Wednesday MICHIGAN Sunny. judgement!. STATE NEWS O . . . . . . . Thou are flet to brutish STATE . . . and warmer, high in the beasts, and men have lost their middle 80's. Fair and cool to¬ UNIVERSITY night. --Shakespeare East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 30 Nixon detours route to S. Vietnam BANGKOK Thailand AP> In a wanting to follow a different pattern From Bangkok Nixon s 500 mile-an- Thursdav He goes on to India. Paki¬ and other senior officials from this re¬ whether peace and freedom survive in stan. Romania and England the world. " sudden detour from his announced route. from his predecessor-partly to avoid hour jetliner is able to fly to almost gion. including Bunker His Thai In the diplomatic field. Nixon huddled President Nixon lined up a quick trip being identified with Johnson s war pol- an\ part of South Vietnam in roughly visit is probably the most He delivered a pep talk to Embassy privately with Thanom - who is Thai¬ to South Vietnam toda\ to call on I S an hour important of his stops in laying the The informants said Nixon planned a Nixon » announced schedule for Wed- groundwork for U S policy in this area employes, praising what he termed the land's defense minister as well as prime, troops and on the leaders of that em¬ after the Vietnam war. both because of dedication of 1 S government, servants minister-and top aides from both sides battled countrv more extensive Vietnam visit than John¬ nesday had left open time tor a dash abroad and declaring that what the United in what both portrayed as a son and also arranged to take along to ' letnam and back Aside from staff Thailand "s cornerstone position in South¬ helpful Heavy official secrecy shrouded the States does will probably determine sharing of views. President s movements, and the travel¬ his wife conference, his onlv listed appointment east Asian security and because of his It was also reported that the III was for dinner Wednesdav evening as meetings with senior U.S. officials here ing White House refused to give an\ advance confirmation that Nixon was Corps area around Saigon which in guest ot Prime Minister Thanom Kitti- Gen Creighton W Abrams Jr.. com temporarily leaving Thailand dudes a large I S Army base at Long mander of I S forces in Vietnam, and Other sources. however said the Binh and an airfield at Bien Hoa had The President and White House I S Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker flew President had arranged to visit I S the lowest level of enenn activity last in from Saigon and briefed Nixon Tues forces in nearby South Vietnam and to week since 1965 spokesmen had been saving right along dav afternoon on the latest develop¬ confer with President Nguyen Van Thieu Former Vice President Hubert H that he had no plans to go to South Vietnam without ruling out the possi¬ ments in South Vietnam Nixon has said and his top aides there Nixon and Thieu Humphrev went to Saigon for Thieu s - those talks would bility help in considering met June 8 at Midway Island, where inauguration in 1967 The enemy lobbed further troop withdrawals the decision to pull out 25.000 1 S five shells into the Presidential Pa¬ The Bangkok visit was midway in Nix¬ Nixon conferred at the American Em¬ troops was announced lace area in the heart of the capital on s journey that began with the Phili¬ while Humphrey was there ppines and Indonesia and continues bassy with a dozen U.S. ambassadors Indications were that Nixon would spend much of his visit in the Saigon area-center of the Vietnamese gov¬ ernment with large I S bases near FUTURE UNCERTAIN by-before turning to Bangkok Wed nesday night to wind up his three day stay in Thailand Soapy denies U' offer The suddenness and the security-dic¬ tated secrecy of Nixon's Vietnam trav¬ el arrangements were reminiscent of former President Lvndon B Johnson's two brief visits while he was on Asian Johnson flew into Cam Ranh Bay. a big. 180 relatively miles tober 1966 and Nixon, however, secure I northeast of was S base some Saigon, in Oc¬ again in December 1967 described as to become next president education The instruction you received contrast, there are the new movement ac¬ in high school was probably comparable tivists. and I think that this is great ." Bargaining Former Gov G Mennen liams said Tuesday that he had not been Soapy Wil¬ to what I received in college." he said. Today s students also have a greater Williams disagreed with those who teel that student demonstrations are commu¬ soc ial conscience, which is a great thing " nist-backed. approached with an offer to become MSI "s Williams said that most students held "There quite possibly may be movements with employes next president Williams declined to comment on his many of the hopes and aspirations that about the fringes." he said, "but about 99 we did. " per cent of them are without outside in¬ political plans One of the reasons for demonstrations fluence." move to fa 1 really don t have any plans.' he said, Williams said that bill is that with students the recently passed Squelches more on cam¬ a but I always retain an interest in the pub¬ lic in a general way. puses. there are more activists, resulting by the Michigan Legislators that would sp By MARION NOW AK in more demonstrations, he said. cut scholarships to students convicted in State News Staff Writer "T've spent the last two months clean¬ court, or by University officials, of dis¬ Michigan's former Gov. G. Mennen Williams is on campus this Williams added that upon his return to ing up the chores as ambassador to the week to participate in the seminar on campus turmoil. The for¬ Officials of MSU s Local 1585 of the orderly conducf'or violence was an "over- Michigan he found himself disappointed ambassador to the Phillipines denied speculation that Uni¬ American Federation of State. County Philippines, and finishing a book on Af- in the hippie manifestation reaction." mer and Municipal Employes AFSCME at I felt sad these people have retreated " The University can handle these situa¬ versity officials had approached him for consideration of the Minus his legendary green polka dotted ter reaching a bargaining impasse July 24 into a kind of hopelessness." he said. In tions. he said. presidency of MSU. State News photo by Bob Ivins with MSI management, have invoked state tie. the ex-governor joked. Do you think the students would rise up in rebellion if factfinding procedures in the attempt to I were nominated for president of MSI".' resolve the stalemate. The AFSCME contract Williams is attending a seminar on cam¬ expired here June 30. Since that time labor and management pus turmoil here, along with the Rev Richard Horton. representing the Cathedral Student affairs of negotiators have seesawed from pessimism to optimism regarding the regular bargain¬ Church of St. Paul in Detroit I'm interested in student problems, ing and mediation sessions-but no obser¬ he said. I have been ever since my own vable progress had been made "In Michigan, the legal recourse to re¬ college days, and I ve followed the stu¬ solve a collective bargaining impasse is dent movements ever since areas." he said. "But in the final analy¬ Williams contrasted the students of his Reorganization of the office for stu¬ dent activities offices, was announced and 80 new people each year, with a first mediation and then factfinding. Clair sis. I will still be responsible Otis of AFSCME Council 7 said Media- day and those of todav dent affairs, to include a separate dean Monday by Milton B Dickerson. vice great deal of time involved in the pro¬ Under the reorganization proposal, four Dickerson said. "I hope this area I find that today s students are more of students office and the elimination president for student affairs. cess. Iplease turn to page 6i ditterent "functional areas will De crea¬ of the residence halls programs and stu¬ Dickerson. who is both vice president of staff recruitment can serve all areas, mature. They have a much better formal ted in the office for student affairs The i please turn to page six i for student affairs and dean of students, areas will be University governments, said the proposed reorganization will be judicial systems, staff selection and considered by Acting President Adams at training and graduate educational pro¬ a meeting Monday. Consideration of the plan, scheduled for this week's meeting, grams and research. University governments will be con¬ Rogers report was cancelled for lack of time. cerned with all areas of the University Dickerson said the proposed changes where students are involved in govern¬ in the office reflect its changing role in the University mental activities, including ASMSl . Coun¬ cil of Graduate Students. Women's In¬ says Soviets The main role of the personnel and ter-residence Council. Mens' Halls Assn. staff ot the office is changing from that of being concerned with disciplin¬ ary matters to more of an educational and student advisory committess. among others. Judicial systems will be involved with less hostile role, assisting the student to develop residence hall judiciaries, the All-Univer¬ TOKYO (AP» -- Secretary of State Wil¬ into a responsible mature person." he sity Student Judiciary and the Student- liam P. Rogers reported improving U.S.¬ said. Soviet relations Tuesday and said the Rus¬ Faculty Judiciary. In addition. Dickerson • There will be a lot of reassignments sians may now see they can benefit from said this area will be responsible for ad- of personnel. There will be different re¬ a more stable world. ministratave actions of a disciplinary sponsibilities for a great many people Relations between the two major nuclear nature for students who do not want Dickerson said the removal of his role to take their cases before a judiciary powers are moving toward "a somewhat as dean of students will formalize an less dangerous and less hostile state." he Staff selection and recruitment will "informal working relationship" that told the first working session of the sev¬ be concerned with interviewing and se¬ has been operating in his office for two enth U S -Japanese economic conference lecting new staff members and provid¬ The Soviet Union may see somewhat years. ing the necessary training for them to "I guess it will probably insulate me assume positions on the vice president's more clearly its national interests in a a little from having to consider ques¬ staff. relatively stable world." he said. tions and problems in detail in some "We recruit and Rogers referred to the July 10 speech appoint between 60 of Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko which made an open bid for closer U.S.-Soviet ties and indicated Soviet in¬ tentions might be tested and probed in the Police blast news report months ahead to determine how far their good will extends. On his first official trip to Japan. Rogers promised, however, that "there will be no pinpointing murder site attempt or willingness on the part of the United States to resolve any issue with the Soviet Union at the expense of our allies Turning to Vietnam. Rogers noted the six ANN ARBOR (UPIi - The police chief of this university community has blasted week lull appeared to be continuing and as "100 per cent false and completely with¬ that the rate of infiltration from North Viet¬ Krasny branded as false a report that of¬ out substance" a published report that po¬ ficers of the five nam into the South had dropped off. but police agencies investi¬ lice had located the site where the seventh did not offer any opinion as to what this gating the unsolved slayings had cordoned victim of an elusive sex killer was mur¬ off a rural area near where they believe dered. one of the victims was killed He also As the three-day talks moved to the Police Chief Walter Krasnv Monday night said it was untrue that officers had found second day. the United States, primarily scoffed at reports that a massive search concerned with improving economic rela¬ a sleeve . a wire and other force had found the spot where petite 18- tions with Japan, concentrated on getting articles at the scene. vear-old Karen Sue Beineman was stran¬ the Japanese to ease their barriers against gled He said there was "absolutely no Earlier, authorities had admitted they certain imports and foreign investment, proof" to the stories. had released some false information in an particularly in the automobile industry. The brown-haired Eastern Michigan Uni¬ effort to lure the killer or killers to them The United States is also asking that Japan versity (EMU) freshman coed's body was There is an awful lot of stuff we just voluntarily control its U.S. textile exports. Moon found stripped and face down in a gully aren't letting out and stuff that may not A high-level U.S.-Japanese panel is tack¬ off a dirt road Saturday, three days after be quite straight." said one investigating ling these problems today as well as the Lunar Stars and Stripes dominate this photograph taken from inside the LM. Footprints stand out clear- she disappeared. But police officials be¬ officer. "We've got to beat this guy at his touchy question of the return of Okinawa lieve that Miss Beineman. like the six oth- to Japanese control. |y In the rust-colored surface of the moon. The shadow of the LM is black. AP Wirephoto own game." 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 Sex ed. foes misinformed By DELORES MAJOR provided for sex education in aware of wholesome family life. lines "incorporated of the many fea¬ program so that they would State News Staff Writer the schools, but this bill did This all must be part of a total tures other guidelines be able to discuss the moral and went beyond them. Lerov Augenstein, State not change anything. It was a package based on the guide¬ aspects of sex. bill lines He is concerned that the stu¬ Board of Education member and passed in 1937 that first given by the legisla¬ But whatever we do. we allowed sex education to be ture." dents be presented with good chairman of the Dept of Bio¬ must not penalize the young peo¬ taught in the schools." Augenstein said that during accurate wholesome information, CT«ev ce*u.v vosr physics told members of the ple by giving them no sex edu¬ Capitol City Causus Club Mon¬ He added that much of the the six open hearings held something he feels cannot be cation programs." day that most parents based controversy deals with the terms throughout Michigan the board received from scribblings on One woman present asked why their opposition to sex edu¬ used in the advisory committee's realized that another miscon¬ bathroom walls and alleys and the sex education programs cation in the schools on "a report. ception had been formed bv the whispered rumors. could not be offered soley in He said that far more is parents. "Each school district should the fair amount of misinforma¬ evening with parents and tion." needed in sex education than just He added that many parents have an advisory group of their children both attending the facts of procreation. at the open meetings had failed parents, teachers and churches augenstein replied that, he had "Many parents think that Act 44 of the Public Acts of "These children have to be to offer helpful suggestions and reviewing the sex education to deal with realities and not 1968 useful criticisms to the state programs, but the final de¬ with ideals. cision should rest on the school "just ask yourself how many- Wigs Are Ch Augenstein. who submitted board." he said people come out to the PTA a fourth set of guidelines to the board of education early in He suggested that churches the school district be well meetings." he said. "Sex edu¬ cation has to be presented in a This Peaceful last week, said that his guide¬ informed of the progress of the situation in which you build from grim graffiti supports the thesis that the sky, indeed, is falling, and there year to year to year." really isn't anywhere to run. State News photo by Wayne Munn Purchase a 100% human hairw'g (priced from UNEXPECTED TAXES $29.95) Yojr friend buys wig (of the same Surplus her value) at half-price! WASHINGTON iAP>--The unexpected size of the gov- upsetting in the words of one--'indications we haven t been successful If she's really your friend-- drnment s budget surplus leads some economists to* fear on the inflation front anti-inflation measures are not taking hold-and worse, that The high estimate she'll was particularly surprising, a Treasurv split the savings with you! people may not expect them U) work. analyst said, in view of the decline of the stock market But The most troublesome part of the surplus, aside from he predicted that future estimates-the next is made in Sep¬ prob¬ lems the timing of its announcements on Mondav mav cause Wig Styling Special tember-would reflect the decline in getting a surtax extension through the Senate, is the magni¬ The estimating method is used bv people whose income is tude of unexpected income taxes. uncertain, and most of those are in the high brackets and would Clean - Set - Style -$7.95 Set and Style only Payments of final taxes on calendar 1968 income and pay¬ be more likely than middle-income salaried people to invest -$4.95 ments on estimated income for 1969 were $1.9 billion above Let Mindy & Pam give your hairpie predictions. Several key economic indicators have given little cheer to They were a major Contibutor to the $3.1 billion surplus, the anti-inflation warriors The Commerce Dept > latest which Elegante was almost $2.2 billion higher than official prediction monthly review of the business situation, for June, said flatly made less than a week ago The administration predicts a that "inflationary pressures remained severe $6.3 billion surplus for the fiscal year that began July 1 The one jarring note was not enough to dampen a feeling Your "On - Campus" Wiggery assuming Congress extends the surtax. by several economists that the surplus was a good thing and 541 E. Grand River Next to Paraphernalia About half the $1.9 billion, tax^xperts estimate, came be¬ necessary to bring inflation under control. OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9:00 332-3341 cause high-bracket taxpayers' June estimates of their income Its size meant that one step taken earlier was unneeessarv were higher than the Closed Saturdays Treasury Dept. thought they would be That was the sale of $697 million in Commodity Credit Corpora¬ during the summer. Two tax experts agreed the increase could be interpreted as-- tion short-term certificates Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! msm CHUCK STEAK 63< 59« ^^80^ ITSMAT© 101/40 7< |T@IUT TISSUE t ■!/!>5< ISKIMMEO MILK 1 1808 wmmmmmmwmmmwmm 16oz.wt.pkg. |19* ■■■■■■■■■ J28c* ! 10' SSAVE sid': i I*' 14< Off! :i4 ■ At SAVE 28c with fhi» coupon ^28 ® with thit 10c this coupon ■ Why I Coffee By toward the purchase of a toward tho purchase of UPTON'S CHICKEN BARONET 5~ Transmission time for the cion tube on the spacecraft sim¬ cials said, that there has been attempt to hit the re¬ A public affairs officer quar¬ flector until Mariner 6. on a four-month mis¬ first batch was five minutes ilar to those on home TV sets. no opportunity for the letters to Thursday. antined with the astronauts. John Its surface shows 704 lines with be opened. The astronauts won't McLeaish said the astronauts sion to make the most detailed each. The pictures build up line McLeaish. said the space¬ 945 dots for each exposure. receive the mail until they leave are adjusting well to their en¬ pictures yet of Mars, has left by line on the television monitor International News men showed views of the American great interest in flag and scientists 'very pleased with its screen. After each is complete > quarantine. forced quarantine, playing table tennis, reading newspapers and it is visible in its The result is a black, gray The closed-circuit discussion performance so far. entirety for So accurate is the space¬ a few seconds, then the next and, white image very close to Wednesday will include Gen watching movies which are El Salvador backed down under pressure that seen by the camera on the Samuel Phillips, director of the shown nightly in the Lunar Re¬ craft's trajectory, they said, it begins. from the Organization of American States (OAS) Tuesday and announced its intention ABM foes will miss its aiming point in space by only 225 miles when it The signals come from a vidi- spacecraft. Apollo programs^ Dr. Robert R ceiving Laboratory. flies by Mars Wednesday night. to withdraw its troops from Honduras. H M. Schurmeier, Mariner The announcement was made by Salva- use mo project manager at the Jet Pro¬ doran Foreign Minister Francisco J. Guer¬ pulsion Laboratory, told a news rero during Ministers a private who were session of OAS Foreign called to Washington as weapon conference within 2.130 Mariner will miles of the fly red WASHINGTON 1AP)-Oppo¬ planet. Its intended distance over the weekend to resolve the conflict. nents of the Safeguard antibal- had been 2.000 miles or less. • • • istic missile system stepped up All systems, including the their attacks on its workability television camera due to start Nigeria's official radio rejected Tuesday sending the first of a batch of 33 Tuesday and revealed their a Biafran proposal that a truce be declared newest weapon is a movie made pictures at 8:35 p.m. EST Tues- in the two-year civil war so that Pope Paul's by a defense contractor dav. were reported functioning It ostensibly shows that offen¬ well. visit to Africa will not be marred. sive weapons can penetrate anv Vice President Spiro T. Ag- At the same time. Nigerian newsmen re¬ ABM new planned to be at the Flight ported destruction of a federal oil pumping Sen. J W. Fulbright D-Ark Control Center to watch the ar¬ station in an air attack. The raid, by a said his Foreign Relations Com¬ rival of the pictures across 58 mittee will view the film Wed¬ million miles of space. small plane, threatened to open a new chap¬ nesday at one of three secret ses¬ Schurmeier said a sister ter in the conflict. sions it has scheduled to con¬ spacecraft. Mariner 7. also is'on sider newly available secret target and is expected to fly National News data on the ABM within 2.080 miles of Mars Mon¬ The film was produced by day night. It will miss its origi¬ General Electric Co. before the nal aiming point in space by White mice born by Caesarean section ABM became an item of nation¬ onH^140 miles, he said. and pampered al controversy to prove that of¬ The 850-pound Mariner 6 car¬ like children of royalty will fensive weapons are irrestible." ries two cameras, a wide-angle become the first earth creatures with moon camera for long-range shots as Fulbright said. dust in their veins today. Carl Marcv. the committee's it approaches Mars and a nar¬ Bred for generations for this fate, the ro¬ staff director, said the film row-angle camera for detailed dents will be injected with pulverized lunar shows how decoys and other el¬ pictures of surface features dur¬ ectronic techniques can be used ing its closest approach. It also material by scientists hunting for possible with offensive weapons to dis¬ carries equipment to sample Mars' upper moon germs hazardous to humans. tract an ABM system. atmosphere. "This was apparently at a Dr John Stallkamp. project • • • time when GE was trying to get scientist, said some wide-angle A State Dept. spokesman said Tuesday a contract for offensive weap¬ pictures should have a resolu¬ the United States is becoming concerned ons."' Marcv said tion of 990 to 1.000 feet The committee plans to hear The first wide-angle pictures over the lack of an official reply from Rus¬ also testimony from Pentagon of the full disc of Mars were ex¬ sia to President Nixon's proposal for a start communications experts on pected to show the planet's on strategic limitation talks. whether the ABM's radars can southern polar cap. he said. Nixon told Soviet Ambassador Aantoly Dob- withstand radiation from a nu¬ Stallkamp said none of the clear attack. pictures from either spacecraft rynin weeks ago that the U.S. would be ready Debate entered its fourth was expected to show definitely for the discussions by July 31 and hoped the week on the Senate floor, with whether any form of life exists talks could begin before Aug. 15 Sen. Stuard Symington. D-Mo on Mars, but only whether con¬ . • • • attacking the ABM's radar as ditions could support life. its "achilles heel'' and Sen Eu¬ The initial 33 pictures were Investigators out of the Martha's Vine¬ gene J. McCarthy. D-Minn.. taken over a period of 20 hours, yard area are working quietly to obtain state¬ warning of the impact ABM de¬ at distances from 771.000 miles ments from guests at the July 18 party that ployment might have on forth¬ to 450.000. They were stored coming arms control talks with on tape for delayed transmission preceded Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's auto the Soviet Union over a three-hour period. accident Even though the prosecution in the Ken¬ nedy case is sensitive to criticism about the THE STATE NEWS lack of evidence in the court proceedings, The State New*, the itudent newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week private investigators are working in the area and Orientation Issues in June and September. Subscription rates are fU to clarify events surrounding the mishap on per year. neighboring Chappaquiddick Island. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press • • • Association. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ igan Collegiate Press Association, Unite* States Student Press Association. The Federal Trade Commission ordered Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. an investigation Tuesday into takeovers of Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigan leading independent gasoline refiners and Stale University, East Lansing, Michigan. dealers by the nation's major oil compan¬ Phones: Editorial ies. Classified Advertisli* 355-8? 8> The FCC said the study would center on Display Advertising Business-Circulation US-3447 what significance the recent consolidations Photographic 3SS-M11 had on retail prices and what was the over¬ all economic impact of the combines. • • • Sen. J. William Fulbright, D-Ark.. said Tuesday he is still waiting for the adminis¬ tration to supply a copy of secret agreements he contends broadens the U.S. commitment to Thailand. Fulbright said he wants to see that docu¬ ment before assessing President Nixon's statements on future U.S. policy in Asia. • • • The Fulton INTRODUCES THE. County, Ga., medical examiner . repor' *d Tuesday that tests showed the Rev. A. D. King, who drowned last week, was Hungry Gourmet Special* drinking a/ the time of his death. Michigon News THE R1BEYG STEAK Richard Austin, the black mayoral candi¬ date considered a contender for Detroit's Salad, Baked Potato, QQC Ranch Toast—alitor top job, has finally gotten support from the black community. (regular price $1.39) After announcing his candidacy nearly two *served every Mon. S Tues. during August months ago. Austin was endorsed Mondav STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average night by U.S. Rep. John Convers, Council¬ man James Tindal. State Representatives everyday hungry gourmet 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor Shopping Cente. Jackie Vaughn and James Del Rio and other key black leaders. V —— Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor William B. Castanier Deborah Fitch, feature editor By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. use them. In sOTie cases, increased fer¬ I am 22 years of age and have been tility has actually resulted after the pills advertising manager Kenneth Krell, editorial editor taking birth control pills for practically were stopped. However, many physicians Jeff Elliott, sports editor five years now and I'm wondering if are of the opinion that the pills should there is any danger in taking them for not be used for more than a two to a so long without a break, as I have not three year span without an intervening had children yet, but don't want to jeo¬ period of normal menstrual function ,Of pardize my chances for motherhood in course, PAP tests for cervical cancer EDITORIAL the future. I read all of the literature in should be performed annually. periodicals such as MrCall's, Journal. Considering that very effective alter¬ and never is any mention made of this nate means of contraception exist, you aspect of the pill. I take the pill only might consider trying another method Determining as physical sible to a precautionary measure, not for any imbalance, so it change to another kind of con¬ traceptive. But, I like the convenience of would pos¬ which you may find as acceptable as the pill Some women report increased sexual drive without the pill, so there may be added benefits depending on your point behind NLF's using the pills and the per cent of ac¬ curacy they give, and would rather not change unless there is danger! Your re¬ of view. In any case, a change in contraceptive regimen should be discussed with your ply would be very helpful. physician. The National Liberation So. it may very well be One small detail I almost forgot is Front has now twice turned that some sort of agreement that I have been married for a little over When a young person drops out of high can be reached as soon as the a year, but we want to wait at least two school, adopts hippie clothing and friends down South Veitnam Presi¬ and becomes uncommunicative with par¬ NLF feels that sufficient time more years before we have children. dent Thieu's proposal for free Your desire to avoid unwanted preg¬ ents, is he showing signs of mental ill¬ and supervised elections, and has passed to make its point. nancy and vour concern about future moth¬ ness? What supportive help can be given If. howrever. this is not the case "One small step for taxpayers! erhood will undoubtedly be appreciated by by parents? a frightened whisper is already your children. There is no simple answer Mental illness usually cannot be diag then things become exceeding¬ echoing around the halls of .One giant leap for tax reform!" to your question. The pills have proven nosed strictly on the behavior or appear¬ Washington: What if they real¬ ly sticky. to be safe for the maioritv of people who ance. Certainly . no conclusions can be It is possible, for example, drawn from a young man's clothing unless ly mean it? Where do we go he happens to be wearing high heels and from here'1 that the Viet Cong are playing skirts. To disparage his friends based Before examining this quan¬ for all the chips and are count¬ OUR READERS' MIND on their appearance is equally • unwise dary it might be worthwhile ing on increasing opposition This brings up the matter of being un¬ to the war in the United States communicative with parents. Often criti¬ to try to determine the NLF's Artist critical of critic cism directed at an adolescent for his motives in refusal. It does to discredit Thieu's position. dress, mannerisms and friends is cor¬ have It is equally possible that there percei^tt as criticism personally some possible valid ob¬ rectly directed at him. Much uncommunicative- jections. For one. it claims are greater things at stake To the Editor: serious business. A university paper should The medium is oil on canvas, not oil ness has its origins in hostile comments that it would be impossible than the fate of South Viet¬ Congratulations to Valerie Restivo for her at least poke fun in an informed man¬ and cardboard. review, in July 18 s SN on page ti. of directed at the already uncomfortable An American ner with brilliance and wit. However, to hold truly free elections with nam. pull-out the Dorothy I.ange photographs and con¬ such In typical journalistic fashion, the ob¬ adolescent. Sometimes this leads to chron¬ a style is very demanding Under¬ server is identified i human interest an¬ the Thieu regime in power could open up the whole of temporary portraits exhibitions now show¬ ic arguing. Dropping out of high school graduate writers may be better off using gle 1 but the work of art remains anony¬ is a fairly serious sign. Serious, from the and American troops in South Southeast Asia to conquest. ing at Kresge Art Center. Similar articles non-satirical evaluation arrived at through mous Let me supply this information. should become a regular feature next fall point of view that the young person is Vietnam. Indeed, it may very It is unlikely that the U.S. understanding and comparison of the Debby is looking at a portrait by a Dutch under such pressure that he takes ac¬ This last year, as most years. SN has aesthetic qualities of the work displayed will artist who works in Paris. Karl Appel. well be asking quite a lot pull out of this part of printed ample critical reviews of movies, The final task of the critic is to give The work is Dizzv Gillespie tion which jeopardizes his future Some¬ the world. The major objec¬ 11957 > times such a dramatic act serves to for a ruling elite not to tam¬ plays, and music, but ignored the visual perspective and insight into the works loaned from the collection of Mrs. Mar¬ arts So Miss Restivo words like call attention to the adolescent's need tion among American voters s come of art. If this is done, the reader may tha Jackson, noted New York deal¬ per. at least a little, with sweet rain in the parched desert disagree yet still respect what is writ¬ art for help. elections that would seem to be the loss of er The style and hot color has relevance might go Contemporary portraits includes many ten as the personification of jazz. Perhaps the most supportive thing that life among our own One pos¬ approaches to portraiture worthy of sev¬ parents can do. in a circumst'ance that against them eral Of the 24 words used in the caption. One of my pet gripes is the captioned has developed so far. is to acknowledge sible solution, then, may be articles. Valerie has dealt with a I have Also, the Viet Cong correct¬ no quarrel with identifying Deb- picture that whets the curiosity without that they and their child are in need of number of these, but has by no means, by Karabees. Taylor freshman, or stat¬ ly point to the example of the to pull out troops out of Viet¬ exhausted the possible intelligent satisfying the reason for printing the pic¬ some help in understanding what's been com- ing portrait borrowed from the New York ture You can do better than this in SN. several peace candidates in the nam. but to continue to supply mentarv that SN readers might find of happening. They might approach the young¬ Museum of Modern Art About face, as you have proved by printing Valerie's ster with a frank admission of be- 1967 Presidential election. They Saigon with weapons and such. interest But words should only aid in in bold type is only a poor pun Debby piece Please treat your audience as in¬ fuddlement and uncertainty over what to the actual viewing Come and see for is not recoiling from the picture-to say were subsequently harassed and Unfortunately. the perform¬ yourself telligent beings with a little cultural do themselves Such help should be sought she "recoils' is twisting the truih To ance of the South Vietnamese sophistication. ^ a few remain in detention to Carl Kulov.'s picture of one o f the po from professionally trained persons, such say the picture is two-dimensional is Wm S. Gamble this day. army so far makes this premise traits on page 10 of Friday's : useless information-anyone can see this as a psychologist! social worker or psy¬ Associate Professor of Art have been best with the Restivo review chiatrist. A family physician or clergy¬ Further, even if the elec¬ somewhat shaky. and with the asinine caption. Someone man may be most helpful in making tions went It is obvious that we cannot such referral untampered and no must be teaching students that poking a maintain the current level of noder repression followed, there is still the fact that ^aigon has hostility the indefinitely, and if VC will not compromise trick This is journalism at its worst Such habits should have been exhausted Trustees no help What ly, how are can "crabs" and. more important¬ they be gotten rid of? all the resources ol the na¬ by the bombast aimed at the 1913 Armory For a moment you had me worried. ' tion-monetary and otherwise on a peace solution and the Show, but thev still exist as journalism's To the P^ditor: scheme for grants to students with fi¬ couldn't decide whether you were askin • normal treatment ot modern art It nancial need, they did not even take time about the roommate crab, the professo -at their fingertips. This could U.S. cannot effect a withdraw¬ Would is interesting to note not only did we have ever gotten to the moon if mod¬ the MSt' Board of Trustees make the fi¬ to consider those most under financial crab, the landlord crab or the parent crab. very likely give them an un¬ al. then the only alternative ern science and stress-the married students, most of whom Each of course requires a separate form technology were passed- nancial burden of finishing college heav¬ fair edge in the campaign. would seem to be an all-out off in like manner'' ier but they did not even consider the are existing on their own very limited of treatment too detailed for this column. Art has its fun side, but it is also dead- plight of the married student budgets But probably, you are inquiring about There is also the matter of attempt to win the war. This In their Phthirus When I called Financial Aids about pubis or 4he pubic louse. This 'face.'' in the Oreintal sense, latter possibility might be millimeter beasty this. I was told to have both sets of one to two or ecto¬ par¬ to be contended with. It has more palatable to dissenting ents submit confidential forms of finan¬ parasite. if you want to be precise' is been the NLFs position that factions in the United States Plan counter-productive cial status Not only is this an inconven¬ pictured below. It is almost always anoth¬ er venereal disease not ience. but it is an invasion of their spread by toilet the Saigon government is il¬ if some more reasonable pre¬ pri¬ requirements, taking no electives. vacy Most of all. it is completely ir¬ mise for the conflict than the To the Edi»or: legitimate and the NLF may graduating with exactly 183 credits I relevant to our financial position, since feel that an acceptance of old "Red Peril'" pitch could The fallacy oi the poor scholar who must explain to we have not received anv support from running a university them Thieu's proposals may be tak¬ be put forth convincingly by with businessmen instead of educators parents why they should pay $124 fc has again been demonstrated A non-required literature or philoso en as a do facto recognition Washington. credit tuition rate makes all kinds per of course to broaden his horizons Thanks to the trustees for not think¬ of legitimacy. Further, it is to Whatever the case, the prob¬ plan is counter-productive to any ing of us It's nice to know the Univer¬ sense economically-let the people who are lem remains quite knotty. We using the service pay for it-but no sense lightened concept of education sity isn't on your side be remembered that the NLF at all Which is more ridiculous $31 for I Carol Heckman has put forth similar propos¬ find the alternatives of main¬ educationally Thirty - one dollars per credit is the perfect 105. or $372 for the Nat Sci. sequence? East Lansing graduate als in the past which Thieu tenance of the persent level Doug Lay( incentive to a do-only-what-is-required- turned down. This may have a of conflict or escalation unten¬ to-get-through attitude, meeting all the Wood River. Illinois se able. We can only hope that profound effect on the Viet the U.S. will continue to make Cong's attitude, in as much as in the Machivellian atmos¬ every effort to obtain a peace¬ ful settlement, even if this phere of Southeast Asian poli¬ GEORGE BULLARD Dwelling comfortably at the base of tics. he who accepts the other means the loss of a little pubic hairs it uses the clearly illustrated 'face." for "face" is much equipment to hang on and inserts its mouth guy s idea is often thought into a capillary and lives more expendable than men. happily lor about to have, thereby, shown an 25 days. During this time it lays eggs, inferior position. Lastly, it is to be noted and not that the NLF. exactly angels either, will who are Sex and the single comrade if it's a female, known as nits. These hatch into nymphs. Both the crabs and their nits are rather hard to see. but the that the NLF's verbal stand eventually come to terms. crab makes it presence felt -The Editors by maddening has been known to be more itching. They do not carry any other dis¬ LENINGRAD-- Comrades rallied at the extreme than its actual posi¬ cho-politicallv dangerous because it's just eases Although reputedly lacking in wan¬ Rasputin School auditorium Monday to another form of capitalism derlust. they are found in scalp, eyebrows tion. In the rhetoric particu¬ The State News welcomes all protest guidelines for sex education re¬ It's an American plot, he shouted. eyelashes and beards on some adventure¬ letters. They should be typed lar to revolutionary movements cently handed down by comrade educa- The capitalists are attempting to de¬ "Sex is un-Russian. one irate mother some people and signed with the hopie town, it is not uncommon to come stroy the Soviet Union morally and spiri¬ shouted And I wonder if Americans, Treatment is simple. Clothes and bed¬ student, faculty or staff stand¬ Aleksei Suslov, a retired Army sentry, tually through a multi-pronged attack that through sex education, could make us do clothes are free of crabs in twenty four forth with "non-negotiable" ing. and local phone number in¬ said he spoke for every red-blooded Rus¬ includes music, pocket money and sex cluded. No unsigned letter will something we don't want to do. How hours, as they cannot live without a host. positions and, after a suf¬ be accepted for publication, and sian when he called for taking sex from education about that. Mr. Speaker0 They should be laundered separately from the classroom and putting it m the bed¬ The rally ficient amount of time, to no letter will be printed without Monday was the third in a other clothes, or not used for a period of room where ii belowgs, series around the city to protest color Kissoff ten days to two weeks. This time span or agreed that he who controls subtly compromise. Case in a signature except in extreme "As a sentry who has stalked lonely slides and films in which animals, ac¬ the libido controls the country carefui laundering is usually sufficient to circumstances All letters must point: the great hassle over be less than 300 words borders. I know the importance of sex. cording to Suslov. copulate obscenely Lara Podgorny. head of the Concerned insure that no crabs or nits survive. The long for Suslov said But the classroom is just the seating arrangements at without the benefit of government license Mothers of Leningrad, said that she would person, too. is to be laundered. A special publication without editing not the place tor it the Paris peace talks. Horny chickens." Suslov screamed, continue to "work under quota' until the shampoo or lotion called Kwell is usually Suslov drew cheers from the crowd of not proper effective with only one application. The are subjects for young com¬ guidelines are lifted. 300 when he labeled sex education "psv- munist minds I will not be guilty of contributing to topical use of DDT both on person and Grigori Kissoff. a second speaker at the the delinquency of minors.'" she said. on clothing is ill advised and unneces¬ UNFORTtiNATELV, IN THE 6AME rally, explained Suslov's "American plot And I know all you concerned mothers sary. I believe a prescription might be nec¬ OF LIFE, I'M HITTIN6 theory of sex education are with me. essary to obtain Kwell in this state, but FROM THE BACK TEES Chickens produce eggs efficiently. "Any person who thrusts this on her your friendly physician should be pleased Kissoff charged, and efficiency is the children must be a capitalist-pervert of to provide one for you. It would be an ex¬ first step to capitalism the worst kind, she screamed cellent idea to have a blood test for And no one cannot deny that eggs, Several spectators had to subdue Mrs. syphilis drawn at the same time. as a pre-packaged breakfast, are decid¬ Letter^ may be addressed to Dr. Wer¬ Podgorny as she tried to plaster a bumper edly bourgeoisie.'' sticker over Kissoff's left ear The stick¬ ner at 309 Linton Hall. Names will not Kissoff concluded his tirade by saying er read "The Soviet Union -Love it or be printed and need not be included in that "chickens aren't alone in this leaveit." the ietter. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 5 Thumbs By DENISE FORTNER inexpensive and up interesting for hitchhiking One coed said she has been about being real holy and God likely to accept a ride vogue ent and a danger to both the State News Staff Writer means of travel for thousands of hitchhiking for a long time not wanting me to do something I'm from Chicago, and when drivers 3nd the riders. Solici¬ Hitchhiking was once thought students this summer. and has encountered only one like that He let me out and you are near a big city you're ting rides is a misdemeaner and to be the mode of transpor¬ Hitchhiking can range from a unfortunate incident. that was the only bad time more aware of crime and you has a maximum penalty of tation only for muggers and two week journey from New York "Once I accepted a ride from I've had hitchhiking know everyone on the street $100 and or 90 days in jail. murderers. to San Francisco to a five- a truck driver who wanted a Lane A. Desmond. Oak Park isn't your friend and neigh¬ If I with another No distinction is made between Recently, however, hitchhiking minute jaunt from Frandor to kiss in return for the ride junior, said she would never bor was has become the vogue for col¬ the Coral Gables. said the coed."who wished to hitchhike alone girl. I would though." she said. students and other hitchhikers. ' lege students. With knap sacks Bumming a ride." though remain anonymous. "Since I It's not really that I'm Richard Simmers. East Lan¬ Sommers said and if a patrol¬ on their backs" and only a 'inexpensive and a means of was already in the truck. 1 afraid, it's probably because sing police officer, said that man isn't busy and he sees some¬ few dollars in their pockets meeting people" can be dan¬ didn't want to risk being bellig¬ society says no' and it's not state law prevented soliciting one soliciting a ride, he will thumbing rides has been an gerous. however. erent. I made up some hogwash a girl-thing to do so I don't rides on the road way anywhere. "stop and write em." do it much. I guess it's part¬ The Lansing city ordinances Simmers didn't find mishaps ly fear and partly convention also prohibit solciting rides in because of hitchhiking any great¬ that holds me back certain places. er in this than in any HIRSES Jane M Plitcha. Chicago. These places are -both sides other area area Ill of E. Grand River from Michi¬ Its just like rape. he . junior and another MSI hitchhiker said she usually did gan Ave to east city limits- said. "You'd be surprised how African studies it as a have 1 "last resort ." hitchhike because I don t a car. I've never been north side of Grand River Ave. from the intersection of Grand River Ave. and Michigan Ave¬ much rape goes unreported. A girl may be hitchhiking and be picked up by a guy who picked up by students, just nue to Hillsdale Court-north gets a little fresh and she'll By LINDA KNIBBS students doing field work. Although MSI' does not award by businessmen, but I've never side of Michigan Avenue from just get out and not report it The African Studies Center The center cannot offer class¬ degrees in African studies, encountered any difficulty. " the intersection of Grand River The campus police stated that enables students to specialize es as departments do. but it graduates with an African stud¬ Linda Gortmaker. West¬ Avenue and Michigan Avenue •there were no regulations about in areas of African interest does offer three interdisciplin¬ ies background are in demand. chester. 111., senior, said being to Delta Street hitchhiking on campus just as by co-ordinating programs and ary courses. Lectures are given Such persons may do research from a large city made one Simmers found hitchhiking in long as it didn t interfere with courses in various departments by specialists on African sub¬ or become advisers in the area " this be more aware of crime" and less area to quite prevel- traffic." • The African Studies Center jects. Enrollment in the IDC of Africa. They also might help finds the channels to help stu¬ 390-391 series has grown from to develop black studies courses State snooze dents and faculty study about 350 in spring 1968 to 500 in the educational system at Africa." Charles C. in spring 1969. all levels. Wrapped in her favorite daily newsprint, a Mc- Hughes, director of the center, said Donel lounger absorbs the local press into her The center, created in 1960. dreams. State News photo by Carl Kulow does not have the status of a department. It provides no aca¬ demic advisers and awards no degrees. Advice to e We have faculty who are available to talk to students interested in an emphasis on African studies along with their ignore #&!% actual major. The center has Hughes a core said. facul- NEW YORK ilPIi-,' "Schoolmen must anticipate dent on a picket line or this new approach and bite their sit-in looks a college c tongue when they get hit w;th in the eye and rolls a it It you get hung up on of four-letter words ol rudeness and bad manners, tongue you'll never get to the bottom It's the use of obscenit of the problem, to the real weapon, but college boss causes and the things that ought advised to react with nonch to be changed, so keep cool, ance. using that four-letter wo he advised his fellow school' c-o-o-1 to dictate their be- The point was made in a report on school confrontations by editors of School Manage¬ ment." a journal for educ; The things I personally learned from student uprisings at San Fernando is that we are now dealing with a different breed of cat. reported Delmar Oviatt. president of San Fer¬ nando State College These kids are aggressive, purposely irritating, rude and given to using four-letter words and issuing ultimatums. It goes down really lump\ It* gets a schoolman's back up-puts him on the defensive He describes the behavior as over-aggressive. over-vui,: u - ized and part of the new culture. $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE Use your charge account in both stores — Ask us about FREE PARKING. i EAST LANSING ► 317 East Grand River Ave. % East Lansing Store open 'til 9 p.m. tonight $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE $$$ SAVE Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay M ore ! W hy 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 Sexual ostentation Strike warps tion (continued from page was invoked here one) in the fabric of second week of male, negotiations. In factfinding, one of the ne¬ gotiating parties submits a brief, stating the facts of his case to the Editor's note: Nancy Lennel is she state Labor Mediation Board. Women now receive schooling compete with them in the job selves a fictitious name substituted The board then appoints a fact¬ equivalent to that of men. she market. gested. for the identity of finder. who is empowered to a graduate said, and often successfully ' Besides this.'' Miss Len- People just don t reach student interviewed below who ;aid hold hearings to gather all the nel noted. "American women other anymore. she wished to remain anonymous. facts regarding the case. who work-particularly after "Maybe all ot the sexual involvement has come about be¬ A By MARIA SAMARIN serious Keely obtains marriage-cannot. in many cases, fulfill their role as wife and cause it's so much easier to After the conclusion hearing, the factfinder recesses of the mix-up has occured mother. meet requirements on the sex¬ to develop an advisory settle¬ in the roles men and ual level than as committed, ment for the This is sub¬ default divorce women are The situation is further case. supposed to play in American complicated by mothers who be¬ mature human beings mitted to both parties. society. gin to instruct their daughters Asked why she felt people That's the opinion of LOS ANGELES (APl- If any fallacies exist in the Nancy at pre-puberty to "go out and have become so closed with factfinder's suggestion, both par¬ Leiinel. Royal Oak graduate Singer Keely Smith told a judge each other. Miss Lennel said: get a man." she said. ties meet to discuss them. Oth¬ student in psychology, who says Tuesday her husband. James part of the problem is that Bowen. drank excessively and This is largely due to the youth cult predominance in the of a The human depth and complexity being is such that Solar erwise. the suggestion normal¬ t women be women occasionally struck her during ly is taken to the union mem¬ United States, she explained ?n vou care, you are vul- Although the MSU Planetarium takes on a faint resemblence to a flying saucer, their four-year marriage. She bership for discussion and ap- they So females are con¬ we know for a fact that It Is the cylindrical object There must be was granted a default divorice. many just above it that was re¬ a return to fused because the role of a cently invaded by men from outer space. Stave News photo by Norm Payea more clearly defined roles for MSU negotiators are current¬ Supeior Court Judge William mature woman is often consid¬ men and women and a value P. Hogoboom ordered Bowen. a ered neither desirable nor ly waiting for the Labor Board placed to appoint a factfinder to this upon those roles." Miss attractive. composer and record producer, Lennelurged. Note-Abies' music tops, to pay Miss Smith $2,500 month¬ As a result. Miss Lennel said, She feels the situation can Six other Michigan colleges ly alimony until her remarriage women spend time and money be traced to the emancipation remain involved in negotia¬ or June 30. 1972 The couple had trying to themselves look as of women Their traditional tions over new AFSCME con¬ no children. young as possible. They be¬ tracts this week role ha§ become downgraded and lieve sexual appeal depends on made to The judge also restored the At Ferris, where seem lowly, she said. the bloom of youth past bargain¬ comedy routine falls flat Another aspect of the prob¬ singer's legal name of Dorothy " There should not be a cut¬ ing this year has been character¬ lem has to do with education. Keely Prima. off ized by what AFSCME Local 1609 point." she declared, such officials charge is deliberate as 30 or 35. before which every¬ bad faith" on the part of Ferris thing will happen and after which a woman becomes use- produce big noise. It doesn't ) pla management, negotiation with happen You get big music that And that's what the Note Abies mediation last week resolved 15 iclivity all fits together Precisely are all about Professional en out of 23 contractual items Miss Lennel said part of the The result is a complete tertaihmcnt They Local 1609's membership holds reason for this'attitude is that looking the real strength of their re not the act. Their music is great. The absence of the fault that plagues now" sound neither do they a special meeting today to learn U.S. society is centered too joke routines are bad: th< lesser groups: musical pretend to of progress in bargaining talks. much on physical attractive- persist in telling jokes upstaging-competition for top and versatility ybe AFSCME negotiators at Olivet Four Canucks and a .Je sound. Organ, drums and brass ew more laughs than I gave requested July 28 that bargain¬ This superficiality is re¬ flected in the sexual attitudes sey City organ player, tie: come through distinctly, con¬ redit for ing be opened over their new from a tour playing the certed. each reinforcing the And a damned fine way tks recommended one-third of those times and aid the pathos in ^ Walter Huston Simone Simon mourning for second cousins was Vu i literature epted ind praised in its day }THE DEVIL AND Bohemia level crossing Monday works as well as those of By th e 1880 s. pathos in bee of the simplicity of the J night killed 24 persons and in- others, he said novels ha ii subsided, he said DANIEL WEBSTER J 2 MILES SOUTHWEST OF LANSING ON M-78 jured 29 the official Czechoslo¬ "Oeorge Eliot and her eon- Even D ickens ofjerred less Surely I think we can agree vak news agencv CTK reported. sort. George Lewes, o ften wept pathos in i his later novels." that something has been lost." NOW SHOWING! ALL COLOR! PAIITIflill This is the ADULT MOVIE that Jplus J^-Fri.- Thurs. 7 and 9 chapt Dracula e r 9 104 B Wells of Trie Hurricane Express ^ 50c ID not required 5* Ml lh« dead crowded bus. which workers home were from was on the taking factorv together over death scenes in the manuscripts of hei novels." Collins continued. • \t one point. *» Collins felt the decline of crying ovt >r literature was part- ly due t< i an increase in edu- inexpensive and interesting means of of students this travel for thousands summer. uHUMUn! EVERYONE wants to see!!! Sat. Carry on Nurse and Sons of the Desert ^ night shitts in Mia da Boleslav. Lewes turned to her and said BUT miles north of Prague, said tearfully. Dear, your pathos is People easily embarrassed . . . should not! better than BUT --People with 'Hang-Ups' Prague radio your fun.' Tenny¬ BUT — People under 18 . cannot! . . Dare not! The largest industry there is son used to weep while reading Stiiflpnt Affairs Greats® his own poetry to his wit 2 . . . Norths ide . mi3?fcn°Ith of US-27 "When we assess "THE SEXIEST, WACKIEST FILM YET Drive-ln 482-7409 •act of Victorian liter, continued from page r with the readmission of stu¬ nust remember that it i dents who have withdrawn from Graduate ead aloud, he said, NOW SHOWING! AT BOTH THEATRES grams and i the University for non-academic olvement was genera I, and non-disciplinary reasons Heironymus MERKIN :| EXCLUSIVE FIRS T RUN PROGRAM Under the reorganization, area APPEARING THIS ' d directors for residence hall ;|j| com¬ ever Target MRCY Humppe and find true happiness 9 » 1% plexes. previously under the di¬ rector of grams. will report residence hall pro¬ directly to AND Elizabeth Persons under 18 AND not admitted • Technicolor* WEEK AT THE Ij TODAY . . .LADIES DAY 75£ from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Feature at 1:00 :25 9:40 p.m. - 3:05 - 5:15 the dean of students tion of rector will also be created. The dean of students and A new posi¬ off-campus, area di "SECRET "Heironymus Merkin" - directors of the counseling cen¬ e T aylor TH[ at 8:15 and late YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE ter. health center, financial CEREMONY" "Secret Ceremony" the incredible little car! aids, volunteer programs and ms IN TECHNICOLOR* at 10:20 only H the intramurals office will T re¬ port directly to the vice presi¬ dent for student affairs. Dickerson said °V the appoint¬ ment of a new dean of students tL will be made by Acting Presi¬ dent Adams. We hope to have the reor¬ ganization cleared before the Fall quarter." he said. TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! HILARIOUS ROMANTIC FANTASY! ^Lspartan twin west Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are A- FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Held over for 3100 EAST SAGINAW fifth week! Phont 351 0030 cT a "The April Fools" Entertainment for the whole family! Technicolor* SHOWN AT 1:30-3:50-6:15 & 8:30 The strangest trio ever to track a killer. "JOHN L JAMES GARNER REYNOLDS DEBBIE ■ COLOR,,,., ,,.r @ AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL £1 "O WAYNE GLEN 1 , | halwauis- "The April Fools" at 8:15 and late MAURICE RONET — TIME SCHEDULE- 1- Hell's Angels twice at No Cover Wednesday R.Y CAMPBELL DARBY KIM 8:17 and late. "How Sweet" 10:15 only ■ 2-God Forgives at 10:17 | or Thursday JOHN WAYNE'S GREATEST ROLE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 7 Ledges shuns financial ties with sens). the Peakes until the company and Thorn- arrives around and has someting to con¬ tribute. The class is taught Before the 1969 season opened. John Peakes and Richard Thom- won't interfere, with rehear¬ sals. (If you visit a rehearsal each spring. by inspiration, rather than by sen built the new "thrust" now. you're more likely to hear In this era of grant-oriented a hammer or a saw than an arts the Ledges Playhouse is The Ledges Playhouse boasts regimentation. stage, to replace the old pro¬ Besides class time, each actor's voice!), and more 35 paid staff members. In scenium setup New lighting a phenomenon. "We don't want addition, the company takes on student-apprentice is expected was added and the old lighting lighting equipment. grants," John Peakes maintains. a small number of non-profes¬ to devote six hours weekly to rebuilt. They'd'also like larger dress¬ "We want to decide what we'll The theatre continues to ing rooms and funds to hire sional apprentices. The av¬ work with the company. Some do and what we won't do." a publicity manager and to be erage salary of a staff mem¬ students have been cast in the grow. I asked what the com¬ High box-office sales attest ber is $40-$50 per week. plays: others work on sets, pany would like to do to the able to house unmarried staff, to their success Sal¬ physical structure, and they who now rent rooms and apart¬ ary varies with the performer's lighting, sound and other aspects They want no affiliation with level of experience. of production. outlined present and future ments each summer. controlling organizations or in¬ The Ledges players are co¬ The Ledges Playhouse, once needs: a shop for construc¬ The Ledges 1969 season ends dividuals And their audiences a barn, is now a vital theatre. tion behind the barn, so noise August 31. hesive. a rarity among groups in determine the kinds of plays they and out of the theatre. There perform. is a minimum of conflict or Of the nine plays performed power play, and the "star" MSU RESEARCHERS each season, about three are system is nonexistent. The chosen because of audience- director will reject even a appeal. The remaining six plays very fine actor if his person¬ Study cites unrealistic roles are selected solely because of ality doesn't jive with those of their appeal to the players. the rest of the troupe "We do them because we want Actors have collected from all to do them." says Peakes. parts of the U.S.-23 states- Canada. and England, thus far. for blacks in TV The success of the playhouse is due to the tenacity and sales¬ Some return for more than one manship of Connie Peakes and the dedication of a group called season house as Others use the play¬ a temporary training- programs the Ledges Playhouse Assn. Many new television stars they reported include: The strongest impression a may be blacks, but the roles, -The percentage of blacks During the troupe's absence, visitor receives is that this Top of the the association conducts the house's Christmas campaign, play¬ is a iduals group who of distinct indiv¬ like each other, dress and language of the stars are still very white, two MSU researchers reported recently. playing "major roles remained about the same during both seasons. However, the number of -The percentage of com¬ mercials showing blacks rose and handles additional off¬ Artistic director John Peaks and business manager Richard Thomsen have ma who operate happily and effic¬ Bradley Greenberg. associ¬ black actors playing "second from five per cent to seven season publicity It sells season the successful Ledges Playhouse a family affair. Their wives and childr iently as a unit ate professor of communica¬ bananas." or assistants to her¬ per cent between seasons. pass-books and handles play¬ The players perform on a increased in the 1968 season -The roles, dress and lan¬ design costumes for, and act in, many of the productions. house business tin consultation tion. and Joseph Dominick. grad¬ oes, very tight schedule, holding uate asst. in communication, -Most black actors portrayed guage of black actors conformed only 12-20 rehearsals per play. evaluated television's much pub¬ "good" characters. The most heavily to white standards in Lighter plays are often sand¬ licized intention to feature more popular professions for black both seasons. wiched between more challeng¬ black talent in a report called actors for the 1967 season were -Blacks were slightly more ing works to ease the strain Blacks on T V.: Their Pres¬ musicians, doctors and sol¬ apt to take orders than to give Piatt predicts of intense rehearsals. the Peakes and Thomson lament lack of good new plays. They would like very much to ence and Roles " Greenberg and Dominick com¬ pared two average weeks of viewing, one in the 1967-68 diers. This changed slightly in them in both seasons. perform works by young play¬ .season and the other in the for campus ROTC program wrights. So far. they have read few promising new plays. This year the Ledges Play¬ house initiated a training pro¬ 1968-69 season. Although did feature the more 68-'69 ple in shows and commercials, season minority peo¬ gram for Lansing Community the realistic portrayal of the in this On the other hand. Piatt "You can't eliminate the of¬ By ROSANNE BAIME general vicinity" deal¬ College students. Coordinated black has not yet been achieved, State News Staff Writer ing with young people feels that ROTC is here to ficer corps and the Army by by LCC Language Arts Dept. they reported. Col. Robert G. Piatt, dir¬ It is my understanding that stay, especially with the recent¬ ending ROTC. he said Chairman Hugh Schramm and The researchers added that ector of the Army ROTC pro¬ Piatt has accepted a position ly implemented curriculum "ROTC should be treated as Drama Director William Pet¬ television feels the need to with one of the University's col¬ changes. gram. leaves Thursday for a In an attempt to make the any other department in a erson. this year's program in- portray black images, but real¬ retirement that will last one leges. unrelated to the mili¬ university. There is no jus¬ olves 14 students. ly doesn't know how. month tary and administrative offices program more acceptable to tification for denying someone Each Thursday, they Some of the major findings re- He was awarded his second he has held here. Herman potential cadets it is now possible an education in any area- L. to complete all freshman re¬ Legion of Merit medal July 25 King asst. provost, said medicine. law or whatever." P at a full retreat and retirement Monday quirements in one term. Dril¬ ceremony for him at Fort Neither Piatt nor King would ling and, uniforms are de-em¬ Benjamin Harrison. Ind specity the exact position. phasized and related courses are Piatt's successor. Col. Jean to be offered by other depart- After his month's retirement P. Burner, of Ft Knox. Ky.. he will return to a "a position is expected to arrive in mid- "The Army is finally real¬ 0 August Until then Lt. Col. izing each is un¬ "TENDER. LOVING. Eld. n Clark will serve as act¬ ique. that it can't develop one ing director of the program ROTC program and expect it ) FUNNY-SAD!" In his tour years with MSl 's to work at all schools." Piatt ROTC program. Piatt said he said. We have to develop a pro¬ The Beal Film Group will n.ost enjoyed helping young men develop confidence and poise gram with University officials present a film The Devil and while they are growing up. to make it more pertinent. Up Daniel Webster.' at 7 and 9 I talk with many of the until now ROTC has never tonight in 104B Wells. Admis¬ really been a department within sion is .50 cents. ID s are ot boys after thev are out.'' Piatt said They all confirm the the university. " required benefits of ROTC. I haven't Piatt pointed out that these talked with one yet who dis¬ changes had been "in the mill" The ASMSl lawyer will be at MSU for years and were not agrees At least a result of the Field Day demon in 307 Student Services Bldg one campus group from 3-5 p.m today and every disagrees with Platt-the pro¬ stration. Wednesday during summer term testors who tried to disrupt Recently three Eastern Call 355-8266 Monday through Friday between l-."> p.m. for appointments the Day. Piatt most s mind recent as one memorable in his career here ROTC The day stands out in Field of the most schools-Brown. Harvard and Col umbia-ended their ROTC pro¬ grams. Piatt considers this naive on their parts and poor¬ mall theatre SPARTAN TWIN EAST FRANOOR SHOPPING CENTER - 3100 EAST SAGINAW ■ Phone 351 0030 AT 7:30 and 9:15 The cadets effectively stop¬ ly thought out. The Dept. of Theatre will ped the demonstrators from tak¬ hold tryouts tor 20 student-di¬ ing over Demonstration Hall.'' rected. one-act plays at 7 to¬ Piatt said. This was a case night and Thursday in Room 4!» of the SDS being met by their of the Auditorium Participants own peer groups I think this in tryouts need not be MSI stu- put them at a low ebb-they won't come back Today is LADIES' DAY . 75c 1 to 6 p.m. PROGRAM INF. 485-6486 last day n!" a glory ■••k«rl a man!" COOL Ml S At 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:10 THE TRUE STORY OF CHE GUEVARA 'ice station E2333 WHO FOLLOWED A DREAM OF TOAAORROW zebra: At 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15 JUSTICE AHD FREEDOM. •°W f , w What made you leave him, Cathy... AHD CREATED A NIGHTMARE it the way OF TERROR AND was he made love, or why? VIOLENCE! . .'.carol white paul burke MARiTrOBSON LARRY COHM-IOWHO StWtf * ■ . .... a® next! "The Graduate" JACK PAIANCE 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 State News State News Classified WANT A pleasant surprise? You can clean out Classified 355-8255 your garage quickly with a WANT AD — Call 355-8255. 355-8255 Scooters & Cycles* Employment For Rent For Sale The State News does not FULL AND part time employment OAKHILL APARTMENTS. 2 to 4 FREE RENT for little domestic work BAKER STREET-Beautifully remod¬ WE JUST bought 300 used vacuum with full-line merchant wholesaler Walking distance. Leasing 351- Bedroom, living room, kitchen ED 2- eled, 3-bedroom home Family permit racial or religious man cleaners-Tanks, cannisters, and 337-1349. 8:00a m.-5:00 p.m. O 7153 10-8/7 5977. 5-7/31 $165/month. Lease, references, de¬ uprights Many of these less than discrimination in Its ad¬ posit. 351-0965 3-7/31 1 year old All attachments go with vertising columns. The WANTED DIRECTOR for Civic Thea¬ COUPLE: 1-bedroom furnished. Util¬ 1441 EAST Michigan Avenue 2- machines Prices start at $8.00 State News will not accept ter 3-play season First show open¬ ities included. »125/»135. 332-2803. bedroom furnished. <90 summer EAST LANSING-3-bedroom unfurn¬ machines All sales Include 1 year $130 fall. 351-5323. ished house Available immediately • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ ing October 15. Must be dynamic, 332-2157 4-8/1 10-8/4 warranty Prices start at $8.00 dependable, and highly qualified Sal¬ Call 337-0922 3-7/31 DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, race, color or national or¬ ary open Write Aaron Acker, 314 HOLT-SMALL, furnished 1-bedroom 316 North Cedar, Lansing, across • FOR RENT East Mansion Street. Marshall. Mich¬ apartment. Utilities except electric¬ HOUSE UNFURNISHED--2291 Mount from City Market. Phone 482- • FOR SALE igin. igan 49068 5-8 1 ity 190 0X4-3471. 3-7/31 Hope Road All paneled Living 2677 C-7/31 room with fireplace Kitchen with • LOST & FOUND STENOGRAPHER, FULL time through NEED ONE girl starting fall term WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR- • PERSONAL New Cedar Village Call after 5 p.m., refrigerator and stove 2-bedrooms. 9 cubic feet, works very well November for large firm in South • PEANUTS PERSONAL 489-0960 : 337-7116. 5-8 4 both with full-tiled bath Large Call 337-0168. Lansing area Typing and shorthand 3-8 1 • REAL ESTATE backyard, shade trees, etc. Carport • SERVICE Automotive Employment required, 2150. salary open extension' 24 for Phone 393- interview $190/month 676-5308 5-8 4 COMPLETE DARKROOM equipment • TRANSPORTATION FALCON 1960 $200 garden trac¬ STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and 3-8 1 University Villa NEED 3 ladies to fill vacancy in Durst M-600 enlarger and acces- Call Steve. 351-5303. after tor with attachments. $75 Phone TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ 635 Abbott Rd. large house Close Summer $55 • WANTED 393-3331 3-7 31 5-8 5 eras. for FALL AND WINTER NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full part- 351-5705 3-7/31 TERMS-State News Photographic time 21 and over preferred Ex¬ 2 and 3 person apartments CARPETING FOR 2 or 3 rooms. DEADLINE 301 Student Services Building Ask cellent income potential (Robb) (2 bedroom flexible units), LARGE 3 bedroom ranch. Complete¬ $50 Vacuum cleaner, $25 Double for Mr Johnson Monday through McFadden. HOWARD JOHNSON'S, ly furnished Washer and dryer bed. $25 Hart skis and Henke boots. furnished and completely ci included Finished basement Air 1 P.M. one class day be¬ Thursday, 9 a m. to5p.m S $50 Fan and miscellaneous 355- peted, air conditioning, 5 conditioning Six women Reasonable 6182 2-7/31 fore publication. Fifteen minutes from Lansing Call MERCEDES BENZ-1958 220S Beau TEACHER NEEDS babysitter Light blocks from campus, 9 or 12 Cancellations - 12 noon one BACHELOR APARTMENT in William- tiful condition Michelin tires Very housekeeping Own transportation nonth lease. Ionia, 527-3746 2-7/30 DINING ROOM table and chairs, ston Private entrance and bath class day before publica¬ clean 351-7922 3-7 30 Near Frandor 372-4291 5-8 4 vacuum cleaner, bedroom suite, sofa, 665-1609 3-7/30 tion. Rooms odds and ends. Useful things for TEMPORARY EXPERIENCED sten Hal stead Management HASLETT. DESIRABLE ^-bedroom children. Rug, lamps. Must sell, os. typists, office machines opera leaving Sharma, deluxe. Ne»' Py-lilies or country. 339-8063, PHONE tors Short and long assignments TV RENTALS G.E. 19 portable- 351-7910 married accept 2 353-0856 2-7/31 MUSTANG-1965 convertible 4-speed $8 50 per month including stand children Lease, $1 60-13 50 hour Phone MY GAL deposit $150 plus 355-8255 Excellent condition. Seen after 6 FRIDAY OFFICE SERVICE. 484 Call J.R CULVER COMPANY. 351- EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED except electricity 337-7618 5-8/1 DOUBLE FURNISHED women s rooms LOUD WURLITZER electronic piano Ideal for rock combo Needs minor p m. 341 Evergreen, 7-F Contact 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- Private bath, Kitchen, parking, laun¬ 7771 0-7 30 range and refrigerator Across from Rod 3-7 31 dry 337-0648 repair As is. $160 Evenings. 332- RATES campus. Reasonable 332-0792 , 351- BAY COLONY 19-8/22 5941 5.8 4 FIGURE CLERK. Permanent Work MI'S ["A*- CONVERTIBLE 1966 Ex¬ SPARTAN HALL-men. women, sin¬ I day $1.50 cellent condition, low mileage Auto¬ on calculator Verv little tvping NEW GE portables and stands rented ONLY to MSU students and faculty APARTMENTS gles. doubles Parking, laundry ENTIRE FAMILY wear Glasses^ 15< per word per day Phone Marge Pennv, 484-7771 GAL STODDARD APARTMENTS Now rent¬ 372-1031.337-0648 Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 matic radio 332-3000 5-7 30 FRIDAY PERMANENT PERSONNEL $8 84 month (includes tax) STATE Corner of Haslett and Haga- 19-8 22 3 days ing for fall. 1 bedroom, close to East Michigan Avenue $4.00 0-7'30 M \NAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 dorn Roads. Now taking leases 372-3409 13 campus, laundry, balcony, sound¬ 630 STODDARD Furnished single C-8'l 1/2# per word per day OPEL KADETT deluxe- 1966 Clean. Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C proofed 332-0913,332-2920 3-8/1 for September 1, 2 and 3 room 5 days Light cooking $60 Man 332-0480 ...... $6.50 WANTED CLERK-Typist Exper man apartments. Furnished or 10-8 7 13# per word per cmy ience necessary Must be excellent TV RENTALS-Students only monthly and term rates Call Low 484- 711 EAST * unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month UNBEATABLE typist. Minimum of 70 wpm Fa¬ i(based on 10 words per ad) PONTIAC--1968 LeMans convertible miliarity with IBM Selectric and 2600 to reserve yours TV RENTALS UNIVERSITY C 711 Burcham Dr. leases available. Call Jack SINGLES, trance, bath DOUBLES. Parking Private Reasonable en¬ VALUE! 11.000 miles $2,395 351-9070 or transcription equipment helpful Sal¬ New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. 237 Kedzle 351-9584 5-7/31 In Lansing's Most There' will be a 50# service 351-0580 5-7 30 ary $375 month, to start Equal RENT A TV from a TV Company- ished 3 men apt*, leealng for Exciting New Apartment and bookkeeping charge if Opportunity Emplover Call 351 - 4741 3-7 31 $9 00 per month. Call 337-1300 fall now 1 year or 9 mo. SINGLE ROOMS and 2-bedroom furn¬ Community this ad is not paid within NEJAC TV RENTALS C ished apartment for 3 or 4 stu¬ one week. leases, IV 9-9651 or dents 1 block from Berkey 351- MEADOWBROOKl The State News will be STENO PERMANENT tion in lovely dictophone posi East Lansing office 351-3525 TRACE See for Yourself responsible only for the TRIUMPH 1967-TR-4A Excellent $450 monthly Employer pays half FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished For Sale of fee Phone Marge Pennv. 484- With swimming pool. Heat paid 2 GIRLS NEED Large, New, Beautiful first day's incorrect inser¬ mechanical condition. Wire wheels, place to live fall (JAL FRIDAY PF.RMWKV tion. overdrive, wonder-bar radio $1,776 372-6029 after 4 30 pm 7771 PERSONNEL 0-7 30 $62.50 each. EAST LANSING MAN¬ AGEMENT. 351-7880 C term only 351-3301 351-3367 2-7/31 1-2-3 BEDROOM 5-8 4 WANTED 1 or 2 young faculty or EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY grad types to share faculty house e Large selection of plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 APARTMENTS VOLKSWAGEN 1966-sunroof Rebuilt Experienced secretaries, typists to SUBLET ONE bedroom Air con¬ near campus 355-6607 or 337- WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, 509 FROM .$150 Automotive , , ditioned. pool, carpeted, dishwasher engine Very good condition After work on temporary assignments East Michigan 485-4391 C 6 pm . 694-0369 3-7 30 Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-7 31 many extras 351-0627. if no answer. Decorator-Coordinated AUSTIN HEALY 300 Mark III 1964 NORTHWIND 351-7285 " 3-8 1 COZY THREE-Bedroom Furniture Available for furnished BEAUTIFUL WRO' KO'" Iron dining Good body new shocks, new bat¬ WANTED CLEAN, good running DRUMMER FOR jazz combo Mostly FARMS home, near MSU. Family onlv 351- 4 chairs Singles and Marrieds tery 410 Park Lane 332-2414 7-8 1 weekends Playing country clubs, 6-cylinder automatic. 2-door 882 Faculty Apartments WOODSIDE APARTMENTS quiet area, 4613 3-7/30 davs 489-8558 05?6 after 5 p m 3-8 1 etc Ray Kroodsma 373-5724 until l-bedroom, furnished or unfurnished BUG-EYE Sprite Very good con¬ 4 30 482-6513 after 4 30 2-7 30 351-7880 Laundry, balcony, security locks, UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES 3-bed¬ dition. over $1,000 invested See it carpeted halls September leases FANTASTIC STEREO - Wollensak and make offer Call 351-4160 Auto Service & Parts available Also 2 apartments at room, 1618 Greencrest-$200. 2- • Full Wall-to-Wall ALBERTS reduced rate til September bedroom 1623 Parkvale - $150 Price cut $100 to $119 351-8636. 14th Families. 332-0480 10-8 7 351-8415 5-8 1 Carpeting ACCIDENT PROBLEM" Call KALA¬ SHOE SALON 3rand 351-4691.332-2920 3-8 1 • Designer Draperies BUICK LESABRE MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small Part-time help needed in our bedroom, furnished For profession¬ e Color Coordinated wagon Good running dents to large wrecks American tires 489-2136 and foreign cars Guaranteed work Lansing Mall store, male or al. graduate students, college fa¬ Princeton Arms Appliances 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C female. Must have one day a culty or personnel Select clientele • Heat & Air ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ • Conditioning BUICK SPECIAL 1963 convertible week free to work full-time 1 Bedroom, new carpeting and Full Walnut Vanities able for June and September leas¬ New ures Must sell $485 355- MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala- and be neat and willing to ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 drapes, all utilities paid ex¬ e Additional Storage and 6272 3-7 30 maroo Street Since 1940 work hard. Adjustable hours cept electricity, air condition¬ Laundries in Each Building Complete auto painting and colli¬ sion service IV 5-0256 C available. Apply in person, ing, disposals, central TV an¬ 10-S or call 372-4344. tenna, laundry and storage fa¬ Beechwood Apts. Recreation Facilities cilities, 3 minutes from cam¬ INCLUDE . . . Olympic pool, ARTIST'S FIGURE model lemak- 1130 Beech St, pus. community building with fire¬ FRANCIS AVIATION So eunv ' place and sauna baths adjoin¬ learn in thr PIPER CHEROKEE" ingK U12 *150 per hour Tr'ann Hal»tead ing the pool. Picnic areas and Special 15 offer 484 1324 < port#tion provided Call ED 7 7732 Furnished and carpeted, air Twycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units Management acres of lawn for your leisure after 6pm conditioning, disposals, 5 Scooters & Cycles 3-7/30 blocks from campus, 9 or 12 for the fall of 1969, These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive 351-7910 | and enjoyment. month lease. REGISTERED NURSE or I. P N with Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ HURRY OUT TO washer, garbage disposal and Individual control-central ~ Hal stead Management air conditioning. These 4-man units have cA'Ofttl Meodowbrook FAIRLANE STATION WAGON 11# 3. parking spaces per unit and a 5 mln- Trace ►; 32.000 mile* haust control Automatic Excellent radio conditH . !M6» YAMAHA DS6C miles 1969 Honda S90 1,200 miles 250cr 1,000 Good PROVINCIAL salary and benefits HOUSE, 2815 North Apply 351-7910 , ' u^e drive puts you on campus. The stu- A Pointe and See Our Models, Both excellent condition 332-1470 wind Drive. East Lansing Phone 332 dent's leisure time has been adequately Applications Welcome ' 5061. Mrs Cole 10-8 8 for the Fall Term 0856 planned for with a giant heated swim- ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ Take 1-496 south from Frandor . ► Swimming or Camp ate balconies. If you want to be among us * the first residents of Twycklngham call today. There are 92 units available at » Pool Air MSU to MEADOWBROOK Jolly Rd. exit, right to TRACE ' $280/month and up. Conditioning Hil HOfi *D Fall leases available Model Open 10-6 phone 332-6441 • 9-month no extra lease at charge Open by Appointment Always PHONE 393-0210 MODELS OPEN Mon., Tues.,Thurs., Fri. • Your Best Buy In a 11 to 6 P.M. • • 4-man apartment Party lounge Luxury Furnishings GPtoptfutigijam J.R. Culver Co. 217 Ann St. 351-8862 Wed., 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat., 10-3; Sun., 2-6 By Kassuba—the Nation's No. 1 Landlord 4620 S. Hagadorn • Large apartments FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: J.R. Culver Co. ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 482-3379 2)7 Ann St. 351-0862 NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES Place Your PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD Today , . . Just clip, complete, mail. STATE NEWS will bill you later. 1 i T- 7T 6 .o II % li 7 IS 9 Consecutive Dates to Run . 19 Prohibit It 10 16 21. Hindu title of respect 17 •8 19 io 22. Church recess %21 % 22 23 *4 24. Examine is i6 % 27 ie 29 % » carelessly 27. Winter 31 % 32 33 %3H 35 precipitation 29 Likes better Peanuts Personals must be placed In person. 36 % 37 38 W 30. Craggy hill 1Uo 41 >42 % 43 44 34. Tree bark 37. Craze 10 Words or Less; 45 % Ho k7 % 48 /// 39. Black tea Over 10 Words Add: 50 % 61 52 40. 41. Ballet skirt Burden &3 % 43. 45. In case Forward I to: Michigan State News 347 Student Services Bldg. % 48. 49. Hired car Trouble MSU East Lansing, Mich. 51. Jumbled type Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 9 For Sale For Sale SONY HAS for a new cassette your car See it, hear it now at MAIN ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsylvania, Lansing 882-5035 player c 1959 10 X50 mobile >me MSl' Excel- 332- 5-7 31 Swim Club finishes second in Water Wonderland meet 1953 GENERAL-8 X30-. very good MAGNAVOX PORTABLE stereo AM condition, inexpensive 351-3759 FM radio $149 Call 351-3677 after 5 p. m 3-8 1 2-7 30 Personal By JEFF ELLIOTT great depth to capture the title trophy. Pete Williams, three- Ridinger <3rdi. Cook < 4th i TV RENTALS GE 19 portable- State News Sports Editor John Thuerer was the meet's year star for Coach Charles and Coward <5thi. All will $8 50 per month including stand The Spartan Swim Club outstanding performer, taking McCaffree. won the honor the be performing for Diving Coach Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 used its small quantity to great two firsts and three seconds. past two meets John Narcy this winter with 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan- quality last weekend to finish He was awarded a trophy as Five men and two women the exception of Cook, a senior 4-8 1 second in the team standings in the meet's high point getter, competed for the Spartans in at Battle Creek YOGA-DEVOTIONAL meditation Wed the Water Wonderland Swimming edging out teammate Mike Kalm¬ the diving event and all per¬ MSU Club finishers and their SEWING MACHINE clearance sale nesdays. 8:15 pm Sponsored bv Meet in Detroit. bach. Kalmbach captured two formed exceptionally well. places are: Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 00 Yogananda s self-realization fellow The Spartans, who sent only firsts, two fourths and a third, Martha Coward captured per month. Large selection of re¬ - 100 freestyle-Mike Kalm¬ conditioned used machines Singers. 15 swimmers and 7 divers to as well as swimming on two both the one- and three-meter bach (1st). Jim MacMillan. Whites. Necchis New Home and SMOKERS INNOVATIVE Research Ex the meet, took runner-up honors relay teams. events for the Spartans, with (3rd). George Gonzales, <5th». "many others $19 95 to $39 95 to the Ann Arbor Swim Club. It marked the third year in Connie Goldsmith finishing fifth Mark Holdgridge < 6th i Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washington The winners, represented by a row when a member of the in the one-meter. Miss Cow¬ 200 freestyle - Kalmbach. 48'.1-6448 C-7 21 over 125 swimmers, used their Spartan Swim Club has won the ard. Bloomfield Hills soph¬ (1st). John Thuerer (2nd). omore. will compete next in Gonzales < 5th) BIRTHDAY CAKES-7 $3 64 8 the regionals. where she will 400 freestyle - Thuerer (1st) $4 18; 9'-$5 20 Delivered KWAST BAKERIES, 484-1317 C-7 31 (attempt to qualify for the Na¬ Kalmbach < 4th), Gonzales F'REE A thrilling hour of beauty For appointment call 4844519 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 How they stand tional AAU Meet in Louisville. Kv (6th) 1500 freestyle - Thuerer (1st). East Michigan C-7 31 In the men s division. Kim Gonzales (4th) THREE FREE 1 shots White, blue-e; Service American National Ridinger. who will enter MSU in the fall as a freshman, won 100 backstroke-Bruce Tread- way (6th i the three-meter competition 200 backstroke Bruce Tread- Jeff Richardson EASTERN DIVISION ~ EASTERN DIVISION and was second in the one- way (4th) SAINT BERNARD puppies-AKC 6 Chicago meter in the 15-17-year-old 100 butterfly-Bob Jones weeks. Well-marked, champion stock BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing DETROIT 55 42 .567 12'i New York No job too large or too small 52 bracket. Ridinger just managed 15th) 355-7126 2-7 30 Boston 56 44 560 13 St. Louis 49 515 10 Block of f campus 332-3255 C to qualify for that particular 200 butterfly Thuerer (2nd). Richardson Washington 52 53 495 191* Pittsburgh - ENGLISH COCKER-female 1 year, Philadelphia event-today is his birthday. Jones(6th> ANN BROWN Typist and multilith 40 61 396 29 Ms In the men's open division 200 individual completely trained-housebroken offset printing Dissertations, theses, medley-Kalm- $50 351-7591 bach (3rdi 3.8 i manuscripts, general typing. IBM WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION competition, the Spartans made 19 years experience 332-8384 C it a clean sweep in both the one- 400 individual medley Thuer¬ AFL's B ~ DISSERTATIONS. THESES, term pa pers ANITA WARREN SCM Elec¬ Oakland Seattle Los Angeles San#"rancisco 55 56 43 46 and three-meter events. Scott won the one-meter and was Bill er 200 (2nd) Kalmbach breaststroke-Pete > 4th) Fet¬ to tric Call 351-0763. 351-7086 C-7 31 Cincinnati 50 43 second in the three-meter, ters (4th) Kansas Cit 40 60 400 51 49 .510 6 while Tom Cramer was tops in 400 medley relay-MSU Jeff Richardson, standout defensive tackle and an out¬ 21 34 68 333 24 the three-meter and was third California 38 (Dave Peterson. Fetters. standing wrestler at Michigan State, has been traded by the PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique in the one-meter. Jones. Kalmbach) 2nd N< w York Jets to the Cincinnati Bengals of the American quality thesis service IBM typing, multilith. printing and hard binding Tuesday's results Other finishers were: one- 400 freestyle relay-MSI' Football League Mobile Homes 337-1527 C Tuesday s results San Francisco 4, Chicago 2 meter - Mike Cook 12nd >. (Holdgridge. Gonzales. Mac- The Bengals acquired the 6-3. 265-pound tackle from the New York at Oakland, night Houston at New York. 2 games, night Dave Coward < 4th > and Rid¬ Millian. Kalmbach) 1st Jets for an undisclosed draft choice. Richardson, in his DID YOU KNOW THAT LARRY Boston at California, night Atlanta at Philadelphia. 2 games, night THESES OFFSET PRINTING, typ¬ BANKS can give you a better deal Los Angeles at Pittsburgh. 2 games, nig inger (5th»: three-meter: third season as a pro. was expected, to report to his new ing and binding Lowest prices avail¬ on new or used Mobile Homes Lot able Located across from campus San Diego at St. Louis, night club Tuesday- no problem Call 655-2684 or Drive on River, corner below of M A C. and Grand The Style Shop Call Montreal at Cincinnati, night IM Schedule Bengals head coach Paul Brown indicated he obtained Richardson to give the team Today 's games Wednesday's games more depth in the offensive COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337-1666 New "York at Oakland, night Atlanta 42-8 22 at Philadelphia, night Boston at California, night Houston at New York, night WEDNESDAY. JULY 30 THURSDAY, JULY 31 Richardson was a defensive tackle on MSU's 1965 and 196f Washington at Seattle, night Los Angeles at Pittsburgh, night Baltimore at Kansas City, night San Francisco at powerhouse gridiron teams His senior year, he was named Chicago to the North squad in the annual North-South all-star game DETROIT at Minnesota, night T V San Diego at St Louis, night Betas - Tony's Boys (S1 He was drafted by the Jets in 1966 and served as a bach, t Chicago at Cleveland, night Montreal at Cincinnati, night Easy X - Fakowees (S) T ransportation AHA-Wilson (Si 7 Snyder D A - Engineering , s1 up man at all five offensive line positions, as well as playing on several of the specialty units. Wanted Soilers Birchcrest Bombers 8 Baumadiers - Wivem (S1 Giants release - Fabulous Pigs - Nihilists 9 Boors-Our Team (Si Richardson will probably be best remembered for hi> BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for Bombers Haslett Honkers - 10 Young Rebels - Phytozoans wrestling feats. As a sophomore, he won the Big Ten heav\ all and positive A negative. B negative AB negative $10.00 O nega¬ Charlie Bailey 6 45 p.m. weight crown in 1965 The next two years he finished runnr HIRING HELP CAN BE FUN' Get tive $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN- Field up to one of the all time greats. Dave Porter of Michiga: the people vou need with a Clas¬ ITY BLOOD CENTER 507'2 East Charley Bailey, a Ihree year 5 Chiquita Flyers - Impressions The Johnstown. Pa., star was fifth in the NCAA Champiot sified Ad Dial 355-8255 now' Grand River East Agr Eco Lushwell. A.C. 6 Kit's Korps - Bruce s BovsfS Lansing Above regular as a linebacker-tackle I' P I' 1' 7 Gamma House - Random Variables ships his junior year and fourth his senior year. the new Campus Book Store Hours for MSU. was cut by the New RIDERS TO BOSTON one wa\ 9 a m to 3:30 p.m Monday. Tues¬ State Poli 8 Ed. Psych. - Psychotics During his senior season.. the Spartans captured the tean. York Giants Tuesday Bailey 9 Peace. Inc - Master Batters title in the NCAA Tournament', "with Richardson losing to ing Friday. August 1 Mik day Wednesday, and Friday. Thurs¬ had signed on as a free agent 10 Typhoon - Clark's Crusaders (S 3074. nights day. 12 to 6:30 p.m. 337-7183 ' C Porter in the consolation match for the heavyweight crown /WW we're r for schoo — are y the 3 remaining Welcome Week '69 shorten it. T ry a tan- sections are. . . gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at no extra cost. Friday, August 1 —Academic Section Friday, August 8—Dormitories and off-campus living ALSO! Hamburgers Friday, August 15—General News Section Cheeseburgers FRONT COVER & FASHION Submarines Frencn Fries & PIZZA CALL 332-6517 VARSITY MICHIGAN STATI UNIVIBSITY "8 STATE NE> 347 Student Services Building, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 Display Advertising 353-6400 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, July 30, 1969 SHURFINE MANILLA. CHOC, OR DUPLEX POLLY ANNA FROZEN ORANGE BREMNER.CREME Blueberry & Cherry JUICE COOKIES 6 oz. CANS POLLYANNA POTATO LEAN, SEMI-BONELESS, SMOKED, WHOLE OR PIECES, BREAD20Xpwt 4 for . * 3301 E MICHIGAN AVE. BANANA - OATMEAL • 15487 NORTH EAST ST.H» COOKIES XaV 49< FAMILY FARE • 921 W.HOLMES ROAD CHEESE LOAF wT0Z 49c WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS PILLSBURY FLOUR 5lb "k9 49c ALL FLAVORS WEEKDAYS 8 A.M. -10 P.M. JELL-0 6 «■wt pkg 20c SUNDAYS 10 A.M. - 7 P.M. PURE, GRANULATED vV'TH SMALL BACK AND RIBS ATT ACHED...TENDER MICH. SUGAR FRYER BREASTS S TAN FRESH-FROZEN CRINKLE CUT 'm s ' I ft* I 44' SPARTAN GERMAN CHOC., WHITE, YELLOW RED DEVIL'S FOOD, CHOC. F JDGE, OR CAKE MIXES Jg0^' ,/ gHS ;v % in ALL FLAVORS SUN GLO Iv "• SD ART AN TWIN ROLL PACK... ASSORTED 1-PLY, 125 SHEET R DLL (flfe A SUN-CLO POP _ TWiN \ ■ 24-FL. OZ. NO PAPER TOWELS 9 1 CHOIC^ OF 6 VARiETI ES..GR AT .1., ■ m ij/t& if '%L* BOT I3C EBERHAR D'S ■t RETURN BTLS. I; %l HI ••• • '# M SALAD DRESSING *■ 15 1/2 OZ. WT. 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