Questions still compound Kennedy case Certainly the most disturbing question hopeful. And again he must be impli¬ By JIM CRATE onto the rutted, dirt road on the way to cated. of all arises out of their collective fail¬ not by conjecture, but bv sell Editor-in-Chief the ferry that night This question has to seek immediate help evident fact. The tragic accident of a week ago bubbled to the top of the list because fV o/c; An iy s is ure that one man-Kennedy-dazed, If we Because the that claimed the life of Mary Jo Kope- assume man aspiring to the Presi¬ it implies impropriety in the relation¬ chne. and which may have claimed the half-drowned, didn't seek help because dency of this nation, in league with five ship between Kennedy and Miss Kopechne. of his confused mental state, then the political advisors, handled this tragedy political life of/ Sen Edward M. Ken¬ Considering the pains he took to dispel panic, fear, exhaustion, and a host of other It is patently obvious that even this failure is with the political acumen of a nedy, has generated no small number mind-distorting variables- first, tried to partially defensible We can¬ hysteri¬ these allegations, Kennedy also consid¬ simplistic narration of the alleged events not cal old of questions waiting to be credibly an¬ extricate Miss Kopechne from the over¬ assume any such thing, however woman. ers this question the most vital. that followed the accident, generate a host Six men, acting collectively, decided The swered. turned car: second, returned to the site judgement displayed by six vet¬ He maintains that he got confused. of even further questions. And the truth is, even after against seeking help Why'' For whatever eran politicians resembled that of six Kennedy's So one must accept his explanation or re¬ of the party, some. 1.1.miles distant, pass¬ toddlers in Are we to believe that the best advice reason, it is indefensible. The gut- a sandbox public statement of Friday night, the basic- ject it. Despite evidence concerning his ing at least two lit farmhouses*in the And the release of questions are still unanswered Indeed, available to Kennedy was to "sleep on ehilling fact remains: a carefully worded familiarity with the area, which raises process, where he collapsed in the rear of it—it'll all look better in the morn¬ Assuming the existence of a small statement, designed to establish consis his statement generated additional ones a counter question, it is evident that an automobile and sought advice and com¬ pur¬ reservoir of air on the floor of the up¬ tency of action. displayed only more Laying his political life on the line fort from his associates: third, returned ing17" suing the matter is pointless turned Miss inconsistencies Friday evening. Sen Kennedy added lit¬ Idle conjecture on the intended actions to the scene of the accident with his as¬ Are we to believe that Kennedy's ad¬ car. Kopechne might well visors are so incompetent as to allow be alive now had police and emergency So the questions remain, somewhat tle in the way of clarification. The over¬ of Kennedy serve little purpose in that sociates. and again allegedly tried to lo¬ more him-a man in shock, fully clothed, help been immediately sought. They were numerous now than before \nt\ she could get ;i room vear-old coed has been found in a been found until early Sunday. boyfriend. Mrs. Beineman said. on the second floor i.of a dormitory Miss Beineman. petite and brown-haired, At his news conference. Sheriff Harvey She didn't want the first floor bee. t use wooded area near here-apparentlv the -The boy friend. James Dwver. 24. seventh young woman victim of an elusive was so badly beaten on the head that said there did not appear to be any a" counselor at St Clement High School she'was afraid could be identified only by finger¬ slash marks on Miss Beineman's body, The sex killer in the past two years she in Center Line, a suburb of Detroit, slightly built girl enrolled foi and he did not know if she had been The bodies of six other girls and' prints. Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas said she-was a "cautious, smart girl. the summer session at EMI after gradu¬ young women have been found within Harvey told newsmen sexually assaulted. He said an autopsy- ation with honors from C'reston High School would be performed on her body Sunday The coeds at the two universities have a 15-mile triangle of woods and rolling The high school honor student last in Grand Rapids. She hoped to become afternoon been fearful and cautious ever since the hills that' encompass the University of was seen early Wednesday afternoon, a special education teacher rash of killings began. Fraternities and Michigan (U-Mi here, and Eastern leaving a wig shop in nearby Ypsilanti Harvey said, "we have no suspect in custody' in connection with the latest other student groups have provided escort "We tried to talk her out of going Michigan University announced Friday that dent for research and development, said east Asia the withdrawal of a Fulbright-Hayes the research will be financed through A final draft of a review of the Fellowship to Dhirendra Sharma. associ¬ University non-governmental funds circumstances under which the grant ate professor of philogophv. is definite In a strongly-worded statement issued was withdrawn by HEW was presen¬ and final Friday. Muelder called the withdrawal ted at the meeting The review is be¬ of the grant by HEW "an offense to the integrity of federal government univer¬ ing mailed to the heads of state of the 49 countries to which F"ulbright Where body Nixon p sity relations and the role of the gov¬ ernment in educational programs scholars will travel next year, to 21 members of the Indian parliament, to The body of a missing EMU coed, Karen Sue Beinman, was found late Saturday in this secluded In reviewing the circumstances of the 11 Indian news agencies, to eight ma¬ outside Ypsilanti. Police blocked off the area and newsmen are seen milling around the site where approval and subsequent rejection of jor newspapers, five foreign press serv¬ body was found. The arrow to the right of the picture indicates the location of the body, which found face down, nude, about 10 feet from the edge of the road. APWirepI economic Sharma's said. grant application. "In its initial approval of the Muelder ices and 30 Indian universities. grant. HEW made a committment to the University and the University to Indonesi Presidential guidelines offered informed Dr. Sharma of that commit¬ ment Assured by the University that the grant had been approved. Dr Shar¬ JAKARTA (AP i -President Nixon ma then proceeded with plans and com¬ flew into Indonesia Sunday with a promise mitments to pursue the proposed pro¬ of strong U.S. economic support for this By LINDA GORTMAKER to American universities these days. Any¬ gram different needs of black and otjier ethnic major Southeast Asian country that ortee In view of these facts and despite Executive Reporter way. relatively few were nominated ." or economic groups seemed headed into the Communist camp HEW s ultimate decision. MSU's Office The All-University Search and Selection fhe qualifications devised of MSU's next Items on the checklist included such age. personality, social av In an expansive mood. Nixon also offered university experience na of International Programs believes the Committee^ AUSSC i released to the State president include: things as availability, fund raising exper¬ to send President Suharto a piece of News Friday its criteria for MSU's next -evidence of skill in administering a what the candidate's ha obligation to Dr Sharma must be hon¬ ience. political acumen humanism, the moon as a souvenir itv. teaching and social ; ored. he said "Hence the acting dean complex organization land-grant dedication, intellectual leader¬ Nixon hinted that any nuclear power A letter from AUSSC called the 11 for International Programs has approved points -intellect and character necessary to ship. sensitivity of others' value systems. threatening Indonesia would have to reckon a grant from its non-governmental funds of the criteria "guidelines" with some style work with interest groups in the state, with the atomic might of the United imperfections the faculty, among the students and to support the research in question on States. But he made plain he does not backed the merits of Sharma's Developing criteria was not an easy task, elsewhere without diverting the I'niversitv Mansfield foresees HEW intend to spread any formal nuclear shield over Indonesia Nixon's offer about a piece of the proposed research, but claimed several areas in which Sharma proposed to the letter read ment "because complete agree¬ among the diverse the committee is hardly to membership of from its basic responsibilities. -recognition of teaching and scholar¬ possibility work were "located in places which be expected " ship as vital and closely related responsi¬ moon came as he and Mrs Nixon made have been placed off-limits by the In¬ Accompanying the list of criteria was a bilities of a university an hour-long visit to the Jakarta fair He added he would send it if scientists dian government." In reply to HEW. Muelder commented checklist for the committee's use The checklist is just for evaluation -willingness to emphasize the responsi¬ bilities of the university for education of no formal Viet agreement that the get through studying and testing the rocks that "the constraints which exist for and is purely subjective." Dale Hathaway. -recognition of the advantages and dis¬ war might just fade awa and astronauts brought back from the WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Mike Mans¬ a settlement AUSSC chairman, said "It's the kind of advantages of rapidly increasing enroll¬ foreigners wishing to travel to sensi¬ field. D Mont said Sunday that lack of Mansfield said the current rel moon last week tive border areas do not apply in the thing we use when interviewing candi¬ ments. It was the first visit by a U.S. president Sharma. who still dates " -committment to quality education progress in the Paris peace talks could in the fighting could be interpret case of Dr retains at mean that the Vietnam fighting will to this multi-island nation of 117 million his status asa citizen of India. To date. Hathaway said AUSSC mem¬ both undergraduate and graduate levels. beginning of such a process He people, sprawled strategically along the bers have gradually fade away without any formal informed that there has been n The University has offered an op¬ personally interviewed "half a -inclination to establish policies . . Asian underbelly Suharto's neutralist dozen" candidates from list of around that will encourage faculty and staff agreement to end the war cant infiltration of the South tion to Sharma "either to continue his a loyal¬ non-Communist regime served up a North in almost four months friendly teaching and studies at MSU for the 20 nominees. Hathaway said that nobody ties to MSU and its purposes The Senate Democratic leader said that He conceded nobody on this si reception academic year 1969-70, or to carry who could be called a professional poli¬ -willingness to innovate The crowd at the airport and lining out his proposed research ' tician has gotten extensive attention from unless Hanoi ceases its intransigence, he exactly what this means. the motorcade route seemed thin, but foresees the possibility that there may Mansfield applauded Nixon's > "If Dr. Sharma chooses the latter," AUSSC -ability to communicate with students enthusiastic Indonesians waved flags, and the inclination to have students par¬ never be any negotiated cease-fire in Guam, at the beginning of t Muelder said, "it should be empha¬ Asked if any persons with a basically Mansfield noted that dent's world-circling trip, that popped balloons and shouted "Hidup sized that no state or federal funds military background had been nominated. ticipate in the formulation of policy re¬ Henry Cabot Lodge, chief U.S. tions must provide more of then Nixon"-"Long Live Nixon'—as the are being expended Hathaway said that "the bulk of mili¬ lating to their education negotiator in Paris, had sug¬ tense and that the United Sta (please turn to page 6) Sharma indicated Friday at a meet¬ tary people are not the type that appeal -willingness to recognize specific and gested when he was ambassador to Saigon foid an e Vietnai Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. TOM BOWER MICHIGAN With a check book STATE NEWS as guide UNIVERSITY 1 ate a breakiast doughnut while • I and lots of other out-of-state students read the State News last Wednesday mornin came to MSU. Gordon Sabine wrote Trinka Cline, executive editor in the office where I work. There was us that this was a great place for a Norman J. Saari, managing editor this story that said out-of-state students student to move ahead as fast as he ' George K. Bui lard, campus editor will pay $31 per credit under the new wants, forge his own academic goals, Deborah Fitch, feature editor tuition system I made some fast calcu-> fulfill his desire for knowledge, and all lations in the margin, lost my appetite, that stuff Kenneth Krell, editorial editor and put my second doughnut in a bottom We believed him. William B. Castanier Sabine wrote good Jeff Elliott, sports editor drawer It » still there letters. In advertising manager a way he was telling the Last ye&r I paid $420 tuition a term. truth, but he forgot to mention some My margin -calculations showed that to financial aspects of education. avoid paying more thq/i that under the Sabine told me on the phone last EDITORIAL new system. I can carr£ only 13 credits. If I wanted to take 20 credits sometime. Wednesday morning that the cost of an out-of-state student's 180 credits would I'd pay $620. be only slightly more under the new system A girl came smiling into the office than under the old. Injecting a while I started to tell was burying my doughnut me what She's an in-state graduate student.' She a system gives to in-state graduate students. break the She new an There's answer a catch he didn't have an for. The great majority of out of state students are heavily dependent on financial aid to continue at MSU. got through three sentences before she Financial aid under the new system will in the sex caught on to my funeral expression. After that she shut up and listened patient¬ be calculated on the basis of an average credit load. Period. ly to a great many sentences from me. If a student receiving financial aid wants Important issues are not al¬ the manner their parents did. Wednesday's State News carried a to carry more than the University's The parents screaming for no remark about the new system by an definition of ways decided through reason an average credit load, he MSU senior: If I were from out-of- will have to pay for all of the extra and analysis. Often, the fears sex education have not overcome state. I'd be furious You might say so out of his wallet. and emotions common in peo¬ their sexual hang-ups. they My academic ambition has suddenly Although there is an element of ple are the decisive factors in have only repressed them, like become yoked to my checking account. sense in that, most out-of-state students If I want to carry 13 credits a term from determining goals and objec¬ so many in our society. But are bright young people who chose MSU here on out, I'm OK. At that pace the tives. our distorted perception of sex on promise that this was a univer¬ I can graduate a term or two late. sity where they would not be held back. And so it seems with sex is manifested in other areas- I sort of had in mind moving a little At $13 a credit, an in-state student might education. in our movies, our advertise¬ faster, keeping flexible, picking up good toss on an extra three-credit course and courses here and there. That's whv I not notice. At $31 a credit, the student We have hunted for com¬ ments. our literature, even had better have rich parents or a job munists in every tree, park and our dress. at Oldsmobile before he considers break¬ building from Los Angeles to If a healthy attitude toward OUR READERS' MIND ing the average-credit-load barrier. I have been arranging to take an extra New York, but in truth we sexuality is ever to be ach¬ reading course to study the works have uncovered very few coats. More often than red-baiting is a ploy used by red¬ not. ieved in this country, it will have to be done over the wait¬ Stamens and pistils forever of C.S. Lewis. I've always wanted to study C.S. Lewis. There is no way I can get academic motivation to do it ings of irrationality and emo¬ After the to discredit a person or publishing of the current work of a very subtle communist propa¬ tor. the other 45 cent is being some tional response. We are no long¬ nation-wide best-seller in per I know nothing about music, so I was pamphlets. gandist. Dick and the others are too watched i idea. er an agrarian people. Sex edu¬ Is The School House The Proper Place thinking about adding Dr. Hodgson's Intro happy for the reality of their system of Lets not be dupes anymore. Only by We have not yet learned that cation is not taught in the To Teach Raw Sex. several mother orien¬ to Music Lit course onto my regular running and jumping bv command. It removing sex education and Dick and tated right-wing groups have launched a would be criminal to permit this rubbish Jane readers schedule some term. Now I can't even the communists couldn't home any longer, but it is be¬ can we beat this demon Movement to Restore Decency The main to remain in the impressive hands of consider it. With a checking account as care less whether or not sex among us. Lets reaffirm to our young ing taught elsewhere--in the effort of this stir is directed toward our first graders. people that sex is un-American and that the gjiide. my academic initiative doesn't education is taught in our streets, alleys and pornography getting sex education out of the school Data show that many of this nation's no true American takes drugs to get have a chance. room and back in the home where shy The thing that bothers me most-is schools, or what kind of music of a nation somewhat uncom¬ suspected communists used Dick and Jane them through their day. and Americans parents have botched the job for so many readers. Also samples show that 55 don't wear red caps. that I don't deserve this treatment we listen to. and whether or fortable with sex. If sexuality Let's maintain years. Stories are told of children lapsing from the University. The only demonstra¬ per cent of the misguided SDS groups our moral level under the banner " Sta¬ not is to be tion I we participate in sensi¬ brought into its pro¬ into extreme paranoia after gazing at used these books, while 55 per cent of mens and Pistils Forever." ever participated in was the slides of objects that the young Birchers used Alice and Jerry School of Journalism's typewriter walk. tivity training, any more than per perspective, the most log¬ their mothers Richard Huneke I have never let my beard get more than beat them with brooms and threatened readers i Five-letters. Believe me Sena¬ we care whether they teach ical starting place is through Eaton. Ohio junior a week long. I get haircuts in the Union their TV blood shed rights, for having sex education. the school systems. After all. asked about them before Besides this barbershop I don't smoke pot. I like The John Birch Walter Adams. Society, which if parents had done the job. psychotic harm it is also shown that bv now can think only sex education in the schools school room sex is un-American, graphic. the hand of the devil and surely porno¬ Choose an academician But myself put in all I get an in return js to have academic Seatbelt and in terms of reds and good would be unnecessary. a financial shoulder strap. the work of the well-known communist- To the Editor: few sleepless nights. As Harry Truman There's only one way to beat the guys, with the aid of Sena¬ under-the-bed In the Friday. July 18. issue of the would remind us. " if you can't stand the like Robert Huber. and But it is the system. Since the cost-per-credit rate tors Ignorance is not bliss, nor opinion of this writer State News MSU Trustee Warren Huff heat, stay out of the kitchen' " applies only up to 20 credits, out-of- that this attack on sex education and the was quoted saying. "It is no accident retired military men like Lt. can ignorance of sexual behav¬ as I hope, and believe, the trustees will state students will have to take more communist conspiracy is only a first that the most violent confrontations have have the courage to appoint a first-rate Col. Jack Mohr claims that ior create a healthv frame of strike capability. Facts show that the been at Berkeley. Columbia, and Har¬ than 20 credits. For instance, an entering academician to continue the advance of sex education is a communist mind. How long riiust it be initial phase of the plot lies in the first vard. all of which have been controlled freshman from Seattle could start fall this University to academic excellence term by taking Psych 151. Comm 100 drive to gain control of our before this nation removes the grade of our schools. for years by organized academia which John Hannah so ably began It and all ?! credits of his freshman basics is a well known fact that Dick. Mr. Huff apparently has not read the youth. blinders of ignorance and fear Winston Oberg I'm go>ng back to find my stale dough- Jane and Spot are four-letter words. Have ("ox Report on the Columbia disorders. Professor of Management Mohr sees sex education as that have narrowed our sexual you ever analysed these names for their That report clearly showed that Colum¬ •psycho-politically danger¬ perspective? How long before obvious respective connections to sex. bia was. and had for years been, an drugs, and a controlled blight of American administration-controlled university and ous. another step in the com¬ we stop listening to the Lt. morals. Mom and the president ' Do you that that was precisely what the trouble munist conspiracy. It would Col. Mohrs. the Robert Hubers really believe they are brother and sister was all about. seem to be far more "psv- and the John Birchers and look instead of living in sin'' Look also at As far as Harvard and Berkeley are con¬ the commands Dick and Jane give Spot- cerned. if they " have been controlled cho-politically dangerous'' to instead at the unfortunate re¬ Run. jump. see. sit and others which for years by organized academia"' as Mr allow the youth in this state sults of existing sexual atti¬ idealize a lack of freedom and perversion Huff asserts, it would seem that or¬ to receive sexual education in tudes? of the individual. Ask yourself also why ganized academia" can't be all bad. The Dick had to have the red cap and the two schools are not only America's best red boat. These books are in fact the but they may well be the two best uni¬ versities m the world. It MSI trustees Student tax Handicap really want to see this University achieve a first-rank position among the universi¬ By DENISE FORTNER wages are as low as 80 cents an.hour and in many cases in the dwelling units To the Editor: ties of this country gram where expenses arc. directly pro¬ To put academic peace ahead of aca¬ our lives are all that In this "land of anu board beginning fall term, At $1 per student per term, demic excellence, as Trustee Huff appears really belong to us. opportunity and plen¬ portional to education is not only unfair ty" it's virtually inconceivable that a to be doing, is short-sighted and even So it is how we use plus an increase in radiology an additional $120,000 per year but shocking lives that deter¬ family could live on less than $2,000 a As a pre-veterinary student I had to cowardly! It might enable board mem¬ our and laboratorv fees, came as would be added to the Olin bers to sleep better at night; but the price mines what kind of year. Yet that's all the average migrant adhere to a rigid program of prerequi¬ farm workers and his family earns no great surprise, but there is revenues. With this additional sites necessary for admittance to vet of administrative responsibility may be a men we are. my When the growers refused to another method of financing sincerest belief that recognized money, more doctors could be school. Besides the required courses I ' and bargain with the workers, a strike the health center that thus hired at a better pay scale. took extra ones in English, psychology only by giving our far has gone unexplored. and science, often making my credits Congratulations lives do we find life. was called Certainly at least four doc¬ total 20 or 21 Tjiese were not essen¬ To the Editor: I am convinced that the truest act of The growers brought in Mexican Na¬ I ntil such a time that the tors. at the pay of $30,000 per tial to my educfltioh and I certainly would The Michigan State University Board courage, the strongest act of manliness, tionals to pick grapes and break the is to sacrifice ourselves for others in a strike, and the American farm workers medical school becomes opera¬ year, could be found, thus mak¬ not have indulged in such foolishness to of Trustees are to be congratulated on the tune of $60 to $120 per course!! Is totally non-violent struggle for justice. were forced to turn to other means to tional and interns can be used ing the Olin situation more bear¬ establishing a fair and equitable system To be is continue their non-violent struggle for it the University's policy to discourage a man to suffer for others. for determining tuition fees based on the to staff the center, would it able until the medical school education"1 God help us to be men' justice. They then asked the consumers single credit as the Unit of Measure. of America to boycott California grapes. be relieve the personnel prob¬ Cesar Chavez is not a prophet on a not practical to consider can My parents have always placed education This is especially welcomed by part mountain or a theology lems. above all else: have cheered the ambitious time students, such as myself, who have major rapping They asked stores not to sell them be¬ charging students a flat tax. student with a neavy credit load; why out philosophi-al truths - he is a mi¬ cause they realized that only when grapes This had to stretch the educational dollar as say of $1 or even $2 per term, year. Olin costs should these students be penalized"''' grant farm worker, a descendent of a remain unsold will the farm workers de¬ far as possible to achieve our goals. for health care facilities? amounted to $1.5 million. An Now a student in vet school, my course Donald J. Willis family of migrants. mand for justice be met. His deep feelings about the suffering Some Lansing area stores have agreed Considering the inexpensive additional $120,000, added to loads are predetermined at an average Lansing graduate student of farmworkers and his conviction that to support the Grape Boycott by remov¬ the state appropriation to Olin. of 20 per term We are required to go medical care that students re¬ farmworkers have to protect themselves ing all table grapes from their shelves. summers as well I am an out-of-state The State News welcomes all ceive from Olin. it is doubt¬ could be a tremendous benefit. and improve their conditions led him to Even MSU does not buy grapes. Yet student; that means that I have a raise letters. They should be typed organized National Farm Workers Assn. ful that many would object to It might even be considered of $170 per term $680 per year I and signed with the home town, Kroger continues to sell grapes. and in 1965 initiate the boycott of Cali¬ However, if enough people refuse to feasable to charge part time am lucky with my parents; some of my student, faculty or staff stand¬ paying a flat rate tax for the classmates will have to drop out fornia grapes. patronize Krogers perhaps the store's service, thus enabling the cen¬ students (those carrying less ing. and local phone number in¬ The current boycott of Kroger stores sense of justice (or at least their loss of Also this policy change was announced cluded. No unsigned letter will ter to operate with a larger than seven credits» the tax. so late that deposits and registrations in the Lansing area is an extension of profit) will cause them to forfait selling be accepted for publication, and that initial strike. Kroger being the only grapes. physician staff and to operate enabling them to use the Olin have been made and changes will require no letter will be printed without trouble and forfeit for those now unable major food chain in this area that con¬ Will militant non-violence succeed in more efficiently. facilities. Certainly their med¬ a signature except in extreme tinues to sell California grapes. to comply with the new tuition plan circumstances. All letters must bringing a measure of justice to the ical costs amount to more than Is it the new University policy to The strike began when the migrant "factories in the fields?" be less than 300 words long for grape pickers in California formed a The answer depends very much on con¬ Most .students would rather $1 per term. discourage a student's thirst for know¬ publication without editing. union in an attempt to gain decent wages sumers boycotting stores, sifch as Krogers, The only fear we have is that ledge0 Do our benevolent trustees want pay an additional $1 per term to and working conditions. In some areas that sell California grapes. severely handicap the student re¬ than wait in line for four hours the additional money would be quired to carry heavy credit loads or the every time they need some assimilated into the Olin fund students pursuing interests outside their cough medicine. Olin service without affecting the efficiency primary field of study'' Should students take the bare minimum has not exactly been speedy or, or quality of service. It would ot course so they can squeak by with extensive in most instances. If be of little help if a student the exact number of credits necessary even one visit per term is com¬ paid the tax and still had to to graduate0 Keep up the good work. Trustees, we bow to your commands and mon among students, most wait four hours for cough med¬ some of us cannot get up might think more of a $1.00 icine. Saudra Fubini tax than wasting four hours --The Editors New Canaan. Con. graduate student Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 28, 1969 NEWS Dusted moon rock looks igneous summary moon dust, scientists got a pret- being examined Igneous means a rock hard- ened from a molten mass. It small strips on the rock, that from gamma rays ing from reactions to it may be releas- termine whether the moon har- bors microbes that could be One by being placed one. the rocks in small cans, rav bombardment. This could dangerous to life on earth sealed under vacuum, for later ty good first hand look Sunday might have been born in a it had been peppered by micro- A capsule summary of the day's events from at a rock brought back from the i age and per- Some material was placed in analysis volcano or hardened below the meteorites, the scientist said. our wire services. moon haps tell something about the small container to expose it surface and ripped up by a Now, he added, scientists are rock's composition Dr. King "It to be fine meteorite to elements in the earth's A second box with a heavier appears impact. excited because they can begin said. grain igneous rock, with mdi- Dust covering this rock, as atmosphere, before the rocks weight of rocks may be opened to see and describe these first It 2 3 4 incles long, vidual mineral grains visible was are taken out of the vacuum in a day or two. well as all the others, slipped bi'ts of matter from another about 1 3 4 inches wide and a its surface." said Dr El- off rather easily when it was i "/ /lis m lion (the refusal planet. little less than an inch thick bert King, curator of the lifted on an elevator inside the ~ The rock will be In rrneu the llhll placed i The moon rocks arrived bad¬ waul boratory where the specimens Beer vaccuum chamber, exposing it radiation counter to bevy measure 1 Hiirrmlni ly in need of a bath. \ In "iinlcil rial Lansing, Michigan. said three places Austria. Chile. Finland. Collins, who teaches Victor¬ Editorial and business offices at M7 Student Services ian and modern literature at dug up vertically, and the pan¬ State University, East Building, Michigai • • • end ( the hit France. Ireland and Sweden Lansing. Michigan. el that captured solar wind No Egyptian losses In his statement. Thant said the University of Leicester. Eng- A British soldier w ho had set out from New¬ particles were being Phones: ported. that if the fighting along the land. IS one of the leading writ- Editorial to the biologieal-preparation foundland in a 20-foot boat landed in Ireland Previous Egvptian - strikes nal continued he "" Classified Advertisii* 355-8252 i light be Ihf works His and lite ot |aboratorv s„me tube ma,er. Display Advertising sss-iess Sunday, the second man to row the Atlantic apparent retaliations to the unarmed Charles Dickens studies ial will be pulverized for ex¬ Business-Circulation Israeli air strikes across the observers from the for have included such books as 3S5-K47 alone. area posure to germ-free mice, one Photographic canal, but Sunday's raid was their "Dickens and Crime and Dic¬ J55-83J1 own safety of experiments de¬ A spokesman said Tom McClean. 26. an the first successful one ini¬ Since then the action has kens and Education. many to army survival expert, had completed the tiated bv the Egyptians and intensified, with the introduc¬ His talk on The Victorians raised the ante in the steadily tion of trikes 2.000-mile voyage from St John s to Black- by both and Tears" will concern the phe¬ escalating Middle East conflict nomenon of weeping during the sod Bay on ireland's west coast in 72 davs. The most another notch. Both sides have made ading of novels in the Vic¬ widely demanded the fastest rowboat crossing of the ocean on There was no immediate ex¬ flic-ting claims on recent torian period and the point record. planation why Israeli jets failed The Egyptians claimed series of its kind... which such action went out of the intruders they downed 32 Israeli jets dur- as they did two Egvptian ing the last week. The Israelis Collins has written and lec- MONARCH in raids last week claimed they shot down 12 tured extensively on social, po- National News Cairo Radio quoted Egvptian Egyptian warplanes and pro- litical and psvchological char- military spokesmen as saying duced aerial photographs and a acteristics of Victorian England. irplanes be- captured Egyptian pilot to prove and is the English editor of the Shouts of support and applause greeted Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Sunday as he left St. gan last week, the widely believed it. Each side denied the other's claims. American journal Studies.' Victo LITERATURE NOTES Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church in Monarch Literature Notes offer the largest selection of notes Hvannis. Mass.. after attending the 10 a.m. Mass with his family and an old friend. No. 1 For Fall and study guides available today—more than 325 titles that cover all aspects of the world's great literature. ' Don't give up. senator someone in the crowd of several hundred onlookers shouted Each MONARCH "We're with you Ted.-' another called out Following Kennedy's appeal to the voters LITERATURE NOTE contains: of Massachusetts Friday night to tell him if they wanted him to remain in office, thousands of telegrams have poured into Western Union offices in Boston. Hvannis Port and Washing¬ ton \ Kennedy spokesman said a preliminary a step-by-step critical summary and analysis of the struc¬ ture of each major work check shows they are running overwhelmingly in favor of Kennedy's continuing in office. :fc perceptive character analyses \n aide described Kennedy as "gratified" review questions with detailed and specific answers by the response jf: annotated bibliographies • • • % suggested topics for research and critical papers (great In Houston, the Apollo astronauts have started for term paper ideas) their extensive de-briefing from behind pro¬ tective glass walls in the quarantined quarters only *100 each in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. • • • Western governors voiced support Sunday for President Nixon's efforts to end the Vietnam war and expressed deep concern about infla¬ tion as they prepared to meet with some of the President's top aides. Thirteen states. 10 of them under Republi¬ can governors, were represented at the annual meeting of the Western Governors Conference opening in Seattle today. • • • It was Tatzumbie Dupea's 112th birthday Sunday by her count. Her 120th by official records. full-blooded Piute Indian celebrated c BS The the event in the Good Hope Convalescent Center in Los Angeles and she got greetings ftiti from President Nixon and a medallion from California Lt. Lov. Ed Reineke. Mrs. Dupea was born in 1849 in Lone Pine. ^^^tudent ook tore California. Her weathered face was seen in 421 E. Grand River in frandor shopping center many in old cowboy and Indian movies. if 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 28, 1969 K*r^. w 'Genie' delights younger set - — Saturday afternoon mv mom nie will be at the threatre think the kids older than 3 Excuse I think took me to see "Winifred the 75 until Aug 3. You could enjoy 4 would probably get with or more I have me now to have my diaper Wonderful Genie" at the Oke- it if you're my age. but I mos Barn Theatre. I'm a little PANORAMA: of the action. changed young for theatre-almost one- and-a-half-but the Community i Circle There Players entertained were lots of colors and me mZ Crisis Center v f " I especially enjoyed all of the changes in lighting. I love when it gets dark. A couple of times I got excited and yelled 'dark and laughed when they dimmed give round-the-clock men who can be called when sor of psychology: Lee Croman. the lights I guess I interrupted ByGUYCONKLE a problem arises. a social worker connected with the mood of the play a little The Crisis Center, organi¬ if, an The volunteers in the center St. Lawrence Hospital: Louis Most of the time there was zation designed to help people undergo 30 hours of training to Hekhuis, director of student ac¬ Anyway. Dave Seznig did a singing and dancing-the danc¬ with problems, is now operat¬ develop the ability to listen to tivities and vice president of good job supervising lighting, ing could have been more ex- ing in East Lansing. people. student affairs, who will serve although I would have enjoyed citing-and enough movement The center handles problems as chairman of the board of more brightly colored lights to keep us interested. Dozier Thorton. asst. professor ranging from " Where can I get directors and June Jacobson. During the first part of the The play lasted an hour That of psychology, is in charge of a lawyer" to " Where is the East Lansing resident, who will play I squirmed a lot. The ex- was just perfect. We all sat nearest all-night plumber'" to training. be in charge of the Centpr position-mom taught me that still and nobody left or jumped more serious please such as "I Others who are helping with word!--was a little dull, even around much. I don't think we am a heroin addict Where do the training, or with the pro¬ for the bigger kids, and I just could have sat still much lon¬ I go for help0" gram itself are: Arthur Seagull, didn't understand enough But ger. though asst. professor of psychology; then they all started dancing, Everybody's favorite was the Seventy volunteers work for the center, which is open 24 hours Hiram Fitzgerald, asst. profes¬ and John Stimson's lovely cos¬ .chase scene. Winifred and Hajj. the good guy played by Dave a day. seven davs a week. tume designs made me watch ENDS TUESDAY carefully every time a new Holmes, were chased by the Most of these volunteers are © SPARTAN 3100 L SAGINAW INVADERS FROM SPACE "A re you l actor walked onstage. And the Wazir's henchmen. They kept students and faculty who feel that in the past there have been TWIN EAST 3314)030 'THE GREEN SLIME" actors came so close! The running onstage from different theater is small and in the entrances. It was wild You too few specific places where a 1 student could go for help. ENDS ALSO )avid Restivo, junior re> ■fwer, discusses drama with a friend. After all, he's round, and the actors were never knew who would come fror when Lawrence O'Kellv. chairman HANK WILLIAMS JR. ] good listener and if you < n't talk to your friends, who can you talk to? near us. all the time. State News Photo by Jerry McAllister What was really exciting was of the Dept. of Psychology, TOMORROW! IN bes thai that we could go onto the stage said the department does not "A TIME TO SING" weren't approached as though after the play was over. I looked have the facilities to help stu¬ we were little elves It's aw¬ into the well and I peeked back¬ dents Any help given is usu¬ ful when grownups talk baby- stage. And I got to see all of ally for the families of stu¬ Clearwater Reviva talk to little kids. Ken Peck's dialogue and direction empha¬ sized our sophistication. Bruce Reizen. who played the places where the actors had been-1 liked the painted scen- erv I might paint scenery when I'm a little older, but now I dents or periments. people taking part in clinical psychology In many cases, course ex¬ students with ENDS TUESDAY the Wicked Wazir. scared my mostly paint and draw on paper- specific problems are sent to PAUL NEWMAN unmurks stage rock friend Jay. Jay said he wanted and on the walls when mom and the Counseling Center, but find JOANNE WOODWARD to go home every time the dad aren t looking that there is no one who can IN Wazir came on stage. But I When we .went outside the really help them. The Counsel¬ "WINNING" loved him' His costume was arena, the actors were all lined ing Center is equipped to han¬ ALSO By DAVID BASSETT and Chuck Berry experience to watch a group shiny and I liked his feathered up liting They State News Staff Writer As Creedence finally appeared, capture an audience with per¬ hat and I could tell he talked to us. and one of the dle personal and psychological JOHN WAYNE problems, but is not set up to With the advent of hush the audience fection. onlv kidding about being henchmen let me touch his "HELL FIGHTERS" com¬ a overcame professionalism and was answer everyday problems which plicated recording studio tech¬ And then someone shouted and masculinity. mean. So could most of the spear. I liked touching some a student might face. O'Kellev niques. increased diversification I'nadorned with sartorial frills other kids of the costumes, and flirting everyone clapped and clapped of activities. don't-give-a- and clapped Dottie Holmes the with the actresses. I knew the And then John or superficial histrionics, these was won¬ The Crisis Center aids people damn attitudes and problems four men played songs of hard derful genie. Winifred. She's Wazir was nice-he smiled gave his guitar a smack and with their problems or acts as an with immigration authorities, at me when I went by closed his eyes and rocked times and individualism of supposed to be almost too old information source to tell them TECHNICOLOR" A PARAMOUNT PlCTURI few rock roll groups of back the heels of his to be a genie I liked her. but The actors all thanked us for n on cow¬ misery and the search for where to obtain help. superstar stature give concerts boy boots, and "Born on the a better life. a lot of the things she said coming. Presently the center is com¬ General Audience, Q Beatles and Stones records still It necessity that they beyond I think some There were children's things Bayou exploded from their was a were me piling an information list of sell in the millions, but the amps and drums. close with the song which the of her lines were written more ivher Then doctors, lawyers, social work¬ concert trail is littered with The audience at Olympia was audience had been demanding for for parents than for kids. exhibit done by childre and " nothing groups 99 per cent white, yet everyone 45 minutes. Keep on Choog- Sometimes, when there was ers. psychiatrists and bonds¬ © SPARTAN And Creedence then John Fogerty and Clearwater Revival suddenly realized what suf¬ lin" was a brilliant finale to lots of talking, the parents all TWIN WEST fering and degradation are when a flawless performance. Hands laughed and the kids just looked strode onstage at Olympia Sta¬ John tore the michrophone's were clapped, chairs shook and around at each other Winifred the Wonderful Ge dium in Detroit Saturday night eardrums with Oh Lord. Talkin' people left their seats to dance. and after one song 1 realized there was still one great group bout Lodi After seeing a garbage can- By the time John started his electric-harp solo, the aisles ICE SHOW NOW! FEATURE 20th Century-Fox presents our TALENT ON ICE 1:20-3:25-5:30-7:35-9:40 performing live full of groups prancing around were jammed and the area be¬ Their music is bluesy, but "A VERY FUNNY, OMAR SHARIF it's not blues They sing play from the gut. yet have and stages in paisley bell-bottoms and crepe blouses open to the navel with pretty medallions and tween stage mass the front row was a swaying, happy of and satisfied humanity. the Tuesday, July 29 WORLD CHAMPION 8:00 P.M. IMMENSELY APPEALING MOVIE. JACK PALANCE hot dogs never employed "soul'' to des¬ earrings, kneeling in front of SKATERS cribe their style. They perform rhythm-and-blues numbers by their amps begging for feedback, using fuzz-tones and wah-wahs Tickets Available Arena Box Office are Dale and Screamin Jay Haw¬ and echorecs. it was a singular Rinkside Seats $1.00 kins. but they don't prostitute Balcony Seats .75^ the genius of these blacks. For those who find it neces¬ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY PCE ARENA this long. sary to categorize. Creedence Clearwater Revival is simply the PUBLIC SKATING epitome of rock n roll-like Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis and Bo Did- Thursday through Saturday Evenings 8:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. Persons under 18 not ad¬ How long dley and Bill Hale, with slight¬ Saturday and Sunday Afternoons mitted unless accompanied 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. by parent or adult guardian ly more than an intimation of B B. King and Muddy Waters For Information call 355-2380 Next: Poitier THE LOST MAN is RIDES!!! SHOWS!!! GAMES!!! PRIZES!!! FUN!!! f < - wwrfflTaiB' -■ YOUR FAIR WEEK shorten it. Try a tan- gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All #^ k>k^ ® ** * ^ *v 4 nrro delivered instantly at no extra cost. INGHAM COUNTY FAIR MASON ALSO! Hamburgers July 28th through August 2nd Cheeseburgers Submarines "Fun for Everyone99 French Fries & MONDAY, JULY 28 THURSDAY, JULY 31 2:00 p.m. Harness Racing 2:00 p.m. Pony 8:00 p.m. Walt Pull—Light and Heavyweight State Championship "King" Kovaz Auto Daredevils Auto¬ 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. Jr. Stock Sale, at Scales Parade of 4-H Floats PIZZA mobile Stunt Show 7:45 p.m. Parade, Open Class Livestock, Machinery, TUESDAY,JULY 29 4-H Livestock, 4-H Floats, 4-H Horse Show and CALL 332-6517 1:00 p.m. Children's day—Contests prizes. Reduced Talent Acts, "fig Scramble — Greased" FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 prices on rides until 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. "All-American Spectacular" featuring theChieftones singing group 9:00 a.m. Calf Drawing at Scales 2:00 p.m. Harness Racing VARSITY the world famous 8:00 p.m. Dan Fleenor Auto Thrill Show "Zogaves" at Jackson, Michigan WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 2:00 p.m. Harness Racing—Colt 1:00 p.m. Horse Pulling—Heavy and Lightweight Stakes 8:00 p.m. Auto Demolition Derby, 4-H and Open Class 8:00 p.m. Tractor Pull Exhibits Special Attraction Daily--Afternoon and Evening THE ANGELOS AERIAL ACT W. G. Wade Midway Monday Noon thru Saturday night Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 28, 1969 5 Available for fall leasing Twyckingham Apartments aro now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit har. a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycking¬ ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. 8. Moslem ruler 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 .0 " 9 Place 12 % 13 10. Compass point 11 Magenta m 17. Dormouse N>®U)priung{)am 15 % 19 Goul3sh %% 16 17 4 »8 YA % 20. Apple, pear 22. Lowest poin ^ I ^ 4620 4620 S. Hagado S. Haaadorn Your Best Buy in 19 27 20 d 21 28 22 29 23 'm 2* 3o 25 26 24. Slur 25. WicKecl 26 Stove for heating liquids 4-man apartment 31 32 33 29 Suits FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL, LEASES i T W / C 35. Cars for hiri 37 5 ' TW/ckihgM Party lounge 35 y//. 36 41. Judge's bench Management Exclusively By: Luxury Furnishii APTS. • 9—month lease at wmmmmmmw 42. Wolframite / ALCO Management Company Large apartments no extra charge 43. Potential metal 44. Textile screw-pine Now l.R. Culver Co. J.R. Culver Co. 45. Fr. article "r-"OF! • Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 MtfAnnSt. 351-8862 217 Ann St. 351-8862 47. Half score Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, July 28, 1969 SPORTS Spartan hurler Tigers lose to KC, 7-2; How they stand in summer c American National Two for their Michigan State hurlers turned in sharp performances summer ball team over the weekend. McLain threatens to quit EASTERN DIVISION 31 692 EASTERN DIVISION Kirk Maas. nephew of former major league hurler Duke Maas. came up with 6 3 3 innings of relief pitching Saturday in helping preserve a 3-2 win for his team Big Bill s. win over Adrav Appliance clinched the regular season champion¬ The Chicago DETROIT ITI I- Buck Mar¬ Jime Rooker New York ship for Big Bill's and marked their 20th victory in 22 games. ond homer of the year and first went through shortstop Mickey picked up his St. Louis 52 49 Maas. who will be a junior at MSU this year, gave up two tinez three-run .515 10 homer, his of three hits in the game The Stanley's legs. Foy then stole second victory in nine de¬ Washington 52 53 496 19 Pittsburgh hits and struck out nine in registering his fifth straight first of three hits, and Jackie homer was a curving drive to third and scored on Bob Tav- cisions by pitching five-hit ball Philadelphia Hernandez' three hits Sundav the first seven innings. Mon eal victory The I'tica native has yet to give up an earned run. carried the Kansas City Royals right which sent Fat Dobson lor's sacrifice fly over Big Bill's now advances to the playoffs, where, if victorious, down to his eigth loss against Don Wert's seventh homer in to a 7-2 victory oyer the De¬ will qualify for the Ail-American Amateur Baseball Asso¬ four wins Hernandez singled in the fourth the fifth inning was the only ciation title in Johnstown. Pa. troit Tigers. to Ron Rios from Detroit WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION score sec- run although Moe Drab- Another Spartan hurler. Rick .Joe Keough singled to lead Hernandez. who also stole two ond He then stole second and Kreuger. also had an outstanding owsky came on in the eighth off the game and was forced bases, singled and stole second continued home when his speed and retired the side after Atlanta game in the opening round of the National Baseball Congress giving 56 40 . 583 Los Angeles 55 43 561 1 state tournament in Grand Rapids Friday. by Hernandez, before Joe Foy leading off the third and rode forced two Detroit errors on up a run when he wild pitched 55 45 .550 2 walked to set up Martinez's sec¬ home when Foy s easy grounder the play home Tom Matchick Kreuger hurled a six-hit shutout as his Grand Rapids Sullivans with,the Houston 50 43 538 3'z club beat Grand Rapids Hines Appliance. 2-0 Kreuger. senior bases filled. 51 49 510 6 34 68 333 24 southpaw, was out most of the year with an injury for coach Franulovic who Tiger hurler Denny McLain. seems to be in the news Sunday's results Kansas City 7. DETROIT 2 Sunday's results Cincinnati 6 New York 3 Danny Litwhiler's nine T.he win pushed the Sullivan's record to 31-2 on the year. They have won the International Baseball Tournament in Europe more and more each day and Minnesota 8, Cleveland 7 Pittsburgh 4 San Diego 1 and the United Baseball League title. The Sullivans are shooting Okaland 7. Washington 2 Los Angeles 6 Chicago 2 not just on baseball, announced California 5, New York 4 for their ninth N'BC title in the last 13 years. St. Louis 8 San Francisco 2 in Cloy Saturday that he will quit base¬ The winner of the 29th Annual Michigan NBC will Cour Baltimore 6, Chicago 2 Houston 3 Philadelphia 2 (11 it earn $1,000 ball if his wife loses the child Boston 9. Seattle 3 Atlanta 8 Montreal 2 and a trip to the Nationals in Wichita Nine teams are entered she is expecting. in the double elimination tournament which is spaced out over McLain . who raised his rec¬ three weekends. INDIANAPOLIS. INI) ITI ulovic took a 5-3 lead and broke Ashe's service - -Zeljko Fran- ord to a league leading 15-5 Today's games for the win San Francisco at Chicago ulour. a 22-year-old Yugoslavian and the num¬ mark Friday night with a 3-0 San Diego at St Louis, night 25.98 ber one seed among the foreign players, stopped Ashe, trying vainly to come back, won the whitewash of the Royals, said AM FM I nch' Sam's ace. Arthur Ashe, in straight first three games in the third set. but Fran¬ his wife has lost two previous Cigarettes sets Sunday to win the Men's Singles Crown ulovic regained control of his game. He broke service in the fourth game and finally tied children in pregnancy because Transistor Radio of the ament here National Clav Courts Tennis Tourn¬ Franulovic defeated the top \merican seed it at 4-4 eighth game to He broke Ashe's service in the gain the deadlock He then of the strain watching him play. and tension of Schedule 3/79c ACDC°r 1588 "She's lost two kids over CurrCnt held service and won the final game, COUPON COUPON from Richmond. Y;i 8-H 6-3. ti-4. for his breaking* baseball already. . Ashe's service for McLain said lourth tourney triumph this year and a top a loVe victory. Limit 1 Limit 1 She's pregnant now and if MONDAY. JULY 28 TUESDAY.JULY 29 The Yugoslavian said Ashe played better Expires After 8-2-69 Expires After 8-2-69 she loses another one I'll quit."' than in their first meeting He said he thinks Field 5 30pm Field 5:30 p.m East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only McLain is mariied to the 5 Ahse is improving on clay. Snyder D A - Wilson < S i 5 Engineering - Bruce s Boys (Si Franulovic said former Sharvn Boudreau. daugh¬ 6 Betas P P P P (Si 6 Omicron 3 - Fakowees (Si i si.iiiio. defeating I.ind.i Tu of Metai both he and Ashe missed some easy shots. > ter of Lou Boudreau. former 7 Easy X - Pathology i S) 7 Our Team - Generalizations i S i 1.75 in the title match. 6-2. 6-2. Franulovic said he played well, but had 8 Bombers Master Batters 8 Bad Grads - Wivern iS» 10% OFF shortstop and manager of the ranuloyic. who lost last Cincinnati to Cliff wee Richev. n the West a better match Cliff Richev in the quarter finals against Cleveland Indians. Lains have three children, two The Mc- 9 Syndicate - Toads 10 Nihilist - Communicators 9 Chicata Flyers - Bad-Bo-Jabber 10 Paperbacks George's Gems THE DISCOUNT English Leather A11-Purpose Lotion of them adopted Field 6 45pm PRICE ON ALL burg. F11 1" . I! was t tond time in as many matches Each time we lost a child 5 AHA - Kit's Korps i S > 5 Baumadiers - Boors (S) FILM DEVELOPING 6 Lushwell A C - Marigold Rebels (S> 6 Gamma House - Agr Econ (S > has defeated Ashe He also we adopted one. McLain said COUPON COUPON 7 Clark's Crusaders - Tony s Boys (S) 7 Ancient Mariners-Ossicles took him le title match of the Masters Mrs He added that his wife hates 8 Typhoon - Wrecking Crew (S > 8 Soilers - State Police Limit 1 Limit 1 to be 9 Peace. Inc. - Warren's Warriors 9 Young Rebels - Vet Med me plaving baseball, but 10 Fabulous Pigs - Birchcrest Bombers Expires After 8-2-69 Expires After 8-2-69 I service breaks the first in the Western last week Miss Tuero. the 10 Ed. Psych. - Photozoans in she loves the game." East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 6-6 with Ashe serving Fran- 1968 clay courts runnerup to Nancy Richev. lis second service break for a was the second seed among American women. 1.09 1.25 I service tor the set victory Clark (iraebner of New York, the 1968 Your Host From Coast To Coast first game of the second set champion, the match for third place Right Guard Subdue • won over ice and never caught up Fran¬ Charles Pasarell of Puerto Rico. 6-2. 6-3. The Nation's Innkeeper Deordorant Dandruff Shampoo <0, 59c 69c Nixon in Two Locations In Lansing Area COUPON Limit 1 COUPON Limit 1 'continued Irom page one ) \tter touring 3121 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. a building where mayoran Airport in one of the Ph. 489-2481 Expires After 8-2-69 Expires After 8-2-69 ['re-i ien! and Mrs Nixon and exhibits explained Indonesia's tightest security elampdowns East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only suharto md his wife stopped off five-year-economic plan. Nixon seen in Jakarta 6051 S. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. it the fair before going to Mer- wrote in the guest book, Good Ph. 393-1650 lek i Freedom Palace luck with the five-year plan We Local newspapers had report¬ 1.75 9.95 hope you can do it in toyr ed receiving anonymous letters \ beaming Nixon waved to the crowd, shook hands, signed Later, in the palace, the Nix- threatening to assassinate Nix¬ SPECIAL SPECIAL Breck KODAK :m( tures of himself and ex- ons were taken to a fifth-floor on but Indonesian security offi¬ cials SUNDAY MONDAY Creme Rinse Instamatic Camera iiangei1 yells ot Long Lite in suite that Mrs Nixon said was who investigated said Indonesian Dusky maidens furnished with carved teak there danger J 09 was no roin West .la . i danced around wood and supplied with won- Police reported no disturb¬ CHICKEN $725 SPAGHETTI $150 16 oz. 7" hin atul scattered white orchid derful fruits by her host ances during Nixon's arrival DINNER f. . DINNER ■ . COUPON Limit 1 COUPON Limit 1 Is in hi> path Security men About 1.000 Indonesians and and his 14-mile drive into the Am t the , Children $1.25 All you can eat Expires After 8-2-69 Expires After 8-2-69 city with Mrs Nixon. Suharto East Lansing Store Only keep •rushii of the idlest crowds t< East Lansing Store Only and his wife. greet visiting head of state in ears The spectators 41/ lined to were outnumbered bv a 600-man crowd, honor guard of armv. navy, air Tide Laundry Kleenex Do You Like A Place e glad I'm force men and marines and sev- 200 2 ad I hundred troops backed hy With Atmosphere ? Detergent ply. nored cars surrounding Ke- »Good Food • Soft lights • Good Music 32c 23c COUPON COUPON Limit 1 Limit 1 Monday night - Two for one I Expires After 8-2-69 Expires After 8-2-69 SIDEWALK SALE LEFTOVERS ' TOWN^ SPORT COATS NOW $20.00 (after 6:00 P.M.) locktail Hour—Everyday 4:30-6:30 §portl)atis East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 2.00 1.75 Free And with each Sport coat — one jogging shirt. you have to take one or the deal is off - 'Landing Tampax Glen Raven I'm sick - sick - sick of seeing them here. 40's Panty Hose DRE5S SHIRTS 1/2 PRICE Summer Ski 1" 1" COUPON COUPON Buy three and shirt. you Supply of jogging shirts not too limited hurry in anyway. also have to take a jogging - But PUMP 307 S.GRAND IV 9-6614 Clearance Sale - 3 Days Only Limit 1 Expires After 8-2-69 East Lansing Store Only Limit 3 Expires After 8-2-69 East Lansing Store Only DOWNTOWN LANSING Open 10 a.m.-2 < 49* Jergen's Soap Doxed Envelopes C omplexion Size Head Sailer 100 nQc CARDS 6C count LI COUPON COUPON Limit 3 Fischer Lang Expires After 8-2-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 8-2-69 East Lansing Store Only 1.89 50C OFF Humanic Perfect Fit P.K. THE DISCOUNT PRICE ON ALL Panty Hose YOU'RE ALL WET? LP RECORDS COUPON I33 COUPON Yamaha Ricker DON'T WORRY Limit 1 'Limit 6 Expires after 8-2-69 Expires After 8-2-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Savings 1/3 to 1/2 GET A FALL FOR EVERY Also IMPORTERS OCCASION Mon Demo Skis & Used Boots 10-9 Tues 10-9 Wed 10-5:30 Sporthaus STATE D ISC0UNT "When you think of Cards" 2320 East Michigan, Lansing mm M@iiK)©(y)3§ 1520 Wealthy St., Grand Rapids We Cash MSU Payroll Checks 1820 E.Mich. For Information Call 372-2332 { CARD SHOP Across from Home Ec. Bldg. Member Ski Specialists Guild hft^i j I.D. Resquired 307 East C;rand River • 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6733