i,r frv<;i!!allon. Michigan State News I;AST I.ANSINC. MICHIGAN, FRII> \ . XoVKMIIKI! 1' COUNCIL USTS ANNUAL CLASS R">^sgs Reminisces CoM,CCamp.sCareerRtttlVt RANKS Entire Michigan State Campus is BARBECUE DAY TONIGHT AT 8:15 Ready F()r Uniyerdty of Detroit; i||.Colln« Mixer Oi Will Follow Roast Neat Wodnos- VarHalteren. Butler, Salot. and Stone Will He Collins, Dance, Show, Pep Meeting Planned l day Night. Formally Installed. Strong Titan Aggregation Will Huge Ma** Meeting to Follow Military Installation at Demonstra¬ pep meet to follow a'""p«'«add ^ d<- tion Hall Tonight to Keep Student Interest at High ceases class enmity feat to State Schedule _ Pitch for Annual lirid Classic Tomorrow; Crowd Dance to be Held in Conjunction of Over 1 7.01)0 Will Witness Came (Iff strwart Will Aft as Mostor 0t (prrmonifs for An¬ With Ctrsmonirs: Limited »• vie for smead trophy nual Barbofuo. Military Studorts. _ , ,. .. . Bornnar Lists Change in l.ino- I! » >•! iiiv the live .-eda np in Preparalio'i for Annual ' • • tK- OfTi- Crl(tMe,lms .unci! has t'sdav ever a- the Ha1 Il.nmn- ' '' l'" iiisrlit at'*1""' "'»• ' ' FROSHTOAGAIN FORM'S'BLOCK Letter Formation. Inaugurated ANNUALSPEECH STUDENTS HEAR at Marquette Came to he Used CONTEST HELD TALKBYSLUTZ Sir Men and Three Women Plulosophe: Draws Many at Compete in Fourth An Both ' Y" Meetings nual Event Y. sterdas Library Exhibits Trace Progress of TALK GIVEN ON LUTHERANS END GERMAN YOUTH BUCKEYE MEET V. Kirblor Ad.ii. Four Slat, Slud,nt« Prrwnt »' na'lOna! RiUIh-I Annual lonvo H'ld at Ohio on (irrmsii. Stair Univemty lh< old engineering build: i f 16 and h vciiow bras> :,<1tca'' i tri,rn tIn gunbuet rontaining original paten' Thorn;. > Mtw Not the lc**t interesting . r r . the eahibited items a/> Prof F M Ban* mobile tiansmisAior-,-- the ofVi.ng* A flow of oil of the automoti * department >■' may call personality. freiSkjm It* In the next wh«h HABER PARTICIPATES IN case rtispUv the college A contrast in the *r-i. return xrf* Alter pie. and the ptufltinf out o* ihe exhibit* of the mechanical en- newer and older type of transmis¬ ECONOMIC CONFERENCES »" « manufacture ot a valve, a drill »mn. was loaned for the exhibit ranic* £«■ aiUff movement and c nptra'*4 department >■» »n Washington; ftrport-. of the w<»ik at the i«-n ' '' Ulrey >./ the sgrirul- ■rar.d Knm The department of agricultural Diet* designed and constructed to by the Ben Motor Car Co participating in tcon«#mn Snur- vrnti«m held at Ohm State I'm- ,u,«' economics department will whole-heartedly ««li..-e. win e*»gc«eertr»e has recent!v publish¬ 'he college engineering depart The purpose of this exhibit ity Conference* He i* prrsrntlng versity will lie given Friday even- tf,i piuidpal speaker at the The J*--!' are and in fhe mer. ed a bullHir, that has gamed much merit, hept treat department sam¬ which w»* made possible largely his views on old age pensions, and ing «t the regular meeting held jnext meeting of Faculty Folk club, attention from the rural residents ples among which are chains of through the efforts of K Butter - unemployment insurance He will1 for Lutheran .Undent* in the Mr t/lrey attended the Intar- camp* w-aa an insp*rat«w. to M* rf MMhigiai Th * bulletin pre¬ different lengths together with m- KicMer I And no such happmr>« sents » number <>f rtuslrman of the engineering lie a speaker at one conference, Union Building fiatioivil Conference of Agricul- carefully pre- on Michigan State * campus a* in ?. is to foster arid he will preside over another , The I9T6 ('-m.cntion II lie !tiual Economists in Germany dur- pi>rBd farm house plans together these places where tsfe ss Uved so of other division* of the Theae conferentes are called an- Wittenberg College at mg the in the engineering depart, .nuaily m order to obtain views Springfteld^.Ohio simply." he asserted He felt the feu'dmg problems so that many of to acquaint them with from national ftgures before the >outh of other net •***« could well the fluent mistake* may be : dopt many of the sdeab aerated by the prospective bulkier Michigan State Newst'' mm youth and rerrvodeler Pago i'wo Michigan stath nhws Fricia.v, November 16, 19,(4 Michigan State New* The Spartan Oracle Passing Show SMALL'S By JIM Qt'EI.LO By ARTHUR SARWELL By WIT fill WET'' Sandy Hook A large audience greeted Bron- islaw Huberman, violinist, whose gets the big cheer for recital at the gymnasium on Tues¬ was H.i hirth id V Clear v used control ;ih an hv w ho last urrk argument for the sociology day evening, November 1-3, was the opening event of the Michigan style department is attain displaying State college concert course. his self-acclaimed versatility. Huberman's exhibition was from This time as a type study in sub- last i parities of the instrument, and be¬ parastte was revealed as an ex¬ yond that, a revelation of the perimental possibility hv the freshness which can i>e brought to triumphant grin characteristic /{ailwny Express STUDENT PULSS Many Frats Hold /{rings Surprises Fledge Smokers furthering Frierdships Between Houses it Main Idea of Urges Students to Picture-griper Answers Lveningt Remain Sane . His Answer ... ready for the big game with scores of Hart Schaffner & Marx and other fine wool i ii \ i nth v ■ SUITS OVERCOATS *25 *30 H ants to Hear fait one on Program Dozens of new overcoat* arrived llll tlOKI III! \ll ItltII ll today authentically styled and tinely tailored. Wrap models, warm uInters and raglan* - smart fancy, patterns and plain. They're style and quality worth cheering about at $2-1 and $30. ii oki In* 4 ulit ol oloil-i sUtra that C i •< c department >u«nd \riadi 3 i si \ *v%r fllher student values worth cheering about Korinals ' >at g.» Mini brown $7.:»o DR HI ODLESON IS GUEST MstbrvK i unshed wwl COLLECt HORSE SALE ON CAMPUS IS SUCCESSFUL OF EU LILLY COMPANY swc.tr i- ,i w shncUs $3-50 \ $2-5® Hug. h Dark Hat* >, |4np) impur'n , n%n0hie $2-«o ll*r- -.-...I ipt. r «U Ccon. Dept. Otter* e* a. the United States u *iU«A'. grey, brovrn $4*95 llir only «r*«k kkiiti Radio Talk* ■ Ue deduatwkn N.w among CAMPUS Ma tn Willi l« this a |«(llf * Waakly « r l)r .< k Irving Lagmuir Banting both t>Uv a and Mi wn nuxtr.N $3-50 Nob*; pr.jr ir winner* w Sir Htno S'.l.H.) .)«!f tp-rrtw) of the Royal 8ih-i- s Carl VuMth- Ioffered : > the pubic l|lt Gewjr W! Linott Jo*, lie Charles l PATRON i£K OUR ADVKKH4MUI0 I leery i» art* Campus Representatives Who write* i t«ua« feature throughout^11 fu4 (Guar. "Tic" Mmm AFTER TIE VICTORY I he Mill Ihi $22 i • t x'uumrs c*Uti»i>ti depa.'-j 4i«;. Oil - till'. •the Warner rwutin* vapid tempting! the iicW of ag. icullnrai. Drop In r :,i> in l«it|a • - IMwku Uic iriMie apart. ei '..nop'.w winch deal withl MA\ BKO& The IUt lUl Stun* SI i' Un* Tuwn* Did State ain't no ««nd' aailh J ihaoges «'><1 u in farm price*. iun.s to farmers inowMil ■i SMALL'* 2U8. HukiMl"" Vic. "»•' \Ih- KmUi-'n g.i 1 out U*t Wed- eight"' f heard At>r »«v •oat pi ai Mew DiuhmImv night, and retort' IVrsdent Franklin D RoaatveU- attended O r c» * <>« Preparato; v MARY STEWARTS j ,Xhe wu ,*riruol. Haivard uuivenUty. and! was in mad- 1 guess that proves jlimiat*hij> Columbia I'mvmity law school \t mtchtgan state .news Retaliation of Corps Sponsors. Praises State's I music society i COLLEGE Sigma Kappas to 2olle°* °r®h#,,ra Home Economics Harvesters' Ball and Union Party Play East Mayo concert! Division Will Add Add Zest to Eve of Detroit Game schooler^™*]holds meeting {bulletin in Soccer Finals Thr Michigan State College or- ng for inten- Popular Course Co-eds to Compete for Intra¬ l„T Ceremonin Will Begin at S: 15 With Pep Meetins at Sigma Alpha lota h«i«W; direction r»f Mr Child Development, has been t-4S Before Installation Dance: Nate fry Playiny for November Muticale and at I* " m,-.,tt..n !...:i mural Plaque in Came Fri¬ • « minent nm. opened in the home economics do¬ day Afternoon. or has now fully partment this work. This course Rustic Party. With Harper Camp at Union. Tea .Sunday. foiiov'iVt,' »•!. i bothersome rve will be given for the first time tinpatos a very during the winter term this year, Statf -«h i« t \ will l.i' -t< ppinvr hi Sigma Alyhn and will tie open to freshman girls , •r his proteges , aii'l numerous fratennt ie- h«»1«!i• ^ . p« Mi*. Lewis is to teach this sub- I Httfvtsterik' Gall ahd installation • tiieh will have two hours cjf ifavi ty anil Jrlammb' 'fir pit-. •■.Gr and conference and one tlanic for those wh.» atv m.t airi flttbrrmai ,ti, ally inclined. Harper < amp an. music for the l'l'i-.n pa»t\ At tl> „ .. jrvm annex anil his box pn.plf - will ". ill i'mI Nat.» Fry it..- . it the melo Reception (liven it Harvest lull 1 -ed*. are alio For (litest A rtist en a large number Bronislaw Huberman. Violinist, is House Guest of Alex¬ ander Schuster. First Omieron \n Tut" . i N, - , ,„|>t t • the I Mi.- ihe.d. i I For Smart Wear COATS £ FURRED MUFFS Crepe Hack Materials h.tptu Xlph.i Thrtj COLOR TESTS GIVEN FROSH Novel Fur Treatments Swimming Party to CIOTH SELECTION CLASS be Held by WAA uthrran Student $1 J95 Thursday Night Volleyball. Ping-Pong, Other Game. Will Feature the Entertainment. 1 thr 1 rtr'' " < ^ 14 .mil student $1.25 New Hats $1.95 Ck |»II iH.X.-s {{., t "liege I»r Htlsllies Campus Barber & ft* ( "nipl. t" ^ ' "in Kiisemhle $1.00 Beauty Shop Corner \M»..t .md (.rand Kuer | Beverly Dress Shop Exhibits Planned For This Term Itx Art Department ✓ Campus Girls to One of Most Interfiling Being % Hear M.S.C. Grad Held on Second Floor Sunday Morning W\■ Mitt Eliiaheth Knithl, Perton I like that pel Director at Knapp'a The Speakt Sunday. fragrant i.ranker Style Shop's I'aris Cable °f Mu Phi Honorary Fashion Hints Enjoys Pattuck In the manufacture B*ard «%er Alfto UJIM every Supfter at Meeting of Granger Rough Cut Pipe Tobacco the Wcllman Process / Tit*.. Thur*„ Fri. at 7:25 —sV, p • >ut in fur-lim d is used. farrtage boots. The Wcllman Process is dif¬ A • • et dinner-. I rest* is * ' • mom u.s.'fuI gown . K ■ '!' • ba.-.- f-.r thi* di«M .. ferent from any other process or w ii t-« *.t EucittgJ ali" ' more enjoyment to pipe smokers. Heal Problem!, on Cam put and k~T lounge in Oriental t ime in very new. Federal Agent for off ' The usual jwjrial half hour and ruppei will precede th* get.- eral meeting at 7 SO p rn lb. ... a tra gives the tobacco an flavor and aroma ex¬ LOTHIAN STUHNTS llome Kc. Training Y* W 'C A announces that punlfntrted November meeting will' i >"W » ...it makes the tobacco act & 'kSxkSf'.op M Viaita Department Florence Fallgatler. fed¬ take place on Thursday. Novcn - her 22 at 7,15 p m right in a pipe — burn slower and smoke cooler eral agent f«w vocational home ero- oamkra training, came to Mirhqpo Mexican Band to ... it snakes the tobacco milder State on her yearly viait. Nov em - Be Presented at | her 1? and 13 Mia* Fallgattrr In- Coral Gable* Soon ...it leaves a clean dry ask ipectrtl the home economic* teach- — no soggy residue or heel in the pipe bosvl uccrrr * myus tobacco Co. ■St,0-' [$;■ ■i« THK MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, November l(i, |fl*» ELIZABETHANS Will Appear With FERA STUDENTS yTff fy, COUNCIL FETES Will Be Installed BESSEY GIVES " Shakepeare Cast fresh VIE FOR PRIZES Seller o( Wolverines TollsFreshmenJITAN atA rntory Tonight PERFORM HERE of LEADERS" Th," cl'oru'i ™n,>o»ed ,.r the TALK AT MEET I regular chorus, the glee clubs, and NOVEMBER 26 National Stndent Fedoratioa •( Ditcoacertinf Experiences With Frosb. Twe|ve |J. of D. Notables to be any outsiders•ork,whohasart'reached interested its 'Profetaor Coca to Iowa Stat. Gnests of Stndent Conncil Attend Botan, at 250 members. Because of the Glob* Theatre Players From vBBtest. ■ "Have you signed for your 1035 increase in enrollment over that Sympoiia. I Wolverine'"' After this question of last term the group has been World's Fair Coming Fifty dollars in cash prizes will J the salesman may expect any The Michigan State College St u forced to move from the home There will I, to Lansing. be awarded for the most original 'number of replies, and soon is able dent Council will entertain twelvi economics building to Olds hall j leal symposia and practicable suggestions for to catalogue them and then get a j notables from the Universiiv o for their regular Wednesday night College of Ag poiMhlr research, surveys or other Il,w" "p on ,he prosPec,,ve buyer, imp,n campus „t it banqu.-t P> t. i practices They are now at work! In .pile of contra,lifting rumor.. ,, EnthuKWKtii' pp -s i n ! projects in the field of internal ,n dinlnK on The Lord Is My Shepherd" by i there arc tough freshmen on cam- I merits from nationally-k no ion;. I affairs which could be under hu|M Sotu.rt;, . . a-wis Richards, head < { the M S. j pus Their reply is "New, ya C. papers promise the siii i»— taken by students holding part on f| JM . |(.(. ( t(( ; music department They are! th«* four Shakespearean p time FERA jobs. can't hook me." This type is hope- 'M "s "' n ' 'iS ' also practicing selections for the The contest less You sigh in despair and arc 'M '>ast y,'u,s fl" the tv-n >ch',->l fluctioiis t<» lie jriven hv I being sponsored by the National a little sad. because just what entertain alternately, the la : IJIohr Theatre IM.a. • Student Federation of America would one do without u Waiver- 1 ■ ,r>nu.-t iH-ing held I). *: I , ■ Chicago at !•".«- f. 11, !> i j The contest is open to all en J II Munrie ihi.i.l (lit« til.- alto rolled undergraduates and gradu The second type is rather wary. Word of the botanical . ate students and also to "We- ninjs' of M" faculty 111," says he Then he Is C H Mahono members The suggested word lim¬ it is 5f»0 to 1200 words entries Contest immediately whisked away and there's a 50-50 chance of signing him on the dotted line reived by James ry of the council, PRIEST TALKS of horticulture must be mailed by mid¬ eharge of arrangement' The third answer is truly a«-an¬ night. December I, to the Nation- ■ I Student Mirror at 8 West 40th Street, New York City Huh The sucker type is a pip. il's Guests ude: from Detroit Father Luther. L Marion L.*,L. pre- n v TO LOCAL CLUB idditu These en¬ "wo hours later he returns—just • i . tries will not be returned.' A committee of World Peace Gad. ' r,k;Toe> r""h- ",gn'd ,ur. '"'i-'.,; TmII s!«' Faculty Folk Club Heart Father bad some one doesn t Foundation executives will judge , Gabrieli Speak Friday 'bi- contest and their m tickets to Beaumont tower. .. ' pson, I" • " ' opinions will »n't know, though; this year's ',,,,'rm,y r""'1( 11 Le-ona Afternoon 1 filial The first prize will be c crop of frosh «w»ems to t.*' doing ' president < f and '"•it. M-cond prize $15 00. and five right well; they're bright und alert Hn* ' Hamm. .. .. .,. F2 00 prizes and will very likely lead us all in ! 1 Varsity New Willi Sonif ingestions for possible en- school spirit Igcrald. Joseph Ke-llv. John rants follow. Many enterprises Speaking of that elusive and in-i • Rudy Schmitdiel. . ft ••emingly local, have an internal- tangible subject, try and se-l| any- : Student Union; and tw« on.tl significance For example. r to an upper classman - he < srnt.it ives of tin 'Town about as much loyalty in do- right by our alma mater as a state students ; :,icludf a comhu . .. goml loud . • a an i •hat elusive som. Inalallalion tmnwiv Will bf thing; called ••friendh •r 24 service" that makt- ymi feel right at h.wut Fvery modern hot. I convenience is hrt Barratt's Shoe Repairing Mints III III AM I p| on >f imtiHtii.il « Mi Suuda; Id lot tllOM "(leOTIIKS TIIK t'OLLKGK •Ives and probahi MAN HKARS" fulUiack Gus Lktidi*.' Tilai MILTON SPORT COATS fraternity $av5o Spartan Nott » lirav. fotwaids jewelry Miltnn Hi Swing •^ifts *5°( Spartan.--, lu Zipper Jacket line Pb-gH'* f. Detroit has had •rin^s successful a seasiui this year mi i 1ch..1 thean fust class plj shape t«. badges in * OVERCOATS _ extension DEPT AIDS U.n.I I Ires r under .he ... tuui«. |N SUGAR LEGISLATION If air Mp. tu < loth t .Kilt $ IM.'H' Gus IXu su they have fame to Slate and another ended The enactment of recent sugar idglslM* r. has prompted the Agri- •guards Ml IC.m k I let ffa.trU scoreless tic i ti ii tin t »mi tl The probet-.r it.it.na luo-up t. r T.U... will tor SU,r,„. •--« "■ •honor awards at end-. Uie C^ica. Kale-.-,. " ■> GLOVES that thousand* of lavklr- A<«lrua*.i.c lhr'r '•*' '• ln-' l* 1 V Our KuUiv (ape Slip.Mi Take the recent Oklahoma case «iU and Burn- a. center yntbatoly The auantr atartlni toe Jonea Mr.tat" a. «vn*r,- ,f M.Th. baeklteld •."failure ..., a,,aiigui( ... FRANK OAKES ' wbuh a pharmacy student w*» a. quart--, * - twar gcd with the death of a co-ed Mocha m..»H < beauty queen Stories that went Nott at fullback aecordarwc with the average acre¬ turn w iien Uoubied by unfamdisr- Burr. I*atl L Auid Co. fig Skin age of recent' years ao Uiat the ever the wire# said live man was fraternity cunnectiim of e\trr> sugar supph will confo.'m tn the tty with campus Ijc -Daily Tro¬ a membe r of such and such fra¬ college student who jan, SuothiTn Lai if urn.., jp-u into a attnual consumption in the United' ternity. fir girt of a certain soror¬ States titoRi.t um ity It doesn't seem that such a If such a connection i* \ital to For parUcipatuwi in Uu* project Select Subject reference was entirely necessary. m story - put »t in. t» hr I MIMIi Im AIJ*M4 HtMM fare ithe gtqwrrs wig icve.se net Far 4 AMFCB RtriIMM ATIVI. Of course it was something that k»t if It un't why dfag it in" Meetings of question of feu- play on Uh knotting and some wUl sec Justi- of the men handling the story - being one dollar Aluauiae Chapter * bnptar orviw. lor . per ton Add.- SAgma Delta Chi Quill , liana! payments will be made to Th* Ldnawa Aiumoac chaprrr •Water Faraul 1'runraei- LEWIS, Inc. twns uamrs iu that curiosit> Hut »*n'l it just as logteai that parity price for their of th- Aiuerkan AauoaUor. ,1 the papeu should say that a cer¬ VoivM-aiiv Woioco ha» lor iu •CSrihlawa CuS b»H topK- Utu ymr. "What We tain drunk driver or murdciet ur Have ait.1 What We Need." Somt saler n a merober of this ur under tkU hcwl will br ithai lodge if we are going to print November 16, 1934 HIE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I'age five yEAfflJNGOUD SYRACUSE FRAT BASEBALL Seniors Play Last Home Game FROSH CAGERS NATIONAL SIDE LIGHTS By HARRY WI8MKR SCHEDULE WILL BEGIN PRACTICE SPORT SUMMARY NEW MATERIAL All good tilings come to an end and the five-game winning streak OPEN TUESDAY Large Number Report to Perry By JACK WARNER of the Spartans was no for Preliminary the fact that Stan- II, Oily Ole uf Faw Gaaci as they went down fighting last exception, Aanual Indoor Toaraamcat Will Workoul i tied i tins season, g,t PrafUa PleHy of Saturday afternoon on foreign be Started by Delpbici tad gnm< they were placed soil to Vic Hanson's eleven. 10 to u .1 runners-up to mighty Minne- Phi Cbi Wednesduy night 8«. Alpha!. .,ig« filled tlic M S C.\ gym- the national ranking list as State lost, but they arc to be mnipiled by the Associated Press, response to the opening T|u -..untiV linesmen outstanding complimented on the fine battle they put up against their much indoor The annual Interfraternity baseball tournament leading newspaper heavier opponents True enough will get under way Tuesday, Sacral Botk. AUa Sfcaw Math Syracuse was powerful, but I still maintain that if the Spartans had November 20, at 7 p. m. when the Phi Chi Alpha's meet the been at full strength thev would Voriity CuMiln. have been undefeated tonight It's Delphics in the opener. The schedule will be run exactly bein. Klew if i and M«- as has been done in the past, With the blue iersies of the the sideline: and similar to the present ar¬ r -iiuad tucked uway in rangements on the bowling y.ihball" to await another Ed Kiev tourney. ,,.,minv n perusal of This year there arc four blocks season's record juat tin- all. Ed was handtcuppe with all 17 fraternities represent- u ill Ih1 made to shed serious leg injury and .In lurht on future varsitv few vertebrae out of plac make it impossible for H.,rinl Only a handful will ho faster than a trot j-iiin "Ut to provide the car- any was able to p!a> close t< W with the needed scrimmage game, but he still wasn't T begin with, the record corn- of old His shouldci wa.- v.< not impressive but it slant source of trouble a successful The State yeai- r . ,.massed a total of 33 points - , : opponents' 28. although „ri, out of the four games . A, t Twenty-seven of the the invita- fensc is the best c arkei > were scored against the , .. tiffeiise of the Western State of Gintei. Albani , , nrst year outfit and the1 <, went through the Detroit kept the Spartans the first encounter of these odghout tile tc offense cl! T-.i .':rs! heated struggle was they had the b.d trouble was tha' t t:, the varsity reserves, that , nf bench warmers who rc- uil moments did r < ne frosh witli no little scorn j • ■ : out ball field But scorn win games and the re- had to buckle down to t. iaw: a lone touchdown on , i,ii freshmen and then play a» f« -naive hall to stall off a l°huck Halboit proved to . yteilar attraction in this . t . his consistent ground r.r.i and jarring t&ckles i v • ufime against the Titan j i.v rtfinthei luminary stood r ut ' Hull olU. Hi* Rapid- I \i:i. \ III \M vill long touchdown, Stutt Michig Ill kllUllhl ,.i tiuv : .i: Pn pped * hoiicrworks trekked 'or the Reason s wmduji let the opportutut. !' of D III N ill II Alii S I with on 1 v 4'1 .•king the trip On a safety raaulting iDuiand lit V Itl * SOI !>*< I ursUa \ |>errmuer t W,I- (-ongratulatc the team on itn past JIM .11 IRAKI victories, and wish that il may add an¬ other to its list tomorrow. .emaining on the roil* up W ard B Winner WELLS BASEBALL *«»«■ a .• night for most Injuries were of the suits grade- Frank ; WrUm-srl., \ December . in Wells league '/?*» before the final whistle Rapid* John Hen* Hai r - Boyk. TO BEGIN MONDAY aVE* CAFETERIA iiner in which the bo> s < riaii'i I Tnai Ward A Ttam la Toacb - then held tackling a stiff pi act ice session n. OtMrgr K. p.. Foat ball Fiaal Gaarns W.ll b* Played on Col- DINING R(X)M Tatsday legr Cyai Courlt I uexda.t llecr.itibrr SERVICE • earthquake as rerrellr Olmar BAKED GOODS I..." hduu i pei varied th< "A. •very practice j n.t v'TMl TKItM ft at when Ward C> team failed 1 Ward C I vs Ward t UNION DANCE Moodio vs Ward r No. With • Of) P Yi Hesperian v* Pi Munda.- Dct v* Ward I .1 K i i. -CLASSIFIED KOK like SALE new. sire Ldiogrur V t .xedo M pmellMKi A -. TYPEWRITERS Kappa l*h> Monday !>•< vs Ward V li j. n. W irri . English ndllig Ixrol? -vi/.e 6 ( all 1039 or 2-SI3F SOLI) - KKNTKI) - KKFA1KED 8 00 P PI Aip the University uf Chili has Monday Dct 10. 9 p m Ward iaugurated courses m yubiH. »fl< Standard va i»t' r cnrriage - - two shift key.- «29" ,-hif ItKk - apital and small letter- Hinglf ami double line >pac- Tm More Students M To MM mg long line ipace |RV«r - carry¬ On ing iUM' included. Friday. Nnteaibar IMh AT UNION BALLROOM EMERY'S SERVICE Free Trial - 2-1658 W ill Open With MOBILGAS and MOBILOIL Friday, Nov. 16 35c per person At Ih* Collag* Garaa* Sc/vic* SUtum Corner Michigan Ave. and Harrison FRANKLIN DEKLE1NE CO. 300-31U Nurth Gland ■M10110AN SI'ATK NRWh tiilny. Novcmhor if CROSS COUNTRY MEN DEFEND TITL Spartan Harriers to i|. I.. . ... < n.l < if. , wpiinit ni.iti • r .tii.■ i'iiii h 11in- |..r t.- | , • .. r,». The THE CONSERVATION Reserved For the i |a of fht I ground N. w \ r»i k ami w ill lu • .1 . I I PIGEON-HOLE Chess Flayers Michigan State pushing Staff hard I'm lh« title il pa- t it < <t!,-"-itativ«> mvoratn ■ \! • . ra' St-..!»• I'. i». panii'. road «'i' •! i!. S.tisinirt'!'. Sport Kditor of ' troit News und nationally famous, -i mental Ci nek cameramen "f The •:'! . ; .. h. .... the iri«>urid to 1 i oidii>,i■ i-ami-. in Sunday's Detroit News you might say there are few thing* that cost so little and give so much w|tn It runniiii of l»t« « I utr the ui*l< c-atch to tit be ha* Dirk I tin realti turned to form* IW i hat. hr m«» *t\e the SpirUnt a rov.htt full d*% with his run ni«i However, Suit i to lock dptihlr trrrivrn for bi t.ir tune he throw* »rr tlmlUr to throw inc to a mark ur end* »» »<»M running t»U>* demtr.1 K HOtt MVKK." with Diana Wvugard mr deception. «»cce#tlow. apeed. %v and think fa*?