for the Apollo realizes impossible dream CAPE KENNEDY. Fla century's (AP> - grandest adventure, Ready any sort," said Dr. Charles A. Berry, chief astronaut physician. manned Tex spacecraft center at Houston. "We are not unduly fatigued and we're space agency officials declared Apollo The astronauts spent most of Tues¬ "Everything conceivable has been done 11 set for blast off Wednesday to land ready to fly," Armstrong said earlier to assure two Americans on the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin spent some day in crew quarters, reviewing the our safety," said Armstrong. We have time Tuesday in a landing craft trainer flight plan and conserving their strength high confidence. Otherwise "We have had a very smooth count¬ we would not for the demanding eight-day mission to go. " down. There has not been any problem before sitting down to a steak dinner Mission director George H. Hage told and from the moon. Nearly a million persons were ex¬ whatsoever that would scratch us." conference that failure is always Aldrin set aside some time to hone pected to witness the blastoff firsthand. launch director Rocco A. Petrone said a news possibility and people should be pre¬ his pilot proficiency on a lunar trainer, They include former president Lyndon Tuesday as work moved smoothly to¬ a Barnes Johnson, vice-president Spiro T. ward a 9:32 am EDT pared for it. while Armstrong talked with his wile Janet. Mrs. Armstrong flew to the area Agnew. hundreds. of congressmen and Confident and in good spirits for their officials from "Anytime you have a space vehicle in private plane. She is the only one foreign countries, and quarter-million-mile journey to the a poor people in mule-drawn wagons pro¬ moon. lunar explorers Neil A. With many million parts, there are a of the three astronauts wives planning lot of elements that have to work right.' to watch the launching at Cape Kennedy testing that the money for the $355 Armstrong. 38; Michael Collins. 38, million mission could be better and Edwin E Aldrin Jr.. 39. "have he said. The other Apollo 11 wives will view it spent shown no evidence of any illness of "Nevertheless, project officials have on television at their homes near the helping them. Wednesday MICHIGAN Vol. 62 Number 20 UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS East Lansing, .Michigan Wednesday, July 16,1969 Fierce border fighting marks Honduras - Elf Salvador war TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras to announce whe¬ their regular White House conference. The grant was withdrawn shortly after edge that Honduran troops and air force ther Dhirendra Sharma. associate profes¬ Even 50 of the 100 senators, assuming When Democratic Leader Mike Mans¬ sor of philosophy, will have his Fulbright- Hays Fellowship reinstated. Milton Mueld- criticism of Sharma by State Rep. Phil O as "anti-establishment Pittenger. R-Lan- personnel had mobilized in Santa Rosa de Lima for a large-scale attack In Washington, the State Dept said it that all vote which is unlikely, would be sufficient for victory since Vice field was asked about Dirksen's confi¬ dent statements, he replied. "Thaf's all Milliken OKs er. vice president for research develop¬ sing. The withdrawal came two months after did not plan to intervene unilaterally in President Spiro T. Agnew will be on rigni. We'll do our best and see now it ment. said Tuesday. hand to break any tie in favor of the comes out. " Sharma received notice of the awarding of the dispute. Muelder has corresponded with HEW I Please turn to page 12 > "We are acting entirely through the Organization of American States and are Safeguard proposal Dirksen told reporters "He s confident The Montana Democrat said the Senate would hold its long-expected secret session state board's in regard to the rescinding of Sharma's grant to study the Purva Mimamsa Sys¬ on Thursday and added he hopes voting tem of Indian philosophy. can start next week University officials received a letter from HEW last week declaring Sharma Other sources expect any early votes. indicated they do not sex ed policy "technically eligible ' -. the grant. x Meanwhile, on the Senate floor, speeches We hope that now they will reinstate the continued on the ABM and other parts grant." Muelder said but we don't know of the $20-billion military procurement authorization bill. The HEW letter cited a telephone conver¬ Sens. Peter Dominick. R-Colo . and Carl T. Curtis. K-i\et> strongiv eu Gov. Milliken said Tuesday he was satis¬ sation with Acting President Adams and a fied with the manner in which the State letter exchange with Muelder as having dorsed ABM deployment Board of Education is formulating its sex gone far toward removing the ambiguity "I am convinced that to do so enhances the of education guidelines. cause peace." Curtis said. I am convinced that to fail to provide for Milliken said the state board is "ap¬ this defensive weapon will lessen our proaching the question in a very respon¬ chances for peace. " sible and satisfactory way. " Bastille march Day If the Soviet Union has aggressive on The board is soon to begin open hearings the matter of sex education in six loca¬ purposes. Dominick said, the Safeguard tions around the state. program demonstrates our determination to maintain our powerful deterrent to on People's nuclear attacks on the U.S. or its allies. Sen. Harry F. Bvrd Jr.. D-Va.. without Milliken expressed hope that the public meetings to be held in the future would not be repeats of the recent State Board of referring directly to the ABM. said. Education meeting which was attended unsuccessful "We must legislate today for five and six years hence " by 400 noisy opponents of sex education. He said the crowd at the meeting "repre¬ BERKELEY. Calif. - The Soviet unmanned that Lunar 15 cannot reach the mflon until Thursday morn¬ to Michigan law enforcement Michigan' Hospital in Boston -una 15 is on a slower pace to the moon, indicating it is heav¬ ing. about 10 hours later than expected. agencies through the Omnibus 'critically After planning, the Act author¬ A day after Finch gave up er and carries new equipment for a special mission. Bri- The reports out of Moscow have suggested that the Russians Crimeffontrol and Safe Streets poor living conditions which seem izes financial aid to states for his fight for Knowles. Pres¬ ain's foremost space expert said Tuesday. might try to steal some of the glory from Apollo 11 bv being Act of 1968 to spawn law violation in an implementing action programs ident Nixon named Dr. Roger 0. the first to scoop up lunar samples and return them to earth According to the Michigan effort to reduce stress and es¬ Sir Bernard Lovell. director of Jodrell Bank Observatory, re- identified during the planning Egeberg. dean of the Uni¬ one of the main missions of the two U.S. astronauts who hope¬ Commission on Law Enforce- tablish new supports for healthy- orted the flight, slower than any other Soviet moon launch. effort. urban life."' versity of Southern California thai fully will be the first to walk on the moon's surface. Michigan's plan is an assess¬ School of Medicine, to the post. Lovell's report of slower speed due to extra weight sup¬ that Lu 15 i Correction ment of Michigan's most crit¬ The commission recognizes Dorman said he» is sure the ported the Moscow reports but still did not confirm them ical law enforcement and crim¬ that programs to prevent crime AMA can work with Egeberg Some scientists in the West believe the Russians do not yet The State News incorrectly inal justice problems and needs and delinquency are both cause Dorman, 56. said both the Mm have the capacity to return moon soil to earth and effect of good community AMA and the public were hurt will land a c; quoted the report of the Pro¬ Program areas included in the Lovell has long believed that eventually the Russians will vost's Ad Hoc Committee on relations. by the way the Knowles case back to earth try such a mission. plan are prevention of crime, Moscow said Tuesday Luna 15 i the Residence Halls as saying commission also said was handled Unofficial S< i Earlier Soviet moon probes have orbited the moon or soft community relations, organized The that students are aware that there is a need for ef¬ equippei th a te mera for an attempt to broadca? landed on the lunar surface. None has landed on the moon and crime, police services and that ' "I mean the discussion in rface There was no •official cor changes in the alcohol regu¬ public protection, administra¬ forts to end citizen apathy pid >m the returned to earth. Apollo 11 is expected to be the first to do the press clobbering the AMA. lations could not be initiated tion of justice, corrections, toward complex law enforce¬ that the implied downgrading of a Jodrell Bank will also track the by the University juvenile problems and re¬ ment and criminal justice sys- Official sources in Moscow have been silent since announe- flight of Apollo 11. and on the very fine man like Dr. Knowles The report actually stated search. and the delay in having a strong lg that Luna 15 was launched Sunday for "further scientific eve of its launching Lovell again urged Soviet-l' S. cooperation that students seem largely The commission has placed hand at the helm. Dorman xploration of the moon and the space near the moon." unaware that any changes in The East Lansing Police Dept. within when eonsiderabli high priority on establishing Lovell. whose giant radio telescope has been tracking Luna 15. i, has applied for money to pro¬ a explained. the strict rule about no alco¬ Did reporters the spaceship ordinarily would reach the moon amounts of equipment will be left on the moon and luna vide the dept. with more sophis¬ human relations training for hol would have to be initiated Dorman. a surgeon and a Wednesday, the same day the U.S. Apollo 11 blasts off for bases established, and international cooperation will become e ticated radio equipment police officers and for commun¬ sential." he said. "Otherwise a very serious situation at a higher level than Student- retired vice president with the he first attempt at a manned landing on the lunar surface. glit Louis Rome, director of ity relations' units and projects Faculty Judiciary or everi the within police departments. New York Life Insurance Co. After studying the tracking reports, however, he concluded arise, both scientificially and politically board of planning for the Michigan com¬ Why Pay More! Why Pay M ore! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! CHUCK STEAK 73< 63« CHEESE PIZZA 12-1/2 Dining-ln 0Z. WT. Frozen GAYLORD FROZEN POUR-AND-STORE BAGS PEAS OXYtXH DETERGENT 89' ■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■! SAVE 11c i |1' i ■ I 14'* SAVE 14c with this coupon ■ 8» with this coupon J |toward the purchase of jjj Morton House Oven Baked 4* "Why Pay { GELATIN ■II coupons ?s2*=~| redeemable with $5.00 purchase o> mors ■ S BEANS I ■ Any or all coupons 3 H 55 redeemable with $5.00 purchaso oi mora excluding boor, wine. cigarotto items or coupon items. j I Facial TISSUES | m g excluding beer wine cigarette items oi coupon Limit one per customer. Expires Sat., July 19, g excluding tcu ing be.or win* agar* • . jM|y i». 1969 g por customer. Expires Sat., July 19, 1969. f )ept | Thrifty Acres Coupon11 0ept 10ZBB * 20 S ^"•""""SAVE™ "(20! SAVE 20c %„[■ with this coupon I*** ■ —- ft.»y Crock* 0"~ »C7C c r j 57 „i,„ .. ■ Cake Mixes 0 "X 01 | LUX LIQUID all coupons redeemable with $5.00 a oupon purchase or more more B I ,aExp*re,!*sIt!,Ju°yPl°9, 19*9. Umitdone pVr' .^.^"Expires'sat!'j3y 1°», 1 '69^ - 953 thrifty acres THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVE NIE NCE. SUNDAY 5125 W. Saginaw & 6200 S. Pennsylvania HOURS 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, 1969 3 NEWS U.S. turns to peace protest against summary in Vietnam: Laird A capsule summary our wire services. of day's events frorr WASHINGTON retary of Defense Melvin R. are doing freedom because of this com¬ and thwart competition. a little traveling this week. "Some are traveling now and munity control. should be back Wednesday", Gammage also compared the two educational systems in size Dale Hathaway, AUSSC chair¬ and methods. man, said Tuesday He said Two teenagers, who police said admitted set¬ the two students and three "This University," he said, faculty members "is staggeringly large com¬ ting a fire that killed their 10 brothers and sis¬ are on an "additional information gather¬ pared to our own system. Every¬ ters and their parents were indicted by the ing process." thing is about three times bigger Wood County, W. Va., grand jury Tuesday Committee members flew to and four times sweeter ." on 12 counts each of murder. Washington, D. C. and New Gammage said that the English Susie Bailey. 15, and her York City to talk to not onlv system has some advantage 13-year-old broth¬ prospective MSU presidential in that limited funds prevent er Roger, were accused in the June 8 deaths candidates, but also to people of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey and the who might know more about the candidates. family's other children at the conclusion of a Hathaway said Washington day and a half of testimony. and New York were picked as The State had asked that the children only be destinations because it would be more convenient for the indiv¬ charged with the death of their father, but iduals involved to talk to com¬ the grand jury returned the multiple indict¬ mittee members in central ment anyway. locations. AUSSC meets today to ex¬ amine what topics it will dis¬ cuss with the board of trus¬ tees when it meets with them at noon Thursday. The Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals refused Tuesday to review the denial by a Memphis judge of a new murder trial for James Earl Ray in the slaying of Dr. Martin IWf Luther King, Jr. In seeking a new trial, Ray said he was pres¬ r~ —■ nad Or testation Iran In Jim tad «« J""' **■»■ ipvoii wi September. Sebscrintion i sured into pleading guilty by his lawyer. Percy per year. Foreman of Houston Tex. Foreman denied the Member Associated Presi, United Free* Iateraational, lata ad Dally Press A»ociattoa Associated Collegiate Press, charge. Mlcklgaa Pre* Association. Micfe- tgnn Collegiate Press Association, United States Stadent Press Association. Second class postage pnid nt Enst Lansing. Michlgnn. Editorial and basiaess offices at *7 Stadent Services State University, Enst Lansing. Bniidl*, Michigan Mickignn. The body of an attractive teen-age girl was Phones: Editorial found strangled and partially stripped near a Ctnsslfied Advertising cemetery in Saddle Brook, N.J. in what police Display Advertising Bnaiaess-Clrcnlatioa termed the third slaying of its kind in the past year. MICHIGAN OUR READER'S MIND iS/.m Inverted STATE NEWS 3; * Ktj ■?*.m flag for nation in distress UNIVERSITY To The Editor: I better, and I might say. substantial ar¬ wholeheartedly with the State ' concur JA On page 50 of the July 11, 1969 News suggestion for intra-faeulty pressure gument is raised against it. >J^j> issue of TIME magazine flies a United on the 50." and would add that Mr. Michael K. Jarvis Trinka Cline, executive editor States flag with the union down, a ges¬ Sharma's grant be renewed unless some Southgatejunior Norman J. Saari, managing editor ture proscribed by law "save as a George K. Bullard, campus editor signal of dire distress. " Deborah Fitch, feature editor Indeed, the nation is in dire distress, the most recent manifestation being reac¬ Challenged to produce letter Kenneth Krell, editorial editor r tions against the freedoms of speech and Six-lime recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Jeff Elliott, sports editor dissent. To the Editor: my time in office and I have found no The inverted flag and the law governing I read such letter. recently with a great deal of its display were on my door in Abbot interest a letter to the editor from one This student calls me obnoxious in Hall only two days before some patriot D. Peter Marciniak. his letter. I believe he is the one who Harper Woods took it upon himself to tear it down and senior. I read it with great interest is obnoxious. When one relies on lies rip it to pieces. Perhaps this gesture because of his comments about my writing to support his so-called "close friend" is more symbolic than what I was trying to his parents. This letter in your paper then I find him suspect, too. to say bv posting the flag in the first marks the first time I have ever heard Again I challenge this student to pro¬ place! of this gentleman or his parents duce the letter supposedly written by Associate Professor Dhirendra Sharma His statement that I wrote a letter me. is in danger of losing a reasearch grant, to his parents is not true. I challenge which the government saw fit to give him. Philip O Pittenger him to produce the letter. I have searched because a group of professors took it State Representative every letter that I have written during 58th District upon themselves to notify Washington and Lansing of Sharma's tendency to exer¬ cise his freedom of expression. The hold on Sharma's grant. unfortunately, reflects on Gov. Milliken. Sen Griffin, the Michigan legislature. H.E.W. and the entire MSU faculty (since we don't know the names in Mr. Crissy's vigilante group). Incompetent ? To the Editor: Re the MSU Bookstore manager's claim (State News. July 10> that he shows no profit at all; that "shrinkage" consumes his "entire net profit": A statement of this nature by the manager of an en¬ terprise that a i enjoys the advantage of a state sales tax haven, bi operates at an ecological advantage, in the center of campus, c) utilitizes student employees and there di sells at undiscounted retail and 3) does a claimed $2 million annual prices., business invites the conclusion that he is either 1) a hopeless incompetent, or 21 EDITORIAL a it blatant would liar. If appear to be the former a the case, prima facie basis for his immediate replacement by appropirate authority: if the latter is the it be that down he Getting case, can thinks his listeners are all idiots'.' J H. Rieger Instructor of Sociology This Most of all. Apollo XI is Their position is understand¬ morning Apollo 11 de¬ The State News welcomes all conclusive evidence that man able. for the Apollo mission letters. They should be typed parts for the moon, leaving can work and signed with the home town, behind a world of hopes, a together as a team cost us 40 billion dollars, a student, faculty or staff stand¬ world of dreams, a world of to solve a common problem. sum which might have been ing. and local phone number in¬ When Apollo leaves the at¬ a step toward eradicating the cluded. No unsigned letter will despair mingled with a touch "other side"' of America. They be accepted for publication, and of l mghier-the planet Earth. mosphere it leaves behind a no letter will be printed without It is a day of discovery, vast crew who may never may be right, but what we've leave the earth, but whom none¬ a signature except in extreme 'No, those are rocks Gov. Rockefeller not unlike that of Columbus spent on Apollo does not mean circumstances All letters must setting out for the New World. theless share in the glory that we have to turn our back on be less than 300 words long for brought back from South America!" is Apollo earth. WTe are a nation wrapped publication without editing. It is a day of triumph for American technology and team¬ Apollo is evidence that man in affluency: all we need is work. It is day of vic¬ can attack a problem in the broader directions, more con¬ a DAVID BASSETT face of cynicism and doubt. centrated participation. tory. the culmination of a de¬ cade of progress in exploring What we must now learn is to the regions beyond our tiny apply the principles we have The 240.000 mile journey to America: foreign w learned from our space progress the moon has been shortened a world. We reach for the stars be¬ to a solution of our domestic problems. For the moon is not to moon a few will day's trip, but the never be our home. country cause they exist, and touching them is a tribute to man's an end. it is a beginning. It is but a chapter in the ima¬ unquenchable curiosity We When the Apollo spaceship gination of man. a product of Montreal, with it's towering cathedral Recall the textbooks you used in high people that appear in advertisements- its engines and slowly school and consider how many contained 4 out of total of 28 advertisements reach because of the wealth revs his mind. This is still our spires, captivating St. Catherine's Street a and beautiful women is a city which can the works of or information concerning which contained human beings. thev hold, not material, but rises above the earth, it will home; very few of us wrill ever offer anything but a dull moment. The en¬ Marcus Garvey. A Phillip Randolph wealth far more important- carry with it the dreams, the leave it for the moon or worlds Frederick Go into restaurant in chantment of its churches, excellence of or Douglass-all black, all a Birmingham. the wealth of man's search for hopes, the doubts, the fears of beyond. This is where our en¬ its restaurants and excitement of its brilliant Bloomfield Hills or Grosse Pointe. wait Read Chapter 11 of the Kerner Re¬ for a black man and a white man to enter a nation besieged with yet ergies must now be directed, nightlife combine to give a visitor the knowledge Touching them we impression that if Man ever created port and. if you're white, ask yourself simultaneously. < if a black ever enters > other problems. Some will say aided by the experience we have step a little closer to under¬ perfection. Montreal is the site he^ chose. if you've ever REALLY been burned by and notice who gets waited on first. it means we've turned our backs learned from Apollo, and a lit¬ Unless the language one happens to a cop And then ask yourself if this might not standing the enigmatic mys¬ Look the on those who have not shared tle wisdom we can bring back speak is English at June 20 issue of Life foreign country for over 20 million tery of our existence. magazine and count the number of black Amer in the triumph of Apollo be¬ down to Earth. During a recent visit there. I encoun¬ But the greatest mystery is tered more hostility in five minutes not ahead of Apollo XI. tucked cause they can worry only of than I did in five weeks in Mexico. If between the craters and crev¬ their evervdav needs. -The Editors a thick skin isn't one of your attributes, EDITORIAL DISSENT of if your love of beauty and or action ices of the moon' surface. Rath¬ 1 are marginal, try Omaha instead. er. the greatest mystery is behind, nestled within a closer WALTER ADAMS Montreal is an oddity. Less than a two- hour drive from Ottawa, the capital of We cannot impress n Canada, it appears to be a distinct and region, the region. of man's clearly-visible country. mind We have found it easier to From the desk Gas station attendants count change in French. Menus are printed either in a world that hates us French or French and English. License reach for the stars than ex¬ plate bear the phrase "La Belle Pro¬ plore that mystery, easier to vince ." Residents can't-or wont-give strut across the moon than of the president directions in English. Street names are in When they step onto the lunar sur¬ • I don't really object to anyone staying French, as are the' names of a great home from their classes this morning to face nothing in my life or anyone else's explore the questions of exis¬ many streams, forests, islands and watch Apollo 11 blast off I don't really will be improved. All I can think of is tence. churches the fantastic waste of human energy and think it worthy of actually cancelling We will search the moon, Dear Mr President: Due to inclement weather the gradua¬ I should have listened when a friend classes on a University-wide basis, but I money which could have been spent on cautioned me not to ask a Montreal po¬ it would be educaton. welfare, pollution, slums, etc seeking an answer to that ques¬ My husband and I traveled more than tion ceremony had to be moved from wouldn't really object . liceman directions in English. They either The moon has not an ounce of military tion. To the cynics who say 600 miles to attend our son's commence¬ the stadium to Jenison Fieldhouse. Un¬ suicide to protest students being dis¬ ment only to be turned away despite fortunately, this move automatically shrug their shoulders and mutter "Je missed from any class for any reason. >. value There are probably no minerals the moon has nothing to offer, the fact that we had two tickets of curtailed the size of the audience which ne compreds pas" (even if the street is a And since I don t have any classes worth bringing back People can't live we submit that it has. It of¬ admission. I was later informed that could be accommodated and denied many main thoroughfare a few blocks distant > or to miss. I don't have a personal stake there easily. there were babies-in-arms and children parents the opportunity of attending the give a detailed five-minute description of involved My dissent, therefore, breaks "Why are we going to the moon'.' fers one more example that how to go in the opposite direction Because we want to be there first, to running in the aisles making a general exercises. For this, I apologize on be¬ all normal procedure-I merely dissented man can conquer, that man can nuisance of themselves. half of the University. 1 only wish I I wish I could say that I'm an Amer¬ to let one of our unheard of parties show the questionable superiority of our direct his energies toward To add insult to injury, after the could do more to assuage the keen sense ican and proud of it. that incidents speak out. Whether or not I agree with technological and political systems, and to of disappointment w hich I share. like those discribed above don't occur word of it is irrelevant. plant the American flag on its surface. a common goal. Apollo XI speeches and the reading of the names in the United States. every "The entire space program has been of those receiving their doctorates, the As for the future, it is imperative that The following was written by SN photo¬ is a triumph of the spirit of televised proceedings were brought to an we develop a new format for the June Make a list of all the cities you are grapher Bob Ivins glorified without question It is American man. commencement. With a graduating class familiar with that have streets named I personally will attend class this and therefore cannot be wrong. abrupt end To be brutally frank. I. To the doubting Thomas' for one. wanted only to see my son approaching 5,000 and the limited ca¬ Washington. Jefferson. Madison and morning despite the momentous eminent "Let the Russians have the moon. We receive his diploma after four grueling Monroe and consider the fact that these Apollo launch ' Today three men will cannot impress a world that already hates pacity of our indoor facilities, it may who believe the moon offers well be desirable to stage a general men-all presidents, all national heroes- enter a billion dollar us. we are ethnocentric, imperialistic, years, but we parents were not afforded projectile and blast us nothing, we suggest that that courtesy. ceremony, followed by the awarding of owned a total of over 400 slaves. off to the moon paternalistic..." -Trinka Cline indeed it does It offers a If this is an example of the progress degrees in more intimate ceremonies and planned efficiency of the universi¬ conducted by the individual colleges. I i've never even talked to her! OR I thought I could A6K her place to explore man's origins, ties today, it is high time the parents, shall ask the University Commence¬ i thought i hap plenty of time... t; sen :r cr .cts cf to delve into his past and the as well as the students, began protest¬ ment Committee to explore this I th0u6ht i could (ualt until the other things uOhen u)E got older ques¬ history of his universe. It may ing on the campuses. tion, and report its recommendations sixth-grade 510im party or the 5ut n0u) she's moving aujay anp The obviously embarrassed to the president prior to June 1970. seventh-grape class party... it's too late! it's too late! offer insight into that ageless students IT and shabbily treated parents surely should question of whether man is receive a public apology from the ad¬ alone in the universe, or wheth¬ ministration and certainly a shake-up in Letters for the President should be er he is but an infinitesimal graduation procedures is in order addressed to Dr. Adams in care of the Mary R Lester part of a larger framework. Sf verna Park, Md State News Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Wednesday, July 16, 1969 5 7 "004/// A- «*r!! Summer Side Sew Values to $79.50 now 3000 at President Nixon and Tigers in the No Alterations Rep. Gerld Ford, R-Mich., en¬ fice. Left to right are outfielder Mickey Stanley, joy a lough with three members of the Detroit Tigers shortstop Tom T resh, Nixon, outfielder Al Kallne b campbell's baseball team who visited Nixon Tuesday in his of- and Ford. AP Wirephoto Suburban shop Polachek's Football rule designed THE ALLEGRO DELUXE PKG. to stop showboating' All summer stock NEW YORK (l'PI>-Col¬ after getting into the end zone lege football, at an all-time peak in attendance and on-the- for a score." So. from now on. the player is on sale - field efficiency in 1968. will who scores will have to hand look about the same to the man or toss the ball to the nearest in the grandstand in 1969. official - like a little gentle¬ treat yourself to But it'll be different for man. even if he is a soph¬ the players, coaches and of¬ omore - so the business of ficials down on the field. getting on with the game may "Especially for the players." proceed without delay a sewing spree says Elwood Geiges of Norris- The penalty for failure to town. Pa . an NCAA rules ad¬ do same is 15 yards assessed visor and ficials for the supervisor of of¬ at the ensuing kickoff which for those end of Sprawling Eastern then must be made from the PKG. Includes: 1 Allegro tuner College Athletic Conference 25 yard line instead of the 40 amp. - 2 speakers - 1 changer which fields 114 teams from The defensive lads also will 1-Allegro Tuner Amp. 4wavebands; Pittsburgh to Maine to Mary¬ have to mind their manners to FM, MW, 2xSW. 20 transistors, summer fun days. land a great extent this Fall when 14 diodes, 2 rectifiers. Automatic The REG. LIST $394.80 players, especially, they come charging in on a should take notice frequency control on FM. 7 AM punter. The new rule says circuits, 11 FM circuits. Music They're gonna pay heavily a punter remains a kicker until for showboating or blowing off too much steam after scoring he has had to a regain his balance reasonable time power; power; 12 Watts, continuous output 8 Watts. Built-in FM stereo NEJAC'S PRICE 5289'5 touchdown "This Indicator. Ferrite rod for MW and POLACHEK'S a one is about 50-50. says Geiges. "It might result LW, dipole antenna for FM and "It was getting ridiculous, really sophomoric. the way some players were putting on an in more penalties the kicker or it might keep the defenders away a little for roughing SW. Sockets for: pick-up/tape re¬ corder, 2 loudspeaker units, FM antenna, AM antenna, ground AL $24995 East Lansing act after scoring." says Geiges. longer and result in fewer nection. Main voltage "From now on. their teams 115, 220V penalties. We're not sure. 50 60 c/s 2-RB70# speakers SAVE s15000 .. will be penalized when players But it may eventually prove throw 1-TW509 changer with dust cover or kick the ball awav sound as a safety diamond needle, cartridge, andbase spindles, automatic and manua J H[ rbrings back Hot from the wire. . . semi-professional. the old fashion PITTSBURGH < I PI > - NEW YORK iUPI -The remember when a sale was really a Pie Traynor. who played for I S Open Tennis Championships of E ast sale. well we have brought it back... the National League in the first Lansing NeJac at Forest Hills August 27 all-star game 36 years ago. 543 E ast Grand R i> through September 7 will be believes the American League the Phone 337-1300 richest tennis tournament will win the classic next Tues¬ ever held . offering $125,000 SIDEWALK day night because of Detroit in prize money Tiger pitchers Dennis McLain and Mickey Lolich Top men's singles award will all SERAPHIM recordings on sale be $16,000 The women's champ¬ ion will recieve $6,000. Did You Miss They won the World Series I'nder the U.S. Lawn Tennis last year when Detroit was down. reg. $2.49 value 3-1." Traynor said. "McLain Assoc regulations, professionals as well as "players contract Our WIG WHIRL? lost the first and fourth games who elect to compete for prize but he managed to back come money are eligible for cash and win the sixth game, which kept the Tigers in the series awards In the first U.S. Open Here's Your Chance To last Lolich. of course, won three year. Arthur Ashe was the winner games and confidence I admire his poise He did not in the $100,000 event, but could Add To Your WIG WARDROBE 1.89 accept only the usual trophy let himself be awed by the The he defeated. Tom Okker at man Cardinals of Holland, collected $14,000 Elega How they stand We will be demonstrating wig styling and cosmetic make¬ ■ overs on Wed.-9 a.m.-9 p.m.--Meet Jenifer, Carol, p~) American National Mindy, Pam and Lynne on the sidewalk or in our EASTERN DIVISION Baltimore W 62 L 27 EASTERN DIVISION Chicago W 57 L 3E "cool" studio. a cfSERAPHlM^i Angels of the highest order" Boston 50 41 New York 50 3? DETROIT 47 39 St. Louis 46 500 11'-a 50% OFF all human hair . Washington New York Cleveland 49 42 36 45 50 53 Pittsburgh Philadelphia Montreal 43 38 28 47 49 61 on pieces in stock! a really great way to build a classical library fast. WESTERN DIV ISION Minnesota WESTERN DIVISION Special prices Also on All ordered wigs Oakland Los Angeles 51 37 500 for you old collectors a chance to Atlanta 51 39 567 Kansas City 39 51 433 15'* Seattle 38 50 432 15'* San Francisco 50 40 556 pick up some of the things you may Cincinnati 45 38 542 Chicago 38 51 427 16 Houston Ovation Cosmetic gift items have missed. California San Diego 31 61 .337 - Monday's results Monday 's results 50% and more off! Perfume, a great combination Washington 3 DETROIT 0, night Chicago 1 New YorkO Minnesota 4. Chicago 3 113 innings ni| Los Angeles 4. Houston 1. night California 2. Kansas City 0 night Powder, Soaps, Bath Oil. All (only games scheduled > . Montreal 2 < Pittsburgh 0. night only games scheduled > SERAPHIM and the Tuesday * results Ovation Eye Make-up reduced. Tuesday's results Boston 7 New York 6 see you at Kansas City at California. Oakland at Seattle, night night New York 5, Chicago 4 Pittsburgh at Montreal, night rHE Philadelphia at St. Louis, night Chicago at Minnesota, night AUanta at Cincinnati. 2. night Cleveland at Baltimore, night Los Angeles at Houston, night DETROIT at Washington, night San Diego at San Francisco open Your One-Stop Today's games Kansas City at California. night Oakland at Seattle, night Today's games Pittsburgh at Montreal, night New York at Chicago ElegaYour n tciggo Stereo Center 323 E. Grand River 9 9" Chicago at Minnesota, night Philadelphia at St. Louis, night "On-Campus Wiggery" Phone 351-5380 Cleveland at Baltimore 2. twi-mght AUanta at Cincinnati, night 541 E. Grand River Next to DETROIT at Washington, night Los Angeles at Houston Paraphernalia Mon.-Frl. Boston at New York, night San 332-3341 Diego at San Francisco 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, 1969 Will George F. Will, asst. pro¬ fessor of political science, ex¬ pressed definite opinions recent¬ in the name of extremist, ogical parties. He believes that today's labels ideol- distant campus from collegians who preach student power. In his lecture series he Contrary to this point of view, Will said that the ul- timate value of modern Am- ceptible to the appeal of "fran- young people result tic and violent forms of pol- itics," even facism. state as r upbringing, ^is arrived otat their persons, of work." adequacy in any sphere life is achieved by hard He believes that one rebe said that campuses in partic- ular will be affected bv .vig- orous law enforcement and will ly on campus "new leftists" students are not the "noble expressed scorn for both the erican liberalism is self-ex- Will believes that fascism is Will said that they were generation bearable, but thistwomight of that be be punished by the withdrawal running of funds by alumni and state in a series of eight lectures savages' that many contem- politics and the tactics of the pression, which simply amounts only one kind of political re- spawned by a permissive, indul- concurrently mean serious legislators held recently in James Madison porary intellectuals picture them New Left. He described campus to "a bit of activism in the sponse that comes from passive gent philosophy of modern lib- He advised that universities College. to be. but that they show signs protestors as "desperate child- essentially passive life of sen- people. He called it the or- eralism, so that consequently trouble, Will suggested that so many can avoid this punishment by Will said that the "new of becoming the "new bar- ren of modern liberalism" who sory. experiencing, bombarded ganized, frenetic excitement they value self-expression over oung people emphasize sensing order and making leftists" are both hard to manage barians." see "every aspect of what we men." of bored men." self-discipline and harbor "de- young people emphasize and experiencing sensing maintaining maintaining order rather than use of the community's police and making and hard to educate because they Will, 28. is not far removed call civilization" as part of a He explained that since the He charged that "much of lusions of adequacy seeking and learning, and that forces when necessary, are extremely passive people in age from most college under- master plan to rob the indiv- children of modern liberals what the new left enjoys doing Will said that they ignore they rejoice in their passions But they will not do this prone to spasms of violence graduates, but his views are isual of self-expression. are so passive, they are sus- is a crime," and that many the "brutal fact that, for most they rejoice in their passions while ignoring their develop- until they are shed of the er- which try to negotiate under js never reasonable, he said, threatened or actual coercion Will maintains that a un- by students are guilty of serious iversity "has something author- sin of omission. That sin is itative to convey and it should community pays it to perform." matriculants, even when it does He believes that this failure not accord with their appetites." merely acknowledges that the But before universities can writ of minimum public de¬ "convey." he suggested that they cency." to which the community will have to sober up the giddy at large must conform, does children of modern American not extend to the campuses liberalism." which live off the support of To accomplish this he ad- the community. Will predicted that in the -Manv of the rights stu¬ 1970 s the existing laws will dents seek in the name of Sunny Sidewall S be enforced belatedly and there¬ "student power" should be fore with special severity. He denied. at ntffrvg — For you! Paperbacks si ner lb. (assorted) Sheer Blouses $5.90 Text & Reference 50< midriffs, voiles cottons, solids, or (assorted) prints . . . values to $14 Knit Tops $3.90 Hardcover Art, Cooking, long sleeved or sleeveless, turtle or mock turtle necks, and Children's Books stripes or solids . . . values to $10 "To 80% Skooter Skirts $5.90 half/skirt and half pant- and 14" long . . . values to $10 Sweatshirts & T-Shirts Bra dresses and Pantdresses $5.90 Stationery many colors to choose from Jewelry . . . values to $12 Gifts & Novelties Swimsuits 1/3 OFF All national lines Cole, Peter Pan, Elizabeth Stewart, Beach Party, Janssen . . . values to $30 Briefcases % OFF Madras Shirts $1 authentic Hallmark Cards Assorted Suspender Alpine Shorts $3.90 Swiss fraulein style . . . values to $10 Dresses $11.90 to $17.90 great styles! values to $30 Jumpsuits 1/2 OFF ,1' Swimsuits $9.90 Special group of junior styling in junior sizes . . . values to $22 Slacks $5.90 Wide legged or regular . values to $14 Swimsuits $5.90 Cotton 2-piece prints values to $12 M tore Hurry While 421 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, 19697 UJawfa TODAY ONLY! 2 < One Day Only I MEN'S Values to $17.03 $3.97 BARGAINS! Special Sidewalk Group... Men's and Women's CANVAS $1.97 & .WINS! BARGAIN3! FOOTWEAR. Two Super Savings Groups WOMEN'S Va'ues to $20.00 $3m97 Casuals and dress JflaurireB Children's Dress and Play Jumping Jacks $2.97 & $4.97 tfOtdj SfDUHP Handbags--Lim!ted Quantity-- $.97 Eye-Catchers hose Reg. $1.00-- $.49 Use your charge account in both stores ~ Ask us about FREE PARKING. TROUSERS Values to $23.50 • * Uepard' ■ DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING 317 East Grand River Ave. 4^ 326 South Washington Ave. NOW JO00 y HCp E s No Alterations CAMPBELL'S East Lansing Store open 'til 9 p.m. tonight Suburban shop SAVE $$$ SAVE S$S SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ ' I ■■ X CHRISTMAS IN JULY nv*"*1 •» SIDEWALK SPECIAL THE BARGAIN SPREE OF THE YEAR ... SHARE IN THE B G, BIG SAVINGS! THIS IS THE TlMI OF YEAR WE REALLY v?S Boxed Christmas Cards CLEAN HOUSE TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALL & W'NTER FASHIONS ARRIVING DAILY...OJR ENTIRE SPRING & SUMMER 50% off STOCK GOES AT FABULOJS SAViNSS...! Earrings Off 200 SUMMER DRESSES... NOW $8-$10-$13 20% - 50% Or F ON ALL GIFT ITEMS SUMMER STOCK REDUCTION SALE JU.Y 16th - 19th 100 pairs 0>: OUR MOST FAMOUS NAME CLASSIC "When you think of Cards" SLACKS IN WANTED SUMMER FABRICS LO^^iNER WERE $19.00 today only $10.77 Across from Home Ec. Bldg. 956 T rowbr 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 10:30-8:30 Mon. Fri. $10 J13 $19 - 100 RAINCOATS d iscount records 225 ANN ST. inc. ALL REMAINING SWIMWEAR 1/3 OFF! THE BEST OF THE BEST IS ON SELECTED PHILIFS W03LD GRUB RACK ... YOUR CHOICE $1$2 SERIES, CLASSICAL RECORDS Capitol Records ONLY $^49 per L.P. ALL REMAINING FAMOUS MAKER SUMMER SHUES... NOW 1/2 OFF! TWO RECORD SETS FOR THE SELECTED RCA, ATLANTIC, ANGEL, DGG, VERVE, PRESTIGE 87 SPRING COAFS... 1/2 PRICE! PRICE OF ONE!!! AND MANY MORE ONLY $^98 per L.P. SUCH ARTISTS AS: MANY. MANY CLOSE GROUP OF BLOUSES VALUES TO 15.00 . . . YOUR CHOICE TODAY ONLY $2-$3 BUCK OWENS OUT SPECIALS — LARGE NAT COLE MERLE HAGGARD SELECTION 69c BEACH BOYS FRANK SINATRA LETTERMEN ea. or CLASSIC ORESSES... NUW 1/2 UFF! NANCY W'LSON JACKIE GLEASON SONNY JAMJIS 3 for *1" INCLUDING PANT DRESSES, BRA-DRESSES & SHIFTS. VALUES TO 35.00 LOU RAWLS GROUP OF FAMOUS LABEL EACH SET CONTAINS TWO RECORDS - GOING TODAY FOR iscount records iic. SKIRTS-SLACKS-BERMUUAS... 1/2 UFF HRSj 225 ANN ST. ONLY VALUES TO 21.00 JUNIORS & MISSES SIZES $399 . . . 9:30-8:30 DAILY PER SET 9:30-6:00 SAT. Phone; 351-8460 12:00-5:00 SUN. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, 1969 HASSLES OVERCOME AMLEC will determine if better students EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the places London Planetarium and Ma¬ Charles Press, professor and shops and are taking advantage first of several dispatches from will again welcome future dame Tussaud's famous wax mu- chairman of the Dept of Polit¬ of many legitimate theatres- England by State News Staff groups. ical Science, and Geoffrey including the nearly sold-out Writer Diane Petryk. Miss Pe- Museums. art galleries, Moore, professor of graduate A few students production of America's musical tryk is studying overseas under a began their theaters and historical sites will education, feel that they will be "Hair." leisure actiyities by crowding be part of the learning exper¬ able to maximize the educational program offered by the Ameri¬ can Language and Educational into Hyde Park for an open- ience. available for their according to Donald resources But perhaps the most amazing Center (AMLEC). air concert by the Rolling Stones. Greenberg, Roy Matthews, and course objectives. discovery made by the MSU Classes began July 7 at Wilson Myers, asst. professors Most students By DIANE PETRYK seem impressed students is that British student Bedford College, a division of the of humanities. with London's interesting blend dormitories come equipped with LONDON-Missing baggage University of London, near the Several other MSU faculty of ancient buildings and modern and delays enroute marred the July arrival of approximately 3nrrrinnnnnnrirrrinnnrrrrrim^^ a s 6~6~s~n»g'BXBTaxry i a s s»u»s5»a riTimTir 114 MSU students to study British culture. The students, participating in AMLEC programs, have now settled to routine classwork and sightseeing. Wells Bad weather and holiday crowds at New York's Kennedy. Air¬ Hall port lengthened the journey from Wells Is getting a new front. The 3-story addition will house the Dept. of Detroit by six hours Mathematics and math Once in a library. State News photo by Joe Tyner London some tired students found themselves without bag¬ gage. Twenty-five pieces were put on the wrong plane Wells Hall Math addition Although the baggage was delivered to their London hotel the next morning, the students ran into other problems. An East Lansing College Travel CHEER UF! to include offices, library representative had to correct errors at the hotel, having had three students as¬ such as East Lansing's Sidewalk Bazaar signed to a room with only- By BARBARA PARNESS $600,000. Robert L. Siefert. culty offices. New offices for Stale News Staff Writer University architect, said. He secretaries and conference two beds. One girl was assigned is TODAY — Wednesday, July 16 a room with a member of the An addition to Wells Hall, added that the entire project will rooms will replace the present opposite sex~a mistake which which will house new depart¬ cost about $1 million because math library on the third floor was quickly corrected. As usual, the real bargains will be on the INSURE mental offices and a library of remodeling in the present of Wells After one night at a hotel Wells Hall is scheduled for completion by The first floor of the addition Siefert said the new wing will the students moved to dormitory¬ where it is COOL, CLEAN & COMFORTABLE Sept.. 1970 extend from the south side of like accomodations at several The addition, designed for will contain the math library, locations in London. The living the building towards the Inter¬ he offices of the Dept of Mathe¬ Siefert said that the library will conditions described as national Center. The square- were matics and an expanded math library is being built with funds awarded to MSU by the National Science Foundation (NSFi last be unique in that it will contain a light well < shaft» extending from the reading area of the library to the third floor of the shaped addition will be at an angle to Wells to prevent block¬ ing the view from windows on the south side of Wells. "adequate bv a to good at best British representative. The students were informed that last year's group from lag feffler CUSTOM SHOP addition. MSU had better accommoda¬ "It (the additioni is quite The second and third floors of the addition will contain fa- a bit different from the exist¬ tions. however their misconduct resulted in difficulty in finding east grand river on the campus ing building.'' Siefert said. "It harmonizes with the equally good hotels this year. building The students' conduct this year but it takes a different Citizen group approach." Charles P. Wells, chairman of the Dept. of Mathematics, said the addition will finally for educational give offices his department so we can all "enough be to¬ gether in one building. The Gov. Milliken has announced department offices are in Wells Cae$d& ledge and dedication concerning the appointment of two MSU education and we hope it will now. but some faculty members professors to a 40-member Cit¬ be an information pool to both have been housed in other build¬ izens Advisory Group to the th Commission and the Commis¬ ings. Governor s Commission on Ed¬ sion's staff as we move through Wells said the new library ucational reform a very busy summer and a final will be about four times larger Those appointed are Lloyd report by September 30th."" than the old one and will con¬ M. Cofer and Stanley E Hecker. he said tain about four times as many- professors of administration and Cofer predicted that the books. He said money for the higher education. main reforms suggested by the new books will come most¬ DINNER SALE The group, composed of Commission would be in the ly from the NSF grant and not educators and citizens who are area of finance. from the Universitv. experienced in the field of ed¬ ucation. have a dual respon¬ sibility Cofer said. "We sug¬ gest educational reforms to the commission that are pertinent TODAY THRU JULY 30 to education in Michigan and secondly we serve as a sound¬ ing board to the commision on all the reforms that are brought to their attention FALL IS HERE! The Governor was optimis¬ r. tic about the outcome of the Reform Commission IBRIDES SHOWCASE Fshowing is now lovely gowns for "Reg- Sale This group possesses a J the fall bride and her wed¬ great deal of experience, know- ding party. Stop by and pick up your copy SHOWCASE of the BRIDES fall fashion i.5i Chicken Dinner.90 guide as published in the OST LANSINGS SIDEWALK SALE current MAGAZINE. issue of BRIDES i.75 Shrimp Dinner 1.15 Free counsel for "perfect wedding" from staff that has advised 8000 your a Perch Dinner 1.00 U/ED. JULY 16 i.25 Fish Dinner .85 1047 E. Grand River -to 332-5081 East Lansing lUhlllllHlllllllUlllllllllltllllMIIIIIIHlJIf J Coupon ■■■■■■■•■■■■■■> • ■ This Coupon Good for ■ Where do you find Central Michigan's • ■ any Dinner at Sale Prices ! finest entertainment? The Harlequin! 2 I llttL S G— ON CAMPUS f B Z PICKUP PICKUP ONLY •■■■■■•■■■•■■•••■WITH THIS COUPON ^EXPIRES JULY 30 ■ ■ ONLY J K AIM IIPP ZJL J Conrvng this Sunday, July 20 only CALL % Jerry Murad's HARMONICATS I r S Off i direct from their recent Ed Sullivan TV • ■ ■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■ tI ' coupon /n ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i r ■ ^ ^Houi«-Full om of« Chick«nS s 337-1681? This Coupon Good for Now appearance. Don't miss this fantastic show! • ■ ; g sz. a*. | 1071 TROWBRIDGE RD. J appearing -- Wednesday through Saturday • S any Dinner at Sale Prices 5 5§ | NEAR HARRISON RD. J THE TOP NOTCHERS ?! j OFF CAMPUS f direct from CALL Z ' 0 the West Coast- Comedy-Impression the Works| J! PICKUP ONLY ^ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■WITH THIS COUPON* EXPIRES JULY 30«« ■ f||A||||| g 9UV If ■ ■ I$ 337-1631?• 3 J ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Cou porii■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ g pizza hi 3 1203 At The • ■ This Coupon Good for ■ ' 5 E.GRAND RIVER * METRO BOWL' f • ■ any Dinner at Sale Prices ■ _ # ■ ■ W/i...-.-TO55' 3 BLOCKS WEST corner of Logan & Jolly J ■ £iML Gastovu Pifya \ 0F HAGADOHN J A ! T ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■WITH THIS PICKUP ONLY ■ |621 W. MT. HOPE (Village % COUPONBEXPIRES JULY 30 ■■ Shopping Center) 3726330 f 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, 1969 Greenland whitelfinger CRAMS orientation EDITOR'S NOTE: When the I lav in the bathtub sucking Bessey to ostensibly admire Grin not so toothy now. hand and a small group of loyalists self-destruct in five seconds. " come again'' matchbooks, a Bic Agent Kuhn would go in with fact that everyone was in the the architecture, in Wonders Hall down a pitcher of gin and ton- brushing my a good deal less glad, he scam¬ are known to Back at my apartment I pen. a beat-up gym bag and a me as my mother to increase dark about Freshman Orienta- ic i not stirred, not shaken; cubes, teeth in the Red Cedar. I even¬ pered out of the building, al¬ be running a series of indoctrin¬ flipped through pictures of my raincoat. my freshmanic credibility. I tion came to light, Louie Ben- not crushed) when the phone tually made my way to the Live¬ most neglecting to stop and ation programs called Fresh¬ fellow operatives, setting aside "Carry the raincoat in the gym know she'd be up to it; after der, candidate tor University rang. Once, twice, twice-and half, stock Judging Pavillion. retrieve his pom-poms. man Orientation." No outsider has the ones I'd need: Kuh, Retz- bag and stuff your pockets with that drops and adds caper of president, jumped at the chance Well, I d been getting antsy, Glancing from behind a State actually confirmed this, since loff. Pavliscak. the other junk. Make sure they hers last fall there was no I stepped into the telephone Nottage. All ques¬ to see it for himself. Here, in anyway News I'd picked up in the se¬ Wonders is highly fortified and good; all perfect for the parts bulge." tion about her ability. booth and quickly popped off the the first of a three part se cond floor john of Berkey Hall. closely guarded "Roger." dial to reveal a spool of tape. they'd have to play. The operatives were all as¬ ies. Bender tells his own story. I determined I'd not been fol¬ "Yes, Louie9' I dropped two pennies into the My next trip was to G G signed specific tasks, too. The lowed. I slipped inside, being "Your mission, should you de¬ is the quartermaster. He issued "Never mind." quarter slot, opened the Lansing plan was set and.everybody left By LOUIE BENDER careful to hold my nose. cide to accept it. is to infil¬ me checkered pants, striped Back to the apartment. The to get their preliminary work State News Sleuth directory to page 19. I studied trate Wonders Hall, others Stepping smartly to the south¬ the man's participate yellow t-shirt, white socks, brown were waiting for me and done. I stayed and poured liquid It's lousy between missions. picture as the tape in Freshman Orientation, and east corner of the building I wing-tips, dark glasses, no belt. slopping down my gin and ton¬ steel about my nerves. I'd been sitting around East had the feeling I was being began to roll. ic. thoroughly mess up the minds This is what the freshman I had been oriented once, back Lansing getting soft, boning watched I was right. After "Good morning. Louie. The of Sabine and his minions. As We brainstormed, putting to¬ up is in 1963. Tomorrow I would try man you are looking at is Dr. turning out in this season." on Chaucer, International Com¬ you've been at this game for usual, if you or any of your gether all the information we he assured me. it again. I finished the gin. munism and as long as I have you develop Gordon A. Sabine. Vice Presi¬ farte is caught, the secretary had about freshman orientation, Astronomy-but dent for Special Projects at He also gave me a package TOMORROW: Behind these are only avocations. My that sort of thing. will disavow any knowledge of and came up with a plan to get Enemy of Silva Thins, four Thank you profession'.' Killer Of sacred He saw me first, but not Michigan State University. He your actions. This tape will cows, mostly. I'm usually as¬ first enough signed to the MSI' beat, where Green Physical Plant uniform, there are plenty of sacred cows. Plenty of about any kind of cows, white skin. Physical Plant, hell. He had that look about FLUID MOTION really Louie Bender is the him. I can spot an agent of name, but around the job I'm to the campus. Stopping to pick the Council for Reactionary Ad¬ Dance d known by my code number: a nosegay in the Horticulture ministrators at Michigan State 0.00 Garden, dallying in front of (CRAMS) glad hands a mile away. I hit the dirt and came Their and toothy grins tip me off every time right of the is in beauty oi the performance the free, fluid motion troupe Jean-Leon Destine, who wears his government's Cross "Of- by a magnificent goddess. Shir- Drummers Jacques Succes back up with mv eve looking ley Spiceur. assisted by Ben- and Albert Louisjeune demon¬ and form of bodies whos? superb- ficer Honneur et Merite." is jamin Steely and Louines Loui- strated the drums'powers. They at him from between the up- A standing-room only crowd lv defined muscles make them clearly the premier danseur nis The dance depicts the tra- made the instruments live. sing, raised index and middle fingers Packed Fairchild Theatre Mon- look like anatomical sculptures of his troupe, yet the others ditional ceremony of purifica- of my right hand Before he dav evening to enjoy the excite- talk, even breathe. One num¬ The influence of Afro-Haitian rival his mastery of the dance, tion and dedication that must ber was a conversation between could even select the proper rnent ar)d artistry of Jean-Leon dance on the Martha Graham Highlights of the evening in- Destine and his Afro-Haitian precede the use of the drum, a "Mama" and Papa" drums. Dance Company. school of modern dance is eluded Monsieur Destine s sacred instrument Beyond Another was a "contest" in I was spellbound. evident, if one observes hand. "Slave Dance." and the this, it is a hymn to the glories Both the which each drummer used all costumes and foot and leg movements. tism of the Drum." performed of the human form. of his ingenuitv-and most of lighting and the dancers and musicians them¬ his body-and. of course, neither selves were brilliant. could top the other. Proverbial love triangle tilts Dances ranged from the sec¬ In addition to the drum ular "Village Festival." a solos, the evening of dance was post-harvest celebration, to the punctuated by two solos by bitter social commentary of pennvwhistle player Herblee. "Slave Dance, to the sacred and an Afro chant. Hebraic Baptism of the Drum "Ceremony Bembe." Music is sung in Creole- and in Hugs and Kisses' spoof in quality, beautifully sung by drummer Jacques Succes. One of the most unusual r if you think you understand a bers was Jean-Leon Destine s bit of French, try your luck If hugs and kisses are spoof on the love triangle. brief, brilliant "Spider Dance at Creole French. For all represented by X's and O's Consistently funny lines and The dominant green light cov¬ Monsieur Destine meticulous then the movie Hugs and smooth dialogue make the show s ered the stage and the dancer, diction. I Kisses." playing at the State quite listenable whose form caught about every was delicately high¬ 5th word Theatre, is a sort of marital After a series of lies about lighted by pale red The The dancers would make fine tic-tlc-toe game. Two men fight his occupation. Taube admits lights were angled so that it out for the big prize-the to his newlv-acquired girl that Monsier Destines body pro¬ yogis: the body control required wife of one of them he's "just an author." She by their rigorous repertoire jected a second, taller dancer The men are played by Hakan looks him over briefly, frowns, in red. on the plain backdrop, equals that in the most dis¬ Serner. who is fine as the cold shrugs and says. "That's all the spidery movements and cos¬ ciplined of yoga routines. Part husband, and by Sven-Bertil right. I think it will work out tume were thus emphasized, Taube. whose portrayal of the and the effect was of a moving oh-so sensitive writer is es¬ The photography makes the painting pecially good. Hi: show more watchable. On an Haitian culture is unique in and timing are delightful obviously limited budget the While Agneta Ekmanner the bachelor wins the girl. performance of the \ And two. the director is also the screenwriter. He's married a ment lack of with ^fcihisticated lots of equip- cinematic dances combine primitive At rican ritual with influences be up to the level of the others, it's still quite satisfactory, and to his beautiful leading lady, imagination The shots are from Spain and the 18th cen- the photography of her makes and he began his career as a direct. simple and well-con- tury French Court The re- up for any inadequacies motion picture critic. trolled. Unable to use fancy su^ *s a culture richly varied Two things are especially Director-writer Jonas Cor¬ and expensive lenses and cam- by the blending of seemingly heartening about this film One. nell has written a very funny eras, the photographers are paradoxical elements: the forced to make the most with openly erotic blends with the what thev have. They succeed proper, the elegance ot court admirably. ritual blends with the fluid The show has its bad points, freedom of pagan ritual however It fails to sustain its Jean-Leon Destine obviously opening rapid-fire pace through- leads his company, but he out. The story begins to drag doesn't force the dancers into when the bachelor-author begins submission carrying on with his typing There is no can-can line teacher. Every now and then the synchronization Even when story drifts and the viewer is costumes and basic movements caught trying to figure out if are the same there is har- hrfe know what's going on. mony. but not unison. They're going crazy. Hugs A perfect beginning for and Kisses" is a nuttv show MSl's 1969 Fine Arts Fes- about three nutty people. It's tival. We who were lucky well - conceived and well- enough to sit or stand in executed A most entertaining Fairchild Theatre Monday even- film. ing will be back for more. o e L L s Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, li?§9 ]1 nutrition stressed Aides advise rural mo By LIZ DO UP helped and have an ability to supplies with her on visits to be helped presents no prob¬ establish a rapport with them. and, if they are needed, they lems, Mrs. Humphrey said. MSU employes do ,atomic Four aides have served in are given to the mother. The aides may know families research, write prize-winning Ingham county since the pro¬ "If a family is bothered by personally. Names are also sub¬ essays and discover miracle gram was started here in April. a more immediate problem than mitted by schools, public health drugs, but they ^don't forget Mrs. Humphrey, who has been a balanced diet, you're not going nurses and the Dept. of Social the rural woman who needs help with MSU extension for the to get very far with a muffin Services. in the kitchen. past year, explained the mul¬ recipe," Mrs. Humphrey said. The University's Extension "There could be other prob¬ Family Living Education pro¬ tiple effects of the program. • lems like a leaking roof, no BRAMS AB Emphasis is placed on good gram. supported by local co¬ health through nutrition." she electricity or a complaining operative extension groups and said. Aides are trained for three landlord." The aide is en¬ the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, couraged to help in solving weeks in that field plus child- provides aides for families care. meal and household man¬ these problems. whose resources and home- Finding families who want agement. family relations and making skills are not suffi¬ food preparation. Keeping your cool cient for maintaining a satis¬ factory standard of living. Training takes place on a PLANETARIUM Everybody from the heat. ages two to 22 learns how to beat Spartan Village youngsters get together " You have to have a leader county level by college gradu¬ ates schooled in those areas. Variety show In their pint-sized wader, while students take a who can get to the group." About one-third of the Lois H. Humphrey, director of Presents: break by the Olympic pool at the Men's IM. State News Photos the extension program, said. teaching done in Ingham coun¬ ty is done by MSU gradu¬ on WMSB by John Harrington Aides are taken from the same economic level as those being ates. "The aides, who usually have does its thing Footprints On had. on the average, three years of high school, get an educa¬ The Moon nesting studied tion themselves," she said. Flowers "Gee!" "Oooh' interspersed with . "Super1" and A It is a paying job with funds Wow!" flash across the screen special experience at a special moment provided by the U.S. Dept. of as WMSB's special show, "our Turtles offer Agriculture. Summer Thing", comes on the In history. Be aboard By MARJORIE Rl'PP A lot of eggs are laid along the eggs and covering them, snap that a person or animal can biology ly to determine age. course be depended on when the tur- The aides work six hours day. five days a week. This puts them into the labor force and helps financially. a air. The program asst. as a is described by producer Chuck Demery half-hour summer variety a the simulated voyage to moon and explore the lunar mysteries at this unique instant In she returns to the water and approach the nesting turtle with- It just isn't known how long tie is in early development: show with psychedelic transi¬ the annals of man. the Red Cedar They all aren't Working on a person-to- ign< res them. out disturbing it. this particular species lives." in later development, these rings tions. 'he common snapping tur- person basis directly in the from MSU ducks gn tropical islands where Hensley said. Rings can only are crowded or worn off." homes, they may go grocery The program is directed to¬ Program Schedule This strictly free Univer- tie lays anywhere from 8 to turtle eggs are used as food. Due to shopping with the mother to ward the Lansing audience. special Interest In sitv course in biology is being 80 ^ggs. averaging about 25. the natives catch the eggs as the help her select proper foods. Apollo 11 program Demery said. Two paintings stolen offered by the snapping tur- Mai M Hensley. professor they are being laid The turtle They demonstrate simple but nu¬ "Footprints on the Moon" ties. ot zoology and specialist in then covers the nest as though It offers how-to-do-its on cook¬ will be presented every day The first class was held li tritionally rich recipes from ing. golf and sailing plus fash¬ petology. said. The eggs, it were full at 2:30 and 8:00 p.m. and recently when a group of stu- med by the sun. hatch in supplies they take with them ion shows from local business. additional Sunday pro¬ from Kresge collection v an The belief that a turtle sheds into the homes There also children's games, dents gathered on the bridge by lit three months depending on are a for each egg gram through July 27. the Computer Center to watch e ironmental conditions, a tear she lays 'They're very willing to traveling tips, vocal entertain¬ This weekend only: Free is a legend a large female turtle deposit he nesting habits of a tur- make these changes." she added. ment and a calendar of events N.A£.A space mobile lec¬ Officials of Kresge Art Gal- scape." Completed in 1848 her eggs in the bank t are purely instinctive. A It could possibly have start- "We tell them why their eating for both Michigan and the Lan¬ tures in conjunction with iery report that two paintings and valued at $200 in 1962. A female turtle digs her nest t le never knows its parents with the fact that sea tur- have been st0len from the gal- it is a 6" bv 8 oil on oak habits are bad. show them how sing area Planetarium Program: in soft ground 3 to 75 feet ; is never taught to ties secrete tears to keep their lery s permanent collection. One to change and they do. " Headed by producer Stew Pol- Fri. July 18, 7 p.m. panel and is also encased in a from the water After laving ti The ong eyes from drying when they of the paintings is valued at over lak. the crew is composed of Sat. July 19, 1:30, 3:30, 7p.m. help doesn't always have • moulded gold frame Pale blues The out of water laying eggs." $2,700. both students and regular WMSB Sun., July 20, 1:30, 5 p.m. and light browns predominate to do with food." Mrs. Hum¬ Hensley said. and it has Gallery director Paul Love The paintings, which were in phrey continued. Sometimes employes. carried to :\ude other Information 355-46*^2 Quality buys over told University police that the storage since March, are re- the homemakers need assistance The show is broadcast on Chan¬ Abrams Planetarium, Sci¬ paintings were first noticed ported to be worth considera- in housecleaning. especially the nel 10 Mondays and Thursdays ence Rd. and Shaw Lane, The most dangerous time of missing from a locked vault bly more than their 1962 value, kitchen. The aide takes cleaning at 7 p.m. and repeated Tuesdays a turtle's life is immediately the gallery's basement last MSU, East Lansing. and Fridays at noon. annual Sidewa after it hatches. The soft shell leaves it hatchling's open to month. Several members of the Art Department were reported * Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT only Lansing Sidewalk Sale a big day for ev- get out on the side- Since there was no evidence * ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MASTERPIECE NORTHSIDENow PKIVE-IN THE At HE ,th,;u■ s«- ^ust 4 and show their wares." Skunks, raccoons and other Wii r of t ing "real good savings downtown merchants, Westgate of Marshall Mu- i a mamals dig up the eggs of the nrrrrc ... °f breaking and entering. Love , , . f delaved alerting police . ~ REBECCA academy awards * MHm North •«US-27..482-7409 B'9 Days place all day today id. Most stores, he added, tresh-water .. .. turtles or often. " including best picture EXCLUSIVE event that one of the facultv be open wait for them to *dth Laurence from 9:30 a m Oliver, Joan Fontaine, Leo G. Carroll^ be' laid "snakes' a"r'e "anoiher .had "»'*d ,h* P"1"'' 7 and 9:15 104B Wei Is 50c ID not required >d by the Greater predator They often follow the and had not record,,d lhe also chapter 7 of the HURRICANE E XPRESS female turtle on her way to ing Chamber of Corn- The larger of the two paint¬ Thurs. Frankenstein sale involves all dig her nest. ings. valued at $2,700 in 1962. Fri.-Sat. Billy Budd East Lansing's re- Turtles live longer than any is a work by George Inness. and River and in other backboned animal, entitled "The Coming Storm." unding area. Goods to turtle living in the Red Cedar painted in 1889 and the •some at cost-are lar- has good chance for a long a predominate colors are brow merchandise arti-. "| ' u jjfe because it is protected on and subdued greens. The paint- cleared be- University property Turtles ing The Beal Film ( present Alfred Hitchcock's I >uring the sale M A C. Aven¬ becca" at 7 and 9:15 ti ue between Grand River and of the shell adds a ring for in 104 B Wells Admissi Albert Avenues will be blocked each year's growth. But this missing is a painting by Peter 50 cents and ID s are n traffic can't be depended on exclusive- Paul Schiedges entitled Sea- quired This is dR. ZAius. bRiLLiANT SCiENTiST. EMiNENT ThEOLOQIAN. liE WARNS: bEWARE OFMAN ThE bEAST. Munt hiM dOWN. caqe hiM. For manisathreat to civilization on the planet 20Th CENTURY-fox SHOWN TWICE at 8:27- Late illey m of the ftb Doiis 20th CENTURY-FOX Presents IVIDWEISBART . PANAVISION* COLOR by DeLUXE 2ND at 10:27 Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 16, 1969 Sex education be obscured by those who would p (continued from page one) O'Neil recommended that five beginning sex educati before ciety has organized political of Michigan Schools, are using it additional hearings be held in the the advent of puberty use the issue to further their own front committees around the sex as a makes it " impossible for board weapon against State School area of Southeastern Michigan. "We don't teach kids to drive political ends." education issue Superintendent Ira W. Polley." members to attend all the meet¬ until they're old enough to get "This tendency to take the ings ' He also criticized Levin said "there is a danger O'Neil called for the resigna¬ Polley for a driver's license," he said. question of sex education out of He criticized lack of an ade¬ that it will become a political tion of Polley at the last board failing to send to public libraries Also commenting on the issue its school context and use it as quate number of copies of guide¬ football, to be bounced around meeting at which sex education "the guidelines I proposed and of sex education. State Sen. San¬ a sort of club in the political lines for the public and the which the State Board of Educa¬ without regard for the welfare guidelines were presented to the der M. Levin. D-Berkley, issued arena has appeared in Michi¬ scheduling of some of the meet¬ and educational needs of the board. tion also accepted for review at gan." he said. "Currently a ings in the early afternoon "at a warning that an objective dis¬ children of this state. " the public hearings." cussion of the merits of sex edu¬ member of the State Board of O'Neil denied Tuesday that he times inconvenient for large cation regulations issued by the Education and a citizens' orga¬ has any connection with the numbers of parents, particularly The Republican board mem¬ ber said his chief objection is to State Dept. of Education "may nization, the so-called Friends John Birch Society. fathers." Federal exemptions short state citizen HEALTH AND Lansing (UPI»--A member schools and colleges, of some the Michigan House says conducting research shows he has more been than He said the federal ment owns 35 of land in Michigan valued at govern- million acres BEAUTY $9 billion worth of property $1 billion and owns more than in Michigan is exempted from 6,000 buildings valued at an DISCOUNTS taxation. additional $600 million. State Rep. George A. Pres- rr , I cott. R-Tawas City, said Mon- Treasury figures show the 1 (1K€ TttC alQfll* • • • day figures furnished him by state owns $1 billion worth the State Treasurer's Office of additional property and that to Revere's. A cool beer between < indicate more than $6 billion city- county and other govern- ... will quench summer thirst and restore ac of this total involves property mental property exemptions to- FOR THE endeavor. State News photo by Carl owned by public and private talThe $700 million. said these Tawas City lawmaker exemptions total $9.3 billion on their own and do not Entire Family include exemptions granted to Honduras - El Salvador war senior citizens and veterans Prescott said the total real (continued from page one* President Fidel Sanchez Her- These feelings came to a head an(* Person property valuation 17 0Z. - REG, 1.39 A Honduran radio broadcast nandez of El Salvador met with last month during a three-game in Michigan is $35 million and Tuesday morning advised resi¬ his Cabinet in an emergency soccer match to determine exemptions total some dents of San Salvador to evacu- three-hour session, then an¬ which team would plav in the 30 Per cent of the tQtal when .SCOPE te the city because important nounced he had ordered his ar- World Cup matches. ' all exemptions are counted. installations would be my "to exercise the right of MOUTHWASH Following the second game. Prescott said one example legitimate defense " lost by Honduras in El Salvador of the "tax revolt" came in a AND GARGLE r-.iio announcement The fighting was the climax of after winning the first at home, recent survey he took in his ivador said El Salva- the Honduras government com- district on the question of whe- several weeks of rapidly deteri¬ ipable of retaliating plained that the country's na- ther the tax burden for local orating relations. any bombs were tional symbols had been dese- schools should be shifted to the i! lpital city. The two countries have eyed • crated by Salvadorean fans and income tax. ,1 reports said the each other suspiciously for that Honduran fans attending port of San Lorenzo years. the game were beaten up. a unned during the A good deal of the ill feeling 12 0Z. REG. 890 Sharma . - This was followed by a series -erious damage to stems from the resentment of , , . . . „ , but no word on casual- Hondurans against the nearlv of v,olent incidents in Honduras PHILLIPS ties was available 300.000 Salvadoreans living ,n "'h,"h (continued from page one) Two other Honduran towns re- their country. Most of the Salv the grant and two days after the PHILLIPS' The third game, won Milk of portedly suffered a high num- dorean immigrants are peas- by El Sal- awarding was made public- MAGNESIA ber of casualties from Salvador¬ ants who have gone to Honduras vador. 3-2. was played in Mexico Muelder said his office "took Magnesia ean air attacks, but again no fig¬ in search of land-something City The wave of violence the initiative that started this ures were available They were that cannot be obtained in their spread throughout Honduras last exchange HEW did not re- Ocotepeque. a town of about small and overpopulated coun- and a massive flow of refugees Inquest further information from 5.000. and Santa de Copan. with began flowing back into El Sal- the I'niversity about Sharma aft .500 residents. vador er it rescinded his grant. Why A Pay Why Pay More! A Why 24's- REG. 1.25 ALLEREST CLEAMNCE SALE! ALLERGY TABLETS 2 0Z. - REG. 1.25 5 0Z.-REG. 1.75 SALE! Ladies'Assorted TANYA SUNTAN OIL MEDI-QUIK SUNBURN COOLER SPORTSWEAR t 7 0Z. - REG. 1.25 MAN-POWER CLEARANCE 1 SUPER DRY DEODORANT 1 30'S- REG. 1.98 PAMPERS FS? 99 Disposable Diapers DAYTIME 10 0Z. - REG. B5C MAVIS TALC 20'l- REG. SBC FEEN-A-MINT 4 0Z. - REG. 1.65 11 0Z. - REG. 1.01 CHEWING GUM LAXATIVE CALADRYL RAID SPRAY ANT & ROACH SPRAY 4.5 0Z. VITAMIN-E 1.99 BACTINE Let Us Fill Your Next ANTISEPTIC SPRAY PRESCRIPTION s AT OUR LOW PRICESI LOW, Sal* days thru Sunda) Wednesday, July 16, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan State News State News Classified Classified 355-8255 You get sure-fire results when you use WANT ADS. Call 355-8255 to place your ad. 355-8255 For Rent For Sale Employment TROWBRIlX;E APARTMENTS for 2 NEW FURNISHED 5 bedroom house EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- FREE A thrilling hour of beautv nit sis .The State News does not For Summer-$130 fall-$160 Lease in East Lansing for rent to faculty Ranger mini-8. $59 95 and up appointment call 484-4519 MERLE w permit racial pr religious 351-7399 10-7/25 or married students Faculty pre Lear Jet, $69 95 and up MAIN NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 discrimination in its ad¬ ferred From September 69 ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsyl East Michigan C-7 17 TO WORK FOR YOU vertising columns. The HASLETT DESIRABLE 2-bedroom RIVERS EDGE-Several 4-man apart September '70 Rent $300 State News will not accept deluxe Near shopping Families or ments available for fall 332-4432 1-7 1 RENT A TV from a TV Company- married students Will accept 2 6-7/18 BIRTHDAY CAKES-7 $3 64 8 $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ children Lease, deposit $150 plus EAST LANSING-2-bedroom. unfum $4 18 9 $5 20 Delivered KWAST NEJAC TV RENTALS C • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, electricity 337-7618 7-7 18 WATERS EDGE-Several 4-man apart ished. 2 fireplaces, dishwasher BAKERIES, 484-1317 C-7 17 race, color or national or¬ NEW GE portables and stands rented ments available for fall. 332-4432 garage, screened porch, recreation • FOR RENT ONLY to MSI' students and faculty room $220 J.R. CULVER COMPANY SEWING MACHINE clearance sale igin. 6-7/18 • FOR SALE $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE 351-8862 C-7 28 Brand new portables--$49 95 $5.00 EAST LANSING—comfortable. older MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 • LOST & FOUND NEAR SPARROW Hospital. Modern per month Large selection of re English colonial. 7 rooms. $22,000 Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C NORTH WIND 2-bedroom Rooms conditioned used machines Singers. 332-8734 5.7 17 • PERSONAL Air-conditioned Summer New Home and FARMS or year lease Call Lloyd Ber- Whites. Necchis, • PEANUTS PERSONAL TV RENTALS G.E. 19 portable- many others.'' $19 95 to $39 95 EAST LANSING-Glencairn, 7-room Faculty Apartments gren, 484-9876 " 3-7 17 AVAILABLE AUGUST 3rd-Clea Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING • REAL ESTATE Automotive 3 bedroom Den. full basement, • SERVICE 351-7880 STODDARD APARTMENTS Now rent COMPANY. 1115 North Washington garage. 2 fireplaces, vinyl-siding, 489-6448 C-7 IT extras Red convert ' ing for fall 1-bedroom close to By owner 351-0390. after • TRANSPORTATION TRIUMPH 1966--TR4-A ible Extras Phone 627-7158 3-7 16 EAST LANSING-Close to MSU and campus, laundry, balconies, sound¬ • WANTED ENCYCLOPEDIAS-TWENTY volume Frandor Beautiful 1-bedroom. un¬ proofed 332-0913; 332-2920 3-7/17 GIRLS ROOM Summ TV RENTALS-Students only Low set of Encyclopedia International VOLVO 1965-544 Good condition monthly and term rates Call 484 furnished Carpeting, drapes, air- blocks from Union 1967 Edition' Like new Best offer Service $800 Call Birmingham. 313-642 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS: Quiet DEADLINE 1094 3-7 17 2600 to reserve vours UNIVERSITY conditioning. full kitchen, parking, area, 1-bedroom Furnished or un¬ takes. 663-3475 2-7 16 laundry Utilities except electricity PAINTING AND decorating -Ext TV RENTALS ( furnished. Call ED 2-1703 3-7/17 Laundry, balconies, se¬ 1 P.M. one class day be¬ STEREO COMPONENTS - Garrard curity locks, color TV, carpeted fore publication. Auto Service & Parts RENT A TV from a TV Company- halls. September leases available turntable, amplifier, 2 speakers $9 00 per month. Call 337-1300 EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large 351-4691.332-2920 3-7/17 Best offer After 6 p.m. 351 Cancellations - 12 noon one NEJAC TV RENTALS C 5-7/21 ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA furnished, studio apartments. Car 0818 class day before publica¬ MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small peting. air-conditioning, stove and tion. dents to large wrecks American refrigerator $140 Call EDWARD SIX-YEAR crib and mattress-$25 and foreign cars Guaranteed work (; HACKER COMPANY. 485 2262 8 a m.-5 p.m . call 355-5024 After 482 1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished or Mrs Steele 485-3774 15-7 22 5 30 p.m . 372-6652 3-7 17 alterations. gowns, PHONE With swimming pool Heat paid East Lansing making-experienced MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN LANSING-TWO-Bedroom. fireplace, Management For Sale 355-8255 mazoo Street Since 1940 AGEMENT. 351 7880 C furnished, parking $140 482-8163. Company Complete auto painting and colli 489-7861 4-7 18 RATES sion service IV 5-0256 C EAST LANSING near 908 East Mount Typing Service Pool side Hope 2-bedroom Whole second floor BARBI MEL Typing, multili of Apartments 1 day >1.50 Avaition lovely home Furnished $175. For Students 3-7 18 No job too large or too : including utilities 372-8876 or 332 SIAMESE-BEWITCHIN Blues Char Block off campus 332-3255 15tf per word per day 3161 3-7 18 FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to min Chocolates. Captivatin Cin¬ 3 days $4.00 WE JUST bought 300 used vacuum ANN BROWN learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE'" FURNISHED EFFICIENCY-available cleaners-Tanks. cannisters. and namons. Saucv Sealpoints. $10 each Typist and mu 13 l/2tf per word ner day KALAMAZOO. EAST 836 First floor Special $5 offer 484-1324 ( Call ED2-5859. after6:30p m 2-7 17 uprights Many of these less than 5 days $6.50 $85^663-8418 3-7 17 1 year old All attachments go with I3tf per word per day Scooters & Cycles machines. All sales include 1 vear NICE MALE kitten House-broken PENNSYLVANIA South-Spacious 1- warranty Prices start at $8 00 Very playful Well-marked tiger •(basea on iu words per ad) bedroom. furnished Carpeting through¬ EAST LANSING-Okemos Deluxe 1 337-2584 1-7 16 DEMERITT-COY. professional thesis BEST POWER for t^monev Honda PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, just of DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Everything and 2-bedroom furnished and un¬ typists Multilith oftset There' will be a 50tf service solo 'Near able Sparrow Hospital' Avai out Air-conditioning cept electricity $150 J R " CULVER ex¬ furnished. Carpeting and air-condi 316 from North Cedar. Lansing, across City Market Phone 482 Top quality service printing Days. 393- and bookkeeping charge if August and September Studio COMPANY. 351-8862 C-7 28 tioning From $130 J.R CULVER 0795. Evenings. 351-0995 X5-7 21 2677 C-7 18 this ad is not paid within COMPANY 351-8862 Rosie. 351 one week. 7894 C-7<28 MAGNAVOX PORTABLE s THESES OFFSET PRINTING typ¬ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Sou arate GERMAN SHEPHERD 7 months, ing and binding Lowest prices avail¬ Hea speakers Beautiful EAST LANSING-deluxe studio, 1 diamond needle ED 2-5431 house broken, friendly, well trained, able Located across from campus The State News will be 482-6968 and 2-bedroom furnished Air-con¬ shots 351-3298 5-7 22 responsible only for the MSI NEAR Furnished a ditioning Swimming pool From DINING TABLE-$20 2 first day's incorrect inser- $125 J R CULVER COMPANY 351-8862 C-7 28 paid Call 372-5529. after 6 p n OKEMOS--ONE FRANDOR LUXURY 2-bedroom. un¬ TIGER KITTENS-7 weeks old Will TYPING ACCURATE Term papers furnished. carpeting, air-condition¬ deliver litter to vour door Call ing Available immediately. Wilshire 655-3272 3-7 16 711 EAST Arms, 157 J.R CULVER COMPANY 711 Burcham Dr. 351-8862 Rosie. 351-7894 C-7 28 SAINT BERNARD puppies Born Mem AUSTIN HEALY 3000 1961 \1< New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ orial Day. Good dispositions Ready Call 355-5900 1-7 16 chanically excellent Call 351-5861 CAMELOT DELUXE 1-bedroom furn¬ ished 3 leasing for before noon 332-5253. after 8 p rr THREE MAN. fall now man 1 apts. year or 9 mo. ished, carpeting, air-conditioning, TENOR SAXAPHONE-Paris Selmer ingsg g 5-7 18 PAULA ANN HaUGHEY A unique storage, laundry $150 J.R CUL¬ quality thesis service IBM typing VER COMPANY351-8862 C-7 28 AKC REGISTERED Alaskan Malamutes multilith printing and hard binding. 1966 ALLSTATE 250cc included Call Gabe. 351-7106 3-7 16 IV 9-9651 or 1 white. 1 black. Males Readv to $225 firm 482-5170 351-3525 go 694-0778. mornings or even¬ tion SUNGLASSES. SAFETY or tempered ings 5-7 18 CORVAIR 1961-Automatic, low mile HASLETT-ON E - Bed ro LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy lens or any optical needs OPTI Wanted carpeted $85. incl EAST LANSING-Furnished. 1-bed CAL DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michi age Mechanically good With radio 339-2201. 339-2964 COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham Avenue C-7/18 Mobile Homes BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for and snow tires $190 355-1040 3-7 18 and Alton Brand new deluxe 1- room Carpeting, redecorated, cur¬ gan tains garage $140 plus utilities TAKE OVER payments 1968. 12 X all positive A negative. B negative FURNISHED TWO-Bedroom air 1655 Coolidge Road Call 372-8876 DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and Active. Small down and AB negative $104H» () nega¬ ,CORVAlR 1962, Monza Automatic E mployment conditioned, al. graduate students, college fa- 60 . payment $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ carpeted, garage $190 engagement ring sets Save 50 per 676-4731 5-7 18 tive New tires Air-conditioned $300 ITY BLOOD CENTER 507'^ East including utilities Call 351-5312 3-7 18 ALSO, other Phone 351-5399 after 5 p m 4-7 16 SIMMER HAPPENING Grand River East Lansing EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 Above Experienced secretaries typists to Imarigold apartments WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 work on temporary assignments 911 Marigold Ave. East Michigan 485-4391 C 9 a m to 3 30 pm Mondav Tues Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-7 17 today s Classified Ads day, Wednesday, and Friday Thurs- New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ 10 p m ished 2-man OKEMOS-LUXURY 1 and 2-bedroo 1968 RICHARDSON MSI PROFESSOR desires responsi¬ apartments. unfurnished Central air Carp ble woman days week, starting to and September sit light with toddler 3 housekeeping Pay -good 332 Across street from campus. Leasing now for fall. 1 year or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 ing deck, throughout swimming Dishwasher, si pool Suburb 200 MSU STUDENTS 332-2335. TWO-MAN furnished apart CAN'T BE WRUNG AMERICAN ditioner 351-0035 10X36 Storage shed New Near Personal MKI)I< \I. TEX VAILABLE TIL Septer TV RENTALS $8 50 per month including Call J R CULVER COMPA: GE 19 p Camp us FIAT 1200-red :onditi rough work experience lary rsonnel. Apply or call Sparrow 487-6111. Excellent Hospital exten University Villa 635 Abbott Rd. Holiday Anartments Near MSL and Frandor, large Hil Your Best Buy 2777 LADY NEEDED for • in a 2 and 3 person apartments 2 bedroom apartments, gas FIREBIRD CONV ERTIBLE ing and light housew (2 ,bedroom flexible units), heat, disposals, children wel¬ air Must sacrifice, mak furnished and completely car¬ come, air conditioning, car- • Party lounge 569 Haslett Road 655-2383 peted, air conditioning, 5 blocks from • Luxury Furnishings campus, 9 or 12 351-0772 FORD -1956 Automatic, pow month lease. • Large apartments isporL 351-375 351-7910 < all 332-4151 Halstead Management J.R. Culver Co. J.R. Culver Co. area erson at 143 North 3120 Holiday Drive 351-7910 217 Ann St. 351-8862 Call 351 3297 Halstead Managem3nt 217 Ann St. 351-8862 i ' MAI.IBt 196; THEY'VE ALREADY SIGNED _S CROSSWORD PUZZLE JLOSE|0,8l T Fill LEASES AT EXCITING ACROSS 34. Emblem [NI'SA NMP I L" AM' I 'C'EBA L^L UPfE oms B'l ERMAL.L PiAN MlESjS or part-time Automobile Phone THE SOC IETY CORPORATION 337-1349. 8 a m to 5pm required O MEADOWBROOK 5 T R I N:G ■Ms eaMg'ee se A6 AT EMhu^H OLDSMOBILE 1963 -Starfire convert YlREMOVA'L ible low mileage $500 484 8984 good condition 3-5 17 Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments TRACE BUS A I 5 T U D I vowMR 1 T k] Oj B I 60T IcFadden HOWARD JOHNSONS (ozone are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive HARASS Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ TRELE T !W ERE DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED PLYMOUTH 1965-Sports Fury 383 REGISTERED NURSE Openin washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central V-8 Coppertone All extras Ex r conditioning. These 4-man units have Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and cedent condition $1,000 372-4292 after 5pm 5-7 17 , Apply PROVINCIAL HOUSE 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- appliances ; drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ Mrs Parkei dent's leisure time has been adequately STUDENT - PLANNED planned for with a giant heated swind¬ T' 6 7 8 9 '° 3' * ling pool, recreation rooms and priv- te balconies. If you want to be among RECREATION FACILITIES ' Z % i 13 % 12 cAorth " * the first residents of Tw/ckingham call Featuring olympic pool with sauna, tennis courts % 16 16 ^ Pointe APTS. today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. LUXURY FEATURES <4 % ^ Fall leases available Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and 17 18 20 21 22 %23 xufF* balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water •9 ~ Model Open 10-6 % Va Beechwood Ants. r Hon RD- Phone 332-6441 furnished, laundry in each building ALL MAINTENANCE FREE 24 30 25 26 %1 31 32 28 d 33 29 34 1130 Beech St. % Furnished and carpeted, air tStopctunnftam See for yourself! Large new beautiful 2 bedroom- 2-bathroom apartments forfourfrom $60/month 35 39 36 %40 37 38 %%% 41 42 conditioning, disposals, blocks from campus, 9 or 12 5 • 9-month lease at 4620 S. Hagadorn per person. Model open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. 45 % 46 47 month lease. no extra charge FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES 11-3; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from 48 49 i so MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exit—right to Meadowbrook Trace phone 393-0210. i 52 i 53 1j Identical Halstead Management J.R. Culver Co. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 482-3379 or 51 % % 14. Apprehend 15. Simple sugar By Kassuba, the Nation's H\ Landlord. 16. Article 351-7910 NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES 217 Ann St. 351-8862 Wednesday, July 16, 1969 ^ 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FRENCHETTE ITALIAN POLLY ANNA'S FINEST FRENCH, or 1000 ISLAND QUALITY, SPLIT TOP DRESSMG BREAD ;%PTLS- $1 ' £B WT - i ^ J *iLvi- I polly ann a 91 rACK W J7 3301 EAST MICHIGAN AVE. 32 OZ. WT. 15417 NORTH EAST ST. Hwy. 27 JAR 921 WEST HOLMES MAD l> STORE HOURS: OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:A.M. • 10: P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS 10:A.M. - 7 P.M. country fresh french country fresh lemon chiffon ONION DIP 39' ICECREAM half-gal. country r-"resh !ce cream ^ 8-fl. oz. ctn., 8-fl. oz. ctn., country c fresh FUDGE BARS 4V WHIP. CREAM A EANSER BUTTER SAUCE PACK Thank You Brand Foods S; SPARTAN FR02EN SPICY APPLESAUCE VEGETABLES TASTY PRUNE PLUMS GREEN BEANS, CUT GREEN ASPARAGUS 3 '$;? CORN, PEAS OR FRENCH GREEN BEANS With Almonds 4 MIXED VEGETABLES FINGERLING CARROTS 4 PEAS WITH ONIONS 4 91 C 20-OZ. WT. EACH FREE Pitcher with 10 pkgs. at FOR broadcast chili HOT 006 SAUCE K.'SS1-1! 9—oz. wt. jar . . . french's MUSTARD jar 1! r- 1 1 13-oz. wt. bag, vita boy POTATO CHIPS 49' Limit one bag. Coupon good at Eberhard's with a five dollar or more food purchase mich. home grown through Sunday July 20. BLUEBERRIES 39