Monday The race. . Sunny. MICHIGAN . . STATE NEWS ... to which we belong is ■ and warm. High 7X-83. the most arrogant and rapacious, the most exclusive and indo¬ STATE Occasional afternoon. cloudiness in late mitable in history. All other taces have been its enemies or UNIVERSITY its victims. -Ingalls Vol. 62 Number 23 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 21,1969 MAN ON THE MOON! "Tranquility Base here. The "The auto tains and saw the news of his mother. Mrs. SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) targeting was Stephen Arm¬ But out of the overhead hatch. -Man landed and walked on Eagle has landed.'' taking us right into a foot¬ the touchdown flashed on a strong said. I hope it will I'm looking at the earth, "Fantastic." said Collins on ball field sized crater with a giant screen. be for the good of all man¬ big. the moon Sunday, July 20, round and beautiful.' his lonely orbital perch some 1969 large number of big bould¬ Thank God they've made kind." Just after landing, 69 miles above. mission Two Americans, Neil A. ers and rocks." Armstrong it." said one woman. President Nixon, who watched control called up. Later Aldrin sent a message At New York City's "Be ad¬ Armstrong and Edwin E. Ald- said. And it required us to Ken¬ the news of the landing vised there are lots of smil¬ "to ask every person listen¬ rin Jr., 210,000 miles from fly manually over the rock nedy Airport. 2.500 clustered from his working office in the ing faces here and all around their home on the planet ing. wherever they may be, field to find a reasonably good around television screens at the Executive Office Building next the world." to pause for a moment and area." International Arrivals Building. Earth, settled to a dusty land¬ door to the White House, sent contemplate the events of the And at Yankee Stadium, 35,000 "There are two up here al¬ ing on the moon's alien soil They landed just north of his personal congratulations. past few hours and to give the moon's equator. In the fans watching the Yankees Immediately after Eagle so. Armstrong beamed back. at 3:18 p.m. EST and some "Don't forget the third one thanks in his or her own and Senators saw the news on six hours later Armstrong made original landing site. Armstrong touched down. Mission Con¬ way." the scoreboard: up here." added Collins from the first footprint on that said there were "extremely "They're on trol dropped the radio call The events that the orbiting command strange globe. brought rough craters and a large num¬ the moon." Everything stopped sign Eagle and referred to the ship. them here were already in¬ Then he added his In a bulky suit that gave ber of rocks. Many of them as the stadium filled with Americans on the moon as compli¬ ventoried. and the hazards cheers. Then they fell silent ments. "Tranquillity Base, him the life-sustaining environ¬ were larger than 10 feet." Tranquillity B ise. you ment of his planet. Armstrong known. The world thrilled to the mo¬ for a moment of prayer, then The first hour was full of guys did a fantastic job." he As Eagle neared the sur¬ said. climbed laboriously down the ment. London's Trafalgar sang "America the Beautiful." descriptions of sights noone face of the moon. Armstrong Outside her flag-draped brick nine steps on a ladder at Square rang with cheers and had ever seen before "Just keep that orbiting saw that the computerized screams of delight. Colonial home in the side of his spaceship. Men and Wapa- "From the surface." Aldrin base up there for us." said automatic pilot was sending koneta. Ohio, where Armstrong Aldrin. his companion on women, some carrying babies, reported, "we could not see the Armstrong on the moon. this trek of history, waited fragile ship toward a field jammed through the foun¬ was born and learned to fly. any stars out of the window I please turn to page 3» scattered with rocks and bould¬ inside the ship Eagle to watch ers in the projected landing Armstrongs progress before site on the moon's Sea of venturing down himself. They had been impatient Tranquillity. He grabbed control of his to be out-to complete man's ancient dream. They asked, ship, sent it clear of the area where it would have met al¬ and received permission, to make their walk most certain disaster and early. landed four miles beyond the Eagle landed on the moon at 3:18 p.m. while Michael original landing point. It was a costly maneuver. Collins--in the mother ship It cut the available fuel short. that brought them-continued When it landed Eagle had to girdle the moon awaiting their reunion 22 hours later barely 49 seconds worth of Houston.'" Vrmstrong's voice hovering rocket fuel left, less than half of the 114 seconds called out in the first worth it was supposed to human communication from have. the moon. "I heliere this mitmn slum hi <sed ii ive way to keep the questioner ter. are needed day night in protest of a closed such meeting that was not open However, they said, these quiet. White said 1 refuse discussion of what they consider to the public and the press. secret meetings have degener¬ to play that game. Our recourse public matters. It's a matter of public- ated to discussion of matters is to the public- Warren Huff. D-Plymouth. accountability. Huff said. At the public should know about. and Clair White. D-Bay City, these meetings. the board White characterized the By discussing these matters moved that discussion of spends $295 million in tax mon¬ in private." Huff said, closed finance committee sess¬ we for¬ We feel that the public ions as Star Chamber meet¬ housing rates and tuition be ey feit our right to ask aboul changed from the private to should have access to what them at the public meeting ings and said that the open goes on at these meetings. If we bring anything up at tin meetings are high school dra¬ White and Huff said that such ma sessions' at which the de open meeting, they'll just sa\ cisions of the private meetings are rubber-stamped "Public accountability is the kiss of death to the rubber 7 stamp. White said The peo¬ OUR BAR IS OPEN ple of this state want high vis¬ ibility of public officials." TIS CALLED White and Huff said they havt objected to the closed meetings HE WHIFF AND PUFF BAR for two to three years The only response they have the We only the finest in imported pipes, thai the; ; lUDuttoa, and cigars along with pipe smokers' gadgets. Bring a small pipe and fill it with one of "This Huff our special blends—who knows, you might •ply get hooked on a good pipe tobacco. public respons:oilitv Selfishly it's good public relations to convince the public that we operate openly "Someday we will win. World Campus Afloat is a college that does more than broaden horizons. It sails to them and beyond. Once again, beginning in October of 1969, the YOUR World Campus Afloat program of Chapman College and Associated Colleges and Universities will take qualified students, faculty and staff into the world laboratory. HUNGRY? In-port programs relevant to fully-accredited coursework taught aboard ship add the dimension of personal experience to formal learning. Classes are held six days a week at sea shorten it. Try a tan- aboard the s.s. Ryndam which has been equipped gy pizza or one of our with classrooms, laboratories, library, student great sandwiches. All union, dining room and dormitories. delivered instantly at no extra cost. Chapman College now is accepting applica¬ tions for the Fall and Spring semesters of the 1969-70 academic year. Fall semesters depart New York for ports in Western Europe and the Mediterranean, Africa and South America, ending ALSO! in Los Angeles. Spring semesters circle the world from Los Angeles through the Orient, India Hamburgers and South Africa to New York. For a catalog and other Cheeseburgers information, complete and mail the coupon below. Submarines French Fries SAFETY INFORMATION: The s.s. Ryndam, registered in The Netherlands, meets International & Safety Standards for new ships developed in 1948 and meets 1966 fire safety requirements. Miss J turns on the swashbuckler look with the plush trous«r PIZZA **** WORLD CAMPUS AFLOAT of waleless cotton corduroy a velvet touch that's super-new and CALL 332-6517 Chapman College, Orange, Calif. 92666 rave worthy in action trousers Gold or bronze in 5 to 13 sizes 12.00 VARSITY Please send your catalog and any other facts I need to know SCHOOL INFORMATION HOME INFORMATION A Ranch pant with wide loops and stovepipe leg in green also B Mexicana wide-cuffed pant with buttoned-yoke waist JacobBon'B **» j inQ Fall SpringO Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 21, 1969 3 Cubans welcome Man on the Moon Soviet naval fleet When they began to descend scent, they read off their alti¬ (continued from page one) The men on Tranquillity HAVANA (APi-A task force of Soviet naval vessels to the moon. tude figures with the dispatch Armstrong's heart of a broker Base, accustomed to the weight¬ glided into Havana harbor Sunday morning and was greeted "There's hill in view the was beating at 110 throbs a reading stock mar¬ less state of space flight, were a on ket quotations The descent by a 21-gun salute and a warm welcome from Prime Minis¬ minute. When they touched on suddenly subjected to the ground track ahead of us. It's rocket burned for some 12 min¬ ter Fidel Castro's government. difficult to estimate, but it might the moon's surface it had. boos¬ moon's gravity, one-sixth as Thousands of Cubans who lined the city's five-mile water¬ be one-half mile or a mile ted to 156. Less than 45 minutes utes. the controls in Arm¬ strong as earth's. They felt front were generally quiet. Many of t|em had been standing later it had calmed to 90, about strong's right hand, as Eagle as though they weighed about away." Normally, the lunar more than two hours under a blazing sun 20 beats a minute above nor¬ followed the long arc over the horizon could be as much as 30 pounds. They said they didn't " This visit is a marvelous thing, but I'm going home, two miles away. mal. lunar surface and came down think there was any difficulty said one onlooker. 'It's just too hot." When he heard his fellow The sun appeared to alter like a hovering helicopter. adapting to it. Cuban flags flew from many of the buildings facing the bay crewmen on the moon describ¬ the color of the rocks around and miniature Soviet and Cuban flags were passed out to the Just alter landing, there was ing the scene around them. them. Aldrin said. " Almost ev¬ crowds to greet the visitors. Collins variety of rock you could a busy silence while the men At a news conference at the interrupted to say. ery The squadron of seven ships represented the largest show "Sounds like it looks better find The color varies, depend¬ quickly set up the spacecraft Manned Spacecraft Center. Dr. of Soviet power in the western hemisphere since the 1962 for an emergency takeoff if Thomas O. Paine, head of the than it did yesterday. It looked ing on how you're looking at missile crisis. it. Doesn't appear to be much necessary. The first minutes space agency, told i rough as a cob then. " were devoted to making the de¬ The detachment, commanded by Rear Adm. ,Stepan Sokolan. "The targeted area was very of a general color at all." consisted of a rocket cruiser, a rocket ship, an cision whether to stay antisub¬ rough." Armstrong told him "We have clearly entered a marine ship, two submarines, the mother ship Tobot and the The voices of Armstrong and new era The voices we hear nker Lena. "There were many large Aldrin were The dust was still settling. boulders and craters there. always tightly un¬ coming back from these brave They will remain in Havana a week. Their destination after der control despite the excite¬ The rocket kicked up clouds of men are hard to believe. But "When in doubt." Collins dust from the moment it reached leaving Havana has not been announced ment of the l it's true. It's raised spirits of said, "land long." After the mother ship entered the harbor and steamed past a point 40 feet over the lunar men around the world." "So we did. " Moro Castle, the rest of the squadron formed offshore in a Armstrong Even during the powered de¬ surface. replied. long sweeping curve Later all the ships entered the port to He said he had spoken to participate in welcoming c the President who was watching the news with Frank Borman. Lazy days 1.00 1.8< Michigan legisla spacecraft commander Apollo 8. Paine said they dis¬ cussed the gripping excitement and wonder that held the White of », • Pontiac sophomore majoring in psy frying to psyche the fish in the Re to come in for a little nibble. Calm Roll On Deodorant V05 Shampoo expansion of House group. State News photo by Carl Kulo ■1 7 49c COUPON A student would lose funds if i which empowers the state By STEVE WATERBURY The State News Staff Writer Michigan Legislature he is either court of law of convicted in the violation of anv penal statute or ordinance a treasurer to "cease in the and desist' payment of funds to anv school whose board of control BILL POWERS Expires After 7-26-69 East Lansing Store Only authorized expansion of the MSI prohibiting disorderly conduct, challenges the " constitutional¬ medical school early Friday MSU RACING TEAM 2.50 violence to a person or dam¬ ity of this act. morning shortly before beginn¬ ing age to property . while Sliding scale tuition systems, such as the one recently dropped CAPTAIN Scotch Hair lade East V ; participating in anv disorder Set Tape Lime After Shave . . , , , , Legislators backed the medi- at MSI', are prohibited by the To Join BAVARIAN VILLAGE '1 school with legal authori disruption of the administra higher education appropriations proposed but failed to sunnlv the $200,000 appropria- ti uo" it any such institution t included in the final \ bill "No waiver of tuition student fees shall be granted or by SKI SHOPS and manage their 44c - 51" tion for the planning of the third ' of the bill is a House \ any institution of higher learn¬ new ski shop COUPON and fourth years of the medi s,on ing. the bill reads on Southfield Limit 1 calschool at 12 mile Rd. Expires After 7-26-69 Final approval of the higher East Lansing Store Only in Detroit! education budget bill, the last of a series of appropriation THE STATE NEWS bills for the current fiscal year, took onlv 20 minutes in both Sea & Ski the House and the Senate com- 1 September. Subscr Panty Hose Suntan Lotion or Oil The higher education bill appropriates $69.3 million for MSI'. $67.3 million for the I ni- Bill invites his friends and 99c 99c ski bugs at State to take COUPON COUPON versity of Michigan and $41.8 million for Wayne State I'ni- advantage of a great sav¬ Limit 1 ings on 1969 Head Skis. Expires After 7-26-69 Expires After 7-26-69 These are last season's East Lansing Store Only Included in the final version East Lansing Store Only skis with Head's normal 5 of the bill is a provision to year warranty. A SUPER punish students for engaging in BUY at never before priceso violent or disruptive behavior on campus bv revoking state the first week in AUG. Camay Soap Ivory Liquid ONLY. MICH. BANKARD - scholarship .>r tuition grant Complexion Size funds to the guilty party SECURITY CHG.-AM. EX- PRESS -DINERS CLUB " Detergent 9C 55c COL'PON COUPON BARGAIN BOOK SALE Expires After 7-26-69 Expires After 7-26-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1/3 to 1/2 OFF ANO MORE!!!! 1.89 Perfect Fit Virginia Maid Just A Few of our Wide Selection SAVE upta 37°/o Panty Hose Panty Hose M33 M17 ON HEAD SKIS COUPON Limit 6 COUPON NOW Expires After 7-26-69 Expires After 7-26-69 WAS East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only REG. NOW Pictorial History of the Great Lakes $10.03 4.95 HEAD STANDARD 115.00 79.00 Pair HEAD 320 145.00 99.00 Pair $2.50 1.00 HEAD GS & SL HEAD 360 175.00 165.00 109.00 Pair 119.00 Pair Scope Cigarettes Antique Furniture Mouthwash $10.03 3.50 t you can call Bill here at State. 76c 3/79' Early American Beverages COUPON COUPON TO RESERVE PAIR Golf--lt's History, People, and Events $19.95 9.95 BILL POWERS phor s 351-7156 Expires After 7-26-69 East Lansing Store Only OTHER OUTSTANDING SKI VALUES TOjCELEBRATE OUR NEW SHOP! 10% off 50% Olf THE DISCOUNT ON ALL SELL BACK USED BOOKS LANGE Lar.t 135.00 PRO SKI BOOTS Season's Hottest Seller! 9900 PRICE ON ALL ILM DEVELOPING SUNGLASSES NOW FOR MAXIMUN RETURN KNEISSL RED STARS ««» 14400 Last Years 1.00-1.49 35.00-40.00 00 Kodak Color Film 45.00 SKI PANTS 25 Sheaffer Pens with Ink Cartridge Bill's Shop Opens Aug. 1st 69c 89c COUPON COUPON Limit 1 Limit 1 Expires after 7-26-69 Expires After 7-26-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 28645 SOUTHFIELD S. OF 12 MILE RD. STATE DISCOUNT S B S LATHRUP VILLAGE, MICH. PHONE - 352-0466 We Cash MSU Payroll Checks tore HOURS DAILY NOON TIL 9 ^J^tudenf ook SAT 10:00-5:30 CLOSED SUN. I.D. Required 307 East Grand River 421 E. Grand River oth::r shops in bloomfield hills,- mt. clemens Monday, July 21, 1969 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SURTAX DISPUTE 'Mackenna's Dems willingly take GOP gaff leaves dust in mouth About the best thing that rith a knife and three more can be said for "Mackenna's re beaten. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. for consideration. Scott claims Gold" is that it's big and col¬ One cliff falls on a few. and Mike Mansfield. D-Mont said 38 Republicans and 15 Demo orful. At its worst, how person falls from a cliff, Sunday Democratic liberals are crats-a senate majority -are the motion picture now playing earthquake doesn't kill any- willing to take the political gaff ready to vote for early surtax at the Spartan Twin West Thea¬ but it sure scares them. Republican charges they action. tre is just another spectacular All this is called "action."' are encouraging inflation bv de¬ The issue may come to a head Acting is virtually Western, big on action and color, laying extension of the surtax before July 31 in a move to ex¬ small but don't blame the on credibility and cin- , if that is necessary to win tax tend the payroll withholding in reforms. anticipation of continuation of The Carl Foreman wrote and pro¬ plot starts simply The senator said that as Sen¬ the 10 per cent surtax for six duced the film with spectacle, enough. Mackenna (Gregory- ate Democratic leader, he will months, with a 5 per cent rate not characters, in mind. Conse¬ Peck) has memorized and bur¬ for an additional six months. quently the dialogue is pitiful oppose any coalition effort to ned the only map to an ancient The Montana senator said he lay aside a pending military be Indian gold mine. His secret ^a°d the story becomes incredi- boyc Cobb. Edward G. Robinson and i authorization bill to take up the House-approved extension of thinks expenditures duced by $4 billion $5 bil¬ Students handed out leaflets In a Busy market the corner of N. Cedar and Shi< isn't secret long, nor does the plot remain simple Peck is Eli Wallach Most of the guest stars are COnfused despite its simple beginnings. Even Gregory Peck the 10 per cent surtax lion He noted that Sen. Wil¬ on can't do anything with such mea- soon joined by outlaw Omar He said in an interview that liam Proxmire. D-Wis.. who is to inform the public of the Issues involved in the grape boycott. In an attempt Sharif, his hostage. Camilla quickly killed off and Sharif ger characterization, and Omar and Peck ride off into the sun- because cf the dispute over calling for a $10-billion reduc¬ to avoid complications and loss of business, some local merchants have put Sparv. and no fewer than seven Sharif doesn t t Sharjf seems the Safeguard ABM missile sys¬ tion. will have a series of amend- their California grapes into Arizona boxes, selling them as Arizona grapes. set looking for the enormous to jj, guest stars, including Lee J tem. the defense bill may not State News photo by Jerry McAllister gold deposit. On the way they grins are beset by every possible ob- nude be passed until after Congress stacie the West and Cinerama- It's pretty returns Sept. 3 from a sched¬ funny. uled August recess. tvpe photography can offer. The ladies are no better. Julie There s something for every- Bard lacks folksy touch "The surtax is needed but we Newmar tries to look provocat¬ must do what we can in the field ive and only succeeds in turning of tax reforms." he said. "We For acrophobia fans there's the viewer off. Camilla Sparv must close some of the loop¬ footage of mile-high sheer instantly forgettable as the holes which put the heaviest cliffs. For lovers of lovely jQVg burden of taxation on the people of Jacques-, Brel. are most suited effectively represent iately after the plaintive "If Indian maidens who sexually of middle income who basical¬ to Godwin's melodious ture Godwin needs to change pace You Go Away, a translation assault innocent heroes. Julie Newmar and Peck provide such ly pay most of the taxes " VOi« stuff To theJn°re P°WeDrfl!! I Been Drivin On Bald Godwin's voice is well suited He scarcely moved during the of Brel's "Ne Me Quitte Pas. musical theatre. He needs ie--underwater. There's Republicans led by Sen. Hugh - t0 entire performance. He lacked The departure was not indi Scott. R-Pennsylvania R-Pennsylvania. have , ,f T " " ~ Mountain. Mountain. "San Francisco Bay san r raneisco considerable work in the considerable work in the n earthquake and other natural except eyestrain from watching of another, and brain promised to press actively their te 0 Music. ®. u,'aj It his Wednesday . ° con- Blues. and the like. An- 0f presence and deliverv catastrophes from from trying to figure ou what Q0Cjwin lacks both power gujtar clapped in rhythm, heroes escape. . thpmp in thpir pttnrt to gUS nlaving is errat.v -ai ience. that belongs to the folk- ence sang, cert was exemplary Godwin andpresence. best, it is enjoyable, at worst, and applauded warmly There's much, much r all the action "-filled scenes singing tradition. Communicat¬ have to do with the story, or Democrats must take the blame is more a singer of tolk. and The delicate "Suzanne and badly out of step with the music, ion between audience and per¬ Angus Godwin sang well in course, and there's nc other songs, than a tolksinger an encore of Gershwin s "Sum- Spanish. French and Flemish of it haven't seen how anyone could have survived for rising prices and an un¬ 0r dully repetitious, former is often more import¬ we i in the traditional sense. mertime" were my favorites. (of course. I don't know Flem- other western. the Wild West gold fever era abated inflationary spiral. Angus Godwin is not a ant than a beautifully trained Mansfield said the answer to A dispassionate rendering of The encore demonstrated God- composer, if his pseudo-work flawless guita couldn't really tell—it If violence with all the killing and natural Tom Lehrer's "Pollution' and rich, full sounded good' >. His Hebrew dangers that went on. "Lav That there's plenty of that. too. There increased the military the evening s most socially sig- falsetto range. SOngs. "Story of Allie Rail^ and the Mayi though these certainly help was goyische - look that up are two big gunfights in which It's enough trouble trying to ments t Angus Godwin seems more at nificant offering Angus Godwin hails from representative. With all there is with the material he -but adequate and his diction around 20 men are shot. About figure out how "Mackenna's' authorization bill ease Gold" survived past the edit¬ Songs such as the Lass r^orth Carolina, and he uses t0 Write about in our lousy in English was tine. as many are arrowed to death. The Democratic liberals, From the Low Country. "I doesn't include in his billing. this as his claim to Appalachian WOrld. he picked the storv of a The audience was certainly including one horse. Three peo- ing table. It's life span headed bv Mansfield and Sen. The songs by Jacques Brel Wish I Was a Red Rosy Bush.' entertained. less Edward M. Kennedy. D-Mass.. and the lovely "Take off Your ballads and chain gang songs. ijnfortunately. takes more iady killed while saving her dog from an onrushing * ^vely"T few" members ~of'the moved to thought or action of certainly pie get it with a hatchet, one control the Senate machinery. ~ Thirsty Boots and the songs ,; audience showed a poor sense ^an growing up in a region to melody unmemorable any socially relevant sort. But they may be in the minor- Qt timing when they left immed its in attempting to stave off action on the surtax bill until ; ready Trustees announce appointments, moves Michigan State News, Last Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 21, 1969 5 State News State News Classified COME BACK down to earth & use the WANT AD for those "don't need" items. Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive Employment For Rent The State News does not PONTIAC-1968 LeMans convertible SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST in pro¬ AVAILABLE TIL PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. South- September 1-- PUT permit racial or religious 11.000 miles $2,395 351-9070 or fessional office Hours 8 30 a m close to campus, furnished, 2-man Furnished studio with kitchenette discrimination in its ad¬ 351-0580 5-7 23 5:30 p.m. Typing and dictaphone Private entrance, utilities paid $90 building of select clientele 332- TOfieikFORVOII vertising columns. The PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1963. con¬ work 9354 Shorthand not necessary 484- 5.7/24 3135 0-7/21 a month plus deposit 627-5454 3-7/23 State News will not accept vertible In good condition Power PARK TRACE • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim ¬ brakes and steering. $600 655- SECRETARY-EXCELLENT typing Okemos Rd. at East Mount EAST LANSING-Close to campus inates 2809.655-3116 5-7 23 2 rooms and bath Furnished, all • EMPLOYMENT against religion, Hope. utilities paid, air-conditioning $100 ace, color or national or¬ ' • FOR RENT per month. Married graduate stu¬ igin. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966 Excel- Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom • FOR SALE dent couple only i Other units avail¬ HIRING HELP CAN BE FUN! Get apartments. Fully equipped able i Phone EX) 2-5988. after • LOST & FOUND best offer 337-0268. with all the extras, plus pool the people you need with a Clas¬ 6pm 3-7/23 • PERSONAL sified Ad Dial 355-8255 now' and clubhouse. Limited im¬ • PEANUTS PERSONAL mediate occupancy. Open 10- COUPLE ONE-bedroom furnished, • REAL ESTATE Auto Service & Parts 6 daily. 10-12 utilities included J125-J135 332- Automotive Saturdays. 2803 or 332-2157 3-7/23 • SERVICE Phone 332-5094. ACCIDENT PROBLEM1 Call KALA¬ NEW GE portables and stands rented • TRANSPORTATION BUCK ELECTRA-1960 All power MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Spiall LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- ONLY to MSU students and faculty • WANTED sharp $275 or best offer 487 COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham $8 84 month iincludes taxi STATE 6204 or 351-5422 after 6 p.m 3-7 21 and foreign cars Guaranteed work and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, 444 bedroom. furnished For profession¬ NORTHWIND DEADLINE al graduate students, college fa¬ FARMS MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ culty or personnel Select clientele mazoo Street Since 1940 TV RENTALS-Students only Low ALSO, other Faculty Apartments 1 P.M. one class day be¬ new apartments avail¬ monthly and term rates Call 484 able 351-7880 fore Complete auto painting and colli¬ for June and September leas¬ publication. IV 5-0256 C 2"00 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY CHEVROLET IMPALA-Super Sport. sion service TV RENTALS ing. Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 Cancellations - 12 noon one C HASLETT-ONE-Bedroom. furnished O class day before publica¬ carpeted $85. including utilities shift, power steering, and brakes RENT A TV from a TV Company- tion. 482-3847 2-7 21 $9.00 per month. Call 337-1300 711 EAST 339-2201.339-2964 X5-7 21 NEJAC TV RENTALS C 711 Burcham Dr. New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ PHONE TV RENTALS. G E 19" Avaition $8 50 portable- ished 3 man apes, leasing for EAST LANSING-Furnished. 1-bed- per month including stand 355-8255 Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351- fall now 1 year or 9 mo. room Carpeting, redecorated, cur¬ FRANCIS AVIATION: So I CHEVELLE MALIBl 1965 easv 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- leases. tains, garage $140 plus utilities. learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" 1655 Coolidge Road Call 372-8876 RATES IV 9-9651 or Special $5 offer 484-1324 He says we can have the place for 351-3525 1 day $ 1.50 775 355-2752 Scooters & Cycles $24 worth of trinkets! NEEDED ONE girl New Cedar NEW FURNISHED. 5-bedroom house 15tf per word per day "ORYETTE-! Village Starting fall $80 351- in East Lansing For rent to fa¬ 3 days POUR-MAN apartment, furnished 8216 culty married students Faculty $4.00 1969 HONDA CB450 Big bike, nev With swimming pool 5-7 21 or 13 Heat paid preferred. From September 1969- l/2£ per word per day $62 50 each. EAST LANSING MAN¬ TWO MORE 5 men wanted for Meadow September 1970 Rent-$300 332- days $6.50 AGEMENT, 351-7880 C brook or Twickingham Bill. 332- 0406 2-7/21 13£ per word per day Employment Employment 2335 3.7/21 FAMILY HOME-Completely furn¬ (based on 10 words per ad) NATION WIDE COMPANY Full par • FRANCIS. ished 3-bedroom Clos® to MSU . ^'.7t r ni furn There will be - ished UtiRENt tU.lng pn $190 month 351-4613 2-7/21 a 50£ service vate entrance 337-1296 3-7 21 East Lansing and bookkeeping charge if McFadden HOWARD JOHNSONS WANTED ONE c 694-0454 (> Management RIVERS EDGE-Several 4-rt 4-bedroom houst $37 50 489-7661 this ad is not paid within C ompany 132-4432 or 489-2931. bet ;en 3:30-11 p.m TEACHERS: OPENINGS manv fields 5-7/25 3-7/21 Corn-Share Incorporated Most states CUNE TEACHERS Pool side The State News will be Computer time-sharing serving AGENCY. 129 Grand River 3-7 23 WATERS EDGE—Several 4-man apart¬ Apartments ments available for fall 332-4432 responsible only for the For Students first day's incorrectinser- Call after 6 p m . 393-3164 Systems Programmer MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST-To work 5-7/25 Experienced systems pro¬ part-time, afternoons. 3-11:30 p.m THIRD GIRL August-June Own bed¬ 351-7880 ONE-MAN apartment available to I MP ALA i%7 Excellent c grammers are needed by the ASCP registered or eligible Would room Must like animals. 1005 Al¬ 373-2316 until 5 eonider 317 M.A.C. September 15th Call 332-0641 p.m. tl Systems Development Depart- non-registered if quali bert. 351-6948 3-7'21 H094. Cem Jokner Employment fied through work experience Ex 2-7 22 cellent salarv Apply SPARROW HOS¬ SUMMER S CAREFREE DAYS are MSU PROFESSOR desires sharing system.. For further SECOND GIRL needed to share 2 res PITAL PERSONNEL, or call 487 good days to sell motorcycles Dial MUSTANG 1967--GTA 289 ONE-BEDROOM furnished luxury air- bedroom apartment Swimming pool, information contact Mr. Don 6111, extension 333 5-7 25 355-8255 now tires Good condition Mai conditioned. August 3-September unlimited parking days week, and light housekc Phone 351-4332 6704 Bntton. Perrv 625-4439 Redding (313)-761-4040 or 15 $140 332-8924 2-7 22 AUSTIN HEALY 3000. 4-7/24 send resume to Com-Share DO YOU need a i $50 £ 351-7319 ONE GIRL Inc., Research & Development O IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS ment Over Division, Box 1588, Ann Ar- 911 Marigold Ave. bor, Michigan 48106. STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ SCHOOL BUS driver TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ TWO-MAN furnished apartment. 129 ished 2-man apartments. applications are being taken for September 1969 eras. for FALL AND WINTER Burcham $135 per month Call Across street from campus. East Minimun of 4 hours per day i Morn- TERMS-State News Photographic days. 487-3216; evenings. 882-2316, Lansing 332-0817. Mrs 301 Student Services Building Leasing now for fall. 1 year Ask or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 least 21 years of age. poss for Mr Johnson. Monday through driving record, and able Thursday. 9a m. to5p m S 332-2335.. EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS-Large physical Phone 393-3450. i furnished, studio apartments ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment 4-7 24 TEMPORARY HELP wanted-Mail- Car¬ peting. air-conditioning, stove and in Williamston $100 £er month refrigerator $140 Call EDWARD Call 655-329. 5-7 25 last week Julv. end early Septem¬ . G HACKER COMPANY. 485-2262 ber Apply at 3308 South Cedar. or Mrs Steele. 485-3774 15-7 22 Suite 11. Lansing. 3-7 22 FURNISHED ONE and 2-bedroom 200 MSU STUDENTS Air-conditioned, carpeted, Utilities included in rent Call 351- 5312 garage 3-7 23 J.R. Culver Co. CAN'T BE WRONG TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2. Summer--$130: 351-7399 fall-$160 Lease 10-7 25 cAorth A Pointe Cami us • Hi! Your Best Buy in a 4-man apartment • Party lounge • 9-month lease at • Luxury Furnishings no extra charge • Large apartments J.R. Culver Co. J.R. Culver Co. 217 Ann St. 351-8862 217 Ann St. 351-8862 THEY'VE ALREADY SIGNED HQHra onra hhei CROSSWORD PUZZLE aaa aaa FALL LEASES AT EXCITINC 23. Bomber pilot ocQQffl aasarasa Model Now Ooen ACROSS 24. Roman bronze ghib laira 25. Tibetan sheep MEADOWBROOK 1. Run over 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 26. Musical idsfflsnass Has 6. Publicized Phone 332-6441 Available for fall leasing 11. Record player 12. Argentinian direction 27. Article □□a nOESSKMSSam raraaa aaaa TRACE plain 29. Stratagem 13. Brave 32. Square QQH naaa Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of measure □iisidHua anas 14. Slow music 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and 15. Gain by labor 33. Through affla rasa sona furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has 16. Philippine 34 Remote ana nasi aaaa a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED volcano 35. Gigantic 18. Masterpiece 36. Dispatch boat ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and 19. Eng. cathedral 38. One . city 40. Roister planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and appliances 20. Raincoats 41. Crime DOWN 2. Pear cider private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycking- 22. Addition to a 42. Courser 3. Press 43. Banquet I. Embezzles 4. Oahu token call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. STUDENT - PLANNED letter 5. Setting RECREATION FACILITIES 2 T" * 5 6 7 6 9 .0 6. Assign % i li 7. Fr. island 1% " Featuring Olympic pool with sauna, tennis court 8. Stoves 9. Register 13 m LUXURY FEATURES 10. Condemns 16 •7 18 11. Ruminants '5 Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water 19 %\h 0 ii 17. Jumbled type 20 Platform furnished, laundry in each building 22 i23 214 21. N.Z. parrot 23. Black cuckoo ft ^ 4620 S. HagadorHaaodom ALL MAINTENANCE FREE % 25" % 26 %7" 2 28 25. Struggle FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES See for yourself! Large new beautiful 2 bedroom- %% 29 16 % Y\ % iz 26. Nape 27. Silvery Management Exclusively By: 2-bathroom apartments for four from $60/month « 14 % 35 28. Destitute 29. Three-banded A9TS. per person. Model open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. % \v i armadillos 30. Face with 36 38 W ALCO Management Company 11-3; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exlt--right HO i masonry 31. Diphthong 32. Motorcars BX.IATCUFF to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393-0210. *2 H3 35. Eyes of beans Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 By Kassuba, the Nation's Landlord. % 37. Bishopric 39. By birth Monday, July 21, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Kennedy to face charges SINGLE student ROOM Gentleman preferred Parking ences please IV 2-8304 (irad Refer¬ 3-7 21 afte r wreck kills passenger He reportedly went to Chap- BUTLER. N Saginaw On bus¬ been given a sedative and was near KDGARTOWN. MASS. « AP »- line Clean, nicely furnished Sleep¬ resting comfortably The phys¬ paquiddick Island Friday night ing room Private entrance $50 A complaint charging Sen Ed- ician. Dr Robert I) Watt of for a late dinner with several Male 372-1437 1-7 18 ward M Kennedy with leaving friends and political associates. Hyannis Port, was quoted fur¬ the scene of an accident will It was after this dinner that the ther as saying he would be see¬ For Sale be sought as the result of an accident occurred. auto wreck in which a woman ing Kennedy again. TYPEWRITER-ROYAL Standard, ex¬ Kennedy was here Friday for Chappaquiddick Island is just died, police said Sunday to the east of the resort island cellent condition--$35 Car-top car¬ the annual regatta of the Kdgar¬ rier box. 4'X5'. with canvass cov¬ The victim. Miss Mary Jo of Martha's Vineyard, and is town Yacht Club, an event in er-$8 487-0430 3-7 22 Kopechne. 28. of Washington. which he and his late brother separated from the Vineyard by D C . former secretary to the a narrow channel and harbor had taken part for years. DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and late Sen Robert F Kennedy. engagement ring sets Save 50 per D-\ Y.. was riding in a car cent or more Large selection of plain and fancv diamonds $25-$150 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 that skidded off a narrow bridge and into a pond on Chappa- Michigan State University East Michigan 4854391 C quiddick Island Kennedy was Department of Theatre ZENITH TELEVISION 22 screen, driving. walnut cabinet, very good condi He reportedly escaped with tion 355-0876 3-7 21 what apparently was only a mild concussion. The accident happened be¬ UMMER tween 11 p.m. Friday and 1 EIGHT-TRACK Ranger mini-8. auto $59 95 tape plavers- and up a.m. reported until Saturdav. but 10 a m went un¬ Satur¬ IRCLE Lear Jet. $69 95 and up MAIN dav ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsyl I am firmly convinced there PRESENTS was no negligence involved." MOVING INTO married housing- Police Chief Dominic .J Arena Complete furnishings with one stop 355-5835 3-7 21 told newsmen Sundav matter of the time period after But the PLAIN Fancy COMPACT REFRIGERATOR I 5 cu the accient-there is. in my bir feet Like new. still under opinion, a violation concerning A MUSICAL COMEDY guarantee 351-6058 1-7 21 going from the scene, leaving G.E PORTABLE the scene said he would seek JULY 23-27 speakers Good \rena a sell 351-5860 formal complaint Monday in 8:30 P.M. WIRE FRAMES" Many styles white Kdgartown District Court He or yellow gold at OPTICAL DIS¬ said Kennedy would have 24 COUNT. 2615 East Michigan Aven- hours in which to • request Reservations: i hearing It no such rquest Demonstration Hall 355-0148 is forthcoming. Arena said, a I'SED BARBEQUE grill with summons will be issued auto¬ matically Inder Massachusetts law. CARDS persons convicted »>t leaving the scene of an accident in which personal injury has been STEREO COMPONENTS sustained mav be imprisoned from two months to two years. Best offer After 6 Kennedy remained in seclu¬ sion Sunday at the t irmly com¬ pound in Hyannis Fort, on Cape Cod. and issued no statement GERMAN SHE^qL?, ™ Hi- wife Joan was believed with shots 351-3298 rhe New York Times quoted SIAMESE SEALPOINTS-Little i physician as saying the 37- kittens Phone evenings and w veir-old Massachusetts Demo¬ ends. 487-3318 crat sustained a mild con¬ cussion in the accident, but had Mobile Homes Wanted BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for all positive A negative. B negative FOR EVERY and AB negative $10.00 O nega¬ Lost & Found tive ITY $12 00 MICHIGAN BLOOD CENTER COMMUN¬ 507's East OCCASION Grand River East Lansing Above the new Campus Book Store Hours "When you think of Cards" 9am to 3.30 p.m Mondav Tues¬ day Wednesday, and Friday Thurs- Personal 337-7183 C CARD SHOP dav. 12 to 6 30 pm TV RENTALS GE 19 portable FEMALE GRADU ATE student-form S8 50 per month including er teacher-needs studio apartment Call J R C I'LVER COMPANY or efficiency within walking distance Across from Home Ec. 8862 220 Bldg. of campus by September 1st under $100 Call Monday-Wednesday 5 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 RENT A TV from a p m -9 p rr 484-7393 2-7 22 $9 00 per month NEJAC TV RENTALS Peanuts Personal MATCH ROSANNF. H.APPV 21s' PLAIDS JOHN ITS all too mi you re an adult Happic ever' I love you-Cindy by Real Estate EAST LANSING Bobbie fireplaces vinyl-siding. i BLOCKS from campus Bailey school 714 Chitti ished basement, sided plus adjoining lot with m trees For appointme... 332-8510 PAINTING AND decorating Dad and I do the work ourselves Reasonable and guaranteed 337-0464 O ALTERATIONS. GOWNS and dress making Experienced Reasonable charge Call 355-1040 26-8 22 Typing Service I HANG YOUR BARBI MEL Typing multilithing ALL OF US Block off campus 332-3255 < ANN BROWN offset printing manuscripts Typist and multilith general weLcowe 19 vears experience 332- MICHIGAN STA THESES OFFSET PRINTING tvp ing and binding Lowest prices avail able Located across from campus \FRAND0R PAee FRIDAY AU PAt'LA ANN HAI'GHEY A unique quality thesis service IBM typing multilith. printing and hard binding 337-1527 C Available In Assorted Colors T ransportation LEAVING FOR I From $9.00 To $22.00 Wanted WANTED TWO-Bedroom apartment mon., thurs., fri. 9:30-9:00 p.r furnished July 27-August 15. 353- tues., wed., sat. 9:30-5:30 p.r 7015. after 1 p m 1-7 21