Thursday The golden rule Cloudy . . . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ... is that there are no gold¬ . . . today, tonight and tomor¬ row. Chance of showers en rules. --George Bernard Shaw STATE morning and late Friday. High this today 70-75, low tonigfft 48- UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 2 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19,1969 Ann Arbor officials expecting continued ANN another troubled From Our Wire Services ARBOR -Officials braced night Wednesday after for confrontation bureau predicted campus with a police. The weather 50 per cent chance were disruption "Everyone had been congregating and blocking the streets like Monday Reporters at the scene said police first used smoke bombs, but later switched night/' Joyce Portnov, a junior from to tear gas. hippie leaders called for a second con¬ Though U-M President Robben W. New York. said. "There were about frontation with police to follow a head- Flamming claimed most of the 1.500 Many students, ending an evening of 15 police there at the beginning and cracking ruckus that left 22 injured studying in the undergraduate library, youngsters involved in a wild melee the kids started calling them names." and 52 in jail. were trapped in the building by police Tuesday night were not university stu¬ The young people had been drinking and ordered to stay Ignoring a shout-down of their demands dents. he appealed Wednesday to young there until the and were staging motorcycle and car at a rally on the University of Michigan area was cleared. people in the community to stay calm races and were blocking the street, pol¬ campus Wednesday noon, leaders of and stay home to avoid further trouble. Monday night, police stood by and ice said. the White Panther and Trans-Love En¬ allowed a three-hour beer bust and Local officials flatly warned they would Lines of helmeted police moved up ergies Organizations urged another try not permit a takeover of South Uni¬ party-like demonstration to continue on South University toward the campus, at making part of South University Street (Please turn to page 9) versity Street, where the confrontation clearing the street and the sidewalks. a liberated people's street ." occurred Tuesday night following a trou¬ While the rally, attended by some 700 ble-free beer bust demonstration the persons, went on. U-M and city officials night before. huddled to map plans for a possible An estimated 500 officers from the third straight night of trouble on the State Police and five local agencies street, which borders the U-M campus. swept through the taunting, rock-hurl¬ Those at the rally-predominately ing ' crowd, arresting 52 young persons. face board high school - aged youngsters with a Pleads for sprinkling of students and adults-shout¬ ed proposals that a one-block segment of the street be permanently closed 24; of them on the felony charge of rioting Others were charged with creat¬ ing a distrubance and malicious destruc¬ Cantlon to U-M President Robben Flemmfng pleads with demonstrators In tion of police property. off and turned into a people's park. Ann Arbor in an effort to prevent further violence. He walked provost nominee Officers swung rifle butts and night between police lines and student groups for three hours before the But hippie leaders took their demands and 85 followers to City Hall anyway sti.cks and fired smoke bombs and tear as demonstration was broken up with tear gas. AP Wire Photo and called for a 9:30 p.m. (EST) ga? guns. Fifteen policemen were known to have been ever Cantlon will not attend the meeting injured by flying objects, By BARB PARNESS and at least seven of the demonstrators State News Staff Writer due to a previous appointment. also hurt. John E. Cantlon. professor of Cantlon. a stranger to administrative were ecology PRESS BARRED All were treated at local hospitals in botany and plant pathology, will be processes. received Science from the University of Nevada his Bachelor and released. nominated as provost at the board of in 1947 and his PHD from Rutgers Un¬ Mayor Robert J. Harris quickly flew trustees meeting Friday. informed in; from Pittsburgh, Pa., where he was sources said Wednesday. iversity in 1950. He received the Dis¬ attending a meeting of the U.S. Con¬ Cantlon. who has been on the MSU tinguished Faculty Award in 1964 He has served on both the Educational Factionalism threatens ference of Mayors. After assessing the faculty since 1953, was the first choice situation, he issued a statement blam¬ of the Policies Committee and the Graduate faculty-student committee to aid in selecting the new provost, the'sources Council of the University. ing the ruckus on the youngsters. • The sad events of last night were said. If approved by the trustees. Cantlon Cantlon expressed some regret that will replace Howard R. Neville, who will if he is approved as provost he will not not a police riot.'" he said. "Thev were not Chicago all over again." be leaving office at the end of August. be able to spend much time on a re¬ Authorities said they had been tip- Cantlon said that he was contacted search project he has been working on split SDS convention research grant from the to late last week by Acting President Adams He has a P' ' 'hat a takeover of the street was about accepting the position. He said National Science Foundation to do some planned to make it a "liberated people's that Adams urged him to accept the work in ecological studies. street" and were ready to clear away Cantlon sees the role of the provost the crowd, sprinkled heavily with hippies nomination. and Cantlon said that Adams indicated that as the senior academic officer" deal¬ motorcycle gangs from Detroit, Factionalism < opposition to the war. This factionalism is carried out in 45 miles to the east. he thought it would be a good idea for ing with the problems of scholarship" CHICAGO. - Student activists from Black Power. Maoism, guerrillaism. the setup of the coliseum. A big red- The order to break up the crowds MSU to have a provost who had not had and the "problems of the inter-relation¬ across the country converged Tuesday hippieism > is dividing SDS, even as it and-black sign dominates one of the came shortly before 9 p.m., EST, any previous administrative experience. ship between departments and faculty." to attend the national SDS convention at confronts the status quo. after one officer was reportedly struck After talking to Adams. Cantlon re- Adams said that he believes any pro¬ the Coliseum here numerous tables declaring "The duty In addition to outside threats. SDS of every revolutionary is to make rev¬ on the helmet by a bottle. Then hel- cteived formal notification of his selection vost must have "unquestioned academic Member of radical student groups such credentials as a teacher and as a scholar. as Student Mobilization Committee is beset with internal difficulties olution." meted police carrying night sticks and by the committee and an invitation to attend Friday's trustees meeting. - How- He has to be an individual of the i SMC i and Black Panthers as well Staughton Lynd. a former SDS mem (please turn to page nine) long guns swept down South University. ber. was prompted to write a letter highest personal integrity who would as SDS have hitchhiked and panhandled command broad support from the faculty." to New Left Notes, an SDS weekly: their way to attend the convention Adams continued "Is it too much to ask that we try An atmosphere of factionalism pre¬ Warren M Huff. D-Plymouth. said to recover the sense that we face over¬ vailed among student delegates during that he would have to wait and consult Defeated Lindsay battles registration Wednesday The repre¬ whelmingly difficult objective problems with his collegues on the board of trustees to which no one has ready answers0 sentatives of numerous divergent groups before reacting to Cantlon's nomination here appeared to be squaring off for a see related story p. 6 I don't want to do anything that would political power struggle. create some inflexibility for the new- You're going to see a faction fight "Present SDS practice appears to me president." he said. indistinguishable from that of the old forge here like you've never seen in your life. Karen said. Miss Latimer an MSU student Latimer, MSU delegate is not "Many of us are here as observers because enrolled we no longer approve of the dog¬ as left sects in the days of my youth Caucuses form, meet secretly, and cir¬ culate position papers. tion, "Finally, amid much mutual denuncia¬ there is a vote. Whatever fact¬ to NEW YORK i AP)-Mayor John V. Lind¬ new in urban party' the recent mayoral elections in Los had little chance of attracting Democratic Clifford blasts matic tactics of SDS.'' Joe Sallow, Ford- ional position gets most votes becomes say. striking back at what he called "the Angeles and Minneapolis. votes. forces of the ultraright." said Wednes¬ Also on Tuesday. Jersey City. N.J.. The New York election results put ham the "correct political perspective for University delegate, said Sallow Mayor Thomas J Whelan. running on a Marchi in the unusual position of running key officials is a senior from Long Island. N Y the coming period day he will forge a "new urban party" for the fall mayoral election with inde¬ law and order" plank, was re-elected. without the support of his official running pendents. liberal Democrats and Republi- In Buffalo. N.Y.. Alfreda W. Slominski. a conservative Republican, won the GOP The candidates with Lindsay for City Following his defeat in the city's Re¬ publican mayoral primary Tuesday. Lind¬ mayoral nomination. Lindsay rejected this conservative trend. Council, for president and comptroller. Sanford Garelik and Fioravante Perrotta. of S. Vietnam chafe won their races. But they joined Lind¬ Profs say said that conservative State Sen. John J Marchi won the GOP nomina¬ say at his news conference to say they NEW YORK (AP> - Former Defense My theme in the campaign will be tion because he "hung onto the coattails are sticking with the mayor. Secretary Clark M. Clifford says the "a mayor for all the city.' We will of fear and reaction and the backlash. "We started as a team and will con¬ United States should order a reduction ol create an independent line for a new He stands for negativism." Lindsay tinue as a team," Perotta said. " fighting in South Vietnam and remove al! of selection in recent interviews that it would serve said of Marchi. and appeals to the forces of hatred and divisiveness." The conservative tide also swept over urban party." Lindsay did not detail any formal efforts to establish a new party and said no name had yet been chosen. He to After his news conference. Lindsay took the sidewalks of (please turn to the page city, starting 9) its ground combat troops by the end ol 1970. In a remarkably candid statement Clif¬ By LINDA GORTMAKER useful purpose to publish the document the Democratic mayoral primary, carry¬ ford blisters the South Vietnamese govern¬ Executive Reporter no already is on the November ballot as the as it stands now. ing City Comptroller Mario A. Procaccino candidate of the Liberal party. ment. picturing its leaders as having a Some faculty members want to know "I hope you will understand that this to victory over former Mayor Robert F big stake in continued war. Wagner and Puerto Rican-born Herman The victory by Procaccino. political As the Saigon authorities saw it, the more about the inner workings and is not because we are suggesting new Badillo. Bronx Borough president observers said, appeared to help Lindsay, thoughts of the all-University committee directions that we want to keep secret longer the war went on, with the large- U.S. Rep.— James H. Scheuer and who remains the only liberal candidate, scale American involvement, the more from the rest f>f the University or that looking for a new MSU president. writer Norman Mailer trailed in the while Marchi and Procaccino might split we in any way mistrust our colleagues." stable was their regime and the fewer Two professors sent a letter to Dale Democratic field. the conservative "law and order" vote. concessions they would have to make to Hathaway. chairman of the All-Un¬ Hathaway said The conservative sweep, in a city long Had Wagner or Badillo won, these iversity Search and Selection Committee (Please turn to page 9i other political groupings." he said. a liberal bastion, paralleled the results observers reason. Lindsay would have His statement, appearing in Foreign (AUSSCi May 29 asking the committee to publish its tentative statement of de¬ Affairs, quarterly of the Council on For¬ sired aims for the University. eign Relations, is the most outspoken AUSSC presented the statement to the INT comment on the Saigon regime to come from a recent U.S. government official board of trustees in May. but decided at this level. not to publish it because it is not a polished, completely-agreed-upon doc¬ ument, Hathaway has said. Tanck joins Cabinet committee He makes these 1. As a proposals: first step, the United States should announce it will withdraw 100.000 See text of letter p.4 talents and skills to the programs avail¬ troops before the end of this year. The 24-year-old director of MSU s unteer programs in colleges and uni¬ 2. "We should also make it clear that versities across the country able. The professors who wrote the letter office of Volunteer Progrmas will be¬ As an undergraduate. Tanck was direc¬ this is not an isolated action, but the be¬ The volunteer program is one of the are Edgar A Schuler. professor of soci¬ come a staff consultant to the Cabinet ginning of a process under which all largest and best developed organizations tor of Spartan Spirit and a member of ology and Russell J. Kleis. associate Committee for Volunteer Action July 1. the U.S. ground combat forces will have professor of continuing education James Tanck. a 1966 graduate of MSU, in the United States. It began in 1962 Homecoming Committee in 1964-65, been withdrawn from Vietnam." with the Student Education Corps. and was ASMSU Cabinet president in "We commend your committee for has taken a six-month leave of absence 3. "Concurrently with the decision to (SEC > a joint student-faculty effort 1965-66. developing such a statement as a basis to work with the committee,_which was Tanck begin withdrawal, orders should be issued for your work and sharing it, while to give children in crowded schools joined SEC in 1963 and was set up by President Nixon to plan country¬ asst. to our military commanders to discontinue individual attention and moti¬ co-ordinator in 1965-66 and co¬ still tentative, with the Trustees." the letter read. wide programs of volunteer action more vation to attend college some ordinator in 1966-67 he During the time Victory efforts to apply maximum military pres¬ sure on the enemy and to seek instead to was co-ordinator and asst. co-ordin¬ Senator John Marchi of Staten We believe that it should also be " The committee is chaired bv The Office of Volunteer Programs reduce the level of combat." George ator. SEC more than doubled its num¬ shared, while still tentative, with the established in 1967 It has Island, N.Y., prepares to vote 4. "While our combat troops are being Romney. director of Housing and Urban was now ber of volunteers. entire university community and a very volunteers In Tuesday's New York City may¬ Development and former governor of 3,000 working in more than withdrawn, we could continue to provide interested public." it continued. During Tanck's absence John Cauley, oral primary. He defeated Mayor Michigan. 30 programs. the armed forces of the Saigon govern¬ presently head of the Volunteer Bureau, John V. Lindsay for the GOP Hathaway's June 3rd reply to the pro¬ Tanck will also work with the White The Volunteer Bureau was formed will be acting director of the Office of ment with logistic support and with our fessors' letter stated what he has said House Youth Staff in establishing vol¬ in 1968 to help volunteers suit their nomination. AP Wlrephoto air resources." Volunteer Programs. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 LANDSLIDE UNLIKELY FBI defends Results uncertain in Irish elections in wiretapping case DUBLIN (AP) - Ireland's ment. The house speaker was WASHINGTON AP^ The field of internal security and, gaily obtained evidence. Clay election ended Wednesday night returned unopposed. FBI attacked as scurrilous therefore, was within the pro¬ is appealing a sentence for re¬ with a heavy turnout at the They voted in 42 districts, Wednesday a report that Dir¬ visions laid down by the then- fusing induction into the armed polls, a chorus of cries of "foul'' each returning from three to ector J. Edgar HooVer acted President of the United States. forces. and a general expectation that five members. The voter got a on his own in wiretapping the It is to be hoped that you The Justice Dept. at that nobody can win. list of candidates, up to 14 in late Dr. Martin Luther King will give the same publicity time said Clay at no time was Prime Minister Jack Lynch, some districts, and marked Jr. to this letter as was given to the target of a government wire defending a party record of 12 them off "1,2, 3" and so on in The wiretap "was specific- your scurrilous editorial." tap. But a spokesman said some years in power, declared him¬ order of preference. ally approved in advance in The fact that the government of his conversations were over¬ self confident of an outright The system is intended to writing" by the then attorney wiretapped King's phone was heard during the course of other victory, but in the next breath give full expression to minority general, the late Robert F. disclosed two weeks ago during wiretapping operations. announced he would be ready to form a minority government. views. It puts a premium on personality over party, which Three for Kennedy, the FBI said. The FBI released the text hearings in Houston. Tex., on whether former heavyweight the Specifically. FBI logs showed conversations were with Opposition, leaders declared explains why Irish politicians of a letter written by Clyde boxing campion Cassius Clay's King and Black Muslim leader themselves certain of considera¬ spend much of their time shak¬ Adnerence to the "three's a crowd" principle goes unnoticed, as this "back¬ A. Tolson. associate director, conviction was tainted by ille- Elijah Muhammed. ble gains. The Irish pro¬ ing hands at weddings and fu- seat" rider prepares for a spin. State News photo by Bob Ivins to columnist Cart T. Rowan, portional representation sy¬ who denounced Hoover Sunday stem, however, is supposed to and called for the director's have a built-in bias against resignation. landslides, making any drastic The letter said: swing unlikely. At its simplest, the election was a vote of confidence in 52- year-old Lynch and his Fianna Dickerson questio to you "My attention has been called the malicious article which wrote in the Washington Sunday Star on June 15. 1969. Fail, Soldiers of Destiny, concerning Mr. J. Edgar Hoo¬ form or party, successors of the men who fought against partition in the Irish civil war. The opposition was divided between the centrist Fine Gael in judiciary's By MARILYN PATTERSON that resolution or decision null power According to the amendments will probably be questioned ver. "For director of the FBI. your information, the wiretap on Martin Luther King Jr. was specifically approved in advance in writing by the late --Irish party-led by Liam Cos- State News Staff Writer and void and that the vice presi¬ the vice president may request should the judiciary ever re¬ attorney general of the United dent for student affairs shall that the judiciary review a case dean's decision. States. Mr. Robert F. Kennedy. grave and deriving from the men Milton B. Dickerson. vice verse a ypoluathnse who accepted partition, and the have veto the but he may not reverse a de¬ "I do not oppose the amend¬ This device was strictly in the president for student affairs, no power over union-backed Laborites led by said Wednesday that changes judiciary's decisions. cision made by the judiciary ments," he said, "but I un¬ Brendan Corish. made last month in the powers "I'm amazed that the coun¬ derstand that the members of Previously, a judicial de¬ All normal political pointers of the Student-Faculty Judiciary cision of inconsistency with the cil didn't discuss the amend¬ the judiciary were not in favor Eritrean had suggested that Fianna Fail, deal with powers that have nei¬ freedom report was only re¬ ment allowing the judiciary to of the amendments. They were the party of business and the small farm, was due for a set¬ ther been used The nor misused. changes, which take place ferred to the appropriate body declare administrative decis¬ and the vice president had a ions null and void," Dickerson not consulted about them and they did not ask for them. It grenade said. is just something KARACHI, Pakistan piastic and stowed in an alum¬ three members of the Eritrean main parties if he wishes and that a judiciary declaration call¬ Soon after astronaut Neil Arm¬ inum tube attached to one of Liberation Front. him. - many of them do. strong steps on the moon July the* four landing legs of the The plane's right wing ing a resolution or an admin¬ "This testifies to the fair¬ was The 1.75 million electors had istrative decision inconsistent ness of the judiciary." he said. 21, he will plant a 3-by-5-foot lunar module. The staff, in two destroyed^ and eight persons to choose 143 members of the with the Academic Freedom Re¬ "No one has ever seen fit to American flag on the surface. pieces, also will be stowed there were reported injured. The at¬ 144-seat Dail, the Irish parlia¬ port has the effect of making until Armstrong assembles it. tack was made a half-hour after appeal any of its decisions." The flag, made of nylon, will the It shows that the judiciary has be mounted atop an eight-foot Armstrong. Edwin E. Aldrin plane landed from the Ethio¬ been fair and lenient." Jr., and Michael Collins are to pian capital. Addis Ababa. staff. It will be wired so it will The freedom report he said, stand out and not droop. rocket toward the moon July 16., Airport police arrested three Potted Armstrong and Aldrin will ride Eritrean youths and seized two MSU SOARING CLUB was set up to give the students several levels of appeal and The National Aeronautics and the lunar module to the surface Sten guns. They said the youths Mrs. Juanlta Lloyd, resident advisor of Van Hoosen the amendments take away the Space Administration said Wed¬ foujr days later while Collins or¬ fired at the plane from 50 feet Hall, prepares her petunia "farm." nesday that en route to the moon bits overhead. State News photo by Jerry McAllister First Meeting: 202 Men's IM final level, the appeal to the vice president. the flag will be wrapped in Richard Rose, Soaring pilot will speak on THE STATE NEWS COOL-HEADED, PURPOSEFUL Thermal Flight vs. Power Flight Ann Arbor The Stati slayer drawn News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published e ery class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and Orient ion issues in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 TONIGHT! Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Pre ANN ARBOR (UPI)~ The He might also be "an ex- June 9. But Holmes, an assoc- and. perhaps, even provoke a Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mic elusive murderer of six young tremist from any quasi-polit- iate professor of psychiatry at response of bitterness, rage igan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. 7:30 p.m. girls in this area was pictured ical camp." flouting society as the University of Michigan, pic- and contempt-in the form of Second class postage paid at East Uansing, Michigan. by a psychiatrist Wednesday a "merciless executioner of tured a single killer in The another murder. Sign up for Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigs as a "purposeful cool-headed any enemy to his cause," Dr. Detroit News. Holmes said the fact that most He discounted uggestions 0^ State University. East Lansing, Michigan. kiUer who would likely Donald J. Holmes suggested. t^e slain girls apparently demonstration The murders, as yet unsolv¬ that the man w« deranged went with the killer willingly ed. claimed the lives of girls sadist, unable to help himself, makes him seem to be "simply rides. atonal 355-8252 Classified Advertising 355-8255 between the ages of 13 and 23. screaming to be captured. a smooth operator who digs Display Advertising 353-G400 All their bodies were found in "Signs abound that he is a chicks." Business-Circulation 355-3447 the last months within 23 a purposeful, cool-headed killer Photographic 355-8311 BULLETIN 15-mile ant area Authorities have been reluct- to assume a single killer who plans carefully and kills in an unshakeable. svmptom- free and fully self-justified con- "a a He also pictured the killer conspicuous show-off" with "fondness for the instruments as viction he is heroically fulfill¬ of torture" who may be hint- The winged Spartans will 'have a learn-to-fly infor¬ ing a far greater mission that 'n£ °f inside information about mation meeting and ground TOPS IN TRAVEL his own personal pleasure." the killings to his friends. Hol- "school sign - up session Holmes wrote. mes a^so sa'^ man 's un~ ARRANGEMENTS ■Mon. June 23rd at 7 p.m. "A righteous-sounding appeal doubtedlv of high intelligence in room 31" Union. Learn CALL delivered by anyone whom he an^ selected girls unknown to to fly when the weather is COLLEGE TRAVEL might consider the agent of a him to avoid being traced, bestl despotic establishment' could Authorities reported no new 351-6010 very well inspire his scorn leads in any of the six slayings. r ■IN1 MARSHALL SALE men's permanent press Buy now during Marshall's once a year inventory reduction reduction sale! bermuda shorts 2 for $11 STEREO Zenith Circle of Sound Empire turntable with arm Major Brand Closeout Plan to summer in cool and Sovc $40. AM/FM Stereo Radio wiltless shorts from our Other display models »« $170.00 up to 20% off Name brand components List $109.95 close out collection of great new Voice of Music up To 30% OFF *79? - colorings. . .polyester and $20.00 cotton traditionals in solids, glen plaids and in time checks. . all at for your vacation savings One only Zenith Living Theater Color 23" phono and radio Sony Model 530 List $399.50 Big One J250. Savings Only and leisure plans. $150. Save on Display Models w JacabsoriB Marshall MEN'S STORE 210 ABBOTT RD. Ask about display model specials r "EVERYTHING 235 Ann St., E. Lansing 351-7830 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 3 NO INCIDENTS NEWS summary Tight security set A o«r capsule summary wlrs ssrvicss. of ths day's svsnts from for Rocky in Brazil SAO PAULO, Brazil arrival in the country Tuesday were large numbers of police¬ -This South American indus¬ "My theme in the cam¬ was too tight. men, wearing helmets and car¬ trial center clamped on the So many students have been paign will be 'a mayor tighest of security setups for rying long truncheons. Some arrested that there are not wore shields, which are used for all the city.' M e will Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller's enough of us left to demon¬ in demonstrations, and still visit Wednesday. create an independent line strate.'' one student said. others had gas masks 'for a new urban party." This was his third and last Pamphlets were distributed stop in Brazil, Latin America's about Rio Janeiro but they wel¬ A police helicopter followed —John I I.indsay, . comed Rockefeller. Rockefeller's around Rio. lagest and most populous na¬ They were car mayor of \ew ) ork City tion. He moves on to little Para¬ signed by various groups, in¬ Hp stayed at a hotel on Copaca- guay today to continue his cluding bankers and professors. bana Beach and a police boat mission for President Nixon. Sao Paulo officials were pre¬ patroled in the ocean in front pared for the worst. Police of it. International News The new York chief execu¬ sources said the security ar¬ Some Brazilians in bathing tive's stay in Rio de Janeiro rangements were among the suits waved as Rockefeller's Tuesday and earlier Wednesday tighest in Brazilian history. car moved along the beachfront The Vatican, one of Italy's largest stock¬ was wrapped in official warmth Sao Paulo, the nation's second Avenida Atlantica. but the usually ebullient Cario- holders, was reported Wednesday as trying largest city, has been the scene to unload its interests in Italian companies Low sp cas greeted him with general of bombings and other terrorist indifference. acts against the military- to Americans, including the Rockefellers. Tte double aim was said to be to avoid Brewrey strikes in Milwaukee are forcing that city's drinkers to quench their thirsts with beer imported from other areas. The brewrey strikes, now in the Rio students had called for backed regime. There were few crowds near Hathaway set second week, have practically drained Milwaukee of -the beverage that made paying $2 million a year in Italian taxes and the city famous. Negotiators say that settlement is near. demonstrations during the visit but apparently the security im¬ the route of the Rockefeller par¬ ty in Rio. to steer' group to expand Vatican holdings abroad. Associated Press Wirephoto posed long before Rockefeller's Throughout the city there The Italian government estimates the Vati:ans total holdings at $160 million. continue for another year as • • • chairman of the steering commit¬ tee for the Academic Council. Eiemy troops hit two American installations Israeli jets hit Arab forces The newly-elected steering near Laos and Cambodia Wednesday, but were committee held an organiza¬ hurled back at both points with heavy losses. tional meeting last week The U.S. officials said captured documents indi¬ committee now has its first vice chairman. Richard Sullivan, cated the Communist command had ordered By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS an American woman tourist and on the Jordanian positions. One Jordanian Foreign Minister He charged Israel with delib¬ chairman of the Dept of His¬ its troops to step up attacks on U.S. bases. Israeli jet fighters bombed witness claimed to have counted Ahmed Tukan has cabled all tory. wounding another, erately placing guns in civilian American losses were 10 killed and 12 and strafed Iraqi and Jordan- But the Israelis declined to 25 planes taking part in the Jordanian embassies and its and tourist areas in order to Hideya Kumata. professor of wounded. ian artillery units for five hours officially link the restaurant raid permanent delegate at the Unit¬ "conceal its aggression and communication, will serve as • • • Wednesday, in Israel's strong- attack Tuesday with Wednes- Jordan's Crown Prince Has¬ ed Nations giving details of damage Jordan's reputation. ' secretary. est assault on Jordan this vear day's air raid. san was visiting the area, at Tuesday's exchange of fire in In Saigon President Nguyen Van Thieu the time of the attack, a Jor¬ which Shirley Anderson. 26. said Wednesday South Vietnam is preparing Wave after crossed the wave of Jordan jet planes River The air raid followed several Israeli warnings to Jordan, both danian dispatch said. Rochester, N.Y., was killed A PORTABLE TYPEWRITER? to ' shift to a lesser degree of fighting and cease-fire line to attack Arab public and private, to stop fir¬ move to the political phase of the struggle gun batteries and guerrilla con¬ ing artillery into Israeli terri¬ Definitely consider for peace."' Thieu said the Communist forces will soon centrations in southern Jordan around the Prince Abdullah and Damiya bridges and a 30-mile tory and to stop growing cooper¬ ation between its army and the Arab guerrillas. ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * a HERMES. Hermes typewriters are see that they cannot maintain their agres¬ front stretching north of the Witnesses Complete front end repair and swiss engineered for in Dead Sea reported the jets comparable performance sion for a dozen more years. came in low to fire their rock¬ alignment and durability "Thev cannot win over South Vietnam with No planes were hit. the Is¬ ets. circled over the northern * raelis said, and no Arab air end of the Dead Sea. and then Brakes * Suspension weapons and cruelty," he said on the eve of power was encountered. Jor¬ returned to make strafing runs South Vietnamese Armed Forces Day. danian sources reported heavy * • • • Wheel balancing * Steering antiaircraft fire throughout the TOPS IN TRAVEL raid, but witnesses on the Is¬ An investigation board excused a key Amer¬ ARRANGEMENTS ican witness Wednesday from testifying about the collision of the U.S. destroyer Frank raeli side said they saw none. On Tuesday Iraqi units had fired salvoes at artillery a res¬ CALL USKEY'S Auto Safety Center COLLEGE TRAVEL 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 E. Evans and the Australian carrier Mel¬ taurant on the Israeli-occupied shore ot the Dead Sea. killing 351-6010 bourne and went ahead with its effort to find the cause of the crash. Shop Mon. thru Fri. 9 AM to 9 PM, Sat. 9 AM to 5:30 PM Lt. J.G. Ronald C. Ramsey, deck offi¬ S8S cer of the destroyer at the time of the disas¬ ter. said that his lawyer had not been granted certain rights that would remove his constitu¬ tional protections. National News The House voted Wednesday to prevent federal regulatory agencies from restricting cigarette advertising until July 1, 1975. A bill proposing a waiting period until 1972 was de¬ feated by a standing vote of 114 to 87. The House also refused to require that cig¬ arette advertising- include a statement that smoking may be injurious to health. • • • A positive identification of the body of 10-year-old Mary Mount was made Wed¬ nesday in New Canaan, Conn, bringing to an end the massive three-week hunt for the daugh¬ ter of an IBM executive. Police said she received a skull fracture serious enough to cause death, but they were not certain what caused the wound. New Canaan police Chief Henry E. Keller said the death definitely resulted from foul a complete stock of new and play, and the investigation is proceeding as if it were a homicide. used books to save you jljp to 25% • • • The State of Wisconsin served a cease and Buy Used at SBSH desist order Wednesday on the captain of a damaged river barge, which was leaking oil into the Mississippi River. The oil was spreading a Chin film 15 or more miles down the river along the Minne¬ sota-Wisconsin border. The order will give NEATNIKS Step Out in Stripes the state authority to fine the captain $500 a day if the oil continues Brawny and bold wide stripes race up and to seep into the river after a deadline Wed¬ down PERMA-PREST® oxford cloth of polyester and cotton that never needs iron¬ nesday night. ing when tumble-dried. With tapered body. Across Fm» PEAlA-PREST Dress Shirts in Solids ... $5 Michigan News S B S Gov. William G. Milliken told 1,200 en¬ thusiastic Wolverine Boys State delegates CHARGE IT Sears Revolving Charge Wednesday that young people need a "whole on new set of rights," including the right to vote ^l^tudent ^^^ook ^^^tore at, age 18. The governor also called for the establish¬ .Scais ^he.VteuA- ment of a Bureau of Youth Services to han¬ 421 E. Grand River The store within a store at Sears, Roebuck and Co. dle youth programs in the state. EDITORIAL More Another chapter in the con¬ federal ies, and all the promises we've How you gonna repressio campus keep 'em in the classroom ivhen tinuing struggle for law and ord¬ heard about erradicating pover¬ they discover the inconsistencies that exist in er the American Way is about ty and getting out of Vietnam America ... the rotting and disease that is in¬ to be written by the Nixon ad¬ that have produced only token¬ ministration. ism and Hamburger Hills. festing our cities, and all the promises we've heard The newest chapter is a bill Presently it takes a request about . . . Vietnam that have produced only to¬ introduced Tuesday to the House from the governor of a state kenism and Hamburger Hills. Education and Labor Commit¬ to employ federal troops into tee that would give college offi¬ any part of a state, including a cials a new weapon against cam¬ campus. This new bill, spon¬ pus disorders-court injunctions sored by could even be a breach of the 'Vith federal intervention, the the White House. Jus¬ backed by the full force of the tice Dept. and HEW, would au¬ fifth and sixth amendments of fu games are over, kiddies. federal government. And that thorize college officials to di¬ the constitution. Trial by the 71 s new bill would mean re¬ means, yours truly the Army, rectly seek court injunctions institution that is also the prose,- pression from the worst source Air Force, Marines, Navy, Mer¬ from federal courts to force the cutor would be neither fair nor -a far removed, heavily cen¬ chant Marine, Boy Scouts of impartial. tralized office which has al¬ opening of campuses closed by . America and maybe even Mrs. dissidents. Allowing college officials to ready shown it understands lit¬ Nixon's bridge club--if a col¬ There are more goodies in¬ call in federal troops only in- tle of what is happening on lege president decides they volved. This measure would al¬ creases the depth to which th^ campuses today. might be useful in keeping his so amend the bill passed earl¬ federal government has become We can only hope that our classrooms open. ier this year that requires a submerged in campus affairs. el ?cted representatives in Wash¬ All this after repeated state¬ withholding of federal finan¬ All too often federal measures ington have a little more sense ments by administration of¬ cial aid from students who are have been entirely repressive than to pass such a hard line, ficials that they wanted no "When are we gonna' get around to a South new convicted of rioting by a court and not reformative. We have authoritarian measure. legislation from Congress. But when the decision is upheld by a already seen that campus disrup¬ --The Editors Vietnam withdrawal . . . ?" it's the old story of How you tions are best handled at the college hearing. This new bill gonna keep 'em down on the would erase the need for a local level, hopefully without farm when . . . court conviction. It would also any outside intervention. If and extend the time that aid is with¬ when that intervention means GEORGE BULLARD Or in this case. How you gon¬ held from two to five years. troops, this too must also be na keep 'em in the classroom The question here is whether handled locally. Anything of a« when they discover the inconsis¬ tencies that exist in Ameri¬ ca. none of which are being at¬ an institution that suspends a student can be depended upon magnitude that would require federal troops (and it is doubt¬ ful that this would ever occur) If bad movies get you down to give him a fair hearing. It's tended to-the rotting and dis¬ rather like the university play¬ should go through the governor ease that is infesting our cit¬ of the state. ing judge, jury and executer. It Volunteer programs began in 1%2 as the Volunteerism. the donation of time and Student Education Corps. Cauley. shuns the image of the super- In 1967. trus¬ The infinite wisdom talent to others, seems vanishing in this decade of the protest, the computer and dorm-delivered pizza. Everyone, by the tees established a gram under the direction full-time volunteer pro¬ Tanck. Tanck. incidentally, of James R. efficient. omniscient charity worker who swoops down unwanted, flaps his wings for a while and flies away leaving little time he flunks an ATL exam, has left is considered an expert on volunteer programs. He will accomplishment. The bureau's philosophy, the do-a-good-turn stage and joined the described by Tanck as We wish to commend the in¬ Mountain as it was called leave MSU July 1 for a six-month post 'operational." sould like where s-the-TG ranks of revelers. Volun- before it became we doubting Thom¬ as staff-consultant on President Nixon's could well include the quip by Thomas finite wisdom and judgment a military ases. but we cannot help but teerism in this latter rank consists of an Cabinet Committee for Volunteer Action. L. Masson that "professional charity is of Maj. Gen. John M. Wright, stronghold i will be worth what¬ wonder why Hamburger Hill annual nickel in the Salvation Army " The philosophy behind volunteerism." the milk of human blindness." Christmas bucket. The bureau's brand of volunteerism commander of the U.S. 101st ever price is paid for that piece has once again become so Counterbalances to this attitude seem according to Tanck. "is that government, uses of real estate-for at least a or industry cannot solve all the problems qualified amateurs and operates on a Airborne Division, who. in a damned important. Maybe lik^- phenomena of the future: the Peace facing a society. Today's problems are people-to-people, not an institution-to- month or so. gesture of bravery and honor strategic positions in Vietnam Co^ps. VISTA and similar programs that everyone's problems: each man has a role people. basis. Over 3.000 students now above and beyond the call of An then we can abandon it contract for a year or two of time. to play in their solution." work in volunteer programs And Cauley. shift from week to week. This At MSU. however, altruism lives. It is who succeeds Tanck July 1 will be glad duty, is prepared to retake Ham¬ again. But if we're lucky {he week it's important, but who not as healthy as it could be. but then Tanck's. solution is the effective coor¬ to hear from anyone else vho wishes to dination of over 30 programs ranging from burger Hill "if it takes an Viet Cong will once again re¬ it's officially only an infant. It's sub¬ donate a few hours each week in an area knows, perhaps it won't be next sistence on campus is provided by the tutoring delinquents to playing " big broth¬ of interest. His entire division." capture it so we can start all week. At any rate we can Oflice of Volunteer Programs and through er" to blind children. Tanck sees the office is in Room 26. Student Services Bldg. If it does take an entire over. And with inflation and thi bureau, students can match their time bureau as one that meets "conflicting" always go after it again, can't needs: the need of the student ("for If TGs, bad movies and mandatory division. General, rest assured the spiraling costs of real we? Have you constructed an talents with need and neglect. The lectures are beginning to wear on your bu eau refers student and faculty volun- practical experience . a need to do that you have the complete estate, the hill should be worth mind, take a break, stop by the volunteer your estimated casualty te. rs to individual programs or people good' "> and the need of the commun¬ bureau and volunteer some time. trust of the American public a few more lives the next list yet, your optimum kill- ity ("Additional manpower to assist in whom they can work toward a com¬ Hell, you might even find that accom¬ behind you. We know that time. solving community problems, etc."). ratio? Last month it cost us mon goal. The volunteer bureau, headed by John plishment is an experience unique to your Hamburger Hill (or Ap Bia Please forgive us General, if 50 young American boys and four-year stay on campus. over 310 wounded. How many more this month. General? And the month after that? 'S MIND PUT END TO SILENCE But Maj. Gen. Melvin L. Zaid (last month's commander of Report should be published your glorious troop) has already informed us that your job is to attack and destroy the enemy Mobilizing the students' To^he Editor: is best defined as the maintainance of resources student body This board would adminis¬ During the last few quarters the State ter the fund and govern the selection the GPA necessary for obtaining the wherever they are. That might EDITOR'S NOTE: The following sity is concern with knowledge -its ^Ne'ws has published a number of arti¬ degree for which the student is work¬ process.1 While faculty and administrat¬ is the text of letter sent to Dale discovery, teaching, and preservation. not be a bad way to fight all ing (i.e. 2.0 for undergraduates and ive advisors would be desirable, they a cle^ on the necessity of providing a Hathaway, Chairman. All-University Agreed. But knowledge for whom and the Viet Cong in one place. university education for the members a 3.0 for graduate students). Since should if possible, serve only in an for what0 This question, though contro¬ Search and Selection Committee, from of the lower income strata of our so¬ graduate students can usually find other advisory capacity versial. is unavoidable in a society Surrender the hill after you've The above outline is by no means Edgar A. Schuler. professor of So¬ ciety. While these articles have often sources of support, the first priority ciology and Russel J. Kleis, Asso¬ committed to the rights of freedom, "attacked and destroyed" all should be given to undergraduates whose definitive and it should be treated proven thought provoking, they have, as ciate professor of Education. information, and non-violent dissent. the enemy who were holding to the best of my knowledge, produced families earn less than $5,000 per year. a tentative proposal intended to open Your committee can set a worthy fev appreciable results. Race should not be a consideration in discussion on a proposal which appears and it and a new batch is bound We very much needed example by TVhile the reasons for this failure the selection process. to be both feasible and useful. This were very pleased to learn, publishing your statement now before to take it again. Then you can ary varied, the most significant are The fund would be administered by a project if adopted would by no means through the State News, that the All- firm positions are taken by your com¬ University Search and Selection Com¬ destroy that batch. Before long th< inability of the university to allo¬ board of student trustees, containing at solve the problem but it would be an mittee. the trustees, or the many sufficient funds to implement the least one representative each from the initial step in the right direction. mittee has transmitted to the board the entire Viet Cong army will cate others who are legitimately concerned. all university student governing bodies, of trustees a statement of "desired have passed over Hamburger programs so far suggested and the If you fail to do so, the informed and aims of the University" as a first faOure of these programs to take this interested student groups, the scholar¬ informative public dialog essential to Hill and hopefully will have situation into account. Consequently. I ship recipients, and at least two at step toward fulfilling its responsibili¬ the functioning of a free society will ties. We understand from one of your been destroyed in the process. wdhld like to suggest an alternative large representatives elected from the be precluded in this important case. comments before the Faculty Senate But there's the minor difficul¬ program of action which would cir¬ Heaven forbid so serious an error at so that the statement is still in tenta¬ cumvent this problem by mobilizing crucial a period! ty of how many American th£ resources which lie exclusively with¬ tive form We commend your committee for Accordingly, we urge your tee to reconsider its present commit¬ policy of lives will be lost in the pro¬ er he student body. .'he primary aspect of this program, To the Editor Establish college of peace developing such a statement as a basis collective silence toward the Univer¬ cess. for your work and for sharing it. while wlvich is based upon the BSA's idea Open letter to the present and fu¬ the ideas of peace deserve a special sity community and the public, and When asked if congressional Presidents and of Trust¬ still tentative, with the trustees We ol k_ a voluntary scholarship fund for ture Boards place on campus. I would like the Uni¬ to promptly publish its tentative state¬ criticism had made Ham¬ of Michigan State University: believe that it should also be shared; blsck students, is the levying of a $1.00 ees versity to study the establishment of ment of desired aims for the Uni¬ Non-Violence Training School and while still tentative, with the entire burger Hill politically sensi¬ „pi would be guaranteed to the student retained on campus, no matter how Peace major and to aid the establish¬ a>: long as he makes satisfactory pro¬ repugnant its philosophies of patriotism ment of such a school. and militarism may be Thomas T. Moore, gress toWard a degree at Michigan State But. also under the Lansing sophomore Satisfactory progress in this instance same purposes. MICHIGAN OH, IT'S SUPPKTlMElsVPPEKTlME, 4fcS, IT'S SUPPECTME,7HE VERY SVPPK71ME, 6UPP6RTIM6.' BEST TIME OF WW//OH, IT'S SUPPEKTl ME! IT'S SOPPERTlMEf STATE NEWS Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor EfliME? UNIVERSITY Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Kreli, editorial director Jeff Elliott, sports editor Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Thursday, June 19, 1969 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS 1 ViGAMES OUT OF 2ND Australia's Laver top seed for upcoming Wimbledon Tigers take 2 from Yanks from the New York Yankees, Tigers did Toledo farm club, clubbed a two LONDON (UPI (--The Wim Wimbledon and and U.S. in 1938. Laver turned the trick in gerous on grass. The honor of the top spot From our wire service pick up a game bledon seeding committee agrees 8-0 and 6-3. and half second place Bos¬ run homer in the fourth inning- 1962 He has already won the among the women did not go to NEW YORK--Bill Freehan a on with tennis fans the world over. and Mickey Stanley homered to The doubleheader sweep ton. as Cleveland topped the Red his first major league hit. It Rod Laver is the man to beat Australian and French Opens the defending champion. Mrs. back John Hiller's six-hit pitch¬ stretched the Tiger's winning Sox 4-2. followed a single by Willie Hor- The red headed Australian has this year. Billie Jean King of Long Beach. streak to seven consecutive Detroit is but 14 games ton. McAuliffe's three-run blast Tony Roche, of Australia, who Calif. Mrs. King, who will ing in the opener and Ike Brown now been top-seeded for the Wimble¬ out of second came after a walk to Tiger bowed to Laver in Wimbledon's be seeking her fourth consecu¬ and Dick McAuliffe drove in games. place but still don event June 23-July 5. in five runs between them with a Baltimore refused to let up trails the Orioles by 812 games. hurler Mickey Lolich and Stan¬ which he will be the defending inaugural Open in 1968, is second tive Wimbledon title, has been pair of second game homers though as the Birds won their Freehan led off the Tiger ley's single. champion. seeded and Tom Okker of Holland placed a notch below Mrs. Mar¬ 11th game in their last 13 starts, fourth in the opener with his Lolich had a four-hitter for Laver will be seeking his fourth third. Ken Rosewall. who lost garet Smith Court of Australia. Tuesday night as the Detroit Tigers swept a doubleheader defeating Washington 5-1. The eighth homer of the season to seven innings before faltering in Wimbledon crown, and also to Laver in the final of the Only three Americans other give Detroit a 4-0 lead and Stan¬ the eighth when a walk to Frank striving to keep alive his hopes French Open, is placed fourth. than Billie Jean and Ashe are ley hit a three-run shot in the Fernandez and doubles by Ron for a second " grand slam.' U.S. Open champion Arthur in the top 10 seeds. Davis Cup eighth. Woods, Roy White and Bill Rob¬ Ashe is slotted fifth. Ashe, who star Clark Graebner of New York Hiller. primarily a relief spec¬ inson produced the three New Rod Laver a feat never accomplished. whipped Okker in the U.S. final, was placed seventh, and Nancy Don Budge won all four maj¬ ialist. struck out seven and York runs. or titles of Australia. France. has been having his troubles on Richey and Julie Heldman are walked six in the European circuit, but is dan¬ fifth and seventh, respectively. pitching his first complete game of the season. Tom Dick McAuliffe tripled home Tresh in the first and McAuliffe and Norm Cash scored Ten Spartan swimmers in the third on Willie Horton's double. Brown. just brought 27 up year old rookie from the Tigers' earn All-American honors No more tickets for Ten Michigan State swim¬ Flashing. N.Y.. Mark Holdridge. ing Spartan scorer in the NCAA mers have earned All- Bas' Village. Ohio, and Dick meet while Laniai was the lead¬ Crittenden. Palo Alto. Calif : ing Freshman scorer. MSU-ND game American events listings in tKe 1969 honor squad seven sophomore Van Rockefeller. on The selections are based announced by the NCAA All- Huntington. Ind.. and freshman mainly on the top 10-12 fin¬ MSU football followers can Jeff Laniai. Pleasanton, Callif. America Selection Committee. ishers in each event in the an¬ stop sending in orders for tickets Spartans making theUniversity These Spartans honored nual NCAA for the Oct. 4 clash at Notre Division were championship meet. select group are senior in :our individual events and in Dame. Duane Green. Battle Creek. thi$e relay groups. Kalmbach Applications that had to be Doug Todd. Anybody need some grass? limited to students, faculty, and Don Rauch, Wilmette. Ill : Philadelphia. and Rauch each three times were and listed Richards. U-M-MSU sellout alumni and season ticket hold¬ Pa ; juniors Mike Kalmbach. Gn-en and Crittenden twice ers have already exceeded the Work began on Spartan Stadium Wednesday morn¬ Sylvania. Ohio: Bruce Richards. eaV allotment of tickets available ing as workers began tearing up and hauling away Tacoma. Wash.. Bob Burke. Kalmbach was the top scorer University of Michigan ticket to the game, according to ath¬ the old worn out sod. Th« grass will be replaced on • this year's Spartan team manager Donald Weir has an¬ letic ticket manager Bill Beard- with Tartan Turf by the time the Spartans meet whi.;h finished third in the con¬ nounced that his school's sup¬ slev. A lottery will determine Washington next fall in the season opener. which applicants will actually Stobley honored ference behind perenial powers. ply of tickets for the annual Indrana and Michigan. Rauch MSU-U-M game has been sold State News photo by Bob Ivins receive game tickets. wasiteam captain and the lead¬ out. Fred Stabley, MSU sports in¬ formation director, has been Simpson signs guest role awarded the John H. Kobs Award for the best baseball brochure in the nation college HIUEL FOUNDATION Stabley was presented the 319 HILLCREST AT W. GRAND RIVER in new CBS T V. series award by Tom Rowen, presiden' of the National Collegiate Base¬ ball Writers' Association, dur¬ (ONE BLOCK WEST OF BUS STATION) RABBI ABRAHAM ZEMACH, ADVISOR ing the College World Series CULVER CITY. Calif (UPI) Chad Everett and James Daly. Simpson said he still hoped to presently being held in Omaha, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 7;30PM --The glamor of show business beg;ns on the CBS television play football for the Bills and Nebraska. has attracted another famous network this year.' did not consider acting a full The award was named after OPEN HOUSE & MIXER athlete-football star O.J. Simp- Simpson, who has been hav¬ time career although he studied the late John Kobs, head base¬ ing troubles in his professional drama in college. ball coach of the Spartans from Everyone Welcome football contract negotiations "A lot of people point to Jim Simpson. the Heisman Trophy 1925 to 1963. winner from Southern California, with the Buffalo Bills, will step Brown and the success he's had.'' has been before the cameras at MGM on Simpson said "Acting is some¬ signed for a guest-star¬ ring role in an episode of the June 27 in the role of an All- thing I would like to go into new hour-long \IGM television American stricken halfback who was at the height of his after my playing days are over.'' "The role in which we have Women's IM Bldg. series. "Medical Center.' The series, which will star career. cast O.J is of major propor¬ open in summer tion. We are convinced that he This summer for the first is the best possible choice for time, the Women's IM Bldg. Namath, Jets Iselin the part.'' said producer Frank will be operating for recreation¬ Glicksman. Glicksman said the al activity. Faculty, students, script was not originally tailored staff and university guests will agree to meet Rozelle for Simpson in that he was be allowed to use the facili- tested before being cast. A special new feature will be NEW YORK 1 UPI >--Joe Namath. the retired'' quarter¬ the 6 p.m.-8 p.m. swim for men back of the world champion New York Jets, met with the There will be a meeting to¬ and women. During the summer president of the Jets for one hour Tuesday and agreed to night for all men interested in session the meet with Pro Football Commissioner Pete Rozelle regarding daily pool hours are umpiring this summer in the IM for and his possible return for the 1969 season women girls only. Open League Softball play. The The pool hours are: Monday- Namath called it quits June 6. in a tearful scene at his meeting will be held in 208 New York City nightclub, choosing not to yield to an order IM Bldg. at 7 p.m. Friday 11:30-3:00 and 6:00-8:00: from Rozelle that he get rid of the nightclub or be suspended Saturday 11:00-3:30 and 6:00- 8:00: Sunday 1:00-4:00 and 6:00- from olaving Rozelle had said the nightclub. Bachelors III. 8:00 was a hangout for undesirables. Namath met with Jets' president Phil Iselin at Iselin's apartment. A team spokesman said Iselin and Namath would try to set up a meeting with Rozelle. but would not elaborate. TOPS IN TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS High great 3k CALL COLLEGE TRAVEL 351-6010 Style Standard by inTime DINING OUT Mr, John Carver For a Princess Grace slender neck: pull down shoulders, LONGINES IS IN ... stretch head toward hold for 20 ceiling... ULTRA-CHRON seconds. Watch yourself in mirror — you can at "JIM'S" see the difference I Cracked fingernail? Clip nail, ' Broiled Steaks and put on cellophane tape, cut to shape, cover with polish. Your Dinner Favorites Make your hair gleamingly Nightly healthy by keeping scalp in ► Greek Food Every shape. Use comb with smooth -edged teeth (tortoise is best) Saturday Evening . . . and avoid raking scalp — it's the same tender skin See our com¬ ' Lansing's "In" Spot as your face! plete of selection handsome In 16th century England, Longines Ultra people whitened teeth with Chron watches. mixture of powdered brick, eggshells, coral, cuttlebone with myrrh added for INVADES? . . . flavor. Guaranteed Accurate to a Minute a Month. Create rouge that matches For the man on the go, this your lips: streak lipstick in solid 14K gold Automatic Cal¬ palm of hand, add drop of baby endar watch with genuine oil, mix . . . dab on cheeks leather strap. with fingertips, smooth with damp make-up sponge. New stars are born every day in our salon! Visit, us at AMERICA RESTAURANT & MR. JOHN'S HAIR FASHIONS TIFFANY LOUNGE 116 E. Michigan Ave. JEWELERS IV 9-1196 207 S. Washington - Lansing Available ort RCA Stereo 8 Cartridge Tape v Free Evening Parking 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 INFILTRATES WORKING CLASS Panthers want money Police spy' says for selves WASHINGTON »AP> - Two former members of the Black SDS Communistic Panther party testified in a heavily guarded Senate hearing room today the militant black force has spurned its original WASHINGTON (AP)-A po- asked to join the SDS to de- In reply to questions by mem- purpose of self-defense of the lice infiltrator of the Students termine if its activities bers of the Senate subcommit- slums. for a Democratic Society threatened U.S. security. investigations, Kihnel (SDS) told the Senate Tues- The officer said he at- said the SDS does not wish Larry Clayton Powell and his' be called wife. Jean, both clad in black, day the SDS is a loosely tended numerous local meet- to a Communist^ front group because it has wearing berets, eye shades and organized Communist ma- ings of radical groups in New carrying the quotations of Mao chine actively striving passed that point. overthrow the U.S. "I'm not saying all SDS Tse-Tung, told the Senate sub¬ govern¬ members are Communist." he committee on investigations the ment Lansing in 1968 Black Panther party is now di¬ said, "although that point "Groups closely involved "It should be clear at this be debated. Ninety per rected by people who only want with the SDS are involved P°>nt in the political develop- can cent of those on the board money for themselves. in the collection of weapons.-' ment °f the New Left, he The party began with the Lawrence I. Kihnel Jr said. said. that SDS is the spear- admit thev are Communist. head for the New Left and In a House hearing before idea of helping black people." "And the SDS teaches wea¬ that SDS is not a front for the Internal Security Commit¬ Mrs. Powell said. She said it or¬ pons use at its workshops." the Communists. tee. a Jesuit priest mentioned iginally began with approximate¬ Kihnel. a detective on the "SDS is a radical revolution¬ the SDS in saying militarism, ly 40 men in Oakland. Calif. Jefferson Parish, La., sher¬ racism and poverty are the "The members have either iff's intelligence division. ary group — a Communist real sources of violence in been assassinated, set up to be said he successfully infiltrated group loosely organized but ef- killed, set up to be arrested or 4 the SDS working class fectively coordinated, striv- this country now. expelled, which leaves only ope ing for the eventual over- The Rev. Richard. T. person to run the Black Panther cratic Society- for seven throw of the U.S. government by any means necessary, Sorley, faculty adviser to stu- dents at Georgetown Univer¬ sity here, said SDS would have Ready for party at present. David Hil- liard," she testified months and heard 90 per cent Members themselves will While other residence halls take a breather from lin't got, but there's plenty of friendly Mrs. Powell said she defected of the SDS's national leaders testify to this." no significant power if these evils could not be evoked as three long terms of student use, Case Hall re¬ from the Panthers when the admit they are Communists. Kihnel said he sat three mains open to house summer residence. Air condi- State News photo by Bob Ivins party refused to provide bail The detective said his role feet from Bernardine Dorhn. needing some solution. money for her husband who. she was uncovered last September organizational secretary of the said, was arrested while attempt¬ and h¥ was stabbed in the SDS. when she stated at the ing an armed robbery on the ord¬ stomach by two unknown .as- convention "I am a revolu- ers of the party. High schoolers try U life sailants after leaving a meet- tionary Communist, Powell said he was expelled ing at which he was accused The officer said he also from the party and termed a of being a policeman heard Michael Klonsky. na- counter revolutionary after his Kihnel said he was recruited tional SDS secretary, declare arrest because the party did not bv the sheriff's office while "Our primary objective is to pus music organization related ert and marching techniques. want to spend its funds in his* a student at Loyola Univer- create a Marxist-Leninist chance to see what college life previously of the Craske and to their field of interest. Other programs this summer defense, sity in New Orleans, and was movement. is like. Rambert dance schools in Eng- Band Clinic, a one-week will include honors science "When I bailed out of jail, I v „ . „ t . °ung ballet dancers, mus- „ On Monday the first of two land. Bill Martin-Viscount and track coach and wrest- found out the party had a con- sessjons 0f the Com- Dixie Durr, instructor of health. program beginning Aug. 18. groups, icians and scientists will bring 16 high school bands from ling clinic, and inner-city math tract to kill me and had at- 'Shakedown' among hundreds of high students to participate school munication begin. The Arts Institute will Institute includes physical education and tionatMSU. Michigan to MSU to study con- and engineering groups. tempted to." Powell said. rial programs this summer at iors and for P^^ms high inschool jun- Kansas prison r n seniors lnnrnal- inrs ann <;pninr<; in journal- radio and television, and Research including Corn- LANSING, Kan. n His conquests, in the boud¬ MSU. The value of the experi- ers •seniors will participate in the There is an unending las- oir as well as on the fool¬ ence is. he said, that the stu- Approximately 100 dance stu- ^ & scap, have earned this chap dents live with fellow students dents will study with guest ar- includes courses in someone be of interest in terms mammoth reputation. program a Don in a residence hall and get a tists including Patricia Hardy. applied music, both voice " and - - Reading his works, one is struck of understanding Byron. Juan, a product of Byron's later instrumental, plus music theory by the presence of a rare per- The premise of this book is work probably characterized th- .. personalized and history. In addition, students participate most sonality. essentially a series ot personal recollections made by the poet shortly before his death. W^ romantic side of the poet a did Childe Harold suggest other TOPS IN TRAVEL aspects. misty-eyed, yet it took a bold come t0 these revelations by- Bvron to kindle the Romantic Yet it this roaring. ARRANGEMENTS reading through the manu- image which Lord Byron CALL Age and its spirit before Vic- script" composed bv Bvron in torian ideals dampened both. seemed to enjoy cultivating Greece, and then supposedly A book called "The Misso- which eventually served to dis COLLEGE TRAVEL iost for well over a hundred credit him It is this Byron longhi Manuscript" by Fred- years, 351-6010 whose philosophy of "let there erick Prokosch (Dell — $1.95) j thjnk By judging from what Prokosch shows him to be wine, jkomen. mirth and feel, would not seem far re¬ laughter, sermons and soda- water the day after." whom the moved from our present world of critics enjoyed crucifying. This 1969 Regarded as a liber¬ is sad. more so in the sense tine in his own day. the revolu¬ What's in a tionary fervor, both political and sexual, of this Englishman are comparable to the likes of that only last year. 144 years after his death, did England's Westminster Abbey consent to honor Byron's memory and late Senor Guevara (El Che) work with a spot in her Poet's Hobie's? or even the flower-children of Corner. Now you can choose any of our great stainless flatware patterns and have each piece engraved with your initial at See your Mr MSU Employees Credit Union for a just a small extra charge. Our extensive selection gives per hundred new car loan you a wide choice of designs in comtemporary or tradi¬ (true annual interest rate is 9.8%) tional—all from the world's finest makers. Fresh trench loaf bread. Crisp, shredded lettuce. With your credit union's new, lower rate new car Hobie's secret oil and vinegar dressing. loan, the '69s look even better. Stop by the MSU "FINESSE" by WMF Juicy red tomatoes. Employees Credit Union today and arrange a com¬ $12.00 Mild provolone cheese. mitment loan for real "instant financing" and take 5-pc. setting Your choice of the finest quality meats- advantage of the extra benefits your credit union offers: (Add 25c each Roast beef, turkey, smoked salami for engraving) and ham, and genoa (hard) salami and ham. *Dea/er costs and trade-in information which Mayonnaisse, onions, and a variety of could save you as much as $300 excellent seasonings. *Credit life and permanent disability insurance for no additional cost *Convenient payroll deduction Look comfortable and refreshed all summer long in Hobie's b"right terry cloth slacks, tops, skirts and shifts. By White Stag. Available at SUBMARINE SANDWICHES CARRYOUT & DELIVERY MSl^MPLOYEES PHONE 351-3800 ■ CREDIT? I UNION I SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON «HHI vhbhP East Lansing 209 E. Grand River 1019 - (just across from south complex) Trowbridge Rd. Phone 353-2280 Downtown - 113 S. Washington 9:30 a.m. to 5:30p.m. Monday thru Friday Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 7 Zoo council studies The Beal Film present "Requiem for a Heavy¬ weight," starring Anthony Quinn, at 7 and 9 tonight in 104B Wells. Admission is 50 cents and ID's Group will bird'n beast mals that die in the care and observation, hopeful zoo are Poultry scientist Dr. Cal J. are not required. that it will reach adulthood so brought to MSU for autopsies Flegal is carefully raising a that the zoo's ostrich populat¬ and further studies. young ostrich on a MSU re¬ A mixer and open house will search farm. ion can begin to grow. The council meets four times be sponsored at 7:30 tonight by Pathologist Dr. Daniel F He plans to return the os¬ a year, but MSU researchers the Hillel Foundation. The event trich to the Detroit Zoo in Cowan is studying the habits keep in regular touch with zoo will be held in the Hillel House, June when it is four or five and social behavior of animals officials. In the process, they 319 Hillcrest. and is open to the in captivity. feet tall, about half its adult are able to learn more about public. Another pathologist, Dr height. the care of zoo animals and Charles Cohen, is experiment¬ The council also includes provide training for students The Man and Nature Book¬ ing with tranquilizers for use physicians and veterinarians who will enter the growing field store, located at 328 Student on such large beasts as lions of zoo medicine. from the Detroit area. Accord¬ Services Bldg.. will be open for and elephants. business from 1-9 p.m. Monday ing to Dr. Reed, council chair¬ A special offering by the thru Friday during summer term. These three men. plus a half man. the group has tour func¬ council was last December's The bookstore has in stock a dozen other scientists, make up tions: set policies for health short course for zoo veterinar¬ limited number of assigned MSU's contingent on the Medical programs at the zoo' help es¬ ians held on the campus. It tablish preventive medical pro¬ attracted 135 veterinarians reading paperbacks for some Advisory Council to the Detroit classes this term. These books Zoological Park grams; aid in treating medi¬ from across the U.S. and Can¬ cal problems, and help provide ada. and Dr. Reed savs a sim¬ will be sold at a 15 per cent discount Paperbacks relating to Fido ref Headed by Dr. Charles Reed, the council represents a unique optimum nutritional programs ilar program is planned later this year. self-awareness and social - re¬ effort to make life healthier and "We really don't know much form are also available at a Tiring of chasing garbage trucks, this pooch is now not the most appropriate spot to go wading. Perhaps about the nutritional require¬ Other MSU more pleasant for the zoo's ani¬ representatives 15 per cent saving. hunting lily pads — but how many Illy pads does one this wader will next be found in the Vet Clinic ments for many of the ani¬ the council include Dr. War¬ mal inhabitants. on find in the Red Cedar? Rumor has It that this is awaiting a tetanus shot. State News photo by Bob Ivins mals." Dr. Reed said. We ren G. Hoag. director of the The MSI' Karate Club will Dr. Flegal. for example, is a have to try to match the nu¬ Center for Laboratory Animal hold a meeting at 7 tonight specialist in avian nutrition. He trients that they would get in Resources: Dr. Kenneth K. in the sports arena of the Men's has been developing better diets their natural surroundings. Keahy and Dr. A. L. Trapp. I.M A demonstration will be for the zoo's ostriches and both of the pathology depart¬ the research, as a Lindsay's primary defeat Much of presented after the meeting All rheas. result, is directed at finding ment: Drs. W L. and Virginia interested people are invited. The latter are slightly small¬ out more about each animal's Mallmann. microbiology and er than ostriches. The ranks of needs - both physical and en¬ public health; and Dr. Duane The MSI' Israeli Club will E. Ullrev. animal husbandry both bird families have been vironmental. In addition, ani- conduct a class on Israeli and part of conservative trend international folk dancing from thinned by heavy infant mortal¬ ity. which Dr. Flegal attributes H I.M. to 8 tonight in 34 Women's Beginners are welcome. to nutritional deficiencies. U. of Man and Nature We Have The He has tried The University of Man and WASHINGTON - New Robert G. Wood, a farmer and to hatch ostrich eggs unsuccessfully in his MSU Bookstore SEXIEST Nature will hold a meeting York City has joined Los An¬ News Analysis Monterey County supervisor, easily defeated Democratic laboratory. But Dr. Flegal now and greatest learn-to-fly tonight in 33 I'nion. The topic geles and Minneapolis in a swing Fred Farr. has a young bird under special aircraft of any club on cam¬ of the meeting will be drugs. to conservative candidates with 15% OFF all pus. Big informative meet¬ nomination Tuesday and the up¬ their pre-primarv commit¬ law-and-order platforms. But ing 7 p.m., Mon. June23rd, set victory by Comptroller ments to back Lindsay in Nov¬ oaoe/backs liberals argue the fragmented 106 B WELLS FUCKS- Registration for an enrichment Mario E. Procaccino in the De¬ ember. Room 31, Union. program sponsored by the Red primary clouded the results and the obscured a clear majority vote mocratic primary posed prob¬ "I'm for him all way." LEARN TO FLY Cedar schools will be held from lems for national political lead¬ Goodell said in an interview, June 20 & 21 7&9:30 9 a.m. until 4 p.m today and for liberal or moderate candid¬ WE CALL IT ates. ers. especially GOP backers of calling Lindsay "a Republican Two Silent Friday at the Red Cedar School. Lindsay who remains in the race symbol of urban commitment." "one ups manship" The program, which will be con¬ The defeat of Mayor John V as Liberal Party candidate. He called the mayor's election Horror Classics: ducted from June 23 to July 25. Lindsay by state Sen. John Mar- The consensus was that, even chances "excellent. " * v ill be held at Spartan Village chi for the Republican mayoral if Lindsay pulls moderates and Miller said he thinks most THE CABINET OF Beal Film Group Presents Tonight only liberals together to defeat his GOP senators will back Marchi two conservative opponents, his and Rep Rogers C.B. Morton DR. CALIGARI * Anthony Quinn in Rod Sterling's prospects of future political the Republican national chair Potmon success at the state or level have suffered a blow by national man sonally" who said earlier he "per favored Lindsay • • .AND. . . j REQUIEM FOR A HEAVYWEIGHT his inability to win the nom¬ sued a statement that "It is. ination of his own party. of course, the policy of the PHANTOM * PLUS high WASHINGTON (AP)--Rep. should be interest so naive as to believe a But Sen. Jack Miller of Iowa, say who said he would now Republican national committee primary supporter of Lind¬ to support the party's nominee. White House press secretary back Marchi because "I be¬ Ronald L. Ziegler said Nixon of the OPERA * * * Chapter 1 of "THE HURRICANE EXPRESS" 7 and 9 ID NOT 104 B Wells required 50c Wright Patman. who says he that all the banks in the country lieve very strongly in the two- was aware of the results but Both Films shown twice \ Fri-Sat - Under The Yum Yum Tree fights the little man's battle could raise the price of money party system.'' said he thinks that he ordinarily doesn't com¬ against the big banks, is stock¬ at the same time and to the Lindsay's national future was ment on such elections. A num¬ mm® m Program Info 332-6944 NOW' piling grassroots ammunition same rate without an argument hurt less than President Nix¬ ber of Cabinet officials went FEATURE backing his protest against the Bankers have defended the in¬ on's was when he was defeated out of their way in the closing SPARTAN TWIN FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • THEATRE 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phon* 351-0030 • CtiQlAHfaU&tiMt. 1:15 - 3:20 - 5:25 recent interest rates rise to a for governor of California in weeks of the campaign to give f-H1 ll'HMl inevitable reaction historic high. crease as an to inflation and an effort to ra¬ 1962. New York's two Republican publicity boosts to Lindsay. Election results Tuesday Pj^B33EBElSg * EZXgEEEEBj* 7:30-9:40 Since banks generally boosted tion scarce credit. Patman takes HURRY 1 ENDS SOON I Jacob K. Javits and showed a conservative trend in the prime rate, beginning June no stock in the explanation. senators. Charles E. Goodell. confirmed California, where Republican . DAILY AT 1-3:45-6:30 "THE SEXIEST, WACKIEST FILM HIV"-playboy 9. to 8'^ per cent, letters, post¬ Practically all his correspon¬ & 9:15 p.m. cards and telegrams have poured dents agree with him into Patman's office. His staff Some get into economic theo¬ NEVER SO TIMELY!) Heironymus MERKIN j MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES NEVER SO GREAT!f I estimates the still uncounted pile ry. More tell personal stories of at about 270 cards and letters loans called, plans to buy houses and 60 Some telegrams. are in longhand, some disrupted, college financing costs rocketing SEE IT DURING ever flkERCY Humppe j Torfjet on ruled paper, some neatly A lawyer in the New York THE25TH and happinesstrue find 9» typed by secretaries But most suburbs wrote that he tried to have one thing in common--in- di*> nation help a client buy a $32,000 house The client had $15,000 for a down "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" : 18 not admitted . • Technicolor' It is ruination. wrote a payment. Six banks, the lawyer YEAR OF woman from Los Angeles. 'The said, turned down applications Gary Cooper, Dorothy McGulre, Anthony Perkins, ENDS TONIGHT! banks have the country by the for a $17,000 mortgage at 712 Phyllis Love star in this warm, appealing story D-DAY throat. She added she was per cent. DARRVL F praying for Patman. TOPS IN TRAVEL of a Quaker family In the 1860's. A gentle comedy with a mixture of stirring drama and THE CJo&ngfAd Shown at 7:50 & 9:50 tender fine picture of America. In the House MMESr As chairman of romance—a ARRANGEMENTS Banking Committee, the Texas Democrat opens an investiga¬ CALL STARTS TOMORROW! tion stances boost. Thursday into the circum¬ of the general interest COLLEGE TRAVEL 351-6010 Fri., Sat. - June 20 & 21 DAY The greatest need 7:30 p.m. His aides are garnering such quotations as this, from a law¬ Program Inf. 485-6485 MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES 'Romance and Trag¬ edy on Greece set love and yer in New Orleans: "No one CtiOlM FAIRCHILD THEATRE to infectious tavern SUMMER TERM music and dances energetic popularized Admission $1.00 June 20, 21 in 'Never on Sunday' Ch imes to ring FRIENDLY PERSUASION and 'Zorba Greek.' Marge Bar Program Information 482-3905 2nd SMA$H WEEK, A gentle, tender romance. In color. for U' concerts COOLMMmAf Feature at 1:55-4-25- June 27, 28 7:00 6 9:35 P.M. TO SIR WITH LOVE Beaumont Tower s chimes Starring Sidney Poitier. In color. will be ringing when the summer series of carillon concerts begins July 11, 12 at 4 p.m. Sunday TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE The concerts, played bv MSU ■U" WORLD carillonneur. Wendell Westcott, E isensteli's depiction oc the to be presented through July 31. will begin at 4 p.m each Sun¬ PRULnEuimnn Russian Revolution. Also, "Bszhin M?.ado'V*' (sho-t subject). day and at 8 p.m Tuesdays Walt Disney's JORMIE WOODWARD and Thursdays. July 18, 19 Westcott, asst. music, has been playing the 47- professor of PETER ROBERT WflGflER LOVERS OF TERUEL (French) A Spanish legend of star crossed lovers. bcll carillon in Beaumont Tower since World War II. PAN July 25, 26 DAVID & LISA Visitors to the campus can TFCHNICOlJOR hear a variety of music played Absorbing psychiatric d-am.. on the bells while strolling or Howard Da Sllvu stars. sitting on the lawn surrounding Plus on Same Prograrr Aug. 1, 2 the tower.' Westcott said. CARRY ON CLEO Concerts will featuj-e classical and modern music, hits from "vwtf DlSNPfS ; A zany comedy filmed In Exoticolor. Aug. 8, 9 musicals and movie themes. Winnie A COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG i Visitors are permitted inside the tower during the concerts to see how the carillon is played. : th«Pooh\ ■—ujmnmG A UNIVERSAL 'NEWMAN - FOREMAN PICTURE Cast includes Sophia Loren, Marlon Braodo. In color. After each concert, Westcott will WINNING IS EVERYTHING* conduct a tour of the tower bel¬ I TECHNICOLOR/ FAIRCHILD THEATRE ■ 7:30 p.m. fry. -Suggested for Mature Audiences (Parental Discretion Advised) Single Admission $1.00 Term Ticket $5.00 These concerts are open to the Tickets on sale at the d3Q_L "X"-Persons under 18 not admitted | Shown at 7:40 & 9:50 ■■■■■ TECHNICOLOR'/PAN A VISION' ■■■■■ public without charge 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 mm mm ■ In the You'll find a State News supermarket of values... Classified Ads. Employment The State News does no? HASLETT. ATTRACTIVE 1-bedroom WOMEN: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST To work BAY COLONY deluxe Married couple LARGE house-excellent lo¬ permit racial or religious part-time-nights, 11 p.m.-7 30 a m or graduate cation Kitchen, laundry, parking. student Lease, deposit $120 plus discrimination in its ad¬ ASCP registered or eligible. Would APARTMENTS 332-1918 3-6 20 electric 337-7618 8-6/27 vertising columns. The consider non-registered if qualified 1 SUMMER ONE or 2 men. Near State News will not accept through work experience Excellent & 2 bedrooms. Furnished & FEMALE GRADUATE student, to share salary Apply SPARROW HOSPITAL campus. Reasonable 332-8903, ev¬ • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ unfurnished. Summer leases 2-bedroom north side apartment with PERSONNEL or call 487-6111. ex¬ enings 3-6/20 available. Also 6, 9 8i 12 month 1 other 489-6155. after 8:30 pm • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, tension 333 5-6/24 5-6/24 • FOR RENT race, color or national or¬ leases. Call Jack Bartlett, 3'2 ROOM house available immedi¬ mgr. 337-0511. Corner of ately No lease, furnished, uUlities FOR SALE igin. EARN UP to $3,000 this summer • • LOST & FOUND Subsidiary of Alcoa. Start training and earning in your spare time Haslett and Hagadorn Roads. ofcEMTED" included pus $120 Prefer Convenient summer to sublet cam¬ 485- 3680 3-6/20 • PERSONAL Car necessary Call 351-7319 for LOVELY, FURNISHED studio and OKEMOS--TWO-Bedroom. Pool. $175 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-0972. after 5:30 pm Days. 1-bedroom apartments, across from ONE MAN summer only Duplex- • REAL ESTATE 373-1700 3-6/23 campus 351-5696 5-6/24 925 Ann Call Norm, 355-8252, be¬ WANTED BABYSITTER Monday-Fri¬ fore 5 351-5141, after 5 p.m. • SERVICE day. hours to be arranged East TWO, THREE, and 4-persons apart¬ p.m.; TRIUMPH S-6 20 1963 TR-4 B.R.G • TRANSPORTATION fine , Lansing. 337-0709 3-6/20 ment 609 West Grand River 332- shape, clean $750 332-8000 3-6/20 • WANTED 2-6 19 0625 NEEDED ONE girl Summer only EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY APARTMENTS-TWO nice, 1-bedroom, On Albert Street Block from Ber- Experienced secretaries, typists to FOURTH MAN for 3 bedroom furn¬ furnished Car needed $100 and key $55 month All utilities paid DEADLINE VOLKSWAGEN 1968 White, fast work on temporary assignments $129 Couples 663-8418 3-6/23 ished house 10 minute walk fraro Call 351-8286, after 5 30 p.m 3-6 20 back sunroof AM-FM radio Nice Never a fee. Phone 487-6071 C-6 20 campus 2-car garage $48 per 1 P.M. class shape 332-5619 2-6 20 month. 351-8994. after 6 30 pm one day be¬ EFFICIENCIES FOR 2 opposite Mayo FURNISHED FOR 4 Available now SERVICE STATION attendant-week Hall. fore publication. Air-conditioned. furnished 9 blocks to campus $13 week each VOLKSWAGEN 1967 18,000 miles ends EDWARD S GULF SERVICE. Cancellations - 12 noon one $120 Call after 5 p.m . 351-7278 plus electricity 332-3979. even¬ Sunroof, snow tires, 2763 East Grand River, East Lan¬ SUBLET PROFESSOR S fully furn- new muffler, 5-6/25 class day before ings. 3-6 20 publica¬ excellent condition. Best offer over sing 10-7/2 tion. $1,300 355-1607, 489-1503 2-6/20 OKEMOS-HASLETT Road, 5906-- R.N.s: 11 pm./7 am shift, week¬ Brand new, furnished 2-bedroom ends Starting salary commensurate apartments One 3-bedroom, 2'z PHONE with experience Well lighted park¬ bath, unfurnished Immediate occu¬ ing area, close to hospital Call pancy Call 339-9264 or 339-8544 355-8255 MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL, 677- 9521 4-6'23 1-6'19 VOLKSWAGEN 1961-rebuilt engine in RATES 1968 Good condition. 337-0120 EAST LANSING. Summer time living Imarigold apartments FULL AND part time summer posi- at 536 Albert Street 2-man 3-6/23 easy 911 Marigold Ave. Uons with midwest s largest full- apartments near campus Available 1 day $1.50 line merchant wholesaler. Auto re New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ and reasonable 332-2495 5-6/25 15tf per word per day Auto Service & Parts quired For interview, contact THE ished 2-man apartments. TWO HOUSES for rent 10 minutes 3 days $4.00 SOCIETY CORPORATION. 337-1349 ONE OR 2 working girls Walking Across street from campus. ACCIDENT PROBLEM"' Call KALA¬ to campus Each will accommodate 3-6'20 distance Clean, extremely nice $150 13 l/2tf per word per day MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small 332-5320 ' 5-6/25 Leasing now for fall. 1 year 3 or 4 students Phone 332-6779, 5 days $6.50 dents to large wrecks or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 after 5pm 3-6 20 . American For Rent 13£ per word per day and foreign cars Guaranteed work COUPLE-ONE-Bedroom furnished 351-3525. 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C (based on 10 words per RENT A TV from a TV Company- Utilities included $125-$135 332- ad) 2803,332-2157 3-6'23 Campus 351-&07 3-6 23 $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 There' will be a 50£ service NEJAC TV RENTALS C EAST LANSING-3-bedroom NEEDED-ONE man for 4-man apaft- duplex and bookkeeping charge if for summer Panelled recreaUon may sit in your car for 2* min¬ NEW GE portables and stands rented ment. Close to campus Air-condi¬ this ad is not paid within room Call 351-5614 3-6 23 utes while your car is washed and ONLY to MSU students and faculty tioning and dishwasher Call 351- MALE WALK to campus Student waxed Also cleans underneath car $8 84 month (includes tax). STATE 3016 5-6 25 rental unit Single and double 351- TWO-BEDROOM, furnished Available 4134, after 3 p m 2-619 An almost perfect MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 job 430 South For Rent summer or part of Shown Thursday The State News will be Clippert back of KO-KO BAR C-6 20 EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large. Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C night only Call 351-7330 or 332- furnished, studio apartments Car GIRLS SHARE room, near campus responsible only for the MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ FOUR ROOM furnished 4638 1-6/19 No cooking TV RENTALS-Students only Low apartment peting, air-conditioning, stove and 332-1771, after 5 p.m first day's incorrect inser- Utilities included now until September 15. Utilities mazoo Street Since 1940 monthlv and term rates. Call 484- Parking $100 refrigerator. $140 Call EDWARD G 2-6 19 paid, completely furnished for 3 TWO MEN-Private entrance to study- Complete auto painting and colli 2600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY Deposit required 116 Marshall, HACKER COMPANY. 485-2262 or girls Summer rates Phone 332- room, bedroom, bathroom, on lower sion service. IV 5-0256 "" c TV RENTALS C Lansing ' 5-6 24 4076 Mrs Steele. 485-3774 9-6 30 level. $120 per term PRIVATE ROOM for man with cook¬ 3-6/20 712 North- lawn 332-4674 2-6/20 ing $13 week 9 blocks to campus Automotive Scooters & Cycles" PARKING-EXCELLENT location, be TWO MEN apartment needed Summer for 4-man term luxury Make FURNISHED FOR 3 $12 week each 9 blocks to campus 332-3979, even¬ 711 EAST 332-3979, evenings '3-6/20 deal. 351-8089 3-6 20 711 Burcham Dr. MEN DOUBLES hind Campus Theater Spacious, Cooking, inexpen¬ 1967 BSA Victor 441 $625 1968 ings. 3-6 20 sive. Summer, fall 398>2 Park Lane CHEVELLE, 1965 4-door New well-maintained, $25 per term Call New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ Triumph 500c, $850 Good condi¬ WILLIAMSTON - THREE-Room bache¬ LARGE WHITE house Riverside lo¬ 351-8164 3-6 20 clutch, tires, other Reasonable 355- 351-3635. after 3 p.m 5-6 25 ished 3 tion. 351-6775, after 5 p.m. 3-6/20 lor apartment Private entrance WANTED ONE girl to share luxury man apts. leasing for cation Furnished, all utilities paid 3166 5-6 24 TV RENTALS G.E. 19" portable-- 655-1609 3-6 20 furnished apartment with pool East 1 year or 9 mo. Prefer 4 men $65 per person 2063 BEDROOM. BATH and kitchenette in HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74 Custom Lansing Call after 5 p.m, 351- home Males $8 50 per month including stand Hamilton Road, Okemos. 332-5006 new only 372-6103 built chopper Phone before 4 p.m Call J.R. CULVER COMPANY. 351 NEWLY MARRIED? 0418. " 3-6/20 IV 9-9651 or 4-6/23 5-6/24 485-6001 5-6/24 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- 351-3525 TANGLEWOOD MEN NEEDED for 4-man apartment Large, quiet For summer or 12 CHEVROLET 1959 6-cylinder. dard APARTMENTS months 351-7319. 10-7/1 shift, needs universal otherwise runs good $75 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 1968 BSA 650cc Excellent Capi¬ tol Villa Apartments. No. 74. 1700 ONE GIRL wanted - 1 block from 351-7880 East Grand River X3-6/23 Union. $100 summer includes damage DART 1963 4 new tire deposit Call 351-3352 3-6 20 chanicallv. bodv work HONDA 305 LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancv- Scrambler, mint con¬ 1050. Steve Asking $400 TWO-MAN furnished COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham dition, 1968 Phone 351-5858 $600 apartment 129 Brand new deluxe 1- 2-6/20 Burcham $135 per month Call FALCON 1966 6 c bedroom, furnished For profession¬ days, 487-3216; evenings, 882-2316, transmission Ru? 1952 WWII model BSA 500cc courier until 10 pm. O al. graduate students, college fa¬ Call 355-1162 bike Mileage-144 $400 337-0714 culty or personnel Select clientele FOUR-MAN ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ 3-6/23 apartment. furnished With able for June and September leas¬ swimming pool Heat paid $62.50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 AGEMENT. 351-7880 C JEEP 1967 - V-6 17.000 miles NEED IMMEDIATELY. 2 ONE APARTMENT left Hurry hur Snow plow Locking hubs Red body MINI-BIKE-1968 Bonanza. 4 h p . 1 or girls white top 353-3780 I days i. 646 for summer Eydeal Villa. Pool ry! All utilities paid Close to excellent condition $200 Phone 6139 i nights i 5-6 24 882-3631 351-3547 3-6 20 campus. Call NEJAC 337-1300 C 3-6/23 WILL MOVE NEEDED ONE n your belongings in HONDA 1967 305 Scrambler Set closed truck Beal Street 2 man, up for trails Excellent condiUon air conditioned $140 month 351- Helmet, leathers, insurance, acces¬ 3765 5-6/24 sories included-$495 Call Bill at NEEDED ONE r 332-0881 or 332-2367 ' 3-6 20 OLDSMOBILE 1959 4-door 88 All power 355-9805 automatic Runs well $100 3-6/20 Employment NORTHWIND REGISTERED NURSE Opening in a FARMS PONTIAC 1963 Star Chief. 4-door medical care facility 7 am to Faculty Apartments sedan all power, new tires and 3 30 p.m. shift Good salary and 351-7880 brakes mechanically excellent $600 benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE IV 4-3968 3-6'20 NORTH, 1843 North Hagadorn in East Lansing Phone 332-5061. Mrs FAIRVIEW, 401 South 1 bedroom Cole 10-7 2 2924 E. Grand River Down $125 month No children or SUNBEAM TIGER 1966-Yellow with black lent 8932 top condition 27,000 miles. 337-0600 or Excel¬ 351 2-6 20 REGISTERED NURSE medical 11 30 pm care Opening in a facility 3 pm shift Good salarv and to pets 82-5763 Furnished, utilities paid Phone LADY TEACHER - Graduate student 5-6 2' MEADOWBROOK CROSSWORD ramra ncaEa sa@ EOEJ HHH EBB benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE desires roommate to share luxury TEMPEST 1963 convertible $150 2815 Northwind Drive in East Lan¬ apartment on southwest side of PUZZLE 332-1050. Rich after 6 p.m Ask for 2-6 20 sing Phone 332-0817. Mrs Parker 10-7/2 Lansing Air-conditioning pool $150 393-4264 Swimming 3-6/20 TRACE 29. 30. 3?. Chaff of wheat Overlook Breach Naa... 34. Sculpture Summer Savings Fred and Ethel wouldn't sue us overa loose step! full wall to wall designer draperies carpeting 11. Sacred chest 12. Conceit 13 Blot 39. Brasswind instrument 41. Church recess 14. Arrow poison 44 Hired In Lansing Kamins Sets the Price color coordinated car 15 Quicksilver 47. Skating area appliances 17. A ninth mus. 48. Eastern name 49. Indisposed 4. Hymn ot 18 Bill of fare WAXES Largest Selection heat and air conditioning 50. Leg joint triumph - POLISHES 19 Against 5. Arctic rodent full walnut vanities 21. Disease of rye 51. Careless 1 Increase POLISHING CLOTH Of Tape Decks & 25 Title 52 Eng. leTter 2. Ital river 6. S-shaped i private patios or balconies molding CHROME CLEANER Tapes In Town 27. Only 53. Seasoned 3. Movie script 7 Carried » additional storage and 8. Ratite bird ENGINE ADDITIVES laundries in each bldg. 9. Distant 10. Undertake ► No extra charge for short Restrain ii 16. Tune-ups 20. Toward term lease 22. Avaricious 6 cyl . . . 6.95 ► T ennis courts 23 Scull GUARANTEED 8 cyl 8.95 24. Explosive . . . JIM RYAN GEO. TOBJN ► Olympic pool and a i i 25. Mayday BRAKE RELINE sauna 26. Scamp Plus Name Brand Parts RYAN & TOBIN ► Acres of lawn % 28. Fit for con¬ sumption from s1895 ! INSURANCE 31. Buckwheat Save $6 to $20 339 MORGAN LANE FRANDOR See for % 33. tree Parent AMINS yourself! Large new beautiful 1-2-3 bedroom apartments from $55/student. Model Ii 36. Clear j? 351-0050 38. Skiing garment open* 11 am to 6 pm. Take 1-496 south from 40. Bundle of Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exit-right cotton ONLY FIVE Ouio PaJlib to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393-0210. J! 42. Dirk MINUTES FROM CAMPUS 0 526 NrLAPCH 526 N. L, 484-4596 By Kassuba, the Nation's # 1 Landlord w .1: 43. Augmented 44. Hindu cymbals 45. Armpit 46. Nineteen Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 9 For Rent MEN: BREAKFAST, linens furnished. Student SDS convention Cooking privileges. Parking. $15 (continued from page one) "passed by a substantial show week. 485-1078 3-6/20 of hands. " ^RLS: DIRECTORY Another table anti-war movement of SMC, and yet another is for the overflows with The action followed earlier demands that newsmen pay a $25 fee to be permitted access MEN: SUMMER Singles, doubles. Lenin and Marx literature. to the Coliseum. Block Union. Cooking. 314 Ever¬ BROOKS Imported Cars Tuning Problems? PAR-MOR Two of Wednesday's conven¬ In a resolution paper on press green 332-3839 5-6/24 tion events evidenced the meta¬ Get Experienced proven GOLF COURSES policy for the convention, An¬ Sales and Super tuning at Illuminated morphosis that SDS is experi¬ Driving Range thony Ripley, reporter for the WANTED TO end of July fe¬ male, 18-21, room and - board for S & J Speed 9 Hole Par 3 & Regulation encing, a change that might New York Times was cited as 482-1473 Course. mean the demise of the New the main for the con¬ cooking and housework 351-0127 3-6/23 Equipment Co. . Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E.M-78 Left, some conventioners have ventions reason 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing 5946 S. Logan 882-0402 ED 2-3439. tight press security. said. Ripley gave testimony before Check Suspicion is the prevading the House Internal Security KWAST BAKERIES BUD'S mood of the almost-paranoid at¬ Committee. He was described in LINCOLN LIFE'S AUTO PARTS mosphere of the convention. All Graduation & Birthday the position paper as a "friend¬ CARETAKER FOR home with student Deferred Payment Late Model Motors and persons entering the politically rooms for men. 1 block from Union Cakes ly witness who utilized his testi¬ $125 month Furnished GRAD PLAN parts a speciality smoldering aura of the dark, mony to further a witch-hunt rent apart¬ ment Rooms also available IV 5- Halfway between Holt and shabby Coliseum were frisked against the SDS." 4311. 3-6/20 Ph. 351-8810 Mason on N. Cedar (*,99-2154 or searched. The position paper demands "You never know when one that all reporters sign a seven- MEN-NICE single. Close in Room of them (the police) will plant Custom Picture Framing? cooking Efficiencies. 2 apartments, COLLEGE BIKE COLLEGE TRAVEL point affadavit affirming the re¬ car needed. 663-8418 3-6/23 SHOF Give us a call! drugs on someone." said an porter's sole purpose "to OFFICE unidentified SDS convention mar¬ BICYCLE RENTAL gather information for distri¬ Bob Jones Paints shal. A drug bust would be a bution to the mass media" and Sales and Service for 130 West Grand River Blvd. MASON good excuse for the police prohibits testimony before any BSA. 351-6010 breaking up the convention, he federal or state investigating ED 2-4117 677-8141 said. committee. To register, sufficient identi¬ The Associated Press- and WALT KOSS CAMPUS Eugene Blossey fication must be supplied in major newspapers refused to addition to a $5 registration fee. SUMMER--ULREY HOUSE Women s WASH N' GAS RESTAURANT Motorcycles Some registered as observers pay such a fee or sign the cooperative, supervised, convenient, Yamaha, Bultaco, Sachs affidavit, according to an AP re- Fine food, entertainment pizza Free exterior car wash with and some as voting delegates, unique $200. 351-0100 3-6 '23 Reservations - 655-2175 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. [Reduced 5019 Prices on Some Models but all need identification. Miss Dohrn said there would EAST LANSING Gentleman student About 7 miles east of N. Grand River, Lansing 248 West Grand River SDS voted late Wednesday Unsupervised. Extremely nice, quiet, IV 9-9797 be no news conferences during M.S.U. In WlUlamston cool, private entrance Close to campus 351-8399 Parking 1-6/19 Learn Spartan starlet after noon to bar all news¬ men from the group's four-day the convention, but that a sum¬ mary would be issued Sunday. CONTACT LENS to fly? Sure you I Deadline for Use Air Taxi-Service meeting. She said the resolution banning SERVICES our Student Service Vn^ell-protected from the sun's glare, this young Bernadine Dorhn, SDS inter- For Sale Buy Piper newsmen also stipulated that D. M. DEAN, a D. a new Directory gont seems quite content to wait for his fan mail organization secretary, said a All at: none of the SDS officers grant tc" roll in. State News photo by John Harrington EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- 210 Abbott Rd. Francis Aviation Tuesday, 3 p.m. resolution to bar all newsmen newsmen interviews during the Ranger mini-8, $59.95 and up. Suite # 16 Place your order now convention. Lear Jet. $69 95 and up MAIN Capitol City Airport 332-6563 484-1324 Call Judi 355-8255 The closed meetings to con¬ ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsyl¬ vania. Lansing ~ c sider newsmen delayed the sch¬ NOW OPEN for business-OPTICAL DISCOUNT at 2615 East Michigan For Sale Lindsay loses New York primary eduled vention beginning of the for several hours. No newsmen had been allowed in¬ con¬ Avenue, ground floor Free parking Lost & Found i continued from page one) ing: "I'm a moderate, progres¬ side the Coliseum. his campaign with walking tours gressive principles which had LADIES SHOULDER-length fall sive Democrat. Miss Dohrn said earlier that GREY POODLE named NAP lost won victory for many in the FLOOR MODEL stereos-Solid state in IJarlem, Queens and Brook¬ "I want the people to city Brown, frosted $34 Phone 482- near Eden Roc Apartments Call be with¬ and state." the $25 fee would be used to RE-OPENING June 16th under new transistorized, no tubes Plays all lyn. ;He got a mixed reception. 3182. evenings 3-6/20 351-3739 Reward offered! S-6/24 out fear," Procaccino said, "to management Closed Thursdays. records on automatic changer Take Marchi, who also has the Con¬ The final unofficial vote count pay the $400-a-dav rent for ETHELS SECONDHAND STORE. CARPETS--BIGELOW beige acrilan payments of $3 45 a month for walk the streets in safety and to the Coliseum. 1397 U.S. on servative party nomination, lat- gave these results: 27, DeWitt 669-9311 with padding. 12'X15' and 8'X12', 12 months or pa? $9140 Call be secure in their own homes. Is Plainclothes ' er termed Lindsay's remarks as Marchi, 111,725, Lindsay, policemen min¬ also stair and hall carpet to match, 3-6/21 it backlash to want this?" RENT A TV from a TV Company "hiffhly emotional outbursts. 106,358. gled conspicuously among stu¬ Draperies-beige antique satin. 5 - Procaccino said he will con¬ DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and month Call 337-1300 ' Procaccino 252,283, dents as police squad cars con¬ pairs floor length. 81": 3 shorter SOFA, $15. 2 overstuffed chairs. $9 00 per 'listorical experience should Wagner engagement ring sets. Save 50 per NEJAC TV RENTALS C fine his campsign to the issues, tinued to patrol the area. pairs to match-All excellent condi¬ 221,605, Badillo 215,381, Mailer Peo¬ cent or more Large selection of tion. Phone 351-5543 S-6/27 $5 each Single bed. $15 339- surest reverence and respect," not to 'namecalling, smears or 2155, 353-7997 Apartment 55, Cha¬ M< *chi said, "for the freely ex- 41,136, Scheuer 38,631. ple were also stationed in win¬ plain and fancy diamonds. $25-$150 FREE A thrilling hour of beauty hitting below the belt." WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 let Park. 3-6/23 Shortly after his defeat, Lind¬ dows on the third floor of a GE SOLID State stereo-AM-FM For appointment call 484-4519 MERLE prc- sed will of the Republicans In announcing his coalition ef¬ East Michigan 485-4391. C radio. Two speakers Very NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 say said the Democratic party school across from the Coli¬ extra of is city." MOVING-HEFRIGERATOR. Kitchen fort to remain in City Hall, good shape $110.351-7163. S-6/24 table and chairs, East Michigan. C-6/20 Mirchi also said he was confi- in the city also was in the grip seum. riding mower, HOOVER-WASHER-Extractor Ex¬ snow tires, weights, walkie-talkies denf he would have the support Lindsay issued a general warn¬ of the "forces of reaction and With no formal activities cellent condition Sacrifice price. i dual channel), and other items TV RENTALS. GE 19" portable-- ing to Republican leaders that backlash." scheduled until today, students of President Nixon. In the final $75 Moving 355-8027 2-6 23 $8.50 per month including stand 882-1943 3641 Creole Way 1-6/19 anyone'who supports Marchi in milled around the convention Call J R. CULVER COMPANY. 351- days of the primary, the Nixon the general election campaign BIRTHDAY CAKES-7'-$3.64; 8' floor or joined in informal rap STOVE-LEONARD electric, 40' . $4.18: GARAGE SALE-Friday. Saturday. 8862 220 Albert Street, East Lan- Administration made a series of 9" - $5 20 Delivered KWAST "had better look very careful¬ sessions. A 4 burners, $35 355-2388 : 482- Sunday, 10-8. Household items, baby announcements intended to be large group of coeds 4589 3-6/23 BAKERIES. 484-1317 C-6/20 furnishings, woman's bike, stereo console, 12' speakers, turntable, clothes, etc. 2635 Greencliff, East Peanuts Personal he tiul to er grants. Lindsay, such as fed- ly" New York's two Republican Ann Arbor gathered around a "local Mama Cass" to discuss the Women's senators. Jacob K. Javits and . (continued from page one) Liberation Alliance. Lansing. Phone 351-5701 2-6/20 *Us campaign, Marchi said, Charles E. Goodell, have both MARSHMALLOWMONT THANfcS for the street. But when the young¬ Whereas in the past SDS and 'w#l be aimed to heal the said they will support Lindsay re¬ GARAGE SALE-Saturday. June 21. the paper from the Physics Depart¬ sters other groups have distributed wm/ids of our city and make us began pelting officers with 9 a.m., 5#1 Ann Street, East Lan¬ ment. I love you. too! Fabulous gardless of the primary out¬ rocks and bottles free leaflets, everything'is for sing Gas stove, small appliances, One. 1-6/19 onf > again a united people." come. But Gov. Nelson A. Rock¬ Tuesday night, they moved in for the arrests. sale this year. dishes, pans, lamps, bicycles, swing P+ocaccino denied Lindsay's efeller said he would support the Approximately "bitkl'ash" charge, maintain- 25 different groups have set set, and much more 2-6/20 Real Estate Many of the youngsters said up primary winner. they only wanted to stage a tables around the convention SPECIAL-THIS week only'" $10 Asked if his warning referred GRACIOUS LIVING at it's best in party like they did Monday night. floor, selling books and leaf¬ and up-Used Kenmores, Eurekas. to the Republican governor, Lind¬ Hoover tanks. All attachments in¬ Williamston 10 minutes from cam¬ Many added they were only lets costing from $.25 to $1.50. pus 4-bedroom home with swimming say said that if it fits, "Well, "It may seem like cluded; all machines guaranteed that's the watching, but could not get out creeping for 1 DENNIS DISTRIBUT¬ pool. $39,500, with land contract case. year. AN$ BROWN: of the way of the police fast commercialism, but we have to Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units ING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, Call Tim Petty. 655-2722 or WOOD Typist and multilith. The forces of reaction and cover opposite City Market IV 2-2677 REALTY. 655-2535 3-6 20 off:«t printing Dissertations, theses, enough once they started clear¬ operating expenses and for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments backwardness." Lindsaw contin¬ C-6/20 manuscripts, general typing IBM ing the area. printing costs." a member of are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive 19 ears experience. 332-8384 C ued. "have captured the Repub¬ SMC said. "Most of these Service lican party. But it is a temp¬ "Everyone started moving in or¬ Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ BUFFET CHEST, brick and boards ganizations are in debt " all directions when the police VT ransportation" . washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central bookcase, room divider with mirror, orary victory, a murky victory, a humidifier 1613-A Spartan Village ALTERATIONS AND dressmaking by dismal victory. charged." Miss Portnoy said. The SMC is planning a Hiro¬ air conditioning. These 4-man units have experienced seamstress. Reason¬ "They weren't really brutal. 355-9756 3-6/23 shima 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- able charge. Call 355-5855 3-6/20 "I hope one day," the mayor If you stood in front of them, Day March in Chicago : drive puts you on campus. The stu- SEWING MACHINE clearance sale said, "to bring New York's Re¬ August 9th, pending student sup¬ * CHILD CARE in my licensed home they pushed. " port now being solicited through dent's leisure time has been adequately Brand new portables-$49 50 $5.00 LOS ANGELES, California bound publican party back to the pro- per month. Large selection of re¬ 2 blocks from Cherry Lane and first week July Will take riders Many of the young people petitions at the convention. planned for with a giant heated swim¬ conditioned University Village Call 332-2351 ran down sidestreets to get used machines Singers, 372*7578 5-6/25 ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ Whites, Necchis, New Home and 2-6/19 away from the police, who allow¬ The delegates plan to approve ate balconies. If you want to be among "many others" $19.95 to $39 95 ed them to flee. A half-mile an agenda and begin discussion APTS. the first residents of Twyckingham call TWyCWMBHAM tocjay. There are 92 units available at Terms 489-6448 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANV, 1115 North Washington C-fi/Wl PAT Road, BAKER-Sewing and alterations Reasonable Haslett rates. or 6377 phone Shoeman 655-1841 Wanted Selection section of littered South Univer¬ sity was closed at both ends of a party platform today. The voting on the new platform is $280/month and up. (continued from page one) for several hours after the 1-6/19 TV j 2 drawer office files, secre- tentatively scheduled to begin \w Fall leases available tagi off s chair and shelving for home Frank Pinner, professor of disturbance. this weekend ALTERATIONS. DRESSMAKING and ce use Phone 351 -5543. S-6/27 Model Open political science, said he could BRIGHT HEALTHY, good with child- gowns by experienced seamstress Phone 332-6441 ren-3 month old female, Mother pure Reasonable charge 355-1040 20-7/17 see no reason why such a tenta¬ WOMAN FACULTY or graduate stu¬ Samoyed. 351-0277, evenings 3-6 20: tive document would have to be dent to share my home in Okemos kept secret. If it were made ^lupckingfjam Jure to September Call 332-4757 CUTE LOVABLE tiger kittens, free to loving homes 8 weeks old Call public. Pinner thought there would not be much debate or PANTYIIIISE Candy, 351-0946 S-624 BL( OD DONORS NEEDED $7.50 for criticism of it. lyptyl Wrvice all'positive A negative, B negative 4620 S. Hagadorn KITTENS-TEN weeks old Weaned, AB "The faculty at MSU is lethar¬ box trained Part ani negative. $10.00. O nega- Angora 482- BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing tiv >, $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN- gic." Pinner said. FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES .-7615, 3-6.2^ No job too large or too small rr BLOOD CENTER. 507'2 East Albert Rabin, professor of Block off campus. 332-3255. C Gr nd River. East Lansing Above CALL OR STOP IN AT: psychology and president of th4 new Campus Book Store. Hours PAULA ANN 9 Xm MSU's chapter of the American FOR SALE lot 1963 10 X55 HAUGHEY: A unique to 3 30 p.m Monday. Tues¬ STATE MANAGEMENT Windsor on 10'X4' quality thesis service IBM typing, day. and Friday; Wednesday and Assn. of University Professors tip-out off living $3,500 Call 882-2347 after multilith prin*ing and hard binding Thursday. 12 to 6:30 p.m. 337- (AAUP) said it "would be 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 room 6p.m. Lot52. Lifeof Riley. 3-6/20 337-1527 C 7183 C nice if the document were made public, but it's not crucial." Schuler and Kleis are in the process of responding to Hath- IS SUMMER SUB-LEASING A awav's reply, but have inform¬ ally indicated that they "con¬ "IK" sider the position of the com¬ mittee to be unsatisfactory." Schuler said he had not talk¬ HEADACHE? A very nice to begini married ce place . . . . ed to that many other faculty members about the document married Ilife. and so-called secrecy of AUSSC. He said he felt that other faculty members " think they can't do TAKE Tanglewood Apartments anything about it." were Kleis said he assumed there a number of others who &>u Holt felt as he did. and that this THE CURE. 10-15 minutes inutes south of campus was one reason the letter to Hathaway. why he wrote "It is precisely because unfurnished they PANTY HOSE 1.75 (AUSSC t have not firmed up this document that they Mesh Hose 2 pair/$1 State Management in Corporation will aid you leasing and sub-leasing apartments for the S12450 should let the rest of the munity see it," com¬ Kleis said. Schuler and Kleis said in Nude Heel Stretch 2 2 pair/$1 oair/$1.35 summer In: Total E l< ctrlc Llvi their letter that publishing the list of desired aims of the un¬ •Haslett Arms •Lowebrooke Arms iversity would help to focus public discussion on the search •Delta Arms "Evergreen Arms for a new MSU president. -H/ ^ UiatuSa, cjncack "It would help to counter •Cedarbrooke Arms •University Terrace a tendency on the part of some East Lansing Management Co. to doubt the University's re¬ spect and candor in dealing 203 E. Grand River with its vitally concerned 351-7(80 pub¬ lics." they said. Open Wed. from 9:30 to 9 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, June 19, 1969 Governor backs Governor Milliken told 1,250 today have enough education as t iose in the American Legion of 18-year-old vote Youth Services within the establishment of better dial- Lennon of Grand - Rapids Wolverine Boys State delegates experience, and maturity to as¬ sponsored Boys State, rather Bureau of Social Service, og between state government presented Milliken with a pet¬ sume and exercise the priv¬ than protesting youths. ition and the results of Wednesday that 18-year-olds -creation of better job and young people, a poll should be allowed to vote. ileges of full citizenship. opportunities for youth. -guaranteeing everyone the of the citizens of Bovs State. "The voting age of 21 was Proposes reforms Speaking from the steps of -the development of some opportunity for education com- The Boys State governor said the Capitol, Milliken addressed established in the 11th century FJilliken then outlined a pro¬ means by which youths may sit mensurate with ability, and the poll dealt with 20 issues gram he has proposed to pro¬ the delegates who had hiked when it was deemed that young on the governing boards of un- -encouraging and guarantee- that had been discussed in the vide the framework for youth 4 1/2 miles from Brody Com¬ men were strong enough to wear iversities and colleges. ing voting membership on state suit of armor Today we are to develop a sense of respon- Michigan Legislature, including plex, site of the convention -reduction of causes and central committees of the pol- lowering the voting age. legal- which ended Wednesday. still carrying that suit of armor sib'lity: incidents of juvenile delinqu- itical party of one's choice, izing marijuana and providing Youth responsible into the voting booth, the gov¬ - adoption of the 18-year-old encv. This list of proposals was vol ? by constitutional amend- for abortion-law reform. The governor expressed a ernor said. -activation of innovative sup- applauded by the delegates. Milliken said he would study desire to enfranchise 18-year- Milliken voiced approval of m«,it. port for volunteer programs Opinion poll both the petition and the poil olds because, "Young people of participating young people, such ^the establishing of a Bureau connected with youth. Boys State Governor John results. NECTARINES WATERMELON CANTALOUPE CARD SHOP Across from Home Ec. Bldg. 309 E. Grond Rlvr Ph. 332^67M