Thursday It is always. . . Sunny. MICHIGAN mild with STATE NEWS a high of 76. in season for old men to i . n c r e a s ing cloudiness and STATE warmer toward the evening. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3,1969 Vol. 62 Number 12 ABANDONED SCALE Colifornions extend Trustee cites legislature for foodstuf SACRAMENTO. Calif. -- Budget- less state officials scratched around Wed¬ in By MARILYN PATTERSON State News Staff Writer forcing could up to $181 apply for a tuition reduction of that by the 500 tuit students here and at nesday for ways to acquire supplies while Oakland whc re on full-tuition scholar- California assemblymen voted to honor Don Stevens, chairman of the board The House bill. Stevens said, would into lot of money ships and it ns a of trustees, said Wednesday that the have the state pay $369. or the minimum any state debts incurred during the legis¬ Rep Petitpren. D-Westland. lature's budget deadlock trustees abandoned the sliding scale tuition for fall-tuition, state-supported chairman of the House Committee on The assembly, without opposition, sent tuition program in May under pres¬ scholarships. Colleges and Universities. said that a resolution to the Senate stating that the sure from the state legislature. "We thought." he said, that they should the legislators were not opposed to the Just before the May trustees meeting, pay the average tuition, which is $492 legislature intends sliding scale plan but to the fact that "Bv whatever means may be necessary, he said, the Senate reduced the MSU bud¬ The $123 discrepancy between the minimum children who got state scholarships to ensure that the government of the State get by $500,000: a bill was introduced and the average tuition would have to were eliminated from getting any breaks of California honors all valid claims into the House which would prohibit the be made up by the University. Multiply on the scale.'' against the state, performs all contracts granting of scholarships to students of and fulfills any other obligations, and to unviersities using the sliding scale if ensure that the salaries of all officers and the amount of the scholarship was used in determining the amount of the tuition employes of the state will not be reduced COMMUNIST BLOC VIEWED by reason of any delay in the passage of charged. the budget act of 1969 What this means. Stevens said, is The resolution was adopted a few hours that the legislature would pay only after state mental hospitals were given the minimum tuition for state-supported orders to spend no more money during the fiscal deadlock, but to rely on the expec¬ Space scholarships. Under the sliding scale, students of families with incomes of $18,400 paid State Dept. examines tation merchants will accept the state on good faith so an estimated 28.000 patients U.S. astronaut Frank Borman holds a bouquet of flowers as he the maximum tuition. $552 per year U.S. trading policies can be cared for. walks with Russian cosmonauts Georg5 Beregevoi and Konstantln Students of families with lower incomes Officials estimated nonperishable food Feroktistov at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, AP wirephoto supplies would last up to a month, and that stocks of some fresh foods would last WASHINGTON (AP i - The whole ques¬ in a position to tell Romanian leaders that a week. Bargaining progress slow tion of trade with Communist nations is his administration will attempt to Kiild But one spokesman said. We have chil¬ new trade bridges with that countrv dren who. if they don't have milk, don't coming under new State Dept. scrutiny live. . . that's all the food they take. " in the light of President Nixon's forth¬ Most officials regard the May 21 Secur¬ Dr. James V Lowry. state Mental Hy¬ coming visit to Romania For one question the President will sure¬ ity Council decision as unfortunate It is giene director, promised, "we will do in MSU union local talks no secret that the State Dept. proposed everything within our authority to see that ly be asked in Burcharest is: What will that cold war limitations of exports to the our patients are cared for. you do to allow us to sell more to you and But the budget crisis left Lowry and buy more from you in the future ' European Communist countries be relax¬ If Nixon wants them, there are two ed. but representatives ol 'he department other department heads without the pow¬ By MARION NOWAK have called a special action meeting for suggestions percolating through the work¬ found themselves alone in the council. er to approve new expenses for such State News Staff Writer wage m- Monday to discuss solutions in the face ing ranks of the State Dept although things as food and medicine of bargaining failures. "The administra¬ . The Defense Dept was against relaxa¬ Democrats blocked passage of Repub¬ Mediation between MSU's local 1585 the attitude of Secretary William P. Rog¬ tion has ceased bargaining in faith, tion and Commerce and Treasury were of the American Federation of State. "The remains, far. unknown: lican Gov. Ronald Reagan s proposed $6.37 University has offered what ers so luke-warm-but the decisive factor was billion state budget, holding out for an County and Municipal Employes < AFS- amounts to 20 cents per hour."' Robert a top union official charged in announc¬ -Resurrection of some form of the John¬ the marked disinterest shown by the White CME i and University management ended C. Grosvenor. president of local 1585 ing the meeting son administration's East-West Trade Act. increased school aid The state began the House, despite the argument that this coun¬ new fiscal year at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday with again Tuesday with little progress said of management statements, "and we Management here has refused to allow authorizing the President to grant most- The University's contract with the union any_ extension of the contract for the try's principal allies trade much more want an average of 75 cents per hour favored-nation tariff treatment to eastern no authority to pay its bills. While Re¬ duration of bargaining, union officials freely with Eastern Europe than does the publicans have a 41-39 edge, a two-third expired at midnight Monday Monday across the board The management offers European countries, including Romania. United States. afternoon bargaining attempts resulted stated Wednesday, although such a 15- vote is needed for budget passage are. he said, "totally inadequate.'' -Reversal of the National Security Coun¬ dav extension is in effect at all other Andrew G. Robertson. Lowry's chief dep¬ only in a labor-management agreement Eight other colleges in Michigan are cil's (NCC) May 21. decision-reached be¬ The NSC meeting dealt with the issue to extend the old contract for 15 days similarly embroiled in labor-management disputing schools. fore Nixon decided to become the first because the act expired on June 30, and uty. advised the 13 state hospital super¬ while talks continued This refusal, coupled with union de¬ U.S. president to cross through the Iron some recommendations to Congress had intendents to hire no people, enter no disputes over expired AFSCME contracts. "Nothing noticeable happened during Local 1609 of AFSCME service and mands to bring pay rate and fringe Curtain since World War II—to ask Con¬ to be made. All other questions of trade new contracts and expend no additional the mediation session. Clair Otis of bendfits "up to par"' for the state ol with Communist countries were discus¬ maintenance workers at Ferris State gress to continue the restrictions of the the AFSCME said. We will meet again Michigan, created yesterday's bargaining Export Control Act. which limits exports sed briefly at the same meet in?., includ¬ stalemate and has led the union to in next Tuesday with mediation, and com¬ to Communist countries. ing the most important the gr.nitu g ol mittees on both sides are meeting today voke mediation low tariffs to imports from sua If Nixon agrees to either or both of these oun- SN Holiday spearately in conferences I please turn to back page l recommendations, he would at least be tries. It was agreed to shelve all o< « .(in. "Some progress was made. Leonard Senate authorizes The H. Glander. director of the personnel State News will not center and MSI' management negotiator, publish Friday, July 4. The next issue will be .Monday July 7. stated, "but I'm sure probably be made next Tuesday much more will osteopathic school- Their demands are unrealistic he affiliation pending By STEVE WATERBl RY Continued dis The Senate State News Staff Writer passed a bill Tuesday night authorizing the creation of a Michigan college of osteopathic medicine and sent the measure to the House for concurrence. rock Grand The bill provides for the State Board of Education to determine which state insti¬ tution of higher education the college will GRAND RAPIDS AP i-Incidents of fire- Another firebomb struck Central Chris¬ be affiliated with, but does not authorize bombing and rock-throwing erupted again tian High School, causing $1,000 damage the board to determine the location of the in Grand Rapids Tuesday night, and to its contents. Firemen also reported school, as previously considered bills pro¬ police reported that 12 cases of arson that a firebomb struck a pumper after vided caused more than $22,000 damage rocks smashed the vehicle's windshield State Sen. Raymond D D/endel. D-De- Police said the disturbances spread The truck's hose was burned but no troit. said the location of the college has from the predominantly Negro Southeast firemen were hurt. Side, scene of violence on Monday night, already been determined. At least eight injuries were reported "The college is in Pontiac. where it was into portions of the city's Southwestern as violence continued until 3 a.m. be¬ started.'' Dzendel said. fore police could bring it under control. Construction has already begun on a pri¬ Twenty-eight persons were arrested. The worst fire damage Two policemen suffered minor injuries vately financed osteopathic college in Pon¬ occurred at tiac. where classes scheduled to begin and seven others were hit with stones are the Furniture City Dowel Co.. which had or shattered glass in the fall. $6,000 damage done to its building and $2,000 to its contents. Several homes were men Authorities would not estimate how many were brought into the dis¬ en Consideration had to the previously been giv¬ possibility of an osteopathic Grand Rapid fire-bombed in turbance area, saying only that the 3 school being located at whichever state the Southeast sector and two of those olence to change a til e. Roving bands blazes caused p.m. to 11 p.m. police shift was held institution it becomes affiliated with. A police officer took time out from Tuesday night's racia nearly $3,700 damage AP wirephoto each, firemen said over as it was on Monday night (please turn to back page I hurling firebombs caused more than $22,000 damage. No justice By DAVID BASSETT ely where. popped I into forwhitey when Hate throws brick my started to say it. head from no¬ but stopped: News I wanted to say would I something, but nothing with Where ya goin'. man?" a black youth closely-cropped hair demanded. He was State News Staff Writer black was I really on his side, or was I just Commentary come out. "I'm on your side again wanted to say but I couldn t I "Ya know, we can't dig no whiteys here. a bored college newspaper reporter You gotta be crazy comin' down here and His hair was natural, and it seemed wanted to tell them that I was only in¬ lusting for a story'' terested in reporting the truth to the messin'with us to glisten in the light from a nearby street lamp. I guess he was about 19 By this time, my walking had taken A little further on. I noticed a house Jewish. I'm no Son House. I'm a blues public I knew that they couldn't dig I only wanna find out what's happenin' me about 10 yards down the street with or 20. but his age really didn t matter a light on The light was rather man. but I'm still a white blues man the hassle the cops were always laying here. I said. "If the cops are messin' I started thinking again but suddenly dim. but I could make out the outline at the time. The wire-rimmed glasses Before being aware of where I was. on them much longer, and I wanted to on ya. I want people to know about it." noticed that the passerby s footsteps of rectangular object pressed against I noticed he was wearing were cocked on the a a group of black people sitting tell them that I was in sympathy with Man. he shouted. "You just wanna had stopped. the glass As I approached. I could bridge of his ebony nose and standing on a curb. I tried to keep their cause. come down here an' cause some trouble discern the words "Soul Brother" my eyes looking straight ahead, but I But how do you explain that to some¬ and have everybody say that us black the instant his mouth emitted the ■ At Hate weapon scrawled crudely on a piece of white couldn't help noticing a few members with hate in his eyes and a brick people done it first syllable. I noticed that his left I turned around and immediately mv one of the group Most appeared to be in in his hands, someone who has been You white honkeys are all the same. hand was dangling in back of him. His eyes were drawn to the object he was wrist appeared to be tilted upward, but Wrong side their late teens or early 20's. but I discriminated against, spat on. laughed You pay my old man $70 for washin' holding in his left hand a brick It then occurred to what the me think some were a bit older at. called "lazy" because whites pro¬ dishes seven days a week You make my mv stare was interrupted when I heard He was tall, broad-shouldered and him saying. "You're on the wrong side stranger who had passed me had meant No kind word vided him with an education of inferior mamma scrub floors until her knuckles clutching a brick. when he said that I the wrong of the street, man I was on "Git outa here, honkey." came quality, called "boy" when he was a and knees bleed, and then toss a coupla couldn't see anyone in front of me. side of the street. Suddenly I realized hurtling towards me in what turned out of 30. called "monkey" because he dollars Her What side? and the next street lamp was only a man what guitarist Mike Bloomfield had to be an endle s toi. -nt of obscene I thought for a moment. The phrase short distance away. meant when he said. "Hell. man. I'm epithets hair? "I'm on your side, brother" immediat¬ I walked awav from him. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 Crank calls upset Welsh swoon girls missing girl's kin By MARION NOWAK State News Staff Writer at all." Detective iern. Stanley Bord- commanding officer of the over FISHGUARD, --Prince Wales Charles charmed his Bonny Charlie (AP) side rocks and walls. But there was no personal reference to the Young Farmer's Club. "You don't look like farmers About the only concrete thing detective bureau of Washtenaw way through wildest Wales Wed¬ to turn up in the disappearance County, said Wednesday. nesday amid bomb scares-but • of an East Lansing girl from We've heard nothing new." no bombs. haired Anwen Hughes. 25. an Ann Arbor mental hospital Foote agreed There's no sign "You look like very charming Sheep were left to fend for of her " the lush green dairy maids." has been a profusion of crank . themselves in ation from Britain Miss Foote is 5 feet 2 inches hills while farmers and their A bomb scare closed a lonely The calls have been made to tall. 103 pounds, with blue eyes families flocked into mountain mountain road in the Gwydor the home of the parents olyn Louise Foote. 16. who was of Car¬ and shoulder-length brown hair. Dr. Richard D. Watkins. her villages to cheer the new Prince of Wales, invested Tuesday at Forest near the famed beauty spot of Bettws-Y-Coed minutes Economist reported missing to the Wash¬ physician at Mercy Wood Hosp¬ Caernarvon. before the prince was due to tenaw C.ounty Sheriff's Office ital. believes she •eloped" from It was the first day of a meet- drive past, from Wood Hospital the hospital with a second per- Mercy , the-people tour which took the Wires had been spotted lead- June 9. " Some want to pray for your Dr. Watkins received a post¬ alliance soul.'' William D. Foote. the card from the girl two weeks of Anglesey, through the most posal experts were summoned, VIENNA (AP)-In an unu- girl's father, said. "Some want after her disappearance, post¬ scenically beautiful parts of his but no bomb was there. usuallv sharp attack on the Com¬ to warn us that the funeral home marked from Flint domain. "We saw lots of wires but no munist bloc Council of Mutual will take us if we don't watch I checked that out." Foote There were plenty of cheers device," an officer said, Economic Assistance - COME- out. and some tell us you can't said. I spent several days in and few signs of any hostility Further along the road bis- CON-a Lofty a Hungarian economist always This find is the the bodies worst thing Flint, and followed other tips the police have received, but there's p along the way. cuit tin caused another scare called Wednesday for greater The letters FWA -- Free Security men found it filled with liberalization within the alli- that's happened to us. I don t been no indication of her pres¬ A Mason-Abbot volleyball match appears i entarily up in the air. Wales Army -- registered mute pebbles. ance. He described the East Eu- know how many people go ence anywhere " State News photo by Ca What really hampered the protest in painted signs on road- ropean economic group as out- through this type of thing." he Miss Foote was at the pre- royal progress through Wales dated and inefficient, added. ' People think they're be¬ vately operated hospital in Ann was the huge build-up of sum- Finance Minister Peter Valve Arbor for observation and testing, ing helpful, but they should call the authorities-and stop tortur¬ her mother said. Mrs Foote is SENATE SEAT SOUGHT? mer stretched vacation all traffic. the way Jams from in an a speech before the Hungari- Parliament reported by the ing the parents an MSU sophomore Foote is an Caernarvon to Llandudno, the Hungarian news agencv MTI. Nothing concrete, in the way MSI' graduate working in the first town the prince visited declared of useful clues, O'Toole's has turned up Lansing area. A local bulletin concerning the disappearance was4 issued on June 9 in Washtenaw County. Finch resignation rumored Mixed choirs struck up a rous- ing chorus each time the prince appeared They sang Men of Harlech, "Land of My Fa- As we Hungarians the methods, forms of organiza- tion and measures taken so far no longer meet present see it. dav Astatewide bulletin was issued WASHINGTON matic defeat last week in his House. tor's 1964 campaign and the thers," and God Bless the needs two are close personal friends. costs quite a by the State Police on June 21 Robert H. Finch's vigorou: fight to get White House back- In a front-page story over Finch came to Prince of Wales He said 'this is the reason after the Footes visited the hos¬ sistence that he ha four- ing for his choice of Dr John the weekend, the Detroit Free Washington Several times the prince why cooperation has slowed vear commitment H. Knowles as the nation's top Press reported from Washing- with the reputation of being broke from his security DUBLIN. Ireland see that he does. opposition of Senate minority quarrying town of Blaenau Fes- cy system that can no longer It kind of gives you the im¬ leader Everett M. Dirksen and tiniog. be called up to date GUEST ROOMS Do you have 3 open pression that someone over there doesn't like us very much, the American Medical Associa¬ tion to his selection of Know¬ He s a smasher I was over- Liberalizanon of trade, he weeks this Summer? whelmed. echoed 18-year-old said. should be achieved doesn't it?" said Finch aide les as an assistant HEW sec¬ Company Coming? a Meryl Parry. At Llanrwst. the through more flexible meth Why not soend them in when asked about the report. retary is beyond question. prince chatted with girls from ods Business Associates Due? Europe? Finch himself was asked sev¬ eral times during a weekend For only $351.00 you can fly to London from news conference if he planned Detroit miles. and have a Hertz Rent-A-Car for 1000 to ate. resign and run for the Sen¬ "This is a four-year commit¬ Demonstrations blamed Hurry! Space Limited and must be booked at ment I have made here." he least 1 month in advance. for low alumni donations said, repeating a phrase he has used a number of times to coun¬ College Travel Office ter speculation about his future. But at the same time, he 351-6010 never really got around to flat¬ By THOMAS PETERS the ability-to-pay tuition He said that the association ly denying that he might have The MSU Alumni Association plan, the SDS convention here. js working to impress on the an eye on the seat now held by and students indirectly are being the black athletes' protest and alumni that their contributions Republican George Murphy. hurt by protests and demon- other demonstrations on cam- piay a very important part in Murphy. Finch said, "has strations on campus, an asso¬ Phone 351-5500 for Reservations , THE STATE NEWS announced he is going to be ciation official warned Tuesday. "Funding so far this year a candidate and I am going to Robert E. Shackleton. direc¬ has matched totals for the 1100 Trowbridge Road, Off 127 at Trowbridge Exit of t Michigan Suite University, is support him and that is my tor development, said that same periods in 1968. Shackle¬ day throughout the Residents tremble i with j ar special Welcome Week position." adverse reaction from some of ton said At the Campus, Michigan State University >er. Subscription rates are $14 The the alumni is resulting in re¬ question is, will Mur¬ "'In the first few weeks fol¬ phy change his mind about duced or suspended contri¬ GUEST ROOMS Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inlai Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Ass seeking re-election next year? butions. lowing SDS such convention events and as the the Wil¬ as 9 earthquakes There's a widespread belief igan Collegiate Press Association. Unitel States Student Press As "By not contributing to the son Hall cafeteria take-over, Second class postage paid at East Lai on Capitol Hill that he might. Those who think so point to fund," Shackleton "alumni only hurt explained. we were receiving about 50 rip Italian coast Editorial and business offices at 3 the greater letters a day from irate s Building. Michigan his age-67 on Friday--and to State University, East Lansing. Michig portion of students who are hen alumni. ' he noted. But while ROME (AP>~Nine quakes his inability to speak in little to gain an education. " we were receiving about 50 shook a coastal area north of Phones: more than a hoarse whisper as He said that alumni donations we have had set-back: 'n Rome Editorial a result of a operation to re¬ Wednesday and hundreds 355-8252 Classified Advertising provide student scholarships. our funding due on of residents were spending the 355-822 move a tumor from his larynx. hav only lost night outdoors fearing new Display Advertising 353-4400 These sources believe that faculty awards and educational campus. Busi ness-Cir cu la tion members from the 17.000 355-3447 facilities for various colleges shocks. Light damage was re¬ Photographic 355-8311 Murphy may step aside for member association. Finch, who has observed that within the university. ported. Shackleton said that the small The quakes ripped through a Senate seat is " the best job Over 17,000 alumni contri¬ reduction in contributions and the rolling countryside from an- in the world Among other buted $936,000 to MSI things. Finch managed the sena- 1968 This was 20 per cent membershiP was due partly to cient Civitavecchia on the Tvr- less than thp r^nrH «i -*7 the younger age of the rhenian Sea to Lake Bracci- —COUPON- ano. 15 miles east of the million given in 1967. Shackle¬ Residents of Civitavecchia ton said that although gifts "Because more of our streamed from their homes in in 1967 included a single do¬ alumni are younger, they are Aorta nation of $350,000. the 1968 more involved, aware and un¬ panic and fled to the beaches There they encamped alongside Nelac's total was still down cent due to alumni reaction to 6 per derstanding of the of today's campus, problems he said. bikinied sun bathers. WITH COUPON Hardest hit was the town of Tolfa, midway between the sea "oinkr Sidewalk Sale and the lake. Its entire popula¬ DON'T DIKE tion of 5.000 fled to the coun¬ Thurs. July 10 tryside walls and as the quakes rattled sent cracks up old OUT - buildings. A 670-vear-old castle in Tolfa badly cra:ked DINE "IN". Rescuers was entered the castle and carried out the Marchioness Maria Pia tl IIM'S Lepri. who had been sick in bed. /ithin 17 BROILED STEAKS and SHOPPING CENTER DINNER FAVORITES i IGHTLY MARSHALL'S Component Features Angel Skin Bright, light and breezy for warm summer days. S 'e You'll be in heaven in narrow or wide stripes, green or beige. Sleeve¬ 'gobble! less dress has placket front, man-tailored "Sta¬ tus Collar" and bush MARSHALL We've got the freshest meat around! MUSIC CO. Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES RESTAURANT & Value Line Electronics A value breakthrough by Electro-Voice. Includes < host of deluxe performance features. CARRYOUT& DELIVERY TIFFANY LOUNGE Z-V 1180 Thirty Watt Ster . Receiver Ul&tufa ty PHONE 351 3800 ONE BLOCK EAST OF TWO YEAR WARRANTY $158.40 THE CAPITOL SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER £!! for tuun two warratnted c?T?nentS arematerials years against defects in I E-V 1122 Thirty Watt Stereo Ampliflei TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON 116 E . Michigan Ave. workmanship. In case of such defect, the units or | 7 ~ $89.95 203 E. Grand River will be repaired or replaced without charge if (just across from south complex) IV 9-1196 returned to authorized E-V j E-V l i59 Stereo FM Tuner $89.95 warranty station. Open Wednesdays 9-30 - 9 Free Evening Parking Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 3 news I Secret peace talks spur debate summary Dak WASHINGTON (AP> - Sen . said Wednesday that a secret session George S MeGovern. D-S with Communist I too have failed to detect such a change." he added Noting Nixon's comments at his June 19 news conference that he had conferred with the American side in Paris. cept for saying then "things aren't moving very fast" the Ex¬ negotiators in Paris convinced him that the United States in which he expressed a hope that U.S. combat troops could senator had said nothing further until Wednesdav. must start a systematic withdrawal" of troops and quit be withdrawn from Vietnam by the end of 1970. the Idaho He said one reason behind his trip was to inquire about supporting the Thieu regime in Saigon if it hopes to end Democrat said "if his objection is to spread confusion both the fate of a constituent. Capt. Sam Fantle Jr. of Sioux the Vietnam war. within the country and throughout the world. I say he has Falls, who was shot down over North Vietnam many months MeGovern sparked a new round of Senate criticism of succeeded ago. They promised to look into this. MeGovern said, but he Nixon Administration Vietnam policy with his report on a 10- MeGovern told reporters that he had delayed disclosure has heard nothing since of his Paris meetings "to give the administration a chance hour private meeting he had with North ViAnamese and The senator s conference was arranged bv Prof. George M. Viet Cong negotiators in the French capital to react" to his report of his discussions Kahin of Cornell I get University, a longtime war critic who is a *7 don't "So long as we cling to our military policy of maximum the feeling that very little is happening in Paris, he said friend of the North Vietnamese delegates. really see my¬ MeGovern made a two-dav trip to Paris after attending an pressure and our political embrance of General Thieu. Me¬ Before he met the Hanoi and Viet Cong self as first lady of MSI representatives. . Govern told the Senate, "the negotiations in Paris are a sham interdenominational church conference on racism in London, MeGovern said he conferred with Lodge He discouraged me I see myself as a shock- and a delusion. for which he was chairman. He revealed afterward onlv in no wav. the senator said absorber. as a wife, as a MeGovern discussed the May 23 talks in Paris, which we said were conducted with the approval of the State Dept.. place where you come and APOLLO REHEARSAL and chief U.S negotiator Henry Cabot Lodge, and told re¬ let off steam." porters at a pre-speech briefing. It fortified the views I — Mrs. It alter tdams have held previously. Secretary of State William P. Rogers, who was asked about Leak slows mock launch McGovern's speech before it was delivered, declined comment on grounds he had not heard it Leading war critics, such as Chairman J.W. Fulbright. D-Ark.. International News of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen. Frank Church. D-Idaho. rose to praise MeGovern and to protest lack of progress toward peace by the administration. CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. Despite the difficulty, the If all goes well, they will Aldrin will crawl into a lunar Communist sources said Wednesday the So¬ In addition. Fulbright. in two Senate speeches and in (AP) - A launch crew repair¬ 5-1 2 day test was the smooth¬ blast off from Cape Kennedy at module landing craft attached ed a leaky fuel valve Wednesday est countdown rehearsal ever 9:32 a.m. July 16 and to the command ship's nose, viet Union plans to launch an unmanned moon talking to newsmen, denounced as "especially offensive1' a and successfully completed a conducted with a Saturn 5- into orbit at 1.20 separate from the mother ship moon p.m. speech Tuesday night in which Vice President Spiro T. Agnew piloted alone by Collins and land probe July 10 that will attempt to scoop up a lumped Senate critics and former Johnson administration aides countdown rehearsal to keep Apollo rocket. If Wednesday had July 19. America's the ad¬ been the actual launch day. The next on the lunar surface at 4:23 sample of moon soil and return it to earth. man on moon day. Armstrong and among those whose "sincere opposition is undermining our venture moving on schedule to¬ Apollo 11 would have blasted The experiment, if successful, would precede negotiations for peace and prolonging the war off with than hour ward a July 16 liftoff. more one it comes from one with so little background of what he is by six days the American Apollo shot design¬ talking about." Fulbright said Simulating launch day with to spare before the moon would the 363-foot-tall Saturn 5 rocket have moved out of range as ed to land two men on the moon. On the Senate floor. Fulbright suggested that since President The report came as Col. Frank Borman. the Nixon's war policy seems to be the same as former Presi¬ dent Lyndon B. Johnson's and candidate Nixon criticized and Apollo 11 moonship fully fueled on its pad. project offi¬ a target from Cape Kennedy. A hold in the countdown was Air Force re first astronaut to visit the Soviet Union, arriv¬ cials counted down to a make- called just 1 hour. 50 minutes that policy, the President himself "could be classed, as a critic ed in Moscow and was met by three Soviet believe blastoff at 12:51 p.m.. from the planned simulated lift¬ cosmonauts-German Titov. Konstantin Feok- of Nixon's war policy. Church said. "We have waited for some indication of a sub- stan tial change in the policv that led us into this morass. more than thafi three hours later planned because of the off time. A valve in the system that of o/l, gas tistov and Georgi Beregevoi. valve problem. replenishes liquid hydrogen fuel similar breakdown of the petro¬ • • • in the Saturn 5's WASHINGTON (AP) - A upper stage leum complex system to keep track of accounting system in Israeli and was leaking Project officials Egyptian jets battled over the dispatched a four-man crew to gas and oil sent to U.S. forces in Thailand had created circum- stnaces under which millions of Congressional wives veto Gulf of Suez Wednesday hours after Israeli the site, located at the 200-foot Vietnam broke down in 1967. commandos raided three Egyptian shore instal¬ level of the rocket's service tow- savs a private report by Penta¬ gallons of petroleum products were stolen from U.S. bases. gon auditors, leaving the Air lations. The two sides also traded heavy artil¬ The GAO investigation was The technicians tightened the Force unable to account for $21 lery fire along the Suez Canal. slim welfare food budget valve and sealed the leak, but million in petrolieum requested by Sen. William Prox- mire. D-Wis.. who now has Israeli military spokesmen claimed four So¬ not before 3 hours and 18 The report, which has never asked Secretary of Defense Mel- viet-made MIG 21s were destroyed in the dog¬ minutes were lost. been made public, outlined doz¬ vin R. Laird for a copy of the WASHINGTON iAP>-Sen. "What we learned was how- An additional one-minute de¬ ens of management practices it "I think you fight and Egypt said two Israeli French-built Frank Church. D-Idaho. ate a bland. tasteless, monotonous learn the value lay occurred just 3 minutes and branded as faultv. It indicated Vietnam report by the Pentagon of pennies." Mrs. Church said. investigators. The report has Mirage jets were downed. Neither side admit¬ peanut butter sandwich and a and uninteresting the food was She said she spent half a day 15 seconds away from the mock they have resulted in oth¬ been in Defense Dept. files ted and losses in the heaviest air fight since the carrot under the crystal chan¬ --and I'm hungry." Mrs. Mon¬ eacrf day planning what to buy liftoff to allow time for an en¬ er large losses to the govern¬ since the one-site investiga¬ deliers of the Senate. " dale said! gine chamber in the Saturn 5's ment. but gave figures. tion was concluded in January end of the six-day war in 1967. and where to shop, adding: I'm no Sen. Walter F. Mondale. D "That's all I've been thinking second stage to be chilled to the Prepared last year by a nine- 1968. • • • a gd cook but terrible at Minn., had hot dogs for dinner about for a week is getting proper temperature. man Joint Petroleum Technical matnematics." The first supply convoy to get through in at home for three straight something more to eat. And be¬ For safety reasons. Apollo 11 Assistance Team, the report --COUPON- nights. astronauts Neil A. Armstrong. blamed lack of centralized, eight days reached Ben Het Wednesday, and Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton, D- sides. I've gained two pounds " Mrs. Eagleton said "we sur¬ Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Mi¬ JOHNNY The wives said they went in one-service control, negligence an allied commander whose troops helped vived" but more important was chael Collins did not participate Mo.. had nothing but biscuits and the rigors of for failure heavily for bread, rice, noodles the lack of nutritional foods that war break the siege claimed that "the enemy is de¬ with water in prospect for Wed¬ and other starches to stretch in the exercise. They plan to en¬ feated completely." nesday night dinner. His wife things. Peanut butter, spaghetti cost too much. ter their moonship Thursday, of the system. Last January, Nelac's the General Ac¬ said she had run completely and hot dogs were frequent after fuels are unloaded from Other officers warned, however, that the How do you send your child¬ counting Office charged that a out of money allotted for food items on the menus. They the rocket. Then thev will re¬ Communist command could launch a new at¬ The wives made their re¬ missed ren to school with empty stom¬ hearse the final hours of the LIEBERMANN'S good lean meat, fresh achs?" she asked. tack at any time against the Special Forces ports Wednesday at a news fruits and icecream. countdown and launch. camp conference on the last day of a week of buying food for their families on a welfare budget. HANDY TOTE BAGS National News The families of a half-dozen Coca-Cola has members of the Senate and House tried it out under a pro¬ carry all the extras Secretarx of State William P. Rogers said gram sponsored by the National the taste you Wednesday the drop-off in Vietnam fighting Welfare Rights Organization, and in enemy infiltration, it it continues, could which is campaigning for a speed up the withdrawal of I S. troops guaranteed adequate income in¬ stead of patchwork food pro¬ never get During the last week we have had the low¬ est level of combat activity in Vietnam for a grams for the needy a guaranteed income of S5.500 It says tired of. a year would be adequate for a longtime Rogers said family of four • • • —COUPON- Pickets continued to march at the Charleston. 500 i Hardin S.C County Hospital Wednesday, as about 100 . Suite former strikers returned to their jobs at the for Susan Medical University of South Carolina Hospital Nelac's BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY Civil WITH COUPON rights leaders and county officials fail¬ THE BLANKFIELD COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY ed to reach an agreement Wednesday afternoon in the County Hospital strike, which has enter¬ ed its 14th week. A things gO Style better. # The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved Wednesday a resolution that could be a step toward recognition of Communist China. The measure would express the sentiment Mr. John Carver For when your or a Botticelli-smooth mouth lips are chapped rough: spread on zinc ox¬ Coke of the Senate that U.S. recognition of a foreign ide ointment, rub off . . . the rough bits of skin will come government and an exchange of diplomats "does not imply that the government of the Wear your wig often? Then wash hair more often!—Your United States necessarily approves of the form, own hair doesn't pick up so ideology or policies of that government. " much dirt, but the scalp per- The fashionable woman in an¬ cient Rome always had her own The famed old Wabash Cannonball will con¬ special female slave, (called tinue to run between Detroit and St. Louis, at the ornatrix) who was a skilled least for another year, because of "great pub¬ Perfect posture tip: while Wonderful for travel for the beach. lic demand." the Interstate Commerce Com¬ or They're made waiting for an elevator, stand of hardy vinyl, with riveted handles. Above: Open tote mission ruled Wednesday. with back against wall and with side zip pocket. Below: ingenious double zipper The commission rejected a request by Nor¬ try to make all your spine for extra expansion. touch wall it pulls in folk and Western ... Railway to discontinue the your stomach and raises chest run because of revenue losses. . . . Beautifully! Out of hairdressing before a Michigan News date? Rub a few drops of baby oil between palms, smooth onto hair, brush up into a Any violation of the law at weekly hard rock beautiful shine. * concerts in Ann Arbor will be handled by Why daydream about beauty? Washtenaw County sheriff's deputies if city po¬ . . .come in to lice do not respond. Sheriff Douglas Harvey said. MR. JOHN'S Harvey said his department would not toler¬ HAIR FASHIONS and make it a reality! ate any lawbreaking at the concerts, sponsored 501 1/2 E. Grand River by Trans-Love Energies. He was especially Across From Berkey Hall critical of the lack of action taken against Phon* 351-7562 East Lansing - 209 E. Grand River alleged violators at a rock concert this past Downtown - 107 S. Washington Sunday in West Park Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. EDITORIAL MICHIGAN f Trinka Cline, executive editor The American Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor Deborah Fitch, feature editor STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY William B. Castanier advertising manager Kenneth Krell, editorial director Jeff Elliott, sports editor USE* . . . the Americ We are the children of af¬ waterfront so that we might ters darkeneo with the poison only as a repudiation of the fluence. Bathed in wealth, feed our children. In CON G ylv JKR ijje. from your industries. We could principles and proud history swaddled in luxury and wrap¬ We were touched by fate with not understand your incompre¬ that you have fought so hard ped in cloak of sufficiency. hension of the plunder you cast to protect. You have not seen We a knew Pearl Har¬ a gentler hand, perhaps more VS'lie umnumou5^?i'cl'arntion **»—States ofcXmcrtfa. that do not wish to tear never understanding, but still not per¬ upon a once fertile, proud we bor. the meaning of liberty so fect America. down that heritage, to destroy often taken for granted sud¬ You have told us that our We have not known the pain those principles, but only to denly challenged by an ob¬ "good life" was the product of and agony of death in a blitz¬ strengthen them, extend their scure. foreign enemy. For us your sweat and toil, a grimac¬ krieg over Berlin, but we have boundaries outward until they there never was a depression, ing pain we would never know. known a different pain. We embrace all within our shores. nor the cold, desolate bread And we believed you. watched as you sent us to a We are not unpatriotic be¬ lines, save in memories that Yet we stood in blank aston¬ foreign, distant land while we cause we have not blindly fol¬ have savored more the com¬ ishment when the immense baffled at your reasoning for lowed the example you have forts of suburban America than wealth accumulated in this the bloodshed you cast upon a set. We are not ungrateful be¬ the windy dust bowl of the Kan¬ vast, rich country was denied to people you neither knew, nor cause we do not grovel in the sas plains. a people whose only difference understood. You have brought past. W7e choose to live in the We did not stand beside a is the tint of their skin. We felt over 30,000 of us home from present, and seeing the condi¬ creaky kitchen table where the the pain an impoverished moth¬ this battleground in six-foot plas¬ tions before us we can do noth¬ scratchy family radio echoed er feels when she has not the tic bags. ing but try our hand at cor¬ the voice of Franklin Roosevelt milk to feed her infant son. You left us a proud heritage, recting the wrongs of 200 years. admonishing his people that That is of our time, and our far greater than that of any We have not forgotten the les¬ they had nothing to fear but world. It is too monstrous, too HS3ES land, or any time before us. You sons you taught us. but rather fear itself. gross for us to turn a head and gave us a country founded on have applied them to the gut We have heard only the tar¬ pacify ourselves with the great the dreams and aspirations of a reality as we preceive it. nished recordings. They may luxuries we ve hoarded from thousand -years of mankind's Now it is our time. A time have stirred the imagination, the rest of our brothers. toil. The freedom to think, to for questions, for new ideals. but they blurred reality. You've shown us the bounti¬ expound, to enjoy life in its A time for the end of injus¬ The world you have be¬ ful resources that cover this fullest have all been passed to tices that have become insti¬ queathed us is of a different land from Maine to California, us because of your efforts, and tutionalized. Perhaps it will be breed than the poverty covered her sparkling waters and tower¬ of those who came before you. easier now. devastation your forefathers ing timberland. a wealth of min¬ You do not understand when We care. We are the involv¬ handed you. We will never erals hidden beneath the rich¬ we criticize the institutions, the ed generation. And that is to stand in line, huddled beneath ness of coal black farm land. means and goals for which you your credit. a thin, worn frock, hoping on¬ But you turned your back when are now striving. You see it --The Editors ly for a few hours work on the the land was raped and the wa- Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 5 By BARBARA PARNESS Acting State News Staff Writer university president. She can't even remember her first im- first lady sentially right. I've reached a point where I think it's healthy for those who criticize to absorber do any (Adams l 'Wolly's institution. Even when the president is named. will resume he his If little. "I his wife find." is correct she said, Pauline Adams c t believe pression of the man she married so, I no longer take it as role as constructive critic. most people have very that her husband s acting in 1943 memories. The Adamses came to MSU in a threat." she explained. I think he will be a more They will be president of MSI1. concerned about the problems "I still think that at some 1947. They came. Mrs. Adams According to Mrs. Adams. knowl.edgable critic as a re¬ Walter Adams hasn't changed sult of this experience." she and the administrator fho mistake has been made said, because it was the only "one iota" in making the tran¬ explained then in power.' place." she said job offer her husband had What will Mrs Ada sition from faculty member to Mrs. Adams said that one Ho distinctive quality of her hus¬ member about this time administrator. • He's band is that he doesn't "play life0 ties to leave, but they have He's the roles." "I think Walter has accepted none of them just as difficult whether he's "A lot of people." she said, me that he can act r-old •"I think that when we came a teacher or the president." here it wasn't highly selec¬ she said. think that you act a certain principles and ac effectively. graduated from Harvard Univer¬ a It has been iod test of tive choice." she said. But Like other husband. way in accordance with a job. a sity in June, didn't want his any Role his beliefs. Ven few father to become the acting it would be very difficult for Walter Adams occasionally playing is hypocritical." people Mrs. Adams said that certain have the opportui president us to leave East Lansing now. brings problems home from the "office" to dis¬ proprieties are inherent in any put their beliefs ito effect." against spent 22 years of our him with his wife. job. but that you must be¬ she said. at first. He didn't lives here. cuss "I ware of "de-humanizing" the "This opportunity has proved (AdamsI to be hurt and he ? are devoted to the Univ never expect him to was sure that he would be she added, be bound by my thinking and position. She said that in our something to me that I did not highly mechanized society "this see in the past. I didn't think hurt." Mrs. Adams said. pick up as easily I'm glad that he isn't," Mrs. can be deadly.' that he could be as judicious "But." she added. I think faculty people do. Adams said. She can recall What will people remember or as controlled as he turned he's changed his mind. He sees First Winter one particular instance where it now as a very exciting ;. Adams recalls her Portrait of her husband would mistaken if he had taken her have been about the acting presidency of Walter Adams0 our of to be despite quite a bit provocation. perience You se all these earliest experience with a powers in the I ersity at Michigan winter. She remem¬ advice. bers having followed the advice from frostbite on changed her life to any great Paulina? Ada "If he would have taken my Met in 1940 in a childraising book which She stopped follow degree. Americ&n thought and language advice, he wouldn't have taken vice, she said From faculty wi "I really don't think that life las changed so much for us. has been teaching MSI' for She had the said acting presidency." she Now she said that she Lennon and Yokohurt ?xcept that there are added tinted ■Mo be a teacher, she is glad he did. both attending Brooklyn day She followed that advi< dent's wife is a great dis- id. fi_5m the time she was family auto accident but Mrs. unctions." she said. \|rs Adams this ex- in tance to traverse sees Adams said that She said that their "expanded year? old perience for her husband as social life" now includes more Still Teaching a very rewarding and enlight- receptions Despite the fact that her eningone. GOLSPIE. Scotland (AP > -- beth Sutherland. Lennons aunt, i things to which husband became acting presi- Non-Candidate John and Yoko Lennon and insisted they were serious. BOYCOTT THREAT thev ot invited before dent Nils Adams has continued advantage, she said the acting presi- their two young children by "Her head wound needed 14 Lady Role to te*rh One dencv has opened her husband previous marriages were ail stitches."' she said. Mrs. Adams said that her she being the presi- injured in an auto accident one big problem as "first ladv" dent is that she insists that he does not want Tuesday night. John's new car The hospital would not com¬ of MSU is assuming "the proper has has th? opportunity to meet to be the next president of veered off the road, throwing ment on the Lennons' condi¬ Huff raps trustees' dignity" at some public a greater number of young MSU. them all against the dashboard. tion - on John's instructions. functions. people £ "He's been a critic of the The vehicle was badly dam¬ But a Beatle spokesman in Lon¬ I don't I ve always been in close really see myself University for many years and aged don said the Lennons would as first lady of MSU. I ra¬ contacv with students. I'm very now he s jn a position go do Yoko was thought to have stay in the hospital until the tionalize though and say I'm favorably impressed with young something about it." she said, only minor injuries, but Eliza¬ end of the week just acting first lady'.' people I've always been, even - His criticism has al- closed door policy she said. How does Mrs. Adams see when i, was young." she said. * Less Sensitive ' ways been constructive structive criticism is vital for Con- PREVAL At ofte time in her husband's "I see myself." she said, career Mrs. Adams was very Efl* -COL'PON- By GEORGE BULLARD rates i. but perhaps they Dale Hathaway. AUSSC Chair- "as a shock absorber, as a •sensitive' to criticism ROMEO & publicly release wife, place where you directed at Adams. Since he JULIET Campus Editor better understand the issue or man as a has bwn the acting president. Trustee Warren Huff. D-Plv- at least feel better that there othe ing that come and let off steam." ~ hat she has changed. Nelac's SPRtYMAKER not a polished docu- EXPIRES mouth, said recently that one rea was a public review of the pro- it I "was myself as b Irrf c son he chose to boycott closed blem menl i recently as z has WITH COUPON 7-4-69 "I think." Huff said, "that there ; board meetings was over the Huff said that the board has she added question of public discussion fallen into bad habits by dis- s some useful purpose in dis- 1 teacher." BOWL IN K01IL KOMFORT ; a on a possible hike in residence cussing, during closed sessions, jjssing the aims of the Univer- 1 Spray Any Liquid hall fees certain subjects which "should T don't think the trustees be discussed publicly RECORDS PRE-RECORDED TAPES It's^Great For A Date at the touch of a button should agree to raise the rate Besides the residence hall hike, without public discussion.' Huff Huff objected to the June closed PRE-RECORDED CASSETTES Just Fill . Attach . And Spray discussion on doctoral programs Bowling said. The public may not like the board's decision ion at Oakland University. MSU \ r«rvd Great For trustees also govern Oakland. STEREO EQUIPMENT PAINTS . LACQUERS . VARNISHES He said that the board loses INSECT SPRAY LUBRICANTS "credibility" by discussing such at . Rebate ssues during closed sessions. Huff and Clair White. D-Bay THE DISC SHOP The No-Waste Aerosol Jity. announced at the June 323 East Grand River Open All During The EXTRA POWER UNITS AVAILABLE fnr cnrinri fprm spring board meetine that they would fUl bfJIIIILJ IcI III attend no more board meetings "without the availability of the OPEN MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 4th of July Weekend scholarship public or the press." SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. MORRIS AUTO PARTS Michigan students whose s scholarships were cut Huff said would that their actions perhaps force issues that should be public from the clos¬ ed finance meeting agendas. PHONE 351-5380 Of! Wards-Refreshments- Good Food 10 Brunswick Lanes For Your Bowling Pleasure COMPLETE LINE Or PARTS IV 4-5441 $20 during spring term _ i want support and _ Open bowling all day from 9 a.m. and every evening. $13 rebate from derstanding from students and 814 E. Kalamazoo 8 - 5s30 MON-SAT Mjf Jtones the Dept of Education. faculty you have to give them Ronald Jursa. director of the a„ the information di of financial aids of he contjnued. "What the hell's the Michigan Dept of Educa¬ wrong public disagree- MSU STUDENTS tion. said that all students were JUjST NORTH OF FRANDOR originally billed for $20 '"Huff said. howev< because scholarship commit- such as Universitj ments for the year exceeded and personalities "we ORDER the priation. $6-1 4 million appro- mate i subject for closed) sessions." Coming Fast Is YOUR Jursa explained that the a- He disagreed with the secrecy mount for of money committed scholarships before tall surrounding the statement on the desired aims of the University STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average The 4th of July RING term is based on past ex- recently drafted bv the All-U- everyday waiter hater NOW! perience with students who niversitv Search and Selection drop out The commitments always exceed the appropri¬ Committee < AUSSC>. 600 N Homer Weekend - ation because the money is returned for students who drop YOUR MSU CLASS RING out. he This said year. Jursa said, not Look At So™ Real The most respected symbol of your educational as many students dropped out as were expected We kind of gamble with "SPARKLERS" achievement is on display now, custom designed for your school by John Roberts. commitments each year as best as we can to keep within the appropriation and also help The classic as many students as we can." he said. solitaire in an Jursa said that scholarship commitments ran about one- exquisite setting half per cent, or approxi¬ Hhe original Land mately $70,000. above the ap¬ propriation. • PRESENTS• —COUPON- 500 off PETER, PAUL & MARY IL FORNO RATHSKELLER at PETER, PAUL, RESTAURANT World's Finest School Rings NeJac's ANDM0MMY DAILY 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. Greg McDonald at the Pla WITH COUPON DON'T FORGET-YOUR Open July 4 Weekend Every Afternoon - The Draft Wednesday Night - Happy Hours M.S.U. 1.0. SAVES YOU 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Monday Night - pizza Feast Thursday Night - Quart Night MONEY AT ZALE'S 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.-l0 p.m. 2 a.m. Friday TGIF DIRECT DIAMOND Tuesday Night - Special Night - AMPLE PART SUPPLY Bruce Jim 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. 12 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. IMPORTERS Zales JEWELERS "Financing Available" FRANDQR DOWNTOWN 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 THE BEER DEPOT SHOPPING CENTER 203 S. WASHINGTON 207 S. Washington - Lansing 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 Educational The Amorous seen By SHIRLEY BRl'NNER on Affiliated with and < 'tickles' audiences Bravo! A toast to the Ledges Slate News Representative sioned to make programs for the Playhouse for its current pro¬ love therefore I am > graces W MSB. MSU's educational tel¬ National Educational Television evision station, is a non-commer¬ network. WMSB provides pro¬ duction of "The Amorous Flea a doorway: a sign on a house cial station transmitting on Chan¬ grams prepared for and used by a musical adaptation by J. De- says "Curb your dog," and a nel 10 from Onondaga. Licensed the Michigan Classroom Tele¬ vine and B. Montgomery of Mo- dog reminiscent of RCA's 'His liere's "School for Wives." Master's Voice" is painted on through the MSI trustees. vision for use in elementary Musical adaptations often lose the curbing facing a horn-shaped WMSB. a division of the Univer¬ schools. They also show occa¬ sional programs for the college much of the original. Not so yellow flower. sity's Continuing Education Ser¬ There is "The Amorous Flea Moliere s even a touch of the vice. has its studio on campus level. - at 600 Kalamazoo St. The university started its tel¬ spirit dominates the music and "Laugh-In" guru in one of lyrics, and the evening itself. William Lyman's gestures. Ly¬ evising in 1954 when it was The play opens when an actor, man creates a funny and love- Participating in the only ar¬ broadcast on Channel 60. VVKAR^ silent, walks onstage, stares at able Horace. rangement of its kind in the TV Because of the difficulties countrv. the station is shared 'in building an audience on a UHF the audience, raps his cane Lighting is very imaginative by WMSB and WILX. a com¬ channel, the station switched to three times and walks off. A using the theatre's recently re¬ mercial station in Jackson. its affiliation with Channel 10 voice behind me in the audience juvenated electrical system. asked "What did he say?" The music is The opening-night audience's WMSB broadcasts nearly 30 in January.1959 appropriately MSU students alone are res¬ The dialogue that follows is flippant- -and good listening as response to the actors trans¬ per cent of the air time on a crisp and sharp, derived from well. The third act song. "It's cended conventional theatric pre-arranged schedule, and re¬ ponsible for the production of al boundaries. When Arnolphe de the artistry of Moliere. A Stretchy Day." is especially ceives a rental fee from WILX Fur the i the Gamut series. Students in the radio and television depart¬ Summer " What was she taught'1 charming. clared his purity, two ladies re¬ support < from the I'niver- ment provide the crew, ideas agile rink lid in Demonstration Hall shows the Faculty Club how effortless "Ignorance." The lyrics, like much of the plied with a loud emphatic and talent while WMSB gives State News photo by Wayne Munn "She mastered it completely action, are pleasantly bawdy, well Oh " Men responded with which 1 >vides a grant to ure skating < i seem. . help finance its operations suited to Moliere's wit. understanding and amused looks The company is excellent. All when Arnolphe addressed his The station uses a number of of the principals deserve problems to them. students in regular operations, primarily in production areas. The volunteer apprenticeship pro WESTERNS, COMEDY star" livery billing. Outstanding de¬ compensates for their One lady's laugh was loud anc shrill throughout the perfor rather ordinary singing voices. mance, and the cast replied b\ gram provides an opportunity for Chris Schneider's voice is po¬ ad-libbing lines to her. majors and students Films, fireworks top holiday fare terested >rk to tentially good She needs consid¬ 1 wouldn't be surprised if thev erable coaching to avoid chan¬ urged her to return each even¬ gain some practical experience, after which the students are el¬ ging volume and tone quality ing. her performance became ar as she changes pitch. Miss integral part of the play! igible for paid part-time positions various of TV work and F ilms and fireworks monstration Hall. Tickets for Schneider, as Agnes, is a love¬ Parker Zellers ad libs beaut in areas highlight Deneuve star in "The April production local entertainment for the Fools" showing at the Glad- the morning-only performances ly and engaging nitwit. ifullv. and his. skillful deliver\ The choreography-blocking ex¬ lends credibility to the prepared According to station manager long Fourth of July holiday mer This romantic comedy are available at the door Cur¬ cels. and the actors use it well ad libs" as well. Robert Page. WMSB provides The rest is movies, some new also features Peter Lawford. tain time is 10 a.m. The City of Lansing is spon¬ The servants. Mary Beth Supin- programs of a general inform¬ to the area, some old. Among Harvey Korman and Charles Two shows which have been ger and Peter Silbert. are bril¬ A word of advise in case you ational and cultural nature to the soring a fireworks display Fri- the new is "True Grit." now Boyer. here for a while continue to liant actors, dancers and comics. haven't been to the Ledges Pla\ people in the Channel 10 area, day night at Frances Park, lo¬ playing at the Spartan Twin Bob Hope and Jackie Glea- haunt us: "Heironymus Mer- cated on Moores River Drive John Peakes has mastered the house. Get good directions and with special programs for all East. This drama of the West son are giving lessons on the kin" at the Campus, because difficult art of directing comedy. follow them. It's very easy to ages from pre-schoolers to sen- near Mt. Hope It's a nice park stars John Wayne. (Hen Camp¬ ultimate crime at the Michi¬ it's so awful, and Belle de and enough people should at- The actors make full use of their make the 20 minute drive from bell and Kim Darby Next door gan. where "How To Commit Jour" at the State, because it's newly improved theatre. The the Lansing area to Grand at the Spartan West is The Marriage" has begun its run. so puzzling. For an evening of thrust stage allows great free¬ Ledge It's also easy to find NOW! Wild Bunch, another western, The film also stars one of the featuring William Holden. Ern¬ funniest men alive-Professor nonthinking see the former: for lovers of the theatre of devious- dom of movement. The action Fitzgerald Park, which houses extends into the aisles the theatre. if you're not Val¬ THRU and Belle . est Borgnine and Edmond Irwin Corey (The World's Fore¬ ness symbolism. Parker Zellers. as Arnolphe. erie Restivo! O-Brien most Authority i. . . • " starring Catherine Dene- threatens and cajoles members ]TUESDAY Jack Lemmon and Catherine "Born Yesterday' and Me and ^the Colonel" will be pre¬ "Charly" returns to Lansing, of the audience with words, gest¬ ures and sweeps of his cane. I blundered onto a wrong turn and drove off toward infinity on sented by the Beal Film Group riding on the laurels of an Ac a¬ The actors address themselves a washboard farm road until jl Beal Film Group presents Friday and Saturdav evenings demy Award winning per¬ ?! and 9:15 in to lights, lighting crew, and pi¬ common sense made me turn at 104B Wells. formance by Cliff Robertson. * Tonight Only Adrrf ssion is 50 cents A Children's play. "The Sleep¬ Claire Bloom co-stars in this anist - - and complain about the nonexistent stage crew as they back 4 Rex Harrison and Lilli Palmer in Stanley Kramer's story of artificially-induced in¬ In any case, you may want to ing jieauty." will be presented telligence. beginning at the manipulate Andrew Mack's ver¬ satile scenery. leave early and enjoy the beauty J The Four Poster by MSU Summer Circle at De- Starlite Drive-in tonight Like everything else, the set of Fitzgerald Park before the Jf The story of a marriage and its bed. is tongue-in-cheek. An inscrip¬ performance. There are picnic ICE SHOW tion. AMO ERGO SUM (I facilities and a lovely play¬ J Also Chapter 4 of "THE HURRICANE EXPRESS" TALENT ON ICE ground. * 504 No ID 7 and 9 104 B Wells —COUPON— Tuesday July 8th. 8:00 P.M. 500 Creedence The Amorous Flea" contin¬ * Friday and Saturday WORLD CHAMPION Clearwater Revival "Bayou Country" ues through July 6 and will pla\ again July 8-13. When you go. SKATERS | 2 CountComedy Them 2 Tickets Available Arena Box Office Nelac's choose apparel that's comfort¬ able to laugh, guffaw, even roll 99 * * Brilliant Judy Holliday won Films Best Actress for Rinkside Seats Balcony Seats $1.00 .75^ in the aisles in. WOMEN j Born Yesterday "w> MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ICE ARENA } Danny Kaye's best film PUBLIC SKATING J Me and the Colonel »'<» Thursday through Saturday Evenings 8:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. you were * Chapter 5 of "HURRICANE EXPRESS" 8:45 at Saturday and Sunday Afternoons J 108 B Wells 50<£ ID not required 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. For Information call 355-2380 XI? STARTS PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 OPEN ALL DAY JULY 4th NORTHSIDE now TODAY AT -FROM 1:00 P.M. 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 P.M. PIMVE-IN THEATRE -™RU- BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS j Whs Hfrt m US-27.. 482-7409 TUESDAY SECOND "'THE APRIL FOOLS' IS VERY FUNNY!" 3 COLOR FEATURES (G-RATED) WEEK -New York Daily News TONIGHT - - from 7:15 P.M. "Fresh and alive... romantic and funny."—Monitor, NBC Radio; "Pure Pleasure... deliciously witty!" cAdifferent lqnd of i6le. —Women's Wear Daily; "Comedy edged in farce!" — N.Y.Times;"Genuinely's what comedy is all about!"—National Observer; "It's hilarious! An enchanting surprise package!"—Cue Magazine rA different kind of man. "Luis TSun On his neck he wore the brand of a killer c7 Masterpiece On his hip he wore vengear National General Pictures,^ ELVIS PRESLEY CHARROI TfCHNICOlOR" PANAV1S10N" © SHOWN 2nd 10:30 2nd Color Featun Ybu can't escape The Stalking Moon, NAnONAL GENERAL PICTURES Presents GREGORY | peck EVA MARIE PdSt^T BeIIe CATHERINE DENEUVE the Talking moon WINNER BEST PICTURE VENICE FILM FESTIVAL PANAVISION- (fc TECHNtCOLOfV • BELLE de JOUR mss* * » i« e«i SHOWN LATE -3rd Color Hit Gerry Lewis in NEXT ATTRACTION! Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve in "The April Fools" Peter Lawford, Jack Weston, Myrna Loy, Harvey Korman and Charlies Boyer technicolor Hook, Line & Sinker "HUGS AND KISSES"1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 7 Mass exodus to stall traffic By ROSANNE BAIME sites; may find themselves in will offer fireworks minute fireworks show fol¬ and Kresge Art Center will State News Staff Writer long:, waiting lines. A repre¬ lowing. be closed. Abrams Planetarium Independence Day in the sentative of the Michigan tourist will present a show at 8 The East Lansing Rotary Club p.m. fun-filled Metropolitan Lansing council said this week that The first aerial fireworks will sponsor a fireworks dis¬ Friday, despite the holiday. area-the cue for a mass exo¬ carr&ing sites are generally display in 30 years will be The library will be closed dus east, west and north. buss; this time of year and sponsored by WJIM television play in City Park. Friday. For those who want Most students with trans¬ norrially crowded during holi¬ and radio in Francis Park. Neither city plans to have to study for upcoming mid¬ portation. and some without, are day jyeekends. General entertainment plus an any other celebrations. term exams, however, it will expected to leave the campus "the weekend of June 22 appearance by Lansing Mayor On-campus activity will be be open Saturday from 8 a.m. - today for the holiday weekend hundreds of campers were Gerald Graves will run from light Friday. Classes are con- 5 p.m.. and Sundav from via trains, planes, cars and turned away from various Mich¬ 7:45 - 9 p.m., with a 45- celled and both the Museum 2-11 p.m. buses. igan public camping grounds State Police officials expect he said. Area broadcasters present extremely heavy traffic on all Commercial transportation major north-south highways is readying for the rush. United starting early this afternoon AirHies already reports one and again on Sunday. A spokes¬ of today's flights from Lansing man from the police also pre¬ to Chicago as filled and the dicted heavy traffic in lake areas. "Last year 26 people were flight to Detroit nearly closed. Tlj*i Grand Trunk Railroad has scheduled extra east and Lansing fireworks display For the first time in 30 years an aerial fire¬ Both Graves and WJIM hope to expand the killed on the highways during west-bound stops at Farm Lane the works display will be held in the city of Lan¬ activities in the future and make it an annual holiday weekend," the today. East bound trains will sing. celebration. Tentative plans. Jones said, in¬ Good Old spokesman said. "I predict what fatalities will be can't stop: at 2:38 and 8:24p.m.. while westbound will stop at The show will be sponsored by television and clude turning the day into a day-long picnic this 1:35»: and 6:15 p.m. Regular radio station WJIM at 9 p.m. in Lansing's Fran¬ with popular entertainment, with the fireworks year, but the present This MSU Museum depiction tells it like it was—on the Fourth of July around trend indicates they will in¬ cis Park. display capping the day's events. stopr. on Friday and Sunday 1855; the days when throngs of celebrating towns-people cheered the arrival crease." will* be made as scheduled. "We were talking about various summer pro¬ of their local congressman and everyone turned out for some good summer motions we could run." Tom Jones. WJIM sta¬ Fireworks are as traditional to Independence Weekenders flocking to Greyhound Bus scheduling fun. State News Photo by Wayne Munn northern and lakeside camp- was not changed for the holi¬ tion manager said, "and Mayor Graves was Day as apple pie is American. Why have they talking about necessary programs in the city.' been eliminated from Lansing celebrations, it day Weekend. with the exception of *n extra east-bound bus Station executives came up with two ideas- was asked. a fireworks display and a series of street dan¬ leaving the East Lansing sta- A representative of the Lansing Park and RIOTOUS CELEBRATIONS. . . tionifor Detroit at 3:30 p.m.. ces in July and August. Both were enthusias¬ Eric-ay. tically approved by Graves. Jones said. Recreation Dept. said tl\at for many years. Those students remaining in We're working in cooperation with the city Lansing residents attended shows presented Eas* Lansing will find plenty all the way." he said. " City officials helped us by two local country clubs. When the city tried to present its own show, he said, it ran into select the site for the display, give us permis¬ Doldrums of £vents and activities to spark Fourth problems finding a proper location. to occupy their time. In addition sion to stage the show, and get help from po¬ I doubt if it's been 30 years, to the everyday movies showing lice and fire departments for traffic super¬ though. sine* the city's last display." he said. in the area, many local commu- vision and safetv." By SHIRLEY BRl'NNER come through with some ex¬ is about to fall in and you Program Info 332-6944 LAST SYAD6 ientation sessions where Gor¬ State News Staff Writer citement. so that the Fourth can will have a minor riot don Sabine will explain in de¬ Feature So here you are. stuck in be spent crouched against the If you feel you've become too tail how lucky we are to be 1:15 - 3:20 - 5:25 East Lansing on the Fourth of wall in some basement Try cynical about the environment here. Listening to the idealis¬ 7:30 - 9:40 July, and forced to come up setting off firecrackers. Evi here, take a walk over to South tic incoming freshmen should with something stimulating and body will think the building Complex and sit i some or- also prove entertaining. exciting to celebrate appropriate /2 MILES SOUTHWEST OF LANSING ON M-78 CAUTION! If all else fails, there's al- ly. Well. East Lansing just Movies, Friday .\ignt ai me isn't made tions. for riotous celebra¬ Especially in the sum¬ Movies, etc. TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! Maybe even studying. mer. WIS THEATRE IS OFF LIMITS! of Chances the books haven't Spirit are But ulation the entertainment-stim¬ void in this city has patr been opened yet this term be¬ cause you still haven't recov¬ During the engagement of "CAN HEIRONYMUS MERKIN EVER ACADEMY already been discussed in depth, and anyone who has spent the ered from spring term finals FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS?," AWARD & BEST ACTOR first three weeks of the term here is well aware of the situa¬ tion. Don't bemoan what can't pervades M week when no studying was done for anyway, an excuse. but. anything swe must advise our patrons that the picture Playboy Magazine devoted 10 pages to is WINNER? OF THE YEAR be changed. Be optimistic There must be something here to Back in the "good old days" before the Fourth of July became a day for swimming, boating, playing golf and If you're really bored, try reading beyond Peanuts and the DEFINITELY NOT FOB EVERYONE! CLIFF & drinking beer, it was the day when a wave of patriotism vrossword puzzle in the State There are some scenes so explicit, so realistic, ROBERTSON . do surged across the country, engulfing the heartland of Ameri- News We obviously can't of¬ so natural mat The first requirement for the ca-the small towns. Fourth is a picnic and water. fer you any earth-shaking sug¬ "IT MAKES'BLOW-UP' LOOK LIKE C^Ly Fathers and mothers took the children to the park, where gestions for excitement, but it Yes. we do have the water. everyone enjoyed a picnic lunch that maybe included apple will pass the time. SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN 'LITTLE MISS MARKER !" The Red Cedar and Lake Lan¬ pie The young ones waved flags while romping through the —COUPON- sing But for swimming'1 The old quote, rephrased by the MSU streets, trailing behind their parents who were eager to hear their congressman speak from the banner-decked train at the 500 CHICAGO 2 Anthony Newiey loan Collins Milton Beds, student should be. "Water, water local station. TRANSIT tan Heironymus Merkm ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true happiness7" everywhere and not a place staning BfUCe Forsyth Stubby Kaye and George Jessel* The Presence An exhibit in the MSU museum portrays a small town AUTHORITY : co to swim. " celebration of So that idea is shot. Some centers around a Independence Day around 1855. The display scale model locomotive, built sometime about Nelac's PERSONS UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED coeds had a good idea in bring¬ that year. WITH COUPON Starts Wed!^^Goodbye7columbus^M'^ ing up a wading pool It could The locomotive . trimmed with flags, is represented .as be a reasonable substitute for the Program Information 482-3905 bringing to town the speaker of the day. A band waits near IM pool on a hot day unless the tracks as the local townspeople gather to hear a patriotic your dorm authorities decide you re using too much water and somewhat political oratory. Yal Berrvman. Museum curator, said that the locomotive cool Ml TODAY and college students sitting in a little kids pool doesn t re¬ is about 10 to 12 inches high and set among figures and a station which the museum staff built to scale. I flect well on the intelligence Berryman said that the exhibit represents a Fourth of July CLIFF ROBERTSON.Ctt^Ly CLAIRE BLOOt and sophistication level of a uni- Night life for those not 21. political parade of about 1855. FOX EASTERN Tl Bob Hope and Jackie Gleason, ALSO RAV!SHANKAR SEL1GJ SELIGM with tion a or car set of false identifica¬ is non-existent Now " SPARTAN TWIN EAST the two giants of comedy, FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0 that they've made East Lan¬ sing wet. there is hope that in show you How lb Commit Marriage. SHOWN AT 1:30 - 3:50 - 6:15 - 8:30 the future we'll be allowed to run across Grand River for cold beer-but that's in the future a 10HN WAYNE - GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY For now. the only solution lies . 4,]M a V in grabbing a six-pack and re¬ tiring to the seclusion of the bushes along the river It's tornado season, and if we're lucky the weather may TONIGHT! ALL COLOF 50t --C0U„PON - THE STRANGEST ROUNDUP 0 oh Frost - at FROST MUSIC AS COW Nelac's EXPIRES BAT WITH COUPON 7-4-69 M0NS Presents THE SLEEPING BEAUTY A PLAY FOR CHILDREN Special July 4th Production LEDGES PLAYHOUSE professional SUMMER THEATRE Musical Comedy 'THE AMOROUS FLEA" Tonite - July 13 BOB HOPE-JACKIE GLEASON Moliere's JANEWYMAN "SCHOOL FOR WIVES" Filled With Song ffl^TECHMICOlOR'PANAVISION'From WARNER BROS -SEVEN ARTSlft- "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" W U'AM f RNfSt ROBSRT EDMOND Student Rate (ID Card) a naho picture LESLIE NIELSEN MAUREEN ARTHUR HOLDEN BORGNINE RYAN OBRIEN WARRf r j JAMf Bt rj and TOISSOR IRWIN COREY as the Bab? Ziba producer • with TINA LOUISE • story and screenplay by BEN BUI LAWRENCE ■ directed by NORMAN PANAMA^^COlOR by TECHNICOLOR' STARR and MICHAEL KANIN s WILLIAM E BAST - CH/ FHfflH in OYNAMATION® TECHNICOI ALSO WESTERN HI OATES SANCHEZ JOHNSON For SUTURE A Reservations 627-7805 W Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July CATHOLIC RESPECT \ Hectic wedding schedule I Women ur ged fills Alumni Chapel facilities to cov candelabra, a wrought iron the Chapel, likes his job. to more useful lives and more By DARIA SCHLEG A kneeler or two kneeling pillows expecially when it involves wed- gainful endeavors. The public NEW YORK (AP) - Covering Canon 1262 of Catholicisms MSI' is reputed to be. and a white canvas runner for dings, which he calls "the most press should come to see the female head in church is cocle Church laws, last/ re- mong other things, a vast the center aisle. Added this sacred endeavors that take what happens." still the Roman Catholic norm vised in 1918 and now Joeing mating ground, replete with year is a bronze bell cast in place in the society of man." husband-hunting co-eds. How 1886 in Baltimore, Maryland, According to Fields, the vow But it is more an encouraged reviewed again by the Vafiran. During the conversation with many formal unions do occur The Chapel. deceptively of matrimony "keeps the world Fjejds a coed and her mother practice than a strict rule these savs women must coveqtfieir days, say Church officials in heads in church and dress ino- is anybody's guess, but at larger than its front indi- in equilibrium, and keeps the came }n The gjri had re_ the United States. least 111 marriages will be destly. . - cates. can accomodate 200 chaos out of it. " served the chapel a year ago. There has been much public officially solemnized this year people. The chapel has stained- "There is nothing more beau- weddjng was planned for confusion in recent weeks about When tlJe Vatic^ last May 2 at the MSU Alumni Memorial glass windows. pews of tiful. joyous and sublime than August. issued a new missal-the offi the Vatican s latest worship re- Chapel. bleached oak. and is air- a bride at the time she ap- cjai pravgr book a priest uses^at visions and whether the ancient The red-bricked chapel, par- conditioned. Downstairs is a proaches the altar to take The bride-to-be chose the the altar^ saving the Mass_. tially covered with ivy and set bride's dressing room and a her vows." Fields said. chapel because "It is a nice requirement phrased by St on head-covering rep0rters?ft a hews conference The articulate sexton sees Paul was still there asked if there among the green lawns and reception room, was any., his role? as the chapel's host, warm building. Most new build¬ in effect. trees typical of MSU. has been The Union will be happy to ings are too cold. Also, the thing iry>the(new book "abou£ used for weddings since its cater the reception, providing and calls himself "the mother's chapel is in the middle of The answer from American the female head being covered .' dedication in 1952. any combination of punch, best man at weddings. ecclesiastical authorities, is that '^n °ff>c>al °f the Vatican "We have more requests coffee, finger sandwiches and Fields must < ^ Detroit and Grand Rapids." the rule remains on the books Congregation for Divine Wor- than can be filled." savs Beth ice-cream. The minimum fee the chapel is prepared so that The two women went down- but without penalty. ship said there was nbt. , , Gustafson of the Managers is $95. "it is representative of the staVrs to see the bride's dress- "It is still encouraged that Headcoverings may stil^be Union office, "but 1 can us- sacredness of matnmony. On To be married in the Chapel ing room When they came women wear a headcovering. worn it women want to.-^.jhe usallv fill about 75 per cent requires that one partner have days when there are three the mother asked' Fields a although it depends more on Italian priest remarked. Ibut of the requests weddings scheduled, he works a connection with the University few questions the custom of the place and the there is no longer a general will For $25. the wedding party get one rehearsal, use of either as a student. alumnus. 10 hours keeping the chapel in hrt,,rc readiness. fh- awSXt fashion that is in vogue, said rule requiring it ^ employe or a relation of an \s they were ready to leave. the Verv Reverend Messenger The st°ry was printed the the in organ-which Holland and was reassembled made alumnus. The . Fields works the wedding party to get an closely with pjelds told the girl to make sure the groom ieft all the Marriage bureau Thomas J. McGovern. informa- tion director for Terence Car- - next da>' in newspapers,arourrd. Italy and abroad Seven weeks chapel should be ~~ here - two seven - branched '"1 served at least tive months montns understanding of what they want, details to the best man. ...... Memorial Chapel has bestowed MRS de- dinal Cooke's New York arch- later the otficial heW a Meeting, and hQw th delai,s should be eroom s DurDOse that dav vast numbers of coeds; 111 were awarded diocese °ther Va|icait experts fon in advance to insure getting taken care _r of. His job also ine &roum» pur|iuae uwl worship and said he had been the desired time and day. ac- - is to get married.' State News photo by Bob Ivins Elizabeth II ill cirding "I to Mrs. Gustafson. includes coping with nervous mothers and suspicious fathers, out of "The practice is encouraged respect." he explained misunderstood' The repoj-ts of May were a ^errible mistaki also prefer to have the who often feel left out of the In Washington, a spokesman he said. ' after investiture jT"'!. application come in inand "" whole process, according to for the Liturgy Committee of Whether a W0marl(6 head is Penthouse luxuries person Fields. the National Conference of at covered or bare has nothing to my office, although reser¬ Most Catholic Bishops said much the LONDON AP> weddings, however, go do wiUj either the old 6r Yhe i - Queen vations can be made by phone." Elizabeth II became ill with a she adds. smoothly, although grooms often same thing new Roman Missal. said*the.*of- feverish cold Wednesday and has forget licenses and rings, and ; We should not make a fetish ficial the Reverend Predictably. June is the most a bride once held up the wedding ot the law. however, said the - Anmb^le called off Thursday's tea party popular month for weddings. Bugnini. the worship congrega¬ for 45 minutes because who Reverend Joseph Champlin reserved f with President Nixon's daughter tion's secretary. Instead it is a Saturday is the most popular forgot her garter. Tricia. Buckingham Palace an¬ nounced. day. and the end of finals Fields claims that no one By way of example, he said patter spelled out in Canon and term breaks are the most it was straining the law" for j gets stood up at the altar. Other engagements canceled popular times, according to He attributes this to the fact women to pull a handkerchief In clarifying subsequent include Friday's visit to the Mrs. Gustafson By CINDY TEW Wimbledon tennis This June there that "young people know each Two MSL penthouses, built a kitchenette, carpeting, new fur- i companies have developed a one or paper tissue out of her, purse certainties. said: Msgr MCTioverr We don't intend to champion- 22 wed¬ niture ' penthouses, fol- computer programs.' Fruit said The Defithouse is a nerfect com Executive Reporter t0 ^ut nothing will really get prepared to do things that lead , i nt pejnnouse isa pertect com- Highway planners have griped. done to help the problem unless Church lowed. .by , . newlv created apart- , . promise between on and off-cam- urban planners are upset, aud- the legislators are concerned." --COUPON- ments in Fee. add more var- pus living." Thompson added, 500 JEFF BECK- ietv to on-campus living. The The apartment costs the pair iologists and pediatricians are concerned and state health of¬ one urban planner noted, At least six Michigan legis¬ dorm system strives to compare $80 eachper month ficials are worried. "at Newest favorably with off-campus hous- a n-?w dormitory service, The cause of the gripes, com¬ lators are concerned, and they Nursery Church School introduced a bill to the House ing. Lvle. A. Thorburn, mana- renting :'compact refrigerators, KAIL RUFFNER, Minister 9:15 a.m. NeJ3C S EXPIRES ger of residence halls, said. wju be?, available to all stud- plaints and worries is environ¬ mental noise, and too much of of Representatives to $£ove it. WITH COUPON 7-4-69 The Holden penthouses include ents beginning fall term Rep. Raymond Smith R-'Vnn Ar¬ 332-5193 332-3035 Two 8:15, 9:15 & 10:30 a bor. introduced the bilkft^ April and has since received>2.500 to Central Methodist LUTHERAN FIRST SAST LANSING EDGEWOOD UNITED set up a working commUtee this ALL SAINTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Across From the Capitol WORSHIP FRliiNDS MEETING summer 469 N. Hagadorn WORSHIP SERVICE • I don t think the EPISCOPAL Martin Luther CHURCH public is 10:00 a.m. Chapel meeting for worship 3 p.m. - an ecumenical fellowship - Lutheran Student Center going to put up with the in- with the noise levels tQ be set All Saints Parish Summer Sunday Service CHURCH 444 Abbott Road (Disciples of Christ) creasing noise levels tor much Standards that wil, work for -800 Abbott Road & Church School-9:30 a.m. longer.' Smit said both Hondas and trucks Sermon presented by 1001 Chester Rd. Lansing Upper level, corner room SERMON BY Another representative. Wil¬ established. 800 Abbott Rd. liam Copeland - D-Wyandotte. While representatives agree Rev. William Auener Child care provided DR. TRUMAN MORRISON will head the committee and that the noise problem is becom¬ (1/3 mi. N.W. of Frandor) ?A11 are welcome hopes to get a sta^ working on Sunday Services Church School 10:00 a.m. ing acute and has grown by Service at 9:30 the problem as was done for Crib Nursery leaps and bounds, why has it at 8:00 & 10:00 a.'rr So Bring The Baby IV 5-9477 Communion WELCOME water and air pollution , taken so long to introduce legis- High noise levels or noise jatjon UNIVE RSITY pollution could become thf No 1 Politicians are motivated for UNIVERSITY urban problem and Smit aims to Peoples Church First Church of political reasons." Anderson ad- SEVENTH-DAY Christ Scientist BAPTIST Wardcliff set some controls through his mitted. "and there is minimum * CASTmmSTCR PRCSByTCRian ChllRCh East Lansing 709 E. Grand River CHURCH School ADVE NT 1ST CHURCH bill publicity involved with treating 1315 Abboff Rd. The bill would set the max- the noise problem. Not too,manv Interdenominational Sabbath School 9:30 East Lansing <;cst ronsino. oncnicon (American Baptist) imum sound level at 90 dec- citizens complain, but L think Sunday Service 10 a.m. Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor, Worship Service 11:00 ibals. roughly equivalent to the the study needs to be done, 200 W. Grand River SUNDAY SCHEDULE Meeting at sound of* a sports car. truck smit also agrees that, while at Michigan Worship 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. 504 Ann St. or shouted conversation. Unmuf- LESSON - SERMON noise has been brushed off as Worship Service and Pre-school Church School 11:10 a.m. (Corner of Division) fled exhaust systems would be an annoyance, it could become "God" through 3rd grade .... 9:30 a.m. Wednesday prayer banned ho<5r 6:45 p.m. Loy G. Foil, Pastor .j*- a thing to protest. * Smit said noj^e is simply the NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES "People are becoming more Free Bits Service manifestation SUNDAY SCHOOL and ^ an inefficient sensitive to their environ- Rev. Robert David Leas . 337-0183 Nuvsery 332-1888 product. and thai this inetticien- ment I saw this same con¬ "A Free Man ' 10:00 a.m. all classes ey could -be f.urbed He cited cern develop over the water pol- FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH automotive noise as one of the Tution problem. Smit said most serious offenders v \ Action is anticipated on the bill Dr. Wallace Robertson "There are technological ways .At next year, and whether the Free Public Reading Room EVENING SERVICE {AST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH McDonald Middle School Interdenominational to avoid these noises, but we -' -ri^ise problerrwwill have become aren't aware of them. Smit ^nore acute by then can only CHURCH SCHOOL 134 West Grand River 7:00 p.m. JL6C1 Burcham Drive said. His committee hopes to . bje> speculated. The only thing leg- 10:00 a.m. OPEN E. Eugene Williams, Pastor uncover some of these ways this gators seem to agree on is Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. Rev. Hoksbergen summer that there is a great lack of University Class 9:00 a.m. Another promoter of the bill, research in the area of noise Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. preaching Crib throught Adults Loren Enderson. R-Pontiac, Evenings 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. "Today's Message to Israel" 7:00 p.m. pollution All are welcome to attend CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue St., Apt. 3 wants to make sure that all seg- We must find out where we ■ Refreshment period in Social Trinity Collegiate Fellowship .8:30T?.m. Church Services and visit and Alvin Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 ments of society are satisfied are. " Anderson said. Hall following worship serv- Wedftsday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m. the FREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on • ices. use reading room. Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm Residence Hall Bulletin Board. UNIVERSITY UNITED SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 1518 S. Washington SUNDAY*7'.00 P.M. Dr. "God Sends A Storm" Sugden "What Does God Do Because Of His Deep Concern For Us? Does Lansi 1120 Souta Harrison "Vhe Power Of Communion Phone: 351-7030 Love" HE He Drop Us When We Fail Him?" The University of Man will 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN Morning Worship 9:30 & 11: JO hold a meeting at noon in room FELLOWSHIP College Bible Class 328 Student Services Bldg. For in the fireside room 8:30 p.m. Church-School 9:30 (for all ages) further information, contact Jill Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room Schulze at 627-5187. The Beal Film Group will present Born Yesterday and 11:00 a.m. "Voice From The Grave" Me and the Colonel Friday and The Beal Film Group will present The Four Poster, star¬ Saturday night at 7 and 9 in FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening 108B Wells. Admission is 50 ring Rex Harrison, tonight at 7 Call 482-0754 for information. and 9 in 104B Wells. Admission' cents, and ID s are not required. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 9 WOMEN'S TENNIS TITLE Olympian Thor How they King vs Jones goes to Basel stand By LINDA MILLER Mrs. King, seeded second, United States a men's finalist WIMBLEDON. ENGLAND In Friday's final Mrs. King Gymnast Dave Thor, MSU's '68 Olympian, will be in Basel. will had her easiest match of the when he goes against top-seeded (UPI)—Billie Jean King of oppose England's Ann Switzerland. July 2-6. for the Gymnaestrada. held quadren¬ Long Beach. Calif . brushing Jones, who upset Australia's tournament against little Miss Casals, the only unseeded play¬ and defending champion Rod Laver of Australia Thursday. nially for the world's top gymnasts. American aside the effects of a tennis top-seeded Margaret Smith. 10- Thor and Olympian Kathy Rigby, both of California, are er to gain the semis. The match In the other semi-final. EASTERN DIVISION elbow" that has troubled her 12. 6-3. 6-2. in the other semi. an the first U.S. gymnasts in the history of the event to receive Mrs. King beat Mrs Jones for required a mere 28 minutes all-Australian affair, Tony all year, humiliated doubles invitations. Baltimore 55 23 . 705 - the 1967 title and then disposed and when it was over Billie Jean Roche opposes John Newcombe. partner Rosemary Casals. 6-1. The event is a demonstration of gymnastic virtuosity. Thor of her again in last year's declined to discuss the merits Mrs. King, who has been un¬ DETROIT 6-0. Wednesday to gain the will perform in all-around competition. finals of the Wimbledon Cham¬ semi-finals. Both finalists are of her victory. der the attention of a physic¬ Washington Performing in thr Gymnaestrada is a mark of distinction New York professionals with World Arthur Ashe of Richmond, ian for her ailing elbow, lost pionships in quest of her fourth for gymnasts. MSU Coach (ieorge Szvpula said. Cleveland 29 46 .387 24H consecutive title. Championship Tennis Va.. will attempt to give the only 17 points to Miss Casals, "This is probably one ^ : the greatest honors a gymnast her teammate in 1967 and 1968 could receive It mear WESTERN DIVISION n itionally he has great respect." when the pair captured the Wim¬ Szvpula said. bledon Women's Doubles Cham¬ Thor's reputation as an ace gymnast was reasserted last 42 33 560 pionship. Miss Casals, of San month when he walked away with top honors in American Seattle Francisco, was able to hold her Cup competition. In competition with Mexico. Canada and Kansas City service only once-in the fourth other Latin American countries. Thor proved to be the top California 26 47 game of the first set--and that all-around performer and-helped the U.S. win the cup was her only winning game of Thor will enter grad school at Southern Connecticut Uni¬ Wednesday's results the match. New York 3 Baltimore 2 versity in the fall, but he will continue competition until A crowd of 15.000 people, the 1970 World Games in Yugoslavia and perhaps the 1972 Washington at Cleveland, night some of whom had paid $43.00 Dave Thor Olympics. Boston at DETROIT, night California at Kansas City, night to scalpers for tickets worth Minnesota vs. Chicago at Milwaukee, night $3.60. sat in boredom during Seattle at Oakland, night the contest and even Rosie appeared to give up in the Today's games Top winners missing Seattle at Oakland second set when she conceed- ed shots she generally chases after. money California at Kansas City Minnesota at Chicago Boston at DETROIT The Jones-Court match, con¬ Washington at Cleveland in Buick (only games scheduled i Open start today suming two hours and three minutes, contained all the dra¬ ma and good tennis the first semi-final lacked. Mrs. Jones National GRAND BLANC. Mich. on the 7.001-yard Warwick Hills in the field of 144 who will blew a 5-2 lead in the opening EASTERN DIVISION -Another first-time winner was Course Thursday, tee off in the event, and only set. which carried to 22 games, but took command the rest of the a probability Wednesday in the Only 10 of the 21 players eight of the top 25 money win¬ Chicago 49 28 636 outlook IV-r the $125,000 Buick who have won in the 29 tour- ners will compete. New York 40 way to avenge her three-set St. Louis 37 loss to Mrs. Court in the French Open. beginning its 72-hole test nevs so far this season were Many of the big names skip¬ • ped the event to prepare for Philadelphia 34 final May 1. Montreal 22 next week's British Open, and The setback ruined Mrs. Arnold Palmer. Rommv Aaron, WESTERN DIVISION Court's bid of grand slam of tennis. The pow¬ achieving the Orioles in a and Charles Coodv were taking vacations. Others who passed up Los Angeles Atlanta 45 46 er-hitting Aussie already has the chance for the $25,000 top Cincinnati 38 34 .528 6 taken the Australian and French San Francisco 40 money included Gary Player. Houston Birds lose 39 titles and the and needed Wimbledon U.S. to complete the 2 Lee Trevino. Billy Casper. George Archer. Jack Nicklaus. San Diego 27 sweep. She says this is her last Bruce Devlin. Orville Moody. After Stottlemyre retired 11 world tour. NEW YORK (UPU - Mel men in a row. Paul Blair opened Bob Charles and Bunkv Henry. Mrs. Court, who retired once Stottlemyre pitched his 13th Chicago at Montreal, night the ninth with a double, his Changes in the course made before in 1967. dejected Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, night One of a at her loss was that so she said. "I complete game, shutting off a Baltimore rally in the ninth 100th hit of the season, and it unlikely the winner will chal¬ lenge the tourney record of 274. New York at St. Louis, night San Francisco at San Diego, night Frank Robinson drove him in may even pass up Forest Hills. inning, to: help the New York 14 under par. by Boros in 1963. Houston at Los Angeles, night Detroit second-baseman Dick McAuliffe slides safely across home plate with She said a final decision will Yankees io a 3-2 victory Wed¬ with a single But Stottlemyre However, the condition of the the fourth Tiger run in Monday night's 12-4 win over Boston. The ball arrived not be reached until later this nesday [that sent the Orioles got Boog Powell on a pop Today's Games a bit too late to Bosox catcher Russ Gibson. Tiger Mickey Stanley watches summer after she can discuss up and Brooks Robinson on a links—fairly dry. with the greens New York at St Louis V down to? only their second ser¬ McAuliffe bite the dust. AP Wlrephoto double play to gain his 11th holding approaches well-indica¬ Chicago at Montreal it with her husband. ies loss of:fhe season. Atlanta at San Francisco victory against six losses. tes someone in the field could Cincinnati at Los Angeles, night Stottlemyre allowed eight hits tie Ihe course record of 65 • Gene vjichael and Horace (only games scheduled 1 Mantle,Koufax picked IM Schedule Clarke elaborated on the first two New fi'ork runs as the Yan¬ kees completed a sweep of the and struck out four. to help in all-star short two-game series. (1A DAY THURSDAY. JULY 3rd Field 6 45pm Field 5:30 p.m 5 Abbot II - Bad Grads (S) aod 5 Abaddon - Tony's Boys (S) 6 Wilson - Pathology i S i cn a —coupon- ' terviews adding color NEW YORK Former all-stars ~ Mickey Man¬ - comments. 6 Staff -Generalizations iSi 7 Paperbacks - Louis St. Cards 7F O s Fakowees 8 D As-State Police 3U> FELICIANO During their playing careers. 9 Bombers - Ag Econ tle. Sandy Koufax and Tony Ku- 8 Omicron 3 - Psychotics Impressions - Peace. Inc 10X23 bek were named along v Mantle was named to 19 all- 9 Owen - Master Batters 10 OC Snyder Delta Alpha - Os RENT A SHARP ELECTRONIC veteran announcers Curt G^.. star teams. Koufax to six and 10 Random Variables - Baumadiers < S < OC Toads - Chiquita Flvors NeJac's CALCULATOR MODEL 20 dy. Jim Simpson and Charlie kuhektw Jones Wednesday to handle the $1 A DAY - FOR 30 DAYS National Broadcasting Com¬ OR $15 PER WEEK pany's radio and television cov¬ African erage of the 40th All-Star Base¬ ball Game in Washington. July HOUSE ATTENTION CAR OWNERS 22 Prints * Complete front end repair and ph. (517) 485-1733 be Gowdy. Kubek and Mantle will the commentators for the of alignment ' business 1601 E. Grand River Ave. telecast, and Simpson and Kou¬ fax will handle the radio broad¬ Dresses * Brakes • * Suspension machines^0 Lansing cast Jones will be NBC's "Man in the Stands conducting in¬ INDIA * Wheel balancing * Steering --COUPON- Dashiki 101 E. Grand River ? BLOOD, DOWNSTAIRS LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center ! DECLARE YOUR! SWEAT, AND KESEL?S 5 TEARS Shirts BETWEEN CUNNINGHAM'S AND 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Nelac's 332-8403 4 discount records Independence! i They make 225 ANN ST. Volkswagens, NEW but they buy on Epic left Beck Renaults. Plynth Jailhouse Rock BECKOLA All Shook Up Last year only 15,807 VW's were Germans are famous for demand sold in France and many mor ing quality and dependability above Yet, during the same period, all else. Renault sold 88,114 cars in West Does that seem to tell you any- poe 1775' WE WILL BE OPEN JULY 4th TO CAUSE A LITTLE FIREWORKS OF OUR OWN 3 DAY SALE ALL SALE PRICE AT SHAKEY'S WE SERVE FUN ALSO PIZZA" 4.98 Li«^ 3.19 THIS FRIDAY 12:00-5:00 5.98 Llg' 3.69 ONLYGTH°S SATURDAY 9:30-6:00 6.98 List 4.49 JULY 4, _ s, 6 SUNDAY 12:03-5:00 The 12 Month/Unlimited Mileage Warranty SPORTS CAR CENTER OVERSEAS DELIVERY discount records 9:30-8:30 DAILY 9:30-6:00 SAT. 225 Ann St. inc. PH. 351-8460 0527 S-fedar skakey'5 SFeciAL '5 a/ovv AVAH-ABLQ for RATCS. yHOhie 39S-S2S0 FOR t>CTAILS SPec/AL v tries AT 1200 E. OAKLANDARRANGED PHONE 482-1226 12:00-5:00 SUN. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 3, 1969 State News State News Classified Tried signs and word of mouth? Now try a Want Ad to sell your don't needs. Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Employment For Rent For Rent The State News does not" SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSU FOUR-MAJV apartment, furnished ONE APARTMENT left. permit racial or religious students with Midwest s largest With Hurry, hur¬ PUT swimming pool Heat paid ry! All utilities paid. Close to discrimination in its ad¬ full-line merchant wholesaler Full $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ campus Call NEJAC, 337-1300 C To1mm(miYou vertising columns. The. or Phone part time THE Automobile required SOCIETY CORPORA AGEMENT, 351-7880 C State News will not accept TION. 337-1349. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m FURNISHED, 1-bedroom apartment, advertising which discrim- 4-7 7 Available for for lease Near • AUTOMOTIVE summer campus EMPLOYMENT mates against religion, FABIAN REALTY. ED 2-0811 5-7 3 • race, color or national or¬ Fall • FOR RENT BAY COLONY igin. • Beechwood • FOR SALE TV RENTALS G.E. 19 portable- • LOST & FOUND $8.50 per month including stand APARTMENTS Call J.R CULVER COMPANY. 351 • • PERSONAL University Villa Corner of Haslett and Haga¬ 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- • PEANUTS PERSONAL dorn Roads. Now taking leases • Princeton Arms • REAL ESTATE for September 1, 2 and 3 SERVICE Automotive NEW GE portables and stands rented • man apartments. Furnished o ONLY to MSU students and faculty • TRANSPORTATION unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month CORVAIR 1965 3jpeed 5 new $8 84 month (includes tax). STATE • WANTED tires Burgundy $696 Days. IV 4 leases available. Call Jack MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 Hal stead Management 4114; nights. IV 9-401 fc*- 3-7 7 Michigan Avenue. 332-8687 C Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. DEADLINE CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1964 RENT A TV from TV 1 351-7910 a Company- TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 fuel injection, many extras Good $9.00 per month. Call 337-1300 room, Burcham $135 per month Call large, ciean apartment r ire- 1 P.M. class day condition $1,800 353-7952 1-7 3 NEJAC TV RENTALS C one be¬ days, 487-3216; evenings, 882-2316, place, dishwasher and screened back fore publication. until 10 p.m. O porch. Couples only No children or TV RENTALS-Students only Low pets $115/month 646-6811 5-7'7 Cancellations - 12 noon one monthly and term rates Call 484 TWO HOUSES for rent 10 minutes class day before publica¬ 2600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY to campus. Each will accommodate FOUR-GIRL apartment, furnished. tion. TV RENTALS C CHRYSLER 1961-X-dc 3 or 4 students 332-6779 3-7 3 2 blocks to campus. Very nice Available July 15. 332-3979 2-7 3 383 . 2-barrel. airtorr wheels. LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- PHONE snow tires, VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE- 1966 COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham NORTHWIND FARMS Apartments $250 Phone 489-9734 SUMMER APARTMENTS Excellent condition Radio, white- 1-2-3 man and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1 sublet 1st September. 1-bedroom. 355-8255 DODGE PANEL walls $975. Phone 332-2960 units. Dave. 351-3713. or John Spald¬ bedroom, furnished For profession¬ quiet, facing river,, air condition¬ ing. 484-6067 27 3 al. graduate students, college fa¬ ing, dishwasher, pool, utilities transportation Ek 5-7 9 RATES 351-6245 culty or personnel Select clientele eluded Must see' 351-7285. ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ 1 able for June and September leas¬ day $1.50 SPEEDREADING! 15tf per word per day ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 DO-IT-YOURSELF COURSE 3 days $4.00 Auto Service & Parts No classes to attend! 13 1/2 SETTERS-unregistered, Spirited, affectionate Evenings: 625-7735 pure- pets. 3-7 3 OKEMOS CH VRMING brick * OFFICE TRACE NEWLY MARRIED? 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing 130 West Grand River Blvd. 351-6010 Bob Jones Paints MASON 677-8141 SIAMESE KITTEN DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED TANGLEWOOD Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and APARTMENTS RABBIT' appliances For Rent For Rent For Sale Larje v 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 Needs a good hon 351-7880 two girls needed immediate- WOMEN,-,iTTRACTIVE, welt-furn- TYPEWRITER. REMINGTON STUDENT - PLANNED Monarch ished. '-l;an room 2 blocks from portable Exr~_.ient condition. Re OKEMOS-HASLETT Road ? Union i52 1760 3-7 3 cently cleaned Call 335-9943 3-7 7 RECREATION FACILITIES appliances GIRLS tOM 3 blocks from the SEWING MACHINE clearance sale Featuring olympic pool wjth sauna, tennis courts Union I'fane 337-1408 3-7 3 Brand new portables--$49 95. $5.00 per month Large selection of re LUXURY FEATURES Sl'MMEf^HAPPENING letting conditioned used machines Singers Air conditioning, waln,ut vanities, patios and someone-else do the work- Check Whites Necchis. Home and THREE-BEDROOM duplex n< the besuess services offered in many others $19.95 to $39.95 balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water Full basement Fully carpeted today's^ assified Ads Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Michigan Avenue. Lansing $200 COMPANY. 1115 North Washington furnished, laundry in each building WOMEN: SINGLE room, limited cook- «9-6448 C-7 3 ALL MAINTENANCE FREE See for 1895 P?,km8 "ear l m0n ,3^3 150 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks GERMAN SHEPHERI)-.; yourself! Large new beautiful 1-2-3 bed¬ and canisters and uprights All in room apartments from $55/student. Model open i shopping and Dot BI F SINGIFS Close Cookine good condition. $7.88 and up DENNIS T ypewriters and •' ltt-0939 5-7 10 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11 ith. 10-month Cedar, opposite City Market 482- Adding Machines a.m.- 6 p.m.; Sat. 10-12? Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 GIRLS-DOUBLE rooms • For Sale 26,7 - , T < Mobile Homes REPAIRS south from Frandor and take the Jolly Road TYPEWRITER AT half price Man MOBILE HOME-8X F ree pickup 8; delivery Exit-right to Meadowbrook Trace cooking Refrigerator or phone 393— VACUl ''1 CLEANERS-1 -year old. ual Extra-long carriage Call 332- American 0210. Business Machines B°""" By Kassuba, ^he Nation's #1 Landlord "rn Haslett 339-2654 BUNK BEDV^comDlete. 139 95 and NOW OPEN for business-OPTICAL Very good selection of bedroom* making-experienced Reasonable DISCOUNT at 2615 East Michigan living, dining room suites, now on Avenue, ground floor. Free parking hand. Stop, shop, and save. BEN C NIE S FURNITURE IV 4-3837 3-7 7 Typing Service FALL TERM BARBI MEL: Typing, Block off campus 332-3255 multilithing t LEASES * *FEw VACANCIES AVAILABLE Guaranteed "BRAKE RELINE sS-VE s6 to s20 8 cyl LIFETIME MUFFLERS KROM s1895 AsALsow s7.95 EVERGREEN ARMS L0WEBR00KE ARMS Free Installation E vergreen SHOCK Street is a shady avenue Graciously overlooking the Red just a half block from campusy A Cedar yet within strolling distance 'ABSORBERS recreation field for tossing the foot¬ of campus, Lowebrooke Arms com¬ From ball is close behind. plements every student's taste. These huge, plush apartments have balconies and air conditioning stand¬ These colorful 3 man with rooms dark are wood rich panelling and M4.88 INSTALLED duio Pajdtfc ard. All this and more make Evei— and bookshelves for a warm, in¬ 526 N. LARCH 484-4596 green Arms the favorite of every viting atmosphere. Have that PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD extra Today . . . just clip, complete, mail. UNIVERSITY TERRACE HASLETT APARTMENT STATE NEWS will bill you later. spending money Right across from campus, Univei— Newly redecorated with wall to wall that makes sity Terrace allows you plenty of time to get up at 7:50 for that all- carpeting and furniture to fit a a vacation important 8:00. A hop- skip- and- a- jump from Each wall is panelled in rich dark wood with thick, rich carpeting for Berkey time to Hall catch allows those you last plenty of minute Consecutive Dates to Run something . barefoot lounging. Every apartment is air conditioned winks every ment puts morning. Haslett Apart¬ you in the middle of Heading "special" -- and has a private balcony for those where all the action is!! Pftint Ad Here: cool, quiet evenings. Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. call or stop in at; ID--Words or Less: with quick Over 10 Words Add; cash from STATE MANAGEMENT STATE NFW< 444 Michigan Ave. 332-8687 MSU East Lansing, Mich. Thursday, July 3, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan No "I ain't gonna (continued from page one) take no more talk. Martin Luther King justice I She helped me to my feet, and again I begged her to leave thought of how I cried when I heard the news that an assassin's bullet had taken the life of Dr. King last spring. I remembered for "If 2 rv w "Le;'sjget outa here," one of them said to me to walk out of this mess with you "we*-t= ■4EAT LOAF refused to perform tasks for (continued from page one) his food but waited until chow was given on a "nonworking Of the remaining schools, 't"#57MC1 n LJ JW 3^9«" BUD DIGS CHIPPED MEATS basis," data from a National only Northern Michigan Univer¬ iI th. purcho.. o« « Aeronautical and Space Agency- sity and Oakland University KROGER USDA GRADE A' satellite indicated Wednesday. bargainers have reached tenta¬ CD 50 All M.o? ASTRO franksL*^ Bonny, a 14-pound primate, tive agreements. NMU's proposal goes before VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON Medium Eggs remained in excellent condition the AFSCME local's member¬ » #5» □ JOj'iVrV, Decorated 120 1-ply sheets \ 2-77* PORK CHOPS during the fourth day of a ship for ratification or rejec¬ SCOTT TOWELS planned 30-day flight to test the effect of prolonged space travel. officials of NASA's tion Monday. Oakland's propo¬ sal went before their member¬ ship late Wednesday night. 38* 2 Redeem At Roll Pkg. FACIAL TISSUE Kroger Ames ported. Sensors Research the Center monkey's body- re¬ The remaining schools Grand Valley State. Michigan Tech.. ^#«asoj«t%5Eti£0, r L.j Thru Sun July 6. 1969 . (200 2-PLY SHEETS) Scotties |fj on Western Michigan and Wayne showed that he ate 43 food pei- State University are all in¬ \»« CD~50r^^vhv;,o'E i [«>] TOP VALUE lets but did not of two perform either tasks designed to bring volved in bargaining or medi¬ ation disputes Like MSU. the *• miCD 50 3"Jk£'vrci Facial Tissue 200-2 ply STAMPS i THIS COUPON AND BOXES 69« him food rewards. AFSCMP] locals at these schools 4 HOMESTYLE DONUTS SCOTTies S2.50 OR MORE PURCHASE OF KROGER GIANT The space capsule, after near¬ are operating under a 15-dav ex¬ tension of the old contract, * #44 C350 six 3-ox wt pkg» FRESH FRUITS ly 60 orbits, continued to send clear signals, officials re¬ with wages or fringe bene¬ KROGER GELATINS ■ Redeem At Kroper __| AND VEGETABLES White Bread ported. fits the primary issues. ^ Thru Sun . July 6. i%<£r jjjjQ Redee »l Thru Sun., Jul with coupon ; #44050 frirr.:-"" ~ 27 sizk jumbo fresh golden 20 - lb average kroger pickles sugap^ sweet sugar; ^|b|pph f""j #*7 0 50 on?4hc"on!!rALOP0 dog food california sw6tt RED RIPE JjT #41 C125 ra cantaloupe CORN WATERMELON f! #69 CD50 an? 5 'pi £Toh-« wt i kroger frozen vegetables ( Coupon Strip Good Thru i *. Sun., July 6. 1969 [ LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER