Wednesday The very ink Partly sunny . . . . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . . . and warm, high in the . . . with which all history middle 80's. Chance of show¬ is written is merely fluid pre¬ STATE ers tonight. judice. --Mark Twain UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 6, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 35 Collins linked to California murder YPSILANTI(UPI) - A student charged reported that a witness told police Collins old art major had been stabbed five times In Salinas. Monterey County Sheriff's murder of Miss Beineman. an 18-year-old Miss Phillips, a visitor from Milwaukee. with the latest of seven sex slayings in was the driver of the car that picked up and her throat had been slashed. Detective Capt. Darol Smith said. "Roxie student at EMU. Her strangled, nude body, Ore., had disappeared June 30 while walk¬ Michigan was linked Tuesday with the Miss Schell. the EMU coed who was the When she disappeared, witnesses told po¬ Ann was well aware of the existence of Col¬ battered beyond recognition, was found in ing to a mailbox. second victim in the string of sadistic sex lice she had climbed into a car with three lins." 1 wooded The day before. Nancy Albrecht, vi¬ strangling death of a girl in California. a gully at the outskirts of neigh¬ a John Norman Collins also was identified slayings that have terrorized this twin uni¬ youths. Christiansen and another Michigan State boring Ann Arbor, home of the University sitor from Fort Worth, Tex., and a close as the driver of the car that picked up versity area in the past two years. The witness reportedly told police that Police officer traveled to Salinas to inves¬ of Michigan (U-M) on July 26-three days fnend of Roxie Ann. had a date with Col¬ the second Michigan victim. Joan Schell Collins dropped off the other two males in tigate possible links between the string of after she disappeared lins. Smith said. Earlier a high police source said Col¬ the car. Collins then told the two that he There is a strong inference that Collins Michigan killings and the similar deaths Police believe the 96-pound Miss Bein¬ He said Collins apparently met Miss lins' roommate. Arnie Davis, admitted he had dropped off Miss Schell with the un¬ of three young women in the Salinas area is involved in Roxie Phillips' death." Sgt. eman was slain at the home of Collins' va¬ Albrecht June 29 and visited the home also was in the car that picked up Miss Ken Christiansen of the Michigan State derstanding he would pick her up later, The handsome, husky Collins was arrest¬ cationing Uncle. State Police Cpl. David where she was staying, four blocks from Schell. who lived across the street the Ann Arbor News quoted the witness ed Friday and charged with the sex-torture Police told newsmen in Salinas. Calif. Leik of Ypsilanti. (please turn to page 9) The nude body of Roxie Ann Phillips. Miss Schell disappeared June 30. 1968. assaying. while hitchhiking in front of the EMU stu¬ told 17. Milwaukee. Ore . with a red belt The witness police he had been dent union. Her nude, sexually molested wrapped around her neck, was found in afraid to talk after Miss Schell's murder, Senate teeter-totter readies a trash pile of a lovers' lane area near body was found like the bodies of all the but that he was willing to talk after Col¬ other Michigan victims, in an isolated lov¬ lins was arrested and charged with the Salinas July 16. Collins, an Eastern Mich¬ ers' lane area one week later. The 20-year- murder of Karen Sue Beineman igan University (EMU) senior, was in the area at the time, police said. At the same time, the Ann Arbor News for ABM showdown today Huff stresses WASHINGTON (AP)--An almost tration cited as the basis for sending extended the draft by one vote in the evenly-balanced Senate headed Tuesday ground troops to Vietnam. summer of 1941—just months before the for a showdown on the Nixon Admin¬ Sen. Bob Dole. R-Kan . an ABM sup¬ Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. small colleges istration guard (ABM i. s fight for deployment of the Safe¬ antiballistic missile system porter. called much of the emotionalism over Safeguard a reaction to Vietnam. The real issue, he said, is whether the It could even wind up in a tie-but that would mean an administration vic¬ tory. since an amendment fails on a tie With voting scheduled to start'today. Senate - gives the President the tools vote. ABM supporters said they would win Meanwhile. Sen. Thomas J. Mclntyre. to bring aid undergrad 51 votes, to 49. while opponents claimed 50 one short of the necessary ma¬ The vote peace could and security be the closest or denies on a D-N H is waiting in the wings with jority. with two senators still national o page 9) By MARILYN PATTERSON uncom- security issue since the House mitled State News Staff Writer The initial test will come on an Private colleges can make an enor¬ amendment by Sens John Sherman Coo¬ fateful"-contribution Investigation mous-" maybe a to the needs of youth in their continued per. R-Ky and Philip A. Hart. D- Mich.. to bar ABM deployment and site commitment to undergraduate educa¬ tion Trustee Warren Huff. D-Plvmouth, acquisition while permitting continuation of research. told about 200 trustees of small colleges Many regard today's vote as a sym¬ Monday night Big public universities too often sub¬ ordinate undergraduate education to grad¬ bolic demonstration of congressional de¬ sire to curb Pentagon spending and re¬ campus The of two power power order national priorities to meet domestic causes failures which try to restore service in key areas like uate and research programs, thus leav¬ darkened the campus Monday night have the hospital and Kellogg Center first." ing education of the bulk of the under¬ not yet been discovered. Paul Nilson. Nilson said graduates to private colleges, he said superintendent of MSU's utility services, He noted that the campus was never at the meeting at Yakeley Hall. See Related Story p.5 said Tuesday. completely blacked out. The power plant The commonly accepted goal in the Nilson said the MSU Power Plant staff and some other key areas were supplied big public university." Huff said, "is is conducting an investigation to uncov¬ by reserve power " trom Consumer's Pow¬ to get a zero undergraduate teaching In fact. Democratic Leader Mike Mans¬ er the causes of the campus-wide black¬ er. a Lansing utility company load or as near to it as possible, a big field. D-Mon.. an ABM opponent. "Said a outs. Nilson explained that if the power research grant and two or three very narrow administration victory would real¬ The first blackout occurred at approxi¬ plant itself was blacked out. it would bright Ph D. candidates. ly be a triumph for his side. The message is that if you can some¬ Power o) pers Sen. Jacob K. Javits. R-N.Y. likened mately 6 was p.m.. started by and restoration of power 7 p.m Nilson said. By . have been very difficult to restore power to the rest of the campus This was the how get a student body made up as much The lights went out but Trustee Warren Muff, D-Plymouth, went today's vote to the early days of the Viet¬ 7:40 p.m.. power was fully restored to problem faced by power companies dur¬ as possible of the upper 10 per cent or nam war and said. The Safeguard ABM the campus ing the large-scale northeast blackout a 15 per cent of the youth of America as on with his address at Yakeley Hall, with the aid of a flashlight. proposal may well be to the nuclear arms The second blackout occurred at 8:15 few years ago. he said Huff spoke on the important role played by private colleges in judged by a test that predicts success, race what the Tonkin Gulf resolution was p.m.. but all circuits were restored by "This is the first blackout on cam¬ your graduates will be distinguished and emphasizing undergraduate educ on. State News photo by Bob Ivins to Vietnam." He referred to the 1964 8:27 p.m.. he said pus since December 1967." Nilson added. you will be known as a great presti¬ resolution which the Johnson adminis- ■'We have a circuit priority here. We They occur at random." gious universitv and will be loved by • all " Walter This, he said, leaves out the "not Adams, so bright student" who may need an edu¬ re cation more than the high school vale¬ dictorian. The needs of the young can be met i the months following his appointment unimportance of whatever he is doing i under Hannah culminated in the of tives. played a key role in the selection only by the wise reaction of private By STEVE WATERBURY use i State News Staff Writer he has encountered three potentially ex¬ terms of the total picture. of the dean of agriculture. This was schools to the big school de-emphasis faculty committee to search for new on undergraduate education, he said. Acting President Adams says that his plosive student demonstrations Adams, a faculty member himself, is a provost. the first time faculty members in this col¬ first love is teaching, and his record as a The first was an attempt to prevent strong advocate of "faculty power." Dur¬ lege participated fully in the selection of If you continue to demonstrate to the American public that you care about teacher appears to reflect that devotion. representatives of the city of Oakland. ing his administration, the process of fac¬ their academic head. Adams received the Outstanding Teacher Calif from interviewing in the Placement ulty involvement in decision making begun (please turn to page 9) undergraduate education and do indeed . Award in 1959 and the Distinguished Fac¬ Bureau. Adams startled many by going have the ability to deliver a quality learning experience, you will make an ulty Award in 1960 directly to the scene talking with the He conducts his classes in the Socratic demonstrators and personally escorting enormous contribution to our societv." method, using extensive questioning and students through the crowd for their in- Huff said While issues needing public debate in a gives essay exams exclusively. He is known for his ability Personal approach large state-supported university are eas¬ to remember the names of his students even when there are The second protest occurred at the Wil¬ ier to identify than they are in a priv¬ 150 in the class. son Hall cafeteria, which was occupied ate school, he said. the position of trustees of private colleges are only But as the University's chief administra¬ by black students following charges of rac¬ tor. he has been forced to deal with stu¬ ism against Wilson supervisory employ¬ slightly less complicated than are trus¬ dents in situations removed from the class-' es. Adams talked with white students from tees of public institutions. Wilson, and was cited by many residents (please turn to page 9> as having a "cooling effect" Adams also personally confronted dem¬ onstrators at an anti-ROTC demonstration sponsored by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS> at Demonstration Hall. A struggle between anti-ROTC forces and counter-demonstrators failed to reach se¬ rious proportions with Adams on the scene, talking with both sides and attempting to calm the situation. The new acting president has not won the hearts of all campus radical leaders, how¬ ever A colleague of Adams' in the Eco¬ nomics Dept. pointed out they are find¬ ing it hard to have a confrontation and "radicalize the moderates" with a Uni¬ versity president who will talk with pro¬ testors and does not immediately call in the police Wr *it Adams has enjoyed a rapport with stu¬ dents unusual among college presidents. Part of his rapport can be attributed to his well known sense of humor A facetious endorsement by Adams of Gen. Charles DeGaulle of France for the presidency of MSU was picked up by wire services and sent around the world Friends of Adams in France and Brazil have mailed him copies of their local pa¬ pers with his comments and picture dis¬ Doorway to the played on the front page The acting president is a fan of the French Theater of the Absurd He IP Hanging at the entrance to his office In the Administration Bldg., has said that he attempts to live as if Pensive P is this photo of Acting President Adams and former President whatever he is doing is the most impor¬ Johnson. Adams served under the Kennedy and Johnson adminis¬ tant thing in the world, and yet at the Acting President Adams, In a reflective mood, listened to a debate of the ROTC issue at a rally held a!" trations while a professor of economics as a member of the U.S. same time tries to keep a sense of per¬ Beajmont Tower last Ma/. Adams has built a reputation for personal involvment In campus issues, Advisory Commission on International and Cultural Affairs. spective on the matter by realizing the with frequent on-the-scene appearances. State News photo by Bob Ivins 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 6, 1969 TOM THUMB, FROZEN BEAN & BACON CASSEROLE 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE. BIRDS-EYE: 15487 NORTH EAST ST. FROZEN CUT WAX BEANS, 921W, HOLMES ROAD BABY LIMA BEANS, OB we reserve quantity rights F0RDH00K LIMAS STORE HOURS: $ WEEKDAYS 8 A.M. -10 P.M. SUNDAYS 10 A.M.-7 P.M. I BIRDSEYE QUALITY, FRESH-FROZEN FREN #*|jl fe. 9-OZ. WT. PACKAGE NORTHERN t1 PLY-180 CT. PiAPER TOWELS REFRESHING. TIP TOP 6 PL. CAN = 19 m m H1 m WWvi w L m r— i ' g fsi - ; ■ ALL FLAVORS.. .PET RITZ 14-OZ. WT. FROZ CREAM PIES FT'S PROTEN CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAKS MICH. FANCY BLOEBERRIES 3 >■«. M" CALIFORNIA L0RAD0 PLUMS 39 CALIFORNIA NECTARIHES 39' MICHIGAN CAULIFLOWER »• 39 GOLDEN YELLOW, DELICIOUS, LUSCIOUS, FRESH PEACHES 46-FL. OZ. CAN.. .ORANGE, GRAPE or FROIT PUNCH £. A Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS 20 POLLY ANNA J , 4 AM WHOLEWHEAT BREAD 4*^ |.Q0 re _ar liquid COUNTRY FRESH CANADIAN 1I>A| BLUEBERRY ICE CREAM H,LF-GALL0N W LYSUL STEHOUWER'S, BEEF * DISINFECTANT FROZEN SIZZLE STEAKS «-<*. p*G. limit 1 with $50r more food purchase READS MAYONNAISE VARIETY OR good thru sunday, aug. 10 )6 Qz GERMAN POTATD SALAD 3 WT-"NS 1.00 STRAINED BABY FO'OD ^ 5< Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 6, 1969 3 NEWS POW camps VIENTIANE. Laos < AP >— brainwash him He assured rel- termed adequate' International Control Commis- Udorn Air Base in Thailand or t S Ambassador G. McMurtrie Three Americans wearing blue atives of the many Americans sion plane, accompanied by a to travel home aboard a com¬ bow. I still havi God ley. who was out bf town. dungarees and rubber Ho Chi summary Minh sandals arrived from Ha noi Tuesday night looking pale left behind in North Vietnamese camps that they had no cause for worry four-man American mission headed by Rennie Dav¬ is. The pacifists took over custo¬ mercial flight. One of the paci¬ fists said their travel route still was undecided Basic diet Asked about the prison* diet. Frishman replied that Go to Bangkok Davis, coordinator of the Na¬ A capsule summary of the day's events frorr tional Mobilization Committee and gaunt from months in North With Frishman. Navy pilot our wire services. dy of the three in Hanoi Mon- Frishman chose his words was based around bread, si to End the War in Vietnam, said Vietnamese prisoner war from Santee. Calif., were Capt dav carefully while talking with re¬ and pigmeat It may not soi he thought the men would fly to Wesley Lewis Rumble. 26. an Met officials porters. saying: I do not want very good but they had a wa\ Bangkok Wednesday and take a ■ IIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIII Lt Robert Franchot Frish- Force pilot from Oroville. The three met aboard the IIIIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIiai to jeopardize other prisoners preparing it that made it tast <•< nmercial airliner to the t'nit- plane for 40 minutes with offi¬ still there. My treatment has Rumble said nothing to ed States. cials from the t'.S. F^mbassy be¬ been adequate. porters, and Hegdahl ve >• little It has not yet been firmly treatments had been adequate town. S.I) fore coming out to talk to re¬ He went on to say that treat¬ Rumble was shot dov fixed but I think "ihe and reported the North Viet- •rived from the North they'll be back Slifeguard IH\I pro¬ porters. They apparentlv were ment of the other twd also had North Vietnam's south at IFK New York's interna¬ namese had made no attempt to Vietnamese capital aboard an posal may well he to the discussing whether fly to been adequate then added that province. Quang Binh i April tional airport on Thursdav." he relatives of other prisoners 28. 1968 Hegdahl tell added. am-tear arms race what the should not worry sea from the I S cruiser Can- Frishman. Rumble and Heg¬ loakia i.ulf resolution was RACIAL HEARING Frishman's right hung berra on April 5. 1967. and was dahl were the third group of to I ielnum." limply at his side he spoke picked up by North Vietnamese American prisoners released by -Sen. He had been wounded when his Hanoi to pass through Vientiane Jacob .lai its. H-\ ). Trantham's trial delayed plane was shot down of Hanoi Oct. 24. 1967 Frishman praised northwest the North Hegdahl did say rather ner¬ vously that the main activities in prison camp were sweeping on their way to freedom. other groups of three came out in .January and August of 1968. The By BARBARA PARNESS dividuals who first brought said. "I don't know any of the Vietnamese doctors who had floors, smoking and listening to Davis, speaking to newsmen State News Staff Writer charges against Trantham and men. but I have to trust that spared him from an amputa- the North Vietnamese after the three had left the propa¬ men Summer vactions and the Miss Mishle International News absence of key witnesses are ire not employed by the i nivi iitv this summer, they tors. are professional media- The doctor: ganda radio, the Voice of Viet airport, said that during his verv busy nam. two-week stav in Hanoi. Pre¬ major factors barring a second they are both expected back Miss Mishler's attorney has giving treatment to their their The three men were escorted A short but vicious fire tight broke out in own owr mier Phan Van Dong had told hearing for Joseph Trantham. the fall, nee informed Carr that his people. Frishman said.;aid IIt from the Vientiane airport him that 1970 the A Shau Valley Tuesday, the third since to would be "the former Wilson Hall food ser¬ When you have a number of client does not wish to parti- would have been easier ier to am am- t'.S Embassy limousines. fiercest year of fighting in the vice manager, said Duane M Sunday, but I S. officers said they saw no Hildebrandt. witnesses. chances are that some cipate in a second hearing. putate my arm but they operat which took them to the home of Lansing attorney of them are not going to be mounting enemy threat in that major infiltra¬ for Trantham around.' he noted. tion corridor in the north of South Vietnam. " As a practical matter, the Hildebrandt said that until A small enemy force attacked a light de¬ hearing couldn't be held this iast eek either he or Tran- summer. Hildebrandt stated, tham was ation and could fense position of an element of the 101st Air¬ Trantham and former Wilson not confe borne Division's 3rd Brigade. The 45-minute Hall manager Elaine M. Mish- betaken fight left one American killed and four ler. both accused of racial We're in the proc ination during the Wilson wounded discussing Hall takeover last spring, were added, • • • transferred to non-supervisory Hildebrandt acknowledged A newspaper in Leningrad carried a story positions as a result of the first Tuesday under a one-word headline "Shame." hearing. The two employes were that told of a project to sell grave markers offered a new hearing by Acting sible candidates t< of such famous families as the Tolstoys President Adams upon recom- three-man mediation panel at The mendation from the Academic city is selling markers that it feels are the second hearing in bad shape and are a sorespot for as much as 100 rubles-Sill 11 at the official rate of ex¬ change. • • • Mariano Rumor formed his second govern¬ THE STATE NEWS The Stale New*, the student newspaper at Michigan Sute University, is ment in eight months Tuesday ending a 31-day published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week and Orientation issues in June and crisis but September. Subscription rates are $14 leaving Italy's deep political troubles per year largely unresolved. Member Associated Press. United Press International. Inland President Giuseppe Saragat approved Ru¬ Daily Press Association. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association. Mich¬ mor's list of 35 ministers for an all-Christian igan Collegiate Press Association. Unite* States Student Press Association. Democrat minority government, a stopgap body Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services to govern with the support in Parliament of Building. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. two Socialists parties It will be sworn in todav Phones Edl'ori»l 355-8252 National News Classified Advertising Display Advertising 355-8255 353-4400 Business-Circulation 355-3447 Two Houston heart surgeons, ranked among Photographic 355-8311 the best in the world, are getting a special government checkup of their Medicare pav- ments after receiving approximately $200,000 each last year. Dr. Michael K DoBakev and Dr. Denton V Coolev. both famous for heart transplant opera¬ tions. are the highest paid doctors in the m- tion under the federal program of health care to the elderly. • • • The solar wind, a flow of radiation from the su'i. mav have eroded the moon's surface and created the laver of black powder discover¬ ed bv the Apollo astronauts Scientists at the Lunar Receiving Labora¬ tory in Houston say that rare gases found in the dust particles evidently came to the moon from the sun ;is a result of great thermo¬ nuclear reactions that propel the solar winds out into space. • • • Scientists in Pasadena poured over a wealth of information about Mars Tuesday, hopeful that a final stream of pictures from Mariner 7 would help solve some of the red planets remaining puzzles The 850-pound spacecraft, which flew with¬ in 2.000 miles of Mars Monday, televised pic¬ tures of that pass Tuesday night, but scien¬ tists have yet to analyze the photographs. • • • Black author Claude Brown, his brother and a buddy who tried their first heroin at age 13. told congressmen Tuesday that nar¬ cotics is the poor man's alcohol. People who live in a constant state of frustration and oppression need something stronger than alcohol. Brown told the House Select Committee on Crime. "Nothing is more satisfying to them than heroin. Heroin picks you up and takes you out.'' The author of "Manchild in the Promised Land." was before the committee urging them to treat the cause of drug use. not the usage itself. • • • The Coast (iuard Tuesday kept watch on a three mile-lorig oil slick in Lake Erie about 30 miles north of the resort area of Port Clinton. The Coast (iuard said the slicks, estimat¬ ed to be several hundred yards long, ap¬ parently were caused bv an abandoned oil well operated by Quillan-Boychuck and As¬ sociates. Ltd.. of Chatham. Ont. The slicks were first reported by a com¬ mercial airliner Monday. Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Trinka Cline, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Bullard, campus editor Deborah Fitch, feature editor Kenneth Krell, editorial editor Jeff Elliott, sports editor Can a girl get pregnant when both she and the guy are fully clothed? I recently read an article in which a girl asked if she could get pregnant although she was fully clothed. No mention was made of the guy. The answer to that question was, "Yes, you could." No explanation was given. If this is true, could you EDITORIALS please explain. You are quite right, an explanation is needed Dissemination of partial in¬ formation could lead to needless inhibition of activity. Sperm are highly aggressive and persistent cells. They Slso can move at a, pretty good speed Amusing It may be possible for them to traverse undergarments in sufficient numbers to leave their mark. Even my mystic friends agree that the guy has to be at least unzipped Intercourse does not have to occur if both parties are sufficiently undressed and in reasonable approximation tQ each other, but the odds of preg- to the laws 1s it possible to become pregnant while having intercourse during menstrua¬ tion? If so. what are the chances? Please elaborate. Please answer. To the average man it is this state. This means that Please see preceding question and answer. The principle here is again one of egg always a little heartening to you cannot sign contracts in and sperm meeting. Menstruation generally begins about 14 days after ovula¬ see someone put something the name of the church, or tion While some women enjoy unusually regular ovulation (and therefore regular menstruation*, most women experience some variation in these physiological over on the establishment. To take your apartment off the phenomena At the extreme end of such variation, is the possibility that ovula¬ the slightly irreverent among tax roles as a house of wor¬ tion can occur while menstruation is in progress The menstrual flo us, it is even more pleasur¬ ship. be sufficient to keep the indefatiguable sperm from its purpose The chances of this occuring are exceedingly small and. generally, most people pay no able when the put-on is done Certainly. Hensley's sect is The Far Side of the Defense heed. Clearly, it your menstrual cycle is very irregular and you are eager not at the expense of some sa¬ making a not-too-subtle mock¬ Budget to become pregnant, caution is warranted cred cow. The Universal Life ery of organized religion, but Church. Inc.. has seemingly we find no' great harm in been able to do both these this It is the often-silly laws things. of men that are being flaunted, OUR READERS' MIND Red Cedar report By JIM DeFOREST \11 one need do to be¬ not the laws of god. come write ters a Man of God the church headquar¬ in Modesto. Calif., and is to Every man contains within himself a particle of the god¬ head and is. thereby, his own Create Indian social revolution us Opponents of that sex is a sex education inform communist plot. OK. the same time, it equally important request ordination. Prospective minister Certainly it is all- To the Editor: this if they hav is for them to examine Dr. Sharma's pub¬ ministers are ordained by re¬ To my mind the controversy over Dr. evolutionary from India to create a right to have specially trained evolution here. lic behavior critically. Those who worked Sharma's research grant raises vital ques¬ turn mail without regard to and educated individuals to tions about the behavior of a foreign 1 have always been for the reinstitu- for the reinstiTC and against To the Editor: ing our helmets in a massive defiance the ability to perform all func¬ the dismissal of Dr Garskoff. Also ac¬ an amusing gadfly that bites It has come to my attention that Gov. of this unjust law. If the law is allowed More people watched the television tions that due to at the flab of organized re¬ cording to the newspaper reports, he was Milliken has signed a new bill into law to stand, we shall have moved one step picture of the Apollo astronauts on the are any a participant in the demonstration or¬ which will require motorcyclists to wear closer to 1984 surface of the moon than any other other clergyman of another ligion. Possibly it, like other ganized by a section of the students to crash helmets beginning September 1st. David L Gillmore televised event. Not bad for a black religion. similar movements in history, protest the conferring of in honorary de¬ I call it a new bill but actually it. or a Flint senior and white show with n Mail-order ministers of this gree on Mr Kittikachoran. the Thai might even make the churches Minister, when he visited th« campus similar bill, was signed into law once before and declared unconstitutional The lunar surface didn t look that alien type apparently can perform shake off a little of their pom¬ This demonstration was organized on the by was the Michigan Supreme Court last Mannequin isn't and harsh to me. In fact, it reminded marriages, baptismals. funer¬ posity and hypocrisy. ground that the minister s w is a pup¬ year The truth is now apparent. The Mich¬ me of MSI "s commuter parking lot. als. see prisoners in jail and Our only criticism is that pet regime of the Vmerican Government To the Editor: we igan Legislature not only has no concern and the University was being misused to ill the other functions of a feel that the Universal Life for th£ personal freedom of its citizens, Concerning your August 1st editorial: After leaving isolation, the Apollo 11 award an apparent respe< tabilit it also has no respect for its own su¬ Last Wednesday night Channel 6-TV stated crew will be awarded this nation's high¬ minister in the State of Mich¬ Church. Inc.. should get its facts Sharm that the story of the Washtenaw po¬ est honor-a spot on the Ed Sullivan id R< l preme court. If we can not obtain justice igan. right before it goes about issues, hut can never understand his through the courts, there is only one course lice missing a likely suspect who ap¬ Show \s far as the state is eon- happily ordaining men of the left 11 the law is not stricken down be¬ proached a planted mannequin, was a participation in the Thai minister epi¬ fore September 1st. 1 call upon all motor¬ complete fabrication. How could this corned. all one need be is an cloth. Somebody could get hurt sode Was it not ar. affair between the item get into your editorial'' With the weather we've had recently. cyclists who are as deeply concerned with "ordained minister"-the de- in a legal snarl under the cor¬ American public and the Thai Govern¬ the personal freedom of the citizens of Vaughn Snook I'm surprised that the ski club hasn t ment'' What was the part ot an Indian fin tion of which is left up to porate laws of Michigan, or this state as I am to join me in remov¬ Biochemistry Stores national in this affair'' Nor has he boon the individual denomination. with the federal government content with his part r affairs which This ambiguitv is due to the over taxes. directly or indirectly concerned academ fact that the state is very Undoubtedly, this whimsical ics Onlv the other da\ through the newspaper column, with a vow he came up. NEWS ANALYSIS hesitant to go messing around sect is somewhat of a farce to work for the defeat of the representa¬ in church business. but it is important to remem¬ tive who instrumental for a repeal Nigerian conflict-, different wars was of his grant. Unfortunately. all the claims ber that many of its adher¬ In India there ire often complaints made by Universal Life Church ents take it seriously. Besides, about the participation of foreign na¬ President Kirbv Hensley are not nobody is coercing anyone to tionals and utilization of foreign funds By MORT ROSENBLI M the division has also been ordered to \ half million tribespeople. mostly Ibos. in elections, and such attempts are in¬ Associated Press Writer straighten out the jagged front along live mainly along the river i the Mid¬ true, at least in this state. join, and if the traditional de¬ LAGOS. Nigeria AP> Each side is the way west. Nigerian campaigns to evacuate His sect is not incorporated nominations of this nation can¬ variably publicly condemned. If an Ameri¬ Neutral observers said the 3rd Division the civilians and wipe out Biafran troops can professor working in an Indian Uni¬ fighting a different kind of war in the under Michigan law and. in not survive this tiny challenge, might skirt Owerri to cut the vital road have not been very success!ul versity attempts active participation in two-year-old West African civil war. between Owerri and Orlu before trying to On Biafra's eastern boundary, fighting as much as it incorporated in then their general merit is matters political. 1 would tell him hands Nigerian federal forces are confined to the roads and towns as they try to seize the two towns the last ones held has flared along the Cross River around off" I am sure the feelings of the public the state of California, no dubious. by the Biatrans Ikot Okporo. Nigeria fears hostilities in this country cannot be anyway differ¬ squeeze Biafra's 3.000-square-mile seces¬ one may represent himself as ent in like circumstances It is certainly sionist enclave off the African map Though the federals hold the roads, might spread to the southeastern state --The Editors The Biafrans control the bush, small Bialran units infiltrating par¬ capital of Calabar, and informants said an agent of the church in important to separate academics from some¬ are allel to the Nigerian main forces. One this is a major reason why Lagos has < politics To my mind it is equally im¬ times infiltrating the outskirts of the such doglet is threatening the rich Imo held up approval ot Red Cross plans to x portant for academic people to set the towns-harassing, striking with lightning Man in the standards of public behavior. There has been instances of some of guerrilla raids, temporarily cutting roads and withdrawing. River oil field about 20 miles north of send Biafran relief supplies upriver. Informants said the Lagos government sion to the feels the Biafrans might somehow take Vice President for Business permanent president, our countrymen working on alien soil, Neutral military sources said the last The latest fighting was reported Fri¬ day about three miles east ot Onitsha advantage of two neutral relief boats and Finance Roger Wilkinson whomever that might be to further the causes of their own coun¬ major conventional battles were in Ap¬ ril when federal troops captured the Biaf- A Biafran brigade of 80o to 1.000 men. standing by. and use them for military is of the little men caught try and countrymen Ghandiji was ac¬ one And. one can note, this sit¬ ran capital of Umuahia but lost the stra¬ stranded earlier near the Onitsha-Enugu purposes tively working in South Africa for the cause In the air. Nigerian jets frequently in the middle of a big bureau¬ uation presents an element of of his fellow-countrymen. N'etaji was tegic town of Owerri in the process. road, linked with its main torce and cut off road traffic communiques said raid Biafra and try to stop arms and re¬ cracy. uncertainty for the University working in Hitler's Germany for the In¬ Early in the war the Nigerians advanced , This forc ed Nigeria embattled Onitsha lief shipments being flown to the Uli Wilkinson became acting Vice dependence of India If •»nly they chose quickly, since much of the fighting was s as well. Because the possibility garrison to receive supplies bv a longer airstrip Hazardous night-time flights are to. they had equally worthy, if not worth¬ in areas peopled by minority tribes often President for finance after the exists that under a new presi¬ route from the midwest. still being made, but relief shipments ier causes to light for. Gandhiji could opposed to Biafra's secession. Now the infamous The Onitsha troops been harassed have slowed to a trickle since a Red Philip May was dis¬ dent. Wilkinson could well be have chosen to unleash a total struggle circle has tightened around the predom¬ have Cross plane was shot down in June against the barbaric regime in South inant Ibo tribe, hard core secessionists, in this way by surrounding Biafran forces placed from the University. It replaced by a political appoin- and advances are painful and difficult for 16 months. During that time they have The Biafrans have treetop-skipping Africa N'etaji could have chosen to work has now been over a year since tee-a move that would likely repeatedly tried to break out to Nnewi. light aircraft, believed piloted by Swedes, against Nazism, remaining in Germany The Nigerians control the road to Umu¬ but have been that make selective and sometimes dam¬ May left and Wilkinson tempo¬ prove detrimental to all con¬ But these Greater men in their higher ahia and. theoretically, the town itself 12 miles to the southeast Wisdom chose to limit their public ac¬ But Biafrans are still on the outskirts, thrown bac k bv the Biafrans each time aging attacks on federal territory. Ni¬ rarily moved into the Vice cerned. if only because it Nnewi is the last major defense point geria's midwest oil installations have tivity to matters immediately concerning and sporadic infiltration by the seces¬ President post. Wilkinson is would be trading off known before Biafra s sole airstrip on the Uli been hard hit by the mosquitos. but the the well-being of their countrymen I am sionists causes occasional street fighting still • acting." road, considered a key target of the war midwest capital of Benin is said to be ability for the unknown. afraid that Dr. Sharma. by Ins activi¬ in the former Biafran capital It's not that Wilkinson has ties. far from helping the Indian Cause, Nigeria s 3rd Marine Commando Di¬ and thus heavily defended well-protected with antiaircarft batteries. * So this seeming willingness In the midwest, where the Niger Riv¬ further alienating at least a section vision-one of the best disciplined federal done a poor job. or even that to trade away Wilkinson's quiet, is marks Biafra's western boundary, rains of the people of this vicinity from the units and commanded by Lt Col. Segun er Observers say Nigerian frontline troops there is any tremendous dif¬ left much of the west bank under water constantly threatened by ambushes proven efficiency on an un¬ Indian cause. Obasanjo. who replaced Col. Benjamin are ficulty in moving him to a per¬ Black Scorpion" Adekunle-is advanc¬ recently The floods forced the federals and infiltration Consequently, large num¬ known bet seems foolhardy at Sharma to pull out. leaving some territory to the bers of troops are necessary to secure manent position, it's rather a gives the impression of ing on Biafran-held Owerri from Port worst, unrealistic at best. We imbued with revolutionary zeal. We Harcourt But the advance is slow since secessionists. roads and keep supply lines open. matter of consideration for the therefore urge that President very badlv in need of a social revolu- next president of the Univer¬ Adams exercise the legally de¬ in India Dr. Sharma claims ad- TEN DOLLAR 1$ A LOT OF MONEV... not deter him from working THAT COULP &E JUST THE AMOl/NT sity that has kept Wilkinson in fined option he has. and ap¬ for dea c£ hear If his THAT (zJOULP HELP 5AVE A LIFE his quagmire. point Roger Wilkinson to the field his OR PlSCOVER A CURE... The Vice President for busi¬ Social work, like charity post of vice president for fi¬ I believe, be¬ and finance is appointed gins at home If he pretends that he is ness nancial affairs And that will more concerned with racism in Ameri¬ by the President with approval be the end of a man in the mid¬ ca and Vietnam, than poverty and bac k¬ by the board of trustees. Act¬ dle. wardness at home, people like me can¬ not take him seriously ing President Adams has chos¬ And I suppose, -The Editors it is an insult to the creative talent of en. however, to leave the deci¬ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 6, 1969 5 Tax reform bill sweetened WASHINGTON iAP)--The er special low income provisions to go into effect in two stages in scale, the committee calculates Mills asked for the closed rule tax reform bill was sweetened to provide relief there. These 1971 and 1972. The reduction will* that for those in the top brack- customary on tax measures, Tuesday-the eve of House de- brackets run up to 4.000 for a affect not only persons whose ets the effect will be outweighed barring amendments except bate-with an additional $2.4 bil- single person. 8.000 tor a mar- entire income is in those brack- those proposed by the Ways and by other reform provisions lim- lion of tax relief, mostly for low ried couple filing jointly, in tax- ets but everyone Means Committee itself. with higher in- iting preferences enjoyed by the and middle income taxpayers. able income-after exemptions come, reducing the levy on the wealthy. Members of the Democratic The Ways and Means Com- and deductions first $4,000 or $8,000 income The additional $2 4 billion tax mittee acted unanimously after The committee has now decid- taxed relief raised the bill's ultimate Study Group 'DSG>. however, critics, led by the moderate-lib ed on a one percentage point cut pressed for a modified rule that cuts, by 1979. to $9.2 would have allowed them to offer eral Democratic Study Group, in the rates for these brackets longer completely amendments on the rate scale complained the bill skipped some cut for the two brackets cover- balanced by revenue-raising three or four million tax¬ and also to delete from the bill in taxable incomes from changes, which amount only to its provision continuing the in¬ payers in its relief and did not fulfill its at least 5 provisions promise of Scientist $10,000 to $12,000 for person. a single $20,000 to $24,000 for a $6.8 billion The committee spokesman come surcharge at 5 per cent from Jan. 1 through July 31. per cent tax reduction said the difference would come for all but the rich. 1970. Congress already has ex¬ Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, D- astronaut A spokesman said examin- ation of the tables as originally out of the anticipated incr government revenues as the tended the surtax at 10 per cent through Dec.31. 1969 Ark., however, said the change prepared showed that these national economy grows. merely carries out the commit¬ brackets would receive less writer's quick revi¬ The DSG distributed job The tax an analy¬ tee's original intention. The tax than the aimed-for 5 per cent re¬ sion sis of the bill came midway during a contending that of tables as first drafted, he said, duction the $2 billion relief to be % hearing by the House Rules provid¬ indicated there had been mis¬ reductions. ed by the original rate revi¬ SPACE CENTER. Houston While the rate Committee on procedures for understanding between the com¬ sions. nearly $1.8 billion would (AP (-Scientist-astronaut Dr. mittee and the staff of the go to persons with total incomes a Treasury F. Curtis Michel announced of $15,000 s expected Thursday or more. Work on the Life Science Bldg. goes on as one worke ak for a drink The"committee's rate revision did original tax Tuesday agency, thus he's quitting the space joining a growing not include of water and another goes shirtless in the blistering . sjn. rate cuts for the lowest five in- "umber of scientists fleeing Where do you State Ne 3 photo by Bob Ivins come brackets, counting on oth- P™gram they believe too find Central Michigan's neer-oriented. OPPOSES HART Michel resigned by letter to finest entertainment? The Harlequin! astronaut chief Donald K. Slay- ton. He said he did so with re¬ luctance. but that he was eager to devote more time to sci¬ FOR ONE MORE WEEK ONLY! Augenstein By STEVE WATERBURY In the letter to Hart. Augen¬ eyes ployment of the ABM system. Senate back from the moon have ceived extensive press coverage. re¬ ence. and the opportunities to fly into space are Three rare. other scientist-astro¬ nauts out of the 17 selected by THE FABULOUS ~ State News Staff Writer stein cited Hart's past support Augenstein criticized Hart's the National Aeronautics and man Leroy G. Augenstein. chair¬ of the Biophysics Dept.. said Monday he may run for the US Senate in in 1970 of missile and the abrupt switch." anti-missile programs and asked reasons Why. after supporting ABM for views that the ABM would contribute to an expansion of the arms race, would not contri¬ bute the the national security, is During this same period, he offered the State Board of Education tion his own sex guidelines that he said was educa¬ Space Administration (NASA) resigned earlier. Sources said some of those re¬ maining also are unhappy about FAUX PAS against Michigan's Democratic development without question incumbent Sen. Philip Hart from 1959 to Aug. 22. 1967. did highly costly and may be im¬ possible to successfully de¬ a compromise plan" that could bring opponents and backers of the long wait for a flight and the lack of emphasis on sci¬ First Appearance sex education together "I'm not officially in the race, velop. ence in the program None yet you abruptly change and become but I'm taking a look. Augen¬ an avid foe less than two months stein said afterdistributing to later on Oct. 9." Formerly a scientist in the Atomic Energy Commission has been assigned to a mis- in the Lansing Area Augenstein news media copies of a letter Augenstein said Hart now con¬ Dr. Elbert King, curator of 'U' First critical of Sen. Hart's opposi¬ tion to President Nixon's pro¬ asked Hart Hart and Sen John Ser- demns the Safeguard ABM sys¬ tem "for at least four reasons, Family the Lunar Receiving Laborato¬ ry. is resigning in September -Comedy - Music - posed Safeguard anti-ballistic man Cooper. R-Ken have led all of which seem to apply escapes campus to take a post at the Univer¬ the Senate fight against de- much more to the Nike-Zeus sity of Houston omissile svstem > ABM > Direct from the system which you supported." Acting President Adams and King said NASA has given 7^ East Coast Augenstein. said that the Mrs. Adams have escaped the science a back seat in the last tremendous technological strides MSU campus for their first few years." but that mast change ' evidenced by recent moon shot if the vacation since he took office space program is Peace members $1.00 cover FrL & Sat. ONLY. caravan and Mars probe are indicative that an ABM system can be April 1. to succeed now that the first or Open 6 nights a week during the JMLequin An unimpeachable source in astronauts have landed on the summer months. CLOSEDSUNDAY. successfully developed. the president's office said Ad¬ Doors open 8:30 P.M. The Harle¬ urge alternative to violence Sen Hart's Washington office said Tuesday Hart has not issued ams. as 13th president of the University, felt obligated to at¬ Now that we've ed our national goal accomplish¬ he said. quin is located at the Metro Bowl S. Logan at Jolly Rd. TU 2-0226. a formal reply to Augenstein. tend the 13th annual convention " there has to be a good scien¬ Members of a peace cara- issues of today. John Burn- In the past month. Augen- of the Millard Fillmore Fan tific reason for us to (keep going van will speak at an open meet- hart, member of the caravan, stein's warnings against the pos¬ Club in Bermuda. Fillmore was back to the moon. NASA has ing at 7:30 p.m. today in Par- said. at the Metro Bowl lor C of the Union sibility of disease that could the 13th president of the United made no real effort to develop We welcome people who dis- spread from organisms brought States. The caravan of four students agree and want to challenge our has travelled around Michigan thinking and present new this summer urging a search thoughts for alternatives to violence The caravan is sponsored by We want to stimulate think- the American Friends Service ing and encourage discussion Committee, which is affiliated for a confrontation of the major with the Society of Friends. The Cape Caper Commences! Lead the fashion parade this Fall in this show stopping look 5125 W. Saginaw & 6200 S. Pennsylvania E ast Lansing W h \ Pa y More'. Why Pay M or e ! Why Pay More! Why Wednesday, August 6, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ann Arbor fest with weekend blues fever By DAVID BASSETT Sleepy John Estes laid it It was getting to be 11 p.m. beg for mercy. Lay. formerly State News Staff Writer and Clifton Chenier and his ac- with the Butterfield Blues Band, down first Saturday night. Sleepy \ happy amalgam of freaks, John is blind And he needs cordian had departed and appeared with four mediocre blacks and frats felt provi- help walking. And he and his Howlin' Wolf had drained 95 musicians, one of which used leged to give Roosevelt Sykes a wife and kids nearly starved in per cent of the audience s ad¬ to be Mitch Ryder s pianist five-minute ovation and demand renalin with 45 minutes of (honest i Chicago during the Depression While And he told 15.000 white kids blues from the gut Otis Rush A state of hyper-tensive fren¬ an encore only the first in a long procession of blues- what it's like to be a black finally appeared and the crowd zy seized the crowd as Jimmy men. Sykes established an man in Tennessee in the 20's knew somebody had to do some Cotton got into a.half-hour song initial rapport with the crowd and a black man in Illinois in fast talking it Muddy Waters that left Cotton shirtless and the that failed to subside through¬ the 40's. And he sang a song was going to sing it. audience breathless Never has a out the three-day Ann Arbor about John Kennedy and the For a moment it appeared performer worked as hard as Blues Festival crowd bowed its head as though a wine-, hash-, Cotton did- not James Brown Something East Lansing has One of Luther Allison's guitar and blues-high crowd would not Ginger Baker, not even never seen-and probablv never strings broke in the middle of explode when told that Muddy Mick Jagger. Never has anyone will—this gathering of the clan a song and he smiled at the had been scratched. A few swift sung "Let Your Love Light left little to be desired in audience with the kind of look words between the promoter and Shine'' and -Please. Please. the way of pure talent The that said. "Man. our guitar the police finally allowed Please'' like Cotton did. guitars didn't glisten, the drum strings a-been bustin' for 300 20.000 standing people to see Only 85-vear-old Son House heads were tainted morning- years " and hear one of the four or could have closed the festival. after yellow and the drummers With a cat-like grace that five greatest blues musicians Only the once-forgotton Son sat on paste-board suitcases: made one nauseous at the thought House could have lived the songs but diamonds don't need rings of Motown slick and white- Sundav afternoon's gig was a he sang of the old South. Only to increase An their value. interesting phenomenon town • soul.-' Allison padded his way around the stage fondling sun-baked of singing magic flesh carpet ride Son House could have concluded and spitting with a medley of spirituals Tiring project was the programming of the his tarnished axe watermelon seeds and shirtless sung acapella with his wife. On¬ Although it looks as though this triangular car bec^f Germany s student, as he toils over backs and shoeless feet and has two men changing its tires, the nrvrror image ^e front left tii ; of Walls Hal I. festival Apparently aware of ly Son House could have drawn the fact that much of the shameless blues. The hash tears with "This Little Light of one picture reflects Cheryl Chapko, M'_>U secre¬ sws photo by audience was composed of com¬ Performers meet haze of Saturday night lifted of Mine." Only Son House. tary, e. Lansing, advising Wolfgang Mieder, Lu- and the blues flowed so thick parative blues novices, country that no one noticed Jim Morri¬ blues began the shows Friday at 'Intersection' and Saturday evenings when the crowds were relatively small Every Saturday from 9 p m. to son emerge from a van and sit- cross-legged backstage EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and blues-oriented As more midnight, the Intersection fea¬ Fred McDowell. Roosevelt ind more people filtered onto tures folk-rock music, drama¬ Sykes and Jim Dawkins warmed Campus aid minorities the audience for a brilliant four- the park city blues the blues tic readings, lots of coffee and most young whites can dig. took over As the night older and the crowd grew larger, grew conversation The Intersection, at the Psi hour by stretch Luther Musslewhite Thornton of bluesmanship Allison. Charley and Big Mama programs the music became louder and Upsilon fraternity house. 810 W Through its Equal Opportunity activities and special programs committed financial resources and under-graduate academic in the Center for Urban Af- more refined Grand River Ave is a coffee Allison. a veteran at age to improve the education of to the College of Educe programs in various aspects eluded , Programs. MSU is seeking to . Friday night Sykes and house sponsored by the Univer¬ 29. plays guitar like his life move toward greater representa¬ personnel for work in inner- programs and will provide staff of urban affairs graduate and upper Arthur Big Boy Crudup sing sity Reformed Church. depended on it. After a 45- tion of minority groups in its city schools support to assist in the develop¬ For example, he explained, dergraduate students about how it is down home, minute set alone and a one- ment of MSU's urban education the Center for Urban Affairs their interest in tut student body, faculty and admin¬ Utilizing both the staff and while a monent in time and The Garbage Collector, a hour show with T-Bone Walker. financial resources of the Cen¬ efforts." is assisting the College of Human advantaged freshmen. istrative staffs a generation in music later short play which has been read Allison wrang his shirt out and ter for Urban Affairs and the He reports that discussions Medicine in identifying, placing at the coffee house, was writ¬ Equal Opportunity Programs young Jimmy Dawkins and his jammed with Charley Mussle¬ are underway with several other and supporting financially both director Joseph H McMillan, Equal Opportunity Programs, co. lined drummer and sax man ten by Jean Fenner. East Lan¬ white for another hour departments concerning urban minority group students and with about 300 black former superintendent of inner- support has been made avail¬ irted shouting what Chicago's sing High School student Choosing from a bag-full of city schools in Grand Rapids, able several research, addition of faculty faculty members within the col¬ reactions and st Admission is 25 cents. Cof¬ to colleges and perce West side has to offer a poor mouth harps and guzzling Pabst noted the efforts the from minority groups and the lege beginning this fall black and white fac program departments within the Univer¬ fee and popcorn are served by the can. Musslewhite blew is making in the education of sity development of both graduate To date, research activities to the point of exhaustion. A -The black and other minority group Colleges of Engin¬ LEDGES former protege of Junior Wells. students eering and Home Economics are Will Shade and Jimmy Cotton, "MSU is making increased adding a staff person to coor¬ PLAYHOUSE professional he gave a show which has to efforts." McMillian said, "in rate as high as anything he or Paul Butterfield or Howlin' the development of on-campus dinate urban programs and to counsel black students. Doors' Morrison, Krieger SUMMER THEATRE tutorial programs for disadvan¬ -The resident adviser pro¬ Wolf ever thought of doing has been expanded to in¬ shape The Soft Parade taged students A system is gram And then Big Mama Willie clude number of black ad¬ also being set up for reviewing a Mae Thornton burst onstage like visers. and allocating grants to graduate a freight train as the sun set. and undergraduate disadvantag¬ -The THE KNACK College of Education B\ RAY WALSH coming to the conclusion that The album 1 T-Bone Walker came back and ed students utilizing existing is developing a new program State News Reviewer All our lives we sweat and "Shaman's By ANN JELL1COE played guitar and Aretha Frank¬ University offices." to involve its faculty in inner- After save Building for shallow Child" and ' I- lin s trumpeter shattered the a year's wait since a Wilbur B. Brookover. associ¬ city teaching so that thev may their last album, the Doors gra\ the musical art TONITE p a system while Big Mama ate director of Equal Oppor¬ be able to better prepare teach¬ Do have returned to the music adding greath THRU AUG. 10 sang '8311 and Chain and tunity Programs and the center ers for urban schools phrases, sung over and over scene with their fourth endeav¬ patterns wovet throughout Hound Dog" like Janis Joplin for Urban Affairs, reports that -The Dept. of History has or. The Soft Parade again with instrumental bridges songs and Elvis wish they could. added new staff members to Student Rate (ID Card) on-campus programs underway The added to stretch it out to three •11 the diffe After the amps had cooled long-awaited album un¬ include the counseling of minor¬ develop Afro-American history fortunately offers only a hand¬ minutes. The phrases repeat bef i the and everybody groaned from a ity group students, the develop¬ ful of new songs, with the ti¬ words often heard from parents Krieger s are more complex com meal of hot dogs and Moun¬ The Center for Urban Af¬ ment and support of a larger "Please, please listen to me positions involving chord changes tle song standing.out as most tain Dew Chicago Sam Lay sat fairs." Brookover adds. has Reservations 627-7805 black faculty, urban research notable. "The Soft Parade, childern You are the ones ind using <;itchv melodies, down and made his drum heads who will rule the world while Morrison comes through performed in the unmistakable Doors style, lasts more than Robbie Krieger s Running with his basic rambling blues STARTS TODAY ! eight minutes and opens with Blues provides a change of " SPARTAN TWIN EAST Jim Morrison recalling his earl¬ pace for the Doors combining 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 0030 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • SHOWN AT 7:15 AND 9:15 ier days in seminary school. The free verse that follows seems to ramble on. vaguely The countdown is ending... OSPARTAN TWIN WEST If the Red Chinese don't kill him ... a computer in London will! YOUR HUNGRY? shorten if. Try a fan- gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at no extra cost. ALSO! Hamburgers Cheeseburgers Submarines French Fries & PIZZA CALL 332-6517 VARSITY 20th Century-Fox presents GREG0RV PEIK RHHE HEVUI00D An Arthur P. Jacobs Production THEIHMRIMin ARTHUR HILL-ALAN DOBIE • FRANCISCA tu • ORl LEVY- zienia merton • c^RAD YAMA • mort abrahams • j° lee'thompson BEnTmADDOW-JAY RICHARD KENNEDY- mu*cb, jerry goldsmith . by c^ury-fo. product^. l.o . Panavlslon* Color by>. MT Wednesday, August 6, 1969 7 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Local By DAVID BASSETT signed to help selected cities Model services, health, crime and juve- residents: 10 are elected including Lansing shared. City improving urban State News Staff Writer of all sizes in all parts of nile delinquency, environment by the residents of the Model The first is that public the Model (it it s approac First in a series the nation to improve social, and design, employment and City neighborhood and 10 are and private agencies necessary novel comprehci In order that such social physical and economic eondi- economic development and hous- appointed by the mayor, to carry out the program, and nature. problems as crime and juvenile tions in blighted neighborhoods, ing relocation and education. In choosing Lansing as one local residents were deeply After watching other prt«u delinquency unemployment. In general, it is designed Each of these nine task forces city to receive an initial planning involved in the the application to HUD preparation of fail because of lack ot plan coordination and adequat blighted neighborhoods and di- for people who live in the area is charged to complete a study grant from a list of nearly Several Lansing industries do- the U.S. governme sease may be solved in Lan- involved HUD listed sever- and develop a plan in its field 200 applicants. •haracteristics of nated both personnel and facili- that tl problems sing. the primary foundations 1° 1968- HUD notified Lan- 'of assigned responsibility. Each al common 11 selected cities, ties for the preparation of the Americ of a new urban improvement sing that it had been named to is to have a membership of 20 plai si t ied and program are now being laid, receive a Model Cities Plan- application, as well as giving ture so ( the city over $19,000 outright tha Within a J-shaped area in ning Grant of up to $128,000 Lansing's central citv. officially In anticipation ot an actual con- FOR MEMBERS and lending both computer facili¬ without much planning and ledci designated as a 'Model Citv" tract, the Lansing City Coun- ties and an experienced staff al inter-departme member to work with the plan- While officially adm by the Dept. of Housing and cil adopted Ordinance No. ning board. by HUD. the Model < District residence Urban Development 1HUD1. re- 185 on Jan. 13. 1969. A second factor which HUD gram al: side 11 per cent of the city's This ordinance established the cited such as being favorable in the pation o groups population. Citv Demonstration Agency as These 16.000 individuals a city department. The agency selection of the planning grants Depts Agri was the deep probing of problem Health Kduc; draft ruling merce: represent 62 per cent of the consists ot a director to be unemployed. 36 per cent of the appointed by the mayor, as new analysis, a going well beyond description of symptoms of Welfare: Justice: Labi portation and poverty families and 22 per cent well as a Citizen's Advisory Economic of the welfare case load. Board. By GEORGE BULLARI) problems to those forces that Oppor created and maintained the prob¬ The program Thev reside in 28 per cent This group, also known as the Campus Editor lem situation. solve a number of the dilapidated housing struc- Policy Board, is composed of A federal district court decision recently delivered in tures and are victims of a crime 21 members. 10 appointed by the San Francisco may force reorganization of Selective Service Perhaps the most important several diffe factor in the selection of Ian- unrelated ar rate which is twice as high mayor. 10 elected and one Boards around the country. sing as one of the cities to The purpose as the rest of Lansing. appointed by City Council. Judge Alfonso Zirpoli ruled last week that members of a receive an actual planning grant pand housing t< It was because of conditions Model Cities Task Forces local San Francisco draft board must reside in the district Testing 1-2-3 similar to these in most cities were determined to be responsi- where their board has jurisdiction. Frequently, draft board was between Lansing's defining the links problems in a way that income opportu dependency on that the Johnson Administra- ble for the initial research and members do not reside in the district they administer These two students have shed their shirts and tion passed the Demonstration development of Lansing's Model The produced a perspective of the case Zirpoli judged involved a San Francisco resident shoes and waded in, but neither appears eager to problems of the Model Neigh¬ Jd pr Cities and Metropolitan Develop- Cities plan Task forces agreed Frederick DeMarco Failing to get a deferment as an con¬ take the final plunge after testing the water tem¬ borhood and its residents. bat dis< ment Act of 1966 upon include transportation. scientious objector. De Marco refused induction and was The Lansing group realized hance recre perature. State News photo by Carl Welti Title I of this act is de- income maintanence and social brought to trial that blighted neighborhoods and opportunity His lawyer. Joel Shawn, said Monday in a State News urban decay are complex com- cidence of i interview that he does not expect the decision will be over¬ turned. He called Zirpoli a binations of causal factors, pro- cy toestab! well respected judge whose Pressure from above' cuts decisions generally hold up under appeal. hibiting a strict dichotomy to tween horn* be made if thev are to be solved, general, to Though Shawn did not necessarilv see far-reaching impli¬ In contrast to other federal ditions for cations in the decision, a second San Francisco lawyer disagreed rams aimed at revitalizing Terrance Hallinan. who has defended cases in California similar to DeMarco's. labeled the consequences of the case Today is LADIES' DAY . . 75c 1 to 6 p.m. 'earth shaking poli. sci. 4 credits PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 LAST day courses to it puts government officials in an awkward position in pursuing the case." he said. 'They re damned if thev do and damned if they don't cogUMmttof 1:10-3:10-5:15-7:20-^:20 "DADDY'S GONE If they appeal the decision and it is sustained, then it By DAVID BASSETT take four four-credit courses credit political science course are often so diversified that will probably be binding on every federal district judge. They A-HUNTING" State News Staff Writer All political science courses instead of five three-credits '' as in another course in a dif- students have too many differ- may have to let go half the people in jail for refusing induction, TOMORROW AT 1:10-3:15-5:15-7:20-9:25 \s tor also reducing the work- ferent department which was ent areas to study simultane- on the grounds that they were illegally inducted." under the 400 level have been ioad in political science. Miss only worth four credits. ouslv Hallinan said the law on which Zirpoli's decision was based changed from five credits to Lawther said she would still These students went to class requires that members of draft boards reside in the district Terror that tears the screams j four, a move caused primarily require the same amount of only three days for five politi- It seems to me. he added, which they represent except in right out of your unusual circumstances such by administrative pressure, said reading and out-of-class work cal science credits, yet received that it would be much better as wartime. " Susan Lawther. political science as credit than for classes for everyone concerned if stu- What throat!! before the change. She more happens is that boards in poorer sections of town undergraduate adviser added, however, that this depend- which met four or five times dents took a smaller number of sometimes have wealthv urban board members." Paralyzing suspense ^ These courses, which were ed on the individual instructor, a week. courses and received more in a house of changed from three credits to Many students, she noted, •"Furthermore."- she said, credits and did more intensive five in 1965. . are now worth seemed unhappy only four b ause .their credit credit reduction, because they of- about the when the change was made work, from three to five credits BEST PICTURE creeping, crawling value was apparently out of ten did as much work in a five- four years ago. most instruc- Sometimes it is advisable evils! OFTHE YEAR! - line with credits in other rours- tors did not require additional to expose students to as many- es. Miss Lawther added. work The only thing which was different areas as possible, ex- We are striving for unifor- ' added to the courses were two peciallv as freshmen and WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! mity in the University.'' credits ' sophomores However, the pos- she continued Our decision to Brvan Downes. asst. pro- sibilitv does exist that the result raise the credits in undergrad- lUMJ fessor in political science, also could be unnecessary confusion " uate courses th<"i four years ago was hoped to be an incentive ^ cited administrative pressure as the primary factor in the change. for other departments to Keal f'i,m Furthermore, he expressed gen¬ eooiMi Michael Sarrazin Gayle Hunnicutt Eleanor Parker present William raise theirs eral disapproval of the move. K Many people felt then that 15 credits was an ideal course Sophia I.oren in al ' 3,1,1 y l1 ,()l I think students to take it unwise a to force large number TODAY . . .LADIES DAY 75from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. 'Eye of the Cat " load for students, she said, and ^,'"s \dmission of courses at one time." he that it would be more ad- ID s are .ot requin said. "Five different courses Feature at 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:15 RESERVE PERFORMANCE NOW THRU tues. i sable take th re 7:25 - 9:40 p.m. BOX OFFICE OPEN: YOU'LL LOVE HERBIE WED., SAT SUN 1 00 P M. to 9:00 P M than ti\ EXCLUSIVE . redit c ; the incredible little car! ^MON., TUES.. THURS., FRI 4 00 P.M. to 9 00 P.M Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT only credits to five we hoped opportunity Sophia Loren aid William Holden in the strange wartime love story The World Beyond THE KEY Imagination^ Where rriculum back in line 7 aid 9:15 104B Wells 50c ID not Adventure i" rest i»t the University Chap!-er 10 of Hurricane Express Never •hose to lower the credits Thurs. Mr. Roberts instead of three, be- ^ Fri.-Sat. The Wild O Fri.-Sat. The Wild One M Ends! Now NORTHSIDE -Thru-Tues. DRIVE-IN THEATRE 2 Mita Htrtk US-27..482-7409 2 COLOR HITS 3 FUN SHOWS! JOHN GLEN KIM WAYNE • CAMPBELL • DARBY E and For the confirmed ad¬ HALWALLIS' THE dicts and for those COLOR by Movielab "SLAVES" AT 8:10 FAT about to discover this immortal comedy team, AND LATE "A MAN CALLED > . Tony Fmnciqsa-Sannazin .Michael ONE we present their crazy GANNON" 10:10 ONLY world. A Man Called HAL ROACH S NEW "THE CRAZY WORLD OF LAUREL & HAR0Y' Gannon PRODUCED «* HAL ROACH A JAY WARD PRODUCTION without Parent or Guardian ■ • WHKRSAL riCTlIK >TECMMCOlor ■ ASSOCIATE PROOUCER RAYMOND ROMAUER NARRATED BY GARRY MOORE NOW SHOWING | ALL COLOR PROGRAM The strangest trio ever to track a killer. ™ JOHN WAYNE GLEN Shown tw'ce 8:22 Lofe CAMPBELL KIM DARBY WALT DISNEY'S one hour of classic irreverence - PLUS - "TRUE GRIT" The Barber Shop Black Beard's Ghost • ANDY GR:FfiTH AT 8:10 & LATE 'THE ODD COUPLE" • The Pharmacist Angel In My Pocket The Fatal Glass of Beer • AT 10:30 Only 1^; ("T'aint a fit night out...") 'H* Presented by Raymond Rohauer 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 6, 1969 State News State News Classified Classified 355-8255 YOU GET sure-fire results when you use WANT ADS. Call 355-8255 to place your ad! 355-8255 Scooters & Cycles For Rent For Rent For Rent The State News does net FURNISHED EFFICIENCY--Close in permit racial or religious discrimination In Its ad¬ vertising columns* The Good habits Fireplace, lady over carpeting 23 $85 663-8418 Lease. Quiet 3-8 8 1968 MONTESSA FURNISHED. ONE - Bedroom - Very State News will not accept Scorpion 250cc ONE GIRL wanted to share new UNFURNISHED DUPLEXES 3-bed- matie sense. Street-Scrambler Only 220 miles close in. Large extra room for advertising which discrim¬ apartment with 3 others starting room, 1618 Greencrest--$200 2- • AUTOMOTIVE 355-9965 5-8 6 study or family room. $159 663- fall term inates Walking distance Call bedroom 1623 Parkvale - $150 • EMPLOYMENT against religion, collect to 543-5121 in Charlotte. Families. 332-0480 10-8/7 • FOR RENT race, color or national or¬ BSA 250cc 1968 Will sell for $525 ONE-BEDROOM luxury unfurnished • FOR SALE igin. Also 1964 GTO. $550 IV 9-7234. apartment. 5 minutes from campus 4th GIRL needed in 4 girl house. • LOST 1 FOUND after 4 p.m. 3-8 6 Swimming pool. Whitehall Manor. 711 EAST '» block from Berkey Hall Avail¬ Mount Hope and Hagadorn Roads 711 Burcham Or. able now Call 337-1496 after 5 • PERSONAL p.m • PEANUTS PERSONAL Employment $155. 351-4090 3-8 8 New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ ished 3 man apes, leasing for • REAL ESTATE STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and LOVELY FURNISHED studio apart Automotive ment. Sublease to September 15. fall now 1 year or 9 mo. • SERVICE TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ 915 Lilac, across from Wonders eras, for FALL AND WINTER leases. • TRANSPORTATION TERMS-State News 351-5696 3-8 8 IV 9-9651 or SPARTAN HALL-men. women, sin¬ Photographic. gles, doubles Parking, • WANTED laundry 301 Student Services Building Ask TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 - 251^25 372-1031.337-0648 19-8/22 for Mr Johnson Monday through 9 and 12 month leases 351-7399 Thursday, 9a.m. to5p S DEADLINE m. 8-8,15 THREE 1-bedrooms East Michigan 2-bedroom. 517 North South Holmes. SINGLE ROOM-For gentleman grad student preferred Quiet Parking TEACHERS OPENINGS manv fields, Clemens. 351-5323 5-8/11 1 P.M. one cuss day be¬ EAST LANSING, near-908 East IV 2-8304 . 3-8/7 various localities CLINE TEACHERS fore publication. Mount Hope 2-bedroom furnished * AGENCY. 129 Grand River 3-8 8 $170 including utilities. 332-3161 DOUBLE ROOM Kitchen available Cancellations - 12 noon one 442 1966 Convertible Good condi¬ or 372-8876. 2-8 7 $12 50 per week Call 351-8164 class day before publica¬ tion. engine is excellent Must sell ENGINEER FULL or part-time after 1 p.m. 398 Park Lane 5-8/11 Asking $1,695 351-3616. 372-6877 With 1st class FCC license Im¬ tion. EAST LANSING-Close to MSU and PENNSYLVANIA .AVENUE South - mediate openings Call 482-1333 Frandor Beautiful 1 bedroom, un¬ Furnished, studio with kitchenette 10-8 19 TWO BLOCKS from Union 215 Ever¬ furnished Carpeting, drapes, air- Utilities paid. Adult only. $90 a green. Male female $10.50 week PHONE GIRL N'EEDS employment over conditioned. complete kitchen. Park¬ month plus deposit. 627-5454 3-8 6 351-9601 11:00 am - 3:00 p.m ing. laundry Utilities paid except break: full, part-time Typing, baby¬ 355-8255 sitting. cleaning. etc 355-08%. electricity. Call ED2-1703 3-8 8 after 4pm S-8 12 DOUBLE FURNISHED women's rooms RATES BAY COLONY Private bath Kitchen, parking, laun BABYSITTER 2 10:30 week days dry 337-0648 4-8 < I day J 1.50 North Lansing Call 10 a.m.-3 p.m.. APARTMENTS 5* Der word per day 487-3176 5-8 12 Corner of Haslett and Haga¬ For Sale 3 davs ...... $4,00 i SOV-Od r.Yi :t32-0( NEEDED RELIABLE babysitter fall dorn Roads. Now taking leases 13 1/2# per woru per aay term Mondays. Wednesdays 3:45- for September 1, 2 and 3 DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and 5 days $6.50 4 45. Tuesdays. Thursdays. 1:30- man apartments. Furnished or engagement ring sets. Save 50 per 13< per word per day OI.DSMOBILE 1963 -Motor and in¬ 6 00 Care of 5 month boy Cher¬ unfurnished 6. 9 & 12 month cent or more Large selection of terior good condition IV 4-2625 ry Lane 355-7993 1-8 6 leases available. Call Jack plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150. WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 (based on 10 words per td) or 372-6200. extension 80 10-8 19 Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for a clin¬ East Michigan 485-4391 C There will be a 50tf service ical director and school director and bookkeeping charge if at a private school for emotional¬ GARAGE SALE oak desk, dinette ly disturbed children Call Mr VICINITY OF South Pennsylvania this ad is not paid within set. studio couch, clothing, house¬ Gotcher (3131-341-8673. or write Upstairs apartment 3 rooms and hold items 9-7. Mondav-Wednesdav. ojie week. 18977 Schaffer. Detroit 48235 bath Newly decorated Private en¬ SUBLET-9 months Fer^-le student 709 Southlawn 3-8 6 PONTIAC 1968 Catalina convertible, 8-8 15 Today's teenagers are good drivers. They have de¬ trance Utilities paid References Cedar Village .•#" CO September and security deposit $110 month 1 he State News will be excellent condition Call Howell. veloped habits and skills which will serve them well 15 No SfjCvi'^sit 1 month SONY HAS a new cassette player 484-6684 5-8 12 Michigan. 546-9875. ifter 6 p.m the rest of their lives. Fastening the seat belt when¬ free rent *\^-3848 after 5 p.m responsible only for the for your car See it. hear it now ever they drive or ride in a car is one of the first day's incorrect inser- Minimurii of 4 hours per day good at MAIN ELECTRONICS. 5558 South habits most teenagers have...and it certainly makes PARK TRACE Pennsylvania. Lansing 882-5035 C TRIUMPH 1967-TR-#A Excellent mornings and afternoons- Must Okemos Rd. at East Mount mechanical condition. Wire wheels, * at least 21 years of age. pos- sense. overdrive, wonder-bar radio $1,776 tess good driving record, and able Hope. MOVINf. OUT sale Refrigerators, 372-6029. after4 30p m. 3-8 7 :o pass physical Phone 393-3450 Another Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom stoves, couches, chairs, good habit, perhaps not as deeply ingrained lamps, Automotlve in young people as it is with their parents, is regular apartments. Fully equipped tables and many other items 811 TRIUMPH 1968--TR-4A Radio IRS with all the extras, plus pool Oak Street. East Lansing 5-8 6 NURSES-R N L.P.N . Roselawn reading and using of Want Ads. But most teenagers Radials Tonneau Excellent 372- Manor Nursing Home 3-11. 11-7 and clubhouse. Limited im¬ ONE are quick to accept and adopt as their own those GIRL starting fall Luxury 3797 a fterSpm 3-8 6 full or part time Ideal working mediate occupancy. Open 10- apartment, own bedroom $65 351- PORTABLE WULRLITZER electri« Excellent things in life which are good and helpful. That's why piano Good shape, excellent for conditions salary 707 6 daily. 10-12 8633 5-8/11 CHEVROLET-1963 lmDala 327- Armstrong Road. Call Mrs. Jolly. it's not unusual to see a teenager reading the Want Saturdays. blues band. $225 351-5461 3-8 6 Phone 332-5094. Hurst 4-spet'd Clean-new tires Director of Nursing 393-5680 5-8 8 Ads...using them...and reaping the benefits. It's an¬ ONE OR 2 men wanted for Meadow- 2870 College Road 882-8587 3-8 6 other good habit which makes sense. brook Trace $65 month, transpor¬ FACULTY COUPLE need babysit¬ tation no problem Call John at for two small children Light Auto Service & Parts ter Develop the Want Ad habit...and dial 355-8255-for housework September Full time Good condition Onl; easy placement of a fast-acting, low cost Want Ad. Good salary for responsible per¬ ACCIDENT PROBLEM" Call KALA¬ son Close 351-9460 3-8 6 MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small dents to large wrecks WOODSIDE APARTMENTS - Quiet CHEVROLET IMP ALA. 1965 V-8. American area. 1-bedroom furnished .or unfurn LOVELY FURNISHED 1 2 bedroom automatic, power steering and brakes and foreign cars Guaranteed work ished houses 1 to 2 miles from campus 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C Laundry, balcony, security GARAGE SALE: Kitchen utensils, $730 355-7848 2-8 6 locks, carpeted halls. September $140-$190 plus utilities 351-5696 bedroom furniture, size 12 clothes 1 II I full ( [X)[KjK 1961 Good running condi- MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ Employment For Rent leases available 351-4691. 332- and Friday. miscellaneous 9 a.m.-® p.m. Thursday and 1708 East mazoo Street Since 1940 ings in a medical care facility and benefits NATION-WIDE COMPANY Full par TV RENTALS GE 19 Grand River. Number 51 2-8 7 Complete auto painting and colli¬ Good salarv Apply portable- 427 WEST Kilmore-Fully carpeted, PROVINCIAL HOUSE. 2815 North $8 50 per month, including stand EAST LANSING-3-bedroom. unfurn¬ remodeled, furnished, children and sion service IV 5-0256 C wind Drive. East Lansing Phone 332 Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 ished house Available immediate¬ pets O K. Grade school 1 block CARPETS. TOP qualitv. used 3 vears 5061 Mrs Cole t-8 8 8862 217 Ann Street East Lan- ly Call 337-0922 3-8 6 353-0965 5-8 11 pads. 12 X15 8 X12'" and stairway- Aviation CHILD CARE WORKERS hall to match curtains, Westinghouse 30' stove, immaculate Phone 351- GRADUATE WOMEN Haslett-Albert FRANDORA HILLS-2-bedroom. un FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to Supervise small groups of delin¬ FULL AND part time emplovmen Completely turnished. Utilities pro¬ learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE' quent boys $2 50 to $3 00 per hour with full-line merchant wholesaler vided $65 per month 537-2336 Automobile FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished Special $5 offer 484-1324 C thru school vear Male applicants required 337-1349 8 0 With swimming pool Heat paid <>IX,K DART GT-1965 only Apply to Personnel Office. Starr $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ Scooters & Cycles Commonwealth for Bovs. Albion AGEMENT. 351-7880 C EAST LANSING 1-bedroom Michigan. 49224 ^ 1-629-3988 including utilities 353-5180 LATE MODEL 650 BSA. like new 5-8 6 5684 Ask for Don or Beechwood Apts. GVorth NK BIGGY Rebuilt engine Very cheap Best offer 332-3942 5-8 7 EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY 1130 Bsech St. 332-4003 UNBEATABLE & Experienced secretaries, work Never on temporary assignments fee Phone 487-6071 typists to C-8 7 For R ent NORTHWINO FARMS VALUE! »4 person apts. from Pointe a RENT A TV from a TV Companv $50/person $9 00 per month. Call 337-1300 Faculty Apanments In Lansing's Most • 3 person, 2 'oed.-oom Cami;us WANTED SOMEONE NEJAC TV RENTALS C 351-7880 Exciting New Apartment cleaning 1 day a wee Community apts. $67.50/person dividual with own t jnsporti Furnished & MEADOWBROOKl TV RENTALS-Students only > Phone 337-0021 2-8 6 Low OAKHILL APARTMENTS 2 to 4 Hil CUSTOM TRIUMPH 48 cubic inches monthly and term rates Call 484 man Walking distance. Leasing. 351- Carpeted Lots Phone of chrome and wild paint Cheryl. 355-5005 3-8 8 REGISTERED NURSE Medical care 2600 to TV RENTALS reserve vours UNIVERSITY 7153. 10-8 7 TRACE » Air cond. & facility, 7-3 shift 3 davs a week C See for Yourself Conditioning Attractive benefits Call 332-5061. LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- garbage disposal NEW GE portables and stands rented Large, New, Beautiful Mrs. Cole, or apply in person at COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham • 5 blocks from University Villa PROVINCIAL HOUSE NOR*H 1843 ONLY to MSU students and faculty and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- 1-2-3 BEDROOM • 9-month lease at $8 84 month (includes taxi. STATE bedroom. furnished. For profession¬ Your Best E 635 Abbott Rd. North Hagadorn. East Lansing^ 4-8 8 no extra charge • 4-man apartment MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 Michigan Avenue 332-8687 C al, graduate students, college fa¬ APARTMENTS TEMPORARY EXPERIENCED stenos. culty or personnel Select clientele 2 and 3 person apartments typists, office machines operators ALSO, other new apartments avail- FROM $150 Party loung J.R. Culver Co. • (2 bedroom flexible units), furnished and completely car¬ Short and long assignments $160- $3 50 hour MY GAL FRIDAY OF jtile for June and September ing Call 332-3135 or leas¬ 882-6549 Decorator-C oordinated Furniture Available for Halstead Management • Luxury Fur nishings peted, air conditioning, 5 FICE SERVICE, 484-7771 0-8 6 Singles and Marrieds 351-7910 217 Ann St. 351-8862 • Large apartments blocks from campus, 9 or 12 TYPIST. PERMANENT Working main month lease. ly with case histories in 3-girl office Other duties include switch J.R. Culver Co. Halstead Management board relief cutting stencils, and • Full Wall-to-Wall CROSSWORD PUZZLE samaras aaaim filing Phone Marge Penny. GAL 351-7910 Carpeting ACROSS 29. Born 217 Ann St. 351-8862 e Designer Draperies 30. Because e Color Coordinated . Foreground 31. Nation Appliances 32. Man's name QHO USD Place Your • Heat & Air Conditioning 33 Ireland mrau nan na • Full Walnut Vanities 35 Guttural 37 Sign of the PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD • Additional Storage and Laundries in Each Building rams HEGflti Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units 1 Music dram 39 Light repast □affia aasnaaa for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments 40 Genus of Afr. Today . . . Just clip, complete, mail. are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Recreation Facilities ) Essence BHHBa □□nana 5 Compete lemurs Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish'- 43. Offspring acaaaa STATE NEWS will bill you later. INCLUDE . . . Olympic pool, J Legume washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central 47. Happy community building with fire¬ 48 Lady's 3. Poem air conditioning. These 4-man units have place and sauna baths adjoin¬ ing the pool. Picnic areas and headdress 4. Courage 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- 49. Crushed 5 Handler acres of lawn for your leisure . ute drive puts you on campus. The stu- 50. Compound 6. River barrier " and enjoyment. dent's leisure time has been adequately 7. Harvest planned for with a giant heated swim¬ HURRY OUT TO *3 5 8. Street sign U9_ .. 9 Flower Consecutive Dates to Run ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ ate balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twyckingham call Meadowbrook Trace a it' 3 10. 11. Indian Fresh 'A — 17. Brilliance today. There are 92 units available at TIT" 15 Heading - APTS■ and See Our Models, 19. Coffee house $280/month and up. Applications Welcome 20. Ill-repute Fall leases available for the Fall Term Take 1-496 south from Frandor wmm >9 ,0 21 2U- 2b 21. Apes 22. Pleasure craft Model Open 10-6 Phone 332-6441 MSU to Jolly Rd. exit, right to 26 ■ 27 % 26 "59" V 24. Tidy 25. Refute 28. Fossil worm MEADOWBROOK 31 Ti 30 % 10 Words Peanuts Personals must be Less: placed in 3 person. Qftuptfetngijam TRACE Open by Appointment Always PHONE 393-0210 33 3* W 34 ■■ 34. Below: poet. 36. Fertile spot 38. S-shaped Over 10 Words Add; or 1 day - 15? per word $1.50 days - $4.00 40 nt to be away from MSI' dur- private colleges find them- Salzburg Seminar in Austria and lier books dealt selves mav not be related in Beauty Aids, Snack Bar, Donut Shop. .. . primarily with at the Centre d Etudes Indus- >ng the football ., season economics and the anti-trust some sma|j measure tQ ^ ,ack trielles in Geneva. of field in particular; his later public accountability on pol- MAKE CLASSIFIED A HABIT' Sell household goods you don't use for books are international matters Adams served in Europe dur- icies b>" their boards of con- extra cash Dial 355-8255 now' In addition he ha lectured ing World War II. for 20 months tro1 Full and The introduction to one of his part-time clerks in these departments begin at $1.65 per hour at the University o recent books. A Guide to Study Lvon in with the 83rd Infantry Division Taxpayers, he said, are revolt- and progress to $1.72 with 6 months seniority. At one year these posi¬ France and delivered the ma¬ and the 11th Armored Division. 'n£ t0 the idea ot public fi- Lost & Found Abroad, was written by then tions advance to $1.85 per hour. Full-time clerks in these departments Vice President Lyndon B John¬ jor address to the Internation¬ He entered the Army as a pri- nancial support of private continue to receive automatic increases each 6 months up LOST SMALL black kitten Burmese son. and received favorable al Economic Conference in vate. receiving a battlefield com- schools. to $2.25 per comment from Sen. J. William France in 1961 and the major mission as a Second Lieutenant The needed magnitude ot address at the Fondation Euro- Fulbright. D-Ark.. and from Sen and five bronze campaign stars public support for education can- Edward M Kennedy. D-Mass. peene de la Culture Copehn- for action in Normandy. France. no' be attained without a hagen. Denmark in H the Battle of the Bulge' the Rhine much greater leadership by trus- TV RENTALS GE 19 portable Three of his books have been translated into foreign languages Adan declined land and German tees in the public debate and resolution of important issues." All Clerks also receive: He also received the Broi \rticles written by Adams , Call JR CULVER COMPANY 351 have appeared in two economic full year Star Medal for her< Huff said journals and law reviews, includ¬ ing the American Economic Re¬ PAID VACATIONS 'OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE FREE a thrilling hour of beautv view. the Journal of Political For appointment call 484-4519. MERLE INTO MANAGEMENT ^LNOOSMETK STt DIO na| ,h(S ,-,(lunlb|a Uw 'PAID HOLIDAYS 1 and the Quarterly Journal of Real Estate Economics. college road by owner. Custom .... Adams academic popularity amongst his colleagues is indicat- PAID INSDRANCE PAID COFFEE BREAKS places BmltTs" dVa2pebs3t wiunT ed bv hls re8ular re-election to 694-0544 5-8 7 the Academic Council and his Service recent presidency of the MSU chapter of the American Assn. of BIRTHDAY BONUS TREE PARKING Universitv Professors (AAUPi APPLICATIONS ARE now being taken ,n ,%8 he e,ected ,n y ng. to place vour child in my licensed home Age 2'a to 5. near Frandor tionwide poll to a three-year Call 482-3152 5-8 11 term on the national AAl'P Typing Service Born August 27. 1922. Adams Additional Full-time benefits: RARRI BAHBI MFI MLL Tvnino Tvping „,.u multilithine ~ attended N New Utrecht High No job too large or too small School in New Wk f lty. Block off campus 332-3255 c National service ann brown Typist and multilith \dams was inducted into 'PAID HOSPITALIZATION FOR FAMILY offset printing Dissertations, theses manuscripts general typing, ibm membership of the Phi Beta , 'PROFIT -SHARING RETIREMENT PLAN , 19 vears experience 332-8384 C «^ppa scnoiast a student at Brooklyn College. DISCOUNT PRINTING theses re where he received his degree sumes term papers thesis binding magna cum iaude in 1942 Lowest * prices mTc InToraTrnveT iX^The available Located ^'Uowmg service in the Ar- 'SICK PAY • can accumulate up to 6 months. styie shop Call copygraph serv mv he entered Vale I niversity. k es 3371666 42822 where he received his Ph d in PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A un,qUe 1947 Th*" h< MSl 'DENTAL INSURANCE laSthlhpSr'nt.Sn7aCnd SH binding 337-1527 c 1,1 tht' laSt 20 appeared as a >^rS" AdamS witness be- fore various congressional com- TYPING ACCURATE and reasonable mittees on 17 different occas- 393 3663 X20-8 12 ions. He has also served as a DC5SERTATIONS THESES «n» p. Interviews conducted August 12,13, and 14. pers ANITA WAHREN SCM Eleo- er''' s National ( ommlttee to tnc Call 351-0763.351 7086 C-8 7 Study the Antitrust L; 1953-55. Apply at: Transportation He JU n . , — was appointed by President FREE RIDE East New Haven Con necticut • Drive my car 332 2982 3 8 B Kennedy and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to a position on the U S Advisory Commission on In¬ MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT ternational Education and Cul¬ Wanted BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for all positive A negative. B negative tural Affairs in 1961 appointed by President Johnson in 1966 to a three-year term He was SECURITY COMMISSION and AB negative $10 00 O nega tive $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN ITY BLOOD CENTER 507East Cosmopolitan 3215 South Pennsylvania Ave. Grand River East Lansing Above the new Campus Book Store Hours Adams has lectured widely in 9 a m to 3 30 p.m. day. Wednesday and Friday Thurs day. 12 to 6 30 p'm 337-7183 Mondav Tues C Europe. Characterized by his friends as a true cosmopoli¬ tan.'' he speaks fluent French Lansing Wednesday, August 6, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS IM Schedule Field 5 6 WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6 5:30pm Easy X - Circus AHA Engineering (S) - Field 5 6 THURSDAY.AUGUST 7 5:30p.m Pathology - Fakowees (Si Toads Paperbacks - Hayhoe puts punch in Packer line GREEN BAY (UPI)-Move over. Jim Weatherwax and Frank tation of most impressive physi¬ cal specimen in town was shared ers. ton and Howard, the Washing¬ Senators' baseball slugger rattle the scales at than 260. a little more is he not at his size, but the tact least temporarily has squad game last Thursday night. At last word, he'll do the same Warren's Warriors 7 Birchcrest Bombers State Police Weatherwax. the defensive who lives here in the off¬ But all that changed when become the packers' first string 7 Master Batters - 8 Our Team-Bad Grads (Si - Howard. bv Saturday night when the pack 8 No 1 - George's Gems For several years, the repu¬ lineman of the Green Bav Pack¬ season. Both stand 6-foot and a red-haired young colossus right offensive tackle opens its preseason schedule 9 Betas Typhoon (S t 9 Phytozoans - Vet Med - 10 Agr Econ - Marigold Rebels (Si named Bill Hayhoe. the Packers' Hayhoe's way was cleared by against the New York Giants lOTony's Boys - P.P.P.P. (Si the retirements of three regulars fifth round draft choice from This is remarkable for a man Field 6 45pm Field 6:45pm Southern California, checked into of the offensive line-Bob Skor- who not only is a rookie but 5 Lushwell A.C. - Random Variables (Si 5 Impressions - Ancient Manners CAGE TITLE DIM training camp. onski, Forrest Gregg and Jerrv one trying to adjust from de¬ 6 Bad-Bo-Jabbers Ossicles 6 Baumadiers - Generalizations 2 cian. Dr Charles Hargadon of Rupp said he now was con¬ New York 52 56 481 21'2 Philadelphia 43 62 410 23 Louisville, said the extent of cerned only about getting Cas¬ Cleveland 46 64 413 29 Montreal 35 73 324 32*2 WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION W L PCT GB W L PCT GB Jets battle Cards Minnesota 67 41 620 Cincinnati 56 44 560 Oakland 61 42 592 3'a San Francisco 59 48 551 Kansas Atlanta 60 50 545 1 City 44 62 415 22 Seattle 43 62 410 22 '2 Los Angeles 57 49 538 2 California 41 63 3 94 24 Houston 57 51 528 3 Chicago Tuesday's results 42 65 393 2412 San Diego Tuesday's results 34 74 315 26 in pre-season test Where is the Wedding Ring Selection largest Washington at Chicago, night Atlanta at Montreal. 2 twi-night ST the same All-Stars in a gem Minnesota at DETROIT, night San Francisco at Philadelphia, night LOUIS < I PI 1 -Weeb Ew- in the Lansing-East Lansing Area? bank will take his New York condition scrimmage the week Oakland at Cleveland 2. twi-night New York at Cincinnati. 2. twi-night Jets into Busch Stadium for before the game Where else but Leon Kansas City at Baltimore, night Chicago at Houston, night a at G because the selection California at New York, night St Louis at San Diego, night pre-season game with the St. Joe Namath will start at quar¬ is practically endless. Leon G has the finest and Seattle at Boston, night Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, night Louis Cardinals Saturday terback for the Jets and for night. largest group of plain and not so plain bands in the first time will face the Wednesday's games the area. The ring you want is here The Super Bowl champion Jets Cardinals' all-pro safeties. Lar¬ Washington vs Chicago at Milwaukee Wednesday's games ^Minnesota at DETROIT Atlanta at Montreal will be trying to prove that ry Wilson and Jerrv Stovall Oakland at Cleveland San Franciscoat Philadelphia their victory over an NFL team, The Cardinals starting quar- Kansas New York at Cincinnati the City at Baltimore Baltimore Colts, was no terback. either Charlev John- Seattle at Boston Chicago at Houston St Louis at San Diego fluke son or Jim Hari . will probably California at New York Pittsburgh at Los Angeles The Jets had some difficulty be decided bv the flip of a Thursdav's games in knocking off the College Ali- coinfc Johnson and Hart will Minnesota at DETROIT, night Stars. 26-24. last Fridav in Chi¬ each play one half of the game. Jewelry and Oakland at Cleveland Thursdav's games Shop Wed. 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