V.. S. C. Library Eaat Lansing, Mich. 9 nioftiiiR" Wednes on Hcsira conrffl on Michigan State News EAST I.ANSIN'iMM III'. AN. Tl'l l-.U l»E< E.Mia I: I ; what (iild'T tonight with Remington TTT-State seniors start Music School Inspected orchestra to Pep Meet, Send-Off Gridmen to be Guests classification by National Association present first are Planned asTearn ofGrads December 15 FOR NEXT TERM Sftr.tarjr'a Vitil Lait Mwiday and TuMdav CONCERT HERE Entrains For Texas P R P roil I* Will Have Charge of Fifteenth Annual Affair Juitiorn. Sophomore*. Michael Press to Conduct Group 4£j o| uot)ei)siioiua(] pafaij o| pajsmln^ ^ju.ipnj^ ||y Honoring High School Football Player.; Varied Pro- Wi)l Complete Pr.-regi. at Peoples Church Thursday Held at Union Immidiatelv After Morning Classes. gram Will Be Climated by Banqu.t lr«,ion Th» Wm|1 Night at 7 30 Classes Excused Until 1:20. . .1 rti| u will I..- |.muled Saiiirilnv. Hi. i-nilnr RFGISTER IN PERSON 3 SUPPORTING ARTISTS ntrly 1*»" «»t th«' best high sihutil griiimeti n will l»«' the 11 • iH'ittl guests at the I ."it I Not ,ii I ii; Necessary to Pay Fee. Un¬ Lewis Richards. Ruth Mack and -1 •« iti -< ti't 11 I»v the < etitral .Mulligan Alumni til Jar nary 4; Rt filtra¬ State college. William Owi n Will Offer a! guests the affair w ill he the tion End* January 2. Bach's Triple Concerto ind < h«> er b> Hit hard E. R« mi aiit,hl next semes. wins contest Students must register he Union building in per initiates eight >on after consulting their Robert Winb. Placr. Fir.t in i»«l\i-.-iA- umihI it will Scabbard and Blade Holds Extempore; E. Griff. Albion. Formal Induction for Seniors Annexes Co rd Honor. i.nHic Monday. December 3 s blue key men oratory meet sponsor party is postponed Friday Nifht Dance Features All College Speech Event Will Pre-Eiamintion Social h«* Held January IS. Men Activities. ard Women Will Compete ncrease price W K A R Katlio /'idifrnMi of wolverines »rboob Will Sdl lor $4.25 k Etrh Allrr Solnrdty. 8 \ hort division's newmans club grads succeed plans parties Radio Dance and Card Party Landaeap* Archilrrt. Fill Re Will Be Offered Soon iponublr Po.itioni Over b> Organization Nation S. W. L. Holds Socond HOME EC OFFERS RELEASE LATEST TRAININC COURSE ISSUE OF RECORD Fore*«rV Honorary Initiates Threo Eigbl Week Sbort Coarao to br Ahaai Migatuw » Now Bring Tonight Started Winter Term Distributed Among (irad« IU iWI ll< 1.0 If ig - Jsak'i.an llai bar • maiiatfrn<«->•'. child rare. nothing pay $2 00 <>n each t home fUCrtuhirig. *'' appret aljury and phy nual tilut at kit. 9 Ahrem. a gra Thiaw enrolled ir. Tli;- < nurw the new th king at Past and Present i.r a na isday arid Friday Hepp.r,-'. Nam letw equipment Dorm Girls I'nite the i Vdvisors Honorc of the He s how at the head of a pi > For Turkey Feed a* At|»uw Tt duly from 8 until By Tower Guards V J ■ n I He '•> which have nut al- '.lurnrd a...uld be , f 2-w of 1936 College o*u -late duec-toi »t tlx- < uu*■: . .,v On Day of Thanks • Vt-rsluis Studio in the T<> honor the j department !< reed the »de fedetal para work at ad\ uwars uf Tower f»uard who lege representatives H • building in Lansing Hogarth Washington. D c Haa work Miss Waller and Mrs f N fi The front i.a; .n.«i h.i.» .irxl W'.aI Mnry Mayo page picture sh -v i" this enncermd with the inspection and rett respectively. Dean Elisabeth i sut* ■ elobrati-d then ,r PliiiLs arc now w Kedrie Chemical laboratory Thanksgiving dav under d* \ elopment of plans tor ail proj- Conrad is giving a buffet • iin i f—m „t r.u*t Mar;. •... v affdlate the .-tub patd for by federil at her home No 3 Faculty row. me M.i i* 12 oclock . Thursday the state and national Friday evening at ASA o'clock T, tables detorated Newmans clubs which will allow were with red candles and the organs'.a* i<>n function in parks throughout the country plates were set m Bags 20 Prtrr deVougdt class of 1930 J"i eighty fpiU The hoUM moth- much br< rider < apacity than is now trim tl«- durnuunw«<- all Before ha* been e ngagrd recently as the -uuslant superintendent of park* nt present and turkey was had by all 1- Sunday Christmas Women * noon the bulling girls from the wert jtivdrd, half of them eating with the East *Y THOSE GIFTS IN Mayo girl., and the other half with ADDRESSES FACULTY the West This made a nice ar- rangemcnt hot only for the kitchen U.NSING AND EAST the grounds « me rasa naimsi j uwra r department, but also made It a I'M p A Hai U-ri h.-ad ol ih» irtment. will talk on « Salamam and Ml oUmr anpua the Bait' al the Facultv \wm* t* a ainrilar nalun m Oua olkl i Ivili Hi« i.\.\ SVATK NKX\S Tuesday. December 4, 19.°, | the Michigan State Newt ,t!LHJ!.h IS: CHANGING SKASONS fulurr. seldom datrt—but the gal* think he's cute. Stevle Ilk' > RIGGS TO ATTEND to rail up Dot fiarlork and talk Spartan Oracle but claims nr larks dancing ahil INDIANA MEETING Rt JIM <|IH.I.O it\ for dating purposes. He is one of MrC'lellan's secret pa*- Union Manager Leave, for Bloomirgton Thin Evening St*)* Raymond II Ri«*s. mannr. Ihike /area, stellar end and the Union, will leave tonlgh' • nan i»i eight hosing chimp has pjo( rnjn«|„n> Jnd fnl the 15th . E"- i knocked off bis fret ,,,, t,ni! ..I 11,0 A«.«. ■ ,,;,rhr" c.iII. b. Unions to lw held c opinion Univ(.,.lU, nf mdiann Ironi Alpha film Marian Rom c;,.w ditch and Dnrothv liaise! brim: i f Thela pledgr The riukei is a disciple of clean living lie has a special hnbbv of writing Mar ian letters in firrman white on Foresters Show Utility of Wood EidsIS® linked . IV, Relation of Wood to Modern Industry L Subject of Un¬ usual Exhibit. stent! I'aul Ilial boasts onl- PROFS GO TO WINDY Clh M ants to Knou Why Library Was timed Thanhsgti'ifiiy . BILL PORTER SU tIKf llliSTR % MAS fiff !itrtvnf "firA ( \RltS - Order Them NO It A HN£ CHRISTMAS GIFT •■it i m m. \/i\i si us* mrnox- Wabi Eversharp Pens ' XiODKLS IIKK GIFT'.' N llaml Hag* are Nppropriate WH 5LE $495 THEY LAST 'i' i \< i. \M-: I Kl I Hut for K\ ening- l lvANivl.IN l)h KLKINK CO. li-'.v! >:ik < t Umc si.(Mi In SKMMI m Qui I rather (rood- BLUE § KEY Prices "Rise December 8 from $975 25 Branson Scruby M 'in arliotiut Mrs Krd N»r I I to *4 On Wolverine Hi tun former It Rett, West %|ph« ami Hi- Orchestra I.am > ught.i,, II.. is rspet ttng a biesard base half man on the i I'MOX li.U.I.ROOM ago v'' «'i i f "*at IhtMoiut Uhafopums' .v till' :nak« This Date is Also the Deadline for Friday, Dec. 7 < A;.i? itivv aiv v. Th.- cynic* w t{H. encountering u tea - Hi .raw • ;s .... mert have been sown in the \ j Tax. I0r per person i ftanriy. nuuiMKLt I'Mtihi t on thetr pride iiletpriwng in tm latest Mtempt at V int- -s Bow* • preparation fur the Tayfngcui.' of Ko»«* ca.. « Sorority and Fraternities Tutwla.v- Dceomlicr I. 10:11 MICHIGAN STA'IK wfcwS State Society Deserts Campus BEGIN PLANSON In Favor of Turkey as Final Big COLLEGE MAKESURVEY Alpha Chi Ompga To Defend Title Kappa Delta, ma. Kappa Al- Mary Mayo, Pre-Exam Weekend Approaches FARMERS'WEEK BULLETIN ON GAS. LIGHT In Co-ed Tourney js well as Al- Torn fa BrMfc tad Locol Thvattri la Help Relieve Committeei Anaoarced by at ftranar meetln* Thursday night 8 o'clock Fifteer FERA Student. Will In the t.ittle theater. Monaiaay of Holiday Week Devoid of College Home Eeooomiei Dep'l for Daacei old Open Home. Wiater Conclave. Initiation wilt tie held before the state lecturers Conduct Convex to Determine lite of Utilitiei. "Ynu Be ton* to Me." Tues¬ day onlv. Helen Starring Lee Trac\. Mirk David Holt, and College Drug Co. Helen Morgan. m i ci tain report*, everyone hod n liig week-end last • The home economics department ,v and Saturday ; liut not at Michigan State. Fifteen students r.f ihr college See Our \mas (lift Line has announced its committers for under the FFRA will eendm • few students who did remain in Rast i Lansing resorted Farmers' week, which will be held survey of the use and expense "f ,h original amusements as going to the local theaters during the winter term, the week operating major electrtea', and g.ts lain i halls. The enterprising members of one house of January 28. The committees the time listening to the radio and running to the win- are as follows: •.tv time a ear passed. But the cars passed so seldom Program Dean Marie Dye. chairman. Miss Edna Smith. Miss with Texas A dt M Spons- the ENVELOPES • i. indents went mad" ODDS AM) f!M>S Ethel Webb Miss Irma«Grov>. Miss hridge. A few ALPHA OAMMA DELTA Winifred Gotteni> Mrs Brattice Phi Rappa Phi will sponsor an 'EI.M M- R1PP1 !■ IMsliI ■s caught up on their Mr he1' . made bj thi F I Alpha (lamina Delta unnra.mo- illustrated lecture by Dr Hcber during the awful si- f the week-end, in an- ;wtion of the coming Fri- D Curtis, Astronomv head of at C Department of CPlving Federal a:d of M on eclipse frf IOC*.. Saturday nights, Delta, .s rcio Shabeti. M- in plain words, last : the town was dead. of Miss Ti<< Jean Hawks 5 Rrlatcd Art-. xD The CAMPUS PRESS, Inc. M.s. Mar gat < • H and Miss I is in 'targe of ll Will direct the si !ht Alpha Tl rough a ho COItAL CABLES r . Graduate students mi see . full le.f. t the appliances Thanksgiving Block and Bridle meeting \V. mot:" h bills pa •tilted Gettemy is tak- DELTA \I I'll \ ]«■ class to visit t 'n|tie Mis* shop in East l.arr*-: \g Hall \v l> WhiteYi';! -1it . tvdnesday. December "> ill make a study of old that ; orth \i rn% \i hi i t\ t the Charlotte panv's factorv. in • LO TIME The first t, ,OilNCIN* EvEaZi Ay,M 1111 omega [dance f amera rluh members wed, wight .. ascj Buy Nou.'.' Plenty cf Ruin and Snow (Hancinfi Hack and Slu*h Coming! Keep Your In Spartan Annals Feet U tgrn and Dry With These M ■ I • ■ M Fleeced Lined ALL RUBBER 'V Sends Visiting The DeputationTeam GALOSHES Style Shop's %IPH\ OMIt RON To Wehberville I'aris Cable Han. Mann, langdon and Robb Conduct Somen in Mrtkodi.t Fashion Hints Cborcb Dvc. 2. Also hard ■fv. over Thum.. Fri. at 7:2.*» WJIM every Passing Show ittle fur rape is a treasure" n. \OMI .\lllll B nil meat)*, he .Mur»» to ,i corduroy loung ► pa jama. Priced K '•*» and >7 n.Y Mat< fi the coloring of UNION AIDS CHRISTMAS -r -hoes with th. SPIRIT ON STATE CAMPUS • ami scarf set- . chic for -p. ..r Priced II.ihi •rhnnl nil ■/ ' M rhurch M-.v Hi'I , Phone S-IMI group pints with i inet I1 . ' eJ9r!s SJi0P venlng id this \ pvr- 1811 Derember ''He KHn * > zo»-iet. i.. '• Thank -x • ?n« it'- HOME FOR THE Kntiimolxfry Staff CHRISTMAS .Member* lecture Throughout State HOLIDAY? -11 South Washington 1 ?) 19- Dei ember IfOUl bnfyayt QUICKLY W ECONOMICALLY CONOMICAUY ( »r«*I the thrill of ' getting home again by worrying '■* shipment of your baggage Solve the problem bv • State Glad tola h**rf' * -verything to Railway Express. We will call for ♦indav Mr 1Mb- "P1'" truukao baggage and personal belonging* and tend in Rrerkrni idgf ,r Debaters Will Argue • ifintftil of Insert 1 • talia your train home with U'i •■«( hi Macomb f'ur.ng peace of mind-knowing •f -davenferwee . Railway Over WHAN We give a receipt on I on delivery double proof of If you cannot go home. send your HILLHAM GOES TO CHICAGO A tpei ilway Etpres* Dr B J Hillham. extension hteh will r radio debate n\ er WKAR ber J or telephone vpn alist in anunai 1 to 12. Will The debate pathology, left will not be a full Monday for Chicago where he will the first time among 'he winter length detiate The upecehe* will >» M. A. ( Avt.-PlMM M*« be stwak at a cortfiience of the Of¬ ^ courses m agriculture at Michigan - it down io that the bate will »ast whole de¬ ficial Resca Workei» and The 'Cultural tolieg. b»t U only thirty minuter V S Liven Sanitar > aajmcia- —December I Each speaker will give a five- R K fllds h„, offered a pnse j minute const r uctivc *pe« < h and . . 'for group smgiog r;t.-.sts ford¬ then one four-minute regttal will ing to an announces •«■?.i b> I'rwi* ttiviua tn« nation for ti riAis ; be given for each team. tr, Thta irrwa I'olvmllr •< Butt.: ' Harlan tiara. 35. and Elmer ' fVrrm. 35. w.ii rompoae thi af¬ Thipophiits Thistle, a vucceiufui the prise firmative leam. while Don O'Hara. , thistle sifter, in sifting a slevefui rmng ,*37 and Clare Pucklington. 35 of unsiDed thistles, thrust thice With thi wtH represent the negative Clark thousand thistles through the bail season Decernr* and G tiara will give the' rebuttal thick of his thomb. now. if Theo- Adtian at tho c.r.vgi athletic m- speeches for their respective philu Thistle, a successful thutlc- teia.t ha* naturally tunwd to this : teams sifter, in sifting a sievefuJ of un- spo,t. With a m... • of vet- The »ub/ect of the debate will sifted thistles thrust three tiiou- vralui back from the past two a-a- be: Resolved, That the manufac¬ sadd thistles through the (hick of sons, follower* of the Green and ture and sale of arms and am¬ hia thumb, see that thou in Sifting wiute nation-wist ran munition iiieuld be made a ^ a sievrful at lUKiftat thkUox If the South have been "in tobacco lor vcurs—growing tobacco ami curing it - huving it and selling it —until thc> know tobacco from A to l//.ard. Now folks who have been in tobacco all their lives, folks who grow il. know there i-- no substitute for mild ripe tobacco. Aw./ down in //«»• .Smith wkrrr they grow tohatin FORTY CO EDS JOIN ami where they ought to know something about it—in EQUITATION CLASS Chesterfield is the largest-selling cigarette. l l.ifcri Undrr Direction of l apt. M I Voorhrri Will Br,in Mr.l Tfrm Enrrtlit Drpailinrrt In.lall• Nr. Eiprnnirntal Kiln i dating the lat- k hail when Michigan Stat, the Kalam*.-.*. <•.li. utnpow this gt v> I'apla thr Boy > Vocation.«i .1 of Lieu- Pennsylvania avenue A "1 tin tenant Lhakr will instinct the flashy reserve* that providt :t v ti «t tiitl* in the fundamental* of t iding down of the fiist i ■'..«% v M-\etiii The Class will Ih> conducted along worth watching military line* Thow go Is who The nummary achieve sufficient skill. grace, and Mirhlgaa Slate ,i ,v '■ ioi ,i> i uUtv will take partjn the annual spring laws* »how£]jfKen l*T TP The clans will first meet Pebiu- 4 Ikcvneii. 1 0 2 *r>' A to receive directions concern- 0 Ramsey. f 0 o mg equipment and other raqiure- 2 Novak, f 3 5 menu and will hold its first class 4 Beiniore. f 0 0 February 14 The course is a part 4 SchUlct . f 0 0 of the i ' * Wattriek. 2 fills w 1 2 o,Cl»rk.i c 0 the cigarette that* MILDER the cigarette that tastes better 8, Orimir.. •« ijDow. a TI VenDalrn. g • WH. lawn a M*tm Toucm f«