Wednesday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Wednesday, August 20, 1969 Vol. 62 Number 45 Lansing, Michigan AUSSC members, challenge By MARILYN PATTERSON State News Staff Writer by four power groups, that it had out- maneuvered and outvoted student repre¬ happen in the committee, although it may not be incorrect from Trustee White's White's critical of Adams and, "I don't know how to characterize it any other way Two trustees and two members of the sentatives and that it had " done a pont of view. " (thana hatchet job.')." Walt Chappell. AUSSC graduate student The committee has not fulfilled its All-University Search and Selection Com hatchet job" on Acting President Adams mittee (AUSSC) rebuked by eliminating him from consideration representative, said any power struggles charge, as outlined in the Taylor Re¬ Tuesday a within the committee were of more Impossible a statement by Trustee Clair White. for the presidency port. in that it "did not determine the conservative versus liberal strain kind of man we are looking for. D-Bav City, that AUSSC has been a "I attended every meeting of the than among the four interests White failure. committee." Dozier Thornton, black fac¬ "They're looking for a chief academic Walter Brisebois did the impossible—he beat the railroad. He cited. White said the powers were officer I'm looking for a president." A third trustee said he agreed with ulty representative to the committee, said, blocked a crossing w'th his car for 18 minutes after he was the Alumni Assn.. the Colleges of Agri¬ White. "and I was not aware of these (power The four candidates on the recommend¬ culture and Education and the Dept. of stopped for the same amount of time by a train iast month. He In a statement made Monday. White struggles i. The statement was incorrect ed list are "all qualified academicians, Medicine. won his court battle with the railroad and charges of intim'dation said the committee had been dominated from the point of view of what I saw but I don't know if they are qualified to be As a student representative. Chappell against him were dropped. APWirephoto president." he said. said he had "strong concerns about students being treated on double standards Czech crowds protest "But when attempts at this were made, Michigan Daily rebuked we let them (the other members of the committee* know We worked out our problems." Adams "definitely was considered as a soviet invasion symbols candidate for the presidency and may still be. he said. The possibility still exists that the trustees may choose him. into PRAGUE (AP>- Armored units swept Wenceslas Square Tuesday and helped riot police with clubs and tear gas to clear the National Museum and army helicopter had circled downtown Prague, watching the rush-hour crowd gather on both sides of the square to stare sullenly at the statue and museum Trustee Blanche Lansing, said the committee has made an honest attempt to get the man best suited for the job. Martin. D-East for published candidate list About 20 armed policemen and soldiers it's hard for me to tell if the stu¬ Mahoney could not be reached for com¬ St. Wenceslas Statue, symbols of protest By LINDA GORTMAKER "They were all wrong." Don Stevens, were in the area of the statue and museum, dents have been outmaneuvered not having against Soviet occupation Sunday Editor chairman of the board of trusteed, said. ment Tuesday, but Chris Steele. Daily Police used tear gas after charging enforcing a ban against crowds at the sat in on the committee's deliberations, A list of three men that the Michigan "I think they just pulled those names co-editor, said. T have no reason to statue, in the center of the street. he said. of mistrust what he said with clubs into the crowds. The square Daily reported Saturday to be candidates out the air The Daily was not cor Uniformed members of the People's Don Stevens. D-Okemos and chairman of for MSU's presidency is erroneous, ac¬ rect." One member of the search and selec finally was cleared of all but police Militia, the Communist Party's private the board of trustees, said he does not Stevens speculated that either the tion committee who asked to remain About 12 armored personnel carriers cording to two trustees and two members re mingled among the crowds • army, share any of his (Whites) views." unidentified said that none of the Daily's and police water cannon rolled into the of the search and selection committee. porter who wrote the |tory (Pat Mahon¬ historic square as city police swung their Addressing the party workers in Prague. He declined further comment. The story from the University of ey) took someone's word that he was three candidates were on the final list. Husak said the Czechoslovak people were Warren Huff. D-Plvmouth. said he does authentic source, or else guessed. Miss Abramson said that originally truncheons to clear a crowd away from Michigan iU-Mi newspaper stated that an the statue and i unprepared and shocked by the entry agree that there is a power struggle "sources said the three candidates were Warren Huff, D-Plymouth. agreed that Acting President Adams was. on the of Soviet and other Warsaw Pact troops within the committee Paul Miller, former MSU provost: James that was not the list, but called the can¬ Daily's list, but since the State News because they had been operated on by The faculty did want to control selec¬ Shouts of "Gestapo were heard in Miller, president of Western Michigan didates on the Daily's list "pretty good reported Friday that Adams was not on the crowd as it retreated down the right wing propaganda ami because tion of the president and. if possible, University, and G Mennen Williams, names that makea plausible list." the list, his name was dropped broad square after the show of military then-party chief Alexander Dubcek and his name him." Huff said. "I agree also former governor of Michigan Marcy Abramson. co-editor of the Daily associates had withheld information on that they would like to have a presti¬ this summer, said Mahoney assimilated force "No. that is not the list." said Dozier The armored units appeared after an dealings with Moscow gious academician who would emphasize Thornton, vice chairman of the search information from an Associated Press graduate piograms and de-einphasize ur. and selection committee. Sue Gebelein. story that came over the wire Friday dergraduate programs. The faculty has fairly well controlled the committee. undergraduate representative mittee agreed with him. on the com He also talked to someone and selection committee, she said on the search M ississippi The committee has. he said, been very AP SURVEY enacts martial South s school districts pi GULFPORT. Gov John Mis; Bell (API Williams limited martial law on the storm ravaged Mis clamped integration Gulf Coast Tuesday with the death toll eye ministration decision approved plans for integration this fall. from Hurricane Camille rising to 135 and refugees still facing food and water shortages ATLANTA. Ga (AI'i-About one- against "rigid" The order came to discourage sight¬ 20 more for 1970-71. and an estimated third of the black pupils in the 11 deadlines and a shift to the judiciary seers and restrict the movement of route. 50 per cent integration this fall. There Southern states will attend classes with people. were 21 districts involved in the Dept. white "This present system -one step for¬ President Nixon declared Louisiana pupils in the school year that of Health. Education and Welfare a ward. one step backward and then a shift begins in September, an Associated Press major disaster area and allocated $1 from side to side -will not integrate our noncompliance actions, including 11 million in federal disaster funds the survey shows. funds terminations. Districts under court same schools." said black leader Marvin Davies amount he ordered for Mississippi to Five years ago the figure was 1.2 of St. order: 14 Petersburg, Fla. aid in relief and repairs per cent. In the 1968-1969 school term A state-by-state look at integration: FLORIDA- Some increase expected in The President said he it was 20 per cent. was sending ALABAMA- The three judge federal integration, rising to 30 per cent or Vice President Five counties Spiro T Agnew and "I think we'll see the greatest leap panel has ordered extensive changes, more. fully desegregated." three George Romnev. secretary of housing and yet this year, said a federal official. complete desegregation by the 1970-71 ineligible for federal aid 16 under urban court order development, to New Orleans But whether it will be a great leap or school term in 23 systems. Modification a short limp will depend on how local GEORGIA Lawsuit filed against state Wednesday to inspect the stricken areas of the freedom-of-choice plans was school officials carry out their plans officials bv Justice Dept on a helicopter tour ordered, including a black-white faculty Seventy-one State adjutant general. Walter Johnson, Unhappy or the orders of the federal courts. ratio based on population. An estimated of 192 districts involved in HEW non said the sightseers were turning the This fall had been set as a deadline 17 to 20 per cent of black pupils in Ala¬ compliance processes. 36 of which have coast "intoa carnival for abolishing dual school systems. lost federal aid. Complying systems will Amy is the daughter of a migrant worker. She seldom sees her bama would attend integrated schools, The death toll But the deadline, like others before boost integration from 10 6 to 18.5. ex¬ jumped Tuesday with parents, who work in the fields all day and ha>'e no extra time compared with about 7.4 last year the discovery of 23 bodies in a luxury it, died-victim of slow strangulation by clusive of court order districts, ac¬ for her. She is left on her own, with the other children, in the ARKANSAS--Of 215 districts with white apartment complex at nearby Pass Chris- stubborn resistance in many districts and and black pupils. 105 were cortsidered cording to HEW. migrants' inadequate housing. State News photo by TrinkaCline finished off by a top-level Nixon Ad¬ unitary systems with 29 more filing (please turn to bark page) Life's a stream of tears for migrants' children plight are virtually invisible to the average sources small. Those agencies whose job American as he selects his fruits and it is to stop the exploitation and waste of human breath are understaffed and vegetables from the shelves of his store. In the case of Amy's parents and the underequipped The Health Dept. labor Systematically excluded by laws cover¬ other 1.500 migrant families now work¬ canp unit cannot physically inspect ing wages and benefits for the average all camps across the state with a staff American worker, virtually unaware of ing in the tri-county area of Ionia. of only 16. some of them only seasonal. Montcalm and Gratiot, the product is Her tears are also shed throughout what rights they do have, backed by Violations go unchecked. her day at a school that's little more pickles. They may work directly for inadequately funded agencies to defend Bad Health, Pay than a babysitting facility. those rights, the Mexican-American, black companies, or for small growers who sub-contract with the larger farmers. The labor camp unit can hire local Amy's tears and cries "I want my or Puerto Rican migrant is caught in health personnel to do the inspections. Problems Unknown mommy" continue between 4 and 6 p.m.. the stagnant cycle of poverty Also. violations are only normal Even the majority of people living in after she returns home and before her misdemeanors and thus handled in the areas now heavy with migrant labor know mother returns home from work. And in the words of the Michigan local courts. Both provisions for "local" ed and all too clearly little of the workers' problems Most She wanders through the rows of small, Civil Rights Commission (CMRC). avoided by those Monday, part of a series on the migrant help invite cronyism Many growers "They hoe. prune and pick. Most of all with vested interests. problem, disclosed that Sen. Charles Zol- people today complain about high food inadequately lighted and ventilated are merely touched with petty fines of It is difficult to convince a lar. R Benton Harbor, comes from a prices. The MCRC notes, however, that "houses" of thin walls they pick strawberries, cherries grower smaller percentage of the American $10-20 If you've lived next door^o "Mac" to invest a significant amount in the district with growers employing a higher a peaches, melons, pickles, apples, toma¬ dollar goes to food than did in 1947. for 20 years, it's easy to overlook a few She doesn't see much of her mother toes and other fruits and vegetables. They ugly, poorly lighted, poorly ventilated, number of migrants than any other county - or than does in any other country. glaring deficiencies in that report. after 6 p.m. either. Mother has to wash will continue to pick until they can find terribly small sheet-metal or plywood Zollar is also a grower. structures that And Zollar is chairman of the power¬ Migrants, then, are living testimony Migrants are indeed legally paid below up. fix dinner, clean up and then it's other opportunities for employment or migrants must call "home" the minimum wage law: questioned by the bedtime, and up again to return to the that those comparatively low prices have until mechanical harvesters replace them during their summer in Michigan. ful Senate Appropriations Committee MCRC. the Dept. of Labor acknowledged Growers Lose Money And his committee has kept an come at least partially at the expense pickle fields. The latter is likely to come faster than eye that those workers on the piece-rate Life is a stream of tears for this out for of human lives. Someone else has gone the former. And that is the problem In a few years, the growers will have legislation damaging to growers scale can be paid less Even the most worker. no need for migrants: it's a waste of and has killed it, by failing to report it hungry, without minimal medical care, without running water, without a bathroom diligent worker ("diligent" is the of¬ Her parents are among the 80,000 Noting the components of that problem money to most of them. out of committee. ficial basis of the piece-rate) can fall seasonal farm workers who journey- the conditions of living and working these The cards are stacked against needed Migrants-approximatelv 65 per cent only a few steps away. below" the minimum in early or late people face-the MCRC makes the numer Mexican- American and 12 to 20 per Not everyone is blind to the situation, mostly from Texas, some from Florida legislation, especially in this great state. harvest when the crops are sparse to Michigan each summer to help har ous recommendations all too clearly need A biting story in the Detroit Free Press cent black and Puerto Rican--and their but their numbers are few, their re¬ 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 20, 1969 — x Study calls violence 'old' Bv Ren krell Editorial Editor The labor demonstrations occurred from 1870 to that 1936 ple had been excluded from the decision-making process. It's inclusion and exclusion in this country, a system he referred to as the "WAMPAM struc¬ "workers in this country are strongest nativists because they are the newest group on the dem¬ the .John Spiegel, director of*the represented the sixth stage of nothing new." ture. ocratic island. Lemberg Center for the Study violence. Spiegel contended that vio¬ "That is, if one was white. Differences exist between the of Violence, said last week that Spiegel referred to the present lence has always been neces¬ movements by youths and blacks sary before a new group of Angle-Saxon. Middle-class or first six cycles of violence in violence in our society is "no¬ better. Protestant, and an adult as the seventh movement*of vi¬ people could break into the so¬ this country and the present thing new " male, there was a place in the Spiegel, speaking before the olence and saw little diference cial system. struggle involving blacks and the between violent occurrences to¬ "The only group that broke system for him. youth of the nation The melt¬ U.S. Student Press Assn. Con¬ "The into the system without violence question now must be ing pot idea of assimilation was gress. outlined what he believed day and those of the past. whether we can afford to main successful as other groups were to be the seven major periods "All of the periods have a was women. tain the social system as it is," of violence in this country. lot in common." he said "They Spiegel outlined what he be¬ incorporated onto the island, in view of this ' social con¬ but "it can't work with blacks were all spurred because peo- lieved to be the principles of Internal violence began, he flict or the young because they can't contended, with the Shay re The social stratification of bellion in 1786. followed by the go away." Blacks will never this country is exemplified. be completely masked by the as¬ anti-Catholic demonstration of the 1830 s and 1840's. The draft riots of the civil war. spurred A. A. state conference Spiegel said, when one considers that "there aren't that many similation process, nor do they desire assimilation We shall WAMPAM families left in the because the rich could buy their way out of ed the next service, represent¬ progression of vi¬ to meet at Jack Tar working class." to Spiegel saw four reactions this value conflict over the Spiegel believes blacks and youth do not want admission into the system, but rather seek The marching cl inic offered in the practice field by the Music Bldg., means stiff joints and sore muscles for teenage band members and majorettes, but there olence. The 17th State Conference of brietv and help others recover revision of it. will come a day State News photo by Bob Ivins elitist system. The nativists are Violence directed against an Alcoholics Anonymous will meet from alcoholism a group who would like to limit ethnic group of people began in at the Jack Tar Hotel in Lan the elitist group to Over 2.000 those pres¬ this country on a massive scale sing Sept. 19-21. people are expected ent in its early forms. with the anti-Chinese massa¬ Alcoholics Anonymous, at the September conference. The status-quo group con¬ MULTIPLE SEEDING cres on the west coast, fol¬ founded in 1935. is a fellowship The public is invited to attend tends. according to Spiegel, that lowed by anti-black disturban¬ of 450.000 men and women who A $5 registration fee may be things are changing slowly, ces. which reached a peak fol¬ share the experiences of their paid at the hotel during the whereas the third group, the Hurricane Debbie attacked lowing World War 11 disease to retain their own so- conference. reconstructionists. are com¬ Speakers from outside Michi prised of those groups trying to gan and the United States will break into the system. address the meeting The revolutionaries see the ROOSEVELT ROADS. Puerto Rico i AP will be needed before any conclusions can be made. THE STATE NEWS reconstructionists as merely to tame Hurricane Debbie has been termed a > An attempt success from emphasized that taming the hurricane was only one goal. He tinkering with the system, while an operational standpoint, but there were no signs that the The all-day hurricane seeding and reconnaissance mission revolutionaries seek a restruc¬ The Slate News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is hurricane had been weakened. was a joint effort of the I S. Commerce Dept. and the Navy turing of the entire system." Dr. Cecil R. Gentry, touched down late to tame and study the destructive storms published every class day throughout the year with special Welcome Week Monday night and and Orientation issues in June and September. Subscription rates are 114 Spiegel sees America as Two other pronounced his mission a "huge operational success." hurricanes have been seeded-Esther in 1961 per year "a democratic island in a sea of Debbie, whose winds are still blowing at 100 miles an and Beulah in 1963. but never in an all-out attack as the one authoritarianism " The recon Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press hour, probably will be attacked again Wednesday. on Debbie. Results then were considered encouraging but structionists seek to expand the Association. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Press Association, Mich¬ inconclusive igan Collegiate Press Association, United States Student Press Association. island, and the nativists wish The season s fourth storm showed no obvious effect from In the Debbie operation. Navy jets made five separate pene to limit the island to those Monday s massive barrage of silver iodide crystals fired into trations into the eye of the storm, 600 miles off the coast ol Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. already on it. her eye wall. Nor did she give any signs of following her vi Editorial and business offices at 347 Student Services Building, Michigan The reconstructionists of one Puerto Rico in what Gentry called the "first multiple seeding Stat- Uni1 r*itv. East Lansing, Michigan. cious sister. Camille, to l.S. shores, as she howled operation in history." cycle become the nativists of along a northwest tract 600 miles east-northeast of San The planes dropped their bombs containing silver iodide, r the next cycle. Those people, Juan and 750 miles southeast of Bermuda. Edi.orial 355-8252 therefore, that are also the expected to dissipate the storm's energy by causing ice crys¬ Classified Advertising 355-8256 Gentry said the mission was successful operationally in tals to form. Display Advertising 35111M strongest nativists are the that all Meanwhile, above and below them. Air Force and Commerce newest groups. planes and men performed without incident and a Business-Circulation 355-3447 record amount of data was collected. Dept. observer planes carrying large crews of weather ex¬ Photographic 355-8311 Thus, Spiegel explained that Hawkins explained that months of scientific data analysis perts charted and collected data. Why Pay Why More! Why Pay More! y Payh More.'WWhy !ero PayMWhy More/ Why 12-OZ. THIN Armour's Why $159 SLICED 73c Pay Thick Sliced 2-lb. More? 16-OZ pkg. TRA PACK 83c U. S. Why Pay No. 1 MICHIGAN More! RIO HAVEN 6010 With Coupon Why Pay More! MEOAl Why 16-o*. wt. Pay CAMP can More! Top Frost 8-ox. wt. pkg. TURKEY OR ■i RRRRRIIHHHIIIIHBm [M/ SAVE 20c 20 * ilo"T"""sAVE"lOc UQ:\ ■ I 10« SAVE 10c 10 I I "Why Pay 9? I Medal with this coupon toward tho purchase of *hI I J Heinz 3 Flavors with thif toward the coupon purchase of /> 4 EAST LANSING numbering the more powerful U.S. Sixth Fleet. Placement Bureau policy in re Bureau." its letter to Adams The same officials said the increased Soviet sponse to students picketing said The University recognizes of the bureau spring term. Act¬ the fundamental right and free¬ presence posed an atuomatic threat, but added thev are not overlv concerned. they ing President Adams said Mon day dom of any student to meet with any employer to discuss DOWN WITH UNUSED After about 75 students pro the student's potential employ tested recruitment land. Calif by the Oak Police Dept last The freedom of choice "guar SPACE IN THE DORM Hundreds of American reinforcements poured . spring. Adams asked the Fa anteed to any member of Amer into a battle near Da Nang Tuesday to relieve ican society is fundamental culty Committee on Student two U.S. infantry companies badly battered in Affairs to study Placement Bur to this choice, the commit¬ the biggest ground fighting in northern South eau and report to him recom tee's report said mended changes The right of demonstrations Vietnam since the enemy launched its fall of The demonstrators had asked focusing on specific interview¬ fensive last week that the bureau be selective ing agencies is recognized if At least 15 Americans were killed and 50 in admitting recruiters to cam such acUvities do not phyla pus. They accused the Oakland callv limit the freedom of move wounded when the infantry ran into an esti and communication of police of ' brutality and said ment mated 1.200 North Vietnamese troops. they were responsible for the either the interviewer or the in¬ deaths of 10 Black Panthers dividual to be interviewed." last year Present bureau policy is to National News allow any company which wishes to send their recruiters to do so The faculty committee re¬ A judge said Tuesday in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., port recommended that this legal points raised by the attorneys for the policy be continued. parents of Mary Jo Kopechne made it neces sary for Massachusetts Dist. Atty. Edmund IT'S NEW Dinis to confer there prior to Monday's sched¬ uled hearing on the petition for an autopsy. AT Contessa perma-quilt multiple skirt hanger pantyhose stow-away President Judge Bernard C. Brominski said a motion on behalf of the parents, who are &port*meteter 5-drawer storage chest holds up to 10 skirts ends drawer clutter opposed to an autopsy, had been filed by attorneys for the Kopechnes. M09 Sturdy 28 13" chest. x 19 l/2x Quilted Nickel hold any plate size skirt clips Hang-up holder 16 pockets of has see- vinyl over wood and wrinkle-free. Folds thru vinyl for easy fiberboard frame. for travel. selection. Rolls up Hang 10 A federal judge in Chattanooga, Tenn.. or Pink, for gold, avocado skirts in the space travel. $3 dered the government Tuesday to furnish or white. 13.99 of one. 3 for 2.49 the transcript of a bugged conversation be tween a top witness at Teamster's Union Presi¬ dent James R. Hoffa's jury tampering trial TRIANGLE® see-thru vinyl and another Teamsters official convicted with Hoffa. hanging closet valets The transcript is to be used as evidence in a Supreme Court ordered hearing into Hoffa's 2 for 3.99 conviction in 1964. Shoe valet stores 18 pairs of shoes in full view. Clear pouches VV. Averell Harriman, former chief U.S. ne- on heavy gold vinyl. gitiator in the Paris Peace talks, say the So¬ Shoe-handbag valet stores 8 pairs viet Union helped "in smoothing the road'' of shoes and 8 handbags in see- for the talks and wants the war ended thru pouches. Puts near- Harriman also criticized the Nixon Adminis¬ the-floor closet space to use. tration for failing to take advantage of the Handbag valet stores up to 12 recent lull in the fighting in South Vietnam. handbags in 8 roomy clear vinyl "We've been talking peace in Paris, but we pouches. Offers fingertip choice haven't really been making an effort to stop shorten it. T ry a tan- pouches. Offers fingertip choice. the fighting.'' he said in New York gy pizza or one of our • • • great sandwiches. All delivered instantly at The nation's governors are being asked to no extra cost. take a stand pinning down present policy against any cross continent flights bv the controver sial supersonic transport when the airplane j y7 |1 ^ is developed. ALSO! They are also being asked to recommend Hamburgers •y 1 i that the federal government consult with Cheeseburgers each governor before any commercial SST Submarines Iteat 1i ^ i flights take place over his state. Crench Fries The proposals are contained in a policy statement on environment prepared by a com W/ri/eStoq- & mittee chaired by Gov. William L. Guy of North Dakota for presentation at the National Governors Conference being held next month PIZZA f\ w 1 t in Colorado. CALL 332-6517 • Voters in Sand City, Calif., flocked to the now available at VARSITY town's single polling place Tuesday as both the hang-up . . . for accessories sides predicted victory in a hippie inspired Roomy hang-up hides away in clo¬ recall election to oust business minded city leaders. m set or behind a door. 17 clear metal storage chests The incumbents claim the vinyl pockets for panty hose, Put unused to work with hippies are try &port*mei*ter accessories. Navy or orange store-it-all space metal ing to turn the seaside community of 520 chests, Gold into a "narcotics terminal."' But 44-vear-old ft&op duck. $8 tone, 42" underbed chest with Bob Lynn denied the charge and said he is 213 E . Grand R iver lock and key. 7.98 E. Lansing campaigning for low cost housing and recrea Jumbo floor storage chest, Ph. 332-3531 tion facilities. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Trinka CK»e, executive editor Norman J. Saari, managing editor George K. Builard, campus editor By ARNOLD WERNER, Vl.D. paration of milk protein (casein > which is Deborah Fitch, feature editor then rather difficult to redissolve on thaw¬ Linda Gortmaker, Sunday editor To take advantage of the relatively in¬ ing. Apparently you have not had this Kenneth Krell, editorial editor frequent price reductions on milk in area trouble. Jeff Elliott, sports editor super markets, my wife and I buy milk Milk producers have been experimenting in batches of 20 to 40 half gallons when with freezing whole milk. If this becomes these sales do occur. This, of course, nec¬ commercially feasible, then milk could be essitates freezing some of the milk for up transported long distances by rail to areas Six-time recipient of the Pacemaker award for outstanding journalism. to two weeks before it gets used. We use where milk production is low. fortified skim, and once thawed, it doesn't Another effective money saver is the have any bad taste. Neither does drinking use of non-fat dry milk. If the taste is it seem to have any ill effect on us. Is acceptable to you. you will find that it there any harm in continuing this prac¬ costs less than half the price of the forti¬ EDITORIALS tice? Does freezing milk change or elimi¬ nate the vitamin D or calcium content? fied skimmed milk A note of caution: under most circumstances, skimmed milk You have struck upon a perfectly safe should not be used in formulas for in¬ way to knocking down your grocery bill. fants. Growing babies need whole milk There is no bacteriological danger from drinking such milk I assume that you Perpetuating freeze the milk in the I am 20 years old and single. My boy¬ original carton which remains friend and I have been having sexual unopened. Needless to say. this should not be tried with bottles of relations for a year now (weekends only, mlik. as the bottles would burst There is since he goes to another school). I love no alteration in calcium content and the him very much, but am very concerned with Charley vitamin D is probably unharmed There is the likelihood that this technique would not work as well with whole milk The reduced about being frigid. I have never had an orgasm from intercourse alone. I have had orgasms as a result of clitoral mas¬ Tranquility base seismograph registering fat content in the skimmed milk results turbation. My boyfriend never touches in a much smaller degree of separation my clitoris. I have tried to have a climax sharplunar disturbance measuring 8.2 . . We have neglected a people. When the U.S. Supreme Court of the milk components The major prob¬ with him. but I feel no different. Is there lem in freezing milk has been the se- something wrong with me? Am I under- Because of their toil and per¬ struck down the one-year resi¬ spiration. this state does a dency requirement for wel¬ There is most likely nothing wrong with multi-million dollar business fare recipients. Charley trum¬ NATION'S PRESS you. nor are you under sexed. Faulty sexual technique is a much greater possibility in fruits and vegetables every peted that "It is a tragedy, than frigidity Sexual technique, like much year, but we have forgotten indeed, that the federal gov¬ complex behavior, is learned. This fact those whose efforts have made ernment continues to shove is conveniently denied and the majority it possible. A people have suffered be¬ things like this down the throats of taxpayers when they're Why the draft should go of women in this country derive meager gratification from sexual relations. Along with their partners, they carry the legacy cause of politics and weak laws trying to get out from under of inhibition which prevents them from which have done little for the their oppressive burdens." asking questions as simple as yours. You against end¬ ditional army demand The Artjiy has and your boyfriend can benefit from an pickers, and much for the grow¬ Meanwhile, the burdens of mi¬ EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is Still another argument the second of a two-part series by ing the draft is the idea that a vol¬ always wanted boys in their teenage excellent and inexpensive book on the ers. grants include a pay sys¬ John Swomley Jr.. reprinted from unteer army is better trained, shows years, when they are most malleable subject I Ihnlnr nn 1.x- Because of the politicking of tem that withholds money from The \nlinn. higher morale and a greater eagerness and least able to resist complete regi¬ prrsxion in Mnrriiiiir. by Donald W. Has¬ mentation. Liberals in Congress are tings. M I) Bantam Books. 1967. If the men like Sen. Charley Zollar. employes unless the worker to fight, and is, therefore, a greater now offering teen-agers to the Army . information gap includes birth control Some political leaders have claimed threat to world peace. The level of we have played havoc with the stays as long as the grower that foreign policy changes must come training is determined by length of under the guise of an "equitable lottery methods. Planned Parenthood might be of human needs of migrant work¬ wants him to work: wages so first, including big-power agreements enlistment. If a man is drafted for instead of via the more naked military help to you formula of the younger the better ers. Wages become "piece¬ low that children must work for disarmament only then, they say. two years and re-enlists, is he more will nations be secure enough to end of a threat to world peace than he was Actually, the draft can never be equi¬ work". a means of extracting along side their parents, a little the draft Such a position assumes that when a draftee? If so, this is an ar¬ table because some will be drafted and The other day I felt a soft, dull thud a more labor for less money. girl who toils all day in the hot nations want disarmament, or that gument not for the draft but against others not: of those who are drafted short distance above my left temple. Now for 50 cents an hour; a lack some are sent to battle and others re when I touch that place, a tightening, Toilets become a luxury, hous¬ sun foreign policy is changed independently re-enlistment, and #for requiring the main in safer areas. Some are killed tingling sensation spreads out along the ing a corrugated steel room, of even the most basic human of the military capabilities of nations armed forces to discharge everyone in battle: others not. The fundamental develop vested in¬ scalp several inches. What was the prob¬ and all while Charley Zollar needs such as toilets, so that Military power is one of the most de before they can a cause? (A snapped nerve or blood cisive factors influencing foreign policy terest in war. No advocate of the draft injustice is that a man who is compelled able takes $2,000 vacations to Mac¬ often workers must urinate in It is the ability of the I'nited States to seriously suggests ending all voluntary to enter the Army feels a loss of vessel, maybe?» Is there any cause for freedom The American system of free concern'.' kinac Island on state funds. the fields in the presence of garrison other nations and invade, with re-enlistment or enlistment. In fact, or without invitation, nations such as the Air Force and Navy are built with dom. insofar as it operates in em¬ Your question raises many questions. Did Charley is chairman of the other laborers. ployment. is one of persuading or in¬ the soft dull thud follow any hard sharp Vietnam and the Dominican Republic that volunteers and the Army relies chiefly powerful Senate Appropriations And all while Charley objects makes possible the dominance known on re-enlistments. ducing persons to engage in work rather thuds in the recent past, such as one to bills as simple as the one than in compelling them to do so It caused by a golf ball, a corner of a Committee. Three measures as the Pax Americana. Such actions can Finallv. it is claimed that the in¬ is a cardinal point in our religious faith table, etc.? Another question is: Do you which would have aided mi¬ be undertaken with or without the draft. requiring each camp to pro¬ But the draft, even in stand-by form, justice and inequity of the draft can be as well as our democratic philosophy have any other symptoms and. how old grants died in his committee vide "central refrigeration" so corrected by modifying rather than that ultimate values reside in the in are you ' If vou are over 50. you may gives the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the this year. workers could at least eat fresh repealing the law. Against this is the dividual human being. The idea that the have a condition called temporal arteritis President a blank check on the nation's argument that a lotterv or anv other individual must be subjected to the This is an inflammation of the temporal Charley is a senator from food. manpower to escalate any overseas action into a major war without Con¬ chance approa'ch is not more equitable state, or that compulsory service' artery which usually gets better slowly, Berrien. Cass and part of St. The list of legislation Char¬ than human decision. The lottery, what is preferable to a voluntary society but which is accompanied by headaches gressional approval. It thus helps de¬ Joseph counties -all big farm¬ ley has blocked drags on and termine foreign policy. ever its impersonal values, has two contributes to the alienation of young and a tender spot over the inflamed serious defects. First, it assumes that people. The power to reach into every area as well as general feelings of malaise. ing areas. Charley is also a on. a procession of efforts to If we assume, first, that nations will family, to take a boy from his home If you belong to a vounger age group, it's inequality of treatment is the primary grower. Charley farms straw¬ perpetuate the profits of grow¬ ever negotiate disarmament and. sec defect of the draft and that the national and subject him to complete military possible your baseball cap shrunk. Snap berries and nursery stocks and ers while denying the needs ond. that the draft is essential to real or world interest is served best by- discipline for months or years is the ping nerves are folklore and a burst blood of workers. Charley wouldn't military strength, then a vigorous cam disregarding man's abilities, edu most serious limitation America places vessel would dramatically make itself his camp is no better. no a paign to repeal the draft would be an cation and potential when forcing him on freedom. known It would be wise to see your physi worse than others in the area. even buy a measure that re¬ important way of telling those in power to enter the Army The second weak In the final analysis, the issue is cian for an examination. Treatment may be Last year Charley defended quired a first aid facility in to begin serious negotiation toward an ness in present lottery proposals is freedom, rather than equality under needed for what ails you each camp. international abolition of conscription. the camouflage it provides for a tra Letters to Dr. Werner may be addressed the expenditure of $3,000 to Anv way one looks at it. foreign policy to him at 309 Linton Hall. Names need $5,000 to refurnish a lounge Charley Zollar is an exam¬ and military policy are intertwined: not be included. for senators. The new lounge, ple of a senator who will be both must be changed Support of the measuring 12 by 25 feet, is insured re-election because he foreign policy goals of the military industrial complex necessarily implies BARNEY WHITE larger than the cabins Char¬ has catered to the whims and f whatever means are essential for such ley provides for his workers. washes of a powerful special support, such as access to unlimited But he also killed a bill to interest group in his district. manpower via the draft. Likewise, sup appropriate $80,000 to estab¬ lish two overnight rest camps After all. migrants won't be around long enough to vote for port of the means, including a blank check on manpower, nuclear weapons, etc.. is support of the goals of those Of truth, God and infinity for migrants in southwestern senators. Besides, they're only who can use these means. Michigan. people, and they're not Char Leaders who are disinclined to talk Another bill Charley killed lev's people. Charley's people disarmament say the I'nited States needs to me that the basic act of philosophy and his stone raps And he is and Confucius and all the other sages asked for state payment of non¬ are the growers, like himself, the draft until such time as we work It seems that have arisen in this world It was the out binding treaty arrangements with living is an attempt to flee from life. No¬ proving only that he has shut his mind resident hospital expenses un who will perpetuate the sub¬ China and the Soviet Union. since these body can assume the singular identity of to the power that pervades the universe. people that came later, the St. Pauls der the Medicaid act if the human conditions of migrant nations the chief of being a living entity they have an over He is out of touch with the true singular and others, who gave these messages dif¬ are source poten¬ workers' home states refused to laborers so long as Charley tial military threat Even if the I'nited powering drive to segregate themselves reality : the flow of the energy of life ference. They could not quite comprehend Zollars wield political power. States were to draft its every man. off into little bundles of ritual that mask through all things. He loves flowers and what the Sage said, they reeled at infinity reimburse the State of Michi¬ trees but he can't dig the cops and they and altered the Word to finite terms. And woman and child we would be out their inner energy. -The Editors finitude is an invention of man denying gan. numbered by the Chinese millions, no The straight man hides in a success By far the worse mind isolating device his immortal essence. They removed the military man suggests the draft as a way bag He plunges mindlessly through college to subdue either China or Russia Nu so that he can get a good job. so he can is religion < in the sectarian sense>. The message of life from its wellspring: life. clear weapons, missiles, submarines score a lot of bucks, so he can get a fine Baptists believe that only they are going There is only one truth, one reality: life heaYen." the Catholics also, and the Beyond the contol of air. seas, etc are much more car and a nice pad. so that he can prove to . which is infinity which is God There are in the minds of military strategists than that he is a meaningful being so what0 Moslem, and so on. Ritualized faith is no quantitative or qualitative distinctions. land warfare against more densely popu Proof is not necessary that fact that one the ultimate denial of life it separates us There is only one substance and that is lated nations with larger land areas is alive ought to be proof of worth enough from our gods from ourselves. life. There are no differences, for when one The proposal that we need the draft And the freak'' seeks identity and worth If God Brahma-Allah is the creator and the State News reported last is everything there can be no second. WHEREAS the Michigan until we work out agreements with China by a negation of the straight' life. And ruler of the universe, then it follows that finite being This is the elemental truth that we flee Daily, organ of truth at the Uni¬ week that his name was not one and Russia is an excuse, not a reason what kind of proof is found in a negation"' He It is infinite how could a infinite cosmos' In terms of from, and I cannot understand why Is of the final four. We have made little or no effort to Only that one is not something not that create an versity of Michigan, reported one is anything Self righteously the hip infinity, all things are possible and. there¬ society so demanding that we must deny WHEREAS trustees and explore the overtures of these nations Saturday that three of the four toward ster sits in his room and smokes some rope fore. are The mvriad paths of men to¬ the divinity in all things'' Is infinity so nonaggression pacts or other AUSSC members have denied ward divinity" are. therefore, equally valid staggering that we must hide in finite names submitted to the trus¬ treaties decreasing tensions and thinks how worthy he has become in The basic essence of all relgions is the boxes'1 Is life so terrifying that we cannot the veracity of the information. his renunciation. tees by the All-University Sometimes racists and sometimes lib He also is running from life. He is same: life is holv and divine. Thus spoke bear to live"' Search and Selection Commit¬ The Michigan State News erals. for differing reasons, claim that the Jesus and Mohamet and Siddhartha I do not know the answer Do you? proving himself by his hair and his Indian tee were James Miller, presi¬ awards to the Michigan Daily, a volunteer army would probably in time be all black, since black youth dent of Western Michigan Uni¬ University of Michigan. Ann is denied access to other jobs with versity: Paul Miller, former Arbor. Mich., the annual NA¬ decent pay and turns in increasing num MSU provost: and G. Mennen TIONAL ENQUIRER SOOTH¬ bers to the Army. This argument is SAYER AWARD for in-depth, based on the fact that the black re Williams, a politician of local enlistment rate is currently higher than repute, analytical and interpretative the white But white initial enlistment WHEREAS a Daily editor reporting above and beyond the is higher than black even at existing said Tuesday that Walter call of truth. pay rates If higher pay for recruits were authorized, the Army would attract Adams was dropped from the ample numbers of young white men as -The Editors "informed source" list because well as those from other racial groups Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 20, 1969 5 RIGHT NOW Woodstock pop: music = peace pre-festival estimates went as or hear of even one isolated failed to learn: that hate and a bit ragged, too. We were high as 150.000. incident of violence People violence can only make it worse. muddy, tired and hungry, but we "C'mon people, now. smile When the festival ended, at simply had no use for it. Only helping one another, offer¬ hung on to patience, tolerance on your brother Everybody least 400.000 people (maybe Ever stand in line for 40 ing what one has. can make it and the cry " Nothing Matters." get together, try and love one 450.000^ were or had been minutes just for a drink of wa better. The Army and Nation¬ Brotherhood. Freedom. Peace. ter without impatience or com¬ al Guard sent helicopters and Today it's Woodstock. plaint0 Ever share your soap, medical teams to help. Local Tomorrow . . well, at the Woodstock Pop Festival as long traffic jam 'Traffic communities airlifted food and your food, your car and that least there's more hope for •3 Days of Peace and Music" Uptight at Hippie Fest." head- water you waited in line for with supplies Catholic nuns passed tomorrow. The drive home Music was a foregone conclu- lined one local paper, a complete stranger? out sandwiches made Ever see by Jewish showed the contrast. Angry sion. Every major American But there was no confron- an off-duty policeman tool up mothers. This announced was people honking at us to move group was going to be there, tation at Woodstock No police on a pink and white Harley- • They're not against us to¬ out of the way. to hurry up. along with lots of folk and blues lines, no angry words, no fights. Davidson. in full, though day. They're with us. and we're We smiled back and got out performers. Joplin. and Air- There were no reports nor disheveled, mudspattered with them"), and the crowd of their way. We smiled, so plane. Hendrix. England's The did I • anyone I was with s form, with a female "hippie" roared its approval and grat¬ there's hope. Maybe people will - Who. Baez. Guthrie . every¬ on the back clutching his waist0 itude. remember Woodstock and what body was going to be there. So yj Or how about 300.000 people on Woodstock showed that we can it stood for. Maybe they'll stop everyone knew there was going one hillside? Ever see the light practice what we preach On and think. Casualness to be music. generated from 300.000 candles the last day a plane smoke- Summer casualness In¬ and matches lighted simultan¬ wrote the symbol of peace in Nobody quite anticipated the AY eously at night17 the sky and received a thun¬ vades the campus during "peace"' portion of that slo- That was Woodstock. Wood- derous ovation from the con- just maybe, people can live to- the hot months. It's just gan. though. It's been a bad The Beal Film Group will too hot to dress up. stock was people, cert grounds. The wind was up gether in one world and be year for rock concerts with present the film King Kong Peace worked at Wood- State News Photo by police confrontations and resul¬ anight at 7 and 915 in 104B stock. The standard of living Bob Ivlns tant rock, bottle and epi- Wells Admission is 50 cents, brotherhood, and the basic- Up for grabs as thet throwing. And Woodstock ID s are not required unit of exchange was love. Taxi through Manhattan The There was one rule fol- right side's slam shot was returned by the The Man and Nature (M.A.N.) lowed bv both fuzz and freaks: left during an evening volleyball match on the most populous states, that there Bookstore will not open until don't hurt anyone. Anything south lawn of Abbott Hall. could well have been even more 12 noon from now until fall but don't try to force your State News photo by George Wietor ^people than at Monterey. Some term. ways on others. If go nude for three days, do so. you want to If you don't like to look at naked with cabbie-artist Arlene people bathing or just walking NEW YORK - - (APi - - * took this job a month ago Arlene doesn't always want to 'Murderer, . j , i ~ Woman's *. around, then don t look^ Some Hope' LJ - de Strulle. a pretty 19-year-old and it's been mostly fun. but drive a taxi. "Actually. I'm just people got busted at Woodstock, New York taxi driver, could be there have been bad moments saving my money so I can go to but almost all of those were the envy of many a lonely girl. too. I had to get a cop to help Florence. Italy, and study art." nabbed outside the festival area. Sometimes as many as 50 men me once when I thought a cou¬ She says she should have the On the grounds, the police di¬ ask her for a date in one day ple of guys were going to rob money to go next year, despite rected traffic and that was all. Women taxi drivers aren't expressionism new her parents' objection Sincerity opens was in. A phony in New York, but young ones But I guess the worst experi¬ "They didn't want me to drive wouldn't last a minute Ego are. And when one is as at I've had the time I ence was a taxi either, but. well. I guess was out. tractive Arlene. male pas¬ as picked up a drunk who told me that's part of the revolution." A hastily assembled company Sharing, trading: Can I have sengers aren't hard to find he was a woman beater.' she said. lems. Miss Helderman said the With Ray Turner. Alan says he of inspired amateurs on a one a cigarette0" "Sure, man "They'll ask me why I drive explicitness of the cast's in- hopes to get a viable under a For of water0 night stand Friday offered the terpretation of Kokoschka's un- graduate program underway in a swallow taxi anil I will tell them because .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ most exciting and unusual ex "Absolutely." If somebody wad I'm an artist and I need the 3% Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT only perience of my theatre-going subtle symbolism would have to the fall. He sees "Murderer ed through the foot deep mud to money to buy paints and pretty ^ summer Encouraged by Tony Collins' to be toned down. an example memorable She gave as the horrible but in which the the Woman's Hope" as proof that creative people can work on short time, low budget basis, the concession stands, he'd bring back maybe a six-pack of soon I'll hear something like. "Why don't you come on up and J IX IX final 7 and 9:15 104 B Wells scene Coke, one or two for himself chapter of Hurricane Express)^- - seminar on expressionism, stu¬ look at my paintings'' she says, woman's dignitv is totally com . and the rest to pass around dents performed Murderer 9:03 the Woman's Hope, by the Aus¬ promised: she is held, legs He proudly maintained that He'd get his money """th wor Shea an ever smiling girl who says she believes in being natur¬ trian Oscar Kokoschka He apart, and branded with an iron tht> entire production cost noth eventually-in cigarettes, dope, al. Her favorite attire is a pair 50c No I.D. required rod This would be both unnec inP Costumes and props were elbow room. food, "thank you's" wrote only two plays, it is thought, and the performers be essarv and inappropriate if she scrounged robes and from private ward previous MSU pro¬ and smiles. of jeans doesn't and a T shirt She Thurs. Fri. - Sat. The Maltese Falcon Duck Soup * wear lipstick or eye lieve theirs' to be the debut ductions The play was done Living conditions got rough makeup because she says she You can't Cheat an Honest Man * of this one The performing company in with five days preparation, re¬ people were hungry and thirsty doesn't need those things-and Oscar Kokoschka was pri¬ eluded Earlene Helderman as hearsals. production and pub Yet thev knew what nations have no one could argue with her ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■A marily a proto-expressionist tual. and of theatrical the woman. John Reese as the licitv included. painter His plays and paint 5 a continuous progre? man. Ray Turner. Mike Ober ings are characterized by a mag motion, field. Connie Dickmeyer. Car The players were surprised nificent. vital insanity. Mur Alan Montgomery directed men Applegren and high hool and delighted to discover a derer the Woman's Hope" is the play as though it brief , is spent in the author's the single act der the direction of Alan Mont statement Un- dance heightened All of the actions speech chant. movement became dance were became apprentices Ann Marie Spata. Peggy Buchki Brown and Dave Harkness. John Robert large turnout for the play. Usu¬ ally. performances in the Arena Theatre receive little public¬ ity and small audiences. There Whatever you hear about Midnight Cowboy is true! gomery. the play was pro and lighting became painting.The Director Alan Montgomery sees weren't even enough programs duced with total theatre in mina entire work more closely resem this production as the begin to go around: the audience was It became a single, agonizing bled a museum piece -a living ning of a new era of theatre well rewarded for its enthusi- cry from the woman, scarlef sculpture than a plav for undergraduates at MSI'." yet dignified, in the face of The lighting was superb, the man. her attacker, se¬ done by Bruce Shaw under the ducer and murderer The symbolism is heavy supervision gomery. gross, perhaps, but the play is acted and choreographed, and of Alan Connie Dickmeyer Mont Camtjs EAST LBSSINC OH M 43 * PHONE tD 2 1042 | EXCLUSIVE 3 HORROR HITS!! "A reeking masterpiece. over town." It will kick you all nevertheless remarkable. Writ¬ Alan's wife. Barbara, created ten in 1907. it foreshadows •ostumes. makeup and special EDGaR. ALLUN FOE'S such works as the Living The lighting effects atre's "Mysteries' and "Frank enstein Kokoschka thought little of the masses: they slobber around THEjVlaSQUE OF THE "So rough and vivid it's almost unbearable." Kokoschka's play belongs to the stage, denving their respon RED DEaTH today, in its vision of theatre as sibilitv for anything They are inhuman, without stature, apart "A dazzling accomplishment." from the inhumanity of the man — 2nd Color Hit— which is forced on the woman Strolling The play might well have been done in the nude There was NOW, FOR THE FIRST EDGAR ALLAN POE'S TIME...!; "Performances equal to any award, with snoozer no need for leotard style clothing; the simple garmen "decent" but unnecessary, and were Classic Tale of the Living Dead! quality overall that marks the masterpiece. So extraordinarily good, it's hard to give stalks city they encumbered the fluidity of Actress Earlene Helderman it adequate praise.",,™,, East Lansing police received felt that nudity would have cre¬ a call at 1:45 a.m. Monday re ated additional production prob porting a sleepwalking room- ate P© SPARTAN 3100 I. | "The virtuosity throughout is stunning.",. The call SAGINAW I dent in an apartment complex TWIN WEST 351 0030 1 on Haslett Street who said his roommate, a somnambulist, had left his bed and was walk I TONIGHT AT "Infuriating, lacerating. A nasty but | 7:15 & 9:30 | ing around the East Lansing The Germans forgot unforgettable screen experience.",,,™ Police cars were dispatched — 3rd Horror Feature- one little bridge. to the area in an attempt to locate the dozing stroller Sixty-one days later "The hit of 1969. Erupts in volcanic popularity." Then, an hour and a half they lost the war. THtlR FoRM is after East the call came into Lansing station, the sleep¬ the HUMAN euTTHEf "John Schlesinger has made a great movie. walker walked in awake and HWE CROSSED called off the search Man. I've got to take care OVER... Is Ws sex It will shock, delight, tickle, torment, repel, of this." he said after death? He said he had no idea where warm and reduce you to tears. Hoffman, he had been, but he was awak ened by a car s squealing tires as he crossed Burcham Road Voight are both magnificent.' -COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE Cpl. Richard Harrington said, A JKROMK HELLMAN-JOHN SCHLKSINGKR PRODUCTION before the somnambulist turned himself in that there are sev eral DUSTMM HOFFMAN sleepwalkers in East Lan sing, but thev generally come JON VOIGHT to no harm. "MIDNIGHT S&ilMCuvtltmd. BRENDA VACCAHO JOHN McGIVER RUTH WHITE SYLVIA MILES BARNARD HUGHES u tn wauxjsai.t lh, n..v..ih> jamksi.kohkkuhy TODAY—LADIES DAY PdmIucihI hx JEROME HKI.I.MAN Dim t«1 by JOHN SCHI.ESINr.ER Muhk Su|i>rv»h.n by JOHN barry 75f from 1:30 to 6:00 P.M. Feature at 1:40-4:10-6:50-9:25 /J\ Persons Not Admitted Under 18 COLOR u I)eLuxe[ OPENS TODAY!! i nrnmrnMiymr' —■—-—- PANAVISI0N" • COLOR by Deluxe I United Artists| .' SPARTAN TWIN EAST fRANPOR SHOPPING CENTER Starring George Segal • 3100 EAST SAGINAW • Phon* 351-0030 j Robert Vaughn —Shown 3rd at 11:45- Ben Gaz/ara ______ Wednesday, August 20, 1969 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS to The 1st be first held ice on a hockey school college cam¬ er hockey will be assisted by several form Spartan hockey players. be held on a Bessone said. college campus," "We into two comes plan to divide the boys groups." Bessone said schoolA/I tive of said. "Skating the school." Bessone is the most im pus will begin August 24 at the There will be 35 boys at the "We'll have an age group from portant fundamental that we MSI' Ice Arena in Demonstra There are many such schools school. Most of them are from 8 to 12 years old and one from will be stressing. Most of the tion Hall. held on city rinks in the metro¬ the Lansing area, but there are 13 to 16 years. younger boys want to play the The one-week school will be politan areas throughout the some from Port Huron. Detroit The boys will skate two per game before Ihey can skate conducted by Amo Bessone. country, but this is the only and Peoria. Ill The boys range iods a day of one and one half properly, so we'll try to straigh MSL1 varsity hockey coach. He one that I know of that will in ages from 8 to 16 hours each, plus they will have ten this out. " make • games with their own age and We are hoping to level of ability During the two this an annual event." Bessone daily practice periods, the boys said. We hope to attract more Former MSU IM supervisor will be taught power skating, stick handling, shooting, pass boys next year by holding it earlier in the summer A lot ing. body checking, and face of the high schools are start ing their football programs and named WMU IM Director off procedures Each day the boys will have we lost some of the olders boys one hour of gymnastics condi Michigan State continues to be their varsity status. Winter was tioning and one hour of swim While attending the school, one of the top schools in the named to the All-Midwest La¬ ming instruction. During their the boys will stay at Campbell crosse team and landed a berth will be in charge of all IM recreational periods, the boys Hall The entire school, which country for recruiting coaches and athletic supervisors. the club division all-star activities WMU has an enroll will be offered soccer and soft includes room and board plus The on latest MSI* grad to land a top ment of about 20.000 and has IM ball. Each boy will have a full the physical facilities, will cost Last fall. Winter served as facilities similar to MSU's but day planned for him with rest each boy $110 job is Ron Winter. Winter, a 1969 graduate, has an asst. football coach under not as large. breaks. Lectures covering all been named the head Intramural head Freshman Coach Ed Ruth¬ 'The IM facilities are excel¬ phases of basic hockey will Anyone interested in the pro¬ Direction at Western Michigan erford. He also worked on a lent for a school that size." be scheduled during the week gram should contact Ice Man University The Kal computerized self-scouting pro¬ Winter said. Tm looking for "The fundamentals of ice hoc ager Red Bainbridge at 355- Amo Bessone kaska native has been an IM gram for the MSU Football Dept. ward to the challenging job " kev will be the major objec¬ 2380 official for four years and an IM under the guidance of former Odds were 356-1 supervisor for three school years. MSU asst. coach Vince Caril- Wilson Hall, Peace Inc. This past year he served as a lot Winter received his B.S and Press facilities at the Yale Bowl were sportswriter Eiinor Kaine last Sunday for the N»w opened to graduate supervisor under MSU IM Director Frank Beeman M.A degrees in physical educa Winter was also an excellent tion at MSU and was one of are York Jets-New York Giants football game. Miss lacrosse player, having played two students to receive an M.A. Kaine went to court before officials would allow on the MSU Lacrosse Club for in the pilot program in intra IM softball champions her to cover the game with 356 male writers and four years. Hp was president of murals. Ron Mesca 11 also earned broadcasters, "a lot of whom came down to say the club one year. Last season, his degree the same way hello at halftime," Miss Kaine said. She is a when the Spartans were granted At Western Michigan. Winter 1957 Smith College graduate. home Abbey who scored behind Easy X never was able to had lost in the playoffs Peace Incorporated success son TONIGHT ANDTHURS From 7:15 p.m. Holtzman's fully defended their IM Soft ball Crown Tuesday night as they Fitch Gaffner was masterful as he mount could a sufficient attack collect only four hits and to five Random Variables the first weeks of the term but 'THE CRAZY WORLD OF defeated the Impressions 2-0 allowed only balls to be hit off W ilson pitcher Ray Tool deteated the Variables in a quar- LAUREL & HARDY" 7:16 and 10:05 lead Cubs t Peace Inc were the fast pitch champions in league play off him. one ground out and two pop flys. In the slow pitch division ln The Wilsonites were sparked the field by the fine play of shortstop Rod Olsen Wil terfinal match to gain the fi- nals against the Easy X the first five weeks of the sum CHICAGO (UPh Lefthand undoubtedly aided Holtzman on Wilson Hall surprised every the 12 balls the Braves hit to mer division Willie Gaffner er Ken Holtzman pitched a no- one as they knocked off Easy X hit no-run game without a strike the outfield. Hank Arron s fly- proved to be the mainstay of by a 4 0 score out Tuesday and the Chicago Cubs defeated the Atlanta ball in the seventh apparently was headed over the left field the Peace's team, as he out eleven of the fiften struck men blow The X when men suffered a severe their number one How they stand fence but the wind held it up he faced Only one man Dan Braves 30 on the strength of Servon was able to reach base pitcher Gerry Geistler was un Ron Santo s three run the first inning homer in and enabled Billy Williams to catch it at the wall against Willie, and this was on able to attend the game. Geist American National but a walk in the fifth in ler got married earlier that Holtzman. a 1965 bonus baby Santo gave Holtzman a cush rung afternoon EASTERN DIVISION EASTERN DIVISION ion in the first after both Don from the University of Illinois, The Jim Votrubara led Wilson W L Kessinger and Glenn Beckert Incorporated got five hits faced only 30 men and retired Hall's attack with Baltimore Chicago 76 4 had singled He slashed his 25th off the Impressions hurler Bob a long triple the first seven batters before giv and DETROIT New York 66 5 home run over the left field Ballard Thev used a walk, a single and drove in two Bus ton St Louis 67 3 ing up the first of three walks a sacrifice fly. a stolen base, runs Wilson collected six hits New York fence on pitcher Phil Niekro's Pittsburgh 62 5 A 16-mile-per hour wind was and bunched them together in a catcher's error and a single Washington Philadelphia 48 7 l-and-2 pitch. blowing in from centerfield and by Gaffner to score the only the second and fourth innings to Cleveland Montreal 38 8 runs of the game in the third score two runs in each of the WESTERN DIVISION GUNNAR mis WEEK- Gaffner s hit drove twoinmng-s " inning 1 - MAX VON , , WESTERN DIVISION 64 L1Y ULIMANN BJORNSTRAND SYDOW 3 CiQcinnati 51 557 ★ Las Angela 65 53 551 San Francis. THE 49 581 Vl Houston Program Info. 332-6944 TODAY! 70 412 21lj San Diego cooiMt the ffl 1:20 3:25 Feature 5:30 7:35 9:40 FABULOUS mall theatre Tuesday's >sults 1 - - - - Chicago 3. Atlanta 0 San Francisco at New York, night 0 ^62^^^AGINAW « 484-4403 Today is LADIES' DAY . . .75c to 6 P.M. Cleveland at Oakland, night San Diego at Montreal, night Baltimore at California night Los Angeles at Philadelphia night , DETROIT at Seattle night Houston at Pittsburgh, night ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! PICK HER UP New York at Kansas City, night Cincinnati at St Louis, night 1V Chicago at Washington, night BEST ACTRESS! Today's games ? Atlanta at Chicago BARBRA STREISAND San Francisco at New York, night IF YOU DARE San Diego at Montreal, night RESERVED PERFORMANCES DETROIT at Seattle, night Los Angeles at Philadelphia, night New York at Kansas City, nij Houston at Pittsburgh, night Chicago at Washington, night Cincinnati at St Louis, night for any Minnesota at Boston She's too much woman ia PROGRAM INF. 485-6485 man's good, maybe too much TODAY a: coolm 1:00-3:05-5:15-7:25-9:30 ^^21221 for her own. No Cover 0 I LADIES DAY . . . 75?—1:00 to ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! 6:00 P.M. Wednesday or 'BEST DIRECTION" Thursday The W.Hiam Wyler -Ray Stark $1 Saturday 'Funny Girl' Technicolor A^ROBERT 'b^RADNI^'PIuiikk'TVW Mytjide THE GRADUATE TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION* TONIGHT fountain THRU TUESDAY: ALL COLOR PROGRAM Northside 2 miles north NOW THRU TUES, .> 0fUS-27 fcfij ALSO . . Drive-In 482-7409 3 COLOR HITS Skydivers...Frogmen...Thrills Loyd Bridges Daring 3 •T Game. J Shown at 10:15 only and "THE BEST HITCHCOCK-TYPE SUSPENSE THRILL IN YEARS." When did the love story end jfrrrtrafaft and the night- SUMMER TERM PARTY NOW THRU TUES.! is TOHITE! Chastity ALL COLOR PROGRAM THRILLER Co-HIT ALLYOU CAN DRINK,from 810 Hayley Mills & Hywel Bennett A GOOD 5C SLICE OF PIZZA National General Pictures Tlx? Boulting Brothers' what this country's needed Plus Fun Cartoon & Novelty m Technicolor Carol White STARRING Paul Burke ^ Shown at 10:20 only Shown Twice 8:05 and Late Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, August 20, 1969 7 Automotive Automotive Employment Employment For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent BUICK OPEL Kadet RAMBLER CLASSIC 1964 4 door, Rally-1967 , STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS and BARTENDERS EXPERIENCED Dav NEED GIRL, prefer grad student, STODDARD APARTMENTS: Now leas Take over payments, $50 month automatic, hardtop, radio, excel for 2-3 TECHNICIANS, owning 35mm cam¬ or night shift Applv GRANDMOTH girl starting fall Call ing for fall term 1 bedroom with 372-6272 4-8/22 lent condition. $795. Phone 482 eras, for FALL AND WINTER ERS, 332 6565 5-8/20 Linda, 339-2985, 353-2936 Even¬ carpeting, balconies, laundry Call 4717 3-8/20 TERMS-State News Photographic, NORTH POINTE APARTMENTS-1 ings, 485-0278. 3-8/21 332-0913 or ED 2-2920r 5-S/22 BUICK ELECTRA convertible, 1961 SIMCA-1964 4-door Must sell! 301 Student Services Building Ask to 5 man deluxe apartments Air- Automatic, power steering, brakes, BAY COLONY , Good condition. $350 332-5982 for Mr. Johnson, Monday through conditioning, swimming pool, from COUNTRY AREA 10 minutes from windows Good condition $450 332 needed 351-6845 3-8/22 3-8/21 lluirsday, 9a.m. to5p.m. S $125 Management by J.R. CULVER campus Exceptionally nice. Furn 3866 4-8/22 COMPANY, 351-8862 C-8/22 ished. Graduate with employed wife APARTMENTS THREE GIRLS need apartment or MALE 22-35 $600. month starting Not pets. 676-5312 TEMPEST GTO 1965 convertible- EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD COMPANY 3-8/20 Corner of Haslett and Haga- sublet fall term only 351-0173 or V-8, salary for honorably discharged vet¬ CADILLAC 1961 -4-door 4-speed. 50,000 miles, good Experienced secretaries, typists to dorn Roads. Now taking leases 351 3929 3-8/22 condition 351-6742 eran to sell and restock finish NEED FOURTH full power, air, excellent condition 3-8/22 work on temporary assignments man, Americana 1375 355-0221 3-8/22 Never a fee Phone 487-6071 C-8/21 hardware-construction knowledge Apartments, starting fall. 351 4640 for September 1, 2 and 3 TRIUMPH. SPITFIRE- 1964 Over helpful -good driving record-full- or 485-6591 5-8/22 man apartments. Furnished or time attendance necessary For CARAVELLE-S hauled engine $675 301 Highland, unfurnished 6» 9 & 12 month Sports car. Renault . further details, see Mr Edward FOUR-MAN convertible. $450 Got drafted' 332 after 3 p.m. 2-8/20 apartment in old Cedar leases available. Call Jack Hertel, BUILDERS HARDWARE COM Village Call 353-0800: ask for 4003 5-8/22 VALIANT CONVERTIBLE -1963. Good PANY, 121 North Harrison, East Mary. After 5:30 p.m., 351-4939 Bartlett, manager, 337-0511. More Classifieds tires, fair condition Best offer Positions open now through Lansing during regular hours. 7:45 5-8/22 19»- Power CHARGER RT steering, 351-6245 5-8 20 September 21st at BROWN'S am.-4:45 p.m., weekdays, and 7:45 power disc brakes, suregrip. mag LAKE RESORT, Burlington, ajn.-ll:30a.m Saturdays , 3-8/22 PARK TRACE WOODSIDE APARTMENTS 1 bed On Back Page wheels, automatic transmission room with carpeting, balconies, Wisconsin. Good salary plus Okemos Rd. at East Mount «• 100 * 351-8225, after 5 p.m. WAITRESS-Day shift. 18 or over laundry, security locks Call 351 3-8/22 room and board. Call collect Hope. 4691 or ED 2 2920 1 apartment Apply, GREEN DOOR LOUNGE, 2005 for Mr. BUI (414) 763-2427. East Michigan 3-8/22 at reduced rates 'til September Rivers Edge CHEVROLET BELAIRE- 1962. 2- VOLKSWAGEN 1965 Must sell at Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom 11th. 5-8/22 door Excellent condition Call 351 once Runs real good 2 new tires ENGINEER, FULL or part-time With apartments. Fully equipped & with all the extras, plus . 4933 3-8/21 Take over payments Call days, 1st clss FCC license. pool A NATIONAL food service company Immediate TU 2-6181 3-8/20 has immediate opening for a quali¬ openings Call 482-1333 3-8/22 and clubhouse. Limited im¬ Waters Edge CHEVROLET-1961 Impala convert NEW. LUXURIOUS-1 and 2-bedroom, mediate occupancy. fied, well-groomed woman to serve Open 10- ible V-8 automatic Power steer Auto Service & Parts as hostess attendant in an auto¬ MALE HELP wanted. I D checkers unfurnished in Okemos. Carpeting daily. 10-12 Saturdays. ing $250 372-3645 3-8/22 matic cafeteria. Full-time work, Must be 21 6 foot, 200 pounds throughout, central air-conditioning, • Phone 332-5094. 2 bedroom student apts. excellent pay and fringes minimum. Apply in person at GRAND l'a baths, dishwasher, deck, swim¬ ACCIDENT PROBLEM'' Call KALA Hours sun • Furnished CHEVROLET 1966, Impala 327 Blue, daily. 7:30 a.m.-4 MOTHERS 3-8/22 ming pool From $140 Management MAZOO STREET BODY SHOP Small p.m. Must have • black vinyl top. After 5 p.m.. 485 dents to large wrecks. American own transportation Apply in per by J.R CULVER COMPANY. 351- Carpeted 6143 3-8/22 FEMALE HELP wanted Waitress 8862 351-7894 • A ir Conditioned and foreign cars. Guaranteed work 9on at 143 North Harrison or call or C-8/22 482-1286 2628 East Kalamazoo C 332-4151. 4-8/22 Daytime and evening positions avail¬ • Garbage disposal CORVETTE 1966 fastback New tires, able Apply in person at GRAND¬ HOLT AREA Available August 22nd 711 350 . 4 speed Excellent condition MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kala¬ TEACHERS: OPENINGS inanv fields MOTHERS 3-8/22 Unfurnished r\ Stove and EAST • Gas heat After 5p.m.. 339-9153 711 Burcham Or. • 2 bathroom per apts. 3-8 22 mazoo Street Since 1940 various localities CLI\E TEACH R.N.'s, L.P.N.'s w refrigerat O P t V juples on¬ Complete auto painting and colli¬ ERS AGENCY. 129 Grand River ly No ch.^Ji en or pets. $100 month New Deluxe 1 bedroom furn¬ • DELTA 88 1969.455. 7,000 miles Part time, 7-3:30, 3-11:30, Pool 1 block from sion service. IV 5-0256 C course. Phone 646-6811 10-8/22 ished 3 man apes* leasing for Campus 1969 Cutlass S-11.000 miles 1963 11-7:30. Call PROVINCIAL HOUSE, • 9 or 12 month lease Chevy Belaire. 327 Phone 482 SAGINAW CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 332-0817 3-8/22 fall now 1 year or 9 mo. Party NEED GIRL for 4-girl apartment, • Prices start at $280 2753. after 4 p.m. 3-8/22 Aviation Join in a modern, progressive edu fall term only Burcham Woods leases. lounge cationa! atmosphere in the SAGINAW FEMALE R.A.'s needed fall terip IV 9-9651 or 351-0137 3-8/20 FRANCIS AVIATION So easy to CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Teach Free room Graduate students pre¬ 351-3525 CALL learn in the PIPER CHEROKEE" ferred 351-6590 3-8/22 ers now needed lor 1969 70 in Special $5 offer 484-1324 C 351-7910 EAST SIDE: Furnished 1-bedroom. Scooters & Cycles Present salary NORTHWIND shared bath, 3-month lease, utili¬ ties furnished $90 Also furnished J.R. Culver Co. TV RENTALS-Students only Low FARMS 371-7623 1-bedroom, 9-month lease $125 217 Ann St. 351-8862 1969 KAWASAKI Bushwacker 175cc. monthly and term rates Call 484 dual accumulation Writi 2600 to reserve yours. UNIVERSITY Faculty Apartments 337-0409 sprockets, electric starting. 1.200 miles, under warranty 332 William G Scharll TV RENTALS C 351-7880 Saginaw Michig.ui OLDSMOBILE 1963 Fiesta 9-pas 8276, after 5 pm 3-8/20 TV RENTALS. G.E $8 50 per month, including stand 19" portable- SUBLET NINE months starting Sept BEECHWOOD APTS. ember 15 Female student New MEN FURNISHED 2 rooms, bath senger wagon Full power 46,000 FULL AND part ti Call J.R CULVER COMPANY, 351- Private First floor Parking 121 actual miles Phone 489-1087 OLDSMOBILE 1965 F-85 5-8 22 6-cylin- 1965 YAMAHA 250 Big Bear, hel with full-line mercl Automobile required 337-1349 8:00 8862 sing 217 Ann Street East Lan¬ C Cedar no Village 1 month rent free, security deposit Call 332-3848. after 5 p.m 2-8/20 East Kalamazoo Per Person Cost Comparison met, good condition a m -5:00p.m O $200 351-9116 Fall *69' Dorm Rates 2-8/21 NEW GE portables and stands rented ONLY to MSU students and faculty UNBEATABLE $205.00 Meals Fall *69' Beechwood SCHOOL BUS driver applications are $ 80.00 Meals PONTIAC BONNEVILLE-1962 2-door KAWASAKI 250 ScrambIer-1967 being taken for September 1969 $8 84 month (includes taxi. STATE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, 444 VALUE! 110.00 Rent 150.00 Rent Excellent condition, racing extras Minimum of 4 hours per day t morn¬ In power steering and brakes, au¬ Michigan Avenue. 332-8687 C Lansing's Most 11.00 Other (Interest) 12.00 Utilities Must be at tomatic. 389 4-barrel. wide ovals $390 353-0090 3-8/22 ings and afternoons i least 21 years of age. possess good University Villa Exciting New Apartment $326.00 Total $242.00 Total Summer HAPPENING filling driving record, and able to pass STORAGE SPACE for rent Bicycles, 635 Abbott Rd. Community miscellaneous for sale. Manchester rental vacancies Ads Call 355-8255 now1 with Classified physical Phone 393-3450. extension 4 11-8/22 337 9510 3-8 20 MEADOWBROOKl SAVE $84 At Beechwood Apt. 1130 Beech St. 2 and 3 person apartments TRACE MALE AND Female CAMP HIGH RENT A TV from a TV Company- $900 per month Call 337-1300 See for Yourself Halstead Management Introducing (2 bedroom flexible units) FIELDS. Onondaga. Michigan, is seek NEJAC TV RENTALS C Large, New, Beautiful 351-7910 ing the following personnel Occu pational Therapist, degree required Furnished 1-2-3 BEDROOM the good old car. Confidential preferred Secretary, experience Phone 1 528-3888 for FOUR-MAN With apartment, swimming pool furnished Heat paid Completely carpeted APARTMENTS FROM personal interview 5-8/22 $62 50 each. EAST LANSING MAN¬ Air Conditioned $150 AGEMENT, 351-7880 C 5 blocks from campus Decorator-^ oordinated Furniture Available for LEASING. IMMEDIATE occupancy- 9 or 12 month lease Singles and Marrieds COLONIAL APARTMENTS, Burcham and Alton. Brand new deluxe 1- bedroom. furnished For profession¬ Camp al. graduate students, college fa¬ Halstead us culty able or ALSO, other for personnel new June and Select clientele apartments avail¬ September leas¬ Management • Full Wall-to-Wall Carpeting ing Call 332-3135 or 882-6549 • Designer Draperies Hil Twyckingham Apartments are now leasing student units e Color Coordinated for the fall of 1969. These spacious luxury apartments The one with the blue all Appliances are completely carpeted and furnished with distinctive major mechanical parts • Heat & Air sticker which says the car has for 30 days or 1000 les. • Conditioning Spanish Mediterranean furniture. Each unit has a dish¬ Full Walnut Vanities washer, garbage disposal and individual control-central passed the VW 16-point safety whichever comes first, and performance test. • Your Best Buy in a e Additional Storage and That shows you wh air 4-man apartment Laundries in Each Building conditioning. These 4-man units have Any car that's enough like think of a car that doesi act 3 parking spaces per unit and a 5 min- o pass our-test is a good its age. old c • Party lounge ute drive puts you on campus. The stu- Recreation Facilities dent's leisure time has been adequately • Luxury Furnishings INCLUDE Olympic pool, k . . . planned for with a giant heated swim- • Large apartments community building with fire¬ g ming pool, recreation rooms and priv- place and sauna baths adjoin¬ g- ate balconies. If you want to be among ing the pool. Picnic areas and ^ ^ the first residents of Twyckingham call VOLKSWAGEN, INC. J.R. Culver Co. acres of lawn for and enjoyment. your leisure pI today. There are 92 units available at $280/month and up. LANSING, MICHIGAN 217 Ann St. 351-8862 HURRY OUT TO. 1jj!L—Fa" leases available I Model Open 10-6 Meadowbrook 1 Hon to. Phone 332-6441 Trace and See Our Models, 9-Month Lease Applications Welcome for the Fall Term Take 1-496 south from Frandor {EUlpefetnejijam |:-j or 4620 S. Hagadorn At No Extra MSU Charge to Jolly Rd. exit, right to need's ine ray- we au. wjAf MEADOWBROOK FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING FALL LEASES* OVEfe. TO LOUl£. CLEANED I. TRACE MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY- and take advantage of Open by Appointment Always ALCO MANAGEMENT COMPANY PHONE 393-0210 the Back-to-school special - 482-3379 MODELS OPEN NOW ACCEPTING NIN5 MONTH LEASES 20% off until September 1. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. CLEANERS 11 to 6 P.M. 623 E. Grand River Wed., 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. CROSSWORD PUZZLE (J&xryte Apartments LOUIS East Lansing Across From Student Services Sat., 10-3; Sun., 2-6 By Kassuba--the Nation's No. 1 Landlord 31 River boats v1 Large toad How many apartment buildings in the East Lansing area offer K.nd ot rabbit vou a nine-month lease at no extra charge? Exactly one— Goddess ol North Pointe. If you want to avoid sub-leases, extra Cedar Village jo Stvle ol auto nayments, and all the bother associated with a 12-month K Fabulous bird lease, North Pointe is the olace for you. I Alter Rent a 4-man at North Pointe for little as as $230 ner month. Enjoy large apartments, swimming pool, and air conditioning. Call the J.R. Culver Company STUDENT APARTMENTS 2 3 5 6 7 1 8 9 TS- " 1 12 13 2 BEDROOM »4 % 15 si 16 •7 •e % ■9 20. On vac. %% 21. Mead .. NOW LEASING FOR FALL 20 21 22 % 23 H % 22. Orp.y 25 26 27 26 29 % * SOUNDPROOFED * 56 31 32 AMPLE PARKING 33 % 34 35 9 OR 12 MO. l/feASES %% % * * Si II % 36 37 BEST LOCATION IN EAST LANSING 40 m 42 %% M3 44 4b 46 i 47 MB PHONE 332-5051 M 50 51 43. Cra/il s> - 217 Ann St. Next to Min-a-Mart 351-8862 49 % 44. Cooking ingredient 15. Shun ' Wednesday, August 20, 1969 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan For Sale ABDICK For Sale OFFSET press with plate ANN BROWN: Service Typist and multilith: School districts (continued from page one) pliance processes ONE GIRL needed fall for large 4- DIAMOND BARGAIN Wedding and burner In top condition Must sacri¬ TV RENTALS GE 19 offset printing. Dissertations, theses, LOUISIANA Federal courts NORTH CAROLINA In¬ girl apartment next to campus engagement ring sets. Save 50 per portable Large selection of fice, leaving country $800 355 $8 50 per month including stand manuscripts, general typing, IBM have ordered revision of plans creased integration over last Only $60 Write Jean Heinz Os cent or more. 4667. 351-3580, evenings 5-8/$ Call J R CULVER COMPANY. 351- 19 years experience 332-8384 C coda, Michigan 48750 3-8/22 SPACE FOR 1 girl in 8-girl house plain and fancy diamonds $25-$150 for most of 36 districts, al¬ year's estimated 30 to 40 per 8862 217 Ann Street. East Lan Walking distance 9 month occupan¬ PAULA ANN HAUGHEY A unique cent., Some private schools have NEED ONE girl cy. No subleasing 351-7969 3-8/21 "n" L lowing two to three years for '>ryg'rl apart quality thesis service IBM typing, complete desegregation. Some sprung up among whites. 29 ment 9 month Real Estate multilith. printing and hard binding districts under court ordes. EAST LANSING: Furnished 3-bedroom. SONY HAS a new cassette player increase expected over the 9 per occupanc -