Friday One mans word. . . MICHIGAN Fair. STATE NEWS . . is no man's word; we STATE ... and not so humid, high should quietly hear both sides. --Goethe UNIVERSITY I Vol. 62 Number 27 Cast Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 25. 1969 THEY'RE BACK APOLLO SPIASHDOWH ABOARD USS HORNET AP - Apollo 11 splashed down In the Pacific Ocean today, ending It a historic voyage to the moon* President Klxon waited aboard the ship to > # # Splashdown a After thi'i historic eight-day jo ex to the mo on and back, down just before in ton, and a astronauts \eil 1 rmstro iidrin and Michael Collins iately began efforts to get the as tnmants on bitaril the aircraft await the completion of o lions in the l'i>l\nesian pt carrier llornet. u hich will take th em to Houston. waters of the I'aciji The aft. the ( olumhia. splashed \ I S I photo ( (H I ,/\s ABOARD I'SS HORNET (AP' The rier by helicopter for the U.S. base at ers out of skyscraper windows and tossed A storm in the ■three Americans who gave mankind a new Johnson Island original landing site forc¬ out ticker tape in the financial district. ed them to ride their (pL\net to walk on flashed safely home Once below decks, the starboard doors spacecraft an extra And in front of brick colonial home in 250 miles eastward to avoid the high seas jThursday to a happy but hands off hero's of the white and yellow Navy helicopter, Wapakoneta. Ohio, the high school band The astronauts • You're ■welcome from their smiling President. which had picked them up. opened. The were lifted into a heli¬ looking mighty good here, mis- "Good." mission control said serenaded the parents of Neil Armstrong, Neil A Armstrong. Edwin E. Aldnn. copter one hour and five minutes after It's got a lot of gas to burn up weirdly garbed astronauts stepped out and then led an informal parade down the ■Jr. and Michael Collins splashed into the For a brief moment they waved, and then splashdown. it's at 7 o'clock now. coming across main street. Two minutes later, they set down on 'You re cleared for landing.' At 12:22 Polynesian waters of the Pacific in their strode quickly into the isolation chamber right to left. Armstrong said* tracing it. Pledge to JFK the carrier deck. Then the copter rode an p.m. they jettisoned the service module, 1 ship Columbia at 11:50 a m EST just nine It took all of six seconds. the equipment section behind them that The landing fulfilled the pledge made elevator down to the (miles from this aircraft carrier Immediately afterward a scientist in a hangar deck and the Then, blocked out. from view, the eight years ago by the late President Ken¬ astronauts walked into the carried the rocket engine which three men President Nixon hailed their feat as he short-sleeved yellow shirt appeared and quarantine van. of tfce ship got another clue to Apollo nedy: T believe this nation should com¬ days ago shot them away from the moon ■stood on a blue carpet outside the silver sprayed disinfectant along the ten feet of It was the end of their 750.000 mile voy¬ and back toward earth Without the ser¬ li s presence-a sonic bdbm as its speed mit itself to achieving the goal before the ■isolation van in which the astronauts were deck where these men of history had walk¬ age that took eight days, three hours and 18 vice module, its heat shield was bared and slowed to the speed of sound, and the decade is out of landing a man on the ■ immediately shielded from the world by ed in their isolation suits. minutes ,It was climaxed Sunday by the shock waves reached the ship moon and returning him safely to earth ready to take the brunt of the fiery re¬ |metal and glass The air in the hanger deck hung heavy Just after splashdown, that message in landing qn the moon by Armstrong and entry Just minutes later, the voices of the Smiling broadly at the three fresh faces with the acrid smell of the germ-killing Aldrin while Collins flew protective broke the late President's own hand was flashed pa¬ In sight astronauts through, calling off ■in the window, the President said. This bleach with which the astronauts and trol 70 miles above For more than two . . on the screen in mission control in Houston. In minutes it was flying past them, its speed, altitude and position lis the greatest week in the history of the everything they touched had been scrubbed. hours, first Armstrong, then Aldrin strode thrusters firing. The stabilizing drogue chute broke out. Tex . as ground monitors broke out doz¬ ■world since the Creation. Hero's welcome the moon's surface, setting up experiments, and then the three main parachutes, and at • ens of American flags Houston, we've got the service module As a result of what you have done, Even at their brief appearance, the hun¬ collecting lunar soil to bring home and 12:47. the seamen saw the descending Elaborate isolation precautions were tak¬ going by. a little high and a little bit to the ■he'told them, the world has never been dreds of sailors who had waited for their planting their nation's flag spacecraft in the sky - en to insure that the Apollo 11 heroes did right." called out Armstrong. (closer together splashdown on catwalks, cranes, tractors not infect their home planet with germs The end of man's first voyage to anoth¬ on the two-acre deck broke into wild cheers brought back from the moon, forbidding er planet ended with a splash and a lbump 950 miles southwest of Hawaii, eight and applause The astronauts were given buttons which said. Hornet Plus Three" personal contact with the President or SCHEDULED FOR NOV. 14 any unshielded crewmen on this ship. . three hours and 18 minutes after it to welcome them to the ship. Columbia was hauled aboard the Hornet |began from Cape Kennedy. Fla The astronauts' meeting with the Presi¬ at 4 02 p.m.. three hours after splashdown Ocean of Storms target After a quick medical examination, the ded! had to be delayed pending a quick On splashdown, the spacecraft landed ■astronauts were declared to be in great medical examination, after which the as¬ right side up. then flipped upside down in (shape tronauts showered and shaved. Collins ap¬ the seas,before flotation bags righted it The President made no formal state- peared to have grown a moustache again . (ment He chatted with the astronauts in¬ The nation, thrilled bv the events of PresidentNixon watched from the bridge formally by two-way microphone on the re Sunday and Monday, was thrilled again for future Apollo blast-off of this aircraft carrier cruising the roll¬ (coverv carrier's hanger deck and invited The Alabama State House recessed to ing waters as the slightly clouded dawn (them to a state dinner in Los Angeles Aug watch the televised landing In Huntsville. sky brightened to gold (l3 when their quarantine period ends Ala where the Saturn 5 rocket was de¬ When the spacecraft had descended to "Will you come ' he asked. signed. businesses were asked to close and .5.500 feet. Nixon joked. They'll probably SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP)-The At v and the town's population was called to a Our primary landing site for Apollo land on the flight deck. Clear the valuable in determining the lifetime of • We'll do anything you say. Mr Presi¬ flight Apollo 12 astronauts received their flying 12. Phillips said, "is a mare on the splashdown party on the town square. deck." objects placed on the moon, such as orders Thursday: Blast-off Nov. 14 for dent." replied Armstrong, the first man Stock market tapes carried the news Met by swimmers the moon's Ocean of Storms western face buildings being considered for permanent (to.walk the moon Brokers cheered. Armstrong, a civilian, Aldrin. Air Mare in the west are believed to be bases. The flight's an Lt. Gen. Samuel Phillips. Apollo pro¬ successful end brought Astronauts Armstrong. Aldrin and Col¬ geologically older than those in the east Force colonel, and Collins, an Air Force gram director, reported he signed the Phillips said Conrad and Bean will (hundreds of warm messages to the White lins. so proudly we hail you." said a mes¬ Lieutenant colonel, were met as usual and scientists would like to compare soils have two periods on the moon's surface instructions shortlv before the Apollo 11 (House, the President said, from ambas¬ sage on the Big Board of the New York by swimmers dropped by helicopter. astronauts ended man's first visit to the and rocks from both areas in their search each lasting perhaps three hours sadors and Presidents, prime ministers Stock Exchange At ivy covered Massa¬ for dues to the origin of the moon, But one of them. Navy Lt Clancev with They plan to plant a sophisticated set (and kings chusetts Institute of Technology, whose Hatleberg. 25. of Chippewa Falls. Wis moon splashdown in the Pacific the earth and possibly the solar system. of scientific instruments powered by nu 1 "They represent over two billion people scientists had played key roles in plan¬ . Ocean. Phillips said the site selected for clear generators which are wore a strange disposable isolation suit An all-Navv crew will fly Apollo 12: designed to (on this earth, all of them who have had ning the flight, they opened champagne to and a mask which filtered the air Cmdrs. Charles Conrad and Richard dor- Apollo 12 is very close to where an relay data to earth for several years (the opportunity to see what you have celebrate He sprayed the spacecraft with disin¬ unmanned Surveyor spacecraft soft-landed Phillips said they may be allowed don and Lt. Cmdr Alan I.. Bean. Conrad (done.' he added In New York City, lunch-hour throngs fectant and passed on biological isola¬ in April 1967 to roam several hundred feet from their The brief chat the astronauts and and Bean are to land on the moon while This would be a bonus. he said. over, jammed the sidewalks in front of televi¬ tion suits to the astronauts. They were landing craft. Armstrong and Aldrin re¬ Cordon orbits overhead. (the Marine honor guard flanking the isola sion showrooms to see the landing. Fifth similar to the isolation suit he with If we land close enough, the astronauts mained within 100 feet of Eagle, their (tion van snapped to attention, the Presi¬ Avenue echoed with church bells, and at wore Phillips noted that Neil A Armstrong could walk to the Surveyor and examine the lander exception that the astronaut's masks and Edwin dent placed his hand on his breast and St Patrick's Cathedral. Terence Cardinal filtered air going out Then Hatleberg E Aldrin Jr had explored it. It would be interesting to see what The I'nited States plans 10 moon land¬ (faced the flag The band struck up The Cooke said a Mass of Thanksgiving a site on a dry plain on the eastern it looks like after 2-1 2 years exposure to the ing missions. Phillips said the next three scrubbed the astronauts with disinfectant face of the moon, the Sea of Tranquil¬ ■Star-Spangled Banner " He left the car¬ In San Francisco, they threw firecrack¬ while thev were bobbing up and down in will be flown at four-month intervals and lity He indicated the information would be the remainder at five-month periods Friday, July 25, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan LIGHTS OUT Power blackout Confidants converse hits Lansing area have to divert any planes to with silent Kennedy A massive power failure hit HYANNIS PORT. Mass mate friends clustered around Some believed a statement the Lansing and East Lansing other landing sites. . iAPi--Robert S. McNamara. the Massachusetts Democrat, from Kennedy would dovetail area Thursday, cutting ott efec- The blackout c losed down former I S. secretary of de- Others reportedly included into a court hearing scheduled tricity to the entire metro¬ much of the town s industry fense and now president of the Paul Markham. former U.S. at- for Monday on a police cor»- politan area at least tempor¬ temporarily and resulted in World Bank, and Theodore So- torney for Massachusetts and the plaint charging Kennedy with arily. tardv arrivals at work tor many man who went with Kennedy The blackout, which hit about rensen. former aide to the late leaving the scene of the acci- workers who rely on electric President John F Kennedy, when reported the accident; dent 4 a.m.. affected nearly 160.000 alarm clocks and radios to wake met with Sen. Edward M Ken- Burke Marshall, former long- Others felt it would come a up nedv. D-Mass.. time Kennedy speechwriter and day before or after the hearing, Board of Water and Light Thursday. than six The city's largest employer, Sources close to the Kennedys intimate, and David Burke, a but all agreed that Kennedy's plo' ■eded the Oldsmobile plant, is in the said a statement appeared near staff member remarks would be restricted to electirc ser- process of retooling for the 1970 regarding the senator's auto a statement and that he would model year and its operations accident, in which a blonde not meet newsmen personally. The MSI' campus, which has thus were not affected, plant secretary died. The sources, who asked not EMK facts news He'd be conference foolish to now." hold a one be identified, said it was th said. He's, waited too long al¬ Limbo cember. escaped the blackout. The blackout occurred when faulted are when helping in the retooling and inventory work began electricity was working restored This car managed to oid being drenched in Thursday's rainstorm, but not understanding that the quest: was not whether statement, but when and how to issue « questioned ready up the He'd be opening himself Why shouldn't he do things least difficult way-make a regulating transf r and latei Station. blew up at Eckert without paying a cove away without a scratch. charge. Despite the fallen limb, the auto was driven State News photo by Jerry McAllister elusive it should be. Political advisers and it by Romney CHICAGO statement and speak for themselves'.' Earlier in the week. let the facts* Kennedy Earl Brush, asst. general (AP)--Secretary George W Romney said today was reported to have decided manager of the Board of Water and Light, said 80 per cent of he feels Sen. Edward M. Kenne- against a statement, but he told Milliken the utility's customers were dv. D-Mass . has not adequate- newsmen in nearby Hvannis Tuesdav that he would comment back on power by 8:30 a m ly indicated what happened raps the drowning of a Kennedy cam¬ at the appropriate time.'" and the remaining 20 per cent had electricity by 10 :15 a m paign worker. Kennedy made that remark Romney. head of the Dept. upon his return from Plymouth. Electricity to the city's four LANSING il PL -Go' Mil- thus far bv the Governor s Com¬ T do intend to present a tween size of districts and educa- of Housing and Urban Develop¬ Pa . where he had attended the hospitals was off only mo¬ liken, conceding his views may mission on Educational Reform 1 one proposal that would encourage tional quality." the governor ment. was asked for his views funeral of the 28-year-old Wash¬ mentarily' and was restored be controversial.' says state In general. Milliken said. im- school district reorganization said. "If it takes more state at a news conference while in ington secretary. Miss Mary Jo before any of them had to rely g o v e r nment should take a I believe that the state's and in order to provide improved action to encourage optimum Chicago for a speaking engage- Kopechne. on emergency power supplies, stronger and much more vital role in education must be strong¬ chool programs." he said size districts, then state action The 37-year-old Kennedy, officials said role in the education of Michi¬ er and much more vital because "There is a correlation be- there must be. "I don't feel that S widely viewed as a prime pros- I am convinced that unless the nedy has adequately indicated pect for the 1972 Democratic The Lansing airport was gan school children. Milliken made the statement state moves in this direction what happened, and whether he presidential nomination, was to assure educational quality, is going to. I don't know. Rom- driver of a car that plunged off in a speech prepared for a simply going to get Kennedy ations. but was able to con- television appearance designed we are not ney said a narrow bridge around mid- supporters educational quality \ reporter had asked: Do night last Friday on Chappa- tinue functioning and did not to outline the progress made Milliken appointed the commis¬ you feel that Senator Kennedy s quiddick Island, adjacent to the sion to make a study of educa¬ career will be tainted by the resort island of Martha's Vine- FOX tion in the state and report action that took place'' yard south of Cape Cod. await final statement out a program for the legis¬ lature to act on this fall. He said the plan Will be comprehensive, and in many i. DiOinjOi/tcb J respects, controversial The governor said education Earlv EMK). Movement for Kennedv possible to tell from the news¬ EMU coed papers what really happened 1 \ lli!l presents the greatest current challenge facing Michigan "The existing system sim¬ Both advisor the he and EMK the faculty disclaimed Rowe. chairman of the sixth district Michigan 1968 co- in Ypsilonti area hearing 0 any private information about Alliance for 1 Robert > Ken¬ YPSILANTl "l/PIi - An 18- were reported on their way ply is not equal to assuring •ciden last wed the Edgartown mishap. nedv. said the onlv Kennedy year-old Eastern Michigan Uni¬ to Ypsilanti from their home. quality education in this state. Kennedy supports r We know no more than any¬ Miss Beineman is 5-foot-l. OUT OF THIS empathetic toward the one else does."' Schroeder. statement so far was brief and to the police, not the public. versity coed was reported missing Thursday in the same weight 96 pounds and has red- dential hopeful, Kalamazoo senior, said. dish-brown hair. cut short. The BRAMS I have no personal know¬ of The fair most elemental play and justice would sense area where police were still searching for the killer, or kil¬ six girls murdered in the area A° k'e have faith uth ledge about the incident. Win- indicate men of good will should lers. of six young women in also had brown hair, usually en Kennedy s statement* have faith in the throp Rowe, instructor in busi¬ suspend judgement until the the last two years. we ju ness administration, said. Ber facts are all in. until the police The girl was identified as Miss Beinetnar\ was w;earing pro In my judgement, it's im¬ blue chai finish theii •stigal 1 and Karen Sue Beinemano. Grand jeans with a monogram* until Sen. Kennedy has Rapids--and reported "KSB sewn on the back pock¬ made a was statement to the public.'" he missing from Downing Hall by et She also had on a blue and cautioned her roommate, who said she white striped sleeveless turtle- PLANETARIUM THE STATE NEWS Schroeder said the EMK last, saw her Wednesday after- neck sweater, a silver ring and no shoes when she was last The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State group will continue to function. University, is Mis Beineman's parents seen. Presents: published every class day throughout the year with and Orientation special Welcome Week (please turn to page 11) issues in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 per year Footprints On Member Associated Press. Inited Press International, Inland Daily Press A The Moon special experience Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association. Mich igan Collegiate Press Association. I'nite* States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan Hurkos ends at Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services a special moment State University. East Building. Michigan In Lansing, Michigan history. Be aboard a the simulated voyage to moon and explore the lunar mysteries at 355-8252 355-8236 353-4400 by proving my this unique instant in ANN ARBOR IPL-The Hurkos spent most of Wed¬ 355-3447 the annals of man. 355-8311 skepticism that surrounded nesday visiting the death sites .J At each site, with police I Dutch mystic Peter Hurkos Program Schedule when he arrived earlier this standing back. Hurkos walked di¬ Due to special Interest In week to aid in the investigation rectly to the spot where the body- the Apollo 11 program GUEST ROOMS for the killer of six young wo¬ was found, a detail police said | V/viCM he couldn't have known before- " Footprints on the Moon" men in the last two years is hand. will be presented every day Company Coming? rapidly disappearing from us¬ at 2:30 and 8:00 D.m. and ually hard-nosed police and news- He said he sensed the same DOWN EARTH! TO an additional 4-00 p.m. Business Associates Due? male presence in each case. Sunday p rogram through Hurkos claim that he is able The newsman appe;ired stunned Without actually detailing the I July 27. and replied: Y01u're right. Programs discontinue from • 202 Deluxe Rooms to tell ihings about a person's You're right man. Hurkos said he appeared to be very intelligent, even bor- | 15 past by handling objects belong- Aug. to 3 Oct. Start¬ Sensible Rates His of Hurkos deing on genius, but with little I DIRECT DIAMOND • opinion ing Oct. 3, see "Fire in shared in bv Police formal education. was par t b IMPORTERS the Sky." Sorry! Chief Walter Krasro whose de- The gimmick that he used i partment has been the central to lure the girls to him. Hur¬ No pre-schooi children agencv working on the savage kos said, was by dressing a Information 355-4672 FRANDOR SHOPPING Abrams slaying in Ann Arbc)r and near- woman, a theory that police have I Planetarium, Sci- specializing in fin put forward in the past. •h CENTER Rd. and Shaw Lane, INN : °"ccZus • 337-1681 EveryoneLoves: - " w ^ — -* W Phone 351-5500 for Reservations -owbridge Road, Off 127 \ the at Campus, Michigan State University Trowbridge Exit , 1071 throwbridge rd GUEST ROOMS near harrison rd. • OFF OFF CAMPUS CAMPUS HEW > week, to 182. the U.S. Command reported Wednesday is negative, or if the University hasn't heard from HEW." CHICKEN DINNER Consists of- 3 pieces of chicken, potatoes 'cole slaw/roll The increase from 148 the week before re¬ Larrowe. chairman of the flected the small but sharp skirmishes that committee said backing Sharma. Regular$1.15- Now only are averaging HO a day. plus the enemy's University officials have been told by HEW that they deadly booby traps. will be informed of the decis¬ 99* But despite the increase, the death level is ion on the matter of Sharma's well below the weekly average of 235 for the grant by noon Friday cearance year. The Fulbright-Hays fellow¬ ship was withdrawn from Shar¬ National News ma shortly after it was criti¬ cized by elected officials who You must be satisfied or your money back. objected to what thev called Church bells chimed Good at the following location along Fifth Avenue in Sharma's anti-establishment " New York. Champaign corks popped in Bos¬ orientation. 1010 East Grand River ton. Ticker tape rained down in San Francisco. The Office of Education in And throughout the length and breadth of an the Dept of HEW said the Campus RED BARN reason the grant was revoked exultant nation, prayers and plaudits welcomed was because of Sharma's stat¬ the return to earth of the Apollo 11 moon men. ■ Never in our lifetime have people every¬ us as a "visiting professor. women's dress shoes The Committee to Defend where shared such a remarkable experience."' Sharma voted to mail reviews said Gov Paul Lexalt of Nevada. • • • of the Sharma grant withdrawal to the heads of state of the 50 nations to which Fulbright 2pr. $14 7.90 pr. 2pr. ^1 8 9.90 pr. The social event of the year is coming up scholars will travel next year, Saturday in Chadwick. Mo—the annual snake to Indian government officials 2pr. $22 11.90 pr. in India and to major Indian hunt and barbecue. universities if the grant is not The sponsoring Chadwick Cemetery. Inc.. restored. The decision to mail . Capezio .Nina Joyce which stages the affair to raise funds, is of¬ the reviews has been twice post¬ fering $25 for the first live rattlesnake over poned in order to allow Uni- .Town & Country four feet long Other prices include $10 for the largest live women's flats and casuals copperhead and $5 for the hunter who brings in the most live1 poisonous snakes. .Nina .Old Maine Trotters ^ $- _ Michigan News .Capezio .Bandolinos jLPr- lO women's Bandolino Walter V. Reuther, president of the United 8.90 pr. Auto Workers Union, warned the nation will be sandals "in deep trouble'' unless it gives the same commitment to domestic 'the original Land problems as to space accomplishments. Until this nation will make the same kind • PRESENTS ♦ Garden of commitment to poverty, air and water pollution, education and all the problems that IL FORNO RATHSKELLER women's dress shoes RESTAURANT confront us. we are in deep trouble.'" he said. He said money to fight domestic ills "should DAILY 11 A.M. 2 A.M. 2pr $14 2pr $1 8 9.90 - Greg McDonald at the Piano not come from starving the space program, 7.90 pr. pr. but should be taken from the insanity of the arms race, because that's where the big money No Cover 2 pr. $22 11.90 pr. is.' At the same time, the LAW chief Every Afternoon - The Draft Wednesday Night Happy Hours urged - .Connies that the space program be internationalized 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. .Janettes .Moxees and geared to an eventual landing on Mars. Monday Night - pizza Feast Thursday Night Quart Night .Life Strides .Hush "Man's exploration of the heavens should be 6 p.m. - 2 a.m» 8 p.m.-l0 - p.m. Puppies® totally divorced from the cold war and the arms race.'' Reuther said at a news confer¬ Tuesday Night - Special Night Friday - TGIF flats and casuals ence in Detroit 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. 12 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. "I would hope that when the day comes to NOW OPEN from 12 p.m.-2 a.m. for put a man on Mars, it would be tional effort so all of mankind can an interna¬ be involved your convenience and party THE BEER DEPOT favors 2Pr- *14 7.90 pr. 2pr $16 8.90 pr. together " Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. LIME MICHIGAN The world's most STATE NEWS expensive toaster UNIVERSITY Michigan State lniversity~the most Trinka Ciine, executive editor expensive automatic toaster in the world. Set it at 183 credit hours Place in Norman J. Saari, managing editor it one incoming freshman. See him pop George K. Bui lard, campus editor Deborah Fitch, feature editor out. automatically. 183 credits later, a college graduate. Kenneth Krell. editorial editor Although this may all sound a bit Jeff Elliott, sports ridiculous, that's what higher education editor became at the trustees' meeting last weekend At the rate of $13 per credit hour, a resident undergraduate pays a grand total of $2,379 to meet the mini¬ EDITORIAL mum University requirements for gradu- ation-before room and board charges. For non-residents the tab is $5673. at $31 per hour Bad shake more The new fee system seems to be much reasonable on the surface. It's designed to give the part-time student a break Before, taking a 4-credit or 7-credit load placed the part-time stu¬ dent in a different pay bracket'' than Now that the Apollo 11 as¬ bers of the Nazi High Com¬ for one credit less. tronauts have returned safely mand. Most people seem to Now he just pays by the credit. But what about the students who have to the terresterial sphere it is Much better. to take 14 credits per term and forget that it was the German But what about the full-time student'.' find or more themselves paying up to $200 per no longer sacrilegious to ask government under Adolf Hitler How about those of us who usually carry term more than they would pay on the one nagging question: why in that gave the original finan¬ a four-class credit load of 14 or above9 old "inequitable" lump-sum basis? the world (or out of the world, cial impetus to rocketry and. Screwed. A resident student taking 20 credits, The administration proposed the new the ceiling for cost-per-credit. pays $80 as one prefers* did Richard Nix¬ by projection, moon research. system to eliminate the inequities' more per term than last year A non¬ on get to sign the plaque left The actual honor of signing created by the old system. resident is hit for $200 more per term. on the lunar surface? It is on¬ the lunar monument should Fine Now students taking 13 credits That's one hell of a tuition hike for and under are paying less and enjoying something so "equitable ly fitting and proper that the then go to Adolf Hitler by it more. The closest credit load now. by cost, crew of Apollo should have virtue of his chairmanship of to last year's lump sum. is 14 credits. their signatures on the memor¬ the German High Command. Of With the average credit load of 14 per ial-but why President Nixon? course, in as much as he POINT OF VIEW term an a student will have extra term of 12 credit hours. to enroll for The answer given by most is dead (although Juan Peron The end of the 4-year education. proud citizens is that Nixon is may know otherwise) or at I'll agree that, for students who nor¬ President and. as such, has done more than any single in¬ lease unavailable, it mav be somewhat difficult to get his Don't call your children barbarians mally take a light credit load, this is a much fairer system. But a lot of students are really going dividual to bring about the John Hanco£k--if you'll excuse to hurt. moon landing. Nixon has been the misnomer. EDITOR'S NOTE: A recent State News ernment agencies, etc The manner in Like the ones who enter the University in office only six months, There is. however, a man of story concerned (ieorge F. Will. asst. which these faulty disciplines contribute to as "no preference majors and shop * around for a few terms to complete no small eminence-and avail- professor of political science, and his compulsive and punitive ideologies and though, and it therefore seems \rthur Schlesinger. Jr in his book their requirements. views on the New Left. The release personalities is probably through their more logical that the honor able-presently languishing in was based on a series of eight pub¬ negative effect upon one's faith in human Violence America in the Sixties' Sig¬ And the students, rare though they might should go to Lyndon Johnson, be. who sign up for completely unrelated Berlin's Spandau prison; a man lic lectures given at MSI s James Mad¬ net Book 1968' quotes Sir Denis Brog- courses because they want to know about if anyone, since it was under ison College. Dr. Eckhardt's research further reaf¬ an Are we sure it is merely an ac¬ seemingly overlooked and for¬ The following Jioint of view b\ Dhi- firms the claims of the New Left and the cident that the most domestically mur¬ them, or just because they want to ex¬ his benevolent hand that the gotten in the scrabble by Pres¬ derous nation the world the plore other fields. rendra Sharma. associate professor of campus »«•/»••/.* that the rightists are high¬ in was What about the required courses like space program reached fruition. idents and statesmen to have philosophy, is in response to Will. ly militaristic, nationalistic, fundamental¬ first-and only -nation to drop the atomic But then, it was actually ist in religion, anti-communist, ultra-con¬ bomb ' i p 251 University basics and HPR° A Michigan their signatures left on the An asst. professor of political science servative and authoritarian at home, in resident will have to pay $624 to take at James Madison College has called John F. Kennedy who got the moon. Mr ATL. Nat. Sci.. Soc.. and Hums and the questioning sons and daughters of schools, in church and in government." Schlesinger declares "We can no . moon program rolling to begin We submit, then, that to Al¬ this Republic New Barbarians The study confirms that the rightists be¬ longer regard hatred and violence as HPR. while out-of-staters will have to fork over $1,486 for that pleasure. with. Or was it? Perhaps Dwight bert Speer. ex-Minister of Arm¬ This has shocked me. Such language lieve in holding a tight rein upon them¬ accidents and aberrations The ter¬ rible things we do to our And who wants to take them in the is worse than the rrbrls calling a police selves and others, because they do not own people, D. Eisenhower would be more aments for the Third Reich, first place, let alone pay that kind of turst human nature. Their fundamentalist the terrible things do to other peo¬ officer pig." But much more shocking we the man. in as much as it was should have gone the ultimate, because the words were spoken by a religious background has taught them that ple we cannot take the easy course and money for them0 The time used to be when student during his second term of of¬ rightful honor of signing the teacher of political science and the MSI to spare the rod is to spoil the child. Sub¬ blame these things on anyone but our- at this a > fice that the National Aero¬ office of information has given it wider jected themselves to compulsive and puni¬ great University could avail him¬ moon plaque planted by Apol¬ tive treatment, they have identified with self of the vast academic opportunities nautics and Space Administra¬ publicity The teacher who made this in¬ lo 11. This honor, we feel, the aggressor and learned to espouse the at his disposal cendiary remark also says that univer¬ In the name of honesty, decency and tion was created. follows logically from the un¬ He was able to take a couple of sities which try to negotiate with the compulsive and punitive treatment oth¬ the Republic. I appeal to the people, electives. rebel students are guiltv of serious sin flagging financial and logisti¬ ers On the New Left, on the other hand. the legislators and the academicians: And now'.' of omission. That sin is failure to call in Please don't blame \our ugliness on the There is. of course, an ob¬ cal support given by him to Dr Eckhardt s study shows that these Now he's going to get through with the police to perform the function that beautiful sons and daughters of Ameri¬ vious our own space program's be- have achieved a high degree his basic, absolute minimum requirements difficulty inherent in get¬ the communitv pavs it to perform -I activists ca The\ are your children, don't call of empathy, superior intellectual attain¬ as soon as possible. Then leave ting either of these last two ginnings-the German V2 pro¬ had thought that the police were to :hem barbarians'." tirab 183 credits and damn a liberal deal with criminals, and teachers were ments, -capacity for group involvement gentlemen to sign the plaque. gram. to deal with the students Here ap emphasis on self-realization, and mental education! Besides, the contributions of Indeed, given that "eminent health in general emphasis added > parently. is some confusion of distribution the various American Presi¬ contribution'' seems to have of duties' Their parents treated them in a rela¬ Recently Dr William Fckhardt. a psy¬ tively permissive and democratic man¬ dents to the moon program was. been the deciding factor as to who exactly signed the moon chologist working with the Canadian ner Ideologically, the New Left in our OUR READERS' MIND and is. of a basically symbol¬ Peace Research Institute in Oakville. On¬ culture today tends; toward non-violence, ic nature. The true father of the plaque, the choice of Nixon tario. has published a paper on War internationalism, socialism and atheism Witness humanitarians seems extremely illogical. in the Minds of Men. His study is Studies conducted at many I S uni¬ lunar program, in terms of ac¬ based on the data obtained by analyz versities during the first halt of the tual work done, was Werner One can also note that it l%Os would seem to be contradicted ing the contents of political speeches and Von Braun and. better, he is would be fitting indeed to have the results of questionnaire studies " bv the more militant behavior ot the stu¬ To the Editor claim three weeks ago from over 500 available to sign his name. had the old Lord Mayor of i War Peace Report Vol IX. 50. May dent movements during the last half of Thursday's account of David Bassett's kids in a performance at Sunday's free 19691 Analysis ot these questionnaire the 1960s And this discrepancy de¬ review of the "Plain Brown Wrapper concert in the park behind the .East So the honor should go to him. London co-sign the plaque: thus results indicates that militaristic and vio¬ mands further investigation Dr Eckhardt ceases to astonish me. It is apparent Lansing bus station. Or should it? After all. Von honoring forever all those stoic lent attitudes are associated with a num¬ offers two plausable explanations First, that Mr Bassett's taste of music is For David Bassett I offer this: come Braun and all his rockets would Londoners who uncomplainingly ber of other social attitudes and per¬ it might be argued that the violence of typical of the common fraternity teeney- to the park this Sunday where you will sonalis- traits which are all character¬ the New Left is largelv reactive .a back¬ see five bands ("Wrapper. Ormandy. not have been available for provided a test range for the lash' to the violence of the established bopper at MSU- let's get that soul, Maxx. Universal Family and free Rock ized by compulsive and punitive tenden baby, so we can-pretend we know what's American expropriation at the prototypes of our very own cies and bv the reliance on the use or torces. or to the indifference shown by going on' " Let us be realistic.. Caravan) in a concert w?hich is aimed end of World War II save for moon rocket. threat of force and punishmei the establishment to non violent demon¬ The "Wrapper" is an outstanding group at saving a man's life in Mason who -The Editors thai and strations Second, it could be argued that of performers that play excellent music needs a kidney machine or he will the far-sightedness of mem¬ by reason to guide human beh; the New Left has remained relatively of all types. This "hodge-podge of poor¬ die Come Mr Bassett. pry yourself out In general, violence, intolerance, and and largely nonviolent in relation to ly performed psychedelia ' in Mr. Bas¬ of your Sunday can of beer and witness militarism appear to be part of a com¬ the violence of the establishment, but set's own wordsi won outstanding ac-- some humanitarians at work this Sunday- The happening plex of values which exhibits a lack of faith in human nature including its in¬ that Left a tew violence outstanding cases of New have captured the head¬ playing good music and saving a man's life. tellectual sensory, social and emotional lines To those academicians and politicians Need reviewer Bruce C. Forche East Lansing junior aspects Because ot this lack ot faith in Tired of eating cold pastra¬ and two kids who needs $6,000 human nature human beings are de¬ who rush to punish the rebellion students To the Editor: Coordinator-Sunday concerts mi sandwiches and for a kidney machine. Without I wish to refer to the concluding para¬ To President Adams: sipping fined as untrustworthy and capable of understanding only the language of force graphs of Dr Eckhardt The relevations in the Sharma affair warm beer on Sunday after¬ it. Jordan has 60 days to live. noons'.' Has your cultural life Consequently, this Sunday, The person adopting this point of view Our will is presently confused bv our lack of taith in human nature, which indicated a clear course of action for the Know nothing apparently believes that he and his university to take. If Sharma was denied been suffering from the lack and for this Sunday only, the ad¬ comrades who exercise this force on the leads us to believe that people can be¬ his research grant because of actions of To the Editor: come socially responsible only under the ot mission price of $1.00. But it human race are super human beings who University faculty, this university has no past, academic freedom on this stimulating entertainment impact ot social rewards and punishments choice but to make an equivalent sum In the should be trusted to use this force prop- has been under attack from in the greater East Lansing charity isn't your bag. consider administered bv authority figures available to Sharma out of research funds campus erlv and judiciously "know nothings'" off campus, whereas area? Is your roommate on this-included for the price is a In Dr Eckhardt s questionnaire stud¬ It more faith in human nature is in the likely event that the grant is not this time the attack has originated from rock concert featuring the Plain to be the goal of education, then we restored. your back because you spend ies militarism was defined bv agree should teach more about human nature "know nothings" on campus. ment with statements such as these The matter of faculty involvement in Dean Muelder is to be congratulated Sunday afternoon cutting in Brown Wrapper, the Ormandv. churches and schools, and less Our defense torces should be larger in our covert activities of this sort should be for stating publicly that he is seeking on him and his girlfriend for the Maxx, the Universal Fam¬ ("rimes of violence should be punished about pietv and patriotism put before the Faculty Affairs Committee to have Professor Sharma's grant rein¬ The implications of these conclusions investigation and recommendations. lack of anything more excit¬ ily and the F'ree Rock Cara¬ by Hogging No disarmament agree¬ consistent with the just demands for stated. be signed with Russia as ;ire The University community must disasso¬ It is unfortunate that neither the Presi¬ ing9 . van. All of the groups have ment should being made bv blacks, students and poor long as it remains communist ciate itself unequivocally and without dent of the university nor the board of This Sunday grab a date, agreed to donate their time, as Paradoxicallv. militaristic and violent people all over the world, both East delay from such tactics and must give trustees have seen fit to do likewise. There seems to be no or your wife and kids, and make they do for all the Sunday con¬ prone traits are found more prevalent and West notice that they cannot succeed and will other alternative to violence, as these not be tolerated. it over to the park behind the certs. among those who have strong religious Bob Repas minority groups are fast giving up the Russel Allen. East Lansing Bus Depot. This And if music isn't your bag. backgrounds and were brought up under Professor of labor and indistrial rela¬ stric t and faulty discipline methods of non-violence under the im¬ Professor of Labor and Industrial Re¬ tions. Sunday. as for the past six , there are always the swings, Mthough the association between the pact of frustration Freedom now or vio¬ lations. lence signer or later seem to be the Sundays, the happening in the merry-go-round, slide and bas¬ military-personal complex and the faulty ketball court for physical re¬ childhood discipline are in no way near park could be the highlight of iw id i'm 50ri^' i uja6 THAT'S THE UW IT IS creation. And there's always ion per cent. these findings strongly East Lansing Sunday after¬ late with vour DURING TIMES OF CRISIS support the hvpothesis that faulty child 6upphthe:ther! noon entertainment. that good old American sport hood discipline contributes, in part to called rapping. the development of the militarv personal Except that this' Sunday the Or you might just munch complex in our culture today It would scene will have a purpose be¬ also be inferred from these findings that yond cultural enrichment for on your cold pastrami sand¬ faultv disciplines throughout the life evele the city's masses. wiches and sip your warm also contribute to this complex of values, including disciplines in church and school, Robert Jordan is a 46-vear- beer. factorv and office, courts and other gov¬ old Mason resident with a wife -The Editors Fee equity: a-credited education The purpose of the new tui¬ This assessment includes such taking fewer credits is paying this system has a greater meas tion system is "to eliminate additional charges as music less, the student taking an ure of equity. some of the inequities of the fees, golf and bowling fees average credit load is paying Members of the committee Can Michigan residents ever forget the sliding old system."' stated Elliott Bal¬ and physical education laundry the same and the student tak¬ which proposed the pay-by-cred¬ lard. presidential asst. and fees. ing a large credit load is pay¬ it plan are Ballard. Bill Rus scale and find true happiness? chairman of an ad hoe com¬ There is no reason students ing more tem. junior representative to mittee on fees. should have to pay an extra Graduate students will pay the ASMSU student board. Jim The changes resulted from fee just because they are tak¬ the same rate as undergrad¬ Sargeant. representative ot student complaints to Ombuds¬ ing a popular course and are uates. he said, because "if Council of Graduate Students man James D. Rust, he said. willing to pay the charge. ,a graduate student and an un¬ Harold Hart, professor of chem¬ Rust brought the complaints Ballard declared. dergraduate sit next to each istry: C.C. Killingsworth. profes Will the out-of-state student become extinct? to former President Hannah, "The fact that the traffic- other in the same class, it sor of labor and industrial re¬ who established an ad hoc will-bear the charge does not isn't fair for the graduate to lations; Horace King, registrar; committee to consider revisions. justify charging it." he added. be paying more to take that William Kniselv. director of the The thrust of the new sys¬ class. • "Many are economic barriers Institute for Biology and Medi tem.'' Ballard explained, "is to students." cine; C.W. Minkei. associate How does MSU's tuition compare with other toward general principles of The object of the new sys¬ "We don't contend it's per¬ dean of the graduate school; equal treatment to which most tem is not to make money. fect. I'm sure there are going Eldon Xonnamaker. associate Ballard said. to be some bumps. Big Ten schools? of society and 99 per cent of students subscribe today. This "But anytime you decrease The in¬ tuition dean of students; Paul Rumpsa. relieve the crease or in comptroller; Kermit Smith, is a worthwhile goal to strive University of $600,000 in tag- is a matter that can be read¬ asst. to the provost; and Steve for.'' on charges, you have to pick ily calculated. But we feel Terrv. administrative asst. One of the major "philoso¬ it up somewhere. We picked phical inequities'' eliminated un¬ it up on the 4.5 cent in¬ Who pays more-what will the traffic bear? crease." der the pay-bv-credit sys¬ tem is the "traffic-will-bear" Ballard characterized the new charge, he said svstem this wav: the student Out-state tuition costs spiral By LINDA GORTMAKER charged so muclj. but right now the prob¬ The new pav-bv-the credit approach And it all cost the same. Executive Reporter lem is with states that do not meet their adopted last week also placed a heavier Now if an out-of-state student decided An out-of-state student attending a Big higher education requirements financial burden on the out-of-state stu- to take 18 instead of 15 credits, that would Ten school would hardly believe it if some¬ Students from the East, especially, do not make a difference of $93. a substantial one were to tell him that in the past eight have top quality public universities to at¬ amount. years, tuition for full-time out-of-state stu¬ tend. and there is such a high selectivity dents has increased 86 per cent. at the Ivy League schools, that states Some students have griped that now But if he were an out-of-state student at like Michigan are swarrfped with they'll be restricted from taking courses applicants MSU. he'd have to believe it. "Thus, the situation is explainable, but "just for fun" or enrichment courses out¬ In 1961. out-of-state students paid $250 a not necessarily rational."' Ballard said. side their majors. term for a full-credit load This fall, if you consider a • normal" full credit load "The new system does throw up some eco¬ to be 15 credits, the student will pay $465 Michigan nomic deterrents. Ballard agreed "And take This constitutes an 86 per cent jump. Of course, not too many undergraduates eight years to get a degree, but if a stat I'm conscious there are many ple. but the old system did have many in¬ equities. and we've managed to straighten unhappy peo¬ senior this fall looked back to the fall of some of these out." higher educ 1966 when he was a freshman, he might remember when he was paying $340 a term Ballard indicated that now this financial for a full load. squeeze of taiiing more than 15 credits is Figuring out the difference between 1966 most acutely felt by out-of-state students and 1969 fees, this year's senior has seen Speaking economically, Michigan has ably discouraged applicants, that out-of- because they're "not used to the new svs- a 37 per cent increase, per term. an unfavorable balance of trade in the state enrollment has leveled off because With the spiraling rate of out-of-state tui¬ student market. of MSU's admissions standards and not tion. won't going to MSU become almost as It imports more After students get students than it ex¬ because it costs too much to attend. accustomed to paying costly for out-of-state students as attend¬ ports by the credit instead of paying for 10-plus ing a private institution in the near future0 Terence Carey, director of admissions, credits and getting a "free ride for any¬ I would say so.' said Elliott Ballard, "Out-of-state students-especially those and Elliott G Ballard, chairman of the thing past 10 credits, they won't gripe as asst. to Acting President Adams But Bal¬ from the east-are accustomed to high ad hoc committee on fees, much. Ballard said. agree the rea¬ tuition costs, he added Our tuition rate lard noted that the increasing thrust of son behind Michigan's great attraction for does not deter them from applying here federal aid programs has been to help out-ot-state students is that many states Carey said that admissions even had to both resident and non-resident students have not fulfilled their "There is mostly evidence of this at the higher education shut off applications early this year be¬ commitments. graduate level. Ballard said, but there cause of the great number of received applications RESIDENTS COMPENSATED has been a tendency for these funds to start Thus, students from these states, par¬ filtering down to the undergraduate level Michigan's unfavorable balance" in the ticularly in the east where the cost of student market is unfavorable because As fees for out-of-state students get high¬ private colleges is prohibitive, swarm to the state can handle only a fraction of Aid er. the entrance requirements for out-of- where the educational grass is greener. the students applying for "import ." staters get progressively more stringent And Michigan, possessed of a well- Ballard said he figured most out-of-state students are either valedictorians or salu- toriahs of their high school class, or got developed system of state-supported col¬ leges. universities and junior colleges, is a prime target for the college-bound mas¬ a Carey said that MSU had at one time-admissions would certain number of states. But the state state quotas accept only people from specific quota plan has been program exceptionally high scores on placement ses tests discarded student will have what amoi As MSU demands more of its out-of-state We've been "Now it's Michigan against the United increasing the selectiv¬ bank set up for him from students in terms of requirements, it also ity of our admissions standards." Carey States." he said. draws" as he proceeds tl ' makes them pay higher and said "We could easily fill the freshman "But the new tuition base will not af¬ When the MSU Board of Trustees "We will probably pay a certain amount higher rates lege career Ballard said he could class with out-of-state students-were fect out-of-state enrollment." he contin¬ slid away with the sliding scale tuition of aid per credit carried." he said eventually see ued. plan, many Michigan residents found them¬ MSU's 'reciprocal agreements'" between states swamped with applications." He said scholarship program has under¬ so that out-of-state students would not be that climbing tuition costs have not notice¬ "We are stilj swamped " selves gasping for their financial breaths. gone revision as a result of the switch Dykema said he antici] To compensate for benefits lost to to the new tuition base student aid grant applicat them through the demise of sliding scale, scale applications, especi; a grants-in-aid full- and part-time studer program has been adopted "Providing a student stiU qualifies uates and graduates qualif\ that will not only aid most of those who and shows need, he will be Present tuition given a scholar¬ compared qualified for the old plan, but some others ship to cover the number of credits nec¬ besides. Those students living t essary for him to graduate in his pro¬ The difference comes in what it takes gram/ Dykema said paying resident fees also to student aid grants. Dykema qualify. Henry Dykema, director of He added that the scholarship-supported I financial aids, explained. Whereas under the sliding scale plan, to Midwest fee schemes gross sideration family income was the only con¬ for qualification, the new grants-in-aid program brings a host of other financial facts of life into play. Employes' wage He explained that a student from a When the Legislature decides on high¬ Around the Midwest, most of the other family with a gross income of $19,000 er education appropriations in July, ad¬ ministrators and students both impatient¬ big state universities pay by the semes¬ ter or term, instead of bv the credit as dollars would not qualify for sliding scale benefits, but if that same family were necessitate hike ly await the results in MSU's new system. One exception is affected by such factors as more than Their interest in the actions of Michi¬ the University of Indiana, where gradu¬ one child in college or exceptionally Every year economists tell us the cost Thus, high most of the older halls bowl gan's lawmakers stems from healthy con¬ ate students, but not undergraduates, pay medical expenses the student would qualify of living is rising. are paid off. but a surplus here i cern with how much tuition students will by the credit for a grant-in-aid And every year the MSU dorm resident accounted for with the extra funds nee<: have to pay in the fall Compared to MSU s $13 and $31 rates, By the same token, a student's family feels it when room and board rates go up ed to clean and maintain them This year MSU 'officials were fairly however. Indiana grad students annually with a gross income of less than $12,000 A vear ago dorm rates increased $15 Besides paying for the general tangi satisfied" with MSU's allotment, but pay $27 an hour if they're residents and would qualify for aid under sliding scale, a term, this year it will be only $10 bles of room, board and trust bond- MSU's tuition still went up A look around $62 an hour if they're non-residents but might lose the benefit under the new term. a On-campus residents will pay students also pay for general es the rest of the Michigan landscape shows But MSU is on the quarter system, while system. $975 for a whole year of a dorm room penses These include salaries an that other schools also had to tamper Indiana is on the semester system. If student and cafeteria food, compared to last a s family has a gross in¬ with their tuition structure Other Big Ten figures show that the come of under $12,000 but has several year's rate of $945. salaried employes' benefits, data pn MSU students that live in Michigan now University of Indiana charges undergrad¬ hundred thousand dollars worth of assets, The $30 is more primarily to cover cessing charges. University Busines pay $13 a credit, while out-of-state stu¬ uate residents $650 a vear and out-of-stat- that student will not qualify for an aid employes' wage increases. Lyle Thor- Office and I niversity Telephone Office. dents pay $31 a credit, so a little figuring $1490 a year burn. manager of ers grant." Dykema said. residence halls, said For all these services, plus labo must be done first to correctly compare The University of Iowa makes residents In other words, we now consider "So you could call that cost-of-living in¬ a and food costs. MSU has MSU with other schools. figured on pay $620 a year, and on-residents $1250 a family's assets and liabilities-its finan¬ creases." the cost per student This fall, sin Based on a 15 credit full" load, in¬ cial strength." he explained. When students pay for $975 of dorm dents will pay $321 72 for labor. $169 0 state students would pay $195 a term, At Purdue In addition to the "how", the living, they are really paying $615 University in Lafayette. In how for for food and $ gen< ex pei and out-of-state students will pay $465 diana. residents pay $700 a year and non¬ much" of the grants-in-aid program has board. $330 for room and $30 to ELLIOT G BALLARD residents pay $1600 a year been determined. Dykema said. help pay off the bonds that bought the The biggest increase, as Thorburn University of Michigan iU-Mi in Ann The University of Illinois at Champaign- residence halls in the first place. indicated, is $23.83 for labor costs Arbor did not raise its base rate of tui¬ Elliott Ballard, assistant to Acting Pres¬ "An Urbana had a $75 increase per year for average figure of need-which Students living in different halls might Food costs per students have risen tion. but instituted a non-refundable $30 ident Adams, listed a few of these chang¬ residents this fall and a $100 increase for amounts to about third of one a res¬ get skeptical about whether keeping their only $8.05 this year and general < \ application fee which will help boost in- es that MSU students no longer pay. non-residents. ident's fee expenses-was arrived at." residence hall running costs as much, penses are up by $4 13 such as gym fees for some HPR courses he said. for example, for Wonders Hall as Mavo All the residence halls operate >.i Now U-M undergraduates from Michi¬ and repeat fees Now Hall undergraduate residents pay $358 this room-and-board basis, except Ower gan pay $480 a year and non-residents Wayne State University iWSI'i increas¬ a term and non-residents pay $938 a year One who qualifies for a student aid Newer residence halls would seem Graduate Hall, where residents ed its fees by 25 per cent for the fall buy pay $1540 a year, the same as before, U- When the legislators decide a year from grant will be paid one third of tuition easier to clean and maintain, while the meals on an individual basis. Students M. however, has a variety of other "fees Residents now pay $528 a year for an un¬ now what MSU's 1970-71 costs older, appropriations or one third of his need-which- ivy-covered dorms have less in this hall boycotted allegedly high attached to its tuition structure, while dergraduate education, an increase of will be. this same parceling-out funds and ever is less." efficient facilities. prices spring term, and a lowering MSU has essentially eliminated many $117. and non-residents pay $1470 for a raising tuition process will inevitably be- "It all sort of evens out. Thorburn resulted. of these. year, an increase of $330 gain again Dykema said that since part-time said "The older dorms have been con¬ Rates for Owen are still being de students also qualify for student aid tributing over a longer period of time ter mined 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 25, 1969 Weekly builds black image the need for black people to Following the death of Mar¬ siveness munity." in the black com¬ With the executive help of Trinka Cline. editor of the State become more involved in the tin Luther King. Jr in April. The transformation of the News, other State News staff news media. Boone himself 1968. Boone created a journ¬ mimeographed Westside Ad¬ members and Boone's wife. The Westside News. Lansing's worked for the State Journal alism class at the Westside after he received his B A. viser to the printed Westside Betty, the Westside News has black community newspaper, is Action Center in Lansing, where News began when the State News been on Lansing newstands working to change the black in journalism from MSl\ he is a member of the ad¬ since Apr^l 1969 •ed for offered to give aid to the action man s self-image. •Then visory council. center project this year. "Our goal is not really to "As you look at the news black people in the mass The Westside News, now a make money. We want to per¬ Boone said "I felt Despite the fact that arrange¬ media, you see they are being media.' weekly printed paper, began as a ments with the State News could petuate the organization." Boone dominated by whites Black the need for kids to get this monthly mimeographed paper not be worked out. Boone and said "We want to serve as people get their images of kind of experience put of by black students in his students decided to go ahead a vehicle to get more black themselves and other blacks Boone said the Sexton High Boone's action center class with plans to become a weekly- people into the mass media through white eyes.' Ernie School newspaper. where "You don't produce a paper "We see ourselves as be¬ something printed paper. Boone, superviser of the pub¬ approximately 80 per cent of without knowing "When we started out we had ginning to and hopefully pro¬ lication produced by black high Lansing's black students go to about journalism. One of the viding information of specific school students from west side problems we have is trying always hoped to go in the direc¬ school, does not offer exper¬ interest to the black communty tion of a printed weekly news¬ Lansing, said. iences in journalism for black to put out a paper while teach¬ in a way that's going to be •This (the paper." Boone said. "The kids paperi is one students ing the kids about jornalism. read by the black community." had gotten so excited about the kind of a way to build an I can't recall and the kids Boone said. he continued. whole thing that we decided to image. We're committed to this can't recall more than five or In spite of this problem. He said that the paper will idea.'" he continued. Boone is satisfied with the op¬ try it. with or without the six black youngsters who have State News. continue to provide information The Westside News was born worked on the newspaper eration of the Westside News. Presently, the Westside News and "agressivelv seek out an* from Boone's realization of there." he said the I think that this newspaper, is as good as vehicle, has a circulation of about swers" to questions of con¬ Press confe 1.500. Boone said the paper cern to the community. MSU International Film Series you can get for kids to look at their community." he said is read in approximately one~ third of the black homes in "If we do the supposed to do. we'll probably job we're Ernie Boone, left, editor of the Westside News, consults with Robert Cooper, one presents "There is not a better wav for have three times as many white of the staff writers on the paper. The community weekly, which has as its goal Lansing. In addition, he said the creation of a black image, has just entered Its fourth month of publication. people to look at the econ- 'BEST AMERICAN FILM OF 1962!" nd political realities of the paper has between 300 and readers as we do blacks." State News photo by Jerry McAllister —Time Magazine their 400 regular white subscri¬ community. bers "Now we are basically a nov¬ The paper is funded mostly elty." Boone continued We re the vehicle for community rec¬ through the sale of advertis¬ SUSPENSION RECORDS BROKEN ognition in terms of writing tal¬ ing Some gifts have been We received from church groups critical and social activities Hare ent and some equipment has been can be a community organ to provide some kind of cohe- loaned to the paper. o The Michigan Dept. of State its total of suspensions and Through the first half of In War there are no Victors, is shattering all previous rec¬ revocations from last year 1969. more than 51.000 drivers "Frankly, he said. I don't ords in suspending and other¬ know the reason, except possi¬ "We can attribute most of the had already had varying types of merely Survivors wise disciplining errant drivers. hike to bly that persons, even though a very punitive new law- driver improvement activities Secretary of State James M. Public Act 332 -which forces taken against their driving rec¬ suspended, do not physically Beal Film Group Presents Tonight and Satur¬ Hare reported recently. our department to suspend driv¬ ords. This was four months give up their licenses. They con¬ day Vincent Edwards, Albert Finney, George And Hare says that he is ers if thev do take care tinue to drive while under sus¬ not ahead of the record pace of Hamilton, Melina Mercouri, Jeann^ Moreau, not happy with the situation of their tickets within 40 days. 1968. pension George Peppard, Romy Schneider, Eli Wallach, in which Michigan may double Hare said In other instances.' he Driver improvement activi¬ Peter Fonda, James Mitchum In Carl Fore- continued, "as soon as persons ties'' include suspensions and ™ receive their suspension notices, revocations And Public Act 332 has accounted for more than they quickly take care of the THE VICTORS one showing only at 7:30 J AUTO RACES LET'S GO RACING. 17.000 With sions. suspensions. all Hare the added Hare said. reports not suspen¬ too unpaid ticket and have driving privileges restored.'' Hare strongly backs' an Hurricane Express at 7:00 . . alternate program to curb Mich¬ RACING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY many complaints against the new MSU Award Winning Film igan's "ticket-jugglers. ' Turkey in the Raw at 7;20 )f ADULTS 3.00 Time Trials 7:00 p.m Save up to M5000 He urges adoption of the Illinois system." in which a 50 C ID not required 108B Wells Hall ^ CHILDREN 75£ Races Begin 8:30 p.m on a complete Telefunken driver apprehended for a moving BRING THIS AD stereo component system violation would surrender his license and be given a tem¬ FOR 50C OFF Nelac of East Lansing FOX EASTERN THEATRES porary permit, good onlv until STARTS TODAY! 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 his appearance in court. SPARTAN TWIN EAST J GOOD FOR JULY 25 & 26 ON ANY PAID ADMISSION US-127 af College Road-between Holt and Mason FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351-0030 • • ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★-A CHE GUEVARA... JOBOB PROMOTIONS PRESENTS THE DOCTOR TURNED FIGHTER. THE FIGHTER TURNED REVOLUTIONARY. THE REVOLUTIONARY TURNED MARTYR TO SOME,MURDERER TO OTHERS. A "GRASSER" - *^00,^ NOW 20TH CENTURY-FOX SEPARATES at Alward Lake Country Park Friday, July 25 8:30 p.m. - OMAR SHARIF a featuring (Bring A Blanket) JACK PALANCE as FIDEL CASTRO THE SAVAGE GRACE with the Braintree Light Show SI.50 cover charge co-featuring swlmming-dancing-sandy beaches From E. Lansing—Take US 27 North (N. Larch St.) 9 miles to Alward Rd. Make a left turn on Alward Rd. and drive for 1 mile. 2ND BIG WEEK Feature at 1:00- 3:05-5:15-7:25-9:40 It's a "Program Info 332-6944 Love-In 3rd BIG WEEK for Herbie COOL Mi 1:20 - 3:25 - 5:30 7:35 - 9:40 ...the car who shifts himself! 'GOODBYE,COLUMRUS'ISAVERY FUNNY. IMMENSELY APPEALING MOVIE... A THING Of REAL AND UNUSUAL PLEASURE!" "A NEW YORK VERSION OF THE CRADIIATE'I IRRESISTIBLE!" •REFRESHING TO SEE -Judith Crist AS IT IS RARE TO FIND! CLEARLY THE "RARE MOMENTS ... WORK OF TALENTED, GENUINELY INTIMATE SENSITIVE. HUMOROUS LOVE SCENES!" PEOPLE!" -Time Magazine DEAN MICHELE DAVID JONES LEE TOMLINSON HACKETT it FLYNN binsonFONG anov GRANATELLI BILL WALSH DON DaGRADI A Sv Bartlett-Richard Fleischer Production • BILL WALSH ROBERT STEVENSON TECHNICOLOR -a-* Co-starring CESARE DANOVA ROBERT LOGGIA WOODY STRODE BARBARA LUNA Produced by SV BARTLETT Directed by RICHARD FLEISCHER RICHARD BENJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN^™^ww Screenplay by MICHAEL WILSON and SY BARTLETT Story by SY BARTLETT and DAVID KARP Music Composed and Conducted By LALO SCHIFRIN Panavision' Color by De Luxe p Persons under 18 not admitted honcdior'anvwmnnciui ^0% unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian | Music from the motion picture CHE1 availableonTetragrammaton Records | |lW|T JUT** Next! "Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang" NEXT! SIDNEY POITIER in'THE LOST MAN" 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 25, 19 Band Ice Station Zeb takes at Hous with deep-freeze William C. Moffit, director >hat he s given but the part More and more motion pic¬ Wayne-Natalie Wood school of of the MSU Marching Band and tures are being produced these s beyond saving acting, comes across with all asst. professor of music, has days with new and superior the excitement of an old Borgnine starts out fine but copy accepted the position of asst. filming techniques. But many of of Reader's Digest. He is director of bands nt the Univ¬ these movies still out¬ quickly loses sight of his charac¬ are ghastly as the ship's comman¬ ersity of Houston. Houston. Tex. dated in terms of story, script, ter in a lump of inconsisten¬ der. Ever noble, ever brave. Moffit's new appointment will cies. once again primarily the theme and acting. Rock just sticks out his face become effective Sept 1 fault of dialogue McGoohan. Ice Station Zebra" is out¬ " at the sight of danger and Moffit. a former high school dated in every way. normally an excellent British band director in Ohio, came to actor, almost seems em¬ lean-jaws the enemy into obli¬ The story concerns an at¬ vion In his case, the script MSU in the fall of 1960 as asst. barrassed by his role, as he tempt by the United States and self consciously delivers his tries vainly to save the role. director of bands He was named the Soviet Union to recover The show's message is a marching band director in 1967. a reconnaissance satellite load¬ rather banal cold war comment Originator of the famed Pat¬ LINES. ed with pictures of all of each set in an unstimulating environ¬ terns of Motion marching style country's missile installations Last and most definitely ment of poor scripting, direc¬ and the author of six books The satellite accidentlv lands on least is someone called Rock tion and acting. Put Tee Sta¬ onv the subject. Moffit com¬ the polar ice cap near weather ish and Ernest Borgnine as the ■Hudson. This tion Zebra" back in the mented the great changes gentleman, appar¬ deep¬ on station Zebra. Russian agent i and a hard- ently a graduate of the John freeze where it belongs. which have occurred while he headed Marine captain in the Rock Hudson is ordered to wps at MSU form of Jim Brown captain a nuclear submarine un¬ Other than the increase in the size of the band. Moffit Ridin' der the ice and come back with it Why Marines on a sub'' Well, BEST PICTURE the film. On the way north seems they expect trouble. said. I think the greatest im¬ They get it. But not before provement has been in its qual¬ ity ; ; carrying it photo by Bob Ivins a little he picks up (Patrick McGoohan two super-spies as the Brit- a they've killed two hours with trite, poorly performed and OFTHEYEAR! "Whereas other college bands / exceptionally dull show WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! have been content to continue When the show is not caught playing songs which were pop¬ ular 10. 20 or even 30 years PLAIN 'N FANCY up in some insane dialogue, it's busy showing just how ex¬ ago. 1 think the Spartan band citing repeated Underwater and has kept pace with the times. under-ice views of submarines ABC-TV commented on this last Amish comedy well-cast can be. Or how heroic that year after televising one of our lean-jawed Rock Hudson is. or games, calling us one of the best how cool Patrick McGoohan can JOHN WOOlf d™** CAROL REFD and most exciting college march¬ <32* PANAVISON* TECHNICOLOR* 3r how pretty and palata- [£) ing bands in the nation TICKETS AT THE BOX OFFICE, OR BY MAIL Moffit wished to say that his viewi lg logue can't rival that of Sholom it for extensive time ays, 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. leaving MSU was an amicable without change or photographic $1.50 8.00 p.m. ...$2.00 ale Dar Aleichem. s & Holidays, Friday. Saturday & Holidays separation, adding that Houston $2.50 merely offered him a better position PANORAMA: a goojl but undistinguished ac¬ Mary Kav Wolfe's choreogra¬ phy is a little stilted, but it Like. nil. So all you have Sundays. 2 00 p drab Den istrat Ha tor who sings well. usually fits the production num¬ left is act¬ RESERVE PERFORMANCE Houston, a school with an en¬ bers She overdoes the ing. and tolerance is essential rollment slightly more than half Katie Voder is 'plain BOX OFFICE OPEN: W charmingly bit The numbers to appreciate that. Jim-Brown WED., SAT., SUN. 1 00 P M. to 9:00 P M of MSU s has a marching band Some attention might be paid portraved bv Linda Griswold, "Plenty of is thrown in for no good rea¬ MON.. TUES., THURS., FRI 4 00 P.M. to 9 00 P M of over 200 pieces. Last year, to the sound system, whic h ob whose clear voice is a pleas¬ Pennsylvania" and 'How do you Raise a Barn" son. His character is really the Spartan band was composed scures some of the dialogue, ure to hear. Fred Nurenberg are nicely not that essential to the mall theatre of 160 pieces. staged, and the Carnival story particularly in the first few plavs her romantic interest. i he's Ballet" is excellent. suspected by everyone of scenes. The musicians need Peter Reber His voice lacks attempting to sabatoge the mis¬ toning down, to avoid drowning consistency but when it's good. Apart from the lead roles, my Lawmakers out the singers vote for favorite cast member sion. one of many cliches the film could have done without >. 5628 W. SAGINAW • 484-4403 Otherwise, the production is goes to Stanley Ramsey, per¬ He does a satisfactory job with seem to ignore The action focuses around the haps because his fine, melo¬ dious voice rang out at my end of the stage all evening. Mr. GHASTLY CREATURES WHO public clamors MACKINAC ISLAND ITU Amish farming community of Bird-in-Hand. Pennsylvania. Yes. it DOES exist I've been This is is All Very New good. Miss Dickmey- eak point is her stage Ramsey's acting lacks polish, but his poise and talent compen¬ The MULTIPLY WITH INCREDIBLE SPEED! Green sate. Especially delightful is -Public clamor for more con¬ there and also to the his Carnival dance with the trol of crime still has not giv¬ neighboring community of In¬ tercourse. which doesn't figure equally competent Carmen police and prosecutors strong¬ Slime en into the play Rei New Apelgren er enforcement laws. Atty Gen. [» the Ric rd La' Frank J. Kelley said Thursday The cast handled Pennsylvan¬ Plain and Fancy" will plav 'Pla rancv is a believable as the almost-immo- Enforcement officials are ia Dutch dialect nicely, avoid¬ through July 27 at the Demon¬ " bombarded" with emotional contrasts. between vable Papa Voder The family stration Hall theatre. Curtain ing the temptation to over- city people and plain patriarch, he portrays an Am- time is 8 30 pleas to throw the book stylize. The bland set was a good p.m. The proper Amish. Miss Reizen ish Tevve. although Joseph Stein away (and' unshackle the po¬ foil for the large array of col¬ attire'.' Plain or fancy ... or lice. the burden of fancv ant' Will Glickman's brisk dia- a little of each. Kelley told the 42nd meet¬ orful props and appealing cos¬ ing of the Prosecuting Attorneys tumes. Association Director FOX EASTERN THEATRES Sidney Berger gets SPARTAN TWIN WEST FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351-0030 Information • • U' At 1:30-3:50 presented achievem 6:15 & 8-30 P.M. rune tuccrav Tuesday | I M0VES TODAY TO THE SPARTAN WEST from the spartan east Two SFJ0HN national awards for aehievem the MSU Dept. of Information Servi College Public Relations Assn.. this week. GLEN KIM The department, headed by W certificate of special merit for its information progr Lowell Treaster. wor WAYNE • CAMPBELL • DARBY during the University's colloquy on It won another certificate for its nev exceptional MSU students The two awards were among only 10 f< presented by the association. Edward J. Zabruskv. editor of the Univ ; Bure and Charles R Downs. Biology and Medi< the award for the department. 2nd Week! At 1:30-4:00-6:35-9:10 Adventure at the top of the world... from the author of "The Guns of Navarone" NOW SHOWING and "Where Eagles Dare"! ALL COLOR! The strangest trio ACTION CO-Hrr THE TOUGHEST OF ALL PRULnEiumnn ever to track a killer. A fearless, one-eyed U.S. marshal "HELL FIGHTERS" jonnnE woodward who never knew a dry day in his life... a Texas ranger thirsty for bounty money... robert uirgrer and a girl still wet behind the ears «vho didn't care what they were or who they were as long as they had true grit. mm % n An American nuclear-attack The fate of the world hangs in sub sets out on a mysterious the balance. The spy could be mission . . . carrying a spy! anyone . . . even the Captain! JOHN WAYNE Rock "lee Station Zebra" Ernest Patrick Jim riumphant character . an original piece HENRY HATHAWAY MARGUERITE ROBERTS of Americana'" KATHARINE ROSS HELLF1GHTERS: <^puinmnG WINNING. IS EVERYTHING! .. Shown at 8:20 and Late Hudson Borgnine Mc uoohan Brown CHARLES PORTIS ; : Tony Bill Lloyd Nolan bcwip^L,^jugiasH«v < Shown at 10:45 Only Friday, July 25, 1969 g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan DETROIT (L'PI Lolich i-Mickey Lo¬ lich. the Detroit Tigers hero troit Pete News sports columnist Waldemeir after being the started. criticizes ball park when the game and organ playing, didn't show- up until the second inning of Lolich. who won three games for the Tigers in last year's Lolich said the Tigers been asked not to talk about" have of last year's World Series, stranded after Wednesday's Detroit Manager Mayo Smith, the rescheduled contest. By the World Series, including the McLain's activities. But he said was quoted Thursday as sound¬ who piloted the American League time he came in to pitch in seventh that won it all for the he had 'been the victim of a game in Washington And look.' Lolich was quot¬ the fourth inning, the American Bengals, is 13-2 this "crummy trick ing off against the way fellow squad in its 9-3 drubbing, gave year. ace Dennis McLain conduct¬ ed. I want to see that in the McLain the okay to fly back to Leaguers were alreadv behind McLain. who won 31 in regu¬ Another thing that burned • ed himself at Wednesday's All paper I've had enough ot this Detroit for a dental appoint¬ 8-2. lar season play in 1968 is Star game. stuff.' ment Wednesday morning after When he was pulled for a 14-5 me up was that Dennv was the McLain doesn't think about the scheduled Tuesday night pinch hitter in the bottom of Lolich was to pitch tonight only guy on the "All Stari his friends or his teammates. McLain was scheduled to contest was washed out. "the fourth McLain streaked when the Tigers play Kansas squad who didn't stay for the All he thinks about is him¬ start for the American League McLain. whose enthusiasms to the clubhouse, dressed, and entire game.' Lolich said. self.' Lolich fumed to De¬ All Stars, but wasn't even at lately have centered on flying flew out of town in his own plane Lolich said the fast flyout left him and his wife, who had flown to Washington with Mc A s Finley offers Reds Maximum penalty Lain He on Monday, stranded told me he hurry, that he had to fly down to Florida or someplace. understand he was has some real in a I $1 million for Bench The Grounds With the seat in mind Dept. has set about replacing the worn . . . CINCINNATI I'PI "-Char¬ lars for Bench. Harmon asked Spartan Stadium. With new seats, new ordered for Clay house near Lake¬ i estate or a out seats in les O. Finley him when he would try to buy owner of the land. Lolich said Oakland Athletics, wrote a check the Reds catcher and Finley grass, and new goal posts, Spartan Stadium Is set When I asked him how we for a winning season. for SI million as the purchase wrote the check and said were supposed to get back to State News photo by Bob Ivins Detroit, all he .said was. That's price for catcher Johnny Bench of the Cincinnati Reds, the Cin¬ tough. That's your problem ' HOl'STON (l'PI> -- Cassuis Clay, a somber- Clay's original sentence was returned to cinnati Post & Times Star re¬ faced former heavyweight boxing champion. Ingraham s court when the government admit¬ ported Thursday Thursdav was resentenced the maximum pen¬ alty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine for refusing induction into the Armed ted to the U.S. Supreme Court it eavesdropped on at least four telephone conversations in¬ volving Clay. Softball deadline Pat Harmon, the paper's sports editor, said Finley gave him the check in Washington Thursday Thornhill signs contract Forces two years ago The 27-year-old Clay, undefeated when The Supreme Court ordered the judge to is noon today and asked him to act as the go- with Lansing All Stars decide if the wiretaps were used as evidence between in the deal to buy Bench he was stripped of his title, had been his Harmon showed the check to against Clay, who prefers his Black Muslim Students are reminded that usual gabby self talking to newsmen prior to Red name of Muhammed Ali and who sought draft noon today is the deadline for general Bob Howsam who the sentencing by I'.S Dist Judge Joe In- in deferment on grounds he was a minister in filing entrv for the second five was Washington' for the All- graham the Black Muslim religion. Star baseball game By JEFF ELLIOTT weeks of play in the Men's IM State News Spartan crowds with his bare¬ With the regular season set But. after Ingraham meted out the same It is ridiculous. Howsam Sports Editor foot kicking for three years, sentence he had handed down two years ago. Open Softball League. Teain> The Lansing area's closest to start Aug. 2 when the All Ingraham ruled July 14 the wiretaps were may be made up of students said Charlie knows the deal has been working out with the resemblance to a professional Stars meet Lackawanna. N Y., Clay's mouth tightened into a lip-clinching set instrumental in the government's case can't be made at this time. My team but is yet to ink a con¬ thin line and he only shook his head at news¬ faculty and staff. football team, the Lansing All at Everett High's field. Kauff¬ and upheld the justice department's contention job is to bring Cincinnati a tract. The former all-Big Ten Stars, received a boost this man is busy getting the squad men's queries. that Clay was not the target of the wiretaps Play will begin Monday .Iul\ pennant, not sell it away.'' Clay's chief attorney. Charles Morgan Jr.. 28 Teams should check Mon week when two outstanding for¬ place-kicker and punter set an in condition and unity. The club Clay stood quietly in front of Ingraham Finley made the deal after MSU record in field goals in will get its first taste-of game of Atlanta. Ga.. immediately said he would dav's State News to see it thc\ mer college players, including during the sentencing, and then told the judge watching Bench catch five inn¬ a former MSI' great, signed 1965 with 11 and holds the action this Saturday when its appeal the decision to the 5th Circuit Court are scheduled to play that night of Appeals and Clay was allowed to* remain All that I can say is that I'm sticking to ings for the National League contracts for the coming sea- career mark for three-point¬ travels to Flint's Atwood Sta¬ ) reminded ol and hit a home run. the paper with 19. dium at 7.30 p.m. to tangle with free under a $5,000 bond. my religious beliefs " ers Charlie \Iad Dog Thorn- the Flint Wildcats in an exhibi- Harmon said he was talking Head coach of the Lansing hill. a linebacker under coach The Best in with Finley and the Oakland boss team is Bob Turf Kauffman. Terres has indicated that Thorn¬ Foreign Films Duffy Daughtery from 1%4- million dol¬ TATE said he would pay a MSU varsity lacrosse coach 19HH. and Craig Tefft. a star hill may see some action as TONIGHT...FROM 7:l5p.m. halfback for Central Michigan His assistants include Tom a fullback as well as playing 2nd WEEK! SEE 'THE MAGUS' Dranick and Scott Elmlong. John at 7:25 and 9:35 BOWL IN K90L KOMFORT University last year, have both agreed to play for the newly Terres is general manager of a linebacker pest. to man one Tefft is slated of the offensive half¬ nmsa— 1 It's Great For A Date formed team Thornhill was the club back slots PHONE 332 -2B14- an All-Big Ten first team line¬ ANTHONY backer his senior year when MICHAEL QUINN Bowling the Spartans in 10 games were undefeated How they stand CANDICS CAINS ANNA IS TWICE THE FUN WHEN THERE'S MORE an Tefft. Lansing a graduate of East High, where he was all-state halfback, rewrote American National &R-6SN KARINA THAN ONE. the The All Stars, who are in Football Midwestern Professional League, have several EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION former MSI standouts and other Baltimore 65 31 Billiards-Refreshments- Good Food COLOR BY DelUXE T+tt MA6US, 10 Brunswick Lanes For Your Bowling Pleasure top area grid performers vear's team on this •New York St Louis Pittsburgh 49 47 48 48 505 495 111 2 121'2 GUY GREEN N - JOHN FOWLES ^ li Open bowling all day from 9 a.m. and every evening. Dick Kenney. who amazed 65 .323 29 Save up lo M5000 JAN1S JOPBM is mMOWTERgyPOP WESTERN DIV ISION Hoiukif Hemes on a complete Telefunken AUanta stereo component systerr 53 39 .576 San Francisc 42 563 1 Kansas City Los Angeles NOW THRU TUES. 5 BIG DAYS NeJac of East Lansing Seattle Cincinnati JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR 543 E. Grand River 337-i300 Houston California 36 58 383 San Diego ITAST ON M Jj * ''HONE ED 2104." | Exclusive Drive In Showing NOW THRU TUES. NORTHSIDE EXCLUSIVE Thursday s results 0RIVE-IN THEATRE Chicago at Baltimore, night Chicago 5 Los Angeles 3 WINNING is for men who live dangerously! Minnesota at Cleveland, night Cincinnati at New York, night 2 Miles North on US-27..482-1 3 HORROR HITS Kansas City at DETROIT, night Montreal at Atlanta, night WINNING is for women who love recklessly! Boston at Seattle, night Philadelphia at Houston, night New York at California, night San Diego at Pittsburgh, night WINNING is for young people who live for now! Washington at Oakland, night San Francisco at St Louis, night Today'sgames pruii nEUimnn Chicago at Baltimore, night Minnesota at Cleveland, night Kansas City at DETROIT, night Boston at Seattle, night San Los Diego at Pittsburgh, night Angeles at Chicago, San Francisco at St Louis, night New York at California, night Montreal at Atlanta, night jonnnE woodward HORROR ■W! ALL-COLOR! ALL-SHOCK FROZEN Washington at Oaklai 1 Washington at Oakland night Philadelphia at Houston, night Saturday's games Cincinnati at New York, night INTO ZOMBIES Kansas City at DETROIT San Diego at Pittsburgh, night BEYOND BELIEF Minnesota at Cleveland New York at California, night Boston at Seattle, night Los Angeles at Chicago San Frqncisco at St Louis, night LIES WAITING FOR ALL ...DOOMED TO Chicago at Baltimore, night Montreal at Atlanta, night Philadelphia at Houston, night WHO DARE ENTER THE UNBEARABLE VAMPIRE'S DUNGEON! HORRORS! Letts FASHION SHOW TO- is for everybody! NITE DAVE GRUSIN • HOWARD RODMAN • JAMES GOLDSTONE • JOHN FOREMAN • A JENNINGS LANG PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL/NEWMAN-FOREMAN PICTURE TECHNICOLOR /PANAVISION -^LUS-f — TIME SCHEDULE MUSIC FROM HE BATTLED AN EMPIRE OF BARBED WIRE AND BULLETS! 1. WINNING SHOWN TWICE AT 8:27 THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY mSn AND 12 p.m. "Called 2. A MAN CALLED Gannon CANNON ONCE UNIVERSAL PICTURE f AT 10:57 BLOOD OF DRACULA's CASTLE AT 12:10 W" NIGHT MARE IN WAX" at 10:37? TECHNICOLOR EXTRA 3RD COLOR HIT — CHAMBER OF HORRORS at 8:27 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 25, 1969 9 Pope's pill ban Investigation ruled irrevocable on birth control is the final rule which is binding on all other fu¬ tian more liberal \ birth •alled their teaching eon- in L'AQUILA. Italy iAPi-A lo- WW II m A spokesman for L'Aquilla's which has jurisdiction over'the ture "falsehood."' cal prosecutor ordered an invest- carabinieri- national police - pontiffs, the Vatican news¬ village The tone of the article came igation Thursday into the war- paper L'Osservatore Romano who are to carry out the investi- But some villagers, sparked said this week. as a surprise While L'Osser- time massacre of 17 Italians by gation, said they had received by a coalition of Socialist and It also declared vatore was expected to mark German soldiers. A Roman Pope Paul no specific orders in this re- Communist party officials. de- the first anniversary of the Catholic himself never will revise the Bishop in Germany sard Police in Italy, however mand that the bishop face trial encyclical "Humanae Vitae - encyclical, it was widely thought passed on an order for the kill- normally question the central in Filetto or at least come here "Of Human Life' the Vatican would abstain from ings while serving as an army or - issued a figure in a criminal investiga- on a pilgrimage of pardon, year ago rekindling a controversy that captain in World War II tion if possible, taking him into A diocesan spokesman in has virtually split the Roman The investigation, ordered by custody if necessary Munich hinted that the bishop The newspaper made its com¬ Catholic Church in two oppos- prosecutor Armando Troise. The prosecutor could not be might make himself available to ments in an article marking the ing camp* could lead to a request to extra- reached for comment on the ap- Italian authorities first anniversary of the encycli- It had been rumored a dite the Most Rev. Matthias De- prehension report, which was cal July 29. Those who dis¬ few months ago that Pope Paul fregger. auxiliary bishop of carried bv the national news sent. the paper contended, planning some kind of pro¬ Original was Munich and Freising. if he is FACUCTY agency ANSA and several hews- not "worthy childre of the nouncement to soften his strict held responsible for the deaths, papers. Church. rule banning all birth control Earlier reports said the prose- The order by the prosecutor The half-page article com¬ methods except sexual absti Cheryl Riskln, Flint junior, stands on the balcony of her apartment at 252 cutor had ordered ^.rTT^TTrr. Bishop De- followed a request by a Commu- bined an exaltation of papal nence and the rhythm method River St. with an original and unique advertisement for apples. fregger apprehended for ques- nist deputy. Eudo Mario Cice- authority with a blistering at¬ State News photo by Carl Wern that Bishop Defregger be tack against the press in gener¬ tried here for the massacre al and theologians who favor In Rome, eight deputies from change in the Church The article came THE UNIVERSITY AND SOCIETY the Communist-line Proletarian straight Socialist Unity party said the from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith-the Vati¬ bishop, who became a priest af¬ ter the war and is now 54 years can agency in charge of doctri¬ old. should be tried as a "war Study school in public role nal discipline. The Rev. Erme- casts criminal In its first official negildo Lio. an Italian Francis¬ comment on the case, the Vati¬ can friar who is a consultant Frank D. Borsenik, associate can denied that a high Church theologian in the congregation, professor of hotel management, By DARIA SCHLEGA being explored at MSI' by the and Land Grant Colleges to official had demanded that De- signed it What knowledgeable students. Also The has been appointed by Gov. The article indirectly attacked exactly should be the Study of the Role of the Uni- conduct the study, which is being university is being asked Megger resign university's role in public af¬ included will be selected state to solve so many problems that The massacre occurred June Milliken to the Wage Deviation the primate of Belgium. Leo Jo¬ versity in Public Affairs. underwritten by the Carnegie and federal legislators, state Board. Borsenik succeeds Henry fairs'' Does the university have it would face resource exhaus- 7- 1944. in the small Abruzzi sef Cardinal Suenens. and all James Bonnen. professor Corp. a role in the solving of soci¬ budget officers, and private com- tion and become involved in O. Barbour, professor and direc¬ ot mountain town of Filetto The those who back him in advocat¬ agrcultural economics and Bonnen and associate director mercial and non-commercial or- tor of hotel management, who ety's problems'1 How can the formerly with the staff of the William Wilkie will work with many things it should not be Italians were executed in repris- ing more direct and closer links ganization leaders who deal with resigned from the post between the university be most effective in Council of Economic Advisors, informal consultant panel doing." Bonnen stated al for the killing of four German Pope and the an the ity in its public Sylvan H. Wittwer, professor "Church beyond the Vatican society'' will head the studv which includes Sir Eric attairs activities. soldiers by Italian partisans The framework for answering Ashby. aff;i The problem is to determine The bishop has said he merelv of horticulture and Asst. Dean L'Osservatore even dealt a He was chosen by the Nation- vice-chancellor of Cambridge, The field work will be aided of the College of Agriculture, these and other questions is just what is the legitimate relayed an order for the execu- al Assn. of State Universities and Paul A. Miller, past asst by MSL graduate students, al¬ is currently touring the Far sphere of university involve- tions from a superior and did secretary of the Dept of Health though MSI will not be included ment. Criteria for establish- East as an agricultural consul¬ Education and Welfare. (HEWi in the study because accord¬ everything in his power to halt tant for the Ford Foundation. ing the legitimacy of a request the killings The study, which began in April. to Bonnen. dining' ing "one has dif¬ He is scheduled to return Aug. 'Wining, involves questions of the uni- 1968 and will He has been supported bv his continue until ficulty viewing objectively what versity s resources, if the action 20. the summer, of 1970 is divided cardinaI Julius Doepfner of Col Robert G. Piatt, chair¬ into two phases. is complementary to the exist- Munish who savs he investi„at. Bonnen says there are two of the capacities and on-going ed the case personaHv before man Dept. of Military The first study phase was extremes of thought on the Science, retires from active Ar¬ effort sway ictivities of the "■*" university. in to just completed." Bonnen said. "Our purpose was to find indivi¬ duals who are knowledgeable university's role One is the "ivory tower" view which be¬ lieves that the This is not a selfish attitude, the bishop was named his auxi¬ liary last September The bishop also has been sup¬ my duty today Piatt, a 1939 graduate of MSL'. has served in the ROTC program at MSU university should according to Bonnen. By ED HUTCHINSON The people are represented about the university and its ef¬ stick to strictly academic pur¬ ported by the local priest of Fi since 1965. A successor to his letto and the Mayor of L Aquila. their elected officials in the forts in society." suits and not get involved at post has not been announced Arm-twisting and winingand legislature and do their lobby This included with talking ad¬ all in society The other view "The matter is one of how dining'.'' Neither, say legisla¬ ing at the ballot b< ministration. foundation and : that the well the university will be able Central Methodist tors. are effective methods of to serve letter if the legislators government officials who have ly take .m. 1518 S. Washington Lansin ^American Baptist; Wednesday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor. Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm Dr. Sugden Coffee Worship 10:00 Church School 11:10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. a.m. 'God Wants Your Problems' Wednesday prayer f to open hour 6:45 p.m. tasTminsKR PRCSuyitRian CHURCH Free Bus Service and 9:45 AJV1. COLLEGIAN The Scene Act I coffee house Nursery 332-1888 College Bible Clast FELLOWSHIP originally located in the Wesley SUNDAY SCHEDULE in the fireside room 8:30 p.m. Foundation. Harrison Road, is University Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room moving to a more central site Worship Service and Pre-school Christian Dubbed The Albatross it through 3rd grade . ... 9:30 a.m. will reopen above Campus Clean¬ Church 11:00 A.M. "The Hour Is Late" ers. 547 E Grand River Ave NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening in September Rev. Robert David Leas 337-0183 "The-coffee house, sponsored Call 482-0754 for information. by the United Ministries in High er Education, will provide an UNIVERSITY UNITED atmosphere so people can just ' come and be themselves, said METHODIST CHURCH Jeanne Butterfield. Detroit jun¬ KAIL RUFFNER, Minister 1120 South Harrison Phor«: 351-7030 ior and project coordinator 332-5193 332-3035 The coffeehouse will offer folk NATURALS FOR THE NATURALIST "A Divine Discontent" singing groups, films on social Sea urchin pin with diamond, $65. issues and poetry readings by Coral flowerjDin, $27.50 professional guest poets There Rev. Wallschlaeger iird pin with rubies and diamond, $125. will be a cover charge of 75 U niversity Lutheran preaching cents on Friday and Saturday nights only Morning Worship 9:30 & 11:00 Church School 9:30 e/noiyfflti (for all ages) Save up to *150°° on a complete T elefunken stereo component system RS Vy A SINCE Church School 9:15 a.m. Nelac of East Lansing 121 S. Washington Lansing, Michigan Services 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 8:15, 9:15 & 10:30 a Friday, July 25, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan State News State News Classified Convert those space takers to useful cash with a fast, easy-to-use WANT AD! Classified 355-8255 355-8255 The State News does not RENT A TV from a TV Companv- VOLKSWAGEN -1966 Good condi $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 PUT permit racial or religious tion Must sell, make offer 337 NEJAC TV RENTALS C 203 Mifflin. Lansing 1-7 25 discrimination in its ad¬ 0562 '(7481 a South Okemos Road 2-7 25 TO WORK FOR YOU vertising columns. The UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES 3-bed- State News will not accept Auto Service & Parts 711 EAST • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ 711 Burcham Dr. inates against religion, ACCIDENT PROBLEM ' Call KALA¬ New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ • EMPLOYMENT MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small race, color or national or¬ ished 3 man apts. leasing for • FOR RENT dents to large wrecks American • FOR SALE igin. and foreign cars Guaranteed work fall now 1 year or 9 mo. 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished • LOST & FOUND Iv 9-9651 or TWO-BEDROOM 1967 mobile home. With swimming pool Heat paid • PERSONAL 12X52 Completely furnished Ex¬ MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN 351-3525 cellent condition • PEANUTS PERSONAL AGEMENT. 351-7880 0 Deposit required 5 minutes from campus $160 month • REAL ESTATE Complete auto painting and colli - STODDARD APARTMENTS Now rent 351-5302. 372-1215 3-7 25 :. IV 5-0256 C • SERVICE ing for fall. 1-bedroom. close to • TRANSPORTATION campus, laundry, balcony, sound¬ proofed 332-0913.332-2920 5-7 28 • WANTED ONE BEDROOM f FRANCIS AVIATION So easv t FURNISHED TWO-Bedroom. air learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" DEADLINE CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE-1 Special $5 offer. 484-1324 < Call 655-3297. conditioned, carpeted, yard, garage New engine, Quiet neighborhood $190 including utilities Call 351-5312 2-7 25 1 P.M. one class day be¬ shape 694-0201 Scooters & Cycles • • fore publication. . - COUPLE: ONE-Bedroom. furnished Cancellations - 12 noon one 5 utilities included $125-$135 332 class day before publica- I East Lansing Management 1441 EAST Michigan PHONE I Company bedroom furnished $S J. $600 355-8114 1968 650 BSA Lightning New I Poolside $130 fall 351-5323 SINGLE ROOM ■ Apartments BAY COLONY 355-8255 DODGE-1965 4-door Very clean dition Priced to sell Call J For Students IV 2-1921. 6-8 p.m. Mechanically excellent Stereo tape True Senator - This bolt DID cost the RATES $600 339-9234 3-7 25 V APARTMENTS 351-7880 1960 BSA 250 Army$16.00, but THIS gentleman is a ! Corner of Haslett and Haga- I DODGE DART 1962 54.000 miles • 317 M.A.C. day $1.50 well made BOLT! ! dorn Roads. Now taking leases In accident. 1 door inoperative, ex ■ 15* per word per day I cellent condition otherwise $150 for September 1, 2 and 3 3 days $4.00 13 353-7921 2-7 25 j man apartments. Furnished or l/2f per word per day FOUR-MAN Walk to campus start¬ j unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month 5 days $6.50 ing Fall 1'tilities paid 351-4134 Employment Employment j leases available. Call Jack 13* per word per day Employment 5-7 25 ! Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. NATION WIDE COMPANY h ull part LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy ^'based on 10 words per ad) STTDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and N or L.P.N, with medication MALE. COOKING private bath, en¬ time 21 and over preferred Ex¬ COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam ■ourse 3 to 6 p.m part or full trance. parking linens furnished There' will be a 50* service cellent income potential Robb> ime Challenging position open in and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- Approved IV 5-8557 after 12. 1-7 25 eras, for FALL AND WINTER McFadden HOWARD JOHNSONS bedroom. furnished For and bookkeeping charge if 1 medical care facility Apply Pro¬ profession¬ TERMS-State News Photographic. 694-0454 O vincial House. 2815 Northwind Drive al graduate students, college fa- thi> ad is not paid'within 301 Student Services Building Ask SINGLES. DOUBLES Private en¬ MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966 Ex for Mr Johnson Monday through -^ast Lansing 332-0817. Mrs Park- trance bath Parking Reasonable cellent condition, low mileage Auto- apartments avail- 237 Kedzie 351-9584 5-7 31 332-3000 5-7 30 Thursday, 9 a.m. to5 p.m S ne and September leas- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for MSI' The State News will be 332-31to or 882-6549 students with Midwest s largest MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST -To work SINGLE ROOMS and 2-bedroom furn¬ responsible only for the OLDSMOBILE 442 196 WANTED SECRETARIES immedia full-line merchant wholesaler Full part-time, afternoons. 3-11:30 p.m ished apartment for 3 or 4 sti# or part-time Automobile required ASCP registered or eligible Would dents 1 block from Berkey 351- first dav's incorrect inser- condition Can be s< atelv. 1 full time or 2-3 part-time Leslie Street, after Phone THE SOCIETY CORPORATION conider non-registered if quail IMARIGOLD APARTMENTS Must type 43 wpm Worn-study 337 1349.8am to5pm O 911 Marigold Ave. only Apply 331 Student Services fied through work experience Ex NORTHWIND cellent salary Apply SPARROW HOS¬ New deluxe 1-bedroom furn¬ i-Sh a re Incorporated ~1 PITAL PERSONNEL or call 487 FARMS ished 2-man apartments. PONTIAC- 1968 LeMans 6111. extension 333 5-7 25 Faculty Apartments Automotive 11.000 miles $2,395 351-9070 or Computer time-sharing serving Across street from campus. 351-0580 5-7 30 the nation. Leasing now for fall. 1 year 351-7880 \I ST1N HEALY 300 Mark III 1964 Systems Programmer or 9 month leases. IV 9-9651 TEACHER WANTS part-time house¬ Experienced systems pro- | terv 410 Park Lane 332-2414 7-8 1 PONTIAC CATALINA 1964 Excel 332-2335.. HIRING HELP CAN BE FUN' 1 lent condition Must sell, this week keeper Starting first of Septem¬ grammers are needed by the ber Mornings. 5 days a week the people you need with a C Best offer 351-0390 4-7 25 Kor Systems Development Depart- i sifled Ad Dial 355-8255 now' PEOPLE WHO HAVE MORE check light housekeeping and lunches for the good household buys in the CHEVROLET 1961 Belaire 2-door 3 school-age children 484-3636 ment to design a new time- j Classified Ads each day' mission and radio Excellent run¬ PORSCHE 196:! i sharing system. For further information Mr. Don J TV RENTALS G E 19 por ning condition $225 Phone 332- contact | $8.50 per month including 2929 3-7 29 WANTED BABYSITTER for Redding (313)-761-4040 or I Call J K CULVER COMPANY WANTED TWO men for hou: minutes from $30 n send resume to Com-Share j 8862 220 Albert Street. East Call after 5pm campus 351-7509 Inc., Research & Development . CHEVROLET 1965 Extra clean. 4 Division, Box 1588, Ann Ar- j RIVERS EDGE-. Beechwood Apts. bor, Michigan 48106. NEW GE portables and stands rented ONLY to MSI' students and facultv 1130 Beech St. • $8 84 month 'includes tax 1. STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 HOI SF. FOl'R ladic Michigan Avenue. 332-8687 < Furnished and carpeted, ai conditioning, . disposals, blocks from campus, 9 or 1 200 MSU STUDENTS TWO-BEDROOM artially finished- month lease. large shaded f CAN'T BE WRONG us nth service $25 to campus, securitv de Hal stead Management 351-7910 appointment 487-3454 Campus cVorth Pointe Hill ' Swimming Pool • Your Best Buy in a 4-man apartment • Party lounge • Luxury Furnishings • 9-month lease at • Large apartments no extra charge I.R. Culver Co. j.R. Culver Co. THEY'VE ALREADY SIGNED 217 Ann St. 351-8862 FAIL LEASES AT EXCITING Model Now Ooen Available for fall leasing 1 p.m. Phone - 6 332-6441 p.m. MEADOWBROOK T 1969. wycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fal I of These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and TRACE furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ DESIGNER COLOR COORDINATED ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately Carpeting, Draperies, furnishings, and planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and appliances private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of T wycklng¬ ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. STUDENT - PLANNED RECREATION FACILITIES 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 .0 Featuring olympic pool with sauna, tennis courts %12 13 % " tEtoycfcmgliam 15 16 LUXURY FEATURES .u %IB Air conditioning, walnut vanities, patios and 17 balconies, acres of lawn, heat and water % %20 furnished, laundry in each building 19 21 % 22 2 3 %% 24 2 4620 S. Hagadorn ALL MAINTENANCE FREE % 26 d 28 2$ FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES See for yourself! Large 2-bathroom apartments new beautiful 2 bedroom- for four from $60/month %% BO 5/ d 32 Management Exclusively By: per person. Model open Monday, Thursday, and Friday II a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. 11-3; Sun. 2-6 p.m. Take 1-496 south from Tuesday, 33 36 3u d37 35 % ALCO Management Company Frandor and take the Jolly Road Exit—right 39 40 to Meadowbrook Trace or phone 393-0210. i 43 MM % HZ Ijlow Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 By Kassuba, the Nation's tt\ Landlord. % Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, July 25, 1969 11 For Sale For Sale HOOVER $60 MINI-washer. Triple dresser. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS -Fully guar Local Kennedy reaction anteed 5 standards Olvmpia. Smith clothing, odds and ei Corona. 2 Royals and a Remington GERMAN SHEPHERD-Female 6 cleaner. (G.E continued from page two) . 1 year! $35 351- Portables Smith-Corona and Royal months. AKC. well bred, all shots *23 3-7 25 AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES $125. 351-7740 3-7 25 The has been 1477 Haslett Road. Haslett 339 no change We are sure the Senator's PORTABLE TV. excellent condi 2654 $29 50 up to $80 2-7 25 SIAMESE SEALPOI NTS-Little girl in our strategy, he stated. tion. $65 351-0117. after 6 pm We still support the grape involvement in these issues is kittens Phone evenings and week in no way deterred, 3-7 25 SCUBA TANK. U S Diver s 1 hour ends. 487-3318 2-7 25 boycott and oppose ABM We and that tank, regulator and back-pack Used is our only concern at this continue to believe this nation twice $95 351-4642 2-7 25 40 GE range. $65 Encyclope¬ is on a perilous course with dias. $12 Fly rod and reel. $15 Rowe. and RICKENBACKER ELECTRIC 12-string commenting on the Movie camera projector com bination. 3169 complete outfit. $109 • 489 3-7/25 with string hard-shell electric. case. Chet Gretsch 6- Atkins Nash Mobile Homes Save up to s15000 political implications of the Ken¬ nedy crash, said. "Miss Ko- ville model with hard-shell case on a complete T elefunken pechne was buried only Tues¬ 351-8236 2-7'25 1966 MARLETTE-12 X60 like new WE HAVE over 200 used vacuum . stereo component $1,500 and assume payments 332 system day. and 1 think that much of cleaners in stock Tanks, cannis- GARAGE SALE-25. 26 Appliances 2154 the comment now going around ters. and uprights are included All attachments Some less than 1 year beds, garden tools, swing set. hi 9.7 25 Nelac of East Lansing is inappropriate and in very fi. typewriters, cycle helmets, kitchen 1968 LIBERTY-Like 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 old Written 1 year warranty on new $1,000 bad taste stuff, linens clothing 71* Chn down, assume payments i$98 94 all sales DENNIS DISTRIBUTE; tenden Drive. East Lansing 2-7 25 month I 694-0446 After 4 30 p m I spoke to Miss Kopechne COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, across 676-1298 3-7 28 Service the phone during the from City Market 482-2677 C-7 25 SONY on 1968 HAS 1: ACCURATE an. RFK campaign, and my first WIRE FRAMES0 Manv styles white 1959 10 X50 mobile home Fxeel- feeling is a sense of loss at or yellow gold at OPTICAL DIS¬ the death of someone so ded¬ COUNT 2615 East Michigan Aven¬ BROWN Typist and multilith. icated. ue C-7 25 so idealistic and so EARLY AMERICAN I full of hope for a better Am- Maple bedroom outf Lost & Found luscripts, general typing. IBM 337-2754 ears experience 332-8384 C I do Space TELESCOPE PALLOMAH PAULA ANN HAUGHEY not think that the plain and fancv diamonds $25-$150 351 -5249 or 355-8252 Reward present time is the proper WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 time to even think about the East Michigan 485-4391 C political Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins peer out consequences of her of the death decontamination chamber they must be kept in for three weeks. The cham¬ SUNN AMPLIFIER with two S OFFSET PRINTING, tvp- ber will 15 s. TV RENTALS GE 19' d protect against the spreading of moon germs. AP Wirephoto 1 HF driver Best offer 339 portable binding. Lowest prices avail- 8*85 Located across from campus 3.7 25 Call JR* CULVER COMPANY 351- on corner of M A C and Grand 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan River, below The Style Shop Call VACUUM SWEEPERS <2. 1 Plush - can- COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337 1666 ^j p?even" P ^ confines trio 42-8 22 9613 5-7 28 Princeton Arms LEAVING Transportation FOR Sacramento Cali¬ cage fornia. August 3rd Need riders in 1 Bedroom, new carpeting and bug' quarantine drivers to help defray cost Call drapes, all utilities paid ex¬ cept electricity, air condition¬ ing, disposals, central TV an¬ moon tenna, laundry and storage fa¬ cilities, 3 minutes from cam¬ SPACE CENTER. Houston for three The van. called the mobile 1.000 miles days from any deadly by ship, truck i AP i—Back from a vastness quarantine facility MQF > is pus. moon bug the Apollo 11 astro¬ lirplane. The astronauts bounded only by time, the first a product of the fear that re¬ tive. $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ nauts may have brought back. sealed within the MQF J.R. Culver Co. Halstead Management ITY Grand BLOOD CENTER River East 507 Lansing East Above moon explorers went into finement Thursday in a plush con¬ The spacemen van will be home to the during a trip a quar¬ turning moon explorers could bring to earth deadly lunar t II be c t'ded Besides l he three astronauts 217 Ann St. 351-8862 | 351-7910 | metal cage not much bigger than ter way around the world. It germs that could infect ter¬ restrial life there is a physician. Dr Wil- will be office, medical lab. bed¬ unprotected by Ifam R Carpentier.and a tech- room. kitchen and den as they immunity Most scientists say the chanc¬ nician-cook-steward. John Hira- are taken by sea. land and air istered in the es of there actually being such cramped from their Polynesian Pacific- germs are extremely remote. splashdown to Houston. Dr. Carpentier and Hirasaki will be the only persons allowed with the astronauts until they arrive in Houston. and The MQF is plusfflk^neled carpeted. It has mo# of the amenities of home scaled down and crammed into its 32-foot length. The cabin is separated into galley, lounge and bath- There are six bunks and six aircraft-type chairs. Emergency oxygen equipment is provided above each chair and above each bunk in case the airplane flying the MQF should lost- pressure at high altitude. Place Your PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD Today . . . ju$t clip, complete, mail. STATE NEWS will bill you later. >77 Address |P) City Zip Code Phone Student No. Consecuti ve Datps tr> Run Heading Print AH Horo- Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. 10 Words or Less: J day - $1.50 3 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 STATE NEWS Over 10 Words Add; 15tf per word 40 The tobacco industry s surprise made its sudden offer to and television ads lowing Egypt's continual cease- offer to end all broadcast advertising of cigarettes by next by September 1970. On the ground, artillery and fire violations, the army said The broadcast industry, hich has offered to phase out year has delayed a new government report on the hazards tremely n >r of this van had tank guns roared across the ( Then artillery and tank of smoking. The report is now bottled up in the White House cigarette ads over a four-; ir period, is expected to oppose foresight photo by Carl Kulow placements traded punches while officials reassess the administration position. a plan that would mean almost immediate loss of $238 across the canal million a year in advertising revenue Despite the delay officials deny there are any partisan The Egyptians struck from the The smoking report, entitled The Health Consequences political undercurrents or pressure from tobacco-state con¬ Augenstein doubts air. and a batch of Soviet-made of Smoking-1969 Supplement, is the third in a series re¬ gressmen and senators. But they concede that the tobacco Sukhois and MIG 17s attacked quired annuallv by Congress under a 1965 law. industry's offer and expected opposition from the broadcast Israeli positions and units on industry to such a quick phaseout would put the administra¬ the canal, killing a 30-year-old tion in a delicate position private and wounding five other decontamination "This is a health issue unlike most others, said one Leroy G. Augenstein. chair- in of the Dept of Biophv- prevent back contamination the moon from trieve The pi an the unopened capsule largest capacitv helicop- troops, the army charged. Three other soldiers ported wounded in the ground fighting. The planes were driven oft. were re official. "It's one where not e^ we're for that There ; not for it at all." he added. Although officials deny being under is standing up ; people out then any direct pressure said Wednesday he is Augenstein and Rosenberg ter should then be used to the spokesman said, adding that from tobacco interests, it was learned that anti-smoking still convinced the procedures itated that NASA should re- transport capsule to quaran- "seven were downed and two forces on the Senate Commerce Committee have been press¬ for decontaminating Apollo 11 tain its original tine facilities. were ing the Dept. of Health. Education and Welfare to release ■ inadequate etrieving the unopened capsule - use of a plastic tunnel The>' were knocked out by the report now while hearings on the cigarette advertising from the ocean and placing it to allow the astronauts entrance t S-made Hawk ground-to-air question are going on Augenstein said the method for decontaminating the cap¬ it intact in the quarantine into the quarantine area missiles, anti-aircraft guns and It was at Tuesday's session that the tobacco industr\ sule. which splashed down Thurs¬ day in the Pacific, of any moon microorganism is conditions that are no longer based on area, rather than opening the capsule while it is still at Augenstein said Wednesday Drink he is more concerned about true contamination now that the "will as "And the be they should" " question, Did they he said, clean up moon (Jur landing has been original fears were accom- They make In a letter dated June 24. Augenstein and Barnett Ros¬ enberg professor of bio¬ justified. wish planned we had he declared. found procedures! out 'the sooner I Volkswagens, physics urged President Nixon to "take immediate action NASA to insure that they re¬ with and hollered louder He said NASA originally WE KNOW ABOUT CARS but they buy planned on moon dust parti¬ Renaults. examine the astronaut landing cles distributing evenly on a procedures for Apollo 11 to surface, but the dust seems WHEN YOUR CAR NEEDS to be sticking ATTENTION, COME ON IN. He said a remote chance ex¬ YOU CAN GET ALL THE ists that the dusts could cling QUALITY PARTS YOU NEED. to the command module and not Germans are famous for demand be sterilized by the intense HELP YOUR CAR HELP YOU ing quality and dependability above temperatures at re-entry The Jobob Promoters will hold Does that seem to tell you any¬ Augenstein s and Rosen¬ beach party at 8:30 tonight thing? a at Alward Lake County Park berg s plan for de-contamina¬ Springs tion presented to the Senate west on Alward Road, off I Aeronautical and Space Sci¬ US 27 north. The Savage Grace Shocks ences Committee consists of and a Braintree Light Show will provide entertainment -application of special de¬ Brakes contamination chemicals follow¬ The Lansing Grape Boycott £11 your suspension system needs. ing docking, which would ster¬ Committee will hold a meeting ilize the area of the command at 12 30 p.m Saturday, at the module if necessary Cristo Rev Church. 1310 Bal¬ lard. Lansing. All interested per¬ sons are urged to attend -retrieval of the unopened capsule using regular Navy MORRIS AUTO PARTS COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS equipment and procedure at the splashdown point The Beal Film IV 4-5441 -deployment of a ship with present Carl Foreman 1 larger crane capacity or a war film "The Victors' 814 E. Kalamazoo 8 - 5:30 MON-SAT f-rano nn hi^rrl tn rp. tonight and Saturdn n 12 Month/Unlimited Mileage Warranty Wells Admission i- ijO IDs are not required The Ini SPORTS CAR CENTER OVERSEAS DELIVERY ARRANGED 1200 E. OAKLAND pH0NE McCarthy Oliscount records 225 ANN ST. me. will not THE ONLY COMPLETE RECORD STORE ON CAMPUS third nesota WASHINGTON Sen Carthy announced Thursday he «AP. Eugene J Mc¬ term Min¬ NEW From fVKIHflSGOU) ATCO/ATLANTIC NEW will not run for a third term next year-clearing what could become a political launching pad for Hubert H Humphrey The immediate reckoning of politicians in both parties: Hum¬ L #1 phrey will run for the Senate in 1970. and possibly use that as the base lor another presiden¬ '—> tial bid in 1972 * He MAY Be YOUR RICH UNCIBH There is no obstacle in sight to return Humphrey s nomination to to the Senate, which he . 1 A & BEST OF THE BEE GEES left to become nearly five years ago vice president AT SUA KLY'S WE SERVE . taste Rep Clark McGregor has iiwMrui mis THESE FIVE NEW SAAASH announced he will seek ,he Re¬ publican nomination for the seat ALBUMS FROM ATLANTIC- stuns held by McCarthy now Sen Fred R Harris of Okla¬ ATCO ARE NOW ONLY homa, the Democratic National chairman, said he phrey will run for the Senate, where he served 16 years. hopes Hum¬ 3.19 per L.P. •HZSi FilllfiR •FfZli HKUl** remit ECU TT PUBLIC HU OFFER GOOD SUNDAY, JULY 27 THRU Save up to M5000 on a stereo complete Telefunicen component system SS27 S.Cedar 3Q3-22S0 SPCC//JL AT HRS: 9:30-8:30 DAILY SHAKeVS J5_A/ovv AVAH-ABLQ FOR 9:30-6:00 SAT. SPeclAL MTcs. FOR perails- SUPER HITS VOL. 4 PH. 351-8460 Nelac of East Lansing 12:00-5:00 SUN. 543 E. Grand River 337-1300