Thursday MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I love . . Sunny. . . ... my country better than STATE warner. high in the mid- my family; but I love human¬ ity better than my country. UNIVERSITY --Fenelon East Lansing, Michigan Vol. 62 Number 31 Thursday July 31. 1969 State Police direc into Ann Arbor By STEVE WATERBURY investigation in the hands of the State he said, but rather want to assure the Title 18 I SC Section 1201 «Kidnap Law. State News Staff Writer Police director people of this state that all action that The telegram also said there is cause Gov. Milliken said Wednesday he has Milliken acted under authority vested in can be taken is being taken to believe the civil rights of the victims ordered State Police Director Frederick him by act 59 of the Public Acts of For the FBI to become fully involved had been violated contrary to federal E. Davids to take charge of the inves¬ 1935 The act in the federal statute must have empowers the' governor case, a law tigation of a series of seven unsolved to authorize the State Police director been violated. murders in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area call In "to upon any sheriff or other requesting the intervention of the Kelley issued a plea to residents of In a joint news conference with Att. police officer of any county, city, town¬ FBI. Miiliken and Kelley. in their tele¬ the Ann Arbor area to exercise caution Gen. Frank Kelley. the governor also ship or village for aid and assistance gram to Mitchell, said that there " is when going outside of their homes and said he has • formally requested the full Milliken said his actions believe that do not indi¬ cause to each of these dormitories involvement of the FBI" in a telephone cate victims any dissatisfaction with the over¬ was unlawfully seized and carried When going out. tell a friend where call and a telegram to I S \ttv Gen all conduct of the investigation. away and held for a period in excess of John V Mitchell. you are going, when you are going and "But it is essential that we move 24 hours, thereby creating a presumption with whom you are going The FBI has Kelley said. previously made its bevond cooperation to assure that there that these persons had been transported State steps laboratories available to local authorities is effective coordination, he continued in interstate commerce in violation of What is needed is citizen eooperation-not hysteria concern and engaged in the case, but not their in¬ "These actions further reflect the fact Gov. Milliken, left, and Atty. Gen. Frank K vestigative manpower that extraordinary circumstances require Wednesday that state authorities will take con This is the first time in Michigan extraordinary measures. hunt for the killer or killers of seven young \ i the Ann history that a governor has placed the We do not want to raise false hopes. Arbor- Ypsilanti area. responsibility fof the conduct of a criminal Investigators question Urban League demands suspect in Kentucky ANN ARBOR-As the state take¬ in a flood of tips and problems in coor¬ billing for domestic ills over was being announced in Lansing, dination among the six agencies handling top the two men who. until Wednesday, had been chiefly responsible for the murder investigation. tne investigation Urban WASHINGTON and it h own Vi< forces. though they talk hopefully of some unex¬ pected new move by Hanoi which could dent Nguyen Van Thieu talked about BOSTON t AI* -Sen Edward M Kennedy removal of U S fighting men and their The Paris stalemate magnifies the im¬ said Wednesday he will remain in hs Senate seat and retain his post replacement by South Vietnamese during portance of the possible-but wholly un¬ as their conference at Saigon Wednesday declared- trend toward de-escalation in asst. senate majority leader and if •elect¬ ed ;erve the entin apparently ruling out any bid for the presidency in 1972 Nixon says p The statement released from his Boston office read " Senator Edward M Kennedy is return¬ ing to Washington to resume his duties as now BANGKOK i AP i-President Nixon up ; dreary, difficult to I think history V United States Senator and assistant ma jor¬ war. swept in and out of South Vietnam Wed¬ I record that this may have been ity leader nesday. saying We have gone as tar of America's finest hours, because He is grateful to the people of took a difficult task and we succeed- Massachusetts for their expressions of the door of negi which will bring ed confidence and expects to submit his record peace dashed to nearby Vietnam and to them as a candidate for reelection in 1970. , back before heading for India Thursday Nixon made his statement at Inde¬ on his round-the-world tour If reelected, he will serve out his entire six-vear term pendence Palace in Saigon, where he Nixon's npon arrival at Saigon's Tan conferred with President Nguyen Van Son Nhut (airport and his helicopter Kennedy, in a nationwide television Thieu. address last Friday, asked the people hop to the Presidential Palace marked the first visit by an American president of Massachusetts to help him decide Recounting the peace offers made by the to the South Vietnamese capital. Nixon whether to resign from the Senate. But. allies at the Paris talks. Nixon said was in Vietnam for 5-1 2 hours. he said, the ultimate decision would be it is now time for the North Vietnamese his and .the Viet Cong to sit down with His scrub call at Di An. a small base in country some 12 miles north Watch the His television appearance followed by us and talk seriously about ways to of A U.S. Army lieutenant takes advantage of the opportunity to snap a closeup picture of President Nixon Saigon, was the first presidential only a few hours his pleading guilty to stop the killing as the Chief Executive addresses officers and men of the U,5. First Infantry Division at their head¬ trip into a combat operations area in leaving the scene of an accident in which Later, at a combat base near Saigon, a young woman was killed he told U.S. infantrymen "Out here in (please turn to page 91 quarters at Di An, South Vietnam. Wednesday. AP Wirephoto •2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 Businessman seen Lawsuit po Sharma as presidential By LINDA GORTMAKER Executive Reporter management type would be the best person to accomplish this. educators. type dents. Young questioned whethei or "professional By STEVE WATERBURY The State News Staff Writer possibility of a Univer¬ sity lawsuit against the U.S. fessor Sharma that ig in the case." Pinner said the action yrould have stand- Tuesday however, taken by the "But I'm not sure a cor¬ academicians", could handle Dept. of Health. Education and University to fund Sharma's If a national magazine edi¬ tor were picking MSU's next porate executive would under¬ the job. Welfare (HEW > to recover proposed research following the stand what is needed." "Look at what they've done to $21,245 promised to Dhirendra HEW decision, effectively pro- president. John Hannah's re- the elementary Sharma. associated professor of * Dale Hathaway, chairman of and secondary jiibits Sharma from being placement might be some¬ one with a background in cor¬ the search and selection com¬ schools," he pointed out. philosophy. appears remote able to take HEW to court, Young said exceptions to the at this time since he is no longer being porate management. mittee. disagreed with Young's corporate image could be Before the decision by HEW harmed by the HEW decision, Lewis Young editor of Bus¬ concept of the role of a univ¬ found, because there are lots was announced as final on Pinner said the University inessweek, discussed the par- ersity president. Hathaway of "individuals in corpora¬ Friday, the Lansing Branch of would still be able to initiate adoxes involved when looking for thought. Young s comments ap- tions that are intellectually in¬ the American Civil Liberties law suit against HEW to an effective president of a large P'ie(^ more to private univer¬ clined." Union (ACLU i had urged the "recover damages." university. Young has been a sities, not public schools. "There's lots of M.B.A.'s University to seek a "manda¬ However. Milton E. Muelder. participant in a three-day Young qualified all of his in management, but also some tory injunction against the Secre¬ vice president for research campus turmoil in comments by calling them "gen- history majors," Young said tary of Health Education development, said the University Hubbard Hall. eralizations. and general- gc.cia.- The editor with and the red-haired Welfare," ii event has no plans at this time to "The main job of necessarily sideburns stressed that what that the grant i as not re- start a lawsuit against HEW. ersity president the search and selection com- turned to Sharma. "If such an action were to money and build facilities. in contrast to corporate mittee should be really looking A letter written to MSL be taken, it would have to be Young said, "and a corporate executives as college presi for is "somebody to do the I'm gonna 'em trustees by Frank A. Pinner. taken through the board of job. regardless of back¬ chairman of the Lansing Branch trustees." Muelder said. If I catch a white one, the fairy /III put 50 cents under ly pillow. He's ground ACLU. said that There exists, however, Love Among The Stars "Maybe you could get some¬ riy way. All I have to do Is Ignore 1 if such an action were taken, possibility of a "taxpayers State Ne is photo by Nor one from government, he said both the University and Pro- lawsuit" against the University "like John Gardiner" (former Zales because of its decision to fund Secretary of Health. Education Sharmas proposed research and Welfare i. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Constellation He also suggested Arthur Goldberg, for his background as of William J. Crissy. professor marketing, declined to com¬ Diamond a labor mediator. that Goldberg would not his personal choice. He reflected on Young added the whole Mariner streaks past Mars ment on reports that he is considering a charging "malfeasance" against legal the administration and trustees claim .of the University because of the question of college presidents PASADENA. Calif. and said. I don t know that Sharma research decision. Mariner 6 streaked Wednesday much about The HEW office of educa¬ university pres- toward a 2.130-mile-high sweep Its wide-angle camera was spokesman said selected prints of these dark z idents, except that in my day tion based its final rejection of past Mars after televising what busy taking and storing ; of the 24 pictures planned will in the first s the grant on two points in a you respected them scientists called "the most i ond sequence of 17 photographs be distributed Friday night af- which also showed for "the first memo to Rep. Charles E. Cham¬ to be sent earthward starting at ter analysis and study by time that Mars' white south po¬ 8 p.m. EST Wednesda tists berlain, R-Mich lar cap has ragged edges and a Both wide and telephoto cam- HEW said that several areas They were taken at distances dark patch in the middle. THE STATE NEWS of 473.000 to 111.000 miles as the -as will be used during the fly Some scientists speculated in which Sharma had proposed to do his research were sensi¬ The State New*, the student newspaper at Michigan Sute University, is 350-pound spacecraft sped to¬ that the dark spot idicated the tive border regions placed "off- P-bUijN* every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week ward Mars at 16.000 miles an The spokesman said these pic- polar cap might be melting in I Orientation issues in June i September. Subscription rates are $14 hour. limits" by the Indian govern- per year. Flight controllers at Jet tures overlap and the possi- the Martian spring. -ment. and questioned whether Propulsion Laboratory said bility of confusion led to a deci- If true, this could support these images would be larger Sharma met "the continuing Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press sion not to show them immedi- theories that the cap is made of AsMdation, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ and show more detail than the ice. melting as summer ap¬ employment aspect of technical igan Collegiate Press Association, Unite* States Student Press Association. 33 received across 58 million elegibilitv." proaches and sending water Muelder said in miles Tuesday night, snapped start response Remember--Your MSU I.D. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. taking approach through the dark lines on the to the first reason cited by Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan when the spececraft was as far pictures late Friday night and planet's surface called canals, saves you money at Zales State University, East Lansing, Michigan. out as 770.000 miles. HEW that travel restrictions scheduled to s veep within 2.080 thus irrigating supposed vegeta- Mariner 6 was to make its miles of M, south polar re- emposed by the Indian govern¬ Phones: tion in the dark patches. ment on foreigners conducting closest approach at 1:18 a. gion Monday. Other theories hold, however. ZALES" Editorial Classified Advertising 355-8252 355-82S Thursday after turning on Mariner 6's fly by path lies that the cap is frozen carbon research not in India apply to Sharma. who has would Display Advertising 35344M telephone camera capable of above broad equatorial region dioxide, which is toxic to plant We're nothing without your love. Business-Circulation 355-3447 showing details as small of dark areas which some scien- life, and that the canals and retained his Indian citizenship. Photographic 355-8311 Whether there does exist feet across. tists have thought may be vege- dark areas are rock that change such Pictures taken an "aspect of technical during the fly tation because they darken color with the seasons. eligibility" has been much dis- A copy of the list of quali¬ MARSHALL'S fications required of all APOLLO Fulbright-Hays applicants issued r by the Office of Education does not mention such MARSHAU. MUSIC CO. quirement. a re¬ 245 Ann St. Sharma has accepted the E ast Lansing University's offer to fund his research and is expected to irythlng in Music" depart shortly for Europe, where he will consult with HOTTEST FEATURING THE NATION'S RECORD experts his fic in his area prior to studies along the Indian- Tibetan border He has declined to information give speci¬ concerning his plans however, following phone calls he has received threaten¬ HEAVY NITS! ing his life. BIG BROTHER AND THE HOLDMG COMPANY THE CHAMBERS BROTHERS/TAJ MAHAL BLOOD, SWEAT ANDTEARS / THE BYRDS MKE BLOOMFCU) AND AL KOOPER MOBY GRAPE/LAURA NYRQ Tenn. senator finds fault m MONO with Safeguard WASHINGTON (APi-A GEMS Senate foe of the Safeguard an- tiballistic missile system said Wednesday the Pentagon's own Columbia Records ATCO RECORDS Atlantic Records BEST OF" Famous Label Jazz, technical reports cast doubt on its workability Heavy Hits CREAM Crosby Stills & Nash Rock, & Instrumental L.P.'s greatest album yet Sen Albert Gore. D-Tenn Various Artists "Best of Cream" "Crosby Stills & Nash" . gave that appraisal after his YOUR disarmament subcommittee $]77 re¬ CHOICE viewed three secret studies of missile defenses. "None of these technical re* Including! Ramsey Lewis, Thelonious Monk, Jimmy {^You've Made Me So Very HappyV$ ports supports the present de¬ Smith, Gabor Szabo, Jack McDuff, Dave Brubeck, Rnd Shank, and many more! sign of the Safeguard ABM sys¬ 98 tem." said Gore. 2% 13 But Sen. Karl E. Mundt. R- S.D.. said the classified reports actually dealt with alternatives to Safeguard, and were, part of the evidence that the system Values at 4.98 each Values at 5.98 each pickuiick 33 President Nixon proposed is the best available. He said technical questions ' A RARRFI OF HITSI about the system cannot be fi¬ Columbia Records COMPARE OUR PRICES nally resolved unless it is de¬ CAPITOL RECORDS ployed. the step Nixon wants Blood, Sweat 8. Tears STEVE MILLER BAND Congress to authorize. "brave New World" "They've got rooms full of these reports at the Pentagon." Mundt said. A key vote on the deployment issue is expected next Tuesday or Wednesday. Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R-Kv., a sponsor of legislation which would block deployment, said he believes he now has 49 senators on his side. Gore said a tie vote is in prospect. It would take a Senate majori¬ ty to bar ABM deployment, and Gore said opponents of the sys¬ tem face a struggle for one Columbia Records lmp«rlal Records Soul Records Scepter Records vote, perhaps two. Johnny Rivers Jr. Walker Dionne Warwick's The disarmament subcommit¬ CT A "A Touch of Gold" Greatest Hits tee spent two hours in closed Chicago T ranslt Greatest Motion Picture Hits session discussing the technical Authority reports. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 3 news I Olin plans appointment system summary By ROSANNE BAIME State News Staff Writer Plans are under way to and time "appointment on an blotter." up to two weeks in advance. Dr. Feurig said most said "We have to recognize the existence of spontaneous infir¬ mities and allocate a staff to system will become closer to One of the new system's a to cian return who to in the turn same can physi¬ gain a to first base when it comes to medical care. " familiarity with the case. Dr. Feurig is optimistic about implement an appointment appointments would probably be handle them." objectives. Other patients who come in A capsule summary according to Dr the fall term goal for imple¬ of the day's events frorr system at Olin Health Center. made by phone, although some One of the things that has our wire services. Feurig. is to establish some first as walk-in patients can mentation of the system. Dr. James S. Feurig. direc¬ could be in person. most disappointed Dr. Feurig kind of continuity between pa¬ switch over to the appointment 1 think we can do it by tor of Olin. said Wednesday. Provisions would also be made about Olin until now has been tients and doctors. system once they are established the second week of fall term" He hopes to have the for a walk-in service to handle its lack of any appointment pro- "The system is designed to with program a physician they like, he Dr Feurig said operating fall term. immediate problems. benefit patients who come in The first week would be "To set up the entire opera¬ " Under the new system a cen¬ It's been impossible to for the recheck of a problem, It will be easier to estab¬ impractical-we're involved with "/ tral appointment office would tion on an appointment system institute one up until now. due and for those with continuing lish iiner count a good working relationshp too many routine tasks with schedule appointments by date would be Utopian." Dr. Feurig to problems with our physical illnesses that require regular this way." he said. the opening of the krimwly on I of anylhnifi." plant, our staffing and our new year. check-ups." he said. I don't care what you Also, we have to allow some — Nm. I <1 hiiiml Miiskie. I. budget, he said For these patients, the appoint¬ say-if there is a personality time for the dissemination of Main The board of trustees recently ment system will be more con¬ clash between the doctor and information about the new svs- allocated an extra $250,000 venient. Thev will be able patient, you're not going to get to Olin's budget for increasing its staff Dr. Feurig said this money is being used to add to International News vj g^ /J- -r * all personnel areas. Present are physicians' salaries being increased in ac¬ AUSSC board meets selection The lull in the Vietnam cordance with the Michigan civil to summer war en¬ report " tered its seventh week servant's salary. More nurses Wednesday, one of the V- * V{ ' ,Vr ■ ' and clerical help are being quietest days since it began hired. hairman of the All-University ;ition Allied spokesmen said they had no reports By LINDA GORTMAKER Physician recruitment is also Executive Reporter learch and Selection Committee of ground action anywhere during the day. but continuing. New doctors will The selection search and AUSSC- AUSSC members interviewed be joining the staff from Sep¬ committee will meet with the Hathaway said that the num- candidates and contacts two acknowledged it was possible some small- tember through January. Dr ler of candidates AUSSC is weeks ago. and Hathaway said unit encounters took place that had not yet Board of Trustees Saturday Feurig said. Three have already eriouslv looking five committee members morning to discuss additional been reported. agreed to come to Olin. while candidates for MSU's ivher* the range of 12 traveled for one interview this presi¬ • • • three more are in the final week. Students and faculty were dency negotiating stages. It'll be another both represented on the travel¬ A new French effort to mediate a solution With the progress increase in Olin number because our preterred ing n wing c nit tee report meeting, as far as I to the Vietnam war has failed, informed personnel the appointment know." Dale list' changes as we get addi- said Hathaway sources in Paris reported Wednesday. one.' he said. views of the candidates had to An initiative taken by Foreign Minister Hathaway added that the kind be scheduled. For these first Maurice Schumann produced no more in priv¬ Students of information that is especially interviews. Hathaway said that ate than what the North Vietnamese and significant is when a person is if committee member a came the Viet Cong had been saving in public at the found to be totally unavailable. back with a good or bad re¬ Hathaway repeated his com¬ port about a guy. I'd believe 27 peace talk sessions. Urban plaint that many of the candid¬ • • • on ates or people who know the candidates are extremely hard would Hathaway said that Xl'SSC probably make the de¬ Before he left for Africa, Pope Paul VI Germ warfare to contact, and this makes in¬ cision with the board of Trus¬ pledged to devote his wealth and strength to walls of the Aministration WASHINGTON « \P»--A demanding a condem- formation-gathering harder tees it and when additional in- Bldg. are scoured the cause of peace and the relief of poverty. group of about 40 black students nation of fascism in \meri- It seems like everybody is high-pressure air gun. Mr. Clean protects held the floor at the National white people the Speaking at his summer home. Castel Gan- sad with an oxygenated hood. Urban can. on League s annual confer- League's board of trustees and dolfo. the Pope said that when he leaves State News photo by Wayne Munn ence for half an hour todav the League s effectiveness in for Uganda later today he will "carrv in my helping poor blacks. heart" the intention of helping end the civil The students, many in dashik- war in Nigeria SENATE OBLIGATIONS is and all with Afro hairdos, filed outshouting their disgust • • • afterWhitney M Young Jr the . Anatol) V. Kuznetsov, Soviet writer whose League's executive director, works have defected Wednesday in Britain come under fire in his homeland, and was granted asylum Muskie limits talks told them he could not let them think your ciety this conference indictment of all white so¬ shares We've reached the moon still thousands of fascinating but there are places to visit The WASHINGTON AP -Sen said I wouldn't operate onthe 39-year-old author of the novel "Babi Edmund S Muskie said Wed¬ go back up to eight or 10 Young told the delegates he here on E arth. assumption that Ted Kennedy's in September, compared with 15 Yar" had been in Britian to do research troubles-and I suppose he has agreed with some ot the things Find out how many interesting places you nesday he is committed to re¬ a month in the spring the students have said and disa¬ can visit ducing his cross-countrv ap¬ troubles- would be of any politi¬ on y oy r budget. greed with others but felt the National News pearances this fall despite the cal advantage to me The number of invitations is shifting political situation re¬ sulting from Sen Edward M Muskie of fit eported that stillspiraling. said press sec¬ retary Bob Shepher. adding students hen represent the thinking of a large number of college travel A senator said riade only three that the last .time he checked black people in America—and Wednesday the Armed Serv¬ Kennedy s automobile accident white people." ices Committee received a pessimistic report I see nothing that's hap¬ speaking trips out «i t Washing- there were about 600 a month. ton in July and has i lone sched- but from Gen. Earle G. Wheeler whether the on pened in the meantime to change uled in August but w ill probably count them an that." the Maine senator told U.S. efforts to train South Vietnamese troops a reporter. would lead to further withdrawals soon "It's a matter of trying to do what I and do it well." Mus¬ attention car owners can I wish the story had been more encour¬ kie said, adding that the stepped- aging. but we have to take things the way up pace of Senate activity * they are Chairman John <\ Stennis. D-Miss . expected this fall would make Complete front end repair and told reporters after a committee briefing by it difficult for him to keep alignment Wheeler, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs to the kind of him make 90 appearances schedule that saw in 35 * Brakes * Black and White TV of Staff, just back from Vietnam. Ja and Suspension • • • The Ma itor said he * Wheel" balancing * Steering Two light airplanes collided over Idaho's thinks it ature t<> dis¬ countKennedy's political future 9-in. Diagonal capital city Wednesday killing the six occu¬ pants. One plane crashed 50 feet from a nur- after the Juiy 18 accident in which a girl riding in his car LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Measure Picture sery school and the other narrowly missed a was killed 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 I would never count a Ken¬ Portable TV posh residenti il district. nedy out of anything Muskie Witnesses said the planes, apparently fly¬ ing in formation, brushed together and then spun out of control. High 3k \obody on the ground was hit. but I thought sure one was going to hit the Fed¬ Style The ideal personal portable TV eral Building or the Veterans Hospital." a S . . . because it weighs only 14 lbs., Boise housewife said i Mr. John Carver C is compact and easy to carry. one-knob channel selector. Fast It's O.K. to use an electric Thegovernment threatened the giant In¬ urling iron to make small ternational Telephone and Telegraph Corp. curls but carefully — . . . USE SEARS EASY coo much heat scorches hair, SLACKS i ITT) Wednesday with an antitrust suit if it PAYMENT PLAN breaks it. And use a bit of goes through with plans to acquire the Grin- conditioner first; it will keep TOPS nell Corp The Justice Dept. said both ITT and Grin- nell were notified of the government plans in hair from Another tip for a elyeye: instead of drawing line under eye (which can "close frizzing. big, J)i£ lov¬ SKIRTS Swivel TV response to inquiries from lawyers of the two SKOOTERS up" the eye) stipple tiny dots firms. , of eyeliner among lower lashe; ITT is the nation's eleventh largest indus¬ Weak fingernails? Use a clipper DRESSES trial corporation, and had sales last year . . It makes a thicker edge, nd the nail is less likely of $4.1 billion. Grinnell is a diversified over to chip or break. firm with sales last vear of $341.3 million. It is a leading maker of plumbing and piping In early centuries, Chinese wo 1/3 99 men went to bed in a face mask hardware made of tea, oil, rice flour . . which they scraped off Michigan News the it a morning, mini-facelift with 15 to utes on a slant board. Blood Michigan Consolidated (ias Co. won a tem¬ rushes up through arteries to porary ruling from the Ingham County Cir¬ cuit Court on ;i rate hike Wednesday and will face and neck. No slant board? Put ironing board against bed, lie down upside down. 1/2 Turn this agonal ture TV in any 9- inch di¬ pic¬ measure direct¬ increase the bills of 960.000. domestic and ion— full circle, if you commerieal users by 25 cents per month wish. Weighs 15— lbs. The rate hike will become effective im¬ Uf&nttci series of questions you have missed the point of the Senator's In raising this indicate that you The thousand of black and white beautiful cal motives , instead ot for these davs for purposes of har¬ following "point of backing came from Mr. James A Har¬ speech. Despite the fact that in the written by Dhirendra Sharma, associate sons and daughters of. America have rison and his their intended functions. assment and control of un¬ colleagues in the Ingham opinion of his physician. Sen. Kennedy vowed to have the imprudence to prac¬ professor of philosophy. Sharma's grant, County Democratic Party. Except for a was in a state of shock and not re¬ (iranted. Sinclair has been desirable'' elements of Ameri¬ withdrawn by the Dept. of Health. Edu¬ tice both freedom of speech and freedom few stray individual Republicans, it was of conscience. They also, sponsible for his actions. Sen. Kennedy* •busted' twice before but can society. Misuse of law in cation and Welfare. I HEW I has been re¬ are prepared disappointing that the Ingham County has pleaded guilty to the charge of not instated to bear the consequences one wonders if those incidents law and order ' culture through the University, and he Republican Party failed to take a stand our will reporting the accident and he has ac¬ be leaving soon for India to con¬ Today. I want my friends and foes on such a vital issue of academic free¬ were the out-ome of harass¬ is a glaring hvpoerisy. At the duct his research. cepted fully, morally and legally the if anyone else thinks of me so' > to know- dom I wonder if the Party is devoid for his political views responsibility for whatever decisions were ment verv least, such perversion of My ultimate loyalty is to the possible that I have not modified my opposition of academic pundits! made or not made by his staff, who achievements of the human race, and with the Vietnam War. racism, Our news media have often been the instead of an honest attempt legislation can result in a grow¬ to to or to were also I might remind you his priv¬ such a commitment the brief troubles the target of criticism But on this con¬ growing tide of oppressive militar¬ ileged counselors at law. Therefore, there at drug control Sinclair can¬ ing lack of public confidence of my personal unquiet have become en¬ ism. On the contrary, the controversy troversy. I wish to record my apprecia¬ is no need for us to question these men not haw been so stupid is to in our legal md judicial sys¬ durable But much remains to be tion for their ex¬ over my grant has but strengthened my objective and diligent re¬ No one is attempting to defend the fail¬ be careless alter having been tem perienced and learned, and if it is only hopes in America. I am now more con¬ porting. Among the reporters I discovered ure to report the accident. Sen. Ken¬ to be learned through adversity. I must vinced than ever before that the people many beautiful people. Special men¬ twice "burned According to \t the other extreme, misuse nedy himself called it indefensible. endeavour to endure adversity with what of this great nation have a commitment tion is due to an extremely dedicated You say. in effect, that his responsi¬ his attorney. Justin ('. Ravitz. of law. not only on drugs but fortitude I can command to the principle of liberty for which reporter. Mr. George Colburn of The Towne bility in the matter of not calling the he Sinclair* had been set up expanding to other areas, could Two roads diverged in the woods, and I- this Republic was founded. Courier. I enjoyed reading his columns I took the one less travelled by police raises doubts as to his fitness I carry no malice against those who. as detective stories of the Sharma grant. by police He was. in effect, ultimatelv lead to the type And that has made all the difference for public office. Sen. Kennedy frankly secretly or openly, worked against my Most of the time he was ahead of me. duned into a transaction that of repression characteristic of and openly admitted that it raised ex¬ -Robert Frost academic pursuit. They acted according I received tremendous support from stu¬ he should haw bee' actly. those same doubts in his own newr par¬ a police >tate. Dynamics of change are governed by to their wisdom and if such is wisdom dents. faculty and staff at MSU. I can¬ mind, and it was on this score and this the laws of nature The status >/"» is how shall I define ignorance0 Yet. they not list all of them but my cordial ty to. score only that he sought the advice of Ii clear how lock¬ -The Editors no law of nature I wish to remind those followed their conscience and I listened thanks are due to my Chairman. Pro¬ the is verv u people of the Commonwealth of who hopelessly engage in trying to main¬ to mine. I propose m> action against any¬ fessor William Callaghan. and my col¬ Massachusetts whom he represents tain the status qua by all means, wrong one in this regard. leagues in the Department of Philoso¬ If Sen. Kennedy himself raised these as well as right, that they are bound to phy and Justin Morrill College. I am also I am extremely grateful to the present very questions in his speech to the peo¬ On Personae fail because they are acting against the law of nature--the Universal Flux unite University administration of Michigan State My most grateful thanks grateful to Professor Frank A Pinner. Chairman. American Civil Liberties Un¬ ple. I find it difficult to understand why you were impelled to write a public edi¬ It was Mark Twain who wrote: are due to Dr Milton E. Muelder. Vice- ion. Lansing Branch: Porfessor Charles torial. which in the manner of the Man¬ The idea of student aid grants creased tuition has It is by the goodness of God that in President of Research Development and Larrowe. and Dr. Eileen Vantassell. and already our country we have those three un¬ host of friends and members of the chester Union-Leader you ran on the Dean of Advanced Graduate Studies as a front for out-of-staters is a some¬ reached the breaking point. page, announcing it with great speakably precious things: freedom well New University Conference: and to Pro¬ what novel as acting Dean of the International clamor as an anxiety of your own one. They were If the University delays, the of speech, freedom of conscience, and fessor Albert I Rabin and the Ameri¬ Program This scholar cum administra¬ Just as his brother, the late President the prudence never to practice either Association of University Profes¬ not eligible under the slid¬ danger is great that significant tor has upheld the principle of academic can Kennedy, accepted the responsibility for of them " sors for their fraternal support My wife ing scale plan for a reduc¬ numbers of out-of-state students autonomy and intellectual freedom against a Bay of Pigs Disaster which had been Today. I would like Twain to know- all political and internal pressures joins me in extending our thanks to mostly planned and executed by others tion. nor do they qualifv for will not be able to bear that there are more than 5.000 youths the people of Michigan for their friend¬ I am greatly distressed about the un¬ because, as he put it. Victory has a many state grants and scho¬ the heavy burden of mount¬ in America who have had the impru¬ fortunate stroke Dr. William T. Ross ship and understanding We are grate¬ thousand fathers but defeat is an or¬ dence to practice both of these free¬ suffered on June 19. He is still under ful to everyone, to all of you larships. making financial aid ing costs doms. and they are in prisons and in Let me close with Frost again: phan " So his brother. Sen. Edward Ken¬ doctor's care. It was he who as Direc¬ nedy. has refused to hide behind the med¬ for out-of-state students --The Editors concentration camps of The woods are lovely, dark and deep the United States tor of the Asian Studies Center relent¬ ical excuse, or to blame others, even scarce, to say the least. of America. For they have refused to lessly defended the research grant I ' The America is lovely, dark and deep > his most intimate advisors, but rather bear arms to fight a dirty, immoral, But I have promises to keep. Contrary to the opinion of offer mv sympathies to Dr. and Mrs has accepted the burden of responsibil¬ un-patriotic. insidious, expansionist and Ross. And miles to go before I sleep ity for this tragic incident himself. Why trustee Stephen \isbet. out- Red Cedar report oppressive war in the far away land of I am not a member of any political And miles to go before I sleep is there any question about that*.' of-staters do not have the same By JIM DeFOREST the glorious, poor and proud Asian peas¬ -Thank you. party. However, in the defense of aca¬ Winthrop Rowe ants of Vietnam. And of Dhirendra Sharma opportunities for financial some tens demic freedom, the strongest political Instructor in Business Law and Office aid. A You administration great percentage of are more certain to attend classes- in the summer than in other seasons: grants and scholarships are appropriated through the Mich¬ summer dorms classrooms are not are air conditioned, DIANE PETRYK igan legislature and are de¬ signated solely for residents London: Holy and stripes!' In case you didn t know it. the cen¬ Acting President Adams has indicated that the administra¬ tive committee which proposed ter of all tual activity the focus of intellec¬ endeavors, the hub of all spiritual, occult and cosmic, is the IM that is stars One gets the student aid What one man can imagine, dormitory occupied mostly by British was because the Russians beat us to it the feeling the whole mission grant pro¬ has brought mankind closer together All another man can do. students On the eve of the moon land¬ with Sputnik in 1957. Yet. unlike the gram for residents would dis¬ -Jules Verne ing we found most of them just as willing Russians, the world knows our lunar men around the globe shared the pictures cuss the same program for SDS wants to infiltrate the labor move¬ to stay up all night to view the event samples will be shared throughout the in¬ from space equally and at the same time. London-It's great to be an American as we were • the first step on the moon ternational scientific community There was not privilege, no reserved seats out-of-staters sometime around ments by working in factories this sum¬ for this performance And perhaps now mer. I predict two things: 1 They 11 visiting abroad when your country pulls was taken shortly before 4 a.m.. Lon¬ This sharing has brought hopes that the first of September. Un¬ off such tremendous the middle-aged will realize a need to be¬ really learn how to swear. 2 They'll a feat as landing don time' and eager to admire Amer¬ science can transcend the petty squabbles less the legislature makes a learn the full beauty of a coffee break two men of the moon People stop you ican courage and perserverance and preoccupations of terrestrial man. come more tolerant of the young and their supplementary appropriation, on the street and ask. When are you As the lunar module touched down one The Russians' act of informing us that seemingly wild-eved and visionary ideas. going to Mars ' Luna 15 would not interfere with Apollo It could be that the most telling state¬ or unforeseen funds are acqui¬ They want to buy you of them yelled Holy stars and stripes, drink ment about us was made by British col¬ The State News welcomes all a the bloody yanks have done it' and all may be an indication of her willingness red by the University, an out- Indeed, there are no Ugly Americans the Americans present were honored with to cooperate in this area. umnist Bernard Levin when he said that letters. They should be typed of-state program could not be in London today-only people from a free beer But we did not go uncrit- Also well publicized here was the the search for freedom and the hunger and signed with the home town, nation that just managed fact that Aldrin. not for knowledge are twin guests, and 1 do initiated until next year. Ad¬ student, faculty or staff stand¬ to dwarf a icized. Armstrong, was or¬ billion years of history Films of Americans selling moon iginally chosen to be the first man on not believe it is an accident these voy¬ ams stated. The University ing. and local phone number in¬ cluded. No unsigned letter will Taking MSI courses in the British juice and moon cheese in Neil Arm¬ the moon, but through clever office poli¬ agers came from the United States, does not have sufficient funds. capital, we have an opportunity to see strong's hometown drew sarcastic com¬ tics Armstrong managed to get the order most free of all the world's nations be accepted for publication, and ourselves as others, see us it seems ments of American materialism It switched. T cannot understand those whose im¬ Expediency, however, must no letter will be printed without as though the British feel all of the was As the success of agination is so shrivelled, so thin and be the keyword in the commit¬ a signature except in extreme a sad commentary on our way of life Apollo became ap¬ Americans dominant parent. philosophical debate over every bloodless, that it is not moved by this circumstances. All letters must characteristics when a British reported noted that Arm¬ tee's actions on this issue. were brought out in the planning and strong's grandmother would - not talk to aspect of the mission raged in the Brit¬ achievement... but I can pity them For be less than 300 words long for conducting of the Apollo 11 mission. ish media, and several thoughts contin¬ what they miss, if they miss the excite¬ The financial strain to out- publication without editing. the press because she ha^l sold her These include both the good and the bad ued to reappear ment and wonder at what has just hap¬ of-state students from in- story of Life magazine. About 10 of us are housed in a college As the events of the evening pro¬ First was the question of worth versus pened, is a great surge of faith in the gressed toward the moment the astro¬ cost. It was brought out that to travel ability of man to solve the problems of nauts would leave the lunar module, thous¬ from England to America in the 1700's his own planet.'" Levin said. I find ands of Londoners gathered on Trafal¬ was expensive, uncomfortable and doubt¬ it a profoundly reassuring and comfort¬ gar Square to watch on an outdoor TV ful of any benefit But the rewards were ing thought that at this very moment screen. A celebration was reported to there and are felt to be waiting for us men are planning the first voyage to have raged all night at a nearby dis- in space the same way. Mars."' The I hope this same feeling exists in the cotheque-ironically named the Revolu¬ prediction of discoveries thai will tion. benefit mankind in unthought of ways States where the idea that mankind's know¬ x Another criticism of Americans raised was made by a scientist who remarked. ledge recognizes no boundary originated, here was that we are overly competi¬ After all. we weren't searching for better and we start to believe that if we can tive It's clear to England that the ways to mend a broken leg when the imagine a better life on earth we can onlv reason we exerted an effort in space x-ray was discovered. ' have it. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 5 SPORTS Bill Russell NEW YORK i UPI >—Bill Russell, player-coach of the retires ship in 1956 to earn "College Plaver of the Year' recog¬ that." he added. "I played because I was dedicated to being Boston Celtics, confirmed rumors that have persisted for more nition. the best I was part of a team, and I dedicated myself to than a month by announcing his retirement from basketball At Boston. Russell led the Celtics to 11 NBA playoff champion¬ making that team the best Wednesday in a magazine article. ships. setting an all-time record with 21.721 resounds He When rumors started circulating that Russell was going to "I just don't feel like playing anymore. Russell said in scored 14.522 points for a 15.1 per game retire. Red Auerbach. Boston's coach and general manager, average. the copyrighted article in Sports Illustrated. "As for coach- In his 165 playoff games, he was never more impressive, discounted them by saying he would be the first to know if ing-that prime incubator of ulcers-\o. thank you. 1 don't however He grabbed 4.104 rebounds and scored 2.673 points Russell had any plans to quit want to coach anymore, either. for a 16.2 point average. As a retired basketball player, he said he might turn to The brilliant 6-foot-9 defensive star who sparked the Celtics' Russell got to bow 'out as a winner with the Celtics enthroned the entertainment field as a new profession He said that he dynaSfv in the National Basketball Assn. said that he was quitting as NBA Champions once again He has a year to go on his will make a movie in Spain in a few weeks. because he had lost his competitive desire. contract, but he said that would not convince him to stay. if you're really looking for a reason why 1 feel I've i have a year to go on mv contract with the Celtics, played enough. I'll tell vou this, he wrote There are he said "It's one of the most lucrative in sports, and I professionals and there are mercenaries in sports The was very happy with it A couple of my friends think I should difference between them is fhat the professional is involved. at least stick out that year because of the monev I was never a mercenary. If I continued to play I'd become a me. I wouldn't mind having all that Believe money. But I'm not going How they stand mercenary because I'm not involved anymore to play basketball for money I've been paid to play, of course, Russell came into the professional ranks after leading San but I played for a lot of other reasons, too . Bill Russell Francisco to an unbeaten season and the National Champion¬ I played because I enjoyed it-but there's more to it than American National EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION Ex-Spartan booter named soccer coach at Green Bay A member of the duties at Marinetta will MSC National Collegiate lude coaching, coordinating arship to MSI' in 1964. and u letic Assn. championship er inter-collegiate sports, a member of the Spartan teai cer team has been nam< amurai and recreational 3c- from 1965 through 1967 when coach both soccer and bas- tivities. and teaching Coach Gene Kenney's boote ketball on the Marinetta County in sports skills placed second, third and fir: Campus of the University of .Jacobsen haslas been been playing of Wisconsin-Green Bay soccer most of his life, having Bert Jacobsen ha learned the game in Denmark appointed to the posts and will whe he spent#the first 16 be campus athletic specialist. of his life. He moved A native of Denmark, he goes to Sudbury. Ontario. Canada, to Marinetta from Kast Lans¬ in 1960 During his high ing. where he is completing school \ears in Sudbury, he work this summer toward a mas¬ played semi-professional soc¬ ter's degree in phvsical edu¬ cer and was there introduced cation at MSI to basketball Lundy pr forsurgery Fl'LLERTOV CALIF ! PI -Lamar Lundy. the 13-year veteran of the Los Angeles Rams' fearsome foursome will undergo knee surgerv Fri- dav. it was announced Wednes- dav by Coach George Allen Lundy will be operated on for lateral cartilage damage to his right knee at St .John's Hos¬ pital in Santa Monica. He had undergone a similar Operation during the off-season to re¬ pair vertical cartilage damage to the same knee. Allen said he hoped Lundy would be out of action onlv tv months and be able to play most of the league games Rookie receiver .Jim Sey¬ mour of Notre Dame and line- backei Dean port to Ford active duty, for the entire s the college ing for Fridav the New York le Kicker s shoes ruled illegal LAKE FOREST ILL -Jim Bakken will have for some new shoes. The National Football " NFL i has confirme the special shoes u> St Louis Cardinals' 1 star are illegal A new ruling says that the shot by placekickers must altered The directive tended to prevent kicker using special gadgets Bakken has for many had a little strip of exti along his instep to m shoes last longer un heavy pressure of hi Bakken thought the wouldn t mind his sh< the NFL has confirmed that its new ruling also covers that extra little strip-and Bakken | SPORTS IN BRIEf | Michigan State junior Lynn Jan son was his team's top finisher, when the Spartans won their first Big Ten golf championship in 1969 He placed third in individ¬ ual standings with a 298 for 72 holes MSU sophomore Tim Bogra- kos has been a starter in two sports in his first year of var¬ sity competition. He was a reg¬ ular at guard in basketball and is the first baseman for the Spar¬ tans in baseball Dr. Blanche Martin, member of MSU's Board of Trustees and a dentist in East Lansing, won three letters in football for the Spartans and earned All-Amer¬ ica and All-Big Ter. academic honors. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 Alcoholism Alcoholism and how to cope with it are growing concerns, program The state program for teache offeredschools. A to professionals joint project of Michigan Wisconsin. Ohio. Illi¬ The University of Detroit also provides a course in al¬ a director of the Michigan Dept. of Public Health Alcohol¬ on alcoholism into their curriculum nois and Iowa, the institute offers a one-week basic course coholism. ism Program stated recently. student questions, he continued in alcoholism Thirty-five Michigan residents on scholar¬ McConnell said the alcoholism board consults with any John T. McConnell said the alcoholism board works to McConnel said alcoholism is a subject that fits ships attended this year, he said. group wanting to start an alcoholism program in its community correct misunderstanding about alcohol and to reduce the stigma health, physical science, social science and driver education Rutgers University and the University of Wisconsin also and that the board helps provide speakers. attached to it. This is done through educational workshops classes. He noted great demand for workshops oiler condensed classes on alcoholism and The alcohol board works with more than just educational grant scholarships for public health nurses, teachers, social workers, police¬ areas. to Michigan residents, he added. and community groups. men and clergy men. The alcoholism board plans in-service training ' McConnel said inmates at Ionia Prison are being taught Michigan's alcohol education program is incoporated into Programs set up for public health nurses and social work¬ for teachers and provides films and literature oi regular university courses. about alcohol so that they may better understand it is a ers concern the alcoholic and his family recognizing and ism for classroom use McConnel began teaching Alcohol: The Social Dilemma problem This program resulted from learning that many of counseling alcoholism, effecting outside intervention, de¬ The state also issues scholarships for Michigan at MSI on July 28 The course, offered winter and summer the inmates had alcohol-related problems. veloping treatment guidelines and a basic understanding of attending summer schools in alcohol study. McC 11 said" terms, is jointly sponsored by the Dept "s of Education and The board works with police on the drinking-driving syn¬ the illness. McConnell said The Midwest Institution of Alcohol Studie one of these Police Administration jfrid Public Safety. McConnell said. drome. McConnell said drunk driving is just now getting the atten¬ Shop from Kroger's tion it needs and that much more will be heard about this problem in the future The alcohol board and police are trying to get a federal grant to set up classes for convicted drunken drivers 10 Page Mailers during our Unions and management are also showing increased in¬ terest in alcoholism. McConnell said. Industry is concerned with alcoholism, because of the tre¬ mendous cost of alcohol-related accidents, absences and in¬ SNNITCRSM efficient work, he said. The alcoholism board also does work in alcoholism re¬ search and provides funds for rehabilitation programs, he added. SUE AID participa for Specials such as these exchange Plus 2650 Free Top Value Stamps. Over By CINDY TEW 300 foreign students Vietnam. zania. for example Afghanistan and Tan¬ SIL VER PLATTER BOSTON Prices and have come to Case Hall this The receiver-oriented program BUTT PORK ROAST OR Coupons Good USQA CHOICE TENDER A V Thru Sun., Aug. 3, 1969 summer to learn to communi¬ is very different from the lec¬ In Lansing cate new ideas they have learned tures the participants ha e at¬ PORK RIB in this country. unless Important ideas have communicated, no use is the tended the country. in universities around The beauty of the seminars STEAK motto of the MSU communica¬ is that we participate and con¬ STEAK tion seminar of the International i AID i. Agency for Development tribute.' a labor participant from Pakistan said. statistics The seminar is a preparation AID participants attend tech¬ for analyzing what goes wrong nical training programs in diver¬ when ideas are ignored, re¬ sified fields such as engineer¬ jected or misinterpreted. ing. teaching, farming and nurs¬ Lawrence E. Sarbaugh. semi¬ ing around the country Thev nar director. said. stay in the United States from ' six months to four years. Included are discussions of meanings, attitudes, ways of Near the end of their learning, and effects of cul¬ training program, the AID par¬ tural heritage and group member ticipants come to an MSI' com¬ ship on communication be¬ munications seminar for a week havior."' he added to learn how to introduce the Marhoefer— changes they have learned They learn to be active change agents. Edward M Small magnet Canned Hams Bodaken. resident coordinator. draws regard 3-Lb Size $3.19 over For 10 vears MSI' has helped 15.000 AID of physicists participants learn to communicate their skills 5-Lb Size $4.69 at home. These are scattered smaller than a waste paper has all over the world-Barbados. ket and 100.000 times stronger 9-Lb Size $7.89 than the earth s magnetic field, has begun operation under the Romney supervision of the Physics dept MSI phvsiosts Frank .1 welfare HI.111 repo and that Petri the A Schioedei agnet erful that it will hold a small FLINT ' I'PI - Welfare pro 8-0z steel chain straight out asl grams that give people 29 with each s3.00 food something for nothing corrupt though its links were welded to¬ Tvnbkr fac purchase both the giver and the receiv¬ gether. The lagnet er and must be changed. Hous glas thei . bolt It ing and Urban Development 1-^—1 i HI D i Secretarv George peratures below zero hundreds oi degrees Because the magnet Romnev said Tuesday night This coupon worth *1.20 metallic objec Michig; »oden ha I 4 QT ICE BUCKET addre > the the glasv bottle to prevent it eluding banquet ot a three-day $>4.99 ' conference of the I S. Junior from being penetrated 120 .\- Chamber of Commerce, said the Technically termed a Miper- I ha' conducting solenoid, the mag¬ pro pnt welfa ■ 53 79 pro , n of de- net is constructed of i nio¬ — Good thru Sun., Aug. 3, 1969 5 bium-tin alloy which becomes a ■ J MOUNTAIH DEV. blacks perfect magnetic conductor at 11 DELICIOUS FLAVORS extremely low temperatures. Private organizations. Rom¬ DIET PEPSI OR REGULAR While small in size, the mag¬ 350 EXTRA TOP nev said, must become inter¬ net is extremely effective For VALUE STAMPS Pepsi Cola KROGER ested in spearheading programs now eral being financed by government the fed¬ example it weighs onlv 40 pounds but has five times the strength of a standard electro¬ WITH HEMb BELOW When you just hand people 8 10-floz no return bottles # /ua #V GELATINS something for nothing, that's the least you can do ith go1 When ent magnet weighing 18.000 pounds Whereas electro-magnets need the equivalent of enough power to light two hundred 100-wat it corrupts those who give it and those who receive it light bulbs, the new magnet will run on the power needed to That's where we are in our welfare programs in this coun¬ light one small bulb try and that's one reason why Physicists use the magnet to study magnetic and electron¬ they've got to be changed.'' ic properties of matter Romney said We are particularly inter¬ He said that in addition to ested.'" Blatt said. in ex¬ changing our welfare programs, ploring the strong magnetic force the nation's priorities also that one atom exerts on its must be realigned neighbor in a magnetic mater¬ We proved our country to ial such as an ordinary magnet. be technologically superior by "Such atoms."' he continued. landing a man on the moon " have magnetic fields about But now we must turn our at¬ 100.000 to 1.000.000 times strong¬ tention to the problems at home, er than the earth's magnetic he said. We must demonstrate field We can influence inter¬ that we can unite in meeting actions among such atoms by the problems of peace in our matching the atomic magnetic cities and in our rural areas fields with our new magnet. right here on old terra firma." We it. we expect to learn The HUD secretary also important details concerning commended the Jaycees for pick¬ atomic exchange forces and the ing the Flint Community School dependence of these atomic concept as a model to take forces on temperature, pressure back to other communities and the presence of impurities The concept, established in the in metals and insulators." 1930 s under a grant from the In addition to work in phy¬ C.S. Mott Foundation, envisions sics. the magnet can be used the use of schools as more than for studies of biological effects just buildings for education of strong magnetic fields. eight hours a day. Under the Purchase of the $30,000 mag¬ net was made with a special program, the schools also be¬ come community centers for all grant from the National Science activities for adults and Foundation and funds from the children. College of Natural Science. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 7 Placement bureau slow during summer months By MARIA SAMARIN is because employers know that engineering, chemistry, physics schools in Michigan in which Only one week of interviewing this is when there will be the and math, have the most choice the millage was up for vote, it the Placement Bureau greatest number of graduates in the jobs available to them the bill was defeated available for work. Pat Scheetz. asst. director of The prospect for salaries, Graduates in the technical the whole, seems to be placement of elementary and on fields, he continued such as favorable. Ed Fitzpatrick. asst direc¬ secondary education graduates tor of the Placement Bureau, said statistics are not yet Salaries are up six per said this available for the placement of cent over the 1968 figures across policy was estab¬ lished school because most summer graduates already have jobs waiting for them Study links teachers by subject matter for the coming school year. The job outlook for teachers the board. Fitzpatrick said. In education. Scheetz said the average starting salary in Mich¬ Oecationally. he continued. cancer in Michigan will undoubtedly igan was $7,900 on the BA this be affected by a budget cut degree level with no experience. Aing will be sup- with Pill With an MA degree this figure alls to said. "In 52 per cent of the would be increased to $8,400. the Placement Bureau bv em- plovers with ;i specific opening arises NEW YORK (AP)--A con¬ Fitzpatrick said that gradu¬ troversial found a medical study higher prevalence of has ^ spartan twin theatre FRANOOR SHOPPING CENTER ■ 3100 CAST SAOINAW • Phon* 351-0030 ating students who are still early cervical cancers among unemployed would do best by women using birth control pills writing directly to the pros¬ than among women using dia¬ pective employer who interests phragms Fair wea But the scientists involved "Winter interviewing is two said they do not know what ac¬ The Ingham County Fair, which opened ion Monday, that the targets in the duck shoot are not real times as heavy as it is either counts for the higher prevalence is attracting throngs of fair-goers fror ducklings. At right, tented exhibits, rides and in the fall or spring and said they have no evidence rounding area. Two of the younger m hundreds of people combine to create a carnival More of the job openings blaming the birth control pills. the fair set, in photo at left, ch«»ck to atmosphere. S1 a'-e News photos by Bob Ivins for June than In fact, they said, women who are anv other time of the year, he said see a doctor regularly to get This birth control pill prescriptions may get better medical care, with less danger of cervical ADDED BASICS cancer, than any other group The study has been the sub¬ The University •rsity College is views I NIC. the meaning of sci¬ Natural Science 193A < College geology. 19.H) studies the dev of change and development, is ject of much rumor, in medical circles, largely because of a delay in publication. the It was sent to the Journal of American Medical Assc. developing more flexible pro¬ ence for the citizen, will studv major controversies and opnient of the concept of evo the present course, track B. AM A' last November. After grams in its four required the impact of atcion of scientific anc tion in science. the individual in society on science contemporary six months, it had not been courses by adding options in and scientist. tural thought leading to our Tracks II of Natural S society; a cross cultural per¬ each department for fall term. published and the authors sent present understanding of the his¬ • 191.192 and 193 are I spective. emphasizing selected it to the British Medical Jour¬ The Track 1911). the development tory of the earth and of life Dept of \merican >rs sections in which s| problem areas; track C. an in¬ nal Ma\ ."> It was published of the physical sciences from Thought and Language will offer upon it; 193B gives attention to subject matter areas i • terdisciplinary approach to con- in the July 26 issue. four tracks Track A. the reg¬ the standpo man's concept of hs own na- left to the instructor's disc \ spokesman for the \MA ular anthology version, will be ietv. attet fur and origins, biological and tion still developing and will not be journal said the study would offered each term, including the to the role of cultural evolution. 193Cemphasi- The Dept. of Social Scier offered immediately; track D have been published if the au¬ summer session Track B honors sections track ('. whole ■ 191K*gives a number of zes discoveries and problems will offer four tracks Track A. selected problems man in the emerging inter¬ thors had been willing to allow SO TOMORROW! ising from recent find in national community, was taught criticisms printed at the same works; and track D. the Amer¬ pie ure of himself in relation for the first time last spring. time "A contemporary music ican humanities track stressing r kkirkkirkirkirkirkkkk film ... Captures th» Natural Science 192A will Beal Film art. particularly American paint¬ Group presents TONIGHT only NOW SHOWING pop musical wllllniness examine the development of to hurl yourself Into ing and music, will be offered all color program man's concept of himself, gene¬ Bela Lugosi [n thinf j without ill the only in sequence action stopping The Dept of Humanities will tically; 192B emphasizes the con¬ salf-consciousnoss of continue offering its regular course, works-and plus track \\. whole track A greater cept of the phenomenon of life. 192C reviews scientific metho¬ dology. the development and DRACULA of The Hurricane iUll Heironymus MERKIN an aarlitr generation." structure of theories. 192D gives » Express " emphasis on art as an inte¬ gral component ot culture Western attention of the concept to the development of life, leading 104 B Wells Hall 50c ID not required ever cFofgel NGIRCY Humppe made love to the Monterey Pop Festival Each track follows the same to investigation of reproduction and find true happiness 9" ...a beautiful, well- done. OK fantastic film, chronological pattern so the stu¬ and heredity §§8:20 and late A Regional Film Release • Technicolor" (x) A doing what a film should and rarely dent irand...on the same 10:30 only does do. by taking a real-life event can change tracks at the li s time to speak of unspoken things. — end of each term . and creating a living form, another Natural Science 191A. mar's elizabeth taylor reality.. I've just seen a film that's attempt to find a unified view mia farrow can do and what a filmmaker with of nature emphasized the social secret ceremony- some heart can do." and philosophical view: 191B. man's conception of his uni¬ robert mit chum verse. emphasizes changing U Thont Monterey pop BY 0.*. PENNEBAKER FILMED «? THE MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL POP FESTIVAL relief su Suggested for General Audience Shown at 8:00 and 10:05 for Nigeri lOTVWl at airt JAMES DEBBIE MAURICE GARNER REYNOLDS RONET arrangements for resumption of emergency daytime flights of Jack Lemmon and !\ ftll ■ III relief supplies Catherine Deneuve Declaring that rebel effort? are by the I'nited Nations and the International Committee for the "The April Fools" Red Cross dre now in jeopardy. Technicolor" featuring.... Thant urged both sides to give immediate consideration also program inf. 485-648b Jr to opening of land and river corridors TODAY at BRENDA LEE 10-3:10-5:10-7:15-9:20 AUGUST 4-5-6 What made you leave him, Cathy- GORDON MACRAE was it the way he made love, or why? AUGUST 7-8-9 RAY PRICE MARTY ROBBINS, . AUGUST 2 AUGUST 3 * * * w largest 0^OL'nT'°ABCD^®\ Feac!hlmPM or married accept 2 ,5 day $6.50 131 per word per day PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 1963 -full REGISTERED NURSE medication course Shift or L PN wiui 3 p.m LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham and Alton Brand new deluxe 1 $170 or including 372-8876 utilities 332-3161 2-8 1 children Lease, deposit electricity 337-7618 $150 plus 5-8 1 TWO BLOCKS from Union green 351-9601 Male female 11:00 am 215 Ever $10 50 3 00 week & Pointe pm - (based on 10 words per ad) power, white walls Automatic trans- 11 P-m. full or part-time, and bedroom furnished For profession¬ HELP' WIDOW needs to rent par mission 489-0853 3-8 4 J1 Pm t0 7 a m P«rt Um* °Pen- ings in medical al. graduate students college fa¬ tialjy furnished lower Prefers East 2 GIRLS NEED place to live fall facility • a care tThere* will be a 50tf service culty or personnel Select clientele Side /89-1854 2-8 1 term only 351-3301. 351-3367 i Swimming and bookkeeping charge if RAMBLER 1962 -4-door. automatic. f."?, ic^?ne„f!,ts. *pply ALSO, other new apartments avail 2-7/31 Princeton Arms Pool this ad ia not paid within radio, man excellent condition Call 485- 30 4 ^ wind Drive, ^ HOISE, 2815 North¬ East Lansing Phone 332 able for June and September leas¬ 5061. Mrs Cole 10-8 8 ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 one week. 1 Bedroom, new carpeting and . Air TOIUMPH 1968-TR-4V Radio. IRS. WANTED: 'CLERK-Typist ' Exper- WANTED 1 or 2 young faculty < drapes, all utilities paid ex¬ Conditioning "< «"•£» The State News will be 711 ot,1k-.P°T Hi Mu" EAST grad types to share faculty hou: cept electricity, air condition' responsible only for the ....... typist. Minimum of 70 wpm Fa- 711 Burcham Dr. near campus 355-6607 or 33 ing, disposals, central TV an¬ • 9-month lease at first day's incorrect inser¬ TRIUMPH 1964-Spitfire $475 Good miliarity with IBM Selectric and New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ tenna, laundry and storage fa¬ tion. running condition 545 Virginia 351- transcription equipment helpful Sal- East Lansing ished 3 men apts. leasing for UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES 3-bed- cilities, 3 minutes from cam- no extra charge jggO 3_g j ary J375 month. to start Equal Management Opportunity Employer Call 351- fall now 1 year or 9 mo. room. 1618 Greencrest-$200 . 2- TRIUMPH 1967-TR-4A Excellent 4741 3-7 31 Company leases. bedroom 1623 Parkvale - $150 10-8 7 Automotive overdrive8' wonder-bar So «EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY Poolside Apartments IV 9-9651 351-3525 or Families 332-0480 Halstead Management J.R. Culver Co. ALFA-ROMEO 1966-guiha GT New 372-6029 after 4 30 p m 5-8 4 Experienced temporary work on secretaries,assignments typists to 4th GIRL needed in 4 girl house 351-7910 217 Ann St. 351-8862 Abarth system Michelin tires Am- For Students 'a block from Berkey Hall Avail¬ Fm. shortwave radio Other new U AVTirn WANTED "rt p'ani " CLEAN, good running. Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-7/31 COUPLE 1-bedroom furnished Util¬ able now Call 337-1496 after 5 p.m ities included $125 $135 332-2803. items $1,300 351-7964 2-8 1 6-cylinder. automatic 2-door 882- 332-2157 4-8 1 0576after5p.m 3-8 1 SHOE SALES: Part-time, experience —t helpful, but not necessary Salarv BACHELOR-SHARE modern furnished HOLT--SMALL. furnished 1-bedroom house. $125 month. Near Sexton. Auto Service & Part* Sr'ro„^.„Tm,=L°vS, apartment Utilities except electric¬ 484-2043 5-8 6 AUSTIN HEALY 300 Mark III-1964 and ask for Mr ity $90 0X 4-3471 3-7 31 Wyatt 2-8 1 ACCIDENT PROBLEM"' Call KALA- EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED except BAKER STREET-Beautifully remod¬ Good body, new shocks, new bat¬ MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Smalf CHILD CARE WORKERS range and refrigerator Across from NEED ONE girl starting fall term eled. 3-bedroom home Family tery 410 Park Lane 332-2414 7-8 1 dents to large wrecks. American Supervise small groups of delin- campus Reasonable 332-0792 351- New Cedar Village Call after 5 p.m . $165 month Lease, references, de¬ cars Guaranteed 489-0960 337-7116. 5-8 4 posit 351-0965 3-7/31 BUG-EYE Sprite Very good con¬ 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo work^ C quent Full time $2 50 to $3 00 summer and per hour . dition. over $1,000 invested See it part-time thru school STODDARD APARTMENTS Now rent and make offer Call 351-4160 vear Male applicants SNOW TIRES and wheels, frame bump- only Apply to Personnel Office. Starr ing for fall 1 bedroom, close to er hitch for 65-69 Corvair 355- Commonwealth for Bovs Albion campus, laundry, balcony, sound¬ 3249 after 5 p m 3-8 4 Michigan. 49224 11-629-3988 > proofed 332-0913, 332-2920 3-8 1 BUICK LESABRE 1964 -full-sized Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units wagon Good running condition, good for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments Prescriptions Ures 489-2136 3-8 1 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala- University Villa y Pr^s are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive mazoo Street Since 1940 FULL AND part time employment CHEVROLET 1965-Impala convert¬ Complete auto painting and colli- with full-line merchant wholesaler 635 Abbott Rd. Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ ible SS-327 Automatic positrac- sion service IV 5-0256 C Automobile required 337-1349 8 00 washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central Uon New Phone 655-3280 a m -5 00 p.m o tires promptly and s 3-7 31 2 and 3 person apartments filled air conditioning. These 4-man units have A va It I on (2 bedroom flexible units), 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min¬ CHEVROLET 1965-red convertible WANTED DIRECTOR for Civic Thea- furnished and completely car¬ dependably at ute drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to ter 3-play season First show open- Black interior Power steering peted, air conditioning, 5 dent's leisure time has been adequately learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" ing October 15 Must be dynamic Spotless 372-8134 3-7 31 Special $5 offer 484-1324 C dependable, and highly qualified Sal- blocks from campus, 9 or 12 State planned for with a giant heated swim- (ru&iv&iA . .. ary open Write Aaron Acker. 314 month lease. ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ Drug . Scooters & Cycles East ^jion Street Marshall. Mich- ate balconies. If you want to be among 8293 3-8 1 the first residents of Twyckingham call 1968 HONDA 305 motorcycle Like Hal stead Management WALGREEN FAIRLA.ME new 4.000 miles Call 694-7984 1105 E. GRAND RIVER afGunson today* There are 92 units available at STATIONWAGON 1967 STENOGRAPHER. FULL time through AGENCY 32.000 miles Automatic 5-8'5 November for large firm in South 351-7910 ED 2-2011 $280/month and up. radio, ex haust control Excellent condition makV n A^IFIFn A MAKE CLASSIFIED A HABIT' HABIT hell Sell' UnSing area TyPin« and shorthand Fall leases available Leaving country 339-8063 353- household goods you don t use for required, salary open Phone 393- 0856 2-7 31 J. -xlpnslon 24 for interview Model Open 10-6 1 cash Dial 355-8255 now! Hon Ho Phone 332-6441 FALCON 1960 $200 garden trac¬ tor with attachments. $75 Phone 393-3331 3-7/31 ®UjMfetngl)am TOYOTA 4620 S. Hagadorr 442 1966 Convertible Good condi¬ tion. engine is excellent Must sell CORONA FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES Asking $1,695 351-3616 372-6877 MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: anytime 5-8 6 You'll be glad you did! ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 482-3379 WHEELS of Lansing NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES 2200 5. Cedar EDM IrlBa Only mlnutM from East Lansing & Okemos CROSSWORD PUZZLE nana uwaararan Go W#st on Mt. Hope, then 2 blocks South on Cedar ACROSS 26. Existed dq naaa raom 29. Natural 1. Title abrasive 0QSHH SHgBj 4. Narrative aa citfHui rasas Largest Selection Of 8. Society bud 11. Fr. friend 12. Afr. tree 31. Groups of 33. 37. Mischief Basket grass ■ □Has era ran ras ilFM URTOH auraas HH 38. Creamery 13. Lyric miunKCi RHMBiara Car Stereo Equipment In Lansing 14. 15. 17. Companion Memorable Ice house 39. 42. 43 Well-informed Danger signal Dusk nmumiids MNUM mMi=t rjnu i-iuwa 19. Muse ol poetry 44 Arch 20. Roe 4h Office holders 21. Slaves 46. Man's 3. Valley on the ?3 Land rail nickname 2h. Potential 47. Wriggling 4 Resound metal 48 Oolong 5. Taro paste TT T" T- T" T- T~ T" r r nr 6. They: Fr. ir jgj 71" w 7. Purveyor of food 8. Dolphin En|oythe best of both worldt at beautiful Campus Hill. The luxury of iJT "ii" 9. Dlaikeuast % country atmo«phere--the convenience of living close to town. _ 10. Suit iT Campus Hill features custom appliances, deluxe furniture, big walk-In I IP fir p 16. Ide 18. Grampus F t closets, party lounge, and plenty of parking. And our new bulldlng--now RADIO* from ... leasing for fall term—Is bigger and better than evir. 21 r 21. 22. Identical Pieces out HEVEMt ...... Campus Hill. Just 8/10 mile past the Gables. From $58.75 per person onth. v//mvm ■ 24. 26. Transpose Made of fleece m mtLynMx CASKTTO . ^ $79.95 mmmm wmwwm. 27. Industrious 28. Regular AM/FM RADIOS ... $49.95 iiHIill ■ 30. Affirmative SKAKtRS .,.,...$ 2.95 m ■ ■ % YA M ■ ■ 32. vote Supped 59 no mr/M ■ w sr □ 34. 35. Call Violet ketone If we don't have W//M ■ — 36. 38. Rabies the tape you w H-7 Gainsay want -- 351-8862 W//M 40. Gibbon we'll special 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart order It! 41. Hindu cymbals Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 9 Student Nixon says peace up to Vietnamese (continued from page one) "Tigers aren't so hot htis South Vietnamese forces, a re¬ creased Saigon ability to take A White House source said h DIRECTORY Vietnam-though military of¬ ficers reported Di An had not come under any enemy attack year." he told a Detroiter. Trekking about the muddy red clay by foot and motoring in a duction in level of enemy ac¬ tions or progress at the Paris peace talks. over the combat load, he said increasing attention will be giv- en to the other criteria-espe- decision on the U.S. pullbacks would be next in the latter half of August, round of made for nearly a year. jeep, the commander-in-chief cially the Paris negotiating situ- The significance of the lull CAMPUS Learn to fly? Sure you I PAR-MOR Former President Lyndon B talked to Cobra and light obser¬ Following the American troop ation-in deciding on further in the fighting was weighed by Use our Air Taxi-Service Johnson limited his Vietnam vation helicopter crews, to de¬ WASH N' GAS GOLF COURSES pullouts resulting from in¬ 1' S. withdrawals. the allied leaders and by Nixon Buy a new Piper visits in 1966 and 1967 to Cam fenders-of bunkers within the Free exterior car wash with All at: Illuminated Driving Range Ranh Bay, a big U.S. coastal barbed wire 9 Hole Par 3 & perimeter, to rank 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. Francis Aviation Regulation base 180 miles northeast of Course. ing offices and to privates. He 248 West Grand River Capitol City Airport Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E.M-78 Saigon. That base is rated pinned Distinguished Service 484-1324 ED 2-343? as the safest station in the coun¬ Crosses on three of the men. try. "What happens in Vietnam, BROOKS Imported Cars Custom Picture Framing? Security and secrecy engulfed how this war is ended, may well Give us call! COLLEGE TRAVEL the Nixon trip as it began from determine what Sales and a happens to Service Bob Jones Paints OFFICE Bangkok without advance an- peace and freedom in all of mouncement. It was unscheduled Asia." he told the servicemen. 482-1473 130 West Grand River Blvd. his MASON on three-day visit to Thai¬ Nixon took the same view 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing land. A White House source said after meeting with Thieu for 677-8141 351-6010 later the President had planned more than two hours in war- all along to go to Vietnam, de¬ and-peace strategy discussions. Check KWAST BAKERIES BUD'S spite strenuous objections from Standing with the 42-vear-old LINCOLN LIFE'S AUTO PARTS the Secret Service Vietnamese leader the steps Birthday & All Occasion on Deferred Payment Late Model Motors Mrs. Nixon went along, too. of the presidential palace. Nixon Cakes and GRAD PLAN and helicoptered to an orphan¬ parts a speciality Frandor: 351-5032 ' The stakes here, age and to a U.S. Army field important Since 1905 Ph. 351-8810 Brookfield: 337-0832 Halfway between Holt and Mason on N. Cedar hospital outside Saigon. •as they are for the people of 699-2154 The President mixed sports North and South Vietnam, are Tuning Problems? WALT KOSS Student Service talk with more serious observa¬ important also to all the world. Get Experienced proven tions as he chatted with camou- it is time to bring an end to Super tuning at RESTAURANT Directory flage-melmeted troops of the 1st the war. but to bring an end to S & J Speed Fine food, entertainment pizza Ad can get the Infantry Division at Di An. the war in a way that will not Reservations ■ - 655-2175 business you want Chicago'1" See the Cubs"' encourage another war: bring Equipment Co. . About 7 miles east of Call Judi 355-8255 They might take it all." an end to the war in a way 5946 S. Logan 882-0402 M.S.U. in Williamston baseball fan Nixon would say to which will provide the right to a GI who came from the Windy choose the kind of government COLLEGE BIKE CONTACT LENS Stokes Men s & City. they want for the people of SHOF BICYCLE RENTAL SERVICES Women's 920 W. Apparel^^^M South Vietnam, and in providing that right, make it more possi¬ D. M. DEAN, O. D. Saginaw Sales and Service for The latest in knit shirts, ble for the other nations in 210 Abbott Rd. BSA. Dashiki, Afro-American style, Southeast Asia to retain that FD 2-4117 Suite # 16 332-6563 J. Mar pants, bell-bottoms. Safari jackets.All women's styles same right for themselves." Double e Thieu agreed that the Com¬ munist side has nothing to gain This pretty miss is at first taken by surprise as she spots a photographer by waiting for more allied zooming in on her, but she gracefully flashes a grin as she continues on her For Sale For Sale concessions sunnyday jaunt. For Sale He reaffirmed his state News photos by Bob Ivins GARAGE SALE Sailboat new pledge that South Vietnam will be making efforts to shoulder suits, school clothes reasonable an increasingly larger share in gift-aprons, books, Durand Aug 1-2. games, 10 toys 292 a.m.-8 p.m 1-7 31 THREE FREE 1 year cats shots White, blue-eved male, spayed 2 black females Evenings. 351- Have the military struggle " Thieu said that after the with¬ Trial date in Ann Arbor CARPETING FOR 2 or 3 rooms $50 Vacuum cleaner. $25 Double drawal of 25.000 LI.S. troops an¬ nounced (continued from page one) part of He said bed. $25 Hart skis and Henk. following his June 8 striking students re¬ $50 Fan and miscellaneous 35 meeting with Nixon on Midway He added that he does not doesn't t turning in the fall have not Island, the three criteria for know what course of action* good sou for had difficulty in finding places DINING ROOM table and further American force re- the union would take if an in¬ to live. He added that no offi¬ english cocker-female 1 junction were ever issued. Two additional motions were cial blacklisting by landlords odds and ends Useful things for completely trained-housebroken strengthening Katz said another significant also denied at the court ses¬ has been children $50 351-7591 reported Rug. lamps Must sell, judgment handed down at the sion One motion by the ten¬ We leaving countrv Sharma. 339-8063. hope to get more peo¬ eellent condiUon 485-2: 353-0856 2-7 31 July court session was the denial ants union called for immed¬ ple involved in the strike in tLii£t,K °'-;tronic Britains OK of a motion made by the land¬ lords to have subpoenas of their iate dismissal of the conspir ond by the fall, at the he said. In the spring peak of the strike. 1.200 sQV-DNeeds records' suppressed rc the landlords called for a sum¬ strikers were listed, but he said MOVING Ol'T sale Refrigera Mobile Homes DID YOU KNOW THAT LARRY Red writer By refusing to suppress the subpoenas, the court made it mary judgment in the case, by¬ passing the presentation of evi- the union hopes to up the num¬ ber to 2.000 in the fall stoves, couches, chairs, la ENTIRE FAMILY wear Glasses0 necessary for the records to be But if we have as ma.iv as BANKS can give you a better deal defection tables and many other items Save at OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 shown in court if the landlords ' Oak Street. East Lansing on new or used Mobile Homes. Lot Everyone is pretty happy we did in the spring, we'll be East Michigan Avenue 372-3409 no problem Call 655-2684 or Drive want to collect any money in with the decisions. Katz said satisfied Numbers are not that, C-8 1 out to Willow Village. '2 mile east of damages We have gotten a lot of sup¬ important LONDON .AP--Anatoli V Katx speculated that the nec¬ port from the community Now WHARFEDALE 60 speakers, wal¬ Mobile Homes to select people 5-8 4 Kuznetsov. the liberal Soviet essity of opening records to the we will let the jury decide in Treasury nut excellent condition $70 pair 351-5176. evenings writer who disappeared here 3-8 4 8X40 NEW Moon Excellent con¬ public "may make them drop full view of the students." dition Immediate Monday night, defected to the BICYCLE-ENGLISH Fred Wersan 335 tvpe East Shaw Contact Hall TAPE RECORDER-Woller Campus 351-7506 occupancy Near 5-8 6 Current counter West and has been granted per¬ mission to live permanently in top interes CARPET-12X18, Gold $80 1-7 31 353- Knee-deep Carl Jenzke in pollution, from the Britain, nounced A the Wednesday Home spokesman said Kuznetsov Office an¬ U.S. Steel ups WASHINGTON Treasurv Dept said Wednesday AP it would offer 7 and three fourths -The 7923 1-7 31 Lansing office of the U.S. per cent interest on 18-month was not granted political asy¬ Geological Survey mea¬ Treasury price for sheets lum because this is only given to notes to be exchanged Whites. Necchis. New Home and WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR sures the flow of the Red for $3.36 billion of notes matur manv others $19 95 to $39 95 campus $5,000 372 persons "whose life or physical 9 cubic feet works very well Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Cedar River. Current ing Aug. 15 Call 337-0168 3-8 1 well-being is threatened if they COMPANY. 1115 North Washington readings averaged 250- return to their country PITTSBURGH AP -1 S Departmental records indi¬ 489-6448 C-7 21 1959 10 X50 mobile consumer product s-autos.cans cate it is the highest interest 300 cu. ft. / sec. In this case there is no rea¬ Steel Corp.. the nation's largest COMPLETE DARKROOM equipment refrigerators. stoves an< rate the government State News to believe that Kuznetsov steelmaker and bellwether of ha: iiad t Durst M-600 enlarger and acces¬ BIRTHDAY CAKES-7 $3 64 8 photo by son other appliances pay 1859 sories Call Steve. 351-5303 $4 18. 9 $5 20 Delivered KWAST was being persecuted or in dan¬ the industry, announced Wed¬ after BAKERIES 484 1317 Wayne Munn " ha • C-7 31 1953 GENERAL-8 X30 . ger if he returned, he added nesday price increases for With the price hike effectiv< gone as high as 12 per cent "The permission is for a perma¬ carbon sheet and strip and gal¬ Personal vanized sheet. The new peak reflects the Beechwood nent stay here We do not know Apts. SMOKERS INNOVATIVE Research Ex where he will be staying or The big steelmaker said the market of operation and the 1130 Beech St. Personal periment. if you reallv want to quit what he will be doing increases were spurred by pay competition which exists in that Call 351-6446 for interview X3-8 1 market TV RENTALS GE 19 portable-- The 39-vear-old author of increases 400.000 steelworkers • 3 or 4 mjn apts. $850 per month will get Friday including stand Call J R CULVER COMPANY 351 Babi Yar. a novel of Nazi It also cited in¬ 8862 massacre of Ukranian Jews creased costs of raw material, 220 Albert Street. East • Furnished & Lan services and taxes with Russian and I'kranian col¬ Carpeted laboration. had been under fire Other steel companies-In¬ What's in a from critics at home. land. Republic. National. Beth¬ • Air cond. & Babi Yar" and another nov¬ lehem and Jones & Laughlin- garbage disposal el. Fire, had been attacked declined to say if they would fol¬ • 5 blocks from as having anti-Soviet tenden- low U.S. Steel s lead All said B.ARBI MEL Typing, multilithing TRAVEL TO EUROPE at No job too large or they were studying I S. Steel's too small Hobie's? our ex Block off campus 332-3255 C Fire" criticized by a So¬ ■ was to organize • 9 12 month groups INSTITUTE OF There or viet journal this month as por¬ was no immediate com¬ CULTURAL EDUCATION. Box 2037 ANN BROWN Typist and multilith ment from the White House on Livonia. Michigan 48151 3-8 4 offset printing. Dissertations, theses, traying Soviet workers as cyn¬ manuscripts, general typing, ics. scoundrels, self-seekers and the increase, but Vice President IBM FREE A thrilling hour of beauty 19 years experience 332-8384 C alcoholics." Spiro T Agnew called it " anoth¬ Halstead Management For appointment call 484-4519 MERLE Kuznetsov came to London er indicator the economy needs NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO 1600 DISSERTATIONS. THESES, term pa the surtax-another indicator of with an interpreter last Thurs¬ 351-7910 East Michigan C-7 31 pers ANITA WARREN SCM Elec¬ day ostensibly to collect mate¬ inflation ." tric Call 351-0763, 351-7086 C-7 31 rial for a work on Lenin's years He said he is uncertain wheth¬ C-7 31 in exile here before World War er anyone in the administration Place Your PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique I has talked to U.S. Steel. He said quality thesis service IBM typing, multilith, printing and hard binding He walked out of his hotel any formal action wold have PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD 337-1527 THESES OFFSET PRINTING typ¬ C t^om at 11 p.m. Monday taking only his passport and the equiv¬ to await President Nixon's return from his Asian tour. The increases, effective Aug alent of $144 in cash. All his oth¬ Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. ing and binding able Lowest prices avail¬ er belongings, including his 6. boost the price of the indus¬ Located across from campus STATE NEWS will bill you later. on corner of M AC. and Grand jacket and cigarettes, were left try's bread-and-butter products Fresh french loaf bread. River, below The Style Shop Call behind. that go into a wide variety of COPYGRAPH SERVICES 337-1666 Crisp, shredded lettuce. Hobie's secret oil and vinegar dressing. = .cc„RATEa.„ 30 indic Juicy red tomatoes. Mild provolone cheese. Consecutive Dotes to Run Transportation riders to boston, one wav Leav Qf federa Your choice of the finest Roast beef, quality meats- turkey, smoked salami ing Fnday. August i Mike 372 WASHINGTON 1 APi - He said the scheme resulted and ham, and genoa (hard) salami and hafn. Heading 3074. nights 3-8 i Postal inspectors began round- in the loss of millions of doll- k ing up 30 persons Wednesdav ars to the banks Mayonnaisse, onions, and a variety of Print Ad Here: . Wanted as a result of federal mail Blount said the indictments excellent seasonings. fraud indictments in the Chi- and arrests came in a two and blood donors needed $7 50 for cag0 area Postmaster Win- a half year investigation by a Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. andP* East River East La"sin8 Above ton M. Blount announced Blount said the 30 were in- dieted Tuesday by a federal grand jury on charges of con- force of postal inspectors and the staff of U.S. attorney Thom- as A. Foran Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES 3 9 a m^oTSTpm0 Mondav. Tues ducting a widespread scheme The scheme began in the lat- CARRYOUT& DELIVERY 10 Words or Less: 1 day - J 1.50 days - $4.00 5 days - $6.50 day. Wednesday, and Fndav Thurs- to use illegally credit cards ter part of 1966. he said, when 15tf per word 40£ per word 65£ per word day, 12to6 30p'm 337-7183 ' C issued by five major Chicago PHONE 351-3800 Over 10 Words Add; the banks-all members of the banks. Mid-West Bank Card System- SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER o □ responsible graduate couple Among those indicted. Blount issued MBC credit cards to TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON Moil to: Michigan State News aTr\mentniSAudust^00™ ^"^eaT Sa'd- Were 16 retail stores depositors and made agree- (just across from south complex) 347 Student Services Bldg. Ftent Toen$i35 "e" Henry. 2019* Frank merchants. three gasoline sta- ments with local merchants for MSU East Lansing, Mich. lin s E, Minneapolis! Minnesota, tion operators and a Chicago the cards to be accepted as 55414 j 3-8 4 postal employe payment for goods and services. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, July 31, 1969 U'freedom threatened by unrest STYLE SAVINGS FROM YOUR SUMMER STORE The real danger confronting higher education today is the adverse reaction to student unrest, a medical dean stated at on a three-day campus turmoil "It is now politically conference The MSU BOOKSTORE advan¬ tageous to react heavy- handedly to campus disorders." said Dr. W. N. Hubbard, dean NOW CARRIES A VARIETY OF of the University of Michigan Medical School and a member of the six-man panel sponsored CLASS RINGS. NOT ONLY DO by Executive Systems. Inc Another panel member, Rich¬ ard Nelson, vice president of WE HAVE THE TRADITIONAL the Inland Steel corporation, called the university a place for intellectual emancipation CLASS RING PICTURED HERE, and said he would like to see the institutional power of BUT WE ALSO CARRY A NEW higher learning dispersed to many sectors of society. Panel member David Keene. AND EXCITING SIGNET CLASS vice chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom, de¬ clared the current attack on RING - AND REMEMBER, YOU college education is directed at destroying the university as a forum where views can be dis¬ DON'T HAVE TO BE A SENIOR cussed. The American system is in TO ORDER ONE! SO STOP IN need of reform. What we have to do is make higher education more responsive to the mar¬ TODAY AND ORDER YOUR ket place, he said. CLASS RING AND HAVE IT IN Word's donates PLENTY OF TIME FOR FALL TERM. 192 2 cata STYLES FOR MEN & WOMEN to U' Lib In conjunction with the open- in of the Montgomery Ward store in the Lansing Mall, a hardback edition of the 1922 Ward s catalog will be presented to the Library today The catalog is fun to look in. but it also has some re¬ search use." Richard Chapin. director of the Library, said. It's good social history and useful to people in advertising and business history. Ward s was strictly a cata¬ MSU log business in 1922 with sales of $84,783,000 pages The 1922 catalog of equipment for horses, carried 11 SPORTSWEAR a Super Speedster Model body that could be purchased for a Ford Chassis for Save 1/3 to 1/2 off on $93.00. a booklet of the explaining the wonders radio. Wardway homes Famous Name Sportswear. Top Artists available from the catalog for Sale Now Going On At onlv $1,198 and an adding machine for $12 95 Main Bookstore, ONLY Save $2 or $3 NOW Columbia Records had a full page display of recordings of such hits as "Dardanelle." T-Shirts Mv Isle of Golden Dreams. Til We Meet Again. Sweat-Shirts Classical - Jazz - Popular When You Wore a Tulip Jackets and Cohen on the Telephone In his introduction to the 704-page reprint. Broadway Hats '"Capitol *Decca *Dot columnist Louis Sobel said. So much of the 1922 Mont¬ All Sales Final gomery Ward catalog carries us back to that Gold Kra of Non¬ No Returns or Refunds ""Mercury *MGM *Coral sense For those of an age with¬ on Sa'e Items out such memories thev can perhaps understand the happy times associated with this catalog that lingers on THE ONLY OFFICIAL MSU BOOKSTORE Fire near airport nearly destroys Israeli factory IT.I. \VI\ AC A multi¬ million-dollar lire almost com BOOKSTORE HOURS: pletelv dost roved a box factory Spartan Spirit Shop Hours near Israel's international air¬ lilt MONDAY-FRIDAY port Wednesdav : The possibility o| sabotage 8:30 to 5:30 was not immediateh ruled out Four persons were hospital¬ ized burns with light or medium :1|S& No explosion was heard, and a police spokesman said We do not know if it was sabotage MrMI It's still impossible to say Pllv- The Beal Film Group will 0 present Bela Lugosi in "Dra- A cula" at 7 and 9 tonight in ^ 104B Wells Admission is cents. ID s are not required 50 J W A meeting for all those peo- pie who have been, or desire jjf to be. involved with The Paper W will be held at 7:30 tonight in 0 In the Center for Interna 34 Union The Paper and new f ideas for its direction, will be discussed. It is imperative that ^ all interested persons attend