Friday I believe Cloudy . . . . MICHIGAN cooler. High in the STATE NEWS in the . . upper ... discipline of si¬ 60 s. Chance of showers this lence and could talk for hours about it. STATE morning. -George Bernard Shaw UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20,1969 Vol. 62 Number 3 Nixon hopes to better Clifford withdrawal plan year during which Clifford was secretary Vietnam cropped up several times, WASHINGTON - President of defense. U.S. casualties reached their Nixon said the United States has had Nixon said Thursday night that in with¬ highest annual level. no response from the North Vietnamese drawing troops from Vietnam. "I would either on the battlefield or at the Paris "This is not to say that Mr. Clif¬ {lope we could beat" a timetable calling for removal of 100,000 troops by the end ford's present judgment is not to be peace talks on the announced withdrawal considered." Nixon added of 25,000 American troops. of this year. Of the Paris peace talks Nixon re¬ "Our casualties are in direct ratio Nixon stated his hope for increased to the level of the enemy attack." U.S. troops withdrawals -beyond the ported under questioning that there is no substantial public evidence of pro¬ the President said at another point. 25.000 he has already announced-in "We have not escalated our attack. responding to a question about a pro¬ gress in getting down to "substantive We have only responded to what the posal by Clark M Clifford, secretary negotiations." of defense in the Johnson administra¬ In a later question on Clifford's time¬ enemy has done. table Nixon said. I hope we will not "If the enemy now will withdraw tion. be in Vietnam as long as he suggested one-tenth of its forces as we have Clifford called for 100.000 troops we will have to be there." withdrawn one-tenth of our combat for¬ to be pulled out of Vietnam by the end the level of of this year-with removal of all re¬ Nixon was speaking out at his first ces. fighting would decline." news conference in two months and his He added: maining U.S. combat troops by the end of next year. That would leave only sixth since he entered the White House. "However. I would make this sug¬ U.S. logistic support for South Viet¬ Asked about a report by a score of gestion: President Thieu has authorized namese forces after 1970. GOP congressmen on campus unrest, internationally supervised elections to he said "it was see whether the people of Vietnam want We have withdrawn forces." Nixon a very thoughtful report." and "they gave me a lot of his government or some other govern¬ said in evident reference to his announce¬ information" which he needs to help ment. ment of June 8 of 25.000 to be pulled out by the end of August. "We will him deal with campus unrest. "As cerned far we as the United States is con¬ would accept any govern¬ Demonstrators withdraw more." ment chosen by the people of South "As far as how many will be withdrawn. legislative "I cannot support the Vietnam." group of demonstrators is held after arrest during the disturbances which hit the U~M campus in I would hope we would beat Mr. Clif¬ proposals in the House of Represent¬ i Arbor Wednesday night. They were later put in a bus and taken to the police station. AP Wirephoto ford's timetable. .." atives which would cut off funds to any Nixon began his comment by saying college or University in which there was that for five years under the previous a demonstration." administration there was continued escal¬ Ann district ation of the war. He also said in the "This would be cutting off our noses to spite our faces." Nixon said The responsibility for containing cam¬ pus unrest should be on the shoulders of college administrators. Nixon said q Trustees face As for his Safeguard antiballistic mis¬ following 2nd confrontation sile system and its prospects in the Senate. 'Nixon said polls indicate 51 Sen¬ hectic agenda ators in favor and 46 win the against. "We will fight on Safeguard. It will not be necessary to c^npromLe," he add¬ ed. although there might be some changes By STEVE WATERBURY Ei rlv Wednesday evening, several thou- loads of reserve police were on hand. ris said. I share your concern about Sher¬ at Oakland in detail in the legislation. State News Staff Writer san< young people gathered in a plaza in A police helicopter continually circled iff Harvey. I don't think this country has seen a police force that everyone here ANN ARBOR-The University of Michi¬ fror. of the University administration build¬ the area scanning rooftops with a spot¬ He said new information on Soviet could be proud of." gan (U-Mi area was quiet Thursday after¬ ing a rock concert. light and directing police operations. tests of multiple targeted re-entry More than 300 police with riot helmets Harris later declined to sign a petition By MARILYN PATTERSON noon following a second early-morning Wednesday night. U-M President Robben vehicles has convinced him that Safe¬ to recall Harvey, stating. "I have to work State News Staff Writer confrontation between youths and heavily- and lubs had lined the street for four hours W. Fleming roamed the campus urging guard is most important. students to "keep your cool' " When Flem¬ with him every day." The board of trustees will consider armed police. durijig the evening, and at least five bus- The State and Ann Arbor Police Dept. a student-facultv recommendation for ing spoke at the concert Wednesday night, decided to remove their men after the provost, salary increase, labor nego¬ he was both cheered and jeered by dif¬ tiations and other budget items at its ferent elements of the large crowd that crowd began to leave the concert. monthly meeting today at Oakland Un¬ had gathered. Following the departure of the police, a somewhat reduced crowd swarmed into the iversity. Fleming, attempting to play a moderat¬ John E. Cantlon. professor of ecology ing role, received a generally favorabe street, blocking off the flow of traffic. and plant pathology, was the first recom¬ response from the crowd. Occupation of the street was urged by the split White Panthers. They demanded that a sec¬ SDS convention mendation of the student-faculty com¬ "Force will not accomplish anything." tion of the street be cordoned off and made mittee choosing a new provost. he said. "The best thing we all can do is His name will be presented to the to cool it down. " intoa "liberated People's Street." ''trustees as the committee's nominee While Fleming spoke, two White Pan¬ The crowd was composed of high school ther flags waved in the breeze. Ann Arbor age youths, members of several Detroit to replace Provost Howard Neville, who working class issue will leave at the end of August to assume is the location of the national headquar¬ motorcycle gangs, college students, and non-students. the presidency of Claremont Men's Col¬ lege. Claremont. Calif. on ters white of Panthers. the group White Panthers, a patterned after the Black militant The a.m. police returned to the area at 12:45 Two groups of 200 policemen each The trustees will also hear a labor Also moved in on the occupied section. contract for nonacademic employes, ac¬ The PL was narrowly defeated in the Wednesday night. PL members booed speaking at the concert was Ann By DENISE FORTNER cording to Clair White. D-Bay City. first test vote over whether to permit an Arbor Mayor Robert J Harris. Harris the third consecutive night of State News Staff Writer Chitagoan John Rossen. a long-time radi¬ This was Several contracts and 223 appoint¬ was shouted down several times by youths street CHICAGO--A growing struggle for con¬ 18-year-old San Franciscoan and former cal and leftist, after he urged SDS to build gatherings and the second of vio¬ ments and personnel changes will be volution out of American revolution¬ who demanded that he "do something trol of the radical youth group shaped up member of China's Red Guard to address a n lence between police and youths. considered the convention late Thursday. about" Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Several injuries were reported and over Thursday as the national convention of ary radition. White said the trustees will also J. Harvey. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) PL members, indoctrinated Maoists, ar¬ Unasked SDS members of avoid the mis¬ 20 were arrested. Only a handful of those discuss the condition,of the Journalism Several long-haired youths said that they entered its second day. gued Wednesday that the scheduled speak¬ take of the old left and push for a move¬ arrested were known to be students at l -M Bldg. Four trustees toured the building er. Chris Milton, was expelled from the ment which is patriotic and nationalistic, were harrassed by Harvey because of their which borders the street. Workshops, caucuses and speeches from last month and heard requests for im¬ appearance. the Black Panther Party and Chicago's Red Guard. (please turn to page 10) (please turn to back page) provements from journalism and ad¬ "I don't know of a thing I can do." Har¬ Young Lords Organization, a radical Puer¬ vertising students to Rican group, were on Thursday's agenda. , The proposed Life Science Building Most of the 1.500 SDS members in the Col- is also scheduled for discussion. liseum annex on South Wabash spent the Thursday the board heard a report day in "rap sessions" discussing the ideo¬ from Chancellor Durward B. Varner logical fight and power struggle between on the state of Oakland University and cog in w heel' the Progressive Labor Party (PL) faction met with the All-University Search and Selection Committee < AUSSC). and Workers Student Alliance (WSA) Thiieu: Local apartment to peaceful settlement States PARIS i APi-A leader of the Hanoi responsible for the Thieu govern¬ ment's existence and expects the United regime said Thursday no peaceful sol¬ cause $20,000 p.m Wednesday. Six pieces of equip¬ ution is possible in Vietnam as long as Nguyen Van Thieu's government remains in power in Saigon States moved ment Nov to remove it "just as they re¬ Ngo Dinh Diem." of President Diem 1.1963. was The govern¬ overthrown said to f By DAVID BASSETT Le Due Tho. ranking member of the on in an army coup State News Staff Writer ment. including the emergency rescue North Vietnamese politbureau. told news (please turn to page nine) Fire struck two East Lansing apart¬ unit, were involved in extinguishing -the men. "If President Nixon obstinate!) blaze ment complexes Wednesday afternoon, clings to the Thieu Administration, it Clifford Much of the interior of the building causing approximately $20,000 worth of will be the biggest political error of damage to the buildings and their con¬ tents. was damaged by smoke and water East Lansing Fire Inspector Jack his life." Tho. who supervises Hanoi's delega¬ urges Firemen answered an alarm at 1:45 Gregg said that there was "no appar¬ tion at the Paris peace talks, was in p.m. to combat a blaze in Cedar age apartments. Extensive smoke Vill¬ and ent reason for the fire starting liminary estimates of damage from $18,000 to $20,000 Pre¬ range an expansive mood at a reception given by the Viet Cong's new provisional troop re flames were found in the area of the revolutionary government Tho freely WASHINGTON - Clark U. incinerator room servicing the third The storage room and laundry areas, answered questions at the party after Clifford, the Johnson Administration's and fourth floors. which contained the personal belongings fruitless 6 1 4-hour session of the a last secretary of defense, worked be¬ of many of the building's occupants, was Apartment manager TJ Pulte said talks which produced little more than hind the scenes with the Nixon Admin- that the cause of the blaze was a plugged reduced to rubble Windows were broken, propaganda exchanges between the tun istiaiion for months after leaving the incinerator chute Normal down-drafts and both the inner and outer areas of the Pentagon. were eliminated, causing the flames to building were coated with smoke de¬ During that tim£? he gave callers the "There is absolutely no hope in deal shoot upward. posits. Residents of the groilnd floor of impression he was trying to nudge. the the building were relocated in other build¬ ing with the regime of Thieu. Nguyen Damage, which was estimated at $2,000 Cao Ky and Tran Van Huong." Tho said. new administration into disengaging from was confined primarily to the public areas in the immediate vicinity of the ings of the complex. Two East Lansing firemen were On the "Before there can be any progress Vietnam under wraps. He sought to keep his role there must be a completely new regime incinerator. injured when a cable connected to a fire Wednesday night's hotspot was Capital Villa, where fire blazed Now Clifford has differed publicly with in Saigon, or the present regime can be department vehicle being towed from a through two apartments and smoke damaged others. Police divert¬ the Nixon Administration on the way the The East Lansing fire department was reformed But these three people must muddy area, snapped One of the men re¬ ed traffic on E. Grand River Avenue, while fire- en frisked 1 also summoned to the scene of a fire ceived severe bruises on his legs, but the flames. State News Photo by Carl Welti He said Hanoi United (Please turn to page nine) at Capitol Villa apartments at 5:55 did not require hnsnitali7ation considers the 2 Friday, June 20, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SE< SAO Rockefeller PAULO. Brazil (AP> governor s Sao Paulo hotel- as This leg of Rockefeller s trip to In the past two days. Brazil- alone. Brazil s largest and ri- -Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller he held talks there before at- has found him confronted with ian leaders have presented their chest city, he has been asked held meetings with Brazilian tending the private club lunch- massive requests for foreign case in a clear-cut dollars-and- for assistance in obtaining $165 industrialists in an exclusive Sao Paulo club Thursday, while concerned about the rest of the Jhe building was surrounded bv c<#Lintry. and before his visit the tightest security guard of his Latin-American tour While the group met. Ameri¬ Collision witnesses differ to Sao Paulo. told of the Rockefeller country's need for $230 million to aid Brazilian was officials changed the gov¬ Melbourne can lights agriculture, health and educat¬ ernor's tour plans to avoid the possibility of student demon¬ over on ion. to Most of this aid would go the country's poverty- strations in Uruguay, where Rockefeller had been scheduled SUBIC BAY. Philippines An Australian sublieutenant lights on the Melbourne This striken northeast. to arrive Friday (AP (--Witnesses before the aboard the carrier told the supports testimony given ear- There have been no dis¬ board investigating the collision board he turned on his ships ier by Lt. James turbances during Rockefeller's His visit to Paraguay was of the Australian carrier Mel- red and green navigating lights Hopson. the junior oilicer Brazil visit, despite official extended until Saturday, and he bourne with the U.S. destroyer about eight minutes before the J^e Evans deck the at time ot fears that if anything happened was rescheduled to arrive in Frank E. Evans disagreed collision in which 74 crewmen thecoliision during the trip, it would occur Down to the Uruguayan beach resort of Thursdav about whether the from the Evans were killed. The Australian trainee o - in Sao Paulo, a restless city Punta del Este instead of the '7 " carrier . nad . ner no„i03tinn navigation ticer. Sublieutenant Viacheslav of.six million. A British navy lieutenant who Vorobieff. 20. said he had been Karen Strickland, Zephyrills, Fla., junior, gets the most out of an apple break i capital of Montevideo lights on at the time of the saw the collision from about instructed to turn the lights to Despite the efforts of Para¬ the Student Services crash. They also continued to Bldg. State News Photo by Bob Ivin Heavily armed soldiers and twQ miles away testified how- ..full brilliance 10 minutes guay's military government to an armored water cannon stood disagree about the relative pos- that he saw no navigating give Rockefeller a warm wel¬ ever bef0re the collision occurred. come. student opposition to his guard in front of the New York itions of the two ships. After throwing the light switch¬ BRAMS es. out and Vorobieff on said he walked the wing of the bridge saw the lights burning visit cropped up. \ declaration signed by 28 university organizat i o ns Viefs slosh AB asserted that Rockefeller was brightly." SAIGON (AP)-The Com¬ The British officer who saw not welcome in Paraguay be¬ campaign wi h six slashing at- fighting was under way in a munist command launched the tacks on Ta^ Ninh and its host the crash was Lt. Thomas Maw- cause his mission is "U.S. compete circle around the city imperialism with a new face." biggest assault of its summer of satellite 'illages Thursday son. 36. of Plymouth. Tay Ninh. 12 miles east of A 300-man enemy force broke Cambodia, is the capital of Tay through in one sector and fought Ninh Province. The city proper J allied troops in village streets. is small but it is encircled by \ US report from Tay \inh. PLANETARIUM Live A Little ■ Save A Lot 50 miles northwest of Saigon, said about 1.000 South Viet¬ a host ot villages, Kuonjj district known as Phu The over-fill namese civilian's fled their population is 180.000. Presents: Another development of the dav was a report that battle COUNTDOWN GO The rocket fighting, attacks, preceded began in day¬ light and continued far into the by deaths of Americans rose last week to 36.378 since Jan 1.1961. while the enemy dead climbed to 516.087 These figures came from the U.S. Command. AL EDWARDS rdfk THE STATE NEWS RENAULT* 1J/5 day throughout the * TWO FOR HER AND ONE FOR YOU Still Only P.O.E. Here's a new idea in wedding sets. We call it, Member Associated Press. I nited Press International. Inland Daily Pri Matchmates®Her engagement and wedding ssociation. Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Press Association. Mi rings match his wedding band. After all, why an Collegiate Press Association. I nited States Student Press Association. Sports Car Center should the bride get all the nice things! From top: $225. $375. $295. Program Schedule Second class postage paid at Kast Lansing. Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 317 Student Services Building. Michif Fridays — 8:00 p. m. ate University. East Lansing. Michigan Saturdays—2:30, 8:00 p.m. Sundays—2:30 & 4:00 p.m. Overseas Delr 355-8252 1200 E. OAKLAND PHONE 482-1226 Information 355-4672 353-6400 Abrams Planetarium, Sci¬ JEWELERS Vy yf SINCE 1876 Busmess-Circu ence Rd. and Shaw Lane, Open, Monday & Thursday Evenings til 9 Photographic 121 S. Washington-Lansing, Michigan MSU, East Lansing. 1000/o HUMAN HAIR discount records inc. 225 ANN ST. : WKS THE ONLY COMPLETE RECORD STORE IN LANSING or E. LANSING ~'i FALLS >29» COLUMBIA'S BEST AND — ALL SPECIALLY PRICED . ' " WIGLETS THE ILLINOIS OAR SPEED PRESS INCLUDING LITTLE HANDS DIANA WAR IN PEACE BROKEN HEART/GREY/AFRO M.S.U. 1 11 ALEXANDER SPENCE CS 9831 .BONUS* 31® COLUMBIA JIM HARDIN RECORDS - THE SUITE FOR SUSAN MOORE AND DAMION LEADER OF TODAY'S -WE ARE ONE. ONE, ALL IN ONE SOUND DON'T FORGET Showrooms Open: WE'RE STILL OPEN 10-6 Daily EVERY SUNDAY Mon. & Fri. Til 9 FROM 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. WITH VERY SPECIAL SALES IMPORTERS WIG WAREHOUSE HRS: 9:30-8:30 DAILY 9:30-6:00 SAT. 12:00-5:00 SUN. liscount records 1820 E. Mich. Ph. 372-2332 PH. 351-8460 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20, 1969 3 NEWS Tan By MARILYN PATTERSON State News Staff Writer ck Cauley said Thursday that he did not have any specific new plans (Tanck > left." he and I worked closely to plan said. He volu recision Imports director plans for volunteer programs volunteer programs and 1 will summary James R Tanck 'Specializing in finer of the MSU Office of Volunteer yet. He is just getting acquainted adhere to what we have done -We had anticipated our first sport cars" A Porgrams and recently appoint- with his new job and responsi- so far big summer this year. but capsule summary of day's «v«nts from edstaff consultant to the Cab¬ bilities. not sure what will happen our wlr« s«rvic«s. inet Committee on Volunteer Cauley said he is not sure with students on both five-week Action what i •where I stand ' until the bud- and 10-week class schedules." Now offering quality ser¬ in Washington. said Thursday that his first job vice at reasonable rates by would be to help establish vol¬ factory trained mechanics. unteer programs in colleges 1,900 SAMPLED c and universities around the We have a-mple parts to aid nation. you in faster service and fin¬ U' president profile poll e hare withdrawn pu¬ The committee hopes to have ancing available at request. ces. H e will withdraw more.' programs in 100 schools by this fall. Tanck said. MSU's is now the only university-based vol¬ Distributor of Pirelli anc| Michelin Tires. for release k unteer office in the I S President Richard Nixon and George Romney, Secretary of set next wee Bruce jjm Housing and Urban Development and hoped for possibly 5.000. By LINDA GORTMAKER ceritages. These marginals tell and chairman of the cabinet Executive Reporter what percentage but only got back 1,900. Miss of all 1.900 stu¬ committee, were both aware of A profile of the type of presi¬ dents Thompson could not explain the "electrical work a specialty" responded to certain the operation of the MSU Office discrepancy, but said they had International News of Volunteer Programs and its dent MSU students want will be released early next week questions For example, one marginal could show what per¬ no problem with professors dis¬ success. Tanck said ASMSl's Presidential Se¬ tributing the questionnaires or 1915 E. Michigan centage of students answering Tanck travelled to Washing¬ lection Board (PSBi is or¬ the questionnaire said that returning them. Questionnaires Israeli and Egyptian artillery dueled along were distributed in a ton several times during the MSU's next president should sampling IV 4-441 1 ganizing results from the 1.900 the Suez Canal front Thursday, and Jordan past months to discuss imple¬ have a major experience in of classes. questionnaires distributed to a reported another Israeli air attack inside menting volunteer programs sampling of students at the end college teaching. 'One professor completely elsewhere in the nation of spring term. forgot about distributing them its territory. It was then decided that he The biggest thing now is to PSB will not release these and remembered 15 minutes An Israeli spokesman in Tel Aviv issued a should be staff consultant to after he dismissed his class." get the whole thing done and . marginals until results can be terse "no comment" on the Jordanian report. the cabinet committee Tanck released to whomever wants broken down by groups. Straight Miss Thompson said. " So he is in Washington, now on va¬ it. said Marcia called up and asked us if he A Cairo dispatch said the shelling along Thompson, percentages would not be that cation His official leave from chairman of PSB's steering helpful. Miss Thompson said, could try again the following the canal lasted five hours, but Israel claimed the University begins July 1 committee. it would be more meaningful to day." it continued for only an hour and a half. The The questionnaire consisted show what freshmen wanted, mev: Secretarv oi Health, of 60 items, including 11 what out-of-state students wan¬ • • • iden¬ First returns from the elections Thursday night showed Prime Min¬ Irish Republic's nation and Welfare Robert Mnch: P. Secretary of Labor Schultz Secretary tifiers or background data, such as class, sex. grade point, teds and Sue so on. Gebelein. ©ITT •ge age. race. home, marital status. undergraduate ister Jack Lynch running well in his fight 'ommerce Maurice Stans. parents lilitar representative to the search WITH THE for a parliamentary majority. No sign emerged of Agricultu ord Hardin and Donald Rums¬ Cliff¬ status. • So fa hav and selection committee, was scheduled to present the mar¬ WINGED SPARTANS WE KNOW ABOUT CARS of the widely forecast swing to the left. feld. director of the Office of MSU's learn-to-fly club. lated identifiers v ginal results to the board of WHE N YOUR CAR NEE DS • • • Economic Opportunity iers " Miss Thomps< Many great membership During Tanck's six-month The next benefits. Big informative ATTENTION, COME ON IN. A pair of East German youths escaped step YOU CAN GE T ALL THE leave of absence. John Cauley match identifiers \ meeting 7 p.m., Mon., June o West Berlin Thursday amid a hail of will be acting director of the 23rd, Room 31,Union Bldg. QUALITY PARTS YOU NEED. qualifications for gunfire from East German border guards MSI Office of Volunteer Pro¬ grams. He was the co-ordinator COME ON UP! Police said the guards fired 30 to 40 shots PSB alsc KELP YOUR CAR HELP YOU of the MSI' Volunteer Bureau from automatic weapons, but the youths, ready, the : described only as 19 and 20 years old. reached RECORDS PRE-RECORDED TAPES Springs freedom uninjured. PRE-RECORDED CASSETTES Shocks National News and Brakes STEREO EQUIPMENT A young man apparently shot himself Thurs¬ All your suspension system needs. at day after he climbed to the top of a bridge in downtown Pittsburgh and sent hundreds of THE DISC SHDP people scattering into doorways and behind parked cars with fire from a small pistol. 323 East Grand River MORRIS AUTO PARTS | OPEN MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average The youth, identified as Robert Michniak. IV 4-5441 SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. 22. failed to wound or kill any persons on everyday hungry gourmet 814 E. Kalamazoo 8 - 5:30 MON-SAT the waterfront. Police were under orders not PHONE 351-5380 600 N. Homer at E. Sagin r Frandor Shopping-Center to return the fire. • • • The nation's air traffic controllers began a LARRY'S SHOP RITE s«s fresh campaign Thursday for more help and equipment by what amounts to a strike. The controllers are protesting the overloading of the nation's air facilities by calling in sick to major city airports. • • • Secretary of the Treasury David M. Kennedy refused Thursday to move against the banks has 'Cold Beer To Go' to force a lowering of interest rates or to THE ONLY COLD BEER IN EAST LANSING employ other selective governmental interven¬ tion because "where does one draw the line?*" PLUS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF WINE LOCATED ACROSS FROM Michigan News KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN Councilwoman Mary Beck, the latest entry into Detroit's race for mayor, appears to be OPEN 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mon thru Sat. the "law and order'' candidate who will be 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun. backed by conservative forces. If elected mayor, my primary goal will be to sweep this city clean of crime and corruption and every form of pollution and to make our streets, our homes, and our busi¬ nesses places safe and wholesome once again.'' Miss Beck. 61. announced when she filed for the post Wednesday. • • • Gov. William G. Milliken said Thursday he is "disappointed' that New York Republican Mayor John Y. Lindsay was defeated in the your center for MSU sweat shirts, T-shirts, and souvenirs primary election Tuesday. to identify you as a student of M.S.U. Asked if he would encourage New York One more day to pick up your mug for the T.G. Republican Governor Nelson Rockefeller to back Lindsay against the new GOP candi¬ date. John J. Marchi. Milliken said. "I may have occasion to do so. He has a good man in John Lindsay ." Campus News L'.S. Sen. Philip A. Hart said Thursday night all generations and all segments of Across From Oil society share a common frustration that individuality is being diminished by unres¬ • ponsive institutions.' Speaking before the graduating class of LET'S GO CANOEING S 8 S Macomb County Community College. Hart said. "Much of the discontent in our land ON THE RED CEDAR! can be traced to that frustration." 'Weather Mon. thru Fri. 2-12 p.m. Hart cautioned that individuality is not restored by " dissent which destroys rather Sat. and Sun. 12-12 p.m. Permitting" ^^^tudent ^H^ook ^^^tore than reforms." or by the failure to recognize 1 70C per hour South side of Bessey Hall 421 E. Gran J River that established channels separate "the rhe¬ toric of the nation from reality." EDITORIAL JEFF ELLIOTT A natural Looking around to a senseles Spartan Stadium 'Sooner or later the test must concessions they would have to I just wanted to look around. After all passage-way or even a little opening I be whether the South Vietnam¬ make to other political group¬ it isn't every day that they put Tartan could squeeze through. Turf in your stadium. So when I heard At first it seemed kind of ese will serve their own coun¬ ings." funny, being that work had begun to remove the old locked in. Then it became rather dis¬ try sufficiently well to guaran¬ What is now needed is an ex¬ sod on the football field Wednesday. I couraging and pretty dumb when I stopped tee its national survival." pansion of the Clifford McNa¬ decided I would venture over and get a to think about it. Soon it was just down- « last look at the grass that such Spartan Thus another American en¬ mara type sentiment to the pres¬ right maddening, like being trapped inside standouts as George Webster. Clint Jones a large prison by yourself. ters the ranks of those dissatis¬ ent administration. And that and Bubba Smith used to roam on. After yelling at some of the guys play¬ fied with this country's involve¬ could be a long time coming. It When I got over to the stadium there ing tennis proved useless. I remembered was a man and his wife ment in the Vietnam war. is difficult to imagine Melvin taking pictures seeing a couple of phone booths. As I of each other under the goal post and two hurriedly made my way to them. I sud¬ Laird admitting that U.S. in¬ As with McNamara before trucks and two workers at the other end denly stopped short, realizing that I had volvement in Vietnam is a mis¬ of. the field. About third of the grass him. former Sec. of Defense a changed my pants before I came and had take that will have to be ack¬ had already been stripped and several forgot to get any change or wallet Clark Clifford now becomes one more layers were cut and ready to be from my other pants. It was a good nowledged. of those people who too late hauled away I thought nothing of it as. thought-the phone booth-although I wasn't The question naturally arises the big truck passed me with the two sure just who I was going to call realizes that the Vietnam war is for "What took so long?" Perhaps workers and went out the gate. exactly that-Vietnam's war. As a blindness or a mental block I looked around for a little while more I came to a fuse box and got a wild Clifford put it. "if they (the and decided, oh well, it's not too excit¬ idea that if I was still here until dark. occurs while in power that pro¬ South Vietnamese) lack a sense ing right now but just wait till they I would start pulling switches and see i hibits the concerned party from start pouring the asphalt base and lay¬ what happened, hoping to draw someone's or a sufficiency of national pur¬ considering possible alterna¬ ing the new covering itself. attention But I couldn't see sitting here pose. we can never force it on tives. Thus, while sentiment As I turned to leave the massive but so for two hours doing nothing but looking them No military strength empty stadium. I noticed that the big gate at some 76.000 plus empty seats. Besides. outside the administration, and ... where the truck went out was closed and I had a date with the' Gables at 8 that we can bring to bear can give from past administrative offi¬ looked locked Hmm. must be that either night. popular acceptance." cials. is increasingly anti-Viet¬ those workers don't want anybody in here I decided to go down to the gate where or thev-re through for the day - probably the truck went out remembering there nam. this sentiment will not be the latter. Perhaps Clifford's most start¬ shared by those officials pres¬ was a foot and a half opening at the top. Well, guess I had better find another As I climbed up the fence and squeezed ling statement was not his ap¬ out. I said So I started walking peal to withdraw 100.000 troops ently in office. way through. I vowed to myself that I would, around, looking for the gate which was for sure, take off some of my excess Thus it seems that we can ex¬ bv the end of this year, but rath¬ going to free me. However, after journey¬ accumulation lying in my mid-section, in er his acknowledgement that pect little ready response from ing half-way around there was no gate. case I ever got in this situation again. "as the Saigon authorities saw the Nixon Administration to the Once over that fence, however. I looked it. the longer the war went on. increasing evidence that 35.500 POINT OF VIEW up me. to see yet another fence staring at That's when I really felt trapped: * American lives have been lost in with the large-scale American I wasn't sure I could make it back over vain. Saving the U from Mr. Charlie the first one. involvement, the more stable I walked over to the second gateway was their regime and the fewer --The Editors only to discover that the opening at the top was almost half the size of the one I Carskof was experimenting with ■ out " soon. Farber has pointed out that EDITORS'S NOTE: The following had just crawled through. Discouraged ch Psy 151. well 490. the educational system socializes stu¬ "point of view" was written by James and out of any other bright" ideas. I Ma\be his solutions were bad for dents to take orders It doesn t end there \ioriarty, graduate assistant in Psych¬ A article in the Wall Street decided to just stand there until I saw .many, or for some. But the fact is that recent Warning of built up files second only to ology. ed." He entitles it "A Look Back in Anger; the Garskof Affair Re-visit- tie ^wouldn't accept the iiig^er. And he got fired by Mr. Charlie. >Vh?) answer is Mr. Charlie0 In this case it like a Journal reports that big business finds that former Army officiers make far more stable and reliable junior executive someone. Lo and behold, there minutes later. He wore a was my man two green janitor's Looking for a reputable, tax- "Students are niggers. When you get Was the tenured psychology faculty. Some than the recent crops of college grad¬ uniform and with a jangling set of keys deductible the Federal Bureau of Investi¬ that straight, our schools begin to make hanging at his side. I knew I was about charity to donate to? would not accept in their midst a pro¬ uates Don't get paranoid. It's not as sense. the faculty and administrators to escape from my captivity. But it, gation in size, scientific ar¬ decide what courses will be offered: fessor who not only held beliefs different though there were some arcane coterie didn t prove quite that easy Why not try the Church League rangement. and carding of the students irogn theirs, but constantly confronted of they" who are doing this to us. First he wanted to know what I was get to choose their own Ihe' The establishment" is of America? Originally estab¬ University, and indirectjy them. not "they". names of individuals, organi¬ Homecoming Queen. ." . doing in there. When I told him my sad Carskof holds views different than It is in part we. Look at what we are lished as a research project, Jerry Farber in "Student as Nigger' story and that I was sports editor for the zations. publications, move¬ I am a graduate from a small liberal "m(«t of us. But I don't mind that. I am doing to ourselves and letting sincere, State News, he said. O.K.. let's see it s purpose is to "warn church your ments and ?iot afraid of his views. I debate them but nonetheless malevolent. Mr. Charles subjects." arts college where in four years I press card I just kind of let my jaw people, both clergy and lay¬ saw two multiple choice exams. When to understand mine better. And that's do to us. hanj. : I couldn't even show hhn a nickel. I men. in regard to those forces 5ne of the things Garskof does to the Take Tim Lean's advice and step And that means "over 100 I came to MSU as a grad assistant was pocketless. 600; middle class Michiganers sitting outside your ecological niche and look I was told that multiple choice exams After assuring him I was going to write seeking to destroy American tons of files of original docu¬ jn *front of him. He forces, often ir- back in. See what we are doing to our¬ this article and that I would include him. were the only way examining could be society by infiltration into all ments including publications done reliably and validly. What done ritites. them to leave the lecture hall selves and others.. he opened the gate And as J.P. Mc¬ challenged enough so that they argue. Tune in to what is going on. The Psy¬ phases of society." according to of all jthe worldwide network reliably and validly? Set up a normal Carthy's loser-pf-the-day. I regretfully "»ft?n heatedly, with others about his chology faculty didn't realize it in the nominate mvseft. Maj. Edgar C Bundy. execu¬ of Communists. Socialist. Nazi distribution. Oh. a normal distribution position. Garskof case And I doubt that the of what0 Students. (What are students0 At least MSI fans and followers can tive secretary. and Fascist : Toms among students realized it either groups." includ¬ Niggers or human beings01 I accepted Gr perhaps he was fired because, rest assure that nobody is going to break as one professor said. The faculty If you don't understand what happened ing 50.000 bound volumes. that belief for we had no alternative into Spartan Stadium very easily. Let's Lately however, the Church to "teaching" the some 7.000 students jusj didn't like Bert Garskof person- at Columbia. Harvard. Berkelev if hope next year's Spartans can contain .eague has extended the scope The league. Bundy maintains, who take Psy. 151 in the course of a till* " Whatever the reason, be it pol¬ you don't understand why some students their opponents as well as the stadium itical. personal or social, the hard are upset, check and see it you're not contained me Wednesday of its investigations. Conse¬ is "sustained wholly by tax year Like a plantation nigger. I accept¬ not a nigger or a Mr Charlie. ed Mr. Charlie's beliefs. faQt was that students had no legal quently the noble members have deductible gifts" from individ¬ But then I started to work with Garskof br Administrative say in what happened been working overtime. Bundy uals. churches which include But' it's, in part, their university. That explained why. "This is the the I was hesitant to sign up to work for him because it was rumored around the 3s .what some students have recently OUR READERS' MIND League in their mission¬ resized just like some Blacks real¬ outgrowth, he said, "of plans department that working for him entail¬ ary budget, foundations and ed more work than ized they were letting Charlie treat of Students for Democratic other teaching *hem like niggers. corporations. Stop political interference a assistantships. He wanted his grad as¬ ; If you haven t done it before, now Society for invasion of indus¬ With a little luck and' a few sistants to attend his lectures, grade js Jthe time to assert your rights as try with express instructions essay exams, come to weekly meetings more tax deductible gifts, the *tu*lents It's not a bad time to ask to discuss how to improve our own hat once they got in the plant .yo^r prof why he has set up the grad To the Editor: hev would spread disaffection League may be Number One teaching We wanted to improve the in^ system he has. Where does the It seems quite apparent that Profes¬ of the grant were made on legitimate course from just a place where 600 before long. Even the FBI : A* fall on the normal distribution- sor Sharma lost his HEW grant due to grounds and thereby place the Univer¬ among the workers." students were shuffled in and out with Choose best answer. He his political views and not because of sity in a defensive posture. Second, the couldn't be as devoted to pre¬ multiple choice exams. We provided :90. 85. 95° shouldn't mind answering that question the technical reason of his not having perpetuation of this fiction would en¬ serving the American Way as outside seminars for students who were if -he has a good answer. An answer a continuing relationship with the Uni¬ courage greater political interference in¬ Unfortunately, the Leaguers the League. interested in psychologv-psych is act¬ Yh;st satisfies himself and you. After side the University by outside political versity." have not been able to keep up ually a very stimulating and often re¬ If the University fights this issue on forces due to the fact that the HEW levant subject albeit the average Psy all^ the University is. in part, yours with all the cards and letters Chances are they've got a It'r. also his for research. Good. Nothing technical grounds alone, we believe that regulations are broadly written and it 151 students rarely finds that out. There they have been card on you. Their file includes rwnong with that. It is essential that they will have the best chance of having would always be possible to find some receiving. of course is an inherent danger in doing Professor Sharma's grant reinstated. We technical ground to disguise the politi¬ "We've been a university produce research but it is so inundated with over seven million cards on stu¬ the above things. You might become in¬ also for teaching students. Students are feel however that while tactically this cal reasons. volved. Students, not closed mouth nig¬ requests for information on dents for use by employers who human beings. Not Niggers. may be the best method of handling We would suggest that both the Uni¬ gers. will do that to you. They ask ques¬ subversion that the staff is run¬ hire students for summer work. tions you can't answer well and demand Its too late now but next fall you this particular situation, it would be a versity Administration and the heads mcjty want to ask the prof why he comes strategic mistake for several reasons. of the various programs such as the ning several weeks behind." If you got a summer job. you better answers. They come up with an¬ class First of all it would African and Asian Studies swers. Often it borders on the exciting. to unprepared. Why he reads perpetuate the programs Bundy explained. Nevertheless, probably cleared the security papers to you which you could as easily fiction that the reasons for the denial should publicly demand an end to out¬ Yes. school type things exciting. If you the staff is "working night and check. re^d in 10 minutes on your own And side political interference and the im¬ have never feit that you are either a nig¬ Sensationalism wl that teaching assistant puts you mediate reinstatement of Dr. Sharma's day doing research to meet Isn't it nice to know the ger or Mr. Charlie. The danger inherent in of!* with a poor answer or the teacher grant requests from business and in¬ Church League of America is in getting involved with students is that cop-out- see me after class about To the Editor Richard Trilling it detracts from your research. And worse In your issue of Tuesday. May 27. dustry. law enforcement agen¬ watching vou° to the ego. students may show you up. that -ask him if he said that because there Graduate asst . physics cies from he doesn't appeared an article written by Chris coast to coast." -The Editors The new director of Psy 151 recently really have a good answer, Mead and Denise Fortner in which the i There's nothing wrong with that, but college presidents and boards told me. "Yes. I'd be willing to hold Mi Charlie's ego couldn't take being purported to evaluate the situation as the\ of regents, and agencies of the The State News welcomes all meetings to improve Psy 151, but 1 found it at Ferris State College. wrong in front of 35 niggers. They This article is a very good example of letters. They should be typed doubt that there is much that can be federal government. m&ht "lose respect"' for him. When and done I mean its like spending extra sensational and irresponsible reporting signed with the home town, you find material on reading list that student, hours on your lectures, it just doesn't where information is reported as fact, faculty or staff stand¬ -is irrelevant or simply wrong, don't Thank God there are a few ing. and local phone number in¬ improve them that much and the time when indeed it represents merely the Sam W Austin be' afraid to point that out. When a is probably better on your research. " opinion of certain individuals. If one ac¬ patriotic citizens left who are cluded. No unsigned letter will prof gives a dumb test, tell him so. Associate professor of physics be accepted for publication, and Garskof wouldn't have accepted that cepts the statements of the students interested in preserving our I'rfless you do these things, unless you interviewed by your reporters without your I would have at one time. I Good work , lettei will be answer no printed without stand up for your rights, your part liberty and rooting out "sub¬ a signature except in extreme did for a long time. But not anymore of 'the university, you will pay for it journalistic interpretation, then any ra¬ I want to change things for myself tional person would come to quite a dif¬ To the Editor: versives." circumstances. All letters must as- will your younger brothers and sis¬ and for my children. But as Hemingway ferent conclusion than your prejudiced re¬ I would like to thank all conscien¬ be less than 300 words long for ters. you children, our society. It's Since the League was founded publication without editing said. "One man alone stands no chance. porters would It is quite apparent that tious Michigan legislators for making ne-essary that you not only save your the sole purpose of this article was to in 1937. Bundy boasted, it has And that's the question that the Garskof serf from Mr. Charlie, but save Mr it just a littie more difficult for "needy" affair has raised for me. fan the fires of racism, rather than to students Charlie from himself. The tenured to acquire a college educa¬ carefully evaluate a most unfortunate tion. faculty doesn't realize that they are situation. treating you like niggers. Keep up the good work, boys! Pretty The problem is larger than the Un- Roy A. Davis, M D soon you'll be running the whole show. Medical Director Chris Larsen ivrrfcity. Graduating seniors will find Ferris State College Midland sophomore MICHIGAN IF You u)ereMVdo6, i'd I THINK THIS COUNTRY LAS5 HAS FALLEN FOR ME..MY KISS 4 | STATE NEWS Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT, BUT 6000! HAS LEFT HEf? SPEECHLESS/ INIVKRSITY Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial director Jeff Elliott, sports editor Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20, 1969 5 2 Spartan hurlers to MSI' Two traveling pitch in Europe pitchers from this baseball overseas team year s will this weekend and could very easily face each be .lune 24-29. Bielski. top tor the Spartans uill'be .1 this pitcher spring, member of the Dutch W (jolk Your Summer Place other on the mound. The Dutchmen needed a good Dan Bielski. Wyandotte sen¬ ior. and Rick Kreuger. Grand hurler for their club and ap¬ proached \1SU Head Coach Dan¬ With The Familiar Face Rapids junior, will take part ny Utwhiler for help. Litwhiler in the International promptly picked his ace right¬ DETROIT 34 Tournamen^ to be held in the Netherlands hander to make the trip. Biel¬ Washington 31 ski will probably pitch the last New York Cleveland 31 22 ^ame of the series on the 29th. Show Bar Kreuger. junior college trans- WESTERN DIVISION |SPORTS IN BRIEF ter a jjiudent. was injured part (Take Out] Oakland Minnesota 33 34 i.<£> \\ITI --Th. t the tne vear. but returned tseason's end to help the near IL FORNO Seattle 27 Los Angeles Rams Thursday Spartans. He will go with the Chicago 26 acquired reserve quarterback Stillivans. Grand a Rapids team Kansas City 25 California 20 Karl Sweetan from Orleans Saints in return for two the New which goes to Rome and the Netherlands each year. The Sulli¬ Rathskeller Thursday's results future draft choices. van?; have captured the tourna¬ Minnesota 8. California 1 ment several times. Chicago 13. Seattle 10 DETROIT at New York, night Baltimore at Washington night PRINCETON N'.J ilJPIi - Boston at Cleveland, night Mike Kstrp. ;i sophomore at i only games scheduled Today's games Rice University, stunned top Washington at DETROIT, night seeded Bob Lutz of Southern Minnesota at Oakland, night California 5-7. H-4. 8-6 Thurs¬ Chicago at California 2. twi-night Kansas City at Seattle. 2. twi-night day to advance into the semi¬ Baltimore at Cleveland. 2. twi-night finals of tin- NCAA Collegiate New York at Boston, night Tennis Championships. Wednesday's late results New York 4 DETROIT 2 Cleveland 2. Boston 1 Pardon my shoulder Baltimore 3 Washington 1 CHARLOTTK. N.C 11 PI» Minnesota 3 California 1 As If the Orioles need help, Washington Sena¬ semi-annual more Oakland 16-9. Kansas City 4-2 Towering Masters champion tors Mike Epstein runs into a policeman stationed Chicago 7-5. Seattle 3-6. 2nd gar George Archer took advantage of along the infield wall in RFK Stadium while try¬ spacious tairwavs and slow ing to catch a foul fly in Wednesday's game with greens Thursday to shoot a 5- National Baltimore. Though Epstein made the catch, it mat¬ tered little as the Birds kept rolling along, beating under-par 67 and seize the early first round lead in the $150,000 EASTERN DIVISION the Nats, 3-1. AP Wirephoto Kemper <>pen (loll Tournament W L H"' Chicago 40 22 645 New York ;,2 27 541 Pittsburgh 33 30 »24 LONDON 1 (TIi-Dennis Ral¬ St Louis Philadelphia Montreal 31 24 16 32 34 44 492 414 267 Deadlines nearing for ston blasted his way into the semi-finals of the London Grass WESTERN Di\ ISION Court Tennis Tournament at Atlanta Los W 37 L ,3 PCI 5y, IM summer sports Queens Club Thursday with a ti-4. 9-7 win over compatriot Angeles 26 581 San Francisco Ron Holmberg to remain the :i4 27 55- Cincinnati Houston jj 26 544 IM participants reminded handicap' may compete and only surviving American. :f(| a-; at the deadline entering have a chance to make the prize San Diego IM ponsored thle list. The tournament will be Thursdays results this played July 12. with entries be¬ St Louis 5. Montreal 3 WASHINGTON 1 AP Atlan¬ Softball team entries are due ing accepted until July 10. There clearance Cincinnati at San Francisco will be a $1.50 green fee for ta Braves and Oakland Athlet New York at Philadelphia night Saturday with play to begin ail students, faculty and staff. ics owners, faced with an ul¬ San Diego at Houston, night Monday ♦Then' will be a choice 1 only games scheduled of slow fast Prizes will be awarded to win¬ timatum from the commiss¬ or pitch during the and of each ioner of baseball, are getting Today's games summer play ners runners-up Tennis entries will be rid of their stock ties with Montreal at Chicago ac¬ competition. Las Vegas gambling casinos, St Louis at New York, night cepted until June 27 with offi¬ Deadlines for both horse¬ Pittsburgh at Philadelphia night cial singles play getting under shoes and paddleball is Wed- a government official said San Francisco at Atalnta. night way Jun 1 All contestants are Thursday San Diego at Houston, night Los Angeles at Cincinnati, night required to bring one new can Wednesday's late results of tennis balls with them to New York 2 Philadelphia 0 their match. The classic Pittsburgh 3. Chicago. 2.10 innings Houston 3. Atlanta 1 Cincinnati 11. San Francisco. 2 Montreal 5. St Louis 1 duct During the five-week summer session, the IM Office will a unique golf tournament con¬ solitaire in an Campus Los Angeles 10. San Diego 1 in which all 1 low and high exquisite setting women's dress shoes Sublime. $890 $1090 $1290 $1490 hating a Hohie's submarine sandwich Is a wonderful experience. Hobie's PHONE 351-3800 CARRYOUT& DELIVERY .Capezio .Nina .Joyce .Town & Country TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON • SUBMARINES • women's flats and casuals .Nina .Capezio .Bandolino $ 90 Coke has the taste you never direct diamond importers .Old Maine Trotters 10 frandor get tired of. downtown women's Bandolino sandals 9.90 shopping center 203 s. washington f Garden THIS FRIDAY NIGHT JUNE 20 at 7 pm.... women's dress shoes THE $890 $1090 $1290 BOB SEEGER .Connies .Janettes .Moxees Singing goes better refreshed. And Coca-Cola but — never with that special zing too sweet — SYSTEM .Life Strides .Hush Puppies ® refreshes best. and The Rush things gO in Two Big Shows at women's flats and casuals better,! The Lake Lansing Amusement Park .Janettes .Moxees .-with 90 Coke OKE MOS-HASLE TT RD. MSU — extra added attraction -- Six Miles East of -- .Hush Puppies ® $7 — 4 Hours of free rldcr-- Tickets now on sale at Paramount News women's sandals 7.90-9.90 and Marshall Music 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20, 1969 $200,000 EXPECTED Rep Med School awaits funds William R Copeland. is also before the House Appro¬ Rep. George K. Montgomery, D-Detroit. chairman of the ored the $200,000 appropriat- ion for MSI' committee is also considering recommending that the House chairman of the House Appro¬ priations Committee. House higher education appro- The appropriation had been write specific language into the Backers of the osteopathic priations Subcommittee, said &ill authorizing MSI' to have a Thursday he anticipated his college are seeking to connect priations subcommittee, said removed from the higher edu- after a two-hour session with cation bill by the Senate. full, degree-granting medical committee would restore the it with a degree-granting state MSU administrators that he fav- Montgomery said the sub- school. $200,000 appropriation tor ini¬ university in order to insure ; This authorization was ad¬ tial expansion of the MSU Medi¬ passage of its initial appro¬ vocated by MSI administrators, cal School into a full four-year, priation A two-thirds vote is fkloqtgomerv said, because the degree-granting program needed to appropriate money Copeland also said there ex¬ for a private school. ists a possibility that an all¬ institutions State require majority Traffic Safety Center legislature's commitment to the full' medical school would aid Out to attempts to gain private and iance may develop between the approval of their appropriat- Holden Hall, closed for the reflects the absence of students In MSI Medical newly-established School and Michigan the Copeland said he discussed offers driving course foundation support for the coll |g Sunday Complete Shows more inaccurate lately in terms of Playmate of the Year Connie year of conege This includes The only scheduled performance at 1:00-3:45-6:25-9:05 of getting a college education "the 30 per cent without four of its repertoire of political plays A STORY OF LOVE AND Thirty per cent of the stu¬ years of high school. is for 1:00 p.m. Sunday in the * Beal Film Group Presents TONIGHT and * RACING EXCITEMENT PAUL nEiumnn dents in college come from fam¬ park behind the East Lansing , Saturday * w, ilies whose head never finished The study went on to rate the nation s colleges on the basis Bu§ Depot AU performanCes are film entertainment. The Inter¬ « jonnne woodward high school, a new Census Bur¬ eau study revealed. of freshman aptitude scores^ ^ree anc| soun{j as though thev mavbe well worth seeing. national Film Series is showing I JACK LEMMON c * ROBERT UJRGI1ER "Friendly Persuasion" Friday * in the comedy film o ¥ High ranking colleges were said Shindig'' has urnimnG Summer The teristics of study, entitled "Charac¬ College Students and their Colleges." is based on the to have nearly 23 per cent of the students enrolled, medium- been planned for Saturday, be¬ ginning at 10:30 a.m. with guid¬ : * UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE 1 : WINNING IS EVERYTHING! ranked schools. 43 per cent: ed bus tours of the campus. plus chapter I The Hurricane Express r * I u I .. Suggested for Mature almost six million students who low-ranked schools. 16 per cent * 7 and 9:15 108 B Wells 50c ' I Audiences This event is open only to fresh¬ « men living in Snyder-Phillips ^ ID not Required ^ (Parental Discretion Advised) cent. Next Week - Mars Attacks the World (Flash Gordon)* ber 1966. Halls. A picnic lunch will be ¥ pi ROWAN & MARTIN i * Of the black students enrolled, served at the East Complex I.M. « The Silent World and Citizen Kane « TECHNICOLOR'/PAN A VISION" 'THE M ALTESE BIPPY' The study indicates that op¬ the report said that not quite Field and the afternoons will portunities for American youth in higher education are increas¬ nine per cent were attending be filled with "fun and games." high ranked schools. 24 per Evening events will be an- ing cent medium ranked schools, nounced MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES Michigan State UniversitN Department of Theatre It revealed that 12.4 per cent 32 per cent low-ranked schools Besides " Shindig" and the Proudly Presents of college students dependent on parental support came from and 35 per cent unranked. Sixth Street Theatre, there is SUMMED TERM Program Information 332-6944 families with incomes under June 20, 21 $5,000 a year. A different Cen- FRIENDLY PERSUASION 1:15 - 3:20 sur Bureau report released earl¬ A gentle, tender EXCITING THRUST STAGE 5:25 -7:30 romance. In color. ier this year stated that 25.3 ALL NEW SEATING percent of the nation's fami¬ lies in this lowest in¬ 9:40 June 27, 28 UMMER CURTAIN 8.30 p.m. were TO SIR WITH LOVE come bracket. PLAYBOY ran ten Starring Sidney Poitier. In color. IRCLE In addition, the recent study July 11, 12 reported that six per cent of well-stacked pages on this film I TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE the students, including both family and self-supported in¬ WORLD dividuals. were non-white The E isensteln's depiction of the earlier study showed that 10.1 [ "A sort of 'What's New Pussycat?' brought up to | Russian Revolution. Also, "Bezhin per cent of American families today's level! Filmed in the new style...slick Ms ado-v" (sho-t subject). JUNE 25-29 in 1967 were non-white. cinema...bright wit...satiric barbs!" July 18, 19 Opportunities are advancing LOVERS OF TERUEL for youth in other categories (French) A Spanish legend of star "A zany erotobiography! The wackiest, sexiest film yet!" crossed lovers. July 25, 26 DAVID & LISA THE DESK SET —PLAYBOY Magazine Absorbing psychiatric d-a>n-. JULY 9-13 Howard Da Silvu stars. There so ere to me Aug. 1, 2 so reil stlcnature CARRY ON CLEO Today is the last day of regis¬ tration for an enrichment pro¬ "IT MAKES 'B A zany comedy filmed in Exoticolor. PLAIN and FAMCY gram sponsored by the Red Cedar "schools. Those interested LIKE SHIRLEY Aug. 8, 9 may go between 9 a.m. and 4 'LITTLE MISS MARKER'!" A COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG Jl LY 23-27 p.m. to the Red Cedar School. —LOS ANGELES HERALD-EXAMINER Cast includes Sophia Loren, The program, which will be con¬ Marlon Bra>ido. In ;olor. ducted from June 23 to July 25. Village will be held at Spartan ^(m FAIRCHILD THEATRE • 7:30 p.m. Sctoch Strips at $6.00 each. I enclose T Single Admission $1.00 Term Ticket $5.00 _ "I'nder the Yum Yum Tree," IlciroiiYiuus Tickets on sale at the dsor. IA stamped self-addressed envelope for the return of Scotch • reve' starring Jack Lemmon, presented by the Beal Film (iroup at 7 and 9 tonight and Saturday in 108 B Wells Ad¬ will be NUiRCY Humppe ^Fo SCOTCH STRIP ADMISSION COUPONS •Strips must be enclosed. Please J orders payable to Michigan State !send cash. make checks and money j University. Please do not ; ' mission is 50 cents and IDs and find true happinenn r are not required. SEE ALL THREE SHOWS FOR S6.00 Stupendous! There are The I niversity of Man will AnthonyNewiey Joan Collins Milton Berle. no more worlds to conquer.*' hold a meeting at 7 p.m Sun- dav in 328 Student Services "Can Heironymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true happiness7" t exchange procedure will be found c The implementation of John Wayne, Richard Burton, Bldg new and expanded cooperative »ar* Bruce Forsyth Stubby Kaye * George Jessel. • m *«« (x) Rod Steiger, Henry Fonda, endeavors will be discussed &MUI UUOtl" UITHONT NEWlfT ■ AKTHOWT MfWl[T ■ WKI1• WTWWHWHT Robert Mitchum, Robert Wagner Technicolor [ Persons under 18 noc admitted Sean Connery and many more! The Kast Lansing chapter Cartoon & Novelty - Next "How To Commit Marriage" •Ve OldeUottce* of the Biatra Assn. will sponsor a dance ;it 8 Saturday evening. Chief Koko and the Ambas¬ 'never so SERVE BEST PICTURE sadors Highlile Guitar Band from Biafra will be featured. timely! never so The will hold MSI" a Veteran's get-together at 7:'30 Assn. great! _ AT SHiKEYS OF THE YEAR! tonight in King Arthur's Court sieieitduringthe 25th located at 114 Lancer Lane. Dates are welcome. For further anniversary year of d-day information or directions call DARRYL F ZANUCK S | 487-3512 THE ®I The MSI Parachuting Club will be jumping Saturday and DAY '2 INTERNATIONAL STARS! Sunday at Eaton Rapids Call cornIi /us a Bob Olson at 355-8019 for in¬ formation or transportation The College of Education flLsPARTAN TWIN WEST fRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 and the College of Continuing Education will sponsor a non- credit driver training course be¬ Hurry! E nds Tuesday! Shown Daily at „ 1-3:45-6:30 & 9:15 ginning Monday. Classes are scheduled from 12:40 to 2:40 on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and at the same Let * times on Tuesdays and Thurs¬ days The cost of the five week ^,R0N M00DU- OMR REBU* HWSEOOMBE^ -SHAM MUS.w yourself «tteWbViMLL^Mita»^i,jiCKM£i»MKM(^arllONELBART i program is $15: those partici¬ pating must be at least 18 ^JOHNV\0XF b^C/^REED BwvawiEtHmorl glow years of age or older. For ad¬ ditional information call 353- 1790 ALSO P Faculty retirement Monday thru Thursday. 1.00 p i Friday. Saturday I Holidays, John N. Windburne. assistant dean of student affairs for Uni versitv College, will address the TICKETS BY MAIL NOW! faculty club at a noqn luncheon I Lansing Tuesday in the Faculty Room of the Union FRED ASTAIRE PETCIA CLARK 39S-32S0 mall theatre Windburne. president of the MSI' Services Cooperative Pro¬ gram. will talk about the pre¬ MAK6Y'S iSA/ovv AVAILABLE for SPWAL ?/}RTI*S AT sent benefits for retirees and TECHNICOLOR WkNAVISION ec lAL RPCTCS. PHOHe FOR t>eT>ULS. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20, 1969 SciaTssmedWS 355-8255 HAVE A "SEE-IN" ... Look in the Want Ads & see the values . . . Seein' is believing! 'aJssi^r 355-8255 Automotive Scooters & Cycles FALCON 1963 -Excellent condition 1968 B.S.A 650cc Excellent Capi¬ NEEDED: ONE mj TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 HASLETT. ATTRACTIVE 1-bedroom PUT New tires. Low price 355-9871 tol Villa Apartments, No. 74, 1700 for ranch-style Burcham $135 per month Call deluxe Married couple or graduate 3-6 24 East Grand River X3-6 23 rates Call 351 0476 days. 487-3216; evenings. 882-2316. student Lease, deposit $120 plus TO ij^lORYDU JEEP 1967 - V-6. 17.000 miles. CHALET-IMMEDIATELY needed 1 electric 337-7618 8-6 27 Snow plow Locking hubs Red body, man for 3-man summer sublet Lux¬ FOUR-MAN apartment. furnished FOUR ROOM furnished apartment • AUTOMOTIVE white top 353-3780 (days*. 646- ury apartment, access to pool 351- With swimming pool Heat paid Utilities included Parking $100 • EMPLOYMENT 6139 i nights > 5-6 24 3625 3-6 24 $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ Deposit required 116 Marshall. 1952 WWII model BSA 500cc courier AGEMENT. 351-7880 C • FOR RENT bike Lansing 5-6 24 Mileage-144 $400 337-0714 • FOR SALE 3-6 23 NEED IMMEDIATELY 1 or 2 girls • LOST & FOUND for summer Eydeal Villa. Pool OKEMOS-HASLETT Road. 5906 Brand 351-3547 3-6 20 • PERSONAL new. furnished, 2-bedroom apart • PEANUTS PERSONAL ments. One 3-bedroom. 2'2 baths, WILL MOVE your belongings in • REAL ESTATE unfurnished Immediate occupancy closed truck. Beal Street 2 man. Call 339-9264 or 339-8544 air conditioned. $140 month. 351- • SERVICE MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966 V-8 6 20 3-speed. 3765. 5-6 24 • TRANSPORTATION good condition 1 owner IV 9-9606 1-6 20 LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancv- • WANTED Tmarigold apartments COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham 911 Marigold Ave. OLDSMOBILE 1959 4-door 88 All and Alton Brand new deluxe 1- New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ bedroom. furnished For profession¬ DEADLINE power, automatic. Runs well $100 ONE GIRL 3-6 20 BEAUTIFUL. LIKE new 1969 MD immediately for summer ished 2-man al. graduate students, college fa¬ 355-9805 apartments. Scrambler BSA Spitfire $800 Call Completely furnished Capitol Villa culty or personnel Select clientele 1 P..V1, class day 3-6 24 Across street from campus. one be¬ PONTIAC 1963 Star Chief. 4-door 351-6446 3-6 24 Phone 351-0209 ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ fore publication. sedan, all power, new tires and Leasing now for fall. 1 year able for June and September leas¬ Cancellations - 12noonone brakes, mechanically excellent $600 NORWOOD APARTMENTS-Summer or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 leases, furnished, reduced rates 351-3525. class day before publica- 351-7694 3-6 24 SUNBEAM TIGER 1966- Yellow with black Employment CAMPUS NEAR Furnished Living ONE GIRL for 3 girl Air-conditioned, ONE APARTMENT left Hurry hur rv! All utilities paid Close to top 27.000 miles Excel pool Call 351-8483 3-6 20 lent condition 337-0600 351 REGISTERED NURSE Opening in a campus Call NEJAC 337-1300 C PHONE or medical care facility 7 am to plus utilities ED 2-5374 5-6 26 FAIRVIEW. 401 South 1 bedroom EIHiEWOOD APARTMENTS Large.. 3:30 p.m. shift Good salary and Down $125 month No children or furnished, studio apartments Car 355-8255 TEMPEST 1963 convertible $150 benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE ONE-BEDROOM, air-conditioned, car¬ pets Furnished, utilities paid Phone peted 2 blocks to campus $160 peting. air-conditioning, stove and 332-1050. after 6 p.m Ask for NORTH. 1843 North Hagadorn in 882-5763 5-6 24 month including utilities. Call 351- refrigerator $140 Call EDWARD G RATES Rich 2-6 20 East Lansing Phone 332-5061. Mrs HACKER COMPANY. 485 2262 or Cole 10-7 2 LADY TEACHER - Graduate student Mrs Steele. 485-3774 9-6 30 1 day $1.50 TOYOTA. 1967-hardtop. 16.000 miles Immaculate Automatic FM radio THREE ADDITIONAL men needed sach I5tf per word per day 332-2076 !_6 19 to join a crew of 4 MSI students 3 days $4.00 sales 13 l/2£ per word per day in Average weekly net for northwind TRANSPORTATION 25 hours. $104 22 Call Dick at 5 days 484-9848 2-6 23 farms ...... $6.50 Taunus. 1961 Amba 13£ per word per day able. 355-4535. John WANTED BABYSITTER Monday- Faculty Apartments 351-7880 Princeton Arms (based on 10 words per ad) VOLKSWAGEN 1967 : Sunroof, snow tires, r 50cbingl)am tgj TOYOTA SERVICE STATION attendant-week ends EDWARD S GULF SERVICE 2763 East Grand River East The Old Gr liner Max 4620 S. Hagadorn FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES CORONA CALL OR STOP IN AT: You'L be glad you did! with experience Well lighted | sold in parcels 2Vfo a STATE MANAGFMFNT 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 WHEELS of Lansing CROSSWORD POZZLE 2200 S. Cedar ACROSS v'. Pen,-, nt Only minutes from East Lansing & Okemos • IMMEDIATE FINANCING AVAILABLE Go West on Mt. Hope, then 2 blocks South on Cedar • LOW TAXES P M Ml . Islpjoii OiTiAPSL IS SUMMER SUB-LEASING A • 300 MATURE PINE TREES PER LOT mmru BA|AP,s it a x i c a b Br. i H A1l[ 1 ■ IML I LMK N|E|>-, HEADACHE? LAND OFFICE OPEN TILL DUSK On Beardslev Road TAKE Property may be inspected at M-78 and Bath Road, northeast of Lansing 3 6 7 8 J, jo - - i \ i 13 THE CURE. 144 i 15 w, 16 17 % 16 ■y %% % b N 20 22 23 24 F1DELI' 25 % 26 27 28 State Management Corporation will aid you r in leasing and sub-leasing apartments for the 30 31 32 29. Thoroughwort summer in: 32. Article 33 34 ♦Haslett Arms *Lowebrooke Arms y/a % % 35 36 37 36 %39 MO 33. 35. Taro paste Wood sorrels ♦Delta Arms '^Evergreen Arms Ul % 42 %% 44 36. Haip con¬ stellation 45 46 % 47 37. Black 39. Appellation •Cedarbrooke Arms ^University Terrace 1 % for Athena 46 1 49 1 50 42. Coral reet 43. Papa 44. Keel-billed cuckoo Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20, 1969 9 For Rent FIVE BLOCKS from MSU Available ONE OR 2 For Rent working girls Walking SUMMER ONE or 2 m< MEN: BREAKFAST, linens furnished SEWING For Sale MACHINE clearance sale Peace talks until September 15. Utilities MEN NEEDED for 4-man apartment Cooking privileges Parking $15 Brand new portables-$49 50 $5 00 (continued from page one! now distance Clean, extremely nice $150 Large, quiet For summer or 12 week 485-1078. 3-6/20 per month Large selection of re¬ paid, completely furnished for 3 332-5320 5-6 25 have been staged with Amer¬ months 351-7319. 10-7/! conditioned used machines Singers, girls Summer rates. Phone 332- 4076. 3-6 20 BAY COLONY COUPLE-ONE-Bedroom furnished 312 ROOM house available immedi¬ GIRLS ROOMS for the summer Call Whites, Necchis. New Home and ican connivance. OKEMOS--TWO-Bedroom Pool $175 Utilities included ately. No lease, furnished, utilities many others' $19 95 to $39 95 "Only with a peace Cabinet SUBLET PROFESSOR S fully furn¬ APARTMENTS 351-0972. after 5 30 p.m 2803.332-2157 $125-$135 332- 3-6/23 included $120 Convenient to cam¬ Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING can we have serious talks lead¬ 373-1700 MEN SUMMER Singles doubles COMPANY 1115 North Washington ished home for summer 9 rooms- pus Prefer summer sublet 485- 31* bedrooms, 14 baths Close MSU. 1 & 2 bedrooms. Furnished & Block Union Cooking 314 Ever¬ 489-6448 C-6 20 ing to a peaceful solution," NEEDED-ONE man for 4-man apart¬ Frandor *250 month 351-7544 unfurnished. Summer leases green. 332-3839 5-6 24 Tho said. "Whoever replaced ment. Close to campus. Air-condi¬ 4-6 24 the Thieu Administration must available. Also 6,9& 12 month tioning and dishwasher Call 351- WANTED: ONE girl to share luxury leases. Call Jack Bartlett, 3016 5-6 25 be prepared to negotiate peace. If the new government continues furnished apartment with pool East mgr. 337-0511. Corner of Lpnsing Call after 5 p.m.. 351- Haslett and Hagadorn Roads. the same oppressive dictatorial 0418 " 3-6 20 and warlike policies, then that would not represent any change at all." Some American and South V ietnamese officials believe Ha¬ noi's only real objective at the peace talks is the overthrow of the Thieu regime and that the repeated demands for "immedi¬ ate unconditional withdrawal" of American forces are made largely for -propaganda pur- But he denied Hanoi was stall¬ ing in the present four - way conference because of the pres¬ ence' of the Saigon delegation. Our presence here does not mean that we recognize the Sai¬ gon administration." he said. "But we agreed to a four-sided conference and we remain ready to negotiate a peaceful solution in that framework." He told a questioner that the Viet Cong never would accept United Nations or other interna¬ tional control of free elections in South Vietnam Obviously the provisional revolutionary government will never accept elections run by the present Saigon administra¬ tion. he said. nor by the United .Nations or any other international body The elec¬ tions are an internal affair to be settled by Vietnamese among themselves." In the conference session, the United States pressed North Vietnam repeatedly and fruit¬ lessly for a direct commitment to withdraw its troops from South Vietnam. (continued from page one) article in the quarterly Foreign Affairs and calling for removal of all U.S. troops from the war bv the end of 1970. Clifford says that policy means heavy U.S. casualties. Nixon Administration leaders say casualties would be higher if the enemy was allowed to seize the initiative and mount offensives unimpeded. There is reason to believe Clifford did not buck President Lyndon B. Johnson's decision last fall ordering Gen. Creigh ton W. Abrams. the US commander, to maintain ground against the enemy, including "spoiling" actions aimed at derailing enemy offen¬ sive preparations Johnson issued these instruc tions even as he ended the U S bombing of North Vietnam Clifford was anxious, above all else, to get the bombing stopped and productive peace Ainsworth. Detroit MSU e. Kappa Kappa Gamma u> vince Scialli. New City. N Y senior. Veterinary Medi- 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, June 20, 1969 Ann Arbor AWi riONS (continued from page one) Early Wednesday, protest lead¬ ers attending an afternoon rally called for a confrontation with the police, but their demands were shouted down at the rally Tenants Union wins case of the landlords have 3yDELORES MAJOR Scott Schrager, U-M gradu¬ He said that most of the strik¬ improved on the campus. maintenance $tate News Staff Writer ate student who works with the ing tenants complained of vio¬ responsibilities for Gov. Milliken said in refer¬ lations of city building codes their tenants. A U.S. Court of Appeals de- tenants' union, said that the ence to the Ann Arbor distur¬ He attributed this to city of¬ bances. "I think the law should cisioa has resulted in a minor appeals court decision in no "The most common of these ficials who sent notices to the be upheld and if it is violated, victo/y for the Tenants Union way solved all of the tenants' are insufficient garbage facili¬ landlords telling them to cor¬ it should not be allowed." strike near the U-M campus in problems in Ann Arbor. ties. inadequate heating, sewage Ann «Arbor. where 80 out of 90 "There are many cases still difficulties, lack of fire escapes rect building code violations. He said he is pleased that the "The landlords just sit there tenants facing eviction suits standing, about 40 evictions to and inadequate fireproofing in main university student body is until they are forced to do vvertawarded reductions in back be settled. I would expect the the furnance rooms," he said. taking a negative" view of the trials to run till August, and something by the city." Schrager rent payments by District Judge demonstrations. Piet^rG.V. Thomassen. perhaps into September," Shra- Schrager said that since the it's very clearly an effort on four-month strike began, many "A lot of this involves the Fr"?d Arnstein. member of the ger said. the part of a small number of political ideas of the strike. individuals to bring about a con¬ rent^strike steering committee, said that the Tenants Union was Many of the landlords try to frontation." he added dissuade their tenants from generally satisfied with the charge of unfair police treat¬ Cantlon A striking by making the needed publishes ment was made by Nicholas Ber- court's decision. \#e almost always got reduc¬ repairs." he said. toni, 28. who was arested Tues¬ Schrager said that settling tions. although they were not day night on'a rioting charge the problems of the Ann Arbor ecological Bertoni said his bond was post¬ always what the tenants had strike will not dissolve the ed Wednesday but deputies at Helter-swelter hoped for." he said. "In cases where there was a Tenants Union there. the Washtenaw County jail re¬ "Hopefully we can help organ¬ fused to release him until they Looking as though they're about to storm Bessey Hall or the Auditorium, this basi| for the tenants' com¬ crowd of students makes Its way down Farm Lane during mid-morning classes. plaints. there were reductions. The implication of man's ten- "The safety margin in such ize other strikes, in other places views had shaved off his beard and dency to allow environmental a system ought to be as great that have the State News Photo by Bob Ivins And in cases where the com¬ same problems most of his hair. degradation to poison natural as in any other system e do." he said. plaints were spurious, there were no reductions." Arnstein contin- systems is discussed by an MSU ecologist in the latest issue of GUEST ROOMS split MSU's Centennial Review. SDS convention broad ton. The appeals court ruling gives protection to a Washing¬ DC., rent strike, and tac¬ "An Ecologist looks at Environment." by John His E. Company Coming? Although these so-called new Members of other factions, in¬ their skin. We're not here look¬ Cantlon. professor of bontany tics disputed by tenants and (e-uiitiiitied from page one) ing for trouble, but if the pigs and plant pathology, is the first Business Associates Due? left and Old Left want to or¬ cluding the Black Panthers, are landlords there About one-third of the audien¬ harass us. we'll follow article in the spring issue of ganize the working class, and also involved in the convention, through, ce applauded as Rossen asked the brother." 'The decision deals directly the quarterly publication. both say they are Marxists-Len¬ which is the largest annual con¬ • 202 Deluxe Rooms SDS members to follow the tra¬ with* a point (William) Barense Cantlon said the ecologist's inists and backers of Mao. there vention in the seven-year his¬ dition of such revolutionary war (attorney for the landlords) training and research nurture • Sensible Rates remain key differences. tory of SDS. Tighter security measures heroes as Thomas Paine, while has made in his two arguments a profound respect for the ele¬ Several of these differences Black Panther-SDS coalition have been taken because of sev¬ the rest of the SDS members -thc't because there is a multi¬ incjude how to approach the Cantus Winston. Black Pan- eral bomb scares at the head¬ gance and complexity of the booed working class, the women's.liber- their organizer, said he sees a quarters on Madison Street on plicity of suits, damages would complex systems of plants, an¬ SDS is the only real hope of not ^»e collectable." Dale Berry, • ation question, and the radical total coalition coming between Chicago's South side. imals and their energy sources. gathering American radicals to¬ a member of the rent strike the Black Panther partv and the steering committee, said. "A stressed life-support gether to change this sick and i feel a definite polarization SDS. *"Sh corrupt society You are our only Other police witn nign-pow- this takes care of his mul¬ system for man." Cantlon said. coming between the PL and the "is surely bound to be a lethal hope for a world of socialism, WSA on several issues. Tim At this convention, we're gon¬ ered photographic equipment tiplicity argument." humanism and freedom." Ros¬ were stationed in the third floor state for some of the earth s McCarthy, convention chairman. na get our thing together i Black . Barense has refused to com¬ sen said Panthers and SDSi and we're of Haven Elementary School, more defenseless and delicate ment "Avoid the mistakes of the gonna let the people know that across the street from the Col: T*ie Appeals Court ruling im¬ species. PL. with large contingents old left, and there were many, we're together. Winston said. iseum. Policemen interviewed Phone 351-5500 for Reservations from Harvard University and the plied that the solution is for or we will wind up where they We're here to help our broth¬ by reporters took "know-noth¬ the. landlords to bring suits BULLETIN University of California at Berk¬ 1100 Trowbridge Road, Off 127 at Trowbridge Exit wound up~no\\ here ers regardless of the color of ing" attitudes. against the individual tenants. ley. feels that the working class The opposition to Rossen's question supercedes all others. At the Campus, Michigan State University speech came from the PL par- The opposition to the PL led by tv. which is engaged in a power struggle with members who have the national office in Chicago feels that women's and black The have winged Spartans will GUEST ROOMS a learn-to-fly infor¬ less militant ideas within the liberation issues are of key im¬ mation meeting and ground SDS. portance school sign - up session Mon. June 23rd at 7 p.m. EDGEWOOD UNITED in room 31 Union. Learn CHURCH to fly when the weather is Summer Sunday Service rslty Lutheran Substantial. A Hobie's submarine sandwich :h is a whole meal in itself. itsel UNIVERSITY SEVENTH-DAY & Church School -9:30 am Sermon by Dr. Truman A. Morrison ADVE NT 1ST CHURCH Church School PHONE 351-3800 CARRYOUT& DELIVERY TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON Hobie's • SUBMARINES • Sabbath School Meeting at 9:30 Worship Service 11:00 Call for information 332-8693 or 332-0606 | 9:15 a.m. I Services8:15, 9:15 & 10:31 504 Ann St. (Corner of Division) Peoples Church F irst Church of Loy G. Foil, Pastor Christ Scientist East Lansing The Wig Whirl 709 E. Grand River East Lansing I nterdenominational Sunday Service 11 a.m. 200 W'. Grand River goes on at » Across From the Capitol ALL SAINTS SERMON at Michigan ! WORSHIP SERVICES "The Universe, Including Man, EPISCOPAL r Elegante Wiggery! Martin Luther Chapel Lutheran Student Center 444 Abbott Road meeting for worship 3 p.ri All Saints Parish : 10:00 a.m. "A New Church In a CHURCH Evolved By Atomic Force" SERMON SUNDAY SCHOOL Sale Prices until July 3 800 Abbott Road New World—How?" Sermon presented "When the? Saints by Upper level, corner roon 800 Abbott Rd. 10:00 a.m. all classes I Dr. Paul Morrison Marching Out" Wiglets from $4.95 A|| ]00 Rev. William C. Huener Child Go care provided Falls from $39.95 H H I All are welcome Church School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Services Rev. Or in Smith Wigs from $19.95 Service at 9:30 Crib Nursery The New Dynel Matins at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m Wig—$24.95 So Bring The Baby IV 5-9477 Free Public Reading Room Swim Wigs— $10.50 134 West Grand River CHURCH SCHOOL Sunday at 10:OD a.m. OPEN 10:00 a.m. for Personalized service—meet UNIVERSITY University "Kept For Jesus Christ" Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. Carol, Jenifer, Mindy & Pam BAPTIST Wardcliff Christian Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. Crib throught Adults CHURCH Sch"> Church EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH Evenings 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Elegante Wiggery (American Baptist) McDonald Middle School Interdenominational All are welcome to attend Church Services and visit and Refreshment period in Hall following worship Social serv- Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor. ; 1601 Burcham Drive Your "On-Campus" Wiggery use the reading room. E. Eugene Williams, Pastor Worship 10:00 a.m. & ~:30 p.m. 541 E. Grand River Next to Paraphernalia University Class 9:00 a.m. Church School 11:10 a.m. UNIVERSITY UNITED 332-3341 .''Portable Persons" 7:00 p.m, Wednesday prayer METHODIST CHURCH hour 6:45 p.m. rree Bus Service KAIL RUFFNER, Minister Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 8:30 p.m 1120 South Harrison Phone: 351-7030 Wednesday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m, This Season 332-5193 332-3035 Makc|j^v and Nursery' 332-1888 Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm Your Gift Headquarters. FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH FOREST MEW SCHOOL * CASTminsKR prcsbytcrim church Rev. Wallschlaeger 3119 Stoneleigh, Lansing Weddings • Anniversaries • Birthdays 73/5 Abbott Rd. cost tonsinc. micniGon EVENING SERVICE 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHEDULE Rev. Bri ik and Rev. Hoksberger, Morning Worship 9:30 & 11:00 Ministers Church School 9:30 (for all ages) CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue St., Apt. 3 Nursery under supervision of a NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES Registered Nurse 11:00 A lvin Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 Free bus transportation 15 to 30 FREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on Rev. Robert David Leas 337-0183 minutes before each service. Residence Hall Bulletin Board. MORNING SERVICE 11:00 a.m. at SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Okemos Baptist Church 4684 Okemos-Haslett Rd., Okemos Diamonds by. . . ^518 S. Washington Orange Blossom EVENING SERVICE at SUNDAY 7;00 P.M. (2 mi. E. of Hagadorn; 1/4 mi. S. Grand River) Gold Fashion Originags Dr. Kenneth 7:00 p.m. Cum'ngs A Concerned Church Wedding Rings By Art Carved "Conservative Baptist with a Gold Fashion Originals Foreign Mission Society' Collegiate Challenge Watches By . . . Bulova i. 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP 10:00 a.m. Church School--All ages Longines in the fireside room 8:30 p.m. Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Worship Services SiIver & Pewter by Jewelry and 8:30 p.m. Collegiate Fellowship Art Center 11:00 a.m. "God's Vast Wealth Is Ours" 319 E. Grand River Ave. W.E. Robinson E.D. Dawson East ;FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Pastor Ed. Minister Lansing Call 482-0754 for information. Transportation call 332-2133 or 351-5125