water Carn- ipate in it." the winch and float pull rope, hairpin Li and out so as not increasing tlr seating by 1.500 paddles the floats to the canoe 'We may have to use a shoe¬ dock after they pass the aud¬ Pushcart power converts horn to get all 6.500 in. said. he ience in Friday l.ight's show and returns them to the cat¬ There's always a prettier- than-before, up-to-the-min¬ Caplan is also cutting costs walk before presentation, Saturday night's Sublime. ute look make it . , yours? . Why not let us West Circle to racetrack other ways while trying to The labor costs for the phys¬ create a quality show. The MSI Jazz Band will play in a cloth ical plant employes is one of Eating a Hobie's submarine sandwich is a wonderful experience. MR. lOHN'S strictly men s competition band shell this year instead the major costs of the produc¬ HAIR FASHIONS Hobie's West Circle Drive will be¬ Richard B Fetters, asst. waj PHONE 351-3800 tion committee come a racetrack Saturday when coach of the MSU swimming until 1954. when some women s 0f the usual wooden one. This team, will be the official start- dormitories entered the race-- saves a considerable amount in CARRYOUT&DELIVERY the annual Lambda Chi Alpha Junior 500 gets underway er of this year's race. Donald with a male driver and runners. carpenter's wages which is TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON • SUBMARINES Over 50 living units will be B Elliott, general chairman. Since the beginning of the being plowed back into renting id The race will start in front eompetiton. Sigma Alpha Ep- a mini-light show for the shell participating in the race from si Ion has won the most 1.30 to 4:30 p.m of the Union. The Junior 500 is a race Also, this year the Mutations, claiming six wins. The fra- But the efforts ofarethenot pro- duction committee ternitv's last win was in 1966. TRAVEL, EXCITEMENT The in is which driven a four-wheeled cart a local band, will be front of the Union playing in during the OFFERED TO JUNIOR WOMEN Perfect by one representa¬ afternoon. Wedding ATTENTION CAR OWNERS tive of a living unit The cart is pushed by five runners, who A parade will be held at noon U.S. Women's Army Corps in honor of the Junior 500 are stationed at five designated spots around the course. Included in th?*parade will be * Complete front end repair and $3,000 SCHOLARSHIP offered Begins at Lett's The Junior 500 has two divis¬ the Lambda Chi Alpha Cres¬ for your senior year. ions of competition, the men's cent Queen and her court, plus alignment 4 week preview of the and the women's divisions. In other important guests Each the men's division one man men's living unit will have a * Brakes * Suspension program this summer. X'I\K drives female representative in the being pushed by men from his living unit. In the parade The parade route will * Wheel DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION women's division the cart is start on MAC Avenue, down balancing * Steering Grand River Avenue to Abbott IS MAY 20th. driven by a woman, but men are All enter drafted to do the running. units have a chance to Road and West Circle Drive. when The Junior 500 began in 1948 Lambda Chi Alpha LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center WRITE TO: U.S. Army Recruiting Main Station challenged some other fratern- 124 SOUTH LARCH TV 4-7346 16620 James Couzens Most of the afternoon will consist of the running of pre- 'ties t0 pushcart race. It Detroit, Michigan 48235 liminary heats. About nine men's and eight women's pre¬ liminary heats will be held Each cart is timed during the Don'/ Giv Sears NEW Store HOURS preliminary heats, and the five Space on exciting European fastest of each division par¬ NOW OPEN 5 NIGHTS ticipate in the finals. SUMMER TRAVEL PROGRAMS First, second and third place THE ULTIM trophies will be awarded in both STILL AVAILABLE Thru '^Friday 9 A.M. tO 9 P.M. IN divisions. S.T.O.P. Tours, Brownell, Saturday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. SOPHISTICATED ••••#••••• University Tours, A.Y.A. # Thieves' Mkt. # Osborne, U.S.N.S.O. and BRIDAL •'Art Show, May 18# many others at FASHIONS # H p.m. • here I Smart, refresh¬ # Union Ball Room # COLLEGE TRAVEL ... are ing styles for Late Summer 351-6010 and Fall that include just the ••••••MM gown you wantl And by special arrangement with Alfred An- gelo we c£n furnish your size Now's the when you want it I See these breathtaking new silhouettes now Advertised in "MODERN time to SAVE s3 BRIDE" magazine fectly styled as . , . per- xJh rTQaiii buy your IB mad-mod by Edythe Vincent of vacation US fashion timepieces Regular reading $9.99 6" The styles pictured in Modern Bride maga¬ Smashing accessories at a smash-low price. Sears mod watches make the costume with their big, bold zine are sold exclu¬ faces, and wide leather straps in tingling colors. sively at Left's Fash- WIDE SELECTION OF1 Functional and swinging, these exciting watfches make BOOKS, MAGAZINE perfect gifts for any with it girl from six to sixty. Buy the look that's in today! & NEWSPAPERS Charge It On Sears Revolving Charge COMMUNITY NEWSCENTER SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Corner of N. Butler and Ot¬ Hrs: 9-9 Daily, 10-9 Sunday Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears tawa. For exclusive selections for mothers of the wedding be sure to see collection. FRANDOR CENTER PHONE 351-7562 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. our Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 STRONG NARRATIVE Shored transmitter W MSB-TV, dire Finney'-, prodoct Bv CHARLEY WEIRAUCH WMSB-TV and WILX-TV have the only shared television trans¬ marily during the mornings and early afternoons. Since WILX is a commercial station, it has been authorized WMSB receives programs from National Edu¬ some cational Television (NETi and of the of artistic yearning mitter in the world and accord¬ is commissioned to make pro¬ When you interview a man ing to Robert D Page, director to broadcast mainly on the who wrote, directed and pro* sympathetic char- grams for NET Since WMSB of WMSB. the relationship has "prime time" of television view¬ does not have full air time on duced a first feature concern¬ So much for cinematic psy¬ outworn its usefulness. ing. in the late afternoon and the channel, it does not receive ing an aging bartender who fail¬ chology. What remains is an un¬ The two TV stations began night. WMSB is strictly a non¬ or transmit the bulk of NET and ed-at football, painting and seen film which has sharing the Channel 10 transmit¬ commercial. educational tele¬ undergone other national broadcasting marriage, you expect to meet several fluctuations in form. ter in 1959 when WILX-TV start¬ vision station. an aging ex-football player who companies' programs. What ed Although the stations are shar¬ finally emerged two broadcasting. Page said. In "There is just not enough time feels his autobiography is worth ears and $140,000 later was the shared time arrangement. ing the same transmitter, they to air all the new and varied putting on display. Anyone who WMSB is authorized to use are individually licensed and strong, present-tense, black- programs we would like to pro¬ spends two years trying to about 30 per cent, or 38'a hours function nd-white narrative which links individually. WMSB duce." Page said. scrape together the time and benefits from the relationship ries of color flash backs per week of the aired time on About 15.000 people view the money for such a project must hieh formerly made up the fhe channel The times are pri- by having a licensed channel channel during the time that surely have an aching in nis which can be picked up WMSB is on the air during the entire film. Hard decided, ap¬ guts to do so throughout most of the southern day. "Finney." which comes to the parently, that the original form half of the state State Theatre next week, is such was not only needlessly hard Page is expecting the results The biggest fault of the of a qualitiative analysis taken a film. But its creator. Bill his film's antihero to follow, but a bit pretent¬ shared transmitter is that it But since he quit his very well And Hare. I by a national survey company to Hare, is not that man. Hare is ious as might restricts the kind of program determine how well programs Local debut voung i341 and very success¬ lucrative joh to spend two years add. is hardly a pretentious ming that WMSB can receive, are being received by WMSB Bill Hare, a commercial-maker turned storyteller, ful laker on a film which hardly abounded type. , transmit and produce." Page in box-office appeal. Hare must poses before a poster for his first feature-length • Marlboro Country, the Teaber- Influences'' Not. as one might "At this Shuffle. When You're Out nl have had something gnawing in fear. Godard. Resnais Jame* stage of development, movie, "Finney," to promote the local debut of the rv or with Schlitz. who side him. Strangely enough. Rob¬ .Joyce, but rather the old M.S.U. Folklore Society we are more concerned film at the State Theatre next week. etc > hardly mas ert Kilcullen. who plays Jim ter storytellers. Hitchcock qualitative rather than quan¬ and presents titative results." Finney, is a former football Kurosawa. Another influence. Page said Ed Henry WMSB is licensed to the trus¬ SUPPLIED BY POLICE player nine years with the Hare says, was A Man and a tees of the University and is Chicago Bears' turned painter, Woman Although mention ot Dan Gellert although he has hardly failed that film gives this critic, foi part of the Continuing Educa¬ tion Service. it her <>n< the FRIDAY, MAY 16 b^etii r] COLOR :. . £ United Artists 8:30 p.m. - admission 75MKO PARTI jl MKT . .E OF AUSTmnr' 1:40 4:10 - - "A MILESTONE! A FINE TONIGHT AT 6 P^l. PART I n STARTS 6:40 - ACHIEVEMENT! ENDS MAY 20 | TOMORROW! 9:15 P.M. "I THOUGHT IT WAS GREAT! A merge between | 2a Warhol and Chekhov. CAM PUS 1st Run Showing 2:55-6:30-10:00 Co,or Hits9 a : OlMAHIISSfV IfONAHOMNS fA.J'MA MCHAriv0RK |0HNMclNM PAIHIVW000 NAIASHAPARRY RDF ■ jnoMASOtlNO0 AMCO ii ^ri- A classic! Go see it!"] (9Primeof ANIHONY HAVHOCK- Mi Aft ami lOHN BRABOM RICHARD iK "A PHENOMENALLY I0HN CASSAVETES' •MissS&m Burt Lancaster FR|.: Ij^j]HCHIGAIM GOOD PICTURE!" FACES 'Brodie The Swimmer s"m~a; technicolor* ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Released" prior to;Nov. 1 - Not classified WAR/ 2nd Attraction 1:00-4:30-8:05 Beal Film Group Presents NEXT ATTRACTION! and TONIGHT anc^Friday »a maa COluwbiA piUURfS PRESENTS A dOMilSO pROduC I iON Henry FondT in FAILSA :E plus W.c. Fields in Fata' Glass of Beer 7 and 9 106B Wells 50c ID not requir mYu'iSw"0 Moscow* STARTS WED. MAY 21 Nextl Gina Lollobrigida "Buona Sera Mrs. Campbell" ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★-A- Fri. - Sat. The Music Man Duck Soup TOHITE; MHA-WIC PRESENTS THIS PICTURE 50' 0 Tony Curtis-JackLemmon HAS A MESSAGE: Natalie Wood per plate 1 FASHION • as modelled SHOW by "Watch out!" the girls from kappa kappa gairima. e Buffet Tonight 2 SLOPPy JOES ('JIaggie Smith The greatest comedy of all time! l 9 to 1130 100 RIFLES L JIM RAQUEL Plus the STEPHENS • FRANKLIN MUSIC FROM BROWN WELCH JACKSON JOHNSON T FRYER &lD neame FENDERMEN S. MA3R6IX3AKE BURT REYNOLDS FERNANDO LAMAS DAN 0 HERLIHY HANSGUDEGAST rviN SCHWARTZ TOM CRIES URHUffAKfR. TQM CRIES COLOR > Lux S D. t Piay t, MURIEL SPARK JAY PRESSON ALLEN L#" With their ,6, JAY PRESSON ALLEN Tonight — 6:30 - 9:15 million selling RETURNING SOON . . . Steve McQueen Brody Hall -- Adm. 75C y "BULLITT" ]g Open to MSU students & Faculty -- I.D's Required Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 7 SPORTS MIKE MANLEY S' netters host Big Ten, An aftern No. 1 singles [w de open for everyone By DENNIS COGSWELL returning No. 1 doubles champs looms as a four way fight be- MSU's top threat is at No. 1 ■ State News Sports Writer in Peter Fishback and Brian tween Indiana, Minnesota, II- doubles with John Good and MSU hosts the Big Ten Ten¬ Marcus. linois and Wisconsin, with MSU Tom Gray. Gray, with a 6-3 In the past several months mere has been increasing and nis Tournament today through and Iowa expected to challenge mark is also expected to be rather vocal talk from various campus groups urging the The battle for second piece for first division honors. Saturday, with intrastate rival tough at No. 1 singles. university to adopt an open admissions policy for under¬ Michigan a heavy favorite to privileged students. win its 15th conference title. While this type of policy may be unrealistic at present, the Green and White football game at Spartan Stadium Satur¬ Today's action begins at 9:30 ARMSTRONG, EMMONS with singles play. At 1:30 Fri¬ day offers these groups (and everyonei a chance to con¬ day semifinals for singles will tribute to the education of the economically disadvantaged student. All proceeds from the game go toward the Martin Luther be played, followed by the open¬ ing round of doubles. The dou- .hles finals will finish at 1:30 Dorms tie in IM track King Jr. Spartan Aid Fund, serving a two-fold purpose. Defending champion Emmons 60 yard low Brian Clark of Armstrong yi Saturday. hurdles with a On the home front, the scholarship program will provide Hall and Armstrong Hall t^ed Admission for today's first and third - place finish. Hall won the high jump with a funds for MSU non-athletes who need money to stay in school for the first place in the resi¬ matches is free, while tickets Blackeitoaker's :07.8 clocking 6-2 effort, two inches better Proceeds from the game will also go toward getting a dence hall IM track meet Wed¬ for Friday and Saturday will new Lansing inner city tutorial program off the ground. be nesday night with 33 points just Hall beak|ut wh^iad Bob Bell of Holmes than Gary Cools and Bob Bell's $1.00 for adults and $.50 qualified at :07.7. 6-0. This program will send MSU students into disadvantaged each, edging for children and students. out Holden I*all Lansing areas this summer to serve as tutors of elemen¬ The Wolverines are the de¬ nnp nnint and Hnlmps Hall tary school children. which finished with 30.5 pointy But for this program to be a success, it desperately needs fending Big Ten Champions ar.o have rolled to a perfect Douglas Thomas paced Em¬ money, and the more money that is put on the table, the Luckless Luis 9-0 -ecord this season. mons Hall with two wins, t&th more effective the program will be. It's as simple as that. Both programs are inter-racial. whites and Mexican-Americans will benefit. Disadvantaged blacks, Chicago's Luis Aparicio Is out at second by the pro¬ verbial mile as Detroit shortstop Mickey Stanley Ttie Michigan attack is paced by Dick Dell and John Hain- iine. the singles titlists at No. in the dashes. yard He won the 400 sprint in :10.8, nippjng Mack Kelly of Armstrong, and c5\(Jreat It This is a fund is not an idealistic, feet-off-the-ground idea. practical, workable way to tackle a very pressing problem-and given money, it will work. prepares to complete a double play during the T iger's 3-1 win Tuesday night. AP Wlrephoto 3 and 4 respectively in 1968. The Wolverines also have the later won the 220 yard d^sh in 23.8. beating Homes' Dyve Tuyo. Standard The whole afternoon should appeal to just about everyone. The football fans will see MSU's new "veer'' offense un¬ Rick Hoebeke and Chuck IV^ur- phv provided Holden Hall with inTime wrapped for the first time and get a chance to check out the 1969 Spartan football team. In addition, they can talk to 39 professional football stars before and after the game. Towson, Brenner the bulk of tTieir points. nosed out Hoebeke Murphy in the 440- yard dash with a :54.7 clock LONGINES For those who don't live and die for football, there is the ing. The pair finished second ULTRA-CHRO award knowledge that the ticket money is going to an extremely and third respectively in jthe worthwhile But where the-arm-besides cause. the fund could really get a financial shot-in- ticket sales-would be though donations of varsity 880-yard run behind John Br<«wn of Emmons Brown less than a second won in 2 (fcp ahead: of from campus and area organizations. MSU's outstanding senior ath- chell: football Allen Brenner: ogv major, was presented the Hoebeke. letes for the 1968-69 school year golf. Larry Murphy: gvmnas- Chester L. Brewer Award. The With the help of Gene Washington and Forrest Walker of Jeff Longanecber. Brian L,w the Lansing I'rban League, the State News has purchased were honored at the annual Var- tics. Tobv Towson; hockey. Ken- award goes to "a graduating Murphy and Hoebeke made up tickets so that 75 kids from a Lansing junior high school sitv awards banquet Monday neth Anstey: soccer. Tonv Keves senior for distinguished perform- swimming. in athletics and scholar- Holden's winning 880 y*rd can come out to East Lansing for the game. This $75 will night. Donald Rauch: ance relay team, winning in 1 ;18 8 go directly into the fund Receiving outstanding tennis. John Good: track, ship, and for possessing a high Holmes finished seond and Arm¬ senior awards for their respec¬ Roger Merchant; wrestling, degree of character, leadership Tuesday afternoon I was talking to Gene in his office a'o^ut strong third. the game and the possibility of the State News sponsoring tive sports were: baseball. Jeff Smith. and personality which forecast Ken Blachenbaker and M.ick the 75 kids. He showed me a letter from Minnesota quarter¬ Mickey Knight; basketball. Lee All-Ameriean A1 Brenner and a successful career.'' Kelly paced Armstrong in "the back Fran Tarkenton who he had invited to come here for Lafayette: fencing. Donald Sat- Tobv Towson were also award¬ plete selection ed the two of handsome the highest honors giv¬ meet-the-pros session. Although he couldn't be here. Tarkenton sent in his place en annually to student athletes PLAYBOY Longines Ultra a sizeable donation for the fund Other pros who can not be Derby winner at MSU. Brenner, a political Chron watches. here'have also made donations. science major with an eye on Tarkenton and the others didn't have to do this. No one Preakness pick a law career, received the Con¬ JUST sgso FOR 12 MONTHS was twisting their arms. They did it because they believed ference Medal of Honor for de¬ Guaranteed Accurate in the cause. They felt the money was well spent. BALTIMORE (UPI) - Ken¬ monstrating the greatest profic¬ PLEASE EMER M/ Subscription to PLAYBOY For: to a Minute a Month. Maybe other organizations in the area could follow the tucky Derby winner Majestic iency in scholarship and ath- For the man on the go, this example*set by Tarkenton. It wouldn t have to be a sizeable Prince is almost an even-money □ 7 months at $6.00 solid 14K gold Automatic Cal¬ donation. Any amount would be appreciated. favorite to win the Preakness. Towson. one of the nation's l~~l 1 year at $8.50 (Save $4.50 off $13 single-copy price) endar watch with genuine the second leg of racing's trip- leather strap Many organizations should be able to afford some kind of greatest floor exercise experts in | | 2 years at $18.00 (Save $8 off single-copy price) donation ASMSl\ various dormitories, the IFC. Pan-Hellenic, gymnastics and a psvchol- radio and TV stations, the State Journal and East Lansing □ 3 years at $24.00 (Save $15 off single-copy price) businessmen could chip in. Even S.D.S. MY NAME So far Washington. Clint Jones. Duffy Daugherty. Dr Robert Green and many others have put in some long hours getting this thing off the ground. Spring Carnival and Great Issues Opoi & Zaks Gustoni Qjatfje This is your chance to help. Here is a chance to help a lot of kids get an education which otherwise might not be presents Clip this coupon and mail with your check available to them. Payable to: Brace Gillespie, 526 Sunset, E. Lansing Donations should be sent to Gene Washington, c o MSU JEWELERS Placement Bureau. Game tickets may be purchased at the Senator Edward Muskie 207 S. Washington - Lansing Jenison Lobby ticket office or',at the gate on Saturday. Either wav it's not money wasted. Top quality stereo Friday May 16 component system EBERMMIN'S: on the Bank of the Red Cedar at down-to-earth price Pre-ticket Sales in C Marshall's, Union, and Cc npbelI's bus 3:00 P.M. mpbell's 75c And it's all SONY® SALE! DANSK PEPPER MILLS Vietnam 1*# 19 M World Treedom... 1 ) • 6 » .4 : ; V. 0, * • I Is there a connection? sony® 6050 IN PRAGUE bct- all FM stereo/FM-AM receiver The Soviet Army marches in, these developments. The pla An outstanding receiver value with all the power needed to students defy Soviet tanks, but are different, the circumstances vary, but the phenomenon of -deliver superior performance from records and broadcasts. censorship and thought control FET tuner plus 5-gang variable capacitor results in excellent totalitarian aggression against IN MOSCOW sensitivity. Sony solid-state i.f. filters pinpoint stations. The Vietnam war has been Sinyafsky and Daniel and widely misunderstood because thousands of Russian intellec¬ of the tendency to view it in sony. PS-1800 tuals are sent to Siberian labor isolation. This camps or committed to asy¬ clear and compelling signifi¬ war assumes a playback system lums by a regime that seeks to cance, however, when it is Unique servo-control turntable, Wonderful way to add spice to your table. Now stifle all voices of dissent. viewed in its global context -— and a professional-type tonearm ... for a limited time . . . we're offering these FROM CHINA when it is seen as an integral mounted on a handsome oil fin¬ dramatic Dansk teakwood combination salt shakers The Red Chinese Army con¬ part of a world-wide struggle ish base with and pepper grinders at a special price. They make a protective dust quers Tibet, practices genocide, by the forces of total tyranny such welcome gifts. cover. Automatic shutoff at end and then is launched on an un¬ against the human mind and the free spirit of man. of record. provoked attack against India. ON THE AMERICAN CAMPUSES Ove onths of img « the Par peat al sony. SS-2800 NOW II'5 talks, of those who op- -handle profes- 3-way speaker system , and a burn librai buildings, and create will do everything in their Compact bookshelf 3-way speaker sys¬ Regularly 15" mate of intolerance and power to compel the Adminis- tem delivers spacious sound, normally intellectual terror. that the Communists can take associated with larger systems. Bass IN VIETNAM there. This imposes a river dutv reflex design brings out best perform¬ Thousands of ichers on all of us. liberal and con¬ civic leaders are murdered, ance in 6050 receiver. Crisp styling, by the Viet Cong all-walnut veneer finish set off by crisp while a strug¬ gling underdeveloped country, es heard, aluminum trim. Stop by to discuss naval aviation seeking to improve the quality i believe a ve do, and See this Sony stereo system at: with an experienced naval pilot at the of life, finds itself under as¬ something sault by an ideology that individual Placement Bureau May 12 thru 16. Marshall's * would deny freedom to all men. « a leader of a studci r« Now is the time to earn while you It is our belief that there i> learn. Be a naval and win your wings of gold. Aviation officer yourself STUDENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE SOUND SHOP FOR FREEDOM IN \ Complete Component Center programs are available for both grads VIETNAM AND SOUTHEAST ASIA and undergrads. P.O. Box 1451, Main Post Office 402 Washington MARSHAII 235 Ann St. ? EAST LANSING - 209 E. Grand Rlv«r Washington, D.C. 20013 Lansing, 372-9600 "IHIlUlinLL e. Lansing, 351-7f30 DOWNTOWN - 113 S. Washington Mon.-Fri. 'til 9 music stores Wed, 'til 9 P.M, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15. 1969 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED AVOID THE "HOLD LIST." Pay All Classified Ads CLASSIFIED 355-8255 by 12 p.m. Today Room 347 Student Services. 355-8255 Automotive Auto Service & Parts i Scooters & Cycles Employment The State News does no? MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala 1965 HONDA 50 stepthrough Excel¬ EAST LANSING PUBLIC LIBRARY permit racial or religious mazoo Street Since 1940 Com¬ lent running condition. Just over¬ Office Assistant 40 hours a week discrimination In its ad¬ plete auto painting and collision hauled 337-9254. 3-5/15 Typing required. Call Mrs. Albright service. IV 5-0256 C 332-4415 3-5/15 vertising columns. The State News will not accept CAR WASH: 25 cents Wash, wax ATTENTION H.R.I, and Accounting • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ vacuum U-DO-IT 430 South Clip- seniors and graduates Night audi¬ • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, pert, back of KO-KO BAR C-5/15 tor male, for motel 11 p.m to 7 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 1967 383. race, color or national or- a m. UNIVERSITY INN Call Man¬ • FOR RENT 4-speed 50,000 mile warranty Ex¬ Scooters & Cycles cellent Must sell 627-6242 5-5 20 ager for appointment. 351-5500 4-5/19 • FOR SALE • LOST & FOUND 1966 BRONCO Roadster Excellent WANTED: MALE college freshman condition 18.000 miles $1295 626 and sophomores to work as Coun¬ • PERSONAL • PEANUTS PERSONAL 6548 10-5 23 Employment selors at a summer tion special educa¬ : camp. Earn $45 per week for • REAL ESTATE BARTENDER $110 5 nights per 6 weeks and 3 term hours of college PONTIAC 1963 Catalina station wa¬ SERVICE week, room and board REFERENCES • • credit in Education of Exceptional gon Air conditioned, automatic, REQUIRED Resort hotel East Ta- Children For more information call • TRANSPORTATION radio, excellent condition One own¬ KAWASAKI 175, 1966 Good condi was Michigan Phone Mrs Ander¬ or write to the Montcalm Area Inter¬ er. 337-1885 • WANTED 5-5 16 tion. $160. Must sell 351-4&.7 son for interview. 362-3451 17-5/22 mediate School District. P.O Box John Donley 3-5 19 367. Stanton. CORVAIR 1963 Automatic. 4-docr. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1965. con Michigan 48888 5-5/16 DEADLINE bucket seats Excellent condition vertible. cruise control. $1200 Phone 1969 HONDA TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, mechanically Radio, new tires $375 Olivet. 749-3623 5-5 16 Superhawk 305 646 exper¬ ienced only No selling Air-con¬ 1 P.M. one class Call 353-7033 2-5 16 day be¬ ditioned office 372-4750 0-5/15 fore publication. SOLVE MONEY PROBLEMS' Sell CORVETTE 1968 silver convertible NOW INTERVIEWING for summer Cancellations - 12 noon one with black vinyl hardtop 427 cubic household goods you don't need with Classified Ads. Dial 355-8255 employment Full time summer; class day befofre publica¬ inches. 390 hp. 4-speed 627 TEMPEST LEMANS 1963 4-cylinder part time school year. Full train¬ tion. Excellent condition Great m.p g ing prior to summer Average Clean $650 Call 351-3235 3-5 19 monthly earnings. $650 For per¬ sonal interview, call 372-4750 O PHONE TOYOTA CROWN deluxe. 1966 21.000 WOULD LIKE reliable college stu¬ miles. Overdrive. Call Ken 337-9031 1-5 15 R.N U dent or lady to live in. in exchange p.m./7 am shift week¬ 355-8255 ends Starting salary commensurate for room and board to babysit nights STREET SCRAMBLER 1967 -Mon with experience Well lighted park¬ Apply in person at 5955 Haag Road RATES CUTLASS CONVERTIBLE 1965 Buck¬ tesa Scorpion. Sharp, fast, and cus ing area close to hospital Call between 4:30-7:30 pm. 3-5/15 tomized. and spares $500 Phone 482 et seats, automatic, power brakes MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL 677 4438, after 5 pm. 2-5 16 BABYSITTER LIVE-IN with woman. 1 day $1.50 and steering Sharp 655-3441 3-5 19 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966. $950 Needs 9521 10-5/21 2 school age children. 1 baby Part- 15tf per word per day minor body work Convertible with STUMPJUMPERS 1967 Bultacos 250o( time student acceptable 351-4972 3 days $4.00 DODGE CORONET 500 1966 con¬ new top 355-2734 or 353-0785 2-5 14 175cc 1968 Sachs 89cr > $395-5495 BABYSITTER WANTED in o 4-5 19 vertible. one Village apartment 5 c 13 l/2£ per word per day dition owner Verv good con¬ TRIUMPH SPITFIRE "\ know we said 'Infiltrate Industry' but 337-2620 3-5 16 tan EMPLOYERS Call 351-9474 for informa- 1964 -hardtop week Call 355-0996. after 6 p rr OVERLOAD COM¬ 5 days $6.50 convertible; PANY I3f per word per day engine rebuilt 332-4984 after 5 p.m $800 you could have been a little more choosy!' Experienced secretaries, 5-5 19 n. 355-56 3-5 16 CLEANING WOMAN, general $2.00 typists to work on temporary as¬ (based on 10 words per ad) . . . an hour Own transportation Call signments Never a fee Phone 487- 6071 DUCATI 1969 250cc formula 111 rac¬ rac- ED 2-5634. after 6 p.m. 3-5/15 c-5/15 There will be a 50£ service er. $750; 1967 CZ 250cc moto- Automotive . and bookkeeping charge if FALCON 1963 V-8 automatic Ra¬ Aviation cross, many spares. $750. 1967 this ad is not paid within dio $400 or best offer Hodaka 90cc factory racer. $375 Brent 355- one week. 8089 after 5 p.m 5-5 16 VOLKSWAGEN miles Fair 1963 sunroof condition Ask 60.000 $325 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE Special Also new 749-3623 leathers Phone Olivet. 5-5 16 SELECT YOUR Apartment NOW. 332-8485 3-5 16 $5 offer 484-1324 C The State News will be CHECK WITH us before you buv VOLKSWAGEN 1964 AM-FM radio, VOLKSWAGEN 1957-Perfect body responsible only for the first day's incorrect inser- excellent condition ately $800 339-2307 Selling immedi¬ 5-5 21 and mechanical condition engine, extra gas heater Rebuilt Best of¬ Auto Parts & Services HONDA OF HASLETT Honda bikes parts and riding accessories minutes from'East Lansing. Only 1605 Visit Our Model At fer -must sell" 393-1896 3-5 16 ACCIDENT PROBLEM" Call KALA¬ Haslett Road Phone 339-2039 O . VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Lotus white MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small FORD 1965 KL wertible 352. Guaranteed Call 353-0968 Excellent condition x5-5 21 VOLKSWAGEN mileage, fully CAMPER equipped 1967. low 332-2414 dents to large wrecks American and foreign cars Guaranteed work SUZUKI perfect. 1967 Must 250cc sell Mechanically Helmet includ¬ Burcham Woods between 410 Park Lane x6-5 19 482-1286 East Kalamazoo C Automotive 3 353-2741 1-5 15 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. sedan, radio, ed 351-0809 3-5 15 AUSTIN HEALEY 1957 100-6 Good condition New top. new upholsterv IMPALA coupe 1965 . Excellent 327 . 2-door condition sport: Nev heater, whitewalls Like new condi¬ tion $795 485-6581 4-5 20 VOLKSWAGEN 27.000 miles 1967 Excllent Light beige condition 353 Hollister 1 and 4 p.m. at $550 487-0887 or 485-1884 3-5 19 tires 332-6187 4-5 H VOLKSWAGEN 1963 Rebuilt en¬ $1400 180 Ralph Street. 484-3284 Building 3-5 15 AUSTIN-HEALEY 1960-3000 Re¬ gine Good condition 7021 after 4 om $500 677 3-5 19 Lansing, Michigan E. L. Management built. $320 new parts Best offer Call Rob. 351-0665 5-5 20 VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE 1968 9.600 miles dition. 351-9109 Radio Exc-llent con¬ 5-5 16 UPERIOR 351-7880 BARRACUDA 1966 Formula S New- Model phone 332-371 1 engine and suspension dition $1,100 353-0192 Good con¬ 3-5 16 0PY SERVICE BUICK SPECIAL convertible 1964 MUSTANG .1965 2 -2 power stewing, power brakes Good V-8. automatic HOW HIRING... Good 351-3043 condition Best offer Call 3-5 15 condition # 2500 485-5789 3-5 16 "Instant Printing" HILLCREST MUSTANG TW'O-door hardtop HOSPITALITY Theses AFARTMENTS 1967 Automatic 487-6141 Themes extension 238 882-8631 2-5 16 MUSTANG 1965 Blue. six. stand¬ 513 Hillcrest Avenue ard transmission, whitewalls. ra¬ Low Cost dio. good condition $795 MOTOR INN 339- 5% Discount to Students 3 Blocks From Campus OLDSMOBILE 1967 98 Coupe Vinyl top All power Air AM-FM radio Call 484-7765 CHEVY IMPALA 1965 Standard s New tires Make offer 489-1963 283 V-8. extra sharp with exi 7-5 23 Reasonable 694-0879 4 Banquet Supervisor Assistant Food Production • Completely Furnished OLDSMOBILE F-85 1964 Bucket Head Bartender Maintenance Engineer seats. 3-speed Call Bob. 351-3613 Excellent condition 5-5:20 W aitresses Bartenders Gift Maids Shop Manager NOW RENTING FOR FAIL • One Bedroom Units CHEVROLET i951 Bel Aire-4-door Cooks • Wall to Wall Carpeting Automatic Weaver $150 days 355-7440 Runs good Mr 3-5 19 OPEL KADET--1965. station wagon Low mileage Must sell Larry. 351-0665 Excellent condition Salad Girls Room Clerks PRINCETON ARMS APARTMENTS • Dishwashers 2-5 16 Dishwashers PBX Operators CHEVROLET 1965 Impala 4-door Hagadorn Rd. & Haslett Rd. Bookkeeper Hostesses V-8. full power, automatic $1195 6201 Somerset. Lansing radio 882- Laundry Personnel Bellman • Garbage Disposals 8280 2-5 16 • One Bedroom Shag Balls • Air-conditioning CHEVROLET-1965 . 2-door hard¬ S1.00 doz. top 327. power steering Good tires, Plastic Practice • Furnished or Unfurnished • Electronic Security Locks brakes Tl 2-3895 4725 Tennv Balls 6 for $1.00 Street 2-5 16 8 to 5 Shuttle Cocks APPLY • Air-conditioning • Adequate Parking Tennis Rackets CHEVROLET 1968 Impala 4-door Tennis Balls IN or by appointment hardtop V-8. automatic, power, • Garbage Disposals (Reduced Summer Rates) good family car Take over pay¬ FREE: 1969 Golf PERSON Mon. thru Sat. ments of $69 14 Phone Credit Man¬ Rule Book with • Draperies ager CHEVROLET IV 9-4013 1961 6-cylinder C s of $1.00 or more. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT CO. tomatic $150 or best offer au¬ 351- Larry Cushion • ALL NEW CARPETING 723 after 6 30 p m Jolly Road Exit of 1-496 351-7910 3-5 16 Sporting Goods 3020 Vine IV 5-7465 Lansing, Michigan 'til 8: Daily 'til 6 Open Fri. One block north of Mich. PHONE 351-7601 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT CROSSWORD rSOLDJ Ave. one-half block of Sears. west Robert E. Nickels, Mgr. 351-7910 PUZZLE 25. Corel reef ACROSS 28. Marry 29. Obese 30 Christmas Spring Specials 11 Feminine 12. 13 Piilbox Proooscis 31. 32. 33 37. Achieve Marine unit Grasping Mah jongg counter |||ainl|lsE![i B0CIH ana 11110 HnaSa aliiauia WARM WEATHER (Service Department Specla's) Guaranteed Brake Rellne from $18.95 14. 15. 16. Admir«r Function Eat 38. 39. 42. 43. Coal scuttle Wise bird Eng essayist amm ill# Save $6 to $20 17 Unkempt Compass point 20 Unworldly 44. Turmeric DOWN Heavy Duty Shocks $14.88 Pair TUNE-UPS Free Installation per 22 Blend 23. Mind 45. Otner 46 Careless 47 Red-berry 1. Ornamental 2. Kava Table of 24. Belgian contents 6 cyl. commune evergreen 3 Exchanged words STUDENT APARTMENTS F" 3 4 5" — 7 8 9 10 :. Twist i i I. Helot ii I. Action 2 BEDROOM 13 & " 8 cyl. Creeper 1. 15 »6 I. By way of ■ ■ ■ % % I. Today plus name brand parts 4 & 8 TRACK TAPF PLAYERS $39.95 NOW LEASING FOR FALL i A 21 17 18 % 24 22 19 25 % %i 2t> 2 . Mr. Lincoln I. Valise i. Brief i. Eng. bullfinch Hundreds of 4 & 8 Track Tapes 23 I do MODEL OPEN 28 f/, 29 % 30 ). Wild banana ). One addressed !. 31 32 Diving bird Mon-Fri 12:00-4:30 p.m. %%% % 36 !. Manuscript volume Sat & Sun 1:00-5:00 p.m. 33 37 34- 35 38 3$ %% m ). Tamarisk salt «»2 i H3 i <4M I Glass bottle *AI Kooper & Mike Blooinfield PHONE 332-5051 % Ut> i >. ). Charity Hebrides AND MANY, MANY MORE 15 % % 3. Small 1. Code Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 9 For Rent For Rent For Rent Student PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE sout t,r TWO ROOMS ft bath nnf»Ti,shed, Michigan Avenue Large furrushe* except rangtBCTNTED Acr08S DIRECTORY from ramniM ..r.%»ui»« Phmw Pn studio with kitchenette Private en ' NOftTHWIND SUBLEASE, unfur¬ trance Parking, utilities paid lift, nished. 1-bedroom. TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 spacious living monthly plus deposit Phone - 627- Burcham. $125 to $135. 124 Cedar CAPITOL NEAR Single girl to share room, air-conditioning, swimming 5454. 3 5/1, pool No undergraduates 332-6815 Street. $150 to $160 135 Kedzie Deluxe 2-bedroom Furnished, air- Drive. $170 to $180 All utilities m WORLD'S LARGEST 5-5/20 SUMMER TERM Campus Hill 2'gir; SIMMER SUBLEASE 4-man luxury lease Furnished. 1 bedroom summer TERRACE GOLF OF LANSING Beauty Salon WASH N' GAS Chalet Apartment Air conditioning Now Suzuki, Hodaka, Sachs Royal Specializing in Frosting Free exterior car wash with Marigold Apartments $90. fall $110. Very large l^fceeraom $100. fall" $135. 2 bedrxiin 1 month free rent 332-0775 3-5 19 ONE GIRL needed summer sublet Open and Shaping 911 Marigold Avenue summer Cedar summer $110, fall $145 337-0409 4-5 6 Village $45 month Susie Frandor Shopping Center In Field, Norton and Ducati 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. New deluxe 1 bedroom fur¬ . GIRL SUMMER New Cedar Village Ckiellette 332-6547 209 Abbott Rd. Apt. 201 Cheap No 1-5/15 2400 North East St. damage deposit 351- ALL NEW 248 West Grand River nished 2 man apts. Across 4952 1-5 15 372-3908 Above State Bank ED 2-4314 d for 351-4054 351-0160 Street from campus. Leas¬ 4-girl apart- 355-8674 or 355- e EYES EXAM'NED ing summer /fall . . . now SUMMER LEASING 126 Mihort 3-5 19 IV 9-9651 332-2335 CAMPUS Frandor INTERESTED IN SALES • GLASSES - Street. 2-man deluxe, furnished, aiv conditioned $140 372-5767 or 48V COUPLE ONLY Summer Fur¬ • CONTACT LENS WESTERN WEAR Snort Sleeve Western Shirts Carmel Karmelkorn apples,Karmelcorn, If willing to spend 4 hours C. L. Chase, Optometrist ^mp^H.R £ NT E D nUmM*e after 4 p.m., ooi-4082 1656 Days 484-1579 O FACULTY-GRADUATE Sublet effi¬ nished eluded Close $150 Parking 332-0966 Utilities in 2-5 16 a day earning $50-$70 per 3-5 15 SUMMER. FALL 2 bedroom, fi ciency apartment June-August Air- Now $5.00 Fudges, Fresh popcorn, Dis¬ week in direct sales,contact Co-Optical Services FREE CASE 4-man. Summer Uni¬ nished Block from campus Mtf- conditioned, pool $100 351-7145 3-5 19 TWO GIRLS Lake Apartment Sum¬ Come in and Browse counts or. large orders. 5218 S. Logan 337-1294. H '-9 Mr. Nelson at 351-8643. 393-4230 versity Terrace $50 apiece 351 mer. fall Beautiful Pool Oke 211 Evergreen 351-4468 3545 mos 627-6862 3-5/19 3-5 15 BUD'S B & W Auto Sales f" HIGHLAND HILLS c J ? BROOKS Imported Cars * NEWLY MARRIED? GIRL FOR 2-girl apartment. Sum¬ AUTO PARTS I will buy late model used | GOLF COURSE | Sales and TANGLEWOOD 2 AND 3 GIRL furnished apartrfieatj mer Own room Riverside East Late Model Motors and cars ^Second 9 free with coupon.'jg APARTMENTS 332-2063 1-5/15 SUMMER SUBLET 2 parts a speciality 1962 - Tempest Coupe § Corner N. US-27 and jiK (1 351- 482-1473 1961- Pontiac,4-door. Like ne\ K AlwardRoad. 669-9873 ¥ 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 3-5 19 Halfway between &olt and 2046 Depot, Holt 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 699-2204 , 351-7880 SsUMMER SUBLET, luxury apartment FACULTY -- THIS SATURDAY For Rent One or two men. One block off cam¬ CAMPUS HILL: Needed 1-2 Employment Employment For Rent *i-n MALE month STUDENTS project needed for Three hours per 15 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Receptionist Typing, Secretary dictaphone NEW GE portables and stands rent¬ ed ONLY to MSU students and fac¬ JURCHAM WOODS summer sublet 4-man 3287 Reduced rates Pool 351 3-5 15 pus COUPLE Reduced rates 351-6321 Utilities ONE bedroom furnished included. $125-$135 3-5/15 Phone June through September. No detk> it Free months rent 351-3480 AAA-1 ' 5ne $575 monthly salary 'ash student can scholarships scholarships awarded win up to weekly plus $30C) in $1 00c .in LAND-RUSH! TV RENTALS-students The Old Max Gruner Tree Farm will be sold in HOUSEKEEPER-COOK: Doctor s fam¬ GENERAL CLEANING by the day and only Low v sport ily desires mature, responsible worn wall washing Have own transpor monthly and term rates Call 484 LARGE APARTMENT to sublet sum¬ ip around the w< parcels of 1/2 acre or more. No land will be tation 489-5933 3-5 15 2600 to UNIVERSITY mer Reduced rates 351-3594. after an to live in or out New luxury home, TV RENTALS reserve vours 5p.m. 5-5 19 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT Begin¬ in other vacation travel awards. 51II sold before Saturday, May 17, 1969, at 9 a.m. private room. TV Nursemaid all C expenses paid plus win m£r readv MEAT CLERK-part time and sum¬ ning summer term Gunson Street landise awards such as colored TVs. Secluded, covered with evergreens, restricted employed References re¬ Call 351-0605 4-5 16 quired 351-0393 5-5 16 mer Call in person Prince Broth¬ TV RENTALS GE 19" portable $8.50 N'lCE NEW furnished 1st floor effi¬ link coats and stoles, etc homesites! $20 WILL HOLD YOUR CLAIM! ers Market 5-5 19 per month including stand Call J R ciency All utilities. Private entrance Participate and compete with CULVER COMPANY. 351-8862 LANSING. EAST side 2-bedroom du fal¬ Property may be inspected prior to sale at M-78 BOUNCER-FLOORMAN i good-sized 220 Quiet One or two adults Near Wil " low students in our Summer Fievta plex. fully carpeted Central heating man 4 nights per week Room and TEMPORARY EXPERIENCED steno's. Albert Street. East Lansing C liamston Call 521-3842 2-5 16 and Contest-The Richard's Grande Puix and Bath Road, northeast of Lansing. LandOffice air-conditioning $160 month, board $2 25 per hour Resort Hotel typists, Short office machine operators and long assignments plus utilities Call 484-6828 3-5 16 dve week race. An exciting busi (open till djsk on day of sale) on Beardsley East Tawas Michigan Phone Mrs $160 TWO OR 3-man luxury. Summer Air experience can be yours t^is Road. Anderson for interview. 362-3451 to $3 50 hour Instant pav MY GAL Apartments ner regardless of your future j"ob conditioning, pool Reduced rent 337 711 EAST APTS. FIRST COME 17-5 22 FRIDAY OFFICE SERVICE 484 7771 EAST SIDE Apartments 2 bedroom 0814. after 5 p.m. 3-5 15 plans -- FIRST SERVED 0-5 15 711 Burcham Drive managers in brand identi¬ WAITRESSES AND short-order cook possibilities Furnished or partly fication analysis techniques, offirce for northern Michigan resort Girls SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Full or furnished $125 and $150 a month NEXT TO campus Lovely, furnished Summer Rates procedures, sales management safes preferred. 18 and over Interviews Renting now Summer or fall. 351- 2 bedroom apartment For 2 to 4 with part-time positions with Midwest s students 121 Beat Street. 3 month $50 per man on 3-man 1. sales, etc distin¬ Tuesday. May 20 If interested, con¬ largest full-line merchant whole $60 per man on 2-man guished internationally known firm tact Placement Bureau. Student Ser¬ saler Automobile required summer lease $140 Phone 351 Phone rated AAA-1 Dun & Bradstreet "Hie THE SOCIETY CORPORATION 6009after5:30p.m. 10-5 21 IV 9-9651 or 351-3525 vices Building by Fridav. for the 337 Richard's Company Inc time and place 355-9513 1-5 15 Typewriter and Figuring Ma;hine Plenty of time for sports, parties, aod acation fun REPAIR ier $575 month salaries to those accepted From small adjustment fter free three day indoctrination to complete rebuilding raining period Limited to fifty FIDELITY REALTY CO. Expertly - Economically openings Reserve Your Space With Us Now t IS SUMMER SUB-LEASING A Available for fall leasing HEADACHE? Tw/cklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air conditioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit TAtfE and a 5 minute drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms "fend private balconies. If you want to be among the THE CUR*. CALL first residents of Twyckingham call today. There are 92 units available OR at $280/ month and up. STOP AT ®toj>cfttngl)am State Management in Corporation ^ill aid you leasing and sub-leasing ap^rtrtlents for the summer In: STATE MANAGEMENT Only $57.50 4620 S. Hagadorn •Haslett Arms •Lowet;ro( ke Arms 332-8687 FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES •Delta Arms •Evergreen Arms 444 Michigan Ave. CALL OR STOP IN AT: •Cedarbrooke Arms •University Terrace STATE MANAGEMENT Model Apartment Open Daily 9-5; Weekends By Appointment Contact: Northwind Management, 2771 Northwlnd Drive 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 Phone: 337-0636 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale For Sale SUMMER TERM $450 3-bedri VACUUM CLEANERS (usedi Kir REDUCED UNIVERSITY Terrace Summer Spacious. 4, balcony, air- nished Near campus 4-6 i bys, Hoovers. Rainbow Rex-aires, 487-5753 or 485-8836 Electrolux $7 88 and up. (Guaran¬ conditioned 351-9359 3-5 15 FOUR BEDROOM house for rent 351-4715, after9p m teed) DENNIS DISTRIBUTING. 316 summer, option for fall Close and SUMMER conditioned SUBLEASE Close to I M 3-man Pool air and cheap! 351-3138 5-5/19 ^SOUD* N Cedar Opposite City Market C ELECTROLUX TANK vacuum cleaner Grandmother's 351-7580 4-5 20 SUMMER HOUSING $225 room, board COMPLETE SET of Late model. Excellent condition Has 528 MAC Avenue 332-5659. 337- FOR LEASE: $300 a month Room for drums with 2 STUDIO- ROOM for all attachments Cost $140 new. sell CEDAR 1327 3-5 15 4 to 6 men Large yard Outside Zillig^n symbols Honda 50 337 GREENS. 2-man summer Furnished, for $35 393-5072 C-5 16 cooker Garage Close to campus private 2329 3-5/15 sublet Luxurious, furnished, air- trance 351-5964 TWO BEDROOM house plus garage 332-0939 10-5 27 conditioned. pool 351-3376 3-5 19 SEWING MACHINE 1968 Deluxe zig¬ Completely furnished, carpeted, cook SEWIMG MACHINE clearance sale ALLEN STREET. 419 Furnished 3- Brand portables-$49 50 zag Darns, mends, sews on buttons, ing utensils and dishes, even iron new $5 00 IMPERIAL MANOR-Frist 2 weeks makes buttonholes, has 24 cams for and vacuum $170 253 Stoddard after bedroom $150 month Call 485- oer month Large selection of recon¬ rent free Large 1 and 2 bedroom 4917 or 372-4747 3-5 16 ditioned used machines Singers. designs Used only 3 months Cost apartments for married students $259 new. sell for $99 393-5072 Whites, Necchis. New Home and Downtown location Call 48^7182 5-5 21 SUMMER ONLY: 2 bedroom houses CLEMENS STREET-Modern house. 5 SINGLE rooms ind 1 apartment 'mant others $19 95 to $39 95 Furnished Utilities paid. ED 2-4541 Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING available for summer term Across NOW OPEN for business OPTI 351-4038 3-5 15 month plus utili- from COMPANY. 1115 North Washington Campus-Bogue Street. Call CAL DISCOUNT at 2615 East Mich SUMMER SUBLET Reduced rates ils. 351-0965. 337- 489-6448. C-5,15 Merritt at 351-0284 Weekends 332- 5-5 20 igan Avenue, ground floor Free TWO GIRLS 1 year beginning June 3870 5-5 21 BIRTHDAY CAKES--7 -$3 64 8 parking at rear 372-7409 C Own bedroom $58 Pets 332-1449 2-5 16 $4 18. 9 $5 20 Delivered KWAST ONE MONTH old 18" portable color BAKERIES. 484-1317 C-5 15 TV and stand 351-7399, between 8-12a.m 5-5 15 KODAK COLOR FILM sizes 126-127 620 99 cent 12 print roll pro¬ BURCHAM WOODS sum FACULTY FAMILY needs 2 bed cessed $2 90 with this ad MAREK 2 or 3-man Air-conditi rooms plus study or 3 bedrooms REXALL DRUG CENTER at Frandor New Lower Call 351-0991 house September-june 351-4625 FI LL TERM summer students Worn Everyday Discount SIAMESE KITTENS for sale Box Prices ' C-5/15 trained Call after 5 p.m 351 en's co-operative Supervised Call WO OR 3-man spacious 8214 3-5/15 351-0100 3-5 16 Furnished Near can FOUR'SPORT coats, 1 ranch coat. 40 conditioned 355-0060 SUMMER TERM: Room and board regular-husky Top quality, clean WIRE HAIRED Terrier Female Like : new Desperation sale $15 NEW $225 Phi Mu Sorority 301 Charles each 355-9021 COUNTRY home, furnished 3-5 19 SUMMER SUBLEASE Street ED 2-8835 3-5 16 10 miles east. Family or men stu¬ GIRLS FURNISHED, clean $65 e tioned. pool 2-3 mar dents $225 Utilities 351-4530 ALUMNI RUMMAGE sale Mens, BRITANNY SPRINGER Spaniel hunt 10-5 23 women's and children s clothing 4 months Loves people er. Needs Household items, toys, books, rec SUMMER GIRL GIRLS NEEDED for house until Sep¬ good home. 351-3723after 5p m 3-5 16 ords. Saturday. May 17th, 9-4 p.m tember 1st. Prefer sublease Call . 113 B«ech. East Lansing 2-5 16 332-3010 5-5 15 GUERDON. DOUBLE wide trailer 20' by 51'. Two bedrooms, excel¬ STUDENTS- AMPLtFIER model 337 1800 SUPER Excellent Beatle. condition late $575 3-5 19 lent payments 8259 condition $2500 and By appointment only 694 take over 5-5 19 MALE SUPERVISED housing for fall SUMMER ROOMS Single or double Double. 4 man Close Cooking 332- NATIONAL 10 x 52 Excellent con¬ DID YOU GARAGE SALE: 1037 Linden and Gun- $17 and $9 weekly, respectively 2414 410 Park Lane 6-5 16 dition $2350 Fall occupancy 641 son. East Lansing Friday and Sat FARM HOUSE Fraternity. 151 Bogue urday> 10-4 p.m. Clothing, furniture, 6825 after 6 p.m 5-5 19 Lost & Found Street Call Don. 355-8407 . 8 a.m. For Sale toys, etc 2-5 16 LOST REWARD-Mickey Mantle Baseball Glove on field 14 Call 353- FORGET vw EIGHT-TRACK Ranger Lear mini-8 Jet-$69 95 auto and tape $59 95 up players- and "MAIN up. GARApF. SALE Complete maple bed Teenage clothing, household items, garden tools Television Friday and 1966 GREAT LAKES 10 : 7095 LOST BLACK framed glasses 3-5 15 be¬ ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Penr. Saturflav. 544 Haslett Street. East nished. carpeted, air-c tween Frandor and Hubbard Phone SERVICE sylvania. Lansing C Lansing 1-5 15 porch 355-6640 or 484-9939 . 353-8403 2-5 16 TO MA Y SPE DIAMOND BARGAIN gagement ring Wedding and en¬ sets. Save 50 per ENCYCLOPEDIA INTERNATIONAL, classic library, new. unused sell Desperate 351-8089 Must Stonegate 393 LOST OLD black 2-speed boy s bi- RENT A TV from a $9 00 per month ('all Com cent or more Large selection of 5-5 19 on front 355-0736 Muffler Installation NEJAC TV RENTALS plain and fancy diamonds $25-150 PAY US? WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE TRUMPET HOLTON Galaxie. silver U»ST WATCH wi MARLETTE 1967 1 l 60 2 bedroom 509 East Michigan 485-4391 C finish Magnificient Banjo Kay. five :ail 351-3724 5-5 21 UNDERGRADUATES MAY furnished Nice lo string with case Must sell 351 aboard ship and in world poi campus 489-3865 5-5 20 3122 cr 332-1218. 3-5 15 semester 1969 or spring st PICTURE FRAMES, jugs, antique lop jr: ,Kir\ket at < Rebui It E ngines grindstone, walking plow, rocking Looking for Check the more than just a job'' ispOUN^'ard 33 1970 Up to 16' 2 credits transl Fall semester visits Western All Classified Ads chairs, small cupboard Other items "Employment column $175.00 and up with exchange. in today's Classified Ads' and Mediterranean Northwest 2015 Hemelon 882-6179 3-5 16 must be paid by no Sedans up to 1967 spring s only. Orient. India toda/ to avoid 1966 MARLETTE 12x60 Air-con tor of Student Admissic the "hold list." ditioned 8 x32' dog pen included if Front End Overhaul desired Campus Phone 353-7987 GRAND OPENING CABARET INN Campus Afloat-Chapman $49.30 including parts, tax, 1000 West Jolly. Friday The Plain and labor. Sedans up to 1965 Brown Wrapper with psychedelic 1962 NEW MOON 10 50 . lights. Saturday. The Tea's with x Excep¬ So Hurry On Up Now fashion show. 8-12 Door prizes j Prescriptions . . ... to tional condition Furnished Utility Must be 16 or over 393-0704 3-5 16 shed Available June 641 6895 5-5 16 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Discount only good with this ad. filled promptly and dependably at Room 345 Lansing Foreign Cars State j Student Services Building 485-7510 2720 E. Kalamazoo Gullive/iA Drug WALGREEN 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gurson Oivitc DON'T Apartments PAY MORE FOR AN APARTMENT 9-Month Lease At No Extra Charge UNTIL YOU'VE That's right. You pay no extra fo 9-month lease at North Pointe SEEN WHAT lir-conditioned, fully-furnished Apartments. Just $230 per month lease 4-man apartment. $72 BUYS Formerly known as E ydeal Villa, North Pointe reatures a swimming pool, laundry facilities, barbeque pits, and apartments for 2, 3,. or 4 people. And AT to eliminate the confusion and bother of sub-letting your apartment, we offer you our same low rates for a 9-month lease. SEVEN-THIRTY-ONE North Pointe is now renting for summer and fall terms. You can keep cool in North Pointe's swimming pool and air conditioned apartments this summer for only $45 per person per month. Sure, you can pay more for an apartment. But you just can't match Call J. R. Culver Company today and ask about our new apartments: North the extras at Seven-Thirty-One— Pointe—where you pay no more for a 9-month lease! at any pricel Consider these features: Swim¬ ming pool, Party lounge with color TV and billiard table, free T.G.'s every month, deluxe 3-man apart¬ ments with air conditioning, shag carpeting, rattan furniture, custom /jf. .y/.fw/wf appliances including dishwashers, Above and imaginative room decor, plus 220 Albert St. - Knapp's Campus Center — 351-8862 an address that says you want more Open Monday-Friday 9-9 'til June 15 in to an apartment than sleep: Seven-Thirty-One. just a place Other Cars Have Been Rated Tops See 731 today! Four blocks east Place Your of the north end of M.A.C. Models in previous years by Road Test and open daily. See our resident man¬ ager in apartment 206A or call J. R. Culver Co. or 106C other magazines, but the Corona PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD received more. Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. STATE NEWS will bill you later. Not only was the Corona . objected to an exhaustive study by the magazine's editorial staff, but their established criteria was attested to by the most complete owner's survey in the history of the automotive industry. Consecutive Dates to Run . Heading Before you buy any small ear Print Ad Here: . drive a Toyota Corona you911 be glad you did ! ! ! Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. "The Pit" Party Lounge 10 Words or Less: WHEELS of Lansing Over 10 Words Add: □ □ □ 2200 S. Cedar Mail to: Michigan State News only minutes from the campus, go west 346 Student Services Bldg. 220 Albert St. - Above Knapp's Campus Center - 351-8862 on Mt. Hope then 2 blocks south on Cedar MSU East Lansing, Mich. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 )| MIN-A-MART COSTS Chicago work-in planned at for Consumer bureau probes workers and students. Others will work in cities such as in Plans for the were discussed Chicago work- New York, Los Angeles and New Orleans. Those who will Wednesday be attending school in Chicago night at an open forum held will aid the work-in by leaf- local bottle deposit policy By SUE BELNIAK According to the Consumer ties are returned to Min-a-Mart chased in the store. He said, by Worker-Student Alliance leting. State News Staff Writer Protection Bureau in Lansing, for deposit each week. Hogan however, that there is often no Between 200-300 students are The ASMSU Consumer Rela¬ such a bottle deposit practice is said. The Chicago work-in has four way of distinguishing the source. expected to get summer factory tions Bureau has conducted an legal. He said that the bottles are jobs in Chicago to promote bet¬ objectives. to overcome the "I am not questioning legal often in poor condition and I feel it is a fair policy to investigation of the bottle de¬ ter understanding between anti-working class feeling rights." Dale Clack. Consum¬ have to be washed, counted and retain the extra cent handling posit policy adopted by Min-a- among students; to learn to er Relations Bureau director, charge from persons who do not Mart in East Lansing. put away. work with workers dnd common use store facilities, yet who ex¬ said. "I am attacking ethical Although soft drink compan- "We make no money from the problems: to support just ies have raised the bottle costs practices." soda so the store has to pay a pect us to take care of deposit strikes; and to campaign against bottles." Hogan explained to 3 cents. Min-a-Mart only Roger Hogan. manager of bottle w boy j hired to handle , the the proposed Illinois 4 per cent state income tax. returns 2 cents per bottle to the Min-a-Mart at 221 Ann St.. called deposits. Hogan said Clack said that he is not ask¬ consumer, unless the deposit is store-retained one cent He added that the store would ing for pickeing or boycotting Spokesman for alliance. Susie accompanied by a store pur- "handling charge." not object to returning full de¬ against the store, but is inter¬ Taylor. Southfield junior, said chase. Between 1.000 and 1.500 bot- posit on bottles originally pur- ested in pointing out this prob¬ that the work-in was a " learn¬ lem to students, and in advising ing experience" them to take their bottle busi Personal for students. FREE ty. A Thrilling hour of beau For appointment, call 484-4519 She going down said unite workers. " that as they are missionaries to not U' med school ness " All somewhere else of the East stores I have rese begins MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STl' DIO. 1600 East Michigan Peanuts Personal C-5 15 same Miss Taylor said that many of the forces that oppress work¬ ers in the factories are the that oppress students in Dr. Andrew D. ethnic Hunt. Jr.. result from the added stu- cept Min-a-Mart ha cents deposit policy, he said Finding this price discrepancy opens the door for similar price thre CONGRATS ATO the universities. She said that dean of the Brothers, frater¬ College of Human situations in the same store nity softball champions' With love. •they must talk to workers and Medicine, said the decision Little Sisters Hunt said that crowded con¬ 1-5 15 show them that SDS is not As part of the nationwide was made for two reasons:^ a Clack stated that the Consum demns were a part of the times Relations Bureau and Off working against them effort to increase the physician resolution by the Assoc ot that this er giv Campus Council iOCC will pre "We must break stereotyped radical image and down the Damage inspection supply and provide additional opportunities for qualified American Medical which recommended that medi Colleges itudents medical sent a petition to Hogan in et CONGRATULATIONS MEN of PHI applicants. MSlT will expand fort to effect a change in the de KAPPA TAf on winning the Greek show them we're fighting the cal schools increase enroll- Week participation trophy Now the same people. Miss Taylor Firemen answered a Tuesday night alarm at the MSU the size of its entering and ments as much as possible 655 apply posit policy. Soil Science second medical classes through maximum use of exist- said. Bldg. where a blaze /vas confined to the year The students who will begin Persons who object to Min-a frorn 26 to 30 students, a 15 ing resources and a unanimous A member of SDS-Worker- storage room, housing soil testing equipment. i September were selected Mart's policy are asked to come State News photo by Don Gerstner per cent increase per class. faculty resolution to make every from 655 who applied, more Student Alliance said that stu¬ to the Consumer Relations of effort to admit ethnic groups than 20 applicants for dents must convince workers fice or OCC. third floor Student that they are militant for a not usually represented. available space Services Bldg PONCHO S BOYS good luck in fin¬ "I don't know if there will The need for medical man- als You're great' Hit good. T.G L reason. Area firemen battle blazes TL.L. be any more money but. re- power is huge. It's wqrth a The investigation was prompt 1-5 15 "You just have to point out ed to them that we're gardless. we have increased little crowding to ensure that by a student complaint is using the Real Estate " same tactics the unions have by eight students." Hunt said Hunt said that up until now people will have a doctor when sued through the Consumer Re lations Bureau's Gripe Line used," the member said they need him. They THREE room, ping. MSU nancing BEDROOM Colonial, family fireplace Near schools, shop¬ Assume 6 per cent fi¬ $32,500 Call owner 351- ! know they've never gotten any¬ thing from the boss for nothing We have to show them we re on campus, at pus area Tuesday night. prof's home the efforts to r. , fight the confined . the department had had no spec- ific program for ethnic recruit ment. thev had just relied on llcallons of ,ncominp st0. fighting for something hiajp blaze hpran^p because smnkp smoke and and heat hpat Substantial. « . One fire was in the Soil Sci- dents. ^ built up to such quantities that Search and seek SPACIOUS OLDER HOME Four bed¬ Bldg. on campus and the other it was difficult to work in the rooms. walkout finished basement the residence of a Uni- "We now are undertaking Large Private yard Near MSI' IT*S WHAT'S. us nnni rofessor. a program to interest students FHA available. 351-4480 S a^ i Equipment tied up A Hobic's submarine sandwich i * hole ical i arm for the on-campus to come into the department. .White nearly all of East Um- he said „We have a Search HG in 101 Bessey Hal possible spontaneous conflagra¬ The East Lansing fire mar- ALTERNATIVES IN EDUCATION CHICAGO BOUND-1 GIRLS When 8 30 ton,Bht 10 the Tau Delta House tion caused $3.000 damage to the ance for students. shall said the fire was probably vou get here don't chase around (330 N. Harrison Roadi. Members of the building There has been no es¬ The step up will A THREE MONTH TERM "looking for a Roommate Save time Search and Selection Steering Commit »-er lounge Dave caused by a faculty transform¬ Group W. Tom timate of damage to the con¬ much more faculty *le Twelve seminars on the practice and ideology of school Call ROOMMATES LTD . 211 East tee facu and administrators will dis- er in a dehumidifing unit in the Chicago. Chicago. Illinois 60611 cluss qualifications and nominations for tents of the room which was used furnace room. said the problem will be ing, especially in Latin America, and the investigation to store soil testing equipment. the curriculum of human hi of alternative educational possibilities. The aim is to de 944-6204 Brochure Available 3-5 15 studentsTre^nvUe'd Smoke and flames traveled Some of the testing instru¬ velop a fundamental critique of existing and alternative up the walls into the living and Crowded conditions educational systems. DRESSMAKING AND alterations I The Gl-Civilian Anti-War Alliance will ments contained radioactive ele¬ can come to you Mrs Warren. 487 meet at 7 tonight in the Oak Room of the ments. hut the fire did not re- dining rooms above the furnace. "Each student should have Seminars are scheduled to accommodate students from 3318 3-5 16 Union GI Rights teach-in will be dis- Damage estimates are set at his study unit.' Hunt s^id seany radiation, own U.S. Colleges (Quarter or Semester Plan) and can be $10,000 for the building. No es¬ The limitation is the crowded ' SIGNS OF SPRING robins, io one was in the basement combined with Intensive Spanish and other courses at timate has been made on the flowers and apartment seekers G. W. Radimerskv. Dept of German the first floor rooms at the laboratory conditions that will CID0C contents since the Bodmans had Write: Advertise vacancies with a Clas- and Russian, will lecture on "Die Mvstik le of the blaze. sified Ad Dial 355-8255 und ihre Widerspiegelung in der Deut- several antique musical instru¬ CIDOC-SPRING 1970 Kir ■re hampered in schen Literatur" (Mvsticism and Its Re ID is required ments in the house. Peoples Church - APD0.479, Cuernavaca, Mexico Typing Service flect'on inin the tonight 1Ge,rman Literature, at 7 30 lounge of the Student Ser- Owners away Tickets are on sale for the PAC Pro¬ Petitioning The Bodmans are presently in sets youth concert BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing vices Bldg ... duction of "Little Mary Sunshine." which Mexico. Their son Alan.- a soph¬ No job too large or too small Block will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Delta phi Epsilon wl„ meet at 7 :{0 majoring in music, left The 1969 Youth for Under¬ SCWOO SPECIAL omore off campus 332-3255 C tonight in 33 Union Lewis K Zerby will May 25. at Fairchild Theatre box office opens the house from 12 30-5 every weekday Tickets at just before the fire standing Chorale will be singing speak on The Nigerian Situation. NEED A JOB DONE-" People who d. . . . Petitioning is now open for po¬ broke out. in Lansing this weekend. them advertise in the Classify Friends of the Paper will meet at 8 sitions on the ASM SI Freshman Lansing fire chief Victor The Chorale will perform at 8 Ads Check now tonight 37 Anyone interested College Life, t! Orientation committee Space expressed displeasure 1 ITEM PIZZA - 1 FREE COKE in union p.m. Saturday at Peoples PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique in working on The Paper should attend 9 tonight in th< Petitions may be picked up at having to fight the two-hour Church. 200 W. Grand River 2 ITEM PIZZA - 2 FREE COKES quality thesis service IBM typing. The Asjan Studjes Center ^ p outside the ASMS! business of blaze in East Lansing. He said The concert is free to the gen¬ fice on third floor Student Ser '!!lh prmtmg a0d hafd bmd,npr 337 152' Bimal Krishna Matilal. professor at the East Lansing taxpayers should eral public and to any of the University of Toronto, who will speak on vices Bldg and should he re¬ provide enough equipment to chorale's 800 alumni. I4-I-.U "The Present State of Study of Indian turned no later than Monday fight two fires at the same time WITH EACH ADDITIONAL ITEM ^ . Organi .... ANN BROWN Typist and multihth. ^ ,p , offset printing Dissertations, theses ll0nalc^ter n Arabia recision YOU ARE ENTITLED TO AN manuscripts general typing IBM ... 19 years experience 3328384 C TERM PAPERS, thesis manuscripts The Albance Arab will c|ub and Voun(; Sociahst present a schedule of events in support of Palestine liberation MIXER MIXER Imports ADDITIONAL FREE COKE. Accurate reasonable fall me. 372 from Husni Haddad will speak 1028 Smith-Corona 400 electric 5-5 16 on Aftermath of 1967' at 8 tonight in the THE □□MINOS - - Union Ballroom Films on the Palestine SECRETARIAL BOOKKEEPING problem will be shown at noon todav in Th 4 h \t H t II PalLiB! Lklr,l ' ' SERVICE Typing ing Phone 484 2800 and mimeograph O the Union Ballroom ... The University of MAN will hold a ™estn* II 7?, w'' Spe^ ? k 7 f!0' , STILLWATER i PIZZA OFFSET PRINTING of theses and dis- poetry workshop at 7 30 tonight in the ™ AMPLE PART SUPPLY sertations from either your typed poetry room (second floori of Morrill p EXPERIMENT CALL: original or multilith master Low Hall est prices available COPYGRAPH _ ___ _ Bruce Jim 351-7100 or 351-8870 SERVICES. 487-5906 29-5 29 99 "Financing Available" Fee Hall l:ri. May 16 ir^cuRATE'and" ttts wanted |2 ARAB PRESENTS CLUB 1915 E. Michigan formerly Stratton Sports Center IV 4-4411 9-12 „KI,,KKI,I Europe with on MSU trip Suzy 351 2£ Films on the Middle East P Finish Some of your BOOKS? 4276 35/19 ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★■A-********** ^ May 15th & 16th — Union Ballroom 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sell them now for cash for 2-5 16 SPEAKERS: Dr. Husni Haddad and Mr. Peter Signorell 8 p.m. May J : The full story ; those big upcoming weekends WANTED TO RENT Mr. San E. Salem 8 p.m. May 16 furnished apartment Engineering student and June 14 to end of August wife. !No : of Election'68 : Running Out? children Write Victor Marz. 2006 H Woodmar Time Houghton. Michigan 3-5/15 Texas Basket :and what it means: THREE BEDROOM house. June 10 Study with a course outline from: for the future Small family. Call 351-7557 Fur nished or unfurnished 5-5/19 Thursday - Friday : : BLOOD DONORS NEEDED all positive A negative. B negative $7 50 foi Texas Burger ★ A brilliant and incisive analyst. The Ripon Society not * ★ only offers a fascinating study if 'what-happened', but * 99< fym ^ooK^roRes and AB negative $10 00 O negative $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY French Fries Only ★ also considers with keen perception the long term trends ★ BLOOD CENTER. 507'2 E Gran. Cole Slaw ^ now operating in American politics." ^ River. East Lansing Above the nev ^ —SENATOR JACOB K. JAVITS ^ Campus Book Store Hours 9 a m to 3 30 pm Monday, Tuesday ant ; THE LESSONS OF VICTORY ** Friday: Wednesday and Thursday 12 to 6 30 p.m 337-7183 ( BOGo SUDS it ★ By THE RIPON SOCIETY * TO THOSE caught between forces. ESP is more a curse than gift Call 2755 E. Grand River Now at your bookstore THE DIAL PRESS J Across From the Union 353-7322 3-5/16 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 15, 1969 Mayor FAYETTE. Miss. (AP) -- Char- as just one step forward in ' our ^pots on town boards in Missis toEvers Have you checked the hos- pital?" he asked a well-dressed evert with challenges, did Evers relax. He slid back in an easy asked about the reaction from amewhites rema I Student traffic at a black church. He told some 500 blacks crowded into the- court justices elected for fall The MSU Student Traffic Ap¬ les Evers. the mavor. says he quest to be free. sippi and 11a more Evers, made runoffs. physical education black carrying a two-way ra- chair and said: "I've got plans "I don't know why they would wooden building that the white peals Court has elected John will remain Charles Evers. the "If we can t win our r,8hts in.tplir,tftP in rw,^an be prejudiced. We Haycock. Annandale. Va.. jun¬ black leader through the democratic process, instructor in Chicago schools are going to man's days of dominating his ior. and Barney White. Tampa. run this town a year will be right. race were over Evers first black \ since Re- then we are really lost.1 the vis- "ntl1 1«*3 when his brother, ambulance and get them to the known as All-America City. We "One of the first things I "They tried to divide us by Fla . junior, as chief justices , \ t r ihlv exhausted candidate said W exnaustea canaiaaie saia Medgar, was shot to death from polls ... time is running cut." am of the court's two sessions. construction to defeat a white amh*ch ambush, appeared nervous dur- MriMllc Complete unofficial returns ar^ going to show the nation going to take up with my alder¬ lying. They tried to divide us candidate for mayor in Missis- after ^e final vote tally Evers 386 votes to 255 for that, in rural southwest men is the question of fire- with turnip greens The pair will officially take of¬ sippi, said Wednesday he has "You have to remember that i°g Tuesday s voting gave even . . But it fice in the fall when their elec¬ He moved from one group of Allen. Among registered voters Mississippi black and white can arms," he said. "Anyone caught just ain't going to work any plans for this small rural town I am n°t the only Negro candi- blacks to another in front of in this town of 1,600 persons, work together," he said. inside the city limits of Fayette more We're here to say " tion has been confirmed bv the date in Mississippi ... I only ... . and "they do not include giving ASMSU Student Board. "This won't be any place for with a gun. knife "We not afraid, we are not uj» my fight for freedom.' hoDe^ mv victorv here will serve J. his two-story nraina thom shopping center, blacks outnumber whites 448' to . . . or ice are . \ in tUn rnmoin. the prejudiced and if they Pick . is going to jail." afriad, shall Petitioning for . , we overcome some student stimulus for future elec- . mem¬ H? described his victory over as a Only after receiving word that don't like what we will do they The familiar side of Evers re- day," his followers sang as he bers of the appeals court will long-time Mayor R. J. Allen in tions. his lead could not be surpassed, can Jeave now," he stated when turned during a victory meeting stepped from the podium. open fall term. Eleven other blacks Tuesday's Democratic primary Boycott at Owen TEST'Blcomn' enters 2nd week By DEMISE FORTNER State News Staff Writer IWIN UP TO $1000 Owen residents cannot complain this week about the quality of the cafeteria food There is no they had for lunch. cafeteria food~and there has been none since Play the Owen Hall cafeteria boycott began one week ago. Play "Bingo Odd Bingo Even" and Owen residents began the boycott of the cafeteria May 6 to protest the alleged high prices and poor quality of the food Bingo Odd- S1.000-S100-S2S-S10-SS-SI or 5( Stamps. Come cords and Game tick« on request at end of checkout lane or served in the graduate residence hall. Prices And Coupons Good Bingo Even fice... Limit one per adult c ustomer *pi The Executive Committee of the Owen Hall Graduate Assn. Thru Sun., May 18, 1969 Or mail request to P.O. Box 69-CR was scheduled to decide late Wednesday evening whether to In Lansing Michigan 48010. Ho Purchase Neces continue the boycott or accept restructured price changes. The Committee met Tuesday night with the dormitory's CENTER CUT RIB MARHOEFER PETER'S BOLOCNA OR food management to discuss the student demands for a 20 per cent across-the-board decrease in food prices at Owen S 50 Sxfaz ' cafeteria. PORK I CANNED Hot Dogs Arshad Zamen. Owen Hall president, said that at the meet¬ ing Tuesday night the "management tried to defend their S top value stamps i price structure" and "they presented an itemized account of the total cost involved for each of the 600 food products that are Zaemn said sold in the cafeteria." Wednesday that at the meeting scheduled for CHOPS I HAMS 59 ■ I ■ WITH THI- COUPON AND 15 TO 19.99 PURCHASE (EXCLUDING BEER, WINE OR lOBACCO) REDEEM AT KROGER THRU SI N MAY 18 I960 | J■ that night the itemized account would be examined by the executive committee and suggested changes would be offered. The restructured itemized account of food prices will then be submitted to Owen food management today. The food management claims the reason behind the high HERRUD PARTY S 100 S prices of such cheap commodities as coffee and eggs is to offset the selling of more expensive items at a loss. Zamen Assortment ! top value stamps Norm "We re Potter, not area tar from manager, a foresees solution to the tor a settlement within the next couple of days. We hope to a solution close at problem and I hope 89 ■ ■ ,155535? (EXCLUDING B REDEEM AT KROi "I I develop a solution that's satisfactory to both parties." he USDA CHOICE DOUBLE BREASTED OR I Sxtna 9 said CHUCK 150 I Huber 3-LEGGED top value stamps I B STEAK WITH THIS COUPON AND I (continued from page one> the black students were intro¬ activities on the I'm also opposed to discrimin¬ campus and ARM CUT SWISS STEAK LB. 89* FRYERS SIS TO S19.99 PURCHASE (EXCLUDING BEER, WINE OR TOBACCO). REDEEM AT KROGER THRU SUN MAY 18 1969 I duced. Brown said Huber-turned to another senator and said. ation on campus." he said. Sen. Arthur farwright. D- Hurry Trident Melmamine offer ends Sunday, REGULAR OR MILD IB REDEEM AT KROGER THRU SUN MAY It, 1969 jS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■MB I'd better get my gun Detroit. joined the discussion iHERRUD ■■i I said that as a joke "a and said he didn't believe it May 18, 1969 ■ Huber said but in retrospect: it is no joke We're sitting ducks was was intimidation but certainly not respectful. "I don't Complete your set now! Franks 200 ■ on the floor. " disagree with dissent but it Sen. Coleman Young. D- can be carried too far " 900 EXTRA TOP top value stamps Detroit. cerned unrest said. about in our If we are polarization and communities, con¬ we son He said he bad taste. raise a only said, in his opinion, it was in saw one per¬ clenched fist and VALUE STAMPS W WITH THIS COUPON AND S20 TO S24.99 PURCHASE (EXCLUDING BEER. WINE OR TOBACCO) REDEEM AT KROGER THRU SUN 9 .JO§ MAY 18 1969 must not only be concerned with violations of the law. but Huber said he saw "at least with the purchase of 16 ASSORTED KROGER also be concerned with discrim¬ a dozen" give the salute. And 2 or more pkgs USDA i ination on the campuses "I'm opposed to subversive the noble senator from Detroit. Sen Young, gave the salute back. am50 f\ Choice Tenderoy Rib ' Variety Breads 4 120 2-PLY SHEET ROL I 4C OEF LABEL KROGER Board "You think it's have a to be naive symbol of school¬ boy solidarity." Huber said. to Defmon'co'steoks BLUE BONNET GAYETY KROGO "It's familiar to every refugee #23 cd Soft Margarine TOWELS SHORTENING (continued from page one) i in the world. That's no symbol Board chairman Tom Samet of black power Who are they 57.09 VALUE \ said that an effort to keep com¬ trving to kid°" munications open with NSA will be made, regardless of MSU's Huber must formulate a again said the Senate plan of action | #29 LJ 50 PESCH'K^'1'* LUNCH MEATS \ Alka-Seltzor dissaf fi liation in the event of a takeover of The board passed a motion the capitol. . OA25 ** m withpkgthtof COUNTRY o CLUB HOT DOGS purchase of KROGER GROUND from its vice chairman. Chuck "First should be Mostov. to issue a resolution in to insure we law and prepared order. The Black Pepper support ot Acting President action last night was indicative Adams actions concerning the of what's coming." Wilson Hall sit-in. | _- - ^ with the purchase of The resolution said that the j#32 cd 50 knwicklkr°spmbracon [ board felt that Adam's of the Wilson events "is to be commended It further handling Black students #33 cd 50 shoulders Shampo < ISDA GRADE A praised Adams for his personal involve¬ (continued from page onei climate of i cd 100 spotughv"' °f LARGE ment in meaningful dialogue" a understanding #34 FACIAL TISSUE VAC PAC \ between himself and students between students, college and instant coffee and for airing disagreement university administrators and Puffs Prints Kroger Coffee • responsible persons in govern¬ PKGOF directly with those involved 17* 2 89{ The board passed a new Pan Hellenic open house policy sub¬ mitted by Miss Konde. Panhel ment. further the letter said We should not permit repression, any by force « - #36 LJ _ _ 50 with the purchase of ony 2 KROGER —® I Redeem at Kroger ThruSun .'. May 18. 1969 S Redeem at Kroger Thru Sun . May 18. 1969 __J fiW/i ; EGGS or otherwise, censorship, con¬ 7j BAKING NUTS JM} j ^ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ Mli The policy said that procedures trary to constitutional guaran¬ and policies for open houses tees of the freedom of speech VALUABLE COUPON I VALUABLE COUPON were to be determined by the and of the press, unfair, illegal ■ while they lost Rose Bush' ■ PILLSBURY s individual governing councils of or inequitable applications of individual sorority houses. It state law The ^ #38 50 PLA^TEX°TAMPON5 ■ 50< OFF retail ii Coke Mixes ■ further stated that no open legislators also demanded houses be allowed between 1 a m and 8 a m Monday Friday and that the governor send imme¬ diate directives to all adminis¬ so ££vi,-vfr:°' | r::1;;;:::,■!■ 3;/-P% 79< ■ ■ bundle of 3 or j»n. 5 peek of Ros.s. ;J that each house will be respon¬ trators to provide relevant black Redeem at Kroger ■ Redeem at Kroger * sible for complying with all so¬ studies programs to all stu¬ v ■ Thru Sun May 18,1969 . K¥51 Thru Sun . May 18.1%9 dents as well as equal econom¬ ,b h , fc* ■■■■•#■■■■■■ eE«2i ■■■■■■■■■■■■ •*—' cial regulations of the major governing groups ic. social and educational oppor¬ ;i#4oo 25 TOP VALUE CALIFORNIA SALAD SIZE The policy will go to the Fac¬ tunities. They said that these provisions would make the col¬ STAMPS ulty Committee on Student Af¬ fairs (FCSAi for further sideration or amendments con¬ be¬ leges and universities more re¬ sponsive to the needs of today's urban society. s ■ #41 cd 50 2%hunu fat milk low^09" RED RIPE VINE RIPE fore it is adopted p | #42 LJ 50 kVoger0 ice milk Redeem at Kroger IAHK ■ STRAWBERRIES TOMATOES 5 j with th« purchase of Thru Sun . May 18. 1969 ►> #43 cd 50 meL^-sofT ,oov" Subperb. Hobie's submarines arc made with the F ' #44 o 50 white bread with the purchase ofa 1-ib.pkg. SOUP MATES {« / FRESH GOLDEN k fg highest quality meats and us anu ingredient! mgicuiciua. Coupon strip good thru SUN MAY 18. 1969 i SWEET CORN Hobie's . . PHONE 351-3800 CARRYOUT& DELIVERY _ TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON • SUBMARINES • 13"" 99{