Tuesday MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . TATE NEWS The great .and mild, high in the upper STATE . . 7()'s. Clear and cooler tonight, low in the low 50's. UNIVERSITY Monday, .June 30, East Lansing, Michigan HALT FORCED NEGOTIATIONS College presidents demand rejection of student amnesty no am- The hoat and passion of the is not as thick-skinned strictions are duct of those few faculty On the contrary, because many prob- ns of the social order tend to show- pulating and irritating students for their clear to all that Ti»t' report itself said accidental and earlier and be more visible in ed- own partisan and political goals. for civil or ace of A U.S. artilleryman, wounded while manning a gun at the Ben s! it is important these problems rather Het Special Forces camp in South Vietnam, grimaces in pain ninistrators rc;sp6n< as he is carried to an evacuation point. AP Wi, dom and due process in the accomplish media exploitation of a cam ment of reform, all of which are the quickly to dispel - always exacerbated earmarks of a tree university, cannot while restrained Stevens urges review The report said present laws are adequate in dealing with campus (lis One of the casualties i position of oppressive legislation de¬ proposal signed as campus control measures of scholarship One of the eight educators. Dumont B> MARILYN PATTERSON Don Stevens State News Stall Writer D-Okemos and chairman It would bo unwise lor the legislat ure ,o indirectly become govt job that has been allotted to F Kenny of York College in New York House passes surtax bill; ..t the bocti< 1 -»f trustees, said Monday ing boards of the universiti that • cation state he hopes take another the state legislature wiil look at its higher edu¬ budget bill, which calls for cutting scholarships to students convicted conduct or vio- state consitution. he continued The trustees have been best job we can and we thin doing the New his York, ing effect " said presence of police prompt tax reform promised well in governing the universities, he The report was an outgrowth of WASHINGTON <\|>. The House fast tax write- petty said. ference earlier this month at th This is the old story that the poor The bill on decency standards passed LaFarge Institute in New York, passed Monday night. 210 to 205. Pres¬ the Senate but has been held up in the for the late .Jesuit editor It wa ident Nixon's bill for extension of the can be penalized while the rich go free Stevens said With this provision, sored bv a grant ftvn the Km wealthy -tudents can run around doing the administration the persons in the 1' .vest arvthing thev please while the poor stu¬ Petitpren. D-Westland. that he doubts that the This was estima' d to dents can he doubly punished for their The report was released million wrongs by court trial and also by cutting 1 will reach the floor of the House. persons. king Hon of their scholarships the is goal ol the ad The worst part of the bill, he con¬ well as the House Wa tinued. is that it can only apply to stu- was The provision inserted as for cutting scholarships an amendment bv the Protestors face legislators,- it However, up the bill while tax reform. noi Proponents of th< bifr.bore down heavi¬ ly on two arguments during the debate- Senate to the budget bill. It was sub¬ that failure to pass the mea> demand welfare equality sequently deleted by vote of the House Appropriations Committee . h was then introduced into the House blasting the country into further infla¬ tion. and that a tax reform bill is sure deliberations by Rep. .Joyce Svmons. to be sent to the House in time for D-Ailen I'ark it passed the House last the Michigan WHO. called upon til William R opeland. D- Wyandotte. ' crowd to "stand together and tight thi Mouse Appropriations Hep Hale Boggs. l)-L« handling the svstem until thev do something boards of V>RO members argued that the stati approaching lish decent waV breaking federal law by failing to lt>s' the opportunity for sun, : lications comply with Sec 402 a> 23 of the lost for an indefinite time the bill begins tax r 1%7 Social Security Am which The levy would the investment credit test the alleged Mond, requires state to adjust welfare payments The Republican leader. Rep Gerald R Ford of Michigan, said failure to con¬ Kh tinue the tax domestic programs Ss well as national security th.! state had complied with the provision But Rep. Ray .! increasing welfare payments 20 per cent while the cost of living indices Upcoming have gone up 14 per cent. • lli I .eat lets distributed by WHO called ioi; a guaranteed adequate income of speakers said the inve four ied by rail costs about $3 billion nufe and has helped fuel a Bomb experts worries ChinaRussia Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS inspect castle react officially to China Pr< -uient ha\e vet to Nixon's forthcoming Asian trip for investiture CAERNARVON. Wales .AP> - Gold¬ en trumpet blared from the ramparts Women's hours of as Caernarvon's ancient castle Monday Britiain completed preparations, for its biggest royal ceremony in 16 called consis Both'experts inspected the massive for¬ years. tress in an effort to prevent any hostile B\ BARBPARNESS acts against 20-year-old Prince Charles, the future king of "England. Police and troops mounted the biggest security screen ever seen in this med¬ Ere«"lom Report Fldon R N< ieval town on the eve of Charles' in¬ secretary to the judiciary annou stallation as Prince of Wales. In the Welsh capital of Cardiff. 150 miles away, police searched the city for suspects after a bomb blew a three- foot hole in a post office wall Monday morning No one was hurt Hundreds of police held crowds behind steel barriers in Caernarvon Square outside the 700-year-old castle where Charles kneels Tuesday before his moth¬ er. Queen Elizabeth II. to become prince of this mountain land Six army bomb squads swept mine! detectors through the castle, from the new-laid lawns around the royal thrones to the "murder halls" above the gates Poor people where defenders once poured boiling oil on Welsh rebels fighting English rule. Several hundred participants in th6 poor people's march gathered on the steps of the Capitol to protest (Please turn to page 11) alleged inadequacies of welfare payments. State News Photo by Bob Ivins 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 1, 1969 ASMSU fro No liquor deluge predicted ffj to rap bookstore s for newly wet East Lansing most of them never responded annexed areas to East Lansing high. The East Lansing ordin- The continued night on ASMSC ' Student discussion its attempts to lower Board Sunda> leaflets to incoming at orientation. Their plans are to distribute the leaflets out Freshmen By LINDA GORTMAKKR side Wonders Hall where all after that. John Patriarche. city prices at the MSU Bookstore. Executive Reporter previously licensed to sell al- ance had originally only pro- orientation students are housed coholic beverages by the state. Chuck Mostov. board vice East Lansing has been offie- manager, said. vided for a six story or 70 East Lansing The Albert Pick Hotel foot building. chairman, said the board hopes University regulations forbid lly wet" since early April, residents voted on it the town's resta in April to amend the city's Saginaw has applied for a Hotel ... . ,, ... to keep students away from the leafleting of the freshmen with¬ -p, , i I expect thev 11 eallv be bookstore this summer until alcoholic beverages ,, , B license. The license has been in the hall. aren't exactly ■erflowing with policy . gin moving on • . the hotel , ni . . .. , . the Faculty-Student Committee the wet stuff. amendment would per approved bv the eitv and ten- ° ^ . Student opinion on the book¬ ., ., ' . . Patriarche said, on the Bookstore has issued its Only two stores. Larry's Shop sale of beer, liquor tatively approved by the state. store question is being sought Right and A & 1'. are selling Class B licenses permit hot- Patriarche doesn't forse findings on the store's prices. by the board. Mostov asked beer and wine in East Lansing - Motels and hotels of els to serve beer, wine and great number of liquor lie Until then we're going to all students with opinions on now. and two others have appli¬ than 50 rooms liquor, while class C applies to applications coming from 1 trv to convince freshmen and the MSU Bookstore to send cations pending with the state. -Clubs and restaurant: restaurants that serve beer. Lansing. One thing seems present students not to buy them to him. care of 334 Over 25 establishments had more than 50 diner: wine, and liquor tain, however No applic their books until fall term, or Student Services Bldg. showed interest in a applying for liquor license in April, but -Package stores -Establishments in future "They're in the process of will come from MSI'since state doing some remodeling novC. law stipulates that liquor, beer This Hip minstrel bearded balladeer to buy them at off-campus book¬ stores if it's necessary. Mos¬ Also, anyone interested in and should be ready to serve or wine cannot be sold or served perches on a Cedar Village tov said. distributing leaflets to incoming by August." Patriarche said. within 500 feet from a school or Apts. balcony, ready to offer an evening serenade. Last wee board freshmen should ,contac,t the Wilson employes The Lost Arbor, taurant to be located on Trow¬ bridge Rd. next to University a new res¬ State News Photo by Carl Kulow announced pi; distribute ASMSl' offices or Mostov. Inn. has gotten tentative HOISE STUDIED await 2nd hearing approval by the city council, but needs consent yet from the B\ DKLORKS MAJOR Musical hearing Patriarche said the Lost Ar¬ State News Staff Writer bor is the first offshoot, or Two MSI employes. Joseph Trantham and Elaine M franchise." of the Pretzel Bell Mishler. charged with racial discrimination during* the in Ann Arbor, a popular res Wilson Hall takeover last spring term, are currently a taurant and bar a few blocks waiting a second hearing on the charges. By LINDA (iORTMAKFR the Free Press club dance, and two he hit these places MSI from the University of Michi¬ sources as Lansing area attorney Leland W. Carr said that a date for the Executive Reporter Action line and Ann Landers night spots night gan campus new hearing has not yet been established and would not A steady diet of the Gables Noise at these One experiment daily column places did not he until three people are chosen to preside at the hearing. University Inn on Trowbridge ( randmother s and the Dell: Audiologists at both MSU and suggested Carr explained that a list of acceptable people had been had originally requested a Hotel >uld cause shattered nerves, the University of Michigan have the mean esult from submitted to Trantham and Miss Mishler's attorneys but B license, but has now started and acute an hangovei published articles on the effects mann's 42 subjects. 95 per cent exposure to loud music A sub¬ that there had been no further developments. plans for remodeling for a res- e of prolonged exposure to "high did not incur noise-induced sequent study was made on They have asked for a delay of time in order to get taurant and meeting rooms. intensity" rock and roll music hearing losses These results 3.000 children with 1.000 from their ease organized, but we expect to hear from them each of the 6th. 9th. and 12th "They would want a Class The results are conflicting. conflict with current public op¬ soon, he continued Thev have to make value judgments C license for serving liquor Hard rock noise study inion but Rintlemann has an grades. of their own about the list." he added by the glass. Patriarche said. A study of the effects of rock As the children got older Duane M Hildebrant. attorney tor Trantham. said that Class C would put the U and roll music at MSU last year Most rock and roll bands play the percentage of them having he had not received the list for approval" and that he would sity Inn out of the "hotel class spots where i showed that concern over the intermittently, with three-min¬ hearing losses increased: 3.8 like to get going a> soon as possible on this. However, we for its liquor license. forming, they harmful effects of rock and roll ute selections and intermissions percent of the 6th graders had have heard nothing. facet of th( music on the hearing of young hearing losses 11.0 per cent Miss Misnler s attorney. A new hotel to be built on Donald (, Fox. acknowledged Sound levels ; shor of the ninth graders; and 12 6 Abbott Road and Albert Avenue people appears to be unwarrant receipt of the list, but declined to comment further comparable t however, is, The offer of a new hearing was made by Acting Presi¬ was one of the motivating for¬ makes at an arently sufficient per cent of the 12th graders airport-about 120 lines supply the results. am F Rintelmann. assoc. to allow at I dent Adams ces behind passage of the li decibels ■ db i through Carr. after the Academic Council While the experts and special¬ from audito Hearing conservation programs of audiology and fatigue. Rintle- . or passed a resolution recommending such a move quor amendment. Audiologists across the country ists read about lakst studies science, interviewed 42 stated. He also noted tht Thesi •suits prompted re¬ The original hearing of the two Wilson Hall employes Last Monday the ouncil have shown concern for the hear on hearing losses in scientific ins who played in four searcher David M Lipscomb has been criticized on several points for alleged proce¬ changed an ordinance > that ing of the nation's youth in the journals, a itizens dis- different locations: a concern to 114 db. and thus the listene to suggest hearing conservation dural imperfections the hotel could be 17 stories past two years; newspaper head¬ cover the la trom such in MSU s auditorium, a country teady stim- programs in schools To help control the problem, I nsensational results use of ear protection devices Rintelmann said that people also was encouraged. have contacted him about his With a little imagination, extensive study (including Time these could be made quite iMaurire's magazine but because hi: suits not sensational, they picked up by the mass attractive and stylish-perhaps to the extent that their use mi'iht become a fad among young media. fsons. Lipscomb observed One explanation for Rintel¬ Pediatricians and audiolo >rotdj ilfmtHe mann s results could stem from his method. Other audiologists look at present and past hear¬ ing tests and the amount of temporary damage the young must roll come music shov hearing of teenagers adults-now from the rock listeners con tf They're saying a tempor¬ ary hearing loss will become permanent and. in theory, that makes good sense." Rintel¬ peo mann said. "However, research such loud has shown you can't completely rely on this prediction " couraging. ANNOUNCING OUR ANNUAL SALE A U-M audiologist thinks the significant factor is that Rin¬ telmann a sampling ol voung listeners s night spots only mea¬ include: sured an average of 105 db. It embalms It has to OF FAMOUS LABEL CLASSICS! while most other studies indi¬ cate noise levels of 130 db in be inside that you loud so you that Otherwise it it gets isn't such locations. any good." db lakes It makes you get worked ; loud, the 130 up into a frenzy that serves GROUP OF OUR FAMOUS LABEL DRESSES db is Rintelmann five s times louder than maximum of 114 to release a lot of tension and db. Ralph Rupp. coordinator of It provides people of tlus in both Jr. and Misses Sizes REDUCED FOR THIS EVENT! U-M s audiology with the opportunity to con¬ ... . . . area, ex¬ age Styles include Skimmers, Shirtdresses, Norfalks plained gregate without having to com- . . . Shifts! Rupp conducted some ol his eh air A steady diet of the Gables. combo. He contended after Grandmothers and the Dells per i that it the seems for these listen¬ 1/3 OFF! easy NOW is ; loud enough and if exposed enough, hearing loss a listener ers to digest whose research you believe.. however, these listeners might Depending on 1 can't figure out why Rin¬ not be hearing much in the near telmann s noise levels are so future unless they begin worry¬ low." Rupp puzzled. Maybe ing about their hearing now ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * Complete front end repair and alignment * Brakes * Suspension * Wheel balancing * Steering SMASHING ASSORTMENT OF SHIRTS LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 NOW 7/3 OFF GROUP OF OUTSTA THE STATE NEWS SKIRTS AND C The Sute News, the student published every class day throughout the newspaper at year Michigan State University, is with special Welcome Week and Orientation issues in June and September Subscription rates are S14 Including Classics, Cotton Denims, Prints, Scooters and many others that you like so well. Misses Sizes 6 to 16 . . Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press . Jr. Sizes 5 to 15. Association, Associated Collegiate Press, MicHgan Press Association, Mich igan Collegiate Press Association. Unitefc States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. N0W 7/3off Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Sute University, East Lansing, Michigan. Building. Michigan Phopes Editorial 355-K52 Classified Advertising 355-Kg Display Advertising .Also at Maurice sDowntown Business-Circulation Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 Tuesday, July 1, 1969 J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS Classroom failures summary boost crime rates motivate WICHITA. Kan (UPI) - phasis in secondary education is people to act re¬ ALL BEEF A capsule summary of the day's events frorr Mounting crime in the streets preparing children for college. sponsibly. this is the ultimate our wire services. is the result of "35 years on the "We have college groups prac¬ dole" of welfare and inadequate education programs that have made high school "kiekouts" of ticing professional snobbery, iooking down their noses at every in Gov. Milliken said education Michigan is "in deep trouble r M HAMBURGER one who works for a living." financially and educationally. ha I do in thousands. Gov. James A 3 lb. or more "/ believe u ne Rhodes said. "Unless state government can I Rhodes of Ohio told fellow mid¬ He said in Ohio there are thou¬ education uill Inter more ef¬ improve the jobs they are doing west governors Monday - fect on future quality in The Ohio Republican spoke sands of high school dropouts "because we have no program in education." Milliken said. "They will invite movement of , 63c lb. S177 (3 lb life in this country than an\- at one of two opening sessions for the 68 per cent who don't the federal government in this want to go [j thin(i we do. " of the 8th annual 15-state Mid¬ to college." He said field. I believe what we do in ed¬ west Governors Conference, they should be called "kiekouts" ucation will have effect —(,ov. II ill,an, (,. Milliken more on dealing with crime control and not dropouts "because our future quality in life in this Spartan Skinless Franks ib ?"«■> 99c education. system has rejected them." country than anything we can Rhodes said the rising crime Gov. Robert B. Docking. D- d° , International News Kan led a session on crime »>• 39c rate is not the result of a break¬ Harold Levander. R- Cut-up Fryers ,usda Gr°de a> . Gov. r down of law and order but fail¬ control and Gov. Norbert T. Tie- Minn, said studies have shown J ure in the classroom. mann. R-Neb.. headed a panel the greatest factor toward edu- I Israeli jets strafed and bombed guerilla positions inside Jordan south of the Sea All of our social ills among Gov. Frank L. Farrar. R-S.D. cational success is student mot- ivation. | Norbest Turkey Broilers (6/8# avg.) lb. 48° the able-bodied on welfare come of Galilee Monday following an early morn¬ from lack of education and train¬ said "The problem is not really The governors were unanimous l- COUPON ing sabotage blast in Tel Aviv which injured ing." Rhodes said The present a breakdown in law enforce¬ in favoring distribution of fed¬ 10 persons. welfare system as we know it is ment the answer is more than eral funds for crime control by Oven Fresh In Jerusalem. Prime Mininster Golda Meir bankrupt The national guard and just crime control acts are not the sibility rests ultimately in the law enforcement. Respon¬ block grants. Levander said this was a test Spartan Potato Chips warned that those who attacked Israel • should home and with the individual area for states and if the block 1# Bag Hamburg or Hotdog B not be surprised if they are hit sevenfold in The Ohio governor called for "The breakdown is lack of grant approach does not work in crime control we will have response." more emphasis on vocational ed¬ ucation. He said the major em¬ identity in people." he said "We must motivate societv. If we can difficulty in getting approval for 39c 31c welfare and other areas. " Gov Warren P. Knowles. R- (Pkg. of 8) Limit I With $£.00 Purchase The embattled defenders of Ben Het emer¬ W'is., chairman of the 15 -state ged from their underground bunkers Mon¬ day and began patching up their battered Ted Kennedy conference, told the chief tives in an opening address.' We governors have the best chance- execu¬ outpost for a possible new enemy attack and possibly the last chance- The two-month-long artillery siege of the small Green Beret camp hard by the Cam¬ to press gra to re-establish the role of the states within the federal system Spartan Paper Plates dl 69c bodian border was lifted by enemy gunners opposed to burning buildings Docking, in heading the crime or smoking President cigars." discussion, said big cities do not (8-16 oz. one the weekend. Only 25 enemy rounds over came in Sunday and four on Monday. Grapes will be food for ran an anti-ABM Last term the FMK group petition drive have said a one monopoly of the on crime. He problem areas Pepsi-Cola way bottles) ipt It was a sharp drop from the previous thought at the first summer and a is in small communities where letter writing campaign meeting of the Early Move¬ aimed at Sen Robert Griffin. there is a volunteer or part-time two weeks, which saw up to 200 shells a ment for Kennedy < FMK i day whistling into the camp. at 9 tonight in the Captain's R-Michigan. It also sponsored law enforcement agency. Hi-C Drinks 25c Room of the t'nion the RFK memorial held in Con- W Gov■. William Guy. D-N.D.. rad Auditd. We are trying job. These young people are pro¬ We carry 30 items formally turned over its African enclave ot littee kill dis. to create an atmosphere con- bably going to cost the state more Carnation Ifni to Morocco Monday. Michigan's role the ducive t< > his nomination in money in the future than it would fornia grape st of Kosher Foods Spain invaded the tiny half moon on the have to train them." west coast of Africa in 1476. It formally nard Schroeder 1972 Instant Breakfast the EMK group 10 LOX - BORSCHT - received the 580 square miles by treaty in Pittenger sights duty' oz. jar makes We support the grape bo; I860. Sen Ke iedv. 8 Breakfasts MATZOS - Schroeder National News explained Kennedy spoke this spring in Sharma controversy MANY MORE The government took double-barreled aim with Caesar Chavez, leader Mate Rep Phil () Pittenger. R-Lansing. said Monday his O «*» of the migrant workers in interjection into the awarding of a FHilbright-Hays Fellowship Monday at soaring costs of the medicaid California. His late brother. t.> an MSP professor was justified by his "responsibility to program Robert, was a member of the the taxpayers of my district Swanson Dinners M The Dept. of Health. Education and Wel¬ Senate Investigating Commit¬ Pittenger inititiated criticism of the $23,000 grant to Beef Roast—Meat Loaf fare issued new regulations designed to clamp down on fees paid to doctors, dentists and tee of 1967 that probed grape picker conditions during the summer Dhirendra Sharma. assoc. professor of philosophy The grant was subsequentlv withdrawn bv the P S Dept of Health. Educat¬ ion and Welfare I HEW i. Sirloin Beef—Swiss Steak Corned Beef Hash 2/$|00 other individuals under Medicaid. Schroeder called th FMK I look at the many problems we have in this country and I The Senate passed legislation thai would meeting organization He just cannot see the usefulness of this grant." Pittenger said. permit the states to control the costs ot said a vice chairman ill be withdrawn the grant as Spartan Midget Cheese When asked whether he felt HEW had the program. elected and a procedures com¬ mittee formed to plan future i result of Chamberlain. Pittenger criticism from himself and Rep Charles E. replied. 1 think it was." yA • • • group goals. Pittenger emphasized his objection to the awarding of the The group has 25-30 core grant was not based on anything personal 73c About 150 computer specialists said Mon¬ members and is represented I am sure he is a very brilliant man, he said I have day they have "grave doubts" that the com¬ at the Detroit FMK chapter. never met the man." puter portio of the Safeguard Antiballistic Both organizations have sche¬ Pittenger began the controversy over the grant to Sharma Missile system proposed by President Nixon duled an East Lansing motor when he made public a copy of a telegram he had sent to rally for some Saturday in Son Robert Griffin. A second telegram was later sent. Winning Score Gold Bond Baseball would actually work. July.Schroeder said Pittenge'r said that Griffin had replied to his telegrams, 'These doubts." they said in a statement. and indicated Griffin said "he had looked into it. June 28 "A lot of people with us aren't 'range from a profound skepticism that the necessarily Kennedy people, Detroit 4 liberals computing system could be made to work he noted. Some are to a conviction that it could not." The experts said the computer system is who want constructive the experience of political change as NO MILEAGE CHARGE Baltimore 6 so large that testing would be required, but Special Rates for MSU Students and Faculty such tests would result in nuclear explos¬ , recision WEEKEND ions They said testing is necessary because Imports DAILY .. Bananas <«, 10( the svstem would not have a second chance. alizing in finei BUDGET. - nZS: sports cars' s35 Home Grown Cabbage President Nixon Monday created what he PLUS GAS "^sIRSBS^55" PLUS GAS called a blue-ribbon panel to recommend IRELLI changes in the vast defense establishment Reasonable Rates 1969 Pontiacs-Fully Equipped Green Onions or Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird pro¬ mised that the group would scrutinize the Bruce Jim You must be 21 and have a valid MSU I.D. card. 2/19c Pentagon "with a fresh, objective, and un- "Financing Available" Bunch Radishes involved perspective." 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 214 So. Capitol 372-8660 Michigan News GOODRICH'S Top Returns With Martin Luther King, Sr., father of the Earn Dr. slain civil rights leader, said in Detroit that SPARTAN race relations appeared to be slipping back¬ wards. influenced by the Nixon administration. Many black people are saying the Nixon .C\|M C1/% administration and the Supreme Court are drifting toward conservatism and it is in¬ O^ REDEEMABLE WITHOUT NOTICE fluenced by the South, he said. But if the people take to the streets. Here's an i/nbeatable investment opportunity for all MSU "We Give Gold Bond Stamps" America will be destroyed." King cautioned employees; deposit a minimum of $500 in guaranteed 5'^% IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER • • • time depositsfor one year and watch your savings grow! Inter est is paid quarterly—into your share account or directly to you. Harrison at Trowbridge Although most of the state's 1969-70 bills For complete details on this and the many other advantages your are tied up in the legislature. Michigan bud¬ credit union offers, phone or stop by today. get Director Glenn S. Allen said Monday state spending will continue as usual through the start of the next fiscal year today. MSU EMPLOYEES He said the State Administration Board pass¬ ed a resolution authorizing interim spending until the bills are approved and signed by 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30 -5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 Gov. Milliken. Six-lime recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. DOLORES MAJOR Ng. x 4T MICHIGAN STATE NEWS The anti-chicken-sex league I INIVKRSITY aware was scared, that I a little nervous, fully was surely about to lose some of my naivete, for I was going to view the much disputed sex educa¬ Trinka Cline, executive editor tion films. Norman J. Saari, managing editor To assure my entry into the Michi¬ George K. Bullard, campus editor gan Supreme Court chambers. I had Deborah Fitch, feature editor thoughtfully brought along my press card, and student I D. just to prove I was of age. Here I was. fully expecting to see a grade X movie-what a laugh. Ih order to emphasize the overwhelm¬ ing interest of Michigan legislators in EDITORIAL this critical issue. I must tell the read¬ ers that sum total of 12 legislators showed. Sex films are obviously not a big enough Challenging 9' drawing card for the other 138. I arrived at the " showing room" and we waited and waited for sidered . it the perfect job for A calf the scads of a young being born. distraught lawmakers to man such as himself. Fish being born. " propriations by $42,900 because intents or the consequences, tlock in we waited and Soon the lights went out. The Living And those damned chickens and ducks College students must not . . of campus disturbances. waited Mouth shouted the South End. Wayne's Roll em" and the first . be allowed to bite the hand Paper, pecking their way out of egg shells. , Meanwhile. I was approached by a film began. "is Vet our campuses have not Of course interspersed throughout the two that feeds them -- the tax a revolutionary paper call scroungv young man. who obviously wanted I prepared myself, not wanting my films were diagrams of human sexual ing for the overthrow of the remained quiet because of the to give me the impression that he was payer.'' says Rep. Thomas And¬ senator small-town-sheltered-girl hang ups to organs, but they were probably just thrown erson. Lately, the government." Remember legislature's actions, but ra¬ a or a representative or even show through. in there so that the kids would realize hand has ther in spite of them. governor, if he thought he could get away In a film aimed at 4th and 5th that it all somehow related to them, Swallow.' He circulated a pet grad¬ been biting back-and the teeth with it. ers we saw: otherwise it might have looked like a ition earlier this year to cut All the legislators have He asked the usual questions of who I A REVEALING animated cartoon of marks are starting to show. chapter out of Uncle Sidney takes Alice MSU's appropriation in half be¬ shown is was. tried to find out how old I was how fish eggs are fertilized. An amendment on the new that they are at a and George to the Farm." and my reasons for being there. He ap¬ An cause of the Wilson Hall in loss to justify the conditions EXPOSE on the similar motor Forgive me. concerned parents and in¬ higher education budget bill parently thought we were really going skills of infants and baby monkeys. dignant Michigan Legislators. Perhaps I cident. that lead to unrest, and in¬ to see something more than a few chic¬ provides for the withdrawal kens pecking their way out of eggs. And the SHOCKING lived on a farm for too long, but if of Ruish all stead take a dictatorial stance TRUTH about films like these lead you to fear for the scholarships or tuition He proceeded to itfll me all about a how ducks and chickens peck their way Somehow. Swallow believer that the chastity of your children, take the time grants to any students found removes necessity for friend of his. a very Ivy League chap, out of eggs. to view the materials concerned. it is in the best interest of the who did nothing but view X films and guilty by university authority explanation and justification. In another film for 5th and 6th grad¬ Are you going to let them get a healthy of state to penalize an entire in -The Editors edit them for showing in Michigan. He ers we saw: view of sex'.' Or are they going to have violating campus reg¬ chuckled to himself. Obviously he con¬ ulations stitution because he does not Puppies being born to find out about it the way you did"' An agree with the actions of one attempt to strike out the amendment and substitute one sub-group of that institution LARRY LERNER which It is difficult to fpllow his allowed a student's twisted reasoning, but perhaps scholarship to be retracted he contends that if the entire only after conviction in court of disorderly conduct, violence to. a person or destruction property, failed miserably. The of group must pay for the actions of majority a part of the group, the will coerce the min¬ Jit A Beyond the New York primary legislators aren't in any mood ority into conformity. to limit the Swallow's plan failed this scope of their To get righ to" the point: the New 75 fjer cent of its vote, but snow-stalled time as it did before, but York City prin sweeping generalities. Que^nj; and the "forgotten" white middle sooner or later Swallow, or of backlash, r, class Communities in the city were " fed It it true that The amendment that passed and-order. What occurred was a division you a law-and-order feated by Senator Javits last fall, is to as an perhaps just long enough for all New ed as though they wanted an college newspapers. That conservative Republican i Marchi i and discflss the situation with Lindsay soon. impossibility in an overwhelmingly Dem Yorkers to die peacefully from would teach them. the present mayor. John Lindsay, ocratic city, would produce absolute chaos air-pollu¬ running The result could be a strengthening of a tion. extension of scholarship bene¬ He would have to work with Abe Beanie Liberal party ticket and possibly New Urban party, with Lindsay at the As I have felt for a fits. (Heaven forbid'' If the Laughing matter? at the head New I'rbar head e>f the ticket supported by a wide the practically elected Democratic can long while. Lind¬ We cannot help but snicker didate for City Controller, and either a say's programs need time It is wk, rational the latter dependii j on support by more legislators voted rangje 'ui liberal Democrats-those individ¬ Democrat. Liberal or liberal Republican he has prevented from happening in New for the amended bill it appear¬ a little and protrude our ton¬ eral Democrats uals who must vote, in large numbers, York which merits support for him It i> But Mayor Linds v would have no City Council President Also. Marchi has if Lindsay is to have any hope of re¬ ed as though they wanted a gue at the amendments. We been backbonish on the campuses and true that you can't govern NYC* well of winning in Noveml don't get any state funds for turning to Gracie Mansion. would provide as much, if not if the mayor is not part of the corrupt clenched fist approach to cam¬ Democrat decided to trun Hugh ('; Thine are some certainties if specific more, machinery behind the scenes. But it is our law-and-order as Procaccino pus disturbances newspaper So the legis¬ who was narrowly defeated in a recount, candidates win in November: ill A (3» A also true that you can't govern NYC lature can't cut them off. lor the City Council presidency, has been Carey victory would give the I had hoped Norman Mailer would But couldn't the -ime thing Procaccino victory would restore "fiscal city a Lindsay type administration with But making overtures on this matter and will soundness to the city, but at the cost win. It not Mailer. I would have been that happened to the earlier even we can't laugh too one major difference-a Democratic Mayor probably run. Hut he. like Lindsay, will of wiping the slate clean-the destruc¬ for a Democratic city This could be a pleased to see Badillo as mayor. M\ scholarship bill happen to the hard. The newly proposed de¬ have his problems. Having the support tion iof many experiments and innova- conviction that -NYC needs Power to of the Kennedy family, presenting ex¬ healthy sign, for as we have seen over new higher education bill'.' A cency" bill would take care tion.^of the Lindsay Administration which the past four years, even a Republican the Neighborhoods. the fifth-first state cellent congressional credentials and be¬ and. in general, a new foundation, hasn't of rags like ours. need;- time to succeed. Procaccino as ^heading a fusion ticket cannot work won¬ fairly good appropriations ing a Wagner supporter will not be enough mayor- would inevitably bring Watts. faltered. In order to make my convic¬ ders. let alone clear up everyday garbage. grant could be killed by one Explaining the extensive re¬ to break through a strong Democeatic Detroii- and Chicago to New York. His 4i Lindsay, snatching victory from the tion a remote possibility. Lindsay must machine with its backstage maneuvers. victory would make NYC a battleground be re-elected. lousy, fear-racked representa¬ pressive measures passed by What could happen in the event Car¬ jaws of political exile, would have a new tive who thinks she's got the the legislature is extremely dif¬ ey's candidacy, develops support is this: answer to the $64,000 question- ficult when one notes that iai a knockdown-dragout fight between What's Wrong With Our Cam¬ Michigan campuses have been Carey and Procaccino t especially behind the and hence fissure OUR READERS' MIND scenes i a in the puses. tranquil for the most part this Democratic party and likewise the vote: But she didn't do it alone, year. If mass disturbances had ib' Lindsay, with only the Liberal party did she'.' The amendment pass¬ ed by a vote of B8 to 29. Line 'em up rocked our campuses, the back¬ lash would at least be explain¬ able. even if misplaced. But endorsement, campaigning ferociously to no avail: votes ic; elected as Marchi. with over 600.000 the new mavor : Casting stones into the darkness and count em Twenty 11 of the above. I «Sir; extremely disappointed in your While peace talks are taking place in where North .'Vietnam savs' it does not nine to have not seen vio¬ Paris, preparations are underway and have troops-The A Shau. Valley. sixty-eight. Our side we mass Actually, the ■ould go many coverage of world and local events in initiated for the Summer Offensive 1969. Now lence. All that Lindsay recent issues of the State News. I re¬ let us recall, what was that the North isn't doing so well. we have seen .ays n The ampaign fizzles and cently received the May 20.21. 22nd people of the United States, including Vietnamese agreed to do if we halted But Mrs. Symons doesn't get is an over-reaction from a State the students, must be kept informed, yll the marbles issues of the News, via mail bombings over North Vietnam .'Wasn't all the glory today. Rep number of men who sit in Lans¬ with his sub^ription. I was surprised how some as thev indirectlv influence National it something like pulling all of Hanoi's advocacy of progress with Policy. troops out of South Vietnam'?'.1 Joesph Swallow sponsored a ing with little conception of safety new* topics were deleted to a paragraph Some personal views or two Ijnes. move to cut Wayne State s ap¬ the events or the causes, the • My most vivid case on this point is During my tour in Vietnam I have and the campaign A ntAvspaper is supposed to be the the learned a great deal about Vietnam, seige of Dong Ap Bia Mt. in the A columnist and edit rial conscience and informer of the public page editor A. Shau Valley, southwest of the Im¬ the customs, political structure and fun¬ for the New York Post p s'sented the view it serves. Therefore the news it prints perial City of Hue The only coverage ctioning and military operatins. I am that, had Mailer stayed >ut of the fight, should include those subjects with which this blinded to the good or the bad points battle received was the criticism not his 40.000 odd votes, ti a great extent. the public constantly is re-evaluating of ^ither. but my opinions on that must of Sen. Edward Kennedy. D-Mass. But would have gone to Bror Borough • My first point in reference is the the American public does not realize be withheld from publication because dent Her Badillo giving Badillo a Algiers' Motel Trial that recently took the significance of the conflict on Hill of my job in Intelligence. The point close victory over Procaccino But Mail place III Mason. Michigan. This trial 937. the reason the 3rd Bn 187 Inf.. I want to make is that there is so much er pointed out that most of those who is significant as it will influence very 101st Airborne Division could not pull- happening concerning Vietnam, that I voted for him probably would have staved heavgy the entire question of police back. cannot understand how a newspaper of home and not voted for any of the other brutality and involvement in Civil Rights Because of the nature of my job in a large university can feel guiltless candidates matte's In the past few months I have Military Intelligence. I am not at liberty when printing only the criticisms of Mailer's statement seems far closer receiivd numerous clippings that friends to disclose classified information, but a prominent legislator who has not tb the truth He was running on a radi¬ have ken from the Lansing State Jour¬ the significant and obvious fact should been to Vietnam, or at least not very cal program, and. although Badillo was nal and the Detroit metropolitan papers. be plain to any observer of the Vietnam recently With the help of a one-sided much closer in the political Yet my copies of the State News have War. For the first time in vicinity to approximately coverage newspaper.- DARE HE CAST Mailer then Procaccino, he was and is printed very little of the progress of 18 months, the North Vietnamese troops STONES INTO THE DARKNESS"" stili a politician not a writer-attached the proceedings of the Algiers invest¬ stood their ground on Hamburger Hill'. Ronald W. Rowe to the workings of city government. His igations and hearings. Despite the superior fire-power of the 101st Military Intelligence Dept. rejection of the City College of New My ^econd interest is the Vietnam War. U.S. and South Vietnamese forces, the 101st Airborne Division York's so-called quota system for admit-* This is a crucial time of the conflict. enemy troops fought hard in an area MSI' '67 ting blacks and Puerto Ricans put him in direct opposition to Mailer, who sup PARING THAT TIME, COUNTLE5S WHAT A RECORP...THE ported the controversial CCNY proposal LITTLE GIRLS HAVE FALLEN ON SIPEIOALK ALU)A<# WINS.. as ,i necessity it New York was to avoid THEIR KNEES OJHILE ROLLER 5KATING THE KNEES ALLUAVS LOSE... more intensified student and race con¬ frontations in the near future Listen Huber maybe the Fitch girl wouldn't think By far. it seems that alienated vot-j ers. mainly Jewish and Italian Republi¬ you were a Neanderthal if you took a shower once a cans in the four boroughs other than week and remembered to wear your glass eye. Manhattan, gave Marchi the margin for -The Editors victory Manhattan gave Lindsay over Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 1, 1969 5 Whatever became of back yard fallout shelters? Remember? They were topic for years. It was big business, remember the ads? Banks offered E-Z credit. IBM gave employees interest- free loans. Companies were formed with names like Surviv-All. Clergymen argued the morality of shooting your neighbor if he tried to get in, and TV was filled with dramas on the theme. Re¬ member them? "Life" published details on How to Build Your Own Survival Shelter. And every one of us, for at least a moment, thought maybe it was a good idea. Remember? What happened? It was only seven years ago. How many of those back yard shelters still exist, stocked with condensed milk, stale water, and army cots? Are they play¬ rooms now? When did we stop believ¬ ing we could ever be "safe" in fallout shelters? We were all taken in, for an 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 1, 1969 instant anyway. It was a mass delusion, but we wanted to believe we could still do something. Remember? Well, now, what do you think about the ABM? r Please fill in and mail to Cass Canfield, Harper & Row, I Publishers, 49 East 33d Street, N.Y., N.Y. 10016. We I will tally the results and forward them to Congress. I I RI ALLY BI LII VI \1\ ONCE WE PROC EED W i l li THE "SAFEGUARD" ABM I AMI IA AM) I WILL BL SAFE I I YES □ NO □ L Just published, and in your bookstore now: "ABM: An Evaluation of the Decision to Deploy an Anti-Ballistic Missile System" There is no such margin of error with Safeguard. It must work hearts no confidence that it had yet been made to work with any B\( k IN THE DAYS of back yard fal out shelters, seven years ago, there remained the delusion that each one of us could do something individually to protect our families and ourselves. first time The illustrated out. There is no reason to believe it will. possible consequences of its not working just so may be by this Newsweek note, December 19. I960, concern¬ reliability. They realized the much too frequent fallibilities of such im.'ntions as these. It is a good thing they did. For as News¬ week concluded: Never mind that most of us didn't actually build a shelter, we ing the Pentagon's previous "security" creation. Ballistic Missile "The 'missile' that had reflected the radar signal turned out to Early Warning System : he the moon." considered it. That showed our vulnerability to "security" appeals right there. And ever since then, whenever the Pentagon "The Air Force disclosed last week that the giant radar picked announced some new multi-billion dollar "safety" system we up a [hostile] signal, and the 'missile's' position [30 minut«§s from Modern \\ i a pons Systems—Performance tended to go for the "experts" " word that it was just the thing. a l .S. target] was instantly flashed on a screen at the under¬ Mi \st red Against Original Expectations It is certainly understandable A man has got to believe in ground SAC headquarters in Omaha." something. And in this, the nuclear-computer age. the forces Eortunately for the world, the reflex to counterstrike. which that control a man s life or death have been pretty much removed was supposed to be nearly instantaneous upon sighting of such an enemy missile heading our way, did not operate on this day. from his own decision-making power. The data is so complicated and so much of it is classified, how are we to know what to think simply because the scientists who worked on BMEW'S radar, about it. one way or the other'.' Most of us laymen haven't yet and who supervised and knew its real capabilities had in their figured out if it's a good idea to get into airplanes, or how they ever manage to stay up in the air. W ith no way even to start thinking intelligently about today's Abridged Table of Contents from "security" problems, we tend simply not to think about them at 3M i,x v y v- v1 ^ v » ss s> 1 "ABM: AN EVALUATION all. The result is that our safety is truly in the lap of the gods, or. to put it more accurately, in the lap of the Pentagon. OF THE DECISION TO i.uses indelible questions concerning Experts in high places "with greater access to information" tell DEPLOY AN ANTIBALLISTIC how "safe" complex technology has ever made us. Of course, even if they ib that for our safetv we need this or that. And we implicitly give "work," anything less than destruction MISSILE SYSTEM" our go-ahead and wind up paying for it besides. I ike putting wo'uld result "in1 millions' of deaths. And there simply is no way to calcu¬ in i roih ( i ion quarters into the insurance machine before getting onto an air¬ late for every contingency of an at¬ U.S. Senator Edward M. tack As Professor Herbert York, plane. It won't keep the plane up. but at least it's doing something. Kennedy writing in Scientific American, said: "Such calculations always involve Which brings us to ABM. ABM 1)1 im oymi.n i : Vim 's Wrong With I U Wi predictions about the form 01 the er l.e^al Advisor to Departhn 1961-1964 •de- mie B. Wiesner ormer Scu m e Advisor to tin President. 1961-1964 VI' quote 11oiii pi.. AHM presentation. Ma . IV69 Visiting Professor of Political " Malfunction of such new equipment as BMEWS is more the Mil The ABM (Sentinel-Safeguard) is probably the most compli¬ rule than the exception. And yet now, some scientists at the Steven Weinberg : Professor of Physics. Mil cated electronic svstem ever attempted. Pentagon sav we should proceed w ith a far more difficult project, >11ni ii man l)i i i.nsi : Wii i h Hi i i>'.' and. what's worse, one that does not allow for ultimate human Each of its elements missiles, computers, radars is at the ( arl Kaysen : Director. Institute for Advanced Sir/*.. analvsis and control. extreme of sophistication for its type. The computer program¬ I Movers : Former Special Assistant to the Presiih 1963-1967 ming alone, for example, presents problems not yet solved even on the theoretical level. \l ix.i \RD Svs i iM : W il l h W ork > At a certain point it is necessary for the people in whose names The computers w ill be asked simultaneously to steer the radars, Leonard S. Rodbcrg : , Professor of Pliy these creations are introduced to remind government that we do University of Ma, not wish to abdicate our rights of control and approval merely identify potential targets, predict trajectories, distinguish between J. ( R. Licklider : Professor of Electrical Engineeror.::. Ml I because don't understand the technology right off. We do . warheads and the thousands of possible decoys, eliminate false we Hans A. Bethe : Professor of Physics. Cornell I iniversity targets, reject signals from earlier explosions (some of w hich may understand the ■ onsequences. be deliberately diversionary), correct for blackout elfects, allocate Defense. 1961-1964 And simply taking the experts' word, while it may relieve the and guide interceptor missiles, and automatically arm and (ire anxietv (as with back yard fallout shelters), all too often leaves Wn i 1 r Bl Ul'sl l ' them if an enemy missile is interpreted as being in range. us with the feeling that we've just had one more turn around the : Director of Russian Institute. All of this must be done continuously and w ith 100'; precision track after the rabbit we can never catch. between the time attacking missiles first appear and their moment It is the ultimate conclusion of the authors of "ABM: An of impact. That time may be as little as 10 minutes. Evaluation of the Decision to Deploy an Antii The whole operation, in other words, is just too rapid and com¬ President. 1961-1964 System" that Safeguard, for all its tens of billions of c plex even to allow for-.}}uman checking or more than a last second » Con i roi : Wii.i. Ii Bi Si i Bac k .' produce at best a false sense of security, and at worst, an ird 1. I eld Professor of Physics. Ml I increased prospect for nuclear war. okay by the President. : The computer will do the checking itself. of the f ederation of An They explain why, point by point, cutting through the techno¬ Well. If everyone knew for sure that Safeguard would work, logical rhetoric, demonstrating the distinctions between Pentagon . I niversit> < then there might be some (shaky) confidence about turning our I nited Nations. fantasy and simple fact. lives over to it. But a look at the chart shows the gap between The book is. therefore, the first full scale attempt to provide, in lay terms, and while the Congressional debate still rages, the expected performance and actual performance in the case of systems many times less complex than this one. Performance is non-Pentagon side of this issue. You will find it in bookstores now. (Harper & Row cloth- nearly always below promise, even when there is plenty of time and the possibility for testing. bound edition, $5.95; New American Library paperback, $.95.) Tuesday, July 1, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan The State News Presents As Lansing resident - An East Lansing Summ one long-time East remarked after emerging from jail- he had committed six months worth of indiscre¬ tion--*'Now that 1 look at East Lansing again, jail's not so bad." Launching from that basis, we present all Survival kit: package deal loyal State News fans - well, readers any¬ way - with a few helpful pointers on how to 1 EAST LANSING NEWS7AND ] get through your summer here. The first premise to accept is that Fate has handed you a bum rap already, so there's supplement Jetting to Europe, the )Vest summer slump no sense mucking up your mind figuring out how to leave. You're here and that's that. «OLY Rxnve rr^n Indies, the West Coast? your dimes and nickels-for a Save We do. however, sympathize-after all. we're reaithe 1! * few the pennies a day. summer in East Lansing megalopolis here too- and have prepared to show you. on this page, how various people pull through V£Z£H... ■•di•aAAt'W"NEW \rHeV006HI\ can tian be as paradise. blissful as a ^Tahi- RBueesPKKT IM... igBOOK VR First, let's dispel a long- and how you might fend for yourself in case none of the methods used by others appeals \ TOfCM perpetrated myth and set up an operational rule. to your psyche. Enrolling in a five-week sum¬ And. for the brave, we challenge you to complete our East Lansing summer survival questionnaire It you discover you're going to be in troub¬ 1 mer term short 10-week independent not the course lighten your load during regular school year, nor or study will a you've much free 1 cause so le by the end of August, we hope you'll time to devote to really take the realization of doom in the spirit KHITVAL^ in which it was intended. ^ Jj &>OC doing the work with half The a a result: mediocre suntan. sliding or a through grade and late drop 'YE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME' card fee and a fall term repeat East Lansing summers should Establishment be guided by one tenet U' above all -total uncoinmitment. not to be confused with responsibility Anyone who could be ir¬ How people besides our¬ great body of captives at MSI' her husband s new look, will irresponsible about inten¬ selves cope with sive procrastination should have a summer The example of acting presi¬ dye her hair white and give in bucolic East Lansing has ckrn '"Summer has long been a his wrists slapped. Survival tactics dent Adams may well serve guided tours of MSI's newer long been a source of mys¬ to trigger national fads and extensions, the Experimental p-,rt cause 'of suffering for the Maintain a steady live for tery Most students, as you fashions for the next few years Ant Farm and the Pigeon Re cind* d'lwntjrbdden workers and the the day attitude and you've Although the radical movement at MSU seems to know, cope with an East Lan¬ Adams metamorphosis du¬ search Service. got it licked. have died from lack of interest, believers on other If you still need an outside sing summer by going home to ring the term will include Louis Bender. MSI' presiden¬ Detroit or Iron Mountain. This opinion, stick with Jeane Dix¬ campuses are sure to pass the summer with a bit reading a book a week, whether tial aspirant, has insured his Better vet. read her a dav of creative protesting. Deadly dull, you know. of course, creates the new he likes it or not. subscribing summer survival by exploring on ho< .-ell problem of handling a Detroit to " (iood Old Days." the maga¬ methods to make his cam¬ Iron Mountain summer. earning bonus points t cards The jol. scenic Fpper Penin¬ or zine of happy memories and paign more attractive to the sula may not be The manner in which prominent a free bowl of chili Fargo. V D.. walking around campus with a powers that be. Some new but it beats the East Lansing University personalities tackle moulting hen stuffed in planks for the Bender Mazola bar-hopping and pool- cipation is voluntarv the threat of summer term may ingmg. In the register for membership his pocket Party platform that the can¬ serve as instructional to the Mrs Adams accentuating didate has evolved include >rth of bloody Several Scrabble sets Tired of knitting ' Try needle¬ daily require- must. And what g< point The works-printed can¬ Scrabble without W< vas. yarn, needle and i. uruc- Summersault blahs: youself tainment Let's in summer begin with your t nion Grill Bum-Boy Club mem¬ enter¬ Third International " deck's Several »chle. the only wa regular decks tions-are available in Keep an ample pack- supply of bership card. Members of this too; save the jokers pinball survival quiz service organization devote try our vive in East Lansing during "big bum-boys to needy Invest school kids helping them deve¬ tourist traffic" It you're no in a lop procrastination skills, while longer a youth, rip off a friend Fnited Air Lines high youth fare card: why tight Don't, wliatev ge* a job. How < to survive if you se" keeping some< If you ve been having qualms the summer, but it is doubt¬ about your ability to survive ful whether you should attempt in East Lansing during the sum¬ to go anywhere else. Ever II are trying to live through the mer. the following question¬ whole mess by being sarcastic, is very likely in fact, that naire gives you the opportunity after you finish your education but the quality of your answers to find out for sure. here, you will settle down and exposes a desolation character¬ 1. East Lansing is in a. soon belong to the Chamber of istic of people who cannot cope The inimitable Dale Michigan b trouble < hades too well We recommend that iy. Adolph Menjou d kansas economics set. after takinj It you answered mostly you stay only the first hall- summer 2. John Hannah left because 'ferendum and symposium ti "b s". you really despise the term. because you're not going a. he had a new job b East to be good for much if you campus living units Jo . ,,, find fin< liberating the Men's IM pool. place, but realize that it gives Lansing spaced him out studei rl(.tl(r> installing air-conditioning in you a great opportunity to be attempt the whole summer here c he had to d. he was a vic¬ sper sarcastic. You will also make If leaving East Lansing i a special mission for President Nison. chatted with President Juan Carlos Ongania in the pink government designed to exclude t h< of historical indications for himself Whatever your p« i Dr. Cohen's book should whet Yaridor apparently the victim of was political turmoil volvement with di the appetite for more reading at has caused 22 deaths in this _ prosperous nation since Drug Dilemma t- on an important subject. It handbook Dr. Cohei does not contain final The killing was expected to deepen the political crisis passionate possibii not is the book in itself suf¬ that threatens the as three-year regime of Ongania. military he does not pret* <•>drinking could do., strong man who took control of Argentina in a military ficient cause to take or refuse unbiased fi'.s ot years had to pass to take drugs. coup that overthrew the constitutionally elected president. He discusses ev "ir the Western world re¬ The value of The Drug Di¬ Arturo Illia. in 1966. means of chemicalh lemma'" is that it is a call Vandor was slain by a group of unidentified men who the human mind cent. The long latent to intelligent, thinking human hurled a bomb at his quarters after spraying it with sub- value lies in its n'd which lies between the beings to apply intelligence The look machinegun fire. approach to the dru. :t ot widespread misuse and thought to this subject. Dr Cohen remind . dint' and the full recog It's a simplistic message, The union chieftain headed a dissident majority fac¬ Peaceful cooexistence along the Red Cedar between happy lovers and a resident fascination with >ii ot its harmful effects but sufficiently challenging to tion of labor which took a conciliatory posture toward the duck—that's togetherness. Our feathered friend, however, . seems a little flus¬ new. nor is it eh i -.1,1 story Of the agents make a thinking individual think Ongania regime He opposed the work-stoppage antigovern- of times tered, as he ducks beneath his plumage. State News Photo by Carl Kulow ment tactics of hard-line' labor wing that called tor our t ■ n many .tie known harder. elusion of others • I- inntul. some are claimed a nationwide 24-hour strike beginning at midnight in re¬ Men have previous :■< sale It mav be prudent pudiation of the government and the Rockefeller visit ether nitrous oxide roform with the d< !. ■ consider !> tor the alcohol, old claims opium ol and COLORFUL FILM a There was speculation that this intralabor squabble was factor in the assissination present-day psyche'i. I nder a bright sun that softened the winter chill and 'Oliver' done to perfection thusiasts The ted the belied the turbulent political situation. Rockefeller motored Nitro side. to and from the government house apparently without im¬ called laughing ga- endurance in the mediate knowledge of the killing. adjudged the primal \ itniosprtere :! miles Ignoring the massing of riot police, plain-clothesmen century psychedelic < lie alkaloid brought and mob-fighting equipment, labor and student leaders went campuses and at cei' Cfi, Dickens novel Oliver ahead with plans for demonstrations against the govern¬ parties, laughing Twist and add ment and fashionable, the on I . music by Lio¬ "Oliver is ; Rockefeller. nel Bart. Blend stunning direct- Students announced a march of silence"' sometime vav to becorr .lack Wild plays the Artful and auditory during tint: acting and choreography. th< visit which ends Tuesday morning. The 24-hour work Dr Cohen then Put it on film and you've got Dodger--with skill and polish often seen in much older, more ly Only the ir stoppage beginning at midnight was not expected to be as 'Oliver. an evening of fine effective in the capital as in the interior because Yandor's experienced performers it down. Charl entertainment in the new Lan- Shani Wallis f does well as Nancy, but it is still difficult to under¬ I)i rector Carol Reed has 1 stand how Nancy could love the successfully adapted the Broad¬ more much and derstood under more just powe as wa in. and the way show into a colorful mo¬ tion picture Most of the credit, however, must go to Onna White likes Reed ot Bill Though Svkes Reed (Oliver derstates the villian. the sinis- terial air still comes across. un¬ Nigerian blockade ends em- relief whose exciting choreography The weakest performance is Program Info 332-* now' and briiiij big-production lower-class numbers London The He songs include Needs Me. As I,ong Who Will Oliver (Mark Lesten. war feature to us He's cute, sweet and angelic, life Buy. and Food. Glorious but an unconvincing actor. The would be restricted basic Often Food All to essentials and it^ musicals the action are performed with other performances, however, skill may not include fuel or spare parts stops for songs and choppiness more than carry him through the He gave no indication how the program would Ron Moody deserves acclaim show. be carried out. n Oliver The songs carry for his portrayal of Fagin. Overall the photography isn't In announcing the nd extend the story, and the • the scurrilious chief of pick- new policy Enahoro also ransitions. into and out ol pockets exceptional, but specific stand said the Red Cross was no longer authorized lie looks just like a out scenes, But he's a likeable rat. especially Oliver's to accept donations on behalf of Nigeria. song Where is Love'.' which The federal government has decided that . SAJ Heironymus MERKIN the coordinating role of the ICRC shall forthwith, he said. The cease ICRC will there¬ |: ever Tonjci RCY rlumppe :| fore aid no from longer be competent to appeal for any the international community and foreign donor governments on behalf of the and find trup happiness 9 M government and people of Nigeria Any foreign government or agency in •(*)• ■ Technicoiof* terested in assisting deal with the National . . must therefore Rehabilitation Com¬ mission and the appropriate federal minis- next att. GOODBYE, columbus" Relief officials questioned not only whe¬ ther the government could deal with the program, now estimated to have topped $140 SPARTAN TWIN EAST million, but also raised the following ques- FRANDQR SHQPP.NC >: 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 Will the government be able to pro¬ starts tomorrow: vide international neutrality to teams work¬ ing in the field? JOHN WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY •Will donor governments be in position t<> contnbute direcJjP'to an agency of the federal go' Will the new system allow for roughly the same setup with only the top positions changing from foreign to Nigerian person - H4rH»w*y muisuerite toberts ©-3C- rSPARTAN TWIN WEST ! 100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 Unchanged men in a changing land. Out; of step, out of place and desperately out of time. HOtDEN B( )RGNINE ■ .1 )BKI1.N OATES SANCHEZ JOHNSON ' w TECHNICOLOR PANAVISION FROM WARNER BROS SEVEN ARTS Tuesday, July 1, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Carty vows he'll Americans assured of finals 'get' Blasingame HOUSTON . UPI i Rico Cartv of the Atlanta Braves, Mrs.King,MissCasals win fuming over Saturday night's as fight during a game with the Houston Astros, says he will get' Astro pitcher Wade Blas¬ WIMBLEDON. England • 1*1*1 • in the quarter-finals. pion the past three years, but had the gallery cheering wildlv ingame if it takes two years —Billie Je step has been pot Dome." Madden said, adding empt persons whose conscien¬ Such an extension would call taken." said George Thomas. "everybody around here talks tious objectioa extends only to for a visit to Burcharest by top MOSRITE GUITAR- And Gibson am- secretary of state for Wales, about dribbles and drabbles, plifier Good condition Best of But of course vou cannot guard particular wars and not to parti¬ Soviet leaders The Romanians fer 332-0892 3-7 2 but nobody says anything about cipation in war in general have been stalling on extending the elephants.' the treaty, which expired last The department added that GIBSON RANGER-Amplifier Personal A Republican. Hep. H. R the limiting of conscientious ob¬ cellent condition. $520 new. Gross of Iowa, called extension Scienteia. the •lal I offer over $250 332-8588 ject on religious grounds does RENT A TV from a of the surtax "a piece of hy- not amount to a congressional $9 00 per month NEJACTV RENTALS preference for religion. paper, played up a story on Complaining about spending, "Rather."' the department Soviet-Romanian friendship Greyhound Bus Departures raising pay of Congress and the said, "it represents a legisla¬ over the front-page announce¬ EIGHT-TRACK President. Gross said I will ment of the Nixon visit auto tape players- week of July 4 tive judgment that convictions Ranger mini-8, $59 95 and up not be a pawn to the duping In an editorial Monday, it Lear Jet. $69 95 and MAIN of against war which stem from a up To Detroit from East Lansing taxpayers " belief in a directing power be¬ dupussed renewing the treaty ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsvl vania. Lansing C 8:50 a.m. Local of But Rep. California, .James a B Utt Republican i yond human control are qualita¬ by stressing that the unit\ of the Communist tively different from personal camp must NOW ®PEN for business-OPTICAL 1:35 p.m. Express member of the Ways and Means beliefs, no matter how sin- be based . on national in¬ DISCOUNT at 2615 East Michigan >3:30 p.m. Express Committee, said that ,llX Avenue, ground floor Free parking dependence and sovereignty, 4:30 p.m. Express reform were tied to the surta at rear 372-7409 C Local bill "We would never have Sisson. a Harvard University eqtial rights and noninter¬ graduate, was convicted by a ference in internal affair^ DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and 7:35 p.m. Express gotten it passed ." Boston jury March 21 for refus¬ In ; engagement ring sets cent or more Large Save 50 per selection of 10:35 p.-m. Express There will be a reform bill Stacked ing induction pn' plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 this year.' Utt said It may Shortly thereafter, he filed an WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE 509 not go as far as some of Flanked by this bevy of sunbathers, the gentleman at the top doesn't seem to appeal and won a favorable rul¬ East Michigan 485-4391 < you want, but it will go far¬ ther than some of us intended." have a prayer. < State News Photo by Carl Kulow ing from Wyzanski. FREE A thrilling hour of beauts ' BIRTHDAY CAKES 7"-$3 64 For appointment call 484-4519 MERLE Rep B F Sisk. D-Calif.. 8 $4 18 9 "-$5 20 Delivered NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 160(1 said he believed some surtax KWAST BAKERIES 484-1317 C-7 3 East Michigan C-7 3 should be continued -.but would SEWING MACHINE clearance sale PROBLEMS WITH the drat!' Con have to vote to send the bill Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 00 tact DRAFT INFORMATION CEN back to the Ways and Means per month Large selection of re¬ TER. 507 East Grand River 351 Committee because when it conditioned used machines Singers 5283 Open 1-4 pm Moadav-Fri Whites. Necchis. New Home and day 6-8 p.m.. Monday-Thursday was passed in present form many others $19.95 ro $39 95. "we yielded our prerogative to Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING the other body Senate to write COMPANY 1115 North Washington 489-6448 meaningful tax reform. C-7/3 CARPETS-BIGELOW beige acrilan CUSTOM built with paddinf 12X15' and 8X12 also stair and hall carpet to match Draperies' beige antique satin shorter pairs ro match 2 •in refrigera Coed hours All ex¬ • cellent condition Phone 351-5543 led from page one l violates sections. 1.5.01. 1.5.02 150 used vacuum cleaners Tanks and 1.5.06 of the report. and canisters and uprights All in The final vote of the judic¬ good condition $7 88 and up Dennis iary was five for and five against Distributors Company. 316 North the position that women's hours Cedar, opposite Citv Market 482 2677 C-7 3 violate the report. Under the rules of the judiciary a tie vote VACUUM CLE AN E RS-1 -yea r old Canister model with all the at PRIVATE TENNIS Donna O'Donnahue. president tachments Built-in cord winder Bob $18 489-4095 C-7 3 ,»f W'lC. described the Student- Facultv .Judiciarv's decision as T ypewriters and marvelous. Adding Machines As far as I'm concerned, it's REPAIRS a hung jury she said "It F ree pickup & delivery doesn't disprove in my mind American that women's hours arc not Business Machines consistent with the Academic Haslett 339-2654 | Freedom Report. Miss O'Donnahue said that she ALTERATIONS GOWNS, and dres> making -experienc ed Reasonable had expected a close decision. HEADBOARD BLUE living room charge Call 355-1040 20-6 17 I predicted that it would be drapes-both made for Spartan Vil¬ a hung jury or a 6-4 decision." lage Also. Victorian marble-topped GET MORE SALES PER SQ IN she said The close decision end table. 2 French Provincial lad with a SERVICE DIRECTORY ies chairs Vacuum cleaner Call ad each Thursday Call Judi. 355- points out the magnitude of the 484-8340 3-7 3 8255 today Miss O'Donnahue said that CLARINET -SELMER In good condi Typing Service WIC will meet tonight to decide BARB1 MEL Typing, multilithing on the next step that it will No job too large or too small take Block off campus 332-3255. C- A a result of the judiciary decision, freshmen women en¬ IRISH SETTERS-unregistered, pure tering MSI' in the fall will still breds Spirited, affectionate pets be required to be in $25 Evenings 625-7735 3 7 3 residence hall by midnight Sun¬ PAULA ANN HAH CY A u pique day through Thursday and by quality thesis servi IBM typing :> a.m. Friday and Saturday. muitilith printing a hard binding ANN BROWN Typist and muitilith offset printing Dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM 19 years experience 332 8384 C THESES able Located OFFSET across PRINTING from campus tvp- PLEASE NOTE It's What's Happening 1 in person at the State News Editorial Renting is an expense. . . on corner of M A C. and Grand Office, 341 Student Services Bldg or best offer 484-7916 2-7 1 River, below The Style Shop Call The MSI Outing Club will COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337 1666 MOBILE excellent 351-7506 HOME 8X40 condition New Moon Near Campus 3-7 3 T ransportation show slides of past club ac¬ tivities tonight at 7 in room 116 Natural Science Bldg Mobile home buying is an GREAT LAKES-1966 Furnished carpeted, air-conditioned Reason The English Language Center able 355-6640 484-9939 8 7 11 needs more volunteers to help Lost & Found Wanted foreign students learn con versa tional English. If please call 353-0802 interested INVESTMENT! FOUND KEYS on bench near Wells Friday morning Identify Call 351 0295 after 10 pm or inquire The MSI Sailing Club will Room 202 Wells 8-10 am daily BLOOD IX)NORS NEEDED $7 50 for hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 all in parlors A and B of the Union. positive A negative B negative Wed¬ and AB Slides will be shown after the LOST WATCH. IM building t $12 00 negative $10 00 O nega MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ Why not reach Mill's huge potential mobile home market with an adver¬ nesday Initials JJK, on bacR Re¬ live meeting tisement In our Welcome Week edition? ward No questions asked 351 ITY BLOOD CENTER 507'2 East Orand River East Lansing Above The Early Movement for Ken¬ 9 a m to 3 30 p.m Mondav. Tues¬ nedy will meet tonight at 9 in Personal day. Wednesday, and Friday Thurs¬ the Captain s Room of the Union. Deadline for our special mobile home promotion is Friday, August 8. day. 12 to 6 30pm 337-7183 ' C Mike Contact us early at 353-6400. tv Rentals ge 19 portable McCarthy. chairman $8 50 per month including stand of the Lansing Grape Boycott TWO 2 drawer office files, secre¬ Call j r culver company. 351 Committee, and Sen Roger 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan tary's chair and shelving for home office use Phone 351-5543 ' S-7'3 Craig. D Dearborn, will speak 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 1, 1969 Sensitivity training set FRESHMEN for August Iinals week or on night when there's a party next out and vou have a a Saturday stack of This is your Ring hooks in front of you and the spectre of the draft is lurking You don't have to be an upperclassman to wear , which may help to a your class ring. Stop in at MSU Bookstore during This program called "Sen¬ sitivity Training, will be of¬ fered from \ugust 1-14 don't have to he an MSI Vou stu¬ orientation and order your dent to participate, hut you do haw to hi- between the ages of 17 ind JK and possess a mo- class ring and have it in ' • lloom- tor ( protM .Hi uhu ll 9 plenty of time for Fall term. : it.-K tour hours a : £ djv> ,i week, will ^ t!u program. Any- • MSU BOOK STORE HAS IT FOR THE SUMMER STUDENT FRESHMEN SPORTSWEAR, SUPPLIES YOUR Buy your fall books JEWELRY, STATIONERY, now and avoid con¬ fusion next fall. ART SUPPLIES, SOUVENIRS, HUNGRY? shorten it. Try a tai- MUGS, gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at no extra cost. ALSO! Hamburgers Cheeseburgers Submarines French Fries & PIZZA CALL 332-6517 BOOK BOOKSTORE VARSITY HOURS STORE MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 - 5:30 In the Center for International Programs