Tuesday Our ormy Partly MICHIGAN sunny . . . STATE NEWS . . . will never be used to and warmer, high in the strike first attack. the blow in any STATE mid 80's. Low tonight in the 60's. No change --John F. Kennedy Wednesday UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 39 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 12, 1969 Nixon urges swift action on basic annual income SAN CLEMENTE, Calif (AP) -- Presi¬ father, or working mother, the same buildings leased from a Los i Nixon had two other callers Monday, dent Nixon urged Congress Monday to act basic benefits would be received, but $60 Secretary of State William P. Rogers and a month of earnings would be The President and Rumsfeld were Henry Byroade. his way to Manila swiftly on his $4-billion proposal for pay¬ disre¬ on garded' in order to make up the costs of seated behind a small walnut desk, sal¬ the ambassador ing a basic annual income to American as new to the Philip¬ families unable to care for themselves. working and to provide a strong advantage vaged from the White House basement pines. "We have it in our power." Nixon in holding a job. in Washington, in front of a 30-foot said, "to raise the standard of living "The wage earner could also keep 50 window with a rolling Pacific Ocean But the major thrust of White House and the realizable hopes of millions of per cent of his benefits as his earnings in the background. operations was the statement on the fellow citizens. " rise above that $60 per month. A Presidential press secretary Ronald OEO and the lengthy our family message to Con¬ And. of four, in which the father L. Ziegler put the office cost at a little as a step toward helping the im¬ earns $2,000 gress following through on the speech poverished to help themselves, the Presi¬ a year, would receive payments of $960 over $100,000, of which $30,000 or $40,000 Friday night in which Nixon outlined his dent directed the Office of Economic for a total income of $2,960. is for the lease and the rest for con¬ Op¬ portunity (OEO) to use bold experimenta¬ "We must become pioneers in reshap¬ struction and equipment (please turn to page 6) tion and even risk in developing a pro¬ ing our society," the President said in a gram of social pioneering that would help formal statement to the OEO, "even as we have become poor people increase their skills and pioneers in space. We chances for jobs. Nixon explained the basic income system this way: must show a new willingness to take risks for progress, a new readiness to untried." try the Printed media "For the typical' welfare family-a The organization formally known as Grim depa mother with dependent children and no the antipoverty arm of the government Susan Struthers, 21, and her boyfriend leave her home in Los Angeles' Los Feliz district Monday where her stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Leno A. LaBianca, were found murdered outside income-the new system would provide a basic national payment. A mother with three small children would would become a research and ment In arm line for social programs instead. develop¬ with this switch, the admin¬ to enforce eq be assured an annual income of at least istration already has moved the OEO's DALLAS. Tex. (AP)-Newspapers the right of reply and the stations that Sunday night. The slaylngs were similar to those of actress Sharon $1,600 Job Corps to the Labor Dept along with and magazines should apply their own Tate and her four guests. AP Wirephoto endorse candidates must give equal air For the family headed by an employed manpower training. And it has trans¬ version of the "equal time" principle ferred the Head Start program to the time to opponents. that requires broadcasters to air both The ruling did not deal directly with Dept of Health. Education and Wel¬ sides of controversial issues. Federal fare. The OEO is a part of the White newspapers or magazines. Communications Commissioner (FCC) House executive office. "Congress could-if it wished- Link eyed in L.A. murders Kenneth A. Cox said Monday. Nixon conferred at the Western White constitutionallv apply counterparts of our And. Cox said. Congress should House Monday with Donald Rumsfeld, equal time and right of reply obligations require newspapers to give free "right to most newspapers.' he said, "since the OEO director. Rumsfeld told news¬ of reply" to persons criticized in print men afterward one thing stood out in they move in or clearly affect interstate LOS ANGELES i AP)-Police released The FCC commissioner said his views and his wife. his talk with the chief executive, that commerce and since the public in¬ Rosemary, 38. owners of of the Dolls." were stabbed several were a logical outgrowth of a Supreme Monday a 19 vear-old caretaker they had six Gateway Markets, were found in the in this administration there will be no terest in their providing their readers times. Two also were shot. "PIG" was Court decision last June held for questioning in one of two cultist- upholding FCC with both sides of important questions living room and bedroom of their JU50.000 scrawled on a door in what police said "sacred cows He said the'reorganiza¬ style murder sprees that took seven lives home Griffith tion and redirection of OEO has the "equal time" and "right of reply" stric¬ is clear ." near Park Both wore was blood. over the weekend tures on broadcasters Cox night clothes. A white cord was found around Miss full commitment of the President spoke at an American Bar Assoc¬ Freed for lack of evidence The court, ruling in a Pennsylvania was LaBianca was on his back, his hands Nixon started using for the first time iation meeting on "Mass Media-Rights Tate's neck, pulled across a ceiling broadcast case, upheld the William Garretson. arrested Saturday at tied behind him and with a FCC's "Fair¬ of Access and Reply His major theme long handled beam and looped around the neck of Monday a new office on a Coast Guard ness Doctrine" and stressed the the home in swanky Bel Air where police duty of was that newspapers, as well as radio barbeque fork ; tuck into his abdomen hairdresser. Jay Sebring. 26. one of Miss station adjoining his five-acre estate be¬ licensed stations to serve the public. The discovered the "ritualistic" slaughter of said Sgt. Terry Pierce and television, "must serve much more Tate's side the sea. It is a three-building com¬ actress Sharon fate and four other per fo|mer boyfriends A black hood court held specifically that stations must effectively than they have as forums fof The word WAR' was carved covered hishead. plex of prefabricated but rather luxurious give people Who are attacRed on the air . sons. the discussion and resolution of the com¬ across his chest with a knife. Pierce It was not clear immediately whether said, and the W had an upside-down plex issues now facing us. " the youth was ruled out in the slaying Clifton Daniel, KVV" carved over the top of it. managing editor of of a supermarket owner and his wife whose bodies were found Sunday night at room Death wall to in Pigs, what was written on the RARE UNANIMITY The New York Times, said that access to the press is a problem, but he appears to be his their home seven miles away. added that because of space problems blood, probably put on there with Hooded victims, slashings and the word a piece of paper dipped in the blood newspapers must discriminate or "PIG" scrawled in blood were among of the victim." he said drown." similarities between the two multiple killings, but authorities said they had further evidence these were the work of the same killer or killers no Pierce said Mrs. LaBianca was on the bedroom floor, stabbed several times in the back. Both had pillow-case hoods over their Senate votes restriction "A cess act highly skilled, high-speed pro¬ of selection is involved-a massive of discrimination, if you like-dis¬ crimination between the relevant and Detectives said they were seeking a the irrelevant, the heads tied on bv electrical cords around important and the chemical man whose name came up in conver the neck. Pierce said. unimportant." Daniel said. sation" with Garretson. but details "There they gave no The bedroom was in a turmoil. like she gave quite a struggle. Pierce said on weapons and Corydon B Dunham, vice president general attorney of the National is a similarity." said police But there was nothing out of place in Sgt. Bryce Houchin "But whether it's WASHINGTON (AP) - In a rare mo¬ Broadcasting Co.. said. the crucial the living room Evidently he was spending flared anew when Sen. John It was a compromise package of amend¬ the same suspect or ment of unanimity on a military mat¬ Stennis. D-Miss question underlying the problem of "ac¬ a copycat, we just surprised." protested what he called ments originally proposed . don't know ter. the Senate voted Monday to impose separate¬ cess" to the public is how much the The victims at Miss Tate's home also a mood of "mistrust, distrust, down Police said unprecedented restrictions on the testing ly by nine senators. House concurrence government should participate in the as many as three persons were caught unaware, said Detective with the military, down with the sen¬ will be required to make it effective. could have and transportation of chemical and bio¬ media's editorial policy.1 been involved in the five Lt Robert helder ators who are in line with the mili- Sen. Thomas «J Mclntyre. D-N.H.. slayings at the home rented for Miss logical weapons. Historically, he said, access has been Police have not reported finding death sponsored the amendment and called determined by the editor s judgment and Tate by her husband, film director Roman But after that 91-0 roll-call vote, the weapons in their case Stennis. chairman of the Senate Armed it "a coordinated effort to deal with chamber's a such factors as newsworthiness of the Polanski All victims at the home of Miss Tate. deep division over defense Services Committee, warned against highly complex and unpopular part of event and its fitness for The bodies of Leno A LaBianca. 44. efforts to chip away at the $20-billion print. 26. who had a starring role in "Valley our defense structure. ' He said the Supreme Court's decis¬ military authorization program his pan¬ Mclntvre said the amendment deals ion "may reflect a change in attitude el proposed. with "those flaws in the program" which of "We don't believe we're all of a sud¬ our society generally-less fearful Prof led to the illness of more than 20 CBW of government regulation and more fear¬ continues den going to have the milennium." Sten¬ workers on Okinawa, the nerve-gas death ful of the information media nis said. "We've got to have sufficient of thousands of sheep near Dugway. If this is so." Dunham added, we military strength to protect our own Utah, and the cross-country shipment can mark the beginning of a break with people ' of lethal germs and gas. the tradition of the First Amendment and The chemical and biological warfare By BARB PARNESS of Biophysics, and Barnett Rosenberg, prior to isolating it in the decontamina¬ Mclntyre warned that the Pentagon a different balancing by the judiciary of amendment, cleared in advance by the State Ne^s Staff Writer Two MSU scientists said Monday they professor of biophysics, said they will tion chamber opens the possibility for Pentagon, swept through the Senate is not the only agency transporting dan¬ the value of free flow of information and ask National Aeronautics and Space Admin¬ release of moon contaminants from inside gerous biological agents in the United the danger of government abuse of power will continue to push for changes in the with only an hour's debate. istration (NASA) to reexamine the the capsule into the ocean where numerous (please turn to page 6) over media. " procedures for retrieving space capsules methods used in retrieving capsules re¬ organisms could provide a seed bed for despite the fact three Apollo 11 astro¬ turning from the moon. rapid multiplication." the letter to Nixon nauts have been released in good "We're still concerned about future read. health from quarantine. shots. And once we have the information Augenstein said Monday that early Leroy Augenstein. chairman of the Dept from the tests they're running on lunar reports from the space center indicating rocks, a number of scientists across the the presence of a small concentration of country will ask the space agency to organic molecules in the lunar rocks conduct open hearings on this matter." have implications for future lunar ex¬ Augenstein said. plorations. Pol ice persist Both Augenstein and Rosenberg said they were "delighted" the astronauts are in good health following their 21 days in "The fact that there molecules indicates that our fears were justified," he said. are organic quarantine. In future Apollo flights astronauts will murder probe "I'm But I very still grateful." Rosenberg said. think that we should not relax our surveillance of the astronauts dig deeper into the moon's surface where the possibility of life existing is greater according to Augenstein and Rosenberg. YPSILANTI < UPI i Police We should keep much tighter controls con¬ Rosenberg said the apparent success of tinue to search for clues in a series on the next flight. I would like to see the Apollo 11 mission could make it of sex slayings. although a college student even more precautions taken." difficult to have retrieval procedures is charged with the seventh murder In July, Augenstein and Rosenbeeg pre¬ changed John Norman Collins. 22. a senior at sented recommendations to the Senate I wold suspect." he said, "that there Eastern Michigan University, is being Aeronautical and Space Science Committee might be a tendency to relax efforts. held in connection with the strangling on possible changes in the methods for But we can't let that happen " death of Karen Sue Beineman, 18. a fresh retrieving the Apollo 11 space craft Both scientists are concerned about man at the same university. The report stated the methods used in examining rocks Collins attorneys withdrew from the while we are convinced that the brought back from the moon by the Apollo case at his scheduled pretrial examination probability of life on the moon is very 11 astronauts. last Thursday. The Ypsilanti District small, the consequences to mankind could Augenstein said despite the fact that Court is expected to appoint a new be catastrophic if any such life forms NASA spent $15 million to build the attorney today are brought to earth where they might lunar receiving lab, a number of "serious Collin's traveling campanion. Andrew J infections against which we have no cause goof-ups" have occurred. Manuel. 25, was arrested on a federal natural immunity." The main "goof-up" happened when Set f fugitive warrant in Phoenix, Ariz., last In a letter dated June 24. the two several NASA personnel tore their gloves week and extradited to Michigan. He scientists urged President Nixon to inter while they were examining lunar rock Apollo 1 1 aslronauts Edwin E. Aldrin, Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong, front to back, leave their has been arraigned on two felony cede and have the retrieval procedures quarantine unit Sunday at the lunar receiving laboratory, Manned charges specimens and had to be quarantined. Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex. and i£_being held in the Washtenaw altered. When you spend $15 million, you don't On their County way home, where their families are waiting for them, they walk past crowds of spectators Jail in lieu of $15,000 bond "The opening of the capsule hatch expect those kinds of goof-ups," he added on hand to welcome them. AP Wirephoto MICHIGAN On the Central STATE NfWS American mini-war UNIVERSITY EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was submitted by J. Eduardo Palomo, an tide of emotion presumably to distract attention from the aforementioned inter¬ MSU alumnus who resides in El Salva¬ nal political problems. Trinka Cline, executive editor dor. On June 15, in San Salvador, the El Norman J. Saari, managing editor The international press and radio have Salvador soccer team defeated the Hon¬ George K. Bullard, duran team, 3-0. Feeling among the campus editor reported such inaccurate information con¬ Deborah Fitch, feature editor cerning the happenings of the current visiting Hondurans ran high and the usual conflict between El Salvador and Hon¬ boisterous football game atmosphere ex¬ William B. Castanier Kenneth Krell, editorial editor duras, that we have thought it of in¬ isted. In returning home to Honduras advertising manager from El Jeff Elliott, sports editor terest to our friends to receive a more Salvador, the Honduran spec¬ objective story concerning this conflict. tators were submitted to "the Brooklyn Geographically. Cl Salvador is the smal¬ raspberries '' Apparently, some stone Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. lest republic inLatin America, as well as throwing was also involved. the most densely populated, with a popu¬ The Honduran national government took this occasion to propagate over national EDlfORJAL lation of approximately 3 million. duras is roughly 8 times larger than El Salvador, with a smaller population-2.5 Hon¬ radio networks and in the International Press, the most absurd lies stating the and enjoys natural resources in miner¬ Hondurans had been beaten up, Honduran Germ and als and agricultural lands far superior to those of El Salvador. Traditionally, women owners violated, that Honduran citizens, of stores resident in El Salva¬ in the development of Honduras, the Sal¬ dor, had their establishments burnt, vadorean farm worker has been enlisted etc. As residents of El Salvador we can warfare to develop the larger agricultural under¬ takings in Honduras, such as those of the United Fruit Co., Standard Fruit Co..etc. assure that this did not happen. complete fabrication of lies touched off mob retaliations against Salvadorean cit¬ This While the entire considera¬ biological and chemical fields A certain jealousy or rivalry has izens in Honduras. tion of the merits of various for "deterrent" purposes is developed between the native Honduran The Honduran Lopez Arellano govern¬ and the Salvadorean immigrant. ment has political organization of instruments of genocide or ter- somewhat less than sound. We a In more recent years, the Salvador¬ strong armed toughs called, in Span¬ racide is reminiscent of the already have enough potential ean emigrant of the type of truck and ish. "mancha brava" or "angry mob.'' ravings of a demented mind, atomic holocaust to destroy the tractor driver, mechanic, etc.. has gained This group and the rabble that gathered a certain ascendency in employment be¬ around it led by a fanatic type radio it must be admitted that these world, perhaps, twice over. This he has a slightly better tech¬ cause campaign, sacked, robbed and burnt things do exist and, therefore, strikes the observer as quite an nical preparation than the Honduran. Be¬ places of business operated by Salva¬ must be evaluated. impressive deterrent. Just be¬ cause of the Salvadorean's innate desire doreans. culminating in acts so terror¬ cause they socked us with germs for work, he has acquired in many of the izing as to result in the flight of roughly The U.S. Senate's action yes¬ larger agricultural and industrial projects 18.000 Salvadoreans back to El Salva¬ terday to place some curbs on does not mean that we must in Honduras better employment than the dor. They were forced to flee with noth¬ chemical and biological war¬ . reply in kind. Hondurans. The feeling that exists be¬ ing but their clothes on their backs, fare elements is highly com¬ Further, nuclear weaponry tween the Salvadorean immigrant and the leaving behind farms, crops, and all has one great advantage over native Honduran is probably not unlike other possessions which were the re¬ by the Hondurean Army on the frontier Sanctions are definitely not the answei mendable. It is about time reacted with full out attacks. the feeling that has existed in many sult of their accumulated years of work. until a complete investigation has beei that some controls were put on germ and chemical agents in countries of the world, such as in the Authenticity of atrocities is difficult to Honduras is screaming by every news this business of the produc¬ terms of civilian safety-the United States, between natives and im¬ establish from El Salvador. Neverthe¬ medium that they are innocent victims of The OAS. with the U.S. as its stronger chances of an incredible "acci¬ migrants. less, the state of terror, shock, and the aggression from El Salvador. Obviously, member, is bringing the full weight o: tion of insanity and death. Unfortunately in recent years. Hon¬ beaten condition of the returning Salva¬ they have spent and are continuing to its power against the tiniest nation ii The dent" happening are much low¬ major objection that duran politicians have used this feeling doreans as they arrived^ is sufficient spend fortunes in well directed propa¬ the Hemisphere and to date doing nothing critics of the program have er. Atom bombs are not like as a political tool. testimony as to what they ganda. The international press and" radio to compel the Lopez Arellano govern suffered. The is that the civilian population hand grenades-it takes more Despite the hundreds of thousands of stories of the multilations, killings, etc.. have repeated, sometimes verbatim, the ment to stop its persecution. acres of fine undeveloped agricultural are hair raising. El Salvador Govern¬ propaganda lies of the Honduran govern¬ All El Salvador quakes with trepi¬ of this country is being en¬ than the pulling of a pin or the land in Honduras, the Lopez Arellano ment appealed to the Honduran Govern¬ ment. It has been most disturbing, at dation knowing the ineffectiveness ol dangered by the inordinate pro¬ lighting of a fuse to set them government has made a political theme of ment of Lopez Arellano to control the least in the beginning, to listen to the the United Nations and the OAS to righl duction and stockpiling of these off. In fact, unless a relative¬ a land reform program and used the Sal¬ mancha brava'' and appealed to the Voice of America and the BBC repeat¬ wrong in similar situations. Just how vadorean immigration as its emotional OAS to send immediately a commission ing the whole distorted and completely the OAS is going to guarantee by the lethal agents. This seems ly complex arming process is political lever. As long as a year ago. to protect the interests of Salvador- false picture presented by the Lopez presence of observers, the lives and to be in direct contradiction undertaken, they are practical¬ Honduran official radio and private radio in Honduras according to the guarantees Arellano government. This propaganda safety of 250.000 Salvadorean resident to the military's claim that ly benign. stations propagandized against the Sal¬ established in the Charter of the OAS. has been so cleverly organized that one in the vast areas of Honduras is diffi¬ On the other hand, it takes vadorean immigrants, raising the cry For some unexplained reason, the com¬ realizes it is not spontaneous The El cult to envision, especially in view ol they are only really involved that the Salvadoreans mission of the OAS took 16 days Salvador Government, on the other hand, the notorious penchant of the Lopez came to Honduras to arrive in the research and experimen¬ only one faulty valve on a tank only to steal from the Hondurans their in El Salvador and exhibited the mild¬ has not been sophisticated and certainly Arellano government to ignore the obli¬ tal aspects of chemical and of nerve gas to decimate a lands and employment. This theme est type of interest in trying to control late in handling its international public gations of treaties and agreements when¬ reached the extreme of threats the happenings in Honduras. relations. It is extremely painful tor us ever it is to its advantage to do so. The germ war. city. This fact is particularly telling the Salvadoreans that if they did not The Salvadorean people are united in a who know the truth to hear our friends people have one sentiment: that the Gov¬ Certainly, there is a need to frightening when one consid¬ leave voluntarily they would be killed and maximum humanitarian effort to relieve in the States and Europe refer to plight ernment must make its own arrange¬ continue research for defensive ers that in the stockpiling stage sent home dead to El Salvador. Despite the pathetic condition of the expelled Sal¬ of El Salvador rather comically as the ments with Honduras and that these purposes. A train-load of nerve- chemical and germ agents are this rabble-rousing propaganda, people vadoreans. Anybody who has worked in "football war" engineered by the arrangements will only be accomplished ' in El Salvador did not to the Red Cross line or has had anything "earth-hungry, imperialist, from a position of strength. It is patent gas such as the Army recently often handled like so many seem pay aggressor much attention to it judging it purely as to do with the reception of the refugees El Salvador." that the democratically elected El Sal¬ tried to ship cross-country does sacks of potatoes. -which is practically everybody in El Nobody in El Salvador wants El vador Government will fall the day it political noise-making war. seem to be quite a lot of de¬ We definitely support the In June of this year, the Lopez Arel¬ Salvador-cannot possible accept what Salvador is not interested in territorial orders its Armies to retreat without fense Senate's stand on these lethal lano government got into serious polit¬ has happened to this brother citizen in expansion, but clamors with one voice the Honduran Government fulfilling the though. ical internal difficulties involving the Honduras. for justice for its citizens expelled from conditions of indemnization and guar¬ Militarily, of course, chem¬ agents. Under no circumstances strike of the teachers and university stu¬ Honduras; protection for the approxi¬ antee of human rights required by El can ical and biological warfare we see any possible ra¬ dents. The deafness of the Lopez Arellano mately 250,000 Salvadoreans still in Hon¬ Salvador tionale for keeping around more duras, and indemnization for the damage The maelstrom resulting from an agents have impressive merit. Unfortunately, this coincided with the in¬ Government to the appeals of the Salva¬ ternational soccer games to select the dorean done to Salvadorean business and private overturned government would be made than those minute amounts of Government to control the Unlike comparatively messy nu¬ Central American team to go to the inter¬ "mancha brava", forced the Government property in Honduras. to order for an extreme dictatorship clear weaponry, the germ and such substances are are neces¬ The OAS has told the Salvadorean more disastrous for the OAS and the national event in Mexico, of which the of El Salvador to take into its own hands chemical arsenal has the ability sary for pure research purposes. Government to fire and retreat United States than the current problem. two runners-up were El Salvador and the protection required of the Salva¬ cease Honduran government prop¬ back from points it has won or else The OAS has only one way to go- to incapacitate or kill entire It would indeed be ironic Honduras. dorean citizens in Honduras. Accord¬ the punitive measures of the Rio de sustain the El Salvador Government in and aganda turned the football games into ingly. on July 14 the Salvadorean Gov¬ populations without doing any tragic if future historians a political event and drummed up a high ernment after having its Army harrassed Janeiro Treaty will be put into effect. its demands for justice. damage to the landscape. Cit¬ on a decimated planet were ies. factories, farmlands still to record that our civilization's remain -only people are gone. greatest enemy was not some KEN KRELL The question is-just how much other nation, but, rather, our over-kill do we need? own armed forces who slipped The proposition that the up in an orgy of death produc¬ United States an offensive needs to develop capacity in the tion. -The Editors The conspiracy is spreading The web The conspiracy is spreading Authorities report they have no way dents who have discovered the grass." "It's everywhere. It's everywhere of controlling the onslaught of grass which he lamented. Now why in the world did probably is not a bad hit for SOUTH BEND. Ind -Marijuana was dis¬ has greatly immobilized the city's live¬ Obviously the next move in the con¬ covered growing wild in numerous stock and other vegetarians, including a SOUTH BEND. Ind.-- Police chief Wilbur the Detroit Free Press find it a spider. spiracy. Why else would it be called parts of the city today, including road strange form of dirty, long-haired homo Panama "Red0" Immobilize the town. Headstrung, appearing incoherent and in a pertinent to run Monday an ar¬ Interestingly, a tripped-out sides, gardens and vacant fields One sapiens. Freak em out so they are unable to stupor from a suspected pot party, reported ticle on spiders and LSD on spider will# usually make a Cannabis sativa plant had the temerity "We just can't get rid of the stuff," run their factories. Get their kids high that a major bank robbery was diverted their Second Front Page? to sprout from beneath the asphalt drive¬ policeman reported. "And the tragic We longer, more regular web and one so they're unable to go to school and today when the criminal collapsed and way of a state police officer. part is that we're being invaded by dissi- learn about the evils of the commies. hallucinated while still inside the vault. feel that possibly it was be¬ he will make it three-dimen¬ Send the entire city on one big. tremen¬ cause the article contained sional rather than following dous trip and they'll be helpless In other developments, a racial riot those highly controversial let¬ the plain, hum-drum two-di¬ The commies are loving every minute subsided here when both black and white of it. militants freaked out when ters "LSD." mensional scheme of straight were they One citizen, a patriotic 86-vear-old burned down a building allegedly filled It seems that if you stone spiders. with marijuana. lady who is desperately trying to resist The kids decided it was a spider with a little acid, the temptation of the hemp plant, reported more fun to breathe the pot smoke than he makes some really far-out All this being as it may, she has documented, factual evidence that inhale burning gasoline fumes, as they we feel that we cannot com¬ certain high level officials are aiding had in the past webs. Any head around cam¬ the communists in this, the next step mend the Detroit Free Press pus could have told you about In the conspiracy following sex education The South Bend division of the mafia too highly for bringing the webs and LSD a couple of years A senate sub-committee was assigned packed up bags today and left town ago. people of Michigan yet another to study the situation and establish a grumbling "there's no business left. By DAVID BASSETT set of guidelines to be followed in erad¬ Those damned commies have ruined The Free Press says that penetrating glimpse into the our icating this step in the red menace. marijuana income. Why should kids buy things start happening spider- problems of drug abuse. So that all further controversy may It is quite irrelevant what my musical from us when it grows wild in the streets." be prevented and the publishing of further tastes are. However, I think it should Police chief Wilbur Headstrung stated, wise after a "small dose (.03 It was bad enough when psy¬ confused Letters to the Editor may be be known what the point of the column "there ain't none of them commies gonna Ghetto residents of the city reported to .05 micrograms)"'is admin¬ chedelic chemicals were mak¬ in ceased, I wish all my faithful readers question was. mess with us red-blooded Americans there are no rats left to bite their istered. Sure, .05 micrograms to be aware of my position on.WVIC's The column was not merely a criticism for long. We've withdrawn the American children. It seems they have all eaten ing their way into the hands of the Plain Brown is an exceedingly "small dose," Von Ryan and The Plain Brown Wrapper Wrapper or the music Medical Assn.'s grant for the study of hemp plants and are laying in basements of Junior High School kids-or Approximately two weeks ago. a column they play. Rather, it was a criticism of marijuana because there is evidence dazed and stupified. but we feel that this state¬ so someone said anyway. When Von Ryan and the dubious professionalism written by me appeared in the State that they intend to use the information ment should be put in per¬ News. In this column, it was stated that and ethicality which is characteristic of to spread this evil to overthrow It's everywhere. It's everywhere. The spiders start to turn-on, well, the conspiracy is spreading. Von Ryan had made a great many people spective. An average dose of we feel that this thing is government." After all, we've done all the fell drug for a human be¬ unhappy by not telling an audience at just kind of getting out of Grandmothers that a pop group known ing is about 250 micrograms. hand. as The Box Tops would be several hours A little quick math yields the It is late and that The Plain Brown Wrapper our duty as citizens to would be used as a substitute. fact that .05 micrograms is protect our invertebrate Also, it was stated that I land one-five thousandth of a human friends from the evil hand of most of the audience) did not like the dose. Considering the dif¬ the pusherman. We must strive Plain Brown Wrapper's choice of music In time, this column ferences in the body weight to unravel this tangled web was interpreted to mean that I liked music which was between men and arachnid, it of crime. described as "bubble gum" by a number turns out that .05 micrograms -The Editors of individuals. f Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 12, 1969 3 NEWS SAIGON Beret (AP) - The attor- Americans ,,X7 You will victim doublecolled =" "findJ that *■ this * agent fice the life, the career of my Haven, Mass., who commanded ney for one of eight Green Attorney George W. Gregory was wrongfully entrusted with all Green Berets in Vietnam summary Berets accused of murdering a of Cheraw, S.C., told a news un- such valuable information that Vietnamese man charged Mon- conference that the dead man thousands of American lives Gregorys claims followed by til The "charges "were brought a few hours a report from in- A day that the alleged victim was worked for both the U.S. Cen- against him last month. Gregory said the charges were capsule summary of the day's events froir were saved in the most nec- formed U.S. military sources our wire services. a double agent who imperiled tral Intelligence Agency and essary manner," brought against the eight Green the security of thousands of the North Vietnamese. Gregory said, Berets by Col. Ed. V Hend- Gregory said his client, Maj. was a Communist agent and his command. Thomas C. Gregory said he be- ren. adjutant general for the Middleton Jr., 30. slaying was part of an assigned lieved the alleged victim was U.S. Army in Vietnam. of Jefferson, S.C., was being "military mission." a — • Vietnamese man in the serv- "sacrificed" for political rea¬ The sources suggested that ice of the North Vietnamese Hendren later told sons and a reporter: suggested that Con¬ charges in the secrecy army. I have gress investigate the case. shrouded no permission to make case brought He said the man \ feeding any comment on this. I have The bespectacled "I have been convinced lawyer against the eight men, seven information to the Communists not heard any such statement since charged without mentioning officers and a sergeant, be- even though the CIA thought July of I that de¬ names that "certain varied and cause of vendetta by Mr. Gregory." a by regular he was exclusively theirs. valuation nas inevitable." high commanders" were so Army officers jealous of the Thank God it was discov¬ The body of the alleged vic¬ —(,eort>es afraid of international and l*ompidou. French po- elite Special Forces, ered," he said. tim has not been found and the litical repercussions "that it The accused include Col. Rob- Asked why the charge U.S. president became necessary was Navy apparently has given to sacri- ert B. Rheault of Vineyard brought against his client, the up the month-long search. DESPITE TIGHT MONEY International News French President Georges Pompidou said Mon¬ day he became convinced that devaluation of the franc was "inevitable'' right after the Real estate sales increase French student-worker riots of 1968. By ROSANNE BAIME have an effect on the amount The state legislature recent¬ State News Staff Writer Although the devaluation offers possible of loans made. ly repealed a law holding inter¬ H.F. Wynne-Parry, execu¬ By properly combining its est on personal loans to 7 per threats to other money systems, the world s tive vice president of the Lans¬ money market barely showed any reaction Field work ing Board of Realtors, doesn't tools, the Reserve Board trfes to decrease the amount of monev cent. Although this did not to corporate loans. East apply Lansing to the French move during the first day after The fish-eye lens captures the chore of installing think the federal government's released into the economy is "not a corporate area" and devaluation. Tartan Turf in Spartan Stadium. Workmen are busy anti-inflationary program is go-; through loans. could not participate in the laying the foam for the Spartans' artificial grid ing to hurt the real estate The problem with this is the national rate increase. • • • surface in the final stages of preparation for the industry. psychology of inflation. Bor¬ The money supply is tight¬ U.S. military spokesmen in Saigon reported '69 "I think the money market will rowers see prices rising and de¬ ening. Trautz said. "There's season. State News photo by Wayne Munn clear up," he said. "Our sales cide that credit will be just not enough money to lend. Monday that the heaviest fighting in nearly more are up from last year, although expensive in the future. They "We have to reserve credit two months is raging across South Vietnam. we haven't achieved quite the feel it would be better to borrow for our own depositors." he said." They said there are signs the enemy is ready¬ same acceleration." for corporate expansion now thar Loans are beginning to level ing a new offensive. "The intelligence we have . . indicates Traffic con agree Wynne-Parry's fellow real¬ tors, however, don't always with him. same thing as government to wait for credit rates to increase more. Now, as the government is off said. Among the first to be ter¬ minated are building loans, he He believes the first that the enemy is preparing for a full cam¬ "Many of the local and state spending. By selling them it trying to tighten credit by re¬ thing this will do is bring threaten a realtors aren't too optimistic paign to be conducted during August and isphons money out of circula¬ ducing the amoung of money decrease in real estate values. about the last half of this year," tion into governmental reserves. available for lending, From there, hopefully, price September.'' one spokesman said. banks he said. "And if you're talking -It can alter the basic re¬ have responded by hiking their decreases will spread to the en¬ WASHINGTON (AP) -- Disciplinary action against some of about the price of 'used' homes- interest rates again. The prime tire economy. serve requirements of banks. National News the air traffic controllers who took part in a June 18-20 slow¬ those that are already built- Bank reserves represent a frac¬ interest rate-the one the best "This is all part of the fight down brought a renewed threat Monday of mass resignations. 1 might agree with them.'' tion of the amount they are customers receive-is 8.5 per to curb inflation." Trautz said. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it has pro¬ When talking about the cost "The currencies of the world The Nixon Administration plans to upgrade legally able to lend. By low¬ cent, the highest interest rate posed five-day suspensions for 22 of the 477 controllers who re¬ of building a home, Wynne-Par¬ in history. ering the reserve requirements U.S. military capability in Spaih by dispatch¬ ported sick and unable to work during the slowdown, and three- ry sees an average increase of the Reserve Board can encour¬ Edward A. Trautz, execu¬ day suspensions for 60. 15 to 20 per cent over last ing 72 new F4 Phanton jet fighters to the Air One controller was given an oral reprimand and 115 were age more loans, releasing more tive vice president of the East Force base at year. He says this is due to money into the economy. In¬ Lansing State Bank, thinks banks Torrejon early next year, it cleared as having been absent from work for legitimate rea¬ "rising costs." creasing the ratio of will have to cooperate reserves with the was reported Monday in Washington. sons. The FAA said it is still processing the remaining 279 The increase in building costs to loans causes banks to cut government to reduce loans. The plan is likely to bring fresh criticism instances of absenteeism. is just a part of the more wide¬ back on credit, to regain the le¬ Increasing interest rates does The employes have 15 days under Civil Service Commis¬ spread rise in the cost of living on the Pentagon from gal reserve balance. not discourage corporate borrow Congressional leaders sion rules in which to ask for a review. The federal government is em¬ -A relatively who want the United States to pull out of unimportant ing. Instead, Trautz thinks banks The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PAT- ploying all its economic tools function is to vary the rate of must ration their loans. Spain. CO). which claims a membership of more than 7,000. said it to curb the current inflation. interest charged banks by the Until a few weeks ago the The United States and Spain have already One of its major tools is reserve system for borrowing re¬ increase in the prime interest has received letters of resignation from thousands of members monetary policy-control of the serves. By making it harder rate throughout the nation had reached an agreement limiting American ready to be filed if the FAA proceeds with punitive action money supply through financial or easier for banks to add to little effect on the East Lans¬ leases on Spanish bases to Sept. 26. 1970. against controllers. The union had announced previously that institutions. If there is less their this would also ing it was gathering such letters. reserves, economy, Trautz said. with an additional year for the withdrawal F. Lee Bailey. PATCO executive director, and Verne Law¬ money in the economy then there will be less money for of units. yer. acting general counsel, said the FA As action is aimed at destroying the union. spending. • • • Eventually, economic theory A binini-clad high school girl found slain, In a letter to members. Bailey and Lawyer said PATCO says, prices will drop THE STATE NEWS plans to defend each member accused of absenteeism. The Federal Reserve Board, along with her boyfriend, at a remote spot on a ' We have reason to believe that these actions are taken the agent that carries out mone¬ The State Newt, the itudent lover's lane in Melbourne Beach, Fla.. was maliciously, in bad faith and for the sole purpose of destroy¬ newspaper at Michigan State University, is tary policy, has three ways to pubIIibed every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week ing PATCO," they said. shot more than a dozen times, police said accomplish its goals. and Orientation issues in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 "In each instance where a prosecution is commenced we --It can buy or sell govern¬ per year. Monday. proposed to file a grievance against FAA Administrator John ment securities on the open Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland The girl was found 15 yards from the car. H. Shaffer by the member concerned on account of this malice. market. Daily Press By buying them it Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association. Mich¬ and her boyfriend was found in the backseat puts government funds into the igan Collegiate Press Association, Unite* States Student Press Association. Meanwhile a rival organization, the Air Traffic Control Assn. in a kneeling position with his hands tied be¬ said in its biweekly publication, The ATCA economy, accomplishing the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Bulletin, that con¬ hind his back. He had been shot three times. trollers who submit their resignations under the present circum¬ Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan stances would be taking an unrealistic and ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ State University, East Lansing, Michigan. • • • irresponsible action A which could only lead to public loss of confidence and svmpathy ■ MAXX i State Dept. spokesman said Monday for their cause. in Washington the United States has received 2 Union Ballroom ! Editorial Classified Advertising 3U-S2&2 SU-ttS ■ Friday at 8 g Display Advertising m l|f1) informal indications that the Soviet Union ■ $1.50 ■ Business-Circulation 3SS-3447 Photographic Cousin's Jtt-SJll may reply soon to a U.S. proposal that stra¬ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ tegic arms limitation talks start by mid- August. Men's and Women's • • • Apparel Really enjoy your The National Broadcasting Co. said Monday BOUTIQUE STYLES it would not release cigarette companies from their contracted advertising commitments BELL BOTTOMS vacation this Jan. BODY SHIRTS on 1. 1970. as proposed last month by the tobacco companies. AND MANY CONTEMPORARY STYLES year... 429 East Michigan Ave. shorten it. Try a tan- Michigan News 2 Blocks East of Capitol gy pizza or one of our great sandwiches. All Lynn Willie Blackwell was arraigned Mon¬ delivered instantly at no extra cost. day on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder after a shooting melee that left five policemen and a civilian wounded. Blackwell. 36, a former mental patient, was remanded to the Wayne ALSO! County Jail for Hamburgers psychiatric examination. Recorders (crim¬ inal) Court Judge William J. Sutherland set a temporary pre-trial examination date of Get INSTANT CASH Cheeseburgers Submarines Aug. 25, pending results of mental tests Blackwell barricaded himself story northwest Detroit home early Sunday in his two- INTRODUCES THE... for a carefree trip French Fries & and began to shoot out the windows, wound¬ ing a neighbor and five policemen who were Hungry Gourmet Special* Enjoy a happier, more carefree vacation this year with Instant Cash in your pocket. It's Vouchers are ideal for high-speed loans paid directly into your checking account when you'; PIZZA called to the available in three forms:money orders, vouch¬ away from home. scene. ers, and good old cash. Or simply stop CALL 332-6517 • • • by before leaving town for son Instant Cash money orders are better than ordinary Instant Cash cash. It's accepted every- Dowagiac police chief George Grady has lodged a complaint with State Attv. Gen. IDE BIBEYE STEAK ordinary for combine them money orders because you don't pay until after you've used them. They the advantages of low-cost credit Use painless payroll deduction for if you wish. Phone repayment, VARSITY Frank Kelley. alleging the Michigan Civil a today for complete informa¬ union loan with the safety of an ordinary mon¬ tion on this and the many other services avail¬ Rights Commission is harassing his depart¬ ment because of the arrest of a black on dis¬ Salad, Baked Potato, Ranch Toast—all for 9S( ey order. They're available in any denomina¬ tion and negotiable almost everywhere. able to credit union families. orderly charges. (regular price $1.39) In a letter to Kelley mailed Monday. •served every Mon. & Tues. during August Grady, who was appointed police chief of Do- STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average MSU EMPLO wagic in 1965, said Sammie Young, arrested by his department June 25 on disorderly everyday hungry gourmet 1019 Trowbridge Rd. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday charges, complained to the Civil Rights Com¬ • Phone 363-2280 mission that he had been abused bv officers. ^OO^N^Home^ near Frandor Shopping Cente^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 12, 1969 Upward Bound promotes interest in higher education ijj: EDITOR'S NOTE* This is the cations to do so, and to help and fun as well, said he is shows to panel discussions. second in a two-part report them both academically prepare learning a lot about life. Classrooms as well are often on the Upward Bound program and socially. "It helps you to understand open to group discussions about atMSU. Academically, the program other people and their motives." current social issues. By CAROLYN SMITH provides special courses in lan- Rooneysaid. Of course, For six weeks at the guages, math and science and the things do not al¬ Meeting New People ways run smoothly, and Up- beginning of summer term. Shaw arts. Teachers are full time and Carolyn Scott, a senior at ward Bound has had its share Hall housed what could turn tutors are available around the out to Highland Park High School, said of problems, be one of the Univer- clock. sj,e came see what college sity s most significnnt social But s student csnnot mskc jjfg wss lik6 dnd to m66t new Closed social groups some¬ experiments. it in college if he does not Near acc Upward Bound (UB), part want to go in the first place, people She ^ she found that . nobody makes you do any- times persist in spite of attempts at an "Upward Bound identity." Sky dlvsrs ar« a fragile combination of caution and of the government anti-poverty and this is where UB does Such groups form rivalries that thing You have to learn to dars-devlltry. Before a Jump they check every program, brings high school its most important work. work on your own." can be detrimental to the learn¬ detail on their parachutes. Once In the air, how¬ juniors, seniors and a few Develops Educational Goals Almost all the students agreed ing process as well as stifling ever, the urge to free-fall "just a little longer graduates from the Lansing and "The main purpose of Upward that meeting people of different the social atmosphere. this time" Is often too great a temptation. Such Detroit areas every year to the Bound is to help the student racial and social backgrounds MSU campus to participate in a Moreover, there will always was the case Sunday when two men duoed over develop goals that include con- was „ao beneficial and that ».ai it ... be half term of classes and to what the students term Mason Airport, one landing later than the other, tinuing his education beyond high gave them a different outlook sample college life. "troublemakers" who can magni¬ almost on top of a little girl who ran out to greet school.' Donald Craig, on their own problems. The objective of Upward Bound asst. director of fy small problems. The penalty the first chutist. State News photo by Bob Ivlns Upward Bound, Most also felt that the social for making too much is to encourage those who are said. trouble, capable of continuing their edu- "We have to make them atmosphere was more free and however, is dismissal from the more rewarding than in their program. Craig said. feel this is where they belong," . .. . , Craig said. This is done V At home There have also been JAZZ-ROCK BLUES changing their perspectives, he explained. you your feelings." Denise Lynch have to hide , problems between UB and some some Ecorse junior said especially ^he students from the short- term high school groups also An Marcia Orr, Ecorse senior, housed in Shaw. Of this, Craig Funky duo jams at Donjon cent of former UB students have agreed with Miss Lynch that said, "I think it's an outgrowth gone on to college in the past, as opposed to an estimated 5 'up here you feel more free of having a wide variety of to associate with who you want programs in the dormitory. Tired of night spots that All this for $1.25 Thursday and dig each other People "Music is like an orgasm," Lnnp annp with cent gone Pej: with w!j? W?U!^the witnniit or without nr tnp aid am and °get to know what other people are like j^ey f have different roles, dif- j ferent underlying i..: » • i philosophies . . rehash to Top 40 your radio of the program. and different interests." through Sunday. who can dig this can come along Evans said. "If you do it blared all day0 Richard Rooney. a junior at Social Exploration Try Donjon. Thursday and Sunday nights for the ride. " right, it's mellow, then hot, 607 Michigan Ave., for a higher fill the gap left by the Trop- Ecorse High School, who said The program promotes such frequency of entertainment and icana last summer when it fold¬ Sunday night B and Evans inenmeiIOW he came to UB because he exploration through group acti- atmosphere ed Donjon provides B and Evans played alone and jammed withal- _B ,and Evans^ who also play thought it might be educational vities that range from fashion individuals, not groups. bum ' afterhours on Tuesdays at the DOnjon is just what the French and they provide public jam ses¬ recordings Shopr Around." "Dancing in the RaP n Rib- were handicapped name implies-a dungeon with sions. Street" and "Listen Here Sunday by a faulty organ The real rock walls, prominent beams Bi 1 Metros, drummer for the and red-lit Gothic windows. This subterranean coffee house pro¬ vides a carpeted, sofa-soft al¬ Woolies.and*"* """""" T"m "•*" Pontiac graduate student in psy¬ The lagt sejection by Eddie organist Tom Evan Harris is typical of their range: funky jazz-rock-blues. percussion tab or button, which wasn t working and punch to a note, Boez concert in chology, call themselves " a ternative to the prevalent lino¬ Still, their renditions of to , , L rhythm section for others whe They have an almost bell- leum. table and hard-backed chair decor at Granny's the Gables and the Dells. "fortune boudoir" where Dave want to jam. shaped curve to their style. Five," "Mercy "We don't arrange our enter- They start and finish playing tainment for the public," Evans around the beat, catch up to it Memphis Underground," "Take Green Onion" had a fugue- Mercy" and promote "The landlords claim rent Patterned after three Swiss ijke fuiine^s'and power they're Schrager said the union hopes Brodeur and Susan White read said. "This is an opportunity climactically somewhere in the damaged and we want to see to get a jury trial for both the clubs, Donuon opened three horoscopes, for musicians to be creative middle of a piece During a jazz interpretation Folksinger Joan Baez will how," Shrager said. "There's conspiracy suit and the anti¬ weeks ago under their owner of Donovan's "Get Thy Bear¬ appear in concert at 8:30 to- going to be a hassle about those trust counter claim. Carlos Piagi, 23, president of ings," Metros held a blues- night in the Special Events questions. They haven't "We've asked for a jury trial a watch firm, and local mana¬ 4 beat, while Evans alternated Bldg., at the University of Mi- in both our answers to their Mid-1970 completion date answered them yet." ger Jim Dinkeo, 19, whose ad between measures of 5 4 and 3 4 chigan (U-M) in Ann Arbor The tenants union has filed charges and in our advancing of agency designed the menus and time. The concert is sponsored by a $1 million anti-trust coun- our own charges. " he said. placemats for Cave of the Can¬ Someone wrote on a nap¬ the Ann Arbor Tenants Union, ter claim against the six land- He noted that the tenants un¬ dles. kin. "No straw soaking up blood The group, leading the rent lords who filed the conspiracy ion has been making progress set for seven new buildings Both men stress hospital¬ in this dungeon, but there is a strike against the city's land- in the individual eviction cases suit. ity, privacy and " something dif¬ certain amount of dancing on lords, which began in Febru- which have recently come to The counter claim is based ferent for everyone.'' fire." ary, will provide money for the on alleged violations of state court. Here the waitresses come And indeed, Evans' AC verve Schrager said significant rent bare-backed and the music varies „ By TOM SPANIOLO has ever constructed University officials seemed to have pelvic reper¬ reductions have been granted from room to room. Friday By the mid 1970 s, the MSU campus hope that the hospital an be completed by cussions among several grind¬ "minimal basic sum" for her in three cases tried by a jury should have at least seven filed a federal anti-trust suit night Bob Macal sang folk new buildings 1974. ing females. . performance, as well as a per- against a whole slew" of Ann The landlords have been ex¬ upstairs, while Mission Frost valued at well over 140,000,000 Besides the medical school complex, a "Ticket to Ride" was equally centage of the profits, accord- Arbor landlords This suit was tremely reluctant to go to court played blood, sweat and tears number of other buildings are either in the inventive B and Evans played Most of this money will be spent on the ing to Gene Troupin, a mem- dismissed for lack of juris- lately," Shrager continued He stuff in the basement There's medical school recently planning stages or are presently under con¬ Picasso with the Beatles' song ber of the strike steering com- diction by the federal court said Summit Associates, an Ann new approved by the struction also a color TV lounge and a One structure which should be They stretched it, rumbled it, mittee Michigan Legislature. Although the total The case did not involve in- Arbor landlord, has been par cost of the medical school has not yet been completed by the end of this year is the slurred and syncopated it until The Baez concert terstate ticularly willing to settle out of Pesticide Research was commerce, Schrager estimated, the new University hospital will Laboratory, costing they made the tune their own originally to be sponsored by explained court Speech expert probably require at least half of the $40,000,000 At the present time, only one of the pro $2,100,000, being built for the Botany Dept Another building which is partially finished That's their way, that's what music is all about the Resistance, an anti-war group for which Miss Baez is the $800,000 Observatory which is scheduled to speak today posed medical school buildings is under con¬ struction-the $5,000,000 Life Science Bldg It to open spring, 1970. has been raising money Troupin said the politically act¬ Math teacher swims 50 miles Still in the planning stages are the Com ive folksinger will give her should be completed by fall 1971. A speech and hearing expert will speak on trends in diag In addition, plans call for three additional munlcation ence Bldg. Arts Both Bldg and the Social Sci of these structures will share of the profits to the Re¬ to sistance. Kalamazoo teacher meeting nosing speech problems in pub¬ Life Science buildings, a medical library and house classroom facilities and will cost lic schools at 12:40 p.m. today Troupin said Miss Baez has Russ Chaffee might not "walk in Kalamazoo by 7 p.m. today, a 250-300 bed hospital. According to Clair $5,000,000 each If funds are received in time, The MSU Sailing Club will been told about the problems a mile for a Camel," but he's in time to attend the meeting in 223 Natural Resources Bldg Huntington, supervisor for new University construction should begin next year hold shore school at 6 p.m. and of the tenants union and the eager to swim 50 miles to get of the council of which he is Mary Kennedy is supervisor construction, the hospital will have teaching Other buildings being planned are a Cyclo¬ a meeting at 6:30 tonight at of the Pre-School Diagnostic and tron Lake Lansing Changes in the a meeting in Kalamazoo, a member. facilities for 64 medical students and will Laboratory for the Physics Dept. and an Chaffee, Sayre, Pa., gradu- Chaffee said he likes to do Remedial Speech and Hearing take over the health care of the student Athletic Events Bldg. which would replace constitution will be discussed The tenants union is await- ate student, began a 50-mile something like this every sum- Center in Grand Rapids Her population, thus replacing Olin Health Cen¬ Jenison Fieldhouse. Neither of these build Rides will leave at 5:30 and 5:45 g a pre-trial hearing set for swim on the Kalamazoo River mer. lecture is open to the public ter. Huntington stated that the estimated cost ings are definitely planned: if the Cyclo¬ p.m from the west exit of the Aug. 21 in a $360,000 conspir¬ at 3:30 p.m. tron Monday in order .Tve been looking for a place of the hospital would be over $22,000,000. Laboratory is to be built federal funds Union. All members should at¬ acy suit filed by six Ann Ar¬ to get to Western Michigan coolM, making it the most expensive building MSU will be necessary. tend bor landlords against 91 mem¬ University to attend the first to swim this summer," he ex- plained bers of the union. meeting of the jubilee (50th1 Last summer, Chaffee became WED. . .LADIES DAY Scott Schrager, also of the year of the National Council of the first man to swim from 75f from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. strike steering committee, said Teachers of Mathematics. Features the six plaintiffs in the case He began his swim at Mar- Plymouth to Provincetown, at 1:00-3:05-5:15- Mass., across Cape Cod Bay >7:25-9:40 p.m. have yet to answer a series angle Dam. several miles east Chaffee is being accompan¬ WALT DISNEY of questions posed by the ten¬ of Marshall. Chaffee, a math ied on his 50-mile trip by a ants union concerning the land¬ teacher, expects to arrive at lords' finances. Mill Bridge in Red Arrow Park "Terratiger amphibian." a bath¬ tub-like vehicle with six wheels powered by a 10-horsepower motor. The amphibian can run ATTENTION CAR OWNERS * both in water and on land. Complete front end repair and i recision alignment * Imports Brakes * Suspension ^specializing In fln«r * sports cars' TONIGHT Pnmr7:15 p.m, Wheel -- balancing * Steering VjL NtwV! nr"THI CRAZY (Ml ROACH'S LISKEY'S Auto Safety Center Juuur ^ WMLO Of Rsasonabl* Rat«s At LAUREL & 124 SOUTH LARCH IV 4-7346 Jim V HARDY" Bruce 7:15 and KfcflO p.m. "Financing Available" W. C. Fields • Tht in BarbcrShop Plua 'YOUR WHEELS' 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 VOW • The Pharmacist • The Fatal Glass ot Baar^ at PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 9:05 pjn. muu ifSS^Sh , Plus rernn; um-A-cJ TODAY MkiswHsnttniivtir •RW mrw 1969 Pontiacs WEB. IS LA&IS5' 6AV Once only at 8;45 p.m. 75^-1:00 to 6:00 P.M. NEXT A FILM ffiOM 1NGMAR BERGMAN DAILY WEEKEND FROM FROM Eye $6.00 plus 6C mile off JUL $15.00 plus 7C mile & Gas & Gas the Cart 214 So. Capitol 372-8660 f UNIVERSAL PICTURE in TECHNICOLOR THURS.-"THE GRADUATE" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 12, 1969 5 Cedar Village STUDENT APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM ' NOW LEASING FOR FAIL * SOUNDPROOFED * AMPLE PARKING * 9 OR 12 MO. LEASES * BEST LOCATION IN EAST LANSING $280/month and up. Fall leases available Model Open 10-6 I H Phone 332-6441 Clupcftingfjam 4620 S. Hagadorn FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 482-3379 NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES ). Envy t. Fuel ship Samarium symbol 5. Any airplane j. So. Amer. rodent 47. Before 5. Candlenut tree 48. Search J. Boxlike sleigh 50. Anxioi ). Piggery 52. Put of [.Donated 53. Eng. si 3. Bill of fare j. Exists qov 3. Russ. coach 3. Honey badger 2 r ! Denial . » 5 6 7 8 9 !SS 10.' Good- % II 12. Long storj 12 13 •4 15 14 A thing un 16 •7 ie 19 21 22 23 24 2b 26 % 27 30 % 32 % 34 35 36 38 59 4© % 41 42 43 %44 45 46 47 50 VA 51 4S % 52 '/A % 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, August 12, 1969 For Rent For Sale NEED MAN for Call collect Rivers Edge, fall (3131-KE 7-1010 5-8/15 FREE PARKING at for your conveneicne COUNT. 2615 East Michigan Aven¬ ue 372-7409 rear of store OPTICAL DIS¬ C-8/15 \TV RENTALS GE 19 -$8.50 Call J R 8862 per month including stand CULVER COMPANY. 351- portable Olympian 217 Ann Street. East Lan- THREE BEDROOM townhouse Cen¬ tral air-conditioned, all built-in. Families Telephone 332-1737 fully carpeted, only, no pets or 337-0712 3-8/13 CARPET colors, 50 Hazel 489-7846 BIRTHDAY PIECES--All cents to CAKES--7 $10 sizes 332 $3 64 : and East 5-8/14 8 - LARGE REWARD for leading to apprehension of individ¬ ualist who took ZBT information house tro¬ ice The last of three "Talent on skating has been working as an in¬ $4 18; 9"-$5.20 Delivered KWAST phies 339-9384 S-8/14 Ice" performances will be giv¬ structor at MSU this summer. LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham BAKERIES, 484-1317 C-8/14 en tonight by the Lansing Skat¬ It will be his last perform¬ and Alton Brand new deluxe 1- Real Estate ing Club in the MSU Ice Arena. ance at MSU. He will be leav¬ SEWING MACHINE clearance sale bedroom. furnished. For profession¬ Show time is 8 p.m.. The gates al, graduate students, college fa¬ Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 00 TWO-BEDROOM house, furnished or ing for Europe shortly to join culty or personnel Select clientele per month I^rge selection of re¬ unfurnished 8 minute walk from open at 7:30 p.m. the "Holiday on Ice" show. ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ conditioned used machines. Singers. Berkey Fireplace, jalousy porch A total of 27 performances Walter Bainbridge. Ice Arena I Whites. Neechis. New Home and Shown only by appointment $21,000 able for June and September leas¬ will be presented, including five 152 Gunson Street. ED 2-5715. manager, said that tickets are ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 many others $19 95 to $39 95 Terms EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 3-8/13 group numbers. The largest of still available for the show. COMPANY, 1115 North Washington the group performances will Rinkside seats will cost $1, WAVERLY DISTRICT-English Co¬ be a dozen girls who will dance 125 COTTAGE 489-6448 C-8/14 with balcony seats costing 75 Street-2-bedroom lonial home 9 large shade trees. apartment, all furnished 372-6995 a ballet. cents. 4 bedrooms, sewing room. 2 baths 4-8 13 up. formal living room with fire¬ Mary Tryon, in charge of cast¬ place, dining room, kitchen, large ting a i with fireplace down ing and the costumes, different said the groups skat¬ Beef Rump Roast or Rotisserie Roast >b H" CABIN CRUISER-187 Glaspar. New back patio. Home professionally de¬ ers perform only a small por¬ inboard-outboard motor complete tion of their regular competi¬ top, trailer and all equipment or trade for smaller boat trailer IV 94745 or Sell house- 1-8/12 corated throughout with full upstairs 2''2 car garage Call 484-8324 3-8 13 tion. "The skaters are out there (continued from page one) Echrich Slender Sliced Meats 35c THREE - BEDROOM, unfurnished. Available early September '2 block to show their talent, not to program for a federal floor OKEMOS-2134 Lagoon Drive. Tacoma under the incomes of people campus 351-7245 HOUSES AND 3-4/12' STOVE, mower, 30 electric, $50 $10 Floor or window fan, Hand Hills, executive s home, 3 bedrooms, 21* baths. 2,400 square feet Extras compete against each other.' Mrs. Tryon said. "They will, in poverty . In addition, the federal gov¬ iiUB Hi C Emit Drinks apartments for fall $10. Call 332-1052 1-8,12 Porch, patio, swimming pool. Pri¬ however, present a small part We pay all your utilities Close to vacy 337-0957 5-8/15 ernment would take over 10 ALL FLAVORS - LIMIT 3 PLEASE of their competitive routine. " campus. Call NEJAC. 337-1300 ESTATE SALE-Bedroom set white, C-8/22 modern, $50 Beautyrest mattress Among the performers tonight per cent of the benefits now OKEMOS AREA -6 room-brick-3- and springs. $30 each Antique bedrooms-new carpeting and drapes- will be one professional, being paid by the state as their NEW FROM DEL MONTE LARGE HOUSES-3 and 4-bedroom Near downtown Lansing l'i baths: large kitchen with built- Gary Visconti, twice U.S. Cham¬ share of the welfare costs. Available dishes. Queen Anne china cabinet, Nixon coupled financial help for students Thornburg. 484-5315 September 1 Mr 3-8 15 old glass and 5 339-2506 display cases, set of 3 3-8 14 ins. breakfast area -paneled recrea¬ tion attached room - 2-car 2 fireplaces - patio - pion and current Professional Champion of the World, who with a requirement that all Tomato Juice «... garage large lot. will display his winning form employable persons accept¬ Call owner after 6 p.m., ED 2- TWO GIRLS needed, fall through spring KODEL THROW rugs. Dacron cur¬ 2986 near the end of the show. ing payments register for work 4-8/15 Convenient location $48 337-0308 2-8/13 tains, gold drapes. 8 X12 carpet-All perfect condition, Bigelow half LOVELY COUNTRY home, custom- Visconti is a member of or job the Detroit Skating Club and to accept these. For mothers, training and be required Hunt's Tomato Sauce °° price. Call 351-5543 S child care facilities would be built, on 12 acres of natural beauty THREE-FIVE studious girls Septem¬ CANNISTER VACUUM cleaner 11 crossed by stream $12,000 down offered. Of the estimated first ber 15 June Waste Baskets to 15 Furnished, IV 5-6128 JOANNA SARGEANT, clean $65 month 332-5320 after year old) with all the attachments Built-in cord winder: A-l condi¬ Broker 1-8/12 Senate year cost of $4 billion for the entire program. $600 mill¬ (19 qt. capacity) QQt tion $18 482-2677 C-8/14 ion would go to job training ASSORTED COLORS AND STYLES *7 DUPLEX TO sublet or share with females 2-bedroom. ll,t baths New 300 USED vacuum cleaners-Our Service (continued from page one) and child care centers. , COUPON Completely carpeted Lansing $175 BABYSITTING IN my home-Spartan States. He said health agen¬ Along with help for the im¬ plus utilities 393-0563 2-8 13 Village 0895 Beginning fall term 355- 3-8/13 cies, public and private, are volved in more in¬ poverished, Nixon called for uniform minimum federal pay¬ Hill's Brothers OVEN FRESH shipments than LOVELY. house FURNISHED 634 South Francis 2-bedroom Available $7 88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBU TING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, the military. ments to three classes of adults Coffee 3# can Italian Bread now. or sublease to September 15 opposite City Market Phone 482 Typing Service The closest thing to opposi¬ receiving welfare aid-the 2677 ALL GRINDS 351-5696 5-8 18 C-8 14 tion came from Sen. Strom aged, blind and disabled. SAINT LAWRENCE area-3-bedroom. BARBI MEL No job too Typing, multilithing large or too small Thurmond. R-S.C. "We would Summing up the total pro¬ WITH LIMIT 1 $5.00 FOOD PURCHASE 1-1/4# loaf 33c Block off campus 332-3255 C be unwise to have large sup¬ gram, the President said: Completely furnished House 2-4 stu¬ dents 337-2683. after 5 p.m 4-8 15 FREE KITTENS To plies of any weapon and not 'This would be total welfare good home Part Siamese & Angora 372-6583 ANN BROWN Typist and multilitlr- have the most modern means reform-the transformation of COUPON , THREE-BEDROOM unfurnished on after 3 30 p.m S-8 15 offset printing Dissertations, theses to deliver it." he said. a system frozen in failure and acre lot Williamston $160 Call manuscripts, general typing, IBM 19 years experience 332-8384 C Sen. Everett M Dirksen. R- frustration into a system that TRY Chase and Sanborn after6p m .655-1508 5-8,18 KITTENS. Flawless. 8 weeks old. trained, reputable parentage. 5 cents 111., said the United States continue the program as a de¬ must would work and would encourage people to work.'' I LEMON FRESH JOY Instant Coffee 94c THREE-BEDROOM »>«*•- furnished each this year only 351-8625 727 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term pa¬ W55W 10 Save oz. 25tf ?aUa RENIN S Berkshire Lane pers ANITA WARREN SCM. Elec¬ terrent. "There is a capability The legislation the adminis- Sgmtg AT THIS SPECIAL tric Call 351-0763, 351-7086 C-8/14 on the part of the Soviet Union." tration proposes for the new BlalB LOW PRICE GOOD AT GOODRICH SHOP RITE ONLY BASSETT--AKC registered, female he said. welfare system will be sent to 1 qt- 2 years old. housebroken. wonder DISCOUNT PRINTING theses, Congress after it comes back KING SIZE ONLY LOVELY. FURNISHED 1. 2-bedroom ful re¬ COUPON family companion 393-1964 sumes. term papers, thesis binding in September from a recess 3-8 13 Lowest prices available Wanted $140-1190 plus utilities 351-5696 5-8 14 across from campus on corner of Located BLOOD DONORS NEEDED that begins Wednesday. 100 59c $7 50 for Mobil* Homes M A C and Grand River below The all ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a STAMPS WITH PURCHASE ANY positive A negative. B negative Style Shop Call COPYGRAPH SERV- and AB negative $10 00 O nega-' MARLETTE 8X36 Near campus tive. $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ ^Main Stream Recording Artists HlSyj CANNED HA.V1 3# OR LARGER WANTED minutes TWO from men campus; for 0901. after 6 30 p m 3-8 14 ITY Grand the BLOOD CENTER River. East 507'2 East Lansing Above i MAXX ■ 1^9 Campus Book Store Hours Call 372-6376 8X40 NEW Moon Excellent condi¬ 9 a m new to 3:30 pm Mondav. Tues¬ J With their smash 200 Years ® tion Immediate occupancy Near day. Wednesday, and Friday Thurs¬ _ Union Ballroom Friday ! gaug TWO GIRLS looking for campus 351-7506 5-8 14 day. 12 to 6:30 p'm. 337-7183 C ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SPARTAN AMERICAN. 1957 -10 X36 Excel¬ EAST LAN'Sr lent condition Carpeted, conditioner, storage shed Near MSI new air PROTECT 5-bedrooi SenteD;,. 351-0035 5-8 13 Transportation 332-2361 PEOPLE WHO HAVE MORE check EXCHANGE DAILY 1 YOUR EYES Hash Brown Potatoes the good household buys in the Pontiac Call Jin From harmful sunrays Classified Ads each with a new day! pair of sunglasses with plain or SPARTAN HALL-men. woi prescription ground lenses. We also 2 lb. pkg. 25° gles. doubles Parking. 372-1031 351-9266 Wanted carry a wide selection of frames FREE A thrilling hour of beautv and can make repairs on your dam¬ YOUNGER LADY need< For appointment call 484-4519, MERLE apartment with girl and aged sunglasses while you wait NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 daughter Call 355-3168. , r 5 p.nr East Michigan C-8 14 SINGLE ROOM ICE SHOW Bator Op Winning Score Gold Bond Baseball TALENT ON ICE 303 Abbott Rd. (Next door to State Theatre) TONIGHT 8:00 P.M. ED 2-5222 August 9 For Sale WORLD CHAMPION Detroit 8 SKATERS Chicago 4 plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 Tickets Available Arena Box Office Smile! WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE 509 Rinkside Seats $1.00 East Michigan 485-4391 C Balcony Seats .75^ 9*00^ H(X)VER PORTABLE v MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Michigan Peaches 3,b- 39° | hkn new 485-9131. PUBLIC SKATING ICE ARENA [vm ^' Thursday through Saturday Evenings 8:30 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. Saturday and Sunday Afternoons 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. o o Michigan Cabbage HE AD 39s. 3/SJ00 For Information call 355-2380 Michigan Blueberries DRY CLEANS 1 PAIR OF SLACKS OR 1 SKIRT OR 400 DROP OFF DRY CLEANING SERVICE 2 SWEATERS ONLY AOC PER POUND Plums and Apricots POUND 39< THREE CONVENIENT 1.213 ANN ST. GOODRICH'S SPARTAN LOCATIONS- 2. CORNER OF HARRISON & WILSON 3. NORTHWIND DR. FACING YANKEE STADIUM PLAZA TODAY IS FREE PICKLE DAY! with each Hobie's submarine "We Give Cold Bond Stamps" IN SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER Hobie's SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Harrison at Between Trowbrldg* Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Apartments CARRYOUT & DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON (just across from south complex) 'Jom Those Who Expect Moi