Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Friday, August 1, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 3 Lansing, Michigan Senate extends House prepares gress wrestled with the problem of con¬ WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate, the administration the full 12-month ex¬ tinuing the surtax. rejecting Nixon administration pleas for tension it requested--six months at 10 Sen. Russell B. Long, D-La., author Most employers are expected to act another full year of the income surtax, per cent and another six months at 5. on the assumption that the 10 of the six-months surtax rider, told the per cent voted Thursday to continue the sur¬ The action does not come in time to Senate that the Democrats are giving the withholding rate will be authorized retro¬ charge through Dec 31 at the present enable the House to pass the measure administration two-thirds of the revenue actively, since both branches of Congress 10 per cent rate. and send it to President Nixon before a have voted extensions. it seeks from the surtax extension. Democratic leaders said an additional Thursday midnight deadline for payroll Senate Republican Leader Everett That is the case, he said, because six-month extension might be considered withholdings. M. Dirksen of Illinois said during the the extension to Dec. 31 is at the 10 later. Authority for withholdings at the 10 Senate debate that Nixon will sign a six- per cent rate while Nixon had asked A 70-30 vote sent the Senate bill to per cent rate ran out June 30. but it month extension of the surtax if that is only 5 per cent for the other six months. the House, which voted June 30 to give was extended through July 30 while Con- all Congress will give him. The six-month continuance will bring The Senate voted 51 to 48 to attach in $5.6 billion. Long said, and assure a six-month extension of the surtax as a federal suprlus in the current fiscal NOT A PEP TALK a rider to a House-passed bill accel¬ year on the basis of present budget projections. erating taxes. unemployment compensation Meanwhile, both Long and Mansfield Up to Lodge: Viet enemies renewed assurances that a further Then, mustering its full membership gave of 100. the Senate voted 59 to 41 surcharge extension would be considered Whitney Young Jr., executive director of the National Urban against an amendment by Sen. John J. Williams. later this session when reform legis¬ League, said it's primarily up to whites to persuade white com¬ lation is before the Senate. munities to work with blacks. He spoke In Washington at the close R-Del.. which would have continued the surtax through the first six months of of the league's annual conference. AP Wirephoto misinterpret Nixon tour ;It is clear that this visit by Mr 1970. at the lowered rate of 5 per cent. Williams next moved add a provision repealing the 7 unsuccessfully to Sharma leaves PARK (AP» North Vietnam and per cent begin -- Nixon, far from contributing to a set¬ the Viet Cong used the 28th session of the Vietnam peace talks Thursday to assail President Nixon's visit to Sai¬ tlement of the South Vietnamese prob¬ lem. has only increased the indignation of the Vietnamese people investment tax credit for new business plant and equipment, which is part of the House bill. to and har¬ Again with all members voting, the Sen¬ gon. asserting he had to go to buck up . dened determination in its struggle against the South Vietnamese government. ate adopted a motion by Democratic Leader the American aggressors and their agents,' Mike Mansfield of Montana U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge to kill the accused the other side of "misinterpret¬ ing to and misrepresenting ' Nixon's trip Saigon, declaring 'the truth is that during President Nixon's visit he spoke of peace and how it could be achieved Thuy said. peace Mrs. Binh said Nixon's trip "although disguised by fallacious allegations . has exposed the U.S. scheme to cling to South Vietnam, pursue the for Williams amendment The vote With time on this was 66 to 34. running out on the with¬ holding law, the Senate had suspended debate on an antiballistic missile de¬ disputed research project After this aggressive war and step up its de-Amer¬ fense system to take up the tax bill Historically, philosophical thought be¬ period, many important for the benefit of the every-day man in By STEVE WATERBURY icanization." State News Staff Writer came formalized about or around 500 manuscripts became non-existent in In¬ North Vietnam, in South Vietnam and Mansfield, with the backing of the Sen¬ dia. but were preserved in Tibetan sem¬ ate Democratic Policy Committee, had Dhirendra Sharma. associate profes¬ B.C.." he said. "At that time, there the United States." inaries." Sharma said. Then in the twen¬ were three centers of philosophy in the Open meeting North Vietnam's Xuan Thuv and the refused until now to call up the surtax sor of philosophy, will depart East Lan¬ tieth century Sharma continued. an measure until it was coupled with a tax sing for Europe shortly to rejoin his fam¬ world: Aristotle. Plato and Socrates in Viet Cong's Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh said Indian scholar who was also a Buddhist Nixon was forced to go to Saigon to reform bill. He contended that the steain ily and consult with experts in his special Greece: Buddha, the Jaina and the Up- The board of trustees will hold a monk traveled to Tibet where he dis¬ for tax reform would evaporate if the two field of study. anishadic thinkers in India: and Con- reassure the South Vietnamese army and special open meeting at 9:15 p.m. to¬ 'fucious in China." covered manv highly significant logical government, "in full disarray." and re¬ issues were handled separately. Following an eight-week stay in Europe. day in Kellogg Center. Sharma said he will study the possi¬ and philosophical manuscripts, many store the morale of American troops. Discussion of House Bill 2196, author¬ When he finally agreed Wednesday night Sharma will journey to India, where he about which we had only cross-references." Thuy said the President's visit Wed¬ to call up the surtax, it was with the will conduct research on the "Purva Mi- bility of parallels between the Indian izing the State Board of Education to af¬ and Greek philosophical systems When the Dalai Lama fled Tibet, the nesday proved that the United States understanding that the Senate Finance mamsa System of Indian Philosophy I have filiate the state osteopathic school with found many principles and ideas, logical, process of history reversed itself and the refuses to withdraw from South Vietnam a state university, is the one item on Committee will produce a tax reform bill with special reference to the Buddhist and as well as metaphysical, that are parallel manuscripts began to flow back toward or to drop its backing for President the agenda, according to Secretary Jack by Oct. 31 The House now is working Jaina logic on the Mimamsa thinkers in these two areas. " Sharma said India and. in particular, to three de¬ on such during the period 400 B.C. to 400 A D. Nguyen Van Thieu's government. Breslin. a measure. Previous research in this area has been positories. in Nepal. Sikkini and India The research will be funded by MSU Sharma has contacted the Dalai Lama, difficult because of an Islamic invasion through a non-restricted Ford Foundation who has promised his support. Assistance of India that occured about 900' A.D.. grant designed to aid international educa¬ SUSPECT FIELD OPEN tion programs The MSU,decision to fund Sharma said. Indian scholars carried their will also come from a young Tibetan fugee. whose education has been financed re¬ the grant came following the decision of manuscripts into the Himalayas, some¬ the U.S. Office of Education in the De¬ times across the border into Tibet by Sharma. (please turn to page 9) partment of Health Education and Wel¬ Davids cites fare our On- h (hance Fighting broke out near the Demilitarized Zone Thursday for the second time this week Flowery expressions Flower power advocates, on The DMZ. which separates the two Viet- the other hand, conduct their nams. was once a major battle area in the campaign with flair by chalking the expressions Hememher To war but it has been quiet, with only oc¬ 11 nays He ttuppy 1 ml Play. casional outbursts, since November. Thank ) U.S. officials did not view the battle, which took the lives of three Americans and 13 enemy soldiers, with alarm • • • \ lonely stroller down Grand The Romanian news agency said Thursday "the forthcoming top-level Romanian-Ameri can meeting expresses the sincere and con¬ stant wish of Romania to contribute . . to t\iliuy II n* Hen * the creation of a climate of detente and Woe he to the youngster wh< un¬ derstanding." The statement referred to President Nixon's J ON CAMPUS Everyonclovesj visit with Romanian President Nicolai Ceau- sescu Saturday • CALL National News A Trans World Airways jet carrying 123 passengers was hijacked over Kansas Thurs¬ day morning and forced to fly toward Cuba, the airline said. The hijacked plane was a non-stop from St. Louis to Los Angeles. flight !33"68'\jitieCafisa^ a • J 1071 THROWBRIDGE RD. J NEAR HARRISON OFF CAMPUS CALL RD. Rffia Treat • • • The Pentagon announced Thursday a $249.6 J337-1631 million contract to Western Electric for re¬ • search and development work on the Safe¬ * E.GRAND RIVER guard antiballistic missile system. 'Without the contract extension, all Safe¬ guard research and development would halt J 3 BLOCKS WEST as of August," the Pentagon said in a state¬ J OF HAGADORN FREE ment which emphasized that the action in¬ volves research only and not deployment. • • • Astronaut Neil A. S DELIVERY* Armstrong said his first words after he stepped on the moon were. "That's one small step for A man. one giant leap for mankind." MICHIGAN Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor STATE NIWS William B. Castanier advertising manager Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial editor UNIVERSITY Jeff Elliott, sports editor Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. EDITORIALS It is Sheriff's always a little sickening feudal the last murder victum was found. A suspect was allowed to see a public official such to approach to within touch¬ as Sherriff Harvey use his of¬ ing distance and then escape. fice to enhance his own per¬ This sort of thing does not sonal standing. It is dowjiright even usually happen in bad macabre when the climb to movies. glory is founded on the bodies It is well that the governor of seven young girls. has at long last called in farc¬ Gov. Milliken's action Wed¬ es that are not embroiled in nesday to have the FBI pro¬ pettv--and in this case deadly- vide manpower as well as county politics. The FBI is equipment for the solution of among the elite of law-enforce¬ the case of the Ann Arbor-Yp- ment agencies and the State Po¬ silanti area slayer is highly com¬ lice are certainly a cut above mendable. Further, his deci¬ the average. If the puzzle of sion to place the State Police the Ypsilanti slayer is to be in direct charge of the investi¬ solved at all it will be by them. gation, and thereby, in effect, Col. Frederick Davids (far right) holds his first press confer¬ --The Editors to remove Sheriff Douglas Har¬ ence as director of the Ann Arbor area slayings Investigation. With him are (far left) William F. Delhey, county prosecutor vey. is likewise a worthy move. and Walter Krasney, Ann Arbor Chief of Police. AP Wirephoto The only regrettable thing is the Sheriff carries his TRINKA CLINE that is has taken two years and smoking going on. but murder, on scen¬ seven murders to bring on this well, that is something else ario. Further, the highlv ex¬ action. Sheriff Harvey has been run¬ perienced detectives of the De¬ troit Police Force had been ning the operation as if he Notes from One premise used for call¬ ing in the FBI is that the civil rights of the dead girls may thought he was the Winged Aven¬ ger. It is one thing to attempt itching to aid in the quest, but thus far have been barred from a door darkener have been violated Indeed, to rightfully command an inves¬ participation. The rejection of being killed is certainly the tigation. quite another to jeal¬ such allies in the hunt for the ultimate violation of a person's ously guard the project from mass-murderer is unwise, nay. civil rights. This infringement all imagined interlopers. completely incompetent. is greatly compounded when Wahstenaw Prosecutor Wil¬ The lack of manpower on the Dear Stephen Nisbet. MSU Trustee this carnage is allowed to con¬ liam Delhey and Ann Arbor part of the Sheriffs office has Where in the world have you hidden It might also ho interesting t. No real regret: just an observa¬ tion student will ever face >. I must echo to you Huff's We act like wish he words again. (out-of-state prevented the last few student i we wouldn't darken our door." I re¬ murders. Apprehension and pun¬ I'm glad trustee Huff noted that some The efficiency of service at posed systems are very wor- member wisecracks from administrators Actually. 1 might not have made it into out-of-staters are children of alumni "loyal Olin Health Center has for ishment. however desirable, are the first term I was here thy. Not onlv will efficiency MSI' as just an ordinary out-of-state to MSU but who have settled else¬ of secondary important to pre¬ many years been a topic of stu¬ be increased and long waits student, considering the quality of high where. It puts a few punctures in the And venting any recurrence of the school from which I came But. somehow usual "our own' defense line perhaps you should have separate dent criticism on a par wTith eliminated, but the feeling of pav scales for in-state and out-of-state I managed to be one of only two Na¬ residence hall food. Hopeful¬ tragic events. professors'1 Think about your discrepan¬ being sorted through a vast, The Mickey Mouse operation tional Merit Finalists (not Scholar-no It might also be interesting to note cies there-vou beg and whine for good ly. the plan announced by Olin impersonal machine could also money-just Finalist) that school has at this time that we live in a highly professors WHEREVER THEY MAY BE of the Washtenaw Sheriffs mobile society You THINK you're edu¬ Director Dr. James S. Feur- be undone. This could be the produced in its entire history. My ap¬ FOUND but only to educate your own.'' ig to implement an appoint¬ greatest boon of all. Dept. staggers the imagination. plication blank arrived without request cating your own: but how many of them and stamped in red across the top was will never reside in this place again? Take the case of the manne¬ And where would MSU be without pe$p&M - pick of the 1968 collegiate crop tonight, but All Star Coach Otto Graham was cautiously optimistic about the chances for from Cincinnati. Bobbv Douglass from Kansas or from Notre Dame, Greg Coo Terry Hanratty Edison Mandarino 6-3, 8-6. victory. can expect protection which will furnish 8-6 in the opening singles match We're going to give them a battle, I think," he said. a chance to pass. "How well we execute our plays is what's to put England into an early going to count.'' Receivers also rated high with Jerry Levias of Southern lead. The All Stars, two touchdown underdogs, have not won the Methodist. Ed Hinton of Oklahoma and Gene Washington from annual game since 1963 and have lost nine of the last 10. Koch looked anything but like Stanford expected to be primary targets of the worlds It will be Graham's ninth appearance as coach of the col¬ one top Mainstays of the defensive backfield were expected to be players in dropping the first legians and he has won twice, leading the 1963 team to a 20- Jim Marsalis of Tennessee State. 17 decision over the Green Bay Packers. Billy Thompson of Maryland two sets, and his play in the State, Bill Bradley of Texas. Roger Wehrli of Missouri and third set-when turn the he began to tide-didn't even re¬ The Victory The Jets will be the first American Football League team to appear in the annual game and the presence of Joe Namath Terry Brown of Oklahoma S^ate. "As a group I think they semble his earlier competition. U.S. yacht Goose leads at thiie start of the seventh and has helped boost interest in the contest. It was likely that have the speed and quickness to Stilwell took advantage of Australian-Arr deciding race for the all reserved seats would be sold and that do the job." Graham said Tl^be very disappointed if the general admission Mandarino's weak backhand T Toogooloowoo , .... IV ?ha,,en9e CuP ^ophy on San Francisco Bay. It beat the sales would provide a total house of more than 70,000. Jets get any cheap quick touchdowns I don't think we're by 3 minutes, 15 seconds. to wrap up his match in APWirephoto The weather outlook was better than usual for the contest, going to get burned back there." three quick games. which was scheduled to start at 9 p.m. ty SY BARTLETT im OAVIO KARP Munc Cwpoue md Conductad By LALO SCHIFRIN (Wiiw Coio» by Oi U« r nnlibK an i«in{ir'i"»iw -Judith Crist L „ AS IT IS RARE TO for safety "RARE MOMENTS ... # FINDI CLEARLY THE Police smashed their way into WORK OF TALENTED, GENUINELY INI LMATE the speaker's chamber, and the SENSITIVE, HUMOROU8 FOX EASTERN THEATRES LOVE SCENES!" PEOPLE'" speaker. Bejov Kumar Baner jee. and two assemblv member> % -Time Maga/ine SPARTAN TWIN WIST FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER jumped out of the window to es cape • 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phons 3510030 Where is Jyoti Basu'' Where is Jyoti Basu0" the police screamed as they looked for the SHOWN DAILY AT deputy chief minister of West FIFTH WEEK! 1:30-3:50 6:15 & 8:30 RICHARDB^NJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN~«ji™ Bengal's Communist-led govern¬ ment PARAMOUNT Save up to $|50°° PICTURES JOHN GLEN KIM p Persons under 18 not admitted unless accompanied by p; on a complete Telefunken WAYNE • CAMPBELL ■ DARBY EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN PROGRAM Northtld# 2 Nejac stereo component system of East Lansing 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 Drive-In 452-7409 NOrt THRU TUES. • AT BOTH THEATRES HA!®"*' BRAMS Tho stranoost trio "LET THE FUZZ TAKE YOU ALIVE... A° % •vor to track o killer, The ANGELS PLANETARIUM A F*arltit, on# »y»d aren't that U S morihal who n»v#r Presents: a dry day in hit life PARTICULAR!" > Original Hell's Angels Footprints On led by Sonny Barger The Moon and a girl and Terry the Tramp A •till wet behind the ear special experience who didn't care who* they shake up Las Vegas! at a special moment In history. Be aboard or who they were at long a simulated voyage to they had Irue grit the moon and explore the lunar mysteries at this unique Instant In the annals of man. "GOD Program Schedule Efcje the to special interest In Apollo FOH6IVES 11 program "Footprints on the Moon" A BRAND NEW BRAND will be presented every day at 2:30 and 8;00 p.m. -I DONT"! Programs discontinue from 15 Aug. to 3 Oct. Start¬ TOM JEREMY CONNY I^Jjl.LLFRANKWOLFFBUDSPENCER.COLOR-K"1' ing Oct. 3, see "Fire in the Sky." STERN SLATE VAN DYKE STEVE GIUSEPPE COLIZZI ■ GIUSEPPE CO! 1771 . INTENTIONAL Sorry! No pre-school children JE°Ki*YSUTE ROBERT OUVALL • STROTHER MARTIN ■ HENRY HATHAWAY MMtttEIUTE ROBERTS SANDOR COLOR 1. Hell's Angels 69 Shown tw'ce Information 355-4672 at 8:1 7 and again a t I 1:55 CHARLESPORTIS Abrams Planetarium, Sci¬ ENTERTA'NMENT F03 TECHNICOLOR* A PARAMOUNT PICTURE mmmt Oil TOM STERN... IEREMY StATE 1 STERN • fiflWT • Li'MAOOEN 2. God Forgives, I Don't Shown ence Rd. and Shaw Lane, TH£ WHOLE FAM'LY MSU, East Lansing. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August i, 1969 J LEDGES PLAYHOUSE IT'S i t d WHAT'S. wnm a « ^ Staging, acting mediocre Ini in French musical Farce The Beal Film Group will The MSU Sailing Club will By V ALERIE RESTIVO scenes. Th£ entire case appeared Michel was pithy, but there must that cancels out the technique's present the following films to- hold an open house on Satur- State News Reviewer to have been inadequately re- be plays more worth the ex- audience-contact value, night and Saturday in 108B Wells dav at Lake Lansing A cook- The French musican farce. hearsed. penditure of Peake's talents and ^The Italian Straw Hat" "Carry on Nurse" at 7 and 9:45; out is planned for 10 a.m. Free "The Italian Straw Hat." opened Chris Schneider played tft? his valuable time. "The Ital- coura be vastly improved by a 'Hurricane Express" at 8:30. rides will be provided from the and Laurel and Hardy in Sons West entrance of the I 'nion Tuesday at the Ledges Play- young bride. Helene. less con- ian "Straw Hat" doesn't really generous cutting of the long house. The Ledges players are vincingly than her portrayal of need dialogue It is a very script. Playing time could be of the Desert" at 8:45. Admis¬ capable of the finest in profes- another pretty ninny in "The physical play, and its success further condensed by the ex- sion is 50 cents. ID s are not The MSU Bicycling Club will sional little-theatre per- Amorous Flea, depends solely on the situation's tension of techniques only par- required go riding at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. formances It is disappointing • Elizabeth Cole proved a com- structural humor. tially carried out under Peakes on Saturdav. Please meet at the to see them give way to even petent musican director-accom- The audience most enjoyed direction Lyman's. Peter Sil- The Man and Nature Book¬ Men si M occasional mediocrity. panist and actress: her caric- the imaginatelv chaotic scenes, bert's and Liz Cole's silent mov- store will hold a dance-concert Andrew Mack's scenery, usually ature of Clara, the milliner, such as the well-directed wed- ie-stvle movements suited the 'tonight from 8:30 to 11 30 in delightful, gave the audience a was amusing. The music is ding scene, the scene in which play: these could be further the Union Ballroom The Back¬ The University Reformed drab first impression of the the drunken wedding party mis- stylized and the whole produc- street Band will provide the Church will host a coffee house easily forgotten, though not un- evening ahead Perhaps the pleasant, and it was sung accord- takenlv crashes an elegant tion run through at super-speed, Granny angel music. Proceeds will go toward Saturday night from 9-12 at 810 soiree, and the chase The play could even be done expansion of the bookstore Do> W. Grand River. A 25-cent dona¬ designer was too much occupied ingly. scenes Merrllee Rush will sing he hit release "Angel his tasks as assistant Richard Thomsen saved the done in the aisles. These like a silent film, with sub- nation 75 cents tion will be accepted. of the Morning" at Grandmothi 's tonight and pianist and actor. closest to the Marx brothers titles and no spoken dialoge at Saturday. She was voted best fer lie vocalist for The opening scenes w effect the players sought. all which would eliminate the TJNIGHT! , 1968. credibly slow. William Lyman s frantic antics as father of the The asides didn't work, as need to dwell on dull or insig- customary dash was absent bride drew most of the evening's they did in 'The Amorous Flea." nificant lines, "MONTEREY POP" from his characterization of laughs. partly because of the medioc- action Tuesday evening the young bridegroom. inard. and he muffed his lines Fad- Director John Peaks' new translation from the French rity of the lines themselves. partly because they were de- livered with air of distance P,cked fup ; before the c'ose °* the },rst act- s'owed Merrilee R Shown at 8:00 & 10:05 regularly during the opening of Eugene Labiche and Marc- an again and rose to a pie pitch for most of acts II and III. The third act opening was Grandmother's Peace caravan arrives Sat. enhanced by Mack's understated b ack-and-white representation of a Pans square, complete MerrUee , of the Morni 1.5 million records last Rush who§e sold „A over zines Billboard. Record World. Cash Box and summer Preceding Miss Rush discuss both draft issues with police station and pissoir to K " „.;n will , r. . appear at Grandmothers nights is a war, The third act was the most consistent. The various elements tonight and Saturday Backed by the Turnabouts. group Universal from five-man Family. MSU local called They play An American Friends Service and Findlav. Ohio. joint project with the Epworth , tune with M'ss Rush will give three danceable rock that doesn't Committee (AFSC) -peace car- The group will remain in League of the Methodist Youth _£ each other and the audience left 30-minute shows nightly begin- blast you out of your seat, avan will arrive in East Lan- Conference. * the area from August 2-8. speak- un nspired but not entirely ning at 10:30 p.m. Cover charge said Tom Rungquist. day man¬ sing Saturday ,ng before religous groups, in Presently three student teams dissatisfied, having shared a few 's $1 50 per person, ager of Grand mother s. are crossing the country in The caravan is an intertaith classrooms, at coffee hours, in belly laughs, some chuckles The brunette singer was voted peace caravans. All participants international and coeducational private homes and at an open and each other's companion- second best female vocalist forum, first attend a week's orientation LEDGES team of five students who are at ship. for 1968 by entertainment maga¬ Waukegan. 111., during which PLAYHOUSE traveling through the Midwest The AFSC has sponsored they discuss the issues that attempting "to encourage think¬ peace caravans since 1926. At they will be dealing with on ★★★★★★★★★★ professional ing and discussion on domes¬ one time the caravans were a the caravan. * SUMMER THEATRE ANIS JOPLIN WITH BIG I tic and world affairs and new yL COMPANY • SCOTT MCKENZIE • MAMAS AND PAPAS approaches to peace with all groups with whom it meets " 1 RECORDS PRE -RECORDED TAPES 1* * The first and best of the English Carry On Musical Comedy CANNED HEAT • HOGH MASEKELA • JEFEtRSON AIR series of comedy films The over-all theme of the PRE-RECORDED CASSETTES PLANE WON GRACE SLICK • ERIC BURDON AND THE Italian Straw Hat caravan is A Search for Al¬ ANIMALS • THE WHO • COUNTRY JOE AND THE ternatives to Violence " East Lansing is the last stop and STEREO EQUIPMENT * Carry On Nurse i The Mary Brothers T radition FISH • OTIS REDDING • JIMI HENDRIX • RAVi SHANKAR of the group in a tour which t 8:30 The Hurricane Ex included Grand Rapids. Mus¬ kegon. several small towns i northwestern Michigan. Flint 1 THE DISC SHOP at el and at 8:45 only Hardy's Best Two Student Rate (ID Card) OUTERS POP FILMED AT THE MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL POP FESTIVAL A LEACOCK PFWNFBAKER RELEASE | X Save up to $150°° I1 323 East Grand River SONS OF THE DESERT ALSO "CHIEFS" Suggested CJJ\ - on a complete T elefunken OPEN MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. for General A visit to Waikiki Beach stereo component system 108B Wells Hall 50c Reservations 627-7805 ^>Audiences_i_ SAT. 9 A.Mi-6 P.M. ID not required Nejac of East Lansing PHONE 351-5380 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 543 E. Grand River ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 337-1300 TODAY From 1:00 P.M. At 1:10-3:10-5:12-7:15-9:20 P.M. .ET'S GO RACING. . . ~ "The best Hitchcock-type suspense thrill in years!" si RACING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY y 2 MILES SOUTHWEST OF LANSING ON M-78 ADULTS 2.00 V"!8 112 P'n CHILDREN 50* FRI. mid season Races Begin 8:30 p.rr NOW SHOWING! ALL COLOR! Championship Fig. 8 - PAIITiniJI Th5s is the ADULT MOVIE that & Super stock races UftUllUN! EVERYONE wants to see!!! SAT. 2 (25 lap) features BUT — People easily embarrassed . . . should not! "t Fall Racing Program BUT —People with 'Hang-Ups' . . . Dare not! BUT~People under 18 . . . cannot! "THE SEXIEST, WACKIEST FILM YET!"-playboy Heironymus MERiaN :| ever Torijet iV^RCY Humppe j| and find true happiness 9 » Persons under 18 n ••(*)• - AND - • Technicolor* "Heironymus Merkin* at 8:15 and late "Secret Ceremony" at 10:20 only TONIGHT! ALL COLOR! HILARIOUS ROMANTIC FANTASY I Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Technicolor? NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES MEHNTS A MARK ROBSON PRODUCTION MdDYIS JAMES DEBBIE GARNER REYNOLDS GcSNb MAURICE RONET ATHuMTiMg CAROLWHITE PAUL BURKE MANPOWERS IsconHruwDslsaraa um o "How Sweet" 10:15 only M Isr-fa LOTOiroSEIi'lE JR. A New Exert*** btotfmti CARTOON at Dusk COMING*.."THE GRADUATE" g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 1, 1969 State News State News Classified 355-8255 Find the Fall Apartment of your choice now in the WANT ADS. Classified 355-8255 Auto Service & Part* Employment For Rent For Rent The State News does not NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full/part TV RENTALS. G.E. 19" portable-- 1441 EAST Michigan Avenue 2- EAST LANSING-near 908 East HASLETT. DESIRABLE * bedroom ACCIDENT PROBLEM0 Call KALA permit racial or religious MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Smalf time 21 and over preferred Ex $8 50 per month including stand bedroom furnished $90 summer Mount Hope 2-bedroom. furnished, deluxe Ne=>' efdT E^i'ies or discrimination in its ad¬ dents to large wrecks. American eellent income potential (Robbi Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 $130 fall 351-5323 10-8/4 entire 2nd floor of lovely home married H*"" accept 2 McFadden. HOWARD JOHNSON S. 8862 220 Albert Street, East Lan¬ $170 including utilities 332-3161 children Lease, deposit $150 plus and foreign cars vertising columns. The Guaranteed work 694-0454 O sing. APARTMENTS AND or 372-8876 2-8 1 electricity 337-7618 5-8/1 State News will not accept 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C duplex Near campus Furnished or unfurnished • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ REGISTERED NURSE or L.P.N. with NEW GE portables and stands rented $60-$90 per person 332-2110 after HELP! WIDOW needs to rent par¬ BAY COLONY ONLY to MSU students and faculty tially furnished lower Prefers East EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, medication course Shift: 3 p.m • race, color or national or¬ to 11 p.m., full or part-time, and $8 84 month (includes * tax > STATE Side 489-1854 2-8/1 APARTMENTS • FOR rfENT 11 p.m to 7 a.m part time Open¬ MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 BAKER STREET Beautifully r igin. Corner of Haslett and Haga¬ • FOR SALE MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kala¬ ings in a medical care facility Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C Good salary and benefits. dorn Roads. Now taking leases • LOST &. FOUND mazoo Street Since 1940 Apply TV RENTALS-Students only Complete auto painting and colli¬ PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 2815 North- Low for September 1, 2 and 3 • PERSONAL wind Drive, East Lansing. Phone 332- monthly and term rates. Call 484 sion service. IV 5-0256 C 2600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY man apartments. Furnished or • PEANUTS PERSONAL 5061. Mrs. Cole. 10-8 8 unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month TV RENTALS C • REAL ESTATE leases available. Call Jack Automotive Avaition TEACHER NEEDS babysitter Light • SERVICE housekeeping Own transportation ONE. TWO 21 Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. men, over Luxury, • TRANSPORTATION FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to Near Frandor 372-4291 5-8 4 inexpensive. Chalet Park 339-2753 • WANTED learn in the PIP^R CHEROKEE!" FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished 3-8 5 With swimming pool OKEMOS APARTMEN- Special $5 offer 484-1324 C EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY Heat paid Experienced secretaries, typists to $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ PARK TRACE DEADLINE Scooters & Cycles work on temporary assignments AGEMENT, 351-7880 C Okemos Rd. at East Mount Furnisher, all utilities paid. 332- Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-7/31 0881 or 332-4950 20-8/22 1 P.M. one class LEASING, IMMEDIATE occupancy- day be¬ 1968 HONDA 305 motorcycle Like COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham fore publication. new. 4,000 miles. Call 694-7984 SHOE SALES: Part-time, experience Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom and Alton Brand new deluxe 1- Cancellations 12 5-8 5 helpful, but not necessary Salary apartments. Fully equipped cMorth - noon one guarantee with commission over¬ bedroom, furnished For profession¬ class with all the extras, plus pool day before publica¬ 1969 YAMAHA DS6C 250cc 1,000 ride Phone 482-1411. extension 264 al, graduate students, college fa¬ culty or personnel Select clientele and clubhouse. Limited im¬ tion. MUSTANG 1965-3-speed. A-l condi¬ miles 1969 Honda S90, 1,200 miles and ask for Mr Wyatt tion Best offer 332-0040. evenings 5-8 7 Both excellent condition 332-1470 CHILD CARE WORKERS ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ able for June and September leas¬ mediate occupancy. 6 daily. Open 10- 10-12 Saturdays. A Pointe PHONE Supervise small groups of delin¬ ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 Phone 332-5094. 1968 NORTON 750 P-11A Ranger quent boys $2.50 to $3 00 per hour 355-8255 Full time summer and part-time 711 STARTING SEPTEMBER thru school year Male applicants EAST uate student to share need grad¬ only. Apply to Personnel Office. Starr 711 Burcham Dr. apartment RATES Commonwealth for Mike. 351-3146 Boys. Albion. New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ Michigan. 49224 (l-( 1 day $1.50 5-8 6 ished 3 man apts. leasing for QUIET FEMALE roommate wanted 15* per word per day fall now 1 year or 9 mo. September 1st Own Bedroom. 10 minutes to campus $70 351-9436 3 days $4,00 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS: quiet area. PLYMOUTH-1966 VIP 2-door hard¬ 13 t wholesaler IV 9-9651 l/2tf per word per day top with vinyl roof, power steer¬ or 1-bedroom. furnished or unfurnished • 9-month lease at 337-1349. 8:00 5 days $6.50 ing. brakes, excellent condition Bv -5:00 p it 351-3525 Laundry, balcony, security locks 332-4539 332-8287 3-8 4 n carpeted halls September leases no extra charge 13< per word per day owner or available Also 2 WANTED EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED except apartments at DIRECTOR for Civic Thea¬ (based on 10 words per ad) PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 1963 -full ter range and refrigerator Across from NORTH WIND reduced rate til September 14th 3-play season First show open¬ 351-4691.332-2920 J.R. Culver Co. 3-8 1 power, white walls Automatic trans ing October 15. Must be dynamic campus Reasonable 332-0792 . 351- FARMS There will be a 50tf service mission 489-0853 3-8 4 5385 5.8 5 dependable, and highly qualified Sal Faculty Apartments NEED ONE girl starting fall term and bookkeeping charge if ary open Write Aaron Acker. 314 New Cedar Village Call after 5 this ad is not paid within East Mansion Street. Marshall Mich¬ STODDARD APARTMENTS Now rent¬ 351-7880 489-0960 337-7116. p.m.. 217 Ann St. 351-8862 5-8 4 igan 49068 5-8 1 ing for fall. 1 bedroom, close to one week. 4190. 3-8 4 campus, laundry, balcony, sound¬ COUPLE: 1-bedroom furnished Util- proofed 332-0913,332-2920 ' Road and Track The State News will be ROLLS ROYCE (1957 Bentley S-l STENOGRAPHER. FULL time through 3-8 1 ities included $125 $135 332-2803. Magazine (May 1968) says: November for large firm in South 332-2157 4-8 1 model i Absolutely immaculate in¬ responsible only for the first day's incorrect inser¬ tion. side and steering out and Touring kit Power brakes Automatic Lansing area Typing and shorthand required, salary open Phone 393- 2150, extension 24 for interview OAKHILL man. APARTMENTS 2 Walking distance. Leasing. 351- to 4- "The BMW 1600 and transmission Two-tone green Green 7153. 10-8 7 leather trays and walnut trim Aluminum alloy and steel Picni^ East Lansing Management 2002 are the best body maintained by Roils in London Princeton Arms Automotive Company 1 ALFA-ROMEO 1965-guilia GT New Truly majestic lifetime investment New, 676-5308 $18,000. sacrifice. $5,900 2-8 4 Pool side 1 Bedroom, new carpeting and sedan buys in the Abarth system Michelin tires LATE MODEL i Am- Apartments Fm. shortwave items $1.3Q0 351-7964 radio Other new 2-8 1 TRIUMPH Radials 1968-TR-4A Tonneau Radio Excellent IRS 372- For Students drapes, all utilities paid ex¬ cept electricity, air condition¬ ing, disposals, central TV world.They're almost 3797 after 9 p.m 5-8 6 351-7880 Employment 317 M.A.C. tenna, laundry and storage fa¬ too good to be true." cilities, 3 minutes from < STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and AUSTIN HEALY 300 Mark III 1964 TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ Good body, new shocks bat new eras, for FALL AND WINTER For Rent tery 410 Park Lane 332-2414 7-8 1 TERMS-State News Photographic, 301 Student Services Building RENT A TV from TV Hal stead Managemont Ask a Company- Bl'G-EYE Sprite Very good for Mr Johnson con¬ Monday through $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 351-7910 dition. over $1,000 invested See it NEJAC TV RENTALS C Hiursday, 9 a m to5p m S and make offer Call 351-4160 TRIUMPH 1967 -TR-4A Excellent mechanical condition. Wire wheels, overdrive, wonder-bar radio $1776 372-6029 after 4 30 p m 5-8 4 University Villa 635 Abbott Rd. 2 and 3 person apartments (2 bedroom flexible units), furnished and completely car¬ peted, air conditioning, 5 Car and Driver calls them "the most spectacular bargains 442 1966 Convertible Good condi¬ blocks from campus, 9 or 12 in the entire spectrum of imported cars." When tion, engine is excellent Must sell ~ionth lease. Asking $1 695 351-3616. 372-6877 professional critics get that enthusiastic, it's time to take a test drive. Only you behind the wheel can truly Hal stead Management measure the performance of this latest triumph from 351-7910 Germany's famed Bavarian Motor Works, builders of fine cars for 53 years. Drive the incomparable new BMW today. AUTOLITE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT Phil Gordon's, 2924 E. Grand River bavarian motor works] FOR ALL Lansing, Michigan FORD PRODUCTS Phone 484-2551 WE HAVE SMALL ENGINE PARTS CROSSWORD POZZLE □ran ee@ FOR: LAWN MOWERS Model Now Ooen BHH cn^QHsns 24. At home GARDEN EQUIPMENT UEHEH SSHQE 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. ACROSS 26 Syllable of Available for fall Phone 332-6441 1. Disfigurement hesitation 27. Near BS9s^@@[|aasj3 leasing 5. 7. Mixed type Founder 29. Silver symbol 30. Supercilious 11. Mischievous person " MOPAR 1969. Twycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and 12. 13. Article Annul 32. Steal 34. Parable furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has 14. Overrule 38. Mahogany mm sang naa 15. Artificial ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT a dishwasher, garbage disposal and Individual control-central air condit¬ PHa aaiisa oan ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute SOLUTION OF SATURDAY'S PUZZLE drive puts you on campus. The student's \ leisure time has been adequately 19. Duster 41. Cabinet FOR ALL planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and 20. Engulfed 43. Met. singer 46. Cake decorator 49. Honey buzzard 22. Fr. summer 44. Twist 47. Topic private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycklng¬ 48. Compass point DOWN 23. Work units ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. CHRYSLER PRODUCTS ' 2 3 if 6 6 7 8 9 IO 1 Reclaimed § Crinkly cloth 2. 3. Industrious 1 " 12 id , IB %16 4. Gr. letter 5. News sheets % {Eluyckingfjam 6. Silly FOREIGN CAR OWNERS! WE NOW CARRY BOSCH FOREIGN SHAW v •7 20 % 21 "9 22 7 Mirth 8. 9. 10. Cave Form a notion Paying guest CAR PARTS 23 24 25 26 4620 S. Hagadorn %% % % 16 18. Antiseptics Traveling bags 1 FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES 27 32 28 Y//< 33 29 34 %is 30 31 36 % 37 21. 25. Ital. daybree:e Egg drink g TWyCKWgHAM Management Exclusively By: 36 i 40 27. 28. Stop Play a bagpipe H tl %42 % 43 30. Tubular part 31. Waist dHVs iT ALCO Management Company W 45 33 Admirers 35. Lemur T BZIA9CUFF PA 36. Large stream * mmm S 47 % «♦€ % *4 37. Long for 1 AAT. UOC/ Dr\ How Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 42. 43. Achieve .BOO E. KALAMAZOO Savory sauce Friday, August 1, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Rent For Rent Personal EAST LANSING-men Quiet home, private entrance Large room Cer¬ WEDDING DRESS and veil-size 8- 10: $40 Women's clothes-size 10' and children's sizes 0-4 2174 Park TV RENTALS. GE 19" $8 50 per month including stand Call J R. CULVER COMPANY, 351- portable-- Predawn gunfight amic tile, bath, linens furnished Lane 694-4886 1-8/1 8862 220 Albert Street. East Lan¬ traps Panthers Close to campus 332-3306 1-8/1 sing. C FIRM DOUBLE bed, $30 dresser, $10: swivel chairs. $15: 4 wooden TRAVEL TO EUROPE at our ex dining chairs. $15; coffee table, CHICAGO (AP)--Police shot said. "I returned the fire and $15 Cheap but adequate 339-9174 to organize groups INSTITUTE OF LOVELY. FURNISHED. 1, 2 bedroom TWO BLOCKS from Union 215 Ever CULTURAL EDUCATION. Box 2037, their way into a Black Panther jumped against a wall. Curley houses 1 to 2 miles from campus headquarters during a predawn said. "I'll get the shotgun.' green Male female $10 50 week Livonia. Michigan 48151 3-8/4 $140-$190 plus utilities 351-5696 Then he got shot.'' 351-9601 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m gunfight Thursday. Shotgun blasts wounded five policemen He said The two men with FURNISHED for 4 girls 2-car gar SINGLE ROOMS and three black men were in¬ shotguns ran back upstairs. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR- Call 351-6446 for ir More shooting ensued and 30 9 blocks to Very jured. age nice 9-month lease campus $16 week each shed tents a, 1 pC^TEDBerkey irom Be 351- 9 cubic feet, works very well Each side said the other start¬ police cars arrived. phis electricity ^32-3979 3-8 '5 Call 337-0168 3-8/1 ed the shooting. "It was like wartime." HOUSE UNFURNISHED-2291 Mount SONY HAS a new cassette player The three blacks were Curley said. Hope Road All paneled Living For Sale for your car See it, hear it now charged with attempted murder When I got to the scene. I MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 South room with fireplace Kitchen with BARGAIN at Peanuts Personal after the 30-minute battle, wit¬ told them. Blow the door off DIAMOND Wedding and Pennsylvania. Lansing 882-5035 C refrigerator and stove 2-bedrooms. engagement ring sets. Save 50 per LINDA HAPPY Birthday. Leo Babe' nessed by 300 residents of the and let's go in.' It took four Retired both with full-tiled bath Large cent or more Large selection of LOUD WURLITZER -■ ctronic piano live it up now for tomorrow you predominantly black neighbor¬ shotgun blasts to shoot the door Ever had that tired feeling backyard, shade trees, etc Carport plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 Ideal for re Needs minor may teach! Lyn. i-8/l hood. The three were treated for in." said Capt. Paul Gall, .... just too pooped WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 to $190 month 676-5308 5-8/4 repair. As i Evenings. 332- head cuts that police said were district police commander participate? This abandoned tire has probably East Michigan 485-4391 C Real Estate caused by flying glass. Patrolman Edwin Baal and made some driver very unhappy. WANTED 1 or 2 young faculty or BEAUTIFUL WRO'' WRO' Iron dining ENTIRE FAMILY wear Glasses? Richard D. Curley. the only another officer, using a ladder State News Photo By Bob Ivlns 1 grad types to share faculty house COLLEGE ROAD by owner. Custom- near campus 355-6607 or 337- Black c,QV.°- days 489-8558. Save at East OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Michigan Avenue 372-3409 built. 2-bedrooms, 1"2 baths 2 fire¬ places Built-ins, drapes, carpeting injured patrolman admitted to a hospital, was the first officer to borrowed from a service sta¬ tion. began climbing to a sec¬ C-8/1 UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES room, 1618 Greencrest-$200. 3-bed 2- FANTASTIC STEREO Price cut $100 to $119 Wollensak 351-8636 fall. He and his partner. Ed¬ ward Kendzior. said they were fired at from the second floor of ond-floor porch. blast struck Baal in the hands. Patrolman Robert Flynn led A shotgun Sharma bedroom 1623 Parkvale - $150 351-8415 5-8 1 Families 332-0480 10-8 7 the Illinois headquarters of the another group up to the porch (continued from page one) cated to the ALTERATIONS AND dress making by people of Tibet, Black Panther party. and found three men hiding The manuscripts are in Sans¬ who for a thousand winters pre¬ experienced seamstress Reasonable 4th GIRL needed in 4 girl house charge 355-5855 0-8 5 Kendzior said they stopped there They were unarmed. krit and Tibetan. Sharma is high¬ served this apohasiddhih i manu¬ ■2 block from Berkey Hall Avail¬ their ly proficient in Sanskrit, and squad car in front of the Flynn said the men lunged at script i for us. " able now Call 337-1496 after 5 p rr building when they saw two the police and. after brief hand- can work with Tibetan. 5-8 6 RCA DOl'BI men with shotguns. fighting, the arrests were made. His first book. The Dif¬ Sharma. who still retains his SOLO. THREE FREE 1 year cats Have BARBI No job MEL too Typing, large or multilithing too small "As I ran out of the car we Joseph Havmon. 20. Larry ferentiation Theory of Meaning Indian citizenship, will encoun¬ shots. White, blue-eyed male, spayed were fired upon.' Kendzior White, 25. and Alvin Jeffrey. 25. in Indian Logic." is based on ter no such barrier, according Block off campus. 332-3255 C 2 black females Evenings 351- were charged with attempted research he conducted in Sik- to Muelder. HEW cited the pro¬ ANN BROWN Typist and multilith. kim in 1962. The book is dedi- hibitions Wanted murder. placed on travelers offset printing. Dissertations, theses, in the border areas as one rea¬ manuscripts, general typing, IBM SPARTAN HALL--men. women sin¬ BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for son for its withdrawal of the 19 years experience 332-8384 C all positive A negative. B negative gles. doubles 372-1031. 337-0648 Parking, laundry 19-8 22 PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique and AB negative tive $10.00. O nega¬ $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ Police seek murderer grant offer to Sharma Besides studying the mutual quality thesis service IBM typing, ITY BLOOD CENTER 507' 2 East (continued from page one) The sketch was drawn from multilith. printing and hard binding Grand River. East Lansing. Above influences between Indian and WHARFEDALE 60 speakers wal ^ 337-1527 descriptions of witnesses who C the new Campus Book Store. Hours 10-8'7 nut, excellent condition $70 pair ENGLISH COCKER female According to Davids, investi¬ Greek philosophical systems. 1 j 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m Monday. Tues¬ saw the young man driving 351-5176. evenings 3-8 4 completely trained-housebroken day, Wednesday, and Friday gators have found several young Sharma will study the relation APPROVED FOR THESES OFFSET PRINTING, typ¬ Thurs¬ away from a wig shop in men 1 double room $50 351-7591 men in the area who look between the Purva-Mimamsa ing and binding Lowest prices avail¬ day, 12 to 6:30 p'm. 337-7183 * C 1 triple unit. Double-$220 per COMPLETE DARKROOM equipment enough like an artist's color neighboring Ypsilanti on a System, the Buddhist System term. tnple--$300 able Located across from campus per term Cook Durst M-600 enlarger and RESPONSIBLE GRADUATE couple fancy motorcycle with the latest ing. acces¬ on corner of M A C and Grand sketch of the suspected killer and the Jaina System of phil- parking. 1 block from Berkev sories. Call Steve. 351-5303. after wants furnished 1-bedroom house or victim. Karen Sue Beneman. Hall Call 332-4546 Ask for Steve River, below The Style Shop. Call "to have posed for it. sophical thought >rEd COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 337-1666 apartment, August 23 for 1 year as his passenger 2-8 1 42-8 '22 Rent to $135 E. Henry. 2019 Frank¬ "Some of them have been Sharma will microfilm many A six-footer with a shock of lin S.E.. Minneapolis. Minnesota. Mobile Homes 55414 3-8 4 questioned and some of them dark hair swirling down on his of the manuscripts in order Beechwood Camp Apts. have been cleared. Davids US them. He indicated forehead, the man is believed to preserve DID YOU KNOW THAT LARRY 1130 Beech St. said. Again, he refused to that if he runs across important BANKS can give you a better deal to be in his early 20s A elaborate-but did say none manuscripts not in his area of on new or used Mobile Homes Lot young man similarly described • 3 4 apts. no problem Call 655-2684 or Drive Transportation of them was in jail. He also tried to pick up another girl study, but which would be of Hi! or man out to Willow Village. H mile east of declined to say if police had interest to other scholars, he RIDERS TO BOSTON, REGULAR RIDE in Ypsilanti that same morning. Williamston on M-43 We also rent one way Leav to East DeWitt • Furnished & Mobile Homes to select people ing Friday. August 1 Mike. 372- blinker. 5:00 p.m Linda Salemka enough evidence to make a Prosecutor William F. Delhey will also catalogue these manu- 5-8 4 case if an arrest were made. 3074, nights 3-8 1 355-1847 scripts. Carpeted 3-8 5 8X40 NEW Moon Excellent • Air cond. & • Your Best Buy in a con¬ dition. Immediate occupancy Near garbage disposal 4-man apartment Campus 351-7506 5-8 6 • 5 blocks from • Party lounge campus • Luxury Furnishings • 1968 MARLETTE-12 X50 9 or 12 month • Large apartments complete¬ ly furnished, washer, dryer, air- lease conditioner and disposal 15 min¬ utes from campus $5,000 372- Hal stead Management l.R. Culver Co. 1953 GENERAL-8 X30 . 351-7910 WOMEN: Under move off campus CAMPUS VIEW APARTMENTS Leases are still available for our luxurious, air-con¬ ditioned apartments. These apartments are the finest in supervised hous¬ ing. They allow you luxur¬ ious apartment living . . . even if you are under 21. The only apartments available to women under 21. CAMPUS VIEW APARTMENTS 324 EAST MICHIGAN Call between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. 332-6246 Place Your PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. STATE NEWS will bill you later. Consecutive Dates to Run . Heading Print Ad Here: . Peanuts Personals must be placed in person. A New ARRIVAL! WATCH 10 Words or Less; Over 10 Words Add; Mail to: Michigan State News 347 Student Services Bldg. Tuesiws STATeNeWS! MSU East Lansing, Mich. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 1, 1969 Lutherans Austrian Catholics plan sale over religious tax, of church Crowded conditions and inade¬ VIENNA (UPI) 1930s church considering defection. Zeiminger said. "What gives feature of the quate facilities are prompting trian Catholics are leaving their us jrue heartache is defection and early 1950s, had come to a We are proud of some indivi- the members of the University church by the thousands, and part by believers, troubled by inner- halt during the reign of Pope dual successes, but so far we Lutheran Church. 504 Ann of the blame goes to Adolf Hitlpr " church developments, and more John XXIII. Now it is strong have been unable to stop the St. in East Lansing, to sell Hitler. " recently. — *i.. .* trpnrf trend.' stunning „ _ Away- again. their building. When the Nazis took over from Rome'drive The Austrian Office of Statis¬ "Pope Paul's stand on the University Lutheran has a Austria. Hitler introduced a tics reports that in Vienna, a More and more Austian Catho pill cause quite a few de- seating capacity of 200 and a compulsory tax for Catholics and ijcs refuse to accept the authori- fections." Father Zeininger said. city of 1.8 million inhabitants congregation of 699 confirmed Protestants to be paid to their of whom 90 per cent are Catho- ty of the Hoiy See Father We are spending a tremen- members, not including student?. churches directly. dous amount of time and money lies. 8.889 left the church in Zeiminger said As a result, four different Hitler, an enemy of religion. He said the "Away-from to keep hold of so-called border- 1968. a 35 per cent increase services are held each Sunday. figured many people would Rome" movement, a familiar line Catholics, members of the in defections over 1967 The building, constructed in rather leave the church than pay a new tax. But he was wrong. Thus, while 6.3 million of Austria's 7 million inhabitants In Religious 1947 is and enlarged in 1959. being sold for $300,000. In an act of quiet defiance, peo¬ still belong to the Roman Cath¬ keeping with the spirit, the University Lutheran Church, at the corner of Church officials said that other ple paid After the war. institutions showed no inclina¬ religious Chicago sex olic Church, the number has been dwindling year by year. Division and Ann Streets, has erected a sign proclaiming f-he need for a new landlord In the House of God. State News photo by Carl Welti congregations have expressed an interest in buying the structure' tion to drop the tax They even had the law amended, enabling the church to use' the state offers K-12 RECRUITING PROGRAM offices to collect the taxes. CHICAGO -In many life and sex education in However, resentment school districts the mention of . over Navigators again invited to U' church is sex education stirs tempers. taxes only^ one of several factors in the drift spawns debates and otherwise secondary and special schools. away from the church, according disrupts relations between edu- -To help children and ado¬ to Father Josef Zeininger. cators and some parents, lescents develop healthy a parish priest from St. Stephe- By INA BROEMAN The Navigators at MSU this Navigators spend hours with They are disciples helped by teach others also. Adkins The Chicago public school attitudes toward human sexual believers individually and in en's Cathedral, who has been For the second consecutive summer are hand picked from new continual training, added sex education program runs behavior appointed by Vienna's Cardinal colleges all over the U.S. small grups. They study the They strive to multiply them- The Navigators concentrate from kindergarten to grade 12 -To children and summer MSU has invited the n .. . w . ,, , r i ii i --iw prepare v.v. . r.i,mmor They I neV are here are IierC OH li 1U Bible. pid\. Dluie. pray, witness, VNlllie^s, counsel, LUUiisti. selves strives da Paul commanded Tim- as rdui u uiiiiiidiiucu inn- their work on campuses, on mil¬ derfenctionTmg ° inVCS'ga 6 8 education. ^ * 1630 ^ rojes during their various stages trainfnfi0'8 program training program in East week training program, and hold teach-aH personal. intensive othy. from me. J What you.havej heard itary bases and among business¬ in the United States and • We are less worried by fulltime jobs during the day training on a man-to-man basis. men those i the taxes'.'" Father In kindergarten the course of growth and development until Lansing They have Bible studies at night Brad Adkins. director of on everv continent aims to teach children to find they become responsible, mature The Navigators is an inter- or go out and talk to the stu- the summer program and a out about themselves and their adults who can make wise de- national, interdenominational dents ba on campus student Ohio State Univer- Soc. Sci. at families. In grades 11 and 12. cisions and wise choices Christian organization. Its aim The Navigators are inter- Cyclists sitv. said that the philosophy discussion concerns growing in concerning sexual matters. is to make a "permanent dif- ested in finding out if students 0f t^e Navigators is that ot self-understanding, living with a -To help children and teen- ference'in the lives of people clearly understand the claims of multiplication. must wear family, teen-age marriage and family life-care of mother and baby agers ings develop wholesome feel¬ of self identify all and Christ around the world. 8ave Jesus Christianity a Christ. They feel that if one cannot clearly .understand these They feel that if they reach provide alte self-worth, respect for others §reat commission. Go there-oil claims, a person cannot intel- one student they can reach many The Dept of Social Science This fall, track A. Selected Eilightening to any involved and moral responsibility so *ore anc* make disciples of al! ligentlv accept or reject Christ, more through him. he said. offers four alternative tracks Problems of Change and De¬ helmets in a sex school education dilemma on front the that they understand their roles in marriage. nations The objectives of the Nav- for each basic course, but retains the idea that all stu¬ still velopment." track B. The In¬ dividual in Contemporary So¬ Gov. Milliken bill into law which will motorcyclists to wear their has signed a require objectives of the 'Chicago pro¬ gram They include „ „ . James F. Redmond, general superintendent of the Chicago public schools, reporting on . , igators are to help fulfill that *ommission The Navigators began When President ousted dents common should understand some concepts. Douglas Dunham, department ciety: A Cross-cultural per¬ spective' and track D. in the Emerging International Man crash helmets starting Sept 1. Californian started having chairman, said general educa¬ Community' are available Motorcyclists presently are able to go without the helmets democratic way of life, our the program, told the PTA magazine: Chicago public schools sailors into his home to discuss Christianity. The sailors turn brought their friends To- while on vacation tion holds academic life together and gives students something Track C. "An Interdisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Amer on their heads as long as they "Our CORDOBA. the southwestern province of in common despite differences »can Society is still being -To develop and implement lent program reinforces parents' day the Navigators main work Argentina-i AP i in their majors developed are carried on the motorcycle. -Seven armed men occupied a Neuquen comprehensive and educa- teaching of family life and sex is done on college campuses local radio The armed group occupied the "They will just have to station Thursda\ move tionally sound program of family education around the country. station for approximately half from the handle bar to the and broadcast a proclamation an hour and tben fled. The University head-and that's not a long saying President Juan Carlos Christian identified themselves as civil¬ way." State Rep. Loren Ongania had been overthrown. 'U' queen recovering from injury ians. U niversity Lutheran D Anderson. R-Pontiac. said Ongania actually is on vacation belonging to a nationalist Church Anderson introduced the bill in the southwestern province of the House Nancy Landis. MSU's 1968 After 10 weeks in bed with it will be determined if she can UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY The bill passed the House Homecoming Queen, is now a body cast. Miss Landis is begin using a walking cast or SEVENTH-DAY May 9 by a vote of 86 to 9 BAPTIST Wardcliff recuperating at home after an still in good spirits. Her mother if further bone surgery will unanimous ADVE NT 1ST CHURCH 27^ to airplane accident which occurred reports that she is eager to have to be performed on her CHURCH School Church School c last Sabbath School 9:30 Nursery May. * return to school as soon as fractured hip. {American Baptist) 9:15 a.m. she recuperates. KAIL RUFFNER, Minister Miss Landis was caught in Worship Service 11:00 Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor. Services Under the law. both drivers the propeller of a plane at On August 7. Miss Landis Meeting at 332-5193.' 332-3035 8:15, 9:15 & 10:30 a and passengers will be re¬ LUTHERAN 504 Ann St. Worship 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Capital City Airport as she ran will go into the Cleveland Clinic quired to wear a crash hel- out onto the landing ramp. for further tests. At that time (Corner of Division) Church School 11:10 a.m. WORSHIP Wednesday prayer Peoples Church First Church of Loy G. Foil, Pastor hour 6:45 p.m. Martin Luther Chapel East Lansing Christ Scientist Lutheran Student Center Free Bus Service 709 E. Grand River Interdenominational SAVINGS 444 Abbott Road and Nursery 332-1888 East Lansing 200 W. Grand River Siyiday Service 10 a.m. BOOK Sermon presented by FIRST CHRISTIAf' REFORMED CHURCH at Michigan Rev. David Kruse FOREST MEW SCHOOL LESSON - SERMON 3119 Stoneleigh, Lansing Service at 9:30 SUNDAY SCHOOL EDCEWOOD UNITED Rev. Brink "Living Together On CHURCH preaching SALE God's Half Acre" 469 N. Hagadorn CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue St., A p.. 3 Alvin Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 - an ecumenical fellowship - Rev. Carl Staser FREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on Summer Sunday Service Residence Hall Bulletin Board. Free Public Reading Room & Church School-9:30 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL 134 West Grand River SERMON BY Sunday at 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. OPEN Rev. Paul Harrell, Ph.D. "Pressure Produced" Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. Professor of Philosophy Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. Old-fashioned Michigan State University EAST UNSING TRINITY CHURCH Crib through Adults Evenings 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Gibson's Call for information All are welcome to attend Refreshment period in Social 332-8693 or 332-0606 Interdenominational BOOKSTORE WELCOME Hall following worship serv- Church Services and visit and use the reading room. EAST LANSING UNIVERSITY UNITED On Grand River Ave. - one block west of the Union FRIENDS MEETING METHODIST CHURCH meeting for worship 3 p.m. Trinity Collegiate Fellowship .8:30 p.m 1120 South Harrison Phone: 351-7030 Wednesday: Mid-week discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.m All Saints Parish Free BUS SERVICE — See schedule in your dorm 800 Abbott Road Upper level, corner room Communion Child care provided Rev. Burns * All are welcome caSTminsTCR pRCSBYTbRian cnuRQh preaching 13 J5 Abbott Rd, cost ransinc. mtcniGAn Morning Worship 9:30 & 11:00 SUNDAY SCHEDULE Church School 9:30 (for all ages) Central Methodist Across from the Worship Service and Pre-school Capitol WORSHIP SERVICE through 3rd grade .... 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES "Twentieth Century Rev. Robert David Leas 337-0183, Stoics—Repent!" Rev. Francis F. Anderson preaching SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Church School 10:00 a.m. 1518 S. Washington Lansing BEFORE YOU WALK DOWN THAT AISLE Crib Nursery IN AUGUST, WALK DOWN OURS. SUNDAY at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. So Bring the Baby IV 5-9477 From the swinging set collection in our delicious world of jewelry. Dr. Wilbert Welch ALL SAINTS Clockwise from 9 o'clock: President, Grand Rapids Baptist $425. $350. $250. $575. $495 EPISCOPAL Bible College and Seminary CHURCH 9:45 AM. COLLEGIAN College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP 800 Abbott Rd. In the fireside room 8:30 p.m. ur. Ted Ward, Teacher, Fireside Room Sunday Services For Transportation and Information 121 S. Washington-Lansing, Michigan at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m call 482-0754