Monday Cray ha MICHIGAN Fair. STATE NEWS . . . today, tonight and Tues¬ STATE day. High today 83. Low to¬ night 55. Chance of showers UNIVERSITY Tuesday. Vol. 62 Number 38 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 11, 1969 FIVE SLAIN Money market Roman Polanski's wife rush expected after franc drop victim in macabre killing LONDAON (AP) mark at the - expense pound and possibly other European cur¬ A rush on the Deutshe- of the British rencies is expected Monday when the LOS ANGELES (APi-Film director But before leaving London. Polanski gail Folger. 26. of the Folger's Coffee international money markets open for the Roman Polanski flew home from London and his associates said they were con¬ first time since devaluation of the French Sunday to claim the body of his beautiful vinced the youth is innocent family. Voyteck Frvkowski. 37. a movie associate of Polanski's. and Steven Early actress wife. Sharon Tate, killed with four "If he weren't innocent, he would have Parent. 18. of suburban El Monte But financial experts doubted it would other persons in a "ritualistic" slaugh¬ split, gone away, instead of hanging around Authorities said Parent's association reach panic level. ter that recalled Polanski's macabre there." said one of Polanski's friends with the others wasn't immediately clear. Bankers forecast no immediate mas¬ Police said the victims-all apparently His pastor of seven years said the "trag- sive assault on European currencies by Booked on suspicion of murder was shot--had been dead about 12 hours when William Garretson. a 19-year-old care¬ edv is completely out of contact with his speculators, but they expected some in¬ taker arrested in a guest cottage behind Officers also said life." stability that could lead to a series of they are investi¬ Miss Tate's $200,000 tomato-red home in His parents weren't available, but neigh¬ long-range crises on the international gating a report that a sports car was monetary scene bors said he knew about communication fashionable Bel Air. where the bodies missing from the home But they gave The general feeling Sunday was that were discovered Saturday morning. no other details. systems and might have gone to the house to work on one. there would be a weaker pound, some Moments before he was informed of Investigators said Sebring was wearing speculative pressures against the Bel¬ ..the killings, a friend said. Polanski was at a London cocktail party where guests a black hood His body and that of gian franc and a rush to buy West Ger¬ honey-blonde Miss Tate were connected man marks. U.S. dollars. Italian lire were discussing the death of a mutual and Dutch guilder were expected to remain friend. He said the director remarked by a white nylon cord slung over a fatalistically: Eenv meenv miney mo. who will be the next to go'.' ceiling beam in the living room. It seemed kind of ritualistic." said Going firm. British treasury officials said the 12.5 an investigating officer. "It didn't appear Wearing dark glasses and assisted by an unidentified member of per cent reduction in the value of the Then the phone rang, the message came as if the two connected to the rope had Pan America's special services staff, Roman Polanski, film dir¬ French currency, effective Monday, pre¬ and Polanski collapsed in tears been hanged because there was blood on sented no threat to the pound, which was Also killed were ector-husband of the late Sharon Tate, goes to board an airliner then devalued in November 1967 .Jay Sebring. 26. Miss Tate s former bound for Los Angeles at London Airport Sunday. Miss Tate Miss Tate. And West German Chancellor Kurt boyfriend and an internationally known found dead at her Bel-Air, Hollywood home Saturday night Goerg Kiesinger told newsmen in Bonn hair stvlist; San Francisco socialite Abi i please turn to page 7 *ith another AP Wirephoto the sudden French move would have no effect on his decision last May against an upward revaluation of the Deutsch- Vietnam, welfare reform, court But individual Swiss. French. German and British currency dealers predicted the market would show the start of the flight from sterling as speculators gam¬ bled on a double profit-upward revalua¬ tion of the mark following West Ger¬ many's September elections and a fur¬ on Nixon's California agenda ther devaluation of the British pound Booked West German Economies Minister Karl Schiller and his Social Democratic col¬ William Etson Garretson, 19, is leagues. campaigning for the parliamen¬ taken to a West Los Angeles the tary elections set for Sept. 28. support SAN CLEMENF make-up of the Supreme nrpmp Court Coi i>._» Fortas resigned several months Tuesday Nixon will follow through upward revaluation of the mark and police station Saturday where President Nixoni settled down at his Nixon flew from Washington Satur- amid an uproar of criticism his have made it their platform. he was booked for the multiple da\ with word that this week would over with a message on improving job train¬ seaside W tast White House Sunday acceptance of a fee from the Wolfson ing. and on Wednesday, with a third ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iiiiiiiimimii slayings of film actress Sharon bring announcement of a new Supreme Foundation while he was a member of stay that will produce Court message calling for a sharing of fed¬ justice to fill the vacancy left SN Tate and four companions. AP Wirephoto n troops in Vietnam, the fare of the by the resignation of Abe Fortas. the Court Nixon set no date for his announce¬ eral tax collections with the states appointment people and and their communities In addition, he plans statements about ment. but plans to Linda begin work Monday Later this month, mixed in with meet¬ Gortmaker. Wastchester, Hi. legislation to carry out his new wel- with a message to Congress senior and State calling for ings with Cabinet members and the Na¬ News Sundav Editor, program and reappraisal of troop Milliken signs bill els Vietnan additional withdrawals. and The President didn't attend Sunday- legislation to carry out program that he announced Friday night There also will be a statement on the welfare tional Security Council. Nixon will re¬ appraise U.S. troop levels in Vietnam and announce a decision on additional was torial appointed to the State board James Crate. Miss Gortmaker todav News edi¬ by Editor-in-Chief was form¬ reorganizing the Office of Economic withdrawals. erly an executive reporter. church services. Instead he drove a Opportunity - gold cart on a short sight-seeing tour funding new capital of Cypress Shores, the community sur¬ rounding the summer White House Nixon drove the cart up and down Newspaper lin residential streets. stopping sev¬ By STEVE WATERBlRY Milliken said the options of the com¬ eral times to talk with neighbors and State News Staff Writer mittee are wide open, and said he children-apparently to soothe resi¬ Gov. Milliken signed a bill into law considered the existing schematic plan dents inconvenienced by the additional Friday appropriating $4 million to com binding on "only the following points: security his presence demands plete the planning and begin construction -Being located the four-block Then the President-with with fifth on his Irish of a i.ew state capitol building The mittee lators. bill instructs a 21-member composed of citizens and legis¬ headed by Milliken. to com¬ re¬ area bounded -Containing by Sycamore. Allegan Butler and Ottawa Streets. an underground parking structure for approximately 1.200 cars setter aide toured King Timashoe and his Marine Maj Jack Brenan and his side- a white limousine. marina at Oceanside in his Ann commend to the legislature a plan for for occupants of the building and the YPSILANTI UPI -A college student, The newspaper said Collins, who hoped \ Secret Service agent followed in charged with the latest of to become an died of a massive skull fracture and the State Capitol to assure aesthetic- another car during the 40-mile round seven sex elementary education teacher, slaving^ and reportedly linked with two was a frequent visitor at the apartment had been whipped with a belt and sexually appearance and artistic excellence -Consisting of three separate struc¬ trip Nixon didn't leave the limousine molested of the previous victims, frequently across the hall from the one in which utilizing the existing schematic plan tures which will house the formal cere¬ It was his first lengthy excursion since visited the apartment building where yet Maralvnn Skelton lived in a housing Her body, and the bodies of the six monial functions of the three branches he arrived Saturday another of the dead girls lived, other victims, were all found within the of state government-executive, legis¬ Moments after Air Force One touched the development between the twin university Detroit Free Press reported Sunday. communities of Ann Arbor and last two years in a 15-mile j/iangle ot lative and Ypsilanti. Apollo astro judicial -Including over-all floor sizes and dimensions approximately the same as down told at newsmen Orange County Airport. Nixon an announcement of a John been Norman Collins. 22 linked with a girl stangled in also has Miss dropout, Skelton. was slain 16. a high March 24 She had school farms, woods and rolling hills around Ann Arbor, home ot the University of sor to Fortas would be part of Michigan ■'I'M • and Ypsilanti. home of indicated in the schematic drawings. get medical Eastern Collins Michigan University iEMI'i a handsome, square-jawed senior at EMU. has been charged with leave quarant first-degree death ot Karen murder Sie in the strangling Bememan. 18. an SPACE CENTER. EMU freshman. Her nude, beaten body Houston < \p.~ The Apollo 11 astronauts free of iigns was found in a wooded ravine on the of lunar sickness were cleared Sundav to outskirts of Ann Arbor July 26. leave their quarantine Authorities said they would make no Astronauts Neil V Armstrong. Edwin comment on the Free Press story link¬ E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins had ing Collins with Miss Skelton s apart¬ been in strict quarantine for 21 days since ment building Thev also have refused the moon walk by Armstrong and Aldrin to comment on reports that Collins was ended July 21 linked with two of the other victims. They had not moved freely since June High police sources said Arnie Davis, 25. when they went into semiquarantine who lived in the same rooming house as Collins, stated the dark-haired, six-foot prior to the launch toward the moon Dr Charles Berry announced Sunday Collins was the driver of a car that the astronauts are clear of any indication picked up Joan Schell. 20. an art major of lunar infection and that a committee at EMU who was the second victim in the decided to let them and the 20 other per string of slayings. She disappeared June sons in quarantine out betweeta 9 30. 1968. and her nude, sexually molested p.m. EST Sunday and 1 a m. Monday, if they body, stabbed five times, was found one week later The first victim, also an pass final medical tests EMU coed, had been slain one year They had been scheduled Q>r release at 2 a m Monday, but Berry said the ear¬ before. lier time would permit the crew to rest Davis reportedly told police that after for a busy week of personal appear- i+tllins had picked up Miss Schell. he dropped off Davis and the third man in The the car. Collins met the two men later, space doctor warned, however, that the astronauts may come down with an and told them he had dropped off the girl illness during the next few weeks because and arranged to pick her up again later, they have been in a relatively gern- the sources quoted Davis as saying free environment for such a long time Police have not said whether, to their Berry said all persons in the quar¬ knowledge. Collins did meet Miss Schell antine will be monitored medically for a again. Another police source has said that year. The announcement came after blood and hair that may match that Berry of Alice Kalom was found in Collins and three other Manned Spacecraft Center officials presented data to an Atlanta Crowd sk car after he was arrested and charged with Miss Beineman's murder (please turn to page 7) Just off the ramp and high Grand River, this one-handed skller views his audience with Indifference. State News Photo By Bob Ivlns (please turn to page 7> 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 11, 1969 Thieu to ann Italians support government a SAIGON' month of behind (AP(After scenes nearly ma- shown a no eagerness to give government post, and he changes him has There have been varying re¬ ports about the cabinet changes stopgap coalition ROME Mariano (AP) - Rumor won his first Premier He deplored Saturday's ter¬ rorist bomb attacks on nine neuvering, President Nguyen kept to his villa about a block promised by Thieu. First indica¬ vote of confidence Sunday for a trains in which 12 travelers Van Thieu was reported Sunday from the presidential palace, tions were that Thieu had in¬ summertime minority govern¬ were injured at the height of ready to announce cabinet chang¬ tended to shift only a few minis¬ ment oledged to maintain civil Italy's tourist season. The es and possible creation of an Thieu was reported to have tries below the top rank such as order J^il a majority coalition bombings have been blamed on advisory council. called Minh in Saturday, information and public health, can be knitted back together terrorists seeking autonomy for Official sources kept silent, through the urging of a group and possibly economy and fi¬ The vote in the Chamber of the of retired generals who want the German-language major- but nance. speculation mounted Deputies gave Rumor's one- ity in the Alto Adige, which But as time passed, some of party government approval by Thieu's closest political associ¬ 346 to 245. 50 votes more Unofficial accounts of the ates called for more sweeping than needed. he would reshuffle his cabinet Rumor, whose government The Christian Democrats meeting said Thieu and Minh changes, including the retiring soon will propose to Parliament to give it a broader political discussed an advisory council have only 265 votes in the of ailing Premier Tran Van base and smooth out the rela- which would deal with the pros- 630-member chamber. Their a compromise solution to the Huong. Alto Adige dispute, told the tionship between South Vietnam's pects of elections that the presi- majority was won with the pre- chamber "those responsible for government and parliament dent proposed July 11 as the ba- Huong, the leading civilian in pledged support of the two So¬ The president called on lead- the criminal action'' of the of a solution for the Thieu's regime, is popular But cialist parties which split in rs of responsible political fac- sis of a solution for the war. he h'as run into increasing par¬ July and caused the downfall bombings would be sought out tions to step forward and give The Viet Cong, who were offered liamentary criticism for strin- Float like of Rumor's center-left coalition by every means and punished with the maximum severity.'" counsel. A stream of doomed to sink In this waterless government. s pool. The pool, looking a little has been calling at Independ- the idea. But Thieu is still" hope- npty ski-run In the Jenison Fieldhouse, was drained for repairs. He has pledged his new all- By fall. Italy will face the ence Palace in recent weeks. Christian Democrat fuj they will change their minds, senate on pending legislation. State News Photo by Joe Tyner govern- threat of graver disorders. One reported visitor whose ment to stay in power only Students have threatened to name attracted notice was re¬ until the Socialists can be wooed tired Gen Duong Van Big Minh. back into the old center-left resume widespread violence in dissatisfaction with school re¬ a leader of the 1963 coup alliance. form the government has pro¬ against President Ngo Dinh The Senate starts debate on posed. Italy's Red-led General Green Beret victim still lost' Confederation of Labor has op¬ Minh was chief of state the new government Monday and for about a year before he was a vote of confidence there is posed the Rumor government and promised no respite" in overthrown and went into exile expected Wednesday labor agitation. National con¬ in 1969 He returned last The government is opposed tracts for some 4.5 million October with indications Thieu - by the Communists. Proletarian would make him a special ad- SAIGON i AP)--The At the same time. George The accused are being held to try him in a vacuum but I tion Division were aboard the Socialists. Liberals. Monar- Italian^ workers came up for Nav apparently gave up Sun- Gregory of Cheraw. S C attor- there pending the outcome of an renewal this fall . am not going to let them do ships. chists and Fascists. Minh has retained considera¬ day its search for the bodv of a ney for one of the Green Berets investigation that could lead to The search centered 14 miles Rumor said his stopgap gov- Rumor also referred to ble South Vietnamese eight Green being held, arrived in Saigon formal charges and a court- Gregory, who served three south of Han Tree island, popularity but Thieu has a Spe- ernment would assure civil or- devaluation of the French franc Beret soldiers accused of claiming he had virtually no de- martial. years in the Army's Judge Ad- cial Forces training center off and said Italy is determined to , der and carry forward the old murdering. tails on the case. After I get the facts in this vocate General Corps, said he the coast six miles southeast of U.S. protestor center-left coalition s social keep the value of the lira un- We didn't find the bodv." " a Gregory said his first move case. I am going to try to get first learned of the case when Nha Trang reform program. changed. Navy man aboard the nine- would be to petition that his mv client out of that jail." he received a letter from Mid- chained to past sweeper USS Woodpecker said client. Maj. Thomas C. Middle- said Gregory. I intend to take dleton. a friend, on July 20. ask- as the ship docked at Cua Da. ton Jr.. be released from custo- whatever steps are necessary to ing him to act as his defense IN II LONDON (AP)-An Ameri¬ near the coastal city of Nha dy ^et him released from confine- He said that he. rather than can dressed as a Roman cen¬ Middleton. 30. of Jefferson, ment so that he can properly Trang. the Armv. had informed Middle- turion chained himself to the The ship's commander. Lt. S.C is one of the eight special . assist in the preparation of his ton's mother of the case and railings ot Buckingham Palace Sunday, hoping to persuade the British government to spend - Victor G Reiling. 29. of Dayton, Ohio, refused to comment on his vessel's mission except to say forces members charged with murder and conspiracy to com- mit murder. The group includes own defense Gregory said he believed Mid- dleton's rights were being vio- that Middleton s wife heard abou^ it on the radio It was reported Sundav that Area food pr preserving old build- that it would not be resumed Col Robert B. Rheault of Vine- lated bv imprisonment before three other civilian attorneys ings. Walter U.S. Air Yearick. a former Force master ser¬ Monday. There has been nouncement on no official the mission of an¬ yard Haven. in Vietnam. Mass . commander of all Green Berets former trial The attornev. senator, said he a was former state given a se- have been engaged bv members of the accused group and will be given clearances to take part in than national geant now living in Britain >odpecker and two other Navv Gregorv said he will confer cret clearance by the Defense the case. said he was prepared to stay vessels plving the South China manager of residence halls, Monday with Middleton and Department. He added that he two days if necessary. Scot- Sea near Nha Trang. but it is be- claims this lrncrease is due with his military defense coun- would oppose any attempt by of- The accused also include Maj land Yard cu* u:~ 'loose and —J lieved they have been In June dollar bill would largely to ain increase in took him away in 20 minutes searching sel. Capt Richard Booth of Con- ficials to impose a blackout for David E Crew. Cedar Rapids. a for the body of the unidentified wav. S.C at the Army's Long . security reasons. Iowa: Capt. Leland I Brumley. buv 96 per cent of whatever employes wage: Police said he was charged would have brought in January with obstructing the highway man-possiblv espionage Binh post headquarters 15 ^ man is entitled to a public Duncan. Okl.: Capt Robert J it With the ns agent miles north of Saigon trial." he said They will want Marasco. Bloomfield. \ J : Extending this trend, by Christ- will come the claim ot still STORE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:30 TO 5:30 P M. higher costs of living Most likely, that will bring about yet WEDNESDAY 12:00 TO 9:00 P.M. This is inflation--vvhen higher wages. CLOSED ON SATURDAYS pric< The federal government has go up a id the buying power Fla two tools at it-- the dollar goes down. dosposal t • fight inflation-fiscal policy and mone¬ Military officials have dis¬ Economists expect a certain closed only that the alleged tary policy murder occurred degree of price increase to The first fiscal policy, near Nha come from normal economic involves government income and Trang. headquarters of the 5th growth. But it is undesirable spending The amount and dis¬ special Forces in V ietnam on when prices rise at a greater tribution of the lax burden, plus June 20. and that the victim was rate than production. the surplus or deti it in urred a Vietnamese. Recent figures indicate that by spending, '-an be effectively The this is what is rding to the government used to control th» economic happening. The Consumer's Price Index the average price-per- sphere ' have been double agent Dt round steak is SI.19. To a pu, out the Dept. of Labor pound the cost of the, dictate > a representa¬ tive purchase of goods at any time inrelation to the year the The shol 1958-59. goes for leans that deficit spend- bodv put into a weighted canvas fivorite government de- s hen Similarly sack and dumped into the sea Figures for June show that a of the question satin i 10-lb b ig of ; out jeans meet voile near Nha Tr ing. according to dollar would buv four cents less in goods than it would have in ents higher in 1 r ment spending must be one unconfirmed version the amount national average a received January. that see-through shirt. . . light \ssociated Press photogra¬ \ major cause of inflation creasing food c ?s so more money pher Rick Merron reported from is an increase in the country's Nha Trang that the mine-sweep¬ and shadow for summer money supply With more money er Woodpecker docked after ap¬ \ higher cost i circulating i- the economy, parently searching since about about the famou more is available to be spent Julv 14. and think little of spiral"—is price: nights Crisp brown consumer^ demands higher The ship was joined during pending more for what they the search by a submarine res¬ money supply. \t the polyester/cotton The best example of this cue ship and a slavage craft. federal budgeting hi Food 1 Some persons involved believed fooc' Pri' the MSI' i» teelmg this spiraling S3 billion surplus his iscal the water's depth-170 to 200 softest ot soft goods-it is always pressure Local 1585 of the feet-the murkiness of the bot¬ American Federation of State For the most part the lohn- needed and always being tom and the time lapse of near¬ so administration was unsuc¬ replaced Regardless of prices County and Municipal Employes ly two months made further ef¬ AFSCMK is negotiating i new cessful at curbinf inflation In a study conducted in March forts futile. contract with MSI' It is tsking through fiscal policy From 1965 by the Dept of Labor, food prices to 1968. federal spending in¬ Shimmery oyster Military investigators from show an average increase of 7 for an iverage 75 cents more creased bv 47 per cent, while* the Army's Criminal Investiga- per cent this vear over last Johnson escalated both the Vietnam and acetate/rayoi war war on pov¬ erty AFSCME officials attribute their demands to the great rise [>uring that period, the money jeans in 8-14 in the cost of living. supply increased at the rate of \t the same time dormitory nearly 11 per cent yearly That r ite of increase has now fees have been raised bv S30 a vear. Lvle A Thorburn. dropped to a vearly 2 per cent. JUMP* Do You Like A Place With Atmosphere ? • Good Food »Soft lights • Good Music YOU'RE ALL WET? Monday night - Two for one Pizza DON'T WORRY 1 (after 6:00 P.M.) Cocktail Houi—Everyday 4:30-6:30 GET A FALL TOWN IMPORTERS Ml® MBgHMSi 1820 Ec Mich. PUMP -Jaeabsoris 307 S.GRAND IV 9-6614 For Information Call 372-2332 DOWNTOWN LANSING °P*n 10 am-"2 a-m- SPORTSWEAR mm* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 11, 1969 3 NEWS Ex-mental patient ~\/ A capsuU summary summary of th« day'* events from shoots 5 policemen our wlro •orvlco*. DETROIT (UPI)--A former The two officers approached Spreen said investigating mental patient went berserk Favors. Spreen said, and a shot officers who entered his house Sunday, barricaded himself in found a 12-gauge pump shotgun his home and wounded five po¬ rang out. Favors fell wounded loaded with three live rounds licemen and his neighbor be¬ on his lawn, across the street and 16 expended shell casings fore surrendering, police said. from the northwest Detroit "I would Iliiiik il would scattered around the living and Lynn Willie Blackwell, 35, house from which the shots be the dining rooms. judgment of the threw down his shotgun and were fired. He attempted to I'resident that a country that walked out when police assured get up. but another shot struck Blackwell apparently was him he would not be hurt. Po¬ him and he fell again alone in his home at the time does not hike care of its lice Commissioner Johannes F. of the shooting. His wife of domestic "The officers then radioed 15 problems is not Spreen told a news conference. years had left with their that they were under fire. Sev¬ six children eoinp to have an effective None of those injured was on Wednesday, eral scout cars went to the critically hurt. Spreen said, and his brother position abroad." area and they were met by a Eugene, who had been visiting "Here again we see the vital --Daniel l\ hail of gunfire." Spreen said. Moynihan, importance of gun control him from North Carolina, had I'residential left Sunday morning. asst. laws," Spreen said. He said it Patrolman Charles McKinney Blackwell was legal in Detroit for a son with a history of mental illness to buy a gun. per¬ was lice wounded immediately. Po¬ responded with blasts of amined by was being ex¬ psychiatrists, and Spreen said their reports would Detroit Police Commissioner Shooting Johannes F. Spreen points to the lame of one of gunfire from all sides determine International News Spreen said Blackwell "The gunfire was necessary whether charged with assault with intent he was five section policemen Injured by gunfire Sunday, along with a civilian, Ir the northwest of apparently had been engaged in Detroit. A former mental patient unleashed a shotgur West German Chancellor Kurt in order to drive the man to commit murder. his home Georg Kiesing- a dispute with his neighbor, from the window so he couldn't away there. AP W Irephoto er met for two hours Edison Favors. 46. who hailed Sunday with top min¬ a scout car and said his win¬ fire again, and to remove Fa¬ isters. and a spokesman said he reaf¬ vors and dow had just been shot out. McKinney," Spreen firmed the West German mark would not be said. CENTRAL PARK-IN revalued upward following devaluation of the In the shooting that followed, French franc. four other officers Life span were Kiesinger said on West German radio Sun¬ day that the French devaluation strengthened his attitude toward not revaluing the mark. wounded were has in been All five policemen good condition, and released from one the N.Y. march protests war A • • • of humans hospital. Favors was in "tem¬ porarily with wounds serious" to condition the chest and By DENISE FORTNER State News Staff Writer Linda Evans, former MSU student and a member of the she said. cities "There are whole razed to the ground. tionary" groups led by so-called "crazies. who carried pigs' gasoline bomb destroyed the home of a New York-more than 2.500 East ' upper back Lansing chapter of the They feel no hate for Am¬ heads on sticks Roman Catholic family in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Sunday and renewed fears of faction¬ hits limits Spreen been released said Blackwell from Northville had demonstrators thing flowered from wearing every¬ business suits to dashikis marched up Students for ciety (SDS), a Democratic So¬ spoke crowd about her recent trip to to the ericans-just our leaders lieve me. I was there Vietnamese are winning and will Be¬ The The crazies and sympathizers arrived ahead of their al violence in that small nation. the main parade and more than State Hospital Seventh Avenue to Central Park Hanoi Miss Evans was part UNITED NATIONS. NY in December continue to fight for 40 years. a hundred of them moved on to Police said no one was wounded by the 1968 and had been in and out to protest the war in Vietnam. of a delegation sent to escort A (API - Population experts rally at the bandstand in the bandstand with a bullhorn bomb thrown from a passing car. but of.other mental insitutions since The demonstration marked American prisoners of war the park at 71st Street, where they theorize' that man has length¬ the 24th shouting. Bring the war home" said they were braced for fresh outbursts of ened his life span as much as he 1964 Blackwell also had been anniversary of ttfe drop¬ back to the United States. 5.000 people eventuallv gathered, and revolution " can by fighting contagious dis¬ arrested and charged with ping of %an atomic bomb on "Vietnam has the most devas¬ was delayed bv a disruption Allen Ginsberg, religious violence. contempor ease and will have to assault and battery in the past. Nagasaki. Japan. tating suffering in the world," involving extreme "revolu- • • change his arv poet, tried to restore order • Spreen said. way of living to lengthen it anv by chanting an anti-war song. A traffic accident has uncovered more. No policemen were by the a spy ring Their theory, "Blackwell had bought his in Vientiane. Laos, and led to the expulsion set forth in bandstand, although they had ac¬ of in six \orth Vietnamese the operation. Laotian authorities caught red-handed reported a plain U.N. report, attempts to ex¬ a recent rise in rates in some countries death gun just within the last week." Spreen said. He said common council had ignored his requests for gun control legislation in Sex education companied the parade from its assembly point at 41st Street and Broadway. Sunday. They say the rates fell for 150 James Johnson, main speak¬ urged by the past. A car belonging to the Hanoi embassy collided with another vehicle and police found the Vietnamese in possession of papers show¬ years ments in mainly because improve¬ living standards and simple health and medical measures brought "a decline in Spreen said Blackwell kept firing until Patrolman Henry Demetroff was pinned to the The chairman of the Michigan Miss Scott said sex educa¬ youth er of the afternoon, sharply admonished the "crazies wanting to bring the War home. The first priority is to end for thev urge involvement of par¬ ing plans for the defense of the Long Chien mortality from acute infectious ground in the crossfire between Youth Commission tion should provide a the Vietnam war. said Johnson diseases " mean¬ ents. adequate training of teach¬ who recently served time at a police and the barricaded man has urged adoption of the pro¬ ingful program in training young headquarters of Maj Gen Vang Pao. and the But they speculate that these ers and guidance ot the State Ft Leavenworth. Kan Army posed sex education guidelines people for wholesome relation¬ Board to local schools when they center for special American operations in north¬ methods only took advantage of "He called to Mr Blackwell prison for offered to the State Board of ships based on the finest edu¬ ask tor it refusing to go to east Laos. an innate resistance to infec¬ and asked him to surrender. Education by the Advisory Com¬ cation program our , ^ Vietnam tion ' in mankind and now that society can The MYC ehairm;im reported But the man responded that the The demonstration ended with • • t mittee of Sex Education. produce that surveys among voung officers would shoot him," She peo¬ no major outbreaks of violence, said MYC supported North Vietnamese troops attacked two U.S MYC Chairman Rosemary ple in Michigan found them say¬ Spreen said. "Patrolman De¬ the sex education bill passed although a riot had been planned. Scott said sex education was ing they were not receiving ad¬ Marine bases along the demilitarized zone They point out that more and metroff assured him that he last year by the legislature ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a more deaths caused wouldn't be harmed Mr. Black- imperative to assist young equate sex education with grenades and dynamite bombs Sundav. are lately The bill set into motion cur¬ by heart and lung ailments, au¬ well complied and was arrested people in understanding the na¬ rent efforts by the State Board Miss Scott said that voung ! MAXX ■ inflicting the heaviest American losses in tomobile accidents and suicide on the front porch " ture of problems arising out of people were in general agree¬ the area in 5 and one-half months. child molestation and abuse of Education to set lines in sex education. up guide¬ ment that the school was one 2 Union Ballroom J Since of the principle places for re¬ I Friday at 8 | We must expand the oppor¬ Eleven Leathernecks were killed and 82 these guidelines were re¬ ceiving wholesome and ■ S 1.50 ■ tunities in our schools for under¬ ceived proper wounded in sharp by the board, for the pur¬ fighting at the two education.' Hot ABM battle ends sex camps standing the causes of sexual pose of holding public hearings 1,500 yards apart. molestation and veneral on the matter, thev have be¬ • • • diseases, instead of trying only come the subject of a state¬ Noah's Ark may be lying beneath a glacier in future policy doubt to of deal with the sad outcome ignorance and irresponsible wide controversy. "The guidelines." Miss CHECK at the bottom of a lake on Mt. Ararat, some acts, without the guidance of all Scott continued, "under consid¬ archeologists say. They plan to try to find it Michigan Democratic Party its development "if the system the constructive forces of each of our communities." she urged. eration of Education, now by the State Board OUR next summer. are good because Chairman James McNeely said, Some pieces of wood, possibly 4,000 years old. discovered this summer on the 17,000 following U.S. Senate approval of the Safeguard Anti-Ballistic fails to live up to the ifications spec¬ PRICES "With the desperate need for foot mountain in eastern Turkey, have the scientists to search further for the fabled spurred Missile system (ABM), the unsuccessful campaign that money to improve housing, fight hunger and advance education, EWS THEY'RE against the ABM may lead to we cannot tolerate such a waste vessel. more intensive scrutiny of other Defense Dept. proposals. of our tax dollars, he added Tbe State Newt, the stadeat newspaper at Mlchigaa Sute University, ia pabllibed every class day throagbogt tbe year with special Welcome Week TROWBRIDGE LOWER and Orientation Issms in Jnne and "While opponents of the ABM September. Sabscription rates are 914 ENCO SERVICE GAS & REPAIR National News system failed by one vote to WATCH FOR 1051 E. T rowbrldge, E. L< rising -332-4535 block deployment of the sys¬ Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland tem. THE OPENING Daily Press Associntion, Associated Collegiate Press, Mlchigaa Press Association, Mich¬ Searchers found three bodies Sunday in de¬ I think the campaign igan Collegiate Press Association, United States Stedeat Press Associntion. bris left by a tornado that swirled against the ABM led so effec¬ the heavily populated northeast through part of Hamil¬ tively by A. our own Sen. Hart will have a profound Philip OF THE Second cinss postage paid at East Lansing, Michignn. Editorial and badness offices nt M? Stadent Services Baildl*. Mlchigaa MSU STUDENTS and ton effect on future defense State University, East Laaeiaii, Mlchigaa. County near Cincinnati Saturday night, in¬ spend¬ juring 200 persons. Police said the bodies, found in an ing policies in this country," McNeely said. FACULTY apart¬ "Sensible men raised sen¬ ment complex in suburban Hartwell. were those of a woman and two small boys. sible questions about the effec¬ tiveness of the Safeguard ABM WE'VE GOT system. These questions were The storm cut a path one half to three quarters of a mile wide and miles so sensible that one half of the U.S. Senate found the ABM pro¬ PLACES seven long across two cinnati itself. counties and into parts of Cin¬ posal to was not worth the cost the American taxpayers." EVERYWHERE McNeeley said he hoped the • • • Nixon Administration wiil scrut¬ Presidential asst. Daniel O. Moynihan inize the ABM system and halt said Sunday the Nixon Administration's wel¬ NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP-HINGE fare proposals mean it is putting domestic AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR problems above foreign affairs in import¬ At our WHIFF & PUFF BAR ance. you'll find nearly a thousand "I would think it would be the pipes judgment to choose f rom—CHARATANS, of the President that a country that does not INTRODUCES THE... DUNHILL'S, C0M0YS-- take care of its domestic problems is not go¬ Priced from $85 to ing to have an effective position abroad.'' $4.50. Moyihan said on NBC's radio and television Hungry Gourmet Special* program 'Meet the Press.' A • • glittering list of 1,600 • President Nixon's dinner for the Apollo as- persons await THE BIBEYE STEAK astronauts Wednesday night. Said a White House advance man: dignitary in his own right." 'Everybody coming is a Imported ALSO Salad, Baked Potato, Ranch Toast—all for ggc cigars and (regular price $1.39) Sources in Washington said recluse industrial¬ pipe tobaccos EAST LANSING ^served every Mon. & Tues. during August ist Howard Hughes has been invited as an and pipe smokers' aviation pioneer. If he attends, it will be STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average gadgets. No cigarettes. his first public appearance since 1952. You do smoke a pipe, don't everyday hungry gourmet The entire affair will be televised live from Los Angeles' Century Plaza Hotel ballroom. Campbell'i Suburban Bhoff't you? REALTY CO. 332-3534 OUR READER'S MIND MICHIGAN About bubble gum STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY and David Bassett To the Editor: same programs-stations that consider I realize that David Bassett went to "heavy" music as anything on the top Grandmother's with full intentions of 30. The rest of us are left with nothing. watching a bubble gum concert < the I would appreciate it if Mr. Bassett William B. Castanier "Boxtops' i. but this does not give him vould stay within his own field of criti¬ advertising manager the authority to criticize another band cism and only review bubble gum-top (the "Plain Brown Wrapper") by the cri¬ 30-music The rest should be left to Trinka Cline, executive editor teria of the bubble gum music he had those who have outgrown their Snoopy Norman J. Saari, managing editor intended to hear tee shirts and Bazooka Joe comics. George K. Bullard, campus editor Some people, like Mr. Bassett, think Deborah Fitch, feature editor a good guitarist is one than can re- petitiously strum the basic chords in 4-4 Steve Smith Kenneth Krell, editorial editor time for a very prolonged period. Others Lansing Alumnus Jeff Elliott, sports editor think a guitarist should turn those chords into progressions of various intricate "runs" Ticks" ('"melodies" is a bad word or but may be used as a last resort i. Lunar eulogy Six-time Mr. Bassett also seems to object to recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. "studio over-dubbing" but has no ob¬ To the Editor: jection in having the poorly reproduced A few days ago man entered the moon sound of a jet enter at the end of age and added one more victory toward "The Letter." (I. myself, welcome the his conquest of " nature " He set foot jet sound as it covers up the mono¬ on the moon: and all over the world EDITORIALS tonous repetition of the Box Tops' in¬ struments. ) a common humanitv of computers, cybernetics, remote con¬ sang out in praise I'm sure that the Wrapper has the trol and rocket fuel. The next night. ability to*strum the basic chords and Monday. I went out and looked at the thus " mime" the Box Tops, but I ser¬ moon, which was as bright as ever. iously doubt that the Box Tops could Then I thought. " Its got a flag stuck mime the blues guitar runs of the Terrorist Wrapper-even if their studio musicians tried to teach them. in it." Suddenly, as if that flag were a pin stuck into a balloon, the beauty of the moon vanished. We have reached It is reviews like Mr. Bassett's < "WVIC, the moon, but moon-gazing is a dying the best radio station in Lansing") that art have limited the Lansing area to three If we can imagine how the moon has on Cam Ranh bubble gum stations that all have the held the fancy of man throughout the ages, we see how its countenance has changed. In the days of Jules Verne, it POINT OF VIEW had a human face and a left eye that winked at us. Jules Verne's astronauts, Regardless of which side What purpose can terrorism upon recovery in the Pacific, were found playing dominoes. > I am not suggesting one takes in the Vietnam flict-and it is our opinion that no side can be truly "right" con- possibly serve0 may make the South Vietnam¬ ese Granted, it people reluctant to aid Nixon presidency inactive that ancestors, about we invest in these fantasies of our but the way we have gone putting a man on the moon has when people are being killed— the Saigon effort, but it will EDITOR'S NOTE: The following point -supported Latin American rulers wear¬ against the immigrants led to animosity stripped it of its dignity. of view was written by Bill Sonn, Wil- ing sunglasses are also oppressors of between the nations. A riot after a We are already beginning to stock¬ we find that a recent Viet also make them hate the Viet mette, Illinois, junior. their peoples, and thus originates Anti- soccer match between the two national pile the moon with that famous surplus Cong's Action rises above any Cong. Any truly democratic Americanism as a popular movement in teams led to war. El Salvadoran troops commodity of man: trash There is no nation cannot exist when the Latin America soon occupied Tegucigalpa, the Honduran wind on the moon, so in order to save considerations of 'Tightness". During the chaos and bloodshed of There is another, more basic, cause capitol. at which time a truce mediated our flag it must be propped up with Their recent bomb and snip¬ people fear and hate their the presidential campaign of 1968, there for anti-Americanism in Latin America by the OAS was imposed. wires. Even before the infiltration of er attack on the base hospi¬ leaders. "The continued terror¬ flowed out of Nixon headquarters a ^he central failure of U.S. policy there Enter onto the stage slow, deliberative the beer can. we have polluted the tal at Cam Ranh Bav de¬ ism of the VC makes their reliable and steady stream of material during the 20th Century has been, as Richard Nixon The scene is the Oval moon with our petty politics hailing Mr Nixon's slow, methodical Charles deGaulle once phrased it. a Office in the White House, and Richard Three American astronauts went Ap¬ fies justification-moral or self-proclaimed crusade for a manner of decision-making. When a "taste for intervention.' In the past, Nixon sits behind his desk" deciding ple-pie. homespun Boy Scout, all red. military. "Free Peoples* Republic" white and blue white American boys. major decision is needed, the fellow- we have not been able to keep away whether or not to pick up his legal pad. This attack cannot have seem somewhat suspect. is said to grasp his legal pad in a from meddling in Latin American aff¬ Around him are standing several of his Ezra Pound was not invited served any From the military point of firm, strong hand and retire to se¬ airs. Let starving peasants in a South advisors chanting Reason, baby, rea¬ They stepped out and cried and said. useful military or clusion to arrive at a solution. This American nation, aching from hunger son" in low. almost tribal tones. Into Gawd, it's beautiful " But we have long logistic function. It must, view the Cam Ranh base was and his deliberate manner, the man and doubly wounded by the sight of the room strides his advisor on Latin ago forgotten the beauty of human suf- therefore, be viewed as an a worthy target. Worthy, that brochures exclaimed (sedately), was luxurious and gleaming American homes American affairs, who greets him by ering \stronauts walk on the moon while just what currentlv we watch breathlessly, turning our backs act of selective terrorism And is. in terms of runways, wea¬ our cataclvsmatic on the other side of town from their saying How's tricks. Dick?" and in¬ nation needed Yes. it would be nice hovels steeped on mountainsides, riot forms him of the soccer war. on a million tragedies which have be¬ terrorism is the blackest side ponry. supply dumps and guard- to have a wise, steady hand to guide for more foocl.' and within a few days. come statistics. of war. posts. Why. then, destrov the us out of our troubled times: a giant American Marines will be storming Wooden Richard\carefully weighs his They called it the Giant step for all pinky for the nation to wrap its' hand mankind But this is just one more hospital0 The only thing this peaceful beaches screaming. Death to alternatives, grasps" his^ legal pad and. around to get across the street. And. the communist infidel." The in a measured step, purposefully strides giant step mankind has taken with¬ sort of barbaVianism can do ever-pres¬ Play of people is indeed, Nov 5. 1968. the great out pausing to look back at all the things on ent danger of foreign invasion has great¬ into the seclusion of another office to to the American forces and white middle and upper classes rose missed and all the tulips crushed and ly fired the fundamental hatred the poor rationally attempt to reach a decision to make them more up and elected Wooden Richard as their harbors for the rich. as to what the American devastation caused-the inevitable re¬ response to week a willing if to carry on the war- giant pinky. Time has passed since that fateful are The changes for slight when erasing this hatred one endeavors to make this war will be. sult of taking giant steps Is Apollo 11 a victory for mankind0 only for vengence. day when the "forgotten man" spoke it a conscious end of an active policy. A couple of hours pass. A lazy cloud Ask the widows ot buried Appalachian The Play-of-the-Week Aw?ard Perhaps this could be ex¬ out. and in that time the forgotten man What is needed in the long-run is time, of cigarette smoke hovers over brimming coal miners. Is Apollo 11 a victory for plained as an "accident" had has forgotten to ask the President for and what is needed in the short-run is a ashtrays while the presidential aides technology0 Ask Vincent Van Gogh, goes to Bishop Bartholamew. " who has been able to restore his there been a general assault a policy The forgotten man has spent hands-off" policy. Latin America con¬ hang over the furniture waiting for the never the self-styled religious lead¬ the intervening months huddling in the sists of President's underdeveloped countries in need re-appearance. Suddenly, er who. in the face of great on the base. In battle a few- corner of his basement, frozen in fear of economic reform. the door swings open, the aides snap When I was in high school, a girl generally. and of the wrote which began. "Through opposition and insurmountable charges or whatnot can al¬ big-scary-black-man-who-simp- agrarian reform, sepecificallv. Histori¬ to their feet and Mr. Nixon emerges. a poem lv /misf-be-a-eomrnunist. Richard Nixon cally. agrarian reform is accomplished I've got a solution to the soccer war!" the ages a multitude of gods have been obstacles, managed to put one ways be expected to misfire has spent slain assassinated by a learned the intervening months ration¬ through revolution, perhaps a series of he exclaims as an aide expectantly over on the infamous Wash¬ and create a deadly "acci¬ ally deliberating revolutions. To make maintenance of the mankind We have killed our gods, places his hand on the receiver of the tenaw County Sheriff Dept. dent". But there was not a During the campaign. Mr. Nixon called status-quo the object of American policy direct line to SAC A hush embraces we have killed our poets, we have killed for a new American policy in Latin in Latin America is folly—the status- the and Mr. President reveals his people and now we have just killed Loser-of-the-Week Award general attack-only the hospi¬ America Indeed. American policy there room the tal was bombed! quo has proven an inadequate instru¬ carefully weighed decision I'll moon goes to Sheriff Douglas Har- is in need of severe overhauling In the ment for moderization. go around the world." A* great cheer vev who. despite all his pre¬ War is ugly. Death and car¬ past, the United States, in its sincere We must allow the modernization pro¬ erupts in the office as Richard Nixon Peter Martinat efforts to enrich life in Latin America, complete with its attendant social raises both hands in V-for-victory signs cautionary measures to insure nage wring the very fibers of cess. Lansing freshman has found itself with an accidental econo¬ and political upheavals, to take its over shouts of "bravo, bravo." that murder suspect John Col¬ the soul. There is killing enough mic empire there. The major product of course. Our role perhaps may be to lins was secure in his cell, in Vietnam to satisfy the that empire has been a hatred for the help alleviate some of the distasteful The soccer war happened too quickly nonetheless had to admit in blood-t-hi rst of any man-demon. United States as sincere as American side effects of modernization, but this for Richard Nixon to reach a decision. policy had been This hatred is shared must be done without tying ourselves He needed time to be methodical, to The State News welcomes all the end that, yes indeed. Fath¬ Why, then, must this hor- by all Latin Americans except their to any regime. thoroughly think it out. The result was letters. They should be typed er Bartholamew had indeed or be compounded by wanton rulers, wh© traditionally wear military Whatever the specific parts of our another chapter in the book of the Nixon and signed with the home town, managed to gain access to the attacks on the helpless? uniform®and sunglasses. future policy, its general theme must be presidency, all of which are entitled student, faculty or staff stand¬ In fact, the one unvarying and con¬ nonintervention if we are ever to gain "Inaction " In the of the suspected Ann Arbor slayer case soccer ing. and local phone number in¬ sistent feature of American policy in the good will of Latin American nations war between El Salvador and the Hon¬ cluded. No unsigned letter will -The Editors -The Editors Latin America has been that it always Of immediate concern in Latin Ameri¬ duras. however, inaction was the wisest be accepted for publication, and supports those rulers who wear mili¬ ca is the "soccer war ' between El policy and Mr. Nixon has seemed to no letter will be printed without tary uniforms and sunglasses If one Salvador and the Honduras. The social have deliberated and deliberated us into a signature except in extreme remembers back to 1960. Fidel Castro pressures attendant to over-population sagacity Maybe, if Latin American wars circumstances. All letters must Nixon faux pas lost Cuba's sugar concessions precisely because he took his sunglasses off. As it happens, however, most of these U.S. in El Salvador resulted in mass emi¬ gration to the Honduras. In turn, re¬ occur quickly enough in the future. Wooden Richard is the giant pinky we have been needing. be less than 300 words publication without editing. long for ports of discrimination in the Honduras . . . And from the always They might take it all. Are cynical Newsweek comes this you a Cub or a White Sox reported conversation between fan0' BARNEY WHITE Nixon and some GI"s during "Soldier: I'm a Yankee fan. his recent stopover in Viet- sir ' < Laughter > Everyone knows about hippies man while on his good will Then Mr. Nixon turned to a black GI who told the Pres¬ trip around the world "With that, the President ident he was from North Carol¬ ina. doubt among plunged into a sea of green I was listening to the news the other boring and generally repulsive Further, the watchers of the magic whether he bathes or not is lacking, Mr. Nixon: Do they ever night when some Paul Harvev-tvpe char¬ they push drugs, are out of touch with tube that he is boring, somewhat re¬ but the fact that the old freak fatigues to do what he does pushes acter started rattling off about what reality and do not bathe much. pulsive and certainly out of touch with so much soap powder could indicate a worst-make small talk: get any black-eyed peas and all reality. sublimation of latent cleanliness hang¬ was wrong with our great nation As Mr. Nixon: And where are collard greens out here0' close as I could make out. all With this up our woes handy definition in mind, The soldier gazed back at be attributed to those you from0' commie-pinko- the can recognition of a hippy became much Additionally. Godfrey has prob¬ Isn't it wonderful how the human Soldier: Texas.' the President in puzzlement rat hippies. easier. A classic example-I realized in a ably pushed more drugs than the AMA Now. this got me to thinking. his daily Geritol spiels (or is that mind can logic out such a knotty prob- blinding flash of the obvious--is none on Mr. Nixon: Texas! I'll be (possible because he could not I realized that I had never met any¬ other than Arthur Godfrey. There is no Ted Mack?). First-hand knowledge of darned. Think the Cowboys can hear Mr. Nixon clearly), and the one who admitted to being a hippie, Commander-in-Chief himself nor could I think of anyone who had. beat the Packers this year0' 1 then realized that the puzzle of the SOME BU6S NEVER SMILE.. Soldier: T hope so, sir.' seemed suddenly to become elusive quality of hippiedom was the Mr. Nrxon: They've lost aware that his question had sort of thing that could really put your been perhaps an infelicitous head into JL JL a tail-spin their quarterback, you know. one. The upshot was that the Fortunately, as it turns out, some data (Turning to another soldier.) is available. It seems that while no¬ 'And where are you from?' President turned away quickly body has ever met a hippe, fieryboHy Soldier: Chicago." without waiting for an answer." knows what they are like. Such folks as the press, congressmen and our Mr. Nixon: No comment par¬ - - it Chicago! Have ents inform us that hippies are . _ -The Editors ugly. you seen the Cubs this year? Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 11, 1969 State New* State News Classified PLEASE pay all Classified Ads in advance . Room 347 Student Services Bldg. Classified 355-8255 355-8255 Scooters & Cycles Employment For Rent For Rent For Sale The Sute Newt does net IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for a clin¬ ROOMMATE: 21 year old coed de- SONY HAS a new cassette player HOLT AREA. Available August 22nd THREE-BEDROOM house, furnished 1967 YAMAHA--100CC. good ical director and school director desires roommate for the 1969-70 for your car See it, hear it now, permit racial or religious Unfurnished 1-bedroom Stove and Near campus Suitable for 4 girls at a private school for emotional¬ at MAIN ELECTRONICS, 5558 South refrigerator furnished Couples on¬ school year. The apartment is lo¬ or family Call 351-7480 or 351- slH5 discrimination In its ad* ly disturbed children Call Mr Pennsylvania. Lansing 882-5035 C ly. No children or pets. $100 month cated at 1342 Old Canton Lane vartlalng column*. The Employment Gotcher. (313)-341-8673. or write Phone 646-6811. 10-8/22 East Lansing, Michigan. If interested, Sute News will not accept 18977 Schaffer, Detroit 48235 FREE PARKING at rear of store, please contact: Miss Kathv Mc- LOVELY. FURNISHED 1, 2-bedroom 8-8 15 for your conveneicne OPTICAL DIS¬ advertising which discrim¬ STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and 401 FAIRVIEW, South-Upper 3 rooms Clure; 1113 Queensboro Place; Yu¬ houses 1 to 2 miles from campus • AUTOMOTIVt kon, Oklahoma 73099 (Before Aug¬ COUNT. 2615 East Michigan Aven¬ TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ and bath, furnished. Utilities paid $140-$ 190 plus utilities 351-5696 • IMPLOYMKNT inates against religion, BABYSITTER: FOR small infant, No ust 30th) 1-8/11 ue 372-7409. C-8/15 eras, for FALL AND WINTER in East Lansing area. 8:30 a m- children, no pets. $100 per • FOR HINT race, color or national or¬ month Phone 882-5763 TERMS--State News Photographic, 5-8/15 5.30 p.m. Monday-Friday Starting • FORSALK igin. 301 Student Services Building Ask NEED MAN for Rivers Edge, fall September 8 Own transportation Call collect i313)-KE 7-1010 for Mr Johnson Monday through 351-3428 3-8 12 TAKE OVER Cedar Village lease • LOST 1 FOUND 5-8 15 Thursday, 9a.m. to5p.m S for fall. Beautiful location. Drafted. • FKRSOHAL 351-3404 WANTED: TWO men for house; 15 KENMORE GAS dryer, good condi¬ • PEANUTS PERSONAL minutes from campus: $9 week tion. Deluxe Frigidaire electric Call 372-6376. 5-8/14 range, needs repair. IV 2-2121 ► REAL 1ST ATI 1-8/11 • SCRVICE • TRANSPORT ATION CARPETS, TOP quality, used 3 vears, • WANTED pads. 12 X15 8 X12'" and stairway- hall to match; curtains, Westinghouse I Per Person Cost Comparison Fall '69' Dorm Rates Fall 169' I Cedar Village $205.00 Meals $ 80.00 Meals HO.00 Rent 150.00 Rent 11.00 Other (Interest) 12,00 Utllltle? $3l6l0 Total $242.00 Total Pack your QUICK!!!! suitcase and take the exciting job you may ever STUDENT APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM NOW LEASING FOR FALL * SOUNDPROOFED ""rs.nasfa'rssfissi....... ... >■ .<>». * AMPLE PARKING * 9 OR 12 MO. LEASES * BEST LOCATION IN EAST LANSING L£_ Call collect: 308-234-1811 PHONE 332-5051 ON THE TRAIL! NO - WE WON'T HUNT YOU DOWN WITH A GUN HOWEVER - V- -H. 7 T P fc - Enjoy the best of both worlds at beautiful Campus Hill. The luxury of Student list. Ads must be prepaid August 11 -22, or you go on the HOLD paid by August 11, and This means no registration, no diploma, 13 16 20 —s % pi T— r- Campus Hill features custom appliances, deluxe furniture, big walk-In no transcripts, no nothing, until paid. closets, party lounge, and plenty of parking. And our new building—now leasing for fall term—is bigger and better than ever. Campus Hill. Just 8/10 mile past the Gables. From $58.75 per person So, hurry up and pay up! r- V// -j21 ta 31 Room 347 36 Student Services Building 53 -*w 'iouAe*' MICHIGAN STATE NEWS w r ~w % 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 11, 1969 |7 For Sale Personal QUARTER HORSE-Double registered Palomino, 1968 PHEM champion gelding, also used in youth activity TV RENTALS. -$8.50 per month GE Call J.R. CULVER COMPANY. 351 19" portable including stand Ritualistic L.A. killings Wanted for the new rinses. 677-1811. 1-8/11 8862 217 Ann Street. East Lan- < continued from Dage 1> seat of a car parked in a nearby 42-year-old divorced Mary her best-kndton iilm role as courtyard. Garretson. "I never knew Bill BASSETT-AKC registered, female. MEIJER 2 years old, housebroken, wonder¬ Jennifer in "Valley of the Dolls, It looked like a battlefield up to be violent. " LARGE REWARD for information ful wore only bikini pants and a there." said Sgt. Stanley Klor- Miss Tate, one-time family companion 393-1964. leading to apprehension of individ¬ a beauty 3-8/13 ual^) who took ZBT house tro¬ bra. She was expecting a child man. who reported signs of a queen from Dallas, Tex., made phies. 339-9384 S-8/14 within weeks. She and Po- struggle in the main house and her debut in a film titled "13." lanski had been married since the guest cottage. She portrayed a country Real Estate girl CHAMPION, ished, 8'X42'. 2-bedroom Very clean, furn¬ $1,500. 641- TWO-BEDROOM house, furnished or January 1968 Telephone wires were cut and A maid. Winifred Chapman, found the bodies when she ar¬ rived for work shortly after 8 with powers of a witch. Recently she was again cast THRIFTY ACRES 6902 5-8/11 unfurnished 8 minute walk from somebody had scrawled PIG on in a film titled 13." Berkey Fireplace, jalousy porch the front door with blood. a.m. Saturday. "I already did one picture 8 X40 tion. NEW Moon Excellent condi¬ Immediate occupancy campus 351-7506 Near Shown 152 only by appointment $21,000 Gunson Street ED 2-5715 3-8/13 On the lawn, behind an elec¬ tric gate in the front fence, road She ran screaming down a off Benedict Canyon, with that title." she said at the time "I hope they change this OKEMOS 5-8/14 where.the home clings to the top sprawled the bodies of Miss Fol- one. It's a bad luck title." WAVERLY DISTRICT-English Co¬ of a brushy hill overlooking Los AMERICAN, 1957--10 X36\ Excel¬ lonial home 9 large shade trees ger. a pretty brunette, and Fry- Her romance with the slight, lent kowski. both in bloody disarray Angeles. impish Polanski began when she Self-service department store condition. Carpeted, new air- 4 bedrooms, sewing room, 2 baths conditioner. storage shed Near MSU The body of young Parent, Police arrived and heard a portrayed a vampire in his up, formal living room with fire¬ 351-0035. 5-8/13 battered from an apparent dog howl. Then, they said, a place, dining room, kitchen, large spoof on horror movies. " The 2 bath, ' voice hushed the animal struggle, was seated in the front man s Vampire Killers." At the time Lost & Found back patio i with fireplace down New Home professionally de¬ corated throughout Vh car garage Moments later they discovered Garretson. sleepy-eved. who she was engaged to the hand¬ some Sebring. hairdresser of full and part time PEOPLE WHO HAVE MORE check with full upstairs Call 484-8324 Service asked: When are the detec¬ male moyie stars. the good household buys in tile Classified Ads each day! 3-8/13 DISCOUNT tives going to see me' " Soon PRINTING theses, re¬ she was seen every sumes, term papers, thesis binding Friends told where CLERKS OKEMOS-2134 Lagoon Drive. Tacoma investigators with Polanski. whose Lowest prices available Located Hills, executive's home, 3 bedrooms. Miss Tate was having a party brooding vision of life had won across from campus on corner of 2V2 baths. 2,400 square feet Extras on the warm Friday night of him renown. cN.orth Porch, vacy. patio, 337-0957 swimming pool. Pri¬ 5-8/15 MAC and Grand River, below The Style Shop Call COPYGRAPH SERV¬ ICES, 337-1666 42-8/22 the in slavings while Polanski was London discussing plans for His first eerie work. Knife Pointe Service PAULA ANN HAUGHEY quality thesis service IBM typing, A unique a new movie Police said other friends told them Sebring. Fry- in the Water," was considered a classic. Two other shockers, Experience preferred - APPLICATIONS ARE muIUlith, printing and hard binding kowski and Miss Folger were "Repulsion" and "Cul-de- now being taken to place your child in my licensed 337-1527 C house guests of Miss Tate Sac." were studies of violence home Age 2>-» to 5, near Frandor Call 482-3152 5-8 11 Watchdogs guarded the home. But in the quiet, sultry night, and sexual pathology. and recognized -■ BABYSITTING IN my none howled loudly enough Then came "Rosemary's Ba¬ » Air home-Spartan Conditioning Village. 0895 Beginning fall term 355- 3-8/13 Wanted to bring help Police in Garretson's home by." tale of a young woman who gives birth to a demon child. but not required. YOUNGER LADY needed to share town. Lancaster. Ohio, said the It was a huge money-maker • 9-month lease at Typing Service apartment with girl and 2 year old youth once was charged with and an ultimate triumph for the no extra charge BARBl MEL No job too Typing, large or multilithing1 too small daughter Call 355-3168. after 5 p.m 4-8 13 contributing to the delinquency of a minor and had spent four 35-vear-old Polish who had risen from poverty and director, Grocery, Produce, Frozen Foods Block off campus. 332-3255 C SUMMER S CAREFREE DAYS are days in jail for violating pro- childhood tragedy. His family J.R. Culver Co. ANN offset BROWN Typist and muIUlith; prinUng DissertaUons, theses, 355-8255 n. was imprisoned by Nazis in World War II. His mother died And Dairy Clerks. 217 Ann St. manuscripts, general typing. IBMj in a Nazi gas chamber 351-8862 19 years experience 332-8384 BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 for C all positive £ negative. B negative Full-time clerks In these departments start at $2.30 and AB negative per hour: are $10.00. O nega¬ tive. $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ automatically increased to $2.55 at 6 months; and $2.74 at T2 months Study Scenic Monterey, California 130 Miles South of San Francisco ITY BLOOD CENTER 507' 2 East Grand River East Lansing Above the new Campus Book Store Hours Ann Arbor seniority. Part-time food department clerks start at $ 1.76 per hour and through automatic progressions reach the $2.74 rate with 36 months Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies Small Classes 9 a.m. to 3 30 p.m day, Wednesday, and Friday Monday. Tues¬ day, 12 to 6:30 p"m. 337-7183 Thurs¬ C (continued from page one) Miss Kalom. 23. a graduate Ore. Her body, with a red belt tied around the neck, was seniority. — Individual Attention student in fine arts at EMU. found in a trash pile outside Intensive Tutorial-Type Instruction was the sixth victim Her Salinas July 16. two weeks after Upper Division Graduate Study University Villa Enrollment open to limited number of qualified sophomores. 635 Abbott Rd. stabbed, body Police slashed was fond .June 9 have and raped she disappeared. But police said they evidence did not have enough Wearing Apparel, Toys, Sporting Goods, not officially to charge Collins. 2 and 3 person apartments confirmed that the blood and hair Collins and his traveling com¬ FALL SEMESTER (2 bedroom furnished and flexible units), was found, and. if so. whether panion. Andrew J Manuel. 25. Small and Large Appliances, Domestics, completely car¬ tests showed it did match were in the area at the time September 16,1969 — peted, air conditioning, Miss Kalom's blood and h?ir. police said. blocks from campus, 9 or January 31,1970 In addition. California police DEAN OF ADMISSIONS month lease. have interence said "there is that a strong Collins Manuel nix. Ariz was last extradited to arrested in Phoe¬ Wednesday and Pets, Garden, Shoes, Housewares, Hardware, was Michigan Fri- was involved" in the P.O. BOX 1978 Hal stead Management strangling dav He was arraigned Saturday 351-7910 death near Salinas of Roxie Ann Phillips. 17. Milwaukie. on two felony charges- failure to return a trailer he and Col¬ Home Improvement, Jeweliy, Health and lins allegedly rented and towed to Salinas and did not return, and concealment of stolen pro¬ perty Beauty Aids, Snack Bar, Donut Shop. Police said they have not established anv link between the Full and part-time clerks In these departments begin at $1.65 per hour burlv. tatooed Manuel and any of and progress to $1.72 with 6 months seniority. At one year these the posi¬ slavings. tions advance to $1.85 per hour. Full-time clerks in these departments Two months after her death, continue to receive automatic Increases each 6 months up to police said maintenance $2.25 per men hour. found letters referring to Miss Skelton. news clippings of all the slavings. two tombstones* and marijuana in the apart¬ All Clerks also receive: some ment that the dead girl shared' with several people, the Free Press said Harold McFadden. a building PAID VACATIONS OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE maintenance man. said that, in one of the letters, the writer INTO MANAGEMENT said he know who Miss Skilton's was. the newspaper said But 'PAID HOLIDAYS McFadden did not know where the letter was mailed, who signed it or to whom it was addressed. 'PAID INSURANCE PAID COFFEE BREAKS 'BIRTHDAY BONUS FREE PARKING Apollo (continued from page one> meeting of the Inter-Agency Committee of Back Contamin¬ ation. a group of scientists who controled the quarantine Additional Full-time benefits: The committee ruled the Model Now Open astronauts were free of "ab¬ 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. normal health conditions." 'PAID HOSPITALIZATION FOR FAMILY Berry said the committee Available for fall leasing Phone 332-6441 studied a "thick book of nega¬ tive medical findings" in arriv¬ ing at the decision. 'PROFIT -SHARING RETIREMENT PLAN Twycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of He said, however, the nega¬ 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely tive medical findings on Arm¬ carpeted and furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has strong. Aldrin and Collins do not prove that moon germs do not 'SICK PAY - can accumulate up to 6 months. a dishwasher, garbage disposal and Individual control-central air condit¬ exist and that future lunar visi¬ ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and tors also will face The astronauts hold a quarantine news 'DENTAL INSURANCE conference here Tuesday. private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycklng¬ On Wednesday they fly to ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. New York for a ticker tape pa¬ rade and an appearance at the United Nations They then fly to Chicago for another parade The day will end in Los An¬ interviews conducted August 12,13, and 14. geles with a state dinner hosted by President Nixon. On Saturday, the astronauts Apply at: will be honored with a parade MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT and a Texas-sized party in Houston's Astrodome ^ 4620 S. Hagador 4620 S. Hagadorn The astronauts and 15 others FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES in the quarantine attended a 10- S TWy«M6/WM APTS Management Exclusively By: minute religious service con¬ ducted Sunday by Jesse Stew¬ art., a cook in the quarantine SECUMTY COMMISSION laboratory and a deacon at the ALCO Management Company New Hope Baptist Church in Houston. 3215 South Pennsylvania Ave. A spokesman said the group }~i Accepting Nine Month Leases 462-3379 spent the day eagerly awaiting their release but that no com¬ ing out" party was planned. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 11, 1969 Detroit Outspoken CHICAGO (I "PI (--Johnny Sain, who had publicly criticized Manager Mayo Smith's handling of the pitching rotation, concerning the Tigers and the handled. way the pitching staff was being He Sain, who owns a Sain was making $30,000 a year, is financially secure huge auto dealership plus interest in a number of was fired by the Tigers Sunday Sain admitted that in the last two years he had never been other businesses In addition, he owns his own private plane Sain, who has been the Tiger pitching coach since 1967. consulted bv Smith about pitching choices. Sain s meeting with Campbell had been in Sains words, was given his release following a conference with Jim Campbell, The only thing I have been good for is conditioning the "merely an attempt to find out what was going to happen ^executive vice president and general manager of the Tigers pitchers and teaching the youngsters how to throw a curve next season." Sain first came into conflict with the Tiger management ball." Sain said Sain. 50. previously coached for the Kansas Citv Athletics two years ago when he voiced disapproval over what he called I seems to me that a pitching coach is supposed to tell in 1959 and the New York Yankees from 1961-63 in addition front office interference with his duties the manager whether a relief pitcher is ready or whether a to serving with the Twins Similar problems between Sain and management had occurred starter can take his normal turn. He was a 24-game winner with the 1948 pennant winning I had the same trouble with when he was pitching coach for Minnesota in 1965 and had the Minnesota Twins when Boston Braves and became a relief specialist when he joined many disagreements with former Twins' Manager Sam Mele Mele was manager." Sain added. the Yankees in 1951. who was eventually fired. Campbell indicated the situation with the Tigers would not be similar to what happened in Minnesota." He added he TIGERS SWEEP THE SERIES was quite unhappy over certain recent printed comments Fiel 5 MONDAY. AUG 11 IM Schedule Field TUESDAY. AUG 12 5 30pm Lolich gets 15th in 8-2 win 30prr 5 Easy X Om 5 Young Rebels - Ed Psych UPI wire service four hits in raising his record Chicago scored in the seventh Scherman from the Toledo farm 6 Baumadiers Bad Grads i St 6 Bruce's Boys -Wilson 7 OurTeam -WivemiSi - - Warren Warr CHIC AGO-Norm Cash drove Don Pavletich's fourth homer 8 AHA -Snyder D A iS> 8 Haslett Honkers s The Tiger victory gave them Scherman. 25. was 6-2 with 9 Soilers Fabulous Pigs - 10 Psychotics - Vet Med 9 10 George's Gems-Syndicate Paperbacks - No. i in three runs with homer and a double his 16th Sunday to a sweep of the four-game ser¬ ies and sent the sagging White of the season. the Mud Hens and will take the Johnny Northrup and Horton paced roster spot left open when re¬ Field 6 45 p m help Mickev Lolich to his 15th Sox deeper into the Western the Tiger hitting attack with liever Doff McMahhn was sold Field 6 45 p.m 5 Impressions - Ossicles victory as ' the Detroit Tigers Division cellar three to the San Francisco Giants 5 Typhoon P P P P (Si hits each Tresh. 6 Engineering - Kit s Korps i S i 7 I.ushwell A C - Gamma House i S > 6 7 Wrecking Crew - Tony's Boys (S i Circus-Pathology (Si defeated the Chicago White Sox. 8-2 Mickey Stanley got the Tigers Matchick and Cash all had last Friday. Cigarettes Balet by Burlington 8 Ancient Manners Chiquita Fiver: two apiece for the Bengals, who Lolich. who ended a three going when he singled home Cantrece Hose 10Nihilist -State Police 9 Betas - Clark's Crusaders (S) 10 Communicators - Birch Bombers game losing streak, allowed Willie Horton and Don Wert in the fourth against Billy Wynne. had ties. a team total of 14 safe¬ ^Main Stream Recording Artists 3/79c 49c Detroit added two more in the fifth on Jim Northrup's single The Tigers would just as ; maxx s COUPON Limit 1 COUPON Limit 10 and Cash's homer. soon stay in Chicago and feast on the White Sox pitching. In J With their smash 200 Years J Expires After 8-16-69 Expires After 8-16-69 OJ.,2 others s The Tigers added three more in the seventh off Jack Hamil¬ ton on a single by Northrup. a double by Cash, wild pitch, a the four game series, the De¬ troit club scored 32 runs and had 51 hits ^ Union Ballroom Friday ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 g East Lansing Store Only 99* East Lansing Store Only CtioLMt, Balet by Gay Zing Panty Hose lone single bv Tom Matchick and The Tigers also announced Keyes top Bill Freehan's triple they have called-up pitcher Kred At 1:10-3:15-5:15-7:20-9:25 30 wild colors pastel colors Three top college draft picks vealed that Simpson would be fer of a $250,000 contract 39c 69' came to terms with spective teams over the week¬ their re¬ getting more than any rookie has been paid since the merger five years Buffalo owner Ralph C Peaches' win gives COUPON Limit 10 COUPON Limit 10 end. including the heralded O.J between the American and Na¬ Ion issued the following s Expires After 8-16-69 Expires After 8-16-69 Simpson The other two were Joe Greene, who signed with the Pittsburgh Steelers. and Ron tional Football Leagues. Simpson originally had sought ment: falo "On behalf of the management. 1 am U.S. 3-0 Wightman lead East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only a five-year contract for $600,000 lighted to announce a conl A UNIVERSAL PICTURE in TECHNICOLOR - 6.50 Sellers, who came to terms with CLEVKLWD I PI -Jean 1.50 agreement has been rea plus a $500,000 loan, but re¬ % the AFL's Boston Patriots. Simpson signed his contract cently had dropped his request with O.J Simpson covern her Peaches forehand Bartkowicz. placing and backhand Thurs.: "THE GRADUATE" Enkasheer Men's Nylon for a loan while upping his four-year period. with the Buffalo Bills Saturday, a four-year agreement. Terms money demands to $650,000 The i defei drives with pinpoint accuracy, gave the I'nited States a 3-0 line The young \merican. holder Panty Hose Jackets Bills had countered with an of¬ not disclosing the financial fig¬ were not disclosed but it was re¬ ures. but thev represent what lead in the Wightman Cup Ser¬ ies Sundav with a straight set of i record number of junior titles, broke service in the first 99c S469 we feel is a tair and sensible Britain's Chris¬ COUPON victorv over game of the first set COUPON compromise tine Truman Janes. 8-6. 6-0 She Limit 1 passed Mrs lanes it the How they stand Detroit area fans will get In, the second of Sunday's net with a forehand placement Expires After 8-16-69 East Lansing Store Only Expires After 8-16-69 their first look at m itches Valerie Zieggenfuss for the winning point East Lansing Store Only Simpson Fri- dav and Mary Ann Eisel Curtis Miss Bartkowicz broke night when the Bills come ser¬ American National to Tiger Stadium to face the Detroit Lions in exhibition pl.ived Mrs. Janes and her younger sister Nell Truman, vice again in the 13th game, driving i down-the-line forehand Dial Soap EASTERN DIMS (IB EASTERN DIV ISION W game an in i doubles match that could Mr: In Tide L PCT decide the best of seven series stretched racquet Bath Size Baltimore Chicago 71 43 623 for the win¬ Laundry Detergent DETROIT 63 H'i St Louis 66 51 567 Sellers, the sure-fingered split before the third dav's play ning shot She wrapped up Boston 60 18'2 New York 62 48 564 end from Florida State, came Miss Bartkowicz. a '20-vear- New York 57 21 22 Pittsburgh Philadelphia 57 44 54 67 514 396 to terms Friday with the Pa¬ old former prodigy from Ham- the deft placement> nth • 19c reg, size e 32c Jfc triots No terms were announced tr imck. scored more than 30 Miss Bartkowicz said afte Cleveland 48 32 Montreal 35 79 307 COUPON nor will they be disclosed it clean winning shots, passing the the match. "I've never playe , Limit 1 WESTERN DIVISION was reported bv a club spokes- better under these condition? Expires After 8-16-69 GB Minnesota Oakland 68 65 WESTERN DIVISION Sellers a 6 foot 5. 195 pounder, | SPORTS IN BRIEF'| Cup Match It was my second Wigntma and I had about 5 East Lansing Store Only 65 415 21 Most improved player honors 'relatives here including m Atlanta 1 .05 67 402 221 Los An, agreed to the terms with head in Michigan State spring foot¬ 10% off the ^ coach Clive Rush He report¬ cuts ely gel chai 66 394 23 San Fr; edly had been holding out for ball drills went to sophomore linebacker Tom Barnum of Has¬ discount price Crest a long-term no-cut contract and tings. He prepped at Lake Odes¬ Toothpaste fat bonus, but the Patriots re¬ Lakewood on all film sa High. jected the demand. Greene an all-America de¬ Ten Michigan State swimmers developing 69c earned All-America honors in COUPON COUPON fensive tackle from North Texas seven events in 1969. Limit 1 Limit 1 Los Angeles 4. Chicag State, was the number one pick St Louis 7 San Franc of the Steelers Terms of TONIGHT — Fronr 7:15 p.m. Expires After 8-16-69 Expires After 8-16-69 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Pittsburgh 7. San Die| Greene's contract were also kept MAL ROACH'S NEwV. Today's games CRAZY 1.09 The three weekend signings. V WORLD OF Right Guard 40% off coupled with the end of the hold¬ outs of Ron Johnson and Ted ends tuesday A LAUREL & on all Kwalick earlier this week, left Stephen Boyd and t HARDY" Deodorant only Purdue's great. Leroy Dionne Warwick in 7:15 and 10^0 p.m. sunglasses Keyes. the lone No 1 draft slaves ,0, 56c fW. C. Fields .n Plus pick, still unsigned. • The Barber Shop COUPON COUPON Plus • The Fatal Glass ol Limit 1 Limit 1 Beer^ Expires After 8-16-69 fooiM, East Lansing Store Only Expires After 8-16-69 East Lansing Store Only iqhh 9:05 p.r shorten it. Try a tan- Tnn 1 UUM ' AY Feature at 1:00_ 3:05-5:15- 7:25-9;4( *tUE gy pizza or one of our Once iic filtf festiv^l* great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at LP Record Sale only at 8:45 p.m. NEXT ends tuesday A FILM FK0M 1NGMAR BF.RGMAN John Wayne in 4-98 Blood, Sweat, & Tears $2" true grit ALSO! % SPARTAN TWINSAGINAW FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER • 3100 CAST THEATRE • Phont 351-0030 the odd couple Also m Hamburgers Cheeseburgers Submarines French Fries 5.98 Hair - Original Cast $3" Romeo & Juliet - AT 7:15 AND HM lUMlduwwiieidwu 9:15 Your Host From Coast To Coast & 4 98 Soundtrack ^99 A RACE FOR GLORY, The Nation's Innkeeper PIZZA FOR LOVE AND FOR THE FUN OF IT! Two Locations In Lansing Area 4 90 This is Tom Jones $299 CALL 332-6517 3121 E. GRAND RIVER AVE. Ph. 489-2481 6051 S. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. VARSITY |hoseJW< Ph. 393-1650 special special STATE DISCOUNT plus sunday monday 20th Century-Fox presents We Cash msu Payroll Checks chicken $725 spaghetti $150 I.D. Required dinner a . dinner ■ . Children $1.25 All you can eat 307 East Grand River