Thursday Of al Cloudy MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ... the evil spirits abroad warm, temperature in at this hour in this world, in¬ sincerity is the most danger¬ STATE the in the low 80's, evening. fair and cooler ous. --Froude UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 16 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday,July 10,1969 NIXON CAMPAIGN Georgia, Chicago face desegregation law suits by the government in that short time In WASHINGTON (AP) - The Nixon Ad¬ Chicago. Warren Bacon, a black mem¬ The Georgia warning, contained in a ber ot the school board who ministration. continuing a rapid-fire cam¬ opposes Whis¬ letter to superintendent of education Jack ton. welcomed what he called "this belated paign to counter criticism of its civil rights P Nix. demanded complete disestablish¬ action on the part of the federal govern¬ records, threatened the State of Georgia ment" of dual schools for white and blacks ment." and the city of Chicago with law suits in the state's 194 districts. He said "there has been Wednesday unless they move to end public a definite pat¬ If Georgia does not act and the issue tern of segregation of faculty and students school segregation. is taken to court, the suit would mark in the Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris Leonard, who is¬ Chicago public schools schools on a statewide basis sued both warnings, declared they dem¬ However. Bacon said I do not think In Atlanta. Nix said local school boards the action onstrate the administration's commitment the federal government has are separate constitutional bodies and. taken is broad enough nor is it a sig¬ to bring about a final and complete elim¬ I don't think the state can set policy nificant counterbalance to the ination'' of racial discrimination. disgraceful if desegregation means reorganization Moreover, he said, there will be addi¬ relaxation of federal guidelines for the Barb -e tional desegregation suits filed in the next of schools. The state board doesn't have the authority." desegregation of southern school dis- few days. It was the third day in a row- Some of the 40 staff lembers of the James S. Peters of Manchester. (ia.. Berkeley Barb, protesting a inagement decision, picket the that the Justice Dept. has acted to force strike chairman of the state school board, agreed newspaper" began after negotiations by the woH > to purchase the underground desegregation of schools in the North as with Nix newspaper broke down. AP Wirephoto well as the South-the 101th and 111th moves Both Nix and Peters said they will follow the advice of Georgia Atty. Gen. Arthur Bolton, who said he expects the board to Clarification declare it has no authority to dictate to Blond linked local boards and that the matter will then of guidelines to • just another step to stamp out local con¬ trol over education and put people at the blond cated ANN man ARBOR named (UPI» Dave" Wednesday as the real killer of a A mysterious was impli¬ looking scared." sometime after mid¬ night Friday night "He said this guy shot this girl three Then the next bang, thing. I heard this big she said. "Then I heard another bang I'm not sure if there were three Unsuccessful in reaching a operator for help. Miss Rubin said she called friends who summoned telephone mercy of federal whims .But Leonard said such a wide-ranging suit is fully justified because of "board contradictory times and that he saw the last bullet police and authority exercised by the Georgia Board pretty coed who last weekend became the bangs or two Then I heard someone an ambulance. WASHINGTON (APi -The Nixon admin¬ seventh girl slain nere here in the last go in her head. " Shewcraft said He of Education over rules, regulations, istration. which spent walk by my bedroom and down the hall five months putting said the guv's name was Dave and that Miss policies and standards" of the entire state two years. and out the door-it wasn't running and it Phillips, a 25-year-old blonde together last week's statement on school he had blond hair and the girl was system. In sworn testimony, a friend of the wasn't too slow-like if you're late for doctoral candidate in sociology, died 34 desegregation guidelines, is grappling with blonde, too. He said he had left finger¬ hours later without In Chicago, the Justice Dept. demanded a bizarre new problem: wiry black ex-convict charged with the work and trying to get there in a hur regaining conscious¬ latest murder said the accused man, prints on a cuffee cup and that he had in a letter to School Board President Frank How to word another statement saying rv." ness. Testimony from police indicated Ernest R Bishop Jr.. told him he saw jumped out the window Miss Rubin said she peeked around her there was one bullet wound over each M Whiston complete faculty integration, what the first meant without ending Shewcraft testified Bishop asked him to contending teacher assignment policies Dave pump a final shot into the fore¬ door and then went into Miss Phillips eye and another in her left hand A up with three sets of guidelines drive around'" and said that's the deny equal educational opportunities to The statement is to take the form head of Margaret Phillips last Friday room and saw her stretched on the bed pathologist testified she died of bullet new house"' when they drove by the old home black youngsters. of letter to school districts "clarifying night She wounds in her brain. a converted into apartments in which Miss was breathing just awful, like Leonard said the department snoring, deep and hard, she said. "Her had reach¬ the statement issued by Welfare Secre¬ Despite this testimony from Clifford Miss Phillips' funeral" will be Thursday Shewcraft at a Phillips lived *iear the University of Mich¬ ed such conclusions after an extensive tary Robert H. Finch and Atty. Gen. John pretrial examination. legs were just shaking I didn t want to in her home town of Coopersville. not igan campus examination that showed a third of the N. Mitche|l last Thursday Bishop was ordered bound to circuit court He saio bishop losseo tne clip trom a sef her any more I didn't want ♦ far from Grand Rapids. for trial on an open charge of murder faint. city's schools had either all white or all That statement appeared to relax some¬ 22-caliber snub-nosed revolver out the (please turn to page 9) black faculties what this coming fall's deadline for com¬ District Judge S. J Elden ordered the window as they drove and then heaved 28-year-old Bishop to appear for circuit plete desegregation of most schools set the gun into the Huron River north of in guidelines issued by the previous ad¬ court arraignment July 25 in Ann Arbor Ann Arbor State police are searching ministration last March Book manager Shewcraft. hefty light-skinned black who said he has known Bishop since last Christmas, sketched their friendship and described what happened last weekend the river for the weapon Two of the other six victims died of 22-caliber bullet wounds. Police chief Walter Krasny has ruled Bishop out as a MSU icism ing. The statement however drew as being contradictory and confus¬ The letter-apparently a response to this sharp crit¬ when Miss Phillips was shot, in more than 90 minutes on the stand suspect in three of them, two of which criticism-had been expected early this refutes occured when criticism He said Bishop appeared at his apart¬ Bishop was in prison on week, but has been delayed A spokesman a rape charge. for the Office of Civil Rights said no ment, drenched by rain and looking Earlier in the hearing. Miss Phillips' like he had been crying or agreement has been reached on final word something. roommate. Judith Rubin. 21. nervously ing. He also said there had been no deci^ told what she had heard Friday night the store are comparable to prices in the is ion who would receive the letter and By ROSANNE BAIME unconsciously doing-freshmen a disser- on and said flatly she had never seen privately owned East Lansing bookstores not to enclose a copy State News Staff Writer whether or ot the him i Bishop i before in my life' until James D. Howick. bookstore manager, —statement it would "MSU, we love thy bookstore During the summer we have extra try to explain, or even he was pointed out in the courtroom considers most of the criticism from stu¬ Study With workers available to take the orientation whether to send the letter at all thy profits and thy markups." r Miss Rubin, who entered and left the jammed courtroom with a black mohair Not exactly the MSU Bookstore Theme dent government invalid people around the store by the hand, he said. In the fall we'll be too crowd¬ Some confusion also was apparent over whether the letter would have to be sweater draped over her head to avoid "Nobody from student government ever checked bv the White House and the S^ng latelv ed to do this and the freshmen will comes into the store here to examine just being photographed, testified she heard The store, owned and get lost Justice Department. Vhich both played operated by the campus Miss Phillips admit someone to their off-campus apartment about midnight University, has always borne the brunt of student dissatisfaction with the our operation." Howick said. "The only time I see anyone from ASMSU is when key statement. roles in working out last week s rising one gets a bad deal on a book and comes Whether we sell our books now or in The Office of Civil Rights spokesman book cost of education identity She sation" room said she heard normal coming'from Miss Phillips' bed¬ next to hers and footsteps going conver¬ Recently ASMSU personnel expressed the opinion that the bookstore, since it is run by the University, should offer storming in here, calling me a robber " Currently ASMSU is advising all fresh¬ and students to avoid the the net fall makes no difference to me-the profit will still be the same Another ASMSU request confuses Ho¬ said he was get the letter cleared. not aware of any need to But a spokesman for Finch said he did not doubt the need By BARBARA HARNESS special men summer wick. While asking for a price reduction, first to the bathroom and then to the MSU Bookstore Howick said that ASMSU to get a new pronouncement cleared, State News Staff Writer prices to students Currently, prices at they are also demanding a share of net which might delay it turther Campus living is viewed by students Last Thursday's statement, which was as a threat to their sense of identity profits for students. The two just don't go together, he 10 1 2 pages long, said the administra¬ the Provost's Ad Hoc Committee on the tion would not enforce any arbitrary Residence Halls The report is reported this week the product of three WHERE THE NEW TEXTBOOK DOLLAR GOES said You'd think if they asked for a share of the profits they wouldn't want date" for desegregating schools and was to decrease them at the same time." abandoning "old procedures." presumably terms of deliberation by the committee Howick contends that his pricing is not the 1968 guidelines. set up in September 1968 to study the • unfair, but barely covers his operational The previous administration had permit- quality of the campus living experi¬ ence as we i the committee i and the costs exceptions for districts that had to build new schools or for those having students perceive it. The committee was formed follow black majorities. ing a recommendation of a sub¬ committee of the Faculty Committee on Student ASMSU Affairs when it disapproved an proposal that sophomores and juniors be allowed to move into un¬ Concerned parents' rail supervised housing. sex education report see related story page I It (the subcommitteei felt that if the University was forced to require By DELORES MAJOR of Walled Lake, the Suburban Parents many of the undergraduates to live in State News Staff Writer the residence halls, it has the obit League. Parents for Effective Participa¬ Amid catcalls and jeers from over tion gation to make the residence halls the 400 "concerned parents the State Board James F. O'Neil. board member, had best possible place in which to live, of Education voted Tuesday night to ac¬ asked the "concerned parents" to come study and grow intellectually, the re¬ cept the report from the Advisory Com¬ to the meeting to show their support port said mittee on Sex Education The report in his recent criticism of proposed ma¬ The Ad Hoc committee's report states sets up guidelines for teaching sex edu¬ terials to be used in the school pro- that campus living does not equip the cation in Michigan schools student to develop 'a rich life style Marilyn Jean Kelley. board member, Hundreds of parents and grandparents nor does it provide sufficient people asked the State Board of Education to -crowded into hallways, stairwells, and who could encourage him to do so accept the committee report for the Recommendations of the committee grouped outside in the street hoping for purpose of holding public hearings and admittance to the Board Meeting-forced to improve campus living conditions not to accept it as a final expression the Board to move its meeting to larger include changes in building arrange¬ of public hearing. " ments, better and possibly fewer regu "Concerned parents' quarters to accomodate the crowd. throughout the The meeting finally began, an hour lations. and new combinations of re¬ group carried signs protesting all sex late, in a small auditorium in the states source people in new educational sit¬ education in public schools. uations The report states, however, new Highway Bldg near the Capitol. Signs saying "Protect our Children- All seats filled within that the prime need for improvement No to Sex Education." and "Sickening were minutes, lies in faculty-student relations. SIECUS (Sex Information and Education leaving hundreds of parents standing • We affirm that the greatest need and sitting in the aisles. Council of the U.S.) Seeks our Child¬ of all is for faculty people who are Superintendent of Public Instruction ren. No to Sex Education." drew wild Ira Polley welcomed the crowd saying willing to make the welfare of the applause from most of the crowd. honestly searching student their first he was pleased with all the interested Groups present at the Board Meeting concern." included Parents for Moral Education persons, but warned those present that it (please turn to page 9) (please turn to page 9) 2 Thursday, July 10, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Smith lauds New management Pentagon slated for union local debate By MARION NOWAK ion of State. County and Munici¬ this point to have ratified man¬ MSU's local achieves in its fin¬ scapegoats WASHINGTON Senate, amid increasing wran- (AP) -- The gling between supporters and Stale News Staff Writer pal Employes (AFSCME) meets agement's proposed package al contract superior to Oak¬ opponents of the Safeguard anti- MSU management and Local today to consider management's Oakland union workers re¬ land's.will apply to the Oakland ballistic missile system, put off 1585 of the American Federat- newly-proposed complete pack¬ ceive under this new contract contract also. again Wednesday a planned se- age. a union official said Wed¬ an 11.4 per cent economic in¬ Central Michigan's local cret session. nesday. crease. Otis reported, plus reached a tentative agreement Instead it heard a blistering "They'll have to decide as fringe benefits "of paid meals with management Tuesday; Proposed bill to the specific contents of the package. Clair Otis of the for food service employes and improving shift differential for membership meets tonight to discuss ratification. attack Smith by Sen. Margaret Chase on what she called "dis¬ astrous decisions" on Vietnam creates council AFSCME said. "The union cleaned up some all workers." Wage terms of the old con¬ The tentative agreement in¬ cludes a 12 per cent economic by the Pentagon's civilian of the demands for clarificat¬ tract at Oakland range from increase Grassroots parley for universities ion at ion our last mediation sess¬ housekeepers' wages. $1.85-$2 The current hourly wage make Attempts are being made to the military the scape¬ (Tuesday)," he contin¬ an hour, to $3.29-$4 19 an hour scale at Central ranges from State Albert Drake, asst. professor of English, brought his class of fiction aspirants goats fo- tjie disastrous decis¬ Rep. Vincent J. Peti- ued. "Ed Connor (mediator for carpenters. $2.08-$2.82 for cooks to $2.60- ions made out Into the open Monday to discuss their recent short story attempts. by their civilian pren. D-Westland. introduced from the Michigan labor Med¬ The contract also stipulates $3.68 for maximum salaried bosses a bill into the State News through the elite, but House Wednes¬ iation Board) suggested that that any economic increase skilled tradesmen. photo by Cark Kulow woefully inexperienced whiz day that provides for the crea¬ this package be the response " kids. she said tion of a special Committee on Labor-management bargain¬ The pattern has been to al¬ College and University Prob- ing at MSU has been in stale¬ ways credit the civilian bosses closed stacks since well before the Verdict due mate with any successes and to Petitpren said he visualized AFSCME contract expired at blame the military for any fail¬ the committee mittee and not committee His bill as a study com¬ an midnight June 30. The major investigative issue here has centered about was referred economic increases. on ures. maintained the Maine Referring to former Secretary Republican to the Committee on House During the dispute, various would end decided "in consultation with both judged this case." Chapin By DAVID BASSKTT council's decision possible. of Defense Clark. M. Clifford's Policy. management offers were State News Staff Writer the controversy, and that he did students and faculty" over a said. "It seems that these pro¬ I have been impressed with The bill empowers the com¬ termed proposal for withdrawal of all totally inadequate" bv In what he hoped would be not want to see the question period of time. fessional judgments should have the importance that the student U.S. ground troops. Mrs. Smith mittee of five representatives the union, while simultaneous "What I credence the "logical end" to the sub¬ of "limited-access" become am trying to say. over opinions of body has attached to the Aca¬ said. The proposal advanced appointed by the Speaker of union demands for wage in¬ ject. Richard E. Chapin. direc¬ "an open door to confronta¬ Chapin added, is that if stu others, particularly so in terms demic Freedom Report I am the House to by Mr. Clifford is really a request wit¬ creases were termed "totally tor of libraries, presented a tion between the library and the dents and faculty want a qual¬ of whv and how the svstem will equally impressed with the ser¬ basic plan that Gen. Wiliiam nesses. administer oaths and unrealistic" by University work with which my coll¬ statement before the All-Uni¬ students ity education program, years iousness C Westmoreland proposed some examine the books and records management negotiators. of planning, prodding and pro¬ versity Student-Faculty Judici¬ Chapin cited a report given Chapin concluded his report eagues on the faculty and in the time ago-but for which he has of any person, a partnership. Throughout the dispute since administration try to follow the ary (AUSFJ) Wednesday night, in 1959 by Former President ducing must precede the pro¬ by saying that his actions were been given no credit. contract expiration. union defending a closed-stack policy Hannah from the Committee on gram ." made in accordance with his in¬ dictates of the Report However, Mrs. Smith. made no public or private, involved in members at MSU have operated in the Library. the Future of the University. In order to meet the diff¬ this document, like any such reference at all in her speech a matter properly before the under a mutual terpretation of the Academic agreement with This statement will be used This report mentioned the need erent demands of different P'reedom Report, and that he document, is open to inter¬ to the controversial Safeguard committee." management to extend the con¬ by the Judiciary to determine for the University to change the people and to fulfill the differ¬ wished the controversy be sett- pretation- The committee will study ditions of the old contract until whether or not the proposed emphasis of the library from ent purposes of the library. the role of the student, facul¬ July 15. closed-stack policy is in vio¬ ty and administration as related Eight other Michigan colleges lation of the Academic Free¬ necessitated by the changing casualties to campus peace." along with have been U.S. similarly embroiled dom Report nature of MSU said other factors related to campus in bargaining disputes with Chapin prefaced his remarks Chapin reiterated that plans He added that if the closed- AFSCME locals whose con¬ tor a closed-stack policy were stack policy were adopted, dim¬ by saying that he hoped the Petitpren also said Wednes¬ tracts also expired on June 30 inished student use of the Li¬ day that the trend in the legis¬ Local 1609 of AFSCME ser¬ brary would not ensue. He said lature is going down" in the vice and maintenance workers Sharma's su rather that student use should despite steady strife area of respecting the autonomy at Ferris State College, the increase, because better con¬ of state universities only school involved where trols would exist and would per¬ The trend today is to want to control the universities and to a to control the youth, management refused to agree 15-day contract extension, he said has invoked mediation in the miss moil mit the Library to increase ap operating efficiency. be nesday. As an example of "It is our belief. Chapin SAIGON AP -A sharp re "generally close" to the The reason for this is be¬ The mailing of summaries scholars duction in American battle figure of 163-the number killed how American forces can incur attempt to solve its bargaining are planning to travel continued, that we can give cause they the legislators> stalemate. of the circumstances under next deaths over the past week does in the last important lull in casualties without any signifi¬ year, to all major Indian better service without dimin¬ are afraid of progress and Oakland s AFSCME local is which a Fulbright-Hays Fel- universities and to officials in ishing library use if we not reflect any major cutbacks Apri' cant increase in their own oper- ' change the only one of the eight at lowwhip was withdrawn from the Indian government. in allied military operations. This would mark a reduction isolate many of the little-used Dhirendra Shar U.S. ot about 30 per cent trom the 241 American paratroopers taking LIEBERMANN'SZHZI \egoi research items from the gen¬ spokesmen said Wednes¬ professor of philosophy, has been Charles P. Larrowe. pro¬ eral browsing collection. day. Americans reported killed in the part in a continuing, two- week of .June 22-28. a figure just month-old operation called La delayed until next week. of economics, said in In answering charges that he The spokesmen said an antici¬ The summaries were sched¬ two below the average for the mar Plain, were hit by enemy of the postpone- pated drop in casualties-possi¬ Exhibition and sale of tion had violated certain articles uled to be mailed today to There is still a slight of the Academic Freedom Re¬ bly 30 per cent below those of first six months of 1969. troops in concealed positions as the heads of state of the 50 of getting this thing the previous week-will, howev¬ In declaring that there has they patrolled a road 50 miles port in choosing the closed- oUDtcies, td which Kulbnght show the effects of slacken¬ heeii no major cutback in Amer¬ south of Da Nang in the north. stack policy. Chapin cited other er. . UNUSUAL CHESS SETS sections of the report to sub¬ stantiate his argument that he ing enemy activity. "We are still operating as we ican field operations. spokesmen support the conten¬ U S. and Nine stwen Americans were wounded, with two killed had not. have been, with combat sweeps tion of the Nixon administratin enemy known dead The U.S. THE STATE NEWS These sections state that the of battalion size or larger, said and the Pentagon that most cas¬ command described it as a U.S. command officer. ualties result from enemy ini¬ classic Viet Cong ambush. intellectual content and integ¬ a The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan Sute University, is "We're out looking for tiated actions. If you had 180 killed, that published everv class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week rity of the University is the the ene¬ This argument is used to justi¬ one incident would be a five per and Orientation issues in June and September. Subscription rates are S14 responsibility of the faculty, my. but it they choose not to and that their competency can make contact then none is fy the continuing movement of cent increase. When vou get a American troops in the field to couple of incidents like that, it best be judged only by other Casualty figures for the week i pre rath- really pushes them up. even faculty members « profess- of June 29-July 5 will be re¬ er than though the actions represent no igan Collegiate Press Association, I'nitet States Student Press Associatioi The faculty and outside pro¬ leased Thursday Sources in positions where they become sit¬ significant change in the level of fessional libr-fv experts have Washington say it probably will ting ducks for enemy attacks. fighting." said the officer. The allied commands have Incidents such as the para¬ about a dozen operations of bat¬ trooper ambush are classified talion size or larger under way. by the I S. command aft ene- Editorial most ot them in the northern mv initiated" actions Classified Advertising Klsewhere. a U S spokesman Display Advertising at Cu Chi. 20 miles northwest of Business-Circulation Photographic However, a battalion si Saigon, said a Viet Cong defec¬ ultibattalion operation tor led a government armed >t mean that full units o propaganda team to a cache of ^e are actually moving i 20 122mm rockets. They said the rockets had been buried about six months Chess. hobese the intriguing game that has captured in preparation for an attack . . ago the minds of men for centuries. .has also inspired . on the big Tan Son Nhut ait- some of the most creative artists and craftsmen. base outside Saigon. We've searched the markets of the world to bring The rockets, buried two feet you this great collection of unusual figures and deep in a 12-foot trench, were boards crafted in different materials and motifs badly weathered but many were from many 4Lovejy Ladies of Lansing' still in firing condition JOIN THE NEW GIRL IN TOWN AT COLLECTORS SETS $25.03 to $300.00 Summer STAUNTON SETS LANSING MALL from $5.00 Clearance SHE WANTS YOU: APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED NOW OF MICHIGAN'S FINEST WOMEN'S APPAREL STORES FOR ONE Sale Come and Meet SPECIALIZING IN FAMOUS NAME FASHIONS FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART! GEORGE TESSARO All kinds of Chess Chamoion Opportunities arc available for women with proven ex¬ Slacks, Tops, This elephantine epicure appeases perience in the following categories Skirts, Scooters, of Lansing his voracious appetite with no less than ASSISTANT MANAGER Dresses for seven Hobie's daily. He has become DEPARTMENT MANAGERS your summer hobese. But don't worry. Up to three SALESLADIES FOR Fun times! Hobie's submarines a day will keep COATS-SUITS-DRESSES SPORTSWEAR ACCESSORIES you well within the safety zone. CASHIERS - - ALTERATIONS - MAIDS 1/3 to 1/2 Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES We offer generous salary and commission, liberal fringe benefits and an opportunity for growth in an exciting re¬ tailing career. OFF CARRYOUT& DELIVERY call 372-4344 PHONE 351 3800 or apply in person ON THE BALCONY, DOWNTOWN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON (just across from south complex) ASK FOR MR. FISCHER ALBERTS UlJawk wi*icocJL 203 E. Grand River 113 S. Washington Open Wednesdays 9:30 to 9 p.m. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 10, 1969 NEWS U' to sum up Pinchp summary MSU* may of other courses to be offered to students in the center. thesis, under the direction of the residential faculty member. Juniors and senio's from the employed in the center to "stimulate discussions and in- tellectual awareness." They sections related dential seminar. to the Provost Howard Neville said resi- on any recommendations of the committee until fall term when John E Cantlon takes over add a sixteenth The third guideline is that as Honors College would also be would also conduct discussion that no action will be taken college to the University if a the residence center would provost A capsule summary of the day's events from our wire services. long-term recommendation of "seek to prove itself as a the Provost's Ad Hoc Commit¬ normative entity: a laboratory tee on Residence Halls be¬ for educational methods appli¬ comes a reality. The committee report recom cable to the whole university CAUSED CARRIER COLLISION The criterion of the Center § mends the establishment of a innovations, whether "The only time I see any¬ physical or "residence center for humane Officer admits intellectual, would be trans¬ one from ASM SI is when affairs." Anne C. Garrison, ferability. one book gets a bad deal on a and comes storming chairman of the committee, calls the center "Pinchpenny College" because of the small "We mind not would have always in just those happy few in the center." the report con¬ SUBIC BAY. Philippines who would serve as director. and political affairs, student The message, according to Ramsey therefore maneu¬ International News Each year the same number of freshmen, with a new direc¬ status, the handling stract thinking and clear writ¬ of ab¬ Lt. ij.g.i Ronald C. Ramsey, who earlier refused to testify at testimony from the Melbourne vered his ship accordingly This rier to a position behind her captain who sent it and many- put the vessels on a collision stand by for rescue missions tor. would be added to the cen¬ ing" and one basic University the hearings into the collision The Archbishop of Canterbury and his officers who heard it on other course and in trying desperately case any planes crashed. ter. College course. The remainder that took the lives of 74 U.S. sai¬ predecessor disagreed Wednesday over the The committee report sets up of a student's program will come lors. submitted three statements next move to end the 200-year rift between three guidelines of the resi¬ from outside the center. to the joint U.S.-Australian Britian's Anglicans and Methodists. dence center. During the sophmore year, the fact-finding board The Church of England Primate. Archbishop Michael Ramsey, still stands firmly behind The center would present in its membership a microcosm student will take course other within courses the only the core will center. be All within In the statements, one hand¬ written. one typed and one a transcript of an interview with Earn Top Returns With of the student body as a whole, his reunion plan, which 31 per cent of the the regular University. an investigating officer. Ram in sex. intelligence, rural- sey also said: urban composition economic Anglican clergy rejected Tuesday despite its The junior year will con¬ -The Evans not Y*v was on a acceptance by the Methodists. But Lord Fisher of Lambert, the 82-year-old level, etc." sist of independent study under The program for the center the supervision of the faculty would include one special course director. During the fourth year wrong basic course as another Evans officer testified J /2 -That he thought he could REDEEMABLE WITHOUT NOTICE prelate whom Dr. Ramsey succeeded in 1961. per year with enriched sections the student will write a senior have missed the carrier, but said the Church of England had escaped what that she Here's an unbeatable investment opportunity for all MSU surprised him and he called, "a faulty scheme of union." turned sharply into him at the employees: deposit a minimum of S500 in guaranteed 5 % last minute. Astronauts time deposits for one year and watch your savings grow! Inter -He did not wake the sleep¬ National News ing captain of the Evans be¬ est is paid quarterly—into your share account or directly to you. For complete details on this and the many other advantages your cause at first he didn't think it was necessary and because he credit union offers, phone or stop by today. A House armed service subcommittee said Wednesday that the Army has poured $1.2 bil¬ lion into a new "defective" missile-firing tank landing eq was too busy The Melbourne the middle of the ripped through pLsJ destroyer dur¬ that, in the subcommittee's opinion, would not -With C APE the KENNEDY countdown -Tom Matchick drove in three runs with a single and a sacrifice fly Wed¬ nesday to carry the Detroit Tigers to a 6-5 The for a han's Tigers pounced run in the first single and Mathick on on a loser Lee Stange walk. Bill Free- s sacrifice fly Math- Sluggers Reggie Jackson of the Red Sox proved the with a .306 batting mark. 23 ick drove in two in the third with a ton victory over Boston and boost them back more Oakland Athletics and Frank AL's top vote getter with 286. homers and 49 RBI's. past the Red Sox into second place in the single after two walks and a single by Norm Howard of the Washington Sena¬ easily outdistancing runner-up Freehan. elected to the start- American League's Eastern Division. Cash loaded the bases tors. both in the midst of Mark Belanger of Baltimore with ing tea >r the filth conse- The Tigers twice led by four runs but The Tigers made it 3-0 in the fourth against assaults on the one-season home 18 in balloting for shortstop. beat out 12 others starter Pat Dobson couldn't hold off the Red rookie Bill Lee on Dick McAuliffe's double run records of Babe Ruth and The rest of the otes for the catch- Sox and and Mickey Stanley's single and they tallied starting team he was knocked out during a Roger Maris, head this year's will be composed of catcher spot le Detroit backstop two-run sixth inning. Dobson nevertheless twice off Ron Kiine in the fifth on two \merican League starting all- Bill Freehan of the Detroit polled 155 votes to 74 ft walks around Freehan gained credit for his fourth victory against s single. Don Wert's star team announced Wednes¬ Tigers, first baseman Boog unner-up John Roseboro six defeats with relief help from Fred Lash¬ sacrifice fly and an error by Reggie Smith. day by commissioner Bowie Powell of Baltimore, second Minnesota and 56 for Gerry er. John Hiller and Don McMahon The Red Sox. who had taken the first baseman Rod Carew ot the McNertney of the Seattle Pi¬ Carl Yastrzemski hit his 24th homer off two games of the serfes to occupy second .Jackson and Howard were Minnesota Twins and third base¬ lots Hiller in the seventh to narrow the Boston place, picked up two unearned runs off named to the outfield, along man Sal Bando of Oakland Powell and Carew had little deficit to 6-5. but Hiller turned back the Dobson in the fourth on Rico Petrocelli s sin¬ with Frank Robinson ot the Pitchers, along with the re¬ opposition for first and second Red Sox until two out in the ninth inning gle. Joe LaHoud's double, a walk, a field¬ Baltimore Orioles, for the mid¬ mainder of the 28-man base, respectively The Ori¬ when McMahon struck out Don Lock with er's choice and errors by Freehan and Jim squad, summer classic July 23 at Wash¬ will be selected and announced oles slugger, who completed the bases empty to end the game. N'orthrup ington s Robert F. Kennedy week the first half of the season next by manager Mayo Memorial Stadium Balloting for Smith of the with a 309 batting average defending Ameri¬ he starting team was conduc ted 21 homers and 79 RBI's. beat TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION can League Champion Tigers. among players The closest voting came in out Harmon Killebrew of Min¬ inager: ch AL club. the race for third base where nesota at first base. 210-96. Bando beat while Carew the AL's leading out perennial all- star Brooks Robinson ot the hitter at .356. received 255 Orioles 163-126. Robinson has votes compared to 32 for run¬ as taught by .Jackson, the A s sophomo been chosen for every all- ner-up Tommv Harper of Seat¬ sensation with home runs tle MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI star game since 1960 and was •us first 77 games this seaso the starting third baseman from vill be making his first a 1964 Commissioner Kuhn through 68. Through last expressed -tar appearance and led ; Tuesday night s games. Bando. the hope the American League outfielders in the 260 voting wi Robinson, named to sev making his first all-star ap¬ pearance. had a .277 batting man snap out of its recent batting slump The National TONIGHT average with 14 homers and 46 League has won the last three while Howar runs batted in all-star games by scores of 8 D.m. in 86 gam 2-1. 2-1 and 1-0 Petroc$i|4. making the squad 169 ballot tor the -sefcond time, is'having 106B Wells Hall Janson in third Sponsored by Students' International Meditation Society - M.S.U. u Lynn Janson moved into third place in the Western Amateur Peace to all? How they stand Golf Tournament Wednesday b\ Shop Mon. thru Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. firing a 72 to go with his open¬ Mille arber of Sherman, 1 c. is not giving the ing round 70 on Tuesday at Sat. 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. peace sign but rather acknc edges the .applause American National Rock ford. III. Janson thus moves into today's of to the crowd at the 18th hoi finish with a first round as he sinks his putt of 69—two un- 36 hole competition with 49 der par—in the British EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIMS other top golfers. The top 16 Open Golf championship players after today's round will begin match play Friday with at Lytham St. Annes, the semi-finals and the cham¬ England, Wednesday. pionship round to be played AP Wirephoto Philadelphia 36 Montreal 26 Saturday. Cleveland (3 V) *★★*★*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION J Seal Film Group presents TONIGHT ONLY J 5 ChJrlie Chaplin in the great sound film J SALE Cincinnati 42 35 San Francisco 46 39 Houston 43 43 J THE GREAT DICTATOR i * Chapter 6 of "The Hurricane Express" * Wednesdays rest DETROIT K Kansas* Mi jt * 7 and 9:15 104 B Wells 50c ID not required 5 tsburph. twi-night FR1-SAT Mein Kampf n Diego, night - J Perma-Prest kngeles. night I * dr Mr. John Carver Twill Slacks I at Pittsburgh, night DINING IS tiat Houston night 3U have expensive, fab- Zales 2 tr*5 it San Diego night smelling bath powder, "IN" - AT mix it with non-scented baby Between School Terms Constellation powder., twice as much! .and you'll have Regular S4.59 . . . they're no- JIM'S Diamond Think you have lots pieces? of hair¬ Queen Elizabeth I iron, ester tumble-dry 9-oz.Fortei®poly- and cotton with Soil Release, WHY NOT A CRUISE? had eighty wigsl even greasy stains wash out. Double BROILED STEAKS and knee Continental style. Navy, brick, Quick hair - polishing and brass, olive. Slims anu regular The/'re economical, restful, DINNER FAVORITES cleaning trick: wrap a thin sizes 2-6X NIGHTLY cheesecloth around the bris¬ and fun! tles of your hairbrush and brush a hundred strokes. Reserve early! For tures naturally graceful ges¬ while talking, lead with Perma-Prest COLLEGE TRAVEL your wrist, keeping it relaxed. Try it right now — it's a- 351-6010 mazingl Plaid Shirts $150 Sparse eyebrows go soft and full this way: block in the 2 Zales heavenly diamond ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * design, expertly styled bare spots with eyeshadow; then, using pointed brush and eyeliner, draw tiny hair lines atop the blocked-in sections. 'T Regular $3.49 each J5 Tapered Complete front end repair and . . . Gives illusion of real eye¬ PER.MA-PREST®Plaid Shirts,Sears R emomber-- brows. Best alignment tapered sportshirt with long Your MSU I.D. Call 332-0904 and tail for neatest look, best fit.They're * Brakes * Suspension Saves You Mone/ then see us at no-iron, tumble-dry in matched RESTAURANT & woven plaid polyester and cotton. * rifFAKf LOUNGE at ZALES MR. lOHN'S Fashion colors. Sizes 3-6X. Wheel balancing * Steering ONE BLOCK EAST OF HAIR FASHIONS CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge THE CAPITOL You'll be delighted LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center 1 16 E . Michigan Ave. IV 9-1196 Zales 501 1/2 E. Grand River Across From Berkey Hall SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Free Evening Parking 24 hr. phone service SEARS, ROEBUCK AND)CO. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 10, 1969 SI i DRIVE Senate ABM h Mrs. Adams fights ABM By MARILYN PATTERSON tic missile (ABM) system, gress Concerning the prediction dual r Slate News Staff Writer Pauline Adams, wife of MSU's "After all." she said. if Tuesday by Sen. John Stennis. WASHINGTON (AP) -Ele¬ The Michigan Stop ABM acting president is among the I didn't think so I wouldn't D-Miss. that the Senate would ven sponsors of a committee Committee is ending today a sponsors of the stop ABM drive, be supporting the committee, approve ABM. she said that lobbying for approval of the three-day drive aimed at in¬ "I'm supporting their position ^ou have to try your best, it s a political tactic. He sup- Safeguard antiballistic missile (ABMi system were identif¬ fluencing the upcoming U.S. because it's the position I hold 1 th,nk there 18 a better chance Ports ABM; therefore he has to ied Wednesday as officers or Senate vote on President Nixon's myself." Mrs Adams said toda.v that »t will be defeated say it will pass. directors of companies which proposed Safeguard antiballis- Wednesday From my reading than there was three months Mrs. Adams said that many I have come to believe that ag° I hope that good common more people are aware of the t hold contracts to build the sys¬ tem. it is an unnecessary expense sense will prevail on this ABM issue because oi the ef- Big sun lenses at this time. Not only unneces¬ sary but also unwise. issue." forts of stop ABM groups. William J. Casey, chairman of the group, called the Citizens hidden eyesore Scientists working on ABM have stated that it won't work Committee for Peace with Se¬ curity. said he had sought to PHILADELPHIA « AP» big lens fashion sunglasses may- look great, but they aren't what - The the way the government wants to use it. she said "From a purely pragmatic point of view, leaving out the First LadyU' guard against participation by- people with an economic stake in ABM deployment. 'draws' the eye doctor ordered. The disclosure came as the According to evidence pre¬ mjral issues, it's an unwise sented Tuesday to a resolutions committee of the American Cy¬ expenditure." she said The committee picketed pr Senate Committee Foreign heard from Casey on his nomination Relations testimony tometric Assn.. holding its 72nd the Federal Bldg in Detroit Mrs Adams said that her to be a member of the general and presented Stop ABM husband's permanent successor annual meeting here, the small advisory committee of the U.S. amount of tinting in the glass petitions to Sens. Philip An Pauline Adams, the wife of should be secure and sure Arms Control and Disarma¬ Hart. D-Mich and Robert doesn't protect eyes from the . MSU's acting president, finds of himself, so that he can ment Agency. sun. and pieces of glass as P. Grittin. R-Mich. it difficult to describe the come to grips with the Univer- A ralh is planned for tonight Casey said his role as a large as the three-inch diameter sity lenses almost always have opti¬ cal defects niversity Student Center. of Detroit preferable quailties for the next president of the Univer- sity without thinking of specific He should be someone who isn't afraid to meet with and Aqueous champion of President Nixon's ABM plans would not conflict with his selection as a dis¬ Some of the fashion lenses Mrs Adams did not accom¬ individuals for the job listen to people, she'added When boys heat up, they know where to go to cool off. The pond in the Horti¬ armament adviser. magnify when they shouldn't, pany the committee to Detroit hard for me to He should be someone whc culture Gardens has Fulbright disagreed. Here's reduce visual acuity like Tuesday she thinks, however, perfect wading dimensions. or looking through the wrong end there is a "good chance" that abs •act the qualfties" from the looks uPon the job as an ex State News photo by John Harrington a man nominated to the advi¬ ABM will be defeated in Con- person. shesaid citing but passing challenge sory committee on disarma¬ of a telescope. ment. he said, and he is Mrs Adams said that she the organizer and promoter of believes the next president UNION BALLROOM committee for the promotion ras- Borman, Soviet president a should be aware of the ten¬ of It rather ' arms seems a sions in our society' and should JULY 11 & 12 75c odd coincidence " be someone who sees the SHOWN ONCE AT 7 p.m. The testimony centered on University as part of that full-page newspaper advertise¬ society discuss space cooperation ments published by Casey's He should be someone who committee, one of them headed: isn't afraid of change, yet 84 per cent of all Ameri¬ someone who is very strong." cans support an ABM system TOM JONES she said He should be will¬ ing to change, but not for the MOSCOW i AP i - U.S. meeting was very encouraging sons leave Moscow Thursday would be taken to Baikonur, the Fuloright and other ABM cri¬ tics argued the advertisements astronaut Frank Borman met and beneficial when we think of morning for New York. sprawling Soviet space launch¬ sake of change only were inaccurate and misleading ACADEMY AWARDS- with President Nikolai V. Pod- cooperation in space Asked whether any Soviet cos¬ ing center in Kazakhstan, but She added that in this highly this was never arranged for in thei,r arguments for approval BEST PICTURE gorny for 40 minutes*We8nesday Then turning on the wit that monauts would be visiting Amer¬ mechanized society, the next and said the talk was "encour- has made him popular among of the system ica as a result of his trip. BEST DIRECTOR president must recognize the aging an(j beneficial" in efforts the Russians, he added, sum- Borman told a newsman I 3EST SCREENPLA'r importance ot individuals as t0 achieve U S.-Societ coopera- ming up his four-city trip I hope so. Health BEST SCORING tion in space have only one regret-really a NEW YORK FILM CRITICS AWARD- as a teacher, herself, she said Borman told tion a farewell recep- climaxing his eight-day feeling of sorrow. I have greatly reduced the supply of Armenian nv At the meeting with Podgor¬ the Soviet president was flanked in his Kremlin office by proble BEST PICTURE that the next president of MSI tour of the Soviet Union that he brandy in the Soviet Union, aides, officials and enlighten cosmonaut BEST ACTOR-ALBERT FINNEY, must be concerned with the academic side of the Univer- believes space will prove to be the key to close relations be- The Russian host at the recep¬ German Titov and Mrs. Titov. to BEST DIRECTOR-TONY RICHARDSON tion. Viktor Gorshkov. deputy sity tween our two nations " chairman of the Soviet FILM DAILY POLL-ONE OF 10 BEST PICTURES 1963 She said that in her esti- His visit with Podgornv was Society A bill creating a critical health problen for Friendship with Foreign mation. administrative skill and the highlight of his tour and gram in the Stat Dept. of Education p Countries, praised Borman and BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS long experience are relatively Borman hinted that it was more his family for their endurance Wednesday- unimporta than a courtesy call He had It provides a $290,000 appropriation to institute a program in traveling around the Soviet met in the morning for nearly to educate youth on drugs, narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, men¬ two hours with Mstislav Keld- Borman's evening schedule tal health, dental health, nutrition, disease prevention and Your trip in the Soviet nion control, accident prevention and related health and safety vsh. president of the Academy called for a private look at the of Sciences - also apparently probably has been almost s dit- XU144. the Soviet prototype su- ficult as your flight t The bill, serious talk /he 1 for a personic transport plane sponsored by Rep. Dale Warner. R-Katon Rapids moon. Gorshkov said, \ our Details on both conversations . During the trip, the Borman provides for the new program to establish guidelines tn visit is a definite step t ward help local school districts develop comprehensive health edu were kept secret but Borman family visited Moscow. Lenin- consolidation of efforts o in- cation programs and special inservice programs to provide told the reception the Podgornv gra(j the Soviet Crimea and No¬ . crease space technology." vosibirsk. traveling in a char- professional preparation in health education for teachers through¬ Program Information 482-3905 teredturboprop plane out the state 2nd Hilarious Week Borman. his attractive wife The bill passed by the House June •">. t)4-,i9. COOL ML There had been speculation he Susan, and their two was on Features at i;20 - 3:20 - teen-aged cunmr 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:25 P.M. WKNR presents THE TWO GIANTS OF COMEDY. Michigan State University SHOW YOU HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE. Department of Theatre PERCEPTIVE, UMMER STYLISH AND ^ \ IRCLE SATISFYING." \ PRESENTS BOX TOPS "X" - PERSONS THE SLEEPING BEAUTY JETHRO TULL BOB HOPE-JACKIE GLEASON A Play For Children I PLUS | THE JAMES GANG AND OTHERS JANE WYMAN July 14-19 NOW! ALL COLOR! SAT., JULY 26 __8:00 P M "CAMELOT" Shown once at 8:40 "SAM WHISKEY" at 11:30 only "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" OLYMPIA STADIUM 10:00 a.m. $.75 TICKETS: $4.50, S3.50 This Program is rated M TECHNICOLOR* CRC Tickets: Olympia Stadium Eox Office and all J. L. Winner of 3 Ac ademv Awards! HERBIE the incredible little car! m juV) HUDSON stores. MAIL ORDERS: send self-addressed stamped envelope with check or money order to: OLYM¬ WALT DISNEY Reservations: PIA STADIUM, 5920 Grand River, Detroit, Michigan 48208. Demonstration Hall 355-0148 In association- with Audio Arts. Program Info 332-6944 HSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES coot Ml presents CAMPUS NOW i Feature 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:35 GOODBYE COLUMBUS' IS A VERY V 7^ X FUNNY. IMMENSELY APPUUNE hmcmHMb, MOVIE offtAti-MUL M4k4T ACKWMb Never before shown! The version of the revolutionary complete, unexpurgated film classic! EISENSTEIN'S by rut mm ofmmm Tea lavs That h" A NEW YORK U0kW tub-C0# Shaak The HlarM New score by Shostakovich. Also EISENSTEIN'S y VERSION OF /THE GRADUATE*I" —Judith Crist W/MWirv Bezhia Meadaw One of the world's great missing films Now partially restored in a 30-minute documentary! Music by Prokofiev Fri., Sat. - July 11 and 12 0c Person under l8^not ad¬ mitted unless FAIRCHILD THEATRE 7 30 "m accompanied by parent or adult guardian Next Portier In'The Lost Man' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 10, 1969 7 Economic growth slow in Upper Peninsula --Declining employment in three of the region's four basic retail sales in Sault Ste. Marie and St. Ignace are derived gains will continue. The recent closing of several mines indi¬ Declining industries and reliance on government payrolls industries (forestry, fisheries and agriculturet. from Kincheloe Air Force Base. cated that the growth may be short-lived. in the I'pper Great Lakes region make the job of develop¬ Farm earnings in northern lower Michigan and the Upper "Next year's closing of Kincheloe will have serious adverse Bronder also noted several positive points which are in the ing the economy a monumental task, a Michigan economist said recently Peninsula declined 45 per cent between 1950 and 1966 Bron¬ effects on the local economy, he added, unless plans for region's favor. Among these are: der said. turning the base over to civilian users are successful. --Cattle raising has become an important source of agri¬ Economic growth in the region has lagged behind the " Government earnings are much more important in Michi¬ Mining declines cultural income in parts of the Upper Peninsula. rest of the nation.' Leonard D. Bronder. of the Michigan Dept. gan than they are in Minnesota or Wisconsin.'' he continued. Mining, another source of income for the area, also has been -There has been substantial growth in the 50 higher educa¬ of Commerce, said. In 1966. they accounted for 19 per cent of the total personal declining The recent growth of taconite mining has given tion facilities located in the region. Many of these are com The agricultural era has ended in most of the region. income for that area. added life to this sagging industry munitv and junior colleges which did not exist in 1950. » Bronder added, but industrial structure has been slow \o change Government employment The western Upper Peninsula enjoyed some growth in mining -Construction and tourism have contributed significantly from a natural resource-based economy to one of manufactur¬ Government installations in the area include three air bases, operations during the early 1960 s and employment started to the economy. ing and the supplying of services Outside aid needed a state prison, a state hospital and the U.S. Army Corps of expanding.'' Bronder noted -Reduction of tolls on the Mackinac Bridge recently prom Numerous conditions presently exist which made outside Engineers and Coast Guard complements at Sault Ste. Marie. However, "he added, it cannot be expected that these ises to improve communication between the two peninsulas aid to the region a necessity. Among these arc -An unemployment rate of 8 4 per cent in 1967 compared to 3 8 per cent in the nation This coupon worth *1.00 . --('hanging technology making operation of many small farms economically unfeasible. 1 SERVER Museum's heads Mexico »2 QT. BEVERAGE Good Thru ' 52.99 -CE _roo rr ^ 1.99 COUPON Sun.July 13,1969 12-0Z 29 The depths of the Rio Mez- Baker has been interested in WITH EACH the canyon for almost 10 years, S3,00 FOOD quital Canvon in central Mex¬ ico will be explored this sum¬ but high water in the canyon Tumbler PURCHASE mer in an expedition headed has prevented his previous groups by Museum Curator Rollin Bak- from exploring it This year's Your New attempt will travel on horse¬ How Accompanying Baker on his back T.V. Following the exploration of Available the Canyon, the group will Stamps travel by field truck to the WHOLE LEGS, BREASTS PFTER'S ROLLED A TIED US.DA CHOICE TENDER A V Gift states of Tabasco and Chia¬ WHOLE OR PORTION * W/RIBS AND THIGHS in the extreme south of pas Mexico. There thev will ob¬ FULLY COOKED W/PART BACK Catalog Festival offers serve and caputre vertebrates in tween the mountainous the cities of Villa region be¬ Her- BONELESS FRYER PARTS CHUCK, exhibits, films STEAK HAMS and Tuxtla Gutierrez FAMILY PAK mosa This study art if \rt exhibits, lectures and even¬ ing entertainment provided by a complete evaluation of the dancers and musicians will be distribution, ecology and evolu¬ tion of neotropical vertebrate animals in Mexico. The expedi¬ tion will observe these animals in their natural environment and capture specimens for furth¬ er study in the laboratory hou>e from 2-r> p.m Sunday in Last year. Baker's group cap¬ the K restie Art Center Iiallery tured two tylomes. tropical Two exhibits will bj on dis- •limbing rats from the Mexican pl.iv at the gallery. Portraits state of Oaxcc The: spec ECKRICH USD A CHOICE by Contemporaiy \rtists anc mens produced healthy twins ALL SIZES PETER'S SERVE & SAVE BEEF SMOKETTES OR TENDERAY BOSTON Photographs bv Dorothea last winter, the first time the Lange rats have been bred in cap¬ Silver Platter Quarter Sliced Throughout the week then tivity Honeysuckle Hot Sliced Sniok- will be Mich attractions as toll Robert Web. of the Univer¬ dancing, iilms. piano concert: sity of Texas, and ot Bak¬ Turkeys Dogs Bacon Y-Links PORK one and numerous lecturers The tes er's students, will join the ex¬ rival will conclude with a con pedition Funds for the irip i 59 75' cert bv the MSI orchestra, tea come from giants to the Mu- tunng violin soloist Walter delir of the Music Dept. V'er grant of Tex given the LOINS TOMMIE'S LOUNGE RESTAURANT POT KROGER Specializing in Char-broiled Steak *Try Our SIZZLER STEAK! Lobster Tails COFFEE I OR FAB *Noon Luncheon Specials *Happy Hours 3-6 P.M. [ OPEN 6 DAYS—9:00 A.M. - 12:30 A.M. | 320 E. MICHIGAN PH. 484-6098 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED TOP VALUE FREE PARKING AT REAR OF BUILDING STAMPS WITH COUPON BETTY CROCKER SPARTAN TWIN THEATRE I Instant Tea I CAKE AVONDALE BSun. July 13? 1969 IWI 6:30 & 9 p.m. wnzMMm at William Holden Ernest Borgnine Robert Ryan J VACPAC 2 MIXES PEAS Edmond O'Brien J Kroger Coffee J Wittg 89* : 'ZMMD- O 50 TAVAD'oressING"9*' JgjM 'JgjijgJ #16 ^ 50 kroger olives a !#m a so drink mix PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 TODAY. . . At COOl/fM j #89 CD 50 2 du pont sponges 1:15-3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 | #90 Q 50 krogVr dry9milk FRESH 27 SIZE bWttr SUN BLUSHED DELICIOJSLY ]#9i a 50 -33 WiTTY COMEDY! #92 □ 100 SWEET JUICY FRESH AND ALIVE! CD SO CANTALOUPE NECTARINES Jack Lemmon and If #94 O 50 •» Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Coupon Strip Good Thru Sun. July 13, 1969% % LIHIT ONE PER CUSTOMER NEXT. . .ROCK HLD60N IN 'ICE STATION ZEBRA" 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 10, 1969 State News State News Classified Thousands of your friends & neighbors have used WANT ADS ... Have you? Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive Employment For Rent For Rent Cl'TLASS S. 1968 -- 2-door hard¬ WANTED: SHARP junior or sen¬ EAST LANSING For family, spa TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2. EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large. ior marketing or sales major in¬ clous 3-bedroom duplex $185 351 Summer--$130. Fall--»150. Lease furnished, studio apartments Car¬ top. power steering, brakes tilt wheel. 1 owner 882-2048 5-7 14 terested in assisting young busi¬ 3895 5-7/11 351-7399 5-7/11 peting, air-conditioning, stove and ness executive in establishing new refrigerator 1140 Call EDWARD business in Lansing area Good LEASING, IMMEDIATE occupancy- G HACKER COMPANY, 488-2282 FIAT 850 Spider-1968. convertible. COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham or Mrs Steele, 485-3774. 15-7/22 4-speed gauges, free set of spark part-time earnings, plus tremendous Available for and Alton Brand new deluxe 1 • AUTOMOTIVE learning opportunity Write ALPINE plugs Barter 393-1726 5-7 11 ENTERPRISES. INC.. Box 1132, bedroom, furnished For profession NEWLY MARRIED? • EMPLOYMENT al. graduate students, college fa Fall Lansing. Michigan 5-7 11 • FOR RENT culty or personnel Select clientele ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ • TANGLEWOOD • FOR SALE EARN UP TO $3,000 this summer. Beechwood • LOST & FOUND Subsidiary of Alcoa Start training able for Call June and 332-3135 September leas¬ 882 6549 APARTMENTS MERCEDES BENZ--1961 4-door and earning in your spare time ing or • • PERSONAL Car necessary Call 351-7319 for O University Villa 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 sedan Excellent body and mechani¬ • PEANUTS PERSONAL cal condition Must sell 332-1016 351-7880 IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS • Princeton Arms • REAL ESTATE NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full part 911 Marigold Ave. • SERVICE time 21 and over preferred Ex¬ New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ • Holiday Apts, • TRANSPORTATION cellent income potential iRobb' McFadden. HOWARD JOHNSONS. ished 2-man apartments. • WANTED Halstead 694-0454 O Across street from campus. Management TWO GIRLS immediately Chalet Leasing now for fall. 1 year 351-7910 Park luxury apartment Air-condi¬ PONTIAC--CATALINA, 1966 2-door DEADLINE hardtop, radio, power steering and REGISTERED NURSE Opening in a or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 tioned. lake. pool. $55 627-6862 medical care facility 3 pm to whitewails. 3-7/11 1 brakes standard trans¬ 11:30 pm shift. Good salarv and 332-2335. P.M. one class day be¬ mission-$1,100 Phone 351-6210 benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE. fore publication. 5-7 10 2815 Northwind Drive in East Lan¬ FOUR-MAN apartment furnished ONE-BEDROOM Furnished, close to AVAILABLE NOW til September Cancellations - 12 noon one sing Phone 332-0817. Mrs Parker With swimming pool campus Starting July 25 $100 month PORSCHE CONVERTIBLE 1961 Heat paid 15 Furnished 2 girls. $50 each class day before publica¬ - . _ 10-7 17 $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ 332-5320 Evenings, 351-7984 3-7/11 Good running condition Best rea¬ t 5.7/15 tion. AGEMENT. 351-7880 C sonable offer Apartments Ser ;it Capitol Vill.i 1692 Grand River SUMMER students EMPLOYMENT for MSU J with Midwest's largest Apartment 89 5-10 pm 5-7 IH full-line 348 OAKHILL-2-4 man merchant wholesaler Full apartments PHONE or part-time Automobile required Fall leasing Walking distance 351 - Phone THE SOCIETY CORPORATION. 7153 5-7 11 TRIl'MPH 1965--$400 Fair condi¬ 355-8255 tion. some work Spitfire 351- 337-1349,8 a m to 5 p m. O ' 5751 X3-7 10 RATES NEEDED: MANAGERS. Saleswomen 711 EAST 1 We will train you for positions 711 Burcham Dr. VALIANT 1982-2-door hardtop 6. 1 with distributors of Holiday Magic day $1.50 stick Good all around automobile Cosmetics products, New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ full or part- lit P«r word per'day $295 CRAIN S MOTORS. 1301 East 1 time. Small investment brings gen¬ ished 3 man apts. letting for 3 days Kalamazoo 372-5234 C $4.00 erous commission For Interview 1 year or 9 mo. 13 l/2f per word per day VOLKSWAGEN 1964 New call 332-4006 3-7/14 leases. paint 5 days ...... $6.50 jider trade Phone IV 9-9651 or I3f per word per day 5-7 15 ARA SERVICE has immediate open Well -- That brings our 'Violence In 351-3525 ing for female Hostess Attendant '(based on 10 words per ad) to service vending machines in Lan¬ America' Debate to a quick end!! AVAILABLE TIL September sing area Call 332-4151 or apply There' will be a 50£ service in person at 143 North Harrison and bookkeeping charge if between 8 a m -5 p.m building of select clientele 5-7/16 this ad is not paid within one week. For Rent For Rent The State News will be Auto Service & Parts NEAR EAST LanSing-2-bedroom du- responsible only for the ACCIDENT PROBLEM" Call KALA¬ TWO MEN: Close, parking Avail¬ refrigerator. air-conditioned fire¬ first day's incorrect inser¬ MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small NEW GE portables and stands rented able July 15 to September 15. place $180 plus utilities Phone ONLY to MSI' students and faculty 332-0939 5-7 17 tion. ■ dents to large wrecks American TURNED OFF . and foreign cars Guaranteed work $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 HASLETT. DESIRABLE 2-bedroom BAY COLONY Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C deluxe Near shopping Families or MASON BODY SHOP 812 East Kala¬ married students Will accept 2 APARTMENTS The State News does not mazoo Street Since 1940 TV RENTALS G.E 19 portable- children Lease, deposit $150 plus Corner of Haslett and By East Lansing's High Cost permit racial or religious Complete auto painting and colli- $8 50 per month including stand electricity 337-7618 7-7 18 Haga- Call JR CULVER COMPANY. 351 dorn Roads. Now taking leases discrimination in its ad¬ 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- PARK TRACE M.S.U-Okemos East for September 1, 2 and 3 of Living? vertising columns. The Lansing Spacious 1. 2, 3 bedroom State News will not accept man apartments. Furnished or apartments with all the extras TURN ON unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month advertising which discrim¬ FRANCIS AVIATION So easv to TY RENTALS-Students only Low plus pool and clubhouse 332-5094 inates against religion, monthly and term rates Call 484- leases available. Call Jack learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE'" race, color or national or¬ Special $5 offer 484 1324 C 2600 to reserve vours UNIVERSITY Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. TV RENTALS C LANSING - 2-bedroom. fireplace, igin. semi-furnished, parking Scooters & Cycles RENT A TV from TV $140 482- with these features at a Company- 8163.489-7861 3-7 14 $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 SUZUKI 1968 Scrambler 200 Like NEJAC TV RENTALS C new • 900 miles 2 helmets $500 TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 AUSTIN Automotive HEALY Sprite 1963 ■ red REACH THE PUBLIC the easy way with a "Personal Classified Dial 355-8255 now ad in Burcham days. until 10 p.m. $135 487-3216: per month evenings. Call 882-2316. Q MEADOWBROOK new top. seats, tires Excellent condition 337-1327 ByiCK 1963 $800 Call F.lectra ■ Judi $900 Dauer 3-7 14 Air- BEST POWER for »>•' money 305 Dm . Super 'cQtUs 351-863^>rtiter 6 Honda Before 2 o.m . 351 TRACE conditioned. complete power sories Must sell 337-2680 acces¬ 1-7.10 DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED CHEVELLE 1964 6 automata power 1968 met Benelli. 125cc Insurance.hel¬ $200 or best effer Call Todd. Twyckingham Apartments are now leasin^student units Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and - 337-0096 2-7/11 for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments steering, radio Must sell Very good condition Evenings 161 79K4 are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive appliances You'l be glad you did! Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ Employment washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central STUDENT - PLANNED CHEVY 1! 1963--4 do TYPISTS 60 wjSm. 5 day a week air conditioning. These 4-man units have RECREATION FACILITIES matic- MOTORS 372-5234 Ciood familv 1301 Easl 4-9 pm writer Justowriter or Flexo- experience preferred 337-1651 between 3-5 om Call WHEELS of Lansing 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- ! drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ dent's leisure time has been adequately Featuring olympic pool with souna, tennis courts SCHOOL HI S driver applications 2200 S. Cedar LUXURY FEATURES arr planned for with a giant heated swim- Only minutes from East Lansing & Okemos ming pool, recreation rooms and priv- conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and . Air Go W®st on Mt. s balconies. If you want to be among Hope, then 2 blocks South on Cedar balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water the first residents of Tw/ckingham call furnished, laundry In each building I today. There are 92 units available at I APTS■ $280/month and up. ALL MAINTENANCE FREE CHEVHOI.ET IM1M \w Fall leases available See for yourself! Large new beautiful 1-2-3 bed¬ EMPLOYERS (1VERLOAD COMPANY Model Open 10-6 room apartments from $55/student. Model open Pres Prescriptions Phone 332-6441 Monday, Tuesday, a.m.- south 6 p.m.; from Frandor Thursday, and Sat. 10-12; Sun. 2-6 and take p.m. Take the Jolly Friday 11 1-496 Road CHEVROLET V-8 automatic *395 TRAINS MOTORS Kalamazoo. 372-5234 1963-4-door Good familv car 1301 wagon East C SPEEDREADING! DO-IT-YOURSELF COURSE No classes to attend! filled promptly and dependably at ®toj>cWngf)am Exit-right to Meadowbrook Trace 0210. or phone 393- 4620 S. Hagadorn By Kassuba, the Nation's H\ Landlord CHEVROLET 1967 HALF-PRICE THRU JULY 15 ONLY FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES GrvSHhrtKA 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gunson Drug WALGREEN MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY* 482-3379 CROSSWORD PUZZLE MI3HE1M WIKSIK) raiiisuN ED 2-2011 AGENCY NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES www :•«-] FJiirja ttldMHra H\m nirmiiMfa Place Your nmefciH faraawn SMS friiama Hot Weather Savings PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD Today Just clip, complete, mail. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 Conqueror Austral, bird Court In a line Roman tyrant ). Medallion I Gr. leather frlflMfH HHHIdHl aMHlIHlJI nainiirj nnarjaa IJdM . . . Equal 17 Made cloth naaii swaaa STATE NEWS will bill you later. 18 Sandarac tree WARM WEATHER 19 21. Hero Venomous snake 25, Increase 27. Tsetse TUNE-UPS 6 cyl W Consecutive Dates Heading _____________ to Run . LIFETIME MUFFLERS Print Ad Here: 8 cyl . Indebted As Low $J95 Turmeric Some Free Installation Warp yarn plus name brand parts Wither Americans (Service Department Specials) st be placed in person. Refurbish Guaranteed Brake Reline from $18.95 You and I Save $6 to $20 10 Words or Less: Apartment Heavy Duty Shocks $14.88 per Pair Prophet Free Installation Over 10 Words Add; Attitudinize Gaelic Savory sauce ONLY FIVE Mail to: Michigan State News Eng. cathedral 347 Student Services Bldg. MINUTES FROM CAMPUS MSU East Lansing, Mich. Annoy Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 10, 1969 9 Student Campus living study DIRECTORY (continued from page one) capacities. In Coelho, professor of American response to Thp committee recommended questionnaires distributed in the thought and language; Allan that the University administra¬ residence halls, students indi¬ Mandelstamm. professor of ec¬ tion begin to recognize and re¬ cated onomics; Matthew Medick. pro¬ by a proportion of al¬ Learn ward faculty members for ex¬ most nine to one that the most fessor of mechanical engineer¬ CAMPUS to fly? Sure youl PAR-MOR Use our Air Taxi-Service cellence in professional advis¬ needed academic improvement ing; Herbert Oyer, chairman of WASH N' GAS GOLF COURSES ing in the same wa^ it does is smaller class size. the Dept. of Audiology and Buy a new Piper Illuminated Driving Range Free exterior car wash with AU at: outstanding research or publi¬ The least desired alterna¬ Speech Sciences; Lyle Thor- 9 Hole Par 3 8. Regulation cations. tive for academic improvement 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. Francis Aviation burn. manager of residence Course. "If the faculty, or substan¬ Capitol City Airport was more television teaching halls, and Lewis K. Zerby. pro¬ 248 West Grand River Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E.M-78 tial parts of it. are eager to by distinguished faculty mem¬ fessor of philosophy. 484-1324 ED 2-3432 devote themselves to this prime bers. Student representatives on BROOKS Imported Cars Custom Picture Framing? concern, they need tangible The members of the the committee were Margaret Give us a call! COLLEGE TRAVEL proof that their administration committee are: Anne C. Garri¬ Korda. Corning. N Y and Alan . Sales and OFFICE applauds and rewards intellect¬ son. chairman of the committee Stickney. Columbus. Ohio, both Service Bob Jones Paints ual dedication of this type as and associate professor of bus¬ of whom graduated in June. 482-1473 130 West Grand River Blvd. well as other types." the com¬ iness law and office adminis¬ 1969 MASON mittee noted. tration; Donald V. Adams, for¬ John Wilson, former asst. Cat walk 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing 677-8141 351-6010 The report also indicates that mer director of residence hall provost who left MSU this year, students want closer contact chaired the committee until It Is obvious that this feline figures that with nine programs. Jay W. Artis. pro¬ Check KWAST BAKERIES BUD'S with faculty in non-advisorv fessor of sociology; Richard February 15. lives he can afford to go out on a limb once In a LINCOLN LIFE'S AUTO PARTS while. State News photo by Carl Kulow Birthday & All Occasion Deferred Payment Cakes Late Model Motors and grad plan 351-8810 Frandor: 351-5032 Brookfield: 337-0832 parts a speciality Halfway between Holt and MSU Bookstore manager Ann Arbor coed Since 1905 Ph. slayings Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 (continued from page onel Howick said that this is a and mugs, that can be sold Tuning Problems? WALT KOSS According to Howick. the MSU fallacy, that the rate of markup at a 30-45 per cent markup.' Get Experienced proven Butler's Kiddieland Bookstore maintains an inven¬ depends largely on the merchan¬ "Private stores, who can (continued from page one) pert told the court that prints Super tuning at RESTAURANT Terrace Golf on the matched those of tory that retails at $1 mil¬ dise mix carried by the store. be selective in their mix. usual¬ Bishop remained impassive cup Fine food, entertainment pizza One free Tide with purchase S & J Speed lion. with the annual volume "About 78 per cent of our ly have about a 50-50 ratio throughout the proceedings, rare¬ Bishop's taken after his ar¬ Reservations - 655-2175 § of $1 strip of tickets ft of business over $2 million inventory is in books which book and non-book ly lifting his eyes from rest last Sunday. Equipment Co. . 351-0160/a The car¬ on mer¬ the table in front of him. His Shewcraft testified Bishop inventory at cost is worth ry a 20-30 per cent mark¬ chandise. They have more high- 5946 S. Logan 882-0402 father and "never mentioned" knowing an estimated $750.00-$8<)0.000 up. Howick said. The other profit items and can offer a stepmother listened 22 per cent is non-book mer¬ intently from the rear of the Miss Phillips. Although friends BARGAINS, BARGAINS CONTACT LENS ~^tokes""Men*s""8^ From this 20-25 per cent few better deals on books as courtroom. Police searched ev¬ of the dead girl have said that markup the bookstore nets a chandise. such as sweatshirts Wednesday, July 16 SERVICES Women's Apparel she and Bishop were dating. 5 minute heel service two- or three per cent profit, eryone who entered. 920 W. Saginaw Shewcraft said that he took D. M. DEAN, O. D. The latest in knit shirts, he said It costs me 22-23 According to Shewcraft. Bis¬ M.S.U. Shoe Repair 225 E. Grand River 332-3619 210 Abbott Rd. Suite # 16 Dashiki, Afro-American style. J. Mar pants, bell-bottoms, per cent of our business volume to do business.' Yellowstone hop bought the gun earlier this year, but that Shewcraft kept it most of the time. Togeth¬ Bishop out to he identified almost every seeva girl friend only as "Pat" night since early 332-6563 Safari jackets.All women's styles Included in his operational er. they had bought ammuni¬ April. attacked costs space rental at $70.- by are 000 tion for it last Friday. Under cross examination by a year, labor costs and "inventory shrinkage "-unre¬ After going to a Fourth of Bishop's court-appointed laywer. corded markdowns. unrecorded July party. Shewcraft said. Bis¬ Ralph Keyes. Miss Rubin YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Mont (APl-Two sleep¬ hop "went looking for some¬ said she was "just curious" AIR-CONDITIONER 6,300 BTU RENT A TV from a TV C(j breakage, misrings at the regis¬ ONE APARTMENT left Hurry, hur- - ing campers were injured in two separate bear attacks body" early in the evening about who came to the apart¬ Fits Spartan or University windows $9 00 per month Call ter. and theft. rv' All utilities paid Close to in the and later asked Shewcraft for ment at first and that she 165 351-9051, 355-2364 3-7/11 NEJAC TV RENTALS. National averages indicate park Wednesday. campus Call NEJAC. 337-1300. C the heard no "screams or outcries that 2 per cent of all volume Supt Jack Anderson said David Lou. 22. Los Angeles, and gun. Shewcraft said Bis¬ Michael Rock. 23. Carnegie. Pa., suffered head wounds. Both hop told him "some guy owed or calls of alarm" from her BOOKS GRAD student liquidating Poanuts Personal in student bookstores is lost in library Political science literature were taken to a park hospital and both were in good condition him money and he expected roommate. theft, he said Save Parent. E-728 Owen. 353- DODO, TWO down, the third one is Anderson said the two attacks occurred at Fishing Bridge some trouble.'' Elden turned down a motion "That's equal to our entire NORTHWINO the charm. Congratulations on win¬ Police testified that cof¬ by Keyes that the murder charge ning1 Remember, knocked me net profit. If ASMSl wants campground near the northern corner of Yellowstone Lake in a FARMS you the interior of the park fee cup was against Bishop be reduced to down, so how about a helping hand to reduce our costs and our found in the apart¬ Faculty Apartments up9 Turkey 1-7/10 Anderson said one bear was believed responsible for both ment with coffee in it "al¬ manslaughter. Bishop is being prices, tell them to stop stu¬ 351-7880 dents from stealing from us. attacks. He said rangers and other park personnel are hunting most of drinking temperature." held without bond in the county Howick said. the animal. A State Police fingerprint ex¬ According to Howick. if all ELECTRIC GUITAR Guild Real Estate operational costs were cut to $175 Sunn the bare break-even minimum amplifier, two 15 inch Lan¬ EAST LANSING Glencairn, 7-room, he still could not match the sings-$375. Call 351-0488 2-7/11 - 3-bedroom Den, full-basement, gar amount lost by theft. BRAND NEW Pentax Spotmatic, fl age, 2 fireplaces, vinyl-siding, ex¬ EAST LANSING-2-3 bedroom du¬ tras. ASMSU's criticism has cen¬ 8,55 with close-up work acces¬ By owner Call 351-6390. after plexes. Families Unfurnished $150 sories Best offer 5p.m. 3-7/H tered around the bookstore's (Listed price $200 332-0480 3-7 11 -$345i 355-9904 3-7 14 markup on books, contending NEAR MOUNT Hope and Pennsyl¬ EAST LANSING For family, spacious that it should offer a lower COUCH AND chair. $25 Three- vania 1117 Pershing Drive. Lan¬ 3-bedroom duplex $185 351-3895 piece sectional, sing For sale by owner 3-bed- price on new books than com¬ W 11 $25. Refrigerators mercial stores and reduce (5). $20-$65 Gas. and electric rooms, 2 down. 1 up Delightful!' furnished, full ranges (all sizes i. $25-$60 Roc¬ Cape Cod with finished rec room the markup on used books. ker. $12 Dining table and two aluminum siding In excellent con¬ chairs. $20 Five-piece dinette. $20 dition Phone 482-9704 1-7/10 seven mirror. piece. $45 $20 Desk Dresser with oval (blonde >. $25 EAST LANSING, by owner A com¬ Wilson draws Bookcase. $12. This is a very fortable older English Colonial 3- large furniture, rummage dishes, sale, books consisting of many ap¬ bedrooms, den, dining room, fire¬ place in living room, full base¬ electoral map pliances If you're looking for anv-j ment. large attic 5 1/4 per cent thing in this line, it will pay you F.H.A. mortgage $22,000 332- LONDON (APi--Prime Min¬ TWO HOUSES to stop 117 West Northrup Phone 8734 5-7 10 ister Harold Wilson's govern¬ 882-5062 1-7 10 ment went ahead Wednesday 882-5536 Service with plans to redraw the elec toral map of Britain. Labor re¬ PAINTING AND decorating-Exterior TALKING MYNA Bird-32-word vo¬ and interior Reasonable prices jected Conservative opposition cabulary Excellent condition Great Experienced painter Free estimates charges of cheating and risking for fraternities or married hous¬ No job too big 337-0464 O a constitutional crisis. ing Reasonable 882-7976 3-7/10 In a House of Commons MEN SINGLE i EXPERIENCED FRENCH tutoring ablaze with anger and insult. Honors graduate, $2 50, group rates Wilson's laborites won approval 372-5741.353-8138 3-7/14 MALE SINGLE $16 i by 291 to 246 to limit debate on GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies 1 ALTERATIONS AND their controversial bill to 40 Dressmaking by male. 1 female Phone 655-2743 experienced seamstress Reason¬ EAST LANSING Stoddard 2-7 11 able 630 charge. 355-5855 Single rooms, furnished Light cook SIAMESE-BEWITCHIN Blues. Charm ing Men $60 332-0480 5-7 11 in' mons. Chocolates. Captivatin' Cinna¬ Saucy SealpoinLs $10 each Sex education For Sale Call ED 2-5859. after 6 30 pm (continued from page onei CLOSED FOR vacation from 4th was not a public meeting, but to 14th July OPTICAL DISCOUNT ALTERATIONS. GOWNS, and dress that the purpose is to hear 2615 East Michigan C-7 11 making-experienced Reasonable the report of the Advisory Coun¬ V ACUUM LIBERTY 1959-Nice shape, 10 X58 charge Call 355-1040 20-6 17 cils efforts." ( LEANEKS-1 vear old gas furnace and water heater, $1,875 The members of the council 482-8249 5-7/11 HIRING HELP CAN BE FUN! Get the people you need with a Clas¬ comprised of ministers, profes¬ sified Ad Dial 355-8255 now' sionals. school administrators, 150 USED vacuum cleaners Tanks tost £ Found and medical doctors sought to and canisters and uprights All in FOUND: KEYS bench Typl«g*l|fvic« present their report but encoun¬ good condition $7 88 and up DENNIS on near Wells, tered much verbal opposition DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 316 North Friday morning Identify Call 351- 0295 after 10 p.m. or inquire BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing from parents present Room 202 Wells 8-10 No job too large or too small Leave kids alone." 2677 C-7 10 a.m. daily our some¬ Block off campus 332-3255 C one shouted, we know what SEWING MACHINE clearance sale LOST TAN wallet - ID Mason to tell them."' Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 (X) Hall Reward No questions asked TYPING ACCURATE and reasonable "Parents have been hand¬ per month Large selection of re¬ 355-2091 3-7/14 conditioned used machines Singers ling this for 2.000 years, we LOST: SET of 3 kevs in brown don't need you to ANITA WARREN SCM Electric tell us any¬ manv others $19 95 to $39 95 case, on campus 353-2270 8-5 Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING daily . 3-7/14 Dissertations theses, term papers thing." another man added COMPANY. 1115 North Washington Call 9-7 351-076;! C-7 10 After the committe's lengthy 489-6448 f-7 10 LOST GOLD charm bracelet on cam- ' report O'Neil charged the com¬ pus Sentimental value Reward1 PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique mittee with approving near- BIRTHDAY CAKES-7 $3 64 8 351-3452 qualitv thesis service IBM typing, $4 18 9 $5 20 Delivered KWAST 3-7/11 multilith printing and hard binding pornographic materials for a BAKERIES 484 1317 proposed bibliography list in¬ LOST: GREY kitten Extra claw right cluded in their guidelines. front foot Gunson Street 351-0464 ANN BROWN "I'd say anyone who would 3-7/11 Typist and multilith, offset printing Dissertations, theses, allow this material to be •dis¬ manuscripts, general tvping IBM tributed must be guilty of either 19 years experience TELEFUNKUN STEREO tape record¬ Personal 332-8384 C misjudgment. incompetence or er New' $225 Call Al: 337-0348 TV RENTALS. duplicity.-' O'Neil said. 355-0308 5-7 11 GE 19" porUble-- THESES OFFSET PRINTING, typ¬ He aimed additional barbs $850 per month including stand ing and binding Lowest prices avail¬ Call J R. CULVER COMPANY, 351- able Located across from at Pollev and recommended EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- campus Ranger mini-8. $59 95 and up 8M2 220 Albert Street. East Lan- on corner of M A C and Grand that the state superintendent River, below The Stvle Shop Call Lear Jet. $69 95 and up MAIN resign. ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsyl¬ COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337 1666 "I'd suggest the superinten¬ vania Lansing C IT TAKES TWO to practice English 42-8 22 dent of public instruction could conversation Would you like to help a foreign student this summer"' YOU'RE UP FRONT < the I serve the public better in anoth¬ Call 353-0802 for full deUiLs 1-7/10 er capacity," O'Neil said as a final remark. K'luded $695 676-2547 POLK GUITAR, 5-string banjo les A standing ovation for O'Neil sons Individual, group Bill, 337- Wanted from the crowd followed DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and 2315 3-7/11 cheers for him BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for engagement ring sets. Save 50 per Moments later Polley called all positive A negative. B negative cent or more Large selection of FOLKSINGER AVAILABLE for par plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 and AB negative $10 00 O nega the meeting to order and again ties, banquets, etc Professional tive $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN warned the crowd that this was WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 experience Bill, 337-2315 3-7/11 ITY BLOOD CENTER 507' a East East Michigan 485-4391 C Grand River East not a public hearing and added Lansing Above FREE: A thrilling hour of brauty the new Campus Book Store Hours further that "there will be pub¬ JUST ARRIVED Red Guard uni 9 to 3 30 lic hearings about this at the For appointment call 484-4519, MERLE a m p m Monday Tues¬ forms Antique and Military Relic day. Wednesday, and Friday NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO, 1600 Thurs¬ proper time, howeve Shop 1722 East Michigan Lansing East Michigan C-7/10 day. 12 to 630 p.m 337-7183 C not the proper time 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 10, 1969 Hickel stock hits unexpected high WASHINGTON (AP> - The according to the company's On June 18. the committee nounced in Houston that the kan north slope area. Interstate stock has fluctuated, value of mineral exploration president. Robert Baldwin The granted Hickel an additional six company had acquired Burgess On June 19. the price of Alas- generally rising. The volume of company stock, which was own¬ volume of shares traded Tues¬ months to get rid of the stock International. Inc.. a Fairbanks ka Interstate went up 3 3 8 shares traded has. on most trad- ed by Interior Secretary Walter day is approximately 40 times The action came in response to construction firm wheh is doing points. ing days, been far above nor- J. Hickel and which he has re¬ the normal volume. Baldwin a request from Vernon Hickel. work in the oil-rich Alas- Since then, the price of Alaska some mal. ceived Senate permission to said in a telephone interview the secretary's brother and fi¬ delay selling, has soared to a from company headquarters in nancial adviser, and president new high. Nobody seems to be Houston. of the Hickel Investment Co. of able to explain why. Anchorage. SUMMER SKATING Tuesday the stock in Alas¬ On Tuesday, in a market that In mid-June. Vernon Hickel ka Interstate Co.. closed on the has been bad in recent weeks told AP that the stock was American Stock Exchange at for similar stocks. Alaska Inter¬ staff turned broker at the head to Pro over a 32 1 4. up 3 7 8 points on a state recorded the largest price beginning of that month with in¬ volume of 39.300 shares traded. gain on the entire American structions to sell "at an oppor¬ And on Wednesday. Alaska In¬ Stock Exchange list and was the tune time " terstate stock climbed 2 3 4 seventh most actively traded is- The Lansing Skating Club has one of the three and solo, compact productions. Bainbridge said. points to still another record Reached by telephone lit An¬ top summer skating schools in the U.S. with a Spectators are always welcome. From 1:45 high, closing at 35. Volume was chorage Wednesday. Vernon 68.900 shares in stock normally Hickel refused to discuss the professional teaching staff. Walter Bainbridge. to 7 p.m. is the mast interesting time to come a Both Baldwin and market an¬ Ice Arena manager, said recently and watch the free style skating and the jumps." traded, according to company alysts in New York said they stock matter. Williams Hall is housing 70 skaters for the he added officials, at a rate of from 500 were at a loss to explain the ac¬ Asked how much, if any. of June 21 to August 24 session Members of the to 1.000 shares to day The school has produced such famous ice tivity and rising price the stock had been disposed of. French World Skating team are Last month the Associated attending the stars as Carol Heiss. Olympic champion he said: I'd rather not say. I Ice Arena school along with other students Press disclosed that as of the During his confirmation hear¬ skater. Don Jackson, the star of Ice Follies, e dream beginning of June. Hickel had ings last January. Hickel told don't think that's a public mat¬ Students work at all skill categories to pass and Visconti. ter not begun to sell the Senate Interior Committee the eight levels of figure skating tests or the the stock Jeff Roth, Flint graduate asst. in economics, waits Sources close to Hickel refused that he held 32.316 shares of dancing tests for pairs. Five to seven hours Arena public skating hours are Thursday The heavy activity in Alaska until the Judging Pavillion is empty to practice Wednesday to say how much, if Alaska Interstate. He said he Interstate stock began on June a day are usually spent in rink practice. and Fridavs from 8:30 - 10:30 p.m.. Saturday playing his bagpipes. Roth's group, the F lint Scottish any of the stock, has been sold would sell it " within a reason¬ The 1969 summer teaching staff includes. Gary from 3-5 p.m. and from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. 19. one day after Secretary Pipe Band, will defend its title as Canadian National The value of the stock had able time and not later than six Visconti. the men's world champion profession¬ and Sundays from 3-5 p.m. Admission is 75 Hickel received permission to cents for adults and children and 50 cents months after taking office al skater champions on Saturday. never previously been as high delay selling his shares. for MSI' students with I.D.'s. Skate rentals State News photo by Wayne Munn as the closing price Tuesday. That same day. Alaska Inter¬ Ice shows are planned for July 8. 29. and are 50 cents for adults and children and 25 state President Baldwin an¬ August 12. Students will perform in group cents for MSU students. It's Fulbright, Laird vie a over Red arms Sunny Sid gon of scissoring out ot closed ontinues unabated, it is hearing testimony statements Ming that the Soviets can ; thji while the 1 Intelligence Board never made by CIA Director Richard Helms which he said disagreed with by the mid-70s a capa- bility to erode our strategic Sale Laird's estimates deterrent forces to where doubt such a finding, its information Laird replied that there is nc could arise as to the sufficiency supports his contention that the difference." adding of our retaliatory capability- The urgency we attach to unless take steps to now at we vastating first strike nuclear implementing the President's hedge against this contingen- Wilt Chairman. I W Ful¬ Safeguard proposal is based on our judgment as policymakers But Fulbright insisted that the bright. D-Ark «tt the Senate that the intelligence available intelligence board had never Foreign Relations Committee, up to this time clearly shows found there was a first strike disputed this contention on a that the Soviet Cnion is con¬ capability on the part of the key point in the Senate contro¬ structing and deploying forces Soviets or that it was theii versy oyer deployment ot the Safeguard antiballistic missile ot a type and character incon¬ intention to develop such a capa¬ sistent with mere deterrence bility to destroy the American system \BM It their current rate of acti- retaliatory forces in a single Fulbright accused the Penta¬ surprise blow Laird replied that it was not n the intelligence board's job to State credit union bill make such findings It was his responsibility to make the poli¬ Frandor Center cy evaluation of the board s in¬ formation. he said may ease tightmoney Laird changed and Fulbright letters which were ex¬ printed in the Pentagon- LANSING l PI Michig, censored hearing testimony re¬ leased Wednesday The testi¬ p eased somewhat tor cr • Co i mony was taken June 23. hill he >ept legislature Tue< Laird complained that be¬ cause Helms testimony was de¬ Fisherman-type knit shifts prepared analysis State Banking Commissioner Rob leted from the record of their •?rt P Briggs said the measure, sponsored bv Rep Alfred Sheridan D-Taylor. will facilitate the flow of funds from areas ot high saving or low loan demand to areas of* low sav joint "gra\ appei obstacles to a balar reg. $16. $4.90 understanding of what ti .ng or high loan demand In light of the tight credit available, thi> rationing of tunds is desirable the statement said Knit Tops - cotton and nylon The bill passed the Senate. 37-0 It had been earlier ap proved h\ the House Later amendments still remain to be sugges could that ot be Helms nade $1.90 accepted by the lower chamber, however li provides that a credit union may accept up to per all Mr rent of it- deposits from other unions, but may not loan out more than 25 per cent ot its unimpaired share capital to any Helms deletu nonv of and certain Cotton Slacks $1.90 •ur testimony were -ingle credit association made by the executive branch the investment in a single to The present law limits 10 per lount that and not said. by the committee, he Cotton Skirts $2.90 a groupo But the fact of the matter Another the >rati\ that ments ther ha\ within bee the intelligence Nylon Jackets $2.90 ! credit un ssist in providing all types of community on such recent Sov¬ iet developments, although all cooperative housing is an attempt to adapt to changing pat terns in housing demand and -upply Briggs statement of the testimony given at our June 23 meeting indicating such Swiss Skooters $3.90 read The cooperative form of housing is of this disagreements has been deleted popular and all indications point to a cont from the public record Genuine Madras Shirts $1 Swimsuits $5.90 up Bra Dresses $7.90 Pant Dresses $7.90 White Nehru Jackets $1 Printed Nehru Jackets $2 Jumpsuits ffoV O.'EN TONIGHT •TIL 9