Russia, China duel in border clash TOKYO • he cautioned if the g00d candidates. in this part of south-east Mich¬ dent members may revoke their board selects president from igan." endorsement if the board re¬ the He added that he thought EASIER TREATMENT peatedly returns the list to the representation to this area committee for revision. was "not proportionate." Edwin L. Novak. D-Flint. He games" called with this the "playing committee. England's trade Michigan officials doubted the necessity of addi Student members will "honor tional hearings and questioned their constituents and with¬ whether any new would be offered of sex education on in the testimony subject Michigan draw their endorsement from the candidates," he said. Chappell appeared before deficit increases schools. COGS- a group he was instru¬ laud passage O'Neil answered that he LONDON (AP) -Britain an- trade of books would be in the VD mental in founding last year- nounced Wednesday its foreign thought not only would new infor¬ to seek its reaction to a black for 1969. trade deficit increased mation be presented, but that letter signed by student AUSSC sharply The announcement was a ma¬ in July, but there the participants would be more members. was no sign of jor test for the pound sterling, a financial crisis. Stock prices knowledgeable since they will whose health The statement criticized the fpli hnwpver hnth in i "™:"\ depends~ upon — have more time to study the proposed guidelines. By ROSANNE BAIME Ingham County is one of 12 20 and 24 and 326 in those Ple to recognize this problem committee for failing to keep and New York. whether than it imports. Britain exports Earlier this more Michael Deeb. D-Detroit. sup¬ State News Staff Writer Michigan counties given the 25 years and older an<* something about it. its proceedings entirely se- The Board of Trade an¬ " week it had been driven toward ported O'Neil's proposal and said County and state public health highest priority in venereal This is a total of 931 cases, Albert said that in 1968 cret and in some cases, nounced the deficit increased its official floor of $2.38 after officials are hopeful that House disease control, according to compared with over 18,000 in there were 4,623 reported cases yielding to political pressure $26.8 million to $88.8 million. ^ ^ w „ U11I France devalued the franc. Bill 2080. signed by Gov. the Michigan Health Dept. Each the state. of infectious venereal disease from certain trustees and faculty buT"predicted thatThe "foreign But by late afternoon, the Milliken Monday, will lead of the 12 reported over 200 According to Reizen, private in PeoPle years and younger, members, Services held to an eventual decrease in the cases of gonorrhea in 1968. physicians have had to report pound in London was selling at $2.3838, just where it was be¬ problem of venereal disease all instances of VD in minors fore the trade figures were an¬ for MSU grad McGovern (VD) in Michigan. This figure includes only re- to their The bill releases from compulsory parental per¬ minors ported disease. cases Reizen of said venereal national parents before passage of Bill 2080. "The Health Department never the to nounced. The pattern here, in New- Memorial services for 2nd York and elsewhere was the mission before figures indicate that reported had to do this and that increased Lieut. Thomas Wayne Tay¬ receiving of VD amount to only same. The pound dipped first, decision cases about lor Jr.. a 1968 MSU graduate, treatment for venereal disease. our business, you might say, 10' to 20 per cent of the as the disappointing July fig¬ This applies to all persons under among teens," Reizen said, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Fri¬ ures were disclosed, then recov- the age of 21. actual number of cases. "i don't think it will decrease day at the First Baptist Church. "We hope this will stimulate The unreported cases just with the Dassaee of this hill day as the longer term implica- 940 South Harrison WASHINGTON (AP) Sen. crats was held "not with the in¬ rr , . i . teens to go to a doctor for go untreated, he said. however. " - 1972 nomination, McGovern tions of the government an- George S. McGovern, D-S.D., tention of outlining a presiden- private plane crash Aug. 1, is ";!!!" earlier treatment if they sus- Figures for Ingham County Rod Albert, a member of the said Wednesday he plans to tial campaign" but to elicit said, "I can't be the head of nouncement became clearer the son of Wayne Taylor, pro- pect they have venereal venereal disease division of the party commission which The Bank of England was un- in 1968 show 200 "views as to what the future fessor in the science and math- disease," Dr. Maurice Reizen, over re- the State Adult Health Dept., withhold a decision on seeking tells about opening up the party derstood to have intervened to director of the Ingham Countv ported cases of g°norrhea in the hopes the bill will help bring the Presidency until well into may hold for the Democratic to the individual citizen and suPP°rt the price of the pound ematics teaching center. Health D said Wednesday under"21 a&e erouP that is to light the problem of 1971; but that if he runs, "I partyand for me." then turn my back on the pri- at about $2.3829. a normal move memorial fund has been would have to the primary "I'm .going to speak out very at this price level. established at the First "Maybe now we can break affect®d by Bil1 208J T1\ere VD in teens and were five reported in the under- young adults. go route with great vigor." maries. Bap¬ "Although manv people don't bluntly on issues. " McGovern Prime Minister Harold Wilson tist Church, East Lansing. I realize, he added, "that I 10 classification, three in the know this, almost 95 per cent The South Dakota Democrat said. "I think there is great and his Cabinet were reported could take myself out of conten- 10 to 14-year-old group, 0f all VD cases are in teens said in an interview that a pri¬ feeling in this country that we confident that there was no dan- L!EBERMANN'S= 165 vate dinner he attended last need fundamental tion by speaking bluntly. I may among 15-19 year-olds, and young adults." he said a reorder¬ ger of a devaluation of the week with a group of top Demo- misread the needs of the coun 422 among those from between ing of priorities." pound following the franc. They "Maybe this bill will help peo- try or the temper of the NOW ... SAVE $5.00 ON But he said speaking out, as he has been doing on such ir> coun- remained at their separate va¬ cation retreats Have you ever Summer things as Vietnam and hunger, "is the only step I'm going to "If President Nixon really re- The trade gap forced down presents what the American AMERICAN TOURISTER'S seen a Clearance take" in the near future. Asked if he would run in pri- ■ people want, it would be very foolish for me to be a candidate prices on the London stock mar¬ ket. and government securities dropped. maries if he decides to seek the in 1972. " Fuzzy Car GREAT TOTE BAG • SLACKS TO FLY AMERICAN Fuzzy Pen • TOPS THE STATE NEWS • COLLEGE TRAVEL SKIRTS Fuzzy Suitcase The State Newt, the (indent newspaper at Michigan State University, i« 351-6010 • published every clait day thronghoat the year with special Welcome Week SKOOTERS and Orientation lssves in Jane and September Subscription rates are 914 !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Fuzzy Waste • MAXX ! DRESSES Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press ' Basket? Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ Union Ballroom igan Collegiate Press Association, Unite* States Stadent Press Association. Friday at 8 g You name it-- 1/3 Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and tmsiness offices nt 347 Stadent Services State Uriverslty, East Lansing, Michigan. Building. Michigan $1.50 ■ we'll fuzz it to Editorial US-tttt High 3k Classified Advertising SU-OS Velvecoat of Display Advertising 3U44M 1/2 OFF Business-Circulation Photographic J5M447 ttMJU Style Michigan by 1140 Beech St. E. Lansing UlJ&rutcL is no longer rights leader Whitney M. Young Jr., bad condemned together, but called the Nixon Administration s preventive accepted as an impartial force COLLEGE TRAVEL the termination power reaches Neither would the employment detention proposals Wednesday "a first step only those programs which of British troops be acceptable, 351-6010 SWEATSHIRTS IN 12 that could lead to a system of oppressive would utilize federal money for nor would they be likely to re¬ unconstitutional ends." the store peaceful conditions-cer¬ SMASHING COLORS radical containment. Young told the 92nd annual meeting of the court said. "Each must be considered on tainly not in thf long term. " IT'S NEW Lynch was referring to the American Bar Assn.. that President Nixon's its own merits to determine whether or not it is in compli¬ possibility of British troops being used should the rioting AT m plan of imprisonment of a suspect for 60 days without bail if a judge feels there is a ance with the Civic Rights Act." The official predicted the gov¬ in Londonderry get out of hand and swamp the forces of the ftporttmeteter reasonable probability of guilt is an extreme ernment would appeal the ruling reaction to problems of crime and race. to the Supreme Court. RUC The Irish prime minister al¬ ftftop The department halted so said he had instructed the • • • The Nixon Administration's antitrust chief recommended Wednesday afternoon that the government abandon importation quotas on foreign crude oil. Asst. Atty. Gen. Richard W. McLaren said K A COMPLETE Sound Shop COMPONENT C£ NTE R....235 Ann St. the present limits on importations of crude oil is costly to the economy, unfair to con¬ sumers. anticompetitive and national security. unnecessary for The Fisher 125 • • • AM-FM Stereo The ATS 5, a $12 million multipurpose Music Center satellite, continued to tumble through space in the wrong place Wednesday. But scien¬ tists at Cape Kennedy said the instruments are intact and the tumbling isn't harming it. A Magnificent • • • World of Sound Coronary heart disease is uncommon among men in their 20 but it is In Your Home! s. likely to be more severe and kill quicker when it strikes them compared with men in their 40 s or 50's, a National Heart Institute study reported Wed¬ nesday in Washington. Michigan News The newly appointed attorney for John Nor¬ THE MEXICALI man Collins, the accused slayer of Eastern RACING SUIT Michigan University coed Karen Sue Beine- by man. said Wednesday he is with Collins' pre-trial examination. ready to proceed 1*2.99 Long or Short Sleeve Sweatshirts Richard W. Ryan. 54, an attorney in Ann See and Hear Why Fisher Stereo Is the W/irfeSfoq- Arbor for almost 30 years, Tuesday by the Washtenaw County Circuit was appointed Court to defend Collins against a first-degree murder charge in Miss Beineman's death, Choice of Professionals and Music Lovers 40 Watls of Music Power (IHF) ■ Wide-Range AM ■ Super-Selective FM and FM-Stereo with FET and ICs in front-end aid IF stages ■ 4-Speed Automatic Turntable 2 for 45° with Cue Control. Anti-Skating, Automatic Shut-Off ■ Colors are moving in, take your choice of sweat shirt the seventh sex slaying in the Ann-Arbor- Two Acoustically-Matched Two-Way Speaker Systems ■ .colors to go with slacks and jeans. Luxurious Kodel® Full Audio Controls with Tape and Phono Facilities. Ypsilanti area in the past two years. polyester and cotton is so soft, yet so much more resistant Collins is scheduled for a pre-trial examina¬ FISHER COMPACTS FROM $299»s m I to shrinkage and to wear. tion today to determine whether there is enough evidence to hold him for trail. The site of CONVENIENT TERMS ftportimtteter CHARGE IT on the hearing was shifted Tuesday from the district court in nearby Ypsilanti to the larger Marshall Music Co. ftftop 213 E. Grand River Sear# Revolving Charge 235 ANN STREET - 351-7830 facilities in the circuit court in Ann Arbor. Ph. 332-3531 The store within a store at Sears, Roebuck and Co. OUR READER'S MIND MICHIGAN Lunar eulogy eclipsed STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY in classical obscurity To the Editor: He finds it sufficient and pleasant just Trinka Cline, executive editor Peter Martinat's recent letter. "Lunar to be against something-anything-as Norman J. Saari, managing editor Eulogy," is a classic in obscure writ¬ long as in the name of hidden poetic George K. Bullard, campus editor ing. It must have been his intention to meaning he can always justify his crude Deborah Fitch, feature editor be vague because no one could have thinking. written with so little precision by ac¬ The beauty and mystery of the moon cident alone is not going to be lost by the mere For instance, he writes: "Suddenly, as fact that a millionth-piece of it has if that flag were a pin stuck into a been explored. It is precisely our know¬ balloon, the beauty of the moon van¬ ledge of a thing that creates the im¬ Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. ished." Does Mr. Martinat wish to im¬ pression of beauty in us. Ignorance is ply that the moon can be deflated? beauty, you say? Then the illiterate witch surely he does not mean that as small doctors of Africa, screaming their revela¬ tions into the starless void above, must EDITORIALS an object as a six-foot flag would ob¬ scure the beauty of the whole moon by be the most poetic of men. blocking his view. Consider as innocent-sounding a phrase as: "We are already beginning to stock¬ Vaughn Zidell. Kalamazoo senior pile the moon with that famous surplus Let's u commodity of man: trash." 1. Trash is not a commodity. 2. A surplus implies Cynthia Bvers. a norm, and we know of ho way to es¬ tablish such a norm. Thus his reference Flushing sophomore to trash as a surplus commodity is the closed ingless. He then leaves the main thrust of his mean¬ assault and discusses the woes of his Izvestia praised personal life: all of which, while tragic, are irrelevant to the theme of his let¬ Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's tee. There is no public de¬ ter: the moon and the aesthetic mean¬ To the Editor: bate and. generally, the observ¬ ing of the Apollo program. Or is it: opinion Wednesday has added The Apollo program and Van Gogh's ear. I thought your reprint of the Isvestia him to the growing list of er does not even know what article. "Seething Ghettoes of Ameri¬ a study in moon deafness? ca." was fascinating. You gave us a critics of the MSU Board of these "findings" are until "Can't seem to do anything right!" Mr. Martinat seems to be against chance to compare content and tone of Trustees' closed meeting pol¬ months later. something. What0 He never makes this an official Communist mouthpiece with Such was the case in the explicit in terms of concrete principles. content and tone of a vehicle of student icy. When the atty. gen., the radicalism in this country. governor and the major news¬ election of Board Chairman How enlightening it is to notice the papers of the state, to name Don Stevens. In the open meet¬ LARRY LERNER relatively moderate tone, accurate docu¬ a few. have expressed displea¬ ing he was voted in unani¬ mentation, and objective style of the the reprint and then turning to the edi¬ sure with this type of meet¬ mously. It was somewhat lat¬ ing. we feel that it is time for the trustees to re-examine er that the fact came out that the real vote in the finance Random thoughts torial garbage vomited across our morn¬ ing newspaper by our own radicals-in- residence must give even the most their procedures. committee was 5-3. hard-core lefto a clue as to why radi¬ We agree that there is a need for closed meetings un¬ Another more recent and far-reaching example of this from a swamp cal politics is not thundering unbridled across the campus. The Crates, the Krells and the Clines really could take a der certain circumstances, as sort of constitutional sleight- hint from Cool Hand Luke: "What we A counselor in a summer camp. He and reflections on the Kennedy mis¬ self, he was probably in shock (defin¬ have here is a failure to communicate." in the case of the negotiation of-hand was the decision to has responsibility. Kids get on his nerves. hap. itely dazed and bewildered) and his So why don't you wise up and make of labor contracts or the ac¬ drop the sliding scale tuition A torrential downpouring of rain con¬ In all honesty: I love Ted Kennedy. back, since the 1964 plane crash, has your entire editorial page one massive quisition of property. Wrhen, plan. This item was decided tinues unabated for two-and-one-half I have great sympathy for him and all impaired his physical capabilities de¬ Isvestia reprint? When it comes to weeks inundating the camp until a swamp he carries with him. To me, Ted Ken¬ cisively. To come right to the meat preaching revolution, at least the Russkies however, the decisions being a month before the public is the result. nedy is the only living entity symbol¬ of the question: we all get in accidents. have some class. made affect the University meeting, where it was offi¬ Not really. The result is a depressed izing his brothers. It matters little to Kennedy is a senator-vou may be a communitv--or the people of cially adopted. There is a sig¬ state for this reporter, the feeling that me what his brothers did or did not student, he a doctor, she a teacher. We Terry B. Smith nificant amount of Nixon can go to (Romania?) do- Ted is alive and therefore represents all have constituents. Nixon has con¬ Graduate, East Lansing Michigan--as a whole, then specula¬ for all I care, and that, as Russell Bak¬ his lost kin. stituents Is he doing his job° Has the the sessions must be open. tion that the formal meeting Just because Kennedy has ruled out er so clearly expressed, one can im¬ accident already occurred with him and The public, in these instances, might not have been held at mensely enjoy not doing a multitude of 1972, that says nothing about 76 (Guess therefore the nation and or the world? EDITORS NOTE: The ls,e*ti„ article has the right to know what all. save for pressure from the things. who'll be 44 years old°». Does Kennedy As long as I'm off the subject of was reprinted so that our readers might state's newspapers. All I really care about at this point want the Presidency? That matters Kennedy, there's something I want to is going on and to make its be able to utilize it for purposes of in¬ in the summer is not finishing my little, too, at this moment. The circum¬ say about Nixon. I've always felt he tellectual comparison and contrast. We opinions known. It is our opinion that all de¬ fourth book. "Letting Go" by Philip stances under which we live now will was Ed Sullivan and Bob Hope com¬ feel that world cisions of community concern such be altered tremendously in the next few- harmony will only come The attorney general's opin¬ Roth relaxed me to an extent bined. Take it for what it's worth. about when all men truly understand ion is. however, only an opin¬ must be debated and made and provided my attention with so nega¬ years. We may need ted Kennedy. We Lastly, what's the first thing that hap¬ what their brothers are thinking-even if tive a stimulus that I whisked through may not. What must not be done, of pens when you go to the bathroom sink ion and is not legally bind¬ in the open. Further, we feel the first 179 pages in no less than three and turn on the faucet0 That's right! they do not agree. While we gratefully course, is what everyone is doing The that a set of guidelines should accept all suggestions, we feel that it ing as such. Further, he has de¬ weeks. There is absolutely no reason to whole incident has gotten out of propor¬ It happens to everyone tat least guys) would not be in the best interests of our bore you by mentioning my seek-and- times in human existence. Then, clared that closed •formal be drawn up to define just tion. many readers or the paper to substitute daily what sorts of business are destroy missions with the other three The girl died-that is highly unfortun¬ try to explain it. neetings" are unconstitution- texts-instead herein lie my projections ate. But Kennedy almost drowned him- Oh. it's all so pointless, isn't it? Isvestia reprints for our editorial page. tl and the relative ambiguity proper for discussion in the >f this phraseology has left closed finance committee ses¬ he dealings of the board's sions. finance limbo. The committee finance committee is in legal In view of the legal cloud that surrounds this entire bus¬ iness. we feel that it would The birthright of all men be exceedingly logical to have barrier to my acceptance by my fellow community or institution. By any yard¬ You and I are rich, but these riches are the board of trustees meet¬ EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a re¬ print of the Commencement remarks human beings. stick known to me he is a citizen of the fragile and perishable. I cannot bring ing in what is. effectively, a body such as the Michigan delivered by Chancellor Durward Varner Never have I experienced the harsh highest order-our society has reason to be myself to believe that they can be the a committee of the whole. Supreme Court rule on the at Oakland University on April 19,1969. loneliness of being segregated, barred, proud of him. He does not live in our exclusive property of those with white skin and denied to those whose skin is Such a meeting is not constitutionality of closed ses¬ Finally, let me offer these comments denied-and to know that I was totally community, and I asked him why His not white. It is my hope for each of considered by them as a 'for¬ sions by the trustees. Hope¬ to those of you in the graduating class- helpless to modify the situation response disturbed me deeplv--it should now our alumni. I hope you will forgive Yes, I was born rich-rich, indeed' be devastating to our community. He you, as you leave us today, that you go mal" meeting. Often, issues fully, such a ruling could be me for departing from the customary But. you say. the situation has been said this, very simple "I am black, with the intellectual and moral equip¬ of public concern are decided a first step toward establish¬ remarks-those you must surely antici¬ over-drawn, over dramatized. You say and I am afraid my family would not ment and that you go with a devo¬ that this is not an honest description be welcome. While my wife and I might tion and dedication that will enable in these closed sessions, and ing a set of viable guidelines pate. Permit me to be quite personal. be willing to fight on principle again, you to make these same riches avail¬ I was born some 52 years ago in a lit¬ of today. then formally adopted in an for the conduct of meetings able to all the people of all colors every¬ tle out-of-the-way village in West Texas, Let me respond by citing two exam¬ we are not willing to subject our child¬ open meeting by the passage by the MSU Board of Trus¬ the seventh child of a country school ples-real examples-which may have some ren to the abuse that would be involved- where: that as you move to your new- tees. relevance. And these examples are we love them too much." A deeply de¬ station, wherever it may be. you go with of a motion to adopt the find¬ teacher. My father was never paid more understanding that the quality of hu¬ -The Editors than $150 a month during his 50 years not from 1869-not even 1949 They are pressing statement. A single quality- an ings of the finance commit- as superintendent of the tiny four-teacher from 1969. Nor do I draw them from the totallv beyond his ability to remedy- manity is not measured by appearance school-a grand total of $1,800 per year Old South but from Avon Township- absolutely and forever-he is black and but by performance; that as you move Rochester. Michigan. his children are black and they shall to positions of influence in the affairs for a family of seven children. There Case I: An automotive engineer, em¬ forever be black. He has done all he can of man. you will give a new and vital was no electricity in our home during my entire childhood-nor running water- ployed by the Chrysler Corporation, well possibly do-he has become a productive. meaning to those words which have for educated and well paid, elected to move God-fearing, law-abiding citizen: a good too long been hollow rhetoric-the words nor wall-to-wall carpet -indeed, no carpet at all. We acquired our first family au¬ his family to Avon Township. They husband and father; an effective profes¬ justice, freedom, liberty, equality, human tomobile when I was 17-and that car were a model family, so far as anyone sional employe. But apparently these qual¬ dignity. These must be the birthright knew-well-behaved and attractive young¬ ities are not enough in our community- and the property right of all men. and to Bill approximately the same age. was helps Yet despite this material condition of my family and my childhood. 1 now know that I was born rich—very rich, sters. was a well-behaved and family. They did have one quality which distinctive-their skin was black. attractive not if your skin is black. Yes. I was born rich. And so were al¬ make this assignment. so is your your high calling, your mission-above all indeed. There was not a single other factor in¬ most all of you Rich in the things You go with our prayers and best I was born with a white skin. volved-nothing but the color of their that count. wishes! The start of most college though Related, student aid I was accepted in my community skin. That family does not live in Avon classes is only a few weeks would, at least, eventually be from the day I was born-with no ques¬ Township-our communitv-because it was My final plea-my final prayer for tions asked. made abundantly clear, cruelly clear, each of you-is that you leave Oakland away, but the status of the forthcoming. that they were not welcome. Justice, The State News welcomes all I was free to attend school in my own University and this Commencement letters. They should be typed guaranteed student loan pro¬ The beauty of the bill is that community-with no indignities involved equality, humanity? ceremony with a new commitment-an and signed with the home town, gram remains unresolved. under the new plan, a needy I could live anywhere I wanted to Case II: There is a member of the unqualified dedication-to a task we have student, faculty or staff stand¬ staff of Oakland University who should, done well. As your Chancellor, I Tuesday the Senate voted 'student would almost be guar¬ live in these entire United States with not ing. and local phone number in¬ the single qualification that I could af¬ by all means, live in this community. shall be concerned, of course, with your 92-1 to revive the student loans, anteed some assistance. In the He works long hours and is on call at financial success, with your scholarly cluded. No unsigned letter will ford it financially but the House will delay any be accepted for publication, and past, banks have been some¬ I could eat wherever I wanted to eat- any hour He is devoted to his assign¬ achievements, and with your artistic en¬ no letter will be printed without action on the program until what hesitant to make stu¬ if I had the money to pay. ment and responds without complaint deavors. But I shall wish far more for a signature except in extreme Because I was born white, I have been to any call-day or night-even though each of you-those special qualities of after Sept. 3, when the con¬ dent loans due to the interest he lives almost an hour away. His edu¬ circumstances. All letters must, free to earn my own way in any social humanity, of compassion, of understand¬ be less than 300 words long for gressional vacation ends. ceiling, and consequent low re¬ circle-the only barrier has been my own cation is excellent-he holds a graduate ing that will enable you to eliminate publication without editing. Sponsors of this bill argued turn, on them. With the in¬ ineptness; my children have'been part degree from a respected university. His for all time the social injustices which that passage was necessary terest rate raised to 10 and parcel of society-alwavs in the family is delightful—an asset to any beset us today. per mainstream-limited only by their motiva¬ this month if students eligible cent, this attitude is quite tion and their ability-never by the for federal funds were to con¬ likely to change radically. tinue their education. College While we find the legisla¬ ^olor of their skin. Never in these 52 years have I suffered the human indignity of being refused, IMffiVHIIil /BEFORE YOU SlT \ /POyJN, (JILL YOU SET ME A 6LAS5 (iVE ALREAPY 5AT POUM^) BEFORE YOU GET COMFORTABLE, (JILL YOU GET ME A OAS* OF MILK ? I HAP SAT DOION, BUT I HADN'T GOTTEN COMFORTABLE delay on this bill regret- / officials, have estimated that tive rejected, rebuffed because of a circum as many as 200,000 students able, we must, nevertheless, stance over which I had absolutely no ttj [ ^ \k may be denied aid if Congress commend its sponsors on us¬ control. Never in these 52 years have I felt w fails to act. ing good judgment in its writ-, Hopefully the bill will be passed by the end of Septem¬ ing. -The Editors the utter hopelessness and futility which grows out single of the cruel realization that a factor-the color of my skin- stands as a permanent and undeniable I r ber. This would mean that, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 14, 1969 5 By VALERIE RESTIVO Willy Loman lives' Slate News Reviewer Andrew Mack's set is also traditional for the play, a cut¬ series "Death of of false endings a Salesman' at for has to Ledges get in his last two speeches- the It's a tired but solid play and Willy Loman. salesman, lives and they are speeches in the Ledges troupe makes it and dies on the Ledges stage PANOPAMA: away. multilevel the Loman house. view It is under of never appealed to me, and the worst sense, apart from the live again, in spite of the this week. John Peakes plays Ledges players didn't. or "reality" of the play. Char¬ inherent flaws. Under the melo¬ stated, allowing the characters couldn't drama there is still a valid change this. I've ley's and Linda's last lines are Willy with vigor and pathos, to outshine their mm surroundings. always thought the play should melodic but unnecessary: they social statement. The only and a sense of. the richness Barbara Thomsen's costumes end with Willy's death of the character that is often What do nothing to further clarify the thing you've got in this world are superb. Like the set, they follows is the playwright's effort salesman's death-or his life. is what you can sell." lost in the tendency to stereo¬ support the actors, rather than type the role. Peakes deliv¬ divert the audience's attention PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 ers the monologues well: TODAY from them. his face often resembles Lee Elizabeth Cole composed the J. Cobb's, but the acting style incidental music for the pro is his own. It's worth the 1:00 3:05 5:15 7:25 9:30 p.m. duction; she also performs it - - - - long evening of theatre V (on tape) and she probably for Peakes alone mechanically, without a sense of does more for the play in this YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE Elizabeth Cole's Linda is their relevance. He develops capacity than as Linda. I don't THIS OUTSTANDING MOTION PICTURE! as good as it can be. given during the performance, and by intend to belittle Miss Cole's Arthur Miller's overwriting. the second act. has created ACADEMY AWARD a acting, but she is a gifted musi¬ I've always thought it impos¬ credible Happy. cian and the music's plaintive sible to make Linda entirely- William Lyman is good as simplicity integrates the entire believable. She is too perfect, Biff, although he, too. begins performance. too martyred. Elizabeth Cole rather stiffly. He tends to throw ' Death of a Salesman"' is does what she can to vary the away too many lines. In the directed by Richard Thomsen, character. Her rendition shows case of Bill, the tendency who does a fine job overall. some, perhaps a bit too much, serves to give a sense of un¬ There might be more movement inspiration, from Mildred Dun- BEST DIRECTOR-MIKE NICHOLS derplaying that offsets the in the opening scenes, and the nock's historic portrayal of weight of the role. Biff is prob¬ ending could be less maudlin, ably the most believable char¬ but the total experience is sub¬ John Peakes. as Willy Loman In "Death of a Sales¬ The Loman brothers are both acter. and Lyman allows this to stantial. The scene in which man," contemplates the miserable sequence of done heavily, especially at the dominate his portrayal. Biff and Hap • entertain'' Willy events throughout his life leading to his death. beginning William Hurt begins Peter Silbert's face and bear at the chop house is especially Photo courtesy of Ernst Floeter Studio weakly, delivering his lines ing accomplish more than the well directed. The production JOSEPH E. LEVINE a playwright's dialogue, to make as a whole has as much MIKE NICHOLS -LAWRENCE TURMAN„ Bernard a vivid character, unity as is possible, given clarifies the character of Biff, Boez inspires Miller's flawed script. crowd more the by contrast than by ex¬ planation. Dennis Howard's lighting is his best yet. In keeping with tradition of "Death of Like the composer second-rate symphony. just couldn't end the piece. The of a Miller This is Benjamin. with songs a of Salesman'' productions, he uses TO FLY DELTA By DAVID BASSETT peace lighting to clarify time se¬ quences, placing lights to intro¬ duce the flashbacks, and scene shifts as well as to alter the CALL COLLEGE TRAVEL He's a little People listened to her songs towering above Joni Mitchell State News Staff Writer and words Tuesday night, only and Judy Collins. Buffy Saint mood of the piece. 351-6010 worried A lightly-tapping, unshod foot. 10 slender to return to their cars and hear Marie and Laura Nyro. she about a guitar, a fingers probing boyish haircut and an newscasters tell of the day's continues to fight for a better, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ his death toll in Vietnam peaceful world. Beal Film unfaltering soprano voice. Joan Baez has been in prison for She made people smile Tues¬ Group presents TONIGHT only Baez future. her political and social views day night not laugh or scream, a i er ri iikjccc ai a SuP*r-«py who Bob Dylan's i Shall be She has endured the tragedy just smile. As she asked the ALEC GUINE55 creates reports Released.'' words of peace. of having a close friend. Dr audience to sing the last three •Kumbaya,' two draft resister instrumentalists, "We Shall Over Martin Luther King. Jr. mur dered. and a brother in-law. songs of the show with her. As Tears Go By. Kum¬ OUR MAN IN HAVANA THE GRADUATE come'' and 8.300 voices raised Richard Farina, killed in a baya' and "We Shall Over¬ 7 and 9:15 104— B Wells 50c ID not required in song. Joan Baez. come " She showed, at least ANNE BANCROFT DUSTIN HOFFMAN KATHARINE ROSS motorcycle accident. Chapter II of Hurrlcan# Express at 9:00 It's impossible to write a review of a Joan Baez concert Life hasn't been easy for her for a few too-brief moments, Frl.-Sat. The Informer J CALDER WILLINGHAM BUCK HENRY PAGL SIMON But neither has it been without that brotherhood and beauty- without saying what has already- rewards. Starting before and still can be found ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SIMON. GARFUNKEL LAWRENCE TURMAN been said a thousand times. LAST 6 DAYS! MIKE NICHOLS TECHNICOLOR PANAVISION" She has been around for over 12 years, her voice is perfect 1:10-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ and her stage presence is fault¬ STARTS FRIDAY! AUTO RACES less. 3 Miss Baez's concert in Ann Arbor Tuesday evening was sponsored by the Ann Arbor Ten¬ LET'S GO RACING . . . PROGRAM INFORMATION ATION ants' Union, a group which she _ RACING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY confessed to know little of. but which " seems to be fighting for ADULTS 3.00 Time Trials 7:00 p.n a good cause." The most impressive aspect CHILDREN 75? Races Begin 8:30 p.n ' Ban« of her concert was the ease with which she totally capti¬ vated the audience No hys¬ Friday, Aug. 15: A\v\e cVo«r corners of aa^ts. \ ,aU.y tale you dreamed J- Technicolor MInl-lnvltational r teria. no screaming adoles¬ cents. just warmth and beauty STARTS WED.SEE CHER AS "CHASTITY' 50 Lap Feature and ■ and tranquility During the performance, she Fig. 8 Racing spoke to the audience about non¬ violence. about her husband SPARTAN TWIN fHEATRi FRAND0R SHOPPING CENTER -3100 EAST SAGINAW Phont 351-0030 The Mini-Invitational will have over $3,400 David, who is in prison for re¬ • guaranteed purse to give you the tops In fusing to cooperate with the mil¬ racing. Joy Fair one of racings superstars itary. about peace. of oval racing. Also Pursuit and Crack- at 7:15 and 9:15 She doesn't come on strong, "HANG YOLR HAT" at the-Whip special races. but neither does she acqui¬ 1:30 - 3:50 - 6:20 & 8:45 countdown is endng... esce Her singing style seems "RASCAL" at 2:15 - OUT OF LIFE' to mirror her living style, 4:45 - 7:15 and 9:45 Saturday, Aug 16: Duke Reid and his T~ in that both are reflections of bone crash and competition role. Also a ^NOWPERFORMANCES CONTINUOUS an inner peace and strength of character. WALT 50 lap season championship for open class stock and demolition derby. _Ji AT POPULAR PRICES j Her husband won't get out of DISNEY DIRECT FROM ITS ' prison for three years is expecting a baby in Decem¬ She "^US-lS? at College Road-between Holt and Mason^ /y/ RESERVED SEAT ber and her revolution for peace and non-violence must seem to y/y\ENGAGEMENT' j! be futile at times. NOW! 2 HITS! DON'T DINE | Restricted persons under 18 admitted without Parent or not Guardian 20th Century-Fox presents OUT - CREG0RV PECK You May Not Believe in Ghosts But You Can't Deny Terror! MII1E HEVUI00D DINE "IN" An Arthur P. Jacobs Production BRIGITTE BARDOT ALLAN P°E'S ultimate orgy... THE (HHIRmmi ALAIN DELON JANE FONDA AT JIM'S TERENCE STAMP , TTT TONIGHT! PETER FONDA • BROILED STEAKS and DINNER FAVORITES » AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL N COTOR .^rkev Gates open ALSO. NIGHTLY Such nice kids . . . WE at 7:30 "Spirits of • GREEK FOOD EVERY They wouldn't hurt the Dead" at SATURDAY EVENING fly only people . .people . s"*8"" 8:10 and Late jjjjj Lana Turner-Geo. Chakaris "The Big Cube' people rfgfr, 10:30 only NOW SHOWING W ALL COLOR PROGRAM TDicWanTtyke .. ORIGINAL CAST SOUNDTRACK r*OMCO l» ANS vs. AMERICANS IN A VITAL QUEST! Sally Ann "HoWes 'Lionel Jeffries 11an ALBUM AVAILABLE ON Fleming's INITED ARTISTS RECORDS "Chitty Chitty cBaijg'cBar^" Metro-GeMwyn-Mayei presents Martin Ransohoff's Ptoduction of Gert Frobe • Anna • " Quayle Benny Hill • M James Robertson Justice • Robert Helpmann "ifoccoli Director Ken Hughes Music and Lyrics by Richard M Sherman and Robert 6. Sherman Screenolav by Roald D»M an' iged by Marc Breaut and Dee Dee Wood Music Supervised ind Conducted by Irwin Kostal Production Designer Ken Mam "Ice Station Zebra" I .. . , G Su«" i SUPER-PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR^ CO UniTBO RESTAURANT & At 7:15 and 10:00 Super Panavision and Metrocolor ^ [a] 'TIFFANY LOUNGE W.C. Fields m ' • The Barber Shop • Starring ROCK HUDSON ENDS TONIGHT. HERBIE the incredible little car! ONE BLOCK EAST OF THE CAPITOL m • • The Pharmacist The Fatal Glass of Beer (•Taint a fit night out...") ERNEST BORGNINE PATRICK McGODHAN WALT DISNEY „ 116 E. Michigan Ave. - • PRODUCTIONS' JIM BROWN IV 9-1196 Free Evening Parking I iu cvt Fi £nce_ati9j05_ : • m*/pana4sk>n* / METROCOLOR - i "Ice Station Zebra" at 8:10 Feature at 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:15 - 7:25 - 9:40 OnceatB-45S I INtA 1 " Repeated in part Late 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 14, 1969 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ONLY 6 days left to Rent your APARTMENT for fall... Call 355-8255 TODAY. CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 Auto Service & Parts! Employment For Rent The State New* does oac PART TIMfe STODDARD APARTMENTS now leas ACCIDENT PROBLEM? Call KALA woman bookkeeper Ap¬ permit racial or religious MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small proximately 25 hours per week ing for fall term. 1-bedroom with dents to large wrecks Hours on job flexible Will train carpeting, balconies, laundry Call American 332-0913 ED 2-2920 or 3-8/15 ▼artlslng columns. The and foreign cars. Guaranteed work Complete benefits $2 00 per hour 482-12S6 2S28 East Kalamazoo C to start Call Mr Phillips. 487 State Newa will not accept CAMPUS NEAR 227 Bogue Single COUNTRY 5117 for an appointment AREA-10 minutes from MOBIL girl to share small 1-bedroom furn¬ • AUTOMOTIVC advertising which discrim¬ 427 HI-PO Ford, complete engine OIL CORPORATION 5-8/19 ished campus Exceptionally nice Fum apartment $60 489-5922. iAed Graduate with employed wife • 8MPL0YMCNT inates againet religion, 1964 MOO 663-3756. after" 6 p.m. 351-6796 5-8/20 No pets 676-5312 2-8/14 • FOR RENT race, color or national or- Any time weekends 3-8/18 BABYSITTER NEEDED by faculty • FOR SAL! TWO GIRLS for Haslett Arms Apart¬ couple for 1 small child Light MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ ments 9 or 12 months lease start¬ • LOST & FOUND housework Beginning September 1 mazoo Street Since 1940 Full time. Okemos, 351-7220 5-8/19 ing September 18th Desperate' t PERSONAL Complete auto painting and colli¬ Call Karen or Vicki, 332 1685 • PEANUTS PERSONAL sion service IV 5-0256 C EARN EXTRA after 2 p.m. 3-8/15 money-vending oppor • REAL ESTATE Automotive tunity, low investment Laminate APARTMENT. FURNISHED 2 or 3 identification cards, photos in clear • SERVICE Aviation plastic No heat or electricity Com¬ girls needed Walking distance 9 • TRANSPORTATION OLDSMOBILE-1956 Good transpor¬ months occupancy 351-7969 3-8/15 FRANCIS AVIATION: So easy to pact simple operation 50 percent • WANTED tation. Cheap! 337-9091 Ask for return Write Box A-l. State News learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE"' Greg Martin 3-8/14 or phone Grand Rapids. 458-9116. EAST-3006 Woodruff 1-bedroom Special $5 offer 484-1324 C after 6 pm. luxury apartment Air-conditioned, 3-8/15 DEADLINE OLDSMOBILE 1963-Motor and in¬ carpeted, security lock with inter¬ terior good condition IV 4-2625 Scooters & Cycles DO YOU need £ J $50 a com, carport, Phone 882-4922 major appliances 1 p.m. one class or 485-4840 8-8/22 day be¬ or 372-6200. extension 80 10-8/19 If you have fore publication. CSEPEL-WIERD little Hungarian for interview Cancellations - 12 noon one OLDSMOBILE 1961 V^. automat bike. $125. 1956, 125ce. beautifully 711 EAST restored. Phone 489-6949 3-8/14 711 Burcham Dr. class day before publica¬ ic. good transportation $150 Call For Rent 332-4558 5-8/20 New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ tion. RENT A TV from a TV Company- ished 3 man apes, leasing for OLDSMOBILE 98 1969 2^oor $9 00 per month Call 337-1300 fall now 1 year or 9 mo. hardtop Executive car All acres PHONE sories Real sharp Must sell New CUSTOM HONDA Metal flake finish NEJAC TV RENTALS C 2-S 15 HOLT AREA Available August 22nd car ordered 677-0671 TT pipes MOcc. 355-2824 484 IV 9-9651 or 355-8255 1022 3-8/15 NEW GE portables and stands rented Unfurnished l-h<»JyppStove and 351-3525 PLYMOUTH FURY III hardtop 1968 ONLY to MSI students and faculty refngerat|^£^lt t v iuples on RATES Vinyl top. interior AM-FM Air MUST SELL. Drafted Late model $8 84 month 'includes tan STATE EAST LANSING fbO BSA Beautiful $450 332 MANAGEMENT CORPORATION. 444 share luxury town house conditioning Radiate Evenings. 332- Doctor-Do you feel the Astronauts Michigan Avenue 332 8687 C 8575. after $55 351 I day 11.50 CS0 34/14 5pm 5-8 18 I FAIRVIEW South-f-tr 3 rooms 5# per werd per day are tiring of their quarantine? fV RENTALS-Studenls only nd hath. fun-'.-COlUes P3*1 3 dav* SIATA lfSe-Ran Itakaa car V-S HONDA SCRAMBLER 19M IS ec Low *4.00 *» P" 13 1/2# per 5 vvru par aay $6,50 comrm tires incompiet* 9SW Racing fit Corvette. Denrtmggy 4S4 1 MO 4*2 7754 miles Call before 5 pm Tfs Y*rL .~- cAOftti sac Yt 15 131 per word per dey SI A BEAM ALPINE 1*2 CotnerU BIKE HELMETS m Hunto 1«6 Employment Employment TV RENTALS GE 1* portabl¬ BAY COLONY ^ Pointe (baaed on 10 words per «d) Me Wire wfcertt traw PTLL TIME tet^reUr*-bookkeeper TEACHERS OPENINGS mam fwWk es 50 per muosb loiktdtof stand APARTMENTS at NEJATS Prefer MOeni varum IwcaliUek J7MSC this ad ia not paid wifhHi - fV7-J73J RtdlMawn M 15 for September 1, 2 and 3 SAG IN A* CITY P1BLV SCHOOLS Join m a modern progressive edu man apartments* Furnished or cati<«aJ atmompbere in the SAGJMA* unfurnished 6* 9 It 12 mooth The State News will be Employment CITY PtTBLK' «W*li.S Teach leases available. Call Jack Conditioning 2 38 pm -5 * pm 2 boy* ages responsible only for the triumph spitfire-$7tt STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and 7. 10 Hiawatha Part UImmk* ers ao» needed for 19W70 in Bartlect, manager, 337-0511. industrial art*, oral-deaf. ktorary first day's incorrect inser¬ TECHNICIANS onu| ton cam area > Own traasportaUoo Call and • 9-month lease at 2-8 15 wienc-e inner city elementan tion. ens. for FALL AND WINTER 3514304 Present salary- range $6,800 to TERMS-Stale New* Ptotograph* ONE GIRL needed (or Haslett Arms no extra charge $10.28* Full medical coverage TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL--1SSS »l Stmdewt Service* Bmtldu* A* Keypunch Operators life insurance unlimited sick leave apartment starting fall Call 3il for Mr Jdtaaoa Monday tfcroagfc 3144 3-* 18 X4 or 4S4- Day and evenings. Full or accumulation Write or call Mr month 4S5-4123 Automotive Tharadiv 9a m toSp m S V ALIANT CONVERTIBLE 1963 M/1S Good EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY part time. Some experience Alpha -Numeric. Call: Mrs. William G Saginaw 755-6501 Scharfle Michigan 550 Millard 48607 517' EAST LANSING near SM6 Okemos Road 2-bedroom, famished Haslett TWO^ BEDROOM furnished apart J.R. Culver Co. < 5 8 20 ment Modern Baby countered tire*, fair condition Best offer Experienced secretaries typists to Kathryn Phoenix. Mgr. of Pro¬ New $110 per month Call 33V 677 7051. after 2 p m M/IS 217 Ann St. 351-8862 351-4245 5-8 » work 8544 or contact apartment 3. after oo temporary assignments duction. THE SERVICE BUR¬ Never a fee Phone 4*7-6071 C«/I4 BARTENDERS EXPERIENCED Dav 5pm 54/19 CHEVROLET 1965 SS convertible EAU CORP.. Subsidiary of 327 300 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 sunroof Radio or night shift Applv CiRA.NDMOTH horsepower $515 Can be IBM. 2201 E. Grand River 9.700 miles Excellent condition MAN PROFICIENT in Spanish needed ERS 332-6565 5-8 20 seen 813 Bement AM FM stereo FOUR-MAN apartment in old Cedar 2 8 15 Will pay well Call immediately 332- Avenue. Lansing, Mich. 48912. radio 482 9400 X3 8 18 Village Call 353-0800 a* for 0937 3-8/14 Tel: (517) 485-5495, 485-6745. Mary After 5 30 p.m 351-4939 An CLERK-TYPIST-Experience neoes equal opportunity employ- sary Must be excellent typist imin 4-8/15 COLLECTOR S ITEM-1967 Thunder lmum 70 words per minute' fa bird Shown by appointment Call 332 3896. after6p m 3-8/14 miliarity with IBM Selectnc and transcription equipment helpful Sal University Villa HOUSEWIVES-BEE LINE Fashio ary $375 month to start An Equal 635 Abbott Rd. COMET CYCLONE 1964 4 speed Opportunity Emplover Call 351 Bucket seats Consider trade for 4741 2-8 15 ENGINEER FULL or part time 646-6676 or 646-5111 5-8/15 2 and 3 person apartments motorcycle 332-6978 5-8/15 With 1st class FCC license Im¬ mediate (2 bedroom flexible units), openings Call 482-1333 WAITRESSES AND barmaid 21 TEMPORARY. EXPERIENCED stenos or furnished and completely car¬ Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units 10-819 1968 VW Camper typists, office machines operators transportation TOWN for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments PUMP. 307 South Gra peted, air conditioning, 5 Short and long assignments $169- SCHOOL BUS driver applications are blocks from campus, 9 or 12 are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive Pop top, ice box, stove, sink, $3 50 hour MY GAL FRIDAY OF being taken for September 1969 month lease. Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a di9h*- water supply. Sleeps 2 adults, Minimum of 4 hours per day < morn¬ FICE SERVICE. 484-7771 0-8 14 2 children. 110 watt hookup. asher, garbage disposal and individual control-central ings and afternoons i Must be at USHERETTES PART Time, even le Prepare Luggage rack. Tires like new. least 21 years of age. possess good Hal stead Management air conditioning. These 4-man units have ings and weekends Apply SPARTAN Call after 17,000 miles. $2400.00. Call driving record, and able to pass TWIN THEATRE. Frandor Shopping 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- it 332-8881 351-0098. physical Phone 393-3450. extension Center 4-8 19 351-7910 2-8 15 i drive puts you on campus. The stu¬ 4 11-8 22 dent's leisure time has been adequately VOLKSWAGEN 1965- 1500 Sedan, IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for a clin¬ planned for with a giant heated swim- sunroof, gas heater, radials 487 FOR SALE-1967 6-cylinder. OHC Tempest 4-door Automatic trans¬ 0850 LET SOMETHING GOOD HAPPEN' 3-8/15 ical at ly a director and school director private school for emotional¬ disturbed children Gotcher. (3131-341-8673. Call or Mr write Short on Closet Space? 7VVYCKW6HAM . ming pool, recreation rooms and priv¬ ate balconies. If you want to the first residents of be among Twyckingham call mission. power steering Phone 4® 7366 5-8/19 Get extra cash for don't needs with 18977 Schaffer. Detroit 48235 today There are 92 units available at a Classified Ad Dial 355-8255 \s 8-8 15 $280/month Fall leases and up.available Study Scenic Monterey, California 130 Miles South of San Francisco hoPi to Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies MONZA Good CORVAIR-1964 condition $450 IV 4-speed 9-4930 3-B/15 Small Classes — Individual Attention Intensive Tutorial-Type Instruction Upper Division Graduate Study ^iDpcfetngfjam MUSTANG 1965- Fastback 289 , 4bbl 4620 S. Hagadorn 4-speed Good condition. 6W-0873 5-8/19 Linguiges and Arta Studiei—Arabic, C Portuguese, Russian, Spanish—History, li FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES* Department of Education, Department o MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: MUSTANG--19651 j GT. 4-speed. ra¬ dial tires, good condition, needs FALL SEMESTER ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY body work. 46.000 miles $700 482-3379 351-3356 5-8/15 September 16,1969 — NOW ACCEPTING NINE MONTH LEASES MUSTANG 1969 V-8, automatic January 31,1970 5914 after 12 OF"ADMISSIONS dbd rannn rasa 3-8 18 DEAN CROSSWORD PUZZLE raaa anna P.O. BOX 1978 MUSTANG 1965 V-8, MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA ssaQan annas Runs well Call 484-0757, after 28. Wire noon 3-8/14 measurement raara rasac I. Fumes 29. Bravo sa[is3 HE®Eaan 4 Monk's title 30. Legume ehcs ssasg ns SUMMER SOUND 7 Disservice 31. Cloy sa sa@n]E WESCT — SPECIA— YOU GET 5 BIG CLOSETS TO II. Jap seaport 12 Intoxicant 13 Exchange 32. 34 35 Flower dust Daises Conceit aanaasc rseh HHSa HISB EESEQ HSCTHaB BLIND FAITH Just Arrived-8 Track Stereo Tapes HIDE THINGS IN 14 16 premium Decree Frolic 36 37. 40. Epoch Esparto Butcher's Hsa aanm STEREO TAPE PLAYERS 17. Large cask knife FROM $39.95 18 Rye grass 44 Steep down RADIOS from P FX/FOR^ CAMPUS HILL 20. Term of endearment 22. Unripe acorns 26 Skein 27 Chess pieces 45 54 46. 47. 48. 49 Milkfish Agile Fr. season Half score 1. Adhesive 2. Arab, sleeve¬ less garment 3 Guard fine 7. Train of wive! 8 Gone by $49.95 •apartments* FM MULTIPLEX 4. Candid 9. Flange 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 ,o CASETTES AM/FM RADIOS 1 12 i li 10. 15. Swab Canvasback SPEAKERS I* % 16 i id 19. 20. Man's name Hew ALSO FEATURING: 17 ie y4 id 21. 23. Nimbus Strawberry • • Deluxe Furnishings Custom Appliances • Large Apartments Rent from $58.75/month %% 20 21 22 23 24- 25 finch % e 24. Ironwood • Central Air Conditioning # Party Lounge 25. Name for 26 i7 ie % Ath:na Now leasing for Fall Term. Phone Today! 29 32 d 33 30 34 31 27. Eyeglass 30. Cribbage marker % 31. Crake AMINS %% % 35 % 36 %% 33. Not watertight 34. Irk W 37 38 39 4-2 43 37. Beast of i burden 1 iU> (Luio Paxifc i 38. Cut branches 39. Remote «f9 217 Ann St. Next to Mln-a-Mart 351-6862 •♦7 % % 41. Ignited 42. Sheep 43. Hank of twine Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 14, 1969 ^ For Rent For Rent CEDAR VILLAGE-1 girl. 9 month TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 9 and 12 month leases 351-7399 414 SOUTH Pine, Lansing bedrooms 1 furnished, $105. 1 un¬ Two 1- Student TV-PANASONIC For Safe 14-inch. vacuum KCllCV * lease, starting fall 351-5559. 351 cleaner, new Sunbeam shaver 355 8-8/15 (continued from page one) 4633 3-8/15 furnished, $100. Utilities paid De¬ 9815 1-8/14 K * WOODS IDE APARTMENTS l-bedrofcn with carpeting, balconies, laundry, security locks. Call 351-4691 or LEASING, IMMEDIATE occupancy- COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- posit ban. 8 required. a.m.-5 6p m-8p.m.,337-2510 Call p.m., Richard Al- 372-9730 or 5-8/18 DIRECTORY PANASONIC STEREO. Sears stereo. roll-a-wav bed. appliances ™ 821 Vine 2.815 be on agenda," he said, m Trustees . the finance committee and , administra¬ ED 2-2920. 1 apartment at reduced bedroom, furnished. For profession¬ GIRL FOR 4-girl Available August tors at MSU have been criti- Learn rates 'til September Uth. 3-8/15 al. graduate students, college fa¬ 15th Close to campus 332-0773 CAMPUS to fly? Sure you! PAR-MOR 12 racing boat Call after 5 30 cized in the past for alleg- culty or personnel. Select clientele 4-8/15 Use our Air Taxi-Service pm. 351 3007 2-8/15 ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ WASH N' GAS GOLF COURSES gjjy making important non- TWO MEN for Meadowbrook Trace Buy a new Piper able for June and September leas¬ Illuminated Driving Range financial decisions in the fi- Apartments Reasonable price. 351- NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS-1 Free exterior wash with KODEL THROW rugs, Dacron cur- car All at: committee mepfina ing. Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 anH 3771 5-8/19 to 5 man deluxe apartments Air- 18-gal. purchase of gasoline. 9 Hole Par 3 & Regulation tains, gold drapes. 8X12 Bigelow ",fnce comm uee meeting and conditioning, swimming pool, from Francis Aviation Course. carpet-Ail perfect condition, half then formally passing them $125. Management by J R. CULVER 248 West Grand River Corner Park Lk. Rd. & E.M-78 price Call351-5543 s without discussion in the regu- MALE GRADUATE student to share COMPANY, 351-8862 C-8/22 Capitol City Airport 484-1324 ED 2-3432 lar 2-bedroom meeting. lux^jv apartment, beein- CANNISTER VACUUM cleaner (1 NORTHWINO ning September 1 Phone 351-6954 BROOKS Imported Cars Custom Picture Framing? year old) with all the attachments Trustees Wareen M. Huff, D- A-i condi- FARMS Give us a call! COLLEGE TRAVEL Buiit-in cord tion $18.482-2677. winder; C-8/14 Plymouth, and Clair White, D- Faculty Apartments Sales and gay Qty walked OUt of the NEW, LUXURIOUS--1 and 2-bedroom, Bob Jones Paints OFFICE ~~~ " " last trustee meeting when the 351-7880 unfurnished in Okemos Carpeting 130 West r.rand River Blvd. Animals board refused to move cer- throughout, central air-conditioning. WANTED TWO i 482-1473 MASON IV: baths, dishwasher, sun deck, swim 5014 N. Grand River, Lansing FREE KITTENS To good home" items from the finance CEDAR VIEW Apartments -Married ming pool From $140 Management Call 372-6376 677-8141 351-6010 Part Siamese & Angora 372-6583 committee agenda to the agen- post-graduates, and seniors. Near after 3 30 p.m S-8/15 da of the regular meeting. ~ by J R CULVER COMPANY. 351- campus 351-5647 4-8/15 8862 or 351-7894 C-8/22 committee agenda to the agenda HOUSES AND Check We apartments for fall KWAST BAKERIES BUD'S Siamese kittens. 81. weeks old of the regular meeting pay all your utilities CTose to LINCOLN LIFE'S AUTO PARTS sioeach Call 35.-6S77 2 . ,S campus Call NEJAC, 337-1300 Birthday & All Occasion MSU trustees drew criti- C-8/22 Deferred Payment Late Model Motors and GRAD PLAN Cakes FREE TEN Wert old buck fern,* . Htte»eer an;d from Spectacular Success LARGE HOUSES-3 and 4-bedroom Frandor: 351-5032 parts a speciality kitten Distemper shots 351-0429 Gov. Milliken for their ten- Near downtown Lansing Available Halfway between Holt and 2-8/14 tative decision to abandon the for students Since 1905 Ph. 351-8810 Brookfield: 337-0832 September 1 Mr Mason on N. Cedar A99-2154 sliding scale system reached in Thornburg, 484-5315 3-8/15 kittens, Flawless. 8 weeks old. a closed Saturday meeting in Tuning Problems? WALT KOSS CONTACT LENS trained, reputable parentage. 5 cents each this year only 351-8625 727 May THREE-FIVE studious girls- Septem¬ Get Experienced proven ... l,- . ber 15 to June 15. Furnished, RESTAURANT SERVICES Berkshire Lane 1 th,nk the Publlc a clean. Super tuning at right to know and public offi- $65 month 332-5320 after D. M. DEAN, O.D. Fine food, entertainment pizza S & J Speed "als their ^ve an "bllgaion 6 p.m. 5-8/18 Reservations - 655-2175 210 Abbott Rd. Mobil. Horn.. business so to handle that the public Equipment Co. . About 7 miles east of Suite § 16 LOVELY. FURNISHED 2-bedroom 5946 S. marlette 8X36 Near campus at no times feels duped or house 634 South Francis Available Logan 882-0402 M.S.U. in Wllllamston 332-6563 Very good condition $1,300 351- shut OUt of the decision sublease to September 0901 after6:30p m 3-8/14 now, or 15. process," Milliken said. 351-5696 5-8/18 Deadline for COLLEGE BIKE Stokes Men s & 8X40 NEW Moon Excellent SHOF Women's Apparel condi¬ SAINT LAWRENCE area-3-bedroom. Student Service Directory 920 W. Saginaw tion Immediate occupancy Near BICYCLE RENTAL Completely furnished House 2-4 stu¬ dents 337-2683. after 5 p.m 4-8/15 Is 3:00 p.m. Tues. Sales and Service for BSA. The latest in knit shirts, Dashiki, Afro-American style. campus 351-7506 1966 MARLETTK 12 X60' 5-8 14 with wood Thai policy J. Mar pants, bell-bottoms, CALL JUDI 355-8255 ED 2-4117 Safari jackets.All women's styles burning fireplace, washer and dryer, (continued from page one) LOVELY FURNISHED 1. 2-bedroom and other extras Best offer 646 houses 1 to 2 miles from campus Fulbright has said the five- $140-$190 plus year-old Thailand contingency TOYOTA outsold.. utiliUes. 351-5696 5-8/14 plan could lead to the dis¬ For Rent For Rent Lost & Found For Sale patch of a substantial number THREE-BEDROOM furnished of American troops in case of THREE-BEDROOM unfurnished on DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and Six acre lot. Williamston $160 Call agression there. high volume selling domestic makes in the greater after 6 p.m 655-1508 engagement ring sets. Save 50 per . 5-8/18 cent or more Large selection of While Mansfield said the se¬ Los Angeles area. According to a new car analysis plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 cret made by the Los Angeles Times, TOYOTA EAST LANSING Need 1 ■ 2 grac plan is outdated by Nixon's registered students WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 Personal 7,263 cars during a four «ionth period in the six county or working rr East guidelines for future policy in comfortable 3 bedroom home Se Michigan 485-4391 C area. Only four makes scored Used in the Classified Ads Check FREE A Asia, he also insisted it higher sales. parate bedrooms, furnished Call thrilling hour of beautv. after 5:30 p.m.. anytime on yeek SONY HAS For appointment call 484-4519, MERLE should be made available to the a r ends. 351-0668 484 0146. for your car NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. 1600 committee. If you're wondering why TOYOTA is growing like or 2-8 15 S< East Michigan Topsy, take one for a spin. Beechwood Apts. HASLETT THREE Bedroom ranch at MAIN ELECTRONICS. 5558 South Pennsylvania. Lansing 882-5035 c C-8/14 "I think it's well that these kinds of agreements are brought 1133 Beech St. Range, oven, refrigerator, washer BOARD. ROOM, compensation, warm to the surface so that in the fu¬ dryer Carpeting, drapes Full base home environment for coed FREE PARKING at rear of store willing ture. forewarned will be 4 person ment. carport, large lot. No stu ► apfrs. from for your conveneicne OPTICAL DIS¬ to do light housework, ironing, for motherless home 337-2304 5-8/19 forearmed," he stated. 4 WHEELS of $50/person COUNT. 2615 East Michigan Aven¬ Lansing • 3 person, 2 bed.-oom apts. $67.50/person Rooms ue 372-7409. CARPET PIECES-A11 sizes C-8 15 and TV -$8 50 RENTALS per month GE 19 including stand portable Mansfield said he expects fu¬ ture Asian in Thailand, will be policy, including that guided by Inc. Call J.R CULVER COMPANY. 351- » Furnished & colors, 50 cents to $10. 332 East Nixon's July 25 statement that APPROVED FOR men 1 double 8862 217 Ann Street. East Lan- Hazel 489-7846 5-8 14 U.S. troops would not be used Carpeted room. 1 triple unit Double-$220 » Air cond. & per term Triple-$300 per term except in cases of clear aggres¬ BIRTHDAY CAKES~7"-$3 64 8 - Cooking, parking. 1 block from sion across a recognized inter¬ 2200 S. Cedar garbage disposal Berkey Hall Call 332-4546 Ask $4.18, 9"-$5.20. Delivered. KWAST BAKERIES, 484-1317 C-8/14 national boundary. • 5 blocks from for Steve or Ed 2-8 15 "It indicates a decided shift only minutes from the campus Mt. - go west J.R. Culver Co. SPARTAN HALL-men, doubles women, laundry sin¬ SEWING Brand MACHINE new clearance portables--$49.95. $500 Large selection of re¬ sale irom the old in an interview policy.'' he said on Hope, then 2 blocks south on Cedar 217 Ann St. gles, Parking, per month 351-8862 372-1031.337-0648 X19-8/22 conditioned used machines Singers. Whites. Necchis, New Home and Halstead Management OKEMOS-2134 Lagoon Drive. Tacoma "many Terms others." EDWARDS $19.95 to DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washington $39.95 Hills, executive's home. 3 bedrooms. 2' 2 baths. 2.400 square feet Extras Porch, patio, swimming pool. Pri¬ I Trustees continued from page one) 489-6448 C-8/14 vacy. 337-0957 5-8 15 ings as anyone." he said. "But Cedar Village ^ Pres WASHING MACHINES--! not everyinthing that comes up OKEMOS AREA--6 room-brick-3- $45; 1 agitator, $25; both in very bedrooms-new carpeting and drapes- in the making of decisions is good condition 882-9976 2-8/14 11,2 baths; large kitchen with built- public property " . ins, breakfast area-paneled recrea¬ Nisbet said that the trustees Prescriptions GARAGE SALE: 1120 Wildwood Drive tion room - 2 fireplaces - patio - East Lansing. Friday, August 15th, have not held secret meetings. attached 2-car garage - large lot 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Household furni Call owner, after 6 p.m.. ED 2- They're exploratory meet¬ ture, typewriter, tools, other neat 2986 ' 4-8 15 ings of things we don't think stuff 3-8/15 we can discuss in filled promptly and public, he Summer HAPPENING THREE-BEDROOM ranch 2>i said. We've never taken action filling car dependably at rental vacancies with Classified garage 63 X182' lot. Finished base¬ at them. They're only explor- STUDENT APARTMENTS State Ads Call 355-8255 now! 300 USED vacuum cleaners-Our ment $22,500 1842 Melrose 332 3860 Assume mortgage 8-8 22 Frank Merriman. R-Decker- 2 BEDROOM GufShfeiiA 1105 E. GRAND RIVER at Gunson Drug nisters, and uprights with attach¬ ments Some less than 1 year old $7 88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBU¬ TING COMPANY. 316 North Cedar, HOLT AREA Moving, must Sunday calls By owner sell 3 bedroom 694-0931 No 5-8/1? ville. said that Kelley's state¬ ment •'doesn't change a "What he is saying any different from what thing. is not the ED 2-201 1 City Market Service board is doing," he said. NOW LEASING FOR FALL opposite 2677 Phone 482 C-8 1 WOULD LIKE to bab\sit in my "I will be guided by the in¬ * terpretation of the attorney gen¬ SOUNDPROOFED Wanted for the new eral." Merriman said, but * Typlng Service not bound by it." AMPLE PARKING There are some personal * 9 OR 12 MO. LEASES BARBl MEL Typing, multilithing matters that would be detri¬ * BEST LOCATION IN EAST LANSING Meijer Thrifty Acres ANN No job too large or Block off campus 332-3255 BROWN too small Typist and multilith; C mental to discuss in public. Kenneth Thompson, R-East Lans ing said. OKEMOS offset prinUng Dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general tvping IBM PHONE 332-5051 Self-Service Department Store Full and Part-time CLERKS 19 years experience 332-8384 DISSERTATIONS. THESES, term pa¬ C Kennedy (continued from page one) pers ANITA WARREN SCM. Elec¬ Experience preferred and recognized -- But not required tric Call 351-0763. 351-7086 C-8/14 or an agent, acting for him. appeared personally to present GROCERY, PRODUCE, FROZEN FOODS, and DAIRY CLERKS FAST. EFFICIENT the petition. typing of your "Until the matter is properly (up to $3.00 per hour) works Reasonable References avail¬ ON THE TRAIL! Full-time clerks in these departments start at $2.30 per hour: are automatically in¬ able. 351-6756 DISCOUNT PRINTING:' theses! 3-8/15 re¬ presented, there is nothing I can do," he said. creased to $2.55 at 6 months; and $2.74 at 12 months seniority. Part-time food depart¬ sumes. term papers, thesis binding Anthony Panaway, solicitor ment clerks start at $1.76 per hour and Lowest prices available Located for the clerk of courts, said Din- NO - WE WONT HUNT through automatic progressions reach the $2.74 is had requested the clerk to rate with 36 months seniority. MAC and Grand River, below The present the petition to the court. YOU DOWN WITH A GUN Style Shop Call COPYGRAPH SERV¬ Miss Kopechne drowned last Wearing Apparel, Toys, Sporting goods, Small and Large Appliances, Domestics, Pets, ICES. 337-1666 42-8 22 Garden, Shoes, Housewares, Hardware, Home Improvement, Jewelry, Health and Beauty month when a car driven by Aids, Snack Bar, Donut Shop. PAULA ANN'HAUGHEY A unique Kennedy toppled off a bridge on quality thesis service IBM typing, Chappaquiddick Island. Mass. HOWEVER - Full and part-time clerks in these departments begin at $1.65 per hour and $1.72 with 6 months seniority. At one year these positions advance to $1.85 per hour. Full-time clerks in these departments continue to receive automatic Increases each 6 progress to multilith. printing and hard binding 337-1527 C In a letter to Dinis last week. Luzerne County Dist. Atty. months up to $2.25 per hour. TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts Blyth Evans outlined the re¬ Student Ada must be paid by August 11, and Accurate, reasonable Call me 372 quirements for an autopsy. 1028 Smith-Corona 400 Electric He said, "Pennsylvania case prepaid August 11 - 22, or you go on the HOLD 3-8 18 law indicates that in order ALL CLERKS ALSO RECEIVE: . . list. This means no registration, no diploma, for our courts to consider an or¬ T ransportation der for an autopsy and exhuma¬ Paid vacations Paid Insurance no transcripts, no nothing, until paid. • • • Opportunity to Advance into management tion to be made on the body of • Paid Holidays * Birthday Bonus • Paid coffee breaks the deceased, it would require a • Free parking showing of imperative reasons So, hurry up and pay up! as a basis for any order." regular ADDITIONAL FULL-TIME BENEFITS ride Room 347 Wanted • Paid hospitalization for family Student Services Building • Profit-sharing retirement plan BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7.50 for Wanted all positive. A negative. B negative and AB negative $10.00. O nega¬ HAVE VOLUMES 9 and 10 of Will Interviews conducted August 12, 13 and 14. Apply at: tive. $12.00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ Durant s Story of Civilization Will ITY BLOOD CENTER 507V» East trade for anv of first 5 volumes MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Grand River East Lansing Above MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION 337 2395 1-8/14 the new Campus Book Store. Hours 9 a m to 3:30 p.m. Monday. Tues¬ 3215 South Pennsylvania Ave. LANSING day. Wednesday, and Friday. Thurs¬ day. 12 to 6:30 p"m 337-7183. C 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, August 14, 1969 'Talent on Ice' falls short of show. The professionalism evening, was executed with confidence. She performed with program allowed the skaters to display their the audience clapped to the music of "Zorba the Greek." seeming ease some of the more difficult skating movements. proficiency in lifts and other movements designed specifically At times, Visconti was clapping with them. A silver medalist in the 1968 Mid-Atlantic competition in for pair skating. One major fault of the program was its length. The show, "Talent on Ice" presented both the talented and the not-so- the novice ladies division. Miss Wrigg's talent and poise on The highlight of 'Talent on Ice" was the performance of almost two hours long, seemed to drag towards the end The talented. ice should take her far beyond the MSU Ice Arena. Gary Visconti. mens' world professional champion, who has seats in the ice became arena even less comfortable as the In 27 figure skating numbers performed Tuesday- night at Other skaters in this talented-learned-a-lot group included served as an instructor at the skating school this summer. program proceeded. the Ice Arena, students from the MSU Summer Skating School Janella Barbrow, 13. of the Muskegon Skating Club: Deborah Viseonti's program, done to Those Magnificent Men and If Viseonti's performance had not been scheduled for just displayed the results of their instruction during the past Zarb. 14. of the Detroit Skating Club and Deborah Stuart, Their Flying Machines" seemed nearly flawless. It was cer before the finale, I might have left early. But, as it turned out, weeks. 14. of the Lansing Skating Club tainly the kind of performance that led him to capture the United his program was well worth the wait Some seemed to have learned a lot-or else started out far However, many of the performers lacked confidence, poise States championship twice and the North American Parts of the show which could have been eliminated were champion¬ ahead of the crowd: others have much more to learn. and even the necessary skill. These were the "not-so-tal ship as an amateur. the group production numbers. Such extravaganzas although My personal favorite among the amateur performers was colorful and sometimes imaginative, did not display the skaters' Beatriz Wrigg of the Skating Club of New York. The 15- Deborah Stuart and Bob Minnicks, 17. of the Lansing Skating The crowd called Visconti back for three encores. As he talents at their best. year-old Miss Wrigg's program, one of the longest of the Club." performed admirably in the only pairs program of the skated across the ice in his In numbers like flashing red-sequinned vest. "Trip to Costa Rice." ' Cook Cats" and "Blue Ballet," the younger skaters found it difficult to keep their movements coordinated. And the finale, with a record of Carol Channing singing "Hello amnvERSisr Dolly." was nothing but anti-climactic after Viseonti's excellent solo performance. FIRST BOY,HIT SUE Tiger's Kilkenny 6000 Everyday Low Prices has perfect day Detroit's Mike Kilkenny will his record to 2-2 with a Plus Top Value Stamps certainly remember August 12, nifty three-hitter. The Tigers 1969. For Kilkenny it was a gave him plenty of support as Why Settle For Less? a starter To top off the dav. USDA CHOICE TEND E RA V he added his first major league BONELESS, ROLLED, & TIED hit. a hard single down the FRESH BEEF BRISKET OR The tall Cana- Tigers' fifth run. BOSTON ROLL ? as could be as he evened IM Go If deadline ROAST TO FLY NORTHWEST CALL 16. is noon today. There are COLLEGE TRAVEL 351-6010 750 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH I i E M j bELO ■ • #i □ 50 ESS?- #2 □ 50 sAta- #3 CD 25 mm #4 O 50 &T"' #s a 25 a too m □ 25 SSSF1 #« a 25 a 25 sssr #10 O 25 rfctsfisi. #n O 50 3 WITH THIS COUPON AND B ■ PURCHASE OF A 3% OZ WT JAR ■ #13 □ 50 S£E='- S Kroger Instant Tea ■ #14 □ 25 rtu&steA Sun ""a'ug*riTl969 10 they say moonlight does strange with tfc* purcha.. of #is □ 25 o 26 oi can Clo Coat t very package of Kroger* % fruits and /egetables must be Sunrise Fresh when — MICHIGAN things to some people... yoil buy it. If you are not completely □ Hm 25 with th« purchase 22 «« cm St. Flo of -'"sfied, Kroger will replace your item or refund your money. see what our BLUEBERRIES #i7 0mm% O a • with tha purchase of 25fx+uxavr WHITE moonlight sale #i« a 50 rrctrffliw •' POTATOES will do to you! #u #20 □ so a so Products 10 LB BOX RED RIPE ;^£99 TONIGHT! 7to11pm Coupon (trip good thru Sun. Aug. 17 1969 LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER Watermelon »99< JUMBO 5 SIZE SHOPPING CENTER Honeydew Melons c* 69( moonlight prices will be down to earth