M* S. C. Library t*ft Lauslug* Mi oh. •slate I vt mpnranemis Michigan State News Speakfn* t'onteet in I (tie Theatre Tonight. .ANSINi;. Mini!'. \.V Tl >lud Hampers~State MORTAR BOARD Anything? CLARK, MARTIN John HaveYou Hannah Named Lost Attack; Pass Beats INDUCTS SPHINX' Try oREPRESENT yeciffOs'College yadallaH Secretary Kansas at Lawrence HERE SATURDAY ETONIGHT TA b y State TS Agli t Board be Claimed by Rightful Owner* Attractively Decorated Student nrt»<-i«hrd by Bulky K*n»i Lirr. .Spartan Forward Wall Out- par|Br, 0( p^pl,, Church Will b, Hrld in ;SPTl,TLCOn"" Little Theatre Form«r S.udrn. W.ll Ri place H H. H.lladav Who,, R..i*n.- plays Javhawkm Both On Offense and Defense ^ ^ ^ W||| EfffC|,v<. J,nu>rv Scene of Ceremony This r.ventng. to Win Handtlv 6 to 0 1935; Has Filled Several Ext cutive Positions. n* i \( k v\ \»tv» : 36 MEMBERS INITIATED WILL COMMENCE AT 7:30 i«l f.»r iho fir-t time tin il,t.-.l tl,.. ro.Vflnt Ntw Chapter Installed bv Miss 14 Colleges Are Fntered in Ktfherine Kuhlman of State Meet; Drawings Will Dayton. Ohio. be Ht Id at 6 :00. YOUTH SERVICE Sinus With Civic \ Opera in Detroit \ HOLDS MEETING Professor L. J Carr and Dr Norton Speak Before l.ar^e Croup in Union Fridav MORE TIME FOR PHI KAPPA PHI'S SENIOR PHOTOS INDUCTSENIORS Wolverirc* Grants Fxtension N . >onal Srhoiastir Honorary Until December 1 for In- Fake* in IS Nemor* and dividual Pictures ( S Professors HERE'S WILLIE NO MAN'S LAND Gripes About Thanksgiving Reno/ It r I r( , Waldo Reviews Books First and Last Nighter Is At Annual Kappa Affair Critical of Globe Drama Mtnv Alumnae and Farult* Amateur Judge Who Usuall) Mimbe-i Attend lea Given Goes to Movies finds Flaw* at I hapter Houw in Stage Productions aid what OUght h b.- ' •v r g ti tot *gy The F »t* Ti»m Ottey, manager >f the We. T' . Si ore ' and The Unfinished * Ha«iI boarding club, anno in. :cd t ( „ ■ i c J i it i. Professor Waldo - day t! beginning next MundU. of them But of course , ,k- to-"be the finest thing yet tr,i weekly rate wiil be reduced ,fir kiddies to Hunk of ".i f ojowr-smg the l.fe of the from S3 25 to S3 13 eii.th S' r t !uig paints ,n brilliant This lower rate which inchfrt*". Bags < n' • the f enviratimetits naracter* in then dif- "The Forge ' Brfurr , ^ . r- centered around the old planta- , 1 !«.< j,. j -alcd . i.v I «,eaar 'tie we were detects prr«u»nificalii«n Benton »1> H.-hI f..i» i ..nnei t ail the i«ve-fnen its tradition and nificant writer That he ha# di* (Christinas cc.\*-Tcd valuable subject matter peaceful dignity while "The Store. is .-.entered around a small -••• • ' « h ; ist, 41**1 . I torn* 11 by Philip Petruchwi, took the show looking termed to l.-.k the like a rake from Wall Street bid ., ...... ,„j »h,. «u Alto .till Wall 9ti<«*l We ttdmirrd hi* the outcome of social motivations The difficulty I81"!' .;■« y-A.'r. we :ji *!M *K>li*hvd performer performance— although wr have j .. die,. ./ tisi THOSE GIFTS IN find «n reading him arises from the -which Stribling has depicted so <■"***v*lor-' r; troupe Jonn Willard. that seen the technique fail often in well btnblmg use* the Civil war ,*• &sntiago I Tile that tthsti hi atshjutI with • ; ? mi#r, you heard of college The part of Kj'^anna, Lapsing-and east i the detachment of a medical stu¬ simply as ' a study of the convincing a* Mat Anthony— the shrew, was splendidly portray- dent" discuaatag abnormal phsy- about all ed. but we were fidgety all the time lansixg ' chology and pathology and making and that » being we amateumih hrdge an aa we because we knew darn well we'd, ■—— i material "literally revolting" to a next ,n line was Carl, (Continued on page 21 'XT 27. 1931 State Newi WillieStudiefc TWELVE PASS Glancing Back In Spartan Annah DEBATE TESTS Ten Tears Ago "The tjtay i\ ma t \r j /\ After n lapse of 18 year )fM fli i; , Doien Make Varsity Squad 0«t traditional freshman - sop- of F«M of Thirty Atpiraali; .."Po-ed J-*"- *« In the chill November i r. crowd of 2.000 people witr x i s whs chosen las: the laying of the corner-, t.- a field of :w contend- East Lansing's new fnterd" at ion n I Peoples eh li tvh. <• 'clock Sunday after - *A*;«.!»•'•< n Vi.ot, Chicag. I!! K II Rvder. president rtf t n Harlan Clark, Ohm; Dick Hick- of trustees, presided over ' • n-.j.n K» . nd.ile Don l.little. Ka.st ice Hutchinson. The M A (' harrier v.. CM i It ill li ll.irtlN ii K»pf> ricfi n«>t while K.iv Mclrh i'.*C MATH GROUP WILL CROPS TEAM WILL MEET HERE SOON JUDGE IN CHICAGO Mirh. -»r Srrlion I i Convrnr il Mrmhfrs to Lfl*i Thursday to N! S ( for F r«I limr tomprto in Njhanil Conlnl NOTICE STUDENT GRANGE MEETS SATURDAY fhiuieo SpeaGt a' Optn Gather¬ sfnl i nl It 111 I h, ing if A).' Hall ill. ! v a hi., i iii. t ' 1 ■ \i, i'hicks! \t n;:iiili u;;im(TKin dial purchase now ' • i'.:« i ion \\ - I'ttll «»>ytr»n 1 t nlh ciiu;• is (.oof! and ;a lor I iiaiiksgiving? CIIN« »rr r*jtp( ulh HORTICULTURE. PROi-.s SUIT OVERCOAT till n«» male Hh.i hw»s In* S Otouitfi-r y Inoh .» |ij«idril u t4rr mi MEET WITH IIOOSIERS welcomed me.) fraternity brother t»r tatting attain hertmtrs % Ml I' II \MI'E.KS STATE: 3 PEICE TUX •i d*< |wra«iic after the V«r»t three VTTACK Ml PASS WINS l*n mot1: thr common worm A »Y>tay;ng wheu.oe ,i. vHoped \l I S22S0 AI.W \1> athlete, I ll ha\e a «nap In r«l • id Wrfe h. • been t Ml< . .fall St. *. getwai'.-. Michigan ha* r*-s u ■ i • • .j. k«.w. \ i o\ rttitti tio\ I * livrng to & icndtnft •« mi tatr» «.i the , " V " J .-l Or.i It >. r In order i i r in Um.inu «l« tiun et>Um«ns?> l.e muit cat no ng. smoke notn 2Z ;, " - «■- ■ > «"*«■ o.d«.i h, "7Indikiu.: ' " -I .wn men The Kidman Bros. Company - • :«• i-iprrU Kan-*- 30 Liri rranged t,v the meeting at Niu. line after A a 4fl yard dash map. j\r* into the vi.'M fti! hi* consent and I ^ mm nr. Michigan without tits will, During •. ■ on I".dpi'.,l00 ,.f n Round Inn full- rhere «ill be ■ 'aved for the Union part, similarly honored • * "* Member* nf this group also caw * * * right, and the Alpha Chi g.i party Saturday night. . Bill Purler furni«h«l th. !'tedl.\ interest Stat.- students ' *' * ".,nv f'.r the Delta Alpha " T j quoted as follows f'. r, Mal ¬ lit the Little theater. ta to m-tn.it $.'t I'll . i ; i-and Xn Ray Vickerstaff played ►»r|. $.» v. t., CbH ar-t $8 fH) y • Kappa Delta part \ at Mu IVn'ii.: 12.1.1 . hapter hou-e i- Bay IfM to P t H We have the latest in in in I /irising nt l NDAl NHiJlT and I'ARTV Morta- Board -era are , ..... Alpha I hi Ontraa Alpha O . . > ,... Margaret s,.it..n .!« IV- DRESSES GROUP PiCTURFaS Kippi \lpha Theta Politicians Mass In Kast Dorm of MlX'K.II i Mayo for Dance $395 $695 Nate Fry'. Orchestra Furmihrt GIFT SHOP OPENED Muiic (or Parly in Mid.t of SILK HOSE Political Dccorationi BY HOME EC CLUB JTw U- i'' Hours for New Project Will be hire. Helta » • From 2:30 to 5 ; 30 Beverly I'resents Charming New Creations si.1X1 to S2.H5 $1.00 Beverly Dress Shop The Style Shop's I'arin Cable Fashion Hints Al. Htard over WJIM c*cr> J**.. IburN.. Kn. at 7:2 » Ix'arn to be a NpM' " . • • Good Dancer old w»a. ,i rait ati'i r hr • **rf t.i mat. h JOIN 111 K . Mori Bm vary year rout um« •.*»'}» HMilNSKICS CLASS k! jacket- & Li->u-. - Fut-trnl Willi • Mi- Kuhlman wrn Dr., Pipe tobacco made Many ulnar' are- \»i> «k t mar full Two-step r V.aher 'M.i M » t)a/iiri- and M Jon. rnnrit by the Wcllman Process Start UK' Tee-daO. Nn%. i' M:«- f'ar»i.t and rough cut as -r.t • fall only h»lf»a> "W the knet ? N - I 15 Mi*- Iwtmh Ktthlmwti .«rxi M.-ws laivrwr i wn'HP., Granger rw» s 1*4 IrjMluMr Km lew *' dinner Sundav norm 'At Aunda- aftrrtvtori Mrs II is, does not clog the pipe Virgiline Simmons but 9tays lit, smokes lie .fiyle^op Scbuul of Doming longer, slower and cooler. Wc believe this process is ihc reason for Granger being milder. Give it the WORKS! We know it add, something snow, scuffs, knocks, to the flavor and aroma of tbc —You can't hurt good, ripe While Burlcy Tobac¬ co that cannot be obtained ia T.w tea table wa» deenraled a lion late ilott, over a yellow lot any other way. bciag Miff St«wt but igver bowl, a/ yallow Vs your afc.w f..r anv aanthemonu and ,tlvyr ta Wt ic/iA, iu smm *«» uay, a* Hothvr. Triply volar. Brown Scotch with yollow tmMl*. cooUgtttttry man ubotmoka a fife to put try Grmmgtr. BURTON'S All IMw verHW-il byTjUy clog a fife Tui nday. Novemb* THK MICHIGAN STATE NEWS OtteyTakesThirdas PLAY-BYPLAY! jj| State Harriers Lose By M. Till II Hi A Dope Chart on Michigan State's Opponents Meet Last Saturday ' 3. Sparfam I se to Indiana by Ore Point as Lash Tabes First and B% TOMMY W \K\1 It Srr.rs of Butler. Second to Nose Out Spartan iksgiving day will ' . > fnde (•; tain in Central Intercollegiate. s engaging opp»<- ph'to f,nd- ■ ..f I) will wind pi.,re kirk •Saturday. . they In dint u tin is ■ t . nev t nrm r to the Annual Central If! wert t>11< )' i;i'i i i unt t \ run ln>| iin i \mm - tl \ tn »: hi \ \\okii A man and his wife who had just returned from a round- TICS STAND OUT tlie-world cruise spike if Chesterfield INFRATLEACUE an international cigarette." Chesterfieldeighty-six sale in Cigarettescountries. arc on You may purchase them on nearly all ships and at almost every port. W believe you will agree e with us tltat lor a cigarette to enjoy such popularity, it BILLIARD EXPERT must have merit. It\ the making of Chest- TO APPEAR SOON crticld. we do our level best Mmy UytM W.ll Gi« E»K. to make it as good a ciga¬ kttion at Rtinba». Not 29. rette as can be made. be tftitei tain. >» n .tin tin < c Smoken soy... world's rlutmi'H.tv when Johnm Laylcm. prwii! holdrr ■ f th. In almost every* language... world * thrtn -» u-' u.i> t'.i a, tl title, make* in* nppeui .n on Nm« t t in connection wilt- "Better Billiard*" pmg(um Free Instruction to any one in¬ terested Wtll lie given by Layton, front 7.00 lo B;W>. At RlKl tie Will five an exhibit ion, including a demounti..ti.>n of the diamond sys¬ tem of which tie claims lo !*• the originator Lajrton, commonly known as the (aoon after tic annexed the throe* •'Clown" of billiarms, u one ot a cushion tuie This title is nothing group of seven players scheduled; new for Lay ton as he has held it on »»iw spear heee during the six,ten different occasion* He also •' program lie appeared in held the world's pocket territory tost summer after J