T uesda Showers. Hereditary bondsmen!. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . Know ye not who would be free themselves must strike the blow? STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, May 20,1969 Vol. 61 Number 182 Trustees desert controversial sliding scale tuition at MSU Trustee Blanche Martin intent of the sliding scale said that the plan, helping ilies. of stated. The University objective helping needy students goes undim¬ attending the University on state-funded scholarships inished." Ever since adopton by the Demo¬ At a party I mixed Jim Beam Bourbon with Ann Arbor The MSU sliding scale tuition plan needy students obtain a college educa¬ cratic dominated MSU board in Sept. 1967. water. The results turned grey tion. would be taken care of through When asked about methods of aiding instead of light brown. What's was dropped by the board of the sliding scale plan has been under the story? Steve Swientkowski, Chicago graduate student. at a closed meeting Saturday. other University programs. financially needy students that will be considered by the committee. Ballard continual attack by Republican legislat- Spartacuss talked to Leroy Smith, plant manager, of the Ballard, who will serve on the com¬ The unanimous decision by the Jim Beam plant in Clermont. Ky. mittee to investigate alternative means said. "I think it is necessary to re¬ He said the iron in was officially made public Monday by An the water reacts with the alcohol and turns the drink green, of aiding students from low-income fam- main open-minded about this until the early opponent of the sliding scale Sec. Jack Breslin. He said the action plan. Kenneth W. Thompson. R-Lansing. not dimensions of the need are studied grev The change in flavor is negligible, so don't also applies to Oakland University, a . said Monday. - intensively and until possible means The views that I had worry about it. branch of MSU of meeting that need are also intensive¬ originally were borne out ' The tutition plan, also termed the' Help: A duck laid an egg on the cement by the I ly studied." in front of the Library. I called several places but no one "ability to pay fee system," based a Huff confirmed that legislators were student's tutition on his family income seems to care. ton, Belfast, Northern Ireland Will someone do something? junior. David Den¬ The decision by the trustees to aban¬ don the tuition plan occured in response planning to cut. some $500.00 from MSU s 1969-70 budget to penalize" the school PSB issues The Poultry Science Dept. sent someone over to pick r its ti threats from the state legislature^ questionnaire to Huff indicated the decision to abandon up the egg. Howard Zindel. chairman of the Poultry Sci¬ that the University would be financially ; ence Dept said the egg has a soft shell, and therefore, the sliding sc31e tuition plan nad been . penalized unless it abandoned the sliding under discussion for several months will not hatch. When the egg comes down the oviduct normally a hard shell is formed. Sometimes for reasons unknown this does not occur. Harold Prince, professor of scale tuition system. Warren Huff. D- > Plymouth, said Monday prior House to the decision Bill No 2873. made Saturday introduced by to U' st Under the sliding scale system, basic Fisheries and Wildlife, said ducks often lay eggs before' annual tuition of $552 could be reduced Reps. Ford. Swallow. De Stigter and they have built their nest which they have to $369 if it was demonstrated that family Yeager on M;*rch 20. 1969. was cited hatching. income was $12,300 or less. Only resi¬ by Ballard a# a possible reason for Questionnaires dis tributed in a samp- the action by the trustees ling of classes tod; iy through Thursday dent students w eligible for the fee The bill reads. Scholarships shall will help determine what type ofpresi- When will the first time trial for the Indianapolis 300 take reduction. not be allowed for an applicant who is dent 11 groups of stud ents want. place? Where can I get tickets and how much do they Effective fall i the MSU tuition will' to use the scholarship at any state Students filling oi it the 59-itrm quest- cost? Keith Kob, Angola. Ind. senior. be a flat $184 erm. The consider- supported college or university who ionnaire. prepared bv ASMSl' s Presi- Time trials are run the weekends of May 17th and the is to aid students (sic) uses the sliding scale method dential Selection B>oard iPSB . will be upcoming weekend. Tickets are $2.00 on a first-come from lower income families will be of determining tuition if the college or asked to include s uch identifiers as first-serve basis. The only tickets available for the race looked into by a special committee marital status. university calculates the value of the class, grade point. sex. on Memorial Day are $9 reserved bleachers and $5.00 gen¬ headed by Acting President Adams. scholarship in determining the amount draft status, home to dei issl number of records worth of your did the record on the antique market. Consequently, the collection is determined by the people who The old opera records of Madam Schumann . UP, UP AND AWAY' professor of evah his office will be j job for less than $100 Heink and Enrico Caruso are worth $2 to $3 Also the records Evaluation Servit of Charles Magnetti are worth something. Other records sell essary IBM forms sr.-nnfj Apollo's clowni for 25 to 50 cents. Sell your records as a single lot. otherwise dealers will buy only the best ones and you will be stuck groups. Ravder said. with the rest Take your records to the Antique and Mili¬ At least 3.000 questionnaires PSB tary Relic Shop. 1732 E. Michigan Ave. where they some- is aiming for 5.00( to a sampling of zooms halfway to moon graduate classes. including manv large Mania Thompson. I need a 194:} MSU drinking mug chairman ot the fS B steering committee. me find one? Mary Kennedy, Louisville said professors as!ced to administer the ihould contact North and South According to the Student Book Sto SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP> America from where Cernan took the camera and focused questionnaire w the W.C Bunting Co. at 4125 lobe St.. E Liverpool, you are." said Stafford. it help " The Apollo 10 astronauts focused a on Young and Stafford Young was up¬ Ohio They manufacture \ISl" mugs ugs and should be able I'm voting for the world being round side down and Stafford appeared up¬ Walt Chappel. color television camera on earth Mon¬ if there are any dissenters." said Cer¬ to the All-Univei day and said that from space "You right in the weightlessness of space. nan. Then he added: "You know it's a could never tell anybody could inhabit "One of our problems is trying to I am having an argument with my beautiful sight We're sitting here and the place." Then they clowned for the figure out which way is up and which sailors wear bell-bottom pants. Can > it's almost like science fiction looking camera to the tune of "Fly Me to the way is down."' said Young, looking out dispute? Richard Brown, Ba\ City senioi back at it." at the television audience upside down The Navy recruiting officer in Lans Then Stafford adjusted the camera The crew placed objects in mid-air Tt looks beautiful going away and bell-bottom pants so that if they ei so the projected image of earth was and they stayed there momentarily and more meaning than if he's a gra it'll look even better coming back, they can easily remove their pants the exact size that the astronauts said Air Force Col. Thomas P. were then started spinning slowly. or undergraduate. Chappel said. tied together to form a life preserver seeing. Stafford focused the camera on Cer¬ Stafford of the earth, as Apollo 10 The earth image looked smaller bv and the resolution I had to pay a flashed past the halfway mark of its nan was good enough Before I could register for winter l< rm. half than the telecast of Sunday. to read the dial of his watch During spring perilous journey to the moon. traffic ticket that I had received las fall. the same ticket be- Stafford and his crewmates. Navy At 421 p.m. EDT. officials said, Senior Night term registration, I again had to pa\ Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene e related story page 3) the spacecraft was 129.939 miles from fore I could register. I complained I > the Motor Vehicle Senior Class Council will sponsor S A Cernan. started their fourth tele¬ earth and halfway to the moon Office and they sent a voucher form . the Ace "We've made a few miles since yes¬ Earlier, the astronauts reported they Night from 8-10 tonight at Grand moth vision trnasmission with a color view Tickets at $2 will hu\ all the hut able Office and told me I would recer e a refund. That was terday." Stafford said as the space¬ saw the moon for the first time since of the earth, a flattened blue disc against and beer hold, a free 15-< the first of March and I still haven't rece i\ed my check, craft flashed outward at more than launch. you can a blanket of black Spartacuss learned from the 1 nive rsitv Business Office 3.000 miles an hour. mug and entertainment In Spot an You shouW be able to see all of Biol that a check had been issued and ser t to your present ad- Then Stafford focused the camera Ticket be purchased ii 307 dress. It appears that your check w;i s lost in the mail so on the crew inside the cabin and the can the Business Office will send you a L jst Check Form. Sign trio could not help but clown for the ices Bldg. from Sr. it and take it to 360 new Administr ation Bldg and pick television viewers. members and at the dts plications on police de Behavioral changes, prac¬ ments for the North Vietnamese still hold¬ used this have at least a basic know¬ officer. William Burgess, began Part lents. n study as evi- tices at the community level, ledge of the situation in which ing a peak overlooking the A Shau Valley. chasing Johnson and another In ;11 of the increasing polari- must be basically changed, if they find themselves. Every • • • of the races. Another youth, identified as Raymond ^an (t le this the image of the police officer poljce officer shoul(1 hav Boone Jr.. after an accident be 's a Vl itical factor that of polarization. to change. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller wound up a nine- 1 related to police ; eommit- tween the police car and anoth- vt 1 .• mu day tour through seven Latin American na¬ erauto. commurn .aid And once behaviors are tions where his presence sparked a warm wel¬ "And changed, chances are basic re¬ come in some capitals and hostile demon¬ Johnson was hit by shots fired during the chase. Police said vet a si-mg coi Clerk staff lationships within communities as they are now structured will *Madhatter's Midway, strations in others. On a special assign¬ Knox was suspended also change, too."' * Is Coming * equal opportune ment from President Nixon, the New York Crowds gathered quickly and justice on he pari of the dom Green made two recommend * governor said he found the chief concerns of police rushed all available man- inant communif h hopes to ations for improving the oper- Thursday * Latin Americans are exports and a reduction power into the area, along Clin- ica's minorities, • ons of police departments in ton Avenue near its junction Green i ted a of U.S. tariffs. National News with Bergen Street. This is in the South Ward, south of the by a group of sot from Wc.yi. Stat< hall union Indiana Atty. Gen. Theodore L. Sendak heavily black which still bears the plywood scars and rubble from the 1967 Central Ward which evaluated officer's attitudes toward mm .vhite ority groups, particular! • blacks polio * In ; i 'd to keep from be- by the American ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * called Monday for a federal investigation of of State and Countv Complete front end repair and i AFL-CIO). mem¬ the city of Gary where he said black Mayor bers . ' the MSU secretarial alignment Richard D. Hatcher s administration is re¬ iind clerical staff are attempt¬ * Brakes * Suspension sponsible for a "reign of terror.*' • • • Cernon c ing to form t' • own associa¬ tion. an organizer of the move¬ ment said Monday. * Wheel Two influential Democratic critics of the The steering group has called balancing * Steering Vietnam must war said Monday the United States pull back on its world military commit¬ of triggering a meeting of the 1.800 MSI" secretaries for noon today in *00 Engineering Bldg. to de¬ LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center spring-loaded to attempt ments and devote more energy to domestic SPACE CENTER. HOUSTON termine the form of the or- 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 problems. (AP i - "If we overburn At time ig the eight 4;,mzation- Rae Claire Johnson, Sen. JAY. Fulbright. D-Ark.. chairman of by as much as three seconds, hour separator the two craft yne if the organizers, said we'll make a crash landing at will be as mu< .•is 350 miles The proposed Clerical Em- the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, shorten about 5.000 feet per second as apart. The LI is designed ployees Assoc. "/ill be some- it. Try a tan- of Viet¬ "tf said the United States must get out we go over the top of one of to operate in a ... ss space and |hing like a union in that it gy pizza or one of our nam even if it has to settle for less than a That's how Apollo 10 astro¬ the rv and could not through the present grievances to the board of trustees, but it will vtr WAH great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at standoff with the Communists. Sen. Stuart So Staff- differ in that it will not call Restaurant naut Eugene A. Cernan de¬ nhere no extra cost. Symington. D-Mo.. said this country is ' over- scribed what could happen when lust get back Jor strikes against the Lnivei .36 W. Grand River committed politically, militarily, and econom¬ he and Thomas P. Stafford trig¬ J ship. East On any order of two Lansing ger their lunar module, or Valid ically and cannot continue its efforts Lem. motor to descend to with¬ complete dinners, the to be policeman of the world." in 9.3 miles of the moon Thurs¬ OCC ponsors.barbecue lower priced dinner will be onty on Tues-Thurs Mon - Thurs ALSO! day. . . A . May 20-22 4:00 p.m. - Hamburgers Michigan News 1 It's also the 1P"ce of one Apollo 10 is the most danger¬ reasons to unite Evergreen tenants 9:00 p.m. Cheeseburgers Petitions bearing 200,000 names and call¬ ous and difficult manned space "The purpos of this first / with this coupon Submarines mission ever undertaken Off Campus Council ing for the impeachment of Detroit Judge w'" sponsor barbe eeting ir up a little There are elements of risk a the other apartments French Fries George W. Crockett were presented to Gov. l along everv mile, from blast- residents of Evergree ' interest them in this sort Milliken's office Monday by the Police Offi¬ off to splashdown But the three Apts.. 341 Evergreen St .it & might in in t iort to es irganization. he said, cers Assn. of Michigan. The petition has ac¬ astronaui are confident that layer said he hoped to dis- reliability of their hard¬ tablish an e ...nization to rep¬ cused Crockett of "gross misconduct" for free¬ the ware and contingency plans, if resent student tenants. ;S the plans for the organi ion next fall term. PIZZA ing some suspects arrested after the slay¬ needed, will see them safely Norm Mayer, president of THE STATE NEWS OCC. called the meeting "an ing of a policeman and wounding of another through. CALL 332-6517 For one thing, there is no introductory type of affair, in an April 29 shoot-out at a ghetto-area quick way home. In earth or¬ and added that he expected be i recision church. bit. a spaceship can return tween 85-90 per cent of the Imports • • • almost immediately by firing residents to attend • etro-rockets. But A 20-year-old black testified Monday that he 'specializing in finei heard a now-suspended white policeman say sports cars' "that black nigger didn't even kick" soon Russian Chorus igan Collegiate Press Association. I nited Stales Student Press Association. The greatest peril will come Second class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan. after shots were fired in Detroit's Algiers Motel where three black youths were found while moon Apollo 10 is circling the for 61.5 hours, from to perform gypsy, IRELLI Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services State University, East Lansing. Michigan Building. Michigan Reasonable Rates Wednesday night until v'arly dead. Saturday Midway through V> liturgical concert Bruce Jim Phones: Editorial 355-8252 The witness. Michael Clark, gave his vers¬ orbital period Stafford and Cer¬ Classified Advertising 355-8255 The MSU Russian Chorus will "Financing Available" ion of what happened at the motel the night nan are to transfer through a hold a concert at 8 tonight Display Advertising Business-Circulation 353-6400 355-3447 tunnel into the LEM. det folk, gypsy and liturgical songs Campus News face-over the spot whe ■ two "The group, founded in 1968. Apollo 11 astronauts h> >e to Police land in July seeks to acquaint itself and the dispersed about 200 demonstrators 22-31. public with Slavic vocal music. from Stanford University's Research Insti¬ tute Monday. The demonstrators were routed That will leave Young alone in the ( mmand .John W Denis Mickiewicz, asst. pro¬ fessor of German and Russian National Pickle Week, May ship. 69 miles Jiigh. !yn i and director of the chorus, said as they protested war-related research. A half . vessel designed to be operated All those interested are wel¬ dozen persons were arrested, but no injuries by three men. In case of troub come to attend. There is no were reported. le with the LEM. Young will be admission charge. • • • Near the Berkeley campus of the Univer¬ sity of California. National Guardsmen main¬ tained vigil at city hall and two vacant lots where so-called "street people" and some FALL RUSH university students sought to create "peo¬ Interest Sign-ut ple's parks." • • • May 20, 21, 22 At Plymouth, N.H., a superior court judge 6-10 D. . disqualified himself in the case of five youths being tried on contempt of court charges Jt'- rfie'd Lobby stemming from the recent takeover of the W. _ da/ Jnion Pc lor A Dartmouth College administration because a "•3 Ak Hobie's rs dofense attorney testified that he heard the Thu, Koon 4 Wilson ; A free dill pickle . with each submarine today! judge express strong sentiments against de¬ •>319 Student Se ■vifel Tues-Frl 1-5 p.r monstrations last year at a state Bar Assn. >sh Fe CARPYOUT&DELIVERY SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER PHONE 351-^800 • . _ _ meeting. GEORGE BULLARD EDITORIALS Dissent and the Bureaucratic monopoly on 'right' and the slid Sen. Edmund Muskie struck a sensi¬ tive chord Friday when he attacked the stituting a different but equiv¬ "intolerance" displayed by dissident groups In a typically high-handed on university alent campuses. gesture, the MSU Board of Trus¬ system of financial sup¬ Muskie recognized the errors of "the tees abolished the sliding-scale port for poor students. establishment. But he questioned the tuition in a secret meeting Sat¬ A committee has been set source from which new-generation rebels receive their monopoly on "right " urday. up to study alternate aid plans. The point is well taken. Their explanation for the ac¬ All we can say so far is that A judgment by any campus group, tion was that the state legis¬ it sounds like a prime oppor¬ in the minority or majority, is not neces¬ lature threatened to cut the tunity for bureaucratic mon- sarily a truth, a value, indictment or divine command. kevshinerv which will make University's scholarship appro¬ Certain groups, however, assume what the fee system at MSU more Muskie called the "arrogance of infalli¬ priation to compensate for fee discrimination cumbersome and more vulner¬ bility." Their judgments supported by against carefully interpreted facts, must prevail, ROTC. but asked that Adams be allowed able to such mishaps as the scholarship students. the university be damned. to speak. Under the sliding-scale plan, annual decrease in available The ROTC rally Thursday was a de¬ However, a core of ralliers had the state scholarship funds. We monstration of such arrogance. "facts." Thursday was their day to abolish anyone receiving scholarship ROTC. begin drying up the U.S. officer Protestors, who traditionally have de¬ aid is ineligible for fee re¬ hope it will turn out differ¬ manded the unalterable right to speak corps and give "oppressed"' peoples of duction: much state and other ently. and dissent, denied Acting President the world a chance to unshackel themt % In this issue, as in many Adams more than 30 seconds to talk. selves from the United States. scholarship money goes simply Two sets of rights seem to exist. One to pay the lost fee reductions. others vital to the university At this for dissenters, one for their opposition. point, fact must be separated Both the state and the stu¬ community this year, we see The message: it Thursday's protesters from opinion and interpretation. It is the trustees operating behind a the opinion of the protesters that abolish¬ dent lose out. and MSlT prof¬ were in power today, dissenting opinions cloak of bureaucratic secrecy- would be worth about 30 seconds of their ing ROTC would dry up the officer corps. its. It is their opinion that the U.S. Army students and faculty have no time. The legislature's idea would has "oppressed" other "nations. Other chance to consider or to com¬ Adams did not pretend to have all of opinions express other interpretations make up for the state's loss, what is the answers Thursday. Nor did Tom Sam- but -as usual--the student would ment on being done "Say good night, Dick!" "Good night Dick. et. who is' sympathetic to reforming The opposing opinion on ROTC. for remain in the middle, getting to them until too late. example, is that even upon immediate taken on both sides. \eed we remind anyone how abolishment of the program, the class of 1969 will fill this year s need for The trustees might well have dangerous it can be these days considered modifying the slid¬ to force major policy (decisions VIEW officers. And a year for planning will give the Army time to draw from itsj on a university by arbitrary and ing-scale tuition plan to elim¬ large reserve, perhaps upgrade warrant inate discrimination against secretly contrived decrees0 officers, or arrange to extend the tours While we listen to pleas for of active dutv^ficers. scholarship holders instead of throwing out the whole fee re¬ duction system. MSl's sliding-scale tuition "operating through established channels'' may we all remember that the channels must exist Perception EDITOR'S NOTE: The following "point causes been a proud show. Many a president reality' ible This second view, pro-ROTC observers, is equally as the imagined by ROTC critics. results forwarded by some of as plaus¬ abolishment and must be gap of the displaced freshman hazing has been under heavy fire since open if they , of view" was written by Halbert K. has come and gone in her 47 years. have freshmen we building the new- are to be an effective alter¬ Evans, general chairman of Water Carn¬ Walter Adams is her sixth. But Water its inception as "socialistic." ival 1969. residential colleges -- Justin Morrill. But had the University administra¬ unconstitutional. discrim¬ native to more direct action. Carnival has remained. James Madison and Lyman Briggs Col¬ tion attempted to foist this second view- The oldest all-University event is She should have gone with her friend leges. ROTC criics and offered only 30 As as the trustees con¬ on inatory. and generally evil. long over. . for 47 years MSU students John Hannah, for this has been a humil¬ And instead of serenades seconds to retort, it would have created we now cry There chance that the tinue to rule the University have lined the Red Cedar to watch is a iating end for such a veteran trooper for peace!! A cry so loud that it has a martyr complex in demonstrators that from secret session the "es¬ ornate floatations of meticulous craft- of MSU entertainment trustees have elected to dodge shaken our political structure. would have taken months to fade tablished channels" don't look manship parade down our mighty river. From her glorious days when every¬ From the band shell there grew the the slings and arrows of leg¬ 47 different theme ideas have helped one clamored to enter their living units' classroom. islation and legal suits by sub¬ like much. to form this style of program that is colors into competition. Water Carnival Most members of protest movements And from Water Carnival, the oldest -The Editors unique to our Water Carnival. She's has sunk to apathetic 20 floats. From tradition of all. there will follow yet seem sincerely committed to their views. the days when her workers and pro¬ another new tradition It is my hope Sincerity and commitment, however, in ducers numbered close to 1.000 mem¬ no way confer infallibility. The 30-second that it will be a tradition founded in POINT OF VIEW bers she has fallen to the care of a fellowship and peace, a tradition of time allotment to Adams Thursday im¬ few loyal followers. understanding others, a new awareness plied a self-imposed non-existent, infallP *■ Water Carnival now joins the archives of our responsibility as college students bility on the part of protesters. of MSU history-it joins college beanies to this country and the world. This incident, coupled with similar and J-hops. freshman hazing and seren¬ dis ain opposing opinion at the recent Capitalism can be key to peace ades, the band shell and its spring concerts traditions in Water Carnival joins the nostalgic memories these Perhaps a Black History Week or and International Understanding Week with dialogue on our most pressing problems. Whatever tradition begins with this, Placement Bureau protest, establishes a trend of intolerance that does not belong at a university. of MSU alumni the last year of Water Carnival, I The Carnival has just outlived itself. In the future, the University commun¬ EDITOR'S NOTE: The following "point ciety is for-to promote the welfare of all be contributing to production. We only hope that it enjoys the great success It must make way for the new. . of view" was written by Lola Hill, former its members. and longevity that has been the good ity should be especially critical of any would have earned income, and we would To replace beanies we worked for fortune of Water Carnival, and teacher of tamih finance. Lansing Pub¬ My question is whether our kind of be able to consume. when group, minority or majority, that oper¬ academic freedom and reforms. From it is ates under the right to dissent and re¬ lic Schools Adult Education. welfare"' really promotes the long-range For Americans to consume all that they again time for change it will step welfare of J-hops we evolved to student involve¬ aside as graciously. fuses the same right to their critics our people. really need, our productive system would in political elections. To L.si year a t ntlc. trail Buddhist monk We strive for full employment, but that ment fill the have to expand many times over. This trom Vietnam vas addressing an audience is a receding goal. The great producer is mea ns a grea t dea 1 more ca pi ta 1. in East Lansing. Kill Buddha. he the modern corporation. It is successful More capital will not mean more con¬ said . and reduce alienation by enabling every¬ ( ill it i w< ire state I think we Then they could receive income from their lege of Business who have reached junior teria set out above, may complete a pe¬ one-not just the few-to gain a fair and status, and to students in the Graduate tition in the office of the asst. dean of shouldn kno it Welfare is not in ownership as well as from their labor. itself a dirty word. That s what a so¬ If all of us owned capital, we would legitimate economic stake in his so- School of Business Administration. One the College of Business. Room 7. Eppley It was quite educational to work for a student with these requirements will sit as Center before 4:50 p.m. Wednesday. space contractor last summer NASA a voting member on the Search and Se¬ Stephen J. Grossman appropriations were cut in half, and lection Committee for the new dean of Chairman Undergraduate hundreds of engineers openly expressed the College of Business. The student se¬ Students Advisory Council bitterness and resentment that the gov¬ lected must be able to meet with the College of Business ernment no longer intended to subsidize Carol A. Budrow MICHIGAN advertising manager HE TOOK OFF FROM THE NEST NOU), HE JU5T SITS THERE MAYBE I SHOULD 60 BUY THIS M0RNIN6 ON HIS FIRST HIM A WORM SANDWICH... STATE NEWS Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor FL16HT, AND WHEN HE SOT BACK, EVERYONE HAP LEFT... . AND STARES INTO SPACE.. UNIVERSITY Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial director Jeff Elliott, sports editor of the Pacemaker award for outstanding jouri^Hn'-i Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 20, 1969 5 Haddad: a loss of their homeland and • After the 1967 Six Day War. the image image of the refugee has Israelrs growing sense of of PalestBefore the outbreak in 1948, By KATHY OAKLEY "They want a government Signorelli, founder of the Ann State News Staff Writer their dignity." Haddad said. they saw that there was no !?,"?! g insecurity resulting in second class citizenship for the Arab, of people, all people he said. Arbor and Ypsilanti chapters Signorelli said the Zionists (of immediate hope of their return, Israeli were already attacking Changes in the Arab-Israeli To regain their past ways "They are working for a re- of the Young Socialists Alliance, as additional thousands of ref¬ which the refugees want to re- of life and return to Palestine, Arab villages and driving people * situation in the eyes of the ugees poured out of Palestine." grown from various levels: nlaee with greater emialitv for stored Palestme where Jews said that his speech was an Palestinian refugee and the the refugees looked to outside forces for help, he said. Some Haddad said. -a growing impatience for ^ Palestin!ans regTrdleL of and. Aral?s. ^an live together attempt to cut through the myths out of their homes. "During the '48 world were topics of discussion Arab unity and viewing the creed war they in two speeches of the Arab felt a great leader would lead They began to look at the failure to regain Palestine as a wline me raiesuiiiiiii i eiugees in i»iI nit; diuisu ueiricii- took more land, drove out more Club them back to their homes, armed triumph of the Algerian block to their solidarity. have been changing their atti- ation that established Israel refugees and then asked for a during their Palestine of Israel's might and security. Week observance last week. others felt that a collapse of revolution and saw its means -the old view of settling tudes Peter Signorelli as a national home for the peace settlement." Signorelli Husni Haddad, a native of foriegn colonial powers would as the only answer to their HaJddard„eXrplained that .the "eW toral candidate in history at Jews," Signoerlli said, "was a said. "They maintained that the bring the land back into their problem, he told his audience the University of Michigan deliberate act to drive a wedge lands that they had taken during Syria and professor of history, nas ueen uversnauuweu uy ine . of nearly.60 persons. that the world should take said that the role of the Pales¬ possession . and they waited, desire to get back their home- the racist state of Is¬ an- of imperialism into the Mid- the war would remain theirs, tinian refugee has undergone he continued. "The old image of Palestine. lands rael, but not the Jewish people. other look at the situation. east." however." various levels of change. the of in¬ ' "After 1948 war dependence by Israel, many Palestinian Arabs found them¬ selves refugees and suffered In this age of planned obsolescence, Computer's is there a place for a car so unconventional future seen as bra iner that it may well last for decades? Computer machines of the future will out-evolve, out-live and out-think us. a nationally known computer expert told an audience at Conrad Auditor¬ ium last week. Warren McCulloch. an expert Mercedes-Benz thinks on computer design and de¬ velopment. said today's com¬ puting machines are still in the infant stages and most of them so. have not been taught very well The computers which have been taught well have proved that artificial intelligence can surpass human intelligence, according to McCulloch, a re¬ searcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology iMITi Research Laboratory for Elec¬ tronics. The computer for the Mars Landing Vehicle, being de¬ Mercedes-Benz lavishes such Like every Mercedes-Benz, veloped at the MIT lab by Mc¬ attention Culloch and his associates, will on engineering that some the Diesel bristles with sophisticated, have the ability to see and people say Mercedes-Benz motor cars ultra-performance features that are build a memory model of the are too sophisticated. simply unavailable on domestic se¬ world it is in and update that And, by conventional stan¬ dans. All-independent suspension. model, allowing the machine dards, they are. Taut, recirculating-ball-type steering to reason out its own actions. But Mercedes-Benz engineers that gives you the "feel" of the road. McCulloch said. A system which can feed in step to the music of a different drum¬ Massive, racing-type disc brakes on all its own information and compute mer. They insist on building margins four wheels. on the basis of that information of performance and safety into their It steers, maneuvers and stops js essential to a Mars-type craft machines to meet the unexpected, as as if your life depended on it. McCulloch said, because there well as the expected. And they stub¬ This is one reason why Car and can be only one television broadcast made in the life of the bornly refuse to design anything just Driver, with a world of cars to choose machine. The computer must good enough to "get by" for a time— from, concludes that the current Mer¬ make the decision of what that and no better. cedes-Benz line "represents the pres¬ broadcast will be. he said. That, in essence, is what distin¬ ent pinnacle in safe car engineering.'' 11* M guishes a Mercedes-Benz, what sets it Many cars are designed to win apart from the crowd of conventional admiration for their owners. Mercedes- cars, bred of conventional standards. Benz cars are designed to win admira¬ tion from their owners. The MSU Advertising Club and the An amazing maverick Quite a distinction. Dept. of Advertising will hold the se¬ cond annual Awards Night/Open House The automobile at right is a at 7 30 tonight in the main lounge of the Student Services Bldg shining example. Mercedes-Benz sells 24-page brochure Hugh Red¬ head. president of Detroit s Campbell- 15 remarkable gasoline-powered mod¬ If you'd like more facts on the Ewald Co., will be a guest speaker els in the U.S.—plus this one, perhaps $4,692* Diesel—plus details of six Win Rowe, former 6th district con¬ the most remarkable of all. other 1969 Mercedes-Benz gasoline- gressional chairman, will speak at 7 30 It is the legendary Diesel. tonight in the Abbot Hall Cafeteria on powered motor cars—mail the coupon the ABM. This maverick is sodefiantly un¬ for a full-color brochure. conventional that it can probably cut Even better, drop by the show¬ your fuel bills in half, eliminate many room today and arrange to test drive a of your usual repair bills—and is likely At $4,692*, the 220 Diesel may be the Mercedes-Benz. See for yourself what The Outing Club will meet at 7 to¬ to be serving you faithfully when most a defiantly unconventional car feels night in 116 Natural Science Bldg Paul of today's sleek new dreamboats have like Barrett, professor of natural science, will out on the road. speak on the Sierra Club, its purpose been chopped up for scrap. Other models to mull over: # 250 Sedan—an unflappable The Psychology Club will meet at 7 Not for everyone Third, though the Diesel sounds miles to the gallon — and on trips, ing that valves wore unevenly, de¬ road car, with superb handling and tonight in 208 Olds Hall Henry C Smith, professor of psychology will To appreciate exactly like an ordinary car when when you get full benefit of diesel signed them to rotate slightly with each braking as standard equipment, the Diesel, you it's fuel's price advantage over speak on "The Great Training Rob¬ first have to understand the idea be¬ moving, you'll detect a vestigial gasoline, stroke, vastly prolonging theirJife. $5,208*. bery (Undergrad Education i " 280 SE Sedan—the road- hind it—and be able to adjust to its "pocketa" at idle—a slightly bizarre you can average 30, 40, even 50 miles Mercedes-Benz does not war¬ most The MSU Veterans Assn. will meet note in a car otherwise so grand. for the cost of a gallon of regular! rant the Diesel to last for 10 or 20 worthy car you can buy in the luxury at 7 tonight in the Coral Gables Rath¬ three foibles. It is not for every man. If you can learn to shrug off an years. Any car's life depends on how class, fuel-injection engine, $6,461*. skeller. All members are urged to at¬ The Diesel is built for people tend who want occasional jest about one of these ec¬ Many repair costs vanish hard it is driven and how carefully it 280SL Roadster—a sports car an economy car, but who centricities, you'll have the last laugh is maintained. But lifetime measured for grown-ups, Pan-Hel fall rush sign up will be held decline to venture onto the highways More good news. The diesel a combines soul-stirring from 6-10 tonight through Thursday To¬ on everybody at the end of each month in decades is no pipe dream, either. performance with comfort, $6,802*. in a featherweight, cramped machine. engine is such a gem of simplicity that night's sign-up will be in Butterfield 300SEL—an understated lim¬ —year after year. •it merely dispenses with many parts Of the 700,000 Diesels it has Lobby. Wednesday's sign-up will be in If you are willing to pay for the safety Union Parlor A and 133 Akers, and Thurs¬ that normally end up costing you built since 1936, Mercedes-Benz esti¬ ousine, $9,759*. and comfort of a big, 3,000-pound day's sign-up will be in 4 Wilson Rush Cuts fuel bills in half that 600 Grand Mercedes—the ul¬ money. It has no spark plugs. No mates fully 80 percent are still fee is $2 sedan, the Diesel will reward you with fuel costs that match the flimsiest little The Diesel works its incredible points. No condensers. Not even a car¬ humming along! timate motor car, $23,580*. fuel economy in two ways. buretor to repair or replace. half-pint on the road. The three Diesel foibles: To begin with, of course, it uses First, a Mercedes-Benz It goes and goes and goes The Block and Bridle Club Spring First, you cannot hop into this lowly diesel fuel. (In a pinch, it will The engine makes this Mer¬ • Mercedes-Benz of North -0l Round Up will be held Friday and car and roar off in a cloud of dust. The run on soya-bean oil.) The Best of all, this 4-cylinder cedes-Benz an economy car. But the America, Inc. Saturday There will be meat, wool and price of . Diesel starts like any other car when diesel fuel varies from diesel injection engine is real value of the Diesel lies not so Phil Gordon's Inc. livestock contests and an awards ban¬ state to state. designed to • quet For more information call 355- its motor is warm. But, in the morning, In almost all states, it is lower than give you uncommonly reliable service much in the things that make it differ¬ 2924 E. Grand River Ave.\ 1228 —for years. from every • Lansing, Mich. 48912 you must be patient for about 30 sec¬ regular gasoline. In some states it costs ent other Mercedes-Benz Please send 24-page, full-color • me a The Chess Club will meet at 7 30 onds while the motor preheats for fir- Not only half as much. only are there relatively as in the things that make it the same. brochure on the new generation of tonight in 304 Bessey Hall All interested . persons are invited to attend ling. (A minor nuisance which turns to The Diesel also sips its fuel at a few parts to go amiss, but the parts Like every Mercedes-Benz, the • motor cars from Mercedes-Benz. advantage in winter, enabling you to miserly rate. In fact, the engine burns that are present have been engineered Diesel is welded into being, not bolted. The American Baptist Student Foun¬ dation meeting will be at 7:30 tonight get underway while others may still be every drop so efficiently that exhaust to have characteristic Mercedes-Benz After 50,000 miles or so, you may be¬ 332 Oakhill St Bus transportation stamina. There's at cursing and shivering.) is virtually smoke-free. A surprise to a rugged overhead gin to wonder if it will ever rattle. will be provided Call 332-0518 for the schedule The topic of the meeting will Second, you must abandon any camshaft and a fiue-bearing crank¬ The body is dunked in primer, be "The FUcta" a potpourri of short ex¬ thought of fireball acceleration. The Now—if you've been resigned shaft. Twelve of the 16 piston rings are baked, spray-paifvted, hand-sanded, perimental films. coated with expensive Diesel will cruise indefinitely at any to getting 12,15,18 miles a gallon from molybdenum sprayed again, then hand-sprayed. Petitioning for positions on the Stu¬ posted speed limit in America. (Once, standard sedans, brace yourself. — an- exotic "space age" metal that Even the insides of the hubcaps are dent Advisory Committee to the Col¬ it even won the 8,728-mile African The new Mercedes-Benz 220 won't melt below 4,712 degrees. coated. Total pairt and primer rust lege of Social Science has been extended until Thursday Petitions may be picked Rally!) But, as a dragster, it's a bust. Diesel easily delivers over twenty-five The ingenious engineers, see¬ protection: 44 pounds. up^in 205 Berkey Hall and department *East and Gulf Coast ports (elusive of transportation, options, state and local taxes, if any. The Sailing Clnb will meet at Lake Lansing at 3 30 today for a picnic sailing outing The University of MAN will hoi class in the philosophies in anarchy and liberUrianisms in Room I Student Serv¬ ices Bldg at 7:30 tonight Phil Gordon's Inc. 2924 E. Grand River Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48912 Phone: 517-484-2551 £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 20, 1969 SPORTS Adorns' By MIKE MANLEY Stale News Sports Writer pressed- ation a hope that his don tf) the fund would spur We are very happy with the check tivites Saturday to the itself. He showed up at a press game want to go down as the presi- dent with greatest athletic re- other groups to contribute cord in the history of the Ui Although completely sur¬ turnout for the game." Wash- luncheon before the game and Close t>> $500 in donations have rounded by hundreds of swarm¬ ington said. I think that if the delivered a few words to the iversitv." he said, punctuating ing kids trying to break through .been made so far weather had been a little better writers and broadcasters, each phrase with a wave of his to the pro football stars behind The Qvent-whieh included the in the morning we might have "I just want to say that I ever-present cigar. him. Acting President Adams game and a meet-the-pros ses- had a larger response but all hope the MSU football wins Also I like the idea of keep¬ soon obtained the crowd's oohs sion-raised over $6,000 lor in all we are quite satisfied all its games this coming fall ing all the student violence andahs. ,un'1 from the receipts Adams didn't confine his ac- because in my short tenure. I confined to the playing field." Speaking at .halftime of the * Green and White game Satur¬ day Adams presented a check for $1,000 to Gene Washington and Clint Jones co-chairman MSU ruggers gain revenge How of the game. The money will go directly into the Martin Lu¬ ther King Spartan Aid Fund for disadvantaged students. with win over Ohio State they "When Adams was very we first met. Dr. MStTs performance Rugby Club turned in a superb Saturday and upset the Ohio Kajander also had good games placing in the stand interested in State Rugby Club on Old College Field bv The pack, in the program and his donation rugby, is similar to football a 10-3 score. lineman except they fight the other team's Saturday seemed to show his belief in the cause."' Washing¬ It was an especially rewarding win for pack for the ball and then relay it to the back- American Grateful ton said. "Both Clint and I are very the Spartans who had dropped two earlier decisions to the Buckeyes. 14-3 and 13-0 field "Our men. pack was tremendous." Auer said EAST W L PCT Acting President Adams presents check of $1,000 from him and his wife to happy with Dr. and Mrs. Adams' last week at Ohio. after the game. Baltimore 27 12 692 Boston 21 13 618 : Green and White game co-chairn n Gene Washington (left) and Clint Jones contribution." he said. John "We did a good job of passing the ball Harvey again paced the Spartan s attack, at halftime of Saturday's State News photo by Don Gerstner back to our forwards. Peter Quail and Larry game. Washington said Adams ex- scoriitg his seventh and eighth tries of the Washington seasoh. an unofficial club record. Rick Dickman Koss had real good games for us while Bobby New York Bell. Ron Backen and Harvey all ran real Cleveland 23 233 15'z added' both conversion tries after Harvey s well for us in the backfield " WEST FINAL ROAD GAME Michigan State, which played with seven Bell was also playing in his first game in several weeks after being out with a leg Oakland L Pet GB second string players due to a rash of in¬ Minnesota juries. controlled play throughout the entire Auer said the team is gaining -confidence Chicago Batsmen meet Western Kansas City game. The Spartans took advantage of their and improving tremendously with each game. speed and agility to get the bigger but slower "We were sure we could beat Ohio State, California Buckeyes. the East Lansing grad asst. said. even Monday's results Playing coach Mike Auer played an outstand¬ though we lost to them last week and earlier No games scheduled By GARY WALKOWICZ Zahn is unscored upon in 17 victims of Illinois pair of 1-0 righthanded junior was victor¬ ing game in leading his teammates to get in the year in the Big Ten Tournament. Today's games Executive Sports Editor innings and has a 1-0 won- victories over MSU in last Fri ious in his four decisions last the ball to the backfield. Rick Steuber return¬ < Ohio state later went on to win the tourn¬ Detroit at Chicago i night > lost mark. day's doubleheader year, but is only 3-3 this sea- Battered and bruised after ing to action after being sidelined with a ament. designated as the Big Ten Champion- Kansas City at Cleveland i night another losing Big Ten weekend, Spartan Coach Danny Lit Bielski. a senior from Wyan¬ bad shoulder most of the season, and Tom Minnesota at Baltimore i night whiler will counter with right dotte. has a 5-4 record to date The game against WMl will Seattle at Washington i night the MSI' baseball team will Oakland at New York i night hander Zana Easton. who is 1-0 this season compared to a 7-0 be MSl's final road contest venture out of the conference California at Boston < night with a 4.69 E R A of last season despite a nearly of the season After today, the today to meet Western Michi¬ We'll probably use Dan identical ERA < 1.97 this sea- Spartans will have only home gan at Kalamazoo Bielski and Phil Fulton . re- son and 173 in 19681 doubleheaders against Iowa and National Meeting the non-league foe lief." Litwhiler said Fulton has also seen his re- Minnesota remaining on- their is no bonus for the Spartans, -the Bielski and Fulton wt cord dip from last season. The schedule. however, since WMU is 26-10 on the season and rated among the top teams in the country. MSU Judo Club captures The Broncos have also de¬ feated MSI' this season, taking a 6-5 verdict on April 29 at Kobs Field. WMl catcher Dan Benoit Big Ten championship was the big team thorn in the Spar¬ tan's side on that afternoon. Benoit had three hits and three RBI's and his two-run double B\ JOHN \ IGES f|evv jn every direction and when in the ninth inning drove home State News Sports Writer they came down, and the meet Mooda\'s results the tying and go-ahead runs for Western The tirst annual Big Ten was over. MSU was on top. Illinois. Indiana. Ohio Sta Atlanta at Montreal < rain judo tournament was a smash- First place finishes by Denny Purdue and Benoit is currently hitting inn success. Literally. Bodies Wattson in the 154 lb class Michigan State Today's games 306 with 21 Runs hatted in peted in the meet held at Cha Philadelphia at Cincinnati night Montreal at Houston (night WMl' Coach Bill Chambers paign. Ill Saturday. . Pittsburgh at San Diego 1 night will likely send sophomore right¬ Chicago at Los Angeles > night hander Tom Zahn to the mound against MSI". Laker coach resigns; lor Placing third MSU in in were the. 139 the : tournament Tom Hogan. lb. weight St. Louis at San Francisco i night (only games scheduled > class: Tom Howard, second in Pistoils to offer job 176: John Scott, second in the 165 class: Charlie Beach, Big Ten in 205 and Steve Politowski who LOS ANGELES >UPI hailed was as assuring the Lak¬ was third in the open division. Bill Van Breda Kolff. whose the national ers championship Los the Angeles Lakers battled to in 1969 the first Big Ten This is R playoffs of the National Instead, the super-team bowed tournament this was very sue Basketball Assoc. only to lose cessful." John Harvey is smashed by two members of Ohio State's Rugby Club but still to the "ancient" Celtics under Spartan coach Jay to the Boston Celtics, resigned Bill Russell and the last of the Kim said. "There were 52 ath manages to get a pass off to teammate, John Armitave. The Spartans beat the as coach Monday in the best seven game playoff saw Cham¬ letes at the meet and the Buckeyes 10-3. interests of all concerned berlain sitting on the bench in competition among them was General Manager Ed Coil of the last minutes and Van Breda the Detroit Pistons said that Kolff ignoring his pleas to put Van Breda Kolff would be him back in the lineup 'LITTLE MARY SUNSHINE' offered a contract as head coach The Detroit Free Press said of the Detroit team "in the next that Van Breda Kolff had de¬ day or two. cided to Humor's resign because of his The 46 year old coach last i They "feeling he would be unable to source - . to compete next year when the throughout the season had a come to a meeting of minds difficult time with giant center with Chamberlain. meet will be at Indiana With Wilt Chamberlain whose addit¬ Van Breda Kolff also was the-rising popularity of judo ion to the team along with stars Northwestern and Minnesota B\ JIM YOUSLING reported burned up at the a line between humor and ban may also form teams to State News Reviewer Elgin Baylor and Jerry West gloomy reaction to the Lakers com ality -which is as delicate as that knowing how tar to push cliffhanger loss to the Celtics pete Kii'n said. The American theater has the difference between the humor of Little Mary Sun¬ information ► 485-6485 a strip¬ in a series that went the full produced a number ol awful tease and just taking off your shine was indeed the biggest GLADME£ seven games, feeling had done quite a job. his team genres, two of which are the romantic operetta and the you- clothes. Everything must be perfect-the timing, the ma¬ problem in the show Some ot the parts, particular¬ W I WLO I w T o must-pay-the-rent" type of terial and most important, the ly the title role, will be played - lodrama attitude of the performers. as straight as possible, almost WAR, But. his tongue vChen Rick Besoyan sat down in the late '50's. planted firmly in cheek and "Little dwells in Mary the same Sunshine world as as Victor though Rudolph Kriml or Herbert hail written and "Rose Marie." a world where them wrote "Little Marv Sunshine, a Bad Injun may plot against the result was far from awful. In Little the heroine, but a square, stuffy any case. Mary Besovan's musical parody of Sunshine should be Mountie is always on hand to a grand these period pieces, which will old time. even for those who save her and. of be presented tonight through sing inane duets at Nels< LAST DAY! 2 HITS! Sunday hy MSl' s Performing ble opportunity Jeanette plod across the sil¬ Burt Lancaster in Arts Company . walks ver screen. Besides humor, All of which brings us back THE SWIMMFR to the attitude of the PAC pro¬ the PAC production has music Shown 2:55-6:30-10:00 and dancing and a light heart, duction. E C. Reynolds, who dir- all of which seem rather prec¬ 2nd Hit INTERLUDE ious in a season of such com- Shown l:00-4;30-S:05 paritively heavy drama as The TWIN-HIT COMEDY PRfXiR A V IN i OLOR Balcony" and "Mai at Sade Guaranteed Laugh Eruertafnmentl TONIGHT from "Little Mary Sunshine' will 7:15 p.m. bo performed at 8 nightly in PETE SELLERS ENDS TUESDAY Fairchild Theatre JOHN CASSAVETES' Tickets, 'Thc\'frimc The Big Bounce priced at $2 for non-coupon-hold¬ iff-Miss "THE PARTY" Claudine Longet FACES Plus ers. may be purchased daily at the Fairchild box office from 12:30-5 p.m. ,'Jcari'Ilrodic Paul Newman is Harper This Program Rated R Wed. . . Ladies Day COME TO THE I 75$ - 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. INVITE DOMINO'S TO YOUR Ishown at SIXTH ANNUAL 1:40-4:10-6:40-9:15 NEXT PIZZA PARTY. GREEN WPCH Check Into Our Special party Rates. VILLAGE DAYS "DAZZLING" ENDS TUESDAY -LIFE SIDEWALK ART SHOW JimBro.n w Kenner Franco Zefyirklli B DOMINO'S THIS FRIDAY PIZCA CALL: AND SATURDAY ALSO Romeo 351-7100 or 351-8870 Waggle tf-oAt fyiee Dark of the Sun vJILIEX ^heliae/uf, This Program Rated M ^NexMRockjHi^ Tuesday, May 20, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED Please Pay All Classified Ads Now -- 345 Student Services 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive Employment Employment SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Full i SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER The State News does no? OLDSMOBILE 1967 96 Coupe Vinyl SHOULD BE 21 and have bo< 1 ONLY to MSU students and fac- permit racial or religious top. All power. Air. AM-FM radio keeping experience Be worki Ity • $8 84 month (includes taxi New tires. Make offer 489-1963 rATE MANAGEMENT CORPORA- discrimination in its ad¬ : SOCIETY CORPORATION. : days Apply in person between vertising columns. The, 5pm at GRANDMOTHERS State News will not accept advertising which discrim¬ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Mai • AUTOMOTIVE inates against religion, • EMPLOYMENT race, color or national or¬ Good • FOR RENT SUNBEAM ALPINE Seri< re igin. • FOR SALE Apply in | STUDENTS5 FOR ework • LOST & FOUND Apartments • PERSONAL SCAPING (p\UL| Oiiss L OKEMOS: ONE bedroom apai • PEANUTS PERSONAL EARN UP • REAL ESTATE TWO COUNTER Clerks 18. over • SERVICE part-time, 3-6 p.m. weekdays, 8-6 • TRANSPORTATION pm Saturdays. SAVANT CLEAN- SUMMER-PRIVATE 1 WANTED 5-523 ment. Furnished 1 6888 after 6 pm. Study $150 Utilities TEMPORARY EXPERIENCED st DEADLINE CORVAIR 1966 conv e^leDaleAS Apply in person, THE NEW WATER S EDGE 1 P.M. one class day be¬ 1611 y fore publication. Monza. stan" OFFICE SERVICE, 464-7771 0-5 2 Cancellations - 12 noon one dard shift $150 Cc " IV irclass day before publica¬ ^22 ANN ARBOR tion. Police Department CORVAIR-1965 Autoimatic" 34.000 Representatives of the Ann munity Chest Mature Arbor Police Dept. will be CEDAR VILLAGE-1 man neede< PHONE Reduced rent. 351-3912 3-5 J interviewing for the positions CUTLASS of patrolmen May 20th, 1p.m. 355-8255 1967 Sport Coupe, V-8. "This is Apollo 10 to Houston control - SUMMER TERM Campus Hill 2 girl VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Lotus -4p.m. and 6 p.m.-9 p.m. - RATES give me a weather check for Mars!" May 21st. 9 a.m.-lla.m. at tho University Inn Motel, 1100 1 day $1.50 T rowbridge. E.L. Anyone in¬ SUMMER COURSE IN 15< per word per day VOLKSWAGEN terested in discussing job op¬ SOUTH OF FRANCE 3 days $4.00 ,» SOLDI-: portunities should phone for NEEDED DESPERATELY A girl JUNE 16 - AUGUST 1 Scooters & Cycles Employment to stay all night and occasionally 13 l/2f per word per day appt. or come along during prepare dinner for lady ED 2- PAINTING IN PROVENCE 5 days $6.50 listed 351-5500. Aviation CHECK WITH t n ies . . . . Fine Arts Workshop. Field 13* per word per day trips to Avignon, Aries, Nimes reptionisi EXPERIENCED MECHANIC (based on 10 words per aa) be able to work on all cars and Marseille. 6 credit hours. SERVICE STATION, 235 H All levels of painting with There' will be a 50* service recognized artists in the coun¬ and bookkeeping charge if FIAT 850 Spyder. 1968 Radio High School Student:-, College tryside of Cezanne, Van Gogh this ad is not paid within Auto Parts & Services nee 3,400 miles. 353-4300 3-5 2 and Picasso in anancientUni- Students, Student Wives: Line up your summer job now. Di¬ versity town. Music Festival. The State News will be FORD FAIRLANE Employment rect sales set your own in¬ $495 includ=s tuition, room, come goals, may cany over For Rent meals, field trips. Charter responsible only for the BARTENDER $110 5 nights week, room and board REFERE> into school year if desired. flight extra. first day' 2-1286 East Kalar RENT A TV from a TV Companv- Write: FORD FAIRLANE 1962 Excellen REQUIRED Resort hotel East Call Rosemary Notzoldat 332- $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 8277. NEJAC TV R N. Bayley-Benney, Director I SON BODY SHi Summer Programs Institute HNOLOGISTS TV RENTALS-students only Low for American Universities, FORD TORINO GT 1968 CYTO-TECHN OLOGISTS monthly and term rates Call 484 2 7 place de l'Universite Automotive UNIVERSITY 13 - Aix-en-Provence. TV RENTALS AUSTIN-HEALEY 1960-300 Call Rob. 351-0665 ? WAITRESSES: washed and wazed now hiring while your car is .. most perfect job 430 South Clippert. Excellent wages back of KO-KO BAR C-5/22 JAGUAR CLASSIC XK 150 coupe 1 Select your working hours BARRACUDA 1 California car. Reduced for q Scooters & suspension Good sale $1785 IV 4-4411 JAGl'AR 1964 XKE roadster icrned 3- Thor- Excellent 1966 BRONCO Cycles mles $1295 626- Full or part time Pleasant people to work in a plea sant HOSPITAL PERSONNEL c HOSPITALITY 10-5'23 MERCURY MONTEGO. MX-1 HONDA WALT KOSS RESTAURANT BANK. East Lan- MOTOR INN Phone 655-2175 Williams* MIDGET 1967-Exceller Banquet Supervisor Assistant Food Productic Head Bartender Waitresses Gift Shop Manager Bartenders Maids MASON GENERAL Housemen Salad Girls Room Clerks 1969 HONDA 90 Sera vw Dishwashers PBX Operators ion 238 Bookkeeper phone 882-8631 SERVICE or CHEVROLET Laundry Personnel OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS ■ MAY SPECIAL Muffler Installation OLDSMOBILE F-8 Including parts, labor, and 8 to 5 APPLY IN or by appointment Rebuilt E ngines PERSON Mon. thru Sat. $175.00 and up with exchange. Sedans up to 1967 only. SUMMER JOBS Front End Overhaul $49.30 including parts, tax, and labor. Sedans up to 1965 Jolly Road Exit of 1-496 Lansing, Michigan HAVE TW£M CO PHONE 351-7601 STORED JMr/t DK/rSLKM UX Robert E. Nickels, Mgr. FOR STUDENTS Discount only good with this ad, CLEANERS DiAiOMB l SBAiRA.B CROSSWORD PUZZLE OCA1ANT 1 DOTE Applications now being accepted for summer jobs Students 18 yrs. of age & overwantedto learn marketing, sales promotion, & brand identification techniques during summer period. with major corporation. High level Lansing Foreign Cars 485-7510 2720 E. Kalamazoo LOUIS 623 E. Grand Ri> East Lansing "»0SS 25. Mikado s RU nBa[n E'C DpiT E ^H1MA|R1EMI<,1 JT 5pi^pfiTtppfn i cs management training courses given to qualified applicants. O'NlONEiEY EH executive Salary $115 per wk. for first 3 wks. $ 145 per wk. plus bonuses start¬ 'SL 27.!SS5n d Mated 29. Roasting stake Mfi II Mil i III ing 4th week. 11 Gauntlet 32. Irritate APMSroEROplUS 34. Toward 12. 13. Inborn Red 36. Generation R[EIpWITl'ljBISILII T a|s]e !rTa t u mba It e Cedar Village SCHOLARSHIPS HIGH PAY 15. Furrow 37. Alliance 16 Faidan- 38. Caps BlAjDIl lNiAG E■D'o;R Win of 15 $1,000 E orn at least $1,500 for the nouncement 40. Bone AfLlElEliRlAiwBE iR iNJ one summer student - make 42 1 fl t scholarships. $3,000 and more. 19. Converged 21 Concerning 44. Theatei 48. Hastened ; ~.c'' '"\n 22 Kitchen district 3 W'CKed SEE EUROPE utensil 46 Wigwam DOWN 4. Happen ap :.in TRAVEL 23. Styptic 47. Craftsman i Chemist's pot ^ ^-2,'°" Work anywhere in U.S. or in Canada. Qualified students Win all expense holiday in London for paid student apartments w 2 3 i 5 '2 0 «E>r;"on..- Pmpo pu cc 2 bedroom .3 % 16 '7 V// P'5 8 Rolung stock Best Positions Going Fast! now leasing for fail 19 L2 20. Traitor Call Today For Appointment 23 24 1 is F . , /// ?2 Jumbled type 4 Debatable 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. model open if & ////// *> 31 g n,l nf rncfx; 28. Nrji m , 34 ;:35 //J % GRAND RAPIDS, MICH MU5KEGON. MICH Mr. Schmitt Mr. Ashley A.C. 616 459-6533 A.C. 616 722-2454 Mon-Fr! 12:00-4:30 p.m. 32 33 % % 39 ///. mc 31 Savor 32 Armadillo W LANSING, MICH. Miss Olney A.C. 517 372-6313 Sat & Sun 1:00-5:00 p.m. % 42 Y/y 43 33 Lowest point 35 Forgets % 41 KALAMAZOO, MlCH Mr. Magoon A.C. 616 381-9780 38 Easveait Mr. Vermillion A.C. 219 289-2429 SOUTH BEND, IND. 4 ^ 39. Footfall phone 332-5051 M4 yA description display every day inOpen coming and Monday put on 2548 2-5 21 >ne student can win up to $3000 ished llOO; 4 room furnished $125. 3 minutes to campus through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 30 Okemos 485-6581 4-5 23 Will accom ;ash scholarships $1,000 area modate 4 students 332-6779. after p m Plenty of free parking on new ZENITH CIRCLE sound stereo 80 black top REHABILITATION BAR¬ watts Perfect condition. Reason¬ Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units scholarships awarded weekly GAIN CENTER, 1119 May Street. COUPLE OR individuals, furnished, able price 332-4172 3-5 22 for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments a jet trip around the world utilities included Available for sum¬ Lansing 5-5/23 are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive plus NOW OPEN for business - OPTI¬ other vacation travel awards, all mer term. $115 to $135. 332-2803 Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ AR TURNTABLE. 33rpm woth Em¬ CAL DISCOUNT at 2615 East Mich¬ expenses paid plus win mer¬ 4-5 23 washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central chandise awards such as colored TVs. pire 880p cartridge. $50 Call 627- igan Avenue, ground floor Free mink coats and stoles, etc THE PALACE Available for summer 2477 2-5/20 parking at rear 372-7409 C air conditioning. These 4-man units have Participate and compete with fel¬ Accommodates 6. Other houses also 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min¬ low students in our Summer Fiesta 332-8903, evenings 4-5 23 ute drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ Contest-The Richard's Grande Prix dent's leisure time has been adequately twelve week race. An exciting busi- NEED TWO men for summer and or ess experience can be yours this EAST LANSING: Furnished, large. 3 fall, for 3-bedroom, 3-man ranch- planned for with a giant heated swim¬ ummer regardless of your future job bedroom duplex. $195 month and 1 style house 1403 Beech Phone 332- ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ ilans bedroom furnished apartment $120 8519, after 5 p.m. 4-5 23 ate balconies. If you want to be among Assist managers in brand identi- month. Parking. 332-2361 3-5/20 the first residents of Tw/ckingham call ication analysis techniques, office EAST LANSING-4 miles from 3- procedures, sales management, sales bedroom, partially furnished, air- today. There are 92 units available at conditioned, on paved road Ref $280/month and up. guished internationally known firm erences and deposit required Phone rated AAA-l Dun & Bradstreet The 641-6689 3-5 22 Fall leases available Richard s Company Inc CLEMENS STREET-Modern house, UNSUPERVISED ROOMING house 1 very sharp with full basement, close block from campus. Living room to can*pus $240 month plus utili¬ ties Gene Beals. 351-0965. 337- cooking privileges, parking Single. 1897 5-5 20 $135 Double, $110 337-1837 or S575 351-0134 4-5 23 per month salaries to those accepted HOUSE SUMMER. 3 bedroom, air- FURNISHED THREE and 4-bedroom after free three day indoctrination conditiOned 1 block campus 332- houses for summer or school year 8300 training period Limited to fifty 3-5'2! 489-3126, 332-0425 5-5 26 4620 S. Hagadorn openings FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES ■epare for your personal interview Rooms CALL OR STOP IN AT: state management CALL MR G J GILBERT for personal appointment 1-313-962-4346 UNBEATABLE VALUE UNSUPERVISED TWO rooms-paneled, furnished 2 blocks from MSU and Parking laundry and 3-man 9 A M l P.M. Monday-Thursday IN cooking facilities. Summer - $40 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 Detroit. Michigan LANSING'S MOST EXCITING • per month. fall--$135 per term or $120 per term on a full 3-term contract 351-3432; 337-2581 9-5 29 Burcham Woods NEW APARTMENT COMMUNITY . UNSUPERVISED: GENTLEMEN stu¬ has large, modern kitchen dents. Air-conditioned, 2-man, kit¬ chen 8151 privileges and parking IV 4- 3-5 21 separated from living areas MEADOWBROOK EXTRA rooms house SUMMER rates for single quiet man. New 908 Hicks Drive, corner of Private Model Model open M-F phone 332-3711 1 to A p.m. E. L. Management 351-7880 Lilac. 3-5 20 TRACE STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS AND TECHNICIANS, owning See for yourself, Large-n^w-beautlful 1- for FALL term, State News cameras, Photographic, 301 2-3 Br. Apts. from $55.00/student. Decora¬ Student Services Building. Ask for Mr. Johnson--Monday tor coordinated furniture available for sin¬ thru Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. gles and marrieds. LAST MONTH'S Note the features included In the RENT rental fee: IN ADVANCE ■ full wall to wall carpeting IS SUMMER SUB-LEASING A 1 designer draperies color coordinated appliances HEADACHE? ' ■ PLUS - heat and air ► conditioning 'NEW CARPETING 'NEW FURNITURE • full walnut vanities • private patios or balconies TAKE 'FRESHLY PAINTED 'NEW FURNISHINGS » additional storage and laundries THE CURE. *AIR CONDITIONED 'DISHWASHERS in each bldg. $57.50 per month (4 man) Recreation facilities Include tennis courts, community building with fire¬ an olyrnplc pool, State Management Corporation will aid you place, sauna baths ad|olnlng the pool, plcnle in leasing and sub-leasing apartments for the areas and acres of lawn for your leisure summer in: and enjoyment. Hurry out to MEADOW- BROOK TRACE and see our models. •Haslett Arms •Lowebrooke Arms Ap¬ plications welcomed for the fall term. Take •Delta Arms 1-496 Sogth from Frandor and take the Jolly •Evergreen Arms Road Exit-Right to MEADOWBROOK TRACE •Cedarbrooke Arms •University Terrace or Phone 393-0210. Model open 10 a.m.- 7 p.m Model Apartment Open Dally 9-5; Weekends By Appointment By Kassuba, the Nation's 0 1 Landlord. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 20, 1969 9 For Sale Personal Real Estate $1.12 MILLION RECEIVED CAMPING TRAILER 14 Cree Self RENT A TV from a TV Company- THREE BEDROOM Colonial, family contained. Space heater, toilet, re¬ ' $9.00 per month Call 337-1300 room, fireplace. Near schools, shop¬ Board frigerator, stove, new tires. Sleeps NEJAC TV RENTALS C ping, MSU Assume 6 per cent fi¬ accepts VACUUM CLEANERS (used): Kir- 6 1900 353-4521 4-5/23 nancing $32,500. Call owner 351- bys, Hoovers, Rainbow Rex-aires. Electrolux $7 88 and up. (Guaran¬ Peanuts Personal teed) DENNIS DISTRIBUTING, 316 Lost & Found BETWEEN HOLT and MSU: 10 mi N. Cedar Opposite City Market PHI SIGS Happiness is a Water utes to j) _ _ MIGUEL, HAPPY 23rd Birthday Looking for more than just a job"' The Agency for International Develop¬ UNION BOARD needs young Band to Lieutenant's bars-all in one i Check the Employment' column ment (AID i awarded a grant of $100,000 1962 MOBILE LINER 10 from campus x 50, 12 ' play for FREE at Mad Hatters Mid Love, Christinita 1-5/20 in today's Classified Ads! -o continue a program of technical as¬ Very rea- way Call Bob May 355-3355 2-5/18 sistance to the College of Agriculture in sonable Call 641-6606 3-5/22 Balcarce, Argentina Kirkpatrick Law- CONGRATULATIONS GAIL our ton, director of the MSU Institute for GRIPES ABOUT Phil Gordon s' Call leader, Jill our Mortar Board, and REGENT 12' x 56' 8 months old International Agriculture and Nutrition, 332-0251 after 6 p.m about what Ann and MaryJo our Delphis Love Leaving in June Stonegate 393- .DRESSMAKING GOWNS and altera will administer the grant 1850 you can do. S-5/20 vour Alpha Chi Sisters. 1-5/20 5-5/20 tions. Experienced. Reasonable A grant of $75,000 from the Economic KRIS-LOVED MARLETTE 1967 12 x 60 2 bedroom, playing tennis with charge. Call 355-1040 20-5/29 Research Service of the U S Dept of ANYONE INTERESTED in forming a you. Lets do it again this Friday Agriculture of Washington will help fin¬ furnished Nice lot-15 minutes from same time, same place John ance a study of changes in production PROGRESSIVE ROCK BAND or just campus 489-3865 5-5/20 1-5/20 and consumption of grain and livestock jamming with guitars, drums, piano, harmonica, etc Call 372-3063 for products in the United Kingdom, Den¬ COMFORTABLE LIVING 8' x 50 2- COMMANDER-IN-Chief 13 down, 13 sified Ad. Dial 355-8255 mark. and Ireland Jack, 6-9 p.m . 3-5/22 bedrooms. very clean. $2,000. Eve¬ to go Happy Anniversary Luv. V L Sorenson and Dale E Hathaway, nings 351-8167 *3-5/21 FREE Thrilling hour of beau¬ Dumbo 1-5/20 agricultural economists, will direct the A Typing Service study They will also measure the ef¬ ty For appointment, call 484-4519 PARKWOOD 1965 12 X52' furnished fects of production and consumption of MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STU Nice location, old English. Must ANN BROWN: Typist and multilith. .the trade among the three countries, and DIO, 1600 East Michigan C-5/22 fied Ad. Dial 355-8255 sell 372-2250 3-5/22 n< offset printing. Dissertations, theses, on United States agricultural exports manuscripts general typing 19 years experience 332-8384 IBM C William H Knisely. director of stitute of Biology and Medicine, frwiII tfqtf In Browsing OFFSET PRINTING of tl direct a grant of $74,606 from the Pub¬ lic Health Service of Washington to con¬ Students browsed among th _• booths and showings at Thieves Market Sunday. The sertations from either tinue the Allied Health Professions Edu- market featured the works of students interested in presenting and selling their original or multilith i it Program art to the public. Displays this year included candles, pottery, sketchings; paint¬ The role of wledge India Indonesia Philippim ing and jewelry. State News photo by Bill Porteous TYPING ACCURATE and SECRETARIAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Tvping and mimeograph ing. Phone 484-2800 PAULA ANN HAUGHEY quality thesis service multilith 337-1527 , printing and hard binding A unique IBM typing O C Apollo halfway (continued trom page one) But the Apollo 10 crew were concerned to moon gravitational battle for control TERM The happy exchange came more Monday about PAPERS, accurate and re a less complex sonable price. Script type Olivet problem. They only a few minutes before the started their second day in Tht earth's gravitational pull Underwood 355-3239 3-5 crew fired the powerful rocket space griping about too mu on their spacecraft. The seven- but the chlorine in their drinking w;.tei planet will lose the second burn adjusted the flight battle bout 9:4^ i ni Wednes¬ The water is absdlua iy hor¬ path and lined them up for the rible." Stafford told the ground day and Apollo 10 will pass T ransportation planned orbit of the moon. controllers just after he was into the moon's sphere of in¬ On man's previous flight a- fluence It will immediately be¬ awakened late Monday morn¬ RIDER WANTED to California-Los round the moon. Apollo 8 in gin to pick up speed again. ing "I got a horrible slug of Angeles area Guy or girl "Leaving December, the crew did not At the point the spacecraft June 7 Call John 332-5383 1-5 20 chlorine My mouth is still actually see the moon until will be more than 2:iu.<)00 miles burning. John did too EUROPE' N Y London N Y 6 25 tbey were in its orbit The crew started to use the from earth and about '9.000 9 9, roundtrip-$205 E.S.E P . 821? With each fleeting second of miles from the moon water to make fruit drinks, hut Beverlv Boulevard. Los Angeles. Apollo 10's outward dash, the Apollo 10 will ground controllers advised that pass behind California (2131-651-3311 5-5 26^ 1 perils for the spacemen in¬ even that would be pretty bad. < m.ion about 4 p.m. Wed- crease. Officials said early Mon¬ But the temporary lack of day that if an emergency de¬ good water did not dry tip th'1 veloped then it would take more crew's sense of humor Tht y BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 foi than 24 hours now to return the aU positive A negative B negatm told ground controllers they astronauts to the safety of earth and AB negative $10 00 O negative- were going to sing and then $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMl NITS And the, Apollo 10 crew faces BLOOD CENTER. 507'2 E Gran. , played to earth a taped record¬ even more dangers yet to come River, East Lansing. Above Campus Book Store. Hours: 3 30 Friday: p.r " Wednesdav " . Tuesday the nev Thurs When they achieve moon or¬ bit. on Wednesday, all of their engines and systems will have ing of a hit tune l'p. l'p. and Away". Cernan and Stafford also IT'S A complained that the dull thud of 12 to 6 30 p m 337-7183 to work almost perfectly for rocket thrusters firing through 0 • V ) ,-o Graduating seniors and FURNISHED studio them to return safely next Mon¬ WANTED l'p the night awakened then ( , to $110 In Okemos East Lansing day: This is the longest journey sionally. but Stafford .! •! Call Karin. 353-7873 or 332-8248 3-5 22 ever taken by man and the "a minor little thing 1 O Slili,'"" IS riskiest space adventure ever As Apollo 10 sweeps outward dared. y. aS! C alums-keep up with MOVING1 VACATION"1 Highly r able young couple wishes to r Questionnaire home beginning fall term 351-7642 MSU. HOUSEHOLD GOODS and miscella¬ I continued from page one) pecially if we were talking about Chappel said. ' Bi shoddy job. it The Nation's L? aI Record Prices a Relive the fond memories everyday. The demon¬ neous for Tower Hart Church bene fit sale Phone ED 2-6980 5-5 23 something like fees.' The questionnaire will aug¬ top iij j ment student opinion collected Besides asking : strations, the dates, the good times. It's reported qualifications thev 6875 in residence halls and Greek essary for MSI" ■Mi CENTRAL AMERICAN living units Forums might be dent, the quest it ? v*f „ child, thesis returning need furnished couple with 1 to finish graduate 2-bedroom held during the summer orien¬ tation programs for freshmen f-f U,|r apartment or house June 15 through and in dorms open this summer September 15 5:30 pm 482-0573 . 9 am 3-5 21 A questionnaire could be »st helpful if we can get a ieyoriirack S4!9 32 Glen Camphe!! - Ga'veston - $3.99 #3 t'ooi!, Swaat and Tears • $3.99 j 4 Temptations - Cloud Nine $3.99 I s5 Donovan Greatest Hits - $4.89 -6 Tom lanes Help Yourseii • $3.99 State News 345 STUDENt SERVICES BUILDING 1 Iron Butterfly- lii A-Gadda-Oa-Viaa- $3.99 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN WGlen Campbell - Wichita Lineman - $3.99 E nclosed is $ please send the STATE NEWS f'9 Credence debater Revival $3.99 to the following address fo 10 Iron Butterfly Sail $3.99 JORes Across From The Union Acr From Berkey Hal I ONE TERM ... . , $4.00 C?tv Parking at Reai king at Storesid< TWO TERMS . . . , $8.00 THREE TERMS. $12.00 FULL YE AR . . . $14.00 FOREIGN COUNTRIES ADD $3.00 PER TERM POSTAGE 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, May 20, 1969 Miller: By MARG ARET YAX Delta Kappa, professional edu¬ protec professor of political science, Youth experiences frustrat¬ must realize that t DUBIOUS Living bra DISTINCTION' snaps No. 1 The university must insure cation fraternity. said. restraint These students believe ion when adults tell them that without freedom is Winners of the 1969 Water Carnival float Halls with "The Package Deal of the Year." and protect the rights and safety Speaking at the fraternity's that society is corrupt and that possible, problems are insoluble. They but freedom without contest were announced after the second -Third place. Fee Hall with "The Suburban- : spring banquet. Miller said that some re¬ of all students and faculty, and nothing can be done are dissatisfied with adults in carnival show Saturday night. ite." when unrest arises, it must be there should be no difficulty These students and those who their straint is not. he added. handling of domestic and The winners were chosen on the basis of Winners in the off-campus division were: .: met with whatever means the understanding why students speak and act like the Facists foreign affairs, he added. cumulative points given to the floats situation warrants. James W want change. and Nazis of old" must be The young are too impatient; Beatle seeks entry sets of judges, one Friday by two -First place. Delta Zeta and Phi Kappa Psi, with The Funny Clown " Most change is long overdue, night and one Sat¬ Miller, president of Western resisted, he said. they either do not follow proper WASHINGTON i ^ \ * t \ ' V ■ 'i:v; 'x • j. [ , ' '• 1 ■ ' ,5.. 7 O ' '«■ \>\' \ ! j U ■ BOOK STORE Bookstore Hours I V FOUNOeo /x I I Monday-Friday ( ! 8:30 to 5:30 | c.\ fyvi " "" In the Center for Intern