NEW STRUCTURE Monday Legislature approves MICHIGAN Capitol appropriation The appearance and cost of the new build¬ UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 14,1969 ing are still undetermined. Under the Vol. 62 Number IX terms of the conference report, a 21-member committee of citizens and Construction of a new state Capitol legislators, headed by Gov. Milliken. will appears certain following legislative ap¬ recommend the final design for the new Reds launch Luna spaceship proval of a $4 million appropriation to complete plans and start construction within 12 months. The design review was written into The structure will be built on a four¬ the compromise plan reached by the joint square-block site three city blocks west House-Senate conference in an attempt of the existing 90-year-old to reduce criticism of plans for the new Capitol The appropriation for the start of the Capitol based on appearance. for unconfirmed 'moon scoop new Capitol was contained in a conference House members, unhappy about a lack report on the capital outlay bill, which of the Michigan House of Representatives design competition among architects and displeased with the appearance of the rejected, and later approved plans, had voted to delete a Senate approved state Capitol appropriation from the MOSCOW (APi The Soviet Union reported earlier the If all goes normal. Luna 15 should unmanned space capital outlay bill country would flights, maintaining they launched an unmanned spaceship called try for another historic space first by reach the area of the moon in three are equally good at providing scientific Sharma The conference committee was created Luna 15 Sunday in what some saw as landing an unmanned ship on the moon, days, at about the time the United States data without risking human life unneces¬ in an attempt to bring back a moon sample launches the Apollo 11 manned flight. an attempt to work out a compromise scooping up some moon soil and re- sarily. Its showing in this field has been on the bill acceptable to both legislative and overshadow the U.S. Apollo 11 flight. turing it to earth. This too was never The Apollo astronauts are scheduled impressive, but unmanned flights do not chambers. The Official Soviet news agency Tass confirmed or denied. to make their moon landing July 20 have the same impact on the public as eligible the The Senate report House. approved the conference prior to the initial rejection by Milliken. a backer of the announced Luna 15 will "conduct further scientific exploration of the moon and space near the moon The specific mission was One Western diplomat science speculated that specializing in if Luna 15 is not intended to return a moon sample, of Tass "launched an reported the spaceship was to the artificial moon earth's from the orbit satellite at manned flights The Soviet Union has lagged considerably in manned flights since Alexei Leonov plans for a new Capitol is expected to another possible mission might be obser¬ 5:55 a m Moscow time By noon it was took the first space walk in March 1965. grant res sign the bill into law sometime this vation of the Apollo 11 astronauts when they land on the moon next Sunday. 40.300 "There miles is a from steady the earth, it said radio communi¬ Western space experts have expressed ■doubt that the Soviet space program is Dhirendra Sharma. associate proless- cation with the station, the data of tele- capable at this point of bringing back a or of philosophy, has been declared metri.c information, the systems on board moon sample. They said this would in¬ "technically eligible to receive a Ful- the station and scientific equipment of the volve techniques, such as launching the bright-Hays Fellowship by the U.S. Off¬ statidh function normally. Tass said. spaceship from the moon surface, which ice of Education cials A letter received from by University offi¬ D. Lee Hamilton, director of the division of foreign studies of the U.S. Office of Education, said that it Apollo crew in the swim' The Soviet Union was generally expected to attempt a show of space prowess when the world's Apollo 11 flight The Kremlin attention put is focused heavy emphasis on the on apparently have not been mastered here. Sir Harrie Massey. chairman of the British National Committee for Space Research, said he thought Luna 15 was not of very special significance ' would appear that Dr the minimum requirements for techni cal eligibility Sharma meets The letter requests University officials to correct the,appli¬ as launch countdown begins dule-some as much as two to three space feats when the Soviet program was far ahead, but its relatively poor record in recent times has al pride and obviously hurt nation¬ a prestige boost is needed Kenneth Gatland. vice president of the British Interplanetary the timing of the Soviet I would not think there is Society, criticized launching any positive cation for the grant on which Sharma APE KENNEDY Fla \P \me The U.S. reacted in a State Depart¬ After the Moscow announcement, the danger to the Apollo mission, but it " was listed as a "visiting professor •olio 11 astronauts took a hard-e; ment statement which said hours." NASA reported. U.S. space agency issued this statement, does seem to me to be a rather unneces¬ Hamilton said in the letter that a v off from training Sunday, their "We understand the Russians launched Forecasters predicted near ideal condi¬ crediting it to a State Dept. spokesman: sary experiment just before the Americans s tions for Apollo li s launch time of make their historic bid to land telephone conversation with Acting a spacecraft this morning While they have We understand the Russians launched a man on not yet stated the intent of the mission, 9:32 a.m. EDT Wednesday, with clear the moon. " he said. President Adams and a letter exchange a spacecraft this morning. While they with Milton E. Muelder vice president we welcome this further exploration of skies, light winds and temperatures in have not yet stated the intent of the But a Japanese space expert speculated Neil A space and wish them every success in the 80s. Thunderstorms, seasonal at this mission, welcome this further for research and development. have Armstrong. Edwin E Aldrin we ex¬ the Soviets might have something up their and Michael Collins relaxed in man's effort to better understand the time of year in Florida, were not gone far toward removing the ambiguity Jr crew expected ploration of space and wish them even sleeve concerning Luna 15. perhaps in the of the university's original proposal on universe arourtd him. until late afternoon. man's effort to better under quarters Sundav and set aside time to success in way of revolutionary new equipment. behalf of Dr. Sharma swim at the beach. NASA saiil Lun;i 15 would in no way Favorable winds and seas were also stand the universe around him. " It is inconceivable that the Soviet The letter maintains that the basic affect Apollo launch plans. predicted for emergency landing zones in The Soviet Luna series started in Union would, repeat a conventional moon With work moving head of schedule the Atlantic and Pacific, where Apollo 11 Borman. who was joined by the comman¬ 1959. Luna 9 made the first soft landing problem that caused the grant rejection at the launch pad. interest at the space¬ research just before the United States was the incorrect information given bv ders of America's two other Apollo mis¬ could be brought down in case trouble on the moon Feb 3. 1966. but no Luna --its rival in the space race-- is to send port swirled around what might be the goals sions. James A McDivitt and Thomas developed been MSU on the application, and does not men¬ of li new Soviet spaceship. nas ever brought back to earth men to land on the moon." said Prof. tion political intervention' by elected offi¬ Luna 15. P Stafford, said he felt risks were The closest the Soviet Union came to launched earlier Sundav toward the moon. Yoshihide Kozai of Tokyo University. minimized for Ambassador Anatoly F Dobrynin of cials. Apollo li s landing bacause this was bringing back unmanned space In Jodrell Bank. England. Sir Bernard Astronaut Frank Borman. who com- Russia turned down an invitation from the The grant was withdrawn shortly after everything that is humanly possible has ships in the Zond series after they passed Lovell. director of the Jodrell Bank led lunar orbit flight been done space agency to watch Apollo 11 take off criticism of Sharnin as anti-establish- around the moon last year. observatory, said it is unlikely the Russian ' led fr< rip to He lor the moon The decision, announced me. t" bv State Rep Phil O Pittenger. gave Apollo 11 an "R0 per cent" The last major Soviet space feat was moon shot will be able to bring back st week, said he be¬ chance to carry out after Dobrynin originally sent an R-Lansing. all that is planned accep¬ the twin landing on the planet Venus by samples of lunar soil but it may be ll attempt to land, tance. keeps intact a record The letter does not give confirma¬ on the mission whereby two unmanned spaceships in May "one of a series which in a matter ample and bring it Stafford said his orbit Apollo 10 neither Russia nor the United States has The Soviet Union has concentrated tion that the grant will be restored. i on of months will succeed. " flight taught plani hat the moon's officially witnessed the other's space I heard unusual gravity fe; would naturally launching. Cloudy iv hen siting Russi; cause Apollo .11 U ve at a landing Leader of . . Armstrong. Collins and Aldrin planned M interview the Nat I of that planned. on a Broadcasting to ease up in their training schedule until .and continued warm today. Chanci Co Meet the Pre It so we know to target Apollo 11 to would be . . s of thundershowers late this afternoon alse Wednesday to assure they are healthy a great feat it thev car landing site and rested for the demanding High today 84-90. Low tonight middle 60's I think At the lannch pad. all segments eight-day it unlikely apprehended is Warm Tuesda> with a chance ot showers he countdown are actuallv ahead of sc missing to the surface of the moon and edge off Apollo 11. lie • back Wash., banks and with discussing plan: ALBUQUERQUE. N M AP> The to rob a Des Moines. Wash bank acknowledged leader of the militant . right-wing Minutemen organization Agents said the stolen money w:is t< whom authorities have sought be put toward preparations for ; for 18 months was arrested by the FBI on a violent revolution when the Communist: deserted stretch of highway in southern take over this country New Mexico, agents said Sunday In the pickup truck, agents found ; rifle with a telescopic sight. • two pis They said Robert Bolivar De Pugh. <.6. and his assistant. Walter P to!s. ammunition, money and paper: Pey- son. 27. were "heavily armed Satur¬ identifying De Pugh as Ralph Cooper, and I eyson as .Jim Cooper day night when agents stopped their pickup truck two miles south of Truth or Consequences. Thev "were given no opportunitv to resist, the FBI said Le roi univ Both men had been sought since Feb. 20. 1968. when warrants for their arrests were issued in Seattle. Wash., charging cites French them with conspiracy in an alleged plan to rob four banks Most davs Walter Adams, Acting The money was to be used to finance President and King of the Campus, doesn't the Minutemen's anti-Communist activi¬ try to tell his students what to do. But ties. the bureau said todav it's different. Adams' Bastille They were arraigned Sundav before Day declaration, to be followed re¬ U.S. Commissioner Robert McCoy on ligiously by all his loyal subjects, is the conspiracy charges. McCov set bail "Liberie, egalite'. fraternite." There at $150.(KM) for De Pugh and $20,000 is even a rumor that he will fly the for Pevson. They were then locked in French flag over the Administration the Albuquerque city jail Bldg. The conspiracy charge carries a maxi¬ Adams categorically denies, however, mum sentence of five years and a $10,000 that Charles DeGaulle helped him com¬ pose his words of wisdom. Sev pers< arrested in the "The words are my own," he claimed. 1968 and charged • three Redmon. Wayne State editor resists order to suspend publishing The 19-year-old coed editor of the "has had an opportunity to develop poli¬ suspended Wayne State University i WSU > cies and guidelines consistent with the student newspaper has vowed to publish recommendations of the Student-Faculty the paper despite its suspension by WSU Council as approved by the Board of President William R Keast Governors..." Keast suspended publication of the South The censored End Friday issue was a 24-page one day after the WSU Board of special edition devoted to what Miss Governors established the Student News¬ McCall described as the "cultural revolu¬ paper Publication Board He said he was tion. It is scheduled for distribution Mon¬ "convinced that its publication would do day- serious damage to Wayne State and to As time pass the future of student journalism here Four letter words reportedly appeared The editor of the South End. Cheryl in several stories of the issue, the tots, it meant days filled with exciting new experiences and McCall. told a news conference Friday particularly in one by John Sinclair. Young and old alike attended the recent 101st Annual Seventh- that "I'm day Adventlsts conference in Grand L4dge. For the adults, It was the wonders of the hustle and bustle prevalent when thousands going to put out a paper, man. Ann Arbor leader of the White Panthers. No one's going to stop us. no one." The South End has been under criticism a chance to renew friendships and meet new acquaintances. For of people gather. State News photo by Bob Ivlns Keast said the publication ban would for being "pro-revolutionary" and for continue until the new publications board alleged anti-semitism. Six-lime recipient of the Pacemaker award far MtstaailH JawaaHsm. GEORGE BULLARD MICHIGAN STATE NEWS psr Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing ellitor George K. Billiard, campus editor Non-public public servants UNIVERSITY Deborah Fitch, feature editor An MSI' trustee recently charged Practically interpreted a formal meeting sessions Framers of the Michigan con¬ the board has fallen into bad habits is one at which trustees conduct I'niver¬ stitution did not intend that formal meetings in holding secret meetings Those sitv business If they choose to meet should be construed to mean sterile habits, unfortunately, border violating informally, fine But a bull session parodies of " real'' meetings at which EDITORIAL the Michigan constitution and expressly violate the preamble to the board of is no place to pass motions that affect both University and taxpayer. decisions are seen a need for secrecy, actually made Had they they would have trustees bylaws Trustees indulge expressed it They did not in paradoxes. They \rtiele VIII Section 4 of the consti¬ speak liberally for faculty, student If a trustee hasn't the conviction to de¬ Protecting the tution says that formal sessions of and public opinion and fend his position at a public meeting, per¬ simultaneously governing boards of such < higher hide the issues They arrogantly imply haps he should withdraw from office to a education* institutions shall be open to certain subjects are too esoteric more private endeavor the public for public consumption Simple Clear Hut not to trustees. "When a man assumes a public trust, Six silent trustees should explain their No sane person would ques¬ faith in the justice meted out thus covered in case of a suit. Kvery month they withdraw behind closed he should consider himself as public- adhesion to board secrecy Since they tion the right to counsel of a by our police and our courts. City councils and prosecuting doors to conduct I'niversitv business. property." Thomas .Jefferson wrote that are not behind Huff and White, they Some of Hidden from public view, they discuss and iine in the 19th century Thomas .Jeffer¬ police officer, the same right us. at least, remember attorneys are generally avail¬ must satisfactorily defend their skirting pass formal judgment on public issues. son did not know many MSI trustees. the constitution and their own bylaws ^ afforded (technically, at least) the police riots of Detroit in able to assist the defense of loc¬ The He would have public later receives an instant shuddered at the dis¬ If they don t offer satisfactory ex¬ every American citizen by the 1967 and Chicago in 1968. Black al law enforcement people replay and discussion - of the final service trustees do the University when planations. the alternative is to continue vote Such chicanery violates the spirit, they hide their discussions behind a Constitution. Americans are especially frus¬ Fraternal organizations offer the hypocrisy of being non-public public if not the letter of the constitution hidebound interpretation of formal But one could question the trated and angry by recent insureanee for their members Within recent months, the board has idea of making police officers court decisions in Michigan which handles similar situa¬ dropped the sliding scale in closed session and. according to Warren Huff, a special case-that is. of giving (the Algiers trial). Connecticut. tions. them free defense and secretly discussed raising residence hall payment Pennsylvania and North Caro¬ rates Other items, like the Oakland of all court judgments in which lina Of if the University doctoral programs, have been course, police¬ they defendants. Free decided are Rep. Jackie Vaughn III. D- man is sufficiently poor, he has privately and later perfunctorily defense at the expense the bill author¬ approved in public Kach move directly .of the Detroit. fears the right to court appointed affected the public: each was harbored taxpayers izes genocide, turns the hands counsel just as do all indigents. from public scrutiny Senate Bill 522 does just that. of time backward again and Of more concern than the Trustees also habitually violate the The bill passed the Senate. .lune preamble of their own bylaws The merely allows more policemen bill's content is the attitude Board invites the people of Michigan to 7. 74-18. Fnder it mow await¬ to do the questionable things of "crime flighting hysteria" support with the time-tested principle that ing Gov Milliken's signature) some of them are already doing, in which it was spawned. in the University's unceasing <|iicst for sanctioned fash¬ truth and enlightenment. townships, counties, cities and but in a more To borrow another phrase it must encourage the timely discussion in open so on would have to establish ion. It can never serve to in¬ from Vaughn, the present forum of a wide variety of issues, some and maintain defense funds for crease the trust of the black obsession with crime and re¬ of which are bound to be controversial their members. The money community for lawmakers. \nnouncing a de facto tuition revision, pression exhibited by the leg¬ doctoral program and residence hall lee would naturally come, in es¬ Actually, the bill is unneces¬ islature in a state which has hike hardly seems timely discussion sence. from " the people's" poc¬ sary and redundant for prob¬ fared relatively is "making the in open forum Nor is a trustee's ket books ably the vast majority of police Michigan State Legislature the We do not exactly live in officers. Most enlightening a departments laughing stock of the nation. The time when citizens have blind preamble further assures the people have their men bonded, and Results-that is. coverage for of Michigan that MS! is their I di¬ the officer - will not change versity (emphasis on the original > Strange that trustees deny alt those MSU And what wouplace: much from only the what now source of re¬ takes owners no information beyond screened pp in the form of news on its governeent venue will be altered and the releases if you hud Trustees llutt and Clair White taxpayer will now bear the load. cracked the secrecv facade last month As by announcing a boycott of board meetings Vaughn also pointed out held without the benefit of the public in his eloquent denunciation and press The six other trustees Seventy thousand- dollars is ing Industry for 1967. show that if lot bread. With it you of Bill 522. who will defend and they don't join White and Hull, have only migfr^- eight cents out of every text- a tenuous thread with which to support buv two and a half Rolls Royce book dollar goes to the govern¬ repay the victim of police the constitutionality of board secrecy Si'ver Clouds, a few upper mid¬ ment for taxes MSI' does not brutality'' they may quibble over the definition of "May it please the court, would the clerk please formal sessions is the phrase appears dle class homes. 4.250 nights pav this amount, vet we are strike from the record all the things I said about -The Kditors in the constitution in a Holiday Inn. 1.750 copies still charged retail prices for the U.S. of the books. Supreme Court during the last campaign." required textbook list- or a year's rent on the MSI" The greatest inequity, how¬ NEWS ANALYSIS Bookstore. ever. is the seven cents out of Kvery wonder win a I'niver- every textbook dollar that is sitv \l department has to pav that kind ot rent ' So do the goiriL! we rate ot s4 a used for bookstore operating expenses, erating such expenses, as rent and op¬ excluding Time for a searching summit meeting square toot. MSI Bookstore is salaries. Another three cents But the statement indicated, KDITOR S NOTK : The following news each side with Mediterranean There is the ever-pres¬ desp paving rent comparable to that constitutes, on the average, the ent danger of a nuclearfkhowdown analysis was written bv Associated Press margin of profit for a book¬ (iromvko. who in Cairo last month, plore means of braking an arms ra charged on Fast (irantl River special correspondent. William I. Ryan. was that takes wealth needed tor other pi referred cautiously to the Middle Kast. The managers ot both the Cam¬ store. Soviet leaders seem anxious and per He risked offending Moscow s Arab pus Bookstore and Student Add the three together and haps even in a hurry to meet President ' tiling. Moscn The Soviet Union, (iromyko s., friends by proposing that Israel is en¬ eal attached priority the problems Bookstore conceded that they with a little ingenuity one sees titled to independent national ex¬ to Hints dropped bv foreign Minister Theodore II White in his book on the are not paying as much rent that 18 cents out of every text election, istence' In Kurope. he asked again weapons and disarmament and is iva Andrei A (iromyko in hi-- policy state¬ represents Nixon on the pri¬ book dollar is unaccounted for tor a collective security system. For to exchange opinions with the \m< as the MSI Bookstore, but ment Thursday could hardly have been mary days of IDtiH as intending. ,h presi¬ dent. the Mediterranean he suggested a nu- cans on strategic arnaments T! have les> space at the MSC Bookstore-execpt o.ider to proceed quickly toward making means missiles and other . su|>erwt In ses. the Kremlin appeal contact with Peking, on the assumption So the MSI Bookstore, for tor the exhorbitant rent being that in 10 or 15 years it would be The statement fell back on some ol< pons a race which seems upon t olidly frozen positions < point of getting out of control its luxurious space and ideal paid to the I'niversitv But the (iromyko slat impossible to run the world if Red China Soviet foreign policy cliches It wa? weren't part of The Russians for universal and complete disarma Further escalation, possibly to a po location, is getting soaked-and Here then, may lie the fault thro into relief the worrii it may gnawing on the Soviet mind now wonder it Nixon sees Romania as a inent an attractive sounding, but hard ot no return, may depend upon the o soaked hard -on rent If rent were abolished, assum¬ debates both in the I nit What are President Nixon's intentions channel to Peking ly realistic proposal It warned agair come of The reasoning for this situ¬ ing that a I'niversitv bookstore toward Red China ' What role will the Historically. the Russians have that nobody will be allowed to inter States and. behind scenes, in the S. does not operate on a profit disliked the idea of fere in the affairs of the Soviet blot mon Many ation is unclear to us Students President's Romanian visit play in this" having to watch How much danger is there of a Soviet- countries, though denying that this de and the li money is being absorbed into margin. 18 cents out of every \merican showdown in The Middle Kast" the I'niversitv s general fund dollar go directly back to the Can the I SSR rest easy about Kur to pay rent for a I'niversitv student ope while devoting more and more atten¬ department every time they Did you ever wonder why tion to \sia and the problem ot the Red bu\ a textbook on campus it doesn't'' So do we. braking the cost of Is ther the strategic we a OUR READERS' MIND Figures trom the Hunt Re¬ -- The Kditors port of the Textbook Publish- Pointedly (iromyko noted Nixon's campaign slogan calling for transition negotiation He even seemed to put words Why should Crissy be censured? into the President's mouth taken bv the Administrat The IS Presidents pronounce¬ Pri ments in tavor ot a well prepared Soviet- ed by the Acaden into the open But I thought that Time out for American summit meeting have not. ol the should Profe group some ot us might want to use such means of moral and political persuasion .is could •olleaj; Surely not having exercised his lead Professor Urissv to declare him¬ warrant your breaking the he had This suggests that it Nixon wants such constitutional it of petitioning the self For I think, as you do that ra¬ placed in you when he asked to be anonv Failing this, meeting he has only to ask Nor should be be censured omous Professor Crissy is not beyond request that government seriously damaged a Occasionally an event occurs we tional public debate is 8 and 9:10 classes be The Kremlin. s,n<| (iromyko wants for insisting on his and his friends it some groups go. or are driven, under- the pale -even though he would have Pro¬ of such emminent importance a.m. can¬ good and friendly relations with Washing right to privacy In the South and fessor Sharma beyond the pale. He is not that normal routines of every¬ celled so that students may ton as matter ol national interest on at MSI > the \CI.I and other groups be lade an unperson without the right to decent vablv. day existence can safely be set at least watch the \pollo both sides have vigorously opposed legislation wlich (ensuring Professor Uris: the treatment-even though he would have would force organizations eg the ground that his actions constitute a vio¬ Professor Sharma an unperson He aside in commemoration of the blast-off The Soviet I mon. he went on. NAAUP' to make public their member lation of must be able as we all do. to count stands for talks H the I S govern¬ professional ethics To proteel event disc ment continues to follow this line in ship lists Professor Urissv has the right the independence and integrity ol acadcmi< r We believe the blast-oft of It is with all due respect for to remain anonymous it he so chooses work, it is essential that academic de I .est I be misunderstood allow me to cisions be based on criteria of scholar the Apollo 11 moon launch is the importance of normal Fn- before to 11nil concerted positions on the Frank A Pinner. Chairman clarify the somewhat flippant remark I Iv ability and performance and only or Lansing Branch of the American such event questions ot bilateral relations with the an iversity functions that we make United States on outstanding international made to vour reporter that it would these It is therefore unethical for Civil Liberties Union of Michigan So students will not find it this request We suggest edu¬ be nice to smoke them out I did not faculty member to act behind the scene? necessary to illegally boycott cation is not always found in It had the ring of conciliation it's stopping in front classes Wednesday in order to the classroom, and that the I he last Soviet American summit was of that little rep - participate in this historical Apollo launch Wednesday is an is June 1%7 after the world was shaken hairep girl's house! by the lightning Arab Israel war Pre¬ event, we respectfully ask that event worthy of unusual con¬ Alexei N mier Kosygin met President I'niversitv authorities cancel sideration. •Johnson at (ilasshoro N.I Temporar¬ classes in recognition of the ily the tension seemed to ease a bit The Kditors Apollo flight's significance - ell piepared ers' level 'or Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ Monday, July 14, 1969 3 NEWS Doctors told to stop NEW YORK (AP)-The presi- Dr. Dwight L. Wilbur of San interest shown in medicine by fighting public American Medical Assc. speaks picketed the Americana operation of health facilities, and summary sons dent of the American Medical Francisco, addressing the open- Hotel, where the meeting was in organization and delivery of the general public, the govern- to itself and not to other Assc. (AM A) told doctors Sunday ing of the AMA's 118th annual held. They said the AMA was health have lessened the ment and by their peers. people involved in health care care, "illegitimate as an organization veil of invisibility that to stop fighting the public scru- meeting, advised instead that Wilbur added We must and to the public " sur¬ A capsule summary tiny of the medical profession, doctors take advantage of the avoid the accusation that the Outside, about 100 young per- and does not represent the peo- rounds physicians in many of of th« day's avsnts frorr their activities." our wire services. A spokesman for the pickets Activities of physicians also said the AMA has "constantly were subject to "peer review" REVOLTS UNPRODUCTIVE opposed measures to improve within the profession itself--for America's health care." He said example by committes of the the pickets included doctors, medical staffs of hospitals, he end medical students, and nurses. "I (I.una think l.i) il is mm Id off i/tollo II. '' unlikely il Hike the Guerillas coup Several AMA watched the pickets, many of whom wore white medical garb as delegates they marched and chanted. A This "increasing visibility" of what doctors do has at times had "an awesome, expensive and hindering effect" on profes¬ CARACAS. Venezuela < AP >~ whether the Cuban prime minis¬ dertaking mechanical trans¬ few engaged the pickets in de¬ sional activities. But he added: I rank liormun. torn- Latin American guerillas have ter had cut off aid to guerilla plants of methods used else¬ bate on the sidewalk before "There is a natural and tradi¬ manth'i of 1/tolloH movements in Latin America. where. We didn't realize each tional tendency to avoid, to de¬ suspended armed attempts to going inside to the meeting. overthrow governments because These movements have failed country has its own characteris¬ Wilbur told the delegates that lay. to obstruct, to counter these they found them life "striking Medina Silva said in an inter¬ in several countries. Medina Sil¬ tics. its own definite situation. public scrutiny of medical prac¬ growing trends, to regard them your head against a wall, no view he still admires Castro as tice "grows steadily with in¬ as unfortunate, destructive and va said, because of a failure to Medina Silva said the decline longer productive." one rebel a world phenomenon who has creased knowledge of medicine hampering to the free practice "arm the people ideologically." of his movement was not the re¬ leader says already earned his pedestal." and health and the public's de¬ of medicine. sult of a schism in the Venezue¬ Pedro Medina Silva. former He declined however, to com¬ In Venezuela, he added, "we sire to participate in these ad¬ "To some extent they are and lan Communist party, once one International News chief of the terrorist Armed Forces for Natonal Liberation, ment on Castro's policies or sav really made the mistake of un- of Latin America's largest vances and to avoid the pit¬ falls. Demands for consumer par they do. But basically they are here to stay arid will grow. Black Panther leaders Eldridge Cleaver called FALN. said the move¬ There arrived a time when ticipation in the planning and Wilbur said. ment had been defeated in Ven¬ they, the Communists, decided and Bobbv Seale have accepted invitations Indian Syndicate' ezuela but could come to life that it was no longer convenient 1.69 to the Pan-African Cultural Festival begin¬ again in other countries "when to continue fighting such an une¬ ning in Algiers July 21. but have not yet the people themselves want it to qual fight, and they decided to re-orient their line of action." Cigarettes Barnes & Hind arrived in the North African city, festival The retired naval lieutenant he added Wetting Solution organizers said Sunday. The festival was originally planned to in¬ commander gave Juiy 3 after having been a fugi¬ himself up tive for six years. President Ra¬ flouts Mrs. Ghandi one According to other reports, result of the split was the 3/79< 5] 09 clude only folklore, but when Algerian Pres¬ emergence of Douglas Bravo as fael Caldera pardoned him two BANGALORE. India (APl- oust Mrs. Gandhi herself. Limit 1 Limit 1 ident Houari Boumedienne offered Algiers India's ruling Congress party successor to \fedina Silva at Expires after 7-19-69 days later. Reddy's nomination came at Expires after 7-19-69 the head of the FALN. Bravo as a site he suggested it be expanded to Before he escaped from Taca- nominated a presidential candi¬ the party's annual convention East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only date over the objections of here during a meeting of the top still is at large 1 include presentations of modern and tradi¬ rigua Island in 1963. Medina Sil¬ va had been serving a 30-vear Prime Minister Indira Gandhi council. Party President Sidda- tional theater, dance, music and art exhibi¬ 1.05 tions. prison term for the 1962 uprising against President Romulo Be- Saturday night in an open chal¬ lenge to her authority. panahalli Nijalingappa an¬ nounced Reddy's selection Sun¬ Aspirin Crest The Algerians have drawn up this theme tancourt Several hundred per¬ Sanjiva Reddy. speaker of the day afternoon. EAST LANSINGS sons were killed in the rebellion lower house of Pariament and Eledtions scheduled for 100 count 5 Grain Toothpaste SIDEWALK SALE are for the festival "Reality and Role of Afri¬ before government forces put it an old political foe of Mrs. Gan¬ Aug. 16 to pick a successor to can Culture in the Fight for Freedom, the down dhi. was selected over her President Zakir Husain. who 6.75 oz. /A, Consolidation of African I'nity and the So¬ After his escape. Medina Sil¬ choice. Food Minister Jagjivam died May 3. As the Congress 9C family size v7 party's nominee. Reddy will be cial and Economic Development of Europe." • • • va. a trim and athletic 45. went to Cuba where he be¬ looking Mrs. Gandhi's enemies within a strong favorite U/ED. JULY 16 Limit 1 Expires after 7-19-69 Limit 1 Expires after 7-19-69 came a member of Prime Min¬ the Congress party - known as Acting President V. V. Giri. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ister Fidel Castro's Latin Amer¬ the Syndicate - apparently 74. reacting to the endorsement With the level of ground fighting in Viet¬ of Reddy. announced his own ican Solidarity Conference, hope to use the Reddy victory 2.50 3.98 nam light, the withdrawal of U.S. troops or¬ which reportedly supported as an opening move in a plan to candidacy by charging that his party "has failed to give a cor¬ dered by President Nixon moved into high gear Sunday. rect lead to the country" in the selection of Reddy. Ambush or labu Men's \ The U.S. Command has indicated that the Sino-Soviet talks Mrs. nomination Gandhi's defeat left her on the dis¬ Dusting Powder Black Umbrellas August deadline for the withdrawal of 25.000 troops may be beaten. tressed." she told the leaders. She said Ram. party i]99 $22? trade resumed an un¬ • • • touchable. would have been a Prime Mininster Fidel Castro will open on fine candidate in the Gandhi Limit 1 Expires after 7-19-69 Limit 1 Expires after 7-19-69 Cuba's longest and most ambitious sugar har- MOSCOW (APi-The Red work for 1969 and new word¬ centenary year. Mohandas K. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Gandhi, founder of the Con¬ Chinese changed their minds ing of shipping regulations aff¬ .ost with a televised speech today in Oriente gress party, was the architect of Sunday and agreed to resume ecting both sides of the rivers 79#' Province. river navigation talks with the the statute that outlaws un- forming part of the tense Sov¬ The harvest is expected to run until next Soviet I'nion a day after break¬ iet-Chinese border. ing off negotiations, the official touchability. Mrs. Gandhi has been at log¬ J&J Oaby Oil Masking Tape July in an effort to reach a record 10 million Soviet news agencv Tass re¬ The Soviet announcement said gerheads with Reddy since 1967. metric tons production. The old record is a representative near the bor¬ when she dropped him from her ported. 7.2 million tons in 1952. seven years before der took note of the new Chin¬ cabinet as transport minister Large nftc Castro came to power. That harvest ran less The Chinese walked out of the ese position and reaffirmed So¬ Since then, he has kept close ,0, 56c Roll J7 talks Saturday after their viet readiness to continue the company with the Syndicate Limit 1 than six months. month-long discussions on talks. Reddy. 56. served as party Expires after 7-19-69 Expires after 7-19-69 The harvest is common border problems starting now. four months president from 1960 to 1962 and East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Snore Only reached an impasse. earlier than normal, so Cuba will be able as chief minister of his home Tass said the Chinese told state. Andhra Preadesh. from to meet her bills. All $1 1.50 the Soviet delegation this morn¬ Earlier. Tass 1962 to 1963. • • • charged that ing. contrary to its statements of .July 12. that it has decided the river down navigation talks broke because the Chinese re¬ Earlier, with the in another struggle syndicate. Mrs. Gandhi Maybelline Yardley Artillery rumbled for three hours across to remain in Khabarovsk and fused to continue the confer- the Suez Canal late Sunday while Arab guer¬ agrees to the continuation of managed to salvage a victory by pushing through a party res¬ Eye Make Op Lipstick work of the joint Soviet-Chin¬ rillas launched several attacks on the Jordan¬ olution favoring nationalization ian tront ese river navigation commiss- tried That report said the Chinese to discuss their territor¬ of India's top banks 67c St23 The resolution said. "Either Limit 1 Limit 1 Cario said the barrage started when the Khabarovsk is a Soviet border ial claims which raised a town on the Amur River where broad question outside the jur¬ we consider the nationalization Expires after 7-19-69 Expires after 7-19-69 Israelis attempted to move a damaged supply East Lansing Store Onl) East Lansing Store Only the talks have been isdiction of the commission. It of top five or six banks or going on vehicle which had been hit by Egyptian guns issue directives that the since June 18 only deals with the narrower earlier. The Egyptians claimed they stopped matter of border river shipp¬ resources of these banks should 1.00 Tass said the Chinese off be reserved to a larger ex¬ firing after they had silenced the enemv s ered to resume work Monday ing source of fire. on planning traffic maintenance Chinese claims to vast areas tent for public purposes " Gillette Techmatic Safeguard Soap within the Soviet border have • • • been a factor in a recent ser¬ Pope Paul VI asked Christians around the ies of bloody border clashes Krell apoi world Sunday to pray to God for the Apollo Sen. Huber beginning last March Since the clashes began. Moscow has of¬ refill 59° sSe 19C 11 astronauts. He said the Apollo mission fered to discuss the broader editorial Limit 3 showed man is "Honor, then, to a "giant. " honor to his plans sex ed question of the border China has not replied to the offer. Expires after 7-19-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 7-19-69 East Lansing Store Only man. dignity, his spirit, his life. shorten it. T ry a tan- And let us pray for the Tass. in its first dispatch IH scientists and the heros of this fabulous un¬ for legislators said that during the Khabarovsk gy pizza or one of our dertaking. the Pope told the crowd jamming navigation talks the Chinese great sandwiches. All Kleenex Comet Cleanser made slanderous statements delivered instantly at the court of his summer palace. State Sen Robert .1 Huber. and issued threats It did not 200 ply R-Troy. has launched a cam¬ elaborate. paign to place sex education on National News the legislative schedule this fall. Tass also charged that an 23c 9C Amur River border clash July Huber lators vowed would that receive all legis¬ copies 8. some 70 miles west of Kha¬ ALSO! Limit 1 Expires after 7-19-69 Expires After 7-19-69 George C. Wallace, defeated third party of the proposed sex education barovsk. was instigated by Pe¬ a p p Hamburgers East king to frustrate the confer¬ ment East Lansing Store Only Lansing Store Only presidential candidate, said Sunday in Wash¬ guidelines, on which the State Sunday * ington he will seek the office again if Pres¬ Board of Education will be ence Moscow has said one Krell. formerly editorial direc¬ Cheeseburgers 1.75 Soviet river worker was killed tor. will continue to have respon¬ 1.49 ident Nixon does not end the war. cut taxes holding public meetings Peking has not disclosed cas¬ Submarines sibility for laying out and edit¬ and federal spending, curb crime ;ind halt Huber chai lan of the Joint ualties but has accused the ing the editorial page In addi¬ French Fries Coppertone school desegregation efforts. House-Senate Rules Committee, Administrative was applaud¬ Russians of attack making an armed tion. he will ial board serve on the editor¬ & Panty Hose Suntan Lotion or Oil The former Alabama govenor. who received ed loudly at the heated Board nearly 10 million votes for president in 19H8. also predicted that Sen. Edward M Ken¬ ol Education meeting where the guidelines were received PIZZA 99< $"|13 nedy. a frontrunner for the 1972 Demo¬ He said he was iff favor < THE STATE NEWS Limit 6 Limit 1 CALL 332-6517 Expires after 7-19-69 Expires After 7-19-69 cratic nomination, will never be president stopping all sex education pri The Stale New», the iludeot newtpaper at East Lansing Store Only Michigan Stale Univerilly, it East Lansing Store Only • • • grams until the debate is clearc publlihrt every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week Three escaped prisoners, armed with sub¬ up lonths and Orientation Issues In June and per year September. Subscription rates are $14 VARSITY machine guns, freed six hostages Sunday the board will conduct public Member Associated Press. United Press International, Inland Daily Press m M afternoon and walked safely away from wait¬ STATE D ISC0UNT hearings on two documents Association, Associated Collegiate Press. Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ the guidelines approved by the igan Collegiate Press Association. Unit* States Student Press Associatioa. ing officers in Louisiana after they arrang¬ board-appointed Advisory Com¬ Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. ed a deal with Gov John McKeithen. They mittee on Sex Education and a Editorial and business offices al M7 Student Services Building, Michigan kept one deputy sheriff with them. minority report offered by one State University ^asl Lansing, Michigan. We Cash MSU Payroll Checks The escapees, who had taken a jailer dissenting member of the com¬ Phones: mittee Editorial and a deputy when they bolted a Texas jail Classified Advertising Jii-KSI I.D. ReJquired A hearing is scheduled for lib-ttM earlier in the day. left an northeast Louisiana 7:30 p.m July 21 at the Lan¬ Display Advertising l&MMI Bo*lnes»-Clrculallon 1SS-M47 307 East G rand River farmhouse and headed into the country in sing Everett High School Audi- an old auto. Monday, July 14, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Derelicts America's (?) Bastille Day: French have words for it Midnight' ByMARKLERNER Jon Voight's flawless portrayal State News Reviewer of Joe Buck, a Texas stud Rarely does a motion pic- who comes to the big city to ture come along that combines hustle money-rich and sex-poor attended by all types of peo¬ "After dancing, you would the elements of fine art with By LINDA GORTMAKER "the people" destroyed the stop in a small cafe and have Bastille, the state prison and ple. which Mrs. Miller attend¬ such cinematic excellence as Watching these two perform Executive Reporter ed once. a glass of white wine. I went citadel of Paris. does "Midnight Cowboy It together is sheer pleasure. The only place where July to the dances once and got would be difficult, indeed, to Voight opens the show with a 14th is called "Bastille Day" July 14th symbolizes the end back so late I couldn't go to character of such enormous is in America. of despotism for the people of say too many good things about the parade." she said, with dimensions that one fears brief¬ this movie, now playing in De¬ The people of France never France, and is celebrated in a grimace. troit. ly that he will be unable to sus¬ heard of it, in fact. an elegant manner. Director John tain it. Such fears are quickly Hold it. How can Bastille Day The biggest thing for most "It was too much for me. Schlesinger Frenchmen is the military par¬ and I would have liked to have has made a poignant comment dispelled as the story unfolds (today) be the national day with the lives of two down* and the characters are devel¬ of celebration for the French¬ ade on the Champs Elysees, gone to the parade. " the main thoroughfare in Paris. and-out derelicts in the slea¬ oped. When Hoffman first men. yet they don't acknowledge Mrs. Miller, frequently lap¬ zier sections of New York Ci¬ appears there is a slight pause it? "We used to take a ladder to sing into her native French ty. His emphasis is clearly before recognition is made, and "July 14th is La Fete Nat- go on top of the roof at our said she doesn't celebrate July when it is. one wonders how on characterization. ionale' in France," Marguerite home to see the troops pass¬ 14th here because she's not The derelicts are played by this miserable piece of human¬ Miller, instructor in French, ing." Mrs. Miller said. Mrs. connected with French people. Miller came to the United States Dustin Hoffman, in his first ity ever made it with Mrs. explained. movie since "The Graduate Robinson The Frenchmen don't call in 1936. returned to Paris in Well. then, does she cele¬ and Jon Voight. in his first One could call Midnight July 14th Bastille Day. because 1945-46. and has been annually brate the 4th of July? movie. Hoffman is absolutely Cowboy a love story, were it they aren't celebrating a revol¬ visiting her home country. not for fear of misinterpreta¬ "When mari' (mv hus¬ brilliant as "Ratso Rizzo. a ution. When she was young and even mon tion. The affection and comrade¬ Rather, "this is now, public dances on the 13th band) was aliVe, we. never crippled, greasy and consump¬ ity to be proud of the nation," an opportun¬ in the streets were a main went anywhere that day because Synchronizing tive pickpocket, con and small¬ ship between Joe and Ratso- he was afraid of driving." she Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman discuss a pro¬ time hustler. But his role and no. they re not homosexuals- Mrs. Miller said. part of the festivities. culminates in the .final scene his acting can only support And Mrs. Miller should know. "In the small towns, farm said. spective "client" In a scene from "Midnight with a look of sheer loss and She was born and raised in the girls and boys would come to Cowboy." small French village of Sable, dance under huge tents." she Through her annual treks confused grief on Joe's face back to France, she has seen when he realizes that Ratso said where her familv dates back "It wasn't very elegant." a great improvement in the CRISIS PREVENTION for 600 years. She reminisced country. Actors and directors alike In Paris and the other bigger on family celebrations of July have taken, to heart the Stan- the street dances were Center lends cities, The small villages have im¬ listening 14th. when in 1789 a mob of islavski statement that there proved home town Sable sun a and peace." lot." she said. has "lots of Her ear are no small roles-and there's not a small actor in the cast. John McGiver works wonders distressed persons of the com¬ completed a 40-hour training with his brief appearance as a Although Mrs. Miller does Sexy Frenchman not celebrate July thusiastically as she has maintained a close watch on her home town-she 14th as en¬ she used to. Listening Ear. Inc.. a crisis prevention center, will begin munity. Cases involving homo¬ sexuality. shoplifting, drugs, alcohol, pregnancy and suicides are expected to come to the program The in inter-personal and practical skills center will be by two volunteers at all times, manned demented the stable Not since "Bonnie and Clyde" pimp, and supporting cast is generally on 'How to Wo has even kept track of the lo¬ cal castle which may soon come an old peoples' home. be¬ operation Tuesday for com¬ munity residents. The center is set up to aid attention of the agency The center will be by 30 volunteers who manned recently acting in an advisory and re¬ ferral capacity for people who require assistance. have modern cinematographic techniques been used with such skill and artistry. Black and PARIS iAP> - The Frenchman, who used die of love." are recommended, as is the During the first few months white is perfectly integrated of the center's existence, pro¬ to boast that sex was one subject on which he purchase of flowers. with color in dream sequences. Just the opposite situation in Geneva. There, fessional agencies in the com¬ didn't need advice, has now been offered a In one scene the state of Joe "how-to-make-out-abroad" ises him success from London to Istanbul It may Example: not get him much more book that prom¬ than laughs. When in London's Kings Road, "negotiations are rapid. But let me offer some instructions. Abstain from playing the in¬ tellectual Swiss girls are confused by too much fine French reason." Saint-Agnes says. Volunteer Bureau munity and on campus will be available as a backup ser¬ vice if an emergency arises which the volunteers are un¬ able to cope with. Buck s mind is er no than marijuana - distorted expressed subtly rath¬ shot is used psychedelic-ally Yet merely for the he is told to "ostentatiously deploy a Zen In Amsterdam. Frenchmen will be rewarded VOLUNTEER ACTION Does con¬ BATTLE CREEK \ ETERANS HOS¬ CU RRENT OPPORTUNITIES: . sake of using it. Each picture structive social action strike a cord"' PITAL: Opportunities unlimited Buddhism manual and take notes. And it for their caution and discretion The Dutch Once the center is firmly is meaningful to the story and If so take a closer look at the mean¬ "working with 2.000 patients in areas FRIENDSHIP DAY CENTER Needs wouldn't be a bad idea to extract a couple girl is emancipated But watch out: wet paint ingful volunteer experience offered volunteers of all types The center established, the agencies will the characters of aspirin tablets from a silver box and Inevitably you will run into the sequels of through your Office of Volunteer Pro- and abilities Tenative schedule 11 is in operation daily from 7 30 a m be used primarily for referral Midnight Cowboy is a pre¬ swallow them enthusiastically. That gives a this prudery. Thus, in discussing sexual ques¬ t grams Students, faculty and staff a.m. - 6 pm Fridays Men or -5 30 p.m. This is an excellent oppor¬ if the volunteer feels the per¬ cise. tightly constructed, lar¬ are invited to join in the MSU V'ol- women wanted to play golf with pa¬ tunity for faculty, staff and student very drugged effect The local belles will tions. skirt around the pill. Fill your conver¬ Action effort, which includes son needs more qualified as¬ ger-than-life show. tuneer tients. participate in group therapy wives with children The mothers can think Who is this lovely minstrel"1" sations with allusions to Vietnam. Che Gue¬ those opportunities listed below and sistance than the center is able provide TLC, write letters and other take their children with them during The book- Passport Pour l'Europe Gal- vara and popart." others Contact the MSU Volunteer similar involvements Great lunch their volunteer assignments This is to give. ante' -Passport to a Ladies' Man's Europe Bureau. 353-4402 26 Student Services Bldg: and free transportation for social work provided mental A also an excellent opportunity for any¬ interested in pre school age Many of the volunteers are- Motorcyclist dies -is mostly concerned with tips on how to Saint-Agnes insists that you must feed a winner or one health majors. children community members and col¬ pick up the locals, and failing in that, where Danish girl to get her mind on you NEW OPPORTUNITIES: in porch crash All through the book, the non-French reader INGHAM COUNTY DEFT OF SOCIAL lege students who are concerned to nake paying contacts. with the amount of aid avail¬ NORTHSIDE ACTION CENTER: SERVICES: Is in need of a big in Vienna. Author Yves Saint-Agnes tells gets the feeling that something has happened PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF A motorcyclist was killed LANSING: Volunteer Children s Club-five volunteers brother for a nine-year-old bov He able for those requiring assis- to French male confidence since the eastward GREATER the Frenchman: "On presentation of your needed to help develop educational needed to work with Summerhill ' needs a male companion to talk to tace. early Sunday morning when his marches of Napoleon's legions. of recreation program from 9 and to do meaningful things with vehicle crashed into East passport you will benefit from the precon¬ programs and act as a receptionist type Due the an In Demark. for example, the book says a m. 12:30 p.m. Saturday Commun¬ to youth orientat¬ Lansing front porch. ception that Frenchmen are excellent lovers - for the newly established Planned Frenchmen are a more valued commodity Parenthood Affiliate Do your part ity Organization assistant leaders ed community, many of the per¬ Charles William The onlv problem is that they also have the needed for self-help groups, prob¬ Lindberg. than Germans, but they are less appreciated to help keep the count down sons seeking aid may be high 21. of Detroit apparently lost reputation of being cultivated gentlemen lem-solution sessions and topic dis- school and college students who Thus, they are advised to establish "cul¬ than Moroccans or Zulus control of his bike and rammed MATH TUTOR. Will you give a become involved with drugs, tural accords, then to show absolutely no The book skips Paris. But in talking about few hours to help a seventh-grade neighborhood from 1-3 p.m. any af¬ year-old bov Assignment and hours into the house at 655 Evergreen. ternoon Will you be one of the stim¬ suicide unwanted pregnancy. foreign women. Saint-Agnes notes that French¬ girl brush up on her math so she or The crash caused fatal in¬ originality in approach. Phrases like beau¬ women are just too often "pains in the neck can move on to eighth grade in ulators'1 High School Completion for convenience Had a challenge lately '' Joan Hartzell. co-ordinator of tiful Yinesse. vour lovely eyes are making me the fair Dropouts-help teens and adults get juries. East Lansing police TRALNING UNIT-IONIA the St. Lawrence emergency their diploma by tutoring in basic MICHIGAN THERAPY FOR A BRAIN DAMAGED reading and writing Drop in and help Volunteer opportunities are available service.said out Research Project assistants- at the Michigan Training Unit iMTU* is located at BOY (15 years old): The mother The center Senior Citizen Project-two com in Ionia The MTU of an East Lansing boy with brain inging 547 E. Grand River and can damage since birth, needs help petent volunteers needed to compile •ng CONSENT AND RELEASE FOR PERSONS UNDER TWENTY-ONE YEARS OF AGE demographic data and do field work 16-21 old. be reached by dialing 337- teaching her son all the sense tions She has had special trainir Schedule arranged to meet your avail¬ plete their high school education 1717. and will teach the volunteer the ne ability. Housing Project-devise pub¬ This is an excellent opportunity for essary skills lic information resources pertinent graduate students in corrections, psy¬ to crucial housing issues Assistant chology. counseling, sociology and This opportunity is OST LANSING'S in community organization work-tenn- other disciplines DRIVER WITH CHAUFFEUR s LI¬ ants rights group, or renters groups- limited to faculty and graduate stu- My daughter , being under the mge of twenty-one (21) years, has my permission CENSE: West Side Action Center ward and the Friendship Day Care Center schedule open Ladies Club assistant i National Red Cross for civilian or military use in such way as The both need drivers for immediate and fall term transport of children in -One multi-talented volunteer SCOPE: er Gardens This well-established Tow¬ project needs you to SIDEWALK SALE their van arts and crafts experiences with nei¬ ghborhood ladies Meets 1-3 pm MSU MAN AND NATURE BOOK Wednesdays and activities held r that I or my representative ha' programs are uch blood donation. STORE: 12 volunteers needed to help staff the Free University Book¬ store in the Student Services Bldg ENGLISH CAMP: TEACHING AT MIGRANT Will you spend an evening at the needed. center From and all talents 3 30-5 30 p.m nesdays. Saturday afternoons, do you are Wed¬ WED. Jim care enough to give vour besf Mary- helping Spanish Americans learn En¬ Monday thru Saturday Have Lou and company are hoping to keep p.m. glish so that they can become better you time to give some of your love the center open on a daily basis- of parent or guardian (City and State) to this volunteer discount book store g bodies and and information center? Help ninds; books, cashier or push the PR cam¬ paign. Ask about the Telephone Crisis f IRlWII^TMirM ) Intervention Project National service fraternities LANSING Immediate to RELOCATION need for men and women help paint and repair apartments being used in the relocaUon effort CENTER: Wish IS ANTHONY QUINN Name your hours, we'll provide the TOMORROW 7 p.m. FSmriH you were m vr MI transportation Hammers and band- Gregory Peck, David Niven, CANCXGS aids provided blood drive LANSING RELOCATION CENTER: and Anthony Quinn in I KR6SN sponsor area • A blood drive, sponsored by In addition to the student, ar needed, there is an urgent Coeds needed to conduct lng and budgeting mothers An homemak- skill sessions for invaluable exper- THE GUNS OF NAVARONE 21? KARINA Gamma Sigma Sigma, national his immediate family is also need for all types of negative Coming Wed. July 16 service sorority, and Alpha Phi eligible to receive blood while blood, especially type "O" neg- Omega, national service fra¬ the student is in school. This includes husbands and wives, Those who have had jaundice EASTERN THEATRE I ternity. will be held Friday from • 10 a m 4 p.m. in the par¬ parents, and minor brothers or malaria or pregnant women SPARTAN TWIN THEATRE Do You Like A Place ... lors of the Union and sisters, regardless of their are not eligible to donate SHOPPINO CENTER ■ 3100 !• PfiorM'331-0030 All MSU students, faculty, place of residence. Program Info 332-6944 staff members and residents Giving blood takes less than ENDS TUESDAY With Atmosphere ? AT 6:30 & 9:00 At 1:30-3:50 6:15 8:30 p.m. of the Lansing area between 45 minutes, with less than 10 MOl tilt ALL COLOR PROGRAM »Good Food *Soft lights • Good Music ENDS TOMORROW the ages of 18 and 61 may actually spent donating. Free donate A parent's written con- refreshments will be furnished CAMPUS WINNER OF THE YEAR S by the Red Cross 3 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST SELLER ABOUT Sent is required for those un¬ WILLIAM HOLDEN der 21(see above i Although all types of blood Monday night - Two for one Pizza ERNEST BORGNLNE THE TRUE WEST! "CAMELOT" After and individual has given PROGRAM INFO. 485-6485 MA VERY FUNNY, ALSO (after 6:00 P.M.) ROBERT RYAN blood, he is eligible to receive EDMOND O'BRIEN in blood for one year after the IMMENSELY APPEALING MOVIE. "SAM WHISKEY'* Cocktail Hour—Everyday 4:30-6:30 donation. mum COOL/fdi TnnAY I UUM I Feature at 1:00- 3.05-5:15-7:25-9:35 TODAY AT 5:25-7:30-9:35 P.M. DELICIOUSLY WITTY! Jack Lemmon and 1:15-3:15 ENDS TUESDAY TOWN* JOHN WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY BOB HOPE GLEASON JANEWYMAN . JACKIE Catherine Deneuve 'The are April Fools" Persons under 18 2 BONE-CHILLING SHOCKERS 'BLOODY PIT OF PUMP HALWALLIS' PRODUCTION 'HOW TO COMMIT Technicolor* mitted unless accompanied HORROR' MARRIAGE" THURS. . .Rock Hudson by parent or adult guardian •>«cao«* ■»©SB [m] TECHNICOLOR* CRCl "Ice Station Zebra" Next: Poltier THE LOST MAN Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 14, 1969 5 State News State News Classified MISSION POSSIBLE: Place a WANT AD and watch the results. P.S. They are low in cost, too. Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Auto Service & Parts For Rent For Rent For Rent The State News does not ONE OR 2 girls starting fall term MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large permit racial or religious for Delta Arms Call 351-4633 mazoo Street Since 1940 furnished, studio apartments. Car¬ discrimination in its ad- 5-7/15 Complete auto painting and colli¬ peting, air-conditioning, stove and rommtoRyau i vertising columns. The sion service IV 5-0256 C BAY COLONY refrigerator $140 Call EDWARD G HACKER COMPANY. 485-2262 State News will not accept APARTMENTS or Mrs Steele. 485-3774 15-7 22 • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ Avaition inates against religion, Corner of Haslett and Haga- UNFURNISHED. FOUR i low* NORTHWINO • EMPLOYMENT FRANCIS AVIATION So easy t< dorn Roads. Now taking leases FARMS race, color or national or¬ apartment. $130 All i • FOR RENT learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" for September 1, 2 and 3 Garage 699-2268 igin. Special $5 offer 484-1324 < Faculty Apartments • FOR SALE man apartments. Furnished or • LOST & FOUND unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month FURNISHED. First floor. 351-7880 Scooters & Cycles Married couple • PERSONAL leases available. Call Jack preferred Call E D 2-2882 3-7 15 LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham • PEANUTS PERSONAL Eartlett, manager, 337-0511. AVAILABLE NOW and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- • REAL ESTATE • SERVICE Automotive HASLETT DESIR \BLK 2-bedro 2 giri $50 bedroom, al. furnished. For profession¬ 332-5320 5-7 15 graduate students, college fa¬ • TRANSPORTATION CORVAIR 1962. Monza Automatic culty or personnel. Select clientele 1966 HONDA Sport 50 1700 miles ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ • WANTED New tires. Air-conditioned $300 Excellent condition W Bell helmet 711 EAST able for June and September leas¬ Phone 351-5399. after 5 p.m 4-7 16 Call 351-7358. 1-7 14 711 Burcham Dr. ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 DEADLINE New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ O 1968 TRIUMPH ished 3 man apts. leasing for 1 P.M. one class day be¬ fall now 1 year or 9 mo. fore publication. CUTLASS S 1968 BEST POWER EAST LANSING-Furnished. 1-bed- Cancellations - 12 noon one IV 9-9651 or Carpeting, redecorated, cur¬ SQV0; room 305 Super < class day before publica- 351-3525 p.m. 351-863' tains, garage $140 plus utilities. THREE MAN. starting fall 2 blocks 1655 Coolidge Road Call 372-8876 FIREBIRD CONVERTIBLE. 1967 326, from Union $63 includes utilities air Must sacrifice, make offer 9 month lease Kathie. 351-0625 PHONE 569 Haslett Road 655-2383 5-7 18 Employment ONE FURNISHED, one unfurnished MODERN DUPLEX, furnished Need Heat furnished Stove and refriger 2 girls for summer. Reduced rates TYPISTS 60 wpm, 5 day a week ator No children or pets OX 4- 355-8255 4-9 p.m Justowriter or Flexo- 0242. 3-7 15 Call after 4 p.m 332-5144 i-7/15 writer experience preferred Call RATES 337-1651 between 3-5 p.m. MUSTANG 1966 V-8. standard New IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS PENNSYLVANIA tires Very sharp Phone 332-0841 MEN S SINGLE, < I aay $ 1.50 NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full part 911 Marigold Ave. 5-7 17 time. 21 and over preferred distance, parking. 15* per word per day Ex¬ New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ 4915, or 337-9633 cellent income potential i Robb i 3 day* 1 $4.00 PLYMOUTH 1965;-Sports Fury 383. McFadden. HOWARD JOHNSONS. Don't go away ished 2-man apartments. trances Utilities paid Parking 13 1/2* per word per day V'-8 Coppertone. All extras Ex¬ 694-0454 O because there's even Across street from campus. Available July 20 $125 month plus AVAILABLE AUGUST 3rd~Clean. deposit. 627-5454 3-7 16 5 days $6.50 cellent condition $1,000 372-4292. more excitement coming up !! Leasing now for fall. 1 year private room Private entrance and 13* pe r word per day after 5p m 5-7 17 REGISTERED NURSE Opening in a or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 ENUE. South - parking Linens furnished. Male medical care facility 3 p rr tith kitchenette only Call 487-0543 3-7 16 >(ba sed on iU words per ad) 11 30 p.m. shift. Good salarv and 332-2335. utilities paid, benefits Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE WOMAN SINGLE room Fall win¬ There' will be a 50* service 2815 Northwind Drive in East Lan¬ s deposit 627- ter. spring Kitchen 2 blocks Knapp s 3-7 16 and bookkeeping charge if Apartments 1692 1 sing Phone 332-0817. Mrs Parker .332-0647. after 5 p.m. 3-7 16 this ad is not paid within ONE-BEDROOM, furnished Luxury, GIRLS ROOM EARN UP TO $3,000 this summer 1 faculty WATERS EDGE-Several 4-man apart air-conditioned August 3rd-Septem- blocks from I SPIDER CONVERTIBLE. 1968-Fiat $8 84 month includes taxi. STATE ber 15th $140 332-8924 2-7 15 Subsidiary of Alcoa Start training available for fall 332-4432 1408, after 5 p.m. Sharp 35 miles per gallon Radio MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 444 6-7 18 The State News will be Heater Excellent $1,850 372- and earning in your spare time Car necessary Call 351-7319 for Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C HASLETT-ON E-Bedroom BOARD AND Room responsible only for the 8432 : 489-2909 5-7 18 • carpeted $85. includi £ interview O . e. Call 332-5659 3-7 16 first day's incorrect inser- TV RENTALS G.E 19 portable 339-2201. 39-2964 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for $8 50 per month including stand students with Midwest s la Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 East For Sale full-line merchant wholesaler 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- Lansing VOLKSWAGEN 1964 New paint. Automobile Management CHEAP AND or part-time re<|t going fast Home furn¬ 5-7 15 Phone THE SOCIETY CORPOR V Company ishings Beds sofas, lamps, re- 337-1349. 8a m to5p m TV RENTALS-Students NEWLY MARRIED? fngerators. stoves. scuba tank Poolside i tank only i. stereo July 10 NEEDED MANAGERS. Salesw. 2600 to reserve vours Apartments TANGLEWOOD until sold out. 811 Oak Street. TV RENTALS For East Lansing 355-9758. Students APARTMENTS 5-9 p.m daily. 3-7 15 RENT A TV from a ' Auto Service & Parts $9 00 per month ( 351-7880 1 Bdrm., unfur., from $124.50 NEJAC TV RENTALS 317 M.A.C. SUNGLASSES. SAFETY or tempered CAMARO 1968 Excellent condition 351-7880 s. OPTI- V-8 327. rally wheels 676-5922 call 332-4006 st Michi- 3-7 14 ANTED Private bed C-7 18 AHA SERVICE rent apartment. 3- AVAILABLE TIL Septer for garage CHEVROLET 1967 Biscavne 4- door AMERICAN TOURISTER luggage- V-8. automatic l Good < FOUR-MAN' apartment, furnished Pullman. weekender Magnavox port¬ dition $1,195 With swimming pool Heat paid or able stereo. TV All beautiful con¬ $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN 5-7 15 dition 393-2245 2-7 15 AGEMENT. 351-7880 C TENOR SAXAPHONE-Paris Selmer. brand new. Case and accessories >17 NORTH Clemens. 2-bedroom. included Call Gabe. 351-7106 3-7 16 furnished $90 301 South Holmes. 2-room efficiency, furnished. $75 EIGHT-TRACK au(o tap.- plavers- 1-room efficiency, furnished. $60 Ranger mini-8. $59 95 and' up. Lear Jet. $69 95 and up 200 MSU STUDENTS Summer rates 351-4530 10-7 24 MAIN ELECTRON ICS. 5558 South Pennsyl- more classifieds CAN'T BE WRONG on back page clorth ^ Pointe Campus Hili • Your Best Buy in a 4-man apartment Condition • Party lounge nonth lease at • Luxury Furnishings • Large apartments J.R. Culver Co. J.R. Culver Co. 217 Ann St. 351-8862 THEY'VE ALREADY SIGNED CROSSWORD PUZZLE FALL LEASES AT EXCITING Model Now Open Available for fall leasing 1 p.m. Phone - 6 332-6441 p.m. MEADOWBROOK 30 31. 33. Fixed time Horticulturist Republicans Twycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and TRACE 13 Jap sjsn 34 Expunge 35. Acrimonious 38. Urchin 14 Son of Seth 40. Parent furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has 15. Bonv 41. Lear s daughter a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED 17 Near 18. Tallow 45. Choler ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute I Composed DOWN 6. Go-getter drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and 19. Pay one s -16. Only •».. Ballot 2. Red sage 7. Possessive planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and appliances 48. Lyric 3. Gone by adjective 49. Seniority 4. Footlike part 8. Diving bird private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycking- STUDENT - PLANNED 50. Sun disk 5 Malay canoe 9 Adjoin call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. 10. Sagacious RECREATION FACILITIES 16. Dine 18. Pretend Featuring olympic pool with sauna, tennis courts 21. Boil on the eyelid LUXURY FEATURES XT®luj>cfemg;f)am 22. Toward " 24. Extra Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and 26. Permanent balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water furnished, laundry in each building w K 27. Last queen of Spain 28. Pause ALL MAINTENANCE FREE $ 4620 S S. Haaorlot-n Hagador 29. Exalt 9 32. Syllable of FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES See for yourself! Large new beautiful 2 bedroom- hesitation wye mm " 33. Orfe g 7WVCKWGMAM t 2-bathroom apartments for four from $60/month APTS. Management Exclusively By: per person. Model open Monday, Tuesday, £ 35. Exchange premium Thursday, and Friday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. 36. Twine 11-3; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from 37. Arrow poison ALCO Management Company Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exit—right 1 39. Sheltered Now 482-3379 to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393-0210. i 42. 43. Kiwi Pulpy fruit I M* HOpi KD. Accepting Nine Month Leases By Kassuba, the Nation's ft 1 Landlord. 44. Word of negation 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 14, 1969 For Sale IM GOLF MEET Bailey, Sierra medalists A former MSU golf captain professor of mathematics and tal. depending on what they up honors with a combined 70 and the asst. IM.director took Howard Richter. maintance man shot. The higher the round the best score. top honors in Saturday's IM for the grounds crew all fin¬ more holes you subtract from A total of 108 participants Golf Tournament held at For¬ ished with actual balls of 76. your actual score. made it the largest IM Golf est Akers Golf Course In the low net division, count¬ In the faculty-student best Tournament ever held. There John Bailey, co-captain of the ball competition. Bailey teamed were 38 faculty staff entries ing handicaps. Richter finished 1968 golf squad, took medalist with a 70, while Sierra and with two of his former basket¬ and 70 students entered in the honors in the student division Palmer had 71's. ball coaches to finish in a two- 18 hole competition. by firing a 72, two strokes better In the low net student cate¬ way tie for first. The team of than Charles Menefee Bob gory. Bailey was allowed 2 Bailey and Gus Ganakas. asst Among the awards to be pre¬ Gordynec and Jack Keating tied 1 2 strokes off his score and varsitv basketball coach, and sented to the 14 individuals Animals McLarens — fin for third place with rounds of finished with a 69.5. Donn Bailey and Bob Nordman. frosh head coach, tied for first with inners are' IM award jackets, 77. Gates - 132/71, Gordynec-77 golf and;.silver medals, \ Michi¬ choice 482 .185/ evenings. In the faculty division there 71 and Keting- 77 71 all tied a best ball score of 69. Sierra gan Sta'te* golf hats and golf >< ih Bruce McLaren (4) leads his teammate, Denis Hulme (5) as they approach the was a three-way deadlock for for second. In this competition. and Barry Breman took runner- balls. tiger KITTENS-7 weeks old Will finish line In the 200-mile Canadian-American Championship race Sunday In first place. Larry Sierra, asst. |olfers are allowed to subtract deliver litter to your door CaP Watklns Glen, N.Y. IM director: Ed Palmer, asst. so manv holes from their to¬ ffi&~3272 3 7 16 The two McLaren drivers have now finished In the top two spots In all three SAINT BERNARD puppies Born Mem- Can-Am races this year. Good Morning! MEN'S IM POOL HOURS Help us start the morning off right. Vjgjffraeg Tigers bombed 9-4 after * Closing hours wiil extend to later hours if warranted by weather and number of participants. To use any Intramural facility, guests must be 13 years of age or older and be accompanied by a student, faculty The Michigan State News needs Morning Secretary a tsSSS Wilson's 7 hitter in opener or staff member. Exception: Friday 6-9 p.m., Family Night, 53 inches tall or able to swim 50 feet if accompanied by parent or guardian A 50 cent minimum and $1 maximum is charged to each family. to do miscellaneous office duties. Apply in person after 11 a.m. 341 Student Services DETROIT i UPI)-Ken Har- Tom Tresh singled off sec- loaded, two-out jam in the first All student and faculty attending summer school can get into relson slammed his fourth home ond base umpire Bob Stewart and scattered four hits there¬ the pool free upon presentation of their ID or fee receipt Ask for Jim Crate run in five games in the second in the seventh with runners on after to square his record at card. Any students who were enrolled last spring term will game of the Sunday double- second and third, to bring in one 7-7 Ken Harrelson homered be charged 25 cents, and all guests must be accompanied header to power the Cleveland and another Detroit the fourth for the Indians' run ti student and ID and must pay 50 cents. Indians t over scored when Larry Brown Detroit a iked the picked up the ball and threw Price, a three-r it to an uncovered first base. threatening to beat Tigers a All-Star Bill Freehan,, right Monday-Thursday 11:30 a.m.--7 p.m. (9:00 p.m.I* out of the line-up, failed to Luis Tiant, routed Satur- 1* Lost & Found two out in the first inning of hit a home run for the first Friday .m.--9p.m. day's game, needed inning the opener to score three runs, time in four games but 1 and a third of relief help fn while Tresh slammed his sixth his bases-loaded single in Horatio Pina and Juan Pizai Friday-family night 6:00-9 p.m. following a single by the f'rs* 'n™ng sent Steve Har i the second game t his gan down to his eighth loss - Mickey Stanley in the fifth. 8-10. Tiant also slammed his The Tigers added their fi- against t second home run of th< nal two runs of the game in Kaline and Norm Cash Saturday 11-.30 a.m.-6 p.m. (7:00 p.m.)* son in a big five-run the ninth inning as Mickey Stan- singled with two out to start land eighth inning ley led off with a double and the rally and Jim Northrup Sunday 1:00 a.m.-6 p.m. (7:00 p.m.)* Harrelson smacked his 17th came hori on Dick McAullife's walked to load the bases. North- and fourth of the series off nth horn run of the season, mp was almost to second as , reliever Mike Kilkenny in the McAulife ho was pinch-hitt- Price lashed a 3-2 pitch to eighth inning of the second game ing for Mike Kilkenny, is left center and scored easily. following two walks Tiant foll¬ •heduled to have X-rays of owed a two-out single by Yern his leg taken today to deter¬ Fuller with his second of the mine if he tore cartilages in Personal season in the same frame. his leg Your Host From Coast To Coast TV RENTALS GE 19 portable Tiant was backed by home Wilson, making his first start Call J R Ct LVER COMPANY 351 runs by Lou Klimchock in the ng hit on the pitching The Nation's Innkeeper second and Tony Horton in the hand by i Don Buford line drive sixth June 29, pitched out of a bases- Two Locations In Lansing Area 956 Tr A FT INFORMATION CENTER 10:30-8:30 Mon. - Fri. 3121 E. GRAND RIVE R AVE. Ph. 489-2481 en 1-4 pm Monday-Fndav 6-8 6051 S. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. SUMMER STOCK SALE TIME Ph. 393-1650 SPECIAL SPECIAL If you're within our size ranges—and we hope REDUCTION MONDAY you are— come see—if not, truff. Gant short- SUNDAY sleeve shirts 14 to 17, also knits small to CHICKEN $125 SPAGHETTI $150 Service extra large. Gentlemen's trousers—29 to 38. Sport coats reg. 38 to 44—longs 39 to 42. SALE DINNER . ... Children $1.25 r. . DINNER All you can eat V . Leather dress shoes 8D to 10-1/2C—if you're an our 8D ears you're in—we have them sticking out and it's beginning to affect our hear¬ ■ ■■■X/ JULY 14 4-19 - 19 fi!AT BOTH FINE STORES ing. -frankly We can't mention some are so our sale prices here- low we didn't have the "When ien you think of Cards" Cai World Campus Afloat nerve-others aren't—we're losing but is a college that does more CARD SHOP money making friends—so stop by, Friend Campbell's Suburbc She Across from Home Ec. Bldg. than broaden horizons. 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 It sails to them and beyond. Once again, beginning in October of 1969, the "BOBBIE KNITS" World Campus Afloat program of Chapman College and Associated Colleges and Universities will take qualified students, faculty and staff into the world laboratory. Typing S ervice BARBI MEL by In-port programs relevant to fully-accredited coursework taught aboard ship add the dimension of personal experience to formal learning. apus 332-3255 C THESES OFI•SET PRINTING, typ Bobbie Classes are held six days a week at sea aboard the s.s. Ryndam which has been equipped with classrooms, laboratories, library, student able""1 LocatedgacrosseStfr^ecampus union, dining room and dormitories. The Stvle Shop Call THESE SPORTY KNITS Chapman College now is accepting applica¬ COPYGRAPII SERVICES. 337-1666 tions for the Fall and Spring semesters of the ARE AVAILABLE IN 1969-70 academic year. Fall semesters depart GREEN, BLUE New York for ports in Western Europe and the TYPING AC< I RATE and reasonable^ BROWN, AND BERRY. THEY ARE Mediterranean, Africa and South America, ending in Los Angeles. Spring semesters circle the I thsser ti'o s™" heses ta n ALSO MACHINE WASHABLE. world from Los Angeles through the Orient, India manuscripts. and South Africa to New York. ,rri*rg ,BMc For a catalog and other information, complete and SIZES 5-15 mail the coupon below. PAl LA AN> ™ey,bmA jjjj; From $16 to $22 .nting and hard syjfpr binding SAFETY INFORMATION: The s.s. Ryndam, registered in The Netherlands, meets International Summers CAREFREE DAYS are Safety Standards for new ships developed in good days 1;o sell motorcycles Dial 1948 and meets 1966 fire safety requirements. WORLD CAMPUS AFLOAT 1 Director of Admissions Chapman College, Orange, Calif. 92666 Please send your catalog a r facts I need to know. SCHOOL INFORMATION HOME INFORMATION (tH4 day. 12 to 6 30 p m 337 718 YOl RE UP FRONT < frandor shopping c t to campus □ home □ ingD 19 , fri. 9:30-9:00 p.r red., sat. 9:30-5:30 p.r