Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 62 Number 42 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, \ugust 15, 1969 British troops barricade riot-torn Londonderry LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland ply five field hospitals set up near the the troops and promised a safe conduct Until a few veare ago. the city was c border in County Donegal for wounded (AP)-British troops, moving against for the fire engine to go into the Bogside major submarine basie and well accustomed Irish rioters for the first time since the fleeing from the North. if the army would ask the police to with to British servicemen. But some Irish Republic troops carried draw from their positions behind the But the reaction among many towns days of the Black and Tans 50 years weapons. They patrolled in Donegal just army's barriers people was less enthusiastic than the ago. restored uneasy peace Thursday to mile from the Bogside where 4.000 a The police, among them the tough all- cheer that went up outside the town hall. battle-scarred Londonderry But vio¬ Catholics, who say they are discriminated lence raged on in Belfast, the capital, Protestant "B Specials, whom the Cath Londonderry, unlike Belfast, has a and elsewhere in Northern Ireland early against in the North. were making olics call gangsters, marched back to Roman Catholic majority, most of whom their stand. their barracks The barbed wire was rolled want a united Ireland divorced from the Friday. About 300 British soldiers rode into back to let the fire truck through and British crown. The troops were called in by the Northern Irish government after regular Londonderry minutes after Home Af¬ McAteer and other leaders persuaded the The Irish Republic, stunned by the fairs Minister Robert Porter told an Catholics to move back out of sight of violence in the North, demanded Wed police, mainly Protestants, found it im¬ Wales o possible to control 4.000 Roman Catholic emergency session of Parliament in Bel fast that police were exhausted and could the troops. nesday night that Britain ask for United Nations peace forces to intervene. rioters in Londonderry. Armed British soldiers of the Prince of Wales Regiment patrol no longer control the rioting. With a crisp warning. British army A cheer went up from the crowds in the streets of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, after their arrival troops moved up to the barricades Londonderry's battered center as the first STRONG CHOICES Thursday. Cheers were mixed with jeers as the sold¬ of Londonderry Thursday to halt riot troops arrived in an armored car. More iers answered a call for help, AP Wirephoto AUSSC ing that raged out of control for three followed in personnel carriers topped by days. They came with shields and au¬ tomatic eminent rifles at the call of the gov steel grills to keep out rocks. Then two companies of the batallion and support gives Propagandists " troops arrived. Rocks we will take, but at the first Many Catholics in the area have con¬ petrol bomb we fire." warned a ser¬ geant. referring to bottled gasoline bombs used by rioters. tended they would welcome military intervention, charging that the mainly Protestant police, once they break into list of four with Red denun Shortly after the Prince of Wales Regi ment rolled up to the Bogside, a Roman Catholic district, tempers cooled enough the area, go on a rampage of destruc Smokescreen Sue Gebelein. Butler. Pa., undergraduate representative to AUSSC, said the candidates were "all senior and HONG KONG (AP > Communist China s casts heard here held up the spectre to let a fire truck go through the barri Even before The search and selection committee really good the arrival of troops a men." provincial radios filled the air Thursday of nuclear war against China by the cades to put out fires presented the board of trustees Thursday huge tower of black smoke welled up (please turn to page 9) night with exhortations to ' prepare for revisionist Russian enemies See Related Story, page 10 from night with a list of four candidates for William Street, where rioters had major war" and with denunciations of Changsha Radio, voice of Communist The British made no effort to enter forced MSU's next president police back to within 100 yards Russia for daring to invade Chinese party chairman Mao Tse-tung s home the Bogside. where Catholics held out of their own headquarters and set fire to Blacks, labor The All University Search and .Selection territory province of Hunan, demanded that its against a Protestant dominated Northern a pile of tractor tires, making a smoke¬ Committee (AUSSC) finished narrowing Typical of the broadcasts, over rela people, and particularly its military. Irish police force since Tuesday screen in the narrow street. down its choices at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday tivelv low-power stations designed for get rid of the false and deadly dangerous A senior British officer said the aim The immediate British stategv seemed idea that fighting will occur only in with "no recriminations, no flare-ups." local listening, but monitored in Hong likely to block of the troops was to lower the tem to be to cordon the area and wait. Near border areas." Dale Hathaway. AUSSC chairman, said. Kong, was Wuhan Radio s stridently perature lv two hours after taking position the voiced demand that the people of central Similar broadcasts came from the Only a few hours earlier troops of the troops had made no move to enter Bog- Hathaway said all four candidates were China's Hupeh Province realize and interior provinces of Kwangsi. Kweichow. Irish Republic to the south moved up to "strong choices with no patterns." Kiangsi. Anhwei and Shensi and from the the nearby border area The southern court nominee ' ^epare for the enemy to launch a major Once the smoke was dissipated, new What I mean is. there were no instances Pacific coast provinces of Shantung. Irish, predominantly Catholic, announced of fires started in buildings in William students against faculty, or faculty It -like a dozen other provincial broad liit.i mission was ic support and sup ..treet. Bogsiders marched toward the against students in the process he said WASHINGTON (AP) Civil rights fore troops' barricades singing. We Shall Hathaway declined to say whether or es Overcome. are marshaling to oppose U.S. Cir not any of the four candidates were cuit Court Judge Clement F SEPT. 5 DATE Their stewards, men first to control demonstrations when the Cath appointed unanimous choices of the 12-man commit¬ worth. Jr.. if he is nominated Havns- for the tee. but did say that the candidates needed Supreme Court, and some labor leaders olic civil rights campaign was confined at least three fourths ol the committee may line up with them. to protest marches, shouted at younger members vote Sen. Jacob K. Javits. R N Y Collins to stand tria and hotheaded has elements . more to keep written to President Nixon He added that if the board chooses anyone trying to per suade him not to appoint the Some made show of from the committee's list. MSU's 56-year-old a rushing the bar South Carolinian, who has been chief ricades. but this time the rocks and next president will have widespread judge of the 4th Circuit Court since gasoline bombs were absent. support from all segments of the Uni 1964 versi ty commu ni tv. " for Ann Arbor murder Through the Bogside crowd came Ed¬ The White House has refused to die McAteer. veteran leader of the Na¬ confirm widespread reports that Nixon An unidentified member of the committee tionalist opposition party who until the has selected Haynsworth to fill the said Thursday that neither Durward B last election represented the Bogside area Supreme Varner. Oakland University Chancellor, Court vacancy left by Abe Fortas s re¬ ANN ARBOR trial on a charge of first degree murder Deake denied a defense motion by Col¬ ward his mother. of an Eastern Michigan University lins' court-appointed attorney. Richard Washtenaw County Prosecutor William coed-latest female victim of seven sex Ryan, to dismiss the case "on the grounds Delhey argued in summing up that there killings in this twin university area over there is insufficient evidence to bind him was sufficient reason to bind Collins over over for trial." for trial. The trail was scheduled tentatively for When Deake handed down his In Michigan, a pre-trial examination ruling. Sept 5 in the Washtenaw County Cir Collins" brown-haired mother Lorreta. is held to determine whether a crime has cuit Court here burst into tears. Members of her been committee and whether the prose¬ family, Nine prosecution witnesses testified sitting with her in the front row of the cution has enough evidence for a defendant for four hours, before District Judge Ed small courtroom, crowded with 60 news¬ to stand trial ward Deake bound the handsome 22 men and spectators, helped the woman to Delhey said Miss Beineman had been vear-old EMI senior over for trial in sit down again seen in an Ypsilanti shop. "Wigs by the death of Karen Sue Beineman. 18. Throughout the proceedings. Mrs. Col Joan." about noon on Wednesday. July a freshman at the same school lins had sat next to Collins brother. 23--tne day she disappeared. Witnesses There is probable cause to believe the Larrv. with her arm around his shoulders had testified Collins, driving a shiny defendant. John Collins, committed this Collins himself showed virtuallv no emo¬ motorcycle, was with her. Delhey said. crime," Deake said. Therefore. I'm tion throughout his preliminary The wig shop owner. Mrs. Diana Joan ex Goshe. pointed out Collins from the witness stand as the man on the motor cycle Students' desperate But Defense Attorney Richard Ryan quickly established on cross examina¬ tion that Mrs. Goshe needs glasses to see at a distance and wasn't wearing them that note lock of college day. The wig shop operator said she had picked Collins out of a lineup of five earner atter looking at "oh. heavens, WASHINGTON (APi Officials from I American am an Negro male who is thousands" of pictures shown to her by President Nixon on down are receiving trying to obtain an education, but due to thousands of desperate letters and tele police. financial difficulties. I have had a tedious The next we hear of Miss Beineman phone calls from students and their par time doing this." a Valdosta. Ga.. youth is on July 26. when her nude, mutilated ents who say college may be cut this fall because loan funds have dried up body, beaten beyond recognition, was The problem is a prime interest rate If we don t get a loan. David will found in a wooded gullv on the outskirts of 8'z per cent that may deny loans to of Ann Arbor." Delhey said not be able to re-enter school this fall, upwards of 220.000 students this fall, say Shortly before she disappeared. Miss a Minneapolis mother wrote. officials in the Office of Educations I'm writing this letter out of despera Beineman's roommate said she had eaten Guaranteed Loan Division. tion for my son. watermelon for lunch. Delhey said Dr. said a Franklin Lakes. The original goal this year was $794 Robert Hendrix. University of Michigan N.J.. woman million in loans to 920.000 students "My son is trying very hard to grad pathologist who performed the autopsy on Congress recessed Wednesday for three the 96-pound girl and the other six prev uate. but without financial help, he can weeks without taking final action on le¬ ious victims, said he found watermelon not register for any more Semesters gislation that would raise from 7 to 10 seeds in Miss Beineman s stomach, ac ■■■■■■■■•■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■in per cent the amount of student loan in cording to Delhey. terest the government will guarantee. "So within approximately two hours As We Go to Press Many banks, credit unions and savings and loan associations say they can't af after driving off on a motorcycle, she is dead." Delhey said. President Nixon ford further 7 per cent loans to college urged the nation's lend¬ Since Collins was the only person seen students. The money can earn more in ing institutions Thursday to keep funds with her from the time she left the wig terest elsewhere, they say flowing to needy college students whose ship, shortly after eating lunch, until the educations otherwise will be imperiled The Nixon Administration is report time the autopsy established she had this fall. edly preparing a public statement urging died. Delhey maintained there was suf¬ "With the of the school banks to continue making the govern¬ start rapidly approaching. I strongly urge the year ment backed student loans. It will say ficient Miss Beineman cause to believe Collins had killed In the heat lenders to proceed with the loans to that Congress will almost certainly pass Collins shook his head again and again A the necessary legislation early in Septem U.S. Marine taking part irt in a sweep of a North Vietnamese staging area in the central demilitarized avoid further indecision and delay," he when one witness pointed him out as the ber with a retroactive provision to Aug zone perspires profusely ly from the over-100 degree temperature. In the first operation in the ar^a voung man with whom Miss Beineman in 18 months, there 15. over lere was no initial was contacts, AP Wirephoto was last seen alive on a motorcycle, (please turn to page 9) (pleaseturn to page 9) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 15, 1969 NEW Dinis to file request BEDFORD. Mass. (AP)--Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis Miss Kopechne's mother said the girl's parents for Kopechne why he waited so long to do this. It's all turned into a po¬ did not autopsy necessarily mean the Massachusetts Democrat made said# Thursday he would appear today in Wilkes-Barre. Pa., seeking a Pennsylvania lawyer to block exhumation of her litical issue. He is only hurting us." the calls himself. and ask a court to order exhumation and an autopsy of the daughter's body. Mrs. Kopechne said that last week she contacted an aide The Boston Globe, meanwhile, quoted Kennedy as saying body of Mary Jo Kopechne, who died in Sen. Edward M. In Pennsylvania, President Judge Bernard C. Brominski in Dinis's office and asked him to request the district attor he is privately at peace with himself. Kennedy's D-Mass., car accident. of Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas said Dinis or a ney to abandon his plans for an autopsy. "I can live with myself,'' the newspaper quoted Kennedy Dinis said he wants the autopsy so that the report of a com¬ deputy must file a petition for an autopsy and a hearing on the In another development, the Manchester, N.H.. Union Lead¬ as telling Matthew V. Storin. one of its Washington corres¬ petition could be held in about 10 days. er reported that 17 telephone calls were plete examination of the body can be made part of the record charged to Kennedy's pondents. in the inquest he has ordered into the accident. He said he Dinis said state police Lt. Det. George Killen, assigned credit card in the hours immediately following the accident, "I feel the tragedy of the girls death. That's on my mind. would present his petition at Wilkes-Barre and arrange a to his office, and two other detectives are doing investigative when Kennedy has said he was in shock. That's what I will always have to live with," Kennedy said. date for a formal hearing. work on Martha's Vineyard for the inquest. It opens Sept. 3 A spokesman for the New England Telephone Co. said in "But,- what I don t have to live with are the whispers and at Edgartown on the island off Cape Cod. Chappaquiddick Boston that because of legal restrictions he could neither innuendoes and falsehoods, because they have no basis in adjoins Martha's Vineyard. confirm nor deny the report. He said use of the credit card fact."' ' Pity for Asked again if Kennedy would be called to testify at the space inquest, Dinis said: "I have no comment on that at this time. "I said earlier that I had no plans at that time to call LANSING RELIEF him,' Dinis said, adding that he stood by that statement. He prompts conv said that developments in the case would determine whether Kennedy is called. RALEIGH, N.C. suit by sending ground. a group any more (APt - Court officials said Thursday a of convicts to keep the United States from monkeys into orbit may never get off the The suit, brought in U.S. District Court or Dinis says the inquest is "to determine whether or not there is any reason sufficient to believe that the sudden death of Mary Jo Kopechne may have resulted from the act negligence of a person or persons other than the de¬ ceased.'' City With the Lansing Metro Bus stalls bus cil members agreed that there another $56,000 which was ap- The East Lansing-Lansing by six inmates at North Carolina's Central Prison in Raleigh, contends there's a The Kopechnes say they would welcome an inquest but will System nearing bankruptcy, and exist too many risks and unan- parently wiped off the Metro route is the real >y-maker go to court if necessary to block an autopsy. Lansing City Council reluc- swered questions for the city books by transferring five Metro- for Metro." Patriarch said, great deal of similarity between confining a man to a cell and a tant to initiate a metropolitan owned buses to Short In Berkeley Heights, N.J., Mrs. Joseph Kopechne, mother to assume financial responsi Way "and I think that if Lansing monkey to a cramped spacecraft. transit authority, MSU and East Lines. Metro's parent firm. The inmates submitted the suit "in behalf of the now de¬ of Mary Jo, said: "We haven't settled anything yet with an bility for the bus line did take over the line, they . If the City of Lansing does ceased space attorney, but we are still determined to prevent an autopsy. Lansing residents may soon Among these problems are would have enough sense not monkey named Bonny and all other monkeys." be riding on different buses, not take over the bus line. "Mr. Dinis has not given us any definite reason for want debts of approximately $31,000 to reduce the service to East Bonny was sent into orbit last month, became ill and died after returning to earth. ing an autopsy." Mrs. Kopechne said. "We can't understand In a special council meeting which Metro general manager Metro could be forced into the Lansing." Tuesday afternoon, most coun- E C. Vlisides admits to. and position of pulling out in 90 Metro manager E C. Vlisides days. Vilisides said. said that the route along Mich¬ In view of this, the council igan Avenue between East Lan¬ established a temporary com¬ sing and Lansing accounts for mittee which will be able to approximately one-third of the keep bus service in operation. The city owns 18 company's mileage and half buses, a of its r bus garage and according to Coke has the Robert Black, the mayor's "This route is the only one executive asst. the confidence that makes money." Vlisides. taste you never of the drivers. If Metro does go out of busi¬ If the Metro line does ness. and if Lansing does take out of operation and Lansing bus transportation to and get tired of. takes over the service. East from East Lansing, both Patri- Lansing City Manager John arch and Vlisides agreed that Patriarch said that East Lan- East Lansing residents would sing would probably not be not the change by a loss of service. Fact finder named in contract By BARB PARNESS mate. dispute Local 1585 s contract State News Staff Writer expired on June 30. A fact finder has been ap¬ In fact finding, one of the pointed by the state to mediate negotiating parties submits a in the contract dispute between brief to the Labor Mediation Local 1585 of the American Board. The board then appoints Federation of State. County a fact finder charged with and Municipal Employes holding hearings to gather all Singing goes better refreshed. (AFSCME) and the MSU the facts relevant to the case. management. Following the hearings, the And Coca-Cola — with that special zing George T. Rumell Jr has fact finder recesses to formu¬ but never too sweet — been appointed by the state late an advisory settlement ok Labor Mediation Board to con¬ the issue. The settlement is refreshes best. duct fact finding hearings in an submitted to both parties effort to bring about a contract for consideration. agreement. If any fallacies are present things gO Hyman Parker of the Detroit in the settlement, both parties office of the Labor Mediation better Board said the hearings have meet to discuss ments. If no fallacies are pres- the disagree¬ tentatively been scheduled to ?n the settlement is taken Co& . begin on Aug. 22. He said he to the union membership for did not know how long the hear discussion and ratification. ings would last Employes of Local 16H8 at AFSCME. after reaching a Western Michigan University bargaining impasse with manage ratified a three-vear contract ment on July 24. invoked state Wednesday fact finding procedures in an This of the tines attempt to resolve the state- Otis staff said. recision Employes at Ferris State Imports College are awaiting the appoin- SM ment of a fact finder by the Labor Mediation Board Central Michigan University you^g- and Oakland University employes have ratified contract agree¬ ments. SM Lit /' JJ f AMPLE PART SUPPLY Save up to s^qoo P MS roue... Bruce Jim on a complete T elefunker. stereo component system "Financing Available" Nejac of East Lansing S^i bve- 1915 E. Michigan IV 4-4411 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 suede jacket special RECORDS PRE-RECORDED TAPES FOX dicunovid PRE-RECORDED CASSETTES 2 days and STEREO EQUIPMENT at I;'s $36 classic. It's THE DISC SHOP 323 East Grand River | OPEN MON.-FRI. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. a a contemporary. SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. It's a look that lingers on campuses PHONE 351-5380 everywhere because it's yet to be two diamond friendship Princess ring $179 ring $19.95 topped. The 5-button suede jacket with convertible collar and a zip-out acrylic pile lining for 3-season wear. THE STATE NEWS Now at special savings, today and tomorrow. In chocolate brown, taupe The State Newt, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week or navy. Misses' sizes. and Orientation Issues in June and September. Subscription rates are $14 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press si * DIRECT DIAMOND Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ igan Collegiate Press Association, Unitei States Student Press Association. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. w IMPORTERS Campus Editorial 355-8252 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Classified AdverUsing 355-828 Display Advertising 3S3-MM 203 S. WASHINGTON Business-Circulation 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 15, 1969 3 1 fcftwIPBB NEWS HONOLULU War (AP)--Twelve young men who say they ran resisters A local antidraft group. The Resistance, vows to resist find 1 - The first to seek refuge was Airman Louis away from military service because they oppose the Viet¬ short of D Parry, violence-any who attempt to arrest the group 21. of San Jose, Calif. Absent without leave since A summary nam war have made a home in the near the of going in after them. sanctuary of a little church University of Hawaii. The military shows no sign men. Military officials have taken no action to remove the and there is ilian authorities as to disagreement among military and civ¬ he went to' fie church last week. Besides Parry and Overstreet the servicemen are Marine July 30. capsule surrimary of the day's events from jurisdiction. PPT Vincent our wire servlc es. The 12 took refuge after the board of the Church of the Ventimiglia. 19. New York: Army PFC Robert Crossroads issued a statement: An Schultz. 20. Springfield. 111.: Navy Airman Eric Harms, 20. Our sanctuary is committed Army spokesman said military police are not author ized Riverside. Calif.; Navy Seaman John Veal. 19. to a nonviolent form of resistance The church is providing to make an arrest on civilian property except in "hot Atlanta. Ga.: Howard Pallaske. 20. San Francisco; Robert Matheson. 20. moral support to men who, for conscience sake, must resist pursuit." what they believe to be the immoral activities of their own A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Seattle. Wash Army Spec. 4 Ronald W Allen. 24, Auburn! Investigation said N Y ; Marine Cpl. Louis F government." arrest of the 12 was not Jones Jr Charleston. SC.; up to his office. And Honolulu police . said they had received no Marine PFC Curtis N Trendell. 18. Coos The church is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. request for assistance in the case. Bay. Ore.; and "The Marine Pvt. James Morris. 18. St Louis. Mo IFL-ilO vigorously Its congregation of about 300 includes faculty members and students from the university opposes the use of federal The sanctuary is one of a cluster of blue-roofed, palm- BY NEW BILL funds to subsidize the em¬ shaded buildings that include a social hall, meeting rooms ployers of cheap labor. De¬ and a ceramics workshop that once was a coffee house. cent uages are the respon¬ sibility of the employer, not the taxpayer." The church has had no minister since last year and is run by the board, headed by the Rev. Mitsuo Aoki. a professor of religion at the University. Aoki says that while the church would not officially perform illegal acts, individuals may Olin VD By ROSANNE BAIME out policy unaffected —George \leany, ih'L-CIO engage in acts of civil disobedience State News Staff Writer waiting for parental effect will be. Dr. Joseph L. suspect they have venereal dis- sent." he said. Sheets said. "A lawver will ease." he continued, The 12 have issued a statement that claiming president sanctuary is Enactment of House Bill 2080 Dr. Feurig would not release an act of " deep involvement against all the injustice inherent have to determine just how far Dr Sheets felt that more in the American military system. " by Gov. Milliken will probably the number of VD cases handled this now exempts doctors from young people would be likely to not make any difference to MSU by Olin each year, but said litigation. seek medical attention for VD Military commanders have urged the men to turn them¬ students under the age of 21 selves in. But Army Spec. 4 Daniel Overstreed. 21. of Gar that gonorrhea was still on the It s a good idea to encourage lf they did not need parental den City, told a newsman Thursday that he and his 11 com¬ seeking treatment of venereal ascendance at MSU. people to seek attention if they permission. disease (VD). Dr. James S. International News panions plan to stay. " Feurig, director of Olin Health on We reserve the information venereal disease cases as The Prague government called on the army Center, said Thursday. The bill permits physicians part of the priviledged informa- GUEST ROOMS tion we guarantee patients." he Charges and militia Thursday to safeguard law and ord¬ to examine and treat said. "By not releasing any fig¬ who have, or suspect they have. ures, we can assure our patients Company Coming? er in Czechoslovakia's cities next week, the VD. without first having per that we are also not giving out first anniversary of the Soviet-led invasion. Business Associates Due? mission from the minors' par any specific information. The federal government was joined by the Czech and Slovak states in issuing a state¬ ment criticizing leaflets "aimed at provoking for German ents. According to Dr. Feurig. Olin has followed a policy of treat¬ I will say that gonorrhea is on the rise at MSU," Dr. continued. "I have no figures Feurig • 202 Deluxe Rooms Sensible Rates FRANKFURT. Germany the Vatican. A spokesman for • ing students for venereal dis¬ on the amount of cases per (AP)--A West German the Munich archdiocese hailed illegal acts in the coming days." The state¬ cutor decided anew prose ease without requiring parental thousand, but the number of new ment also said the internal political situa¬ Thursday to it as meaning that the 54 year permission. cases hasn't leveled off drop the case against the most old yet." bishop was "fully rehabili¬ "For many years the medical A Lansing gynecologist is tion was grave in the Eastern European na¬ Rev. Matthias Defregger. Ro¬ tated." profession has followed the sug- more reserved about the effect man Catholic auxiliary tion. bishop of But Italian police were re¬ gestion of the U.S. Public Health of Bill 2080 on his private prac- • Munich, who passed along an ported continuing their investi¬ Service. • • order for the recommending im- tice. 1944 reprisal gation against Bishop De mediate treatment of VD with- "It's hard to what its Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir warned shooting of 17 Italian villagers say fregger. who was a Wehrmacht the Arab nations Thursday that Israel would win again if there was another Mideast war. The decision by Frankfurt Dist. Atty. Dietrich Rahn was captain when he passed on the June 7, 1944. execution order p XNN = ■ But we don't want wars even if Mrs. Meir told a political meeting we win." greeted with "satisfaction" by at the Abruzzi village of Filetto de Camarda. east of Rome. The Alaska winds lessen; CD Phone 351-5500 for Reservations O in a Tel police investigation at L'Aquila. 1100 Trowbridge Road, Off 127 at Trowbridge Exit Aviv suburb. • • • Play prem near Filetto. could lead to an extradition request by Italian fire threat diminishes At the Campus, Michigan State University authorities. At the Paris peace talks, the United States and South Vietnam denounced Thursday the up¬ at Auditorium In announcing his decision, the Frankfurt district attorney SOLDOTNA. Alaska. -The forest fire threat to the Several houses to have burned, were reported although there GUEST ROOMS said a reinvestigation of the Soldotna area lessened Thurs- was no accurate count because surge of fighting in South Vietnam and ex¬ In conjunction with a sem¬ inar on case confirmed that the Filetto day as the wind lessened. of the dense smoke, which bill- pressed concern over indications that North expressionism. Oscar Kokoschka's massacre, at most, could be High wind swept a roaring owed 7.000 feet into the sky Vietnam play Murderer blaze may be seeking military victory the Woman's Hope, will be regarded as manslaughter and. across the Swanson Ri such, would fall ver oil field early Wednesday The forecast rather than a negotiated settlement. presented at 8 tonight in the as under the for Thursday Arena theatre of the 15-year statute of limitations night. was heartening, with wind not But despite the Allies' charges, the 30th Auditor¬ A civil defense spokesman ium. for such a crime expected to exceed 10 miles full-scale weekly session of the Vietnam This said residents of the Soldotna- per hour. On Wednesday there production of the 1907 Referring to the ensuing peace talks produced no hint of a break¬ play may well be its world pre¬ Ridgeway-Sterline area were e gusts of 40 knots. press attacks on the prelate in "still on alert, but it's look¬ miere. No record of any prev¬ through in the long deadlock. West Germany, an official of • • • ious production has been found. the Vatican's press office said ing good for them." More than 800 persons were Save up to M5000 One cast member des¬ the Vatican expressed As the satis¬ evacuated from their homes in on a complete Telefunken diplomats meet in Paris, U.S. of¬ cribed the show as wild and faction that the press campaign stereo component system the area between Kenai and Sol¬ ficials in Saigon see an eventual declining in the Defregger case has failed INTRODUCES THE pattern in the war, barring future heavy in¬ Admission to the production to influence a serene judgment dotna. and plans were made to evacuate over 2.000 more from Nelac of East Lansing is free to the public. tervention bv North Vietnam. by the German magistrate.' the Soldotna area. 543 E. Grand River 337—1300 The officials base their view on the fact Hungry Gourmet Special* that captured Communist command docu BOWL IN KOOL KOMFORT ments did no longer speak of an offensive during the bitter fighting of 1968. as they It's Great For A Date Have Some HOUSE THE MBEYE STEAE National News Spare Time? of Salad, Baked Potato, Ranch Toast—all for W AFL-CIO President George Thursday President Nixon's $4 billion-a-year Meany said We've Got Some INDIA 101 E. Grand River (regular price $1.39) *served every Mon & Tues during August welfare plan would subsidize cheap labor for the nation's worst employers and force Real Indian DOWNSTAIRS STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average BETWEEN KESEL'S AND the poor to train for jobs that don't exist. CUNNINGHAM'S everyday hungry gourmet "The AFL-CIO vigorously opposes the use 40 Brunswick Lanes For Your Bowling Pleasure Kites! 332-8403 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor Shopping Cente of federal funds to subsidize the employers of Open bowling all day from 9 a.m. and every evening. cheap labor." he said. "Decent wages are the obligation of the employer, not the tax¬ JACOBSON'S WILL BE OPEN AGAIN ALL DAY SATURDAYS payer." • The Nixon Administration, • • having failed in Mty hues JUST NORTH OF FRANDOR its efforts to start strategic arms talks with Russia by mid August, now reportedly faces a further Soviet delay of several weeks or more. Information reaching the United States from the Soviet Union indicates policy mak ers in Moscow are still working on the bar¬ gaining lines they will take in the prospec¬ tive two-nation conference. • • • Secretary of the Treasury David M. Ken¬ nedy, confirming objections which had only been hinted at before, said House's massive tax reform bill Thursday the WE KNOW ABOUT CARS may cut too deeply into government income. WHEN YOUR CAR NEEDS Kennedy said in Washington that the re¬ ATTENTION, COME ON IN. form bill cuts federal income to such a YOU CAN GE T ALL THE point QUALITY PARTS YOU NEED. that domestic programs must be cut back shine this winter in slicked-up warmers by Hansen and inflationary pressures are increased. • • • HELP YOUR CAR HELP YOU Sleek, shiny Cire nylon turns the trick in a high-style A Philadelphia judge recommended Thurs¬ Springs helmet and matching mittens lined with fleecey day that teen-age gang members who commit crimes be publicly whipped Orion" acrylic to keep you cozy on the winter scene President Shocks Judge Vincent A. Carroll of the Court of Common Please made the One size in red. brown, black or green sugges¬ Brakes tion as city law officials launched a drive against gang violence. All your suspension system needs. Snap-strap helmet 3.00 Mittens. 4 00 "We should bring back the days of the whipping post." the judge said. "That's what these gang members need. MORRIS AUTO PARTS COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS "They should be humiliated right on the public streets, with whippings, in front of the eyes of the people they've been terroriz¬ ing," he said. 814 E. Kalamazoo IV 4-5441 8 - 5:30 MON-SAT Jacobson's BARNEY WHITE MICHIGAN We have blown STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY our revolution Does anybody around here remember became too popular and everybody started the scuzzies? No? Well, they were an doing it. Only they just couldn't get the MSU phenomena that represented a tran¬ right idea They got to thinking that William B. Castanier sitional period between the age of the flower power had to do with wearing hip advertising manager beatnik and the onslaught of hippydom. threads and beads and long hair and Now, being a scuzzie was a lot of all that. It was a real drag when I would 4 fun-it was sort of like being in an off¬ walk into the Union and folks would Trinka Cline, executive editor beat fraternity. They painted pictures and give me a hard time because I didn't Norman J. Saari, managing editor read Zen and every so often went to own a pair of bell-bottoms. George K. Bullard, campus editor classes. They never got too up-tight about Then things started to get really bad. Deborah Fitch, feature editor Linda Gortmaker, Sunday editor anything. When something bugged them- There had always been a subliminal like the Paul Schiff incident -they'd go mental dichotomy even in scuzzie days, Kenneth Krell, editorial editor Jeff Elliott, sports editor picket a while and make themselves between "hips" and "straights." But all known on the issue, but they didn't has¬ of a sudden people wouldn't even talk sle any paranoid raps like the class to anybody who was wearing a white struggle or the military-industrial com¬ shirt and tie. And I'd say: "Hey, that plex. Mostly, they just liked to drinlf cat's only doing his own thing." But Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. wine, smoke a little hemp and have some people couldn't dig it anymore-the man really blown-out parties. was "straight" and "establishment'' Then, with the advent of LSD and its and. thereby, was some sort of alien. psychedelic brethren, came the era of Then the gentle people started to hate. the hippy and the flower child. This First, they hated the pigs and I'd say: ' EDITORIALS was an OK thing, too "Hey, man, maybe there are a lot of Flower people had the tendency to be bad cops (I never did dig the word a little oblivious to what was going on "pig"-I figured that if I didn't want around them-especially the East Lan¬ to be bad-mouthed, then I ought not bad- sing teeny-bop type- but they made up for mouth anybody else), but there's bound North Irelan it by doing some truly beautiful stuff. I mean, all that "love your brother" and "do your own thing" and "feed your to be some good ones. I mean, you just can't group hundreds of individuals into a single stereotype. Remember when we head" business was the sort of thing used to get up-tight about citizens stereo¬ "That's you could really get into. It was fun typing us"7' But they didn't. with useless one one small step giant leap for '72!" for the poor, being a hippy, too. But the serpent cometh into Eden The hate spread and people started to get "radicalized" and I saw our. my. and success corrupts. The freak scene revolution for free men with free minds go sour. The absurdity of the divis¬ tory over the Catholics. Tra¬ It was the Revolution, man. It was ions that men create between dition notwithstanding, it NEWS ANALYSIS the era of mindless, paranoid, simplis¬ tic theories like class struggle. When you themselves and their fellows strikes us as criminally ir¬ dan't figure out where you're at and has reached yet another high responsible to have held such sinking prize don't want to. then it's easy to be¬ Soviets covet you point. Protestants and Cath¬ a show when tempers were lieve in black and white, us verses them. olics battle and burn in the This is where we are today, and I'm so near the kindling point. streets of the cities of North¬ grieved and a little sick. No longer do Further. we are highly By WILLIAM L. RYAN you try to free your head, instead you ern Ireland. The Irish Repub¬ has untapped riches of mineral wealth: fort to colonize Sinkiang with Chinese critical of the national gov¬ AP Special Correspondent oil. coal, precious metals and uranium, spout the party line. The emphasis is' people, a campaign which led to wide¬ lic has called for United Na¬ ernment in London for not Sinkiang has all the fuel necessary the raw materials for nuclear weapon¬ no longer on the person-it's on the group, spread unrest. the class, the struggle. tions troops to quell the vio¬ taking some sort of action to for a big conflagration. ry A year later there was a Moslem We don't live anymore. We hate. We The military clash there Wednesday The population is made up of Kaza¬ rebellion in the province, apparently or¬ lence in the neighbor nation. mediate this conflict long be¬ don't accept all men as brothers unless will be widely regarded as a dangerous khs. closely related to the Soviet Kaz¬ ganized abroad. The Chinese Commun¬ In oar opinion, the situa¬ fore now. Even the British akhs; Uighurs. other minorities, and a they join with the "cause." We don't sympton of events to come. Sinkiang is ists put it down allow people to express their minds--we tion that has been allowed to version of our States' Rights so sensitive an area-with Chinese nu¬ rapidly rising number of Han Chinese In 1962 the Chinese, having expelled shout down speakers that we don't want smolder to explosion in Ul¬ clear weapons installations-that military people with whom Peking has been col¬ all Soviet technicians and ended the doctrine is unforgiveable when to hear. We don't read Zen and write hostilities there overshadow skirmishes onizing the area in efforts to nail it export of rare metals to Russia, closed ster is unforgivable. Prejudice the national government al¬ poems and paint pictures any more-we elsewhere along the 4.500-mile border down. It has a 1.500-mile border with the frontier. is prejudice and does not come read Marx and write radical rags and lows an intolerable condition between the Soviet Union and China the Soviet Union. Russians have eyed By that time thousands of minority make class struggle posters. in greater and lesser grades. to continue, lest they should The boiling hostility between the two this area hungrily for centuries, and in Sinkiang people were in asylum in the We aren't gentle any more--we hit. we giants of the East is based on much the 1930s it almost became a Soviet Soviet Union. Peking accused the Rus¬ We feel, however, that the call down the displeasure of we burn and we even want to kill. more than differences over Marxist satellite in the style of the Mongolian sians of constantly fomenting trouble air of the ironic and the ri¬ the ruling elite. Leninist ideology. The differences go We lost our revolution, and society won. People's Republic. World War II stopped in border areas. The souls that we tried to free our own. diculous is increased when We are also dubious of the deep: economic, political, military and that development. Nuclear tension have sunk back to the same polluted men of the same nation, the territorial. They trace to old complaints But the Chinese, both Nationalist and The tension rose as the Russians noted Irish Republic's motives in depths from which they arose Only the^ Dead camaraderie Communist, have always suspected So¬ feverish work on nuclear installations same color and. in the broad¬ outward trappings are different. meddling in this business. On When Communist China came into viet intentions. at Lop Nor. in the heart of Sinkiang. er sense, the same religion the one hand, we are aware being in 1949. Peking and Moscow ex¬ Soviet paternalism The Chinese complained of Soviet sub¬ kill over sectarianism and a that Eire has Catholic changed florid vows of "unbreakable The Russians never formally sur¬ versive activity. There were some shoot¬ war that was fought centur¬ a jority and, thereby, may be ma¬ friendship." But the treaty of friend¬ ship and mutual assistance that Mao rendered their claims in Sinkiang. In 1948. Stalin offered to mediate between ing incidents along the border. Homey homilies Soviet-Chinese relations worsened in ies ago. truly compassionate for the Tse-tung and Joseph Stalin signed in Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang and the 1964 when the Chinese laid claim to "A liar needs a good memory 1950 has been dead for years. Rioting is not defensible, but downtrodden in Ulster. On the surgi Communists-a development which vast areas of Soviet-held territory-close to Separation of Sinkiang from Red China would have halted, or at least delayed, "Would you say that a will of your the blame for its eruption other hand, we also know that, a million square miles. Meanwhile, the revolution-in return for the renewal own is better than the will of a rich may well be one of the aims of Soviet does lie more properly on the since independence, the Irish of Soviet concessions in Sinkiang. trouble was brewing elsewhere along relative?" policy. the frontiers, notably in the area of Man¬ shoulders of Northern Ireland's Republic has not been happy What the Chinese call the Sinkiang- As long ago as 1954 the Russians com¬ churia. The nervousness increased in Oc¬ Protestant majority. As is about the partition of "their" L'ighur autonomous region, as big as plained about Chinese claims to Soviet tober 1964 when China produced at Lop Italy. France. Germany and Britain all territories, even while the Russians were the case with some minority Nor the first of a series of nuclear ex¬ island. They have been known together, is of extreme importance geo¬ working with the Chinese in Sinkiang plosions that would lead her to H-bomb groups in the United States, to cast covetous eyes on North¬ graphically. politically, militarily and in joint exploitation companies. and missile capability. decades of discrimination in ern Ireland in the past. The economically to the Peking Regime. It By 1958. Peking exerted a major ef- In 1966. Soviet Communist chief Leonid housing, jobs and governmen¬ Brezhnev. Premier Alexei Kosvgin. and tragedy would be doubly com¬ Soviet rocket generals visited the bor¬ tal representation have taken pounded were Ulster's internal >ER'S MIND der areas and called for vigilance. By their toll on Ulster s Catho¬ strife to become an interna¬ "Every man has a right to his opin¬ this time Chinese propaganda was pic¬ ion. but no man has a right to be lics. When enough people are tional problem. turing the Soviet Union as the No. 1 in his facts. " Lack of perspective wrong crowded together long enough It is our opinion enemy. that the Throughout 1967 there were minor bor¬ in a ghetto, spontaneous com¬ time has most surely come der skirmishes, mostly in the Far East. bustion is bound to occur. for the people of Northern Peking sent thousands of demobilized Worse, the Protestant lead¬ ers of the government are ap¬ Ireland and the United dom to lay aside their King¬ ima¬ on Kennedy incident soldiers as " workers" to those areas, with orders to keep "hoe in one hand and rifle in the other." of er "Teach a your kids to see the inside public library, and they may nev¬ see the inside of a jail." parently not willing to budge. gined differences and fairly To the Editor: with him that this incident has got¬ Propagandic flood "Watch out for the Frog." ten out of proportion, but I would al¬ The Russians, meanwhile, were pump¬ We severely question the com¬ settle this terrible conflict. Although I personally respect Larry Lerner. I feel that maybe he was suf¬ so add. out of perspective. "I've been trying to sell out for years- ing a flood of propaganda into Sinkiang petence of the leaders of Lon¬ If this is not done, perhaps fering from the swamp gas when he If it had been anyone else but EMK. and other border areas. the trouble is that nobody wants to donderry who allowed the hold¬ within days, the problem may wrote "Random thoughts from a swamp they would still be in jail. If EMK Early this year there were Soviet buy." had gotten on nationwide TV and said ing of a parade that com¬ well become insoluble. I would be the first to agree that Chinese clashes in the area of the dis¬ "The man who hits the ball over Superman had picked up his car puted Ussuri River boundary in the Far memorated a Protestant vic¬ -The Editors the fences can take it easy goin' round and thrown it into the water, then East. The Chinese, calling the Russians most emotional Americans would have the bases. " Erroneous map "social imperialists, accused them of nodded in belief. It is entirely pos¬ expansionist aims in Chinese territory "So many good maxims, but so sible that EMK was drunk after all. "new in the truest sense of the that To the Editor: czars apply to ourselves. what are parties for? term." as People's Daily put it. Slum kids te page The map 1969. is which appeared on the front of the State News dated Aug. 14. erroneous. Kashmir is shown to If can sent your name is do no wrong the Kennedy, then you because you repre¬ ideal American. They are what And in Moscow. Wang Ming made a sudden reappearance. Wang, whose real name is Chen Saho-yu. had been Sta¬ Idle hands be give you bad feeling.' a separate and independent entity. others want to be-rich. famous and lin's choice, against Mao Tse-tung This is not so. Kashmir is an integral handsome. The average American does to lead the Chinese Communists in the City College of San Fran¬ gram next year, utilizing col¬ part of India, although some of its areas not wish to know any more about the 1930s. Mao bested Wang, who even¬ are under dispute. Kashmir is as much cisco is conducting one of lege administrators and mass EMK issue, fearing that it may destroy tually fled with other "Muscovite" Chin¬ a state of india as Michigan is to or damage, at least, their idol. to the Soviet Union. the more unique and enlight¬ media executives as the stu¬ ese America The Kennedys deserve no better treat dents. Wang began writing about the "grave The State News welcomes all ened schools in this country. Let me give a very brief outline to ment than any other citizen, yet they crimes" of Mao against the world Com¬ letters. They should be typed The classroom is the San Fran Only through such efforts support this. In 1946 when the British receive it by virtue of their money I munist movement, began accusing Mao and signed with the home town, will Government decided to grant indepen¬ cannot understand why people are not cisco ghetto. The students are any type of real under¬ dence to India, it also decided to honor of running a rigid military dictatorship student, faculty or staff stand¬ more skeptical of EMK's inadequate ex¬ based on terror, of destroying the Chin¬ ing. and local phone number in¬ junior college teachers from standing take place between the demand for a separate Pakistan planation. I cannot understand why peo¬ ese party and of oppressing "national cluded. No unsigned letter will big cities across the U.S. slum residents and the rest The princely states, of which Kashmir ple do not despise the Kennedy's for minorities," a pointed reference to Sin¬ be accepted for publication, and is one. were excluded from this agree¬ being so rich while others are so poor. After a morning of tradi¬ of society. Often those who kiang. no letter will be printed without ment and were to be integrated into In¬ I guess Confucius was right when he tional lecturing, students spend try to teach others about the Wang Ming thus emerges as a man who a signature except in extreme dia or Pakistan by negotiation. said that ritual does not extend down might to useful to the Russians, circumstances. All letters must the rest of the day learning ghetto have a very limited and The then Kashmir prince did not de¬ to common people and /«n- does not should they choose to set up some sort be less than 300 words long for cide one way or the other. But in 1947. what ghetto life is all about. imperfect concept of their sub¬ tribesmen and regular troops from Pakis¬ extend up to the elite. of rival authority in a bid to construct publication without editing. Bob Ivins new buffer or diminish the Chinese Here the instructors are ghet¬ ject. This only leads to further tan moved into Kashmir. In the face Niles senior a nuclear threat. to youths ranging in age from misunderstanding and mis- of this external threat, the ruler of Kash¬ turst. mir acceded to India legally, and only 14 to 25. Each of the junior then were Indian troops rushed into college teachers accompanies We feel that programs like Kashmir. India agreed to a cease fire one of them through a typi¬ the one conducted in San in 1949 because I.) It sought a normal¬ cal day in a slum neighbor Francisco this summer are a ization of relations with Pakistan, 2 > the war in Kashmir was a costly and hood. step toward comprehending unproductive waste of natural resources From all indications so far, and solving one of the major and 3.) India desires to concentrate its the program is a complete problems of our culture. effort in developing that part and the other parts of India. success. Its planners are hop¬ R. Vijayakumar ing to set up a similar pro- -The Editors Madras. India, grad. student Friday, August 15, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ' Chairman,' Jalopies' Rv mark i.ernkr By MARK LERNER Stale News Reviewer has stale no excitement excitement, laughs. iust some just some radio transmitter implanted in his skull. This surgically with discomfort as Peck encoun ters a lovely Hong Kong co — flat integrated with the story, stead, the movie is broken up with story. In- transmitter monitors everything ter-agent in his hotel bedroc philosophical dialogues I hope that "Those Daring However, if you are an old he says or hears, as well as obviously and often ludicrously Young Men in Their Jaunty car nut, you'll enjoy the auto¬ Peck has convictions. He'll out of place in some particular taking certain physiological steal the formula only on the Jalopies" is the last in a series mobiles (and cry when you see measurements. Even Jame.. lv tense moments. Peck's of feature length, Tom Slick- what they do to some of them). Bond didn't have this agreement that it will be used conversation with Mao Tse Tung type movies. Aside from th^t, the viewer is as an instrument for inter The radio steals the during a table tennis match is faced with an endurance race national peace, not as a propa "The Great Race was pret¬ Peck only one example. of his own: can he stick it reports to headquarters da or political weapon ty funny. "Those Daring Young by talking to himself, avoiding The out to the end without falling acting is quite casual, Men in Their Flying Machines' enemy ears by sticking his head The agreement is made and asleep-or leaving0 as is the direction and photo¬ got just a little tedious. "Jalop¬ out windows and doors. At one broken, of course. Unfortunately graphy. Why Anne Heywood ies" is simply unbearable. It point, the people at HQ listen the one world theme is not received star billing for her The Chairman has the same cast and produc¬ two scenes, totalling about 10 tion staftas "Flying Machines" The Chairman' has an in¬ minutes of screen time, remains and all the same bits and jokes, teresting plot idea and an ex¬ transferred from air to ground. Faculty shown ' citing theme Unfortunately, It's about the Monte Carlo, which is durance rather (or was) than a an en speed director J. Lee Thompson wasn't able to put it together art and Why producers Arthur Jacobs have Mort done Abrahams a better couldn't job with As the sun sets Dome, on de d the multiversity, Abrams Planetarium, in the foreground, The Soviet Union and the is captured against a backdrop of Wells Hall, the Physical Plant smokestack Drivers start at six Kresge exhibit race. some good ideas, is an even different locations Europe equidistant all over from their United States merge efforts to uncover the enzyme which Mao at bigger one. and Spartan Stadium in a scenic view of MSU. State News Photo by Norm Payea ' destination, Monte Carlo. This •Tse Tung's scientists are using with success to grow crops in Art works by 17 faculty Faculty members whose works ; must be quite a jaunt, with all • the obstacles bound to be en unfertile areas of Red China. members Art are on of the Dept. of exhibit at Kresge are on exhibit are James Fagan, Robert Alexander. James Adley. FEDERAL GRANT • countered in a 1.500 mile cross- Gregory Peck is the man they Allison Art Center Gallery this week McMaugh Adley. Jame^ / country race, but the movie send, equipped with powerful, L. Lawton, Howard Church. through Sunday. Sept 28 The graphs faculty show includes paintings, sculpture and photo Exhibits include several large Owen Clifton Gamble. Z. Brainard. Jens Plum Taran. McChesney. William S Roger Funk. Irving Melvin Leiserowitz Police school Stacev Proffitt. Angelo Ippolito The School of Police Admin- personnel. Dept. ege. Jackson Community Coll- sculptures using plastics and Anthony DeBlasi and David Lo istration and Public Safety will The grants will be used for Nationwide. 485 colleges and ege. Kellog Community College, wood, and soft" sculpture "HANG YOUR HAT" receive a $60,100 grant from loans of up to $1,800 per year universities are participating Kirtland Community College, made of latex rubber the federal government to en to full time students for study in the program Also Lake Superior State At 1:30-3:50-6:20 and 8:45 Gallery hours are 9 a.m courage law enforcement per directly related to law enforce- Twenty-five schools in College. Lansing Community "RASCAL" At 2:15- Save up to M5000 to noon and 1 to 5 p m. Monday sonnel to pursue college edu- ment. Michigan have been awarded Collge. Macomb County Corn- 4:45-7:15 & 9:45 through Friday: 7 to 9 Tues¬ cations. It will also provide tuition grants of varying amounts. munitv College. Mercy College on a complete T elefunken day. and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday stereo component system The grant is part of the Law grants of $200 per term to They include: Alpena Com of Detroit. Montcalm Commun and Sunday Enforcement Education Pro- persons already employed by munitv College. Aquinas Coll ity College. Muskegon County WALT DISNEY Nelac of East Lansing The exhibit is open t< the gram to further professionalize police officers, corrections off- police agencies. The program was es- ege. Delta College. Detroit In- stitute of Technology. Flint Community College. Northern Michigan University. North- 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 public without charge icers and other criminal justice tablished under the Crime Con- Community Junior College, western Michigan College. productions trol and Safe Streets Act of Glen Oaks Community College. Schoolcraft College. Suomi Col- 1968 and is operated by the Grand Rapids Junior College, lege. University of Michigan. ftSSCBl NOW SHOWING Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the Justice Henry Ford Community College. Henry Ford Community Coll- Wayne State University and Western Michigan University ALL COLOR PROGRAM ...THE MASKED BANDIT Continuous from 1:30 p.m GATES OPEN AT 7:30 STEVE FORREST BILL MUMY '"pwtuTOLL f MANCHESTER JONES KTMACKERMAN COMEDY CO-HIT! RUSSIANS vs. AMERICANS HAROLD SWANTON • STERLING NORTH • JAMES ALGAR • NORMAN TOKAR ADVENTURE AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD! TECHNICOLOR Metro GokJwyn Mayer presents Martin Ransohoffs Production of "Ice AT LEAST ONCE Station IN HIS LIFE- > EVERY CHILD SHOULD Zebra FLY A MAGIC CAR. DANCE IN A CANDY FACTORY, PLUS ADVENTURE! ANOTHER IRRESISTIBLE//^^jjf INVADE A CASTLE AND ESCAPE THE CHILD WALT IHSXKY DAVID NIVEN CATCHER! "THE jSKB® TCfiUUIflftl #111 TECHNICOLOR IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" PANAVISION METROCOLOR Rock Hudson-Ernest Borgnine Patrick McGoohanJim Brown Q „«o Tony Bill Lloyd Nolan Super Paravisw'jnd Metroco'c AT 11:00 ONLY Shown at 8:10 and Late HURRY! FINAL WEEK!! Sally Ann'HoWes Lionel Jeffries ■«, Gert Frobe ■ Anna Quayle • Benny Hill. ,jamrS Rub. WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! TONIGHT! Starts TODAY 2 BIG HITS 2 MILES SOUTHWEST OF -ANS1NG ON' M-78 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 TODAY ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:20-9:30 PJvl. ©LASMiR BEST ACTRESS! £ YOU MAY HOT BELIEVE In GHOSTS Your last chance to see this outstanding hit! BARBRA STREISAND ~ BUT YOU C1HH0IDEHY TERROR! m EDGAR ALLAN POE opens ACADEMY AWARD forbidden doors to lead you STARTS beyond your wildest nightmares! WED. AUG BEST DIRECTOR-MIKE NICHOLS 20th Ml •; IR. r* JANI Jrwl TERENCE STAMPM JOSEPH E. LEVINE COLUMftA PCTURES—RASTAR PR00UCtl0NS»«« MIKE NICHOLS BARBRA STREISAND OMAR SHARIF/FUNNY GIRL" LAWRENCE TURMAN 0SWV- "■ -COLOR„,BI '-"tamiEW *-:WSIARK FEDERICO FELLINI-LOUIS MALLE-ROGER VADIM .American international TtCHN'COLOR* PANAVISION* e I"' THE^H 2:00 p.m. SHOWN TWICE—8:10 AND LATE ^ Monti; RESERVE PERFORMANCE POOR MAMA. SHE STOOD IN THE WAY OF THE GRADUATE $3,000,000 INHERITANCE. ANNE BANCROFT., DUSTIN HOFFMAN KATHARINE ROSS SO THEY SPIKED HER MEDICINE WTTH THE CALDER WILLINGHAM BUCK HENRY PAUL SIMON „ mall theatre BIG CUBE. POOR, Shown POOR MAMA I 10:30 ONLY g SIMON GARFUNKEL LAWRENCE TURMAN ... MIKE NICHOLS TECHNICOLOR* PANAVISION' 5628 W. SAGINAW » 484--44Q3 at : FROM WARNER BROS SEVEN fi Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 15, 1969 7 SPORTS Orioles' Palmer hurls Ex-Spartan greats meet tonight By JEFF ELLIOTT Styte News Sports Editor Spearheaded by the famous cries of "Kill-Bubba-Kill." Smith often caused opposing quarterbacks to wish they could no-hitter; Birds win 8-0 a Baltimore's Jim Palmer had pitcher's dream come true Wednesday night as he pitched lowed two more runners to reach bases via errors. Nevertheless, Palmer was never in any ser¬ Two of Michigan State's greatest defensive scramble with the likes of New York's Fran Tarkington. the first no-hitter of his career ious trouble except the ninth players will renew acquaintance'^ tonight as their respective profes¬ Smith, who hails from Beaumont. Texas, was a two-time and the fourth of the major inning when he walked three sional football teams clash in Houston's famed Astrodome. All-American and was twice named to the All-Big Ten first league season to give the Bal¬ men. He preserved his shut¬ George Webster. Houston's All-league linebacker, and team. He capped off his senior year timore Orioles an 8-0 triumph out and no-hitter, however, by by being named UPI's Baltimore's big defensive end. Bubba Smith, will both be out "Lineman of the Year," and was the Colt's first round over the Oakland Athletics. getting Larry Hanev to ground to lead their t£am to victory in one of several top exhibi¬ draft pick. out. tion football games this weekend. Webster' performance and laurels are just as It was a far from perfect The win marked Palmer's noteworthy Other outstanding games pit the New York Jets in a as Smith's. The 6 feet 4. 215 game however, as the 6 feet 3. eighth straight victory of the grudge pound roverback was captain match against the New York Giants, the O.J. of the Spartans his senior year in 190 pound right-hander walked Simpson- leading the Green and year and raised his record to a 'led Buffalo Bills against our Detroit Lions and the Dallas White to an undefeated season and a Rose Bowl berth. six A's and his teammates al¬ niftv 11 2. Cowboys-San Francisco 49ers clash out on the west coast. The Anderson. S. Carolina native, was feared by opposing The Colts-Oilers game will match two undefeated clubs backs and linemen because of his size and agility. Many a © SPARTAN COMING WEDNESDAY against each other. Baltimore holding wins over San Diego and Oakland while Houson topped Buffalo 24-7 in their time he would be in the opposing teams' backfield one play TWIN EAST and back defending on a pass the next. AUG.20TH preseason opener two weeks ago. Both teams have top Daugherty called him " the best football player I've ever flight defenses. Houston led by Webster and all-league coached Webster had the distinction of being only the cornerback Miller Farr. while the Baltimore second MSU football player ever to have his charge is led jersey (90) by Smith and middle linebacker Dennis Gaubatz. retired. The only other jersey to be retired was that of Both defenses are tough and yield All-American tackle Don Coleman (78) in 1951. yardage very grudgingly The only noticeable difference in the two is that Houston's Webster was named rookie of the year in the AFL in talented squad is young, many of them 1967 and has been an all-AFL pick each of his first two third-year pros from and fine 1967 rookie crop (including Webster), while Balti¬ seasons with the Oilers. more's defense, with the exception of Smith and two others He will have his hands full tonight however trying to is an experienced crew. contain Baltimore's hard running fullback Tom Matte and Smith and Webster were mainstays on coach helping defend against the Colts, two fine receivers Willie Duffy Daugherty's squads from 1964-66. Smith, 6 feet 7. 295 poinds rarely Richardson and John Mackev. had plays run on his side of the field. His awesome Smith will be up aginst of the AFL's top tackles. charge one after the quarterback often required two and sometimes 265 pound Glen Ray Hines. George Webster three offensive linemen to hold him back. A sellout crowd of 45.000 is expected in the Astrodome. Bubba Smith ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SPORTS IN BRIEF I ! How they stand Petty, Yarbrough Michigan State football All- America Allen Brenner and gym¬ nastics All-America Toby Tow- 2 ■ ■ MAXX Union Ballroom Friday at 8 ■ | | $1.50 I American National Yankee favorites son were Phi Beta Kappa ini- tiates in 1969 EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION of With their shakedown runs out the way. drivers were to on With 99 wins to his credit the NASCAR circuits going ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Baltimore Chicago begin going all out Thursday into Sunday's 600 mier. a win St. Louis } AUTO RACES DETROIT in 61 55 526 New York 62 51 549 qualifications for Sunday's for Petty would achieve a mie- Boston $106,500 Yankee 600 at Michi¬ stone yet to be reached in the Washington Pittsburgh New York Philadelphia gan International Speedwav history of stock car racing. Cleveland 49 70 412 Montreal (MIS). LET'S GO RACING . . . Lee Roy Yarbrough. one of The nationwide Union Pure WESTERN DIVISION WESTERN DIVISION RACING THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY the top favorites, is seeking Racing Panel of sports writers A -JKHO.Mi: HK1XMAN JOHN SCHl.KSINC.KIt PUOWCTlON to add the winner's purse of and broadcasters has picked Minnesota ADULTS 3.00 Time Trials 7:00 p.r Oakland 48 66 421 Houston 63 53 539 31? nearly $20,000 to his total of Petty as the favorite for the more than $140,000 won already CHILDREN Races Begin 8:30 p.r DUSTMM HOFFMAN Seattle Yankee 600. with 20 of the 82 75* Kansas City Los Angeles San Francisco 62 53 539 3W this season in his push to ballots cast. Close behind is JON VOICHT California become the first $200,000 winner Friday, Aug. 15s Yarbrough. with 19 votes. San Diego 35 41 300 on the NASCAR circuit. MIDNIGHT COWBOY' But then The race will be preceded Mini- Invitational so would the other Cleveland at California, night San Diego at New York, night Los 43 drivers by the inaugural Irish Hills Baltimore at Seattle, night Angeles at Montreal, night 50 Lap Feature and DETROIT at Oakland, night Houston at Philadelphia, night Richard Petty, the two-time 250 GT Saturday, a 250-mile Minnesota at Washington night St Louis at Atlanta, night Grand National Champion, will race for sports sedans over Fig. 8 Racing New York at Chicago, night Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, night be back for the Yankee 600 the MIS grand touring track. Boston at Kansas City, night Chicago at San Francisco, night with one goal in mind--his A total of $21,370 has been Th« Mini-Invitational will have over $3,400 (*):■:?" <•<> 100th career victory posted for that race. guaranteed purse to give you the tops In lftfllltl racing. Joy Fair one of racing's superstars TUES. Keyes still out Meet NOW - thru All Color - of oval racing. Also Pursuit and Crack- the-Whlp special races. NORTHSIDE PHILADELPHIA PRIVE-IN THEATKEU Chastity' iLPI) Saturday, Aug 16: Duke Reld and his T- 1 MIIm North OB US-27.. 482-740' Leroy Keves former Purdue All-America pro back, remained football's lone rookie hold¬ h1 bonelap crash andchampionship 50 season competition forrole. Also open classa PLAYBOY ran ten out Thursday but Philadelphia ^ stock and demolition derby. well-stacked pages on this film I Eagles' General Manager Pete Retzlaff said he is ■ optimis¬ US-127 at College Road-between Holt and Maso tic"' the 21-year-old star will come to terms [ "A sort of 'What's New Pussycat?' brought up to | today's level! Filmed in the new style...slick LEDGES cinema...bright wit...satiric barbs!" Judith Crist. /V Y FUN BEGINS Maganrn - PLAYHOUSE professional SUMMER THEATRE "A zany at erotobiography! The The Great American Drama wackiest, sexiest film yet!" -PLAYBOY Mayonn, DEATH Of a SALESMAN 6 by There ere tome teems to explicit, ARTHUR MILLER "THE to roollttlc, to neturel that TONITE "IT MAKES'BLOW-UP'LOOK Thru Aug. 17 LIKE SHIRLEY TEMPLE IN *1 'LITTLE MISS MARKER'!" Student Rate (ID Card) -LOS ANGlllS HCKAID EXAMINH Sde picked out her name herself Just Minutes West On M-43 in Grand Ledge but not for any reason you'd think! with Reservations 627-7805 Wed. CAMPUS An American nuclear-attack The fate of the world hangs in Monday Night--Pizza Feast sub sets out on a mysterious the balance. The spy could be mission . . . carrying a spy! anyone . . . even the Captain! 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Heironvnius Metro toe**" Mayer presents Martin Ransohoff s Production of Tuesday Night—Special Night "Ice Station Zebra"* 8:00 p.m. - 2 a.m. MsERCY Humppe Rock Ernest Patrick Jim and find true happiness * Hudson Borgnine McGoohan Brown Wednesday Night--Happy Hours AnthonyNewiey loan Collins Milton Berle. & "Can Heironymus Merkin ever forget Mercy Humppe and find true happiness7" Shown Twice at 8:17 and Late Thursday Night--Quart Night a a™, Bruce Forsyth Stubby Kaye * George lessel . (x) 8 p.m.-10 p.m. -ALSO- /vice at 8:17 and Late f The Undergraduates! f vs. The Over Thirties!! -ALSO- LJ ~2/ Friday—TGIF -.and then, there are the people 12 p.m.-9:30 p.m. who steal people... sometimes for some very peculiar reasons... Every Afternoon--The Draft Marlon Brando (W&lk Coral Gables- The College Place with a Fain'llai* Faci NOW OPEN from 12 p.m.-2 a.m. for your convenience and party favors Richard Boone . t «Rv GE RSHWIN Night Mowing DAY Rita Moreno Pamela Franklin •Jess Hahn 0 THE BEER DEPOT g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 15, 1969 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Pay all bills NOW. Room 345 Student Services. 355-8255 Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent HflP The State Newt does net TV RENTALS. G.E. 19" portable- STODDARD APARTMENTS: now leas¬ CEDAR VILLAGE-1 girl. 9 month STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and permit racial or religious TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ $8.50 per month, including stand ing for fall term. 1-bedroom with lease, starting fall 351-5559. 351- discrimination In Its ad* eras, for FALL AND WINTER Call J.R CULVER COMPANY, 351- carpeting, balconies, laundry Call 4633 3-8/15 re wWrjofcYou vertlslng columns. The TERMS-State News Photographic. 301 Student Services Building. Ask 8862 217 Ann Street. East Lan- 332-0913 or ED 2-2920 3-8/15 State News will not accept for Mr Johnson. Monday through • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ Thursday. 9a.m. toSp.m. S Apartments CAPITOL VILLA • EMPLOYMENT inates against religion, WOODSIDE APARTMENTS l-bedro6m race, color or national or¬ HOUSEWIVES-BEE LINE Fashions FOUR-MAN apartment, furnished APARTMENTS with • FOR RENT carpeting, balconies, laundry, needs With swimming pool Heat paid igin. you. Earn average $8.00 security locks Call 351-4691 or • FOR SALE hour No investment needed Call $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ Married, post-grads,and sen¬ ED 2-2920. 1 apartment at reduced • LOST 4 FOUND 646-6676 or 646-5111 5-8/15 AGEMENT, 351-7880 C iors. 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ rates 'til September 11th. 3-8/15 t PERSONAL ments. From $150-$ 165.Near EAST LANSING, near-5906 Haslett- • PEANUTS PERSONAL FULL AND part time employment Campus. For Information call NEW, LUXURIOUS--1 and 2-bedroom. Okemos Road 2-bedroom, furnished • REAL ESTATE with full-line merchant wholesaler unfurnished in Okemos Carpeting New $180 per month • SERVICE Automotive Automobile required 337-1349 8:00 8644 contact Call 339- 332-5330. throughout, central air-conditioning, or apartment 3, after am.-5:00 p.m O 5 p.m. l'i baths, dishwasher, sun deck, swim¬ t TRANSPORTATION SIATA 5-8/19 1952 -Rare Italian car V-B ming pool. From $140 Management NORTHWEST-MODERN ground floor • WANTED conversion Incomplete *800 Racing Keypunch Operators 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, carpeted, by J R. CULVER COMPANY, 351- tirei fit Corvette, Dunebuggy 484- 8862 or 351-7894. C-8/22 5282 3-8/15 Day and evenings. Pull ( utilities Included. Adults. $140/ DEADLINE part time. Some experience month. 485-4123 3-8/15 SUNBEAM ALPINE. 1962 Converti¬ Alpha - Numeric. Call: Mrs. BAY COLONY TWO-BEDROOM, furnished apart¬ 1 P.m. on* cisss day be¬ ble Wire wheels 4-speed trans¬ Kathryn Phoenix, Mgr. of Pro¬ fore publication. mission 485-7907 2-8 15 duction, THE SERVICE BUR¬ ment. Modern Baby considered APARTMENTS 877-7051, after 2 p.m. 3-8/15 Cancellations - 12 noon on* EAU CORP., Subsidiary of Corner of Haslett and Haga- class day IBM. 2201 E. Grand River dorn Roads. Now taking leases btfoc* publica¬ TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL--195S HOLT AREA Available August 22nd tion. Oldsmobile-1150 355-2824 or 484 Avenue, Lansing, Mich. 48912. Unfurnished for September 1, 2 and 3 ONE GIRL needed for Haslett Arms l-h»"J^p-* Stove and 1022 apartments. Furnished or 3-8/15 Tel: An (517) 485-5495, 485-6745. apartment starting fall Call 351 refrigeral^^NTt-Wjuples on" man unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month equal opportunity employ- PHONE VALIANT-1963 2-door hardtop, 3144. 3-8 18 leases available. Call Jack au¬ tomatic, low mileage, perfect 351- Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. 355-8255 5306 3-8/19 NEEDED: GIRL for 4-girl Delta 401 FAIRVIEW. South--! v *er 3 rooms and bath, fum'-',-,^O'ities paid ENGINEER FULL or part-time And now some news on that hushed Arms Apartments $68 485-0816 RATES VALIANT CONVERTIBLE 1963 Good With mediate 1st class FCC openings license Call Im¬ 482-1333 up Green Beret trial In Viet Nam! 1-8/15 V&* 1 NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS-1 tires, fair condition Best offer to 5 10-8/19 NEED FOR fall, 1 girl for 4-girl man deluxe apartments Air- I ddy 11.50 351 6245 5-8/20 1 block from conditioning, swimming pool, from 54 Mr word par day SCHOOL BUS driver apartment Dorm deposit guaranteed campus 351-5575 711 EAST $125 Management by J R. CULVER 3 dovi VOLKSWAGEN -1968. sunroof Radio applications are 711 Burcham Dr. J4.00 1-8/15 COMPANY, 351-8862 C-8/22 9.700 miles Excellent condition being taken for September 1969 13 1/2# par woru per aey 332-8155 2-8 15 Minimum of 4 hours per day i morn¬ Employment Employment NEED GIRL for 2-girl, starting fall. New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ 5 days $6.50 ings and afternoons) Must be at ished 3 man apts. leasing for TWO MEN for Meadowbrook Trace least 21 years of age. possess good TEACHERS OPENINGS many fields, WAITRESSES AND barmaid 21 or Next to campus Call Sue, 332 l&t per word per day various localities CLINE TEACH 4518 or 355-0366 3-8/19 fall now 1 year or 9 mo. Apartments Reasonable price. 351- driving record, and able to pass over Own transportation TOWN 37W 5-8/19 ERS AGENCY, 129 Grand River PUMP, 307 South Grand 3-8 18 leases. (based 10 words physical Phone 393-3450. extension on per *d) 4 11-8/22 7-8 22 FOUR-MAN apartment in old Cedar IV 9-9651 or There will be a Village Call 353-0800 ask for MLS" ONE GIRL needed fall term only 50< service SAGINAW CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for a clin¬ Mary After 5:30 p.m 351-4939 - ical director and school director Capitol Villa Apartments. 332-8491 and bookkeeping charge if BABYSITTER NEEDED by faculty Join in a modern, progressive edu 3-8 18 at a private school for emotional¬ EAST LANSING 2 roommates to this ad is not paid within couple for 1 small child Light cational atmosphere in the SAGINAW share luxury townhouse $55 351- CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Teach ly disturbed children. Call Mr one week. housework Beginning September 1. Gotcher, (313 >-341-8673. or write 8575. after 5 p.m. 5-8 18 needed for 1969 70 in LEASING, IMMEDIATE occupancy- Full time. Okemos, 351-7220 5-8/19 ers now 18977 Schaffer. Detroit 48235 COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham industrial arts, oral-deaf, library 8-8/15 The State News will be TWO GIRLS for Haslett Arms Apart and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- EARN EXTRA money-vending oppor¬ ments 9 or 12 months lease start¬ bedroom. furnished For profession¬ responsible only for the 1968 VW Camper Present salary range $6.8* first day's Incorrect inser¬ tunity, low investment Laminate $10,288 Full medical coverage, For Rent ing September 18th Desperate' al. graduate students, college fa¬ Pop top, ice box, stove, sink, identification cards, photos in clear life insurance, unlimited sick leave Call Karen or Vicki, 332-1685 culty or personnel Select clientele tion. after 2 p.m. 3-8/15 ALSO, other new apartments avail¬ water supply. Sleeps 2 adults, plastic No heat or electricity Com¬ accumulation Write or call Mr RENT A TV from a TV Company- pact simple operation 50 percent $9 00 month Call 337-1300 able for June and September leas¬ 2 children. 110 watt hookup. William G Seharffe 550 Millard per return Write Box A-l. State News NEJAC TV RENTALS C APARTMENT, FURNISHED, 2 or 3 ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 Luggage rack. Tires like new. Saginaw, Michigan 48807 < 5171 or phone Grand Rapids, 458-9118, girls needed Walking distance 9 Automotive 17,000 miles. $2400.00. Call »ftar$pm 3-1/16 755-6501, extension 212 5 8 20 months occupa ncy 381 -7989 8-8/15 NEW GE portable* and stand* rented 351-0098. ONLY to M8U student* and faculty 414 SOUTH Pine, Lansing Two I- USHERETTES PART Time, «v*n $8 84 month (include* taxi STATE EAST 3008 Woodruff I bedroom bedrooms l furnished, $106 l un¬ VOLKSWAGEN 1966 1500 S#d«n, tngi and weekends Apply SPARTAN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, 444 luxury apartment Air conditioned, furnished, $100 Utilities paid Da- sunroof, heater radial* 487 TWIN THEATRE, Krander Shopping Michigan Avenue 332-8887 C carpeted, security lock with inter posit required Call Richard Al¬ CHEVROLET lmtt ga. MM 3-8/16 Cantor 4-8/1® BARTENDERS EXPERIENCED Day com, carport, major appliances ba n, 8 a m 5 p m , 372-9730 or Phone 882 4922 or 486-4840 8 8 22 813 Remenl AM KM or night shifi Apply GRANDMOTH TV RENTALS-Student* only Low 8p m-8pm ,337-2510 5-8/18 CLERK TYPIST Experience ERS, 332 8585 5 8 20 monthly and term rates Call 484 NEED MAN for River* Edge fall Auto Service & Parte wry Must be excellent typist (min neces MOO to reserve yours UNIVERSITY Call collect i313>-KE 7-1010 CEDAR VIEW Apartments-Married GIRL FOR 4-girl Available August COMET CYCLONE 1964 4 speed imum 70 words minute i, fa TV RENTALS C 5-8 15 post-graduates, and seniors Near 15th Close to campus 332-0773 ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA¬ per WANTED A woman for weekend, Bucket seats Consider trade fur miliarity with IBM Selectnc and campus 351-5647 4-8/15 4-8/15 MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small sleep-in job Duties companion motorcycle 332-6978 5-8 15 transcription equipment helpful Sal THINK OF THE BENEFITS dents to large wrecks American ship to 3 older people Prepare CAMPUS NEAR-227 Bo«ue. Single ary $375 month to start An Equal and their meals Call after like extra cash! Sell things you no and foreign cars Guaranteed work serve girl to share small 1 bedroom furn¬ Cam Opportunity Employer Call 351 8 p.m for appointment. 332-8881 longer need with Classified Ads ished apartment $60 489-5922. 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C us 4741 2-8 15 2-8 15 351-6796 5-8 20 If 427 HI PO Ford, complete engine 1964 $400 663-3756. after 6 p.m Any time weekends 3-8 18 CORVETTE 1960 2 tops, new tires MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ mazoo Complete Street auto sion service IV 5-0256 painting Since 1940 and colli¬ C e Hi Your Best Buy In a Oray exterior, black interior 351 OT49 3-8/15 4-man apartment Aviation • Party lounge FIREBIRD. 1987 Beautiful V 8. tachometer, ovals, vinyl top. atuo FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to matic 482-6493 1-8/15 learn In the PIPER CHEROKEE" Luxury Furnishings Special $5 offer 484-1324 C e Large apartments FORD CONVERTIBLE 1963 Red Great condition New top good tires, new muffler 486 0961 5 pm 7 Scooters & Cycles Pm CUSTOM HONDA Metal flaka finish J.R. Culver Co. J.R. Culver Co. FOR SALE 1987 Tempest 4 door TT pipes 380cc 358 2824. 484 6-cyllnder OHC Automatic trans 1022 3-8/18 217 Ann St. 351-8862 217 Ann St. 351-8862 misilon, power steering Phone 489 7398 5 8,19 MUST SELL. Drafted [.ate model MAIL wall $196 TRUCJl'-^t 4sSO»-U O 4 ton Runs 38/15 ™ WS B"uU,ul ,4M M».19 Per Person Cost Comparison '69' Dor 1 Rates Fall '69' Beechwood MONZA CORVA1R 1964 4 speed HONDA SCHAMM,EH. 1968 125 <■<■ $205.00 Meals $ 80.00 Meals Good condition 1450 IV 9-4930 1.090 miles Call before 5 pm 110.00 Rent 3-8/15 482 2754 5-820 150.00 Rent 11.00 Other (Interest) 12.00 Utilities MUSTANG 1965- Fastback 289 . 4bbl . „ ' Ul4, $326.00 Total $242.00 Total 4 speed Good condition 8*4-0873 BIKE HELMETS 305 Honda 1965 5-8/19 «°od transportation 351 7596. SAVE $84 At Beechwood . , . Apt. 1130 Beech St. MUSTANG-1985'. GT. 4 speed, ra- dial body tires, work. good 46.000 condition, miles needs $700 BSA VICTOR--1968 Excellent condition 2.500 $650 miles 372-1567 Halstead Management 351-3358 5*8/15 IV 7-3731 Rich Maury 5-8/15 351-7910 MUSTANG 1969 V-8. automatic HHB UBD C1HBEI 12.300 noon Call 882 5914 after 3-8 18 12 <7Vortli CROSSWORD PUZZLE mm sraiii lirum mtaiflrarauii rcsirara OLDSMOBILE 1963-Moto & Pointe Model Now Ooen ACROSS 1. Breach 28 Utmost hyperbole ocqh r:ini=j I p.m. - 6 p.m. 4. Heavy 29 Numeral aranHO Phone 332-6441 7. Unhurt 30. Give forth mncra obei ana OLDSMOBILE 1961 ic good transportation V-8 automat $150 Call ' Swimming Available for fall leasing 31. Study raaa isjara hhqh 32 Excavated 332-4558 5-8 20 Pool 33. Allude to HHHHGia ESSIin OLDSMOBILE 96 1969 2-door Twycklngham Apartments are now leasing student units for the fall of 15. White 35, Saxhorn hardtop Executive car All acces 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are completely carpeted and vestments 37. Emanation HHHH sories car Real sharp ordered 677-0671 Must sell New 2-8 15 furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has 16. Anc. Ital 41. Missile aaara ana araa shelter 9-month a dishwasher, garbage disposal and Individual control-central air condit¬ family 17. Copycat 42. Handler heed @aa usa • lease at OLDSMOBILE 1961 Super 88 ex ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute 18. Yellow 45. Ardor cellent condition 39.000 miles Air no extra charge drive puts you on campus. The student's [leisure time has been adequately 46. Demolishing 4. Conifer conditioning, full power, new tires 1550 Phone 882 2739 1-8/15 planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and 22. Springe 47 Existed 5. Anecdotage 48. Notwith¬ 1. Highwind 6 Hindu cymbals private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycklng¬ 24. Title PLYMOUTH 1963 tion Excellent condi |500 Ginzburg, 353 7865. day J.R. Culver Co. ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. 27. Game played on horseback standing 49. Besides 2. Too bad 3. Golf stroke 7. 8 Detergent Charged 217 Ann St. T" 9. Feverish 351-8862 2 3 6 7 8 9 .0 % time 356-7899, evenings 3-8/19 * " 12 i 13 10. Dawn goddess 12 Converge 17. Nitrogen 14 15 19. Met. production 16 <7 THERMO % Yo &% $ 20. Apple KING AUTO AIR | j %%% e "9 21 2l 55 21. Arab, letter 23. Girl's ' 2d nickname CONDITIONING j r ^ 4620 S. Hagador Haaadorn 2* 26 26 27 24. Turf 29 3o Si 25. Useless 3U-T FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES % $ 26. Customary TWCKW6HAM APTS. Management Exclusively By: 32 35 % 36 33 37 d% % U to 40 34. Shower 36. Humerus %41 % 42 43 & 38. Army detachment 39. Nevada resort ALCO Management Company •45 1 •*6 4fe >+9 40. Jason's ship 41. Hemstitch 42. Endeavor Now Accepting Nine Month Leases 482-3379 •47 % 43. Herb of grace 44. River island 800 «£. KALAMAZOO Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, August 15, 1969 9 For Rent For Rent Personal Lethal TROWBRIDGE APARTMENTS for 2 MEN -LARGE house Cooking, park cited 9 and 12 month leases BOARD, ROOM, compensation, warm 351-7399 ii«, barbeque Close 332-0939 transport home environment for coed willing gas 8-8/15 • 5-8/19 to do light housework, ironing, for motherless home 337-2304 5-8/19 SINGLE ROOM for male graduate Quiet, good location, parking IV 2- TV RENTALS. G.E. 19" portable 8304 3-8/19 WASHINGTON (AP) - The A department spokesman said tanks valves are not equipped Moines at a location within 100 copy of a letter to President HOUSES AND apartments for fall. -$8.50 per month, including stand Dept. of Transportation said the shipment going Nixon urging him "to have this We pay all your utilities Close to Call J R. CULVER COMPANY. 351 separately to with a 8as protective cov- yards of homes. Thursday that a chemical firm Louisiana consists of eight flat- matter thoroughly campus Call NEJAC. 337-1300 For Sale 3862 217 Ann Street. East Lan- er- The Congressman was re- investigated C-8/22 is shipping by train more than cars each with 15 one ton tanks Army plans to ship 21,000 ported vacationing in Canada, to insure that the safety of the DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and! 300 tons of lethal gas from American public is protected." LARGE HOUSES -3 and 4-bedroom of phosgene. tons of obsolete but lethal but his office alsb released engagement ring sets. Save 50 per Near downtown Lansing Available cent or more. Large selection of Real Estate Denver, Colo., to Lockport, At the Pentagon, the Army chemical warefare agents to the for students September 1. Mr plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 N.Y., and to Bessemer, La. pointed out that Rocky Mountain Atlantic Ocean for dumping last OKEMOS-2134 Lagoon Drive. Tacoma Thornburg. 484-5315 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 The information was detailed Arsenal announced 10 days May caused such a furor the Court nominee 3-8/15 East Michigan 485-4391 Hills, executive's home, 3 bedrooms, ago C response to a statement by that it was resuming routine 2xt baths, 2,400 square feet Extras. P^an was discarded and the THREE-FIVE studious girls- Septem¬ Porch, patio, swimming pool. Pri¬ Rep Richard D. McCarthy, D- shipments of chemical phosgene Pentagon set up special rules ber 15 to June 15. Furnished, FREE PARKING at of rear store, vacy. 337-0957 5-8/15 N.Y., calling attention to the purchased by private com- covering shipments. clean $65 month 332-5320 after for your conveneicne OPTICAL DIS¬ (continued from page one) to the 4th Circuit Court by for- 6 pm. 5-8/18 COUNT. 2615 East shipment. panies. It has said Michigan Aven¬ MSU FACULTY and married stu¬ A spokesman for the depart¬ The Transportation Dept. only that a nomi- mer President Dwight D. Eisen- ue 372-7409 C-8'15 Officials said the announce¬ dents: We specialize in residen¬ granted a special permit for nation will be announced late hower in 1956 and became chief LOVELY. FURNISHED ment's Federal Railroad Ad¬ ment was made then because 2-bedroom tial, commercial and investment that train, too, this week or the first of next house 634 South Francis Available SONY HAS ministration said Jones Chemi¬ "we don't want then withdrew judge of the court in 1964. a new cassette player properties. Call the WALTER NEL- everybody to it. week. now. or sublease to September 15 for your car See it, hear it cal Co. of Batavia. N.Y.. pur¬ 351-5696 now get panicked when they see Clarence Mitchell, director of 5-8/18 at MAIN ELECTRONICS. 5558 South The chased one shipment of phos¬ these containers." Transportation Dept. the Washington bureau of the Pennsylvania. Lansing. 882-5035 c gene gas from the Army and The spokesman said the spe¬ spokesman said the latest ship¬ comfortable 3 bedroom home Se GARAGE SALE: 1120 Wildwood East Lansing. 10 a.m.-8 Friday, August 15th, Drive, THREE BEDROOM ranch garage 63 X182' lot Finished base¬ 2car is shipping it from Rocky Moun tain Arsenal to Lockport under cial permit was necessary be- cause the tanks containing the ment is going to Vandemark In¬ dustries in Lockport for pro¬ National Association for the Ad¬ vancement of Colored People, (NAACP) said in an interview Students p.m Household furni¬ cessing into either a herbicide parate bedrooms, furnished Call ture, typewriter, tools, other neat ment $22,500 Assume mortgage a special permit granted by the gas hadn't been hydrostatically the NAACP is opposed to Hayns- after 5 30 p.m.. anytime on week 1842 Melrose. 332-3860 or synthetic foam. stuff 8-8/22 tested annually and because the ends. 351-0668 or 484 0146 2-8 15 3-8/15 worth's appointment. The spokesman said Jones HOLT AREA-By owner 3-bedroom W.e feel that in his key deci- a yme when most students are HASLETT THREE Bedroom ranch Chemical ships under a per¬ BOGEN 90 watt amp: Columns 18- Moving, must sell 694-0931 No sions he has clearly taken a po- Range, oven, refrigerator, washer 12"). Jensen Sunday calls 5-8/19 mit granted two years ago. trying to arrange financing for Propagandist speakers After 6 sition in favor of segregation," dryer Carpeting, drapes Full base p.m., 337 1818 the coming school year. 3-8 19 ment. carport large lot No stu¬ OKEMOS The spokesman said the spe Mitchell said. If Havnsworth is What to do9" a Redlands. AREA--6 room--brick--3- dents $175 month plus utilities KODEL THROW rugs. Dacron cur¬ bedrooms-new carpeting and drapes- cial permit for this shipment nominated, Mitchell said the Calif., mother asks Secretary of Call 882 2359 5-8 20 tains, gold drapes. 8 X12 Bigelow l'j baths, NAACP will ask for an oppor- large kitchen wiw. built- vas granted a month ago. Welfare Robert H. Finch. "Have carpet-All perfect condition, half ins, breakfast area-paneled (continued from page one) 1958 when he sought to divert recrea¬ tunity to present his record at a • completed the student loan SAINT LAWRENCE area-3-bedroom. price. Call 351-5543 S tion room - 2 fireplaces - patio - The shipper is required to attached 2-car garage - large lot Kiangsu, Chekiang, Kwangtung the Chinese people s attention Senate Judiciary Committee application for federally in- Completely furnished House 2-4 stu¬ and Fukien. across the Taiwan dents 337-2683. after 5 p.m. 4-8 15 after 6 p.m., ED 2- hearing tentatively set for Sept. Sured loan for our daughter and 2986 strait from Nationalist China. 9. now can't locate a lending in- 4-8 15 guards or speed restrictions Mitchell said that several stitution to THREE MEN looking for house and get the funds, Service But despite the outpouring of were applied, he said. weeks ago Roy Wilkins. execu- -Our hopes were high when i-avectives against Russia and ur¬ Then the outside enemy was The spokesman said the ship¬ tive secretary of the NAACP. had we heard of the federal loan THREE-BEDROOM unfurnished on gent demands for war prepara¬ Nationalist China and the Unit¬ ment consists of 14 flatcars written to Nixon urging that program for the middle class- acre lot Williamston $160 Call tions, the broadcasts appeared ed States and he initiated Chi- containing 15 one-ton tanks Havnsworth not be appointed. after6p m .655-1508 5-8 18 to be of home front es'-only to find it is a hoax ALTERATIONS and dressmaking by more a na s poUnding artillerv attack each "We got an acknowledgement and one cannot obtain the funds." FREE KITTENS To good home experienced seamstress Reason propaganda exercise than a real against lhe Nationalists' off- Asked for comment on how from somebody." Mitchell saick she continued. "Please re- THREE BEDROOMS $160 month Part Siamese & Angora 372-6583 able charge. Call 355-5855 0-8/19 indication that Peking actually shore islands of Quemov and An aide to Javits confirmed . hazardous the shipment could new our faith in America and plus utilities No students 1842 after 3:30 p.m S-8 15 expects major war as a result ot Matsu. - - be considered, that the senator wrote a letter education-and tell me where I East Grand River. Okemos, or call the spokesman 337-7198 Typlng Service recent clashed on the border be¬ to Nixon last week outlining 1-8 15 The United States and Nation¬ said, "the shipment could be can get the funds for this last tween the Soviet Union and Chi BARBI MEL Typing, multilithing made without special permis¬ Haynsworth's rulings in civil year of school, na's Sinkiang Province. alist China still hold high priori- No job too large or too small sion if the valves were protect- rights cases and advising against " This from a Minneapolis girl: Block off campus. 332-3255 C his appointment. "I am APPROVED FOR Although vastly increased working but will not number and in violence of their Although the aide declined to be able to meet the 35 per cent ANN BROWN Typist and mulUlith vated the hated Soviet "revi- make the letter public. Javits tuition increase at the univer- offset printing Dissertations, theses, wording. the broadcasts were, sionists" to top-ranked enemy manuscripts, general typing. IBM nevertheless, only an extension reportedlv wrote that if Hayns- sity this fall withont a loan. " 332 4546 Ask status and can point to actual worth were given a seat on the 19 years experience 332-8384 C of what some of the most com- McCarthy's statement quoted An Orlando. Fla . woman fighting by that enemy on ..itnesses in Des Moines, Iowa, Supreme Court, it could only writes that without a loan her petent professional China ana- fighting by that enemy on be viewed as a staggering blow SPARTAN HALL-men. women, sin¬ TERM PAPERS, theses, manuscripts as say,ng half of the tanks on college son "is most certainly Accurate, reasonable Call me 372 lysts here consider an attempt, Chinese soil, the flatcars were rusty and to the cause of civil rights." gles. doubles Parking, laundry jn a position to lose all the 372-1031. 337-0648 X19-8 22 1028 Smith Corona 400 Electric by the Communist hierarchy to held in place by stakes and Civil rights leaders are known m0ney he has invested to fur- 3-8 18 establish an "outside enemy" Sa^s one °f Hong Kong's ex- chains. They were quoted as to have met with some union ther his education." around arounu which wnicn to 10 patch up some paicn Pei"ts~ on — China: - "If " Mao was University Villa FAST, EFFICIENT typing of your of the factional strife and chaos looking for an outside enemy as sav;na there were no guards at representatives to discuss their Lost & Found crossings "I am a sophomore at the railr°a* crossings as the the train opposition to Haynsworth's ex works Reasonable References avail¬ as 635 Abbott Rd. able 351-6756 that tore through China during an internal unifving focal point. passed through Des Moines, train BLACK MALE kitten. toed Vi¬ 3-8/15 Mao's three-year cultural revo¬ i ., -j. and there is every indication he . . pected nomination. Reportedly. Florida A&M University 6 and I would like to ask I 2 and 3 person apartments lution purge of his enemies. was. the new border clashes these labor people are consider- J * 'J a ques¬ cinity Stoddard Street Reward' 339- DISCOUNT PRINTING theses." re¬ Phosgene is a gas used in tion." says another letter writ¬ (2 bedroom flexible units), 9391 2-8 18 term could not have come at a better World War I and was blamed ing joining in the opposition. sumes. thesis binding . papers, furnished and Lowest prices available Located Communist China has been Despite these rumblings, sup- er. "Why is it so hard for poor completely car¬ for 80 per cent of the war's peted, air conditioning, 5 LOST THURSDAY Silver Swank across from campus on corner of hammering the "prepare for casualties due to chemical war¬ porters of Havnsworth said he Negroes to obtain one of those watch, with I D band In Bessey blocks from campus, 9 or 12 men's room. John, 351-4249 1-8 15 M A C and Grand River, below The war" theme for weeks in an fare. The gas, made from car¬ should have little difficulty in federally insured student loans? Style Shop Call COPYGRAPH SERV winning confirmation by * the month lease. "My mother and I have both LOST AUGUST 8 Black male dog. ICES, 337-1666 42-8 22 "outside enemy'' campaign sim¬ ilar to that which Mao U' bond director bon monoxide and chlorine in Senate. tried very hard to seek help on staged in the presence of a catalyst, part Schnauzer Reward' 332-0325 So far, however, liberal Dem- tire outside and there is no one Hal stead Management 2-8/18 PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique caused a severe and often fatal t0 help us." the letter con- Summer HAPPENING quality thesis service IBM typing, on Kansas trip edema of the lungs some hours ocratic senators have declined 351-7910 rental vacancies with filling Classified multiUth, printing and hard binding after it is inhaled. to comment, saying they don't eludes. 337-1527 C know enough about Hanysworth An Ads. Call 355-8255 now! ingiewood. Calif woman and want to await an official McCarthy reported the train an- reports that without g ,oan her nouncement by the President. svmposium for band directors f31 for the Denver Colo area three hours and sat for an Haynsworth whose home is in daughter "will have to give up her teaching ambition and go to hour and 20 minutes in Des Greenville. S.C.. was appointed work " Cedar Village The seminar ending Friday Transportation is called "The Band Director and His Role in Music Edu¬ cation." Directors have Collins ordered to trial (continued from page one) REGULAR ''..UK been studying conducting, mu- missing from her left arm said the cut ends of all the Hendrix provided grisly par and chest hairs were "similar sicianship. administration and ticulars of Miss Beineman's There were also abrasions and He indicated all had been band philosophy. death. bruises circling both ankles and trimmed by a pair of hair Begian will also conduct the Hendrix said Miss Beineman Wanted Honor Band at the 1969 High wrists, he said, and a small clippers kept in the home. The Was strangled, but that her piece of coarse gold cloth BLOOD DONORS NEEDED $7 50 fo. Plains Band Camp in Kansas, death could have been caused was clippers were introduced as evi- STUDENT APARTMENTS all positive. A negative. B negative and AB negative $10.00 O nega¬ Begian is also affiliated with by "extensive" brain damage from a beating with a blunt stuffed in her throat. Other witnesses testified her dence. The house belongs to an un- tive $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN the National Music Camp at undergarments were "covered" cle of Collins. State Police CPL. \ 2 BEDROOM ITY Grand BLOOD River CENTER East Lansing 507'2 East Above Interlochcn. the M:chigan Opera instrument. He "also said her chest bore with cut hairs from the head of a white person. They linked David Leik. Leik testified that Collins had the of the house the new Campus Book Store Hours Company of Detroit, and the run International strange discolorations that he the hairs with others found on while the 9 a.m. to 3 30 p.m Monday. Tues¬ Symphony Or¬ could not family was on va- day. Wednesday, and Friday Thurs chestra at Port Huron, and explain and that the basement floor of the Yp- cation July 18-29. NOW LEASING FOR FAll dav. 12to6:30p m 337-7183 ' C Sarnia. Ont. "many patches of skin were silanti home believed to be the murder site and with samples Leik periors said he called upon his return from va his su- * SOUNDPROOFED Wanted for the new snipped from the head of a cation when he found patches * state police detective. of black paint sprayed on the AMPLE PARKING concrete floor in the basement Walter L. Holz. a criminal¬ * 9 OR 12 MO. LEASES laundry room. He said he found istics Meijer Thrifty Acres expert from the Michi¬ "what appeared to be blood" * BEST LOCATION IN gan Dept. of Public Health. under the paint EAST LANSING OKEMOS Four candidates PHONE 332-5051 Self-Service Department Store (continuted from page one) groups may be readilv accommo- Miss Gebelein noted that dated. Full and Part-time CLERKS "a couple candidates are more It - is. however, the frank Experience preferred and recognized -- But not required outstanding than others. spirit of this instrument, She said she thought GROCERY, PRODUCE, FROZEN FOODS, and DAIRY CLERKS all the candidates that that the board shall appoint would be a person from the Recommended (up to $3.00 per hour) ON THE TRAIL! Full-time clerks in these departments start at $2.30 per hour: are automatically in¬ the type student support to really "That was the students' most rally List (list of four)." the re- port states. - creased to $2.55 at 6 months; and $2.74 at 12 months seniority. Part-time food depart¬ important consideration in get- Hathaway said Thursday after- NO - WE WON'T HUNT ment clerks start at $1.76 per hour and through automatic progressions reach the $2.74 ting the four names, she said noon he was "very pleased" rate with 36 months seniority. Miss Gebelein said she planned with the committee's progress to make a statement to the YOU DOWN WITH A GUN and "very tired, Wearing Apparel, Toys, Sporting goods, Small and Large Appliances, Domestics, Pets, trustees at the dinner meeting Everybody was on their best Garden, Shoes, Housewares, Hardware, Home Improvement, Jewelry, Health and Beauty Thursday night that this was behavior Wednesday night." he Aids, Snack Bar, Donut Shop. the last list she would submit, said, "and just sat down and HOWEVER - Full and part-time clerks in these departments begin at $1.65 per hour and progress to $1.72 with 6 months seniority. At one year these positions advance to $1.85 per hour. Full-time clerks in these departments continue to receive automatic increases each 6 providing that all the the list are available. "Right now, they are avail¬ men got the job done.' months up to $2.25 per hour. able. and I would only work on Student Ads must be paid by August 11, and submitting a new list if some of the candidates removed their prepaid August 11 - 22, or you go on the HOLD ALL CLERKS ALSO RECEIVE: names for personal reasons." list. This means no registration, no diploma, she said. no transcripts, Paid vacations "But if the trustees don't like no nothing, until paid. • • Paid Insurance • Opportunity to Advance into management The Beal Film Group will pre¬ • Paid Holidays 0 Birthday Bonus • Paid coffee breaks our list. I won't hand in another sent John Ford's "The Informer" Free one." at 7 and 9 tonight and Sat¬ • parking The list of four So, hurry up and pay up! wiy not be urday night in 108B Wells. Ad¬ released to the public by the mission is 50 cents. ID s are ADDITIONAL FULL-TIME BENEFITS trustees or AUSSC. According not Room 347 required. to the guidelines for AUSSC. • Paid hospitalization for family the board cold suggest its own The University of Man and Student Services Building • Profit-sharing retirement plan candidate. Nature (U of MAN) Bookstore The report states. "Ideally, and The Committee to End the Interviews conducted of course, the hope is that the August 12, 13 and 14. Apply at: War will hold a concert at board's preferences and the 8 tonight in the Union Ball¬ MICHIGAN STATE NEWS MICHIGAN EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION 3215 South Pennsylvania Ave. LANSING prederences of the committee will be found to coincide, or at least partially to overlap, room. the der, fwith Performers will include Maxx and Virgin Thun¬ light show a by so that the interests of both BrainTree. Friday, August 15, 1969 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Guards interrupt still receiving manna, Pentagon mass WASHINGTON enment guards rested 34 persons who tried to (AP) - Thursday ar- Gov- the General Services Adminis- tration force which polices the Pentagon said the group was vi- local Egyptian stage a requiem mass at the dating government regulations CAIRO (AP)-Anyone who marzipan What about the Msgr. Bede as a student, and there I sub¬ Pentagon mourning Vietnam concerning unlawful assembly, calls on the pastor of Our Lady My relatives in Iraq often himself mitted a sample to a well-known war dead. and asked Bury to leave of Fatima church in suburban send boxes of it," he me ex Personally." he told a visi¬ laboratory for analysis. Those arrested included mem- "We'd like to pray," Bury an- Heliopolis these days is likely to plains, "They send it either with tor. "I do not believe that man "But after several experi¬ bers of the Quaker Action swered as members of the get a bite of manna, the "bread Iraqi students on their way to na flakes are a miracle. There¬ ments, and attempts at analy-' Group. War Resisters League group began singing protest of heaven"' which the Bible says Egypt or with tourists." fore, I seek to explain it to my¬ sis. my chemist friend con¬ and other antiwar organiza- songs. Maddock shook his head nourished the Hebrews across The monsignor sometimes self. and to others who ask me fessed himself just as puzzled as tions. They did not resist ar no the Sinai desert on their exodus carries manna along with him about it, as the result of a chain »I was. rest. Still refusing to leave. mem- from Egypt to the Promised when invited to lunch in homes of atmospheric reactions. But Father Hank Bury, who iden- bers of the group were led away Land. or at official gatherings where tified himself as a Catholic to police vans. One young wom- just how. or why. I cannot tell. The monsignor referred to the The pastor, the Rt. Rev. he offers a taste to other guests. Anyway," he added with a biblical significance of manna priest from Minnesota. was an who was arrested carried a Ephren Bede. has a steady He delights in telling about grin, "I am not the only person - the Lord taking care of His praying "for the victims and two-year-old child, supply of manna which he gfen manna. to be baffled by this phenome destitute people and the account their executioners" in Vietnam It was the second time in re- erously distributes to members non. I went to Paris in the 1940s of it in Exodus. when uniformed police moved in cent weeks that the group tried of the parish and other friends Msgr. Bede claims that an on the group in the Pentagon s to conduct a mass inside the and guests. Monsignor Bede is inexplicable natural phenome¬ concourse, a large shopping Pentagon only to be arrested, the local vicar for the parish of non continually supplies some area in the building. On the previous occasion, the the Chaldean rite of the Cath¬ regions of Iraq with this biblical Asst. Chief James Maddock of group used a chapel-like setting olic church. bread. He asserts that soft, i the concourse, equipped with snow-like flakes descend on the an altar and an organ, where Of Iraqi origin, Msgr Bede desert during droughts, services are often held during gets an occasional box of manna The monsignor says that man Stormy the noon hour. This time, however. Pentagon from his family back in south- ern Iraq, a region known histor na flakes have fallen on regions of Iraq since the beginning of officials had stripped the cha¬ Chute the works ically as Chaldea. This is the re- time. People who live nearby go pe! of its few furnishings, roped gion reputed to be the birth- sets back it off and put up Keep Out" The equipment being used to put a new roof on the place of Abraham and the to the desert in groups to gather it at dawn. Many have come to signs. Physics-Astronomy Bldg., stand momentarily aban¬ original home of the Jews. know, by tradition or family Maddock said those arrested doned as the maintenance crew takes a break for As received from Iraq, manna lore, how to conserve it. for Irish would be taken before a judge nearby Alexandria. Va to lunch. The old roof on the building had to be re¬ dough is off white in color, has the consistency of homemade Families bake it according to in . placed because it leaked. various recipes handed down Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS be charged. State News photo by Wayne Munn fudge and tastes somewhat like frpm their ancestors. THE DISPUTE: Roman Cath "In Iraq." the monsignor re¬ olics. outnumbered two to one lates "people regard the exist¬ by Protestants in Northern Ire¬ land. claim they are subject to KEEPS STIFF UPPER LIP ence ways. of manna in different Some villagers believe it HEIRLOOM RINGS discrimination in such matters to be a gift from God. and they jobs, housing and voting. Mustache expels student as are all the more delighted in the THE CAUSES: The trouble early autumn and spring sea¬ Midnight velvet antique styled bridal sets. is rooted in the history of Ire¬ sons when manna is known to Clockwise from noon: $175. $250. $225. $350. land; first under English dom¬ come down. Center: $150. ination and then in an Ireland she said. Greg Stoecker. Plymouth Whose picture was it? after a hotel maid discovered "Middle class divided between the predomin The wire arrived later Satur¬ people usually sophomore, has always found it None other than Nikolai Len- his art work, take a more sophisticated atti¬ antly Catholic south and the hard to resist embellishing a in. "He probably did it," his day night and said. "Greg in tude by just acknowledging it as mainlv Protestant north. picture with a mustache, but Stoecker. who had been study- sister Sue. 16. said "There's Copenhagen for political rea¬ THE BACKGROUND: In 1916 sons. Not serious. natural fact. Religious people the last time he did it. he ing in Moscow this summer with never been a magazine in the following an uprising against found himself booted out of Mrs Stoecker said that she and the ecclesiastical group, on a group of MSU students, house that he didn't draw a mus- the British. Ireland became a Russia. was expelled from the country had received a letter from her the other hand, jealously keep tacheon " republic. This was followed by a His mother. Mrs. Don Stoec¬ son Thursday. civil war. which resulted in the "He just said that he is en¬ 121 S. Washington-Lansing, Michigan ker. said that she and her hus¬ division between the '26 counties of the south and the six conties of the north. The south has a Police step band weren't very concerned about the incident now joying Copenhagen and that it's a different kind of life than in Russia." She added. "He also Save up to s15000 on a complete T elefunken UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN population of 2.910.000: the At first we were concerned." said that the food is good stereo component system SEVENTH-DAY haird she said, but added that their north. 1.502.000 THE POLITICS: The north is dominated by the Unionist par for local fears were calmed when she re¬ ceived a phone call from their on "I'm sure he has no idea of all the commotion that's here because of the going inci¬ Nejac of East Lansing ADVE NT 1ST CHURCH WORSHIP Martin Luther Chapel 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 Sabbath School 9:30 Lutheran Student Center ty. which is Protestant, related The Michigan State Police and Coast Guard are continuing dent," she said 444 Abbott Road to the British Conservatives and an "intensive search" for an East Lansing hairdresser and Worship Service 11:00 "Our boy called last Satur * devoted to Northern Ireland s his family missing since Aug 8 in the Upper Peninsula University 310 UNIVERSITY Meeting at Sermon presented by Mr and Mrs. John Carver of 823 Maryland. Lansing, day from Copenhagen and said 504 Ann St. ties to Britain The Nationalists, that there had been a problem Christian BAPTIST Wardcliff who are Catholic, are sprung and their son. Christopher. 6. were last seen July 30 (Corner of Division) Rev. David Kruse in Russia and that we would from the anti British rebels at Rock Harbor on Isle Royale. 48 miles off the Lake Church CHURCH Sch°o1 Loy G. Foil, Pastor get a wire explaining from the who iought England a half Superior shoreline at Copper Harbor director of the (American Baptist) Service at 9:30 study group." century ago. The Carver family was scheduled to pick up their other Gerard G. Phillips, Pastor. The top-heavy Protestant son on Aug. 8 at a YMCA camp near Harrison When they did not come, camp officials contacted Carver's brother. 332-2559 nursery majority means that the Nation¬ Worship 10:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. alists are outvoted on major is- William, in Lansing to pick up the child Church School 11:10 a.m. Peoples Church F irst Church of Five ground parties and a number of Coast Guard boats Wednesday prayer U niverslty Lutheran North Ireland's government, and planes are searching the area for any trace of the hour 6:45 p.m. East Lansing Christ Scientist Carvers. The family car and boat trailer were found Tuesday KAIL RUFFNER, Minister 709 E. Grand River under new leadership, has moved Free Bus Service Interdenominational meet of the Cath¬ at the Copper Harbor Marina 332-5193 332-3035 and East Lansing to some Nursery 332-1888 Carver and his wife. Elise. own and operate Mr John's olics' complaints, but the pace 200 W. Grand River Sunday Service 10 a.m. has not satisfied many of them. Hair Fashions. 510 1 2 East Grand River FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH at Michigan The situation has been aggra An employe at the shop said they are keeping the shop LESSON - SERMON vated by extremists. Church School 9:15 a.m. Services 8:15, 9:15 & 10:30 a SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 a.m. all classes Rev. Brink preaching CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER, 217 Bogue St.. Apt. 3 Alvin Hoksbergen, Director Phone 351-6360 FREE BUS SERVICE—See Schedule on Free Public Reading Room Residence Hall Bulletin Board. 134 Wert Grand River CHURCH SCHOOL OPEN Sunday at 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. "Attractive Weekdays — 9-5 p.m. Fruitbearing" Crib through Adults Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,Fri. EAST LANSING TRINITY CHURCH Refreshment period in Social Evenings 7 All are p.m. - 9 p.m. welcome to attend McDonald Middle School Interdenominational Hall Church Services and visit and following worship serv- use the reading room. 1601 Burcham Drive E. Eugene Williams, Pastor University Class 9:00 a.m. Mr. Joseph dela Pena, guest speaker 7:00 p.r SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Trinity Collegiate Fellowship 8:30 P*r 1518 S. Washington Lansing neeting for worship 3 p.m All Saints Parish Wednesday: Mid-week Discussion and prayer hour at 7:00 p.r Free BUS SERVICE --See schedule in your dorm SUNDAY at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 800 Abbott Road Upper level, corner room Dr. Clarence Jones ! ON CAMPUS Child care provided Founder, Radio Station HCJB, Everyanelovcsj * All are welcome CASTmmSTCR PRCSBYTCRUM CtlURCh Quito, Ecuador. 0 CALL 7315 Abbott Rd. cost ronsmc. mtcnicon 9:45 A.M. COLLEGIAN •337-1681 SUNDAY SCHEDULE College Bible Class FELLOWSHIP \#tieCaess*£j in the fireside room 8:30 p.m. Central Methodist Dr. Ted Ward, Teacher Fireside Room 1071 THROWBRIDGE RD Across from the Worship Service and Pre-school Capitol NEAR HARRISON RD. WORSHIP SERVICE through 3rd grade .... 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. For Transportation and Information NURSERY PROVIDED ALL TIMES • OFF CAMPUS "Blast Those call 482-0754 Rev. Robert David Leas 337-0183 • CALL BmTreat Counterfeit Gods" Rev. Francis F. ^r.derson UNIVERSITY UNITED S337-1631 preaching Church School 10:00 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH 1120 South Harrison Phone: 351-7030 MORNING SERVICE: Mr. "God's Unfinished W Doug Van Bronkhorst will preach Crib Nursery EVENING SERVICE: "What Is Life?" • 1203 So Bring the Baby IV 5-9477 Informal Worship Service Psi "A Question Of Integrity" Upsilon Fraternity 810 W. Grand J E.GRAND RIVER ALL SAINTS River. 11:00 am., 7:00 p.m. ytormng * or,*,P . 4/umn, UNIVERSITY J 3 BLOCKS WEST EPISCOPAL Rev. Burns morial Chapel, one block east of J OF HAGADORN preaching Morning Worship 9:30 & 11:00 for adulf • . coffee and doughnuts REFORMED CHURCH Sunday school classes for children. FREE CHURCH Church School 9:30 (for all ages) 800 Abbott Rd. DELIVERY, Sunday Services : at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m.