Wednesday Only MICHIGAN Sunny.. . STATE NEWS . and a little warmer. High . . . presidents, editors, and between 85-90. Tonight a chance people with tapeworms have the STATE of showers and a low in the mid right to use the editorial "we." --Mark Twain UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday August 13,1969 Vol. 62 Number 40 Nixon sends Congress mammoth SAN CLEMENTE. Calif. (AP>-The by a national job bank run job by comput- power program training dollars both to metro¬ tinued to hold his attention in a sub¬ Nixon Administration produced Tuesday politan and rural districts. sequent meeting with his Cabinet Com¬ The President asked Congress to enact The President began the day with mittee for Economic a $3.5 billion program to train 175 Policy the Manpower Training Act as "a good Shultz and the assistant secretary of million Americans a year for jobs Pre labor for manpower matters, Arnold Wednesday the major event is a trip sident Nixon said would "built a bridge example of a new direction in making to Los Angeles to play host at a glitter¬ federalism work." This R. Weber to human dignity." concept em¬ ing banquet honoring the Apollo 11 astro¬ braces Financial and economic matters con¬ The President sent Congress a a sharing of both authority and nauts. message dealing mainly with phases of funds with states and their communit- the program that would train one mill ion persons at a cost of $2.3 billion a Hitting at manpower training programs ATTRACTIVE FEATURES vear-an operation which eventually he said are wound up in an endless ribbon would be turned over largely to states of red tape. Nixon said of the proposed legislation: Working together, we can Welfare and major cities to run. This phase of the comes under the training program Dept. of Labor now. and the balance involves the Dept. of Defense and the Dept of Health. Edu bring order and efficiency to a tangle of federal programs an a By opening up opportunity for manpower training on large scale we build a person's will pla cation and Welfare Secretary of La bor George P. Shultz conferred with Nixon Tuesday and then met with news¬ to work: in so doing, we build a bridge to human The dignity proposed legislation contemplates committee Pentagon men. Shultz said Nixon plans to add 150.000 a built-in escalation of spending should unemployment rise from its present 3.6 WASHINGTON iAP) Rep Wilbur D ily assistance program-coupled with train¬ Sen. William Fulbright, D-Ark., following a closed door session Americans to the roster of job training per cent level to 4.5 per cent over Mills, D-Ark.. said Tuesday he finds some ing and day care facilities to help family of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, sharply criticized three straight months This would trigger members become self supporting. operations, mainly from persons on wel attractive features in President Nixon's the Pentagon for its refusal to supply the committee with a fare rolls, and to upgrade job oppor a 10 per cent hike in job training funds. sweeping welfare proposals and hopes the However. Congress suspended the limit secret U.S.-Thailand agreement, which the Pentagon calls a To discourage the unemployed from before it went into effect and finally re¬ tunities for 75.000 of the working poor Ways and Means Committee can start hear¬ .Jobs would be linked with applicants going job shopping, the administration ings on it reasonably soon. pealed it. Mills went along with these military contingency plan. AP Wirephoto would substitute uniform instead of un¬ However. Mills, chairman of the com¬ (please turn to page 13) equal living allowances for different job mittee where any legislation to carry out training programs. the proposals would be developed, agreed Secret paper may commit Recipients would get an extra $30 a with other congressional leaders there is month in welfare payments job training allowances. in place of no 1970. chance for final action earlier than D.A. requests States and cities gradually would take Moreover, he said in an interview, he is over an increasing share of authority concerned with the price tag--$4 billion- post-mortem troops to Thai command and responsibility over manpower plann¬ placed on the program to assure every ing and training, along with a gradual family with children a minimum living increase in the amount of federal funds allowance, federally financed. they administer The latter feature would The cost. Mills said, is the most unat WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Frank Pentagon's refusal to show the agree¬ to the see under these circumstances why the Pentagon does not make it available to give them control of 25 per cent of the money when they develop comprehensive tractive feature of the proposal, while the emphasis on training the underpriv in EMK case Church said Tuesday that a secret con¬ ment Foreign Relations Com¬ the committee manpower planning and work up to 100 mittee, walked out of a committee ses¬ ileged and encouraging them to find self- NEW BEDFORD. Mass. Dist. tingency plan between the United States Asked later if the plan could commit per cent when they meet "objective and Thailand mav contemplate putting sion and told the Senate the incident sustaining work is the most attractive. Atty. Edmund Dinis Tuesday asked a Penn¬ U.S. troops in ownt of an internal up :.anda;ds of exemplary performance."* Mills steered through the House in 1969 American troops under Thai command "is typical of the arrogant way the sylvania court to order exhumation and an Pentagon has come to deal with Con¬ rising in Thailand. Fulbright said. They Nixon told Congress that by means of a limit on the proportion of families in autopsy on the body of Mary Jo Kopech- to defend that country from Communist claim it is not applicable to that sit¬ a state grant system, the proposed law each state to receive aid to dependent ne, drowned July 18, in a car accident with gress. "Rumor has it." Church said, that uation." would assure a fair distribution of man children-the present federal-state fam- Sen. Edward M. The Idaho Democrat, angered by the Kennedy. D-Mass the plans not only contemplate the use Diinis said in his petition he wanted the ot American troops, but an arrangement post-mortem examination for the forth¬ that would actually place them under coming inqug|t into the accident Thai command. The purpose of the inquest." he said As We Go to Press "If this is true, not only Congress, HESITATE TO COMMENT in the petition, "is to determine wh< ther The Senate but the American people have a right to or not there is any reason sufficient to passed. 92 to 1. Tuesday a bill to revive the college student guaran¬ know it-and know it now, he added believe that the sudden death of Mary Jo Chairman J.W. Selection Fulbright. D-Ark Kopechne may have resulted from the act faculty quiet teed loan program, now stymied by tight told reporters. the Senate is entitled or negligence of a person or persons othor money and rising interest rates. to see the document than the deceased Key feature in the Senate measure is a The issue is. he said, is this docu Dinis sent the petition to the Common system of subsidy payments to banks which would allow them ment a simple military planning docu¬ Pleas Court in Luzerne County. Pennsyl¬ to realize a 10 ment or does it amount to a commit Faculty members on the search and procedures All-University Search and Selection Com¬ vania. per cent interest yield on all loans made to finance higher education Banks had ment0 selection committee were hesitant to com The students' statement was aimed mittee (AUSSC). Miss Kopechne. 28. of Washington, and pre¬ viously been reluctant to make such loans "The Pentagon says it is a planning ment on a statement released last week predominantly at the board of trustees, Four student members on the committee a former secretary of the late Robert F. due to a maximum 7 per cent document. "If it is what they say it by student members criticizing committee said Dale E. Hathaway, chairman of the leveled criticism last week at polit¬ Kennedy, was buried in her hometown. ceiling on he added, I really would have interest is. no ical antics" of some non-student committee Plymouth. Pa., which is in that county. The bill complaint." adding. I don t know until members, lack of secrecy and "back¬ Dinis asked for a hearing on his peti¬ was sent to the House Tuesday, sliding" by members of the board tion and further urged the court to set a making passage improbable before Con¬ some Asked if it commits U S troops to de¬ of trustees. date " as soon as is practicable, because gress begins its three week summer recess today. fend Thailand. Fulbright replied. "They time is of the essence " say it does not." adding that he does not The inquest into Miss Kopchne's death See related story p. 3 is to open in the Dukes County Court at Edgartown. on Martha's Vineyard Island, Hathaway said he "knew what the stu¬ where Miss Kopechne died. Viet Cong open fall offensive dents' eoncej^i was about and shared this concern. political antics Dinis said in his petition that the ex¬ humation and autopsy are required, "in "I had this in mind before they released order that the circumstances of the death their statement, "but writing letters is be clearly established and the doubt and as allies report heavy fighting not going to solve it." Sue Gebelein. undergraduate repre¬ sentative for AUSSC, said the "polit¬ suspicion surrounding the death be resolv¬ ed . SAIGON (AP)-Enemy Dinis was quoted Tuesday as saying that forces were of Saigon, where enemy forces fought into ical antics" criticism was leveled at a reported in retreat in some areas after three cities for a time, and around he ordered an autopsy on Miss Kopeehne's small number of faculty members on the breaking a two month battlefield lull Da Nang in the far north body July 20 only to find out that it al¬ committee Tuesday by shelling 128 cities and But U.S. officers expected the enemy ready had been sent to Pennsylvania, towns across South Vietnam and to keep up the attacks, and this was (please turn to page 13) loosing (please turn to page 13) ground attacks on 14 allied bases and borne out by a mortar and rocket positions barrage Tuesday night that hit a U.S. The attacks main were centered on Armv brigade base camp at Quan Loi. two fronts in the 3rd Corps area north 65 miles north of Saigon. U.S. officials said preliminary figures showed more than 500 North Vietnamese Increased VA Blacks e and Viet Cong and 52 Americans were killed and 344 Americans were wounded political in 11. the biggest enemy attack since May At least 56 South Vietnamese troops were killed north of Saigon "It's probably the start of their fall prompted An increase in education allowances by diplomas to go back to school and con¬ campaign, but there is no indication how for veterans, war orphans and service tinue working full time at the same in Alabama long they'll be able to sustain it. a spokesman for Gen. Creighton W said widows James F. appears Morse, likely, according to director of Veterans Administration Office. the MSU time. full time It would permit veterans to draw allowances for as little as MONTGOMERY. Ala (AP) Encour Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam 10 hours of weekly instruction, instead aged by their success in rural Greene Abrams was quoted as saying excellent "The chances are very good that an of the 25 hours of studies presently intelligence" had warned the allies of increase in benefits will come late in required to draw full allowances. County, black leaders are now mobilizing 10 iry to win greater political power in the impending attacks, reinforcements fall term." Morse said Tuesday. The Senate is currently considering Alabama were sent into threatened areas, and The U.S. House of Representatives a bill which provides larger increases They're talking about a possible feder¬ B52 Stratofortresses hammered enemy has passed a bill increasing GI Bill than the House bill. The Senate bill, al court suit to help blacks get elected to positions. allowances from $130 to $165 monthly introduced by Sen. Ralph Yarborough, the now all-white state legislature but The heaviest attacks centered around for single veterans, from $155 to $197 D-Texas and 23 co-sponsors, provides their immediate goal is more black coun¬ An Loc, a provincial capital 60 miles monthly for married veterans, and for a $60 increase in GI Bill allow¬ ty officials north of Saigon: Quan Loi, northeast from $175 to $222 monthly for veterans ances. They promise massive campaigns in next of An Loc; the provincial capital of Tay with two dependents. There appears little chance that the year's elections in the Black Belt coun¬ Ninh, 65 miles northeast of the capi Senate will act on the House passed ties, where they outnumber white residents tal and Loc Ninh, 70 miles north Under the bill passed by the House, bill until after the summer recess ends Blacks took control of the government About 2,000 North Vietnamese at monthly allowances paid to war or¬ on Sept. 2. of Greene County in a special election tacked U.S. bases in this area, and phans, service widows and wives of The two different versions providing July 29. and they claim voting majorities in seven other counties--in some by a it was here that the enemy suffered the heaviest casualties, U.S. officers said. about 400 killed, Eighth Bi men nected al with permanent disabilities under assistance program the service-con¬ education¬ increased erans may educational benefits end up in conference. for vet¬ margin of at least 4 to 1 As the Berlin Wall marks its eighth birthday today, the East would increase A total of 1,500 veterans were en¬ It is in these counties-Bullock, Hale, Some North Vietnamese succeeded in for $130 to $165 monthly for full time rolled at MSU during spring term. German people's army Is busy erecting new concrete towers Lowndes. Macom, Perry, Sumter and Wil- fighting their way into Loc Ninh, An students. Morse said, however, that MSU is ex¬ Loc and Quan Loi but were driven out. along the border with West Germany. Here, work goes on oppo¬ cox-where next year's campaign will be The legislation also atterifpts to en pecting a considerable increase in site the town of Zlcherie, north of Helmstedt. AP Wirephoto (please turn to page 13) (please turn to page 13) courage veterans without high school enrollment of veterans for fall term. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 13, 1969 BASEDIN LEBANON Guerrillas target Super Savings from of Israeli raid TEL AVIV. Israel iAPi- nique issued by the Palestine Prime Minister Ciolda Meir told Armed Struggle Command ad¬ Lebanon Tuesday it cannot es¬ mitted that three similarly report that the murders have had ni tute operates in two facets: someone felt they had college stated. The course covers such immediacy of the project's 1 nificant effect on enrollment - J sig one for inner city students, potential We also took some areas as American history the other for inner city math ? told not to take be¬ relation to blacks-about 100 of "It is anticipated that kids v "The student from the pro teachers. cause they were troublemakers' the 130 ICMP students are black - • • ject who's given an adequate M overa" enrollment will about 1.000 students." be up Ralph - • - This year, the two groups r non-cooperative.' " he said. sociology and economics performance here for three years are largely separated in terms "Many inner citv students During the coming year these will be automatically admitted ChaPman head of the univer of classwork. although they eat don't believe going to college teachers will work in their reg- to MSU if he wants to sity news bureau, said. and live together in Shaw Hall. he added. Vance "It was said when this thing "They ular classrooms with ICMP explained. "And we' About 130 8th-12th grade high find adequate financing for him first broke that three parents just don t pply for programs service travelling teams. school students are participat¬ like this. or sets of parents came and "In all. the ICMP project is ing in this year's program They To scheduled to for about three The instructional services of withdrew their daughters." he encourage applications run are all drawn from economical from the target summers." Vance said. The the ICMP are financed by a continued. But he added, he did group of stu- disadvantaged inner city bulk of the participating 8th- National Science Foundation not know whether these were dents. Vance's team did not groups in nine participating just send applications to high 10th graders, many new stu¬ grant. The University provides regular EMU students or just dents and all the instructors room and board expenses, and students taking summer cour Michigan city-districts. "We concentrated on getting will return for the next two sum- gives each student a small ses. kids from the inner city, a ner city schools, and talked to mers to continue math and sci- weekly allowance, the Office 0ur admissions office finds kids and teachers to encourage of Economic Opportunity (OEO) no specific indication that girls place where there isn't so much so people don't normal them to apply. We made sure pays the teachers a salary. have been withdrawn for this reason." Chapman added. ly go to college." Irwin E. community agencies knew about Vance, asst. professor of math¬ it and could recommend it ematics and program director, to kids. We told organizations said. like the Bovs' Club in Lansing W f^SPARTAN ——7 TWIN WEST "You don't in science he continued, or see many blacks math in college." "and I'm con¬ and the Urban League tie Creek to give college potential." Vance Bat- U' wives lead , FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3100 EAST SAGINAW Phone 351 003C vinced this is an economic fac¬ tor. These kids aren't deprived Nearly 500 applications were "Hang Your Hat" 3:50-6:20 & 8:45 "Rascal" at 2:15-4:45- a STARTS TODAY!! in any sense nomic." other than The Mathematics Project stu eco¬ received, sent 130 were About 55 from which the pre¬ selected. teachers from the shun nightly ro 7:15 and 9:45 dents are enrolled in three nine districts are enrolled in classes each, chosen from the second prong of the Student wives who are tired of The organization provides Founded in 1947 by the wives Some variety of 25 courses. 22 of a city project. Like the students, the nightly routine of fixing tennis, golf and bridge lessons, of World War II veterans at them math and three science. the teachers all come from in¬ dinner and watching TV can craft classes and knitting in¬ MSU. Spartan Wives aims to are irresist The countdown "These courses continue well ner city high schools where they beyond the high school level." teach math and scienc* step out by joining Spartan Wives. struction Beginning fall term. Spartan Wives is an invitation an activities night for give an outlet for social, "ivic and intellectual energies of stu- Vance said. "We Teachers, while not working to fun. helping people who need ming. exercising and use of the dent, faculty and alumni wh k ending... have high school sophomores doing college with the math project students it. meeting women with common steam room at the Women's both on and off campus Mem- freshman level math work. class to any great extent interests and picking up I.M. bldg ivill also be offered, bers work the March of HERE COMES THE MASKED If the Red Chinese on useful informatin. Spartan Wives also has Dimes, the Cancer Drive and BANDIT. don1! kill him guest speaker or demonstra- TB mobiles, besides recreation- TODAY IS LADIES DAY... 75C FROM 1 to 6 p.m. tion at monthly meetings. Topics He'll fracture youi al pursuits PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 LAST TIMES TODAY" range from how to beat the A non-profit organization, funnybone while he steals y At 1:40-3:30-5:30-7:20-9:20 high cost of living to how to be the group uses its funds to pay creative in applying makeup. .eekly classes, an annual forever! ELEANOR PARKER in And when a student wife's party for underprivileged "EYE OF THE CAT" husband graduates, a genuine children, refreshments and a P.H.T. (Putting Hubby Throughi yearly fashion show TOMORROW At 1:00-3:05-5:10-7:15-9:20 P.M. is awarded to her. compliments Interested wives should call of Spartan Wives. Allison Taggart at 355-5850. ACADEMY AWARD FT ~ ~ NOW! 2 HITS! • Restricted persons under 18 not WINNER | admitte^withoinPa^ You May Not Believe in Ghosts But You Can't BEST DIRECTOR-MIKE NICHOLS Deny Terror! EDGAR ALLAN POE'S BRIGITTE BARD0T "* ALAIN DEL0N ultimate orgy... JANE FONDA TERENCE STAMP PETER FONDA AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL N COLOR »,BERKE __ Gates open —also aye at 7:30 Such nice kids .. . "Spirits of They wouldn't hurt CUBc the Dead" at This a fly ' . . . only 3 ™ 8:10 and Late , Starring is people . .people Lana Turner-Geo. Chakaris The Big Cube1 . . people tfggs, 10:30 only Benjamin. 7,2?' steve FORREST bill MUMY He's NOW SHOWING .^^TECHNICOLOR— a little ALL COLOR PROGRAM worried IUSSIANS vs. AMERICANS IN A VITAL QUEST! 20th Century-Fox presents about greg0rv peck his mllle hevui00d future. Metro-GokJwyrvWayw presents Martin Ransohoff s Production of An Arthur P Jacobs Production the [HRiRmnr Ice Station Zebra*" THE GRADUATE Super Panavtsion and Metrocolor • Starring ^[s] CONRAD YAMA • MORT ABRAHAMS • ROCK HUDSON anne bancroft. dustin hoffman katharine ross • ERNEST BORGN1NE calder willingham... buck henry pagl simon • PATRICK McGODHAN • JIM BROWN Simon-.garfunkel Lawrence turman "Ice Station Zebra" at 8:10 mike nichols TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISI0N Repeated in part Late Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 13, 1969 9 LAUGH-IN * London's Hair': O/lie, Sfan, W.C. straighter than hip By DIANE PETRYK As one British columnist said still thrill' audience State News London when the show opened, "A lit¬ Bureau tle nudity sells a lot of tick¬ LONDON-Hair, Hair. Hair. ets " Hair, Hair, Hair. Hair. Hair. Flow it. Show it. Long as God In fact, Hair's nude scene By MARK LERNER cannot even be considered art. Stale News Reviewer can grow it And on, screams the cast It is at best a strip-tease on What is the fascination with films, compared with the aud- the impression that I did not of England's version of an a darkened stage. On top of such programs as the one show- ience reaction to W.C. Fields. participate in all this. I think "American tribal love-rock mu¬ that, the actors return to mock I can state, with truth and sical." the audience "We've seen the some pride, that I started the "Hair," which opened in nude scene, can we go home and Jay Ward's Intergalactic Beer'' and 'The Barbershop" hissing when Snidely's evil vi¬ London in September of last now?" one of them says in an Film Festival? Are they ad- were run in their entirety, sage first appeared on the impression of typical play¬ mired in this recent surge of year, has been a sell-out ever a screen.) since. Among young American goer new popularity because they are Is it the simplistic black visitors, the MSU-AMLEC group good, or because suddenly hat-white hat formula? The The fact is that almost any in particular, "Hair" has been they're camp, in, or what have PANORAMA: (hang on) renaissance lost innocence? An escape of a from rated slightly above the Changing of the Guard in sights not to thing can be said from the stage during the performance In-ness certainly has some¬ and not ruin the story, because our own hung-up lives? miss while in London. And a thing to do with it for some I I really don't care. there is none. The show moves urn guess (not many, but some) people. It's enough to be able to sit sight it certainly is. from song to song with a few On the other hand, one cannot At the same time, while in a room packed with people shouted obscenities and lewd "Hair" is a fun show to sea. deny that Ollie and Stan, and and share a funny film made gestures in between. The only Fields, But are talented. by people with primitive tech¬ Another fine there is something ominous in the way it has captured youth¬ plot that can be associated with they really aren't all niques and ancient routines and "Hair" is that going on back¬ With such ful enthusiasm. ,that talented This was visi¬ just laugh and laugh. an idyllic setting, how could things possible run afoul? Laurel and stage among its promoters. bly demonstrated by the adui- After all, if you figured out Hardy, W,C. Fields and the animated actors of the Jay Ward Ittergalactic According to advertising for ence reaction to Laurel and Festival "Hair," the producers would like "Theatre the only true why you laugh, you might not provide reasons a-plenty in the marathon laugh-in i to believe is at the State. Photo courtesy of Joseph I us they have just mirror of life and times," laugh any more. And that would nner Associates herded a bunch of natural hip¬ our Professor to talk be sad. pies together to do their thing. its producer claims, and perhaps he's right. Perhaps the success The Laurel and Hardy ex¬ of "Hair" reflects our materi¬ ot grod seminar cerpts were consistently funny and consistently laughed "at. But But "most of the cast could alism and willingness to ex¬ Blunderless Faux Pas feel' „ , care less about the hippie move¬ Eugene T. Mac Donald, re- the Fields things b to wear ploit-and be exploited. search ment," said Wendy Hanson, pub¬ professor of speech thin The int is that while pathology at Pennsylvania State licity director for the show. Still, "Hair" does represent these men were indeed extrem. University will lecture on "We've been running nearly a a new venture in theater. Wheth¬ ely gifted comedians, they were year now and they're tired of it is considered "testing for Articulatory er good or supermen. Moments of the whole bit." Half of the group bad is not so much rock-a-billy important soul fects" Thursday at 12:40 p.m brilliance overshadowed their country in 100B Wells Hall. are straight pop singers and as that it is original. It does weaknesses, but they did have MacDonald's talk is part of weaknesses, the other half are straight remain faithful to the anti-war. love everybody theme of today's a graduate seminar being of¬ fered by the Dept. of Audiology So, again, where's the fas- faux pas youth. It is contemporary. It tfo'pas": Fr lit.,. tue. however, you will find some- Other listen for's." of Few but the very naive real¬ and Speech Sciences, An cination0 Jay Ward s Dudley false step, a blunder: error in gives the Pope, pill and war a informal reception at I in 213 Audiology and Speech Do-right was greeted with few heckles etiquette. --SYN. see error, thing different: you'll find they don't come wrapped in the usual NIGHTSCENE particular interest to me, were: • Lonely Boy Cries." their new ly expect be like an actor to the person he actually is por bad name. cheers ^0t true, this trip: you'll package of three 45-minute record on Atlantic label; House traying, but this is what "Hair" "Hair" can be enjoyed, de¬ Sciences ill follow his from Snidely Whiplash fans). play hell trying to "find any sets one gets used to in night of The Kising Sun : and the would have us believe. spite the fact is has probably lecture Snidelv ties Nelle to the rail- blunders by the Faux Pas. club acts. The night I was out old lost a great deal of the inno¬ folk-goodie. Mama Don't All interested persons are road (booo). Dudley saves playing the Harlequin this week, Producer Michael Butler has they played five. I found the Like No Base-man No-how." cence it had when it opened at invited to attend both Mac Nelle somehow (hooray). Same Because there's to be usual said, "Come and join us. Come none stage glitter conspi- So let me offer a couple of the little-known Joseph Papp's Donald's lecture and recep- found. cuouslv absent in the Faux and see what we are, you peo¬ Public Theatre. off-Broadwav. don'.ts" for those who intend If you're a night-spot habi Pas- just four boys who enjoy ple in the middle who aren't Students will continue to urge to slide bv the Harlequin this their own sound, and who enjoy week satisfied with the Establish- their friends to see it. It is wrapping people up in it. A I 1 Don't let them off easy-you only too bad our willingness to Dreams: rn atf1 nightly defender refreshing change from the usual pre-programmed fare offered around town A1 Lott. the very versatile I | on one of . . Editor-in-Chief the more . abused I | want Don't to That's number go entertained " hear one. Maleguenia! if you want to be Go watch the This is a clever salesman's pitch, for "Hair" is the very- epitome of Establishment accept publicity as truth makes it less of a real experience. Today you get the feeling the of uneasy subconscious mores-do anything to make a actors really mean: Money. and accomplished lead guitar, TV movie instead. A nice movie guitars in the business But it says "we play it like we feel will let you stay passive. The buck A ticket to "Hair" is Money, Money. Money. Money. yields, vields a sound that it." and that they feel it defies vou to sit still, Faux Pas won't. Because they practically the most expensive Money, Money. Make it. Take theater ticket in London. it. Long as we can fake it from the audience. I buy that: So 'don't trv to. Yell at won't let you off easy . By DEBBIE CHENEY Cultural symbols can affect ing for a person and thus cause they played "better" < if Lott, beat on the table like 1 guarantee that. Dreams are interruptions dream content. Karon continued the same dream to reoccur I'm forced to speak qualita- everyone else- it drives him ***************** of sleep which can be caused People may dream about status Research is being done on tivelv) to a later, full house LEDGES to new. unparalleled heights If- Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT only by physical disturbances, an¬ symbols like cars or about be¬ dreams caused by physical dis- than they did to an earlier 0f guitar abuse. The night I PLAYHOUSE xieties. fears and wishes, ac¬ ing a famous person. Some turbances by several scien- one. So the Faux Pas doesn't was in. something was smoking: professional ^ ANDY GRIFFITH'S finest performance 1 cording to Bertram P Karon, symbols, like a snake, can be an tists. A Leningrad scientist, want to entertain you. That i I think It was his fingers. professor of psychology They used as defenses intercultural symbol of Psychoanalysts must associate fear Vasili Kasatkin. recently re- leased some of his findings, plies a one-way relationship; they demand, and get. a very Convention gets SUMMER THEATRE The Great American Drama NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS 1st the unconscious, he said He said that he can predict two-way relationship. So every Chapter II of Hurricane Express at 9:00 DEATH Of a 7 and 9:15 104-B Wells person is trying to re¬ physical illnesses or diseases body grooves, down to business 50$ ID not required press an wish the dream uncomfortable fear or will be in a yzed Karon, also 1 1 psychoanalyst, by dreams analyzing his patient's The bag they carry is mixed. but filled mainly with country SANTA FE. N.M. 1AP1 Af¬ SALESMAN ^ Thurs. Our Man in Havana Fri.-Sat. The Informer said that by disguised form a person represses soul and rock-a-billy It comes ter a week of organizational If it is a comfortable wi the awareness of physical dis¬ on strong, and very much alive meetings, the New Mexico Con¬ ARTHUR MILLER ***************** the dream can be in an turbances through dreams of Student convicted If vou like hand-clapping stitutional Convention got down TONITE HURRY! FINAL WEEK!! disguised form where the ac impending doom sic Everybody I saw >ut to specifics Tuesday about Thru Aug. 17 tual person or object wished I am skeptical that the con- there did changes in the state's 59 year WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! can be clearly seen in the tent of dreams caused by phy in $8 larceny case An experience in sense Allen J Enelow. chairman pair of slacks valued at $8 from der standing on a bridge which falls, running away from some something or being of the Dept of Psvchiatry and Professor of psychiatry, contends Redwood & Ross clothing store on E Grand River Ave . waived unquestionalby NORTHSIDE OKI VE-1 * hit by ar a car that there are no factual state¬ a jury trial and was found guil¬ Maleguenia 10-minute NTH EAT RE Noises and movement in the ments about dreams, only infer ty and fined $55 and $20 court ^ j ex 5 Mm North on US-27.. 482-74091 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! ences, and that theories are costs by Associate Judge Jon sleeper's cause him environment to dream and pro¬ may being questioned and revised. pu„ sounds tr, driv BEST ACTRESS! Dreams are a mental data NOW-2 STRICTLY ADULT HITS BARBRA STREISAND ject the noise or movement chops and other to dream. Per^n'sl^e J™*58"* ?cttvH» >»«" h's conviction to cir dreamed of committing suicide late, pkresen' «P"tences to the cuit court and have later carried out the actions they dreamed out. Psychotic hallucinations pasL,ne sf.,d The stimulation inner . 4. complex of feelings can f .. of the same the content of dreams to NOW PLAYING —2 COLOR HITS CAU THIS THEATRE IS OIF LIMITS! cause like dreams, but they are as disguised as dreams are. be the same." STARTS since the person is in a more During the engagement of "CAN HEIRONYMUS MERKIN EVER WED. conscious state. FORGET MERCY HUMPPE AND FIND TRUE HAPPINESS7," AUG we must advise our patrons that the picture Playboy 20th Magazine devoted 10 pages to is DEFINITELY NOT FOB EVERYONE! natural fhitf (There are somescenes so explicit, so realistic, so "IT MAKES 'BLOW-UP' LOOK LIKE I SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN 'LITTLE MISS MARKER 7" J Anthony Newley - Joan Collins Milton Berie. "Can Heironymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true happiness7" I CaUMBWPCTURES^RASTARPnXlUCICNStmM co stwimg Bruce Forsyth Stubby Kaye and George lessel« the Presence"^ : BARBRA STREISAND OMAR SHARIF/FUNNY GIRT Rock Hudson-Ernest Borgnine » Uimiul Pictwii limit* Itritoi CwHutw Prafcctw i tifmil film tiiuu liclMotor" (X) i KAY MEDF0RD ANNE FRANCIS WALTER PlDGEON-**,:.*- Patrick McGoohanJim Brown ice at 8:1 7 and Late Tony Bill Uoyd Nolan Super Panavtsion'and Metrocolof i ^gobeliUI Shown twice at 8:17 & Late Marlon Brando ! ^ TECHNICOLOR* PWAVlSKW* Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Richard Boone Saturdays & Holidays, 2:00 p.m $1.50 $; 8:00 p. RESERVE PERFORMANCE BOX OFFICE OPEN: 1 WED SAT., SUN. - 1 00 p.m. to 9:00 P.m. * JmON., Tu£s„ THURS., FRI. 4 00 P.m. to 9:00 p.m Following - mall theatre 5628 W. SAGINAW » 484-4403 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 13, 1969 SPORTS Martin: Boswell is team's weakness NEW YORK (UPI) -- Manager Billy Martin and his fighting pitcher. playing the role of peacemaker, said he tried to calm the Minnesota Twins came to New York Monday minus their "one Despite having dropped four games in a row. the scrappy pitcher down but that Boswell punched him in the face and weakness." Martin, who had to pay damages to pitcher Jim Brewer, then kicked him in the back while he was down. Dave Boswell. the Twins' right-hander who was knocked with the Chicago Cubs, when they were involved in a brawl Martin walked up and Boswell hit him too. After the 6- cold by Martin in a fight they had last Wednesday in Detroit, several years ago, doesn't think the incident will hurt the foot-3, 185-pound Boswell hit him a few times, Martin, 5- was back in Minnesota awaiting action to be taken, if any, by morale of his team. foot-11 and 170-pounds, landed several punches, the last owner Calvin Griffith. "In no way will this hurt the team." Martin said. It's the one knocking Boswell out. same thing as if there was a fight on the field (Between two Martin, resting in his hotel room as the twins prepared Allison, suffered several chipped teeth and a black eye, for a brief two-game series with the Yankees starting Tues¬ opposing teams). It's not going to hurt us." but did not miss any games. Boswell, who had 20 stitche. Martin would not speculate on the action Griffith will take day night, said that Boswell was a man with "many problems." taken to close cuts on his face did not appear in Baltimore "I let him off before-no, I did fine him once but I can't say except that he expects Boswell to be fined. for a series with the Orioles over the weekend how much," Martin recalled as he spoke of Boswell "We Asked if he expects a reprimand from Griffith for his part Boswell, who returned to Minneapolis, said Monday he hit have a team of 25 fine competitors and we only have one weak¬ in the fisticuffs, Martin said: "I can't understand why. he Allison first but he did not remember going after Martin. ness," he added referring to the short-fused, 25-year-old (Boswell) hit me first." "I do remember a foot kicking me in the face. After that The flareup also involved outfielder Bob Allison. It started I recalled waking up in the hospital and another time in the when pitching coach Art Fowler reported Boswell for not taking hotel room." Hot from the UPI wire... the required number of laps prior to Wednesdv's game. Later in a restaurant Boswell said to Allison he was going to Boswell said he still wants to pitch for the Twins and help win the pennant but indicated this will be his last year with the "get that squealer" and stormed out of the building. Allison, Football commissioner Pete George Seals, the Chicago Rozelle will deliver the eulogy Bears' 270: pound offensive at today's funeral services for George Preston Marshall, for¬ guard, went AWOL from train¬ ing camp Monday night, a team MANTLE MEN & NAMATH GIRLS mer owner of the Washington spokesman revealed Tuesday. Redskins, it was announced Seals decamped without ex¬ Tuesday by Marshall's daughter. planation but the spokesman Mrs. Catherine Price to The services are being at 9 a m EST at National Cathedral in Washing- scheduled said he apparently was not satisfied with a 1969 salary offer and had refused to sign a con- Mantle, Namath join forces to form employment agency Determination of a slugger Celt i cs General Manager Don Drysdale. the last of Oakland Athletics slugger Reggie Jackson has a Arnold "Red" Auerback con¬ the old Brooklyn Dodgers and look of determination on his face as he connects one of the all time pitching tinues to assume Bill Russell for will return to coach the de¬ a single in last weekend's series with the greats, retired Monday because NEW YORK (UPIi -Mickey schools, executive and college area with word of the new ven- Yankees. Jackson may be starting to feel^the of a chronic shoulder injury as fending world champions this Mantle and Joe Namath. taking Dozens of newsmen were on season. But he hinted strongly recruiting, and management pressure of all the publicity linked to his home Los Angeles Manager Walter advantage of their prominence hand to give Namath and Man¬ Alson wept. Tuesday former Celtic Tom consulting in the personnel Among other things. Mantle run production, as he has not hit a round tripper Heinsohn might become coach as household names throughout tle their sendoff. and Namath announced they will in his last five In an emotional news con¬ the country, went into business Namath wore mod games. AP Wirephoto if Russell fulfills his promise a type, They revealed plans for vast give $5,000 to the fastest typist ference at Dodger Stadium, the light to retire. jointly Monday as an employ green suit with a stripped television advertising, full page in New York City who registers somber and subdued "Big D ment agency to be known as green shirt and a brown and with them by Dec. 21. regard¬ said. "I am sure most of you • newspaper ads and various pub¬ Mantle Men & Namath Girls. green tie. Mantle was dressed Boston Celtics sold licity gimmicks through other less of whether the person is know what this is for -that Outfielder Rick Inc. more conservatively in a black Monday, who media to saturate the New York seeking a job. I'm going to announce my The venture will begin in New suit, white shirt and red suffered a broken hand when hit a a retirement from baseball. York City and spread eventually and white tie. by New York Yankees' pitch¬ TNC for $6 million "I deeply regret having to to branches "in every Mantle said er Fritz Peterson Sunday, has key mar they chose their to retire from baseball but as they been placed on the Oakland ket across the country and in¬ name because Joe's not marr¬ say there are things that are As disabled list Pitcher ternationally." ied and I am I don't think BOSTON i UPI' The Boston inevitable like death and taxes ing National Basketball Assn. Jim Nash, on the list with a Mantle, the former New York it's -any secret that girls like Celtics, the most successful and retiring from professional champions. Trans National Com sore shoulder, was taken off Yankee centerfielder. and Na¬ Joe more than me. We think sports team ever, were pur munications Inc.. will pay P sports." and will rejoin the club math. the quarterback of the its a pretty good name. " chased Tuesday for $6 million - Ballantine and Sons Brewery World Champion New York Jets, Mantle Men and Namath the largest price ever paid for cash and stock worth a total Cassius Clay was fined $10 side Girls, Inc. will be in the em¬ sat by side at a news professional basketball team of $6 million. The transaction and costs Sunday night for Frank Beard. Dave Hill and conference which well a was ployment agency business, tem¬ For the 11 time and defend must be approved by the league. a speeding violation. Gene Littler occupy the top lighted by numerous TV cam- porary personnel, vocational E.E. "Woody" Erdman, board Justice of the Peace Charles three positions, and Gary Play chairman and Spaugh at nearby Reddington er moved up a notch on the president of Trans National, said the team would re¬ Ind. said he recognized Clay Professional Golf Assn.'s list main in Boston and the ers would retain the new own¬ Celtics' but nevertheless asked if he "Cassius He said Clay, the boxer. was of top money winners, bumping Lee Trevino from fourth on the strength of his second place O.J.'s 1st management of General Man¬ Clay replied affir¬ ager Arnold Red Auerbach and matively and signed the arrest place. $11,400 finish in the President Jack Waldron. ticket "Cassius M. Clay." Milwauked Open. full jibes,of press MAGRA FALLS. N Y < UPI' back Gary McDermott. -Heisman Trophy winner O.J. Defensive end Tom Day led Simpson went through his first the razzing from the sidelines full-fledged workout as a mem¬ as Simpson carried the ball on ber of the Buffalo Bills Tues¬ a series of running plays. day. followed by newsmen and Day nicknamed Simpson "Oren- frequently razzed by his team- thia"-a talkoff on his first name Orenthal. Simpson. who arrived at the "Pop me one." Day shout¬ The newest team yet Bills' ed. Knock Orenthia down. training camp Monday Show him what it's like to get night after a tumultous welcome Joining forces as job hunters are former Yankee hit." by 2.500 fans at greater Buffalo star Mickey Mantle and New York Jets great International Simpson was kissed on the Airport. went cheek by Miss Buffalo. Kath¬ Joe Namath. The two professional athletes have through isometric exercises leen Karpinski. and handed a key announced formation of Mantle Men & Namath and took part in a light contact drill with the enthusiasm of a to the city by Mayor Frank A Girls, Inc., an employment agency where they'll Sedita. be the "supersalesmen." AP Wirephoto college freshman. Wherever he went on the practice field at Niagra Uni¬ versity, Simpson was followed by Newsmen and photographers. On one occasion, cameramen Julie Heldman sparks U.S. surrounded him as he walked victory in WightmanCup to a water cooler. The helmetless Simpson was virtually silent throughout the to two-hour drill, listening intently CLEVELAND (UPI)- the top to the directions of Coach ranked American player. Julie Heldman. an outgoing 23- Nancy Richey. of San Angelo YOUR John Rauch and ly back at chatting brief¬ midfield with quarter¬ Jack Kemp and running year-old New Yorker who admits I'll grub a point however I 6-2 The U.S.. upset last year Tex.. was 6-3. 3-2 in 2-6. 6-4. favor of The the gap U.S. can." turned the 41st annual at Wimbledon, recaptured the when Miss Heldman took the Wightman Cup Tennis Series cup by a 5-2 margin in the three court against Miss Shaw HUNGRY? White Sox's May into a personal triumph. Relying heavily on "Junk day competition and now holds a 34-7 edge in the annual event. The New York girl was a last minute replacement for Miss shots and soft stuff," Miss Miss Wade, who holds the Richey in the doubles, when Nan¬ Heldman won three matches in U.S. National Open Champion¬ cy complained of a slight strain shorten it. T ry a tan- loses thumb joint the U.S. triumph over Great ship. tried to launch a British in her right arm following her pizza of gy or one great sandwiches. All our O.J. finally Britain in the series between the top women players of the comeback Monday by deieating defeat by Miss Wade. delivered instantly at CAMP PENDLETON. Calif. two countries. extra cost. (UPIi-Outfielder Carlos May no O.J. She defeated Britain's best. Simpson was greeted by about 1,000 fans Monday night when he arrived the Greater Buffalo I iternational Airport. Among the happy people to professional at of the Chicago White Sox. a leading candidate for rookie of Virginia Wade. Saturday and How they stand won the decisive fourth vic¬ football's number one draft choice was Buffalo Mayor Frank Sedita, who year in the American League, pre¬ tory in the best of seven mat sented Simpson with a key to the city. lost the first joint of his right ALSO! AP Wirephoto thumb in an accident with a wea¬ ches Monday. 6-3. 6-4. over Win¬ nie Shaw American National Hamburgers pon Monday. Then Miss Heldman teamed MSU All-stars May. who throws righthand EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION Cheeseburgers dreaming about ed. was cleaning a mortar tube with Jane "Peaches" kowicz. the pride of Hamtramck. Bart W L PCT which still contained a round of Baltimore 79 35 696 Submarines your future? Four MSU football players, Chicago 71 43 623 ammunition when his swab stick New York 62 49 559 then stop! including twin brothers Rich and Boston St Louis French Fries jammed the round against the Lions Ron Saul, were picked on Notre Dame's 1968 All-Opponent team firing pin. causing it to fire. acquire Washington New York 60 57 57 57 513 500 Pittsburgh Philadelphia Here's a once in a lifetime The round did not explode, but Cleveland 48 69 410 Montreal opportunity for adventure and Othefc Spartans honored were Don Law and Allen Brenner it badly injured his right thumb 'Barefoot' end WESTERN DIVISION challenge. it left the muzzle. WESTERN DIVISION PIZZA A civilian career Army Recreation or Library with the as DETROIT troit (UPI)-The Lions announced Monday De¬ Minnesota W 68 L 46 PCT 596 Cincinnati W L PCT Oakland 66 46 589 AUanta 54 Program in Europe or the Far that they have acquired second- Seattle 47 65 420 San Francisco $2 CALL 332-6517 East. California 44 66 400 Los Angeles year tight end Ken Barefoot 61 If you are single, a IJ.S. citi¬ from the Washington Redskins Kansas City 45 68 398 Houston gi zen and have a degree in Chicago 43 71 377 San Diego VARSITY 35 in exchange for an undisclosed Recreation 1970 draft choice. TmmUy i Results Arts and Crafts The 6-foot-4 235-pound San Francisco 6, Pittsburgh 3 Barefoot was used on special Boston at Chicago, night Cincinnati at Montreal 2. twi-night Music teams by the Redskins last year California at Detroit, night Philadelphia at Atlanta, night Seattle at Cleveland, night Dramatics or after being drafted from Virginia New York at Houston, night Oakland at Baltimore, night Chicago at San Diego. night Tech. Library Science Kansas City at Washington, night St. Louis at Los Angles, night Minnesota at New York, night WRITE FOR A BROCHURE ! MAXX ■ Today's games Cincinnati at Montreal Special Services Section STEAK AND 4 for your average Philadelphia at Atlanta, night IRCB . . . J Union Ballroom * New York at Houston, night B Friday at 8 g Seattle at Cleveland, n Department of the Army everyday waiter hater Oakland at Baltimore, night St Louis at Los Angeles, night St Louis at Los Angles, night 600 N. Homer jt 5 ~-"jinaw near Kansas City at Washington, night Pittsburgh at San Fraicisco Washington, D.C. 20315 Frandor Shopping Center Minnesota at New York Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 13, 1969 ]] Student academic records Evaluation form show technological growth cut for gan printing the curriculum of Robert" C. Linton, By MARJORIE RUPP students bv term Students in as part of ber is punched intb the machine. The 1969 edition of the ASMSl the system made this all pos- The progressive growth not different curricula also had dif- The record appears on the view- course evaluation book will sible. The class card, King just of the University, but of ferent repreinted forms, er almost instantly-and the ma- not be published this year due said. would be rolled into the chine even prints xerox copies technology, is well reflected in to a budget cut and lack of GPA recorded tabulator which would then print 0f the document in 20 seconds MSU's carefully preserved stu¬ workers. dent academic records. The pressures of academic 'the class onto a student's re- if desired, The book is a compilation of 'We have a permanent aca¬ life, as we know it today, cords. student evaluation forms filled demic record for every student first became evident with the And the final great technolo- The microtilm machine, King next record out in a random sampling of that's attended here.'' Horace change in 1928 when gical change, made in summer replaces 5 to 6 perman- classes. The form contains a C. King, registrar, said Records ^AC State was already Michigan of 1961, involved machine-pro- ent fjje workers and a number rating of the professor, the class¬ go back to 1857, the year when College. Physically, new cessed labels. The labels, pre- 0f part-time workers records became an 8 by 8 yel room situation, the course mater students were first enrolled in pared with grades and courses low card. All courses were re¬ recorded by tabulators, are stuck ials, and recitation or lab¬ the Michigan College of Arts Records have been micro- corded by hand on the 12 X 12 inch record filmed oratory section, if included in and Applied Sciences only back to 1967, the course. The significant changes, how¬ Nineteenth century records, King said, were kept in ledgers ever, involved both academia card. Typing and handposting is en- he said, but current cards are constantly and automatically Nuts to you The program, initiated three and technology: these While peanuts may be years ago by the ASMSU board, preprinted with course names. cards tirely displaced. This system, added to the collection. omething of a gourmet delicacy, these MSU ducks draw had 5.000 copies of the first Since courses available were were the first to have student King said, has been refined and no dietary restrictions on a free hand-out. State News Photo by Terry Luke and addressed actual¬ book published last names further reflects technological year A highly limited, the only devia¬ lack of tions were in individual grades, ly typed in-and, for the first evolution by replacing the tab¬ advertising resulted in time, grade point averages were ulating equipment with com¬ only 2,500 of the books being which were recorded by hand. These ledgers, kept in the noted down. In 1938. just about everything puters for "greater speed and BROOKLYN AREA sold. John R Kessler, Cuya¬ hoga Falls. Ohio, junior, said noncurrent student records vaul t storage capacity." This year, the budget was ... the CHanra™A^iUstra"to' 8»t typed ^except, of course. lowered and publishing costs Bldg.. are leatherbound volumes graaes ana The storage methods for each N.Y. have risen drastically. Requests college with only a single page reserved of the records varies with rep¬ This was the period of the for grants are being made for s for each student. first mechanization of internal resentative technology, too. Pre- next year. Individual records appear records in daily use," King tatyilator ledgers and cards are • The program has not been locked up" in; file cabinets in By 1900. when the College of said. Tabulating equipment cut. just limited " Kessler said Arts and Applied Sciences had and punchcards were used to thevAdrtihlistr^tion Bldg. records NEW YORK (UPI) - A col- plan at the annual meeting of Most exciting is the mix of ment of the college, the plan "We will continue to work on grown to become the Michigan vault. The more technologically le8e f°r the ghetto, planned for the American Assn of Junior functions in new facilities calls for rehabilitation of the print out the class lists and the evaluations.' modern cards are kept in rotat the Bedford-Stuyvesant section Agricultural College, permanent reports on standing Colleges For example, the college, lo- community, conversion of At least 25 per cent of the records were preserved on indiv¬ ing elevator power files in the °f Brooklyn will have no cam- The tentative plan for the cal businesses, and even resi- streets into linear The present 10 by 12 inch parks and the faculty has been evaluated, he idual preprinted record cards. building. eliminating the arti- pus as such, w, four-year college for 5,000 dential space might share the provision of new housing to said. The goal is to eventual These white cards, measuring forms were introduced five years ficial leather folders in which College facilities will be de- to 8,000 students was developed same building. Rentals from the help overcome local shortages ly have a rating of every pro¬ before MSC became MSU, in the older cards were 8'2 by 13 inches, are made of previously signed to serve the community by the education affiliate commerical uses could revert An equally innovative educa¬ fessor at the University. 1950. Along with the new card well the ~ heavy cardboard stock with lam¬ kept. as " as students. ' Rather ~ Bedford-Stuyvesant - Restor to the college tional program will meet spe¬ The evaluation contains the inated finish. Several types of size came a new recording than displacing community res- ation Corporation. Dr. Biren- As envisioned by the plan, cial needs of students from de- number and type of exams method in which all identify¬ Microtilming introduced idents, the college project will giv¬ cards-depending on the indi¬ baum headed the affiliate prior the college's library, its cul¬ proved backgrounds. en by the professor, the size of ing information, such as name, And, in a most recent de¬ add to the net stock of hous- to accepting his present post. vidual's curriculum-were used. tural, recreational, and serv The academic program calls his class, address, and velopment, all student perman whether or not ex¬ courses, was print- ing in the area. The plan bypasses the tra- ice facilities would be designed Improvements and growth in . ent academic records are now for. among other things, a lib tra readings are assigned, the The plan, it is believed, offers ditional. fortress-like urban cam- MAC'S academic life become ,in tabulating equipment undergoing microfilming. Re¬ to serve the community as well eral admissions policy, study rating of the professor as a lec¬ even more evident in the next ra*her than tvped or written in. a prototype for crisis-ridden col- pus and calls for a meld of as students. programs, meeting practical turer and the evaluation of the record change in 1916 This time cords are put onto microfilm in cartridges; When a certain VriVersities i cities college and community facil- The plan envisions the pos career objectives of ghetto stu relavance of course material the cards became a better qual¬ across the nation sible surrender of college fa¬ dents, study-related internships record is needed, the cartridge covered. Dr William Biren5aum pres. cilities to other uses to meet ity stock. 11 by 912 inches, in business or government and Kessler said the new book, 'on which prepunched class registration is inserted into the viewer and ident of Staten Is,and Com. kept to the ,ow.rise Sca,e q{ administrators be- pressing community needs. continuing programs to give stu- when published, will be longer cards, introduced by registrar the recordholder's student num- munity College unveiled the the existing neighborhood In addition to the develop- dents college-level skills. and more critical. U h y Pay More! Why Pax More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! |£g MIIK = i 5 35* T@MAT@ CATSUP 4 ~ 95*1 TOPCO ECONOMY SIZE 12" ROLL x 75' 49 £ MKIItlSI ^I'OKK^1 POSK STEAK Long LB. Why Pay More! Mcijer & Thrifty Acres Coupon 07 SAVE toward the 14c purchase of V"S "1 1107 !»' ■ Van Raalte's SAVE 10c V2J j Salad DRESSING : 29 mm _ I Any or oil coupons redeemable with $5.00 purchase or moro ! | ! I French DRESSING £ Any or all coupon* rodoomablo with $5.00 purchato or moro | | excluding boor wino. dgmitt Itomi oi coupon Homa ■ thrifty I excluding boor, wino cegarotto items or coupon {tome. ■ Limit ono por customer. Ixpiros Sat., Aug. 1*, 1949. ■ „ cutt0fn#r Expiree Sat., Aug. 1*, 1969. acres
    er 3 rooms EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY complete kitchen, parking, laundry Vinyl top. interior AM-FM Air- Experienced secretaries, typists to and bath, fur""'^ cO'lties Paid Utilities paid except electricity conditioning Radials Evenings. 332- work on temporary assignments BABYSITTER NEEDED by faculty p. ,cKv" ««> F*r Call ED 2-1703. 2-8/13 6250 3-8/14 Never fee Phone 487-6071 C-8/14 a couple for 1 small child Light CHEVROLET-1965 SS convertible CUSTOM HONDA-Metal flake finish housewock Beginning September 1 327 300 horsepower $515. Can be RENAULT 10. 1967 Good condi¬ TT Full time Okemos, 351-7220 5-8/19 pipes 360cc 355-2824 . 484 seen 815 Bement AM FM stereo- tion Must sell 355-7533 or 355- 1022 3-8 15 radio 482-9400 3-8/15 5956 5-8 13 EARN EXTRA money-vending oppor tunity, low investment. Laminate NORTHWIN0 SLAT A 1952- Rare Italian V-8 identification cards, photos in clear car FULL AND part time employment FARMS COLLECTOR S ITEM -1957 Thunder conversion incomplete $800 Racing with full-line merchant wholesaler plastic No heat or electricity Com¬ bird. Shown by appointment Call tires fit Corvette. Dunebuggy 484 Automobile required 337-1349 8:00 pact simple operation 50 percent Faculty Apartments 332-3896. after 6 p m 5282 return Write Box A-l. State News 3-8 14 3-8/15 $400 Call 351- a m -5 00p m O or phone Grand Rapids. 458-9116, 351-7880 THUNDERBIRD CONVERTIBLE - after 6 p.m. 3-8/15 COMET CYCLONE 1964 4-speed ENGINEER FULL 1965 Black and white 1 owner or part-time Bucket seats Consider trade for With 1st class FCC license Im¬ Excellent condition. Wholesale price TEMPORARY. EXPERIENCED stenos. motorcycle 332-6978 5-8/15 mediate openings Call 482-1333 339-2509 3-8/14 typists, office machines operators 10-8 19 Short and long assignments $160- Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units $3 50 hour MY GAL FRIDAY OF for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments SCHOOL BUS driver applications are FICE SERVICE, 484-7771 0-8 14 are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Cami being taken for September 1969 Minimum of 4 hours per day (morn¬ ings and afternoons i Must be at USHERETTES ~ PART - Time, even us Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a di9h"- washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central If ings and weekends Apply SPARTAN least 21 years of age. possess good Cedar Village TWIN THEATRE, Frandor Shopping driving record, and able to pass Center 4-8 19 r conditioning. These 4-man units have Hi physical Phone 393-3450, extension 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- 4 11-8 22 Keypunch Operators ' i drive puts you on campus. The stu- Day and evenings. Full or" dent's leisure time has been adequately University Villa part time. Some experience planned for with a giant heated swim¬ 635 Abbott Rd. Alpha - Numeric. Call: Mrs. • Your Best Buy in a ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ Kathryn Phoenix, Mgr. of Pro¬ 4-man apartment ate balconies. If you want to be among and 3 person apartments duction, THE SERVICE BUR¬ the first residents of Twyckingham call Party lounge TlvyCKMGHAM (2 bedroom flexible units), EAU CORP., Subsidiary of • today. There are 92 units available at I APTS. furnished and completely car¬ IBM. 2201 E. Grand River $280/month and up. STUDENT APARTMENTS peted, blocks from air conditioning, 5 Avenue, Lansing,Mich.48912. Tel: (517) 485-5495, 485-6745. • • Luxury Furnishings Large apartments Fall leases available campus, 9 or 12 \ MOORDEB2 month lease. An equal opportunity employ- ^ Hon RO Hal stead Management J.R. Culver Co. ®tuj>ctungf)am DO YOU need £ NOW TEASING FOR FATE 351-7910 * SOUNDPROOFED Wanted for the new 4620 S. Hagadorn * AMPLE PARKING FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES * MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY- 9 OR 12 MO. LEASES ' BEST LOCATION IN EAST LANSING Meijer Thrifty Acres A LCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY 482-3379 NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES OKEMOS PHONE 332-5051 Self-Service Department Store □rane aQnian CROSSWORD asnsa annas Full and Part-time CLERKS Experience preferred and recognized -- But not required PUZZLE an nssa □an ismmB SOB JagSE across 27 behold GROCERY, PRODUCE, FROZEN FOODS, and DAIRY CLERKS 28. Bone sans raaaE 110 1. Constellation 29. Squander □Eamu aaaan (up to $3.00 per hour) ON THE TRAIL! Full-time clerks In these departments start at $2.30 per hour: are automatically In¬ 4. Opera star 12. Injurious 30. Preserves 34. In case □H0[hh nurans □0 eaas ragpg □an scaffls nan creased to $2.55 at 6 months; and $2.74 at 12 months seniority. Part-time food depart¬ NO - WE WON'T HUNT ment clerks start at $1.76 per hour and through automatic progressions reach the $2.74 13. Jet pilot 35. Purchase IQQBH HHHH BE) Old hand rate with 36 months seniority. 14 Sellout 16. Army missile 36. 38. Deliberate Baaaa saatp 18 Owned 41. Kiwi nasatiE @HSK] YOU DOWN WITH A GUN Wearing Apparel, Toys, Sporting goods, Small and Large Appliances, Domestics, Pets, 19 Baby carriage 42. Cut of meat Garden, Shoes, Housewares, Hardware, Home Improvement, Jewelry, Health and Beauty 3. Sacred vocal Aids, Snack Bar, Donut Shop. composition 4. Monotonous knowledge 1. Poorest part HOWEVER - Full and part-time clerks in these departments begin at $1.65 per hour and progress to $1.72 with 6 months seniority. At one year these positions advance to $1.85 per hour. Full-time clerks In these departments continue to receive automatic increases each 6 46. Covet 47. Youth 2. of fleece Spawn of fish 5. Creeper 6. 7. Six Frightened months up to $2.25 per hour. 1 3 * 5 6 7 6 9 ,o 8. Board game Student Ads must be paid by August 11, and 12 1 9. 10. Wood sorrel Footlike part V/, % " prepaid August 11 - 22, or you go on the HOLD ALL CLERKS ALSO RECEIVE: 16 15. Stingaree list. This means no registration, no diploma, 17. "Lights out" 19. Crux Paid vacations 19 transcripts, no nothing, until paid. •6 V/, • • Paid Insurance • Opportunity to Advance into no • Paid Holidays « Birthday Bonus • Paid coffee breaks management %% io 21 22 23 24- 20. Fragrance 21'. Military center So, hurry up and pay up! •" Free parking is % 26 27 22. Crawled 23. Bivalve additional full-time benefits y4 29 % 3o 24. Catacomb Room 347 • 28 31 32 %si 26 Love letter 29. Ooze Paid Student Services Building • hospitalization for family Profit-sharing retirement plan 34 n35 30. Happy 32. Spotless % 37 %38 39 4-0 33. Breakfast roll 35. Osseous Interviews conducted August 12, 13 and 14. Apply at: 36 4-2 % 4-3 36. Noah's boat % % 37. Fawn MICHIGAN STATE NEWS MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION 3215 South Pennsylvania Ave. LANSING 4-5 % 46 % 47 38.104 39. Bombast 40. Crimson 43. Forward Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 13, 1969 13 For Rent VC fall offensive For Rent For Sale CEDAR VILLAGE-1 girl 9 month TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 ESTATE SALE-Bedroom sei lease, starting fall 9 and 12 month leases 351-7399 modern, $50 351-5559. 351 Beautyrest 4633 3-8/15 8-8 15 and springs, $30 each TWO GIRLS (continued from page one! U.S. losses were five killed and WOODS IDE APARTMENTS 1-bedroftm looking for house U.S. 196th Light Infantry Bri throughout the nation in antici¬ CEDAR VIEW Apartments-Married or dishes. Queen Am A U.S. spokesman said the apartment fall term only We 23 wounded. with carpeting, balconies, laundry post-graduates, and seniors Near will sublet Call 35M571 old glass display set of 3 Viet Cong hoped to gade. pation of continued assaults S-8/13 occupy one North Vietnamese security locks Call 351-4691 or and 5 339-2506 3-8/14 broke To make this attack, the campus 351-5647 4-8 15 of these cities through next Monday, the 24th ED 2-2920 1 apartment at reduced long enough to through the perimeter of a base North Vietnamese had to fight rates til September 11th 3-8/15 Rooms KODEL THROW rugs, Dacron cur set up a provisional government anniversary of the opening Viet¬ camp of the American Division, up a steep hill and revolt tains, gold drapes. 8X12' Bigelow for a propaganda were easily namese against French SINGLE ROOM with cooking f; victory. 31 miles southeast of Da Nang. driven off with about 50 killed, rule. carpet-All perfect condition, half The U.S. Command WANTED TWO ties. Private entrance, bath F had set but were turned back with 51 i price Call 351-5543 S spokesmen reported. One The overnight ing $70. everything included up a task force headquarters at killed, military spokesman said. shellings were American was killed and three directed against Call 372-6376 14-2449 CANNISTER VACUUM cleaner '1 Quan Loi. expecting the attacks. Seven Americans were killed nearly every were wounded major American military head¬ year old) with all the attachments At one point, a team of enemy and 51 winder; condi were wounded. Casualties on both sides rose HOUSES AND apartments for fall Built-in cord A-l sappers armed with dynamite quarters in South Vietnam's tion. $18. 482-2677 C-8 14 The enemy suffered aflother as new field reports came in, in¬ We pay all your utilities Close to four military zones. bombs were driven out by eight setback 20 miles west of this 414 SOUTH Pine. Lansing Two 1 campus Call N'EJAC. 337 1300 medics before they could reach cluding those of smaller actions The shellings hit Saigon, the bedrooms 1 furnished, $105 1 un¬ C-8 22 SPARTAN Animals battle. Under cover of a heavy not HALL-men, women, sin¬ the operations center of the 1st reported in command com old imperial capital of Hue and furnished. $100 Utilities paid. De¬ mortar gles. doubles Parking, laundry FREE KITTENS To barrage. North Vietna¬ muniques. more than a dozen posit required Call Ric.iard Al- LARGE HOUSES -3 and 4-bedroom 372-1031.337-0648 X19-8 22 good home Air Cavalry Division's 3rd Bri¬ provincial Part Siamese & Angora 372-6583 mese attacked a camp of the Allied forces went on alert and district ban. 8 a m.-5 p m . 372-9730 or after 3 30 p.m gade in Quan Loi. Six of the capitals. for students September 1 Mr S-8/15 6p m-8p m .337-2510 5-8 18 se Cooking, park medics were wounded. Close 332-0939 GIRL FOR 4-girl. Available August SCOTTISH TERRIER, female 9 weeks There was hand-to-hand fight¬ Blacks in Alabama 5-8 19 old AKC registered 15th Close to campus 332-0773 TWO GIRLS needed, fall through spring Call Perry ing between sappers and U.S. 4-8 15 625-3565 1-8/13 Convenient location $48 337-0308 defenders at the military sup¬ 2-8 13 For Sale port command's compounJ in NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS-1 The legislature to 5 man deluxe apartments Air THREE-FIVE studious girls- Septem DIAMOND BARGAIN: Wedding and' An Loc. will start question of racial gerrymander engagement ring sets Save 50 per One of the largest battles thinking more about blacks on- conditioning, swimming pool, from 15. Furnished. cent or more ing was studied closely by the Large selection of broke out south of An Loc where elect scores of county officials, ly when blacks get represen- $125 Management by J R CULVER plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 KITTENS, Flawless. 8 weeks old. three-judge court at that time. COMPANY. 351-8862 C-8 22 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 U.S. 11th Armored Cavalry Reg including sheriffs and probate tation," Amerson says. trained, reputable parentage, 5 cents The court rearranged one House East Michigan 485-4391 C each this year only. 351-8625 iment tanks and armored per judges. nothing more than right to have DUPLEX TO sublet or share with 727 UNBEATABLE females 2-bedroom. 11 z baths New Berkshire Lane sonnel carriers reported killing Hosea Williams, an official of representation, particularly in district because, it said, the lines drawn by the legislature were 45 North Vietnamese and the Southern Christian Leader¬ areas ivhere blacks have Completely carpeted Lansing $175 a ma- VALUE! BASSETT--AKC turing two. One American cap¬ was ship Conference (SCLCi which jority." designed solely to prevent elec¬ In Lansing's Most tion of killed and two wounded in this spearheaded the successful The SCLC : a black from that dis Exciting New Apartment LOVELY FURNISHED 2-bedroom attack. campaign in Greene County, trict. The court said it found Community house 634 South Francis Available says blacks will try to elect no evidence of gerrymandering A second battle erupted when says he feels that legislative MEADOWBROOKl now. or sublease to September 15 Mobile Homes the enemy attacked a U.S. artil¬ more county officials in Greene as well in the other counties districts black are drawn to "prevent of or any of the remaining 42 House 26 Senate districts. TRACE FREE PARKING lery base guarding an infiltra¬ as people and many poor for Yoursel: a MARLETTE 8X36 Near campus tion route to Tay JVinh with 400 people from being elected. Nevertheless. Amerson says, OPTICAL DIS Very ge, New, Be COUNT. 2615 East good condition $1,300. 351 rounds of rockets, mortars and They do not have representa the House district composed of 0901. after 6:30 p.m 3-8 14 rocket-propelled grenades. majority on the Greene County tive government " Macon. 1-2-3 BEDROOM ue. 372-7409 In a one-hour battle, 54 North Commission the County Abernathy said his organiza- Barbour counties is the and Bullock 8 X40 NEW Moon Excellent School only one where APARTMENTS THREE-BEDROOM acre lot Williamston unfurnished $160 on Call CARPET PIECES- tion. Immediate occupancy condi Near Vietnamese and 9 Americans Board county officials are white but all other tion would support a court suit blacks have a reasonable were killed. U.S. seeking to rearrange some dis- FROM $150 after6p m .655-1508 5-8 18 Hazel 489-7846 campus 351-7506 5-8 14 said, and 39 Americans spokesman were Williams says the SCLC will tricts "and we might < chance of electing a black legis¬ lator. Macon and Bullock have Decorator-Coordinated wounded try to get still more blacks reg tiate it after careful study." THREE-BEDROOM h- furnished AMERICAN, 1957-10 X36 Excel heavy black majorities. Bar Furniture Available for BIRTHDAY CAKES-7 $3 64 8 istered voters before But at the moment, he said, _ lent condition as the $4 18. 9 -$5.20. Delivered KWAST Carpeted, new air Enemy forces were reported bour is about evenly divided Singles and Marrieds gpnditioner. storage shed Near MSI electioneering starts next year, the priority on our list is those BAKERIES. 484-1317 C-8 14 351-0035 falling back toward the Cambo¬ 5-8 13 and will supplement those ef¬ counties in dian border in some areas north the Black Belt A black Note the Features attorney. Fred Gary, SEWING MACHINE clearance sale forts with beefed-up political ed¬ where blacks outnumber whites in the Rental Fee of Saigon under relentless at¬ led the field of candidates seek LOVELY FURNISHED 1 Brand new portables-$49 95 $5 00 Lost & Found tack bv U.S. ucation classes. and we have had some victo- ing election to the legislature houses 1 to 2 miles fr per month Large selection of re- fighter-bombers. • Full Wall-to-Wall In the north, enemy comman¬ Macon County, the first in Ala from that district in the Demo $140-$ 190 plus utilities Carpeting Whites. Nec dos bama to choose black officials, The legislature reapportioned cratic hurling dynamite bombs primary in May 1966. Bui • Designer Draperies many others $19.95 to $39 95 blasted into U.S. 1st Marine Di¬ has a black sheriff, tax collec¬ itself four years ago under a he lost to a white opponent in a • Color Coordinated Terms KI>\\ \H1)S DISTRIBUTING tor. two blacks on the five-mem federal court order, and the vision headquarters at Da COMPANY 1115 North Washington Appliances ber County Board of Revenue • 489-6448 C-8 14 Nang. Eleven commandos and Heat & Air and two on the County School • Conditioning FREE A thrilling hour of beauty two Marines were killed, and Full Walnut Vanities WASHING MACHLNES 1 automatic. For appointment call 4844519. MERLE four North Vietnamese were Welfare • Additional Storage and $45 1 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 One black sits on the Sumter agitator. $25. both in very captured Laundries in Each Building good condition 882-9976 2 8 14 East Michigan C-8 14 County School Board. Other enemy forces fired a dozen mortar rounds at the U.S. But no blacks hold office in GARAGE SALE 1120 Wildwood Drive. Recreation Facilities BOARD. ROOM, compensation any of the other counties in the East Lansing, Friday. August 15th. warm Navy hospital in Da Nang. (continued from page one> Rep. Charles A Vanik. D INCLUDE Black Belt, a horizontal strip . . . Olympic pool, 10 a.m -8 p.m Household furni Two hit the building, wounding on the ground that the Ohio, a Ways and Means Com community building with fire¬ ture typewriter, tools, other neat 12 American of land running through the stuff patients and 6 staff self-help provisions had mittee member, told the House place and saunajsaths adjoin¬ 3-8 15 members. southern portion of the state. It been implemented Tuesday such an increase ing the pool. Picnic areas and STOVE. 30". electric. TV RENTALS GE U.S. Marines fought off an en¬ got its name from the rich soil should have acres of lawn for your leisure $50 Hand 19 pori but because of its predominant- highest priority mower. $10. Floor window fan. --$8 50 per month emy attack 22 miles south of Da and or including si Hearings on the welfare pro- when Congress returns Sept. 3 enjoyment. $10 Call 332-1052 X-8 13 Call J.R CULVER COMPANY Nang, killing 40 North Viet¬ ly agricultural economy, it also gram wiU also indude proposals 8862 217 Ann Street. East i2 East HAUGHEY A unique young woman in the last two leather or denim jackets and Judge James A. Boyle 3$. 'illl/ve* quality thesis service multilith. printing and hard binding 337-1527 IBM typing, C Grand River the 9 a m new East Lansing Above Campus Book Store Hours to 3 30 p m Mondav. Tues¬ years in the area Ryan, who said he felt he their girl friends work black arm bands day, Wednesday, and Friday Thurs¬ was appointed because he had The mourners first sipped the day. 12 to 6:30 p'm 337-7183 ' C more trial experience than either Transportation liquor, then poured it over the 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-8862 YOUNGER LADY -n Toomey or Francis, said he casket. apartment with girl expected to be ready to pro- As they turned to leave, one of daughter Call 355-3168. after 5 p ceed with the case Thursday, them said: "He's gonna have a The pre-trial examination will party,man.. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 13, 1969 FALARSKI PROTEN CENTER CUT LEAN TASTY 5-7 LB. AVG. BROILER RING CHUCK STUFFED TURKEYS BOLOGNA STEAKS Pork CHOPS it .. J§c 69( SWIFT'S PR F Mil 1M DDHTFM den 79c r»d uninr ctvi r SPARERIBS 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVE. 15417 NORTH EAST ST. - i i-m.— RIB STEAKS BOSTON BUTT PORK ROAST PESCHKE SKINLESS i FRANKS «l, 99 921W. HOLMES ROAD WE RESERVE QUANTITY RIGHTS FRANKS STORE HOURS: SLICED OR CHUNK WEEKDAYS 6 A.M. ■ 10 P.M. PORK LIVER SUNDAYS 10 A.M. • 7 P.M. 9mm CENTER CUT LEAN PORK CHOPS COUNTRY FRESH 2% LO-FAT MILK ««■ t ALL FLAVORS!.. COUNTRY FRESH FINEST QUALITY ICECREAM REG. 89C CARTON 2 HALF- GAL. CTNS. V'-\ " 79° DINTY MOORE BANQUET BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY 8-OZ. WT SAVORY OEEF STEW FROZ POT P \ 24-OZ. WT CAN THANK TOO BRAND... .TASTY, CHERRY PIE FILLING MICH. RED HAVEN PEACHES 3 LBS 35 MICHIGAN FINEST CALIF. THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES CALIF. BARTLETT PEARS 8 - for 25 59 , POTATOES SWEET PLUMS CT. 39 l047flf 100 OFF LABEL... .FOR YOUR LAUNDRY GIANT SIZE CRISP DELICIOUS BREAKFAST CEREAL. SOAK .WITH COUPON BELD; 0 . . i MWERTIES CEREA ~OZ, WT. PKG. YOUR CHOICE OF FLAVORS.. PILLSBURY DRINKS.... g FUNNY FACE ! EBERNARD'S BLEACH GALLON LIQUID -J. —| EBERHARD'S CQUPo"^ j | EBERHARD'S COUPOrT} PILLSBURY 1 , 1 EBERHARD'S COUPoTT| 18-OZ. WT. PKG. 25-OZ. POTATO FUNNY FACE WHEATIES TASTY APPLESAUCE EBERHARD'S WT. JARS Q*1 71 c CHIPS 12-0Z. WT. BAG 49c DRINKS «"Si 59' " 33' LIMIT 1 with $5 or more food LIMIT 12 with $5 or more food LIMIT 1 with $5 or more food EBERHARD'S TUNA —4WV2i97' purchase. Coupon good through Sun., August 17, 1969. purchase. Coupon good through Sun., August 17, 1969. purchase. Coupon good through $un., August 17, 1969.