Thursday MICHIGAN Cloudy STATE NEWS A little rebellion . . . . . . . . now and then ... is STATE ■ . and cooler, chance of thun- medicine dershowers, temperatures in the a necessary for the sound health of government. UNIVERSITY mid-80's. f-Thomas Jefferson Vol. 62 Number 21 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 17,1969 When you wish upon a star. .. Perfect Apollo 11 blast off relieves watchful nation SPACE CENTER. Houston was a lonely enterprise," he a burst of signals from the So¬ said. viet spaceship just before (AP> -- Three men wearing "But today, the miracles of American flags on their left Apollo 11 roared into space. sleeves rocketed away from space travel are matched by Some believe Luna 15 is to the miracles of space commu¬ earth Wednesday, July 16. soft-land, scoop up lunar soil nications: even across the vast and bring it back to earth. 1969. to take mankind's most lunar distance, television daring step into the unknown, a walk on the moon. brings the moment of discov¬ Everything was perfect for Their major maneuvers ery into our homes, and makes Apollo 11. after a countdown all of us participants," that was always on or ahead went off without a hitch. From of schedule. Two and a half the minute they blasted off Discovery could come soon¬ hours after launch, a final from Cape Kennedy. Fla.. at er for a Soviet spaceship. Lu¬ rocket burn broke the grip 8:32 a.m.--a shade over half na 15. unmanned and with the of earth's gravity and sent a second late-their troubles were all small. barest of information available Armstrong. Aldrin and Collins on its mission, was nearing the toward the waxing crescent Civilian Neil A. Armstrong. moon. Britain's Jodrell Bank moon, a scant 100 hours away. Air Force Col. Edwin E Al- Radio Observatory reported (Please turn to page 9) drin Jr.. and Air Force Lt. Col Michael Collins tried but failed to televise pictures to earth. The cause was not known, to be on but the trouble seemed earth. Nixon sets pro On the other hand, the course of Apollo 11 was so accurate that a planned cor¬ recting maneuver was skipped. By launch time more than a to declare spa million people had flocked 10 WASHINGTON (AP (--Presi¬ ties of states and cities-ana the beaches around Cape Ken¬ dent Nixon urged Wednesday private employers-to make nedy. Television via satellite that all Americans be given a similar arrangements. and ground relay beamed the Tn past ages," Nixon's proc¬ holiday Monday to celebrate launch to an estimated 528 mil¬ the scheduled first footfall of lamation said. 'exploration lion people in at least 33 na¬ man on the moon-- "a moment w^s a lonely enterprise. But tions around the world. of transcendent drama." today, the miracles of space Because Nixon's legal powers travel are matched by mira¬ His confidence buoyed by the to declare an extra national cles of space communications: smoothness of the flight. Pres¬ even across the vast lunar dis¬ holiday are limited, he issued ident Nixon urged all Ameri¬ tance. television brings the a proclamation declaring Mon¬ cans to make Monday a holi¬ day to be a "National Day of moment of discovery into our day so they could watch the Participation." homes, and makes all of us first men walk on the moon in participants. Except for essential employes the early hours of that day. in national security and pub¬ i call upon all of our people His announcement came with that historic day. to join II rapped in a soft, ethereal i>lou, Mother h.arth. promt am! confident. Hatches lic service areas, all federal on the flight barely six hours old. in prayer for the successful con¬ tpolio \l and its creiv, symbolic of man's technological princess, on its workers will be excused from incredible journey to nature's, and her men. satellite, the moon. Tn past ages exploration their jobs on that day. clusion of Apollo li s mission And Nixon urged the authori¬ and the safe return of its crew." HOPE FOR BEST VIPs invade Cape; view Apollo launch CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. < AP) Ten representatives of the --"It's kind of like standing "Poor People's Campaign" of around the hospital room before the Rev. Ralph David Aber- your first baby is born." former nathy were added to the VIP President list after a meeting with Paine. Lyndon B. Johnson said as he and 500 other spec¬ They protested the nation's ial guests marked time before high spending on space explora¬ the Apollo 11 launching. tion compared to antipovery "You must be prepared to ac¬ programs. Paine promised Abernathv 10 cept the worst, but you hope for the best." Johnson explained. VIP passes and said if it would Vice President Spiro Agnew. solve the problems of the poor like Johnson, arrived in the by withholding the Apollo 11 jam-packed Cape Kennedy area shot, no button would be pushed, on the eve of the flight to the but it wasn't that simple. moon and attended a private dinner party given by Thom¬ President Nixon was not as 0. Paine, administrator of here to join the 40 mayors, the National Aeronautics and 19 governors and 275 U.S. busi¬ Space Administration (NASA). ness leaders on the VIP list, Not all the VIPs had hous¬ but he telephoned best wishes ing in the immediate vicinity to astronauts Neil Armstrong, of this cape midway down Michael Collins and Edwin Florida's east coast. Lee A. Aldrin Jr. Dubridge. President Nixon's He plans to be on the air¬ science adviser, stayed over¬ craft carrier Hornet July 24 night in Orlando. 50 miles when Apollo 11 splashes down away. in the Pacific. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 17, 1969 HEY, PIED PIPER Acheson raps Wilson Hall rats to subsidize jus plague residents WASHINGTON