Bombings odd flare to ritual CAERNARVON. Wales (AP) - Unruf¬ fled by three bombing incidents. Queen ing a youngster who threw an egg at the queen's gold-trimmed coach as she en¬ tered the fortress. tremists of Wales Later, opposed to English domination a bomb exploded in a field less sworn a court violence against Charles stood in building decorated with flags for the investiture and received prison sen¬ Elizabeth II performed an ancient rite Police arrested two men and hustled than a mile from Caernarvon Castle in tences of up to 15 months. Tuesday presenting her son Charles with a front of the spot where the royal train had Silver trumpets blared from Caer¬ them away from the angry crowd, which golden sword and ring and formally instal¬ stopped and its passengers got off for the narvon's towering ramparts and plumed threatened a lynching. ling him as Prince of Wales. drive into Caernarvon.' horsemen paraded beneath the walls, as As the 20-year-old heir to the British The train bearing the queen. Prince the student prince nervously adjusted his Earlier Tuesday, two men were killed throne donned the ermine cloak and golden Charles and other members of the royal new crown, knelt before his unsmiling in Abergele. 35 miles from Caernarvon, coronet of office, security men searching family had stopped three times during mother and when the explosives they were carrying pledged: the crowds outside Caernarvon Castle look¬ the overnight trip from London "I. Charles. Prince of Wales, do be¬ blew up prematurely 200 yards from the ing for Welsh extremists who exploded a railroad tracks that were to take the royal Two Welsh post offices were searched come your liege man of life and limb bomb near the royal train. train to the ceremony. Authorities said it during the day after false bomb threats. and of earthly worship, and faith and Thousands of Welsh citizens milled be¬ in Swansea, where six mem¬ appeared to be another in the series of One was truth I will bear unto you to live and die hind steel barricades outside the 700-year- bers of the Free Wales Army who had (please turn to page 9) blasts set off by Welsh nationalist ex¬ old castle, cheering their prince and boo- Wednesday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS Wednesday, July 2, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 11 East Lansing, Michigan Higher education budget bill stalled after Senate rejection By STEVE WATERBURY The House of Representatives substi¬ A crown for two Senate Republicans, one Senate or university which challenges the con¬ State News Staff Writer tute for the higher education bill, passed Democrat, two House Democrats and one stitutionality of any provision of the act. Inside C Castle, Queen Elizabeth bestow Despite the beginning of the 1969- Thursday, was rejected by the Senate The Senate version has no such pro- 70 fiscal year July 1, action on the House Republican. the symbol of hi ivestiture as Prince of Wales. Friday. 26-6. higher education budget bill appears Despite the failure of the legislature stalled. The bill is currently awaiting the es¬ to approve several appropriations bills, tablishment of a joint House-Senate con ference. which will attempt to resolve there well be no pavless payday like that which rocked the state 10 years WRANGLING FORESEEN the differences between the two versions ago when the legislature failed to pass House d of to both the bill into a legislative chambers. version acceptable appropriations bills before July 1. student ton State Sen. Charles O. Zollar. Harbor, chairman of the Senate Ap¬ propriations Committe. said Tuesday he did not expect quick action in setting R-Ben- The because of and a situation a is different this surplus in the state treasury House-Senate resolution authorizing time Dirksen stirs Senate fire up the conference committee. state agencies to operate on their current compromise budgets until the 1969-70 appropria¬ quicken surtax action "With all the business the legislature WASHINGTON (AP) - A wrangling currently has before it. I don't think we'll get around to establishing a con¬ ference committee until next week." tions bills are completed. Differences between the two versions to and divided House Education and Labor Zollar said of the higher education bill center around WASHINGTON (AP (--Senate Rep¬ measure passed by the Senate by July after Congress returns Sept. 3. Senate Committee ditched efforts Tuesday to Zollar had urged the Senate to reject the generally higher expenditures ublican Leader Everett M. Dirksen. 31. passage would be followed by a con¬ write a compromise bill on student authorized by the House. ference with the House which could be the House amendments and has indicated R-Ill., called Tuesday for quick action But Democractic leaders pushed a opposition to the House provision which on President Nixon's surtax extension strategy that could well mean that Sen¬ expected to delay final action on the After weeks of stalling and parlia¬ until October. authorizes the creation of a four-year The Senate and House versions also bill, but Democratic leaders predicted ate consideration of the bill would last measure mentary maneuvering, committee liberals The Finance Committee has not even 'medical school at MSI' differ in that a provision is included many weeks of wrangling. into the fall. first stripped and then killed legislation decided when it will start work on the Because the Republicans control in the House version that calls upon Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield aimed at campus disorders the Senate and the Democrats control the state treasurer to " cease and desist'' Dirksen told a news conference he of Montana has said it is highly doubt¬ bill. Rep. Edith Green. D-Ore.. a principal would like to see the House-approved However, the panel is expected to the House, the conference will include from the payment of funds to any college ful the surtax extension can get through sponsor of the bill, told the committee hear Secretary of the Treasury David the Senate unless broad tax reform it had opened the way for repressive amendments are tied to it. \1. Kennedy some time next week. and punitive'' measures from the House People over the country are demand¬ The opponents won their first victory by knocking out a provision that would bar federal aid to colleges and univer¬ sities lacking rules, regulations and con¬ Bathtub ready for cast off' / ing that reforms be passed at once so that all pay their fair share of taxes, he said. Dirksen. surtax however, said he fears the bill would be jeopardized "if U committee tingency plans against disruptions. it is loaded down with a lot of reforms works to end Lake Michigan The winning margin in the 19-16 vote was provided bv three Republicans. Ogden R Reid. NY ! Marvin L. Esch. Mich., to conquer He said he would take the minimum of reforms necessary to get the legislat¬ racial conflict ion passed. and William A. Steiger, Wis. The opponents argued the measure The administration fears that "If we In the ultimate twist on toy boats in ren-will stay with his father either in pany the bold adventurer. Jackson is would be an unnecessary federal in¬ confident of his boat's safety. Recent¬ don't get this surtax continued, we re the bathtub and trans-oceanic voyaging, Ludington or in nearby Manistee with going to let this inflation fever move By MARILYN PATTERSON trusion because they said schools already his sister during the voyage. ly he gave it a test run on a local East Lansing electronics repairman State News Staff Writer are moving to meet student disruptions on river for two hours "and it worked like mad." he reported. plans to conquer Lake Michigan in his "If I make it in under eight hours." Dirksen said he would like to limit A multi-racial committee expects to The bill was then entombed by an just fine. " cast iron bathtub. Jackson stated. I'll make it a round Senate Finance Committee hearings on report to the Academic Council early 18-17 vote in a subcommittee. Jackson's only equipment on the up¬ Vincent L. Jackson, the Thor Heyer- trip." But he expects the trip to take the surtax bill to two days. this fall on procedures for investigating The action represented a victory for dahl of Ingham County, has set Saturday 10 hours, and will only embark if the coming sailing trip will be a two-way- But Democratic leaders have out¬ and adjudicating complaints of racial campus administrators, who oppose any weather is good ham radio. Wilbur as the day of his 60-mile voyage from lined quite a different procedure on the discrimination on campus. new legislation The bathtub, with welded-shut drain The marine adventurer began his pro¬ Brookover. Professor of secondary edu¬ also Ludington to Manitowoc. Wise., in a bill which cleared the House Monday by The Nixon administration is white 200-lb. tub. and buoyant yellow pontoons, is regis¬ ject on a bet two years ago while cation and chairman of the committee, a slim 210-205 margin. against any barring of aid to schools "Mv main is that I don't tered with Secretary of State James sipping beer with friends. Actual de¬ said Tuesday. concern They say that action on reform hit by disorders. run out of gas."' Jackson stated. The M. Hare as a pleasure craft. signing work on the "pleasure craft" amendments-all certain to be sharply Brookover said the committee is work¬ Mrs. Green accused the committee of began only a short time ago. bathtub sailor's craft is propelled by Although no other boats will accom¬ controversial-will take weeks in com¬ ing to "develop procedures of creating misreading the temper of the country. a more positive climate to improve prac¬ a 20-horsepower outboard motor do¬ mittee and also a prolonged period of Rep. John Brademas. D-Ind . disputed tices" of campus racial relations. her assertion that the nation is clam¬ nated by a Lansing marine store. Senate floor debate. • I don't think much of it." Jackson's The Democratic leaders believe that We are under the assumption that oring for tough new laws against dis¬ wife said. "When he makes up his mind the situation can be improved, that there finance can finish its hearings on the ruptions. there's nothing I can do. I can't picture may be practices on campus that ex¬ The opponents were determined to pre¬ measure by the time Congress starts him actually doing it its summer recess Aug. 13. cise racist kinds of actions." he said. vent even a water-down version of the The sailor's family-he has six child¬ Then the floor debate would come The committee has looked at the by¬ bill from reaching the floor. laws of the University, the Academic Freedom Report and the by-laws of the faculty and University labor union con¬ MORAL ISSUE? tracts with an eve to the kinds of pol¬ Republicans icies that have been stated and the pro¬ cedures that have been involved, he said. Forum debates reform administration's Our concern is the entire University community, not just the faculty or the students." Brookover continued We are working toward a general policy of deal¬ voting rights ing with complaints of discrimination, but of abortion legislation WASHINGTON ministration's voting rights bill came The ad¬ we don't want our procedures to take the place of already existing procedures for investigation and redress." The provisions of this bill would per¬ under strong attack Tuesday from a Brookover said that it is "premature" mit women to have an abortion on or leading House republican who called to talk abour specific procedures that the before the 19th week of pregnancy if it a retreat from the law protecting committee is considering. However, two The question of exactly when life the mother's health is threatened, if the Negro voters in the South subcommittees of the multi-racial com¬ begins was the focal point of a forum pregnancy is the result of rape or in¬ Rep. William M. McCulloch. R-Ohio. mittee are now working on tentative on proposed abortion legislation re¬ cest or if the possibility exists that the expressing "profound disappointment" statements on some of the commit¬ form Monday at the Jack Tar Hotel fetus is malformed in the administration proposal,, vowed to tee's ideas. "This bill is not an attempt to leg¬ fight it and press tor extension of the Sen. Lorraine Beebe. R-Dearborn, islate morality," Mrs. Beebe said. "It The members, appointed by Acting" present law. President Adams, are Brookover: David spoke in favor of abortion. Msgr. Hugh only establishes a framework for guid¬ McCulloch's attack, delivered in the Berlo. chairman of the Dept. of Com¬ Michael Beahan, director of radio and ance." House Judiciary Committee with Atty. munications: John Henderson, professor television for the Grand Rapids Catholic The senator said that most women Gen. John N Mitchell in the witness of economics; C.C. Killingsworth, pro¬ Diocese, presented the case against the would not make a decision to have abor¬ chair, burst suddenly from the usually fessor of labor and industrial relations; proposed legislation. tion before consulting their doctor, hus¬ reserved and noncommital congressman. Hideya Kumata. professor of communi- Mrs. Beebe, chairman of the Health, band or religious counselor. "Most women are moral," she said, Bathtub '"As a republican." he said. "I would like nothing more than to embrace and catims; Stan McClinton. ASMSU cab¬ Social Sercies and Retirement Commit inet vice president for black affairs; Don¬ tee in the Michigan House and Mich "and only they will have to live with support a program sponsored by the ald Nickerson, asst. professor of special their decision of having an abortion." Victor Jackson, 31, of 1541 Ann St,, plans to cross Lake Michi¬ present administration. But in good con¬ igan's only woman senator, concentrat gan In a cast Iron bathtub powered by a 15-horse outboard motor. education, and Charles Thornton. East Mrs. Beebe, who previously had test- science I cannot support this one." ed her talk on a bill formulated by Sen Lansing graduate student. (Please turn to page 9) AP wlrephoto (please turn to page 9) Gilbert Bursley, R-Ann Arbor. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 2, 1969 / \ RIGHTS JEOPARDIZBD MSU local Lawmaker backs Sharma By STEVE WATERBURY Slate News Staff Writer The withdrawal of an MSU professor's Dhirendra professor initiated Rep. Phil 0 Sharma. associate of philosophy, was by another legislator Pittenger, R- tributions of ship," he added. creative Vaughn himself studied for three years at Oxford Univer¬ scholar¬ The spoke matters. Detroit Democrat out against interference in also legislative academic ■■pm f i to mediation employ By MARION NOWAK State News Staff Writer MSU's local 1585 of the A- Fulbright - Hays sity on a Fulbright grant. "We are in grave danger merican Federation of State, Fellowship following political Lansing. Shortly after Pitten- 1 criticism brought a sharp ger's criticism and the acknow- when government attempts to County and Municipal Employes ledgedintervention of Congress¬ control thought with the threat (AFSCMEi. after the ex¬ response Tuesday from State Sun-broiled skin of piration of its contract with Rep. Jackie Vaughn III. D- Detroit. man Charles E. Chamberlain, R-Mich., the grant was with¬ financial Vaughn said. punishment," i the University, at midnight Mon¬ 'When politicians take it drawn. can spark cancer not "Intellectual be hindered research must day. has invoked mediation in the face of unsuccessful bar¬ upon themselves to initiate Pittenger questioned the by political punitive action against those awarding of the grant to a ANN ARBOR (UPI) - - ploys," he said. "The lessons gaining with MSU manage¬ of ment. within the academic community person who he said was anti- Okay, so you like to bask in history are very clear who provide fertile criticism of establishment." that marvelous sun you dreamed on this point. :v. "We are still operating under the old contract day-to¬ our system of government, then Vaughn argued that inde¬ of all winter while slogging Vaughn concluded with a plea on a the very basis of democracv- pendent scholarship provides through the slush. But watch to legislators, urging that they Horti- c day basis. Robert C. Gros- namely, the free and open protection rather than a threat out--you may pop up with hives, respect the rights of in¬ The horticulture gardens attract visitors from all over the nation, who marvel venor, president of local 1585. discussion of political ideals- to the democratic system. sear with a sunburn, erupt tellectuals to pursue their re¬ at the explained. This extension of the floral patterns. This is threatened.'' Vaughn said. "Without the benefits of fresh in itchy bumps or suffer white search without fear of repres¬ couple, however, seem to have something else In old contract was agreed upon m'n SN photo by Wayne Munn • Criticism of the grant to and creative criticism," thickened spots on your lips. sion. Monday after last-minute talks he said, "As! responsible failed and will last for 15 " our political bodies legis¬ —COUPON — All this is the risk of sun- days. would inevitably stagnate and lators, we must work with our seekers, warns William Taylor, 50C JEFF become too rigid to respond universities, not against them," Grosvenor said that Ed Con¬ off at BECK- Newest to the urgent needs of our time.'' this "Scholars provide precisely kind of criticism, and to professor of dermatology at the University of Michigan. "The cancer-causing ettects he said. "I urge those in res¬ ponsible positions in our govern ment to take action which will Graduate stacks still open nor of the Michigan Labor Mediation Board "is lending his assistance as mediator to of sun on skin is cumulative By DOUGLAS GILZOW East if can't solve Wing to undergraduates see Nelac's EXPIRES 7-4-69 deny intellectuals this right is to deny this country the con¬ over a lifetime," he said. prevent wrong a recurrence done to Dr. Sharma. of the The graduate stacks of the on June 15. Shortly before graduates will erials still use in the stacks through mat¬ blems we and reach our pro¬ conclusive Library will remain open to that date, however. Chapin was a paging system. If necess¬ agreements." undergraduate students pend¬ asked to appear before the ary. students could get passes Lack of progress in MSU ing the outcome of a meet¬ Student-Faculty Judiciary Com¬ from the undergraduate section contract talks arose over ec¬ ing between Richard E. Cha- mittee. of the Library to go into the onomic disagreements. pin. director of libraries, and "I decided to leave the stacks. "Management offers have the Student-Faculty Judiciary stacks open," Chapin said. "These passes would allow the been totally inadequate." Gros¬ Committee. "If I had closed them on undergraduate to go into the venor said late last week. The Library, in order to June 15 and had to stacks for one day." 'Chapin Whether the local, or any open make its service effic¬ them said. involved local at the other more up again three days la¬ "If he needed to use ient. had planned to close ter I would not be accomp¬ them for a longer period of colleges now bargaining, will the graduate stacks in the time, strike cannot yet be said. lishing very much. he could get a permit " I have not been told yet from an instructor authoris¬ It's difficult to project what —COUPON- when I am to appear before ing him to do this."" may happen.". Grosvenor con¬ 500 FELICIANO them," he said. "I have not "If it developed that there tinued. "At this point the union is off heard from the co umittee since were too many one-day pas¬ prepared to work on a day- at 10X23 the original request was ses being given out. Cha¬ to-day basis with the old con¬ pin said, the graduate stacks tract. But this quite possibly Nelac's EXPIRES 7-4-69 If the graduate stacks are would be re-opened to under¬ may change tomorrow. It may closed, Chapin said, under¬ graduate traffic. change rapidly on both sides Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why thrifty acres SAVE TO 1/2! LADIES' SUMMER Stalk the new wild ones DRESS CLEARANCE QUART Leave out your the safe looks to the safe places, the girl with¬ tigress instincts. A. The belted beaver look- a-like of 100% polyester pile. Beige or brown. 5-13. $000 I( J TOO THERMOS Leap into fall with, a roar 49.98. in from your wild fantasy fur our just-captured B. Striped, like a fox. Mo- BOTTLE collection of great pre¬ OUR REG. $2.87 TO $9.97 With easy carrying handle — good dacrylic/acrylic pile with for carrying out on the boat while tenders. fake leather trim. White Junior, Misses and Half Sizes. Not every size or fishing! with brown. 5-13. every style in every price. Street, after five and 59.98. (DATS-STREET LEVEL day types. Special group of dresses to wear now thru Summer in one and 2-piece styles, and in bra- ? top dresses, culotte dresses. Save early while se¬ lection is great. fa900* "Why Pay More!" 5125 W. Saginaw & 6200 S. Pennsylvania Shop tonight 'til 9:00, Thursday 9:30 to 5:30 1 , Why Pay More! Why Pay More! W hi P ay M or e! Why Wednesday, July 2, 1969 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS MIDLAND AND War PARK. N.J. 1AP1 from being sent to Vietnam. deadMidland miles from Park. New about 25 York feel like that for a this we small town have paid prompt Waldwick, was another Viet- casualty. Fire Chief John from this I beseech you in your City, summary -Seven young men small community have paid role as commander-in-chief has a population of 8,200. mendous cost in young lives. Pontier's telegram was the with their lives in the Viet- to close the war record of "Our loyalty to God and Something ought to be done. second plea of its kind in Fireman A1 Vanderbus said, It just doesn't seem right." the past year. Last year Pon¬ nam war. Mayor Cornelius this community and save us country is beyond reproach," "It's kind of rough on a small Pontier has asked President from further grief." the ma- the mayor said in »his tele¬ The mayor's plea came tier, the local chapters of town like this. " the President. "I shortly after the death of Capt. the American Legion and Vet« Nixon to prevent any more yor said gram to Larry Giglio owns a bar¬ Michael J. Parmerter, 24. erans of Foreign Wars and He was killed while fighting other organizations and offic¬ ber shop on the main thor- ofare in this Bergen County Strike paralyzes Argentina with an airborne unit during ials made a similar appeal his second tour of duty in to the Department of Defense community. He knew most of "I. Charles, I'rince of Vietnam. The mayor's latest appeal Hales, do become Alan Zimmerman, Norman evoked little hope from the yoar liege man of life and limb and of earthy uorship. and as terrorists follow Rocky Goble, Wedlake. Cordell Wayne Steven Golen, Foster Brian Rogers, all of Midland Park, have been killed in the and family of Capt. Parmerter or other residents. "He was a volunteer and we don't see how anything can JUV °" ROMEO & JULIET faith anil truth I uill bear BUENOS AIRES iAPi-Ar¬ Raimundo Ongaro. president of that transportation, industry and be done with the telegram." the printing workers union, was war. Robert Viggiano, a grad¬ unto you to live and die gentina lay partly paralyzed by commerce had come to a near the Nelac's arrested Monday and the group's halt. uate ,of Midland Park High Lee Parmerter, captain's EXPIRES 7-4-69 a general strike and a wave against all manner of of anti government terrorism headquarters closed by police. The situation reached crisis School who lived in nearby 27-year-old brother, said. folks." Tuesday following Gov. Nelson During the night more than proportions Monday with ~Charles. I'rince of U ales A. Rockefeller's 1-1/2 day 30 Ongaro supporters were ar- the machine-gun ' assas- visit. A state was declared by President Juan of siege rested. The strike was not completely sination of Augusto T. Vandor. one of the country's most The effective in Buenos Aires, a powerful labor leaders, Carlos Ongania's three-year- as old military government. city of eight million, but several Rockefeller was meeting with International News Bombs exploded in two trains, cities in the interior reported damaging several cars, as the Ongania. WIG WHIRL 24-hour strike, called by the U.S. troops mauled enemy forces on two bitterly antigovernment faction familiar battlegrounds Tuesday and govern¬ ment armor cleared the highway linking of the nation's General federation of Labor, got Con¬ under THE STATE NEWS is "out of sight" way. Explosions occurred in the battered Ben Het camp with the mil¬ several other cities, but no itary base at Dak To. casualties were reported. The bombings took place as • September. Subicrlptior at U.S. forces killed 73 North Vietnamese the New York governor and his regulars in sharp fighting outside Tav Ninh. party left for Haiti, the 15th 55 miles northwest of Saigon and near the abandoned combat base of Khe Sanh, hard stop of his fact-finding mission into Latin America for Presi¬ Igan Collegiate Press Association, Second class postage paid at UnitA States Student East Lansing, Michigan. Elegante Wiggery dent Nixon. by the Laotian border. U.S. command re¬ The strike was called to pro¬ ported one American was killed and four test not only the Rockefeller vis- So Are the Prices During the Last 24 Hours - were Wounded in both engagements. sit. but Ongania's labor and Editorli from Wed. 6 p.m. through Thursday 6 p.m.! • » • economic policies, including a Classifi wage freeze that has been The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths Buslnes: made the coronet Prince Charles donned at in effect more than two vears. The leader of the striking Pbotogr 50% OFF on all human hair pieces in stock! his investiture as Prince of W7ales at Caer¬ antigovernment labor group. narvon Castle Tuesday. It cost $8,400. but a spokesman said the —COUPON — (Reductions also on all ordered pieces] effort put out-- as a gift to the royal fam¬ [j(U* PETER, PAUL & MARY SMILE! REVC0 off PETER, PAUL, ily- comes to about $48,000. at The coronet is in gold, ermine and purple f AND MOMMY HAS SWIM WIGS NelaC S EXPIRES 7-4-69 velvet with 75 diamonds and 12 emeralds spread around the integral circlet. AT EVERYDAY LOW (they're pool - proof!) None of the jewels are on any great value. The emeralds are intended to reflect DISCOUNT PRICES $9.95 the Welsh national color-green. Take the guesswork out of choosing a toothbrush and ask your dentist about (Reg. $12.00) National News Oral B. This brush does something about oubles. For personalized service^meet Jenifer, Carol The government Tuesday announced The gentle massage of 2500 smooth- Mindy and Pam. * a major new effort to develop an array top Oral B fibers stimulates circulation to help you keep gums firm and healthy. of new. safe, inexpensive and effective birth : flexible fibers polish teeth and control methods. They would include a "modern male method" via pills or injec¬ clean hard-to-reach c Elegante tions in contrast to such present male meth¬ Your "Oh-Campus Wigger ods as the use of condoms. 541 E. Grand Riv 332-3341 The program would also seek a more reliable rhythm method that would be ac¬ SS$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $1' SAVE S$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE ceptable to the Roman Catholic Church. • • • The Senate Agriculture Committee vot¬ irds ... £ ed Tuesday to give the Dept. of Agriculture this long. < authority to offer food stamps in areas where local officials have refused to set up a pro¬ gram. provided the state's govenor approves. IT'S HERE!!! : It also approved maximum and minimum How long 211 E. Grand River 9-6 Daily SHEPARD'S eligibility standards for food stamp re¬ East Lansing Closed 9-9 Wednesday Sundays and Holidays cipients to prevent some states from making is SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE * it harder than other for their needy to get the money -saving stamps. The State • • • Dept. denied Tuesday that there are U.S. combat forces in Laos but declined YOUR FOR YOUR JULY 4th SHOE SALE > to comment when asked whether the denial ^ WEEKEND ... Over 5,000 pairs of Famous Name shoes p included American military advisers. The statement by press officer Robert J. HUNGRY? McCloskey was in response to questions concerning North Vietnam's claim that shorten it. Try a tan- Fantastic selection of sleeve crew, and long sleeveless turtle and mock tur¬ Current styles, buckles, slip-ons, brogues etc. MEN'S) * "units of U.S. Marines" from South Viet¬ gy pizza or one of our tle neck styles in colorful great sandwiches. All stfipes and solids, in cot¬ nam are in neighboring Laos, supposedly ton and nylon. Regularly a neutral nation. • • • delivered no extra cost. Instantly at SKOOTER SKIRTS $6 to $10, now just .97 Bonny, the 14-pound orbiting monkey, It's part pant and part $3.90 All Men's and Women's sandals appears to be in excellent condition, the skirt — and only 14 inches National Aeronautics and Space Administr¬ ALSO! lflpg. Choose from patterns reduced 20% or more. and solid colors.They ation said Tuesday. Hamburgers sold for $10, now He continues to be relaxed and rested, Cheeseburgers experts monitoring the flight said. The goal of the flight is to keep the Submarines $6.90 Junior cages, Styling. Bikini, 3-pc. sets, 1-pc. all in Junior sizes, 3-11. WOMEN'S French Fries monkey in orbit for 30 days to help estab¬ Dress, Casuals, Brogues, Chunky heels etc. Were $14-$22, now lish guidelines for future manned space mis¬ & sions that may last for months or even years. PIZZA $10.90 and up .97 . . . SUMMER SLAX Michigan News CALL 332-6517 The rage Children's Dress and Play 7.97 sportswear, pretty, slim¬ Jumping Jacks from An criminologist who has spent ming, colorful print pants more expert than 30 years training police in in¬ VARSITY in wide leg or regular slack styling. Were $9 to $14, U se your charge account in both £ - Ask us about FREE PARKING. vestigation of sex . crimes is reportedly poised to join the search for the killer or killers of six young girls in the Ann $6.90 DOWNTOWN Vhepard EAST LANSING Arbor area. 326 South Washington A I 317 East Grand River Ave. The Detroit News reported Tuesday that Alan Canty, head of the Psycopathic Clinic at Detroit's Recorder's (criminal) Court, has H

Not only was there personality and par¬ Last month, however, press scope with 12-part harmony completely devastate the uni¬ ty conflict, but many of their original meetings hit pay dirt. Two trustees, Clair White. D-Bay City, You're white and rich and hip and va goals had been changed and Warren Huff, D-Plymoutb, announced that they would not versity without the cooperation know it and your Charger's waxed and Many students initially attracted by attend any more of the closed sessions. ot the courts. And there's not summer s really a drag with nothin' the SDS anti-war stand, were those in to do and like the Doors said. "They The effect that this may Jiave upon the trustees' operating SDS who criticized Ho Chi Minh for his a thing the institution can do got the guns. baby, we got the num- procedures is. of course, up for grabs. willingness to negotiate. still call closed meetings and six trustees about it until it is settled in Those members who initially joined Don Stevens, chairman of the board, can will show up. But then there will be two who won t hear these closed door discussions. court--possiblv for four years The crisis of The Great Beer Strike of because they opposed the draft, the war Neither their opinions nor. more imDortantlv. their votes will be known before the or longer. to G.M. the other and ROTC aren't likely candidates to 1969 has subsided and maybe you just day and they asked open meetings And White and Huff, I have a feeling, are not two who would be given But what happens if a uni¬ if you had a high school diploma and pull for China against a U.S.-Soviet to rubber stamp any decision their fellow board members may have made in their got off work at Olds or classes are over collusion. for the you lowered your head and left. Ain't absence. versity challenges the consti¬ day and there's a party Friday it rough. On campus, the shift of rebellion has night and there's a pool at your apart¬ When they come to the public meetings, they will want to know the whys of the tutionality of the provision that ment and the Men's I.M. and you got a This is your last term at State and changed from protesting an issue to decisions. cuts off funds if constitution¬ car and you got some coin and the the draft is on your back and you've rallying around unfair punishment Or. Stevens can abandon the closed meetings and have all of the discussions take At Oberlin. for example. SDS demon¬ got a job offer from Great Lakes Steel place publicly. ality is challenged? Figure that fridge" is full of beer and your room¬ but they only start at $8.40() a year and strated against the Peace Corps, an is¬ one out. Your gtiess is as good mate is grilling steaks out back and that received little student At any rate, it seems inevitable that the open meetings will be more open, at sue sym- ain't summer rough in East Lansing0 your roommate's been offered $10,500 least, than they have been in the past. as ours. So far no one has found But the rent s due in eight days and from Dow Chemical and your mother And what perfect timing for Huffr and White to be absent from the decision¬ But demonstrators had the fortune to a solution to that problem. you ve already blown forty bucks on phoned last night and complained about making sessions. For as many years as I have been a student here, my tuition has the poor garbage collection in Grosse run up against an administration that ; As Rep. Vincent Petitpren booze and you've hit the old man for was none too lenient in its discipline. been raised at the July trustees rrleeting. Rumor has it that residence hall rates, Pointe and a coon dropped a cigarette a hundred or so and the air condition¬ are also scheduled for agenda this July. said. "If we want to do away ing decided to die an hour ago and butt on her lawn. Ain't it rough with autonomy and run these Sister Aretha's on the transistor and you've got to rinse the dishes before your 'fro is something else and you're schools politically, then let's you stuff them in the dishwasher. Ain't tired of lookin' for a job and bein' told it rough. change the Constitution. Lefs You haven't got an old man and your that they only hire high school graduates and car full of cops just went'by and stop this fiction.'' old lady works six days a week for The a sneered and you just read a book with a . The legislature thinks it has Man and you ain't got the scratch for quote in it by the former police chief a game of pool cause the welfare check found a better way, a way that is late and a rat just bit your kid sis¬ of Cleveland that said. "We need capital doesn't require a constitutional ter and you heard a bunch of whiteys punishment to keep the Negro in line " Ain't it a jive. amendment, a way that allows talkin about lazy niggers and you went Wednesday, July 2, 1969 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Road design, foliage their threat. mayno more than dint highway speculate. Not out mufflers and loud diesel paradox. Most types of plants roar is, like the State Highway Dept.. By LINDA GORTMAKER terfield expressed some con¬ trucks conform to noise level used in this way on highways "They didn't think it was even nationally-known propos¬ a looking for funds to carry out Executive Reporter cern about the highway addit¬ als for lowering the level of of 90 decibels, or about the also absorb exhaust fumes and research on highway noise. ion under construction near funny." he said. If the old swimming hole is noises in cities have been wide¬ sound of a slightly noisy kit¬ eventually die. Chemicals or pills might not Although local officials re¬ polluted, the right chemicals Frandor Shopping Center The fuse to believe that Lansing ly accepted. chen. Bermuda recently asked "Foliage has some psycholo¬ eliminate excessive noise, but will help eliminate the scum highway eventually will cut residents will use such extreme Solutions include changing for quieter motorcycles, and gical effects," Milliman said. differently shaped roads, If the air is smoggv and through some property with actions to protest the proposed highway designs, setting up the results have been favorable. "But it takes a lot of foliage stricter vehicle codes or fol¬ causes stuffy noses, a few de¬ some fairly expensive homes. Urban bypass over Frandor. some com¬ stricter codes for vehicles or planners at MSU have to make any difference in the iage might make a difference. congestant pills will help bring "I don't know what we're sound level." Research possibly will provide plaints are expected. Officials' erecting shielding structures. suggested planting foliage near relief. going to get into there.' he can see gripes coming when The director of MSU's School highways to lower the level of The School of Urban Plann¬ insights and hopefully* some But if a city-dweller encoun¬ said. "Bypasses over residen¬ of Urban Planning and Land¬ noise, but this idea presents a ing and Landscape Architecture answers. trucks accelerate up the grade ters annoying noises every day. tial areas always worry me." on the highway under construct¬ scape Architecture favors de¬ no chemicals or pills will ease The proposed bypass has ion. pressed highways, but Milli¬ the problem. worried other city officials, To reduce the levels of noise man said that this type of con¬ The urban environment has too. The problem of noise gen¬ around cities, city planners and struction just tends to make been plagued by water and air erated by highways plagues Third in a series engineers have been consider- noises from automobiles re¬ pollution for a long time. This many areas in Michigan. The verberate. were extremelv serious about ing remedies. Little research can cause smelly air. runny State Highway Dept. recently ' Stricter codes for vehicles their demands, and Milliman has been done on the problem, eyes and bad-tasting water. But started working on a plan to would make motorcycles with¬ the newest type of city pollu¬ determine exactly what can be was afraid they might carry out however, so planners can do tion - noise - can produce done to control levels of noise. Paul Milliman. a research annoying headaches. Noise pollution in cities has and testing engineer in the High¬ See You The 4th way Dept. started the study, and prompted a surge of com¬ now the department is applying plaints, studies and extremely tentative solutions during the for federal funds to help fin¬ in ance the $60,000 project. past 15 years. Milliman's preliminary re¬ Saugatuck To date, few residents in the search has brought him close to Lansing area have complained to the Lansing city attorney a variety of situations. A few about noise. Local officials months ago. residents in one however, anticipate more com¬ Michigan metropolitan area complained to the state about with the plaints as the noise problem becomes worse and affects freeway racket, and Milliman's team of researchers went out more In residents large cities across the to investigate. 'Toy Factory9 at He was "welcomed"' by 10 country, residents of areas sur¬ irate1 housewives who threat¬ rounding airports have com¬ Wilson Aud. ened to lie down on the freeway plained about the noise inflict¬ ed on them. Officials at Capital and obstruct traffic if the loud continued. The housewives City Airport maintain that the noise from jets is not yet annoy¬ ing or constant enough to arouse much criticism from Lansing residents. July P"/"\ > 2— 9:00rm. 'AIR But noise generated from ""M 10 PRESENT highways has caused problems and ptomises to cause more 220 Water St. Citv eneineer Charles Pes- Why Pay More! Why Pay Mo -o Pay BAIIAIIAS ® .10* fckmuss FRANKS * ?M< It PILATIS *«■ 98* here R1UIM GAYLORD, VANILLA FLAVOR Gal. Ctn. #/C f f T KRAFT'S MUSTttO 9 oz. wt. Jar I4< SAVE 28c with this coupon 128' ard the purchase of "c 'Why Pay thrifty acres THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVE NIE NCE. SUNDAY HOURS 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Pay Morel Why Pay A /ore.' W h > Pay Morel Why Pay Mure! Why Pu} M,.e! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 2, 1969 English By BARB PARNESS State News Staff Writer or in that the the center, English Language Cen¬ explained number of students from non- English speaking taughtcessfully with American countries dents. was necessary. stu¬ the the The center, which "is under jurisdiction of the Col¬ Training in English, de¬ ter teaches English "not as would be coming to MSU and center's brochure states. lege of Arts and Letters, has signed to meet the needs of a foreign language but as a other universities. Students in the program take its own faculty. Graduate stu¬ students ranging from Ven¬ second language.'' "It was felt that a lang¬ five courses a day for ten dents from the Dept. of Eng¬ ezuelan youths to Turkish dip¬ "You must dominate the lan¬ uage and acculturation pro¬ weeks. The classes are in lish and other University de¬ lomats, is provided by the MSI' guage and be able to use it gram. which in a relatively grammar, conversation, pro¬ partments also instruct in the English Language Center. in a university program.'' he short period would prepare for¬ nunciation. composition and program. The center, established in said eign students to compete suc¬ language laboratory. 1961. is designed to aid for¬ Carlisle said that the pro¬ eign students who will be do¬ gram usually has about 160 ing undergraduate or grad¬ students per term. About 65 uate work at the University. It also provides training in English for foreign students per cent of these are foreign students who will be studying at MSI' The other 35 per Muscular dystrophy drive features rocking contest who plan to study at • other cent is compresed of students American universities as well who will go on to other as professional men and women schools as we'I as govern¬ from abroad who need the lan¬ ment and professional people hopes to increase the position for great lengths of guage for - their work in the who need training in English. of the event by encouraging time." Grant continued. "Even United States or in their nat¬ Carlisle said that MSU's as many people as possible though Ihey do not have use of ive countries. John E. Carlisle, center is one of few centers in the United States to offer Phil nior. Grant, and the Eau Phi Claire ju¬ Kappa to participate. Other fraternities their muscles, they do exper¬ Roadblock instruct- have ience pain. ' Sigma fraternity are formu¬ --COUPON-- a full-time program in Eng¬ challenged Grant's crown, Among the people Grant is A fallen branch doesn't seem to pose a problem to this student, who lish training. lating plans for their defense handily of the world's rocking chair promising to focus even more asking to participate in the overcomes the roadblock on his way to class at Wells Hall. The need for the English. attention on the endeavor. This drive is singer Chuck Jackson, State News Photo by John Harrington Aorta Language Center at MSU was Grant rocked 1.000 hours year's competition will begin who will attempt to enlist other realized following a Univer¬ September 24. coinciding with entertainers. during Greek Week last spring the national muscular dvs- sity-wide study in 1957 which term to draw publicity for the NeJac's Rep. Loren Anderson. R- 14-year-old EXPIRES 7-4-69 indicated that an increasing tropny fund raising drive to Muscular Dystrophy Association Pontiac. pledged his support The idea of sitting in a of America (MDAA>. He is now- Monday and urged other legis¬ rocking chair for 1.000 hours lators contribute their attempting to enlist the aid of came to Grant after he had to NORTHSIDE DRIVE-IN others to help stamp out one of America's most painful diseases. worked in a camp for mus¬ cular dystrophy victims last time On towards Labor the Day, Grant will drive. Fourteen - year old the way he was willing to Barry, a high tenor, has THEATRE Grant, who drew nationwide Melvin Barry White will become go against all evil and violence. sung on radio and TV and has summer appear on Jerry Lewis' annual i KBIw North on US-27.. 482-7409 TUESDAY publicity for his marathon rock. T could see a direct analo¬ telethon for the MDAA. Lewis is honorary national chair¬ the youngest student ever to enroll at Wayne State Univer¬ Barry said. Future plans for Barry in¬ appeared at national Baptist conventions. gy between someone sitting in sity. clude possibly going into the —COUPON— man of the MDAA. rocking chair and suffering "If 3 COLOR FEATURES (G-RATED) a Barry, as he prefers to be ministry or the field of gyne- you want anything in 50C Hardin for 1.000 hours and being confined to a wheelchair someone Anyone who wishes to par¬ ticipate in the drive, challenge called, lives in Detroit's in¬ this for world it. is you have to work Barry's philoso- "Adifferent kjnd of iSle. at Suite and enduring constant pan for a Grant's record of 1.000 ner 175. city and has an I.Q. of My most of her mother has been ill for Susan life." he explains, lifetime.'' he said. hours or contribute money to * * diffei€nt A kind of man Nelac's EXPIRES 7-4-69 "Muscular dystrophy victims the MDAA may contact him at I believe in the philosophy of Martin Luther King Jr. and and to I would help her and other like to be women. able are required to remain in one 332-0931. On his neck the brand of a killer —COUPON— PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 he wore Program Info 332-6944 Today is 1:00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 P.M. On his hip he wore vengeance. 50C JOHNNY AT COOL/fM E371urn LADIES' DAY off at WINTERS WINTERS WALT DISNEY'S SJ ■ 911911L7VI H1M fiml Nelac's 3rd & Final Week! 75C to 6 p.m. EXPIRES 7-4-69 TOMORROW . . . AT 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:30-9:35 PJv1. ELVIS Feature 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:40 Have that "THE APRIL FOOLS' IS VERY FUNNY!" PLAYBOY ran ten weli-stacked pages on this film! PRESLEY extra "Fresh and alive...romantic and funny. "-Monitor, NBC Radio. 'Pure Pleasure. deliriously —Women's Wear Daily; "Genuinely funny!" -National Observer; "It's hilarious'" Cue Magazine -New York . Daily News witty!" CHARROI spending money in E x ItCHNlCfllOS'PHNMN' (gj that makes SHOWN 2nd 10:30 a vacation 2nd Color Featur You can't escape something The Stalking Moon. "special" ■■ NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES Presents GREGORY EVA MARIE PECK SAINT THE STALKING MOON TECHNICOLOfl- ■ PANAVISION" SHOWN LATE with quick ■3rd Color Hit Anthony Newley loan Collins Milton Berle,, "Can Heironymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true happiness7' cash from Gerry Lewis in co st>TM( Bruce Forsyth • Stubby Kaye * George Jessel ■ m, *** ® STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Hook, Line & Sinker TECHNICOLOR NEXT WEEK! Persons UNDER 18 NOT ADMITTED "GOODBYE, COLUMBUS" CALL 355-8255 FOX EASTERN THEATRES SPARTAN TWIN EAST " FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 SPARTAN TWIN WEST Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve in "The April Fools" I Peter Lawford, Jack Weston, Myrna Ix>y, Harvey Korman and Charles Eoyer FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phone 351-0030 STARTS TODAY! At 130 3 50 615 and 830 SHOWN AT 6:30 & 9:00 STARTS. TODAY! -ENDS TONIGHT- JOHN GLEN KIM PAUL NEWMAN — JOANNE WOODWARD WAYNE CAMPBELL DARBY uiinnmG Born too late for their own times. • • Uncommonly significant for ours. For Program Information 482-3905 . . . Feature at 1:55-4:25-7:00- 9:35 STARTS THURSDAY ■ . Feature at 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:35 Bob Hope and Jackie Gleason request the honor of your presence at a swinging session on How To Commit Marriage. A PHIL FELDMAN PRODUCTION BOB HOPE-JACKIE GLEASON Sunday JANEWYMAN Shows WILIIAM FRNLSI ROBLRT LOMOND WARREN JAMf BEN "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" 1:00 3:05 HOLDEN BORGNINE RYAN O'BRIEN OATES SANCHEZ JOHNSON ANAHOPICTURE LESLIE NIELSEN ^'.MAUREEN ARTHUR 5:15 ana WSSSOR «wm com* ,s trie Baba Mia • Tina IOuiSE ■ story art) screenplay by BEN STARR and MICHAEL KANIN 7:15 «i-y MS bobert oov«Lt sw- HENRY HATHAWAY MAR6UERITE ROBERTS MIL 101 (RNANDi / SIR0 i Hf R MAR I IN I ION! WAL0N GRE' N and SAM PECKINPAH Muse by Jerry ftfdflf lory by IWon Green and Ho»N kner producer Bil, .AAPtSCE ■ c -ec:eg 5y SOCMAN PMiAMl^^COUJR * TECHNICOLOR• 9:15 SSSLETPORTI • ..-J :v.vw : J TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION* FROM WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTSl mSW S«V |M| F"OMtt^RAMARELEASNC CORPORATION Wednesday, July 2, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS UITZ, GRAEBER BEATEN Ashe, Laver in semi-finals WIMBLEDON. England bespectacled Ashe. Tony Roche and John New- Playing his best tennis of combe. Laver. the favorite, the year. Ashe overcame some (UPI (--Arthur Ashe of Rich- who until last week had not overwhelmed Cliff Drvsdale strong tennis by Lutz with some mond. Va.. became the lone shown the torm which enabled him to win the I'. S. Open of South Africa 6-4.6-2.6-3. of the most blistering backhand American survivor in the men's Roche rallied from behind to returns seen at Wimbledon singles of the Wimbledon Ten¬ last year, reached the semis for the second straight beat Clark Graebner of New- in some time. nis Championships Tuesday, year York 4-6. 4-6. 6-3. 6-4. 11-9. So uncanny was Ashe's timing turning back Davis Cup team¬ with a dazzling display of and Newcombe upset third-seed¬ during the match that he left mate Bob Lutz ot Los An¬ power that amazed even Lutz. ed Tom Okker of Holland 8-6. Lutz shaking his head in be¬ geles 6-4. 6-2. 4-6. 7-5 to .Joining Ashe- in the final foursome were Australia's three 4-6. 6-1.7-5. wilderment during one segment EASTERN DIVISION join three Australians in the Ashe and his partner. Char¬ of the second game. W top ranking players. Rod Laver. les Pasarell of Puerto Rico, Drvsdale's two-fisted back¬ Baltimore 55 21 Boston 43 31 were not so fortunate in the hand. usefully effective against DETROIT 39 32 Hot from the wire. doubles. They were upset by- Laver. was'no problem Tues¬ Washington 38 39 France's Daniel Contet and day Laver handled Drvsdale's New York 36 42 Mexico's Davis Francois Jauffret 4-6. 6-4 best shots in seemingly effort¬ Cleveland 29 44 Cup team suffered it's second major blow 6-2 3-6. 6-4. in a match less fashion. WESTERN DIV ISION halted Monday by darkness in less than a month when it Oakland was learned Vicente Zarazua. CLEYELAM I PI» Lutz and Stan Smith of LEDGES Pasadena. Calif., kept Ameri¬ Minnesota teammate of the late Rafael "I'm taking the summer off. PLAYHOUSE can hopes thriving by whipping Osuna. suffered multiple in¬ I just need some rest and time Chicago Brian Fairlie and Onny Pa- professional Kansas City juries Tuesday when his car off the pressure. Kansas miler collided with truck in Cor¬ Jim Ryun said Tuesday at the rum of New Zealand 8-6. 11-9. SUMMER THEATRE California " a suburban Bay Village home of 3-6. 20-18. pus Christi. Tex. Zarazua. who teamed with Osuna to make his wife's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ashe, just nine days short Musical Comedy of his 26th birthday, predicted up Mexico's Davis Cup doubles Monroe Snider. Tuesday s results before the tournament began "THE AMOROUS FLEA" Baltimore at New York, night team, may have to undergo Rvun came here after Sun¬ Washington at Cleveland 2. twi-mght plastic surgery and will be day's National A AC meet in that the title would be won Tonite - July 13 3 at DETROIT, night out of action for at least three Miami in which he abruptly by one of the four, and he California at Kansas City, night did much to gain prestige Seattle at Oakland, night months quit the race and walked off Moliere's for his own cause. "SCHOOL FOR WIVES" Today's games CLEVELAND a PL- Uun confirmed that he was —COUPON— Filled With Song Cleveland Browns running back Baltimore at New York, night F%nie (ireen. who underwent injured when he left the Creedence Washington at Cleveland, night V I just decided I was Clearwater Student Rate (ID Card) Boston at DETROIT, night Minnesota vs Chicago at Milwaukee New Lions, Tuesday announced Ins retire¬ •il of track right now and Revival California at Kansas City, night don't have much desire to ment as an active player and "Bayou Country" Seattle at Oakland, night he said. The city of Pontiac unveiled this model in Detroit today for a $65 million stad¬ his acceptance of an appoint- ripete. Nelac S EXPIRES 7-4-69 Thursday's games ium compex which would Include separate all-weather stadiums for football, rear, and baseball, foreground, encompassing use of a revolutionary new slid¬ Washington at Cleveland Boston at DETROIT ing dome. The dome, appearing here over the football field, is on tracks to be Bi Minnesota at Chicago used only during Inclement weather. The football stadium will seat 80,000 California at Kansas City Seattle at Oakland and the baseball stadium, 55.000. (AP Wirephoto) (only games scheduled) yi MILES SOUTHWEST OF LANSING ON M-78 National Pontiac Lionsy TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! EASTERN DIVISION Chicago New York W 49 40 L 28 32 556 61 2 city plans sport ACADEMY AWARD £ BEST ACTOR Pittsburgh St. Louis 38 35 PONTIAC d'PIi - Detroit's to build two stadiums are with one stadium for football WINNERS OF THE YEAR and another for baseball, with Philadelphia 33 39 458 13 1 2 two major sports teams - accepted, moveable roof that could Montreal 22 the Tigers and Lions - might Pontiac city offictads < Mon- a have to put Pontiac before day proposed building '"' a cover either stadium CLIFF & The proposed stadiums, to WESTERN DIVISION their names if this city's plans $65 million sports complex be built at the intersection ROBERTSON of M 59 and the Chrysler IT'S ibibi'B^ Freeway I 75 would have San Francisco 39 seating capacities of 80.000 C^Ly HHG Houston 39 for football and 55.000 San Diego 27 for baseball Pontiac is located about 25 miles north of De¬ troit The proposal was only the EST IN FOREIGN FILMS Tuesday s Results latest in a long series to Montreal 11 Chicago 4 give the Detroit area a replace¬ New York at St Louis. 2. Twi-night ment for the aging Tiger Sta¬ Cincinnati at Atlanta, night The Man and Natur dium downtown near Detroit. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, night be open from 9 a m San Francisco at San Diego, night day thru Saturday The —COUPON- Houston and Los Angeles, night in 328 Student Services Today's Gaines denng single copies of b request These books ai 500 BLOOD, at a 15 per cent discount SWEAT, AND Chicago at Montreal, night Tuesdays and Thursda\ Leafleting will be done in front of Oli Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, night Operation Outrage wil and at the Farm Lane bridge Those ii New York at St Louis, night San Francisco at San Diego, night terested should call the ASMSl' offici 355-8266. between 1 and 5 p.m. NeJac's CLIFF ROBERTSON. CtfAJjLy CLAIRE BLOOM Houston at Los Angeles, night ALSO RAVISHANKAR SELI6J SEIIGMAN Thursday 's Games and the New University Confer Chicago at Montreal hold a meeting tonight at 8 in : New York at St. Louis ^TARRING "TRYGON FACTOR" a 10:30 only Wuh AUanta at San Francisco STEWART GRANGER -SUSAN HAMPSHIRE Cincinnati at Los Angeles, night • only games scheduled 1 AT THE 0 r "R" -Restricted-persons under 18 not admitted unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! FOR TWO ---COMING NEXT--- THE STRANGEST ROUNDUP OF ALL e Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT only William Holden and Kim Novae "A SLICK BIT OF BEDROOM DECEPTION ..." 8 AS COWBOYS MORE DAYS In Willia Inge's BATTLE PICNIC "HUGS AND KISSES' M0NSTEBS! ONLY- THE CHIPS' t urs. Chapter 4 of The Hurricane Express ind 9:15 i. - Sat. 104-B Wells 50c ID. not requir Stanley Kramer's - The Four Poster Born Yesterday and Me and the Coloi Qjieotj fEAST LANSING ON M 43 * PHONE ED. 2-1042 \ NOW! TUESDAY THIS IS NOT 1 50,000,000 YEARS AGO.. THIS IS V, TODAY! America's No. 1 All-Girl Band 1 Michigan State University Deoartment of Theatre S Wednesday + Thursday And Returning to m UMMER RCLE PRESENTS Start the 4th of July Weekend Off The Sleeping A Play For Children With a Big Bang Maria Mercedes SCHELL McCAMBRIDGE Luciana Herbert Special July 4th production PALUZZI LOM THE SUNLINERS 10:00 a.m. $.75 ALSO WESTERN HIT "BACKTRACK" Friday-Saturday-Sunday Reservations: 355-0148 0 Micnigan state News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 2, 1969 State News State News Classified Haven't heard enough Roomers lately? A WANT AD will fill that vacant apartment! Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Employment For Rent For Sale For Sale The State News does not MOSRITE GUITAR-And Gib permit racial or religious plifier. Good condition E discrimination in its ad¬ fer 332-0892 Never a fee Phone 487-6071 vertising columns. The( LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancv- GUITAR--1 I Telecast State News will not accept COLONIAL APARTMENTS Burcham SUMMER EMPLOYMENT I • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, • FOR RENT race, color or national or- or part time. Automobile required. bedroom^ furnished For profession- BIRTHDAY CAKES - 7"-J3.64. v Phone THE SOCIETY CORPORA¬ culty or personnel Select clientele 8 -I418: • FOR SALE igir. 9 "-$5 20 Delivered TION, 337-1349, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. KWAST BAKERIES, 484-1317. C-7'3 • LOST & FOUND • PERSONAL REGIS1ERED NURSE: Opening in a • PEANUTS PERSONAL medical care facility. 7 a.m. to 150 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks • REAL ESTATE 3:30 p.m. shift. Good salary and and canisters and uprights All in • SERVICE Automotive benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE good condition. *7 88 and up. DENNIS • TRANSPORTATION NORTH. 1843 North Hagadorn in DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North ion. Phone 351-5543 TEMPEST--1965, 8 cylinder Cuitom East Lansing Phone 332-5061, Mrs Cedar, opposite City Market 482- • WANTED 4-door 11,100. Call ED 2-5112 Cole. 10-7/2 month unfurnished DEADLINE For Rent and canisters and uprights All in good condition $7.88 and up Dennis 1 P.M. one class TV RENTALS. G.E. 19" porUble-- Distributors Company. 316 North day be¬ Cedar, opposite City Market $8.50 per month including stand 482- fore publication. 2677 Call J R CULVER COMPANY, 351- C-7 3 Cancellations - 12 noon one E'S FURNITURE IV 4- class day before publica¬ VACUUM CLEANERS--l-year old tion. Canister model with all the at- VALIANT 1962-2-door hardtop stick Good all around automob PHONE $295 CRAIN S MOTORS. 1301 E WILSON GOLF clubs, 355-8255 RATES G.E REFRIGERATOR'Like new Gas NEJAC TV RENTALS 1 day $1.50 15< per word per (Jay 7 2 CLARINET-SELMF.R In good c 3 days $4.00 13 l/2< per word per day i yours UNIVERSITY 'You wouldn't by any chance haooen HEADBOARD BLUE living room TWO GIRLS, undergraduate* t 5 drapes-both made for Spartan Vil¬ days $6.50 to be an orientation student? lage Also. Victorian marble-topped 13* per word per day 'Animals •(baaed on 10 words'per'ad) FREE TIGER kittens Evenings. ED 2 ' There will be Auto Service & Part« 3B50 Room 259, Student Services. a 50* service SPARTAN HALL-I and bookkeeping charge if ACCIDENT PROBLEM' Call KALA¬ For Rent For Rent EIGHT TRACK this ad is not paid within MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small dents to large wrecks American one week. and foreign cars Guaranteed work 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C The State News will be campus Call NEJAC, 337-1300 SIAMESE KITTEN, lemale. 8 weeks MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kala¬ responsible only for the NEED ONE girl, preferably graduate FURNISHED, 1-bedroom apart: SINGLE. DOUBLE NOW OPEN for business-OPTICAL mazoo Street Since 1940 Parking Privat DISCOUNT at 2615 East Michigan first day's incorrectinser- Complete auto painting and colli- student, Kingspoint East Gretchen 332-6456 Avenue, ground floor Free parking 3-7 7 FABIAN REALTY, ED 2-0811 5-7 3 FREE RABBIT' Larje white balconies. If you want to be among furnished. $90 ED the first residents of Twyckingham call $250 Phone 489-9734 NEWLY MARRIED? '^aptx: - APTS- today* There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. DODGE PANEL TANGLEWOOD Fall leases available Model Open 10-6 APARTMENTS JULY 3RD-Septembe 5th, 4-bedn large house near campus F Phone 332-6441 Employment 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 study and far $175 351-7880 s Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE Available for tHuvckingfjam 4620 S. Hagadorn FORD 372-5934 CUSTOM SPEEDREADING! • Fall Beechwood TURNED OFF FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES HELP NEEDED for MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: DO-IT-YOURSELF COURSE • By East Lansing's High Cost No classes to attend! University Villa ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Phone 372-9474 befor HALF-PRICE of Living? 482-3379 THRU JULY 15 ONLY • Princeton Arms Money-back guarantee. Regular Holiday Apts. TURN ON • EARN UP TO ! $40.00 course, now only $20.00. ananas oaaaa Halstead Management CROSSWORD PUZZLE araarcaa aaaaal SPEED READ," INTE RNATIO NAL anaaa g^naaa L 351-7910 with these features at ACROSS 34. Cistern ano □as □□□ 1. Reef 36. Yale IMPALA-1964-2-1 6. Scents 37. Early Persians anaaaaa $850 IV 2-7218 Place Your 12. Abrupt 39. Small lizard mHHHH ZMHisiaia PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD MEADOWBROOK 13. 14. 16. Elm fruit East Heaped 41. Souvenir 44. Gum arabic 46. Thoroughfare Hdiamafi CTsaaa ana ana HEJHHHaE kimo 17. Porker 48. Change niMriaratf wsmm TRACE 18. Account entry 49, Most Today . . . jUst clip, complete, mail. 20. Twitching STATE NEWS will bill you later. 22, Owing 50, Peru 23. Pepper plant KARMAN GH1A I DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED 26. Orale 28. Threefold 8. Overlook Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and 30. Edible tempoiarily 9 Bad: prefix mushroom 2. Birthright 6. While 10 Square appliances 32. Rascal 3 Authentic 7 Thrusting 4. Enzyme swords STUDENT - PLANNED Consecutive Dates to Ru RECREATION FACILITIES MUSTANG--19M. 19. Nevertheless yellow 21. Constellation's Ible. 6. itick Good tond Heading ____________ Featuring Olympic pool with sauna, tennis courts or belt offer 355-3155 brightest star 23. Excerpts from LUXURY FEATURES Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and P writings 24. Branched balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water furnished, laundry In each building P 25. Eng. bJllfinch 26. Tire 27. Snowy ALL MAINTENANCE FREE 29. Refrigerant Peanuts Personals must be placed in per 31. Ill-maryiered See for yourself! Large new beautiful 1-2-3 bed¬ 10 Words or Less: room apartments from $55/student. Model open i fellow' 35. Social affair OPEL--1968 Rallye. Over 10 Words Add: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11 % 37. Colliery 38. Disfigurement a.m.- 6 p.m.j Sat. 10-12; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from Frandor and take the Jolly Road % 40. Seamen 41. Wolframite Exit-right to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393- 42. Grape Michigan State News 0210. 346 Student Services Bldg. MSU East Lansing, Mich. By Kassuba, the Nation's ft 1 Landlord u 43. Prepare flax 45. Mum 47. And: Lat. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 2, 1969 9 For Sale Abortion IRISH SETTERS-unregistered, pure- LOVELY CUSTOM built home, on breds. (continued from page one) Spirited, affectionate pets large lot 3 miles south of campus. $25. Evenings: 625-7735 3-7/3 2-bedrooms, 1W bath. 2 fireplaces ified before the Michigan Price includes built-in refrigera¬ Senate that she once had a IRISH SETTER puppies. 7 weeks old. tor; oven; dishwasher; washer; dry¬ ' champion hunting stock. 694-9586 therapeutic abortjon, said that er; carpeting; drapes By owner 3-7/3 694-0544 for appointment 5-7/7 most of the colroversy over proposed abortion legislation re¬ ENGLISH BULLDOG puppies AKC form centered around the ques¬ registered $130 Call 332-6736 tion of when life actually 2-7/2 PAINTING AND decorating-Exterior begins. As in the cases of or¬ and interior Reasonable prices gan transplants and mercy kill¬ Experienced painter. Free estimates ings, those considering abortions No job too big 337-0464 O MOBILE HOME--8X40 New Moon ings, those considering abor¬ excellent condition Near Campus Typewriters and tions must decide for them¬ 351-7506 3-7/3 selves she said Adding Machines "I wish to reiterate.'' she con¬ GREAT LAKES--1966. Furnished, REPAIRS carpeted, air-cohditioned Reason¬ F ree tinued, "that the Burslev bill pickup & delivery able 355-6640.484-9939 8"7/u is designed only as a framework American Business Machines within which a woman may Haslett 339-2654 legally operate after she has consulted those who are mor¬ ALTERATIONS. GOWNS, and dress¬ ally and medically responsible Lost & Foupd making-experienced Reasonable and knowledgeable.'' charge Call 355-1040 20-6 17 When asked whether more FOUND: KEYS on bench near Wells. GET MORE SALES PER SQ IN lenient abortion laws would en¬ Friday morning. Identify. Call 351- 0295 after 10 p.m. or inquire with a SERVICE DIRECTORY courage promiscuity, the Sen¬ ad each Thursday Call Judi. 355- ator cited laws recently passed Room 202 Wells 8-10 a m daily 8255 today in California and Colorado Peanuts Personal^' 'Hi-ho., o' which tended, she said, to prove Students in Dialogue *69 make final preparations before they depart for thei that they do not. In these tour of the United States. The students plan to aid farming communities wit states, the majority of abor¬ tions have been performed on Typfti Sfcrv harvesting and hope to restore the public's faith in the college student. HAPPY months. Dar¬ married women. Unmarried TOONIE: 2 State News photo by Bob Ivins I ling Only 2 thousand more and BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing women, victims of rape and in¬ I'll be satisfied. Love, forever No job too cest, and juveniles followed in large or too small Johnnv 1-7'2 Block off campus. 332-3255 C order. TV RENTALS. Personal GE 19 $8 50 per month including stand portable- 'PAULA 337-1527. ANN HAUGHEY quality thesis service IBM typing, multilith printing and hard binding A unique C Bombings show Msgr. Beahan.who has called "15 for Father.' began his talk by removing his clerical collar and a T.V. asking. Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351- (continued from page one) ed only when the investiture Castle, first proclaimed Prince 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- ANN BROWN Typist and multilith, "What the hell is happening to against all manners of folks.' drew to a close. of this mountainous land. offset printing. Dissertations, theses, us?" This was Britain's most im¬ Charles, smiling and saluting Police mounted the biggest se¬ manuscripts, general typing. IBM Beahan said that he was of 19 years experience 332-8384 C posing royal ceremony since the during an open-carriage ride to curity operation ever seen in RENT A TV from a TV the opinion that "life begins Company - queen's coronation in 1953. Un¬ the castle, was equally solemn Wales, a country of 2 1/2 mil¬ $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 THESES OFFSET PRINTING, typ¬ der a light drizzle coming in during the ceremony lion known for its poets, miners when sperm meets ovum, the NEJAC TV RENTALS. C ing and binding. Lowest prices avail¬ actual moment of conception." from the Irish sea. Charles Only 4.000 persons were ad¬ and choir singers. More than 2,- able Located across from campus bowed his head three times to mitted to the castle courtyard to 800 police guarded Caernarvon "After conception.'' he said. on corner of M A C. and Grand Greyhound Bus Departures " the organism is a living River, below The Style Shop Call his mother, knelt on a crimson see the first investiture since and held back the crowds Tues- week of July 4 COPYGRAPH SERVICES. the Duke of Windsor, the abdi¬ being. From that moment un¬ 337-1666 cushion at her #feet and was To Detroit from East Lansing kissed on the left cheek. The ritual is 668. years old cated King, was made Prince of Wales, in 1911. Because of the Detectives and troops roled the castle parapets pat- til the individual dies, nothing is added except nourishment a with With an ivory-colored castle's structure, some of them walkie-talkies. By midmorning. Beahan added that man does 8:50 a.m. Local um¬ brella propped against her red- had to watch the ceremony on roads into the town sealed not have the power to take a 1:35 p.m. Express were cushioned throne of Welsh slate huge mirrors. to all life, "no matter the age. " ♦3:30 p.m. Express except invited guests. Po¬ 4:30 p.m. Express and protected from the rain by a An estimated 250.000 persons lice were spotted all along the 5:15 p.m. wind-tunnel-tested plastic cano¬ thronged the route of the royal 256 miles of railroad that brough 7:35 p.m. 10:35 p.m. Express Express HOUGHTON, on MICHIGAN Flying up 3rd. return on 6th. 2 passengers, py. the queen looked like anxious housewife watching an her procession through the town and many around the world watched the royal train from London. Bomb disposal experts comb¬ Voting ix ♦July 3, 1969 only share expenses 351-8473 1-7 2 son's graduation ceremony Television ed the lawns around the castle d Except to murmur a few quiet signals were sent thro.nes with mine detectors be¬ words of 91.000 miles by means of two (continued from page one) encouragement to fore the fortress gates opened satellites The administration is asking BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7.50 for Charles, she did not speak a sin¬ over the Indian and Women entering the massive ga¬ FREE A thrilling hour of beauty Congress to change the present all positive. A negative. B negative gle phrase during the one-hour Pacific oceans after a satellite tes had their purses searched For appointment call 4844519 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 and AB negative $10 00. O nega 22-minute ceremony. She smil- over the Atlantic failed. for weapons. voting law. which expires in Au¬ tive. $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ East Michigan C-7 3 The ceremony to make Two navy minesweepers pa¬ gust 1970. from one affecting ITY BLOOD CENTER 507'a East Charles the 21st Prince of Wales trolled the harbor. only seven southern states to Grand River East Lansing. Above Wanted one covering all states. It would SIGNS OF SPRING robins, the new Campus Book Store. Hours cost $480,000. It was a long way Despite the security, a third flowers and apartment seekers 9 a m to 3:30 p.m Mondav Tues¬ TWO 2 drawer office files, from the add new provisions and change Advertise vacancies with day. Wednesday, and Friday secre¬ day in 1284 when King bomb shook the town exactly a Clas¬ Thurs¬ tary's chair and shelving for home one existing one. sified Ad Dial 355-8255 day, 12 to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183 ' C office use Phone 351-5543 Edward I had Edward, his in¬ 17 minutes before the ceremonial S-7 3 In rejecting the administra¬ fant son. born in Caernarvon cannon on a hilltop opposite the tion plan. McCulloch joined Sen. castle fired a 21-gun salute for the queen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, the Senate GOP Whip, at the head FALL TERM House of a growing body of Republi¬ cans who have wa the administration bill. come out against In the face of such opposition seeks $2 LEASES* there were indications Tuesday the administration is willing LANSING (UPIi - The to compromise and accept exten¬ Democratic-controlled House sion of the existing law while Labor Committee Tuesday re¬ seeking a separate bill to carry *FEw VACANCIES AVAILABLE ported out. and recommended out its other recommindations. for passage, a minimum wage These include the banning of all bill which would set hourly literacy tests and the elimina¬ rates by 1972 at not less tion of state residency require¬ than $2. ments in presidential elections. The bill would also increase It is the one proposed change the minimum wage to $1.60 in the present law that is caus¬ per hour on Jan. 1. 1970 ing most of the opposition in and $1.75 on Jan. 1. 1971. Congress. The law now requires Two months ago the Repub¬ states to get attorney general's lican-dominated Senate passed approval before putting into ef¬ 'the bill setting the 1972 hour¬ ly level at $1.50. fect any changes in voting procedures. The administration a Also given approval by the bill would require the attorney committee was a bill providing general to bring suit to block for compulsory and binding any such changes. EVERGREEN ARMS lOWEBROOKE ARMS arbitration of labor disputes involving fire and police de¬ Mitchell said the existing pro¬ vision is ineffective because E vergreen Street is a shady avenue Graciously overlooking the Red partments. Both measures were placed states without ignore it and go ahead approval making chang¬ Q just a half block from campus. A Cedar yet within strolling distance the general House calen¬ on es designed to get around the recreation field for tossing the foot¬ of campus, Lowebrooke Arms com¬ dar for debate next week. ball is close behind. plements every student's taste. These huge, plush apartments have These 3 man rooms are rich and balconies and air conditioning stand¬ colorful with dark wood panelling ard. All this and more make Ever¬ and bookshelves for a warm, in¬ green Arms the favorite of every viting atmosphere. st jdent. Q UNIVERSITY TERRACE HASLETT APARTMENT Right across from campus, Univer¬ sity Terrace allows you plenty of Newly redecorated with wall to wall a carpeting and furniture to fit a time to get up at 7;50 for that all- Important 8:00. A hop- skip- and- a- jump from Each wall is panelled in rich dark Berkey Hall allows you plenty of wood with thick, rich carpeting for time to catch those last minute barefoot lounging. winks every morning. Haslett Apart¬ Every apartment is air conditioned ment puts you In the middle of and has a private balcony for those where all the action is!! cool, quiet evenings. call or stop in at: WATCH FOR Take your pick FAST LANSING'? STATE MANAGEMENT Tree keeping trimming in July? Sure, when it entails the "sidewalk s a campus greenery In shape. The 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 grounds crew uses a cherry picker to 'spruce* this things up. State News Photo by Wayne Munn 10 Wednesday, July 2, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OPEN WEEKDAYS 8-10 OPEN SUNDAYS 10-7 OPEN JULY 4 8-2 EBERHARO'S FINE QUALITY, FRESH 'n CRISP POTATO CHIPS NHWfBMfe .| |nm £g|g 6-OZ. WT. CAN t w w •ygk CAN . .SPARTAN FRESH FROZEN m M rnmm^w wm ' ?| If * ft ' W L -#•> m Im?# - I# Bp * "'.V' O# SeSFI LEGS WITH SMALL BAC^, OR BANQUET BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY BREASTS WITH FRESH FRYER PARTS SMALL BACK AND RIBS . . . FROZ POT PIES KRAFT KRAF 8-OZ. WT. EACH AMERICAN SLICED 12 1 -LB. PKG. WITH COUPON BELOW CHEESE 12-OZ. WT. PKG. 59' COUNTRY FRESH v v> IUICY RICH, SKINLESS 37' PCSCHKE FRANKS 10-FL. OZ. RETURNABLE BOTTLES JENO'S CHEESE OR SAUSAGE PEPSI-COLA 8 for 57= FROZ. PIZZA 49' SPARTAN REGULAR FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 5 "«£'• s|oo CHICKEN 5-OZ. WT. CAN 39' 1-PLY, 115-SHEET ROLLS SCOTTOWELS 3 s100 HELLMAN'S FEUFFYLI6HT, TASTY, RIB STEAKS MAYONNAISE OAKBURN, LONG-LASTING BRIQUETS OF J 0^^ CHARCOAL ORANGE, GRAPE OR FRUIT PUNCH .J'KMin coupon u EBERHARD'S G FUNNY FACE JUICY RICH, SKINLESS DRINK c PESCHKE 59 I 12 I I | MIXES PKGS, FRANKS lb.< POLLY ANNA ORANGE OR CHOC. FUDGE ! i LIMIT - 12 Packages. Coupon Good With Limit - 1 Package. Coupon Good With $5 PICNIC CAKES 14-oz. wt. each 59' POLLY ANNA BANANA NUT BREAD or More Food Purchase Through Saturday i $5 or More Food Purchase Through day July 5, 1969. Satur¬ July 5, 1969. 15-oz. wt. loaf 39- I i