JUK Monday Trustees to MICHIGAN osteopathic academic program."' Acting President UNIVERSITY STATE STATE Monday, August 4, 1969 By MARILYN PATTERSON Vol. 62 Number 33 East Lansing, Michigan Adams said. State News Staff Writer Adams and Kniselv assured White that The board of trustees Friday night asked for a committee report on a possible any situation challenging the trustees' affiliation of a state school of osteopathy authority would be corrected if the osteo¬ Bloodstains covered by paint with the University. pathic school is to be affiliated with MSU A committee that includes Provost John Cantlon. William H Kniselv. direc¬ tor of the Institute for Biology and Medicine, and Andrew Hunt, dean of the College of Human Medicine, will report its recommendations to the trustees in provide needed murder clue September A bill which now awaits Gov. Milliken's signature authorizes the State Board of Education to affiliate the osteopathic school with one of three state universities which now have medical schools. The YPSILANTI (UPI) - Bloodstains under Beineman. 18. Grand Rapids. The fresh¬ "The police are not yet convinced that cribed as a "motorcycle nut. had ac¬ three are the University1 of Michigan. man EMU coed had disappeared July he's (Collins) involved in any of the other cess to several motorbikes a cover of fresh paint at a State Police¬ Wayne State Universtiy and MSU man s home led to the handsome stu¬ 23, and her nude, strangled and beaten cases, or that any one person or group Two employes of the wig shop have Kniselv estimated that if the osteo¬ dent-athlete body was found in a wooded ravine on did all of them." identified Collins as the man Miss Bein¬ charged with the latest of pathic school is affiliated with MSI', it seven sadistic sex slayings that have ter¬ the outskirts of nearby Ann Arbor three Police have been increasingly close- eman was last seen with, police said. A would take about one year to plan and fund rified the coeds days later. mouthed about the case, and Stadfeld third witness, an unidentified EMU coed, of two universities in it for operation the past two years. Collins, who had been given the key said they would neither confirm nor deny also identified him in a lineup as the He said that it could take advantage John Norman Collins, to Leik's house so he could feed the fam¬ reports that any evidence has been found. man who offered her a ride shortly be¬ a 22-year-old East¬ of the physical facilities and some aca¬ ily dog, was arrested the day after the "We simply cannot try this case in fore Miss Beineman disappeared. ern Michigan University < EMU > student, demic departments which now exist. was arrested after his vacationing uncle bloodstains were found. It was a week public and through the news media."' Stad¬ The University would he said search returned home to find a corner of the after the petite, brown-haired Miss Beine¬ feld said We have to protect our case for the best physician-administrator to cement floor in his basement had been man was killed. He refused to comment on a report be its dean' and look for professional Her death followed a pattern similar published in the Detroit Free Press Sun¬ freshly sprayed with black paint, Case tigh it osteopaths to teach Trustee Clair White. D-Bay City, said that he finds it completely unacceptable Bloodstains found In the home of was learned Sunday. The Leik uncle. of the State Ypsilanti Police Post, Cpl David reportedly to the slayings of six other young women --four of them in the past five months. The women, all long-haired brunettes day edition that Collins' fingerprint was found in the fresh paint The Free Press also said police had discovered evidence Photographer that the legislature has established an a M'chlgan State Policeman have ranging in age from 13 to 23. were beat that Miss Beineman had been tied spread- scraped away some of the paint and advisory board of six people appointed by the governor to govern the school of osteopathy led police to John Norman Col¬ lins, 22, the policeman's nephew, key suspect In the slaying of found the bloodstains underneath. Flecks of blood al^o were found on the dryer in the same corner. en. stabbed, slashed, strangled and sex¬ ually abused, and their bodies were dis¬ covered within a 15-mile triangle of eagle. stripped naked and beaten before she was strangled, and her body had then been left in the basement for two days interrogated "We wouldn't want to compromise the Karen Sue Belneman, a coed at Blood types farms, woods and hills that surrounds before it was dumped in the ravine match constitutional authority of this board (the University's trustees* by any Eastern Michigan University. AP WIrephoto Crime laboratory experts found the blood matched the blood type of Karen Sue this twin university community. EMU is at Ypsilanti. and the University of Michigan (U-M) is at Ann Arbor, five working full time Force increased Stadfeld said the force of 25 detectives on the slayings had about slayings miles to the west. been increased to between 30 and 50 A photographer for the State News has An eighth young woman. Margaret working around the clock. This was be¬ been questioned in connection with the Mini-state defense cause the recent rash of sex slayings in the Ann pl on Phillips. 25. a doctoral degree candidate input of tips has dramatical¬ in sociology at U-M. was fatally shot ly improved. Now that they have one Ai bor-Ypsilanti twin university area. in her apartment about one month ago particular suspect, people are beginning Bob Ivins. Niles senior, was working But an ex-convict she was helping reha¬ to loosen up." Stadfeld said. in conjunction with an Associated Press bilitate has been charged with her death, Collins faces pretrial examination Thurs¬ reporter to capture the MSI' campus re¬ and police believe he was not connected action to the slayings day. Stadfeld said he expected that to wilh any of the other slayings. studied by United Nations be completed within one day. But he Ivins used .Carol Clark, Plymouth No connections refused to say whether Collins has made junior, as a subject, photographed her "There's no evidence to firmly tie any statement to police. on the banks of the Red Cedar River him (Collins) to the other right After his arrest, police reportedly found told her cases and a reporter would contact now.'' Curtis K. Stadfeld. director of EMU blood and hair in the her later UNITED NATIONS. N Y the mini-states are further removed from square miles-and in population from passenger com¬ (AP)-A new public relations who is acting Pitcairn Island with 92 people up to as police partment and trunk of his car. When Miss Clark failed to be contacted study-to be presented Mondav to tne power politics. Trinidad and Tobago with a million spokesman, told reporters at a Sunday Miss Beineman was last seen leaving after the session, she became alarmed Security Council-asks that the United The 230-page study. Status and Prob¬ Seventeen of the states are U.N. members afternoon^ews conference a wig shop in Ypsilanti where she had and notified the MSU Dept. of Public Nations consider lems of Very Small States and Terri¬ guaranteeing tiny The United States has been lobbying "We don't necessarily have a certified just bought a hairpiece Witnesses told Safety. countries against attack tories.' was issued by the U N Institute for Training and Research. for associate U N. membership for mini- package of eight killings."' Stadfeld said. police she was on the back seat of a Miss Clark allegedly claims she lived The report says a so-called mini- have eight different killings. Police states. Associate membershipLwould carry motorcycle driven by a tall, handsome, near one of the victims. It listed 96 such states and territories state with no defense establishment or weren't sure there's one man responsible Ivins of various kinds ranging in area from rights of full membership except voting dark-hah ed young mar.. was interrogated by department military alliance contributes somehow and being elected to office. It would be for There may be eight different people in¬ officials and cleared, pleading innocent to to the relaxation of international tensions Monaco, three-fifths of a square mile, 'Motorcycle nut' states too small to afford full membership. volved. At this time, we just don't know Police said Collins, whom friends des¬ charges of trying to terrorize Miss Clark and to general disarmament to the Congo Brazzaville with 132.000 Accordingly, the 1 N. study concluded, such a state is entitled to a special measure of protection from the interna¬ Former Wilson manager tional community The report request that the U.N. examine the question if a number of mini-states-whether members or non- members-ask it to. Such guarantees might be easier to achieve than more ambitious peace plans, the report savs. because refuses second hearing o Trantham. the other employe involved in the Rogers restates go dispute, said he still wants to ahead with a second hearing. Her i Miss Mishler'si situation One of the employes charged with racial discrimination during the Wilson Hall was completely different than mine refusal of support takeover spring term has decided not I would assume that I have to fight for to participate in a second hearing. Ice¬ my rights because the permanency of her new job was not specified where¬ land E. Carr. University attorney, said. for Peking seat Carr said Elaine M Wilson Hall manager, Mishler. for¬ as mine was." Tranthan said He said the decision following the mer transferred HONG KONG AP The I nited States is first hearing specifically prohibited him to a non-supervisory position as a re¬ sult of the first hearing, has decided from ever occupying a supervisory posi¬ "very interested in having talks with tion with the University. Trantham said Red China, but it has no intention of that there would be no substantial gain trii the decision relating to Miss Mishler promoting Peking for a seat in the v did not have a stipulation of this kind. United Nations. Secretary of State Both Miss Mishler and Joseph Tr'an- tham. former Wilson Hall food service No date for a rehearing of the case William P Rogers said Sunday has been set yet. Carr said the delay "We are definitely interested in having manager, were offered new hearings has probably been the result of disa¬ China take part in world affairs. Rogers by Acting President Adams following the said on his arrival from Formosa and passage of a resolution by the Academic greements between the lawyers for the two employees talks with Peking s arch toe. Nationalist Council recommending such action Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek Carr said he received notification of He said a letter was sent to Duane M. Hildebrandt. Trantham's lawyer, a num¬ "We realize there are tensions in the Miss Mishler s decision early in July ber of weeks ago listing eight possible world, and we want to talk to the people from Donald G. Fox. a Lansing lawyer has been representing Miss Mish¬ candidates to sit on the three-man panel who are causing the tensions Rogers who told newsmen ler which will conduct the second hearing. He said the United States 'has no In his notification. Fox said Miss All of the candidates listed were plans to hinge its policy on who should Mishler s decision not to go through with approved by the National Conciliation Ser¬ have the China seat in the I'nited Na¬ Hands across the new hearing was in no way an ^ad¬ vice in Washington. DC . which sets tions. Before leaving Formosa, the Secre¬ mission of her guilt of the charges qualifications for men to sit on med¬ tary stressed that his government would Visiting President Nixon and his folk-troupe partner smiled today as they participated In the Hora, a against her. iation boards, he added continue to support the Nationlists' right folk circle dance, during Nixon's visit to Bucharest's Village Museum. Nixon has completed his 13- to represent China in the world forum day global tour by visiting with British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. AP WIrephoto Nixon have served the purpose of returns moon landing and hungry for attention to even U.S. during the height of an election ident accepted grapes from clerks. At aft MILDENHALL. England (AP)-Pres¬ bringing people referring to his last meeting with the U.S. campaign. the urging of his wife--"Buy them. closer together " from the outside world. ident Nixon flew home Sunday after bring¬ president Dick, "-he almost purchased two heads A hatless Wilson kissed Mrs. Nixon Ceausescu got caught up in the spirit Flowery reception ing new American policy to Asian leaders Nixon took off for Washington at 2:25 of cabbage for the equivalent of of the occasion when the two presidents Men and women tossed flowers at him 10 and being mobbed by thousands of well- and shook the President's hand as they p.m. or simply waved them in th® air There cents, but Nixon decided they would be wishers in Communist Romanis. where he stepped off Air Force One onto a long toured a restored historic Romanian vil¬ During his 28-hour stay in Romania. were frequent shouts of hoo\ah " Apart¬ too bulky to carry danced hand-in-hand to gypsy music with red carpet. The two leaders reviewed Nixon received the biggest, most en¬ lage Sunday morning. Encountering a ment balconies were crowded with people East-West tolerance host President Nicolae Ceausescu a Royal Air Force honor guard, and Nix¬ thusiastic reception of his global tour. circle of costumed young women dancing in night clothes. Nixon arrived in Bucharest Saturday Nixon ended his 13-day global tour on shook hands with several spectators He loved it. calling Romanians "great a gypsy Hora. Nixon and Ceausescu One half-lathered man ran out of the advocating that East and West improve with a one-hour meeting with British in a crowd of about 1,000 before a pri¬ people." joined hands with very little prodding and relations and adopt a live-and-let-live got into the swing of things. barbershop and joined the throng. Plain- Prime Minister Harold-Wilson during a two- vate meeting with Wilson. Col. Marin Dumitru, chief of Roman¬ Dancer Valentina Bedea stepped be¬ clothesmen of the secret police seemed philosophy toward each other. He left hour refueling stop here on the flight ian security for the visit--the first to the capital city in the same note, telling to join as enthusiastically as the others tween the two men and later proclaimed from Bucharest to Washington a Communist country by a U.S. Pres¬ in the handclapping and waving. a large farewell crowd at Otopeni Air¬ Informal chat Nixon to be a good dancer. Summing up his eight-nation journey, ident since 1945-estimated as as Aides said the meeting was complete¬ many Mrs. Nixon said: Thev were out at port: "Regardless of differences of pol¬ Nixon said here. deep differences" two million of his countrymen had turned Wherever Nixon traveled in Bucharest, 11 o'clock last night too It's good icies. the peoples of the world are de¬ divide the world, but ly informal." Nixon described it as "just out for series of Nixon motorcades a as we saw very a thousands watched, sometimes after wait way to end ihe trip. " termined to be one. " a good chat. But Wilson indicated it through Bucharest. dramatically and very movingly in Bu¬ covered a good deal of ground, saying ing an hour or more in a drenching Whenever Nixon stepped from a limous¬ Ronald L. Ziegler. the President's press charest yesterday and today, those things he got a full report on Nixon's world Captivated audience thunderstorm or dark of night. ine and walked toward a crowd, he was secretary, said Nixon and Ceausescu which unite and in the world If Nixon did nothing else while in At 8:30 a.m. Sunday, several hundred men women tour that would help in "planning ahead." engulfed and jostled by onlookers rhyth¬ "agreed that there exists no direct the Communist country, he seemed to score thousand witnessed Nixon's are much stronger than those that divide I think that in just over an hour we Romanians mically chanting "Nix-on, Nix-on' controversial issues" between their two a breakthrough with the Romanian people, perambulations, more than he could ex¬ During a Sunday morning visit to a countries. got through as much business as we did He expressed hope that this trip may in two days in February. Wilson said. captivated by the success of the American pect at that hour in any American city. cooperative farmer's market, the Pres¬ (please turn to page 6) Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. OUR READER'S MIND MICHIGAN Congress really does STATE NEWS listen to taxpayers UNIVERSITY SECRETARY To the Editor: tempt to polarize people into "rightist" Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor MhHEALTH. In defense of Dr Will's lectures that the students of the "new-left" are "child¬ ish barbarians. I would like to comment and "leftist" camps is very neat ists" are called "patriotic, nationalistic, religious, anti-communist, militaristic, au¬ "Right¬ George K. Butlard, campus editor Deborah Fitch, feature editor ^mEPUCATIOH, on Dr. Sharma's refutation. Dear. Dr. Sharma. thoritarian. and disciplined." and these are no-no's. W'hereas the New Left are So you find it "shocking" that an MSI* categorized as international, non-violent, William B. Castanier WELFARE teacher of political science would label atheistic, apeialistic. permissive, having advertising manager the "New Left" as really being "new achieved #high degree of empathy, and ROBERT H. FINCH barbarians." You imply that if one of your are of superior intellectual attainment.' And in peers disagrees with your philosophy concluding your article you select he ought not to be on the faculty and thus quotes imploring Americans to accept mass guilt for crime and violence in your "shock " Get set for a real shock- EDITORIALS there are a lot of faculty on this cam¬ country. Very neat indeed. For your information. Dr Sharma. my pus and people throughout the country who do not agree with you. country exists today because of these Why. Dr. Sharma. should a teacher or people called rightists"-that nasty old student be exempt from criminal prose¬ military industrial governmental - Rush to ju cution if he breaks the law? The confus¬ ion is apparently in your mind, not Dr Will's. academic complex that comprises most Americans But let talk about your country for It is the duty of the police, not s the teacher, to enforce the law regardless minute-India. If things are as bad in the of how elite you may consider the status USA as you have been saying they are, on Collins ot the offender Maybe you don't like laws. Is that it'' You might term the absence of our laws beautiful, but I would call it what is Could it be the keeping you from going home? slight difference in salar¬ ies and gross national products between chaos. our two countries? Oh. but I forgot! Ma¬ No doubt everyone espe¬ on the charge that the jury In your generous quotings of Dr. Wil¬ terialism is frowned upon bv the New liam Eckhardt and Arthur Schlesinger Jr.. Left Could it be because there cially in the Ann Arbor area, was biased. are ser¬ ious food shortages in with whom you obviously agree, your at- your country. Keep is at least somewhat relieved We certainly hope that the in mind that American we capitalists now that the State Police have law enforcement agencies in¬ give India a sizeable portion of the food needed to supplement her perennial agri¬ arrested John Norman Collins volved will not give up the DAVID BASSETT cultural inadequacies Maybe a third coun¬ for the Beineman murder. Cer¬ chase just yet. Though Collins 9 try would be more to your iiking. tainly. most hope that Collins may be implicated in one kill¬ Possibly your proposed study of 400 B.C. A semblance of will turn out to be the Ann Indian philosophy might show us capital¬ ing. there are six others as yet cooperation ists where we have gone wrong. But most W Arbor strangler and that this unexplained. The possibility of us aren't very introspective anyv bloody chapter . in Michigan exists that there may be another We're too busy Increasing the old G history can be closed once and slayer or slayers still at large. You could try it on your fellow Indians, for all The people of Michigan should though. Possibly thev might have goofed A gathering was held last week which somewhere along the line. We must, however, avoid any await some further clarifi¬ may someday be looked upon in retro¬ But don't expect American taxpayers sort of rush to judgment be¬ cation of the details surrounding spect as the point at which America to allow you to dip into the federal or reversed its from of angul¬ It coffers to finance such fore all the facts are known. It the case before they write it off ation to assimilation. course one may be a premature judgment to unef/uivo¬ state a stud v. You see. in ff* country, the majority rules, would be tragic both for Col¬ as solved. Under no circum¬ This meeting, held in Oakland iCalif < cally state the formation of a cohesive group: regardless of how well qualified the minor¬ lins and for the people of Mich¬ stances should they take it Auditorium, predictably gained little pub¬ ity thinks they are We Americans don't lioivever, it does seem valid to assume that it is licity from the news media. This is due have centuries of culture to fall back igan it this incident were to upon themsleves to usurp the on. to the fact that the meeting signaled nou at least [tossible for radical blacks and whites Only about 200 years. But our system • turn into another Shepard case. powers of a jury. for the first time a recognizable sem¬ works pretty well. To date at least, The outrush of prejudicial journ¬ It would be exceedingly un- to meet . . . blance of cooperation between black and one has convinced us of a better w, alism that followed the Col¬ furtunate if one hapless lad were white radicals, a hard fact for the Ks- Good luck The majority of us taxpayers tablishment to swallow have decided that you just won't get any lins arrest would be very hard to become the scapegoat for Up until last week, militant blacks of our money. It's that simple-Congress for him to live down if he is tho fears of a disturbed popu¬ and whites had met and exchanged views really does listen to us innocent Conversely, if he is lace sporadical!) and disinte restedh. Neither the Panthers are a relevant and vital Fritz and Juliet Lorscheider group seemed desirous of erradicating Fast Lansing graduate students guilty he could conveivably go their racist attitudes force in the radical attempt to change in lavor of instit this free at some time in the future -The Editors spurious society. What had previously ting a plan of cooperation, the aim i been a doctrine ot non-cooperation on which would be to restructure, if m the part of radical whites changed into destroy, the system which seeks to silen< at least a recognizable desire to join Well oiled dream an\ group, black or white, which dot not preach views similar to it. Whereas some whites had been in du¬ The •-da\ bious sympathy with the Panthers cause by the Black IV.mher- sho most notably John Sinclair's White Pan¬ Commit SAC glimmer of hope i a thers few had seriously considered it alliaince between radicals in the I i indeed they were willing' a black-white Stat es. The meeting was is store, \side none of the custo Of far more importance, however, es¬ realized that I teristic of the left was present It We pecially on a longer time spectrum, was the most dis- has often been said that are apathetic We have Kven an apparent liberal the Rev. Jesse the nature of the groups engaged in this ilaisc that has East Lansing is the vortex of allowed ourselves to become Jackson, conceded the fact that mili¬ conference. It is significant that such di¬ all action; it is the center stuck in a mire of our own tancy and radicalism may be the only verse groups as the Panthers and the >rm the Organiz alternative left for blacks "We will be around which all things re¬ creation. The Young Patriots >a new group of poor Unity. a group w creeping, stifling as nonviolent as we can be and as mili¬ Appalachian whites living on Chicago's id whites alik< volve. This analogy is more bureaucratic thinking of these tant as we must be We must survive. North Side i could even congregate under which led him ' i the injustice times has pervaded our very Jackson said These words, coming from one roof without blood being shed appropriate than most of its the mouth of who had often We will beconn irker that nil 1,1 III nt.r souls. Parasites, we live on the one preached It seems apparent that if a violent rev¬ iv her proponents probably realized. the acquiescent passivism of Martin Luther olution is to occur in the United St ites tha t's il,,i*i»i,. This incapacity has been char¬ memories of the good times of designed to eliminate acterized as an "escape from freedom By definition, i vortex such as King, could be interpreted as being an it will be one of class and doctrine, not political, economic and or as passing the buck, in more com¬ th center of i tornado or Kast the past, and all we do is abrupt about-face color. It may be a premature judgment are afflicting the people mon language In short. I see it as a' talk. Only one episode of violence marked to unequivocally state the formation of a Lansing is nothing-is. indeed, the convention, and that occurred when cohesive group: however, it does seem willful paralvsfl of man's highest func¬ a vacuum It is time for the inhabitants tion. his understanding, when confronted an Students for a Democratic Society valid to that it is at These radicals must elv ha' assume now l/'ast by a situation in which he is called to It one doubts the proof of of this multiversity to arise SDSi member spotted a member of the possible for radical blacks and whites to vare of the fact that they alone share this analysis, then he has only and cast off the chains of com¬ Progressive Labor Party The presence of meet, exchange views and formulate tac¬ e possibility of rapidly changing this this individual, whose group had helped Perhaps, it could be argued, the st tics for social, political and economic iciety and preventing a second civil decision-to to ask one question when was placency' make shambles of manager had made ; a the recent SDS ar based on racial hatred. They alone grapes; but then the ationale for 1 the last time anything really Salvation is in sight. Deep convention in Chicago. was soon The importance of the political sphere alize that prejudice and white racial rather than hu- in the bowels of the Student eliminated. gassy happened in this humble which the participants in the convention ity are ingrained in the very fibre The implications of this meeting are Services Bldg.. an underground occupy must also be realized. It wasn't lean society, and that to change burg'' Granted, there are the numerous and of vast importance. Of the sphere of Martin Luther King and the elv that external conditions ; iety's structure will necessitate thes the they ill-attended concerts in the park organization has been formed primary note is the fact that white radi¬ Atlanta Council of Churches, nor was it lation of a bond between radical do-escaping from freedom this time i on Sundays, but. then, there and is preparing to strike out cals finally came to the conclusion that the sphere of Whitney Young and the tht; inevitable laws of market economics. are six other days between. at the evils of our decadent Bureaucracy, the beautiful, well-oiled What of these0 The Circle Play¬ lives. mechanism constructed to deal with ers or the films at Fair- SACRILEGE 6. when the Saigon ne the fol¬ room much or date, lei alone a pick-up. in administration gathered an array of lowing January a deeper and more worthwhile being apartment house. Get all your to Saigon can fan speculation anew about that to be used solely as an instrument this vast friends together with drums and the meaning of a battlefront lull, now foreign dignitaries to celebrate the anni¬ The question now is whether the Viet summer wasteland of to make money or to be evaluated in about seven weeks old. versary of the fall of the Ngo Dinh Diem Cong, during the current lull, are once 69' gongs and kazoos and under regime, the Viet Cong shelled the center again husbanding resources for actions such terms Security precautions for the visit were First of all. then, get Grandmothers? The Gables? Beaumont Tower defy the very formidable, but if the other side had of the capital while guests were assem¬ to come later, or whether there is indeed the information and decide whether the people in the Even ft handle wanted a chance to make a splash and bling on a reviewing stand. They were a hint of something going on behind one can gods with your joyous clamor. remind the world that they were very not aiming at the visitors, but at reminding scenes which North Vietnam does not boycott movement are justified in help¬ the often prohibitive cost of Assail the beach, storm the much alive and kicking, the opportunity the visitors of the Viet Cqng presence want upset It could be something to do ing the powerless farm workers and. by their actions, confronting the indecisive these illustrious establish¬ bars, snake-dance through the When there is reason to hold .off. with a prospective lessening of the violence, however, the other side holds off: a prospective slow, painfully gradual security of the economic man If ments. the quest more often streets until cockcrow. It is sum¬ They have seemed to have no particular don't, difficulties in the past in mounting terror¬ In October 1967 when Hubert II scaling down of the war you are using your education to than not will end in frustra¬ mer and it is time to assert It could be that the North Vietnamese enter smoothly into the well-oiled Ameri¬ ist acts in Saigon or even in shelling Humphrey as vice president was in Saigon tion. our constitutional and dog-given dream Everybody at every pub the capital They shelled it 17 times for the inauguration of President Nguyen do not want to upset the Paris peace can Peter in this metropolis is trying to Van Thieu. there was no attempt at talks, or have the responsibility for Bishop right to the pursuit of happi¬ this year, the last time less than two St. Louis graduate student weeks ago. when four 122mm rockets shelling or terrorism. At that time. breaking that up. make some time, but nobody ness. or forever kiss it off. fell on the city. wants to get made. And. when vou do all of Security is always tight in and around It is time that the students these things, as you storm Saigon All the Viet Cong had to do was y =yiM'l Fl/ 6RAMMA 6M6 ^ TELL 6RAMMA THAT I'M VERY THAT NONE OF HER HAfW FOR HER, AND THAT make noise-not necessarily anywhere near of MSU faced the bare and aw¬ through the streets of East where President Nixon was OTHER 6RANPCHILDREN ADMIRATION FOR THOSE OTHER HA5 A BLANKET uJONDEftfULLV WELL-ADJUSTED ful truth Boredom does not Lansing waving Hefner's little It was unlikely in any case that North GRANDCHILDREN KN0U& NC BOUNDS! rise miasma - like from the multi-colored book in your hands, Vietnam would approve any attack directly streets and alleys of East Lan¬ you might remember SAC¬ against the person of the American Presi¬ dent. if it feasible. even was Such an sing. rather its raging-quiet fires RILEGE and invite their Ad attempt could have consequences far beyond are fed by the sedate emina- Hoc Beering Committee along what Hanoi would want to comtemplate. tions of our own beings. --They are bored, too That would not. however, rule out what Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 4, 1969 3 NEWS summary Star witness in murder prosecution's DETROIT star (UPIi—The witness in ing in the church, were wound- ed when police entered firing, fendants under 21 years of age Court Judge Joseph A Gillis. trial freed I do it three or four times of Viera and Hibbitt. their law¬ may be freed without bond on who ordered Brown released on a month for deserving young the murder trial of a black Rafael Viera, 21. New York, yers re^atedly tried to show special probation if their rec- the motion of his attornev. Rob- men. Gillis said There are Brown's testimony was colored nationalist charged with killing has been ordered to stand trial ords indicate they are unlikely A capsule summary of the day's events from ert F. Mitchell, said he fre- hundreds of these petitions by promises of special treat¬ i Detroit policeman has been re- in second degree murder charges to commit another crime, our wire services. leased from jail without bond quently frees defendants under granted annually in this court ment. He repeatedly denied in Czapski's death; Alfred Hib- Recorder's (criminal) the Holmes Act. During pretrial examinations the charges. and allowed to return to Cal¬ bit. 26. Detroit, and Clarence ifornia. J. Fuller. 25. Detroit, have been David R. Brown Jr. Compton. Calif., besides being ordered to stand trial for assault with intent to murder Worobec. MEETING WITH TRUSTEES "Is ive sau it'ry drama¬ the star witness is accused with All the persons, including Brown, assault with intent to murder are members of the RNA, AUSSC continues search tically and very movingly another policeman in the same which seeks to establish a sep- in Bucharest today and yes¬ shooting incident between police arate. independent black nation terday, those things uliiih and members of the Republic n five southern states. anile men and ivomen in the of New Africa (RNA(outside Brown is the star witness the inner city New Bethel Bap¬ world an- mncli stronger lima for the prosecution in all three By LINDA GORTMAKER He added that the end of ules for this final few tist church here March 29. weeks those things that divide us." cases. He himself allegedly Executive Reporter August is an inconvenient time in the selection process. But it was learned Sunday fired gun at another police¬ The All-University Search for the final narrowing down of —I'resident Hit hard \ixon that Brown was "released on a on its same list °f about 20 Hathaway called Saturday's man inside the church. He and Selection names, and names because "so many people "special probation Friday, Committee meeting another "progress re¬ was ordered to stand trial for (AUSSC > continued its "in- from the list at the four- start going on vacations then. " port" and part of the communi¬ and the court file of the action that after a pretrial examin- depth"' look at candidates for hour meeting Saturday morning. AUSSC meets today to eval- cation process with the board was immediately suppressed. ation before he testified against 'MSU's Huff criticized In the shooting, rookie Patrol¬ next president at a AUSSC in uate Saturday's meeting with the needed to keep trustees fully the others. meeting Saturday with the MSU board and to set up some sched- informed of AUSSC s progress. man Michael Czapski. 22 was International News killed and his partner. Richard Brown was freed under a Board of Trustees, committee's list of 20. He Worobec. 28, seriously wounded. state law known as the We had a good, full dis- The Northern Ireland government said Sunday the committee is promised Holmes Youthful Offenders cussion of people,'' Dale Hath- 8.F. Goodrich • Four members of the RNA. "on the same track they've which just ending Acf." which provides tfiat de- away- AUSSC chairman, said. Sunday a stern crackdown on any further vio¬ was a meet- always been. " lence in Belfast, torn over the weekend by its He said that AUSSC present¬ worst religious riots since World War II. ed some additional names to the board that AUSSC plans to in¬ with falsifying Undergrads cite inequality A statement issued after an emergency Cab¬ inet meeting said the government would take vestigate. WASHINGTON AP»-The Government Accounting Office Hathaway said he would hope reported the B.F Goodrich Co. falsified "any measures, however firm or exceptional." his committee can present a tests to hide defects in brakes it made for the new Air Force A7D to bring the Catholic-Protestant violence to an narrowed-down list of at least end. • • • in closed stacks proposal three tees candidates by Sept. 1. to the AUSSC has trus¬ attack plane. The GAO report made public Sunday charges that Goodrich, one of the nation's largest corporations, consistently altered yet to interview some candidates Two members of an Israeli patrol were on its list of approximately the data in critical tests of the brakes ability to make aborted untrue to say that the policy limited services to those in¬ wounded 20. takeoff stops and overload halts. by a mine near Lebanon Sunday. Arab of closed stacks will deprive state students paying reduced Huff said the trustees have guerrilas claimed they shot up an Israeli out¬ In response to the recent undergraduates of necessary Li- fees last year. been The deviation resulted in a gra isk to human lit aid trying to push AUSSC to Sen. William Porxmire. D-Wis.. u post and the Arab League moved to tighten decisions to change the under- brary services. On the contrary, "Also, the group that uses some conclusions. rdered the investigate graduate tuition scale and close I believe that by limiting the the Library the most bv the GAO. which is Congres watchdog agency over exec- its economic blockade of the Jewish state. to certain parts "We'd like to have the list tive-branch spending certain parts of the MSI access of the professors, would have to be As the war continued, a special committee prohibited completely because of at least three sometime The senator said the inquiry raises serious ethical questions in August." Huff said. Ano¬ of Israel's dominant Labor party proposed that they pay no tuition." about Goodrich and doubts about the value of the government s Our studies indicate that the ther meeting of the committee Israel never permit a foreign army west of represent a contradiction Chapin said the proposed quality-control procedures in contracts with private industrv the Library which closed stacks policy is not a and the trustees has been set the Jordan River or give up either the Gaza Undergraduates now must pay for Aug. 14. he said. be limited to graduate punishment or diminuition of n April to manufacture the same fees as graduate stu- u' ' wheel and brake be *permitted to Strip of Egypt or the Syrian Golan Heights. dents and ...in will u students used mostly services for anyone. He instead Asked if this would be when plant , t " t th u f said that is an attempt to Defense Minister Moshe Dayan has pro¬ use less of the Library b>" ,hem al ,he "resent "me AUSSC would present its list The order was subcontr posed such a party plank for months. This is Library Director Richard Chapin added that if the 8've better service to every- of at least three names. Huff aeuonautics division, which i Chapin called the argument ir¬ Library vere to offer its ser- one using the Library. said. "We're always hopeful." planes at $1.2 million each the main reason for his frosty relations with a strict scale of tui relevant Prime Minister Golda Meir and Foreign tion paid, the results would "I think that it is absurd Minister Abba Eban. both of whom prefer be unfavorable for all parties to give Library service on the concerned. waiting for direct peact talks with the Arabs basis of how much an individual before deciding about the future of enemy pays in tuition." Chapin siad. "Furthermore. I think it is lands. NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP-HINGE National News AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR Two explosions on a freight train sprayed metal chunks through the southwest Missouri village of Noel early Sunday, demolishing We've Got <3/\r\i~r building in a six-block area killing one per¬ So Come h and Be Had—Some of The New son and injuring more than 100. Fall Gant Shirts Are In and Most of Them One witness said the explosion "blew the Are 100% Cotton. You'll Find Gant Only Be¬ hell out of things. Practically every building hind Our Red Door in East Lansing. Which in town is Is Kind of Nice For vou. And Come To Think damaged." Of It — Us Too. While Taking a Peek At The cause of the blasts was not immed- the Shirts Have a Glance at Gant's Imported idately known. Shetland Sweaters—Crew Necks—Naturally • • • A cook for the Apollo 11 astronauts in quar¬ antine conducted religious services Sunday for ;j C a m p b o 1 l's Suburban Shop the first men to walk on the moon and nine others confined in the Lunar Receiving Labor¬ atory. While the pace of work at the laboratory THE STATE NEWS slowed for the warm August Sunday in Hous¬ The State New*, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, It publ'«hed every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week ton. scientists said that so far no trace of life and Orientation Itiuet in June and September Subscription rates are $14 has been found in the samples of rocks brought per ear. back by the astronauts, and the three should Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press be released on schedule on Aug. 11. Association, Mich¬ igan Collegiate Press Association, Unite* States Student Press Association. • • • Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan If Mars, long considered most hospitable of Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building. Michigan State University, East the planets, is lifeless, chances are there is Lansing, Michigan. no earth-type life elsewhere in the solar Phones: system, Editorial two scientists said Sunday in Pasadena. Calif. 355-825* Classified Advertising 355-828 • • • Display Advertising 353-44M Business-Circulation 355-3447 The International Assn. of .Mechanics has Photographic | 355-8311 voted to strike major United Air Lines ter¬ Miss J and Ladybug minals throughout the nation. But the almost unanimous vote does not mean an immediate August 3-9 is swing the classics to walkout. NATIONAL GREETING CARD a livelier upbeat tempo Federal law provides that no strike can be W1EK called until after 30 days following rejection long drawn sweaters over of an offer of mediation by the National turtle pullovers over pants Mediation Board. • • • and mini-minded skirts Lapis The S.M. Manhattan, a giant tanker refitted as the world's largest icebreaker, leaves Ches¬ blue or cedar green wool Sizes ter. Pa., next Monday on a voyage its owners 5 to 13 Sweaters, sizes 36 to 40 hope wil1 open a "Northwest Passage" through the Artie Ocean to tap Alaska's oil-rich North A Shetland A line skirt 16.00 Slope. The 150.000-ton vessel is a project of Humble Corn color turtle-over 13.00 Oil & Refining Co.. which has sunk $30 million into the voyage in an attempt to ship Belted cardigan vest 16 00 Alaskan oil to the Eastern Seaboard. B Glen plaid flare pant 28 00 • • • A Philadelphia lawyer for community serv¬ Turtle pullover SEND A CARD A GREETIN 3 14.00 Cable-front ices thinks divorce should be free to the poor. "Wh«n you think of Cards" According to Ben Levin, many are denied double-breasted blazer sweater 18.00 divorces because they cannot pay court costs involved, as much as $250 in Philadelphia. The poor, CARD SHOP Jacobsoris unable to remarry, structure new relationships that may not be moral. "But Acro«i from Horn® Ec. Bldg. morality is beyond their financial means." 309 E. Grand Rlvtr Ph. 332-67W Levin said. 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 4, 1969 Superstars rock in Monterey Pop' B>MARK LERNER drix, Ravi Shankar, the Jeffer¬ abortion A few years later she meets and marries an energetic State News Reviewer son Airplane, the Mama and Seeing the film currently Papas, the Who. Simon and young lawyer with potential to become a senator. The boy playing at the State Theatre is Garfunkel-wall-to-wall talent. comes back to haunt the girl like listening to a tape of the Though a few of the perfor¬ best songs from the top stars mances are somewhat less than for killing his baby. He tries with a light show that can't be brilliant, most are exceptionally to get her to kill her new baby, beat good. Even if you never liked fathered by the future senator. The movie is Monterey Pop. " Janis Joplin before (I didn't Crazy. It's one of the most unique expecially) you can't help but and entertaining motion pictures be hypnotized by this remark¬ If you can't guess every one to hit East Lansing in a long able show-woman. Her voice of the "suspense-filled" mom¬ rushes out in surges of hoarse, ents about 10 minutes before they The film features bands and pounding, excrutiatingly in¬ happen, you'd better turn in entertainers who appeared at tense blues, your Alfred Hitchcock Fan Club the 1%8 Monterey International Hendrix runs through "Wild card. Pop Festival Included are su¬ Thing" with his cynical, taunt¬ Paul Burke and Miss White perstars Janis .Joplin. Jimi Hen- ing orgiastic sound. And the film is capped by India's sitar turn in fairly credible perfor¬ virtuoso Ravi mances as senator and wife, Jjjiankar playing and Hvlands is competent as a game of idomatic questions- Davis to and-answers with.tabla player the deranged kidnapper. How¬ Marrllee Rush, who was at Grandmother's Friday in' a stunning ever the script develops its char¬ and Alia Rakha Saturday nights, performs her. hit song, "An¬ performance that brings the acters in leaps and bounds and gel of the Morning," before a crowd at the local 'U' audiolog enormous in a audience prolinged ovation to its feet hardly gives the actors a chance to do any serious acting. club. Miss Rush began her career In 1960 by play¬ ing lhe piano for soldiers at U'30 shows. "Angel speech The tilm was photographed primarily with hand-held cam- Producer-director Mark Rob- son uses SOme excellent photo- of the Morning" Introduced her to national prom¬ inence last summer. State News photo by Wayne Munn Dr. Donald G. Davis, asst. eras. creating a documentary graphy, but without purpose or clinical professor in the Dept. effect which effect other than of Human Development of the displeasing. It constantly moves Merrilee she rolls reaction like My. that was a along College of Human Medicine, will and is enhanced by imagina- pretty picture." Pretty, but participate in a graduate sem¬ tive color and lighting effects, irrelevant inar being offered by the Dept. Much of the camerawork is . .. ot Audiology and Speech Sci¬ quite good, especially the Janis After a while, the process ences Tuesday in 223 Natural Joplin song and Otis Red- shots become ludicrous-all that Resources Bldg ding's brief appearance. music comes off purely mech- When his hand contortions be- on an atonal solo and G stressed desolation. Thom¬ tinsel flashing on a rotting A diplomat of the American anically-cymbal hacked, mono gan detracting from the music, The two sang Sounds of as and Charlton supplied guts Christmas tree. The script Board of Plastic and Recon¬ Daddy's Gone A-Hunting Grandmother's full of rhythm, screeching harmonics, he'd grab a flute or horn and Silence" perhaps better than and anger, joining bass, organ . dries it right up struction Surgery. Dr. Davis is Daddy s Gone A-Hunting" vexing contrasts Friday night She and Carl Wilson who do it justice, while Chris Charl- Simon and Garfunkel-at least and drums to produce n big a member ot the American is a totally predictable, instant¬ Granny regulars shunned « plays lead guitar. ton. lead guitar, might take off with more variety. Where S band, space odessy finale sensitive performance by loca Medical Assn the American Society of Plastic and Recon- ly forgettable, unsuspenseful suspense movie It's now playing Blues, rock stars talent, then mobbed the danc< Girl i too too slowly and Revo- fast. They remind Surg nd the attheGladmer floor when West Coast boor: of the Paul and Paula Michigan Acaci Surgery Ml Plastic invited to attend the The show begins with strong at pop festival began their act Merrilee Rush, who ng to era. except for Wilson, who fancies himself a male Janis Joplin. Miss Rush's live ver¬ Tuition plan see arc characters, imaginative script¬ The MC-5. Muddy Waters and Angel Morning sion of lecture, which begins at 12:40 ing and photography, but quickly last Angel" sounded even Eric Burdon will highlight naUonal^ promine to harm talked seriously during work-study p p.m. \ reception will follow in deteriorates into a superficial, the Mt. Clemens' Pop Festi- summer, worse-like a stereo that's been 21Audiology and Speech Sci¬ an interview, but sounded rau¬ dropped too often. empty motion picture val Sunday. Also featured are cous under lights. Between ences Bldg John Mayall, Alice Cooper. Cat- arrangements Neil In brief, the plot runs like mother, the McCoys and the Grace. The festival will By BARBARAPARNESS 1. 1968 to June 30. 1969. 2.300 fuses to discuss age or m; of sight, super tight" while faj| ter but they will be con- be held in Sportsman Park, and State News Staff Writer MSU students were in the pro- sidered late tal status for fear teeny bop- he flectuated irom is applications. gets is scheduled to run from noon Demands on the work-study gram in which 80 per cent of pers might drop her from their barker to obnoxious D.l" fan mail. Backed by the Turn¬ The Universal program will not be consider¬ a student's wages is paid by We ar.e al ;e always willing to Family, a ably affected by the new tuition the federal government, and 20 abouts. who are propped with five-man group, has a definite consider upplic ipplications " he said. 6-foot amplifiers that resemble plan and the elimination of the per cent is paid by the Univ- MSU receive $600,000 style-imaginative. inventive- and is committed to communi¬ sliding scale. William Peterson, ersity. from the feder.i Tient for top-loading Bendex washers, she coordinator of the college work- is more teeth than voice. cation. A student qualifies for the the Julv 1. 1969 t<> Dec 31. Her study program, said. program on the basis of his 1969 period to operate the work- career started around I don t think it will have family's income. A student in study program This i> in in- 1960 in Seattle, where she "Everyone is in the univer- much of an effect on work- the work-study program may crease of more than $150.(>0( played piano for soldiers at sal family. We're just the band USO shows. study." Peterson said. "People work in any department of the over the Jan 1. 1969 to Ju c focusing the vibrations for thern- who have applied for fee re¬ University or in anv non-profit 'They re easy to please 30.1969appropriation selves for them." said Wayne duction will apply for student organization working in the eters id the progr. They'll listen to anything. Thomas, an MSU chemistry- aid grants. People who have she said public interest problem > •ial graduate who looked like a applied for work-study will be Peterson said he doe: not much By 1962. Miss Rush had as hey will be l psychedelic magus in his black considered for work-studv and dents switched to a rock rapport with expect applications for top hat and blue, embroidered her audience. She said she feels may get an aid grant in their program from out-of tate new gui bell-sleeve shirt. packages also. students to increase as a suit qualifica The deadline for applications of the new tuition plan NEW. Thomas sings barefoot and for The number of applications work-study, a federal pro¬ The ne handles a tambourine with grace. will "probably depend more on gram supported by the Dept 65 per re His rendition of Summertime" of Health. Education and Wel¬ employment activities of a non- the progra is as individualistic as Nina fare HEW i i. was May 1. work-study nature than on the ment's [ Simone's. It's hard to yell and tuition hike." he said standards During the period from July whisper and remain in key. but he does. ENDS TUESDAY Can Heironymus Merkin AESTHETICALLY ANO AURALLY Ever Forget Mercy Humppe STUNNING. PROVIDES MOMENTS And Find True Happiness? OP UNFORGETTABLE BRILLIANCE," - ALSO - u."AN ELECTRIFYING ANO Secret Ceremony ELECTRIFIED PICTURE." (=r) Program Rated X "THE CRAZY , ENDS TUESDAY WORLD OF LAUREL & HARDY" THE JAY WARD INTERQAL ACTIC The April Fools ALSO FILM FESTIVAL - AND - "THE GREAT ONE" W.C. Fields How Sweet It Is Do You Like A Place Program Info 332-6944 With Atmosphere ? ENDS TOMORROW!! Good Food *Soft lights e Good Musio At 1:30 - 3:50 6: IS and 8:30 CAMPUS LAST TWO DAYSH Monday night - Two for one Pizza jfaJL-JMr 1:20-3:25-5:30-7:35-9:40 T (after 6:00 P.M.) "AVERY FUNNY, (cktall Hour—Everyday 4»30-6i30 IMMENSELY APPEALING MOVIE. TOWN* 307 S. GRAND PUMP IV 9-6614 Persons under 18 not ad¬ TECHNlCOtOW" A PARAMOUNT PlCTUM mitted unless accompanied DOWNTOWN LANSING Open 10 a.m.-2 "a.m. M Audiences Q ^b^jparent^^^dul^guardlan^ Next: Poltler THE LOST MAN Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 4, 1969 5 State News State New* Classified Reach the buyer you are looking for with a quick, low cost Want Ad. Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Automotive Scooters & Cycle? Employment For Sale The State News ROLLS ROYCE (1957 Bentley S-l NATION-WIDE COMPANY. does not Full part BAKER STREET Beautifully remod¬ Mobile Homes model) Absolutely immaculate in¬ time. 21 and over Mill permit racial or religious side and out Touring kit. Power cellent income preferred Ex¬ eled, $165/month 3-bedroom home Lease, references, de- Family DID YOU KNOW THAT LARRY discrimination in its ad* potential (Robb) TO vertising columns. The steering and ion Twi brakes AutomaUc Best McFadden, 694-0454 HOWARD JOHNSON'S posit. 351-0965 3-8 5 St WOMAN FACULTY or undergraduate State News will not accept leather and walnut girls to share air conditioned home no problem Call 655-2684 or Drive trays Aluminum alloy and steel • AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT advertising which discrim¬ inates against religion, body maintained by Roils in London CHILD CARE WORKERS Supervise small groups of delin¬ Lansing area 482-3653 1-8 4 "JJLSST«ll5S. W^lTrent • Truly majestic lifetime investment quent boys. $2.50 to $3.00 per hour DOUBLE FURNISHED women's rooms Mobile Homes to select people 5-8 4 • FOR RENT race, color or national or¬ New, $18,000, sacrifice, $5,900 Full time summer and part-time Private bath Kitchen, parking, laun igin. 676-5308 2-8 4 3-8'5 • FOR SALE thru school year Male applicants dry 337-0648 4-8 7 8X40 NEW Moon Excellent con¬ • LOST & FOUND only Apply to Personnel Office. Starr dition. Immediate occupancy. Near TRIUMPH 1968-TR-4A. Radio. IRS. Commonwealth for Boys, Albion. ' PERSONAL Radials. Tonneau. Excellent. 372- Employment 711 EAST Campus. 351-7506 5-8 6 Michigan, 49224 11-629-3988) • PEANUTS PERSONAL 3797 after 9 p.m 5-8,6 711 Burcham Dr. 1968 MARLETTE-12 X50 • REAL ESTATE STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ . complete¬ TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL-1962 FULL AND ly furnished, washer, dryer, air- • SERVICE TECHNICIANS, owmngSSH^ canv part time employment ished 3 man apes, leasing fQr conditioner and disposal 15 min¬ for FALL AND WINTER Corvair Spyder 4-speed converti¬ with, full-line merchant wholesaler TWO BLOCKS from eras, fall now 1 year or 9 mo. utes from • TRANSPORTATION ble 4 brand new tires Tachometer TERMS-State News Photographic Automobile required 337-1349 8:00 green. Male femal campus $5,000 372- leases. » WANTED As is for $100. Phone Mr Adams 301 Student Services Building Ask a.m.-5:00 p.m O IV 9-9651 or 351-9601 11:00 an Days, 487-6141, extension 341 Nights, for Mr. Johnson Monday through - 337-9734 3-8/6 Thursday, 9a.m. ti»5p.m. 351-3525 DEADLINE For Rent Personal TRIUMPH 1967--TR-4A. Excellent SCHOOL BUS driver applications RENT A TV from TV a TV Company- RENTALS. G.E. 19" portable 1 P.M. one class day be¬ mechanical condition. Wire wheels, are being taken for September 1969 $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and --$8 50 per month including stand fore CHEVROLET-1963 Impala 327- overdrive, wonder-bar Minimum of 4 hours per day publication. Hurst radio. $1,776 NEJAC TV RENTALS. C engagement ring sets. Save 50 per Call J.R, CULVER COMPANY. 351 Cancellations 12 4-speed Clean-new tires 372-6029 after 4:30 pm. 5-8/4 (mornings and afternoons). Must Large selection of 8862 217 Ann - noon one cent or more. Street. East Lan- 2870 be at least 21 of age. pos¬ class College Road 882-8587 3-8 6 years 1441 EAST Michigan plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 day before publica¬ sess good driving record, and able NEW GE portables and stands rented bedroom furnished $9 tion. Auto Service & Part* to pass physical Phone 393-3450, ONLY to MSU students and faculty $130 fall 351-5323. $8 84 month (includes * tax) STATE TRAVEL TO EUROPE at our ex- MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, 444 ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA¬ PHONE MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small NURSES-R.N . L.P.N., Roselawn Michigan Avenue. 332-8687 C to organize groups INSTITUTE OF dents to large wrecks American Manor Nursing Home 3-11. 11-7. CULTURAL EDUCATION. Box 2037 355-8255 442 tion. 1966 Convertible Good condi¬ and foreign cars. Guaranteed work full or part time Ideal working TV RENTALS-Students only Low NORTHWINO 'jvonia. Michigan 48151 3-8 4 engine is excellent Must sell 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C conditions Excellent salary 707 monthly and term rates Call 484- Asking $1,695 351-3616. 372-6877 Armstrong Road. Mrs" 2600 to" reserve UNIVERSITY FARMS BIUi n stereo Mahc RATES Call Joll". yours Real Estate MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Kala¬ Director of Nursing 393-5680. 5-8 8 TV RENTALS r Faculty Apartments SO^-U Records E Street Since 1940 1 day $1.50 mazoo FACULTY COUPLE need babysit¬ 351-7880 COLLEGE ROAD by owner Custom- Complete auto painting and colli¬ built 2-bedrooms. 1>2 baths. 2 fire¬ 15* per word per dav sion service. IV 5-0256. C ter for two small children Light WHARFEDALE 60 speakers wal¬ 3 places Bui.i-ins. dr.ipev carpeting days $4.00 housework September Full time FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished nut. excellent condition $70 pair 13 1/2* per word per Good salary for responsible per- With 351-5176. evenings 3-8 4 day SNOW TIRES and wheels, frame bump¬ swimming pool Heat paid 5 days $6.50 er hitch for 65-69 Corvair 355- $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN AGEMENT, 351-7880 C MOVING Ol'T sale Refrigerators. 13* per word per day 3249after 5 p.m. 3-8 4 WOODSIDE APARTMENTS - Quiet TV RENTALS GE 19 p irtable-- EFFICIENCY UNFURNISHED except area, 1-bedroom furnished or unfurn (based on 10 words per ad) $8.50 per month, including stand ALTERATIONS AND d s making by ished Laundry, balcony, security experienced seamstre Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351- Reasonable There' will be a 50* service 8862 217 Ann Street East Lan- locks, carpeted halls. September charge. 355-5855 0-8 5 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to leases available 351-4691. 332 NIKON SYSTEM Black FTN 5 lenses, and bookkeeping charge if learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE"' bellows and 15 filters 353-7233 this ad is not paid within Special $5 offer. 484-1324 C REGISTERED NURSE or L P.N. with 3-7 31 Typing Ser-vice EAST LANSING-3-bedroom. unfurn¬ Scooters & Cycles medication course Shift 3 p.m ished house. Available immediate¬ FIRM DOUBLE bed. $30: dresser BARBI MEL: Typing. multilithing to 11 p.m full or part-time, and The State News will be . ly. Call 337-0922 3-8 6 $10: swivel chairs. $15: 4 wooden large oi 11 p.m to 7 a.m. part time Open¬ Block off campu s. 332-325 6. C dining chairs. $15: coffee table. responsible omy for the ings in a medical care facility $15. Cheap but adequate 339-9174 first day's incorrect inser- Good salary and benefits Appiv BAY COLONY ANN BROWN Typist and multilith. PROVINCIAL HOUSE, 2815 North- 1968 NORTON 750 P-11A wind Drive, East Lansing Phone 332- APARTMENTS SEWING MACHINE-3 v Dissert Ranger general 1.500 Some miles, still on warranty 5061, Mrs Cole 10-8 8 Corner of Haslett and Haga- ^XP'ng, IBM University Villa special work Make offer dorn Roads. Now taking leases for September 1, 2 and 3 LOUD WIRLITZER « PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique 635 Abbott Rd. man apartments. Furnished or k Pointe girls 2-c Black tigers, fe 6 daily. 10-12 Saturdays. 1616. after 5 p m. Phone 332-5094. STARTING SEPTEMBER need grad Princeton Arms uate student to share COZY 3-bedro apartment Mike. 351-3146 3-8 4 1 Bedroom, new carpeting and QUIET FEMALE roommate wanted. drapes, all utilities paid Conditioning September. 1st Own Bedroom. 10 HOUSE UNFURNISHED--2291 Mount cept electricity, air condition¬ minutes to campus $70 351-9436 Hope Road All paneled Living ing, disposals, central TV an- room with fireplace Kitchen with • 9-month lease at i, laundry and storage fa¬ cilities, 3 minutes from cam- no extra charge • $190 month. 676-5308 5-1 Halstead Management J.R. Culver Co. . UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES 3-be room. 1618 Greencrest-$200 351-7910 217 Ann St. 351-8862 bedroom 1623 Parkvale $1: East Lansing Families. 332-0480 10-8 Management Company GIRL needed in 4 girl hou: block from Berkev Hall Av; Poolside >le now Call 337-1496 after 5 p. Apartments For Students Available for fall leasing 351-7880 BACHELOR-SHARE moder house $125 month Nea 317 M.A.C. 484-2043 Twycklngham Apartments am now leasing student units for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has OKEMOS APARTMEM^ rooms a: SPARTAN HALL-men, women, sin¬ bath a dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute Air£.g^£V> and floe gles. doubles 372-1031.337-0648 Parking, laundrv 19-8 22 drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately SINGLE ROOMS __ rooir planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of T wycklng¬ NEED ONE girl starting fall terr New Cedar Village Call after 5 p nr £S a!renIF&U ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. 489-0960. 337-7116 5-8 2. 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 '° Beechwood i 1130 Beech St. Apts. Cam us " i 12. % 13 I 15 16 3 or 4 r •4- % ^ • Furnished & Carpeted Hi %% 19 2O '7 % 25 21 26 18 %27 %% 22 23 S » 4620 S. Hagador HaaaHorn • Air cond. & garbage disposal • Your Best Buy In a 4-man apartment 24. 20 % 29 so FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES wye • 5 blocks from Party lounge 32 34 i TWycUNGUAM • 31 33 7 Management Exclusively By: Luxury Furnishings % APTS. • 36 • 9 or 12 month • Large apartments % 37 38 35 39 %41 ALCO Management Company 4-3 44 37. Companion 8*1At CUFF PA 42 1 % Halstead Management J.R. Culver Co. 45 47 38. Gone by 40, Compete I MT.HOftl ZD- Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 351-7910 217 Ann St. 351-8862 % Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 4, 1969 EUTAW. Ala. Blacks (API-A black Dr sweep county John Cashin. the Huntsville by the U S Supreme Court. for re-election next year. around election the Rev. Ralph David said no. dentist who heads the National The NDPA slate was left off It was Herndon who ruled the third-party sweep of Greene Abernathy, president of South¬ Evep if he wanted to join County's special election last Democratic Party of Alabama the ballot last November and NDPA slate off the ballot last ern Christian Leadership Con¬ ranks with NDPA, Lee might week means ' the political dino¬ (NDPA). "I doubt it means that.' won a court fight to get the spe¬ year, saying the candidates had ference (SCLC) which had have trouble wresting the nomi¬ in Alabama and the South But Cashin said: The black cial elections not qualified according to state nation from Thomas Gilmore, a saurs a leading role in the NDPA elec¬ ire going to have to adapt or man's future in Alabama is Unexpired white terms on the law. tion campaign. black and MDPA organizer who INTRODUCES THE . . get out of the way in 1970." says linked to a third party.'' The school board would preserve in¬ In the wake of the election's Lee said also he would not lost the sheriff's race to Lee by the party's top official. NDPA. he said, will field candi¬ tegrated government until at reversal of power, there were run as a ragular Democrat in the about 300 votes in 1966. It also most likely means all- dates in every county where least 1973 But the County Com¬ mission's only white member. signs of white political "adapt¬ 1970 primary but as an inde¬ Whether Lee~or any other Hungry Gourmet Special* black government for this coun¬ possible next year ing.' Sheriff William E. Lee, pendent in the general election. white candidate-will be invited An NDPA slate took four of Probate Judge Dennis Herndon. the best-known politician in the There was speculation he might to run on the NDPA ticket re¬ ty, where blacks outnumber the five Greene County Commis¬ wbn chairman, is up county, posed with an arm THE RIBEYE STEAK sprves as run under the NDPA banner. He mains open. But all the indica¬ whites. 4-1 sion seats and added two seats tions from black leaders point for a three-man majority on the toward all-black government in Volunteer Action Bureau school board in voting ordered Greene County. Blacks now have nearly two-thirds of the vote Plans are being made for a gala Salad, Baked Potato, 99* [Nixon Ranch Toast—all for ends Volunteer Action: Does TWO BIG BROTHERS for two lads- pertinent to crucial housing is- inaugural program. tour social action cloaer look at hit the home? II meaningful volunteer experiences offered through vour Office H you help keep off the dead end two ?" young boys Your warmth ily prerequi sues Assisisistant in community orgamza tion work-l LADIES CLUB ASST rights groups. F i One multi-talented SCLC's Hosea Williams, a key campaign organizer, said top (regular price $1.39) uontinued from page one) would be after the Vietnam war of Volunteer Programs Students, faculty * served every Men. A Tues. during August Without a Dad, where would you be' needed to share black politicians, government He said the two chief execu¬ and solicited the views of Asian and staff are invited to join in the jVISL' VoJuo i, arts and crafts experiences officials, civil rights leaders, en- STEAK AND 4 for your average tives had agreed to reopen nego¬ leaders on what the American effort I.ANSING RELOCATION CENTER: Im with ne ighborhood ladies. 1-3 pm Wed- . . . tertainers and industrialists those opportunities listed below and tiations on a consular conven¬ role should be. o mediate need for guys and gals to nesday. tion and expressed hope that help paint and repair apartments being would be sought out for the af- everyday hungry gourmet Nixon repeatedly stressed the 2® fair. used in the relocation effort. Nam CAMP HIGHFIELDS. (live a guy a discussion of the civil air agree¬ Asians must assume more re¬ 600 N. Homer at E Sagir r Frandor Shopping Cent hours, we'll provide the transportation chance! An area youth home volunteers Williams also laid out plans ment could be resumed at an sponsibility for their own de¬ NEW OPPORTUNITIES Hammers and band aids are provided become intimately involved with so¬ for extensive orientation of the appropriate opportunity." fense. He assured Asian leaders cially adjusting boys between the ages Ziegler added the two leaders that the United States will'not RECREATE CAMP-Tennis anyone' NORTHSIDE ACTION CENTER: Child of 12 and 17 Engineering student 31UUu,, new officeholders in Greene also agreed the United States Migrant Camp kids whose parents art ren's Club; five volunteers needed to to help build bridge Forestry buffs County. He said educators, pull out of non-Communist Asia work with Summerhill-type of recrea¬ needed to direct a money making pro¬ economists and 89* experienced pol¬ and Romania would from the development and div¬ benefit completely, but will shift its stress from military to econom¬ fun-filled day program, morning or af tion program from 9-12 30 Saturday A gold mine for child development major ject. Gals teach dance, graving. En- glish-you're needed day or night Can iticians would be brought in to Cigarettes Trig Spray Deodorant COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION counsel and new commissioners ersification of economic ties. ic aid. ling faces. Hey Spanish background preferred if and school board members 3/79c i pos- ASSTS; Leaders needed for self help Wilson, are you willing'' But the only specific and At their meeting at Milden- immediate agreement Ziegler hall. 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Wilson said he will JECT ASSTS SENIOR CITIZEN PRO Tour JECT: Devise public information beginnings visit the United States later in re- 1.10 1.00 Nixon kicked off his global the year. tour by welcoming the three • The most important part of Head & Shoulders Numasca Apollo 11 astronauts back to Church es assist our talk was an assessment of earth after their successful East-West relations. Wilson Shampoo Double Blush Mak» Hp i landing. After said, "with particular regard to the l aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier the Chinese position and to the Russian position He did not rube 59C 59c Hornet in the Pacific. Nixon want to Guam From there he elaborate "There formally began cussed on which was nothing we dis¬ we disagreed. migrant workers A Catholic bishop who just YOU'RE AIL WET? COUPON Limit 1 Expires After 8-9-69 COUPON Limit 1 Expires After 8-9-69 his Asian tour, jetting to the This process is necessary, East Lansing Store Only bast Lansing Store Only Philippines. Indonesia. Nam. 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Tex . re¬ The Bishop said that tion and retraining key to ending the hardships of hold educa¬ the GET A FALL Hi Liters Cartridge Tapes and Wilson said nothing to ported encouraging signs of church help and said living people "who are forced to come up i to the North i to follow the 23c 4« change that impression conditions of migrant workers, IMPORTERS coupon COUPON "at best, can be described as Limit 3 Limit 1 RESPONSIBLE GRADUATE couple Mother watches poor." Over one-fifth of Bishop of He praised the establishment health clinics in the fields WIS) BUM® MSU Expires After 8-9-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 8-9-69 East Lansing Store Only' Medeiros home diocese are for migrant workers. da\ four sons drown Spanish-speaking migrant work¬ centers for children, night 1820 E. Mich. 1.00 BORETTO. Italy • AP-Four ers from The Bishop branched out Texas schools and industrial vocational For Information Call 372-2332 Kodak Color Film Old Spice to tour migrant programs. He saw these < brothers drowned Sunday in the sites tour and in his own diocese in Michigan. Ohio. Indiana. Po watched River while their mother Minnesota and North Dakota. 126-127-620 Soap-on-a-Rope helplessly. In Michigan, he visited mi¬ Mario Ranzini. 15. the elder of the four boys called for grant worker camps in Ber¬ rien. Van Buren and Monroe 89c 39c RH.iLAR RIDE 3-8 5 help while swimming in Po. Mario's three the brothers. Counties. Beshop Medieros applauded thi IDENTIFY YOURSELF ' COUPON Limit 1 Expires After 8-9-69 COUPON Limit 1 Mauro. 14. 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