Monday Warm All cruel . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS chance of rain. High, low 80's. Partly cloudy and cool¬ STATE er tonight. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 18, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 43 Ireland requests meeting of U.N. Security Council UNITED NATION. N Y < AP) The branded the southern Irish Republic govern¬ ation. the behavior of the Dublin govern¬ Republic of Ireland asked Sunday night ment 'hooligans" bent on inflaming reli¬ ment has been deplorable.' for an urgent meeting of the Security gious strife in the north, while Protes¬ Chichester-Clark said British troops Council to discuss sending a U.N. peace¬ tants and Catholics crossed barbed would remain in Northern Ireland as lyig keeping force to Northern Ireland, troubled wire barriers Sunday to go to church as needed. He also defended his decision by Catholic-Protestant strife. More than 1.000 British soldiers sup¬ to call up 8.500 B-men." a special. Ambassador Cornelius C. Cremin. head ported by armored cars enforced an uneasy all-Protestant force of police reserves of the Irish delegation, filed the request peace in Belfast and Londonderry. Fires whom the Catholics blame for most of after conferring with Foreign Minister still smoked in the capital, but rioting the casualties in last week's fighting. John Patrick Hillery. who flew Satur¬ had petered out Saturday night with a Eight persons were killed and hundreds day night from Dublin to New York to few fire bombs thrown, isolated looting injured, scores by gunshots deal with the matter. and some random sniping Any government, said the prime minis¬ The request was sent to the council Chichester-Clark told a news conference ter. has a clear responsibility to use president for August. Spanish Ambas¬ Dublin's decision to call up army re¬ all forces at its disposal before calling sador Jaime de Pinias. Pinias must serves and bring army units to the in the military to deal with civil dis¬ consult the other 14 council members on turbances. a date for the meeting See Related Story p.5 He characterized the situation in Belfast better, but declined to say it was Prime Minister James Chichester-Clark border was tailor-made to inflame opin¬ as under control. He said troops were ready ion on both sides. for deployment to meet possible outbreaks Charging such maneuvers represent in other centers. a gamble with people s lives, the prime More than 350 families were homeless Beginning 8 la i bergdies; minister said I think squalid business and all that the Dublin government* has done is this to is a very convince in Scores Belfast, their possessions destroyed. headed for Southern Ireland by Mike hudson, left, Sue Gebelin arid Mike Gieszer, all members of the A'l-University Search and Se¬ train, bus and car. Husbands took wives lection Committee (AU5SC), mat with other representatives of AUSSC to present the list of four finalists us for all time that we must look else¬ (please turn to page 5) in the MSU presidential competition to the board of trustees. State News photo by Bob Ivins body where for our friends re We held out our good neighbors They have behaved much hands to them as like those hooligans who have used the second CAPE TOWN. South -Philip Blaiberg. the world's longest sur¬ Africa (AP> present troubles as an excuse to burn their neighbors out It was the toughest accusation made across the Irish border quashing hopes of Northern Irish re¬ in many years, Trustees to start interviewing viving heart transplant patient, died Sun¬ publicans for an eventual confederation candidates day -594 days after receiving the heart 4 of the 26 counties in the south Irish of a mulatto. He was 60. o Republic and the six counties of Ulster Grote Schuur hospital, where Dr. Chris¬ The latter has a domestic Parliament but tian Barnard performed the world's third is part of the United Kingdom and its heart graft on Blaiberg Jan 2. 1968. foreign affairs and defense are handled said the end came peacefully Between by London mittee presented quite well Every effort will be made to sched¬ didates were' interviewed last week and spells of ill health. Baliberg lived an al¬ By LINDA GORTMAKER were re¬ A security swoop before the weekend ceived. ule these interviews when all members one was interviewed a month ago. most normal life. His wife once com¬ Sunday Editor netted ■ about 30 suspects Police The chairman of the board of trustees She had planned to announce Thursday of the board of trustees can be present, We asked them all if they were plained he was running around like a said some are members of the outlawed machine said Friday that MSU s next president night that she would not submit another the statement read willing to continue discussions with us. Irish Republican Army (IRA ■. could be selected by the Sept 19 boird list to the trustees if they did not like Stevens was quoted in the release as and they all agreed, she said. Doctors did not make an immediate Chichester Clark said the chief of staff the original one She did not make observing that it has been over a Stevens stressed the candidates are statement on the cause of death, but it meeting of the Irish Republican Army has admit an open statement, but told Stevens to month since the search and selection of such a stature that they could be was believed to be the body's tendency Don Stevens. D-Okemos. said that the ted that his organization has been tell the rest of the trustees her feel¬ committee interviewed the four indi¬ continually beseiged with attractive to reject implanted organs, plus general board's Thursday night meeting with the tissue degeneration. giving leadership, helping with rocks search and selection committee 'went ings. viduals. and it is quite possible that job offers petrol bombs and other traditional methods The trustees plan to schedule inter¬ some of them may have received other He added that if none of the candid¬ Blaiberg was admitted to Grote Schuur very well " The committee presented the of defense. views with the four candidates, whose attractive offers and hence are no longer ates are available because of inter last Thursday for the third time since board with a list of four names from He added: I must say that attempt names remain unknown to the vening developments, it will be necessary his operation after suffering a serious the 320 they have been compiling since public, ing to set people and property on tire as soon as possible. In a statement Stevens clarified that statement Satur for the search and selection relapse Aug. 11. Twice before doctors April hardly strikes me as a defensive tech Sue Gebelein. undergraduate repre¬ released Friday. Stevens said the in¬ day by saying that it has been as long to submit more names to the trustees had fought and overcome the rejection terviews will be conducted either as a month ago since some of the can¬ Stevens said that once a selectio process, but Blaiberg s health had been " sentative to the All-University Search on We have. too. seen open attempts perhaps at other didates have been interviewed made, the name of the next presi and Selection Committee i AUSSCt. campus or some poor for several months since his last to recruit republican forces in the south convenient place. Miss (iebelein said three of the can¬ will be released immediately •elease from the hospital May 23. sai'! -in thought the names the com¬ for intervention here In this grave situ With Blaiberg's death, the longest surviving heart transplant patient is a French Dominican priest. the Rev CROWDED FIELDS Charles Boulogne. 46. known in his Mar¬ seilles monastery as Father Damien He received his new heart May 12. 1968. Rock music fair fans n the Broussais hospital. Paris The urgeon was Prof. Charles Dubost Father Boulogne was hospitalized with slig has since ree lates at Mass. Last May Blaiberg and Father Bou logne spoke to each other in a long dis¬ tance telephone call heart ignore hamlet misery At least 142 transplants have WHITE LAKE. N Y . AP • About signed to the congested conditions that been performed around the world since many of them paid $18 to visit Barnard made medical historv by im 200.000 young people stayed on at this tiny mountain hamlet Sunday for the Fair goers were helping each other planting a heart in Louis Washkansky and everything's beautiful." one pro- on Dec 3. 1967 Of these. 37 patients third day of a rock music festival, un¬ are still alive, including two of the five daunted by overcrowding and shortages State Police and deputies from the of food, water and medical supplies heart recipients operated on by Bar Sullivan County Sheriff's Office said Over 100.000 persons left nard They are Pieter Smith. 53. and there had been no reports of dis¬ Miss Dorothy Fisher. 38 The entertainment was continued all turbances. or even arguments. Doctors privately reported Saturday night Saturday because we had to keep One rock muSic fan who returned that Blaiberg s heart was pumping at the crowd cool said Mel Lawrence to New York City Sunday morning termed only a third of normal pressure and blood director of operations for the Wood¬ the fair an "incredible unification vessels were congested by the rejection stock Music and Art Fair, an Aqua- He said. " The most unifying thing of process. A member of Barnard s cardiac- nan Exposition, sponsor of the festival all was the music, because music com¬ team told a newsman cortisone injections to control this rejection probably caused Race against That session ended at 8 a m Sunday bines all the emotions. With Those leaving Sunday seemed cheerful. tissue degeneration a hot sun brightening the out The others remained for the final session Barnard was not with his patient when Workers a a Mobile, Ala., department stor ■ use sandoags and sheets of plywood to cover show windows look and beginning to dry the sea of from 2 p.m. Sunday until 2 a.m. Mon¬ he died He had a mild case of influ¬ against Hurricane Camille djring Sea/y rains Sunday. The storm was expected to hit the Gulf Coast mud left by Friday's heavy rain, the day Authorities predicted another enza and did not want to infect Blai later in the day. AP Wirephoto crowd remained peaceful and even re- massive traffic jam after that. berg Helicopters, including two from the U S Military Academy at West Point, continued to evacuate the seriously sick Camille dishevels while about 2.000 others, suffering from NEW ORLEANS • AP i Hurricane along Lake Pontchartrain v noon to rescue 30 men stranded on a big western pocket of the state, set up eval¬ The Gulf Coast road L between New such illnesses that might arise from the over-crowding, dampness and lack of sufficient food and water, were treated at a huge white tent field hospital bv volunteer doctors and nurses flown in Camille thundered into the Louisiana bent full-grown palm tree: oil rig in the Gulf. uation centers Orleans. Gulf port and Biloxi were also from New York City and surrounding marshlands at 190 miles an hour Sunday splashing high the 10- Winds of 70 knots and 12-14 loot bulging with bumper to-bumper traffic. communities. afternoon with its inland target still a foot s wall Brisk winds and rains played over The University of Southern Mississippi seas were reported at the rig. which is The Mississippi Gulf Coast, a sun- New Orleans during the day at Hattiesburg. about 40 miles away from One youth killed during the question about a mile off-shore from Timbalier Most of the was The I S. Weather Bureau said hur soaked strip of beach attracting thousands lsland-60 air mile south of New Or¬ city's activity was in grocery and drug the churning waters off Gulfport and weekend when run over by a tractor ricane force winds-at least 75 m p h of summer vacationers. buttoned up in leans and about 40 miles west of the stores, jammed on a Sunday when they Biloxi. opened its dormitories and said while sleeping, and another died in an -hit the mouth of the Mississippi River awaiting the storm mouth of the Mississippi River would normally be closed. All looked 1.500 to 1.800 beds would be avail¬ apparent overdose- of drugs. One girl able. along with meals for evacuees. broke her back when she fell off at 5 p.m. EST Winds at the eye of the On its present course. Camille could The rig was not in the direct path of to buy flashlights, flashlight and radio some Atlantic-spawned storm measured 190 strike anywhere from New Orleans to Mo¬ the storm The rig. owned by Ingram batteries or candles in the event the city's scaffolding. miles per hour with gusts up to 2(H) bile. Ala . a 160-mile stretch with the Contractors, had no landing platform for power failed. But they were nowhere The fair Super tides was being held in a 600- Camille remained on its north-north Mississippi beach playland sandwiched in helicopters and the men had to be to be found. alfalfa field but Beside Camille's windy punch, the tides acre the large aud¬ westward course! which would take it between hoisted aboard one at a time We were cleaned out early, said she drove ahead posed possiblv a bigger ience-only about 80.000 to 100.000 had close to New Orleans. 100 miles up Evacuation was the order of the day In the fishing villages of the Louis¬ on drug store manager at noon been expected-wound up camping over¬ problem to the Gulf Coast. The Wea¬ stream from the Mississippi s mouth, and from Grand Isle, a dot of Louisiana iana marshlands, evacuees by the thous¬ Long lines formed at gasoline stations ther Bureau warned of tides as high as night in places we never thought." on to the vacation land along the Missis¬ that juts into the (Jul! of Mexico about ands pulled out One official said about and cars hit the highways for points north 15 leet along the beaches from New sippi Gulf Coast. 60 miles south of New Orleans. 90 per cent of the area, about 15.000 of the city The highway to Baton The crowd attracted Orleans to Florida Panhandle points. was by such en¬ Warning winds had taken refuge and left their homes Rouge. 80 miles from New Orleans, tertainers Joan Baez. Janis Rig Driving rains heralding the storm closed as Joplin New Orleans felt the hurricane's rescue The evacuation was orderly and cities was reported jammed with those seeking and the Jefferson Coast Guard helicopters battled Cam roads in Florida and began to wash across Airplane musical warning winds in mid-afternoon Au as far away as Alexandria. La.. 200 to escape the hurricane should it slam those in group thorities closed the picturesque drive ille's advance winds twice Sunday after miles north, and Lafayette, in the south¬ into New Orleans. Mississippi. DEBORAH FITCH MICHIGAN &!% /<■ STATE NEWS !;«' Trinka Cline, executive editor Panthers lacked rapport UNIVERSITY Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Hullard. campus editor Deborah Fitch, feature editor BOLLDER. Colo The - Big Man" from Linda Gortmaker, Sunday editor the Black Panthers told 200 United Kenneth Krell, editorial editor States Student Press Assn. 1USSPA1 The audience had arrived fully intending to be Jeff Elliott, sports editor delegates how the .Nixon Administration allies with the Panthers--they wanted to believe in Si\-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. is attempting to destroy his organiza¬ tion Big Man He made it rather hard on them, how¬ Big Man's' real name is Albert ever, through a blatantly non-intellectual approach. Howard, but the alias fits--phvsically. He is Black Panther Party Deputy Mini¬ Equally blatant was his attempt to establish rap¬ EDITORIALS ster of Information and managing editor of the Party's newspaper named, quaintly. port by sticking "managing editor" after his name. The Black Panther. He and another expressionless brother Brotherhood stood bv the stage with some bustling t'SSPA officials with USSPA as the auditorium filled delegates. It must be noted that the Congress is predominantly bui. over two unfortunately for his purpose, he projected some discomfort with words syllables. nalist reduced their own by overlooking the flimsiness of his thought patterns and accepting his credibility rap in composed of delegates from organs of order not to despoil the illusion of novel idea, however Thus far. the Main Street School, but the radical student press, or at least The audience had arrived fully intend¬ brotherhood. Saving a neighborhood from ing to be allies with the Panthers-they because of the the school board is moving in those who indicate a radical outlook. Big Man was arrogant His simplistic deterioration is not always ar busing situation, wanted to believe Thus it could be predtermined that Big in Big Man He made projection indicated that he did not have four schools on the West that direction. All the organi¬ easy thing. Neighborhood pride Man would be facing an audience sym¬ it rather hard on them, however, through the sensitivitv to be even slightly ner¬ is not a new concept ir Side either have already been zation wants is time to show pathetic with the goals and tactics of a blatantly non-intellectual approach vous in his speaker situation. He closed, or are in the process that it can be done-that enough the Black Panthers. Equally blatant was his attempt to did not relate to an audience that "as¬ this country, but it is unusual White Brothers and Sisters. establish rapport bv sticking managing sumed he would He did not establish when the community has al¬ of being shut down. The asso¬ white children can be brought editor'' after his name By contrast to the brotherhood idea, a general rapport his rap unearthed ready been written off as a ciation contends that rather into the school voluntarily to it seemed that if anyone in the audience When it came time for questions, the more questions about the Panthers slum, unihabitable by "respec¬ than bus school kids out of the comply with federal regula¬ had anv ingrained fear of the black delegates were quite verbal, but the tone than it answered. of their questions and comments seemed One ot those tions. identity buried deep in his psyche. Big questions is: Will the table" citizens. community, a better idea might Man and his companion, by initial physi¬ skeptical, even tongue-in-cheek Some t'SSPA student journalist radicals, an The West Side Neighborhood be to allow white kids from Thus, what the association cal impression, exposed it. And meant members of the audience, however, intellectually stimulated. exceeding Assn. iWSNA' has been en¬ the neighborhood to attend desires is one bus to go down to A little fear never hurts when one allowed Big Man to get away with the man¬ volatile and sensitive group, still believe the all-black schools--a pro¬ Jennison to bring kids to the is trying to build respect. The initial aging editor plov On the basis of his in the Black Panthers after this unim¬ gaged in saving a community impression was liberally laced with an speech, those who allowed Big Man pressive and in one sense, thereby tor the past two years, an at¬ cess the association refers to school. No cooperation, how¬ the privilege of calling himself a |our attitude of deadly earnest And an ele¬ significant i little display"' as voluntary reverse integra¬ ever. has been received from tempt to convince people that ment of menace tion. the school board. Some white brothers and sisters dis¬ the West Side of Lansing is a tributed Big Man's press statement, then The West Side Neighborhood worthwhile place to reside. The the man himself rose to speak. organization has run Assn. has 22 children who They are an organization of into conflict with the school He read his statement, then asked for the residents of the aj;ea sur¬ would like to attend the school, questions Period board. In order to send white and interest has been shown by This cue card sermon evoked an un¬ rounding Sexton High School. children to the previouslv pre¬ expected shift in mood among the USSPA Until recently, their efforts another 20. But unless parents listeners To embarrassment \pparentlv have been mainly directed at dominately black Main Street can be assured that a means Bi^ Man's overkill in language i fascists, School, a bus will be neces¬ of transportation will be avail¬ pitis. imperialist, brother, brother, broth¬ prospective home buyers and and size real estate agents. sary. The organization con¬ able. many will transfer their er appearance • economy natural, economy size-body, sunglasses) tends that it will be cheaper children to another all-white Lately, however, the yroup to bus kids into Main Street served to reduce his credibility, among school. those in the audience who were unsure has become concerned about school than to close it. Ac¬ Mrs. Kron stressed that the of their position regarding the Black the education facilities on the Panthers Big Man steadilv reduced any West Side Because of redevelop cording to the President. Mrs. parents wish to send their respect his formidable first projection Ann Kron. there is absolute¬ children to the school because ment plans and federal or might have produced the minute he opened ders that schools must be in ly nothing wrong with the phy¬ they think it offers a worth¬ his mouth He was speaking-or reading- sical condition of the school. to a group of high educated and thought teyrated, black students from while educational experience. ful people, political and moral adhesions The school is progressive, with the community have been Parents who felt they were aside. What more demanding an audience the first three years ungraded, could one have than a group of student bused to schools in other dis making a sacrifice of their triets of the school svstem and many believe the school child for a great social cause radicals who are press people, too' In order to increase or maintain his credi has some of the best teach have been discouraged from where integration has been bility. he would have had to match ers in Lansing. wits with his inquisitive audience. He insured. sending their children to the chose, instead, to hide behind the language The West Side Neighborhood Thus far. there are no de¬ Main Street School. of revolution and to depend on whatever Assn. has come up with a finite timetables for closing So far. the school board has charismatic effect his black power been entirely unresponsive As appearance might have elicited Merely Mrs Kron pointed out. "It reading his statement was bad enough: you're the school board, you o CIA shouldn't don't antagonize 80 or 90 per cent of the population by attempting such a novel idea ." But the West Side Neigh¬ BLACK PAHTHERS policy-making borhood Assn. idea can work if they can get believes the I he much shrouded iivjs of that bureaucratic phan work the best interests of the I nited States. a means of transportation. The school board may be Bonds of lies and misinformation afraid that a precedent will be others have been \t-uu. the Central Intelligence It is our opinion that the EDITOR'S NOTE: The following press organizations based on a class position. up ( set and other groups will re¬ The Black Panther Party has formed rdered CI \ has statement was delivered by Albert "Big vg.-ncy < 1A > have managed begun to take this conclusion. I will just say to Secret A^ent Man business too quest buses to brin£ students Man" Howard. Black Panther Party Dep¬ meaningful coalitions with organizations to ruer^e yet again into the uty Minister of Information to the L'.S. such as the Young Patriots who prove > people .'olved in the news media. seriously Their role, as we to predominately black schools. >ak the bonds of lies and public eve The execution of But why should the board Student Press Association convention through their practice to be revolution¬ The Young Patriots have come to misinformation upon which your wages Vietnamese spy Chu Ven Thai see it. should be mainly of a last week in Boulder. Col. See related ary discourage this type of civic understand that the struggle in America depend, you can begin to clean up vour Khic bv (ireen Beret CIA fact finding nature Granted, is a class struggle rather than a race hand by exposing the three levels of action? It could be a beau¬ agents has caused rumbles all some espionage is necessary I have been asked to come here and struggle. oppression the avaricious busi¬ tiful lesson in brotherhood. thr way back to Washington and certainly valuable, but hold this press conference by the I S. Landon and Rory were instrumental in the nessman the demogogic politicians and White students in the neigh¬ Press Association. I was toid that my instituting of the Party's programs, as the fascist pig cops> for what thev are. It has been a lonu time now thi< can. and has. uotten out borhood have always been bused were some 40 old Panthers who are locked and help to give ALL POWER TO THE of hand. subject was to be open: so. I can think if ever since anybody has of no subject more important than the fact up in jails across this country on trumped- PEOPLE to the nearby all white Ver realized that we have more \or is the spy service an that the Colorado detachment of Nixon's linden School. Reversing this than troops in Southeast Asia. avenging angel It may very fascist regime has kidnapped two of our trend will not be easy, espe¬ comrades The comrades of which I speak apparently do not well be that Khac has Most people was. as cially since many real estate are Landon Williams and Rory Hithe. OUR READER'S MIND want to believe in spy stuff. been hinted at. a double agent who are being held here in Denver without bu< the Khac incident brings and. therefore, the (ireen Ber agents have been careful tc bail What I'm saying is that Landon and inform prospective white home forth the inescapable fact that our James Bond boys may in ets on the orders of the CIA shot him for it. buvers that an all-white school Rory are being held as political pris¬ oners by the most reactionary fascist country the world has ever seen. The Cure for WHUFFOism exists. deed be running a large part If nothing else, this strikes action taken by the fascist Colorado The West Side Neighborhood To the Editor: knowledge! of the sport of sky diving. of the Vietnam show and of¬ us as a little silly, for would pigs and the higher level EBI pigs is The that the second jumper landed WHl'EEO: reason Assn. is an experiment ir part and partial of Tricky Dick Nixon's ten in a way that they think it not have been a much bet and wonders \ In so close to the first was inexperience, overt conspiracy to destroy the Black ter to keep him around an integrated community. They no low opening or anything of the sort right. move believe their is value in the Panther Party Our officers are attacked involved The jumper is relatively inex¬ I would like to comment on the pic¬ The truly unnerving thing and use him to feed false in continually: our newpapers. office equip¬ neighborhood for both whites ment and food used for our Breakfast ture-article about a near accident" perienced with handling his canopy. With about our intelligence service formation to the enemy? which appeared in the paper Tuesday. a little more judgement, he could have and blacks and that their for Children Program are the main is that they do not really have We feel that the time has A parachutist nearly hit a girl when he easily landed elsewhere The first schools can be saved. targets tor destruction. With Nixon in come for Congress and. there¬ control. J. Edgar Hoover has been given landed last Sunday in Mason I agree jumper was preoccupied with two little to answer to anyone for what Real Estate agents are be the freedom to do all the things in the in that it was a near accident, but as girls that had met him and didn't look they do Because of "secur by the people, to regain con to the cause stated. I have to laugh up to see when the other canopy was. trol of this ginning to pick up the cue. Pre open that he has done under cover for The sport needs publicity, but not the kind ity reasons, their inner work awesome agency. so many years. Your reporting was sort of sensational. inys are unknown save maybe Certainly, we do not imply viously they have openlv dis¬ Their attempts to destroy the Black It is typical of a whuffo What free you presented. You are creating a false impression for the benefit of a story. to the President and the Sec that the interworkings of the couraged whites from moving Panther Party are. in fact, due to the fall experience does the author of the into the neighborhood, but the article have'.' A sky diver has a pre¬ Sky divers are not dare-devils . ver>y sharp contradictions that are being retarv of Defense. Kvery year CIA should be made public, set number of seconds delay or a mini¬ but only one who is exposed to the sport situation is changing. Many exposed by the party through its prac¬ for we agree that this would opening altitude for safety You would know this. Why don't you come they are voted a blank check whites and blacks have come tice. Contradictions began to arise when mum out to the Drop Zone this weekend and don't see anyone extending his freefall by a congress which probably defeat any chance it had of sue the Black Panther Party began to feed n' feel it is in Monday, August 18, 1969 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan NEWS Grape By DELORES MAJOR State News Staff Writer Ranjel. who has been in the five months, said that without picker Detroit area tor the past unionization, the farm workers To is wrong, is wrong deny the consumers the urge right to buy certain products he continued. ' The boycott as its being produced It is aimed to deny the rights of a vast majority Representatives from labor and farm interests debated have little bargaining power. summary or no the grape boycott controversy before the Ingham County or the people." anew I want my rights in California and if .they'd give me my Peterson said that the Michigan Farm Bureau was not Democratic Committee Thursday night. rights. I wouldn't have to come here to tight. he said, opposed to the unionization of the California farm workers, A capsule summary of th« day's events from About 20 people were present to hear the opposing views of He said that the pride of the farm workers ' that he represented but rather it is opposed to compulsory unionism." our wire services. Jerry Peterson from the Farm Bureau and Hijinio Ranjel would not permit them to obtain welf; He advocated national legislation to control the rights of the a California grape picker. "We want to work We want to farm workers rather than simply granting unionization rights want to work for nothing. to the farm workers. He said that if he accepted mo The solution to the dispute would be to incorporate " na¬ "The (ommiiiiisi regime to feed his children, he would feel that they were the fathe tional legislation that would help farm workers and be fair in \orth Kttrea has ttlrepportunity to who don't want conditions changed. age $400 monthly. in utile the South. " Ranjel said that only when the growers begin to lose mone Ranjel disagreed: If I made $400 dollars a month, what did will they begin to listen to the demands of the worker: I here for'" —( hung llee I'ark. presi¬ T don t know how long it's going to take -but we're going I come Mike McCarthy, one of the organizers for the Lansing area 1 dent oj Situlh Korea win." the farm workers said All we ask for is union recognition Peterson said that the grape boycott had changed its cour; grape boycott, said that most grocers in the area were "sym¬ pathetic to the boycott even though they were told by higher ups to "ignore us. " quite a deal and that the boycott is now aimed at stores International News He said that the grocer as a third party shouldn't real become involved because he doesn't reallv have concern t< NOW HEAR THIS FROM THE TOP-HINGE the people in California as lon^ as he can be assured ot pr AT THE STORE WITH THE RED DOOR South Korean President Chung-Hee Park ducts his customers want. said Sunday \orth Korea is fully prepared for a new invasion of his country-and he pointed to 1970 as a likely target date. "The Communist regime in \orth Korea THE STATE NEWS You Don't Have To Struggle has already completed preparations for anoth¬ er war and is eagerly seeking an opportun¬ Fights for union ut spaper at Michigan State the year with special V to get your trousers because change if you're wearing our they are cut for the gentle¬ ity to invade the South.'' Park said in Seoul. Hijinio Ranjel, California grape picker representing i September. Subscription •Kim Il-Sung. \orth Korean dictator, is dedi the masses of grape pickers, met with Farm man. Tapered slightly. Of course—you might Bureau members before the Ingham County De¬ have to remove your shoes to remove your Member Associated Press. United Press Internati cated to reunifying Korea- forcefully, if nec trousers—But what gentleman doesn't? mocratic Committee Thursday. Ranjel cams to Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan essarv -by 1970.'' M'chiga.i to demand 'he right of the g-upe p'ekers igan Collegiate Press Association. Unite* States Studen • • • to be unionized. State Nf-ws pSoto by Wa/ne Munn A Greek family of four hijacked an Olym State University, East Lansing. Michigan. pic Airways plane to Albania Saturday, the Campbell's Suburban Shop Greek government announced Sundav as the TATE MURDER Phones Editorial 355-8252 other passengers and the plane returned to Classified Advertisiig Display Advertising 355-8256 353-6400 Athens. Business-Circulation 355-3447 The family was identified as doctor, his wife and their two young sons, an Athens Experts suspect Photographic 355-8311 one of whom held a knife to the plane's pilot. • • • criminal game' The other expert, a psychia¬ Israeli jets streaked across the Suez Canal LOS ANGELES AP> Ritu trist. said the killer might alistic aspects of the slaying of Sunday, striking Egyptian artillery positions actress Sharon Tate and four have used the hood and ropes in the Dwad Suwar area at the northern end other persons and inflicted the multiple might have been )f the Great Bitter Lake, the wounds to throw police off." army an¬ plotted deliberately to mislead nounced. police, two experts on the crimi The psychiatrist said: The nal mind said Sunday fact that Miss Tate and Sebring A spokesman said the planes were called were tied together with rope in¬ The experts, faculty members dicates the killer was at least in following an Egyptian artillery barrage from that area. He said they remained over at the {"nitersity of Southern aware of their former relation California. il'SCi. said in separ¬ ship." the targets "a few minutes'' and all re¬ ate interviews that the bizarre Both experts agreed the killer turnee} safely. way in which the bodies were left appeared methodical enough to or killers probably would prove to be young, male and having a Hungry Gourmet Special* This was the first Israeli air attack be a trick strong need for expression of across the Suez since Wednesday National News The former honey bi.;nde actress, her .lav Sebring. boyfriend, hairdresser Polish plavbov The have been slayer or slayers- might hurt by one of the THE RIBEYE STEAK TT"5j^ !«S» victims and acted in jealousy or Voityck Frokowskv: socialite revenge, the experts said, thus Some 2,000 antiwar protesters gathered Sunday at President Nixon's summer home for Abigail Folger: ar.c 18 year old Steven Parent, with were found dead multiple wounds Aug. 9 at explaining the ""PIG" on the Salad, Baked Potato, Ranch Toast—all for 99* "W'ien you think of Cards" a demonstration that took them to the en¬ a Bel Air home rented by Miss Mea ivhile. tn (regular price $1.39) Tate and her movie director said they had seen the slight, trance of the White House West in San Cle CARD SHOP * handsome hairdresser at a dis served every Mori & Tues during Augui husband Roman Polanski mente. Calif. cotheque until about 12:30 a.m. PIG ntten STEAK AND 4 . . . for your average While the demonstrators arrived for what the night of the slayings. n blood A white nylon cord was called a peaceful march. President The would ti\ the time ut the everyday hungry gourmet Across from Horns Ec. Bldg. hung over a ceiling beam, one deaths between shortly before 1 end around Sebring s neck, the 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor Shoppin 309 E. Grand River Ph. 332-6753 Nixon stayed inside his beach-front estate pre¬ other around Miss Tate. A black paring to announce Monday the successor hood covered Sebring s head o Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas. An American flag was draped Leal sources said two Marine batallions. on a sofa nearbv about 2.400 men. were conducting exercises at nearby Camp Pendalton. but Marine of¬ ficers said the troops were in a routine train iny manuever. • • • Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins said Sunday he would never fly in space again, but he hoped to work for the space program in some other job. Apollo 11 was my last flight." the 38- year-old Air Force Colonel said. Collins said he was quitting the flight program because the tremendous amount of time required keeping tuned for future flights kept him from his family for too long a time. • • • Sen. Edmond S. Muskie, D-Maine, conceded Sunday that an obstacle to his potential presi dential candidacy is that he has not demon¬ strated forceful leadership in the major con troversies of the dav. But he said he's doing something about it. "In part its a matter of style.'' the Maine Democrat said "I like the rational approach to issues. Sometimes, however, to break your lance, it's necessarv to be a little irrational, at least in order to stimulate controversy." Muskie said he has not decided to seek the Democratic nomination. But he said he might make a bid for the presidency if he thinks he can measure up to the leadership expected • • • An Erie-Lackawanna railway tank car con¬ taining a form of cyanide derailed in a rural area in Pennsylvania Sunday and threatened the water supply of nearby Cambridge Springs. The car was one of 26 that derailed near French Creek. Workers wearing gas masks worked to entrench the car to keep the liquid from draining into the creek, which is the only water supply for the town of 2.500. 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 18, 1969 STATE NEWS STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Place your ad in person - Avoid the Hold List CLASSIFIED 355-8255 355-8255 Auto Service & Parts Employment For Rent The State News does not TEACHERS OPENINGS many fields TV RENTALS-Students only Low EAST-3006 Woodruff 1 bedroom ACCIDENT PROBLEM' Call KALA¬ wrHp permit racial or discrimination in religious its ad¬ MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small various localities CLINE TEACH ERS AGENCY. 129 Grand River monthly and term rates Call 484 8600 to reserve yours UNIVERSITY luxury apartment Air-conditioned, carpeted, security lock with inter TQiwUnokYou dents to large wrecks American TV RENTALS carport, major appliances vertising columns. The and foreign cars Guaranteed work _ C com, 482 1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C Phone 882 4922 or 485 4840 8-8/22 State News will not accept SAGINAW CITY PI BLH SCHOOLS TV RENTALS GE 19 portable • AUTOMOTIVE advertising which discrim¬ Join in a modern, progressive edu $8 50 per month, including stand inates against religion, cational atmosphere in the SAGINAW Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 • EMPLOYMENT CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Teach 8862 217 Ann Street East Lan- race, color or national or¬ • FOR RENT ers now needed for 1969-70 in igin. • FOR SALE MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ • LOST & FOUND mazoo Street Since 1940 • PERSONAL Complete auto painting and colli¬ POUR-MAN sion service IV 5-0256 C apartment, furnished • PEANUTS PERSONAL With swimming pool Heat paid • REAL ESTATE $62 50 each EAST LANSING MAN¬ Automotive Aviation AGEMENT 351-7880 • SERVICE Sagin higan 48607 1517 > • TRANSPORTATION CORVAIR 1964 Standard FRANCIS AVIATION So easv to • WANTED learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE!" Special $5 offer 484 1324 C Keypunch Operator Day and evenings. Full i DEADLINE Bring *450 351 Scooters & Cycles part time. Some experience NEW LUXURIOUS- 1 and 2 bedroom, 1 P.M. one class day be¬ 3 8 20 Alpha -Numeric. Call: Mrs. unfurnished in Okemos CarpeUng fore publication. Kathryn Phoenix, Mgr. of Pro¬ throughout, central air conditioning. Cancellations - 12 noon one Tempest 4door duction, THE SERVICE BUR¬ EAU CORP., Subsidiary of ming pool From $140 Management class day before publica¬ steering Phone 489 by J R CULVER COMPANY 351 tion. 1969 KAWASAKI Bushwacker IBM. 2201 E. Grand River 8862 351 7894 C-8/22 LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy 175cc or dual sprockets, electric A venue, Lansing, Mich. 48912. COLONIAL APARTMENTS. Burcham starting. 1 200 Tel: and Alton Brand new deluxe 1- miles, under warranty 332 (517)485-5495,485-6745. HOLT AREA Available Augi PHONE 8276. after 5 p m 3 8 20 An equal opportunity employ- bedroom, furnished For profession¬ 355-8255 letng'era1!1O £ E 0 l^s al. graduate students, college fa¬ culty or personnel Select clientele MUST SELL. " rv»4.00 ings and weekends Apply SPARTAN APARTMENTS to 5 man deluxe apartments Air- --for those 13 1/2# per woru per aay TWIN THEATRE Frandor Shopping conditioning. swimming pool, from parking spaces! 5 Center 4-8 19 Married, post-grads,and sen¬ $125 Management by J R CULVER days $6.50 Employment iors, 1 and 2 bedroom apart¬ COMPANY. 351-8862 C-8/22 134 per word per day STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and ments. From $150-$i65,Near (based on 10 words per %d) TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam Campus, For information call For Rent eras, for FALL AND WINTER O WATERS EDGE WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 bed STODDARD APARTMENTS Now leas There will be a 50# service TERMS-State News Photographic MALE AND Female CAMP HIGH 332-5330. RIVERS EDGE room with carpeting, balconies, ing for fall term 1 bedroom with and bookkeeping charge if 301 Student Services Building Ask FIELDS. Onondaga. Michigan, is seek laundry, security locks Call 351 carpeting, balconies, laundry Call this ad is not paid within for Mr Johnson Monday through 332 0913 ED 2-2920 4691 or ED 2 2920 1 apartment or 5-8/22 Thursday. 9a m. to5 p m S ing the following personnel Occu EAST LANSING 2 one week. PLYMOUTH 1963 Excellent condi at reduced rates 'til September pational Therapist, degree required 11th 5-822 tion $500 Ginzbyrg, 353-7865. day Confidential Secretary, experience 8575. after 5 p m The State News will be time 356-7899. evenings 38 i9 preferred Phone 1 52*3888 for responsible only for the personal interview 5^8 22 NEED GIRL for 2g I. starting fall HOUSES AND apartments for fall first day's incorrect inser- Call Sue 332 We pay all your utilities Close to WAITRESSES 3-8 19 BAY COLONY campus Call NEJAC. 337-1300 C-8 22 PUMP 307 So 711 EAST COUNTRY AREA 10 minutes from APARTMENTS LOVELY. FURNISHED 1. 2 bedroom 711 Burcham Dr. campus Exceptionally nice Furn¬ Corner of Ha si en and Haga- houses 1 to 2 miles from campus. ished Graduate with employed wife New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ dom Roads. Now taking leases $140-$190. plus utilities. 351 5696 Not pets 676-5312 3-8/20 5-8/22 RENT TV from ished 3 for September 1, 2 and 3 A a man apts. leasing for $9 00 per month fall now 1 year or 9 mo. NEED FOURTH m man apartments. Furnished or THREE-FIVE studious girls- Septem¬ NEJAC TV RENTALS leases. Apartments, starting fall 351 4640 unfurnished 6, 9 & 12 month ber 15 to June 15 Furnished, or 485-6591 5-8 22 leases available. Call Jack clean IV 9-9651 or month 332-5320 after NEW GE portables and stands rented 6 pm. 5-8 18 351-3525 FOUR MAN apartment Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. ONLY to MSI students and faculty in old Cedar $8 84 month (includes taxi STATE Village Call 353-0800 ask for LOVELY FURNISHED 2-bedroom MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 444 'TH Pine. Lansing. Two 1- Mary After 5 30 p m . 351 4939 house 634 South Francis Available Michigan Avenue 332 8687 C 5-8 22 bpd rooms. l furnished. $105 1 un now. or sublease to September 15 TV 2 #181 BABYSITTER NEEDED by faculty furnished. $100 Utilities paid De¬ 351-5696 5 8/18 couple for 1 small child Light STORAGE SPA posit required ("all Richard Al- NEED GIRL for 4 girl apartment, Summer HAPPENING housework Beginning September 1 miscellaneous ban. 8 a m -5 p m . 372-9730 or fall term only Burcham Woods QUIET DUPLEX apart HASLETT THREE Bedroom ranch. Full time Okemos, 351 7220 5-8 19 337 9510 6p m-8p m .337-2510 5-8 18 351 0137 3 8 20 Range, oven, refrigerator, washer, Ads Call 355-3255 now' dryer Carpeting, drapes Full base¬ ment. carport, large lot No stu- BEECHWOOD NORTHWINO FARMS Per Person Cost Comparison Faculty Apartments SPARTAN HALL-men. sin¬ Fall '69' Dorm Rates Fall '69' Beechwood 351-7880 gles. doubles Parking, women, laundry 372-1031.337-0648 XI9-8 22 $205.00 Meals $ 80.00 Meals THREE GRADUATE students looking 1 10.00 Rent 150.00 Rent MEN-LARGE house for fourth. Meadowbrook Trace Cooking, park¬ II.00 Other (interest) $60 month Call 355-3441 ing. barbeque Close 332-0939 12.00 Utilities per or 332 8446 2-8 19 5-8 19 $326.00 Total $242.00 Total SAVE $84 At Beechwood Apt. 1 130 Beech St. University Villa Halstead Management 351-7910 Cami us 635 Abbott Rd. Hi! 2 and 3 person apartments (2 bedroom flexible units) A New Furnished • Your Best Buy In a Completely carpeted W00LC0 • 4-man apartment Party lounge Air Conditioned 5 blocks from campus • Luxury Furnishings Department Store • Large apartments 9 or 12 month lease IS COMING TO OKEMOS SOON Halstead NOW HIRING J.R. Culver Co. Management QUALIFIED PERSONNEL M7 Ann St. 351-8862 351-7910 SALES, OFFICE AND □Q QQfl 0GE3I MANAGEMENT TRAINEES CROSSWORD HfflraiiGna HHSH Model Now Ooen PUZZLE □□aaaa aiaag Credit Office saoa OBSH Luncheonette Manager naaraa Ens 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 332-6441 Waitresses Bookkeepers 29 Masticatory HUH aSHS Available for fall leasing Health & Beauty Aids Sporting Goods t se lodging 31 Explode 35 Algonquian BOS SfuMQ SECT Manaaer Men's Wear Indian RlfflH BRERE 38 Cotton seede Twycklngham Apartments aro now leasing student units for the fall of Hardware Mgr. Fashion Wear 12 County u 40 Wild pig 1969. These spacious luxury apartments are comp letely carpeted and Piece Goods Manager 13 Public no 41 Capture furnished with distinctive Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has Jewelry 14 Supreme 43 Public car noun HEnmnma dishwasher, garbage disposal and individual control-central air condit¬ Cosmetician Automotive 16. 45. Eastern name □UHll QUO QE a Molding 1 ioning. These 4-man units have 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 minute Wig Stylist Mechanics 18 Contemptible 46 Dunce drive puts you on campus. The student's leisure time has been adequately 19. Genealogy 4S. Lofty 4. Epochal Sewing Center Stock Room 20 Dec 50. Spinet 5. Dormouse planned for with a giant heated swimming pool, recreation rooms and R ecord 22 Explosive 51 Holdings Shop Shoe Salesmen 1 Psychic 6. Indistinct private balconies. If you want to be among the first residents of Twycking- 24. Bungle 53. Back street 2. About 7. Origin ham call today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. Domestics Paint Salesmen 25. Live coal 54. Mode 3. Zenith 8. Harden Infants and Children 2 " 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io 9 Steamer % •2 10. Presently 11. Insignia DRUG DEPT.MANAGER IM % •5 15. Aristae v^tEtopcfeutgfjam •3 17. Jujube MAJOR APPLIANCE SALESMEN 21. Shank 16 17 18 '9 23. Butter vat FLOOR COVERING SALESMEN 26. Drugget 21 23 2M % % 20 PORT ERS--NIGHT-DAY 28. Core 26 27 28 30. Isinglass ff ^ 4620 S. 4620 S. Hagador Hogodorn 25 % 32. Kiwi Apply Personnel Dept. 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 29 30 3/ 32 33 3M 33. Salvo FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES %% 36 37 38 % 39 MO 34. Trash g TK/ckwgham 7 36 % 35. Esparto 36. PJbtter's clay Woolco 7 Management Exclusively By: Dept. Stores •42 % M3 MM M8 H5 M9 37. Channel 39. Epithets ALCO Management Company 1980 GRAND RIVER RD. M6 50 47 tei % 52 42. Corn cake 44. Statue BX! At CUFF P* OKEMOS, MICHIGAN i 6M 47. Man's name 48. Eyelid 482-3379 53 % infection KD = Ksw Accepting Nine Month Leases AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 52. Morindin dye Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, August 18, 1969 5 SINGLE ROOM for male graduate Qiiet, good location, parking. IV 2- For Sale KODEL THROW rugs. Dacron cur¬ tains, gold drapes. 8X12' Bigelow For Sale NSA leaders hold 8304 3-8/19 carpet-All perfect condition, half 1966 MARLETTE 12 X60' with wood S preliminary confab price. Call 351-5543 burning fireplace, washer and drver and other extras Best offer 646 For Sale FURNISH YOUR whole house! Call 4584 ' 3 8 18 DIAMOND BARGAIN ED 7 9222, August 22 23 24 Wedding and . . 5-822 HILLCREST 10X50' 2-bedroom, 15 EL PASO, Tex. (AP)-Col- engagement ring sets Save 50 per pamphlets or early delegate cent or more Large selection of minutes from campus. 641 6987. after 5:30 p.m. lege student leaders, seeking arrivals say anything about vio¬ plain and fancv diamonds $25-$150 BOGEN 90 watt amp Columns (8- 5-8/22 the keys to more student rights lence as a means toward their WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE. 509 12"). Jensen speakers After 6 and more intellectual East Michigan 485-4391 C p.m., 337-1818 3-8 19 1964 MARLETTE 10 X52 404 Brit¬ activity tany Drive. Call 489-0224, after outside the classroom, are here The only announced closed »SONY HAS a new cassette player YOU WON T believe our large se¬ 6pm 5-8/22 for the 22nd Congress of the session will be a meeting of for your car See it, hear it now lection of frame styles OPTICAL National Student Assn. < NSA). the Third World Commission, at MAIN ELECTRONICS. 5558 South DISCOUNT, Avenue 372-7409. 2615 East Michigan C 8/22 Lost & Found A vanguard of about 300 stu¬ which will talk about organiz¬ Pennsylvania. Lansing 882-5035 C dent body presidents and asso¬ ing a national association for BLACK MALE kitten. 6 toed Vi¬ MOVING ciation campus coordinators black students who aren't sure SOUTH Family s cinity Stoddard Street Reward! 339 " clothing, abundant; furniture 1209 9391 2-8/18 arrived during the weekend for they can be effective force with¬ EMPLOYMENT Marigold 351-8829 August 19-21 their own conferences before in the NSA. LOST AUGUST 8 Black male dog, Tuesday's opening session of There has been some concern part Schnauzer Reward! 332-0325 the 10-dav annual affair here about the arrival of 1,000 Secretary — To Depart¬ ABDICK OFFSET press with 2-8/18 ment Head—Maturity and Off¬ burner In top condition Must By then some 1.000 students students, but civic and govern¬ fice, leaving country $800 355- from than 400 campuses ment leaders ice Experience Required. No shortand but good typist. 4667, 351 3580, evenings 5-8/2? LOST watch THURSDAY with chain band Silver In Swank Bessey are more expected to be on hand. local NSA were assured representative that, by a Chow Very prestige position. $450 ROSEMENT SKI boots, adjustable. mens room John, 351 4249 Re Congress pamphlets empha¬ "The delegates are not radi¬ Rex Sohn and Gerald Schave are taking good care of this little fella. He and Size9-ll $90 332-3745. ward. 1-8/18 size terms such as 'revolt cals. They have no Marxist others collected plus. Call Lynne Kelley 485- 2-8/19 were by an expedition to lower Mexico where rodents, live on 5481 Bellinger Personnel campus- 1969" and •'•stu¬ plans. No demonstrations are and dead, were gathered for the MSU M'.iseum and research as part of a long Services. Animals Personal dent power.'' but neither the planned.'" range study of Lalen Omewon Mammals funded by government grants and private When asked about possible PART SPITZ puppies, $5 moneys. Receptionist — Typist — rot and cage. $45 351-3965 Bab y par BOARD, ROOM, compensaUon. warm Service trouble, he replied: "You can't 3-8 20. home environment for coed willing Refresh and sharpen "for¬ tell. Maybe there will be 400 to do light housework, ironing, for gotten" skills and enter bus¬ iness world again. Prestige motherless home 337-2304 5-8 19 to 500 persons of groups we don't know about. The NSA Irish urge special meeting firm needs mature career cA/orth TV RENTALS GE 19 portable AUTHORIZED CHILD-Care Center. delegates will not cause trouble (continued from page one) minded employee. $375 plus. Spartan Village All day, Monday- though."' for a meeting with Cabinet min¬ mental of all issues-the very Call Lynne Kelley 485-5481. ^ Pointe -$8 50 per month, including stand. Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351 through Friday. For information call, 355-9910 S-8/22 The early delegate arrivals and children jpfo Irish transit camps over the border, army isters today. Following that existence of the state itself," Bellinger Personnel Services. 8862 217 Ann Street. East Lan- indicate they just want to be he is expected to confer with he said. left alone so they can go about kissed them and headed back Chichester-Clark about the con¬ "Government cannot ALTERATIONS and ally it¬ dressmaking by to the ruins and the barricades. their business. exchanging stitutional implications of the self with disruption." experienced seamstress Reason To prevent infiltration by IRA use of British troops in Ireland BELLIMGER able charge Call 355-5855 0-8 19 ideas, determining NSA policies and programs for the coming men. Ulster police set up border for the first time in more than Bernadette Devlin. Northern FOR SALE by owner 3 bedroom road blocks and examined cars. 50 years. PERSOMMEL brick. Recreation room, full base year, and electing officers. Irish MP in London, said: Their primary topic will be They took 22 persons off Dublin- The two leaders also are ex¬ "There can be no returning to ment. fireplace. 2-car garage, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing how they can best stimulate Belfast trains and sent them screened patio Call 332-0608 5-8/22 pected to discuss Catholic com¬ the former situation. The barri¬ SERVICE No job too large or too small students on their home cam¬ plaints in Northern Ireland- cades can never be taken down • 9-month lease at Block of f campus 332-3255 C Emotions reached fever-pitch THREE-BEDROOM ranch 2'* car puses to take an interest iq. charges that they are being dis¬ while the Ulster police are con¬ in the Catholic Irish Republic. criminated against in jobs and no extra charge garage 63 X182' lot. Finished base¬ ANN BROWN Typist and multilith. major social issues. trolled by and serve only ment. $22,500 Assume mortgage More than 4,000 people at a Unionist offset printing. Dissertations, theses, They also will discuss tac¬ housing and their demands for Chichester - Clark's 1842 Melrose 332-3860 8-8 22 Dublin meeting heard Paddy manuscripts, general typing. IBM tics for breaking down racial more seats in the Ulster Parli- 19 years experience 332-8384 party" C O'Hanlan. an opposition member J.R. Culver Co. HOLT AREA-By owner 3-bedroom Moving, must sell 694-0931 No barriers and getting students more involved in determining of the Northern Irish Parlia¬ ment plus representation in Chichester-Clark's predominant¬ She demanded that Ulster's TERM PAPERS. theM-< npt- ment, say: "We need guns. We constitution be suspended and 217 Ann St. 351-8862 Sunday calls 5-8 19 college course offerings. ly Protestant government. The NSA is a confederation need them badly." Government sources in Lon¬ authority taken over fully by of student About 1.000 marchers demon¬ don said' Wilson is expected to London "until a constitutional governments with strated in front of the British conference can be called to work representatives on more than press Chichester-Clark for 400 campuses. Congress ' dele¬ Embassy before they were dis¬ remedial action to calm the out an acceptable solution to persed by police. More than 30 Catholic civil rights leaders and the Irish question." gates determine the organi¬ were injured when the police zation's national policies and hasten electoral reforms. Cedar Village Unless such steps were taken, programs, but local coordinat¬ charged with night sticks. Britain will urge Ulster to find she said, "we have the right to ors are free to pursue their own British Prime Minister Harold better jobs and more housing ask for help from any quarter directions on their home Wilson broke off his summer va¬ for Catholics, may offer more fi¬ cation and flew back to London to prevent further loss of life PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique campuses nancial aid and may suggest of people who are only asking quality thesis service IBM typing, that the B-men" not be used multilith. printing and hard binding justice. in troubled areas. 337-1527 C At his Belfast* press confer¬ "If no one will come to our T ransportation U.S. helicopter reported ence. Chichester-Clark rejected suggestipns that a broadly- aid. because we aill fight continue we must. " to fight, STUDENT APARTMENTS downed by N. Koreans based coalition, including prom inent Catholics, should replace Another civil rights leader his Protestant warned that unless London sus¬ Panmunjom is about 35 miles government to 2 BEDROOM TOKYO < Ap)-N*rth forces shot down a Ko- U.S. northwest of Seoul. restore Catholic confidence "Most of the political opposi¬ pended Ulter's "British troops will get shot and constitution WANTED RIDE to vicinitv of Ver The United Nations Command helicopter1 Sunday about 15 tion are opposed to the govern¬ the battle will be carried to ona. N.J.. about 27th. 29th of Aug said the U.S. helicopter, an miles north of the demilitarized ust Todd. 337 0096 2-8 19 OH23, ment party on the most funda English cities." "may have gone down . NOW LEASING FOR FALL nounced. Pyongyang radio an¬ in Communist North Korean * territory" after straying across SOUNDPROOFED The broadcast said the plane the truce line during a training * * AMPLE PARKING went down at 11 a.m.. time the United Nations Com¬ mand the reported an unarmed U.S. same flight. A U.N. spokesman said the pi¬ Pope asks 9 OR 12 MO. LEASES lot might have become dis¬ Army helicopter with three men end oriented and "inadvertently" Iris * BEST LOCATION IN tive $12 00 MICHIGAN COMMUN¬ aboard missing and possibly down North Korea flown near or over North Ko¬ to EAST LANSING ITY BLOOD CENTER 507' a East in rean territory near the Han Riv¬ CASTEL GANDOLFO. nourish the hope for justice and Grand River East Lansing Above er estuary 25 to 30 miles Italy The Communist broadcast, the new Campus Book Store Hours northwest of Seoul. (AP i Pope Paul VI appealed peace even there where the monitored in Tokyo, said the situation is. 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondav. Tues- The North Korean broadcast Sunday for reciprocal pardon unfortunately, the Wednesday. and Friday Thurs- helicopter was shot down over and mutual agreement" to end opposite. This hope is supported Kumchon. 15 miles north of placed the site of the shootdown deeper in Communist territory, the hate and bloodshed between by reason, the historic maturity Pankunjom, the city in the de¬ about 50 miles northwest of the Roman Catholics and Protes¬ of civic life, the Christian con¬ militarized zone where truce science which the collective South Korean capital. It said the tants in Northern Ireland talks have been in progress aircraft had approached Kum- He said the fight "has as¬ persuasion of peaceful force since the end of the Korean war. must have in itself." chen from the direction of the sumed a character which we island of Kangwado on the west would never have imagined and He said, "War. especially had civil war. must never again coast of the Korean peninsula.- hoped would never appear be a vital necessity in the mo¬ Military spokesmen had no again as a cause for conflict immediate comment on possible in human relations-that of dern world reactions to the incident bv the religion." U.S. Navy's Task Force 71, which has been operating off the eral Speaking to a crowd of sev¬ thousand at his summer Sengerends tour Korean coast to guard Ameri¬ retreat in this Alban Hills town, can planes since North Korea the Pope appealed for justice of ad trade show shot down am EC121 aircraft on and peace in Northern Ireland Frank Senger. chairman of the April 15. because." the Pope School of Journalism, returned The EC121 shootdown oc¬ said, "if the aspirations for Saturday from the Specialty curred three months after recognition of equal civil Advertising Association's North Korea seized the U.S. semi-annual trade rights for all citizens without (SAA) intelligence ship Pueblo and her anachronistic discriminations show in Chicago. are indisputable, then they can Senger was one of three pro¬ never be achieved by means of fessors invited to observe and violence and tumult. discuss the use of specialty Cyclists "These festive days, which should be holidays are. instead, advertising, a $710 million in- saddened by conflicts of hatred The two-dav trade show to wear and blood in different included briefings and meet¬ Gov. Milliken reminded parts of the world and which. ings with SAA's board of direc¬ ,unfortunately. instead of dim tors and other industry officials. motorcycle riders and pass¬ engers Friday that a new law- inishing. are increasing the The professors also attended ruins, the victims and the feel¬ group discussions of the rela¬ requiring them to use crash helmets goes into effect ings of enmity among men." tionship between advertising and "This is our mission: to other media. Sept. 1. Because of the rush of act¬ " ivities connected with the be¬ ginning of school, college and university classes. many younger people using motor¬ cycles or motorbikes may not realize that helmets must be MSU Faculty worn," Milliken said twice Today there are more than as many motorcycles in granted liquo operation than five years ago. The State area on the sun porch of the Liquor Control and deaths from cycle acci¬ Commission has approved an building's uppef level was also dents have increased greatly approved by the commission. application by the MSU Faculty in that time, except for the 1967 Club for a club license, in¬ Hodgson said he does not know period when wearing of crash if the granting of the liquor cluding a dance and entertain¬ helmets was required," the ment permit. license to the club would af¬ governor said. The club building is under fect the number of members Milliken said deaths of construction at 3419 Forest Rd . in the club. motorcyclists went from 104 Lansing Walter Hodgson, pro¬ "We've got 1,000 members in 1966. to 86 in 1967, rising fessor of music and now. I don't know if we'll be president back up to 122 in 1968. when of the club, said he abje to take care of more expects helmets were no longer re¬ the building to be completed than 1,000 families," he said. quired to be worn. by September, 1970. Any member of the MSU The previous motorcycle hel¬ The Faculty Club's request faculty or administration and met law was overturned as for permission to serve al- his family is entitled to join unconstitutional in court. choholic beverages at the pool the Faculty Club, Hodgson added. Monday, August 18, 1969 () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan House By STEVE State News WATERBURY Staff Writer praising the actions of Victor Spathelf. president of Ferris. Cornell and another page. page Among most legislators definitely have a generation gap -mavbe two." he said But chaired Huber. R Trov by State Sen Robert .1 "They are not going in look for that man them at the Rep of the legally legislature is Petitpren is chair House Committee man marv who believes that the pri- responsibility for deal- ing with campus disorders does A veteran of two years Lawrence Moon, an MSI De¬ there are some representatives- ing at the problem objectively. on Colleges and I'niversities not lie with the state legis- service as a page in the Michi¬ troit freshman, asked the ser who can communicate with They are just going in trying He is a very able chair- lature. Cornell said gan House of Representatives young people to support their already formed geant-at-arms to use pages who compares his position to that did not strongly object to the Cornell named Sens. Roger E conclusions with a committee of a " legally hired slave. Philip Cornell, a student at Lansing Community College, resolution to circulate it • I did not want to be directly or indirectly, of any a part, Craig. Brown. D-Dearborn: Basil W D-Highland Park: and Coleman A. Young. D-Detroit. investigation." he said During the two years he has worked with the State Legis¬ Police abandon hunt maintains that a page and a and Reps. Daniel S. Cooper lature. Cornell has formed more oppression of black stu slave share a common bond You are told you have right to your own opinion and no dents at Ferris. The Cornell said. Sergeant-at-arms. fused, however, and the pages re D-Oak Park: Dale E. kildee. D-Flint: Vincent J. Petitpren. D-Westland: and Jackie Vaughn some about cess and very the about definite opinions legislative what makes pro ;i for missing hairdresser State Police and the Coast belief when on the job. Cor III. D-Detroit. legislators good legislator The Michigan State Po¬ including Cornell and Moon, as Guard scoured the waters of nell said Whatever you are The good legislators usually lice and ('oast Guard have circulated the resolution until who have not lost touch with Lake asked to do. whether it goes come from swing districts, abandoned the search for an Superior and the sur¬ O'Brien stopped Moon and be¬ rounding land areas. The fam¬ against your own principles or rated him for his initial re The legislature exhibits this he said "Swing districts are East Lansing hairdresser and your own beliefs, you do it those districts in which Re¬ his family missing since Aug. ily car and boat trailer were fusal to distribute the docu generation gap in the Hubet found at the Copper Harbor Cornell referred to a con 8 in the Cpper Penisula. committee." Cornell said, publicans and Democrats have Marina troversy that developed out of Moon's "which is the equivalent of a near equal number of votes, Mr and Mrs. John L. Car legislative a Page of rights the Ferris turbances State College dis in March, where .\ellis Saunders. sponsor. D Detroit, de witch hunt increasing the competition for ver and of 823 their Maryland. Lansing six-vear-old The police believed the Phil Cornell, a student a1 Lansing Comnaunity College fended the page, eventually Cornell referred to the Spec¬ the job. son. Carvers may have been caught black students were arrested Cornell convinced Christopher, were last seen in the tail end of the storm working as a page in Michigan's House of Rep¬ after their takeover of the cam¬ slapping O'Brien in the face. ial Committee to Investigate is ;i big July 30 at Rock Harbor that swept over Minnesota a resentatives, criticized the Hduss for no!" a'lowing Another Detroit Democrat. Dai Colleges and I'niversities. plus factor students have going pus Administration Bldg State Elliot, also became involved, on Isle Royale. 48 miles off week and a half ago. pages the right to hold heir own opinions aid Rep K I) O'Brien. I) De sv the Lake Superior shoreline beliefs. State News Photo by Wayne Munn wielding a heavy glass ashtray troit. drew up a resolution at Copper Harbor. in what was reported to be a NEGLECTED ART "menacing manner Following this clash. ;i De¬ troit Free Press editorial criti¬ Mom, daughte earn to a The Carvers pick were scheduled up their other son at YMCA camp near Harrison Aug. 8. following their two- cized Cornell and lions, Moon's ac stating that, "any legis sheepskins' week vacation in the I'pper ENDS TUESDAY Doodling scrawls reveal Peninsula lative employe who insists on All-Star Cast When the Carvers failed to Two members of the Freder What's it like 1 passing moral judgements on show up. camp officials con¬ SPIRITS of the DEAD material he is asked to cir ick Tripp family of Okemos with your mom"' 1 tacted Carver's brother. Wil¬ culate invite dis will think it's great." Kathy graduate this term. —ALSO— specific personality traits said, "because she liam. to pick up the boy Kath. 21. and her mother. s kept up pages n Mary Jane, will receive their on things She sits next to kids THE BIG CUBE averted an attempt by several "sheepskins in hotel res- my age in class and jokes with Program rated "R" By SI SAN H ARTMAN tension and Filled-in corners and borders them. She sees things so much -Dots: con¬ representatives to fire them, traurant and institutional man Doodlers reveal more than centration. of triangles and squares may although Moon quit shortly after agement and English, respec¬ better, you know a lack of interest in classes indicate an organizer who the incident. tively. She understands when I say -Spiderwebs: expanding asso- is capable of good planning Mom. I have to get this term or lectures. However. Cornell said the job In recognition of their scho¬ Doodling. or letting the Als . geometrical patterns sig of a page offers exposure to the lastic achievements. "Dad" is paper done, and she makes Dots marking intersections nal a planner, particularly one everybody be quiet TONIGHT — From pencil or pen scrawl nonsense inner workings of the legislative sending them on a three week indicate individuals who think who likes to analyze existing Mrs. Tripp. Kathy said, has 7:15 p.m. 2nd Week! pictures, is a key to person¬ pro tour of Europe ENDS TUESDAY plans and get down to funda The experience of being Following the tour. Kathy will been taking one or two classes ality. just like handwriting and Some generalizations about a mentals. at a time since 1939 She was "THE CRAZY WORLD ICE STATION there when the decisions arc stay in Europe where she hopes part of a scoring system to . person are obvious from his Graceful and humorously made is the redeeming factor to be employed by the Hilton married in the beginning of her OF LAUREL & HARDY" measure achievement doodles For example, an abun¬ ZEBRA drawn birds and animals indi¬ Hotel chain, and Mrs sophomore year and. since that 7:15 and 10:05 "Doodling is neglected. in being a page he said Tripp dance of dollar signs shows cate imagination and a sense time, has raised nine children -AND— There is often a communi nas "no definite plans James Pieman, asst. professor interest in money, or maps an of humor. These are discovered cation gap between the Capitol of psychology, said It looks and directionals. a person who often among the notes of fic¬ THE IMPOSSIBLE like handwriting analysis and pages and the repn likes traveling tion writers and humorous people are afraid of it." ell said. YEARS Romantic people ysually draw I leman said that verbal mater little doll included hearts. A Seemingly unconcious doodles ial is more widely accepted or drawn separately may indi- expose general personality traits today and analysed through con¬ family life. and suppressed desires within tent analysis. Several Such doodles as little houses, the doodler. Doodling contains are widely used cups and saucer symbols much like those in disclose for dreams, and "It's hard to define a also ; psychoanalysis doodle because the stvle is home life sometimes uses them to sup- tree of content Research indicates that cer¬ doodling of one form tain designs often reveal speci¬ he s the circle fic character traits And form gled lines, signals a logical is the essence of doodling. mind able to clarify ideas Squares and other geometric- Doodles which have no de forms indicate an ability finite pattern and are just a to handle complexities Tri meaningless clump of scribbled angles indicate a rationalistic lines may indicate a worried or unrelaxed train of thought Other symbols and interpre¬ The doodler may have tations include unsolved problems Volunteer Action Bureau VOLUNTEER ACTION Bl RKAl VOLUNTEER ACTION Does consl a closer look at the meaningful v« teer experiences offered through Offi -e of Volunteer Programs. Stud< faculty and staff are invited to in the MSI Volunteer Action effort, includes those opportunities list< Your Fellow Man Contact MSI Vol unteer Bureau. 26 Student Services Bldg.. 353-4402 NEW OPPORTUNITIES: ASPIRIM. SHORT STORY WRITER THERAPY NEEDS YOU: (.race, with foui years of experience, would like a vol¬ unteer to help her with a correspondence course that has been giving her prob¬ lems latelv Have-tutor will-travel' HELP AN ADl'LT AND YOl HELP A PERSON HEI-P A CHILD AND YOl HELP A GENERATION Five SOUL BIG BROTHER I build positive black identity The fatherle RECREATE CAMP: Tennis Migrant camp act filled day program afternoon Get out to is HPR< with a Spanish background preferred OPPORTUNITY HOUSE < an 10 glected girls count on you ' Will help set up a growth producing tion cultural program cal home like setting in I,ansing'' Ma ried couple-ideal TWO BID BROTHERS For two lad Will you help keep two young guys off MICHIGAN TRAINING CNIT: In Ionia the deadend street'' Your warmth volunteer opportunities are available and interest are the only prerequisites a< the Michigan Training I'nit iMTI'i Without a dad. where would you be'1 The MTl' is a boy's training prison ranging CURRENT: complete LANSING RELOCATION CENTER: This is an excellent opportunity Immediate need for guys and girls to graduate help paint and repair apartments being chology. counseling, sociology and other used in the relocation effort Name disciplines Faculty and graduate stu your hours We'll provide the transpor- dents only Hammers and band aids are SCOPE: This well-established Towar provided 5 30 p m and Saturday afternoons Do LANSING RELOCATION CENTER you care enough to give your be"' Coeds needed to conduct homemaking I^ou and company are hoping and budgeting skill sessions for new the center open on a daily mothers An invaluable experience for warm and willing bodies home economic majors are needed CAMP HIGHFIELDS: Give a guy a HELP: A crying need for Big Brothers youth home volunteers and Big Sisters Be a Surrogate