M. S. C. Library iMt Lar.aln", Mich. VU X phl Mb» •" ! WF .TIIFR v aiul somewhat pi Kappa Phi Society SCHWARTZ AND ' Cider. Frosh-Soph f"(M-Barbecue KANSAS IS NEXT Mortar Board to Be Suffers $6,000 Loss DONDEROLEAD It* IIe 'errned B t. Lore* _ 2I-' tn ^ • ,.j verv * r if k prog: am*. Grand •«*. ar.lt •.rs of 0 an'S VZ be- A.i . ^:• i' „ • „ .* must go i in .,rit.... -,,!<<• Arr ™ appointment* <*, ** • the , i me pi'iav'f* MPt tr Roil.* l..nd-.r: Japanese Print* to • ruesday * News «.i mb ,,ml ... ... .4,.„g ,■ Be Shown in Home arr krp< „r :h«. . .- > ,ui ten to be performed »■ V, of their advisor w«u jumping frm-i m :.pLo- it Shakespeare's day there Kronomiea Building ...is . future ptiwptwity ughl ho fall- lead* are receiving any of their course* jtmn j. .mother r>o t while the scenery The play? to b», presented Mun- being shifted The a the Fh K Phi's lab- feet* They *lu»wr«! required to 3 .I-' mot not and J i •• ' of the stage rove and the '* ;he or* disappear id iampu* on January 2 ... and The Taming the went on there The tykwird in the spirit They weir a.; r*eve*sary changes Shrew" a! 8 IS in the evening, are heel* were invented by a still smoldering ruins Jppson. president al f those with ~ women rather than in his inapt tragic and on the stage and began furnace when everyone went to.old Trlnw>.»a hfwtse on M A C kSra-at jh heavy scenes There will be no Shakespeare's plays wei bed Les Sti kN r awoke at 510 Wt will oce«'t»> that building until high gins remained throughout ^ by the collage gel room big dramatic moments, no time to make this perfectly natural n and smelling smokr, he went to our house u remodeled. 1 wish to the I r years Also that there *rd for & he a direct proportion as a week They when you will sit in a spell after There was an inner curtain about t*1 the cellar to investigate A wall thank the Phylearv house for their *e*nv i duhau. ctron hxr* somebody't wondvrtul ipmk.' I him there and lm- efforts Iv" | according U IK W aroused the house- crisis Friday. November : I \ BarllrU. 1» tin same day. Subjects for the | THE PLAY'S THE THING PLAN CONTEST speak :ng will be drawn by each GROUP PICTURE speaker one hour before the time Tomorrow evening : Spartan | Sntk«9haK«i| FOR SPEAKERS of speaking been submitted These subjects have by Dr. David Hen¬ deadline dividual for the return picture proof- Versluis studio over the j ry of the state department of pub- Arcade in Lansing, Aftc, Spoofer j HERE TUESDAY !it- instruction McBurney of and the Prof. James University of time, pictures for which have not been returned n IT rw Michigan speech department. The appear in the Wolverim uppcrclassmen. especial! Stile Extemporaneous Meet Will time of the preliminary speeches ors, are urged to coopei i!! Ik- six to eight minutes and the be Held in Little Theater • making the class secti- final speeches will be eight to ten the yearbook a success ^Mccir.'rd f ■11 r .. Neil Week. minutes in length. In the final themselves n contest Dean Lloyd C. Emmons of the publication the liberal arts division will serve 14 COLLEGES ENTERED as chairman. The judges will be more students have books than will have ir Harlan Clark ard Rul Virginia tures Ml the Wolverine. . Martin Will tion which will hardb Represent dinner will the satisfactory to many wh Michigan State. . f..r all the begin to think of the tn* L TUESDAY. NOV tnlarii ' • Stnchim 7 .10- —Amei Inst <>: F; 7 4:» Hand Club Won Id 4 ,J ( nllrii 8 (in -Union Board H la— (been Splash Ctolbe Ptay STUDENT MLS' 90c \ V I If ( if'Hip V \1•• nf . . \ The ShuW I loll • I htlf A ristocrat. 'T* I>1 newest cieation in deli- 19c • • I nil. hand bordered stationery->i\ inautiftil nuni- I'er- ;• ch.'ii.-c front-twenty-four Sen Vrriia'- i en -i.eet.- and 12 envclo|»es in O't oats a en!!.>].;,alio MThrihiI packuye SPECIAL Ha* crford and Hathdalt BOXED PAPERS LINENS i.i Mull-. • Jl -ehecte - J4 < nvddf»*«o S:njrlr or KeMnl Stmts. 34 in .. ..In.,.1uum- parkar. (Hd Hampshire Yrllum il Haddon Hall \ eUam SPECIAL i'ajaimo Aristocrat I'arrluncat May fair Vellum VALUE .. 10* I Hi I Mil I MIRD MVS To ins toe histoi > nil (M you trtH.s , . a ha»ing nugjor »uat.«ii5ec «;e. ena ti Anger *WL«ro rntwt.be asked Jay 50c &r Knvdapes to Match 24 in 1 the Detroit game The *. V Hho iuui . ij jaome of the bt$Mci sum t* aahorb*-1 lalcd JUIM ivwiif* io« *car* A -ri t*M, and under the preomt act-up «*•» bee*** of natural fariltUr* 1 '<• U*k« .. . ••• ,%( they rouid tux he met This tact mm annaanr* a < hrftklitito* part* < ' • « Hum I would swi> u one of the pata- ahuiit a week before thai dale ,J thousand n «„Ui ount ioisum that Tnajw teams The Campus Press, Inc. • %r|lh the Alpha Chi Oiwii* «•»* been' available 'train from playing on our MAY IMOS. srtivr* mid |»lrdfc* muted tn :v,i; yold that ota- . .id .-.t» IV* All in toe south end m aou the "riic li.it More cl tr ■ ToAn" Mt.Ns ot (.1 NH > tutiie hi a bads We »upp***i Vu;g ' to, present Uidium would g;\ v to the iah. r*m»wl artu*t. te- th.it laM i* for thetr protection "• ' ie\ :ng pubic ».*• - 2.15 S. \Ci.-hingIon A»r. qurr> for the date «»f 8UM. the S I. i hi Omega oi ct ?r*»n to wtitv «•c ... ■ ;,sr wia in Hie Rome I'm not »»rr •oatbinc mw |titr a Mireetm. en.'ec. ducats yon Meier ran tell v . - . angle on Uie . Friday. November 23, 1931 MICHIGAN STATU NEWS AeTheons Travel to Kansas Dance; Hesperian Pledges to Entertain COLLEGE : SPEECH GROUP State Theatre HOME EC STAFF of Soils Dep'f Mu Phi Honorary BULLETIN! HAS INCREASE Several members of Meets and Dines Kappa Alpha Theta in Joint Party HEARD ON AIR ! partment staff are attending the annual meeting of the American Mu Phi Epsilon, music honorary Society of Agronomy, held this Alpha Chi Will F.raith Entertainment Toright by Gning _____ Theta for women students, met Sunday. tack lata Eighteenth Centnry and Reviving vnphomore cabinet. L«mbda &!»» AI1 '■»" WKAR Carries Bro.dc.st. Pm- ^ November 18, at the apartment of with Virginia Kamps to plan the I tutli Mathews for a pot luck sup- Skeridaa'i "School fur Scandal." Cu-ed Prom Wednesday noon at .nd h.i pared by Department Evory weaented d.-.nny win, u.»uit, i 12:30. instead of Tuesday nighi. Week Day Ma: jorie Hoy;, president, gave The meeting will be in the Union. — V-Theons are traveling t.. Kan-a- univereity t,> at 1 on Those who have difficulty in ex- student Grange will hold an pressing themselves through the HtiSy"HZJS5Z' ZT-Z WKAR Atote college lb, I io Veat., v .11.. to the national convention of Mu Phi Hpsilon, held at Atlantic City, part tee "f am pat- open meeting Saturday. November art of speech will 4>e glad to know Count of Monte Crista ' hi now ,a"'° s",,,on. it. carrying a scrie-- Soil and Land Tvim in R> .,1 important art planned hert 24. at 8:30 p m in the Orange that there is an "t broaden*!.- prepared by th. u, fruit (trowing n, mn ud .1 N J last June for th. week-end. He-. . ... to and Thnta pledge* are fatting togethei at the Heapet toom in Ag hafl * A" organization-on variety nf en- night. time the organizati Campus Barber and Beauty Shop and Mrs I)"/ been pulling itself t Rpauty shop under Nov Miuiairrment and tlpha Chi OmetA Will (Jfl'««r Spec in I through which it • ,ng held Omega Unmn KV trr , spring term of I M las l«u Hav • IS rmaih'iits fm Thuiik-g S2.00 nt Nove-r group was small a' fall There Corner A Monti and (irand Kiver- i.trold Ferguson am: it 111 that Dean and Mr- u.'tf elected •What Kver* WnniAii Knows Mi and Mr* Free Religious Council V, W KUte Theater — Sunda\ a C A. '.!• ..nd Mr- C H N Monday Starring Helen Hat Brian Aherne .Madge Evans rant.iges to .«I members, the buffet suppei nw a ,f the group Any male i Lamb- student. Ha < ! ! Thanksgiving Party See Ile\erl\ * Culler •rtion of the formal initi COATS h pared DRESSES • » »h» Alpha F»h.. u ">iK banquet nt Hun' Three Party, Sundav Nigh* »«« tS-NI 3 O 14" Iteta \lpha Sijrma Fleets (KTieers at SILK HOSE 54« Meeting Last W wk * * ★ Kappa Isjmm.s St vie Shop's The »i»" 1" '^ ^ TOWER GUARDS TO „v ... f tl «trm . It*** :: n,x' i'arist (abk> of ENTERTAIN CO-EDS White initial' (k m arl ,S Fashion Hints Alao Socivlv Will (jivf P»rt» Wed - >JINI orsday f vrnini Bciorr Heard over WJIM ese*\ \ipna (sAiuni.s l»riu Thanksgivini I uen.. Thorn., h'ri. at 7:J.» A—A shimmering *«- our Un¬ fit ior«iun>\ iounrng SHOE RESEARCH Intribialort oo Hifk Hvrl After th. i>a» f •••U" will nU early morn in Wcarsof Will Also Aid Rrd Crosi Drnr Once Again *e_Sil? S}°p We Say— invited tc» dr<»| OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR CAMERA aUB v: YOU, as students, are to determine by your Don Abltltoc Elected Pretldrnt. K.Ik Frook. V -frntdeol buying policies, whether FURNISS TO SPEAK or not you shall see this BEFORE ECON MEN publication continue on the bi-weekly basis Invite Your Family to Spend £ budding •'n,.v, will br possible, patronize rirtur™ tv, thr tampu, The -Uyme,, V«-w, ..I l.)I. Iiiaut ^ aoa. M;' „.d It, lw»..ue» Sum*. "" Adtyuor rn- a g,»duaU of th. Univ. ralty of tcrested m phoUgpapitv is igviUd M*rhnta.f. .ral ha> >Um>- »i*«m advertisers -.a s minting. gratfuale work «• tiir University UnivwraMy Berlin are »iJow«d a uetusd utn ^ cnmtgiand ktucU'ni.-. . Ware mviiea " ' hv UW" . ,lu.IKl Boftert Nok. prekidcnt uf U*r oigaiiixalxm. will pre vide Folio wing the talk. a«ur« A rurium Michigan State News THE MICHIGAN STATE VEWS Friday, November 2". 10"; State Harriers Face Hermians, Sigma Nusand NATIONAL Spartan Cagemen to Sae's Win Bowling Meets SPORT SUMMARY Tough Opposition in Bv JACK WARNER Open Season Against Grambau Sets Three Game Re- Strong G. R. Quintet R, Meet Here Saturday fflENIP cord; Centner Rolls High Score for Evening w' Coarh Ben VanAlstvne to Send Charges Against Powerful f Central Inlcrcollegiates Will Feature Stars o( Mid-west as Bv TOMMV H VKNfR l.oaders Team From Furniture City in Charity Ottey. I.ash. Sears, and Zepp Lead Teams in Game at Vocational School Toright. Annual Classic: Start at 10 o'Clock. >Tnm..:r..« Mi. Ititrnn Stit.^r .11. jr. will lie 111.' tan* fortt .11 T.'.. i'Jl.'i :h. I ■ v.-i-hI S.ii l..:i«tfr- '.ian.1 Knii- in :i . Iii.ntv p.-ime f. i ■> lienefit Hi. I.i.n-.m.- I:. .1 kniir I'll.. Van h;i- >• Ph*lean—?»JI it,e In- . h.-ti'i'.i* In'!- in Hi. I. I.I '...'i-•-11' • ■ II-.-' V.k:,!.. mitii.iinl meet in New Vnrk, -v iIt meet five of th» > l.i lor ill.- III..' "ill I" einpli- ..Mil,. 'I..-I • I ^ihe iMittk- for first pine dktroit DAUBERT NAMES sidki hi i its Ifermian— A. A I « li;,n)|H"i, and als. STARTING TEAM Its II \i:i:> WbMKK «|ti.-il m.. I . • i 1 Arrangements Beini; Made to " " ' ' ' ! 1 Send State Tankmen \lpha Ipsilon -??46 B! tn Nationals \ I pit a (limnu Khn l*».l field Iiouap toutslit Van's Imt« ha\e hern unrkinx mil rriularlv The Sportcaster Hi %l Tiai ll I K \ Dope Chart on Michigan State's Opponents AMIS | \s| UN K » Villanov-t T» i.wn s h\h kii % % >laiNlf . COCOa PLATtt AMD tLICTPOTYPt Ihr Immortal K«mhlrra of fcnutr Notre Kim kor « | which ai panouci VOuBCOPV »AltM»UllV / lUmr and ST ATI I If \ \ || s \\ |s I than lie TUd la«t capital photo engravers u TO Mill J \ \ II \\\ KIOKS Pop horara Warner* Manford Manford war au.I.ed Ihr Notre lUmr tram All airr Ihr m I k JJ i to hate fall field piled up MMltf IN vard* to N II a IM or m hut Notrr WAA Hold* First ^ - llamr rdard out in front to win >■* . Ihr Itmr irr ** alormed Ihr aun ' Pop hriailmc with o\rr to Rarhnr imI nmmmM and rated CLASSIFIED ""T* „f .w», mm field this ! stokr Ihr t Scheduled t<> leave l.ttSArenc p, nv Saturday and tail] rclu up I rtetly to Kant Lamm* The arrive at the Grand Trunk • In Lanmng at about 2 47 p if managed to win from Mar - even mm- at Syracuse Bachman named 29 member. i . y\ ' ' " ""'«*» *™oh seenw thrv UfllT dnVt,n ,nto H holr ^ this year» squad for the tnj t„ ,u ®",v *"s" turuirt football and a couple bad Lawrence Ttiuae on the lint v -. "uwn *' Lawrence. Kan>as thi* break■ from which they never got Bods. Klewickt. Lou Zaria, Bob }Tm' Jajrhawkera *tr bowm. ,.v,.n back to the brim Allman A1 Bakei. Hank Kutch. ,l* Prominent for the tine defen- Detroit thay seamed to play a wait• ln». tackles, Buck Reaveley. How - *1tvr "•** have been playing mg game but they are far •rd Ztndrl Abe Katx. Jim Brake- «dneia the number at tie* which from back into the form they had VHP, Juliua Sleder, guards. Oor-.h*vl> played by this team so during the firat of the Dahlgren. Sid Wagner, Ben 'ar *eaw»n va«> feel that maybe it