Thursday Showers. MICHIGAN . . We must . . . ing for him. laugh at man, to avoid cry¬ --Napoleon UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 61 Number 184 Thursday, May 22,1969 Nixon taps WASHINGTON iAP> - President Nix¬ Burger, whose first and middle Burger chief justice names to name the man who has won a reputation with justice has in the way of influence on his Burger before a microphone, that on reached into the federal judiciary Wed¬ coincidentallv are the reverse of the pres¬ as a "law and order"' judge on the ap¬ the most age and the ages after him. I think it could important nomination the Pres¬ nesday night and chose Warren Earl Bur¬ ent chief justice's appeared on pellate court. name, ident of the United States makes during fairly be said that our history tells us that ger. a relatively obscure federal appeals most lists of those who speculated in re¬ Only when Nixon marched into the East his term of office is that of chief justice our chief justices have probably had more court judge, to be 15th chief justice of the cent months about what Nixon called Room of the White House with Burger at of the United States. profound and lasting influence on their United States. Wednesday night "the most important his side did the verdict become known- "The chief justice is the guardian of the times and on the direction of the nation The white-haired. 61-year-old Minneso- nomination the President of the United at least, to those able to recognize the constitution of the United States. Respect than most pr««dents have had." tan. who has sat for 13 years on the U.S. States makes during his term of office." tall, white-haired judge. for law in a nation is the most priceless Terming Burger "superbly qualified," Court of Appeals for the District of Colum¬ But Nixon's choice remained a secret Cabinet officers and other high gov¬ asset a free people can have. The chief Nixon paid tribute to the judge's education bia. told the President: "You pay tribute throughout Wednesday noon after the ernment officials-but not Supreme Court justice and his associates are the ultimate as "one that he got the hard way-he went to all of the sitting judges of the federal White House announced the President justices-were awaiting the announcement custodians and guardians of that priceless to law school at night and worked dur¬ system with this nomination." had reached a decision and would take to in the East Room. asset. ing the daytime-but he made a brilliant If the Senate confirms the nomination nationwide radio and television at 7 p.m. 1 believe." the President said, standing "And when academic record." we consider what a chief after what may prove to be the closest I have known him through 21 years." scrutiny ever given a Supreme Court ap¬ the President said of the former assistant pointee. Burger will succeed Earl War¬ ren in the highest judicial seat in the STRANGE LIGHTS, VOLCANOES SEEN attorney general in the Eisenhower ad¬ ministration. "I would evaluate him as be¬ Warren is ing qualified intellectually, qualified from retiring next month at age the standpoint of judicial temperament, of 78 after 16 turbulent years as chief jus- judicial philosophy. ." Apollo lunar orbit; . tice-and at a time when the court itself has become a center of controversy. But the timing of the appointment of a new chief justice-when Nixon could have waited until summer to choose Warren's starts Then, in a phrase that might have been obliquely directed at the court's recent discomfiture, the President added. ". and qualified because of his unquestioned successor-promises to overshadow to integrity throughout his private and public some degree the tempest created when Justice Abe Fortas resigned last week under criticism for his off-the-court fi¬ nancial dealings. view out of this world' life." Burger was born in St. Paul. Minn.. tle volcanoes." said Air Force Co. Thom¬ Here are the critical moments of Sept. 17. 1907. He was graduated from the Fortas was nominated to the top ju¬ SPACE CENTER. Houston iAP< Apol¬ - P Stafford. lo 10's? second workday in lunar University of Minnesota and received his dicial post by former President Lyndon Apollo 10 astronauts rocketed Wednes¬ as orbit law degree from St. Paul College of Law- B. Johnson last summer. Senate Republi¬ day into a perilous 24-dav orbit of the "It might sound corny." said Navy Thursday-all times Eastern Daylight. now Mitchell College of Law. 'Ten-shun cans led a fight to defeat the nomina¬ moon. They saw the lunar surface as a Cmdr Eugene A. Cernan. "but the view 11:25 a.m.-Air Force Col. Thomas P. is really out of this world." Stafford and Navy Cmdr. Eugene A. Until Nixon's Wednes¬ tion. however, citing his continuing close place of strange lights and volcanoes but announcement Seventy-five ROTC candidates of easily found landmarks other space men "Boy." said Young. "This moon is lit Cernan start transferring to the lunar day night, the court had been composed ties to Johnson and his acceptance of the Air Force and Army were will use to land there in July. up like a Christmas tree on the dark side. module-LEM-The moon lander that is of five Democrats-Justices William O. outside fees while sitting on the court. commissioned during a ceremony 1 don't mean lit with lights, but it sure linked to the command module. Cernan Douglas. Hugo L Black. Thurgood Mar¬ The Democratic majority in the Sen¬ is brightly illiminated from the earth ' starts through the tunnel to the LEM first, at Spartan Stadium on Wednesday. ate will have this in mind-and all sen¬ "The color looks like a brownish grav shall: William J. Brennan. and Brvon R. We volcar and at the start of Apollo 10's fourth orbit White-and three Republicans: Warren. Acting President Adams cited the ators will have the more recent Fortas to us." radioed Navy Cmdr. John W. value of the program to the cadets that e call the Oklahoma Hills." around the moon. Navy Cmdr. John W. Stewart and Justice John Marshall Har¬ case in mind-when Burger's nomina¬ Young minutes after Apollo 10 reappear¬ and the University. tion comes before the Senate ed from its first pass behind the moon said Stafford, a Weatherford. Okla . na¬ Young is left alone in the command lan. Judiciary tive module. State News Photo by Lance Lagoni Committee "We can pick out a couple of good lit¬ Young said that colors on the back side of the moon are different from those 3:10 p.m.-The lunar module undocks on the side perpetually turned toward from the mother ship of begin its first solo flight around the moon. Legislature earth. ADAMS TELLS CADETS There s some brown and of course all 3:35 p.m.-The command module fires small rockets to move slowly away from sorts of shades of gray." he said. "Man. this is really a rugged planet the lunar module. The craft continue about Stafford, thinking of the mission ahead, reported: Looking out at some of the about 50 feet apart. 4:33 p.m. -The lunar module fires its lauds H mountains we see. it is going to be a real descent engine to reduce the orbit low ROTC: hig „ a trick to go down among them. ' The Apollo 10 crew rocketed into lunar prbit shortly after the spacecraft passed point to 9.3 miles above the moon the 5:30 p.m.-The lunar module whips over moon at 9.3 miles and Stafford and fo r service around the back of the moon at the time Cernan have the July 11 landing site of By LARRY LEE State News Staff Writer By PAUL HANSON But. the Bronze Star Medal winner said, the cadets to "find the ways, the means they were out of radio contact with the Apollo 11 view abput six minutes Former MSU president John A. Hannah when he reviewed records of other ROTC and the resolve to effect the essential earth. 5:45 p.m -Thq lunar module fires its News Assistant was honored by the Michigan Legislature graduates there was no doubt in his mind ehanges-within the established chan¬ Apollo 10 was out of touch with earth engine again to raise its orbital high Acting President Adams told 73 grad¬ as to tiie role of ROTC. nels." for 34 minutes-during which the rocket point to more than 200 miles. Wednesday and as a final request, he asked the lawmakers to approve in this session uating Army and Air Force ROTC cadets Adams cited the curriculum of ROTC While Adams recognized the criticism firing was performed-and ground con¬ 7:32 p.m.-The lunar module discards that the ROTC commissioning ceremony- funds to complete a full four-vear medical cadets at MSU that helps to shape well- ROTC has received, the critics did not take trollers waited tensely for the first word its descent stage, the lower half of the school at MSU Tuesday in Spar^n "t nlium was "a hi£?h rounded officers who would not take "gov¬ the opportunity of the commissioning from space. craft which is distinguished by the four tribute to this edi.< a' >nal institution The legislators met for a half hour in a ernmental power into their own hands ceremony to further show their objections landing legs. Adams" main addu'ss at the ceremony Adams also leveled at the dissident to the military program 7:42 p.m. -The lunar module ascent stage joint session to present Hannah with a dealt with the critics of ROTC who say a elements in America when he challenged (please turn to page 13> engine is fired to place it on course to ren¬ joint resolution of tribute for his "service university community is not compatible dezvous with the command module. Mo¬ iciety with the goals of military training ments later the lander again passes 9.3 Even though the ROTC critics and ad¬ See related story, page 5 miles over the lunar surface. Sirhan awaits vocates have at times become heated, 8:33 p.m.-The lunar module performs chamber there In acknowledging the tribute. Hannah were no episodes similar to last another rocket burn, this one on the back week's disturbance at Demonstration Hall. Speaking to the cadets Adams said that when he was asked to address them he gas side of the moon, out of radio contact with earth. 9:31 p.m.-The lunar module again fire said. "I would like to think that your recog¬ nition is really also a recognition for MSU and for our American system that makes had second thoughts because of an honest educational opportunities available to all its rocket engine to line up the two space despite Kennedy s faction within the academic ol our young people. community craft for a final step toward rendezvous. which "With the nationwide system of land- questions even the > ight >f the ROTC 10:09 p.m.-The terminal phase of the program to share a pL on the Univer¬ rendezvous is performed. This is a rock¬ grant colleges and state universities, the sity campus. et firing that shoots the lunar module problems of working people became a Sirhan shot directly at the comma.nd module. legitimate subject for study and research LOS ANGELES (APi -- A judge, after Quentin's green gas chamber for at least Kennedy last June, mo- and public service at the highest academ¬ ments after the New York senator had 11:04 p.m.-The two spacecraft ren¬ hearing a plea from the Kennedy fam¬ . ic level." he said. Sirhan's mother. Mary, short, worn proclaimed victory in California's presi¬ dezvous in orbit of the moon. ily for "compassion, mercy and God's a "Education not little sat with her head bowed dential primary election 11:20 p.m.-Young guides the command only makes possible the gift for life itself" for the assassin of woman, He admitted module to a docking with the lunar mod¬ improvement of the individual, but also the Sen. Robert F Kennedy, sentenced Sir¬ and her eyes on the floor half way back being the gunman, but testified he did not recall the actual shooting ule. Twelve latches grab the lander. (please turn to page 13> han Bishara Sirhan Wednesday to die in the spectator section. Beside her sat His de¬ in California's gas chamber her son. Munir. 22, his gaze on the judge fenders said Sirhan a devoted Arab parti- * He also denied a new trial. Mrs. Sirhan dabbed at her eyes with a san. was inflamed by a Kennedy state¬ ment sopporting sending planes to Israel Sirhan received the sentence without piece of crumpled tissue. 'FORWARD STEP' Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, in a let¬ ter introduced in court, wrote. "Mv 355-4560 1-5 p.n brother was a man of ment and compassion. love and senti¬ have wanted his death to be cause for He would not State GOP the taking of another life." ASMSU supports See complete text of Kennedy's letter, p. 3 praise tuition Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walk¬ Gl's rights teach-in, er said, in passing formal sentence: "I can see it. the letter, has a place for con¬ The abandonment of the sliding tuition by the MSU Board of Trustees scale Rep. Gustave J. Groat. R-Battle Creek, another critic of the sliding scale tuition sideration of the court. It is the feeling of has drawn praise from Republican legis¬ system, said. "I am delighted with the this court that the jury was right. I find lative critics of the tuition plan. ROTC proposal no reason to change my mind now. " Chairman of the Senate Appropriations decision of the Michigan State Board of Trustees to abandon the so-called slid¬ Committee. State Sen. Charles O. Zol- ing scale plan ." The same jury that convicted the 25- By WHIT SIBLEY lar. R-Benton Harbor, called the action State News Staff Writer vear-old Jordanian immigrant of first by the trustees "a forward step. " The ASMSU Board voted Tuesday to degree murder also decreed death for him Zollar denied the report that the legis¬ in a separate later trial. The judge could with." co-sponsor a Gl's rights teach-in with the lature might have reduced appropriations have overruled the jury and sentenced Rep. Jim Brown. R-Okemos, commended Young Socialists Alliance and the GI in retaliation against the tuition plan. Civil Liberties Defense Committee (GI Sirhan to life imprisionment. He has the board's "courage" in voting to aban¬ done this only once in 19 similar cases. "Any appropriations adjustment would don the tuition system. CLDC). affect not than Sirhan. slender and swarthy, stood erect more one school, and "That can be pretty difficult to do in Virginia Osteen. McLean. Va . sopho¬ any MSI' Change would not be based more. appearing before the board, and expressionless as sentence was pass¬ public office," he said. said on the tuition program." he said. tha the teach-in. to be held Tuesday, ed. toying with an unwrapped cigar. Then Senate Minority Leader Sander Levin. However. Rep. Thomas G. Ford. R- will ittem ♦ to inform graduating sen¬ he sat down, flashing a smiling grim- D-Berkley, said he thought the abandon¬ Grand Rapids, said the MSU iors nd ot .ts interested, of their legal mace at a defense investigator at his appropria¬ ment of the sliding scale plan may i tion might have been affected He in¬ table have been necessary to prevent an ap¬ rights after they join the Armed Forces. dicated he is withdrawing House Bill propriations cut for MSU. Workshop- will be held in the afternoon The sheriff is commanded to deliv¬ No. 2873. which prohibits state sup¬ However. Levin expressed hope that "a to familiar ize future GIs with the GI CLDC er Sirhan within 10 days to the warden ported scholarships for students who at¬ substitute method can be found prompt¬ Delmar Thomas, a recently discharged GI. and a member of the Ft. Jackson Eight, of San Quentin Prison." the judge said. The warden is commanded to hold Sir¬ Mother mourns tend schools using the of determining tuition if the sliding scale method ly " will Newsmen crowd around Mrs. A^ary Sirhan during a recess Wed¬ "university "I regard the sliding scale system as a speal in the evening. han in his custody pending appeal." calculates the value of the scholarship useful experiment in finding new ways to The Fort Jackson Eight is a group of The case is on automatic appeal to nesday in the hearing at which her son, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, in determining the amount of the tui¬ Gl's arrested at Fort Jackson the California Supreme Court. This and sentenced to the gas chamber for the assassination of Sen. further open up colleges and universi¬ following was tion." antiwar held there March 20. ties to students regardless of the means an me- ng other possible legal maneuvering make it Robert . Kennedy. At left, wearing dark glasses, is Sirhan's Only MSU would have been affected ra to page 13) of their parents" «?»d. unlikely Sirhan could be executed in San brother, Munir. . AP Wirephoto by Ford^s bill. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 22, 1969 MC students patrol' polls Varner confirmed after Senate fight during By SHARON TEMPLETON The MC students responded not Mississippi printed. Over 90 per cent of the Bv LARRY LEE State News Staff Writer Sen James G Fleming. R- Jackson, joined by Sen. Lor¬ raine Beebe. R-Dearborn. Sen Stale News Stall Writer to a request by Charles Evers. Tuesday, election day. the stu- blacks came out to vote," he said Senate confirmation of Dur- Oscar Bouwsma. R-Muskegon. A concern tor social justice newly elected major of Fay¬ dents were at the polls at 6:30 ' We did get them out to vote ward Varner to head the State ^en George Kuhn. R Birming- prompted 23 James Madison ette. Miss., who was working a.m. to inspect the ballot boxes and showed them that white Council for the Arts was ap- ham and Sen Robert R'chard- College (MC> students to drive on the election campaigns of Blaske said that there are sev- people from outside do care. proved Tuesday after an earli- son- R-Saginaw. opposed the 177 blacks in the area from confirmation because: to Mississippi on Saturday to "The election was close.'' he serve as poll-watchers them a voice, he said ment representative get in all our brothei's keepe Hu- They have to: it's L'd the Tuesday night barbe- Mayer said that often ' t0 together and know one against inflation. Mi Midway an introductory type of after students move off campus another." he said. with the OCC office. ber said. have Carr indicated his comments been distorted b\ the plains. The inflationa they lose all ties with the Uni¬ of the past several \ press. This thing got all out of versity. and don't know what a recognizable sequence he pressure on in vest men the proper channels are to solve> said. I probably am at fault ers to seek a Higher salaries also greate benefits, so these pUir greater return to off hopes that next irtment house entative to Ott will elect Campus their problems He said that these meetings dennUelv an(j added that thi: Stafford/Cernan for not making my comments crystal clear." Criticizing the article in Tues¬ additional benefits. day's Lansing State Journal, problem for people living off where his statements were first pilot skills campus. quoted. Carr said. The head¬ Scars NOW OPEN 5 NIGHTS EVERY WEEK Donna Haase. Arms Apts. representative to Evergreen on line did not appear to fit the OCC. who organized Tuesday's story " The headline read. MSU Aide*Questions Legality barbecue, said that many stu- sight and judgment. Sliop M . to 5:30 p.m. After the LEM and command of Trustees' Secret Decision He said that as he understood the" history of manned space one-hour period the spac ship separate, the flight plan behind the calls for Stafford to trigger it. "The trustees discussed the flight. the lives of two <.stro- are Linguist to speak n;yits Thursday will depend on radio contact. Ev< matter of a sliding scale tui¬ munications are p> tion and arrived at a consen pi tot skill The formalization will be problems sus. on When Thomas P. Stafford and ing from ith the fir made at a later date. Kiigene A. Cernan fly away a,e enough to aid Sears in black ghetto al close-in maneuvers frAn the Apollo 10 command ship in a lunar module. LEM The ground is really unable Understanding and teaching landing craft at 3:05 p.m.. il help us with the final phases ack ghetto students will be the theme of a talk by Roger Shuv at 3 todav in 106B Wells will be the first time two men h;Ae been a quarter-million of rendezvous, earth orbit." Cerna as t Javits: Nixon failing miles from home in a space¬ keting moonward Sun- all Shuv. head of the Dept. Sociolinguistics at the Center of ship unable to return to earth. Survival will depend corn- •They don't have the capa¬ to cure domestic ills pletelv on their ability to ren- bility to give us the informa¬ or Applied Linguistics in tion for the burns in the final tk'zvous with Astronaut .John ROIT 'ITU Without expressing a lack ol Yashington. D C •o- phases because they just do in the new Republican administration. Sen J ■dited a book Teaching Black W» Young in the command ship not have the tracking, he said. /us. R N Y said Wednesday President Nixon Children to Re During the critical eight-hour If radars and computers on done anything realistic" to solve a looming doi former professor of lin¬ period the two craft are apart. Young will track his comrades board the LEM and command guistics here, Shuv was direct- f a dialect study in Detroit and be prepared to go to their ship fail, the Apollo 10 pilots Before his speech to the Economic Club of Detroit. Javit told that the field of domestic reform is wide ope Is^ue if the LEM fails. must count on their newsmen for the \ixon Administration because it is not "locked in , bind" as was the previous administration. What is needed the liberal New York senior senato said in his speech." is the reordering of our national priori! ies " He said funds should be diverted from the "building o a Limitless' military power toward the restoration o domestic tranquility." inyl footlocker with non-chip molded tray Wipe-clean heavy vinyl over 3-ply wood box struction. Mildew-resistant vinyl lining. able non-chip molded plastic tray. He HEBREWS 10:25 "Let us not give up „ . . meeting together in¬ stead, let us encourage one another . ..." GOOD NEWS FOR MODERN MAN You are invited to a family gathering, celebrat¬ ing the anniversary of Pentecost. The brothers and sisters in Christ will come together to sing, to hear the story of Pent«cost, and to pray, on Sunday, May 25, from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., at Beaumont Tower (Union Ballroom in case of rain). We hope you'll be there with the rest of us! The following organizations have declared them¬ selves in support of this gathering: regular $10.98 LET'S GO CANOEING Trinity Collegiate Fellowship American Baptist Student Foundation Baked enamel covering Campus Crusade for Christ plywood frame. Tongue-" ON THE RED CEDAR! St. John's Student Parish Geneva Forum (Christian Reformed) in-groove closure. Two Spartan Christian Fellowship 'Weather leather handles. Black. Mon. thru Fri. 2-1.2 p.m. The Navigators Permitting" University Reformed Student Association 3131 E. Sat. and Sun. 12-12 p.m. Campus Advance Michigan Lansing South side of Bess'ey Hall 70C per hour MSU Mennonite Fellowship Phone 351-8000 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Advertising Courtesy of Elegante Wiggery Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michc:;; ASKED MERCY FOR SIRHAN NEWS summary Kennedy letter to attorney says WASHINGTON < AP • RFK would forgive before the jury and again. an\ appro •til \l;,r Following is the text of the response seemed inappropriate lor w • - ."1 that tetter from Sen Edward M priate. belicv Th. I tilted "My brother was a man Kennedy to defense attorneys I now understand that the trial feel for Sirhan B Sirhan. convicted judge will be called upon to My of lore and sentiment ami assassin of the senator's bro¬ exercise his disrection con love eom/tassitm. lie would not ther. Robert F. Kennedy: corning the penalty Since tin passu hare wanted his death to May 18. 1969 Mi he a cause for the taking KvelleYounger pro District Attorney of another life." County ot Los Angeles Sen. h.dward \l. Kennedy Dear Mi • Younger: Some weeks ago. you whether the Kennedy inquired Mich. Indian family wished to express any views on International News the possible penalties available fo the court under the law in to settle on (J.P. ihe trial involving the death of B\ i PI Allied troops pi v brother An 890-acre I'pper Penii dug more enemy bodies Wed The issue then the posi island loaded with was history nesday from Dong Ap Bia as a U.S. spokesman tion to be taken by the prose¬ legend would become the defended the 10-dav fight for the mountain as a cution on the offer ol a plea of long-promised oppoi t battle to spare the old city of Hue. A bloodied gu-lty and that involved the for Michigan's 10 000 In< . • : i whether there would under an ambitious developi battalion of U.S. paratroops that captured the Blasted time . be n Ml at all We felt plan envisioned by i state mountain top Tuesday was pulled out to tend Officials concerned with the messages that any answer to your in are and pic¬ its wounds, but another battalion was flown in tures gracing the walls of the new Administration quiry at that time would Sen i lis N Youngb to meet Bldg., and undertake cleaning steps. The windows accordingly be inappropriate Dae fit. and the IVqa any \orth Vietnamese counterattack At the time ot the hearing Service Foundation he In from have been washed, but the outside walls will have to nearby L ios. on the sentence, a similar in announced Wednesdaythe\ be sandblasted to get rid of the anti-war slogans IS officers answered only indirectly (juirv was made by defense purchased the rugged, i and pictures. State News photo by David Korte counsel The matter was then studded property to charge by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. D Mass.. erei th it the attack on Dong Ap Bia was "senseless and irresponsible." A lT.S. Command spokes m in from said the battle our point of view." • was "a real fine operation Augenstein pro Finish Some of your BOOKS? • • Sell them now for cash for Israel's jets fought Egyptian MIGs over the Suez Canal Wednesday while its ground forces shot up a guerrilla base in Jordan and Israeli to bridge of local Operation lfea*i Start in the Lansing School those big upcoming weekends and Arib gunners exchanged fire on two District, and Ms wife Phyllis, arranged for fronts. Israel claimed three MIGs were brought 27 black youth* bet ween 8 and 12 years ol age down, but Egypt claimed none was lost. from ADC homes t<- be guests in 25 middle Time Running Out? class white hotres lor a minimum of a week On still another front. Tel Aviv said Israeli border guards clashed early Wednesday with Augenstein thought that perhaps the greatest benefits would iconic: to the white families as Study with a course outline ft on an Arab guerrilla they learned niiop about the problems these squad which thrust across the Lebanese border. An Israeli spokesman people face. 1 tile Operation (Jet-Acquainted has now branched said the «nfiltraters fled and there were no I Bio-phy-i< - Dept it MSF. into 22 othei Michigan counties Through casualties experience Augenstein found that the best way to set up this peojjcct in other areas is to work mmnooKvoReo • • • through an organization such as the Chamber Mrs. James Roosevelt was accused in i hindrance t» of Commerce. »the Michigan Council of S\v>ss court Wednesday of stabbing her hus >.od, i- tha . Churches ot 4-11 Y"i'' h Programs i Uie white muiif cla know N<- "Probably the strongest evidence of the value band son ot the late President. Her ittorney - of this project is the large number ot families pi- aled she w is in need of intensive psychi who want to participate again." Augenstein trie i• .n ,n,i h id threatened suicide. said. National News THE STATE NEWS Wealth\ Americans will find much of then currently well protected income exposed to i throughout the \ear with special Welcome Week federal taxes 'f Congress passes the Nixon i June and September. Subscription rates are Administration proposals to pull down some lax shelters. Administration researchers cite Member Assoc Press, t inted Press International. Inland Dail> Press i Collegiate Press. Michigan Press Association. Mich the case ot a man who paid no federal income Collegiate Pi tax it all on an income of S7.1 million >n a re cent year With the Nixon proposal enacted, the man would face i $957,730 tax bill on the same income • • • The White House released without comment \\> dnesd i\ a t isk force report recommending greater others at the Algiers Motel during the 1967 Detroit riot, according to the testimom so tar in the first murder trial stemming from the incident. A dozen witnesses have testified in the trial of suspended white Detroit police man Ron ald August before an all-white jurv in Ma son The Litter hit' chic mind me: sages, beating ou-t the I ot *he door. Campus News rhythm of revolution. Straight from ■d for the smash gigs at the Grande Ballroom Body, too. A spec (Juiet prevailed at Ferris State College Tu ' >!\ where Ku Klu\ Klan posters i, ! i. • peared EDITORIALS EDITORIAL DISSENT Student revoluti Presumptuous and and premature decisions political EDITOR'S NlfTE: The following "Edi¬ dent nominations Estimates are still rompih d torial Dissent" was written are that the rompleie list by Norman will total nearlv 200. With the list t ; v Saari, managing editor, in response to now secret and beyond Wednesday's editorial, A candidate tor privilege to any media, it is only speculative to determine who is being considered i bandwagon hit tig with Xtnerican flags* /tori mils It is a verv presumptuous act when one Grant* i 'lumphrey is undoubtedly on, body feels it can assert itself, through its this master oj Mother* and reciting of apple /tie has heen rumbling spheres of influence, over the masses to •:>' out in no manner has he established h: If iron? runner to back and forth across the count/y J or several weeks call for immediacy when careful and studer.'s At SS« : MSI Board of thoughtiul deliberation i.; needed at an ever more frantic pace. This, in essence, is my objection and In¬ ed reason for dissent of the Wednesday State News editorial. A candidate for your con- The relative merits and capabilities of Hubert Humphrey to serve as president of America nuv have the But who said pubheat .,\ the Wedne-.' or. • soon anything about MSU is of secondary criticism. Although In an i-r ... \! < r: . : Slate dubious ... pleasure of undergo¬ pushing who around? placing his name as the number one man News eri! . ... : jstees ana AI.'SSC The eminently liberal Sen. for the position is. in itself, reason to dis¬ ing a re-run of the McCarthy for acting too expediently in wanting to sent. my primary base for rejecting the witch-hunt, if statements by Edmund Muskie. speaking at make the presidential selection by late editorial is its implied spirit and intent. summer It was then contended that wait¬ prominent politicians are any MSU. made vague generaliza¬ The necessity for adhering to the Taylor ing until fall lor the selection was "vital* indication. A bandwagon hung tions about campus violence Report is paramount in following the lad¬ to the future academic climate at MSU." dered steps in selecting the president of with American flags, portraits while defending youthful dis¬ Endorsing a candidate before spring MSU. of Mother, and reeking of apple term has ended makes the State News sent. as though that violence The report calls tor gathering names of guilty of the over expediency it earlier pie has been rumbling back and were something new or main¬ all potential candidates, screening them to warned the AUSSC against. a list of 20. then to at least 3 and forth across the country for ly the students' fault. finally The secondary dissent of the editorial- selecting the one man from this final list. thai of endorsing Humphrey- is based upon several weeks at an ever more The Michigan House of Rep¬ Presently, the faculty, alumni and citi¬ the inability of the candidate to meet the frantic pace. It visits state capi¬ resentatives. always good for a zens have submitted a list of 120 candidates number one criteria for the office tals to date to the and universities, and horse laugh, has come through All-University Search and The first qualification tor the office is 'Do I use it like a billy-cub, Mr. President . . . ?" Selection Committee iAUSSC). The stu¬ wherever it creaks to a halt the with a bill to revoke state not solely administrative ability. Rather, this ability must he related to the voice of J. Edgar Hoover. Dick presi¬ scholarships for students con¬ dent s dual role of interpreting educational Nixon, or perhaps a chorus victed of "violent or rebellious policy and innovating it for the common of state legislator, may be activity." Rep. Thomas J. An¬ good of all those served by tins I diver¬ OUR READER'S MINp sity. heard intoning old familiar derson. D-Southfield. sponsor , It seems premature to assess Humphrey s slogans and calling loudly for of the bill, explained that he be¬ relative value as a contemporary univer¬ Nigerians roused from crackdowns. lieved in the right of dissent, sity educator by his record .it Yla< alester U.S. Atty. Gen. John N. Mit¬ but not "the right to destroy." slumber and the University ot Minnesota He eon- ducts three lectures every two weeks at as through there were some each of the schools and has kept himself chell recently gave the wagon a To the Editor: question about the latter. An¬ On account ot their $talk of "integrity while grumbling about Incidentally. we are commemorating . aloof from administrative re! nionships push with some ominous but complaints i State the second anniversary of the Republic with the faculty and students derson shares a common con¬ News. Friday against the University. I being denied vour share of AH) hand outs. of Biafra on May 30. Of course our ban¬ vague t;ilk about the threat cern with Michigan Sen. Rob¬ would like to express my sympathy ~You trumpet\vur "soveieigntv" and yet Humphrey's availabil.; tm tl:e pr< >; . ner and flag will be flying as usual from cannot learn to be self-reliant. By dency has not been definitely aseei tau • d "revolutionary student ert Huber for the "rights of for the plight of our beloved Nigerian What you are trying tit carry out here the way. you are all invited to the cele¬ He has retained a political attribute !•• groups financed by friends on outside campus is the intellectual phase of the vandal. bration. keeping noncommital on Ins future plan, sources." Without specifying Having now been roused from your Utop¬ Emeka Onwuhu i ■■■■■ ■■■■■■•mi ■■■mi an i urn ■■■mi n ?ism and atrocities being perpetrated and it is unfounded speculation t! ,i h ian slumber it has suddenly dawned on what threats, which students, against Biafra by your gallant Nigerian Secretary. Biafra Assn. will either re-enter politics o, :••: . r ir you that the war against Biafra has its "hut thers in the Americas. East education and what outside sources. Mit implications for you. You have long en¬ It is highly irrational to suggest that an Lansing Chapter Participation, by eoncerned .uaniza chell went on to talk tbout It's still not too late to pre- gaged your efforts in the secret circula¬ tion open declaration of support by the tion of malicious propaganda, arid in other SDS. rent a resurrection of the clandestine activities In < MSI able feedings :s essentia! t-- tt, a desperate en of this deavor to contain you to achieve what you have failed to Unfair accusation University lint v The ohl \lc( arthy hysteria. Lay¬ vour nervousness you newspapers are still ^ coniplish with the full military co- pa tion is marked wit!, pr ami amcerned politi¬ ration of two world super-powers . and the surreptitious To the Editor: In their letter of Wednesday. Mr. Fills- ^.collaboration of the third (the Johnson To the Editor: ment of plans for a summer Administration i. Your hope that " the worth and Mr. Dzodin revealed they were selves to cinnhut the rise We of the ASMSU Board teel that highly uninformed on the topic of the war will soon be over" reflects not program to establish contact Acting President Adams sensitive and only letter exchange between Mr. Huff and Mr. with workers. Headlines blare of "devil" theories of so- diplomatic handling of the recent events "wishful tanking on your part, but also Stevens the naiveties* o! the Nigerian war-lords invasion of Cities." and As¬ ciul t. at Wilson Hall to be commended. it n res They stated that they cannot help We join with Dr Adams in pledging and those inter national opportunists col¬ but logically conclude that only one per Letter policy sociated Press condescending¬ laborating in their crime efforts. our support to help eradicate the cancer son is responsible for leaking Mr. Stev¬ When, if one may ask. will you desist ly reports that SDS plans "no of racism in our University and the so¬ i t com grumbling and start doing some¬ ens' letters to the press This would The State News we specific acts of sabotage." the taxpayer." In protecting ciety at large. We also support those who be a rational statement if the only copies recommend that procedural safeguard be thing constructive for your country Niger- of the letters were held by Mr. Huff and the hapless taxpayer's rights instituted to protect the rights of those AFL-CIO President Mr. Stevens, but in fact, numerous copies George Final refunds MAIS STORE ONLY Top Artists SAVE $2 or $3 Now CLASSICAL - JAZZ - POPULAR "Capitol *Decca ♦Dot 'Mercury *MGM ♦Coral In the Center for Interna Thursday, May 22, 1969 £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Sunshine: n'ragus Summer study in offer long,hard Ireland offered The School of Irish Studies fered on. Irish writers, includ¬ By DENISE FORTNER experience but the potential The next weeks of rehearsal in Dublin is offering a six- ing James Joyce. W.B. Yeats. State News Staff Writer was there, she said concentrated on choreography week William Svnge. Sean O'Casey. for the show. Miss Durr direct¬ program in Ireland this Sugar n' spice and everything E. C. Reynolds director of summer to study modern Irish Frank O'Connor. Samuel Bec¬ nice. ed the members of the produc¬ kett and contemporary Irish " Little Mary Sunshine con¬ literature and its cultural and That seems to be the formula tion in dance numbers which writers. historical origins. for the Performing Arts Com¬ curred that potential was a more were interspersed with the There is worth¬ pany (PAC» production of "Lit¬ important criteria in the selec¬ songs that had been practiced no more A course on the Irish her¬ tion of the cast than a stu¬ while way of getting to know tle Mary Sunshine which is in the previous weeks. itage will be offered, explor¬ the country than under such a running through Sundav in Fair- dent's previous experience in the Dialogue practice ing the literary and cultural theatre program. George Colburn. in¬ forces which child Theat'.\ Blocking and dialogue prac¬ structor in American Thought helped stimu¬ Add paint, tice held the cast until the final late the writings of the late nails, pulled mus All tryouts are open. Mem and Language, said. This pro¬ weeks of rehearsal began. 19th and early 20th century. cles. long hours of practice, bers of the PAC could never ab¬ gram has tremendous potential A three week The final and most important creative work¬ countless cigarettes and numer¬ sorb all the roles, he said. for American students. It will ous cups of coffee and you will stage of rehearsal. the final week enable those people with a spec- shop will be conducted under have a truer picture of what After the first thrill of find¬ before opening night, involves Irish writer Marv Lavin. ical interest in Irish literature goes into a PAC production ing they had received ;i role not onlv polishing the perform- The to get to the heart of the men summer prog run grew The tryouts for the song and the long weeks of practice be an-v hut many hours of link¬ and their writings Colburn out ot the many requests of dance parody of the Nelson ing the set designing, coord mat added. students to study in Ireland Eddy era were held at the end the technical effects, and per¬ Students will live with an and was designed primarilv Song rehearsal fecting costume changes. of winter term Approximately 100 students auditioned for the 21 The first weeks of practice Although the finished product seem to be all sugar and spice" 'Always thinking Irish family and attend classes at both the University and to accommodate American stu¬ dents outside the regular univer¬ parts in the play The ac¬ light flooded the carryus as MSU's Performing Arts' Company Trinity colleges in Dublin They sity structure. Colburn tors were chosen not only for were primarily music rehear¬ much more goes into a PAC pro¬ A ray of continues to stage the production of "Little Mary Sunshine." The spoof on the (PAC) will study under Irish. English" said. their ability to act hut for their sals. Jo Doxy, music director, duction than just fresh faced ac¬ and American scholars. The school hopes worked with the east on the nu tors who constantly bursting in old-time musicals will continue ootiI Sunday. dancing and singing talents State News Photo by Wayne Munn Three courses will be of¬ Potential not polish merous songs. to song and dance. Dixie Durr. the choreograph¬ er for the production, said that for a graduate level of study those selected for parts were PAC PARODIES OPERETTAS The to both present program graduates and under is open chosen for their " potential rath er than their polish Petitioning open graduates. Some of the boys that tried The summer program does out had never had any dance for two positions not lead to a degree although 'Little Mary': beguiling credit will be given for the courses, which the school hopes on Union Board will be applicable to \merican NOW! TWIN-HIT SHOW ment'. We can really believ No. 1 Shown Petitioning is open for two By JIM YOLSLING Mary Sunshine" comes so close the that she says hello" to he m 2:40-6:20 Union Board positions for pro¬ Stale New? Reviewer to the real thing that it occas¬ •ad ernestness and pre 9:50 flowers and that she built he grams during the 19t>9-70 school Parody is a diffi-ult art. ionally suffers from the same YOU'VE MET forced dramatic devices which humble inn from cookie sal espec'allv 'vhen vou are par¬ Long and Harold Hick that both teachers md shir MRS. odying ;«>tiuthing like turn-of- mar "Rose Mamar Rose Marie will Chairmen are needed lor a the elderly love in participate in aetiv ROBINSON . . . '/ ( 0|v But let us not complain. The Steve Lundberg, who plav iffered from studied outside the classroom tioin NOW MEET jazz festival commitiee and for capta the a \ i black forun Th- i izz lestival ' pi t with. first act is totally enthralling. mvineing a< eent and it MRS. CAMPBELL V And althou^'i 1 ick Besoyan's to hilai plonng pubs. will include local and student tal Tin \iiie: Little Mary Sunshine has a ent as well is a tew name ■ i■"■etively. tun they had little trouble stretching the port between student and groups Zarie Sakisian. Birm LtTTI.K MARY SfNSHINK ficent moment tt»f»ethet ingham sophomore, s ml laughs over a full two acts. By Richard Besovan; dir ii Do You Ever Dream lessor rein-shire. « -.1 \1SI 's Performing Arts Com¬ BiatrGn group by Donald KC Treat. Reynolds; sollin costumes a-" waltz. said pany makes the show seem William (. Bruch. ehon A group tlight w ill tie it i effortless and downright beguil¬ needs volunteers ed by Dixie Durr ing Tlx I).; i allv with the TECHNICOLOR United Artists pre lio: Marie." in local furtd drive been embalmed N -■& G-NA colloquy ot events. which has on Operation Outrage, the Colburn will discuss the LOLLOBRIGIDA film by Nelson Eddy and Jean- nam at 102 Hessev 11,11 I Chairmen will be select ette MacDonald. plus a dash ment to collect money for Bia- production handles 2nd Hit: 1:00-4:30-8:10 7 W-P. :it) tonight. Interest.-d fore the term ends so that of "Floradora" and a chunk fran relief, needs student volun¬ the ^liole thing with such conviotjon that they can only Big Jim" Warington m iy be started for thes of the teers to collect donations in the you- must - pay the - progra >< rent" melodrama. Little downtown Lansing area Satur be criticized on the highest programs. professional levels. As tar as day I'm « I't Jr- ID not Required Fri.-Sat. Time Lost-Time Remembered ^ ^ FRIDAY, MAY 23 PFR The serves supporting east also do individual praise, es lovel on by veteran W islungt<»n» : 9 - 12 PERS pecially Steve Shelton. who ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ as the beemish boy comedy character, wis the only pel TODAY . . . Last Times: i imsu m m m o John Cassavetes' CSS--VV "FACES" jVVV BEST . . . Photography and Costume Design icHiGAN 111 the r } SHOWN AT 7:15 and 9.35 \dvise a in 2nd WFEK starts TOMORROW! •ii all star < TOMORROW.. .PREMIERE SHOWING! A BEAUTY OF A I 'BEAUTIFUL! The entire film is a poem ot youth,love and ..a Renaissance recapitulation ot "Vec! j 15368 passion1' playboy - W I ULO I I O WAR/ -►485-6485 and PEACE THIS PICTURE HAS A MESSAGE: "Watch out!" of'Miss ffeatt "Hrtnlic 100 RIFLES EASTMANCOtOR DYALISCOPE JIM RAQUEL BROWN WELCH Like a little boy's world, Jim BnneyVfcood* yr★ irih: -A ★ BURT REYNOLDS time vanished overnight. Theresas a sudden-M FfRHiNPCMAMl' ' SNOHFRilH* WANS GUOfCAST f--25c ":°o * and desperate need to make bit;patce^'7 with reality. But what was reality .to * 1Sat" Vet ciini' * I ^Hl Finney? What's reality to you? . :.a ^ Comedy of ^ ^ Terrors ^ fytagiiic • N -:■ Michigan State News, East Lansing;, Michigan Thursday, May 22, 1969 7 ROTC The ROTC programs at MSI B Anderson. Bozeman. Mon- commissions stetter. Adrian. Hicks. Grand Blanc: Leon L. commissioned 75 graduating tana; Lawrence J Averv. Oke- W John P. Katosh. ; Westland: Hulett. Kingslev: Harvey seniors at a ceremony Tuesday mos: Kenneth D. Bates. St. E. sing. Gary L. Kawula. Taylor: Greg- ' Johnson. Houston. Tex.: Fred- afternoon in Spartan Stadium. Louis. Mo.: Wi! im E. Baum. John Mark L. Birmingham: Greenblatt. Beaver ory P. Krot. Warren: Russell erick P Lawrence. Seattle. Twenty-seven Air Force and San Francisco. Calif: Robert Phillip !. Dawson. Jackson: Falls. Pa.: Thomas J. Gwis- P Lavertv. East Lansing: Luke Wash.: Craig M. Lee. East 48 Army cadets received their E. Beller. Northville. Michael .1. Debnar. dalla. Lansing: Ctica: David R. Hall. .VI. Little. Jr.. Bloomfield Hills: commissions as second lieu- Morris N. Bilbrey. Ferndale: Lansing: Thomas R. Little. New Gregory R. Dietz. Lansing: Howell: Gary T. Hayes. De¬ Glenn E. Lonev. Columbus. Ga.: London. N IL: John ('. B tenants in the nation's armed Thomas W. Birch. Chicago. Ill : Robert R Dyer. Warren: Will¬ troit: William H. Jakad. Dear¬ Michael E. Luce. Spokane. Nitsehe. Whitlboro. NY: Dale forces. Ronnie K. Brenaman. Grosse iam R Edwald. Cadillac: Terr born . Heights: Terence R. John¬ Wash: Harry A. Matelski. Jr.. H Oliver. Alexandria Va The Army cadets are:Michael Pointe Woods: James F. Cam- ence F Flvnn. Southgate: Leon- ston. Detroit: Gary N. Kack- Grosse lie: Bernard L. McNeil. David A Ortman. Middletown Euclid. Ohio: Paul A. Meyer. Ohio: Michael J. Plath. Detroit- Big Rapids: Dale A. Moul. Read- and Walter P. Shiel. GREENFIELD VILLAGE RELICS inp. Pa Eugene A. Muraw- Gorda.Fla. I'unta ski. Port Austin. Miguel F. Negron. Jr.. Puerto .Nuevo. Puerto Rico: Ottinger. Jackson: George A. Eric B New stickers U.S. history comes to life Patterson. Daniel Pa Belvedere. Calif Pettigrew III. Pottstown August F. Simon. Ann Arbor: : praise quitters, Dearborn's Henry Ford Mu- thing from horse-drawn v 11 throwing and ring toss, with Festival. Military and non- Edward O. Topping. Lockbourne seum and Greenfield Village c-les to motorized vehicles "I prizes ol t ides in horse-drawn ers military units will compete in AFB. Ohio: Paul A Valette. IQ smokers offering a full schedule of the twenties." chicles." he said. a 2-day shooting match. East Lansing: Richard D Whit events this spring that will spokesman said. There Another event presented by ing. Pitsford. N Y : and Joel Herbert R Shaw. 5o. an rv out the goal of the Museum will also be a children's midway the museum is the annual B Wine. Daly City. Calif. East Lansing Bell Telephone and village to bring American with games such as horseshoe The Air Force cadets com¬ employe, has recently designed Annual pick up history to life. spring program famous early movies This spring the program missioned were: Jack I Adler. a symbol irom the letters. IQ. The 1969 edition of the Wolverine arrived Many of the expected visitors for those smokers who on cam¬ will be children from a three- is entitled "Great Leading Men Flint: Michael L. Atkinson. can Wednesday. Jon Vanderzouwen, Haslett grad¬ Ridgecrest. Calif.: James G. "I quit." The symbol pus uate student, helps unload the books at the Wol¬ state area who will come to par¬ ticipate in and observe old-time Miss USAseeks ti of the Past." The newest movies the museum presents were Aubrey. Detroit: Robert P. Ber- say. con verine office in the basement of the Student Ser¬ activities at the Country Fair of made in the late 1930 s. key. Excelsior. Minn.: James He has bumper, wiri- vices Bldg. State News Photo by Don Gerstner Yesteryear. "A parade will include every more than face p Open to the public for the first time is tl lal rug hooking bee and exhibition to be held K. Billman. Jr.. Middletown. Ohio: Lee R hard. III.: Boughner. Lom John F. Chapman. bearing the; ivmbol. StK k Shaw said he ho; the NEW YORK AP One of to meet June 8 on the village green. Romeo: Theodore J. Clark. < - prime ministers am sticker would encourage p«-oji CONTEMPORARY ISSUES the things some people take kings Less than 100 entries including Westland: Donald G. Cook. to stop smoking. renin rugs and wall hangings, will be Scholield Barracks. Hawaii: selecting and put on exhibition. Dale A. Demott. Ashley: and ow others a person who h, Later in June will he a special JoeC. Dixon. Aberdeen. S.D ccesstully stopped smoking Students produce opera 40th anniversary exhibition of Treasurers of the Henry Ford Museum." This exhibition will Air Also man. Force commissioned were Omer. John R into Michael the Geh- G open June 27 and will be Hall. Flat Rook. William B. Hampton. Dearborn: Graydon K with op art, liquid lights Hobie's corns in 4 great flavors SMOKED SALAMI 8. HAM GENOA SALAMI & HAM TURKEY-ROAST BEEF CARRYOUT&DELIVERY PHONE 351-38O0 In irmmmxszsm® 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 22, 1969 SPORTS SEASON WIND-UP Von Breda Ko Senior batsmen near end to 2-yeor poet By GARY WALKOWICZ place him third on the all-time fifth in career strikeouts. ting averages of .323. .392 and MSU list in that category He's 286 during his three seasons. DETROIT -Coach and have not had a winning sea¬ of the Pistons will make him the Executive Sports Editor Righthander Zana Easton has Bill Van Breda Kolff finished son in 12 years. ninth in the last 12 years Nine Spartan baseball play¬ currently tied for sixth place only lost two games in his Senior outfielder Joe Gavel Paul list with 10 his big jump Wednesday trom It was no secret why the Seymour. who ers will close out their MSU on the home run three years at MSU. while win¬ has been-at MSU for two years guided the the first place Los Angeles 47-vear-old coach would leave Pistons in the final 60 games careers? this weekend when the four-baggers in his career. ning 11. He was 4-0 as a soph¬ after transferring from a junior In RBI Kendrick ranks fifth 6-2 last and is Lakers to the perennially los¬ a winning ball club to take last season, said he wanted Spartans meet Minnesota and s omore. season college. Iowa for a pair of double- with 64. currently 1-0 this year. ing Detroit Pistons in the West¬ up with a loser. He's had a out of the coaching job so he He batted .271 as a part- Division of the Natronal could devote more time to his headers at Kobs Field Knight has seen plenty of ac¬ Senior Dan Bielski saw little ern running feud with Laker star tion on the mound during his first time regular last season and Basketball Assn.. Wilt Chamberlain. family and business interests The most active of these action in his year, but is currently hitting .281 as MSU's "I don't mind starting at the He would explain how he in Syracuse. N Y nine over the past three sea¬ three-year stint at MSU. had a fine 7-0 mark last sea¬ lead-off man. His effective bottom, although I admit I'd wanted Chamberlain to play and son have been pitcher Mickey most season son and has emerged as the also 1968 Gavrl has stolen 18 bases rather start at the top. - Van then the superstar would go on Knight and catcher Harry Kend- was top pitcher on the Spartan staff this year, the mark Breda Kolff told newsmen when the court and play the way he nck^ Used primarily as a reliev¬ season Kendrick is completing his er. he won six games, struck this To season. date. Bielski has a 5-5 in MSU history his appointment with a two- wanted to play. How 82 batters in 65 innings mark with year. $75,000 contract as Pis¬ When he finally quit the Lak¬ third year as an MSU starter. out staff-leading 1.92 This weekend could tie they a or and had fine E.R.A. of 1.66 ton coach was announced ers Monday. General Manager His best season statistically a ERA break the mark of 20 set by "I think this team can score Fred Schauss said Van Breda was 1968 when he belted the Knight's 15 career victories Catcher Bill Linne had the Charles Fawcett back in 1932. ball at a .392 clip and was (against 10 losses1 places misfortune to arrive at MSU Outfielder Rich Jordan has he said. (defense "It's just the other end that we have to Kolff s decision "was his own idea."' but he added it was "in stand named All-Big Ten catcher. him in a fifth place tie on MSU's at the same time as Kendrick seen limited action until this the best interests of all con¬ i night games not included > In 117 games as a Spartan. all-time list. and consequently has seen only- year when he won the right In his cerned Kendrick has amassed 119 hits, With 176 career innings pit limited action in his three- two years with the which puts him second behind ched. he needs to pitch three field job. Batting .285. Jordan Bill Lakers. Los Angeles made the It very definitely was not American is MSU's third best hitting reg¬ NBA playoffs both years The a forced resignation. Schauss John Biedenbach's 132 hits in innings this weekend to move Pinch hitting, catching occas¬ all - time Spartan history into the top five in that depart¬ ionally and filling in at first ular. Van Breda Kolff Pistons have made the play EASTERN DIVISION Dennis Lazar has filled the offs only once in six years His new position as coach W L PCT Kendrick's 22 career doubles ment. while he currently ranks base. Linne has compiled bat- Baltimore 27 13 675 utility role the past three sea¬ Boston 21 13 618 sons. playing third, shortstop, DETROIT outfield and being used as a SPRING FINALE 18 1C .529 Now's the pinch runner. Washington New York Cleveland 20 20 18 21 8 23 500 462 258 Dave Williams has a 1-1 S' hooters dump alumni WESTERN DIV ISION career pitching record with both W L PCT time to decisions coming this season. Oakland Minnesota 21 13 20 13 618 606 Four Chicago players led next isfaction with the spring prac¬ Next year, if we can all Chicago is City season's 6-3 work together, we should have buy your IS S' Sailing Club soccer team victory over the alumni last to a tices his team has undergone, and said he was especially pleas¬ a pretty good team. Kenney California 15 20 11 22 42 9 6'2 weekend in the final spring ed with "bovs like Rudy Mayer said. "How good I can't tell Tuesday's results places 3rd in meet test for coach Gene Kenney's and Les Lucas, who have been yet. Injuries could really hurt DETROIT 7, Chicago 6 vacation IS The MSU Sailing Club picked up a third place trophy last defending national co-champion- Juniors Alex Skotarek and moving up." Cleveland 4. Kansas Minnesota 3. Baltimore 2 Washington 6. Seattle 5 New York 2. Oakland 1 City 1 13 inn weekend in the intercollegiate California at Boston i postponed Ernie Tuchscherer both scored reading sailing regatta held at North¬ western. twice while for the Spartan booters. Ex-Piston National junior Dave Trace and Sailing for MSU were Art freshman Rudy Mayer each put EASTERN DIVISION Groves. East Lansing junior, and Bob Ashton. Wheeling. Ill. in additional goals to help their team come from a 2-1 deficit flees Detroit junior. Among the six schools at halftime. WIDE SELECTION OF participating were John Scoring twice for the alumni DETROIT «I PI One-time ing and entering. Carroll. Xavier. Cincinnati. was St. Louis senior Tommy Detroit Piston center Reg¬ Once his handcuffs were re¬ Philadelphia 15 19 4 BOOKS, MAGAZINE Southern Illinois. Northwestern Kreft'. who last season broke gie Harding, scheduled to be moved. they said. Harding ran Montreal 11 22 3 WESTERN DIVISION & NEWSPAPERS and MSU the career assist record pre¬ sentenced on three felony out of the hospital and dashed Two other members placed viously set in 1960-62. Two counts next Monday, gave De¬ out of sight Police were still Atlanta 24 10 7 8th and 12th in a regatta held time AU-American George troit police the slip early Wed looking for him Wednesday af¬ Los Angeles 21 13 6 COMMUNITY at Wisconsin Sailing Club Janes, who tended goal for nesdav morning after they ternoon. San Francisco 20 15 5 president Mike Gamier. Gary. the alumni, scored once on a picked him up for breaking into Harding was scheduled to be Record¬ NEWSCENTER Ind .sophomore, and John Milne. Greenwich. Conn junior, parti¬ , penalty kick. Goaltending for the 1969 team an East Side home Officers said they had taken sentenced Monday in er's icriminal Court on two Hrs: 9-9 Daily, 10-9 Sunday cipated in the event, in which was split up between junior the 7-foot-l Harding. 29. to De¬ counts of breaking and enter¬ 22 schools from the Big Ten Les Lucas and freshman Tony troit General Hospital to be ing and one of carrying a con¬ Pittsburgh 6. San Diego 3 and the Midwest Collegiate Sol¬ FRANDOR CENTER PHONE 351-7562 Gouveia. treated for narcotics withdrawal cealed weapon He had been Chicago 7. Los Angeles 0 St. Louis 3. San Francisco ing Assn. took part. Coach Kennev expressed sat¬ after arresting him for break- n pers MADHATTER'S MIDWAY MARSHALL'S IS HERF TODAY CORNER OF SHAW & FARM LANE MARSHALL MUSIC CO. 245 Ann St. East Lansing e Yes! Youth Fare is Alive and Available at "EVERYTHING IN MUSIC" College ffiyKBilwIp STERE°&M0N° vniiorunirF m Travel Office 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 The 5th Dimension The Age of Aquarius" HAIR Original Broadway Cast V :' 4| CHOOSE Artists Animals, Bobby FROM like: Glen Hundreds Arltha Franklin, Goldsboro, Papas and many more! Campbell, of M.-mas & The Top The Cher, &Mr. For cream John Carver super Style face cleaning: face before exercising Soul City Records RCA Records Values to S5.79 (gymnastics? vacuuming?)... cream penetrates deeper when GRAB AN ARMFUL you perspire. Tissue splash on iced cologne. ■ ★★★★★★★★★★★ — Hands attract the eye because they move. Valuable home 99 4.98 equipment for between mani¬ MONO lemon or peroxide 2J99 cures: O values and to of remove stains and a piece pumice to smooth away GEMS ragged edges (dip in water and rub across). ONCE IN A LIFETIME In 18th century Europe, ladies of the court bathed in OFFER IS YOURS. SEE bath a perfumed with crushed FOR YOURSELF! strawberries and raspberries Compare our Frices Values to $5.79 . . . and had an after-bath Bach's Greatest Hits sponging with perfumed milk. Featuring: Switched-On E Use models' trick to set make-* Columbia Records up after applying: dampen a cotton puff with cold water and pat all over your face. To make your eye whites look whiter, wear a tinge of green eye shadow ... it empha¬ sizes the blue in eye-whites, thereby giving illusion of more whiteness. For every woman there's s man . . . Visit our salon and "BEST OF" Famous Label Jazz, you'll get more than your Rock, & Easy Listening Including: Ramsey Lewis, Jimmy MR. lOHN'S Smith, Gabor Szabo, Thelonious Monk, Dave Brubeck, Jack McDuff, HAIR FASHIONS Bud Shank, Percy Faith, Paul Revere, Phil Ochs The Temptations Henry Mancini Andy Williams Ray Connlff, Arltha Franklin, 'Rehearsals for Retirement" "Cloud Nine" warm shade of ivory" "Happy Heart" Tony Bennett, and many many A & M Records Gordy Records RCA Records rolumbia Records Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Duffy-don't put | I.DI I (HI'S \OII\: I lead football roach Daffy Dnngherty has led many great teams ia his / .> years at \ISl . I his year's stjnad has been tabbed as oae irith speed. size and experience. State \eirs Sports PS&ft %'r.' * J*-" , 'tV. * II l iter Mike \lanley recently met with spring drills and an in-depth look at next year's team ami its Daffy to get his continents on "■M * * - .1 \ v- ' chances. ". ' Ql'ESTIOV-Coach. now thai spring practice is over and you've development as Triplett was a year ago Werner didn t play the had a chance to watch your team tor live weeks, how would you two weeks before the Green and White game because ot an injury both ih- itind \ ' assess but he threw the ball well in the second half spring drills? AXSWKR--Let s not yet us with one toot in the Rose Bowl yet 1 d say we had an above average spring The squad developed Q-What players developed this spring? A-It was good to see fellows like Kermit Smith and Tom Bar if. •"*• f.*- and improved from week to week. But I don't think a coach or num come along. They were vastly improved this spring. So was player should ever be satisfied with his performance. This has a center Krrol Roy Both Barnum and Rov were injured last year tendency to n. ;k- them both complacent. It was a good spring and didn't play at all Barnum won the Most Improved Player but we still have a lot of work to do before the season starts. Award this spring. Q-VVhat impressed \ou most about your team this spring? Q-Coach, you have a veteran offensive line back for the fall. AT would have to say the thing that impressed me the most How do they compare with past lines? was the overall squ. <1 at'itude Thi* is a dedicated and spirited A-This is one of the best lines we've had here in several years squad- -thev arc a p-al hard working unit. This is shown best in As I've said before, one ot the reasons we are going to the new the willingness of play, is to make sacrifices for the good of the ot tense is because we feel we have the line to do it It is the big team-we have several players who had to move into that were completely new to them We are using both a new offense concept and a new defensive positions gest line we've had here an unsung They did a great job on Saturday It's 1 job. The average fan doesn't see what they are doing Q-The Green and White game was rather lopsided. 82-0. Is the Duffy concept this year. The players worked hard to minimize their Green team that good or was it just a mismatch? What A I ( alk about happened? player weaknesses as such I n« mistakes and they gained confidence and an understanding of A-It was just one of those games where evervthing fell into want to say anything against my players that will appear in print what they are doing place. You don't normally get that kind of execution. With the I never have lone it But experience-wise, we don't h. ve .• These are all pluses but we are going to have to be fortunate score that one-sided you can't evaluate it enced depth at center In tact the entire properlv. I think the reserve ot tensive i. with injuries. When wo had the great team in 1985 and M. the White team's inexperience helped the Green team but thev young and will have to improve The defensive secondar is kept young only key player we lost was Bob battling though-they didn t give up. and has little game experience Our best experience is on the Q-With that score, some people are saying that the defensive line, the offensive line and in the offensive Spartans The linebackers don't have too much backfield i're lacking depth. Depth-wise, how does \our team stack up'.' experience and the. ire A-When your number one and two teams can play an even game lying i completely (iiiferent concept than last ye... your not going to be very good. It probably means you have an .^-Looking ahead to the fall, who are the teams to beat and how over-abundance of mediocrity. I would rather have a if) > ou assess your own chances? great tirsl unit v. ith some youngsters coming nlong-i! \ Ohio State the they were all the same. is defending Big Ten :nd nai'on. l eham; i laybe none oi them wount r\< eii I - the old saying, the cream ! ■ id certainly should i)e i.i:i repeat ,.s bi.'h I u , •. t>> o will rise to the top.' My idea of Mth Ohio the team to beat good depth is having two good as \tter that ;t should !,• , " players at each position. That way it one of them got hurt the Wichigar: Indiana. MmncsTv; and Iowa I hope we w I! ,r. other one could step in. oup also. I he contci eiiei- going to he - awfully tmigii tli s \. . Q-W'ho have been your outstanding freshman There won t be any weak players this sisters-certainly r.ot in the ones that w. spring? day anyway. The conic ere. ;s deep from top to bottom We less depth than Ohio .v ;te. i'urdiie We don't play either Illinois X-You'd have to mention Kric Allen. Jim Nicholson. a: oi Doug and and Michig m (»l. a h.i- Gary Halliday. Gary Van Hist. Doug Barr. Brad Henry ears >o does Pnrdi.e Indian Mathews. Billy .Joe DuPree. Mark Stoll. Duane McLaughlin. Scott In ta the best ■ Big who Miltenberger and the two quarterba- ks--Piro and Werner Also. i en crack the . line Barnum and Roy for all practical purposes are in this category 4-Wha' about the quarterback s because they sat out last year Both ot hen will have three vears 0-l)o . u :.i,nk Ohio Siat« might let down a little this s. as \-Bil! Triple'! aas gained eoniidenct maiunix .r,d experience of eligibility. Rowing that iiiey can't go to the Hose Bowl? last We 'e» him call all but a couple ot \ No. ! don t think over season. plays on Satin Allen is going to be a great punt and kickott return man for us so. Woody > Haves will keep them motuat and tie called a masterful game. His play selection was great. He is so quick that it he can get a good wall of blockers he could hey have so much talent that there is i! j COME tc "HE : competition at every ; W ■ knew h>- w ;s an outstanding runner and Saturdav* he demon- go .ill the way. McLee is probably the hardest hitting football tion I his will keep them from rolling over and collapsing 1 \ \ ' SIXTH ANNUAL Is -t.Mted he could throw the hall well. We want him to h: ve a go BILL FKRACO I came to MSI' mainly be He is second in extra base club and we've had-good enough and those always hurl [i£BER^P'S~ """ Gavel hopes to h« This jreer weekend ot one will end of the most ag- the cause of the reputation that Coach Litwhiler had in Flordia." hits and thinl in home runs with three. pitching but we to win the Big Ten haven't had any ot ianeh nits that will win garni in the duns* professional ball draft but realizes tli i Case for a career ressive and hustling ballplay- Gavel said Also. I knew the But probably the most nil el said "Thei ha' chances have been hindere ts to conie upon the Spartan caliber of ball played in the portant statistics, and the most ? fi r;e? tseball scene in recent years. Big Ten and because of MSI s valuable to the team, is hi - academic and athletic programs, consistency to get on base and The Nanty-Glo. Penn native Gavel s game-to-game per- the number of runs he scores, th« winning < luh not the losn formances should warrant him The main job ot the leadott one. (iavel said. some recognition, but they go hitter is to get on bast and Gavel also noted that 1 bv unnoticed for the most part move around to get in scoring Noon today is tho deadline for enter He is batting .285 and leds position." Gavel said. Ho cannot the IM .tudo Championships. the team in triples, with tour be too concerned with his aver The tourney will begin at 6 tonight great but his speed ind hiist it ■' Jor (wavel and in stolen bases, with 18 age but inoreso with just get ting on and scoring. (iavcl's on-base percentage 'Prince' sent t going into this is 592 and h( leading 33 runs weekend's s scored a games team He has also tallied I of the deciding run in 8 Liquor Enforcement Trainee 07 seeks the Spartan's 21 victories owner thus far His reputation is just becoming noticed around the league . nd this brings a cei beliel pi ins are changed." Longden said he talked with tai'i s at when he gets on rer.t 11.tough the stands base 'v: C? eci* Opportunities mid Im best to give the Prince McMahon Tuesday night and "Go-Go Joe' shows his value Frank McMahon little rest, freshen him up he said he wanted to run the to the team in another category. and then look toward the nee in the Belmont if ev He has played three positions shipped to Belmont Park today h, s that we ervthing goes all right. So I so far this year, left field, ul«T i guess those P'™s that's what we'll do third base and recently first Longden said he felt the Ken tucky Derby and the Preakness I Salary range S8, 143; end of 6 months just trv to help the Sport Shorts were hard on Majestic Prince best I c. el said $8,477; end of first year $8,853 wifh to get He looked a little tired and MSI and Notre Dame plaved (iavel said he and his team annual increases fo $10,858 at the end i-ady foi the Belmont and he's lost some weight and I ,h(Mr ,„oth baseball game in ates are dissappointed over of four years. Effective July 1, 1969. try to win that one too. said that if he was nunc that i%9 with the Spartans winning e way the season has turned I'd give him a rest. I felt and taking a 51-4!» lead it and that there is no single Pla lediately Frank and I were in agree¬ e series which began in a son for the Spartans 21 -lft • the I the Ke, 1!«»7 ment but apparently he's cord. changed his mind " To fill future vacancies. Must be willing to tucky Derby and th« Preakness We irted . by van Irom Baltimore to Bel¬ n Dro work and live anywhere in Michigan and meet mont by mid afternoon MSI ha' duel the following qualifications: Graduation from E i BLACK IS when you'd rather face the Viet Cong I was a year preparing the an accredited college. Age not less than 22 Prince for the l)ert»y an562 5-5 :>3 up your summer job now. Di¬ inates against religion, rect sales set your own • EMPLOYMENT CHECK WITH us before vou buv • FOR RENT race, color or national or- come goals, may carry over HONDA OF HASLETT Honda bikes igir. into school year if desired. • FOR SALE FORD FAIRLANE 1963. automaUc. 482-1286 East Kalamazoo C parts and riding accessories Only Call RosemaryNotzoldat332- • LOST & FOUND excellent condition $295 or best minutes from East Lansing 1605 offer 351-7835 5-5/23 Haslett Road Phone 339-2039 O 8277. • PERSONAL AUTOMATIC CAR Wash, onlv 50 cents. It s the best in town ' You HISTO-TECHNOLOGISTS Q • PEANUTS PERSONAL /969^1 Employment FORD CORTINA 1968. in good con CYTO TECHNOLOGISTS may sit in your car for 2'2 minutes • REAL ESTATE dition 8 months old 332-3010 SELL while your car is washed and wazed Needed for immediate employment. • SERVICE outright or take over payments. 3-5'23 Also cleans underneath car An al BARTENDER $110 5 nights per *SCP registered or eligible Excel¬ week room and board REFERENCES lent salarv and benefits Applv SPAR¬ • TRANSPORTATION CADILLAC 1964-Convertible MERCEDES BENZ 1961 Mechanically most perfect job 430 South Clippert back of KO-KO BAR C-5 22 REQUIRED Resort hotel East Ta ROW HOSPITAL PERSONNEL or • WANTED all power, book $1,650 Pnc perfect Needs body work $600 or was Michigan Phone Mrs Ander call 487-6111 extension 333 5-5 22 sell-$l .495 351-7300 or 332-0088 best offer 332-8821 3-5 23 son for interview. 362-3451 17-5 22 MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kala MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS DEADLINE MUSTANG - 1967 2 door hard mazoo Street Since 1940 Com¬ To work Friday nights '.1 p.m. to plete auto painting and collision PROBLEMS' Sell CHEVROLET 1968 Impala 4 door top. automatic 487-6141. exten 7 30 a m only ASCP registered or service IV 5-0256 C ; you don't need 1 P.M. one class day be¬ hardtop V-8. automatic, power ion 238 or phone 882-8631 4-5 23 tligible Would consider non-regis¬ Ads Dial 355 8255 fore publication. good family car Take over pay tered if qualified through experience ments of $69 14 Phone Credit Man- OLDSMOBILE 1964 -Jetstar 4-door Scooters & Cycles Excellent salary Apply SPARROW Cancellations - 12 noon one CHEVROLET 1962 Impala coupe 327 lent condition CAMPBELL, VVYAN'T AND engine Full power Call 353-6911 er 5.485-5338 MUSICIANS AND s CANNON FOUNDRY COM¬ PhJNE PANY, at Muskegon, Michi- 355-8255 RATFS 1 day $1.50 15? per word per day I'ARTTIMK sales Jewelry 3 days $4.00 13 1/2? per word per day 5 days $6.50 13? per word per day (based on iu words per ad) There will be a 50? service and bookkeeping charge if STUDENT Photographers & : News will be T echnicians Automotive SUNBEAM ALPINE Series OPEL KADFTT AROMEO 1965 9 a,ir, - 4:30 p.m. 5-speed ew top $1,300 332-851 v or PONTIAC I;TO NOW HIRING . .. 5"5 22 PONTIAC HOSPITALITY sr. iiftTftn ikiki MoTQR INN vw Assistant Food Products VALIANT 1964 V-8. Banquet Sup* SERVICE DON'T Head Barten Maintenance Engineer W aitresses Gift Shop Manager MA Y SPE Muffier Installation PAY MORE FOR AN Room Clerks InclpdiiiL: parts, labor, and PBX Operators APARTMENT tax >25*23 RebuiIt E ngines UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN WHAT Sed.tns up to 1^7 only. $69 BUYS Front End Overhaul 8 to 5 $49,30 including parts, tax, APPLY AT and labor. Sedans up to 1965 $575 or by appointment IN PERSON Mon. thru Sat. SEVEN-THIRTY-ONE Jolly R Dad Exit of 1-496 Lansing, Michigan Lansing Foreign Cars PHONE 351-7601 485*7510 2720 b. Kaiaina/.cx Robert E. Nickels, Mgr. cX CROSSWORD PUZZLE f^ee 731 today! Four blocks east of the north end of M.A.C. Models 'curate ager in apartment 206A or 106C or call J. R. Culver Co. Student Apartments Tnere are still a few apartments available fur summer at $45 per person per month. 9-Month Lease At No Extra Charge That's right. You pay no extra for a 9-month lease at North Pointe r&L> ; Apartments. Just $230 per month leases an air-conditioned, fully-furnished 4-man apartment. Formerly known as Eydeal Villa, North Pol nte re atu res a swimming pool, laundry facilities, barbeque pits, and apartments for 2, 3, or 4 people. And to eliminate the confusion and bother of sub-letting your apartment, we offer you our same low rates for a 9-month lease. North Pointe is now renting for summer and fall terms. You can keep cool in North Pointe's swjmming pool and air conditioned apartments this summer for only $45 per person per month. : North Call J. R. Cuiver Company today and ask about our new apartrr Pointe— > you pay i > for j 9-month lease! "The Pit" Party Lounge jf..//. 220 Albert St. — Above Knapp's Campus Center — 351-8862 220 Albert - Above Knapp's Campus Center 351-8862 Open Monday-Friday 9-9 'til June 15 9fi» ]] Student DIRECTORY BIBLES—BCC'KS Sacred Record- " } B & VV 5dTe : "1 _J: Bi • . ^PARTMi; • : t• win * s':Vf"pionth J I'- I : - ; A.HtfS Gifts & Card-, 1 FAMILY BOOK 5TOR F WALT KOSS F random RESTAURANT Fine food, entertainment pizz.i ! \fjr Karmelkorn ; 4- • -rr Reau.-ed rates |J2 / * \ - '■ ■ -RY ^sue Sir. :'T23 About 7 miles east of C nd L B 3 627-2003 M. \RTMENTS 1/2 . f 1 OVER 5,00. t^oWS IN STOCK blue.-, fi i/T camf us» 2-maa CAMPUS INTERESTED IN SALES >210, Mode; ... : 'ems open 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wed.-Thurs. WASH N' GAS after 5 p.m. BEAUTY SALON 5 5 22 21b Beal, Apt. 2A. Reduced 10% off with this coupon $50-$70 per summer rates. 332-0641,351- 3000 E. Kalamazoo BAY COLONY 2 blocks W. of JZlh 248 West Grand River University APARTMENTS electricity Call WANTED Share a - Vill^e 372-8900 KWAST BAKERIES BUD'S Dorothy's SUMMER PACKAGE PLAN -SAR(,AIN NO deposit First month s Graduation & Birthday AUTO PARTS Bridal & Gift Shop FOR 1, 2 & 3 MAN. Now tak¬ rent free 4-man :)51-9:!59 3-5/23 Cakes ing leases for Fall. 1 & 2bed- 5 5 26 APARTMENT DOWNTOWN I Frandor: 351-5032 parts a speciality Halfway between Holt and 15972 Turner Brookfield: 337-0832 Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 372-"941 $80 per month plus electricity 2 blocks to Berkey 351 -9262 5-5 23 MOTORCYCLE Check ONE MAN Cedar COLLEGE TRAVEL talk price. I have Village Lets INSURANCE ramn stiiker. a. LINCOLN LIFE'S OFFICE 351-7259. Buck ' 3 5 22 low rates DARRELL BROWN 130 West Grand River Blvd. GRAD PLAN Agency 339-8277 351-6010 Since 1905 Ph. 332-5Q Eugene Blossey Learn Use our to fly? Sure >oul Air Taxi-Service Hot Sandal Sale WEEK Motorcycles Buy a new Piper All at: MSU SHOE REPAIR Reduced Prices on 5019 N. Grand River, Some Models IV 9-9797 Lansing Francis Aviation Capitol City Airport 48J-I324 225 E, Grand River 332-3619 LEASES • EYES EXAMINED • GLASSES ^T0N'S, • CONTACT LENS C. L. Chase, Optometrist THE Major repairs including U:ne -up and brake work SUMMER Co-Optical Services HOLD LIST PAY ALL All State Road Service 5218 S.Logan 393-4230 ^02■; E. Saginaw ONLY CLASSIFIED BILLS NOW 489-8010 ' iaslftt apartments For Rent 607i .2 WANTED: ' turn- TWO MEN r s Win Yr jr Ovvn Guru wi -• 17586 \j1 BABY S'TTER-To live in 4 trips. ? . . .. .tr t.x : ^ni* * L 646"8965 5 conditioning Cdll 339 8455 NORBFR MANOR jiCi CAPITOL NEAR Single Golfers Attention ig area close )N GENERA! to hospital HOSPITAL Arris No le EAST SIDI t SI.00 'iisric Practice f ; - lis c for S1.00 Sl Bi.ET LAR'.E b ' t -rk i-.r evenings MALE . Shuttle Cocks PROMPT MAINTENANCE . Close No deposit 332-185^ Tennis «• venir.;;- FEMALE HELP EAST LANSING: Clo- WATER S EDGE IV eat LITTLE CAESAR'S 1071 rss. - cd i iv. Rule Book 10 p n i! GRANDMOT witty Purchase of S1.00 or more. Larry Cushion ^OS- TV RENTALS C Hhone4895922°r351 SI MMER Sl'BLF.T : - UNBEATABLE VALUE Sporting Goods 3020 Vi;i[. Open Fri. IV 5-7-!. 5 'til 8: Daily 'til o IN One block north of Mich. ' " .\i l.n 1 !>rive, East Lan.-ii- • . and term rates ( all 484 Ave. ATTENDANTS ('< 'MP ANY LANSING S MOST EXCITING -none; 337-0630 NEW APARTMENT COMMUNITY MEADOWBROOK SUMMER JOBS i OCT/M THe TRACE W4RM./ See for yourself, Large-new-beautiful 1- FOR STUDENTS 2"3 Br. Apts. from $55.00/student. Decora¬ V tor coordinated furniture available for sin¬ gles and mar-ieds. * Applications now being accepted for summer jobs with major corporation. Students 18 yrs. of age & over wanted to learr. marketing, sales promotion, & brand identification techniques during summer period. High level THERE ARE Note the features included in the management training courses given to qualified applicants. Salary $115 per wk. for first 3 v»ks. $145 per wk. plus bonuses start- rental fee: ONLY A FEW • full wall to waii carpeting SCHOLARSHIPS HIGH PAY OF EAST LANSING'S • designer draperies Win of 15 Earn at least $1,500 for the one $1,000 • color coordinated appliances summer student - make scholarships. $3,000 and more. FINEST 4-MAN • heat and air conditioning • full walnut vanities TRAVEL SEF EUROPE APARTMENTS • private patios or balconies Work anywhere, in U.S. or in Win all expense paid Canada. Qualified students holiday in London for LEFT FOR SUMMER • additional storage and laundries in each bldg. your central-air-conditioned apartment for this "i Best Positions Going Fast! Recreation facilities include anolympic pool, > fir Call Today For Appointment place, sauna baths adjoining tho pool, picnic 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. areas and acres of lawn for your leisure and enjoyment. HuVfy out to MEADOW- GRAND RAPIDS, MICH 103 A or 101E today I BROOK TRACE and see our models Ap¬ MUSKEGON. MICH Mr. Ashley A.C. 616 722-2454 plications welcomed for the fall term. Take LANSING, MICH. Miss 01 ney A.C. 51"7 372-6313 1-496 South from Frandor and take the jolly KALAMAZOO, MICH Mr. Magoon A.C. 616 381-9780 SOUTH EEND, IND. Mr. Vermillion fjiz/ver Road Exit-Right to MEADOWBROOK TRACE A.C. 219 289-2429 //. •//. or 7p.m Phone 393-0210. Model open 10 a.m.- 220 Aloe-rt St - Above Knapp's Campus Center - 351-8862 By Kassuba, the Nation's # 1 Landlord. 12 Michigan State Revs, Thursday, May 22, 1969 For Sol3 For Sale ONE MAN needed lor 2- OI.D CRO< KS apartment Air-conditioned. |kx> deposit Call after 2 p m . Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, May 22, 1969 13 Peanuts Personel Real Estate RENT A TV from a TV Company- $9 00 per month NEJAC TV RENTALS Call 337-1300 C TRADE OR SELL Lake Michigan r Editor cites responsibility FREE ty A Thrilling hour of beau For appointment, call 484-4519 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STl DIO. 1600 East Michigan PIC, PEN wouldn't Thanks have been. Without Love: vou Zeta it YOU'RE ter cars UP you FRONT with the find in the Classified bet of media in changing times C*5 '22 Ads Check now' t James P. Brown. Jr.. Pledges 1-5 22 By BARB PARNESS speaking than the man in communica¬ ZERO CM State News Staff Writer *n the Union, said that this time on the tenants you want SPACIOUS OLDER HOME Four bed tion." Brown said. "If w.e are Advertise rentals with "a Classi¬ rooms, walkout finished basement For the past five or six years •>f change will last for another to survive this time, it has to be fied Ad. Dial 355-8255 now has been M) years Large Private yard Near MSU man living in "a new After this time, man by understanding." FHA available 351-4480 S time of chaos and revolution.' A'ill emerge onto a "new plateau He said that the press the editor of the Saginaw News today HOUGHTON LAKE-new 2 bedroom pf history." and in the future must fulfill its told a student audience Tuesday Our whole world today is rev- cottage on West Shore Drive Phone responsibility of honestly in¬ 484-4946 or 482-5957 3-5 26 night. s plutionarv." he said. "Every¬ forming the people. It must Peanuts Personal thing has changed significantly move them to think as well as SOUTH-TEN Minutes to campus W ithout our really knowing it." act. JOHN. IT'S sickly sentimental, but 2-bedroom shade tri-level Chapel 1 ceilings, acre with fireplace, Mortar . Brown said that even in the "If you believe in the demo¬ thanks for the best 3 months of my life. You make me very happy Love. study Assume 5 1 4 per cent fi¬ £ast 25 years the world has dras¬ cratic form of government, and nancing $95 month including taxes, Chrissy 1-5 22 QUEEN LINDSEY. Thanks for every thing You have honored us all The insurance. $16,800 694-0739 3-5 26 initiation tically changed. He noted that "90 per cent of the medicines I do." Brown said, to believe that "you have J Deltasigs 1-522 people will make C SMITH Happy 20th Tulips in use today were not even the proper decisions, granted sunrise, and Sinatra. Still tomorrow ? Goody-2-shoes friends 1-5 22 Service for seniors Snown 25 years ago. Even nylon that they are well-informed DRESSMAKING GOWNS and altera itockings were not in common about the problems." Motar Board, senior womens' ise until 1930. he said. Brown said that the best prep¬ tions. Experienced Reasonable PS CONGRATS to our Phi Beta charge Call 355-1040 20-5 29 honorary, initiated 21 members f The editor said that when this aration a journalist can have for Kappa. too-Judy and Kathy Your chosen the basis of scholar¬ on lew period in history arrives. Alpha Chi Sisters 1-5 22 meeting this "gravest and brav¬ Louie Bender, East Lansing junior, dictates a let¬ PAT BAKER-Sewing and altera¬ ship. learning, character and £he communications media est" responsibility is the study tions ter to Acting President Adams. Bender, self-pro¬ SIGNS OF SPRING robins, Reasonable rates 6377 Shoe service at a ceremony last frill play a major role. of people and their environment man. Road, Haslett. or phone 655- week. claimed vigorous non-candidate to succeed GAMMA PHI Pledges-Hats off to flowers and apartment seekers ; In this age. whatever it is "Journalism is the study of Adams a successful raid Thanx for Gam¬ Advertise vacancies with a Clas¬ Those initiated were: Eleanor that we are caught in. nobody as MSU president, is a member of the things that affect people. Mazola my! The Gamma Phi Actives sified Ad Dial 355-8255 1-5 22 Adams. Hamilton. Ohio: Cas¬ A-ill play a more important role Party. 2-5 23 sandra Book. Kankakee. Ill : WE'RE LOOKING forward tc Looking for more than just a job' Marsha Day. Grand Rapids: ball game Sunday-Good luc Check the Employment column ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking by Your Little Sisters in today's Classified Ads' experienced seamstress able charge Call 355-5855 Reason 3-5 23 Eleanor Farrell. N.J.: Susan Gebelein. Butler. Plainiield. HEBREW PROF SPEAKS Pa : Barbara Hickock. East Like Hotcakes Lansing; Betty .Julian. Detroit: Typing Service Judi L. King. Oscoda: Margar¬ et Korda. Corning: NY. Also initiated were: Judv Peace primary List. Bay City: Mary K. Mar¬ are secondary. Peace could are non-existent people. he shall. Oil Citv. Pa.. Diane come with negotiations w th the said. OFFSET PRINTING of theses and dis Matthews. Livonia. Elizabeth Arabs. It need not be direct, Blum noted that even though concessions at the negotiations." Monroe. Key West. Fla.: Emily - Twenty-one years of constant and should have no conlftions the Arabs do not recognize he said original or multilith master Low Moore. Indianapolis. Ind : Jane hostilities between Israel and placed on them, he added. Israel, negotiations could de¬ Blum was critical of the four Scholz. Svlvania. Ohio. the Arabs is Blum said that a major ob¬ enough. Y. Blum, velop. He cited the example of power talks on the Middle Fast Also Sally Shea. New Orleans. stacle to the negotiations is professor of International Law the U.S. talks in Paris with the "First of all. we in Israel no¬ La.. Pauia Sikes. Warren; ;jt the Hebrew University in the psychological rather than the National Liberation tice that two of the Front powers. Candis Simone. Iron Mountain; Jerusalem, said. military attitude of the AraDs iNLFi. even though the France and the USSR, are pro- SECRETARIAL BOOKKEEPING Peg Stevenson. East Lansing: Blum, speaking on campus "The Arabs balk at negotia¬ United States does not recog¬ Arab. and that any four pow¬ SERVICE. Typing and mimeograph Jill Templin. Dearborn Heights, tlonday. said that the basic ting with the Israeli because nize the N'LF. er guarantee will be in the ing Phone 484-2800 O and Georgia Wilson. Oscoda problem in the Middle East Israel doesn't exist in their "We don't insist on any con¬ interests ot the four powers that of bringing about peace. minds, and therefore, sinoe Is¬ ditions for peace. We believe and not Israel or the Arabs." And that all other problems rael doesn't exist, the Israelis that demands should not be He added that the soone# Service TOYOTA Retail Sales "itpGu^to know" PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A uniqut the big powers leave the middle East, the better it will be for quality thesis service. IBM typing, peace in the Middle East be¬ multilith printing and hard binding 1961 cause both sides would then have 576 337-1527. to work out a peaceful settle¬ TERM PAPERS accurate and rea ment. sonable price Script type Olivetti- 1962 711 Underwood 355-3239 3-5 21 The peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations drew critic¬ ism from Blum 1963 1,096 He said that none of the in¬ ternational conflicts since the formation of the UN has been 1964 2,029 completely settled by that in ternational bodv "We Israel IV dis 1965 6,404 appointed with the UN he of its failure to work out a YOU GET MORE ADVANTAGES permanent settlement for peace, 1966 WHEN YOU GET LIFE INSURANCE 20, 908 EARLY! The earlier you begin your partly caused by the large Arab and pro-Arab bloc in the l'.\." family's life insurance program, the he said. 1967 more you benefit. Your premium 38,073 payments are lower, easier to Blum added that the Middle budget. And your physical eligibil¬ East is big enough for both BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 f( 1968 ity is easier to establish. It also all positive A negative. B i the Arabs and the Israelis and 71,463 pays to know how State Farm can and AB negative $10 00 O negative¬ that the fratricide fighting be¬ provide a life insurance s'00 MICHIGAN COMMUNITY How does 1969 ESTIMATED 150,000 plan that best fits your needs and your budget. | && | BLOOD CENTER. 507'z E River. East Lansing Above the Gram nev your tween nations the in only the two Semitic world should. and end So ask me about it today1 I"""""" J Campus Book Store H( Tues Dan Monti Hagan, Wauwatosa, Wis., freshman, takes over one of the many chores of •dnesdav Thur Before you ^.growing plants and flowers In the greenhouse behind the Horticulture Bldg. buy Stat® News Photo by Michael Sirna any small car WANTED FURNISHED studio Up to 1110 In Okemos East Lansing Test-Drive the Call Karin. 353-7873 or 332-8248 TOYOTA Corona You'll be Glad GIRL GRADS desire er June 12 to Volkswagen camp¬ July 15 355 389:? Board backs 61 teach-in You Did!!! 3-5 22 -photographic The statement also nize f rater nit MOVING' r (continued from page one* urged the VACATION? Highly reli % able young couple wishes to rent The board mandated its rep¬ Academic Council to adopt the proved rather i tonight in RYAN & TOBIN home beginning fall term 351-7642. resentative to the Academic position that ROTC should be of¬ living units which would mean WHEELS of Lansing insurance 339 MORGAN LANE HOUSEHOLD GOODS and miscella 5-5 23 Council to urge the council to take the following position Statlis of ROTC: on the fered as an extracurricular tivity without academic status, and that ROTC should no ac¬ linger that housemothers or graduate advisers would not be to live in the houses. required The rec¬ 2200 S. Cedar FRANOOR neous for Tower-Hart Church bene That the council, be considered as an academic ommendation further requested realizing the - fit sale Phone ED 2 6980 5-5 23 Only minutes from the campus - Go west 351-0050 Jangers of a professional mili- department. that any house which did desire le The Beal film "The Great I Film Gr on Mt. a housemother or graduate ad¬ Hope then 2 blocks south on Cedar LADY WISHES hous $2 an hour ±' rv force, recognizes the need In another major action,, the harlie Chaplin tonigl plus bus fare ' Mus board voted to support the non- visor. be supported on a 50 5() OPEN Mon. & Thurs. until 9 P.M. Call 484-6089 anytime jfor a continued commissioning i 106B Wells Hall of college men as officers in the candidacy of Louis Bender. East salary basis by the University, >nts and IDs are not re as is now the practice. Armed Forces Lansing junior, for the presden- That the council reaffirm the cv of MSU. The board announced that ^"e Tb" GOING HOME FURNISHED dio apartment ONK-Bedroom or stu¬ from June 15th Call »bht of a student to achieve an 'duration according to the stat- Officially the board said that it "approves of the vigorous non- to the cancellation of th«~ field day. the coincidr Freia. 353-8764 candidacy of Bender for Presi¬ rally was also c.»- or 351-9142 2-4 23 jd principles of MSU. and along board voted to ho, THIS SUMMER? "he student's own guidelines for £ future career as for fulfilling Sis military obligation, as in the dent of MSU. and affirms that the excellent credentials and. ideals he embodies are eminent¬ ly. Wednesd-y. at tiic near Beaumont Tower ,uh» to dis- ing Th(? e [ will be 7 30 an SDS Chapter tonight in 38 a fase of ROTC. ly pursuant with the desired di¬ cuss ASMSU's position on ROTC , nior Delegates to the Nation; Find Out About All rection and progress of MSU. The board appointed Tony Ro- ventl< The Campus Happenings. GOOD ROTC The board voiced its support of an Interfraternity Council (IFC) redefinition motion ask¬ senthal. ior. as vice to Winchester. Va the ASMS! president in charge of sen- cabinet His night Gabk y i Seniors Nigh the from Rathskell 8-10 p m Orrier a mail ing that the University recog¬ special projects ^tejr Subscription TODAY! SHOW (continued from page one) Although the ceremonies were ^>eld in the isolation of the sta- hum. Public Safety officers Hannah lauded and cy The Michigan Society of Psychiatry Neurology is sponsoring ;i speech and luncheon at noon today in the Mer¬ Hall Auditorium in Lansing The topic of the speech will be The Future of provided security for the com- that had there been no John (continued from page one Psychotherapy and Community Mental inissioning. Hannah, there would today be HealthFor further information, contact When you get prompt Before the ceremony. ROTC no MSU as we now know it improvement of society." the H.C. Fein. 372-4660 iTATE MEWS & action, full value and satisfactory results, you "student officials topes that no demonstrations expressed new director of the International Agency for Develop¬ " mark John Hannah has made his indelibly on our society. night 345 Student Services Michigan State University building aig| know what is meant by the expression "Good ^ould occur. But if there were i confrontation, vould make no the move cadets unless ment said "For your support, for friendship, for your kindnesses your was Acting President Adams, who accompanied bv ASMSU College Life, the weekly meeting of Campus Crusade for Christ, will meet East Lansing, Michigan 48823 ^ ° ' J -j demonstrators attempted to over the years and for today's President Tom Samet and MSU Board of Trustees chairman at 9 tonight in West Wilson lounge Tioize the flag, one cadet said. recognition, thank you. Gov ^ Milliken. thank all of you' mem¬ Don Stevens, said Hannah 'is y The commissioning ceremony bers of this legislature Thank truly irreplacable. " And that expression is ^limaxed four years of mili¬ tary and academic training for you very, very much." Hannah Adams also referred to his very common with V Air Force and 48 Army ca¬ said. earlier opinion that only Gen. Want Ad fans. They dets and one WAVE. Earlier. Gov. Milliken praised Charles de Gaulle, with his for¬ Free reflectarized tape tor any I know the little low-cost heeled vehicle will be distributed f $4.03 BRINGS ads will get the job done, - Following his address Adams Hannah by saying. 'T deeplv-a^i- titude and "comhat experience, to 8 p.m. tonight in Lot T i presented the President's Cup mire him. his ideas and his ac¬ could be a worthy successor to quickly and efficiently, > Dept of Public Safety Everyom YOU THE ro the outstanding Army and complishments." Hannah. day in and day out. \ir Force cadets Receiving the He said MSU is such an Rep Jackie Vaughan. D-De- awe¬ Charles P. Loomis, research professor City, State, Zip Code - STATE NEWS award as Army cadet was Ken- some complex of people and troit. who introduced the reso¬ facilities that it "is too immense lution of tribute, said it of sociology, will speak tonight at 6 in peth Allen. Goodrich senior. John was the Akers Auditorium He will speak on Foreign Countries Add $3 Postage ALL SUMMER F Chapman. Romeo senior, was to have been molded by ?the meant to "sav in a small way. the topic of "In Defense of Integration: he outstanding Air Force grad¬ hands of one man alone. But we "thank you' to a great servant For One Nation and One World ." Fa- uate. can §ay with absolute certainty of our time Thursday, May 22, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Salem: By CHARLEY WEIRAUCH Israeli of Salem said that the Israeli government can depend t.i itv pressure groups in Washington to influence (' S' ,>• bias eligion calls for the creation of d of their heritage. Their profe Salem said that the large Britian in 1920. by various nationialistii ed the Middle East into ' an armed camp US favoritism towards Israel is pushing the Arab world farth¬ cerning the Arab world. He said that it was the responsibility f the hi. er under the influence of Soviet communism, an Arab-Ameri¬ The policy as it stands now is simply to pit . i i to help put an end to the crisis of world peace in tl can lecturer told the Arab Club last Friday. world from falling under the domination ot fh;■ : -^SK East, they they have created. Sam Salem, speaking to 85 people in the Union Ballroom, said. But the pressure groups are causing the : .. y t, " But any final solution of the conflict must be • said pro-Israeli sentiment has been prevalent in the United the Middle East. backing for taking 1, Israelis and Palestinian Arabs." Salem said States since the early 1940s "In spite of this propaganda, the wnriii d the \i The Arabs have asked for re-partitioning ot Pales: This bias has caused relations with the Arab world to de¬ public is becoming more skeptical oi 11.«• 1947 and the Jews want one united, political state lie s m: cline to their present, lowest level. ' Salem said. ist intentions.'' Salem said. he said. Salem said that neither ot these standpoints wo Salem stated that relations have never recovered from the ion "They are beginning to ask wh\ the /.ion si t• nth ( said that the crisis, but that he proposed that there be the ci actions of the Truman Administration when it sanctioned the the exclusion of the Arab world from Palestine uui • solid defen: a bi-national existence of Arabs and Jews Palest partitioning of Arab Palestine in 1947 to create Israel United States has developed its present animosity a in reconciliation efforts the Arabs." equal level. • The Eisenhower and Kennedy Administration had made efforts towards reconciliation.'' he said. "But Johnson turned the Middle East over completely to Israeli sympathizers Prof at summer camp By MARGARET YAX says learn versity professors and I think that the professors would bene¬ ftW The nation's youth should have fit by working with the non an understanding of nature and man through ecological concepts, professional committed stu¬ according to a MSU professor testifying before a U.S. Senate Committee dents." he said In addition to his other sug¬ gestions for the bill. Twardzik 50 S Luis F Twardzik. chairman of recommended a three-summer PESCHKE'S TOP VALUE STAMPS Park and Recreation Resources, graduated program so that corps WITH THIS COUPON AND men could attend three differ¬ FULL SHANK HALF 15 TO J9.99 PURCHASE said this understanding may be ent camps. tobacco. accomplished through summer work experience and study in summer camps instructed bv uni versitv professionals. SMOKED ii., May 25, .J* mmy Speaking before the U.S. Sen¬ 'U'doctors, HAMS S ate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, concerning a bill ioo to establish a national Youth Conservation Corps. said that youth should have the Twardzik students TOP VALUE STAMPS opportunities to be exposed to an understanding of their nat¬ ural environment. form (excluding beer The bill, as originally by Sens Henry Jackson. D-Wash. proposed Although an M.D degree has L redeem at kroger Thru. Sun. .43 m* aw fs IH and Ted Stevens. D-Alaska, ap- never been granted at MSI*. plies to students. 14 to 18. to the University now has a Medi 1 be used tion tor work on conserva- projects in U.S. parks and cal Alumni Assoc. The organization was formed PESCHKE'S 150 I I forests. last week by a group of 7 USD A CHOICE^ TENDERAV BOSTON BUTT- Twardzik expressed agreement medical students and 20 medi- Circus PORK ROAST OR TOP VALUE STAMPS £ with the bill in that it does not limit the youth in this pro- cal doctors who graduate or undergraduate de- studied for Franks BOSTON WITH THIS COUPON A f i PORK S 15 to j/9.99 PURCHA i gram to the economically disad- greesat MSU. vantaged Dr Charles Sander, an asst. A significant portion of young professor of pathology and sec- ROLL ■■ excluding beer wine OR ' redeem at kroger 1 lUmmmmmmmt people are already disadvantag- retarv of the association, said ed in not having been exposed to that this education regardless of so- the organization was purely organizational right ROAST STEAK cio-economic status, he said. Twardzik also said the bill now" but eventually they would ' hold educational seminars for 200 could create the same enthus- medical graduates and other lasm that went into establish- physicians." TOP VALUE SUMPS ing the Peace Corps. the students in the organi- The need for youth to be- zation are now enrolled in come acquainted with, and have MSU's College of Human Medi- work experience in their natural cine The college is presently environment, is so apparent that classed as a two-year medi- this bill, as incomplete as it is. cal school and this June the .already includes some of that first MSU medical class will intangible excitement that graduate. The graduates will helped establish the Peace then transfer to schools that Corps as a unique social move- offer the M.D. degree. Dr. San- ment. This program would be dersaid. educational, he said Present at the meeting Sat- Twardzik said there is a need urdav were physicians from lor university instructors and Chicago. Milwaukee and Boston graduate students with back- as well as from Lansing and ground in ecology and other re- other Michigan communities, lated fields to work with high Medical student Lance E. school teachers in instructing Olson, was elected president: and supervising the work done Dr. Arno W. Weiss of Saginaw at these camps was named vice president: and I like to think that some stu Dr. Sander, secretary dents would bend it by being ex- The aHUoriation will meet posed to instruction from uni- again 111 October Volunteer Action Bureau •M'Mmk*4 v-ffM'NTKKR Nfcfctft MICHIGAN TI|L^a Sever- Vtlillrtlter oppovlMiiil- • *' W unifcto have alreadv revested vol- Michigan Train** 1%. sgmtner plaVemeftls in the The MTU is a boys' thii cn^Wftrfv Students who are interested ,n volunteer w«rtc sHduid cbn tarl % Vtsf • Volunteer Bureau prior to stlfDWf term if possible The following f'PPfirtunities will remain open during the s,lmmer Sf'ECIM. REQUEST HOUSE PAINT¬ COUNTRY CLUB J ING an resident i* in need of Ice Cream vnluflUtbft; b, j,aint o* YtA" 38* Redeem at Kroger | Thru Sun., May 25, 1969. days and wouiu ut a g days and would be a good project for a delinquency problems ll«' 1 COACHELLA VALLEY 40 SIZE! RED RIPE residence hall fraternity >r sorority Brother is assigned for the purpose * INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY assisting the boy AND BOY SCOUT OF AMERICA need of one male and . female" volun- teer to work every other Wednesday rught independent mat adulthood with goals and plans for th. J'J?, PINK WHITE CALIFORNIA BOY'S CLUB OF LANSING: Volunteers I GRAPEFRUIT with a group of high school boys and girls are needed for all areas at the Boy s Club The purpose of the group is to the medical profession volunteers from the explore and consequently Health Sciences 01 Lansing Any individual interested in working with boys from 6-18 would be welcome Boys from the club Would par ° 25 ^VJxh'ch POTATOES strawberries needed are NORTH SIDE COMMUNITY ACTION ticularly like someone to conduct a tumb till CD 50 PASOUALES PIZZA lin workshop or help organize a tumb¬ CENTER Volunteers are needed to ling club v^ork in the North Side Children s Club on OPERATION SHOPPING BASKET This CD 50 LYEVAKED GOODS Saturday ijnomings. Activities vary from is a program conducted at the North Side week to week and the children always Action Center Volunteer drivers are Coupon if rip good thru outnumber the volunteers needed two hours a month. The volun¬ Sun., May 25, 1969 0OY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Have re¬ teer would pick up a lady from the NORTH quested two male — Side Community and take her shopping L/M/T ONE PER CUSTOMER assistant leaders for gym and swim club and offer hints on food marketing habits programs Volunteers will work with The opportunity offers a rewarding ex¬ voulh of all ages and backgrounds VETERAN ADMINISTRATION HOSPI perience for a minimum commitment TAL--BATTLE CREEK: Has requested This is particularly good opportunity of MSU faculty staff and grad vslunteers help TV VA hospital is a w » menial facility with a 2.000 bed capacity