Wednesday However. MICHIGAN . . STATE NIWS . . . close we sometimes Cloudy . . seem abyss, to let that no dark man and of final peace STATE and freedom despair. -John F. Kennedy UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 25 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 23, 1969 Apollo crew looks homeward from earth's grav SPACE CENTER Houston iAP> -- Dave Reed, who was to make the ex¬ tributes heat from the direct rays clear of the United With the earth's gravity pulling tiieir planation. is sort of burying his head in sun evenlv over the spacecraft. spaceship faster and faster toward a world his arms at this point, said mission con¬ With the lunar explorers still almost two "This is the first time the United still elated over man's first visit to the trol days from home, their countrymen began moon, the'Apollo 11 astronauts rested Tues¬ The astronauts awoke on their own and States has been demonstrably superior in a planning a welcome reserved for heroes. vital part of the space program.'' said day from two days of making history Armstrong reported each crewman had President Nixon announced plans for a Neil A Armstrong. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr about Sir Bernard Lovell, a vocal critic in the eight hours sleep ticker tape parade in New York and Chi¬ and Michael Collins flashed out of the They faced a day of space drifting in¬ past of America's space effort. cago and a formal dinner in Los Angeles. moon's gravitational dominance, leaving terrupted only by a short rocket burst to But the adulation of man will have to He said the American success may lead behind an indelible mark as the first to go adjust their earthward flight path and by await the satisfaction of science. to U.S. and Soviet cooperation in space. where man had never been a 15-minute telecast. About 18 days of quarantine await the The spacecraft passed into earth's grav¬ The rocket burst, which lasted only 10 astronauts after Thursday's splashdown Space officials said Tuesday that Eagle, ity control at 1:39 p.m. EDT and Collins seconds, came at 3:57 p.m EDT while in the Pacific. The space trio will be the craft that carried kept Armstrong and Ald¬ kidded controllers about having to explain Apollo 11 was 194.000 miles from earth behind biological barriers to assure rin rocketed off the moon's surface and they gravitational difference to newsmen and about 40.000 miles from the moon. brought no moon germs back to earth rendezvoused with Collins, who flew alone Then Collins joked that The spacecraft Officials said the course correction went Nixon, still elated over the success of in the command module while his crew- gave a little jump as it went through as planned his country's attempts to land on the mates landed the lunar sphere The astronauts then put the spacecraft- said he moon, hoped the next great A mission controller laughed and said which is shaped like a toy top-into a slow venture of " space'' will see Americans Space officials said the Eagle that made Thanks a lot. spin The three-revolution-per-hour spin dis- joined by other countries history would remain in orbit of the he This told is a the time for group of the optimists." high school students moon "for several months'" before crash¬ Moon ing Systems on the craft, they said, in Washington. Be optimistic. To dying, one by one.' " commemorate the successful Elated Nixon were moon landing of the crew of Apollo 11 began its homeward journey Apollo 11, the of Phi Kappa Psi painted this impression of arranges early Tuesday morning, firing a long roc¬ ket burst above the moon s backside and (please turn to page 9) men the historic mission on the rock in front of their fraternity house which is located at 522 Abbott Rd. State News Photo by Bob Ivins whipping around toward earth The space¬ craft's speed will grow steadily until it Apollo superwelcome curves into the grasp of earth s atmosphere and gravity The quarter-million mile trip began only set WASHINGTON (AP> up - Tuesday a superwelcome for the Apollo 11 astronauts, predicted their suc¬ President Nixon though he mentioned the prospect ol as¬ certaining what may or may not be on the moon, on Mars, on Venus Just what hours after another moon traveler-the Soviet's unmanned Luna 15 probe-crashed into the moon A British scientist who monitored both Credits key to U' tuition cessors will discover life in space and then bevond-the-moon exploration the United moon flights from the Jodrell Bank Ob¬ States will conduct has not yet been of¬ servatory in England said the marked con¬ mingled with baseball's greats before under ficially decided policy trast of the American ship landing men heading for a Pacific rendezvous with the returning spacemen It was a crammed day for the President as he sped through last-minute duties be- (please turn to page 9) on the moon and the Russian unmanned new structure fore taking oft on his 12-day round-the- which drew criticism frjm two trustees isists not only ol an un¬ world trip is that graduate and undergraduate stu¬ dergraduate program, but also o' a grad¬ But the chief executive was obviously dents will pay the same tuition rates Under the tuition uate program and a variety of pro¬ elated with the success of the history mak¬ new plan approved Trustees Warren Huff. D-Plymouth. fessional schools that we customarily ing moonwalk--and. as a congressional by the board of trustees Fridav students and Clair White. D-Bay City, contended associate with the concept ol i univer¬ leader put it. he was fired with evangelis¬ will now be assessed tuitions by the num¬ this this makes freshmen, for whom sity " tic fervor for his forthcoming tour of sev¬ ber of credits they carry the cost of education is less, and soph¬ en countries. Resident students will pay $13 per credit The graduate program subsidizes the omores pay for graduate programs Nixon arranged to spend the evening at¬ per term, rather than the $i84 lump tuition Graduate students undergraduate program. Adams said, in should be paying rate assessed to a full time student under that it provides large numbers of grad¬ tending the All Star baseball game Then af¬ more, not less, tuition. Huff said ter flying to San Francisco, he heads Wed¬ the old system uate assistants Stephen Nisbet. R-Deckerville. dis¬ nesday for the mid-Pacific to be on hand Non-resident, or out-of-state stu¬ agreed. The graduate assistant- Probably for Thursday s Apollo splashdown. From dents. pay $31 per credit rather than If you take this (Huff si point to constitute one of the most exploited there he goes on to Asia. $420 per term. its logical conclusion. Nisbet said, The stateside welcome for the space he¬ groups in American society because it The new tuition structure was pro¬ you would have to figure out how much roes. as laid out by Nixon, will feature is they who participate, in large part, posed by an administrative committee to it costs to teach each student the courses in the education of these self same ticker tape parades in New York and Chi¬ eliminate the inequities of the old struc¬ he takes freshmen and sophomores that reference cago Aug 13 plus a formal dinner in Los ture. Elliott Ballard, presidential aide, "A university worthy of its name. has been made to." Adams said Angeles as his guests that night said. Acting President Adams told trustees. So I think this is a complex Nixon was admittedly brimming with op¬ Under the old " issue system, there was a does not consist of a freshman class in terms of trving to compute on an timism about the future- this is no time large change in tuition when a student exclusively because it happens to be the economic basis who subsidizes v.h)m for the pessimists, he said--in talking to went from three to four credits or from lowest cost operation in a university and by how muchf some 2.000 foreign high school-age students six to credits, and seven again if he visiting the White House went from nine to 10 credits. Ballard He said he believes that by the vear said 2.000 we on this earth will have visited The increase in the average tuition, STUDENTS REACT new worlds where there will be a form however, will be about 4.5 cents per of lite credit hour or 60 cents per term, He gave no turther detail on this, al- he added shows Students taking more than 20 credits Wheeler report will and credits be assessed only for 20 credits students will taking less be charged a than three minimum Survey fee for three credits of course Several special and additional fees will be discontinued under the new structure revised tu to President They are the improvement service fee. the repeat course fee. the applied music fee. the physical education laundry fee By LINDA GORTMAKFR Executive Reporter that tuition should still be based on a flat rate for full-time students. A sampling of out-of-state students This new method might really in¬ and late entrance credentials fee. shows plenty of criticism for the new fluence who's uptight about hush-hushed Also included are facilities someone fee for tuition structure that would charge them money." he said such physical education courses as golf $31 per credit and in-state students Steve Faulk. Battle Creek freshman, and bowling, zero credit fee and doc¬ $13 per credit. toral thesis research fees for graduate doesn't consider the new tuition structure WASHINGTON < APi - Gen Earle G Graduate students and Michigan resi¬ that "necessary." Wheeler returned from Vietnam Tuesday students, music therapy internship fee dents aren t griping that much though, The thing that gets me is that they with a report on the war for President and placement training fee for agricul¬ It was secret, but indications were the Kennedys at Kop tural technology programs The late registration fee will now be an unscientific I'm against survey showed Tuesday it. Baton Rouge. La., freshman, said. Larry Leventhal. didn't charge graduate students anymore." Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and his wife, Joan, walk along a line of $1 per credit for the first day. $2 per It's Under the new system, both under¬ military can go along with further troop reductions. credit the second and subsequent days. going to hurt me Maybe I'll re-do the graduate and graduate students from out- spectators toward the grave site where Mary Jo Kopechne, a former schedule I had planned for fall. of-state will pay $31 a credit: all in¬ Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs aide of slain Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was buried Wednesday. Previously the late registration fee was I was going to take 19 cridits state students will pay $13 a credit. of Staff, told reporters on his arrival at Miss Kopechne was killed Saturday when a car driven by Kennedy $15 the first day. $20 the second day Bruce Etkin. Detroit freshman, thought I can't see that our education is nearby Andrews Air Force Base Md I and $30 the third and subsequent days plunged into a salt water pond in Massachusetts. AP Wirephoto that much more special that I have must say that I lind the situation good One provision of the new structure to pay more for it." said Sally Ayles- Wheeler, who spent four days sizing up worth. Alexandria. Va.. graduate student the war. said the program to modernize and in history. But I wouldn't mind paying improve Vietnamese forces to take over more if I had to. to go to grad school." Kennedy maintains silence more combat responsibilitv is on schedule - Jean Ann Sallee. Phoenix. Ariz., gradu¬ as a matter of fact, ah^ad of schedule in ate student in vocational rehabilitation some areas The four-star general would not fore¬ counseling, justified the graduates' rates with her opinion that "graduate students cast what he will recommend to Nixon, HYANNIS PORT Mass. identified, commented Tuesday in series ne. 28. of Washington. D C former secre¬ en friends, among them Joseph F. Gar- due to decide sometime in August wheth¬ - Sources a . help the reputation of a university. close to Sen. Edward M Kennedy. D-Mass.. of interviews. tary to Kennedy's late brother. Robert, gan. Kennedy's first cousin and a close " And anything usually costs more when er to withdraw more than the 25.000 troops The 37-vear-old Massachusetts Democrat, was trapped in the car and drowned. political associate: Paul Markham. form¬ announced earlier this summer say that despite unanswered questions. you start out than it does after you've last of the The accident, occurred at about 1 a.m. er U.S. attorney for Massachusetts and But he and Secretary of Defense Mel- Kennedy probably will never talk public¬ Kennedy brothers, asst major¬ learned the ropes." she said ly about the auto accident he was in which ity leader of the U.S. Senate and potential Saturday, according to the police report. another close political ally: Burke Mar¬ Walt Chappell. Topeka. Kan., gradu¬ vin R. Laird scheduled an afternoon meet¬ claimed the life of a young blonde secre- 1972 candidate for the Democratic presiden¬ Kennedy said it happened at 11:15 p.m. Fri¬ shall former asst U.S. attorney general: ate student in secondary education, agreed ing with Nixon to discuss Wheeler's find¬ tial nomination, was driver of a car that day But in any event, the senator didn't U.S. Rep John V. Tunney. D-Calif.. and that it is fair that graduate students ings before Nixon leaves Tuesdav night tor skidded off a bridge and into a tidal pond go to the police until almost 10 a m Satur¬ one of two key Kennedy staff members. his trip around the world pay the same amount as undergraduates He's told the early Saturday on Chappaquiddick Island, day He has been charged with leaving because they use the same facilities as Wheeler said U.S. intelligence experts in police all he can. I'm cer¬ the of accident and show-cause -Why weren t the police notified of the tain. one said I don't know what more he adjacent to the resort island of Martha's scene an a undergraduates, "and when we don't, Saigon told him of indications that the Vineyard south of Cape Cod hearing is scheduled in the case for Julv accident sooner"1 could say that would help with the inves¬ much of our research facilities are fund¬ North Vietnamese and Viet Cong are pre¬ 28 In a brief statement to police. Kennedy ed by federal grants," he said. paring for another series of attacks which tigation I honestly don t believe he re¬ Kennedy survived the wreck, though he The said said he was in a state of shock after the members anything else sources Kennedy discussed is¬ Some in-state students questioned sym¬ would break a recent lull in battlefield sustained a mild concussion and strained wreck. The accident occurred as Kennedy The sources, all of whom asked not to be suing a public statement Saturday night pathized with the " plight" of the out- activities. neck muscles. But Miss Mary Jo Kopech¬ and early Sunday with at least half a doz¬ (please turn to page 9) / (please turn to page 9) 2 Wednesday, July 23, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Lobbyists By ED HUTCHISON The public has yet to give its blessing to the marriage act asist to buy luuch for a legis¬ lator as it is appropriate for legislative information aides said most lobbyists are honest but have been hurt by the few are bunch, a few rotten but the apples in the vast majority You can only lie legislator once and you re a to a Dovel said there is no need for any committee to police the lous within their ranks NEXT: The Attornev General a businessman to buy lunch for that are dishonest of lobbyists are clean because marked man. The unscrupulous lobbyists. Instead, the lobby- talk* about legislation altered of lobbyist and legislation. another businessman " There are so many bills they have to be. ones are few and far between ists will expose the unscrupu- by lobbyists efforts. Involved in what one called " Luncheon is one of the few introduced in a session that the "world's most misunder¬ times a lobbyist has a chance no legislator could possibly stood business.'' lobbyists have to talk to him t the legis¬ read them all. The legislator what seems to be a perpetual lator i. Newspapers attach an must rely on lobbyists to ex¬ LANSING PICKET black mark against them even unsavory connotation to this." plain what's in a bill and tell though there is no known con¬ The press, however, isn't his story The legislator makes viction for bribery by a lob¬ 5 the only source of public mis¬ his own decision. " byist of a Michigan legislator. Still, though, the poor public impression remains, fed by not an overly friendly press. Con¬ understanding and distrust of the lobbyist. A little known side of lobbying is the presence of two or more Doyle cited the railroads as lobbyists battling each other. being a vicious" lobby in "On any public question there Kroger stores sider for example, these head- the 1920 s. but has since then are lobbyists on both sides. to Legislators bered." are Outnum¬ Lobbyists Peddle Ideas Uninformed Legislators." Calvin Second in a series College political science professor and aide to former Gov. George Romney. changed and become legitimate. I know of no segment of so¬ The public, however, is slow ciety that is not represented to forget the occassional lob¬ in byist or lobby that is ex¬ Doyle said legislation by lobbyists." for California All store managers and officials customer ought to be able to The migrant grape, pickers "Lobbyists Spend Millions' William F. Doyle, considered posed for some reason Lobbyists battle lobbyists at the main Kroger distributing decide for themselves. she in California formed a union and "Lobbyists Move In." by many as the dean" of Doyle likened poor public much harder than legislators office in Grand Rapids refused to said to attempt to gain decent wages These headlines, culled from Michigan lobbyists, now retired, Often lobbyists on opposite impression of the lobbyist to The Lansing Grape Boycott comment on the boycott. The Boycott Committee gave and working conditions. When Michigan newspapers by Walter charged the press with using the 1930's when banks were sides get together and find a Committee is protesting working Ed Beard, manager of the reasons for the Kroger action the growers refused to rec¬ DeVries in his MSU doctoral adjectives that fit in to glamor¬ regarded as an unscrupulous compromise and jointly go conditions and wages of Cali¬ position paper that was ognize and bargain with the dissertation on the Michigan ize before the legislator." Kroger store at Yankee Stadium in a a sentence business fornia grape pickers in its boy¬ workers, a strike was called." Center said. I'm just an in¬ taped near the fruit section of lobbyists indicate a press seem¬ Much of the criticism of This view existed because The vast, vast majority of cott of five area Kroger stores the grocery store. nocent bystander and I'm not in ingly willing to promote the lobbyists centers around their a few banks went broke be¬ legislators welcome assis- that sell California grapes Could you support you The position paper ended with a position to sav anything fam¬ lobbyist as a cigar chewing, " winning and dining legisla¬ cause of an international finan¬ Information booths and picket Ann Reed, a Kroger customer, a plea to boycott California ily. the paper said, " on less influence-peddling caricature of tors Doyle suggests that it cial crisis." Doyle reiterated what many lines are in effect and leaf- said she was buying California grapes. the past. than $3,000 a year? Of course DeVries is a former is as appropriate for a lobby¬ Extending this analogy. Doyle lobbyists have said: There are being distributed 4 to 6 Rick Manezak. member of grapes to protest the boycott not' But. according to U.S. a Government statistics, that's all Boycott committee, said. " through Friday by members As a customer I bought Cal¬ the of the committee in front of ifornia grapes to show my dis¬ the migrant farm worker and his Kroger is the only major food local Kroger Stores. approval of the boycott Every family earn chain in this area that has re¬ fused to sign an agreement not to sell California grapes. Goldo M to visit U WASHINGTON (AP> -- 1'rime ter Golda Meier of Israel semi-annual isit Washington Sept 25-26 invitation of President and Nixon, the White House an- ed Tuesday 2-pair The prime minister has beer in this country rnanv times pre viouslv in a private Rapacity, the last time on a speS»» tour in 1%8. the White House saro 1 our clearance hot are this long. dogs Campus women's dress shoes How long 2pr. $14 7.90 pr 2pr- ^1 8 9.90 pr. is 2pr. $22 11.90 pr. . Capezio .Nina .Joyce YOUR .Town & Country HUNGRY? women's flats and casuals shorten it. Try a tan- pizza or one of our 2p< $18 gy .Nina .Old Maine Trotters great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at .Capezio .Bandolinos 9.90 pr. women's Bandolino - 2 pr. $18 9.90 pr. sandals ALSO! Hamburgers Garden Cheeseburgers Submarines French Fries women's dress shoes & ARTHUR JAY TRIMS FALL PIZZA 2pr. *14 7.90 pr. 2p-"-^1 8 9.90 pr. PASTELS IN GREY FAKE FUR 2pr. $22 11.90 pr. CALL 332-6517 A. The double-breasted shape with generous cuffs and col¬ B. a Single-breasted andbelted, coat with double borders of .Connies .Janettes .Moxees VARSITY make-believe fur at the hem lar of soft grey fake fur. Baby blue or lime. Wool and ny¬ and furry stand-up collar. .Life Strides .Hush Puppies® lon. 59.98. Baby blue or lime. Wool/ny¬ lon. 59.98. flats and casuals 2 pr. $14 7.90 pr. women's 2 pr. $14 2 pr. $18 Shop Knapp's sandals 7.90 pr. 9.90 pr. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 23, 1969 3 NEWS U.S. rids Okinawa summary WASHINGTON Pentagon, acknowledging the first time that the United for nonpersistent. quick-acting chem¬ involved in the ical nerve agent which can are "well and injure by inhalation or by pene¬ their normal duties." July 8 incident going about als involved. The accident occurred dur¬ ing routine maintenance opera¬ tion. and cess was The building was cleared the decontamination pro¬ completed without inci¬ help to "detoxify" and dispose of the faulty weapon which sprang a leak. Henkin refused States has deployed war gases trating the skin He furnished this tions conducted by members of account: dent." to say more A capsule summary of the The Pentagon announcement about the weapon day's events frorr overseas, announced Tuesday it the 267th Chemical Co Henkin did not say our wire services. is took pains to stress that the On July 8. 23 U.S. Army sol¬ what the except to describe it as "ordi- removing its chemical weap¬ diers and an American civilian During a paint removal ons from Okinawa chemical munitions were sent to symptoms were. Such gases employe of the U.S.Army were procedure, a small leak devel¬ normally are colorless and odor- The Pentagon's top spokes¬ "Preparations are being Okinawa during the Kennedy exposed briefly to the chemical oped in one weapon adjacent to man also would not say how the made to remove certain chemi¬ administration and that "no tox¬ the fill plug. The 24 personnel agent. GB. on Okinawa No per- With a low dosage. Henkin U.S. chemical warfare stocks cal munitions, including some ic chemical agents have been sonnel were seriously affected experienced minor symptoms said. GB acts as an "incapaci- would be removed from Okina¬ "I n an I the lime to come toxic agents, which were moved deployed overseas since Secre¬ "After precautionary medical of toxic exposure and standard tant'--that is. it disables. wa or where they would be sent. to Okinawa several years ago as tary Melvin R Laird took of¬ when the (liinese people observation, including brief hos¬ safety procedures, including the With a high dosage, he said, it He said the removal had been a result of decisions made in fice" six months ago. use of protective masks, were and I he Hussion pitalization of four military per¬ can kill unless there is "prompt previously planned and that mil¬ people and 1961 and 196:?. the Defense At the same time. Henkin re¬ sonnel. all 24 persons were re- immediately instituted and proper oil fused to discuss whether the medication." itary officials had been working llie people of I he nor hi Dept. said full "Ordinance teams entered the from the United States has positioned duty within A team Army's on such plans for some time, The United States acted to de¬ ton walk together antl talk Then Ry one building involved and rapid¬ Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland but that those plans had not fuse potential diplomatic prob¬ chemical and radiological weap¬ ml' S ly eliminated the unsafe condi¬ or other has been sent to Okinawa to tone! her." lems with Japan four elsewhere but he previously been put into effect. days after ons overseas, -Hit hard \l. \ixon news reports said that 24 U.S. did state "unequivocally that military and civilian personnel were affected when a container there are no U S biological WASHINGTON MARCH of nerve gas broke t at' Biological weapoi U.S. base on Okinaw International News U' students to protest war Until Tuesday, the Pentagon Sir Bernard Lovell said acknowledged only that there Tuesday the Apol¬ had been a mishap, and that the chen irfar lo 11 and Luna 15 moon shots increase hopes U.S. personnel had been strategic places abroad for I S.-Soviet space cooperation because "this turned to duty after brief medi- the 1950s under is the first time the United States has been cal observation such weapons fo By BARBARA PARNESS the The G.I Civilian Anti-war Al¬ opportunity- to combine a stu¬ will be planned for the campus The new announcement by the U.S. deterre State News Staff Writer dent liance will also support nation¬ strike with a concerted She added that the Alliance demonstrably superior in a vital part of the Daniel Z. Henkin. asst. sec- In a formal state The G.I.-Civilian Anti-war effort to mobilize all sections of will also be getting wide moratorium on business buses to space program. retarv of defense for public af- newsmen. Laird Alliance at MSI' will be among the population in Washington take MSU students to Washington as usual " for Oct. 5 so that " American approaches for collaboration may fairs, gave a fuller account of when he became d over 150 local and national stu¬ This demonstration will meet students, for the march, as it did for faculty members and the July 8 incident and disclosed tary. I asked for i dent groups to participate in a with the other citizens can organize in be received with sympathy in the Soviet Union greatest response yet the April 5 march in Chicago that it involved a nerve gas ports concerning Nov. 15 march on Washington to from the i growing G.I anti-war their own communities against as the Russians can no longer regard them¬ call GB. described as a toxic, logical warfare a demand the immediate with¬ movement." the actions "We pro¬ have support, but not selves as masters.'' the astronomer told re¬ cause "I felt it ;ent i; drawal of United States troops posal states. everyone is willing to work at the from Vietnam porters at Jodrell Bank Virginia Osteen. McLean. Va . this." she said "I think that Lovell also said that it seemed to him that Oily' minister A National Security Council review of the entire U.S. chemi¬ The proposal, passed at the July national anti-war confer¬ junior and representative of the G.I.-Civilian Anti-war Alliance, on have an anti-war issue you don't trouble getting support ROTC d Luna 15 was intended to recover samples from cal-biological-radiological war¬ ence in Cleveland and adopted said that publicity and recruit¬ In conjunction with the Wash¬ the moon, and that the Soviets could succeed weds couple fare program, ordered by Presi¬ dent Nixon at La id's request, is by the Student Mobilization Com¬ ing for the Nov. 15 march will ington demonstration, the SMC to retire mittee to End the War in Viet¬ be the main concern of her group conference adopted the anti-war in a few months. But. he added, the Russians being pressed, the Pentagon in gas station nam iSMC i Conference, will be this summer and fall. conference proposal to hold a are a long way from putting • • men on • the moon said. Included this the the largest anti-war action this country will have ever seen Miss Osteen said liance will contact representa¬ the Al¬ West Coast demonstration at the same time in San Francisco and Army Israeli DETROIT (UPI>--To the question of . accoridng to the SMC fall actions tives in student government to sources indicated Tuesday they took Col. Robert G Piatt, director gentle drip of a grease gun. of war bases proposal try to organize a strike at MSU The SMC conference also ot the Army ROTC program at pains to avoid bombing Soviet vessels or per¬ before a tasteful array of tires. Henkin sa The Nov. 15 march on Wash¬ for Nov. 14. She said that if a adopted the proposal to stage a MSU. will retire from active sonnel in heavy weekend raids across the Suez pretty Diana Studaker became diers and o ington presents the SMC with strike cannot be organized a rally demonstration on Sept. 27 in . Army duty Friday at Fort Ben¬ canal into Egypt. Robert Mafuta s wife They Chicago in support of the people jamin Harrison. Ind. kissed beneath the hydraulic lift arrested during the incidents in The sources said that their attack was not He leaves his position with WSU's South End and bought gas from the Chicago during the 1968 Dem¬ ROTC July 31. aimed at Port Said, but at Egyptian artillery, preacher.then roared off into the ocratic National Convention. No successor to his moon-lit night to begin their post has mortar, tank and missile positions. yet been announced married life The September demonstration There was fear that some of the 3.000 Rus¬ Piatt, a 1939 graduate of MSI With all the romance that can was originally proposed by Stu¬ has served as professor of mili sian advisors in Egypt may have been in¬ be mustered in an inner city gas dents for a Democratic Society tary science here since Julv station. Miss Studaker. 21 and SDSi and the Black Panthers jured by the first such Israeli attack since 1965. Marfuta. 22. tied the knot Mon¬ at the SDS convention in June. the June. 1967 war. • • • day night before a delighted but befuddled attendant. resumes pu We're going to try and build Previously ector of he served Plans and as Dir¬ Operations The enemy in Vietnam pressed harassing The Rev Bruce Greene, li¬ for the Chicago march. Miss for the U.S. Army Ajutant Gen¬ censed only a month before as B\ STEVE WATERBURY John Grant. South End news mering out a version of the Osteen said But. she added that eral School at Fort Harrison. attacks against allied positions Tuesday, but minister of the State News Staff Writer ,'ditor. said Tuesday the paper higher education bill that would it might be difficult to attract July 1963 to July 1965. and there was no major break in the month-long a Spiritual as Church of Israel and its Army, The Wayne State University 'could and did publish without be acceptable to both houses. support because the march is an administrative officer with lull on the battlefields. was on duty as night manager at (WSU> student newspapet [ niversitv assistance, but there Earlier in the legislative the first weekend after classes the Central Intelligence Agency his brother-in-law s gas station the South End. will resume pub¬ unsuccessful in Washington. U.S. Command spokesmen refused to at¬ session, an at¬ when the couple pulled in and lication Thursday with univer¬ an tempt had been made by State tribute any political meaning to the continuing editor of the paper in started phoning around for a sity support and approval, fol¬ as the Rep Joseph P Swallow. R- lull The prevalent feeling in Saigon is that justice of the peace to marry lowing staff agreement with a fall, and Cheryl McCall. the Alpena. to delete $42,900 slated Communist generals are building their forces set of broad guidelines drawn summer editor, both have agreed for the South End from the THE STATE NEWS The Slate News, the student It seems their marriage li¬ up by the WSU Newspaper to abide by the guidelines of the WSU budget request. newspaper at Michigan State University, is for another surge of attacks this month or published every class da> throughout the year with special Welcome Week cense. issued June 21. was going Publication Board publication board The student newspaper has and Orientation issues in June and next. The recently created board September Subscription rates are $14 to expire at midnight WSl Wil been repeatedly criticized as "We've been all Keast is composed of three students racist and obscene. sure along suspended publication of Member Associated Press, United PreS's Internati that and two faculty members, select¬ The National News ried. we were going to get said Marfuta. of the De¬ mar¬ the paper July fore a special 11. shortly be¬ ed by the executive board of guidelines provide for Association. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan edition devoted igan Collegiate Press Association. Unite* States Studer troit suburb of Royal Oak We to the Cultural Revolution the WSU Student-Eaeultv Coun¬ -pre bat •ed and Sen. cil Barry (ioldwater implied Tuesday that just haven't been sure about the vant ( whole time or the place Keast said the publication of In the future, student repre¬ partisan considerations may have a role in the newspaper would do "seri sentatives on the board will shock Democratic opposition to the Nixon Adminis¬ be elected by of the Wiping the grease from his ous damage to WSU and the a vote onaliz* tration's proposal for the Safeguard antibal- hands. Mr Greene summoned future of student journalism student body -follow the highest codes of Editorial Classified Ad a friend and his sister to act here id the suspension of creativity listic missile svstem < ABM Display Adve as witnesses, dimmed the lights The newspaper has been the publication by K -be accurate, impartial and The Arizona Republican told the Senate in a and performed his first mar¬ political action" done abjective floor speech that "opposition to the ABM did riage 1967. when it adopted its pres pease the state legislature." Normally, the South End pub¬ We hated to go through the ent name, and the editorial At the time of the suspension lished twice week, Tues¬ not reach anything like its present crescendo con¬ a on process of applying for a license tent shifted to become radical- of the paper, a legislative days and Thursdays during the when the program was being called Sentinel again, getting a new blood test oriented summer term. and was being propelled by a Democratic ad¬ and all. explained the new The paper's staff members ministration and a liberal-oriented Secretary Mrs Marfuta a mini-skirted published the paper indepen of I Jefense blonde from Madison Heights, another Detroit suburb rWlv julv |4 ith »h.» the aid'"I JOBOB PROMOTIONS PRESENTS • • • President Nixon said Tuesday he has ordered A "GRASSER" A Hip Gathe government agencies to reduce spending by an Housewife n at Alward Lake Country Park additional $3.5 billion to offset what he de¬ scribed as a worsening budget picture. ■No federal program is above scrutiny." the of solo Pacific Friday, July 25 8:30 p.m. - ? radio-and heard her husbai President said in a statement. Some highly LOS ANGELES 37-vear-old housewife, seeking to i.\Pt-A terviewed on a radio pro featuring (Bring A Blanket) desirable programs will have to be stretched become the first woman to sail Monday-she couldn't sen< out-others reduced. The dollar deductions will solo across the Pacific, virtually completed the crossing today, messages She ; last heard fr THE SAVAGE GRACE be accompanied by a further lowering of the davs ago with the Braintree Light Show sailing within a mile of the Cal¬ when she was si personnel ceilings established last month." ifornia coast 73 days after set¬ from the liner President co-featuring swimming-dancing-sandy beaches \ixon is aiming at bringing soaring spending ting sail from Japan Kinlev in mid-Pacific From E. Lansing—Take US 27 North (N. Larch Sharon Sites Adams told her Being typically female, St.) 9 miles to Alward Rd. Make a left turn down to the $192.9 billion target he set in April husband. Al. who pulled along talking talking, talking, on Alward Rd. and drive for 1 mile. side her off Port Hueneme. 30 ams said miles northwest of here, that The Senate Demoeratic Policy Committee she had survived seven gales and a battle with a shark Instant Hair Plus Ovation Cosmetics - reaffirmed Tuesday its position that extension She'd also made a dress, she of the surtax must be tied to tax reform, but decided to discuss the situation further with said, that she'll wear for a gala welcome planned in San Diego. Summer School Success Mr. Henri's curly 100 miles south, when she .touch¬ the Nixon administration. es shore-probably to end the crossing Thursday- top stretch wig Adams relayed his wife's re¬ Campus News actions via marine radio be¬ 16.95 cause her own radio transmitter broke down about 20 days ago Rain or shine this pre-curled With no campus and no local tax support, Although she could listen to wig will keep its curl without Wayne County Communitv College will swing into operation this fall with an estimated re-setting. Just wash, dry and 6.000 students. comb. Life-like synthetic hair Classes will be held at 18 high schools around GIACOMO with stretch headband and the county. 11 of them in Detroit and the rest LEOPARDI crown. In natural hair color in suburbs shades. FOR We are turning our lack of a permanent campus into a positive advantage." said Mur MSU Elegante Wiggery Miss assist you in Roni, our stylist, will rav .Jackson, executive director of the college. 541 E. Grand River next to Paraphernalia selecting a wig. PRESIDENT Cut and style your ne?w wig, Tuesday "Our 18 centers will bring our col¬ CLOSED SATURDAY* JURING THE SUMMER 8.50, your own wig, 6.50. lege conveniently close to all residents and help OPEN Wed. till 9:00 P.M. 332-3341 to make it an integral part of the community. Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. M ICHIG AN James R. Crate Trinka Cline, executive editor editor-in-chief Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor STATE NEWS William B. Castanier advertising manager Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial editor UNIVERSITY Jeff Elliott, sports editor By DR. ARNOLD WERNER EDITORIAL EDITOR'S NOTE: Beginning today, should not use the pill. Dr. Arnold Werner, asst. professor of There are a number of other con¬ psychiatry answers questions of a medical traceptive means that you might find ac¬ Obstructing the rubber stamp nature in a SN column. Letters to new ceptable. One of the least troublesome Dr. Werner will be printed without and most effective is the intrauterine the writer's name and may be addressed device (IUDi The installation joh to him at 309 Linton Hall. is taken care of by your doctor and while they do not come with warranties, they In short, everyone could ben- compare favorably with the best of Open trustee meetings have efit—the press because it By now we ar« all aware that mari¬ methods excepting the pill. will long been little more than a better understand the trustee's juana is not detrimental to a person's health, but what about a pregnant person? Please advise how to make my facade to rubber stamp de¬ me on stand: the public because it I think my girlfriend is pregnant, and as two year old stop biting. I have tried cisions already reached in pri¬ we often smoke grass, and have for quite will have a better perspective scoldings, spankings and biting him back. vate. That has been altered a while, I am concerned about the effect All have failed. on the trustees' rationale: and this might have on our future baby. somewhat now. due to the boy¬ the trustees themselves because Have you any information on how grass cott that trustees Warren Huff Biting, including biting people, is a for many, it could mean might affect either the growth of the baby normal activity for most babies up through and Clair White plan to con¬ or the health of the mother? their teething years. Somewhere along tinue of closed board meet¬ they might have to speak up the line they get the message that it in public, and that could be Your assumption that we are all aware hurts, people don't like it and it is not ings. that marijuana is not detrimental to a Closed good for their image. rewarded. Biting in anger persists for meetings, officially The logical question, then, person's health is unfounded. There exist a a much longer time (viz. the unsavory called finance committee meet¬ large number of people and a few German reputation of women in a knock-down, is why hasn't this happened shepherds in this country who are con¬ ings. were originally used drag-out fight. 1. earlier? Why haven't the board vinced that marijuana is the plague bacillus Scoldings and spankings often fail to for only that-financial mat¬ reincarnated. So. considering that most meetings been opened up for change children s behavior because they ters and personnel discussions. informed people are aware that mari¬ fail to deal with the child's needs Biting serious dialogue'? A reasonable consideration, to juana is not detrimental to most people's him back goes one step further by re¬ Huff believes the reason may health, your question about a pregnant warding him and encouraging him to be sure. No one would contem¬ be that the trustees enjoy the person becomes very relevant. The Thal¬ bite again. After all. if you bite him plate discussing stocks and idomide tragedy has rightly made people bonds or the character of a Rap with informality bilitv of closed and unaccounta- meetings. Be¬ very concerned about what they take into their bodies during pregnancy. While it must be all right for him to bite you. It rarely pays to respond to a child with the same behavior you are trying to tentative personnel appoint¬ research evidence of damage with mar¬ ment with the press The door to finance committee meetings may still be closed, yond this, however, there is discourage. present. ijuana is lacking, it remains foolhardy If your child is biting in anger, he must but no longer does the board have complete immunity to the notable disagreement among The scope of closed meet¬ to take the smallest risk of damaging learn as all children must, appropriate public for actions taken in private. the trustees over who decides your future baby by absorbing any non- forms of expression of anger. Since most ings has been extended, how¬ State News photo by Jerry McAllister what will be discussed in pri¬ vital drug during pregnancy. This would adults move faster than most two year ever. No longer do they involve be an ideal time for your girlfriend to vate. and what will be dis¬ olds, it remains for you to be vigilant • only these two areas. The sit¬ reached a climax Thursday views and questions are ful¬ visit an obstetrician for correct pre¬ cussed in public. enough to stop him when he bares his uation became apparent after when Huff and White walked ly aired. In the future, open There seems natal care, to give up smoking cigarettes, chompers. At this point a firm "No!" to be a good deal of buck-pass¬ as that leads to small babies and to works wonders Beyond that, it remains the trustees abandoned the slid¬ out of the finance committee meetings should prove a lit¬ decide whether or not marriage might ing. with no one quite sure who to see if there are situations in the ing scale in a closed meeting. tle more spirited, since two meeting after their motion to is responsible for the itemized affect the growth of the baby or the child's environment that are engendering The press, trustees will not have had the health of the mother. the public and even move two items to the public unusual anger or. whether his activities two trustees began to wonder benefit of the private discus¬ agenda. But regardless of who are so restricted that the normal ag¬ agenda was defeated sion and will raise questions prepares the agenda, the trus¬ I have a problem. I have been takine gression discharged in play are being ex¬ why the public was not entitled What effect, in actuality, tees have the option of alter¬ birth control pills, gaining weight, feeling pressed in his eating habits to the rationale behind the de¬ will this have on board meet¬ at the open meeting. dizzy, depressed, and have spots before cisions. As this happens, and Huff ing anything on it once they \ly doctor says it is normal, ings. both open and closed0 have been called into session. my eyes. But can't and W'hite raise questions, the but I'm scared. But I'm more frightened Is it possible to become addicted to any trustee raise It will not. of course, stop the aspirin? I have severe headaches and find The question seems to have about the possibility of becoming preg¬ anv point he so desires in the trustees from proceeding as opposition also will have to nant, and abstention is not the solution. myself taking between 15 and 20 aspirin become so blurred and over¬ public meeting0 True, but if they always have with closed speak up. lest the public mis¬ Please help me. a day. They help my headaches, but are understand its position. Every¬ shadowed by irrelevant consid¬ there some long range side effects 1 the trustees have alreadv re¬ meetings, but it could throw a then, could be engaged, erations that no one knows for Congratulations! If you had added should know about? » solved the issue in private, it monkey wrench into the opera¬ one. nausea and swelling of your feet. -you certain. is unlikely that the perform¬ tion. Usually, issues are not finally, in some meaningful would have had the maioritv of the com¬ No. it is not possible to become addicted ance will be repeated for the voted upon in the closed meet¬ dialogue beyond the head-nod- At least the boycott by Huff mon symptoms shown with birth control to aspirin But I wonder why you aren't pills You neglect to mention how long more worried about the severe headaches public's benefit. The issue ing. but all of the trustees' ding that is usually seen. and W^hite will open the meet- that don t seem to be goine away While you have been on the pills. If this is if it won't create the com¬ the first month or two. it is possible 15 and 20 aspirin a dav might relieve Is Huber committee plete frankness with which would like to see the we board the symptoms will disappear. persist longer, or you are unusually un¬ comfortable with them, perhaps the pill If they your headaches, you are reaching the range where ringing in the ears begins. More importantly, that many aspirins per speak. is not for you These are potent med¬ dav over a lorrg period of time can produce The many questions raised just exactly what is it that fied in the eyes of the peo¬ icines and many people (perhaps as gastrointestinal bleeding and may activate much as 30 per centi find that they do an ulcer regarding the value of the Sen¬ Senator Huber plans to inves- ple of Michigan before the Does anybody remember a not do well with them. As well, there Headaches have a variety of origins. Most ate's Special Committee on tigate? Michigan colleges are legislature goes out on a fis¬ clause in the Michigan consti¬ are a number of situations in which the are short lived and occur infrequently. Campus Disorders came into not precisely what could be cal limb with the taxpayers' tution that expressly forbids pill is not recommended. These include When headaches are persistent, frequent, or of unusual intensity, medical evaluation even sharper focus Wednesday typified as hotbeds of radi¬ money. Senator Roger Craig. formal closed Board of Trustee a history of cancer and blood clotting is in order. My advic like the abnormalities, among other things. Some > when Chairman Robert J. Hu¬ calism. In fact, by compari¬ D-Dearborn. among others has meetings ? TV commercial that • If pain neurologists and obstetricians also feel ber. R-Trov. stated that the son with such places as Colum¬ questioned items of the Com¬ -The Editors that women with a historv of migraine persists, see your doctc bill for his quest may run as bia and San Francisco State, mittee's budget, such as $12,000 high as $70,000. According to they are downright sedate. In requested for optional room and Huber. the original $25,000 light of this, the charge of board for 400 helpers OUR READERS' MIND allocation, of which SB.000 has "witch hunt" leveled by some It is important to note that so far been spent, will be "in¬ of Huber's opponents does be¬ taking a stand against campus sufficient for a study in depth of the matters assigned to come a bit more plausible, though there is the possibil¬ disorders, regardless of wheth¬ er or not there really are any. Hard drug laws need change the committee.'' ity that "sensation-seeking" can be a highly politically ne¬ The primary quandary in could be the better word. gotiable move. Among the To the Editor: main factor in the high rate of drug ad¬ crime and drug addiction e much low- many minds at this point is This point should be clari- general public. "Law and Or¬ I strongly agree with your editorial diction. er. although there are. 1 doubt. other comment President Nixon's Because organized crime controls the der" is rapidly becoming a non- on proposed factors involved in the differences. drug laws. However. I would go some¬ drug market, it can set pretty well any John rational article of faith, not Smyth what further: I think that the present price it likes for hard drugs, and the Ottawa. Canada, graduate student unlike the flag and mother¬ laws with respect to hard drugs, such as addict has to pay If addicts could ob¬ herion. tain drugs in some way through legal hood. Further, students pose no are completely wrong-headed. In fact. I would maintain that the pres¬ channels, a major source of income for Lunar hypocrisy IIIt-MI threat of counterattack, for ent laws are a major contributing fac¬ organized crime would be cut off. and nm they do not form any sort of tor to two of the most serious problems organized crime might never recover. The To the Editor: cohesive political force and in this country-organized crime and the only way the addict can obtain the large I have always been amazed by the sum of money to buy the drugs he hypocrisy of American Presidents, poli¬ high crime rate-as well as being the are. thereby, the perfect craves now is bv theft or prostitution. ticians and the public in general. With "witches" for aspiring offi¬ If these drugs were available legally, the United States' latest effort to land a cials to "hunt." Administra¬ Holiday silly their price would be quite low and the man on the moon. President Nixon pro¬ \ ■' addict could obtain enough money in claimed that this feat will be an ac¬ tors and educators who might an ordinary job to pay for them with¬ complishment not only for the U.S., oppose such actions are ef¬ To the Editor: out having to resort to crime. Also, if but for all mankind, but our astronauts fectively controlled by the fi¬ Accession to Nixon's requested improm¬ narcotics were available legally, organ¬ left on the moon an American flag and ptu holiday during the last days of an ized crime would have interest in commemorative plaque signed by all nancial hold that the legisla¬ no already abbreviated summer term is an getting people "hooked" on drugs as it the "brass." Visualize the hypocrisy of ture has over them or. as in act of the utmost practical stupidity--a does now. and a big drop in the ad¬ the inscription on the plaque "we the case of Dr. Sharma. other silly emotional response to national pride diction rate could be expected. came in peace . but we are killing I am not in Vietnam, and we had to get to the political pressures. and man's vanity suggesting that narcotics The holiday" is neither a meaning¬ should be available at your corner gro¬ moon before the Russians!! Why not a The basic essence of the ful nor a sensible tribute but an over- cery store, but it seems to me that the United Nations flag instead (0 >. because question, then, is not how much glorifying of an already acknowledged present "cure" for drug addiction is we didn't mean all those things the worse than the disease I understand President talked about. If NASA and money should be spent-though great technological achievement which is at the same time a monument to that in the United Kingdom, for in¬ other government officials had any fore¬ this is certainly a point worth man's twisted sense of values and the stance, addicts can register with the sight whatsoever they would have real¬ pondering-but. rather, should nation's shameful and immoral sense of police and obtain a supply of narcotics ized what great propaganda such an act it be spent at all. To state it priorities through an M.D. I understand also that would have been for this country. another way: is there any real Allyn Storer organized crime as we have here does Perry Serbanos New York graduate student not exist there, and that the rates of Watertown. Mass.. senior need for a Special Investigating Committee on Student Dis¬ orders in the State of Michi¬ gan. esjfeciallv in view of the fact that there are bodies on the federal level already research¬ ing this matter and which, quite possibly, can do a more comprehensive job? --The Edi-tors 1 Wednesday, July 23, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS IM News Joltin' Joe, Babe Ruth Mrs. Burrell scored a Jeanne Hall, a medical and Nan Vogel. wife of both of whem had 47's five-stroke victory over runners-up technologist at oiin Health Center, Thomas Vogel. professor of geology, head greatest team Mrs. Burrell. a departmental secretary at MeDonel Hall, Greatest Ever WASHINGTON UPI)--Babe was awarded a sterling silver charm, while Miss Hall and Ruth was named the greatest Lou Gehrig, IB George Sistler and Stan Musial < I Mrs Vogel received three titlist balls. Charlie Gehringer. 2B baseball Rogers Hornsby, 2B player ever and Joe Harold Pie Travnor 3B Harold Pie Travnor. 3B Team deadlines for the Open Men's IM League is noon DiMaggio the greatest living John Honus Wagner. SS Joe Cronin. SS Friday. Play begins Monday. July 28. Teams may be made up player by the Baseball Writers Ty Cobb. LF Ted Williams. LF of students, faculty and staff players A special roster must Joe Dimaggio. CF Joe DiMaggio. CF Assn. of America and the nation's be signed by faculty and staff members. Babe Ruth. RF Willie Mays. RF sportscasters and television an¬ Mickey Cochrane. C Bill Dickey. C Anyone interested in officiating softball for the Second Five nouncers. it was disclosed Mon¬ Walter Johnson P. RH Bob Feller P RH Weeks Open League should contact the IM office by July day night. Robert Lefty Grove. P LH Robert Lefty Grove. P. LH 26 for further information. The writers and representa¬ It enough students re interested, a volleyball tournamen tives of the other media, with will be offered The try deadline is tentatively set for Jul; help from baseball fans through¬ 28 All entries will be a opted in 201 Men's IM Bldg out the I'nited States and Can¬ Program Info. 332-0944 ada. also selected the greatest How they stand living players bv position and the greatest players ever, as Celebrate Baseb well as the greatest living man¬ American National ager and the greatest manager ever. Joe DiMaggio, Yankee slugger of the '40's and '50's, pays respects to Mrs. The living manager honor went EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION Babe Ruth, widow of the Yankee superstar, at Monday night's centennial dinner to Charles " Casey" Stengel, in Washington. Joe Cronin, American League president is in the center. with John McGraw tabbed the Ball more AP Wirephoto New York greatest manager ever. DETROIT St. Louis 49 48 505 The of the BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Washington Pittsburgh teams was made at the Cen¬ New York 46 52 469 20 Philadelphia tennial Dinner of Baseball at 38 59 392 27'2 Montreal TONIGHT Cleveland From 7:15 P.M. the Sheraton Park Hotel in WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION Feature at Washington, with President Nix- Minnesota 59 37 615 7:25 and 9:35 The team selection Oakland Kansas City- 'A NEW YORK VERSION What is the Magus Game? *★★-!*★★★★★★★★★★★★* ****************** Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT only J Seattle Chicago 40 55 421 18'2 The game is love. The game is lust. HUMPHREY BOGART and FRED MacMURRAY 3 California 36 58 383 22 OF "THE GRADUATE"! TENDER LOVING. IRRESISTABLE!' The vicious game is life itself. . Or is it death? FUNNY-SAD! -Judith Crist COLOR * THE CAINE MUTINY All-Star game at Washington, night ■ mMMNNSYK, MA6US Michael Caine-Anthony Quinn Candice Bergen-Anna Karina I and 9:15 Also 104 B Wells 50c ID not required Thursday's games Thursda) s chapter 8 of Hurricane Express Washington at Oakland, night a York RICHARD BENJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN'-"v; -AiiMacGRAVi NEXT ATTRACTION New York at California, night San Diego at Pittsburgh, night Thurs. Fritz Lang's Crimes of Dr. Mabusa Boston at Seattle, night Los Angeles at Chicago Persons under 18 not admitted MISJOMismWOHIEMPOf r unless with parent or adult guardian. NEXTI Sidney Poitier "THE LOST MAN" I Fri-Sat The Victors Kansas City at DETROIT, Minnesota at Cleveland, night night Chicago at Baltimore, night San Franciscoat St Louis, night Montreal at Atlanta, nigh' Philadelphia at Houston, night hy Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! CHUCK R@AST™59<-57< VAN P@RK & BEANS CAMP Gaylord Sliced STMWBEMtlES FROZEN pkg. 2* w«m»T©PWMG ■■■ 2* ' SAVE 7c SAVE 8C 8C S i ij \l S v ■ :",07 SAVE 10c with this coupon '-.y \M J-.t* toward the purchase of * Heinz, with Onions or Relish 18' I Kleenex Designer 19' 1 J Chase & Sanborn » | ^ KETCHUP Any or all coupons excluding redeemable with $5.00 purchase or mo beer wine cigarette items or coupon iten NAPKINS redeemable with $5.00 purchase or more excluding beer wine cigarette item* or coupon items s g g ■ Instant Coffee r 8* all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase < with ... excluding beer, wine, cigarette items or coupon items. | Why Pay More? 1 Limit one per customer. Expires Sat., July 26, 1969. . Expires Sat., July ' Limit one per customer. Expires Sat., July 26, 1969. Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon [ Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon mm i S137 SAVE 13c *13'! ! 10't SAVE 10c HO' SAVE 30c 30,: I*-* HAIR SPRAY H 3Gc 1 p_ Mellow—Sharp—Extra Sharp CRACKERBARREL with thi* coupon toward the purchase of lO-oi. 10' ^ ^^ | OFF ! 99c MS] Any or all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or mor : CHEDDAR CHEESE Any or all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or moi i KOTEX I r all coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or more t | I excluding beer wine, cigarette items or coupon items excluding beer, win*, cigarette items or coupon item Limit I excluding beer, win*, cigarette items or coupon items | one per customer. Expires Sat., July 26, 1969. Limit on* per customer. Expires Sat., July 26, 1969. Limit on* per customer. Expires Sat., July 26, 1969. ■ Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon s ■ ijgjB Meijer H Imsnj & Thrifty Acres CouponWESm Meijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon thrifty acres THRIFTY ACRES IS OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, FOR 5125 W. Saginaw & 6200 S. Pennsylvania YOUR SHOPPING CONVE NIE NCE. SUNDAY HOURS 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. ' [ Why P re! Why Pay MoreJf Why Pay MoreJf Why Pay Mor e! Why Pay Mone! Why Pay Morel Why Pa;y More! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 23, 1969 7 HUMS AUTHOR London prof cites utility os source of EDITOR S NOTE: State News ive credentials as an art ex- that story of art art began by flerving a ject of art by the way it's done State Writer Diane Petryk is function tor society or the and the competition, coming currently studying in London He studied ;it Oxford and church. eventually to be prized for its under a program offered by the Cambridge and later taught at " What starts out as an object own sake rather than the sake American Language and Edu¬ these schools and at Harvard ot utility often becomes an ob- of its function. ' he said. cational Center. University. He has been a critic for the New York Times Re¬ By DIANE PETRYK view of Books and. in addition books LONDON---The to holding many honorary de¬ Art." the art Story book used in hu¬ manities courses, was never of grees. was presented the Com¬ mander Order of the British MAN intended to be a textbook, its Empire by Queen Elizabeth in offers memb author. E.H. Gombrich. told 1%6. three MSU humanities classes To help MSU students gain These students are a bit oversized for the foun¬ in London recently. the most enjoyment and know¬ ledge from their two-month stay " tain in the Horticultural Gardens, but on a warm Perhaps if I'd written it as Changes in the operation of the Man and Nature Bookstore a text it wouldn't have been as in London. Gombrich advised summer day they throw shoes and shorts to the hot them of the best galleries and have made discounts on paperback books nearly 25 per cent wind and successful."' Gombrich said The store has started selling jump in anyway. Gombrich, museums to view great art •memberships'" at $1 apiece State News photos by Wayne Munn currently a pro¬ to raise funds for expansion. Each member receives a mem¬ fessor of He said that museums are history at the Univer¬ bership card and a discount rate 5 per cent higher than that sity of London, has impress- considered dead by many peo¬ received by non-members. ple but added that "the idea The normal discount is 15 per cent on that paperback books. ORAL PRINTS a museum fectly true for those who can¬ is dead is per¬ Recently, however, the bookstore dissolved itself as a cor¬ not bring them to life. This is poration and became a program within ASMSl' This gives it status as part of the University and not easy It depends on what exempts it from sales tax Voice tested for identification we bring to our experience. Geoff Alderson. Gombrich suggested student Lansing sophomore and director of the store, said Thursday that he had already sold over 100 member¬ s be ; ? that of what ships in the store. isidered art toda- His goal is 40.000. was not created to be seen By CAROL SHANKS junction with the Michigan State Tosi found the method showed is as unique in itselt as indi¬ to prove or disprove Kersta ; All money received from membership sales will be used to promise, but requested a thor¬ vidual fingerprints. claim that voice identificatior publicly, much less to be sold. Voice prints may be an Police and the U S Dept of He feels the artist must often buy paperback textbooks for fall term. through acoustic spectograph\ " oral alternative to fingerprints Justice. ough investigation under rigorous The 250 random speakers be alienated from society to in Tosi. research director for statistical control to determine represent at least a popula¬ is highly reliable. Tosi said identifying persons, suggest¬ comment the age ed Oscar Tosi associate pro¬ this experiment, was commis¬ its reliability. tion of 250.000. Tosi comment¬ on within which fessor of audiology and speech sioned by the Michigan State I would ed Tosi also credited with he lives. not have obtained services. Police in 1967 to evaluate this the funds to He is training MSU having develped the Specto¬ response to students' perform this ex¬ now method of identification original¬ students to analyze and match graph Tosi Gate" which is ons on the future of art periment if it were not for the able to cut off a phonetic that it is An investigation of this possi¬ ly developed by Lawrence Kers- mediation of skillful negotiations these spectographs. The goals seg¬ •anybody's ment in connected speech But he reminded them bility is currently under way ta. president of Voice Print by Herbert Over.'' Tosi said. of this project consist of ob¬ by tosi and the Audiology and Laboratories in Somerville. Oyer, administrative director taining scores of correct identi¬ Speech Services Dept. in con¬ N.J. for MSU's Voice Print program, fications in different situations. INVADERS FROM BEYOND substantiated the contract which THE'STARS! made possible this investigation Brad Lashbrook. asst. pro¬ with the Michigan State Police fessor of communications, is East Lansing woman and the tice. U.S.Department of Jus¬ helping in the statistical analy¬ sis of this experiment The pro¬ Voice Print is a two-year ject will be one year old experiment involving 250 male September 1969 WEDNESDAY injured by glass door students with no marked dialic- tal difference as speakers. Tosi said. "This experiment's aim is PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 &THURSDAY The speakers' voices are COOL Mi relayed through _ a Spectograph on when her legs Tuesday afternoon she tried to She jerked the door causmg machine which transmits them print on paper called EEEd open plate glass door at the M A C spectographs. Each spectograph Ave exit of J \V 10:20 only PANAVISIOMUiMFTROCOUOR MGM S:20 & LATE 15 Knapp's LADIES' DAY Dept Store The East Lansing rescue unil took Susan Marr: 512 best picture 75tf to 6 P.M. Adventure at the NOW! ALL COLOR! Abbott Road, to Sparrow Hos¬ pital where her condition is ofthe year! top of the world! PRUb riEiumnn FRIDAY & According to witness. Miss WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! a Marrs attempted to open the jonnnE woodward SATURDAY door and a stone or piece of ROBERT UM6RER TO HEAR uimmiiG i-/panavision- (UNIVEBS#l\NE WMSN • FOREMAN PICTUflf THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY JOHN WAYNE TODAY . . .LADIES DAY MGMpresents Martin Ransohoffs Production of 75£ from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Feature at 1:00 7:25 - 9:40 p.m. - 3:05 - 5:15 TICKETS AT THE BOX OFFICE, OB BY MAIL Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. "Ice At 11:00 only YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE the incredible little car! Saturdays & Holidays. $1.50 8:00 p.m Friday. Saturday & Holidays $2.00 Station NORTHSIDE Ndjv Showing 2 00 p.m $2.00 8:00 p.m. $2 50 Sundays. 2:00 p.m $2.50 Sundays. 7:00 p.m $2.50 Zelwa @ EXCLUSIVE _ RESERVE PERFORMANCE Super Panavision* and Metrocolor DRIVE-IN THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN: NEXT "DADDY'S Mito Nwlfc WED., SAT SUN - 1 00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M , GONE A-HUNTING" on US-27.. 482-7409 7MON TUES.. THURS., FRI - 4 00 P.M. to 9 00 P.N , WINNING is for those who live life to the limit! ©SPARTAN mall theatre TWIN EAST phul nEwmnn ! 5628 W.SAGINAW • 484-4403 JORMIE WOODWARD ROBERT WRGnER Where do you find Central Michigan's finest entertainment? The Harlequin! Iiily 23rd, They're lack THE NOTE-ABLES Back for a return engagement. Those of you who saw this group in February know how great they are and for those who didn't, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. Back by Pooular Demand! Ay#uiinniiiG WINNING for everybody! DAVE GRUSIN • HOWARD RODMAN • JAMES GOLDSTONE • JOHN FOREMAN A JENNINGS LANG PRODUCTION • A UNIVERSAL/NEWMAN-FOREMAN PICTURE 7t< TECHNICOLOR'/PANAVISION* ling Shown Twice at 8:27 and Late " $1.00 cover Fri. 81 Sat. ONLY. "l.AlsoHS Open 6 nights a week during the summer months. CLOSEDSUNDAY. HE BATTLED AN EMPIRE OF BARBED WIRE Jm LL^ujk Doors open 8:30 P.M. The Harle¬ AND BULLETS! quin is located at the Metro Bowl S. Logan at Jolly Rd. TU 2-0226. at the Metro Bowl Nightmare In Wax at 10:37 - Blood 12:10 3rd Hit — CHAMBER OF HORRORS at 8:27 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 23, 1969 State News State News Classified Tell someone you like about WANT ADS ... They'll appreciate it! Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Employment For Rent For Rent ....... For Rent TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 " The State News does not TV RENTALS. G.E. 19" portable- FURNISHED ONE and 2-bedroom SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSU Summer-1130. fall--»160 Lease Midwest's largest $8 50 per month including stand Air-conditioned, carpeted, garage permit racial or religious students with Call J R CULVER COMPANY, 351- UUlities included in rent. Call 351- discrimination in its ad* full-line merchant wholesaler Full 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- 5312 3-7/23 or part-Ume. Automobile required SECOND GIRL needed to share 2- vertising columns. The Phone THE SOCIETY CORPORATION bedroom apartment. Swimming pool, State News will not accept 337-1349,8 a.m. to 5 p.m. O unlimited parking TV RENTALS-Students only Phone 351-4332 advertising which discrim¬ Low • AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY monthly and term rates Call 484- 4-7/24 • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, 2600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY Experienced secretaries, typists to • FOR RENT race, color or national or¬ work on temporary assignments TV RENTALS C 711 EAST igin. Never fee Phone 487-6071 C-7 /24 711 Burcham Dr. • FOR SALE a NEW GE portables and stands rented ONLY to MSU students and New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ • LOST & FOUND R.N. faculty or L.P.N, with medication $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE ished 3 mail apt*, leasing for • PERSONAL course 3 to 6 p.m. part or full MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 444 fall now 1 year or 9 mo. • PEANUTS PERSONAL time. Challenging position open in Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C a medical care facility. Apply Pro¬ lease*. • REAL ESTATE Automotive IV 9-9651 or vincial House, 2815 Northwlnd Drive, • SERVICE East Lansing 332-0817, Mrs. Park¬ W1-352S • TRANSPORTATION OLDSMOBILE--1969. 98 Holiday 4- er 10-7/31 door hardtop Air. clean as new FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished WATERS EDGE-Several 4-man apart¬ • WANTED Phone 645-0891 3-7/24 Com-5h a re Incorporated" With ments available for fall. 332-4432 swimming pool Heat paid Computer time-sharing serving $62.50 each. EAST LANSING MAN¬ 5-7/25 PONTIAC-1968 LeMans convertible AGEMENT. 351-7880 DEADLINE 11.000 miles *2.395 351-9070 or the nation. C Systems Programmer 351-0580 5-7 23 1 P.M. one class day be¬ Experienced systems pro¬ EAST LANSING, campus grammers are needed 2 rooms and bath AH utilities fore publication. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1963. con¬ by the Systems Development Depart¬ paid Share bath. Married gradu¬ Cancellations - 12 noon one vertible. In good condition Power ate student $85 month i Other class day before publica¬ brakes and steering $600 655- ment to-design a new time¬ available) Phone ED 2-5S 2809.655-3116 5-7 23 sharing system. For further tion. >r6pn 1-7/23 information contact Mr. Don PONTIAC CATALINA 1964-Excel- lent condition Must sell, this week Redding (313)-761-4040 or PHONE Best offer 351-0390 4-7 25 send resume to Com-Share ONE-BEDROOM furnished apartment in Williamston $100 per month Inc., Research & Development Call 655-3297 5.7/28 355-8255 Division, Box 1588, Ann Ar- bor, Michigan 48106. RATES FOUR-MAN Walk to campus start¬ Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units ing Fall. Utilities paid. 351-4134. NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full part 5-7/25 for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments 1 day $1.50 VOLKSWAGEN-1961 Excellent con¬ time 21 and over preferred Ex dition $500 or best offer Before arj completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive I5tf per word per day cellent income potential Robb* 3 days 3 p m 353-1987 2-7 23 McFadden. HOWARD JOHNSONS IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ $4.00 . 911 Marigold Ave. 13 l/2f per word per day 684-0454 O washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central VOLKSWAGEN 1965--A New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ 5 days air conditioning These 4-man units have $6.50 excellent condition MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST-To work 'Well, It's obvious there hasn't been ished 2-man apartments. I3f per word per day Asking $850 355-1180 part-time, afternoons, 3-11 30 p.m. Across from campus. 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min¬ ASCP registered or eligible Would any lift here for a long time!' street ute drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ (basi l 10 words per ad) Leasing now for fall. 1 year Auto Service & Parts conider non-registered if quali¬ or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 dent's leisure time has been adequately There will be a fied through work experience Ex planned for with a giant heated swim¬ 50^ service 332-2335.. ACCIDENT PROBLEM"' Call KALA cellent salary Apply SPARROW HOS¬ and bookkeeping charge if PITAL PERSONNEL, or call 487 ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small this ad is not paid within dents to large wrecks American 6111, extension 333 5-7 25 Employment TWO-MAN furnish** -.ment ate balconies. If you want to be among one week. and foreign cars Guaranteed work 482 1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C SCHOOL BUS driver applications TEACHERS OPENINGS many fields RENT A TV from a TV ( Call 337-1300 lurch, m ays, 487 RENTED, *7'., evenings. 882-2: < TWCKW6HAM the first residents of Twyckingham call today. There are 92 units available at being taken for September 1969 The State News will be are Minimur of 4 hours per day < Morn¬ Most states CUNE TEACHERS AGENCY. 129 Grand River 3-7 23 NEJACTV RENTALS I $280/month and up. MGA 1500 engine parts Carbs. pis¬ responsible only for the tons. rods, cam Excellent 355- ings and afternoons i Must be at \\w Fall leases available first day's incorrect inser- least 21 years of age. possess good Camp us cA'orth 5895 3-7 23 Model driving record, and able to pass Open io-6 r physical Phone 393-3450. extension Hon *c Phone 332-6441 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ 4 4-7 24 ^ Pointe ii mazoo Street Since 1940 Qftupttungfjam Complete auto painting and colli¬ Automotlve sion service IV 5-0256 C Introducing the Avaitlon 4620 S. Hagadorn BMW FRANCIS AVIATION So easv t AUSTIN HEALY--1960 Norton At¬ learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" • Your Best Buy In a las 1966 750cc Call Doug. 337- FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES Special $5 offer 484-1324 4-man apartment . 1 0649 3-7 23 MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: Scooters & Cycles • Party lounge ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY Luxury Furnishings 482-3379 6-cylinder series • • 9-month lease at • Large apartments NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES no extra charge CAMARO 1968 Excellent condition V-8 327 rally wheels 676-5992 X3-7 23 J.R. Culver Co. J.R. Culver Cc. $775 355-2752 evenings Employment STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ eras. for FALL AND WINTER 200 MSU STUDENTS TERMS-State for Mr Johnson News Photographic. 301 Student Services Building Monday Ask through A Not new new cars class of in a car. class. CAN'T BE WRONG Thursday. 9a m to5p.m S CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE--^ For 53 years, Germany's famed Bavarian STUDENT-MANAGER needed for New engine, transmission, top Good growing computer dating service Motor Works has established new standards shape 694-0201 3-7 25 Send resume to I DS Box 2137. in international automobile design. Now we Ann Arbor. 48106 23-8 22 proudly present their masterpiece the BMW TEACHER WANTS part-time house¬ 6-cylinder series. A car designed to cruise all keeper Starting first of Septem¬ day at 120 mph a car that combines racing CORVA1R-1963 ber Mornings. 5 days a week For well good cor car performance and maneuverability with light housekeeping and lunches for 6027 after 5 30prr 3 school-age children 484-3636 every nuance of a luxury sedan's floating 3-7 25 smoothness. Nothing but the feel of this car RVAIR 300-1966 Blue good ndition, no oil leak slight rust- WANTED BABYSITTER for well your own hands can fully acquaint you ^ $600 355-8114 3-7 25 behaved 5 year old " girl Week¬ with the "BMW personality." Come in today. days starting in fall Must be near Pinecrest school. East Lansing \X> VOD 8GT7DN4> Excellent pav 351-0117 after 6 pm 3-7 25 Complete laundry and dry SENIOR OR GRADUATE cleaning service WOMAN needed for Advisor CLEANERS FORD GALAXIE 500 convertible- position in Women's Co-op. 623 E. Grand River LOUIS 1964 Excellent condition New top Experience in community liv¬ East Lansing and paint One owner 43.000 miles ing. Other benefits. Call Mr. Call after 6 p m . 393-3164 3-7 23 Across From Student Services Reuling, 355-5280. MUSTANG 1967-GTA 289 4 new- BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS THEY'VE ALREADY SIGNED tires Good condition Make offer 6704 Britton Perrv 625-4439 3-7 23 SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST in pro¬ fessional 5 30 pm office Hours 8 30 Typing and dictaphone a.m.- Phil Gordon's Fill LEASES AT EXCITING CROSSWORD PUZZLE work Shorthand not necessary 484- 2924 E. Grand River Lcnsing 484-2551 OLDSMOBILE 1964 -4-door Place Your MEADOWBROOK OLDSMOBILF. 442 1966 Excellent PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD TRACE Today . . . jUst clip, complete, mail. STATE NEWS will bill you later. DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and appliances Phone 663-3158 5. Malay gibbon 3-7 23 6. Copious STUDENT - PLANNED 7. Throng 8 In what way RECREATION FACILITIES 9 Blunder Featuring olympic pool with sauna, tennis courts 1 10 Pasha 15. Visible LUXURY FEATURES 19. Office holders 20. Friable soil Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and ii 21. Corn lily balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water furnished, laundry In each building 1 23. Haste 24. Fodder tower 25 Oven ALL MAINTENANCE FREE g 27 Indicts Pool See for yourself! Large new beautiful 2 bedroom- 1 30. Ambition 31. Stinging insect Party 2-bathroom apartments for four from $60/month 33. Tithe lounge 10 Words or Less: 1 day - $1.50 3 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 per person. Model open Monday, Tue ay, 34. Garret 15tf per word 40tf per word 65£ per word Thursday, and Friday II a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. WT 37. Golf instructor Over 10 Words Add: 11 — 3; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from 42 38. Promissory □ □ Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exit—right note J.R. Culver Co. I to: Michigan State News 347 Student Services Bldg. MSU E ast Lansing, Mich. to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393-0210. By Kassuba, the Nation's #1 Landlord. I 39. 41. 42. 43. Simurgh Epoch By birth Ship channel Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 23, 1969 9 For Rent For Sale PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. South- Furnished studio with kitchenette Private entrance, utilities paid |90 a month WE JUST cleaners-Tanks, bought 300 used vacuum cannisters. uprights Many of these less than and Kennedy maintains silence (continued from page one) -Why didn't the "someone" then plus deposit 627-5454 1 year old. All attachments go with returning to his hotel room machines All sales include 1 year was taking Miss Kopechne to Kennedy asked to return him to Wouldn't someone-a police of¬ warranty Prices start at $8 00 catch a ferry back to Martha's Edgartown try to find out what ficer making his rounds, or a DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Vineyard, which is separated had happened9 tourist, for example-have seen 316 North Cedar. Lansing, across from from Chappaquiddick by a nar -Why didn't they try to deter¬ him and tried to ascertain wheth City Market Phone 482- " WOODSIDE APARTMENTS: Quiet 2677 C-7/24 row channel and harbor. They mine what had happened to the area er anything was wrong0 1-bedroom, furnished or unfurnished came to Chappaquiddick senator's car0 Or if they did. separ¬ Laundry, balcony, security locks, GREAT SOUND! Tape recorder l'i Kennedy was heading away carpeted halls. September leases ately to attend a dinner party and Kennedy told them there year old $220 new $149 351- for a small group of Kennedy- from the ferry landing, rather available Also 2 had been an accident and Miss apartments at 8636. before 2 p.m., 351-8415 after reduced rate friends. than toward it. when the wreck til September 14th 6p.m. 5-7/28 Kopechne was missing, why 351-4691.332-2920 5-7 28 occurred. The bridge he went BIRTHDAY CAKES--7" $3 64; 8 over is on the eastern side of the STODDARD APARTMENTS Now rent $418; 9"-$5.20. Delivered KWAST back to the house where the The small island, the ferry landing ing for fall. 1-bedroom. close to BAKERIES. 484-1317 C-7 24 so police weren't made on the western side While the campus, laundry, balcony, sound¬ party had been held. He said aware of the wreck until about proofed 332-0913. 332-2920 5-7 28 SEWING MACHINE clearance sale he climbed into the back seat 8 a.m.. when two boys going fish¬ road leading toward the land¬ Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 00 of a car parked outside and ask¬ ing spotted the wheels of the up- ing is paved, the road leading PARK TRACE per month Large selection of re¬ conditioned used machines Singers. ed "someone to bring me back to ended car in the pond. They away from it is not. Kennedy- Okemos Rd. at East Mount Whites, Necchis. New Home and Edgartown where he was stay- didn't know the senator had had been on Chappaquiddick Hope. "many others'' $19.95 to $39 95 ing in a hotel." been driving until Kennedy him¬ numerous times. He said he be¬ Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom self went to police headquarters came confused and took a wrong COMPANY, 1115 North Washington. apartments. Fully equipped 489-6448 C-7 24 just before 10 a.m. and made turn. But again, why9 with all the extras, plus pool his statement. and clubhouse. Limited im¬ Miss Copechne was buried Nixon WIRE FRAMES1 Manv styles white -What happened in the time mediate occupancy. Open 10- or yellow gold at OPTICAL DIS¬ between the wreck and the time Tuesday in Larksville. Pa The daily. 10-12 Saturdays. COUNT. 2615 East Michigan Aven- funeral, held in nearby Ply¬ Kennedy went to the police'' mouth. Phone 332-5094. Pa., was attended by -In his statement. Kennedy said IMPORTED HAND-Embroidered dress Kennedy, his wife Joan and Mrs. LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancv- materials for sale Reasonable that other countries will join was dazed but could recall Ethel Kennedy, widow of Rob¬ COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham prices 355-1040 3-7 24 America in the "next great ven- walking around in Edgartown and ert. and Alton Brand new deluxe 1- ture of space." And he said it bedroom. furnished. For profession¬ was a sad thing that about half al. graduate students, college fa¬ the world's people-the Russians culty or personnel Select clientele ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ 5-7 2 and the Red Chinese-were not APPEARING THIS 0 able for June and September leas¬ DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and allowed by their governments to ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 engagement ring sets Save 50 per see live television coverage of O WEEK AT THE cent or more Large selection of the moon landing. plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 "I want the time to come TWO-BEDROQM furnished apartment WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 for 3 or 4 students 1 block from when the Chinese people and the East Michigan 485-4391 C Berkey 351-9504 10-8 4 EIGHT-TRACK auto tape players- On guard in Russian people and all the peo¬ ple of the world can walk to¬ 1441 EAST Michigan Avenue 2- THE e Ranger mini-8. $59.95 and up bedroom furnished $90 summer Ohio National Guard gether and talk together, he $130 fall 351-4530 Lear Jet. $69 95 and up MAIN troops patrol the area early Tuesday near a grocery store said. 10-8 4 ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsyl that was heavily damaged during racial disorder Monday night on the near east vania. Lansing C The President's official day- side of Columbus. One man was killed, 25 injured and 130 arrested during a started off with a White House LARGE-BODIED Italian made steel night of sniping, looting, fire bombing and vandalism that started after a white breakfast meeting with con¬ strung guitar Phone 484-0190. af ter6pm 3-7 23 shop owner was arrested and charged in the fatal shooting of a black. More gressional leaders of both par- CEDAR VIEW APARTMENTS-1 and than 1,300 troops were called in to help police put down disturbances in the 1 2 bedroom Married. post-grad and senior students welcome Senate Democratic Leader 351- Mike Mansfield of Montana re¬ SIAMESE SEALPOINTS-Little girl kittens Phone evenings and ends. 487-3318 week 3-7 23 ition rates disliked ported afterwards that outlined with evangelistic fervor Nixon northwino farms GERMAN SHEPHERD-Female months. AKC. well bred, all shots 6 Apollo (continued from page o.nei of-state students If I were from out-of-state. "And. take a if you course just wanted to outside your his hopes journey. White for his 24.000-mile House sources have $125. 351-7740 3-7 25 (continued from page onei required number of credits, portrayed the trip as a good will Faculty Apartments I d be furious. Ann Hodge. you'd really think twice about Blazing white hot as friction jaunt in which the President 351-7880 chars its outer heat shield, the Bay City senior, said. it. Miss Hodge said. will exchange views with Asian spacecraft will re-enter the at¬ Louie Bender, non-candidate leaders about future policy RIVERS EDGE-Several 4-man apart¬ SAMOYED, PART Spitz female. The new tuition structure is for MSl 's presidency, focused 8 mosphere in a long arcing fall there. Nixon is also stopping at ments available for fall 332-4432 months old and house-broken 882- some attention of the situation. over the Asian land mass to the very unfair to out-of-state Romania, the first U.S. Presi¬ 5-7 25 7781 2-7 24 students, and paying as much I plan to take action on landing site southwest of Ha- dent to go to a Communist coun¬ as graduate students is ridicu¬ this problem early in my ad¬ COl'PLE ONE-bedroom furnished, try since World War II utilities included $125-$135 332- The astronauts will clothe lous It doesn't make any sense ministration' the East Lansing 2803 Shortly before his departure or 332-2157 3-7 23 themselves in heavy head-to-toe at all. junior said "I will ask the Nixon also called in Gen Earle Mobile Homes suits and breathe board of trustees to raise my through canis¬ G. Wheeler, chairman of the ters cleansing their breath dur¬ salary so I can pay my tui- Joint Chiefs of Staff, who re¬ ing the transfer from spacecraft turned Tuesday from a four-day to recovery ship visit to South Vietnam On the ship, the carrier USS Wheeler's North Pacif* Oc# airport arrival re¬ Hornet, the spacemen will be port to newsmen about progress isolated in a special trailer de¬ in modernizing South Viet¬ 5320 3-7 24 signed to keep any germs from R namese forces- "I found the sit¬ AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1 to June 15. 1970 3-bedroom Ranch home the astronauts from spreading to the rest of the world uation good "-indicated he may recommend that Nixon order a No Cover has TV RENTALS GE 19 President Nixon will be on further withdrawal of U.S. refrigerator 2 car gar¬ portable- Wednesday range, age Southwest Lansing Good schools $8 50 per month including stand board the Hornet to greet them. Call J R Cl'LVER COMPANY. 351 troops. 393-1598 3-7 24 But. like everyone else, he'll be HAWAIIAN Nixon is slated to decide on a 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan allowed to see the- spacemen ISLANDS further pullout of U.S. forces only through the -side of a a glass window in quarantine eham- Honolulu after he returns from his trip or Thursday THE MAXX are plaving tonight at Aug. 3. THE FREE SPIRIT in downtown Johnston It Lansing 1-7 23 $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE After the trailer is flown to FREE For A thrilling hour of beauty appointment call 484-4519 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 Houston, continue their $10 million the astronauts quarantine in the Lunar Receiving will % j ALL SHOES Laboratory. Iquator APOLLO 11 TWO-BEDROOM 12X52 cellent condition 1967 Completely furnished mobile Deposit requi he NEJAC TV RENTALS Peanuts Personal ter The Manned Spacecraft Cen¬ facility also will start an ex¬ haustive series of scientific ex¬ SOLOMON SPLASHDOWN I FURTHER \R I ! 351-5302 372-1215 WANTED minutes TWO from men for house 15 GARY MILFORD angle No 1 We r aminations of the two boxes of lunar soil Armstrong and Aldrin AUSTRALIA 1* FIJI- > SHEPARD'S > campus $30 month < Call after 5 p m , 351-7509 S-7 29 picked up during their historic M.l»i at (qo =t walk on the moon I SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE Typing Service Splashdown site j j This map shows the area in the Pacific where SHOE SALE BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing^ splashdown of the Apollo 11 spacecraft is sched¬ uled to take place at 11:51 a.m., Thursday. Block off campus 332-3255 C AP Wirephoto ANN BROWN Typist and multilith EAST LANSING-Glencairn. 7-i offset printing Dissertations, theses, Presents I 3-bedroom Den. full basement manuscripts, general typing. IBM MEN'S I age. 2 fireplaces, vinvl-siding 19 years experience 332-8384 C tras By owner Repriced PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique HASLETT IDEAL 3 bedroom brick 532 ABBOTT Road-Single ranch Lovely lot Near schools > Current styles, buckles, slip-ons, brogues etc. > Call Grace Wintermute. 339-8345 // // f/ksffw or EIPPER REALTY. INC. 372 THESES OFFSET PRINTING typ¬ WOMAN FACULTY air-conditioned Convenient to home or everything girls to share Need car 482 3653 9730 3-7/25 ing and binding Lowest prices avail able on River Located corner COPYGRAPH below of across The MAC Stvle SERVICES. from campus and Grand Shop Call 337-1666 42-8 22 .97 $13.97 \ ANITA WARREN SCM Electric Children's Dress and Play For Sale 3-7/2 TERM PAPERS done Jumping Jacks from .... ... $5. quickly and HOOVER MIM-washer. 1 year old accurately 1156 Burcham Call $60 Triple dresser $40 Drapes 3 BLOCKS from campus, 337-2737 5-7 28 half block clothing odds and ends Vacuum Bailey school 714 Chittenden Fin¬ WOMEN'S cleaner (GE. 1 yeari $35 351 ished basement, sided, new roof 9423 3-7 25 plus adjoining lot with mature shade T ransportation $225.00 For appoii LEAVING FOR L A area, need i Catch a sparkle 332-8510 6-7 2 from the morning sun. 487-3132 ** 5-7 Hold the magic Dress, Casuals, Brogues, Chunky heels etc. of a sudden breeze. Keep those moments alive. CARPETING AND Pad. 12 X12' Like BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for all positive A negative. B negative They're yours for a lifetime .97 . . and AB negative $10 00 O nega with a diamond new. $75 Green davenport $45 GENERAL CLEANING by the < tive $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN 482 1087 2-7/24 Would like steady work Own tr, ITY BLOOD CENTER engagement ring from Use your 507 >2 East charge account in both stores — Ask us about FREE PARKING. portation 489-5933 4 Grand River East Lansing Above Orange Blossom. 40' GE range $65 Encyclope¬ the new Campus Book Store Hours dias. $12 Fly rod and reel. $15 9 a m to 3 30 p m Mondav Tues¬ Movie and PREPARE YOUR fall wardrobe- Alter camera projector com day. Wednesday, and Friday Thurs¬ \nepard! binaUon complete outfit $10J 489 summer sale garb Alterations and » EAST LANSING DOWNTOWN day, 12 to 6 30 p m 337-7183 C Ul 3169 3-7/25 dressmaking Gilda. 351-9168 S-7 28 317 East Grand River Ave. ► b South Washington Ave. > PEOPLE TO listen to THE MAXX WE HAVE over 200 used vacuum PAINTING AND decorating Dad and I tonight at the FREE SPIRIT down ;H(pes cleaners in stock Tanks, cannis¬ in do the work ourselves Reasonable town Lansing ters. and uprights All attachments 1-7/23 and guaranteed 337-0464 O are included Some less than 1 year DRIVER ASSISTANT wanted to Phila old Written 1 year Warranty on all sales DENNIS DISTRIBUTING ALTERATIONS. GOWNS ahd dress delphia or Baltimore Leave early 319 E. Grand River Ave. Z East Lansing Store open 'til 9 p.m. tonight < COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, making Experienced Reasonable a m July 24 Phone MY GAL FRI across East Lansing, Mich. charge Call 355-1040 26-8/22 DAY, 484-7771 1-7/23 $$$ SAVE U$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE from City Market 482-3677 C-7/25 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 23, 1969 FRESH FRYER HURTS WITH SMALL BREASTS BACK & RIBS I CIJC WITH SMALL BACK LLUO ATTACHED ROSE BRAND CANADIAN RACON 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE. 15487 NORTH EAST ST. 921 WEST HOLMES ROAD c STCRE HOURS: OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:A.M. 'TIL 10:P.M 9-11 CHOPS...QUARTERED OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A M. 'TIL 7:P M SNACK TIME, SANDWICH TIME, ANYTIME... FALARSKI M Mk RING BOLOGliA .49 LIMIT 1-LB. PLEASE. . . EBERHARO S MAGIC DOOR FRESH BUT DUNCAN NINES DEVILS FOOD WHITE OR YELLOW 0i 1 18; 2-0Z. W C *3 PACKAGE 2C OFF..SCOTT 650-SHEET, 1 PUf?! TREESWEET, FRESH-FROZEN £ TOILET TISSUE ORANGE JUICE 199 0 MICHIGAN PASCAL CELERY CAROLINA RED HAVEN — 5 25c . Michigan Plump, Fancy 3 99 SPARTAN FROZ. SHOESTRING i 39c PEACHES TENDER HOMEGROWN GREEN BEANS 19c - A. BLUEBERRIE POTATOES MARY ELLEN MAYONNAISE SS.™' 29< 591 3s FLEISCHMANN'S CORN OIL ^ 16 oz- C MARGARINE 3 cwTTNS. 5F CHIQUITA BRAND 25c OFF DRIVE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 99' GOLDEN BANANAS COUNTRY FRESH GRADE 'A', PASTEURIZED ■ l*C CHOCOLATE MILK a19 DRY DOG FOOD YOUR DOG IG WILL REALLY LIKE. . . Aflfc ES MIX 25 V9 SPECIAL VALUE!.. SAVE 200... FISHER DRAND wt. £0' MIX NUTS j 1 CAN EBERHARD'S COUPON | 26-FL. OZ. MIRACLE WHITE NO-PEST STRIPS Limit 1. Coupon good through Saturday July 26 with a $5 LIQUID DLEACH 47c