Thursday There ore . Cloudy . . MICHIGAN ITATI NEWS . . . many humorous things in the world: among them the white man's notion that he is STATE less savage than the other sav¬ ages --Mark Twain UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 26 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday July 24. 1969 U.S. proc Women at Vineyard party with pullo from Vie unaware of Kennedy crash KDGARTOWN. Mass. (AP> - The she and the other women weren't told If the hearing results in a finding of five women who stayed behind at the of the accident until Saturday morning no serious fault on Sen. Kennedy's part, SAIGON iAP>--The United States took party which preceded Sen. Edward M She said they learned about it from the statement said, his driver's license another step Wednesday in reducing its Kennedy s auto accident last weekend Joseph F. Gargan. Kennedy's first cousin will be reinstated If the hearing con¬ combat commitment in South Vietnam, on Chappaquiddick Island didn't know- and a close political and personal friend, firms the preliminary finding of serious handing over a Mekong Delta base to South about the accident until the following as he was driving them to the ferry fault, the license suspension will be Vietnam's 7th Division. morning, one of the five said Wed¬ Gargan was the one who rented the changed to a revocation, which by law- The lire support base Moore at Cai nesday. small cottage where the party was held must remain in effect for at least six Lav. 45 miles southwest of Saigon, is be¬ And in a related development Wed¬ Miss Newburg said her watch wasn't months ing abandoned by the 1st Brigade of the nesday. the Massachusetts Registry of working and she wasn't certain what time US 9th Infantry Division. About 7.400 Motor Vehicles made a preliminary it was when Gargan told them of the men of the 1st Brigade will ruling of "serious fault' against Kennedy begin leaving accident. for Hawaii in a week ines In all. 25.000 U.S. will have left the soldiers and Mar¬ in Vietnam in the accident and suspended his dri- The wreck occurred either late or Asked 8:30 whether a.m.. it could have been 8 she said It could have Rising costs war Friday been. I really don't know by the end of August. Some soldiers of night or early Saturday morning as Kennedy is accused of leaving the the 9th Division already have returned to the United States, and when the Kennedy was driving (a sixth woman at the party-Miss Mary Jo Kopechne. scene until because he didn't report the almost 10 am Saturday, wreck more cause hike pullout is completed 11.400 will have left 28. of Washington. DC—to catch a than eight hours after it happened The 9th's 1st Brigade has seen plenty ferry. \ In a police statement, the senator said of combat with the Viet Cong rice paddies, the streams and in the canals The and landed car skidded off upside down in a a narrow tidal pond. bridge he returned to the cottage after the accident, climbed into the back seat of in dorm rates of the Mekong Delta Kennedy escaped with a mild concuss¬ a car parked outside and asked "some¬ The 7th Vietnamese Division is the ion and strained neck muscles. Miss one" to return him to his hotel on Estimated increases in costs of la main tle in the one assigned to continue the bat¬ New re Kopechne drowned. In Martha's Vineyard, a larger island adja¬ bor. food and general expenses sitated the $30 increase in residence neces¬ Mekong Delta as South Viet¬ a copyright story in Wednesday's cent to Chappaquiddick. nam gradually assumes greater combat Marin* Cpl. Edward Kosickl of New Pa., chats with Worcester Gazette. Miss Ester Newburg. Kennedy did not say what time he got hall rates approved Friday by the trus¬ n the Marine's tees. Roger Wilkinson, acting vice responsibility with modern U.S. arms small South Vietnamese friend 26. back to the Vineyard or who took him pres¬ and fire support a v* AP one yf the five young women who ident for business and finance, said helmet for size. Wirephoto remained behind at the party, said that But he did say he recalled walking around in P^dgartown. where he was staying He Tuesday ^ said he went to the police when he Residence hall rates are now $97r> realized fully what had happened per year, or $325 per term. The yearly rate is broken down t(. There were 12 persons at the party- Apollo 11 astronauts prepare Miss Kopechne. Miss Newburg and four $615 for board $330 for room and $30 for mortgage expenses. other women. Sen Kennedy Gargan and . four other men. Sixty-six per cent of the increase will be used to cover labor costs 22 pei In the Gazette story. Miss Newburg cent will be spent on food costs, and was quoted as saving that during iht the remaining 12 per cent will cover early morning hours. Gargan and the four for early morning other "in and out ot the cott¬ general expenses. spl men were Included in the category of general age." But she said she wasn't aware that anything was wrong and did not know expenses are salaries, waees. workmen's what was going on outside compensation and retirement benefit- for The Registry of Motor Vehicles, in a administrative staff printing and re¬ lated expenses data processing charges statement released in Boston, said sus¬ SPACE CENTER. Houston (APi-Flash¬ a meteor into tfte earth s atmosphere and raising the possibility that the moon and The Apollo ship, gaining speed second- telephone charges and pavments to the lands pension of Kennedv s license would re¬ ing past the halfway point of their home¬ on the Pacific bv dawn's early the earth are of the same origin. by second as the earth's gravity tight¬ grounds division and business office main in effect until a hearing is held ward voyage, the Apollo 11 moon ex¬ light Thursday I)r Don Latham said the tremor may ened its embrace, passed the halfway in the case (please turn to page 9i plorers spent a relaxed day in space Meanwhile, scientists at the Manned have originated from either a moonquake point of its journey through space at Spacecraft Center studied the first hint the impact of a large meteorite. 2:56 p m EST. Wednesday. Wednesday on their starlit path toward or the strangest welcome any President will of the scientific gain that mav come from If the movement was a quake he Its speed will grow to a peak of ever give his nation's heroes Apollo 11 :-ould like the about 24.0(H) miles an hour before the Inflationary spiral hikes Neil A Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin If the splashdown. It was going 3,663 miles an Jr and Michael Collins rested and waited They reported that a seismic device hour when the astronauts awoke Wednesday for the moment just hours away when left on the moon by Armstrong and Aldrin to start their final day in space. their cone-shaped spacecraft burns like recorded movement of the lunar crust. President Nixon, meanwhile, prepared to flv to a flotilla of Navy ships in NEW GUIDELINES the Pacific to await the return of the men moon on who put Sunday the nation's flag on the consumer food bills 7% The target area is 1,196 miles south¬ WASHINGTON i AP i ■housing, clothing, transportatioi west ol Honolulu Splashdown time medical tare, said Asst Commi is worst inflationary spiral 11 49 EST quickened in June with Arnold Chase of the Bureau ol The weather forecast for the recovery Statistics Augenstein reworks plan area, relayed to the astronauts from mission control, said conditions would be acceptable." ices, boosted the Laboi From San Francisco, vyhere he stopped iter Price Index to 127.6 en route to the recovery carrier Hornet. at the gro Phis showed it cost $12 month for state sex ed program ist Nixon talked to the wives of the crewmen pecially the i eat ivhei tood • prices continued to soar at an annual every $10 worth of a I family by phone Wednesday He told them he ing expenses in the 59 period looked forward to greeting their husbands rate of 7 per cent Meat, poultry and tish were up 4.5 per cent in one month which the index is t at sea. alone. •ase for June was 8 < State Hoard of Educaton »od Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins will member make people keeping them be greeted in the water by a frogman "Most other services and commwdi- Leroy G Augenstein proposed Wedne«lav norant." new guidelines tor sex education in Michi¬ In fact, the moral person is the one (please turn to page 9) ites alst) showed increased, including (please turn to page 9) gan which he said will meet objections who has the necessary lacts at hand raised in statewide hearings, and still car¬ and makes the proper choice, he said. ry out the directives of the legislature -j I have asked my colleagues on the Our youngsters do not live in a vacuum j -.5 ? * Ready or not. thev do get information State Board ot Education to consider the and misinformation about sex in a variety guidelines which I have developed partly as to a be means an to head off impending stalemate what I consider the of from places: in the streets and back alleys pornographic i ands »rth '-life ta1 on guidelines previously proposed. ■" Augen¬ The whole sommunity - parents, stein said churches and schools-must be involved The guidelines I have developed are if our students are to be provided proper consistent with the very thorough and sex education, he said These guide thoughtful definition of sex education pro¬ lines suggest specific steps, starting with vided by the legislature in Act 44 of the broadly based community advisory com¬ Public Acts of 1968. the Republican mutes to prepare the local curriculum board member said. for sex education and stressing maximum See related story, page 3. coordination between home, school and Augenstein. professor of biophysics, church throughout the program said the guidelines he proposes rejects Students must not be penalized by- "the implication of some that you can being denied responsibly developed and Ann Arbor police by Dutch findings of mystic Peter Hurkos has He was then driven by the girl's startled two veteran policemen with his home and along both sides of the rail¬ preliminary discoveries in the Ann Arbor road tracks where she was last seen sex slayings case alive He's told us some things that without A spokesman for Hurkos said that the his powers, he would not have known," seer picked up some vibrations at Lt. Melvin Fuller of the Ypsilanti the farm house Campus Police Dept said. . Two policemen went to the Basom Hurkos worked about two hours Tues¬ home and got a shoe, a jacket and a day concentrating the murder of skirt belonging to the girl, which they Turf job on Dawn Basom. 13. of Ypsilanti. whose took to Hurkos at his Ann Arbor hotel . . body was found last April 16 room. The psyhic spent about 20 minutes By touching personal items. Hurkos Workmen begin the long, hard process of installing the new the football field will be vastly Improved and the quality of the at the farm house where the eighth claims that he get's visions about what Tartan Turf at Spartan Stadium Wednesday. The appearance of turf will withstand the mighty Spartan teams and their opponents. grader is believed to have been killed happened to the owner State News photo by Bob Ivlns 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24, 1969 ? Bitter war 'snosiop had been murdered only air B\ CHARLESGREEN But after week of war hatred ed Salv; shortly still residing in their under¬ The governments' propaganda Associated Press Writer now a goes deep 300.000 reside in Honduras News Analysis before with machetes. zens populated country machines have built hatred to SANTA ROSA. Honduras Resentment has been fanned And the demand for this guar¬ such a pitch that even if the Guatemala. Nicara- those of the two warring coun¬ Salvadoran soldiers have killed There was no proof the re¬ i AC i-The bitter war between into hatred by huge propaganda So far Guatem; antee almost makes it impossi¬ Honduran government could pa¬ Rica and Panama tries. women and children in cold treating Salvadoran army killed Honduras and El Salvador has campaigns on both sides Hon¬ ASOUAl ES PIZZA ONLY 45c EXTRA. #37 CD 25 BROS°COFFEE a* j 1 #38 CD 50 PUf I L SHAMPOO CON^ENTBA TF #39 CD 50 P. dr CRf ME - .NSt #40 □ 25 JUtCol'f. Strawberries ' 0f°Dry*On,on°.C " j 7>upon Strip Gooc Thru Sun. July 27 :rlp Good EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN 107 S. Washington Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24, 1969 3 'CONSPIRACY' AFOOT NEWS summary Communist plot' claimed in speech against sex ed By STEVE WATERBURY a meeting sponsored by the paper clippings of Acting Pres¬ State News Staff Writer Movement to Restore Decency. ident Adams and Louie Bender " I he Sex education is only one (Moteredei. an educational or¬ discussing Bender's candidacy (sex education) guidelines I a ni proposing MM aspect of a communist drive ganization connected with the for the MSU presidency Mohr was highly critical of to gain control of our youth, John Birth Society. the Sex Information and Edu¬ reject the implication of 3. according to retired I .S. Army Featured prominently in the cation Council of the United Lt Col. Jack Mohr The theme of Mohr's speech display was State Sen. Robert States (SIECUS). that '•£ some you cat Mohr. was that the communists are J. Hubers reply to a Bender Pour of them (SIECUS per¬ speaking in Berrien peiiple good by Springs, referred to sex educa¬ attempting to "destroy the proposal that the Sewage Dis¬ sonnel) have been identified as them ignorant. tion United States morally and spir¬ posal Plant be renamed Huber communists affiliated as ■■psvcho-p(j}itically dan¬ itually" through a multi-pronged Hall. Huber has linked sex ed¬ or with — l.eroy (,. Iuaenstei n gerous because it is another communists." he said. State lloani of Education Eye-opener form of sensitivity training And attack on our youth that includes music, sensitivity training and ucation to a in speeches to communist plot' concerned par¬ You can t point out to me sensitivity training, ac¬ member, (hairmiin. Dept. A gal just can't find privacy—not that she wants sex education. ent groups around the state, one place in the United States to--and these gentlemen don't seem to mind the cording to Mohr. "is the cul¬ of Hiophysics. \ls I tural first cousin of brainwash¬ and drew extensive applause where the SIECUS program has view as they stroll among the bevy of beauties Whether or not you like this ing •" from the audience when he at¬ been in effect more than two sunbathing near the Red Cedar River. dirty word called conspiracy, tended the State Board of Edu¬ years where it has resulted in State News photo by Waynn Munn you had better look into it. be¬ cation hearing at which the anything but chaos, he added cause it's there. Mohr said The music companies are % Lunar News making music that is un-Chris- A geologist connected with the Apollo Future King of tian. mentally upsetting and riot producing."' he said " And two Marshall's 11 that tlight is betting a case of champagne the moon shuddered with a moon- of the largest producers of young people's records today are sub¬ SOUND SHOP sidized by communist money A Complete Component Center quake Tuesday, the first ever recorded. like If he's right, it means the moon is ' alive'' the earth, that it has a molten core, loyalty to Franc has layers of different materials rather than being of uniform composition-and probably MADRID (API-Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon. who one day ively oath as the prince took the tradition." or he ought it to be sta¬ said, don't believe it. Wayne State and U-M and see what's happening at our cam¬ go to MSU. FROM ROBERTS! was born in the same manner the earth was. Dr. Frank Press said in Houston Wednes¬ will be swore king of Spain, solemnly Wednesday night to be force. Spanish nobility stood by in including Princess day One rrest ) get better each puses." Thrill to the Full Dimension of With these words the On a literature table at the day that siesmographs placed on the moon loyal always to the system built Sophie of Greece, wife of Juan by Gen Francisco Franco in Carlos and sister of King Con- apparently ' sounded requiem prince rear of the meeting room, pe¬ 30 Watt Stereo Music as Only a Sunday sent back reports of quivering from 30 years as the nation s leader. stantine of Greece Many of the over his 56-year-old father. titions in opposition to sex edu¬ some natural event. The 31-year-old prince, 2.167 aristocratic titleholders Don celona. Juan, the Count who is the of Bar¬ cation and sensitivity training were available. A display fold¬ ROBERTS Component Can Offer! standing before an extra¬ of Roman Catholic Spain stood dynastic heir to the throne er on the table included news¬ ordinary session of the Cor¬ enthralled and enthusiastic. International News tes. Spain s parliament, vowed: : to > "Yes. I swear loyalty to his in the normal channel of public Two Honduran warplanes bombed San excellency, the chief of state, function and I want for our pen Sal¬ vador s international airport Wednesday and and fidelity to the principles pie progress, development, uni of the National Movement and tv. justice, libertv and gran- THE STATE NEWS Sews, the student newspaper at Michigan State then straffed a border village. Salvadoran mil¬ other fundamental laws of the University, is 'ery class da> throughout the year with special Welcome Week itary spokesmen said kingdom tion issues in June and September Subscription rates are S14 The National Movement is \o casualties or damage were reported. Spain's only legal political or¬ Press, United Press Internationa The reported attack was the first action ganization i Collegiate Press, Michigan Pre in the war since Sunday when Honduras With this oath. Juan Carlos ssociation. Unite* Statu Student Pi became prince of Spain, a new claimed Salvadoran troops captured five more title, and a king-to-be. fulfill¬ of its villages It also came only six hours i Building. Michigan after the end of the 96-hour ing a plan launched more than MODEL 30 1 2995 cease fire or¬ two decades ago bv the 76- FM STEREO RECEIVER dered by the Organization of American States year-old generalissimo SPEAKERS EXTRA 355-82S2 High on the dais of the Cor¬ 3Si-SI 56 tes Franco watched impass- 3U-MM r 1SS-J44: The I nited States has accepted a Soviet 3 Si-S311 MARSHALL 235 Ann St. E. Lansing, 351-7J proposal for broadening official contacts bv Aretha stalls MUSIC COMPANY wed, 'm 9 p.m. opening an American consulate in Leningrad and a Soviet consulate in San Francisco, the court hearing State Dept. announced Wednesday ATTENTION CAR OWNERS of But U.S. spokesmen said no formal com¬ on misconduct * Complete front end repair and Wgi( mitment has been made and th^t final negotiations are expected soon. HIGHLAND PARK I PI alignment - Singer Aretha Fr i said * Brakes * Suspension National News to appear ui muni tl court Wed nesday on disurdiM ly conduct * Wheel balancing * Steering charges Su the arraignment was President Nixon is heading for a ringside postponed until 9 a m todav seat at the splashdown Thursday of the Apollo 11 spacemen returning from their soul Police said the 26-vear-old singer had cursed an of¬ ficer and refused t<> cooperate LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center moon landong. 124 SOUTH LARCH in investigation of a traffic ac¬ IV 4-7346 The President took off from San Francisco cident on Tuesday. The police report said Miss Wednesday for the communications ship Ar¬ Franklin's car hit a parked-ve¬ lington in the first leg of a 12-dav around- hicle in this enclave Detroit the-world trip that may include an unscheduled suburb Tuesday afternoon Of¬ stop in Vietnam. Administration sources will say only that a stop in Veitnam "has not been planned."' ficers said she was belligerent when they arrived and wouldn't cooperate with them The singer pleaded guilty Pepper-up! Nixon will stop in the Phillipines. Indonesia. in May to careless driving and Thailand. India. Pakistan. Romania andEng- was fined $75 in Detroit Traffic Court. land. • • • The first 'Miss Nude America" will be DON'T DINE picked Aug. 2 at Naked City. Ind.. one of the nation's oldest resorts where people go to OUT - get tanned all over. pick Drost, 33. proprietor of the claims that the onlv true beautv contest has camp, DINE "IN" to be held in the nude "With the superstructure AT JIM'S built into women's bathing suits, you don't really know what BROILED STEAKS and they look like.' he said. DINNER FAVORITES Drost said he will admit clothed visitors NIGHTLY for the contest, 'but.'' he said, "they get GREEK FOOD EVERY stared at a good bit if they don't take SATURDAY EVENING their clothes off.'' • • • The House completed legislative action Wed¬ nesday on a measure permitting states to trim services under the medicaid program. The legislation was previously passed by the Free DR. PEPPER Senate on pleas that the program, designed with each sub on THURSDAY! to provide health care for persons in the low Off to sleep in style! A dainty threesome in PERMA- income brackets, had rocketed in cost and was tress. causing some states acute financial dis¬ Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES PREST®Dacron®polyester, nylon and cotton. Sweet dreams in blue, maize or pink. S-M-L. Shift Gowns and RESTAURANT & Michigan News CARRYOUT & DELIVERY Baby Doll Pajamas Sleepcoat «5 TIFFANY LOUNGE PHONE 351 3800 Seventeen young girls will be competing ONE BLOCK EAST OF SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER 3131 E. THE CAPITOL Michigan in Detroit Sunday night for the first Miss TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Black Michigan title and a chance to repre¬ 1 16 E . Michigan Ave. (just across from south complex) Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears FRANDOR CENTER sent the state in the Miss Black America IV 9-1196 Free Evening SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Parking Pageant in New York City in August. MICHIGAN Trinka Cline, executive editor STATE NEWS Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor Deborah Fitch, feature editor The woman behind the cigar UNIVERSITY Behind every successful man, there's But Mrs. Adams is more than a That's the woman I saw-the woman a successful woman . . . or so mothers "talker." She's an excellent listener. who for over 20 years has stood behind have been telling their daughters through¬ I gave her my impressions of and opinions Walter Adams. She told me that her out all time. on many things, including my personal husband doesn't want to be the Univer¬ Behind George Washington, there was thoughts on her husband and the MSU sity's next president. And maybe he William B. Castanier Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. Martha: who else would have powdered presidency. To me, our relationship doesn't. advertising manager seemed to transcend that of interviewer his wig0 To the rear of Abe Lincoln was good ol' Mary, ready to step for¬ and interviewee-there was some "real" EDITORIAL ward in this and clip his chin whiskers. same tradition stands And Pauline communication. Adams, wife and confidant of MSU's own Walter Adams. Out of sight Just what kind of plays in our acting president's life is nebulous. a role Mrs. Adams Of course, she might be his chief cook and cigar lighter. But some¬ how this observer thinks she must be Speaking of the forgotten the cost, it should be pointed comprised of only the relative¬ something more. man. there are those at MSU out that many came back in ly limited class of the rich. Having interviewed Mrs. Adams for a the days when tuition was This is certainly a blatant who inadvertently are caught little over an hour, and having just rapped in an upward flight whose ac¬ around $345 a term and are kind of discrimination and furth¬ with her for 60 minutes. I'm sure that she has been a vital and vibrant force celeration quite possibly sur¬ now trapped. er, may cost MSU much of rank-and-file in the professor-turned- By decree of the Michigan the cosmopolitan air so neces¬ passes anything felt by the administrator's career. crew of Apollo 11. Those Legislature, non-resident stu¬ sary to the psyche of a multi- Mrs. Adams is frank-either she takes after her husband or he takes after her- spoken of are the out-of-state dents pay approximately 75 university. It need not be pointed out perceptive and thoroughly interesting to studen|s who. in the last four per cent of the price of their talk with She is a teacher. Her years, have watched helplessly education. This is at least that out of state--or for that apparent interest in students and their as their tuition burden spi- somewhat defensible in light of matter out-of-countrv--students problems and ideas made this reporter have contributed much to this totally willing to believe that she wanted raled to the stars. Now. in the fact that Michigan is one to be a teacher from the time she was the eyes of many, the cost of the largest "importer^" of University. In fact, if a cen¬ only 10-years-old. of schooling has passed the students of the 50 states. Out sus were taken, it is quite Actually my impressions of Mrs. Adams are not entirely objective. In a way we're threshhold of reason. of state students' parents, of probable that they would ac¬ sort of related." Since Walter Adams The statistics cited by the course, have not been paving count for a disproprotionate named acting was president. I have gone administration indicate that the Michigan taxes and. thereby, share of student government around telling evervone-including Adams average cost per credit for non¬ supporting state schools: but offices, »Honors College mem¬ himself-how Mrs. Adams is my dentist's bers and suchlike. partner's daughter. resident students has increased they have been paying taxes The funny looks I have been getting in their home states-monies In the final analysis, regard¬ by only about 60 per cent. assure me that people either don't be¬ This figure is arrived at by which are. in effect, lost to less of what arguments are put lieve me or don't care. However, when I told Mrs. Adams, she thought it was summing up all the monies them. forth, of what pros and cons quite a coincidence. paid by the students and then Why has no one explored are expounded, the raw fact Anyway, getting back to what we talked dividing by the total number the possibility of some sort of remains that as of fall term about, in addition to the dentist: We of credits carried. Quite prob¬ arrangement among the sev¬ of this year, out-of-state tui¬ rapped about the experience of going away to college: we rapped about the ATL eral states, whereby an ex¬ tion will become out-of-sight ably this figure is correct as sequence: we rapped about the oppor¬ far as it goes, but it is an changing of funds could be tuition. tunities available for youth while they are overview and. therefore, not worked out according to such young. She had something to say on many subjects; and what she said seemed to There are cats and there are fat cats... necessarily representative of in¬ figures as the number of ex¬ --The Editors make sense. dividual cases. The fact remains changed students? Granted. Ala¬ that an average load of 15 bama. for example. due and credits now costs the out-of- to differences whatnot, may not be able to in taxes OUR READERS' MIND state student $45 more per term than it used to < $465 subsidize the full 75 per cent of educational costs required $420). MSU poor-supported' vs. The ones truly caught in the of out-of-state students, but bind are those students-and some assistence should be pos¬ there are many-who are at sible since that student is not To the Editor: for less than it will cost just professional teachers, more individualized MSU on one kind of loan or costing Alabama colleges any¬ I am not a student activist, hippie or my husband alone this fall. We were on teaching, or extra services to the Uni¬ thing. versity0 No, this increase goes to cover gr*ant or another, and who. protestor. I am just the wife of an the sliding scale" this year and paid the new president's salary and to build of necessity, have had to al¬ There is another possible MSU student and a .June graduate. My $124 each per quarter so. from summer more residence halls to expand our husband works part time and I will drawback in the tuition raise ready apply for renewals based teach fulltime this tall so he can finish already crowded University. Instead of on the old $420 a term fig¬ ure. To those less-than-sympa- -one which may not self for some years. show it¬ The high his last year of education and make a decent future for us and our 2-year- To the Editor: They are you the street; people you meet on the street choosing classes to fit a schedule, stu¬ dents will now be equating classes with the amount of money available during a old daughter thetic persons who question why cost may slow the flow of don't speak to you' the neighbors are certain term while being penalized for non-resident students came non-resident students to MSU to David Bassett's account in unfriendly and uncooperative taking extra clases And. thank you for Wednesday's It's a sour here if thev do not like a bare trickle which will be I am writing concerning the new flat State News of his experience as a town." raising the rent in married housing $4 rate tuition that I read about in the visitor in Montreal was so at odds with The attendant shook his head a month Now I can have hamburger You Detroit Free Press Saturday. July 19. my own pleasant experience as a visi¬ wouldn't like it here. he said. The seven nights a week instead of six 1969. I would like to know who the tor in that same city that I am re¬ people here are just like the ones where mathematician is on the board of trus¬ minded of I can suggest three alternatives that something I once heard about you live now " Pulling foot tees'1 $13 an The newspaper article says this per credit hor flat rate will be average increase of only 4-1 2 cents per strangers A man with an out-of-state auto li¬ As the man drove of-state stranger drove in. asked him what kind of out. another The out- attendant people lived in I with hope the board of trustees will consi¬ der: 1) a tuition scale to fit new previous students paying their en¬ students, Following the guidelines es¬ elected, and as such should credit hour...or 67-1 2 cents per quarter cense drove into a gasoline station and his present location. trance-level fees. 21 a flat rate per tablished last week for a person taking 15 hours of work And the second stranger credit hour up to 15 credits land a by the have had complete control of while the attendant filled his tank, the said. They're the salt of the earth and I really hate maximum fee for over 15 credits, not Wayne State University Pub¬ the newspaper unless removed This ' small increase corries out to stranger inquired. What sort of a town leave there. As you walk down exceeding $195: and 3' open trustee is this'.'" to the lications Board, the South End from office in the proper man¬ $10 a quarter for a 15 cfedit load street, everyone smiles at you and you meetings held two terms prior to a "How do you mean that'" asked the is back in circulation- (15 x 13 equals 195. 195-185 (present are kept tuition change where students can voice now ner. busy greeting the people you tuition) equals $10 > This increase is meet. The neighbors are friendly and their opinions concerning tuition and offi dally The issue Keast objected to not. truthfully, out of the question, but The visitor will do anything they can for you. It's have time to adjust their own pre-arranged The publications board's was a magazine supplement my husband has to take 20 credits per explained that he was a wonderful town." budgets for a tuition increase. quarter for the next four quarters to changing jobs and would be required to guidelines state that all uni¬ on the cultural revolution. Given live in the area. The attendant then The attendant nodded his head You graduate before the 1971 school year. versity publications should re¬ the topic, it is difficult to Now. this equals $260 per quarter (20 x 131 countered with a question. "What sort will like it here, he said "The people MSlI--a "state-supported" institution? of here are just like the ones where you MSU is "poor-supported by married flect "the highest quality of conceive of not using four let¬ and this is an increase of $75 over the people live in your present home town0" The stranger said. "They're not too live now. Earle J. Miller students struggling for an education and journalism." emphasizing " im¬ ter words, especially consider¬ present tuition good. You don't see smiling faces on employe of Campus Messenger Service awakening to find an even taller hurdle We are both going to school this partiality and creativity." The ing some of the writers includ¬ put in front of them Please, consider this flat rate tuition newspaper is not supposed to ed in the issue, such as John so education at MSU is truly availa¬ "offend" any segment of the Sinclair of Trans Love Ener¬ ble to all community. The outcome of the gies. Ine DAVID BASSETT Mrs. Sara Swift t affair however, was to give Senior-East Lansing The next magazine supple¬ the editor-in-chief "fullest ment appears in three weeks latitude to make decisions" within the guidelines In other words, all of Presi¬ on the subject of the sexual revolution and the results should be most interesting. Keast may Wrapper' hardly a zapper Apollo To The Editor: a waste the Box Tops for almost a week, mak¬ EXPOSURE*! I am forced to agree with the State dent William Keast s verbal have something to say again, Anything that Von Ryan had his ing no mention whatsoever of includ¬ I am well aware of the social and New s executive editor Trinka Cline and fingers in. I should have had the sense eruptions about the South End but Will be prevented this to refrain from attending. Never in my ing the Plain Brown Wrapper in the professional bootlicking that occurs in photographer Bob Ivins that it is indeed doing "serious damage to Wayne time from backing hi? foot in¬ life have I met an individual < sic) the music business However. I feel ridiculous, if not criminal, .for the United To further complicate matters, WVIC that this display of disregard for an State to spend $40 billion to propel two State University and to the fu¬ to his mouth. The publications who possessed the unmitigated gall to had specifically stated that the Box audience is unexcusable. If I had been men onto a piece of property that might ture of student journalism." attempt to hoodwink so many people board now has responsibility for the only bored person at the concert. very possibly have little or no commer¬ WVIC. the best radio station in Lan¬ Tops would appear July 4-6. After the have had little effect on the deciding if the paper violates sing and one of the finest in Michigan, air cleared from the Plain Brown Wrap¬ I would have withheld comment How¬ cial value ever. it became an increasingly tenuous One must be objective when evaluating outcome of the entire affair. the board's new guidelines. suddenly slides into a quagmire of plas¬ per, Von Ryan strode onstage and an¬ nounced that the Box Tops might ap¬ task to discern the band s voices from far-flung, impractical ventures such as The South End is back in The South End editors have ticity the moment this over-exposed Xerox the audience's yawns as the show pro¬ the manned spaceflight program alongside of New York s Murray the K goes on pear at 8 p.m. The moment the aud¬ publication, just as before, indicated they do not intend ience hears this, a stream of dissatis¬ gressed. the more pressing problems that plague with few I have endured a countless number of us here on earth: with over 70 per cent or no apparent to change editorial policy, nor Friday afternoon I went to Grandmoth¬ fied teenagers made their exit. Expecting to hear an apology for the poor bands, dull rock concerts and bor¬ of the United States' budget being spent changes. does it seem that the citizens er's hoping to hear the brilliant voice of Alex Chiton and the Box Tops What delay. I was surprised to find what Von ing Von Ryan soliloquys However. Fri¬ on defense, it should be obvious to even It is unfortunate, indeed, that for decency and uprighteous- I found instead was a band making an Rvan had to offer as an explanation. day's fiasco at Grand mother s belonged the least perceptive of us here at MSU Keast saw fit to suspend pub¬ ness are going to relinquish abortive attempt to mime Jimi Hen- "Listen." he said. "These guys (the on a mortician's slab. The next time that every dollar of the remainder must Plain Brown Wrapper) came to us and WVIC puts gig. I suggest that be judiciously budgeted. lication of the paper without their stand. drix and Frank Zappa, complete with on a , asked that we let them play. They they: a) plan it more thoroughly and. James. I Ebert sound studio over-dubbing Better known going through the properly elec¬ Today the South End resumes as the Plain Brown Wrapper, this hodge¬ needed the exposure " b) tell Von Ryan to stay home. East Lansing senior ted publications board. It is publication under the aus¬ podge of poorly performeds psychedelia doubly unfortunate that he re¬ pices of the university. Given started 25 minutes late and proceeded M '< 1-7/AT AMI60IN6 IF SHE WERE WERE, I COULD TELL AND WE COULD BE FRIENDS, AND acted so irrationally as to during their hour-and-one-half exhibition "TO DO, LINUS?THAT HER NOLO MUCH I LIKE HER. AND P0 "THINGS TOGETHER, AND... the number of state legisla¬ LITTLE REP-HAlREP , ASK HER TO HOLP MY HAND... -to put at least half the audience to think the South End posed a tors. administrators and voting GIRL 15 60NE, AND I'LL NEVER 3EE threat to the tranquility of citizens who are worried about During the middle of a seemingly- HER AGAIN.. I walked Wayne State University. their daughters reading obscen¬ endless number. over to Von Whether or not the news¬ Ryan and asked him what he was try¬ ities in a university newspa¬ ing to pull. He replied "Nothing" and paper represents the student per. it is unlikely that the asked me what I expected for a dol¬ body is totally irrelevant to public outcry is over lar Apparently he was blind to the fact that WVIC had been advertising the issue. The editor was duly -The Editors Thursday, July 24, 1969 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Dean IN STATE SENATE med sc innovation Kelley By ED HUTCHINSO N senators uncovers during the course of illegal lobbyinggomery. D-Detroit and House formational filing of a lob¬ Legislative authorization last On Wednesday morning eight debates. coached them con¬ majority leader: byist's transaction with a legis¬ week for planning a four-year years ago the Michigan Senate cerning tactics, wrote speeches There is a need for more lator and does nothing to prohibit medical school has opened the approved a bi-partisan tax for them and generally guided stringent requirements for re¬ the transaction way for innovations in the tra¬ reform package after a 14- them to the result desired by porting on aetivites. Expense The $5 required to become ditional medical education. Dr. hour all night session the lobbyists' employers." accounts should be made more card a - carrying legislative Andrew D. Hunt, dean of the Col¬ Five days later, the same The two lobbyists, represen¬ public, which would be espec¬ agent, as lobbyists are known lege of Human Medicine, said re¬ package, hailed by leaders of tatives of Ford Motor Co ially beneficial to those re¬ under the law. is nothing more cently ooth parties as a "giant step and Chrysler Corp.. admitted taining lobbyists." than a filing fee according to Dr Hunt said the medical forward. was dead. Three to being in a Senate techni¬ Montgomery said there are Kelley faculty of MSI* favors a cur¬ senators who had earlier sup¬ cian room, off limits to them lobbyists who take credit for riculum that will permit stu¬ ported the program subsequent¬ by Senate rules, but claim lobbying they never perform and Also questioning registration laws is Rep Jim N Brown. dents to accelerate or lengthen ly voted against it their reported discussions with as a result may be profiteer¬ the senators R-Okemos. He voices his con their schooling according to their Gov. John B. Swainson. after were mistaken or ing on their expense accounts. cern for spokesman lor state individual backgrounds receiving reports that heavy amounted to nothing more than The attorney general, speak¬ departments that a We have already introduced number of innovations in our lobbyist pressure to bear on was senators, brought ordered a ■ hello. Despite this, a reporter and Third in a series. ing on the entire spectrum of lobbying, said that probably "Registration lo^i d$>sn t cover received well by the legisla¬ present two-year program Dr Att Gen. Frank J. Kelley to two other sources said the ture but quickly forgotten 90 per cent of lobbying is the most* suerevSlyrJnbbyi-ts- Hunt said, but we have been investigate lobbyist activity to two lobbyists did. indeed, perhaps all right, but that con¬ Nobody did anything about the representative^"' of state caught up in the dilemma of determine " whether any ille¬ fer with three senators on the almost all lobbyists, including departments who lobby full it except for a bill introduced breaking with tradition while gal conduct occurred." tax program. those representing giant as well time These people carry a that died in the committee ''aving to prepare students to Kelley s investigation indi¬ One of the lobbyists dismissed as small companies, are capa¬ pseudo-cloak til officialdom but The attorney general's con¬ transfer to traditional schools Dr. Hunt said students in AS*? cated violated that certain lobbyists Senate rules that ban his activity with of like speeding, a lot of peo¬ it is sort cern centers around lobbyists ble of contributing to the other 10 per cent of lobbying ef¬ in a sense are iooking out for their own skins the second year of the present them from offices and commit¬ having more influence over forts that is not "all right ple go a little over the speed "One of the basic seeds two-year program will have to Rou\ row, roiv tee rooms adjacent to the cham¬ limit. And I have sat back legislators than do constituents. Another facet of lobbying the of transfer to other medical schools The legislature would be more disturbs high cost of government ber for 30 minutes before a there quite often and nobody that Kelley is the starts Two students take advantage of the University responsive to the public if there to grow with the 24- to complete their educations. session, and 10 minutes after has kicked on it " registration required under the hour But he added that he is confi¬ canoe rental facilities to enjoy a scenic trip down the session has Looking back on his investi¬ were tighter lobbying laws. law. Public Act 214 of 1947. relationship with repre¬ adjourned. sentatives of state dent the 20 members of the next the Red Cedar River. Kellev said. amended by Act 187. Pubic- agencies." Furthermore. Kelley found the gation. Kelley said the report Brown said Are their best class will be the first to re¬ State News photo by Wayne Munn lobbyists had conferred with of the lobbyists' activity was Acts of 1958. is. in part. interests Michigan, or are ceive M D degrees from MSI an act to license legislative laws, which he regards as they trying to build up their Although we do not yet have agents, and to regulate their own department ' next to nothing The only activities Underworld a teaching hospital on campus, figures indicted meaningful change, he says, will Kelley claims that the act Next: Legislators talk about the cooperation we receive from result from a scandal that will does nothing to regulate the the "best" way tor a lob¬ community hospitals throughout demand the legislature prove aetivites of lobbyists and fur¬ byist to approach him. Also, the state is such that we expect its viability by revamping the thermore requires only an in¬ who is the People's Lobby? to be able to use their resources for the clinical training of the present law small numbers of students in our present classes, he said We will, however, need to in Teamsters' f We're living in an age of cynicism where institutions or individuals are coming under scrutiny. Institutions like the plan for an on-campus hospital NEW YORK AP -Thir¬ ri s go-between in arranging the self as an FBI undercover man Mid-City originally sought a legislature, will soon have to that will enable us to teach in the crime teen persons were under indict¬ kickback syndicate $1,250,000 loan through under¬ prove their viability larger classes and to develop \nd there David Wenger. The latest indictment con¬ world connections in Detroit The legislature, to preserve ment Wednesday on federal was new approaches to health care. the cerned efforts to obtain a Team¬ When the firm was told it could - charges that the FBI said its integrity, will have to have Hunt continued ster loan for the Mid-City Devel¬ have onlv $1,076,000. Mid-City involved a 20 per cent kick¬ pension fund who was named in more meaningful lobby laws We expect Hunt said, back to the underworld in re¬ this and prior indictments as opment Corp.. a Detroit real es¬ was said to have appealed to the Kelley predicts to develop innovative new ways the underworld's contact man tate firm which owns an indus¬ New York Cosa Nostra. turn for a million dollar loan We've reached the but there of educating doctors who will within the union in arranging trial complex in that area Any change in the law will moon are from the scandal-tainted Team¬ The FBI accused the other 12 This not be self-initiated since the still thousands of fascinating places to visit practice in Michigan, to continue sters Union pension fund. loans for a share of the kick¬ so upset the Detroit research in the basic backs defendants of offering Wenger a group. Brannigan continued, legislature does not want any here on E arth. our meu- The FBI described five of the ical science and to develop new Also figuring in this and pre¬ share in the $2(10.000 kickback in that it was necessary to hold an meaningful lobby legislation. Find out how many interesting places you defendants as Cosa Nostra big the summer of 1964 return for arbitration meeting of all the It is often a case of the blind visit methods of improved health care shots, who were said to have vious indictments was John in can on your budget. his aid in obtaining the loan He dedendants in Pittsburgh, where leading the blind. he said t . more people quarreled at one time while Keilly. 40. a New York mort¬ Part of the problem in ini¬ raking in $200.(HK) in kickback gage broker. worked with Plumeri said to have was described as custodian, at the time of the Teamsters Cen¬ thev were to $200,000 kickback. divide up the tiating new lobbying laws, or COLLEGE TRAVEL spills \n "arbitration meet¬ Creditchanges ing straightened things out It was the latest of halt a Plumeri publicly has been as a ranking member identified tral states. Southeast and South¬ west areas Meanwhile. Mid-City was said pension fund, with to have settled for the million- any law. is a growing public- distrust of government. Kelley 351-6010 said. The biggest problem is dozen indictments through which of the New York Cosa Nostra headquarters in Chicago. He dollar loan. due in Poli Sci the government has sought to family Thomas headed by the late Three Finger Brown now is a New York Citv ac- Specific charges against the that moves the too legislative process slowly and there is A MHA-W1C PRESENTATION OF A CLASSIC link the mob and the multimil¬ Attv 13 defendants included conspira¬ not enough residual good will lion-dollar Teamsters Luchese. He is an uncle of labor Several five-credit courses in pension cy violation of the union wel¬ from the public racketeer Johnny Dm. who long said the Dept of Political Science fund. In Washington. FBI Direc¬ fare and pension plans disclo¬ Open reporting of all expens¬ has had close ties with the ha\e been made four-credit tor .J Edgar Hoover called it a sure act and violation of feder¬ es and expenditures by lobbyist.1 - blo< ) the ( \os Teamsters Union. al anti*-raeketeering laws. and legislators will go far. ac¬ Susan Lawther. political science, instructor in said the 1 New York. Pennsylvania dnd FBI Burns has been linked bv the with s the New York ( late 1 Vito Nos- Wilderness cording to Kelley. in establish¬ ing a much-needed badge of lum penalty for each defend- integrity political science, said the change ir Once-again there were famil- here nanies in James this indictment, threatened nt n of five years in federal pris- and a $10.000 fine for each Expressing similar sentiments of open reporting of expenses was. Jimmy ently based •ovle Plumen. titi described is State Rep George F. Mont¬ jur\ Herbert It- by tourists rom 1 this and other indictments as kit: a kev figure in a reservoir course We found that with only three 1 !p aving ie 1 Teamsters financial pipeline to treasure There kickback case which sent for¬ mer New York Citv Water Com- Anthropologist Margaret Mead JOBOB PROMOTIONS PRESENTS hours James L Marcs to A "GRASSER" was not appropnai >r warned recently that American Lawther said Itkin has described him- demands for expanded vacation def. — A Hip Gathering facilities threaten to destroy the wilderness world Miss Mead, writing i". Red- at Alward Lake Country Park IT receives gifts, grants book magazine, urged both pub¬ lic and private interests to gain protective custody over Friday, July 25 8:30 p.m. - ? Do You Dare See were (iifts and accepted grants Fndav totaling $3,291,052 by the board has granted $118,825 training program in biochemistry for a graduate The Health Service Isabelle I land and suggested forming a paid conservation corps of youth featuring (Bring A Blanket) Vincent Price in program supports 20 prediX'toral and two essor of nursing directs THE SAVAGE GRACE of trustees e for it. for The figure Michigan St-te. the includes $3,022,248 remainder rected by I)r Willis A fessor and chairman of biochemistry Wood developed materials The oads heavy traffic, the new lodges, with the Braintree Light Show SI.50 cover charge Edgar Allen Poe's Students and teachers in ini trailer parks and camping co-featuring swimming-dancing-sandy beaches A major study of the political and psychological aspects of conflict will city schools will be offered new ki grounds threaten the con¬ tinued existence of living crea¬ From E. Lansing—Take US 27 North (N. Larch "The Pit and the Pendulum" be launched in September through a 5399.000 grant from the IS Office Education MSI The facility's total tures. trees and plants that can¬ St.) 9 miles to Alward Rd. Make a left turn of Scientific Research The grant professor c not thrive in the near vicinity of on Alward Rd. and drive for 1 mile. 9 p.m. TONIGHT VV'LSON AUD. 75C which grant which involves high school stu¬ Justin Morrill College has re¬ supports three years of the man. Miss Mead said dents and teachers from nine Michigan ceived $68,082 from the Office of project is provided under terms of Project Themis Economic Opportunity to support We must foresee. she of James Phillips, associate professor psychology is director of the grant for A National Science Foundation grant $91 725 has been awarded lor the I'nder Upward Bound Program here the direction of Alex Cade, the continued, that by the turn of 'YOUR WHEELS' the century, when our child¬ Co-investigators are Edward Azar fellowships for 18 MSI graduate stu¬ program offers pre-college underachiev¬ full-time summer program of ren are parents, visits to recre- at es a assistant professor of political sci¬ dents The grant is directed by Summer . ence. and Lawrence A Messe asst Clarence W Minkel. associate dean academic, cultural and recreational eas will number not professor of psychology for advanced graduate studies hundreds of millions The board accepted $219 721 from The third year of a program in but in the billions the National Institues Of Health BUDGET. for continued in clinical Thornton training of graduate psychology associate professor of psy¬ Dozier W RENT-A-CAR Clearance chology directs the program which pro¬ ^SYSTEM 1969 Pontiacs vides stipends for 28 graduate stu- Bored SLACKS A $200,000 grant from the IS DAILY WEEKEND Office of Education will support an institute to train college and The Summ from univer- FROM opment and technology The i $6,00 plus 6C mile $15.00 plus 1C mile SKIRTS in September involves 20 full-ti 30 part-time-participants Elwood E Miller assistant Get Yours 214 So. Capitol 372-8660 The National Institute of Health ICE SHOW A Book! TALENT ON ICE 8:00 P.M. 1/3 The Tuesday, July 29 WORLD CHAMPION RESTAURANT SKATERS to "In the Heart of Tickets Available Arena Box Office 1/2 Rinkside Seats $1.00 Downtown Detroit" Balcony Seats .75^ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 351-7562 ICE ARENA OPEN 'TIL 2 A.M. UIcmA PUBLIC SKATING Thursday-F ri day-Saturday Thursday through Saturday Evenings 2503 WOODWARD AVE. FREE PARKING COMMUNITY NEWS CENTER 8:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. to to 10:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday Afternoons 5:00 P.M. OPEN WEDNESDAYS 9:30 to 9 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 203 E. GRAND RIVER 964-4478 For Information call 355-2380 Thursday, July 24, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan sports WASHINGTON McCovey's ring Willie McCovev provided lTPI»-Tow- 40th annual All-Star 9-3 rout of the American League, game-a the fourth man in history to hit two homers in one all-star leaped at the seven-foot fence in the sixth inning to rob Bench homers with any of his pitchers so he brought in John " Blue Moon" but hower. decided the and David Eisen¬ grandson of the run off Bob Gibson, the second NL pitcher, and brought up po blanked innings. the AL the final five he thunder on a gloomy, over- A crowd of 45.259 at Robert game of a two-run homer. Bench Odom of the Oakland A s to start former president who came to Knowles with two on and two out. Detroit's Dennie McLain ast afternoon with a pair of F Kennedy Stadium, including Johnny Bench, the 22-vear-old hit a two-run homer in his first the third the game with his wife Julie's Smith decided to use Seattle's pitched one inning, the fourth, ine-drive homers Wednesday to Vice President Spiro Agnew as a catcher of the Cincinnati Reds, at-bat in an all-star game in The NL had two runs off him sister. Tricia Nixon, left the Don Mincher as a pinch-hitter, and was tagged for McCovey's unver the National League to its relief pitcher for President almost became the fifth man but the second inning to put the Na¬ after he threw five pitches and game at the end of the inning. knowing that a homer would second homer McLain had been eventh straight victory in the Nixon, saw McCovev become onh leftfielder Carl Yastrzemski tional League ahead. 3-0 Odom went on to gain the dubious Vice President Agnew stayed make it 9-6. Mincher is hitting scheduled to start but flew back The Ameican League, which distinction of tying an all-star for the rest of the game and .240 with 17 homers although Yas¬ to Detroit Tuesday night after w once led 12-4 in this series recond by giving up five hits in the American saw League's last trzemski. batting .256 with 29 the postponement and spent but now trails 22-17-1. got only one inning chance to get back into the homers, still the bench. was on three hours in a dentist's chair six hits off six National League Freehan's homer in the last game. Gibson struck out Mincher getting nine teeth capped He pitchers. Two of them were solo of the third'' narrowed" the gap and Bill Singer. Jerry Koosman. didn't arrive at the park until homers by Frank Howard in the to 8-2 but the game was all Larrv Kierker and Phil Niekro the second inning. second inning and Bill Freehan in the third The Washington crowd, sprinkled with celebrities ill eluding congressmen and base¬ these Hi hnseball "reals hare been se¬ ball greats of the past attend¬ lected b\ Jan*, [tin vers and miter* across ing the festivities for baseball's the country as the (,rentes! liaseball I'layer cefltennial celebration, got one of its few chances to cheer the i.ver at I heir prespedire position*./in the ere of home' team when Howard, the Hasebull's I OOth anniversary of existence. Washington Senator slugger who liahe liath. right, mis selected as the has 34 homers this season, hit his homer greatest player of all lime, editing out ly Earlier. Howard had embar- ( ohh. Roger llornshy and Joe ItiMaggio. IH- Alou safe assed the home folks Hank Aaron's pop by muffing fly in the first \la»gio. another Yankee ureal of llie '.{Its. iras picked as llie greatest li ring player. inning to permit the first Na Matty Alou of the National League's Pittsburgh Pirates is safe at third on tional run pitch in the first inning of Wednesday's Ail-Star game in Washington. Arr Manager Smith said he planned League's Sal Bando got the throw from catcher Bi11 Freehan too late. to go no longer than two innings I Program Info 332-6944 i COOL Mi Babe Ruth Joe DiMaggio | I r-H.'.u't- :20 - NOW 1 Feature 3:25 - 5:30 - 7:35 - 9:40 Wrestling clinic attracts : GOODBYE COLUMBUS'IS A VERY i FUNNY. IMMENSELY APPEALING MOVIE..." high school grapplers Over 200 muscular junior and senior high and Dale Anderson, are also coaching the school youngsters are currently taking part morning and afternoon sessions. in a national summer wrestling clinic being Behm. silver medalist in the 1968 Olympic conducted in the Men's Intramural Sports Games, is now head coach at Fast Lansing Arena. High School MSI head wrestling coach Grady Peninger Anderson, winner of three Big Ten titles is in charge of the clinic which will end and two NCAA crowns, will move on as an this week, with a second clinic of approxi¬ asst. coach at Army next year. mately the same size to begin next Monday This program has had a great deal to do .*•" a new york These kids come from all over the coun¬ with improving the quality of wrestling in /version of try Peninger said They know they'll get Michigan. Peninger said /the graduate'!" topnotch instructions here I won't hire any¬ And because we try to make it the best —Judith Crist one other than a successful coach possible clinic it gives the school a good Six assistants help make Peninger s work a name, too little easier. Vaughan Hitchcock, coach of Cal No competition is allowed during the clinic, Poly s NCAA College Division champs, is only instruction This is done to guard against here, as is Dave Adams, head coach at Pitts¬ somebodv getting hurt. Peninger added burgh. You know, the really deplorable thing is Doug Blubaugh. Peninger s long time assis¬ that kids from Ohio. Indiana and Illinois can t tant .ind 1960 gold medalist, is also an instruc¬ come here They'd lose a year of eligibility "•Itred anless tor \ highly successful prep cqach from New if they did accompanied . y parent or adult guardian Y"t k Don Jackson is also assisting Peninger. You might as well make a kid ineligible i'wo of Peninger s former wrestlers. Don Behm for a high school band for going to Interlochen r "The Lost Mar.' Michigan State junior Lynn Former MSU footbal Janson was his team's top fin¬ America Clinton Jones isher. when the Spartans won ployed by the University CRIMES OF DR. MABUSA their first Big Ten golf cham¬ pionship in 1969 He placed sonnel playing office with when the he Mir dubbed in E nglish third in individual standings with a 298 for 72 holes. 7 and 9 104 B Wells 50c ID not required Also chapter 8 of Hurricane Express TODAY Feature at Fri-Sat The Victors 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:40 r* *★★★★★★★★★*★*★ Can Herbie, a clean-living, hard working small car find happiness otua/tes^avrc in today's G ~C3c l/l Nextl "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" Mickey Cochrane Walter Johnson u Junior quarterback Bill Trip- The University of Washington lett was named the outstanding football team will spend ,i week featuring.. back and split end Frank Fore- at Michigan State tins tail Flu- BRENDA LEE * Zales man the outstanding lineman for Michigan State's green squad in its 82-0 thrashing of the white Huskies open State s home sch- edule Sept. 20. then stay in tour until heading for Ann Arbor AUGUST 4-5-6 ^Newest Twinkle unit in State's 1969 spring grid and a game with Michigan Sept. GORDON MACRAE RAY PRICE AUGUST 7-8-9 MARTY ROBBINS in 14 K gold bridal sets Letts FASHION SHOW BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS k AUGUST 2 AUGUST 3 , Cnlace TONIGHT . SECOND WEEK: . . From 7:15 p.m. * A * 12-381* FEATURE AT 7:25 & 9:35 "Always . . . and frighteningly . . . believable . . . wit and wisdom interwoven in a complex drama." FRIDAY NITE I RESERVE SEAT TICKETS! | IONIA 527 1390 c | TOLL FREE IN MICHIGAN| DIAL 1 800 6328207 e for Fre« Brochures! MUSIC FROM i ebhbm Remember - Your ON SALE GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS AT ALL MEIJER MARKETS & THRIFTY ACRES Zales' Custon Shop the Convenient W< Charge MSU I.D. money saves you at Zales. THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY MA6V/S:.; SERVICE COUNTERS AND AT THE GRANDSTAND 2 HOURS j NEXT ATTRACTION! BEFORE EACH PERFORMANCE Don't Mi« Michigan*5 &reaies+ , Zales JEWELERS MONTEREY" POPs BY D.A.PENNEBAKER * outdoor Show/*' 'Vs 207 So. Washington - Lansing FILMED AT THE MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL POP FESTIVAL Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24, 1969 J Latest matic in riddles, Magus' riddle: a string of cine¬ including "Pe- The story line is much too cluttered The theme is ob¬ aresents Miss Bergen rankler boredom out performs of bed. with ended up. but I he got there As don't like how Caine says to tulia" and Belle de Jour," scured rather than revealed by1 similar drabness as Quinn's Quinn early in the film. "I'd comes " The Magus." now the confusing direction and edit¬ asst. prisoner just enjoy it more if I knew showing at the State Theatre. ing. character shifts and plot Lots of melodrama and little what >t was all about." The success or failure of this 'reversals. The multitude of motivation mark Miss Karina s film depends on the individual's symbols may have worked for the John Fowles novel on which badly over-plaved stewardess appetite for solving picture puz¬ zles. the film is based, but there are t , role. Anthony Quinn. though by far the movie's best, at times Ag professor "The Magus might require f00 ma"y, t0 keep traCk °f and looks as if ho doesn't know two viewings: one to figure out interpret for a movie. Michael Caine is Alfie re what's going on cither . visits Far East what's happening, the second visited in his role as the cold, The Magus comes qu to realize the message does ise to being a very g< insensitive teacher, with one The director of the MSU not justify the energy spent difference: he acted in Al¬ iv It has four demand agricultural experiment station discovering it. fie." In "The Magus he reads es which arc misplayed. v< is touring research institutes Michael Caine plays an Eng- with Candice Bergen, who is his lines with little feeling and e photography which is n ind visiting associated per¬ seldom changes the look t'd. and a very noble the sonnel in the Far East. lish school teacher who goes to either Quinn's wife, fiancee, iich is misinterpreted. Greece to escape an affair with mistress, patient, leading lady ^ce; ^as two expressions Sylvan H Wittwer. professor a French airline hostess, played just obtu >t horticulture and asst. dean or co-conspirator ? dire of agriculture, is serving as by Anna Karina. He meets An¬ What actually happens when consultant for the Ford Foun¬ thony Quinn. who plays either Osmosis a war chiatrist. hero, a traitor, motion a psy¬ these four get together is any¬ body's guess. My guesses in¬ dation. Nvle Brady, director of the agricultural experiment picture dir¬ WKAR doubles a d brain? No, just two students relaxing between classes, enjoying e< clude: Caine is unhappy be¬ station at Cornell, is accom¬ ector. a magician < "magus") ; and tke solitude afforded by the MSU campus. cause he can't love-his re¬ company or maybe Cod Take your pick panying Wittwer on the trip. State News photo by Bob Iv of any combination. Quinn lives lationship with the stewardess They will talk with key figures shows this. Quinn tries to in agriculture in Japan. Tai¬ arouse Caine's deadened sensi¬ tivities using shock, confusion, frustration and Candice Bergen broadcast power wan. the Phillipines. Ceylon. Thailand and India. AT LEDGES PLAYHOUSE Or maybe Caine dreams it WKAR. the University-owned station, 3100 E. SAGINAW all. The line between illusion power to 10.000 watts and reality often disappears in Lvle Haskin. program direct"'! r WKAR. s;n "The Magus." Why does Quinn Actors spark dull comedy were apparently unaware that the power boost w. bother! Is he merely eccentric or is he actually making a film? "We've had a number of letters from lister While the happiness-within- their reception was better and wrote to ask it \ yourself theme is worthwhile, power, he said ming, or the Restoration tr, bes watered-down ver- not worth two hours of A GIANT OF A MOVIE The edges sion of his marvelous Horace i Only three commercial AM stations in Mid dition from which it draws i confusion. It deserves better. power than WKAR. All are in Detroit. "The Amorous Flea" of a few inherent in Norman Krasna's spiration Mary Beth Supinger is fa weeks ago Elaine Sherman as Haskin said that more than four years of prep BREQ0RY 0M&R "Sunday in New York the power gain A second atenna erected in It 's a predictable comedy about becoming one of my favori .the Woman, is fun; her hamming PECS SHARIF Linton Hall members of the Ledges coi - adds life to otherwise lifeless constructed at the transmitter site to comp predictable people. Even the scenes I found Dennis Howard requirement that the antenna be directional, he s twists are predictable. pany. She manages to deliv Director Peter Silbert's skill¬ mediocre with - to - miserable unappealing as the Man. lakced the versatility needed to he The directional antenna and watts boo.-t m MACHENNA'S a sparkle that makes .< now provides a class A signal north-nortlu provide ful handling of scene changes and slapstick-style sequences audience think they're fre Miss Supinger's characteri play the multiple role liis portrayal of the Japanese to Michigan to Traverse City. Haskin said /. BOLD ,3 rescue the play from oblivion. The increase in broadcast strength will nn i It's the boy-meets-girl and tion of Eileen Taylor, the * waiter, whether Howard's fault station's audience and changes in the station's pr 8 ** £ falls - in - love - within - 24- By VALERIE RESTIVO gin. is delightful: you s do v I or the director's, verged on the new space "WKAR-AM 's a service and informatioi offensive. It just isn't funny to hours routine, with no new V State News Reviewer J to see the play to enjo\ talents alone. i view a gaunt, buck-toothed Or- The oldest building on cam¬ kin continued Because WK \R now serv< © SPARTAN SAGINAW angles or startling dialogue Michigan, we are adapting the program sell The play is. in short, all John Peakes is enjovabl- . lental stumbling his way through pus is getting a new interior features of interest to all segments of our ai TWIN EAST animal known as the virgin. The her brother. Adam Taylor tase humility in a humiliating and new occupants, st.ip' business, no dialogue. The fashion to expand coverage of farm and agriculture m AT audience took it as 1:30-3:50 structure is inherited from Res¬ daring and too. characterizes, beyond the regional news and news of the Michigan legislati 6:i5 and 8:30 p.m. Andrew Mack's set design toration comedy; but routine is risque In an era of Living limitations of Ni M0VE5 TOMORROW TO drab compared with the screens, Theatre and "Hair." "Sunday meagre provisions pleasant: it might have become """ T W'KNR presents 1 iJ adaptable through the use West Circle Drive, was erect¬ THE SPARTAN WEST beds draperies and exits5 of of in New York" is as risque as Jim Buss never quite come ed in 1881. An addition and -aried lighting Lighting the good old days "Captain Kangaroo." In fact, across as the bland Mike Mit alterations were completed "Sunday in New York bout it's tame when compared with chell. and William Lyman's Rus¬ good in the short inter- in 1947. The building, now that extinct breed of feminine adult" television program- sell Wilson. poor part at ludes durin8 the "movie the¬ atre" and "sports car" scenes. called Linton Hall, is still usable and should serve the The ride in Russell Wilson's wild University for years to come. Jaguar was well-staged. Exact Eag/e The subway wild effective comic ride ride and the earlier the most Renovation will open up space ber of in the fall for University departments. a office num¬ If you can put aside the mis- James D. Rust, University taken identities and outdated Ombudsman, said, unsolved NASA morality in favor of the enter- taining production, you 11 def- initely enjoy the Ledges enter- Rust, currently housed in building, will soon be joined j,y social science personnel on Ttye Box Tops The James Gang SPACE CENTER Houston tried repeatedly, without suc- tainment As always, it is a t^e fjrs^ floor. The Dept. of PLUS J ethro Tull The Savage Grace Space scientists hope pleasure to watch theatrical pSyChiatry is now occupying Saturday, July 26 lunar ^ pick out toterrain Eaglewhile below on thehe future t0 land space(Taft 1 "A""" enjoy the Ledges Play- D1"" third floor offices and the 8 P.M. orbited the moon in the iected spots to studv particular Lse's charming summer-stock ■ ---T r OLYMPIA STADIUM mand ship Columbia. com- geologic features .!u atmosphere and share in the wju „ „ teachingSOon mathematics assistants have" space in the 5920 Grand River Engineers also want to kn< audience's infectious laughter. Detroit .• Eagle landed, Had he spotted Eagle and basement what they must change if an un- icntists hope that film used the spacecraft navigation Sunday in the Park" will manned ,unar ,ander fjlled wjth continue through July 27. and will Apollo 11 instruments to find precise lunar f&X EASTtftN THEATRES instruments is to 5e set down bv ve tli coordinates for Tranquillity radio instruments fr be Hat.' followed bv Italian Straw SPARTAN TWIN EAST STARTS TOMORROW! ldtng site Base, there would be no prob¬ PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phor st s need to know lem about the landing site. But knowing the exact spot TODAY Eagle's Tranquil¬ A C0O14M ■ ly gain maximum will make information radioed 1:30-4:00-6:35-9:10 EiQQFITTT Apollo 11 and •ntific success to earth by instruments left be- hind more Scientists useful to scientists. can learn much Adventure at the top of the world! TRUE STORY ite .» confident the returned film, able to that about moonquakes if they know where the seismometer left be¬ hind is located Other research¬ OF pinpoint a ation." Dr Eugene ers pointing a laser on earth at CHE GUEVARA a 'iitisi. U.S. Geological said Wedr x- a its relfector left behind will find location helpful. Experts "Ice studying rocks from the Is one of the great stories of our century. Station area <>ws within a mile where the moon's first human ' Eagle landed. They visitors cavorted will learn more The doctor turned fighter. The fighter data of Eagle's land- about moon the geology if they know from pre¬ cisely where the rocks came. of the Zebra'' turned revolutionary. The revolutionary turned martyr to some... [e]€SS4 Super Panavision* and Metrocokx Learning where Eagle landed murderer to others. is also important to future moon Next 'DADDY'S GONE A-HUNTING' Now 20th Century-Fox FI^OM separates the INVADERS THE STARS! BEYOND MSU International Film Series man from the myth. presents 'BEST AMERICAN FILM OF 1962!' —Time Magazine - «L[[y TABAfifS EDBfOEV 10:20 only PANAWSlOWMHROCOtflR r,om MGM NOW! ALL COLOR! Keir Dullea Janet Margolin Howard Da Silva miniums • 0Mwmsu\M«MaN-rmwi ncTMi DAVID & LISA' ! SHARIF < i Aim liiJtvuv vUflJf flfllltfi 'w innins' Shown tonight JACK PALANCE as FIDEL CASTRO Fri., Sat. - July 25 & 26 A $y Bartlett Richard Fleischer Production Co Starring CESARE DANOVA ROBERT LOGGIA WOC KATHARINE BOSS EffSS FAIRCHILD THEATRE ^oP.m. Produced by SY BARTLETT Directed by RICHARD FLEISCHER Screenplay by MICHAEL WILSON Story by SY BARTLETT and DAVlO KARP Music Composed and Conducted by LAlO SCwr Admission $1.03 vt THE MOTION PICTURE CHE' E ON TETRAGRA! 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24, 1969 State News State News Classified MOON ROCKS forrsal§? No, but many other items Classified 355-8255 355-8255 you may need are listed in the WANT ADS. Auto Parts & Services For Rent The State News does not RENT A TV from a TV Company TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 " MASON BODY SHOP. 812 Eas Summer~$130. fall—$160 Lease permit racial or religious $9.00 per month Call 337-1300 mazoo Street Si net NEJAC TV RENTALS. C discrimination in its ad¬ Complete auto painting anc TO WORK FOR YOU vertising columns. The sion service IV 5-0256 CEDAR VIEW APARTMENTS-1 and State News will not accept 2 bedroom Married. post-grad advertising which discrim ¬ and senior students welcome 351- • AUTOMOTIVE FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished 5647 4-7/25 • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, With swimming pool Heat paid FRANCIS AVIATION So easv l race, color or national or¬ $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ • FOR RENT learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE' AGEMENT. 351-7880 C BAY COLONY igin. Special $5 offer 484 1.124 1 • FOR SALE APARTMENTS LOST & FOUND Scooters & • Cycles Corner of Haslett and Haga- • PERSONAL NORTHWIND dorn Roads. Now taking leases • PEANUTS PERSONAL • REAL ESTATE FARMS for September 1, 2 and 3 man apartments. Furnished or • SERVICE Faculty Apartments 1968 650 BSA Lightning New unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month • TRANSPORTATION 351-7880 dition Priced to sell Call .Jin leases available. Call Jack • WANTED IV 2-1921 6-8 p.m. 2 Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. ONE-BEDROOM fur COR V AIR-1963 Automatic I DEADLINE well, good condition $200 6027. after 5:30pm 3 1 P.M. one class day be¬ fore publication. Cancellations - 12 noon one CORVAIR condition, no 300 -1966 oil leak, Blue, slight 5-7 25 J.R. Culver Co. 711 EAST class ing. $600 355-8114. 3 day before publica- 711 Burcham Dr. Employment PARK TRACE New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ Okemos Rd. at East Mount ished 3 man apts. LEASING IMMEDIATE occupancv leasing for PHONE COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham fall now 1 year or 9 mo. eras, for FALL AND WINTER Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1 leases. TERMS-State News Photographic bedroom, furnished For profession¬ 355-8255 301 Student Services Building Ask apartments. Fully equipped al IV 9-9651 or with all the extras, plus pool graduate students, college fa¬ 351-3525 for Mr Johnson Monday through culty or personnel. Select clientele RATES Thursday. 9a m. to5p m S and clubhouse. Limited im¬ ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ mediate occupancy. Open 10- able for June and September leas¬ 1 day $ 1.50 6 ing Call 332-3135 882-6549 daily. 10-12 Saturdays. or 15tf per word per day Phone 332-5094. 3 days ! $4.00 13 5 l/2tf per word per day days $6.50 I understand Siberia is tolerable FURNISHED TWO-Bedroom air Cam US If ...... conditioned, carpeted, yard, garage 131 per word per day Quiet neighborhood $190. including MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966 Ex¬ this tims of year comrade! utilities Call 351-5312 2-7 25 East Lansing WANTED BABYSITTER . (based on 10 words per ad) cellent condition, low mileage Auto¬ behaved 5 vear old girl Management matic radio 332-3000 5-7 30 COUPLE: ONE-Bedroom. furnished, There will be a 50tf service davs starting in fall Must Company Pinecrest school. East utilities included $125-$135 332 and bookkeeping charge if OLDSMOBILE 442-1966 Excellent Excellent pav 351-0117 afte 2803 or 332-2157 2-7 25 Pool side this ad is not paid within condition Can be seen at 134' * Employment Employment Apartments one week. Leslie Street after 6 pm 485- 1441 EAST Michigan Avenue 2- • Your Best Buy in a WIDE COMPANY bedroom furnished $90 For Students SCHOOL BUS driver applications summer SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST in pr. are being taken for September 1969. $130 fall 351-5323 10-8 4 4-man apartment The State News will be fessional office Hours 8 30 a m Minimun of 4 hours per day (Morn¬ OLDSMOBILE-1969 98 Holiday 4- responsible only for the • Party lounge door hardtop Air. clean as new 5 30 p.m. Typing and dictaphor HOWARD lOHNSo: ings and afternoonst Must be at Imarigold apartments fir ?-t day's incorrect inser- Phone 645-0891 3-7 24 least 21 years of age. possess good 911 Marigold Ave. • Luxury Furnishings driving record, and able to pass New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ Com-S ha reincorporated physical Phone 393-3450. extension • Large apartments PONTIAC 1968 LeMans convertible ished 2-man apartments. Summer HAPPENING 11.000 miles $2,395 351-9070 or SIMMER EMPLOYMENT tor MSI Computer time-sharing serving Across street from campus. 351-0580 5-7 30 students with Midwest's largest the nation. Ads Call 355-8255 now' Automotive full-line merchant wholesaler Full Systems Programmer Leasing now for fall. 1 year AUSTIN HEAI.Y 300 Mark III 1 PONTIAC CATALINA 1964-ExceI or part-time Automobile Phone THE SOCIETY CORPOR ATION required Experienced systems pro¬ TV RENTALS G E 19 portable- or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 332-2335.. TWO-BEDROOM furmsl l.R. Culver Co. lent condition Must sell, this week 337-1349. 8a grammers are needed by the $8 50 per month including stand tor 3 or 4 students m to5p m O Best offer 351-0390 4-7 25 Systems Development Depart¬ Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 Berkey 351-9504 WATERS EDGE-Seve ment to design a new time¬ 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- RAMBLER AMIERICAN $225 Good. sharing system. For further information contact Mr. Don Redding (313)-761-4040 or TV RENTALS-Students SECOND GIRL needed to share 2 CHE VF.LLE-M ALIBI 1965 Verv J send resume to Corn-Share bedroom apartment Swimming pool good condition Automatic trans VOLKSWAGEN—1966 Good cond: or L P N with I Inc., Research & Development unlimited parking Phone 351-4332 mission power steering, radio tion Must sell, make offer 337 j Division, Box 15SS, Ann Ar- $775 355-2752 evenings X:i-7 24 0562 374812 South Okemos Road 2-7 25 Challenging posii I bor, Michigan 4S106. NEW GE portables and stands rented STODDARD APARTMENTS Now ONLY to MSI students and faculty CHEVROLET -1965 Extra clean. 4 VOLKSWAGEN 1965-Attractive black $8 84 month (includes taxi. STATE excellent condition Must sell campus, laundry, balcony, sc MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 444 Asking $850 355-1180 3-7 24 Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C proofed 332-0913. 332-2920 5 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST T" w., Auto Service & Parts part-time, afternoons 3-11 30 pi Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units ASCP registered or eligible Woi for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small fied through work experience I- WOMEN: Under are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive dents to large wrecks cellent salarv Applv SPARROW H< Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE-19M American PITAL PERSONNEL, or call washer. garbage disposal and individual control-central off and foreign cars Guaranteed work 4! move ■hype 694-0201 :l-7 25 482-1286 2628 East Kaiamazoo (' 6111. extension 333 5-7 campus r conditioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 mtn- ; drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ dent's leisure time has been adequately It's hard to combine.... CAMPUS VIEW planned for with a giant heated swim- ■ning pool, recreation rooms and priv- ite balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twyckingham call TWyCK/MGHAM tocjay. There are 92 units available at APARTMENTS Good All Around Visibility with J \w ' $2 80/month and up. Fall leases available Leases are still available Model Open 10-6 \ for our luxurious, air-con¬ Headrests and Heavy Duty Roof Construction ditioned apartments. Phone 332-6441 ®tuj>cfeingl)atn These apartments are the finest in supervised hous¬ ing. They allow you luxur¬ ious apartment living . . . 4620 S. Hagadorn even if you are under 21. The FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES only apartments available to women MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY- unde - 21. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 482-3379 CAMPUS VIEW APARTMENTS NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES 324 EAST MICHIGAN | between 6 p.m. and 9 p 332-6246 FINALS WEEK SPECIALS HEAVY DUTY SHOCKS GUARANTEED INSTALLED FREE BRAKE TOYOTA does it!!! SAVE RELINE PAIR $j^88 TOYOTA believes that extra strong roof and good visibil ity $6 to S20 are as TUNE-UP SPECIALS an important for your safety as some of the features required by law. Neither do regulations call for a pressure load adjusting valve between the front and rear brakes, plastic-coated hydraulic lines, a non-stick gas pedal, heavy duty door locks and hinges, premium tires, grab handles for all passengers nor easy eye glass on all windows -- but every Toyota I 1 Corona comes equipped that way for your portection and convenience. m. Before you buy any small car, try out a 1 ) Singing syllable I Tiouble Toyota Corona. You'll be glad you did! I: colloq. 1. Matriculate 3. 4 WHEELS of Lansing Inc. l: w I- 1- 1. Little fellow ?. Concerning 3 Culture 2200 S. Cedar only minutes from the Campus, go west on Mt. Hope then 2 blocks south on Cedar. W 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24, 1969 9 Student BIRTHDAY CAKES-7" $3 64 8 - Foresters $4 18; 9" $5.20 Delivered KWAST BAKERIES. 484-1317 C-7/24 earn c DIRECTORY SEWING Brand new MACHINE clearance portables~$49 95 sale $5.00 per month Whites. Large selection of re¬ conditioned used machines. Singers. Necchis, New Home and for trek CAMPUS Learn to fly? Sure youl PAR-MOR many others" $19.95 to $39 95 Use our Air Taxi-Service WASH N' CAS Buy a new Piper GOLF COURSES Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 North Washington. Free exterior car wash with Illuminated Driving Range All at: 489-6448 C-7/24 9 Hole Par 3 & Regulation On Sept. -3, two faculty mem¬ 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. Francis Aviation Course. bers and 46 students of the For¬ 248 West Grand River Capitol City Airport Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E.M-78 estry Dept. will begin a three- 484-1324 ED 2-3432 GERMAN SHEPHERD-Female. 6 week. five-credit field trip. months. AKC. well bred, all shots The field trip is actually a BROOKS Imported Cars Custom Picture Framing? $125 351-7740. 3-7/25 Give us a call! COLLEGE TRAVEL class-Field Studies in Fores¬ AjNt Sales and try. Victor J. Rudolph, pro¬ OFFICE SIAMESE SEALPOINTS-Little girl JBI Bob Jctffes Paints fessor of forestry, said The kittens. Phone evenings and week¬ 5ZSS, 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing l^ON 677-8141 130 West Grand River Blvd. 351-6010 ends. 487-3318 SAMOYED. PART Spitz, female. 8 2-7/25 five credits that students earn on the trip will be reported on their fall term grades." months old and house-broken 882 The trip is offered for for¬ 7781 2-7/24 Check estry majors in between their KWAST BAKERIES BUD'S £3 LINCOLN LIFE'S junior and senior years. It spans Deferred Payment Birthday & All Occasion Cakes AUTO PARTS Late Model Motors and In hot the major forests of Ohio. In¬ diana. Pennsylvania. West Vir¬ GRAD PLAN Two men find trouble Frandor: 351-5032 parts a speciality Mobile Homes brewing in an overheated radiator in their car, whi ginia. North Carolina and South Since 1905 Ph. 351-8810 Halfway between Holt and they had left in the parking lot across from the Planetarium. Carolina. Rudolph said. Brookfield: 337-0832 Mason on N. Cedar 699-2154 State News Photo by Bob Ivin What we try to do.' Ru¬ dolph explained, "is expose stu¬ Tuning Problems? WALT KOSS dents to several different forest Get Experienced proven Congratulations RESTAURANT 1968 LIBERTY-Uke new $1,000 regions in the country We have Super tuning at and Welcome back down, assume payments ($98 94 the group visit national, state S & J Speed Fine food, entertainment pizza GM sales decrease month i 694-0446 After 4 30 p.m Apollo Moon Men and municipal parks, industries Reservations - 655-2175 676-1298 3-7'28 Equipment Co. . About 7 miles east of From the State News associated with forestry pro¬ 5946 S. Logan 882-0402 GENERAL-1965. 12 X50 2 bed¬ ducts and other universities M.S.U. in Williamston , rooms. carpeting, good condition with forestry departments. with shed 627-9130 3-7 24 Cost of the trip is $210 for Student Service CONTACT LENS Stokes Men s & each member This covers Directory attributed strikes SERVICES Women's Apparel Lost & Found Ad can business you want get the D. M. DEAN, O. D. 210 Abbott Rd. Suite # 16 920 W. Saginaw The latest in knit shirts, Dashiki, Afro-American style, ^^^^1 LOST on LARGE black setter, Cedar Street. East Lansing Call Luke to transportation, lodging and half of the meals. Grades for the trip will be Call Judi 355-8255 J. Mar pants, bell-bottoms, 351-5249 or 355-8252 Reward drawn from the results of two S-7 30 NEW YORK " " J ent Kitchen RENT A TV from a TV Company- 3-7 24 . tank, regulator and back-pack Used duced overseas totaled 395.000. rolet and Fisher Body plants in Dollar sales in the first half Wilkinson said, between res¬ $9.00 Call privileges. Rerfteu.,eek IV 4 twice $95 351-4642 2-7/25 per NEJAC TV RENTALS month. 337-1300 C an increase of 24 per cent. St. Louis. Mo., and strikes at of the year were $12.7 billion, idence hall rates and state ap¬ LARGE THREE-Bedroom 8252 3-7 24 112 bath Dollar sales of $6.2 billion six GM assembly plants lasting cent from propriations; therefore, the in¬ duplex Close to campus 351- RICKENBACKER ELECTRIC 12-string a year earlier, 4010 5-7 28 532 ABBOTT with hard-shell case; Gretsch 6- Peanuts Personal in the second quarter were from two to 12 weeks, all of and net income totaled $971 crease is in no way reflective Road -Single rooms string electric, Chet Atkins Nash¬ slightly below sales of $6 3 which now have been settled. million, an increase of 1 per of shortage of appropriations ville model with hard-shell case 332-0625 3-7 25 billion in the same quarter of Man hours lost in the second from the legislature. 351-8236 2-7 25 cA/orth SUMMER-SINGLE, Cooking 536 Abbott male. $16 week Phone 627- GARAGE SALE-25. 26 beds, garden tools, swing set, hi- Appliances, HEY JOE' What 5979 3-7'25 Pointe SINGLE ROOM summer term Male fi, typewriters, cycle helmets, kitchen stuff, linens, tenden Drive. East clothing 714 Chit¬ Real Estate Inflation Lansing 2-7 25 student Call after 6 p.m Fridav 523 Charles Street EAST LANSING-Glencairn. 7 room. (continued from page one) pound, the highest since 1952, 2-7 25 SONY HAS a new cassette player 3-bedroom Den. full basement, gar¬ Chase declined to predict for your car See it, hear it now up 11 cents in a year. Fresh to¬ at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 South age. 2 fireplaces, vinyl-siding, ex¬ whether President Nixon's an¬ matoes were 48.2 cents a pound. For Sale Pennsylvania. Lansing 882-5035 c tras By owner Repriced 351 ti-inflationary measures might 10.3 cents higher over the year." • Air HOOVER MINI-washer. 1 vear old. soon slow the rate of evapora¬ The June index of over-all liv¬ $60 Triple dresser $40 Drapes. Conditioning COUNTRY HOME-With 12 acres of tion of Americans' purchasing ing costs was up 3.2 per cent in natural beauty Large, tri-level. cleaner GE 1 vear $35 351- the first half of this year, near¬ custom-built home IV' 5-6128, JO¬ 9-month 9423 The bureau also reported that ly 1 per cent more than the rise • lease at 3-7 25 ANNA SARGEAN'T. broker 1-7 24 40 GE range. $65 Encvclope 45 million rank-and-file workers in the first half of 1966 no extra charge PORTABLE TV. excellent condi dias. $12 Fly rod and reel. $15 HASLETT IDEAL 3-bedroom brick averaged record high paychecks If the price spiral continues at tion $65 351-0117 after 6 p.m Movie camera and projector corn- ranch of $115.06 a week in June, a gain Lovely lot Near schools the same pace through 1969. the 3-7 25 complete outfit. $103 489- Call Grace Wintermute. 339-8345 of 46 cents in purchasing power 3-7 25 annual rate would be 6 4 per cent, J.R. Culver Co. SUNN AMPLIFIER with two 15 s. 3169 WE HAVE over 200 used vacuum or 9730 EIPPER REALTY. INC. 372- 3-7 25 despite rising prices But their buying power was down 38 cents more than one-third last year's 4.7 per cent hike higher than 1 H F driver Best offer 339- 217 Ann St. 351-8862 cleaners in stock Tanks, cannis¬ CHANDLER ESTATES-10 minutes in the past year because of high¬ The 1968 annual rate so far is 8<85 3-7 25 ters, and uprights All attachments from MSU. New 3-bedroom L-shaped er prices and taxes. are included Some less than 1 year ranch Family room with fireplace; even higher, and if continued old Written 1 year warranty on The June living costs round¬ through the year would be the large kitchen with built-ins; 11 z all sales DENNIS DISTRIBUTING baths; carpeted Full basement and ing out the first half of 1969 worst since 1947 when living COMPANY, 316 -North Cedar, across double garage >2 acre lot $33,900 showed rising prices will wipe costs rose about 9 per cent after from City Market 482-2677 C-7 25 Drive out Abbott Road to Clark Road \ Prescriptions out another nickel of the 1957- World War II wage-price con¬ 13764 Hamersley Drive Shown by 59 dollar if the rate of increase trols were lifted. Chase said. WIRE FRAMES" Many styles white appointment Call 641-6277 or 641 6965 continues the rest of the year. The Nixon administration has or yellow gold at OPTICAL DIS¬ 3-7 25 COUNT, 2615 East Michigan Aven¬ The dollar of a decade ago has denied it is -considering any ue C-7'25 3 BLOCKS from half block already shrunk to 78.4 cents wage-price lids J IJ campus, now filled promptly and Bailey school 714 Chittenden Fin¬ It is pretty difficult drawing While food was the biggest m dependably at DIAMOND BARGAIN engagement ring sets Wedding and Save 50 per ished basement, sided, plus adjoining lot with mature shade new roof, conclusions or, what the trend in factor in the June price hikes, Psycho-path cent or more Large selection of trees For appointment call owner. prices is going to do in the fu¬ housing rose 4 10 of 1 per cent, Students in experimental plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 332-8510 6-7 25 ture.'' Chase said psychology crowd to the clothing 3 10, transportation In this WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, 509 Federal economists have al¬ narrow space for class. Perhaps the, < and medical care 5 10 each East Michigan 485-4391 C Service ready been tripped up by earlier and recreation 2 10 discussing the effects of claustrophobia. State News photo by Jerry McAllis GREAT SOUND! Tape recorder I'j predictions that tighter fiscal ALTERATIONS. GOWNS and dress and monetary policies and bud¬ 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gunson WALGREEN year old $220 new $149 351 making Experienced Reasonable ED 2-2011 AGENCY 8636, before 2 p.m.. 351-8415 after charge Call 355-1040 26-8 22 get cuts by the Nixon adminis¬ tration would slow the rise in Place Your PAINTING-INTERIOR-Exterior Ex¬ perienced-reasonable mates Free esti¬ prices months ago. Grocery prices leaped 1.7 per Apollo Doug. Mark. 6-9 p.m.. 337 cent in June and 3.5 per cent in (continued from page one) from the outside by air filters, desks, a recreation room with the past six months-double the wearing heavy biological isola¬ thick walls and sealed doors color television, a gymnasium, PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD GENERAL CLEANING by the day Would like steadv work Own trans¬ rate of food price hikes last year. Round steak cost $1.33 h a tion garment and breathing through a, gas mask-like canis¬ Nixon is expected to talk with the astronauts through an inter¬ pingpong table and medical fa¬ cilities for even major surgery portation 489-5933 4-7 28 pound in June, an all-time high, ter ( com and to see them through a Much of the time in the labo¬ Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. and 20 cents The frogmen will toss similar was a pound higher thick glass window on the side ratory will be spent in medical STATE NEWS will bill you later. PREPARE YOUR fall wardrobe -Alter than a year ago.'' Chase said. garments to the astronauts of the trailor examinations. Doctors and tech¬ summer sale garb Alterations and "Chuck roast 73.7 cents aboard their spacecraft. This was a The same scientists who dis¬ nicians will take almost daily, dressmaking Gilda. 351-9168 S-7 28 quick opening of the hatch is the cussed the seismic experiment blood samples and perform other PAINTING AND decorating Dad and I weakest link in a quarantine at the Manned Spacecraft Cen¬ laboratory tests on the space- Service drain that will keep the astro¬ do the work ourselves Reasonable ter said a mirror-like device left and guaranteed 337-0464 O THESES OFFSET PRINTING typ¬ nauts isolated at least 18 days. on the moon to reflect laser The rocks Aldrin and Arm¬ ing and binding Lowest prices avail When the space heroes first beams back to earth has so far strong gathered on the moon able Located across from campus come into view of their Presi¬ been a failure. will be quarantined in another on corner of M AC and Grand dent and the world watching on section of the Consecutive Dates BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing River, below The Style Shop Call They said Lick Observatory laboratory. to Run television, they will be covered . No job too large or too smalt COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337 1666 rltear San Jose. Calif . tried un¬ Scientists will examine the Block off campus 332 3255 C 42-8 22 from head to toe with the olive- rocks in detail, checking their Heading successfully a third night Tues¬ colored isolation garments. day to hit the reflector with a chemical composition, their ra¬ DISSERTATIONS. THESES, term pa T ransportation And just after they climb beam. They said there was a diation and their possible gas pers ANITA WARREN SCM Elec from their tnc Call 351-0763, 351-7086 C-7 24 ship into a rubber possibility the reflector had content. LEAVING FOR Sacramento Call raft, the frogman will douse been damaged by the rocket One of the most important forma. August 3rd Need riders them will a rust-colored iodine blast which lifted the astronauts searches with the rocks will be drivers to help defrav cost Call 353-2899 3-7 28 solution that kills bacteria. from the lunar surface. for life. Mice, insects and plants With the President looking on The .quarantine of Armstrong. will be exposed to the lunar ANN nals must be placed in person. BROWN Typist and multilith, Wanted from the carrier's bridge, a hel¬ Aldrin and Collins is to last until material to see if it affects offset printing Dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM icopter will land the spacemen Aug 12, or 21 days to the hour terrestial life. BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for on the Hornet's deck from the 10 Words or Less: 19 years experience 332-8384 C all positive A negative. B negative They are moon visit. Scientists hope to find clues to then to walk just a few feet to a and AB They will be isolated in the the origin of the moon and pos¬ Over 10 Words Add: PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique tive negative $10 00 O nega $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN silver trailer which they will not laboratory with about 15 per¬ sibly the origin of earth itself. quality thesis service IBM typing, ITY BLOOD CENTER 507'2 East leave until they enter the elabo¬ sons-cooks. doctors and tech- Tests of the rocks will contin¬ multilith. printing and hard binding Grand River East Lansing Above rate Lunar Receiving Laborato¬ 337-1527 C nicians-about 16 days ue for many months and officials the Mail to: Michigan State News new Campus Book Store Hours ry at the Manned Spacecraft Their quarters there resemble said TERM 9 a m to 3 30 p.m Mondav. Tues¬ they do not expect prelimi¬ 347 Student Services Bldg. PAPERS done quickly and Center in Houston. accurately 1156 Burcham Call day, Wednesday, and Friday Thurs¬ plush college dormitory rooms. nary results to be released for MSU E ast Lansing, Mich. 337-2737 5-7 28 day. 12to6 30pm 337-7183 C The laboratory is isolated There will be private rooms and at least 90 days. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 24, 1969 Sell used Books Now Buy Fall Books Now and Save SUMMER STUDENTS SAVE \ , \ V <>v e <<*:••• \ ON THE BEST SELECTION OF USED BOOKS AT MSU ORIENTATION STUDENTS place to purchase your books and supplies is The MSU BOOK STORE -- the only official Michigan State WHY BUY FALL TEXTBOOKS NOW? University book stop. When you stop in, you'll get a At the beginning of Fall term the pressure on the Book Store facili¬ ties is tremendous. The lines are long, the Store is crowded. We urge you to buy before the Fall rush. You'll shop in comfort, there will "Free Book Bag be more opportunity for personal attention and you will assure your¬ self of the best selection of new and used books. Tree Sheaffer Cartridge Pen Just show your Fee Receipt or Enrollment Card Your Official Summer Student Store BOOK STORE In the Center for International Programs SUMMER HOURS MSU Bookstore - Spartan Soirit Shoo Monday - Friday 8:30 to 5:30