Tuesday Stiff Cloudy MICHIGAN . . . STATE NEWS ... in opinion, always in . . . warming trend. High to¬ the wrong. day between 70-75. Chance of --Dryden STATE showers tonight. UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 5 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 24, 1969 Huff decl Two sets of officers stand v Stevens' as SDS convention ends not warra CHICAGO (AP)--The Students for a Meanwhile, the rival pro-Peking Pro¬ The " regular" seek a broader base Democratic Society ended a chaotic five- gressive Labor party named John Pen¬ than By MARILYN PATTERSON college campuses for their revol¬ day convention Monday with two different State News Staff Writer nington of Boston, a Harvard alumnus, utionary movement, while the Progres¬ groups of officers each of them as its national Trustee Warren Huff. D-Plvmouth. - secretary. sive claiming to be "the real SDS." The convention began Wednesday in said Monday that charges leveled against Before walking out of the Coliseum, A so-called the Coliseum on the city's South Side, him Sunday by board of trustees chairman regular faction, which the Klonsky group expelled the Pro¬ included most of the former officers, but Klonsky led his regular faction out Don Stevens. D-Okemos. are not true."\ gressive Labor group from the organ¬ elected Mark Rudd, 22. of New York of the hall Stevens said Sunday that Huff had Saturday to a West Side church ization. claiming the split would tighten City, as national secretary to succeed for a rump convention session. up its traditionally loose-knit organ¬ "severely criticized" Acting President Michael Klonsky. Rudd was one of the The two factions had split over whether Adams after Huff requested that an item ization. leaders of the Columbia the SDS should shift its emphasis from be changed from the public agenda to University take¬ After the regulars" left, the PL over last year. the campus to labor. the agenda for the secret trustee meet factions stayed and went about electing its own slate. Besides electing Penning¬ ing Friday. At the public meeting Friday. Huff ton a national secretary, the group se¬ announced that he would no longer at lected Patricia Forman of San Francis¬ tend secret meetings of the trustees Burger seated co State as interorganization secretary, because "the public has a right to know and Alan Spector of the New England not just the decisions, but also the pros region SDS as education secretary. and cons of the decisions At the church, the "regulars" select¬ Huff said Monday that he cannot ed in addition to Rudd. Jeffrey Jones, Worren era also of San Francisco State, as inter¬ organization secretary to replace. Bern- ardine Dohrn. and Life goes identify any such item quested be moved off the public agenda In his statement Sunday. Stevens de¬ that he re¬ William Avers of WASHINGTON Construction ' II begin soon on MSU's $11 milII Life Science clined to name the item to which he (AP» - Warren of the steep row of steps to acknowledge Michigan as education secretary. Earl Burger tool the oath Monday as cheers and applause from the hundreds The split left the regular faction in Bldg., which w I consist of two wings, numbered 1 referred. the The building ill enable the Clair White. D-Bay City, who joined 15th chief justice of the United of tourists. control, at least for the present, of the University to expand thi States, and the Warren court passed The transition from Warren to Burger class of its pi sent two-year medical school, and will also allow Huff in boycotting the secret meetings SDS national headquarters in Chicago, into history. was smooth and sedate. Except for Nix¬ for the addition of second unit for housing clinical depart- Friday, said he did not recall Huff's including the organization's member¬ The new chief justice, his hand rest¬ on's address it followed well-traveled ments and a third it having made such a request at Thursday s ship files, printing equipment and SDS as a teaching hospjtal and outpatient tradition secret meeting ing on an opened Bible held by Earl cash. Stevens Warren, swore to defend the Constitution didi^t have much to do over and to administer equal justice to the the weekend si he made up this piece of mythology. White said poor and the rich. He bld saifl he regards this as "fly Life With that the 1968-69 term of the Supreme Court and Warren's 52 years in public life came to an end. When the court reconvenes in will sit where Warren has for 16 years, applying probably a more restricted October. Burger Sciences specking" until Stevens names the item to which he refers. man "This Stevens to act. is a funny White said. said way for Monday that he \v«»uli He spoke seriously, using no notes Life Sciences will house the depart¬ The Office of Medical Education and stitute of Health and the Kellogg Found- ment of medicine, per year. And the pharmacology dept. and pausing at times to collect his pharmacology and Research Development was created to human development, the Office of Med¬ will be increased to provide a graduate assist faculty members in the design thoughts And he drew laughter from The building will be part of the pro¬ ical Education Research and program in toxicology. and evaluation of their educational ac¬ the packed courtroom with the obser- Develop¬ posed medical complex which is o in¬ ment. the School of Nursing and the Dr. Swisher emphasized that the new tivities. clude a second life sciences building, There is administrative offices of the College building will allow the College of Human The new building and the expansion only one ordeal more chal¬ a teaching hospital and outpatient clinic of Human Medicine and Veterinary Med¬ Medicine to further develop the concept in the medical program will lenging than a presidential press con¬ require combined with new student health ser¬ icine. of self-learning an increase in staff for all the ference and that is to argue before laboratories in which depart¬ vices. The construction of otlfrr build¬ The building will be located on the medical students can work independently ments involved. of personality hut ot the the Supreme Court -something he has ings in the complex depends on whether east side of Bogue Street, which in areas related to their course material. Dr. Jason said that his office has done twice finances from the state are allocated Warren cleared his throat again and to MSU for the full four-year medical again as he thanked the President and degree program. stated. we serve only the public in¬ terest as we see it. guided only by the Constitution and our own conscience." clerk the Burger, who had been seated at the s oath desk, then came forward to take from Warren Justices stood ASMSU seeks boycott against MSU bookstore to their left and right and reached out to offer congratulations and a smiling handshake The President, the two judges and The ASMSU Board bookstores in East Lansing would approved a plan i their wives then walked to the front Sunday night to distribute leaflets to orien¬ likely lower their prices, too of the court building and stood at the top tation freshmen asking them not to buv Board activities will be restricted - their textbooks at the MSI" Bookstore mer term since a number ot board n They will be asked to put off their bersare not in East Lansing Coming soon! purchases until fall term or to buy their Tom Samet. board chairman, i: books at one of the privately owned book¬ Europe Taking his place as acting el The State News, in cooperation with stores off campus man until fall term is Chuck ■ Mo: Acting President Adams, will begin a The action is part vice chairman. Mostov will have column next week in which Adams will of the ASMS! at¬ tempt to force book prices down. Gary proximately half of the regular b answer questions from students and fa¬ members at his disposal culty. Send questions for Adams to the State The old and . Klinsky. general member-at-large.'said We don't feel that the MSU Hook- Mo: irk this News, c o President's Column, research and store. owned by the University, should )e planning tor tall a Room .341, Student Services Bldg. Ques¬ President Nixon posed outside the Supreme Court Bldg. Monday with Warren E. Burger, right, the new les." Mostov said tions must be signed and the writer iden¬ make a profit off of students purchases. Sunday Chief Justice of the United States, and the retiring chief tified justice, Earl Warren. The ceremony making Klinsky said. If we can force their Mostov plans to hold short board i by class standing or faculty rank. Burger the 15th Chief Justice also marked the end of the successful historical Warren era. AP Wirephoto during the summer prices down by boycotting them, other ngs Student By LINDA GORTMAKER survey believe the next presidei pictures' desired president jits show that the black Over 38 per cent of whites indicated than $6,000 a year or more than $25,000 lattering of knowledge Executive Reporter be-he must be totally involved in the education; 31.38 for Mongoloids; and 51.43 the results humanities and business. Miss (iebelein more aware of what the a year, were basically the If a sampling of students could select University and tie concerned about every¬ to do." Miss Gebelein said, tor blacks same-a majority of students of each said. "All three are important here MSU's next president, he would probably thing. Sue Gebelein. undergraduate rep¬ All groups are In the other income groups, students noting tin tier distribution of percen- saying he should be a group wanted the president to be most be an expert mediator in human relations resentative to the search and selection professional academician." Miss Gebelein proficient in handling human relations still indicated a sltong desire to have ,i ie results for black students. problems and a professional academician committee, said said. \nd that is what I got from the problems president with a background in edu^asion. Fund raiser ASMSU's Presidential Selection Board Almost 55 per cent of the white stu¬ forums all along-that the students wanted These results could show that the kids but not as well-rounded is the other uch as we hate to admit it. (PSBi distributed a 60-item questionnaire" dents answering the questionnaire said the someone from the academic world." are living in groups. the president must be con- a very idealistic world. to 1.900 students spring term, and answers, next president should be best in mediat¬ Business-minded Miss Gebelein said But then, In terms of class standing, all levels ith such things as budget and maybe including the above generalization, have ing human relations problems, and 2.41 Business and humanities competed for they're right of students had a majority of students ng. The blacks seem to be more produced reams of computer results. per cent wanted a good fund raiser conscious of this " the next highest number of responses. These results could be recommending wanting a mediator in human relations Straight percentages, without considering Of the Mongoloid students. 23.81 per More than problems. Graduate students indicated they Students were also asked to indicate 15 per cent of white students a set-up where the president is in charge any variable factors, show that 2.8 per cent wanted a fund raiser, and 38.10 per indicated business; 18 18 per cent of the of people and other people are in charge wanted a persident with a well- what should be the area of educational cent of the students sampled think the cent indicated he should be an expert Mongolids; and 11.43 of blacks. of money " rounded background, while the other emphasis for the next president. Miss Geb¬ next president should be most proficient mediator in human relations problems Blacks and whites both had 17.1 per classes placed great emphasis or, ■ du elein interpreted this question to mean Family income in fund raising: 22 9 per cent think he Almost 12 per cent of the black stu¬ cent for humanities; and Mongoloid stu¬ cational experience. what academic area he is from, not what Evaluating in what areas the next should be best in public relations; 8.8 dents wanted a fund raiser. 45.71 per cent dents had 13.64 per cent. Results from the questionnaires are and his degree or formal background included president should have the most experience, in allocating budgetary needs; and 54.1 wanted a good human relations mediator All three PSB also tabulated results from the students from families with incomes will be used at future search and selec¬ races had the highest percen¬ in mediating human relations problems and 11.43 per cent wanted a good bud¬ questionnaires according to parents' ap¬ more than $18,000 gave tion committee meetings and when the tages in the field of education, compared a more well- (Totally involved geted with the highest percentage of all to the other choices of business, science, proximate income. rounded response. committee meets with the board of trus¬ "The answers to this question reiterate races for this category Whether students' parents earned less tees. humanities and other "They want the next president to have a William B. Castanier MICHIGAN advertising manager STATE NEWS Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor UNIVERSITY Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial director Jeff Elliott, sports editor Six-lime recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. EDITORIAL Originally the Removing Search and versity, particularly in light to the trustees. Yet the search the an effort to present a solidi¬ Selection Committee's reason¬ of the crossroad we now face and selection committee spent fied, harmonious public rela¬ ing behind its secrecy was in selecting a new president. two meetings a week, four tions image. It is evident, that this was necessary to But the document was re¬ hours a meeting, working on however, that such an attempt avoid embarrassing nominees leased only to the trustees, this document for a month. is clearly antithetical to the for president. A legitimate con¬ not to the public or the press. It seems unlikely that the committee's responsibility for cern. certainly. Anyone who Dale Hathaway, chairman of final product could be as shab¬ stimulating community dia¬ knew he had been nominated the committee, stated they by and incomplete Hath¬ as log. for President might withdraw 'have not had the time to away indicated. Were the situation to con¬ to avoid the embarrassment do an adequate job at this Indeed, even if the document tinue along this vein any long¬ of losing the nomination. kind of task and the commit¬ is incomplete. this is all er, the community might well Yet this original purpose tee does not feel that our docu¬ the more reason to in¬ be justified in holding the has been extended so that ment represents in the kind sist that the public be given entire credibility of the Search now the secrecy controls all of thorough going examina¬ the opportunity to scrutinize and Selection Committee in .Dick Nixon. .!' .Ronnie Reagan. . . . .!' portions of the committee's tion of the total needs of the it, and hence broaden the per¬ doubt. work. University, that ought to be spective of the article by pos¬ -The Editors Last week, the committee represented in any document sibly implementing the sug¬ released its statement of "de¬ si on." gestions of the wider univer¬ TRINKA CLINE sired aims of the University," Hathaway would have us sity community. A document a document that it spent a believe that the committee of this nature should be of great deal of time and ef¬ scribbled a few notes on some broad enough scope that pre¬ fort of this developing. A document nature could be inval¬ yellow dog along with some doodlings and graffiti and senting it to the public for criticism would improve, not 'Miranda' s meaning uable to anyone concerned stuffed them in his back poc¬ prove detrimental to. the fin¬ with the future of this Uni¬ ket until he presented them ished product. effectiveness and between Taw and ord¬ The Search and Selection Say "Miranda" (or "Escobedo" or er and democracy and "Gault") to a police officer and see what justice under law Committee has continually with order and peace and human Warren: stormy pressed for increased student happens. He may stare at you blankly because he has never heard the term before (the for all. dignitv The Warren era has been one of con¬ troversy and enlightenment. Democracy took a few new breaths of life-giving dialogue on the future presi¬ Perhaps only those who have suffered average officer under a typical sheriff's at the hands of pigs without Miranda air during that time. With sadness, one dent and goals of the Uni¬ department). Or you may notice a small °f politically (or in spite of it) can ever fully ap¬ must notice that the enlightenment has versity. Yet at a time when amount of foam beginning to form at preciate the meaning behind it all. remained too much confined to a high the of his mouth. He HAS heard dialogue could so effectively corners level and has not filtered down through of it. Many, many people-the new Chief Jus¬ the dreaded "System be incorporated into the com¬ An era will come to an end in the past, and he must be To the citizen, Miranda means de- tice Burger included-would just as soon mittee's work, they choose to i mocracy. insured through procedure. The dump such decisions as Miranda. Strangely I desperately wish I could say that our today when Earl Warren steps given a chance to act before cloak themselves in "red tape" involved has been made neces¬ people, our lawmakers and our police of¬ a veil of enough, the same people would do so in down from the Supreme Court, any assessment of him can be the name of democracy. As Earl Warren ficers were more enlightened than they sary by " bad cops." Cops may scream after serving as Chief Jus¬ made. secrecy. No justification can that "no one respects the law any more." himself once exclaimed, it is highly pos¬ are and that they would push to rigidly be found for this action ex¬ but it was cops themselves who have all sible that the Bill of Rights, if put up maintain the high ideals behind Miranda tice for 16 years. His tenure If any one word can be at state and local levels. has been stormy and almost cept that the committee does too often blatantly ignored the do-nots for a vote in this country at this time, i given to characterize the War¬ not choose to have its work written into the Bill of Rights, making would probably be abandoned. And, frigh¬ But we are a nation caught in an ugly always controversial, but fu¬ ren Court, it would have to be such "handcuffing" rules necessary. tening as it is. the voters, in their bliss historians will subjected to public scrutiny. You see. according to Supreme Court and ignorance, would actually believe they swing to the right in fear and frustra¬ ture probably "justice." It has upheld the This secrecy seems largely tion. And such noble doctrines of de¬ cases such as Miranda and Escobedo. were "saving" democracy through the act. regard his term of office as rights of the politically op¬ police officers can no longer ignore human That SHOULD be a scary, thought- mocracy are hard for most to grasp at to be the desired course of this time. one of the most important in pressed, even when such stands rights. Suspects cannot be arrested and de- provoking thing to ponder. the history of this country. were unpopular. Hathaway personally. When taihed without "reasonable cause" and It appears that those subscribing to asked last week whether the now, once detained, cannot be coerced Warren was appointed in At no time has it betrayed Warrenism are not in a majority. War- The State News welcomes all committee had narrowed the into confessions. Pigs can no longer starve 1954 by President Eisenhower, those rights of the "little man" renism, that dreaded disease that once letters. They should be typed and isolate suspects (a very recent Su¬ and signed with the home town, and he could not have come guaranteed in the Constitu¬ possible list of nominees down preme Court case dealt with just that in a swept the highest court of the land, led to a desegregation order for Southern student, faculty or staff stand¬ to the final 20. Hathaway Michigan police force-and Michigan is in at a much more crucial tion. It has responded admira¬ schools, promised poor people that they ing. and local phone number in¬ hemmed and hawed, and im¬ supposedly among the three most en¬ could travel from state to state without cluded. No unsigned letter will 'ime in the nation's history. bly to social needs rather than lightened states in the area of law en¬ Almost as soon as he as¬ to social demands. plied that it had not. Yet when forcement). being dropped off the welfare rolls, pro¬ be accepted for publication, and tected the worker-consumer from garn¬ no letter will be printed without sumed the it was discovered that the Individuals have right to be told at position of Chief One can hope that its prece¬ a ishment of wages without a hearing, hit a signature except in extreme Justice he was faced with the committee had indeed nar¬ the time of arrest that they have a hard circumstances. All letters must dent will be continued by the constitutional on civil rights problems at various rowed the list down. Hatha¬ right to silence, that any¬ levels, boosted voting equality and-gulp- be less than 300 words long tor Brown vs. The Board of Ed¬ Burger Court. thing they say might be used against them said that a citizen cannot be punished for publication without editing. ucation decision. On this par- -The Editors way admitted it had. but stat¬ and that they have a right to counsel. the books he reads or the movies he watches icuiar decision, the founda- ed that the list was incon¬ It cannot be assumed that a citizen clusive. This knows of his right to silence and counsel ion for all civil rights legis¬ type of beating and therefore that if he doesn'.t request lation in the last several years, around the bush is seriously counsel, he has waived that right. HE the Warren segregation illegal in the Court ruled na¬ Red Cedar report detrimental to the integrity of the entire committee. MUST BE TOLD Tb the U.S. matter so Supreme Court, it doesn't much whether the confession They have not stopped my The committee is greatly pursuit of knowledge' tion's schools. This hall-mark acquired through the third degree and decision led to a wide spread concerned, perhaps overly so, outright brutality is valid or not. In By JIM DeFOREST about its relationship with the effect, the Court has demanded through condemnation of the court, these restrictions that the officers become Orientation allows incoming freshmen trustees. Hence its members leading to the withdrawal of the award. particularly in the South. to become good investigators-that the guilty be prov¬ EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a acquainted with University do not wish to antagonize by Dhirendra Sharma, as¬ They have but attempted to smear the The Warren Court has con¬ en guilty by facts-that the right to si¬ statement functions and to learn what is signifi¬ beauty of Liberty: they have violated the them by publicizing anything lence can and will be honored, simul¬ sociate professor of philosophy, regard¬ sistently upheld the rights of cant. In other words, to memorize their taneous to good police work (good de¬ ing the withdrawal of his research spirit of the first Amendment. But they the individual, notably those student numbers. that they think the trustees have harmed me nothing. My training. \ tective work not good gymnastics grant. arrested by the police incur¬ might not choose to have work) and justice. The U.S. Department of Health, Edu¬ knowledge, and research are still with me. Summer term gives many students their I will continue my pursuit of knowledge made public. But we are al¬ Cops and citizens alike are often en¬ cation and Welfare has withdrawn the ring nation-wide animosity as first experience at living-off campus. with much more vigour and lasting ef¬ ready familiar with the trus¬ raged when Court decisions free known Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research grant. a result. It's called the 'drink while you learn criminals on such minor technicalities The award was made to me after more forts. One of the tees' method of conducting principal criti¬ as involved in the recent Michigan case: than 6 months' deliberations on April 29. cisms of the Warren Cou/t business in closed meetings the man was held for two days without and was announced to the public on May My attention was first drawn to this without public knowledge, and food, water or sleep and he had a few 28. It was rescinded, however, uiihin controversy by an angry young man who has been that it has taken on of criticism raised over the phone rudely awakened me at bruises resulting from police interrogation. lib hours by certain we have seen the consequences the mid-night of June 3. He had but con¬ a legislative role which most But the Earl Warren Court has operated ill-informed politicians. It fc a matter of the court's critics label as of this action. under a philosophy of preferring to let a of grave concern to all educators and the demnation to offer. Since then, a lot of Cities are so clogged with automobiles One people at large whether such politics be anger and bitterness has generated in dangerous. In its most recent that one urban scientist has devised a can only conclude that few criminals go free (most do anyway, the hearts of men. I am sorry that my speedier means of moving the committee is since most crimes are never even re¬ permitted to interfere with the academics. decision, the Warren Court ruled persons to attempt¬ To me it is another example of how person, too. has become the cause of work and back: walking. ported in the first place), than to allow the House of Representatives ing to control the information innocent people to be harassed and both the society does not hesitate to use any trouble to many individuals known and that filters to the public, in foul means to intimidate and oppress unknown to me I have received a tre¬ acted unconstitutionally in 1967 the builtv innocent deprived unjustly of human liberties spelled out in the Amend- social critics. Not because the critics mendous flow of support from so many when it excluded Harlem De¬ quarters. I am overwhelmed with the# mocrat Adam Clayton Powell. OUR READER'S MIND Amendments to the Constitution. preach violence-because they do not- but because they oppose the violence pre¬ kindness, sympathy and support of my Law and order" mentality people valent in our social system. I refuse to colleagues and peers, and the people of Here again Warren critics felt that the Supreme Court had Anti-war office sacked scream that such a foolish ideal coddling" criminals and that the Court is leads to mortgage my conscience I shall continue to oppose the Vietnam war. racism, and Michigan. It is heartening. My wife joins me in expressing our feeling of gratitude not allowing our "trained law enforcement to those who have provided us with an over stepped its bounds, and To the Editor: violence. And if the opposition to social ship file and all the mailing stencils people" (in the words of Washtenaw ills is a crime. I am proud to be guilty opportunity to test our own commitment that it was ruling on mat¬ The War Resisters League is a paci¬ were stolen. County Sheriff Harvey-appropriately des¬ and to those who have extended their sup¬ ters over which it had no real fist organization which has been pro¬ cribed by the Detroit Free Press as a The raid bears the marks of actions I have no malice for those who se¬ port for us. We are really grateful to the moting the cause of peace through litera¬ which rightist groups have taken else¬ dumb cop") to operate efficiently. But jurisdiction. ture, rallies, educational programs and where. The police have made only cur¬ there's a difference between efficiency and cretly and openly engaged in activities people of Michigan. But now Warren is out and action groups for the past 46 years. Al¬ sory inspection The press, though in-, bert Einstein said, in 1953, Burger, a man vastly differ¬ "The WRL formed, ignored the incident (except for is important because by union, it re¬ the N Y. Times). ent politically, is in. The con¬ lieves courageous and resolute individuals I urge those in the University commun¬ servatives will expect a lot of the paralysing feeling of isolation ity who have contributed in the past, from him in the way of re¬ and loneliness "in their belief and any others who wish to that war is a crime help the against humanity pealing some of the Warren On the night of May 9, 1969, the head¬ work of WRL. to send their names and the most liberal contribution Court's more controversial de¬ quarters of WRL were raided and van¬ they can to the national headquarters. WRL, 339 cisions. Hopefully he will not. dalized. The premises were left in a Lafayette Street. New York. N Y. 10012 shambles. The addressing and mimeo¬ hut Burner c innnt be properly Harold Hart graphing machines were smashed. Most Professor of Chemistry • judged on what he has done damaging of all, the entire member- Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 24, 1969 ACLU By STEVE WATERBURY and that the action taken by the intervenes Health Education and Welfare awarding of research grants, the rently awaiting a reply from Stale News Staff Writer Office of Education was taken to inquire about the fellowship. grants could become rewards Washington to a letter he went MSU was notified of the with¬ for political conlormity June 19 asking the Office of The Lansing branch of the in response to the positions taken drawal of the grant to Sharma "Such tests are contrary to Education to reconsider the with¬ American Civil Liberties Union by these two elected representa¬ the principle of academic free¬ drawal of the grant. (ACLU) has charged that "po¬ tives." the ACLU statement by the Office of Education in a letter dated June 6 which stated dom and to the guarantee of Muelder indicated his letter litical tests" were involved in said. The statement referred to the grant was being withdrawn free speech anchored in the First was "a formal request for a re¬ the withdrawal of a Fulbright- Amendment to the Constitu¬ versal" of the decision to with Havs Fellowship to Dhirendra State Rep. Phil 0. Pittenger. R- as a consequence of Sharma's tion." the ACLU statement con¬ draw the grant, which reviewed Sharma, assoc professor of Lansing and Congressman lack of permanent status with cluded. the circumstances of the with philosophy. Charles E. Chamberlain, R-Mich MSU. Vice President for Research drawal and discussed the "It is apparent that political Pittenger originally called for The ACLU maintains the grant and cern of the academic commun tests were, in this instance, ad- investigation of the proposed was actually withdrawn as a con¬ Development Milton E. Muelder said Mondav he is cur¬ itv in this matter. , vocated by a state representa¬ grant, and Chamberlain person¬ sequence of the political criti¬ tive and a member of Congress. ally visited the Department of cism of Sharma. "Since many faculty members whose connections with Amer¬ PROTECT ican universities were much 13,000 troops trimmed; more Sharma tenuous than that of have in fact Prof. received TOM) EVES From harmful sunrays with a grants from the Department of pair of sunglasses with plain or Army draft call still up Health, fare." reads, Education and the ACLU statement Wel¬ and since the Depart¬ prescription ground lenses. We also carry a wide selection of frames and can make repairs on your dam¬ WASHINGTON -The The Pentagon reported the ment .normally makes no ef¬ aged sunglasses while you wait. Army's over-all strength will Army decline Monday at the fort of inquiring into a grant¬ be cut by about 13.000 troops same time it announced a high¬ ee's tenure status, the reason under ation's the Nixon initial administr¬ 25.000-man re¬ duction of U.S. forces in South er draft call of 29,500 for Au¬ gust. up 7.200 from the plan¬ ned July draft. given by the Office of Educa¬ tion must be regarded as a sub¬ terfuge." Bator Opt (Next door to State Theatre) Vietnam. 303 Abbott Rd. The ACLU said that if po¬ The dip is a step in plans The Pentagon said the August ED 2-5222 litical tests are applied in the to scale down gradually the manpower request is higher American military organization than July's "because total re¬ worldwide, with further reduc¬ placement needs are higher tions in forces expected in com¬ even after allowing for the re¬ ing months duction" in Vietnam Earn Top Returns With CI/% NEWS 2/D REDEEMABLE WITHOUT NOTICE summary Here's an unbeatable investment opportunity for all MSU employees: deposit a minimum of $500 in guaranteed 5%% A cupsule summary time deposits for one year and watch your savings grow! Inter of the day's events from ur wire services. est is paid quarterly—into your share account or directly to you. For complete details on this and the many other advantages your credit union offers, phone or stop by today. before the " I he issue C tumnl ties. hooril I nirersity." is uith not of fit'isoiHiIi- Imi of the ton flint of the respect to the MSU 1019 EMPLOYEESI CREDIT SIsJ Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-228U — II nrreu lluff. It-Plymouth International News The Cc nist command is believed to have sent 10.000 troops into a ring around the provincial capital of An Loc. HO miles north of Saigon, and U.S. air and ground power moved Monday to meet the threat of attack. American head¬ quarters reported Britain's political parties and diplomatic officials were re- >orted divided Monday on the strategy needed to insure en- ry into Europe's Common Market. • Prime Minister Harold Wilson's government, nevertheless, pressed ahead with plans to achieve its major international objective, which has the overwhelming support of parliament, the press, and big business. Pope Paul VI warned Monday of. two difficulties facing the Roman Catholic Church: decreasing fidelity to basic church teachings and a diffused lack of confidence" in the Pope, his aides and bishops National News A DC 1 cargo plane crashed on a busy Miami street Monday is it tried to circle back to Miami International Airport with a tlaming engine. All tour crew members were killed, along with five on the ground. At least a dozen people were hurt. The crash occurred near 36th St. and 33rd Ave., two blocks south of the teeming Miami Beach-Airport Expressway. a Czechoslovak general who defected to the West says the seizure of the spy ship Pueblo was plotted by the Russians. Gen Jan Sejna. writing in the current issue of Reader's Digest, said he first heard of the plot in May. 19t>7. He said the seizure was planned by Moscow to "humiliate" the United States and to obtain classified information for the Soviet Union Cousin's We Don't Understand You-- Men's and Women's Apparel But We Do Understand Your BOUTIOUE STYLES BELL BOTTOMS Reading Problem And that problem is simply that ther t is just too darn much to read BODY SHIRTS In order to keep up with your homev ork and what is happening today? What can you do about it? Just this.I .earn to read faster with greater AND MANY CONTEMPORARY STYLES comprehension and recall. Where can you learn this amazing skill? Right her , this summer at the 429 East Michigan Ave. world famus Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics. 2 Blocks East of Capitol Who has taken the course? More than 400,000 people from all walks of life, Including the staff of the late President Kennedy, and his brother Senator Edward Kennedy. Can you do It? Of course you can. In fact, we offer you a money back THE STATE NEWS guarantee If you do not at least triple your reading rate with equal or better comprehension. Th« State New*, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, la Where can you learn more about it? published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week Attend a Free Mini-Lesson and Orientation Issues in Jnne and September. Subscription rates are $14 per year ^ You will learn what your reading speed Is ^ You >v;|| discover Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association. Associated Collegiate Press. Michigaa Press Association, Mich¬ various study methods # You will actually participate In igan Collegiate Press Association. L'aiuft States Student Press Association. techniques that will Improve'your reading speed and comprehension Second rlaM postage paid at East Lansing, Michigaa. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigan ^Everyone Invited Obligation State University, East Laming, Michigan. UNIVERSITY INN Evelyn Wood Editortnl Classified Advertisi* Dtsptoi Advertising BusiarvvCirailatlon Photographic . . 1100 Trowbridge monday, june 23... 12& 4& 6& 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 24 ... 10 & 6 & 8 PM. Wednesday, June 25 ... 6 i 8 P.M. □ 17320 W. 8 Mile Reading Dynamics Rd. Detroit, Mich 48075 313-353-5111 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, June 24, 1969 State News State News Classified Cash Buyers are looking for summertime items. Place that Want Ad today. Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive Avaition Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Scooters & Cycles Cycles Employment The State News does not TRIUMPH. BONNEVILLE -1967 10,000 PONTIAC CATALINA 1967 , 4-door. FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy t HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74 Custom EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY permit racial or religious air-conditioning $1,800 Call 332- learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" miles, English model Good condi¬ built chopper. Phone before 4 p.m.. Experienced secretaries, typists to discrimination in its ad¬ 1758 3-6/25 tion 337-0412. 5-6 30 485-6001 Special $5 offer 484-1324 I 5-6/24 work on temporary assignments. vertising columns. The. 1967 SUZUKI 120. in Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-6/26 PONTIAC CATALINA 1964-EXCEL- excellent con¬ State News will not accept dition, for sale. $175 LENT condition, many extras. Must Danny. 353- BEAUTIFUL. LIKE new 1969 MD SIMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSU • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ sell, best offer 351-0390, after 7124. 5-6/27 Scrambler BSA Spitfire $800 Call students with Midwest's inates against religion, largest full- 351-6446 3-6 24 • EMPLOYMENT line merchant wholesaler; full or race, color or national or- " part-time; automobile required • FOR RENT TRANSPORTATION 1963 F-85. 1962 HONDAS; 1966 Dream ^335. 1966 further information and personal in- For igir. FOR SALE 1961 Ambassador Reason¬ Socie^ <£££ • • LOST & FOUND Taunus. able. 355-4535, John 3-6/24 IS SUMMER SUB-LEASING A 300 Dream, $325 485-7972 5-6 26 terview phone The tion at 337-1349 from 8-5 Monday • PERSONAL TR-4, 1963 Runs well. Only 1 like Employment through Friday. 4-6/27 • PEANUTS PERSONAL Automotive it' $550 372-3610, extension 264 REGISTERED NURSE: Opening in a WANTED STUDENT for after 3 pm. 3-6/25 general • REAL ESTATE medical care facility 7 a m to housecleaning Days and hours flexi- HEADACHE? CUTLASS SUPREME 1968 2-door. • SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN 1965 2-door sedan 3:30 p.m. shift Good salary and ble 351-4344 3-6 26 vinyl top, radio, whitewalls. 19,000 « TRANSPORTATION miles $2100 Call collect 517- New tires. $775 646-4041 646- benefits. Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE • WANTED 288-2415 after 6 p.m 3-6 24 8932 5-6/24 NORTH, 1843 North Hagadorn in East Lansing Phone 332-5061. Mrs RECEPTIONIST - East Lansing Cole 10-7. 2 pediatrician's office. Making appoint- DEADLINE VOLKSWAGEN-1968 2-door sedan ments. simple bookkeeping, some New tires $1,300 355-3892. after BABYSITTER. PART time. days. typing helping doctor with patients. 1 P.M. one class fore publication. day be¬ FALCON New tires. 1963-Excellent Low price condition 355-9871 3 p.m 3-6/25 TAKE Our home, pre-schooler consider woman 353-0925 after 4 pm with and pleasantly handling telephone are all part of this interesting VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE-1966. 3-6 24 and responsible position. Send full Cancellations - 12 noon one 3-6 24 resume in own handwriting of quali-* Bahama Blue Excellent condition TAKE A LOOK, A REALLY GOOD class tion. day before publica¬ JEEP Snow plow 1967 - V-6. 17.000 miles. Whitewalls, radio 332-2960 3-6'26 THE CURE. LOOK at the great buys in "the fications, education and experience to Box A-l State News Locking hubs Red bodv Classified Ads now' white top 353-3780 days* 646- 6139 i nights i 5-6 24 PHONE LITTLE RED sports car' Fiat-1500 355-8255 convertible. 1965 Needs work, will Auto Service & Parts sell State Management Corporation will aid you accordingly Call 351-5034 RATES ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA¬ in leasing and sub-leasing apartments for the MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small in: 1 day $1.50 dents to large wrecks American and foreign cars Guaranteed work per word per ; campus 3-bedroom home. 2 CHOICE APAR TMENTS APARTMENTS baths, bar. rec room Unfurnished with fireplace and KIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST - To work except kitchen Ranger mini-8, $59.95 and up. 1 & 2 $240 month. Phone 332-6471 Lear Jet, $69 95 and part-time-nights. 11 p.m.-7:30 am bedrooms. Furnished & per up MAIN BUDDY MOBILE Home-1967. 12'X ASCP registered or eligible. Would unfurnished. Summer leases evenings. 4-6/27 ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsyl¬ consider non-registered if qualified vania, Lansing C 60'. 2-bedroom, fully furnished available. Also 6,9& 12 month TWO GIRLS to share 3-room house 694-0131 3-6/24 through work experience. Excellent leases. Call Jack Bartlett. SEVEN-THIRTY-ONE salary Apply SPARROW HOSPITAL PERSONNEL tension 333. or call 487-6111. ex¬ mgr. 337-0511. Corner of with 1 girl. Close to campus 332-2446 Ask for Cheri. Call 3-6 26 NOW DISCOUNT Avenue, OPEN at for 2615 ground floor business-OPTICAL East Michigan Free parking 1966 carpeted, GREAT LAKES-Furnished, air-conditioned. 355-6640, 5-6 24 Haslett and Hagadorn Roads. 1661 HASLETT Road-Unfurnished at rear 372-7409 C 484-9939 3-6/24 Sure, you can pay more for an apartment, but you just can't get more than the extras you'll find at EARN UP TO $3,000 this summer 3-bedroom, IV2 baths, duplex. Com¬ Seven-Thirty-One . . . from $69* Subsidiary of Alcoa Start training pletely carpeted, full basement Im¬ DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and per month per person. Summer leases $52 per person. and earning in your spare time NEEDED ONE for man s mediate occupancy $200 plus utili¬ engagement ring sets Save 50 per Lost & Found ranch-style hous Seven-Thirty-One puts such features as a swimming pool; party Car necessary Call 351-7319 for 'rates Call 351-0476 ties 332-5860. 5-6 30 cent or more Large selection of lounge with Free TG's, billiard table, and color TV; air condition¬ plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 ing: deluxe appliances, including dishwashers; and imaginative decor East Michigan 485-4391 C and furnishings, all within easy reach of your budget. GREY POODLE named NAP lost bee beven-1 near Eden Roc Apartments Call hirty-One todayl Models open daily at 731 Burcham C'ARPETS-BIEGLOW beige acrilan 351-3739. Reward offered! RENT A TV from a TV Company with S-6/24 Drive. See our resident manager in apartment 206A or 106C or call EAST LANSING-Near MSU. 2 padding 12X15' and 8X12. $9 00 per month. Call 337 1300 also stair and hall carpet to match J.R. Culver Company. NEJAC TV RENTALS C room furnished Graduate stu •Based on 3-person occupancy. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurn¬ or couple. $90/month plus Draperies-beige antique satin, 5 Personal ished except range and refrigera¬ ties ED 2-4770 pairs floor iengh. 81": 3 shorter NEW GE portables and stands rented tor across from campus, reason¬ pairs to match-All excellent condi¬ RENT A TV from a ' ONLY to MSU students and faculty tion Phone 351-5543 able Available July 1st. 332-0792 S-6/27 $9 00 per month. ( NORTH POIHTE $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE or 351-5385 5-6/27 NEJAC TV RENTALS. MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 GE SOLID State stereo-AM-FM Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C radio. Two extra speakers Verv TV EAST LANSING - efficiency, furn¬ RENTALS. GE 19' portable- Here's a first in the East ished $25 a week, good shape $110 351-7163 S-6/24 $8 50 per month including stand. Lansing area ... a 9-month lease for TV RENTALS-Students only Low including utili¬ FURNISHED FOR 4-Available now the ties. 351-5313 3-6/26 9 blocks to campus $13 week each Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 same price you'll pay for a 12-monthI Only at North Pointe can monthly and term rates. Call 484 P A T 4 Dyna-120 AR-2AX dual- 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- ycu lease for 9 months withoutpaying an extra charge. 2600 to reserve vours I NIVERSITY plus electricity. 332-3979 3-6 26 1019 Excellent condition Best of TV RENTALS C NEEDED IMMEDIATELY-1 girl. 3-manl At North Pointe, you pay as little as $230 fer 351-3869 3-6/24 per month for a 9-month apartment for summer term. 351- THREE-BEDROOM duplex inewi- lease. You can keep cool in North Pointe's swimming pool and com¬ 5126. 3-6/26 Full basement. Fully carpeted West FREE: A thrilling hour of beauty PARKING-EXCELLENT location, be BUNK BEDS fortable air-conditioned apartments this summer for only $45 per complete. $39.95 and For appointment call 4844519 MERLE hind Campus Theater Spacious, Michigan Avenue. Lansing $200 per ONE-BEDROOM furnished month unfurnished up Single beds. new. $39 95 and NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 motath per person.* well-maintained. $25 per term Call apart¬ Phone 882-7151 ment. Near Haslett. Nearly new. or 351-8451. up Very good selection of bedroom. East Michigan C-6'26 351-3635. after 3 p.m 5-6 25 10-7 7 Call the J. R. Culver Company and ask about North Pointe. We'll Vacant. $150/month Phone 882- be happy to show you the apartments where you pay no more for a 7151 or 351-8451 10-7/7 NEEDED: ONE 9-month for wood-panelled Real Estate lease: North Pointe (Formerly called Eydeal Playboy bachelor pad, Villa.) 1240 having 2 Haslett Rd., near the corner of Hagadorn and M-78. MSU NEAR Furnished bachelor fireplaces. 351-4612 3-6 26 EAST LANSING-by owner. Walk to ♦Based on 4-person occupancy. TV RENTALS GE. 19' portable- apartment Ideal for graduate stu¬ and dent Call campus shopping 7-rooms. $8 50 per month including stand 372-5529, after 6 p.m. 1W bath Fireplace Full basement, Call J.R. CULVER COMPANY. 351 3-6/26 GERMAN SHEPHERD-5-month-old 1-car garage $22 000, 5'<4 per cent 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- female Good with children. Obed¬ FHA mortgage 332-8734 5-6 26 CAMPUS HILL ONE ished, blocks BEDROOM, completely furn¬ air-condiUoned, carpeted, 2 from campus $160/month. ient. trained. 393-5886 $75. AKC registered. 5-6 30 LAKE LANSING house Small 2-bed¬ Don't sign a room. lake frontage, furnished 351- lease until you've seen the greatest apart¬ including utilities. Call 351-5312. SPARTAN HALL-Rooms for men 8811 9-5 p.m. 3-6 26 m mi. ment buy in the area . . . Campus Hill. 2-6/25 and women. 1 block from campus FREE. LOVABLE, eight week old. EAST LANSING-3 372-1031. 10-7 3 Campus Hill offers you luxury living in new central air male, black, blue-eyed kitten Box Close to campus RIVERS EDGE and Water Edge apart¬ trained Has only one bad habit; SUMMER HAPPENING conditioned apartments featuring custom appliances, deluxe only $125, utilit letting ments. 2-bedroom furnished student MEN: UNSUPERVISED, large deluxe someone else do the work' Check furnishings, 5 big walk-in closets, and plenty of parking: 332-5789 apartments. Reduced rates for sum¬ cozy home to call his own! Phone the business services offered in 4 parking places for each mer. call 351-7910 351-7623 apartment. All of these advantages or bath, cooking. 4 blocks from Union S-6/27 today's Classified Ads. NEEDED: ONE i 4-6 27 Summer and winter 337-0031 can be yours from $58.75 per month 3-6 24 per person. There are still a few vacancies for summer at $45 per person per LARGE, 2-bedroom possibility 1443 MEN: SUMMER Singles, doubles month. MSU KARATE G1UB East Michigan. Summer rate, $90 Block Union. Cooking 314 Ever And if this sounds great, wait till you see our new build¬ 351-4530 10-7/8 green 332-3839 5-6 24 ing! It'll have a party lounge, more room in each apartment, ONE GIRL immediately for summer and double vanities almost like having two bath¬ SINGLE ROOM for man Apply: Door — SUMMER RENTAL Milford Apart¬ Completely furnished Capitol Villa CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS rooms I ments. 126 Milford Street Deluxe, Phone 351-0209 3-6/24 man. Campus Theater, after 5 30 We'll be happy to show you furnished, air-conditioned. $140 484- p.m. 3-6 26 Campus Hill today. See our resident managers in 1579, davs. Evenings: 372-5767 or NORWOOD APARTMENTS-Summer J. R. Culver Co. apartments 103A or 101E or call 489-1656 O leases, 351-7694 furnished, reduced rates. * "3-6 '24 MEN: PLEASANT, quiet, clean Walk ing distance to college. Parking. No TONIGHT AT 6:00 cooking ED 2-6405 or ED 2-3151 4-6 27 489-6155. after 8 3 CAMPUS NEAR Furnished Living SPORTS ARENA (MEN'S I.M. BUILDING) room, bedroom, kitchen, bath $100. CEDAR STREET-3519, Marlett Man¬ plus utilities. ED 2-5374. 5-6/26 or Private bath, entrance, linens EAST LANSING ANYONE INTERESTED IS WELCOME TO ATTEND Summer time living $19 week and up. Gentlemen Phone easy at 536 Albert Street. 2-man 711 EAST 882-5737 or 351-8451 10-7 7 apartments near campus Available 711 Burcham Dr. and reasonable 332-2495 5-6 25 New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ 220 Albert ished 3 man apts. leasing for - Above Kriapp's Campus Center 351-8862 king girls. Walking GOLF fall CLUBS-Wilson, Sam Snead, now 1 year or 9 mo. IV 9-9651 or beginners set. Excellent condition 351-0511. Xl-6 24 YAT wtn R 351-3525 BIRTHDAY $4 18; 9" CAKES - 7"-$3 64 : 8 $520. Delivered KWAST estaurant. 136 W. Grand River ing fall t BAKERIES. 484-1317. C-6 26 SEWING MACHINE clearance sale OUR HOURS ARE: Eas, Lansing Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 00 Mon., 4-9 TWO* OR 3-man apartment 300 Al¬ per month. Large selection of re- Tues. - Thurs. len Street, l'a miles from campus 1 1-2 4-9 $80 month 372-5025, after 5 p.m FRI.,'11-2, 4-10 5-6'27 Terms SAT. & SUN., 11-10 EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING EFFICIENCIES FOR 2 opposite Mayo COMPANY, 1115 North Washington. Hall $120 Air-conditioned, Call after 5 p.m., 351-7278. furnished 489-6448 EXTREMELY C-6 26 G fake out orders & Reservations 351-5712 5-6 25 n', small desk, leather top. SO 4034 after 5 p.m. 3-6'24 TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 Burcham $135 per month Call days. 487-3216: evenings. 882-2316, until 10 p.m * O FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished. With $62 50 each swimming AGEMENT. 351-7880 pool. Heat paid EAST LANSING MAN¬ C HOUR uifiRTinizin 6, WILL MOVE your belongings in closed truck Beal Street. 2 man, air conditioned $140 month 351- FAIRVIEW. 401 South I bedroom Down $125 month No children or pets Furnished, utilities paid Phone 882-5763 5-6 24 fOI'R ROOM furnished apartment • Utilities included Parking $100 Deposit required 116 Marshall, Lansing. 5-6/24 LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancv- Model Now Ooen COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. bedroom. furnished. For profession¬ al graduate students, college fa¬ Available for fall leasing Phone 332-6441 culty or personnel Select clientele. ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ able for June and September leas¬ Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 SAVE ON CASH AND CARRY PRICES furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has ONE APARTMENT left Hurry, hur¬ a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute ry' All utilities paid campus Call NEJAC. 337-1300 Close to C 3-Hour Shirt Service drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large 1 Hour Service 8-4 Monday planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and furnished, studio apartments Car¬ through Saturday peting, air-conditioning, stove and No extra charge for 1-hour service private balconies. If y.ou want to be among the first residents of Twycking- refrigerator $140 Call EDWARD G call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. HACKER COMPANY. 485-2262 or Mrs. Steele, 485-3774 9-6/30 IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS 911 Marigold Ave. New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ One hour ished 2-man apartments. Across street from campus. tumiM Leasing now for fall. 1 year or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 351-3525. ^ 4620 ^S. Hnnn/Jnrr> Hagadorn FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES "KMGUAV ^ Management CERTIFIES APTS. Exclusively By: I £ li THE MOST IN DRY CLEANING | # Pancho Gonzales Pittsburgh at Chicago Los Angeles at Atlanta, night our THE ONLY COLD BEER IN EAST LANSING PW 1 Program Inf. 485-6485 San Diego at Cincinnati, night I I PLUS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF WINE CtwiMi hot dogs LOCATED ACROSS FROM I: Heironynuis :| q:20 P.M. WhD. IS LADIES' DAY are KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN I: ever TbrtjefcJVtlRCY Humppe jj 75^-1:00 to 6:00 P.M. lUMMIR IRCLE Hours 9a.m. - 9p.m. Mon. thru Sat. and find true happiness *}» Presents Cole Porter's this long. 11a.m. - 5p.m. Sun. \ # m #Anthony NewZey Can Can .v., • Technicolor* June 25-29 8:30 p.rr How NextlBob Hope & Jackie Glaason How To Commit Marriage long Next! Ice Station Zebra is BEST PICTURE YOUR OF THE YEAR! deliciousness DRY CLEANS 1 PAIR OF SLACKS OR it. Try a tan- 1 SKIRT OR gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All 2 SWEATERS delivered instantly at DROP OFF DRY CLEANING SERVICE ONLY 40C PER POUND ALSO! Hamburgers THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: delivered Cheeseburgers 1. 213 ANN ST. Submarines 2. CORNER OF HARRISON & WILSON French Fries 3. NORTHWIND DR. FACING YANKEE & STADIUM PLAZA JJHN VvOOLF r^C/WLlift) f«AWi[(iMW^ei» BOX OFFICE Nov Open PIZZA tea; % «■ CALL 332-6517 daily DELIVERY-9PM-2AM EVERYDAY VARSITY j n Hobie's fM Lansing aim p0ran,«0nt N.w,i SUBMARINE SANDWICHES CARRYOUT & DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 mall theatre SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON (just across from south complex) 5628 W. SAGINAW » 484-4403 J