Whot is evil? Friday Worm . . --Whatever springs from weak- MICHIGAN . . . sunny days and mild nights STATE NEWS today and Saturday. High today -Nietzsche STATE 80-87, low tonight 60-65. UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 17 East Lansing, Michigan Fridav. July Friday, Inlv 11, 11 1969 iqku Thieu asks NLF to S. Viet elections SAIGON (AP)--South Vietnam's Presi¬ that the South Vietnamese leader would be ities under which the elections would be "We are fighting for a just cause and dent Nguyen Van Thieu proposed Friday held making. for self-defense, Thieu said, "and we Thieu's aides have been saying in rec¬ - There will be no reprisals or dis¬ internationally supervised elections with are becoming stronger every day.. We Communist crimination after the elections." participation as a means of ent weeks that Thieu did not want to be shall not grow tired in this struggle." - The government of Vietnam declar¬ ending the Vietnam war pressured into making the proposal and Thieu es that it will abide by the results of the In fact." he said, "there is a point suggested that an "electoral had no plans to do so until the end of commission" be set up including the Nat¬ elections, whatever these results may beyond which we shall get tired of mak¬ August. ional Liberation Front "to make the be We challenge the other side to ing unilateral acts of good will. Hanoi sure However, it was known that the Ameri¬ election would be conducted in all fair¬ declare the same." will then have to bear all the conse¬ cans were urging Thieu to make the pro¬ ness." Thieu. at the same time, declared quences of the protracted war and it has posal before Nixon begins his tour of No date was set for the that "the other side should not miscon¬ to assume full responsibility for the suf¬ proposed elec¬ Asia the last week of July tion and Thieu said he was prepared to U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker has strue our desire for peace as a sign of ferings that it imposes on the people discuss this and other arrangements for made several recent calls on Thieu. pre¬ weakness ." in both parts of Vietnam." the vote. He said the Communists should not sumably .to urge him to make such a The next believe that they have only to remain The president said his latest proposal presidential election had been move. adamantly negative in order to obtain shows that we never neglect any op¬ expected some time in 1971, but Thieu Although Thieu did not describe the has indicated privately that that timing international an eventual surrender from South Viet- portunity to take positive action for body, officials had sug¬ could be altered. gested earlier that South Vietnam was peace." Thieu put a condition on participation considering proposing such countries as in the election by the National Liberation Japan. South Korea. Indonesia, the Phili¬ Front, saying they could take part if ppines. Thailand, and countries making they tions." Thieu renounce said violence and pledge them¬ selves to accept the results of the elec¬ in a prepared address to up the International Control Commission -Poland. Canada and India. only In his statement. Thieu way said for the people of South Vietnam The Anonymous Sharma's the nation that the electoral commission 'hold' to exercise their right of self-determin¬ would be made up of ties and groups, including all political par¬ the NLF." ation. to participate in public affairs, and to determine the future of the country on He said the commission will assure is through an election in which they can equal opportunities in the campaigning By LINDA GORTMAKER story was W. J. Crissy. professor of hotel genuinely express their choice, free from to all candidates. Executive Reporter management. fear and coercion. The interested group of MSU faculty "I heard from other faculty that Crissy's Thieu did not go into detail about his The # president then outlined six points that protested the federal grant given to boasted in faculty circles that he's the proposal for an international body to under which, he said, free elections could Homeward supervise the election. He said the South be based Dhirendra Sharma. associate professor of guy that would get Sharma's grant stop¬ ped. " one professor said Vietnamese government 'will abide by philosophy, doesn't want publicity, an an¬ They were: Frank Pinner, professor of political sci¬ the results of the elections, whatever onymous and unofficial spokesman said A. U.S. Marine with an American flag on his pack and "Goodbye - All political parties and groups in¬ ence. said that he had no evidence who the these results may be.' and added: We Thursday. Vietnam" on his helmet says his happiest farewell of his life cluding the NLF which is now bearing "interested" group is. but that it would I have no axe to grind and neither do he boards Okinawa-bound challenge the other side to declare the arms against us can participate in the as an plane at Quang Tri, South Viet¬ same." my colleagues, said a professor in the be nice to "smoke them out and bring nam. He was one of 120 contingent of the 9th Marine Regiment, election if they renounce violence and them out in the open. Thieu s proposal obviously was the one College of Business, who prefers to re¬ the first Marine unit to come home. AP Wirephoto pledge themselves to accept the results main anonymous Sharma said that he had received which President Nixon said on June 19 of elections " I just want a law-abid¬ some ing campus significant letters in the past year from - 'To make sure that the election would The professor told the East Lansing faculty members who showed disapproval be conducted in all fairness, an electoral of his extracurricular activities. Towne Courier last week about his group's commission could be set up in which assail He said he received such letters from Gromyko contact with key congressmen when Shar all political parties and groups including Richard Miller, of the International Exten¬ mart's grant was announced June 4. the NLF. now fighting against us. could sion Institute, and James S. Bovd. profes¬ "We have direct pipelines into Washing be represented. The electoral commission ton. just like other citizens." the profes¬ sor of agricultural engineering. will assure equal opportunities in the Both Miller and Boyd said they did not sor said. His group contacted three Re¬ campaigning to all candidates. It will closer U.S. bonds publican congressmen. Sen. Robert Grif¬ know who the "interested group" was. also enable all political parties and "I want to find out who they are because fin and Gov. Milliken These politicians urges groups to participate in watching the polls to see that people vote absolutely freely and in watching the counting of the bal were briefed on campus demonstrations Sharma's involvement in The professor said by tin afternoon of I think they're on the right track " Boyd said. "I know nothing of them and would not MOSCOW (APi Foreign Minister We took note of President Richard ing a 40-minute talk Wednesday to pass lots to see that they are honestly count June 4 his group had confirmed a "hold be one of their numbers. Miller said. Andrei A Gromyko made a dramatic Nixon's statement that in his opinion on his "regards to President Nixon and ed " on Sharma s $21,245 grant for research in The anonymous professor confirmed the appeal for friendly relations' with the a period of confrontation is followed by the entire American people." - An international body is to be estab India from the Dept of Health. Education Towne Courier report that his group could United States Thursday and at the same an era of talks. The Soviet Union favors In an exhaustive review of Soviet for¬ lished to supervise the elections and to and Welfare. mobilize 50 professors in 15 minutes when time bitterly assailed Red China for its talks. make sure that the elections are held eign policy. Gromyko offered some elab¬ Several faculty members said Thursday something developed on campus. hostility toward Russia and her Commu If the U.S. government continues to oration on the collective Asian security under conditions fair to all nist allies "We are prepared to discuss they had heard rumors that the anony¬ Charles Larrowe. professor of econom¬ follow this line in practice, we are will¬ system first mentioned by Communist - with the The mous professor" in the Towne Courier ics. called the statement an exaggeration. major foreign policy statement, ing. as we have been in the past, to find party general secretary Leonid I. Brez¬ other side the timetable and the modal "I've been to every demonstration for the delivered at a Supreme Soviet parliament common positions on bilateral questions hnev last month last several years, and I didn't see that meeting, appeared to continue a trend with the United States and on outstand¬ toward warmer U S—Soviet relations. It many counter demonstrators." he said. ing international problems. "I've never seen more than four or five also underscored the gradual worsening of Slain coed buried; police The U.S. President's pronouncements Soviet-Chinese relations faculty members who show hostility to the in favor of a well-prepared Soviet - Amer¬ "Even our most rabid enemies have protestors." ican summit meeting have not. of course, The professor stressed that his never used such unworthy methods on group gone unnoticed in the Soviet Union. was not a formal, organized one. such a scale as the Chinese leaders We are developing good relations with "The minute you get a Gromyko told the Supreme Soviet the United States and we want these formalized thing, find possible murder gun the people on the extreme left or right deputies relations to be friendly will take over." he said If it's not form¬ Referring to the troubled Soviet The unusually warm tone toward the al, you can't get infiltrated Chinese border. Gromyko warned China United States also indicated there is no (Please turn to page 111 that any attempt to speak in the lasting hostility in the Kremlin about language of threats-- or more so Nixon's planned Aug. 2-3 visit to Roman¬ COOPERSVILLE. (UPI)--A pretty, golden metal casket beside a winding The Rev Philip Steele, pastor of the of arms-have encountered and will en ia. Gromyko was the second high Soviet slender blonde, described gravel road that cuts through the United Methodist Church, characterized by her pastor counter a fitting rebufl on our part official in two days to make a public Coopersville Cemetery the U-M graduate student as "a mem¬ as "a swinger in the best sense of the Then, taking a conciliatory tone toward the United States. Gromyko said the Soviet Union favors wide-ranging negotia expression United States. of friendship toward the word, was buried here Thursday, four days after becoming -the seventh girL In Ann Arbor. convict accused of killing her. Ernest R. Bishop Jr the wiry ex- ber of the "Now" generation had been where the action was . who who House st President Nikolai V Podgornv told slain near the University of Michigan . 28. sat in the Wash¬ was deeply concerned tions with the Nixon Administration. tenaw County Jail awaiting trial on an Miss visiting astronaut Frank Borman dur¬ Less than an hour later, police in Ann Phillips, a doctoral candidate in Arbor. the gun 160 miles to the southwest, found they believe was used to mur¬ open charge of murder Miss Phillips died last Sunday. 34 the her School accused of Social murderer at Work, a first met professor's construction hours after 22-caliber bullets JUDGE EFFECTIVENESS der her. at the muddy bottom of the two home Friends said she was trying to Huron River. slammed into her forehead as she sat rehabilitate him on new on her bed drinking lemonade in her City, county and State Police attempt¬ It was immediately sent to the State off-campus Ann Arbor apartment ed to prevent news photographers from By STEVE WATERBURY Committee to review Police crime laboratory in Plymouth An taking pictures outside the church, and State News Staff Writer for tests to determine if the gun was estimated 150 friends, neighbors at one point a State Police trooper The Michigan House of Representat¬ used to kill Margaret Phillips. and students filed into the 25. Tests Coopersville threatened to arrest anyone who did ives rejected Thursday a conference re¬ might also show if the same weapon Christian Reformed Church for the one- Officers ordered a large gasoline port which would have resulted in an was used to murder two of six other hour services. A private ceremony for tanker truck to park in front of the early start on construction of a new 3 open house girls who died in the university commun¬ family and close friends at the Phroop reports church in a vain attempt to shield the State Capitol Bldg. ity in the last two years. Funeral Home preceded the public ser- yellow rose-covered casket from cam- Several representatives demanded an Miss Phillips was laid to rest in a international competition for designs of By MARILYN PATTERSON be kept the way it is. Milton B Dicker- the new capitol and were critical of the State News Staff Writer son. vice president for student affairs, relationship between state officials and Three reports the said Thursday the architectural firm of Smith. Hinch- on new open house Dickerson said he is concerned about man and Grylls. The firm has done policy will be heard Tuesday by the Fac¬ the meaning of hall autonomy most of the state's architectural bus¬ ulty Committee on Student Affairs The reports from Women's Inter-resi¬ (please turn to page 111 iness since 1922 dence Council (WICi. Men's Halls Assn State Rep. Jack Faxon. D-Detroit, (MHA) and the Residence Halls Pro claimed there was a "close relation¬ Olfice (RHPO) will help the fac¬ ship" between the architectural firm gram ulty committee judge the effectiveness of the open house policy which was insti Judiciary upholds and "some of the state building offi- tuted during winter term "If you want to re-affirm a posi¬ The policy allows the individual hall to closed stacks plan tion of integrity in state government, determine the hours, supervision, proper reject the conference report. Faxon attire and open or closed door policy for By DAVID BASSETT urged House members. State News Staff Writer The State Senate had earlier approved its open houses Hours are restricted to 8 a.m. The All-University Student-Faculty Ju¬ the conference report by a vote of through 1 a.m.. Sunday through Thursday. There diciary handed down the decision Wednes¬ 30-5. is no restriction on weekends however day night that Richard E Chapin's propo¬ The report contains a $4 million sal to limit access to certain parts of the appropriation for the start of the con¬ open houses in women's halls must be over by closing Library is not in violation of the Academ¬ struction of the new building, which is ic Freedom Report expected to cost $55-75 million. Previously, halls were under Univer The 6-1 decision, reached after two hours House members appeared divided in¬ sitv-wide regulations which restricted open houses to Friday and Saturday evenings and of hearings by Chapin. director of librar¬ to four camps: those that favored re¬ ies. and Patterson Terry. Frere. Tex., modeling the old Capitol building, those Saturday and Sunday afternoons All resi dents who had members of the opposite graduate student, and an hour of judiciary who want to build a new Capitol but deliberation, stated that Chapin s plan to dislike the proposed design, those who sex in their rooms were required to leave their doors open "The committee will use the reports to limit access to the east wing of the brary would not be inconsistent with sec' Lij Bodily fu want to begin construction and those who want to take no action on the Capi¬ tions 1.5.01 and 1.5.02 of the Report A bored coed responds negatively to physiology lecture. In cr nlal response, she exhibits the or- decide if the new policy is worthwhile, tol at this time. if there are changes needed or if it should (please turn to page Ili ganic process known as "oblivion." State News photo by Carl Kulow (please turn to page 11) \ 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 AUSSC Fuel leak repair to begin for final Apollo countdown interviews The All-University Search most of moon's surface the next day, and Selection Committee CAPE KENNEDY. Fla (AP> The problem developed less Thursday in a command i AUSSC i will "hopefully start --Two technicians tightened a than 12 hours from the sched¬ ship trainer practicing the crit¬ with Armstrong making man's nut and stopped a leak in the uled start of the countdown ical rocket burn needed to pro¬ first footprint on the lunar crust interviewing candidates bv next Apollo 11 moon rocket's fuel clock. It isolated to a nut at pel them out of earth orbit early July 21. the base of one of four 31- toward the moon. If Apollo 11 cannot blast off But. We are not inviting pressure system Thursday, clearing the way for the final cubic-foot helium gas storage The burn, scheduled to occur Wednesday, there are only two anyone here.'" Dale Hathaway, bottles attached to the inside high over the mid-Pacific 2 other days this month-the 18th AUSSC chairman, said Thurs¬ countdown to start on schedule of the booster's liquid oxygen hours and 44 minutes after and 21st-when the moon is day. "Project officials reported that the problem has been re¬ fuel tank. lift-off. calls for the Saturn in a favorable position as a tar¬ Hathaway said AUSSC's four solved satisfactorily, the Na¬ Two men from the Boeing 5's upper stage to reignite for get from Cape Kennedy launch subcommittes will talk to people tional Aeronautics and Space Co—Ira Ray Beeson. lead me¬ nearly 5 1 2 minutes to in¬ on a "geographic basis' and chanic. and Walt Delle. lead crease Apollo li s speed to the The space agency and astro¬ meet candidates at "interme¬ Administration iNASAi said. The countdown start was inspector-went into the tank, 24.200 miles an hour needed nauts prefer a Wednesday diate points. instead of at pinpointed the problem and to free the moonship from launch, however, because a lift¬ MSU or on the candidate's planned at 8 p.m. (EDT> Thursday, aiming toward a lift¬ corrected it by tightening a nut earth's gravity Friday, the three astronauts off on the later days would re¬ quire the crew to land at & lass room yoga homegrounds. off next Wednesday at 9:32 a.m. Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. "We want to keep it at a are to undergo their last major different site on the moon where A teacher In Berkey Hall demonstrates the use of yday Yoga in the cla: for man's first journey to the Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin relatively low key."' Hathaway surface of the moon Jr. and Michael Collins, spent physical examination before the two astronauts are not so room, where summer Informality »ften bec< said. This is not a final inter¬ launch. familiar with the features. State N< *s Photo by Bob Iv viewing stage, he said, but The first tasks scheduled in one in which the committee the countdown included feeding get<^ to know the candidates better. THE STATE NEWS electrical power into the en¬ For this purpose, neutral ter¬ NASA skirts tire three-stage Saturn 5 launch capsule issue The State News, the student ritory is needed. newspaper at Michigan State University, is vehicle, installing small retro- published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week Hathaway would not give the rockets on the booster's first and Orientation issues in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 number of persons to be in¬ stage to steer it clear of the rest of the rocket after the sec¬ terviewed. but said his com¬ als explaining their positions, navy crane could not safely bability of primitive organisms mittee would be talking to ond stage separates and and the reasons for their change lift the the moon's surface connecting some explosive de¬ capsule Augenstein on are ex¬ people who look good to us." Association. I'nitetf States Studer in plans, but we still don't suggested dragchutes with nylon tremely small because of its vices to separate the space¬ A tentative deadline of when Warnings from two MSU bio- agree.'' Augenstein said. or metal nets hostile physical environment. ship from the rocket. » NASA has decided to "However, we cannot con¬ a president will be selected physicists about possible moon open These just aren't proper Altogether, the countdown in¬ contamination have gone un¬ the Apollo 11 capsule at sea. clude that this probability is is hard to determine, he said, cluded 93 hours of work spread arguments.'' Augenstein said to free the astronauts, before because of the way contacts heeded by the National Aeronau¬ "Their main reason for want¬ zero, because of the increasing Phones over 5 1 2 days. The remain¬ tics and have been going this summer. Editorial Space Administration lifting it aboard the rescue ing to open the hatch at sea. evidence that there is water ing time, totaling 40 hours and NASA t. Classified Advertising 32 minutes, was used up by i ship for decontamination. is because the astronauts usual¬ beneath the surface of the It's very hard to get in Display Advertising In their letter to the Presi¬ ly get seasick, but I don t moon.' he said contact on things. he said. several "holds'' planned to per¬ Leroy Augenstein. chairman dent. the two biophysicists think this is a valid enough Instead. Augenstein and Rosen¬ So many people seem to be mit time for crew rest or to of the dept of Biophysics, and said. The opening of the cap¬ reason to expose 3 billion berg propose that astronauts on vacation or in Europe or solve problems that might arise Barnett Rosenberg, professor of biophysics said the oniv re¬ sule- hatch prior to isolating people to possible contamina- stay inside the capsule until with the rocket or spaceship it in the decontamination cham¬ it can be decontaminated with AUSSC meets with the Board If the Apollo 11 astronauts ply to their letter to Presi¬ ber opens the possibility for special chemicals. of Trustees Thursdav Augenstein said that the pro¬ BOWL IN KOOL KOMFORT successfully blast off next Wed¬ dent Nixon was from Major nesday. they should cruise into (ieneral James W. Humphreys, lunar orbit July 19 Armstrong head of the Space Medical the release of moon contamina¬ tion from inside the capsule It's Great For A Date into the ocean, where numerous and Aldrian are to fly a lu¬ Program of Manned Space flights nar module-LM--to the He's sent us a lot of materi- organisms could provide a seed bed for rapid multiplication Swallow: Woyneboard Bowling The biophysicists further ex¬ plained that same problems shirks duty would not exist with the ex¬ IS TWICE THE FUN WHEN THERE'S MORE THAN ONE. 1Q terior. since it would be steri¬ lized by the heat generated from reentry. Board of Governors, to State Rep Joseph P by wash¬ to propose deducting $40,000. the Augensteins said that the arguments used by NASA in Swalkw. R-Alpena. accused ing its hands of the matter, amount given to the newspaper Billiards-Refreshments- Good Food favor of the new plans were the Wayne State University is trying to escape responsibil¬ by the university, from the mostly negative arguments (WSU) Board of Governors ity for past questionable con¬ Wayne State budget. The Thursday of abdicating its re¬ tents of the paper. Swallow House rejected his proposal. 0 Brunswick Lanes For Your Bowling Pleasur They said that the standard sponsibility by granting a stu¬ Swallow said at that time Open bowling all day from 9 a.m. and every evening. —COUPON— dent -"faculty advisory Swallow said the South End board he was confident if the leg¬ 500 PETER, PAUL "sole authority and responsi¬ has printed seditious, inflam¬ islature had cut the money matory. sacrilegious and gen¬ Holiday Hemes & MARY bility"' to act as publisher of STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average from the WSU budget. the PETER, PAUL, the WSU student newspaper, erally vulgar material Communist Party would pro¬ His objections to the South everyday hungry gourmet NeJac's AND MOMMY the So«th End End had earlier bably be more than willing "It led Swallow 600 N EXPIRES appears to me that the to finance the newsier." JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR PH. 487-3731 Homer at E Sagin r Frandor Shopping Center WITH COL1 PON 7-18-69 1 EVERYONE WILL LOVE YOU YOUR NEW CURLY WIG! AMPEX PRE-RECORDED CASSETTES. j * J AUTO LET'S GO RACING. . . RACES \ RACING EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ^ jL . . »>FRI.-50LAP FEATURE Time Trials 7-00 p m ^ EVENT FOR PLUs REGULAR RACING 5roCks Races Begin 8:30 p'm ' 3 & What Could Be Better? EVENTS SMACK # ^ FIG. 8 RACING AND J" FIREWORKS! Adults >3.00 Children 75• thought either to the international impli¬ case for everybody We Their basic lack of judgement fleeting the students' sentiments. They apologize to Crissy. for cations of such a withdrawal He is speak of the search for truth these must Take*for instance. Dale E Hathaway, called Hathaway "Heir to the throne of be absolutely reconstructed'' any disservice we may be doing reflects more the actions of probably not of the great amount the infamous chairman of the All- aware Donald H Mader now Agricultural Economics and thereby De¬ him by revealing his identity, high - schoolers than college of suspicion and distrust of scholars Southgate. senior University Search and Selection Com¬ fender of all that is Right and Just in mittee. the group that has worked since the Dept of Agricultural Economics." but we believe, we have a great¬ professors. Because. sadly April to find a new president for MSU Not only is the sword decorative, er obligation to the remainder of the academic community. enough, had they possessed the guts to publicly voice their Anarchy should be punished into Hathaway s picture manages to creep an occasional State News issue but it could serve useful purposes as well, the decree read convictions, the label of "back To the Editor: And the secretary of his committee's For instance: Crissy's crime is not so I read with interest Professor Harold ing crusade and contributions for restor¬ work is stabber" wouldn't even ation to be sent to General Hershey's always being mentioned. -to keep faculty in line much his activities with his begin Hart's letter regarding the vandalizing office'.' Somehow. I doubt To top this extensive coverage of the -to fend off irate secretaries and or it. Yet. as to fit. group-although they are cer¬ of the War Resisters League office I Justice Thurgood Marshall says. An¬ man and his work. Hathaway rated a anyone attracted to Adolph Menjpu types tainly questionable-but it is. Now, however, it does. And concur in his concern and deplore the archy is anarchy It makes no differ¬ place on a special humorous page in -to open large envelopes and cut red criminal action involved I would like ence who practices it it is pun¬ the State News last week devoted to rather, his chosen the ivory tower, if it in fact anonymity in to ask Professor Hart, however, if he ishable and should be punished ... summer survivals in East Lansing - and as a last resort, after all .else an atmosphere where iree dis¬ exists, cannot help but lose has been tried and failed." it can be was equally anguished when several Se¬ Hathaway s picture appeared with the cussion and debate are hopeful¬ some of its lustre by the ap¬ lective Service Local Board offices were Lowell Eklund caption. Whv is this man smiling '' used as was suggested in last week's broken into, furnishings sacked and re¬ Staff. Oakland University And he was called the Adolph Men- State News ly encouraged. The academic plication of such labels to cords Rochester What a deal. Professor Hathaway. f of its destroyed. Did he call for a writ¬ jou of the ag economics set who community is no place for se¬ some inhabitants. It's cret vigilante groups dedicated like losing a childhood illus¬ to smear tactics behind a cloak ion: finding that the ivory tow¬ of secrecy er of academia rises not from Sharma has the integrity to Mt. Olympus but from Grand stand up for his beliefs and River Ave; that the dwellers publicly bear the responsibility of the consequences. We must wonder, Crissy. why you will are not The gods, but response to his activities must men. Crissy and come from Bringing em all back home not do the same. his professional colleagues. To the surprise of some and the i in a matter dense jungles of Vietnam. Crissy contends that he can This is reasonable, since his pleasure of most, a smiling assemblage And THEN (OH BOY' >. if all goes of 94 Vietnam veterans arrived back in mobilize 50 faculty members in activities implicate them all. And then the cameras flashed back well in Paris or Geneva or wherever the States Tuesday as the first group We therefore outside to show the world the gala And then, he said. You have done the powers-that-be decide to hold their 15 minutes when something de¬ suggest that at of military personnel to be removed spectacle of the soldiers being greeted what you were asked to do by your next card-party to determine what velops on campus. This is noth¬ the next meeting of the permanently from that war-torn nation. And CBS there So ABC by the wide-eyed Miss Tacoma and the government in furtherance of national lucky (sic > country gets a full complement ing short of a brown-shirt tac¬ Academic Senate. Dr. Wil¬ was were mayor and 100 Little Leaguers in uni¬ policy." (YEA! > of American might. President Nixon and and NBC. And the plane touched down tic for controlling dissent and liam Crissy be publicly censur¬ form (GOSH!). Well, that's almost 100 home. And soon General Abrams and General W'estmore- I at McChord Air Base exactly at the And then General Westmoreland made there'll be 800. and THENi if the Viet land and General What's-His-Face might opposition to one's point of ed by his peers for his moment when President Nixon had ordered comment about young American demon¬ pull all American troops out. it to dt just happened that was a Cong and the National Liberation Front view. This group cannot go un¬ deplorable activities of recent time when most network news the strators (GHASTl. And then he said. are good little boys, there'll be 25.000 And then they'll find another sandbox weeks. programs checked. Crissy claims that Failing this, we sug¬ went on the air. i And General Westmore¬ "You men have demonstrated your sense less American soldiers fighting in the to use for a kitty-litter. "Sharma and his kind are in¬ gest a resolution be read into land was there saying. "'You can look any ternal enemies of the United the proceedings to the effect man in the eye knowing that you have 600P 6RIEF, NOi IT P0E5NT I DON'T u)ANT TO T U)£l±, P0NT served your country when you were called " START UNTIL SEPTEMBER &E LATE THE KuJORftfJTCOESN'T States, the State of Michigan, that such tactics cannot, and And then the cameras flashed to a FIRST CAV J START FOR and Michigan State University." will not. be tolerated within K ELEVEN OJEEKS. building inside the base, wherein dozed We contend, however, that this community. a number of soldiers oblivious to the And that, hopefully, will be tumult outside e . - such as this one pose It apparently made little difference to the greater threat. They are the the end to a very degrading af¬ them that 94 men were returning from -•1 enemies of free fair. Hell's Southeast Asia branch office -The Editors The men inside the building were sche- speech and the guiding prin¬ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 5 Pompidou to ease MSU graduates Israeli embargo PARIS (AP) - Georges Pompidou suggested Thursday France might ease its embargo on arms shipments to President and "And that situation would de¬ pend. of course, on of the situation on the evolution the terrain the attitude of the inter¬ TV By SHIRLEY BRUNNER production Demery said. Thanksgiving and Christmas pro¬ State News Staff Writer "Sights and Sounds will give grams. Israel. Well informed sources ested parties." Graduates in the Television them a chance to gain that ex- The first show will be "Black said this meant resumption of This was the only hint of a and Radio Dept. will have a peience, but it will be viewed Arts on Campus." which the weapons deliveries within a break with chance to gain professional ex¬ Black Student Alliance of South few months. De Gaulle's policies as professional only if their Pompidou permitted himself perience this fall through the weekly show is good. Complex produced earlier this Pompidou told newsmen at during a 1-hour. 55-minute na¬ production of their own show. "We'll do our utmost to estab¬ year. * his first news conference since tionally televised news confer¬ "Sights and Sounds," on WJIM- lish an atmostphere of pro¬ his inauguration that France ence. TV. fessionalism within an organiz¬ would be prepared to reconsider the embargo imposed by his For the most part. Pompidou According to Chuck Demerv. New Rocheller. N.Y.. graduate ational context," Demery said. Mexico quakes toed the line on traditional Gaul- The show, which will relate MEXICO CITY (APi - Tl. ■ predecessor if the "evolution" list foreign policy, reaffirming student in television and radio the sights and sounds of MSU of the Middle East situation and Tacubava seismological st > and executive producer of to the the French drive for independ¬ Lansing Community, will registered an earthquake the "attitude of the interested "Sights and Sounds." the grad¬ be shown in color Saturdays at ence. its opening to the East, an intensity of 4 on the .v i parties" justified it. uates will form their own pro¬ 5:30. As the president was speak¬ and its alliance with the United States. while maintaining Arborial duction company, with students The magazine format will jump day. scale of 12 at 12:09 p.m taking on the positions of pro¬ ing. one interested party-Israe¬ French freedom of action and MSU malntalnance crews fire away at the trees, spraying the i with a solution ducers and production assistants around to hit on different topics it centt i -d 50 miles n. li Ambassador Walter Evtan- French coolness toward British designed to get the foliage before disease and bugs during the half-hour. Demery )f here. Downtov can. and working as a team on all was calling on Foreign Minister Common Market membership. said the topics will include gen¬ ind homes on the u > by Cark Kulow aspects from production to pro¬ Maurice Schumann in the first eral information, entertainment, Mexico City were -uake motion. formal contact in months be¬ some documentaries and special no damage was repoi i d Work on the show will be con¬ tween the ambassador and top Foreign Ministry officials. CULTURE STUDIES sidered a special project for Pompidou said France might their work. Demerv said this will be a departure from the stand¬ GUEST ROOMS be led to make its embargo ard class procedure with the more flexible, restoring a pat tern where spare parts, some defensive arms and weapons with "a small offensive capaci¬ Soc. Sci. to swing in London students taking on the respons¬ ibilities a involved weekly show. in producing "Sights and Sounds" will be CO Company Coming? Business Associates Due? By SI SAN HARTMAN 1970. a special track of So¬ least 45 to 50 students are AMLEC organizes ty" could be sold and shipped transporta¬ an expansion of "Gamut./ the • 202 Deluxe Rooms to Israel is The Dept of Social Science livening up its routine with cial Science 231 will be offered to orient student making the trip needed before two faculty mem¬ bers from MSU. Duane and J tion. housing, payment of fees and notifies the U. S. Embassy WMSB student - produced pro¬ gram. where individual students 2 • Sensible Rates He did not raise the ity of a complete end to the possibil¬ a special track for Social Sci¬ to London toward an under¬ Oliver Hall, professor of social science, can make the trip. in case problems abroad. students encounter volunteered to produce a show o ence 232 and 233. standing of the cultural dif¬ on their own with the assistance embargo, particularly unblock¬ The track will be offered in ferences between the United Duane spent a year at the Although AMLEC is a small of the WMSB staff. o ing deliverv of aircraft London during the summer of States and the United Kingdom. University of London doing his operation sending a few hund¬ The regular 231 course will graduate work and Hall has red students abroad each year Although MSU has the number 1970 in cooperation with the one graduate and undergraduate But a ranking source forecast also qualify a student for the made several trips of shorter American Language and Educa¬ as compared with the thousands television and radio department that within a few months the 50 length tion Center i AMLEC > trip. sent by some universities, this in the country, the graduates Mirage fi|hter-bombers built to The will Enrollment Grades in the Social Science summer alone students are requires a $100 Inn courses compare have a problem in getting jobs Israeli order and held in France 232 and 233 track will be the problems of change and ur¬ deposit paid to the AMLEC studying humanities, political in broadcasting on Gen Charles de Gaulle s or¬ determined by Duane and Hall science, geography and graduate because of a ban affairs in the United King¬ office. 107 Center for Inter¬ lack of professional experience. der would find their way to Is- While the academic aspects education in Switzerland. Spain. dom to those within the United national Programs, no later than of the program are planned by Italy, the Netherlands. England. r«x COUPON— Phone 351-5500 for Reservations O States. They will be offered December of this year the Dept. of Social Science. Germany Austria and France JUV CHICAGO "Can a reconsideration of together in sequence for seven Approximately $800 will cover 1100 Trowbridge Road, Off 127 weeks. July 6 through Aug. 22. A — off TRANSIT at Trowbridge Exit French policy be imagined'' enrollment fee. tuition, room and at AUTHORITY At the Campus, Michigan State Pompidou asked himself That at the London School of Econo¬ breakfast, and round trip air Univers ty could only be a return to the mics and Political Science. fare from New York. jNelac's kind of selective embargo which prevailed before last Jan 3. University of London During the spring term of Edward A. Duane. instructor in social science, said that at Wish WITH COUPON EXPIRES 7-18-69 GUEST ROOMS you were Departments 21? during By LINDA KNIBBS Book was 'U' distributed in March ic advisers and class during early re¬ Coming Wed. July 16 Cancelled classes often con¬ Early enrollment was held Ap¬ gistration." Hiibink said fuse students who do not realize that schedule books are subject to revision. Once lished. a schedule book is pub¬ studies are made by ril 10 through May 1. The num¬ ber of students interested in tak¬ ing the classes listed was de¬ termined by the early enrollment figure This information was The Summer 1969 Schedule Book listed 686 full-term classes and 743 half-term classes. A final supplement was printed May 22. It showed 90 classes PREVAL ''the original • Lane/ PRESENTS• University departments and the Registrar s Office before the sent to each Registrar's Office. department by the added. 72 classes dropped and 41 different room and time SPRAYMAKER IL FORNO Rr.f' .1, final list of classes is approved The decision to close a class changes made after early en¬ RESTAURANT Each department determines lies with the department." Hii¬ rollment which courses it will offer and bink said \ class may be In addition to the full-term Spray Any Liquid DAILY 11 A.M. - 2 A.M. the terms those classes will be cancelled because of low early and half-term classes, there were . . .anywhere. . . , available A tentative term enrollment or shortage of fa¬ 47 special sessions offered at the touch of a button schedule is found in the MSU culty " Of these, three were added, one Catalogue and Descriptions of The departments then approv¬ was dropped and four were Just Fill . Attach . And Spray Courses. The classes in the sched¬ ed the final class lists to be changed ule book are compiled from offered during the summer ses¬ Great For Every Afternoon The Draft lists submitted to the Regis¬ sion A supplement - Wednesday Night - Happy r rs to the PAINTS LACQUERS trar's Office. schedule book, listing all cor¬ , recision . . VARNISHES 8 p.m. - 10 p.m* "The classes offered in the rections. was printed INSECT SPRAY LUBRICANTS Imports . Monday Night pizza Feast Thursday Night schedule book are a department¬ The schedule changes are - - Quart Night al decision. The No-Waste Aerosol James G. Hiibink. available to the students through 1 'specializing in finei 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. . 8 p.m„*!0 p.m. asst. registrar, said the supplements distributed to sports cars' EXTRA POWER UNITS AVAILABLE The Summer 1969 Schedule the residence halls, the academ¬ Tuesday Night - Special Night Friday - TGIF Volvo Jaguar 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. 12 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. T riumph Lotus Alfa Romeo Renault 10 Austin M3 Healy MORRIS AUTO PARTS COMPLETE LINE Or PARTS THE BEER DEPOT Bruce Jim They make "Financing Available" 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 814 E. Kalamazoo IV 4-5441 8 - 5:30 MON-SAT Volkswagens, ON CAMPUS CALL Everyanelovs? but they buy THE 3V2 POUND iiimiiimmiiif [J J337-1681 ELECTRONIC GIANT Renaults. J 1071 TROWBRIDGE RD. J NEAR HARRISON RD. SHARP • • OFF CAMPUS Last year only 15,807 VW's sold in France were Germans are famous for demand- in^ quality and dependability above CALL Ptel Yet, during the Renault sold 88,114 Germany. same cars period, in West all else. Does that thing? seem to tell you any- QT-8 V-C ■ THE $337-1631 FULL-FUNCTIONING 1203 POE 177500 E. GRAND RIVER ELECTRONIC 3 BLOCKS WEST CALCULATOR THAT RETAILS FOR... §1^ OF HAGADORN Only SHARP, world's largest maker of FREE 1 DELIVERY electronic calculators can offer you the world's smallest electronic calculator at the world's lowest price because of The 12 Month/Unlimited Mileage Warranty Extra Large Scale Integration! business ---COUPON---- SPORTS CAR CENTER Result: on Our 3 1/2 pound giant reliability and performance. is big machines^0 $1.00 OFF 50 f'cf ;• OVERSEAS DELIVERY 1601 E. Grand River, Lansing J|l • 16 pieces! ON A HOUSE-FULL OF CHICKEN ON A MEDIUM Ok L^kGE PIZZA PIE ■£ 1200 E. OAKLANDARRANGEDPHONE 482-1226 Phone (517) 485-1733 Friday, July 11, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TEACHER, MINISTER HELP Ab rams ■L- moon From Galileo's telescope foo "The title of the program. Foot¬ "r Program aims through NASA's eye in the sky. prints on the Moon,"' describes at generation Surveyor, man is facing the real¬ man's first conception of the ization of the age-old dream, to know about the moon. The Abrams Planetarium show craters, as he viewed them with the naked eye. The title also renders a suggestion of the as¬ gap tronauts' mission in space. the teenagers and the repres- -It is not intention to this month tells the story of The Lansing Area United our sion by their parents. man's lunar exploration, empha¬ The program includes photo¬ Ministries is attempting to be religious. We want to get The "new generation was kids involved in something sizing the giant steps Uken re¬ graphs of the moon from tele¬ bridge the 'generation gap" described by Hollister as "those cently by the U.S. towards the scopes and satellites, and an in a summer program, designed they want t0 do." he explained, earth's natural satellite some to help youths find their iden¬ people who seek earnestly for imaginary journey in the Apollo a future and dream of a better Hollister plans to expand the 240.000 miles away. tities and determine their roles capsule which will carry U.S. world ordered around human program to working with blacks spacemen to their destination. in society. values. They are "new'' in the later in the summer. He hopes David Hollister. a Lansing high The first successful space sense that they are the first that through the summer pro- McDonel probe photographer was Ranger IV. but the more revealing school teacher who is working with area teen-agers in the generation in ' centuries that gram they can gain the trust considers "copping out" as a of the young people and con- photographs used in the pro¬ program commented on the less painful option than losing tinue the work throughout the houses sgram came from Ranger VI. increasing polarization of the old and young gereration their integrity to what many of year. One of these photos shows the surface detail approaching the Orientation He noted that there is them experience. seems a dehumanizing -jt soun(js traditional," rather he trite said. and but a des¬ floor of a crater Students attending the orientation sessions at Wonders *Hall return to the build¬ The. idea for the program ing after an Intensive session of testing In the Wilson Auditorium. The new MSU perate need of to explore areas program began when Hollister summer we're hopeful it won't be." The program follows the dealing with the ' genera¬ students march to the cafeteria for lunch then face an afternoon of similar tion gap." other than the dis¬ and Rev. Kenneth Wood of Metro¬ East McDonel Hall has rolled search through project Orbiter. which showed man the backside activities. ruption and "copping out by politan Missions met with Andy out the carpet this summer, Young, field strategist for the playing host to 250 students of the moon. Then, through Pro¬ Southern Christian Leadership Welfare system attending special MSU confer¬ ject Orbiter and Surveyor, scien¬ Conference. tists were able to map the fea¬ ences and programs. The hall is being handled very tures and calculate the width PERSONAL MORAL DECISION Young told them the first change imminent much like a hotel. Men and of the craters on the lunar sur- step toward solving today's problems would be the whites NEW YORK (AP)--The Nixor women pre-register for rooms Pontiff ends absolutism working with the whites and Administration so they are not accidentally Planetarium guides take view¬ the blacks with the black§. plans to an¬ put in the same suite nounce fundamental changes in ers on a voyage to the moon, • There have not been an\ which is a slightly different Working with the teenagers. the welfare system that will in¬ Wood and Hollister have set volve some sort of family mix-ups so far." Roger L. conceptualization than Jules in¬ VATICAN CITY (APi -Pope the reproductive processes es¬ duced. all arbitrary intolerance, independence and promote the Lvnas. McDonel manager, said. Verne had in 1865. An artist's up this program for both the come maintenance. James Far¬ Paul VI stressed the freedom of tablished bv God to propagate all absolutism will be abolished. role of individualism inside the " If there were. I'm sure we conception of Verne's voyage is straight and alienated, develop¬ mer asst. secretary of the Dept. the species. Written law will be simplified. would hear about it right away " contrasted against a conception personal choice in moral deci¬ ing it according to the teen¬ of Health. Education and Wel¬ sions Wednesday and pledged We will have a period of The exercise of authority will be "We must educate ourselves of Apollo's flight. agers' needs and giving them fare. said Thursday. The National Science Founda¬ moderated." that "all arbitrary intolerance greater freedom in the life of to the genuine and generous us¬ a chance to participate active¬ tion is the largest conference In a short time span, viewers and all absolutism will be abol¬ the Church. the Pope said, The Pope said, however, that age of the liberty of the Chris¬ ly in the community. Farmer, former director of currently housed at East Mc¬ lift off above a Saturn rocket, ished" from the Roman Catholic "and therefore in the life of the central authority would re¬ tians." The Pope said. A coffeehouse and an under¬ the Congress of Racial Equality, Donel. holding programs for orbit the earth twice, transfer each individual child, that is told newsmen of the forthcom¬ Church. main. But he said the final re¬ The Pope spoke to thousands ground newspaper are the first secondary school teachers in the lunar excursion module from The pontiff underscored the fewer legal obligations and few¬ form of canon law-the corner¬ of tourists during his weekly two projects. Some of the mem¬ ing announcement after speak¬ biology, earth science and math, the rocket to the command mod¬ right of the individual to follow er internal inhibitions. stone of Church legislation- general audience in St. Peter's bers recently visited Chicago ing at a luncheon of school su- which last from six to ten weeks. ule. land on the moon and re¬ perintendertts from across the his own conscience, one of the Formal discipline will be re¬ would pave the way for greater Basilica. to get ideas for their coffee Vista trainees lived in East turn to the earth country at Columbia University. principal arguments used by house which they hope to open McDonel for a week and a critics of his This encyclical barring in another week at 309 N. The asst. HEW secretary half, as did a Labor and In¬ program, which begins artificial birth control, issued U' Sanford Natural Area: Larch. The house will provide declined to give any details dustrial Relations Conference in primitive Stonehenge and ends in a space capsule return¬ a year ago this month entertainment and movies about the changes in the wel¬ Late in August the Northern Pope Paul said that the Sec¬ and bring in speakers for dis¬ fare svstem. Nut Growers, arriving from ing from the moon, will play ond Vatican Council had conced¬ cussions. all over the world, will reside through Aug. 10 Shows are at high de¬ Articles on the Black Mani¬ forest monument to nature 8 p.m. every Friday, at 2:30 ed "for every man a in McDonel for their three-day and 8 p.m. Saturday, and at gree of autonomy, recognizing festo. the Wilson Hall demon¬ program 2:30 and 4 pm. Sunday. Al¬ the dominion of individual con- stration and the grape boycott though the program is geared are planned for the first issue University 310 toward all ages, preschool child¬ However. Pope Paul stated Right in the middle of the concrete and mor¬ hiker will use some controls of his own. of the paper, to be distributed tar of MSU stands a monument to nature, the "Off the trails nature's cycle is respected; Christian North ren are not admitted. that with greater freedom comes through the churches. Sanford Natural Area dead trees, which may at times be hazardous, Members participated in the Hagadorn a greater need for conscience The Beal Film group * will The forest, which extends from Bogue Street are left in place to serve as habitats for birds, to be grape boycott demonstration at present "Mein Kampf" at 7 "enlightened by truth and animals and fungi." The sign should simply FIRST sustained by grace to Hagadorn Road along the Red Cedar River, Frandor Shopping Center this and 9:15 Friday and Saturday And he named after F H Sanford. 1904 MAC read, " obstacle course." was a week and will join in the cited those who disobey his " night in 108B Wells Admission CHRISTIAN graduate and forestry instructor. Picking wild flowers, mutilating plants or march on the capitol in support is 50 cents and ID not contraceptive ban as abusers "A native forest dedicated collecting of specimens is forbidden." the sign s are of freedom because thev in perpetuity to of welfare legisltaion on Mon- required. This movie is not re¬ go CHURCH the advancement of knowledge of plant and says. Neither human nor chemical warfare is commended for children against the "natural law animal communities." the sign at the entrance possible. At least there is a place where bugs "The kids are more sensi¬ (Disciples of Christ) The natural law was at the says. "Poison Ivy Forest is printed above and wild plants can breathe easily tive than they used to be." The MSI Ranch Club will KAIL RUFFNER, Minister base of Pope Paul's conclusion this inscription For the adventurous hiker, the semi-solid Hollister said. "TV does some¬ h)ld an initiation at 9 Satur¬ 1001 Chester Rd. Lansing that all artificial birth control The poison ivy normally hides from the path earth trail provides a challenge, especially at 332-5193 332-3035 thing to them.' day night at 925 Ann St. means now known are sinful. on which visitors are requested to remain, night. For those not-so-adventurous hikers, (1/3 mi. N.W. of Frandor) Under the natural law. but the mosquitoes aren't as cooperative. there is a cement path on the human side of the Althouja^the program is sup¬ St. John's as ported by Lansing Area Unit¬ The MSU Sailing Club will taught by the Roman Catholic No controls of insects or poisonous plants fence directlv in back of Holmes and McDonel ed Ministries, the religious as¬ hold Student parish a picnic at 9 Sunday morn¬ Church man may not frustrate are practiced, the sign continues. The smart Halls. pect is being played down. ing at Crystal Lake. Rides 327 M.A.C. What really turns these kids will leave'at 8:30. 8:45 and 9 ED-79778 " off is hypocrisy,' Hollister a.m. from the west exit of the EDCEWOOD UNITED LUTHERAN RSITY said. Sunday Masses-- UNIVERSITY Especially on the part Union. For further information, TH-DAY of the charch ." CHURCH WORSHIP call D. Bessone. 339-1245. 8:15 - 9:45 - 11:15 - 6:00 p.r D ► 1ST CHURCH BAPTIST Wardcliff 469 N. Hagadorn Masses Mon. Fri. ecumenical Martin Luther Chapel School 9:30 CHURCH Sch~1 rsity Lutheran - - an fellowship - Lutheran Student Center Sat' at: (American Baptist) 8:00 - 12:30 Summer Sunday Service 444 Abbott Road Wt lip Service 11:00 Church &. Church School- :30 a.m. Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor. Meeting at Masses each class day SERMPN ! . Sermon presented by 504 Ann St. Worship 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. alc-Ica When You Alumni Chapel (Corner of Division) Church School 11:10 a.m. DR. TRUMAN MORF*30N Rev. David Kruse Wednesday prayer Tell Her 4:15 P.M. Loy G. Foil, Pastor Church School Call for .ation 6:45 p.m. Saturday Masses 332-8693 .iv, c .,32-0606 Service at 9:30 hour 9:15 a.m. It's Forever Free Bus Service Services Matins 8:00 a.m.-9:15 a.m.-ll:45a.n WELCOME and Nursery 332-1888 8:15, 9:15 & 10:30 a Tell Her F irst Church of FIRST CI- ilSTIAN f! " DRMED CHURCH Central Methodist With a Peoples Church ALL SAINTS Across From the Capitol East Christ Scientist Lansing 709 E. Grand I\iver 3119 Stonele 6n, 1 ansing Interdenominational EPISCOPAL East Lansing 200 W. Grand River Sunday Service 10 a.m. CHURCH at Michigan LESSON - SERMON 800 Abbott Rd. "SACRAMEN" " ^TLDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue St., Apt. 3 Sunday Services Church School 10:00 a.m. DIAMOND n Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 SERMON SUNDAY SCH< rREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on Crib Nursery at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m Residence Hall Bulletin Board. So ' Bring The Baby IV 5-9477 'J eremiah —Dealing 10:00 a.m. all cla With Trouble" Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Wallace Robertson "Let It Re Praise" Free Public Reading Room EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH SCHOOL 134 West Grand River McDonald Middle School Interdenominational OPEN 1601 Burcham Drive 10:00 a.m. Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. E. Eugene Williams, Pastor Crib Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. University Class 9:00 a.m. throught Adults Evenings 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. "The Invitation That Requires A Response" 7:00 p.m Ail are welcome to attend (Holy Communion Service) Church Services and visit and Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 8:30 p.rr the reading Wednesday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm UNIVERSITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 1120 South Harrison Phone:351-7030 || 1518 S. Washington Lansi L . SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. "Endure Hardness" (vs. V Dr. Sugden Rev. Wallschlaeger " --f ^ J ^ T "The Moon Says, 'Listen!' " The Moon has said something preaching Morning Worship 9:30 8i 11: JO ^ V ' <&> before 9:45 AM. Apollo 11 arrives there. COLLEGIAN DIRECT DIAMOND \ College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP IMPORTERS Church School 9:30 (for all ages) 1 \ in the fireside room Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher, 8:30 p.m. Fireside Room r Nursery under Registered Nurse 11:00 Free bus supervision of a transportation 15 to 30 minutes before each service. 11 / 1 /II \\ mm 11:00 a.m. "Road to the Summit" FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Call 482-0754 for information. Evening ^ FRANDQR SHOPPING CENTER I (jP^^203 S. WASHINGTON DOWNTOWN Michigan State News, Last Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 J J " 7/ SPORTS Athletic Dept. faces tuition Morrall thinking of retiring; hike for non-state athletes going into hockey business NFL title with a 13-1 record. San Francisco (UPI)-Quar- (UPI(-Quar¬ New York New York Giants Giants andand the the Colts. Colts. MFL title with a 13-1 recor Morrall made the statement But Baltimore lost to Namath terback Earl Morrall of the "We will not go back on By KEN ANSTEY paying the out-of-state tuition, athletic departments in the state Baltimore Colts. Most Valuable at a news conference called to and the Jets in the Super Bowl. The MSU Athletic Dept. will we didn't have a good answer." and in the Big Ten are paying any of the tenders already announce his appointment as a Morrall said he watched Unitas Player last season in the Nation¬ begin paying out-of-state tui¬ Jack Breslin, University sec¬ out-of-state tuition, we feel that promised." Breslin said, "but vice a couple of weeks ago at a the athletic program for the al Football League, was appoint¬ president of Trans Nation¬ tion for all of state athletes retary, said. it is only natural that we pay al Communications, Inc.. which football camp and "he looks ed a business executive Wednes¬ fall of 1970 will definitely be at the start of the next fis¬ "Actually, the problem is a is the new owner of the Oak¬ like he's back at full shape affected. day and said he was thinking cal year. very simple one." Breslin said. Although the change will come land Seals of the National Hock¬ and form. His throwing arm "It has always been the practice into effect this next fiscal year, " The specific affects of the seriously of quitting football MSU's department has been didn't hurt. ey League. " I'll make my decision within the only one in the state not of the Athletic Dept to pay there will be no changes in the change are not yet clear, but Other athletes associated with ' The Colts will have to we will have to take a long the next week after I talk to in-state tuition and this tenders or the number of ten¬ paying the out-of-state tuition. prac¬ coach Don Shula. Carroll Rosen- TNC include former New York convince me that I'm needed." 'When the state auditors tice has never been questioned. ders already planned for this look at our expenditures and bloom. my teammates and my pitcher Whitey Ford and former added Morrall. who went to asked us why we were not But now that all of the other hope we can come up with New York Giants halfback Dick the Forty Niners after gradu¬ some workable solution. " family," said Morrall. 35. who has been in the NFL for 13 ating from Michigan State in The Athletic Dept has a total TNC said it was setting up 1956 where he was an Ail- of 282 athletes on tenders this Earl Morrall years with the San Francisco a subsidiary called Earl Mor¬ American. year. 157 of these are from Forty Niners. Detroit Lions. Unknown rall Associates in Detroit, of O'Co out-of-state. to the The added department for each cosl which Morrall dent will be presi¬ en* 37 -coupon— ROMEO & resident will be around $710 Jonson in m Morrall took over after Colt °" JULIET record 65 in bringing the total added to over The $111.000. department made any attempt « has in Western quarterback Johnny Unitas in¬ jured his elbow in a pre¬ season game last year and Nelac's WITH COUPON EXPIRES 7-18-69 69 of his that gave him a a mistake on the greens. he to d Morrall led the Colts to the LYTHAM ST. ANNES. Eng¬ own said. a new program to accoi land IUPI (--Ireland's Christy O'¬ 36-hole total of 135. Charles, one Lynn Janson continued to play moving into Saturday's semi¬ date the added costs. of the few leftvs on the Circuit, Except for Casper, however, UNION BALLROOM nm Connor made 10 hours of extra a steady round of golf as he finals and championship round. "We are still pressed with needed just 28 putts to complete the American entries in the fired Pat Fitzsimons. an 18-year- putting practice pay off sen¬ the problems of the coming n 72 and 71 in the 36 his round, which featured four tournament continued to have hole old Freshman to be at the Uni¬ JULY 11 & 12 75c sationally Thursday when he year.' Burt Smith, asst. ath¬ competition Thursday in carded record 65 to birdies and two bogeys. their troubles. Most of the pro¬ the Western Golf SHOWN ONCE AT 7 p.m. a course letic director, said. We prob¬ Amateur versity of Oregon, was medal¬ move within one stroke of leader blems came on the rugged back Tournament ist for the tournament with a Three strokes behind Charles ably won't start to consider the being staged in nine holes where practically Bob Charles of New Zealand Rockford. Ill 283 total, only two strokes a- were a pair of Britishers. Alex everyone failed to match par. matter until fall term." after 36 holes of the British Open Janson s 72 hole total of 285 head of Janson. Caygill and Tony Jacklin at 138 Golf Championship Caygill, who started the day five was good for fourth spot in Janson had an opening'day O'Connor, who headed to the practice greens after an open¬ strokes behind Charles, carded a four-under par 67 while Jack¬ the tournament and qualified him for today's match play along round with a of 72 70 and followed Wednesday over the up TOM JONES ing round 71 to correct his lin added a 70 to go with an open¬ with 15 others. The top 16 play¬ par 71 Rockford Country Club shaky putting." rebounded with ing round of 68 ers will play two rounds today course prior to his two fine ACADEMY AWARDS- an amazing round Thursday, with the four remaining winners rounds Thursday. BEST PICTURE. which included only 25 putts Billy Casper of San Diego, who BEST DIRECTOR. over the 6.848-vard. par 71. Royal had a 70 Wednesday, offered the best American challenge to the BEST SCREENPLAY. Lytham Course. His round, and the baby huey which included one eagle and leaders as he carded another 70 BEST SCORING four birdies, wiped out the for a 140 total. Casper also need¬ NEW YORK FILM BABYSITTERS dav-old course record which ed just 31 putts and was very CRITICS AWARD- Charles had tied Wednesday satisfied with his round. BEST PICTURE. with a 66 BEST ACTOR-ALBERT FINNEY. Charles, who had a two-stroke "I'm putting very well. Except for a six-footer I missed to bogey BEST DIRECTOR-TONY RICHARDSON lead after the first round, staved the 14th. I don't think I made FILM DAILY POLL-ONE OF 10 BEST PICTURES 1963 off O'Conner's rush with a nice King and his Court here Eddie Feigner, nationally known Softball artist, will appear NORTHSIDE' DRIVE-IN NOW! in Ranney Park Sunday at 9 p.m. against a group of all stars from the Capital City Softball League. E Miles Worth an US-27.. The King and his Court, as they are often called, are EXCLUSIVE! (3) NEW HORROR HITS being brought here by the Lansing Solomon Bombers, one of the league teams. After the game. Feigner will put on a pitching exhibition, showing his drop ball, curve and riser at various speeds. There will be a small admission charge GODZILLA attacks New York! at the gate. RODAN devastates Moscow! MANDA obliterates London! and MOTHRA smashes Peking! How they stand American National EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIV ISION Bill Casper, San Diego, Calif, sits with a serious Baltimore 59 25 702 DETROIT New York expression on his face at the 7th tee as he waits Boston 47 38 553 12 Pittsburgh to tee off in the second round of the British Open. 46 43 .517 15'z St. Louis 42 45 483 1112 Washington New York 47 460 19'2 Philadelphia 37 45 451 14 Casper had another 70 Thursday to give him a Cleveland Montreal 26 58 . 310 26 140 total after two days of competition. AP Wirephoto WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIV ISION Minnesota Oakland Cincinnati 49 44 37 35 570 557 l'a 3 TOMMIE'S LOUNGE Chicago San Francis and 49 424 13 >2 Houston RESTAURANT THE BIG ACTION SHOW! Wedneutoy s remits Wednesday's i DETROIT 6, Boston 5 New York 4. Chicago0 Specializing in Char-broiled Steak 8t Lobster Tails SPINE-TINGLING THRILLS AND SPILLS! Baltimore 6. New York 5 (10 inn i San Francisco 10. Houston 3 Washington 3. Cleveland 0 Philadelphia 7.3. St Louis 1. 5 *Try Our SIZZLER STEAK! TOGETHER... FOR THE FIRST TIME! Chicago 5. Oakland 3 Thursday's results *Noon Luncheon Specials Kansas City 4. Minnesota 3 Seattle 8.0. California 0 5 Chicago 6. New York 2 St. Louis at Philadelphia, night Montreal at Pittsburgh, *Happy Hours 3-6 P.M. theMZISmevtt I AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL night Oakland 12. Chicago 2 Minnesota 6. Kansas City 5 it Hoi night | OPEN 6 DAYS—9:00 A.M. - 12:30 A.M. j BARBAHV££>fiOR \a DESTROY ALL Cleveland at DETROIT, night Boston at BalUmore. night 320 E. MICHIGAN California at Seattle, ' night only games scheduled t Philadelphia at Chicago Pittsburgh at St Louis, night PH. 484-6098 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED MONSTERS Today's games California at Oakland, night Cincinnati at Houston, night Atlanta at San Diego, night FREE PARKING AT REAR OF BUILDING - COLOR ..8ERKEY RATHE f^l *—■■«"» SBBtt Chicago at Kansas City, night Seattle at Minnesota, night Cleveland at DETROIT, night MOTHRA- GODZILLA-RODAN - MANDA «l Boston at Baltimore, night New York at Washington, night 109 Antho j j,mSU. * D Fri. & Sat. SHOWN 2ND AT 10:15 Cubs top Mets; $.75 SKLMF % m "MORE TERRIFYING THAN W" HITCHCOCK'S 'PSYCHO'!" lead pack by 4 s ^x An IMAGE TEN Production NEW YORK (UPIi-Ron San PmrnmAHt) to climaxed a five-run fifth ASOKSIMI innig with his 17th homer ol the season Thursday to check ofrtAMAUL a as five-game Cub losing streak Chicago defeated the New- York Mets 6-2 to regain a mk4f four-game lead in the National League's Eastern Division. ww mm Billy Hands, who went the distance to register his 10th ofmmuM victory of the season against seven losses, allowed New York only three hits, the last one urn ,m a ieadoff single by Ken Bos- urn^of well in the fourth Hands struck out six and walked inning. THt/Mfym. four in snapping the Mets' seven-game winning streak. The Cubs, who had lost the first two games of this first- place showdown, trailed 2-1 in the fifth, but used four hits, including Santo s homer, and two Met errors, to build ALSO PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES AT8:37 a 6-2 lead. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 Film classics, a Tenants obligated headline entertainment fare Prepare for a weekend of restored for the 50th anniver¬ and "Grand Prix." in fire loss Apartment fires are not in¬ entertainment decision-making. sary of the Russian Revolution. "Tom Jones," the best pic¬ creasing in East Lansing, de¬ At Kresge Art Center, the A new musical score by Dimi- ture of 1963, will be shown spite the blazes in Cedar Vil¬ Tenth Annual Fine Arts Festi¬ tri Shostakovich has been added. at 7 p.m. tonight and Satur¬ lage and Capitol Villa last week, val will begin Sunday with an The Beal Film Group offers Fire Chief John Patriache said day at the union ballroom. open house from 2-5 p.m. "Mein Kampf" at 7 and 9 Albert Finney and Susannah recently. Gallery exhibits include por¬ Patriache predicts that the p.m. tonight and Saturday in York star. I traits by contemporary artists 108B. Wells Hall. This Swedish increase in apartment buildings The Royal Shakespeare Com¬ and photographs by Dorothea movie about Hitler won honors pany's "Marat Sade" will be j being constructed will have an Lange Refreshments will be effect on the number of fires for Best Documentary at the shown by the MSU film Soci- | served. San Francisco Film Festival. which occur. ety at 7 and 9 p.m. tonight j The International Film Series The theater Students moving to off-cam¬ department's and Saturday in 109 Anthony will present Eisenstein's momen¬ Summer Circle presents "The Hall. pus apartments should be aware tous Ten Days That Shook Desk Set." by William Mar- of their degree of liability, he And there's still the tradi¬ the World" at 7 p.m. and Saturday in Fairchild Thea¬ tonight chant at 8:30 p.m. tonight tional ritual at Pfaff Pfarm on Tuna b continued. Most leasing corporations will through Sunday in Demonstra¬ rate for students with ID'S. Beardslee Road in Perry, where This is the first complete not be responsible "for losses tre tion Hall. This comedy deals the Rev. Gunter Pfaff will hold nly a student's prerogative to christen his hound after his . How To Commit Marriage incurred to the tenants due to showing of a film landmark. with a secretary whose photo¬ his usual weekend preach-in. State News photo by John Harrington is still running at the Michigan, careless acts in the apartment." —COUPON— graphic memory is pitted against while Jack Lemmon and Cath¬ 50C Creedence a computer program. erine Deneuve remain "The Although covered these buildings are by insurance, usually Clearwater Revival At the Ledges Playhouse in Grand Ledge, the Summer The¬ April Fools at the Gladmer. The SELTZER REVIEW the insurance companies will not "Bayou Country" ater is performing "The Amor¬ Spartan Twin Theaters cover fire damages caused di¬ NeJac's ous Flea." a musical comedy, present a double-barrel Wes¬ tern bill " The Wild Bunch rectly by the tenants. Bye Columbus', hi blahs and Moliere's "School For Even if the fire damages re¬ and "True Grit Wives." There's a discount sult from improper installation of equipment or faulty construc¬ Program Information 482-3905 and "Goodbye, Columbus at tion. the tenant is still respon¬ sible for personal losses incur- T JDAY 3:20^5:20-7:2t>-9:25 the Campus "Oliver." winner By MARK LERNER and a not-so-wealthy boy from peels. Mediocre is too good are unmotivated: whole scenes SUN shows at 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:10-9:00 of six Academy Awards includ¬ State News Reviewer the Bronx ( Richard Beniamim an adjective for it. , are extraneous. The show starts "Students moving into apart¬ ing Best Picture of the Year, They meet at an exclusive Mediocre does suit the direc¬ nowhere and doesn't ment units should have insur¬ "Good bye Columbus" progress is now showing in a reserve - Jewish country club-she be¬ tion well, though malodorous should be titled "Hello, Blahs." much further. ance which covers their worth," performance at 8 p.m. tonight longs, he's a guest. They make is THE TWO GIANTS because this motion picture, love all occasionally more appro¬ It's a worn-out. hackneyed, Patriache said. and Saturday at the Lansing summer. They break priate. Simple problems of corny, irrelevant, disconnected "It is up to the tenants at \ OF COMEDY, Mall Theater now playing at the Campus, is just that-- blah. up in the fall. In other words, staging are not solved by and poorly performed show. And all times to control any fires I SHOW YOU HOW TO The Starlight Drive-In brings The story is based on Phil¬ there's not much of a plot. A cliche ridden director Larry Peerce. Actions it's boring which mav occur, he said. COMMIT MARRIAGE. - script, "Camelot" back to Lansing, lip Roth's novella of a summer¬ mediocre acting, unspectacular the Crest features two action- time affair between a wealthy photography and miserable direc¬ BOB HOPE* JACKIE GLEASON packed films. "The Dirty Dozen" Radcliffe girl (Ali MacGrawi tion fill the movie's two hours. "Columbus" subjects viewers Blind father re JANEWYMAN MSU INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES to a torrent of vignettes about Jewish people and their sup¬ "HOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGE" TECHNICOLOR* NFYT CRC M presents posed culture: $10,000 weddings, receptions with everyone sing¬ ing "Havah Nagilah." 7-car families and 30-room houses, sees PITTSBURGH. Pa -- A family 3 months and Jeanne. 15 months. can you do'' for he said. "I had HERBIE the incredible little car! „ delicatessens that gross over father, blind for 31 years, spent \ week ago. in a New York hos¬ my family around me and they $20 million in seltzer sales joyous day with his four chil¬ " #'• WALT DISNEY alone, the accent, the language, a dren Thursday after pital. he had seen his wife. Do¬ gave me all the support you - PRODUCTIONS' seeing them lores. for the first time. They could ask for." he said the food. It's all quite exag¬ for the first time. have been married 18 years. It took a lot of courage to gerated and quite nauseating I felt so happy All I could Walking through the garden of marry me." he said of his wife. There are some good sight do ^(Lspartan twin west was cry." Ralph Yoekler said the suburban Arlington Heights I wouldn't trade places with gags as well as some good Voelker. 48. returned home home he moved into 10 years ago. anyone. I'm a pretty lucky guv." FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 laugh lines, but they're hard¬ Wednesday from New York aft¬ Voekler said: "I put this gym Never before shown! The complete, unexpurgated' ly enough to keep the show er an experimental eye opera¬ and all these things up here while FRI. AT 6:30 & 9:00 P.M. moving. tion. the sight in one eye re¬ I was blind Now I can see that version of the revolutionary film classic! EISENSTEIN'S SAT. & SUN. AT 1:45-4:15-6:45 & 9:|5 P.M. Benjamin and Miss MacGraw billed which in stored. Waiting for him I did a pretty poor job. Smelly fish Tea Bays Thai Unchanged men are as actors, were his four His children, running along¬ itself is quite funnv. Neither of children: Paul. 8. John. 6. Alan. side and in a changing land. clutching at his hands, Out of step, out of place them make it. Benjamin is only didn't seem to care. He's sort hit Chicago half-way good when he's joking, Woolies to give of hero to them." his wife Steak The MterM a and desperately out of time. and he must be joking when said. CHICAGO (UPIi-The worst New score by Shostakovich. Also EISENSTEIN'S he's serious. discern what either It's difficult one of them to open air concert He's always wanted to be in¬ invasion of smelly dead ale- wives to hit this city in two dependent and never wanted any¬ are thinking. I doubt they The Woolies will one to help. He wanted to be years kept crews of the park ■ezhia Meadow perform know Characters are not de¬ at 1:30 p.m. the best father." she said. districts scooping up the tiny Sunday at the park veloped past surface features. in back of the Greyhound Bus Voekler was blinded at the fish by the thousands at several One of the world's great missing films Jack Klugman. as the girl's depot in East Lansing. north side beaches Tuesday age of 17. when a pressure tank Now partially restored in a 30-minute documentary! father, is the only interesting The "get together" is free he and trucking them to a burial was using exploded in his Music by Prokofiev character in the show, and he's and open to the public. This face Since then he was helped Fri., Sat. - July 11 and 12 stereotyped.too series of Sunday concerts by his brother, who owns a beer "Pray that we don't get warm The photography looks as if is expected to last weather, said Larry McCage. through¬ distributing companv. FAIRCHILD THEATRF it were taken by a using a Brownie chimpanzee reflex and out the summer "I just kept hoping. What else maintenance superintendent for several beaches. Admission $1.00 then splice together McCabe said Its the worst with banana Beal Film since 1967. but nowhere near Group presents TONIGHT and Saturday 51 Program information 332-6944 as bad as then NOW from Sweden * i Feature Shown The fish were washed up in Winner of Best Documentary Feature SHOWING! CAMPUS 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:40 - jj greater numbers on the north San Francisco Film Festival J side, but several thousands ■6000SK COLHMBUS'ISKV»TRMHT,MMBISaYAPKUING "Shattering and unforgetableI Snapped open the eyes J and left them glassy and aghast" N.Y. Times * were If sighted it turns on the south side. warm, bathers will have to cope with rotting MM...11HM6 Of IUL AND UNUSUtl PUASUREI" fish." Irving Gold, who directed -T'c'TfmfTi MEIN KAMPF cleanup crews at several north BfSgi. 7 and 9:15 108B Wells 50c ID not required side beaches said. Alewives have rolled ashore Not for children also Chapter 6 of Serial repeatedly within the last two weeks. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 2nd Fun Week! coaiMtfaMm/ i TECHNICOLOR' PMAVISION' FROM WARNER BROS -SEVEN MIS "THE APRIL FOOLS' IS VERY FUNNY!" -New York Daily News "Fresh and alive...romantic and funny." Monitor. NBC Radio. Pure Pleasure., d- liciously witty!" —Women's Wear Daily; "Genuinely funny!" National Observer; "It's hilarious!" Cue Magazine I JOHN GLEN KIM WAYNE • CAMPBELL * DARBY ASTAdFYR JAFFf PHOOUCTION vmm Ml. iMYMTMWM RICHARH BFMIAMIN JACKKLUGN™ nan martin /\[_| MacGRAW £ Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve in "The April Fools" I r»; - nui admitted unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian Peter Lawford, Jack Weston, Myrna Loy, Harvey Korman and Charles Boyer Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 9 Local poets "Beyond Now" is joint selec- from merge Abbott, former profes- My mind turns in back verse the By DONALD A. YATES a to 'Beyond New," however, he tion of poems by Margaret sor of Romance Languages. green days, includes BEYOND NOW, by Margaret a grouping of new, and Lawrence Abbott of East For many years, the Abbotts When seed, root, and pushing and Lawrence Abbott, Candor more lyrical verses that are Lansing. The first 48 have been active and produc¬ surely the consequences of less Press. 48 pp. $2 gathered here are Mrs. Abbott's; tive members of the Poetry Reached up for the sun and whimsical, more mature, re¬ Like Matched Pair. pre- the equally ample sampling Society of Michigan, as well drank draughts flections. Age. marriage and wed on these pages which closes the volume of other national Of it, or swallowed as poetry gulps of wisdom appear as frequent con¬ organizations, and have con¬ cerns. In verses of this type, tributed their work to more than To grow, was life's business. the poet seems most effec¬ a score of regional and na¬ Today, years bring strange tive when he arranges for the S. African tional botts publications. The Ab¬ creativity dedication over and steady decades have fruits, strange leaves. Remind me leaf for new to look under the kernel of his thought to express, or suggest, the whole. His ■Quintessence." for example, been sufficient to secure for Shadows, remind me that seems wordy and over¬ loses years held new them the honorary title of seeds legal developed. East Lansing's poets laure- In their fading, drying pods. Copies of the volume can be Age learns that wisdom's cost ordered from the Abbotts at In the present collection. Mar¬ 508 Charles St.. JOHANNESBURG, South Af- East^ Lansing. future of press freedom in South garet Abbott reveals to us That it, too, obeys the pattern rica < AP i An eight-month le- -- Africa, Model gal battle involving press free¬ once more her sure ability for Of seed, sprouting, grdwing, dom ended Thursday when South Gandar and Pogrund went on deftly piercing superficiality and Before the final blossoming. 500 -^«iP0N - Students in Art 240 sketch a late model VW < n the banks of the Red Cedar be- Africa's Supreme Court con- trial last November for a ser- surprising beauty in life, sud¬ denly. face-to-face. The shar¬ Abott's skeptical but, in the off Frost - hind Kresge Art Center while two very act ve models clown around the car. victed an editor and his chief 'es °f articles published in June at FROST MUSIC pened wisdom of age and the end. good-natured view of things State News Photo by Cark Kulow reporter of publishing and July 1965 which alleged on prison conditions reports without brutality, sodomy, torture and intensification of pleasure taken has always been the most Neiac's EXPIRES | from small things are dominant notable trait of his poems. In WITH COUPON 7-18-69 taking reasonable steps'' to other conditions in several qualities of these free-flowing verify their accuracy South African prisons. BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Laurence Gandar. editor-in- Theatre "Relay of Life" Circle chief had ot ;ind reporter the Rand Daly Mail. Benjamin Pogrund pleaded innocent to violat- Gandar's paper was given the American shers Assn. Newspaper Publi World Press In these days when I > by TONIGHT! From 7:15 "HUGS AND KISSES" p.r ing South Africa's Prisons Act. Achievement Award in 1966 Vulnerable to the wind. AT 7:40 and 9:45 outperformed They face maximum sen- for the articles, The rain, the beating sun, tences of two years in jail o "A. 8LICK BIT MSU Desk Set" Circle Theatre: "The opening audience resj scei The vital to Desk stration Hall Theat tinue through July BEST PICTURE OF BEDROOM DECEPTION... William Marchant's awkward comedy. "The Desk Set." was Set's first ; led minable. The second act picked inter- time is 8:30 p.m. OF THE YEAR! EXUBERANT -A.2ST3D E33STCiA.G-IlsrC3-... given an appropriately awkward up a bit. and those who made WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! performance Wednesday even- it to the third enjoyed a Michigan State University FLIPPANT ing by the MSU Summer Circle faster-moving, more palatable. DIALOGUE" Theatre. t experience Department of Theatre -BOSLEY CROWTHER, N Y Times The computer. EMMERAC. was delightfully designed to become a character-it was probably the evening's great¬ est success, second only to Bee Vary's performance. Becky Freligh's appearance as the Lady was too brief: what there was was a welcome relief from the lengthy drone of cliche-ridden dialogue The theme, if there is one. is that man-and woman-and computer-can blissfully co¬ exist Apart from that, per¬ sistent girl gets insistent boy The play is mildly witty, and all live marvelously on— at best. Certainly the dilemma and on—and on- machine has been Director William G Burch more successfully and more might well have taken a tip humorously explored from the play and applied the The Circle Theatre provided principles of speedup to his a pleasant setting for "The interpretation of The Desk Desk Set." The scenic and Set ." costume designs were more than Performances at the De adequate, seats were comfor¬ table and the program was very attactively designed The evening was almost sal¬ vaged by Bee Vary s bright presence, as Office Manager Bunny Watson Kathy Blair was appealing as Ruthie Savior, and Antoinette Hornberger's por¬ trayal of Sadel Meyer was pleasant. Marilyn Steegstra played secretary Peg Costello. but the character she created strongly echoed her Regina Giddens in the Community play¬ ers' The Little Foxes of a few weeks ago David Jones, as Abe Cutler, and Bob McKee. as Richard Sumner, were sometimes good, though blatantly amateurish. The pacing of a comedy's 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 State News State News Classified HAVING A GARAGE SALE? ADVERTISE IT IN THE WANT ADS Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Employment For Rent For Rent dp CHEVROLET 1967. TYPISTS 60 wpm, 5 day a week EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large. Biscayne 4- door V-8. automatic 1 owner Good con¬ 4-9 writer p.m Justowriter or Flexo- experience preferred Call furnished, studio apartments Car¬ "rE NT ED« dition $1,195 or best offer Phone peting, air-conditioning, stove and 337-1651 between 3-5 p.m. TO WOWKFORYCHJ 694-8216 5-7/15 refrigerator $140 G HACKER Call EDWARD COMPANY. 485-2262 UNFURNISHED, FOUR room lower CORVAIR 1962. Monza SCHOOL BUS driver applications are Mrs Steele, 485-3774 15-7/22 or apartment. $130. All utilities paid • AUTOMOTIVE New tires Air-conditioned $300 being taken for September 1969 Garage 699-2268 3-7/15 Phone 351 -5399, after 5p m Minimum of 4 hours per day/(morn¬ • EMPLOYMENT 4-7/16 NEWLY MARRIED? ings and afternoons i Must be at FURNISHED. 4-room First floor, • FOR RENT least 21 of age. possess CUTLASS 1968 - 2-door hard- years good driving record, and able to T ANGLEWOOD front. Near campus Married couple • FOR SALE top pow( steering, brakes, tilt preferred Call ED 2-2882 3-7 15 • LOST & FOUND ?r 882-2048 5-7 14 pass physical tension 4' Phone 393-3450. ex¬ 4-7 11 LANSING 2-bedroom. fireplace, APARTMENTS semi-furnished, parking. • PERSONAL 8163.489-7861 $140 482- 3-7 14 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 711 EAST FIAT 850 Spider-1968. convertible, NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full part- • PEANUTS PERSONAL 4-speed. gauges, free set of spark 351-7880 711 Bureham Dr. time 21 and over preferred Ex¬ • REAL ESTATE plugs Barter 393-1726. 5-7/11 cellent income potential iRobb) IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ • SERVICE McFadden. HOWARD JOHNSON'S, 911 Marigold Ave. 348 OAKHILL -2-4 ished 3 man apts. leasing for man apartments. LEMANS 1964 must sell Reason¬ 694-0454 O • TRANSPORTATION able - New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ Fall leasing. Walking distance. 351- fall now 1 year or 9 mo. 2-door. standard transmis¬ • WANTED 7153. 5-7/11 leases. sion Excellent tires Dave. 484- REGISTERED NURSE ished 2-man apartments. Opening in a 6252 after 5 p.m. Across from campus. IV 9-9651 or 1-7/11 medical care facility. 3 p.m. to street ONE-BEDROOM Furnished, close to 351-3525 DEADLINE 11:30 p.m. shift Good salary and Leasing now for fall. 1 year campus. Starting July 25. $100 month benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE. or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 2815 Northwind Drive in East Lan¬ Evenings. 351-7984 3.711 1 P.M. one class day be¬ 332-2335. sing Phone 332-0817. Mrs Parker fore publication. MUSTANG 1966 V-8, standard New 10-7 17 Cancellations - 12 noon one tires Very sharp Phone 332-0841 TWO-MAN furnished apartment 129 5-7/17 EARN UP TO $3,000 this summer.. Bureham $135 per month Call class day before publica¬ AVAILABLE NOW 'til Subsidiary of Alcoa. Start training days, 487-3218; evenings, 882-2316, September WATERS EDGE-Several 4-man apart¬ tion. and earning in your spare time until 10 p.m 15 Furnished 2 girls. $50 each ments available PLYMOUTH 0 for fall. 332-4432 1965;-Sports Fury 383 332-5320 5-7/15 Car necessary Call 351-7319 for 6-7/18 V-8 Coppertone All extras Ex¬ interview * CX PHONE cellent condition $1,000 372-4292, ONE FURNISHED, one unfurnished after 5p.m. 5-7/17 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSI Heat furnished Stove and refriger No children or pets OX 4- 355-8255 students with Midwest s largest ator full-line merchant wholesaler Full RATES or part-time Automobile required Phone THE SOCIETY CORPOR ATION 337-1349. 8a m to5p m O Available for 1 day $1.50 Apartment 89 5-10 p rr per word Der (jay NEEDED MANAGERS. Saleswomen Fall 3 aays VOLKSWAGEN - 1964 New paint We will train for positions 54.00 you Radio Will consider trade Phone with distributors of Holiday Magic • Beechwood 13 1/2f per word per day 094-8216 5-7 15 Cosmetics products, full or part 5 days ...... $6.50 time Small investment brings gen I3f per word per day I know you told me you were • University Villa i(baeed on 1U words per ad) a druggist Harold -- • Princeton Arms There' will be a 50tf service But I thought and bookkeeping charge if Auto Service & Part* . . . • Holiday Apts, this ad i« not paid within ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA¬ one week. MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small Halstead Management dent* to large wrecks American 1 Hp-i 5-7 1 For Rent The State News will be and foreign cars Guaranteed work 482 1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C WANTED SHARP Junior or sen responsible only for the ior marketing or sales major in¬ TV RENTALS-Students only Low NEAR EAST Lansing--2-bedroom du¬ AVAILABLE TIL first day's incorrect inser¬ MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kala¬ monthly and term rates Call 484 plex Carpeted, dishwasher, stove, terested in assisting young busi¬ 2800 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY tion.., mazoo Street Since 1940 ness executive in establishing new refrigerator, air-conditioned, fire¬ TV RENTALS C Complete auto painting and colli¬ business in Lansing area Good place $180 plus utilities Phone sion service IV 5-0256 C 482 4682 4-7 11 part-time earnings, plus tremendous TURNED OFF RENT A TV from a TV Company- learning opportunity Write ALPINE $9 00 per month Call 337-1300. ENTERPRISES. INC, Box 1132. • . NEJAC TV RENTALS C The State News does not Lansing. Michigan 5-7 11 permit racial or religious Avaitlon NORTHWIND East Lansing By East Lansing's High Cost discrimination in its ad¬ For Rent FARMS Management vertising columns. The State News will not FRANCIS AVIATION: So easv t NEW GE portables and stands rented Faculty Apartments ' Company of Living? accept learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" ONLY to MSU students and faculty advertising which discrim¬ Special $5 offer 484-1324 < $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE 351-7880 Poolside inates against religion, MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 444 Apartments race, igin. color or national or¬ Scooters & SUZUKI Cycles 1968, Scrambler 200 Like Michigan Avenue 332-8687 TV RENTALS G E 19 portable- C TWO GIRLS immediately Chalet FOUR-MAN apartment, With swimming pool furnished Heat paid $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ For Students 351-7880 TURN ON new - 900 miles 2 helmets $500 $8 50 per month including stand AGEMENT. 351-7880 C 317 M.A.C. with these features at 355-3173 3-7 11 Call J R. CULVER COMPANY. 351- TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- , Summer-$130. Fall-$160 Lease 351-7399 5-7 11 Automotive BEST POWER for monev Honda cQU3 MEADOWBROOK *)5 Super * Before 2 p.m. 351-863J niter ti p.m. 351 1968 Benelh. 125ec lnsura CHEVELLE 1964 6 TRACE SPEEDREADING! DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED DO-IT-YOURSELF COURSE CHEVROLET 1964 Impala No classes to attend! Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and HALF-PRICE appliances THRU JULY 15 ONLY CHEVROLET - 1963. Impal, ible V-8. power steering Money-back guarantee. Regular STUDENT - PLANNED $360 393-2919 $40.00 course, now only $20.00. RECREATION FACILITIES Featuring olymptc pool with sauna, tennis courts LUXURY FEATURES Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water SUMMER See for room furnished, laundry In each building ALL MAINTENANCE FREE yourself! Large new beautiful 1-2-3 bed¬ apartments from $55/student. Model open AUTO NEEDS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.; Sat. 10-12; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exit-right to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393— 0210. By Kassuba, the Nation's #1 Landlord aa CROSSWORD PUZZLE aiMU E3MM Model Now Ooen 25. Size of OHMC3 aaaaaaa writing paper aaraa asm 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 26 Wife of Siva □rasa aaraaa 29. Amos' partner Phone 332-6441 arara HHn Available for fall leasing 31. Three: prefix 32. Stair parts aan i:Iam 36. Skin disorder raHHSQ ciaaa Twycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of s 38. Bluebottle ransa aaaa 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and 39. Acquire 40 Love potion nofinaiiEa aaas furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has 42. New star ma iiaa maaa a dishwasher, garbage disposal and Individual control-central air condit¬ 43 Shelter U2KX3 ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute 44. Feminine drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and 2 Hybrid primrose private balconies. If you want to be amongthe first residents of Twycklng¬ 3. Portion 4 lap. outcast ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. 5. Card game 6 Execute SAVE NOW I I 7. Gossamer ON 8 Salty THERMO I 9 Wreath I ^®topcfetngf)am KING I 10. Make less AUTO AIR dense 16 You and me CONDITIONING 18 A Pope's name 21. Twelve 24. Deer's horns LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN * ^ 4620 S. Hagadorn 25. Stain 26. Chief FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES commodity 27. Bowman 28. Smaller Management Exclusively By: APTS. 30. Uninteresting 33. Suffering ALCO Management Company 34. 35. 37. Satan Commonplace BX.IA9CUFF P#. City railway 38. Unimpaired 482-3379 K0, = Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 41. Bib. pronoun 42. Pester Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 11, 1969 11 LEASING, and Alton. IMMEDIATE occupancy- COLON1AL APARTMENTS. Burcham Brand new deluxe 1- bedroom. furnished For profession¬ AIR-CONDITION'*'0 Fits Spartan oiJQLD $65 351-9051. 355-^jM _ 100 BTU wjndows 3-7/11 Closed library stacks al. graduate students, college fa¬ HI-FI STEREO speaker system-Utah culty or personnel Select clientele (continued from page one) and faculty. The proposal would rity of the University is the re¬ 3-way 8 Beautiful cabinets Call ALSO, other apartments avail¬ sponsibility of the faculty, and new Tom. 351-4160 3-7/15 These sections, which deal with allow undergraduates to use the able for June and September leas¬ the protection of student rights, research stacks only with a spe¬ that their competency can best ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 state that all University regu¬ cial pass and for a limited be judged only by other faculty lations must reconcile the prin¬ amount of time. members. BAY COLONY ELECTRIC GUITAR (iuild $175 ciples of maximum freedom and Chapin said that no definite The Sunn faculty and outside pro¬ amplifier two 15 inch Lan¬ necessary order, and that reg¬ APARTMENTS sings - $375 Call 351 -0488 2-7 11 ulations may not be established date has been set for the im¬ fessional library experts have plementation of his proposal both judged this case," Chapin Corner of Haslett and Haga- unless a demonstrable need BRAND NEW Pentax Spotmatic. fl said. "It seems that these pro¬ dorn Roads. Now taking leases 8 55 with close up exists for them. "It is our belief." Chapin said, work acces¬ fessional judgments should have for September 1, 2 and 3 sories Best offer (Listed "that we can give better ser¬ price Chapin contended that the credence over opinions of oth¬ i apartments. Furnished or $345i 355-9904 3-7 14 vice without diminishing li¬ changing nature of MSU neces¬ ers, particularly so in terms of unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month TELEFUNKUN STEREO tape record¬ sitated the limiting of research brary use if we isolate many leases available. Call Jack of the little-used research items why and how the system will . er New' $225 Call Al: 337-0348, facilities to graduate students Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. 355-0308 from the general browsing col¬ 5-7/11 lection." Undergraduate reaction to the EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- proposal generally has been un¬ In defending himself against 517 NORTH furnished $90 Clemens, 2-bedroom, 301 South Holmes. Ranger mini-8. $59.95 and up. Lear Jet, $69 95 and up MAIN Who's charges that he would violate favorable 2-room efficiency, furnished. $75 ELECTRONICS, 5558 South Pennsyl- certain sections of the Report if 1-room efficiency, furnished. $60 PINNINGS he were to implement the pro¬ ONE Summer rates 351-4530 OR 2 girls starting fall term 10-7 <24 Kathy Cormier. Bay City sen¬ ior. Kappa Delta to Ed Ven- posal, Chapin cited other sec¬ tions which he said would per¬ New capitol for Delta Arms Call 351-4633 able. Midland senior, Sigma Nu. mit him to make such an action. (continued from page one) 5-7/15 The vote on the rejection of 14 EMPIRE fiberglass boat and ENGAGEMENTS ROOMMATE WANTED Private bed trailer wirh a 1963 50 horse Mer the conference report was 45- room in low rent apartment 3- cury outboard Skis and accessories Jorja J. Goodman. Port Huron 56. with 56 required for pass¬ 11 p.m.. 372-6550. ask for garage included $695 676-2547 4-7 11 senior to John H. Conger, , age in the 110-member lower ■3-lt/lfr Owosso graduate student chamber. DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and Susan Ann Besch, Detroit to ONE GIRL for 2-girl Immediately The House rejection of the engagement ring sets. Save 50 per Thomas Mrozek. Howell sen¬ for summer Cedar Greens Apply in person B-24 3-7 15 cent or more Large selection of plain and fancy diamonds $25-1150 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 ior. Nancy Lorraine Edwards, Ionia Anti-Sharma report means that another ference committee, made up of three members from both the con¬ East Michigan 4854391 C to Donald Harold Strock. Grand (continued from page one) House and the Senate, will be Rapids senior He added that the "risks are named to attempt to work out EAST LANSING-2-3 bedroom du¬ Animals Janice Corwin. Baltimore, Md. too great to be organized." plexes Families. Unfurnished $150 a compromise acceptable to $200 332-0480 5-7 11 junior to Paul Schlaack. South both houses. Haven senior. The professor said that cer¬ tain organized student groups The controversial proposal Graduate Women for the construction of a new GERMAN SHEPHERD have shown support and sym¬ Students (Fall) puppies - 1 pathy for his group He suggest¬ capitol was written into Senate Large home, excellent ed contacting the heads of the Bill 48. but was deleted in the location. PAINTING AND House-passed version of the SIAMESE -BEWITCHI.V Blues. Charm decorating-Exterior Veterans Club and Alpha Phi Kitchen, parking, laundry and interior Reasonable prices bill Experienced painter Free estimates Omega. service honorary. In an attempt to alleviate 332-1918 No job too big 337-0464 O "But." he emphasized, "we criticism of the design for the wouldn't want our names band¬ ALTERATIONS, GOWNS, and dress¬ new capitol on grounds of TWO HOUSES-1 small. 1-bedroom ied about. We just want the job Other will hold 4 students. Call making-experienced Reasonable appearance, the conference re¬ done when it needs to be done." 882-5536 6-7 11 Mobile Homes charge Call 355-1040 20-6 17 port provides for the crea¬ The professor said his group tion of a committee to recom¬ EAST SIDE 5 rooms, furnished, full LIBERTY 1959 -Nice shape. 10 X59 has been in contact since the mend to the basement gas furnace and water heater. $1,875 . legislature a "plan Student welcome $150 demonstrations at the Placement for the state month, plus deposit IV 4 4097 482-8249 5-7 11 capitol to assure Bureau spring term when'City aesthetic HIRING HELP CAN BE FUN! Get appearance and artis¬ of Oakland, Calif., was recruit¬ tic excellence." the people you need with a Clas¬ sified Ad Dial 355-8255 now' ing policemen here. The committee was to con¬ He said he hopes his group sist of the governor, five leg¬ EXPERIENCED FRENCH will not need to meet again and islators from each House MODERN DUPLEX, furnished Lost & Found Honors graduate. $2.50. groi that he is confident Sharma's appointed in the same manner Need 372-5741. 353-8138 2 girls for summer Reduced rates FOUND: KEYS bench grant will be permanently with¬ as standing committees, and Call after 4pm 332-5144 on near Wells. ; in* ALTERATIONS AND Dressm drawn. 10 citizen members appointed Friday morning Identify Call 351- 0295 after 10 p.m. or inquire experienced seamstress by the Governor. able charge 355-5855 "I'm not a betting man. but Room 202 Wells 8-10 a m daily I'd Commenting on the rejection say the odds are 50-1 that LOST Sharma won't get the grant, by the House of the Senate- TAN wallet ID Mason Hall Reward No questions asked he said. But I can't lay odds passed proposal, one freshman MEN SINGLE i 355-2091 3-7 14 on if he will stay here legislator said. Outside of the apparent unhappiness with the LOST SET ot The BARBI MEL professor reflected on the design and the lack of compe¬ Typing, multilithing future EAST of his "group." tition among architects nor¬ LANSING 630 Stoddard. No job too large or too small Single rooms, furnished Block off campus 332-3255 C "I don't think attempts to take mally available in projects of Light cook¬ ing Men $60 332-0480 5-7 11 LOST: GOLD charm bracelet o over buildings will be as suc¬ this magnitude, the vote against pus Sentimental value R cessful." he said. Asked who he the Senate Bill 48 conference MENS SINGLE, summer, walking 351-3452 meant distance, parking by "we" he said "inter¬ report is a courageous voice of $10 a week 351- ested faculty and students." the membership rebelling 4915. or 337-9633 3-7 15 ANN BROWN Typist and multilith, offset prinUng. Dissertations, theses, The professor said his group against Zollarism." manuscripts, general typing, IBM. The legislator was referring For Sale opposes Sharma's grant because 19 years experience 332-8384 C Sharma has violated East Lan¬ to Sen. Charles O. Zollar. R- CLOSED FOR vacation from 4th Benton Harbor, powerful chair¬ PAULA ANN sing, University and federal laws to 14th July OPTICAL DISCOUNT HAUGHEY A unique man of the Senate 2615 East Michigan quality thesis service. IBM typing, at several demonstrations. Appropria¬ C-7 11 TV RENTALS GE 19" tions Committee portable- multilith printing and hard binding "He's an enemy a law¬ $8 50 per month including stand 337-1527 C breaker," he said. BACKYARD SALE-Fndav and Satur Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 day. July 11th and 12th, 8-6 285 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- "The faster he picks up his Gunson. East. Lansing Women's YOU'RE UP FRONT with the bet permanent visa, the better I'll clothing, is books, from 2 cents to $1 00 some furniture. l-7'll ANYONE FLYING back to California, end summer, please call 332-3060 ter cars you find Ads Check now' in the Classified feel about it," he added. Open house THESES OFFSET PRINTING, (continued from page one) 1-7/11 typ¬ CHEAP AND going fast Home furn¬ \ student ing and binding Lowest prices avail¬ entering a new hall ishings frigerators. i tank Beds, sofas, only I. stoves, stereo lamps, re¬ scuba tank July 10 FOLKSINGER AVAILABLE for par able on Located corner of across M AC. River, below The Style Shop Call from campus and Grand Fellowship puts this by fall should not the open house decisions be bound until sold out 811 Oak Street. expenenceqBill. 337-2315. 3-7 11 COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337-1666 made last year, he said. East Lansing 355-9758. 5-9 pm 42-8 22 more emphasis I think open house policies daily 3-7 15 FOLK GUITAR. 5-string should be determined bv each banjo les¬ BOLENS GARDEN tractor -1968 model 10 h p 42" mower Priced cheap sons 2315 Individual, group Bill. 337 3-7 11 wanted on small groups hall, each year." he said. Dickerson said that there have ' for quick sale 332-4387 1-7 11 BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for been Inter-Varsity Christian Fell¬ "isolated incidences" of RENT A TV from TV all positive A negative. B negative a Company- MOVING-MUST Sell Furnishings, $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 and AB owship plans a new approach parents contacting him about sex negative $10.00 O nega trunks, art. miscellaneous items NEJAC TV RENTALS C tive. $12 00 MICHIGAN COMML'N for this school year ual activity taking place in resi¬ 9-5. July 12-13 630 Grove East ITY BLOOD CENTER 507' 2 East The MSU chapter, sometimes dence hall rooms. Lansing 1-7 11 Grand River East Lansing Above He has had calls Real Estate the referred to as Spartan Christ¬ no more new Campus Book Store Hours under the DESK < BLONDE i. $20 Sofa and 9 a m to 3 30 p m Mondav Tues¬ ian Fellowship, will place great new policy than under EAST LANSING Glencairn. 7-room. the old. however. Chair. $25 30 gas range. $30 day Wednesday and Friday Thurs emphasis on small groups in the 36" electric range ' like newi day,12to6 30 p m 337-7183 ' C residence halls. "This is not happening all the $60 Apartment size gas range. time, but it doesn't have to be A major innovation will be $25 Refrigerators. $20-$65 7-piece WANTED MAN proficient in Span universal for friends at the dinette. $45 5-piece. $30 Dining ish splitting the weekly chapter our During August Will pay well table and 2 chairs. $20 Also dishes, 332-0937 1-7/11 meeting. Area meetings will be Legislature to become concern- books, we hace alot of furniture EAST LANSING-comfortable. older. held simultaneously each Thurs we must sell Phone 882-5062 English colonial 7 rooms. $22,000 held simultaneously each T think I'm safe in assuming 117 West Northrop" 1-7/11 332-8734 5-7 17 that the residence hall rooms Thursday evening on two sides of campus. were not meant for this pur¬ Inter-Varsitv Christian fell¬ pose." Dickerson said, and I think I'm safe in saying that owship is an independent inter¬ national student the student body in general organization PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD with work tries. The in nearly 70 coun¬ president of the MSU would say the same But still, students wouldn't ring the bell on other students who are doing chapter is John Watkins. Pon- Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. tiac Senior. HANG YOUR STATE NEWS will bill you later. ALL OF US STATE NEWS weLcohe MICHIGAN STATe News Consecutive Dates to Run Heading WANT ADS FRANDOR PAG6S P6ADL/M6: FRIPAY AU6 WORK MANY WONDERS Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 10 Words or Less: J day - $1.50 3 days - $4.00 5 days - J6.50 CALL 15£ per word 40tf per word 65£ per word Over 10 Words Add; Mail to: Michigan State News 355-8255 347 Student Services Bldg. MSU East Lansing, Mich. Friday, July 11, 1969 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan EOP head seeks By BARBARA PARNESS today's society. But, he recog¬ said. is an unemployment' "open society and an ed the EOP position because it community and beyond it are offers him the "challenge and not aware of EOP and its work State News Staff Writer nizes the fact that these organ¬ McMillan, who for the pa^t open University." and that many people are still The new director of MSU's izations are essential for rid¬ three years, has been super- Equal Opportunities Pro¬ opportunity to effect change at not aware of "white racism" Equal Opportunities Programs ding the University and society intendant of inner city schools grams was established in May the higher education level 1968 result of recom¬ He said that if change is to and "institutional racism." (EOP) does not really want of certain problems. in Grand Rapids, succeeded Ron¬ as a mendations by the Committee be effected it must start here. "A lot of people," McMillan to keep his job. "I see myself as working ald B. Lee as director of EOP of Sixteen, appointed by former McMillan said that EOP under said, "are not aware that big Joseph H. McMillan doesn't out of a job. I hope that in two on July 1. President Hannah to study ap¬ Lee's direction suffered from monolithic institutions like this believe that organizations like or three years I can work He said that MSU will have smack of institutional rascism. EOP should have to exist in mysflf out of this job.'" he no need for EOP when there propriate University action in a lack of funds and staff, and civil rights. therefore its effectiveness suf¬ There are a lot of people McMillan said that the four fered. today saying black is beautiful. He said he regrets that more But black is not as beautiful major "charges" of EOP are Pay TV the University I'd like to be!' controversy recruiting black and minority people in as group faculty members for MSU. uncovering and eliminating rac¬ Looking for a great meal? ism on campus. providing Try Red Barn's combination of a legislators tutorial service for blacks and os minority group students and at¬ The controversy of pay TV pay for something you can get McKnight pointed out. have been tracting more black and min¬ ority group student, to campus i WJRT. disagreed with this TV-like black theatre college 1010 East Grand River just off the campus ranging in age sa Gralewicz Bonnard. 39: hei "By the time we got there, viewpoint. courses, the Indianapolis 500.' from one to 83. were apparent- husband. Walter. 45: and their jtburned was well started and it completely to the ground "As a newsman." he said, ly trapped when flames raced children Victor. 16: Barbara. *" J I'm basically against it It through the two-story frame 15: Kenny. 12: Julie. 11: Greg- poses a distinct threat to com¬ Posen Fire Chief Ray Woz- mercial TV. liscount records i y^RAMS home early Thursday morning ory. 8: Maria. 5: and Robert. niak said faulty wiring in a Only Edward Gralewicz. 47. 1 The only two experiments who had come home from work TJae oldest Bonnard child, laundry room may have touched PH. 351-8460 with pay TV. WJRT's Doug off the blaze. and gone to bed not long be- 0?5rol. 17. was visiting friends ON DERAM/LONDON fore the blaze began, escaped in Alpena In halting, heavily accented Gralewicz told investigators English, he told how he tried he was wakened by a dog u' to "wake the others but could barking after he had returned FROM THE LONDON BLUES not from his job in a limestone PLANETARIUM I ran to my dad s room quarry shortly after midnight SCENE COMES A GREAT NEW BAND -- KEEF HARTLEY Presents: COMPOSED OF ESTABLISHED THE BLUES ARTIST INCLUDING Footprints On — HOUSE OF INDIA JOHN MAYALLS EX-DRUMMER has received a new shinment of The Moon COME IN AND LISTEN!! A special experience India Print Bedsoreads at a special moment HALFBREED in history. Be aboard KEEF HARTLEY BAND - lulated voyage to moon and explore HRS 9:30-8:30 DAILY LIKE BLUES AND FOLK? 9:30-6:00 SAT. the I nar mysteries at 12:00-5:00 SUN. CHECK OUT OUR SALE THIS SUNDAY IVORY IS BACK this ;nique instant in stop in at 101 E. Grand River the nals of man. Downstairs Between Kesel's and Cunningham's Gold filled carved ivory pin, $11. 332-8403 Carved ivory earrings, $6. w 'Vc Clde Sotice. - Ivory pendant, $4.50. Program Schedule Fridays — Saturdays—2:30, 8:00 Sundays—2:30 & 4:00 8:00 p. m. p.m. :THE DIFFERENCE AT* .:SHAKETS IS THE SERVICE: p.m. Information 355-4672 Abrams Planetarium, Sci¬ !-THERE AIKfT ANY!! 5 ence Rd. and Shaw Lane, 121 S. Washington-Lansing, Michigan MSU, East Lansing. Jacobson's Will Be Closed All Day Saturdays Refreshment anyone? Game goes better refreshed. Through August 9th. XT SHAKEY'S WE SERVE FUN... ALSO Pia Coca-Cola! With its lively lift, big bold taste, too sweet... refreshes best. So that all of us enjoy a longer weekend sum never may during the summer months, Jacobson's will be closed all day Saturdays. things gO better.i July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2 and 9. ^with •YlVZk1ZAPJffitfR •PI PJtRtCR^rE FUNIC EOT!SE* jfE FUBIIC Mf$ Coke Bottled under the authority of the Coca-Cola Co. by: Store same. hours . nesdays, 12:00 to 9:00 .9:30 on all a.m. other to p.m. days will remain the 5:30 p.m. Open Wed¬ aS27S.Cedar SWKey'S ISA/OVV 392-32S0 AVAH-ABie FOR SPec/jL ?/)Rrie$ AT - Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Michigan speclAL RATCS. ?HO»e FOR PCTAIL3. •