M. 5. C. Library EMt LansLfte, Mich. Partly rloudv tonight Michigan State News raider tnnirht with lowest temperature K to 10 de- KAST I.ANS1M,. MICHIGAN, FlJIIl.M . I'M < i'.MIM'l: 7. I" : I Spartans to EHgage FIRST CONCERT Key History Is Told FOOTBALL BUSTBlue Ziegel Appoints Hop TexasA&Min Final IS PRESENTED By SCHEDULED FOR Committee State Neus of Reporter 1935 M-ch-oo s.a Game This Saturday BY ORCHESTRA Cainpu,; Founded al Univuriity of Florida r SATURDAY Junior Class Formal lit I \M» < Mil I I WIS Michigan State Alumni Will fctr Wind. Up Most Sucre,,ful Sr.,on in Decade W.lh A„ie, Cr°"d| •'» Fete ISO Prep (iriJmen at Chairmanships Given to 11. Assisting Positions to 31 as San Antonio; Thirty-three Men Named for La,. Recetve, Offer,n„ of Local Arntial Event Third Year M«n Begin Arrangements for Annual Road Trip of Current Year Mu.ici.r, Winter Social Highlight lt\ TOMMY WAR.VFK PIANO TRIO FEATURED SPEAKER YET UNNAMED !ul foot hit 11 s«*a Appear at Church Tonight. Wednesday Night COUNCIL SENDS T BREAKFAST TWO TO BOSTON WILL BE HELD Cnitroni and Kelley to Reprr Theme ot Gathering Will be lent State al Student Conyentior Faculty and Sru »ms Tom Otu . wh' ap- are the building William Aurfmv „ilrt M« i >> Armstrong .nuo.- • Virginia Hiua I •ei.ne. ' nghe* KontatnmM, „ lav* in which *o possibility of having a Jane Hianstoi, ,n i 11.,> • >. f Canadian The '-*ka:ing rink tr.t:• building. Victot fh,. prog,am w.ii togm with - Nan m»ed~t<■ superinten- • .,t Hunt b h-*«l Shop ,.i i that any men ber of the al Railway fur publKitv sides teaching painting ga* believes that the structure o clock The formal initio ■Ota and at pre sometime m ha* three unexcused tion will follow the dinner I >i *orw tern w ill be drop- ulty club room From here he went to the L'ni DeHaan of the psychology depart¬ Hi* interest :n art dates, back vertity of Illinois where he taugh pretentious as will .»«ldn -*ed the membership Excuses ment then give the mam to hi* early boyhood on an island free hand architectural drawing Lansing' •onducted •parch of the evening on "Philo- in Lake Erie One summer the Finally he was called to teach the East will the wife of a physician came to the at Michigan State and accepted have a couise Th. rather important little island for her vacation In- He says. "The beauty of the cam- «tone Grange man who < ontnbuted to lerestrd in art. she ffarmed a iUm pus is »ne of the things that 5.2SU squar trott to act as tnastmad the gatherings wa» < II Bramble, BUY in which Ar m.ld Scheele w as one brought me here I have never uf 21 men wor the evening In addition roaster of the State Grange Farm- mng President Hoheit S Shaw 17 of the students It u interesting to ceased to appreciate its beautiful M'rf.day when ei '■« topics on the three day* were offieialiy extended greetings th« members, all iristructois note the tremendoui affect this aspect* I have never seen a more irforr on the averag ■department and their ..wiv "The C all of the Lecturer. The gioup. .md Dean Anthony '.nked had on his life Years later after beautiful campus and I have wren taking his them from the Atlantic to the v wfcing daily Oa*< Ahead ' The Grange To¬ upon day. ' Special Grange Program*.'' Timely Agrunltural Topn-. *» Christmas bachelor\ and master's degrees a*. Pacific " and "Weaving'' Bramble con¬ The three day shoi I course ended Oberlin college in preparation city of Genoa. Italy, pre- fined his addresses to a discussion this a/ternuon with a brief pro¬ of medicine, he enro rare collection of all of affairs of thu State gram which included a vong serv¬ p* those gifts in and proofs of the Hopkins university Af¬ ice at I 30, a volunteer testimonial ter arriving at Johns Hopkins he of Christopher Coi- staff and extension department on "What I Am Taking Home to u.vsing AND EAST suddenly decided to five it ellup took an active part in the entire My Grange", and a question box Ernest L Anthony. conducted by J C Farmer and as- »»W- hy state officers of the HELP MICHIGAN STAI'K MEWS Friday, December 7, K» McMgan State New* Wells Boarding Club FuMUHrd-Tuwdav Founded in !*>* «• I I r, l»s c+> STUDENT PULSE FACULTY CO TO The Spartan Spoofer Re-Elects Fields COLORED A TTKNTKIV Fraternities and Sororities COTTON rim Sl.n.4 ..4 l.ltlat»4 trtklw Treasurer HORT MEETING I.At f.ll c I ll»\ '"0 Erskine St BAND Better Dance Music Detroit fadillac 7 Tin Twelve Te*ther« Attend Con¬ Answers Criticism ol Wolverine vention at Grand Rapidi Appointment Plan. . . Thin Week. who Twelve faculty members from, Michigan State college attended sure the joint meeting of the Michigan a p.- state Horticultural society and th • ■mlt- American Pomologirn! society held sik'i in the civic auditorium. Grand •Rapids. Dec 4. r> and 15 »ti«n The meeting was held for the Ap- purpose of discussing the latest arlv developments in the fruit industry i "I of America A variety of problems LOST IN \ FOCi get- vahs riiseusted during the three d.r- Discarding our textbooks and w^ndrrini arnur r £rMt the wake nf the Orar|*> thnuch not erraOeall* -ul to notirr a good man* of the old steadies hack rnmancins again, and setting an example f«.r mo»r thin a feu of ihr mateurs fu¬ ll extends front the railroad de,»--i l«. the Gables to the librar» less ronxpiruoii*!. /ierel and I •• »«• enterprMne yirnu N'u's SO THEY SAY continue with the I enti attraction-. «| the Kappa house \nolhrr .fane Met lellan monopolist ol personable Kappa Helen MeLa* >■ romps with Tent*«k. while Rex Carlvles bashful frater Dad Drown waxes holder wtin the Alpha ( hi doorwa.. grieves over her usual puhlicti* "Yen hod steps on our feet and !«»*••- H'fcmer with limn* Grant who needs no introduction An- her famous muplr wh«. na\n i lime llarrt Winner. -oph been hi the eolumn latel* hut •• •• still hm mi hfexstnx «rc eentl a• cused of »'AKT1\IHA Tnmrm K* an Warner and Dotal Rndm * * lill to son \n»l th. - h\ one .If. II the Third with the hotich and u *nder aimlessl* with Marx* Mind and we find a bespectacled lad nh- talk- »o« ohereneth he. a use Hett who is prnnnuncinx Haul Nie- Real No. %nd wi «an t d-> I ARK MISSEJj CLASSES lltm IT - IMINI A MAN'S CHRISTMAS Pershing Rilles Holds Formal WW U I - I 1,1,1 > I Election lliMilik-hriM-tril Hc.fr IU I on-: fM-.ditp • f< Ifplpiin*. :i -;il« own Ifcrl.v Hut. M.M>. Still |i - lir i mi rivt uf !\ f,ft.v«TP«iM than i.Yi.flffi) pbi. in 11 «»m t»n i ■ ihr.. im-iiK— .U-. II. » t-i.il -l . I:- .1- III t.llkIII- W till ill- :ip 111- ill I'l I I ill. 11-11.L -|*.|lll'llrr ( .tiling Si • \ I. < . I fi-l.iti. I . I.lik ■!! ... I ■ i\ ji! Im l..i*rn i .ill-. SiCalling ju-l III1K, III fill III. .11 I In' li'li j.lliilir 111 M-Vi IliU )S. ""Ilie ll.it Stole t I ||*- .. au* HELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Barratt's Shoe Repairing MIOI s lit I II \\\ I ol oil TRY OCR I He SPKCIAI. Mixi'ii llarii ( audit's I 75* ves and MARY STEWART'S ' I a its tie Muhigiin i j j liereV win II 1 I ttOU IImI Slllokimi »/ flifh ... r -i ctrrtain kind ol (his (ohaceo chat is hetsseen the tohaceo used ior or Plum Pudding .... cijja- recies and ih. kind that is used tor chew¬ ing tohaceo. CAFETERIA 1 his is the kind of tobacio that we use. as liUn Key |m >ear after \car. for Ciranger Rough Cut. DINING SERVICE and Mpitroa. t i >X c got the m of cxistetive on > . .n right pipe tobacco, made- it bv the right umpiring group of young process . . . VI cilinan's nn> pursue the Blue N< Serving ! Live " Process... \s c cut it right... rough cut. the pipe tobacco that* MILD limit luiiii ^Imjj Freshmen at Lehigh uimci'.-t.ty. 'tlilftiem. Pa., have a higher .i - '16c lug Granger Jiaies bait but a ct»,i ami /Art ctrtainiy last to tbc pipe tobacco that's COOL tclligenee than last year's fresh- ig - . - Michigan ■ la*:, .avoiding t«» results ob¬ tougcr, jud mtxr gum tbc pipe. —Jutks strut io Me ii tained from a recent paychalogtcal Kriilay- December 7. I!*a4 MiCliiGAN Si'Ait, .uws f»fe 4'hrw Blue Key Party to Furnish Social : Highlight on Campus Over Quiet THREE DORMS Christmas Tree Question DEBATERS WILL Peoples Church Activities Week-end; Scruby's Band to Play PLAN PARTIES Starts Holiday Warfare TRAVEL AGAIN (Continued from page 1) Joseph Gwinn: tickets. Walter Mc- Comb: program, Herbert Cooper: banquet. Ray Riggs: guest recep¬ rhe f.egcnd of the Graal." a T.'iiight will be the big nifrht for State Society Steppers Co-ed Chriitmai P.rtie. Will week end. what with the Blue Key party beiny stayed Co ed. Salk.ng Bec.u^Coop Cnl. Grew Fe.tive Tree in Team Will Make a Two Week tion, George Julian; seating, Har¬ istrmu miracle play written ,< the t'nion to the tunes played by Bronson All Fnrniih Present, for Red Thm °W" V,r'' "Th"' " N° S"rt' Cl"" ney Cox: invitation and transpor¬ tation, Earl Hotchin: entertain-, Douglas Horton, will lw» given student members of the Stu- Scruby Trip Tkrnnfh Ent and a„,l his boys. Stocking Club. < hristi th« campus ( W« Atlantic Coait. mcnt. Ralph Tenny; fraternity Christian Pnion in the so- Saturday night will furnish entertainment to various t with the lighting of the big ever-jet tall f>f Peoples church, this sterility men and women at the Hesperinn house where Tin1 Christmas plans fitt the,k:','<'n ',,r m front of the Woman's (' . iv evening at 7:00 o'clock. ,,r, will be a fall term party. At the llerniian house three dormitories are all differ- building ju>1 before exam week. ent. and what k more, A squire, Wil- j at tile Phi Delta Theta house where an they all '' true. !<>. these many '! open house and an anchoress, fall term party respectively will be in full swing shnrtlv an's building is planning t"-trtvo Bid this year there is a dis- They enjoy the campus illian. Donald ri..|iectively will be in full swing shortly after nine o'clock, an Open House Saturday. Decern- cordant note in the campus, *r, •• ;« much ;i< the s' presenting sorority entertainment will be the Sigma' her fifteenth. This will be pre<;ed- Christmas carol Mary Mayo co- and |x>rhaps more, be Pirns who will wind up? , ed with a birthd.c and Christmas pc's at0 Pouting up their hps and it all during Christmas ir social obligations of the \iPh. fi.mm. dinner combined A< Hie dinner s;,.v"lk- "Please, Santy Shaw, can't ' when the students arc Belt. . »:th an open house Saturday Tin Alpha (lanwu I* •„ the girls will have , their Christ- have ;i Christmas tie® too'.'" I'hat is, the lownspeop whtle Phi Kappa Tau wilt teitninrd lu.-hitlc oue.t t a, . ,i . < r'rdge party Saturrias The .vcnlng P®rt b) only Kappa Alpha Theta— Rushing guests weir vv.'e at dinner Tuesday night la Omicron Pi girls are Kappa Theta house a drive to Ann Arbor [ lo attend a Founder's Sigma Kappa— on at the chapter house The Sigma Kapp..s e Detroit ehaptei u.ll "teir fall term part. Sa sent, as it has been the 1 Scomber 8 Mr and Mis •c ehaptei • Mr and Mrs Mallmo this on together Profs Will Address State Theatre H H Hallad.i Sigma Xi Meeting COLLEGE ni \i» I ill \ 11»; bookings BULLETIN • LB TIME PuNCINW /W>M The st I outs Kid «Ur- ring James Cagnev I'atriria ^ l.lliw and %llen Jrnkinv Fri- fining To The Hlne Key Parly \ll Pershing Riflemen SEMI-FORMAL happa Kappa Gamma— Rlue Kn Part a i Evening Gowns STUDENT COUNCIL 11 i sim i»i i i mi1.i a Till Willi I P\R\I»I i'x surrint I a,ret la 1 ming and John Holes. Stindas M«>nrfa« BKAl TIFCL NEW HATS The Style Shop's 'I lie TDK HOLIDAYS I'aris Cable Imericitii Chemical sorietv. of For Him* terminating their $1.25 - $1.95 - $2.95 1.11 I SI f.l.FSTIONS Fashion Hints college course at the i lose White Initialed Scarf $ Also Genuine t alf skin line Hi a i Mydrt gi n and Ht u Heard over W'JIM every nf this term, we wish to re¬ . , Fabric Ifcig and Iktg Muff Toew Thurs., Frl. at 7:25 Hat and Scarf Set mind them that .» knowl¬ ■I".*- t he famous M< CLASSIFIED BEVERLY'S - M.I.I M HOSK I", edge «»f Short h.tnd .tnd I Ap¬ '. mas. F< unci only at hi Style Shop, ing will be advantageous fin.«i• •>i>i«i r».. i«# Win Satin Nightgown HOME FOR THE ' akes a tlat'ei nig gift when .seeking emplpv nient. . the spurt- woman rVPINfi WANTED T.o.i Mbltd sweater. • Uw Sty It Shop | Acme Business CHRISTMAS kferie gift- foaia, Is Amtm/ (It Phone 2-1 iH (allege Style S^.°P lift H'. Allegan 2-12 >. t apitol. I Ma I JP»«i| QUICKLY W ECONOMICALLY mi! the thrill <>f getting home again bv Sever again may you be able •e Bhipment y«,ur bagg.ige. Solve the worrying problem by to buy a Royal Portable at everything to Railway Expreaa. Wr will xall for inks, baggage and penmna) belongings • • •• ct«#r«- T » xb-Tid !;t • poetic !i- TODA Y'S low prices! • - • v< n < extent of making fake your giauv.ui i hymc with "Alabama * train home with peace of mind-knowing Be Sure to Hive the Family a The Bard ..f Avon muxt faintly re* • i' What fools r Uiggage will 1* there quickly and safely Railway we service means e»otny We give 4 re»;«tpt mortals be ' but even now, won¬ ami take a receipt on delivery double proof oi ROYAL PORTABLE ders how it could possibly be bq re handling It y.«4 . annot go !iW, «end your KeaU pause to marvel M. S. (. Jewelry, Compacts, Rings, to your family and friend* by Railway Kspreaa. THIS CHRISTMAS! Miss fur the Vfa; program Haltigan which vu- v, a- leader feelings that enabled h;i Cigarette Cases, Lockets and telephone j.■ re¬ sent cd r.y M;s- Joyce Matlmann, that 223 M. Vvt*.-Phone 52' pirc modern lyric wri?«»r|i . who played I ao I.;ebe»freud r» v piano numta •- K renter. t C • discourse on "I Cant Dane®,' »c 1 Got Ants in Bracelets Last I .an sing. Mich. and « My Pants " "Sonata. First Movement by The Blind P«a t of Kngland mud Hadyn; Grace XahiU.i! who ai«, wonder ju*t how far we are from gave piarto immberx. "Sonata No Pander:.omum as he ka>iu out with Felt Banners, PiHows and Pennants, 2 ' b> Haydn, and ' SERVING THE NATION FOR 9S YEARS Impromptu x, ' «. "Per la •crime.agam*t the gods for the flUNKLOI Gloria" by Mononemi "The Hous" gods to attend to." * Una* Armo, DEKLHNE CO. Mm* HW that Jack Built" by Homei. "SUr.- clten" by Brahms and "O Prih vera" by TlrindeUi —Michigan Daily State Cdhfe Book Store ACCNCV, Inc. Mx» Schoti NATION.WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Erv':i\. Dwomln-1 the Michigan state news WRESTLERS TRAIN SAE'S WINS SECOND Rouse Leads Cagers NATIONAL State Harriers Wind FOR MAT TOURNEY GAME OF SEASON SPORT SUMMARY In Unimpressive Win nnounces Openings for Munxon Fani 29 Out of a Pos n.v JACK WARNER Up Year With Second Over Hornets 30-25 FIEND, et x- Next Week. nil-College ( wrestling sible 30 Opponents. ' The 1814 The S. A E s outbeltcd the Phy- been ehangi In National A. A. U. Itx lixititv WISMFII it iu>t seven days off, jeans last night in the only game so" Bnyne Ci!; Guard Scores 12 Points to Annex High Point Honors; idles Collins is working'of the interfratc rnlty indoor base- ,"n,> ;i Cron-tounlry Turn Bows Only lo Hillrosf A. C. anil is First night from 4 00 to b-'.i tournament to the tune of 5-1. i'icrrn-irr: t Spartans Wake Rut Six Out of Sixteen Free Throws. vi i \ t them in condition foi'The game proved a defensive bat- by Intercollcftiatr Turn in at Iowa City: Lash I■» mn It a |H »lt Itl It II \Ns t'1 Mutison again pitrhed u beau- hiuhei s«-nr Acain Downs Captain Ottay in Clow Rara. • hgible for the t : il game for »he S A E * 11" ''r ' ; Mik.' I»• • 11-• ttie Michisrait S it. and there la still »trtick out (S out of a ponlbte i"» tempt I * tor those who wish innings played. Coupled Mi« Lilmm M lehitra t S»a»« h: unimi g ime. MunW« »*'" n" " "" which broiiy preliminaries will week' raoon The f )t comber 1.1 and ikinj • cond plact Th.i Phyl.ar THE WINNERS NATATORS LOOK Campus Barber & j v GOODTO COACH Beauty Shop iirand River g «im t 3.1 Varsity Mm Makes Dauber f Optimistic as to Outcome There's something about the fragrance and aroma Women's (iroup of a Chesterfield Discusses Uules l or Basket hall that is pleasing Fifteen Women Make StuitpHif .. and different Rules and Methods of Court Game CfiM and u th Mro i>. :. o,. ! lA'hmd. mid Loosing Kit Parket ■ t 11». physical rdw- the Lansing Vans, last , catton department leading tlx dis¬ The Vans cussion Dunne .hinuaiA i.itmgs bim with Hait State stars, three toferwiiiK g .'M-,. T entered in the hack stroke event In the distance. Black. Raaenmi da> Wendell Patchett, last vein's lead¬ s the cigarette that's milder and Taylor showing the IhM er. Ait Hag*. Jerry McC'aslin. gnu State mmniitlcc on Women's fs-.t m Five are distance men, Dell. captains a few years back. Mur- the cigarette that tastes better BaskctUt.i Will imv ... give na¬ Gardner. Hukoy. Kinney and ice Buyvse, one of the best inter¬ tional ratings for officials A Sinmis, are also cm the list The collegiate Kisketcet s in the nation demonstration game will be play¬ only freshman to report tor diving in '33 and high point man of the ed on the basketball floor upstairs is J Smith. Spartan team last year will be at this time | As there is very little compel i- center Tvldy Briggs, who is a well . tion m many of the event*, all men known independent player the State and a tine j who with to try out for Uie team throughout report to Coach shot from the floor will be at , Daubert at hie office i guard with Manager Riordan Other men on the squad of sensa- jPATRONIZK Ot'P ADVCRTISIOtS tional '& " £• ■' •