Tuesday Any dangerous . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . spot is tenable if men Cooler . . . -brave men-will make it -John F. so. Kennedy STATE ■ . . and clearing, high around 75. Clear and cool UNIVERSITY in the upper 50's. tonight, low Wednesday, sunny and warmer. Vol. 62 Number 29 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 29,1969 Police reveal cloak of secrecy shrouding Ann Arbor slayings tery ANN ARBOR. surrounding -The the sex slayings of mys.- a freshman versity (EMU). at Eastern Michigan Uni¬ Rumors spread that the chrome-covered motorcycle on which she was seen leaving had the bike At least three dozen or were near an arrest. suspects have been Karen Sue Beineman. 18, Grand Rap¬ a wig shop with a curlv-haired young questioned, police said, but all were seven young women in this twin univer¬ ids. who had enrolled at EMU just a man had been found abandoned, and that released. sity area deepened Monday with police month before, had been strangled and "We can always pick them up again its driver had been traced. throwing a veil of secrecy around inves¬ beaten later." one detective said. so savagely on the head she could But police. releasing information tigations be identified Officials refused to say if any of Officials admitted they released false only by fingerprints. only through EMU officials, denied they Miss Beineman's clothes had been found information in an eighth and apparently near her body: whether she was wearing unrelated killing last month, in which a her new medium-length wiglet atop her suspect has been charged, and again short-cropped brown hail: whether any Humphrey they are divulging information in a pat¬ items of her apparel were missing: or tern they hope will lure the killer to whether any tracks had been found on them. the dirt road from which her body was "There is an awful lot of stuff we just aren't'letting out and stuff that may Here we are. trying to catch a entering Sen not be quite straight." one investigating killer, and you guys are trying to sell officer said. We've got to beat this guy at his own game newspapers." snapped one high-ranking officer to newsmen pressing for details. The latest victim-seventh in a string WASHINGTON r in neighboring Ypsilanti. where she was not to seek reelection. Humphrey said presidency in 1972. She is to be buried Wednesday near his own decision on running will be Humphrey said he is certain that Mc¬ her home. Services have been set for made at an appropriate time and I Carthy will continue to be a spokesman 1:30 p.m. at the Second Congregational shall share my thoughts at that time Bond for the causes of peace and social jus¬ imbalance Church, with young men from her 1969 challenges with the people of Minnesota and the members of my party." Humphrey linked this announcement with an appeal to Sen. Edward M. Ken¬ nedy. D-Mass . not to resign from the tice." He added continue to have his that the Although he declined to elaborate on either statement. senator friendship and good Humphrey sketched to will graduating class acting as pall bearers Her casket the body, returned home in a sealed Monday, will lie in state until funeral at the Reyers Funeral Home Her father. Roland Beineman. still was U.S. of Senate "where he has served so ably." in reporters an active schedule which will syspriorities in Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids Kennedy had been regarded as the involve him in fund-raising and other Monday suffering from shock foremost prospect for his party's 1972 party efforts this year and next. These Mrs. Marjorie Beineman. though grief- presidential nomination until a recent include his chairmanship of a Democrat¬ stricken. said of her daughter's death. where man should find the solution to tragic accident in which Mary Jo Ko- ic Policy Council he said will concern God must have sent her there to find By BARBARA PARNESS said he sees no immediate end to student State News Staff Writer the problems of society." pechne. a secretary was drowned when itself primarily with long-range policy the killer of the other girls, that must activism on and off campus He said universities and the car the senator was driving over¬ matters be the answer Priorities in the United States are corporations Confusion and chaos will continue to have remained • aloof" from the prob¬ turned in a pond. In this connection, he tossed off some In an effort to protect the 540 women "upside down Julian Bond Georgia reign on tlfe campus as long as our prior¬ lems of society However, he added, the Humphrey said that he was saddened advice to Democrats impatient to begin housed in campus dormitories during the state representative told a conference ities are upset, as long as the moon is universities have produced a while in P'.urope to learn of the tragedy- slugging at President Nixon s administra- summer session. EMU officials Sunday of businessmen, students and Univer¬ ryew breed held over man. as Saigon is more im¬ of people hut thinks Kennedy should return to instituted a mandatory sign-out proce¬ sity administrators here Monday who will rise up against the i please turn to back page i This imbalance in portant than Selma. the black leader system that supports inequality. the Senate. dure priorities, he said of the (ieorgia challenge delegation at the Bond said the college campus has been "was demonstrated very well in the past 1968 Democratic Convention continued unable to meet the challenges of so¬ two weeks when we saw a country that can safely send two men to the moon Bond said the college campus is in ciety because the problems of the world but cannot send children the In Business "Campus Turmoil-Its Meaning for safejv to schools his brief talk to representatives to conference at Akers Hall. Bond danger of ter for If losing its role as the education. the college campus is the cen¬ ter for education, it should be the place cen¬ You pollution, But. can't major in controlling air he said. he added. American colleges and White Panther Sinclair universities must rise to meet the new sentenced for marijuana challenges' presented by today's society, UNDER INVESTIGATION if they are to recapture their lost author- Bond said one :'ol- lege students toe Student DETROIT (UPIi A shouting John Sin¬ wiff die " grant of the problems who sentenced him. "You The White Panthers ^is ai clair was sentenced today to 9 12- ead" He had to be restrained by police officers of young white militants by well bred. people like 10 years in Southern Michigan Prison for on duty in the courtroom sympathy with the aims »f the Black possession of marijuana Panthers, a militant black The White Panther leader yelled at Outside the court after sentencing. aid The White Panthers are I ased in Ann out-o recorders judge Robert J Colombo. Sinclair broke away and lunged at some may cameramen Officers seized him and pushed him into the detention room. Arbor. Sinclair s home Sinclair shouted so heatedlv that his words often were jumbled and unintel¬ B\ MARILYN PATTERSON ;ed to not having out-of- Sinclair charged it was a plot to State News Staff Writer state students have the same opportun¬ ligible get" youth leaders His attorney said \t the The administrative committee which ity for grants, loans and scholarships he would appeal the sentence. sentencing. Colombo pointed nut that resident students have." that Sinclair had been placed on pro¬ proposed the student aid grant program Stephen Nis- Sinclair. 31. continued shouting to news¬ will investigate the possibility of a simi¬ bet. R-Fremont. said But I bation twice before on the same charge, think men in the detention room. and each time had violated his pro¬ lar program for out-of-state students ac¬ they have that opportunity Maybe not on the same programs as resident students, They shut me up." he said "They bation cording to Acting President Adams don t want me on the streets. Nine and The student aid grant program, which but they do have the opportunity. We've been 1< with you iong a half years for two marijuana cigar¬ now applies only to resident students, enough." Colombo ettes Anybody can see that and I'm be no bail He ordered Sinclair re¬ provides grants to students who had been glad they did it manded to the county jail and from there eligible for fee reductions under the slid ing scale system Funding for the grants Nixon p Thev can put John Sinclair in the penitentiary and the White Panther Party to the prison at Jackson to begin the is to come from resident student fees will spread all over . " Upon the suggestion of Trustee War ren trustees Hull. asked D-Plymough. the board of the committee to make U.S. backi Crew releases data the investigation into possibilities of an out-of-state student aid program our They kids the out-of-state students' too. Huff, said When are vou for Thailan have a fee scale thai is an ability to- BANGKOK i AP i -President Nixon came pay system, why don't you have it for everybody'.'" Huff said he is worried about alumni to Thailand in with stand assurances a monsoon by this ally the in downpour Monday United States Vietnam against will on details of lunar flight who are loyal to MSI but have fol¬ SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP>- rock and dust threats from abroad or subversion within samples stolen from the lowed their work out of Michigan The Apollo 11 astronauts, healthy, relaxed • The rain drenched him and his official Their children want to come here and and talking into recorders, poured out more ' host. King Bhumibol. at Bangkok s air¬ Isolated with the Apollo 11 crew are' can qualify, but they can't afford it ti port during welcoming ceremonies, while details Monday of their flawless flight doctors, technical experts, stewards and a nancially " he noted Mrs Nixon and Queen Sirikit took shelter to the moon. cook, all of whom have low been exposed The undergraduate out-of-state student Neil A. Armstrong. Edwin E. Aldrin in a pavilion. directly or indirectly to the black, pow¬ should be welcome here just like the grad¬ Jr and Michael Collins reported Crowds of Thais greeting the President from dery moon dust uate. Huff said We act lik.- we wish were slimmer perhaps because of the their quarantine quarters that none of the Twelve persons were exposed to the he wouldn t darken our door three has experienced any ill effects dust when a film pack, accidentally dropped rain-than those who turned out for Presi¬ Huff suggested that funds for out-of- from their eight-day adventure on the moon's surface, was dent Lydon B Johnson in 1966. but over¬ opened inside state grants could come, in part, from They have required no medication since all the welcome was cordial and full of The appoint¬ BOY: The mother of a 15-year-old East 4402 FRI., 1 1-2, 4-10 ment. made upon the recom¬ utions to the environmental ion to suit Che. who pulls out to Lansing boy. brain damaged since birth, SAT. & SUN., 11-10 mendation of I-I president Dav¬ problems which threaten man. revolutionize South America. NEW OPPORTU NITIES: needs help in teaching her son all the id D Henry, is effective Sept 1 The meeting, held in Chicago, Suddenly Che is a blundering, HELP THE NORTHSIDE ACTION CEV sensory functions She has had special will last through Tuesday. TER GET CANNED: During a recent training and will teach the volunteer Take out orders & Reservations 351-5712 Earl D. Kellogg, asst. instruc¬ pompous fool. For no reason blaze at the center the complete tor in agriculture, has been ap¬ stock of nonperishable food stuffs pointed asst. professor of agri¬ for emergency distribution was destroyed cultural economics at the Uni¬ versity of Illinois. His appoint¬ ment is effective Oct. 1 WKAR to broadcast Volunteers the soup are off needed to scrape the ceiling and assist Spanish educators canned food © SPARTAN 3100 E. SAGINAW Mary A. Gardner, associate professor of journalism, has been series Mexicans for LANSING There and is an RELOCATION CENTER immediate need for guys girls to help paint and repair apart¬ view MSU structure promoted to the rank of TWIN EAST 351 0031 colonel in the U S Marine Corps. Variedades en Espanol. a ducer-director who is working ments being used in the relocation ef¬ fort Name your hours, we'll supply the B\ RICHARD PECKHAM itarian philosophy of educa¬ ENDS TUESDAY Miss Gardner, a reservist, said 26-week series of Saturday on the series, said the weekly transportaion Hammers and band aids Six distinguished Spanish ed¬ tion INVADERS FROM SPACE that the promotion is more morning programs for Mexican- programs "will assist in organ¬ are provided American educational needs izational efforts and serve to RELOCATION CENTER ucators recently terminated a responsibility, and a chance to Americans in lower Michigan, LANSING 'THE GREEN SLIME" Coeds are needed to conduct home fact-finding tour of MSU in light dictate a trend toward central¬ accomplish more for the Mar- will be broadcast by MSU radio support the action programs of of current plans for reorgani¬ ization: in Spain our needs dic¬ station WKAR starting Aug making and budgeting skill sessions ALSO anti-poverty organizations such for new mothers This is an invaluable zation in Spanish higher ed¬ tate a move toward decentral¬ 30 as the Cristo Rev Community experience for home economics majors HANK WILLIAMS JR. George H. Axinn, asst. dean ucation. ization. Dr. Bosch said. How¬ of International Programs, has The series will be pro¬ Center, the Office of Economic NORTHSIDE ACTION CENTER A IN At the Children's Club, five volunteers The visitors were sponsored ever we both aim at the same been elected president and ex¬ duced by members of the Lan¬ Opportunity and the Lansing "A TIME TO SING" are needed to work with Summerhill by the Ford Foundation and the goal ecutive director of the Midwest sing Mexican-American com¬ Human Relations Commission type of recreation program Saturday Spanish government. The Bosch Universities Consortium for In¬ munity. with assistance from The series will help inform 9-12:30 B. Community Organization Dr praised the Am¬ families of the part they can Assistants need leaders for self help spokesman for the group was erican community college sys¬ ternational Activities Axinn. WKAR and from Lansing's Cris- Dr \lberto Oriol Bosch, groups, problem* solution sessions and tem and appreciated innovations as of Sept 1. will succeed Roy- to Rev Community Center play in helping to identify and topic discussions Work 1-3 p.m. any professor of physiology. Faculty of individual instruction pro¬ den Dangerfield. who will re¬ Variedades en Espanol will overcome the problems of pover¬ afternoon C. Drop in and help out of Medicine at the Independent be comprised of music and in¬ grams. turn to full-time teaching ty. Meuche said. High School Completion for Droupouts. formational items of interest Teens anfl adults need tutoring in basic University of Barcelone. The American educational Provost John E. Cantlon; "Every year some 80.000 The problems of central¬ ENDS TUESDAY James T. Bonne, professor of to Mexican-Americans, and will migrant workers, mostly Mex¬ reading "and writing to get their diplo¬ system is sensitive to liberal ma D Research Project Assistants ized control of higher educa¬ educators and students and are PAUL NEWMAN be broadcast, in Spanish. Sat¬ ican-American. come to Mich¬ for the Senior Citizen Project are sought tion in my country requires more progressive than Euro¬ JOANNE WOODWARD urday mornings at 10:30 over And each IN COOL Mi WKAR-AM igan. workers stay to make year a some home to devise public information resources pertinent to crucial housing issues and structural re-evaluation and pean systems. Dr Bosch said in aid in community organization work, change. Dr. Bosch said. Dr. Bosch and his group "WINNING" Steve Meuche. a WKAR pro- Michigan. tenants rights or renters groups. The Three institutes of education¬ visited the Lyman Briggs and ALSO WED. . .LADIES DAY schedule is open F One Ladies Club al science are being planned Justin Morrill Colleges before 75f from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Assistant a multi-talented volunteer COMING SOON - JOHN WAYNE Features at 1:00-3:05-5:15- -is needed to share home, economics, at Spanish universities through meeting with Howard R. Nev¬ "HELL FIGHTERS" arts and crafts experiences with neigh¬ government support, he said. ille. and various deans and re¬ r7:25-9:40 p.m. ' borhood laides from 1-3 p.m on Wed¬ Tha institutions will pilot gen¬ WALT DISNEY HILARITY SHIFTS INTO HIGH GEAR search program directors The nesdays eral reforms in higher edu- CAMP HIGHFIELDS: Give a guy a tour was co-ordinated by the Cen¬ :EC^ICOIOR- A pahamount PCTL ter for International Programs. fwh chance! At an area youth home, volun¬ Decentralization is a long They also visited the Uni¬ PROGRAM INF. 485-648b awaited change among academ¬ versity of California. Colum¬ ics in Spain. Dr Bosch said. bia University and Oakland Uni¬ TECHNICOLOR* COOL Ml Historically European ed¬ versity in Rochester. The © SPARTAN 3100 L| SAGINAW! ucation was designed to pre¬ American visit will end with Tonight From 7:15 p.m. TWIN WEST 351O030i 2nd WEEK! Program Info 332-6944 3m\! pare the elite for responsib¬ ility.'" he continued. "We consultations in Washington with officials from the Dept. of THt COOL Mi lEOfcaar / putMsor/ > pukmxjni actus WED. IS LADIES' DAY are now moving toward an equal- Health. Education and Welfare 75tf-l:00 to 6:00 P.M. ENDS THURSDAY! OMAR SHARIF MA6US «»>: mnzzB NOW! FEATURE 'YOUR WHEELS' A KOHN-KINBERG mma* 1:20-3:25-5:30-7:35-9:40 "let Station Zebra" JACK PALANCE AT 7:30 AND 9; 15 PRODUCTION cou>« i» dciuie "A NEW YORK at Shown at 7:25 and 9:35 VERSION OF "THE Super Panavision®and Metrocotor [g] GRADUATE"!"—Judith Crist LIVES MOOTER!* the m* movi* bom 20th Ctntury-fox. POP 1 p.m. TUESDAY, JULY 29 Children's Day - contests, prizes. Reduced TONIGHT 7 & 9 p.rr DAILY "AESTHETICALLY AND AURALLY prices on rides until 5:00 p.m. Boris Karloff, STUNNING. PROVIDES MOMENTS 8 p.m. "All*American Spectacular" featuring FROM Vincent Price, and Peter Lorre OF UNFORGETTABLE BRILLIANCE." the world famous "ZOUAVES" of Jackson, Mich. in Edgar Allen Poe's $6.00 plus 60 mile $15.00 plus 7C mile (JT^LV'AN ELECTRIFYING AND THE RAVEN Persons under 18 not ad¬ ELECTRIFIED PICTURE." CXZZ) IT Oi. nMIAKO mitted unless accompanied ^j^aren^rjidi^^uardlan^ Ingham Co 214 So. Capitol 372-8660 FILMED IT THt NONTUET INTENUTKMAl POP FESTIVAL Next: Poltler THE LOST MAN July 28 through Aug. 2nd GSugjestedjtor^Genera^ 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, July 29, 1969 Obscene calls increase Residents of women's dor- months, resident assistants pre- during term, the person mitories can expect a higher dieted recently, who makes obscene calls has percentage of obscene telephone Because fewer women's res- fewer victims available and calls during the summer idence halls are open during women on campus have a greater chance of being included among them, the R.A. s said. Axinn elected head Most women students under¬ stand the importance of im¬ mediately hanging up upon re¬ ceiving such a call, but few of internat'l program realize the greater importance of telling someone in authority, an R.A.. house mother, or The Midwest Universities George H. Axinn. asst. the police, about the first dean of International Programs Consortium for International Ac¬ obscene call. at MSI', was recently elected tivities was established bv In¬ One call alone seems like president and executive director diana University. MSU. the Uni¬ a small annoyance, but it may of the Midwest Universities versity of Illinois and the Uni¬ be part of a larger picture. Consortium for International versity of Wisconsin to assist the four institutions in improv¬ Frequently, the caller follows Activities. a pattern by which he can call Acting President Adams, ing overseas programs by pro¬ almost all of the women in the making the announcement, said viding funds for research. dorm, simply adding one num¬ that the appointment of Axinn ber to the last telephone number is in recognition of his close he has dialed. association with, and his interest in. international programs. Axinn has been a member of the \1SIT faculty since 1953. Humphrey (continued from page one* uate Barbara A. Corriveau. grad¬ advisor in Mason Hall, said that if the police are Sign language and served as coordinator of the tion. He said the Democrats notified they will come to the add to the art work on the Farm MSU gram Univeristy of Nigeria Pro¬ in eastern Nigeria from need more time which way the GOP adminis¬ to figure out residence hall and report of the caller's voice, make a Hygrade Oven Fresh painting peace signs on the walls y s, located near Bessey Hall. 1961-65. In 1964. Axinn became asst. dean of International Pro¬ tration is going before attack¬ ing approximate age and the exact words spoken by him. In Ball Park Franks Flavor Rich Bread State News photo by Milton Horst • The Democrats today need cases of persistent calls, the grams. more time to let the adminis¬ police will recommend that a meeting be arranged somewhere 49' ib tration face up to its problems, 29c Pi Nixon pledges expires August 2 he said. There is nothing that in the dorm, such as the dorm heals Democratic wounds bet¬ grill or lobby enabling plain limit 1 with 5.00 purchase than clothes policemen to appre¬ ter Republican troubles for This administration is finding hend the caller ied from page one i ments was "fully consistent throwing a bottle into the with our conviction that the na¬ street ahead of Nixon's motor¬ plenty of troubles without our Although many of these callers tions of Asia can and must in¬ cade Another man was said to conjuring up some would not actually harm any¬ creasingly shoulder the respon¬ have been arrested by Thai po¬ Humphrey said the high inter¬ one. women should not sibility for achieving peace and progress in the area. lice for possessing a gun at a lo¬ cation where the President was est rates, the unfavorable bal¬ ance of international problems to take action, such ing somewhere outside of the as a attempt meet¬ Jello Thailand is strongly commit¬ coming. U.S. Secret Servicemen and the failure to cope with edu¬ hall, to solve the problem. Mrs. ted to the Vietnam war. with 12.500 troops now among said thev had this From no knowledge of cational and urban problems will furnish Democrats with is- With the cooperation of wo¬ 6 oz. pkg. 15c orces helping the Saigon a standpoint of doing ' nment Nearly 50.000 I'.S. important business Bangkok We'll not be short of issues men's residents during, the ary personnel, many sup- loomed as the most significant But we should be certain of summer of 19H8. police caught Vietnam ■ j suit- trip to prompted questions porting air operations in Viet- nam. are stationed at big bases stop in the journey which from here takes Nixon to India. Paki- where going-or tackle it the administration not going-before is we one person who was respon¬ sible for more than half of the Pillsbury Flour «, ^ 49c from reporters on whether the in Thailand Romania and England. obscene calls received by women 19c Infiltrators punctuated Nix- residents of Mason Hall America's future military pres- in's visit with an of the bases. I'bon. in northeast attack at one Spartan Facial Tissue asso:",tor enceiiiAsia Thailand They wounded an Cousin's la- n sentry and two C 47 cargo planes with damaged 3 Diamond Mandarin Orangesm - 19c t ;atchel charges before escap- Men's and Women's Apparel ng. I'.S. officials said In another incident, one man BOUTIQUE STYLES vas reported seized in Bangkok BELL BOTTOMS BODY SHIRTS AND MANY CONTEMPORARY STYLES Spartan Cheese Loaf Service Bond speech 429 East 2 lb. pkg. 59c Michigan Ave. 2 Blocks East of Capitol Al.TKR \TIONS AM) d i continued Irom page one i termined that change shall PAINTING INTERIOR -Kxt come It 1 change * lies with them only if they can make Shurfine Orange Juice ATTENTION CAR OWNERS their rhetoric become reality None of the old tales are (6oz. cans) true anymore. American demo- * era ry has been revealed as a Complete front end repair and mvth Bond continued Stu¬ dents will no longer believe the alignment * myth' ot black and white Brakes * Suspension together and peace in our * Winning Score Gold Bond Baseball The am pus Turmoil-Its Wheel*balancing * Steering i»r Busi July 26 being sponsored by th< LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center <• is I Continuing Education Serv Detro't 12 and the office ol th< i president for student af 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Kansas City 2 ?hod^ Really enjoy your Michigan Potatoes vacation this (10 lb. bag) year... shorten it. T ry a tan- gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All Chiquita Bananas 2 ,b TYPING 393 3663 AC( t RATK and reasons X20 delivered instantly at no extra cost. Michigan Cello Carrots 2 lb. bag 2^ T ransportation DRIVER TO lake car to Califor ALSO! Michigan Green Beans ... Hamburgers Get INSTANT CASH Cheeseburgers Submarines GOODRICH'S French Fries for a carefree trip & SPARTAN Enjoy a year with Instant happier, more carefree vacation this Cash in your pocket. It's Vouchers are ideal for high-speed loans paid directly into your checking account when you* PIZZA vailaule in three formsimoney orders, vouch- away from home. rs, and good old cash. Or simply stop by before leaving town for some CALL 332-6517 Instant Cash money orders are better than ordinary Instant Cash cash. It's accepted every¬ ordinary money orders because you don't pay where! "We Give Gold Bond Stamps" for combine them until after you've used them. They the advantages of a low-cost credit Use painless payroll deduction for repayment, if you wish. Phone today for complete informa¬ VARSITY IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER union loan with the safety of an ordinary mon¬ tion on this and the many other services avail' ey order. They're available in any denomina¬ able to credit union families. Harrison at T rowbridge tion and negotiable almost everywhere. Between Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Apartments Reasonable Rates Bruce Jim MSU EMPLO Ipoui® gaBom|| fpou^ 1 GOLDS "Financing Available" 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday • Phone 353-2280 r*MUHUsl rS«iiuF«iis| IwMurtJn rMMWOUsl lrj nLamisl (■LurJs^ ■